The Sevan Podcast - Greg Glassman #25 | CrossFit Affiliate Collective? | Live Call In

Episode Date: January 4, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:27 That's When your celebration of life is prepaid in advance, it becomes a gift from you to your family later. Because no one should have to plan for a loss while they're experiencing one. Paying in advance protects your loved ones and gives you the peace of mind you deserve. Let us help you plan every detail with professionalism and compassion. We are your local Dignity Memorial provider. Find us at Do you need anything? Did you get it? Bam, we're live. Did you get a drink or like you got your coffee? I got my tea going. Yep. Dang, you're set. Good morning. Good to see you. How are you, man? Dude, I'm pumped. No matter what, I keep thinking like I need more sleep, but then I go to bed earlier, but I'm getting worse sleep. Like the longer I'm in bed, the more I toss and turn. I'm like an old dude now.
Starting point is 00:01:23 sleep like i'm taught the longer i'm in bed the more i toss and turn i'm like an old dude now i remember one time like 15 years ago you said some joke to me about like hey old people always talk about this and this i can't remember what they were maybe it was like the weather and uh and like how they sleep and i think those are the two conversations i had with my wife this morning i'm like oh it's raining again damn my back's tweaked from last night's sleep i'm like, oh, it's raining again. Damn, my back's tweaked from last night's sleep. I'm like, fuck, and I hear the echo of your voice being like, oh, shit. That is what old people talk about. Hey, we're having a straight, legit winter in California. A second one in a row. Kind of cool, right?
Starting point is 00:01:56 This is the winter? I mean, yeah. I mean, it's rain. It's better than no rain, right? When we have rain, it's cool. It's fun. I mean, it's rain. It's better than no rain, right? Yeah. When we have rain, it's cool. It's fun.
Starting point is 00:02:05 The gnarly, unseasonal kind of rain that they got in Southern California came from down south. When was that? Just like a few months ago? No, like a month ago. The gnarly raining in Southern California and San Luis Obispo Central Coast. What month are we in right now? Oh, December. January. Okay. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:28 January. January. January. And when is our – normally our rainy month is February. Yeah, I think so. Would you say? I don't know. I'm not old enough to be a weather expert.
Starting point is 00:02:41 Good. I like that. Plead the – Look, I moved to santa cruz in january 25th of 1995 and it rained two days out of three all the way into june i i remember that year it was it was rough and then and then last year we and then last year besides that year was our rainiest year of of fucking all that I ever remember besides that. Last year was, I mean, it just, it rained for like two months straight. It was great, though.
Starting point is 00:03:09 It was great. I loved it. Yeah, I'm not complaining. Yeah, especially, I mean, maybe not you as much as me. Well, I wonder, every time the rain, it rains, I just imagine my well filling. Even though, I don't know if it works like that, but that's just where I go. I just imagine my well filling and I just love that. Yeah, I was thinking the groundwater as well.
Starting point is 00:03:35 And you have two wells, right? You have an ag well and a regular well. Yeah, you're stoked. Yep. And your ag well ended up being cleaner than your house water well. They're both they're both really good what's the difference between the two i forget i think i i don't because i wish i had an ag well i think what happened is is greg has enough fruit trees food producing trees on the property
Starting point is 00:04:00 where you can apply for an ag well oh but i don't think they're actually dug different but i think then they dug his ag well and then i think they told him hey dude your water from your ag well might even be cleaner than your house water he lives in a good spot no one's upstream from you live in a great fuck you live in a great spot yeah there's there's less concerns about the water i'm trying to talk like a plumber but there's less concerns about the water. I'm trying to talk like a plumber, but there's less concerns about where all the water goes. In the ag well from the holding tank, it only goes to sprinklers.
Starting point is 00:04:36 You don't run the chance of contaminating anything. It's not like running through pipes in the house or anything like that. It's just straight to the ground cool what is this oh whoa that didn't take long at all hold on a second i don't even know if i have the phone set up yet hold on give me one second wow that was fast i did something stupid this morning i carried one of my kids i should never do that like until i've
Starting point is 00:05:06 been awake for like a couple hours like i moved obby from from his bed he asked me if i carry him fuck my backup already more old person bring him over here i should i should do that is he awake yeah caller hi are you there yeah hi hey what's up? Good morning. Good morning. Um, my name is Frank. I'm an affiliate owner from Monterey, California, and we've spoken in the past regarding the CrossFit affiliate network and, uh, just hoping to chat with Greg and, uh, get some feedback. Dang, just straight into it this morning. Awesome. Are you at the gym now, Frank? Hi, good morning, Greg. Yeah, I am. Normally I have a client this time, but he called in a little under the weather today. So I was lucky that it happened today just because I wanted to call him. Okay, before you ask your question, let me do some old person talk with you. How's your back?
Starting point is 00:06:05 I had a strain, but I've actually been doing an inversion table and it's been fantastic i bought one of those had to throw that away it hurt me more and how's the weather you're you're close you're closer to greg than to me uh i'm like you're five miles closer to greg than to me but you got rain there too yeah a little wet yeah pretty normal for this time of year i think greg was just telling telling me yesterday that it would take 12 minutes for us to get from the Santa Cruz Harbor to your harbor there in Monterey on his boat. Okay, I was going to say driving probably a little longer than that, but not far. Yeah. Yeah, we'll come see you, Frank. Yeah, I'd love that.
Starting point is 00:06:44 We've met before, haven't we? We've been in the same space, but I don't know if we ever got introduced. I was at the Broken Science Initiative event that was this past summer in Romas and really enjoyed it. That's kind of relevant to the bigger conversation or what I was calling in about because that's kind of where the CrossFit Affiliated Network or collective – and really I should say – well, anyway. That's where the conversation somewhat started with some other affiliate owners there at that event. The one at the ranch? Yeah. Okay, cool. All right. All right. And that's – you started that you started that instagram account i did that's correct and and why did you start it well so yeah so i think the
Starting point is 00:07:35 this you know the story largely goes with when uh greg sold the company and you know i had the thought to myself of what a damn shame that we didn't as affiliate owners, we weren't organized enough to collectively get together and buy it. And, you know, really affiliate owners should be the ones I think who own it. And then when we were at the ranch, I was discussing, like I said, with some of their affiliate owners and kind of mentioned that same thing like we're kind of commiserating about um some of the decisions that were made by hq prior to the sale and um that we were concerned about how things were being uh run and the role of private equity in those decisions and you know again i brought up i said uh why why didn't we get together and what a damn shame we didn't. And at some point, one of the other affiliate owners posted something saying the effect of like, it's time for affiliate owners to organize. I'm all on board. Let's do it. And I figured that Instagram, while not perfect, was a good platform to start to get a message out and try to rally affiliate owners. And it's been challenging to
Starting point is 00:08:56 try to get 10,000 plus affiliate owners on board, but that's kind of what I'm trying to do. And what we do with it, I don't't exactly know but i think one of the solutions may need to be looking at at least being prepared to buy crossfit if the current owners are prepared to sell it at some point just to put something in perspective um i live on a road that i didn't know was a private road and there's 24 residents on it. And they're trying to put together a group to like take care of the road. And in the lady who's in charge of it, like can't get any cooperation from people like me. Like, I don't want to go to meetings. I don't want to respond to emails. I just want someone to tell
Starting point is 00:09:37 me how much I have to pay and leave me alone. Like I got my own life. I'm doing my own shit. And so 10,000 sounds crazy ambitious to me you know what i mean just because i think that there's probably 8 000 gyms that just don't even want to like read the paperwork think about it talk about it you know what i mean and yeah i'm not poo-pooing on your idea at all i'm just thinking just strictly from a a practical point of view like holy shit like that's i mean the 1200 those 1200 followers have, you think they're mostly affiliates? Um, yeah, I honestly don't know. I think it could be, you know, affiliates and then, you know, the gym owner follows their personal account and the gym account. Um, you know, some may just be, I've had, you know, one guy who he was just a CrossFitter and he wanted, uh, his brother I think was an affiliate owner and he said, I want to be involved.
Starting point is 00:10:25 I want to help out. Let me know what I want to be involved. I want to help out. Let me know what I want to do or what I can do to help. So and the reason why you want so many is then that would reduce the cost of the gym. Do you like think of this group as being ready, all 10,000 of them being poised so that if the company ever goes for sale, they're ready to buy it? Or do you see it more as they make an offer on the company or either yeah i think i think both i mean um i think you know one of the other one of the other things that i kind of really like in terms of the idea is the green bay packers is a professional football team and they were in a small town and didn't really have the funding to compete with big cities
Starting point is 00:11:02 and so a bunch of guys got together and made it a publicly owned company and sold shares to fund the company to fund the Green Bay Packers. And so I think there's, you know, lots of different ways to do the funding. But I think ultimately, yeah, there needs to be some amount of affiliate owners on board. You know, it may be that the equity, private equity kind of comes to the realization that they don't know how to make it profitable. I guess I would suggest that in my opinion, the fee increase was a was a kind of result of that. You know, we don't know how to make it profitable other than to increase fees.
Starting point is 00:11:40 And if everybody just pays it, I think it's just going to happen again. I think they're going to increase their fees again. And they're just going to keep doing that because I don't know if they have a good understanding of how to do this as a for-profit model. And I think Greg has kind of mentioned running it as a for-profit business can be challenging and certainly create some conflicts of interest, I think. So at the end of the day, the net gain is get this group together. They can spend the money more efficiently and more effectively than the current owners, because I guess that would be the big picture, correct?
Starting point is 00:12:28 Yeah, I mean, I think affiliate owners know what affiliates need. And I think, you know, Greg did a great job of articulating what, what he thought the kind of four points where, where that headquarters should be doing. I guess as an affiliate owner, I have some ideas of what I'd like to see in addition to that. But ultimately I think it would, you know, it should be in the hands of the affiliate owners, how our fees are spent and affiliate owners know best how to do that. Eaton Beaver, good morning. You're right.
Starting point is 00:12:52 Sorry, go ahead. But you're right. I mean, I think plenty of affiliate owners just want to – are busy enough running their business. They don't want to be involved, but I think at some point, if you're not involved, you're going to – the powers that be will kind of manipulate that. And so I think you have to be willing to push back or you're just going to get steamrolled. I mean what happens if affiliate fees go up to $10,000? Are you going to push back at that point? Are you going to push back at that point? I saw the other day, by the way, someone sent me the invoice of F45. I don't know what the initial buy-in, but their monthly fee for F45 is $1,500 a month.
Starting point is 00:13:36 There's no point to what I'm saying except sharing that information. Someone shared me an invoice from their gym. Cave Dastro, it would be $20,000 per affiliate at 10,000 affiliates to raise $200 million. Yeah, I mean, I think there's a variety of variables here. I think if you're willing to pay – if we're willing to pay them what they paid for it, and we assume they paid $200 million, great. I've also heard that the NSCA lawsuit was settled. Again, I don't know. This is a rumor. For $100 million, I mean, and where did that money go? It doesn't seem like it went to
Starting point is 00:14:10 countering the message or the narrative that was put out by that study. Um, and I still hear regularly when I go out in public that cross that people won't come into my gym because, and they don't know anything about my gym other than it's a CrossFit gym. And the first thing I hear is, I can't work out with you. I'm going to get injured. And so what is CrossFit doing to counter that narrative? And I heard Don on the town hall acknowledge that as a problem with the brand, but it's been four years since they bought the company and I haven't seen anything done to counter that narrative. And so why do I assume that? And then you raised the fees by $1,500.
Starting point is 00:14:52 And why should I assume that that money is going to go to countering that narrative versus just the profits for the investors? You know, just the profits for the investors. Frank, have you looked at who's behind the occupational licensure bill that's ramping up for California? No, I mean, you know, this this effort alone to organize affiliates is more time than I have. I mean, I'm a father and a gym owner. And I think that's, you know, and I, I guess I would look to say that that's exactly like you say, that's something HQ should be doing and keeping us in the loop on what's going on and preventing it and fighting it. And, you know, uh, I think Dave Castro, you know, on his recent weekend review suggested that,
Starting point is 00:15:40 you know, they were, they were keeping an eye on it. And I just, I don't, I'm skeptical at best. Yeah, it's not the kind of thing you keep an eye on. It needs to be fought. And someone needs to make the investment and find out who's behind it. And then there'll be some opportunities to speak at public hearings in Sacramento. And we have effectively stopped those before in Massachusetts and elsewhere by bringing
Starting point is 00:16:12 articulate affiliate owners and lobbyists and lawyers to the meeting to talk. And my suspicion is that there's nothing like that going on in fact i would even venture to guess if there's been agreement for the mothership not to interfere with this with this project i was no part of part of the settlement yeah wow this is the very this is the very thing about which they have promised to remain silent. This relates exactly to the settlement. Boy, that's scary. Hey, just two things I'd like to add in there. On the Week in Review yesterday, Dave did acknowledge that the licensure bill is on their radar at HQ.
Starting point is 00:17:00 And also, not only did they— We put it there. It's still not saying anything. Who, Dave? Taylor Swift's on my radar, too, but I clearly give a fuck about it. Right, right, right. OK, fair enough. Fair enough.
Starting point is 00:17:14 She's a billionaire, Greg. Yeah. Let me let me tell you what they don't care at all. And it's on their radar. Let me throw this out there too. They not only sold the company, they bought the company, but then they also, like you said, they got money from the NSCA settlement, we presume. But also they had a second round of fundraising. So they got more investors.
Starting point is 00:17:43 They had, I don't know how much it was, 20 million, 30 million, 50 million, 100 million, but they did another round of investing and they collected a shitload of more money. I've heard the figure at some point. Okay. I guess I'll suggest this is, ultimately what it comes down to
Starting point is 00:18:01 or part of how much it's going to cost per affiliate owner, you've got two kind of major variables, right? One is how many affiliates are willing to go in what would it, you know, what role did that play in you deciding to sell when there was the whole, I guess, pushback, you know, and depending, I have feelings about, you know, that whole situation where you, again, I don't know, was that, was affiliate owners pushing back on that Floyd 19 tweet? Was that motivation for you to sell? Were there enough affiliates? I've heard it suggested by, I think it was Dave Castro, that it wasn't that many affiliates and it wouldn't be relative. dissatisfaction with how things are being run as a private equity i would think oh i'm in trouble i better cash out and get whatever back i can on my investment i can um now 500 affiliate owners come and say hey we're not happy they're going to say yeah we we figured some amount would not be happy and um you know that we're willing to take that hit um You know, how many affiliates would it take
Starting point is 00:19:25 before private equity says like, yeah, we need to sell this thing quickly? I don't know that it would force a sale, but I think you could maybe even more importantly and better force them to listen. I think a thousand affiliates could do that. But see, I would also, we're already past the point where, for me, the cost has exceeded
Starting point is 00:19:49 the potential value in the affiliate proposition. And so, like, I think $10,000 affiliate fees is absurd. It's absurd. I don't see any possible way to get to recoup that in what I'm getting from the mothership. But again, I got cornered here. I mean, for me, I had to come to terms with my own value system. And it is, what is it that would keep me in the affiliation?
Starting point is 00:20:20 And it would be those things that you could do for me that I couldn't do for myself. And it would be those things that you could do for me that I couldn't do for myself. And it would look like the continuing ed validation litigation and legislation in those spaces. And there's even an attitude of fighting in that, a strength in that, that I find super compelling. And that's evaporated. It's evaporated. So no one standing up with it So I'm not sure what it's worth anymore
Starting point is 00:20:49 Well that's what I was going to say At the point you have a thousand you could just change the name Right Frank You could just be like yeah at that point you don't have to buy anything Right that's another thing I was thinking Yeah Yeah I think a lot of people
Starting point is 00:21:04 Are cheerleading around, you know, uh, you know, glassman fit maybe once, uh, the non-compete ends, but I, um, yeah, I don't know if a thousand people, and I think the problem is a lot of gym owners still, um, correlate the brand CrossFit regardless of what's happening on the back end, they still, there's still a public perception that the CrossFit brand, you know, well, it is, right? The brand is associated with the methodology. I love the methodology. I love the community. And I'm, and, and largely like, you know, what happens at HQ and fighting over licensure and NSCA lawsuit, like most people in the public don't know that and they don't base their decision to come in
Starting point is 00:21:47 or not come into a CrossFit gym based on those high level things. I guess for me and I think for some gym owners, I don't know how many, it is a principled thing. It is, you know, what are my fees going towards? Are they going towards, you know, the mission of health and fitness and solving the
Starting point is 00:22:05 world's most vexing problem? And I think at some point, HQ could be eroding the brand by, you know, getting sponsorships from Monster Energy. And so, you know, at what point does that continue to be the case if HQ isn't doing things to promote the brand in a positive way. Frank, this bill is going to pass. This bill in California is going to pass, and it's going to mandate a certification that you don't have. It's going to pass. It's going to require a certification that you don't have. It's not going to recognize yours. And there's going to pass. It's going to require a certification that you don't have.
Starting point is 00:22:45 It's not going to recognize yours. And there's going to be some... And I would organize maybe around fighting that alone. And I would help with that. If you guys could. I think most affiliate owners
Starting point is 00:23:03 would struggle, I think most affiliate owners, most affiliate owners, uh, would struggle, I think to lead the brand and maybe they don't have to leave CrossFit. They can still fight for the licensure thing. Um, you know, I,
Starting point is 00:23:20 for me, it's all of those things and, and not a single, you know, um, not a single one. I think, you know, most gym owners are just, they want the brand CrossFit because of the association with the methodology and the community that they love. I think, but I don't have the reputation of, you know, where people are going to get rallied behind Frank said. I think, you know, I get messages from a lot of people and I see a lot of posting, you know, hey, if Greg started something once in the non-compete ends, I would be all in.
Starting point is 00:24:09 I'm just one Jim O'Leary and I don't think people would rally behind that. I think there was even some movements when Greg was looking to sell or, or whatever happened there around, you know, Hey, let's rally around community fitness. Let's rally around mayhem. You know, a couple of different businesses said, you know, programming gym said, let me, you know, let's, let's make a, you know, mayhem affiliates and things like that. And it just, I didn't, I don't think it took off because there wasn't that same um community or public perception of the brand as with crossfit you know in that state of the industry report that cooper put out it was like 80 i know it was like nine months ago but like 87 of the crossfit gyms were happy that's that's another.
Starting point is 00:24:45 There was also the write-in where they wrote in Glassman, right? Yeah, that was a big percentage too. Right, right. That was weird. Yeah, you're right. You're right. I mean, clearly Greg's going to have a special place for all these people. Frank, sometime in the next month or two, let's meet for lunch in Watsonville.
Starting point is 00:25:09 I'll take you to my favorite taco place. Yeah, I'd love that. I don't have easy answers for you, sir. But I can tell you, having fought on the occupational licensure front, I can tell you, having fought on the occupational licensure front, when the NSCA suit was settled with the promise of the strictest of confidentiality, Jeff King sent me a little missive to where he claimed that the CrossFit chain would be illegal in three to five years now. And holy cow, I mean, he called that exactly. That's exactly where this is headed.
Starting point is 00:25:51 And I see an emergency there. My response to this before, we had Russ Green, Russ Berger, Emily Kaplan, and Brett, the lobbyist that we purchased from Podesta, plus the clout of the entire Podesta organization and a bevy of attorneys that you could fill a dance floor with. And so at millions of dollars in expense in four or five years, we dodged a bullet and got occupational licensure rescinded in the District of Columbia in D.C. in the nation's capital. And that was an all hands on deck major effort and millions of dollars spent, including litigation. And it was a close call.
Starting point is 00:26:42 You could even say in the end we lost because of where we're at now because of the settlement so for me where i'm an affiliate but look look at my perspective it's so different i stood up there in front of everyone telling everyone for a decade that i'm using your your fees to fight for you and the fight's back and there's no one fighting for you back and there's no one fighting for you and they're raising your fees they need to announce quickly that they've hired a powerful lobbying organization to fight this thing seven we should talk to ya to bill in Monterey our elected official have I met me on the on the soda battle.
Starting point is 00:27:26 Yeah, we went out and talked to him. What was his last name? Monning. Was that the same time you met Rand Paul out there, that same meeting? Or no, I'm confused in getting my wires crossed. Yeah, yeah. Bill Monning.
Starting point is 00:27:41 I have contact info for him. He's a neat guy. He's a politics makes for strange bedfellows. He and I would agree on nothing except the scourge of diabetes and the role that sodas played in this. His wife is a endocrinologist, but he is our elected official here for Santa Cruz. And we supported him handsomely, effectively on his soda bill,
Starting point is 00:28:07 even though it eventually got stopped by the guy down in that 42nd district. But then we rallied the troops and got him thrown out of office, which was kind of cool because he was Bill's guy, but he also also defeated bill's bill the soda bill you're not going to be able to find a successful large uh thriving fitness chain willing to tell the truth about uh salient lifestyle choices that matter that's's gonna be able to work in a political vacuum. You're gonna have to fight. And it looks as though that was sold. It would be horribly disappointing to me,
Starting point is 00:28:58 but I got this weird bias. That's what I thought was worth doing. Now it's not, and so it sits weird with me And it may not matter I mean I don't You know Move out of California I guess if they make it illegal to train Or get that other certification
Starting point is 00:29:16 Frank thank you Lunch soon Yeah let's get to you Let's sit and have some candid talks Alright Sounds good thank you Greg Thank you What's the good Mexican
Starting point is 00:29:35 What's the Mexican food place that's always busy in Los Angeles Right on the highway I wanted to try it I'll come up with it Oh, right on the highway. I wanted to try it. I'll come up with it. Thanks, Frank. Happy New Year, buddy. Sounds great. All right. Thanks, Greg. You too. Appreciate all you do. Later, brother. Hey, is it called the whole enchilada? Yes. I think Dave's taking me there.
Starting point is 00:30:04 Yeah, he says it's pretty good man i asked that uh this lady i had on yesterday the the former president of levi strauss uh i was asking her you know she moved to colorado i'm like hey so would you ever move back to california and she goes she would never live anywhere where gavin newsom was in charge. Man, she hated Newsom. And I don't blame her. I dislike him incredibly. And at one point I said, hey, do you think he knows he's a bad person? And she said, no, does anyone know?
Starting point is 00:30:34 And I've been struggling with that for the last 24 hours thinking, wow, really? He could not know that he's a... You don't think he knows he's a bad person? They just think everything they're doing is right um name someone name someone universally known to be pretty um um jennifer aniston yeah she she if she could if she could spew the the the hives line the liberal line if she could get in line
Starting point is 00:31:07 with the talking points yeah and ran for office she would she would get the vote of every democrat yep yep yeah pretty like there would be no aoc where she's not gorgeous oh well what about um the the guy the the guy who had the stroke uh um who beat the uh dog fetterman yeah i like him but he's not pretty no but he's but he's he's got something that's kind of cool i mean he shows up in a dirty hoodie you know it's sweatpants i do not like yeah i do and i i like i like some of the things he said recently yeah recently yeah he did kind of flip this were they were they whole sentences or yeah dude he's had a stroke give him a break no no no he's he's less impaired than biden that's true you got a point than pelosi he's less impaired than Biden. That's true. You got a point. He's less impaired than Pelosi.
Starting point is 00:32:06 He's less impaired than Feinstein. And I'm going to say he's less impaired than Newsom. Newsom can't put an intelligent thought together to save his fucking life. He says nothing. He stands there. He keeps his lips flapping. And he's pretty. He's got nice hair.
Starting point is 00:32:24 Stands there, he keeps his lips flapping, and he's pretty. He's got nice hair. He was in the horrible debate between he and DeSantis. Oh, geez, that was bad. DeSantis was saying things about him where his approach of giggling, his response of giggling and smiling was wildly inappropriate. Newsomes. If someone's calling you a pedophile,
Starting point is 00:32:54 don't giggle. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Nervous laughter. He didn't even know what the guy was saying about him. He couldn't even take it in. He had no response. So it works in California. Smile, play with your hair say something you know act cute surround a little bit oh it's amazing how vacuous he is i didn't i didn't he and kamala are profoundly stupid
Starting point is 00:33:21 i didn't believe that people would just say whatever it took to get elected i thought that that was crazy until i'm embarrassed to say until the last like year or two and you know they used to call i don't know if they still call this but they used to call it flip-flopping but the but but uh by it's incredible b Biden is not even close Everything that he said 20 years ago He's now saying the opposite Another thing by the way that I keep hearing Which just is not true
Starting point is 00:33:53 I wish people would keep saying it People keep saying Biden's too And you and I have talked about this Biden is not too old to run for office That is not what's going on It is not his age. Age isn't an issue at all. Right.
Starting point is 00:34:09 And that's the red herring. They want to make it about age because age shouldn't be a disqualification. Senility should be at any age. He's clearly senile. Clearly senile. And that's a problem. The places where he is unable to act in the world, how much of that is due to to what people hope have over them. Oh yeah, that's a scary thought. That's a very scary thought. I ran that the tepid response
Starting point is 00:34:54 to the attacks on our troops in the Middle East leads me to think that the Iranians have been given China's file on Joe. And that he knows that? God, that's's a horrible fight i think they would tell him i think they'd tell him hey let me listen to some of this we're going to release it what do you think you think they don't have they don't have audio tape of him taking the money that he was given of course they do you don't give out money without proving you could he gave it that's the whole the whole purpose of the bribe is it's it's a hedge of the bet they're saying this fucker's been running for president since 1974 let's throw a little his way
Starting point is 00:35:36 and who knows maybe someday he'll make it well he did he's there i wonder what the threshold is the american people's threshold is in finding out that he's on the take. The Dems don't give a fuck. I know. They say nobody cares. Yep, nobody cares. That's right. Just like they don't care about Epstein Files or anybody associated with it or anything.
Starting point is 00:35:56 They don't care. Or occupational licensure for the mothership. It's on their radar. Oh, we're aware. Yeah, we're watching it. Newsom extends... Go ahead, go ahead. When you're doing something about nothing
Starting point is 00:36:16 when something needs to be done, you just claim you're watching, right? Right. We've got all eyes around it. Believe me. We're going to do like what Obama did. He was always going to make sure. We're going to make sure and then just load it with platitudes.
Starting point is 00:36:29 I think I told you the other day my dad counted 65 make sures in an 80-minute speech once. From Obama. I wanted to explain it to Obama. He's going to make sure. And everybody cheered loudly with each make sure. Oh, my God, he's going to make sure. There's all these good things. He's going to make sure oh my god he's gonna make sure there's all these good things he's gonna make sure none of it happened this is from the um the gazette
Starting point is 00:36:53 january 1st 2024 newsom extends free health care to 700 000 illegal immigrants despite record budget deficit california became the first state on monday to offer comprehensive health insurance to all undocumented immigrants so that means people who've run over the border illegally so now people can come into your house and eat your food out of your refrigerator that's the you know what i'm out to that right what hey you know who should play him in a movie who jim carrey yeah yep yep wow wow wow i think he can pull that off and give it just enough camp to make everyone laugh gruesome newsome a plan expected to expand to roughly 700 000 residents living in the golden state it really is we we have these facilities so that if you're at the skate park you get injured you can go there
Starting point is 00:37:57 and we pay into them and now other people who don't pay into them who illegally come in can use them i i don't i don't get this at all uh it goes on to say the expansion is expected to cost the state roughly 1.2 billion for the first six months before increasing to 3.1 billion per year it will include undocumented illegals between the age of 26 and 49 you know what's up? No, tell me. He wants to vote, dude. That's all it is. But they can't vote.
Starting point is 00:38:31 Oh yeah, they will. They will vote. And in large numbers. You think they'll actually vote for him, though? I read somewhere, isn't it, that most Democrats don't vote for Democrats anyway? I think it takes a generation or two. I think that's what's happened to the Dems. I think that the illegal population in numbers too large for their tolerance have found successful business, employment. How – Josh, Josh, throw they get to pick your food illegally, but you don't have a problem eating it. Hey, listen, dude, they're they're picking.
Starting point is 00:39:28 They're getting paid. They're coming when they come here and do that. You're comparing apples to oranges. You're comparing apples to oranges. And actually, ICE does go to those places and arrest the illegal aliens or they used to. And hey, what about that being the dog whistle to call all of them over here it's almost like he's saying hey it's josh has a good point and it looks like this we're sitting there on 8 or 95 in california arizona and we're stopped in an immigration checkpoint yeah they're asking every blue-eyed, blonde-haired, freckled person
Starting point is 00:40:05 if they're citizens of the United States one at a time. And then all of a sudden, there's panic in one of the lanes and they're pulling cones and ushering the flow of white ag buses past full of illegal aliens
Starting point is 00:40:20 going to pick vegetables. If we got rid of the illegal aliens in this country, we would starve to death. I'm going to say that again. If we got rid of the illegal aliens in this country, we would starve to death. I'm going to say that again. If we got rid of the illegal aliens, we would starve to death. California wouldn't be able to keep its farms running
Starting point is 00:40:33 and the nation would stop. We can't live without them. Maybe there is some... The solution isn't an open border. The solution isn't an open border. The solution isn't an open border. No. Right. Yes. Okay. I would do the same thing. I'd let the ag workers in and not the others.
Starting point is 00:40:57 302,000 migrants were encountered at the southern border last month. Those are encounters. You have to assume it's double that that weren't encountered, right? 302,000. They'll come grateful Democrats, and within two generations, a third of them that find success will have different views. No one that works hard has interest in in having shit taken from them and given to people that refuse to work fed up with road rage gas guzzling and backseat battles of road trip vacays beach it's time for a reality check shift gears to seamless serenity with sun wings
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Starting point is 00:42:50 Epoch Times five years ago when Obama was president, so longer, early in their launch, explained the whole border crisis is about the bluing of Arizona, Florida, and Texas. This is why Abbott's punting sending them north to areas that are already deeply blue. And what's riotous about that, it's funny as hell, is that it does Eric Adams and whoever's mayor of Chicago now, it does them no good for these people to come to their city because they don't need more Democrats. In 2003, the Bracero Program was an agreement between the U.S. and Mexican government that permitted Mexican citizens to take temporary agricultural work in the United States. Christine Young says, bullshit, there are tons of people here working legally. I've been here 45 years, and there's lots of working here legally. I also think that's what Greg finished it with at the end, Christine, when he said an open border isn't the way. Sleeky, these new illegals aren't working.
Starting point is 00:44:06 She thought I said something that wasn't said. I thought you were saying that too at first. Sleeky, new illegals aren't working. They're crossing the border multiple times to get their visa gift cards and free shit. Oh, that makes me sick. Yeah, they're gonna yeah they're gonna they're gonna they're gonna get work they're gonna take jobs too that that uh other people don't want um uh jody lynn uh plenty of hard-working undocumented workers in connecticut great
Starting point is 00:44:37 workers for sure of course that's not it's no one's no one's doubt of that. Yeah. You know, switching subjects. What I don't want is I don't I don't want them paid to vote blue. That's what I don't want. And that is what's happening. Right. Hey, come to our country, vote Democrat. We'll give you free health care, a phone, twelve hundred bucks a month and just vote for Newsom. I was thinking about the lady at Harvard, Claudine Gay. And.
Starting point is 00:45:21 I was thinking about how. You know, she she got fired they say she resigned but she didn't she didn't even get fired you know she still works for Harvard she still gets paid she's still on the payroll she just got moved same with the lady at Penn they both just got moved yeah that's misleading to say she
Starting point is 00:45:38 resigned first of all she just got moved 50 legitimate allegations of plagiarism and the and not being able to stand up against people on campus calling for the killing and extermination of Jews was kind of her her downfall. But, you know, you know, I realized Democrats will rally around people. because of the color of their skin regardless of what they say. And Republicans won't do that. Isn't that interesting? Republicans will not rally around someone because of the color of their skin. the color of their skin but democrats will so they don't democrats don't care what claudine gay said they're rallying around her because of her genitalia because she's a woman and the color of her skin republicans don't do that they don't do that it's like when i when i was thinking about that yesterday and i'm like yeah they are just straight
Starting point is 00:46:46 up racist and yet they screamed loudest saying other people are racist but they don't care they don't care what um they don't care what her stance is on anything all they care about like al sharpton saying that it's a setback for black women it's a setback for black women not because she lost her not because um of anything the the right the left did. It's what she did. She gave us a new data point for fucking behavior that some people are going to conflate with the color of her skin and her genitalia. Yes, it's so fucked up. There's no racial component to this story. Right.
Starting point is 00:47:27 She's an academic fraud and she's tolerant of behaviors that polite society isn't tolerant of. And her job as an administrator, she's in dereliction of her duty by her own academic dishonesty and her inability to maintain a healthy environment on the campus. It's not even a political issue. I don't think you should be able to get, again, you shouldn't
Starting point is 00:48:01 be able to get up on a platform at a university and speak with a bullhorn without a permit. Heidi Krum, wrong, Steffi. They do care. They hate conservative people of color. That's true. Caller, one second. Andrew Sten, I love that CNN called the issue sloppy attributions rather than plagiarism. Caller, hi.
Starting point is 00:48:24 Hey, what's going on? Do on mind if i talk fitness for a minute do you talk the wrong talk what bitcoin no i love bitcoin i know nothing about it what did you say that is oh what did you oh yeah please for greg if he doesn't mind no is there such thing is it possible to do too much zone two training i have a marathon coming up that i'm doing in april and i have found when i do regular zone two super beneficial over anything else whether running or whatever is there a point where it's just too much i don't know but you are going to need to take your fat blocks and double, triple, or quadruple them.
Starting point is 00:49:11 And so we use that as the control rod for more rigorous or endurance extended efforts. So if you were normally four blocks, you might be eating four, four, and 12. I'm not going to lie lie that went over my head. In regards to the zone diet, if you're looking, if you're looking at like from the L1. I apologize. I'm talking in regards to aerobic capacity. My apologies. Training zone two heart. capacity. My apologies.
Starting point is 00:49:45 Training zone to heart. Gotcha. Hold on. Hold on one second. Hold on one second. Call her. Hold on one second. I got that.
Starting point is 00:49:54 That popping is just, it'd be great if I could just get a roadcaster that works. Are you back? He should come back in a second. Yeah. I mean, the problems with excessive cardiovascular metabolic conditioning training are pretty obvious. You can kind of see them in the 1,500-meter individual versus 804 and 2.
Starting point is 00:50:21 What the fuck is Zone 2 training? It's just a heart rate? It's denoted by a heart rate yeah it's yeah so it's like running at a pace running at a pace where you can still like have a conversation so like for me it's between like 140 150 range staying in zone two means you're exercising at the point of maximal fat oxidation therefore improving your body's ability to use fat as a fuel which will improve their ability to go longer, use energy sources more effectively, have a lower recovery demand.
Starting point is 00:50:51 I think there's an arithmetic error here. That maximum fat burning is a percentage. And so the percent is greater. And with more intense exercise, I think the percent of calories burned from fat is less, but the total number of calories is much greater. But I think that the modern trend has been to, in the sense of David Salo, and what's it what's the crossfit chris uh hensworth uh henshaw henshaw henshaw henshaw it's a it's higher intensity work and less of that other stuff 20 to 60 minute jogger cycle at talking pace when i think of trying to train clients in zone two i'm ensuring they can hold a conversation with me an An example would be a 30 minute AMRAP workout, 200 meter row and 20 body weight lunges. Uh, what was the
Starting point is 00:51:50 question again? Sorry. What was the question? Whenever I hear zone two, I just tune out. I go to zone 10. Right. Yeah. So the question was, is there such thing as too much? Like if I did, you know, every day I did 30 minutes of zone two and then did training runs on top of it or did two 30 minutes on two runs or you know if i did seven hours of zone two a week or whatever it is is does he know of an optimal number or is there such thing as too much or you know what i mean like i i train a lot in zone two and i think it's mental illness training i think people who train in zone 2 fuck what do I know but I just think I just train in that
Starting point is 00:52:28 for my own mental health you know what I mean that's like I get on the assault bike and ride it for 20 minutes while I fucking prep for a podcast I think zone 2 training is like almost the antithesis of CrossFit probably going to get slapped around for that but it's um I don't know
Starting point is 00:52:43 alright well my, I look at 800 meters in the run and 1,000 meters in the row. And I like those 800-meter guys. They're fast, and they have crazy endurance. Will they keep up with the miler? Nope. Will they keep up with the 100-meter guy? No. But they have broader capacity than the
Starting point is 00:53:06 sprinter does or the long distance guy i train harder in zone two when i'm going through an airport you know what i mean when i'm carrying my bags i try to like to move so fast that i can't even talk okay well i appreciate your time greg i just want to let you know Thank you Caller David Weeds David Weeds chimed in he says Zone 2 training is gay Just give me some I guess that's where you and I relate
Starting point is 00:53:36 Then huh Sebi Dude I zone 2 the fucking hours a day Dude I just zone 2'd for a half hour About to go zone 2 again So I'll just finish i just want to finish this one thing greg i found crossfit from espn while i was in prison i was in a max unit watching it from someone else's tv i watched ben smith win and then i got a men's
Starting point is 00:54:01 health that told me how to do cindy and I did men's health CrossFit workouts for the, like the next two, three years, got out, joined an affiliate. And it's been one of the baits impacts of my life. And, uh,
Starting point is 00:54:14 so. Boys, thank you. But just, you know, another thing. It's Sean. Is that your name?
Starting point is 00:54:20 Let you know. What's your name? Caller name. is that your name but you know right what's your name caller name oh wait wait hold on hold on hold on for some reason you got disconnected hold on i don't know what the happened hold on all right that's a great story yeah i want to know what his crime is hold on hold on don't go anywhere caller maximum security hello Hold on, hold on. Don't go anywhere, caller. Maximum security. Hello?
Starting point is 00:54:47 You're back. Are you looking me up? No, no, no, not at all. You just got the Bluetooth dropped. I'm not a very sophisticated operationer. Greg was asking what your name is. My name is Thaddeus. Oh, wow. Thaddeus, how are you, man? I'm impressed with your story. It kind of makes my day.
Starting point is 00:55:04 I've always maintained that you you can't really be a trainer without believing in redemption yeah you know my uh the affiliate i go to the owners are firefighters a lot of policemen coach there and that has kind of like healed me back into society. I did about five years for gun crimes. And so you get a twisted view of society, but the atmosphere was huge. Gun crimes. Were you selling guns or using guns?
Starting point is 00:55:40 Stole guns and then robbed people with, you know, with those guns. And yeah, I always tell people my best ideas in life got me five to ten. I'm not very bright. Hey, are you sober? Yes. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:56 I got addicted to opiates because of, well, I don't mean to blame someone else, but my girlfriend got me into them. I don't mean to blame someone else, but my girlfriend got me into them. And six months later, I went to prison and haven't haven't touched them since probably about 10 years ago. So, hey, what do you do? What are you doing with that experience? Are you talking to kids? Are you writing a movie? Are you writing a book? Are you working at volunteering? Like what do you like? That's a great great experience you should be doing turning into something so my wife and i were both volunteer full-time volunteer bible instructors and we also um do volunteer construction projects um yeah i we both dedicate about 600 hours a year to volunteering. We run a small business, keep life simple.
Starting point is 00:56:51 Yeah. Did she do time? Did your wife do time? No, no. I wanted someone who was on the edge of being kind of perfect, someone that I could look up to And that was unblemished by The things that I got into You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:57:08 You didn't want to go Bonnie and Clyde I did what I should have done I think it sounds cool But I don't think it's that big of a deal You know what I mean? Holding people, robbing people? No, the recovery You know what I mean? Holding people, robbing people. No, the recovery.
Starting point is 00:57:26 No. Yeah. Oh, you know what I mean? It's just what you're supposed to do. I'm just doing what everyone else is doing and I'm just catching up. So I just don't view it as that, that big of a deal.
Starting point is 00:57:37 So you can't vote. Um, Oh boy. I'm politically neutral. But can you you vote are you allowed to vote yeah i'm allowed to vote felons are allowed to vote but i think you know what i'm i'm proud of you and would you and your wife be interested in being uh put in contact with the group in penn that has received funding for putting CrossFit gyms in their prisons? I would love to.
Starting point is 00:58:14 I would love to. If you give me an email, I'll email that person today. Emily at All right. One second. Emily at Alright one second What does this mean He's a 2A kind of guy What's 2A mean Second amendment That's good
Starting point is 00:58:39 Someone wrote it sounds like Thaddeus Has never bought a gun I've never Had a gun that had a serial number on it Nice Sticking it to the man Abolish the ATF That's right
Starting point is 00:58:59 Alright that wasn't funny Emily at All right. Emily at All right. That'll be awesome. Thank you. Copy me at GM321GO. Greg at. Oh, hold on. I just got out of that. GM, you said? Greg at. Oh, hold on.
Starting point is 00:59:23 I just got out of that. GM, you said? Yeah. Greg at Greg. Is that two G's or one G? Sorry. One G at the beginning, one at the end.
Starting point is 00:59:38 G-R-E-G. Greg at g-r-m. No, GM. you got it greg at oh thank you so much i appreciate your time and it's cool to hear that. You're saying being proud of me. That means a lot. I mean, yeah. Thank you. It's crazy. It's crazy where you come from. Oh, I appreciate that. But like I said, I'm just trying to do what everyone else is supposed to be doing. Right. So, but all right, I'll send this. I'll send you guys an email as soon as I'm home.
Starting point is 01:00:23 I'll send you guys an email as soon as I'm home Chris Rock says you shouldn't get a cookie for feeding your kids right? It's just basic I understand I understand still probably it doesn't take from it and here's the thing
Starting point is 01:00:41 so few people return from where you've been sir and I don't know if the number is 20 or 40 but it's not enough how long have you been out it out i've been out about since 2017 oh okay that's end of 2017 so i've hit six years but but you know what? I think this is one thing I have. I'm a little bit different than the guys that I was in prison with is that you're white. Sorry. Yes. But I believe drug addiction is a mental health issue and not a morality issue. and not a morality issue. And so I don't think I'm a natural drug addict. And so getting over it and getting away from it was easier for my like mentally, but those who are chemically dependent on opioids or whatever it is, I think there's a mental health issue and a chemical imbalance
Starting point is 01:01:43 that those guys are seeking. Does that make sense? I don't believe you, but yes, I hear you, but I don't believe you. No, why? Tell me why. I don't believe in chemical imbalances and stuff like that. It just sounds like arguing limitations to me. I think everyone's
Starting point is 01:02:00 eminently capable. But I am not mad at you for having that thought either. I mean, I'm open to being wrong. I don't want to question the rationale that brought you to recovery. It worked good on you, you know, and it's an amazing thing. I appreciate that, guys. Thank you. Yeah yeah you're a beast by the way yeah i don't want to i'm not i'm not belittling it either too the journey's hard life's hard life's fun but hard yeah and don't let your and i'm and i don't want you to your i don't want your experience to go to waste is kind of what i was saying too. Like fucking make a movie.
Starting point is 01:02:46 But I like what you're doing. The volunteering, the Bible stuff, all that. I love it. But do some creative shit too, man. You sound like you're a creative guy to be honest. You have the balls to call here. Put it on the line. Be vulnerable.
Starting point is 01:02:59 Write the story. Make a movie. Get rich off your experience. Make a movie, get rich off your experience. Maybe when I am working with another guy right now on creating a series and interviewing other people who have used health and fitness to get over adversity. I like it. And so maybe when that's ready, I'll send you something, Sevan, see what you think. All right, cool. Thank you. I'm Sevan Matosian at Gmail.
Starting point is 01:03:26 Thank you. All right, Thaddeus, thank you. Thank you. Bye, guys. Have a good one. Happy New Year, sir. Heidi wanted to apologize in advance for all the nudes you're probably going to get in your inbox, Greg. I can't see it.
Starting point is 01:03:42 She's forgiven. Okay, there you go just like that wow simple simple simple and easy zone two zone two zone two is like in there like i breathe i do nose breathing when i work out it's an excuse to like not work out hard oh i'm breathing through my mouth i'm practicing my breathing i haven't heard that zone training in years. It's the new hot thing now. Yeah, it's big talk now. Is it really?
Starting point is 01:04:14 People just want to sit on a fucking concept tube right around for an hour saying that they got a workout in. You know what's funny is I never hear anyone say I'm doing zone one or zone three or zone four. It's all zone two training. Caller. Hi. Um, Hey, uh, my name is Josh. I'm I own a backward arrow modern fitness. Oh, Hey, what's up dude. Hey y'all. Um, Hey Greg, uh, super thankful for all you've done.
Starting point is 01:04:40 Uh, you give my family, uh, a place to, uh, um, you know, uh, have place to have some money, income, and good lives. So thank you. You're welcome, and thank you. I think it was last week, Caleb, you and Sousa were talking about. Dude, you're the reason why people listen to podcasts at 1.5. Listen, buddy. Listen, Mr. Arrow.
Starting point is 01:05:13 You got to talk. Sorry. Beaver, you and Sousa talked about providing classes for coaches last week, like paying for their certifications and things like that. Yes. I disagree with that, but I'm wondering what you guys all think about that. Remind me. I'm not following you. Remind me.
Starting point is 01:05:38 What was it? So last week. This was the podcast where you were slacking. I'm always slacking. We're, we're talking about Susan and I were talking about how we provide, uh, the affiliates that I worked for and the affiliate that he owns,
Starting point is 01:05:51 obviously, uh, provided some sort of discount or they gave some sort of incentive to get their coaches to take more classes. Like your CEUs, like your L one L two, uh, weightlifting strong man,
Starting point is 01:06:03 like any of those additional courses, either by CrossFit or by the NSCA or whatever the fuck. I found it very helpful because I was a broke ass college kid and I didn't have any money to my name and all I was doing was coaching. And I mean, that wasn't a crazy income either. So whenever i had the opportunity to take an extra course i would take advantage of it he said oh there's going to be i took the the first one i took was the l1 and i they helped me pay for that and i mean obviously there's tons of other courses that you can take and he was towards the end of my time working for them he started offering that but um yeah i found it very helpful i mean
Starting point is 01:06:46 i'm not making shit for money so why not give us the incentive to do it you know call you're saying that the gym owner shouldn't pay for the class the continuation should but i'm saying i don't uh for my coaches and and the reason why is because they get to keep all that education. So I think that they should pay for that. Now I definitely want to support them. So I usually pay for like an Airbnb whenever they travel to go take the class and things like that.
Starting point is 01:07:15 But I don't directly pay for the education. I'm just wondering you guys thoughts. Do you think that they're just going to leave you if you, if you teach them things, do you think that they're just going to leave the gym and go take it somewhere else? Is that you're worried about? Well, I've had not so much worried, but I have had coaches do that. OK, so if you train them or if you if you give them the opportunity to learn whatever they want to learn, they're more likely to stick around and give that to your classes,
Starting point is 01:07:45 to all of your, all of your athletes, anybody, all of your members, all of those things. But if you don't teach, if you don't give them the opportunity to learn new things or give them the, help them with the,
Starting point is 01:07:56 with their coaching venture, then they're just like, well, I'm not making enough to stick around and you're not teaching me anything to stick around. So why would I stick around? So I stick around and you're not teaching me anything to stick around. So why would I stick around? So I agree with what you're saying, but I also want to reimburse them for what they are going to be teaching at
Starting point is 01:08:14 that point too. So they'll make more money, but I'm just not going to pay them by paying them. Is that what you're saying? Right. Yeah. So, um, like I've got some coaches that are going to go take their L2 and they're, I'm going to increase the amount that I pay them per class. Um, if I had somebody go pay or take like a weightlifting, I would, um, reimburse them for the program that they're going to coach that they weren't coaching before. So things like that. I believe in reimbursement. I just don't think that I'm the one that needs
Starting point is 01:08:51 to pay for that particular part of it. Is it your business? Yes. Are you charging the client, Yes. Are you charging the client, say, just to put numbers out there, $60 an hour and giving the trainer $25? Is it that kind of model? Pretty close, yes. Yeah. For me, that doesn't work. Because here's what's really happening.
Starting point is 01:09:27 You're selling $20 an hour training for $60 an hour. There's no one delivering at the 60 mark pay in 20 that's going to stay there long. And I learned this from dealing with the collapse of gyms. Hell that strength in Christ, that guy Luke and his wife from Arizona, they were so upset about the people that were sick fit. They had a whole list of people that had left them and fucked them and opened up affiliates
Starting point is 01:10:03 in the neighborhood and we dig in and look. And they're paying a guy $15 an hour and charging $60. And he knows what's going on. And at the point that his training is actually worth $30, but you're paying $60, the client's paying $60, he's worth $30 and getting paid $20, all the incentive is for him to go down the street. And it turned out the people they were losing were better than they were.
Starting point is 01:10:36 When I went and investigated those that were leaving, they were amazing. Of course they left. Of course they left. They're the ones running the show. They're in there. The owner's not. They're making 20 and the people being charged 60. If you're a firefighter
Starting point is 01:10:55 and your boss doesn't teach you how to drive the ladder, they're gonna crash it and then you're losing money. If you're a police officer and you don't teach somebody jujitsu, don't teach somebody how to fire their weapon properly you're going to lose them if you don't give them the tools to if you don't you don't provide them with the information provide them with the skills or anything that they need to be masterful at their craft which they're giving to you they're giving your business you're going to lose them which they're giving your business, you're going to lose them.
Starting point is 01:11:30 Unless you give them a standee. Unless you give them a standee. Here's what I did with my affiliates. What's a standee? It's a hand job when you're standing. Hey, are you hating this feedback, Mr. Arrow? Are you like, fuck you guys my job is great i ain't
Starting point is 01:11:46 paying for shit no i'm not hating it i definitely want to have the conversation all right um no i don't hate it um and by the way i'm josh um but um i i i'm having trouble following it Josh my trainers kept what was it 80% of what was being paid and we made public record of the collection and distribution
Starting point is 01:12:17 public to all the trainers the whole thing was logged on Basecamp so we could all look at each other and see what was being made, earned and taken and i set that figure because i i'm not i don't want my own gym where i'm gonna do less than 20 and you won't keep 80 if you go down the street and open a box it's not going to be 80 profit and so if you are in a collective environment where that's allowed it was actually pretty cool to have annie and tony and nicole and everyone proximate um we made fantastic use of the
Starting point is 01:12:54 space but i knew no one was going to leave because it would come at a financial hardship to go down the street and fly your own shingle and so we needed we needed more space um on the reg because the the training cadre was growing rapidly we were picking up two three trainers um you know more three to five annually coming on board and so right before i left part of leaving the community was that the cons had tried to purchase a larger building for us to use and the city council blocked it didn't want CrossFit they said he had a navy and that CrossFit was his army and so the city council blocked us getting into a bigger building, but I'd run out of space. I had more trainers than I had clients years ago, you know? And I think that's the problem you want to have. There was a economy of skill and multiple trainers that allowed us to continuously,
Starting point is 01:14:04 as the gym became more and more impacted we're spilling out of the parking lot we're taking more and more space but we're also getting more and more equipment and so we're able to do things that keep a keep a stash of dumbbells in the woods get mountain bikes it was really cool what the growth allows us to do. But every time someone leaves you, I get it. It's a loss. It's hard on the business. Josh, set it up so that it makes no sense for them to go anywhere.
Starting point is 01:14:37 Yeah, that's what I want to do. I'm also trying to just grow the personal training side of this. We love classes, but the personal training side of this we love glasses but the personal training side I mean last year from January 4th to the end of the year there was a woman that lost 140 pounds with us off of all of her meds completely turned her life around and that's what I want more of my trainers
Starting point is 01:15:04 to be doing as well hell yeah josh i made everyone cut their teeth on personal training i don't think you can train someone from take someone who's done no training and make them a competent group trainer so if you're if you're after your level one next thing you do, you got a class of 15 people. I think someone fucked up. I remember I started with on-ramp. I just did on-ramps. One person at a time. That's all I did was coach on-ramp.
Starting point is 01:15:34 Yep. Yeah, we do a lot of on-ramps. Great place to work. Great place to work. Great place to work. I kept personal training clients throughout. There was never a time where i was in the gym regularly and didn't have personal clients i think it was frank this morning he was talking about his his uh 7 a.m didn't show and i was thinking it's i think i had a monday wednesday
Starting point is 01:15:59 friday uh 6 a.m. for 20 years. All right, dude. Thank you. Good luck. Keep us posted. Yeah, have a good night. If you go out of business, call. If you don't go out of business, call back.
Starting point is 01:16:13 Bye. You know, the professionalization of the training effort suggests what's wrong with finding some kid that you're going to pay $10 an hour and then charge $40 or $50. And again, I want to make the point, the kid's training is worth what you're paying. It is not going to be, you're not going to get, and if you do get great training and you're paying the person $10, it's not fair, it's not right, and it's not going to last. He's going to figure out he's delivering $90 an hour training
Starting point is 01:16:46 if indeed it happens. Cave Dastro, what would Greg charge right now if I wanted him to personally train me? It would be a lot, Cave. My prices got really, really high here recently. Like $79.99. $25,000 an hour for
Starting point is 01:17:13 free. Oh, look, that's $50,000 an hour for free. 30 years of experience. Hey, I told Sonia Kanya great idea, but you have to understand, honey, I don't do house calls. And she goes, well, I'll double your
Starting point is 01:17:30 pay and pay you from portal to portal. And I said, I'll see you tomorrow. What time? I didn't even have a fucking car. I didn't have a car. Did you rent one? I'm like, how? Yes. How in the fuck am I going to get up there?
Starting point is 01:17:46 I did it. I showed up. And so I was making $150 an hour from leaving the house to when I came home. And I would sit in the garage for five, six hours a day on average waiting for that fucker to come downstairs. I didn't have a car when you hired me either, by the way. If you're having trouble making ends meet, a car is the last thing in the world you need. People with kids and realities,
Starting point is 01:18:12 you can't do anything about that. But if you're broke-ass, a car doesn't make a lot of sense. Greg, are you on a cell phone or something? We lost your camera again Oh did you really Yeah How's that
Starting point is 01:18:31 Greg what if I was 400 pounds And on the verge of death I'd do it free Oh there you go I'd try and turn you over to someone else too He does actually have a client that he does coach for free. I just remembered that. I just met him the other day in San Diego.
Starting point is 01:18:53 I don't know if you're still coaching him, but you were. No. The pool guy. The guy who installs pools around the world. Weren't you coaching him a little bit? Indeed I did. That's bit? Indeed I did. That's right. Indeed I did.
Starting point is 01:19:07 Forgot about that. I was getting in my car and driving 100 miles or bringing the plane down and flying up 100 miles to train a guy for free. Wow. And a guy who was on his deathbed. Everything was wrong and it looked like soda was potentially the culprit and the experiment of getting him off of that and seeing if it made a difference in the outcome was more than i could than i could withstand
Starting point is 01:19:39 of course you don't want to tell him you know and that what if you stop drinking soda maybe your cancer would go away that's a hard thing to suggest but um it was worth it to me to get him to make an attempt and it worked breathtakingly well and i hey um uh this is an interesting question a black john young um would i'm gonna i'm gonna read this for you g Greg. Don't try to read this. This will make you stupid. Would Greg ever work with clients who take Ozempic? What do you mean give them Ozempic? First of all, his name's not Craig. a question for you what do you think about that greg on the on the continuum of of on one end you have fucking uh have surgery and have your fucking stomach removed to get skinny versus ozempic versus crossfit like yeah i'm i i'm uh leery even afraid of uh pharmaceutical solutions so when we're all at beth israel at harvard and we meet the guy who's developing the exercise pill um i i think we're i think we're watching a future train wreck uh someone taking a pill that helps them i mean you know they're saying that it's like people are
Starting point is 01:20:59 like quitting smoking and stop eating it makes you just not want to put anything in your mouth i guess smoking and stop eating it makes you just not want to put anything in your mouth i guess it sounds good it sounds good but so many things do right right and then the side effects are just end up being horrible yeah i don't i don't know if we're gonna find uh molecular hacks, pharmaceutical hacks down at the level of these fundamental processes, you know, like the insulin-glucogon axes. You really need to control that thing
Starting point is 01:21:41 at the pie hole. Well, that's what this thing... So, specifically, pie hole well that's what this thing that so specifically i think that that's what this thing i i understand that and that sounds good but but i think it does do it now that i think about it it does do it by affecting something having to do with your uh insulin here's here's here's my thoughts on it. You're 20 years old and you're 400 pounds and you're 40 years old and you're 440 pounds
Starting point is 01:22:12 and you've just been at war and hated yourself and you're now 40 and now you're close to dying. Fuck it. Try it. As opposed to getting your stomach cut open and you know what I mean? At some point I say, hey, you got to try it as opposed to getting your stomach cut open and and you know what i mean
Starting point is 01:22:26 at some point i say hey you got to try it but like surgery would never be an option for me i just would not do that it's like if i yeah yeah yeah if if it turned out that the downsides were were significant i would I would not be surprised. Meaning like in three years, we find out everyone who took Ozempic, their teeth are rotting out and they died of cancer early. Like it exacerbated some other issue. There's some distressing signals coming down the pike in some literature on statin use and congestive heart failure. Have you seen that? Yeah, I did see it. I think you sent it to me last week.
Starting point is 01:23:18 What makes that so pernicious is that there's an underlying assumption of the inevitability of the congestive heart failure and we're just trying to help you with the with this anyways so you're gonna hear a lot of it would have been worse without it yeah but i don't but i don't think it's gonna turn out that way uh dildo i got shredded on an eight ball of Tren, Ozempic, and Clembuterol. That's one way to do it. Heidi, why the fuck would you ever suggest pharmaceuticals? You're better off fasting for six months. That's it, dude.
Starting point is 01:23:55 You just said it. That's it. You just said it. No one's, it's not like. No one's – it's not like – you're not suggesting it like as a way out from being fat. You're suggesting it as a way out of 20 years of fucking misery as like, hey, maybe you should try it. David Weed, he's saying it because California Peptides is paying his is paying his bills no i'm not that's not true at all that's not true at all uh there's this um when i was in my 20s i binged on uh molly for a month 30 days of mdma and in that time i realized how little i needed to eat to be alive i remember having that experience like wow you don't have to eat and if if someone can figure that out and and change it
Starting point is 01:24:52 changed my whole trajectory in my relationship with food if someone can do that by taking a ozempic for fucking six months and getting off of it and get the and get start getting their their numbers down i just can't i can't hate them for it and my suggestion is your first plan of action for a fucking 19 year old who's fucking drinking a case of beer every day in their dorm room no david weed bible god damn it uh that's why you're short oh you think it was the mdma uh no i disagree i disagree but there's no lifestyle change with pharmaceutical i disagree
Starting point is 01:25:33 it would have to be in conjunction i disagree or or you you would you have to you have to be in conjunction nope i disagree with this too chris you're still stuck with that same weak mind I don't think so at all I disagree with you guys So is the plan you take a Zempik forever I don't know I mean I sure as fuck wouldn't I wouldn't want to do that I wouldn't want to do that.
Starting point is 01:26:07 What do you mean get under my skin? David Weed knows how to get under Seve's skin like no one else. Dude, he lives in my brain rent-free. I told you. Every once in a while, I shake my head around just to fucking bounce him off the walls. Hey, any of you have cats at home, try this. Take a piece of meat or something if your cat's in the house sleeping and just waft it around under their nose and then hide it, get rid of it.
Starting point is 01:26:34 From a sleep, that will wake the cat up, and the cat will look around, try and figure it out, and then do a couple of reboots like head shakes to smell again and shake their head. It's kind of a trip to see. I'll have to try that later. Self reboot for the cat.
Starting point is 01:26:51 You like that, Caleb? I just like fucking with my cat. I started teaching her dog tricks, like place and shake and high five and all that shit. You can get them to do whatever you want really it's kind of fun uh dildo have you ever thrown cheese on a cat's face
Starting point is 01:27:11 yeah but i would shredded parmesan i mean what do you do slice you take a slice of it yeah yeah you just slap it on their face and they just i got another one for you take it take it like a saltine crack or any fucking cracker and put as Yeah, you just slap it on their face and they just glitch out for like 30 seconds. Take a saltine crack or any fucking cracker and put as much peanut butter on it as you can get and then call your dog over and plaster that thing on the
Starting point is 01:27:36 fucking roof of his mouth. Oh, yeah. It's great. It's great. It looks like your dog's dying. Nice. I got two. It'll be fun Nice Have you put tape on your cat's feet? Oh my god Does it lose its mind? They dance like Sammy Davis Jr
Starting point is 01:27:56 It's crazy All over the floor Just dancing Amazing tap Just one little piece of scotch tape on each foot I can't wait for this This is going to be so fun I used to do that to my dog when he'd bug me dancing, amazing tap. Just one little piece of scotch tape on each foot. I can't wait for this. This is going to be so fun. I used to do that to my dog when he'd bug me.
Starting point is 01:28:10 Stick a big old spoonful of fucking peanut butter under the roof of his mouth. Cucumber thing is true. You just set one next to it and they just lose it. They jump like six feet in the air. They freak out. Freak out. It With the weirdest thing.
Starting point is 01:28:25 With what? Cucumbers? Just a whole cucumber. Pull it up. It's a whole fucking million YouTube channels of cats and cucumbers. I showed it to Waddell. He goes, I'll be right back. I'm going to the store.
Starting point is 01:28:37 What's their deal with cucumbers? I presume it's a snake thing. But they're not into the chody snake. Oh, yeah. But they're not into the chody snake. Look. Oh, fuck. Watch. Oh, my goodness. That's the same reaction my wife has sometimes.
Starting point is 01:28:58 Holy shit. Oh, my God. Oh, that's crazy crazy That's so funny Caleb it's gotta be snake right I think so yeah I think you're right I forgot The only thing I could think of Yeah
Starting point is 01:29:18 They don't like salads yeah right Used to that processed food Greg are you what are you doing right now? Are you up for breakfast? Yeah, totally. All right. Totally. Isn't it cute that my kids wanted to stay?
Starting point is 01:29:33 Yeah, it's awesome. You're stoked. Maggie went back with two. Riley spent the night with his friends. And Rhett's dying to see you guys. All right, cool. I'm going to shut the show down here. And then I'll probably call you in
Starting point is 01:29:47 three minutes. I want to go to Silver Spur. Do you want to do that? Yeah, me too. Me too. It's been too long. Okay, I'll call you in three minutes. Caleb, happy New Year, brother. Happy New Year, Greg. That sounds like a great idea.
Starting point is 01:30:04 Great. I'd love to have you and Joe out on the Broken Science thing In Scottsdale Westerlin? Yeah Oh yeah that'd be great Joey's been a Potent advisor And sounding board for me for a long time
Starting point is 01:30:22 I think I'll see him next weekend I think he's coaching my L1 So that'll be cool Hug each other for me for a long time. I think I'll see him next weekend. I think he's coaching my L1. So that'll be cool. Hug each other for me. Love you both. Absolutely. Alright, sir. Thanks. See you in a little bit. See you, Greg. Behind the scenes of 1B
Starting point is 01:30:38 starting any second now. Thank you, everyone. Great show. Good times. Sle sleaky wants to come to uh arizona also i'll make sure i bark that into greg's ear uh see you guys soon tonight there is a show i believe it's at six o'clock it's a uh just a hangout to talk about a 1b i've invited adrian bosman to come on he's tentatively agreed so hopefully we'll get Adrian on tonight too and uh because he has a significant role in this 1b all right guys uh love you guys enjoy the show and I'll talk to you guys uh soon bye

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