The Sevan Podcast - Greg Glassman & Dale King | Small Town Strong - World Premiere

Episode Date: October 4, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is an advertisement from BetterHelp. Everyone knows therapy is great for solving problems. But turns out, therapy has some issues of its own. Finding the right therapist, fitting into their schedule, and, of course, the cost. BetterHelp can help solve these problems. It's online, convenient, built around your schedule, and surprisingly affordable, too. Connect with a credentialed therapist by phone, video, or online chat. Visit to learn more.
Starting point is 00:00:27 That's meeting with friends before the show, we can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance. Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. Greg, I think he might be on a boat.
Starting point is 00:01:02 Oh, it's Caleb. I thought that was Greg trying to pop on. he might be on a boat oh oh it's caleb i thought that was greg trying to pop on uh greg might be on like a boat somewhere he said he's gonna try he's like hey do you care if i try i'm like nah try try yeah dude that makes perfect sense yeah easy day try try try away uh dale king owner of portsmouth or portsmortsmith. Portsmith, but spelt mouth. It is spelled mouth, yeah. All right, I'm not stupid. I ain't stupid.
Starting point is 00:01:31 You're good. That's how dumb that city is. It's said Portsmith, but it's spelt Portsmouth, but said Portsmith. That's how we know if you're an insider or an outsider. Yeah, because people do say Portsmouth, yeah yeah get you california types down here and they start saying portsmouth we immediately know where you're coming from get a rope hey do you know there was a commercial that was like that uh oh wow it was like for a hot sauce or something that probably wouldn't fly today do you remember that like it was for a texas hot it was for a te for a hot sauce or something. That probably wouldn't fly today. Do you remember that? It was for a Texas hot sauce. And if you had the wrong hot sauce, they would say that.
Starting point is 00:02:10 Get a rope. Get a rope. Good morning, everyone. Caleb, good morning. Dang. Caleb, do you feel hungover? No. Oh.
Starting point is 00:02:19 Why? I feel hungover. I don't even know why. I didn't even drink last night. We had Dave Driscoll on yesterday, Dale, from Wunderlust CrossFit in Bali. That's the dude who never puts on a shirt with the beautiful hair. It looks like he just runs a fantasy camp. Yes, that guy. I'm hungover from talking to him that's awesome dude what a different
Starting point is 00:02:48 what a totally different scene his gym is his story than your story yeah man i don't know too much about him other than i've you know seen a couple videos on instagram but it looks pretty sweet yeah he's turned his gym into a hotel and uh eating service and like uber eats and like a whole like same thing business you know opportunity 80 employees you know or 87 employees business opportunities like you're doing but um more around um food and beaver than then reconstruction and rehab which is more like where you're in the reconstruction rehab phase i'm in the wrong business food and beaver sounds exactly where he where one should be uh this caleb i i went into google and i just typed in small town strong Apple. And I see that it's populated now in the Apple menu.
Starting point is 00:03:55 Dale has a movie coming out today. You produce the movie, Dale? Yes. Yeah. And by producer, you mean for those of you who don't know what a producer does, a producer is in charge of everything. Most importantly, making sure the movie gets started and finished, which and that there's the right people there to do it. And he has to come up with the money. Yes. That's the glory of being a producer.
Starting point is 00:04:20 So that could mean getting people water on a set and that could mean I'm firing directors because, uh, they're not getting it done. Well, there, there was definitely be no fire of the director. So it was my, really my best friend who, uh, he was also executive producer and director, um, army buddy of mine. And, uh, really dude, it was just, we kind of looked at each other. He's like, we're going to do this. And because, uh, if we're not going to tell at each other. It was like, we're going to do this. And because if we're not going to tell the story, I really don't think anybody else is. And so we initially put up half and half to get the finances going.
Starting point is 00:04:59 And then here we are, man. Hey, it looks expensive. Did these guys have day jobs, the directors and the editors, or was this their job when they were doing it and you were paying them? Can I ask that? Because most documentaries, by the way, for people who know, even the biggest ones are passion projects. Documentaries are not a money-making venture.
Starting point is 00:05:20 No. So actually the only person who got paid initially was Spencer Millsap. So Chase's brother really the two, the two brothers co-directed it. And Spencer is like an award-winning cinematographer for National Geographic and a bunch of projects on Disney. So, you know, we, we did, we did have to pay him to to come to portsmouth and uh and he did a lot of work on the back end editing so um so you know no no no disrespect to spencer but so far he's he's been the only one who's been paid on this project no no it makes sense uh dude shot crazy right dude audio crazy oh man animations explaining the dopamine response crazy so that guy so that guy was from my gym the graphic artist uh-huh he came to he came to the gym
Starting point is 00:06:17 five six seven years ago i can't remember college kid and i've watched his name's Connor Sherman I've watched him dude grow and develop and uh that was the whole thing as much as we could we wanted it to be people from inside the gym or from Portsmouth that were making this project or a part of it somehow so that was all Connor Sherman man um the movie has such a crazy twist in it that i did not see coming um and that i actually rewound it uh i did not want to rewind rewind it i was i do not like uh watching things twice i have a very busy life but i rewound it because i'm like i this cannot have just happened when you i don't want to reveal what what happens in the movie but when you started filming the movie obviously that there was no fucking way in hell you would have known that was going to happen oh no it no there it it uh it's it's it's really hard for me
Starting point is 00:07:18 to describe that um was anyone like okay we have to stop making the movie and everyone and some other people like no shut the fuck up we're putting it in the movie and it's like whoa whoa whoa we're not putting that in the movie that that is actually the reason the movie got made um prior to that the way this was working savann was um so my my good friend chase he was um he was working for a media company in LA that was focused on focused on veteran projects so he had a lot of experience in the production media space out in LA and he ended up marrying a girl from Portsmouth believe it or not of all places so he would i met him through a mutual friend and like we immediately started broing out from like day one and became best friends um so when he would always come to portsmouth to visit the wife's family um he's like dude you mind i'm just gonna bring my camera like i think what's
Starting point is 00:08:21 going on in that gym's like a super special story and I'm just gonna get footage why I can I was like, yeah, is that what year is that Dale? 2017 okay. Yeah, so it's 2017 She's um, and he would like film our annual summer competition and stuff like that And another another enormous another thing dude. You got to let me help promote the gauntlet You want people to come from out of town what does what that's the event dude we let's not forget to talk about that that's a destination event that you're you got it figured out dude dude yeah you got it figured out okay sorry we'll come back to that event. Yeah, we will. I love to nerd out on that competition side.
Starting point is 00:09:06 So Chase had several connections in Hollywood, and he was like, dude, what we're going to do is we're going to sell this as a developmental project. We're going to pitch this as a 10-episode docu-series or reality TV. I don't know shit about any of this stuff. So I'm like, yeah, man, whatever fucking you want to do, we can make it happen. COVID happens and Chase is like, I need to get the hell out of LA.
Starting point is 00:09:35 Like this is becoming insane. So packs up the whole family, moves back to Portsmouth where his mother-in-law live. And now he's got some time on his hand so he's able to film a little bit more and what we we now had a stringer right and so we're pitching that to studios and streamers and stringers like a trailer like to show people like hey this is the this could be made into something yeah and so we were we met with the big boys man and um we're just they didn't like it they said it basically the feedback we got was it was too earnest yeah the the other way i think
Starting point is 00:10:17 it's not sexy enough right right it's like yeah um so we're like all right well then and you'll see this in the film is So we're like, all right. Well, then. And you'll see this in the film. Hey. Oh, Greg. You know what's crazy? No. The picture is amazing.
Starting point is 00:10:43 The audio, though, the engine, the engines on the boat are too loud. Have them turn those off. It is so loud hey can you show us where you're at can you like point at some shit yeah thank you oh my this is so cool that is not the ohio river that's lake tahoe cool that is not the ohio river that's lake tahoe dang dude that's awesome i don't you know what i lost uh wi-fi but i just wanted while i'm here while this lasts i'm going to share something and that's it uh i am so proud of del king i love you so much brother. And you can discount everything I say because he's one of my dearest friends. So I've got a crazy bias but he may just be one of my best friends because I'm so fucking proud of him. I want to be friends with someone that amazing. But of 15,000 affiliates, I mean, someone asked me, it's Josh Honeycutt, Dale King.
Starting point is 00:11:44 It's just, it's Josh Honeycutt, Dale King. It's just amazing. And I watched the documentary, and I had to stop with a cry. I mean, it's just so positive and so sad, all wrapped up into one. And it's a must-see. I'm a documentary freak right Sammy? 100% brother
Starting point is 00:12:10 thank you man you know how much I love you that means a lot coming from you brother oh my god I love Rhett's hair you guys are doing it oh my goodness is that your sister?
Starting point is 00:12:28 Oh, that's your wife. No, Kathy's not here. I know. I was joking about Maggie. Dang, dude. You guys look great. Oh, my goodness. That boat life is doing you good.
Starting point is 00:12:44 Here, let's see what happens when I move inside. Okay. This is amazing. For those of you who don't know, I think Greg's somewhere in Croatia. I forget what that body of water. What's that body of water called, Greg? It's the Adriatic. Adriatic.
Starting point is 00:13:00 Okay. I'm going to mute you and let Dale just keep telling it. Oh, it's good. Go ahead, Dale. Now your audio is good, Greg. It's good. Okay. I'm going to mute you and let Dale just keep telling it. Oh, it's good. Go ahead, Dale. Now your audio is good, Greg. It's good. Okay. Go ahead, Dale. and it really shook us to our core. And then Chase and I looked at each other and said, we have to fucking make this in order to tell the story.
Starting point is 00:13:39 And we're not going to let a studio or a streamer dictate whether we can do it or not. And that's the reason the film got made. So basically, the film was kind of a pipe dream and then and then and you had started filming back in 2017 and then this this event happened and you're like okay we're gonna push this thing across the finish line yep yep it we we we now had a mission. We had to do it. Wow. Absolutely amazing. Uh, it is a, you know, this is going to sound completely callous, but it is a filmmaker's dream to have a twist like that in a movie. Um, and now at least you guys can all say, at least it didn't go to waste. It really drives the message home that the movie wants to drive home.
Starting point is 00:14:39 The potency of the situation, the severity of the situation, and that every single human being on planet Earth is susceptible. It's interesting. You were being interviewed by Pedro over at Coffee Pods and Wads. What's interesting is he said they don't have fentanyl in Ireland yet. And I actually Googled fentanyl Ireland, and there's these doomsday articles that have come out. 2019, Ireland better prepare for the fentanyl attack. 2020, Ireland better prepare for the fentanyl attack. And I guess it still hasn't happened because I have found one for every year all the way up to 2023. There's even one a month ago, Ireland better prepare for the fentanyl attack. And I guess it still hasn't happened because I have found one for every year, all the way up to 2023. There's even one a month ago, Ireland better prepare for the fentanyl attack. But isn't it kind of amazing that fentanyl hasn't landed in Ireland? That's a trip, right?
Starting point is 00:15:12 Well, what Pedro was saying that made a lot of sense is they don't have the same involvement of the pharmaceutical companies into their country. Right. involvement of the pharmaceutical companies into their country. Right. And if we trace back where we're at with fentanyl, it started in the nineties with pharmaceutical companies, just flooding markets with opioids.
Starting point is 00:15:36 So it's, it's the three wave process. So the first wave was pain pills and opioids in the nineties and early two thousands. DA finally cracked down on that, shut all those clinics down. Problem is you already have a drug-addicted population. They can't quit fucking opioids. So what do they do? They go to heroin.
Starting point is 00:15:55 So from the 2010s to the late 2019, 18s, it's pretty much heroin. Then fentanyl comes in because it's cheaper to make and it's more potent but but it still kind of doesn't explain why it has it because it is so cheap you would have think it would have got there already like you think it'd be everywhere in one scene in the movie the doctor the physician who's also your wife holds up the sugar packet and says this is 40,000 doses in here and 2,000 lethal doses, 40,000 medicinal doses and 2,000 lethal doses. In the volume of a sugar packet, man.
Starting point is 00:16:34 So that's why people die. Yes, you do have people who overdose, but what a lot of people don't, they just hear that term overdose. But really what they're not understanding is some of those are fentanyl poisoning. So if, if you're wanting to do some Coke or Adderall, all it takes is a couple of specks of that stuff to be mixed in there. And that's how you die of fentanyl poisoning. Listen, if you want, you can help, you can help by just going, but you can help Dale, you can help CrossFit, you can help. You can help by just going, but you can help Dale.
Starting point is 00:17:05 You can help CrossFit. You can help his affiliate. You can help the cause. You can help the filmmakers. You can participate in this. And how you do that is you go to your phone, you open up Apple TV, you go there and you purchase it, which we're all going to do this morning. And then you purchase it.
Starting point is 00:17:19 And as more and more people purchase this documentary, it will push it up into the number one spot, which will get more and more eyeballs on it and they'll become sort of this um uh the more popular it gets the more popular it gets effect so if you have i'm guessing i don't know how much it is i'm guessing it's probably like 14.99 if you have 14.99 you want to support crossfit portsmouth you want to support uh what crossfit is doing um you know, as Greg has all told us, cure the world's most vexing problem, you know, whether it be a chronic disease or addiction. Participate in this. Oh, 1299. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:54 And I don't want anyone to think this is like like you're going to go hang yourself after you watch this movie. It's a great movie. It is not a depressing movie. It's like it's intense. There's a there's some crazy twists and turns in it. But you will leave there. There's a closing scene with Dale in there where you will leave there being like, fuck yeah, I'm going to go attack the world.
Starting point is 00:18:15 Yeah, sorry. Go ahead, Greg. You're scaring me dancing around. I'm just so worried you're going to give something away. Nothing can prepare you for this. And you sit there watching through your fingers and just – it's amazing. It's an amazing human story. Hey, I think more people now know people who've died from fentanyl than like AIDS or – I think it's like approaching like cancer status. Like I think – I don't know about Kayla, but all of us here now knows i can't believe i know someone
Starting point is 00:18:49 it's very close to greg knows people very close to him who've died of it and who weren't doing it who weren't doing fentanyl and died of fentanyl overdose that's the part of the poisoning man like you don't like in uh our friend talks about it in the film. Unless you're getting something from a pharmacy, if it's a street drug, you're playing Russian roulette nowadays. The reason is all dope houses, trap houses, it's not like they have great manufacturing processes. They don't clean the table afterwards.
Starting point is 00:19:23 They could be distributing heroin one day cutting coke the next if that gets intermingled you're done kayla do you know anyone who's died from fentanyl no but my wife comes home just about every shift and talks about how somebody was overdosing like how she had to administer narcan and like one time last week she had somebody she had a double overdose fentanyl overdose and it was like two like 40 something year old dudes they just one of them died and the other one made it like it's it happens every week there's there's a character in the documentary who uh i think she said she was narcan She's been Narcan 20 times in her life.
Starting point is 00:20:07 Sometimes one dose isn't even enough. So you give them one dose of Narcan, and then they still won't wake up. So you have to give them another one and another one. It's crazy. It's nuts, dude. Really, since the pandemic, I've known more guys die here in portsmouth than i that i knew in two deployments in iraq there's a character in the movie named rooster uh is he okay is he still okay yeah he's actually rooster just uh he left us to take a factory job about an hour away to be closer to to his folks and make a little bit more money.
Starting point is 00:20:45 But he's got his license. He's got a great job. He's done exactly what he's needed to do right now. Do you live in a state of a little bit of fear that every morning you're going to wake up and one of your homies is going to relapse? It feels like there's that kind of that. at least I would be kind of in that situation. I mean, you're around a bunch of people who were all standing at the edge of the Grand Canyon, getting ready to jump. And now everyone's taking a step back and you're like, well,
Starting point is 00:21:15 okay, how about you take three steps back? You know, like. The solid crew that we have, I don't really, that's not my concern. I mean, we're going on several years now with a lot of them. But it's just like, as a business owner, I'm worried like when and if I can't make payroll and these guys can't work, what's going to happen? Like that's my stress more than than that so it's just like trying to keep this thing rolling and going so they can all have stability and not have to uh worry about a paycheck greg um 15 000 affiliates um so many of them have a dale story he's a fucking dime a dozen dude uh veteran comes comes back, opens an affiliate. Whoop-dee-doo.
Starting point is 00:22:05 What stands out about this guy that makes it that you guys – how does he get into the Greg Glassman inner circle? How is it that every time I go to a party at your house, Dale's there? He's just a regular affiliate owner. Can you hear me, Greg? Damn, that was a good setup. How do you guys end up becoming friends? Because I know you guys, I know you're not speaking hyperbole.
Starting point is 00:22:28 He's everywhere. And I could be at your house and walk in and you're on the phone with him. It was during the lockdowns. I was doing Zoom calls. And he gave a quick description of what was going on in his box and what they were doing. And we just stayed close. I want him at everything I do. But what stood out about him?
Starting point is 00:22:55 I mean, you were meeting, those Zoom calls were 30 new affiliates a day. Watch the documentary and you'll understand why Greg Glassman is in love with Bill King. How could you not? I hear you. It speaks to anyone's heart who has one. And what his box has done, you know, each box has an enormous potential. You can get people fit, or you can fitness. You can get people fit or you can, you can, fitness.
Starting point is 00:23:32 I wrote a thing on what I call the transference effect in a column I had in the Santa Cruz Sentinel in the mid-90s. And I said that the gym, that fitness is the province where essential lessons for success were most easily delivered and read, received and delivered. And what Mr. King has done is it epitomizes that potential. And so just as every member has a potential, so does every box. And he is my favorite of 15,000, or even now if there's 10, whatever the number is, for obvious reasons. And when you watch that documentary, it's going to be abundantly clear to everyone. And if not, you're no friend of mine.
Starting point is 00:24:14 There's something wrong with you if you don't understand. Yeah, I like that. I've said before, each of our gyms has the potential to be the most important place in your community for healing, for health, for wellness, for friendship, for camaraderie. You know, the effective gym will have an impact that will make a psychiatrist, a priest, or an emergency room physician jealous. And, man, he's knocked it out of the park. I'm just here to cheerlead. Pom-poms the whole time. Yeah, yeah, me too.
Starting point is 00:24:56 Dale, did you ever think the movie wouldn't be made? Oh, shit. Like, all the way? Because that happens, right? It does. And especially this being my first foray into filmmaking. It was probably one of the most challenging business ventures I've ever been a part of.
Starting point is 00:25:20 You just start running. You run out of money, which means you can't do the edit, you can't do the shots, you can't do anything. But, and I can't say enough good things about Chase. Chase is a naval- This is the guy who originally started shooting in 2017 who fled LA during the pandemic because of the zombies and the wackadoodles.
Starting point is 00:25:44 And like his background is, Chase is a Naval Academy grad. He started shooting in 2017 who fled LA during the pandemic because of the zombies and the wackadoodles. And like his background is, uh, he chases a Naval Academy grad came in Marine infantry officer, decided that wasn't cool enough. So he switched branches and then became army special forces captain. Um, like he, he, like you get two guys with, with that kind of background, we're not going to fail. I mean, we might fuck it up 16 different ways, but we're not going to look at each other and say,
Starting point is 00:26:12 well, buddy, it's time to pack it in. Because then of the singular event that happened, now we had soul behind it, and it was very difficult. Don't get me wrong. But what really gave us hope was I knew Tyson Oldroyd, and once we had a rough cut, I needed somebody to tell me, like, is this okay? Sent it to Tyson. Tyson immediately texted back and said this is the
Starting point is 00:26:47 most powerful piece of crossfit content i've ever seen and i want to try to get as crossfit behind it as much as possible so that really that really gave us the validation we needed are they pushing it today are they pushing it on their on it on their... I believe there's some stuff that's going to come out. Besides the fact they had us come out to the games, they aired the trailer at the games. Awesome.
Starting point is 00:27:17 Nicole has been amazing supporting this and Tyson and Bischel, and everybody. I can't, I'm really honored that they want to push this. Yeah, it should be leveraged. It should be leveraged.
Starting point is 00:27:33 It's good for everyone involved. Dick Butter says, I want him in bed with me and my wife. I think that's you, Dale. That's kind of cool. Get in line, Dick. Chris, I love this show so damn much. Well, good. This show loves you.
Starting point is 00:27:52 What is this? Cave Dastro, does Greg think owner's ego is the thing that holds them back from being the most impactful? Think owner's ego. What's owner's ego? It holds them back. No, he doesn't. I don't even understand. I don't understand the question. What's owner's ego? It holds them back. No, he doesn't. I don't even understand. I don't understand the question.
Starting point is 00:28:09 I think if anything, the average affiliate is, if anything, on the short side of recognizing the potential or the importance. Yes, yes, yes. Okay, so each individual owner, yeah. Like they should believe you. Like this guy, Joe Neals. Like this guy believes. Greg, have you seen this guy, Joe Neals, what he's doing over at Kenosha CrossFit? No.
Starting point is 00:28:32 So he heard two messages. He heard you basically say, hey, if you're not walking around and like seeing potential people that you can hand out this remedy to, this cure for the world's most vexing problem, then you're probably not really meant to be a gym owner or a coach. You're not doing your job. Like you should walk around and be seeing that and approaching people. And then he heard Don's idea of having 30 million new members. So this guy has made it his goal and he's releasing these two minute videos where for 30 days, he's releasing a video where he goes out and tries to get a new member from his gym. So here, here's an episode where he's in Walmart, right? And he goes into a McDonald's and he goes into a Jack in the Box or he goes to a car wash. And he's basically just approaching people and being like, hey, I got something for you.
Starting point is 00:29:15 And that was inspired by something he heard you say on this podcast. Yeah. You know, if you go up to someone who's 400 pounds, for instance. Yeah. And you tell them, I know if you go up to someone who's 400 pounds for instance. Yeah, and you tell them I can help you They won't ask what the fuck you're talking about. That won't happen. It doesn't go down like that They know exactly what you're talking about. Yeah Yeah
Starting point is 00:29:38 Isn't that interesting? Yeah, I've seen you do that a bunch. I saw you do that a bunch It's the same jack in a box With two different people like a year apart Yeah very effective Yeah that's Anyway I'm so impressed by what Joe Neal's doing Do you know him by any chance Dale? You know that guy?
Starting point is 00:29:58 No I don't but that's awesome He looks very familiar to me I didn't think I did Maybe I don't but he does look familiar. You probably know him. He's a diehard. You probably know him. In all places, right?
Starting point is 00:30:14 Kenosha. What he's doing, look, you're a lifeguard, right? What was the story that these lifeguards and swim coaches? He's a swim coach that's gone into where the need is greatest, which puts him kind of in a lifeguard position. When you walk up to someone and tell them, I can help you, you pick
Starting point is 00:30:34 someone out at the Walmart, it's more than a swim coach. You have the lifeguard and the swim coach. It's an intervention of the first order. It's really cool. I think it's brilliant intervention of the of the first order it's really cool i think it's brilliant me too dale what are your goals for the movie what would you like to see unfold man um the first one is uh is honor my friend um which i know we've done. The second is provide as much education around the issue. And,
Starting point is 00:31:09 and I think the film does a great job of that because you, a lot of stuff out there, you don't hear the person's point of view that's suffering through the, through the, through addiction and how they got there. And by doing that, you can kind of understand, like, I used to have such a negative point of view that they were all just dirt bags and mentally weak.
Starting point is 00:31:34 Honestly, like, that's what they get. Like, that's, you know, their actions warrant what's happening to them. But you'll find out, like like that's not the case. They all got there. They all got there through different avenues, but they all have trauma involved. And that's why they chose to do opioids or whatever drug that they were, that they were on.
Starting point is 00:32:02 And I think if we can provide that awareness, then we can inspire change. And just allowing, being a tool for affiliate owners to know that, hey, you know, what, it's, listen, if you want to make money and you want to have an easy job, you don't open an affiliate. Like that's, that's not the first two things but this is this is a great tool that you can use in your own neighborhoods to uh to make a difference and it doesn't have to be substance use disorder like every town big city whatever has a unique issue in their backyard that crossfit is a perfectly designed weapon that can have a tremendous impact on. Dale, you're reminding me, there's a similarity here in the infant drowning. And part of what
Starting point is 00:32:54 greatly complicates prevention is the assumption of hypervigilance and neglect. And so, but what we learned with, with drowned kids is that some of the most helicoptery, vigilant moms you could ever imagine have lost kids. And it really has nothing to do with neglect. And these aren't losers. And if you think that, if you think this can't impact you or your kids, you're a fool. A fool. Nobody, nobody is exempt from this pain. And it came to my own family last year.
Starting point is 00:33:35 Dale, there's a line... My sister called crying and said that her man's daughter that lived with them had passed. And the first thing I said was fentanyl and it was yes no we're all we're all next
Starting point is 00:33:53 and you don't have to you don't have to touch shit yourself it'll happen to someone you love yep Dale there's a line in the movie where Yep. Dale, there's a line in the movie where it talks about compassion fatigue. And you kind of mentioned it here about like, hey, yeah, you show up to your town and it's like, what the fuck is going on here? And you just want to pick up, you want to get a dumpster, you want to get a truck, a dump truck and scoop all these people up off the sidewalks and just kind of just dump them in the in the desert right like hey we got to clean our town up there there's this uh there's this other epidemic that i feel it's going on in california
Starting point is 00:34:36 and i don't know where else it's going on in the united states but it's just the crime rate is like skyrocketing and i have i have i don't i have no compassion for it i don't know if i need to cultivate compassion for it or not but i have no compassion for it and and i and i wonder what the what the if there's a distinction there if you have any thoughts on that the difference between all this i mean it's crazy it's like a purge it's like just just open season on just um some of these cities san francisco oakland la it's just like people just you know driving in their car and people breaking their windows and stealing shit out of their car right where they're in the car and these aren't isolated
Starting point is 00:35:12 incidents you think that there's is there any like do you have any thoughts on on saving those people fixing that situation and and then on top of that if you could also like do you think that arresting these people, I was thinking if I was addicted to heroin, I would want to be, I don't want to clean needle exchange. I don't think there's anyone who's addicted to heroin who wants to be addicted or is addicted to drugs who wants to be. I think we all like anything I've ever been addicted to, I want to get away from. And so, um, what's wrong with arresting these people and giving them, putting them in jail and giving them, giving them a two week reprieve. I would want my son or daughter arrested and taken to jail so they could get a chance to be clean. And that's kind of touched upon in the movie. There's a guy who said, if I, I told them, Hey, if you let me back out, I told the guy after I was arrested, if you let me back out onto the streets, I'm going to die.
Starting point is 00:36:07 I think there's tremendous room for improvement with the criminal justice system when it comes to nonviolent drug offenders. I mean, I have great relationships with the cops here. 80 to 90 percent of all crime in our town revolves around drugs. Right. Homeless people are not homeless people. They're drug addicts who live who've decided that stealing and their drugs is more important. people they're drug addicts who live who've decided that stealing and their drugs is more important their occupation is stealing and they're uh to get drugs and they've chosen drugs over a shelter that's a 99 accurate what i'm saying by the way yeah okay and so a couple things from we we need to understand we are paying for this problem no matter what, we being the taxpayers.
Starting point is 00:36:49 So we can't just arrest everybody and put them away, right? A, it doesn't work. B, it's also more expensive than trying to find them, place them in a good treatment facility. But they do, left to their own devices, they will not. It's death or crime. That's a third option. It's a massive drain on the healthcare system. Everybody who overdoses,
Starting point is 00:37:16 like when Sarah was talking that she overdosed nine times, that does not come without a cost to the taxpayer itself. That's a hospital run. We are all paying for this. That's what we need to understand. We need to select the best option, callously speaking, that will get us a return on investment. Locking them up for the rest of their life is not going to do it. Letting them continue their action is not going to do it. There's some really
Starting point is 00:37:45 innovative court systems who are opening drug courts and recovery courts. And Greg, you'll love this. There's a guy, Judge Lee Harrell in Giles County, Virginia. He came up here about a month ago. He doesn't call, he's the court – he's the judge, the county judge. He doesn't call his drug court drug court. He calls it recovery court. And on Monday and Wednesday night, the courtroom turns into a CrossFit gym. Wow. Like you can look it up on YouTube.
Starting point is 00:38:22 It's one of the craziest things I've seen. Like Giles County Recovery Court. And they're freaking doing wall balls next to a portrait of a guy in the courtroom. Yes, that's it. Oh, is that the judge? No, so he's like the coach The judge is featured in there as well But that's the kind of
Starting point is 00:38:52 Progressive I love that Yeah, yeah, yeah, there you go, look Crazy, dude. The guy, that's Lee right there. Yeah, Judge Harrell in the blue. Why the courtroom? That's the only space they got?
Starting point is 00:39:17 That's the only space they got. He is an amazing man. It's a perfect spot. Hey, Dale, you remember when kids would get in trouble and you could uh you could avoid you could avoid uh incarceration by joining the service yeah there you go there you go and and so that's sentence him to crossfit and you fuck up and it's jail right and so that's what's happening in our area now is um they basically made a decision that they're not wait and it's it's come from necessity our jails can't hold anymore like our jails have to prioritize violent offenders versus non-violent drug offenders and they're given an option like hey you need to
Starting point is 00:40:06 go to treatment at xyz facility um and that that's a part of your parole probation um and if you and if you fail to meet your probation parole requirements then you're going to go to to prison or jail. Let me fall into the weeds here a little bit and get into the minutiae. Like I don't, I don't want to see P I don't want, I want people arrested and I'm open to being naive and unfucked, but I want people arrested who are doing drugs openly on the streets. I don't,
Starting point is 00:40:37 when I see these shots of Kensington outside of Philadelphia, where it's literally just city streets or san francisco and there's needles everywhere and there's people doing drugs in the open i want to see them all arrested and thrown in jail even if it's just for two weeks i just want them off the street but on top of that i also think if i was one of those people or those were my kids i would want them arrested too yes even for two weeks even for two weeks just give them a chance to like over up i don't think um being punished when you break the law is a radical statement okay and and i i view it as helpful yeah it is savvy look you're a you're a parent and you and the phone call that you want at three
Starting point is 00:41:21 in the morning when you find out your kid's been arrested thank god it's not the other call right right yeah i don't want it that's that's a call that gives you hope right right oh he's off the street i can go to sleep now he's in jail with uh yeah it's got to reduce the odds of an overdose it has to yeah right we we just that's all that matters. The worst thing that happens is he gets a tattoo and punched in the face. We just need to do a better job of getting them effective treatment. Get them off the street, step one. Get them off the street, step two.
Starting point is 00:42:00 Get them effective treatment that they need to be held accountable to. get them effective treatment that they need to be held accountable to. And that's the great part about like our, the partner that we work with is they have a lot, they have what's what they call outpatient treatment or transitional living. And to be in that program, you have to, you have to be drug screened three times a week. You have to meet your mandatory counseling requirements and you you have to be drug screened three times a week. You have to meet your mandatory counseling requirements. And you either have to be looking for or have a part-time job.
Starting point is 00:42:31 And that's the missing aspect in a lot of treatment now that's solely based upon 30, 60, 90-day treatment, get them in, get them out. And they're back on the street. Like that doesn't work. Like to get somebody who's been addicted to heroin and fentanyl and meth or whatever, it's not a 90 day process. It's a, you know, six, 12, 18 month continued program with accountability and a lot of milestones in between to get it there. At one point, many years ago, Greg was sharing this information with me that the drug addict problem that they call the homeless problem in the city of Seattle alone is a $1 billion industry. And now I have a handful of friends who are actually very, very wealthy who are in the rehab business, like very wealthy.
Starting point is 00:43:26 And it seems to be its own whole economy where I'm guessing there's a shitload of corruption and misuse of funds, right? Yeah. And so what happened, the problem with that amongst many problems, especially here locally, is you have like you have really good people who are doing things the right way. But one bad actor shits on the entire community. And so what that does, who it ultimately harms is the addict, because now they're all cast in the same light that it's all they're all just using Medicaid dollars. And it's all about the money and they don't care about treating the person. They just care about getting the money. And that is true.
Starting point is 00:44:11 There are, there are bad actors and they should be dealt with and punished to the full extent. Cause they just, they make it worse for everybody who's trying to do the right thing. But it's dude, it's trying to do the right thing. Dude, it's such a complex, complicated issue that really doesn't need to be. There just needs to be better ways of doing it.
Starting point is 00:44:42 Any thoughts on – a lot of the blame I've heard is on the border being open. Do you have any thoughts on that, any relationship to the drug problem and the border being open in the south is that you you hear pundits in the news talk about that a lot it's not helping it's not helping at all but like the drug problem is a supply and demand and we already talked about the sugar packet right last year the dea seized enough fentanyl to kill every person in the United States. That's just what they seized, let alone coming in. As a country, you need to have a border and it needs to be secured. Once again, I don't think that's a radical statement to say either. But as much energy as we're putting into fixing the supply problem, we need to deploy the same amount of assets to the demand problem as well.
Starting point is 00:45:33 Oh, interesting. So like, and let me, oh, fuck it. I don't care. We're giving $75 million to Ukraine. Right. $75 billion. Sorry. Right.
Starting point is 00:45:44 Yeah. With the B that we know of yeah uh which i'm not saying we should or we shouldn't but let's try matching every fucking dollar for our own people right and see what happens what is what is the um how many people live in portsmouth 20 000 in the in the town, 70,000 in the county. And it is infamous, notorious, widely accepted as the ground zero for opioid addictions in the United States of America. Well, it's a historical fact. The guy who created the first ever pain clinic pill mill business was in Portsmouth. the first ever pain clinic pill mill business was enforcement. And what is the, do you guys get,
Starting point is 00:46:30 does the city get a tremendous amount of funding to help fight it? No, not, not, not really. See, it's a, right now it's a, it's, it's a healthcare problem. So, so for us, the good thing is if, if you are, if you need help, you can go to a rehab center or treatment facility and you don't have to worry about payment. Like that is taken care of. That didn't used to exist. So it's all Medicaid funded right now. So it's essentially treatment centers to choose from, but it's all basically taxpayer-funded for treatment.
Starting point is 00:47:14 Do you have a premiere tonight anywhere in the town or anything? We had one on Saturday at the local university, and close to 500 people showed up. Wow, wow. It was applause at the local university and like close to 500 people showed up. Wow. Wow. It was like applause at the end. You know, it was nuts, man, to see. To see that come to. Like all that hard work comes out and not and it elicits the response that you, that you wanted was it was, it was a magical night. How about the, the, the cast of characters in it?
Starting point is 00:47:53 Are they happy with the outcome? Yes, they, they like Sarah. She, every, it was emotional, man. Like it was, they lived it, you man like it was they lived it you know they they lived this um and to see like four years of their life condensed to 90 minutes um it was it was meaningful for them they were happy they it's it's been such a good vibe since it came out. Dale, correct me if I'm wrong, but my guess would be each of them has something they can show their family that will make them proud of them in a way that they never thought was ever going to happen.
Starting point is 00:48:35 It's a hundred percent right. So one of the guys, Andrew, he's got a baby on the way, but he was able to bring both of his older daughters to the premiere that he basically was non-existent in their life when they were growing up. And it was something that they could all share together. I was like, my dad's 84, 85. My mom's 74. They were able to come.
Starting point is 00:49:08 They just my mom just said, I wish you didn't cuss as much but she uh i love that that's what my mom says but my dad sent me a very uh meaningful email afterwards that i'm just glad they were able to be there it kind kind of validates their existence too, right? Everything they went through. So like you're a drug addict and you're like, well, fuck, at least someone's going to, there's a movie now and someone's going to get to see this and hopefully my journey can inspire and just save one life. Right? Exactly. And even more so like I'm trying to dance around the issue, but all I really cared about were the parents of somebody featured in that film
Starting point is 00:49:46 and how their opinion was and uh she said i've been struggling with what happened to my son um i now understand why with this film being out. And so I was like, mission, like, that's all I needed to hear. Hey Seve, remember we used to give away books and we had figured out a way to get shit with Amazon. Yeah. The first thousand, 500, whatever, remember that? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:21 Yeah, get with Amazon Prime. And I got, I got, I got a And I got 500 of these for your folks. I'll fund it. Wow. Wow. Yeah. We'll find a way to do that. Okay.
Starting point is 00:50:35 Awesome. Is it on Amazon Prime? It's on Amazon Prime. Is there a place you prefer people to get it? Man, I need to talk to my distributor but right now i just get the fucking thing and watch it i we don't care man like we just want many people to see it okay um do you know of any affiliates who are showing it craig howard already did he kind of got he he got a bro deal he they he was able to leak it
Starting point is 00:51:03 out on friday night oh that's so awesome god dude he's doing such great shit over there dude he's the like craig is the guy um he don't think he gets enough credit man like i look at craig like you know i'm 40 i'll be 43 in a couple months and honestly there's just some days i'm like how fucking long am i gonna keep doing this uh because you know you go ups and down yeah yeah and i just look at craig and i'm just like indefinitely i guess like i can keep doing this i can keep pushing this rock up the hill uh as long as it's fun so he's he's a great source of information and inspiration for me. How are the other businesses doing? How's Doc Martin, Doc Spartan doing?
Starting point is 00:51:50 Good, man. Doc Spartan just tells the stuff you do in the bathroom, right? Like deodorants and soaps and things like that. And then you also have the kettlebell business. Yeah, so we got very lucky. Rogue started making kettlebells in Portsmouth, Ohio at a local foundry here. And then the foundry – You facilitated that with Bill and Katie?
Starting point is 00:52:15 Yeah, I hit up Bill, and I said, hey, there's a foundry here in Portsmouth. I think this was during the pandemic when you couldn't, you know, things couldn't be shipped from overseas. And I was like, our foundry is like wanting to get into that business. And I think it'd be, you know, it's 90 miles from from Columbus. And in true Bill fashion, like 10 minutes later, he said, let's make it happen. And the foundry is really good at making cast iron stuff, but they're not a they're not a packaging company so two months into it they said hey would you want to open up a packaging company to package all these kettlebells for us so uh that's that's what we do at spartan solutions group and
Starting point is 00:52:57 that's what sarah who's featured in the film that's she she runs that shop. Hey, Gil, how about a Doc Spartan Narcan? Wow. Wow. It's coming over the counter. Wow. Is it really? If that's something that's attractive to you. Is it really coming over the counter?
Starting point is 00:53:18 Yeah, absolutely. Yeah, it is. Yeah, you're going to be able to get a fucking CVS. I hate them. What? Wow. All profits from this Narcan go to closing the border. Wow.
Starting point is 00:53:31 That would be amazing. Wow. In honor of someone we love. Yeah. Yeah, wow. Oh, they could have names on them. They could have pictures on each thing of someone who passed. Wow.
Starting point is 00:53:46 Wow. Like cigarette boxes. Oh, they could have names on them. They could have pictures on each thing of someone who passed. Wow. Wow. Like cigarette boxes. Oh my goodness. I'm more proud of this than I am and I'm extraordinarily proud of our involvement with
Starting point is 00:54:01 the SOCOM and Spec Ops,, tech ops communities. But this, the least of us concept really got me down. You still good? We still good with
Starting point is 00:54:18 SQ? Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It's with SQ? Oh, yeah. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It's not, to me, it's not like, it's not that, it's not a hard thing to do. And I think that's what a lot of people don't understand. It's just, it's such an issue that, I mean, that CrossFit has such a tremendous impact on it.
Starting point is 00:54:47 Like it's almost, it's, it's such a no brainer. Um, and if you see, like, once you see the power, once you see one person's life change, you become changed by that and want to, want to do whatever you can to support it and keep it going. Uh, Rambler, I've been put on timeout. Uh,
Starting point is 00:55:11 no warning of abusive power, no warning. No, if someone puts you on timeout, it was on accident unless, unless you were talking about my mom. But other than that, you can say pretty much,
Starting point is 00:55:19 uh, you can say pretty much, uh, whatever you want. You're not only doing the kettlebells you're doing the um it looked like you guys were doing those plates that sit inside of like nautilus machines or you know what i mean you're also making those so you can expand that's expanded the foundries expanded outside of kettlebells now right yeah and so that's a credit to the employees so the
Starting point is 00:55:42 we we started as just like packaging kettlebells and rightfully so like um the company's called osco they're they're a little wary of of having a bunch of addicts do all this um yeah that was the most clean-cut guy in the movie the guy represented osco um yeah that's tom's a good dude and And once they proved that they could do that, what ended up happening is whatever we got into small parts machining. So whatever the foundry couldn't handle at the time, they'd be like, hey, we have these crazy parts that we need finished. You guys want to give it a go? And we're like, hell yeah, we'll, we'll, we'll figure it out. And then before we know it,
Starting point is 00:56:26 like we're doing thousands of pieces of small parts, cast iron pieces. Yeah. How, how many employees between all the businesses, the gym, the, uh,
Starting point is 00:56:35 Doc Spartan and the, um, the boxing business. It fluctuates seasonally. Um, I think right now we have, we have about 11. Uh uh and we just got to uh to sarah and nicole went to a level one two weeks ago so they're going to be in the process
Starting point is 00:56:56 of of getting on the floor eventually and did you expand locations what in the movie there's talking about like three or four locations where other things are going on. Did you expand or what is that? Those are sister gyms? We moved our gym, but that was like back in 2013 or something. And so inside of the gym, and we have an office area on the gym, that's where we do all the Doc Spartan stuff. And then we bought a warehouse literally across this like we're renting a warehouse across the street and that's where we do all the uh the spartan solutions
Starting point is 00:57:32 packaging and grinding in there uh natalie uh natalie bates teattle is fucked up it's affecting us here on the outskirts hi guys dale you rock thanks nat um dale how often do you get a new member who who who is using the program as part of their rehab um maybe one one a month or something like that the way it works is we are we are contracted to the counseling center. They have their own gym. So we go there. Okay, that's the gym I was referencing. That's the gym I was referencing. Okay, okay.
Starting point is 00:58:11 Yeah, so that's their gym that back in 2018, we helped them set up and turn it into a CrossFit gym, essentially. So, yeah, I mean, if you look at everything, we have our gym here. We do 20 classes a week at their facility. We've got the warehouse across the street. We've got Doc Spartan. Last month, we started minimum security correctional facility. We're doing three CrossFit classes inside the prisons.
Starting point is 00:58:49 Olivia. I love the grenade soap. Awesome. Listen, I want to talk to you about the grenade soap here for a second. There's no warning that that shouldn't be used on your anus or your cock and balls. And it should not be. Some part. Listen, that's the only listen i don't i'm not trying to take it i'm not trying to hurt your business i do not but um i the only places i wash is my my butt and my balls and my armpits that then i get a shower i don't use soap anywhere
Starting point is 00:59:23 else and that shit will make your butthole tingle like for 15 minutes after like i don't need my butthole tingler it should warn do not use on your anus will make your anus tingle some people i think i think it means you need it most there it's like those things that dennis gave you if your mouth turned red you missed the spot where you brushed yeah yeah you have a dirty oh my goodness oh my goodness if your mouth turned red you missed the spot where you brushed? Yeah, you have a dirty asshole. Oh my goodness. If your butt's tingling, it's dirty. What soap
Starting point is 00:59:52 do you have that doesn't make your butt tingle when you use it? Well, currently we only have the grenade soap. We do have some body wash. Could you make one that doesn't? I like the shape. It's really nice. It works good in that region, but could you make one of doesn't i like the shape it's it's really nice it works good in that region but the uh could you make one of those that doesn't tingle call it like the ceo brand or
Starting point is 01:00:11 something are you sitting on it so pretty much you're not supposed to leave it in you're supposed supposed to. I would love to know, Olivia, when you used that, you didn't get some tingling that was a little too much for you in the old kazoo region? That's why she loves it. Yeah, like seriously. Let me see what...
Starting point is 01:00:37 Grenade soap. Oh, here we go. Brett Bauer, the grenade soap takes a few watches to get used to. Used to? That's what I told my first girlfriend. It's going to take a few watches to get used to. Used to? That's what I told my first girlfriend. It's going to take a little while to get used to this. Deodorant is also great. Dales the man has helped our affiliate implement the Portsmith method. No, it's not.
Starting point is 01:00:57 I don't want to get used to it. I'm not interested in like, I don't want to get used to tingling anus. Okay. Audrey, I love it when my butthole tingles. All right. it in like i'm not i'm not i don't want to get used to tingling anus uh okay um uh audrey uh i love it when my butthole tingles all right um hey savvy i would have you know what it's like i shouldn't be surprised that you go on this route on things right this i would have thought would have been a hard one to hijack into the into degeneracy but you've done it. I love you for that. It's product talk.
Starting point is 01:01:28 I mean, I want the best for his business, and I would like everyone to generate a great income there. I can't be the only one. Have you had discussions about making one of those that doesn't tingle, just a regular bar of soap? We could take the peppermint out of it. Your butthole would be tingle-free. Jethro Cardona, butthole tingle, I'll buy a case.
Starting point is 01:01:51 Shit. Bloss is in the gym. I'm glad I'm using the earplugs for this one. Do you think you're going to get approached now by anyone um the powers that be that like hey there could be um a um some sort of reality show uh with the gym now i i don't know man like uh i mean we're we're we're open to everything but the a reality TV shit doesn't really fire me up. Yeah. I think for us, we would like to take what we've done here, compile the lessons learned, and try to help as many communities as possible do what we do. That's what would be mission success for us.
Starting point is 01:02:42 as many communities as possible, do what we do. That's what would be mission success for us. Hey, in like 10 or 15 minutes, you're going to be walking into a gym with people who are pissed and some people still thinking about the last time they OD'd. And Greg's going to be walking into one of the nicest restaurants in the world having a fucking mimosa and fucking trumpets. Look at him pulling up to the fucking... fucking trumpets look at him pulling up to the fucking he's in a he's in a hundred foot sailboat pulling up the deck in some rare island in croatia and you know what he deserves every
Starting point is 01:03:13 single i agree i agree i agree look how hot his life is back there she's like ship ahoy look at that it's it's your it's everyone's love that put me here. And I hope it's well understood how grateful I am. Well, and I think this, I want to make this point very clear. This film exists because of you, Greg. And I had a very interesting discussion early on with some of the producers on the squad. And they're like, hey, you have like a – we don't know about this Greg Glassman guy. If you Google him, I don't – basically they were saying you need to manage your relationship
Starting point is 01:03:59 because it could negatively impact the film. Uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh. You better. And I said this film doesn't fucking exist without him so that's not my problem and we we very clearly uh agreed to disagree two three weeks later crossfit said we want to air the trailer at the crossfit games and that's why we got a distribution deal so it it all worked out in the end. Ladies and gentlemen, I want to show you this guy, Travis Kelsey,
Starting point is 01:04:32 made his fucking millions running around on a field with a ball, probably shooting steroids, and now he's making millions of dollars while selling drugs that kill little boys. While the guy up top there you see with the red hat on, made his millions of dollars offering things that helped save little boys, little girls, and all of us on planet Earth gave us hope for our existence. Finally gave us a place to go to learn what to eat and how to move and how to stay healthy. I mean, just fucking think about what your life would be without what fucking Greg has contributed.
Starting point is 01:05:10 I know you're not enjoying this at all, Greg, but it has to fucking be said. Even my mom said it to me. Damn, can you imagine if we wouldn't have found Greg? It's like, fuck, yeah. We'd be doing just dipshit things. And thank you. Like, I for sure would have taken that fucking injection. I'd be for just dipshit things And thank you Like I for sure would have taken that fucking injection I'd be for sure eating stupid shit
Starting point is 01:05:29 I'd be fucking like trying to figure out Where I'm gonna run today Thank you On behalf of all of us Yeah you deserve fucking a thousand votes like that dude Yeah you're welcome And thank you everyone Yeah you're a fucking stud
Starting point is 01:05:44 You're a G I never saw this part of it, you know? Yeah, well, you fucked Dale's wife. I'm like Mr. T. When things are important, you don't kind of end point focus. It's your process focus.
Starting point is 01:06:01 How many people I'm going to save? You don't know. You don't care. As many as you can, right? Never enough, never done. The job doesn't finish. But I do believe, like with chronic disease, we're in the – solutions are complicated, and one of the things that complicates them is ignorance
Starting point is 01:06:19 of the totality of the problem. So we're in that incipiamus veritate kind of phase. Let's start with the problem. So we're in that, we're in that in Sipyamas Veritate kind of phase. Let's start with the truth. And this film addresses that exactly. This thing, this thing is a fucking monster and it's already in your home. You just don't know it. And you're going to get the call some night. There's people listening right now that think this thing hasn't touched them it will it will you're gonna get that call someone you know is gonna call you and they're either shattered or you'll be the one shattered but there's no hiding from this my friend elliot um had two friends from columbus no two he's from columbus ohio and he had two friends from Columbus. No, he's from Columbus, Ohio.
Starting point is 01:07:06 And he had two friends in one weekend that don't know each other. And he didn't know of their kids' problems, but he had two friends in the same weekend lose a kid. And it was something he thought played no role in his life. The two of his dear friends shattered no it's coming it's there it's in your home everybody at the current birth rate in the united states and held up next to the death rate um uh of people dying from fentanyl overdose um it's somewhere between one in five and one in ten kids at our current rate that are
Starting point is 01:07:45 being born that are going to die from that i mean the numbers are astronomical they're not even fucking believable and uh yeah it's it's no joke wow look at your wife dude doing just fucking gangster shit is she pulling up an anchor she's uh hooking to a mooring ball I believe Whatever she's doing she looks good doing it She's good at it yeah Yeah Wow that was crazy Joe Neal's owner of
Starting point is 01:08:11 CrossFit Kenosha All that good in this space is because of you Greg Dale you are blazing a trail that we all need to take pause And think bigger Thank you bro Thank you Joe Yeah good stuff Alright guys to take pause and think bigger. Thank you, bro. Thank you, Joe. Yeah, good stuff.
Starting point is 01:08:29 All right, guys. So we'll be following closely. Everyone run out. Greg, I'll get with you about doing some giveaways for the movie. That's awesome. Thank you. Yeah, you need to get on the phone with the Amazon folks. Okay. Tell them what we're trying to do. They with the Amazon folks. Okay. Tell them what we're trying to do.
Starting point is 01:08:46 They're good at this. Okay. And Dale, I'll get with you on that. Emily will help too. Oh, awesome. Miss Kaplan? Yeah. Okay, bitchin'.
Starting point is 01:08:56 You want to do that with her, Dale? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay. Because I'll be at the skate park fucking around all day. You know what? Because I'll be at the skate park fucking around all day. You know what? Anyone that, like, you know,
Starting point is 01:09:08 anyone that can identify as a friend of the Sebi podcast, I got a thousand of those. I got a thousand. I'll pay for a thousand views. Hey, and listen, that doesn't mean you wait and don't get one. Go out and get one, and then when you get the one on Sebi podcast, go give it to a friend.
Starting point is 01:09:24 Yeah. Greg, that's amazing, man. Thank you. Awesome. Uh, gentlemen. All right, cool. Uh, I'll be in touch with both of you. Thank you for everything. Greg, please send me pictures of what you guys do today. It looks like it's going to be a blast, dude. I will. We were, we were at a stone, uh, yesterday or day before at the largest preserved fortification in the world.
Starting point is 01:09:51 Just an amazing thing. It was all designed to protect salt and salt fields. Wow, I see this place. It's like the Great Wall of China. It's an amazing country. That was to correct... Dale, I'm so fucking proud of you.
Starting point is 01:10:13 This was... I can't say enough. I'll cry. All I can say is thank you Greg sincerely and I'm going to see you soon I'm putting together a little get together I want to I want to share some thought
Starting point is 01:10:34 you're one of the reviewers so Emily will be talking we're going to set some dates here soon I'd be honored thank you brother truly thank you Greg alright guys thank you so much I'd be honored. Thank you, brother. Truly. Thank you, Greg. All right, guys. Thank you so much. I'll be in touch. Greg, thanks for making it this Tuesday. Love these Tuesday shows.
Starting point is 01:10:51 Dude, you know, I'm doing this with earbuds, iPad mini, and on a LTE 3G. Out in the middle of Croatia. What a time to be alive. Yeah. This is crazy. Amazing. All right, dude. Honored to be a time to be alive. Yeah. This is crazy. Amazing. Alright, dude.
Starting point is 01:11:07 Honored to be a part of this family. Alright, brother. Talk to you soon, Greg. Dale, talk to you soon. Greg, or Sebi, before I go, please, all means necessary, protect your butthole. I will. I will. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Thank you. Very kind. Don't sell the grenade.
Starting point is 01:11:24 Let me know when the non... Let me know when the non-peppermint grenade soap comes out. I'm on it. We will. Love you, buddy. Love you, guys. Love you, too. Bye-bye. Greg Glassman, Dale King. Crazy. I think it's a really important
Starting point is 01:11:43 thing to let your consumers know. That it's going really important thing to let your consumers know that it's gonna you get a little tingle yeah i i got some of that grenade soap and i remember the first time i used it i took it to um arizona for one of greg's bsi events and we were staying at airbnb and i put it in the shower and i used it i'm like oh shit this is like too too tingly i put it up i either put it up high or warn my kids too i'm like hey don't let that shit get in your eyes or your buttholes or your cock and balls he sent me some while i was deployed and i never got around to using it because we don't have like a soap like you just you're not showering in a traditional shower yeah and uh so i just kept it in the box and then i had they had to do i we basically had to go through tsa
Starting point is 01:12:30 when we left like they just check your shit put it through an x-ray machine and everything and i put it in i had like stuffed it in my luggage because i wanted to bring it home i didn't think anything of it and uh they scanned it and they saw that there was a grenade in my luggage and they like kind of tripped out for a little bit. And I was like, they're like, what's in the bottom of your luggage? Oh, it's, I think it's soap. And they pulled it out. You're like, you can't bring this on the plane with you.
Starting point is 01:12:58 You couldn't? You couldn't? No, it wouldn't let me. Oh, wow. Seve, do you use lotion no but but something is um i've been taking this peptide cj cj 1295 cjc 1295 i got it from um california hormones let me see if i can put up their qr code this is their qr code scan that shit with your phone get a bottle of that shit and try that shit holy shit something's happening to my skin i'm gonna tell you that even my wife said it last night i walked by she goes hey something's happening to your skin i'm like yeah i know yeah i don't know what i i thought i had a filter on i was watching
Starting point is 01:13:40 one morning i'm like what the fuck is going on am i getting younger i shaved too a little bit yeah that what's it say it does let me see let me let me look um uh increased growth hormone secretions is a peptide that stimulates the release of growth hormone from the pituitary gland experiencing elevated growth hormone levels which play a crucial role in various physiological processes it promotes protein synthesis muscle growth fat loss I
Starting point is 01:14:13 am not I'm not losing fat I'm eating like a complete asshole anti-aging if I eat I'm so hungry all the time now a leading to potential Anti-aging effects enjoy improved skin Elasticity reduced wrinkles and increased overall
Starting point is 01:14:29 Vitality yes something's happening to my skin It's weird it's subtle I told you twice I had to I had to be serviced Serviced I mean there was no way around I had to be serviced yeah Like I mean there was no way around I had to be serviced yeah like ways like normally I could get around
Starting point is 01:14:50 being serviced you know what I mean like I can put it off yeah but like I needed to be serviced oh this is crazy um I don't know Phillip Kelly why not read Trisha's super chat See the presupposition there
Starting point is 01:15:08 See the presupposition I'm triggered by Presuppositions You should though I'm triggered by Presuppositions I dislike presuppositions I seriously eradicate
Starting point is 01:15:24 People in my life who have Who do presuppositions when i i i seriously eradicate people in my life who have uh who do presuppositions because then i have to untangle you do you know what i mean i have to untangle i have to untangle like uh um i have to untangle you now i have to first then explain to you, like, I didn't even see it. What do you mean, why not read it? Why not? I don't know why not. Did you mean to tell me that Trish has a super chat?
Starting point is 01:15:57 You could leave with that. You know who does presuppositions is women, premenstrual women do lots of presuppositions. You never know where the fuck they're coming from whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa damn uh love to greg love to greg and dale oh love to them oh does that mean she'd love to fuck them is that code for she'd love to fuck them love to greg and dale oh i'd love to fucking I'd love to Danielle Brandon What does that mean? But Philip Kelly For $1.99 you can presupposition away Because when money's involved
Starting point is 01:16:34 I'll accept presupposition I just want to point out that's Trish's first time back I think I've seen her before I've seen her before Will the peptide regrow foreskins Yes Hey here's another thing
Starting point is 01:16:58 I'll tell you about that grenade soap I have a very sensitive penis Because I do have a foreskin and that that grenade soap doesn't. No. Burned up the burned up the scordum a little bit. Yeah, it's probably reduced my sensitivity by probably did permanent damage to the tip of my penis. I might as well not have a foreskin now. A coffee pods and wads, a fellow friend who's uncircumcised.
Starting point is 01:17:24 I'm assuming you're uncircumcised, Pedro. Do Irish do that shit? Like all the best men I know, Dale's equal parts intimidating, inspiring, and funny. Kenneth, the lap sensitivity is overrated. In the harem days, Kenneth Kenneth don't tell anyone this I don't know if I've ever said this on the show before in the harem days I would take Vicodin and
Starting point is 01:17:56 Arginine is Arginine a vasodilator is it Arginine is arginine a vasodilator is it arginine is oppressor they uh uh l arginine uh what's the other what what uh what's the other um supplement um creatine no not not creatine arginine ovaso dilator it is oh yeah is it okay thank you thank you guys okay yeah i would take arginine and a vicodin dude fully you're fully weaponized with a little bit of sensitivity taken off bricked up bricked up yeah yeah yeah yeah i switched slater good call yeah i've recently um because i'm a swolverine person now i haven't i bought a bag of citrulline but i haven't opened it yet but i was told that's the new arginine
Starting point is 01:19:00 like take citrulline instead because i guess citrulline I don't know exactly how it works probably need Hiller on here but you take citrulline and then your body has a choice to either turn it into arginine or I think or glutamine but whichever one you need and if you take arginine it just you just have arginine so if you take citrulline like it gets to choose
Starting point is 01:19:18 so I got some citrulline but then I got all this swolverine I'm like fuck I'm fully swolverine. I'm swolverine. Code word seven. Yeah. It was code word seven. I'm not doing the,
Starting point is 01:19:32 the, I'm only doing, I'm going to, I'm the CJ six, 12, nine, five. I'm only going to do it.
Starting point is 01:19:38 I told you guys, I was new for 20 days, like every other day for 20 days. I don't even know if you're supposed to do that. No one take any recommendations from me. So I'm almost done. I have four even know if you're supposed to do that. No one take any recommendations from me. So I'm almost done. I have four days left and then I'm going to stop. Two more doses.
Starting point is 01:19:52 No, sorry. Eight days left. Yeah. Yeah. Sorry. Four more. Eight days. Swolverine needs a pre-fuckout supplement.
Starting point is 01:20:02 Pre-fuckout. Arginine and Cialis. Extreme addition has Vicodin. Wow. Wow. Jesus Christ. Wow. You just stir it in a glass and it's Arginine.
Starting point is 01:20:14 And fuck Cialis. Just Arginine and Vicodin. The pill. Yeah, you just call it the pill. There you go. The happy maker. I cured... What's that called when you come too quickly I cured it
Starting point is 01:20:29 cured myself premature ejaculation a swolverine has a pre has citrulline in it so you're taking it oh okay yeah no wonder you needed to be serviced yeah
Starting point is 01:20:44 no the service was the CJ6 I'm telling you it's There you go. No wonder. You needed to be serviced. Yeah. No, the service was the CJ6. I'm telling you, it's not even... It's not even... I guess I need to think about it more, but it was more like mental. Like your jaw clamps down a little bit.
Starting point is 01:21:04 You know what I mean? This thing needs to you're just needs to be taken care of like and and not even like masturbation is not going to work it's a it's a it's a full it needs a holistic approach it needs a mental and physical needs to like a response yeah there has to be a cat i'm just telling you it's um has to be rassled rassled it's not it's the animal in you yeah it's something yeah there has to be a you have to have dominion you take it and then you need dominion over something maybe uh no i'm not sleeping better you're supposed to sleep better. Uh, no, I'm not, I'm not sleeping better. I actually am sleeping the worst I've slept. I'm sleeping right now. The worst I've slept in my entire life. Like unless I'm in just crazy back pain,
Starting point is 01:21:55 I'm not sleeping good right now. I don't know why. And I, and I've cut back. I'm thinking about maybe quitting caffeine for a second, just to see what, what's going on. I mean, I'm not sleeping horribly, but I'm not, there's. I'm thinking about maybe quitting caffeine for a second just to see what's going on. I mean, I'm not sleeping horribly, but I'm not sleeping great. I woke up this morning, like I said, hungover. I didn't even drink last night. I went to bed at 11.17. My alarm went off at 6.
Starting point is 01:22:18 Seven hours? Probably six by the time I rolled around and fell asleep. Yeah, yeah. This episode is brought to you by PC Optimum. If you like a curated playlist, why not try a curated grocery list? With Swap and Save, the new feature in the PC Optimum app, you'll get PC Optimum's best price for your grocery items. Simply add products to your shopping list in the app,
Starting point is 01:22:42 and it'll show you similar items at a lower cost. Add coffee to your list? Then swap it for one that's cheaper. Craving chips? The app will suggest some on sale. To get started, just open the app. It's as easy as that. See the PC Optimum app for details. When your celebration of life is prepaid in advance, it becomes a gift from you to your family later. Because no one should have to plan for a loss while they're experiencing one. Paying in advance protects your loved ones
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Starting point is 01:23:40 That would be tough. I get a headache like within three hours of waking up if I don't have coffee. Me too. Me too. Which is probably a bad have coffee Me too And if I drink coffee It doesn't go away I'm screwed It's like blue balls Once you have it You're not like ejaculating
Starting point is 01:23:57 It goes away Damage has been done Oh Mr. Kelly Women of all ages love presuppositions just not uh menopausal women oh i didn't yeah right i didn't mean menopausal okay fair enough i didn't mean menopausal i meant like premenstrual sorry if i said menopausal i meant like the week before like they turn into a bloody mess they fucking shit they go into full scramble mode like hey i'm not going to tell you what I'm really thinking I'm gonna fuck with you
Starting point is 01:24:28 today's a huge day for me yeah yeah you doing it's a obvious birthday oh cool happy birthday Avi yeah and he's nine and I've never really cared about anyone's birthday. Oh, cool. Happy birthday, Avi. Yeah, and he's nine. And I've never really cared about anyone's birthday in my life, and I care so much about his birthday today.
Starting point is 01:24:50 It's crazy. I've never cared about any of his other birthdays. But for some reason, I don't know. I just feel like that's it. It's on now. I wrestled him yesterday on the couch, and I was like, it's just on. He's nine. He's going to whoop your ass next like next year dude i had him in this i had him i had i had taken his back i had both hooks in
Starting point is 01:25:11 and he takes his fist and just starts pushing into my throat from the back that's the savage move yeah i'm like what the fuck oh my carnivore diet's a mess. It's not even... No, it's not. It's not. It's not. I'm a complete mess. I'm telling you, I've been eating like a complete asshole. Same. It's been tough.
Starting point is 01:25:37 You guys want to see some crazy shit? Want to hear about Down uh down syndrome or jesus yes okay look at this this is this is this is this one's gonna fucking rile the crowd i don't even i don't even know what i'm playing right now but i know this one's gonna rile the crowd prepare yourself hold on to something caleb this one's gonna uh this is from the uh best muslim best muslim uh instagram account here we go well you may say i am a christian and you may say i am a jew this is what you call yourself well i never sent jesus to teach christianity listen christians listen listen preachers don't get angry listen Well, I never sent Jesus to teach Christianity. Listen, Christians, listen.
Starting point is 01:26:25 Listen, preachers, don't get angry. Listen. Jesus did not teach what you call Christianity. He knew nothing of it. That is a name that was given to the followers of Jesus. And it's written there in the book that at Antioch they became known as Christians. But what did Jesus call himself? And what did he call those
Starting point is 01:26:45 who followed him? Listen, my Jewish friends, God never named their religion Judaism. He gave Moses the Torah, not Judaism. That is the name that you put on the word of almighty God. You put Judaism on it. You put Christianity on it. But Jesus and Moses both taught us to bow down, not to statues, not to stone, not to images, but to bow down to one God and one God alone. Allah Akbar. Oh, he said Allah Akbar.
Starting point is 01:27:16 He kind of made a jump there, a leap there. I was with them and then he said not to worship statues. Yeah, I've never been to church and they're like, not to, not to like worship statues. And yeah, I'd never been to church and they're like, Hey,
Starting point is 01:27:27 there's the stat. I mean, those aren't those dudes, the dudes that like face the East, like they're the ones bowing down. Like they, they got some direction. I think I,
Starting point is 01:27:38 I think I heard, I think I read somewhere in the Bible. That's something like Jesus says, pray behind closed doors and, and, you know, receive the glory of God, pray in, in public or in church and receive his glory or receive an abundance of the glory of God and pray in church or in public and receive his glory right there. Meaning I always took that as, as like, yeah, you're just praying just like to get props from people that like showing like, Hey, I'm godly versus like, Hey, close the door, get down
Starting point is 01:28:04 on your fucking knees and pray to me, motherfucker. Well well no one's looking do it for the right reason and i don't know but i do like listening to lewis farrakhan what a savage racist douchebag but um he fucked with uh malcolm x pretty hard um but anyway uh farrakhan hypocrite yeah he's not a he wasn't a good dude but he sure is fun to listen to did you like listening to him? yeah I like his voice his inflections
Starting point is 01:28:35 the volume is cool yeah okay fuck it we have time for you guys want to do down syndrome now let's do it now i know oh dude i found this i found this dude was um first i gotta do this one This guy I can't believe I wish I would have found this back in 2017
Starting point is 01:29:10 This is incredible This guy was charged with Killing his girlfriend A man who claimed girlfriend Accidentally choked during oral sex Found not guilty of murder Richard Patterson Acquitted by jury hours after hearings closing arguments.
Starting point is 01:29:27 This is from May of 2017. Wow. A South Florida man who was on trial in the 2015 choking death of his girlfriend has been found not guilty of murder. Richard Peterson, 65, of Margate, was acquitted Monday of second-degree murder. of Margate was acquitted Monday of second-degree murder. His attorney, Ken Padowitz, argued during the trial that his client accidentally choked Francis Marquinez, 60, during oral sex. The jury heard closing arguments in the morning and deliberated for a few hours in the afternoon before returning the verdict.
Starting point is 01:29:59 Hey, do you know, do you know, this one's going to blow you away. Do you know what the determining factor would be for me if he's guilty or not? What, the size of his dick? No, but, but, but we'll get to that. We'll get to that. Okay. If there was ejaculate in her mouth, guilty. I think it's a dude.
Starting point is 01:30:20 Oh, you think it was a dude or his mouth? Accidentally choked. Yeah. Anyway, regardless. Actually choked Francesca Not Francisco Oh okay okay okay Yeah Okay
Starting point is 01:30:35 Right because If it's like the viscosity of it No if there's any semen in her throat Guilty Well Even if it's like Even if there's any semen in her throat, guilty. Well, couldn't you just argue? Even if it's unintentional. Like, if you're just, like, you can't kill someone and ejaculate in their mouth and then be on accident. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:30:59 Couldn't they just argue it as, like, an accidental death or something? Is that the argument they made? as like an accidental death or something is that is that what the argument they made well i was i was i looked into it a little bit more and you have to push something so far to in order to block off both the nose and the mouth something has to be pushed really far down someone's throat oh okay so she got that gluck gluck 9 000 is it 9 000 or 900 i thought it was 9 000 assistant state attorney peter sapak question why patterson didn't call 9-1-1 right away that's see that's the ejaculate thing and you think like she's dead and he's still finished and reminded jurors of testimony from an ex-girlfriend who said he told her that he choked marquinez he also re-read a text message that patterson's
Starting point is 01:31:43 daughter said she sent him the day after marquinez was killed re-read a text message that Patterson's daughter said she sent him the day after Mark Quinez was killed he sent the daughter a message what was that message I need to now it's getting weird he's like shit I killed her well tell us what he sent the daughter how do you
Starting point is 01:32:00 explain that like that's crazy How do you explain that? That's crazy. If you can think it, it's happened. Right? Yeah. Hey, if you can, anything that you've ever thought of,
Starting point is 01:32:23 some man has thought of and tried to do with his penis Yep That sounds about right Like hey Like Just pick like a rollercoaster At like an amusement park And know that some guy got on that rollercoaster And was like hmm I wonder if I can
Starting point is 01:32:39 Rub one out and ejaculate Before this rides over Like anything Like anything Like anything Anything you can think of It's like I'm in an elevator By myself Maybe I should just jack off
Starting point is 01:32:52 You're eating something to talk about I wonder if someone would ever consider ejaculating In the food to talk about For sure Not consider Execute it on That's why I eat the beaver You might be smothered but you ain't choking on it For sure. Not consider. Probably done it. Executed on. That's why I eat the beaver.
Starting point is 01:33:09 You might be smothered, but you ain't choking on it. Get your red wings. Hey, all kidding aside, recently in a gi competition, there was this girl in Avi, double-lelegged her and was up by two points and then she the coach started yelling at the girl and she ran over and fucking slammed him and got him in north south and and he tapped no way yeah and i actually just told him the other day i never said anything really to him about it but last week i said something to him about it i go hey why didn't you just north south that person and just smother their face he goes that doesn't work i'm like i saw a girl do it to you he did not like that he did not damn he wants to come on the show so bad
Starting point is 01:34:00 i don't know if i could do a live show with him because he he could say some crazy shit smart he really he really wants it to be live too i don't know if I could do a live show with him because he could say some crazy shit he really wants it to be live too I don't know what the fuck he could say some crazy shit he's capable of anything I don't know he could say some shit that's like gets him like taken away from me
Starting point is 01:34:21 I don't know I don't know CPS gonna get called fuck he's he's 10 minutes into the show he knows he knows what weed smells like we'll be driving around he's like i smell weed like just like you know what i mean oh yeah he's way racist oh my goodness he's way racist he loves black girls hates white women he likes big booties everyone's racist i don't uh uh he's doing jujitsu He's doing jiu-jitsu right now Or actually he's doing piano right now
Starting point is 01:35:08 And then jiu-jitsu instructor Will come over Oh no it's striking and kickboxing And then skate Skate instructor comes over They're going to skate the ramp at the house today Excuse me I want to get him something cool I don't know what I want to get him something cool
Starting point is 01:35:26 I don't know what I want to I want him just to just Feel so like just he could do whatever he wants I don't know white women suck these days I don't know if they suck but but On that note I do I do well that one white woman we just talked about sucked and died but uh um thank you what what there uh where is it uh i saw something about oh shit where is that?
Starting point is 01:36:07 Did you see what Sean Strickland was saying about... No, not that. You said some crazy shit lately, wasn't he? Oh, yeah. Here it is. Why do so many people hate on Ben Bergeron? Someone sent me a fucking meme hating on Ben Bergeron again. Do you not like ben bergeron i someone sent me a fucking meme hating on ben bergeron again do you not like ben bergeron uh i can't say that i know him very well to hate him but he's been getting a lot of shit lately just for being a kind of fake i think well so like he said he repeats stuff that other people say and doesn't give him credit is is i think like the is is that like the that's like the how people are writing him but like like dude like i i whenever i hear it i'm
Starting point is 01:36:51 i'm not like oh he stole that from someone i'm just like well i think it part i don't know i just think people are too harsh on him what part of it's the issue of like the whoever's writing the piece, like they're not quoting it properly. You know what I mean? Yeah, maybe. Yeah. Like he says something and then they write Ben Bergeron under it. And it's like, well, he took it from Greg, but like he didn't also like tell the person who wrote the article to say he said it. Right. Yeah. He did go crazy woke during the vid. But but like I'm letting people off the hook one by one. David Weed.
Starting point is 01:37:26 Ooh, is that really David's body? Is that you? That's a great photo, dude. Look at you. That's two photos in a row, though, while you're on your knees and someone's standing behind you. But either way, man, that looks good.
Starting point is 01:37:42 That looks like French Foreign Legion shit, like you're getting fucking the beat down on you. David, are we black women or bat shit crazy? He's getting that grenade. Here we go. Here we go. Hey, what about how you can't stand liberal women? Oh, God, liberals are...
Starting point is 01:38:01 Liberal women specifically. Have you ever met a woman like you're talking about like a karen no no no that's what i'm talking about anytime you meet a woman who is a liberal and you meet their husband the soul of their husband is diminished anytime you meet a woman who is a raging liberal generally generally what happens is the woman has all the power and they're fucking angry and the man they're with is just going through life waiting to die generally when i meet liberal women i meet their husbands i'm like oh man your your life is miserable you're just waiting to die huzzah have a beer got a funny one about uh you how you can't stand there is a uh i i have to say there's a 51 percent
Starting point is 01:38:47 or to 99 truth to that yeah i can agree with that like i wouldn't say it's just like carte blanche but and i think to be honest i think the women are unhappy because they they thought they wanted a nice guy but they, but no one really wants a nice guy. Not that they want a dickhead guy, but no one wants a nice guy. They want somebody with direction and desire. As the Jews say. Who says chutzpah? Is that the Jews or the Italians?
Starting point is 01:39:22 I think it's the Jews. The Jews. Chutzpah. Mrs. Burns. Who says chutzpah? Is that the Jews or the Italians? I think it's the Jews. Jews, chutzpah. Mrs. Burns. She would like to chime in on this subject. Hashtag facts. If the woman is a liberal, the man is the pussy in the relationship.
Starting point is 01:39:42 Oh. Spicy. We need more women like ms uh uh who are we kidding none of us have direction it doesn't matter you just have to let them believe that you have a direction yeah thank you thank you yeah take that tyler going and then yeah okay let's go yeah it doesn't matter fake that shit fake that shit oh that movie took a weird twist last night I wish hey you want to know something when he said he showed it to Tyson
Starting point is 01:40:23 that irritated the fuck out of me he said he showed it to Tyson, that irritated the fuck out of me. He should have showed it to me. I had some feedback. I would have had some feedback, a little feedback. Yeah. Yeah. My feedback would be the, the twist in it. You know what I'm talking about, right? Yeah, I would have built a stronger. I'd have built that character up a little bit stronger or had the twist come sooner in the movie so that when it happened, I was like it kind of I was more invested in it. Yeah, I agree. Do you know what I mean mean like I would have built that I would have built that up a little bit more I would have kept that as like a meme theme
Starting point is 01:41:09 And then I would have never seen it coming When it happened I was like kind of like yeah well that's what happens When you hang around with whores You end up fucking one like Yeah Like that's what happens Yeah it's pretty crazy the Yeah I don't want to ruin it but yeah We'll have him on like in like six months and talk
Starting point is 01:41:29 about it or a year we got to ask him about it yeah tyler don't fucking ruin it he's criminy look at but he tyler does agree with me he's like yeah but ken walters uh he wow caleb gets a quote i don't see a lot of these from caleb doesn't even say enough to get quotes i just vomit and something sticks every once in a while ken walters quote it doesn't matter you have to let them know you have a direction it doesn't matter you have to let them know yeah fake it how do you think i convinced uh my wife to buy the shattuckin oh you you know you know we're gonna do it hey you know what that theory that
Starting point is 01:42:13 um uh you know you have you have a group of 10 friends and then one of the husbands cheats on the wife and all the couples are like start looking at each other like who's cheating on who that's what you did with the shattuckin you bought it and you fucked my wife up because now she thinks i want every guy out there like all the wives are like oh fuck oh no yeah they're like they're changing the passwords on the bank accounts and shit because every dude wants a shattuckin everybody's on notice let's go yeah really i'm doing it to like cola a group of people to like help me so it's it's working so far i appreciate all the uh the messages stevie any plan for capable child page i can be talked into it i want to do it i love it it's my passion
Starting point is 01:43:02 i want to write a children's book not like um not like my wife did breathing with lily i mean like yo this is how you fucking raise your kids i know i'm a know-it-all like that kind hey i don't know if i should broach this subject but were you were you on the call yesterday when i was fucking going to kind of create when the connection was bad did you ever did you ever hear that story that i told uh i heard like the synopsis at the end but yeah you did yeah listen I don't know which angle to say this from like from like asshole angle or arrogant angle or both I think they're synonymous in this instance okay well then i'll be the arrogant asshole listen don't don't don't talk shit about me like if you're in the space do not talk shit about me i will
Starting point is 01:44:12 i need content and if you talk shit about me you will become part of that content do not talk shit about me. Do not talk shit about me. Please do not talk shit about me. Do not talk shit about me. Don't especially dumb shit. Don't don't reach out to me and want to partner with me. And then I love on you, but you don't get what you want. And then start talking shit about me. Don't just do not know.
Starting point is 01:44:42 No, this has nothing to do with Wooly. Just do not talk shit about me. Just, um, just treat me like, um, like you can make jokes, like you can make jokes. You can be like, um, uh, yes, everyone's to know it all about his kids or fuck. He's short or, um, but, or fuck he's short or but don't say dumb shit like oh god I don't know how much I should go into this
Starting point is 01:45:10 and especially don't contact me like we're best friends and then a week later talk shit about me do not do that I will unleash fucking holy hell on you and fucking dance on your grave and I'll have fun. I need content and I want to have fun. And I don't and I'll do it at your fucking expense. No, Bryce and I are cool.
Starting point is 01:45:36 I like Bryce. He's great. Weird. He's weird as fuck. But I'm cool with him. I didn't. That was even, you know, i don't think what andrew also did to him is um like i think it's fair what andrew did too even though i got a little nervous
Starting point is 01:45:53 for him bryce um but don't um don't be an idiot don't don't say stupid shit to people no not swoosh i'll give you the example i'll give you the example that some i'll tell you what it is i'll tell you what it is because i want to tell you what it is it's it's on my mind i just don't want to say what it is because i don't want to give this person attention but it's the exact same thing that sporty beth did it's like hey don't tell people not to work with me like it's bad for them. It is the biggest podcast in the space. It is the biggest needle mover. Every single person who comes on our podcast is like, holy shit, I can't believe how things changed after I came on.
Starting point is 01:46:37 Our fucking numbers are crazy. We're fucking murdering it. We're consistent. We fucking love people. Everyone's welcome on the fucking show. Our show is 100 times bigger than any show you're ever going to fucking have. I do a ton of fucking shit for free for people that I love. Don't tell people not to work with me.
Starting point is 01:47:00 Especially after you fucking were begging to work with me. Do not do that. No, it wasn't Richie. Richie's cool with me. Do not do that. No, it wasn't Richie. Richie's cool with me. Richie's smart. He just stays completely the fuck away from me. Like, doesn't say good or bad. Just like, yo, fuck.
Starting point is 01:47:14 Landmine. Steer around that. Do not say bad shit about me. Especially if I just said something great about you on my podcast the week before no i'm not telling you not yet i'm not mad i'm not even mad i'm not angry i know this is what comes with um um just the the the influence the podcast is having and and you basically you fucking knuckleheads cruising around mashing people. No, everything's good between Brian and I, too.
Starting point is 01:47:48 That was awesome. Brian called me the other day and said, hey, can I come on? I said, sure. Two hours later, we were on. No, Guy's great. No, it's not like that. You guys will never guess. You guys will never guess.
Starting point is 01:47:58 I'm cool with all my guests. I love all my guests. Everyone, I like all the people. Yeah, you guys all know who it is. You know who it is. Everyone knows who it is. But it would just that's why I don't want to bring it up. I don't want to just like. But, dude, and they didn't go public with it, but but just be cool, man. Like, listen, I understand why people don't like me and I fully get it. He's he's a know-it-all. Um, uh, he, um, he, he likes, uh, racist jokes. Um, he likes sexist jokes. Um, he finds women like crazy attractive. Um, he likes muscular dudes. Um, he's gay. Um, I know all the reasons why you might not like me and I'm, I'm totally fine with that. I understand.
Starting point is 01:48:49 I totally get it. I like big droopy titties. I love them. I get it that you don't like that. And that you don't like me for liking that. But don't. But still don't. Stay focused on those things. Just like yes everyone's weird he likes fat girls like it's fine but don't then say uh
Starting point is 01:49:16 um uh don't don't tell people don't tell people like not to interact with me and shit. Don't try to sabotage my shit. Please. Because I will turn you into fucking content. And I don't want to do that. I'd prefer just to do it with people on Instagram like Louis Farrakhan that I don't know. No, it's not the Lone Ranger or Tonto. It's not them. You guys will
Starting point is 01:49:44 never guess. This would be a new target. It's a new villain in the space. Yeah. It's a friend. I like the person. No, it's not Heber. God, I'm way cool with the fucking... I saw Heber refer to himself as the White Jesus in one of his videos the other day. I thought he was going to get
Starting point is 01:50:04 canceled for that. Can you do that? Nah, Katie Gannon. What a sweet, what a sweet, sweet piece of, sweet piece of journalist she is. Love Katie. She's good people. Yeah, she good. Good hair, good body, good attitude. Just be cool no it's not Louis Farrakhan either
Starting point is 01:50:29 but that would be dope I'm not even mad I came to terms yesterday that people are going to talk shit and I'm totally cool with it because I talk shit from here too and I'm totally cool with it I don't think Jesus was white he was out in the sun too much true i um i went to the i went to um
Starting point is 01:51:00 uh athena scale nation and i filmed it and i i i i came home and i downloaded all the cards i have all these c fast cards i don't know if you guys know what these are but these are like really expensive cards they're like all the new bet all the good cameras now use these all the good sony cameras they've switched they don't use sd cards anymore this is like for camera geeks like right now i'm just showing off what a baller i am these cards are Really expensive and I have all of them and I filled All of these cards up and And I downloaded them all do a hard Drive
Starting point is 01:51:30 And it's three camera shoot with All in 4k and I when Athena left town yesterday gave her the Hard drive and I was so Happy Really Oh because it was just like I'm done I don't have to mail it to her
Starting point is 01:51:47 You know what I mean So excuse me It was such a fucking sense of accomplishment Arm and hammer no I'm cool with him he's cool Savon has a small penis Small penis oh that's fine yeah Oh that's fine Uh Jake Chapman
Starting point is 01:52:05 Seve if you were a dork and hated Sevan What would you say to annoy him Presuppositions Just presuppositions I hate presuppositions Anything David said anything David says This dude hey This dude has cracked a code on me Yeah This dude annoys the shit out of me Hey, this dude has cracked a code on me.
Starting point is 01:52:26 Yeah. This dude annoys the shit out of me, and I love him for it. This dude cracked a code on me, David Weed. That's the only one ever in the chat who cracked a code. No, Hiller's my boy. My ride or die. Yeah. Hiller and I got something good going.
Starting point is 01:52:54 Because, you know, when we, because, dude, me and him, we have that relationship where I'll just be on the phone with him and not even say a word. And, like, we'll have full-blown disagreements and it doesn't even matter. We're laughing the whole time. No, Pedro's cool, too. But I don't talk to Pedro on the phone. phone too far away I'm making friends with someone in fucking Ireland that sounds like a bad investment it's like Bitcoin it's imaginary you nailed it. It's Chase. What's that guy's shirt say? Huge tight box. Wow.
Starting point is 01:53:41 Wow. That's great. Huge tight box. And it's rainbow too wow none of those guys you guys are guessing all those people will talk shit about me but they won't they won't they don't do what i'm saying like just don't try to sabotage my shit. I'm trying to go give fucking Athena something, and Sporty Beth is saying to her, don't let him come. It's like, you fucking idiot. Why the fuck wouldn't you let me come?
Starting point is 01:54:19 Why would you tell her that? You're trying to charge her for going to her seminar, and I'm giving her something? You want something from her, and I'm giving something to her? It's like you're fucking pond scum at that point. And it's like – well, I do hate Matt Torres, but it has nothing to do with – it's just because he's dating Danielle. Everyone should hate him that's it
Starting point is 01:54:56 that's just I just needed to like if I'm a peacock just imagine that was the scene where I had my feathers out and I was marching around my cage like fuck you fuck you I will come over there and ass pound your fucking girl I'm Paul
Starting point is 01:55:15 and I help Donald Sisson which means I was born in the Afro-Promo Zone. So you can call me the homie with the Afro-Promi. I hear a dog, his name is Syndrome. So when he jump on the sofa, I go, down Syndrome. Hey. You can't laugh. I'm not joking. I want it myself.
Starting point is 01:56:18 What if you found out that guy didn't really have Down syndrome? Hey, do you think you can talk so what's the deal with people with down syndrome they're like they're like pugs like you know how pugs are always like they do that breathing down syndrome people talk through their nose they have they have some sort of nasal congestion issue that makes it like because they all speak the same right yeah they all have the same like facial structure i think That's part of it. And so something's happening to their voice as it comes out, as the air bends. Yeah, incredibly nasally and can't speak very well.
Starting point is 01:57:05 Their facial structure is different, yeah. if you could get them voice lessons or speech lessons, because that would change your perception of them. If they spoke differently, they would present so differently. Yeah. The last airbender. Yeah. If they could, if you could change the way they spoke,
Starting point is 01:57:21 people would receive them differently. Yeah, probably. I think that the other thing is that it takes so long for them to learn how to speak in general like they're delayed so it's like it leads to some sort of speech impediment right oh they have a floppy airway meaning a deviated septum what does that mean there's no like this thing right here that i have goes all the way up and splits my nose in half they don't have that they just have one hole they just have
Starting point is 01:57:50 one hole close yeah like the ones like the septum is like veered off one direction so it kind of closes off one side more than the other i have that everybody has it that's like a normal thing it just depends on how severe it is yeah yeah i noticed it at night when i sleep on one side one side will eventually start to close so i always have to then switch to the other side yep exactly oh interesting they have protruding and larger tongues too yeah that doesn't help either uh stevenores, they can't metabolize 15% of the food they eat, hence why most are heavier. PT promotes exercise for people with Down syndrome. Yeah, when I used to work with the people with Down syndrome, another issue is the walking.
Starting point is 01:58:37 They don't walk so good. So we would walk. Their backs would hurt and their legs would rub together a lot. So I would walk them about a mile to the pool at uc santa barbara we would all cruise down there together me and this this lady and this guy who had down syndrome i did this for years and then we'd go swimming there they were fucking amazing swimmers crazy like buoyancy shit yeah um this dude uh tim that i used to work with could go down to the bottom of the pools like 12 feet deep deep at uc santa barbara and he could stay down there fucking forever dude shit would make me
Starting point is 01:59:09 nervous he he moved he swam like the way you would think a cinder block would swim it was so weird really uh fun to watch him swim actually i would put goggles on and go underwater and just watch him move around like a manatee like something that didn't look like it should be floating but it was yeah yeah you know what i mean like a submarine it was weird and like he turned like that too he didn't like move you know like his whole body yeah you know when you swim like you would just like you could just flop around and shit and just be like no his whole thing with the whole thing had to like rotate it's crazy like it was one piece yeah yeah and it was so part of it was uh elegant too but um the walk home was brutal dude it would take them it would take us 40 minutes to walk a mile because they had to stop so often because they didn't want they did not enjoy walking yeah
Starting point is 01:59:58 after the pool though you're exhausted yeah that too but you're right they would you But you're right. I had to exercise the shit out of them. I didn't know any of this stuff. They can't metabolize 15% of the food. I wonder what that really means. I think manatees are... Audrey, I think manatees are endangered. I saw one once. I think it's an endangered species.
Starting point is 02:00:22 It was weird that I saw one once. I think it's an endangered species. It was weird that I saw it God what yawn said is just fucking disgusting I don't say that very much about stuff. I see but that is just gross a very aggressive this this this piece i have uh this piece i have titled as aggressive i think this is an oldie but goodie i think i think we played this before how about this gentleman right here right here my friend how are you this morning i'm doing good what are you gonna sign on that finish line what do you think i'm gonna sign what's that fuck joe biden i'm with doug how about this gentleman right here right here my friend how are you this morning i'm
Starting point is 02:01:16 doing good what are you gonna sign on that finish line what do you think i'm gonna sign what's that fuck joe biden yes i would love the i would be so proud of my son if he said that i know that's not Yes. I would love the, I would be so proud of my son if he said that. I know that's not good, but he's so, he was so adamant about it too. He's like,
Starting point is 02:01:38 obviously what I see there is someone who had an opportunity and didn't miss it. Yeah, for sure. He was ready. Yeah. Right. It's like, if like you're at a party and some hot girl comes up to you and is like, hey, do you want to kiss?
Starting point is 02:01:49 I was the kind of dipshit to be like, really? Are you talking to me? And someone who's on top of their game would be like, yeah, let's do it. Don't say anything. Just start kissing. Yeah, or just kissing. Yeah, exactly. Thank you.
Starting point is 02:02:00 See, I don't even know what a cool person would say. You're right. I would fuck that all up this girl this girl um i think i've told the story before in the podcast but there was i was at this party one time and there was a and i walked by and uh it was outside in outside party in the front yard and then in the house and i saw this girl that i really really had been attracted to for a long time and i saw her in there and i went in there and she was high as fuck on ecstasy. I was probably, I don't know, 20 years old, 23 years old. And I start talking to her and she's
Starting point is 02:02:34 like, I couldn't get, I couldn't get any attention from her from the previous year. And she's just like all over me, hanging on me, talking to me, rubbing on me, dancing with me. And then finally, like after an hour that she's like, Hey, I want home will you take me home i said yeah and she lived like about i don't know like four blocks away so i start walking her home and she said and we get like to her house and she's like hey do you want to come inside and she's rolling she's so fucked up on ecstasy and i can't even believe i'm gonna to tell this story. Does you recall the story? I don't think I remember the story, no.
Starting point is 02:03:13 And I say, hey, I really like you. Could I just get your phone number or could we make an appointment to meet tomorrow and start this relationship sober? An appointment, yes. No, she never talked to me ever again. Of course not i'm like oh my god i was trying to be cordial yeah hey liberal douchebag She wants an asshole Yeah Partner God she was so Fucking hot Missed opportunity Yeah
Starting point is 02:03:52 I hope she's ugly now Either Oh my goodness So I can't remember what she said But it gets worse So I leave I leave her at her house And oh this is a crazy story
Starting point is 02:04:13 Remember I told you I had a friend who looked like that black kid Yesterday Okay my friend Nick So I leave And then I go somewhere else to another party Or something It's Isla Vista I else to another party or something. I go, you know, it's Isla Vista. I go to another party down the street.
Starting point is 02:04:27 And then I come back, and I walk by that house, and I see her in there with my friend Nick. So she didn't stay home. She went back to the party, and I see her in there with my friend Nick. Classic. Just... Nice guy's finished last. No, it's what David said. I think I'm gay. classic just nice guys finish last no it's what David said
Starting point is 02:04:47 I think I'm gay oh man I'll never know I'll never know what she I'll never know so disappointing Nick had an appointment. Are you proud of that line?
Starting point is 02:05:11 You should be. That's good. That's so good. Hey, I can think off the top of my head. Three girls that I was trying to hook up with That Nick moved in and hooked up with Three just off the top of my head He's just picking them off one by one
Starting point is 02:05:34 Dude I was With this girl In a hammock In the front yard at a party In a fucking hammock Dude that you know It pushes you against her in the front yard at a party. In a fucking hammock, dude. It pushes you against her. Yeah. And I'd never hooked up with her before and we're in a hammock.
Starting point is 02:05:53 And we have like wine. Of course we have wine. I got up to go get more wine or use the bathroom and I came back and fucking Nick was in the hammock with her. Dude, Nick's a horrible friend what the hell fucking Nick
Starting point is 02:06:13 he's just waiting he's just waiting at the back door watching another time true story I think my wife knows these stories Nick's in Santa Barbara Nick just sent santa barbara nick just sent me a link to his nick just sent me a link i think he has something published on spotify he just made a song i think he wants to like rekindle our friendship we don't need to promote that he
Starting point is 02:06:38 puts you through too much trauma this is a true story to this so so Uh, it's it's like three in the morning, uh, we're we're we're we're we're we're done partying we go back to his house and um There's this there's these three girls that live across the street from him and one of them is a stripper and then there's these Two other girls so we go over there and we start talking to these girls and there's this girl over there that I like And I bring her back to nick's house and so it's me and nick and his roommate and this girl and i'm talking to this girl i'm in nick's bedroom talking to this girl right probably like drunk or smoking weed or something and i leave the room nick's not even in the fucking room and i leave the room and nick's
Starting point is 02:07:20 on a chair like this chair a swivel chair and she's sitting on his lap I threw temper tantrum and left You did not Yeah I threw temper tantrum and left Like the way my kids do If they leave the room and come back And one of the other kids is playing with their toys That's mine I was like dude that's fucking mine dude
Starting point is 02:07:42 What are you doing I fucking left I still talk to that girl I'm gonna bring it up with her you should bring it up to Nick next time he texts you no I don't want to bring it up to Nick because he probably he probably likes that
Starting point is 02:08:08 just feed his ego a little bit yeah david weed i like nick a lot there's more nick was the first person ever to give me meth Nick was the first person ever to give me meth Wow Yeah He's that guy huh I did yeah I did meth That was the first person I ever snorted crank with Methamphetamine speed
Starting point is 02:08:34 God that was a fucking That was so fun That was so fucking fun Him and a guy named Craig was so fun him and uh a guy named craig that was crazy audrey i hate nick audrey you would love nick that's the problem you You would love Nick. That's the problem. Oh, my God. Cave Dastro.
Starting point is 02:09:08 Hello. Someone calls the police. Yes. Hello. 9-1-1. My friend Nick stole my girlfriend for the third time. Dale. Who usually does the cop?
Starting point is 02:09:24 Did you call the cops? David's so bomb bomb he didn't come up with that david so bomb yeah he is david wants to fucking hit himself with a hammer oh shit so good dude audrey i'm telling you you would love nick he's tall and his face is all covered with moles But they're like beautiful moles And he has these huge blue eyes Really deep voice He's like a black dude trapped in a white dude's body
Starting point is 02:09:54 He's so fucking He's like Bianco He's an asshole He just is a dick to girls Or he was And they just love it You got nicked He just is a dick to girls or he was, and they just love it. You got nicked.
Starting point is 02:10:14 What a great name for a dude. Hey, in the last three years, Nick's text me and told me he's going to come to my house and he hasn't come. Really? Yeah. I think he lives like, I think he lives in a yurt or something like in Santa Barbara or something or in a tent or something is are you sure his name's fit farmer what what
Starting point is 02:10:31 the fit farmer fit no no you're oh oh that fit the black fit farmer i went onto the white fit farmers page the other day yeah and there's hope for me i was looking at that dude's before and after pictures i have his before body did you go to his did you see him do not pull it up i do not want anyone to see my before body it's a fucking mess all right all right i'll keep it to myself no nick is not overweight i'm telling he's no he has a fucking cigarette behind his ear. He's fit. And he's got his leg. He can cross his legs like the way a girl crosses his legs. And he's in like and you still don't think like.
Starting point is 02:11:12 Still not feminine when he does it. No, not Nick Hunter. You're close, though, which is kind of weird. Yeah, Nick wears corduroy. Yes, yes, kind of weird. Yeah, Nick wears corduroy. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes.
Starting point is 02:11:30 It's one of those. Nick, yeah, he's cool. He's a cool motherfucker. What did Bernie say? I'd like to stay and listen to this, but Nick and Suze's podcast is about. No, not a rich kid. Not a rich kid. Not at all.
Starting point is 02:11:50 Hard life. Hard life. Growing up. Hard life. Hard. Not a rich kid. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no Hard life. I was the rich kid compared to him. Like I had everything. Not a rich kid. Good try though. You should have just stuck with corduroy, dude. Dude, you want to see just the dumbest, you want to see the dumbest fucking thing ever.
Starting point is 02:12:23 This probably won't be the last you hear of this this is so crazy so for some reason Gavin Newsom was already like hey if I have to appoint someone in the Senate if Dianne Feinstein dies I'm appointing a black woman oh wow okay how
Starting point is 02:12:40 doesn't matter if they're qualified or not what percentage of California is black women? Percentage of California black women. 1.1 million black women live in California, according to a Census Bureau. Wow, that's a shitload. black women live in California, according to a census bureau. Wow. That's a shitload. Okay. And let's say of those, uh, 51, uh, let's say of those 1.1 million, um, uh, half of them are of age. Well, let's just keep it simple in the math. Let's say, and let's say there's 35 million
Starting point is 02:13:22 people who live in California. You, you, you're only looking at three. I mean, let's say there's 35 million people who live in california you you're only looking at three i mean i know that there's people who are too old to be it and too young to be it but just for simple math sake you're only looking at 33 percent of the fucking or uh three percent of the population three fucking percent of the population to determine who the next senator is going to be. And it's in this crazy. Crazy fucking narrow demographic. Which is a lesbian. Black woman. Former Harris advisor.
Starting point is 02:13:57 Lafonza Butler. Have you ever met a Lafonza? Not once. What the fuck is going on with the people on planet Earth? LaFonza Butler, a former advisor to the Vice President Harris, who currently serves as president of Emily's List. What the fuck is Emily's List? Is that where you find your plumber? Emily's List.
Starting point is 02:14:21 The nation's largest resource is dedicated to Electing democratic pro-choice Women wow Awesome He chose someone based on their skin Color Their desire to have An age limit on when you can kill human beings legally, and their preference of genitalia in their mouth. I'm not – that's not – I don't think that's hyperbole. I don't think that's a stretch at all.
Starting point is 02:15:00 Do you? Not really. He chose them on skin color, the genitalia they want in their mouth i know that's a little bit like i don't know for sure if she eats pussy but can anyone tell me do all lesbians eat pussy is that fair do you think that might is that a stretcher at all so he chose it for skin color genitalia she wants her mouth i think that's the defining characteristic of a lesbian and and
Starting point is 02:15:26 and the fact that she thinks it's okay to kill humans if they are less than 7 days old I think that's the current pro-choice people 7 days old it's okay to kill them up to 7 days old unfucking believable Choice people, seven days old. It's okay to kill them up to seven days old. Un-fucking-believable.
Starting point is 02:15:53 Audrey, I want Brian's pussy in my mouth. Oh. I don't think he has one. Jeffrey Birchfield, I've never known a Lufonza, but I flew on Lufanza hey oh one time i was in germany no no poland no bulgaria probably bulgaria and i was flying out on Lufthansa and I was night. And this is when I was like, just like a poor filmmaker was what I was with Mike
Starting point is 02:16:32 Celieris and I was nice to the lady at the counter, just like I'm nice to everyone. I was present. And she goes, you know what? I'm going to put you in business class. Wow. That was that. Yeah, that was crazy never had that happen her friends must have been friends her parents must have been fans of happy days dude wads on me that's exactly where i went to like it was the the spanish female version of fonzie la fonze la fonza la fonze hey do you know Fonzie? Yeah Oh fuck me That cannot be true
Starting point is 02:17:14 Vince says she doesn't even live in California Please tell me that's not true Please tell me that's not true Oh genitalia gotcha Audrey gotcha genitalia he lives in Maryland is that true oh my god well hey that discredits
Starting point is 02:17:34 my um that discredits my that means there wasn't a black woman who was qualified in California yeah so they looked at 33% of people in California and they said nope 3% oh 3% sorry yeah they looked at 33% of people in California and they said nope 3% Judy Reed
Starting point is 02:17:50 most of the viewers don't know happy days happy birthday Judy happy birthday Judy little late oh my god she really isn't a Californian oh Oh my god She really isn't a Californian How is she not embarrassed dude How is she How is this chick not embarrassed
Starting point is 02:18:38 How are you like How do you take yourself seriously How do you walk with your fucking shoulders back And chest up and like... What's this say to all the other black girls out there? What's this say to fucking black people out there? Sell out. Nothing matters.
Starting point is 02:18:58 Yeah. Yeah. Daniel Garrity, she moved from california to december uh sorry she moved from california to washington dc the district of columbia area in 2021 when she became president of emily's list and emily's list is to you guys have you guys ever seen the numbers of abortions that black women have it's the numbers are crazy and then you get to these crazy metropolises like new york city and you start seeing some crazy numbers dude it's like it's like there's there's places where more where i think babies are aborted at a higher rate than they're born
Starting point is 02:19:51 you know what's crazy is i am i am pro-choice and i don't think of myself as racist but that being said i i don't want there's a shortage of armenian people on the planet there's not a lot of us and the thought of an aborted armenian baby i've thought of any aborted baby bothered me i think it probably bothers everyone um but is aborted black babies. And I would never let – even if I thought it, I would never let crazy shit come out of my mouth that's like – but they would have lived a hard life. They would have been poor. Their dad wouldn't have been there fuck that that's not a reason to kill somebody kevin seven you are black sorry i forget i forget sometimes i want to distance myself from being black when I see shit like this. Coffee Papa Mountain Mama.
Starting point is 02:21:18 Her dad is Lori Lightfoot. uh uh bernie gannon the black abortion issue is really a genocide literally i know i know there's so many crazy things like that going on it's like what are we gonna do So many crazy things like that going on. It's like, what are we going to do? It really is a genocide. And it's amazing that these Emily's List is the nation's largest resource. I don't even know what that means. Dedicated to electing Democrat pro-choice women.
Starting point is 02:21:58 I can't even believe that there is a organization like this. Oh, you should see the board members holy shit they raised over 850 million dollars so far imagine being a woman who is pro-choice for your occupation that's your occupation your occupation is to make sure it stays legal to kill babies i don't know oh shit look who their poster child is wow wow this isn't going to surprise anyone it's the vice president of the United States Kamala Harris this issue every time I bring up this issue I think maybe this issue is getting too heavy for me
Starting point is 02:23:11 maybe I can't handle this shit anymore babies are dying I'm about to become pro-life so the senator the 90 year old lady from california who is a senator jew dies they replaced her with i assume she was straight they replaced her with someone based on skin color love for genitalia doesn't give a fuck where they live genitalia. Doesn't give a fuck where they live. Genitalia preference. What a mess.
Starting point is 02:23:57 Oh, shit. Oh, shit. God, today's a great day. You guys don't even know. I'm going to rage so hard today Oh, i'm gonna call my wife right now, I think uh, I think ari's getting his cast off right now My other son's getting his cast off Oh my god, I can't wait to get the band back together, dude
Starting point is 02:24:18 Hey You know all these people say shit like um People's lives don't look that good on Instagram. They don't get along that well. They're like, dude, I'm telling you anything you see on my Instagram, my life is 10,000 times better. I cannot convey to you how fucking amazing my life is. I walk my, I, it's so fucking good Uh Don't believe that Some people's lives Like if you feel horrible about your life
Starting point is 02:24:48 Look into other people's great lives And stay away from my account My shit is fucking great Hello How come this isn't working Hello Hi Are you at the doctor's office
Starting point is 02:25:03 Is he Is he getting that cast cut off Hi, are you at the doctor's office? Is he is he getting that cast cut off He got it off his cast send me a picture, please What send me a picture? I did I sent you a video and a picture. Oh, you did. Oh, I didn't get it yet. Yeah Oh my god, why'd you write?, shit? Because I just saw the picture. I forgot you were going to the doctor, and I'm just sitting here fucking off on my podcast. And, oh, David Weed says you're on the phone with Nick. I'm on the phone with Nick?
Starting point is 02:25:36 Never mind. Oh, my God, there's this cast. Does he get to bring it home? Yeah, we asked if we could bring it home. Look at his leg i know he's like my leg's so skinny let me talk to him first it still feels weird okay yeah hold on yeah yeah hi hey baby what's up hey hi hi uh what's up so? So how did they take it off? With a saw that doesn't cut your skin, it tickles.
Starting point is 02:26:09 Oh, that's crazy. And was it loud? It wasn't that loud. What was the doctor's name? I forgot. Did you make eye contact with him? Yes. Did you introduce yourself?
Starting point is 02:26:23 He's my friend. You don't even know his name dude David Oh good job David Dr. David That wasn't the doctor The doctor didn't take it off Hey I'm so proud of you buddy You work so hard
Starting point is 02:26:43 I love you so much You make sure you thank the medical staff there You tell them hey thank you for getting of you buddy you work so hard i love you so much you make sure you thank them the medical staff there okay you tell them hey thank you for getting me better thank you for healing me hey it will mean a lot to them to hear you say thank you and to make eye contact and smile i'm telling you okay you're a powerhouse of love and joy and make sure you share that with people okay thank you all right love you i love you too baby i'll see you in a few minutes we'll party today we'll party hard okay all right bye i love you bye hey babe hello hey i'm gonna start crying oh yeah he's such a trooper yeah it's definitely stiff oh but he's just straightened it all the way
Starting point is 02:27:25 hey um greg greg came on the podcast today i saw i popped on for a minute that was cool yeah that was cool he looks they look like they're having fun oh my god a rat looks like a surfer hunk little surfer his hair is so awesome. Yeah, he looks so awesome. That is so cool. I'm happy for them. All right. Who's at the house right now with the kids? Well, I thought you were going to be done, so I just left them.
Starting point is 02:27:57 Oh, all right. I'll go out there. No, I'm kidding. Your mom is there, and McKenna should be there by now. Okay. But you should relieve your mom. I think she wants to go work out. I have a little more to talk, a couple pieces to show
Starting point is 02:28:11 about ejaculating and then I'll be done. Okay. Sorry, Caleb. It's all good. That's what we're here for. The doctor's name is... Hi, dude. it's all good that's what we're here for alright oh Ari says hi Caleb hi dude
Starting point is 02:28:28 the doctor's name isn't Nick is it no Dr. Han oh it's an Asian doctor no gotta go bye not an Asian doctor Dr. Han that's Korean as fuck let me see
Starting point is 02:28:53 you want to fuck I might as well just let me see if I can find Nick sent me a text I haven't opened it yet let me see okay here it is Spotify I haven't opened it yet. Let me see. Okay. Here it is.
Starting point is 02:29:07 Spotify. Angel of Pirate Radio. Is this? Oh, it's showing me a hulu ad what the hell is that normal on what i didn't even know spotify had video oh yeah they have it i know joe rogan podcast is on how come our show is not on video on spotify I thought it was once you guys switched over to the other distribution app. I'm going to bug that guy today, Zach, and find out. Oh my God, Spotify. Man, there's crazy ads on it.
Starting point is 02:30:05 Yeah, there are a lot. Is there a band called The Pretenders? Yeah. Oh, there is? I wonder why he sent this to me. I thought it was him singing. I'm just fucking... I wasted a minute of your guys' life.
Starting point is 02:30:21 Nick, uh... Hey. Hey. Is this you singing? Nick was abusive, too. Like, he would write poetry and read it to me, and I would ask him what the meaning is,
Starting point is 02:30:41 and he would get so fucking angry. Like, like, hey, dude, you gotta what the meaning is. And he would get so fucking angry. Like, hey, dude, you got to know the meaning yourself, dude. You got to take your own meaning out of it. Fuck. Thanks for making it safe for me to talk to you. Why'd you write it then? Fuck.
Starting point is 02:31:00 Hey, let me put some things in perspective too About Nick He didn't just like Intervene and tend to my vagina He tended to everyone's vagina I would watch him take girls away from all the dudes It was fun to watch When it was like Caleb's girlfriend he took away
Starting point is 02:31:20 It was just fucked When he took yours away Shit what's next but dude he let me tell you he he he yeah he i you know he wasn't just like hey i'm only taking seven's pussy it was like he's taking everybody's pussy oh look at this kenneth deapp Jamie Latimer won the Masters Fitness Collective In a Paper Street shirt and a CEO wristbands No shit she has CEO wristbands That's dope
Starting point is 02:31:53 How do I see that Uh Jamie I follow her she just popped right up right Jamie it didn't I get a dude did you find her account what's her account
Starting point is 02:32:16 maybe it's Latimer Latimer L-A-T-I-M-E-R am I spelling it right Latimer latimer l-a-t-i-m-e-r am i spelling right latimer someone will tell us in a second jamie repped the crew all weekend that's awesome uh oh x fit jamie thank you thank you x fit jamie Thank you. X fit Jamie. Oh, Jamie Hicks is her name.
Starting point is 02:32:51 No wonder I can't find her. She's not Jamie Latimer. Oh shit. She does have the wristbands on. What a G. What a G. Look at that shit. How much is that bag? Can I lift that bag up?
Starting point is 02:33:10 100? 150? No, probably not. Not if it's 150. Oh, it's 150. Nope, I'm not lifting that up. Dang. That's dope.
Starting point is 02:33:23 Yeah, good job, Jamie. Fuck. dang that's dope yeah good job jamie fuck hey that's a for anyone who doesn't know that's a specimen uh when you i got to stand by her at the crossfit games god she she's shorter than me i think she's a fireplug proportioned amazing great great body uh but tiny but fuck powerhouse do you remember you must be a giant next to her caleb yeah i'm a lot taller than her but yeah she's she's pretty stacked when she like when she's in the media pit like she's different than there's 100 people in the media pit and she's different yeah you can definitely pick her out yeah you're like oh yeah that one's like a real crossfitter yeah she's cool as shit awesome wow look at her beast how come there's only two people on the podium do you see the picture next to it where's the other chick she probably went home or something probably that dude oh look at
Starting point is 02:34:26 scroll over a picture there's a guys in the 65 I thought that guy scroll over one I thought that guy was like in her same age group I was like what the fuck but no a little older yeah by three decades that's cool damn she's getting by three decades. That's cool. Damn, she's getting some.
Starting point is 02:34:51 Look at the other post before that. She's just in savage mode. She got a little lean as she goes around that rope. That's cool. Yeah. that's cool yeah yeah this is cool oh she's proud of her boys too damn all right thanks thanks for sharing that kenneth that's cool as shit
Starting point is 02:35:22 no she's not a grandma. She's young still. She's still like... She got like two teenage boys and shit. Jake Azan. Nice to see you, Jake. Been a while. I worked with her at the games for Clydesdale Media. Jamie is awesome. Don't tell my wife.
Starting point is 02:35:44 Oh, shit. Someone died mid-comp. I think 60 plus age division. Don't tell my wife Oh shit Someone died mid comp I think 60 plus age division Went into cardiac arrest and they resuscitated him Oh That's a great two sentences Died and then at the end resuscitated That's fucking crazy
Starting point is 02:36:00 You know what I think You know what I think Caleb Newpole CEO wristband You know what I think. You know what I think. Caleb Newpole, CEO of Wristband. You don't sell those, do you? I don't think these sell very well for some reason. I don't know why. They're dope. It's winter.
Starting point is 02:36:21 I haven't worn these in a long time, but now I got them on my desk again. Yeah. Fuck. it's winter I haven't worn these in a long time but now I got them on my desk again uh yeah fuck let's party all right good show Dale King Craig Howard no Dale King Greg Glassman the other Greg Craig Greg
Starting point is 02:36:51 whatever whatevs just kicking it here with my bestie Caleb tomorrow's trash day and Brian Friend and facundo will be here in the morning hey could you guys tell i was winging it with dale by the time i watched his movie last night and i was done i was so tired i had no notes i didn't give caleb any notes caleb killed it today no notes no links nothing it's like 70 of the shows but hey hey hey
Starting point is 02:37:28 it's cool not that but here's the thing 70 of the shows caleb doesn't get notes but i have them and i just don't share but only five percent of the shows don't have any notes at all the other day i got to keep caleb on his toes that explains a lot gives me something to do it's cool um my uh oh tomorrow my gardener comes he says uh we will be there tomorrow hermano nice yeah my gardener hugs me so fucking tight yeah javier yeah baller mexican dude from mexico got fucking killing it you know what i mean just balling straight stereotype fucking got the fleet of trucks and he sent his i get his kid to do my house right like i don't get like just like the rando venezuelan dudes who are
Starting point is 02:38:26 probably working there yeah yeah he told me the other day he's like he's like you know i fired your neighbor i'm like you did he goes how come he goes she told me why you send guys to my house who don't speak english i was like you're racist we're out of here i was like dang that's awesome i told the dude i tell the hey your dudes can pee in the backyard if they want just so you know i'm cool just have them go against the fence i do dude two acres you can pee wherever you want that's my favorite part because the two bathrooms yeah like they're you can't use them so i'm like well i'll just like walk 200 yards and are you on septic yeah septic and what about water are you unwell uh no i'm not but but, they don't ration there.
Starting point is 02:39:25 It's not in California. Okay. God, that's awesome. It's cool. How was my Mexican accent there? It was pretty good. My mover was hella Mexican. The driver.
Starting point is 02:39:40 Hella Mexican. Hella Mexican. He sounded, you sounded just like him he didn't he doesn't even sound like that either like that sounds like someone who's been in la like for a couple generations my dudes is just straight fucking you know out of straight out of mexico i love them sema knows my land we're on two wells we're on well water oh are you that's what she did she did my site survey so she knows oh seriously yeah dude that's awesome if you're on wells hey and we're not even so the the person before me on my property dug a new well and they
Starting point is 02:40:21 had to fill the old well and i'm like fuck really yeah because just they have all sorts of water right laws here in california oh you can only have one well per property or whatever unless one's an ag well oh like this friend of mine that you also know dug a new well on his property a second well first he planted just 100 trees on his property so he could have a second well oh okay then he dug a second well because he just wants it so he dug a second and that because now it's an ag well right fruit trees so then he dug a second well and his second well water was better than his first well water so he switched the two he made made his first well, his Agwell. Gotcha. Yeah. Baller.
Starting point is 02:41:06 That's cool. Hey, Steffi, how do I get a CEO flag? I want one for my home gym, but they're all sold out. Oh, text me and I'll put you in touch with Vindicate. Is that who? With Travis? Yeah, Travis. you had 30 mexicans at your house we had the exterior of our house done last summer and 30 mexicans asked if they could just pee down behind the pine tree i had 30 mexicans at most i've had
Starting point is 02:41:39 five mexicans like four gardeners and Dave yeah that's cool one of my valves is leaking it's fucking stressing me out and he knows it because that means water is just coming off coming getting pulled out of my well I hate that does that yeah that's pretty bad yeah it's waste it's like I have a limited supply of water and it's fucking going. It would be like if some chick was leaking ovaries, eggs.
Starting point is 02:42:10 It's like, yo, motherfucker, there's only so many in there. There's a new meme account yeah no rep news yeah oh shit and whoever this is is just ass pounding. Oh shit. Oh shit. There's one ass pounding Hiller. What is up with this one? Does it count? I don't know. I don't know who runs it. I don't
Starting point is 02:43:02 I don't know. I don't know who runs it. I don't know anything about it. YouTuber Andrew Hiller tragically injures hand creating Danny Price and Mikey content because he couldn't let it go. Probably a repetitive stress injury from patting himself on the back.
Starting point is 02:43:30 Hey, it should say Andrew Hiller gets shit on his dick from ass pounding Danny Bryce and Mikey swoosh so much. That's a great picture of Hiller dude something you look Jewish in that picture dude look at your face your nose that's a crazy picture of Hiller look at he looks like I'm like he came out from
Starting point is 02:43:56 underground like a mole it's probably because he did came out of his his computer cave I like the andrew hiller ones up performance enhancing drug user who supported liver king accuses working mother and small business owner of using performance enhancing to stupid that was good that one was good yeah but i don't know. Listen. Dave Castro, the games will be 95% indoors. We will be outside less time than it takes me to do a heavy deadlift.
Starting point is 02:44:41 Come on, dude. This is recycled shit from fucking 1752 okay ben bergeron let's see he gets ass pounded ben bergeron pledges entire routine greg glassman performed first in 2011 at a speech i don't get it uh eric rosa okay i love pounding eric Eric Rosa he's a douche former CrossFit CEO and chairman Eric Rosa has still not been seen or heard from since entering the fitness relocation program
Starting point is 02:45:11 oh no these aren't good right I don't know I don't even get that shot at everybody I know but I'm just. Key Canaan seeks investors
Starting point is 02:45:29 for its new red light gender affirming therapy for barbells. Come on, man. Give me something. YouTuber Andrew Hiller blocked by second inanimate object in two weeks. Oh, that's good.
Starting point is 02:45:45 Wow. Wow. Did that plunge company really block him? Yeah, they did. Dude. How ridiculous. Well, it's just stupid. He's just gonna fuck you in your ass. well it's just stupid he's just gonna fuck you in your ass
Starting point is 02:46:04 four times CrossFit Games champion hunts vegetarians and brags about it yikes what's Rich have in his mouth there duck call oh no shit yeah
Starting point is 02:46:23 god that's gangster or turkey call just depends on what they're hunting i don't get this one either cfhq saving millions by moving sport to a state where they won't have to ensure the female athletes. Texas is so uptight about female reproductive health. Texas is so uptight about what's female, female reproductive health. Is that code for aborting babies for killing babies in the womb?
Starting point is 02:47:04 Probably. Texas is so uptight For killing babies in the womb? Probably. Texas is so uptight about killing babies in the womb. I bet they won't even let them do Olympic lifting. I don't even fucking understand that. I don't get it either. Marv, you like this one?
Starting point is 02:47:21 No judgment. Oh my god stupid don't even bother dude someone just make one that just tears Hiller up Hiller's so fun and funny he's so fucking funny yeah jake text me and i'm and i can put you in touch with uh vindicate for the ceo flag oh i feel my energy levels dropping Zach Jones I hope this account hits Seve hard after this dude this
Starting point is 02:48:10 account can't hit anyone hard shit straight just pussified they just posted a new one a few seconds ago okay let's see that one's very good I just looked at it yeah I don't even get that one the one with the stadium few seconds ago. Okay, let's see. That one's very good. I just looked at it. Yeah, I don't even get that one. The one with the stadium? No, the one with Laura.
Starting point is 02:48:34 Oh, I don't see it. Can I see it? Will there be an asterisk next to Laura's CrossFit Games win if she loses the rogue invitation onto this baby? To Tia's baby. Oh, that's Tia's baby?
Starting point is 02:48:51 Oh, to Tia's baby. I don't get it. I don't even get these. For all you mean people out there, not you, Wadzombie. I don't get 80% of your shit. Like, I don't even get that i don't either i don't want to have to think so there might be an ass are they implying that there's an
Starting point is 02:49:15 asterisk by laura's name because tia didn't compete this year and if so why is that funny it's a lot of leaps that one sucks hard that one they all suck dude he's all suck the only good thing about that one hiller one is pretty good but they should have put shit on his dick instead of injured his hand. I'd put shit on Hiller's dick before I injured his hand. I hate the cops thing. Thank you. Bye, assholes.
Starting point is 02:50:01 Thank you, Phillip.

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