The Sevan Podcast - Equipment Check

Episode Date: November 24, 2021

The Sevan Podcast - LIVE EQUIPMENT CHECK The Sevan Podcast is sponsored by Follow us on Instagram Sevan's Stuff: Support the show Partners: - CODE "SEVAN" FOR FREE CONSULTATION - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - OUR TSHIRTS ... Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 FanDuel Casino's exclusive live dealer studio has your chance at the number one feeling, winning, which beats even the 27th best feeling, saying I do. Who wants this last parachute? I do. Enjoy the number one feeling, winning, in an exciting live dealer studio, exclusively on FanDuel Casino, where winning is undefeated. 19 plus and physically located in Ontario. Gambling problem?
Starting point is 00:00:23 Call 1-866-531-2600 or visit Please play responsibly. Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show?
Starting point is 00:00:42 We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event skip to the good bit using the card member entrance let's go seize the night that's the powerful backing of american express visit slash y amex benefits vary by card other conditions Yeah. We're live. And my pants are on. Hey, good morning. Good morning. Thanks for running this test with me.
Starting point is 00:01:19 No problem. I showed you the new board, right? This is for... Yeah. Hold on. There it is. Nice. How do you switch from me being the big guy? Hi, Jim. Good morning. From me being the big guy to you being the big guy? The little options at the bottom. And then once I click that, I just literally drag myself into it or drag myself out of it. Oh, yeah. That's cool. Anyway, so this is the – I'm going to be on the road for like 10 days.
Starting point is 00:01:54 And I bought this on Amazon. And we're running a test today to see if we can take phone calls from the road. Dude, the schedule is crazy that you put together. Crazy. Holy shit. Did you see, we just had another guest get back to us just a few minutes ago. Oh no, really? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:17 Someone I know? Yep. Let's see. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. That that guy the guy with the mustache yeah yeah yeah that's awesome that is awesome so we'll have a um a schedule up on uh instagram shortly so everybody knows the times of the shows and everything throughout the day. Oh, I don't even have this thing turned on yet. I didn't even turn this thing on and it was working.
Starting point is 00:02:53 Really? Jamal, what's up? Good morning. Brian, can you hear him, Susan? Huh? Can you hear the caller? No. Oh, that's bad news. Oh, we have a caller.
Starting point is 00:03:10 Yeah. Jamal, good morning. Brian who? Did something happen? Oh, no no Brian's a player he's a player does she really have a boyfriend hey can you guys hear the caller this isn't good that uh if I'm the only one who can hear the caller
Starting point is 00:03:40 but but when we tested this last night the um you could hear the caller right uh no they cannot hear the caller either that is very interesting uh will says your audio is feeding through your laptop it seems yeah it is how come he knows that and you don't know that oh because he's watching it on youtube okay hold on let me switch this uh sorry jamal thanks for being part of the help today let me go switch audio oh you are right it is okay you are right how about now there go. Now I bet you can hear Jamal. Alright, alright. Did I say what I said again?
Starting point is 00:04:30 Yeah, yeah, yeah. Tell us, Jamal. Tell us the good news. So, to all the listeners, we need to make sure that Brian Friend is okay because Daniel Brandon has a boyfriend now. Who is her boyfriend? Is he a CrossFit dude? He is not, apparently.
Starting point is 00:04:48 Did she show a picture of him? No. She said that on a podcast that she did, said that he doesn't have any social media. I was like, damn. Now Brian can't even see being outlisted, dude. Oh, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. It must have been some guy who works with those cows.
Starting point is 00:05:12 She's been posting a lot of pictures of cows and shit. And guys who work with cows don't have social media. Dudes who work with cows probably see us dudes who have cell phones and social media as complete betas. They're probably right. You know what probably happened? What? Colt Mertz tried to win her over with the pigs. But the guy with the cows won.
Starting point is 00:05:32 Up to his game. But he got 15,000 pigs. I know. I wonder what the ratio you need to pull girls with pigs to cows. That's probably tough. I mean, Colton's bringing home the bacon but you are on a roll jamal jamal yeah jamal's a bit of a stand-up comedian which i don't know if there's a job for him at it's the first negative thing i've had to say about
Starting point is 00:06:00 introduce people i'm sorry I could just work the front desk at a CrossFit gym. Yeah, you mean in between comedic gigs, you could work That's cool. Ah, look, there it is. The world's number one job board for the CrossFit community. look, there it is. The world's number one job board for the CrossFit community. When I was in my twenties, I want to say I came home from Santa Barbara, California, and I went for a walk with my mom. It was in Benicia, California at the time. And we took a walk out to the water and Jamal, you don't have to listen to this. You can hang up if you want. Um, and, but you don't have to. And, uh, I told my mom hey mom i got a problem and she we sat down by the water and i had my great dane with me like every good hippie
Starting point is 00:06:49 and she said what's the problem so i wish i have a picture of this moment somewhere too and i said hey mom uh i got a problem she goes what i'm like i smoke weed every day she goes oh i'm like no mom like i got a problem i smoke. Like if I'm awake, I'm smoking weed. She goes, wow, that does sound like a problem. You should fix it. Hey, do you go, do you want to come over here and go to lunch? Should we go to this place for lunch today or that place? And the conversation just continued. She didn't avoid it. She, she, she heard me. She looked me in the eyes, even though today to this day, when I remind her of of the conversation she has no memory of it and she starts to laugh and she gave it no energy she gave it no attention i know what happened tell me mom was high when you told her no uh probably not i wasn't comfortable around my
Starting point is 00:07:40 parents don't and towards the end of my smoking career i really i really didn't enjoy smoking i really did not enjoy smoking i don't know if you like it's like that with cigarettes too or even alcohol there becomes a point where you're just doing it and you're not even enjoying it excuse me oh i should have put on the echo for that so um So from that moment on, I basically just quit smoking weed. And in hindsight, when I look at it, I see that what my mom did unintentionally was fucking brilliant. She gave it no energy. Which brings me to the point of healthcare professionals, especially ones who take care of people with mental disorders or depression or whatnot.
Starting point is 00:08:23 care of professionals, especially ones with, uh, who take care of people with mental disorders or depression or whatnot. I would suspect, I would suspect that more, more than half those people in that field of business actually keep people in their depression. Well, seven, that's outlandish. I have a friend who's a firefighter. I have a bunch of friends who are firefighters and they really, really are disappointed that they don't go to more fires. They deal a lot with fucking old people. They deal a lot with emergency medical shit. You know, like fat people falling down, shit like that. What they really want to do is go to a fucking Costco that's on fire,
Starting point is 00:09:01 climb on the roof, cut a hole in it, and put that fucking fire out. Chopped off. The audio dropped. Thank you. Apparently we're fixing the audio and I get the whole screen to myself here. Thanks, Will. No audio. Can you guys still hear? I'm sure. It's muted on the screen. How's that?
Starting point is 00:10:41 Oh, there you go. You know what's happening is this box just keeps turning off off on its own that's interesting do you keep bumping it somehow no maybe the battery's dead hey at least the comments were nice when i got on full screen i didn't have a uh bruce white in here telling me i look like low budget steve-o oh yeah um you know what oh you know what's happening can you hear me yeah okay what's happening is i didn't charge this thing last night oh so it died yep yeah because are you are you through your laptop again right now yeah uh what's interesting too is it's plugged into an
Starting point is 00:11:22 out can you hear me yeah i was messing with i was messing with bruce wayne over here i wonder if i okay well that sucks i wonder how you charge this thing it's it's plugged in oh okay let me try this hold on let me try this that's why this show is called equipment test bam how about now can you hear me
Starting point is 00:12:02 yeah it still sounds like it might be coming from your laptop though how about now can you hear me yeah it still sounds like it might be coming from your laptop though how about now I still hear you you can't hear me I can hear you yeah okay that might that that might have
Starting point is 00:12:19 done it does it sound like I'm talking to the microphone no okay oh shit turned off again i'm fucked okay this thing won't uh this thing won't charge so you can hear me now though i can hear you yeah the audio is there but it sounds like it's just coming from your laptop okay so basically what's happened is i didn't charge this thing last night and i don't know how to charge this thing so we ran a test on it and then i never turned the power switch off
Starting point is 00:12:49 and but but it should be charging right now there should be like a little light on it blinking saying it's charging because i do have it plugged into a to a where do i have it again oh let's see. I love these comments. They're pretty funny this morning. Damn. This is really weird. Where is this plugged?
Starting point is 00:13:21 I wish you guys could see this shit show of plugs. And you need a secondary camera, maybe like just a bird's eye view in the office. Where is this plug? I wish you guys could see this shit show of plugs. You need a secondary camera, maybe just a bird's eye view in the office. It sits up in the corner. We could switch back and forth between those screens. Let's try this plug. How would I switch cameras?
Starting point is 00:13:49 We would just probably log in a second one. I don't know. That might be too fancy for a software here. With a separate computer? Yeah. Is my audio just horrible now? This is what it's like when you use the audio with just a MacBook. It's not horrible, but it doesn't sound as good as it did with Mike.
Starting point is 00:14:10 Everybody's saying it's my time to shine because your audio cut. That was the big screen. Too much fancy. Damn, I was going to tell you guys a great story. That was going to a great spot. Hey, did you guys hear about the new Hero WOD? It's called the Rose X. It's a rest day. Come on, Sebi. That's not nice. That is not nice. Okay, so those of you just tuning in, I got a new piece of equipment. I'm going to be going on the road. We're testing this equipment out today.
Starting point is 00:14:47 Get that big phallus back in front of your face. Wad zombie, I just gave you a great meme. You need to post a rest day hero Wad and a hero Wad and call it Rose X. And the workout is a rest day, a rest day. I think that's a really good joke. It's it's time. It will, it will, it will definitely get people's attention. Hey, people want to know what the brand name of that equipment you got is. You could pull it up on the screen on Amazon. You can, it's a M A O N O.
Starting point is 00:15:26 It's cheap too, which is crazy. crazy oh yeah you guys can see it here you see it it's so light it doesn't even weigh a pound it feels like junk what's the scaled version someone giving you a hand what's the scale um but i don't understand what it should. Even in my house earlier today, it was charging when I plugged it in. It's so weird that it doesn't work. That would suck if this happened on the road and we had a guest. I guess we're going to have to run another test tonight. Because you got to let it charge, huh?
Starting point is 00:16:06 Is that what it is? It has to charge? Maybe. I mean, I have no idea. What's the name of the product again? I think I have the same mic as that. It's a really cheap mic. Hey, a couple more questions about the HeroWOD. Will wants to know, how do you individualize the rest day?
Starting point is 00:16:31 Oh, well, that's got to ask OPT that. I don't know that shit. I don't know that shit. Let me see. I want to see how quickly I can switch mics if shit hit the fan. Let me see. Can you hear me still? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:43 Okay, let's go to audio. Can I switch that to the Rodecaster? And bam see can you hear me still yeah okay let's go do audio can i switch that to the roadcaster oh and bam can you hear me now you got the mic just like that fuck and then i can switch this audio to roadcaster pro 2 and i'm like a real pro again that quick man okay i'm gonna finish telling the story and then i gotta go shit failed test okay so maybe we can try this again tonight uh suza yeah yeah okay guys so basically um so oh i wonder how i oh and i guess you could still call in and this the god the roadcaster pro is so nice it just made me realize should i pack the roadcaster pro up and take it on the road with me is it like too heavy or something no and i have two of them because i'm a spoiled little bitch it's just big it's big it's i mean it's it's it's like taking a
Starting point is 00:17:36 big laptop maybe yeah that's like taking a big laptop like a yeah that's what i bought right there that's what we tried to use this morning that didn't work damn what's crazy is how quickly i could switch to this other equipment man technology is nuts technology is absolutely nuts so so basically my point is this i think that there's a lot of health professionals out there who are keeping people sick they're keeping people fucking down they need you the same way firefighters they they they they want the sick person. I worked in a home. No, that is not correct. That that is not accurate. I lived on the driveway in my little tiny motor home, eventually big motor home for five years where I took care of mentally disabled adults, not people who have like depression. None of this bullshit. have like depression none of this bullshit i'm talking like uh william syndrome autism uh um what's the one that uh what's what's the famous one that everyone likes to have a friend who has it a down syndrome uh uh fetal alcohol fetal syndrome all all there were there were there were like six or six three three six there. There were eight adults who lived in the house and me, and I lived on the driveway.
Starting point is 00:18:48 And I lived there for five years. I'm going to talk about fucking a struggle. These people are aware that they're mentally disabled, and there's nothing they can do about it. I'm going to tell you something else, and I'm totally open to being wrong. Someone just let me know. There's no way out even for people who it's not physical. Like if you don't have down syndrome, unless you do it by yourself, that's the crazy part. Not the fact that you think you're crazy. Not the fact that you're indulging in the noises in your head at the fact that you're depressed, you will not make it out. So I sincerely think that a lot of people aren't as gifted at my mom at dealing with addicts and mentally disabled people even though she did
Starting point is 00:19:31 it out of benign negligence and not out of consciousness uh you just have to you have you you you have to be there for the person but you can't give them the attention that that that can keeps the issue alive and a lot of people do that i mean that's what we're dealing right now with this so-called pandemic people think they're curing it we're not curing it we're just codependent the the the injection is just codependency for 99 of the people just codependency and what's the codependency on on the sickness and what's the sickness eating added sugar and refined carbohydrates that's why everyone is sick it's why there's alzheimer's is why there's type 2 diabetes is why there's heart disease it's why there's everything it's probably i mean it makes
Starting point is 00:20:13 you wonder what that what rose is eating right i hate to use keep using him as an example but that's what kind of brought it to the forefront. I wonder how many people that listen to this show, if you guys have seen the documentary Savon made in our house. It's fascinating. It's on YouTube. It's the first documentary I ever made. Won 30 film festival awards. It played all over the world. It did pretty good.
Starting point is 00:20:40 It's fascinating. And it just popped up in my algorithm one day too. So I quit smoking weed when my mom didn't give it any attention. When we would work with the disabled adults, they would tell us, acknowledge the person, not the behavior. And it was awesome. It's what you should do when you fight with your wife. It's super duper next level fucking emotional IQ shit. Acknowledge the person person don't acknowledge the
Starting point is 00:21:06 behavior but that doesn't show empathy uh so i i am concerned that when there's professionals in a field they are uh there i i know you firefighters You want the big fucking fire. Those guys were ecstatic when fucking 9-11 happened. I mean, for a second. Just for a second. Not for very long. Here we go. Oh, it's Kate Gordon calling.
Starting point is 00:21:36 Kate, what's up, girl? Hey, Siobhan. This is AP from Wall Street. FanDuel Casino's exclusive live dealer studio has your chance at the number one feeling, winning, which beats even the 27th best feeling, saying I do. Who wants this last parachute? I do.
Starting point is 00:21:54 Enjoy the number one feeling, winning, in an exciting live dealer studio, exclusively on FanDuel Casino, where winning is undefeated. 19 plus and physically located in Ontario. Gambling problem? Call 1-866-531-2600 or visit Please play
Starting point is 00:22:09 responsibly. Oh, is that code for what's the Australian Games athlete's name? James Newberry. No, you won't be able to pronounce my name. You're James Newberry. Oh, you're an immigrant to Australia. You don't even sound Australian.
Starting point is 00:22:25 Yeah, it's true i'm an indian oh i was gonna say german wasn't even close what's up brother what's your name sorry you're saying i can't say your name give me a shot give me a shot oh come on uh other day uh she tried to say it and she was pretty accurate. It's Apur Gangvar. Oh, I saw you wrote in the comments. Hold on. I'm going to cheat. Apur Gangvar. Apur? Yeah, I don't want to sound rude. That was a rude comment.
Starting point is 00:22:57 Sorry for that. No, no, it's okay. Rude comments are what you're just Indian and you're like overly nice. It's part of your culture. Apur, that's the name that they used to make fun of Indian people on fucking The Simpsons. Apu. You have the name. It's like if you were American and your name was Bill. I don't mind it.
Starting point is 00:23:16 Even my friends tease me by Apu the elephant. Man, look at your last name. Your last name is hard as fuck. That's not your real last name. That's like your rapper last name, right? Yeah, I would be like MC Gangor, right? Holy cow. Anyways, first of all, I just want to say,
Starting point is 00:23:43 like, I started CrossFit December 2020 last year and I've been listening to your podcast since past few months and it has broadened my horizon a lot it has been quite helpful
Starting point is 00:23:58 I used to think that CrossFit was just about exercising but yeah it's not it's just listening think that CrossFit was just about exercising but yeah it's not and it's just listening
Starting point is 00:24:08 to you guys it it has helped me understand that it's not about just exercise it's about
Starting point is 00:24:16 health how you like just talking to your people in your community and food and
Starting point is 00:24:24 it's, yeah, I just get to know about more people. Like just, uh, think about Hobart. Yeah. I came to know about him.
Starting point is 00:24:33 I didn't know before that. Yeah. So I'm, I'm very thankful for that. He's cool, huh? He's, he's,
Starting point is 00:24:39 he's, he's really nice. I like James a lot. Uh, yeah. Yeah. And yeah, I like a few days ago when i was listening to one of your news and i had an idea like why don't you guys have a news podcast every day that would be quite interesting like 15 minutes news podcast i think that should be interesting i know those
Starting point is 00:25:01 guys don't have time every day but yeah it would be awesome I like the idea of that too the problem is I can't do anything in 15 minutes I say good morning to my wife and I vomit on her I have to talk to her once I start engaging I feel sorry for anyone who engages with me
Starting point is 00:25:21 how old are you Apu? I'm 25. You can call me AP. Like the people who can't say my name, they just call me AP. I prefer people calling me AP. You don't think I...
Starting point is 00:25:34 Okay, I'll call you AP, but didn't I say your name right, Apu? It's Apu Urbu. Oh, yeah, yeah. AP. So AP... What did I say? it's a poor book. Oh, yeah, yeah. AP, so AP. What did I say?
Starting point is 00:25:50 Do you know what? CrossFit's kind of weird like that. I think it's okay at 25 just to see it as exercise. Here's... No, I don't think so. No, okay, tell me. I have... Yeah, so I have been, like,
Starting point is 00:26:04 I have been chubby my life, like, until 22, 23, I've been chubby until 22, 23. I've been chubby. And now at this age, I think it's more about 24 to 29, 30. I think it's more about understanding or just correcting, trying to correct your life. I think so. It's not, personally for me, I think it's not about, like you need to correct your life in certain way.
Starting point is 00:26:33 So I think I would drink a lot, but after learning about CrossFit, it's not just exercise I would do. I would worry about my diet, what I'm eating. I know you talk about carbs a lot. Not carbs, refined sugars and everything. I haven't been able to control that. But yeah, regarding the diet,
Starting point is 00:26:58 that's something I think people should care about from the early stage. And it helps at the early stage and it helps at the later stage. What do you think about that? Is he asking me that, Matt? Yeah, I'm just saying like at this age, you said
Starting point is 00:27:15 at the age of 25, you just think of CrossFit as an exercise. I think no, at this age, you should also think of it as a way to improve your lifestyle, that they have a proper food or have something. I hear you. Improve your lifestyle. I hear you.
Starting point is 00:27:35 I didn't find CrossFit until I was 34. But if I found – when I worked out when I was 35, it was so that I felt comfortable taking my shirt off at the beach. And it was so that I had some confidence so that my clothes fit me nicely so that I could talk to girls. And that's all that it was. I mean, I enjoyed working out. I enjoy obviously like I like riding my bike to the gym and I like like sweating and I obviously felt better. But really, all it came down to is I wanted a body that I perceived as nice enough to, I guess, be naked with someone that that that honor that one could could could be adequate bait to catch a woman, to lure a woman, to attract a woman, to entice a woman to whatever the word is. And then and then and then to just respectful enough so that
Starting point is 00:28:27 like, I wasn't presenting, you know what I mean? Like, like if someone came to your house, you want, you want to like present them like with a clean plate and a clean cup and clean food. I wanted to be, um, I just wanted to be attractive enough to, to, so that I could have, so that I could have physical intimacy with, with women. So that, that's that when I think of 25, that's how I was now. Um, something happened on accident yesterday. So yesterday I rode the assault bike three times. And when I say I rode the assault bike, the first time I rode it, I rode 10 calories and I did 15 pushups, 10 rounds. Then in the middle of the day, before I did the podcast with Courtney hunt, I just wrote it for a hundred calories and like, I don't know, nine and a half minutes just to get like my fucking shit together and get
Starting point is 00:29:08 my, be really sharp for the podcast. And then before I went to bed, my wife's like, are you going to work out again? And I said, uh, she's like, are you going to work out now? And I go, I've already worked out twice. And she goes, I know, but I know you. And then I was like, all right, fuck it. She knows me. I'll go work out again. And then I went in the, I went in there and I rode the assault bike for 20 minutes and I did went in there, and I rode the assault bike for 20 minutes, and I did 10 – I rode the assault bike for 20 calories and did 10 dumbbell cleans to press, clean and jerks. But I don't do clean and jerks like the way they teach you at the L1 where you pull it in the front like this. I pull it like an upright row and then curl it up and then push it up and i did 10 of those and i did that for 10 rounds and this morning i woke up and
Starting point is 00:29:49 i could see stomach muscles and i was that's just really hardcore of you doing three workouts in a day but they're short they're so easy but they're short they're short you know what i mean like the last one it was like a it was a uh it's really the showering that's the pain it was like a 20 like a 20 minute one then a 10 minute one, then a 10 minute one, then like a 40 minute one. And then I always stretch a little bit afterwards. But man, it's like, um, now I wasn't trying to get like at 25, I would have died to see some stomach muscles. And now here I am at 49 and I accidentally saw some this morning.
Starting point is 00:30:22 Accidentally. The lighting was right. Coming to that point, that's awesome, really. I like having those stomach muscles there. But why do you like them? Because you like them because you want to attract a mate, right? Like a peacock that grows a nice feather. You're like, man, I can't wait to show the girls this.
Starting point is 00:30:42 Yeah, exactly. But coming to that point, I was having a talk with the girl today and we were just talking about like real body and we were just saying like uh what's attractive more and she was like girls don't uh go don't look at boys like they don't they don't look at uh muscular boys or something like okay and she was like boys mostly look at boys in the way uh like muscular way or something all right okay don't mind uh uh like not bad but not muscular they don't mind uh a person not having the abs or something then i was confused i was, okay, that's really,
Starting point is 00:31:26 like, that's contradictory. Like, that was really contradictory for me. Like, okay, that's a new thought. Like, it's not the first time today. I've heard that a lot of times. Like, girls don't think about boys. And when they look at boys, they don't look for the uh muscular figure they just go
Starting point is 00:31:46 for uh how this is i'm like okay well we've all seen that we've all seen the confident woman and the confident man who don't have good bodies that everyone's attracted to not that they have bad bodies and we've all seen the fucking smoking hot girl and the smoking hot guy that don't have confidence and it's it's a, it's a waste. I mean, so definitely personality is way, way, way, way underrated. But my point is, I think it's okay to leverage your ego and your insecurities to start working out in your twenties and then slowly get over it by the time of your forties and your fifties and have good habits of working out. I mean, good on you. It sounds like you're significantly more mature than i was but for me it was just about getting getting girls or not girls getting a girl and uh um uh you know that's yeah that's
Starting point is 00:32:36 awesome and that and now and now it's just a habit now it's like now it's just a habit damn this vest is nice but you already got a fight you don't need to find girls anymore no no i know and i know and that's cool and hey and Damn, this vest is nice. But you already got a bike. You don't need to find dirt and fog. No, no. I know. And I know. And that's cool. And hey, and you know what else is crazy? So I go to the pool three days a week with my kids.
Starting point is 00:32:52 And I hide any possible fucking insecurity I have about getting naked and jumping in the water. Because I don't want my kids to pick up on that shit at all. I want them to like, I'd fake the fuck out of it like I'm the – like Arnold just showed up at the fucking pool. And because insecurities are lame. Insecurities are the same as arrogance. They're just indulgence in your fucking thoughts and your self – they're self-indulgent thoughts. They're horrible. They're pathetic. They're just indulgence in your fucking thoughts and they're self-indulgent thoughts. They're horrible. They're pathetic. They're a waste of energy.
Starting point is 00:33:30 Yeah, they just eat you up from inside. As long as you have insecurity, they'll just eat you up from inside. You won't be able to stand up for yourself. Yeah, and for some reason, people give people who are insecure a pass, but arrogant people, they rip on.
Starting point is 00:33:45 Fuck that. You're the same douche. You're the same. You're the same. It's the same shit. You could be both. But you have, in your, do you have nice skin? I've got a brown skin.
Starting point is 00:34:01 I know, but is it nice? Like, is it smooth and, like, clean? And like, do you have nice skin? Yeah. Like I have nice skin. Do you have nice skin? Yeah. Like I've been told I have smooth skin. Yeah, your picture looks like you have nice skin.
Starting point is 00:34:17 Thanks, man. Yeah, that's important too. You got to have nice skin. You got to have nice skin. Yeah. I think I'm taking too much of the time just lastly i want to way way too much way too much you're like we're losing we're losing viewers you're fucking me show up just lastly i was one thing like i have i'm just new to crossfit after a few years i would
Starting point is 00:34:40 like to uh increase the bandwidth of crossFit in India and that's my plan just go for L1 and L2 after a year or so when I gain more perspective on it and then try to expand it more in India and yeah I don't know if Indian listeners
Starting point is 00:34:59 if they are Indian listeners to this podcast or not but yeah that's one of my goals and yeah You know what's crazy is how many Indian listeners, how many Indian followers Indian business with this podcast or not, but yeah, that's one of my goals. And yeah. You know, what's crazy is how many Indian listeners I have, how many Indian followers I have on my Instagram. It's, it's Indian dudes love me. I was surprised that your main channel was open for live videos. I was surprised like you got a live channel post on the instagram that happened two days ago indian dudes loving i think indian dudes and armenian dudes are kind
Starting point is 00:35:31 of the same like or similar in my in my travels to india there's kind of this lovingness brotherly vibe amongst the dudes that like armenian dudes have so maybe maybe maybe Indian dudes pick that up from me. They're like American men are generally afraid to show. I'm sorry. I just said I took too much of your time. It was nice talking to you. It was really nice. Okay.
Starting point is 00:35:55 Yeah. Thank you for calling from Australia. Yeah. And thanks for having this podcast. It's really helpful. I like it a lot. Yes. Cheers, guys. And thanks, Matsuza, for organizing all of this.
Starting point is 00:36:09 AP, no problem, man. Thank you for listening. We met an Indian guy named Apu. You know what's interesting is that when he was saying about finding it at 25, I think that's the tipping point. Like 25 to 35 is like if you don't really start to focus on your health at that point, like 25 to 35 is like, if you don't really start to
Starting point is 00:36:25 focus on your health at that point, whether it's whatever, whatever it is you're doing, that 10 years goes by quick. And then all of a sudden you are unhealthy. That's when like, you see a lot of people you haven't seen from maybe like high school or 20 years ago. And all of a sudden they've gained like a hundred pounds because all the habits that they had from when they were 21 to 25 carry over from 25 to 35. And instead of shedding those habits of drinking a lot, staying out late, eating crappy foods and focusing on their health, they just still stay up with their social life through that time because it's kind of the norm and boom, there you go. What sucks is if you wreck your rig your rig yeah if you bend the frame of your car that really sucks and uh and there's so many obese people now you've seen that and what do
Starting point is 00:37:17 i mean by that you see them all over instagram now and kudos to them for losing the weight but once you you can damage your rig you can can eat so much food, those people are all around us, that your body is permanently damaged. Permanently damaged because Dr. Courtney Hunt was talking about how sugar is more addicting than heroin by far. And it's so funny that no one knows that or wants to acknowledge that that's fucking nuts but you do know it that's why you can't quit it that's why you can't quit it uh can you give an example of that person acknowledge the person i can't think of anything like just really good. But basically, here's just the most simple one that I probably have to do every day. My child hurts itself, right? So it's on its skateboard and it falls down.
Starting point is 00:38:19 There's two kinds of parents usually. There's parents who are like, oh my God, are you okay? And there's parents like, you're okay, get up. Same shit. Shut the fuck up. Like are like oh my god are you okay and there's parents like you're okay get up same shit shut the fuck up like don't say are you okay like you're giving them opportunity you're basically it's a leading question you're and you're basically encouraging them say they're hurt don't tell them no you're fine get up shut the fuck up you don't know that they're fine or okay it's all just just nonsense go over there and treat them. Just, just treat the person. Don't acknowledge like you don't need to acknowledge that situation. Go over there and be like, hi honey. And then you
Starting point is 00:38:51 sit down, maybe give them a kiss on their head. They're like, oh my God, I hurt my knee. They pull their pant up. You look at it. Maybe you give it a kiss. You stay silent. Maybe you say something to redirect them. You're doing great today. Or if they're bored, like upside down next to you, be like, oh, I didn't know you stuck that sticker on your skateboard. If they really want to talk about it, I'm bleeding. Will I be okay? Am I going to throw up? Oh, you're fine.
Starting point is 00:39:18 You're fine. When we get home, we'll clean that blood up. And I think the pain will subside in a few seconds. Come on. Hold your hand. We'll walk a little bit. I mean just – you let them dictate basically how much they want to talk about that shit, but you don't start feeding it. I can tell you – it's easier to tell you the opposite.
Starting point is 00:39:39 If I would have said to my mom, hey, I'm smoking weed every day, and she goes, oh my god, I'm so sorry. Oh my god, I had no idea. Oh, my. Are you OK? This is bad. How long have you been doing this? Oh, my goodness. We need to get you into rehab right away.
Starting point is 00:39:59 All of a sudden, now my problem is real. My shit is real. I got someone feeding my story, keeping my story alive. How much do you recommend the Victor? God, I fuck those guys. Fuck the worst shoe in the world. Don't ever buy that shit. I just want those guys to sponsor me, Bruce.
Starting point is 00:40:22 It's great. It's epic. Someone just sent me a picture the other day they're like holy shit dude you're right these are the best shoes ever those victos core are are the greatest shoe ever they're not nearly as durable as the nano 2 i have to tell you that but but who cares like i don't need a pair of shoes to last me more than six months i have nano 2s that just just won't go away it's like nuts you just wash them and and tint and they're fine it's a uh how much do you recommend yeah uh okay whatever oh okay hector all right well this is kind of a failed odd
Starting point is 00:40:57 the vitos uh shoes i bought a pair as well did you buy yours a half size smaller no i don't think so so i i normally wear like a um like a nine and a half or so and uh i i would have bought those at a nine so in case bruce uh i don't know i just bought a little half size uh smaller i would have because they just fit a little bit um bigger there's like more room in the shoe which is what i like i've also done road climbs in them a ton um i've ran quite a bit in them i lifted them people always like overhead squat yeah i overhead squatting them they're light fuck too what'd you say i said i overhead squatted in them heavy as fuck too good and uh yeah they're an affiliate owner you have to be stronger than
Starting point is 00:41:45 everyone in your gym or you have to shut down hey that's something that's annoying to me every time i do well on a workout everybody goes oh well it's because you own the gym i'm like fuck you like it doesn't come with the fitness doesn't come with the affiliate fee you know hey congratulations on opening your affiliate. Here's your 230 Fran time. Hector, here's the thing. He's saying charge the new thing and bring the Rodecaster with you. I'm going to charge the new thing. Here's the thing.
Starting point is 00:42:17 This little thing, like I could literally like wake up at 5 in the morning, go to the lobby of the hotel, get on the Wi-Fi, and Matt and I can do a show. But I don't know if I can. The Rodecaster, it's like, I'm gonna have to kick my kids out of the room. One of the places I'm going, I think I'm getting two rooms. Okay. Before I go, I want to tell you who's on the show. Uh, tomorrow morning we have, uh, uh, at 6 50 AM we have Nick, uh, Pacific standard time. We have Nick Rodriguez. If you don't know who that is, you have to watch the documentary on Nick Rodriguez. Matt, will you put a link to that or share a screen to that in the comments? You guys really want to see this documentary before he comes on.
Starting point is 00:42:54 It's 40 minutes long. Get on the assault bike. Watch it. It is so fucking cool. This guy is a special creature. And then I've invited Daniel Brandon to come on the last 30 minutes of the show with Nick Rodriguez because Nick Rodriguez is like a man creature. And then, um, I've invited Daniel Brandon to come on the last, uh, 30 minutes of the show with Nick Rodriguez because Nick Rodriguez is like a man child. And I, I, I, and I think of Daniel Brandon as like a woman child. She's like a super woman, right? I mean,
Starting point is 00:43:16 she's just everything. She's strong. She's beautiful. She's just like doesn't give zero fucks and just, she's kind of like, she's a lioness, right? And this guy's a lion. So I thought it'd be fun to bring the two of them on the show together for at least a few minutes to interact. Check out the alchemy of it all. The chemistry of it all. On Monday, I have Rob Orlando in the morning and in the evening, we have Jorge Ventura back. He was on the ground in Kenosha, and he's an expert on the Kyle Rittenhouse case. And so we'll ask him a bunch of questions about how he thinks that played out. On Tuesday, in the morning, we have – at 7 a.m., we have Sarah Sigman's daughter. Sarah Sigman's daughter.
Starting point is 00:44:00 And at 9 a.m., we have the fucking super successful Miranda Alcarez. Both of these women are obviously super successful, super fit. But if you want to hear – I'm going to try to pry into Miranda's business of her business life. She is a super duper duper successful businesswoman. If you guys don't know, she has, left a permanent mark on the fitness industry and I'm surprised she's not on some sort of Forbes list to be honest. Uh, then on Wednesday, um, I don't see anyone on Wednesday. You're traveling. Oh shit.
Starting point is 00:44:40 Then on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, I'm out of town, and that's Thursday morning. I think Matt and I are going to try to do a live call-in show. Thursday morning? I don't know. Which one's Thanksgiving? Thursday. Yeah. On Thanksgiving, we'll try to do something. Okay. Thanks, guys. Thanks for helping us do this equipment test thanks for Jamal for
Starting point is 00:45:07 calling in this morning helping us with it maybe we'll try another round of tests later on peace love

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