The Sevan Podcast - Greg Glassman #36 | Live Call In

Episode Date: July 18, 2024 FITAID, 40% Off: My Tooth Powder "Matoothia...n": 3 Playing Brothers, Kids Video Programming: ------------------------- Partners: & - CODE "SEVAN" FOR FREE CONSULTATION - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - OUR SHIRTS - OUR WEBSITE PROVIDER ------------------------- ------------------------- BIRTHFIT PROGRAMS: Prenatal (20% off with code SEVAN1) - Postpartum (20% off with code SEVAN2) - ------------------------- Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Still no Twitter. What the fuck's going on? Bam, we're live. You get the Twitter feedback up. But, good thing we're on Twitch. Good to see you guys. Good morning. We'll have Greg Glassman on today. All sorts of crazy shit coming out.
Starting point is 00:00:16 Uh. So high. I'm gonna go to the bathroom. I'm gonna go to the bathroom. I'm gonna go to the bathroom. I'm gonna go to the bathroom. All sorts of crazy shit coming out. So hard to tell what's accurate and what's not. Some of the things that I saw, there's video of some puffs of smoke coming from the stands showing that there may have been a second shooter.
Starting point is 00:00:50 Some people are claiming that the guy walked a mile from Home Depot with the ladder to the venue, the shooter, Mr. Crooks. I couldn't I couldn't validate any of those. I Couldn't I couldn't validate any of those they found his car actually in the parking lot at the rally so and then when I looked at the video of the Supposedly where the second shooter was it looked like the bullets were coming from the wrong direction But there was one bit of information. Oh, did I say Greg A link?
Starting point is 00:01:29 Oh, yes, I did. There was one bit of information that came out that was very unsettling. Do you remember during 9-11 someone short was buying shorting the United Airlines stock? Meaning they I guess what you can do in the stock market is you can bet that a stock's gonna drop and right And right before 9-11, there was a massive, massive purchasing, massive purchasing of United stock, claiming that it was a bet, bet shorting, I guess they call it shorting. And then the Twin Towers incident happened and the stock plummeted and people made shitloads of money. happened and the stock plummeted and people made shitloads of money. Trump stock shorted heavily day before assassination attempt. After an assassination attempt on former president Donald Trump, which sent shockwaves through the US political landscape,
Starting point is 00:02:36 Trump media, Nasdaq shares surged more than 60% in the early trading hour. Meaning he got shot, he survived, and so the truth social stock skyrocketed. However, a fact bound to raise a few questions is the short positions against truth social stock doubled between July 1st and July 12th. Meaning someone was suspecting that the stock was going to take a massive plummet. Oh, my mic's not on. Oh, thank you. You know what that is?
Starting point is 00:03:17 The power's been going on and off here so much. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Is that better? Am I back? I'll do that whole bit again. Check one, two, one, two. Hey dude. What's up buddy?
Starting point is 00:03:32 Oh, you sound great. Really? Yeah. Great. Yeah. I always wonder about that each time we start because with no changes in the setup, it seems to make a difference. Give me a second. I'm going to do a little dust management here. Okay. Yeah. Do it. Hey, um, you're on a lap difference. Give me a second, I'm gonna do a little dust management here. Okay, yeah, do it. Hey, you're on a laptop, right? Yeah, the same, the only thing I use anymore is that air,
Starting point is 00:03:57 what is it, 15 inch, 16? Yeah, somewhere, you know what it is, is in Santa Cruz, the Studio Pro you have, you know that block you have on your desk? Yes. That thing, that mic's horrible. So that's the one we always have to worry about. But...
Starting point is 00:04:20 Okay, well I'll just, I'll use my air everywhere because I'd rather. Yeah that's good. I think this thing has tossed out $20,000 with the computers in different homes. I dragged this thing with me everywhere. Yeah, that's nice. And the camera. And I've got studios at each house, you know? Did you watch?
Starting point is 00:04:40 I used to think Russ Green was, like I didn't understand he... Everything was off the little laptop. He didn't even have a desktop, right? Uh-huh, uh-huh. And I always... I had this vision of him at home on a big system. And now he's just in the corner on the little laptop. I'm becoming that.
Starting point is 00:05:02 There's this guy that I work with named Patrick Rios. He's a video editor and filmmaker and he does everything off his laptop too. I can't even believe it. Just sitting on a couch on his lap. It's a trip. Yeah. Edits, does film editing on his lap? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:19 Watching the TV or something? I don't know. I think he's just comfortable there. watching the TV or so? I don't know. I think he's just comfortable there. And in the early years with you, when I was traveling a lot, I used my laptop as shitload too. Now I can't stand it. I think also once you sit upright in front of a computer too, it's kind of weird going back to a laptop.
Starting point is 00:05:46 It's hard to beat is a compromise. The laptop on a stand. Oh yeah, yeah. With a keyboard and a magic keyboard and magic trackpad. Is that what you have is your laptop on a stand? I don't have the trackpad here somehow. I ended up with repeats of the trackpad and the magic, whatever.
Starting point is 00:06:07 It's a gig somewhere else, and so I've got new ones arriving today. But it's nice to get your eyeballs off, like you're looking in your lap and lift your head and work. I do all my UX design work on a 13-inch MacBook Air while laying on a couch. Wow The secrets of dick butter I'll never forget when I first started the show and this guy popped up in the chat
Starting point is 00:06:38 My mom's like I really like that guy's name dick butter. I was like, ooh, I didn't need to hear that Hey, um, I got't need to hear that. Hey, um, I got something I want to show you. Okay. For I saw I saw it first on on Instagram. And I and I and I did not believe it. And it says, disgraced Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheadle is now saying they didn't put snipers on the roof where the shooter was because it was sloped and not safe. I'm like, well, that's not true. But obviously, the counter snipers are on a sloped roof.
Starting point is 00:07:17 It doesn't even make sense anyway what she says. And so then I keep looking. Secret Service Director gives bizarre reason why an agent wasn't on the roof We're gunned and Thomas and crooks open fire on Trump as she rejects call to resign. Hey, this is the kind There's a safety factor that would be considered there that we wouldn't want to put somebody up on that sloped roof And so, you know the decision was made to secure the building from inside. This is like some crazy
Starting point is 00:07:44 This is like something your kid would say you're like, hey, why are you eating cookies? And he's like I didn't want to they were gonna go bad And you're like what I mean, this is just retard talk. So I didn't believe this There's no way she would say that out loud there's no way you would use that as an as an excuse That's just that no no no one's would use that as an excuse. That's just that no one's gonna believe that. No one in their right mind is gonna believe that. What she says doesn't matter. The way this kid's motives don't matter.
Starting point is 00:08:24 Go on, I'm all ears. The fact of the matter is that it's unforgivable that that rooftop wasn't covered. Right. It's unforgivable. Look, did you see the... Why would you make an excuse though? ...spinning in circles, trying to hold the gun in a badge and just put it in the left hand and spin another circle and look around and...
Starting point is 00:08:47 But why would you make an excuse that's so... It was like an SNL spoof on police. Why would you make an excuse that's so preposterous that no one could believe it. Because to the constituency to which she gives a fuck, they're sad he wasn't killed. I mean, he was on a roof with the same slope that the counter snipers were. It's got nothing to do with facts. It's got nothing to do with facts. Why was nobody there? Look, do I think there was a conspiracy from Biden's camp to get him killed. You know, it could be you could make specific this person did this, did that. No, not at all. Do I think they would shortchange him in hopes that he would get whacked?
Starting point is 00:09:36 Of course they would. Right. Of course they would. OK, let me play this for you because how many other spots? How many other spots do you think weren't protected around him? I know, you're right. How many? You think it was just that one fucking fault to be just this one place?
Starting point is 00:09:56 No, no, no, no, no. He's getting the bare bones and the hope he gets whacked. Okay, here we go. Listen to this. Listen to this. You gotta show that he got the ponytail brigade. Yeah, that that that's why I gave him the DEI team and he got shot. She did for she did for for for elected officials what Boeing's done for air travel. Right. With DEI.
Starting point is 00:10:30 But this is worse than that. This is worse than that. Okay, here we go. Let's check this out. From last night, Jesse Waters on Fox News. Trump's security detail was starved of manpower. Agents were reportedly diverted to a hastily arranged small Jill Biden event in Pittsburgh at the same exact time as Trump's rally.
Starting point is 00:10:52 And Kamala happened to be in Pennsylvania that day too. The Secret Service denies resources were devorted, but reports say they were stretched so thin they only had two counter snipers for the rally too and they had to farm out the rest of the protection to local stringers the Secret Service Director Cheadle said the assassin's rooftop was a vulnerability but they decided to place counter snipers inside the building instead here's what no way i don't believe, but then this why Should that roof have been secure period that building in particular has a sloped roof at its highest point And so, you know, there's a safety factor that would be considered there that we wouldn't want to put somebody up on a sloped roof And so, you know the decision was made to secure the building from inside
Starting point is 00:11:43 We have American snipers shooting from caves, cliffs, mountain tops, but they can't handle a sloped roof. And look, the slope is even less where, the slope is less where the fucking assassin was than where the counter snipers were. It's... But you know what?
Starting point is 00:12:02 I think everybody knows this. I'm just just I can't even believe this shit I Can't even fucking believe this shit Pete I know people that don't follow any news and they know everything we've talked about so far Isn't that interesting Robbie Maggie's dad's in a self-imposed information blockade he knows all of this Isn't that interesting? Robbie Maggie's dad's in a self-imposed information blockade. He knows all of this through texts. Oh, that's a good implication.
Starting point is 00:12:36 Meaning just the whole country knows. Oh yeah, words out. Words out. And the left is going to disguise their disappointment as a call for civility. How about this? Do you remember the shorting of stocks on United prior to 9-11? No. United prior to the 9-eleven So basically right before the united before the Twin Towers accident there was massive massive purchase Betting that the United stock was gonna plummet and people made billions When the when the flights hit the towers now who those people are that made billions? We still don't know dude I've been wanting to short united for 30 fucking years. But listen to this however a fact found to raise a
Starting point is 00:13:32 few questions is that short positions against truth social stock doubled between July 1st and July 12th going from 7 to 15 million shares and what was a record shares of shorted for Donald J Trump stocks since its trading debut. The surge indicates that individuals or large organizations anticipated a significant drop in the stocks value by July 15th. I found two sources for that. I've got, I get no signal there.
Starting point is 00:14:07 None? No. How come? Why not? Aren't you like, wait a second, why they, you just think that people are going to be shorting it anyway? I'd like to see the, the other traffic and trends. And I'm just, that kind of spurious correlation thing
Starting point is 00:14:22 doesn't, doesn't tell me anything. You're not like, hey, there's no... The people that have jiggered this system have so much more sophisticated means of stealing that have nothing to do with the stock market. Right. I don't want to say anything that doesn't support the Ukrainian effort, but what was the amount of PPI, whatever that was, the handouts that were stolen, given to fraudulent accounts. Oh, God. It was like 150 billion or something crazy. Yeah. Yeah. During COVID. Yeah. I would assume that with every transaction, whether it's military aid to Ukraine or anything else if there's people in between skimming.
Starting point is 00:15:27 Biden for sure. That's the family business. That's what they... 70,000 of the loans are potentially fraudulent according to NPR. loans are potentially fraudulent according to NPR. 500,000 tax returns were given to non-existent social security numbers. And like, no, wait a minute, this is a couple years ago. And so it gets flagged, this number doesn't even exist. But here's their refund, We'll work on it. It's a beautiful thing, dude. Good morning, Suzy.
Starting point is 00:16:16 I want to say something about the Trump shooting. OK. Ascination attempt. If. Our favorite burrito stand has a guy that doesn't put enough cheese on the burrito, and you go, he's like fucking Adolf Hitler, this motherfucker. And you say it enough times, and I don't catch on that you're just calling this guy Adolf Hitler because you're not getting the cheese on your burrito, but I actually know something about history. I know who Adolf Hitler was. To the extent that I believe he's like Adolf Hitler, not that you're just not getting enough cheese,
Starting point is 00:16:53 you expect him not to cheese on your burrito, it would be rational for me to want to shoot the guy. Because if I thought someone was like Adolf Hitler and I had a shot at him, I'd take it. But the deal is, is that it's much, much, much closer to not get enough cheese on your burrito than he is Adolf Hitler. Right. And so this rhetoric is hugely, hugely fucking dangerous. And I think deliberately so, deliberately so. I got a book here, Ideas Have Consequences, written by Richard Weaver. I'd recommend it, but it's a hard fucking read. And if we've got complaints about some of the other reading, this will be brutal. But two notions I'll leave you with. One is that ideas do have consequences, and they can be immense. For instance, you can think that there's no difference
Starting point is 00:17:48 between men and women, and two generations later you think mommy might have a dick. It opens the door to complete fucking insanity.vers, and he's a fascinating biography, fascinating upbringing, fascinating professor of English. The edition I have here has a foreword by Roger Kimball, which is always damn near as good as the work itself when Roger weighs in. But ideas have consequences. And comparing him to Hitler over and over and over again, you think there's one kid's the problem?
Starting point is 00:18:30 No, buddy. There's a hundred thousand Americans and if they could take a shot at Hitler, they would. And they think it would be the right thing to do because they've been told by the hive in chorus that he's like fucking Hitler. I'll give you another one and a democracy hmm RFK nailed it the threats of democracies Joe Biden is fucking censorship. That's the threat to democracy. Mm-hmm
Starting point is 00:19:02 Craig Richards four years of he's a Russian spy, four years if he's Hitler, and a major threat to America as our Republicans, but oh, we don't want political violence. Right. Craig gets it. The left wants a civil war, it won't win. Daniel Wynn, that's a cheesy analogy, Greg. What is? The one with cheese. Oh, the burrito one. Well, let me tell you this.
Starting point is 00:19:33 I'm gonna say it has mathematical sway because in the Richard Cox sense, the reality is closer to cheese on the burrito than the extermination of millions of people and starting a war that costs 40 million lives. And all you democracy fans, Hitler was elected in a democratic fair democratic election Yay for democracy good job The dice everyone that talks to they're all half wits just pay attention Who would which group democracy crowd tomorrow? Yes. Yes. Yes. It's the democracy crowd that doesn't give a fuck about our rights. Right. Exactly. 100%.
Starting point is 00:20:29 We have, you fight wars over violated rights. Not missing an election. Did you see what happened yesterday with that AB1955 in California? That's the Newsome signs AB1955 that allows schools to keep information secrets from their kids. So if your kid tells the teacher at school that he's transgender, the teacher by law cannot tell the parents. There's this thing you're supposed to tell your kids that if anyone ever has secrets,
Starting point is 00:21:15 if someone walks up to your kids and says to the kid, hey, whatever you do, don't tell your parents this, you're supposed to tell your kids, hey, that's exactly what you need to tell me right away. I've had like three or four people on the show who've been molested at a young age, and they all agreed. That's like the conversation. Like if their parents would have had that conversation with them, it would have stopped it. Secrets with strangers. Daniel Wynn, Greg, it's a great analogy I just couldn't resist upon. That's it works. Thanks. I missed I missed the cheesy part. I was when I first thought I was thinking of like onions on the hamburger, but I thought that might be too confusing for people. I asked for no onions. I got onions. That guy's fucking Hitler.
Starting point is 00:22:12 Did you see the video that the kids in the, the, the BlackRock video two years ago, two years earlier, BlackRock filmed a video at the school about two years earlier, BlackRock filmed a video at the school about the investments that they make in communities and the boys and the boys in the video twice, the shooter. It's interesting. Send that to me. They're, they're, they're DEI big, BlackRock. Oh, yeah. Yeah. They're the creators of it, the ESG thing. I think they're the creators and enforcers of it, right?
Starting point is 00:22:48 I want to explain something to you. Please. There's this notion that I saw a headline that Trump's planning massive tax cuts for his, I remember for his supporters or donors. But the wealthy don't necessarily vote their self interest. The economy is in a shit hole, right? Right. I've never made more money than I have under Joe Biden. Never made money like this. Inflation doesn't really affect me. The cost of housing doesn't really affect me.
Starting point is 00:23:33 The cost of food doesn't really affect me. Avocados going up 30 cents an avocado doesn't like them anyways. Gas going up a dollar a gallon doesn't affect you. Why do those things have no impact on me? Gas going up a dollar a gallon doesn't affect you. Why do those things have no impact on me? Because they're the chump change of my world. What matters to me is the price of stock. And the stock market's doing great. And so these people will fuck this economy while getting rich in the market. Biden will never cross Black Rock nor Vanguard.
Starting point is 00:24:22 And everyone with money will be okay, relatively okay. My concern is for my fucking 10 kids and not while I'm alive, but the opportunities that await them are being squandered now while I get wealthy. inflation is fantastic reason to vote Biden out of office because it's destroying the middle and lower class, destroying them. Doesn't mean shit to me. I don't give a fuck about tax rate. 90% or 10%, I'm going to pay about 20 or 30 that's what I'm gonna pay. And you ain't getting any more. Why? Because the very people that will ask for the 90% marginal
Starting point is 00:25:15 tax rate, look we're taxing the rich and 90% will create the instruments and the avenues and the approaches by which they can actually only pay 20 and enrich a new class of attorneys and tax accounts. We've seen it done. You're not gonna get 90% from any fucking rich person. Maybe some old lady that's senile and was gonna give it to cats. But the rest of us are gonna find somewhere to go, somewhere to live, some shelter, something, there's way.
Starting point is 00:25:41 It'll be presented to us. They'll be pounding at the door. The phone will ring with ways that not participate in that bit of stupidity. It's all for show. In the meantime, it's the people on the plantation and the middle-class that are getting fucked. And why doesn't Hollywood care about that really?
Starting point is 00:26:07 Do they know it? Nah, they're stupid. The ones that do know or kind of know or should know that they don't care really. Well, and I think a lot of them are afraid to speak up. It's just their audience. They have bodyguards to keep them from their audience. Right here. I'm looking across the water at Gaza.
Starting point is 00:26:23 These guys come in can name four or five people that come with 20, 15, 30, more than Trump gets security guys. You know what? To keep them from their fucking audience. Name your celebrity will be shot by a fan, not by someone who doesn't even know who the fuck that is. Right. By a fan. And do they care what those fans paying taxes? Not even a fucking little bit.
Starting point is 00:26:53 Do they care what schools they can send their kids to? Not even a little bit. Well, we've already established they don't care about their kids. They don't even know how to. The element of the underserved community that's figuring out the Democrats is the best hope this country has. People on the plantation, they're like, wait a minute, man, I think this is like a plantation. I've been saying that for a few years now.
Starting point is 00:27:41 It's kind of a weird thing to say, but the only person who can, I've been taking it to its extreme, but the only person who can save us is the black man. The black man needs to stand up and be like, hey, I'm tired of being forced to play the victim and set the rest of us free. I mean, it's taking the thought to an extreme, but... Now, Buckley said 60 years ago that the Great Society was a continuation of the Southern plantations. Did you watch the convention last night? No, you know, with a crowd here interested, I kind of would, but look, it's got a circus-like vibe that a little bit bores me. And I know the candidate's position is better than will ever be articulated when they get up there.
Starting point is 00:28:38 And it's important only in the sense of houses being packaged for public consumption. I hope it works. And I'll get to hear all of that. But I think the general audience for the convention is the people that are still a little bit clueless as to what's going on, what the differences are. If I turned it on, I probably would have flipped through CNN to listen to them. Yeah. I made a point of following what was going on through CNN to listen to them. Yeah. I made a point of following what was going on through New York Times website.
Starting point is 00:29:13 I've been listening to them a lot too. It's pretty funny. I've been listening to them on SiriusXM, CNN, and they're like beaten puppies. It's crazy. All the commentators have basically just collapsed. They have no energy. They can't speak. They're fucking lost. It's crazy. The whole, all the commentators have basically just collapsed. They have no energy. They can't speak. They're fucking lost. It's really enjoyable. And they hate their guy and they can't hide it. There were two really, there were two very,
Starting point is 00:29:36 there were two great speakers last night for sure. The father of Lake and Riley spoke. And he told the story about the guy who came up from South America and was running from rape and murder charges in South America and then came into the United States and raped and killed his daughter, Lake and Riley. And how he still hasn't heard from Biden or Kamala, but that Trump reached out to him right away and wanted to meet him. That was a powerful, that was a powerful moment.
Starting point is 00:30:01 You think if the Democratic convention, they're gonna have some cop come up and talk about how savagely he was attacked by the by the crowd generous. And then he fought a hundred bad guys off in Fallujah, but he knew he was gonna die. And these guys were saying, Trump sent me to kill you. You think you're gonna get that? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:21 Just wait. And then there was a black woman who's issues are more important than the theater and the Lake and Riley thing. They couldn't do enough evil to that fucking guy that killed her. And then a black woman stood up and basically said, hey, my son served as a marine, came back home to after his service in the United States, came back home, was then stabbed and murdered in New York City by four guys and told us and told the story how Alvin Briggs let them go. Briggs or Braggs?
Starting point is 00:30:55 Sorry Braggs. Alvin Braggs let them go. He's not the he's not the amino acid guy is he? No, he's the fat black guy who was the Soros guy. Yeah. What's the amino acids? Bragg's? That's Bragg's. You know who bought them? Sarah? No. They're in a lot of trouble right now. They got some really bad PR.
Starting point is 00:31:22 Bill Gates found some seed oil spray that he's trying to put on every single piece of fruit. It's called, to preserve it, it's called like AP, A-P-E-E or something. And the new owners of Braggs, it's a famous singer and her husband who's a famous actor. Oh, Katy Perry and someone else bought it. And basically they were accused that all their apples have that AP on them. And so, I mean, as soon as my wife heard that, she just poured that shit out.
Starting point is 00:31:51 The Braggs out. Yeah, poured the Braggs out. The apple cider. It's got the A-P-E-P-A-P in it. Yeah. The seed oil sprayed. Oh, Orlando Bloom and Katy Perry. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:32:04 They bought Braggs. And they're're denying it they're saying it's not true But I bet you their sales have fucking plummeted I'm uh, I told you that I just love when Greg Gutfield didn't know who Steph Curry was Yeah, yeah, and I was just struck with this fucking overwhelming jealousy Yeah, yeah. And I was just struck with this fucking overwhelming jealousy. And I was thinking, I wish I could build a system to like, if I could get rid of every Katy Perry, if I clearly did not know who that was,
Starting point is 00:32:35 I would love to free up that space. And Orlando Bloom. I could be reading the probably the most important thing ever written and if there's a mention of Gwyneth Paltrow, if I scan that up ahead, I'd stop. To hear what she thinks pains me. Do you know, do you have people, do people do that to you? There's people that I wish I didn't know who they were. No, just like they just, your basic exposure to them is, oh, shut the fuck up almost instantly. And so you'd realize it'd be better for you
Starting point is 00:33:21 if you could not see them or hear them. That's how I feel about Kimberly Cheadle. I can't even believe what I'm hearing come out of her mouth. She's a DEI hire. The number one contender to become the new... And she knew that to serve her master well, she would double down on Jill and Kamala and leave Hitler relatively unprotected. And we're going to, and we'll, we'll concentrate on making sure we get more
Starting point is 00:33:53 fat round chicks with ponytails and aviator sunglasses that can spin circles if the, if, if someone gets shot, you've got to show that clip. That's, I don't know. That's something everyone needs to see. Yeah, we played that. We played that a lot. It's like you don't need to know anything about law enforcement to watch Keystone Cops and know that something's gone wrong, right?
Starting point is 00:34:13 Oh my goodness. It's so bad. Yes. This was very much like that. And I've got to tell you, it's amazing to me that the worst police action I've ever witnessed is from Secret Service protecting Trump. Yeah, they oh someone here calls it Wokery. The Ponytail Brigade.
Starting point is 00:34:35 Yeah, we played that so much on the show. It's so fucking ridiculous. The audio, did you catch the audio on it too? No with the three girls. What do we do? What do we do? Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Daniel Gerrity, my three year old got excited to see the podcast and the coach who invented his workouts. I've created a little monster.
Starting point is 00:35:09 It's cute. Hey, what do you think about all the people? Um, what's his name? A little three year old. Daniel, what's, what's your, what's your son or daughter's name? For some reason, I assumed it was the daughter. What do you think about the videos coming out like Jack Black and Tenacious D in front of a stadium full of people wishing that Trump had been killed.
Starting point is 00:35:48 Hey, you know the story of the emperor's new clothing? Right? He comes out naked. Yeah, yeah. And there's one guy, his kid stands up and goes, he's fucking naked, right? Yeah. Okay. Well, there'd be more characters in the story. It's clearly not just the emperor. There's others involved that are gonna help spread this idea that he's actually got clothes on, right?
Starting point is 00:36:08 Right. Okay. Well, if amongst them, they're going, hey, it's working. I think we're fooling everyone. You'd tell the guy to shut up and you'd punish him for saying that. Right. Jack Black or what is it?
Starting point is 00:36:23 Tenacious D, what's the fucking- Yes, yes, yes, the old fat guy, yeah. Jack Black or what is it? Tenacious D? What's the fucking group? Yes, yes, yes. The old fat guy. Yeah. Yeah. No, that's I think the group is Tenacious D. Okay, I think you're right. And it's Jack Black and his mother Clown. Well, the other Clown is the one that set it up, right? He said, Happy Birthday. What's your wish? And he said, My wish is that next time the shooter doesn't miss. Yeah. Jack should just say I had no idea he was gonna answer that way.
Starting point is 00:36:45 Yeah. It wasn't a setup, it was his own doing. Yeah. But what happened is he said too much. Hey, listen, what's the guy, what's the comedian I like? The big white hickey dude that does such a good trump. Shane Ellis. Shane Ellis.
Starting point is 00:37:11 No. Is it? No. Tyler. Tyler. Shane Ellis does a great one. I don't think that's the right name. Let me see. Shane...
Starting point is 00:37:27 It's important because he does this schtick about Trump would be funny if shot. Oh. And I didn't really appreciate it at the time, but I think he's hilarious. Is it Shane Gillis? I thought it was... Oh yeah, yeah, Shane Gillis maybe. Shane Gillis. I thought it was...
Starting point is 00:37:51 And the guy's fucking hilarious. But I still think he's funny and I wouldn't cancel him over it and I know he's wishing he hadn't done that. Let's see if I can pull it up here. And I don't want to see Biden shot. I'm going to cancel him over it and I know he's wishing he hadn't done that. Let's see if I can pull it up here and I don't want to see Biden shot. No, absolutely not. I would
Starting point is 00:38:15 enjoy the brief President Harris. That would be thoroughly enjoyable but I still don't want to see him shot and I think he deserves to be in prison but I don't want to see him assassinated. All right. Of all the presidents, I think it's fair to say
Starting point is 00:38:30 Donald Trump would be the funniest one to see get got. It's because he'd be in the middle of a speech talking shit. Just, shh, you're gay. The shooter would be coming at him, he'd be like, sit down, sit down. The one-o- be like, sit down, sit down. One-o-loser, get down, sit down. The noise he would make when he got hit, even if he loved Donald Trump, it would be funny.
Starting point is 00:38:54 As soon as he got hit, he'd be like, eh! Eh! Let me get my shoes. I got you sir, I got you sir. Let me get my shoes. Let me get my shoes. I got you sir, I got you sir. Let me get my shoes. The rest of the joke, which is my favorite part that didn't really, a lot of people didn't like it was, I think Biden's the first president you could punch, assassinate. I saw you do it.
Starting point is 00:39:22 I think he's a brilliant comedian and I don't think that's all that funny. I didn't before. I don't now. Cancel him over it? Nope. No, I think the upsetness at Jack Black is not coming from the right but from the left. Oh, interesting. Interesting. from the left. Oh, oh, interesting, interesting. Wow, I hadn't even thought of it like that.
Starting point is 00:39:51 Look, look, look, we said he's like Hitler, but don't shoot him, because it proves that, then everyone knows he's not really like Hitler, and I was like, oh, fuck you. We were all pretending, you idiot. We were pretending he was like Hitler so you could vote for him. So that you weren't supposed to shoot Hitler.
Starting point is 00:40:11 So they're all over the internet. I've seen like a dozen stories of people who've come out and said that they wish conservatives don't know anything about tenacious D. Yeah, that's true. Not one in 100 Trump supporters has any sense of who Jack Black fucking is. That's their world pal. Pat you're missing Pat saying Greg may recheck that one. It's being played literally all over Fox and Newsmax. That's just reporting. That's just reporting. That's why I saw it, but I'm telling you they're not canceling them Yeah, that's the distinction. He sometimes has trouble with nuances
Starting point is 00:40:51 Yeah, they can't you're right. The canceling is coming from it's the left You're right The right the right can't cancel them because they didn't even know who it was Right the right's showing it to make the point as to who the left is. And the left is canceling because you're telling everyone who we are. Jay Brown, come on. Everyone knows who Jack Black is. But no one knows who Tenacious D is.
Starting point is 00:41:17 That is not true. And I know who Jack Black is, but I've never heard of Tenacious D. No, listen. Listen. 90% of the right has no idea who Jack Black is, and 90% of the left has no idea who George Orwell was. That's just how that is. 90% of the left, Biden's constituency couldn't recite the Pledge of Allegiance. If their fucking lives depended on it, there's no conservative who could not. We're a generation away from the left not even know what hand you'd put over your fucking heart. Right. It's like this, right?
Starting point is 00:42:10 No, it's a fake. The left is offering us a fake culture, a fake society where two plus two is five. Mommy has a dick. Where the color of your skin is a determinant of your moral worth and all else about you? Where character matters not one wit? Yeah, everyone knows Dan Gros, everyone knows, I think everyone knows School of Rock who was born in the 90s also, but I don't know who Tenacious D is. I had never seen that guy before.
Starting point is 00:42:52 The super duper obese guy, like even fatter than Jack Black. I'd never seen that guy in my life. There's a, there's a, there's a people in the 90s that know Jack Black and School of Rock, and there's others that can tell you the difference between an adverb and an adjective. Ken Walters, I'm old. I know Jack Black from School of Rock. Other than that, I haven't thought of him until yesterday. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:21 But here's the thing. But the point is this, Greg is saying it's not the right that's canceling them, it's the left. And I agree 100%. Hey, and just to say that Fox News is playing, it just means that Fox News is reporting it. Let me ask you this. When you were running CrossFit, if someone would have said, tweeted, I wish Trump would
Starting point is 00:43:42 have been killed, would you have fired them? Russell Berger lost his job for calling, what was the term, the phrase sinners. Oh, the abortion people. That was kind of the straw that broke the camel's back though, right? The distraction was not needed, was becoming increasingly tedious. I couldn't tell him to shut up because I understood where he's come from and he had that right to do it. But I think of sinners in the literal sense, I think of people that deserve to burn in hell if I follow his evangelical spirit.
Starting point is 00:44:31 And there's a sense of an enticement of violence to it, because ideas have consequences. I don't think you would have fired someone for saying, I think Trump should have, I can't see it. Maybe I'm wrong. But I also don't think you want someone working at a job who, I think it screams volumes of someone's character. character. I understand Starbucks concern with your proselytizing as a barista. Like every person who walks up to the counter, you're like, Hey, make sure you don't kill any children.
Starting point is 00:45:17 So it wasn't with BLM buttons or what was? Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. You weren't allowed to, I was kind of surprised Starbucks put its foot down there. They wouldn't do it again. Lolly, lolly, lolly, get your adverbs here. I don't understand, but it's funny. You're on a roll today, Daniel. Keep the money coming. I knew who Jack Black was. I also knew when I was 14 years old that there was 28 grams to announce.
Starting point is 00:46:00 But all of that came as a distraction from what it is that finally congealed into the person I am and what I've been able to do. I'm going to tell you, being able to give me the names of all the characters in School of Rock and repeat the dialogue isn't a hallmark of, suspicions go off. The things that were important to get across to our kids a hundred years ago, 200 years ago, a thousand and 5,000 years ago, were relatively consistent. There's almost no sign of any of that in California schools right now.
Starting point is 00:47:02 So I think it might make more sense to send your kids to Anne Frank High and lock them in the attic than it would be to send them to public school. My kids will never, never go back to public school, regardless of what our situation is. Pat, I haven't heard anyone call to not go to, in all the stories I've seen, I haven't heard anyone talking about boycotting Tenacious D or Jack Black. Just like I heard no one talking about boycotting Bill Cosby's standup routine.
Starting point is 00:47:41 They shut down the rest of the tour. They did though, by choice. Jack Clack made a statement. Yeah, well, because he's embarrassed. Because he doesn't, listen, it's like when you quit your job after you've stolen money, they found out I'm going to quit. Yeah. It'd be better if you quit before you were arrested, not after, not after you're fired and arrested. Pat, bill Cosby wasn't canceled he was accused of drugging and raping women and and and that that fucked up his ticket sales Finally he's funny
Starting point is 00:48:21 If you don't if you don't if you don't want to buy if you don't want to buy Bud Light because they're putting their money towards something that you don't agree with, that's not canceling. Chat, Tenacious D. Do you remember Tosh said, did you go to see Tosh for this point off? Yeah, that was amazing. I really enjoyed it. And he was getting some groans on some jokes that would be instantly called by almost all media misogynist. Yeah, there was some groans and he laughed and explained that his gig that he's there's 500 people in here and I'll do three of these a week for 25 weeks a year
Starting point is 00:49:05 and allowed me on my, what was it, 40th birthday to take 65 of my friends in a private jet to Italy and party like there's no tomorrow. And that's with 0.000012% of the world's population. Yeah, yeah, that was great. Yeah, fuck half of you. That's the reality when the offended or aggrieved party is outside of your of your your audience.
Starting point is 00:49:32 Yeah, Pat, to stop all creative activity because the left is going you fucked up fucker. We can't admit that. That's all that happened. Bud Light was a failed campaign, Pat. A failed campaign. You think Gutfeld or Brit Hume or Steve Bannon? You think they're Jack Black fans?
Starting point is 00:49:56 You think they're listening to Tenacious D? You think they got Kesha's albums? Who's Kesha? I don't know. Kesha. Keisha? Oh, I don't know. Kesha, Keisha? Oh, I don't know who that is.
Starting point is 00:50:14 Hey, what? There's nothing that, just pick someone, Taylor Swift does. Nothing she says. There's nothing that, just pick someone, Taylor Swift does. Nothing she says, there's nothing. It will have an impact on 99% of the world's population. You think she's huge, but she's huge in this small, small sliver of fucking people. Even with more record sales than anyone ever. Even with, I remember you telling me in the airport, you realize this is the one 10th of 1% of the finest human beings on earth right here.
Starting point is 00:51:02 Yeah. Yeah. And I saw shit. I'm going to throw up. Thanks. You just fucked up air travel for me. Yeah. Do you remember when you were when you were a kid, everyone wore a collared shirt and shorts were unacceptable on airplanes. Do you remember that?
Starting point is 00:51:21 I don't know. But I knew things. I knew things about the Beatles that my dad didn't know, and I thought he was borderline retarded. He couldn't name the four fuckers. He was developing the world's best air-to-air missile systems to keep our country free. He missed out on the Beatles to some extent. How much of what I have, what I know, what I hold dear is it comes from this air to air missile system or the Beatles. I'm gonna tell you, it's the missile influence
Starting point is 00:51:59 is profoundly greater than John Paul George and Ringo. But I couldn't see that until I was what, 50 years old? Oh, I'm glad it took you so long because I'm I feel so like I'm so behind the curve. God, I'm so impressed that you know who Keisha was. I just Googled her. I've never I don't even I've never seen her before in my life. He's she's I've I've made myself aware of the people I'm trying to filter out. So it's a little bit of a bummer. That's why I know Tenacious D.
Starting point is 00:52:32 I wish I didn't. I say this with all peace and love. She's another Instagram whore. I got a weird Taylor Swift fact for you. Please. It's some, as you say, rock critic, but I don't know. Oh, just interesting fact. Yeah. Yeah, it was. I'd rather. I'd rather. Yeah. Keisha is given a TED talk.
Starting point is 00:53:31 Keisha's given a TED talk. Oh. I'll show you guys my, I just went through Instagram account. Obligatory nose ring, giant titties. It's going to the paltrow with a giant rack. So this is a singer. Do you know about Billie Eilish? I do. I just learned about Billie Eilish recently. And I listened to a couple of her songs. I wanted to kill myself. And someone said that's how all her songs are. Have you heard her music? I'm sure I have. It's pretty hard. But I couldn't identify a piece. I didn't recognize the songs. I picked her big, like two biggest songs. I did
Starting point is 00:54:18 not recognize the songs. I do recognize Taylor Swift songs when I hear them. I mean, I don't know it's Taylor Swift, but if someone's like that's Taylor Swift, then I go out there. You got a little Daisy Dance tour. I mean, I don't know it's Taylor Swift, but if someone's like that's Taylor Swift, I'm like, Oh, You got a little noisy dance tour. I do? Yeah. Oh. But um, That's my that's my 10 year old girl's influence on your kids. And I'll
Starting point is 00:54:39 But man, Billie Eilish, man, that is some depressing shit. the Irish man that is some depressing shit. Ken Walters, Bob Dylan grew up three blocks from me as a kid and one of my best friend's parents bought his parents home in the late 70s and still own it. That's a good story. Yeah, that's cool. We have a friend George Ryan, they grew up next door to Billy Blanks, the Tybo guy.
Starting point is 00:55:11 And black guy, white SWAT cop, Billy Blanks was like a father to him. His dad wasn't around and he taught him karate. How's that for a fucking good story about Billy Blanks? Yeah, well, and George Ryan. George Ryan's known to me to be a fine human being. Billy Blanks I don't know anything about, but George Ryan says, he treated me like he was the father I didn't have,
Starting point is 00:55:40 he lived next door, my dad took off, he was my hero. Like that's a great man. Hey, Pat, I want to explain to you something. When when I was a kid, there was a commercial with the old lady and she would say, Where's the beef? And it made Wendy's like the most popular fucking hamburger restaurant in the world for many years. And it was really, it was so popular. I made that part up. And it was, it was so popular. I made that part up and it was, and it was so popular.
Starting point is 00:56:08 I had never eaten at Wendy's until I saw the commercial. Okay. Right. And there was one, two blocks from my house and it was great. Did you enjoy those commercials, Greg, as a kid? I guess. It was cute, but I mean, he kind of, it didn't, it wasn't side splitting every time I heard it or even. No.
Starting point is 00:56:28 It lost something. But it went on forever and ever and ever. And then she finally died. And it was an old lady. She, I don't know if she was over, maybe over 80 when she, when she claimed her fame. And so that was, I would suggest that that was a successful campaign. Okay. I want to give you an example.
Starting point is 00:56:46 This is what caused me to question, like was it a big and famous campaign or was it a successful one? And here's an example that highlights the difference. Do you remember the Nissan ad that had the Z-Car and Barbie in it to the music, you've got me going, you got me where I can't sleep at night song, the mega hit.
Starting point is 00:57:14 You gotta pull it up. Nissan ad with Barbie in a plastic car. You got me going, baby, you got me where I can't sleep at night. Who the fuck is that? I should know all of this. You all know the ad. Is it this one? Keep going. I was in college and so we didn't have a TV. I've had a period like that, but it wasn't due to college. What? You really got me now.
Starting point is 00:58:09 Did this sell a lot? Keep keep going as she is. Even gets the girl. All right. So here's the deal on it. It may have been it won every fucking thing and an ad can win. Clio's it was fucking huge, genius and it is. It's brilliant, right? Yeah. They put it, it was on every channel, on every show. The dealers had a different take on it. We haven't made that car in 30 years, you fuckers. It's doing nothing for us and we're paying for it. Fuck you. That
Starting point is 00:58:56 was the dealer's response. Fuck you and your successful ad campaign. Everyone's patting themselves on the back and I'm going broke. Where's the beef? The commercial debuted during the 1984 Super Bowl and became a cultural phenomenon helping to increase Wendy's annual revenue by 31%. Good. So that one worked. Yeah. That was the same year they released, Apple released the ad on the Super Bowl for the first Macintosh. But you get my point. Yes, yeah, totally get your point.
Starting point is 00:59:34 And so, and so there's been failed ad campaigns to where it makes people not want to buy shit. Yeah, you know, I don't know anything about advertising because I did a business without any advertising promotion or sales department or marketing. I left all that out because I didn't understand it. And I feel that I'm largely immune to it. I love that that Nissan commercial. I wasn't looking for dots in 240Z afterwards. Right, right. And so I'm not, but I did, I did like it and I would love to be in advertising. I just don't think that I'm amenable to its charms. Right. I, and I agree with that about you. There are commercials that I've seen a hundred times and asked myself, I don't say, I still don't even know what that, you know, I like the commercial and I still don't even know
Starting point is 01:00:20 what they're selling. I've got a bunch of those like that Bambi, the outsource human resources thing. It's advertised on Sirius all the time. Oh, oh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I wouldn't know how to type it into my computer and keep every time it comes out, I go, what did he say? What is it again? All right.
Starting point is 01:00:40 He goes, it's banned to the VE. What's banned and what's to the? It's an exponent. Like I don't... Hey, Pat, you can't keep pivoting. A storefront sign that you can't read. Say that again. A storefront sign you can't read
Starting point is 01:00:56 because they got clever with the font. Right. Right. That's like using a barfing clown for a logo. Pat, it's impossible to talk to you because you're always pivoting. You're always moving. Anytime like you just you keep shifting. What do you say? He's just always shifting.
Starting point is 01:01:24 He said failed ads make people not want to buy shit much different than people like Kid Rock standing on stage telling you to boycott Bud Light and you guys all agree to cancel City. Listen, dude, it was their ad campaign. Like you're conflating all sorts of shit. It makes it impossible to speak with you. Yeah. It's like talking to someone, why don't you like Trump? I hate his hair. Okay. But why don't you think he should be
Starting point is 01:01:54 running the country? Well, because his wife posed naked in Playboy. Okay. But why shouldn't he be running the country? Did she? Yeah. Malania? Yeah. I don't know. I mean, she's there's naked pictures of her all over the internet. Malania Trump nude. I know that. I know that exists.
Starting point is 01:02:20 But oh, but you didn't know if it was Playboy. I just made that up. Let me see. Playboy. To me, it's all play. And to me, if it was Playboy. I just made that up. Let me see. Playboy. To me it's all Playboy. To me everyone naked is Playboy. Oh shit, everything's blurred. I have some censorship on my... I have to click each one to see it? Hmm. I've even warmed up to her. What am I supposed to not like about her? Whatever CNN tells you not to like about her.
Starting point is 01:03:19 There was a figure dear to you and I, she wants to jump out here and say hi, she can't, but she was blonde with giant boobs and articulate and always kind. And she drew crazy wrath from the community. It was the first time I'd come to see this pathological hatred for blondes with big tits. It's weird. There's people that have a natural favorable response, and there's another chunk, and they seem to be trying to demonstrate something. I don't know. It doesn't seem genuine, but it's a lot of invective.
Starting point is 01:04:15 What's that mean? Just language, negative language, just harsh words. She was hated by some people. And you just, it's like, Melania, like, what? She's pretty? Is that the reason? I mean, these are the things I know about her. She's soft spoken. Every time I see her, she's some kind of charity that makes sense to me. She's, every time I see her, she's doing some kind of charity that makes sense to me. And anytime I've heard her speak, she's more eloquent and articulate and is able to transfer what she's trying to say to me better than Kamala every time. Bladewalker, attractive people bum people out sometimes Never I've never given thought to that past when I'm I know blondes with big tits fucking inspire something
Starting point is 01:05:24 Graceful also graceful, yes. Look, Marilyn Monroe's demise seems to just excite a lot of people. But Jane Mansfield got beheaded in a car accident, I think was a story. Who was the gal that married the billionaire? Playboy chick with the big old- Oh yeah, Anna Nicole Smith. Yes, yeah. God, Anna Nicole Smith. Yes, yeah. God, she was wonderful.
Starting point is 01:05:49 Sad story, both her and her son OD'd. Her son OD'd and then she OD'd. We know of the demise of Blondes with Big Tits, because that for a certain slice of the community is like, yeah. I saw things, comments from the jurors on the dissection of OJ's wife. OJ's wife. What was it? Nicole Brown Simpson? Simpson? Uh-huh. That basically, um, her, her, I don't, I'm not, I'm not gonna repeat it, but it's exactly alongside what I'm talking about. Blonde with big tits has to die. There was a juror that was very comfortable expressing that and talked about the photos she saw.
Starting point is 01:06:56 This is some of the kinky depths of human depravity here. And that was from a woman too. Yes. You remember the story? Yeah, it's really disgusting. Remember the story? Yeah, it's really disgusting. She got to see an autopsy photos implant and just loved it. Big old fake titties.
Starting point is 01:07:20 Sounds like you're not guilty to me. Heidi Croum, blonde with big tits equals too much cheese on my burrito equals Hitler. That's right. That's the logic. Therefore, my mom has a cock. See, once you explain it, it makes sense. Yeah, thanks, Heidi. Got to come over to my house again.
Starting point is 01:07:50 Pat Lang, now OJ was acquitted because a juror was jealous of fake boobs. No, Pat, you're missing the point. A secret service wasn't put on the roof because the roof was too slanted. No, it wasn't. It wasn't just it wasn't because of just one juror. I think I think it was all of them. But that could be. I mean, you may have you may have actually accidentally come to a conclusion that's correct.
Starting point is 01:08:28 But it wasn't. It wasn't the lone juror. It was the compelling logic of the, because no one can deny the forceful logic of rhyming couplets. Once you hear the glove don't fit, you must acquit. You're like, well that fucking rhymes. That's an eye-guilty. That's enough for that jury. Rap lyric. Jeffrey Birchfield, is that tea unsweetened Greg is drinking? It is. I think it's a Coke product too.
Starting point is 01:09:05 Talking about boy cat. Greg used to, many years ago, drink this drink from Starbucks and it would be a black iced tea from Starbucks and he would always say with no water. Meaning, I guess that means you don't dilute it, right? Right. And one time after being with Greg, you know, I'm watching him drink one of those every day for a year. I switched from coffee to try the tea. What's this tea thing Greg's drinking? And we're driving and I'm drinking it and my mouth starts watering. And I'm like, oh shit, I'm gonna throw up. I go,
Starting point is 01:09:40 Hey, Greg, I feel like I'm gonna throw up. And he's like, oh yeah, that's it can do that to you. I go, Hey, Greg, I feel like I'm gonna throw up. And he's like, Oh yeah, that's it can do that to you. Oh my Jesus Christ. That shit was so strong. It was like sucking on a banana peel. It was so bitter. It was, I don't know how you drank that. You never put sugar in your tea your whole life?
Starting point is 01:09:58 No, no, no. You know, when I was a little boy going to Alabama for the summer, that was how it came. But I, that was how it came. But that was a... It's not my cup of tea. Jake Chapman, Greg, does Viagra work on a paralyzed man? Oh, that's a... Let me think about that.
Starting point is 01:10:21 Jake always has the best questions. I would not like it would on an unparalleled man, but I would think it would have to. Even I think it would increase the incidence of even the incidental, I don't even know why it's happening erection. That's most of mine. Polar bear 81, I have big boobs, people think they must be fake. Nope, the sex industry has made women with big boobs as sex objects.
Starting point is 01:10:57 Can you please text me a photo? I will tell you whether they're big or not. Wait, the sex industry has made women with big boobs as sex objects. I don't think that's true either. Yeah, I don't, the sex industry. I think men and women, everyone stares at big boobs. Women and men stare at big boobs a lot. I don't think noticing or being attracted to big boobs needs explanation. I think hating someone for having big boobs is what needs to be explained. That's the pathology. Why a guy drives a nice car, I understand.
Starting point is 01:11:40 Why you feel compelled to take a nail to the side of it when you don't even know the fucking guy. That I want to hear explained. to take a nail to the side of it when you don't even know the fucking guy. That I want to hear explained. Right. And watch you go to jail. The guy who wants a nice car doesn't need explaining. No. I understand Jane Mansfield's attraction. What I don't understand is hating her.
Starting point is 01:12:02 Do you have to hate her so that you can call her a sex object? See, that's where I worry this comes from. It seems to me that anything heterosexual got bad press, even the objects of heterosexual desire. And so the blonde with big tits is a no-go, but a fireman in assless chaps is cool. Except him. Well, it's because— Holding a hose. It's because of the dudes buying it. Well because you're afraid that someone's gonna call you homophobic if you don't like
Starting point is 01:12:51 it. I think erotica depicting males is the, is the, is the, uh, I think it's, I think it's consumer is men. Oh. for sure, for sure. Someone should do an experiment where you just give random women an oil painting of some dude with a huge cock and then give it to like 10 random gay guys. So you who likes it more?
Starting point is 01:13:35 Yeah. The, I don't, what's crazy too is, is yeah, I don't think women are texting each other the kind of shit that men are texting each other. You know the- I tell Maggie if she could live in my head for five minutes, she would be absolutely appalled at the place that sex plays in my head, I was like shocked. Like, wouldn't believe it.
Starting point is 01:14:10 Wouldn't be able to stop talking about it for the rest of her life. Oh my fucking God. It would be like something that, it'd be worse than the Thai cave experience. You know, the little boy stuck in the cave? Yes. It'd be just beyond anything she could ever imagine.
Starting point is 01:14:24 And she's a horny girl. That's just my sense of it. Pat, what do you mean you think? I would think gay dudes wouldn't want a huge cock. I mean think. Young Clark, I'd be arrested if my group chat was leaked. That's funny. That's a quote that ends up on a warrant, you know? How many bald eagles have you seen in Idaho? They do every day. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:15:09 You are seeing them every day. Yeah, it's like, it's like whales off of Kauai. Damn. Like, please, I'm not going to turn my head another time to see another fucking whale. Let's talk about something else. They're great. It's a, but they Oh, they're great. It's a, but they're everywhere. If you just go out to your dock right now,
Starting point is 01:15:28 you and Sid pull up a lawn chair, you'll see one eventually? Yeah, within minutes. And the babies are coming out of the nest now, right? I don't know what, I don't know their cycle. I honestly don't. Are all birds on the same cycle? Cause we just had two hummingbirds graduate from the nest. I'm only here in the summer,
Starting point is 01:15:49 so I can't speak to the seasons. Right, right. It's great. I assume nothing's here in the winter and everything's here in the summer. But we've, there's a, one of my neighbors has a pylon that a bald eagle sits on and eats shit and grooms itself and shits and picks feathers and stretches and does shit for hours. And we know it's just on the way
Starting point is 01:16:16 home. A big one? Yeah. I think I sent you a picture. Did you? Hey, what about the wakeboard? And you've been doing any of that? No, but it's, it's, it's, it's not really wake surfing. It's a surf boat scene.
Starting point is 01:16:39 The thing throws up a three foot standing wave. Have you guys not done any of that yet? Because Maggie's so pregnant. Yeah. That mean that was her cup of tea, right? Right. I'm not going to let her drive a boat and drag me in rather, you know, be called Adolf Hitler than do that.
Starting point is 01:16:56 Yeah. And you're three weeks away from the fifth child. Yes. Yeah. We're in serious nesting mode. It's great. Just shit coming from Amazon, like wipes and warmers and the whole setup and carriers and yep. And you know, it's cool is that market is it develops at such a rapid rate. You can't have kids faste
Starting point is 01:17:26 car seats and high chairs the better. Yeah, yeah, ye think there's an opportune step ahead with a player l make the baby strollers o the truth is that stroll pounds and be unbreakable that a stroller should weigh 11 pounds and be unbreakable.
Starting point is 01:17:48 And they're moving to that so slowly. But I think part of it is that the 11 pound bike market, those 11 pound bikes are being sold to 50 and 60 year olds that are filthy rich, and they can afford the 12 12 grand 15 grand 20 grand For a stroller and that would you'd have to do the same thing for the stroller perhaps Like start there until the prices came down so old guys with young wives would have them. I'd have one and
Starting point is 01:18:22 And Keisha Hey, I remember that putting the stroller in and out of the back of the car and And Keisha. Hey, I remember that putting the stroller in and out of the back of the car and thinking to myself fucking like I work out every single day and this is fucking hard. Do you know what a difficult thing it is to get your kids excited about cycling when they're fucking bikeways more than they do? Right, right. So you get, oh, let's go on a ride, you know? Yeah, hey, even the three little specialized mountain bikes you got my kids, which are like best in class. We've been riding them a lot this summer.
Starting point is 01:18:57 And I see them like those bikes drag my kids around. You know what I mean? Like they have trouble getting out the front yard through the gate, even though it's three and a half feet wide. Yeah, you know what I mean? Like they have trouble getting out the front yard through the gate, even though it's three and a half feet wide. Yeah, you're totally right. Hey, that was what it was like when the first electric bikes too. I remember one of the first electric bikes
Starting point is 01:19:12 you got weighed like 70 pounds. And I remember thinking at this point, you might as well just have a fucking scooter. What a pain in the ass. They're not getting lighter. They're not getting lighter? Oh, but they're getting more powerful. So the truth is that that new levo is is it has so much motorcycle characteristic.
Starting point is 01:19:31 crazy suspension, you know, you can pedal you can pedal directly at curves. And you gotta be smart and lean back and give a hard down stroke on as you make contact, but it's it's so crazy doable. it's something you couldn't do in a car and keep your tires. Bladewalker Greg still busted nuts at 113 years old good job. It's your kid right? In crack years. Hey you know, the best, the funniest stuff on the internet is, is sits in the comments for deplorable, shocking, disgusting things. And it's usually one of the early comments, you don't get the fucking master stroke comment number 215.
Starting point is 01:20:29 There's people that have just stuck standup capacity that see things that the rest of us are like, Oh my fucking God is the most articulate thing you can do. And they're like comment number one or two. And it's just like, right. Have you seen that? Yeah. Um, so Susa plays that game. It's fucking so cool.
Starting point is 01:20:47 So on a few big accounts, he set notifications on where the second someone posts on that account, he gets a notification in his phone. He has like a handful of them. And then he has this game with himself to make a witty comment and see how many fucking people he can get to like it on someone else's account. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:21:06 And it's such a fun game. And every once in a while, he'll send one to me that has like 10,000 likes. And they're always so funny. It's such a great game to play. Send that to me. And I want to play that game. I've got some insights that the whole world's not interested in. But specific to that, it was a YouTube video on the inadequacies of PCR testing, where commenters with anonymous names
Starting point is 01:21:38 revealed the bullshit that sat in peer-reviewed literature claiming that they had sequenced the virus. And here it is, and you know, so it's, I was talking before about hilarious comments. Some of the most insightful things I've seen on COVID came out of comments and it was really fundamentally unrelated to the efficacy of PCR. It was on the reality of whether this paper that claims to have sequenced the virus could have possibly sequenced the fucking virus. And the authority and the way that guy handled and defended
Starting point is 01:22:25 himself and the others came in too, it was absolutely stunning. And it was so cool because there was no way to censor it because there's no engine that would have understood, filtered or seen it. There was no one filtering for censoring COVID information that would have ever seen this thing. I went immediately to Bob Kaepfen with it. What did he think? We were blown away. We were blown away.
Starting point is 01:22:55 This guy says, so you're going to tell me if it wasn't sequence, maybe you can show me what it would look like, where it was sequence, and what came back was like four hours of like, wow. Question anticipated, answer prepared. Ahead of time, boom. In real time, there it is like this. You go through them all and you go, wow, you're right. You're right.
Starting point is 01:23:15 Right. To sequence thing, the hardest thing is isolating the particles. That's 90% of the paper is what you did to get to a uniform homogenous mixture where you had through a gradient diffusion or I'm sorry, through a centrifugation or some electrophoresis, you had some sense of particle size. It's a hard, hard thing to do. And at that point you lies. None of this was lies. And, and without saying so what we understood everyone that sat with this information, like, okay, how did like they didn't sequence it, but they got the sequence so they didn't need to sequence it because they fucking made it.
Starting point is 01:23:59 Trish NIH and gain a function had already sequenced the They knew it. You don't need to sequence something you fucking built. Let's be like, you don't have to analyze that. I can show you how I did it. You know? Jake Chapman, set up notifications on your phone to comment on chats, to get likes. Who would do that? The same person, but you don't, it's the same reason why when I'm at the beach I skip rocks and count how many skits I skips I got when no one's looking
Starting point is 01:24:29 No, it has nothing it has it has nothing to do with getting likes like in the traditional sense of like Posting something and wanting people to like it It's just about being funny and just in just having to play in a game with yourself It's like playing jacks much of much of I read, the genius is in the comments, not in the offering or the thing being commented on. That's what I'm telling you. There is often in comments, rich, rich veins of legitimate information. It's that way on the on this assassination attempt Craig's been commenting a man's name plus a number for years online trying to get likes then in May 2020 He broke the internet Greg was too good at the game. Oh my god. Oh, I'm being facetious. Okay, good. I'm glad you're being
Starting point is 01:25:28 facetious. Yeah, we do that for this shit show. Okay, good. Thank you. Thank you. Or second, you scared me. Okay, good. My talents therein, and they're considerable. No tweet has ever, you know, I listen, it's the shortest tweet that got read on every news channel in the world. And it put me in a place that I was never going to put myself, deliberately, knowingly, maybe. I'd love to tell you that that was on purpose because it is the best thing that ever happened to me.
Starting point is 01:26:00 I've made, in a horrible economy this year, five times what I ever made, uncancelled, working for you fuckers. I'm homeschooling, I'm spending time with children I was never going to spend with my children and I'm sitting here, I mean look at this fucking thing. Hey, when I live, I live next to John Elway and look what I look what he had to do to get that all I had to do was say what like Floyd 19. Hey, everyone's like jealous of me but how easy I got here. At 10pm at night, a staff at CrossFit, a black guy called me and he was in he was like in sheer terror. He was like almost
Starting point is 01:26:52 crying. Maybe he was crying. And I go, Hey, what's wrong? What's wrong? And he goes, this is true story. He goes, Greg just made the greatest tweet of all time. And I'm like, so why are you freaking out? He goes, because the internet's coming after me. And I had to go over to his house and bring him to my house because he thought because of your tweet, the internet was going to get him. It was so sad, but he just kept saying, it's the greatest tweet of all time. It's the greatest tweet of all time. It was like you made a full court shot at the buzzer.
Starting point is 01:27:28 It was like you made a full court shot at the buzzer. When you paid to throw the game. When you tweeted that, did you know that it was the greatest tweet of all time? Were you like, wow, this is fucking amazing? No, it was a serious question, honest to God. It's the bottom of my heart. I, honest to God. Like- From the bottom of my heart, I really wanna know, is this like Floyd 19? Is that what it is?
Starting point is 01:27:49 Is it a new disease? We have a vaccine for it, you're saying? Right. The IHME that failed to fucking, to get COVID even close to correct was now explained to everyone. After it became obvious they'd failed, they were gonna turn their attention
Starting point is 01:28:08 on police brutality and racism. This is a health metrics organization. People that are supposed to model disease are now gonna model cops hating blacks for us. And what I said in the following tweet is this ends in race wars. And where did I get that from? I put in quotations a thing, I pulled it from the CDC. That's the CDC on quarantine, is it always ends in race riots. In every culture and every age, that's the history of it. So I quoted that. And and I got canceled. And guess what? We had race riots. Yeah, I'm nostril fucking
Starting point is 01:28:56 canceled Thomas. And you know what? Hear me not even a little bit bitter. The only downside is that I wish I'd thought of it instead of it happening. You know, it's something I did for sure, but I wish it had been the plan all along. I wish I could have written it down on a card somewhere and shown you and you go, no, don't do it. Yeah, watch this Floyd 19. And then someone threw $200 million at me. I would have done that fucking 20 years ago, guys. I liked that nobody ever had to explain why I was racist, everyone just knew. That's fucking funny. That's fucking funny. Because it's like Hitler, I didn't get the fucking enough cheese on my burrito.
Starting point is 01:29:53 You get it, like Hitler. Hitler means really bad and you don't like it. That's what Hitler means. Right. The Mount of Abor showed who were the sheep bulls. Are those Floyd 19 shirts for sale anywhere? No, I wish they were. No, it'll make it. Yeah, that is the truth. No, I'll make them. I didn't try but. I could probably buy, how much does a screen print?
Starting point is 01:30:26 Oh, I was talking about screen printing, but I think I'm going to get some chickens. My, Avi was at his piano lesson the other day and the teacher had ordered some chickens through the internet. I guess you can just go to a website that has like 200 different chickens. You can buy the most outrageous looking chickens ever. And then he picked six chickens and they arrived in the mail and they were there after uh Obby's piano lesson and my three boys were there and they're just three day old chicks. And my kids played with them for like 40 minutes and they're just they want them. So does your dog. Yeah you think I can train the
Starting point is 01:30:59 boar bowl teach the boar bowl not to eat those? Yes. You can just introduce them as just hold them up to his face and just tell her no, no, no. That's not how I do it. How would you do it? When it's chopped, you go no. How would you do it? That would devastate my kids. Yeah, it did. It did my sister. What? Oh, she her dog ate some of her chicks. She got chickens and she her and Jimmy Jordan were holding one thing jumped and took flight and just made this downward arc right into the German Shepherd's mouth and the dog just like swallowed. I mean, it wasn't just. Gone. gone. The dog needs to see you taking care of them and know that they're yours and important and the dog will farm up. My borable was Mike. Rafa wouldn't even bother bunnies. She'd lay on the grass and watch them graze near. When we I have to build, I think I also have to build a fence around where the coop is.
Starting point is 01:32:17 Yep, and you want to- So they don't destroy the whole yard. My neighbor's like, hey dude, they're gonna just, we have a shitload of them, you gotta build a fence around the coop so they don't come and shit all over your yard. My neighbors like, hey dude, they're gonna just, we have a shitload of them. You got to build a fence around the coop so they don't come and shit all over your yard. Don't get a- I mean, uh, your front door. Don't get what? A rooster. Oh, yeah. So then my neighbors were like, hey, we have eggs you can hatch yourself.
Starting point is 01:32:36 And then someone else is like, don't do that. You might get end up with a rooster. Like, wouldn't it be cool to own one of these, Greg? Yeah. Yeah, they're crazy cool. A buff silky bantam? I can just go down to North 40 and buy chickens and they got like a dozen varieties and they come out with like Chinese food carton.
Starting point is 01:33:01 Like is this a rooster? Like, can you just look at this and know this is a rooster? Like I know nothing about chickens, but this looks like a rooster to me. Not to me. Oh. So just that thing on the head doesn't mean he's a rooster. Yeah, I'll get that. God, look how cheap they are.
Starting point is 01:33:25 Four dollars to buy a chick. And look at all these varieties they have. You like this one? This one looks like a dinosaur, right? You like that one? Yeah, Rhode Island Red. That's pretty much generic fucking chicken. Oh yeah, he grows into that.
Starting point is 01:33:46 There we go. Rhode Island Red. You know your chickens? No. Oh, you knew that was the basic one. Look at this. I like Spongebob and Leghorn. Is that a real chicken kind?
Starting point is 01:34:00 Yeah. No, that's a cartoon character. Yeah, I remember him. I'll say, I'll say. Yeah, I remember him. I'll say, yeah, I say, I say, boy, this guy's amazing. A Poland fowl. That one's got an afro. That one's cool, right? Yeah. You can't even see his head. head. I think it's silver polish, isn't it? Yeah. Could be Polish. Oh, oh, oh, but it says Poland fouls. All right, then that kind of polish. They're spelled the same, right? Polish polish. I guess so. Hensley white eggs, non setters. What does that mean? They don't sit on their eggs
Starting point is 01:34:47 Or that means non setters. It should be non sitters Look at the tail on this one a Rare ornamental heritage breed It's gonna be something funky to it'll get fungus infections or some fucking thing. I made my kids watch like so many videos on how to raise them. Damn, this place has so, like look at this guy. This place has so many varieties. Oh yeah, this thing's killer. Are chickens legal where you're at? I don't know. All my neighbors have them and I wake up every morning to roosters and peacocks. Okay.
Starting point is 01:35:31 So fuck it. I was just gonna buy a coupe on Amazon and build it. And then just put a fence around the the I was gonna take out the trampoline Replace it with you happen on that. I mean, I think we're We've all three boys are not injured now and everyone's back like to 100% health And so there's a big push from mom to get rid of the trampoline You would never get a trampoline, huh? Fuck no.
Starting point is 01:36:09 Says the gymnast, X. There's no way Maggie couldn't talk you into it at all. No way. I watched trampoline and swinging rings leave the scene. And I could tell you in 1972 when I was 15 years old that it's why did they get rid of swinging rings? It has to do with the guys that hit the wall. I knew of two broken necks at my high school from gymnastics.
Starting point is 01:36:56 I don't think it was crazy out of normal. Not like school shooters. It wasn't that kind of normal. Not like school shooters. It wasn't that kind of rare. Did the trampoline injury them? Yeah. They were all my kids' injuries. Most of my kids' injuries have been from trampoline. Like in the last, we didn't, we had the trampoline for four years.
Starting point is 01:37:21 And then all of a sudden in the last six months, uh, we've had three or four injuries that have caused a hobbling, limping. Be funny if anyone can bring these names, but there's a guy named Pat Mahoney who was a world-class tumbler and at Los Angeles Pierce College where the coach there had also been the US Olympic coach ironically. Pat would hold the gym open. This is after he left San Fernando Valley State College and became Cal State Northridge. But he would jump on the trampoline, a big guy, 230 pounds, only like five, seven or eight.
Starting point is 01:38:03 But he jumped guys on the trampoline until he could put them into the rafters of the gym. And this is a collegiate gym, get them up into that where the lights are. Double jumping them. Uh-huh. And, and the guy put them in there, then they'd put a, pull the trampoline away and put a bunch of mats down. In the middle of a workout, a guy would scream, ah, and fall from the rafters from the ceiling, 40 feet under the mats. Oh my God. And that shit just never got old. We do that every, you know, every time there were enough new guys in the gym.
Starting point is 01:38:35 It looks like his name is mentioned in the June-July issue in 1971 of The Modern Gymnast. Pat Mahoney was a fucking legend. He was an important coach to me. And Tim Shaw, who's passed away. Mahoney was crazy. I can tell you something, man. To see a guy 5'8", 230 pounds, he would round off, flip flop, double back, and stick it fucking fluidly, you know perfectly
Starting point is 01:39:07 It was it's crazy Seeing if I can this is pretty cool you can flip through this magazine he went up to chal state Chico You can flip through this magazine that he's supposedly in. The San Fernando Valley was a sparked a variant in gymnastics that fed eventually American dominance. And it was a San Fernando Valley in Hinsdale, high area of Chicago. What was his specialty again, Greg?
Starting point is 01:39:49 I mean, he was one of the world's great tumblers. They took that out of the lineup and not because of injuries, but it was considered included so much in floor exercise. What did he do after that? Did he ever do anything after that? He stayed in the San Fernando Valley and he was there at the gym every night you'd go,
Starting point is 01:40:08 whether it was Cleveland, High or Chatsworth, High, Pierce College or UCLA, Pat was always around. And he was the guy with the keys that unlocked Pierce College on nights and Saturdays. And that was a great place to go. And just him being there made it just a crazy experience. Pat Mahoney was more significant than the guy whose name I can't remember, who had been the US Olympic coach
Starting point is 01:40:32 that was the Pierce College team guy. Pasadena City College also had a world-class coach in Jerry Todd. But these guys, these were, these were innovators that were doing things that traditional gymnastics in the American establishment thought was odd. And then you roll the clock forward to 80 and 84. And that very tradition is producing the best gymnast the world had ever seen. And Steve Hug was, of course, we talked about a lot, was a big part of that. We were all in that pedigree. And Chicago and LA required boys and girls' gymnastics programs at each high school by statute or stipulation. I think it was legally mandated, LA Unified School District, but they had a board member
Starting point is 01:41:28 who had been an Olympian, I believe was the story, and promoted it hard. There was a guy named Bishop, they had got a silver medal in 32 that played a big part in LA education, and I knew him too. You know, when I was, there was another guy, Les Sazvary is probably the highest ranking Olympic level judge in the world right now. He was coaching Granada Hills High. He was coaching gymnastics there when Elway was, was setting the world on fire as a high school quarterback. How did you make that connection?
Starting point is 01:42:04 Oh, I, you couldn't go to Chatsworth High and not know that they got this fucking guy How did you make that connection? You couldn't go to Chatsworth High and not know that they got this fucking guy at Granada Hills High, John Elway, who could probably play in the pros. And there was nothing that happened in college that made anyone think otherwise. And when he got to, yeah, Les Sazvary, he gave me the highest score I ever got on a ring routine, highest ever. And I think he liked me, I honestly do. I don't think it was.
Starting point is 01:42:38 You had bias judging? Oh yeah. Dude, I'd get deductions for having long hair. Oh, shit. Yep. One-tenth for the uniform. What's wrong with the fucking uniform? You're the only guy with that hair, you know? Oh, fuck off.
Starting point is 01:42:57 You know, there's this salute at the end. I gave a, like, and it got seen by two judges, and that was on pommel horse, and I got fucked three tenths for that when I got on rings oh shit by putting your hand down like this just a little after the they looked I saluted I walked off and I gave a little wrist flip like fuck off and it caused me at the next event after was that corner what fuck? Can I see your deductions? Oh, I'll just tell you right now, I took three tenths for the pommel horse, the fucking thing. Barclay, we were lucky, four boys, no injuries
Starting point is 01:43:32 on the trampoline. John Clark, I dislocated my- I can explain that. It's like cops that don't train and fish in the school of fish going, what the fuck you worried about? There's so many of us. My problem is not, it's not, problem is not, it's nothing personal.
Starting point is 01:43:49 It's nothing that, you know, it's that the 50,000 hospitalizations annually from the fucking trampoline, that's the problem. According to the policy genius, the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons, the US Consumer Product Safety Commission and the National Library of Orthopedic Surgeons, the US Consumer Product Safety Commission and the National Library of Medicine, more than 100,000 people in the United States are treated in emergency rooms each year for trampoline injuries.
Starting point is 01:44:12 However, many injuries go undocumented. What percentage of those resulted in admissions? The number is crazy. Resulted in what? Admissions. It's one thing to go to ER go home. You're fine. Oh, it is another thing to like yeah, you're gonna be here tonight Children under five are more likely to suffer head injuries while children over 11 are more likely to have spine injuries Most common oh most common
Starting point is 01:44:45 Cause of trampoline injuries. Do you know what it is? Yeah. It's a little vague. Well, double jumping. Yes. Multiple children on trampolines. 75% of all injuries. And the tubing here is the same way. It's the same damn thing.
Starting point is 01:45:01 Oh, and then it's, yeah. And then the second is a direct contact with springs or frame. So here's the thing in the professional world of trampling what you do is you'd have the tramp and you have spotters standing on the rail all four rails and their job is just to try to knock your trajectory back to the center towards the trampling or tie you up just to lessen something because sometimes it's just a little dart off at a crazy angle like Superman flying level to the trampoline. If you can knock that back into the mess it's good. But then
Starting point is 01:45:35 you also have four guys on the ground standing behind that and I have seen many times someone just clear everyone oh oh, and onto the floor. And there'll be enough of a verbal reaction that even if you're on the rings, you can look over and see them land. You'll hear three people ring and look guy in the air, guy in the air, bam. Oh my God.
Starting point is 01:45:57 And so you ask me if it's dangerous, like, come on. Same thing with the walls and the swinging rings. You're teaching a guy to do a fucking double back flip on swinging rings at the apex of the swing and somehow he doesn't get it right and he heads off like Superman into the wall about 15 feet up from the ground. And the initial contact can be neck breaking and so can the secondary. And so at some point there are enough of enough and there are people like, oh, that's fucked up. And so at some point there are enough of enough and there are people like oh that's fucked up But you know we could all answer the why of it
Starting point is 01:46:32 Hey, you know what there was an upside to a guy breaking his neck At least one person sometimes two or three would get spots on the team When you say we could all answer the why of it, you mean it's just young men fucking around? No, it's inherently fucking dangerous. Oh, oh. Launching humans out of a fucking, it's basically a slingshot, human slingshot. You got to land back in the rubber band. Just the physics of it, what happens all the time, the regularness of it.
Starting point is 01:47:03 Hey, we got a buddy who got a trampoline and I told him, dude, it's, you know, 50,000 hospitalizations, not ER visits. I think, I think it's half of those end up with admissions. But he says, we're just going to take those chances. And then I talked to him a week later, he says, I've been meaning to call you, but I'm too embarrassed, you know. And he's like, yeah, she's already had one surgery and this isn't good. What happened was it's a bunch of ligaments in the foot and it came apart. Yeah, I didn't want it.
Starting point is 01:47:34 Well, Maggie called me one day when we had our first injury a couple of months ago and she's like, hey, bring the kids over to play. And I'm like, ah. She's like, what? I'm like, ah. I didn't want to tell her. I was embarrassed too. Cause I've been hearing you talk about it so much.
Starting point is 01:47:52 Double jump, one of the boys hyperextended his knee and then holding Jiu-Jitsu matches out there, one of the boys damaged his injured Achilles tendon. Didn't snap, the opposite way of snapping it it like pushed it to compressed it All better now Good That shit adds up though But do you mean each injury you get I like it like a sprained ankles no good. It's your second one in six months Third one in the past year and a half that you're going to have
Starting point is 01:48:25 problems your whole life. Like a shoulder coming, like a dislocated shoulder? Yep, no one gets three ankle and I'm just stick with the ankle, the knee is fewer, but no one gets three nasty sprains of the ankle in the space of 18 months that's gonna not have to worry about that again. Right. And when you get a orthopedic mishap and make a recovery, it's imperative that you not do it again for as long as possible. Head injuries the same way. Like getting punched, like people who fight for a living.
Starting point is 01:49:03 After Robbie's fall, we were told that your whole effort now will be to keep from even minor insults to the intracranial space. No sledding, nothing on wheels, at least for two years, no wheels. Yeah, that's how it was for me after my injury when I was seven. They said, hey, you can't do anything. You can't be even near play football. You can't get hit with a fucking soccer ball. We left Jackson Hole because winter was coming.
Starting point is 01:49:33 And I had a hyperactive two-year-old that couldn't do anything on wheels, no snow fights. I mean, we got a list of shit. Can't walk on ice or cement, frozen cement, without two adults holding the hand, one knock on the head and you could be here again with devastating consequences. I mean, it scared the hell out of us. So I was like, we got to sit by the poolside in the sun and just hang out, you know, watermelon somewhere.
Starting point is 01:50:01 They were doing Jiu-Jitsu on the trampoline? Dude, they do jujitsu everywhere. Yeah. It's full steam ahead now these days. Every day I see a match break out somewhere, back to back of the car. Airborne jujitsu was one of the discussed possibilities at NASA for us, International Space Station.
Starting point is 01:50:22 I should not. We're talking about things you could do. In fact, there was some monkey fucking around, but you can't do anything that creates a- Repetitive? Harmonics, yeah. Like you could, in jerking off, tear the International Space Station apart.
Starting point is 01:50:42 I was told that by people at NASA within their building. Yeah, I was there. There's guys that tap their foot nervously, we'll set off alarms eventually. What happens is it sets up a harmonic in three minutes of foot tapping, the wings are flapping on the thing and they're like, so you got to knock that shit off and right now or you're all going to die. Kind of warnings. Maynards were really, really hard. That was why we were there. There's nothing like that feeling when you fall off the trampoline onto your back.
Starting point is 01:51:12 Almost euphoric in a weird way. You've also put a noose around your neck when you have sex, don't you, Tyler? Ken Walters, my son played high level hockey and after multiple concussions, he told trainers he wasn't sitting and they let him in. No bad signs yet, but I'm sure they're coming. All right. Good talking to you. Good talking to you, man. What are you doing today?
Starting point is 01:51:43 What I'm just looking outside and it's beautiful. I was thinking about about just now maybe just take the boys down to Capitoa and let Them play on the beach for a little while Beautiful you going to me hose probably when they open How about you what are you doing are you getting out on the boat right away you think Annie noticed the difference when it wasn't Free anymore for CrossFit employees when that new yes Yes Yes, There was a marina. Families had to move away from Santa because they couldn't afford to feed their kids anymore
Starting point is 01:52:14 after I got canceled. Right. There was a... That was the best Christmas gift ever. Oh my God, dude. Someone asked me if you could have anything in the world, what would it be if you were for CrossFit? I'd be like free me-ho's. Oh my God, dude. Someone asked me if you could have anything in the world, what would it be if you were for CrossFit? Like free me-ho's. Yeah, that was amazing. Yeah. They stopped that, right?
Starting point is 01:52:35 Dude. Hey, my non competes over in a week or two. Yeah? Yeah. You got any names? Floyd Finn. That'll be huge. Hey, you should just call it FF
Starting point is 01:52:57 and let people just guess. Hey, you know what, Greg, you know what I'd like to see a documentary on? In his civil case, it was settled for like 27 or $35 million. I want to see, I would love to see a documentary on what happened to the person who got that money. You mean like his heirs, right? Yeah, like, like, like you gave someone in George Floyd's family a check for ten million dollars after taxes
Starting point is 01:53:27 I just want to see what happened to them So like you look at everyone that benefited and see who bought crack and who bought a house in the Hamptons Yes, and I just want to see like what happened and what car to see what part the kids got and what part the attorneys got And then revisit that same Investment let's call it. Yeah Tracing George Floyd's civil suit Settlement and and just see like I bet you some of the people who got money in that their shits already on foreclosure Damn that'd be a great.
Starting point is 01:54:05 Imagine the cops response to, hey, a black guy just came in here with a fake $20 bill. I take a code not here. Oh, you mean, you mean since then? That's what brought to a that was the call. Right. Dude just came in here with br- that was the call out. Right. Dude just came in here with a bullshit 20 and the cops came. Right. And then it just went downhill from there.
Starting point is 01:54:32 You know what happened now? You look at it and go, no, that's real. Oh, right, right. It's fine. Or hey, I got this. I'll cover it for him. This is just a mistake. All right. Or, hey, I got this. I'll cover it for him. This is just a mistake.
Starting point is 01:54:45 All right. I think tomorrow, I'm enjoying the convention. If you get a chance, you should watch it. I thought it was great yesterday. Yeah, it's not something I'd sit around and watch by myself. I think the era of Peggy Noonan's, you know, of just crazy speech writing is kind of over. Yeah, I think so. Some of the speeches have been really bad. Like, if I gave either Trump or Biden something that was brilliantly written,
Starting point is 01:55:17 I don't think they could read it. You don't think Trump could pull it off? No. Maybe. Well, I don't know if he can be scripted. I think something happened to him, dude. Oh, they said he was that the effect lasted about 24 hours because he's, oh, he's already. I don't I don't think I want him changed though. I'd be suspicious of it. It just hit the earlobe. He shouldn't have a personality transplant. Not only did Floyd family get 27 million, they've received thousands and thousands of donations totaling another 15 million and get them every day.
Starting point is 01:55:54 The news reported recently. Geez. Well, they're like that's they're like, that's the new Pantheon. That's like. Well, they're like, that's the new pantheon. He's like Martin Luther King in what he did for the black man, right? No, but the left wants you to believe that. Amazing. All right, dude. I'll talk to you later. Thank you. Love you, Greg. All right, buddy. Thank you. Love you too. Bye. Greg Glassman, another Wednesday.
Starting point is 01:56:42 If you want to see all of the Greg Glassman Interviews talks podcast. I don't know what you want to call him Matt Souza has aggregated curated pulled them all together on Platform called school. I think it's SK OOL Yeah, the Matuteen is awesome right 3. I started a new jar today. I saw someone else was saying how great it is. If you haven't ordered the Metuthean, if you're not using powdered high quality powdered tooth powder, if you're still using paste or fluoride, you're nuts. You are nuts. I'm telling you tooth powder is so much better. People keep sending me
Starting point is 01:57:51 People keep sending me links, I appreciate it, to assessments of the Trump assassination breakdowns. But we had that dude on already. Everything I listen to isn't better than what we did on the show. Fuck. The guy who was actually part of Trump's secret service detail for 16 months, 14 months, whatever he said. That was the best breakdown I've seen so far. Holy shit, who did I try to listen to? I tried to listen to Dan Crenshaw's breakdown. Fucking insane. Horrible. not worth listening to
Starting point is 01:58:29 Got like 12 minutes through it. I'm like this is fucking unlistenable unlistenable unlistenable bubble too The one I sent is similar just cool to hear them break it down Someone sent me another one that Tim Kennedy did. They said it was good but the show is just horrible. The guy who was interviewing him, such a fucking cuck tool that I'm like there's no fucking way I'm listening. Maybe that dude will, maybe as time goes on that dude will call in. Have you guys seen the footage of the shots from the stands now? Now that there's some evidence of a second shooter? Oh fuck, I saw something so fucked last night.
Starting point is 01:59:13 I wonder if I could show you guys this. Let me see if I can show you this. Now I haven't I haven't seen this anywhere else, but I watched a rally, a Trump rally from two weeks ago. On accident yesterday it just popped up in my feed And Damn I wonder where that is if I can just Let me see if I can just show you guys the pictures on my phone I'll do my best
Starting point is 02:00:06 I'll do my best. So do you remember the do you remember do you remember there was there's footage going around of remember this girl in the pink hat? Let me see if I can show you. Do you remember this girl in the pink hat? She's behind Trump and there's footage going around that soon as Trump was shot, she pulls up her cell phone and starts filming you guys remember that It was going on Instagram She's holding up a sign and then the shooting happens and she pulls the sign down and she pulls out her phone and she doesn't
Starting point is 02:00:35 flinch right you guys remember this Yes, Stanny Randy remember this okay, so yesterday. I'm watching TV. I'm watching YouTube Looking for stuff on the convention and This pops up and it's a Trump rally from two weeks earlier. It's an old Trump rally and Look who's sitting right behind Trump with a black hat on now this girl This fucking girl. I can't even fucking believe it.
Starting point is 02:01:14 I. Is that the same fucking girl? But with a different hat on? I'm not suggesting it's an inside job. Maybe she's just maybe she's Secret Service. I mean, there's got to be a plain clothes But with a different hat on? I'm not suggesting it's an inside job. Maybe she's just, maybe she's Secret Service. I mean, there's gotta be a plainclothes Secret Service in the audience, right? Yeah, so what? Yeah.
Starting point is 02:01:33 Two weeks later, same girl, same spot, different hat, still carrying a sign. Maybe she's Secret Service, yeah. Maybe. I just thought it was a trip that I spotted that. That's not like me to spot shit like that. Anyway, has anyone heard any information about the hole in his jacket? I haven't seen anything about the hole in his jacket. I haven't I haven't seen anything about the hole in his jacket And then there's also footage from the stands
Starting point is 02:02:18 Right down the stands of where the guy was shot in the audience Puffs of smoke coming up right is right as that guy's getting shot. I don't know if you guys have seen that footage yet. And. Some people are saying it's a bullet from the shooter hitting some of the railing and causing dust, but but other people are saying it's puff from gun smoke. I don't even know what this means, staged. I heard it might not be real, but not 100% sure. Or his vest caught it. Yeah, that's what I'm thinking. His vest caught it. I thought it was from blood dripping off his face. Are you sure it's a hole? I'm not sure of anything.
Starting point is 02:03:03 I thought it was from blood dripping off his face. Are you sure it's a hole? I'm not sure of anything. Christian Kettler, a hole is where the ketchup came out of. I wish I knew what people meant when they said it's fake or it's staged or all that. Like like I don't know what any of that means I want to know what that means. I'm open to it Tell me So yesterday this happened. I am just habit eating these now.
Starting point is 02:03:57 I don't even want one. HGR CBD gummy. I just want a gummy. Um. My kids have been fighting a long time. They've done so much fucking Jiu Jitsu and so much striking. Um. Oh shit! Does Tiatumi actually drink rain? Is that real? Great fucking question. Yesterday, so my kids have been fighting a long time and
Starting point is 02:04:43 So, my kid's been fighting a long time. And there's a couple people in the class that I never see my oldest son, Avi, beat. I always see him just have like these delicate matches with him. And both kids are very athletic and both of them are 10 pounds bigger than him. So he's 60 pounds. He's like 59 pounds and they're both up over 70 pounds. And he's been rolling with these kids, one of the kids for well over two years and one of the kids for over a year. And I said something to him like, hey, it's just crazy that I've never seen you fucking submit these kids or beat these kids. And basically it looks like these kids manhandle you and it looks like you're always being defensive.
Starting point is 02:05:31 And it just looks like to me that, um, that you're a little afraid of them. And so you're just managing when you roll with them. And he's so much more experienced than both of them. And I go, it looks like you're pretty much just managing your safety or managing the fights, right? Keep them in close guard. Just avoid, avoid getting, never go really hard so that they won't really get, go hard. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 02:05:57 Like, like they have an unspoken pact to just kind of go through the motions. He's like, well, first of all, that's not true. I can beat any of them anytime. I'm like, yeah, but I've never seen it. And I don't believe it. And he's like, OK, well, when I'm healthy, I'm going to mash them and show you. I said, all right, I would be very curious to see it.
Starting point is 02:06:23 So yesterday was his first day back at Jiu- Jitsu in probably like two months, like full healthy, like he's been doing it, but he's been doing warmups and positional training, but no, no heavy sparring. So yesterday, last week he goes, Hey, just so you know, I'm 100% healthy. I'm gonna take a couple more days off of going really hard. And then on Monday, I'm going to go in there and fucking mash them. And I, I, I, I don't want to say that I thought he was full of shit, but I didn't know, I didn't know, I didn't know. Cause he's been rolling with these kids forever and they're good.
Starting point is 02:06:59 So I met tennis with my two youngest boys and my wife said, Jiu-Jitsu with my oldest son and two videos come in she sends me and he just obliterates these kids like just man handles them double legging them picking them up fucking arm barring them rear naked chokes i can't tell you how proud i was so naked chokes. I can't tell you how proud I was. So I get home before he does with the twins from tennis and he walks in the house and he walks right over to me and he goes, did you hear? And I said, I heard. He goes, well, now you know. Said, yep. You're right. And what's crazy is both of these kids have heard him in the past.
Starting point is 02:07:47 So I explained to him like, hey, listen, you, you need to keep doing that to keep these kids at bay because you just kind to modulate the rolling keeps getting you hurt. One of the kids is just a complete fucking spaz fucking even even, even the kid even cut open all of these gum yesterday with sharp fingernails. I got to talk to the instructor about that. Can't fucking kid with cutting open my kid's gum while they're rolling with their fingernails. One of my sons told me that by the time he's 12 that I will have no chance with him at all. And he's 12 that I will have no chance with him at all.
Starting point is 02:08:28 And he's only seven. No, no, no. Actually, no, sorry. I told him that I don't think I'll, I think I'll be able to beat him easily till he's 12. Sorry. And he said no, it's much sooner than that. Two more years.
Starting point is 02:08:40 I can't. That sounds un-fucking-fathomable to me. I'm so fucking strong compared to them. I'm just strong in general I have my angles where I'm very strong my certain angles. Yeah, cut them nails for cry crying out loud Your point talking to Greg today about telling your kids not to keep secrets with strangers applies not only to strangers but unfortunately family members as well. It's extremely important that every kid knows and understands that if not and kids are able to have private conversations, relationships with adults, other students outside of the household, the risk of trauma and abuse is tenfold. Yeah, thank you for the text. I really don't like people trying to schedule things with me.
Starting point is 02:10:02 After re-watching last week's KillTaylor, this is one of the best episodes. Oh, but no one called in until the end. But no one called in until the end. You fucking morons. No one cares if anyone calls in or not. No one cares if the workouts are repeat. No one cares that you're... No one cares about any of that.
Starting point is 02:10:21 It's three grand. It's three grand. It's on Friday now, by the way. I told you guys all wrong. I told you guys all wrong. KillTaylor is on Friday at 11 a.m. Look what I have here from Mint Trading Cards. It says, do not open until Sunday or Monday. Hey, fuck you. Don't tell me when to open my packages. I mean, thank you. This is cool.
Starting point is 02:10:52 I think I'm going to open this on kill Taylor. It's better. More eyeballs will we'll see it. Are you still planning on coming out on Sunday to film? Oh shit. Oh shit. Sunday. Oh. Oh
Starting point is 02:11:33 Yes, I think I should Yes Comma I think I should. Right. I think I'm going to Susan's gym. On Sunday. That will give I need to just call Susan Jesus Christ I think I programmed Susan's phone now. He's the only phone number programmed into the phone Let me see if I can find it. Uh, oh, here we go.
Starting point is 02:12:38 I'm going to open this vindicate package on Saturday. No Friday. Hey dude. Hey, Hey, that'll get, I think I should come out Sunday. Yeah, that'd be awesome if you can. And I will bring the boys and that'll give me a chance to get my cameras organized and ready for the games. Yeah, yeah, bring them they could just hang out and go crazy in the gym. There'll be about 30 of these guys there. Maybe more.
Starting point is 02:12:58 Okay, and I'll bring some my it'll be fun mic you up and all that. Yeah, I'll bring my camera too. like whatever, but it would be awesome if we could shoot it and maybe get like Rios or something to put something together. Is it, is it at 10 AM? 10 AM. Yeah. Okay. I'll probably get there like at nine.
Starting point is 02:13:16 I'll probably leave like at 7 30. Yeah. Like whenever, whenever it's best, like they'll probably get there at 10 AM. It takes them like a little bit to kind of like get in and what have you so it's not gonna start like right away But typically I'll start pretty quick. Okay, and they're usually in and out so it should be done like, you know, we'll be done by noon All right. Cool. All right about you. Yeah, it'll be awesome. Okay. Okay. Bye bye So I'm not gonna this is I got this from mint trading cards, but I'll open it on We'll pull them out on a
Starting point is 02:13:52 Saturday Friday Friday 11 a.m. Kill tail Can Walter seven I invited you a while back to collab on mint trading card post it got 5,000 views Hopefully wads on because some business from it. I don't think back to collab on Mint Trading card post. It got 5,000 views. Hopefully Wadzombie got some business from it. I don't think it's good to ask me to collab on my IG. I think it fucks everyone else's IG. Just so you know. But you could ask to collab on the Sevon podcast and maybe Branstetter or Rios or Susa will see it or Caleb I think that those four guys run that channel
Starting point is 02:14:31 I know they never collab they never offered a collab with me. They said I'm toxic toxic We did get a YouTube ambassador We did get a YouTube ambassador. Oh wow. That's not good. That's not good. Victor Hoffer cut all his hair off. Is that true? There's this event in um...
Starting point is 02:15:28 There's two events in September. There's one event... I can't, I can't fucking, this stresses me out talking about this. I can't believe I'm going to go to two events in one month, let alone two events in one year. But there's an event in Southern California that the Wadapalooza people are putting on. I don't understand the event fully, but we're going to do a Kill Taylor show there. And I think it's a team, it's some sort of team competition.
Starting point is 02:15:59 And I think it's going to be in Huntington Beach. So I think I'm going to go down there and Taylor's going to go down there and Sousa. I'm assuming Brandstetter will be there and Rios and we'll set up a what we're going to we're going to do a the plan is either way this is going to happen on some the plan is I don't I don't even know what's definitive with Dylan but he's always been great and super accommodating. Dylan's the guy, Molenski or Wilenski, the guy who runs Wadapalooza. The plan is to do, they have some sort of event there, some competition there that's
Starting point is 02:16:36 like Wadapalooza, but different than Wadapalooza, and it's going to be in Southern California. And we're going to do a live, it's going to be our first live Kill Taylor. By live, I mean the people who will go against well I guess we did it once at that gym in LA right the guy who made the seven podcast song did a live one at His gym member someone just rolled in there But anyway, um the Cuervo guy The guy you know this song the guy who made this song. I think it's this guy It's we were working we did a kill Taylor at his gym and someone just showed up and did it
Starting point is 02:17:08 But basically the way this one's gonna work in Southern, California at this I don't even know what to call the event. I keep wanting to call it a water Palooza But I don't know what it is. Someone else is gonna have to figure that out But it's in September and I don't know if it's early September or mid-september But the event's gonna happen and we're all gonna be down there and Taylor's gonna do a workout and then people are gonna get to come out and try to beat his workout. And for each person that tries and fails, the prize first will go up $500 all the way up to $5,000.
Starting point is 02:17:35 If no one wins it after $5,000, no one wins the money. And then in paper street coffee is going to put up all the money for that. It's gonna be a crazy event. And then we'll stream it live too. I think it'll be a huge show, but it'll be fun because it's the first time we're gonna do something like this live, like with live, so many live contestants. So that's cool.
Starting point is 02:17:55 And then also in September Colton Mertens and Taylor Self and me and my three little boys and Matt Souza and I don't know who else is coming but we all rented a California hormones has rented us a has rented us a house in Sacramento, California. Actually, I think they rented the house in Huntington Beach too. And, uh, I'm podcasting, um, and, um, and Colton and Taylor will be going against each other at the NorCal classic. I also heard, uh, pool boy will be there. We'll also be going against them. And, uh, I heard Tudor Magda will be there. I don't know if that's true.
Starting point is 02:18:48 But anyway, that's going to be crazy. That's going to be wild. And me, I'll be there at North Cal. Okay, Eric Weiss. Yeah, that's going to be a dope event. That's a great event. That's a that's an outdoor event that's like at like a reservoir. Like that's like, oh oh and Rafa Sanson and I want to
Starting point is 02:19:07 say they give away thirty thousand dollars for first place and I really know Taylor and Colton want that money and I probably and Taylor's already told me that there's no way Colton has a chance at a place that's by a reservoir because obviously they'll be swimming and shit. So it's a that's gonna be awesome, and we're all staying in the same house. It's gonna be nasty. Okay, this evening night there's some podcasts. Miss Alexis Raptis. Oh wow, it's the two darlings of the CrossFit space Alexis Raptus and Alan Pepper tonight That's awesome
Starting point is 02:19:48 Okay two beautiful young powerful adults All right training think tank and Brute brute brute, but does brute is it brute strength? brute what's Matt Torres run? brute something? the broodinator
Starting point is 02:20:16 anything else? you guys want to see anything funny? You guys wanna hear from Malcolm X? No wonder they couldn't figure out whose cocaine it was in the White House. That Kimberly Cheeto chick thinks that the roof was too steep to put fucking counter snipers on. No wonder they erased the cell phones from January 6th of the Secret Service. Kimberly Cheadle didn't know how to save the text messages.
Starting point is 02:21:00 Do you guys remember the Secret Service officer who went crazy a few months ago? It was a woman. Do you guys remember that? How would I find that? Was that Kamala Harris's Kamala Harris Secret Service unhinged? Is that... Yeah look at this. Do you guys remember this? Secret Service agent assigned to Kamala Harris hospitalized after exhibiting distressing behavior official says, a US Secret Service agent, this is in April, assigned to Vice President Kamala Harris exhibited distressing behavior Monday morning at Joint Base Andrews and was hospitalized, the authority says.
Starting point is 02:21:44 Harris was not present at the airbase at the time. A statement provided to CBS News the US Secret Service said that about 9 a.m. local time Monday the agent began displaying behavior of their colleagues found distressing the agent was removed from their assignment. Two sources briefed on the situation CBS News agents spouted gibberish was speaking incoherently and provoked another official physically. Crazy. Female officer speaking gibberish, female Secret Service officer speaking gibberish. I think I saw a picture of her too.
Starting point is 02:22:29 Let me see if I can find a picture of the girl, of the agent. And I'm pretty sure it was a she. And I'm pretty sure these titles aren't doing its service. I think Secret Service agent removed from Harris' detail Shortly after Kamala Harris left for a campaign. Oh, so she was there Wow unhinged meltdown Kamala has oh no God I wish I could find a picture of the agent. Look at, the agent was removed from their assignment. I think it's her assignment. Oh, we take the health and safety of our agents very seriously, I fucking hope so
Starting point is 02:23:31 Did you finally get water yeah, it's awesome Wells good Folsom Lake that's where where NorCal Classic will be. Alright, I'll see you guys tonight. Have a good day. Love you guys. Bye bye.

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