The Sevan Podcast - Greg Glassman #37 | Live Call In

Episode Date: July 25, 2024 FITAID, 40% Off: My Tooth Powder "Matoothia...n": 3 Playing Brothers, Kids Video Programming: ------------------------- Partners: & - CODE "SEVAN" FOR FREE CONSULTATION - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - OUR SHIRTS - OUR WEBSITE PROVIDER ------------------------- ------------------------- BIRTHFIT PROGRAMS: Prenatal (20% off with code SEVAN1) - Postpartum (20% off with code SEVAN2) - ------------------------- Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Bam we're live! Good morning everyone good to see everyone here coming in hot this morning coming in hot. I was hanging out with a good friend yesterday and we were talking about how when we were kids there was this mass campaign talking about how the world's gonna be overpopulated soon this is like 30 or 40 years ago and uh scientists in the 70s were saying that if we didn't get this shit under control by 2000 the the globe would be fucked with uh overpopulation and there was a guy who led the charge on that story and his name was John Holdren John Holdren and uh and and then the conversation went to the
Starting point is 00:00:44 fact that like hey isn't it amazing? They were talking about overpopulation then, and now we're in a freefall with population decline. And so everything has just kind of like changed, everything that the scientists were telling us in the 70s. Like there's it's not even true. Let me let me read you a little bit about John Paul Holdren. He's an American scientist who served as the senior advisor to President Barack Obama on science and technology issues. Director of the White House Office of Science and Technology, the top dog in the US for eight years of Office of Science
Starting point is 00:01:20 and Technology, Science and Technology. He went to the John Hines, Holdren was previously the Teresa and John Heinz Professor of Environmental Policy at the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University. So environment and government, those were his two specialties. Born in the Bay Area, no surprise there. 13 years taught at UC Berkeley, no surprise there. No, Harvard for 13 years, no surprise there. Complete retard. for 13 years, no surprise there. Complete retard. University of Berkeley, 20 years.
Starting point is 00:01:49 Makes him even more retarded. It goes on and on to show his affiliation with the Obamas and the Clintons. A guy who's really, really involved in shaping the policy of the country moving forward when it comes to environment. And the more and more I talk to this person, we started talking about China and about how China had a law where you could only have one baby. So it created this huge black market for children because what people were doing in China, there's a great Netflix show on it, when they had a daughter
Starting point is 00:02:21 they would leave the daughter out on the doorstep and then at night and then in the morning someone would come by and collect all the babies who were lined on the street. So the people who didn't kill their babies or throw them away, the babies were left outside and the babies were collected and it created this huge black market for babies because then people started selling these babies. And I was telling this to this liberal friend of mine and they were like, holy shit, they were kind of like blown away. Like they couldn't believe it. And then I said, but that, how does that scare you? That's no big deal at all. Because John Holdren,
Starting point is 00:02:51 who was the chief technology director for Obama for eight years, let me read to you what he said. This is from the fucking New York. Just take it to take a quick, I have to, just think chief technical what uh technology and uh i think it was like chief technology and science director yeah just think about whatever the fuck that might be so then i read this to my friend i'm like so my friend was like holy shit imagine living in a world where you could only have one baby. And I'm thinking to myself, boy, this person has no idea how close we are actually to this. Listen, Mr. Holdren's zeal and his tendencies to present somewhat alarming visions of the future have stirred controversy,
Starting point is 00:03:35 including, he proposed this to stop overpopulation, forcing pregnant single women to undergo abortions and adding chemicals to the United States drinking water to make people infertile. Dude, people, are you at you? Do you not realize we're here? This isn't like we're here. These people are among us, leading us.
Starting point is 00:04:01 Hi, Greg. Good morning. Buddy. I got some really fucking sad news today. Oh shit This one I'm gonna play you a few minutes of this. This is this is this is fucking crazy You probably already knew this unfortunately, but this rocked me this morning. You ready for this shit? You know what happened to Harley Davidson? Dude You know what happened to Harley Davidson? What they got bought by China? Dude.
Starting point is 00:04:27 Holy shit. Listen a few seconds of this. You'll get you'll get the message here. This shit is crazy. This may be the most shocking expose that I've done simply because the brand is so out of alignment with their customers. This is Harley Davidson. It's time for them to be exposed.
Starting point is 00:04:41 In Harley's words, they are all in on diversity and inclusion. Let's take a look at what that means. I wonder how many Harley writers are aware that Harley Davidson is a platinum founding member of the LGBT Chamber of Commerce in Wisconsin. This is the same chamber that says on behalf of the businesses that are a part of the Wisconsin LGBT Chamber, they opposed banning transgender sex changes for children hardly Davidson even hosted an LGBTQ plus That's it. It goes downhill from there. It gets worse and worse. It's it's um, so here's the thing You should see their CEO Greg. There's been something wrong there for a long fucking time You mean when they made the electric Harley? No, okay
Starting point is 00:05:24 Mechanically and otherwise. And so I was watching a slick thing on Harley and there was a brief moment where they had the chief marketing officer and he said that what was being sold was something to the effect of the ability of a 50 year old bald banker to dress up and drive down Main Street and scare little children. And it's that you look hard because you're on a Harley. And like, didn't wanna start know, didn't want to start there,
Starting point is 00:06:05 but we can go there. But the, the engineering on it, and you know me, I've had a lot of bikes and I've had a lot of Harleys. I could probably come close, it's closer to say I've had all of them than not. And I've always enjoyed myself on anything two wheels. I mean, we made a mini bike out of a Briggs and Stratton Mower, and it was a fucking blast when I was a kid,
Starting point is 00:06:29 like, one of the most fun I've ever had. So anything on two wheels is fun. But the moment I got that Indian a mile into it, I'm just like, I'm having all these fucking emotional fucking things about all the fucking money I've wasted on Harleys. Oh, wow. Because the Indian is better in every conceivable fashion. Balance, lower center of gravity, better acceleration, smoother or more like this. It's such a richer, better experience.
Starting point is 00:06:59 And I don't know its heritage, but there's other bikes. I remember when you got your Indian, you're like, oh man, this bike's amazing. Yeah. Blown away. The hugest fucking, oh, wow. Oh, okay. And I heard a million conversations of the people that had tried to tell me about it.
Starting point is 00:07:21 So I could say I'm on an electric bike, you know? I love it. When you look up DEI in Indian. The first thing that it's an acronym for one of their heat shields. That's what it should be. Hey, they show in this this video goes on and on and on that I stopped Greg and they show you the CEO of the company. And he looks just like, you know, I spent about six months of my life in Africa coming
Starting point is 00:07:44 in and out of Africa and every time I would pass through like the cities, I remember seeing this archetype of this fat German guy who is there just trolling for pussy. Do you remember that guy? Yeah, and that's exactly what their CEO looks like. And he's German and I just, and he's got the funny accent and he's big and he's fat. And I'm just like, wow. It just broke my heart. I saw that this morning. I wanted to throw my fucking Harley over the fence. They deliver brand new bikes with rusted bolts and shit.
Starting point is 00:08:17 Yeah. And I was, you know, I look, I was told you have to, you have to check the oil at 400 miles and then the fuck this is way back, but it's the same. And I was like, check the oil at 400 miles. And I'm like, the fuck, this is way back, but it's the same. And I was like, check the oil at 400 miles. They're like, yeah, right. We're like, in case they didn't put the filler bolt in. Right. And indeed, at 800 miles, I'm out of oil.
Starting point is 00:08:38 And I was like, something's wrong. And the guy, I go, it's burning oil. And he's like, no, it's using it. And I just love that. Oh my God, why, of course. It's using oil. I had a 77 Volkswagen Rabbit that used oil. Yes.
Starting point is 00:08:54 Quarter a week. Yeah, he's not talking about the part that leaks out and drips onto the manifold or whatever the hell it is. I'm okay with so much. Like I'm okay with so much like I'm okay with you could do I'm all for Harley Davidson supporting pride rallies and doing events at gay bars and I'll fucking go to that shit mean you will write up but the fucking Supporting the kids chopping off their penises. I just have no tolerance of that By the way, you know, the whole Elon thing is completely exposed now. Did you see that? With Jordan Jordan Peterson
Starting point is 00:09:34 Well, you know is by that I mean, you know is mitt, you know, what's driving him now they he His kid got fucked up and now he's on a singular mission to fucking that was heartbreaking Oh my god, dude. I wanted to fucking cry. But now I understand Elon completely He's on he's on the warpath dude a fucking he gave his kid Sterilization drugs he gave his kid a hormone blockers, and he's fucking pissed. There's something Tragically Greek about it. Oh My god, it's so yeah. Yeah well said I want to play it for those of you who didn't see it. I want to play it. It's it's a
Starting point is 00:10:21 It is it is sorry for coming in so hard this morning, but here we are. Elon must be an interview by Jordan Peterson. This broke my heart. Here we go. I was, I was straight into doing this. And it wasn't explained to me that puberty blockers are actually just sterilization drugs. So anyway, and so I lost my son essentially. So, you know, they call it dead naming for a reason. So the reason it's called dead naming is because your son is dead.
Starting point is 00:11:04 So my son son is dead. So my son Xavier is dead. Killed by the war blind virus. I'm sorry to hear that. Yeah. They told Elon that if he didn't give his kid these drugs, his kid would commit suicide. That's what the, you know, I was talking to family that saw that not everyone caught that part. And I would, I would, I thought that was as important as anything else. The rest, they felt a little bit, I don't know, you know, like I didn't have to know
Starting point is 00:11:34 that about Elon, I felt like I understood him anyways. But play that where Jordan Peterson, his response to the suicide thing, I think he was telling, he's speaking from a position of knowledge It's not it's not his guess Okay, I don't know if this clip has it but I'll keep it does okay, I thought it came before but here we go I can't imagine what that would be like Yeah, so Yeah, and there's lots of people in that situation now.
Starting point is 00:12:06 Right. It's not pretty... It's where he said... I was told... They told me that he'd commit suicide if he didn't do it. Yeah, I think it's before this clip starts. I think that's how Elon started it. But let me keep playing. Let me see. Maybe it's in here.
Starting point is 00:12:22 Yeah, well that's a good reason to be the final straw. Alright, so let's... So a good reason to be the final straw All right, so let's so i vowed to destroy the the woke mind virus after that And we're making some progress Join the club Yeah, sorry, I don't have that. It's right before that. I don't think it was. I've only heard this in what, in the point that Elon mentioned suicide, he almost interrupts in an immediate response of that's a lie. That's what Jordan
Starting point is 00:12:57 Peterson says. Oh, but I think he started the story with that, Elon did, and then came to this part. And he said that they told me he'd commit suicide. Yeah, that part I think is just prior to where this clip starts. But you're right, that was the wildest part to me. The doctors are telling people that. And Elon also explains prior to that,
Starting point is 00:13:21 that it was in 2022, and it was during the chaos of COVID. You know what my takeaway to Greg was his look at the smartest man in the world was also duped. He didn't have the critical thinking skills to be like, wait a minute. There was talk about what the interest would be in a seminar on the broken science and largely have that in a can, but someone asked about who might the audience be? And I go, well, how about if you panic during COVID and ran around with the mask on
Starting point is 00:13:59 because you thought it was protecting you and took the vaccine? Those are all, that produces a fantastic candidate for a seminar on how not to think poorly. And the panic of COVID, I mean, I sought clearly for what it was from way back and have no changed opinions. It's what it was. And that was pretty straightforward. The problems with the vaccine were immediate from the beginning. It was entirely plausible to have deep, deep suspicions as to the unfurling. And there were a large number of people that were there all along. Badacharya, Ayanadi, Atlas, kind of the three odd ducks from Stanford.
Starting point is 00:14:55 Atlas is a Stanford guy too? Yeah. Regarding Elon, how can a guy so smart in physics be so dumb in biology? Every otherwise uneducated crossfitter knows that hormone blockers would lead to. Here's the thing, the left has this line, if you don't drive an electric car, you will die. If you don't take the vaccine, you will die. Everything is eminent death.
Starting point is 00:15:22 They put death on the end of everything. If you don't give your kid hormone blockers You'll die they everything is presented that if you don't do this It's the end of civilization or your die if we don't sterilize kids We're gonna go to overpopulation and we're gonna die there There's this and that's what they just hit Elon with you don't do this your kids gonna die They've cracked the code on making people dumb You don't do this your kids gonna die they've cracked the code on making people dumb
Starting point is 00:15:51 Yeah that I Wondered I wondered how that one hits you with the with the Sun thing when I watched it I was like, ooh, I wonder how Greg took that one. I Right where I'm going I was I was Tripping on I have immense respect for Mr. Musk. Me too, me too. In the middle of COVID, I was saying that he should be too bad we can't make him our governor. Remember that? Yep.
Starting point is 00:16:17 Yeah, he's a rational guy, but he got tripped up on the public health. Everyone did, to some extent. I don't think half the people, no, I don't think 90% of the people on the left realize what's at stake here. I had another interesting conversation with a liberal buddy of mine. He was like, man, they did that
Starting point is 00:16:49 Hindu prayer at the end of the Republican National Convention and the Republicans are losing their mind and really hating on the Hindu prayer and saying it was demonic. And I had to explain to my friend, listen, that's what's so cool about this country. We have a freedom of religion that the Republicans want to protect. And we also have a freedom of speech. You can hate on Christianity. You can hate on Hinduism. That's not the issue. That's perfectly fine. You might not like those people because they're hateful. But that's, we're trying to protect that. What we, the issue is that they're fucking trying
Starting point is 00:17:19 to legalize pedophilia, chopping off kids' penis, having people take away people's rights, take away people's properties. That's right. Defending your rights is a full-time responsibility and obligation of the government. As soon as it starts sticking its nose under the tent elsewhere, that shit's dropped or abused. Well, the thing in the public health, and I've taken you here before, but I think everyone needs to stay on this until the distinction to you is clear between public health and medicine.
Starting point is 00:17:57 And if you don't get it, it's the difference between herd management and veterinary medicine. Oh. Yeah. Go ahead. We're practicing herd management on human populations, and it necessitates a significant transgression in the individual rights and its bullshit. Fuck public health. Look where it went. Look what they did to us.
Starting point is 00:18:36 Imagine the force that, you know, we didn't shut our schools. That's bullshit. We destroyed them. They're fucking gone. It's complete bullshit. We destroyed them. They're fucking gone. It's complete bullshit. The kids, all of the problems in public education, they were huge.
Starting point is 00:18:53 They turned into a fatality for the system when we put the kids two years behind path. Denied exposure to the face, cut the parents off from the campus. Fucking crazy. All of the trends towards shitty indoctrination centers where all that was learned was bullshit, evil or wrong, got deeply encoded. It's a permanent part of the way of things now. It's amazing. That's what public health did for us. It was
Starting point is 00:19:31 done, it was done as deliberately, I think, as opening the border. See, opening the border to pick some dude, give him a name. He's here illegally but allowed and he's going to vote ahead of any official legal status to do so. And it won't matter. And the people for whom he or she will vote will be more than glad to have the vote and appreciate the fact that the border was left for them to come in, right? But there wasn't a conspiracy to let that person come in and vote, just like it wasn't a conspiracy to have that mental defective climb on the roof and shoot into, towards Trump hit grazing him and killing someone in the crowd. There wasn't a conspiracy for that person to do that, but I can promise you he was short
Starting point is 00:20:39 staffed with that being a worst case scenario being entirely an acceptable fucking outcome. You following me here? Kind of. What do you mean? Oh, yes. Like, let's give them fewer and fewer people until that's an easy thing. You can drive by and see a good place to shoot from. Right. Yeah, right. How ironic is it that my orcas gave RFK junior protection
Starting point is 00:21:12 the following day? You know why? They got caught short staffing as a political effort. It was with RFK junior. It was never lost on me why he wasn't being given Secret Service protection, even though he'd had what, two armed intruders to his home? Yeah, yeah. I knew why they weren't giving it to him. They were fully okay. Go, hey, let's don't
Starting point is 00:21:35 give it to him. What could happen? He could get whacked. What? Yeah, if we don't, he might get whacked. You're kidding me. All right. how much does he want? Well, that's more than enough. Let's give him none. All of a sudden he gets it. Why? What did Trump getting shot have to do with RFK Jr.? There's shorting candidate protection because that feeble fuck that puppet feeble fuck needed anything to intervene any everyone running was a threat to him everyone it's easy to pull better than a dead guy Elon Musk is 100% pushing for climate change whether it's for his business or not. It ain't right.
Starting point is 00:22:27 Wait, wait, wait. What do you mean pushing for climate change? What does that even mean, pushing for climate change? I will tell you this. He's been very open about how we need to drill. Elon's a full drill, drill baby guy. He is all about, he has been explicit in his desire to be energy independent. And he's even said, I know I'm the electric car guy, but we need to fucking...
Starting point is 00:22:49 I wouldn't help because you can see that the language has us all garbled up. We can't even think straight. What does it mean Elon is 100% for climate change? Does it mean that Elon, I don't know what Elon thinks, but I I think I think There's never been a period where the climate hasn't been changing not in four billion years And so I'm 100% for it too in the sense of am I an idiot that thinks the climate hasn't been constantly changing I'm not that idiot Guess how long it's gonna change Forever Justin happy birthday happy birthday Greg It's going to change forever. Justin, happy birthday.
Starting point is 00:23:29 Happy birthday, Greg. Thank you, Justin. Does Elon believe in anthropogenic global warming or anthropogenic climate change? I don't know, but I know this, he has good reason to, and the good reason would be he wants to go to Mars so fucking bad he can't sleep at night. And so visions of this planet falling over and everyone dying like it got sprayed with rain probably make him happy.
Starting point is 00:24:00 That's how bad he wants to go to Mars. It's a crazy thing and we're all taking advantage of it. We're all getting better space comms and all kinds of shit because this fucker is dying to go to Mars. I hope he gets to take a stab at it. Boy, this sounds hard to believe. This is the craziest thing said on the show so far. Craig Richards, Black Lives Matter came out with a statement
Starting point is 00:24:24 against the Biden-Harris swap saying it wasn't democratic and the Democrats are hypocrites. Is that really? They did and here's where I went with it. Oh, this is the new administration trying to distance itself from BLM. In other words, Kamala and some people think they'll do it for her. Oh, wow. So when we say she was pro-BLM, they go, oh no, didn't you hear? You're not even up to date. They're at war. Okay.
Starting point is 00:24:56 And I did see one of the head of the Black Lives Matter in one of the states, I think it was New York or something, a few months ago, endorsed Trump. Oh, that's awesome. They basically run, they collected their money through the Democratic National Campaign with that blue ribbon company, right? So you're basically saying they're just a tool of the left. tool of the the left. Christine Young, it's my husband's birthday today today too. Happy birthday Greg. Happy birthday coach. Jesus. Thank you. One was one was enough. Jesus. Happy birthday Greg yesterday. You're the best. Did you have you been following this this story I can't tell if this one's real or not but I searched around I can find the fact-checkers haven't got to it yet. But this has to be highly illegal, right? 11 Labs is a technology company specializing
Starting point is 00:26:09 in AI-powered tools and services. One of their notable offerings is an AI checker. I guess you can drop a voice back into their computer and say, hey, is this AI or the real person? It's designed to verify the authenticity and quality of the AI-generated content. This tool helps identify deep fakes, detects manipulated media, and ensure the credibility of AI outputs.
Starting point is 00:26:30 Supposedly, this has been checked by 11 different online verifications, but here we go. This is Joe Biden basically stepping down as the president. People are claiming that Biden's team used AI because he can't talk. Here we go. But it was the right thing to do. It's a, I know it's hard because you've poured your heart and soul into me. Okay. Let's just go on old 11 labs and see if that's really all they
Starting point is 00:26:58 probably used for this. So upload. There we go. And let's see what we got. This guy's mouse clicks like an old Microsoft computer. Yeah, looks like they didn't even really try. Probability 98%. It's very likely that the audio is generated with 11 AI. So who knows if that's real. but that's been spreading like wildfire.
Starting point is 00:27:25 It's funny. Maggie says he died in Vegas. Yeah they got someone. There's also that rumor that he was medevacked out of Vegas. He's today. He's going to the White House today supposedly and he's going gonna speak from the White House. I told her that's the hologram. You're mean, you're picking on your wife. Yeah, like what's it matter?
Starting point is 00:27:52 Biden to deliver Oval Office address on decision not to seek reelection. That was four hours ago from CNN. 31 minutes ago, Biden to give first speech since dropping out of race. We don't have a time on it. So Bloomberg and Obama, there's a handful of people that are conspicuously stepping, not stepping into the endorsement space for Kamala. And that's important. See I'm still half hoping for the dream left ticket and that's Michelle and Taylor Swift.
Starting point is 00:28:36 And I feel like we're moving towards that. That's the one that wins for sure. Nothing can fight that force. Well, this guy has a theory. This is this guy's theory. They are going to have an open convention in which Gavin Newsom will likely emerge as the candidate who will face Donald Trump in the general election. What I find the most interesting about this is that many of those who are self-proclaimed leftists are downright acknowledging that when it comes to men like Gavin Newsom, they're not really effective or productive leaders. They are just a nice looking face and a nice sounding voice. Newsom is good looking.
Starting point is 00:29:19 Newsom is articulate. They think that Trump should be afraid because here's someone who is younger and more better looking and can speak better than him. The imagery of this good looking Californian who's 25 years younger than Trump would be very powerful, would really bother Trump. And you realize that this is a gain to them because while they are insisting on Gavin Newsom as the Democrat nominee, they are at the same time acknowledging that his leadership left California in shambles.
Starting point is 00:29:46 You may not like every part of his policy decisions and there's a lot of things going wrong in California, but Newsom can slay Trump. And so if you are acknowledging that his leadership left a state in shambles, why then would you insist on him to run the entire country? These political and social... Because he's got good hair. Yeah. I wonder if Newsom is going to. It's very interesting. I wonder if Newsom is going to pop his head up at the convention. Oh yeah. He's running for president.
Starting point is 00:30:16 And if not this time next. He went on the trail for Joe and then so Joe's stepping down, he's going to stay on the trail for Kamala, but he's going to be on the trail. He sees himself president. And it should be easy for him to see because he just did the same thing he did in San Francisco that he did in California that that he'd do for the nation. Those are exemplars of the outcome of his kind of awareness and capacity. I saw a crazy stat yesterday. I wonder if I can find it.
Starting point is 00:31:05 I saw it in the LA Times. In 2000, oh, here it is, here it is, here it is. I think that's the worst big large daily, the LA Times. Yeah, it probably is. It's pretty bad. New York Times is pretty bad too. I think the LA Times is worse. Using California Megan's Law website, the Daily Mail found that there were more than 7,000 sex offenders convicted of lewd or lascivious acts with a child under 14 of age but released from prison in under a year of being convicted.
Starting point is 00:31:41 That sounds horrible, doesn't it in California to release 7,000 people have been convicted of doing shit to kids 14 and under after they've only been and this article goes on to say about How they can't be we already know that pedophiles can't be rehabilitated. That's like sort of the premise of the article Fucking nuts dude. God, did you see the story? At first I didn't think it was a big deal at all. Did you see the story coming out of Paris? I don't know. So they got the Olympics there and they got the big story with all the protection around the Israeli Olympic team. But yesterday, last night, a girl was gang
Starting point is 00:32:25 raped. Australian tourist was gang raped by five fucking immigrants. I don't know if they're illegal immigrants. And they have video of her stumbling into a kebab shop with her dress on backwards, just all fucked up after she was gang raped. And then the rapist walks into the kebab shop after her and orders food and walks by her and pats her on the back and finally some guy there realizes something's up and goes over and punches the dude Fucking wild They're they're also say it's like the most secure city in the history of the world right now and that shit's still happening. They're saying that there's never been a place where there's a larger congregation of police and military.
Starting point is 00:33:10 Yeah. Yeah. It's funny. I just can imagine what it would be like to try and what would be the outcome of a gang rape at night here in Coeur d'Alene. By an illegal immigrant. Or other. That wouldn't be tolerated there.
Starting point is 00:33:32 No, dude. Asymmetric Gears, Macy for president. Yeah, he's a good dude. He's a real good dude. I think he's going through some shit. I think I read an article that his wife is dying or died of cancer or some shit. He's going through some shit. You like him Greg? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:56 Yeah, he's straight up. I saw something that he's the only city member. He's senator, right? Who doesn't have someone in his office dealing with any of the big packs. Oh, okay. Big, yeah, big packs. You know what I mean? He's the only one who doesn't have like that position in his office with someone who, who, who directs with the big packs that, you know, the big packs. You know what I mean? He's the only one who doesn't have like that position in his office with someone who directs
Starting point is 00:34:27 with the big packs, the money packs. Mullenary was running a lobbying effort in DC for Google. And just in terms of, and it had in its employ a dozen PR firms and lobbying firms, right? Including our Podesta friends. And just in in-house staff, they had every congressperson covered, hundreds of people.
Starting point is 00:35:01 And so the way it looks on paper, there shouldn't be a day goes by that you don't hear from the Google rep if you're a congressperson. And that person's got ties to your hometown, you don't think, they're spending your campaign money for you there. Right. And so if someone's going to pass something harmful to Google, you know, never. Oh, Macy. Go ahead. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:35 So I don't know what the involvement is on any of these guys. Macy was on Joe Rogan. I didn't hear that. I didn't even know that. Oh, Macy's wife died a month ago Jason Miller Trump should have picked Tulsi for VP. I like Tulsi, but I think she talks too slow Wow, I can see I she'll talk for five minutes and I'll only get like one one One usable nugget out of it I think I think she get we I don't I don't
Starting point is 00:36:13 I don't know I don't maybe she's still too young I love the idea of Trump person versus Gavin, Trump loses. Did you watch any of the Kimberley-Chiddle hearing? Yes. Why would she? It didn't require, you didn't have to pay close attention. Right. And Ray's on right now, and I was guessing he would be a little more forthright the director of the FBI It wasn't on his watch, you know
Starting point is 00:36:51 And I don't think you'd have a lot of appetite for cover-up right now, but he knows But why was she? Why was she so resistant? to give information when When the the two guys who went yesterday were given all, like let me give you an example. They would ask her, they would ask Kimberly, they would say, hey how many shell casings were found on the roof? And she said, you know, the investigation's still going. And they asked the two guys yesterday, the head of the police unions or whatever those guys,
Starting point is 00:37:23 two guys were, head of their police forces in their state. And they're like, we have reported that it was eight casings found. Like what was her reasoning for not even saying anything? I don't know. Is that some manner of taking the fifth without taking the fifth? You know, I don't know. But I don't know. I don't know. But I don't know. I don't know to what extent it matters.
Starting point is 00:37:47 I can't imagine a system that fails and results in no one on the roof. The Secret Service is telling Trump not to hold big outdoor rallies. Trump's massive rallies have been embarrassing the regime since 2015. Yeah, I heard there were 20,000 people there. The problem is the wanding successfully of that many people and the holdups. I think they're thinking more like, but the sniper problem is a, I mean, you start with the obvious spots and then have someone with binoculars looking in the trees, right? Yeah. A mile away.
Starting point is 00:38:37 But this guy was flying a drone around, he'd already, he'd already appeared odd. What about the fact that we're only getting photos of him We have there's only two like authentic photos of him a picture of when he's 16 years old and then a picture with him Fucking dead on the roof How can we can't no one will produce a picture of him like last week or last month? the theory is is that he was he's a tr he's all, you know, long hair and makeup and pierced up. And do you have any thoughts on that? Why we only get two pictures of him? It's funny. No, I think they short staffed Target and then talked enough deranged shit about him being like Adolf Hitler until some,
Starting point is 00:39:26 some seriously defective kid took a shot at him. I think you can do that. I sent you a pic of him dressed like a girl in IG. Yeah, I don't think that that picture is real. Did you see the picture of him and Elizabeth Warren? Really? Yeah, take a look. Wow, I haven't seen that one.
Starting point is 00:39:54 I did see, I saw the picture, I saw the video of him in the Black Rock video. Someone's compared him to Elizabeth Warren. It might be the same person. Elizabeth Warren, crooks. Let me see images. Oh, wow. Wow. Wow, that's fascinating. You can't unsee Elizabeth Warren. That's, God, that's amazing. Right? Yeah. That had Maggie concerned.
Starting point is 00:40:28 That is, that's something else. Same nose. So we just spin the story that that's his mom. Then we got to work the rest into some kind of pizza thing. into some kind of pizza thing. Is that guy 1% Native American? I got Buzzfeed accused me of preaching QAnon adjacent theories, I think it was. I think it was them. For, I don't know what I doubt the China virus story, the origins of the virus.
Starting point is 00:41:04 Or was it that George Floyd died of a fentanyl overdose? QAnon adjacent theories. I hadn't even heard of QAnon really. I mean, I'd heard of it, but I didn't know what their theories were so I could be adjacent. Right. Do you know, there's all these things that I don't know that I purposely stay away from. Like I always hear this thing. I hear QAnon, but I've never seen any QAnon websites or this thing called 4chan or 8chan or 16chan or something.
Starting point is 00:41:43 There's a Chan. Yeah. The only Chan. There's a Chan. Yeah. The only Chan I know is Mattchan. Yeah. I'm a fan of Tim. And then there's the, oh, then there's Timchan. And then there's the dark web. When I think of the dark web, I finally,
Starting point is 00:42:00 for years I didn't know what it was and finally I figured out what it is like in my mind. I like it's stuff that Google doesn't want you to see. So you don't searchable Tim Chan came out, I thought I match him. And I was like, what? Yeah, dude, you didn't know. And I'm like, I had no fucking idea. It's obvious. I'm like, what? Remember that? I was like, no shit. Whoa, fuck. It was your chance confused.
Starting point is 00:42:30 It was surprising. It was surprising. I had met Chan's twisted. Oh, 4chan is like Reddit on steroids. So it's an actual website. That's enough. I don't need to know anything more for 10 years. And then this is an old one, but um, oh, what do you think about Kamala not boycotting Netanyahu's talk. That's just insane, right?
Starting point is 00:43:07 You have to weigh the political consequences. You know, Michigan is the worry. Our house is waving around Ukrainian flags when the leader comes there, and the head of Israel comes, the prime minister of Israel comes, and she's boycotting. Is she boycotting or not? Yeah, well she's not going, she stepped out. She is boycotting. Yeah. Perfect, makes it easy.
Starting point is 00:43:44 Be more complicated if she went, you know, acted presidential. Oh, right. Kamala Harris. Biden promises the center and swung left hard. What is someone promising a hard left swing to? Swing to center? Ha ha. You know? Or do you get way left? How do you get further left? I don't think you... Oh, you can get further left. You can build camps and start collecting people
Starting point is 00:44:14 like Hitler did. That's going further left. Harris skipping Netanyahu address shows daylight with Biden on Israel leader. Vice president Harris will notably be absent from the Israeli prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu address shows daylight with Biden on Israel leader. Vice President Harris will notably be absent from the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's address to the joint sessions of Congress on Wednesday. A move some Republicans call petty.
Starting point is 00:44:34 You know, you don't need to even look for the teleprompter with her. When she gets off script, you just see bright shining idiot. It's crazy. Her off script, she's profoundly stupid. She's got a lot of the Gavin thing. It's that California polish. Looks good, you know? This is true.
Starting point is 00:45:02 She had to go to sorority party. She is speaking at a sorority today. I heard her bragging that there were like 40,000 active sorority members now on her campaign or something. Of course. They were gonna have her do these wine socials, but I guess after a glass of wine, it's like no never again. She cannot have alcohol around her kind of response. Do you hear that? No. Why? She gets wild on, on she starts like to this stupid comes out fast. She'll go off script. That's the deal, bud. One glass of wine and she's off script. No, but yeah, I guess apparently there was a problem, but there was like bad, bad, bad idea, her and alcohol
Starting point is 00:45:47 was the summation. That's what I was told. But she really loves Joe and Jill, really loves Joe and Jill. Of course she does. She can't be stupid, she loves Venn diagrams. You know the three circles Uh co I I finally kind of slipped into your mind space I think the other day
Starting point is 00:46:14 When joe stepped down I was like, wow, i'm really enjoying this. I mean, it's non-stop or how excited are you for the democratic national convention? It is gonna be fucking chaos, Greg. Michelle Obama and Taylor Swift, that's your winning ticket. Like if you were their political consulting group. Nothing we can do about it. We wouldn't be able to talk sense. We'd be hearing Taylor Swift songs constantly.
Starting point is 00:46:42 People would be singing them loud. We'd be hearing Taylor Swift songs constantly. People would be singing them loud. Black lives would finally matter. Women would fuck the patriarchy. Everything would be wonderful. Men would be crying. 20% of the male population would turn gay. Just people would be coming out that you'd never just be
Starting point is 00:47:07 a complete tipping point for humanity. The enthusiasm and excitement, the exuberance couldn't be tapped. Michelle and Taylor. You can't think stupid enough. You can't imagine, watch the opposite. It needs to be done. Like what's next? We're there. You're not even going to believe this next thing I show you. You're not even ready for anything. You're not even gonna believe this. So listen, there's a nuance here that's really important to catch.
Starting point is 00:47:49 This is at Thomas Jefferson University, okay? At their graduation for the Bachelor of Science in Nursing. Okay? This is at their graduation. Now listen to the announcer. The announcer is a professor there at the university. Al Bichup, Allison Care Campbell, Tom Moomay. Tom Moomay. This is a Thomas Jefferson University and the person reading the names doesn't recognize that his name is Thomas. Hey, this went on for 10 minutes.
Starting point is 00:48:41 The person that gets really good fucking nursing wizard from Haiti or something, was that some ESL shit? They said that basically the names on the cards were written phonetically. And so she couldn't figure it out. But listen to this kid, listen to this kid, listen to this kid. He turns to the lady and he's like, Thomas.
Starting point is 00:49:10 They yanked her, they yanked her from the stage. Did they? Yeah, they're like, sorry. It's racist. Yeah. You should understand her is white. Yes. Right?
Starting point is 00:49:24 Yes, of course. I'm projecting my my oppressive color When I first saw this I thought all the white kids were having their names pronounced weird to sound ethnic or diverse then I realized That's the MC was retarded And they that you use the R word I Love this narrative of liberal women and black shaming black men for not voting for I'm prepared for your racist
Starting point is 00:49:49 misogynist push if you don't vote for Yeah, what's crazy? It's really impressive. It is really impressive Hats off to fucking all the black homies who are standing up. I was I was stupidest because I won't vote for because she's stupid Yeah, I I'm a stupidist because I won't vote for her because she's stupid. Yeah. I have it in for stupid people. I don't, I'm not fighting hard enough for their rights. It's like Sevan trying to pronounce European CrossFit athletes. Listen, I'm not that bad.
Starting point is 00:50:18 I'm bad. I'm a five. That was a one. And she has the names written phonetically in front of her. The games are in fort worth dallas Uh, yeah, okay Yeah I keep getting asked if i'm gonna be in dallas and I figured that's what was up. Yeah
Starting point is 00:50:51 Thomas jefferson university and she can't say fucking Thomas. This guy was on the show Greg, Eli Crane. This is a couple good clips. He went and visited the site of the shooting. There's a couple interesting clips here. Let me see if I chose the right one up here on the building where the uh Supposed to sniper to this shot It's not that steep at all. Just had a 70-year-old man back here climb up
Starting point is 00:51:17 on the uh on the roof easily See that water tower behind me Had secret service or anybody had sniper teams up there this guy wouldn't have made it I beat up this roof You would have been taken out behind me you see Windows okay see that window over there So I'm gonna show you another clip So this is they're standing on the roof where the sniper is. And then behind you, you see those windows, right? That are open.
Starting point is 00:51:48 Those, so those, those windows, at least from this angle, look like they're higher than the roof, right? Or at least you can see the roof. Okay. Here. I'm going to play another clip too, in a second. Say it again. What'd you say?
Starting point is 00:52:04 I didn't say anything oh in the second floor of this building behind makes you wonder why they were able to quickly dispatch the individual and then behind me back over here where those red roofs are that's where the stage was set up that's where the president was giving a speech from a lot of questions here in Butler, but we look forward to doing oversight and getting to the bottom of it and making sure it never happens again. Okay, now let me show you one more clip that he made. Who is he?
Starting point is 00:52:39 I think he's a congressman, Eli Crane, a former seal. He owns this company that makes these, um, uh, bottle openers from, uh, I think this is 50 Cal. Gotcha. Uh, okay. Uh, uh, oh shoot. Is this, is this the clip? No, this isn't the clip, but damn it.
Starting point is 00:53:04 I don't, but this is a good clip too. Here we, here we go. Uh, this is a good clip? No, this isn't the clip, but damn it, but this is a good clip to here. We here we go This is a good one, too. Here he is I'm just gonna say it Are you aware sir that many Americans believe this was very likely not a lone shooter? But a coordinated assassination attempt have you been getting those messages from people like I have I have not sir you haven't well There's a lot of people in this room that have been getting the same messages Why do you think that is why do you think that a lot of Americans are like this doesn't add up? This doesn't make sense guys
Starting point is 00:53:34 How could this many things have gone wrong? Right like the things I pointed out a 20 year old kid 150 got 150 yards of the president United States with an AR 15 flew a drone got 150 yards of the President of the United States with an AR-15, flew a drone to conduct site surveillance, was spotted with a range finder, ranging targets, then lost, had advanced explosive devices on him with no military training. Nobody was placed in the most obvious spot to conduct counter sniper operations. I was the sniper in the SEAL team's colonel. As soon as I got out of the SUV
Starting point is 00:54:07 and I saw that sniper, that water tower, I was like, that's exactly where I'd be, but me right there. So obvious. After partisan attempts to bankrupt him, imprison him for 750 years and countless depictions as a modern day Hitler, are you surprised sir, that a lot of Americans are like maybe there's more to this story I wouldn't begin to
Starting point is 00:54:30 speculate about what the American people think sir did your team make entry and conduct investigation at the suspect's home prior prior to this shooting excuse me sir Did your team make entry and conduct any investigation at the suspect's home? I believe we had people that participated in that securing of it. There were bomb assets that we provided. Mr. Chairman, can I have 30 more seconds? Yeah, yeah. I'm letting everybody come.
Starting point is 00:55:01 Okay. On the night of since then. Did you get any reports from any of your agents of anything fishy at the home? I was briefed on. Was there any silverware found in the home or trash? I have nothing in the briefing that I was given. Was it extremely clean, almost like a medical lab?
Starting point is 00:55:21 Were you given any of those reports? I wasn't given any of those. Okay, that's what I'm hearing. Interesting. Hey, what are the implications? What do you glean from that? It was interesting the way he asked the question, right? He's like, hey, did you go there before the shooting? No. Have you seen any of the footage of the water tower? They keep showing footage of someone on the water tower. And when I see it, I just don't see anyone up there. I just see a black shadow. And it looks like it's being made by the water.
Starting point is 00:55:52 How many guys, how many Secret Service personnel were there at the rally? I mean, Kimberly wouldn't tell. Yeah. Like how many were there and what does it take to make that place secure? There's footage somewhere. Like how many were there and what does it take to to make that place secure? Um There's footage somewhere That I saw yesterday that shows that there were two guys in a window That basically were so close to the shooter that they could have reached out and shot him and those were the two
Starting point is 00:56:19 Security guys whoever they were who were they were watching him and then they lost them So then they left their post to go look for him and that's when he climbed on the roof whereas if they would have stayed in their post they could have fucking grabbed him or shot him or anything oh well t16 DHS agents the rest were local police this guy's usually a great source and that but that department of Homeland Security I got secret service and they usually a great source. And that, but that department of Homeland Security, I got Secret Service and then just like chowder heads like a, like a TSA guy is a DHS guy, right? Department of Homeland, Department of Homeland Security.
Starting point is 00:56:58 Yeah. I think TSA comes under that. Uh, 11 Secret Service guys. Okay. Okay. Okay, and then like what seven of those are around him? Yeah, at least. Yeah. And three or four of those are the ponytail brigade. So you count them is like that's minus one and a half.
Starting point is 00:57:23 I love it. Sleeky and the girls. And the girls. Yeah, that seems, maybe that's not enough. Did you see when the ex-head of the secret service walked into court yesterday with at least 10 male agents? That's interesting because when she was at the Republican National Convention, her security was two short females and a black guy. They keep the black guy. And not because he's black. Oh, have you seen the cell phone data?
Starting point is 00:58:08 Oh, have you seen the cell phone data? So you know how they pinged, you know what they remember what Wired magazine did with Epstein Island? They pinged all the phones and then showed where As D'Souza did on right? Yes, yes. That doesn't always work. You have that only works for liberal causes. So they pinged all the phones that had been in Crookes area at his job at his house and
Starting point is 00:58:33 then pinged where they went. And you got a couple phones doing some weird shit. One phone just on July 12th went completely dead. And then another phone is seen at the building next to the FBI headquarters in DC. You get the guy killed by short staff. That's how you get them assassinated. Right. Just because the Secret Service failed at this event doesn't mean that they wouldn't have failed at 10 other events either. Right? You have to suspect that it's been a shit show forever around Trump now. This isn't an isolated incident.
Starting point is 00:59:21 Exactly. You ratchet up the rhetoric and then you you'd short them What's needed to keep the place safe? Hey and anyone who doesn't believe the rhetoric story just look at our Look at the crime in the streets and just look at the look at the police situation The rhetoric was ratchet up so high that police officers are bad that they stopped engaging criminals, especially black criminals, and then crime exploded and went rampant. And that was all just from the media ratcheting it up after George Floyd. That's all that is.
Starting point is 00:59:54 It's 100%. That situation is completely understood. And it's also affected the Secret Service. Every law enforcement agency in the country is having trouble recruiting people because it's not a cool job to have because of all the rhetoric the left spent four years destroying cops saying that they were racist bad guys. That's it. The code's been cracked. You dispute that at all, Greg? You think I'm off the market all there? No, I mean, you got to wonder about the quality of the candidate at some levels now.
Starting point is 01:00:30 Yeah, why? Why would you want to become a cop? If there was the example I'll give is a real example. Police officer friend of mine and yours, I got a call that there was a woman with a box knife swinging around in public going crazy. And him and his partner rolled up on the scene and it was a black woman. And what did they do? They drove away 500 yards away and watched her. I said, why didn't you engage her?
Starting point is 01:00:51 He's like, dude, I don't want to be on camera. He's like, I walked towards her and she charges me with a knife. I got to shoot her. I don't be on camera shooting her. Highway patrol officer, both you and I know. I was on the freeway. A guy sped by me going 90. I caught up next to him.
Starting point is 01:01:11 I pulled up. I looked in. It was a black dude. I go, what did you do? He's like, fucking got off the gas and went back down to 55 and let him go. I go, why? He goes, I don't want to be on camera. Fucking I don't want to lose my job.
Starting point is 01:01:22 I've got three kids at home. It's fucking crazy. But like you often say, that's not affecting me and you. That's only hurting the black communities. You know what I mean? That's not affecting anyone in Coeur d'Alene. That's affecting downtown Chicago where fucking murder is skyrocketing because the police don't want to engage and they're getting shitty cops. Oh Pat Lang, thank you. Your cop example is accurate. I know thank you
Starting point is 01:01:50 And so when I heard when I heard Kimberly you don't speak about the issues that they're having recruiting people To work at Secret Service and I do officers the speak yesterday. That's exactly what they're saying officers that speak yesterday, that's exactly what they're saying. Exactly, exactly what they're saying. And hey, and the same way that you're saying, the same way that you're saying you're going to get the fucking president killed by having shitty people around him and underfunding it and having shitty resources, that's why you're getting so many fucking black people killed in the community because you're fucking short servicing, short servicing the police services and the funding to it. It's like really simple. When you replace Martin Luther
Starting point is 01:02:36 King as a hero with George Floyd, you're going to have fucking problems in society. Civilization is going to get confused. Kids are going to You can't you can't replace Denzel Washington Lil Wayne and Martin Luther King with fucking George Floyd doesn't work Okay, fuck mess Yeah, I Think Yeah. I think, and I say this with pride and joy and flexing my ego, I think this is, usually I talk to you all the time and I think I've gone like three or four days without talking to you on the phone. I'm showing off how close-me and you are. But you must, are you having
Starting point is 01:03:23 just a blast or is it, or is it a pregnant wife duties? No, it's everything's going on. You know, I got a family in town and more coming. The rest of the kids could show up today. Oh, that's awesome. You're going to have everyone there. Yep.
Starting point is 01:03:39 Blake too. Yep. Holy shit. Great. Congrats. Little John got in yesterday. You have all 10 there, one in the, nine active and one in the oven.
Starting point is 01:03:49 Yep. The whole clan. Dude. And Robbie, big Robbie's up here looking at property today. Dad at Grandpa Robbie? Yeah, so when we're done here, I think I'm gonna go with them, roll out to south of here a little bit
Starting point is 01:04:06 and look at some farm properties. Wow. He belongs in Idaho. Yeah, I get that. He belongs in Idaho. A lot of veterans here. And he could do more prepping there. Like there's probably a whole fucking prepping world there. You could- all- everything he needs at North 40.
Starting point is 01:04:31 Yeah, prep away. Uh-huh. Plus he's got all the toys. He's got all the shit. Yeah. Uh, Sleeky, we're looking at about 20 acres, uh, about 30 minutes outside of Coeur d'Alene. Oh, that's cool. Yeah, where? South of here?
Starting point is 01:04:54 She hasn't said yet. She will. There's... Geeze Louise, how about you don't threaten cops? Simple. Yeah, exactly. Don't resist arrest and uh... Yeah, don't resist arrest.
Starting point is 01:05:11 I think Rock had a formula for how not to get beaten by the police. Who did? Chris Rock. Oh, what was his? You gotta watch it. Oh, Worley, I think it's called. Worley? Yes!
Starting point is 01:05:24 That's where we're going. Chris Rock. Oh, what was his? You gotta watch it. Oh, Worley, I think it's called. Worley? Yes, that's where we're going. Wow. I wonder if Maggie's listening to this. We're going to Worley this morning. Cheetal's job at PepsiCo is probably enforcing DEI mandates and investigating microaggressions.
Starting point is 01:05:48 You're probably right, dude. You think you're being funny, but you're probably right. There's probably, they probably have a huge problem with shrinkage. People taking Doritos home and Gatorade and shit. You know, like working at the mint. Yeah. This bag doesn't have enough chips in it. Yeah, too much air. Quality control at home
Starting point is 01:06:18 to the tune of a million dollars a year product. This, right. And this shit's fully fungible. I mean you just throw it in the car and drive it to the you know the the quick mart and sell it to Dinesh. A racist. Do you remember Bill Casimir? If you saw him you recognize him him he was the world's strong man hosted that show Yeah, remember him So I heard that they paid him metrics paid him in supplements and then he would sell the supplements So they would give him like, you know
Starting point is 01:06:59 $50,000 of supplements and then he would sell them for like, you know $150,000 Supplements with quotation marks around it. Another great question from Jake Chapman. Wow. I love Jake, you're the best. Does Greg hate leather elbow patches like I do? You know, I've never had a garment like that. I knew you were gonna say that.
Starting point is 01:07:22 But I'll tell you, I think you were there, Seve, when I asked the guy if he was a professor. He says, you were in my class, weren't you? Because he had a corduroy jacket with elbow patches on and was smoking a pipe. Where was that? He was a professor. That sounds familiar. I will tell you this, I can't remember the incidents. And I'm sorry. Is that your still worn out jacket? Is that the origins of that? You've worn it so much, it's popped through.
Starting point is 01:07:49 Like my mom used to put iron on patches on my fucking jeans. Me too. My mom would try to put them on the inside, but sometimes they'd get put on the outside. Sorry to expose Greg like this, but at least, I wanna say at least a half dozen times in 15 years, I've seen something on a garment bother Greg, like a tag or a button or something that somewhere to where you violently remove it.
Starting point is 01:08:19 You're like just like a just a big handful. Like maybe it destroys the garment even. Yeah. Fuck. Yeah. you're like no I feel something in my side like I have fleas and I realize it's Next thing you know you're Greg's wearing a crop top I I can only imagine if he had something with elbow pads within minutes that thing would be sleeveless. I Don't like the epaulettes on the shoulder
Starting point is 01:08:50 What are what are those a little thing that buttons down a little tag like you need some stripes for you? right things and shit Dylan Vowell the US Secret Service must have hired the sniper team from Yuvaldi. Yeah, I don't know that, you know, I haven't ruled out yet that it takes 45 guys to do that right and they gave him 11 people, including three of those chicks. There's probably two guys assigned to each girl. Like if she starts spinning and pulls out her gun, just tell her it's going to be okay. You know, they had a woman, I saw a picture of her, I can't find it anymore, have a mental breakdown on one of the shifts earlier in the year. Do you remember that?
Starting point is 01:09:42 Yeah, I think it was one of Kamala's girls, wasn't it? Yeah, one of Kamala's agents, protectors had a mental breakdown and two of the shifts earlier in the year. Do you remember that? Yeah, I think it was one of Kamala's girls, wasn't it? Yeah, one of Kamala's agents, protectors, had a mental breakdown and two of the other agents had to disarm her and drag her away while she was working. Can you imagine like you're guarding the vice president of the United States and you have a fucking mental breakdown? And then they couldn't, and then they couldn't spot the, they couldn't figure out who's cocaine it was in the White House.
Starting point is 01:10:07 Could have been anybody's. I agree. What if it would have been fentanyl? Probably had some of that in it. Jedidiah Snellson, CrossFit Games champion. People moving here are fed up with Cali today, but still want to change it to Cali 10 or 20 years ago Idaho residents don't want that. It's a slippery slope
Starting point is 01:10:30 Let me let me transcode that for you stay the fuck home don't move here Just jetted I live here I think so. I think he's closer to Boise I think so. I think he's closer to Boise. Have you seen pictures of Kamala's stepdaughter? No. Ella Emhoff. She just raised $8 million for Hamas. I mean for pro-Palestine.
Starting point is 01:11:16 You're gonna fucking love this. She looks like she's the quintessential, you look up college libtard and there she is. You can't even... She got the masks. She shows off her armpit hair all the time. I'm going to go ahead and read the comments. I'm going to read the comments. I'm going to read the comments. I'm going to read the comments.
Starting point is 01:11:54 I'm going to read the comments. I'm going to read the comments. I'm going to read the comments. I'm going to read the comments. I just don't even need to reach into the stepland of the children. Did you know Kamala's husband's a Jew? I didn't know that. Her deficits are as acute as Joe's. I agree.
Starting point is 01:12:42 And I think the world knows it. Maybe not Americans, but I think the rest of the political leadership globally knows. No, I think they do. Even my liberal friends in California are like, what the fuck, I do not want to vote for Kamala. Hey, and maybe my liberal friends are just saying that because that's a justification. They can't accept the fact that they finally realized that hey I should be voting for Trump because that's kind of the first step to coming to Trump. Yes. She can't riff in it she can't do the AI thing that that
Starting point is 01:13:19 Gavin does He could he can see if you don't if you don't listen to what he's saying, but you just kind of catch the flow. It feels like it feels coherent. I mean, you have to listen to what he says to tell that he doesn't know what he's talking about. Hurry, you's wrong. She's like, what's the life? She's not even wrong. It's gibberish. There's nothing to interpret. That's an amazing thing. She speaks gibberish. Like a like a like a like a Threes company skit like like the blonde chick from Three's Company. Like worse, Chrissy was smarter.
Starting point is 01:14:11 Or the friends, the dumb guy on that show, Friends. The handsome white guy. He was just completely retarded, not even semi-retarded. And that was his charm. You know that... No, no, no. Ebonics isn't gibberish. Ebonics is more like an accent, I think. You know that type shit when you're testing fonts, you see that ipsilorum or whatever the hell that is? Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:14:44 Yeah, she like talks that. Like it's a sound check for a news spot or something. I mean, just, you can't, I can't tell you that there's no way to analyze what's being said to make sense of it and then render judgment. It's just literally gibberish. I want to propose this to you. When you and I... Well, for sure, I can't speak for you. She's a politician in the way that the kids in Menudo were musicians.
Starting point is 01:15:30 She's part of a machine. She's its work product. That's what it looks like in the end. Wow, that's well said. She's told what her opinions are. Imagine that. When I was a kid, when Democrats and Republicans could debate, they could debate, right? Like, so Republican could be like, hey, abortion is killing a baby. And, you know, in the United States,
Starting point is 01:16:10 everyone has a right to life liberty. And then the Democrats could say, well, it's not really a baby yet. And they could go back and forth. Or when they talked about economics, they would say, or equal rights, they would say, hey, we need to have a United Negro College Fund so that we, specifically for people with melanated skin, so that they have a one-up.
Starting point is 01:16:32 And the right could be like, well, yeah, that's common sense, but it also disproportionately affects people who aren't black because it takes their place. And they could talk back and forth, right? You could have a dialogue. Someone could say, hey, I think we should have this program that hands out clean needles and someone else on the left might say that and someone on the right might say actually the science shows that it actually increases the dependency on drugs and they can go back and forth.
Starting point is 01:16:58 We're not even there anymore. We can't even agree on what things mean. Do you know what things mean. Do you know what I mean? Like if you're trying to get men into women's sports, we're not even at a place where we can agree on terms, logic. We can't be critical thinkers together. It's not even possible to debate.
Starting point is 01:17:26 That's why when I see when I see these people saying these things like, hey, we need to come together as a country. We all want the same thing. I don't think so. I don't think I don't think one per I haven't heard one person on the right who would be stoked that Joe Biden got shot. No, no, no one on the right wants that. You wouldn't hear that. You wouldn't even hear
Starting point is 01:17:47 it jokingly. The left has just completely lost their mind. You know? The people that saw this coming. Right. Right. A lot of them. Like Orwell? You know, uh... The people who made Idiocracy?
Starting point is 01:18:12 I was musing the other day that the introduction to opera and after that we've broken science crews gotten the rights to. There's a wind shuttle in the introduction is talking about some of the aberrations in academic writing on science. And the date here is, make sure I got this right, I don't want to be fair. So this is in 1998, right? So 26 years ago. And he's talking about feminist theorists like Saja Harding, who
Starting point is 01:18:58 in the science question feminism called Newton's Principia Mathematica a rape manual. Harding propounds a doctrine that calls strong objectivity. She calls strong objectivity, which argues for quotas and disadvantage groups to be applied to research teams and chairs in science on the grounds that once more black, gays, and lesbians join the ranks, science will become more open and inventive.
Starting point is 01:19:22 This is from 1998. And so it's pulled into port and we got it now. More women, blacks and gays in science will become more inventive. Yes. Marxist such as Stanley Aronowitz, whose book, Science Has Power, claims that since science technology
Starting point is 01:19:42 are key elements in the authority and dominance of modern capitalism, the duty of a social critic is to demystify science and to topple it from its position of authority. I got a list of this here. The postmodernist philosopher Stephen Best who calls for the development of postmodern science to counter the inherently repressive nature of modern science. Postmodern science, he argues, would be ethically sensitive, spiritually aware, and ecologically same compared to traditional science's support for the Western ethos of conquest, domination, and objectification." I can only handle so much of this, but yeah, it's, you know. I think every NBA team should have a dwarf and a guy in a wheelchair.
Starting point is 01:20:31 We were forced to be on the floor. You know what I mean? Wouldn't that be great? Five man team and you have to have a dwarf in a wheelchair out there. And one Malin Wall full of bad habits on a chain. Right. I'm in. You have to have a dwarf in a wheelchair out there. And one malinois full of bad habits on a chain. Right. I'm in. I'm in.
Starting point is 01:20:47 Right. Oh, God, that would be exciting. Fence in the court and let in a dog that bites. Super cool. Oh, my God. That's better. You one-up my idea with the dwarf in the wheelchair. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 01:21:03 If you kick the dog, it's a penalty. Kick the dog. Would be bad for your Instagram following. Look, Jedidiah is in. I'll be the enforcer. Yeah, there you go. There we have our first.... Yeah, there you go. Well, we have our first Thank You Jedi All right, Sebi, I love you I'm gonna run if you have to yeah, I got it I got I don't want to miss this trip To our where is it? Where am I going sneaky? Whirly. Hey
Starting point is 01:21:41 What's the most impressive thing about this show is that you have? The most impressive thing about this show is that you have 15 people in your house and your internet's been the best it's ever been. You know what I mean? Because you know there's 15 phones and a TV on. Did you yell at people and turn your shit off? The teenagers aren't here yet. Oh, okay. So they'll come in and put the drain to it.
Starting point is 01:22:01 Better got little ones looking in windows. Let me tell you just one more thing Greg. Yeah the sound is good huh right? It works here. Dude you're this is awesome. We should do another show this week. We should start because of all the presidential shit going on. It's fun. Hey um so yesterday Avi was uh sitting on the couch. I don't know I think he was like reading. He's reading he's really into this book right now. I can't take it out of his hands. It's like something of a, something of a bad kid or something. And I walk into the- Yeah, yeah, yeah, that's it. Yeah. And he's reading that. And so I just finished working out and I walk out of the garage and I'm pouring sweat and
Starting point is 01:22:42 I go, Hey, you want to go set the world record for burpees, right? A hundred burpees right now. He's like, ah, I really don't want to get sweaty. And I'm like, okay. He's like, I'll do it after jujitsu. And I said, okay. And then after like five more seconds of talking, he's like, fine, I'll do it. So he goes in the garage and he does a hundred burpees in three minutes and 52 seconds. Cold.
Starting point is 01:23:02 World record. I mean, it's pretty, it's, I mean, in my mind, it's for a nine year old until someone breaks it. Yeah, crazy, right? Yeah. Just drag the kid off. That's just the way it is. Just drag, hey, come on, let's go to the garage.
Starting point is 01:23:18 And he's just game. All right, I just wanted to tell you that. I'm so proud of him. Yeah, and tell him I said hello. I will. Tell everyone else I said hello. Actually, I'm going to call Maggie today. I wanted to love on her a bit and see how she's doing. Tell her I'm going to call her today. Is she going with you to Worley? Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:23:36 Okay. That leaves her, her and I, and her dad. All right. Have fun. Send me pictures of the houses. Maybe you'll find me a house too. I'll move there. It's beautiful out there. All right, brother. Love you. Love you, man. Thanks. Bye. Bye. The founder, inventor, creator, maintainer of CrossFit, Greg Glassman. Yeah, that was, I went, I, I caught, I went a few days without talking to Greg. I usually, me and him are like girls on the phone, chatty Kathy. Greg's one of those people where he, if he's, if we could
Starting point is 01:24:26 stay on the phone for an hour, but only talk 10 minutes. Like we can just hang out. You know, those people, you know, like when you used to do that with girls and like junior high, it's fun. And then like, if he wants to say, so sometimes we'll forget we're even on the phone. Judy Reed, I'm so appreciative he comes once a week. Me too. I was shot out of a cannon today. I can't wait to watch this... this. Let's see.
Starting point is 01:25:08 Of the shooting. You want to watch signed up to dedicate to listen. Let's watch. Thank you, director. I yield back. Back directory. Let me go back to where Mr Bishop was. Tell me about the drone. You act like you wanted to fill us in on that. Fill us in.
Starting point is 01:25:21 So we have recovered a drone that the shooter appears to have used. It's being exploited and analyzed by the FBI lab. The drone was recovered in his vehicle. So at the time of the shooting, the drone was in his vehicle with the controller. In addition, our investigation has uncovered... You know what time of day he flew it and if he flew it on the day of the shot. So in addition it appears that around 3.50 p.m. 4 o'clock in that window on the day of the shooting
Starting point is 01:25:58 That the shooter was flying the drone around The area you can hear you can hear he has like, cotton mouth. By the way, all these people out there, it's so funny when they say drone, you can think that a lot of the people are like, oh my God, this is some fancy, crazy technology. Listen, my kids can fly really advanced DJI drones. It's like nothing these days. A drone is nothing and any retard can do it.
Starting point is 01:26:27 My kid can fly it with a 4k camera and 8k camera, take snapshots, fly it so high. I mean it's just there's a whole generation. I mean and I can do it too. We have three really nice drones and anyone can fly a drone. It's like nothing. So when they're like, was the drone deployed? Was there a drone? It's like dude, it's like nothing. Every Tom, Dick and Harry has a fucking, yeah, no, nobody thinks it's fancy technology. Yeah. But, but, but I guarantee you 80% of America does. They just hear the word drone and they're like, yes, a drone. Oh wow. Wow. Two hours. About 11 minutes.
Starting point is 01:27:06 I wanna be clear, but when I say the area, not over the stage and that part of the area itself, I would say about 200 yards, give or take away. Okay. From that, we think, but we do not know. So again, this is one of these things that's qualified because of our ongoing review, that he was live streaming,
Starting point is 01:27:24 viewing the footage from that again, about 11 minutes in around the 3.50, 4 o'clock PM range. Two hours before he's flying a drone in the vicinity of the route. About 200 yards away. Okay. That's important information. What about the bombs that we put about in the shooter's car? So again, the FBI lab is exploiting those explosive devices.
Starting point is 01:27:47 Exploiting or exploring? This guy is crazy god mouth. We've recovered three devices, two in his vehicle and one back in his residence. Are these what you would call, your experts would call sophisticated operations? That's what I've been told by people who have some understanding of this area. Yeah. I, I, I think it's, um, we've seen more sophisticated and less. Okay. So that's where they're going with it.
Starting point is 01:28:15 They're trying to act like the drone is something sophisticated so that it was like the Russians did it or the Chinese did it, or that some sort of like crazy. Uh, technology he has, that's where Jim Jordan's going to. Now he's asking about the technology and the bombs. I would say these are relatively, again, keyword relatively crude devices themselves, but they did have the ability to. Jeffrey, Jeffrey, where's your do you do you fly the do you fly a flight plan each time you fly it? Listen? I know what you're doing
Starting point is 01:28:47 You can easily you can choose that it's just like I said it you can point on your finger and just draw a circle On the map and the drone will do that It's like nothing you can just draw a circle You can make points five points and tell the drone to go to those five points and hit record And it just goes up and does it you can use a one of the drones I have has three lenses, three beautiful lenses on it. This 35 of 70 and a 160 lens. You can fight from 200 yards away. You can, it could be all up in your ass. You count the pimples on your face. Be was detonated remotely. And so to that point, in addition to the two devices that we recovered out of his vehicle,
Starting point is 01:29:32 there were receivers for those two explosive devices with the devices. And then on the shooter himself, when he was killed by law enforcement, he had a transmitter with him. Now, I do want to add one important point here, is that the moment it looks to us, again, ongoing review, and I can't say that too many times, at a moment, it looks like because of the- So he scared, shit, I fucked it up. So he's scared shitless. He's scared shitless. They saw what happened to Kimberly and they're not going to play that finger.
Starting point is 01:30:08 He's not going to play that finger fuck like they did, like Kimberly did. He's scared shitless. If he wasn't scared shitless, he'd be singing, he wouldn't be singing like a bird like this. He's scared shitless. 16 years of protecting the American people and upholding the Constitution. years of protecting the American people and upholding the Constitution. 116 years of working with our partners to safeguard the communities we serve. 116 years of innovation. Oh, this is going to be good. Thank you, please be seated. We have votes coming in about the opening statement.
Starting point is 01:30:45 Oh, so he makes an opening statement. No, thank you. Listen to that later. All right. Yeah, he's dropping way more info than Cheetal. Yeah, exactly. He's not, he didn't want to get fucked up. He didn't want to take an ass pounding.
Starting point is 01:31:09 Jim Jordan is such a boss. I love that he's my congressman. Yeah, he is a boss. It's funny I used to hate him when I was a libtard. For decades the only congressional hearings that actually had something come from them is Watergate. Otherwise it just keeps Congress busy for the day. All right. I was supposed to do a show today with an athlete that was going to an athlete reveal an athlete that was going to come out of the closet no athlete reveal that was going to shop compete at SoCal but the athletes are they're finicky now I don't fucking blame. I don't fucking blame them. I don't fucking blame them at all.
Starting point is 01:32:08 God, I was listening to the Glinton podcast last night when Garrett and Colleen came on my show. Damn, that show was so fucking good. Holy shit. Holy shit, it was so good. They had a pretty, they had an honest discussion about whether you're being born, are you born gay or not? And then they had another discussion where Garrett goes on to say, and this is exactly what I'm talking about. These are the conversations I have with my liberal friends. If she had to choose between legalizing gay marriage or, and that's what the Democrats want, okay, so she likes that, she's gay and she wants to be married to her wife. Or what the left also wants is they want the states to have the ability to take kids away from their parents and chop off their genitalia. Oh, Sevan, that's so extreme.
Starting point is 01:33:17 You don't have to convince me. I know it's extreme. She said she'd rather go with the team unequivocally, doesn't even take it, doesn't even need to think about it for a second, that would make it so that no one would take her son away from her and chop off his genitalia without her consent. And she would forgo the marriage. Fuck it, I don't care about the marriage compared to that. And that's where we're at. Oh, it's not widespread. You're right. Chopping off the penises is not widespread and it's only isolated incidences. Correct. Yeah, it's a fucking... Man, they fucking killed it. I made sub clips of those.
Starting point is 01:33:58 I got my... Yesterday I showed my wife how to make sub clips. She actually actually she came over to the computer when I was listening to the Glinton podcast and she's like hey teach me how to do that. I'm like I'd love to oh Another athlete oh, let me see. What is this? I wonder when that is I wonder when that is. All right, I don't know if there's anything else to talk about. Someone in the, I put up that video of Avi doing, breaking the world record on burpees.
Starting point is 01:35:00 God, there's so many fucking dumb comments. Do you want to go through just comments? Oh, man, I had a fucking crazy, I had a conversation with Andrew yesterday. It's so fascinating. We were talking about, uh, um, uh, I was telling him about how I was talking with Pat Velner about how frustrated I was with him for worrying about whether Dave monetized his channel or not. That it just sounded like fucking cuck socialism to me and just keeping everyone down and just jealousy.
Starting point is 01:35:52 And he's like, and this is what Andrew told me. He goes, Hey dude, do you know who suffers from the channel not being monetized? And I'm like, no, who? And he goes, the athletes. And I go, what do you mean? He goes, when Dave doesn't monetize his channel, it fucks the whole algorithm up for him. Google YouTube reduces the number of impressions
Starting point is 01:36:11 the videos get tremendously. I go, why would they do that? He goes, dude, YouTube wants to make money off of fucking content. I go, I can't blame him for that. He goes, me neither. So when you don't allow your channel or your content to be monetized,
Starting point is 01:36:24 they have no incentive to show it. And it just, that's just fucking more, I mean it's like duh, as soon as Andrew tells me that I'm like no, no fucking duh. And it always shows itself like that. That's how socialism always shows itself. Like in this, like some sort of benevolent or false values or false morals. And so you want to fucking police him. God forbid he makes six cents on each video. Because you don't make shit on YouTube. Not with the numbers Dave's getting.
Starting point is 01:37:05 But who suffers? Who suffers? The fucking athletes. The whole fucking community. Wadzombie. Andrew's brain works differently than mine. I love it. Yeah. So because you think that he's taking advantage of his position because people feel obligated to go on. Because it's taking advantage that he shouldn't make an extra $12 Not even thinking the fact that it's not even fucking part of his fucking job. He's working way over time but at the end only one person suffers and
Starting point is 01:37:37 Basically, the most interesting part is is when when it when you do when they're not doing it if they're not doing impressions It's probably outside people who you would want to get exposure to this who aren't getting it. So there you go. Make sure you enforce the rules. Not that it's even a rule. Someone wrote, Sevan, why are you breathing like a horse in that video? Why do you think I'm breathing like a fucking horse in that video? Because I just worked out, you jackass. Okay. I am going to film at the CrossFit Games this year in some capacity. I have to assume they'll treat me at the... just like they... I'll probably get like a dawn fall type treatment. But I... Is Chris Bistrofield in the audience? This shit was so funny.
Starting point is 01:38:53 Look at this. So CrossFit launched its store and they're selling all these cool clothes and cool shirts. And Chris Bistrofield says, I love the black square one the best. And CrossFit hearted it. Oh my goodness. Oh my goodness. The autism is strong. The autism is strong. The autism is strong.
Starting point is 01:39:30 Well, they got fucking Mike Halpin doing their fucking social media. There was another comment in here that I did not understand. Just a little feedback also for whoever's commenting. CrossFit, someone wrote, any plans to re-release the journals or notebooks? Good question. Hi Jenna, thank you for your feedback. We will share with our team internally. No one talks like that. Like, don't be a robot. Like, you don't need to say, hi Jenna, thanks for your feedback. It's like, how about just, ooh, that's a great robot. Like, you don't need to say, hi, Jenna, thanks for your feedback. It's like, how about just, ooh, that's a great idea. We're on it. We will share with our team internally.
Starting point is 01:40:12 No, we thought you'd share with the team externally. Jackass. But there was one comment in here I did not, I was trying to figure out. Yeah, Shipment International is always a bitch. Why are the tops cropped? Who knows, who cares? Why are the women's options cropped?
Starting point is 01:40:34 Who cares? Damn, this is just, I was not best. Oh, this one. It was not the best photo selection guys. It looks like as if the guy is pulling her hair. What guy is pulling whose hair? I think these photos are great. This guy looks like Ronnie Teasdale on the left.
Starting point is 01:40:55 Where does it look like someone's pulling her hair? Is it this photo? I don't get, what does that mean? It was not the best photo selection,. I think the photos are great. I don't even understand. Hi. Are you live? Yeah, we're live. Everyone can hear you. Are you live? Yeah, we're live. Everyone can hear you.
Starting point is 01:41:23 Well, this is probably not the greatest time for me to call and tell you how pissed I am. Is it with CrossFit? No. Yes, but it's all, yes. We'll talk about this specifically later because this really isn't something I should talk about live, but I just got something in the mail. Oh, don't fuck up my access. Oh, that's awesome.
Starting point is 01:41:39 You did get your DNA for addiction test? Well, I did get my DNA for addiction test. I did get my DNA for addiction test. I did get my DNA for addiction test. I did get my DNA for addiction test. I did get my DNA for addiction test. I did get my DNA for addiction test. I did get my DNA for addiction test. I something in the mail. Oh, don't fuck up my access Oh, that's awesome. You did get your DNA for addiction test Well, I've had that me and Bryce are gonna make a video today. I got something new in the mail. Oh you did
Starting point is 01:41:56 Yeah, and I don't know why you guys sent me a king size oh It really it says king size on it Yeah, wow Wow Okay, you send me some pictures of it No, that's cool. Send it to me unused or not in progress. I'm sending you an action shot, dude.
Starting point is 01:42:36 A live picture. Wow. That was fast. Hey, do you think they're actually going to sponsor? Yes. Yeah, I do. I do. You guys want me to make like, you guys want me to make like an in, like a, like a, like an in use commercial? Uh, I don't know. I don't know. Let's discuss. That's so cool. You have one of those? It's called exercise.
Starting point is 01:43:05 It got delivered to the fucking gym dude so everybody knows that. Is it a discrete or is it just a fucking just says cock pump on the side? Dude it's got a the package was in the shape of a dick. Are you fucking kidding me? Yeah I'm kidding oh but it says exercise like the brand is pretty clear and he's like hey what's that and I was like oh shit there's like that I think it is because I told him about it Wow I bet you Andy has a huge cock dude stop. Stop, stop. I'm serious though.
Starting point is 01:43:48 Big old swinging piece of meat. Ask him. Be like, hey, this is really uncomfortable for me, but Sevan wants to know how big your dick is. No, I'm not gonna ask him that. I am gonna, I'm about to get to the Airbnb with Carl from HDR Bryson. We're all making breakfast I'm gonna go in the bathroom and try this thing out. I might I can go to the bathroom I might just try it out. Hey, where what Airbnb are you? Where are you doing? Where are you? Carl's in Charlotte. Oh, so you're just going to visit him
Starting point is 01:44:18 Yeah, he came. Well, yeah, he came here to visit us. So we're just hanging out to his Airbnb God that's so cool. Yeah, it's pretty dope. Someone just texted me and goes, can you have them send me one? No. All right. Hey, will you call me when you're off air? Because I'm really fired up about something.
Starting point is 01:44:44 Okay, sounds good. All right. Have a good you call me when you're off there cuz I'm really fired up about them, okay sounds good All right. Have a good job. Okay. Bye. Oh Wow Wow, that's amazing Wow Wow. That's fun. You can see where is that? Let me see if I can find that. I was just sent a picture of a CrossFit Games athletes penis.
Starting point is 01:45:24 Let me see if I can find it. The penis show. Nothing like a good, nothing like some good gawk in the morning. Wow, that's amazing. Oh, you're not going to be able to. Wow. You can't, I don't think I'm going to be able to show you guys, but you can go to the, his Instagram account and zoom in. You get the whole Yeah, there's nothing left to the imagination right right down here if you zoom in Yeah, you could see you could see helmet
Starting point is 01:46:19 That's amazing All right Cole Sager starting the OnlyFans. Oh, this house is cool. Damn. I wonder what lake they're on. Oh, that's a great photo. James Sprague. I would have thought you would, if I would have told you a year ago, you could be able
Starting point is 01:47:07 to go to James Sprague's Instagram account and see the outline of Cole's penis. You guys would have thought I was crazy. Did Ortega take those shots? That's a good question. I was trying to see who took them. It says it's someone named Erin Murphy Design. Oh no, it's Erin. I met this girl.
Starting point is 01:47:24 This chick's cool. Sprague always got good people around him. He tracks good people. This is her account. This chick is busting her ass at the West Coast. This chick right here. Is she a redhead? God, I love a redhead. Oh, this is a cool photo. Aaron Murphy designs this is long overdue, but it's been a crazy month, so here it is a bit late.
Starting point is 01:48:01 Semifinals was a blast, and yet again, it looked a little different for me than previous events. Let me explain my careers about telling stories and freezing moments in time. Usually that's with my photos But this time I got to get my hands on some video. Oh, yeah, I saw her fucking Work in the video camera. I'll be honest. I did not expect to have so much fun. Oh Another photographer comes to the video site And she got fucking nice gear Jesus scared Jesus. Oh, cool.
Starting point is 01:48:35 Yeah. So Aaron, Aaron gets the credit for the, uh, gac and bull shot. I administered PRT today for at on Fort Stewart. I administered a PRT today on Fort Stewart. I think we were in the same facility Dave has been using for his work with Third ID extremely nice, not even considering it's on a base. Oh, that's cool. Mike Pooleboy, I think that Aaron girl has the same coach as my girlfriend and Abigail Domet. Have you seen Oscar De La Hoya's girlfriend or chick? I can't tell if she's like crazy fucking hot or a tranny. So confused. I wonder what Dave's doing today. Can you go on his?
Starting point is 01:49:39 Let me go on his Instagram. I made a great comment. Someone on Dave's YouTube wrote, Dave looks like he's getting old. And I pulled up the guy's picture and I wrote, you look like you're you have cancer or you work at a underage strip club for underage people. I'm so proud of it. What is this? Blessed to be on the journey. Okay.
Starting point is 01:50:20 Daniel Brandon. Oh, El Paso Scenic Drive. Okay. Daniel Brandon. Oh, El Paso. Scenic Drive. Oh shit, that's nice. Which way is Mexico? Oh, there's fucking Matt Bischel. I used to work with that dude. Holy shit, he still works there.
Starting point is 01:50:44 Good on him Look at that Wow Nothing else but pulling your hips back and then immediately down, pulling your hips down to your heels. I'm going to be staying on. Todd Widman. Oh, so he's at the, Dave's at the border. Solid. Good work. 20 and 10, 20 and 10. Shirts off. There you go.
Starting point is 01:51:28 Oh, look, a girl. Oh, look, a dwarf. Oh no, another girl. Jesus, crime in here. Wow. That was like 50 dudes. Did you see at the end there, that girl that ran in with the guys? Geez Louise, that's a distraction.
Starting point is 01:51:48 My God. Sevan, did you see Kaliba beat Tim Kennedy in the handgun contest? No, did he? I watched the weightlifting part of it and the jujitsu part. I liked it Have you you can't tell she's hotter a dude Wow, have you seen her I Mean she's like it's like a plastic figurine. She looks like a blow Oscar de la Hoya's chick looks like a blow-up doll
Starting point is 01:52:24 I'll show you let me see Oscar de and I think I think Oscar de la Hoya's chick looks like a blow-up doll. I'll show you let me see Oscar day and I think I think Oscar de la Hoya might be gay So I think that's called a mask or what's it called a beard Oscar de la Hoya girlfriend Holly Saunders. Let me see. Oh, and I think she used to be a commentator. Now she just looks like a, I mean, she does look like just a straight porn star. She looks like a blow-up doll Oh here it is And what's crazy is he doesn't look anything like the picture she posts of him something happened to De La Hoya Like he got all on drug on these weird drugs a little bit. Look at
Starting point is 01:53:20 Now tell me oh shit, so tell me you don't think that that could be a tranny Like how do you even know? That must be so weird having those things bolted onto your body like that. What a fucking weird life. body like that. What a fucking weird life. Seven scroll up. Dave is interviewing Coles cock. Is that the comment? That's a wide spectrum, either really hot or tranny. I don't know. I think there's probably a lot of really hot trannies.
Starting point is 01:54:03 hot or tranny I don't know I think there's probably a lot of really hot trannies I think that the tranny movement has a lot of its roots in the plastic woman movement I guess I mean I haven't thought about it probably take three seconds to think about but I think you could go into your head and you know we're all running the fucking same fucking basic operating system and you could go in your head and see what the uh what the thought is or what the uh catalyst is for fucking wanting to have your fucking chest ripped open and plastic pumped in there versus wanting to have your penis cut off so it's got to be hey what's up dude come come in to be hey what's up dude come come in shit here he is guys fucking the champ what's up dude come in join me why where are you going oh so welcome to the show good to see you.
Starting point is 01:55:06 You become a, you and your brothers become like a staple of the show. I seriously never thought that this would happen. That you'd become like a staple of the show. Wait, why can't I? Oh shit, I lost myself. Like, yeah, I never thought like, I never thought I'd let you on the show as much as I do Will you pull up your mic? What I don't think I can't I need to go back why If you're in here
Starting point is 01:55:40 Talking to Mike she wants me to do kuma. I'm your dad dude who sets the rules now. It's me or mom Yeah, but if she gets pissed at me, I'm blaming it on I'm a grown-ass man. I run the fucking house Who controls the house me or your mom? Who's more in charge you Honest answer you that's right Who's nicer me or your mom? You. There you go.
Starting point is 01:56:07 Good job. You sure you're telling the truth? Like the other day you took us to the candy shop. Oh shit. Avi stop, stop, stop. No one could know that. That means I'm a shittier dad. Hey, listen. I've never heard them say I'm nicer, by the way.
Starting point is 01:56:31 That was a sneaky. I've never heard. That's the first. Okay, listen. Two days ago, I had you do those one-arm D-ball slams. You did 100 of them. You take the five-pound D-ball, you go up, you you slam it down you go and catch it with the other hand you go Up and then yesterday were you read what when I asked you to set the world record for burpees were you reading diary of a wimpy?
Starting point is 01:56:54 Kid What were you doing on the couch in there? We reading no So you're just chilling Are you sore? Yeah, I'm like so up here like here and here. How about your chest push on your chest like this? Mom told me that no.
Starting point is 01:57:14 God your mom's smart. All right, well congratulations. I made a video and I shared it with some friends. And they're saying a lot of nice things about you. Next week. But some people are saying bad shit about you. Really? No, I just made that up.
Starting point is 01:57:39 Next week or two weeks from now, I'm going to do it again. And try not to take any breaks. I'm going to try to go for like three thirty three forty. Really? You're going to try to cut twelve seconds off it? Yeah, even if I cut like four seconds, that'd be pretty good. Crazy. If anyone can beat that time, it would be crazy. I'm also a kid, so that's the crazy part too.
Starting point is 01:58:06 Yeah. But some people would argue that it's easier. Yeah. But that, that video, I got in two minutes. Hey, you think you could do 10 strict pull ups? From here? Yeah. Or just anyway.
Starting point is 01:58:22 Yeah. You can all the way down in control one Two I've done it at Greg's. Oh, oh, yeah, that's right recently Yeah for the um pull-up contest. Yeah Did you win? Probably I would have won Nobody can do a pull-up there. It's like they're like squids.
Starting point is 01:58:46 All right. So you have jiu-jitsu right now? Yeah. And what's the Wednesday? Yeah. And then you have and we're going to tennis a half hour early today to warm up really good. Yeah. You have tennis from three to five, but we're gonna leave here at two. I'm gonna get you there at 2 30 and we're gonna warm up play some games and shit.
Starting point is 01:59:08 Okay. All right. Love you. Thanks for coming and saying hi. Bye. Do you want me to unplug the? No, no, I just lower it. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:59:17 All right, dude. Bye. I'm getting off too. I'm gonna come in there and watch you. Uh, has he been drug tested? No, but I can tell. I mean, I was thinking about the other day, think about the life he lives. He's pumped full of all the good drugs. His body's like making all the whatever hormones and endorphins and shit. He's got his personal chauffeur and a personal chef, and he has the greatest support team in the world. His two brothers love the shit out of him.
Starting point is 01:59:48 So it's like, he's in a perfect training environment. And he basically lives the life of a professional athlete. What's crazy is, so the day before I said, hey, can you do 20 burpees on the minute for five minutes? Actually, I didn't even tell him that. I just brought him in the garage and I said, hey, I'm gonna set the timer for five minutes. You're gonna do 20 burpees and when you're done, I'm gonna tell you how many to do again. And so I did 20 and I did 20 and then in the third round something happened. He started crying. He stopped. He like stubbed his toe or bent his finger back or something.
Starting point is 02:00:25 So then he's like, hey, I'll do a hundred one afterwards. He's like, hey, I want to do something else. I said, OK, so he did a hundred one arm d ball slams with a five pound d ball. I'll make a video of that and show you guys. But I used to make a ton of videos like this, where you hold a small d ball up in one hand and you slam it on the ground, you scoop with the other hand and you go all the way up and you alternate. It's more of a coordination thing
Starting point is 02:00:45 So yesterday when he woke up, he's like dude my ass sore. I'm like, yeah, I bet that was a fast that's like doing a hundred air squats for time and Then later on I did those I did burpees yesterday I did a hundred burpees yesterday and then when I was done I was like, oh I wonder if he wants to try to set The world record I'll go fuck with him. So I just turned the camera on and went in there I used to do that stuff all the time film. I mean, I wonder if he wants to try to set the world record. I'll go fuck with him. So I just turned the camera on and went in there. I used to do that stuff all the time. Film that. I mean, I still do that stuff.
Starting point is 02:01:09 I just don't normally film it anymore. But these boys train hard. Yeah. Candy store. I know. I know. Let me tell you what happened. Let me tell you what happened.
Starting point is 02:01:24 So they just finished doing two hours of training at the house. Jiu-Jitsu and striking. And the day before, I said, hey, if you guys can learn how to hold... Hey, I'm just going to justify it. It's bad. Anyway, I took them. I took them to a legit candy store, like in a tourist part of town. Like we drove, I've never done that before. I, we drove straight down there, parked the car two blocks away. We walked in there.
Starting point is 02:01:52 They got the little bag. They put some gummies in. Yeah, I did it. I know I'd never done it before, but there you go. And, and it was crazy. It was like crack. It was like crack to them. I did, I did the first 10 minutes asymmetric gears, I did a hundred and twenty three calories on the assault bike and then on the 11th, 12th, 13th, 14th, 15th minute, all up to 20
Starting point is 02:02:22 minutes, I did 10 burpees on the minute. It was a 20 minute workout. It's like something I do that shit all the time. That's just like a normal workout for me. But I don't normally get, I normally just do 100 calories on the assault bike and then jump off and start into 10 burpees on the minute for 10 minutes. But this time I was fucking just crushing it. I want to say I got like 127. Oh Joseph Ramirez, you gave him the wrong gummies. Like father like son. Cow, two years from now the seed oils from that candy will be out of their system.
Starting point is 02:03:07 Great, thank you. I don't know what's special about these, but something is special about these. I was talking to Carl and he told me about how hard it is to make a gummy that doesn't have, and I forget what he said, sucralose or fructose or whatever, but there's something special about these. What can I say? I said sucralose or fructose or whatever, but there's something special about these. What can I say? Wow.
Starting point is 02:03:45 Jesus criminy. You guys want to finish on a high note? Here we go. A beach volleyball player who is jailed for raping a 12-year-old British girl is set to represent the Netherlands at the Paris Olympics. By the way, this doesn't surprise me. I have this kind of like new take on... There's so much weird shit going on in Europe.
Starting point is 02:04:15 Stephen Vandeveld, now 29, was sentenced to four years in prison in 2016. Europeans remind me of Kamala's husband. Not all European men. Not like Jake Chapman, not probably a lot of dudes in the UK, but there are these countries that just have fucking weirdos in them. Germany, the Netherlands, Denmark, they're just these fucking weird aberration of man that's like San Francisco.
Starting point is 02:04:42 I guess that's not a country. A beach volleyball player, anything in the Bay Area in Silicon Valley. A beach volleyball player who was jailed for raping a 12 year old British girl is said to represent the Netherlands at the Paris Olympics. Stephen van de Velde, now 29, was sentenced to four years in prison in 2016 after admitting three counts of rape against a child, which took place in August of 2014. Vandeveld, who met his victim on Facebook, traveled from Amsterdam to the UK and raped a girl at an address in Milton Keynes. Can you imagine getting on a plane to go fuck someone, let alone a fucking child?
Starting point is 02:05:18 He was allowed to serve a sentence in the Netherlands but was released just after 12 months. Oh, welcome to California. You raped a girl. Hey listen, if you rape a girl and you're released after 12 months, you're doing it again. Van Vels subsequently resumed his volleyball career and has competed in international tournaments since 2018 following an intensive professional supervised trajectory.
Starting point is 02:05:45 He's qualified for the Olympics in his national pair with partner Matthew Imers. The Dutch Olympic Committee told BBC, after his release, Vanderveld sought and received professional counseling and demonstrated to those around him privately and professionally self-insight and reflection. What did he fucking loves fucking little kids? He groomed the girl from when she was 10 years old, went to the UK and raped her four times when she was 12. I don't know. I don't know. I feel sorry for the fucking guy who has to be his fucking partner. How did he travel?
Starting point is 02:06:45 By boat or plane? Great question. Woah! Have we talked about MrBeastTranny's pedo charge yet? Oh my god. You gotta take this one with a grain of salt because when you're as rich as him, everyone and their mother's coming after you. Oh my goodness.
Starting point is 02:07:29 Dude, look at the guy. Of course, of course. I'm so sorry that there are stereotypes that are real. Like like look at me. Look at me. I'm five foot five. I'm married to an Ashkenazi Jew. I have three little boys. I sit on a little nest egg of money that lets me squeak my little fucking life out. I live in California.
Starting point is 02:07:56 My parents were, my dad was an immigrant and my mom's a first generation Armenian. Gardening is like huge in our life. My dad moved here and opened a liquor store. My mom was the first woman to graduate from her law school and she did that while working full time and going to night school law school. And I ended up with, and I was raised by my uncles and aunts and my whole family
Starting point is 02:08:20 had a huge fucking family unit around me. And I'm raising three little boys that I just love on nonstop and spend my days just fucking partying with them and, and working out hard. And like, I like everything in my life is just so stereotypical. You know what I mean? I'm a, I'm a wannabe CrossFitter that thinks like I got my nutrition in line, but I fucking eat three pounds of cashews before I go to bed.
Starting point is 02:08:47 Although I stopped doing that, but don't ruin my story. But, but you get it. It's just like, it's like just, you can just look at me and you see, you know, how the whole thing is going to turn out what I'm going to do. You just know, I'm going to work hard. I'm going to fucking raise kids, find a nice Jewish girl or Armenian girl like Now look at this fucking guy You there's a stereotype for this guy
Starting point is 02:09:18 There's a complete fucking stereotype for this guy Like if you found out that De La Hoya's chick was a tranny you wouldn't be surprised. If you found out that De La Hoya's chick sleeps with people for cash you wouldn't be surprised. Like there's stereotypes. They just work. You just know. If I told you I was at a restaurant and someone was talking really loud and disturbing my eating you wouldn't be, and I was like what ethnicity is the person, you wouldn't be like Chinese couple, gay Chinese couple. Although gay people do talk louder than straight people in general. Anyway, MrBeast YouTube co-host, Ava Chris Tyson, you already know.
Starting point is 02:10:08 You're not surprised. It's not guaranteed. It's not like you look at that guy and you're like, he's a fucking pedo, but you know. That guy has some weird sexual issues. You look at me and you're like, yep, he only does missionary and he fucking hates the butthole. Like you just know. Like Armenian guys just want to like, like the stereotype is right, we just want to fuck missionary, lay in bed with our hairy chest and fucking smoke a pipe. And be like, yeah, I'm cool.
Starting point is 02:10:39 Like Armenian guys are the kind of guys like we notch our bedpost for like the women we slept with. This thing fucks fucking dogs. Armenian guys are the kind of guys that we notch our bedpost for the women we've slept with. This thing fucks fucking dogs. I mean, stereotypically speaking, and kids. Like, you just know. MrBeast YouTube co-host Ava Christ- Chris Tyson has quit the channel after grooming allegations which she denies. She? after grooming allegations which she denies she? Wait a second, that's a girl? Is that a girl or they're just saying that to be politically correct?
Starting point is 02:11:18 That's a boy, right? That's not a girl. That's not a girl. MrBeast YouTube co-host Ava Chris Tyson has quit the channel after grooming allegations there from fucking Nickelodeon. It's like a known grooming playground. The 28-year-old US YouTuber has more than 22,000 subscribers on her own channel, was accused of sending inappropriate messages to a minor reportedly then 13 when she was 20. That's not a she. There's no fucking way that that's a she.
Starting point is 02:11:55 I think it's okay to call it an it, by the way. I think it has fallen into the... Uh, he... She said that she met MrBeast Beast real name Jimmy Donaldson having... On X, Ava denied the claim saying, I never groomed anyone, but apologize for her past behavior in a statement. What? That doesn't make sense. You don't apologize for something you didn't do.
Starting point is 02:12:30 She said that like if you ejaculate in your wife and you're not what you weren't supposed to because she's menstruating, you say sorry. You don't say sorry, I didn't do it. She said that she and Mr. Beast's real name, Jimmy Donaldson, have mutually decided it's best I pre-permanently step away from all things MrBeast and social media to focus on my family and mental health. No shit, you have mental health issues. Would have never thought.
Starting point is 02:12:55 Ava rose to fame after appearing alongside MrBeast on his channel, which has more than 300 million subscribers since 2012. In 2022, he became the most subscribed YouTuber on the platform. Hey, and what's wrong with MrBeast that his radar didn't pick up that this thing is wrong with this thing? I'm not trying to be in the slightest mean. That thing should just set off all sorts of fucking bells. Like listen, I love Pee Wee Herman.
Starting point is 02:13:27 When he got caught jacking off in a movie theater, I wasn't like, oh my god. Grown men act a certain way. When grown men, when grown healthy men interact with women, so I'll tell you like I'm 50 and when I act with when I speak to any women who are under 25 I treat them like boys It's my default Like that's just what a healthy like a grown fucking healthy fucking beast like myself. You don't you don't acknowledge Everyone's just the same as under 25, maybe even under 30. I'm 52, what did I say? 50?
Starting point is 02:14:29 Whatever, I'm confused. There's just things you just know to do. You don't hug your friend's fucking 16 year old daughter. Even if she comes in for a hug, you fucking fist bump her. Keep that bitch at bay. You treat them with respect, eye contact, you're cool to them, but everything is, everything under, I don't know, maybe it's even 35. Everything under 35 is just the same to me. But when I see this, like there's just behaviors you need that you just have that are just, um, God, I don't know how to, I don't know how to explain it. You know how to compensate and overcompensate socially to make it so that, that people don't
Starting point is 02:15:24 feel awkward. This fucking person has no fucking clue how to do that That whole look is like hey that whole thing is about making everyone around them and themselves as awkward as they are I Johnny right. I don't let any guy hug my daughters. That's not their grandparents. Yeah. Get the fuck away. Uh, let's go on. This is, this is going to be great. Uh, Ava revealed last year that she was a transgender woman. Oh, so it is a man. Let's go on.
Starting point is 02:16:05 This is going to be great. Ava revealed last year that she was a transgender woman. Oh, so it is a man. Does that mean it's a man? Fuck. I don't even know what that means. Ava revealed last year that she was a man, a woman, a... Ava revealed undergoing gender affirmation therapy while changing her pronouns this year.
Starting point is 02:16:24 Okay, so that's a man that chopped off its dick. Allegations first surfaced against her last month in videos shared by other youtubers, which accused him of messaging a minor when she was 20. Women don't do that! Of course it's a dude. Well, Sevan, I read the other day that a high school teacher... Okay, most women don't do that. Of course that's a fucking dude.
Starting point is 02:16:43 Do you see what I mean? Like the stereotypes It's like just right down the pipe. Where's your dad from Sevan? Lebanon. Oh, he came to the United States. Did he open a liquor store? Uh-huh. How'd you know? Oh You're a dude Uh-huh, and you're tranny. Uh-huh. Oh you molested kids. Uh-huh Sorry just saying Tranny? Uh huh. Oh, you molested kids? Uh huh. Sorry. Just saying. It's like, it's not conclusive.
Starting point is 02:17:13 Some dudes come from Lebanon and open jewelry stores. Some trannies maybe didn't molest kids. I wonder, I would love to know, I seriously would love to know this. I wonder what the, I wonder, what do you think of all the trannies out there? What percentage of them have either molested or been molested? What do you think it is?
Starting point is 02:17:41 Mike McCasky, facetiously saying, who are you to judge? The same way I fucking judge a rattlesnake You know by when I see it's mandible or when I see a certain dog or when I see Steam coming off the ground and I'm fucking walking barefoot. I'm like, oh the grounds are gonna be fucking might be hot over there Just discernment 90% yeah, I think it's probably pretty high too. A lot. Yeah. Like who wants to go on that fucking journey? Hey, that's another thing too. Like just imagine this. I want to propose this to you seriously. I'm Seval Matosian and
Starting point is 02:18:19 I'm a woman. Inside I feel like a woman and I'm a woman. Inside I feel like a woman. And my choices are I can deal with that discomfort of that, of living in this fucking hairy little dwarf unknown body. Or I can start the journey of chopping off my dick, getting some titties, doing all the hormone therapy, working my hair, all that shit. Dude, you've got gotta choose your fucking battles. That way does not seem, that does not seem, I think I would rather just deal with being tortured by I'm just stuck in a fucking dwarf Armenian dude's body. I mean, it could be worse.
Starting point is 02:19:04 You could have Down syndrome and think you're normal and be stuck in a Down syndrome body. That would really suck. That sounds like a fucking horrible journey. Ava revealed last year that she was a transgender dude and it changed its pronoun so it's a dude changed to a girl allegations first surfaced against her last month in videos shared by others aver responded by saying to create a narrative that my behavior extended beyond bad edgy jokes is disgusting and did not happen okay
Starting point is 02:19:34 i can relate to that didi's in past years i've learned that my old humor is not acceptable i cannot change who i was but i can continue to work on myself. Fuck that. If it was just comedy, roll with it. I humbly apologize to anyone I have hurt with my unacceptable social media posts, past actions, and those who may feel betrayed. Coward. The alleged victim who was named online has come out to defend Ava saying these videos are massive lies and twisting the truth. Oh, Ava never did anything wrong. Just made a few edgy jokes. I was never exploited or taken advantage of. Oh, all right. All right. I'm going to, when was this?
Starting point is 02:20:12 Six hours ago. All right, fine. As far as I'm concerned, this Ava thing has been, what's it called? Vindicated. I think that... I believe this thing. She shouldn't have said sorry then. Or he or whatever it is. Damn, there's some fucking hideous pictures of this thing online.
Starting point is 02:20:49 What a fucking tough journey. Mr. Beast looks completely out of his fucking mind. Like something's just like... I wonder when he grows up. I wonder if that thing if that thing's ever blown mr. Beast Man the pressure That doesn't seem like very many YouTube subscribers for someone that hangs out with mr. Beast 22,000. Oh shit, listen how Rolling Stone.
Starting point is 02:21:30 Wow. Rolling Stone. Wow. Look at this. Rolling Stone presents it as that it's the victim. Ava Chris Tyson steps away. All things Mr. Beast amid transphobic attacks.
Starting point is 02:21:42 Oh wow. Talk. That's how Rolling Stone rolls. Jesus Christ. I hate Rolling Stone, but to be fair, this is a way more honest opening line. Tyson was accused of grooming a minor of the alleged victim. Now 20 years old, refutes the claims.
Starting point is 02:22:02 This transphobic attacks is probably bullshit. I bet you no one attacked her. I bet you someone would think that I was attacking her for being trans. It's just like if you call someone a dumb, that person is dumb and a woman. That's different than calling them a dumb woman. But even that, it's like the fact that someone would take that to straight misogyny or sexist is crazy to me. Like where are you? What? Just because you say they're sex, they think that like they're just identifiers. After revealing last year that she was on a gender-affirming hormone replacement therapy and changing her pronouns. It has been hit by a wave of transphobic attacks online despite both her, his ex-wife Katie
Starting point is 02:22:51 with whom he shares a son. Oh man. Dude. Listen. Listen. Listen. There's, once you have kids there's things you sh- you cannot do, you shouldn't do. Uh. Does anyone want to name them? Like just one?
Starting point is 02:23:32 Like just name, just name stuff. Like I could think of a whole list. Just think of all the shit you did in college. You don't do any of that stuff once you have kids. You only have a bong out on the living room table. Ideally, you don't even smoke weed. Yeah, I mean, you just take it. You can just take it to all the extremes.
Starting point is 02:23:52 Oh, by the way, you can get 40% off of FitAid if you scan that right there. Look at that. FitAid. Oh, the logo is in there. It says FitAid. Oh, maybe we can just make the logo big. Let me see this really quick. Sorry.
Starting point is 02:24:04 Distracted. I wish I had a FitAid right now. Oh, maybe we can just make the logo big. Let me see this really quick. Sorry. Distracted. I wish I had a Fidaid right now. Let me see this kill Taylor. Oh, no, it says Fidaid inside there. It says Fidaid. What the fuck? Anyway, this this thing got a sex change operation while it's a parent like fuck you Like fuck off Raise your fucking kid imagine like
Starting point is 02:24:44 I'm okay I'm pissed. I'm annoyed. I'm done with that story. Thank you, Sleeky, for bringing that up. That was fun. Get a sex change operation when you're a fucking parent. Oh, I have Suza's number in the work phone now. That's kind of nice. Uh, Suza. I can just call him directly. I wonder if my wife would bring me a feday. I could use one. Both phones are going at the same time.
Starting point is 02:25:24 It's a 7 podcast first. I have both phones going at the same time. It's a seven podcast first. You reached Matt, the message is on the back there. Thank you. Uh, yeah, you know what my favorite 50 cent song is, Corey? Um, a bitch. I'm the man. Do you know that song? Hi. Hi. Could you bring me a FID aid? Yeah. Oh, did you want me a Fidaid? Yeah. Oh, did you want to give the feedback on the song?
Starting point is 02:26:12 Yeah. I like the song a lot. I never even like thought, Didn't like it that new leaf And they have that sign everybody welcome and they list all the people, you know Mm-hmm. Oh like black people and like tranny's and yeah colors Oh my god. Thank you black people. Can you shop at New Leaf? Oh my god. That's so cool. Oh My god Oh my God, thank you. Black people can shop at New Leaf. Oh my God, that's so cool. Oh my God. Your song flashed and I'm like,
Starting point is 02:26:48 well, that's not what Saban would want like in front of his storefront kind of thing. Oh, does my, hold on, hold on, let me hear this. It's a Saban Pachasho. Everybody's welcome. Peace and love. It's a Saban Pachasho. Bam, we're live. Oh, what if he said everyone's welcome. Peace and love. It's a Sabon podcast show. Bam, we're live.
Starting point is 02:27:06 Oh, what if he said everyone's welcome, even Jews? Bam, we're live. Or accept pedophiles, no. Even Jews. Bam, we're live. I'm overthinking it. I think it's great. So then I thought, oh, what if they said, um, Sabon podcast show, live shows every morning morning peace and love or something like that but I'm also probably overthinking it. I just saw that sign and then your your song flashed in my head Your intro and I was like Got it. I like that. All right, is that everybody? Welcome? Like not
Starting point is 02:27:40 Representing you but okay. I like it. It's good feedback. I need a second song anyway All right. I do like the song though. I think it's good feedback I need a second song anyway all right I do like the song though I think it's awesome it's very catchy it sticks in my head all day actually I like that all right all right yeah bye bye my girlfriend dances to your song all the time please send a video I have a new leaf down the street from me and it says the same shit. It's a fucking weirdos. Imagine a sign that said that. Mexicans are welcome. You'd be like, what?
Starting point is 02:28:23 Oh, bitch, I'm the man. Ho, I'm the man. Oh, I'm the man. You know, I'm the man bitch. I'm the man. God. This is such a great song bitch, I'm the man oh Bitch I'm the man. Oh, uh, this is it. Oh Uh, bitch I'm the man. Oh, uh, is this it? Oh God, this song is so good. I wonder if there's a, um, is there an actual music video for this? This song is so good. Do you guys know this song?
Starting point is 02:29:03 I came in the world crying and fussing. I came in the world crying and fussing. Nigga we ain't had nothing. Nigga we ain't had nothing. Every ghetto I know the same. We're trying to make a little change. Trying to make a little change. Preacher man come around talking. I don't want to hear you keep walking.
Starting point is 02:29:21 God 50 cent is so good. Do you guys remember when he just owned the airwaves? fucking owned them I'm put the powder in the pot Whip it to him pulling off like Imagine one. Hey another high. Thank you. I love you. Those glasses make you look like a really dewy They're nice. I know, wear those in bed.
Starting point is 02:29:50 Cheers, Fid-Aid. I just think that I don't, I... Oh, you can just close the screen. The door can be open. The Fid-Aid people said that that logo, they wanted the logo to have the word Fid-Aid next to it. But I think if we just made the QR code bigger, it'd be fine. We don't need that. Like it could just be the same size as the other QR codes.
Starting point is 02:30:08 Talk to Will Branstad about that. What I like about 50 Cent is he's like so real, but he hasn't gone like over the top. You know what I mean? He's not doing like aliens yet. Here it comes. You ready? That always reminds me of Travis Bajan. He used to say that. If I'm not the man, I'd sure like to meet him. Now here it comes. Does anyone not like this song? Speak your mind. Sevan, how many red CEO shirts do you have?
Starting point is 02:31:07 Don't tell us one. They're all different. If you black, they all have the writings different. No, dude, let me tell you something. All the weird things that I have going, what the filthy scumbag I am. If you guys saw how many times I change, I'm going to change my clothes. Soon as I go inside, I'll change my clothes. I've been wearing these clothes since 6am.
Starting point is 02:31:24 No, that's not true. I'm gonna change my clothes. Soon as I go inside, I'll change my clothes. I've been wearing these clothes since 6 a.m. Ah, no, that's not true. I've been wearing these clothes since, I got out of the shower at 6.45 a.m. By 9.45, I'll have these clothes off. Underwear, everything. I, I, I, I, I, to fucking change a holic. Change a holic.
Starting point is 02:31:38 ["Blessed With a Ho"] He's blessed with a ho. Bitch I'm gay okay? Is that what he says? God, is that really the line? What a great line. Here it comes Blood bless a nigga with a hoe wanna break the bitch down in the 36 holes. Look at here, bitch. I'm gay. Okay Bitch i'm gay. Okay, if that's really what it says, that's brilliant Seve you're gonna get dinged. I know fuck it
Starting point is 02:32:28 Seve you're gonna get dinged I know fuck it. I'm Patrick Vellner will know I can't monetize this one because um it would be inappropriate because I'm taking advantage of my affiliation with Fittyset. We ain't gonna waste no time sucking and we fucking like she need me. We sucking and fucking like she need me my god I'm a okay Charlamagne fuck with me I ain't gonna lie I love 50 oh he's a shit he's so good Lady she gon hit my line we ain't gon waste no time Suckin' and we fuckin' like she need me We suckin' and fuckin' like she need me. We suckin' and fuckin' like she need me.
Starting point is 02:33:05 Pfft. But she make the bank roll easy. Full of light in the room, from the TV. We gettin' it on, then I'm gone. It's the type of shit that a nigga be on. Too much on my mind right now. I'm on the grind right now. Lookin' for me sucker, Then I need to be found right now
Starting point is 02:33:26 It is so simple. It's so simple. It's so simple I got my nine right now. We jump blow your mind right now. I got my nine right now. I'll blow your mind right now I ain't fucking round right now. I ain't fucking round right now Better get in line right now Fuck around and die right now. Hope you understand that Here we go, bitch. I'm the man. Ho I'm the man. You know, I'm the man You know I'm the man, beach anime Yeah Oh I'm the man, you know I'm the man White beach anime
Starting point is 02:34:07 He's voting for Trump Alright, love you guys Uh, Wednesday I don't know what else is on today God, I got all coffee and TDC oil and gummies and paper street and my fucking desk is about to explode I should take a picture and send it to you What a fucking shit show Oh, that's it, nothing.
Starting point is 02:34:25 I'm taking all of the piano lessons at 11 a.m. with the boys. All right, love you guys. A-okay, not gay? Nah, it's going well. I'm changing it to gay. I'm A-okay with gay. I like that.
Starting point is 02:34:39 It feels more inclusive. Oh, fuck you, I'm gonna look it up. Bitch, I'm the man lyrics. I ain't getting punk like that. I know my fucking 50 cent. Uh, um, uh, wanna break a bitch down with 36 O's. Uh, she make that bankroll easy. It's the type of shit that nigga be on. Too much on my mind right now. Where is it? Look here bitch I'm A-OK.
Starting point is 02:35:11 Oh shit you're right. Look bitch I'm OK with gay. I'm going with that. I'm changing that. I'm rewriting. I'm changing that. I just changed it. That's it. Just change the lyrics. Now you know. That easy. Piano gay, yeah David. Boys that play instruments are gay, but they fucking yo bitches. Later. Bye bye guys.

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