The Sevan Podcast - Everything You Need | Live Call In

Episode Date: September 16, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Breaking news coming in from bet 365 where every nail-biting overtime win breakaway pick six three-point shot underdog win buzzer beater shootout walk off and Absolutely every play in between is amazing from football to basketball and hockey to baseball Whatever the moment it's never ordinary at bet 365 must be 19 or older Ontario only please play responsibly. If you or someone you know has concerns about gambling, visit What does possible sound like for your business?
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Starting point is 00:00:56 It's a Saban Pocasso. Bam, we're live. Bam, we're live. I've been wearing my glasses less and less. I don't know why. You know why I think I've been wearing them less and less? Because I don't see so good up close now with my glasses on. I don't know what happened.
Starting point is 00:01:11 My glasses used to work everywhere and then now, like up here, I have to squint. So I've been, I've just not been wearing my glasses as much. At first it was weird. Is that the phone doing that sound? There was a that is the phone. Yes that was the the calling line. There was the there was an affiliate summit or affiliate gathering or there was something where Don spoke to a bunch of affiliates I want to say it was in Southern California this weekend. Oh it's cold in here. I think it was yesterday or the day before two days
Starting point is 00:02:00 off the audio is a little off is it off let me see what's going on good morning Kevin Smith let me see audio no seems like it should be right audio is fine for me okay cool Chase what's up dude good to see you Kenneth hi Kenneth did I did you get did I did I send you a slack box? I should send someone else a slack box. I think I have to go to the post office again in the next few days. How is the pre-show dump and shower? Oh it was great. I took two dumps this morning already in one hour. I overate. I overate yesterday twice. I overate at breakfast, which is crazy because I used to overeat all the time. You know when you overeat like it like hurts. It's like uncomfortable. I overate
Starting point is 00:02:56 at breakfast and then I went to Greg's and I had um his wife made a squash spaghetti. And I put two huge handfuls of parmesan on it. I had like three cups of water, two sparkling waters. Please talk about the UFC matches, man. I actually felt bad for, I was happy Maraboum, but I actually felt bad for I was happy marab one, but I actually felt bad for uh, omali Not not feel bad for him like feel sorry for him But you know, I I respected the fact that he put in a shitload of work and that he lost the fight man Those guys work so hard And the the stadium looked absolutely amazing
Starting point is 00:03:41 There were some there were there were a couple really epic fights I was happy for Shevchenko That was pretty cool I like Grosso. I just don't think she's changed. I don't think she's ditched. I Mean You remember how she won that first fight, right? I mean it was very strategic She'd been practicing that when Shevchenko would spin, she would attack her back.
Starting point is 00:04:08 And Shevchenko is notorious for spinning for people who don't follow the fight world. She does a lot of spinning moves. And... Grosso was losing the fight, and Shevchenko did it like probably either a spinning kick or a spinning backhand and BAM Grosso grabbed her back and pinned her and then oh
Starting point is 00:04:30 was this Was this the Vegas sphere UFC? Yeah, it was really cool my favorite shot of the entire fight was when the camera would be outside the sphere and it would show you the sphere and on that screen what was what was going on inside the ring Vegas is a trip I think that's the I think that's the world's largest screen anyway so dawnfall CEO of CrossFit did a talk yesterday or two days ago and if anyone went to it i'd like to hear your your take on it oh here someone someone uh did you catch the left hook and choke by Susa shit was crazy by Susa
Starting point is 00:05:34 Someone text me that yesterday at 6 p.m.. I don't remember a suza fighting Let me see there was something else here here. Um. Chh, chh, chh. Oh, my notes aren't on here. They're only on my phone. Anyway, I'm curious. I'm curious what uh, what anyone thought who went to that.
Starting point is 00:06:00 If you went to that, please call in. I wanna hear your take on it. I'm very curious what Don Sane is going to happen with CrossFit. For those of you who don't know, from 2014 to 2015 of 2017 from 14 to November of 2017 there was a steady decline in Growth, but there still was growth at CrossFit by growth. I mean seminar sales open and games participation and
Starting point is 00:06:43 Affiliate growth and the whole time I was there at CrossFit the only real issue at CrossFit like the only thing that like was like a major like hey man we got to figure out how to fix this or if it is even something bad was affiliate retention keeping the affiliates and in 2017 that year There were four initiatives I launched I launched the email of the day First I was gonna buy morning chalk up and then I met with Justin LaFranco. He's a complete douche So I didn't buy that and so email of the day Do a daily WOD tip. We launched the podcast. And the fourth thing was, is we released a long form video every single week. And the video would be 10 to 20 minutes long and it would be a transformational story.
Starting point is 00:07:41 Greg all of us wanted to start doing transformational stories. And from that month that we launched it, of September, of November of 2017, all the way to September of 2018, every month we had growth everywhere except in retention. It was fucking amazing. Everything was great. It was awesome. Some of our sales went up
Starting point is 00:08:05 affiliates went up Let me phrase that they were had always been going up, but our growth had slowed down, but our growth started accelerating again And then in September of 2018 we were told the media is no longer to make any more media But we had enough media at that time in the bag because we always made so much That um We always made so much that we had enough media to get us all the way to December 31st But on that day we were told we by we were told By the new CEO at that time that we need to use up all of
Starting point is 00:08:48 our media by that date because after that, everything was going to change and he wasn't going to let us publish it. So we basically, everything that we had in the can, we published from that November and December. And then that January basically we fired the media team and somehow I survived that. And there became a plummet, I think a massive plummet. I want to say we had a 30% decline in... That number I'm not exactly sure of, but as I recall, I think we had a 30% decline in seminar sales and affiliations. And it was a pretty simple plan. The podcast was massive over at CrossFit, and the affiliates loved it because for the first time in all their years, they felt like they were getting regular communication from HQ. That's how they took it. It's funny, that wasn't even the plan. Anyway, so I'm just curious and I've shared that plan in 2000.
Starting point is 00:09:54 In my first meeting with Don, I think he had only been CEO for a month and I met him for a coffee here in Santa Cruz and I told him that plan and he seemed very responsive to that plan but then he gave me like a maybe a two or three minute talk on a bunch of shit that I didn't understand it was NBA shit like we will we need to make sure we need the data and we need to get the ROI on the SEO on the MIA on the CEO on the DF on the DNF on the and I was like wow and after he gave me that lecture I was like, wow. And after he gave me that lecture, I was like, hey dude, I wouldn't worry about that stuff. I would just keep in your head
Starting point is 00:10:29 that YouTube's the world's largest search engine and you better be fucking banging on it. And so I'm curious if, I'm just curious. I'm curious if, I'm just curious. I'm curious if any of that, and then he said they would do it. Now it's been three years and they haven't done it. We haven't seen any media really come out. Yesterday I watched about 20 minutes of the new buttery bros video.
Starting point is 00:11:04 The Mars and Heber and Dal and Pepper were going to gyms. I thought it was really cool, man. I thought it was really, really, really, really, really cool. I thought it was crazy cool. I met Don. I've had coffee with Don a couple times. At least two, maybe three. Hung out. I enjoyed my time with him. He's cool. But I get the impression that...
Starting point is 00:11:36 I don't know. Yeah. Keymetrics. R-O-I and D-E-I. Yeah. So, the tricks, ROI and DEI, yeah. And I'm not sharing all the details. I don't wanna like, I don't wanna, I don't know, maybe I don't wanna, there's some things in meetings that maybe should be private. Not that there was anything crazy said. We weren't like divulging like nuclear secrets. But man, it's been three years and the thing is is it takes about two years. Well, it takes at least a year.
Starting point is 00:12:13 Unless they're gonna fire up and start doing daily podcasts and relaunch the journal, it takes at least a year or two to turn the ship around. The ship's big, you know. I've never been on an aircraft carrier, but I've heard that it's quite a feat to turn one of those things around. You need like three miles. So. Jake Chapman, I only have time for three podcasts. The Sevon Podcast, Glenton, and Tom Garan. Tom Garan? Never heard of that dude.
Starting point is 00:12:45 The guy who listens to the show, that Tom? TG3 has a podcast? Yeah, isn't that his IG? Curious, oh, great line. Sporty Beth needs three miles to turn around Tom started this week. It's awesome. Oh had the Bears do did the Bears play do the Bears play today? Who do they play today? Caleb's not doing so good, huh? I never understand clips that Tyler Watkins sends me.
Starting point is 00:13:35 I just don't understand them. I try to. I want to. That was a complete side note. Bears are on tonight on Peacock. Oh, I want to. That was a complete side note. Bears are on tonight on Peacock. Oh, I just canceled my Peacock. When my father-in-law comes into town, I always get Peacock. He loves sports. He's so into sports. Man, he's into sports.
Starting point is 00:14:03 All right. So if anyone went to that affiliate gathering, let me know. I want to hear all about it. Please don't say my notes are fucked up. Yep, they're fucked up. Damn, that sucks. Oh no, they're not fucked up. Oh, yep. They're fucked up damn it Still don't have my notes figured out after three years Oh here we go, let's see if that fixed it. I gotta get my phone and my computer to sync. Son of a bitch.
Starting point is 00:14:53 Don't lose your notes, Evie. Bear with me. Refres refreshing my Google notes. Oh, here we go. Okay. All righty. Seve's notes equal Egyptian. No, they're in English. Seve, you should come to Crash. It's less than a month away. I would love to go. I would love to go just to hang with the guys, but Sub1 Podcast is sending John Young and Bill Grendler and Patrick Rios and Matt Souza and I will be here
Starting point is 00:15:54 uh at home. I did see this Tyler uh did you see the video with Megyn Kelly saying there will be big news story and Epstein story in less than 12 months? Yeah I saw that. Seve, what school activities are the boys in you? My kids don't go to school. This week they'll be learning about pronouns. Uh, two bucks for every time I've watched you're killing the fat man 10 plus times changed my life. Thank you. Oh, that's awesome, Bo That's awesome. I need to have Gary on I was texting with Gary. I don't know like a month ago I'll get let me get Gary back on
Starting point is 00:16:40 Homeschool they started they started a Home school they started they started a They started a eight-week cross-fade class You want to hear some gossip about that some shit I definitely shouldn't say stuff that will just ruin friendships for me. Want to hear that stuff? Stuff about... I already had an interaction. I don't do good with other parents. I'm just horrible with other parents. How's the two-girlfriend situation with your boy? You know what's crazy? Is he had a dream the other night that he had two girlfriends. And last night at Greg's house, he married, he did a mock wedding with one of Greg's daughters,
Starting point is 00:17:31 who's not his girlfriend. And then he walked into the room and I heard my wife say to him, Isn't that weird? You had a dream that you would have two girlfriends and today you're doing your second marriage? Because he'd already done a mock wedding with his other girlfriend. Can you really do a mock wedding? I was a little concerned about that. Isn't a wedding a wedding?
Starting point is 00:17:50 What's a mock wedding? Aren't all weddings mock weddings? Oh, I- Jo, this one is um... This is like a friend of mine. Uh, one of the parents did some dumb shit at the uh... Just- People just do shit that makes it so I start judging the fuck out of them you know what I mean you guys want to hear the story could fuck the friendship up with my buddy although my buddy my buddy my buddy who the parents that fucked
Starting point is 00:18:17 this up always whenever I talked to this guy on the phone he makes it very clear to me I never watch your podcast for some reason he's so insistent on always telling me I don't watch your podcast. For some reason, he's so insistent on always telling me I don't watch your podcast. And if I watch it, I only watch the ones with Greg in them. But I just interact with the parents, I'm like, yep, you're a loser. Yep, you're a dipshit. I don't want to do it, but I just lack the discipline. I'm not a man of God who does not judge. We did mock weddings in early elementary school just to have an excuse to kiss. Yeah, maybe that's what it was.
Starting point is 00:19:00 I actually had that thought yesterday too Noodles I watched the kill Tony live from Madison Square Garden and I'm on the fence about your take about Tony having an ego trip He's really good what he does is really difficult. He's always on. But what did you think about when he destroyed Redman? And when he destroyed the guy who said everything twice? But, but let me tell you, that... And I used to freak out a little bit when Stern would just fucking destroy the people that he worked with too. Like he would just really ride them.
Starting point is 00:19:44 And the thing is is I had watched an interview I had watched that interview let me see if I can find it real quick Tony Hinkliffe interview canceled I had watched like 30 minutes of what I had watched like 30 minutes of this. I had watched 30 minutes of this This video first so I'd watch this video Tony Hinkliffe cancelled for a joke. I think it's from 2021 and This made me really trip on Tony This made me really trip on him. I only made it this far
Starting point is 00:20:24 I made it 27 minutes into it and I was like, oh man. Oh, it's red ban. Oh red ban. I thought it was red man Sub on your story about his cancellation with the Chinese comic is missing a lot of information This video is or what I've told you is This video is or what I've told you is? I didn't even get to the conspiracy part. I know I didn't even get to the part where he says he was it was a plan. I haven't even gotten to that. I'm just saying about how every time right before he talks he prefaces it with like I'm the greatest.
Starting point is 00:20:58 Basically I'm the greatest ever. I'm the greatest ever. I'm the greatest ever. And like somehow these things shouldn't happen to him because he's the greatest ever. I'm the greatest ever and like somehow these things shouldn't happen to him because he's the greatest ever Do you see a correlation to Dana destroying reporters no, I don't I don't know. It's not like Trump It's not like Trump it's not it's not like Trump or it's not like my buddy Travis Bajan, who always talks about how great he is at arm wrestling. It's not like that.
Starting point is 00:21:32 It's not like that. It's not like that. He's a comedian. I know. I, I, I, I 100% hear. And I was talking to someone else and they were like, hey, that's just the premise of the show. And I get it. Because when I first started watching the show, I get it. It's one giant roast. I get it. I get it. You also start like that, Sevon, talking about how great you are. I know. I hear you. I hear you. I hear you.
Starting point is 00:22:08 I don't want to dislike the guy. If you think Tony is harsh on Redman, watch William Montgomery vs. Redman. It's not roasting Red Band. There's a point where there's a comic up on stage and Red Band goes, oh, do you know who his roommate is? And Tony launches into him. There's no comedy about it at all. It's not like, it's not like really harsh comedy. It's not like that at all. It's just tearing into someone. I don't mind, I don't mind good roasting.
Starting point is 00:23:03 You know who's really harsh? Who's the guy we had on the show show David Lucas? David Lucas is really harsh roasting and although it makes me uncomfortable Sometimes I it's still just roasting No, it's not the comedy culture. No, it's not that It is not that these are these are things where someone's having just a, they're conflating, just being, their frustration gets conflated with comedy and they think they can get away with shit because maybe it's funny. That's my take on it. I guess I would, only Tony would know. David Lucas has the worst guests we've ever had.
Starting point is 00:23:48 He was like taking phone calls from his mom and like it was weird. Anyway, back to other things. Okay. Here we go. Audrey's dating one of my sons in the future. Great. Seve, I'm basically talking to a dude who is one of your sons growing up. Okay. Here we go. Seve, you give and tell telephone calls?
Starting point is 00:24:46 You give and tell phone calls. You give and tell phone calls. You give and tell phone calls. Oh, sorry. David Lucas was my best guest. Thank you. Venezuela, by the way, has the lowest murder rate ever right now. What does that tell you? Yeah, all the murderers are gone. Right here.
Starting point is 00:25:13 So is it true that they're empty in prisons? I mean, is this Cuba all over again? This is not a hearsay. There was a They're talking about Venezuela memo by DHS last year admitting that in fact they knew that Venezuela's government was emptying their prison and rehabilitation centers or drug centers, releasing them on purpose because they knew with instructions to make if you were going to get out, you're going to make your way to the U S that is not, we're not making that up. That's true. It was reported on and DHS admitted that that was happening. And in fact it has a train that I want is heavily present in our country.
Starting point is 00:25:48 Now DHS is department of Homeland security. This guy, this guy, well, uh, Dr. Phil will reiterate, here we go. Okay. So you're telling me that DHS has acknowledged that Venezuela, for example, is empty in their prisons and their rehabilitation centers with the understanding you get out if you leave here and go to the United States. Yes.
Starting point is 00:26:08 And DHS has in writing said, we know that's happening. We know they're coming here. We're processing them in and have no idea where they are. Correct. Do you guys think this is true? You guys think this is true? Right. How many people are we talking about? Millions. And just Venezuela alone.
Starting point is 00:26:30 We're talking about in the last two or three years, we've had estimated how many people have come across the border. My estimation, the official number I think is about 10 million. Yeah, it's about 10, 10, 11 million. Yeah, that's the official. But my... Okay, remember that. I'm going to show you some weird shit
Starting point is 00:26:47 here in a second, that some weird shit, some weird shit, personal opinion. I think they're conflating stuff, right? Venezuelans and then total of illegal, uh, immigrants. Uh, but here we go. I think we're about 15 to 18 million. Venezuela, by the way, has the lowest murder rate. Okay, so the claim is the Venezuela is emptying its prisons
Starting point is 00:27:11 and it's insane asylums and sending people up here. And the evidence we have are stories like 75% of all the people being arrested in Manhattan are illegal immigrants. We're hearing about, we had the lawyer on from Florida who told us that there's crazy organized crime from Venezuelan immigrants. And then we have the story in Aurora, Colorado, and there's just tons of stories like that, right?
Starting point is 00:27:38 Okay, so just remember that. And then I don't even know who this guy is. Let me see, I don't even know who this guy is. Let me see I don't even know who this guy is who's talking. It doesn't even say in the write-up. Fill in the blanks the copyright of this video has not been. Anyway I don't I don't even know who he's talking to someone someone it looks like I don't know who it is but some guest of dr. Phil's some Latin looking cat okay so remember that guys we're gonna build a story here okay let's keep going let's keep going. Uh, here we go.
Starting point is 00:28:25 This is the, um... This is the, uh... Uh... National Board Patrol Council President. I don't know if this guy has any validity or if he's like Brent Fikowski. But he's got a cool title. He's the National Border Patrol Council President. Angela Harris knows what she needs to do. I was there. I gave her all of the policies that she needed, all of them, and she refused to implement them. She does not care about you. She does not care about the safety of this country.
Starting point is 00:29:06 He does. This is the man for the presidency. Thank you. Wow. Kamala Harris knows what she needs to do. Okay. So we got a border patrol guy saying, uh, Camelon knows what to do, but she's not doing. Uh, Border, National Border Patrol Council President. Let's see, let's, let's just look this up real quick. Uh, what did I call him? National, National Border Patrol, uh, Pres, uh, National Border Patrol, National Border Patrol number of members. Let's see. The Border Patrol has 65,000 employees.
Starting point is 00:29:58 Let me see. National Border Patrol. Let me see. President. I don't know if they all belong to that organization. Oh, National Border Patrol Council started in 1967, has 18,000 members. And the President is Brandon Judd. Okay, so we got that. Okay, so he's saying he's told Kamala what to do. Then we
Starting point is 00:30:34 go to this article. I don't know if this is a liberal or conservative rag, but it says Venezuelan gang Tren de use border chaos to infiltrate the US. Tren de Aragua a criminal gang from Venezuela that is said to be a serious to be as serious a threat as the Salvadorian gang MS-13 is quietly operating in unsuspected in unsuspected neighborhoods and communities across the country. The gazette has confirmed the presence of Tren de Aragua or TDA in Colorado and reported that the gang has given the green light for gang members to attack or fire on law enforcement according to a US Department of Homeland Security memo. So that confirmed what that guy
Starting point is 00:31:17 told Dr. Phil. DHS did release a memo to the Albuquerque Police Department saying that Tren de Aragua gave the green light for gang members to attack or fire on law enforcement. The transnational corporation-sized criminal gang took advantage of the ongoing border crisis and has been able to push members into the United States and beef up its presence in cities nationwide where law enforcement and elected officials are gravely concerned. Georgia nursing student Lake and Riley was murdered in February. The gang has been around just over a decade and in that time gone from operating inside prison walls to spreading across Venezuela into South America and now penetrating U.S. communities. Okay, right. Senator Mark Rubio, Florida, who represented a state with one of the highest Venezuelan
Starting point is 00:32:15 populations in the country, said in an interview that the gang has wreaked havoc across Central and South America. More than 11,000 Venezuelan police and military raided the Tocarran prison last year, but not before many prisoners escaped inside the prison where the gangs leadership operated. The leaders of, man, 11,000 police, that's quite a raid. The leader of Tren de Aragua, Guerrero Flores, escaped from the prison and is still on the loose. Wow, so even with a raid of 11,000 police officers, he escaped. The US State Department has offered a $5 million for information regarding his whereabouts of this Guerrero Flores.
Starting point is 00:33:04 More than 7 million Venezuelans have fled the country seeking refuge around the globe. TDA members have taken advantage of the influx to hide within the communities of Venezuelan immigrants. Since January of 2021, nearly 700,000 immigrants from Venezuela have been encountered. Okay. Now here's the part that I need your help on. Here's the part that I don't fucking get at all. And we've all seen this video, right? Of the supposedly the Tren de Aragua in Aurora, Colorado.
Starting point is 00:33:40 And there's a lot of independent journalists who've gone up there and said that there are dudes gang members cruising around with guns and And that it's real even though some of the mainstream media wants to say it's not there's you know There's those youtubers who are going there and interviewing people and you can see the interviews and the shit looks real to me Okay, here we go here's Here's the part that's weird. Hi, I'm Steve Balmer. So this is Steve Balmer. I don't know if this is true, but he's the co-founder of Microsoft. I spent 34 years growing Microsoft.
Starting point is 00:34:23 He spent 34 years growing Microsoft. This is Bill Gates is a buddy 10 years owning the LA Clippers basketball team. I love computers data and fast. He likes facts Okay That's why I started USA facts. So he started USA facts Now I want to show you this Chart that he has This is the part this is this is one of my liberal buddies sent this to me this is the part I don't understand
Starting point is 00:35:02 Jake Chapman he sounds fun. Yeah. Okay, you ready? Here we go. He estimates that the total unauthorized population living in the United States in 2022, the most recent number, is around 11 million people. The total unauthorized immigrants living in the US is around 11 million people. The total unauthorized immigrants living in the U.S. is around 11 million. In 2022, how can that be the same number that's in 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, and 2020.
Starting point is 00:35:48 How could this number, if 11 million people have come in in the last cup three years, how could the number be the same? How the fuck could the number... In 2010, that estimate was actually higher. 11.6 million people. How can that number not be changing? He's not talking about new people coming in every year. He's saying the total. The Department of Homeland Security estimates that the total
Starting point is 00:36:27 unauthorized population living in the United States in 2022. The most recent number is around 11 million people. Something's that something doesn't make sense. Something doesn't make sense. What the fuck is going on here? He said the total number living in the US is 11 million. How could it be 11 million every year that day? The only way I could think, so here are some options, right? They're deporting them as fast as they're coming in, right? Wouldn't that?
Starting point is 00:37:03 That would, right? Wouldn't that? That would, right? Or they're legalizing them, whatever, they're waving the magic wand over them and making them legal as fast as they're coming in, right? Yeah, okay, hey, because Justin, because they're authorized now. Is that what it is? Because are they, are they, because so that was the big distinction between Kamala's plan, right? And Trump's plan. That's the big distinction. Trump wanted it so we can you come into the country illegally, we catch you, and we send you back and we give you a court date and you wait in a foreign land, right?
Starting point is 00:37:45 You don't rob my house and then get to wait in there until the cops show up or until your court date and live in My fucking kitchen for three months I kick you out of the house or you go to jail and then when your date comes up that your court date comes up then we talk about it and Kamala's plan and Biden's plan has been once they come to the country we give them a court date and they get to stay here. Oh, here's some other options. I mean I'm open to all of them. What is this? Or they are dying. Okay. Yeah, they could be dying. They're going home. I
Starting point is 00:38:30 Don't I I don't does anyone get this can someone call in and be like Seve you're fucking idiot It's this I really want to fucking understand this I really want to understand How how it is stayed at fucking just the same number for fucking 20 13 years We do we do know something's going on right because um If 75% of the arrests in Manhattan are from illegal aliens the crimes the rapes the the the stealing are From illegal aliens. I mean that's new, right?
Starting point is 00:39:12 You think Steve's facts are wrong? Crazy. Crazy. Crazy, crazy, crazy. Is anyone in the chat a baby of rape? Did anyone's mom get raped and they were born? And their mom didn't abort them? So you guys aren't buying it? Is that what it is? Where's the joker getting his numbers from? Biden record keepers?
Starting point is 00:40:00 I mean, that's the first... I don't know how he could say that. I know he says he's just all about the facts, but I don't know how he could say that and then just not stop and be like, wait a second, that doesn't make sense. I'm hoping that one of you guys is gonna be like, no, Seve, you're missing it. It's this. I was watching Charlie Kirk in a circle of like 30 libtards, university students, and they were talking about abortion, and they were saying that if a woman is raped, they unanimously agreed that the baby should be terminated because the baby would grow up a horrible life if the woman is raped, they unanimously agree that the baby should be terminated because the baby would grow up a horrible life if the mom was raped.
Starting point is 00:40:48 I don't think I would grow up a horrible life if my mom was raped. I don't know how that would affect me at all. I don't know why I would care outside of the fact that I love my mom and I'm sorry it happened to her. Oh, no, Seve, you're missing it. It is this. Oh, tell meve you're missing it. It is this. Oh, tell me please tell me Why would you kill a baby because the mom is raped
Starting point is 00:41:16 Because the mom because the mom's gonna struggle growing a baby that's from a racist a racist a rap, a racist, a racist, a racist, a racist, a racist, a racist, a racist, a racist, a racist, a racist, a racist, a racist, a racist, a racist, a racist, a racist, a racist, a racist, a racist, a racist, a racist, a racist, a racist, a racist, a racist, a racist, a racist, a racist, a racist, a racist, a racist, a racist, a racist, a racist, a racist, a racist, a racist, a racist, a racist, a racist, a racist, a racist, a racist, a racist, a racist, a racist, a racist, a racist, a racist, a racist, a racist, a racist, a racist, a racist, a racist, a racist, a racist, a racist, a racist, a racist, a racist, a racist, a racist, a racist, a racist, a racist, a racist, a racist, a racist, a racist, a racist, a racist, a racist, a racist, a racist, a racist, a racist,
Starting point is 00:41:40 a racist, a racist, a racist, a racist, a racist, a racist, a racist, a racist, a racist, a racist, a racist, a racist, a racist, a racist, a racist, a racist, a racist, a racist, a racist, a racist, a racist, a racist, a racist, a racist, a racist, a racist, a racist, a racist, a racist, a racist, a racist, a racist, a racist, a racist, a racist, a racist, a racist, a racist, a racist, a racist, a racist, a racist, a racist, a racist, a racist, a racist, a racist, a racist, a racist, a racist, a racist, a racist, a racist, a racist, a racist, a racist, a racist, a racist, a racist, a racist, a racist, a racist, a racist, a said the same thing. I'm just like, wow, what am I missing? It's like the argument to kill babies because they would grow up poor. Jason Miller, if you start by saying you are all about facts, there are a percentage of people that will hand you their discernment moving forward. Wow. Wow. Wow. Wow. Bob Lobob, because they're in college and they've never had a baby and don't know shit about fuck. Yeah, so you were raped and you have to deal with that and then 20 years later you realize that you killed a baby, and now you got to deal with that
Starting point is 00:42:56 It was bizarre watching Charlie debate these people it was fucking absolutely insane It was it was it was it was fucking absolutely fucking insane I can't think of I can't think of too many reasons why I wouldn't be alive want to be alive This shit's pretty fucking cool. Hello caller Are you doing Seve? I'm good. I'm fun. Good good. I Last night actually I just watched that same Charlie Kirk. I Forget what they called it, but the circle I couldn't make it I couldn't make it more than 15 minutes dude to be honest with you I started like I don't normally get demoralized by shit
Starting point is 00:43:34 But did you see the the I don't know if she's black or what she is She looks like fake black like that lady pretended to be black who's head of the NAACP With the fucking all the your scene. Yes, I was just like, yeah. And like the way they talk to Charlie is fucking crazy. My dad would have my mom and dad would have bitch slapped me if I talked to someone like that. Especially that little skinny kid that just talks over you nonstop. And the girl with the little skinny beta blonde boy to want to talk about zygotes Yeah, he was but what about the super hot chick with the long neck who said?
Starting point is 00:44:11 Something about his daughter or something. I hope your daughter gets away from you. Oh, yeah. Yeah, and then two seconds later She now was again. I'm just like holy shit. Yeah She was the one that made the she was trying to make the point about if you were raped like do you have the kid or is it okay to abort? It's I'm pretty I'm pretty sure it was her but you know how any one of them when they get up there they have like one quick little one quick little you know refer rehearsed thought process and you can tell it's like a news fed, you know, kind of a sheep just follow along. Oh yeah, that sounds good. I'll take that stance. And they can't
Starting point is 00:44:48 elaborate or expand upon it at all. It's just crazy to me. Killing babies just comes off their tongue like so easy. All of them. I was just like, how is that? How are you? I want to hear your opinion. I want to hear your thoughts. Like, I don't want people telling women what to do with their bodies, but you're killing a fucking baby Well, that's I mean that's kind of my problem with I mean any of those topics right because I feel like it's You know people that are so quick to take these stances, but they they don't actually expand upon them or think into them at all It's just you know, hey this sounds good. This is the side at all. It's just, uh, you know, Hey, this sounds good. This is the side of fence I'm going to be on in, you know,
Starting point is 00:45:29 but, uh, yeah, that guy, that guy's content's great. I just, uh, I actually just found him and he's got a lot of stuff like that. That's did you make it through that entire video? No, I made it. Uh, I think I was one more topic and I forget what it was and then that was that little skinny kid But I just couldn't even hear it. It was so cringy Yeah, it is And then how about the hippie kid wearing the crazy shirt and the mustache
Starting point is 00:46:02 They they don't even use their real voices. They haven't even found their voices yet. Yeah man, it's wild. Wild stuff. I mean everything you can watch right now, it's just crazy. All the stuff that's out there. Yeah, I'm okay with Tyreek Hill having five kids in one year. He's got a good job. Yeah, good on him. He can afford it. Yeah, bang away on those hoes.
Starting point is 00:46:32 They're gonna get all sorts of money. It's not like they didn't have a choice in what happened there, right? They come from a good set of genes. They won't have a dad, but. I'd be real fast though. Yeah. Yeah, the Charlie Kirk thing is crazy.
Starting point is 00:46:52 Hey, how can there only be 10 million or 11 million illegal immigrants in the country every single year if people are pouring over the border every year? Who's lying to us? How does that work? Those numbers, they gotta be controlled, man. Like what I don't know where they source that stuff, but I mean You know, I don't know you can't trust any of that stuff
Starting point is 00:47:14 But if you know kind of like you were saying before you've pivoted to Kirk If the crime in these areas are going up if there's noticeable changes, right? If there's like you said these youtubers are going in and they're, they're saying, yeah, no, this is, this is a thing that the media is saying otherwise, or the numbers don't reflect that, but all of a sudden just kind of out of thin air, we have this, this new problem with crime. I mean, it's just, it's, it's, it's a hidden fact. You know, I, I, I wouldn't say I've heard the argument where it's like it's, it's a hidden fact. Yeah. You know, I, I wouldn't say I've heard argument where it's like, well, uh, the,
Starting point is 00:47:48 the left would like to keep these guys here because they're going to vote for, you know, this person or that person. It's like, well, name voting. I mean, then people aren't going to vote. You know, have you ever been, have you ever been, have you ever been out of the country? Uh, I have not actually, I'm out of the country tomorrow. Oh, where are you going?
Starting point is 00:48:07 First time ever. Where are you going? Mexico. Oh, what are you doing down there? Work? Down to Cancun. No, it's a it's a belated anniversary. So two years from my wife and I and we never got around in the honeymoon.
Starting point is 00:48:19 So we're taking off for the honeymoon. Do you know about the water? I don't. Well, tell me about the water. Just don't drink the honeymoon. Do you know about the water? I don't well tell me about the water. Just don't drink the water it could fuck your whole trip up. I had kind of heard that before but that's the real thing huh stick to the bottles. Yeah stick to the bottles that's pretty real and I would even I mean if you really because here's the thing if you fuck up it could fuck your trip up. Yeah that'd be no good. Um unless you need to lose weight unless you want to lose like a quick five pounds or ten pounds. But, um...
Starting point is 00:48:49 Nah. I would use bottled water even on your toothpaste or I would ask the hotel if they filter their water. Yeah, it could mess... Even Curious says it will mess with your honeymoon. Yeah. You want to, um... Yeah, that's... That's funny, because I had heard that before, but I actually completely forgot about that until you just...
Starting point is 00:49:04 You know, you just saying that. I wouldn't even have thought twice. When I went down there the first time I was 20 or something and it's called mana zoom as revenge and I and I got it, but I didn't care. I was 20 like whatever just shit all over the place, whatever. But but also I know that other people have gone to Bali and had their shit like really turned upside down. Like a lot of people have had that. I can't remember which CrossFit Games athlete I had. I don't know if it was Alexis Raptis. I think she has a problem with her pooper anyway.
Starting point is 00:49:33 Yeah, I think it's Raptis. But I know other people who've gone down there and shit's gone really fucking sideways for them. Crazy. Yeah. So, oh, Bali Belly is what it's called, Burning Ganon. But just, just, I mean, it's cool. Cancun's awesome. I mean, though Mexico is cool.
Starting point is 00:49:51 Yes. It's gonna be a good time. Yeah, I'm excited for it. So what you're going to make a point prior to that, or you're just gonna make it common on the water? Well, I was just gonna say, like, I've say, I've been everywhere. And so, they're not just eating dogs. Haitians don't just eat dogs
Starting point is 00:50:15 and poor people don't just eat dogs. They eat everything. They even eat other people. They eat elephants, they eat cats, they eat tons of mice. They eat shit loads of fucking insects. They eat tons of mice. They shitloads of fucking insects Um, they uh, they drink urine from animals when they're in drought conditions. I mean, uh, There's no There's no When people are in survival mode, they'll do anything. I mean drinking urine from animals is not uncommon at all in a lot of fucking
Starting point is 00:50:41 You know dry places and so I was just I just saw a comment in the comments about like, it's not absurd to say in Haiti, they dogs Haiti is a really, really fucking bad place. Like, like life is tough there. And yeah, so I was just wondering if you had been anywhere and seen any of that. I mean, in a lot, like if you can go to China and in their market smells absolutely disgusting and you can find any animal you want to eat there. You could find skunks to eat there, anything.
Starting point is 00:51:10 Oh man, that's crazy. Yeah. Scorpions, whatever. I have this, you know. Obviously, I'm aware of things are bad, but I don't think, you know, anybody really understands what it would actually be like in some of these third world places in Mutsubi. When I went to Africa, most of the places I went, people spent their entire life was
Starting point is 00:51:33 all about getting water. So these villages I would go to, that's the whole premise of your life. So just imagine every morning you woke up and someone in your family had to do the fucking 10 mile round trip walk to bring back a bucket of water. And so this this has to be strong too right because they're going to carry five gallons of water back on their head. So every morning that person walks up they walk to where the hose is. There's a line there that's fucking anywhere from you know three hours to 45 hours long right. There'll be people waiting in line for days. They fill the bucket up with water, and then they walk back. And that's that's their whole life. So
Starting point is 00:52:13 Oh, I lost you. Hold on. For some reason, I lost you. Hold on. Hold on. Or you could live in Mexico and you could live in Mexico and just drink dirty water. Sorry, I lost you. Are you back? Are you back? Hey, sorry, go ahead. Oh, I thought I could be me. I'm kind of getting towards this pocket in my neighborhood where I lose service. But where do you live? Minnesota. Oh, my God. That's home of Tampon Tim. from Minnesota. Oh my god that's home of uh tampon tim. Uh tampon tim I guess I don't know who tampon tim is you're not talking about are you talking about some homeless guy? No that's your governor isn't it tampon tim? Oh oh yeah yeah yeah pretty easy to forget that yeah he's terrible man absolutely terrible when I see him that uh
Starting point is 00:53:06 terrible. When I see Matt, that's wild to see that he's running for VP. Isn't it crazy that he fucking how did he basically let let his cities burn during the George Floyd riots. He gave up the 23rd precinct or the third precinct. It was crazy. Absolutely nuts. Absolutely nuts. And then, like shortly after all that went down, you know, in France, I knew several people that are kind of close, you know, blocks away from that area. And just to hear, you know, about how, what was happening, it's like, wow, like that's, that's crazy. I mean, that's a guy like, I don't even, I don't even really care the circumstance, like no way, no how do you want that guy to have any level of power over the whole country?
Starting point is 00:53:45 I mean, that's just, that just shows weakness. Judy, Judy's blown away. I'm a little blown away too, that you didn't know who Charlie Kirk is or who Tim Walls is. Do you spend too much time listening to this podcast? It's that's, that's the majority of my time. Of course I know who Tim Walls is, but I didn't know. Tampon Tim's new and I had not heard that before. But it's appropriate, right?
Starting point is 00:54:07 It's apropos? Super, super appropriate. Okay. Well, they brought him on to be the man's man, you know, it's that guy just screams masculinity. Totally. Cool, man. All right, man.
Starting point is 00:54:19 All right. Have a good Sunday. If you do accidentally drink the water, drink the strongest shot of alcohol you can afterwards to kill Whatever you put in there I'm gonna do that before before and after just to be safe then smart. Okay. Have a good day. All right Like I was going to Mexico to bang the shit out of his wife. That's kind of cool Yeah, so Hmm have a great vacation Judy says
Starting point is 00:55:03 That you see what Judy's doing there. She feels bad Judy such a nice person that she critiqued him for Not knowing who Tim Walz or Charlie Kirk is but then has to balance it out with have a great vacation. She felt bad. Yeah, go overseas. I mean go go go to Dominican Republic. Try to go to try to go to Haiti. Try to go to Haiti. See what happens happens there like just try to go there Go to Dominican Republic, which is fucked up and then ask the people there. Hey, do you ever go to Haiti? It's My goodness
Starting point is 00:55:42 We live with fucking complete fucking sheltered fools. Think of anybody that could speak to the differences in culture. That young man, that young black man just shared that he doesn't blame the Haitians. They're doing what maybe they're used to doing back in Haiti. What do you think is going on? They're obviously not trying to assimilate into the American way of life, but eating cats, eating pets, eating ducks, just roaming the street, is that something that maybe is normal in Haiti? In some parts, yes, unfortunately. And like you said, David, I love Haiti. I've been doing
Starting point is 00:56:20 work in Haiti for well over a decade. But there're the way you do things. And you see what they've done with this parole program that lets in 30,000 Venezuelans and Haitians and Cubans and people from all over the world with really very little vetting. It's not about letting people into the country. It's about who you let into the country and how you vet them. You know, in Haiti, they literally, the gangs took over their prisons and jails and released everyone. Right now, today, there are people in Haiti
Starting point is 00:56:55 that eat other people. I have video sent to me from my doctors and staff of humans eating other humans in Haiti. And so you just don't want these people here. And it's just, it makes you so sick to think that we've gotten so lax on immigration. I don't think of anybody. When I went to India,
Starting point is 00:57:22 I spent a bunch of time there, several months of my life in India. And, uh, not uncommon at all for, uh, homes to be built out of cow shit. Support for today's episode comes from One Skin. Did you have a little too much fun this summer? You know what I mean, a little too much time in the sun. It's no secret that UV rays can take a toll on our skin, leaving it dry, tired, and less vibrant. If you want to hit that undo button on UV induced aging, say hello to OneSkin, your secret weapon against the summer's toll on your skin. OneSkin products are all powered by the revolutionary OS-1
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Starting point is 01:00:11 That's 15% off with SEVON as the code. After you purchase, they'll ask you where you heard about them. Tell them SEVON sent you. Not uncommon at all. Maybe it's the most common thing. Just think about that. Jake Chapman, I've got videos of women eating women. Someone did send me a crazy video the other day. I saw a video of a guy that was handcuffed.
Starting point is 01:00:51 It was the worst thing I've ever seen. Naked on the street, and they let a dog eat off his cock and balls. It was fucking crazy. Caller, hi. Hey, thanks for taking my call. I have had dog in Thailand. when I was there in Southeast Asia. I've had some wild animals in Africa as well. But black people would never do that.
Starting point is 01:01:14 How dare you say that? Thai people are gross and disgusting. Black people would never do that in Haiti. How dare you? Fair. Hey, do you mind if I change subjects real quick about event one at the games 2024? No, not at all. But can I just ask you this real quick? How was the dog? Yeah. You know, excellent.
Starting point is 01:01:34 What, did you know what kind of dog? I don't know. It was like street food. I thought I was eating chicken. Come to find out it was uh, it was good and kind of went in Rome Yeah, we ate it, you know, yeah, so yeah fair enough. I hate all right. Hey good on you I'm sorry if you've covered this already if I've missed it, but as anyone have you guys covered or talked about? the elephant in the room of When Castro or someone from CrossFit was first told someone went down to when the last swimmer came in How much time was that and did someone's ego get in the way of not stopping the event? It seems like that's the elephant in the room that no one's talking about Huge Castro fan huge fan of the show. What what I what I remember happened
Starting point is 01:02:23 What I remember happened was two or three people had come in, like Yela and Tia and one other dude, right? And Anya came over, and I was standing right next to Dave, and Anya came over completely freaking out and crying, justifiably. And she said to Dave, where's Lazar? And Dave said, I'm paraphrasing, he's out there still. And she said, no, I just saw him at the orange buoy, you know, 10 minutes ago or five minutes ago or whatever she said. So then he said, he turns to someone and he said, who's right next to him, we're all standing within three feet of each other. And he says, is Lazar's chip in? And person goes Lazarus chip in is in and then on just takes a deep breath and goes Oh my god, I'm so sorry. And then I said to her you don't need to be sorry. Fuck. It's your Husband or boyfriend you should be you know concerned about him, but she's bawling crying Then she walks away and Dave turns to someone else and says get me she can't hear this I hear this I'm paraphrasing
Starting point is 01:03:26 he says get me facial like he took it seriously it wasn't enough that the person said the chip timer and get me go and get uh your eyes on every single person you have on that list that supposedly the chips come in right for a second verification right right, for a second verification, right? Yes. And so then from there, you're asking how long did it take before they started actually looking for him? I don't think, I don't-
Starting point is 01:03:56 Or until the last swimmer came in. So then, so then, for me, that I started, when I heard him give that order to one of his staff, I then started also looking for Lazar. I stopped everything I was doing. I headed and started looking for Lazar. And at that point, the next time I saw anything about it, I don't know, honestly, I don't remember if it's 10 minutes or 20 minutes or 30 minutes later, but I ran into Brian Friend and he was on his phone look scrolling through the YouTube feed to try to find Lazar And at that point I I don't think I never it never crossed my mind that it was ego I think it was if you think it was would you have canceled the event like stopped the event on the spot and said
Starting point is 01:04:38 We might have a real situation here Stop the event everyone in the water. No because no because I think that there's you mean just because someone doesn't know just someone's just Like hey, we don't know where I guess or no because there were I have there were 70 friends there There were 75 other dreaming Right. So those people were on the complete other side of the ramp from us those people were like I wear over a web air Justin. I had some friends there. So all week, all I could hear from where I was standing with Dave was that I didn't hear any of those people yelling.
Starting point is 01:05:13 I did see the guy go in the water and I, it was fucking weird. And I had strong feelings about it at the time. But the people yelling is that it was a fan in the water. So the people, the information that was kind of just in the noise was that it's just some sort of streaker or fan, right? Right, Monday morning quarterback. It's easy to say. Yeah, we have a fan in the water. I'm pretty sure I heard that. We have a fan in the water. We have a fan in the water.
Starting point is 01:05:38 I think I heard that over the radios. Which isn't inaccurate, but it doesn't tell you why he was in the water, right? Yeah, but but you have 75 people still you have let's say let's say four people have come in and there's concern Where's Lazar and there's 75 people out there? I know I wouldn't have stopped the race I would have I would have thought like hey shut the fuck up. Of course. He's still out there that like Only the best guy in the world has come in so far, Yellow Hosted. You know what I mean? So I would not have stopped. Yes. Thank you for clearing this up. But in hindsight, you have to want there to be at an open water swim event where it's deeper, the vision's hard to see and the water's
Starting point is 01:06:28 deeper than you make up the number, I don't know, eight feet, anywhere on the swim, you have to want a dive team there, right? Yes. I mean that's that's in hindsight. Yeah, for all the things that happen, people are always like, hey, they talk about volunteers are paid fuck you They talk about lifeguards versus what if they're Coast Guard search and rescue fuck you I don't care the the thing that I always that I keep circling on is is like man It seems it it seems like whoever was in charge of safety Maybe should have had a dive team there Be just so you could cover your bases because if someone someone goes below eight feet and the water is dirty,
Starting point is 01:07:05 who's going to go down there and get them? Right. Like let's say we would have even known within 30 seconds, they sent people out there who was going to go, I think he drowned in 16 feet of water. Who was going to go down there and get them? Can some, can people go down that? I can't go down there. My fucking ears would explode.
Starting point is 01:07:20 Right. But just something about keeping the event going gives me an uneasy feeling. That's all. Yeah, I don't think there was any. I think it was just like, I mean, look at Adler. You could have, Adler came, was, entered the water first and didn't come until 20th. So like anything was possible, right? I don't. Oh, yeah. So I don't see it that way. I don't think there was any, I don't think there's any way I would have stopped the event if he hadn't come in in the first five people, no way.
Starting point is 01:07:50 Gotcha. And sorry to pivot the show. It's okay. I appreciate picking up the call and make America healthy again. Yeah, boy. Thank you. All right, bye bye now.
Starting point is 01:07:59 Sounded like an adult. I didn't know adults listen to this show. I was like a real man. That guy had like a real job. You guys like sporting deaths? We can talk about sporting deaths if you want. TikToker dead after running Disneyland half marathon. Hi, how are you? Doing alright, how about yourself? What's a TikTokker? Do you know what a TikTokker is?
Starting point is 01:08:32 Is that like trying to define what a professional CrossFit Games athlete is? Like what's a TikTokker? Is it anyone who uses TikTok? I guess. I would say I'm on the careers contact for take dark. Yeah, I'd say I'm a professional Crossfit CrossFit Games person, I don't know if athlete but I'm a professional something How are you Then all right one attack Situation that we mentioned in the shoulder you want to talk about what actually Dominican? Oh I'm actually Dominican. Oh, yes, yes. Are you in Dominican Republic? No, I live here in the States. I've been here for a few years now. Okay, okay. And you share an island with Haiti, right? Just for people who are geographically ignorant. Exactly. I'm from Santo Domingo, which is about three hours and a half
Starting point is 01:09:22 away from the border. Okay. So, a small island, you can go back and forth in the same area. So what I wanted to say is this, the easiest way that I've been able to explain to usually Americans, the situation is the following. Same as Mexico, you guys put a border together not to allow the country to be floated with Mexicans, mostly the same. We don't blame them though because mexicans comes here to look for a better life better job opportunities i agree you know do the
Starting point is 01:09:55 same patience is the same right the only thing is that in haiti things are a little bit different because most of all dude again same, one side of the island is totally different to the other. Totally different. Totally different. Totally different people. Yeah, totally different. Culturally, they look different.
Starting point is 01:10:13 Everything. Language, culture. Oh, what do they speak in Haiti? They speak French? It's a mix of French. It's called Creole. Okay. It's kind of a broken French. Pardon me if I don't know much about that.
Starting point is 01:10:27 And what do you guys speak in Dominican Republic? Spanish? Yes. Okay. Something else. If you look at statistics in Dominican Republic, and that's been a, that has been an issue for the past few years, mostly the same issue happened here in the States. through years. Um, mostly the same issue happened here in the states. Most of hospitals are being used by people from Haiti coming to give birth in the Dominican Republic. They go back to the country. Guess what? Dominicans, we do not charge him for them. Common give birth here for there. In this case,
Starting point is 01:11:01 number one, education schools, public school, public system is floated with Haitians. Dominicans do not charge them at all. And it's, it's basically the same issue. But the thing here is Dominican is not a first world country. It's a third world country trying to survive and, you know, get things together. How come we can or we have to deal with with our neighbors issues. I know it might sound harsh. I get it. But dude, Savannah, you cannot just stop eating in your house because you're going to be giving your food away to your neighbors. If you know what I mean, you got to go before I've been there. And where I specifically went is I went to the old, I went to the Dole factories and I went to where the old sugar cane fields used to be. And there were a million
Starting point is 01:11:52 Haitians who were there just who were there to get sugar, to help pick sugar and harvest the sugar the same way that we use Mexicans and labor from other countries to pick our crops in the United States. And the schools I went to there that the Haitians went to, they didn't even they didn't have electricity or running water. They didn't have toilets. They didn't have anything like that. But but like I hear you in Dominican Republic is like it's a pretty obviously there are some really fucking world class facilities there in first world. But yeah, it's also a struggling country because there's a lot of fucking people
Starting point is 01:12:23 there. And they're tied economically to a lot of the harsh realities of international economics especially around sugar yeah i hear you yeah i totally hear you the thing is is i don't think people have any idea how fucking bad it is in fucking haiti like when they when they say they eat dogs and some people are rolling their eyes i'm like dude like do you fucking not know what the fuck is going on there it's a fucking it's it's just mad. It's just K it's survival of the fittest there. It's as close as you can get to survival of the fittest. Exactly. Yeah. Exactly. Just to give you, maybe this, this doesn't hit me mainstream media much. I don't know why I might have my ideas, but Haiti has been under a crisis politically for the past five,
Starting point is 01:13:07 six years, nonstop. Like, dude, Dominicans have had to kind of mimic the US and try to build a border to avoid the gangs going to the art. And things started to get out of control to a level that control to a level that they, you know, just to give an example, DR and Haiti are divided by a river. And they started to get the river to create a channel to get water outside of the river, which is something that by a treaty that happened years ago, that wasn't supposed to happen. And DR has to send the military to get that under control. And they all have to send the military to get that out of the control. And they said, hey, we have no press, this is Haiti by the way, we have no precedent, we do whatever we want, and we're gonna make that happen above whatever treaty we have had in the past.
Starting point is 01:13:55 I don't know if you remember, but when the 2010, correct me if I'm wrong, or 2011 earthquake hit 80, Dior went empty. Every every single company every single society Church, whatever OMG went to Haiti to help them We are the closest neighbors. How come something that's gonna happen to them? We're just gonna say hey, I'm not gonna help them out That's not the case. So people are trying to paint like the art is bad. Haiti is good I get it people who always have an opinion everybody has an ass, you know, everybody has a different opinion. I get it I don't hear anything bad about the way the Dominican Republic treats Haiti other than the fact that there
Starting point is 01:14:36 I mean the racial experiment there I heard is pretty crazy when the times that I've been to Dominican Republic It's been explained to me very clearly about the shades of skin that basically like It's like in our country like I don't know that there's black dudes and there's white dudes and there's Mexicans But in Dominican Republic, there's it's like shades of black, right? That's the only thing I've ever got back You're right. So the lighter if you look like Halle Berry fucking you're in if you look like fucking Bill Cosby like things there might be a class system there. But but I don't even give an example. Like whatever, make your shit work. At least you have both your legs. Exactly. Hey, listen, last thing on that thing about hitting, hitting
Starting point is 01:15:17 cats and everything and whatever is happening in Ohio that is also tied to some Haitians. Yeah. Hard to say, but I mean, I've seen it myself. You what? I have seen it myself. Oh yeah, yeah, exactly. Yeah, totally. You're not gonna, you're not really, if someone told you, hey, I saw two Haitian guys eating a fucking dog,
Starting point is 01:15:39 you're not gonna be like, oh my God, you're fucking crazy. It's just like, yeah, dude, it's like they only know what they know. They're fucking hungry. I told the story, my dad came It's like they only know what they know. They're fucking hungry I told the story my dad came to this country We didn't put the fucking gun at a he worked at a security booth and shot a fucking deer My dad was his fuck. My dad was raised in a fucking concrete box with no running water
Starting point is 01:15:55 No electricity till he was 18 years old with fucking ten siblings. It's like yeah, of course, you're gonna shoot something and eat it Just what you know, I meant. All right. Hey, I really hey I really appreciate you calling. Hey what state do you live in? New Jersey. Cool. Alright dude, thank you for calling in. Alright, bye bye. Crossfit. Inclusive. Yeah, there's the island right there man. There it is. Dude, I've been everywhere and I have not been to Haiti. And when I went over there, they're like, dude, Saban, you should not go over there. I'm like, really? They're like, yeah.
Starting point is 01:16:37 No, don't go over there. Oh shit, Dan Guerrero. When I was in Dominican, they took us for a Haiti tour on a monster truck. Let me ask you there, did you go there for church? Was it a church retreat? I bet you it was. That's who goes there. Church people. Seve, do a search Wall Street Journal illegal immigrant encounters. You'll see numbers. Yeah, I see the numbers, but this guy's saying that the number of... I have not been to the Isle of Man, Jake Chapman.
Starting point is 01:17:14 This guy, Steve Ballmer, is saying that the number of illegals living in this country hasn't changed since 2010. He's saying it was 11.6 million in 2010 and now it's 11 million. Like when I eat food, like I ate something when I'm 5 and I understand why it's not in me. I go to the toilet, I take a shit and it comes out. Like I can like, I assume that's the food I ate coming out and that's the waste product, right? I thought I heard something.
Starting point is 01:17:48 I don't understand how people could still be coming in every single year and the number not going up. I don't get it. I got a notice from Instagram this morning saying that my account has been put lower in the algorithm or something like that because I made a post I reposted something that said an Irish school teacher what did it say say? I mean, what was the, what did the post say I posted? I reposted this. Oh, do you guys want to see the girl that was on Charlie Kirk? This is her. I don't know if you can see all her piercings, but that's her. You know when some people, you could find someone attractive and then they talk and you think they're ugly it was like that
Starting point is 01:18:47 I was like, wow, you got ugly quick I posted this I made this post that said Irish teacher arrested for refusing to affirm trans ideology in school And it was from gays against groomers. I reposted it. Well, they said that that's not a true story So I looked it up and the teacher was actually arrested Not for refusing to affirm trans ideology But because when he refused to affirm trans ideology at school they told him to leave campus and he said no I have classes to teach so the nuance there is that he wasn't arrested for refusing to teach it. He was arrested for um Not continuing to teach his classes after they told him to leave campus because he wouldn't teach that being a tranny school and so because of that my
Starting point is 01:19:29 account has been one step closer to getting banned again. Caller, hi. I stand corrected on the nuance. Caller, hello. Caller, hello. Caller, hello. Hey, hey, hey, hey. Hi. What's up? Just chilling. My stomach's a little sore. I did leg lifts yesterday. Oh, that's tough. Hey, man. Let's hit the open water thing again. Okay. So, USA swimming. So, I'm a USA swimming coach, 14. The max temperature USA swimming says is 85 degrees, no matter what. Right.
Starting point is 01:20:10 And then for safety personnel, there's no requirement to have divers. Just real quick, just to go back to the water temperature, is that because you, that's because of heat dissipation? If the water's too warm, you can't cool down while you're swimming. What's the reason? As far as the reason? Yes. Okay. Okay. So the minimum temp I think is like 60.8 which is freezing and the max is 85. One more quick thing is USA swimming is that all pool swimming? So USA swimming there's the like the competition side of like pool swimming and then they have an open water division as well. Okay. And as far as safety personnel go... And the water was reported at that the water
Starting point is 01:21:00 supposedly the only number I've heard is that it was 86 or 87 by the way. So the water in Texas from what I've heard is that it was 86 or 87 by the way. So the water in Texas, from what I've heard, I haven't heard anything official, but supposedly was one or two degrees warmer than that. Okay, go ahead. So as far as safety personnel, there's not a requirement to have divers, but USA Swimming says a ratio of the athlete to safety personnel is not as important as the response time. So their requirement is, you know, however many safety people you have, they have to be able to reach any swimmer anywhere within 20 seconds.
Starting point is 01:21:37 Well then then then CrossFit then then that probably is not an issue. Isn't that kind of crazy? I'm going to go off on a tangent here. But isn't that kind of crazy? I'm gonna go off on a sub tangent here But isn't that kind of crazy because if you read about drowning stories, so I was in a pool That was only two feet deep There was only it was a circle pool It was 12 feet deep or it was two feet deep with a probably like a 12 or 15 foot diameter with my kids in
Starting point is 01:22:02 Hawaii and and and my twins probably started drowning like five times like you know in three days you know I mean like I saw like they were taller than two feet and they would go under but because they were babies right they were like a year and a half old they would just start drowning you go over and pull them out and they're fucking choking on water I mean like people can drink you could drown and you people drown all the stories you read on the internet people drown like in one second yeah I mean how people can drown. All the stories you read on the internet, people drown in one second. Yeah, I mean, active drowning is like-
Starting point is 01:22:27 How can they have that 20 second rule? That doesn't sound right. That's right? Yeah, 20 seconds. You gotta be able to reach anyone in the water within 20 seconds. Wow. Because if you're active drowning,
Starting point is 01:22:38 it's like 60 seconds or under. And that's if you see him. That's if you see him. I mean, because basically, if's if you see him, that's if you see him. I mean, because basically if you don't see him, I mean, in a pool you can see him, but people still drown in it. I mean, you've heard stories, tons of stories, right? Whether it's just a pool full of people
Starting point is 01:22:55 and then someone dies in there, drowns. Yeah, it happens a lot of time in, you know, really crowded public pools. That's why I think it was like a week or two ago, you guys were on there with Grunler, and you're talking about like the high visibility caps and he was like, but it has nothing to do with visibility. You know, which I think he's very wrong because you got, like you said, you're in a, you're in a dark water environment. You know, you got to have something on your head that at least helps you stand out.
Starting point is 01:23:25 Not saying that it's perfect, but you got to have something. And that's exactly like you said, 20 seconds if you see them. Well, and if it's hot though, a cap's not the issue. Like ideally it would be a buoy, right? Like those buoys you see? I totally agree. I totally agree. You know, whenever I trained, I never wore a cap in practice because just like you're saying, like I would be on fire the whole time.
Starting point is 01:23:46 So that is true. It does make you hot. Yeah. Don't you think that's weird that a CrossFit coach, how could a complete moron like me know that like I would never have someone run with a swim cap on? Like I would never ask someone to run, even if it was cold outside, even if it was 42 degrees, I would never have someone run, maybe with earmuffs, but I would never ask anyone to run as fast as they could
Starting point is 01:24:12 for three and a half miles with anything covering their head. There's no fucking way. No, absolutely not. When I train my guys, if they're having any type of issue, first thing that comes off as a cap and it's almost like an immediate like relief, you know, that's what a wrestler would do to fucking sweat to purposely fucking wound themselves.
Starting point is 01:24:34 Yeah. I mean, if you want to keep heating your body, you know, put some on your hands, feet in your head. So yeah, a silicone rubber thing on your head is definitely not gonna allow you to dissipate heat. Yeah, that's a trip Yeah, I know I know people are you know freaking out about you know, there should have been more people this that whatever But you know as far as you say so many of these concerns, you know They don't really care about what the ratio is. They're more concerned about the response time. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:25:07 Um, so, so, so if you were so, okay, right. So, so w no, if the pool's only 12 feet in diameter, one lifeguard would do it. Even if there were a thousand kids in there, cause you could fucking grab anyone within one second. Just reach over. Well, I know that, uh, when you get into that space, a lot of pools have, I know that When you get into that space a lot of pools have you know like guard to Baylor ratios If you have X amount of people you have to have just many guards So that's like totally different but yeah, it happens all the time in pools, you know, there's pools that have like the zero entry
Starting point is 01:25:41 No, what's this? No That's if someone takes a shit in the pool, no one can go in. Zero entry. Yes, but no. It's like, it starts off really, really shallow, almost like a beach. Oh yeah, those are cool. Yes, yes. But people, people, like kids drown in those things all the freaking time. You know, because parents just say, you know, they assume that, oh, it's shallow. You know, you're good.
Starting point is 01:26:09 Next thing you know, like your kid is on their stomach. So as water roll over, they're dead, you know? Yeah. But anyway. So what's your what's your OK, so what's your what did you hear about? Just out of curiosity, do you think the water was too warm to swim in? You think they should have called off the event? You know, I mean, hindsight's 20-20, maybe so. Right.
Starting point is 01:26:35 You know, if it is like, if they can link it to, you know, being heat related, which, you know, it's Texas, it's hot, you know, that water is going to be really warm. Um, maybe they should have done differently. Maybe they should have paid more attention to water temperature. Um, if I was running the event, I would be very strict on the temperature rules, you know, the temperature recommendations, but that's just me. Well, they will going forward. Uh, yeah, I think they're gonna do a lot of different things, you know.
Starting point is 01:27:10 All right. Thank you. Anyway. Yeah, man. Love the show. Yep. Thanks, brother. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:27:18 See you. All right. Dave's in the clear. Let's get back to work. Okay. So back to CNN. Back to CNN. Nope, not back to CNN. Hola amigo. Hello. Hello. What's up, Seve? How are you? Good, man.
Starting point is 01:27:46 We're going to talk dogs. Are we going to talk eating dogs? No, my dog was hot like that. Okay. All right. I was at the affiliate summit over the weekend. Oh shit. Do you own an affiliate? I don't.
Starting point is 01:28:00 I'm a head coach down here in San Diego. Okay. But, uh, it'd be beneficial to check it out, go kind of sit in on these conversations. Okay. Yeah, it was good, man. It was good. Yeah, it was excellent. We started Friday.
Starting point is 01:28:16 Um, we had Invictus just hosted us for a workout. Okay. Super simple. Your show. So after we didn't really talk too much business, but Saturday we kind of kicked things off. Don talked to us for a little while and kind of broke down kind of where we're going, where we're at, where things are. And I'll hit it on the front end. I think through the entire weekend, there was only one question about
Starting point is 01:28:43 the sport across it and Just I've only been in the community for like three years So just seeing that affiliates kind of really don't care about the games. It's kind of interesting. Uh-huh sounds familiar really think that Affiliates just want people to come move towards, you know That health and sickness continue and move towards that healthy side and kind of focus on that so it was good yeah it's good to say the least so it was kind of confirming what this crew already knows this podcast crew already knows like hey like hey does that affect your
Starting point is 01:29:19 opinion too also like like now we've heard the PFAA blabbering now for four years we've never heard them mention affiliates. It's an important distinction, right? Like, hey, what's best for the community? How does it affect my opinion? Yes and no. I mean, yes, you have this entity of the PFAA coming out and trying to use a circumstance, though unfortunate, to rally more people to be behind. But I joined CrossFit because I wanted to be healthy. I didn't really join because I wanted to compete. It was only through years of trying to be an athlete that I was like, okay, well, maybe I'll compete in this local comp. Maybe I'll, you know, go join my friends for a partner comp. But I wasn't looking at
Starting point is 01:30:09 it like, Hey, oh my gosh, I want to get to the cross-strait games. And, and I think like, maybe one in like a hundred thousand athletes in just my local area want to compete at the game. So it's very like, I get the sense. And I feel after hearing some affiliate owners talk, it's like, Hey, let, let rogue run the CrossFit games standard of what it is to be fit. Let, you know, let water Palooza put on these competitions, let all these other entities just control the games because the, the elite athletes will flock to it. You know, I think it's just more important that we see that the affiliate kind of just rise up
Starting point is 01:30:50 through different programs. So we talked about a few programs. We talked about CrossFit in a federal space using, I'm learning about this now, it's like health service accounts to help allow people to be like, hey, use your money to go to a crossFit gym because you're going to get your nutrition looked at. You're going to get your exercise looked at.
Starting point is 01:31:12 You're going to build towards being a better human being. So I thought it was quite interesting to just to talk about those sort of things. I don't know if you have any questions. Just so you know, so all of those things sound great, but those are all of those things were explored under Greg Glassman. So I'll give you, I'll tell you the reason why you don't want the government involved in CrossFit at all. You don't want them paying for fucking affiliate fees.
Starting point is 01:31:35 You don't want them doing anything because what ends up happening is they end up getting in bed together and really bad shit happens. So it's like California is in bed with the federal government. So if we don't do something that they want, you know what they do? They say, we're not going to give you money to build your
Starting point is 01:31:50 highways. That's why Greg never wanted sponsors. Yeah, it's a it's like the cigarette industry. And people will be like, Oh, my God, it's so cool that they're putting all these taxes and regulations on cigarettes. Well, then the federal government ends up starts making you know, what a billion dollars a year from cigarette sales. And all of a sudden, they're not helping people, they're partners with these people.
Starting point is 01:32:12 And there's all sorts of these ideas that kind of sound good. But man, you gotta look at like case study and see what happens. My point specifically was was that the the That I think is so valid is the fact that the athletes have a shit ton of influence, right? You got a million followers who just want to stare at your fucking ass jiggles You sprint a hundred meters, but their actual value to the community is like none and who knows that the affiliates you just ask them Yeah, and so
Starting point is 01:32:45 yeah and that's not a bad thing I'm not I'm not saying that in a disparaging way to the athletes but it's the same with any any NFL football player right like your value is so huge to the NFL but your influence is not there you're not gonna change the rules of the game you're not gonna change the size of the football you're not gonna become like a head coach or anything. Your only value is selling razors. I mean, your influence is in selling razors, not in anything else. Yeah, except for idiots.
Starting point is 01:33:13 I mean, look at people are going to vote to vote for Kamala because Taylor Swift said so. Right. I mean, it's like, so, so yeah, I think when I think the PFA is just trying to talk to the idiots in the room. Yeah. I think the PFA is just trying to talk to the idiots in the room. Yeah, I think some other interesting things that Don talked about was the revamp of media. Yeah. Obviously, we know, Hillary has pointed out that like, you know, they fire their two media
Starting point is 01:33:38 people. It's a whole revamp, you know, over the next three months, it's going to look a lot different. And yeah, they're just looking to push out more education about not just the L1, but the L2. They're just seeing more value in the L2 in the long term and be interested to see how that might look. There wasn't really specific details, just more like, hey, keep an eye out over socials over the next you know a couple months you could see a new YouTube channel come up that's
Starting point is 01:34:09 dedicated to education training nutrition so just you know look for a look for long-form content so I thought that was pretty pretty interesting as well yeah this is something that he's been saying for three years so I'll be very curious if anything is actually done yeah I would also and I and I hope something's done but this is also something that one 22 year old hard-working filmmaker could do he could turn out a piece of content every single day and so it'll be curious I mean I'll be curious if I just I really hope you're right, but I think that they're in paralysis right now.
Starting point is 01:34:46 I don't think, like, I don't even think if they made content, they would release it because they have so many fucking, they're so concerned about their image. Like, they're not free. They're not the UFC. They're not a Pat McAfee. They're not, you know what I mean? They're just, I think they're just paralyzed.
Starting point is 01:35:04 I hope I'm wrong though just I think they're just paralyzed I Hope I'm wrong though. I hope I'm wrong, and I'm glad you're reporting all this. I'm glad you're telling me all this yeah, I Got a chance to talk with Maggie Mullen she does branding at CrossFit. Yeah, I think she was like I think she was an intern when I was there as I recall I Told her straightforward. I just want to see you guys grab some Gen Z 22 year old who just wants to sit on their phone and make content for you guys. Yes. There's hundreds of social media accounts that are across the world for sporting teams,
Starting point is 01:35:40 brands, businesses. And at the end of the day, like they reach the masses because they're speaking from that, from that side of it. It's like, dude, like there are plenty, like he's a plenty of hungry 21, 22 year olds who can eight to 10 hours, no questions asked, give you five 30 second clips and a couple three minute long clips. You know, it's like super easy. And I just think that's something that they should look for is just find, find someone who wants to, to do that, make themselves like indisposable.
Starting point is 01:36:10 What was this chick Maggie's, uh, what was her title again? Uh, she was a branding specifically branding. Was Nicole Carol at this meeting? I don't think so. I, most of it was led by Katie Hogan and Lisa Ray. So mad respect, mad respect for them, mad respect for them. Yeah. And they did, they did really well.
Starting point is 01:36:33 I thought I loved Lisa's conversation about the coaching. Katie Hogan kind of was like the master's of ceremony kind of just move the timeline along and led things things but crazy capable crazy capable humans Alisa and Katie Super awesome keynote speakers as well. So we got to talk about that and then I got to meet Eric, what's his name? He works with Media black guy Preston Yeah, stud. He was great guy great guy
Starting point is 01:37:08 So I got a chat with him for a little bit and that was that was pretty fun, you know But otherwise a pretty pretty good weekend. I mean Yeah, Eric and Lisa and Katie are amazing. I think Maggie maybe replaced Eva Claire Sinkowski who is a fucking legend as Nicole Carol's assistant. I think that chick was like a fucking intern when I was there And I got some There was some pretty funny. I think a lot of girl. I think that girl is a lesbian I think a lot of girls in the office were really attracted to her and we're trying to move in on her Just I'm just spitballing just just free balling, just freestyling a little bit here.
Starting point is 01:37:46 Trying to remember. Well, yeah, that was my weekend. It was a pretty good weekend. Well, good. It sounds like it was a positive thing. Yeah, super positive, man. Great. How did Don look?
Starting point is 01:37:58 It's just, from some people I heard he looked like he's aged 30 years since the fucking drowning. Was he okay? Because normally Don looks like a super model This was my first time meeting him. He seemed pretty pretty come composed. We worked out on Friday He was he was hanging out the youngest of us. Yeah, he's a beast Saturday he was he was chilling man. Like you didn't really his voice didn't really break I mean, he looked a little pale maybe Maybe that's like travel weather or whatever,
Starting point is 01:38:25 but he didn't look like too aged or anything by the situation. All right, did he say anything about going to DC? Yeah, he actually, he hit that on the forefront. He talked a little bit about it. I think the guy's name was like Cali something he was with. Yep.
Starting point is 01:38:44 And they talked a bit about Their conversations and what they hope to see out of it. He mentioned that Cali was going on on Joe Rogan in a couple weeks and that he was also on Tucker Carlson a couple weeks ago So I thought it'd be cool myself personally just to see what that conversation might be like with him on Rogan in a couple weeks And yeah, we'll definitely see so it was good. Yeah, it's weird to see what that conversation might be like with him on roguing in a couple weeks and yeah, we'll definitely see so it was good Yeah, it's weird to see these people Doing those tours because We all know that Greg Glassman has the chops for this and he built the 15,000 fucking centers
Starting point is 01:39:21 You know He spearheaded and gave the open the door to open open 15,000 centers around the world to directly attack this Yeah, and now these people are just talking heads about it I don't want to poo poo them, but I just feel like this is one of those things it's gonna come and go if this is like the the Flavor of the of the month and then it will move on but meanwhile CrossFit's been putting in the hard work for fucking 20 years and and like they just finally found out and it's like
Starting point is 01:39:49 we all know what it is you have to stop eating fucking sugar and You got a move get off the couch in that order. So I don't know I It's cool. It's cool that it's in the space. Maybe I'm just a pessimist No, I'm cautiously optimistic is what I hear. It's like you want the best for you aren't gonna You're not knocking down someone's hard work. You just want to see the fruit of the labor kind of yeah Let me see. Let me see this Cali dude in the CrossFit gym Yeah, and then I'll and be a practitioner. Yeah
Starting point is 01:40:24 Yeah. And then I'll be a practitioner. Yeah. Yeah. All right, dude. I appreciate you listening out. All right. Thank you. Thanks for calling. Yeah, of course. All right. A report from the affiliate gathering, glowing reports for Dawnfall and HQ. I'm not telling you guys how I really feel, just so you know, I am not. I am not telling you guys how I really feel, just so you know. I am not. I am not. I am holding back like a mother. Tick-Tockers death after running scorching Disneyland half
Starting point is 01:40:56 marathon comes as heat related fatalities. We don't even know what a tick-talker is. That's what's so crazy about the bullshit that's on CNN. One day before he ran the Disney Halloween half marathon during last week's Southern California heat wave, Bobby Graves shared his trepidations about the torrid sun and humidity with thousands of his TikTok followers.
Starting point is 01:41:16 Buh. Graves35, who went by his middle name, Caleb, posted a video September 7th in which he expressed concerns about the 90 plus degree heat and says he was marginally worried. Who uses the word marginally? Cucks. Cucks. Dan Guerrero uses the word marginally. Graves35 who went by his middle name says, marginally worried about running the next morning.
Starting point is 01:41:47 Graves rested on a pillow after a 20 minute early afternoon walk. Rested on a pillow with his dog in the City Garden Grove in Northern Orange County. 10 minutes after I came back in, I just passed out, he said in the post describing what he felt as heat exhaustion. The experienced long distance runner,
Starting point is 01:42:05 he was an experienced long distance runner, and Disney race enthusiast admitted having some susceptibility to high temperatures and said the UV exposure with the heat in Southern California is its own kind of beast. I really hope I get through the race tomorrow morning, Grave told his followers. About 7 a.m. last Sunday, he crossed the finish line
Starting point is 01:42:23 in one hour and 56 minutes. So that means he started at 5 a.m. if he crossed at 7 a.m. last Sunday, he crossed the finish line in one hour 56 minutes. So that means he started at 5 a.m. if he crossed at 7 a.m. A volunteer grabbed him before he fell. Anaheim Police Sergeant Matt Sutter said about an hour later Graves in full cardiac arrest was pronounced dead at the hospital. Orange County coroner's office says it is investigating whether the heat or something else killed the young attorney. I'll let you guys fill in the fucking blanks. Listen, listen.
Starting point is 01:43:14 Temperatures that day range from 74 to 106. Well, he wasn't... He finished the race at 7am. I wonder what day that is. Let's 7 a.m. I wonder what day that is let's look up let's see a sunrise in at Los Angeles today's sunrise time Los Angeles sunrise in Los Angeles today is 637 a.m. Weather Los Angeles night time. Today today's temperature in Los Angeles is a high of 63. Can that be? Sounds kind of low.
Starting point is 01:44:18 Oh, no, no, sorry. That was the weather. Oh, no, tonight at 10m. It'll be 63 degrees So it's probably below 60 degrees when he was running Right isn't it coldest right before the Sun comes up Los Angeles overnight Los Angeles overnight. 61 degrees.
Starting point is 01:45:01 You know what's crazy? The... oh, oh. The record high for today is from 2012, 103 degrees. L.A. is not Texas, that's for sure. And I sure as fuck don't want to be called a tick tocker. Thank you, Ryan, 100 percent. 2300 Americans died in 2023 due to global warming. It's coming for all of you. Wow, Doug Reed tobacco pays over a hundred and million in taxes daily. I know. That's what I mean.
Starting point is 01:45:56 Like I don't think and I don't think anyone at CrossFit has the chops to be negotiating or going to DC or talking about fucking cholesterol or public policy or like they got no one over there who should there's no one over there who should be going over there. Like next thing you know, Cross will be partnering with Coca Cola for exercises medicine. There's there's no in that picture, one of the guys that Don went to DC with... Uh-oh, I better be careful. I'm gonna go on a fucking rampage. Was the ice bath guy, some guy that sells ice tubs or ice baths.
Starting point is 01:46:35 It's like, shut the fuck up. How is CrossFit even in the same world? It's like the same guy who owns GoRuck. I hear that guy talk and he thinks he wants to be like Greg glassman like he thinks he's like It's like dude, you're not even show some fucking humility. You're a fucking accessory to fucking what is CrossFit show fucking just a smidge of Humility when you're in the presence of Titans One of Don's even read the journal. David Weed, with his own numbers, 8,500 people died in Spain in 2023 because of anal sex.
Starting point is 01:47:17 That's nice. No, I'm not going to do it. I'm not going to do it. I'm not gonna do it. I'm gonna be cool. I'm gonna be cool for a little bit longer. I wonder if they fired the CEO of Disneyland because that guy died in the marathon. I will say this, Don is very lucky to be surrounded with people like fucking Lisa Ray, Katie Hogan. Who is the other guy I mentioned? Preston. Maybe that is his last name. Those are all, especially Lisa spent a shitload of time with Greg Glassman. Nobody died of heat exhaustion in the Isle of Man forever. I get him Seve. I'll just wait. I'm just gonna wait a few months. I'm just gonna wait a few months. Just gonna chill. Do my shit. Just chill, Seve, chill.
Starting point is 01:48:38 Tomorrow. Tomorrow's show is not for everybody. Oh, who texts me on this phone? What do you want? Uh... Oh... Tomorrow's show is not for everybody. Oh, who texts me on this phone? What do you want? Oh, someone just, is this someone eating a dog in Haiti? Oh, oh my goodness. Oh, oh my goodness. Oh my goodness. Oh my goodness. Oh my goodness. I don't know if I can show that video.
Starting point is 01:49:15 Okay. Yeah, I mean. Man, oh man. Wow. Wow. Someone told me Haitians even eat manatees. Do you guys know what that is? Wow.
Starting point is 01:49:36 I saw a manatee in Key West. Someone just sent me a video of a street scene in Haiti where they're killing cats and eating them. That's tough. Manatee? Manatee? That's a crazy picture. You say manatee, I say manatee. Alright tomorrow, let me tell you about who we're having on tomorrow. No, you're panicking.
Starting point is 01:50:18 You're like, no, Seve, don't go. Heyco Sepp, is that his name? Tomorrow we are having Haco sep on. He goes post vaccination health is dire and his story resonates with many who have faced similar challenges. Your support will be crucial in helping Haco. Let me see if I can find the story how he popped on my radar. Was it a video? Oh, he's got a movie. He's got a movie coming out.
Starting point is 01:51:00 Oh, man. I wonder if I can show this to you without getting a ding. You guys ready? Oops. Oops. I don't know if I can show this to you. He was a Norwegian extreme athlete on a harrowing journey from heart inflammation to autoimmune diseases, witnessing his relentless quest for answers. The documentary is called My Biggest Battle. Here I'll put a link in
Starting point is 01:51:46 the... here's a link. Yeah, this is gonna be a gnarly show tomorrow. Homeboy has fucking life turned upside down from the uh, vaccine. I better put this link in here. Anyone see Taylor self-compete this week? He's at some competition. Someone sent me something about boobs. Oh no. Oh. Cancer events. Oh, interesting. Okay. All right, anything else? Who paid for the lunch with you Susan, Greg pursues his earlier comment on the podcast
Starting point is 01:53:18 that day. I assume Greg did. Greg pays for everything. I've been in that restaurant where Greg paid for every single person in the restaurant. You guys know that story. We were in there early one morning. The place was packed. It should not have been packed. It was fucking packed. I wonder if I have the hat that I got that day. And all the dudes were dressed in like fatigues and shit and they were all clearly some sort of like, policia. And I can't remember if one of
Starting point is 01:54:00 the guys came over to the table. Yeah, one of the guys came over to the table and said, Hey, are you Greg Glassman? And Greg said, yeah. And he's like, I do CrossFit and all this stuff. And then we found out it was probably like 7 a.m. And it was Ice, a group of like 20 or 30 Ice guys who'd just gotten off of work, maybe 40. I don't know, it was a shitload of dudes, maybe 50.
Starting point is 01:54:20 I don't know, restaurant was packed. And it was all dudes From ice who just finished a night mission collecting bad guys in the area and Then we got up a great shit He'll pay for all these guys and we tried to slip away But then like five or six of the guys chased us outside and took pictures with Greg and they gave him a hat And Greg gave me the hat Well, yeah, Greg has more money than me and Susa so he pays
Starting point is 01:54:56 Just like you know What size boobs are too big? Oh, that's a stupid question. So stupid. Come on, Barry. You know the answer to that. I think we had breakfast. That's where I overate. We didn't have lunch. We had breakfast. I should see if Greg wants to go to breakfast now. Oh, any interest in cilantro this morning or early afternoon? Oh Any interest in cilantro this morning or early afternoon. Oh, yes
Starting point is 01:55:39 Yes, I am ready oh shit I'm going I'm going oh shit I Haven't seen Dave in a long time. I wonder if I could get Dave to come out with us. They open at 11 a.m. right? God life is fun. What's today Sunday? I gotta call my wife really quick. I could do this on my own time, but fuck it. Will the show get flagged on YouTube tomorrow? Maybe.
Starting point is 01:56:25 Hi. Good morning. Hey, is everyone awake? Oh yeah. Oh yeah. Do we have plans today? No, not that I know of. I know you mentioned going skating maybe, but that was it. Okay. I'm going to take, I think I'm going to take the boys out like at 10. Can they hear me?
Starting point is 01:56:53 Can the boys hear me? No. All right. You don't have to come if you want to chill, you can chill or you can come with me. I'm going to go to the spot at 11 a.m. For some some reason I don't think I should say where I'm going anymore because yesterday Someone showed up where I went Obviously you and Greg and Matt thought recognized I thought about that like did he say exactly where he was going? Yeah, I made a post on Instagram, which is okay. The dude is cool. The dude is cool as shit. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:57:30 Yeah, did you have the mystery around your life? Well, if I'm gonna go to the, I go to the Mexican part of town, so no one will recognize me. If I wanted to get recognized, I'd go to one of the fucking cut cafes in town. Kamala cafes. Right. Yeah. Kamala cafe. Yeah. Okay. I was debating whether I wanted to do an 11 a.m. class. Yeah, you can.
Starting point is 01:57:53 Okay. Okay. All right. Okay. Love you. Bye. Love you. Bye. All right, well that's easy. Oh, no one's gonna abduct me. I just wanna get my swerve on at 11 a.m. I can't be seeing anyone. Oh shit, Judy, hi, hi, hi. Can your wife write a workout that she could beat you at? Oh dude, are you kidding me? There's this workout she does once a week, it's 300 air squats per time, she just did
Starting point is 01:58:53 nine something, 934. I cannot do that. I think she could beat me in a lot of shit Seve do you have your CCW? Hold on let me look that up see I have to go pee is what I have You see I carry concealed weapon All right, this's taking a downturn. Talk to you guys later. That was fun. Appreciate you hanging with me this morning.
Starting point is 01:59:42 See you guys tomorrow. Bye bye.

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