The Sevan Podcast - Greg Glassman | Black Square People

Episode Date: March 15, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by car and other conditions apply. Bam, we're live. Good morning. Mike, what's up, dude? Call forwarding off. That should get the phone lines working.
Starting point is 00:00:42 Oh, do I have the right mic working? I noticed on the news yesterday I fucked that up. Nope. Here we go. And you know what happens, I switch it so that the microphone comes from the computer and the speakers come through the computer and the microphone goes in through the computer. And so I turn that off so I can just kick back and just talk to the boys without my headset on. And then when I come back in here to do the news, later on in the day, I forget to switch it.
Starting point is 00:01:24 That's what happens. Not ideal, but it happens. I got a story to tell you guys. We're going to have Greg. Greg should be on any minute. Let me see. Did I send him a link? Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:41 Here we go. Oh, yeah, here we go. NHS in United Kingdom has quit giving puberty blockers to children. It's quite fascinating, actually, that physicians can be roped into nearly any atrocity imaginable in large numbers. Yeah, that's true. I watched the saddest thing, man. It was this dad at some sort of, I don't know. It was a dad at some meeting. I watched it on Instagram this morning. It was in Canada. And he's like, Hey man, we gotta, we gotta put a stop to this general mutilation of kids. And the politicians were like, we agree with you, but we need to work with both parties and we need this is a delicate matter and we need to not upset people. I'm like, holy shit.
Starting point is 00:02:33 What's it fucking take to protect your kids? What's up, Caleb? Hey, good morning. Can you hear me okay? Yeah, you can hear me better than the news show yesterday. Oh, yeah. Thank you. Appreciate you bringing that. I should put a note here. Even when I have notes, though, I miss them. I should put a note here that says,
Starting point is 00:02:57 Triple check my audio. Yeah, triple check, Mike. March 13, Greg Glassman. I'm sending you over the show notes i want to tell this story about something i saw on jujitsu yesterday but i kind of want greg here because i wanted to get feedback on him um there's this there's this new guy in the comments on youtube did you see that no who is it? I think his name is called The Conservative Climber. Okay.
Starting point is 00:03:31 And I hate to use this term. Because you know when people are like, hey, but what do you feel in your heart? Have you heard that? Or what's your heart say? Yeah, yeah, yeah. They just be yourself. Like, I don't even, like, I don't, oh, here's Greg. We get his insight into it. Have you heard that? Or what's your heart say? Yeah. Yeah. They just be yourself. Like,
Starting point is 00:03:47 I don't even like, I don't know. Oh, here's Greg. We get his insight into it. Hey, Greg. Good morning.
Starting point is 00:03:56 Yeah. Hey, dude. Who's putting his headphones in? Morning. Hey, good morning. I don't even think you need to use those headphones if you don't want to. I think your computer is great.
Starting point is 00:04:14 It's up to you. Really? I think so. I've been noticing that more and more. The speakers and mics on the MacBook Pros or on the Macs are so good now. the speakers and mics on the MacBook Pros or on the Macs are so good now. They have 32.7542 surround sound. Dolby Digital? Yeah, all that stuff.
Starting point is 00:04:42 You know, I went to a movie theater twice in Bend when I was stuck there because of the weather when I was visiting Greg. I went to this theater that they said was an Iax theater oh you're muted though greg i think you have to unmute yourself and i went into the imax theater and it was such a disappointment really you didn't like it they're just not imax go ahead greg hi hi oh yeah that's good they're just not not IMAX theaters. They claim to be IMAX theaters, and they're not IMAX theaters. It's just a big theater. Oh, yeah. It's not like with the massive screen and the crazy surround sound.
Starting point is 00:05:13 Yeah, it has the sound. Yeah, it's just a nice movie theater. It claims it's an IMAX theater, and you go in there, and it's just a big theater. Yeah, it's pretty big. IMAX should be so big that I feel like I'm gonna fall into it when I go into the theater it should be crazy you know like the ones I used to have at amusement parks where it's like you know they just show a train coming at you and even though you don't have the 3d glasses on you think the train's gonna hit you you're like what the fuck's going on you
Starting point is 00:05:36 know what I mean be like the bubble in Vegas like all iMacs should be like that thank you Greg I got a story for you. Yeah. Ready? I am. Homeschooling parenting question. I had an interesting talk with Travis Bajent, Tyson Bajent's dad, about this last night. So yesterday I met Jiu-Jitsu, and the class is winding down, and there's this kid there who's only been going there like two months, but, man, he's in every class, right?
Starting point is 00:06:03 And he started off really goofy, and I just can't believe the progress he's made in two months but man he's he's in every class right and he started off really goofy and i just can't believe the progress he's made in two months 10 year old kid right big kid too got a lot of body to deal with you know what i mean tall and thick and i just can't believe the progress it's made it's really cool and he even stays after class and he'll go with the kids who are really good he doesn't mind losing and he's gentle with the other kids who are like you know smaller than i'm just a good kid right yeah and started off goofy and like fine finding his way in the in the scene steep learning curve this jiu-jitsu shit so yesterday as class is winding down he's fooling around and he won't line up on the wall you're supposed to line up on the wall without leaning on the wall stand up straight look at the instructor and instructor and you're going to bow out right and the class and uh the kids
Starting point is 00:06:49 phone around and so the instructor says hey uh you know so and so give me 30 burpees and there's a lady to the left of me that i know is with him that i assumed was his mom right because usually it's his dad who brings him and i don't recognize the lady but i know they're together and so the kid get the kid gets to 10 burpees and he's the only one doing burpees so everyone's watching him and i'm or at least i'm watching him while the other kids line up and he gets to 10 and the lady says okay you have 10 more and i'm thinking to myself no you don't you got 20 more i'm thinking that in my head right so he gets to 20 and she goes hey you're done and the kid just looks at her and keeps going at this point so he gets to 21 and she goes you're done he gets to 23 she goes you're done and now i'm annoyed now i'm like it doesn't even matter
Starting point is 00:07:40 to me whether he's um and he's tired but he's but he's cranking him out and he's cranking him out good they're nice burpees and they're fast and now i'm getting annoyed like hey even if he is done just let him go he's getting a good training you know what i mean like i wouldn't stop my kid i'd be like dude get it get some you know what i mean yeah like what's the what the fuck is the point what are you doing so so he gets to 24 she goes you're done you get 25 he's done he's 26 she goes you're done he gets to 27 and and by the way i was the kid in high school you know like if they told you to run a mile run four laps i would run three laps and let the kids pass me and then come in with the kids in the fourth lap i was that
Starting point is 00:08:13 shit kid and this kid's not having none of that he knows he's counting right so he gets it and i'm thinking also good on you kid for like you know doing what you're supposed to be doing so he gets to 27 and she goes you're're done really aggressively. And he goes, are you sure? And she goes, yeah. So he goes back to the wall. Okay. And right away, I sensed this thing that she was projecting her discomfort onto him, right? That she thought it was abusive. That's right where I went in my head. So class is over. I walk up to the instructors, like the busy body that I am and everyone's gone. And I said, Hey, I just saw something kind of weird. And the instructor's like, yeah, I saw that too. And I'm like, Oh, you didn't. I go, yeah. And I go,
Starting point is 00:08:56 what's going on? And they go, well, that's, I go, why wouldn't the mom let him do the burpees? And, uh, the instructor goes, that's not his mom. That's his nanny. And she's a, she's some sort of educator. I forget what she said. And she comes from this and she said the kind of education she does. And it's called like soft learning or something. Meet the child where they are learning. I know. Project some fucking overweight 27-year-old girl who's supposed to be – you've outsourced your kid's education to or you're nannying to, right? Project onto this kid her discomfort and stop the kid from getting some. A completely – eminently capable, to use your words, 10-year-old boy who was murdering it. You know what I mean? He didn't have a scowl on his place. He didn't complain to teachers like 30 burpees, and he just gets it i was so i was so and then when i talked to travis about it he goes hey dude that's why you have to keep your family
Starting point is 00:09:53 together so that you can be there and that's why you have to fucking raise your kids dude and i was like wow what what a what, what a great example. It was fascinating, dude. Level of involvement I have with Santa Cruz and that's not insignificant. I have a- Right, a lifetime, half a lifetime. Yeah, it's great. And I'm just even currently, even though I'm not,
Starting point is 00:10:19 I sit here in Arcadia talking about my affinities for Santa Cruz, but is it still raining no it stopped okay um but what makes it possible at current for for me at this point in my life is that i sit there on that 16 acres looking into the drink and then and then at some point in the day get in the truck and go over to cilantro's and have a few drinks and some great mexican food right and there's you and dave and the rest but if i had to engage the average santa cruzan on some kind of constant basis i'd lose my fucking mind you know you saw the thing is when I said the NIH has discovered that puberty blockers caused mental illness in children yeah I read that yeah this morning on
Starting point is 00:11:13 the show yeah you know you live in a liberal town and it breeds creates supports fosters, nurtures, incentivizes mental illness. It really does. My McDonald's are different than the people in your McDonald's. Tell me. They're just very different. They don't order off the dollar menu? They can count to 30 as opposed to 20. It's just that whole thing you're just describing how it is to be a liberal.
Starting point is 00:11:56 Yeah. She was hoping the subject of her expertise on children could come up. I know the dad too. The dad would have never stopped that. Pardon me. I was actually thinking this morning in the shower. Do I tell the dad that I saw that? There's a difference.
Starting point is 00:12:18 There's this thing. There's a video I saw this morning also on Instagram, and it shows a guy in the New York city subway, like acting crazy, right? He's running on the tracks and then he jumps out and starts chasing the patrons around. And someone said, rule number one in New York city, mind your own business. There's a difference between minding your own business and putting your, that's not what people do in New York city. They're not minding their own business. That's not what people are doing in the nation's largest metropolises. You know what they're doing? They have their head down and their blinders on. There should be a piece of you that every time you see a homeless person or sorry, a drug addict on the street with
Starting point is 00:12:53 a sleeping bag, there's a piece of you that should feel something. You should, you should live in a world where you have, um, we're humanity. You don't want to give away your humanity and turn into a numb piece of shit. Like, like when we would be in San Luis Obispo, a small village town and a homeless guy would walk up to you. You would look him in the eyes and engage him. When the guy at home Depot is bugging you for money,
Starting point is 00:13:15 you would engage him. You'd be like, Hey dude, what are you doing with your life? And those people in New York city aren't doing that. Not because it's mind your own business. It's because you're, you're completely overwhelmed and you're scared. There's a couple different things here.
Starting point is 00:13:32 I know I'm conflating the issues a little bit. But so when I think about telling – should I tell the dad or is it mind your own business? I mean I would want someone to tell me if my nanny was stopping my kids from reaching his full potential. I mean, all she was doing was projecting her discomfort because this chick couldn't do five burpees. You know what I mean? Yeah. You know what? You should tell them and not out of – there's no need. I can't say there's no should or shouldn't.
Starting point is 00:13:59 It's just the story continues if you do tell them. So if you just sit on it,'s like okay you what are you gonna lose your sanity thinking about it tell him see what he says it'd be it's i'm curious that might be the most interesting part about the story to find out his reaction yeah when he first when he first he brought his kids His kids were in a local wrestling program I thought I might have been hearing that And his kids just He said they weren't evolving
Starting point is 00:14:31 He said it was the same training every day for a year And So that's why he switched them to the Jiu Jitsu program Good morning everyone Blue is your color I know isn't it God That shirt pops Good morning Good morning 12 everyone. Blue is your color. I know, isn't it? God, that shirt pops.
Starting point is 00:14:47 Good morning. Good morning, 12 Daily Doses. Good morning, Mr. Townsend. Sleeky, good morning. Tank, oh, it's the Zionist cheerleading themselves. Good morning, Tank. I told you, I don't know what a Zionist is. Sorry, you keep getting in my DMs calling me a Zionist. I don't know what that is. It sounds like some sort of just propaganda to get you to hate people. It's New Age liberal for kike. Oh, it is. Of course it is. Holy shit.
Starting point is 00:15:20 It's funny you say that because I sense from the people who use this, I sense some deep hatred and racism. It's crazy. Wow. I, I, there's this guy in the space, in the CrossFit space. He has a meme account and I really like him. His name's Josh Purritt and he goes by Fluffy Duck and he's a nice guy And he's been on the show a couple of times and I think he's pretty funny. He's the one, he's the one that had the, the meme. He said, uh,
Starting point is 00:15:52 someone ate a bat on the other side of the world and now I can't go to the gym. And we posted that. And, uh, it like the world came unhinged. That was, That was racist. So what I like about him is I don't think most meme guys – oh, wow. He's put on a bunch of followers. I don't think most meme guys should show themselves, but this guy does show himself, and he makes fun of himself a lot. Play the jump rope one. I like this one. Types of athletes a lot. And he may play the jumper up one.
Starting point is 00:16:25 I like this one types of athletes doing 24.4. So you can get a feel for him. So these are, these are, these are, so can you see this Greg? Yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 00:16:34 So here we go. Types of athletes doing 24.2 and there were double unders in that workout. Okay, here we go. Oh, it's stuttering pretty bad. Anyway, he makes fun of himself a lot. Anyway, so the other day I featured him on my news, and someone in the comments said,
Starting point is 00:16:54 Hey, this is one of those assholes that had the black square up. Why do you keep featuring him? And I realized I don't want to go through life hating people. Do you know what I mean? I don't want to go through life hating people. I love that guy. He had a black square on his website, and my reaction is nothing. I do.
Starting point is 00:17:21 Nothing. Right. You tell me I have to have what in my reaction is fuck you you can assume something about me because I don't want to play your virtue signal I'm not going to get the yellow arm
Starting point is 00:17:35 Lance Armstrong wristband or the pink fucking breast cancer ribbon or whatever the thing is because I don't want to play your game that I'm something less. That part's interesting. Right. Not that he had a black square up.
Starting point is 00:17:56 You had to. Now, look, my architect, when encouraged to put a black square up, said all lives matter and he lost customers. Insanity. Yeah. It's the same thing. And what was the Black Lives Matter movement? What did that do? I think the net gain,
Starting point is 00:18:32 I think the goal was to help... It ripped off a bunch of liberals and caused a bunch of riots. It ripped off a bunch of liberals, enriched some black folks who ripped off a bunch of liberals and they spawned riots. It's as good as Antifa.
Starting point is 00:18:49 It's as good as the Klan. Yeah, that's the way I take it. These are fucking idiots attracted to politics. But that being said, I wouldn't be friends with someone who is in the Klan, I wouldn't be, I wouldn't, I wouldn't be friends with someone who is in the clan. I wouldn't be friends with someone who is punishing people. They didn't put up black
Starting point is 00:19:11 squares. Right. I wouldn't. Yeah, exactly. I would definitely wouldn't be friends with them. I would rather. Right. Right. Right. I would rather be friends with someone. Yes. Yes. Exactly. I'm more interested in people being free than I am in punishing people for not towing the line. So if I had to rank the people, the Klan goes ahead of the people who punish people people who put up black squares or who are posting pictures of taking their injection or supporting mask wearing because I think – I thought the black squares were actually getting black people killed. I thought putting on the mask was getting people killed. I thought it was retarding people's growth. I thought the injection was getting people killed, so I was frustrated with them. But part of me is – I don't know if it's just time has just softened me or what, but I don't want to hate those people. And maybe they've changed. I don't want to hate those people and maybe they've changed i don't want to hate those people but but you you you've chosen i mean let's be frank here you've chosen to live with them oh you mean in san yeah in santa cruz yeah
Starting point is 00:20:16 look where you're at dude i have weird head shit too or just keep stay on the ranch get an extra gate totally you're you i've totally chosen to live with them. You're right. I go into Whole Foods and they're still wearing masks. That's why I buy a lot of gas station hamburger meat. I like that. Fuck you, Caleb. You live in Nebraska. Fuck you.
Starting point is 00:20:42 Yeah, all of our meat is great here. Fine. Alright. Okay, I lost that one. You could. What do you like? Yeah, all of our meat is great here. You're fine. All right. Okay. I lost that one. You could go to a gas station and you'd get freaking Wagyu beef, dude. I'm telling you. Great.
Starting point is 00:20:54 Fuck. I shouldn't have even brought that up. A Braylon Tender Fitness competitor. Greg, if a grown man refuses to learn double unders because I don't need them, is he actually just afraid to fail? I hear it a lot of these pussies. Absolutely. Hey, men don't want to learn anything with people watching them is the general rule. And so if someone's practicing the clean and looking online and do it in the mirror and worried about it before they go to the CrossFit gym,
Starting point is 00:21:27 that's that, that person has a penis. Women don't get comfortable looking like they don't know what the fuck they're doing. Whenever I have to learn something new and my wife's around, I'm like, go look over there somewhere, go do something else for a while.
Starting point is 00:21:44 I'd get into the gym early and turn on the lights, the music, coffee pot, whatever the fucking routine was, and then sit on the rower. And it was funny how someone would open the door, and it would pick up my rowing by like 30 watts, right? Of course, yes. Yeah. And I'd resent them for coming early. Because now I had to row like I was trying to do something.
Starting point is 00:22:08 CK, Kevin, I'm a pussy these days. I don't want to get hurt. I can do double unders, though. I'm just lazy. I need to just practice them more. Maggie's went from, she had kind of a forward can't and it's all gone. And now it's straight up and down.
Starting point is 00:22:33 The line of action in the jump rope is like the line of action in the clean. It's that second pull, push press, all that stuff where we have flexion at the hip but the s of the spine maintains perpendicularity yeah and so and so the center of message is up down up down up down instead of that drop drop drop drop yeah i drop. Yeah. I can tell what you're, I can watch your double unders and tell you what your push press and clean is like
Starting point is 00:23:09 when it's not right. Will Branstetter, this is why a healthy dose of consistent embarrassment is good for any man's growth. Yeah. As I get older, I get- In other words, like Jason Kalipa was enriched by throwing a ball in front of a million people i was embarrassed i'm embarrassed going back and watching that
Starting point is 00:23:37 how we i wasn't so surprised i was like you know what kalipa was throwing a ball was like? It was like Baba Booey on the pitch. Oh, right. At the Yankees game or Mets, whatever it was. They said it was the worst one of those in all of history. Of all the honorary throw out the first balls. What was even trippier to me is not that he didn't couldn't throw a ball he didn't have quarter extremity but spieler because spieler was a collegiate athlete he was a wrestler and the fact that he didn't have quarter extremity was fucking mind-boggling to me
Starting point is 00:24:14 yeah it's it's it's interesting how how um these movement patterns have so much in common. Throw a ball, throw a punch. I mean, that's related stuff, and I don't know how you miss it. Dr. Cam Logan, where do you toe the line with vax and anti-vax? In my line of chiropractory work, there's a lot of whack jobs that think adjustments can solve most anything and vacs are not necessary i i can't think of a single vaccine all the vaccine there's not a single vaccine that i've researched that's necessary maybe tetanus maybe tetanus all the ones i researched i can't find a single one by the the way, Dr. Cam. I don't know what research you've done, but I can't find a single one that's necessary. And necessary in the sense that it's going to protect you from anything.
Starting point is 00:25:19 That's where I'm at with that i i definitely don't think i definitely don't think you should be forcing kids to take drugs made by pfizer and mandated by the government especially drugs not a single one of them has been tested in conjunction with another one and then you have a schedule of them for kids to take and taking one two three four five six seven at a time and then and then my kids can't go to school unless they do they partake in that drug taking protocol i think that's fucking insanity that we've normalized it's nuts forcing kids to take drugs under the guise if they don't take them the other kids are going to get sick nuts yeah that's that used to be you vaccinated yourself and your children to protect them from things in the outside world. Now in the new order of public health, P-U-B-L-I-K,
Starting point is 00:26:14 you're taking the vaccine for others. And the difference between medicine and public health, it's really a difference between veterinary medicine and herd management. A veterinarian is not going to put down a perfectly healthy dog with no problems, no illness, nothing. In herd management, you will cull many of the fittest. Hey, dude, it's crazy you said that. Look at this. That's so fucking crazy you said that you'll kill
Starting point is 00:26:46 listen to this this is a albert burla the ceo of pfizer's fucking wiki page ready for this he's an american greek veterinarian the head of fucking pfizer is a veterinar Yeah. And you just said that was a crazy... The collectivist version of medicine is public health and it's herd management and you're gonna
Starting point is 00:27:15 have to break a few yolks to make an omelet. I mean, it's just the cost of doing business. Did you know he was a veterinarian when you said that? No, but I, but I know that I know that public health, I do believe that the admonition from what's his name and his debated origins, but the admonition to first do no harm,
Starting point is 00:27:39 I think is an exhortation against practicing public health on individuals. Say that again for me. That you use the word i think the first first do no harm yeah it is to prohibit the practicing of public health on individuals fuck you and your and your treatment for my town. I don't need medicine practiced on my town. Right. My neighborhood. Don't be crop dust and forced vaccinating. I don't need any of that. Right.
Starting point is 00:28:16 Told what to eat. I just got a thing out of the blue sounding the alarm about the limitations for food items on what's, what do we call food stamps now? What's the new word? What is it? Oh no. What's the program for free food? You get the card. Supplemental nutrition assistance program. Oh my God., my God. Right.
Starting point is 00:28:47 Oh, my God. Hey, I got family raised on government cheese. Yeah, that. So there's talk about limiting it. limiting it um and and the thing that i was sent is that the first thing they're gonna do is stop soda and and uh in a dairy or meat and i suspect the organization is soda sending me that that sounds like american beverage association lobbying why are they lumping meat up with soda because Because I don't think you should be buying soda with your snap. Yeah, but why not meat?
Starting point is 00:29:32 That would be... That's political. Because it's bad for you. Because someone did a survey that showed scientifically that sirloin causes asshole cancer or something. Wow. By the way, you know what's wrong with nutritional epidemiology. You know why it's not science. Tell me.
Starting point is 00:29:53 Science starts with observations, which are registrations of the real world on our senses or sensing equipment. That gets tied to a standard scale with a well-characterized error, and we have a measurement or a fact. And then scientific models project a fact onto a future unrealized fact. It's like a forecast of a measurement, all right? Okay. When I examine people for asshole cancer and have them take surveys, whatever order I do that in, the tallying of the survey is not an observation.
Starting point is 00:30:26 It's not a registration of the real world on my senses, nor my sensing equipment. It doesn't sit on a standardized scale with a well-characterized error. It doesn't constitute fact. There's no projection. You're measuring nothing. It's not science. It's not science. science it's not science you you can't you can't take a cohort of people a hundred who are vegan and a hundred who are carnivores and then tell them to bend over and be like all right you guys have 22 of you guys who eat just meat have cancer but whole cancer and in the other group only two of you do and be like okay we have a strong correlate potentially i don't even know if it's strong we have a correlation
Starting point is 00:31:12 if there was some truth there you might be able to do that but that's not science um that that that could be but that's not that's not asking people to fill out a survey. Oh, oh, oh, oh, right, right. My dad was shocked that at Framingham there was nothing measured. That's the statin study? No, it was the cholesterol. Oh, right. Keys, ammo.
Starting point is 00:31:45 But that led to people taking statins. We covered it in way too much detail at in 2019. But that study is the one that's leveraged to enforce statins. Harvard nurses, Framingham, yeah, all that. Survey epidemiology.
Starting point is 00:32:10 An interesting distinction, I know this isn't rocket science but the vaccine was mandated to um like go to restaurants and get on airplanes and just do everything send your kids to school whatever right go to family reunions all that stuff whereas the black square wasn't no one no one was like and i don't think like if you didn't post a black square, at least I don't know. I never heard anyone get in trouble for not posting it, right? I think most of the world ignored that. The black square thing? Yeah. Yeah, but the injection was not like that.
Starting point is 00:32:40 Let me give you an example. One came from government and the other from fraudsters. Would you say this is a fair characterization? Oh, well, they were both fraudsters. Yeah, but not government. Right. We know that kids weren't dying generally speaking from uh covid the numbers were so small that it was just it could have just been noise in the system and so then we know
Starting point is 00:33:14 doctors who are getting paid by bonuses for how many kids they injected with the injection and now we have evidence that kids are getting injured from the injection and dying. And so. And you and I have those doctors. We know those doctors. Those doctors were our friends. I'm just going back to the hate in my heart thing. By the way I don't even know what my heart is.
Starting point is 00:33:43 I'm using that completely out of. I just don't want to i just i don't know a few days ago i was just just mulling it over and i was like maybe maybe i'm like a snake and i ate a giant rat and i'm finally digesting it you know what i mean i processed it and coming on the other side i know you're really good i know you don't hold grudges against people. I know people have done horrible things to you. Not horrible in the sense that, you know, hurt your kids, but just douchebags who betrayed you. And you're just like, okay, you just, what did you, like you and I have a friend who's just always lying.
Starting point is 00:34:18 And me and you both like the guy a lot, but you just accept the fact that he lies. We just accept the fact that he lies. But it's just a character flaw. Like a guy who comes in your house with muddy shoes. You don't invite him to your house anymore. You only meet him at McDonald's. My wife hates him because she believed him.
Starting point is 00:34:35 Right, right, right. I go, oh, well, you fucked up. Right, right, right. I think they're real. Right. Right. Right. Quick question. Nah, nah, nah. I'm going to read it slow.
Starting point is 00:34:57 Fuck you. Don't tell me what to do. I don't mean to change the topic. Jesus. Quick question and I don't mean to change the topic. Froggy. question, and I don't mean to change the topic. Froggy, I'm going to work on this more assertiveness. How should I prepare for a full-time coaching job interview for an athlete when I don't have much experience, just my L1? How should I prepare for a full-time job?
Starting point is 00:35:18 How should I prepare for a full-time coaching job interview for an affiliate when I don't have much experience, just my L1? Oh, meaning you're gonna go apply, how should you prepare? You're gonna go interview and try to get a job at an affiliate. Mr. Glassman, do you have any advice for him? No, I don't have advice. I just go for it, you know?
Starting point is 00:35:41 Yeah. I mean, I would ask, is it an affiliate that he's training at don't lie and pretend like he wants to train there don't lie and pretend like you know more than you do i'll tell you that hey this day and age you can make it to the 90 yard line just showing up 10 minutes to work every day when you see trash on the ground in the gym, pick it up, uh, be attentive,
Starting point is 00:36:06 smile, say hi to people. I mean, the bar is so fucking low when you come in. Yeah. Unplug the toilet. Um, uh,
Starting point is 00:36:15 have your, uh, when you come in, turn your phone off right away. So you're giving all of your attention to everyone who's there. I think attention is just massive. You can give people attention. The bar is so low i
Starting point is 00:36:25 think care just a little bit uh bernie gannon uh u.s life expectancy in u.s has dropped three years since 2019 uh sebon are you still friends with those doctors no i'm actually not i'm not i'm not like enemies with them but i am not friends with them i don't i don't uh that and then she's like he says that would be hard for me yeah it's it's a little weird right i it's just it's just for me it's just the one dog you know and i don't care but you but but but you don't you don't hate that doctor do you or no no andrew hiller i'd say lie and pretend you know more than you do that could go for doctors too most jobs
Starting point is 00:37:19 uh uh 12 daily doses as a manager of 30 people and a 2 million dollar budget the bar is lower than Colton Merton's dick Colton Merton's about my height big ol' dong and he's got a size 11 shoe who is that friend of the show
Starting point is 00:37:42 CrossFit Games athlete pig farmer works all day with his dad Who is that? A friend of the show's, CrossFit Games athlete, guy who comes on the show, Pig Farmer. Pig Farmer. Yeah. Works all day with his dad. Hurt managing a mass, you know what I mean,
Starting point is 00:37:51 like 5,000 pigs. And he's really short. This show loves him. We love this guy. There's a pig farmer that became a seal. And the story was that his hands smelled like pig shit even after two years of being in the ocean.
Starting point is 00:38:14 Holy shit. Caleb, you're in Nebraska. Is that true? That your hands can smell horribly from working with pigs? Absolutely. For two years in the ocean through my hands why do your hands still smell like pig shit you don't think it's very possible those pig farms are absolutely disgusting there's a there's always some sort of like litigation going on between a pig farmer wanting to build their farm in a certain
Starting point is 00:38:47 area and then people in that area within like 50 miles that don't want it there yeah there's no one wants a hog parlor near them right absolutely yeah my aunt and uncle they fought one that was going to get built probably within a mile of their house. Or a paper mill. Yeah. Or an egg farm. Because of the poison going into the paper mill? Because of the poison going into the ground and fucking your well up? No, it's just the stink. Oh. Yeah. It's just
Starting point is 00:39:15 nasty. Paper mills stink to high heaven. It's hard enough having cows all over the place just with all the manure and shit. You think Colton's chick has like, he's not allowed to touch her vagina? It's hard enough having cows all over the place just with all the manure and shit. You think Colton's chick has like – he's not allowed to touch her vagina? Glove up first every time? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:34 Oh, boy. Or he has to wash his hands with like Comet. Do you remember that powder that they had like in classrooms in the second grade? No matter what you had on your hand, if you put some on and washed your hands with it, it fucking off yeah it didn't matter borax ajax or something is that what that is borax yeah borax so borax so yeah let's get shit yeah do you want to touch the vagina tonight yes borax up please uh drew drew arnold uh will will greg will greg can greg will Drew Arnold Will Greg Can Greg Has Greg Will Greg consider doing a speaking tour
Starting point is 00:40:11 Sure Kind of working on it right now yeah Yeah Greg Are you working on one right now I don't know I really don't know. Okay.
Starting point is 00:40:29 I've gotten invites to go places and talk, and I'm willing. Skid Row smells worse than a pig farm. Does it really? I don't know. Hey, Seve, remember the significant qualitative difference in the homeless in San Francisco versus San Diego? In San Diego, they're like, they could be dead for all you know. You can actually just step over them, go around them. Right.
Starting point is 00:41:00 But in San Francisco, if you make eye contact they're coming at you yeah they need to they need to san francisco needs to study san diego and figure out what they're giving those guys it's a zombie movie if you look at them they come after you i don't like the bent over guys that are half alive and dead i like the ones that are just completely gone. Right. Maybe they haven't gotten the next strain of fentanyl yet. They just flush San Francisco with more of it than... They need to wash San Francisco. They're better medicated
Starting point is 00:41:33 in San Diego. Yeah. That's one way to scare off Islamic extremists. Damn, I wish I knew what you were referencing. Borax. Yeah. Oh, pig farmers. The smell of pigs.
Starting point is 00:41:51 Oh. Oh, yeah, good point. No, they like that shit. No, they can't eat it. Oh. It's not halal. Drew Gilbert. I'll have bacon.
Starting point is 00:42:04 Drew Gilbert, good morning. any advice for the l3 exam my exam is coming up in june look he's got a tie on this guy's serious study should have done all that before you got to that point uh you see this thing with tiktok it's going down yeah yeah did it did they vote i don't think they have voted yet i mean it passed it did it pass in the house already unanimously oh here it is yeah let's listen to this girl catch people up here we go wait why does she have her boogs out like that? That's crazy. Reviews. Oh, right. Okay. Sorry. Go ahead. Look at those things.
Starting point is 00:42:50 Yeah. Ladies on America's youth, a house committee voted this week unanimously to ban Tik TOK. Mostly the bill said that they needed to divest from bite dance, the Chinese own company. So it's not a total ban, although that is what TikTok informed their users. And a lot of congressmen got phone calls from teenagers who were threatening to kill themselves in some instances, representatives who might have been on the fence. It had the completely reverse effect because they were like,
Starting point is 00:43:23 maybe we should ban this. Since the kids are so addicted to it, they're going to kill themselves if they don't have it. Is this just the new thing that everybody does when they don't get what they want? Maybe that was China's goal all along is mass suicide amongst our teens. Afraid of China's. Who is that? I don't know, but she's here's a a better uh sorry caleb i don't mean to push yours out here's a better picture of her boobs i love your holiday outfit me too bridget
Starting point is 00:43:54 bridget fitzfetisi fitzfetisi she's a comedian hey i do i think people will kill themselves. I think some kids will kill themselves. They've done it for less. Hey, dude, Greg, there's kids who are just addicted to this shit. Like, you know what I mean? Like, there's kids out there probably making five. There's probably a thousand kids out there making five grand a month on TikTok. They're going to turn this shit off, and the kids are going to fucking kill themselves.
Starting point is 00:44:25 Get a real job. Different different job maybe not a real job no real job I think is fair they could probably move over to snapchat and it'd be okay kind of the same cohort of people hey so where do you stand on that you know Rand Paul's against it
Starting point is 00:44:46 he says we're behaving like China when we do that shit. And then the justification is, you know, I think it passed unanimously in the committee. I think the way this happens is it has to go to committee, and now the House is going to vote on it. And then after the House votes on it, the Senate votes on it, right? Are those the steps? Yeah, I don't know. I think the House voted this morning on it, the Senate votes on it, right? Are those the steps? Yeah, I don't know. I think the House voted this morning on it, didn't it?
Starting point is 00:45:10 Can you see, Caleb, anything like that? I'm just scrolling through looking for more boob shots. Oh, she was on Rogan. Jeez. She was covered up on Rogan. I wonder why she did that. Because it's it's rogan yeah but he doesn't hate boobs i don't think no oh and she's been on megan kelly yeah this chick's been around house lawmakers have passed a bill that could ban tiktok it's not clear what the
Starting point is 00:45:40 no they haven't done it when they haven't voted in the senate yet but how about in the house oh here i'll this is what i see tiktok vote house lawmakers have passed a bill that could ban tiktok users for uh tiktok for users in the u.s it's not clear what the fate of the measure will be in the senate okay you're right the house did vote you're right greg 352 to 65 thank you caleb 15 republicans and 50 democrats voted in opposition uh passage of the bill through the gop controlled house comes as former president donald trump has signaled opposition to a ban so so trump doesn't want to ban it either ran paul doesn't want to ban it well ban it or have it divest from I think they get to choose
Starting point is 00:46:27 I think they get to choose the problem is this as you know they're subservient to anything China wants so if China asks them for something they just have to do it hey we want the data on this and that's the way
Starting point is 00:46:45 the story at least that's the way the story is being fed to the public i hear that the tiktok in china is very different than tiktok here yeah and their kids get a healthy dose the dose of education via tiktok and ours get indoctrination into collectivist mindset. Is that like, you think that's a choice of the person scrolling or you think that's the algorithm that they've sent to us in a way? I have no idea, but my trust of all of these utilities um is is exceedingly low they may tick tock start talking YouTube Google Apple I don't trust any of them I mean they have an agenda other than what they're...
Starting point is 00:47:45 Google's supposed to just be a search engine to help you search and find whatever you want, and it's not that. You see it as a search engine that helps you find whatever they want you to find. I see Google as the way that Gemini depicted the world. I love it that they had to use artificial intelligence
Starting point is 00:48:11 to discover their bias. Oh, wow. Wow. How do you like that? How's that for unaware? What could be less woke than having AI rub your nose in the fucked up way you think?
Starting point is 00:48:29 Just showing you you're a fucking racist. And a retard. Yeah, look, you're an idiot. I can prove it to you. Check out this picture of George Washington. It comes from your imagination. This computer is married. I apologize for what?
Starting point is 00:48:47 For we, it was obvious to them how they think as if we didn't know already. No apologies needed. I knew you were that way. Yeah, yeah. We figured you out already. This is a moment of self-discovery. Nothing's been revealed.
Starting point is 00:49:07 Not about George Washington, not about black people, but about the assholes that run Google. And they are morons. They're not intelligent people. Wow. Hey, it's like having kids. That's their Frankenstein, and their Frankenstein was mirroring them. You know what I mean? Like you meet kids who are fucked up kids and then you look at the
Starting point is 00:49:27 parents and you're like oh yeah i i got it what's that what's the what was the name of the uh of the big uh life science hack they were what was that uh calico was that it the one with elizabeth holmes this, no, no, no, no. The Google internal project in which they spent billions and they were going to hack biology. Oh, so people could live forever. I want to talk to people about it at the secret Google. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:05 They said it's gotten to the point now where there's been such a drain on talent to this project that it's time to either produce some science or shut this down and put those people back to getting things done. done. I haven't done this thing for several years. The last time I did it, it was utter nonsense. You remember telling those people, Seve, at the MIT
Starting point is 00:50:41 above the bookstore that Calico works when it discovers CrossFit when you're looking at the yeah go and realize people need to get off the couch and off the carbs and until then you you can only worsen the impact yes you know what's funny is um uh Dana White found uh CrossFit recently he doesn't call it CrossFit he calls it something else some because some other guy introduced it to him and he's completely changed right he's not red anymore he's not puffy he's all healthy but then when you hear the guy talk about it you're like dude you're doing crossfit same with that chick ronda patrick every time she talks i'm like dude
Starting point is 00:51:18 what do you what are you regurgitating the journal? Would they fall into a dose of F45 or orange theory or something? Yeah, it's, it's, it's pretty interesting. They found kettlebells. It's, it's everything. It's everything that you've been saying as long as I've known you. I'm trying to look to see when the Senate's going to vote on this. What do you, what do you think about it? What do you, what do you think about if they were, they were to ban it? Do you think that falls under banning like free speech or do you think about it? What do you think about if they were to ban it?
Starting point is 00:51:46 Do you think that falls under banning free speech? Or do you think that we're acting the same way as China? Do you think it betrays our values as a free society? I think China has declared war on us. Okay. I think you're right. On our youth specifically. On our youth.
Starting point is 00:52:04 With fentanyl and social media right our entire way of life hey what what what do you look at this scenario imagine north korea lobs one in l.a. and uh brings two million people to 6 million degrees for 15 seconds. And before we can do anything about it, China blasts North Korea. It says, we got them. Almost simultaneously, flash, flash. Can't believe they nuked you. We fucked them.
Starting point is 00:52:46 Are we friends with China now? Two years later, it's New York from Iran. And Russia goes, hey, we got them for you. Those pieces of shit. This is where we're headed. These proxies are going to nuke us.
Starting point is 00:53:05 And the puppets behind them are going to pretend like they don't know what the fuck happened and even be outraged by it. And our left will buy it wholeheartedly. They'll be the willing idiots they've always been. And you're saying it would just be a coordinated effort? Of course. We're going to get world peace by... What do you think...
Starting point is 00:53:34 The Iranians are being given this technology. And so is North Korea. and so is North Korea. Poor North Korea. Fuck those people. They're so fucked. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:54 China wants North Korea to have ICBMs with nuclear warheads. Fuck. We should build a bridge from North Korea into downtown san diego yeah i think we probably have it probably goes through tijuana uh hey isn't that fascinating to know what we have this problem with all these people coming
Starting point is 00:54:20 from everywhere you know what i mean china chad ecuador venezuela you name the country right around the world i haven't heard one person say north koreans are coming there's no koreans coming everyone's crossing the border right now right people from fucking chad algiers fucking mexico uh you name it they're coming across the border right you name the country china but you don't hear any north kore're coming across the border, right? You name the country, China, but you don't hear any North Koreans coming across the border. They don't get out of their country. Eaton Beaver, in 2034, there will be more,
Starting point is 00:54:59 there will be more people over the age of 65 than 18-year-olds for the first time in American history, in U.S. history. Nobody wants to have kids these days. That turns into an economic disaster. You just don't have working people? An aging populace and zero population growth. Half-witted liberals think it's a great idea. It spells economic doom and disaster.
Starting point is 00:55:34 It's what China's facing. They're having a population collapse? Yeah. That's right. Yeah, they're going to lose half their population over the next 35 to 50 years half uh sincere question do you think that um uh porn and jacking off on social media and jerking off to chicks with big tits is the problem like part of the problem no you don't think like why leave the house i'm just diddling my i can just jerk off here and go to sleep i'm not motivated
Starting point is 00:56:03 to go to the bar and meet a girl? Yes, in my opinion, I would say that's not a problem, but I don't know. Maybe it is. Look at how I've isolated myself. You mean with your 10 kids and your smoking hot wife?
Starting point is 00:56:19 Yeah, and I'm 200 feet from the road and I got an airplane. I live in a world of my choosing for the most part. And then I watch Fox News to see just how fucking stupid everyone really is. Right. Then get over to CNN, just get another dose. I listen to CNN the whole way driving home from Arizona.
Starting point is 00:56:40 What a fucking crazy channel. It's fun. I'm enjoying all of this. I'll just confess. I was meant for calamity disaster, but look again, I can keep myself out of it and it's like a video game, you know, they're not coming over my wall. I'm going to read you this question. And I know, I know at least one thing that you would take
Starting point is 00:57:06 out of the crossfit handbook i think which is interesting uh greg would there be any part of the original crossfit handbook you change redact or do you think you nailed it the first time i know something he talks about on the regular that he would alter i wonder if you if you know what i'm talking about yeah is it kipping pull-ups. Yes, sir. Yeah. And you know, that was never, that was, uh, I mean, how do you do that? So you'd show them, but it was never, it was never expected that people that can't do one pull-up would be doing 20. It's also painful for me.
Starting point is 00:57:42 Maybe I'm just a pussy. Maybe it's because I live in Santa Cruz. It's painful for me to see people who are 60 pounds overweight kipping through shit and doing bar muscle – linking together bar muscle-ups and shit like that. I mean, I'm projecting – when I look at them, I'm just projecting my pain on their shoulders and body. I'm just like, oh. I'm just like, oh. It seems like, not that they can't do it, but there just seems less room for error when you're coming down with 60 more pounds.
Starting point is 00:58:14 Yeah, my concerns regarding fructose versus just starchy polymers of glucose has shifted i was influenced by uh lustig on that explain that in more detail could you well it was it was meat and vegetables nuts and seeds some fruit little starch and no sugar and I think we switched the starch and fruit to some starch little fruit and no sugar fuzzy fuzzy language in there too but I think I think the vernacular gets the point across and yeah that was a more poetry than science, that line. Well, you know, it inspired me.
Starting point is 00:59:10 I think people understood it. I'm just kind of like having fun with it. Meaning, like when you said fuzzy, in that introduction on how to eat, that's not where you're measuring the shit out. That's just to kind of get you in the spirit. Just talking to people.
Starting point is 00:59:32 Yeah. I mean, dude i wanted i was gonna make uh ceramic bowls with dividers that you'd put protein carbon fat in and you know i mean you can't make this. I wanted to make a pop-up book of meals properly composed. Yeah. You know, like, oh, look, there it is. Look at that pork chop. And what are those? Those are green beans. That's not much mashed potato. That's a lot of green beans.
Starting point is 00:59:57 And that's a good-sized pork chop, just so you could see it. Dude, those porcelain bowls would be a hit on late night TV infomercial. For $19.99, you get a porcelain bowl. And free, if you order now, we'll give you lids. Sealing lids. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Vacuum sealed. And this knife that can turn a radish into a rose.
Starting point is 01:00:21 And a food scale. Sebi, currently brushing with my Matuthian i love it of course you do thank you i can't believe it made it to you congratulations congratulations on the beautiful body you have and your two beautiful sons good mama that was the nicest thing about being at your house this weekend besides the actual event was seeing how many good kids there were and good parents there were god there was your house had fucking 40 good kids in it it was nuts so many good kids kids everywhere in the pool in the backyard but they didn't get in the way you know what i mean yeah i like the it had a it it sounded like we were doing a seminar next to the elementary school.
Starting point is 01:01:07 The yelling and the playing and screaming. Your kids being thrown into the pool every 30 seconds. God, those kids were so good. I didn't see one kid run through the house like an asshole, no fighting. The worst thing that happened at your event was a dog came through, and everyone liked that. That's what made me realize that we're you remember when like a dog would walk in your classroom in the fifth grade and all the kids like petted as it walks by yeah and you're just holding the guys the guys cleaning the windows and no one can hear what
Starting point is 01:01:36 the teacher says for 30 minutes yeah and you love it right yeah anything you're just looking for anything when doj came into the venue at one point it was cool seeing all the adults pet doj as uh he walked by that's a good dog that's a great dog he's a good boy that's a good puppy dog he's crazy yeah i loved watching him run across your wall he like especially at night when you have all those like up lights against the wall you just see him like a uh whatever those wheels with the horse that moves around like that as he was running across it was great he's got a great body too it's fun watching him move right his his locomotion is awesome
Starting point is 01:02:20 so lanky it looks it's like a greyhound in a He's probably got a greyhound's body with a lot of fuzz. Yeah. This dog's a sheepadoodle for people. This dog we're talking about. This DOG character. He looks like a Muppet. Sima Beaver. And when he's sleeping on the couch, he doesn't even look real. He looks like a stuffed animal. He kind of just lays
Starting point is 01:02:39 flat. He's like a rug. Sima Beaver. Iranians don't want to blow anyone up they want back on the same economic platform so you're saying lift all sanctions and they're good to go i don't know sema the problem the problem is not not iranians it's the Iranian government. It's the tribal nature of Iran. And the proud Persian people are repressed, terrorized, afraid of by their government. But Greg, that's the same thing that people say about him ass and uh it's it's true it's it's true there but i i don't know if i believe it there they did that um they did the poll there you know if you want to believe the poll and 86 of the people who lived in gaza thought october
Starting point is 01:03:40 6th or 7th whatever day that was uh was appropriate. And you look at all the materials that UNRWA was teaching kids that the fucking UN and the United States were paying for. These kids have learned. They've got a generation that was taught in elementary school that Jews live off of the blood of Arab babies. They're taught that in school. That's their science. They believe that?
Starting point is 01:04:07 Yes. Like the same way you and I believe on Sunday weekend? Like the way my sister-in-law thinks you can get pregnant if you're a man and mommy can have a cock. Right, right. They believe that. We're there.
Starting point is 01:04:18 We're there. We're doing it too. Yeah. But I'm just saying like... Political correctness is the... you do that to a generation. The next generation, you can get to believe any fucking thing you wish. Takes one generation. My point is this.
Starting point is 01:04:38 We can stand the Pledge of Allegiance for 25 years and now nobody knows what a great country this is. allegiance for 25 years and now now nobody knows what a great country this is my point my point is this no matter how true it is that it's the government and not the people or whatever if the people are brainwashed and they think that then then they're in a bad really bad situation but they still it's still their responsibility and they are there and and when we engage your government your poor people are collateral damage. Sorry about that. But what I'm saying, it's the same thing of these women. You know, we have a handful of these stories now coming out where a woman's raped by a black guy.
Starting point is 01:05:17 And she doesn't want to say that a black guy did it because she has white privilege and she can get psychotherapy. And that it's not his fault because he's black. It's that same fucking thing. It's like, yo, where is that really happened anywhere? Yeah, there's there's an incident in New York was on video. The guy, a woman and a man. There's two and there's a gang rape in Germany. That's that's a fascinating story, too.
Starting point is 01:05:43 But there was a few months ago. There was a woman and a man sitting on a park bench. The security cameras got it. Guy runs by and kills this chick's boyfriend, slits his throat. And when they ask her who did it, she refuses to say that he's black because it's racist. And no matter – let's say – That sounds like some kind of urban legend bullshit. I know. I know, dude. I know.
Starting point is 01:06:08 Hey, dude. It sounds like urban legend that people are taking their kids to have their penises chopped off. Do you remember 20 years ago when we would hear about lobotomies and we were like, what was wrong with society? Are they fucking crazy? They were fucking taking a nail and shoving it up into someone's brain and like just working it around it sounds like urban legend that george washington was bled to death i mean there's some weird shit out there dude i just saw this canadian town hall meeting or something where a guy speaking is like hey i don't think we should be teaching gender ideology in getting our kids in positions where they're getting their breasts cut off and half the parents were like no this is a sensitive issue and we need to handle this delicately i would expect on closer examination it turns out that the young lady knows who slit his throat knows him personally and
Starting point is 01:07:05 she was being given a message I'm going to see if I can find that that sounds like human behavior to me I want to see if I can find that I think it was type called I want to see if I can find that. I think it was type called gang rape. This chick was fucking gang raped.
Starting point is 01:07:37 Fuck, don't ever Google gang rape. Jesus Christ, you'll see some horrible shit. All of the first world uh all of first world asia is facing that problem i believe oh they're not fucking anymore i have seven kids and i know for a fact three of them are doing well well that's excellent what about the other four rk banning tiktok is hilarious it doesn't it does nothing to keel keep china from creating cot kit cot cot kit which is the exact same thing and government keeps banning companies rather than making regulations i i'm lost in banning rather than making regulations.
Starting point is 01:08:26 I'm lost in banning rather than making regulations. That sounds right. I don't know how they differ. Wad zombie. It's the economy. It's tough getting a girl pregnant when you don't have a car and live at home. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:08:46 Tiddyocracy is what it is. You can fuck your neighbor. There's girls in the neighborhood. You want to get those ones pregnant, though? Families don't create poverty. Explain. Birds don't write books I don't have
Starting point is 01:09:08 what do you want me to explain having a family doesn't make you poor getting married doesn't make you poor right being addicted to fentanyl makes you poor
Starting point is 01:09:22 yes it does yeah you remember when nick mossman said uh poverty was a character flaw and this was 15 years ago even then you'd have to you know look around right well i liked what you said you know i haven't heard you say in a while but maybe six months ago i heard you say that being a liberal is a vow to poverty and i fully get it it is it's a vow of poverty and if you see a rich liberal they're probably they're they're probably uh they're charlotte
Starting point is 01:09:55 not in what not in what they not in their profession but in in their in their person in their character okay he's going to let the dog out. Okay, he's cool. He adds texture to the show. He adds texture to the sound quality. Tyler, the House I Left Behind is a good book from the Persian perspective of what the Islamic takeover in Iran was like. He was high up in the Islamic party's rise's rise to power he was jailed fled to turkey uh braylon tenor the iranians are beautiful intelligent people cradle of civilization
Starting point is 01:10:35 correct i mean dude i like i boy they sure are great people in the united states every iranian or persian person i know in the united states is awesome they're pretty cool people you remember we used to be neighbors with christian amampour do you remember that is that in san diego vaguely that's the cnn uh reporter yeah she does a lot of a. She's a good journalist. I think she lost her way. There's a fellow buried here locally who was a military attaché of some sort to the Shah of Iran and fled when Khomeini took power.
Starting point is 01:11:28 And it was, I believe the story was, someone told me, I don't know where they got it from, but he abandoned Islam and took up the Baha'i faith in reaction to the Islamic Republic that took over his country. He's got the biggest headstone in the local cemetery here. Oh, wow. Bernie Gannon in 100 Years Abortion will be the Baha'i. A monotheistic religion founded in the 19th century as a development of Babism, emphasizing the essential oneness of humankind.
Starting point is 01:12:08 Oh, I like that. And of all religions seeking world peace. Bahá'í faith was founded by the Persian Bahula in 1817 and his son Abdul. Abdul Baha. A Bernagán in 100 years, abortion will be the barbarianism of our great great grandchildren we'll talk about the same way we discuss slavery lobotomies etc today bernie well like where does your uh the inexorable march of progress like is that i like that it's i mean it's it's admirable and even comforting
Starting point is 01:12:47 but i don't i don't know if that's what we're watching you're i didn't know you were so diplomatic i guess i did you have a very diplomatic side to you greg you know i don't like shitting on people's dreams right right and and and we've got we've gone we've come through a long period of of progress and success and you know just a couple of chickens in every pot and a couple of cars in the garage and you know what's fascinating to me is i i fully understand by a house in any big city are you are you do you have an opinion on pro-choice or um or uh what's the other one do you have an opinion on uh women aborting babies
Starting point is 01:13:39 greg yeah i'm not i'm not i'm not a fan by any measure of abortion. Would you make it illegal? Well, it is everywhere at some point. Except maybe China. I think you can have it up to like 15 years old or something there. Too many girls. Yeah, but it's assisted suicide or it's murder and assisted suicide
Starting point is 01:14:14 I think after it's born. Those are the two categories if you kill something, right? I don't think there's a European country that allows abortion after 15 weeks. Look it up. think there's a european country that allows abortion after 15 weeks look at him i forget that it's not it's not my favorite subject it's it's complicated and anyone who doesn't think so tends to be a moron but like that guy in philadelphia that was that was uh pithing babies in the birth canal um at nine months is in prison and needs to be there and anyone who thinks that the the pill is murder i think is a little bit wacky uh pithing uh what does that mean like uh like stabbing
Starting point is 01:15:06 pierce or sever oh yeah they they'll suck the brains out of the skull crushing oh hey you know what's crazy pierce or sever the spinal cord of an animal as so to kill it immobilize it damn uh legal reform until recently uk jurisdictions of northern ireland and gibraltar retain highly restrictive laws legal reform process currently underway on uh so the dark blue the dark navy or whatever is highly restrictive in their abortion laws uh if it's the blue, you can get abortion on request, so a majority of Europe allows it. Yeah, but at what age? To what point of gestation? um here we go uh okay some european country laws set the time limit for abortion on request or broad social grounds between 18 and 24 weeks of pregnancy some european countries
Starting point is 01:16:13 however all these countries laws also allow access in later pregnancy in specific circumstances when when i i do understand the um um if you don't have kids and you're a young girl i could picture being like hey it's my body and i need to control it like i can understand that i can understand that thought process and if maybe no one's explained you haven't gone deep into it you haven't gone beyond that right but once you have kids and your perspective on it doesn't change at least a little bit or allowed you at least at least give it some real serious thought and rethinking it And I think a lot of people don't because like you said it's not their favorite subject it's a shitty subject right baby killing I just see the I see these women in a boy like uh abortion rallies like and they got their kids with them. I'm like, dude.
Starting point is 01:17:28 Come on, man. Maybe it all makes sense if you knew the kid. Once you open up the door for the justification of killing people, it's also a slippery slope. This kid was going to grow up poor. When do you stop justifying killing people? It seems like you want to keep that list
Starting point is 01:17:49 really, really fucking short for killing people, the justification for killing people, like really short. I'm surprised we don't hear argument along the lines that requiring a woman to go full term against her will has analogies in having to give up a kidney because you're the only match. Hmm. give up a kidney because you're the only match. Graciano Rubio. Good seeing you this weekend, buddy.
Starting point is 01:18:37 Poverty is the default state ever present through history. The question is, what causes prosperity? That's probably correct. I don't think that's a, you know, it's kind of like capitalism is also the default state. Right, right, right, right. ism is also the default state. Right. Right.
Starting point is 01:19:06 Right. Right. Someone has to come along with some other ism to stop it. Right. And then even then it's still happening. It's still happening. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:19:18 Wow. I never thought of it like that. Wow. You know what it's like? It's like a whole life in term insurance. When you buy a whole life policy, you're buying a term policy also right and then throwing some extra money into it for someone else those costs are there it's i was thinking of it as like binding someone's feet so that they won't grow
Starting point is 01:19:44 it's bad shit's gonna happen from that they're still gonna grow it as like binding someone's feet so that they won't grow. Bad shit's going to happen from that. They're still going to grow. It's just bad shit's going to happen. You're going to keep them small, but some other bad shit's going to happen when you try to stop capitalism. Joe Westland, four dudes from Iran came to our seminar in Turkey. Just big, handsome Persian-wearing Nike and Oakleys. It was during Ramadan and they weren't fasting. Secular,
Starting point is 01:20:10 moderate Muslims who want to watch sports. Just an observation. I like Ramadan. I like the... How long is it? It's 30 days. You don't eat when the sun's out for 30 days. That's kind of cool. I like that part of it there was some interesting behind the scenes
Starting point is 01:20:30 interactions on a handful of governmental fronts on the subject of us doing certs in iran and what was that can you share some of that with us i'm trying to thinking about that i want to be really careful we couldn't legally do them but there was a push to get an exemption and it was suggested that we would most certainly uh be approved and that that could be really helpful to our government to which I declined participation on on what grounds I didn't want to see Joel Westerlin skinned alive. Okay, so for your staff's sake. Yeah, I'm not going to involve my level one
Starting point is 01:21:32 staff in international intrigue. You didn't want them tied to the back of a truck driven through the main street of the Iran. You didn't want them wearing a pukey shirt. Red Sembar staff shirt hey this this was Travis's thing to me last night he gave me a whole lecture on families
Starting point is 01:21:53 it was fascinating I really enjoyed it all these issues stem from the attack on the nuclear family break up the family and population is easier to control by dependence on government Travis was telling me you need a man who's over 40 in the house fucking raising kids basically and he said you can't have other people raising your kids it'll always end up like that they'll always give them out and then he went into detail why it needs to
Starting point is 01:22:20 be an older guy needs to be a guy who's like gone his 30s and 40s already. He grinded it out. He said, basically, when you're zero, and you know how he talks, so take this with a grain of salt, but it's still super potent. Zero to 30. I think he's wise. Yeah, me too. Zero to 30, you're avoiding hard work. 30, you wake up, and then you work your ass off from 30 to 40. And then at 40, you only have 10 of your best years in your life.
Starting point is 01:22:44 And so at that point, you can choose what to 30 to 40 and then at 40 you only have 10 of your best years in your life and so you know at that point you can choose what to do between 40 and 50 and then uh but but you need that man uh keeping kids on that you're the he said the family really needs to stay together for a long time so that older man can can keep the younger men on track until they're 30. keep the younger men on track until they're 30. It's so crazy autobiographical on his part. No, I know. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. But boy, he, he drew a hard, fast, valuable,
Starting point is 01:23:22 maybe universal lesson from right from the mirror. But, but that also works for me too i felt like i was avoiding work like i was chasing pussy and marijuana and partying from zero to 30 and then at 30 something changed and it wasn't that i was scared or anything i didn't have some intellectual thought but it's something that 30 kicked in and i started just putting my head down i got focused and I. Isn't the isn't the hormonal milieu of males under 30 doesn't isn't that just kind of a mental illness? Yeah. Yeah. Were you mentally ill as a kid? I was not mentally ill, but I was I was parallel between the dog at the dog park.
Starting point is 01:24:03 They just can't stop chasing the tennis ball. If you want to call that mentally ill, then yeah. I mean, I was just singularly pursuing something abstract that was like, you know what I mean? Like there was some. I'm living in the middle of it right now. How old are you, Caleb? My sister and I were too clever by half and we're lucky we survived it. Not all our friends did.
Starting point is 01:24:26 Say that again about you and your sister? Say that again? We were too clever by half. Oh, oh. And we're lucky we survived it. I know. I hear you. That was my issue, too.
Starting point is 01:24:38 Too clever and free time and didn't think of consequences, right? You had a lot of free time. You were very clever, and you avoided severe consequences either jail or death yep and around you and around you you saw a lot of people who didn't make it through the fucking uh through it and who did die and who did go to jail i have a lot a lot of friends died but the one that really struck me was a very very close friend one of our you know i mean you mentioned the guy that can't tell the truth and i mentioned my sister we were all very close to this fella and he disappeared and like had a like a stouffer's
Starting point is 01:25:19 lasagna in the microwave and a wallet and car keys and money on the counter and the door open and poof, right? And in trying to help find them, there were half a dozen super plausible theories as to what might have happened. Such that it made, we'll never know. Because, I mean, there was a lot of possibilities. He had a lot of dangerous doors open he had he had uh he had been parasitic to uh organizations and people that were uh murderous in their nature on probably half a dozen fronts over a decade maybe you just went to the gas station get milk and cigarettes i like heidi krum maybe he's in heaven but you know it was interesting his his mom uh had married many many years ago a pretty senior secret service agent and uh he helped him to look
Starting point is 01:26:28 and it didn't take them long at all to like um he's got a license in no state he's in no country's jail you know what i mean like they people he harnessed the power of the federal government to to look for poor Mr. Frask. And he, and he says, that's what it looks like when someone's been killed. Hopefully someday his remains will be found. So whenever they find someone like at the bottom of Lake Mead or,
Starting point is 01:26:58 you know what I mean? Someone in a drum in the, in the Angeles national forest off the highway, I always think we're going to someday hear something. Uh, that was totally my husband met him when he was 34, finally ready to stop chasing tail. He's the best husband and father I could ever imagine at 50. You know what I think it is?
Starting point is 01:27:18 Sleeky. Let me tell you this. And I've seen this happen a few times. Men have harems. They have this whole, they have this whole they have this whole you know they got like 15 chicks in the area that they can just bang you know and then one chick comes along and she calls the herd and then that's the one and i suspect sleaky you you know her i think she's eminently capable of calling the herd now you're saying your husband settled down.
Starting point is 01:27:45 I want you to meet me at the 50-yard line, and I think maybe you showed your fangs, and the others fled. You were assertive and took a drawer in his house. Next thing you know, you're the one. The other girls find those panties laying around, and they're fucking gone. I don't know, just a theory. That's what happened to me. My wife called to her. She removed the other.
Starting point is 01:28:13 She pulled the weeds from the garden. I got nothing to say smart I can't believe I'm saying this but I think monogamy is important of course it is yeah I'd have never said that
Starting point is 01:28:41 I would never be able to say that 30 years ago been like what do you mean there's so much dick and pussy to go around I'd have never said that. I would never be able to say that 30 years ago. Been like, what do you mean? There's so much dick and pussy to go around and it's fun and just enjoy yourself. Quit tripping. Stop being so jealous. Now at 51 or 52, I'm like, yeah, it's important. You find the one that does that thing we all know that thing uh
Starting point is 01:29:11 i mean i've never seen you i've known you for 20 years greg i've never seen you be more happy and your commitment and your love your wife is crazy like you're you're in the stage in life where if she's like, hey, I'm going somewhere, you're like, hey, I'll come with you. You know what I mean? Like, if she's like going to, she's going like, hey, I'm going to go buy a pair of shoes. You're like, okay, I'll come. And you do that shit.
Starting point is 01:29:37 She's, where would you like to, if you could vacation anywhere, where would you go? I said Switzerland. So we went to Belize. Anywhere in the world, you name it, where would it be? I said, Switzerland. So we went to Belize. Name it. Where would it be? I go, Switzerland. So we went to Hawaii.
Starting point is 01:29:51 Yeah. Go anywhere you want. Pick it. Just name it. I don't know. Switzerland might be interesting. Oh, how about Croatia?
Starting point is 01:30:00 Go to Croatia. Go to Costa Rica. These are places like Caymans. The Caymans. We did finally get to Switzerland. But once a week I'll be on the phone with you and you'll be like, I love my wife so much. Yeah. It's cool.
Starting point is 01:30:16 She's the greatest. And you're not banging other people. You do the monogamy thing. Yep. Dude, the pain you can cause and the damage to your family, and it's like, why not just go out and piss on your kids? Right, right, right. Well, that's funny you say that, yeah. You can't break mom's heart without destroying children.
Starting point is 01:30:46 Wow. You can't break mom's heart without destroying children. That should be a book. There's no pages. And the point that you're doing that, you're not capable of love. Yeah. Or being loved. You can't break mom's heart
Starting point is 01:31:05 without destroying the children. My parents stuck together for the family. Are you happy with that? Are you glad they did? I have no way of knowing. But it's clearly a mixed blessing it would have been much better had my parents been in love yeah as my mom's career advanced she made it clear that she could survive financially without my dad. I remember she showed up at a family reunion with a shirt that said, a woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle.
Starting point is 01:31:55 Oh, shit. Oh, shit. Oh, my goodness. And my dad found a new fish that rides a kite. You know? Oh, my God. This is a good one, Greg. You're going to like this.
Starting point is 01:32:19 This is someone who knows us and the show well. Jake Chapman from the Great Isle of Man. What if mom has a dick? All right. Imagine the pain of giving birth to your penis, Seve. I panic when there's a piece of toilet paper or something stuck to it and I gotta like, just take it off the helmet. Like, I don't know. I don't even like it's too, too much for me. Too much action.
Starting point is 01:32:54 All right. Hey, uh, great show. Thank you. Yeah. Thank you. And Caleb, it was great hanging with you. And thank you for your help. Yeah, absolutely. That was a lot of fun. Yeah. Let's talk about Caleb like he's not here. He's cool, huh? He's great. That was a lot of fun.
Starting point is 01:33:12 That was only the second time I've hung with him in person. I've done 1,500 shows with him and I only hung with him one other time. It was so good. The last time I hung with him, I was afraid it was going to only go downhill, but I just loved seeing him again. Should we do that again? Fuck yeah. him, I was afraid it was going to only go downhill, but I just loved seeing him again. Should we do that again? Fuck yeah. Yeah, it seems like it.
Starting point is 01:33:29 Even if not, even if we don't do the speech part, you should just invite over all the people from the podcast and we should hang out at your house for a weekend. Why not? Drink all your booze and pee in your pool. I mean, swim in your pool. I think I could do the think I could do I think I could do the parts of the other speakers too. The essence of
Starting point is 01:33:49 what they had. I think you can too. Definitely. Maybe in less words for some of them too. And it's hard to go wrong with Briggs there too. Oh, he's great.
Starting point is 01:34:05 He's great. He's wildly smart. Yeah. Yeah. Don't get me wrong. It was really cool to listen to all of them. I'm not. I love listening to everything they said. It was cool.
Starting point is 01:34:16 Dale King, I concur. From Portsmouth CrossFit. Yeah, Dale was there. Doc Spartan. Yeah, the home of Matuthian. We had both Dales there, King and Saran. It's always great for me. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:34:35 I sprinkled a little Matuthian in your pool, and I noticed the bottom of your pool got clean in like five seconds. Did you? Sprinkled a little in there and then went down there with a toothbrush. Did you? Sprinkled a little in there and then went down there with a toothbrush. Could you brush your teeth with diatomaceous earth? I'm sure you could.
Starting point is 01:35:00 Hey, dude, I don't know what it was, but when I was in India, I was in this town called Varanasi for a week. And every morning there are these weird things that people do, but every morning there would be this, there's this fountain and there's this big pile of sticks and you just walk up to it and you grab a stick and you rub the stick in your teeth and your mouth and then you throw the stick into another pile. Those are the used sticks. I don't know what the sticks were, but all those fucking people have like perfectly white, big, clean teeth. So there's this tree, You know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:35:25 They just found a tree that's the toothbrush tree. Yeah. Get busy. Sounds like you have some work to do. A little trip. Part two. The Indian miracle teeth sticks. Hey, so we had the vast and deep bench of the matuthean marketing team at your uh broken
Starting point is 01:35:47 science event yeah and and this is how i knew they got it afterwards we were all in the garage having a meeting and doing thrusters and someone goes dude i found the perfect marketing slogan for uh matuthean i go what it goes one out of ten dentists recommend it and i was like, you really were listening to Broken Science. Yeah. The dentist that's not on the Pepsodent
Starting point is 01:36:13 or whatever the hell it was campaign. Hey, Michaela left a sink on and then left the house or something that overflowed in the laundry room and created a hell of a mess yesterday when she got back to the house she'd been running on the floor for hours and flooded out into the garage and uh there was talk of going to home depot and getting a dehumidifiers and fans and mops and all this shit i nixed all that and called surf pro
Starting point is 01:36:48 yeah yeah oh like if your house is on fire or something they come like they were here within an hour of the call and ripping off floorboards ran ran fans and dehumidifiers all night long got into into the wall. But I've used them before. I was leaving for a seminar years ago when I heard a large noise, loud noise coming from the back of the house, and I went into the master bedroom in a new home, had closet ceiling and attic space had collapsed into the master walk-in closet.
Starting point is 01:37:28 And I was catching a flight in two hours, you know. So I'm like, fuck it, and then left. And my dad called Servpro. And I came home. Wait, wait, going back here, when you say collapsing, someone left the tub on upstairs or something? No, it was the humidification system added to the AC. It had some kind of drip can that got a plug drain and overflowed and had been overflowing for a long time. Okay.
Starting point is 01:38:01 So the ceiling collapsed from the weight of the accumulated water into the master closet onto the clothing that was there and uh i came home uh 10 days later and all my clothes were in dry cleaning bags the house smelled like paint the carpet had been replaced everything had been repainted. It was absolutely amazing. Truthfully, like it never even happened, except my clothes got dry cleaned. I don't do that. And you had a bill that was $22,000.
Starting point is 01:38:37 USAA picked up everything. Oh. When you call ServPro, they would like to know that policy number, and you're unlikely to see any paperwork. Wow. USAA is great. Yeah, USAA is great and ServPro is amazing as well. They're both great companies. Hey, you've
Starting point is 01:38:56 all been in the car buying sitch where they ask about insurance and you tell them you have USAA and they don't want to talk. Okay, never mind. That's the unbeatable deal. The gecko is not taking you from USAA. There's no chance. No one's ever going to leave that insurance.
Starting point is 01:39:16 Hey, absolutely. Yeah, I've had it my entire life. Everybody's like, oh, go use Navy Fed or whatever. I'm like, no, I've, I've never had it. Same thing. Like roadside assistance. I've been stuck in like snow storms with my car, just broken down on the side of the road.
Starting point is 01:39:31 And USA will find somebody and send them out to me. Like I've locked my keys in the car and they've sent somebody out in 20 minutes and they've got it fixed. Like USA is amazing. They allow us here. Shit. I don't know. It's like everybody, everybody in the military or
Starting point is 01:39:46 their kids or family is that's what USA is sorry what were you going to say Greg they let us put new windshields in the cars at no cost every three to five years here because the decomposed granite dust
Starting point is 01:40:02 pits the windows and they see it as a driving hazard. United Services Automobile Association. But we're not just an acronym. With roots grounded in the military. Okay, so if you're in the military, you can get that. I think they've opened it up, Caleb, no? Yeah, I think so i so i don't know how far they've
Starting point is 01:40:27 opened it up but like i've had it i've had a bank account with them for as long as i can remember and insurance and same with the rest of my family my spouse my wife has it too yeah hey go going back to that laundry room why didn't it drain down the sink sink was clogged i didn't i didn't get into the particulars i felt it was you know what a bummer and i feel bad for her that she because that's not that's not michaela's style right i would be devastated if i did that to someone's house holy shit but they really will like it never happened i mean they're good it's did the water get out to the skateboard ramp even like that's how much water it was like a little river going down i don't know but they took a whole bunch of stuff out of the garage and i got i got inside
Starting point is 01:41:15 and outside walls torn apart they'll get it all good wow they won't they won't replace the walls won't be put back together until it's dry. Graciano Rubio advocating for Greg to include broken economic science at the next event. Econ, we don't mention it often, but econ is like sociology and anthropology and psychology and its replication in its replication issues no shit yeah but it's math isn't it yeah not really no it's predict it's predicting it's failed predictions on how to grow the economy and shit like that yeah and how to stimulate wealth and shit like that. I've not seen better exposition on all things macro than Hayek. The road to serfdom and the fatal conceit.
Starting point is 01:42:12 Those are kind of... Look, we don't have time for this shit, Jake. Okay, fine. One more. Did Greg coordinate his watch strap, yellow, with his t-shirt? Oh, yellow t-shirt. Yeah, I think it was subconscious. Coordination? I was going to say, why didn't you wear the blue one?
Starting point is 01:42:32 I don't think his watch strap, probably the watch. Do you wear that watch every day? No, I have this watch in red and blue. Of course you do. He's a fashionista, people. He's a fashionista. It's a Breitling. That's the new G-Shock for me.
Starting point is 01:42:54 That's the Kelly Slater watch, isn't it? Is it? I think so. It's like the surf watch. Yeah. It's a beautiful watch. It's only good to 100 meters, though. There was actually some complaints about that online.
Starting point is 01:43:12 Believe me, if I'm down 100 meters, the last fucking thing in the world I'm concerned about is what time it is. You're like, why did I get in this sub? Yeah, I'm just thinking i should have stayed in the fucking boat yeah we're on the land oh my god hey i gotta i gotta slip it uh at coronado i told you last night yeah congratulations that's awesome it just doesn't happen yeah hey was it you and i who watched recently the whole that whole 30 minute show where the lady reads the slowly the communications between that sub that imploded
Starting point is 01:43:54 and the surface vessel and over 30 minutes she reads the entire transcript back and forth was it you and i watched that yeah i think we did and there was a point in there it's weird because i don't usually have you know you know like you there's people have you ever met people like if you say the word snake they feel sick to their stomach or something or they get they don't want to hear certain words um when when she started talking about when we were getting towards like getting close to their death even though it was just a back and forth comms between the boat and the sub i started not feeling good i started not feeling good it was weird it's it's it's all just the uh it's the manifestation of of what makes all of that so stupid like of course
Starting point is 01:44:54 that so stupid like of course we heard crackling we tried to surface i'm like oh you were in a in a carbon fiber sub and you heard crackling did you hear it it was loud it was they had they had you know it was picked up by sonar but uh but then there was calms for another 10 minutes once i heard the crackling everything after that's just pure nightmare mode i wanted to throw up i didn't want to watch it anymore i'm like i'm good if if any thought were possible while that's happening and and's not. The suddenness of it is inside of your awareness space. But there'd be no surprise for me. Like if you went to go do that thing and that happened, I'd be like, yeah, fuck yeah.
Starting point is 01:45:44 I mean, I told you not to do that. It's that happened, I'd be like, yeah, fuck. Yeah. I mean, I told you not to do that. It's like my friends going down to Mexico to party or, or it's like, no one thinks it's going to be them. Or if you're having sex in the house and the chick's husband's home, you know, like, like you're getting caught.
Starting point is 01:45:58 Like, don't be surprised when you get caught or the parents walk in. Jackass. I never did crazy shit like that sneak into a window and fuck a girl in bed while her parents are home i don't uh uh i'd be too too scared greg's thoughts on rfk's recent twitter what what what happened recently i don't know but i like the guy i think he's chose he's he put a Aaron Rodgers on a short list for VP candidates. The quarterback who didn't take the drugs.
Starting point is 01:46:33 Huh. If that's what it is. That seems weird. But, you know, I... Why? Why? I mean, how is Aaron Rodgers going to be any worse as a vp than kamala harris that's yeah and and he has no chance of winning so it doesn't matter anyways but i i really like the guy and i like his values and he and uh you know um he twice out of the blue reached out to me exceedingly kind.
Starting point is 01:47:08 And I got a lot of, I got a lot of respect for the guy. It's going to be fun to watch him grow up because he's got it. Okay. Let's see. He's talking faster now too, which I like. Okay, here we go. Battlefield with him. I don't want to beat him because a court threw him out. I want to beat him because I'm able to make the argument to the American people that I should be president. And I have a debate and that kind of stuff. I think this persecution that the DNC has leveled, that people see that as unfair.
Starting point is 01:47:42 level that people see that as unfair. Americans just viscerally are saying this guy is being attacked and it's moving huge numbers of voters over to him because they're pissed at what the DNC is doing. It's also terrible for America who are supposed to be the exemplary democracy around the world.
Starting point is 01:47:57 This is what they do in banana republics. You don't want to run against a guy because he's popular. So you get a judge to throw him out. Yeah. That's a great comparison. And, you know, it's not America. That was a description.
Starting point is 01:48:15 Go on. It's not a comparison. That's what happened. Democrats are terrified of losing an election to Trump. And so in the name of democracy, they want to prevent him from running for election. And it is it's as logical as as cutting someone's cock off and calling it gender affirming health care. Right. Oh, my God. Had to have laughed.
Starting point is 01:48:50 Holy shit, dude. We're dealing with crazy people. He didn't say, thank you. Haven't I been saying that? I know, but those comparisons, when you do that, I just start fucking tripping. The language is amazing. It's post-rational.
Starting point is 01:49:06 Someone just texted me. If you're arguing arguing with them you're wasting your fucking time holy shit greg just confirmed what i've thought to be true zionist is a new age term for kikes that liberals use yeah it's a liberal word for kike crazy hey there's this guy that's always calling saying that i love the zionist and i've asked him like a fucking thousand times hey dude i don't understand what a zionist is and every time he explains it to me i'm like man this just sounds like a place to fucking harbor hate like like i can't get my head wrapped around even what what the idea of it is you're not circumcised and see if he backs off i bet he does every definition i've found uses the word in the definition so that i'm very it's fat it's fascinating it's also fascinating that people call uh um
Starting point is 01:49:54 israel colonizers when you could equally interchange that as refugees with their situation where they've been put they think it's if they're colonists it happened 3 000 years ago it's fucking funny i just i that's just i how did i not know that it's so obvious what it is it's just more word fuckery by the left it's their way of hating on the jews of course yeah and yet it's funny too and yet they're upset with the term illegal aliens even though there's nothing negative about it it's just a description it just is what it is there's no like venezuela emptied its insane asylums, I hear.
Starting point is 01:50:47 That's what friends tell me they would know. That they marched lunatics to the border and told them, you're free. And if you ever come back, you'll be executed on the spot. Well, that's a pretty easy decision. Yeah. And so they left and they're here now. How about the FBI? How about the director of the FBI warning that Hamas and ISIS and shit are here?
Starting point is 01:51:15 They've come across the border. Boy, if Trump gets elected and you're people that are surprised at what a sanctuary city feels like in in in reality i know your city turned into tijuana and but you're surprised yeah fuck these are these what do they think is gonna happen in texas reality yeah and by the way for those of you who don't understand what's going on um and this is going to happen to all of us and this is really sad if these people these people that are here if we don't get a new president or we don't get them out of this country what's going to happen is they're all going to be part of the census and it's going to change the uh layout of politics for the dramatically so don't it of course of course they can vote legally illegally
Starting point is 01:52:12 don't believe any of the hype but what is for certain uh is they will be part of the census the battle is on now and it will change the layout of how politics work in this country. You had 12 million fucking people who will do whatever fucking the government tells them, and it's going to change the... I don't know what the word is. What is the word? Those lines in the ground, those imaginary lines that demark electionaries.
Starting point is 01:52:40 It was all done on purpose. Yeah. What we saw as a defect in the border's function was actually the plan. It's not a bug, but it's a designed, engineered attribute. And if Trump gets elected and you're a bounty hunter, get ready because you're going to get rich. You think it's going to look like that? I hope he gets elected and he does exactly what he says i hope they just start fucking deporting fucking like i hope they
Starting point is 01:53:10 build these fucking huge fucking camps along the border and just start capturing people and taking them out and hey here's the thing it's a full-time job just getting taking the criminals just start the criminals the ones who are actually committing crimes here, I'd like to make a list of 30 or 40 people that just kind of arbitrarily get charged with 30 or 40 felonies. He's got to have that in his heart. Who? Trump. Oh, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:53:38 Look, and let me be perfectly clear, too. I don't like the guy, and you can vouch for me. I never have. Right. I do't like the guy and you can vouch for me I never have right I do not like him but that has that has no bearing on what I what I think of charging someone with crimes to stop them from getting elected right right that bothers me in the exact manner that it does Bobby that it does rfk Jr right you would You wouldn't want that done to Biden either. Fuck no.
Starting point is 01:54:07 You don't charge. And you know what? If they elect Scott Peterson president, I think that would dust his ass off, bring him out of San Quentin and put him in the White House. I wouldn't let... I wouldn't... I I don't I'm not gonna deny someone office based on that all right look at that look at the issues on which you have to hold your nose to vote for Trump.
Starting point is 01:54:46 Like? Low IQ. Oh, oh, oh. Liar. Oh, oh, oh. I thought you meant, yeah, you mean him. Yeah, yeah, yeah. He's a piece of shit. And I'm going to proudly vote for him because the other piece of shit is the worst piece of shit.
Starting point is 01:55:04 And it has nothing to do with age nor his senility. And by the way, all of the age talk is red herring bullshit. There's no age issue. It's that he's fucking senile. That's the problem. President Biden.
Starting point is 01:55:20 Yes. He's not the president. Yeah. Heidi Kroon, yes yeah he's not the president yeah uh heidi croon uh you have to be you have to be a piece of shit to even want to run this country that might be the case that might be part of what we're looking at but i like this RFK Jr. guy. Hey, maybe my line has been changed, but it takes a lot for me. Oh, someone's working out at your house. That's Surf Pro. Oh, I thought it was a barbell dropping.
Starting point is 01:55:58 Once the other side wants to do bad stuff to kids, it kind of doesn't matter. I others i'm on the other side's team just right away like that's why i that's why like i maybe i don't have that i that animosity i used to have towards trump or those those thoughts not animosity but those feelings that i had they've they've waned for me incredibly all my objections to him disappear on the realization that there's a movement to remove his name from the ballot and call it democracy. I know those people. These are the people that cut off penises and call it gender-affirming health care. Right.
Starting point is 01:56:43 I get it. At that point, I don't care if trump said yeah i grabbed a girl's pussy like i just don't care like it's a moot point to me at that point i hold none of it against him yep so good all right thank you everyone all right on that note all right bye bye thanks greg thanks greg greg glassman All right. Thank you, everyone. All right. On that note. All right. Bye. Bye. Thanks, Greg. Thanks, Greg. Greg Glassman. MISWAC. I'm sure we brought this up.
Starting point is 01:57:13 The MISWAC is a teeth-cleaning twig made from the Salvadoria persicatry. Bizarre. bizarre you can brush your teeth with diatomaceous earth by the way i just looked that up you can what oh you can greg asked if you could brush your teeth with diatomaceous earth and you can it's basically the same as baking soda or baking powder or whatever it's called you don't have to physically catch people to get them out of the country all you have to do is not give them government benefits or tax dollars and start billing them up front at hospitals you know it's a trip when i went when i was deployed to jordan we had to go to a local hospital a few times and people are paying for their health care in cash like if they don't have insurance or anything, you just go up there and pay for whatever services.
Starting point is 01:58:13 Yeah. Not even credit card. You're saying you just saw someone with cash. Straight up. Just straight up cash money, baby. Paying for lab results or x-rays or whatever the fuck they needed. Drugs. You just pay for it in cash.
Starting point is 01:58:28 David, you fucking dipshit. David Wee. What the fuck is wrong with your brain, dude? When I tell you that I don't like to see someone fucking 60 pounds overweight doing fucking kipping muscle-ups, and then you jump to the conclusion that I'm saying CrossFitfit isn't safe you fucking moron that's like saying hey i don't like to see someone with the toothbrush shove it into the back of their throat and fucking rip out their tonsils and you're like oh are you saying brushing your teeth is dangerous fucking moron how's anyone supposed to fucking get along with you dude
Starting point is 01:58:59 jackass you just been harboring that since 30 minutes no he texted me and said hey i'm horny will you ass pound me and i'm like okay fine he just no lube davey just the way you like it broad dog that's just the way you like it mr weed dude the kite thing is crazy it's funny because i'm going back and forth with this guy in my dms and i was getting there but i wasn't i'm not as quick as greg obviously he's still a young man i'm old but greg took it right there i knew every time this guy would talk i'm like fuck this guy sounds like a racist piece of shit under the guise of not being racist. It was so weird how he just can't stop calling these people that.
Starting point is 01:59:51 Yeah, I'm not sure I even understand it still. It's a way to categorize a kind of Jew. So you could say someone's a Jew or Jewish, right? Or you could say someone's a Mexican or a Spanish guy or whatever. And then you start swerving off into this. It's like how they rename everything, right? It's like baby killing is abortion. They renamed it.
Starting point is 02:00:15 Gender affirming healthcare is really chopping off the penis. And so they take, they, they know they can't get away with saying kike. It's, it's a psyop. It's a psyop. It's just recategorizing. Yeah. It's just recategorizing. Yeah, it's just recategorizing all Jewish people. Like food stamps are called snap? Yes, yes, exactly like that.
Starting point is 02:00:32 Yeah. Okay. Yeah. It's exactly that. Oh, this is going to be fun. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on.
Starting point is 02:00:40 This is going to be fun. This is going to get wild here. Hold on. I got to turn on my Bluetooth. This is going to be good. Here we go. Hold on. I got to turn on my Bluetooth. This is going to be good. Here we go. Hold on. I got to turn on my Bluetooth.
Starting point is 02:00:51 Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Save your venom. Hold on. I got to turn on my Bluetooth. Where the fuck is my Bluetooth? Hold on.
Starting point is 02:01:00 Hold on. No, shit. This one. Hold on. Hold on. I'm almost there. This is going to be good. This is the guy. I think this one. Hold on. Hold on. I'm almost there. This is going to be good. This is the guy.
Starting point is 02:01:08 I think this is the guy in my DMs. Hold on. Hold on. I'm almost there. I'm having issues connecting. Hold on. Hold on. This is going to be good.
Starting point is 02:01:18 This guy's fucking pissed. He is so angry. Here we go. I think this is him. I hope this is him. Hello? Hello? Caller? Hey. He is so angry I think this is him I hope this is him Hello caller Hey Caller hi Thank you for waiting patiently
Starting point is 02:01:33 No no I lost myself but I found myself Action Good good good No I turned off the show a while ago And then I turned it back on and I realized That you're probably talking about me. So I thought I'd give a call in, and we can have a chat rather than spatting back and forth through DMs.
Starting point is 02:01:51 All right. Do you think Zionist is a term—it's the liberal term for kike? No, because I didn't think that religion had anything to do with racism. And Biden himself said he's a zionist he's not a jew so riddle me that what is a zionist what is a zionist it's it's nuanced man it's not about the jews it's because you keep coming back to be thinking it's about the jews and it's not man i mean, I talk to Jewish people all the time that are very much against Zionism. And Zionism is a destructive terminology that basically actually tears away the fabric
Starting point is 02:02:35 of what it is to be a Jew. So it's got nothing to do with being a Jew or Zionist Judaism. It's more so with the nationalism within Israel and the connection with the deep state. I mean, you almost can't say globalist without having connection with Zion. Okay.
Starting point is 02:02:59 But, but what is it? What would like, what is Zionist? What do they hate someone? Do they like someone? Do they, is it like,
Starting point is 02:03:05 like I'm a, everybody's just not, that's not part of their club, man. You are considered not part of them, so you're disposable. We're all disposable to the Zionist regime, and same as the globalists. We're just simple pleads that they utilize as part of their construct. Let me read this to you from the Wiki page. Zion is a nationalist movement that emerged in the 19th century to enable the establishment of homeland for the Jewish people in Palestine, a region roughly corresponding to the land of Israel. So it's people. So we're going to now take definitions from Wikipedia, dude.
Starting point is 02:03:52 Hey, dude, fine. Okay, I won't take the definition from there. I just need a definition. So, like, this definition that just is Jewish people who want a homeland. But, hey, the term is, I always hear the term thrown around in a negative light. I never hear, like, oh, my God, I was down at the beach. I did a beach, the Zionists did a beach cleaning party. You know what I mean? Sure.
Starting point is 02:04:15 Okay. I mean, the whole, you know, it's sad what's going on right now, man. And I mean, this is all, it's all surrounded around dividing us. The whole Middle Eastern thing, the whole Gaza, the whole Israel, this is all just meant to divide us. That's all it's meant to do. And it's succeeding is the problem. Let me ask you this. Are you mad at me because I don't stand up against the bombing of Gaza? You think that you're like, am I characterizing our conversation correctly?
Starting point is 02:04:58 You're like, hey, dickhead, Gaza's being bombed and thousands and thousands of kids are dying and you ain't saying shit about it. No, I don't hate anybody, man. Okay, not hate. Sorry, frustrated. That's what you're trying to convince me. You're like, hey, dude, I'm trying to characterize and understand where you and I butt heads in the DMs. You're frustrated. You're just not even frustrated.
Starting point is 02:05:21 I don't mean to characterize you as a whole. When we talk, our conversation is around. You're like, hey, dips conversation is around, you're like, Hey dipshit, how come you're not standing up for kids getting killed in Gaza? I mean, it pains me to see. And I,
Starting point is 02:05:32 and, and it may maybe come from, you know, a good friend of mine is married to a Palestinian. So, you know, I hear a lot of, I mean,
Starting point is 02:05:40 well, neither you or I have been there. So we don't really know the truth of the matter of what's going on over there other than what we see on telegram and whatever and you know my frustration's not so much with you it's more so and you know savon sometimes i get a little hot headed on on on instagram hey and i consider you a friend by the way hey listen we've known each other long enough that we can fight like that. I'm never like, you know, like if other people talk to me the way
Starting point is 02:06:09 you and I talk to each other, and I know I'm a dick back to you, but if other people did that, I wouldn't tolerate that. But I consider you a friend and a long-time listener of the show, and it doesn't, I know we're venting and both emotional. So just so you know, you never owe me an apology. I mean, I'll take one, but you don't owe me, I owe you as many apologies as you owe me.
Starting point is 02:06:26 I know we fucking tussle. No, no, no. I appreciate the conversation because it honestly lets me get out a lot of the feelings that I've had. Man, it's devastating. It's not just there, though. I mean, it's all over the world. I constantly say people are sleepwalking into... We are.
Starting point is 02:06:48 We're sleepwalking into the constructs that they have set out for us, whether you want to call it the 2030 agenda or whatever the hell, where people are just so comfortable with, you know, getting up in the morning and having a lot... That's their... That's their that's their
Starting point is 02:07:05 their uh that's there's so much more to life than that fluff you know like i just i don't know i see what's going on over there and obviously i know what's going on in ukraine and everything like that and it's just like jesus man when are people going to get their head out of the sand and stand up? And it's even worse locally. I mean, I live in Canada, and you know that. I mean, the censorship, the maids program, it's the nonstop onslaught since COVID. And I just don't see a lot of people standing up for anything unless it's to virtue signal.
Starting point is 02:07:44 And I want to get it across that I'm not doing that. I don't like seeing people get killed that just want to live their life and have a warm house that call home and a comfortable area where they can go and, and, uh, and not have all this bullshit, but. By the way, I still haven't used your name and I didn't use your name when I was talking about you, just so you know, I want to be clear on that. I didn't reference you. I still haven't referenced you just so you know,
Starting point is 02:08:17 by name, I just said a person in my DMS to say, and I still haven't said your name since you called. So just so you know, I, I, that's important to me. And the second thing is, um, Hey dude, I just had a friend, uh, uh,
Starting point is 02:08:27 I just hung out all weekend with a guy who lives in China, who's born and lived there his whole life. And he said, digital currency and social score, which we know are the same thing. Uh, he says it's alive and strong there. And he was telling me it's really bad,
Starting point is 02:08:41 dude. It's really bad. Like, it's like, if we get digital currency here in social score, like it's nuts, the shit they do bad like it's like if we get digital currency here in social score like it's nuts the they do and hey like if me and you if i had a high social score and i talked to you and you had a low social score my social score would go down like it's crazy i mean it's yes it's it is black mirror yeah it's crazy and And the problem is, is we're complacent. And I think that the main thing is for me to spawn is that, like, you know, I hear you guys talking about Democrats, Republicans out here.
Starting point is 02:09:15 And, you know, all the Canadians say is, oh, we've got to get the lips out. But in reality, like these guys are just playing musical chairs. They're all the same. Whether you call it Trump. But in reality, like these guys are just playing musical chairs. They're all the same. Whether you call it Trump. Yeah, he's got some better policies. But then he comes out on the weekend saying how much, you know, how proud he was of getting the vaccine out nine months. And how the next year is, you know, we're going to cure cancer with this technology and stuff like that.
Starting point is 02:09:43 Well, what about, hey, what about if we just, I mean, no one's going to be perfect, right? We're not going to, we're not going to find anyone. I mean, like even the TikTok thing, like I'm struggling with it, right? Like my, my, the way my values are like, Hey, you can't fucking ban them. But, but, but, but when I, but when I honestly answer the question, do I want TikTok gone? Yeah, I do. And so I have that inconsistency, right? My values and my ideology aren't lining with my desire. And we're all like,
Starting point is 02:10:08 why can't we just, let's say they're both one and the same, why don't we just, like, I never thought I'd vote for Trump either, but don't you think that that being said, that he has to win or else the fucking balance is going to be just too far out of whack?
Starting point is 02:10:33 Or no? Or no no are you just like hey dipshit it's the same thing like literally the same thing i think it's the same i think it's it's the same thing it's a uni party and they just you don't think that general child general mutilation gets kind of muted and put on the back burner if trump gets elected? Well, yeah. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. And like I said, there's different, there's different, it's, you pull one policy to put another one in. Right. I mean, it's, so yeah, I completely, you know, obviously we're going to agree on a lot of things, man. Like when it comes to gender ideology and this, you know, identity politics bullshit.
Starting point is 02:11:07 I like the idea of child molestation. this is not going to be a popular view uh staying in the church where it's always been instead of spreading to my fucking um every other fucking nook and cranny and facet of life you know what i mean like like i like it that there's catholic priests molesting kids and hiding and they're terrified for their fucking life and we catch them and they go to jail. I do not. I do not like the other party's plan of just fucking normalizing it. And you can get diddled at the library while you listen to fucking some creature read to you. You know what I mean? No, I totally agree. And I know that like our conservative side of things here is.
Starting point is 02:11:41 Wow. No, I shouldn't say that in Canada. We tiptoe and the next minute he he kind of says oh you know maybe it's not you know it's definitely up to the parents to make the choice and some of these parents i mean i don't know man i i call these a i don't really really want i don't want to get you in trouble but i'll just say some people have been paused Have been what? Paused. P-O-Z-Z-E-D. You can Google that. I'm good on that now. I think they've just, since a certain thing came through,
Starting point is 02:12:15 I literally think they are muted to the realities of what's going on in the world, man. There's nothing else. There's no other explanation for for what i see the excess deaths are right in front of you and nobody says shit yeah yeah no one is saying yeah i listen to dr camp yeah i listen to dr campbell you know i mean he's great he has like to the point statistics about what's going on in the world and nobody says shit nobody cares man it's unbelievable that there's not enough war or like a massive class action lawsuit or something going on but nobody says shit well um you know yeah there's good yeah there's got to be some
Starting point is 02:13:01 lawsuits going on uh hold on real quick uh sleeky says at the library where you listen to a drag queen read to you yeah quite yes getting diddled there too just not just not churches yeah that's my point like I'm okay like for all these people I'm okay I don't want kids getting diddled anywhere but what I really don't want is it being normalized
Starting point is 02:13:20 and so when it's happening in the dark when it's happening in the basement when it's happening in the in the in the basement of a church i'd much rather have it being there than um then fuck i don't know then fucking at my library uh and it being celebrated which is fucking what's happening hey i should go uh thank you for calling yeah no, no, no, no, Siobhan. I appreciate your conversation, man. It's all good. And hopefully we can chat in the future. Of course, brother.
Starting point is 02:13:52 I think one day we'll meet and get to hang out. Alright, cheers. Thank you. Bye. Is tank 15 does he use words like paused? Oh, i thought that was like a big sophisticated word is that like a more of like a hip word like sus or capped what's the name no cap no cap no cap no cap oh so i could say this is tank 15 he uses the word pause i could say no cap like that means for sure that means like for sure yeah good job nice i'm sus i'm sus of what's going on at the border that means like i'm suspect
Starting point is 02:14:33 of what's going on the board right so there you go there you go sus i think i'm more confused now than I was before that call, but it's okay. I have such a robust and fun life of communication. Someone one time said something about how much stimulus I get. I get so much stimulus. Yeah. Hey, do you ever get off the show and you're like, fuck, what should I do with myself? like you're kind of wound off into another dimension or like vibration or something and like you have to like calm down or something like almost like you need a drink after the show but you're like fuck it's only 10 a.m you're like fuck you drink usually when i go off the show i'm like completely drained
Starting point is 02:15:17 like i don't want to do anything for like two hours uh cory leonard all stimulus you savvy all right uh kristin keller that's how we are when there's no shows savvy i know i didn't do a show for like fucking 12 hours or 24 hours jeff birchfield was like talking like i died or something. It's been a while. R.I.P. Yeah. What if we all lived in the same neighborhood and like when the show was over, we just went outside and just pulled up to a keg? Now we're talking. Keg of Newcastle. And just sit on my lawn chair
Starting point is 02:16:01 and zone out for a couple hours. Just a line of lawn chairs that's like 600 lawn chairs long. We all have shotguns pointed in the same direction. Just waiting for birds. I don't know why we have to have guns. It just sounds fun. Always have to have guns. Brandon, what's up player
Starting point is 02:16:28 Brandon Waddell uh I got diddled at the doctor Monday she was skin checking me all of me lifted the balls and spread the cheeks wow fuck sounds like fucking you were manipulated it's always cold in those rooms too I bet that's so annoying
Starting point is 02:16:44 gloves or no gloves Brandon fucking you were manipulated it's always cold in those rooms too i bet that's so annoying gloves or no gloves brandon um uh oh uh oh here matuthian is bussing for no cap for real oh for real oh matuthian is what's bussin bussin's like awesome oh is it uh it's all it's awesome extremely good excellent oh yeah thank you i know how does any there was someone the other day that said it was too salty i think they were having flashbacks of like taking a load or something are load salty no idea who knows if loads are salty yeah i i like the salt i thought it needed more salt but we're sticking with the current formula oh it's a compliment that it's salty damn your load is salty well thank you gave you some electrolytes you're welcome
Starting point is 02:17:44 gave you some electrolytes you're welcome oh look it's it's the girl on her back that that's the girl on her back and that i always see the vagina staring at me a cold a cold cold but she had a warm heart i think she was nice i guess i'm telling you when tell this story, and I've told it to you guys a dozen times, but I went to Kaiser, and a dude fucking checked my cock and balls with no glove. Like, just fully handled them. And at that point, I knew. I was gay.
Starting point is 02:18:22 Oh, yeah, yeah, sorry. He was gay. Sorry. I gotta get my pronoun right trying to leave you out of it did she have gloves on I think you said yes was your wife in the room
Starting point is 02:18:34 hey Brandon was your wife in the room today I was in a room and there was another lady holding my penis while my wife stared on he really likes it if you touch it right there yeah so just hey why do you gotta put oh yes to all wow yeah i i agree it's not gay if you use gloves i agree i agree barrier you gotta use a barrier i don't even think when i have sex with a condom on i'm really having sex it's a contest i haven't explored just practicing
Starting point is 02:19:12 gloves no way gloves block the gay this is that's fucked up wife doctor pa and resident oh that's so annoying. Do you mind if we have somebody come in? Yes. Do you mind if we have somebody come look at this? We have a student here. We have a resident who also probably would find this very fascinating if you don't mind having them come in. Hey, next time. It's my cock and balls,
Starting point is 02:19:39 dude. Hey, next time they're like, hey, listen. If they're going to also, if they're going to also, if they're going to get to watch me, uh, spread my butt cheeks, uh, they're also going to have to,
Starting point is 02:19:48 uh, hold my cock. Yeah. Every time I've had a stranger hold my cock, I'm so disappointed in how my cock shows up. Like, listen, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 02:20:01 It's so cold in there. And then their hands are cold. It's like really your fricking stomach. Or maybe I'm just delus so cold in there. And then their hands are cold. I'm just like, really? It dribbles in your freaking stomach. Or maybe I'm just delusional about my cock. Maybe really I only have like a fucking half inch cock. And when there's people around, reality sets in. Yeah, maybe. It's just so disappointing.
Starting point is 02:20:20 I so wouldn't mind if a guy held my penis And checked me and I just had a giant wood It's his problem What do I care You're a handsome guy What am I gonna do I'm not gay my penis is It's got a mind of it's own Yeah
Starting point is 02:20:35 It hasn't been touched in a week sorry I bet you only the doctor Well I bet you only the doctor touched his penis I bet you like the doctor well I bet you only the doctor touched his penis I bet you like the intern didn't no way they're all gonna handle that shit like oh yes take a look under the shaft yeah yeah one's gonna hold the shaft the other
Starting point is 02:20:56 one's gonna touch the balls the other one's gonna inspect your taint oh wouldn't that be funny hey listen we're short on time I'm gonna have to inspect your penis and your butthole at the same time. The guy's fucking got one hand on your cock and two fingers in your butt. Jesus Christ. Kaiser.
Starting point is 02:21:14 It's like when Josh Bridges told me he cleans both of his ears at the same time, and now I do that. Really? Yeah, I do that now. You do one at a time? Yeah, I feel like I'm going to freaking perforate my eardrum if i do even with one oh here we go this is gonna be good what up savvy hey hey i can't wait to hear about the handling of your penis all right so i'm in the room sitting there and and they've had me gown up, and they're like, leave your underwear on.
Starting point is 02:21:54 And so it's just me and my wife in the room, and the PA comes in, and she fully checks me except everything in the underwear boxer region. And she's like, okay, I'll go out and get the doctor. What do you mean? Whoa, whoa, whoa. Sorry, sorry. The PA is a girl too, and she just checks does it. She just checks everywhere, but inside your shorts. Correct. Okay. Correct.
Starting point is 02:22:08 And so then she makes all the notes and she leaves the room. She's like, I'm gonna go get the doctor and let her know you're ready. I'm like, okay. And so she goes out, you know, a few minutes ago by, she comes back in with the doctor and with a resident, all female. And then the doctor asked questions, goes over everything. And then she's like, okay, do you mind if I check you? And I'm like, yeah.
Starting point is 02:22:31 So she goes head to toe. Normally when I've had this done, they just pull your boxers like back and like look down your boxers or down your shirt, like what are you like your underwear, whatever. So she pulls them down in the back so my ass is hanging out and like checks pulls them back then looks down the front like at my left leg then puts them back looks down the right leg then looks at the cock and balls down the middle then she said do you mind if we pull these down
Starting point is 02:23:05 and i and i give a better check and i was like sure and so we're here like okay do you mind disrobing and i'm like okay so i've already got the gown off and my wife is holding it so then i just drop trowel and she like squats down and like is looking and moves it to the side and says, do you mind turning around? So then I turn around and that's when she spreads the cheeks. And then she's like, okay, you're good. And I turned back around and pull the underwear up. So when I turn around, that's when the PA and the resident are now staring at me. And so that's how it went.
Starting point is 02:23:43 Did you have your wife snap a photo when she was on her knees? No, don't say that, though. It would have been great. Hold on. Can we get a picture of the scrapbook? Yeah. No, my wife was ripping it out. She was laughing the entire time.
Starting point is 02:23:58 So your wife's there, and the doctor's there, and there's two other are they is everyone a woman yes so you're naked in front of four women and they're examining your asshole and your cock and balls yes making sure there's no spots that need to be you know god it sounds like sounds like a dream of mine be careful what you wish for people people. Four years ago, Brandon in church wished for a foursome. This is what he got. Fucking God heard it wrong.
Starting point is 02:24:28 He got all fucked up. Got the wires crossed. Be careful what you wish for. I want to be in a room with four chicks who are just really caring and giving me a lot of attention. Who really want to look at my cock and balls. And this is what you get. I just did a story yesterday on cock gazing. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:24:51 Well, be careful what you eat. Hey, did she find anything on you? Is your penis cool? It's all good. No, nothing to note. All right. Is your penis cool? Just a normal penis.
Starting point is 02:25:06 God, I would be so in those situations. I'm like, man, did I scrub every fucking dingleberry out of my pubic hair? God, I hope my penis isn't having a drippy day. I mean, just just just I just hope like I hope my underwear doesn't like have any like fucking stench or there's semen from this morning's bank session stuck under my foreskin or just, I would just be tripping. I hope there are no ingrown hairs. I would, I would have to be, I would just have to like, I would basically, if I knew that was going to happen, I would, yeah. Did you prepare for that? Did you know that people are going to look at your asshole?
Starting point is 02:25:37 So you cleaned extra good. I was, you know, so I've got a dermatologist here. This was all in Houston. I was, you know, so I've got a dermatologist here. This was all in Houston. And the one in Little Rock, he just does the pull him to the side, like look is like in the front. So the cock and balls, he filling it out they're like do you consent to a full body check you know even genitalia area all things like that and i'm like i always just say yes because whatever when i'd rather them find something than you know didn't them not check so i knew it was always a possibility but it's like you know whatever it hadn't happened yet can you imagine objecting can you imagine objecting like the uh grassiano
Starting point is 02:26:26 asked did did they do a function check where they like take a pen or something and then they check your scrotal reflex no they did not check that there's a scrotal reflex my scrotum does nothing so like it i don't i don't know exactly how it works hold on i'm gonna get a pen you can't see down okay go ahead tell me what they do i want to try it on myself you take a pen and i it's basically just like uh you were scrotal reflex that's bullshit there's no such thing they like drag it across your balls and they see if it like clenches up like a like a almost like a uh you know like that plant not a um you know those leaves and you stroke the leaves and they go like this? Not a Venus flytrap, but the other one. There's this other weird one that's got like you can stroke it and all the leaves go like this.
Starting point is 02:27:10 Fuck. Scrotal reflex. Holy shit. What is scrotal reflex? The chromastric reflex is a superficial reflex found in human males that is elicited when the inner part of the thigh is stroked stroking of the skin causes the cromaster muscle to contract and pull up the iposolateral testicle towards the ingenuial canal inguinal canal yeah i'm rubbing my thigh right now my balls aren't doing anything you can't do. It's like your patellar reflex.
Starting point is 02:27:45 Like if you, you can't have, you can't activate your patellar reflex. You can't do it to yourself. It's like a blow job. I can't put my own penis in my mouth. Unless you remove your ribs. Yes.
Starting point is 02:27:56 Hey dude, you need, Brandon, you need to request that. Uh, I think my scrotal reflex is off. You can just, you can just have your wife do that for you.
Starting point is 02:28:04 You don't have to have a doctor do it. No, I'm asking the doctor next time I'm there. Honey, when you're done teaching the kids, can you come in here and give me a scrotal reflex test? Can you check my cremaster? Yeah. Do you do that for Zionists? Yeah.
Starting point is 02:28:20 Who knew we'd figure out what a scrotal reflex was before we figured out a Zionist? Damn, good point. Good point. Oh, that is a good point. Wow. See, maybe doctors are good for some things. Maybe.
Starting point is 02:28:36 All right. Maybe. Thank you. Keep us posted on any penis exams. Please call us and tell us about them. They're fun. I'll see if my wife will video the next one.
Starting point is 02:28:46 Okay, thank you. Hey, the next time I go, this will be interesting. I have to stand, you know those 360 cameras that you see at like weddings and event venues and things now?
Starting point is 02:28:56 Yeah, yeah. I have to stand on one of those and they're going to map all the spots and like moles and different things on my body. And I think I have to be nude for that.
Starting point is 02:29:06 And they take a 3D, like a complete 360 image of it and then compare it. If anything changes like over time, God knows 3D mapping skin mapping. Yeah. So I'll keep you posted on how that goes. That's been like two weeks. I go back to that.
Starting point is 02:29:21 That's incredible. Is that in Houston? Yeah. Yeah. All right. Yeah. All right. That's incredible. Is that in Houston? Yeah. Yeah. All right. All right. Yeah. All right.
Starting point is 02:29:28 Stay in touch. Please call. I really do like penis talk. Anytime someone touches your penis besides your wife, please tell me. Call and tell me. I want to hear it. Will do. Okay.
Starting point is 02:29:36 Will do. Later, dude. Bye-bye. He's getting his dick touched by randos. Just random dudes. Random chicks touching his cock. Eric Weiss, I had to leave the office. I'm dying.
Starting point is 02:29:48 The only show where we can go from P-values to scrotal reflex. You're welcome. All right. I'm going to get in trouble here. I need to... Oh, I'm leaving in 15 minutes. Nico's here. Okay, I have to...
Starting point is 02:30:00 Shit. Guys, I have to go. Hi. Good morning. Hello? I have to go. Hi. Good morning. Hello? I have to go. Yeah, what do you want? I have to go.
Starting point is 02:30:12 Oh, you have to go. I just have a funny story about Zionists. Okay, fine. Go ahead. So, first of all, Zionists is basically the love for Zion. That's being a Zionist. And Zion is another word for Jerusalem. Okay, so if you love the city of Jerusalem,
Starting point is 02:30:31 if you love the city of Jerusalem, you're a Zionist? Exactly. Okay, I've never been there, but I've heard it's really nice. And second thing is if you translate Zion to Hebrew,rew zion means dick in hebrew oh love for dick oh i'm with you i have a love for dick yes yes yes it's different words it's different words it's different letters in hebrew but the word sounds the same okay wow sweet amazing yeah so Sweet. Amazing. Yeah, so if we wanted to... Where are you from? Israel. Oh, are you in Israel right now?
Starting point is 02:31:09 No. I'm in Los Angeles. Oh, okay. All right. All right, fuck. You'd be better off in Israel. Jesus Christ. You must have some fucked up karma to go between Israel and Los Angeles.
Starting point is 02:31:20 Jesus Christ. Tell me about it. Okay, fine. You love it. Thank you for the definition. If you love the city of Jerusalem, you're a Zionist. Or if you love cock, depending on who's using the term. Not exactly.
Starting point is 02:31:36 Thank you. Educated. Hey, I'm glad. Sorry for being rude to you, telling you I have to go. That was inappropriate important information yeah selfish you alright love you guys oh there's some oh my goodness there's some
Starting point is 02:31:54 shit going on today they are Dave and the gang and the CrossFit gang Heather and whatnot Adrian Bosman Tia Toomey whoever is rehearsing today at Proven in Nashville. If you're in the area, swing by there. It's open to the public.
Starting point is 02:32:14 They want lots of people visiting. Gabe may even be there from Paper Street Coffee. Say hi to him. and um and then today uh pedro has his around the whiteboard show around the around the whiteboard show uh pedro coffee pods and wands when is that that's got to be soon that's going to be at uh 1 p.m pacific standard time now listen to this 1 p.m pacific standard time coffee pods oh my god i have to pee so fucking bad this is this is a uh i don't know what the fuck pedro's out of his mind he's gonna ruin his show look at this look at the guests i don't even know who these yet i don't know who brian friend is i know who this guy is uh simmons husband i don't know who this guy is on the bottom do you know who
Starting point is 02:33:03 that is yeah it's keifer oh that is keifer, it's Kiefer. Oh, that is Kiefer? Yeah, it's Kiefer. Oh, I thought he had blonde hair. He might have dyed it back. That's the underdog's athletics guy who's banging… Kyra Milligan. Yeah. Correct.
Starting point is 02:33:19 Okay. A notifier. Okay. It's in three hours. Is Sevan positive for crossfit I mean that Like of course I like what of course I am That's a slam dunk
Starting point is 02:33:32 Might have some differing opinions on this one. No, there's no one who doesn't think that I think even sporty beth knows I think everyone thinks i'm positive for CrossFit. Even people who hate me know I'm positive for CrossFit. It's like rain. It might be bad for some shit, but everyone knows it's positive. You know what I mean? You're only bad for CrossFit when you're pregnant?
Starting point is 02:33:57 Like, rain might be bad for, like, if you're going to the beach, you want to be on a beach day, but it's still a positive. Okay. that's me you get it? sure sporty Beth wants to bang you savvy I'd do it for a charity event
Starting point is 02:34:20 get it why would we fuck and then see who throws up see who throws up first I'm never gonna I'm never gonna be invited into the inner circle I'm always gonna be an outside dog yeah
Starting point is 02:34:54 you're supposed to outgrow this just chewing shoes and peeing in the house but I thought you went through this from your 20s to 30s that was that 10 year mental illness gap you had. All right. Thanks Caleb.
Starting point is 02:35:11 Uh, so next show to watch is, um, next show to watch is coffee pods. And once tomorrow is going to be a crazy show on the seven on podcast too. Tomorrow we're going to have three shows. Thursday's crazy. What a fun day.
Starting point is 02:35:24 Yeah. And then Friday is going to be fucking batshit crazy. I, Hey guys. Yeah, and then Friday's gonna be fucking batshit crazy. Hey guys, Friday's schedule is getting weird too, just so you know. So Thursday we do the Bryson Del Monte show, but Friday Colton, it's Taylor Self vs. Colton Mertens, the Born Primitive show we're doing, 24.2,
Starting point is 02:35:37 24.3 at CrossFit Charlotte. And that show, watch the time on that. That thing is gonna move. No, I've never used a glory hole. I have not used a glory hole. I've made eye contact with everyone who's blown me. All right.
Starting point is 02:36:01 Bye-bye.

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