The Sevan Podcast - Greg Glassman #15 | Live Call In- DeCoons, Only Melanated Kids, Adam Johnson Murder, Woke Dr Broner

Episode Date: November 1, 2023

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Starting point is 00:01:08 Good morning Good morning Jamie Latimer Hi good morning Oh no You already lost Tyson Tuesdays Not exactly Maybe I don't know
Starting point is 00:01:18 Who knows You just never know But no We have not Just this particular tuesday i spoke to him yesterday um normally uh tuesdays are their days off and he didn't get this tuesday off that's it that was that's what happened i dropped a pen pad on my uh uh, toe spacers, rock pad,
Starting point is 00:01:46 and it just blended in and vanished. Wow. Brand setters got a competition competitor to the, uh, Shattuck. Yeah, he does. He's got a leg up.
Starting point is 00:01:57 I think he's got a far better Shattuck than I do. I don't know. That might make him less to work with though. That's true. You, you you want the the better the better hey no teeth sorry uh yeah the the better the shattuck and the worst the content it's true what happened you got you got deployed again or what happened No I had to Go to work for a couple weeks and then Then I went to Rogue obviously
Starting point is 00:02:32 Are you done with the National Guard Uh yeah until this weekend And then I'll work again this weekend And then Not until another month so So it's just weekends Saturdays and Sundays Yeah One weekend a month Yep exactly not until another month. So, so, so it's just weekends, Saturdays and Sundays. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:46 Every month, one weekend a month. Yep. Exactly. God, when I was a kid, that didn't sound like a huge commitment. Now that I'm older, that sounds crazy.
Starting point is 00:02:56 Yeah. Right now. It doesn't seem like a lot just because I was going from Monday through Friday working all day. So if I could just do it one weekend a month, I don't really care too much. If you have kids, you'd be like, fuck that. I ain't doing that.
Starting point is 00:03:12 How long do you have to do that? For, I signed for another six year contract. So 2029. Hey, is any part of that fun? Is any part of it like, oh, this is cool. This is the weekend I'm going to do this and I'm going to get to go away for a couple of days and change of scenery and get to you see the same people. Will you see friends?
Starting point is 00:03:30 Well, yeah. So all new people that I've met. But yeah, it's this the unit that I went to is actually pretty fun. So they get to do a bunch of stuff. And like I think this weekend we're going camping somewhere and pretty cool. Oh, so is there a summer camp component to it? I guess everyone wants to be there. Like, I think this weekend we're going camping somewhere. Pretty cool. So is there a summer camp component to it? I guess everyone wants to be there.
Starting point is 00:03:51 Tell me what it's like. By the way, Greg said he'll be a little late. I said, yeah, no problem. Come on. Huh, huh, huh. Huh. Um. Hmm. Sorry, I'm texting.
Starting point is 00:04:07 Sorry for the confusion. oh doesn't sound good i'm just processing you know i want to complain i'm i'm a i'm a verbal um person you know i mean person. You know what I mean? And so like I've already lost like I've already had, I don't know if lost is the right word, but I've already had issues with probably like a half dozen relationships because of this show because I talk about my relationships
Starting point is 00:05:00 on this show. What's crazy is the one I talk about the most is the one with my wife the most is the one with my wife and she's the only person i use my name everyone else like i change like parts of the story or i don't include the name you know what i mean um like if it was uncle buck who diddled me i say it was aunt cindy you know what i mean'm just going to change it up a little bit. Of course. So no one can sniff it out. So I want to talk shit, but I just know it's unhealthy for the bigger picture. So I'm just like, I had this girlfriend.
Starting point is 00:05:35 She was like, you have the complete inability to swallow anything. And that's what she would call it when you had a thought. Oh, I heard a great joke the other day. This chick looks at this guy, and she goes, what's the best water slide for your kids? And he goes, I don't know. She goes, my throat. Nice.
Starting point is 00:05:57 It's nice, isn't it? Anyway, yeah, I just want to talk about everything. Okay, 12 daily doses. Hey, buddy. Hi. What's up, dude? Oh, perfect. Great morning to have you.
Starting point is 00:06:13 Good to see you, buddy. Welcome. Yeah. Blade, what's up, dude? Feel free to let it all hang out about our relationship thank you no problem no problem
Starting point is 00:06:30 good dude some of the best hair in the game Blade man you have nice hair beautiful kids too that's kind of all I know about you easy to have on the show and great hair.
Starting point is 00:06:47 And beautiful kids. And a lot of dads, that would scare the shit out of them, being alone with all three kids. You did all three kids all by yourself. Out and outing. Hey, Blade, how many times did you take your kids to the bathroom there? That's the craziest part. That's the part you never think of. Every time I go somewhere with my kids, like you never get settled. Someone's either hungry,
Starting point is 00:07:08 needs to go to the bathroom or is crying because they're hurt. Like they fell and hurt a knee. And it's just like this cycle on like this six minute rotation. So like I'll go somewhere and set up like a tent or something or like a umbrella. Cause I think I'm going to sit down like and watch my kids and it's going to be sunny and I don't want to get burnt, my schnoz to get burnt. But it's not. You don't sit down under it. And hey, dude, the true story, 95% of the time when I stand up, like if I'm at the skate park or tennis place and I set up my umbrella,
Starting point is 00:07:40 when I come back, there's a mom sitting under it. Seriously? Yeah. And hey, and 50% of the time when I come back to there's a mom sitting under it. Seriously? Yeah. And hey, and 50% of the time when I come back to it, they don't move. Even though it's like completely obvious it's mine. That it's not a park umbrella. And like, and anyone thinks that like, if for some reason someone thought like I'm assertive and have balls. No, you should see me.
Starting point is 00:08:02 I don't say anything. I just sit there in the sun and I'm just like... You don't sit under the umbrella either? I try to without it being like I'm a fucking pervert. I have to still leave one person's space between me and the fucking some random kid's mom who's now under my umbrella.
Starting point is 00:08:18 But it's so obvious. It's a complete concrete park. I've set up my umbrella there. All my shit's under there. My pads. There's no other umbrellas there. Do you know what I mean? It's completely out of place. It's weird even to up my umbrella there all my shit's under there my pads there's no other umbrellas there you know i mean it's completely out of place it's weird even to see an umbrella there is it like one of those you like throw into the ground or is it like have stakes i i have two i have two kinds i have one that um uh i have one that um that it's it's big and it just pops up and it's got like the poles and shit it's like a full tripod setup you know yeah and then i have one that clamps on so if they're at one bowl that doesn't have a place to clamp it
Starting point is 00:08:49 on i bring the big one but they also have a like a seating area and there's a steel fence there and you can clamp it on it's like a 20 umbrella from amazon like if you just typed in sun umbrella it's there and it's like so odd like my kids water bottles under there everything man i almost i almost i was gonna come back today at one o'clock and do the uh dave castro weekend review of the weekend review now i'm thinking like shit maybe i should just do it here no fuck it let's just you know what we're gonna do especially since 12 daily doses is here we might as well give him just a fat dose of reality um we um but i'll just send you the live call-in notes and we can just power through all right let's do it
Starting point is 00:09:42 All right, let's do it Heidi just said i'm guessing this happened at rogue. Heidi said mccaskey gave some lady the countdown. It was insane I want to hear about that. Oh, yeah. I want to hear about that too. What does that mean? She was in his seat. Yeah Oh, someone told me that they actually had a problem with that at rogue that's they got to their where did i read that i got to my seats and someone was in my seats and it was the first crossfit games ever where someone was a dick to me because i asked them to get out of my seats really i could see that happening at rogue there were like quite a few seats open but like that's not your seat there's another one two rows down you know at rogue yeah yeah uh live call-in show
Starting point is 00:10:29 hey guys um i was having this discussion with someone uh yesterday and they were like um we were talking about kids and we were talking about all the stuff i do with my kids and they're like dude it just made it just makes me feel bad. Cause I don't do that much stuff with my kids that you do with your kids. And I, and I was talking with my wife about it actually this morning. And I was like, God, I, I, I never do, I never do anything. I never post anything like that. Trying to make anyone ever feel bad. Like, I'm not like, Hey, here we are at tennis. Here we are at skateboarding. are skateboarding it's all i don't even know why i do it i think i just do it just to show off just like be like look what's possible
Starting point is 00:11:09 this is fucking awesome look i'm so proud of them you know just just showing off that all the shit that they're doing but no one should feel bad it's in it no one should feel bad if you want to take a takeaway from all the kid stuff I post, the only takeaway is just consistency. If you're just doing one thing with your kids, but you do it every day or six days a week, that's it. Your response should be good. I feel bad because you do so much with your kids. Good. It's really cool.
Starting point is 00:11:44 Go ahead. It's cool when you post that picture of avi and tyson it's like you have oh you froze okay let me froze you haven't you froze say it again you froze yes start over cool one night tell me how cool i am again yeah yeah when you um posted that picture of avi and tyson and you just have Avi's bright eyes just wide open at this NFL football player standing on a brand new stadium that the LA Chargers built, and it looks incredible. It's just showing that he can look up to something and be like, oh yeah, I could do that. i could be on the world stage and be an athlete or do whatever you know like look at i know this person and they did it so i could i wonder if he's going to be a lifelong football fan now like i remember the first football game i watched it was just a tv set was on and i walked by i think it was like a super bowl with the raiders against the eagles or something someone's gonna be like they never played in the Super Bowl But And then forever I was just a Raider fan
Starting point is 00:12:49 I just watched the like forever I wonder if he's going to be in a football I mean that's the first time he's ever even seen the game I think 12 daily doses hi Already back in the lab So are you going to let your youngsters have a little Halloween candy Every up until this point every year So far I Will go trick-or-treating have a little halloween candy every up until this point every year so far i um
Starting point is 00:13:05 we'll go trick-or-treating and then they can eat candy that night and then when they wake up it's all gone i just throw it all away and i used to save it but the truth is i eat it you know what i mean so i'll put it like somewhere like where the brown bags are up high or somewhere in the kitchen you got that spot or where light bulbs are or something? Yep. And then every time I go up there, once a week when you go up there to get something, I see some candy. And I'll eat like three of those small Snicker bars. Okay, 12.
Starting point is 00:13:36 But it's fucked up. So now I just throw it away. My kids, we had a friend who came to our house one time. I've told this story before. And my wife had made like flourless or sugarless cookies or something like that, right? And her kids did a flourless cake. And her kids just were straight up like, this is gross. And they wouldn't eat it. And the mom pulled out Oreos out of her bag and started feeding her kids Oreos at our house.
Starting point is 00:14:04 I was like, hey, what are you doing? Why are you feeding your kids that shit? And she goes, hey, if you don't feed them sugar now, they won't be like inoculated to it. Like she thought like, hey, you have to. She said, I feed my kids stuff like this every day so that they'll be used to it. I was like, wow, that's some kind of crazy thinking. But the truth is, I guess like my kids can't eat a lot of candy without getting sick or what yep yep they'll get like like they can't even do like a million like i could just
Starting point is 00:14:33 sit i could eat a pound of m&ms peanut covered m&ms no problem my kids can't even eat a whole package of m&ms between the three of them they won't finish a pack they don't feel good yeah it's a trip it's a trip so i guess i fucked up and i didn't inoculate them yeah yeah yeah exactly i gotta check it out or or it's gonna be eaten yeah exactly and which yeah that i mean i'm i have i i every night i think every night i get tired i start craving sweets yeah so it's like i'm like hey i should probably go to bed and if i fuck around and stay awake for another 20 minutes i'll be doing something stupid or alcohol or i'll start craving alcohol yeah if i'm not doing
Starting point is 00:15:16 anything alcohol or sugar like yeah you just get bored you're like fuck it let's do something else and and probably an apple would fix it but i don't even need an apple even though i got millions of them or grapes or probably if i just sat down and ate an apple it would go away i know it would have done it uh rambler confess uh you'll send some on sugar or a sugar a drug yeah hell of a drug oh is the phone number forwarding to suez's oh shit oh shit thank you someone said that yeah good call yeah i'll call forwarding i'll turn that shit off thank you okay there we go try it again there we go
Starting point is 00:16:00 There we go. The nice thing about living out here is nobody will come to your house for trick-or-treating because you're so far away. Oh, so you don't even have to buy candy. No candy. Call her. Hi. I wonder if this is working. No, it's not working.
Starting point is 00:16:24 Hold on. Hold on. Let's see what's going on here I have to go to Bluetooth Bluetooth on of course it says it's connected turn it off turn it back on. Office. System setting. Bluetooth. Hello? Hello? Hi. There we go. Caller. I can hear you. I can't hear you.
Starting point is 00:16:54 Can you hear me? Oh, I can hear you. Yeah, I can hear you. Hi. Oh, hi. How's it going? Good. Greg just popped on too, so everything's even better now. Oh, well, I'll let you guys go then. This is not important. This is very important. Go ahead. Is it about candy? Well, no. I was going to call and tell you about McCaskey
Starting point is 00:17:13 fucking this lady up in the stadium. Oh, yeah. Heidi, tell me. Tell me what happened. Please, please, please. Hi. Oh, my God, dude. So we're sitting over. Me and Ot otter sitting with like cock over here and we look over uh pk and mccaskey uh mr and mrs mccaskey are sitting over in the other section these these two ladies uh were sitting in their spot i look over and i see mike he's got his hands in front of her face doing the countdown doing four three two one right in this chick's face and he's a fucking beet red and he goes
Starting point is 00:17:55 you're out and he blasts off up the stairs to go get security and philip kelly's just sitting there just awkwardly kind of but he's so handsome that he just like is looking there just like stoic you know McCaskey comes back with security they had moved like four seats up behind them they didn't they didn't leave but they just moved four seats he comes back with security and uh he's just dude the guy was the the color of a tomato it was insane i never seen it so the reason the girls wouldn't get up from the seat this is a rogue this is supposed to happen at a crossfit event everyone's supposed to be well i know they should have been like hey sit on my lap well and you know i hate to be this way but i they didn't look to be crossfitters really
Starting point is 00:18:46 i think they were just dipping their toes you know what i mean maybe it's from the powerlifting sure totally so anyway i'll leave you guys be that's the story they never yeah they never yes so did they get up did security make a move he made a move yeah they finally left wow that's the most hostile thing i've ever heard at a crossfit event He made a move. Yeah. They finally left. Wow. That's the most hostile thing I've ever heard at a CrossFit event. Yeah. It was savage. Anyway, love you guys.
Starting point is 00:19:13 Okay. I'll talk to you later. Say hi to Greg. Hi, Greg. Hi, Han. How are you? Good. How are you? Are you sitting at the Rogue Invitational?
Starting point is 00:19:23 Is that what I'm gathering? Yes. Yeah. how are you it's hidden at the rogue uh invitational is that what i'm gathering yes yeah with it so there's fine seats it was like state when someone was in someone's seat yeah so when you buy the ticket you buy your seat and they had like pretty good seats it was right in front of right where they were doing the max deadlift so it was like front row like not front row but pretty close and um you know they asked these ladies like hey you're in our seats there's plenty of other open seats they could have just moved they're like nope we're not moving and so he's like well you have the count of four basically to get up and they didn't they just sat there and uh so yeah a worse event savvy from uh from uh at one of the invitationals, you know, the hosted events? Yes, yes.
Starting point is 00:20:12 Some couple had brought folding chairs, and they had abandoned their chairs, left their stuff there, but got out of their chairs to get a closer look against the fence. And someone morbidly would be sat in one of the chairs and collapse it and sue the event at CrossFit. Oh, no shit. Yeah, a passerby decided to have a seat. So it's not even like they left their dog tied up
Starting point is 00:20:35 somewhere and bit someone. They left their chair out and their chair wasn't able to withstand someone who's 400 pounds. They broke the chair but sued the event. Yeah. Wow. He's like one of the three bears sat in the chair and litigated wow dude that's amazing hey what was the outcome of that who did the event have to pay money we got out of it i mean oh a judge saw our culpability for what it was wow talk about not taking personal accountability and responsibility my goodness
Starting point is 00:21:08 all right heidi well thank you next time get a photo or some video please okay sounds good love you bye thank you bye always i always have feedback i always want more here's a little psa uh regarding candy. Here we go. Here we go. You know what you were just saying? So, that candy was bad for me. What candy? That candy on Halloween when we went to Jubilee's house. I don't eat candy.
Starting point is 00:21:41 I only eat cake and ice cream. That's all I eat. That's better. Why would the candy bad for you? Maybe that hard candy made me sick. There you go.
Starting point is 00:22:01 There you go, everyone. Just cake and ice cream. No candy this Halloween. There you go. Done you go, everyone. Just cake and ice cream, no candy this Halloween. There you go. Done. A little PSA. No, no.
Starting point is 00:22:16 Actually, no. In defense of the dog, I think you're safe. Yeah, yeah. Hey, what do you think about... I have this guy coming on tomorrow And I was watching some of his interviews And he was saying that Something that people don't talk about But that's really bad for people is break dust
Starting point is 00:22:33 And that if you live somewhere Where there's a shitload of people breaking Like in the city There's just break dust everywhere And that shit's horrible for you Have you ever heard that? No It sounds plausible.
Starting point is 00:22:46 I think I've lived there. Yeah, where there's just people starting and stopping all day. Yeah. Yeah. And it leaves a black dust. I assumed it was exhaust.
Starting point is 00:23:02 I assumed it was exhaust too. You know that wall of plants I have in front of my house and then I have that old highway that goes in front of my house? Yeah. Well, about an hour every... Oh, here we go. These small particles are harmful both to the environment, fuck off, and your health.
Starting point is 00:23:18 Okay, now you got my attention. Brake just contributes 20% of the fine particulate matter pollution compared to just 7% contributed by exhaust fumes well all those trees and plants in front of my house are a different color than their counterparts that are the exact same kind of plants on the other places in my property so i assume that i always just thought that that was dust from the road that they were catching but i was tripping the other day someone was talking about brake part particulate and i was like wow i mean you you don't have any brake particulate at your house that's for sure you're too far away yeah just from coming down the drive maybe yeah this is not a speed to bleed off there
Starting point is 00:23:58 but but i mean one hour a day i have like probably a thousand cars break in front of my house because that road backs up one hour a day you know what so you're moving to Idaho or I'm moving or maybe just get closer to your house in Santa Cruz hey
Starting point is 00:24:23 I got a couple Did you see the hockey player that died on the On the rink Mike was telling me about it If you get a chance see that video I want you to I'm curious if you think that it was on purpose I guess
Starting point is 00:24:41 There's a He won't survive this suspicion He won't survive the suspicion. He won't survive it? That's what Mike was saying. He thinks it's career-ending. Well, it might be career-ending, but I was wondering... He's making the unscored charge. If I hadn't seen it, my initial reaction would be like,
Starting point is 00:25:01 hey, dude, that's the risk you take for getting out there. It's a bunch of dudes skating on fucking knives, right right it's a sport where there's knives on the bottom of everyone's feet but then when you see it dude it's it's um boy uh it's a it's a trip his his foot kicks up are you on a screen big enough that if Caleb pulled it up You could see it Yeah Let's see if we can show it Do you have it in the links
Starting point is 00:25:31 No I saw it early in the day yesterday And then all of a sudden it was becoming harder and harder to find But there were two angles There was a semi close up And then a really wide shot In general There were two angles. There was a semi close up and then a really wide shot. In general, though, if like two, like you, dudes in the NFL have been paralyzed for life.
Starting point is 00:25:57 I mean, do you think that that's like, I mean, have you ever heard of anyone being charged for anything that happens in a sport? It seems like I have. I know it's been considered before where someone maybe died like when man like mancini didn't oh oh is this it oh wow yeah it's it's pretty oh yeah there it is see his foot going up like that that's so hard to see can you pull out a little bit caleb so we get more detail but smaller picture? Let me see if I can find a better. Here we go. How about this one?
Starting point is 00:26:32 So it's at the top of your screen. It's right there where Caleb's circling. He checks the guy. Oh, yeah, dude. He puts his foot up. Oh, my God. Yeah, it's pretty gnarly. And then he skates off to the side and the dude's dead.
Starting point is 00:27:07 Yeah. The blood was crazy. It was a lot. Vittorio says murder. Yeah, you just don't see that in hockey where somebody's skate is coming off of the ice like that. Even if somebody gets hit on the top don't it doesn't happen like that normally vittorio intentional 100 the thing is is he lifted his leg up intentionally 100 you don't lift your leg up it's not intentional but the thing is is was was he i guess you're
Starting point is 00:27:38 not supposed to do that i guess it's the same in boxing you're not supposed to kick you're supposed to fight that you're supposed to fight that. You're supposed to fight that urge, right? That instinct. Corey, hi. What's the elbow people in the base in boxing? Good morning, Corey. Yeah. Good morning.
Starting point is 00:27:53 Hey, I still get butterflies when I call. Oh, that's cool. That's good. I'm glad. I think it's a good thing. Yeah. It means I care. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:01 Morning, gentlemen. Hey, I watched the Power Project podcast. I just finished that one. that was really i just finished that one that was really good i appreciate that greg oh thank you oh with mark bell yeah yeah it was great right yeah yeah that was good i was waiting to see your head pop up somewhere how long how long was that like an hour 45 yeah i sat in a chair there and it went by like in eight seconds i was in the audience there the The audience of one. I was like, holy shit, that was fast. Yeah, that was good.
Starting point is 00:28:28 So you were a cook? Yeah, just chilling. Take care. Well, I'll get off that. It looks like his foot. I wonder if it pops off of somebody else's ski and then it hits him in the throat.
Starting point is 00:28:47 Oh, like he was skating and something hit his foot and he lifted yeah reaction because he's yeah he's shifting left and i wonder if like it accidentally pops his foot comes up maybe he's doesn't think that it's gonna anything and he just goes with the flow and then when hits it right in the neck um have you ever my students i played roller hockey when i was really young do you ever keep anyone in the neck um have you ever my students showed me that i played roller hockey when i was really young do you ever keep anyone in the face you ever lift your foot up and hit anyone in the chest or the face i've been severely hurt doing roller hockey um flying around on the tennis court um i don't know if i've been kicked in the face but for sure fingers have been rolled over and all of that kind of weird in that
Starting point is 00:29:25 sport to lift your foot up high enough to reach someone's throat yeah i mean there's anomalies there's also damar hamlin who uh whose heart stopped on the field so right things happen all the time i wanted to get your say what what is the what is the is the kicker's history matter to us? Because I heard that he's the shit bird of the league for cheap shots, including
Starting point is 00:29:57 going at people with skates. He was the most penalized guy currently in the league I heard also then I redacted my previous statements I kind of feel that way too if I was sitting on a grand jury I think I have
Starting point is 00:30:14 I think it's worthy of an indictment you do and you know it looks so natural because we've watched so much fucking UFC if you kick a guy in the face Oh interesting It's got a very martial delivery to it But how about Mike McCaskey
Starting point is 00:30:34 Kicking is one of the top penalty occurrences In this league That's interesting too So it's not completely unheard of Which doesn't make it Less intentional Which doesn't make it right or any more less intentional Isn't intent a big
Starting point is 00:30:52 Percentage of how you're found guilty Yeah I mean I can't imagine My brain doesn't go that he meant to kill the dude at all No But definitely to use a cheap shot my brain doesn't go that he meant to kill the dude at all. No. But definitely to use a cheap shot, something illegal to keep him away from the scoring.
Starting point is 00:31:12 The dude had the puck when he died, right? Basically, he had the puck. Looked like he did. Yeah, he did. I actually want to ask a different question to two dads and a single dad. Sorry, only two comments per call. All right, I'll call in next time. No, I'm joking. I'm calling in joking. Corey, go ahead. So I'm at gymnastics yesterday, and my daughter's five,
Starting point is 00:31:39 and she's the only one in the class who can climb the rope, which I'm super proud of. And I'm sitting in the class who can climb the rope which I'm super proud of and I'm sitting in the parent waiting room and for 30 minutes straight this grandma is screaming not at the top of her lungs but very loudly in a quiet sitting area for her grandchild to do his homework and like every two seconds she screams again get it done and then waits two seconds and you're playing around keep doing it and you can clearly see that everybody is uncomfortable and the kid is crying his eyes out before he goes into his gymnastics class and I couldn't help but think about it all night and I wanted to see your take on what I almost wanted to walk over there and say the same exact things to the grandma
Starting point is 00:32:26 to make her feel uncomfortable to see if she could perform under that high level of stress because in my eyes I'm thinking I could easily make that kid perform but and my kid would do her homework but the way that you're screaming at him of course he's not going to want to do it and so I'm you know should I have went went over there and slapped her around a little bit or what would you have done? I wouldn't. I definitely wouldn't. I felt bad for the kid. Oh, yeah, I would have felt bad for the kid, too, but I wouldn't have talked to her.
Starting point is 00:33:02 I would have talked about it on my podcast. All right. Well, then we're doing the right thing. I was trying to make eye contact with the kid and almost being like, bro, I got you. Like, just do the homework. This chick is crazy. You'll be done with this in a second. But man, it was a very uncomfortable situation. I wanted to see y'all's take on how you would respond to something like that. Kayla would go buy more condoms. Yeah. I'm going to hand them to her.
Starting point is 00:33:32 Any thoughts, Greg? I appreciate it. Yeah, he was in gymnastics. What are your thoughts? Yeah, but he was out there being the kid climbing the rope. Hey, dude, taking your other kid's gymnastics class and assisting them to do homework is just crazy. Now, if your kid can pull it off, great.
Starting point is 00:33:54 If they can't pull it off, great. But, I mean, it's just asking a lot of your kid to fucking ask them to buckle down and do their... They would already have to be like some... I mean, we all have been to that place where someone brings their kid, and everywhere they bring their kid, they got a reader. they would already have to be like some i mean we all we all have been to that place where someone brings their kid and everywhere they bring their kid they got a reader i mean they were there for two years my kids did jujitsu and this one lady brought her son
Starting point is 00:34:12 and her daughter just sat there fucking four days a week reading it's like fuck but those habits weren't built at that jujitsu studio they were built from the parent getting their kid to be a reader and so like if your kid's already not someone who wants to do their homework you sure as fuck aren't going to convince them there. Yeah. I don't think the punishments my parents gave me for not doing what they wanted ever helped.
Starting point is 00:34:36 I wasn't like oh I can't go out tonight because I fucking got a C. I'm going to get B's now. It didn't work like that. I immediately was like how can I sneak out and my parents not know? I was looking for just how to get immediately what I needed. I've got some thoughts on that, but I'll let y'all go. Let somebody else call in.
Starting point is 00:34:58 Appreciate you. Bye. Here's my input for you. You don't know where this goes. What do you mean? Inserting yourself into anyone's little domestic thing. Oh, right, right. But you would stop someone from beating their kid publicly. You know, the beauty of that is it makes it easier to intervene.
Starting point is 00:35:23 The beauty of that is it makes it easier to intervene. But I don't even wanna make up scenarios. You can well conceive of it. It can easily get where it's more traumatic to your kids and her kid than the value of just letting the kid live that shitty life. Right, right. Oh, you mean your kids see you intervening? No, I'm saying people
Starting point is 00:35:50 lose their temper and do stupid shit running over in the parking lot. Oh, right, right. Screaming at you to fuck off in front of your kids. Now what do you do? How dare you try to teach me how to parent kind of thing? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:06 Louder directed at you. With, let's say, tears and arms flailing. Now what do you have on your hands? Ken Walters, Adam Johnson, that's the hockey player, was from my hometown and I went to school with his father. And my sister's friends with his mom. Oh, shit. My son played with and against him and his brothers while the whole town is distraught.
Starting point is 00:36:36 Fuck. Oh, my God. Hey, does that other dude live in the town, Ken? Oh, no. Is this a traveling team? Oh, was that in Europe? Did that happen in Europe? Oh, what a mess I think it was a minor league team or something
Starting point is 00:36:47 Greg you're gonna love this next comment this is this is now some libertarian thinking do we kick the second like so let's say we kicked Adam Johnson out not Adam Johnson sorry the fucking guy who killed him
Starting point is 00:37:04 do we now kick the guy with the second most penalty minutes out of the league now see what I mean Not Adam Johnson, sorry. The fucking guy who killed him. Do we now kick the guy with the second most penalty minutes out of the league now? See what I mean? The beginning of the end. I'm not sure how we jump to that, but I'm going to... Here's what you do. Go ahead. You make it for like 10 games, you can't get a penalty for kicking a deal. Like if you got to kick every game, you got, like,
Starting point is 00:37:26 three games in a row, you gotta go ten games without or something? It's not, it's not against a lot of kick at him for ten games for his next ten games. Oh, back at, but, oh, oh, okay. Wow. Wow. But you're skating his fucking forehead.
Starting point is 00:37:42 Yeah. And it's, it's your bad. He better call in sick to work. But it's his next 10 appearances. Oh. I should be the hockey judge. They should have a guy that can settle some of the harder issues. And it'd be easier for me because I don't give a fuck, you know?
Starting point is 00:38:01 Hey, I don't think anyone's going to want to play with that guy. He's bad luck now. Hockey players are the most superstitious people of all athletes. They are. They got the underwear and the weird shit. The specific tape, the way they tape, all that shit. Cave Dastro, Greg's only here for an hour, and this is what we're talking about?
Starting point is 00:38:27 I'm just curious, Cave Dastro, Greg's only here for an hour, and this is what we're talking about? I'm just curious, Cave, what would be... Pick some topics. We'll work on them. Uh, Tyler, I still play hockey. There are some psychos that gravitate to this sport, sadly. He could have... He definitely could have just been out to hurt someone any way possible. It's like throwing rocks at cars. No one means for it to be a fatal event when they're throwing.
Starting point is 00:38:52 Right. Jeremy Flatter. Flat Earther. I'll just call you Flat Earther. Jeremy Flat Earther. I was at a restaurant once where a dad yelled at another dad for the way he was yelling at his own son. It about went down.
Starting point is 00:39:08 I felt worse for the kids. Yeah, that too, right? Yeah, that's not good. Seems a little counterproductive. Tank Reeves, Canadian. I played hockey my whole life. That was not an accident. I don't think he meant to hit him in the neck,
Starting point is 00:39:28 but he meant to slow him down with his foot for sure. It's like throwing a rock at a car. Yeah. It's almost always harmless, except for the times it's fatal, which is frequently, but that's because there's a lot of kids throwing rocks and cars right in california it's a felony to throw anything at or from a automobile
Starting point is 00:39:53 every time i go underneath one of those bridges and i see people on top on the freeway i always like oh shit is this going to be the time? They don't have fences on your bridges? They do, but that fence wouldn't have stopped me if I was a kid. Fair. I'd have found a way. Jeremy Flatter, not Flat Earther. All right, fine. Greg, I'm going to throw a pitch over the plate.
Starting point is 00:40:23 I understand if you don't want to swing at it. Um, they're, they hired this, uh, they hired this guy to run the affiliates. His name is Jay Dacoon. And when they sent out the letter and I'll keep the question very simple. They sent out a letter and specific. They sent out a letter basically saying he hadn't taken his L one yet, but he was going to, they sent that to the affiliates like like it was being celebrated. Right. Like, hey, don't worry, he's going to take his L1.
Starting point is 00:40:49 And I had only heard you say probably a thousand times I worked at CrossFit, which I fully believed in and was a victim of that. When you went to the L1, that's where you got the culture. That's where the culture of CrossFit was disseminated. And that culture is what was in the affiliates. And some of the things. It's quite oddly that he first pointed that out. Oh, it's bizarre. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:11 Like almost like someone there hated him and wanted him to fail. Right? Like, hey, just. He identified the L1 being the single cultural event that brought you into the community. And I said, wow steve because that was that was something wait who wait say that again sorry i lost you say that again who did first floated oh steve weiss oh because everyone like i like i used to work out at a globo gym right and i liked it i enjoyed it
Starting point is 00:41:40 i would go there but i didn't ever talk to anyone. It was just me on my own mission. And one of the things that's that you get it to L1 is, is that, hey, there's a bunch of people there to help you in a bunch of different ways to support you, to cheer you on, to believe in you, to show you how to move, to share ideas with you, to be side by side with you, to compete against you. You can use them any way you want. I side with you to compete against you. You can use them any way you want. And I was, I was just, um, do you still believe that that the L one is or was like, what's your ideas of how the culture is disseminated there and how important that is? I think it's going to be different for everyone. I mean, believe it or not, there was a time when we'd ask at the beginning, Hey, who's been doing CrossFit and for how long you can get down to the guys never
Starting point is 00:42:22 done a CrossFit workout. And there was no one has seen when he had a boss that made him go right and what an experience for that person and so that was and there were others that were there to see people they greatly admired and be instructed by like you mean people from the internet that they saw? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. People you've been seeing the comments and everyone developed their own kind of following. People wanted to see Annie and Nicole and even Dave. And they wanted to hear, they wanted to get the lectures for you. The first L1 I went to, there were like six instructors and literally 60 students, but also another additional 30 people who had
Starting point is 00:43:06 already been to an l1 who would come back and visit and they would all they would assist and the l1 used to be a place where staff members would go just to hang out like you could go to an l1 anywhere i feel like in the country and there would be this the flow map there would be the l1 trainers but then there would also be staff there. And I was thinking probably every executive when I worked there had done easily 10 to 100 L1s, had been in attendance. And I just can't imagine working at CrossFit Inc. and not – especially in any valuable – I mean if you're taking out the trash, I get it. But if you're trying to contribute in any way, how could you not have already gone to 10 L1s or 20 L1s? The L1...
Starting point is 00:43:50 You think I'm off base? No, but I mean, I see it like this. The L1 presentations are entertaining and easily accessible narratives that well communicate the first four or five years of journal writing. And so you kind of get a hands-on to the, in fact, the training manual is largely culled from the journal. journal but the oral tradition of that by the time other people are doing them i've done each of the lectures 75 times right and around the country
Starting point is 00:44:36 and as other people took over those spots um some things got adjusted and played with. Right. And so it had a living quality to it. I mean, the seminar used to be three days and the goal was to impart most of what I knew that was important. And the fire hose rate of material plus the workout pace,
Starting point is 00:45:04 the whole thing just, it felt at ann arbor that it wasn't working and i came back with the design with the thought more of if they were going to get 100 of what you said rather than 20 what would you make that and what could you leave behind for a mental legacy for them to continue to get the rest of the stuff that I wanted to fire at Rosie by the old method. In other words, I needed you to leave with some
Starting point is 00:45:33 fundamentals mastered and a curiosity and personally convinced you can learn the rest. I think it's been an unparalleled success. I think it's been an unparalleled success. I agree. But the question is, is this
Starting point is 00:45:51 the Coons guy? I saw that he seemed oddly nervous. He's got NBA credentials, which is... The irony was the day that he put out that piece saying hi to the affiliates was this an hour cross to put that out an hour after we had you on the podcast saying that you know that
Starting point is 00:46:11 that might be a sign that you don't want some um someone running an affiliate is if they're leading with well i have mba credentials that's what i'm leaning on to run my affiliate yeah, I, uh, it changes. He changes the value proposition and I just, I, I would be shocked were I not, uh, greatly, if I didn't greatly disapprove with the next step. If you want someone spreading the word of the Bible, you want it that Jesus saved their life.
Starting point is 00:46:49 They loved God and the 10 commandments are what they, they live by. Right. Not, Hey, I'm a good reader. I promise you. Right. He knows nothing of running a gym. Nothing. That guy, right. And to lead with an unknown set of gifts you're going to bestow on the community to encourage best practices
Starting point is 00:47:14 is utter bullshit. Right. I know. It was almost like ChatGPT wrote that for him. It was almost like someone wrote that for him and kind of set him up for failure. It really is. It was kind of bizarre. It was almost like someone wrote that for him and kind of set him up for failure. It really is. It was kind of bizarre. It was a little sad even.
Starting point is 00:47:33 It was kind of like on the wedding day when the bride comes. She's a beautiful bride. But on wedding day, someone dressed her up to look like a prostitute. You're just like, what the fuck happened to you? You're one of the most beautiful chicks I've ever seen and it just came out bad you go to kiss the bride and it's bugs bunny i mean i like bugs bunny remember that was that from a cartoon yeah anyway okay so but but going back specifically I was just curious what you thought about the cultural component and the L1. I mean CrossFit has a culture.
Starting point is 00:48:09 It has a strong culture, right? Personal accountability, personal responsibility. Kind of has got that love thy neighbor. It's learn and do better. It's do the common uncommonly well. It's to put your gym equipment away. But there's a piece that's like to be a decent human being to cheer on your fellow man to support them to encourage people to be a good role model to
Starting point is 00:48:31 take a little bit of that peer pressure you know don't walk in there with your coke walk in there with your water i mean there is all that right squat below parallel don't cheat and i feel like that's gotten at the at the level one The hard work does a lot of things, including gets rid of a lot of the boastful and thieves. Yeah. It's a natural tendency in every box to cheer as loud for the last one in the door as first one back in the door. See, I get all of that, but those are cultural aspects of the real average gym.
Starting point is 00:49:07 You just pick any five gyms across the country at random, and you're going to see a lot of that there. The question is, is any of that spirit sit in the mothership? and oddly enough, my sense of it is that other than in the personal realities of the CEO, who I think is a good guy, I think there's probably none of it there. I would have to guess that this is the least fun job he's ever had in a lot of respects. But again, look, I don't know who he works for, and I also never thought to run this thing with with a with a fiduciary obligation to an owner as my as my legal and some would say ethical obligation as opposed to what was best for the affiliates let me beat this dead horse a little more and go off of what you're saying i would
Starting point is 00:50:03 bet that every single day in every single gold gym and world gym and power gym across the country, someone steals something. I bet you that happens every day in one of those gyms. I also bet you that there's weeks that go by that in the 10,000 affiliates around the world, nothing is stolen. And that's what, that's a, that's a perfect example of the culture. That shit is just not happening in CrossFit gyms. That's exactly right. And I noted that long ago.
Starting point is 00:50:26 The only gym I've ever been in where someone didn't show up with the bolt cutters on the rack was my CrossFit gym. Just in your gym bag, you carry bolt cutters. I want to work out and shop. Wadzombie, if
Starting point is 00:50:43 Dacoons wants my fullest trust, I want him to write an essay to Greg. Greg, do they ever reach out to you? If that guy reached out to you and was like, hey, Greg, can I pick your brain? Would you take him to Cilantro's and let him pick your brain? Why not? Yeah, I agree too. Yeah, I mean, I would love it if he did that.
Starting point is 00:51:00 I don't think I could do what's required of them ethically and in terms of the business ethics. You take these jobs where there's a board and they make you a CEO and your goal is to maximize the revenue for the shareholders, not to make the world healthier, not to support affiliates. Those are all secondary.
Starting point is 00:51:37 And so what becomes irresistible, just wait and watch, is turning however many affiliates are left into points of sale. You want them selling your shit. I had shit from you, kind of the network marketing vibe. They want some of that wealth passed up. And there's no MBA from Harvard nor from Stanford that isn't going to see it as a colossal failure not to do so. They thought it was a failure that I wasn't doing it. Right, right, right. I would go to Harvard Business School and we'd start off about half the class that I was
Starting point is 00:52:10 a nitwit and they'd vote afterwards and I'd flip them to get them about 90% to figure it out. This is what that restraints model was about. What I want to do is grow the entire ecosystem and make my share, our share, HQ's portion, a shrinking percentage. And we did that. All the while growing revenue. And it's that for me is sustainability. You can't keep doing good things if you go broke. And so at some point to your mother, Teresa, bless itself is a financial engine that makes,
Starting point is 00:52:52 makes that miraculous work even possible. Right. And we had that figured out with a board of wishes to remain anonymous. None of that makes sense, nor is it ethical. Let me say something in the gentleman's defense that I saw, that I'll talk about more today at one o'clock, that I heard Dave say on the internet on his weekend review he said there's a there's a video out there where basically de coons he doesn't exactly say i'm paraphrasing but that five it's from five years ago and he basically says hey this crossfit should seems dangerous maybe a little dangerous like people should gym shouldn't be put i have concern
Starting point is 00:53:41 with the way these gyms are popping up everywhere and dave said hey dude if we were mad at everyone who does crossfit now and loves it and based on what they said five years before they did it we would have half as many crossfitters and that's true a lot of people see it from far away and they get defensive or scared or judgmental and then five years later you can't get him to shut up about it so in that way i do have to cut him some slack based on that piece wait the piece i saw he's impugning the safety of your average affiliate right on that day he was he was yes but that was five from five years ago is what i'm saying i think anyone that works at the company whatever rate you think the injury is you have to evaluate it in terms of the benefit gotten and look around and has anyone been hurt at your gym yeah and how many people have gotten healthy because of your gym i mean i'm not saying it's not wasn't
Starting point is 00:54:38 irresponsible that he said it and ignorant and wrong i'm just saying that there's i guess i'm trying to justify it because a lot of people have done it. A lot of people have slapped their grandmother. I guess it's okay. He doesn't know the project. He doesn't know the product. He doesn't know what he's been hired to run. When we went to our affiliate hospital
Starting point is 00:54:57 in Decatur, Illinois, they had a 700 membership gym in the community. Yeah, that was nuts. The CEO of the hospital had gotten most of the physicians. It was a 400-bed hospital. I think it was.
Starting point is 00:55:16 I think that's right. But they'd gotten most of the physicians participating. And when I met with a gaggle of them that were eager to meet with me in my group was a nephrologist, a cardiologist, an orthopedic surgeon. I asked the orthopedic surgeon if he'd seen more injuries. And he said, oh, without a doubt, he's seen injuries. But CrossFit has changed his idea of injury, of sport, and medicine's role in sport and injuries. And my job now, as I see it, is to get you back to CrossFit as soon as I can. Then he turns to the cardiologist and he goes, he's just losing patients.
Starting point is 00:55:59 And I go, losing patients? He goes, yeah, they're getting off meds. That's when the CEO of a hospital said I could bankrupt the hospital on med saving alone. This isn't my, the board isn't excited. And, in fact, he didn't keep the job. I mean, he grabbed me by the collars and the jacket walking from the hospital. And he says, you're all excited about the health but you got to understand um there are things that we could do here that would create an enormous amount of revenue and that included to get a whole bunch of these uh life cycles
Starting point is 00:56:35 and tap into some federal money for people to sit there on the on the bike and read the paper but he instead went the crossfit route. And again, his inspiration was he was being treated by the physicians in his hospital for all kinds of markers for early chronic disease from obesity to blood pressure. And they had him on meds and the new problems were popping up regularly. So he decides to CrossFit and within 18 months, he's off all meds. So he comes back to the doctors you're going to crossfit now you're going to learn some medicine what a great experience and from that to know that that's what's the reality of the field to understand that
Starting point is 00:57:17 is to know what it is that you've been hired to do and it makes it makes it stupid to to suggest that the mothership's going to make it safer through some edicts or what it'll be as a skew it'll be a product it'll be something you have to buy that's what it's going to be not it was a it was a turnoff for me and significant enough for me to what just that'd be to just turn the lights out. Done with them. Do you think that he wrote it or someone wrote it for him? It was too poorly done to be written. I was thinking. Mechanicalness to it anyways.
Starting point is 00:58:07 It was read and I think some was ad-libbed he's clearly reading some of it but but did you see the write-up that they sent the affiliates no send it to me oh okay i will they they they they sent something to the affiliates that's mind-boggling you know what's interesting is um as soon as i saw that i was like oh my god it like leaf edmondson would have never let that go out like you know I mean like if someone would have sent that to Leif to publish he would have immediately sent it to you like hey Greg what the fuck like you know I mean he had that relationship with you he'd be like Greg what the fuck is
Starting point is 00:58:35 this and you would have been like oh thanks for catching that it's crazy that they don't have someone on the front guarding the do you remember how he used to guard the brand like that I built an affiliation that I would participate in and I was low to encourage or support anything that would change that reality. So at the point that it's like, no, I wouldn't do this. I think that we're flushing the brand down the toilet. And they, for me, have stepped way into that space.
Starting point is 00:59:07 To flushing it down the toilet. I feel that it's, I don't want to weigh in so much because it's gotten into that thing that I would enjoy. Right. What do I know about that? Maybe it is more to the liking of the people that own the company. Oh, right, right. I like where you took it, but what I was just referencing
Starting point is 00:59:35 is just the day-to-day and the bolts of the operations. We had so many people there who were so entrenched and understood the brand that stuff that I just feel like stuff that we didn't step on our own dicks a lot like stuff like this wouldn't have come out because there would we had people like Leaf guarding the brand who
Starting point is 00:59:52 would have never let that come out you know what I mean Joe Westerland good morning I had the privilege of teaching a level one at Decatur Memorial Hospital that was the gym greg was just saying where there were 700 members uh hospital members who worked out at the gym it was people in the community it was it was a good chunk of the medical staff nurses doctors
Starting point is 01:00:15 and families and neighbors i mean they really made it a church-like place they had a competition it was well attended remember that yeah yeah yep yep yep uh this is also a really good point uh we did not have a resource issue uh when greg worked there uh i would say 99 of the time greg would tell us why he didn't want to do something and we would either would or wouldn't do it oh uh frank i sent you the email okay cool all right i'll i'll push it on to uh i'll push it on to greg oh hockey player dead uh l1 culture um i was aware of the fact running crossfit that it's kind of like child rearing. There's more opportunities to fuck things up than there are to make them good.
Starting point is 01:01:09 You know? And the beauty, the magic, the wonderful thing happens at the box level. And the mothership can only try to inspire or catch up or be there for through those things you can't do and it's it's very humbling when you when you realize that that it's not like a factory where you're producing these things that come off a line and look what i've created you know we certainly paved the way and and there was a spark without a doubt but joe knows from you know unlocking those doors in the morning in that relationship you develop and the impact that you have on the people um there's so much love there there's something
Starting point is 01:02:00 so incredible there and and the mothership, the people that own the brand have to do the best they can to represent that and recognize it. And as soon as you think that you know more than the affiliates, you've made a big mistake because you don't. you've made a big mistake because you don't you just said something um there that uh is true about parenting also and this is the way you would run the company one of the things about parenting is is you don't give your kids energy for bad things that they do so if you see your kids doing bad things sometimes you don't say anything because you don't want to give them energy for it because all kids want is attention and we would do that with in terms of not we would just we would reward people and celebrate the people who are leading to doing things in this in the way that greg would want the world to see it be done and by that we would
Starting point is 01:02:55 put the media lens on them right so if we saw if we uh like joe weston says this was the first mdl1 before there was one that was the the seminar. That was that hospital, that L1 that Greg provided over at Decatur Memorial. And so then we put media on that and celebrated that, and that caused other people to lift their heads up and want that kind of attention too. And that's the same way you raise kids. Try to focus on all the positive stuff and lead them that way. Give them attention.
Starting point is 01:03:24 Clap extra loud when they finish their homework. Don't yell at them when they're not doing it. Reward the good things. Because kids will take any kind of energy you can give them, any kind of attention you give them. Right? Yeah, you've got to be careful that what you think is the punishment is what the kid's looking for.
Starting point is 01:03:44 Right. that what you think is the punishment is what the kid's looking for right moms often get that interaction with manipulative children mom's vulnerable to the wants to be loved so much you know yeah yeah yeah baby baby the kid to death oh jake chapman i. I do that to my wives. Yeah. If you have a bunch of wives reward, the ones I totally agree reward, the ones that are behaving on a more positive note. This, this is going to make, this is, this is really good. I just love when I see good things in the news. You're going to love this. California now has the new California law creates ebony alert to find missing black youth and women.
Starting point is 01:04:35 Gavin Newsom has signed a new California law will create an emergency alert system to help find missing black youth and women between the ages of 12 and 25. help find missing black youth and women between the ages of 12 and 25 i went elon elon tweeted back on this because what if you're asian white or are mexican dude california governor newsom signs sp673 into law october 8th the bill which goes into effect january 1 will enable the california highway patrol to activate the new ebony alert. Dude, it's like a Saturday Night Live skit. You know, this is fucking crazy. Victor Davis Hanson has written on why it is that California politicians in particular are so incredibly stupid, like Kamala and this clown. Yeah, this is, wait, who wrote on that?
Starting point is 01:05:21 Victor Davis Hanson. Oh, yes, yes, okay. who wrote on that victor davis hansen oh yes yes okay and the recipe is this he says they came of age in the post retail uh politics he called it where you'd have to debate press would ask tough questions um you know you could get stopped on the corner and challenged about something you said and so he and she our vice president and and your governor right came of age where the party said he's got cool hair and he's pretty yeah for him and her and they're going to be the these are the candidates their bio is good and they're in and it never mattered what they said and and he's he's taken this to a new level it doesn't matter what he's did so he can actually consider running for president based on his record
Starting point is 01:06:13 managing the state of california in the city of san francisco as incredible as that is it's fucking nuts hey also it's women so by the way if you're a black dude man you're fucked too the request from local law enforcement when a black youth or young black woman is reported missing under unexplained or suspicious circumstances is considered at risk a developmentally disabled or cognitively impaired or has been abducted this is just unreal, dude. You know, maybe some racist complained that I helped find this kid and it turned out it was just a little black girl.
Starting point is 01:07:00 And so now the racist don't even have to look. Forget the Ebony Alerts. Right, right, right. We need lifeguards for black people, too. Separate. Oh, just special lifeguards for black people? Sure.
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Starting point is 01:07:42 Find us at This episode is brought to you by Disney's Young Woman NSC, streaming on Disney Plus this Friday. I've decided to swim the English Channel. A woman? I believe she'll die in that water. From producer Jerry Bruckheimer and director Joachim Roening comes the must-see true story, Daisy Ridley. I go to England or die trying. Trudy, you don't have to do this. Oh, man. It's insanity.
Starting point is 01:08:28 And you know what How about fire departments that only put out fires In black people's houses They're hard They pull up And you're out front Like in your underwear And your house is on fire And they see you're white and they keep driving
Starting point is 01:08:46 sorry can't help you oh my god you know the energy and sacrifices of every sort that got us to colorblind and the
Starting point is 01:09:01 riddance of separate but equal. Yeah. You know? All that is just gone. Yesterday, have you seen this guy who's running against Biden now? He's a Democrat. I think his name is Brandon.
Starting point is 01:09:20 Is his name Brandon Phillips, Caleb? Let me look. Have you seen this guy yet, Greg? Just briefly. So I was watching CNN yesterday, a clip on YouTube. Yeah, in the corner of my CNN. And it's three white people on the screen, right? And they go, this is just typical.
Starting point is 01:09:40 Another privileged white man running for office. And I'm just like holy shit it is just as soon as I hear that I always convert it to a black man just to see what it would sound like in my head and I just hear oh my god this is so typical just another privileged black man
Starting point is 01:09:57 and I'm like wow you would just never say that Dean Phillips yeah this oh Dean Phillips Yeah this oh Dean Phillips yeah Big ol nose on him Easy easy easy It's not big it's just got a flat surface You can land a helicopter on the tip of that nose
Starting point is 01:10:15 Yeah definitely Yeah that guy looks like he's lived half his life underground Marianne Williamson is just crazy She locked herself in a condo for six months during COVID. Complete nutter. This is the party of my mom has a cop
Starting point is 01:10:39 and daddy's trying to get pregnant. Hey, do you think any of this can be unwound do you think like we'll get like some a candidate like who's ever governor of California who's not racist and they'll unwind all that they'll be like hey you can't have that or there'll be too many laws in the books like there's probably still laws like in
Starting point is 01:11:03 Florida where you can't have like oral sex. You know what I mean? I've, you know, I've, I've seen, I've seen fires that look like they're going out and you come out in the morning and it's,
Starting point is 01:11:14 it's pumping. It's rare, but it happens. And I'm like, wonder is it, is maybe civilizations do that? You think like just up, like maybe we'll shine bright again with a few
Starting point is 01:11:27 elections where everyone pulls their head out of their ass no i i've got now i don't i don't think enough people are learning anything i didn't know i didn't know great britain had this 6.7% inflation going on and they talk about it so calmly of course that's going to contribute to some problems and they guarantee their pensioners adjustments equivalent to inflation and they're at a point of mathematical impossibility
Starting point is 01:12:01 right now I don't think they make any energy there. Did you know that? Isn't the North Sea full of shit? I thought they buy all their energy. How much of Great Britain? I saw something like that the other day. I was like, oh, they're fucked as a civilization.
Starting point is 01:12:16 I haven't guessed their oil export. No? Great Britain energy sources. Let me see. Great Britain energy sources let me see the GDP of Switzerland apropos of nothing Switzerland Austria Germany is five and a half trillion dollars
Starting point is 01:12:35 it looks like it too oh maybe it does say the export exports of crude oil in the United Kingdom Oh, maybe it does say the export. Oh. Exports of crude oil in the United Kingdom averaged 744 million from 1970 to 2023, reaching an all time high of 288 or no, sorry, 2,888,000,000. In May of 2022 and a record low of zero oh in 1970 i thought i saw something where they're just they have to buy so much fucking energy from other countries what did you say that one more time greg about switzerland sorry
Starting point is 01:13:22 or about sweden austria and germany have a combined gdp the german-speaking countries of five and a half trillion dollars wow and i said it looks like it oh when you're there it's that nice because everything's either livable city nice city or nice country or livable country i mean you just don't see like a man that would have dispiriting place to live. I was in Los Angeles with you this past weekend and I saw stuff I had never seen before. On the overpasses in LA,
Starting point is 01:14:01 the homeless encampments were on top of the overpasses i've only seen them underneath now when i would drive under i was on a freeway driving over overpasses and i could see homeless encampments on encampments on them on these fucking overpasses that probably cost dozens of millions of dollars each to make i can't even believe that it's allowed someone was telling me um maybe it was your wife who was telling me that she drove by a beach the other day that as a kid she always wanted to camp on, but it was illegal and she drove by the beach and saw that it was filled with homeless people. You weren't allowed to camp there as a kid, but now, I mean, it's crazy. And when I say homeless people, I mean drug addicts and thieves. Sorry. People who prioritized drugs over shelter. What did you think of the football game? Go ahead.
Starting point is 01:14:55 The incidence of mental illness in the homeless is probably greater than the incidence of mental illness in the psychiatric hospitals. Oh, for sure. More people on the outside than the inside? Yeah. There's more criminals on the outside than the psychiatric hospitals. Oh, for sure. More people on the outside than the inside. Yeah, there's more criminals on the outside than on the inside. We want to hear about the football game, please. Greg, what did you think about the football game? Chicago Bears versus the Los Angeles Chargers with our boy Tyson Bajent, our friend Travis Bajent's son playing as quarterback.
Starting point is 01:15:23 A couple of things. It's the first sporting event I've been to where I actually gave a fuck about the outcome. So I was disappointed. That felt weird. I know. I was surprised to hear you say that, that you were like, oh, my God, that sucks. They lost. And I'm like, wow, I didn't know Greg.
Starting point is 01:15:36 I wanted him to have good success. But what I thought I saw was that he, I thought he outplayed his teammates. And that's a hard way to distinguish yourself you know you lose but hey I didn't do as bad as the others it's rough it's a lot of competition and he's a very young
Starting point is 01:15:59 man young as a player and I think his prime's yet to come and he's starting again next week what did you think about the facility the the architecture the the the layout what did you think about what you saw about that facility 70 000 people packed in like just humanity pulsating in there the fake forum forum looking thing. I like the bunker kind of box seat. That was cool.
Starting point is 01:16:32 You mean where we were sitting? Like a dugout? Yeah, that was neat. But, you know, we still haven't gotten back to where we had at Petco Park in San Diego as far as I'm concerned. Well, the service was better at Petco. I mean, I couldn't believe... The box you used to have at Petco,
Starting point is 01:16:52 the service was amazing. The food was a hundred times better. We could get anything we wanted. Pardon me? We could get anything to eat or drink we wanted. Right. The pizza was good. The hot dogs were good. The hamburgers were good. I just couldn't believe the stadium I mean I just can't believe man
Starting point is 01:17:09 Made that place It's huge It's huge and then this is like A whole monitor that goes around the roof Doesn't it it's like a 360 degree TV screen yeah that black Line on the top double-sided Oh that's crazy.
Starting point is 01:17:27 Those people at the top could have been fake and we would have never known from where we sat. What did you not... Greg, what was the part that you were saying that looked fake to you? Or the coliseum? Or what was the part? Or the... From the outside, it's supposed to look like the forum, I presume. Oh, okay. Okay.
Starting point is 01:17:46 So you weren't impressed with it? You weren't like, oh my God, you weren't just completely... Yeah. Yeah, I was. You know what? It's me. I've got a problem. I don't enjoy sporting events.
Starting point is 01:18:03 Right, right. At least a half dozen people came up to me and were like, holy shit, I can't believe Greg stayed for this whole football game. They thought you'd come, say hi, and fucking roll. I was eager to see Travis' kid play.
Starting point is 01:18:28 You and I have been all over the world with Travis. Yeah, yeah. And we've all become friends in the process. And he's been telling me since I've known him that his kid was going to be in the NFL. So here he is. He's called that right. What was the name of the park? Do you remember?
Starting point is 01:18:49 Sifo? Sifo? Probably Sifo Stadium. Sci-Fi Stadium. Yeah, I don't know what that means. SoFi. SoFi Stadium. Oh, SoFi Stadium.
Starting point is 01:19:00 Is that an internet provider? Yeah, I believe so. so they just got the title rights naming a name deal it'll be called something else in a few years yeah exactly health stadium or something ridiculous sound like std it seats 70 240240 people. It's three miles from LAX. 5.5 billion I'm seeing here, Martin. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:19:34 Crazy, right? Taxpayer dollars? Of course. I heard some guy was saying that the taxpayers didn't contribute a penny to it, but I don't believe that for a second. I'm looking on its wiki. Man, it is something else. And I didn't even know, hey, and there were more Chicago fans there than Charger fans, right? Did it look like that to you?
Starting point is 01:20:13 Yeah, maybe. And that's the way it was when we used to go to Padres games, too. Do you remember that? Yeah, when we played the Dodgers, it was all Dodger fans. Yeah. Yeah. It was estimated to cost $2.66 billion, but then ended up costing
Starting point is 01:20:31 $5.5 billion. It's the most expensive stadium in the world. Wow. How do you go over 2X? I've built that house next door, and my guy, man, he's on the money on time. You know, he could tell us out two years where we'd be, out six months where we'd be, and it's all going down that way. There's no room for it. Sorry, it's twice that.
Starting point is 01:21:01 room for it. Sorry, it's twice that. It sounds so third world or modern day US government. Inflation probably. Took them so long by the time they finished. That is crazy. Double the cost. Hey, anything having
Starting point is 01:21:20 to do with stadiums like that or space, all the space shit is double or triple in cost too. Our weapons, the military shit, always double or triple. If you buy it on the economy, it's like a third of the price. Hey, Greg, listen to this.
Starting point is 01:21:35 On April 1st, 2023, SoFi Stadium hosted WrestleMania 39. It was WWE's flagship professional wrestling event, WrestleMania. It was the highest flagship professional Wrestling event Wrestlemania It was the highest grossing event in WWE History with a reported gate of 21.6 million dollars With 161,892 fans
Starting point is 01:21:56 In attendance over a two night period So that means it seats more than 70,000 Pardon me? It's Jose for that It probably depends on the event right whether people can go down on the field or not yeah the summer oh you do not see wrestlemania you'd pay not to see it oh yeah it sounds like are the summer o Summer Olympics coming to Los Angeles? I thought it was in Paris in 2024.
Starting point is 01:22:27 Okay, so 2028, it says the Summer Olympics will be there. So the ones after that. And then the Paralympics will be there too. That's people without body parts, certain body parts? Right. Oh, shit. You think you'll go to another game Greg
Starting point is 01:22:48 Football game I think you will End up going to another one Like when he switches teams Yeah I I Travis is a buddy And his kid's in the NFL
Starting point is 01:23:00 You know Does Phoenix have a team Yeah Yeah I could see you going to a game there Arizona Cardinals in the NFL. Does Phoenix have a team? Yeah. I could see you going to a game there. Arizona Cardinals? The Cardinals. Are they good?
Starting point is 01:23:17 They're a struggling team too, I think. I know the guy on the team is a good guy. He's a good guy, but his team sucks. I've heard things about him and the family. All right. You and I have a meeting at four. We do indeed.
Starting point is 01:23:41 Yeah. Thanks for remembering. Yeah. I'll be there. We'll be over here and we'll go in the new truck. Oh for remembering. Yeah. I'll be there. We'll be over here and we'll go in the new truck. Oh, yeah. How was that? You know, I just went to Corley's Meat Market in it, and it's amazing.
Starting point is 01:23:56 So your previous truck was 700 horsepower and this is 1,000 horsepower? Yeah. Where do you notice that difference? Off the go? Off the way it sounds touch even it's gonna take a little getting used to oh yeah what'd you get uh the hennessy trx pull it up it was uh it's nuts i saw it in the driveway yesterday. It looks dangerous. It looks like it bites. It looks like some samurai drawing of a wild rabbit dog. I heard there was like
Starting point is 01:24:32 70 made or something. They're only going to make 200, so I hit up my guy in Wyoming. Can you get one of these? He said, yeah, a white one. Right now. I was like, fuck you. Hey, go back. I want to see uh it's um 1012 horsepower yeah so he has a trx fully loaded next to it and this thing makes the trx look tame
Starting point is 01:24:56 it's kind of crazy when i remember without that that truck kind of made the trx look bad i love my TRX. I could do commercials for those fuckers. And I loved my Raptor in the same way. I mean, it was great until the TRX came out. Mammoth 1000. So we'll take this to the meeting today? Yeah, it's wonderfully quiet,
Starting point is 01:25:20 which is, that was the only thing I was worried about. Heidi, does it come with free Hennessy different people I didn't know that damn that's wild Aerie Bros radio the WWE numbers are all false oh interesting okay how do you know that i don't know but that's a fucking awesome crazy logo that's like trump's uh events right wwe and trump and the cost of the uh you can see the connection, the correlation....are inflated. Trump would never do that.
Starting point is 01:26:07 It's like Nebraska football games, too. They sell out every game, but not everybody shows up. Bill Barr said that Trump wasn't, what, eloquent or good with words or something? Like no one's noticed? Oh, so I heard Netanyahu speak yesterday? Yeah. How does that guy have mastery over the English that's better than Biden and Trump? That guy is one of the most eloquent speakers I've ever heard in my life.
Starting point is 01:26:33 I cannot believe his English. As you may recall, with the incident at Pearl Harbor, the U.S. would never consider a ceasefire. We, too, will never consider a ceasefire. I'm like, oh, shit. They're liberating the Palestinians. Yeah, I know this is going to sound sarcastic but I really mean this at some point don't the people of that country of that land
Starting point is 01:27:09 I don't even know who lives there to call them Palestinians is like calling me a Californian we already know that there's no ethnicity as Palestinians until 1964 when it was created fictitiously but
Starting point is 01:27:22 shouldn't they be happy shouldn't they be thanking the israelis like thank you for rooting out hamas hey you know you know when you leave your house and they tent it and they get all the bugs and rats out i feel like that's what if i live there i guess they're coming in to get all the rats and bugs the union army won the civil war in no small part by willing to set fire to the south and that's civilians infrastructure farms everything just set fucking fire to the landscape okay and and we did that in world war ii to japanese and Germans. Very deliberately burned cities to the ground. And war is never going to be different than that.
Starting point is 01:28:11 And in between, you can pretend like that would never happen and that we've risen above that. But the cost will always be brought to bear on the locals. And at some point, they're welcoming of a new government just because that stops. And it happened to Germany. It happened to Japan. They're not stupid on this subject.
Starting point is 01:28:37 They're people with grandparents that lived it. Read about the bombing of Dresden in Tokyo. The firebombing in particular. The kid's got this little firsthand account book of World War II. It's maybe 120 pages of pictures in color. It's beautiful. But there's a section on the incendiary bombs.
Starting point is 01:29:03 They were designed to set fires that couldn't be put out. And we dropped thousands of them. Killed more people in one night in Tokyo with that than we did with either of the atom bombs. No shit. Yeah. Yeah, I think the figure is 60,000 people in one night. Wow.
Starting point is 01:29:23 In Germany, we stopped bombing at the end of the war because there was nothing left to fucking bomb. Literally ran out of things to blow up. We got all the dams. We got the highways. We got the railroad stations. Every airfield, every city.
Starting point is 01:29:43 It's now a shit pile. And that's, you know, this is what Hannibal was doing with his fucking elephants fucking forever ago. Let me play this for you, not as an end-all be-all, but just as a,
Starting point is 01:30:01 just as a thought, just as food for thought, not as a justification either. I don't want anyone to think I'm justifying anything with this, but just listen to this guy talk on this subject here a second. There's a point about Israel and Hamas that nobody's making, and that is it doesn't matter who was on the land first. I know this will make a lot of people mad, but so be it. But this goes for any situation. It doesn't matter. Being there first doesn't mean anything.
Starting point is 01:30:25 What matters is which government has the most proper government, which government protects individual rights, But this goes for any situation. It doesn't matter. Being there first doesn't mean anything. What matters is which government has the most proper government, which government protects individual rights the most effectively. So I've come up with a list of questions to guide y'all's thinking. What would happen if either government had complete power, total power in the region? Which place would you want to live and why? What would you be able to do and not be able to do there? Look, we all know that Hamas's founding goal is to wipe out Israel. And it's not just the military bases. They mean women, children, noncombatants, everybody.
Starting point is 01:30:53 For them, their goal is complete eradication of Israel. I mean, we've all seen the stories of what Hamas has done to Israel this month, right? And the indiscriminate killings of women, children. And I'm not saying Israel is perfect either, all right?'all start saying stuff I want to make that very clear But it doesn't matter which side was there first Like that's frankly just a dumb argument Especially when one side is committing A whole bunch of atrocities
Starting point is 01:31:13 It's obvious to most people but they won't admit explicitly That they'd rather live under an Israeli government Rather than one from Hamas But I digress if y'all liked what I had to say Nobody I was trying to think the the nicest muslim countries in the world still have some fucked up shit going on for example the uae has 300 000 residents and 5.7 million servants like to sort of have one of these
Starting point is 01:31:39 beautiful muslim countries you still have when i went there it's 5.7 million imported servants and fucking all the women are still covered but all the other muslim countries no one's gonna like this either they're shitholes they're shitholes it's just the way it is i i don't think anyone chooses to live in a society take the religion out no one wants to live in Iran, Tehran Baghdad any of those places
Starting point is 01:32:13 over living in downtown Tel Aviv cleaner drinking water, cleaner streets no crime better books it just goes on and on people that are protesting what Israel is doing are morally defective.
Starting point is 01:32:33 Morally defective? Yes. Can you tell me why? Not why they're morally defective, but what is the piece that they're so utterly wrong about? Well, you have to hide from the atrocities that Hamas committed, brags about, commits on the regular, brags about on the regular. It's the goal of their existence. Yep. And to think that that's going to be put down other than by killing the people that have those values or to think that they're somehow persecuted against in some manner that justifies doing this to children.
Starting point is 01:33:25 You're going to help put people on the railroad cars and send them to the ovens. It's the same people. Right. You can't see the difference between clear-cut cases of good and evil. You've been seaboard of the Middle East and I have. I've been enough to tell you that if I ever had a chance to live in Iraq or the UAE or Israel, it's Israel hands down. Right, right. You're right. And mostly because of the things that I value.
Starting point is 01:34:02 And I'm not talking about restaurants. And how about the fact that 80% of that area, that nation of Gaza, that land, it was basically a WEF, World Economic Forum fucking prototype. 80% of those people were being taken care of by outside sources. Social security, welfare, whatever the fuck they do there. Food stamps. It's crazy. You'll have nothing and like it. Experiment. And the point of the population is. It's more than just cannon fodder i mean they're the idea is for civilian injuries that's what's
Starting point is 01:34:51 wanted right management government that the you know the whole thing about the the agitator that stands behind the crowd and throws throws rocks and beer bottles at the cops hoping they'll shoot at the protesters? Yeah, yeah. This has become a form of government in what we'll call in Palestine, RUFK, in Gaza. It's a form of government, the bottle throwers. And so they build these infrastructures under hospitals with the idea of not, not that you won't hit it, but how cool it would be if you did. Look at the mileage they got out of the lie
Starting point is 01:35:33 that the hospital was hit. It was a turning point. Untrue, but Israel clearly lost support. Oh, really? It seemed like it to me. It seems like to me, maybe I'm wrong, it seems like they're doubling down
Starting point is 01:35:55 and kind of like people are losing interest in it and just letting Israel do what they want now. No? I hope so. Brian, you never have to write stuff like last try you don't have to do that you don't have to do that ever you could just ask the question again there's so many comments coming by you could just ask the question again don't be cool uh greg can you expand on your views that we should wipe out iran's oil navy air force to expect china and russia to do nothing you know biden's going over they're already doing something what they're doing is they're perfecting the art of war through proxies and i would like to make it clear what
Starting point is 01:36:34 my view of your proxies are before one of them sets off a fucking nuclear weapon in a in a in an american city and we put our palms up because we don't know what to do about proxies. But if I've got Iranian-backed, trained, and funded militias attacking US troops, I'm going to take that back to the Iranian Revolutionary Guard. Take it right to them. Iranian Revolutionary Guard. Take a wreck to them. Didn't we kill, didn't Trump kill Iran's Cognizant leader? And Russia and China didn't do shit,
Starting point is 01:37:12 right? Russia is doing shit. It's time to take the Ukraine. Very costly, but that's the kind of thing I would worry about them doing. But they are doing it. China is bringing us every day closer to just an out-and-out invasion of Taiwan.
Starting point is 01:37:39 That would be catastrophic for America, for Taiwanese. Devastating. Jeffrey Bershfield, not last try. If they could do more to cause global problems, they would. Oh, this is going to be good. Jake Chapman, try God, I Greg, are you doing Movember?
Starting point is 01:38:13 Greg, do you know what Movember is? Yeah, I remember that Remember how much we teased Jimmy on that? Yeah Greg wants to do more stuff for women and children And less stuff for men Sean Letterman last try God I shouldn't have said anything
Starting point is 01:38:35 I'm sorry I said anything Russia is about to get payback on America for arming Ukraine through what? yeah for arming Ukraine? Through what? Yeah. Would you divert a bunch of supplies? They're going to nuke Ukrainians? Oh, so Biden's going to talk to Xi?
Starting point is 01:39:00 Is he going there or is Xi coming here, Biden-China? I heard they're going to meet. U uh u.s china agree in principle to biden uh xi summit two days ago china's foreign ministers uh okay biden hosts china's top diplomat ahead of expected uh g g meeting were i the chinese leader i would be doing everything i possibly could to get with biden to get with him to what to like to get to just basically extort him be like hey pay us and we'll stay the fuck out of your business anything whatever i had you know and if it's nothing
Starting point is 01:39:37 more than that he doesn't know where he is and i do i i would use that right just totally take advantage of him of Of course. Yeah. Can't have an obligation to. Yeah. He's like, he's yeah. He's completely taken advantage of. He's he's,
Starting point is 01:39:53 he could be worked. He needs to be led around by the arm. Okay. David, we, Greg, are you doing no nut november oh my goodness wow okay thank i'm unpacking and packing we're off again Yeah I so didn't think you would I so don't believe you're leaving again I don't either
Starting point is 01:40:31 The whole time all you're going to be doing is thinking about your truck Let's go to the office Okay I'll see you this afternoon Alright I'll give you a call in a few minutes anyway I'm going to go to the skate park with your kids now alright buddy bye buddy thanks for coming on
Starting point is 01:40:50 ciao it's always fun Gregorio Glassman hey see this one right here Caleb yeah can this I want to see if I can is it this one
Starting point is 01:41:04 what's this one oh this is the is it this one what's this one oh this is the four banger one this what's this one oh that one you're gone oh there's a three one here why didn't we oh were we using this one yeah oh god okay and you made that on the fly yeah damn good job okay well fly yeah damn good job okay well shit i like this one too you cool with this one yeah and you can still and you can still see the sponsors on the bottom paper street coffee ca peptides birth fit swolverine toe spacers vindicate we have a new sponsor grill your ass off if you're going to get something from them i recommend the habanero salt stuff i've been eating it three days a week my kid got they sent me some beef jerky my kids destroyed it and i didn't even ask him if it was good they told me it was great so no uh we
Starting point is 01:42:04 rescheduled Bajent for next Tuesday. I'll bug him and see if I can get him on during the rest of the week. But yeah. I think I should call Laura. Oh. Oh. Isn't nice.
Starting point is 01:42:23 Okay. Okay. I text Laura to congratulate her on Rogue. Yeah? What'd she say? Let's start a poll. Let's start a poll. Okay. Yeah, it's nice. We'll start a poll here, people. You guys ready?
Starting point is 01:42:52 I text Laura. I'll tell you exactly what I said to her. I text Laura. I'm allowed to tell you what I said to her, right? I'm just not allowed to read other people's text messages if she were to have texted back or not. But I'm allowed to tell you. Okay, so I said said uh hey exclamation point this was yesterday at 5 0 4 p.m okay good time hey exclamation point space nice space work exclamation point hey nice work okay did she respond now i have to tell you in the past i'll just leave it at that i'll leave it that did she respond to the text
Starting point is 01:43:29 did laura horvat respond to my hey nice work that's a congratulatory text yeah uh david we do it what's up with the cat 30 50 50 it looks like he's coming into like uh in that picture to uh um like pluck some nose hairs yeah what the hell rambler yes you do you think she did respond oh she said fuck off that would be an interesting response that that was kind of like a response no response david weed no yes okay so it is 50 50 i think that's probably smart 50 50 smart it's tight race i'm surprised the no's aren't even ahead a little bit right off the bat it was literally two people voted and it was one was yes
Starting point is 01:44:25 and one was no oh that's nice that's nice uh greg c uh yes uh you got a who dis or no response yeah who this is good from the movie um boys in the hood who dis i feel like she probably was she probably just did one like a heart she just hearted it oh or she like liked it i'm yeah wow i will say this to you i'll give you one more bit of information i know a lot of you voted it's unfair when i sent her the text it it went green whatever the fuck that means i mean she's a blue she got an iphone so normally she's a blue but it went green uh dick butter uh pulls out the dick tracy hat we would not be doing this if it was a no i don't know if that's uh uh stefan did you ever start uh charging david rent no i. I just fucking let him live in there. I brought him a blanket. Changes water.
Starting point is 01:45:30 I asked him to pee in the back. To pee in the house. But he just lives in there rent free. Hate to say it. Just fucking cruising around. Trying to build a wall so he has to stay in only
Starting point is 01:45:47 one portion of my brain and let him just wander around I have some very sensitive areas in there 52% yes did Laura Horvat respond to 52% 53% say yes
Starting point is 01:46:01 52% 53% say yes. 52%. 53% say yes. 47% say no. That's a tight race. It is tight. If I get 1,000 votes, I'll call her. This year's Fonder now. a thousand votes i'll call her uh does she respond or no we're just gonna wait on it um she did respond crazy right she didn't respond and i will tell you in my now, now in all fairness,
Starting point is 01:46:48 someone can be like, fuck off, seven. And I see that as positive. Like I just, I'm definitely like a child. If I get attention, I'm like an alchemist.
Starting point is 01:46:55 I make it good. Okay. Oh, she likes me. She said, fuck off. She's she knows I'm alive. Uh,
Starting point is 01:47:04 but I would say it was positive okay yeah we're we're moving somewhere yeah i would say it was uh positive that being said can't read it to you that'd be unethical and irresponsible she's probably riding a little bit of a high um but i would say but i also thought i also thought the time that i called her and she said i hope this call was expensive for you and um now i have uh uh but she said don't call me again or something I thought that was positive too she did say I love it at the end though oh here we go uh yeah I love it yeah a coffee a papa mount mama uh Laura said thank you but please don't contact me again oh fuck it I'm getting ready to call her I'm building up I'm building up some fucking
Starting point is 01:48:02 I'm building up some fucking I'm building up some fucking courage. I am building up some fucking courage. When she responded. It wasn't green It was gray Which means that I think she's back on blue And she responded at a crazy hour of the day Which means that You think she's back at the motherland? No I don't think so
Starting point is 01:48:39 I need to have a plan when I call her A little bit I need to listen better Last time I call her a little bit. Okay, I need to listen better. Last time I wasn't listening so good because I was so nervous. Like she was trying to get a joke and like, hey, I know this call is expensive for you. I'm glad it's fucking you. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:48:57 And I didn't, I should have laughed at her joke. Not good. Not nice, Gabe. Not nice. not good not nice game not nice games like this juvenile motherfucker he'll call if i say you won't call no plan bro no plan no plan b oh i think this is uh jethro oh no hello Oh, I think this is Jethro. Oh, no. Hello? Hey. Hey. So I know it's a bit with calling Lauren and everything.
Starting point is 01:49:35 Yeah. But that takes a lot of balls. You know why? Tell me. Her and Gabby. Yeah. Their parents, both their parents were at breakfast the day after she won. And I was at the hotel there.
Starting point is 01:49:50 And I was right outside. And I walked right in front of them. And there was only two reasons why I didn't even congratulate them. One of them was because they were with their family right after the games for breakfast. And two, I was wearing a CEO shirt.
Starting point is 01:50:05 And I did not want after the games for breakfast. And two, I was wearing a CEO shirt. Oh. And I did not want that smoke. So everyone's saying, oh, just call, just call. No, it takes a lot of balls to call her. So if you do, that's fucking funny. Hey, did you rake the leaves? Yeah, I did actually. It was really good.
Starting point is 01:50:23 Good job. This is Jethro. Yeah, man. Yeah, man. Hey, Caleb.aleb yeah i'm on yeah i'm on okay yeah i'm gonna call her i'm gonna i need to here's the thing i want to ask her if she'll come on the show but i kind of don't want to ask her because i don't want the rejection so i think my plan of attack is hey congratulations how was the flight home did the rain like if she if she'll talk to me home did the rain like if she if she'll talk to me how was the but then if she starts she'll try to take over the conversation right i'll ask her about the rain um i think you only have you only have like three questions before
Starting point is 01:50:56 she's gonna get off the phone with you i think you think i should go hard then hey do you like me do you want to get congratulations like me do you want my second wife just go big you just got a little window the pleasantries you want to live with my mom my wife won't let me get another dog but she'd probably let me have you as a second life do you want to go over i'd pay money to see that reality show. Oh my God. That'd be so awesome. Oh my goodness. Well, what should I use?
Starting point is 01:51:30 What should, what should I do with the time then? What do you think I should ask her? Just like congratulations. What are you gonna do with the money? Are you back home? Yeah. Yeah. What are you gonna do with the money?
Starting point is 01:51:39 And when are you gonna come on the show? That's it. Boom. Okay. All right. Good luck. Good luck. All right. I want to listen to this okay all right bye uh congratulate her and compliment her then ask her one question and let her take over the conversation a compliment her dude you look great out there she did um She did.
Starting point is 01:52:12 Was it, did it feel good to beat Tia? Did it feel extra good because you beat Tia? I think she mentioned that it's nice to have the monkey off her back. Yeah, did it feel good? Yeah. Okay, that's what I'm going to ask her. I I'm gonna ask her if it felt good to beat Tia did that feel extra good to beat Tia like were you now that Tia when Tia
Starting point is 01:52:34 was there did that did that did that feel extra good she's gonna give me some sort of bullshit like I'm an athlete I just want to win or some shit okay here we go which button do I push oh I hold on nope nope nope I had to fuck that up. Okay, here we go. Which button do I push? Oh, I hold on. Nope, nope, nope. I fucked that up. Okay, here we go.
Starting point is 01:52:53 I don't think, I think it's a good time to call there too. I don't think it's like some fucked up time. No, it's probably mid-afternoon. I think she has the number in her phone. I think she probably has it in her phone too. Like, hey, don't is that jacket i don't think she blocked me though i think she just put sev on i could call it for my other phone to fuck with her oh i got wow it said user busy oh and user wasn't spelled u-S-E, new word, H-E-R, user busy.
Starting point is 01:53:49 It was user, U-S-E-R, busy, user busy. User, I hardly know her. Oh, ringing equals non-block, not blocked. Is that a fact? Yeah, I think so. Oh, declined. She hung up on you you She hit the end button Is that what that means
Starting point is 01:54:11 Well let's just google that User Busy Let's see what that The user busy notice typically indicates That the person you are attempting to reach is either unavailable To take calls at the moment or is otherwise engaged and unable to answer. Yeah, I know that you jackass.
Starting point is 01:54:30 Does user busy mean blocked? If you get a user busy signal or fast busy signal before you call is dropped, it's possible your number is blocked through their wireless carrier. Someone is already on another call when you try to call them oh i'm gonna go with that i like that oh my god i really wanted to talk to seven but i've been on hold for an hour trying to get my money back to hungary or wherever she's from yeah it seems reasonable okay she's probably calling her mom or something no No, that wasn't my mom, dude. Are you kidding me? That was full Europe.
Starting point is 01:55:06 That was European ringing. Weep. Weep. That was their shit. Let's go to her. Let's stalk her a little bit. Let's go to her Instagram and see where she is. That's a good thing.
Starting point is 01:55:21 It's not very telling. I looked at it earlier. It is. You did. that's a good that's not very telling i looked at it earlier it is you did stories are all reposts of other people posting about her she's with her brother at a shoe store at a hardware store fixing her glasses yeah something something like that rogue yeah something something like that rogue god she got it she got a great face man she is cool she has a good smile too and she got a shitload of money right now wouldn't be fun now's the time
Starting point is 01:55:59 like if you're ever gonna hang out with her now now's the time shit you should have seen me that week I got my YouTube money I was fucking like lattes are on me taking people to the liquor store walk around on the beach uh uh no it's your new sponsor Roka they're based in Austin
Starting point is 01:56:21 Roka sunglasses oh look at her I want to see her kid I hope she chooses some dude who's like 6'10 300 pounds to mate with so she's blonde hair, huh?
Starting point is 01:56:45 As a kid, you see that? Oh, yeah Man Hey, and all that shit I do with my kids Just so you know, like the cool thing is I was having this talk with someone the other day They're like, my kids won't do the shit I tell them to do Well, you know what's interesting is like I was having this talk with someone the other day. They're like, my kids won't do the shit I tell them to do.
Starting point is 01:57:09 Well, you know, what's interesting is like, that's why I take them to classes and to private coaches. So basically they do, they do in all their disciplines, they do one private lesson a week and then the rest are all group classes, right? So with tennis, they each do one private lesson a week. With skateboarding, well, skateboarding, they do two private lessons a week with, um, uh, skateboard. Well, skateboarding, they do two private lessons a week, but, but they don't do any classes. They just go by themselves. And there are some kids in the area.
Starting point is 01:57:31 There's at least one kid in the area. Who's obvious age, who's better skater than Avi. And that kid does not take any private lessons, but then the vast majority of other kids that in the area, Avi is, and Joseph and Ari are way better than them than kids who are their age so so i i make it work and i get them and and i do private lessons with them skateboarding and then jujitsu they do one private lesson a week and then um uh striking and kicking they do one private lesson a week and then the rest are classes and what made me think of this is i was talking about with someone yesterday and one it's it's it's relentless right that's all they know and that's what they do so they're done with school by 9 a.m every day and then that's what
Starting point is 01:58:13 they do the rest of the day basically it's either some one of those disciplines or they're playing in the backyard or they're playing some or surfing or doing something like that. And then they're outside. And then, so that's what it is. It's that discipline and that shit's expensive. So I was trying, I was thinking, I don't know what the exact costs are, but like tennis might be for all three kids, $1,600 a month. And skateboarding might be $800 a month. And jujitsu might be like 12 or $1,400 a month. And that doesn't include. So that's like, what is that? That's like three, three or four. Let's say that's $4,000 a month. That's $50,400 a month. And that doesn't include, so that's like, what is that? That's like three or four, let's say that's $4,000 a month.
Starting point is 01:58:47 That's $50,000 a year. And that doesn't include like tennis rackets and whatever, geese and tournaments and all that shit, right? But I don't make sacrifices for it that's not the right word but some people would use that word but like I don't buy shit like I don't buy shit
Starting point is 01:59:15 like if I go out to dinner with my family I don't order food I eat their food that they don't eat I don't buy shoes, I don't buy shoes I don't buy clothes I don't buy These headphones here I don't know if you can see them You see that
Starting point is 01:59:33 Yes I'd love a new pair of headphones I'd love a pair of headphones where the wire comes out But it's just not needed Yeah I prioritize that's the word thank you Yeah I'm not um uh i think gabe or someone sent me these because they heard that i like them wads on me i mean i'm really slumming
Starting point is 01:59:54 it my fucking work phone's still an iphone 14 not my personal phone iphone 15 scumbag yeah so you just have to you only buy new cameras when you're shooting behind the scenes yeah the cars I drive I drive a 2014 4Runner that Greg gave me
Starting point is 02:00:20 and I drive a 2016 minivan. There's the only brand new car, only car, only brand new car I've ever bought. Only car I've ever bought. I guess the other car I bought one time, I bought a, like a 1986 Mercedes Benz 560 SEL for like four grand. And that was in 2012. I told, I told Jason, I was, I think I drove to Jason Kleepa's gym And I went inside and I'm like
Starting point is 02:00:48 In 1986 that was the most expensive production car ever made It's an incredible piece of equipment It was the first car ever with a mass produced car With an airbag in it And I was like bragging about it, what a great car it is And then it broke down in his parking lot It was I bought it for $4,000 in 2012
Starting point is 02:01:06 Let's say Or 2009 whenever In 1986 I think it was the most expensive production car made At $109,000 Whoa Yeah crazy right Susan K Is the behind the scenes coming out soon or what
Starting point is 02:01:21 Do you want to see some Do you fucking want to see some? Do you fucking want to see some? I'll show you some. Are we doing this? This show is special, you guys. I didn't know it until recently, but this show is fucking special.
Starting point is 02:01:51 We support our veterans. We let Caleb on the show. This is a – this is a – not veteran-owned. This is a charity organization Caleb's been through a lot and this is we go out of our way to support veterans have you watched any of these yet?
Starting point is 02:02:16 yeah I started watching a little bit of it I watched the first one I haven't seen the second one let me see I'm going to pull up the second one. Oh. God, I hope I don't get in trouble for this. This hasn't been vetted by anyone yet.
Starting point is 02:02:33 Hold on. Let me see. Let me. Okay. I'm just going to. Here's what I'm going to do. I haven't seen this yet. This isn't the second episode.
Starting point is 02:02:44 This is just this might even be episode four it's the only one that I have access to right now but I'm gonna something's wrong Houston do you want me to pull it up no I got it I just got to be able
Starting point is 02:02:58 to stop it if something gets crazy you know what I mean because there's stuff that they've asked me if they should cut out and I'm like no oh can anyone see the URL or do anything to fucking get this no okay i don't think it's unlisted isn't it so it should be good yeah but it needs to be private when it's unlisted people can still find it there's no url for them to pull it from though okay here we go uh so i haven't seen this yet this this i haven't seen this okay and this is just super rough this is just the pieces have
Starting point is 02:03:39 been laid down so this is this is day three event eight oh so this is probably like, event eight. Oh, so this is probably maybe even eight episodes in. Because I think each event's going to have an episode. Oh, man. Yeah, here we go. If you hear anything crazy, just pretend like you didn't. Oh, I can't even hear it. Can you? No. Maybe there's going to be... There it is.
Starting point is 02:04:04 There it is. There it is. What are you guys doing? Prepping the. There you go. There's your sneak peek. Prepping the boxes. Getting them cleaned up. Is that just water or what are you wiping on?
Starting point is 02:04:20 Sanitizing wipes. Can I smell it? Yeah, of course. Oh, yeah. It smells. Lemony. See? Look at you. Look at. Okay. uh sanitizing wipes can i smell it yeah of course oh yeah it smells lemon see look at you look at okay uh who's that i don't know who that is oh amanda barnhart let's have another event there you go amanda barnhart oh i i think i saw paige simenza. Yeah, right there. Paige Semenza.
Starting point is 02:04:46 It's fun. You don't save anything for the... Well, yeah, that's different. Look at that in the corrals. They tried to tell me beforehand, give the athletes space when they're in the corrals. How about you go fuck yourself? Okay, here, here.
Starting point is 02:05:01 Here's a blue hair. Here we go. And Justin Collar. Alex Kazan. Look at that. Holy cow. Katrin. Is that Katrin?
Starting point is 02:05:14 God, she looks amazing. Oh, yeah, Katrin and Fraser. Dude, if you haven't ever been next to Katrin David's daughter, it's something else. Have you ever stood close to her like that? Maybe like 20 feet away. daughter, it's something else. Have you ever stood close to her like that? Maybe like 20 feet away. Dude, it is something else. She is something.
Starting point is 02:05:32 I think she was in like the near lane, like near the press pit. That was terrifying. She is a specimen. Okay, how about this? Here we go. You guys will kick off the second round. The heat, the cap for the second one is still six minutes. a specimen. Okay, how about this? Here we go. Dave Castro addressing the ladies. I know. You guys are going to be, oh my God. And here's, oh, here's like two
Starting point is 02:05:54 of the most beautiful women all of CrossFit. Miss Baker. So we'll say, yeah. Yeah, so it was a good little day for me. Good job, girl. Awesome. Thank you. Awesome. Oh, gross. yeah so it was good little day three good job girl awesome thank you awesome oh oh gross baby dude that's like hugging a wet rag touching one of those athletes seriously i i i you know once a day i'll end up making a mistake and hugging one of them and
Starting point is 02:06:22 you're just like it's like you just hug so it's like you're just soaked you you try to play it cool though don't let him see you like wipe your hands on shit uh abigail donut breathtaking in person so fucking cool looking. The great Olivia Kerstetter, the future. Jacob Heppner. Oh, who's this? More Paige Semenza. Oh, yeah. Paige Semenza is great.
Starting point is 02:06:53 Let's see. This is probably safe. She's safe. Yeah. 18. So I'm fighting for it. Two places above the cut line. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:07:02 Oh, this is around the cut. So I'm asking her about the cut. Oh, I just got a text. A guy who looks like Yami Inkanen, but it's not. Oh, did I see Emily Rolfe? Oh, my God. I kind of was thinking the other night it would be awesome. Emma Tall.
Starting point is 02:07:35 It would be awesome to incorporate, figure out a way if I could get. Oh, this dude. What was this dude's name? Ant? Ant Haynes. Yeah, what a stud. Oh, let's see what he has to say. This is Matthew. Nick Matthew.
Starting point is 02:07:50 The first interval, do you save something for the second interval? I would say you gotta save something for the back half of each section. A little bit. Start off controlled and then sprint each back half so then you still have some in the tank for a kick at the end.
Starting point is 02:08:11 Do you know what place you're in? filmed what a fucking animal i am oh my goodness look at this christoph horvat here we go this is gonna be dirty i think yesterday was better than it was a little bit more space out and i don't see a reason why not to space it out or i'm assuming it's because of um what they were saying something about speaking about big this guy he doesn't have gigantism like he doesn't look like tony robbins but he's really big he's close like he might like if someone if they did a pituitary check on him and he had like some sort of gland that was hyper, I wouldn't be like surprised. He's gigantic. Not weird, though. Not like disproportion, but it's getting close.
Starting point is 02:08:52 It's big. That's Laura Horvath's brother. I personally don't think, but that doesn't mean that I'm right either. What I think is that... Oh, look it, look it. Did she talk to me? thing but that doesn't mean that i'm right either what i think is that oh look at look at did she talk to me i don't know you have to go back and yeah can you come with me yes i can you're welcome no gabriella magawa anyway there you go okay so you see like it, it's... How's that? Here we go. Nice.
Starting point is 02:09:28 Definitely Mariah. I don't think any of that was Mariah's. I heard my voice and everything. Oh, Mariah texting me. What the fuck are you doing? No, she's too busy. It is actually a text from someone that I can't there's two people to text me this morning i can't like i can't even fucking believe they text me everyone's more people are texting me than ever
Starting point is 02:09:50 now like people who like are coming out of the closet oh shit wow oh shit will said you paused right before a gold segment. Oh. Perfect. Yes. Leaving the people hanging. Here's the thing. Yeah. I promised that I would let Dave see everything before I aired it. And I already just broke that promise.
Starting point is 02:10:23 I just got to be be careful cause I know there's always a few people in here that are constantly reporting shit back to HQ 12 daily doses I'd let Laura peg me if I could have her for a weekend like have her peg you like one week and then like recover and get her the next
Starting point is 02:10:44 weekend oh my goodness Like have her peg you like one week and then like recover and get her the next weekend. Oh, my goodness. I hurt. She is absolutely awesome. All right. 1 p.m. today, I'll be doing the Dave Castro, review of the Dave Castro the weekend review and it will be Pedro from Coffee Pods
Starting point is 02:11:11 and Wads and Brian Spin from the Barbell Spin will you be here Caleb yeah I'll probably be here Caleb will probably be here maybe in his Shattuck and garb like he'll have like those he'll pull his those masks that like when you're scraping
Starting point is 02:11:26 like shit and you put it on your head or something that'd be cool I could probably do the show from the Shadigan actually that would be awesome dude we'll see if I can set it up and it sounds like Sousa has got himself into quite the precarious predicament that doesn't sound good
Starting point is 02:11:50 he needs vitamin C it's nothing some vitamin C can't fix talk to you guys soon I'm off to the skate park and then I'll see you guys soon i'll come back and we'll do a show all right thanks everyone uh doses thanks for being a good dude today adam blakesley thanks for being a good dude ryan good dude rambler deja good to see you buddy hey deja oh fine on this note deja you know i was thinking about the whole maggie thing
Starting point is 02:12:21 and uh you know um the girlfriend thing and not greg's maggie the other magg thing and, uh, uh, you know, um, the girlfriend thing and not Greg's Maggie, the other Maggie. And I was thinking about how I came down on you for that. And then afterwards that night I was like, God, but really dude, I read it and I'm ultimately personally responsible and accountable for everything in my life. And so you, my friend are, um, a good dude for taking some of my, um, misplaced abuse dude for taking some of my misplaced abuse. Misplaced abuse. Misplaced abuse. You know what I mean.
Starting point is 02:12:51 All right. Bye-bye.

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