The Sevan Podcast - Greg Glassman #12 | Live Call In

Episode Date: September 13, 2023

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Starting point is 00:01:12 uh eating beaver good morning matt congrats on all the success too buddy it's cool what you're doing it's cool what you're doing for your gym your community the state of ohio the entire crossfit community i don't have the oh maybe i do have the clip right here let me see matt's running this if you haven't seen the couple podcasts i've done with matt uh schindeldecker you gotta check him out he is uh running a very successful program helping uh youth who are uh in the court system. I'll pull it up in the next few days. Running a program that kind of grabs youth as they come out of the court system and are headed to juvenile hall. And instead they have the option to do CrossFit for several months.
Starting point is 00:02:06 And he set up the program so gyms all over the state of Ohio and all over the country can sign up and try to get programs like this in their area so that the kids don't go to juvenile hall don't become part of the revolving door instead get uh put into you know a crossfit class that they do regularly um that their probation officer the judge their whole basically circle of people uh end up participating in and it has a crazy success rate and that's led to relationships that matt has with the entire state of ohio which led to him recently doing a workout um that the most exciting part isn't necessarily that they did the workout but that um emails are now going out to every single uh highway patrol officer in the state of ohio maybe every single officer in the state of ohio notifying them of uh crossfit
Starting point is 00:02:51 workouts so it's cool stuff it's probably worth just bringing mad on once a month and get updates on that program it's so cool mr weed good to see you glenn hey yawn yo what's up dude uh morning fake craig howard is here yep i see it thank you for um thank you for accommodating my uh my uh little eyes i was thinking i was watching the president of instagram um who i'm not a fan of even in the slightest. He is the most woke of woke. He's a scary man. He is akin to something out of being a James Bond
Starting point is 00:03:34 villain or something out of Germany World War II. He is a scary, scary man. He's not a good dude. And I was watching him and he was being interviewed. Super beta, super racist, all that crazy woke stuff, all the craziest of the crazy woke stuff. And I'm watching him being interviewed and I'm watching him drink a Coke during the interview.
Starting point is 00:04:04 Him and the podcast host are drinking cokes and i remember when i used to be a um i've never used the only reason why i've ever used tobacco or nicotine is because someone else was using it hey good morning greg good morning i never just walked into a store and bought a pack of cigarettes it was always like i was at a party somewhere and someone was smoking and that's how i tried smoking and that's how i know that that And that's how I know that that stuff, that's how that spreads, right? When you're in the new tube, one of your friends is drinking a Coke. You exercise. And that's basically, um, uh, that that's basically how that works. And I was thinking about, um, and you, you wear Nike thinking about, and you wear Nike clothes and then your friends would wear Nike clothes. And that's how that works. Nike is one of those companies that mandated the injection for their employee. You didn't take the injection, they fired you. You lost your job.
Starting point is 00:05:01 Lost your job. And so that's kind of what we're all doing here on the planet. We're all signaling each other through our behaviors on what people should and shouldn't do. And that being said, I was thinking about just recently, just in the CrossFit space, that whole incident that's quite hilarious happened on Lauren Fisher's Instagram account where people were upset because she played a – I forget even what the name of the movie is. But the name of that movie where Robert Downey Jr. Robert Downey jr. Plays a black guy. And he says, and then Ben Stiller says the word retard and people are upset about something as subjective as painting your face black and the word retard.
Starting point is 00:05:34 And yet you have people leaders in the fucking community drinking Coke, which is a tropic of thunder. Thank you. Which by the way, I think is just a stupid movie. I don't know why so many people like it. Um, but,
Starting point is 00:05:47 um, it's, it's amazing. It's something that's objective in real, like drinking Coke is bad for you. Gets a pass, but something that's subjective, like calling someone a retard gets people up in a frenzy.
Starting point is 00:06:00 It makes me think that we're, we're surrounded by retards. And that's my's my morning thoughts. Hi. What's up, kid? What's up, dude? So, Lauren, you should get in trouble. Kinda, yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:16 I mean, they tried to, you know, every Tom, Dick, and Harry who was offended came over to her Instagram account and was like, you should be ashamed of yourself. And what's worse is they even do stuff like people were like saying stuff along the lines of I'm disappointed in anyone who even follows this account. You know what I mean? Like even shame people who are her friends. It was. It's nuts. It's nuts. These people think that they're being kind, but they'll just publicly roast anybody. I don't know what their deal is. Well, I do know what their deal is. What's a Lauren Fisher web property look like? What's her Instagram account look like?
Starting point is 00:07:05 Yeah. I'll show you. She's a – she is someone – you know, 10 years ago, she was big in the scene. She put on a shitload of followers. I mean, she has a massive account, bigger than most of the superstars in the sport even. But she – I think kind of her claim to fame is she was supposed to be the every girl's girl you know she was one of the first one that talked about like hey i'm not i don't have a perfect body or i started when i was young um
Starting point is 00:07:37 yeah it's kind of your standard you know crossfit account her working out her getting married her pushing product you know what i mean yeah it's your it's your standing her her her and her boyfriend her boyfriend's really cool foreign dude um yeah just this is it's pretty that's a pretty normal um you know what i mean she's a bit i think i think i don't follow her closely but as i recall she's a big like pro girl girls can do things you know what i mean that that's kind of her angle i don't want to go as far as to say she's woke because i don't i don't follow her closely but like usual it does seem like the woke eat the uh woke oh here's here i'll play you the clip here here it is it's right
Starting point is 00:08:20 here this is it this is what people are upset about. What do you mean? Check it out. Sorry. Hold on a second. I missed the best part. Let's see if I can Did you ever see that movie, Greg? No. I know it was well received.
Starting point is 00:08:40 Yeah, people love it. How do I get out of here? Everybody knows you never go full retard. You mean? Check it out. So that's it. That's the clip. The guy says, everyone knows you never go full retard.
Starting point is 00:08:59 And then Ben Stiller goes, what do you mean? And then all these people are like, you you know every mom and dad or brother or sibling with someone who has down syndrome chimed in and said you're basically despicable it's like dude those are the last people i would think by the way who would chime in i thought that they would want to be like hey i don't want a word that's going to offend my kid like it's cool it's Anyway That's that I would have figured that a Lauren Fisher website Would have no words on it
Starting point is 00:09:33 Nothing spoken Just all pictures Yeah and then she Included a little soundtrack with some words And it fucked her up She doesn't need them they don't help her a little soundtrack with some words that have fucked her up. She doesn't need them. They don't help her. Just go with the pictures?
Starting point is 00:09:54 Yeah, stick to being... Why risk it with the fucking words? Meaning most of the people who follow her probably are just picture book kind of people. It's a visual thing. It's a visual thing. She's a visual thing. Yeah, yeah. Okay. Fair, fair.
Starting point is 00:10:10 They got some words. Let's talk about memorable Lauren Fisher quotes. What you're saying is highly offensive, Greg. No, I mean, it's like she's a visual property. I agree. Well, in her mind, too, also, and probably in a lot of people's minds around her, too, she's also like... It's like you won't believe what the Pet House Pet of the Month said. It's unbelievable what she's done to her career.
Starting point is 00:10:40 And so who let her talk? Why did she have to say anything? Well, she's also a woman power persona. You know what I mean? Hey, look what women can do. Pardon me? She does that with pictures, not thoughts. Right, right.
Starting point is 00:10:53 Good point. Good point. Hey, did you see that? There's a good chunk of the community that are celebrated for their physical appearances and capabilities. And that's what they're about. And it's unfair to expect them to use words or use them intelligently, thoughtfully, or meaningfully. Or in this circumstance.
Starting point is 00:11:22 Would you buy a parrot and be pissed off because you couldn't do your fucking taxes? No. That's your problem. But Greg, in this instance, it's her audience that's also not – her audience is also not prepared to handle words. Words. They're not word people. That's why you're a lawyer. It's your fact.
Starting point is 00:11:43 You don't like words. Right. Clock. The woke went full retard on the never go full retard clip. Seems like some sort of milestone has been reached. Adam Blakeslee. Lauren was the first young hot CrossFitter when all the women were a little older in the beginning. Yeah, she was really young, right?
Starting point is 00:12:06 She was like 17. And she had a brother also in the space kicking ass. Not really a word guy. Right. Did you see what I sent you last night? Did you see the text I sent you? Basically, let me see if I can find it. It was this thought I had. Is CrossFit a libertarian practice more than a fitness practice? Like if you had to put it in a hierarchy, would you say it's a it's a health practice, a libertarian practice and then a fitness practice like if you had to put it in a hierarchy would you say it's a it's a health practice a libertarian practice and then a fitness practice is it is it a libertarian practice do you know what i'm asking in this maybe not meaning there's such a high there's such a high premium put on personal accountability personal responsibility responsibility, and the outcomes make
Starting point is 00:13:05 you an ideal, a libertarian in terms of what a libertarian, what someone should contribute to a libertarian society. That if you're, that if you're not a libertarian and you bring that, that, that thought practice, like the next thing I know is there's going to be people doing burpees for you like a progressive would be like hey it's not fair that this person has to do 100 burpees they're overweight so i'm going to do 50 of their burpees for them like it's just it's just not made for the victim mind yeah there's and the way it led to, the way it started pushing up against everything that was going on in society. You know what I mean? It was pushing right up against it.
Starting point is 00:13:53 There are ideological perversions that have trouble nesting in all kinds of systems. you know, it's hard to carry the lefty ethos into farming, for instance. You know, something that requires you to get up every morning at five o'clock without thought and commit to service to your animals and your project. commit to service to, to your animals and your project. And it's, uh, you're not, you just don't see, you just don't see, uh, uh, liberal farmers for the most part. They're not. Is that, is that really true? Yeah. For the most part.
Starting point is 00:14:43 Yeah. That's crazy yeah if you if you if you if you you got you got two people ones in the prius and the others in f-150 um let's take a wild guess at who the trump supporter is and who the who the biden supporter would be now that's why you get someone that's you know you you'll notice the exceptions to that. Right. Remember when Pat got the Prius? And we were like, dude, what the fuck's the matter with you? Sherwood got one?
Starting point is 00:15:16 Yeah. Yeah. We have a couple here in town that have traveled the entirety of the California coast, and they're his and her. I think they have Bell Jet Ranger helicopters. And for fun, they photographed the entire coast, and they gave that to the State Coastal Commission and got pats on the back. Coastal Commission and got pats on the back. But they have photographed through their his and her helicopter every inch of the California coastline. And I think she's president of the Prius Club,
Starting point is 00:15:54 where they sit around at nice restaurants and look down their nose at all the poor people driving cars that emit fumes? Comfortable that hers emits no fumes because she plugs it into the fucking wall. It's great. It's just. You know a couple that has the they fly helicopters together. They have two helicopters and they fly them together. The whole state does.
Starting point is 00:16:25 Knows of them? Yeah, they're CrossFitters. They're nice people. I mean, I like them. But their ideology is an absurdity. Dan Guerrero, Savant, you clearly don't regularly go to affiliate someone, Dan, I'm willing to bet that I've been to more affiliates in the last month than
Starting point is 00:16:49 you have. Maybe you've been to your affiliate more than I've been to affiliates, but I bet you I've been to more affiliates than you have in the last month or the last two months or the last three months or the last four months. How's that? Yeah. I like, I don't, I don't know what regularly go with me, but Dan, I think you missed that one. It's laughable. It seems to be a, well, they like to pick on me because I'm not a member at an affiliate.
Starting point is 00:17:18 So then they think I just never go to any affiliates. Speaking of picking on you. I dropped into five or six affiliates speaking of uh picking i dropped in i dropped into five or six affiliates in the past month or two um hello just drive by let's swing in maggie and i just did that a few days ago and maggie also worked out an affiliate. All right, that's what I thought you meant. Did you see this thing? So I used to be a big Howard Stern fan.
Starting point is 00:17:55 Greg actually introduced me to Howard Stern. This is probably back in 2009 or 10. And I was a huge, huge fan. And then the whole mass thing popped up and he started saying some crazy shit. Crazy, crazy shit. He was a fuck your freedoms guy. He was like, hey, the only way to stop this is get the injection guy. He was he was I can't think he was he was completely extreme. Right.
Starting point is 00:18:20 That basically locked those people inside if they're not injected. Seve, he went full-blown chicken little. Yeah. Yeah. And now it looks like he's having issues with his neurotic paranoia. Howard Stern says his fear of COVID is causing fights with wife Beth. And I looked it up and it, I can't tell if it's just a bit on his part,
Starting point is 00:18:47 but it sounds like she, it sounds like he's completely fucking freaking out again. And she doesn't want to do the game again. She does. She's completely over it. And so it's causing issues in their marriage. But here's the part that's tripping me out. There's a difference between being afraid of COVID and thinking it's bad for
Starting point is 00:19:04 everyone. And then there's another thing that's afraid of covid and thinking it's bad for everyone and then there's another thing that's just like hey he knows he's neurotic and yet he still this is what's bad about people he he still wanted society to conform to his neuroses do you see the difference in that like let's say you're just terrified of cars and you know you let's say you're just terrified to go up in planes you don't ask the whole world to stop flying planes. But this guy is acutely aware that it's his fucking issue. He has handwashing issues. He has germ issues.
Starting point is 00:19:33 He has all sorts of weird issues like that. And yet he would go on his platform, which is, you know, second largest platform in the world. He had 30 million regular listeners and start spouting stuff like, hey, fuck your rights. Everyone take the injection. You shouldn't be stuff like hey fuck your rights everyone take the injection you shouldn't be outside allowed outside or in public unless you take the injection fuck your freedoms he was you know he was on the arnold schwarzenegger tip it's crazy it's gross it makes him completely unlikable to me i i can i can forgive someone for their own paranoia their own issues but then to start pushing them on everyone in society he knows better he became less interesting through covid i want do you know the last time you listened to him
Starting point is 00:20:12 uh no it's been years yeah but but we used to listen to him all the time remember yeah stern has been irrelevant for a while. Did he? Did he? I wonder what the numbers are on a show. Yeah, I was wondering that too. I would think they'd have to be diminished. Mooney Howard has a COVID derangement syndrome.
Starting point is 00:20:44 Bloss, he's a victim of brainwashing machine. He's acting dumb, but he really is a victim. He's just not ready to deal with it. I don't know. Not my favorite word, victim, but at some point you have to when you're influencing more people than
Starting point is 00:21:02 people are influencing you, I just can't even give you an out with the word victim. I don't like the word anyway, but. Sebi, is he like McDonald's? Has he lost listeners? I mean, I would think we're unusual. I think there's just a generation that isn't interested. In him? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:23 Type in. I mean, we've got a generation that doesn't go to mcdonald's their numbers are waning too that thing oh yeah uh howard stern let me see ratings and the repeating on fox news of his paranoia i it feels like publicity for howard oh like to do it on to help him out like his pr people hit a fox can we get a spot yeah it looks like his numbers aren't public, but Sirius is a public company, right? I can't find anything just with a quick search. According to Washington Post, he averaged 12 million listeners per day. Almost anyone could have access to Howard in their car radio. I think when we were listening, they were claiming 30 million a day.
Starting point is 00:22:23 I remember 20 for quite a while. Okay. How old is he now? 69, 70. Looks good. He had a good run. Yeah, 69 years. He had a great run. His wife's 51. Beetlejuice is 55.
Starting point is 00:22:48 Holy shit. I can't believe that dude lived to 55 did you see uh um do you know who novak djokovic is yeah did you see he won the uh u.s open um i i figured you, but there was a guy that got beat that wasn't supposed to, too, right? Oh, it wasn't? I didn't follow it quite. I didn't follow like a sports aficionado. I followed it more like because Moderna was the sponsor of the US Open this year, and they had like the Moderna shot of the day and all that stuff. And basically two years ago, they wouldn't let this guy come to the United States and play this year. He comes in
Starting point is 00:23:30 fucking wins it. What a cool dude. How proud would you be if he, if that was your son, uh, stood up against the machine, right. Or just your friend, right. Stood up against the machine. Didn't get the shot. You know, he still flew to Australia when they told him he couldn't come. I mean, they sent him home. I don't think he played. They sent him home. They even, I think, threatened to jail him. Didn't take the shot and then comes and wins the Moderna U.S. Open.
Starting point is 00:23:56 It's good. And, you know, they have the shot of the day, and it's kind of the joke. Yeah, I get it. It's him. the shot of the day and it's kind of the joke and yeah i get it it's him was was uh someone says the best thing was watching bill gates's face watching djokovic when was bill gates in the audience you i don't i don't remember where we were but a couple days ago, you had said that thing to me where it was like, man, people will avoid genetically modified food,
Starting point is 00:24:31 but they'll wait in line to get the injection. They'll have this huge tizzy against GMOs, and yet they're more than willing to, you know. Yeah, I got friends sorting through their cornflakes looking for the GMmo flake uh-huh it will stand in line for hours to get themselves genetically modified and their kids yeah so my wife's sorting through people to see if they're genetically modified or not like corn flakes uh dildo, Greg is a hand
Starting point is 00:25:05 coffer. You got to be kidding me. What's the other option? I don't want to spray shit on my screen and I'm here by myself. I got this from everyone in the house who's had it for longer than I have. That's what happens when you
Starting point is 00:25:21 just had nine kids there. Now you got four. Elbow elbow coffee there's always someone sick about to get sick or was sick elbow coughing what you're are you he were born pre-1980 no one no one born pre-1980 80 cops into their elbow. I do sneeze into my shirt. David Weed, Bill Gates should go to Gitmo for the rest of his life. I agree. I got this. I don't know who this lady is. Oh, Christy Knapp.
Starting point is 00:26:03 I got a little. I enjoyed this. I got a uh comedy piece for us this morning good way to get the show dinged here we go these weren't perfect but i'll tell you what they didn't have there were no uh safe spaces there were no trigger warnings and there were no fucking peanut allergies. Well, why? Because for thousands of years, the only people who could have children were ones who could hunt for food,
Starting point is 00:26:42 build shelter, and fight saber-toothed tigers. Now, there are people having kids who can't eat wheat. Oh, but Christina, it's an allergy. You don't know. Well, I do know. I ain't fucking a guy that's scared of toast. Yeah. Let me tell you something. My favorite question when I go to a restaurant
Starting point is 00:27:25 is when a waiter asks me, ma'am, do you have any food sensitivities? I can't fucking laugh hard enough. I'm like, no, boo-boo. No. No, I don't. I have zero sensitivities to any 80s
Starting point is 00:27:45 Christine Knapp it's good what a good art comedy we get asked do you have any food allergies and I said I'm allergic to people allergic to shit perfect you think when she does that
Starting point is 00:28:01 that like she's practicing that she even practices the snort it's like all it's just dialed You think when she does that, that like she's practicing that, she even practices the snort? It's like all like just dialed. I do. Is Greg wearing a MAGA hat? No, he's not. No.
Starting point is 00:28:19 I think that's a bike hat. Is that a bike component? No, it's a scope people. Worse yet. For guns? Yeah. Yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 00:28:29 And this is their remember everyone deployed issue. Forte. Good people. Seve, your mic seems a little much. How's that? I just lowered it. How's that? Is that better?
Starting point is 00:28:40 I lowered my mic. Thank you for telling me. Nothing worse than a loud sub on. You own their scopes? How'd you end up with a hat? You bought a scope, came with a hat? I have one of their scopes, but someone gave it to me at the games years ago.
Starting point is 00:29:00 I think I remember that hat. The letters are raised, right? Yeah. And I think I remember that hat. The letters are raised, right? Yeah. Yeah. I saw this.
Starting point is 00:29:11 I thought you would like this too. I heard someone say that the reason why MJ is a better player than LeBron is because of his emotional appeal. I heard a fighter saying that, that it's important to have an emotional connection with the audience. But I saw this the other day and I thought of you. I don't really know why, but here we go. I still have Jordan number one, LeBron number two. Jordan dominated the NBA in a way that LeBron hasn't.
Starting point is 00:29:38 Jordan had two three-peats in seven years. Everyone else who has stepped on the planet has won three-peat in 54 years. Once Jordan started winning, no one else could win. He kept a host of Hall of Famers from winning championships. Ewing, Barkley, Drexler, Elijah Wynne, Shaq. LeBron hasn't done that. LeBron locked down the East for eight years. Jordan did that to the entire NBA. Good argument, right? It's powerful. I'm biased, though.
Starting point is 00:30:17 I shouldn't weigh in. Because he's from your era and you're not a LeBron fan? No. Okay. No, it's LeBron on politics. Oh, right. Maybe specifically his accusations of that cop from that righteous shooting in Columbus
Starting point is 00:30:39 where the young lady was about to pierce the sternum of another with a knife, and the cop got off quick shots, and before the smoke cleared the air, he was attempting CPR on the assailant. And LeBron went instantly to, I think he revealed his name is what he did. Oh, yeah, the cop's name. That's right. That's right. And the cop went into semi-hiding and of course that was a you know, he had a rough day
Starting point is 00:31:11 at the office to begin with. Nobody starts to shift wanting to kill somebody. Nobody wants that. Nobody wants that. And I just it's unforgivable
Starting point is 00:31:26 I think the girl who actually I'll forgive LeBron when the half a million law enforcement officers in the United States do I think the girl who actually called the cops was the one who
Starting point is 00:31:44 ended up getting shot too right like she called the cops was the one who ended up getting shot too, right? Like she called the cops and then she pulled a knife. She was indeed. That, that, that knife was on its downward plunge to someone splayed backwards over a car. Yeah. Had he not shot her, she likely would have not survived it. The victim. Not the assailant who met an unfortunate fatal demise.
Starting point is 00:32:10 Lucky for the victim. What did someone, someone, someone wrote something good here. Yeah. Augustus, LeBron made his kid get the injection. Can't be the greatest of all time and do that. I don't want to conflate stats, but, man, that's definitely a ding on your record. Yeah, you know, look, we can hope that sports authorities, sports figures, years comport themselves with enough decorum and pride and heroism that their life has purpose. And outside of that, it doesn't mean a fucking thing to be able to throw a ball in a hole.
Starting point is 00:33:00 It really doesn't. Their lives are fundamentally pointless until they can provide purpose to that by being an inspiration to them, to youth. And expecting a guy to be up to date on politics or environmental issues or scientific, it's expecting too much. So you're left with charities and getting on one knee and signing autographs and signing shirts, patting a kid on the hat, you know, on the head,
Starting point is 00:33:43 being an inspiration. Did you see that stat on his school? He opened, it was something like he opened up a school and not a single eighth grader in the last three years has passed the state's math proficiency test. What's the emphasis? Yeah, maybe. But it was supposed to be this great thing that he did, and now no one's even getting educated there.
Starting point is 00:34:16 You sent me this. God, this is crazy. This is good. This is so good that you sent me this. This is one of those things i probably watched like five times this is the david grohl thing and the drumming yeah did you know this before you saw this caught me by surprise but i david grohl always catches me surprised i'm a i mean i'm a fan of the man and his music okay here we go this is nuts listen up everyone i'm a fan of the man and his music. Okay, here we go. This is nuts.
Starting point is 00:34:46 Listen up everyone. I'm a good drummer because I'm the most basic fucking drummer. If you listen to Nevermind, the Nirvana record, I pulled so much stuff from the Gap Band and Cameo and Tony Thompson on every one of those songs. All that. Wow! on every one of those songs. All that. Wow.
Starting point is 00:35:08 That's old disco. That's all it is. Can I not hear that? Nobody makes the connection. That's straight up gap band. I told Tony Thompson that I came to my house for a barbecue with somebody, and I was like, man, I just want to thank you because, you know, I owe so much. I've been ripping you off my whole life because I know whoa a big disco for him
Starting point is 00:35:33 Like it works every time Saying I'm okay. Hey, I want to ask you a question right here this he's gonna make a statement here David Grohl Like hey he's gonna make a statement here David Grohl the reason why I'm such a good drummer is because I steal and then Pharrell makes this face is that the face of hey quit being humble is that because I'm the most basic
Starting point is 00:35:56 drummer if you listen to nevermind is he like oh David stop you're not the most basic drummer quit saying that got it so good. Uh-oh. Tank Reeves. Grohl is a Vax pusher. Love Nirvana and the Foo Fighters, but he sold out.
Starting point is 00:36:21 He's in the hive. Does he live down there? You just made Greg hate him too stop doing that I don't expect a lot of pull ups out of physicists and I don't expect intelligent politics
Starting point is 00:36:38 out of drummers it's easy to celebrate people that physicists that can do pull-ups when you find them and a drummer that isn't an idiot on politics or economics it's kind of nice
Starting point is 00:36:56 but from that I don't have across the board expectation that's like that's like being upset with Lauren Fisher for misspeaking. What fool was listening? William Fingerdew, I'm pretty sure you couldn't go to his concert if you didn't take the jab. Trevor Ottman, going back to the allergies, I know, and it pisses me off because people try to downplay my son's allergies as just sensitivity issues.
Starting point is 00:37:30 Real allergies get shit because Becky with the flat butt gets the shits when she eats bread. Trevor, the thing is this. The thing is this. I forget the exact study. The thing is this, I forget the exact study, but there's this conventional wisdom that's popped up that don't introduce your kids to peanuts and honey until they're like five or six years old. And then once they do the study, they realize actually that doesn't protect your kid from food allergies, that enhances them and causes them.
Starting point is 00:38:00 And it's by massive, massive amounts. It's like it really ends up being the cause. And so I think that's also where it's at. And I'm curious, did you do that? Did you try to protect your kid from allergies? I knew it didn't make sense. Yeah, what kind of allergy? Does it hurt? Did you protect your kids from any of that stuff greg honey or peanut butter or any
Starting point is 00:38:30 of that shit were you worried about that i never was no i had heard though that the peanut allergy was it and was was due to uh the mistaken belief that kids uh need to be kept from it. But that idea was first floated to me at an MDL1 we did with Brazilian physicians. And I had a group of Brazilian docs surround me and ask me what I thought was up with peanut allergies because no one knew a doctor that had ever seen one in Brazil. allergies because no one knew a doctor that had ever seen one in Brazil. Trevor Otman Seve, it's a dairy allergy. We feed him pizza at eight months and he started to break out and wheeze.
Starting point is 00:39:16 Blas Reventos, I'm sorry, so you should expose to all kinds of foods and it acts as a shelter against allergies. In a nutshell, my kids do not get sick. My kids are six, six and eight. They only break bones. They don't get sick.
Starting point is 00:39:35 No infections, no nose infections, no colds. Walk right through COVID and they walk around fucking barefoot with their hands in their mouth. And they bathe nightly and they put on clean underwear two or three times a day, and they train hard, and they eat to the CrossFit prescription mostly, their diet. And yeah, and I introduce them. I believe that introducing kids to that type of – I believe in the conventional wisdom that sleep with the dog in your bed, and you're healthier.
Starting point is 00:40:00 I believe all that. I believe that fighting off all that stuff, and I believe vaginal birth and breastfeeding are important too I believe all that the quicker you can introduce your kids to that kind of shit the better Emily Kaplan for example
Starting point is 00:40:15 I developed a deadly allergy to bees from having beans stung a million times likewise people who are allergic to certain meds isn't there some sort of study that getting bit by a bee also, though, there's like a correlate to less cancer or something? Wasn't there some crazy study like that, Greg? Does that ring a bell with you? No, but I know someone that was diagnosed
Starting point is 00:40:37 with end-stage cancer and got stung by thousands of bees as an attempted remedy. And it didn't work? No. Christine, they get sick, Sebi. Sure, okay, fine, they get sick, but what I'm saying is
Starting point is 00:40:59 it doesn't manifest as anything. You'll never hear from me, my kids are sick, I can't come to your house, or you can't come out you never you'll never um you'll never hear from me my kids are sick i can't come to your house or you can't come to my house you don't hear that you won't hear that from me here we come you won't see snot running from my kids uh face you just don't uh t watkins allergies grow i basically wallowed in dirt as a kid zero protection ever now i can't go outside in the fall something is going on outside of human adaptation well i think you people do get out uh you're talking about um uh those i i don't i don't think of those i see what you mean by allergies you're talking about just like pollen and shit blowing around i think that that does come at a later age
Starting point is 00:41:42 right i've had that a couple times in my life. Not every year. Do you get allergies? When I, if I, I discovered years ago that if I, if I had a jelly donut, I was allergic to my kid's rat. You think the sugar in there compromised your immune system and that's what made you allergic to it or i know that if i had a jelly donut for a day or two if i had any exposure to the rat i would my eyes would glass over and it should it was it was kind of nasty and if i if i without an elevated blood sugar i was I was fine with the rat.
Starting point is 00:42:26 So am I allergic to the rat or the jelly donut? Or is it the jelly donut rat combo? I think you can eat in a manner that will make you allergic to everything, including yourself. That's what I believe. I believe that sugar is a well-established path to autoimmune disorder and obesity and cancer and polycystic ovarian disease and endometriosis and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. and polycystic ovarian disease, and endometriosis,
Starting point is 00:43:05 and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. I mean, we've long floated a list of, what is it, 45, 50 horrific maladies that have all been associated with hyperglycemia. hyperglycemia. The whole subject is almost boring at this point. In fact, it was boring when I was delivering the nutrition lectures.
Starting point is 00:43:36 I remember the one that was considered one of our better that I did at Quantico. I started off like, I hate this. I hate doing the nutrition thing. But it's vital. It's the base of the pyramid, right? It's vital.
Starting point is 00:43:57 I mean, you said yourself many times, hey, I'm the fitness guy. But if you have to fix one thing, fix your diet before you fix your fitness. Yeah. fitness guy but if you have to fix one thing fix your diet before you fix your fitness yeah if in a fully captive world if i could run across that island um we'd eat right for a month before anyone would do any exercise you'd have long come to terms with the chicken and broccoli the salmon and asparagus the sirloin and brussel sprouts before you had exerted yourself. Hard to run a gym that way. But why would it bore you? It's got a groundhog day
Starting point is 00:44:44 quality to it. We keep coming back to the same fucking issues i think the progress we made in the last decade is a lot oh what specifically through crossfit or just you or just humanity as a whole? Yeah, I think CrossFit's given up on nutrition. And I think that the shape and men's fitness and men's health and all of those things are creeping back. I'm seeing isolation exercises and, you know, I'm seeing isolation exercises and things are going back to where the profits are greatest for the food industry.
Starting point is 00:45:37 So if we were to draw a graph, more CrossFitters are eating cereal now than they were 10 years ago. Listen, I don't really know or care, but it seems that way to me. Right, right. Just from just looking around. I agree. I totally agree. I saw this company. I should make sure I have it right. I saw a nutrition company.
Starting point is 00:45:52 I think it's called RP Strength supporting snicker bars. FanDuel Casino's exclusive live dealer studio has your chance at the number one feeling, winning, which beats even the 27th best feeling, saying I do. Who wants this last parachute? I do. Enjoy the number one feeling, winning, in an exciting live dealer studio, exclusively on FanDuel Casino,
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Starting point is 00:46:59 Did I see that right? Is that what it... Uh... Maybe I'm wrong. I apologize, RPp strength if it wasn't you there was some there was some nutrition company that was pushing that's in the crossfit space that was pushing um snicker bars the other day i was like wow we really have come a long way it was like which which one do you choose it was a trip.
Starting point is 00:47:31 Hey, do you have any thoughts on that? There's this whole thing about people being authentic. And you know who they are. There's people in the CrossFit space. They'll eat a cake or a cookie and they'll post it on their Instagram. And my thing is, hey, and they think that they're doing it to show like hey i'm just human and i'm just showing you um what i'm doing and that it's okay to not be perfect and my feeling is is fuck you keep that shit to yourself why are you posting a picture of a piece of cake so that
Starting point is 00:47:59 someone else sees it and wants it it reminds me of that show madman i used to watch the guy's always smoking cigarettes and taking shots of whiskey and it made me want to smoke cigarettes and take shots of whiskey. It's like you're not being inauthentic by not showing every Tom, Dick, and Harry all your shitty habits. Do your best. Don't lie and do your best to share
Starting point is 00:48:17 things with people that lead them in the right direction. They don't need to know you're fucking chugging five Cokes a day. You have any thoughts on that not really hey savan hi hey um nice to talk to you i wanted to ask greg a question if if i could hold on let me let me let me check with him greg can this guy ask you a question you can certainly start one yeah you can start one thanks hey greg do you do you believe that your typical um affiliate going crossfitter
Starting point is 00:48:52 um you know may be competitive to an extent but definitely not an elite sense uh would you say that person should be in ketosis? Good question. Is there a, look, in ketosis, are we referring to expressing a certain amount of ketones, whether through urine or breath? Or are we talking about the process, the natural process by which the long fatty acid chains are cleaved into the constituent components that are ketones? I was on a phone call where,
Starting point is 00:49:43 where Moro DePasquale and Barry Sears, I was on a phone conversation once where where Mauro DiPasquale and Barry Sears were arguing or discussing this point and Mauro said to Barry Barry if you know of a process by which a fat molecule is burned
Starting point is 00:50:00 other than ketosis why don't you explain that right now and it was silence and i was like wow i just learned something um i do believe in burning fat rather than storing it that process is ketosis whether you're expressing a whole lot of ketones or not i don't care so much but what i would like to do is i would like to see triglycerides too low to register. So a non-meaningful result, something under 75, where we know you've broken the system for detection. I'd like to see A1C 5-ish.
Starting point is 00:50:41 And I'd like to see a ratio of EPA to arachidonic acid less than one. And I don't really care which of those you do. I don't think you can do one without the other two. And the strategies by which you can accomplish that would look like don't eat white foods, eat from the good side of the food list, the South Beach diet, intermittent fasting, the zone, the paleo. I don't care how you reduce your blood sugar, but do it. And, you know, someone said to me the other day, did you know that CrossFit is no longer officially doing the zone? I promoted the zone because at least for a while,
Starting point is 00:51:33 it seemed like most everyone could do arithmetic. And if you could do arithmetic, you can kind of put yourself in the sweet spot. We're in an era now where people can't do arithmetic. It's so it doesn't work so well. But I have been fairly agnostic as to approach while being consistent as to the results. And again, I'll give you three markers, a suppressed A1C in the space of five, triglycerides below meaningful results, and EPA to arachidonic acid level less than one, one or lower. And if you accomplish that, I think that the amount of energy you spend beyond that thinking about nutrition um it's uh you're
Starting point is 00:52:28 into some other space some kind of meditative horseshit that's a waste of your time really and and the approaches to that i mean people have done it by only don't eat anything that's got a nutrition food label on it that'll get get you there. I have a stepbrother that says nutrition was all nonsense. Just don't eat white foods. And I'm like, so what are you talking about? He didn't mention milk, but he did mention sugar, right? And he mentioned flour. And it was interesting. It's like, yeah, wow, it's a pretty good list of white foods. He left salt off of that. That was good. But whatever paradigm gets you to not eat foods that chronically elevate blood sugar
Starting point is 00:53:09 will get you there. Right. But if you do that, I think you will be in ketosis. I'm familiar with the metric. Ketosis is the process by which your fat is burned. And you can burn it, store it, or shit it.
Starting point is 00:53:31 Isn't there a threshold, though? Or at least some kind of... I wouldn't say it's a narrow line, but there is a blurry line in which you are burning fat for energy. And if you're not in that threshold, you are, um, seeking to burn carbohydrates for energy. Um, the reason I'm asking is because I've, I've been in ketosis and I've actually, uh, recreationally gotten myself out of ketosis, um, just to explore it. And my fitness, um, is better, is clearly better when I'm in ketosis, um, at least for CrossFit type workouts. So strength training, uh, interval training and, and stuff like MERS, um, up to an hour of exertion, I'm good.
Starting point is 00:54:27 I'm also good for all day level two stuff. The thing that I do not think I could do without some kind of failure is something like a marathon, like maybe like zone three for three or four hours. Um, I think, you know, I would just run out of energy or I would need to consume, consume some kind of energy during that, during that general or if your regular people, and let's talk about regular people, people that maybe show up to CrossFit three times a week, don't take it too seriously, don't go into metabolic distress, a typical CrossFitter who's doing it and getting a lot out of it, following good nutrition protocol
Starting point is 00:55:23 and working out three times a day or three times a week, all the way to your, you know, more competitive guy that goes to the gym every day, um, competes with fellow athletes, you know, competes in the open, maybe does some, some small competitions in town. Um, I do feel like elite athletes should not be in ketosis. They actually require carbohydrates to perform to their best level. And as far as I know, none of the elite athletes that are going to the games or going to semifinals are restricting carbs at all. In fact, I think they embrace carbs pretty wholeheartedly. I don't think there's one.
Starting point is 00:56:08 I think you're right. I don't think there is one low-carb games athlete. That's a great question. I wonder if there is. I don't think there is. I really doubt it. I don't think that you could
Starting point is 00:56:19 perform to that level. You would just... There might be one of them, but they're not making it to semifinals, right? Right. Yeah know you're basically the thing you're talking about also is the mitochondria right there's two mitochondria can burn uh sugar or ketones right i mean at the end of the day that's what you're referencing and you're wondering is like hey is it good to stay in a state where your mitochondria is just constantly burning ketones and doesn't use carbs right yeah i don't know
Starting point is 00:56:51 about the mitochondria i don't know the level to that chemistry but right burning fat directly as opposed to burning carbohydrates i thought there was a threshold um and that's what gets you into ketosis that decides whether you're in ketosis or not i know there's a threshold um and that's what gets you into ketosis decides whether you're in ketosis or not i know there's a little bit of blurry lines somewhere in there but there is a threshold and and i've felt that several times because like i said i've purposely gone back and forth i have a very controlled diet i i consume all my own food all raw ingredients um i really don't buy anything the only thing i buy with a nutrition label is probably cheese. Everything else I make, I probably consume 10 to 15 ingredients a day.
Starting point is 00:57:35 I encourage anyone who wants to continue this discussion, by the way, to bomb this guy. This is Dr. Tom Siskron, a friend of Greg's. He's been in ketosis. He's a big dude. He's probably like 6'3", Greg? Yeah, but he's also what our caller would have described as kind of a moderate performer.
Starting point is 00:57:55 Yeah. But he lives in ketosis. And he's... He's also an older fellow, right? Probably 50, 45, 50, yeah. Look, my games athletes, our games athletes, come to us and output at levels far beyond a healthy training stimulus.
Starting point is 00:58:24 What they do for the games is non-sustainable. And most of them are wrecked and commit to a considerable period of recovery post-games. Correct, Sivan? Yes, yes, yes. And so, and there's also possibly reason to believe that they are in significant numbers engaged in supplementation that probably also isn't, isn't well suited to the organism other than in short-term efforts. I've, I've not tried to draw.
Starting point is 00:59:15 I've been careful in the lessons I've drawn from the games athletes, because when I listened to them, I hear that there's no way to win without compression fabrics, but the following year, that's no longer true. And I hear them say that if you don't ice bath between workouts, there's no way to win this thing. And the following year, that's not true. And then the following year, they tell me that unless you put this bright colored tape all over your knees and ribs and back and shoulders, you're not going to win anything. And the next year, none of that's true.
Starting point is 00:59:49 Was it true each of those years? Was it true that in that year, if without an ice bath, you had no chance? Was it true? I think the fuckers got lucky socks. Yes, but the difference between those examples that you gave and and what i'm talking about is what we all just talked about we don't know a single elite athlete in semifinals which of course we don't know everybody in semifinals because it's there's a much larger field of athletes there but at least in the games no one no is restricting carbohydrates. So just by that evolution, we could assume that carbohydrates are required to perform to that level.
Starting point is 01:00:32 They may very well be. I don't know. But what I'm going to tell you is that an athlete's characterization of their eating means next to nothing to me. I can't tell you how many kids have told me that they eat a high-carb diet because they got these giant salads they're eating full of meat and oils. And when you do the math on it, their high-carb diet was actually restricted carbohydrate, low glycemic, moderate in protein, and high in fat. I don't, you know, it's, we do this at home all the time. I mean, it's so far to grandma's house. Well, it's actually, it's 18 miles. We don't need to attach fuzzy language to it. You know, it's 18 miles. That's, if you crawling that's long if we're driving it's not far i don't know it's but uh i'm not i'm not i don't have a sense of what the athletes eat i feel confident that
Starting point is 01:01:34 they're able to articulate it? No, but you may be right. I'm willing to concede that you can't win the games without carbohydrate. That might be the case. I don't know. I think that there's almost this pride these days of like, hey, I eat 500 grams a
Starting point is 01:02:04 day. Do you feel that, Collar? They put it on their Instagram that there's a pride of these days of like, hey, I eat 500 grams a day. Do you feel that, caller? Like that there's almost like they put it on their Instagram that there's a pride of how much carbs that they eat now. Yes, and that's what I'm saying. And what Greg is saying, we don't know what they eat. I think we know from their Instagram profiles, it seems like they post everything. And like Savan says, they're proud of consuming carbs. So when they're eating a Snickers bar, whatever, like we know about it. Um, maybe they're not showing a picture of their eggs and bacon in the morning. True that. But they're eating that Snickers bar. They're eating bread. They're proud. They're proud of that. Right. And I think that's kind of a good message too, that, um, you know, I don't, I wouldn't say it's a good message but it's like hey i'm working so hard i could eat this whole loaf of bread and i still look the way i do and and fraser did walk back
Starting point is 01:02:51 that snicker bark thing by i'm pretty sure he did i've heard him walk back a few times like hey guys i told you i eat snicker bars and drink a coke like listen you are not fucking me and i do not do that now that i'm not not a games. My shit is like back to meat and vegetables. The problem in sugar is in part inducing fat storage and
Starting point is 01:03:16 in part the burning of the sugar itself. If you're consuming 5,000 calories a day of fructose or sucrose and burning it all off, I would expect you to be headed rapidly towards metabolic derangement, cardiovascular disease, and other problems. The problem is in the burning of the sugar.
Starting point is 01:03:41 The problem is in the storage of the sugar. There's nothing that the sugar does that I like. Right, but there's other things the sugar does, right? You know, it does affect recovery in a way. You know, these athletes aren't storing the sugar these athletes consume. They're not storing this fat. That's not the worst of what sugar does. It's the glycation of brain tissue, the glycation of red blood cells, the decreased cell membrane motility.
Starting point is 01:04:23 And I believe all those things are still underway, even if you're burning it and not starting fat and using it for energy. All fuels don't burn equally. Right. And consuming sugar is bad. And if you're an elite athlete and we presume that you need carbohydrates to be an elite CrossFit level athlete, you are affecting your health negatively by just being an elite.
Starting point is 01:04:49 Alarm with steroid use, yes. Performance enhancing or not. It gives me great concern. Listen, I've lived long enough to know elite athletes who dropped dead from cardiovascular disease eating a diet where they were burning all the excess calories the year that sammy inkin and what the what in the professional division of the iron man he was diagnosed as a diabetic and right up to the diagnosis you could
Starting point is 01:05:19 have said i'm burning all the sugar i'm burning it yes you are you're burning it and you're also a diabetic and you're going to be burning sugar with cancer and you'd be burning sugar with your heart disease and you may get a pass on obesity probably not hypertension though so the caller was asking should should everyday crossfitters be in ketosis should they should and your answer is hey uh stay away from the refined carbohydrates i would i would try to eat a diet that conceivably you could have harvested from your garden in the past couple of days and the snickers bars yeah that and neither is neither is the loaf of bread that would be my
Starting point is 01:06:00 be my preference and and I don't... I'm thinking what you're saying is being in ketosis. Because I think if you eat that way, you will inevitably be in ketosis. Unless you're just eating... I need a definition for being in ketosis.
Starting point is 01:06:19 I don't really care which one you pick, but there's a lot of definitions and there's a lot of ways to test. But I think you could eat perfectly. That is in the sense it maximizes health and not know what a ketone is. I don't think being sensitive to ketones Is an aid in any way shape or form Some people it's the only way they're going to do it So fine
Starting point is 01:06:48 Okay Thank you Yeah thanks for Thanks for filling in the question And thanks Siobhan for taking the call Yeah great conversation thank you You guys take it easy Later brother Heidi Here we go this is a good one the call yeah great conversation thank you you guys take it easy later brother uh heidi uh
Starting point is 01:07:07 here we go this is a good one heidi croon has greg developed an education pyramid what is the most important base for education up to the final tip yeah my sense of it is and what i'm doing with up with my homeschooling effort is uh is uh we're working cognitive skills and it's kind of this qualitative and quantitative reasoning and it boils down in application to uh reading writing and arithmetic you know the three r's very very basic and so we're instead so instead of learning the state capitals, I got little kids that can find the least common multiple of numbers, you know, prime factorization, diagram sentences, that kind of thing.
Starting point is 01:08:05 Kind of got my own take on it. Let me see the question again. Sure, sure. Has Greg developed an education pyramid? What is the most important at the base for education up to the final tip? Yeah, I think that cognitive skills contextualize in a landscape of knowledge, useful knowledge. contextualize in a landscape of knowledge, useful knowledge.
Starting point is 01:08:34 And so it's really fun to teach a skill and then find application and knowledge for it. There was a great moment for me the other day when I was driving with my eight-year-old. And he says, so it's almost a thousand miles to Santa Cruz. And I go, yeah. And he says, wait, dad, is that over 5 million feet? And I was like, oh, man, that's good. Yeah, it's exactly where it is. It's 5,280,000 feet and 1,000 miles.
Starting point is 01:08:59 He told mom about that, and she's like, how did you do that? And I was like, he's good. He's good. He just took a basic skill and gave it application to a particular instance. I don't want to teach my kids things that they can readily look up.
Starting point is 01:09:21 Does that answer Heidi's question? Yes. Well, it's a start. Is there going to be, let me ask you, let me put, would you make a pyramid? Are you going to make a pyramid?
Starting point is 01:09:31 Yeah, I've kind of got, I've kind of got something brewing. Kind of doing it. My kids are going to be able to do, uh, uh, calculus and,
Starting point is 01:09:42 uh, diagram sentences, read anything and write masterfully on it, forcefully, using good grammar and punctuation with proper usage, and maybe even some modicum of flourish in rhetorical skills and devices. I think that's easily expected of 17-year-olds. devices. I think that's easily expected of 17 year olds. Zach Jones, fructose can only be processed by the liver. If you overdo that, you're working your liver too hard. That's part of why sugar is so bad.
Starting point is 01:10:23 Emily Kaplan, Bob, Bob is her husband, has been low carb for decades. And when he was in deep ketosis is when he beat the world record for weighted pull ups. So I don't think people should be worried about ketosis hurting performance. Well, shit. Yeah. Heidi, oh, my God, Sebi, please hang up. OK. Go ahead, Greg. Sorry.
Starting point is 01:10:41 Yeah. Yeah, and someone would argue that the weighted pull-up might be more consistent with a state of deep ketosis than would, say, three workouts in the course of a day for the games. physiotape ice baths compression socks zone two glucose oversaturated pro athletes are subject to fads more so than ordinary people always looking for edge over their competitors fair enough thank you thank you clock hey listen in hanging out with baseball players i got introduced to lucky socks and a flight would delay over lucky socks it could, you know, it was crazy. The amount of superstition. The Elite Games athletes, they're really interesting characters. I shouldn't say
Starting point is 01:11:33 much more than that, but it's an interesting group of people. Because it's not nice if you say more? It could be hurt someone's feelings? They're fixated on themselves and their performance past the point of being able to engage in interesting conversation okay fair enough that's that's what i've seen you've seen me at the athlete's table then i'm going to move to the trainer's table and if i can i'd like to be eventually end up at seven's table you know
Starting point is 01:12:05 eaton beaver uh good morning uh coach for all the knowledge being shared thank you no thank you i think we've i think nutrition's been overthought And typically when we overthink it, we start missing, we move away from the important part. I can't justify the example of fructose came up. I'll run with it. This stuff's poisonous. And I can't make a good excuse to run it through the system. Not for storage, not for burning, not for mitochondrial derangement. I don't like it.
Starting point is 01:13:03 Blas. It makes so much sense Coach You're one of the best teachers I've ever listened to An education program Developed by you Would be so
Starting point is 01:13:12 Cool Dildo Does eating beaver Put you in ketosis Asking for a friend Yes Well it's more of a fasting Protocol Asking for a friend. Yes. Well, it's more of a fasting protocol.
Starting point is 01:13:32 I'm going to leave that one alone. Thank you, Greg, from Heidi Krum. Thanks, Heidi. Did I answer the question? She wanted me to hang up on the guy. Joe Westerlin, the three to five times a week attendee of CrossFit classes who trains for one hour and does one element, strength training or Metcon, should consume MVNSSFL.
Starting point is 01:13:57 That's nuts and seeds, some fruit, little sugar, no starch. To amount of satiety. Until they're full. Should. Until they're full. Should consume until they're full. You know, when people would do Atkins and I
Starting point is 01:14:13 on being introduced to it in the early 80s, late 70s, whatever it was, gave it a whirl and I remember day one,
Starting point is 01:14:23 I think I consumed 15,000 calories. A pound of bacon and a stick of butter and a whirl. And I remember day one, I think I consumed 15,000 calories. I had a pound of bacon and a stick of butter and a chicken or whatever. Yeah. And day two, kind of tried it again, but with an extraordinary diminution in enthusiasm for the fair. Day three, the plan was I don't want to eat shit today. And next thing you know,
Starting point is 01:14:47 you're in ketosis and you're not eating shit and you don't really want a pound of bacon. You really don't want to eat a stick of butter. And then there were criticisms, well, it just reduces your appetite. You eat less. So the very people that say you need to eat fewer calories
Starting point is 01:15:06 are saying that atkins doesn't work because you lose interest in food and you eat less and i'm laughing that the real takeaway that was missed is that all of our irrational food choices are around a high glycemic fair What do we mean by irrational food choices? Let's start with the most obvious, and that's the gluttony of eating hand over fist, unable to stop yourself. And I think we've all had the experience of having an Oreo, then two, then four, then eight, then 16,
Starting point is 01:15:38 and guess what? The bag's fucking gone. And if there's another bag, you might pop it open or sitting there at the bar eating that fucking bar mix, hand over fist're telling yourself i don't even like this shit but when he fills the bowl i'm gonna have some more right i maintain no one's ever done that with eggs no one ever had an egg then two then four finish the dozen and they're gonna get in the fucking car and go back and get another dozen eggs you don't it. And so one of the things that happens on Atkins is when I told you, you can't have your bananas and you can't have your candy
Starting point is 01:16:14 bars. There's a calming that takes place. You're all right. I'll have a little bit of chicken and maybe some broccoli here. And, and this, and what appears on the plate starts to look normal and the gluttony the gluttony's gone look at what's in the fat girl's cart hey do you think that anyone's supposed to be fat no but greg this is my this is what my body wants this is how i feel best do you think that anyone's supposed to be fat? No, but Greg, this is my, this is what my body wants.
Starting point is 01:16:49 This is how I feel best. Yeah. And, and, and I'm, and I'm, I'm five, eight, 238 pounds.
Starting point is 01:16:56 I think that's anyone's natural body weight. Like if you're, if you're, if you, if you really think that that's how you're meant to be, you probably are of such an ideological persuasion that you can find an easy out by just identifying yourself as skinny and hold it up to everyone else who doesn't see you that way
Starting point is 01:17:20 as being some kind of evil person. Right. You're not playing along in your fantasy world. Like a guy with a dick that wants me to call him ma'am. Right. Or I have a problem. Right. See, once we're in the space of mommy has a dick
Starting point is 01:17:43 and daddy's trying to get pregnant anything's possible right anything you want it doesn't matter anymore we're completely off of the off of the the intellectual range we're in idiot space and you can say any fucking thing you want it doesn't matter anymore
Starting point is 01:18:02 the words don't matter. The facts don't matter. It's a willfully induced stupidity. And it's probably for many people the last decision they'll ever make. Why is that? What do you mean by that? Now they just get to be like all the idiots. Oh, right. Oh, you can't say blind?
Starting point is 01:18:26 That's a bad word, blind. People aren't blind anymore they're sightless what kind of fucking senseless piece of shit called someone blind right what an asshole i have i have a kid that's sightless you know how bad he feels when you call him blind and this just pops up overnight and everyone that didn't get the message is no good. Absurd. It's absurd. I remember being a kid and learning about political correctness and how it was like that we had an oriental rug in my house, and overnight, one day,
Starting point is 01:19:00 you just weren't allowed to say the word oriental anymore. You couldn't call our rug an oriental rug but i didn't even question it i was like yes of course i would never do that right right yeah there's all sorts of things like that right you can't you you can say that black people or uh chinese people like rice but you can't say black people like chicken right it's like but you can't say black people like chicken. Right? But you can say Armenians like baklava. If you say black people like chicken, that's okay. You say fried chicken and you're a Klansman.
Starting point is 01:19:35 Oh, right. How it's cooked. Chris Beesterfield, your monthly subscription of $9 of 9.99 hey did you do that i i've seen you cook a lot of fucking things i've never seen you do that where you take a fryer don't you when i went and visited rich froney one time one of his friends did that was the first time i'd ever been anywhere where i think maybe it was 35 years old was the first time i ever ate fried chicken i don't think I was ever allowed to eat fried chicken as a kid, but they basically take this big pot and they put it out in the driveway. It's like a fire hazard cooking like this, I guess.
Starting point is 01:20:11 And everyone gathers around and I think maybe they said a Turkey or a chicken in there and they fried it. I've never seen you do that. Do you own one of those? That seems like being that you're from Alabama. I made a Turkey one Thanksgiving. And you put it in the fryer like that? Do you own one of those things that you take out to the driveway and fry? No, I wouldn't do it again. It was good.
Starting point is 01:20:33 It was cool. But it was a lot of work. And stressful, right? The whole thing was stressful as fuck, I remember. Everyone's out there giggling and laughing. As long as we've been talking food stuff there's a process roasting and it's it's a deep frying pressure cooking uh-huh and so you got a big pressure cooker and you load it with peanut oil or whatever the hell you're using and uh you can put a whole bird in it and it'll and under pressure and deep fry it'll cook within minutes
Starting point is 01:21:06 it's it's amazing absolutely amazing i i i would buy a we used to go to a place my brother's barbecue in the san fernando valley that had you'd order the fried chicken and it would come up six minutes later and be too hot to eat for 20 minutes seriously you'd show up in six minutes and too hot to eat for 20 and you and at 20 minutes you'd pop it open and get a blast of steam but uh it comes out moist it's amazing oh that's a fucking serious machine yeah there's there's a Taco Bell pressure cooker. Works perfect for it.
Starting point is 01:21:49 And it's a simpler device than any of these. But roasting's cool. Super fast, super clean. Is it pretty much a commercial phenomenon? I knew it from my brother's barbecue
Starting point is 01:22:09 That was commercial as fuck Even though it was right down the street from me And we were in there three days a week And I've not seen it much elsewhere But I can tell you it worked spectacularly Sorry, go ahead I would go back to that i'd do that today you want to go get it go to a restaurant supply place today and get a five gallons of oil and
Starting point is 01:22:32 cook a chicken twelve thousand dollar broaster not the pressure cookers aren't that much oh is the pressure cooker this i think i think my wife always has one of those going on the on the counter that's the thing that goes yeah and that's a that's the modern kind of what the instapot or whatever yeah something like that yeah instapot it's got a lid and you crank it and it's like you hear metal on metal yeah there's a there's a little more industrial one that looks like munitions. Yeah, we always have something going in that. Yeah, that's pretty low pressure.
Starting point is 01:23:14 And everything that comes out of there, I like everything that comes out of there. My wife thinks it's bland, but I like it. Oh yeah, someone said Instapot. I'm going to show you a pressure cooker. Oh, yeah. Someone said Instapot. I'm going to show you a pressure cooker. This is the one I'll send via text. I don't know how to... Jake, chat.
Starting point is 01:23:37 This is the one, Sebi, that I'm familiar with. Are you sending me a link? Yeah, in a text. Okay. are you sending me a link yeah and a text okay oh emily just sent me a cool graphic and this is what i call your taco bell pressure cooker i actually had a little more industrial one oh yeah that's wow that's that's actually beautiful here's. Here's the better one. Here's the better one.
Starting point is 01:24:06 You can really crank down. I'll pull up both. God, that thing's pretty. Dang. Is there a danger element to that, Greg? Taking the cap off your radiator? It's the only valve that blows. Okay.
Starting point is 01:24:23 Here's the better one. Wow. Wow. This thing's absurd. God. Where do you put that? Jeez, Louise. You really really crank that thing down yeah that thing has a kind of a scary feel to it like that thing would blow off and knock out a tooth 15.5 quarts how big is that you could put a whole turkey in there
Starting point is 01:25:02 no not that one but i've had i've i had a pair of them that were uh that were uh maybe two feet tall so probably twice two and a half times you know 30 45 quart so this thing has a plug to it somewhere yeah there's a valve that'll blow and it lets out pressure and you can set that amount and yeah that's cool damn that green one's cool too but anyways that's broasting whatever we got on that subject oh you don't look at that thing just sits on the stove you don't plug that in yeah oh shit i thought you plugged that in that's just a pot on the stove put the burner to okay
Starting point is 01:25:51 see look they got a 41 quarter there on that uh the one yeah i had a pair of those damn 17 minutes to depressurize Did you see that? Yeah You gotta let it cool down Dang Hey, this is what everyone used for canning Once upon a time
Starting point is 01:26:22 It looked like that what everyone used for canning once upon a time. It looked like that. Oh, and that's what he's doing right there, right? Jarring? Canning? Yeah, canning vegetables. What does that do? What's the phenomenon there?
Starting point is 01:26:44 You put asparagus in a jar that'll last for years. But what is heating it up to fucking a gazillion degrees under pressure due to it well you you put the the canning jar with the seal in the ring uh semi-tight but not cinched down and then once it cools you open it you cinch it down and as it cools it's under vacuum and the contents are sterilized it's the same thing you're doing when you buy a can of tuna except this is in a jar it's been superheated in the container then sealed from the outside world and if it preserves the seal and it doesn't you know if, if it goes bad inside, you get a poof to the lid. Oh, right.
Starting point is 01:27:28 And you'll know it's no good. Mr. Dow, it seals it for years. Indeed. Fiona, heating up kills all the bacteria, if any, is in the food. That's it. heating up kills all the bacteria if any is in the food that's it jeez Daniel what are you talking about I pressure cooked sewage
Starting point is 01:27:52 once we're done analyzing it smells like you'd expect maybe worse my god fuck alright are you um am I seeing you today I mean like I'm sure I see you but are you um am i seeing you today i mean like i mean i'm sure but but are you i'm head i'm going out with your kids in a few minutes are you coming oh you want to see yeah what we got yeah yeah i think so yeah come out there hang with me
Starting point is 01:28:22 they're gonna be there an hour we could go get something to eat or something, too. Yeah, that'll be fun. All right. Hey, thank you for coming on. You're reworked. Yeah, and congratulations on the chalkboard. It looks good back there. Yeah, thanks. Yeah, you know, I got the chalkboard and the glass board now.
Starting point is 01:28:43 Yeah, it's cool. What was on that wall? Nothing was on that wall where the chalkboard and the glass board now. Yeah, it's cool. What was on that wall? I don't, was anything, nothing was on that wall where the chalkboard is? I don't remember anything. I think it was hanging some kind of, I don't remember what. That's the corner that I normally sit in. Are you going to put that chair back in there? You know, I'm crowded in here with, we left Idaho, headed for Scottsdale,
Starting point is 01:29:01 on my way to Europe, coming back, going to the Seychelles before going back to Scottsdale. So this last move was the first leg of five different trips. And so I'm kind of sitting in a pile of my own shit here. But I'll get that squared away in the next few days. And the next time we do a show, there's a good chance you'll be in Switzerland. Are you going to have your computer with you or you'll do it on your iPad? I think you could do it on your iPad.
Starting point is 01:29:36 I'm not afraid. Okay. All right, dude. I will. MacBook Air. Okay. Perfect.
Starting point is 01:29:44 Okay. Yeah, that's beautiful. The new strong one. All right, bitchin'. Oh, new iPhone comes out today, too. The 15th? Si.
Starting point is 01:29:55 And I think it has some significant camera improvements, which is always my favorite part. Let's run over to Los Gatos. All right. I would love to do that Gatos. All right. I would love to do that too. All right. Bye, everyone. You're great.
Starting point is 01:30:08 Everyone's really kind. All right. It's a neat community. A lot of good friends. All right, dude. I will give you a call in five or ten minutes when I'm headed over. Bye. This is Gate Park.
Starting point is 01:30:18 Okay, bye. Ladies and gentlemen, Greg Glassman, thanks for joining us. These are probably my favorite shows each week Beast Cakes 23, thanks I'm 12 minutes behind now I had to take my hot girl walk Is that where you just walk around the neighborhood and let dudes look at you? You know what's funny?
Starting point is 01:30:44 Greg Glassman is the Jordanerson for fitness have they connected i was at dinner a couple days ago with a guy uh former ceo uh uh ceo of big tech company and greg was at the dinner and and dave was at the dinner and then there was another seal at the dinner And and Dave was at the dinner. And then there was another seal at the dinner. Who was missing a finger, who told us a great story of how he lost his finger. Trying to kill a 600 pound pig.
Starting point is 01:31:15 That's a story for another day. But that guy was good friends with Jordan Peterson, a regular contact, maybe daily daily contact with um mr peterson and so when i heard that and him talking to greg about it i was like oh shit it's going to be inevitable that those two um run into each other i am not going to europe i didn't even have um greg has always been very generous to myself and my family, and I didn't even have passports. So we actually just applied for passports for my entire family. A thousand bucks to get passports, not even expedited,
Starting point is 01:31:56 for a family of five, if you want to leave the land of the free. Daniel Garrity, Seve, do you know Matt Holdsworth? Yes, I know him very well. The former CFO, yes, he still works for Greg. I just hung out with his brother-in-law and heard some great Greg stories. All right, guys, I'm off. Thank you. Tomorrow. Oh, we got Haley Adams coming on this week. I'm excited. Ask her what happened. Hey, what happened? Oh, my wife just sent me a very interesting text. I wonder what that's about.
Starting point is 01:32:46 Never say never. Did I say the word never? Every show I have Greg on, by the way, I hear him say stuff that I've never heard before. In this show, there were two things that I heard that I've never heard him say before that really caught me off guard. I'm wondering if you guys heard them also. I'm not going to say what they are. I'm just curious if you guys heard them. We did. Sebi, did you guys chat about Lauren Fisher's post? Love the virtue signaling in the comments over there. I didn't. No one sends me nudes. My generation missed all that. me nudes.
Starting point is 01:33:23 My generation missed all that. I don't think my generation did dick pics or nudes, or at least I never was in those circles. Anyway, okay. I'm off. Oh yeah, I was looking to see who's going to be on the show tomorrow. What is today? Today's Tuesday? Oh, tomorrow, Athena Perez.
Starting point is 01:33:41 That's going to be fun. Athena Perez was on the DEI council at CrossFit Inc. I'll ask her about how that went and what's gone on since. I haven't talked to her about that in a while. She was working on getting shirts for larger bodied CrossFitters. That was one of her passions, starting a business around that or seeing if Noble or other people would provide that. So I'll be asking her about that kind of stuff and just talk to her about what's going on in her life with her business, Scaled Nation. But most importantly, I just want to get the details for everyone so that they know what the seminar is that she's teaching and that her team is teaching on September 30th and other dates. There's a whole shitload of dates. If you go to the scaled nation website, um, it's a seminar, uh, how to coach larger, uh, body athletes. And she's doing a seminar on September 30th, just up the road from my house, 70 miles. And so I'm going to be
Starting point is 01:34:39 attending. And, uh, so I just want to just connect with her and, you know, talk to her about that. So you guys can sit in on that conversation. But I'll ask her some other stuff too. She's seen a lot. I think – I'm pretty sure Athena also went to D.C. to testify that she actually witnessed voter fraud. And I don't remember that story, but I'll ask her about that too. Dig into that.
Starting point is 01:35:07 She's a very interesting, very intelligent person. She's the author of a book, which I ended up listening to the audiobook. I forget the name of it. Great fucking book. She has a great reading voice too. Joe Westerlin, I sat three feet from JP and listened to eight lectures JP oh I sat three feet from Jordan Peterson and listened to eight lectures the connection with CF oh interesting Joe's saying that basically someone in the CrossFit
Starting point is 01:35:42 community hooked them up to going to some Jordan Peterson lectures you just keep what is larger than XXL you just keep putting X's in it you just keep putting X's in it I think we can ask tomorrow buh-bye

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