The Sevan Podcast - Faithful Stewardship

Episode Date: June 11, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by car and other conditions apply. Prime Day is here. With epic deals exclusively for Prime members, you'll feel like a winner. Behind door number three is amazing deals.
Starting point is 00:00:41 Shop deals on electronics, home, and more this Prime Day. Bam, we're live. Oh, I have a feeling my internet's going to be worse today than yesterday. Who wants to tell me my mic is wrong? Nope, it's not wrong. Good morning, Chris. Seema, what's up? Dick Butter, let's do this.
Starting point is 00:01:03 I wonder if, you know, every day when the show's over, I have to go over to the YouTube account and I have to ask for my show to be reviewed because every single show gets flagged. And I wonder if just saying Dick Butter's name in the first two minutes gets it flagged. Because someone said if you swear in the first two minutes, you automatically get flagged. flagged because someone said if you swear in the first two minutes you automatically get flagged the good news is is i'd say i don't know 90 nine and ten shows that i asked for review get cleared and when i say get flagged i don't even know exactly what that means i suspect what that means is they give you less impressions they send the show out to less people and also you're not when they do that obviously they want to make money off of everything that's published on youtube so if you can't monetize your
Starting point is 00:01:49 account because it has something that uh people who run ads and youtubes don't want to be affiliated with let's say like squaring i think that that in turn then youtube is not incentivized to share your show so uh i i i wonder if dick butter gets me flagged just saying the name anyway most of the stuff gets uh released uh david good morning steven what's up dude jake uh what a lovely window i'm looking the internet connection looks pretty weak again today today's my last day on the road. I don't have to get back, I shouldn't say it like this, but I'm not getting back in the boat. Yesterday after we got off the boat, the boat was pulled out of the water and trailered the rest of the way up to Santa Cruz. Sevan Six Shooter, what up Sevy?
Starting point is 00:02:44 Oh, you call me Sevy even. Looking fresh, Sevy. I worked out yesterday. Yesterday was the first day of time I worked out since, I don't know, whenever I left. Yeah, we showed up to this swanky, swanky hotel in Santa Barbara. I got here. I did a, I downloaded interval timer on my app and then did a, uh,
Starting point is 00:03:22 30 minute workout. I am at the, where am I? I am at, I think the place is called Rosewood. I don't even know the name of it. I'm going around the hotel. It's crazy nice though I bet you um My my room probably has like a thousand when I got here My room has like a thousand dollars worth of alcohol in it I bet i've never seen so much alcohol in the room fancy alcohol with all the lids wax shuttings Uh, no, no, no roadhead on this trip. No Thank you for asking Uh is the russell No roadhead on this trip. No. Thank you for asking. Is the Russell Burger show Rumble and X only?
Starting point is 00:03:48 That's a good question. I don't know. I suspect we will stream live to YouTube. And then at the end afterwards, if we get crazy, then we'll switch back to – we'll pull it off of YouTube. I don't want to get kicked off of YouTube. What's my address? I don't know the address here, but it's in Santa Barbara. Good morning, Trish. Good morning. Ernie Garza. What's the deal with Trish? Is this the original Trish?
Starting point is 00:04:21 Sometimes the debate comes up. This isn't the original Trish. There's a behind-the-scenes I want to show you, a trailer for the behind-the-scenes. If you want to see the behind-the-scenes early, and there's going to be a ton of shows. I bet you there's, my guess is there's going to be four from Knoxville and four from the event that happened on the West Coast. So four from the Syndicate Crown semifinal, which Tia and Daniel Brandon, uh, and down pepper,
Starting point is 00:04:47 et cetera, we're at. And I suspect there'll be four from the West coast, which was put on by, uh, Dylan and loud and live. And that has people like, uh,
Starting point is 00:04:56 Katie hand, you hand, you hand, yo, uh, Alex Kazan, uh, Colton Mertens,
Starting point is 00:05:01 Justin Madera, people like this, but, uh, we'll, we'll brand setter put together a little, a little trailer and you can sign Medeiros, people like this. But Will Branstad have put together a little trailer. And you can sign up to be a CEO member and you can
Starting point is 00:05:10 start watching these right away. But here's a little trailer of the one from the East Coast. These are really good. Here we go. acquaintances. I want to prove that I am a better version of myself. I'm here with actually my mom, a whole other thing to navigate right now. Don't talk about that, it's embarrassing. I don't know why I can still run. It's so serious. People think I'm kidding when I say that.
Starting point is 00:05:38 I told them that's the most proud I've been after an event probably ever. Haiti, can you? Haiti, can you? Howdy, can you? Howdy, can you? There's some iteration that's correct. We'll know soon. I saw a post that Scott Schweitzer did where you've been on his show 15 times.
Starting point is 00:06:17 15 times. Scott. Clydesdale Media. Like he's Nostradamus. Like he knew. Judy Reed. Hi, Sevan. Sevan friends, by the way. By the the way the behind the scenes was really good will and suzer are great behind the camera interviewing
Starting point is 00:06:31 yeah dude they killed it they killed it yes uh trish this behind the scenes has a uh i noticed that myself all the trailers and all the music and it's got a whole different feel than any other behind-the-scenes. Usually the stuff I feel like the stuff that I've done in the past or the stuff the Buttery Bros do for sure, just that people do have kind of like techno music. It feels like, I don't know, Transformers music. And this version of the behind-the the scenes doesn't have any of that. It's like Will came. It feels like Will's from the 1950s.
Starting point is 00:07:10 Killer music choices. Yeah, cool. Awesome. Yeah, totally different kind of music. Yeah, very upbeat. They should have Tupac as music. I don't know if we can do that. Scott Schweitzer.
Starting point is 00:07:22 I knew. He knew. He knew. He knew. know if we can do that uh scott schweitzer i knew he knew he knew he knew how about the four hostages that were released yesterday pretty crazy right released i guess i guess you could say they were released i've been trying to get i've been trying to catch up on the news i haven't i haven't been following the news very much in the last few days. And yesterday I got home, and I watched two stories on – there were four hostages in Gaza who the IDF special forces, Israeli special forces, went in and rescued four hostages. And the different news stories are quite fascinating, but they keep interchanging these words civilian and soldiers.
Starting point is 00:08:17 And I keep wondering how you delineate or distinguish – how you distinguish civilians from soldiers being that the hostages were being held by what they called civilians. And I wasn't sure if I had remembered this correctly, but I found this article in Reuters, and it says three in four Palestinians believe October 7th attacks by Hamas on Israel was correct. So I've never seen a country so unified around something. I don't think we have any polls that are like 75% in the United States. in the United States. I bet you if the question was here in the United States, should we stay as a democracy or switch to communism, you couldn't get 75% of the people
Starting point is 00:08:53 that say we should stick with democracy. And yet 75% of the Palestinian civilians polled believe that October 7th was a righteous attack. And so when you do that, when you have a country that's unified like that, and you're at war with the other country. You have to expect some pretty serious aggression. And we've talked about it before. When the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor, they killed just over 2,000 people. And in retribution, the United States killed 900,000 to 3.5 million Japanese, depending on what source you use. depending on what source you use.
Starting point is 00:09:49 It's amazing to me that so many people are still... Of course, no one wants to see any human beings killed on some level, right? We're all brothers and sisters. On some level, we're all related. Pat Lang, Palestinians, I'm guessing, are lied to on the reg and believe Israelrael is doing the same to them all the time it's about misinformation i couldn't agree more you're you're probably absolutely right you're probably absolutely right
Starting point is 00:10:18 uh i can't imagine 75% would agree with that. I can't – unfortunately – I agree the number is really high, but unfortunately I can. I do believe it. If I had to bet a million bucks on whether it America, death to America, and death to the Jews. I mean it's part of their upbringing. I mean there's so many crazy statistics around the whole thing, so many crazy statistics. One of the most fascinating ones is that inside of Israel, there's 2 million Muslims who live inside of Israel. And yet there's not even a thousand Jews who live in the 54 Muslim nations.
Starting point is 00:11:18 Jake Chapman, just like when kids are taught they're victims. Jason speaks, you can't, you can believe nothing anymore that's an interesting sentence but yeah yesterday greg and i were sitting at the hotel and this guy rolls up really big old dude looks like a professional football player a really beautiful wife uh they both look like foreigners and they have two very stunning kids probably like three and five years old and they walk up to the table and greg stands up and this guy just opens his arms and grabs greg and just says i love you it was wild just and he was just beaming and he just grabs greg and goes i love you and then he i think he said it like three times
Starting point is 00:12:03 and he wanted greg to really know he loved him he's like i know i mean goes, I love you. And then he, I think he said it like three times and he wanted Greg to really know he loved him. He's like, I know, I mean it. I really love you. I really love you as his beautiful wife and two beautiful kids looked on and I looked on and then they, and Greg embraced him back. And then they, when they separated the guys, like I own four gyms, I own four CrossFit gyms. And he goes, and I'm in the midst of purchasing a fifth. It was wild. It was really cool. And I don't, to be honest, I don't expect to see anyone I know here. My room at this hotel costs more than probably the Airbnb cost all week in Compton.
Starting point is 00:12:44 No, it was not Matt Fraser. Good guess, though. It was a really big guy. And so he hung out and we talked. He gave me the obligatory, hey, I really love your podcast. I felt seen. I followed his Instagram account. His Instagram account for a CrossFit gym had like 10,000 followers, almost 10,000 followers. Does Greg pay for everything? And then some. He pays for everything and then some. Listen, I pay my mortgage with the the cost of this room it's fun uh these these trips that we do these trips that i do with them i love the uh adventures to all the swanky hotels and i've never been to this hotel there used to be a hotel right
Starting point is 00:13:38 adjacent to this this is in actually in montecito and there used to be a hotel right next to this that was owned by um the guy who created the Beanie Babies and Bill Gates it was a uh it was called the Biltmore it was one of the four season properties and during COVID it went out of business it was an amazing hotel it was on a beach called Butterfly Beach and um and so it closed down and so as we came up through here um he said hey we're going to stay at this hotel next door he had been here before i had not been here and it's it's nice it's like a village the the hotel is like a village i have my own little a villa patio crazy pool here oh what a generous man. Yeah, I mean, Greg's crazy generous. And to be honest, if he didn't pay,
Starting point is 00:14:29 like, I couldn't come. Like, I don't know where I'd stay. I'd bring a tent. I mean, fuck it, Santa Barbara. Tank Reeves. Gay. All about the clout. So cool to be an influencer.
Starting point is 00:14:44 This too shall pass. I don't understand. I don't understand. I got this. Greg's reaction was great. You know what I mean? The guy walked right up to him. He goes, I love you.
Starting point is 00:15:02 And Greg, they just hugged. They just embraced. The guy didn't even say why. he hadn't even got out that he owned gyms or anything greg just stood up and hugged the shit out of him and then greg's like here's my phone number they talked for 15 minutes they shot the shit they stood there i had these salty almonds on the table i shared them with the little kids. I just hung out with the kids. And Greg's like, hey, if you ever need anything or if you ever have an anniversary or if you ever do any parties or anything at your gym, please invite me. I'd love to show up. Yeah, lots of gay.
Starting point is 00:15:39 It was lots of gay stuff going on. It was fun. I love gay stuff. We had another crazy encounter last night too. I don't know if I'm going to get into that. Very – extremely positive. Greg's very – these interactions with strangers though when you're with Greg are not uncommon. He will engage – he'll engage anybody. he'll engage anybody.
Starting point is 00:16:10 I mean, you know, if there's a guy outside of a Home Depot begging for money, Greg will engage him. Hey, what's your deal? What are you doing? Are you addicted to drugs? Why are you here? Thought about getting a job. Do you have any family? I mean, the homeboy will engage anybody with some crazy intensity and sincerity. He is not, he's kind of the opposite of me. I'm like a little bit averse to, I mean, I like strangers, but I can be a little averse to social contact at times. I was definitely not in the mood to talk to anyone yesterday. We'd been on the boat for three, three and a half hours. I should share some of the pictures I took. We, we, I'd never seen the,
Starting point is 00:16:55 I mean, I've been up and down the California coast hundreds and hundreds of times on all the roads, the one-on-one, the five, the one, all that stuff. But this time we were in a boat, uh, you know, basically just following the coast at 30 to 50 miles an hour the whole time. And so I saw this whole, I got this whole perspective of the coastline that I'd never gotten before. And what are you doing there? Nothing. I'm talking to you. I'm like nothing. The objective was to pick his boat up from San Diego and bring it up to Santa Cruz. He's going to be, I think Greg's going to be in Santa Cruz for the next three weeks. It's a very capable ship. It's called an Axelpar.
Starting point is 00:17:31 I think basically he keeps saying that every day we're going to go out whale watching with the kids off the coast of Santa Barbara. Off the coast of Santa Cruz. That's what we're doing. Jake Chapman with the important questions. What's more gay, being a swim coach or snorting coke out of a man's – great.
Starting point is 00:17:57 Okay. Okay. Seve, I still can't wait for the text me anytime from Seve. Yeah. Text me anytime. I prefer, I prefer text. So,
Starting point is 00:18:18 um, let's see. So you're Gilligan andreg is the skipper i mean for the first three days i just sat in the back of the boat i never went to the front of the boat or for the and then yesterday for the last hour i finally convinced greg's wife is pregnant and i convinced her because she was up in the front of the boat and i was like hey man you got to come to the back of the boat the in the back of the boat the bumps and the rocking is so minimal that all I have to do is put my head down and within like five minutes I'm asleep it I just you can just it's so easy to sleep back there to lie down on the couch
Starting point is 00:18:57 so uh I finally convinced her yesterday I was like hey let's switch spots. Let me sit in the front and you go lay in the back. And within 30 seconds of being back there, she's like, oh, my God, it's amazing back here. And she stayed back there probably for the last hour and a half. And I sat in the front. And the front's crazy because you're flying through the water. We went by some – we went to some – we saw some crazy stuff yesterday. We went by these ships that were like 700 feet long, that were massive, like car carriers. And we went up right up next to them.
Starting point is 00:19:32 We went by, there's tons of, I don't know if they're called, I think they're called oil derricks out in the ocean, out here off the coast of Santa Barbara. We drove right next to those. I got to see those up close. There's no other boats out there. I saw 500 dolphins yesterday i saw we saw a whale uh endless amount of birds crazy amount of bird traffic
Starting point is 00:19:54 but there are huge swaths of the coast where there's no boats and there's no activity and we were just flying up the coast. Heidi said something. I text Seve never just in case he's busy. I'm always busy. Always text me. I have 358 unanswered texts right now. But it's okay. Sooner or later, I'll have a huge deuce to take and I'll just sit there and go through all my texts. Are you guys handling all the driving and navigating?
Starting point is 00:20:36 Yeah. I mean, the boat has the same. It has these two huge screens and it tells you about anything. So like when we pass a giant boat, you can click on the screen and it will give you all the details about the boat it'll tell you where the boat's from how long it is what year it was put into commission there's spots on the on the map that you can click and it'll tell you that this is like a i forget what it's called a natural nature you know animal area and you click on it and then when you get close to it you'll see you're just out in the middle of the ocean and there's just gazillions of birds. So I'm guessing those are shallow spots. I mean, the boat's telling you everything and you can see everything. You can just put, you can just touch your finger on a spot on the map and then put go and the boat
Starting point is 00:21:17 will go there. And that spot could be a thousand miles away. It doesn't even matter. And then all you have to do is adjust the speed. You don't even have to adjust the speed if you don't want every, I mean, everything's auto. I mean, Greg drove the boat manually, I'd say for 90% of the trip, but I suspect it's just like flying a plane in terms of the navigational tools. It looks just like the screens on his planes, on his two planes.
Starting point is 00:21:41 He had up in the front, there's these two screens that the captain's always fucking with. It looks just like that greg is part professor and part uh uh skipper yes that's correct that's correct yeah and the boat does have a gy i think it's called the gyroscope in the center of the boat you can't see it but there is a steel ball i don't know it's probably like this big and it's in a case and it spins and i want to say it spins it
Starting point is 00:22:22 i don't know they told us it's either i think it's somewhere like 10 or 20 000 revolutions a minute and then you push a button and it takes 30 minutes to spool up and then you push a button and it somehow engages the the boat and it keeps the boat from rocking it's nuts it was truly a pleasure I can't believe how much I enjoyed the ride. I was kind of dreading it. I felt like I was going to be trapped. And anytime I had to pee, he would just slow down. And I would just go to the back of the boat.
Starting point is 00:22:53 And I would drop to one knee. And there's this little spot between the engine. And this little spot where you dive off of. I put one hand on the engine and the other hand on my dick. And just pee right in that little space. So, there's that. There is a bathroom in the boat. There's no reason to use the bathroom.
Starting point is 00:23:19 I wish I could text Seve. You can text me. Anyone can text me. I've reached a point in my life where I feel no pressure to respond to texts. Unless you're a sponsor. I have Sarah pinned at the top of my text. I just finally did that. The CA Peptide.
Starting point is 00:23:40 Lady who owns CA Peptides. I just finally pinned her to the top. I don't want to miss any of her texts. How much is the boat worth? I knew that number. But I forget. It's really expensive. And I didn't realize how special the boat is until every
Starting point is 00:23:59 harbor we pull into, someone has to say something to us. It's like, he has this really fancy Hennessy TRX that has a thousand horsepower. I think it's like one of 70 and everywhere, if you go out in it, someone
Starting point is 00:24:15 will say something to you. And it's like that. To me, it just looks like a normal, beautiful, you know, boat, small boat, big boat. I don't know. It's 37 feet. But people who know boats, everyone has to say something to them. So there's that. If enough of you buy CEO memberships, maybe I'll buy a boat.
Starting point is 00:24:40 Probably not, though. I don't know how many CEO memberships it would take. Would Greg buy CrossFit back if given the opportunity? I mean, I think he'd buy it back for a dollar. I don't think more than that. I think at some point they have, someone has to just realize like, Hey, without this guy at the helm, it's just never going to go. You know, there's a, there's an, his understanding of what CrossFit is, is significantly different than what the current owners think CrossFit is.
Starting point is 00:25:35 So they're trying to change it into something that I don't think it can personally be and that I don't even think that they're aware that they're trying to change it into. And so I think from where Greg sits, he can see what they're doing, but they would never be able to understand what it really is unless they had, you know, 10 years of hanging out with Greg. I think like, I think Nicole understands what it is. I think Dave does. I think there's a few other people who, who work there that probably do,
Starting point is 00:25:55 but you'd have to sit, you'd have to be at breakfast with Greg, like 500, at least I had to be, maybe I'm just slow, but I had to be, I had to do 500 breakfasts with Greg before I understood what CrossFit was. like a media company, but it has to be respected and understood as a, um, as a activist, uh, company, like a, like, um, you know, like a Greenpeace or a Sierra club. It has to be
Starting point is 00:26:35 that it's like, it's a, it's a, uh, ideology. It's a, it's a, it's a way of life you know and sharing that with people is different than trying to get them to buy M&M's Dennis thank you you now have access to the behind the scenes you've cracked the code Dennis McTaggart thank you
Starting point is 00:26:58 best 20 bucks you ever spent the trip would have made great content. Bring your media guys with you. Be priceless. My media guys. If 30,000 do memberships, you can buy a boat. So if 30,000 people did memberships at $20 a month, that would be $600,000 this month.
Starting point is 00:27:19 That'd be cool. I'd probably pay off the house I live in. This month. I'd like to see the investment report on CrossFit right now. I mean, I think clearly what they're doing now is they're trying to reduce their costs by any means necessary make the company look as good as they can on paper increase revenue increase profit and and then obviously sell don had an interesting you know a couple weeks ago there was the that video that Pedro put out. Actually, you know what? I think Don's going to be on Coffee Pods and Wads. Let me look at this. Coffee Pods and Wads. Let me see real quick.
Starting point is 00:28:16 Coffee Pods and Wads. For some reason, I thought I heard. WIT Fitness Buyback, Dan Williams. I wonder what that's about. There's an interesting story there. I should call Pedro and talk to him about wit. I don't see, I don't see,
Starting point is 00:28:50 I thought for some reason, Don fall was coming on Pedro's podcast, but anyway, Pedro reported member. He played that. He had a guy on the show and the guy said that Don said that they were going to, they were trying to sell the company. And that later on a statement came out from HQ. I think it came directly from Don saying that, like, hey, that guy who said that wasn't even there.
Starting point is 00:29:07 And we're not actively trying to sell the company. But, of course, we're eventually going to sell the company, which the whole thing didn't make sense to me. I think like like obviously the people who bought the company, their goal at the end is to sell the company. I don't think that they have. I've never heard of some sort of plan they have to keep it forever and mold it into something they cherish. I don't think they view it as like a dog that they bought and they're going to keep it until it dies and nurture it and take care of it and feed it. I think the whole plan has always been that. So it's weird that he says that's not true, and yet in the same paragraph does say it's true. So basically he's saying, I didn't say it, but it is true.
Starting point is 00:29:45 I don't know. I't it was weird i i understand how it frustrated don but because maybe the um the narrative behind how that information was shared isn't true but i mean clearly the people who bought it would love to sell it make a profit. That's why they bought it. So, and I think that I would have to guess that's by any means necessary. I think that's by any means necessary. Oh, hold on.
Starting point is 00:30:15 It looks like I'm being summoned. Greg's wife is summoning me let me see what she's doing anyway I think I heard that Don's going to be on Pedro's podcast and that'll be cool to see him on there. Ian Stenett. In my opinion, all the really good CrossFit boxes seem to just ignore CrossFit HQ
Starting point is 00:30:53 and get on with delivering for their members. Fair enough. CF needs to find its place in the world of functional fitness again. Would you operate an affiliate with that idea, Savant? I don't know what idea you're referencing. But if I were to run an affiliate, I mean, like what Ian is saying is probably true. My relation, if I ran an affiliate, my relation, if I ran an affiliate,
Starting point is 00:31:31 I'm guessing that I'm just making this up, but that 80% of the stuff that I talk about, about HQ wouldn't be relevant. I mean, I would, I would want to know, but I, it wouldn't be relevant to me other than just for excitement and narrative and fun. I think at the end of the day, I mean, Craig Howard said it the best, like all we want from HQ is for them not to fuck up the brand. And then the affiliates will do the rest.
Starting point is 00:32:01 But I do think that there are some really simple, simple things, obviously, that CrossFit could do like CrossFit should. And we've said this a million times, sound like a broken record now, but the, if they, if they need a goal, if they need something to do like a litmus test to pass all of their actions through, everything should be 100% focused on let's make sure that we're the premier. Uh, uh, we let the world know that we have the premier seminar on, on how to stay healthy in the world and then just keep pounding that in. Right. And that would be enough.
Starting point is 00:32:34 The whole community would flourish if they just kept focused on that. So does it matter if old people are doing it? Doesn't matter. Does it matter if Asians are doing it? It doesn't matter. Like take all the resources. Does it matter how many girls you have working at the company? doing, it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter if, uh, Asians are doing it. It doesn't matter. Like take all the resources. It doesn't matter how many girls you have working at the company. No, it doesn't matter. Like take all of that away and just strictly focus on sharing with the world content that comes out of the level one, uh, putting a flagpole in the premise that this is the premier fitness method and health methodology in the world and only focus everything on that. And if it's not helping that don't, um, don't go down that Avenue. I mean, it would flourish. It would, I mean, it would absolutely, uh, flourish.
Starting point is 00:33:17 I was thinking yesterday, I wanted to run this by Dave. I, uh, I ran into, um, a master's athlete who works for CrossFit. And I was thinking, so an example of that would be if any of the employees who work at CrossFit Inc. made it to the games, I would give them a stipend. I would give them like any athlete who works for CrossFit who makes it to the games, I'd give $1,000 to. 100%. Just simple like that. Oh, here's a thousand bucks. Fuck, I'd give them more. I'd give them 5,000 bucks. And why? Because they're like, they're at the pinnacle and they're the poster child. And those are the people I would want to incentivize to keep around. And a lot of people misunderstand this statement, what I'm saying. They'd be like, well, that's easy for you to say because you're not an affiliate owner. But I would not worry
Starting point is 00:34:10 about the health and wellness and the getting people from different demographics to get into CrossFit. I don't think that they even have any of the resources to do any of that. I would abandon all of that and just focus on the spear and all that nonsense. When people say, well, the games makes it look like it's too hard or it's too intimidating. I would just ignore all of that noise. And I wouldn't worry about that because as we all know, anyone who makes it through that veil of our top, you know, a forward facing athletes, we'll see that it's, it's, it's for everyone once they get inside. And those would be the kind of people that I would want in my gym anyway. So do you see what I'm saying? So it's
Starting point is 00:34:50 like, you're looking at a waterfall and you're like, wow, that's insane. But for the people who have the balls to push through it and look through it, they can get in on the other side, which is very easy to do. All you have to do is walk into any affiliate. At that point you would see, oh shit. Inside of here, there's old people. There's people with one leg. There's people who have had strokes. There's just, there's the whole swath of people and that they can scale this for any of us. And so on the, on the cover, it's just forward facing. It's just brand value, brand value, brand value. But once you scratch the surface, you would, you could get inside and be like, oh, shit, it's for everyone.
Starting point is 00:35:26 And that's the way it used to be. And it was very successful like that. And I don't think you need to block part of the waterfall so people can see back there to come in. I don't think that that's necessary at all. Because also the people inside the affiliates will talk to other people and let them know, hey, we have people from the whole gambit, swath of life, and the hands that human beings have been dealt inside of these affiliates. And if you have limited resources, I would just do that. I would just keep talking to the base, keep talking to the base, keep building the brand up as like, hey, we have the fittest people in the world.
Starting point is 00:36:00 We have the best instruction in the world. We have the best nutrition protocol in the world that that's how that's how i do it and and there's always some affiliates who say well that's easy for you to say and they get focused on uh they get focused on trying to entice people or they want hq to entice people maybe to come into the gyms outside of that i don't think it's necessary at all. Trish, I want to hear the sales pitch. Rosa bought it for the same reason middle-aged men buy sports cars that lose value as soon as they drive them. CrossFit has been sitting in Rosa's garage for five years. I think that's pretty fair.
Starting point is 00:36:41 I think he really loved CrossFit, what it meant to him. That's why he bought it. And what it meant to him is, I think, what he thought it was. What's up, D'Souza? How you doing, buddy? Good to see you. Oh, would you run your affiliate with the idea that it was a media company and actors organization? No.
Starting point is 00:37:04 Nope. I don't think I would. I wouldn't run my affiliate like that i would run the company like that i wouldn't run my affiliate like that mrs burns from sabbath hey i don't think our affiliate pays much attention to hq happenings yeah probably smart uh jeffrey birchfield if you haven't seen josh's latest video uh it's a must watch it's awesome is that the one he uh that famous comedian was at his house
Starting point is 00:37:35 i do want to see that uh ryan kendall i own an affiliate like craig howard and seve said just don't want cfhq to fuck up the brand yeah uh dana white wme uh like building niche sports give them a shot yeah i would if someone like uh wme were to or silver lake i think that's the parent company, were to buy CrossFit and see it as an important component to their portfolio as a long-term player to be a part of the WWE and UFC franchisesises i think crossfit could flourish but it's going to take someone and i and i think that you know i think the only person standing at the company who could do that would be someone like dave but it's going to have to like
Starting point is 00:38:37 it's going to have to be someone's going to have to be given like what, what a carte blanche control who can just say, fuck you and doesn't hear the noise and doesn't care. You know what I mean? I mean, look at, look at what Dana's gone through and, and the brand and that brand strongest shit. You know what I was thinking too,
Starting point is 00:38:58 is like, and I've said this before too, on the show many times, if they have a press conference, UFC does a lot of press conferences, a lot of press conferences. Like every week they do a couple press conferences, and I don't watch any of the press conferences Dana White's not at. There's a bravado, a clarity in his speech and honesty that he comes across that I don't think CrossFit has forward-facing in its leadership. If they want it to go that way, and I think they do have to go that way, and I do think if WME bought it, I think that they would have the balls to be like, okay, let's straighten the ship and turn around. And obviously, in my entire life,
Starting point is 00:39:51 I've never met a better fighter than Greg Glassman. The dude can really fight. And that was a huge part of the brand, right? He would see the enemies on the horizon and he would fuck them up. And he would war. And I think that that's a really and i think that that's a really uh i think that that was a really important part of the brand uh seven when are you going to release the media challenge soon so i'll tell you about the media challenge this is like one of the things
Starting point is 00:40:14 i'm so excited about this so uh you've probably heard me talk about it the last three days so i'm gonna just tell the story again i saw that uh semi, I saw at semifinals, they weren't running any ads for the affiliates or the level one or any of that stuff like I did for the behind the scenes last year. And they probably had, I'm guessing, I'm just making this number up 300 to 500 minutes of down air time when they showed the semifinals around the world, meaning in between the events, when they were resetting the weights, there would just be something on the screen that says, we'll be right back. And instead of saying we'll be right back, they should have shown like some old lady getting her first pull up. Right. Or they should have shown a Cross burpees, or they could have asked a barbell spin for something. They could, they should have,
Starting point is 00:41:06 they should have had something, something they could have just shown James Hobart teaching the squat. That's it. But that would have been great. Hey guys, I'm going to show you the squat. And it's like a three minute video shows you squat and ends, go to an affiliate near you to get the same level of coaching.
Starting point is 00:41:21 That's I mean, just anything like that. Right. Just, but all it said is we'll be right back. And it showed some, like, has been athletes like snatching or doing cleans and shit. And although it was shot beautifully, I don't even, I don't think it was great. So, um, I don't, I don't remember exactly how it came to me, but then I was like,
Starting point is 00:41:43 we, Greg had done, uh uh had told me to do video contests before when i worked at crossfit and we did video contests and i was like maybe we need to do a video contest and then i thought oh no fuck a video contest let's do a campaign contest so a campaign would be a group of like five videos right and the videos would be 30 seconds to 90 seconds long each and they would be just these little, and you could be anything. The campaign could be, but they would all be around CrossFit affiliates. So I spoke to this guy. Actually, I was talking about it on the show.
Starting point is 00:42:19 And Justin Zimbo from Salty Hive CrossFit in Utah contacted me and said, hey, we got a filmmaker at my gym who wants to talk to you about this film contest. So I called the guy and we were talking and we came up with this idea for this campaign. And I'm not sure exactly what he's doing, but the idea that we talked about was like, hey, just sit people down from your gym, this huge swath of characters in your gym, and ask them, what does your affiliate mean to you? Capture their story, put some B-roll behind it and some nice music. And you'll have these little vignettes. Some will make you cry. Some will make you happy. Some will inspire you. And they can be anything.
Starting point is 00:42:56 There's no right or wrong answer. Like it could be just, Hey, I'm here to get pussy. Hey, I'm here because I have type two diabetes and I heard it could cure me. It could be fucking anything. It could be because I saw the, uh, I'm looking for a good husband or I'm looking for a good way, anything I'm here to network. It doesn't matter. And you put those five videos together. So he's like, Hey, I'll do that. So then I called, uh, Chris Cooper over at two brain business. And I was like, Chris, what do you think about this idea for this? And before I could even say anything, he's like, yeah, absolutely. I mean, I didn't even get the idea out. And, uh, he's so cool. He's like, Hey, I love what you're doing. Uh, anything to support the affiliates. So I was like, okay. So then he, I was like, Hey, uh, can we put together some prize
Starting point is 00:43:41 money and build this out? I got a guy who's making videos already that will be the example. Those won't be in the contest, but it'll just be the example of a campaign. And then, and then let's give away some prize money. And I suggested some prize money and Chris doubled it. He's like, no, let's do this. And he said, let's do 5,000 for first, 3,000 for second, 2,000 for third. And so you can start making the videos now. It's 100%. I mean, we're going to give that money away. And the goal is for me, selfishly for me, why I want to do it is I want to have all of these videos. So I was thinking if only five people enter the contest worldwide, I would have 30 affiliate commercials. But if 20 people entered, I would have 100 affiliate commercials but if 20 people entered i would have 100 affiliate commercials and so then at any time during the shows um i could just run them and find the scenes we have
Starting point is 00:44:32 some good stuff planned i was giving them live dances and stuff we're doing the macarena it's gotta be against the law And when I'm in the bed, I'm looking for love. Oh, I'm just looking for love. It's got to be against the law to look this damn good. Watch out now. Everybody watch out. Watch out now. Everybody watch out. Watch out now.
Starting point is 00:44:58 Watch out. And like that's a commercial right there. I just have to click the button for our behind the scenes. And now someone's going to purchase a membership for $20. And I made $20 off that commercial. I'll wait. Go ahead. Buy your membership now. Dana White has expressed openly his disdain for CrossFit.
Starting point is 00:45:24 We don't want him in control of hq uh no i i i that that's if that's true it's just his misunderstanding of it it would they would be great there are some huge proponents huge lovers of crossfit uh and very powerful people at uh wme very very very very very powerful people uh You lotion that skin against heavy looking young. No, it must. There must be a filter on and I don't know how to turn it off. I want to turn it off so I can see the real me. Scott's White's was trying to tell me yesterday how to do it, but I don't see it.
Starting point is 00:45:56 I went into settings. Oh, no, no, it's not. OK, sorry. It's not. It's not on. OK, look, I touched i just turned it on okay wow okay shit i see it so that's touched up that's me touched up and let me see if i can turn it off settings uh and this is me uh not touched up oh i guess i just yeah i guess i just look good
Starting point is 00:46:22 i guess i just look good. I guess I just looked good. So I wasn't touched up. Vindicate, Dana's part owner of UFC, Power Slap, Nitro Circus, Nitro Cross, and now meeting with NASCAR, they will spend money to make money. Oh, hold on. Restaurant right next to the lounge you were at yesterday, join us. Okay, I'm coming Finishing podcast
Starting point is 00:46:54 The skipper is summoning me It's like I don't want seven show that seven's not at oh You mean when we have a guest I Need I need I Oh Jill. There you are jill took took 20 closer to getting a boat i would never buy a boat ever uh would you be open to content creators around the world joining the sebon media team yeah here's the thing i i don't really know how it works so I can't it's not like that I don't really know how it works you have that maybe ask Sousa how it works. I don't know how it works. It just works. I don't know how it works. Will, do you know how it works? Will knows. Will's on the media team, but I don't know how it works.
Starting point is 00:47:53 I don't know how – so I'll just tell you this. I'll tell you just how this happened. So I had this idea for Kill Taylor, and so I called Sousa and then ran the idea by him and he liked it. And then I ran it by Taylor and he liked it. And then I called Will and then all of a sudden Will just took control of the show. So like I didn't ask him. I don't know how it works, but then he just took a he's just self-appointed in charge of the branding of the show.
Starting point is 00:48:31 So like he makes the workout cards, like he just sees shit that needs to be done. Or Caleb runs the back end, so all of a sudden Caleb's like, uh-oh, we better have a clock on there. So then, or, and I don't know if Will makes the spot for the clock or Caleb makes the spot for for the clock but all of a sudden one day there's a clock
Starting point is 00:48:49 there and then i'm like okay who would be really good on the show and then i think oh and i look andrew's good and uh he fucking anywhere andrew goes the numbers skyrocket so then you ask andrew hiller and i and me and andrew fucking love each other so then uh i invite andrew on and then i think okay who's who's i just thought oh tyler would be great because he's chill and he's funny and i just like his whole southern approach to things and then i know pedro can just be ruthless so i'm like okay i'll invite those guys on and then that's it and then every week every week someone tries to make it better a little bit better like every week like my job is like just to make sure the phone works and i just make the
Starting point is 00:49:32 schedule and i and um and susan just make sure we have money for it and i don't know how I don't really know how it works, but that's that. But it just does. So, yeah, I mean, did we'll in here respond? Oh, Captain Frog. Thank you. God, I can't tell you how happy I am to get members. It's so cool. Oh, show value. Yeah. So there's just stuff.
Starting point is 00:50:02 There's just stuff that everyone kind of does for each other. You know? Like one day I'll just look at my inbox and there'll be a video from my Instagram that Andrew made me. Or, yeah, everyone just does stuff for each other in the group. I don't really know. It's really weird. Yeah, D'Souza is definitely the CFO. It's weird.
Starting point is 00:50:30 Sousa has access to like. Every like all my bank accounts. Will and Sousa and Caleb, I think, have in Rios have. Oh, yeah. So then Rio. So I'll give you an example. So Rios came around and then all of a sudden, as people like him more and more and you build more and more trust now, Rios. Oh, Rios did the same thing with Matutian. All of a sudden there was a Matutian Instagram account and he's taken over the branding for Matutian. And he just one day will be like, hey, can you get a pic? Can you get me Matutians? I'm like, sure.
Starting point is 00:51:04 And he just one day will be like, hey, can you get a pic? Can you get me my toothy ins? I'm like sure I Miss Brian friend. Yeah, man. That was fun. Brian and I had a fucking thing going didn't we but we were crushing We were absolutely crushing John John Young never never says no to a show ever Ever That is that is the other thing too. No one ever says no. And maybe I'm just a sucker for that. No one ever says no. My kids love the tooth powder.
Starting point is 00:51:40 I know my kids love it too. My kids absolutely fucking love it. It makes me so happy. Jill, I remember when Stefan brought him on the CrossFit podcast at HQ. Oh, Brian, yeah. You're like an affiliate of the media team. Well, you know what's going to happen here in a minute. What's going to happen – by the way, I want to tell you something about Chris Cooper too real quick, and then I want to tell you something about the media.
Starting point is 00:52:24 Chris Cooper just had Chris. So Chris Cooper owns the largest gym consulting business in the world. And he has a summit every single year where affiliates, all the affiliates who use the two brain service are invited and pay some sort of fee. And they all, or I don't know if they even pay a fee, but they all come out and congregate in one city in the world. And this year when I called, when I called Chris to tell him about
Starting point is 00:52:50 the project, I said, Oh, Hey, isn't your summit coming up? And he said, yeah. And I could tell something was weird with Chris. Like when I called him, like he, like he had done some MDMA or something. He was like super high. And like, I mean, he's always a positive, pleasant man to talk to on the phone, but he was, he was like, like he had seen God, like he was exceptionally high. I could feel it through the phone. And I was like, Hey dude, what's up? I'm like, Oh, you got your meat. You got your summit coming up. And he, and he's like, dude, we sold out. We have a thousand people coming. I wish I had a bigger place. And like, I could tell he was so touched and excited and I'm projecting onto him, but I think, you know, his goal is just to make CrossFit gym successful, to give them the tools
Starting point is 00:53:33 to be successful. And so when his company is doing well, he feels validated, I'm guessing in his work. And so I don't know if you guys have seen the pictures, but there are some crazy pictures of the group of people that came together in Chicago. The pictures are crazy. I've never, uh, they had a shitload of people at the summit. Yeah. I've actually never, I've been to a lot of different media, uh, CrossFit affiliate events. I've never been to an affiliate event that has many people that Chris had. And so I think he was just on cloud nine and just really feeling the, uh, the work that he's put in coming to fruition. I mean, he's been doing it for years and years and I feel horrible for not going. He always invites me, but I like, I don't want to fly out to Chicago, but, uh, he's absolutely,
Starting point is 00:54:21 uh, his, his community that's at Two Brains absolutely nuts with affiliate owners and gym owners. So when I started the podcast, you know, obviously I had just been fired. And so I had a lot of angst and frustration with CrossFit. And I think that angst and frustration and negativity has subsided tremendously. I think it's it's waned. I've processed it. I've owned, I've tried to own, I have owned the situation that my life has brought me to and that I'm in, right? And then in the success of this podcast, it's also allowed me to settle down. That being said, they did get a new CMO named Jenna Haka, and I consciously am trying to have a very positive relationship with her.
Starting point is 00:55:06 I want to have like a healthy, like loving relationship with her as opposed to some, as opposed to another friction point with HQ. And so I, um, that's like really important to me. That's really – Jenna is awful. Why do you say that? I don't know. I don't think so. Let me tell you a quick story.
Starting point is 00:55:33 Shit, I got to go. This guy yesterday comes and walks by Greg and I, and he's wearing a Santa Cruz sweatshirt. And Greg goes, oh, you're from Santa Cruz? And he goes, no, I'm from – and he tells us where he's from. He's like from Auburn. And then we start talking, and he comes and sits down. He ends up sitting down with us like for three hours, him and his wife. And at one point, he was telling me some Bible verses. And at one point, he was basically, I was telling about the transition I went in
Starting point is 00:56:03 from being just like a hippie walking the earth and love everybody to that starting to go away as I see these things in the world that I feel like could be a threat to my kids, right? And he said, hey, it's important to love thy enemy. And he starts giving me some Bible quotes. enemy and he starts giving me some bible quotes and i he says and he goes on to explain and to me and it's this huge like reminder he says you love and explains to me you love your enemy so that they're no longer your enemy and uh and you know god like i really needed to hear that not that i ever viewed jenner crossfit as my enemy but if you love your enemy then they're not your enemy and it was just a uh it just really stuck last night it really stuck and so i see her um jenna's part
Starting point is 00:57:11 of the revolving door that is hq that might be true we'll see um jenna's promoting gay crossfit maybe maybe i would i would i would say at most it's this. She I mean, like I said, I'm perfectly OK with gay CrossFit and and tranny CrossFit and, you know, Jew CrossFit and Armenian CrossFit. it's not HQ's role to drive those agendas. It's not anyone's role to drive those agendas. The agenda should be to be a good person and you'll attract good people. But I also know where she comes from and the environment that she's working. And I just think that she, clearly that video that they made backfired.
Starting point is 00:58:01 If the goal was to make everything more inclusive, that wasn't the way to do it that video that just video was just added more uh divisiveness to the to the crossfit community and and and i personally think probably most gay people couldn't stand it either um didn't yoda say all of this probably Probably. Probably Yoda did. Trish, the same reason you have to let your anxiety, hate, fear, and anger into your conscience and welcome it and address it, you have to sit with it and look at it.
Starting point is 00:58:37 Mrs. Burns, you free yourself when you do that. Mike McCaskey, I no longer love everybody. Sebon, why do you think so many of your relationships with HQ peeps are sour? Boy, that's a huge one. I wish someone else would answer that. I don't really want to answer that. uh m telford i want a limited edition uh ceo shirt with the king on it uh the king to be bald with the lice edition wow
Starting point is 00:59:17 that's interesting maybe vindicate can make that the lice edition That's interesting. Maybe Vindicate can make that. The Lice Edition. Video contest. I suspect. Let's say let's say half the people who run affiliates can't stand me or what this show stands for. They think I'm sophomoric or juvenile or what's the term? Alt alt right. Is that the word alt right? at some point and I think this video contest pushes it over the edge it's very clear that a guy sitting in his hotel room with Andrew Hiller and Will Branstetter and Matt Sousa and Tyler Watkins by their side
Starting point is 01:00:22 who all have day jobs how are they producing 100 affiliate commercials Matt Sousa and Tyler Watkins by their side, who all have day jobs, how are they producing 100 affiliate commercials and nothing's happening over at HQ? At some point, because of the steam and the momentum, the really slow, steady momentum that the media from the outside is building, there'll have to be a moment of reckoning. So, less than one minute to
Starting point is 01:00:47 the hour mark. And we did it. Okay. I'm going to go to breakfast with Greg. Uh, Oh, Mike McCaskey, sophomore juvenile alt-right. I watched a, I watched a, it's so funny. I watched a, I watched a, it's so funny. I watched a, um, a video, I guess there was a cop in some city that died and that they,
Starting point is 01:01:12 they wanted to fly the, the, the American flag with the blue stripe on it at half mass. And that day the gay flag was up there, which I call the pedo flag. Now the pedo flag was up there, which I call the pedo flag now. The pedo flag was up there. And they said that the city council voted. Oh, shit. The city council voted to not allow the flag with the blue stripe on there because it represented hate.
Starting point is 01:01:42 And it's crazy because I've never thought of any American flag. Obviously someone thinks that, right? I don't know. I don't know why they think that or how they got to that. But in the same way, you could just argue that I think that the pride flag represents pedophiles and has nothing to do with being gay. And that clearly whatever, whatever, whatever version you have of the gay flag or that rain'll just call it the rainbow flag whether you think it's a pedo flag or whatever you think it is it is a sex flag there's no one denying that
Starting point is 01:02:13 so the whole thing is like how can your argument be that the American flag with the blue stripe on it's offensive so we're not going to put it up but then this rainbow flag is okay no it's got to be I bet you that flag is way more offensive to people than the anyway
Starting point is 01:02:29 it's just it's all nonsense arguments coming from the left no one from the right would give a shit about the about the the rainbow flag if you didn't put it on school buildings. Dude, it has nothing to do with pedophiles.
Starting point is 01:02:52 Nothing. You're absolutely wrong. You're absolutely wrong. It has everything. They've co-opted the flag. You're not going to change my mind on that. Pedos and trannies have co-opted the flag. Women hating men who want to take things away from women, take things away from people based on their genitalia have co-opted the flag.
Starting point is 01:03:12 Sorry, dude. I appreciate your stance on it, but you're so 2019, dude. It's 2024. Do you remember the swastika is a symbol for Buddhism? And then the Nazis snagged it. Are you still back in the days that the swastika is cool because it's part of Buddhism? Pat, are you gay? Yes, Pat is gay. Pat and I have a lot of rough gay sex.
Starting point is 01:03:44 I can validate that. All right. Hinduism. Thank you, Trish. Whatever. You know what I mean. Okay. Love you guys. Thank you. I'll see you tomorrow. Tomorrow's going to be crazy. Tomorrow, we have two fighters on from Bellator. They're two of the best fighters in the Bellator. I'd say they are the two best fighters in Bellator.
Starting point is 01:04:02 And they're in the 185-pound division, and they'll be fighting in a couple weeks we have one of them the beloved Dalton Rosta on I think in the evening and Magic Mike Norbert in the morning if you don't know Dalton Rosta has one loss and Magic Mike Norbert
Starting point is 01:04:18 is undefeated both young aggressive dudes alright guys love you thank you bye bye

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