The Sevan Podcast - Greg Glassman #38 | Live Call In

Episode Date: August 1, 2024 FITAID, 40% Off: My Tooth Powder "Matoothia...n": 3 Playing Brothers, Kids Video Programming: ------------------------- Partners: & - CODE "SEVAN" FOR FREE CONSULTATION - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - OUR SHIRTS - OUR WEBSITE PROVIDER ------------------------- ------------------------- BIRTHFIT PROGRAMS: Prenatal (20% off with code SEVAN1) - Postpartum (20% off with code SEVAN2) - ------------------------- Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 It's a Saban Pocasso. It's a Saban Pocasso. Everybody's welcome. Peace and love. It's a Saban Pocasso. Bam, we're live. Hey man, we're live. Brian Clark, what's up dude? Good morning. Good morning, good morning, good morning. I wonder if I'll see you at the games. Sleeky, good morning. Coach Kevin. Coach Ken. Good morning. I look forward to Wednesdays. These shows with Greg are the best. Oh, good. Eric, good morning. Jan, yo, what's up? Hoo-wee! Another 30... 30... 32 hours of fasting in the books.
Starting point is 00:00:48 Just black coffee. Yesterday I was picking cucumbers and it was so hard not to eat them. My brain's like, oh, it's okay. You can eat some cucumbers while you're fasting. Even now I'm just telling myself, yeah, it would have been fine. It would have been fine. Go ahead, eat a cucumber. It's just a cucumber. It's from the garden. It's no big deal. Maybe I'll break my fast this morning by going out to the garden and picking a cucumber.
Starting point is 00:01:16 They're absolutely going off. I wonder how fast cucumbers grow because I feel like in the morning I can go out there and there's no cucumbers and then by the evening, there's like 10 that are like three inches long. I like to pick them when they're little. I'll even pick them when they're just like two inches long. My sister told me that if you if you let the cucumbers get too big, you know, like for those of you who've grown cucumbers.
Starting point is 00:01:42 Yeah, that's what I tell myself. Exactly, Heidi. It's just water. It's just water. It's fine I'm just not sure what the mechanism Is that occurs when you eat it? And it tells your body to go into digestive mode as opposed to whatever it's doing when it's fasting so But my sister told my sons that if you let a cucumber get too big, you know how sometimes you can miss cucumbers. So you can think you pick them all and the next day go out there and there'll be one like this that's yellow. You're like, what? Where did that guy come from. But my sister told my sons that if you let a cucumber get too big,
Starting point is 00:02:28 that it basically signals the plant that it doesn't need to make any more cucumbers, so that you should pick the cucumbers all when they're really little, because you let it get too big out there and it signals the plant to stop making them. Hey dude, what's up? and it signals the plant to stop making them. Hey dude, what's up? Nothing. We're talking about cucumbers. Yeah, I think in general, like, you know, I had that long, long fence of roses in Prescott. Yes. And the more roses you put in the house, the more you have on the fence. Like, triminum inspires the plant or invigorates the plant. Uh-oh
Starting point is 00:03:05 And try to remove all the flowers and after a couple weeks you can't Yeah, okay in the morning boom, you know all those buds are flowers Uh, someone here says uh, the giant zucchinis are gross. My wife thought that too But you know what we I asked her to do She slices them really thin and puts them on a pan and then just put a ton of butter on them and I love them. Yeah, you could probably do that with wood shavings to add garlic and parmesan.
Starting point is 00:03:33 True. And peanut butter, wood shavings and peanut butter and a glass of milk. Hippie food. It's granola. Paleo granola, fucker. They separate the seeds in that pulpy that center gets big air spaces. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. It's the opposite of instead of baby carrots, it's geriatric carrots. Yeah. And it is funny like that, cause they'll be sitting on the pan
Starting point is 00:04:07 and I'll scoop them with the fork and they'll just collapse on themselves because they've lost the denseness, the cellular denseness or whatever it is. This is like the recipes for rotten cabbage in Russia. Do they have those? I think so, it's like you got potato. Matt Day, I got my L1 this weekend, life changing.
Starting point is 00:04:31 Tell Greg, thanks. I was most impacted by the four models of health and the nutrition lecture. On behalf of Greg, you're welcome. Yeah, that's cool. I wonder what I wonder what he was exposed to. I mean, I don't know what it's become, you know. I bet you it's pretty close. Yeah. Are the same characters there?
Starting point is 00:04:55 You know, some of you mean like the Todd Widman's. Right. I think that I honestly I don't know. But I think I don't know. But I think... I don't know because they're not showcasing them like they used to back in the day. They need to do that. I think Chuck is still there. I think Eric O'Connor is still there.
Starting point is 00:05:14 I think Jenny Orr is still there. Yes. Those are some impressive characters. Sleeky, I had the same thought so curious what the L1 is now versus four years ago. Oh wow, one of his trainers took the L1 from you. Wow. Okay, that's a good sign. I Carle Stedman did mine and spoke highly of Greg Carl's again, dude That he is is he still around? I don't think so. I Don't think so he was there forever, right? Yeah, I Was looking at that I was looking at that article forever, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:05 I was looking at that article that you sent me, and I was watching, I saw the Hezbollah guys bombed Arabs in Israel. They're called Druze? Yes. What an interesting people. I read their wiki page. Yeah, in ancient people, right? Yeah, they're like, um, uh, Buddhist Arabs, kind of in their, in their, in their beliefs,
Starting point is 00:06:35 the whole reincarnation thing. They're like Buddhist Arabs, kind of. I mean, that at least that was my way of kind of getting my head wrapped around them. There was a 800,000 to a million of them. They don't let outside people come them. They don't let outside people come in. They don't marry outside their own. Interesting people, but also interesting that Hezbollah would bomb other Arabs, especially children. But what I found even more fascinating is that in just three days, the Israelis can just target whoever they want
Starting point is 00:07:06 They killed a fucking Hezbollah general and then they killed the Hamas a political chief in Iran He was obviously hiding out. He wasn't in his own house. He was in like I forget what the article said like he was in like a veteran that he was he was being put up for the Coronation or whatever the inauguration of the Iranian president. Oh, that's what's going to happen? Like in the next day or two? In the next day or two, he's going to get some award?
Starting point is 00:07:33 No, no, no, no. The new president of Iran was being ushered into power. They were having a celebration, a ceremony for that. He was invited to it. Due to not being able to find all the pieces, he won't be able to attend now, but the message is pretty fucking cool, I think. So the Israelis know where everyone is at all time. They can just do-
Starting point is 00:07:57 They knew where this guy was. They put one in his fucking back pocket. And the guy that has got- I've got to imagine there's thousands of Mossad guys just walking the streets of Tehran looking like old cucumber salesmen. I think they can affect any of their neighbors' language and culture to perfect degree.
Starting point is 00:08:23 And do you think that they're working, do they track all cell phones and all that with the NSA? I have good reason to believe that to be degree. And do you think that they're working, do they track our cell phones and all that? I have good reason to believe that to be true. Oh, that there's Mossad guys all over Iran? That they have perfected the art and science of affecting
Starting point is 00:08:40 just about any of their neighbors, including like background, you know, like where you worked, who your uncle was, the bakery you're in, all this shit. Like they just know all that. They can throw really, really good cover. And very often it's legit. Like your great-grandfather did open the bakery there
Starting point is 00:09:03 in Little Town in Syria, you know? Because they're, because their program's so old or? No, because they're an advanced culture living in what's been described in pretty unpleasant terms. I mean, if you had to live in the Middle East, I don't know who wouldn't pick Israel. Right. We've been around there. If you're a leader in any of those parties, it must be really unsettling to know that they're tracking. They're basically, if they can do what they've done in the last two days, that means they're tracking everyone to within a few feet of where you are at all times. They're basically, if they can do what they've done in the last two days, that means they're tracking everyone to within a few feet of where you are at all times.
Starting point is 00:09:48 They're just pinging cell phones. They have undercover guys on the ground. I mean, it's just crazy to do two specific strikes like that and just get the guys in two different countries in three days. I get two copies open. Yeah, which one do you want? I can kick one off Look, I just kicked you off. Oh
Starting point is 00:10:10 oops Trish some would say they even do that in the United States Yeah, I'm sure right That that Israel does that Hey, okay, I think you jumped off on one I kicked you off of one, okay, do you want the other one? No, no, no, it's all the same. Yeah, they looked identical Yeah, yeah, so so they're just basically tracking everyone at all times I don't I don't know if that's possible, but I think they have extraordinary intelligence on the ground and they probably have a
Starting point is 00:10:50 keen sense of of who the opposition is and where it's at and I think that the message is that in the real world if push comes to shove if you really want to talk annihilation Your leadership won't survive the first hour of genuine encounter And by everyone I meant they have a list of the top hundred guys and they're in there tracking those that's what I meant I would be surprised if they didn't have Firsthand and perfect knowledge of where the ruling hunter lives and is at every moment.
Starting point is 00:11:28 And the article that you sent me said that... I can't remember which pundit it was, but oh... The Al Jazeera one? Yeah. Okay. And there was some pundit in there that was saying that this is a serious escalation. But what does that mean?
Starting point is 00:11:51 What could it, I mean, like for some reason I don't even believe that. I'm just like, what could escalation be? I think I might've had this talk with you, but I had sent to Jim and Emily an article. I got to pull this up because I want to be fair here. And feel free to send it to me too. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:28 The cabinet members, Israeli's cabinet was told not to speak on the strike, but one guy couldn't resist and spoke up and said the world's a better place with that guy gone. Deadly strike on soccer field raises risk of escalation between Israel and Hezbollah. So Hezbollah lobs a missile into a fucking gaggle of kids playing soccer. And the Wall Street Journal's reporter concludes, and you can see it in the first paragraph, it's there, and I'm reading the headline, that this deadly strike on the soccer field in the first paragraph, it's there, and I'm reading the headline, that this deadly strike on the soccer field raises the risk of escalation.
Starting point is 00:13:08 What the fuck was the kill in the 11 kids, if not an escalation? Right. And so what Israel does in response will be escalatory, whereas the initial assail is what, a given? Right. That's just how those fucking pieces of shit operate Here i'll send it to you
Starting point is 00:13:32 I mean the you you see the you see the thinking problem in the headline, no Yeah, totally 100 percent. Uh, and and then someone writes so this is from uh, this is a huge escalation what happened yesterday in lebanon What's happening today in Tehran? Escalation in what sense just a couple guys got killed in fact Al Jazeera reports to that's nothing Sami all The on the director of the Center for Islam and global affairs at Istanbul's on University told Al Jazeera Yeah, like if they couldn't if they could If they could drop one on Netanyahu, they wouldn't. Idiots.
Starting point is 00:14:11 If you think not, you're an idiot. Hey, why did they attack those kids? What do you think terrorists do? But why Arabs? Why not? Why not? Why not? Why are range? I just said, you know, it's not that they blow each other up with with probably more frequency than they do in Fidels. I mean, those, those are the Amish of Israel. Yeah, that's your that's your spin take okay
Starting point is 00:14:47 Yeah, look up the Druze militias, and they've been a factor for a long time. They're not it's not The Shiite Sunni violence looks like Hutu and Tutsi to the civilized world. And that's between the two Muslim factions. You can't fucking tell them apart. Who gives a fuck? More than anything, they hate each other. Gotta die. Why? Because. Oh, okay. One of the kids was crawling away with his legs blown off and then another missile came and finished him off wow they're giving details like that justin h one of the top cell phone extraction companies in the world is based in israel now in Israel now that doesn't surprise me. Oh they're uh they're there is technically advanced as any country.
Starting point is 00:15:50 They have their own uh kind of uh Silicon Valley there right? Yes. I think we had talked about that you were explaining that to me. There is no shortage of of technical brilliance there Our exchange with them on technical matters is clearly a two-way street David we that's your spin. God. I love Greg Extra sloppy it was a video you can watch. Oh, great. Thank you. I wonder what escalation,
Starting point is 00:16:34 I wonder what that looks like. Anything Israel does. You're hearing it right here, they've got two dudes in Tehran of all places. How's that for a measured response? Yeah. You mean as opposed to dropping a J-Dam somewhere in Tehran and leveling like a city block? You're in a schoolyard, huh?
Starting point is 00:16:59 Right, okay. And yet, I'm gonna admit it's escalatory. The problem is, is the uneven playing field, they don't have a shot to do the same. That's why I said, do you think for a second that they have got Netanyahu in their sights, but they're not pulling the trigger? That'd make you stupid. When they attacked Israel on October 17th. They used to have, they have to use hang gliders and tunnels and shit. Right.
Starting point is 00:17:36 You know, they have the resources of rats. Right. And that which they can steal from the West. Up against a country where a woman can do what? Become prime minister. Whoa, not only not get your clit smashed between two rocks or ripped off of the pair of pliers, but you can become prime minister.
Starting point is 00:17:58 And we're gonna pretend like that difference doesn't matter. And it's not a measured response to kill the originators of atrocities, but it's escalatory. Fuck off. Hey, after October 7th, there's not a country on earth with the means that wouldn't have left Gaza in smoldering ruins. The whole place. Not a country on earth with the means. Right. And what he's suggesting is that they showed a measured response that only they would show.
Starting point is 00:18:37 I find that to be a credible point of view. Remember, his dad was killed by Islamic extremism. RFKs. Remember his dad was killed by Islamic extremism. R.F.K. R.F.K. Jr. R.F.K. in particular was killed by Sirhan Sirhan. Thought he was doing something for the Palestinian cause. I saw this kind of history of Hillary Clinton the other day and I didn't realize this right, forgot it. And did you know that JFK Jr., when he had that plane accident, was running against Hillary Clinton?
Starting point is 00:19:23 For the Senate. See? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It was a list of all the people who, it was a list of all the people who like in her orbit who died, who've been killed, died, or committed suicide. And it started with that one.
Starting point is 00:19:47 It's, man, it's a lot of people. Yeah, that, yeah. That's a thing going around them for a long time. I don't know what if it's real or not. I'm late to a lot of that kind of thing. Right. It took a lot for me to come to terms with the deep state notion.
Starting point is 00:20:24 it took a lot for me to come to terms with the deep state notion. The idea that people from intelligence agencies and my FBI would, at the behest of a political candidate, fake a fucking warrant to get a wiretap on an opponent and continue that illegal wiretap even into his presidency is kind of nuts. Politifact says Kennedy was not a candidate for any political office when he died, but a few days after his death, the New York Daily ran a story citing two anonymous friends who said they thought Kennedy would have run for office someday. What? RFK? No, JFK Jr.
Starting point is 00:21:13 Oh, I said some primaries, what the fuck? No. You know, I never looked close at him. He was the little boy that in the shorts that marched behind his father's casket, horse-drawn casket. It was horribly sad, horribly ugly bit of American history. The Clintons are just stealing luck from people
Starting point is 00:21:40 until accidents are so probable from the unlucky people they took from? Yeah, right. That's a great line. Wasn't it his sister that pushed him on to fly as an uncertified instrument night pilot? I don't remember. There was something like that though. Oh, like that particular flight? Yeah. That evening? Yeah. Wasn't it really foggy or something and basically he lost the ability to know up from down. That's what you hear. Yeah
Starting point is 00:22:33 To Greg any thoughts on the US male gymnasts? I'd add kid that kid You know we did title nine kind of dealt a blow to men's gymnastics. And there's this trend where we got rid of the specialists and it became all around guys. So they got this all around guy who's truthfully just a specialist and when he got a bronze in the pommel horse, is that the story? That's what I heard.
Starting point is 00:23:03 Yeah. Is that the story? That's what I heard. Yeah, American gymnast Steven Drozic went viral on Monday as he waited around during the team final for his chance to secure a spot on the podium with a pommel horse performance. Yeah. He wears glasses. The doing away with specialists was dumb. I think. They had crazy impact on advancing what the all around guys were doing. I'll give you an example of Ted Marcy.
Starting point is 00:23:39 He's actually, he was not just maybe the greatest pommel horse guy ever, but he was a pulmonologist of considerable success, Theodore Marcy. But anyways, just a pommel horse guy, that's all he did. But everyone knew that he was moving things into the next realm. He won the bronze? No, no, no, I'm talking about just in the past, the role of the the role of the specialist. So here's an all-around guy that is really a pommel horse guy, right? I mean you put a guy like that on, I shouldn't be saying this, it's not right, but I read it too.
Starting point is 00:24:24 There's all-around guys that your best have little chance, your least capable have no chance. Why not make one of those a guy that has a pretty good chance of beating anyone on pommel horse? Yeah, it makes sense. Yeah. And so there's, and that might even be an official designation. There might be a guy that doesn't have to call except on one. But the sport, I think,
Starting point is 00:24:46 you'd have to be stupid to not realize the role that the guys that did nothing but the pommel horse. I mean, it'd be like if, suppose if all of a sudden in track and field every scholarship disappeared except for the decapuletes, everyone else had to go home. Think of it, think of what the impact would be. Like you do all the field events or do none? Yeah. Yeah, that had a deadening impact on the sport. You see it in the skill development.
Starting point is 00:25:26 But not in other countries, right? Yes. Yeah, it's the Olympic structure. But we led it. We jumped off that cliff right when we were producing the best gymnasts in the world. So that group in like 1980, 1984, the Bart Connors, Vidmar, all those guys, fuck, they were the best on earth. Half of them from UCLA, right?
Starting point is 00:25:58 And the do away with the all around, do away with the specialists all around or nothing was underway at the time. And we've never returned to the stage significantly. I mean, it wasn't, it wasn't as if anyone didn't know what was happening and what the effect would be. Uh, listen, uh, these people agree with you. How many colleges have male gymnastics programs now? Five? Oh, that's it?
Starting point is 00:26:29 Yeah, five, six or seven. The number varies. Well, listen to what they say. This is NBC News. American men hadn't medaled a team in Olympic gymnastics since the dying days of George W. Bush's administration. So USA Gymnastics hired a specialist to try to fix that. It's gamble paid off.
Starting point is 00:26:47 That's what you're saying, right? Yeah, I mean, it is what it is. I don't wanna take away from the guy. He's one of the best pommel horse guys on earth. It's great. Yeah. Yeah. As an all around gymnast, he's not radar screen material.
Starting point is 00:27:03 But I don't think that matters. It'd be like, you know what? No but I don't think that matters. It'd be like, you know what? Oh, I don't think it matters either. Okay. I don't think it. I think it's fine to do that. I don't find anything. I would send six specialists and get six gold medals if I could.
Starting point is 00:27:18 He was forced to sit on the sidelines for nearly three hours during the first five rotations before he anchored the US on his specialty event. Nedrosik stayed warm and focused and appeared meditating on the NBC broadcast before his routine. Dude, I've seen those guys that take off their fucking glasses. They're usually six feet tall. With not a long history of coordination and they fucking it's crazy crazy. When you, if you can, is he tall? What's his height? I'll look it up. Another trippy thing, their pants are so weird to me.
Starting point is 00:27:55 Why are their pants so baggy? It seems so unathletic. Like they should be wearing like Lululemons or some shit. Uh, height. Let me see. Uh, height. Five-seven. Oh, his wiki says five-five. Google says five-seven. He's a 2021 world champion and two-time NCAA national champion on the event Born in Massachusetts born in 1998 Named after his grandfather who died in World War two. Oh
Starting point is 00:28:39 No grandfather was in World War two didn't die in World War two So again if we have to talk about the problem horse, I have to talk about Ted Marcy. Please tell me. He's I was he had he was a unbelievable. And I mean, from the standpoint of a fellow gymnast, we're like, I can't believe this fucking guy. People that didn't like pommel horse would stop whatever they were doing to watch him. You didn't want to be in a rotation on a different event when Marcy was going to go up. But the guy would pull 10s out of the air. I mean, it's like, and nobody did that. So I hunted him down the
Starting point is 00:29:15 other day. He's a crushing it. Pullman ologist. God, his legs are long. God, his legs are long. Did you talk to him on the phone? No, I left a message on a voice recording and I didn't want to pass to the guy. I wasn't going to tell him. Did you see him live? Yeah. Like it meets you'd go to? I saw him at Polypavilion, he had a 10.
Starting point is 00:29:45 I was like in the 10th grade. And from coaches that didn't give that shit out, like that wasn't a 10 performance right there we're watching, but he would do them. And behind the back, he was crazy. But tell you what, there wasn't an all around guy on earth that wasn't like, fuck, you know, I'm gonna try that. And as soon as that happens, as soon as that happens, it spreads like venereal disease. We were watching in the early 70s, this guy, Frank Endo had a little gymnastics shop
Starting point is 00:30:38 out of his home in San Pedro, and we bought shock and grips and shit from him. This is before people climbed climbed or so it seemed. But his sister was bringing us Super 8 video that she took from under the bleachers of our heroes in Japan. And they would be like smoking cigarettes and shit between ups on the rings of the P bars in rotations, all hanging out the door smoking cigarettes and then do movements you'd never seen before. But in 1972, we saw the Sukhahara, the double back with a full twist done ahead of its debut in the 72 Munich Olympics, I think at the dates. And I knew right when the Olympics came out, guys like Tim Shaw could do it
Starting point is 00:31:25 So we we'd seen stolen pirated video From Japan of the Japanese team and it ended up at Frank Endos in San Pedro LA Gymnasts got their hands on this shit and by the time this move was debuted in In the Munich Olympics there were there were recent high school graduates, college superstars, that next generation of gymnasts that could do the thing. Not unrelated to the flood of four-minute miles. You know it's possible, it's possible. Right. It changes everything. Everything.
Starting point is 00:32:08 To learn it's... Yeah, that was beautiful. This is why this is the greatest podcast in the world. Olivia, I want my husband to do that to my face. God damn it. It's great. This show is over. I'm gonna go smoke a cigarette.
Starting point is 00:32:30 Hey do women, do you ever see women do pommel horse? No, no. Dude, gymnasts don't like it. Do you understand that? Because if you fuck up it hurts so bad. Dude, nine out of 10 all around guys. What we call it out gymnasts hate it. Hate it.
Starting point is 00:32:54 The injuries on it. It's interesting. You know, you're not going to break your neck. There's no quads, but there's no one that's not nipped that condyle a little bone on your ankle on a pommel. Yeah. And I'm telling you what buddy, you just, it's not much different that condyle, a little bone on your ankle, on a pommel. Yeah. And I'm telling you what, buddy, you just,
Starting point is 00:33:06 it's not much different than telling your friend, take one shot with the ball peen hammer on my ankle. Just one. Just not real hard, but just hard. Just give it a whack like you were fucking killing a rat. And that happens twice a week, three times a week. So you have the fear of God in you every time you get on that thing it's
Starting point is 00:33:26 it's like it's like reaching to get a fucking beer out of the fridge and put your fingers in a rat trap it's got it takes that kind of thrill out of the beer so that I guess you could say it about all gymnastics events, but there's no lazy. You hear it happen. Kink ankle bone on wood and the whole gym a look and there's someone down because you're going to hit the floor. You just you collapse and there's nothing for the longest time. Just pale.
Starting point is 00:34:03 Just white pale. it's amazing it's one of the best of all sports injuries nip in the old ankle bone on the fucking pommel at high speed Jeffrey Burchfield says you're showing your age yep by using VD venereal disease they got name specific one. I guess now they call them STIs. I guess it's you're not allowed to call them STDs anymore. It's an infection, not a disease or some shit. See, everything's changing. Yeah. I was telling you that the, what was the book that you recommended last week? Wealth and poverty, wealth and poverty. I think it was a couple of weeks ago, wasn't it?
Starting point is 00:34:57 Before. Okay. You're probably right. Last week, I think it was ideas have consequences. Wealth and poverty. Which is an outstanding book, but I don't, I can't give it recommendation. It's a lot. It starts with a G, the author. What's the author's name? Gilder, George Gilder. Gilder, okay. So, so Suzy got the book and he's already powered through it.
Starting point is 00:35:24 And he, I was like, so what do you think? And he was basically and I'm going to I'm going to screw up what he said. But he said one of the big takeaways is that with socialism, you're just when you come to the table with socialism, you you have you come to the table with your hands out to take from other people and give to other people. You're not generating wealth. And with capitalism, you have to bring something with your hands out to take from other people and give to other people, you're not generating wealth. And with capitalism, you have to bring something to market to start the, to be the catalyst for capitalism to work. Meaning like I bring socks or a bag of bananas, or I bring something to market to add value, and then people start buying it.
Starting point is 00:35:57 And that's what causes capitalism to work. And ever since he told me that, I've been listening to all of Kamala Harris's economic plans And ever since he told me that I've been listening to all of Kamala Harris's economic plans versus Trump's economic plans. And all of Trump's economic plans are to bring more things to market or cut cost places. And all of Kamala's are to take more tax or to like take from police and give here, give there. She's just a pure socialist. Not one of her ideas is to bring more things to market. Not one of her fucking ideas. Whereas Trump has this
Starting point is 00:36:31 idea where, hey, we're going to produce more energy and when we produce by drilling and other things, and when we produce more energy, that'll lower the cost of goods. And that will be the catalyst for people to do more things and be more innovative. And with more oil being brought to market, there'll be more money generated. And then to cut the Department of Education, the Federal Department of Education, they're not even the same creatures. I want to respond to that by backing up this discussion in agreement, but I'm gonna back up a bit.
Starting point is 00:37:00 Please. And tell you that regardless of how you define wealth, whether you take some kind of Santa Cruz hippies notion of it or Goldman Sachs banker's notion of it, which is kind of the beauty of this, but however you see wealth, you will fall into one of two camps and that is people that believe it was created and people that believe it's just shared, it sits out there and
Starting point is 00:37:26 has existence. And amongst those that realize it's created, they also realize that you can only make inequitable distribution by schemes of distribution. And for those that think it's shared, it just sits there in the fucking street, the gold, and we come at it with a shovel. They have no concerns for distribution that doesn't yield equity, equivalent shared amounts, with no eye whatsoever to the fact of it being created. And it's a disease of the mind to not realize that wealth is created. It's, and it's a, and one of the follow-up diseases that you're gonna be afflicted with
Starting point is 00:38:17 if you are so unfortunate to be so stupid, is you think therefore, it's like, I know people that think that Philippe Kahn was wealthy because he got to Pacific Avenue and took all the gold coins before anyone else got there. And the truth is people were there being lazy pieces of worthless shit for generations before he showed up. An immigrant, illegal immigrant, he was an illegal fucking alien when he made himself filthy rich. And the shared model is just a race to the lowest common denominator. Yeah, it's like someone put, I don't know where it comes from. I got mine, you know?
Starting point is 00:38:58 But I'm just saying... I'm homeless. If you left and I was in your home, I'd problem solve. Now I'm not homeless. And I was in your home my problem solved now. I'm not homeless There I was trying to explain it to my son the other day and I said if we had 10 he said what's the difference between Kamala Harris and Kamala Harris and Trump and I said hey if we had a $10 bill and I gave you five and I took Five how much do we all have and he said we each have five and I said, okay If you took two and I took eight how much do we all have and he said ten? I'm like, that's her model of economics. And he goes, what's Trump's? I'm like to bring a passion fruit that we that someone worked hard to grow, pick off the vine and sell.
Starting point is 00:39:36 And now all of a sudden we have fifteen dollars in the pile. Let's go back to my created versus just shared. Yeah. The system that doesn't recognize the creation of wealth commits to barbaric schemes for distribution, where everyone has less, even the poorest, than the system with no eye to distribution, lets those that produce wealth produce their wealth and do with it as they wish. The truth is that if someone becomes wealthy, you can't think of things that they may or may not do with that wealth that doesn't create opportunity and inspire and create opportunities for wealth and other people. Whether it ends up in the stock market or you buy real property
Starting point is 00:40:29 with it, it doesn't fucking matter. So when people say Elon Musk could have cured world hunger by spending 44 dollars. Those are idiots. minutes idiots fucking idiots By using that mindset of buying Twitter to buy food for all the people and give them all fucking fudgesicles got it Yeah, you're an idiot That's it people that think that way I'm trouble feeding their family JJ like Greg did with the affiliates. we're here to protect you and the brand. We aren't here to take your revenue and force you into compliance.
Starting point is 00:41:08 Correct. Yeah, everybody in the world to open your gym at noon. Would I recommend you do that? No, I think you're doomed. I think starting at noon is part of the psychopathology of failure. The recent clip of her being asked about inflation and how to fix it is embarrassing per usual. She says a lot about nothing. Oh, she's... Mark Levin called it out. She starts with some sentence that she plays with
Starting point is 00:41:48 and plays with it until it just lapses into idiocy. It's fascinating. She's so readily impersonated. Not that Trump's better. Trump's method requires people work. Kamala will win votes with handouts. People are stupid and lazy. That's better. Trump's method requires people work. Kamala will win votes with handouts. People are stupid and lazy. That's right. And this is going to be a big measure of that. We're going to find out what chunk of the population has some sense of working for a living versus those that
Starting point is 00:42:17 think they just haven't been given their fair share yet. Daniel Garrity, aren't we producing more oil than ever now? I have no idea. There's been almost a 1% increase from last week and a 7% increase from a year ago. Hey, so that would make sense, Dan. I don't know if it's the most ever. Oh, no, the US oil recount is 20% below its post-pandemic peak. So there's 20% less drilling in the US than there was in 2020. Did you get any sense that we use less gas during the pandemic?
Starting point is 00:43:15 I guess so, huh? Yeah. I mean, there were, there was some, I don't know if you can believe what you see on the news, but there were some crazy, in Venice, they said there were dolphins that they hadn't seen in forever swimming in the waterways there because the water got so clean what made the water clean because people stopped traveling on all I guess that in the waterways there I guess there's tons of boat traffic and they said you could see that the water was noticeably cleaner by looking down into it Let me share another interesting
Starting point is 00:43:46 Sounds like a load of shit Uh, let me let me share another interesting thing. I heard I heard someone say that hey the Another reason whether you believe in um, uh anthropogenic global warming Or what your take is on global warming or climate change, it's basically economies that are flourishing are the downstream from them are clean environments. And so- Yeah, I wanna work, I wanna go back to the, like anthropogenic global warming and climate change
Starting point is 00:44:20 are the same thing like carrots and bugs bunny are the same thing. I mean, I've already got a problem. It really jumps out when you say anthropogenic global warming, because I know of no radicals really espousing that currently. It's now anthropogenic climate change. And they're even leaving off the anthropogenic. It's just climate change and the assumption is that it's man-caused. There's even an opportunity to debate whether man's causing it or not.
Starting point is 00:44:54 And now that it's climate change, they're covered whether it goes up or down. And the absolutely stunningly beautiful thing about that is there has never been a period in the history of the four billion year history of this planet where there hasn't been climate change. So we have anthropogenic global warming to climate change, which I have to defend myself against when no accusations even been made outside of the carbon dioxide exhale is the problem, which I knew we all always eventually get to, that your very existence is polluting. Of course. I've never heard anyone on that. I've never heard a single climate activist or social justice warrior, anyone on the left ever use the word anthropogenic. It's now assumed,
Starting point is 00:45:44 it's like we taught a generation of kids there's no difference between man and women. And now we got children that think your mommy can actually have testicles. I've got a Supreme Court justice who thinks it takes a fucking biology degree to see this man or woman. They still can't.
Starting point is 00:46:12 Whoa. Well, like talk about getting stupid fast. These are amazing times, by the way. Amazing times. We all got to witness firsthand this crazy rash of yanking people off of fucking ballots to protect democracy, their candidates and mine. Who who raise your hand if you don't see where's what's coming next? What's coming next? It's it's a totalitarianism. Control the media and control the candidates. Listen to the shit that Kamala Harris has espoused her entire political career. She wanted to get rid of a private healthcare.
Starting point is 00:47:18 Yeah, I think she's gonna mature into a rational position. I would if she were RFK Jr. We've seen him grow intellectually. Right. But a wonderful thing. I have a first row seat to that. I have immense respect for the man. Immense respect.
Starting point is 00:47:43 The number of issues when he's far ahead of the other candidates is pretty impressive. I don't think, this is gonna be a hot take, but I don't think Kamala will mature. And I think one of the reasons why is she doesn't have kids. She's stupid. She's profoundly stupid. And she doesn't have kids.
Starting point is 00:48:10 We don't even need to go there. I know. I know it's probably not popular. Watch her on script, off script. Teleprompter versus none. Winging it. Just making conversation. Answering an impromptu question. She's an idiot. If anything looked like, you remember Chauncey Gardner from being there? Yeah, refresh me.
Starting point is 00:48:39 Well, he's, it was Peter Sellers, wasn't it? Yes, yes, yes, yes. And he like, it's like the garden and people would go, oh wow, it's the most profound thing anyone ever said on economics. And he was just like fucking Santa Cruz hippie bullshit platitudes. And, but what you never see is, it's never suggested
Starting point is 00:49:03 because you're left wondering, is he genius or or is he is he just a pawn is a minuto, you know? Yeah. And with her, you get to see it. You get to see we were actually watching her the handlers, the power brokers, the people that produced her, the machinery that produced the Kamala Harris. Victor Davis Hansen called it on her powerfully. He said that she grew up, came of age in a post retail political era in California, where the political machinery picked the winner, Willie Brown, and that was the candidate. And it didn't matter what she fucking said. She wasn't asked tough questions. There wasn't debate. She didn't have to she fucking said. She wasn't asked tough questions.
Starting point is 00:49:45 There wasn't debate. She didn't have to knock on doors. She wasn't challenged by journalists. And she's done that all the way into the White House. Into the VP slot. Here's a trailer from that movie. There's a snow that fell over the whole weekend and the blizzard is called. Good morning, Louise. snow that fell over the whole weekend in the blizzard is called morning
Starting point is 00:50:11 Yo, man, did you like this movie great loved it See Well, miss chance I have no alternative to inform you that this house now closed. If indeed you have decided here you have no legal right to remain. You'll have to move out by let's say noon tomorrow. I don't understand move out. He does it. He idiots into the White House, buddy, becomes president. Like when Gavin Newsom was at Target and people were leaving without paying. What's going on here? It's like that. And the lady was like, what do you mean? What's going on?
Starting point is 00:50:57 Have you seen? Sir, that's your policy and it's extremely unpopular. He had to be told, hey, fucking Biden doesn't know that there's less fucking Doritos in the bag because of him. Right, right. Imagine that, imagine that. If I were part of that team, I'd go,
Starting point is 00:51:20 there's no fucking way you're gonna put him on a commercial complaining about the number of M&Ms in the bag and this whole shrinkflation thing. We want to avoid the subject of inflation at all costs, not prove to the world that we have third grade fucking brains on the problem. Could anything be more Chauncey Gardner like than to make a Super Bowl ad where you're complaining about the number of Doritos in the bag after inflating the currency like like only a fucking socialist in South America could do.
Starting point is 00:51:59 It really is like idiocracy. Ladies and gentlemen, I will get more Doritos put into your bag. You know what she you know one of the things she's running on. What was it corporate greed? As long as it costs more to do everything we need to do it's time for us to get greedy. One of the core um uh cornerstones of her campaign is to reduce what she calls junk fees that the banks charge us. She says that in every speech. Have you seen that? Yeah. It's just, she'd just take money from one pile and move to the other pile. Do you know about this guy, Judge Joe, Joseph Blankley Brown Jr. born 1947, American former lawyer and television personality, Shelby County, Tennessee
Starting point is 00:52:43 criminal court judge. Do you know who that is? No, that's not the CrossFit judge, is it? No, but his clips have been just going crazy on social media. Listen to his take on Kamala Harris. Is that a crossfit judge? No. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:53:03 No, no, no. Let me ask you about Kamala Harris. How do you feel about her? She's a piece of s***. I'm not a judge. No. Oh, okay. No, no. Ask you about Kamala Harris. How do you feel about her? She's a piece of ****. I was in California. She lacked professional competence, and she worked on it by hiking up her hemline
Starting point is 00:53:16 when she needed influence rather than researching. She's always tried to do the casting couch to get where she wants. Now the problem is is that it'll get somebody to a certain level quickly, but you can't get past that level if you don't have competence and talent. So my thing about it is is if I'm crude about it, in this city years ago I used to represent a whole bunch of pimps and hoes and I know a hole when I see one. And I say this, I don't care women you do what you want to do if you want to have recreational sex, but when you do the casting couch or anything else for
Starting point is 00:53:58 professional purposes to get paid or advance you a hole. Is that is that is that just rumor and like a right wing propaganda? Or did she really fuck Willie Brown to get. Uh. Position. Favor. I mean, that's the story, right? She was the most powerful man in the state of California for a long time.
Starting point is 00:54:26 He was Willie Brown. Yep. His origins are as in prove me wrong. Someone demonstrate will prove about it. I could easily be wrong, but it was always my understanding that he came up as a a criminal defense attorney for some of the roughest tumblest of, of drug operations in the state. And I don't say that makes him a bad guy. He was a defense attorney for notorious drug felons, worked his way up through the state and
Starting point is 00:54:56 became the most powerful man in the state and was so for a long time. And through San Francisco, for a long time and through San Francisco, much of that Gavin Pelosi kind of machinery. Right. And she was his girlfriend and her career was meteoric and she has no talent or aptitude for anything that can be demonstrated and never has. He served as speaker of the California State Assembly from 1980 to 1995. His long tenure and powerful position were used as the focal point of the California
Starting point is 00:55:30 ballot proposition, eliminating the terms of state legislators. Is he dead? I think he did die. Yeah. No? I think he did die. Yeah. No, I don't see. No, I think he might still be. He must be old. He must be approaching a hundred, right? Doesn't it normally say their age right up here at the top?'s his born. I mean if you flick by born a few times Go down go down go down more more more
Starting point is 00:56:14 Personal details, oh age 90 one in 1934. Yeah Uh This is this is uh, I want to actually, before I get to this, I want to, I want to point out something. So someone told me that, that, hey, in good economic times, the environment gets clean and that a clean climate is a byproduct of a strong economy. So two days ago I was at the skate park and it was a guy. Can I, can I just touch that up a little bit? Yes. The clean air and clean water, whether that air was particulate or chemical emission, what was demonstrated was that clean water and clean air were luxury goods. They distributed exactly as luxury goods.
Starting point is 00:57:03 And that poor people had dirty air and rich people had clean air. And the guy that did that was a green piece mathematician. And he became forever a pariah after that. That could not be forgiven. Lom Lomberg, right? Look him up. But anyways, that needs to be shared.
Starting point is 00:57:25 It's a luxury good. Uh, LOM, how do you spell LOM? I think it's LOM Lomburg, LOMBURG. Maybe that's just a nickname. Uh, Bjorn Lomburg? Yeah. Yeah. Bjorn.
Starting point is 00:57:43 Is he... Mathematician. Is he from... is he from... is he American? Does he have a book? That sounds... I would love to read that. President of the think tank in Copenhagen consensus. No, it's not that guy.
Starting point is 00:58:03 A close examination of the fantasticalensus. No, it's not that guy. A Closer Examination of the Fantastical Numbers. Oh, what was it? Bjorn Lomborg. A Closer Examination of the Fantastical Numbers in Bjorn Lomborg's new book. How, oh, oh, okay. How the climate change panic cost us trillions hurts poor people and fails to fix the planet. Oh, I want to read that book, False Alarm. The start of him, nobody knew who he was until some dude from Greenpeace said that clean air and clean water were something that happens as an economy grows. And he could show it from country by country and across all countries.
Starting point is 00:58:58 So I'm at the skate park yesterday and there's a physician there who comes twice a month up from San Diego to skate at the Sunnyvale skate park to train with one of my kids coaches. A physician? Yeah, physician. And I said, is there, his specialty was blood. Okay. I forget.
Starting point is 00:59:22 I asked him, I forget what he said, but some sort of blood, blood doctor, maybe something to be specialty in leukemia. I'm not sure. Anyway, yeah, maybe that's what he is. That sounds right. So he so I was like, Oh, how long have you lived in San Diego? He tells me I said, Where do you live? Do you live in North County? He said no, I live in South County. I live Imperial Beach, I think that's South County Yeah, and I said oh why'd you move down there and he said I went down there because I thought it was gonna be amazing And I said, how is it and he said it's horrible and I said why is that and he said because Tijuana dumps Yeah, 80% of their raw sewage into the ocean, 25 gazillion gallons of raw sewage every single day into the Pacific.
Starting point is 01:00:16 And I thought, well, there's your fucking example. There's your fucking example. A horribly poor town, poor country, and they can't even clean their own fucking water before they fucking dump it into the ocean and pollute the entire fucking San Diego coastline. He said, yeah, it won't even go in the water there. He said it's so bad. Damn. I thought what a great example, you know, if the economy economy there was strong they sure as fuck wouldn't be doing that lauren knolls This is a weird question. Uh greg
Starting point is 01:00:51 If you had a decent female coach who appears to be transitioning would you allow her to continue to coach for you? Oh, you mean like at your gym. You mean at your gym like you own the affiliate and the coach is transitioning? You know, I think I would allow it, but I don't know why. I don't know how to articulate it. I mean, it's just not my style to intervene. Right. I mean, you see a lot of stuff as a coach, you know, what are you gonna intervene on? I remember some of the gentle interventions I tried to make with chicks that were dating
Starting point is 01:01:46 liberal dudes that they learned to hate the guy chiefly because they could run all over him because the guy had no balls. Over and over again. Over and over again. The problem, what happens to a liberal town is he emasculates the men and the women take over and hate the men for it. It's crazy. I've seen it many times. We had a disproportionate number of women who looked like men work at CrossFit.
Starting point is 01:02:21 I don't think anymore going through transitioning, but we had a lot of women at headquarters who looked like men. And by that I mean really short haircuts, war bag clothes, you know what I mean? Is the crew cutted lesbian forklift operator at Walmart more likely to transition now because of the changing views on it? Is that, is it draining from a sect of lesbian?
Starting point is 01:02:52 Yeah, I've heard a dozen firsthand stories, not of older women, by older, I mean over 21, but of women who were like 12, 13 years old, who were encouraged. Can you create a shortage of dykes? Oh shit. Like they're picking of dykes. Oh shit. Like they're picking off dykes to transition them. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:03:10 Wow. I don't have answers to that, but it would seem logical. She had top surgery. Here's the thing, right? On the grandiose, I know you asked Greg Lorne, but I want to chime in here. On the grandiose, from the 100,000 Lorne, but I want to chime in here. On the grandiose, from the 100,000 foot view, I think, well, that's a fucking stupid question.
Starting point is 01:03:29 Who the fuck cares? But then when you get down to it, you have to guess that half your, here's my honest take on it. Half your clients aren't going to care. And the other half are going to pretend like they don't care. No, sorry. Half your, sorry, let me change it. Half your clients at the gym are going to care
Starting point is 01:03:46 because it's gonna make them feel uncomfortable. And the other half are gonna pretend like they don't care, but they really do care. Because it is a weird thing. It is, there's no doubt about it. Just like it's a weird thing to see a guy juggle 10 balls that are on fire. It's a weird thing to see someone switch sexes.
Starting point is 01:04:03 It's like if you haven't seen a dwarf. If you have a truly diverse, open-minded, you just don't care about anything but health and fitness clientele, you know what would be the most contentious issue in your gym? What? The music. Constant fucking war.
Starting point is 01:04:23 You will have people have been with you 20 years telling you I haven't been coming here to listen to this shit. And someone else is coming to tell you I've been here for 20 years and you've never put my music on. And they're coming with an hour of each other. And what do you say?
Starting point is 01:04:38 Fuck you both of you, you know, it's fucked. Yeah. I don't, you know, I'm not, the bullshit of personalities and they they have it every press office every law firm medical group Everyone's fine. I started fucking them. You know what I mean? I mean, that's just life Heidi Krum the music is very controversial Constant constant source of complaint.
Starting point is 01:05:07 Constant. What if she gets top surgery and starts walking around the gym topless? Get her a shirt that says, get her a tank top that says liberated. God. Graciano Rubio, I could give a shit less, just squat below parallel. That is the common sense approach. That is the common sense approach. But if you have a woman there and one day she comes and her tits are chopped off and she has a beard,
Starting point is 01:05:49 it's going to be a distraction. But I mean, there's tons of distractions. And you know, and I slip and call her Bob and she's crying and now it's a big episode and I'm like, lawyers are calling me, fuck her and her fucking new dick. You know what I mean? Like, whatever. I just, I just don't need it to be my problem. That's what I think about it. Okay, so as long as it's not your problem, do get whatever transformative surgeries you want. Well, it's like, you know, hey, Karen's taking up fucking hacky sack, I don't care.
Starting point is 01:06:21 Okay, this is the fifth time we stopped the class to fucking play with the little sack, you know, like now it's a problem Short see why would it matter if they were transitioning Lauren a good question. That's your trainer That's your person. It doesn't change who they are as a coach does it can they still train people exceptionally? All great great point great points. Yep. I Exceptionally all great great point great points. Yep. I Mean, I mean that's the that's the pie in the sky right short see that it doesn't change anything except for the fact which bathroom They use give them all your transitioning clients Well, there you go we had a chicken train nut jobs
Starting point is 01:07:01 If you talk if you started reading the auras of equipment with your eyes closed feeling the dumbbell to see if it had the right energy Wavelength I gave you a chick you got I'd listen that shit. Oh, yeah, I feel it. I feel it. This dumbbells got poison fucking energy. This one's good Whoa, how do you do that? Where I forget the girl's name? So if someone brings their crystals to work out because it helps them with the man, I got it. I got the person for you. And sure enough. Do I want someone with mental health issues around my kids?
Starting point is 01:07:43 I don't. I don't want people to play hacky sack around my kids. I don't want kids with iPhones around my kids. Yeah. Look how bad it's gotten. Oh, I got a story for you. You ready? I got a story. So there's this kid in town. He's like, you know, take, take this with a grain of sand. He's the best nine-year-old skater in town, right? And my kid loves skating with him and the kid's obsessed with skateboarding. Really cool kid, very gentle kid, very, very crazy how aggressive he is on his skateboard.
Starting point is 01:08:19 Such a sweet boy. And so I was talking to his mom the other day and his mom said he got a scholarship to Woodward for to skate there for a week with Caballero and Tony Hawk. And it's a week and it's in it's at the Tehachapi Woodward, the one in Southern California. And so she says to she says, you know, I told him he could go. And then as we got closer to it, I decided not to. And I said, yeah, that's a long time to send your kid away for, uh, when he's nine or seven days.
Starting point is 01:08:55 And I said, anything, any determining factors. And she said, yeah, one. And I said, what? And she said, the kids are allowed to have their cell phones between one and nine every day, 1 PM and nine PM, all the kids. And I thought, well, so I said, I guarantee you if you do send your kid there, he's going to see porn at nine years old. He's going to see his first like cock penetrating a vagina. Right. Ag agree or disagree
Starting point is 01:09:27 Or better or worse I who knows I mean it's it you've lost you've lost control at that point, right? And so you have to decide if you if you're gonna send your kid away Somewhere where there's 20 other boys who are skateboarding your kid away somewhere where there's 20 other boys who are skateboarding who are between the age of seven and 15 your kid's gonna see some crazy shit with this device that can pull down any image anywhere on the internet right? I have more than your kid would you have sent red? No, I have Mormon friends that have a no sleepover rule. And it's a non discussable that kids wouldn't even dream of it. Hey, what you guys want to spend the night? No can do. There's no fucking way. You know, I'm like, well, OK, I got it now.
Starting point is 01:10:14 I got it, too. Yeah. What genius. Genius. It doesn't need to be explained to me. How what how much of this shit starts at sleepovers? 80, 90 percent. Just think of it, it's like Florida Man. Like, yes, memory bank, of course. Someone else told me this one, never let your, if you do do a sleepover, never let your kid sleep over at a kid's house that has brothers. One of the moms was telling me that her fucking whole life was fucking altered because she spent the night at her best friend's house while her brother was
Starting point is 01:10:46 having a sleepover and the boy snuck into a room in the middle of the night. Right. Or a dad. Oh fuck. We don't do sleepovers. I don't have to imagine it. Right. Don't have to look at a guy like, oh man, he gives me a creepy view, vibe. Right. a guy like oh man he gives me a creepy view vibe right uh yeah that was a good bell right ding ding ding ding ding the timing of that
Starting point is 01:11:15 how is the how is how is this schooling going uh i'm asking you that i know i i know because i talk to you and every time i every time i talk talked to Greg he talked to me about what he's teaching his kids Every fucking time like it's like back and he used to talk to me about fucking CrossFit like this Now it's just fucking kids to what he's teaching his kids Yeah, I mean a race to get my kids up to speed that I can teach him the stuff that I think everyone should know. Like, like you see a place and you're like, Oh, I can't wait to get there. So you're, you're, you're making the journey there and incremental steps.
Starting point is 01:11:54 What is that spot? Um, there's applications of arithmetic and logic that can protect you enormously towards being the victim of someone's bullshit. And there's never been an era where I think that's been more important and therefore the opportunities to share that kind of stuff greater. So I've got this whole broken science L1 I'm developing and and the point of it is that there are things that you should have been taught in the fourth grade that you weren't and I can trace those directly to professional errors as a physician. Misunderstandings of basic kind of medical tests and procedures. I like the medical space in particular
Starting point is 01:12:45 because the consequences are so great and the intellectual afflictions that created so much hazard are so simple and so remediable. And so I've got kids approximate in the fourth grade space and to be able to do things like talk about conditional probabilities and define them and explain that the problem, what is the probability of A given B mean? What does it mean to question A on assumptions or givens of B or fact of B, measurement of
Starting point is 01:13:19 B? What is the probability of A mean? And that's a pretty cool and easy thing to put forward to someone, but the immediate important thing comes to not confuse the inverse, the probability of B given A. And you can show that geometrically to the satisfaction understanding of a fourth grader. And from that, the lessons that can pile on, again, when we see geometry and we learn if p then q, p therefore q,
Starting point is 01:13:47 say premise one if p then q, premise two p, and then q, and we call that we call that modus ponens, and then we immediately teach that you can't reason from the converse. If p then q, q therefore p is illogical, but this is an opportunity to say, but it perhaps is more plausible. And the notion of plausibility is, I think it's the most important thing taught nowhere. Is plausibility synonym with predictive? The probability theory in the modern version, in the James-like, Bayesian, successful sense of probability, probability as logic, the derivations of probability theory have their origins in theorems regarding plausibility. It's important stuff. You're crippled mentally without being able to do plausible reasoning. It's something we don't talk about. It comes up so many
Starting point is 01:14:55 times. The critical applications are so instant and good. Look, the vaccine attorneys don't want me to see the raw data for 75 years has no deductive and maybe no inductive value, but what about the plausibility? What does it suggest about the data? Is it conceivable that it's so good it can't be shown for 75 years? Or does it seem more plausible that there's something in there that is not good that you don't want me to see? Are they hiding upside or downside of the vaccine? Or is it that nothing can be determined at all and it can't be seen? What is it?
Starting point is 01:15:42 What would you imagine? and it can't be seen. What is it? What would you imagine? And this kind of reasoning was kind of at the heart of where R.T. Cox came up with his Cox's theorem and started putting, realized that plausibility of something is a critical feature of its predictive nature. I mean, it does relate for sure. Heidi, but I'm an idiot. The cool thing about all of this stuff, Heidi, is it's suited perfectly for the idiot.
Starting point is 01:16:15 Yeah. It basically gives you, it's like, it gives you a hammer so you can break all the glass. So you don't have to know anything. You just have to be able to think clearly. It's to clean up sloppy thinking. It's so it's it it doesn't require you to be intelligent. Whatever that means. Yeah. In fact, Bacon said that the scientific method had a leveling impact on all intellects. And I like that. And it really, like it doesn't, it's not a matter of being smart or not.
Starting point is 01:16:49 It's have you turned observations into measurements that became forecasts of measurement that had predictive value, and now you're doing science or not. And you could be a Benedictine monk fucking around with peas or a clerk at a patent office. the science was there for you to take. And the method is secondary to the predictive strength of the model. And that's the very nature of science and its chief demarcation from non-science and clearly for sure from
Starting point is 01:17:23 nonsense. And we'll give you the tools to ask the right questions. I think so. You should always ask that. Someone's got a model. You should ask what it's predicted in the past, not what it's predicting now. Second question would be what are its qualities in terms of retro addiction? Can I take old data and come to known truths, working it from backwards? And if the answer is no, there's no no retrodiction and no predictions of no, that this is a model that as far as we know may only work in the future. You need to be chuckling.
Starting point is 01:18:01 It's time to, you don't take vaccines on that basis. You don't keep your kids home from school on that basis. You don't try and change the fucking climate on that basis. This doctor who is at the skate park, I said to him, I said, Oh, so I think he was a hematologist. And I said, Oh, have you noticed a change in the blood in the last four years since the mRNA injections have been deployed? And he said, no, all of that is nonsense. I was like, oh, okay.
Starting point is 01:18:34 And then I just started focusing on all of his earrings. This guy Tanner Shuck who's a trainer in UAE CrossFitter, he went on a podcast with Mark Ripito and him and Mark Ripito make this point here and one of the guys who has a show on the Sevan podcast channel on YouTube thinks that Mark Ribbito and Tanner Shuck are completely fucking retarded and so tomorrow this guy Tanner and Taylor are going to have a debate on the show and I just wanted you to play the I want to play the clip for you that kind of started the whole mess um okay uh um oh no sorry this isn't it. Where is that clip? Does anyone know where that? Oh, here it is. Oh, CrossFit training. CrossFit training is not training.
Starting point is 01:19:32 CrossFit training is high intensity exercise, but you cannot constantly vary a training modality and predictably make increases in the expression of that training modality. I couldn't say that any better. And that's coming from a cross fitter. And I was an elite cross fitter. I still do some crossfit, but crossfit training in its purest sense is overrated. Cannot be constantly varied and you cannot expect to get stronger, fitter, or better at anything if you're constantly changing what you're doing.
Starting point is 01:20:00 If you're going to do anything, just get stronger. That's what you need to do. Crossfit training. Crossfit training. Crossfit training. And so this is open this whole can of worms of the debate that it's better just. So let me read you what Taylor writes. Variance relies on transfer of skills so that the athletes can be fit across broad time modal domains, be good everywhere rather than being great somewhere and sucking everywhere else
Starting point is 01:20:26 Mark you are flat wrong. You can predictably increase performance with intelligent variance You don't understand the variance is not randomized your little queef bag sidekick doesn't squat to depth Look out lock out his elbows or do anything else correctly while calling himself elite Tanner. You're just a fool And then he goes on and on Tanner you're just a fool And then he goes on and on But I think but I don't want to mischaracterize it but I think that the the the part where they got got really contentious was this guy is saying that all you have to do is get strong and
Starting point is 01:20:56 Taylor is like hey, there's plenty of guys who can do a 300 pound thruster who can't do Fran in under 10 minutes. Is this an argument you've heard from Rip-A-Toe Forever? There were some parting ways, right? I mean, I know you're friends with him now. I love that the dispute with Tony insisted on calling it push press and Mark wanted to be press. And that rose to such a fucking heated level that the refereeing of that, I wasn't about to tell Tony you have to call it press cause this guy's losing his mind over it.
Starting point is 01:21:44 I would have hoped he would and I would have, but I wasn't going to make someone do that. In other words, you don't get to have a temper tantrum. Your three-year-old can't have a temper tantrum in my kitchen because I won't paint the counter a different color. I'm not going to do it. Now, if the fact of the matter is you're stuck with the fucking three year old, maybe I'd redo the counter. I don't know. But I wasn't going to change anything for Mark losing his fucking mind over that.
Starting point is 01:22:16 And I wondered about him and his ability to focus on what we were doing. But his hypothetical objections and his constructions and I remember being in San Diego trying to talk to him about something. He wondered where'd you get those fucking equations from when I started dividing work by time and talking about average power. And I just realized there wasn't, not just not a lot of purpose here You you were doing some physics and he didn't like it Want to know where I got those equations from what gave me the right to divide both sides of the fucking equation big time So I'm like, okay
Starting point is 01:23:01 So I'm like, okay. Well, tomorrow- He was in a bench press thing describing just strength and power. And I was telling him there's an easy way to do this. I mean, Jesus Christ. I mean, but you know what? There's another much love coach that talks about imparting elevation and momentum against the
Starting point is 01:23:25 bar. That's just a jumbled word salad of Kamala Harris horse shit. It doesn't make you mean you're not a good trainer. Right. Just because you can't do physics or think clearly doesn't mean there's not a place for you. This is the I'm going to listen to I like the mark is a I like his outlandishness. I love. I love the fact that I had to hit the deck and crawl out of a bar in Seattle once for something he blurted out way too loud at exactly the wrong time during a football game. I mean, I'm okay with all that shit, you know?
Starting point is 01:24:01 Mark makes his money convincing teenagers to get fat to build a mediocre squat. How? Like the equation for horsepower. Strength is the productive application of force powers work divided by time. Yeah, that is pretty far. You know, there's a lot of this, like, now, like, do I want to have an argument with an educator about teaching my kids that mommy's got a cock or not?
Starting point is 01:24:33 No. You know, I don't think we're in the space of discussion or rationality at that point. And I would save my energy for people where the words matter. You know, once you're on the animal farm, you're not going to argue your way off of it. Right. Everyone is equal. Some are just more equal than others.
Starting point is 01:24:58 Yeah. You know, like, OK. It's not a fucking animal farm, dude. It's not you're not going to start making drawn figures in the dust with a stick and have the light come on. It's too late for that. I got, you know what?
Starting point is 01:25:13 I gotta be the happiest, most pessimistic motherfucker on the planet. Call her high. Good morning, Savant. Morning, Greg, how are you guys? I'm good, buddy. I'm just describing my fucking epic view to our civilization's failure. I'll be in the pool.
Starting point is 01:25:36 I like how you described yourself as the happiest pessimist, anyone probably knows, but I want to just make some comments on, you know, Rip and Sew and Tanner Shuck. You know, they're trying to find something that's already been found and I think it's already been proven that the CrossFit methodology over the general population is the best training that you could possibly have for someone to prepare them and equip them for life. Them trying to take a step backwards and, you know, only take one piece and say it's the strength piece I think is incorrect. I think it really, they're grasping at straws.
Starting point is 01:26:12 People are always trying to up the ante or find the next big thing. It's already been found, it's crossed it. Now it's just crossed it 2.0 and people like, you know, JR Howe, people like Taylor Self that are evolving within the methodology and taking it to two new levels paired with what you're doing, Greg, with the Broken Science Initiative. And I think what you really set out from the beginning, and that's to cure the world's most vexing problem.
Starting point is 01:26:43 The training piece we have now it's fixing the medical community and how we're feeling our bodies. We combine those two and we're going to have the right mix. We just got to get all the nonsense out of it. You know, I just want to throw in there an example, anecdotal, I don't know, remember the exact numbers, but in 2008 when I was filming Josh Everett for the Every Second Counts movie, I remember him or maybe was at the games But basically he deadlifted 500 pounds and he said hey, you know I haven't deadlifted and since I found CrossFit like like a max and I go what do you mean?
Starting point is 01:27:14 He goes I've just been working on my clean and jerk and snatch and my in the byproduct of that was my deadlift went up a hundred pounds And Like there you go cross it Yeah, I can tell you from my personal experience. I was a collegiate football player Had done the typical kind of football strength training, you know Protocols, you know throughout my time. I showed up at the University of San Diego And I think it was 2009 and I met a guy named Stefan Roche who introduced me to CrossFit
Starting point is 01:27:46 and across the board I became better at everything and we wouldn't bench for a month and we'd get on a bench press and I would set PRs. So I can tell you from personal experience CrossFit is the best and I've been doing it now for the past 15 years. And I just keep getting better, keep feeling healthier. I see people around me in my age group that are just deteriorating. And there's no secret. I eat the right way, but it's not, I don't have to measure anything.
Starting point is 01:28:17 I just eat the right categories and helpful amounts that fuel my training and I do the right training protocol. That's it. And I can have a really great, fulfilled life and be cooler than a lot of the other dads that I know. Yeah. Thank you. And I agree.
Starting point is 01:28:31 We can define, we can talk, have discussions about constantly varied high intensity functional movement. And I can give you specific examples of what I would mean by constant variance and it may not be that every parameter varies. In other words, like you haven't done anything with purple weights in a year. How is it constantly varied? So there are parameters you would vary, parameters you don't. We can have that discussion and then we can sit and we can talk about the what first fundamental theorem of
Starting point is 01:29:03 CrossFit that constantly varied high intensity functional movement increases work capacity across broad time and modal domains. And I can tell you what that increased work capacity across broad time and modal domains may also look like. And we can have that discussion. And then I can tell you, here would be an application, a string quartet from Japan does Crossfit and plays better. There. That's an example of increased work capacity across broad time and world domains. I'm sorry, I've
Starting point is 01:29:31 constantly very high intensity functional movement increasing work capacity across broad time and world domains. Kind of an interesting one, but there nonetheless. But what I hear in Mark and Fritz's fucking debate, if you will, or their take, I don't hear anything I can respond to related to anything that I know to be CrossFit. And so Mark's built some demon in his mind that feels, to the originator, no fealty to what I recognize as CrossFit,
Starting point is 01:30:06 and he has an objection to that that he's poorly articulating. Jesus Christ, it's like Mark needs to do better than sound like Louis Simmons. God bless Louis, rest in peace. But I quit trying to make sense of things that weren't sensical long ago and look for what it is. Like when I hear in part momentum in elevation
Starting point is 01:30:29 against the bar, rather than trying to fucking pull that shit out of my ears, what I would do is look at what's happened physically and with or without giving it appropriate physics, try to figure out what it is that made the coaching great. When I sat there and heard momentum, imparting momentum and elevation against the bar, I remember the Hungarian or Czech,
Starting point is 01:31:01 it was Czech fucking gymnast's coach that his moods would range between picking you up off the ground and kissing you on the face and kicking the chalk bucket and slugging the wall and you kind of learn the range like when you were pleasing him or not and he was an extremely effective coach. He didn't speak a word of shit. But it worked. Bottom hand. I think to that point, you talk about, you know, it worked. CrossFit worked. When you were at the helm and you were running it and the mission was clear, that thing was on a growth trajectory. People's lives were being changed by the thousands, probably by the millions, right, at its peak. It made such a dent in what the healthcare industry and the insurance industry and what
Starting point is 01:31:52 Big Sugar wanted to do and how they wanted to hook the American and kind of the world population that they had to remove you. I think that speaks the most volume. One, the amount of growth that CrossFit experienced with affiliates and members, and two, the fact that your enemies had to remove you as the leader because it was affecting their business model so much. That in and of itself shows that program
Starting point is 01:32:15 and what impact you had. The things that medicine and public health, the metrics that public health and medicine collectively give us as the indices of your health are misunderstood to, independent variables. And they're not, they're dependent variables. The independent variables are what was for dinner, what's for breakfast, and what exercise you do. And the blood pressure, triglycerides, lean body mass, bone density, heart rate, ejection fraction, all that shit, blood pressure, all of them, those things are the independent variables governed by those dependent variables
Starting point is 01:33:11 that are lifestyle options. And that's scientifically such a huge, huge point. And I was thinking this morning, it's what allowed me to stand in front of the people at Google Health that were tied, however, directly to their Calico project and tell them that there's no amount of AI that's going to, or any kind of metricing of data. There's no research that's going to improve the health condition
Starting point is 01:33:43 that doesn't come to the understanding that the underlying problem is set of ism and the sedentary lifestyle and excessive consumption of carbohydrate. And at the point you do something about those two things, regardless of what you fucking call it, you see the improvements that are promised but not delivered by focusing on those independent, those dependent variables thinking they're independent. Blood pressure, cholesterol, triglycerides, body composition, bone density. And not only do you see it. I don't know what that has to do with me. I don't claim there's a connection between me being around or not,
Starting point is 01:34:40 but I do know that the old message is currently the single most important message that can be given. And the problem in the CrossFit community sat with the lack of acute awareness on the part of the affiliates and my own staff of that underlying reality. Remember, Sebby, the point of the project in the basement of my underserved project was to convince ourselves of what it was that I needed to convince the affiliates of, which was what every affiliate that had been around 15 years learned the hard way firsthand. Last week, Susan did a podcast that was absolutely amazing about the distinction between the
Starting point is 01:35:29 messages coming out of HQ from Greg and the message coming out of HQ now and what the metrics were for success and how Greg talked about the affiliates and It's a really remarkable And it's a really remarkable podcast that takes a deep dive into exactly what we're saying now. Brian Clark, thank you, caller. Thank you, Sammy. Thank you, Greg. Thanks, buddy.
Starting point is 01:35:55 Brian Clark, we are having the most positive impact on people that any professional can have. Greg Glassman. Thank you, Greg. Greg, infinite times. Yeah, that's a powerful line that would be hard to dispute. The envy of any professional, psychiatrist, social worker, architect, the impact we have on individuals in our community, on those that participate with you, is unprecedented. Short-term and long-term. Short-term and long-term. Speaking of
Starting point is 01:36:32 Coach Simmons, his model works off of constant variance too and produced some of the best models. I loved Louis. I employed him for 15 years, 20 years, whatever it was. I held him in the highest regard, but he's not, he's not like, I wouldn't, I'd pay close attention to him and I'd follow his methodology. I don't know what I get out of listening to him outside of that. He also, he debunks Mark Ripito.
Starting point is 01:37:06 Also, you cannot put Ripito in the same box as Louis Simmons. I don't. There's a place for both. So so this is I don't want this is interesting. Amazing is how much Louis Simmons and my Russian brother, what's his name? My Putin. Yeah. God, he's great.
Starting point is 01:37:36 Romanov. Romanov, Simmons and Glassman, looking to have an argument about exercise physiology. Couldn't. Ready to argue, couldn't. God, Romanoff's great, isn't he? I mean, one of us has got the elephant by the trunk, the other's looking to its eyeball,
Starting point is 01:37:56 and the other's doing pull-ups from the tusk. But there's not an argument. Extra sloppy. For most of us, the people listening, CrossFit is a lifestyle and we love to nerd out about it. For the general public, it's fun, strength and conditioning program, and that's still great.
Starting point is 01:38:11 It doesn't need to be anything more than that. I agree. Millions of Chinese gather publicly and engage in 5,000 year old ritual dance. I don't need it explained to me. I don't need it explained to me. I don't know what the fuck you're kidding me out millions of people. I'm not it's not the world's not like that. The world's not like that.
Starting point is 01:38:48 The video is out there for anyone who wants to look it up. That conversation with you, Louis and Romanoff was great. Thank you. Someone could point that out to me. I'd assume that had been banned. Rest in peace, Richard Simmons. Oh, did Richard Simmons die? You know what? I there you can find audio of me refusing to shit on Richie. I go, dude, he has taken hundreds of pounds
Starting point is 01:39:13 of hundreds of people. Oh shit. Take your fucking ball cap off and salute the fucking guy. Shut the fuck up. Who cares? Quit looking at his cock. That's not the point of him.
Starting point is 01:39:26 He had an oversized impact on a large number of people's wellness. You've heard the story at the time that a lady asked me about the health rider. I said it was stupid. She came up and cried, said she'd lost 60 pounds. And I told her, I'm an arrogant asshole. You'd like, don't listen to me.
Starting point is 01:39:46 Never did anything like that since like I learned quickly hard that her dude, she lost 60 pounds on that fucking thing. Simmons died at his home in Los Angeles on July 13, 2024 at the age of 76. He I know him because we would watch him on the TV set in school in the third grade. He would put on that suit, the circulatory system suit, so you could see all the arteries and veins and shit. He had suffered a fall at his home the day prior and refused to seek medical attention out of desire to spend his 76th birthday at home. Police said that his death appeared to be from natural causes, though the investigation is ongoing. He was buried at Pierce Brothers. Two days before he died, Simmons had conducted his first interview
Starting point is 01:40:24 in a significant amount of time with people. Good grads to the T-Trainers. He also was writing a Broadway musical about his life and planning a longer comeback interview with Diane Sawyer on July 20th, 2024, one week after his death, Simmons' team shared what was planned to be his final social media post. Something happened to him too.
Starting point is 01:40:46 I don't know what, but he used to be a regular on Howard Stern, and then he went missing. Howard was always talking about he went missing for a few years. So. All right, let me see what's going on in my in my real life. All right, I think we're done. I'll play one fun video for us. I wonder if Greg has to do something this morning. I think he's got a house full of people. I'll play this, I saw a MAGA hat in Santa Cruz, California. That was really weird. And then I was out at a restaurant
Starting point is 01:41:50 and the waiter came and as I was tipping him, I said, Hey, are you pretty excited about keeping your tips? And he's like, yeah. He's like, I don't normally talk politics, but I'm voting for Trump. That's two in 10 minutes in Santa Cruz. I couldn't believe it. I saw a MAGA hat in Santa Cruz, Greg, and I've seen a big truck driving around with a Let's Go Brandon flag in the back. And my waiter at Eastside the other day told me he's voting for Trump. I want to play this for you. This is just, this is what my, this is what it's like talking to people. I swear to God this is so accurate in California. Here you go. Or Trump.
Starting point is 01:42:22 Or Mala. Why? Many reasons. I don't want to explain them. So you voted for con. That's really cool. Can you name your favorite accomplishment of hers as vice president? Can I name what? Favorite accomplishment. Like one policy she's done
Starting point is 01:42:38 that you really fell in love with that's making you vote for her. I don't want to have this discussion. Because a lot of us on the right, we call her a DEI hire. We believe that she was only hired because of her gender and her skin color. Yeah, I think that's racist, it's pop and misogynist. But isn't DEI supposed to be a good thing? So is it good or bad?
Starting point is 01:42:55 I thought DEI is a good thing. Now it breaks. Hey, so what is it though? Is DEI racist or is it good? Kamala or Trump? Isn't that, hey, isn't that crazy? We've been pounded for four years to hire people not based on merit. We had a president of the United States say he put someone in the Supreme Court based on their skin color and sex.
Starting point is 01:43:20 We had the governor of California bring a citizen of the state of New Jersey and make them a senator in California because of their sex and their color of their skin. But now if you say, if you, doesn't that open the door? Hey, like shouldn't I be able to just walk up to anyone who's and say, Hey, were you a DEI hire? And we all know people who are white who didn't get jobs. How is that racist or misogynistic?
Starting point is 01:43:45 I don't see... It's absolutely... We're in fucking wackadoodle world. It's eventually advocating racism while eschewing racism catches up with you. Might take a while. Say that one more time. It's- Well, you don't get to have it both ways.
Starting point is 01:44:12 You don't have it. You don't get to promote racist policies and be anti-racist. Right. Well, how do they, and is that why they always walk away if you have the discussion with them or they roll their eyes or they get upset? You know what the world's most vexing problem is? It's not chronic disease, I was wrong.
Starting point is 01:44:33 It's logic. It's stupidity. Yeah. And now you're making a... Reducing standards. The kids, you know, they don't... reducing standards. You know, they're not learning to multiply and they're not doing physical education. We've gutted our school system. Look what we did to public schools in the name of public health. It was anti-health, anti-school all at once. For your public health system, shut down public education is like one of your pit bulls killing
Starting point is 01:45:15 the other one. Merry Christmas. They should have been compatible public health and public education. They're both frauds. That's the story. Both frauds. And we got, it got shown to us. We got our faces rubbed in it. It was so, I mean, I had a good public school system compared to yours, but the, what was
Starting point is 01:45:49 the G's, Louise? But the- I'll pull it up in a second. The parents getting shut out of the schools was very, very telling. I think that's what they tell you as a kid. That's what she learned in school one day. Oh, Riley. Yeah. Home home construction. So I guess teachers are playing. You can't you can't afford a house. So it must be fucking horrible for the world.
Starting point is 01:46:15 What's happening all the time. So I guess teachers are playing. You can't you can't afford a house. So it must be fucking horrible for the world. What's happening all the time. So I guess teachers are playing. So I guess teachers are playing. So I guess teachers are playing. So I guess teachers are playing, you can't afford a house. So it must be too fucking horrible for the world.
Starting point is 01:46:29 What's happening? All this home building going on in the neighborhood. But pretty soon, none of us will be able to breathe because of the wood used for new houses. I used to hear this argument and I didn't give it any credence, but now it's come to roost that it's the one of the reasons also why affirmative action and all in a bunch of these racist policies just based now It's just open they don't even they don't even call it affirmative action now
Starting point is 01:46:53 it's just straight racism, but it fucks for all the people who got to where all the women and Black people who got to where they are based on merit now their shits being just unraveled It's really just an attack on them, right? I told you what affirmative action, who it hurts most. Yeah. The brightest, sharpest, hardest working, most talented people in that, within that group you're trying to help are devastated by it.
Starting point is 01:47:27 And so pretty soon you end up with, we only recognize black superstars if they're like, you know, P. Diddy or Beyonce. It's an assumption of the higher order intellectual achieving didn't get there on their own. That's the assumption of the higher order intellectual achieving didn't get there on their own. That's the assumption. It's so uncool to think of how hard you'd
Starting point is 01:47:52 have to work to be, say, Ben Carson. Right. And then Average just assumed that, in fact, he's hated by the left. You know why? Through hard work and intelligence he got off the plantation. He's a runaway Negro. That's what he is. There's this new Netflix movie. And what's the hip hop community doing for the most part? They're playing for the plantation owners. Right. Wow. Wow. Yeah, that's the porch band. Singing that song, it's unbelievable.
Starting point is 01:48:47 Hardworking, independent, think for himself, black man is really under a sail. Enemy number one. Ah, we gotta go. Enemy number one, yeah. You gotta go. And what we want them to believe is that every white person hates him and resents his success. And in fact, we don't.
Starting point is 01:49:13 That's the black man I want for a neighbor. I want the fucking pediatric neurosurgeon black man neighbor. Right. Hip hop music now sucks balls, I know. Hip hop has just taken a horrible turn. Have you ever seen like the history of lyrics and they go back to the 70s and hip hop used to be like no gang violence and don't do drugs and just the journey it's taken to just like it's wild. To misogyny and Yeah, there needs to be some kind of a
Starting point is 01:50:19 hip-hop female genital mutilation Fucking anthem. Oh, oh It could be a new genre, tranny hop. It couldn't be more misogynistic. Oh, I know we're over the 90 minute mark. I gotta bring this up. Dude. There's dudes now beating women for fucking entertainment on the largest platform in the world. Olympics.
Starting point is 01:50:48 Yeah. They got two dudes in there beating fucking chicks up. Yeah. For your entertainment today on the world stage. I'm just like, holy shit It's not it's not rational and you're not gonna you're not gonna there's not gonna be an explanation That convinces anyone of what's wrong with that You know, are you doing what's right with it? Right or wrong.
Starting point is 01:51:25 Well, there's no explanation that's going to convince anyone there's anything right with it, allowing that to happen. Men to beat up women on the world stage. To normalize it. Dude, did you see the lady? You were having the discussion yesterday of getting someone to come face to face with the with the inequities or the say the racist nature of what they espouse and if it's an approved of racism or transgression you just laugh it off. Did you, did you, uh, the, the female, did you see, have you read what she said? The chick that got beat up?
Starting point is 01:52:10 Yeah. No, I'm not, I won't get anything out of paying any attention to that story. Well, I'm gonna tell you anyway. I don't think I've ever felt like that. I'm just saying that like, there's nothing, there's no knowledge to be gotten for me. I don't think I've ever felt like that. I'm just saying that there's no knowledge to be gotten for me. Because, yeah, nothing's gonna surprise you. You already know. It is what it is. You're letting the men compete against the women in a brutal sport. It's nuts. Basically, she said she'd never been hit like that she's never felt anything like that in my 13 years of boxing getting punched by that man i felt i felt uh very
Starting point is 01:52:53 out of my depth her blows hurt me a lot thank god i got out of my out of the ring safely and it's good that they find uh that they finally realized i don't know what they finally realized that they finally realized. I don't know what they finally realized. Hey, the guy from the IOC was like defending it. Yeah, I'd like to feed him to a lion and all the liberals screamed to me about what's wrong with it. I would act like I don't understand.
Starting point is 01:53:16 Right. A ball eating lion. A ball-eating lion. I want to counsel against anyone thinking that this is something that you discuss. I'm closer to shooting than arguing. Do you feel that? Right, right, right. closer to shooting than arguing. Do you feel that? Right, right, right.
Starting point is 01:53:49 Like the gun I bring to the first, first to the freedom of speech debate. I wonder if the two trans athletes are gonna have to fight each other in the finals. I wonder if they're in the same weight class God I wish I could find the interview of the probably wouldn't allow a transition female to fight a transition male Although that's some, yeah, it's a big issue. I'm okay with that. I'm okay with that. Juiced up female with man on estrogen.
Starting point is 01:54:38 It seems very vaudevillian to me. I think the crowd should be able to bring weapons within a certain dimension that you can throw into the ring and either party can pick them up. Dude, they've been disqualified from other global events, but in Paris the Olympic International Committee confirmed they're good to go. This is just nuts. Fucking nuts. Hey, it makes, for me, it makes the entire Olympics unwatchable. Like, I don't want to participate in any of their shit.
Starting point is 01:55:26 You know what I mean? Like I hate to be that guy, but like Cart Heart forcing their employees to take. Your pommel horse routine this morning was the whole of it. I've seen that's it. Good. All right. Not interested. Yeah. I don't even know if I get the channels it's on. Yeah, I don't even know if I get the channels it's on
Starting point is 01:55:49 They even have channel I don't even know if we have channels All right, thanks dude good time you're you're you're a you're Ten days twelve days away from having a another human in your house. Yeah your baby girl. Next week I'll be, at this time, I'll be working in Texas. And then, so we'll miss a week. And then when I come back, you'll have the kid maybe. I come back. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 01:56:16 I come back on the 12th. That's a Monday. That's when you're having your kid, right? Yep. It's harvest day. Wow. Well, say hi to everyone for me. I will.
Starting point is 01:56:26 5% chance you'll be there? You know, I wanted to do the affiliate thing for Daniel, but it's like I'd have to fly in and fly out almost in the same day and get here to take Riley down to her thing in San Diego. I don't know. You got a lot of travel. All right.
Starting point is 01:56:45 It feels insane. And for something I don't even know why I would do it. I went last year, I wasn't sure why I was there. It was nice seeing everyone, but. Yeah, people would just wanna see you. I see people anywhere. You founded the thing. Yup.
Starting point is 01:57:05 Okay, one last thing. How close are we to the BSI today event? A beta of it running. Yeah. There's a painful version I could do today. Oh, well let's organize that. Let me press you and organize that. Martin Valley. I'm going to guess Jan in Phoenix, in Scottsdale at the new gym.
Starting point is 01:57:28 Okay, all right. So I guess I'll see some test runs of it when you do your intermediate phase from Idaho to Scottsdale. Yeah, I got 10-ups that need to be polished into probably videoed segments and seen in that manner before they're ever attempted to all be hooked together. I think you're right.
Starting point is 01:57:52 All right, thank you. See you soon, dude. Bye, bud. Bye, Greg. Greg Glassman, founder, creator, CrossFit. Brian Clark put me on the list. Hey Seve. Hey. I just got back from the dentist for the first time since stitching fluoride toothpaste for methoothion. Oh fastest and least painful
Starting point is 01:58:16 cleaning I've ever had. Dennis said my teeth look great. Holy shit-oley. Rich Shit-oli! Rich Brosda. Yeah, it's... Last night before I went to bed I cracked open my second jar of Metuthean since we released it. And I was actually thinking how I could share it more with people, how I could convince people more that they need to try it. I just don't know how. Besides just stuff like you saying that. Rich Brosda, hey Seve, just got back from the dentist for the first time since ditching
Starting point is 01:59:01 fluoride toothpaste for metuthean. Fastest and least painful cleaning I've ever had Dennis said my teeth look great Fucking amazing. I love it 159 13. Maybe I'll clip that and put that maybe that's my ad 159 13 I know it's this shit Free samples, are you fucking kidding? I'm not stupid I know, it's this shit. Free samples, are you fucking kidding? I'm not stupid.
Starting point is 01:59:30 Samples? Hand out samples at the game, you're out of your fucking mind. Sevan, can you make the tooth powder compact into little balls? By the way, if anyone wants it, go over to Doc Spartan. Go to Doc Spartan, or it'll- it's in the, um... Damn, look at this fucking forum It's in the in the notes It's in the notes and or whatever that means I don't even know what the notes mean But I know Susie puts it somewhere on YouTube Savvy where can I meet you at the games?
Starting point is 02:00:02 Where can I meet you at the games? I want to say that I don't mix with the peasants. That's what I want to say, but I'll tell you the truth. I'll give you the whole breakdown. Only to fill airtime because I don't really want to leave you guys. On Monday, I will fly, a driver will come pick me up from my house, take me, deposit me at San Jose airport. From there, I will fly first class to I don't know where. I will get off the plane and I will take an Uber to my hotel room where my wife will have
Starting point is 02:00:49 already paid for the room, put down the credit card, so all I have to do is be like, hi, I'm here. I'm assuming that will be evening. I will go up to my room. I will probably be starving because I don't eat when I travel. I'll probably order. Oh, maybe there's a chance that I might have a dinner with someone that night. Then it also depends.
Starting point is 02:01:17 Like it depends. If Dave's there and Dave's like, hey, come to my room or go to dinner with me or something, I'll drop everything. I'll change my plans and I'll do that. But if not, then I will probably have dinner with someone. And I probably won't want to. I probably just, I really would probably just like to stay in my room. I probably do it with in a perfect world. I would get on the computer.
Starting point is 02:01:37 I would do a podcast. I really want to do a podcast with Taylor self and Colton Mertens. Um, before the games, just the three of us, maybe John Young. So that'll be Monday. Then Tuesday morning when I wake up, I will try my best to find out what Dave's doing and start filming the behind the scenes. And I will do that also on Wednesday and on Thursday and on Friday and on Saturday and on Sunday. I will try to get up as early as I can to jump on his bandwagon and I will try to stay with him all day until the show is over every night.
Starting point is 02:02:20 So that's the only thing I know about my schedule. And I rarely, I don't, I usually, I avoid, at the venue I'll try to avoid walking because there's so little time to capture everything, you know, I avoid walking through anywhere where there's people. And because usually after an event I'm going to, I'm trying to chase down the athletes to get interviews. So I really don't know where I'm gonna, I don't know, I don't know. Last year there was a Paper Street coffee booth and I went there a few times to get coffee
Starting point is 02:02:54 and that was an awesome spot to hang out. But it'll just basically be just crazy work. So I wish I could tell you. But I usually am walking around the perimeter, so I usually get to meet some people while I do that. Alright. I hope there aren't any delays or anything. Arctic sea level, soar highest level in 21 years. Will you masturbate to help you relax your mind
Starting point is 02:03:42 and stay focused during the filming behind the scenes? I don't know. Probably not. But I don't know. Anything can happen in a hotel room. Mike McCasky, someone I messaged you I could pick you up from Dallas, Fort Worth. Okay, thank you. It stresses me out to think that far ahead. You know what I just keep thinking is that I need to start charging my batteries and pack my bags.
Starting point is 02:04:10 Sevan is a liar. He spent 30 minutes talking to me while Dave was avoiding his ass last year. Well, I don't think that makes me a liar. That could be true. But Dave was probably, I had 30 minutes because he was avoiding me. There's time if I'm talking to you it's probably because I'm tired and I need to take a break. Like I need to like I'm old and I can't walk anymore. I'm just like okay I need to stay still.
Starting point is 02:04:41 Vindicate, Sebi not having a meeting spot makes me wish I had a booth now. Oh yeah, your booth was right next to Gabe's booth. That was awesome last year. Oh, that reminds me. By the way, oh, there's something I'm going to listen to. I'm going to listen to this podcast today and take notes so I can help facilitate the conversation. Here's the Training vs. CrossFit with Tanner Shuck, Starting Strength Radio, number 275, Mark Ripitoe, July 26, 2024.
Starting point is 02:05:07 I'm going to listen to this today. So if you want to, tomorrow shows at 8 a.m. So, what was I just going to put? Oh, oh, oh, oh, that's what I was going to do. That's what I was going to do. I wanted to, I was actually thinking about this today uh I wanted to call Gabe and find out um I hope my phone's working let's see if it's popping or not the copy very deeply no not that sorry wait where's my very there we go Jesus or God whatever I can't hear you now okay how about now I can hear you. Okay. Hey, um, uh, the games are coming across the games. Oh yeah. Oh, by the way, I saw your new store on, um, on, uh, Instagram with the garage doors.
Starting point is 02:06:35 Sweet. That's a Nashville dude. It's crazy. We're getting there, man. Um, my GM from New Jersey just flew out today. He's gonna get everything ready. I still can't go out there waiting for the baby to come out. I cannot believe how deep your voice sounds right now. It's fucking crazy. Really? Have I been smoking?
Starting point is 02:07:00 No, it's not like that. It's not deep like that. It's just like someone said you sound like Barry man Hold on one second. I want to see something really quick. Hold on one second Disconnect what the fuck is going on with my phone normal shit act like I'm surprised. It's normal shit I don't know man. My balls finally dropped and only took 34 years. How's that? Can you hear me? I could always hear you.
Starting point is 02:07:32 Okay. In my dreams. Okay. Okay. Good. That's good. Okay. Paper.
Starting point is 02:07:40 I'm going to your Instagram real quick. Oh, isn't where I saw. Oh, maybe this is where I saw it. Yeah, you have garage doors in your coffee shop. That's sick. Yeah, I can't wait for next summer when we're like open, open, open them up and just like start doing ice cream out there, cold brews, africados. Oh yeah. What a great place for little tables in that railed off area.
Starting point is 02:08:09 Yep, exactly. That's exactly where it's going to go. Hey, and those sliding doors that look like you're going into a target, that's where the gym is. Yeah, yeah, yeah. One of the middle garage doors has to be replaced. Door is ordered, so it should be here in like six weeks. My last little thing to do. What about those other double doors that don't look like they're automatic? Where do those go? Those are to another area that
Starting point is 02:08:40 Rubin is going to use for something really cool. Just not my place to say. Okay, cool. But they're used for storage now. So there's three ways to get into the coffee shop. There's from the outside, there's from the gym, and then there's from mystery door number three. No, there's only one way to get into the building, and that's through the coffee shop.
Starting point is 02:09:03 Oh, but I mean, like like you have three exits and entrances into the coffee shop from somewhere. Yeah. Yeah. So basically the coffee shop is the main lobby for everything. Oh, that is awesome. If you want to go into the gym. Yep.
Starting point is 02:09:17 You have to go through the coffee shop. There's no, there's no missing or dodging us. So the traffic there is going to be crazy. Yeah. We have apartments right next to us. So like right to the right side, there's this huge complex of thousands of apartments with a bunch of people. God, I hope you get some like weird fucking voyeur guys.
Starting point is 02:09:40 You know what I mean? Like who just can't stop, like they come there and get their coffee every morning pretending to get coffee but they're just there just to peep the beef or hot dudes either way I mean as long as they they buy coffee and and purchase something they can chill in that whole area that we have yeah definitely God that's awesome dude what a What a cool place. Dude, I'm excited. It's been it's been such a long time and just a bunch of hard work. And now, Friday, we could just finally, I don't know, man, just stoke it all in finally.
Starting point is 02:10:18 What's parking like there? Is it insane? Or is it do they have just a ridiculously huge parking lot? Ample parking during the only time that obviously I've ever seen it all fucked up was for the open announcement where there was so many people there. Get a handicap placard. That cures all parking issues. Yeah, there's some handicapped spots there, but no, there's no issue with parking.
Starting point is 02:10:45 There's more than enough parking. You'll never have an issue with parking there except for the open if it comes again. Pullboy, my girlfriend's obsessed with paper street coffee. Well, I'm obsessed with your girlfriend. I appreciate it. I can't say the same, but I appreciate all the customers that order coffee from us. She's worth being obsessed over The other day, oh how was that
Starting point is 02:11:12 Those chicks are so dope. Yeah, isn't she great? Yeah, even after the podcast was done, yeah, we talked for probably another 30 40 minutes afterwards just shooting the shit Yeah It's a good podcast. They're good at what they do her and Colleen are great We talked for probably another 30 40 minutes afterwards just shooting the shit. Yeah It's a good podcast. They're good at what they do her and Colleen are great and you know, it's interesting They never they never fight. They always keep the fucking shit rolling forward Yeah, we talked about that we talked about roles and marriages and partnerships not on the podcast but you know just to ourselves and Young, I won't be at the games because my baby is due any second. We're doing something with Gowad by the way, so I don't know exactly what we're doing, but we're doing something with them.
Starting point is 02:11:57 Are there going to be any specials, Sevan podcast specials during the games? Just for you, you can't tell anyone. Okay. So everyone close your ears. All right. We're gonna be doing 30% off all our new items. What are the new items? No one really knows except you. Those tea bags. Oh, oh, oh, oh. So they haven't been released. Only a slight few people have gotten them as like a little surprise in their monthly subscriptions. My wife loves them by the way. Fucking loves them. The coffee maker was down the other morning and she made, she's like, Oh, we have these and she made it and then she just started drinking those. Loves them. Isn't it, isn't it so convenient? You just hot water. Yes.
Starting point is 02:12:48 Just let it soak in there like a tea bag. That's it. You're good to go. Yes. All right. Cool. And then we'll do the same on cans. 30% off our cans. So please buy a bunch of cans and buy a bunch of ready to go tea bags. That's awesome. Uh, someone says, someone says a pool boy, uh, pool boys girlfriend's body is Jack. I never look at her body. That would be inappropriate. I just look at her face.
Starting point is 02:13:18 We'd never look at another woman's man's woman's body. Uh, I'm going Monday. I'm going Monday. Travis will like his back will explode if he tries to do any sudden movements. So Travis, no, you'll never be able to teabag me. You're barely able to get out of bed. God, I slept so good. I slept so good last night. What'd you say? Why'd you sleep so good? And I can't wait to see what you guys do at the games this year. Thank you. It's going to be great. I can't wait. I'm really,
Starting point is 02:13:53 I'm really, really excited. I actually have a meeting today with some folks over at CrossFit. Just hopefully it all goes well. I slept great because I don't know why I went to bed early for starters right so I was in bed by nine and I think I only woke up once because my like my shoulder started hurting because I was sleeping in a weird position and that's it and then I slept through the whole night. Oh no I woke up twice. I think I gotta ask my wife what was going on in the middle of the night
Starting point is 02:14:26 She she started getting frantic in bed and doing some crazy shit And I think she was she thought there was a spider in the bed I forgot to ask her about that like she was like banging on the bed and like rubbing the sheets and she you know What's crazy? And we lived here like six or seven years or eight years I don't know how long and she's probably had a dozen spider bites since we've lived here. In the middle of the night. I've never had a spider bite. I don't know why they don't bite me. So she didn't dig the spiders.
Starting point is 02:14:51 So I woke up twice, but it was great. Had a great time. It's all the hair. Oh, you think they're attracted to hair? Just a big old redheaded fro they want to nest in it? No, think about it. If you have a bunch of hair on your body you'd be so much harder to get bitten Oh, yeah, they can't even get to me. You're right. Hey exactly. I was at the skate park
Starting point is 02:15:11 Yeah, I was at the skate park yesterday and one of my boys was sitting down next to me and I was wearing shorts And I was on the phone and I wasn't paying attention and then I look over and he's petting the hair on my legs Like I'm a dog And then I look over and he's petting the hair on my legs like I'm a dog. He was like just gently stroking his hands up and down like from my knee to my thigh on my hair. I was like, Jesus, this is going to scar. Oh man, the perks of being Armenian, you get a bunch of hair, you can fucking be a Uber driver in LA.
Starting point is 02:15:41 Yeah, those are your options. Hey, it really is like that. Oh, I know. It's not it's not a stereotype. It's a fact. It's not even a stereotype. It's a fact. It's just a fact Yeah, 1000% listen if you get a non-armenian Uber driver in LA, you should buy a lotto ticket Definitely the only time I was in LA I like, there's no way every single person is Armenian. Everyone. Unbelievable. Yeah. Unbelievable. All right, man. Thank you for calling bro. I appreciate it. And I'm sorry that my voice, my nuts finally dropped in. My voice actually sounds like a man. It's all better. It's good. All right, dude.
Starting point is 02:16:22 Heck yeah, man. Good luck. If you need anything, please let me know everyone will let everyone know when the the Discounts happen. Okay, you just start keeping it close to the post of the best. Okay, I'll keep bugging you. Oh Yeah, and also this whole strong coffee being the official whatever of whatever, everybody knows. Everybody knows who the official coffee of whatever this is. Like we run shit. Yes.
Starting point is 02:16:55 Paper Street Coffee, the official coffee of all things. Fitness, strength, intelligence, all wrapped in one. Exactly. I appreciate it. I didn't even know. I love all you guys. strength, intelligence, all wrapped in one. Exactly. I appreciate it. I didn't even know. I love all you guys. I haven't heard anything from those guys in a long time.
Starting point is 02:17:11 Are they still around even? Strong Coffee? Dude, they message everyone. They message a bunch of our athletes, which I get it. You just mass messaging. Do they really make coffee though? I think they make like dessert drinks. I don't even think they make...
Starting point is 02:17:29 Hey man, when you have to like do like a dissertation when someone asks you for your ingredients, I think you're not coffee anymore. Ah. Right? So, my ingredients is just coffee anymore. Right? So my ingredients is just coffee bean. So, um, have you ever, have you ever had cold brew from other places and it tastes like, like, like some type of like rubbing alcohol? Yes. It's been happening to me a lot lately. Yes. Yes. I have had that cold brew is really hit or miss.
Starting point is 02:18:06 Well, you know why? And, and, uh, it's been hard to really get really good ones. Dunkin is really good by the way. I just want you to know. Dunkin donuts, Dunkin donuts, cold brew or ice coffee that they do. They, companies put to get flavoring into something like, you know, those seltzer waters that everyone likes, they use ethanol and that's how you flavor stuff. Right. So there's no calories. There's none of this stuff. Yeah. So what happens
Starting point is 02:18:36 during the cold brew process is all that ethanol seeks right into the water. And then you have this like, it almost tastes and smells like, is there rubbing alcohol in this cold brew? Wow. That's why the second that you taste that. Yeah. The second that you taste that you have to just pay it's five, six bucks. You got to throw it out. You're killing yourself. Not even, not even Matute thing could save you. Yeah. Just think about it, right? Like your, your palette is so one, your palette is so used to it that you don't notice that in like the, what
Starting point is 02:19:11 are those called? Like the LaCroix and all the other like flavored drinks. Yeah. But when it comes to coffee, because it has such a distinct flavor profile, because you should be tasting like those cool brew and tea flavors from the actual coffee. Yeah. There's no added any flavor. because it has such a distinct flavor profile because you should be tasting like those cool brew and tea flavors from the actual coffee. Yeah, there's no added anything that when you add any little small piece of it, it just fucking it's a trip. Oh, all right. There's your coffee lesson. That's a little tip. Oh shit. Matute and cured my Matute and cured my mom's cancer. That's a little tidbit. Oh shit, Metutian cured my mom's cancer. That's awesome.
Starting point is 02:19:47 All right, thanks. Metutian is used at the paper sheet household. So all right dude, thank you. All right, I'll talk to you when my baby's due or is born. All right, love you buddy. I'll talk to you before then. Bye. See you man. Bye. You know what I just realized? I'm like a black man. I mean I realize that all the time. Look how dark my hands are and then my hands are white. Look at this.
Starting point is 02:20:14 Crazy. I cannot believe my fucking tan line. Holy shit. My tan line is crazy. That's fucking nuts. Where is my do rag? I used to have do rags in here. I don't know what happened though. Here's a scale. This is drawing to scale of me. Should I grow that mustache out? Take your shirt off once in a while when you're working outside.
Starting point is 02:21:07 You know, yesterday I did all my gardening with my shirt off. That's what's crazy. I was only out there for like an hour, but I didn't even put any like lotion on or anything. But fuck, dude. This is fucking nuts. That is fucking nuts. Seve, do you have Bears agent jersey Bears? Yeah, I do have a I do have a Tyson Bajan jersey. Oh my God. Tomorrow.
Starting point is 02:21:34 How do I watch that? How do I watch the Chicago Bears game tomorrow? Chicago Bears. How to watch Chicago Bears coverage watch Chicago They play tomorrow right where can I watch Chicago Bears today does Amazon private have Bears games how to stream all of How to watch and listen to stream Bears, Texas Hall of Fame. I don't give a fuck about that How to watch Chicago Bears 2024 season. Okay, here we go. Looks like I found something.
Starting point is 02:22:18 Pre... The preseason at Buffalo... No, I think it's a home game. Isn't tomorrow's game in? Yes, something's not right. They're calling it the Hall of Fame game. The Houston Texans. Why do they call it the Hall of Fame game?
Starting point is 02:22:46 Cause I'm pretty sure Tyson plays tomorrow. I need someone to explain all this to me. I don't even fuck. I'm already, I'm already over it. I just want it to be like, hey, turn this channel on. It's the Hall of Fame game. They have that game every year. Do you do those to the old players play or the new players?
Starting point is 02:23:14 Who plays? Oh, good. Someone's calling me to explain it to me. Caller, hi. How do I watch the game tomorrow? That is so that is the game. The Hall of Fame game. You want to watch that. Do you just tell you some playing that? Most likely because all the just none of the starters ever play.
Starting point is 02:23:39 It's just the backups and the guys trying to make the team. So it's not the old guy. Why do they call it the Hall of Fame game? No, they call it the call the Hall of Fame game as the Hall of Fame Finalists just got inducted into the Hall of Fame. So it's like the first preseason game honors all the Players that just made it into the Hall of Fame So they're like they'll be at the game on the sidelines taking interview interviews in between like the plays and stuff and all that fancy schmancy stuff and then how do I watch it you know I don't cable usually it's like on NBC or something but I think I saw that it's like streaming on Fubo
Starting point is 02:24:19 Fubo how or if you have a YouTube TV subscription, maybe it's on YouTube TV, but it's usually on one of the, it's usually on one of the bigger networks, like NBC, ABC or like OX CBS. I don't even know if I have, Oh, so you need, is that what peacock is now? Yeah. Yeah. So like peacock is a streaming platform and I'm, and they own, I think like NBC or ABC or whatever. So like it should be on there. What a fucking mess TV is.
Starting point is 02:24:55 Does anyone get TV? Like does anyone understand how it works now or am I old? Like are there like I used to know the TV guide inside and out. Like there were 13 stations. They went from 3 to 13 and I could pretty much tell you what was playing at any time on any of the channels as a kid. No one can even does that. And now no one even knows where to go to watch games or are there people like, are there like people who are really, I think it's just an old person.
Starting point is 02:25:20 It's an old person thing. Cause my dad's the same way. Like when they announced that the NFL was gonna switch over to YouTube TV He was like pissed but he was like, I don't know. I think that's me I'm an old man. Yeah YouTube TV. I could probably figure out it's just all the other shit like So basically it's like this you just have to chase everything down you have to have Hulu Netflix Amazon YouTube TV the NFL Network and you have to make sure you're logged, Amazon, YouTube, TV, the NFL Network. You have to make sure you're logged into all the apps and all that shit, right? So
Starting point is 02:25:49 it's a pain in the ass for everyone? Kind of, yeah. It's funny. It's like I think like if you were to get like DirecTV or some shit, it's like I don't know. The bill is like what? 150 to 200 bucks a month. So it's like, hey I'm just gonna fucking go to streaming platforms. It's way cheaper. But then when you subscribe 999 999 999 to like 10 different apps dude. My internet is 260 bucks a month here My Xfinity with limited cable stations that I can get through Apple Well, you might be able to just watch it on there then. And ESPN is not even one of the stations.
Starting point is 02:26:27 The Hall of Fame game is never on ESPN. At least I don't think it is. It says it's a 7 p.m. Central Time so that's 5 p.m. my time I think with it's on ESPN and ABC. Yeah see ABC that's I was right it was ABC is one of the big networks it's always on But ABC is one of the like basic channels, so if you have the Xfinity thing it should be on there Yeah, where do you live that you can get cable for you get cable for 150 bucks? Who me yeah, I live 45 minutes from you That's crazy that you get cable for fucking 150 bucks. Who's your brought? Who's your brother? I don't know. I'm just throwing numbers out there. I don't know. Oh, okay. All right. Well, how are you gonna are you gonna watch it?
Starting point is 02:27:15 No, no preseason. So like for like I'm a diehard like NFL guy preseason clearly not clearly not oh Shut up preseason is a lot like going from having threesomes with hot Asian chicks to then Just dry humping the next-door girl. It's like it's it's irrelevant Wow Wow Yeah, Wow Ask any NFL ask any ask any big NFL fan. Three season means nothing to us. We don't care.
Starting point is 02:27:52 We just want the regular season to start. God, I was remembering the first girl I ever dry hump. Fuck. She was amazing. Was it one of those experiences where you're like in the back of your head, you're like, fuck, I'm about to huge in my pants and have this awkward stain for the rest of the day but then like the front of your head is like who cares keep going. Yeah well she she was I knew she would be not be staying at my house long I was walking
Starting point is 02:28:20 her home from school and my house was on the way to her house. No no. I. No. I god I fucked that all I fucked it all up. I fucked it all up. It was it was a perfect scenario and I couldn't keep my mouth shut about it and I told someone and the whole thing fucking unraveled. It could have been like yeah it could have been fucking them it could have been life-altering and she ended up getting pregnant like before she graduated from high school. So maybe it was good, I didn't...
Starting point is 02:28:49 I got, you know... Probably the best. Did you ever do it in jeans? That's the worst. Yeah, I dry humped in everything. Oh God, did you ever get blisters on your penis? No, no, no. Holy shit. Maybe I was just rough. No, yeah, gentle. Or shit. And maybe I was just rough. No, yeah, gentle. Or maybe I would maybe I would undo the fly.
Starting point is 02:29:10 Dude, I would start friction fires. That's how rough I was. Wow. Like a little like a boy like a boy scout rubbing together. Wow. No, I couldn't have done that. That would be I couldn't have done that. That would be like one second. I
Starting point is 02:29:26 Think I'm most ejaculated just now thinking of doing that Lovely alright, well tune in Friday. I'll tell you all about the game Perfect okay. All right later. Bye So when it says ESPN and ABC I wonder if it's on both of them or it just says that because ESPN owns ABC. All right. I Gotta go I'm gonna try to have I'm gonna try to average frowning on Next week that'll be fun
Starting point is 02:30:22 Next week, that'll be fun. His schedule must be crazy. He's got to go race that race, the Leadville race, and then come back to the games. Oh, are you guys talking? Let's see. What's can I want to hear more about? So they told me if I just download the Spectrum app on all my TVs, I could get rid of the four boxes and it would go to 150 But old guy a little worried about doing that
Starting point is 02:30:48 Yeah I don't have the box or they gave me the box and I threw it away The login on Apple is just a nightmare every time though It still has like my CrossFit fucking sebon at address and it's just a mess Every anytime I log into anything in Apple like every time every Saturday when I like watch UFC and I log in I'm like, holy shit. I can't believe it worked every time I'm like shocked it worked Yeah, nothing nothing's easy what did what did the last week when I tried to get the pay-per-view, they wanted me to get Disney Plus. I'm like, fuck it, I'm not watching it.
Starting point is 02:31:29 So I just unplugged the Apple TV and started again and it worked. I was able to give them my money without getting Disney Plus. And hey, you know what another stupid thing about Apple TV is? It'll say, what's your email and your password? And like, first of all, don't ever ask me that because like, I don't care if anyone steals from me, just memorize that shit and keep it in there forever. I always check the forever box. But for some reason you got to put it in regularly, but on the side of that, there's a QR code and it says, would you rather log in with your device?
Starting point is 02:32:03 Well, if you log in with your device, you would hope you could just look at it and it's a done deal But it's not it's the same login procedure that they have on the TV. It's just now on your phone. I'm like fuck you Like the whole point is so that I don't have to be doing this My Apple TV on my TV says it's logged in but I can't use it unless I shoot it from the app on my phone. Oh god, I want to kill people. I know that I have some weird shit like that once in a while too. Bob Loblaw.
Starting point is 02:32:39 Wow, this is a mole. Over the Air Digital Antenna 7. They cost $20. You can watch NBC, CBS, ABC for free over the antenna during football season No shit. Do I get that on Amazon? Do I plug that into an HDMI port? Where do you plug that in? Yeah, I thought the fights were great Dana was pissed I thought the fights I enjoyed it I Enjoyed it. But yeah, I saw his interview. I liked it that he was pissed. Like fuck you, I ain't giving bonuses again.
Starting point is 02:33:09 Am I old if this resonates so strongly with me? Or here's the thing too, everyone's so, young people don't even do any of this. They're just fucking on TikTok just straight up. A coaxial port? Go fuck yourself. There's no way, dick. Where, who was I talking to just now?
Starting point is 02:33:30 Who was schooling me? Where, who was that? The bald guy. Where is he? Bob. Bob, where do I get this thing at? What's it called? Over the air digital antenna.
Starting point is 02:33:40 HDMI or USB or coaxial. Who has a coaxial still? do you think it looks like a little blade and it works like rabbit ears That would be fucking nuts if I could really do that. Let me see Amazon I bet you'll be here by tomorrow too. Digital antenna. Holy shit, are you serious? This is crazy. This really works. This thing gonna give me cancer. This thing right here. 1000 plus mile range TV antenna, digital TV antenna, indoor with amplifier, signal booster, portable HD antenna for indoor TV this is it
Starting point is 02:34:28 here's a 2,000 mile amplified HDTV TV antenna here's a $14 one 250 miles 400 miles This one's pretty. Wow, look at this one. This one goes on the roof. So do I get this 200 mile one? Is this the one I get? Mine looks like a flat square. The 2000 may cause cancer, but it's better. I've sent you links to where you can watch anything. Yeah, but I need it on my TV they really work really who pays for UFC really radio shack they're still radio shacks
Starting point is 02:35:41 Radio Shacks? What does it say? Before you buy, please find out what channels are available in your area. DTV gov dot maps. DTV dot gov DT, DT dot gov forward slash maps. That's not even a, um, I gotta go to Google. Thanks for doing this with me guys. This is fun. Okay.
Starting point is 02:36:22 Uh, what are DTV a gov maps there we go DV DTV reception maps okay here we go nine five zero seven three let's see okay look at this map here here we go Here we go. Strong. CBS, NBC, Fox and PBS. I don't even see ABC. I don't even see ABC on there. Hey dude.
Starting point is 02:37:10 Hey. Caller or Sam on. Yeah, you're the caller. I'm Sam on. Yes. Yeah. Hey bro. Those antennas.
Starting point is 02:37:23 Yeah. That want to get, they only pick up local tools. So the fact is, is you will not get any bears games unless they play like the 49ers or the Rams or something like that. Oh, you just saved me 200 bucks. So like they work. If you live in Chicago and you can pick up the bears games there, they don't work in this area to pick up
Starting point is 02:37:47 football teams outside of California Are you watching the game tomorrow? I'm gonna try but I have plans so I don't know yet. I don't know how I'm gonna watch it How would you watch it? If you were me? How old are you if if it's if it's on a TV? Then I'll just probably pick it up on a local channel like channel 30 that we have here Oh, you have direct TV or something? No, just I have one of those antennas But if they happen to show like a special game like that, then maybe it'll pick it up But if not, then I just won't watch it How old are you?
Starting point is 02:38:18 Dude, geez Louise. Oh and how old are you? Geez Louise? 30 I'm gonna turn 33 In August, okay, so you still know some stuff you're not like old. Yeah Not that old. Okay Look at Bob is saying you'll get all the networks used to get with rabbit ears NBC ABC CBS PBS the CW about eight different Shopping networks. They still have a shop Yeah, but what I don't understand what I'm thinking he's thinking because I get all those channels But they do it is they like section off certain games to certain areas so like California will only pick up California teams because
Starting point is 02:38:59 They're there. Those are the biggest fan base, right? right Alright Those are the biggest fan base. Right. Right. Alright. So just- just- I'm gonna wait- I'm gonna wait until 5 o'clock tomorrow when the game starts and start pulling my hair out. Yeah, you- you more than likely can watch it on TV, which you already have, right? On what TV? YouTube TV. Oh, you really think so? It didn't say that when I went to the...
Starting point is 02:39:27 Oh, let me see. YouTube TV Chicago. Last year I spent like $700 on different NFL shit and I didn't even get half the Chicago Bears games. It was fucking insane. That's a problem they're having right now. It was fucking so annoying. I swear to God if the UFC does that UFC's talking about doing that moving their shit all around Every every show every week if they start doing that they could lose me as a fan Yeah, I saw that he was a Dana White was going off on his fighters for not trying Yeah, not not not enough knockouts. I thought it was fine
Starting point is 02:40:07 Yeah But he does a point the YouTube TV is expensive Yeah, it is But it has like everything. Oh Yeah, it has the ESPN Yeah, and the show is gonna has the ESPN. Yeah. And the show is going to be on ESPN. I'm not going to guarantee that you can pick up the Bears game with YouTube TV, but more than likely you will. I don't know about tomorrow's game, because it's like a special Hall of Fame beginning of the season type of game, but who knows.
Starting point is 02:40:38 Hey dude, it's 73 bucks a month. $73 a month. Yeah, but you also got to take into effect they might charge you more just to get the NFL package. So it's $73 for YouTube TV, but it could be $200 to add the Sunday ticket or NFL package. Dude, that's a thousand bucks. I know. It's annoying. It's a it's annoying
Starting point is 02:41:10 God I wonder how popular that is fucking Google's just printing money. Yes All right, I don't know call call your you don't have a you have cable right now Oh, you're about to say something crazy. Make me hate you. Go ahead. Say it. I Would just say call your cable. Oh, they're gonna air it Don't have a you have cable right now. Oh, you're about to say something crazy. Make me hate you. Go ahead say it. I Would just say call your cable I knew it. You're fucking insane. You're insane You know like talking to people like no not like that not not retards On the night on oh
Starting point is 02:41:49 Shit, I just typed in Trump into Google and Trump assassination came up they fixed it Wow, oh I lost you wait. I lost you wait. I lost you say that again Am I back yeah, you're back. Hello? Yeah. Okay, I just wanted to call you to make sure you don't spend $200 on a antenna and not get the channel you want. Thank you. You're a good dude. Thank you.
Starting point is 02:42:11 All right, man. So I'll see you later. I got to get back to work. Okay. You know what this sound is? It's I can see you. It's the little squeaky thing. It's a simulated sound of that guy dry humping that girl with a
Starting point is 02:42:27 501s on How did that feel on her how did that feel on the chicks pussy with him grinding with jeans on that must have felt horrible Those buttons just like bumping over your fucking All right, thank you. See you man. I used to like it when I was I used to like when I was dry humping a girl and then she would like move you around to the spot she wanted you then at least you felt like you were doing something. They don't know what 501s are. Are you serious? They don't know what 501s are? Are you serious?
Starting point is 02:43:08 They don't have 501s anymore? Doesn't everyone wear those? Isn't that like the gene of genes? Yeah, no one wants the what? You don't want to you don't want the you don't want the you know, you know, Chica, you don't want to you don't want the You don't want the uh, you know, you know chica, you don't want the fucking buttons like Fucking bumping over the man in the hood Or do you fuck I don't know maybe you do I don't have a man I don't know All right
Starting point is 02:43:40 Thank you great show with greg glassman today. Uh tomorrow tanner shuck anduck and Taylor self Tanner's been on the show before great guy I really liked him And of course, I'm deeply in love with Taylor self I'm exciting meeting today at 1 30. I normally don't do meetings. Oh And then I have dr. Sean rocket he has a new book out so he'll come on after Tanner and Taylor Well, I'll talk to a dr. Rocket about a new book out. So he'll come on after Tanner and Taylor. And we'll talk to Dr. Rocket about his new book. Trying to get Victoria Campos on, but man, we're running out of time.
Starting point is 02:44:09 Friday we have Paranon from Training Think Tank. Saturday, kill Taylor. God, live a good life. All right, guys. I'll talk to you soon. Bye bye.

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