The Sevan Podcast - Greg Glassman #10 | Live Call In

Episode Date: August 30, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is an advertisement from BetterHelp. Everyone knows therapy is great for solving problems. But turns out, therapy has some issues of its own. Finding the right therapist, fitting into their schedule, and, of course, the cost. BetterHelp can help solve these problems. It's online, convenient, built around your schedule, and surprisingly affordable, too. Connect with a credentialed therapist by phone, video, or online chat. Visit to learn more.
Starting point is 00:00:27 That's meeting with friends before the show we can book your reservation and when you get to the main event skip to the good bit using the card member entrance let's go seize the night that's the powerful backing of american express visit slash y amex benefits vary by card other conditions bam we're live hey good morning christine what's up mooney rambler uh yeah glassman opinions on taking more than six grams of fish oil oh that's a good one good morning three or four more days at this remote location before I get back to the studio. Justin, what's up? Good morning. Coach Ken, good morning. Matt, what's up? Schindledecker. I know I owe you a text. I see an unopened text on my phone from you.
Starting point is 00:01:37 Good morning. Greg, good morning. Good morning. You got your spot. That's your spot. Yeah. I mean, I'm kind of sitting in a classroom-like dumpster, you know? I got Lego projects going on on either side of the table. It's not my favorite thing, but... Hey, did you tell the rest of the homies in the house that you're going to be consuming all the bandwidth for the next 90 minutes
Starting point is 00:02:09 um we're without visitors so it's pretty quiet oh gotcha all right yeah am i doing dude no yeah you sound perfect. You're crystal clear. Absolutely. Your picture is perfect. I just thought that was a fascinating phenomenon. If you get, I guess that's like why places you go like the large events, you know, like, I don't know, let's just make up the Super Bowl and everyone's cell service just takes a shitter. It's just too many phones for one tower. Yeah, I had a house full of teenagers. Okay.
Starting point is 00:02:43 I think. I think so. Yeah uh robbie good morning philip kelly good morning cave dastro good morning uh mr walker stay safe today dennis o'leary geez wow brandon lecoq that's a real name That's that guy's real name. Good morning. What a full house. Holy cow. What about that? So it looks like Tyson did it.
Starting point is 00:03:20 The Travis Bajan son is now the number two quarterback for the Chicago Bears. It's amazing. It's a beautiful thing. I wonder if there's some sort of, um, I share your sense of, I'm, I'm more proud for he enticed and Travis overly. Um,
Starting point is 00:03:35 but, uh, it's an amazing and beautiful thing. As good as he is. It's still an underdog story, which is, I feel, i don't want anyone to think that i didn't believe in him and i don't know how amazing he is but it's still an underdog story he was telling people that his kid was going to be a quarterback in the nfl when the kid was rolling
Starting point is 00:03:57 his eyes at his dad uh-huh and it was a it was it was uh clearly tra Travis's dream. And he coached, encouraged, and strategized a backdoor entry into the NFL that's as amazing as the kid is amazing and talented. Right. I mean, this is all consistent with potentially he being one of the greatest quarterbacks of all time. I don't – you know, that doesn't make it even more amazing if that happens. Right. Right where he's at. It's unbelievable.
Starting point is 00:04:36 The Bears will now hand the role to undrafted rookie. So not even drafted. They're already saying that the scouts and the coaches and the management look like geniuses. What a great thing to be said about you. Right, right. Some people have said that about you. Yeah. The Bears will now hand the role to undrafted rookie Tyson Bajent or veteran Nathan Peterman. Bajent, who signed with Chicago after playing for offensive coordinator Luke Getzke's squad at the Senior Bowl.
Starting point is 00:05:05 So that's one of the things, right, that's interesting about the story. I guess whatever is considered the Pro Bowl of college football is the Senior Bowl. D2 players don't normally get invited there. Tyson was invited there, and the coach of that team, the guest coach, happened to be the offensive coordinator for the Chicago Bears, this Luke Getzke. So he's probably getting the pats on the back that he's a genius right hey good job taking a risk on the kid it was it was uh tweeted by a blue check that there's a promotion coming because of this how's that oh wow yeah this is this is a good get. Financially and talent-wise and in the sense of incubating a talent. So, you know, they got this kid on the hook for three years. Is it, Seve?
Starting point is 00:05:52 I think that's what I heard. I either heard or saw it written. I can't remember. Three years. At what is for him a fortune. In what is for the league, nothing. Right. God, it's so good.
Starting point is 00:06:08 Did you see... I'll tell you what, hands out. You know, he keeps... He stays on this trajectory, let's say. And the financial opportunities for him down the road will be, will be enormous. Not that there's anything wrong with making with a mill, something a year anyways.
Starting point is 00:06:33 Right. As opposed to 400 million for 10 years. Yeah. Right. Right. Did you also see a, one of the, one of the things I saw was that he,
Starting point is 00:06:44 Chicago's the largest media market in the United States with only one team. Meaning he doesn't have to share the press with two football teams. I think like a big city like LA might have or like New York has the Giants and the Jets, things like that. It's a cool place, cool spot. It's a cool place. Cool spot. And I think lots of people like us who have kids and who are fathers, whereas it's weird. You get some, I don't know, some proximity pride. Like you're like, you're stoked. You're more stoked than you, I'm more stoked than I thought I would be.
Starting point is 00:07:25 I'm surprised how excited I am for Travis. It's an epic hold my beer, watch this. Right. Right. And you're just glad you were there and proud to be a witness to it. Yeah, yeah. Your kid's going to be in the NFL, you know. As opposed to there's a lot of professions that people might be jealous to. You know what I mean? Like, fuck that.
Starting point is 00:07:50 You know what I mean? Like, you're feigning. Oh, good job. Congratulations. I think that a lot of people are sincerely really happy for this dude. Yeah, it's good shit. And I imagine there's some of this around almost every player. Right.
Starting point is 00:08:05 Right. That's a good point around almost every player. Right. Right. That's a good point. Friends and family. Right. Every guy. Right. Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:08:16 For a lot of those kids, it wasn't ever seen as a long shot either. Right. Good point. Though it may have been. As you say that, I don't know how many, let's say there's 30 teams or 32 teams or whatever in the NFL, and each one got, let's say, 10 new players. I'm just making that up.
Starting point is 00:08:34 So that's 300 kids somewhere on the planet. Their little communities of friends and family are like, holy shit, you did it. Like, this is going on. What is interesting about this story, though, is like Tyson, someone sent me a screenshot. Tyson's name was trending on Twitter. So this story is getting a little more buzz or X or whatever they call it now.
Starting point is 00:08:53 Are you going to switch the name? Are you going to keep calling it Twitter or X? Are you fluid? I have no idea. You didn't go to bed last night being like, shit, should I keep calling it Twitter or X? Yeah, yeah. you didn't go to bed last night being like shit should i keep calling it twitter or x yeah yeah i want to show you this uh um crazy story that i remembered i saw a few months back tom hi hey what's up sorry to bug you early in the time you're not bugging you're not bugging
Starting point is 00:09:29 cool hey last time I called in I told you a dirty story and you wanted to talk about Jesus so I have to redeem myself today you told me a blowjob story while I wanted to hear stories about Jesus yeah okay so now I gotta make it up so I wanted first of all, dude, how cool is it to watch Tyson? And I'm a Bears fan. I live like two hours from the city. And I just couldn't be more stoked on this kid. It is so cool. And the cool thing is –
Starting point is 00:09:56 Go ahead. Sorry, I was going to say, fields will get hurt. I think you've said this before, but if you're a football guy, like when you're a running quarterback, you will come out at some point during the season so he's gonna see play time uh which is just incredible for an undrafted free agent quarterback that's to see play time your first year out of college undrafted free agent d2 it's like things that just don't happen it's just amazing like it probably hasn't happened in like 30 years right like I think I saw the last time a legit D2 quarterback was drafted was 1998 or something.
Starting point is 00:10:30 I don't know if he ever got it. Yeah, and you're right. It had to have been, like, almost in the old league, not the modern NFL with the kind of money they're making now. But, you know, those guys in the 80s and even the early 90s, they weren't making lifetime money. They had to go be, like, insurance agents and agents and like do ads after they retired. Right. The money wasn't what it is now. And it had to be old era NFL. So it's just incredible. But I want to ask a question of Greg. You're still live with Greg right Greg are you here
Starting point is 00:11:05 yeah I think so no no Tom you can't answer I asked if Greg's here you don't answer this it depends on the question no my question is this how to redeem myself from my Sunday call have you ever
Starting point is 00:11:20 investigated scientifically or skeptically the claims about Christ and his life? No, I've not. Okay. Yeah, I wouldn't know how to quite to go about that. So let me just recommend a book if your brain ever goes this direction. I know you're busy.
Starting point is 00:11:52 There's a book by Max. I think it's max lucado is the author and um it's called the case for christ and the reason i think you would like that is he started off he was a documentary filmmaker and he started making a documentary for like the history channel or something like that and it was supposed to be all the evidence why jesus couldn't have been the son of god and probably didn't exist and then his investigation went on for like five years and it converted him into a believer and then he ended up writing a book and dropping the documentary uh because he was so convinced by the evidence he found so uh as a scientifically minded person I just think you would really enjoy that. I would love to hear your thoughts on it if you ever do read it. Yeah. Let me, let me, let me give that some consideration.
Starting point is 00:12:32 And thanks for the, thanks for the recommendation, the shout out. Yeah, absolutely. Tom refresh me on what, was it a blowjob story or your other story? Yes, it was. You're going to take me back in that direction. No, I just wanted to, I just like the full balance of your character. You're a man of, you're a many-faceted diamond. There's no, everyone loves Jesus and everyone loves blowjobs.
Starting point is 00:12:59 Well, I think, projecting. Large majority of people find both of those subjects lovely. Yeah, I like good stuff. I know those are two of the best things you can get in this life. I love you guys. Have a great day. Okay, bye. He got both.
Starting point is 00:13:20 So this is from Newsweek. And I also found this, the only other place that I found this talked about was in Scientific America. And it said, mysterious green lasers over Hawaii were likely from Chinese satellite. And it shows these – I don't know if you can see the picture, but these green lasers coming down from on top of maui and it says a long exposure picture of the green laser beam sighted passing over manukia hawaii by the subaru ashi star camera at the subaru telescope january 28 2023 so recently and as i dug into this and i started asking people about it oh and there's even a video of it here, a rare view of green laser scan.
Starting point is 00:14:10 Someone was saying that this was a satellite geolocating future targets. Have you ever heard of any of this stuff that I'm showing you? I know it's just – I didn't warn you about this. Yeah, I saw the story. Oh, you did see the – okay. Yeah, and it was – it had been rumored to be a directed energy weapon, and that's what started the fires, and that's where I kind of like, yeah, okay. I went there too, but then I remembered this article I saw in Newsweek and that I also saw in Scientific America. this article I saw in Newsweek and that I also saw in Scientific America
Starting point is 00:14:43 and these aren't known to be conspiracy rags and they have photos of them and it's lasers coming it is a conspiracy rag it toes the it toes the they're the climate change guys
Starting point is 00:15:00 yeah okay yeah and other issues okay fair it was just an interesting connection my brain made because that that conspiracy theory of the lasers and all that and the fires being on purpose seems to be just everywhere but maybe but maybe it's just my algorithm they just know me and they're just trying to give me what i want it's junk food but this isn't wrap yourself around current events you have to greatly expand your uh your tolerance for odd shit you know i get it right i couldn't i couldn't i couldn't get excited about the the uh, low energy, super sophisticated,
Starting point is 00:15:48 ultra sensitive detecting equipment. I don't know if that shit's not going on everywhere. Is that like the contrail of satellites? And the extent to which they're mapping place for targets, I wouldn't be surprised if every damn time you dock your DJI, it checks in with the mothership and reports what it's seen. I don't know. Oh, right, right, right. And they probably have something in the – what's funny is someone could probably just read the agreement when you buy it and probably says something like that.
Starting point is 00:16:26 All information can be shared with blah, blah, blah. Seve, I read that the captain of every naval vessel had an LG TV in his office. And at the Chinese, he'd figure out how to, were able to turn on the camera and microphone. Wow. How's that for a cat you know i don't i don't think that i don't think there's uh i don't think the things that threaten us are secrets gotcha look at the look at the look at the it's just a coincidence i'm becoming less
Starting point is 00:17:03 i'm becoming more and more skeptical about coincidences and synchronicities. This notion of a conspiracy of interest is pretty strong, pretty powerful when I can catch on to it. The people at Coca-Cola and at Pfizer and at DaVita don't have to have conversations to greatly enjoy each other. Right. Right. And basically what you're saying also is it might not be that BlackRock is one giant machine trying to just squeeze the juice out of every last dollar out of everything. But there might be some guy on the 10th floor who is having issues with his investments in tractors and then find out that there's a guy on the 30th floor that actually makes – has investments in the plastic tube that every tractor has, and so he can just call them and they can work out some sort of deal, right, because the company is so big.
Starting point is 00:18:10 But it doesn't start off like some sort of giant conspiracy. Is that what you're saying? Yeah, maybe. The example doesn't – I know. It wasn't a good one. You had to use your imagination. The BlackRock Vanguard thing has to do with the
Starting point is 00:18:28 institutional investors, primarily the large unions. And what controls them politically. I wanted to... There's so many fun little stories. I want to show you this one on Stanford.
Starting point is 00:18:51 This is from the Epic Times. This one's fucking nuts. But no surprise. No surprise. This is about Stanford University and the admission, what's going on with admissions over at Stanford. OK, here we go. When I play these, can you hear them OK? Yeah. OK. University just announced the incoming class of 2026 and they boasted that there were only 23 percent white applicants in a demographic that has three times that number.
Starting point is 00:19:25 But here's what was interesting. They would not tell you of the people who were admitted how many did or did not take the SAT, which is optional now. But they did want to emphasize that those that took the SAT and got a perfect, that's almost impossible to do, a perfect score on the SAT,
Starting point is 00:19:41 they proudly announced they rejected 75% of them. And so it's almost a boast that we're not going to be bound by meritocracy. So I talked to some people off the record in Silicon Valley, and one person, if I were to name his name, everybody would know him. He said, we would rather have a coder from Georgia Tech than we would from Stanford. So it's starting to affect us everywhere. And it's a war on meritocracy, and it's an equality of result enforced mandate. And it's all done under the guise of being morally superior, but it's a war on meritocracy, and it's an equality of result enforced mandate. And it's all done under the guise of being morally superior. But it's a very amoral system because it destroys the lives of people who play by the rules and try to achieve.
Starting point is 00:20:16 Absolutely nuts, right? It's the religion of mommy has a cock and daddy's trying to get pregnant meaning what nothing the religion of nothing makes sense it's it's the it's the natural and rational extension of a whole host of absurdities that start as political correctness, then we create a generation of people that are blind to the fundamental realities of biology and life. And it's what it looks like when a civilization involutes. This is what it looks like. involutes. This is what it looks like. Political correctness, you know, we said we were taught that there's no difference between men and women. We roll our eyes and
Starting point is 00:21:12 yeah, okay. In a polite company, you don't, like, but there is a difference. My nine-year-old said they don't even have the same privates. Right. That's how fucking obvious the difference is, right. But we can pretend there's no difference. And then and then a generation later, guess what? There's no fucking difference. And it's insanity. I can be a man or a woman because there's no difference. And I'm going to go into the girl's restroom. And the quality at the end, the quality of life just diminishes
Starting point is 00:21:46 it's over yeah of course it does and it has and it is it's like trying to use your vw bus as a tractor it's just not made for that look at the amount of of willpower it takes now to not realize what an utter and complete piece of crooked Joe Biden and family are. Like the fucking Goddies. Look at it. Look at what you have to do to ignore that, to pretend like it's not true. that to pretend like it's not true. I watched this video the other day that you had mentioned that just came out. The interview with Victor Shokin.
Starting point is 00:22:39 Did you end up watching this? No, but I get the gist of it. I heard him catching the highlights and I get it entirely. That's what I did. I watched this highlight video. It was everything you told me was in here.
Starting point is 00:22:58 It's what I would have presumed. Probably the only surprise for me is that Brian Kilmeade is the first person to ask to speak to him. That should tell you a lot about mainstream media. Brian fucking Kilmeade was the first person to ask him to talk. And his story couldn't be more straightforward. We gave the Bidens millions.
Starting point is 00:23:20 I was investigating. Burisma did. And I was investigating uh burisma did and i was investigating burisma and my boss came to me and told me that i was fired because the vice president of the united states uh wants me gone or we won't get our money yeah his boss told him the truth that's what he said too he said they didn't even hide it from me yeah of course that's what happened and what does biden do brags about exactly that brags about it and so what's trump do tries to get to the bottom of it when told of what's going on and they impeach him over it yeah it's crazy i hate trump i will proudly vote for that fucking cocksucker. I hate him.
Starting point is 00:24:09 And why is that? Not why do you hate him, but why will you vote for him? I hate the ideology that opposes him. Other than for the obvious reasons of his deficiencies in character and acuity. Those are painfully clear to me. What I hate more about him is the ideology of the knee-jerk left that's pushing the religion of mommy has a cock and daddy's trying to get pregnant. Right.
Starting point is 00:24:46 They've ruined our schools. Ruined them. Ruined them. Ruined them. I can't, you know, from what I'm seeing with my kids, I feel crazy guilt for having put kids into the system at all. for having put kids into this system at all. It's so sad how much is required of them for how little is taught. Explain that to me.
Starting point is 00:25:13 What do you mean? I know what you mean. It's nine hours a day captive behind a locked gate, right? Mm-hmm. And it sounds secure, right? Yeah, it's just, you know, they're sitting ducks and something shitty happens. Right. And it sounds secure, right? Yeah. It's just, you know, they're sitting ducks, something shitty happens. Right. And, and then there's the prep time before and after getting ready and all that shit. And then you have to supplement everything with tutors and,
Starting point is 00:25:38 and activities. You know, if you want them fit, you have to provide that. If you want to learn math, you have to do something extra too. So, you know, if you want to fit, you have to provide that. If you want to learn math, you have to do something extra too. So, you know, there's 10, 11, 12 hour a day for what can be done in an hour and a half, two hours. It's a violent waste of time. My kids are in the homeschool system, Greg. My kids are in the homeschool system, Greg, and by the homeschool system, meaning that you buy – we accept money from the state. I can't remember how much it is. It's like $3,900 a year or something, and then once a year they test your kid or twice a year or something like that. Maybe it's four times a year. I don't know. And so the other day they were testing one of my kids, and it's just on a computer.
Starting point is 00:26:21 Your kid sits in front of a computer for an hour, and they fire questions at him. And it's just on the computer. Your kid sits in front of a computer for an hour and they fire questions at him. And so I'm sitting there watching as the questions come up. And one of them is like, this what shape the Juneteenth flag is. And then there's a picture of it. So you've never seen the flag. I've never seen the flag. No one's ever seen this flag. But I'm just dying. I'm like, wow, they... They really... They don't even care.
Starting point is 00:27:00 They're going to just start slipping it in everywhere. They're not even slick about it yeah it's it's uh it's painful but it's also it's also funny i i want to go well it's it's i'm just so glad that um i agree i'm so glad that my kid's not in school um i want to go back to the victor shokin thing for people who don't understand what happened basically this guy uh victor shokin was investigating uh hunter biden and joe biden uh taking uh working with a company called barisma and taking bribes when joe biden was vice president and this attorney general over at the ukraine victor shokin started investigating it and jo Joe actually flew to the Ukraine and told them, hey, we're not going to give you this billion dollars of aid. And they're like, you can't do that. You're not the president. And Joe Biden said, oh, yes, I can.
Starting point is 00:27:56 Watch me if you don't if you don't fire this guy, Victor Shokin, who's investigating my son, Burisma and myself. By the time I get on this plane, you're not getting the money. And then Joe Biden, Joe Biden. The reason why we know all this is joe biden told the story he gave him 90 minutes it wasn't 90 minutes okay i thought it was i think it was something like that and then basically he said uh he he's bragging he's like yep and they fired him and i got on the plane and they got their billion dollars. And then also what happened recently, for those of you who want to dig in further, the attorney general over in the Grand Caymans, I think it was,
Starting point is 00:28:42 one of those Caribbean islands, do you know this story, Greg? I may. go ahead. Invent opened up an investigation last year about, um, uh, Epstein's involvement with JP Morgan, the vice president, a bunch of emails were replaced between, uh, the vice president of JP Morgan,
Starting point is 00:28:58 or maybe it was the president and Epstein. And the vice president of JP Morgan was telling Epstein who his favorite Disney characters were, and they were all princesseses and it looked like code talk for getting young girls and so they opened up a case about it and lo and behold Joe Biden went and did a vacation over on that island I can't remember if it was the Caymans or Cameroon one of those Caribbean islands and while he was there that attorney general was fired. And this isn't like conspiracy stuff. You can look it up. It's in all the liberal rags also. But it's
Starting point is 00:29:30 it's there's no they're not even trying to hide this shit anymore. It's crazy. I also saw yesterday something like 47 million emails from Jeffrey Epstein's server now gone, missing. Of course.
Starting point is 00:29:49 Eaton Beaver, hi, coach. Good morning, coach. Good morning. Good morning, Eaton. Your name's Eaton Beaver and your picture is me fiddling with my nose, wiping a booger out of my nose. That's really sweet of you. Thank you. It's really sweet of you. Thank you. It's really sweet of you. You know, on Hunter's laptop,
Starting point is 00:30:13 we have emails with him making fun of his father's texts, making fun of his father's cognitive decline while vice president. Do you remember what it says yeah so some crack about thank god he's got the secret service because he'd never be able to find his way back even to the white house anymore that's how bad he's getting oh man
Starting point is 00:30:34 like uses the bathroom at the restaurant and gets lost coming back to the table right yeah search word oh yeah gets lost coming back to the table, right? Yeah. Let's see if I can do a quick search for it. Oh, yeah. Here it is. Hunter Biden is therapist. A joke about Joe Biden's decline.
Starting point is 00:30:52 Jeez. I enjoy watching Joe and Kamala. Kamala is pretty funny to watch. I think I've seen everything that she's done, all her work. Yeah, one of the things he said is, this is in 2021,
Starting point is 00:31:17 Hunter said, any man who can triumph over dementia is a giant. Think what he could do for our nation's needed recovery. Oh, shit. Wow. Damn. giant think what he think what he could do for our nation's needed uh recovery oh shit wow damn oh the therapist said that to to hunter and then hunter's response was you're such an asshole but that made me laugh out loud wow oh my god then the therapist said perhaps he can help us remember all we intended to be as a people since he can now remember his address holy shit
Starting point is 00:31:55 huh okay yeah and now and now he's been in office so they knew he had dementia two years ago and now we're two years into it um the remarks i read from hunter were were made while his father was vice president of the United States. So Obama knows too, or knew. Yeah, yeah. Everyone knew. Yeah. Daniel Garrity.
Starting point is 00:32:39 Classic things to say about Joe. Daniel Garrity, what are Greg's thoughts on wastewater surveillance? It's an interesting thing. I don't even know. What is that? You look for COVID in this PCR shit for COVID. And then if you see it at the shit plant in Emeryville, California, you know that it's about to hit the population? Yeah. Or you know that people have it because you're looking at their shit.
Starting point is 00:33:10 Have you had COVID? I mean, I assume I have. I've never tested positive for it. I just assume. You know, it's funny. I've never tested positive, but the people that gave it to me and those I gave it to did. Right, right, right. Yeah, I've had that phenomenon too.
Starting point is 00:33:28 Everyone around me is sick and getting tested, right? Running over the CVS. How many times have you tested for it? I tested for it once. Never? You never swabbed? I swabbed my nose once in front of a guy's house. He took a bunch of tests from his work and he's like, come over if you want to test yourself. So just out in the street in Santa Cruz,
Starting point is 00:33:48 he shoved a Q-tip up my nose. I pretended to coming home from somewhere once, ready to murder to leave, you know? Like, hey, if we don't leave this place now, I'm going to kill someone? No, I want it. And when it comes, if it came back positive, I want i'm going to kill someone no i want when it comes if it came back positive i want to be able to say it never touched me oh gotcha test again yeah i don't uh i don't have a lot of faith in the test
Starting point is 00:34:18 ethical skeptic pointed out that the new standard is on a positive you have to retest if you heard that? Just kind of out of nowhere. It'll change the numbers greatly. They were doing that at the end, weren't they? I don't know what the end is. I think we're at the beginning. You think they're going to try a whole new mask thing again?
Starting point is 00:34:37 Oh, yeah. They are. Yes. Yeah. Yeah. Do your research. It's already happening. Big time.
Starting point is 00:34:44 You know what? Once you get everyone to pull their underwear down, bend over and close their eyes, you can't let them back up. You can't. So you think that in California... Remember what you said on the first lockdown, I will never do this again. What do you mean again? I go, it's coming. Yeah. I do remember that. Yeah. You can't let this go. It's too rich. So you think, and do you think it's tied to the election? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:22 So you're telling me that you think that there are going to become enforced mandates for kids at school in california to wear masks again soon in my lifetime well i what's going on in atlanta right now do a check for me i think i heard this in the background it's not i i it's what the irony is is it's brown university isn't that that's one of the black universities, right? Where you have to be black to go there? I think Atlanta Public Schools is masking kids up. Oh, shit. I'm hearing the drumbeat everywhere.
Starting point is 00:35:57 It's got like there's a new COVID that's 30 times more deadly or something, right? Oh. COVID-19 updates and alerts. Oh, here we go okay here we go hey one of you jackasses always puts in the comments on youtube oh i really enjoy watching stuff on google for 90 minutes this is go away just just leave uh for the 2023-2024 school year at Atlanta Public Schools has modified some COVID-19 mitigation strategies.
Starting point is 00:36:30 I don't see anything there. I wonder if I type put news in. The board changes over time. Herring prepares for last day. Hey, put masks and National Review it. Oh, Return of Mask Wars. Wow. Okay.
Starting point is 00:36:56 That was a, as are most things in National Review, it was well written. things in national review it was it was well written when i clicked on it it just took me to their uh cover yeah you probably have to pay how many how many uh the return of masters how many um oh you are out of free articles all right i'll make sure i subscribe to this in the future. Hey, how many magazines and newspapers, online newspapers and magazines do you think you belong to? Me? Yeah. Probably 25 or 30.
Starting point is 00:37:38 Yeah. Even the ones I hate. Right. I have to have access to. National Review, Wall Street Journal, Epic Times, New York Times. Even the New York Times. Yeah. hate right i have to have access to national review wall street journal epic times new york times even in new york times yeah commentary the weekly standard fuck them but i get it scientific american fuck them but i get it national geographic same thing David Weed I can read the New York Times
Starting point is 00:38:08 and tell you what really happened you get good at it deciphering their code yeah and it's like the broken science stuff too bullshit how did they fucking measure that? That's some self-serving crap. Who paid for this?
Starting point is 00:38:29 Oh, you know? I mean, it's like... I saw something. I saw a great meme today. It basically said, how dumb is the world? You think we can increase taxes and that will somehow cause our carbon footprint to go down and yet we can't even cure homelessness?
Starting point is 00:38:51 Cure homelessness. They're unhoused now. You just said the H word. I know. David Weed. Yeah. Some some people here in spain i see people every day with masks on when they're alone in their cars my god uh david honeycutt wow uh the new strain is bs 24 7 yeah yeah that's good that's good i did also see that the um uh a bunch of people told me that the CDC has now approved ivermectin. But I looked for that, and I couldn't find that. I couldn't find that as an official stance of theirs. But a lot of people were telling me that that's true. Did you see that big box of it?
Starting point is 00:39:36 I got it. I didn't buy it, but I found it in the North 40. No. Did you send me a picture? Yeah, I think I did. Is it the one that's for horses uh cows cows you remember that that post the fda made right making i'd rather take that whole fucking box ivermectin for cows than take that vaccine oh holy shit the box and the box have you seen this fucking what the white house said about, you know, there's a new vaccine.
Starting point is 00:40:09 Oh, this is going to blow you away. You haven't seen this. Of course, there's a new vaccine. This is fucking crazy. Let me ask you just personally for yourself. I know you're not a doctor and you're not supposed to be giving advice. But for yourself, what do you think if you were concerned you were going to get COVID? What would be some actions you might take?
Starting point is 00:40:31 Wash my hands. Right. Not be obese, hypertensive, metabolically deranged. Probably, probably, you know what live a lifestyle that doesn't attack your own immune system I saw a t-shirt the other day and it said it wasn't a pandemic it was an IQ test yeah
Starting point is 00:40:57 yeah you're gonna fucking die when you see this this is just this is crazy this is crazy I think there's people who believe this and i think there's people that believe this but here we go the president said in tahoe that he had tentatively decided to recommend everyone get the new vaccine when is he going to decide finally so i think you've heard from the fda CDC. They've made an announcement on the new vaccine.
Starting point is 00:41:26 So certainly they said that they will have an, there'll be an updated vaccine September, mid-September, I believe. So we know that, as you all know, vaccinations against COVID-19 remains the safest protection for avoiding hospitalization, long-term health outcomes, and death, which is why we are going to be encouraging Americans to stay up to date on their vaccines. And do you know in California, Gavin Newsom pushed a law through that basically makes it that you can't get a second opinion from your doctor if it goes against what the state says
Starting point is 00:42:00 is the proper protocol for how to deal with COVID. And on YouTube, you can't say anything that goes against WHO guidelines. Of course. I thought that they already proved that the vaccine doesn't prevent sickness, transmission, or even symptoms.
Starting point is 00:42:21 I thought that was already established. I'm tripping. or even symptoms. I thought that was already... They established that. I'm tripping. Yeah, yeah. And I think they've established it causes myocarditis. Okay. Blood clots.
Starting point is 00:42:37 Check out Ethical Skeptic. Over on X, Twitter? Yeah, yeah. It's a brilliant mind. powerful individual you think this is the greatest country in the world david weed he likes to make fun of me because i because i think it's a it's a great place to live and he's over in spain greatest country in the world. Oh, this one's going to break my heart. My son's dad... Fuck. My son's dad took him and got him vaxxed without our permission.
Starting point is 00:43:17 We found out through an app we have on our son's phone that notifies us if he's doing stuff he shouldn't, like dick pics or drug use. Damn. That's quite an app. Philip Kelly, they say it reduces risk of hospitalization. You know, here's the most... Through sudden death?
Starting point is 00:43:44 I was going to say, here's the most I'll buy. Through sudden death? I was going to say, here's the most I'll buy. The most I'll buy is it reduces risk of hospitalization of COVID. But I can't buy in a totality that it reduces risk of hospitalization. There's no way. Can't buy that. Absolutely nuts. I would, again, suggest people look at the ethical skeptic on this.
Starting point is 00:44:14 And if you're put off by the anonymity of the individual, those are just the times. It's not a nom de plume, it's kind of a nom de guerre. But we've seen this before. Some of our some of the most important things ever written were written that way. Like Publius, right? The Federalist defense of the of the upcoming Constitution. That was also that was anonymous.
Starting point is 00:44:42 Yes. Our best thinker, James Madison, wrote his best stuff anonymously. We're there now. You have people like El Malagato and Ethical Skeptic.
Starting point is 00:45:04 You look at what people like Jay Bhattacharya and Scott Atlas and others of us that have been persecuted for telling the truth about COVID, it's easy to see why it is that someone would want to be anonymous. What I love about it is that it prevents a reaction. If we knew who the ethical skeptic was, that person would be under constant personal assail. Constant personal assail.
Starting point is 00:45:43 Their kids would be doxxed. They wouldn't be safe in public. That's what would happen. And so what, but the way they're treated anonymously is they're like completely ignored. Like how, how is it that you can't, that no one's refuting the claims of the ethical skeptic anywhere. And the good soul gets a pass on the personal assails. It's really a beautiful thing from that perspective. But I don't know any person that hasn't shared, quoted, researched, looked at the work that's coming from there. Coffee pods and wads, like like the meme accounts remain faceless and say what you want you know the last few days i've been talking about that and um i got all the i got all that from greg from speaking speaking with greg he he
Starting point is 00:46:39 was sharing me this exact thought about the ethical skeptic and then i took it over and i was like yeah i feel the same about meme accounts like if you're gonna make fun of someone just stay anonymous keep your keep your art uh pure don't let it be don't be afraid to say something now that you outed yourself and you were hungry for some fame or attention i had for a decade heard what a horrible person thoughtless mean piece of shit Rush Limbaugh was. And then one day I heard him on a radio and I was aghast. It was funny because he's polite, kind. But here's the thing.
Starting point is 00:47:17 He was funny. And he would call the left on their obvious nonsense, like the clips he put together, the talking points, where they all spew in the same bullshit, right? In exactly the same word patterns. And it was funny. And that's the thing that hurts the most, is to be laughed at. And I think the memes do a lot of that.
Starting point is 00:47:53 So on the video, I want to go back to ethical skeptic in one second. So on the video on YouTube of Dr. David Martin, I sent you on Insta now has been pulled down from YouTube. OK, damn, I didn't get to see it. Joe Westerlin was texting me and asking me if you and I have talked about Dr. Campbell. Are you familiar who Dr. Campbell is, Greg? He's a YouTube doctor. He started off the pandemic. I love it.
Starting point is 00:48:16 He started off the pandemic. He's in the UK. He started off the pandemic really being a pro vaccine. And then just right before our eyes, he's like, Oh, and now he's flipped like about a year ago, he flipped the script. He just started swerving in the other direction. If I, does, does that name sound familiar? I'm gonna show you a picture. Maybe.
Starting point is 00:48:38 He has a really nice, see huge, huge following, huge following. It's interesting that he was able to keep his following even though he changed his view. This guy. Does this guy look familiar to you? Yes. Yes. Yeah, very
Starting point is 00:48:59 mild-mannered, even-tempered. I do remember him now. Yeah, he's great. Okay. So the little bit you know of him, you like of him. Yeah. Hey, for me, Dowd pointing out that the CEO
Starting point is 00:49:17 of America's largest life insurer is saying that the 40% increase in all cause mortality, COVID deaths filtered out, that a 10% increase would be a 200 year event. There's not enough data to describe a 40% increase. What that is, whether that's 2000 or 10,000 or 20,000 year event.
Starting point is 00:49:49 But we've had the equivalent of multiple Vietnams in a two or three year period. And I move on from there. There's just, there's actuarial science is crazy compelling. And to deny it is to suggest that insurance companies don't make money. To suggest it doesn't work. It fucking works. It works better than academic science works. When we were dealing with the mega insurer in South Africa, and I don't want to do a commercial or give names or embarrass anyone, but the CEO of the insurance company, we were told was an extremely important individual
Starting point is 00:50:49 because at the moment that he decides a treatment is ineffective or a waste of money or dangerous, it's done. The hospitals will follow suit. We don't do that anymore. It's no good. And that's because he's not paying for it anymore. And the reason he's not going to pay for it anymore is because it's not working. It's quite a system.
Starting point is 00:51:14 But I trust the CEO of a life insurance company so much more than our CDC on any issue of mortality. And they both have the same interest in making money. Just one of them is honest about it. Right? Yeah, I think my life insurer cares more about me not being dead than my government does. I think my government would support me taking untested, even dangerous products in health care. I think my government would hide from me the true nature of metabolic disease and its origins. Well, they have.
Starting point is 00:52:07 Yeah. And I don't see where I don't I'm not sure how. And persecute those who tell the truth. Oh, for sure. For sure. The discussions we had with chronic around chronic disease with insurance people were some of the best. They were marked by more compassion and concern and knowledge than any discussions we had walking the halls of Congress or Senate and meeting some well-known, articulate, conservative people. They were nothing like the conversations we had with insurance people. We got hunted down by an insurance CEO giant.
Starting point is 00:52:57 Went through Tim Noakes to find me. And why? He'd seen the actuarial evidence for what he described as perhaps the world's first health creation engine that's that was the data along around crossfitters the first creation of a first first is first his it was his first observation of a health creation engine they had seen protocols that had that had reduced the increase in medical expenditure over time but they'd never seen an actual reduction in expenditure. That was new.
Starting point is 00:53:50 And it's predominantly amongst CrossFitters. And so they mined games athlete data and did a match with games athletes and amongst their insured. And there were thousands of them. And by games athletes, you mean open participants? Open participants. Yeah, it's open participants? Open participants, yeah. It's a games athlete. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:07 Yeah. And shared the data with us. Flew me out all of a sudden, like, to South Africa, you know, to sit and talk. It was an amazing thing. I went on that trip. It was amazing for a lot of reasons. So basically, as I recall, I'm dumbing down what you're saying, but people.
Starting point is 00:54:32 The point is, the point is, is that when the insurance companies are telling you that something's horribly wrong with your vaccine, there's something horribly wrong with your vaccine. Right. something horribly wrong with your vaccine right and that when people were doing crossfit the costs to the insurance company every year went down a little bit it was it was actually declining rather than in increasing less than it normally does and that was a they were looking at their, their in-house effort allied with Virgin Active reduced the precipitous inclining costs over years. With CrossFit, it actually, they were actually dropping. And I had to freely admit the likelihood of a disinterest in, in medical services as someone became healthy.
Starting point is 00:55:34 You know what I've come across recently? A fascinating glimpse into the number of fellas in the NFL that got fake vaccine cards. Oh, how did you get that glimpse? I'm not even going to say I don't I don't want to put anyone in that seat. Right. It was explained to me by
Starting point is 00:55:57 two very successful legends that the fake card rate might be 90%. I had a games athlete tell me that theirs was fake. Shoot it on the floor, please.
Starting point is 00:56:20 No problem. Wad Zombie, I love you to death. Don't stress, buddy. I love you. Damn, here we go again. I love you. This don't stress buddy i love you damn here we go again i love you this is my meme guy love my meme guy don't worry buddy i don't i love you you're the man i got your back love your cards you're the man i got you um i want to bring up this thing with that i want two things this topic is so important to talk about i don't if for some reason anyone thinks and no one has said this, maybe this is just me being insecure.
Starting point is 00:56:45 If anyone thinks that for some reason this is beating a dead horse, it's not. This topic needs to be kept in the foreground because as the pressure mounts, people feel pressure to just do it. And so little havens like this where you can have real talk and honest talk, and there's people who can stick together who are going to feel the pressure from their work, their loved ones, their community, and they're going to get bombarded with the nonsense. That's why it's important to keep reiterating and looking at the facts. One of the things about this injection that a lot of people have said from the beginning is you're not going to get the injection and then
Starting point is 00:57:20 all of a sudden it's just going to be cardiovascular deaths that are cardiac arrests that increase or it's not just going to be heart attacks that increase that somehow that the clotting that this injection causes throughout the body is going to increase mortality everywhere and so they're going to kind of hide the deaths and and i think that's what the ethical skeptic here is showing there's an increase in mortality just everywhere. And there are some weird things. Like one of the things is a UFC fighter died last year from a cancer that like no one in Canada who's at 31 years old has ever died from. It was like liver cancer or something like that. It was one of these cancers that only old people get. And I don't know if anyone has just straight up
Starting point is 00:58:06 figured out what the mechanism is yet right does anyone know what the mechanism is but clotting is a there's something definitely going on with clotting so I just wanted to be like hey if people are like well there's only 65 more heart attacks in my area than last
Starting point is 00:58:24 year well look at all this other shit my father spent I just wanted to be like, hey, if people are like, well, there's only 65 more heart attacks in my area than last year. Well, look at all this other shit. My father spent a week at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester and then came out and went to the Mayo Clinic in Scottsdale. Had every conceivable test done. And all they could tell me is that where he wasn't bleeding, he was clotting. And no idea what no idea and then finally it was like i had someone tell me that his uh i forget what it was but it doesn't matter either but he had some levels that were that were unseen before low. And I said, it sounds like he's terminal. And she says, yeah, I think so too.
Starting point is 00:59:10 That's exactly what's happening. We're looking at organ failure, generalized organ failure. You ever seen this before? No, I haven't. The doctor told you that about your dad? Yeah, yeah. And then you also went to- My dad got the vaccine so he could go to Costco. And then you looked at the batch too, right?
Starting point is 00:59:34 You looked at the batch that your dad took? My sister did later, got his card and went to how bad was my batch. And his booster was, I mean, he won the shit lottery on both his initial and his vaccine. Meaning the people in his cohort who got his batch of the booster and vaccine. I don't want to make numbers, but it was amazing. Okay. You know, a single digit out of 100,000 batches or something. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:00:03 Yeah. or something. Yeah. And I don't, none of that's compelling evidence for anything for me, really. But it is consistent with things like what the insurance people are saying. A 40% increase in all-cause mortality.
Starting point is 01:00:24 I don't know if this will console you at all, but Dick Butter says Costco is almost worth it, though. You know, I... Hey, asshole, it's his dad who passed away. No jokes. My dad would have liked that. Sean Sullivan, COVID doesn't do anything close to what the injection does
Starting point is 01:00:45 uh listen were that true can you imagine it being admitted in in our lifetimes by anyone who's who's gonna say that who was it that which who was it that wanted to share the clinical data on the vaccine safety in 75 years? Straight face, try to get that. Oh, yeah. I mean, the most important thing not taught in school anywhere is plausible reasoning. Look at it. Start at Wikipedia. Plausibility, plausible reasoning. And there's really only one plausible reason you would want to hide data for 75 years.
Starting point is 01:01:42 And if you could just make the, you know, is it good news or bad news that you want to hide for 75 years? Is it good news or bad news that you want to hide for 75 years? Is it that the vaccine is so fucking safe and so wonderful that we wouldn't be able to stand it if they told us? You think that's what it is? That's how good it is. Or is there a problem?
Starting point is 01:02:08 How about this? We would be confused by the data guys like the ethical skeptic wouldn't be able to parse it that and and they have that was released scientists at the cdc could parse it and so why even share it yeah that's what newsom said that's why they were holding that's why they said said, why are you holding information from the public? He said, because it'll confuse the public. He's pretty. He has nice hair and when his lips flop, they don't stop, you know. But this guy is an
Starting point is 01:02:35 architect for San Francisco and its current situation and for California and its current situation. Perfect. And I believe he could do for the United States what he's done for California and what he did for San Francisco. I fully believe that.
Starting point is 01:02:53 The left would vote for him and say, Meghan Markle so fucking fast, you wouldn't believe it. You'd be shocked. You wouldn't believe it. You'd be shocked. Any two pretty idiots the left would vote for. Pretty and stupid.
Starting point is 01:03:19 Oh, I like this person a lot. Serious. I love you, Jeffreyrey here's a tongue twister plausible reasoning proceeds from premises is that are more plausible to a conclusion that was less plausible before the plausible argument i need to i would need to pencil and paper to i'm just going to say okay this one's really this one's great if it you say if it rains it's going to get wet outside right but being wet outside. Right.
Starting point is 01:04:09 But being wet outside to say that you accept that. OK, I believe, you know, we'll say that's a that's a true statement. If it rains, it gets wet outside. We don't get to say from that that it's wet outside, therefore it rained. That's that's reasoning from the converse. It's a deductive fallacy. But in recognizing the problem of reasoning from the converse, to miss the increased plausibility of it having rained because it's wet is really tantamount to committing yourself to stupidity. to committing yourself to stupidity. You can't function without some capacity in the space of plausibility. And this comes to this very much like hiding, wanting to hide evidence for 75 years. i just ask you is it is it good or bad
Starting point is 01:05:12 you can you can get rich on making assumptions around these kinds of things uh dan guerrero what's cool about the truth is spending a lifetime just saying it over and over in different ways uh dan guerrero that's a long way to explain correlation does not equal causality well now you got to explain what correlation and causality is which ends up being the long way too yeah it's not it's not the same but i appreciate we can talk about that as well. I'll make the connection that you're trying to make. Correlation contributes to the plausibility of causality. Without correlation, you got no cause. Without correlation, you got no cause. Having the correlation doesn't necessitate a cause, but it is consistent with it.
Starting point is 01:06:14 And so it would contribute to plausibility. It becomes implausible due to its impossibility if there isn't correlation. There's a whole talk about advances in inference that came about through the probability logic that derives from Paulia's plausibility and R.T. Cox, the physicist, work in development of probability logic. And the net result is that he was able to show to mathematicians and physicists' satisfaction is a satisfaction that probability theory is a generalization of Aristotelian logic where the that reduces to deductive logic in the special cases of our premises being a certain one or zero it's a it's a it's a huge contribution it's a really really important work contribution. It's a really, really important work. And it's playing out currently in work in AI,
Starting point is 01:07:35 a lot of machine learning, some of the best work in science right now is coming about through this understanding and through this work. And plausibility is a big part of it. It's the most important thing not taught in school. and it's fascinating too you you know you get right back to george paulia uh there's a video you can watch of him in front of students at stanford the kids it's in the it's in the late 40s i believe early 50s and the kids all look like it's in all black and white and shitty like super eight kind of thing but uh it's brilliant and poly was a brilliant mathematician and a brilliant educator is that on youtube yeah it is yeah tell me what a polya on one more time spell it p-o-l-y-a and the first name is i think it's g-E-O-R-G-E-S Do you have to know the difference what are the prerequisites to understand this video?
Starting point is 01:08:38 Do you have to know the difference between a man and a woman first? You know their privates aren't even the same. You have to do something to make them the same. Oh, wow. Okay, so there's... I can't find that black and white video, but there's some stuff on this guy for sure on YouTube. Wow. Okay, good. It's findable. It's not an easy dig, but there's... I can't find that black and white video, but there's some stuff on this guy for sure on YouTube.
Starting point is 01:09:05 Wow, okay, good. It's findable. It's not an easy dig, but it's there. Okay. Let me get crude. Old black and white. It was done by like American Mathematics Institute or something. I just started this guy's fucking wiki page. I just started this guy's fucking wiki page.
Starting point is 01:09:32 Do you have any broken science events coming up? No, but Emily was talking about doing something in Boston in October. But I think I'm still gone then, but you can do it anyways. We got it. We got a little team now. It's cool. It wasn't hard to make friends globally with people that understood where and how academic science has failed. Did you see any of the ethical skeptics' scientific evidence? I did. That's worth pulling up. I did. That's really good. Yeah, it's profound. Let me see if I can. And especially the line about
Starting point is 01:10:20 mildly inductive p-values. Man, study p values for five years to for that to make me grin from ear to ear yeah that was the part the one part that i didn't understand five years oh i found it values is non-empirical which is who said that? Intel? Guy at Intel. The liontific method. Concoct the claim your club wants to be true. Fund universities and direct syndicates. Wait, can we give examples of those as we go through?
Starting point is 01:11:02 Concoct a claim your club wants to be true. Climate change, right? Listen, this is how science is done at the university. This is how it's done. Listen, I could find for each of those some well-respected scientists at the university making the claim for each of those seven points 35, 40 years ago. There's a cast of characters that saw all of this coming. My father was one of them. was one of them.
Starting point is 01:11:49 So one of the comments says, I hope Greg's kids are old enough to appreciate the father they have. No, no one. But Greg didn't appreciate his father until he was 50. His kids are only eight. Until I needed to hire him. Right.
Starting point is 01:12:03 Until I needed to hire him. Right. The work he did for us on Broken Science in 2009 is profound. And he directed that effort at us and our community. And when I share that now with people around the world that are smarter than I am on all of this kind of stuff, the Briggs and Jim Franklin's and people like that, that was quite a gift. That was quite a gift. That was quite a gift. The whole delineation of the process by which an observation becomes a measurement. The scientific method concoct the claim your club wants to be true.
Starting point is 01:13:03 Number two, fund universities and direct agencies to buy into it. Three. Mildly suggestive P values into a cursory interim run meta study. I saw, yeah, I saw that the final version of that, the piece I saw that was from the X account was a little different. It was better. I'm going to claim that this has been edited. Do you want me to send that to you?
Starting point is 01:13:34 Sure. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. This is like maybe a more recent version. Threaten the careers of any professionals who dissent. Cite the claim as science loudly and repeatedly. Direct social media to censor and harass dissenters as conspiracy theorists, which we now know that the White House did. Claim consensus and that the science is settled. It's funny, the one that you say is the best one is the fucking one that's completely over my head here this is the you sent in a text
Starting point is 01:14:15 uh yeah i'm just this is the actual from the x page and and number three was whip out some mildly inductive p values that's a wonderful improvement over the other version okay give me one second i'll pull that mildly inductive that's that's a sting it's brutal. It's profound. Could I ask you to translate it for me? Give me another sentence. Maybe that can take it.
Starting point is 01:15:04 The scientific process, we take an observation, you tie that to it, and that's a registration of the real world on your senses or sensing equipment. You tie that to a standard scale with an expressed error, and it becomes a measurement. And then you map a measurement to a prediction, a projection of a measurement in the forward and the predictive value of that model is where its validation comes from and the process is perfectly entirely wonderfully inductive and things that are mildly inductive are tantamount to being and what's happened in academic science is that the inference has replaced the predictive strength, the prediction of observables, which is the essence of science. Jayne said that in all of his science education, and I think he's the most important physicist for his work in probability theory, certainly of my lifetime, easily, including the Nobel laureates, all of them.
Starting point is 01:16:12 But Jane says he never once heard the word inference uttered in all of his science education, that the traditional science education was concerned entirely with the physical prediction. And that's exactly right. Predictability is the cornerstone of all trust. Your wife, your kids, and science. And for something to be mildly inductive, it stinks heavily of shit in terms of the science it'll produce. And whip out because you can. I can always get you good p-values. stinks heavily of shit in terms of the science it'll produce. And whip out because you can. I can always get you good p-values.
Starting point is 01:16:52 Usually all you have to do is increase the sample size. That's the cheapest, dirtiest way. And to come, go ahead, go ahead. And then we're off, we're at it again. Claim it over and over and over. Threaten the careers of any who dissent. Direct social media to defame dissemblers. Dissenters, sorry.
Starting point is 01:17:11 Claim consensus. Bam. That's it. I don't want to be blasphemous, but this is interesting that we've come full circle from the very beginning of the show where Tom mentioned a book that proves Jesus's existence. Interesting. Because you know that book is going to be full of inferences. Yeah, I don't, I don't, there's not conflict logically between religion and science. One deals with the natural world and the other the supernatural world.
Starting point is 01:17:56 My daughter Caitlin told me that she explained to the other kids once that she wasn't afraid of ghosts because they could walk through walls. And anything that went through walls couldn't hurt her. I remember having that thought as a child too. I like that. And I was like, let me just run with that. Hey, you like that? It's the non-thinking, right? The non-physical's inability to interact with the physical world renders you safe.
Starting point is 01:18:24 Like he can't push you down the stairs or punch you in the back. No, no, no. If he tries to push you down the stairs, he falls down the stairs. He pushes right through you. It's much like the demons of your schizophrenia. In fact, the beautiful mind guy had to learn to do that. When he saw a three-headed monster walk into the room, he would say, okay, that's entirely implausible and
Starting point is 01:18:46 so i'm not gonna i'm not gonna go there i'm not gonna point it out and scream to all my students he could actually teach through through vivid hallucinations by talking himself down from reacting. Gunnar Wolff showed that diagnosis of myocarditis a former of showed that diagnosis of myocarditis a form of heart inflammation jumped 130.5% in 2021
Starting point is 01:19:19 when compared to the average from the year 2016 to 2020. Myocarditis is a serious condition that can lead to death yeah that's weird right yeah i i think reading the dow book and i can never remember the name of the damn thing died suddenly or suddenly i keep it on my desk at home suddenly dead it it it was very much uh all, I've covered this subject thoroughly now. Cause unknown. It's like Hunter's laptop.
Starting point is 01:19:53 Let's move on. And I hear you, but that's why I addressed earlier, as things ramp up, people need to hear people like us talk about this. Oh, for sure. So that they can like like be like okay i'm not crazy it all this the conversations like this offer those people solace because there's people dude out there greg not me and you but that are surrounded by people who are telling them that they're crazy for not getting the injection like wow you're fucking mad what what uh dan guerrero greg and sebon thank you we're at a divide where more logic isn't
Starting point is 01:20:27 going to help anyone i think it's but why not oh you mean the people who there's people who just like no matter you show them two apples and tell them it's two they're still not going to get it get your fingers in your ears going with your, nah, nah, nah, nah, with your eyes closed. And like, I'm done talking. I think those people that are wearing masks and getting vaccines, I think those are the soiling green jumping on the spaceship fucking people. They're in line. There's nothing. They're fucked.
Starting point is 01:21:02 I want to show you a video. They would vote for two Disney characters to be president. Look at this. This is great. I like this. I think he does a really good job here, regardless of the subject. I like this. I think he does a really good job here regardless of the subject. I found this a very logical argument or process.
Starting point is 01:21:40 But I heard you say this five years ago or ten years ago when someone tried to sue CrossFit or did sue CrossFit. And this is exactly basically where you took it. Do you agree with Ms. Gaines that there's a difference between women and men? If the question is about trans women. I'm just asking, is there a difference between women and men? What I can say is that the NCAA has rules in place. They've had rules in place for the last decade. And when this competition happened, the rules were clear. Do you believe there's a difference between women and men? It's a yes, no question. Do you believe there's a difference? Oh, I think that we're talking about this case with the incident. No, I'm asking a question. Do you believe there's a difference between women and men?
Starting point is 01:22:12 Most people could answer this very simply. I'm curious if you're willing to do so. Oh, absolutely. I'm just putting into the context of the conversation that we're having. I think that there are definitions related to sex. So I'm trying to get a yes or no. I'm not trying to get a speech. Is there a difference between women and men? I think that there are definitions for biological sex. So you're not answering that. Let me ask you this question then.
Starting point is 01:22:35 Why do women's sports exist? If you can't define a difference between women and men, why not abolish women's sports and just tell little girls to swim with little boys and see who wins? There it is, right? He just got it. That's it. Why even have women and men's sports?
Starting point is 01:23:03 My intention is that this is outside of the space of rationality yeah and as evidence of that I would suggest would be her finding it obviously impossible
Starting point is 01:23:22 to have to answer that question. Call Ryan here and ask her. She'll tell me. She's 10 years old. Right. You have to have embraced
Starting point is 01:23:39 a crazy defective ideology to lead you to mom has a cock and daddy's trying to get pregnant. And along the way, you'll destroy women's sports, destroy meritocracy. Meritocracy, that's just making business.
Starting point is 01:24:01 Teach people that mathematics isn't for black people. That's white people stuff. These are all vows of poverty and mechanisms for the failure of a civilization. And we got front row seats. Wow. I didn't realize that is what. My grandparents and my parents used to talk about it all going to shit someday. We're there.
Starting point is 01:24:39 This is it. This is what it looks like. This is what it looks like. Dude. I didn't realize. So in the Washington school system, when they say two plus two is four is racist because there's only one answer. And that's the way the white man thinks. I didn't. What they're really saying is math isn't for black people. Holy shit.
Starting point is 01:25:01 I didn't realize that. She just said that. What the left will tell you is blacks can't do math because they're not smart enough. Holy shit. That's the bigotry. Oh, my God. That's the bigotry, and it's nonsense. I can't believe that is what they're saying. That's the implication.
Starting point is 01:25:21 Of course it is. More than the implication. Of course it is. Holy shit. that's the implication more than the implication of course it is holy shit come on the plantation and hiding math from them which is is a critical part of that don't bother doing math another class dumb white people wow nor can it read perfect right all they have to do to be able to vote. Sean Lenderman said something so scary up here. This shit just is the worst.
Starting point is 01:25:55 This morning, CNN had two kids who lost their dad who refused to get vaccinated, pushing the vaccine. Fear-mongering. Incredible. Fuck. Let me guess. The dad is 420 pounds. Someone send me a link to that. I want to see that. Yeah. Lost their dad. He died or he ran away.
Starting point is 01:26:16 Storica S. Black woman here. You guys have opened my eyes on so many levels. Hard truths, but very much appreciate it. Keep it coming. Hey, Storika, thank you. I cannot fucking thank you enough. It's not even a fun subject, but it's so fucking important. And thank you. It means the world to me to have your support.
Starting point is 01:26:35 It really, really, really, really does. I don't want to be talking about this shit. I like talking about it. I just don't like, I don't want to be talking about this shit I like talking about it I just don't like I still can't imagine the severity of it I still insulate myself from the severity of it because I don't live in those cities where the brain rot is actually occurring
Starting point is 01:26:56 I remember the first time I heard the phrase the soft bigotry of low expectations whose line is it? or the first time I heard the phrase, the soft bigotry of low expectations? Whose line is it? It's great. I forget. Throw it in. See who's attached to that.
Starting point is 01:27:21 And basically, that's the example of the math, right? Exactly. Set the bar really low for people, and that's your way of fucking being a bigotot it's a it's a way to hide will you hide your bigotry a soft bigotry of low expectations a term used by president george w bush attributed to speechwriter Michael Gerson wow ahead of its time that's the
Starting point is 01:27:57 what falls under that is the you know Gavin Newsom saying hey we don't want to confuse the public so we're just going to keep the truth from them a cousin of that type of thinking Gavin Newsom saying, hey, we don't want to confuse the public, so we're just going to keep the truth from them. So he's a cousin of that type of thinking. The two plus two equal five movement is inextricably tied to the belief, inextricably tied to the belief, I think, that blacks aren't smart enough for math. And I find it damning. I find it offensive. It's vile. It's racist. It's wrong. And it's deadly. It's deadly.
Starting point is 01:28:52 I'm thinking of all the times I'm having this flash of hundreds of times. Imagine where does low expectations benefit anybody? What are the assumptions I have about you if i expect nothing right right right right right it's always hidden in this um at least for for me growing up in a liberal hive it's always hidden as uh as kindness and sympathy and and like you know it's it's the clean needle program right it's it's taking the clean needles to the ghetto so that you know people don't get aids it's always hidden in this you think there was a slave owner that didn't speak in the language of beneficence and kindness and. These poor people, what would they do without us? Well, yeah, of course. Yeah, yeah, yes, yes.
Starting point is 01:29:59 That was the argument from senators in the South that the North would lack compassion for black people because if they set them free, they would die? It was one of the cornerstones of their argument. And they said that the north was – that the southern – that they should also enslave the northern white farmers, that farmers in general were stupid and that they all kind of needed to be taken care of. They believed that about the whites too and another thing that i along those lines is although the kkk did hang more black people than white people it hung white people in more states than it hung black people like there was a there was just a general it's pretty crazy Sean Sullivan a quote from the Bible furthermore
Starting point is 01:30:48 just as they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God so God gave them over to a depraved mind so that they do what ought not be done Romans I know you had to look that up. How long did it take you to find that?
Starting point is 01:31:06 You've been looking for that? Thank you. Riley S., Billie Jean King, Michelle Obama celebrates 50 years of equal pay at the U.S. Open. ESPN, wait, I thought women got 70 cents on the dollar. on the dollar. Are the games athletes payout still the same for men and women?
Starting point is 01:31:34 That's a great question. I assume they are. I don't know, but I assume they are. How was the... Was there a good international... Michael Obama. My bad. Sorry. I thought it was a typo. My bad good international showing? Sorry, Michael Obama. My bad. Sorry.
Starting point is 01:31:46 I thought it was a typo. My bad. Go ahead. Sorry, Greg. Was there a good international showing at the games this year? I was there, but I didn't see any of the competitors. No, no. It was very – no.
Starting point is 01:31:59 No. The clock, the KKK drove my lily white great grandfather out of colorado burned a cross on his lawn all for hiring a black janitor at the local high school that's a great story they were pissed that your great grandfather didn't hire him to be the principal grandfather didn't hire him to be the principal. Hey, don't let... By the way, there's still great places in this country. Great places. The vast majority of places in this country are still great
Starting point is 01:32:34 places to raise a family, raise a kid. You just got to do it different. Yeah, like Santa Cruz. You just don't want to leave Mockingbird Ridge. You just got to do it different. You just got to figure out a way. You got to actually, the same way you can't outsource your discernment, you can't outsource the raising of your kids anymore.
Starting point is 01:32:56 You just got to do it yourself. It's fine. Andrew Hiller, uh-oh. Was there a good international showing that was the the first time i liked the games was at uh 2018 was that the year 90 i think in 19 19 Yeah, when all the national champs got to come. Yeah, yeah. And remember, the purpose of the games is to crown the fittest person alive. And we know after the Open who that is.
Starting point is 01:33:35 And so there's a lot of pomp and circumstance. But to have representatives of each country, especially in the continent of africa that was a that was absolutely delightful and it it uh it amplified the spirit the message it was a it was the first kind of globally positive thing i saw about the games ar. Armenia still couldn't send anyone. There was a hang-up, right? They didn't have a CrossFit gym. It wasn't an affiliate? No. Can you believe it?
Starting point is 01:34:16 There's no CrossFit yet, Evan? There needs to be. Ernie Garza, Greg, is there any literature? Oh, I can't wait to hear the answer to this. Greg, is there any literature Oh, I can't wait to hear the answer to this Greg, is there any literature you'd recommend For a ding-dong like me To better understand p-values and statistics
Starting point is 01:34:31 I'm trying to understand my girlfriend's thesis Get a dumber girlfriend Yeah, absolutely I would I would read a gigarenzer G-I-G-E-R-E-N-Z-E-R Hold on Spell it one more time for me, Greg G-I-G-E-R-E-N-Z-E-R. Hold on. Spell it one more time for me, Greg. G-I-G-E-R-D. Gerd is the first name G-E-R-D and the last name is Gigerenzer. G-I-G-E-R-E-N-Z-E-R.
Starting point is 01:34:57 And he has a book? yeah he's written a lot of things but look for his research on p-values the things he's published he's been a regular he's from the Max Planck Institute and he's brilliant
Starting point is 01:35:20 he's also become a friend a fan of my father's work but his material on p-values is brilliant and there's others but there's a good he'll suggest others that you should read and look at
Starting point is 01:35:42 I'm going to take you completely off subject how are you on time? others that you should read and look at. I'm going to take you completely off subject. How are you on time? You okay? We're over our 90 minutes. Okay, you can just charge me more. Greg, I want to go back to this. This will be fun.
Starting point is 01:35:59 This will be a fun conversation. Andrew Hiller is quoting you here from what you just said. We know after the open who the fittest man and woman on earth is dude yes unless they decide the open doesn't matter like the past few years and i i used to love the open and i always thought that the open deserved much more accolades than it got and like just in terms of like recognition from people like holy shit i can't believe someone won the event. Here's the problem with the Open now. It's only three workouts. I don't like that. I want it to be five.
Starting point is 01:36:29 On the other hand, the argument I hear the most that gets the most weight is it's too much work on the affiliates to do five weeks. Do you have any thoughts on that whole just – I know you probably haven't given it a lot of thought lately, but just some cavalier, free thinking, flowing. The architecture was very deliberate. And you can have it explained to you why that was there by
Starting point is 01:36:57 getting rid of it. The idea that we could rank order hundreds of thousands of people in five workouts was really a beautiful thing to watch happen. And what was of supreme importance to me was how the open ranking held at the games. And typically, there were no shifts of significance. In fact, I think one year, the women came in 1 through 10 like they did in the open. There might have been a switch at 8 or something like that.
Starting point is 01:37:45 But it was fun. in the open. There might have been a switch at 8 or something like that. But it was fun and it was easy and I think it sponsored community and participation. I wanted to see us where you could
Starting point is 01:38:00 and Ben had said it wouldn't have been too complicated a thing but it would be nice at the end of the open to have a shirt that said you were you know number one of people named Ben
Starting point is 01:38:15 that worked in engineering and were 40 pounds overweight or something right everyone's the world's best. If we, if we filter nicely. Andrew says it's three workouts and the athletes sandbag it because they are just trying to make the quarterfinals. So the way it works, Greg is like, they take the top, I'm making this up, but they take the, after the open, those three workouts, they take the top 20%. So it's thousands
Starting point is 01:38:44 and thousands and they go on to another competition that they take the top 20 percent. So it's thousands and thousands. And they go on to another competition that's called the quarterfinals. And then from there, they take like the top like, I don't know, thousand or three hundred or whatever. And then those ones go to the semifinals. And then from there. So. So there isn't that pressure in those in the open anymore like that. And I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing, but I mean, those of us from the past miss it. I prefer it being a crazy competition the whole way through. They're being so valued away.
Starting point is 01:39:11 I had set it up with the express intent that a guy could do the best of all Italians in the open and crown himself the fittest Italian, fittest man, fittest woman in Italy.
Starting point is 01:39:29 And that way. And I was like, Vespa Vespa needs to be supporting Italian athletes. So that's gone. Basically for a fact, for a fact, whoever did best in the open in Italy is the fittest person in that country. So with only three workouts.
Starting point is 01:39:46 Okay. Wow. So, so if, if you're in Italy and you're the, and you win the open, you're not really the fittest in Italy. Not anymore.
Starting point is 01:39:54 They might. Right. Yeah. Kick that in the balls. Yeah. Andrew Hiller, a top 10%. Interesting.
Starting point is 01:39:59 Interesting. So they kind of, they, the, the validity of that test is having other, any value other than being a stepping stone to get to the what did we do how many was it that if you if there was a rank at the open that exempted you from further effort right like you could just go straight to the games
Starting point is 01:40:15 i can't remember i can't i don't remember it i don't care anymore i barely cared at the time but i know there was there was uh there was a a lot of thinking of a sort that I think I'm pretty good at. I was proud of the structure. As the architect, of course, it all feels like putting a mustache on the Mona Lisa to me. Probably the wrong guy to weigh in. But I think there was significant inherent value in seeing competitors from countries in Africa that most of us couldn't point to without really looking. Right, right. I remember Reebok made those fucking shirts and didn't put the country on them.
Starting point is 01:41:13 And so I'm trying to get clues from the flag looking in line. And some of the people were hard to understand. Their accents were so thick. And we walked away, What country was that? Where was she from? Right. What a nice gal. It was finally a global event.
Starting point is 01:41:35 These comments are so funny. I barely cared at the time and made something that people will sacrifice their firstborn child in arguments about. Listen to This one. Anyone knows that Greg has two dictionaries just in case. It's M through Z. And in all fairness to, he has a lot of things in duplicate in that room because he has two students in that room that he teaches.
Starting point is 01:42:03 And so there are, I've noticed that before. Yeah'd you say two and a half yeah i put i have to put i put rent riley at opposite ends of the table each with the dictionary yeah the glassman kids each have their own dictionary their own pencils their own chair they have to they can't sit within leech god it's kind of like that my kids can't stop touching each other in the back of the car like grabbing each other's hair and face and hands and it's nuts yeah my my two uh maggie and i's oldest two are two of the closest human beings i've ever met and they're either head-to-head whispering like little lovers, plotting something rotten, or fist-fighting.
Starting point is 01:42:50 Yeah, yeah. I got a little bit of that at my house, yeah. You know, it's kind of cool. They're like an old couple that engages in mutual physical brutality. There are people like that. They've been beating on each other for 40 years and love each other. I mean, it's crazy, but. Christian Keller, the worst car rides are Royal Rumbles.
Starting point is 01:43:18 We've all been in that. Dude, it's crazy. Heidi Kroom, is he taking applicants for a harem i'll get back to you on that greg thank you thank you another great sunday morning thanks for coming on fun is that what is this sunday morning Tuesday. Shit. Thank you. Take two. We're just seeing if you're listening. Another great Tuesday. Tuesday morning, 7 a.m. Pacific Standard Time with Greg Glassman.
Starting point is 01:43:57 Yeah. Everyone take a look at plausible reasoning. Give it some thought. The most important thing not taught at school. And from it, physicists and mathematicians have built something incredible, and that's probability logic. Thank you. Thanks.
Starting point is 01:44:19 Hey, I'm three days away from actually just being able to touch you. I'm going to touch you, hug you in three days, right? Is that right? Yeah. Are you still in Newport? Yeah. They see the white ball. But I'm headed up soon. I think I to santa cruz the same time you are it was 73 yesterday and perfect oh that's nice yeah all right love you buddy see you soon bye bye
Starting point is 01:44:39 bye mr greg glassman awesome great show Bye. Mr. Greg Glassman. Awesome. Great show. Seve Zuted off. Zuted off the Bloody Mary. Zuted off. Zuted off. Gracias, Senior Glassman. Jake Chapman said, do you ever wonder how different your household would have been if you
Starting point is 01:45:06 had girls no but um i think about having more kids regularly and i think about how cool it would be if i had three girls like in addition to the three boys. I just told my wife the other day. I said, God, she was good. I don't even want to say how it came up. It wasn't bad. It was good. But basically we were in a discussion,
Starting point is 01:45:39 and my wife does not want to get pregnant. And I was like, God, I could really use, I would really – if I could get three little girls, it would be awesome. Oh, you have three girls? Oh, that's awesome. Yeah, I probably knew that. Great show, Savan. Thanks for asking my question. And no, I will not get a dumber girlfriend. Fine. I understand. I'm just options.
Starting point is 01:46:19 Robbie Myers. I have two girls. Girl dads are the best. No, I have two girls. Girls are the best. Girl dads are the best. No, I have two girls. Girls are the best. Girl dads are the best. Self-serving mother. Yeah, that's exactly what I was thinking. My wife actually thought that it would threaten me once.
Starting point is 01:46:41 She said, hey, if you get me pregnant, I bet you I would give you triplets. And she thought she was saying like that would dissuade me and instead that got me like really thinking wow if i could do that i mean i would take one girl i would take one more baby mariah moore bought her baby uh bought her baby brought her baby to the crossfit games and she was breastfeeding in between like behind the scenes like when we would go up and like fuck around with the computers or whatnot she'd be holding the baby and i had a chance to hold that baby and like play with it
Starting point is 01:47:18 and like squeeze its arms and and feel those milk rolls and i got to like smell it and hold it. And I got to rub its back. And like, I, I, uh, yeah, look, Joe, Joe just got one and he wants more.
Starting point is 01:47:30 Yeah. It's like that. They're really there. It's, uh, this is going to sound like a selfish dick thing, but it's just free energy. If you learn how to tap into them,
Starting point is 01:47:41 they're just kind of, even now my kids are just like portals to another. They're like, you know those things you set your iPhone on and they just charge your iPhone without plugging it in? That's how I feel like when I touch my kids. I'm just like, beam me up. I'm just like, just loading up with free energy. When I, before I start the podcast every morning, I got like this ritual. One of my rituals is to sit by my kid's bed and I rub their backs. Like I'm like rubbing free energy off. I mean, I don't think of
Starting point is 01:48:12 it when I'm doing that. I'm thinking how much I love them and how soft their skin is. And, um, and, and if I rub my kid's back, um, they do the stretch thing without even opening their eyes. You know, that stretch stretch where you push out? You stretch everything? It's like that. Dogs will do that too. You just gently caress them. They do that like... But then whenever I walk away,
Starting point is 01:48:40 I'm like, oh yeah, I'm fucking charged. How close is that to having kids two dogs um i mean me and my wife started with that dog shit and people around you will be like dude you need fucking kids you're weird with your dog people start telling you that you should believe them audrey uh judy can carry my babies for me i don't want to fuck up this mediocre body yeah but you know what's crazy you you for sure well you're pregnant your body will be amazing. Fit pregnant women are just, God damn, yum. And your boobs will do some crazy shit. It'll be a fun couple years. Just keep having them.
Starting point is 01:49:37 Keep it all, and you'll be fine. Yeah, you sound like my wife. I'll never get pregnant. That's what she thought she has three kids i still i'm still taking my boys to two-a-days you know what i was thinking i'm taking my boys to two-a-days at um the art of jujitsu oh you want to hear a funny story yesterday okay so i've never been anywhere like this jujitsu academy where i'm taking my kids art of jujitsu. Oh, you want to hear a funny story yesterday? Okay. So I've never been anywhere like this jujitsu Academy where I'm taking my kids are jujitsu. Like I've never been to a McDonald's or a fancy restaurant or a school, or I've never been
Starting point is 01:50:14 anywhere quite like this. And basically it's a place where really wealthy people take their kids to fight. Right. And the place is so fucking clean and so white i wonder if there's like pictures of it online i could show you let me see a o j a o j oh my j fell off my keyboard damn it a o j art of jujitsu let me see if i can pull up images and there's all the coaches there. Let me see all the coaches there. Like if you go to, um, if, if it's like a who's who of martial artists, right?
Starting point is 01:50:53 So like you go to these people's Instagram accounts and it's like, it's like a who's who. Okay. Yeah. So this is the guy I'll show you. This is the guy, this guy, I see this guy every day.
Starting point is 01:51:04 I think this is Guy Mendez right here. And, okay, that's inside the academy. So that's where it is. That's where my kids do the jiu-jitsu. Oh, interesting. Wow. Okay, so see this picture right here? See that guy standing on the corner in the back there?
Starting point is 01:51:21 I sit on the – that plant's not there anymore, and there's a trash can there. And then there's a – and then there's this bucket of, like, wipes so you can, like, make sure you're clean. And then all along that wall under those pictures, I swear to you there's fucking over 50 parents sitting along that wall. I'll count them today. And then I sit on the ground here just in the corner against this window. Yeah, this is from another angle. See those benches there? That's where all the parents sit over here on the left.
Starting point is 01:51:56 And the parking lot's full of the nicest cars you've ever seen. It's like, you know what I mean? It's like Porsches and Audis and G-wagons and fancy Escalades. My car is by far the worst car in there. It's a Toyota minivan 2016 with a fucking toilet in the back. A $14 plastic toilet. So the parking there is crazy because this place has so many people in it. The parking there is crazy because this place has so many people in it.
Starting point is 01:52:28 No, you don't. No, you don't have to be white to go there, but there aren't very many blonde people. I'll tell you what. It's the opposite. Ah, so you have to be white to go there. No, there's some lots of Asians, some black people, but not so many blonde people. Not so many blonde people. It's like that at jiu-jitsu tournaments, too.
Starting point is 01:52:52 It's like a black hair sport. Yeah, black hair. Black hair sport. Hey, there's no parents there with nose piercings and blue hair either. None. None of that shit. And back here by the bathroom, I heard these six buff dads they all look like they were on trt i like and they were they were having a great conversation about what their kids were learning in school and how much they hated the fucking the the the tranny
Starting point is 01:53:18 shit going on in schools it was pretty funny i know i'm good i'm not part of their di quota i'm armenian there's there's probably other armenians there i'm a black hair i'm a i fit in with the the asians and the and the the latin americans armenians are cool they kind of go they go under the radar they're cool the rate armenians are we're pretty we. You know what I mean? We're black hairs. And I'm talking tongue-in-cheek. No one get crazy. There are some blonde hairs in there. Just not a lot.
Starting point is 01:53:53 They're definitely the minority. You're not going to see any in this video. You have to look for them. I've always beat up on some blonde hairs yesterday, actually. Both Ari and Avi. Avi hasn't lost a match in there, and Ari hasn't lost a match in three days. I probably shouldn't say that. I think that's like uncouth etiquette because it's just practice and sparring.
Starting point is 01:54:16 But anyway, this place is pretty amazing. So my story is this. Outside, there's really limited parking. There's only like 50 parking spots, right? There's two rows of 25. You might think, well, shit, that's a lot. But there's really limited parking. There's only like 50 parking spots, right? There's two rows of 25. You might think, well, shit, that's a lot, but there's not. And so there's an etiquette where you get in line. I didn't know this, where you get in line
Starting point is 01:54:35 and then when a spot opens, you go into the parking lot. I thought that line was just for parents dropping off and picking up kids. I didn't know that they were waiting for a spot. So I drove past the line and went into the parking lot. And I got a talking to big old fucking is actually white dude, blonde hair
Starting point is 01:54:57 dude, big fucking dude. Six three old like me all buff, probably probably on some TRT and shit. Gets out of his, like, I don't know. He was, like, in a, looked like probably, like, $100,000 Audi station wagon or something. Hey, what are you doing? Parking.
Starting point is 01:55:22 What? Well, the line's back here, and he's all puffy chested and shit and i get out of my car i put my car in park and get out so i can talk to him and then right then i'm like i hope this guy doesn't think like i'm like posturing on him by getting out of my car i just want to hear him i can't hear him he's like dude there's a line back there don't you see that i'm like oh dude my first week here i don't know and then he kind of chilled out he's like well how it works And then he explained it to me. Fuck.
Starting point is 01:55:47 He was nice. Nice enough. But, you know, like his first reaction was like, he's going to have to fuck me up. You know what I mean? Oh, Jake. Oh, Jake. Oh, Jake. Not called.
Starting point is 01:56:00 Oh, God damn it. Yeah, it's my first day. That's what I said. It's my first day. Oh, shit. God damn it. I can it's my first day. That's what I said. It's my first day. Oh, shit. God damn it. I can't tell you guys anything. You know what you are?
Starting point is 01:56:11 You're like, you guys remind me of like, you guys remind me of like that girl you've been dating for like five years and like every time you get in a fight, she brings up something from the first week you dated. It's like she just can't drop it. She can't get past it. Remember that time you stepped on my dog's tail and you can't drop it. She can't get past it. Remember that time you stepped on my dog's tail and you didn't say sorry? Okay, fuck. Judy Reed, seven on
Starting point is 01:56:32 your five feet, you can't posture. Good. Well, good. Good. Heidi Kroom, as soon as he saw you get out of the car He realized you weren't posturing Alright fine Good Uh Um Came inside or you need to measure your height on live That's a good idea Shoes or no shoes came inside or you need to measure your height on live. That's a good idea. A good bit. Shoes or no shoes?
Starting point is 01:57:12 Yeah. Judge Judy Reed, we've been married 23 years. Judy Reed, I've been married 23 years, and I still bring up times that my husband cheated on me. Wow. All right. Oh, I like that. A shit sandwich. I like your beard at the moment.
Starting point is 01:57:35 So what I'm doing is I'm using my ball trimmer, my manscaper to just keep this side short, but I'm letting the goatee grow out. I mean, I don't know if that could change tomorrow, but... Some guy named Dildo says, the dark stache and white beard is a great combo. Thanks. Judy Reed, that was so good, Savant.
Starting point is 01:58:03 I deserve that. Well, yeah, you know. Projecting my life onto you. They've all cheated on you. They've all cheated on you. Just go with that. Just go with that. They've all cheated on you.
Starting point is 01:58:16 That's a safe bet. Set your man free and just assume they've all cheated on you at one time or another. Set him free. Set him free. Set him free. Tomorrow we have the CEO of Born Primitive coming on. I feel a little bad sometimes bringing up conversations that are just like so stupid. Like the Ted Cruz, the man-woman thing to Greg,
Starting point is 01:58:45 because he's so smart and he doesn't deserve, I don't think, to have to address such stupid shit. But it's also fun to see a brain like his have to process dumb shit, right? It's like watching a world-class gymnast do a cartwheel still it's still nice uh vindicate i had no idea born primitive had a podcast i think it's new yeah tomorrow i should open the show with that hey dude i took down my man bun because of you i got a clip here i got a clip here this is in honor of uh judy uh reed i don't i don't personally uh believe in um asian hate i don't think anyone like attacks asians because they're asian i'm open to being wrong but here we go asians that don't speak english are being targeted in south seattle i mean like
Starting point is 01:59:59 like what do you mean that don't speak uh i'm only going to rob uh asians that don't speak. I'm only going to rob Asians that don't speak English. I seriously don't think crooks have any discernment like that. I don't think they care. The victim followed home from... They tased this guy and stole his shit. Let's see what happens.
Starting point is 02:00:25 Here we go. He's ringing the doorbell. Someone sneaks up behind him. Come out of everything. Come out of everything. Oh, God. Oh, is he taking it? Take the ring off.
Starting point is 02:00:55 He's telling him to take the ring off, but the guy's gone into, like, rigor mortis. Did you see that? The guy's, like, stiff as a board. Oh, shit. Get the fucking ring off. Get the ring off. Hang on a minute. Take the ring off. Take the ring off, nigga. They off. Take the ring off. Take the ring off. Take the ring off. Take the ring off.
Starting point is 02:01:06 Take the ring off. Take the ring off. Take the ring off. Take the ring off. Take the ring off. Take the ring off. Take the ring off. Take the ring off.
Starting point is 02:01:14 Take the ring off. Take the ring off. Take the ring off. Take the ring off. Take the ring off. Take the ring off. Take the ring off. Take the ring off.
Starting point is 02:01:22 Take the ring off. Take the ring off. Take the ring off. Take the ring off. Take the ring off. Take the ring off. Take the ring off. Wow. Damn. That's a lot of cops for getting paid. Oh, God. You see that? Oh, there's two.
Starting point is 02:02:11 There's one in his arm and one in his stomach. I guess that's how it works, huh? And then it puts the current through you? Jeez Louise. Jeez Louise. That is not happening in my neighborhood. I do not live in Seattle. I think that's pretty normal for Seattle.
Starting point is 02:02:39 That type of stuff. Anyway, I don't think that has anything to do with the guy being Asian or not alright oh here you want to see one more funny thing not that that last thing was funny but anyway funny but anyway okay tomorrow's gonna be good sorry Heidi way too violent for my taste I apologize I can't even okay fine I mean he was okay I mean that's how I should be careful saying this that's how I'd want to be robbed.
Starting point is 02:03:26 Just tased. They take my shit and leave. It's better than getting your face stomped in, right? Pistol whipped. 7 a.m. tomorrow. Wait, what is today? No, today's not Shut Up and Scribble, is it? No, today's Tuesday.
Starting point is 02:03:40 I better check the calendar and make sure there's nothing going on. Okay, Greg Glassman. Yeah, then tomorrow is the guy, his name is Bear from Born Primitive, and he does have his own podcast. And then you know what it looks like? It looks like Thursday Matt Torres is coming on. I don't think I can do the BirthFit podcast at 9 a.m.
Starting point is 02:04:06 because I think Lindsey just had a baby. Tomorrow in the morning, I'm taking my kids over to Ryan Sheckler's gym. For those of you who are skate park aficionados, his indoor skate park that he has. Who is he coming on? That's a great question. I'll make sure that's my first question for him. Matt is boring on the podcast.
Starting point is 02:04:45 Who's Matt? Oh, Torres? Are you kidding me? He's great. Okay, I will post pictures of the skate park. Matt, wait a second. Matt Torres isn't boring at all. He was great last time.
Starting point is 02:05:01 He was so good. Remember last time we talked about the Masters he was ahead of his time he was saying like separate the masters even before like anyone else was even talking about it he mentioned it on this show matt torres is fuck boy energy i love fuck boy energy i don't even know what that is but i like it maybe i'll watch this before I go see him tomorrow Sheckler's interview on the 9 Club is dope alright
Starting point is 02:05:32 talk to you guys later buh-bye

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