The Sevan Podcast - Emily Rolfe & Jay Crouch | 2023 CrossFit Games Prep

Episode Date: July 26, 2023

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Starting point is 00:01:02 Um... Bam, we're live. I got a call from my, um... dentist today at three Oh seven saying, where are you? Shit. Yeah, dude. And I like, I'm really hard on myself for stuff like that. Like really hard missing appointments and stuff. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:22 I went into my bedroom and shut the door and yelled a little bit. Just at the walls and shit. Just a little. Yeah. Like, fuck. Damn it. Fuck. Because I think I'm holding all my shit together with everything I'm trying to do.
Starting point is 00:01:36 And something slipped through the cracks. Yeah, I got you. You know what I mean? It's tough. In the big scheme of things, it's fine. I'm healthy. I don't have general warts. kids are strong no cavities everything's good no cavities my teeth feel great but damn i went to the dentist yesterday how was it fun they just hated me oh why they just want to get they want get, send me the specialist and I'm like, my teeth are fine.
Starting point is 00:02:07 Leave me alone. They just do that on the base for you? Yeah. What's up, Emily? Hello. How you doing? I'm good. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:02:17 Do you, uh, do you go to the dentist before the games? Like you're like, okay, things to do. Oh, wow. What? Those are nice choppers. Holy cow. I would never do that. I've paid, I've paid some good money. Wow. Those are beautiful teeth. Holy cow. Thanks. I, yes, I do go to the dentist, but not right before I've been like a few months ago.
Starting point is 00:02:39 I was, I saw, I was like, oh, I should probably go to the dentist and get my teeth clean. Cause I'm going to be like in people's face. Like I, I ordered probably go to the dentist and get my teeth cleaned because I'm going to be in people's face. I ordered a new toothbrush and get the best toothpaste. I prepare hygienically because I'm going to go to the games and be in people's faces like this. Yeah, you should. And I miss my dentist appointment. And I'll double down on the nose hair clippings.
Starting point is 00:02:59 I don't want anyone to be distracted and be like, oh, someone came and talked to me. You seen that rope hanging out of his nose? But I miss my dentist appointment today and i'm like hating myself did you forget what yeah just i'm juggling too many balls and uh and i and i feel like it's crazy disrespectful to the to the dentist people like crazy disrespectful i mean i'm a douche cancellations all the time i have negative self-talk i know but i don't want to be that person i it's dumb those people are trying to make a living it's true yeah i guess maybe they don't get paid i don't know my line of work if
Starting point is 00:03:39 patients cancel i'm like who i mean you're a nurse, right? I'm technically an MRT. So we have like book patients throughout the day too. But what's MRT? So it's like, I do like, well, I don't really do x-rays anymore, but I work in CT mostly. So like CAT scans. Oh, okay. Yeah. That's the machine you go in and it's like clack, clack, clack.
Starting point is 00:04:04 And they're like, push the button if you get scared and we'll let you out. That's MRI, but similar. Yeah. That's the machine you go in and it's like, clack, clack, clack. And they're like, push the button. If you get scared and we'll let you out. That's MRI, but similar. Oh, CAT scan. Oh, CAT scans around your head. Yeah. It's like, yeah, it can be around anywhere, but and that's the mission. Is that safe? Or is that why you're so strong you got like radiation you got right like the thing like there you go oh yeah yeah yeah um we're behind like a lead screen so we're meant to be safe i like that already money coming in well that's nice uh extra sloppy I missed you this morning better late than ever. Is that your dental technician? No. It should be. They have open MRIs now where you don't have to be in the tunnel.
Starting point is 00:04:56 Oh, I didn't know that. High tech. Good for claustrophobic people. Emily, what was the first year you went to the games? 2019. So I guess that would explain why I've never met you. For some reason, I thought you were in Carson. No.
Starting point is 00:05:16 You were never in Carson? I was in CrossFit at that point. Oh. Wow. Okay. So I've never even been in the same place as you. I've never even had the opportunity to run into you or bump into you that was your first games 2019 yeah and then 2020 um did you make it to the games I did and then when they reorganized or whatever I was the one
Starting point is 00:05:41 few that got cut is is that the year, the pandemic year? Yeah. And do you get to say on your resume that you made it to the games or just those five people get to say that? I mean, no, I, they cut like, so 40 of us made it and then they went through and before they did the online one, they cut like five or ten more of us. I don't know. I don't even remember like what the logistics were, but I guess they couldn't have too many people. So I don't think 40 didn't compete online that year. It was like 20 or 30.
Starting point is 00:06:14 Okay. Did you get to say in your resume you made it? I do. Okay. Fair. We'll check that out. Okay. And then 2021?
Starting point is 00:06:23 Yeah, I was there. Yeah. I think I was 15. Did. Yeah. I was 15. Did you win an event that year? I did in 2019 and 2021. I won an event, both running events. Is that the, did you chase down Sam Briggs outside on a straightaway? Yeah. I remember that. Okay. I remember that. That's when you first really popped on my radar she kind of started bobbling like this yeah you were way back right and then you caught her i mean yeah i was in the chase group she was way out in front of everyone she just shot out of there yeah and then you got her yeah and you won the event is that the first event you ever wanted to cross the games no i
Starting point is 00:07:02 wanted to bend in 2019 and what What did you do in that one? What was that one? That was that ruck run, the backpack. And then every lap we would load our backpacks up and it was just like a pure run. And you have the Go Ruck shirt on. Yeah, there you go. Sarah Cox, $19.
Starting point is 00:07:21 Why, thank you. I'm going to the games this year because of the kindness of CrossFit allowing me to film the behind the scenes and then Sarah Cox sponsoring it. Oh, wow. Yeah, that's kind of cool, right? Yeah, I saw your phone call with Dave this morning. Oh, yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:39 Brief, brief. Did he get back to you? He's gotten back to me since then and told me to, um, uh, he, I better be on my best behavior. He'll kick me out. Lickety split if I fuck around. He's been, he's, he's, he's drawn some lines in the sand. He's been, I can handle it. I'm a, I'm a big boy. I'm very, it was, it was a short phone call, right? Yeah, it was pretty short.
Starting point is 00:08:09 And then, so, so you got those two ends and then you go to, and then you go 20, um, 22 CrossFit games. And I heard you say on the, um, podcast with Scott Schweitzer, uh, 13 round 13 up and downs, 13 attempts to finish 75 pull-ups. Yeah. And was that workout number one or workout number two? That was the first workout. First workout of the games. And you showed up there in the best shape of your life. up to that point yeah um yeah the hand you can see in that photo it's pretty it's a little bit uh not the right pinky color what what did your um what did your mom and what are your mom and dad were they what are they what ethnicity are you what your mom and dad, what's their background? They're white.
Starting point is 00:09:07 I don't know. You don't know how you ended up in Canada? Do you know where they're from before Canada? I think my dad's line is German. Yeah. Don't you love it when your friends call you during a podcast then you know they're not listening? Unsupportive.
Starting point is 00:09:27 And, um, and then did you play sports growing up? Yeah, I was a gymnast for like my whole life. And then I, I did a year of pole vault. Oh yeah. They were just like, Oh, you can flip through the air and you have body awareness. You'd be good at this. So I did. just like oh you can flip through the air and you have body awareness you'd be good at this so i did i got kayla oh yeah caleb yeah okay we're gonna get back to there's a lot to unpack here okay there's a shitload to unpack here pull that back up here a second well okay we're gonna get back to we opened up we have three pathways of the reason why i was asking about your ethnicity
Starting point is 00:10:01 is you have you have remarkable genetics i I mean, you look like a superhero. Oh. Yeah, you really are an amazing-looking human being. Like, you're proportioned perfectly. But I think – I don't know. I don't know if that's genetics, but whatever. I'll take it. Oh, you think you got it through, like, the stuff you did from being a triathlete?
Starting point is 00:10:23 Yeah, I think – triathlete. I've never been a triathlete. Oh, did from being a triathlete? Yeah, I think triathlete. I've never been a triathlete. Oh, you weren't a triathlete? No. Oh, okay. Scratch that. I'm not saying that you didn't earn it. I'm not saying that you didn't.
Starting point is 00:10:35 I don't think you were born with any talent. I'm saying you earned it all. But proportionately, I mean, there are some weird-looking games athletes. Like they're not proportioned properly. The head's too big, arms are too long. I mean, like Tia looks looking games athletes. Like, they're not proportioned properly. The head's too big, arms are too long. I mean, like Tia looks like she's proportioned perfectly. Like she came out of like an action figure. And you look the same way.
Starting point is 00:10:52 You look like you're proportioned, you know, perfectly. Oh, thank you. I think my limbs are a lot longer than Tia's, which isn't too exuberant, but. You're a taller, perfectly proportioned human. Yeah, I'm taller. how tall are you five seven um uh i don't know shit about pole vaulting but why are you pole vaulting so close to a brick wall you i this is just a photo okay it's not it's not close no it's like a zoom it
Starting point is 00:11:20 compressed the depth of field you're not like pole vaulting into it. No. Okay. What a, what a strange crop of a pole vaulting bit, a picture. I don't even remember posting this. So that was man. 2015. Okay. Well,
Starting point is 00:11:40 we can't even tell if you're like, you might be standing right there. Yeah. You know what? The mat was probably right below. So I probably cropped it to be like, right. Annie Thor's daughter and Danielle Brandon and Emily Rolfe pole vaulters. Yeah. Danielle was really good. She was like collegiate level, but I just did club.
Starting point is 00:12:10 Anybody else in the, in the pole vaulting group? You know, I, I didn't know any, I knew Danielle, but I didn't know of any. And how do you, how old are you here? Um, how do you, how old are you here? 2015. Seven years ago. Is that not eight, eight years ago? I have a calculator.
Starting point is 00:12:38 If you want to, what you were, how old? 26. You're pulling, you started pole vaulting at 26. Yeah. Probably 25. Oh, that's not right. I, how old are you now? Let me do your math. Let me do the math. How old are you now? I'm old. I retired from gymnastics when I was like 22. I was super old. And then I think I just found like boys and university and parties for a bit. I did pole vault for a year and then I moved away
Starting point is 00:13:08 for school. So that's kind of stopped doing that and started CrossFit. But man, that was a lot boys, university pole vaulting. Yeah, because I was in a sport where I was like like you're very much in a bubble your whole life and you're just training all the time gymnastics you train five hours a day so it's kind of like oh life how old were you when you started gymnastics oh I learned to walk in the gym oh no shit so you had olympic aspirations, for gymnastics. Yeah. I wasn't good enough, though. I was good. I was national, but not good enough to be there. How long did you do it? Tell me what happens at the end of a career of someone who's put that much time in. How many years were you doing it? Tell me how that ends. ends yeah well I went till I was 22 so I was probably competitive from like the age of 10 on um and then I kind of did all the sports and then my parents were like they wanted to keep me in
Starting point is 00:14:14 everything as long as possible and I was like all I want to do is gymnastics and then so I just gradually started doing more and more gymnastics and then I had to drop soccer and volleyball and everything um yeah and do you remember the first time you were in the weight room yeah I was young because my dad coaches weightlifting so I know funny that it should be better but um so we did it kind of as cross training um for track for sure and then a little bit gymnastics too. And I did like competitions growing up cause my brother was doing it. So they dragged me along. So I'd compete too.
Starting point is 00:14:53 So I learned how to snatch and clean and jerk really young, but I couldn't care less. Like I had nothing to do with it. Hey, remember how earlier in hours ago in the interview, when I said I referred you as a triathlete, triathlete, triathletist, triathlon, triathlonist, triathlete, triathlete. Thank you. So can you can you save me or throw me a line? Why did I think that you ran track for many years? Why do I think that? Were you were you were a bi-athlete you ran marathons you were a swimmer something no just totally i'm just totally off i think you think i'd be good at the triathlon okay i projected it onto you why are you so good at running i don't know i think that's just a i've always had that i've always i won those like cross-country races you know you do
Starting point is 00:15:42 in elementary i had like a winning streak from grade four to grade eight. And it was the worst. Cause by the time I was like in grade seven, it was like the most stressful thing. Cause I had to win. Cause it was like this, I won every single one. So haven't run a cross country race since then until next week. 20 years of gymnastics. And then you started crossfitting yeah and and how did you find crossfit uh loved it because it felt like i was doing gymnastics again and how did you find it did you just walk by a gym or someone dragged you in or i went to a competition because my
Starting point is 00:16:21 boyfriend at the time um was like he had one of those booths at the competition um boyfriend now husband it's the same oh same guy you got him that's the dude and then yeah we were watching and kyle yeah yeah there you go good job yeah got something right wrong sport i don't know your history but i know your boyfriend the husband's name okay um yeah we were just watching and i don't even know if he said you'd be good someone was like you'd be good and i was like nah i'm not doing that and then a couple weeks later what do you know um how does your uh body composition change from being a gymnast to a uh crossfitter i would say i'm probably i mean i was pretty lean as a gymnast but i was pretty skinny and tiny because you just kind of want to be light um so i gained about i would
Starting point is 00:17:13 say almost 20 pounds of muscle since then i was skinny if yeah i don't know what you're gonna i mean that was last year that was my last year. So I was like a bit, bit bulkier there, but yeah, if you go back, I was pretty skinny. And did you gain the first 10 pounds really quickly? No, no. I feel like it it's always been hard for me to gain muscle mass. I've been on like a million strength programs and finally, I'm trying to think so. And how and so how many years total have you been doing CrossFit?
Starting point is 00:17:54 2015 on? Oh, wow. Okay. So so you are putting the muscle on slow? Yeah, like eight years. Yeah, that it's basically you're putting on two pounds a year two to three pounds a year yeah i mean i guess on average yeah crazy yeah um we had uh abigail um domit on here and she was uh aspiring model and she said the first the first month she did crossfit she put on 10 pounds like she was just like oh her body was just like oh thank you dang because she was eating so much more or just probably yeah probably she was eating so much more right her body was just like yeah she was she was pretty skinny you could like see it like she had little knobs of shoulders and shit i think my first bit of crossfit i was still like gymnast mentality like i can't eat too much i don't want to like eat sugars and fats and I
Starting point is 00:18:46 can't gain weight and so I think probably it was a little bit very slow at the beginning because I was scared of getting bigger and when you when you leave gymnastics are you um is is kind is is crossfit kind of like uh like a rebound was it like a rebound boyfriend like it was emotionally hard and you're just like all right fuck you i'll go off with these guys kind of because you have you have a bit of a void because like as i say you're spending so much time doing that sport and then you're kind of like now what now what do i do and part of crossfit's super easy for you right i mean like i mean the entry is very easy for you yeah i mean i caught on really quick i got my first muscle up really quick like things that take people a long time it was easy the easy like the handstand walking like stuff like that I've
Starting point is 00:19:45 been doing since I've been five that stuff's easy but double unders handstand walk rope climb muscle up bar muscle up you're just yeah you know the skills were easy to learn but I wouldn't say I'm was like crossfit efficient like the way we climb ropes and gymnastics is not how you do it in crossfit and so I had to kind of learn how to be a lot more efficient yeah that was when I first learned muscle ups yeah you're skinny you look skinny there I mean you look I mean as for traditional woman you look pretty buff there but compared to like where you are with your 40 peers who are going to Madison you look you look definitely thinner there.
Starting point is 00:20:29 Yeah, I mean, I remember that photo, and I thought I looked super hench. I was like, man, I look huge. What was the word you used? Super what? Hench. Hench. Hench. Caleb?
Starting point is 00:20:37 Check it out. Yes. Hench. Hench. Is that a Canadian word? I guess not. Oh, well, you're american i feel like it's an english word hench i don't know english canadian hench yeah i mean i mean yeah i mean for like any anyone should be proud if they're as buff as
Starting point is 00:20:57 that but i mean i could see which i mean that's a um 20 years of gymnastics and yeah you're gonna have some like crazy muscles like that but now now you, now you look like a, like you could do anything. You look like a full blown CrossFitter strong fit and having well-developed muscles. Oh wow. Hench. There you go.
Starting point is 00:21:13 New word. God, it sounds so derogatory. There's nothing funnier than seeing a really hench guy walking a tiny dog. Fair enough. Kyle almost told me that word I blame him he's English yeah so so you pick it up and it's and it's nice right because you're good at it you're growing quickly at it it's filling the void you're sweating yeah it was great I went in these local comps I was winning them all all. Like it was, it was good.
Starting point is 00:21:46 Good, Emily. Tons of accolades. Yeah, I love that. Yeah, fill the void. And then, and then when did, when did you have your like, start having your pathology of wanting to be the best in the world? When did the disease set in? I think after the first open because then i learned oh you could do the open and then you could make regionals so i was kind of like oh i want to make regionals and then that was like my first roadblock i didn't make regionals till 2017 and then didn't make regionals again the next year in 2018 and then i made the games the next year and then it was all okay so you've've been with Kyle a long time. Yeah. He only started coaching me in 2017.
Starting point is 00:22:32 Oh, he, he's your coach. He is your coach. Yeah. And your boyfriend. So you're doing CrossFit and he's your boyfriend. And then finally, did he just accidentally become your coach? Cause he's just always there watching you and he's like, Hey, do this, go deeper, do that. And then the next thing you know, he's your boyfriend and then finally did he just accidentally become your coach because he's just always there watching you and he's like hey do this go deeper do that and then the next thing you know he's your coach um he had a background in personal training and um he's coached kind of his whole life that's not his day job he has a different job but um yeah it was kind of like i
Starting point is 00:23:00 wasn't improving where i was and um i think we kind of he said do one of my programs and then see if you improve and if you don't like leave it and I really improved like I've always been lacking in strength and I got a lot stronger so I was like okay I trust you and then he just yeah just went from there wow what a trip So, Carolyn Lambre and Jeffrey Adler. Caleb, that was close. Tia Toomey and Shane Orr. Yeah, trying to think of who else. Emily Rolfe and Kyle Rolfe. Yeah, I took his name kyle rolf crazy i mean if you can make it work like yeah we have a lot of we call them domestics but you can like that domestics yeah yeah no assault but if if you can make it work it's the best because that person knows you inside and out and they know everything you're doing.
Starting point is 00:24:08 They know how you're sleeping, you're eating like it's it's the best. But yeah, a lot of people can't do that. And it's a lot of accountability because you're living with your. Oh, no, no, no, no. I don't think that Daniel Brandon and Matt Torres. I think that's premature. Nice try though, Pool Boy. I appreciate the, God, you guys are dickheads. That's a lot of accountability because you're living with the yard duty. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:37 Emily, is that you by the refrigerator? You know it's 3 a.m. Yeah, right. He's the other way. He's like, you should not. I wake up at 3 a.m yeah right he's the other way he's like you should not i i wake up at 3 a.m like starving sometimes just during games training just because i'm training so much and he's like really true i like put a protein shake by my bed or like put a snack by my bed yeah you look really lean are you do you have trouble are you one of those people who can just eat as much as you want you look lean as shit always yeah and i'm eating a crap load i i always say like i feel like a 16 year old boy
Starting point is 00:25:12 just eating eating eating yeah everything i just when when um uh there's something so inappropriate to say there does kyle think i'll say say it anyway does Kyle think you feel like a 16 year old boy anyway never mind what did he say yeah what did you say like a dog in heat he said like a dog in heat I think he was talking about the eating life
Starting point is 00:25:38 not the hormones what was that? Pull that picture back up again, Caleb. What's that on the back wall back there? What is that? Those are boxing gloves.
Starting point is 00:25:52 So our gym is like a boxing, whatever you call it. Muay Thai. I don't know what. Kickboxing. What was Kyle selling when you met him and does he still sell it yeah what were you selling I was gonna buy a signature something oh yeah he was doing like the calipers um like body fat dexa kind of measurements oh oh okay he was really like you pay him and you'd measure you yeah something like that like
Starting point is 00:26:26 he'd be like hey you're fat hey you're skinny okay oh there's this oh is that his is that his business is that i can't is that you can't stuff they were in pouches for a while i think ben bergeron and i would see all of his athletes eating it is it that stuff too yeah so that's not his business but i guess that's so long ago long ago. I guess he was like doing something for them at that. I think that was at like a local competition. Another lifetime ago. Yeah, it really was. So then you get aspirations to make it to the Games.
Starting point is 00:27:01 And every year since then has the, I don't know how to say this, has the effort to get there meant more and more narrowing and narrowing the scope of your life. Like, um, do you know what I mean? Like fewer vacations, tighter diet, um, uh, more i mean like fewer vacations tighter diet um uh more sleep like just you're just everything is just bringing it down to like hey that's not helping me go to the games bow bye and then you you see ya no mom no more mother's day for you you know i'm just like you know what in a way because everyone just keeps getting better and better every year so it feels like you got to put more like you dedicate more of your life into it but every year that i've made it it's been kind of
Starting point is 00:27:51 different and special in their own way so i don't know can't really compare and and you show up there and basically the only thing i can think of is it's like a fucking indycar racer you show up there and your car breaks you your car crash you have your you crash your car on the first lap yeah i mean talking about my arm yeah you just you just first turn 200 miles an hour you just went straight into the wall yeah but i mean pretty much and and and then and then how do you how do you deal with that like because god damn i can't imagine how much work it's from 2015 to 2000 because i went back and listened to a bunch of your podcasts and you were revved you were you were pretty uh you were pretty cocksure going into last year.
Starting point is 00:28:45 Yeah. You were pretty like, I'm coming. Like this is, and say it again. It should have been a good games for me. Yeah. And I do think that probably because of that accident you had and people not getting to see you on display, but maybe for other reasons too, you are probably one of the most underrated athletes. Like you're one of those people.
Starting point is 00:29:07 It's like, I think people are don't, they just don't see, they don't see you. You know what I mean? You're just, you're kind of in that mix, but I think you're definitely crazy underrated. Um, but how do you cope with that? Do you just have just, you just go into a whole cave and cry for four days or how do I cope with being underrated? No, sorry. Not that. How do you just have just you just go into a whole cave and cry for four days or oh how do i cope with being underrated no sorry not that how do you cope with the fact of um no that's just idiots talking like myself but i mean how do you cope with you you don't you have put a five eight years into preparing for this competition and then you don't get to do it you know i didn't look at it like that. Yeah, it sucked. Okay, next question then.
Starting point is 00:29:51 No, I was kind of like, we get our Olympics every year, so I have to wait another year. Yeah, that sucks. I felt like I wasted the whole year. Can you imagine if our Olympics was actually the real Olympics every four years? That's detrimental. By that time, I'll be 37. Like who knows what, you know, but we're so lucky that you only have to wait a year.
Starting point is 00:30:14 Like that's short in sports terms. That's pretty short. Did someone say that to you? Were you like, just like a gelatinous sack of shit crying on the floor and they're like, Oh, don't worry next year. And you're like, Oh, okay. No, I kind of came to that realization myself. You did good on you the olympics good on you wow yeah i mean they had to pull me off i wasn't gonna quit um and i felt like they kind of like gave me the choice and i was like well the next event should be fine it It's just shuttle runs and jerks. I don't really need to grip the bar that hard.
Starting point is 00:30:47 And then they were like, you have no pulse. You cannot continue on. And when you say that you have no pulse, you had no pulse, you had one in your neck, just not in your arm. Yeah, so no radial pulse or ulnar. And how could that happen? That means at some place there's no more blood going down there? Yeah, so brachial, the bicep area here, that's where the first block was,
Starting point is 00:31:10 and then there was two more down in the forearm. So, like, the whole arm was just blocked off. And I felt it was cold. My hand was cold, like, the day leading up to the games, and I thought it was just because I wasn't moving around. Like, I was nervous, whatever. So I just kind of brushed it off but what was blocking them a blood clot and did you see those did they take them out and been like here they are uh miss Rolf do you want that
Starting point is 00:31:35 well I mean I was I was under so I don't know they said they were big they didn't keep them they didn't put them in a jar and give them to me as a goodie bag. No. Hey, Caleb, that one on the bottom left, I saw recently. Is that the one? Someone coughed one up like that recently. Intact. I know. Crazy. I'm going to say something horrible here, but if I ever have a clot, I hope I cough it up and can see it like that. It's cooler that way um any any any i uh i heard dr rocket say i think i heard dr i could say that the belief is is that you had needling and that before and that the needling did that to you do you is that is that what you prescribe subscribe prescribe subscribe subscribe to i mean that's one possibility i i mean they tested for um there's a there's a syndrome it's called thoracic outlet syndrome and it's it happens in rowers a lot because you're so
Starting point is 00:32:35 muscly in the top and um basically it just like blocks off the blood um but i don't have that so we really don't know why it could be anything okay fair enough it could yeah any nothing is uh out the window as far as i'm concerned barry mccawkin or needling yes needling i mean there's other theories what it could have been too we don't know yes i've i've i've i subscribe to some of those theories yeah look at heidi he settled down settled down i i i i love emily i love emily i can't believe i have you on the show you think that there was um um mom not yet i have to wait later in the interview to ask you that question um uh so so you so you recover from that and you recover quickly and four months later you're in four months to the day you're in dubai yeah
Starting point is 00:33:39 so yeah climbing up yeah you run up the tallest building in the world and you take third place yeah that was epic it was cool and any um and while you're running up those stairs any like did your arm talk to you at all or no it's all good at that point all good it's it's just uh it was still sensitive you know so like oh you can't really see there, but like the scars, if I, my grips chafe against it, you can like, it's still sensitive or like I grab a sandbag. It's kind of, so it was still like kind of, but it wasn't bugging me to do CrossFit at all. And how is it now? It's great now. Now, now it just, I got, Oh, can you see? It's still like very noticeable, but. And you got an you got another
Starting point is 00:34:26 good one here that one's more hidden in but yeah got some sweet scars now and emily um you um uh any other stuff like any weird stuff like you're tying your shoes and your fingers don't do what you want it to or you brush your teeth and the toothbrush comes out you poke yourself in the eye anything like that or all good nothing yeah i did a lot of rehab to get it back to normal so but i will say um when i did the dubai qualifiers i still couldn't do everything i couldn't do a muscle up yet like there was a lot of stuff i couldn't do so i was kind of ready to just quit if something came out that I couldn't do but everything in the qualifiers was pretty easy so I was lucky and and you ended up on the podium there yeah I did yeah congratulations what did you took third I did I tied tied yeah okay sorry yes tied for a second and and that's nice, right? You win money there.
Starting point is 00:35:30 Yeah, you do. It's good. Dubai is a fun competition with my fellow Canadian there. Look at that. Mr. Pekowski. What's crazy is I know both of you and I don't know who any of those other people are. I was when I saw that, I was wondering if that was when people say programming can change everything. I feel like that's not true at the CrossFit Games, but at other events it is true. Yeah. I mean, those are all Europeans. Dubai's popular with the Europeans. Oh, and that's Fabian Benito on the top there.
Starting point is 00:35:58 I think I do. I don't know what it looks like, but I remember he won it. Yeah. Okay, so that's awesome. You go there four months later. You kick ass then you end up going to wadapalooza oh why what happened there i got injured again not so bad okay what happened there yeah it was leading till like the last event and then an individual yeah and then i blew my calf on the stupid drag rope double unders
Starting point is 00:36:27 wow so tore my gastroc you have a gastroc yeah it sucks caleb one gastroc please uh how do you do that you i'm gonna say something really dumb here the rope hit it or from jumping no from jumping from jumping okay yeah i think you do with like being in bare feet and like colds from the swim and then yeah i don't know you're canadian you can't use cold ever as an excuse gastroc nemesis what happened to that thing god it tore so grade two tear so it took it took tell after the open to feel good again maybe even after quarterfinals um did you feel the tear oh yeah i stopped i stopped skipping and then i remember i looked at kyle and he was like he does this and it's kind of means means like if there's a gun to your I looked at Kyle and he was like, he does this. And it's
Starting point is 00:37:25 kind of means, it means like, if there's a gun to your head, can you continue? And I was like, Oh shit. I think I remember now I'm starting to remember this. You're on the team with, um, Sarah. Yeah. Well meant to be. Yeah. You were supposed to. Okay. Okay. And that happened, you were winning. Uh, how many events were there left just the two yeah you were gonna win that i i yeah well i don't want to sound too no it's fine sound it yeah you guys look we're supposed to do you guys look awesome yeah we had a fun boat party the day before so it's good uh man that would have been a shitload of cash yeah i think it was like 70 70 grand i don't know kyle reminds me at least every couple days 75 grand there we go yeah we
Starting point is 00:38:14 had page on yesterday and she's like dude it's crazy when you open your bank account and all of a sudden there's 75 grand in there oh yeah and she nothing to take from her she killed it so good honor yeah good honor i like sarah sigman daughter she's cool as shit she comes on here and she's fun she's easy she's super fun yeah she's rad okay so is the so thatily rolf status uh for uh thursday um oh shit it's getting close next week uh thursday august 3rd you have a competition yeah just a little one so that's yeah that's a year to the day of my surgery last year so oh wow yeah like same day hey i like um you notice that mason yeah uh savon flexing his uh connections that was that i that was obvious kayla was that obvious oh fuck um i i i really enjoy kyle chiming in i've never really enjoyed anyone chiming in a
Starting point is 00:39:28 podcast but it's really cool i mean he's got big ears he's sitting like on the opposite end of the house right now or maybe he's watching his laptop i don't know i i really like this his His DM? Kyle says, look at your DM. He sent you something. Is it? He treats you like a princess, huh? He does. He treats you good? That's when he's coaching me.
Starting point is 00:39:59 Oh. Okay, I'm looking. It's thin versus muscle. um oh my goodness what's he saying oh my wow wow i wonder if i can send this to caleb to pull up uh you your face was gaunt i don't know what you're looking at but wow uh caleb i'm gonna try to send this to you buddy um here we go wow dude what's crazy is you you look like you've gotten 10 years younger is it is it a um is it a bit of a scene when you go places god i give a lot of pictures like of like on yeah look at that yeah that was like my first
Starting point is 00:40:53 bit of crossfit there i'm even projecting onto you that on the left there your hair's all brittle and shit from like bad diet and like i mean it's probably not but you know what i mean i mean you look crazy on the right that's old too that was probably like three years in those photos are probably like three years apart but is it a bit of a scene when you go places like if like like you're at the pool in vegas or something and like you're dressed like that or something yeah always um does kyle like that does he laugh does he he probably really enjoys that he likes it for entertainment i think he thinks it's funny because people say stuff like what did that guy call me sarah connor and i was like i have no i no idea who that is but he's like oh you look like sir connor and i was wearing like aviators and I guess I was like looking buff and I just threw him a flex and he he was happy with that and Kyle likes it like uh boys like pulling
Starting point is 00:41:50 up like places in fancy cars and shit so when he pulls up with you it's like it's like he's getting out of a Lamborghini yeah sure you don't know who Sarah Connors is? That's the second... We had someone on earlier today who didn't know who Arnold Schwarzenegger is. Do you know who that is? Yeah, I know who that is. Okay. Hey, can you say, um, get to the chopper?
Starting point is 00:42:21 Is that what Sarah Connors says? No, that's what he says. Get to the chopper. Oh, Arnold says it. Is that what Sarah Connor says? Oh, Arnold says it. Hey, I'm loving Kyle right now. He's good. Kyle. No, keep him back there because I'm starting to think that he's not really a real person.
Starting point is 00:42:39 We're just hearing your inner thoughts. You have a man inside your head and he's like crack jokes and shit. He should have been on the podcast. Yeah. What's up, Kyle? good to see you buddy you see are you going to um uh where are we going are you going to madison i have no choice no matter i'm 100 going yes you got the coach's pass i i believe so yeah hey dude i want to ask you a serious question okay everyone's going to proven buddy what are you going to do are you gonna what are you gonna do when your athlete gets up and goes to proven or hwpo or some shit it's quite i have a nice relaxing holiday domestics will go down it'll be great i'll see you later yeah like there's the
Starting point is 00:43:19 door yeah i'll pack the bags i help her uh mike pullboy says ask her to say come with me if you want to live oh is that what Arnold says in the movie come with me if you want to live I have Jay Crouch coming on I normally want to interview someone for the first time I like to have like 90 minutes or an hour and a half but I have j coming
Starting point is 00:43:45 on in three minutes ah well you screwed up there didn't you yeah i'm to be honest with you i was kind of scared to meet you like i'm a little social anxiety to meet people for the first time and i was and i was all worked up but you're cool as shit oh thanks so thanks for making it easy on me. Were you scared? No. I mean, you've got your own little intimidation factor, but. Oh, good. It's little. Yeah, it's little.
Starting point is 00:44:17 Hey, I want to ask you about one thing. Oh, you're doing your toe spacers, gal? Yeah. Yeah, me too. Gotta sell those feet. He looks like a toe spacer. Yeah, I'm such a toe spacers uh junkie oh yeah that's what i wanted to ask about you really wore those at the beach or you're like fuck i have to get take this picture for toe spacers because they pay me money i mean a little bit of both they aren't in my bag that i just kind of can wear whenever. Yeah, okay. But... You ever smell them?
Starting point is 00:44:47 You ever smell them? No. Oh. I have so many pairs that... Hey, someone came up with this brilliant idea, Will Brandstetter did, for toe spacers to make way more money than they're making now.
Starting point is 00:45:04 Only fans for feet or something? No, that's not a bad idea too. Shit, where are my toe spacers? I was wearing – oh, here they are. First of all, they should come in different colors. Yeah. Okay? They should come in different colors.
Starting point is 00:45:18 And then maybe even like they should have different patterns on them. You know what I mean? Yeah. So they could have a version like if you had the vaccine, you could say I'm vaxxed patterns on them you know what i mean yeah so they could have a um they could have a version like if you had the vaccine you could say i'm vaxxed on them you know sorry i couldn't resist couldn't resist i don't need that because my scar says that and and um but but here's the brilliant idea brandstetter said that they should make them three different sizes like beginner mediocre, mediocre, and advanced.
Starting point is 00:45:46 Because they only have one size, and then you would triple the sales. And so it would be kind of like a little bit of a competition. All the customers would be like, I'm level four. I have the ones. My toes are like this far apart. You know what I mean? Oh, like the bigger space for like that. Yes.
Starting point is 00:45:59 Make these little knobs thicker. There's like advanced. Yeah. I mean, size is everything, right? That size is everything right so that's what they say they say no size doesn't matter it's just how you use it uh-huh right look at will branstetter's here he even he even though he's so proud of himself it's probably one of the smartest things said on the podcast it It was this guy's idea, the three sizes. Hey, they're going to do it.
Starting point is 00:46:27 They're going to take Will's idea, and Mary's going to be driving a Porsche soon. Mary's going to make bank. Yeah. There's a lot of people in here with fake names names like barry mccalkiner right like it took me a while to figure that one out but but this guy's name is real brandon lecoq oh you think it's french i mean he was on the show once and i asked him and he said lecoq i was like oh that's cool yeah that is cool he got made fun of a little bit in school okay final question uh
Starting point is 00:47:08 i want to talk to you about this garage where you trained is this real yeah you like the parking stall yeah how if i pulled up there and you i mean you can't you can't be doing that like they're just some random hot chick just doing lunges in in your under this is crazy so people just be walking by and be like hi yeah like rubbernecking it when they drive by yeah i would rubberneck too i'd be like fuck you i'm staring yeah so we got the rig and then just kind of silently put it there and nobody said anything strata didn't say anything so i just kept adding adding stuff added a rower added all this equipment who's strata oh strata is like the building management whatever people that make all the rules and no one stole
Starting point is 00:47:58 any of your shit no never locked it up or anything. What about air quality down there? You know what? It was pretty good. It didn't, like some undergrounds are really like hot and they smell and like this had good airflow, which meant it was cold too. Like I had to wear gloves to squat a lot and stuff, but. Is that your neighbor's bag of trash
Starting point is 00:48:19 right in the front of his car? Yeah. Oh, this is crazy. Just working out in the yeah these conditions that's what i say like made me so hard like doing working like a night shift and then doing that or this i think this workout was at like 11 30 p.m like before i went and worked a night shift so it was like whenever anyone ever pull up in their car or like sit there and like pretend to be fumbling around for their keys but but just staring at you working out?
Starting point is 00:48:47 Oh, yeah. Yeah. I mean, besides Kyle. I coach it from the cuff. Yeah. Hey, thank you so much for coming on. You're wonderful. I enjoyed it. And I can't wait to see you you and uh your magnificent coach in person in a couple weeks and uh you're gonna kill it ma'am yeah thank you all right thanks thanks
Starting point is 00:49:11 for doing this see you soon okay bye bye oh shit jay crouch is gone i saw jay what jay hello jay Jay, what? Jay, hello? Jay. Jay. Come back. Oh, she is a good dude. Hey. That's... Where the fuck is Jay? I don't know. He was there for a second. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:33 Oh, no. Is he feeling bad like he came on and like he was crashing the party? No, Jay, come back. Let's see. Knowing him, he probably would think that. How do I... How do I... He's very polite.
Starting point is 00:49:46 How would I... I don't even know how to text Jay Wherever you're going You better believe American Express will be right there with you Heading for adventure? We'll help you breeze through security Meeting friends a world away? You can use your travel credit Squeezing every drop out of the last day?
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Starting point is 00:50:31 With Circle K's Summer Road Trip game, you can win over a million delicious instant prizes and a grand prize of $25,000. Play at or at participating Circle K stores. Jay Grouch. Oh, uh... Come back. or at participating Circle K stores. Oh, yeah. Come back.
Starting point is 00:50:52 Hey, dude, she's cool as shit. She's dope. Yeah. She just by a lie for the first 15 minutes. She did. Yeah, she was. She was on the offensive. Yeah, she was ready, right?
Starting point is 00:51:02 She was ready. Yeah. Yeah. We. Yeah, that was ready right she was ready yeah yeah we yeah that was good that was good damn damn this is gonna be this is gonna be easy compared to emily emily got more testosterone than jay crouch what's happening damn you're looking manly hey are you in the dorms at uh proven um yeah are you they have dorms there where are you um i mean i mean i'm in nashville for sure but uh yeah i'm staying at a they call it the proven house. So I'm staying there.
Starting point is 00:51:45 Wow. I'm making up all sorts of cool, crazy shit in my head right now. This is great. No, it's just a house that Shane and Tia have where they film all their proven stuff. Oh, really? They have like a studio house. Yeah. Yeah, pretty much. Are you inside or outside right now?
Starting point is 00:52:07 I'm inside. And that door behind you just goes to a hallway or something? Yeah. Oh, okay. How long have you been in the States, Jay? Coming up three weeks. It's been a good amount of time. Caleb, did you get the notes for mr crouch okay sweet um uh did you come
Starting point is 00:52:28 this early last year no last year was like i think maybe eight days before so it was uh not much time at all and why is this one of the main reasons why i come out early this week uh this this time was uh yeah just to really get used to the heat mainly that's kind of weird hearing from a guy come up from australia but i guess it's winter there yeah it's a bit a lot winter at the moment and the it really is that the primary reason you want to acclimate to the heat? Yeah, absolutely. Like, I felt like that was a big thing last year of what they just, like, cooked me. And since I was outside, I was, like, just zapped instantly. And Nashville's hot as shit right now, right? It's very hot, yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:21 Do you do Fahrenheit or do you do Celsius in Australia? Celsius, but I'm learning. Okay. Do you know what or do you do Celsius in Australia? Celsius, but I'm learning. Okay. Do you know what it's been? Is it over 100 every day? Yeah, it's been averaging in the 90s, and I think it was over 100 today. And they have a facility there? I think I saw – I've seen a video review where Shane and Tia took a tour of their gym.
Starting point is 00:53:43 Is that where you work out? Yeah, across the east of Nashville. That's their affiliate? review where shane or t and tia took a tour of their gym is that where you work out yeah across the east nashville that's their affiliate no that's just where um they have uh that's where they all train oh who owns that place someone else um i haven't met the owners but yeah what a trip. So where was that? Caleb, what is that place? They have a separate gym than this, right?
Starting point is 00:54:09 Because Tia has her own personal gym, right? Yeah, they just made a home gym back in Australia. I think that was when. Oh, that's their gym there. Yeah. What are they? If you asked Tia and Shane where do they live, what are they are they are where if you ask tia and shane where do they live what would they say um i'd say nashville they would say nashville okay so yeah so they've kind of
Starting point is 00:54:34 moved here at least temporarily this is where they're they're they're in the united living in the united states yeah because that gym that they showed in that video was crazy nice yeah it was insane um and and are you is it working are you acclimating did you did you do you go on the internet and you're like okay how long does it take to acclimate to just yeah just by feel um yeah i've just been doing like a lot of work out yeah uh outside in the sun and um i feel like a lot more comfortable for sure especially like I'd say I'd say I started to feel
Starting point is 00:55:12 like normal again after a week of like workouts out in the sun and are you doing their programming? yeah I've been doing their programming straight after the semifinals. No shit.
Starting point is 00:55:27 Yeah. And was Rob Forte doing your programming before then? Yeah, he was doing all my programming before then. And then, yeah, we just decided that we wanted to just do something different and something that was going to make me perform better at the games and rob rob's cool with that that's easy yeah yeah good that makes me happy to hear that look at him he looks fucking huge there he looks like he's gonna eat you there oh yeah when was that maybe like 2021 maybe hey and and now and your brother's getting into it too huh yeah yeah he's always been into it
Starting point is 00:56:09 but um yeah each year i think he's just been sort of like commit committing like a bit harder and harder and um yeah for sure he's um hopefully gonna be uh hopefully be at tarion next year that would be cool to see yeah look what he's doing with his shorts he's like thinks he's got quads and shit he's like that's a funny photo he he's uh how old is he now so he's 22 23 he's not too old yeah yeah he's uh what is he two years younger than me yeah can he beat you in anything jay um i mean yeah he he's very good at like rope climbs all that sort of stuff because he's tall so um if it's sort of like running and rope climbs or something he'd beat me in but um it's definitely it's definitely definitely rare for him to beat me yeah well the fact that i mean it's rare for anyone to beat you in anything. But the reason why I ask that is because if he can even beat you in anything,
Starting point is 00:57:07 I mean, that shows something like, oh, shit. Oh, yeah, definitely. He's on his way. Even like all his lifting numbers as well, they're getting very close to mine. So it's only a matter of time. Would he make a good training partner, your brother? Yeah, for sure. We're pretty good mates now.
Starting point is 00:57:28 My kids can't stop hitting each other. Yeah, we would definitely like that growing up. We were mates and do everything together, but then it would just sort of always end up in a fight. Yeah, like they're just in the car and I'm just looking in the rearview mirror and it's just they're taking turns punching each other in the face. I think that's probably just being bored and then you just sort of,
Starting point is 00:57:50 you just start throwing stuff and all that sort of thing. But as we've got older, we've definitely got a lot closer and good mates. Yeah, boys are weird. They're punching each other in the face and then I start yelling at one of
Starting point is 00:58:06 them and they're like the other two team up on me don't yell at him you just punch you in the face come to your rescue you're crying yeah that's definitely uh definitely sounds like us for sure yeah it's every day it's it's crazy it's every day I'm the bad guy for stopping someone from getting punched in the face. Well, I'm stoked for you. And the rest of the family is good, Mom and Dad? Yeah, everyone's good. My dad and brother are coming over the week of the game, so next week. Oh, your brother's hooked.
Starting point is 00:58:39 Okay, your brother's hooked. He's fucked. He's going to come watch, and he's going to be addicted, huh? Yeah. Well, he was there with us last year. Remember? He was bodyguard in the background. Remember that?
Starting point is 00:58:51 That's right. He had the glasses on. That's right. So, yeah. No, they're very supportive. So it's cool. They're always going to be in competition for sure. Jay, let's pretend like it's only me and you talking right now and
Starting point is 00:59:06 that there's no one else in here and i want you to be very honest with me okay and i'm gonna say it in the least biased way i can't cuts are great fuck those guys who can't make the top 20 yeah okay yeah it's not like it's not surprising is it like we had the same very similar cuts in 21 um which i was like oh in 21 i was pretty pretty confident i was gonna make the top 20 but then i just got missed out i think it's like 22nd but yeah i mean fuck that jay crouch he's gone there's a new one better one exactly exactly so no um yeah it is what it is isn't it like i'm keen let's go yeah hey and even if it did bother you you like i saw that post that dal and pepper made you can't even like you can't even let it creep in right like hey yeah don't even argue about it because there's nothing you can do like like
Starting point is 01:00:05 exactly like you just gotta you just gotta take it event by event and then where you are aren't you like you can only do what you can do and you get exactly you can't think about it like i'm thinking about the lifts i'm going to be doing you know saturday night as well like i'm just assuming i'm going to be there you know when you do the um torian pro um an event like that a semi-final and there's all that pressure do you get to um reflect on how you're performing do you get to be like oh shit i'm doing better than i thought or oh god i thought i would do? Do you get to do all that? In the moment? Sure, let's start there, in the moment.
Starting point is 01:00:50 Yeah, I mean, I sort of just did the same thing at Tyrian. I just felt like I performed pretty calm the whole time and executed very well. So I suppose event by event, I wasn't too rattled. I was just chill. And I was like, I'm happy with that for the most part. Do you ever have moments where you're like, any time during or after, we're like, holy shit,
Starting point is 01:01:17 I can't believe I did that good. Like, wow. The training really paid off. Yeah. wow, the training really paid off. Yeah, I feel like at semis, for an example, after the, what was it, event five on Saturday night after the eight snatches and the run, I was surprised that I won that heat. Okay. I was surprised that I'd come off the runner first in like the top heat i think that was still
Starting point is 01:01:47 like third that yeah event five so in the final heat you won in the final heat yeah i won and i was like oh shit like i was running hard but i was like oh come off first that's sick and then i was like pretty much them like the biggest like the only sort of celebration that i did after after finishing the workout because i was like oh that's sick i'm happy with that uh workout three was linda yes and um did you win that it says you took second in the event. Did you win that heat also? No, I was chasing Jake Douglas. Ah, okay. Okay. He got me.
Starting point is 01:02:32 Hey, is he big in person as he looks on TV? He's big, yeah. He's big for sure. He's big. Yeah, he's big. Yeah, that name is appropriate. I'm sorry? for sure. Yeah. He's thick. Yeah. That, that name is appropriate.
Starting point is 01:02:48 I'm sorry. That I call him trap daddy for no reason. Okay. Yeah. That, I was wondering if that nickname was appropriate. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:02:56 He, uh, he's got that for sure. Hey, um, it is impressive. Uh, Linda's one of those trippy workouts where it's,
Starting point is 01:03:04 it's a pretty good combination of strength and endurance taking second, and it's pretty fucking crazy. Yeah, yeah. I enjoyed that. That was a cool workout for sure. It was like I think I tested it once properly in training, and before it I was like this is gonna not be fun uncomfortable like sort of nowhere no room to sort of i don't know just like recover i guess
Starting point is 01:03:34 but then yeah once i did it i was like oh that was actually pretty good for me and then um yeah i wasn't too worried about it going into into it at at taurian and um yeah it ended up being a fun workout fun to just sort of chase jake through that have you ever um have you ever won torian before yeah i won it the last two years so this is your third year winning uh no sorry yeah so second year in a row winning yeah oh okay okay so you won last year was the first year you won it. And did you feel pressure to win it again since you won it last year? I didn't feel pressure. I just really wanted to win it again.
Starting point is 01:04:16 So I didn't put the pressure on myself to win it. Obviously, the goal is just to get back to the games. But, yeah, I knew I had a good shot at winning it, and I wanted to go back-to-back. I thought that would be pretty cool. Tell me about the snatch event. What was the plan? The snatch event, going in, I just –
Starting point is 01:04:39 I was just sort of focus on the short run and then, yeah, just focus on hitting numbers. It was in pounds, so we're used to kilos. So I sort of just had like in my head colours of plates to put on. And then, yeah, going into it, I'm sort of like, I'm not a big snatch guy. So I was like, that event was like a bit of like damage control for me um so yeah i just had some numbers in mind and they were going up pretty good so i was just sort of slapping any old plates on that i could see and um and it felt good like
Starting point is 01:05:18 the bar felt nice and like whippy out there it's just just going up pretty easy. And, I mean, it just was very rushed, right? Like, we didn't have much time. So, that's a funny photo. But, yeah, no, it was good. Like, I attempted a weight that would have been a PB. I think it was, like, 275 or something like that and just caught it back. But I was happy. Like, I hit the number that i wanted to that i thought do the job and then yeah got ready for that second part
Starting point is 01:05:52 and when you come um uh to proven three weeks ahead of the games or no more three actually a month before the games what you you acclimate to the heat and you do their programming and then what's the goal? Are there any goals in those four weeks? I mean, definitely you don't want to backslide, right? You don't want to lose strength or endurance. Yeah, I mean, the goal was just to feel the same as how I felt when I left Australia, really. Which, yeah, I'm definitely feeling that, sure.
Starting point is 01:06:23 Eaton Beaver, I feel like I'm an Australian stuck in an American body. It's very, very common these days. A lot of people are born into the wrong body in the last few years. Your dad's coming to Madison. That'll be cool. Proven athlete. All good with Rob. Everything's good with Rob? Yeah, yeah, he's coming over. Oh, good.'s coming to Madison. That'll be cool. Proven athlete. All good with Rob. Everything's good with Rob.
Starting point is 01:06:46 Yeah. Yeah. He's coming over. Oh good. That makes me happy. Really? Does he get your coaches pass? Uh,
Starting point is 01:06:53 no, he's just going to be with, uh, dad and my brother. And then, uh, Maddie is with me, my,
Starting point is 01:06:59 my girlfriend. She's going to have the coaches pass. And you're still with Maddie too. Yeah. Oh shit. Good. It's a good life. Okay. I was scared. I'm always scared. Like to ask those questions. Yeah. friend she's gonna have the coaches pass and you're still with maddie too yeah oh shit good it's a good life okay i'm scared i'm always scared like to ask those questions good god it makes me happy i want everything that everyone's happy and good um uh the nano 2 are you sponsored by rebox yes i am god were you doing crossfit when the nano 2 was around i mean what a great shoe i mean that
Starting point is 01:07:26 was my first yeah my first crossfit shoe that i got do you remember do you remember east bay back in the day that the shoe brand yeah east bay it was like a it was like it was an american site that you could get like that you could order stuff from uh like in australia and um you could only get them on east bay in like 2013 or something and yeah anyway ordered ordered uh my first pair crossfit shoes back then which was there it's literally those that pair was a black pair of x2s um and do you have the new ones yeah yeah i'm running the new ones do they fit the same are they the same oh it's a huge toe box in the front wide yeah yeah they're literally the exact same they just bought out always and those shoes um last forever like like i have pairs that are 10
Starting point is 01:08:19 years old they're like bomb proof you could even wash them and shit yeah yeah wasn't like people used to like put them in the microwave and stuff yes all the time i think that was the uh i don't think that was the nano 2 but one of the nanos you were supposed to heat up yeah anyway no they're yeah they're a comfortable shoe i prefer like the new ones that we that they got out x3s but um yeah they're great shoe they're very comfortable wait you let me see the x3 why do you out the x3s but um yeah they're great shoe they're very comfortable wait you let me see the x3 why do you prefer the x3 oh i just like the latest stuff oh okay yeah okay just you like the look and the style and the fashion but how about the feel you like the feel of the x3 too yeah yeah definitely some of their shoes that they put i mean for ever since i put
Starting point is 01:09:04 on the nano 2 it's like ruined all of their shoes for they put i mean for ever since i put on the nano 2 it's like ruined all of their shoes for me i'm embarrassed to say how many pairs of nano 2s i have brand new in boxes oh really oh it's crazy that's not ready to go oh my god it's it's like i cannot yeah they should sponsor me i've probably sold them 10 000 pairs pairs of nano twos. There's just no, if I wear any other shoes, my toes start to hurt. Right. Because it's like squishes them together. Do you have like a wide foot then? Big, thick, thick, thick, big, thick foot.
Starting point is 01:09:38 Hey, do you do these? Do you do toe spacers? I don't, but Maddie does. Oh, good. Yeah. Is she sponsored by them? No. She should be.
Starting point is 01:09:49 They need an Australian. Let's talk about Maddie for a quick second. Four times games athlete, complete savage. Is she just dying to go back to the games? Yeah. Yeah, definitely. Man. What do you say to her?
Starting point is 01:10:09 Um, I mean. You just hug her. You just hug her and nibble on her. Pretty much. I think she'll definitely go back. It's only, whether it's next year or the year after, yeah, she ain't giving up anytime soon is she um are you and her still are working out in that gym together that your brand new gym
Starting point is 01:10:32 at your house yeah yeah how come you don't post more more pictures of that thing like the outside of it shit are you trying to keep it on the down low yeah um you build it illegally or something no no i don't know i just like bit bit of more quality over quantity i guess all right maybe i'll share my stories i'll put more stories up oh well i just dug through your instagram account looking for the outside of the building and i remember yeah and i really like the brick walls and and when when early on you were just showing the building of it and there were only two walls up and i'm like damn i never got to see this thing from the outside uh i'll send you a photo after this is it beautiful it's good yeah it's really tidy like you want to go in there like when you wake up in the morning and you
Starting point is 01:11:21 open your door and you look at and you see your your gym out there, you're like, yeah. Yeah. A hundred percent. And they got like a little sign on like a rusted old sign on there. And like, uh, just like, you can see those doors behind me and like the, the, the, the black bear, um, on the opposite side, they're sort of like just big barn, like sliding doors. Um, and yeah, so just like brick and like monument, um, color bond uh
Starting point is 01:11:52 tin yeah you want the place to be somewhere you want to go right like you want the racks to be where you want to hang your weights and you want to be able to just even if you do you have a big tv in there exactly nah not not a tv um but yeah you're like exactly right like every all the equipment in there's like all new um that alpha fit alpha fit pitted me out. So, um, it's awesome to use. Like everything's just ready to go. Hey, why not? Um, or why not like a big TV in there? Distraction? Um, I don't know. I just feel like I didn't, didn't really need it. I got like, a bit of a bit of a whiteboard, write the programming up. Yeah, just didn't really need it.
Starting point is 01:12:28 Yeah, you're more serious than me. I've got to have a TV in there, watch a Jay Crouch podcast. Yeah. Greg Glassman. Wow, Jay was born gay and he worked hard to be straight. All right, you say so. I was looking because i i like watch a little bit of your podcast for sure and i always see like crazy names come up like this guy's name barry mccarkin yeah that one that one yeah eaten beaver uh uh jay crouch just politely told seven toe spacers are for girls yeah i don't know it's it's it's a it's a wild um bunch i am uh i have uh been doing
Starting point is 01:13:16 three podcasts in the morning or trying to yeah you've been smashing them out i watched the one with jake yesterday oh douglas yeah he's a good dude yeah he does seem like a good dude hey how Yeah, you've been smashing him out. I watched the one with Jake yesterday. Oh, Douglas? Yeah, he's a good dude. Yeah, he does seem like a good dude. Hey, how did you choose Proven over HWPO or Mayhem or Max Elhaj fit? It just makes sense. Shane and T.O. are just legends, Australian. Yeah, they've looked after us really well.
Starting point is 01:13:49 Yeah, I forgot about the part. You guys are from the same gene pool. Yeah. All right. Well, I'm pumped to see you. I'm pumped to see Maddie. That's cool. She'll be in the back with you.
Starting point is 01:14:03 It's kind of a dick move to give her your coach's pass and make her see what she's missing, but I get it. Yeah, and she's here to support me. And I'll see you in a couple weeks. Yeah, you're going to be there. Yeah, I'm pumped. So pumped. That'd be awesome.
Starting point is 01:14:22 You're the man. Alright, brother. Thank you so much for coming on i know you're busy and i appreciate you uh you figuring out a time for us yeah of course man good to see you good to chat all right ciao see ya oh i the first second i thought he was like at some girl's house that would have been cool but he's not um golf golf golf foxtrot yankee there's not even a second chat group out there unless seven east is flash mob another podcast hey do you want to talk about how there's so much stuff we could talk about hey those both of those people who were just on have insane bodies
Starting point is 01:15:05 incredible yeah yeah i kind of don't understand i kind of don't understand why um emily rolf doesn't have like a million um instagram followers i don't either that's really surprising yeah she's she's incredible and And Jay Crouch is starting to look like fucking Froning. Yeah, a little bit. You know what I mean? Yeah, that body. He's starting to get like a perfect body. I didn't boot you.
Starting point is 01:15:34 I didn't. No shit. You got booted from where? From this chat? No, the other chat. Oh. Oh. Well, at least you're still here dicky yeah they're both hench as fuck yeah ken totally that's my new favorite word i think
Starting point is 01:15:53 hench it feels like it has a derogatory meaning which is kind of like are you kidding me she doesn't post ass shots and there's plenty of emily rolf there's one i can i think two posts in from the very top there's one post she posted recently that's you know what's so crazy is it just shows how little you have to do it's just her laying down on her stomach like doing a leg exercise now go to that one on the right yeah this is a this is a crazy this is like something daniel brandon would do right like post this and it would get like a million likes. Well, lately she's been doing just lives in the cold plunge. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:16:30 In a bikini. Like Emily doesn't have to do any... She's doing some nuanced like... Dude, what is up with that physique? Crazy. Oh my God. I wanted Jay to back away from his camera so we could see his fucking chest and his shoulders where they all fucking connected when he when he like backed away to grab his
Starting point is 01:16:51 phone you could see just his fucking delts just yeah that was crazy jenny vacaro 999 she proves she approves of the objectification of their bodies she rewards me with money when i objectify the athletes man it's kind of like we're talking to them it really is like they're they're at the starting line and they're starting they're revving their engines you know like you kind of feel it from everyone's little on edge it's a little energy yeah yeah you guys need to go work out feel it from them. Everyone's a little on edge. It's a little energy, yeah. Yeah. You guys need to go work out.
Starting point is 01:17:31 That's the problem. I already did. You need to work off. I need to work off, not work out. Okay. Yeah, Emily's husband is funny as fuck. Yeah, he is so funny i really uh enjoy him uh seven on any chat restrictions with chase tomorrow should everyone bring it no listen listen i have a script i'm gonna be reading from tomorrow there I have a script I'm going to be reading from tomorrow there.
Starting point is 01:18:06 Hi, Mr. Ingram. Nice to be here. My three favorite affiliates are, and then I say them. I'm going to talk. I really enjoy constantly varied functional movements executed at high intensity. My favorite class at the CrossFit Games is the 65+. I love the age group qualifiers. They're such an inspiration to me. Jedediah Snelson is my favorite athlete.
Starting point is 01:18:36 I'm going to be such fucking good behavior. Jedediah is coming on the show on... Where's Jedediah coming on? Our CrossFit Games Update show. No, I'm not dropping any F-bombs. $10, 7 drops, 4 F-bombs. No. Yeah, exactly. Yes, I'm quadruple boosted.
Starting point is 01:19:08 Yeah, exactly. Chase, do you want to know what my favorite ice cream is? Just kidding. I don't eat ice cream. Unless it's to raise money for a good cause. This is going to be so good. I can't wait. I want to be on my best behavior i'm telling you someone's gonna be shaking his boots tomorrow he actually is very nervous i um here's the thing honestly i just i really appreciate
Starting point is 01:19:42 the powers that be basically Don fall, allowing me to do this. I mean, at the end of the day, like this doesn't happen. If, if, uh,
Starting point is 01:19:54 I just, and so I'm, I'm going to be, I don't want to, I'm trying to make his life easy. I like him to be like, well, that was great.
Starting point is 01:20:02 Having seven at the CrossFit games, it increased interest by this much. And anecdototally we see it made the company six hundred thousand dollars or you know what i mean um that that's my goal i just want to go i just want to like and it would be great by doing that if he sees value in me um glorifying the athletes and the prestige of the event and i think that's what um I think that's what the behind the scenes does. And so that even people who for some odd reason hate my guts, for some bizarre reason. Unknown to us.
Starting point is 01:20:40 I mean, I know what they say. It's just anything that they say is just crazy, not true, or completely being misrepresented. I want them to at least be able to, if someone were to ask him, hey, but did he add value to the local affiliates? Do you think he helped save someone else's life from curing themselves of type 2 diabetes? Did you think he helped the bottom line of some affiliates?
Starting point is 01:21:00 If we can say yes to all those and you still hate me, I don't give a shit uh fake com media uh no one hates you someone fake people just fear you that's fair i say that with all humility i agree with you yeah i hope they i mean i deep down I love them too it's like like it's like but man I it really pissed me off there's no one there's no one who
Starting point is 01:21:35 I'm not gonna say that yet I'll wait till after the games oh shit wow nobody better fucking post that did you see that who made that I think Will did
Starting point is 01:21:54 no one better fucking post that until after the games I think that'll be the next thumbnail please do not post that. Oh my God. How good was Emily Rolfe? Hey,
Starting point is 01:22:13 Jay Crouch is getting better at the interviews. I was going to say that. Yeah. Yeah. He's crushing it. He actually responded with like three sentences, four sentences. It's good.
Starting point is 01:22:25 He's practiced. Yeah. You mean not just once, but several times. How's your new gym? Oh, it's fantastic. And then maybe two more sentences. It has a brick wall, and then it has this. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:22:41 He described it very well. It's cool. I do want to see more pictures of it it looks like a beautiful gym what are we not posting it's a picture of um me in a very even for me it's too arrogant it's uh me just posturing. Man, it is an incredible... It arouses me a little bit. I'm going to take it off the screen. I can't stop looking at it. It's arousing.
Starting point is 01:23:20 Ken Walter Seve, remind us what his and Rob's training story again. I think just Rob's just story again. I just, um, I think just Rob's just been his, his trainer and his mentor. And I just hope that they didn't have a falling out. I mean,
Starting point is 01:23:31 I know things change, but it was, it was a really cool kind of relationship to see just from the outside or like, just to think about how cool it is that they get to work together. Rob's old school shit. And he used to come to the games and he'd like win an event or put a hurtin on people on a couple events every year.
Starting point is 01:23:46 He was legit. It's almost, it almost feels like the Olivia Jacob Hefner situation. Yeah. Right. Just kind of like outgrew him. Um, but it was kind of cool that the second Olivia got back from,
Starting point is 01:24:00 uh, broken Sydney's house that, that first day back, she went to Jacob's house. That was cool hearing that. That was really cool. Oh, when are we going to hide the court? When I come back from the games,
Starting point is 01:24:11 I'm going to rework this room, I swear to God. If you saw all this shit all over my house, that's some stuff for this room. CrossFit Corey, rob is hot is that crossfit cory has blonde hair yeah it looks like it oh that's so weird i pictured him as a totally like latin ethnic no ethnic is like middle eastern like me right latin sure cave dastro sebi what does the fasting schedule look like leading up to the games i don't want Ethnic is like Middle Eastern like me, right? Latin. Sure. Cave dastro.
Starting point is 01:24:48 Seve, what does the fasting schedule look like leading up to the games? I don't want to tell you. I'm so embarrassed. I'm so embarrassed to tell you. I'm going to tell you what my fasting – have I told you what it is, Caleb? No, but I imagine it's pretty bad. It's crazy. Hey, I'm going to tell you this. I heard a games athlete say that they knew they had an eating disorder
Starting point is 01:25:04 when they started doing this, and that's what I'm doing. I'm like, tell you this. I heard a games athlete say that they knew they had an eating disorder when they started doing this, and that's what I'm doing. I'm like, oh, God. I'm starting to feel some type of way too, so I can only imagine what you think. My wife isn't – yeah. No, I'm fasting like a motherfucker. My body composition has changed like crazy in the last 12 days. It's crazy. I'm fasting like a motherfucker. My body composition has changed like crazy in the last 12 days. It's crazy.
Starting point is 01:25:28 I'm just like, fuck. Definitely have some sort of eating disorder. Just trying to fit into that swimsuit. There's these shorts that I used to wear that I filmed in, and I had 10 pairs of them. And I just, like about six months ago of them. And I just like about six months ago, my, my pants just, I just lost a buckle on my pants. So I'm trying to get that buckle back. I'm trying to get that hole back. And I'm, uh, and I'm, uh, want to fit in all those shorts.
Starting point is 01:25:59 And I think, I think I'm there a two days ago. I accidentally, when I was putting on my buckle, put it back into my skinny hole. And I was like, oh, shit, my pit. This feels a little tight. And I looked and I was in my skinny hole. I was like, yeah, nice. Yeah, yeah. So I'll tell you about my fasting schedule afterwards. It's crazy. I can't even believe I have the willpower to do it. No, no. I do not stick anything in my...
Starting point is 01:26:27 I'm not being judgmental. No judgment. Skinny hole. Okay. Let's talk about what's happening tomorrow. Oh, I think Jay may have sent us a picture of his gym from the outside oh yeah sick so sick steel
Starting point is 01:26:52 roof oh it'd be amazing if one of the athletes canceled tomorrow please cancel please cancel it's gonna be another big day down pepper 6 15 am. That means I have to be up at 5.15. Luke Parker, 7 a.m. Those two should be fun. Paige Semenza, never met her before, 7.45. 9.30 a.m., go over to the CrossFit Games podcast. Make sweet love to Chase Ingram. 6.30 p.m., James Sprague, piece of cake.
Starting point is 01:27:22 6.30pm James Sprague piece of cake I definitely will hit you up I don't know if we'll work out there maybe you can come to or do you live close to Hillers maybe you can come to Hillers house and work out with us no well I don't know usually they every year I've been
Starting point is 01:27:43 at the games they give you shirts. They make you wear clothes there, which would really suck for me because I'm not built to like people look at me and they say I'm a medium. I am not made to wear a medium. I will need a bra. Oh my God. I will need a fucking C cup bra
Starting point is 01:28:06 If they put me in a medium noble I will be screwed I need an extra large and noble Anything that has anything besides cotton in it Like if it has any polyester Or spandex or anything You better get me throwing a bra Shit So I'm bringing a bunch of shirts uh i i had like 40 shirts printed out that are black
Starting point is 01:28:32 that say media on them with a little tiny seven podcast here in case they don't have shirts for us but they used to give us all shirts and it would be fucked up dude and i'm not dogging this when i worked there we would give our staff like one shirt or two shirts oh it was fucked up so i'd have to and and oh it sucked you wore so much dirty stanky shit even if they gave whenever i worked semifinals they gave us like three shirts even three shirts wasn't enough um see this is the jonathan but you're independent they ain't paying you to wear the ceo shirt here's the thing like that's the thing that kind of attitude won't fly it's like yes mr fall wear whatever you want you
Starting point is 01:29:15 want me to see me in this extra small noble shirt no problem mr fall you don't you don't you don't understand yes sir yes sir i'll wear just squeeze my thick feet into those noble running shoes if you want. And yeah, they're not paying me. I don't give a shit. I can't believe. I'm very appreciative. Very appreciative. Yeah, James Sprague's dad is cool.
Starting point is 01:29:46 Says Barry McOchner. Oh, good. Paige Semenza is amazing. Good. None of the others I'm nervous about. I'm very nervous about her just because I never met her before. I'm just nervous around women in general. I'm awkward.
Starting point is 01:29:58 I don't know what to say to them. Yeah, I will tuck my tail to get the film done. Yes, I will do anything to get the film done and i'm going to be exceedingly nice to everyone i'm going to be completely sincere there'll be nothing i'm going to be yeah so i'm at my best when i'm nice i'm the i'm fake when i'm mean i'm fake unviable plan b not that week those shirts will be staying at home put a pause on sales for those ones yeah yeah
Starting point is 01:30:33 thanks trent t cal all right thanks guys see you bright and early caleb you're a rock star i love seeing you here. Thanks for doing this. This is really cool. Absolutely. There's two people who aren't on the calendar. From the adaptive class, we have, I think she's last year's winner from the neurological. Or no, no, I don't think she's last year's winner, but she's seeded number one. I think she qualified in the highest spot in the neurological category. We have her added.
Starting point is 01:31:07 We're trying to add Samuel Conway, and we are doing a prediction show. So those are three shows you don't see on the calendar that we're trying to add. I fucked up. I've been texting Samuel Conway to the wrong number. May I? Buh-bye.

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