The Sevan Podcast - Greg Glassman | Live Call In - Morality

Episode Date: April 25, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by car and other conditions apply. Bam, we're live. You're home. Just like that. Did you sleep last night?
Starting point is 00:00:39 Yeah, you know, I went to bed too late, but whatever. I do that sometimes everywhere, right? It's four in the morning in Bora Bora, right? Three hours ahead of us? Yeah. Did you adjust to that time quickly? That's, you know, like, you know you're traveling when your kid's saying something like, you know, it's actually tomorrow, right?
Starting point is 00:01:10 right when when um when i first started working at crossfit uh it was late 2006 and i would see these lines like constantly varied uh movements executed high intensity and um work capacity abroad uh across broad time and modal domains. And there were all of these, uh, I guess you could call them mantras or what idiots would call marketing, but they were explanations in these, um, there were explanations of what we were doing and you, uh, around the defining of the term fitness. And I remember asking Tony at one point, I think maybe you were on the thread embarrassingly enough in an email. I was starting to start making media for you guys. I'm like, who came up with all of these lines? I think Tony, that was when G chat was big and he's like, Hey, dumb fuck. Greg wrote all that stuff. And, um, I think about how long it took me to sort of
Starting point is 00:02:03 grasp, not pick up the shiny objects in the lease rents model. Those types of things for some reason took me years and years to – I could understand them when you would say them to me, but to work them into my personality. These things had to be like worked into my personality and into the way that I viewed the world. And it took me a long time to do that. the way that I viewed the world. And it took me a long time to do that. And I had to sit down with you at breakfast and hear these things reiterated over and over and over in different ways, coming at them from different angles, the purpose of them, the whys, the implications of thinking what was the CrossFit culture, which was this lifestyle culture. And, um, I don't know if you heard this, Greg, I don't mean to just drop this on you in front of everyone, but, um, so, so there were,
Starting point is 00:02:49 there were some of us who got to hear that stuff from you over and over and over, and it took a long time to get. And then I finally understood whenever we had new people, why they couldn't get it. Like it was, and I don't mean this as a dig to Rosa, but it was what made Rosa, um, it was going to be impossible for him to ever catch up because it could take someone 20 years to understand what you were saying, like to fully, even though it's not complicated, it's so against what we're taught as kids, uh, to, to get ahead, to make money, to take shortcuts, to avoid discomfort, all of these things that CrossFit was the antithesis of, but there were a handful of us, a lot of us, there were 50 of us who got to hear it come out of your mouth over and over and over. And then we started, um, we, we, we got brainwashed into understanding that lifestyle to view the world through a different lens from a
Starting point is 00:03:34 different angle. And, uh, yesterday, uh, we got the news that Tyson Oldroyd was let go from CrossFit Inc. And I was thinking. Wow. I was just thinking about how. That's like a huge cultural loss. For the company. Because he's one of those people. Who got to be around you so much. And understand. All the facets of CrossFit. That made CrossFit. What CrossFit is made CrossFit what CrossFit is.
Starting point is 00:04:07 Would you say CrossFit's a movement? In context of where it is in history with diet and movement, you know what I mean? I would say it was more of a movement than anything else. Seve, I was prepared to discuss it in terms of being a cult, a movement, a fad. You picked your fucking label, right? Right, right. I find none
Starting point is 00:04:32 of those offensive anymore, by the way. It had an existence, a reality entirely independent of any label we could put on it. Right. And it was a culture. And that's why when you go to the CrossFit games and the security guard be like, Hey, you know,
Starting point is 00:04:47 I've never done a three day event with 20,000 people and there's not a fight. This is so weird. It was, it was just sad to me for obviously Tyson has three kids and it sucks for him. But I was kind of sad for just all the different people because, because, because just in the space, I guess primarily affiliates because he was on the media team,
Starting point is 00:05:13 but that's one I'm trying, I was trying, I'm trying to think who's there who actually got to sit down at you with breakfast, breakfast, lunch and dinner for fucking 10 years. Like, like he did or I did who got to hear just drink from the fountain
Starting point is 00:05:26 and um and you obviously lived and breathed it i mean you didn't you didn't make small talk about anything else it was just crossfit uh all time i don't know i think it's i think it's massively significant that eventually there's going to be no one there i know you used to always say that the trainers could pass on the kernel the dna of crossfit if everyone died in one l1 trainer lived um but i think that there's something special for the people who got to actually drink from like just sit down with you at breakfast and just chop it up with you i know there is i know there is on a lot of, it seems to me that some of the some of the actions of the current effort, current ownership. Yeah. Have been just a lethal blow to the hot air balloon, you know, just a gaping hole.
Starting point is 00:06:18 You just ripped a panel out of the whole thing and it's it's sputtering and and i got a bunch of those but one of those was the dissolution and removal of the affiliate team um kathy glassman my sister sarah lucas all being the whole crew paula yeah alice i don't want to i'm leaving people out right but they were amazing and i could wake up in the morning and see that one of them that was Sarah Lewis was always, Lewis Lucas. Lucas, Sarah Lucas.
Starting point is 00:06:55 Lucas. I know her well too. Sarah would work late at night and the quality of the interaction, it, it reduced all kinds of confusion. They were miracle workers in terms of dealing with the affiliates, and it's something you can be proud of forever. And that'd be one of the last things I would let come apart. one of the last things I would let come apart. It had way more ramifications than anything that related to the games, almost anything related to the training outside of the kernel of what we
Starting point is 00:07:33 delivered initially. That's the one thing that wasn't skin, but meat. Who's there now for that? and uh like who's there now for that um we for the amount of of uh legal work that we did it's amazing how little paralegal work we had to do and that's because it was done naturally just in the course of events with the with the uh affiliate team they They head off legal problems all day and all night long. You actually can't do that, sir. And it's so much better to have Sarah Lucas or Kathy Glassman or Alison Autry telling you that that's probably not going to wash legally and that could offend the mothership is better to hear it from them than from an attorney every time right um when i i thought it was bizarre when they got rid of uh leaf edmondson i really viewed him as guardian of the brand on another level yeah for the for those of you who don't know leaf was was head of publishing. And so everything that we published forward-facing, even stuff Greg wrote, it all funneled through Leaf.
Starting point is 00:08:51 And Leaf took that job very seriously. And he would be like, hey, did you mean to say this? Hey, in this video it does this. And he would consume everything. And basically he was just a guardian of the brand. And he would often say, Greg would not say that. Greg would not like that. And then we would run it up the flagpole to Greg. And Greg would be like, yeah, what the fuck is this crazy shit?
Starting point is 00:09:09 I mean, I think Leaf was 3,252,000,000 to 3,252,000,000. His record was perfect. And so they get rid of him. And obviously, you know, ever since then, now we've accepted all the foupas that come out forward facing. And I just I'm just tripping i wonder if when they because you could teach someone he's in the meat this is what i think he's in the media department right and i think they want i think i'm just guessing because of this jenna hawka cmo lady they've hired i'm guessing that they're going to go more to a way more towards marketing so they're
Starting point is 00:09:41 going to go to facebook ads google ads they're going to start thinking So they're going to go to Facebook ads, Google ads. They're going to start thinking that they're going to sell this thing like a product, like a widgets or M&Ms. Right. But my thought is, is like, what's the sale? What? So what? I don't know. Get people. I don't know that maybe new products I haven't seen yet, but maybe get people into L ones, maybe find the perfect price for affiliates, find the perfect, uh, uh, timing on, uh, like maybe they're going to, you know, you have to renew the L one every five years. Maybe they're going to move it to every three years, just whatever they can do to maximize the money coming in. Right. Just to start. And so they're going to start figuring all of that stuff out, you know, with those people. But my thought is this, you could teach any monkey that in six
Starting point is 00:10:23 months. So like, if you wanted someone to be an expert on Facebook ads, you could teach any monkey that in six months so like if you wanted someone to be an expert on facebook ads you could teach tyson to do that in six months but you won't teach someone how to do learn the culture it's you you can't teach someone how to learn the culture it's going to take 10 years and you're going to have to have people already there who already understand the culture and that is actually why people pay their affiliate fees the big picture is is it falls under this bucket as abstract as it is they're paying their affiliate fees. The big picture is it falls under this bucket, as abstract as it is. They're paying the affiliate fees to be part of the culture, to be like, hey, it's their Armenian tag. It's their Ukrainian flag.
Starting point is 00:10:52 It's their fucking Trump hat. And so you get rid of Tyson, and you're going to lose that whole – they would call it institutional knowledge, but it's more than that. Yeah. Matt, on my departure, I left the remark with friends, and I know Seve was around and heard this part of that cohort. But I think I just sold the Hells Angels to Costco.
Starting point is 00:11:20 It's going to be interesting to see what they can do with it. Right. Yeah, 100%. to costco it's going to be interesting to see what they can do with it right yeah 100 and i think that they cross at hq now views their job as pushing people into the affiliates in a traditional sense like i've said like seven saying with like marketing and stuff like that and i think that that's that's a mistake you know um suza suza and hillar were just like, Hey, if all they did was focused on making sure they kept the mantle as the number one fitness methodology and health methodology in the world, all the other things would fall into place.
Starting point is 00:11:52 And I couldn't agree more. Like they need to like really double down on just like, Hey, protect the L one, emphasize the L one, make all media around. Is that what you want to hear as an investor? Probably not. I want to hear how I investor probably not i want to hear how i
Starting point is 00:12:07 turned my 15 cents into a dollar right yeah yeah but i can help with that but hey dude if you go visit the crown jewels in the united kingdom and you get there and they're covered in dust you will give that a fucking one star and uh and and i don't that that's where that's where they're missing out they're not they the l the the training all the training there needs to be just be continuously polished so that it presents well and then the rest and then of course people will do the games and people will open affiliates and people will get government military contracts but if you neglect that boy i don't know why i'm reminded of this but i'm going to share it because it's i love how you don't give a shit either
Starting point is 00:12:45 You're just like yeah I'm driving out to see you in a couple days BSI May 9th Bitches What was the story I had Sorry you were going to say it reminds you of something It'll come back to me I um
Starting point is 00:13:04 Anyway Sorry about that Tyson i know what it feels like to be fired i was i was thinking that um i i was i think the first person fired in that first round and now um obviously i worked very closely with tyson very very very closely i spoke to him every day and now we're getting down to kind of the last dribble that remains there the last like few people like all we need to do now is get rid of dave and nicole it's like those window climbers those sticky things you throw they click click click click yeah yeah yeah there's a couple left yeah yeah they're the ones that were just thrown a little bit higher up than the rest. This is a good question, I think.
Starting point is 00:13:56 Fondall, Coach, Mr. Glassman, if you were a CrossFit investor today, what should management do specifically to grow the business? My sense of it all is that it was a confederation of professional trainers where there was none otherwise. There was nothing in the NSCA certification being CSCS that wasn't suggested, none of that. And so to ask how to make money, like for whom? For the people that are the kind of the caretakers of the mark, make them more money? I never looked at the world that way. And as an investor, I don't see an avenue for dramatically increased revenue that doesn't look like fucking the brand up. I think for an investor, I think the brand is exciting to the extent that you can turn the crank and make it make money. Right. And to the extent that you can't, it's a lemon.
Starting point is 00:15:10 Right. And I think that from the investor's standpoint, I think they purchased a lemon. It wasn't a fucking business. If I made the perfect... And just in the same sense, Sebi, what we were doing wasn't a business. The successful affiliate, Nadia Shatia in Belltown, Seattle, she didn't see herself as a businesswoman, I don't think.
Starting point is 00:15:41 She was a trainer with an enormous obligation to an extraordinary clientele, impacting them in untold ways. I mean, you know, go on and on and on. But that's, ensure you get paid. Someone said to me the other day would greg ever buy it back and i said yeah i'm sure if they if they like the day portney thing if they offered it to him for a dollar and i go but hey dude don't think it would don't think there wouldn't be huge changes um if greg took it back and person goes what do you mean i go don't be surprised if he got rid of half the affiliates i think half would leave yeah um like he he not he he learned a lot from the first go
Starting point is 00:16:35 and um yeah it's uh and you know maybe this is just part of getting old or something but i i haven't learned anything in the past three or four years that doesn't relate to probability theory and broken science, et cetera. But in terms of the way these things plan out, this all had an inevitability to me. I, you know, it was after the sale that I got to like, wow, they don't, they have no idea what they bought. No idea. Imagine, imagine someone buys your car and you give them the keys and you've taken them for a test drive. And then they, you know, get the check, they get the keys and
Starting point is 00:17:23 they pop the trunk and get in and close it close it on themselves yeah start yelling about how it's driving you know i mean yeah yeah fuck that's a great one that's a great one that is you have the keys you need to push the little button with the you know like and along that same line they're not asking the right questions for what's going wrong either. Right. Because they're in the trunk and they're still looking for the ignition. They're trying to claw their way into the back seats for like three years now. And that's the culture. That's you have to understand the culture to understand where the front of the car is. Which brings us full circle to Tyson again
Starting point is 00:18:06 the whole the whole they they think their origins were in the DEI bullshit they think they think that I was chased off because I wasn't DEI enough and so they let's get rid of this guy and we'll just we and we'll supply all the DEI he wasn't. And now what they have, you know, it's not making money. It's still not making money for him. Man, the heart and soul of the thing seems to be in the doubt. Joey. Joe Esterlin, good morning, guys.
Starting point is 00:18:44 Good morning, guys. Good morning, Joe. Morning. I wonder how long it took them to realize that. Like, you think it was a year in with Rosa that they realized, uh-oh, we might have a problem here. In terms of it acting like a different business, something different than they've ever had their hands wrapped around before. acting like a different business, something different than they've ever had their hands wrapped around before. I think with Rosa it was something totally different.
Starting point is 00:19:15 I think Rosa was, you know, Van Gogh is a great artist who chopped off his ear, but you don't want your CEO chopping off his ear. I think Rosa just wasn't a fit. I think he was like just, I just don't think he's. Do you think they put too much trust in him due to past successes? they figured oh he could do this with the data logic company it must be it must be easy to do it with this with this quote-unquote fitness company and then just backed him on it only to realize oh shit we're locked in the trunk of this car i'm dying to know if the investors even watch this investment or if it's just like,
Starting point is 00:19:45 like, you know, like Haley has some stock in like Coca-Cola that's been passed down from her great, great, great grandfather. You know what I mean? And we get a check in the mail every quarter for two pennies.
Starting point is 00:19:55 You know what I mean? It says from Coca-Cola. It's in my, I wonder if it's like that from a dividend check. Yeah. It's so fun. It's fucking hilarious. We have these stack of two cent checks. And I wonder if, if CrossFit's like that for them Yeah, it's so fun. It's fucking hilarious. We have these stack of two-cent checks.
Starting point is 00:20:09 And I wonder if CrossFit's like that for them, if it's just like... Yeah, except for it's not a stack of checks. It's a stack of bills. Like they might not even be, they might not have any idea, right? The investors? Well, you could tell due to the fact that they're trying to treat what I think is a symptom, which they think that if they put more people into affiliates, somehow that's going to create more value proposition for affiliates and therefore make a stronger business model.
Starting point is 00:20:31 What if the new manner of operation provides more benefit to other investments than it does for the investor with regard to this particular entity. Say that. I don't understand. Say that again. It's rough. Oh, I see what you're saying. The company used to be a thorn in the side of a lot of powers. Right. That's gone.
Starting point is 00:21:01 Mm-hmm. That's gone. And so there's a good chunk of economy that's sleeping easy because CrossFit's quit doing things smart or honest or brave. PepsiCo spends $300 million a year on billboards just for Gatorade. So that's their marketing, just for Gatorade, $300 million a year. So you're saying, hey, if you have the competitor to Gatorade, why not just spend $200 million to make them go away? Look at the rate we were spreading, say, just through the Army.
Starting point is 00:21:43 The notion that that shit's poison doing you no good. It's fundamentally isotonic. You're not really not getting electrolytes. And if you were, you couldn't stomach them. You wouldn't be able to hold them down. What you need is water and you can get your sodium and electrolytes you need from the food you eat. And that shit's just going to give you heart disease. And the Army was my biggest customer, and we've calculated, may have been Gatorade's biggest customer, but still not a big customer in terms of percentage. The Army was a small sliver of what Gatorade's doing, and the Army was a small sliver of what CrossFit was doing. But here we were on the battlefield, will you, hating on one another.
Starting point is 00:22:31 And the culture, the CrossFit culture, CrossFit ran through the military the way Falun Gong was through China's hierarchy. The need for eradication of that stemmed through the way it was running through the Red Army and the Communist Party. The idea of kindness, honesty, and perseverance really resonated with a downtrodden enslaved people. What the fuck? Imagine that. The forces that be, Greg has a great example of the forces that be in the U.S. military. There's this organization, I forget the name of it, Greg will remember the name, but they generate, I don't know, almost $2 billion a a year from the government and they provide everything to air force bases like they sell they sell everything from coke to weights to underwear they basically have a
Starting point is 00:23:39 monopoly on everything that goes in and out that's purchased by the soldiers on bases. And I remember Greg trying to give free CrossFit equipment to the bases, and this company tried to interfere because they also owned the big Globo gyms on the bases. And if I remember correctly, they tried to interfere. They did interfere, and they successfully interfered in you being able to give free equipment for the soldiers. They fought our presence on the base and lost. successfully interfered and you being able to give free equipment for the soldiers they fought they fought our presence on the base and lost they fought the giving of donating of equipment and lost um they fought the installation of pull-up bars and lost and in the end they got their hands on
Starting point is 00:24:21 the gear and and then put their name all over it stenciled painted their shit on it oh they did yeah what is it called kbr greg no no it's not the company no no don't don't want to insult them needlessly for that um no it's a it's a quango kind of a quasi non-governmental organization that everyone thinks is the law. Mulvaney dug into it, and it's interesting. It's run by some ex-generals, and it gets a shit ton of money. It owns all the vending machines on base. The shitty subway on base belongs to them. I mean, it's crazy.
Starting point is 00:25:04 You go on base, go to the movie theater. That's their movie theater. There's an on-base veterinarian. It's their fucking veterinarian. So, you know, the family dog in Marine housing gets sick. You take them there and they're the ones running the veterinary concession. You get a deal on Super Bowl tickets because you're buying them through them. Right, right.
Starting point is 00:25:22 Right? There's, It's crazy. Crazy, crazy grip. And you run afoul of them, and life's going to be rough. Eaton Beaver. Good morning, coach. Morning, Eaton. Eaton. Eaton.
Starting point is 00:25:51 I took my kids to swim in the ocean yesterday and I hear this really loud and I'm watching them and I look to the left and I guess it uh sea otter is that what it is is that what we have what is that what we have yeah mac in his thing on the chest crack playing with his rock bam bam yeah cracking an abalone just right out there next to the kids you know they each have their own rock and they hide it and they're territorial about it when you take my rock and i'm going to be a pissed off otter oh really yeah like they find the rock wow i didn't know that monogamy with the rock you sent me this video of um victor david hansen i didn't know who he's speaking to until you told me larry arns and i sent it around arn i sent it around i'd love to have victor david hansen on the show what an incredible man but there's a section in there where he starts talking about war
Starting point is 00:26:51 and he says do you remember the story and he's like hey if there's 10 of us standing in a room and we all know who the toughest guy is yeah it comes it comes from ignorance he said and fundamentally he says that someone makes a miscalculation and hitler and tojo had a world view that wasn't at all consistent with with reality and they got their their they got their everything just stomped into oblivion because of it. But he said the notion of it came from this was very interesting. This kind of explains the whole hippie movement. And I'm going to take some liberty here. Feel free to, of course, correct me when I'm wrong. But after World War Two, there was such a disgust of war that we reached this place in our morality that we weren't going to fight anymore that we were
Starting point is 00:27:46 going to try peace and when people reach that place in their morality they actually forget that there's people around you who aren't in that place and because of your lack of projection of strength they start doing really horrible shit the the belief that the world has changed that we've we've we've grown to the point where war will never happen and is no longer necessary is part of a pacifism that gives potential tyrants a full-blown hard-on for evil that's how they that's how they see the world that you think that violence is impossible perfect and that's what took us so long to go stomp on hitler's dick because we thought we were morally superior and a lot of people died because of our moral superiority it's a house
Starting point is 00:28:38 full of jewels with no lock on the door no one's home to the bad guy our view of ourselves has to be making the Chinese government aroused with ambition and desire to fuck us over right our view of ourselves and so while we're over here doing the
Starting point is 00:29:09 DEI thing saying it's okay minor attracted people is the new pedophile and it's cool love and peace for everyone Venezuela is unloading their jails and sending over 10,000 pedophiles crazy they know we have weak leadership and weak leadership leads an opportunity
Starting point is 00:29:26 god it's it's absolutely wild that i'll put a link i put a link to it in a couple shows ago i'll put a link to it again you guys if you guys want this you'll really enjoy this i i mean the part that i really liked that struck me was when he was talking about people that live in big metropolises and cities start to just become dependent, almost like we're domesticated animals. We can't there's nothing we could do for ourselves. We have to have everything handed to us. And once that more people continue to congregate in these metropolises, the less and less capable humans we become. capable humans we become. And his analogy was like, you know, small independent businesses have a different worldview than people that are just dependent upon government or dependent upon
Starting point is 00:30:10 the domestication of themselves inside larger cities. None of us know how to farm. If I was just plopped off and left to my own device, I'd be dead very shortly, right? And I think a lot of us would be. And I think some of that independence creates us as humans. And when we lose it, we just wait for big daddy government to solve the problems. Or we sit afraid. I found that video. How long is it? 12 minutes? What is it, Seb?
Starting point is 00:30:37 No, no, no. I think it's 45. Yeah. 45 minutes. It's good, though. It blew by. It's loaded with pearls. Just loaded just yeah yeah an enormous amount of wisdom i i couldn't let go of you can master greek and latin in 2 000 hours yeah yeah it's like i can
Starting point is 00:30:57 start the clock on that shit right sit out you know i got a timer go you guys will really enjoy this you guys will really enjoy this i i sent it to uh my liberal friends and conservative friends alike it is it's it's wonderful it's it really is wonderful it gives you a really uh solid perspective of humanity very quickly. It was 100 years ago, 95% of the people lived on a farm or something like that, and today it's 1%. Less than 1%.
Starting point is 00:31:33 And this guy is a preeminent scholar of the classics, and he fell into it. Basically, right? Yeah, yeah, yeah. the classics and he fell into it basically right yeah yeah his dad sent him to uc santa cruz because it was newly opened close to home and he got all three kids in and thought they'd give him a break on the tuition yeah it's amazing the other thing too about the farming wasn't just about it was more or less an analogy too because what he was saying is like dependent not only on our food supply and other stuff but the way i was listening to it was without people owning small businesses or owning
Starting point is 00:32:16 their own piece they're also just dependent upon the paycheck of the place that you're working so a lot of people were saying oh well i'm a farmer i know how to garden yeah but what happens when your money supply gets pinched by the place you work at? Do you know how to hunt in terms of monetary value in the world that we live in? Because if you don't, you're also just dependent and domesticated. So what he was saying is how many small businesses were independently owned and operated back in the day as compared to now. compared to now? His describing, his description of the economics of farming put a sweat on me. I mean, I actually was feeling anxious thinking about looking at your kids and imagine in your attempts to feed the world
Starting point is 00:33:07 as the vehicle for feeding your family, how precarious that whole relationship can be. And because a crop can fail, you need to have in resources the capacity to get past that. What does that look like? It means that you need some supply of capital, right? You need money and food stores and you need a lot of things. For what? Like maybe a year's worth of shit? Right, yeah. Now you have your Mormon closet kind of mindset and lifestyle. In the San Joaquin Valley, there's a product known as raisin rain insurance.
Starting point is 00:33:56 And when the grapes are pulled to make raisins, they're put out on trays. It's just like butcher paper, like white paper. They call it trays. And the aisles are lined with that and the grapes are set there the ones that dry in the sun are the black raisins that you all know and uh even a little bit of rain would just up a billion dollars worth of raisins in no time yeah they're and there's almost nothing that can be done i think they become pig food and the insurance company steps in the chances of it raining in the san joaquin valley or it ain't gonna happen but if it did happen
Starting point is 00:34:33 and it does but it doesn't and it won't but it will but it will yeah you all the opinions on that are opinions on that what what what's known about What's known about it in an objective manner is known by the insurance company. It says here, I looked up raisin insurance. It says insurance coverage begins at the time the raisins are placed on the trays for drying. Damage by rain within the insurance period. Damn. I sat at a bar in Visalia
Starting point is 00:35:11 with a congressman to the San Joaquin Valley who explained to me the economics of the San Joaquin Valley. And it's a thing to behold. But the gross farm receipts of three counties exceeds entertainment oil uh tech well on the books this is an ag california and ag
Starting point is 00:35:39 state and everything else is kind of nothing. That's maybe over nothing. Ag wins every time. Ag wins. They're growing fucking rice in the desert. One of the most air driest places on earth for half a million acres. It's three feet deep in water growing rice for export to Asia. I mean, it's not. How's that for power?
Starting point is 00:36:08 And without any kind of embarrassment, it says on it, ADM, Archer Daniel Midland. There it is, man. There's your secret. It's illegal for you to water your lawn, but these motherfuckers can grow rice in one of the driest places on earth for export to china right crazy naturally if you said archer daniel midlands does all of their farming in dc with lobbyists yeah yeah i mean that's why boeing moved from Seattle to fucking Arlington Virginia so they could triple the price of their stock and
Starting point is 00:36:50 planes would fall from the sky I can't tell you how nice it was to take an Airbus 350 to and from the Airbus 350 that we took from Tahiti to here the logo is a Pegasus but the tail is clearly
Starting point is 00:37:06 curled like a seahorse. And so this thing is, you get the sense that it's going to fly over the ocean, but if it had to go underwater, it'd be fine. Because that's all there is between takeoff and landing, right?
Starting point is 00:37:22 Water. A Boeing engineer turned whistleblower who contends that the aerospace giant 787 dreamliner is unsafe to fly due to assembly flaws doubled down on his claims tuesday saying that the plane could fall apart and drop to the ground uh mid-flight unless the alleged uh safety problems are addressed this is just a few days ago he said this i i saw the video of this guy basically saying this engineer saying he wouldn't fly in anything boeing has that's scary yeah they did they did it in no small part with dei oh right right 100 they improved their esg score tripled the stock and now the planes are falling
Starting point is 00:38:07 from the sky it's a wonderful fucking tale there's a kid's book here this is some tunnel twin shit do it savvy you get make it the savossian the matosian twins story oh oh yeah you get toothpaste and a book on uh economics on how to make planes fall from the sky. The DEI plane. Yeah, I was pretty terrified of my flights, especially after our last conversation. You're like, oh, as long as it's not Delta, you're fine. I was like, shit, it's Delta. You're on a Boeing. I was like, awesome.
Starting point is 00:38:44 It's wild. Hey, I want to show you this video from Boeing. I was like, awesome. It's wild. It's, it's, it's wild. Hey, um, I want to show you this video from Dr. Phil,
Starting point is 00:38:49 this guy, uh, Tyler, I think this guy was on the show a long time ago. He was. Yeah. Now he's on Fox news quite a bit. Uh,
Starting point is 00:38:56 that what's great. What's crazy is when I had him on, he was a liberal, like pretty hardcore liberal comedian. And, and now here he is on Dr phil um check this out is your audio good greg will you be able to hear this i think so okay here we go tyler fisher claims he has been turned down by three agencies because they said they just weren't looking for white men you think it was just by the way, Susan and I just had a friend who works at the largest tech company in the world told that he would not be getting a promotion because they had to give it to a woman. Like he said – and he couldn't even believe it.
Starting point is 00:39:36 He said it just rocked him. They just said it out loud. We have to give it to a woman. For me to be told we can't represent you you you don't have the chance to now compete for jobs because you're white yes or no was that okay or was that not okay i think that what is described by you don't give me your little well no let me finish what what is described by you someone telling you that you can't get get that job because you're white does not sound right to me.
Starting point is 00:40:06 It's also illegal, right? He's not just making this up. Let me say this. He recorded the call with an agent. He claims turned him down for being white. So let's listen to the call. Is it a policy, like, explicit that they're not taking on any, like, white men? Or is it like... Dude, it's like we're living in a Black Mirror episode.
Starting point is 00:40:26 You know that show, Greg black mirror no it could you imagine if if what's crazy too is is we're all buying stuff from just so just flip the script right and just say hey we won't hire people who are black if we heard that on the news, like you wouldn't be, let's say Coca-Cola said that, then you wouldn't be allowed to drink Coke ever again. Like everyone would be like looking around, who's drinking Coke? And we all are supporting companies
Starting point is 00:40:52 that aren't hiring people because they're white. Like we're living in like some sort of, we all are. We're all supporting companies. We're giving money to companies that won't... It's like we're going to the slave plantation and buying apricots from their fucking wagon. Some people will only
Starting point is 00:41:14 buy apricots from the wagon that has slaves. Some people love the DEI companies. Oh, you're against white people? I'm going to support you. Just imagine if the script were flipped. I can't even believe this is... Are you going against white people? I'm going to support you. Just imagine if the script were flipped. I can't even believe this is... Are you going to NBA games?
Starting point is 00:41:30 Yes, yes. All the people who do that. Yes, yes. Yeah, those are all people who support... All that. All that. I will say this. Apple has walked the fine line better than obviously disney or the nba or the nfl i think oh geez disney oh my goodness well they how how how can
Starting point is 00:41:52 they what what are they gonna fucking do they're making all their shit right how much attitude can you have people are going out of their way to buy products that want to keep black people as slaves sorry they want to keep white people as second-class citizens you choose you choose the verbiage i can't believe it's 2024 you won't get your job because you're white. It is an all-out open war on the white man. Like straight man. If you like vagina and you have a penis and you're white.
Starting point is 00:42:39 I'm growing my beard big. And I said no and it made me laugh. Because I'm in an age and a point in life where i'm proud of the pop culture shit i don't know yeah and when i i was i had fox news was on and i i just happened to look up when gutfeld was admitting professing that he didn't know who steph curry was and i was really fucking jealous oh yeah yeah yeah I thought that was super fucking cool and I would actually pay money to have never heard of Taylor Swift or never heard of her if I if you could if I could put coins in a vending machine to just have that like try to find swift boats on the fucking internet you know
Starting point is 00:43:22 my nightmare would be that eventually everything I try to look up, there's some like girl band with that name. Some cultural icon. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:40 Oh, I wonder why this didn't pop up. Yeah, that's weird. There it goes. For those of you who don't know, Steph Curry is a basketball player for the NBA. Huge, huge proponent of Black Lives Matter. Huge, enormous proponent. A full DEI guy.
Starting point is 00:43:57 Not in our backyard, NBR Steph Curry launches opposition to housing for the poor on site near his multi-million dollar home because he has major privacy and safety concerns with three-story townhomes looming directly behind their property. The proposal sees 16 townhouses being built directly behind Steph Curry's yard. Neighbors in the ritzy California neighborhood of Atherton also oppose the plan. Curry asked that the tall fences be included in the development plan at a minimum.
Starting point is 00:44:27 It's amazing, right? Full-blown. I love black people, but don't let them move next to me. Hey, let's talk about Columbia University without Jews. I told Emily, you can't even think about that without laughing. Are they suggesting that? Well, that's what's happening. The rabbis told them all to go home, and the atmosphere is clearly unsafe, hostile,
Starting point is 00:44:55 and they're fomenting hatred and violence towards the Jewish students. Oh, yeah. I saw this video of this professor. Again, I just want to go back to what would Columbia University be without Jews? And the answer is fucking nothing. Tarded. This is like, yes.
Starting point is 00:45:16 This is like, and you can't say that. This is like, you know, just look at the list of Nobel Prizes and then take the Jews off the list. Let's do that to our fucking institution as a matter of policy. And raise the tuition rate. And saddle you with some government debt that you'll never be able to pay back. Because you haven't learned anything worth fucking learning.
Starting point is 00:45:46 You don't learn anything true. You have less understanding of how the world works coming out than you did going in. Wow. For a lifetime of debt. I saw kids, those clean cut kids we met. I had to talk to them because they didn't have soldierly looks, but they had soldierly haircuts. And we're all polite in the surf shop. And they were there.
Starting point is 00:46:12 One of their friends, they're from Columbus, Ohio, of all things, right? Yeah. But they'd all gone into the trades. And here they are still teenagers. And they're able to put themselves on airplanes and you know there's tell me the one kid has a nice house 19 years old it was so obvious those kids weren't from California just by how kind they were yeah they were just Midwestern good kids
Starting point is 00:46:40 kids. God, the cohort around. There's more opportunities to display your intelligence in home building than there is in academia. More opportunities to express your intelligence. How do you like that? In academia, in most fields,
Starting point is 00:47:03 your intelligence can only be expressed by hiding what you know to be real, your talents for that. That's where your IQ is spent. And hiding the truth. Yes. Yeah. With things like the illogical. Pretending like you don't know what true is. Right. God, it's an acting class.
Starting point is 00:47:27 It's just one. There's just one department at the university acting. Think of the think of the tortured souls. That's why they act the way they do. If you ask any politician, like, are you concerned about like what's going on? The tensions in the in the Middle East right now around Israel, they all have the same answer. You can see it over and over. Well, we've had an increase in anti-Semitic behavior and Islamophobia. And then, of course, you know, we know that the joke around the word Islamophobia is not even really anything.
Starting point is 00:47:59 But I was looking I was looking around and there were like twelve hundred protests protests in the last 365 days in the United States where people were yelling death to Jews or death to America. Do you know how many protests there were where people were chanting death to Islam? Zero. I find it laughable that
Starting point is 00:48:23 there's this de facto notion that anyone owes any respect for any religion just because it's a fucking religion. That's an absurdity just on its own. Like someone sawing off someone's head in downtown London yelling Allah Akbar. But all of a sudden, if you're afraid of people who are in Islam, something's wrong with you now. No. Yeah, for sure. That. But but worse yet, just because two billion people practice something doesn't mean I should take my hat off and go, I'd fuck this, give it some respect. Right, right, right. That's not enough. Right, right.
Starting point is 00:49:17 And I said, the guy with no religion, I'm going to judge religions for you. Put a gun to my head and make me pick one i'm gonna be a jew or a mormon pretty fucking fast right that would be the that would be a that if i had to pretend that i would pretend in the manner they they believe what they believe because i like the impact it has on them you You like the way if you go to the suburbs of Salt Lake City that the streets are clean, that people are that there's a community center, that everyone
Starting point is 00:49:52 knows everyone. You like that stuff? Yeah, yeah. The ladies have three, four, five, six kids. Sebi, if the consequences of reading Harry Potter was some fucking how your kids wanted the diagram sentences and learn calculus, I'd be all about the fucking Harry Potter. Oh, wow.
Starting point is 00:50:15 Jeremy Eat World is a Jew and a Mormon. I didn't know that, that you were half and half. Juman. Love Juman. Yeah. Have you seen this clip of this UAE foreign minister in 2017 talking about the political correctness is going to usher in more terrorism than we've ever seen before in terms of Islam extremists due to kind of this open border thing that's happening? No, but I'd like to see it. Because I'm going to tell you that political correctness is the bridge from sanity to insanity. The hole you fall into when you're laying there at the bottom of the hole, what was it?
Starting point is 00:50:57 The surface is political correctness. And so what we do is we tell, you tell, for a generation, tell kids there's no difference between men and women. And even, you know, I tell you, my little girl says, that's ridiculous. We don't even have the same privates. And I'm like, yep, there's that for sure. I remember. Let me hear me out. You tell someone, you tell someone there's no difference between men and women for a generation.
Starting point is 00:51:22 to hear me out. You tell someone there's no difference between men and women for a generation, and you will end up with a generation of children that actually, honest to God, believe that daddy can get pregnant and mommy might have a dick. Why? Because there's no difference.
Starting point is 00:51:38 What an intellectual handicap. What a fucking anchor. I've got a list of, I'm not ready to share it now, but I've got a list of clear signs of your delusion. And they all sum to what's really nothing less than some kind of crazy vow of poverty. Is the septum ring one? I'll put that right on the fucking list i'm gonna go to the store and i'm gonna punch a hole in that thing that
Starting point is 00:52:12 delineates one nostril from the other oh my god um i don't ever want that thing touched okay yeah go ahead suza no i was gonna say too that after rereading 1984 the um what they were talking about with that new speak and just the more illogical you could have a group of people agreeing oh yeah and you just know it's complete and utter bullshit anybody with two eyes could step into the group and go what are you guys agreeing upon this is could be further from the truth. Matt, everything we're going through seems like it happened as soon as everyone, as soon as we got a significant chunk of the population that hadn't heard of Orwell or 1984 Animal Farm.
Starting point is 00:52:57 Because if this were even close to present in your consciousness, you couldn't utter lines like gender affirming health care without fucking laughing yep it's like it's a page right out of the book right it's right out of the fucking book that's what orwell would have called uh uh institutionalized approved uh child uh uh uh genital mutilation yeah yeah insurance covered child genital mutilation. Yeah. Insurance covered child genital mutilation. Orwell would have called it, let's call this gender affirming healthcare. Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding. It fails in each fucking syllable.
Starting point is 00:53:35 It's a wonderful creation of vocabulary. Oh, yeah. Look at Vittorio showing off. If my aunt had a dick, she'd be my uncle look at you fucking the other the other crazy parallel with that book is that the changing of the who were who is oppressed and who were freeing outside of the u.s meaning before it was all ukrainian you saw the flags out in front of everybody's houses. And there was this whole, and we're for this group. And all of a sudden the wind changed.
Starting point is 00:54:07 And now we're for this group. We're freeing Palestine. And this is our main focus. And now everybody's coming out of the woodwork to stop traffic on the Golden Gate and Bray Bridge. So these poor people that are waiting for their heart transplant die. So these people who have no idea what the fuck they're talking about could do some protest with something in a place that they couldn't even exist in because they'd be half of them be slaughtered immediately upon arrival due to their current beliefs. that anything that stops Donald Trump is justified
Starting point is 00:54:47 and under the rubric of saving the democracy. If we don't save democracy, this fucking guy's going to get elected. Wow. Wow. Crazy. I don't even like the guy. I'll vote for him for that. I'll vote for him for that.
Starting point is 00:55:15 If you think you have to remove him from the ballot to protect democracy, I need to go vote for that motherfucker. It actually takes a lot of the holding my nose away. I can actually breathe deep and vote for the fucker. If you think that,
Starting point is 00:55:36 that what's happening to him is in any way, shape or form legal or anything other than an extraordinary assail in our democracy. And I'm not even the democracy guy. Democracy, that doesn't mean a lot to me. I'm not, I'm not, you know, I don't want to save our democracy. I want to protect our freedoms. It's right. Yep. Protect the liberties. And again, there's a version of democracy that fundamentally looks like socialism to me and again that's a and b deciding what c should do for d and saying we've got the majority we voted savvy and you need to shut the fuck up
Starting point is 00:56:16 right yeah we voted in your way we're gonna take your house we voted everyone in town you've had two elections now consensus science should take your house. We voted. Everyone in town, you've had two elections now. Consensus science. You should keep your house. Just one. So here we come. We're going to preserve some democracy once we get your house. Daniel Wynn, forcing people to deny what they know to be true and or affirm what they know to be false is a well-established method of control why yes so is making you pull your pants down and cover your eyes i mean what do you think the vaccination was about oh my god holy smokes
Starting point is 00:57:03 so you'll you'll find this interesting because a little context in this. Before he was speaking, and I probably believe Farsi, and he transitions to English here, and you'll like what the reporter says when he posts back. Do you think we'll get dinged for this, Savant? No, no, no. He transitioned and I swallowed. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:57:22 I know. He didn't. Okay. Okay, here we go. So we go understand what i'm saying no i know you have translation but i'm i just want to make sure you get it right there will come a day that we will see far more radical extremists and terrorists coming out of Europe because of lack of decision-making trying to be politically correct or assuming that they know the Middle East and they know Islam and they know the others far better than we do and i'm sorry but that's pure ignorance
Starting point is 00:58:19 if someone were to stop the out of iran there isn't a country in the middle east i don't think that wouldn't have a huge sigh of relief they all think that the iranians are just uh starters crazy town banana pants they believe they believe their rhetoric they listen to what they say and they understand. Democracy is two wolves and a sheep voting on what to have for lunch. Right. That's very good. I like that one.
Starting point is 00:58:58 I'll be using that. Wow. Yeah. Thank you. That's an improvement on that. Wow. Yeah. We should give him back his five bucks. Give him five bucks for that line. That on that. Yeah. We should give him back his five bucks. Give him five bucks for that line.
Starting point is 00:59:06 That was good. Yeah. Come to my house, Daniel, on the midnight. That's exactly right. That catches the spirit of it. Mm-hmm. We're going to have Richard Johnson on the show soon. The nephrologist.
Starting point is 00:59:31 The fat switch dude, yeah. Dude, he's brilliant. Hey, God, I'd love to call in on that if that were... Hey, he wants to meet you. He's met me. I've gone to fucking dinner with him. Again, he said he wants to reconnect with you sorry he wants to reconnect with you yeah i've helped pay some bills you're a good dude
Starting point is 00:59:52 you know he's a great man yeah that's a very very important thing he did the fact that the day i found out about him yeah was the i haven't had a beer since the messenger's dead also that's another bizarre thing that was the uric acid right the uric acid yeah yeah the cascade of of uh that that ends up uh creating a type 2 diabetes you know i think he, I think he's like the founder of that research. Like that is his research, right? That uncovered that. Yeah. I think he's like the guy, the preeminent guy on that.
Starting point is 01:00:36 For sure. Can you explain that? No, not this morning. It's the unregulated production of AMP and it happens and uric acid is a byproduct of that, production of uric acid is part of it, so that's
Starting point is 01:00:58 the underlying cause of gout it's really cool, all you trainers out there, you got anyone in your gym that has gout and they're going to be told all kinds It's really cool, all you trainers out there. You got anyone in your gym that has gout, and they're going to be told all kinds of things they can't eat, salmon and anything with purines and all this shit, and that advice comes out of not understanding the problem entirely.
Starting point is 01:01:20 But remove the refined carbohydrate from your diet, and the gout goes away every time. And I actually turned Pfluger onto that, Pfluger of the Mayo Clinic. And he's like, it's a miracle. Make all the gout go away. But there were some other things, not just fructose that created this cascade that produced the unregulated AMP. But brewer's yeast and MSG will also do it. And I'll tell you what, man, I grew up with people wanting to find something shitty about MSG and never did.
Starting point is 01:01:56 It's kind of like aspartame. You know, not good enough, not good enough. This is it. This is it. Cats will starve to death on fruit unless you add msg to it isn't that interesting they'll say that again they'll starve what cats will starve to death on a diet of fruit unless you lace it with msg wow isn't that interesting yeah yeah and cats are 100 carnivores right yeah they yeah check out the teeth yeah yeah um we always had fun with carnivore not carnivore
Starting point is 01:02:41 Carnivore, not cornivore. Carnivore. I want to tell you in spirit, and I know Greg will jump in here and take this over. I want to tell you in spirit about this guy. By spirit, I mean like I'm not going to get his numbers exactly correct. But this guy was a MD, PhD, Axel Pfluger. I think he was head of the diabetes clinic at the Mayo Clinic for 16 years. And 15 of those years, they were the number one diabetes hospital in the world in terms of their recovery. And he called Greg and said, hey, can I meet with you? So Greg and I jumped on a plane and went to New York City.
Starting point is 01:03:19 And he basically said, I'm quitting my job. Yeah. Why? He's's like let me let me back you up here just disregard everything i said i knew this would get great but it's important because it's crazy this is a crazy important story he sent it an email and he said that uh he he wanted to meet me and that he had a proposal that I wouldn't be able to refuse. And right at the moment of deletion, I caught that he was a nephrologist. And I was no more interested in the concept, but I was interested in why a nephrologist would turn to hucksterism. Because that was just my assumption, this deal you can't say no to.
Starting point is 01:04:09 But the nephrologist part was intriguing. And so I let him know that I was going to be in D.C. on business and that if he wanted to come up from New York, I'd make the time to sit with him. And what he did when we met with him is he provided pretty compelling evidence. At least he was profoundly convinced that we had an elegant solution to the world's most vexing problem. That was the sum of his message. And communicating that was the thing I couldn't say no to.
Starting point is 01:04:50 And boy, was he fucking right. So this is a guy who's got a PhD in pharmacology, then goes to medical school and becomes a cardiovascular surgeon, is brought to the Mayo Clinic from Germany, where he rises the ranks quickly to lead cardiology there. And he shows up one day at the dean's office and says, I've made a big mistake. I'm not a cardiologist. I want the kidneys. That's the thing, not the heart, the kidneys, the kidneys. And so the dean tells him, all right, we'll let you do a residency in nephrology, but you're going to do concomitantly. At the same time, you're going to do a residency in internal medicine because you're my best cardiologist and you've got a PhD in pharmacology.
Starting point is 01:05:44 Once you've done nephrology, internal you've got a PhD in pharmacology. Once you've done nephrology, internal medicine is a push, and he did. So the guy's board certified in nephrology, cardiology, internal medicine, and a PhD in pharmacology. Wow. He's done in chronic disease at the Mayo Clinic where he says, we don't even know how to metric this shit right, and no one else does either. And this guy was Arab, right? He was an Islam no actually a jew oh wow yeah hey i want to also say this he had never done crossfit a day in his life don't think like this is some guy who he he knew nothing about crossfit
Starting point is 01:06:19 other than what his research he just researched it i was like oh fuck this guy has the cure it was a crazy presentation he had a 45 minute presentation he gave greg on a computer i watched it was nuts put it on a screen presented to greg why crossfit has the cure for the world's most vexing problem and then he's quitting his job yeah in diabetes treatment you have a greater chance of dropping dead than you do getting better now not everyone just drops dead with diabetes it's a small percentage but that but about that many people get better right yeah well everybody i know who's had it has dropped dead only after having legs amputated and living hooked up to a machine in their last days. You had a family member, right?
Starting point is 01:07:10 Two. Two. Close. Yeah. One of them turned to dialysis. The other one turned to prescription drugs. I do the prescription drugs. Oh, Jason Fung is a nephrologist.
Starting point is 01:07:23 I didn't know that. He is. He is. oh jason fung is a nephrologist i didn't know that well he is he is hey i've been in i've been in critical care situations so someone's in the in the icu and there's really nowhere to stand that's how involved it is what isn't equipment is expertise right and the little with the bow tie comes in the room and clears his throat and all debate stops. And it's time for the nephrologist to tell the pulmonologist, the cardiologist, the internal medicine guy, everyone else, what happens next, where we're at. Because without profound cooperation from the kidneys, everything else is going to fail.
Starting point is 01:08:09 the kidneys, everything else is going to fail. And their capacity for orchestration is, I mean, that's the conductor in critical care, in my view, is the nephrologist. And so when I contact Rosen at University of Virginia, I find out not only is he chair of the Department of Nephrology, but he's dean of medicine at the School of Medicine. That makes sense to me. That's who I would put. And they are, they're the, you know, like the orthopedic surgeons, if we're going to stereotype, are big dudes and usually athletes. And the nephrologist is a little guy with a bow tie that was a chemistry nerd.
Starting point is 01:08:45 You know, I hate stereotypes because they're right. Chris Carter, as a kidney transplant patient, my nephrologist asked how I was keeping weight off and my blood pressure so low. I told him I was doing CrossFit. He seemed shocked. Nephrologists are medical professional are medical professionals who diagnose treat and manage acute and chronic disease problems and diseases chronic kidney problems and diseases they also treat associated issues like high blood pressure fluid retention and electrolyte and mineral imbalances hey uh ufi ravinskov is a nephrologist and he's one of my superheroes he's that's the statin guy no well you know he's the the cholesterol framing ham he spoke he spoke truth to the realities of cholesterol
Starting point is 01:09:33 very very early and i've never seen him criticized refuted challenged or discussed by the bad guys he's one of those people i said like william f buckley your best approach would be to shut the fuck up it's like victor davis hansen's critics where are they like there's you know i got my my liberal friend in s Santa Cruz. There's no way he's going to sit through Victor Davis. Anything ain't going to happen. I don't even think he doesn't even come across as a conservative in the videos that I've seen. He just, just as a logical dude.
Starting point is 01:10:15 Here are his explanations for Kamala and Gavin. Oh yeah. The one on Gavin's amazing. Yeah. He makes a case for Trump. Well, the whole thing about not showing weakness, man, and taking this high road with
Starting point is 01:10:41 morality and then people getting killed because you're fucking... It's the same thing with minor attracted persons you're gonna you you are going to accept everyone and love everyone even the people who find it okay to rape and molest children this is uh this is insanity look what's being done to women's sports. Right. Fucking bizarre, dude. I send that shit to all my liberal friends. I can't believe they don't fucking – they say it's isolated incidents, Greg. By the way, I did hear that there is a – I heard there's a master's athlete now, a man who's now competing in the women's in the 40 to 44. I haven't verified it, but I heard that last night, and someone sent me pictures.
Starting point is 01:11:24 I can't wait until that comes to a head and CrossFit. Cause I'll take a strong stand on that one. That'll be fun. God, I was thinking of a certain games athlete that, that I'm not even going to go there. I was going to say something inappropriate about figure skating. Please don't forget.
Starting point is 01:11:55 Hey, Kristen Keller, did Greg listen to Tucker on Rogan? No, he didn't. I haven't asked him, but I know he didn't. Thoughts on aliens actually being angels? Listen, naming is the origin of all particular things. And by the way, the foremost expert on aliens and angels was on this show. Go back and watch the show.
Starting point is 01:12:10 That show still gets- And that show is so hugely popular. Yeah, it's probably our most popular show in terms of constant dribble to it. He wrote- What's the idea? That aliens are angels? Yeah, it's just like naming shit. If you like them, they're angels. If you don't like them, they're aliens. Yeah yes it's just like naming like yeah if you like
Starting point is 01:12:26 them they're angels if you don't like them they're aliens yeah it's just the same you know what it means like they like that's like saying did you know that um uh irish people are really german it's like like you can use any word to name anything or the jews are leaving columbia i that makes me laugh or the Jews are leaving Columbia. I, that makes me laugh. Yeah. And you can call in doodle doodle, Bob.
Starting point is 01:12:53 Yeah. I'm always accepting calls. We're always accepting calls. He's got another number of my heart. I'm not accepting of everyone. Well, kind of some people, I'm accepting.
Starting point is 01:13:04 Some people have to be handcuffed in my presence. I don't even know where the phone number is anymore. How can your phone work so well? How come when I forward my phone to your show, it works so well, but on my show, it doesn't work. I haven't heard the breakup at all. And so I'd asked to have a cat5 line brought in yeah because sometimes you have a you know real high throughput rate but some with some latencies or intermittency um it's
Starting point is 01:13:34 like that microwave link we had in Santa Cruz blistering fast but it broke up a lot but it didn't matter for downloading movies or media right because. I had a, I had a cat five cable installed and I'm sitting here. I could hold it up if I needed to, but my favorite computer doesn't have a cat five. Oh, so I need a, I need a cat five to, uh, uh, adapter from USB-C to cat five. Yeah. I'm sure such a thing exists, right?
Starting point is 01:14:04 Yes. Yes. Yes. I have like, I have a thing exists, right? Yes, yes, yes. I have a bunch of them. I have one in every bag. I'll send you one. Okay. And of course, it's a... But I didn't need it. So maybe just the installation of the cable into the...
Starting point is 01:14:15 Just near your computer? Yeah, here it is. It's in the room. And so now we have a clear connection. The threat of it being plugged in? It's probably like a six cents six cent piece of plastic that apple charges 49.99 for yeah it's like i even have one for into a phone right here look at that you can hook an we were susan and i have been running tests of hooking hdmi cables
Starting point is 01:14:39 up to the new iphone so you can just use them to stream perfect footage if you have enough light. We ran some tests the other day. Uh-oh. I don't like the sound of this one. Emily, hi. Seven, I went to a nine-year-old's birthday party and all but two of the kids had phones while texting, calling, internet access. I was shocked.
Starting point is 01:14:58 Holy shit. Not only do my kids, I don't want them having iPhones. I don't want them to have friends that have iPhones. Right, right. Hey, that's where my kids learn all their shit from other kids, the crazy shit. I'm like, how'd you learn that? They're like, so-and-so told me.
Starting point is 01:15:17 I go, you've been swimming in the ocean with them. He's like, yeah, he told me while we were out there swimming. The idea of aliens as angels would resolve the problem of real beings that are not constrained by physics unless they come from uranus those are the worst kinds of those not constrained by physics my daughter caitlin said she now she didn't have she didn't fear ghosts and i asked her why she says well they can't hurt you i go how do you know that she says they walk right to the wall yeah right i mean that makes perfect sense yeah i remember having that thought as a kid if he hits you he misses every time right
Starting point is 01:15:58 right they can't even deny it for anything can't push me nothing. And what she's describing is her grandfather's understanding of the contradiction between religion and science in that there was none. There was no contradiction? That's right. And that's what allows someone to be an out of your mind Muslim and still make a bomb, a hydrogen bomb. You can believe all kinds of stupid shit and understand physics well enough to make a nuke. You can think you need to make a nuke to make this shit in your holy book come true.
Starting point is 01:16:50 My wife just sent me a text correcting me on something. Oh, that's always fun. Yeah, I get those. I'll show you how to block that. But she sent it with a smiling emoji so of course so it's nice it's not what you said it's how you said it
Starting point is 01:17:11 yeah let me see if I'm gonna get unfucked here in a second hey so you're coming to town yeah I don't mean to tell your private life but actually I don't care can tell your private life, but actually, I don't care. Can we talk about chickens for a second? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:17:31 How close are you? Because I'm so interested. So tell me about what you're doing with chickens in Santa Cruz. Well, I got as a wedding present a pair of fucking goats. Yeah, that was horrible. That made me not like that person, even though I like that person who bought you goats. I was like, why the fuck would you do that? Is that what rich people do to each other?
Starting point is 01:17:54 They fuck each other with goats? Yeah. You know, you get her. An elephant. Oh, you want to buy me two goats? Here, here's a baby elephant. Here's a pack of llama. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:18:09 Okay, so you got two goats. We got two goats. And when we weren't there often, the goats, and the goats, they need attention. And I'm not talking about their pen cleaned and fed.
Starting point is 01:18:20 They need companionship. Yeah, you would let them out and they would play in the yard and shit. I remember that. It was cool. They'd hang out with my Borble. Yeah, they were cool. The three, you would let them out and they would play in the yard and shit. I remember that. It was cool. They'd hang out with my Borble. Yeah, they were cool. The three of them would just chill.
Starting point is 01:18:30 He was like, she was just a giant goat. It's funny. They would rear up on their rear legs and blast into her at almost 200 pounds with impunity. But they'd raise up, just kind of shift into their, like their feet about to come up and look at rip.
Starting point is 01:18:48 And then, ah, not that one. And he'd look at him like, were you about to jump on me? Like my 30 pound Labradoodle would take down a 45 pound goat. The speed of fucking life. And like hump it,
Starting point is 01:19:03 take it down or like attack it bite it the goat would the goats running this these this oval and figure eight is fat fashion you never think a goat could go and and the 30 pound dogs right behind and then all of a sudden the dog kicks on the afterburner and they're both tumbling and as it comes to a stop the goat's neck is in the dog's mouth and the goat's eyes are like i'm fucked he's got x's on his eyes he's giving up there's no i'm fucking dead right maggie gets to the to the assemblage of dog and goat before i do and starts pulling hair from the dog's face to get them to let go. And the goat from that moment on is like, didn't look at Rip.
Starting point is 01:19:52 Knew better. Yeah. Because he's like, he was going to eat the goat. 35-pound dog was going to eat a 45-pound goat. And just so you guys know, Greg had a 200-pound boar like it was it was it was the most incredible dog ever she'd sit out on the lawn with her feet crossed in front and watch rabbits graze three feet from her just trip on and when we'd leave she'd go post up with the goats and just hang out love the cats and my cats would do nothing but just make her nose bleed. It was the most incredible dog.
Starting point is 01:20:25 And she would wag so hard, and she was getting her nose dissected by a cat. I can't believe you haven't got another one, to be honest with you. That was such a good—I mean, mine's great. The one you helped me get is incredible. It's the best dog I ever had. Terrifying. Terrifies people. Terrifying.
Starting point is 01:20:43 Yeah. Seve's pet. You got one hand on your dick and the other hand you're kind of just letting out there letting it smell dude it's incredible what a what an amazing animal oh my gosh i'm not just saying that either people if you if you if you can you have to spend time with the dog or else it will fucking take over your shit. But what an incredible dog. Okay, sorry. So chickens. So the goats are gone. You gave the goats away, right?
Starting point is 01:21:12 Yes. Yeah, gave the goats away to Mara, Ken. And we're going to convert the slab and goat pavilion into a chicken pavilion. And are you going to get them? I'm assuming you're just going to go to the store and get like 20 babies? Yeah, I mean, I think the thing is get the structure built and then we'll talk about, you know, residents.
Starting point is 01:21:40 When, how many, all that. But none of that makes sense until it's ready, right? Have you seen the variety, I'm sure you have, of chickens that are out there? There are some fucking wild-looking chickens. It's crazy. In North 40 in Coeur d'Alene sells a tremendous variety of chickens. I have a feeling you're going to get some weird ones. God, there are some that are just incredible yeah they're
Starting point is 01:22:09 beautiful yeah it's it's i can't even believe the variety that they come in and then so you'll have eggs there and you won't be there so i'll have to go up and eat the egg if i can find if i can find something that'll come and and work that yeah we'd set that up. Yeah, I'll manage your eggs and manage your cocks. Are you going to have any boys? Do you have boys? I think you have to. You have to have one? I don't know.
Starting point is 01:22:34 I don't know shit about chickens. You know the story about the Coolidge effect? I have the geese too, you know, so I'm going to let Kara know that we're coming up and I'll have Rhett with me. Do you know about the Coolidge effect? I've heard of this. Tell me. Refresh me. Calvin Coolidge,
Starting point is 01:22:56 the president. So he was visiting some like 50,000 acre government farm and he went there with the First Lady, Mrs. Coolidge, and they were taking a tour of the farm and they separated ways and so they took a...
Starting point is 01:23:10 Sorry, okay. I'm going to grab another beverage. Keep talking. So they they show, they take Mrs. Coolidge, the First Lady, into where their prize rooster is.
Starting point is 01:23:27 And they said, Mrs. Coolidge, this is our prize rooster. And she said, oh, how many times a day does he have sex or something like that? And they said, you know, 300 times a day. And she said, oh, make sure you show this to Mr. Coolidge. So the president comes in, you know, later when he's on his section of the tour. And Mr. Coolidge, Mr. President, Mrs. Coolidge wanted us, the first lady wanted us to show you our prize rooster. He has sex 300 times a day.
Starting point is 01:24:00 The president looks at the rooster, looks at the guy. He's like, with the same chicken? They said, no, sir, with 300 different chickens. He's like, all right, make sure you let Mrs. Coolidge know that. And became this phenomenon that there's been studies around it where the refractory period of primates goes away. Like you could be like, well, the refractory period of a penis after it ejaculates is like 18 minutes. But if you bring in new females, there is the refractory period of a penis after it ejaculates is like 18 minutes. But if you bring in new females, there is no refractory period. And so they, and the studies have shown that like, you can have a monkey and it can have sex with a female and there's not enough females you could
Starting point is 01:24:33 bring in and the penis will just continuously get hard as long as you bring in new females. And then it became the Coolidge effect. No, no one, no one's ever tested that to its extreme from any of the studies that I've looked at you're in the nephrologist i'm into the cool for different science someone someone with with uh with students parents tuition money introduced a vending machine that dispensed raisins and a currency, some token that you put in the vending machine and left that with primates, put a thick coin in and out came some raisins. And then you toss the coins into the monkey pavilion. And in surprisingly little time, there becomes becomes an exchange for for tokens for raisins
Starting point is 01:25:28 no yeah yeah there it is oh my god the chicks have the tokens and the guys are on a little bit of a diet right but the the puss's flowing wow monkey pussy I think we can talk about that capitalism yeah there it is crazy Daniel Wynn Daniel's full of one liners today foul play well done today, Daniel.
Starting point is 01:26:10 You know, I've never listened to Joe Rogan. Maybe not any other podcast either. You've seen clips though, right? Like you could pick him out of a crowd. Could you tell the difference between him and Dana White, you think? No. Yeah. I used to have trouble with that when I first started. Yeah, that makes sense. That one lady that interviewed Dana White, you think? No. Yeah. I used to have trouble with that when I first started.
Starting point is 01:26:25 I get that. Yeah, that makes sense. That one lady that I interviewed, Dana White, recently. Dana, I don't have recollection of Dana speaking disparagingly of me. And Joe's. Oh. Joe has. Right, right, right, right.
Starting point is 01:26:41 A little disappointing. right right right a little disappointing like he let he he uh let frazier get away with all the money he's made me right oh god get into that oh morons a pair of idiots interviewing an idiot right that was disappointing if it wasn't for lebron there'd be no nba That was disappointing. If it wasn't for LeBron, there'd be no NBA. Thank God. That's true. Thank God.
Starting point is 01:27:10 That's closer to true. Thank God for Steph Curry. Yeah. King James does more for the NBA than Frazier did for CrossFit. Did you see the greatest female basketball player who's ever walked planet Earth has now signed with the NBA? I think like her five-year con she got like a five-year contract and she doesn't get paid more than a hundred thousand dollars any of the years yeah for asia needs to dust his slippers off and compete as a woman i do i would feel he could be big i can't agree i agree that would be amazing i would so support that I'll give him $100,000
Starting point is 01:27:47 if he does it he's a sponsor he can wear the big broken science thing that's fucking amazing hey dude you should start with there's probably some Canadian athletes who take you on
Starting point is 01:28:04 if the mothership gets in his way I know the lawyer to use Hey, dude, you should start with, and you should start with, there's probably some Canadian athletes who take you. And you know what? And when the, if the mothership gets in his way, I know the lawyer to use. Yeah. Perfect. They're waiting. Everyone's ready. Yeah. The money's on the table map, right?
Starting point is 01:28:18 And I think you should open it up to anyone. He made me all that money and I wouldn't even introduce myself to him when he was in my house or something oh man tis tis imagine not knowing you're not part of the business holy shit uh the more you're the fucking goldfish in the tank at the thai restaurant thinking you're responsible for everyone being there. Oh, shit. Because they come by and look at you for a while. Yeah, yeah. Oh, my God. Because you do that trick. You do the trick.
Starting point is 01:28:50 Yeah, you keep the tap. Everyone that comes in taps on the glass. Oh, shit. As long as we're here tapping on the glass, let's get some fucking Tom Caca. Oh, shit. That's hilarious. Imagine that, though.
Starting point is 01:29:07 I mean, I put myself in everything. I was just like, it's amazing. And Joe Rogan, yep, that's a hell of a fish. Look at all the fucking people at the Thai restaurant. It's disappointing with Joe because you would have thought that he would have known better. So that just almost seemed like a purposeful dig. At least I may, or maybe I give him too much credit.
Starting point is 01:29:28 He took a long, he was not that three, four years ago. He's not the Joe Rogan. He was today. He, he, he has really come out of his shell.
Starting point is 01:29:37 There was some significant cowardice. I mean, watching him fumble around COVID was pretty wild. It was pretty fucking wild. I greatly admire and respect his success. Me too. I think it's really cool. And I see him as self-made.
Starting point is 01:29:55 Me too. Mm-hmm. He's also, like my favorite political candidate, Bobby Kennedy, he's also has demonstrated the capacity for growth. Intellectual growth. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:30:14 And I think he's fighting the good fight now. And I loved how he survived the whole cancellation thing. I wish he wouldn't have apologized. But yeah, he's fucking amazing. He's fucking amazing there's uh he's he's fucking amazing someone's i think someone just in the comments said i look i look like this guy this is another thing here um if i hadn't found crossfit this is probably what i'd look like in the name of democracy uh bobby kennedy can't be given secret service protection. And in the name of democracy, you can't let his name on the ballot. You know why?
Starting point is 01:30:47 People will vote for him. And that will fuck up the democracy. We need to keep Trump and RFK Jr.'s names off the ballot to protect democracy. Otherwise, the democracy guy
Starting point is 01:31:03 won't get elected. The reduction of your choice choices to protect your choices. Yes. Like the Jewish professor banned from campus for his own good. Hey, why do you think Joe completely misses the envelope with CrossFit? Everything on paper would seem like he would endorse it like crazy, and it would be perfect for him. Any speculation on why he just completely misses the boat on it?
Starting point is 01:31:33 Because his training and area of expertise involves grown men kicking each other in the face. And that's not the best place to learn anything about anything except kicking people in the face. And that's not the best place to learn anything about anything except kicking people in the face. Talk about the school of hard knocks, man, that's it. How many chicken fights do you have to go to before you understand
Starting point is 01:31:56 physics? Yeah, I don't know if you ever would, huh? I think you could after a while. That bird's too heavy to fight. But Greg, every high-end UFC fighter or jiu-jitsu practitioner, they all do some CrossFit. Holly Holm was using rings.
Starting point is 01:32:21 The moment of arrival for me was when people were talking shit on CrossFit, standing there in a gym where I see Concept 2 rowers, rings, Olympic weights. Dynamax wall balls. Wall ball targets. And I'm a douchebag. I don't know what I'm talking about. Fine. Show me what you do with that shit in the background. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 01:32:52 Similar to when I found out that at the NSCA headquarters, they had a leaderboard on the, on the, a girl named workouts. Oh my God. CrossFit's dangerous. CrossFit's dangerous. CrossFit's stupid. CrossFit's not science, but it's what we do. No one has challenged for a moment anywhere that I'm aware of constantly varied high-intensity functional movement increases
Starting point is 01:33:24 work capacity across broad time and modal domains. I've not had it suggested that there's no substance there. I rarely am asked to have it explained. Eyes gloss over when you start producing a work curve and explain that the area under the curve is the work capacity. Graphing power, that is,
Starting point is 01:33:52 and integrating, looking at it. Greg, if Joe reached out to you, would you go on his podcast? Yeah. Yeah, I don't... I've always been willing to talk to anybody. I'm not... Right, right. You know, I've not I was even stupid enough to talk
Starting point is 01:34:07 with the New York Times but she still understands if they just listen this was the beauty of Emily Kaplan she made the New York Times listen my ex sniffed out what i was what the what the negotiating figure was on the company found some backers put in an offer to quarter that and then ran to the new york times and said everything that's being said about him is true and I can testify to it. Who said that?
Starting point is 01:34:46 My ex. Oh, oh, oh. Got a pilot to publicly state a bunch of bullshit too. It was interesting. It was like, you know, they're working together. How do you know? I go, they have the same story to tell and it's patently absolutely false completely false if three people tomorrow morning say you've been raping little boys all over town
Starting point is 01:35:19 i can i can and and you know it's not true. That means they talked. Three, two, one, go big fat lie. That's, that's what looks like. I'm trying not to say anything negative about you. I know, I know. And there was a third person and they're all well known. All three are known to the community. There is no lie they will not tell if they think they see a pot of gold at the end
Starting point is 01:35:56 of the lying fucking rainbow. Christian Keller, if Savant looked like Emily, this podcast would finally take off. Understood. uh christian keller if savon looked like emily this podcast would finally take off understood she's she's great i just recently pointed her at something that i just it's like you know dogs that are like insane on the frisbee yeah they just see one and it's like, you know dogs that are like insane on the Frisbee? Yeah. They just see one and it's like, they lose their minds.
Starting point is 01:36:32 Yeah. She's that way on a good story. I know exactly what story you're talking about. And it's like, hey, check this repugnant shit out. And next thing you know, know man she's on the phone talking to people that i wouldn't i wouldn't have thought you'd ever like i can't imagine picking up the phone and digging that hard hey you think they'll take your call we already talked
Starting point is 01:37:05 i wonder if um uh when when joe rogan had that someone took like any time he had said any racial slurs and put them in together in a video and then it was shown and then all these people chimed in and one of the one of the people that chimed in was Jocko Willink. And he basically, the way he chimed in, he's like, Joe's a good guy, but he's got a drinking problem and a drug problem. And I'm concerned about the mushrooms he takes or something like that. And I remember thinking, God, I wouldn't want any friends like that. Like, hey, either don't say anything or be like, fuck you. I like what Israel Adesanya said. Joe can say whatever he wants.
Starting point is 01:37:44 Fuck you. He's my boy. And, um, but I wonder if Joe's going to weigh in on the Jocko willing thing. Cause, cause I've seen a bunch, I know, I know that they're friends. Like I see them, I've seen videos of them outside of the workspace, like, you know, shooting bows and arrows and shit like that. Um, I wonder if he's going to weigh in on that give his two cents i'd be very i'm very very curious i mean i'm sure it's come across joe's table all the drama going on around jocko and characterize that for me be careful i don't know well what's funny is i brought myself undue harm and more importantly, you know, I'm not... Like, I'm not here to say that
Starting point is 01:38:27 P. Diddy has done anything wrong. I don't... Well, here's the thing. I bring up P. Diddy's name, and no one defends him. You bring up Jocko's name, and everyone's like, hey, if you don't know the facts, you shouldn't be talking about it. And it's
Starting point is 01:38:43 like, hey, I kind of get that. I don't want to drag someone's name know the facts, you shouldn't be talking about it. And it's like, hey, I kind of get that. I don't want to drag someone's name through the mud. But it is a story that I've heard at least three times a fucking ten times a year since I've been with CrossFit that Chris Kyle's a suspect. I mean, I've heard it from 20 different people. And so then when I found out that Jocko was Chris Kyle's commander, things got a little weird, but I haven't listened to Jock.
Starting point is 01:39:10 I guess Jocko addressed it, but more importantly, I'm just curious what Joe would say about it. I'm curious, like, Hey, is he going to stand up for his buddy? Or,
Starting point is 01:39:16 or if he does stand up for his buddy, how does it, maybe he doesn't stand up for his buddy or, or I, I'm just curious. I'm just curious. And fuck, I don't want to go to,
Starting point is 01:39:24 I'm not interested in fucking being involved anywhere where there's killing people so fucking like I don't mean to judge Jocko like in that way like hey if you if you if I'm sitting on a rooftop and my job is to kill people
Starting point is 01:39:40 and I kill the wrong person I want forgiveness like oops you know what I mean like I fucked up things in my job before. There just happens to be some people's lives on the line when you're in the military, right? I had the guy in... Let's wait. Let's wait. Hey, let me just...
Starting point is 01:40:01 But I do want to hear Joe's take on it. I do want to hear Joe's take on it. Yeah. Hey, let me just... But I do want to hear Joe's take on it. I do want to hear Joe's take on it. Let me share this with you. Yeah, yeah. This current story you're referring to. Yeah. Oh, you know why it's going to voicemail, the call? Sorry, it's because I have it forwarding to Sousa's phone.
Starting point is 01:40:20 Sorry, go ahead, Greg. Or don't. There's really nothing new about this story. Right. It just surfaced. As a contractor, had the head of NSW insist I get involved in what you would call this controversy, insist that I do so, and I refused to. And as he promised me, it cost me my gig. This exact controversy. This exact issue. Yeah, and this is 10 years ago. Longer?
Starting point is 01:41:13 Yeah. Oh, wow. Well, I appreciate you saying that, because some people were concerned about how I was talking about it on some other shows, and I was like, I didn't want to say like, hey, I've heard this story. I know some stories. I've heard nothing new in any of this.
Starting point is 01:41:31 Right. Fair. Okay. No new facts. No new facts. Yeah. And you knew of the stories 10 years ago from, from,
Starting point is 01:41:37 from, from, I had, I had, I had both sides. Explain it to me. Right. Both sides.
Starting point is 01:41:48 Uh-huh. Yep. Caller, hi. Hi. I called a couple weeks ago with Greg on about my overweight niece. I remember. Yes. Okay.
Starting point is 01:42:03 So I do have an update. That's why I wanted to call back in. Super cool. Um, so, well, it's on a good track. And,
Starting point is 01:42:12 um, there was basically her mom had a huge, like horrible health scare. Like we thought we were going to lose her. And, um, it resulted in my mom. And it was kind of like, I don't know.
Starting point is 01:42:27 My mom's not religious. I'm not super religious. But it was kind of one of those weird things. She hadn't responded to one of my mom's texts. And my mom just had a gut feeling something was wrong. And she had called all the people living in her house. And she has like six people that live in the same house as her. And none of them would check on her.
Starting point is 01:42:51 She was like, can you check her bedroom? Can you check her bedroom? And nobody would check on her. And then she finally got someone to. And she was just completely unconscious. She had a heart attack. And she's not even 30. And they took her to the hospital.
Starting point is 01:43:07 Sorry, this is your sister or your aunt? This is, well, she's kind of, she's my cousin, but she was like raised with me. So my mom, like, yeah. Okay. So she, really bad. And then my mom and my mom's sister, my aunt, took her in, and they said, we need to have a plan because you're not even 30, and you have a kid. Like, this can't happen to you.
Starting point is 01:43:31 And their part of the deal was my mom and my, her, this is bad, but this is honestly her only way, but for her, they were going to get her on Ozempic to just, because she's just not going to lose any weight anytime soon with what she's doing. And we don't trust her to do it on her own. And so that's her step. But for her daughter, which is the real concern, um, we, my, my aunt signed her up for soccer and she had her first game. um after two months of soccer she's going to do gymnastics um which was my she likes soccer she going out there being humiliated she loves it she oh she loves it awesome and there's so many videos of her just running around and she's having a great time and um my mom says that they're also going to support her money-wise. So they said that they're going to give her, I think, 50 pounds for every 10 pounds of weight loss, $50 for every 10 pounds of weight loss that she has. And then for her daughter, but that's only on the continuation that her daughter is in sports.
Starting point is 01:44:38 And I'm the one that recommended gymnastics, and this sounds bad, but I did dance growing up as like a supplementation for my sports and without even anyone bullying me or anything you look at people in tiny little outfits and you think why don't I look like that and so um I think that that will hopefully like subconsciously motivate her of like um fitness and health and you want to look like your peers like you just want to and um i know gymnastics has tiny little girls so that was my idea there but she's currently in soccer and she's going to do gymnastics next are you walking upstairs yeah sorry oh no it's okay congratulations but it doesn't sound like we had any positive impact here which means you're not likely to call my mom for me and tell her she is a mean bitch when you said you were gonna i think i was gonna do like like you said an intervention but then
Starting point is 01:45:46 the intervention kind of just happened on its own with our health care um hey what's her job can you tell me what her job is he's a nurse uh like yeah and what state is this they're from california um orange county yeah man um she she needs to be walking like fucking 10 miles a day where there's not a fridge where there's not a refrigerator i mean that's the whole thing about why walking so fucking great because you can't really be eating while you can, but you know what I mean? I mean, I just think like going on long walks, part of the blessing of it is you're not in your fucking house near the refrigerator fucking making trips to fucking drinking Cokes
Starting point is 01:46:37 and fucking eating handfuls of fucking pistachios. Well, her biggest issue is she spends all her money door dashing food to work. Wow. She doesn't even buy groceries. She only eats out. She should get the cocaine. And she can still delete the app.
Starting point is 01:46:56 We could tell her that, but she just says, oh, I can't make food on my own to bring to work. I can't do it. I got bad news for you what's that doesn't sound like it's scared or enough um i mean that was what i told my mom she was scared at first and it was like i'm gonna change my whole life and i was just like yeah i mean we'll see it was that way you know a couple times with a couple different into this one was the worst but she's had a lot of instances where she's like i'm going to change my life i'm going to get back on track and it just doesn't happen it lasts for like a week and then yeah but the biggest thing for me was not letting her daughter
Starting point is 01:47:41 fall into that yeah sorry go ahead greg. There's an unexplored angle here. It gets to my eating with the hands versus a fork versus chopsticks. Right. Versus two hands. Yeah. No one's 800 pounds with chopsticks. Right. Right.
Starting point is 01:47:58 Oh. It's almost impossible with a fork. Oh. Mm-hmm. The bigger you are, the more likely likely is you're doing it with your hands the fork's an impediment to the intake and so maybe we give people like don't touch your food you have to use the fork and then after a certain amount of time on the fork you go to the fucking chopsticks
Starting point is 01:48:18 wow hey i chopsticks spearing the food isn't isn't cool that's not copacetic i'll never forget when you told me you can't be over 400 pounds unless you eat with both hands and i was like wow that's fucking amazing that is wild yeah i was just thinking about that when you're doing the fork chopstick hand analogy yeah you're right majority of the bad food is just gonna come like you're eating a hamburger while you're reaching for the fries. That's right. Or you have a shake in one hand and the burger in the other. You don't even set the shake down.
Starting point is 01:48:53 Yes. You have to learn that you're multitasking. There's a stuffing hand and a hand in acquisition mode. Yeah. And you're taking turns. It's a shift work it's highly coordinated my only thing with her on that is that i don't even know if like at least door dash gives her portions on what she orders you know because she can only eat what she ordered when she lived with so right after the heart attack she stayed with my mom at her house for a week. And my mom was saying it was just like she was just eating all day. And how much does she weigh? She's only like five one.
Starting point is 01:49:39 I think that's important to know. And she weighs like almost 400 pounds now. Oh, this is yeah so she's she's got a girth in excess of height yeah her circumference it's like you showed her out wow yeah and my mom just said that it was just like they would go eat at you know some like my mom would make dinner and they would just can i have a granola bar can i have a granola and they would just be eating everything in the fridge all day and um another thing that's and so my mom was like it's not even like if she buys groceries i feel like she would just eat them all in a day like it's that that you know that doesn't even help her there and then the environment uh because at least my mom i heard my mom on the phone sometimes like stop eating like she was literally yelling at them and um but dude
Starting point is 01:50:26 you convinced me that maybe she should be on ozempic yeah that's why my mom said that it's just like there's nothing you can do there when you said you did something harsh i pictured you like tying her to the rear bumper of a car and like putting it in drive and like walking around the neighborhood that's what i thought it was more for sure to walk if you make this on the on the m&m dropping drone uh no but but i'd like to dollar bill dropping drone and m&ms yeah my god hey you know what's crazy i i think that um that there's a significant amount of the population that's in the same situation your aunt is yeah yeah it's a significant amount of the population that's in the same situation. Your aunt is. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:51:07 It's like significant. For caring and for knowing what what's wrong and for struggling to, to find the right inputs. I admire you for that. And yeah, I mean, what sounds like some victory here, some success and get ready to adopt a child. Yeah. Well, thank you, guys. And hopefully the next time I call the update will be even better.
Starting point is 01:51:36 Hopefully more progress. Yeah. And good advice from us on how to interact with your family. Good direction. Advice from us on how to interact with your family. We're all too willing to experiment with something that actually matters only to you, you know? Yeah, go ahead. Have an intervention. I'll listen in. Tell her this.
Starting point is 01:52:04 If it wasn't for the heart attack, that would be what was needed. So it was good advice in a sense yeah all right thank you so much thank you guys have a great workout today bye bye uh all right so so i'm gonna see you in a couple days yeah saturday or friday today what's this wednesday wednesday probably more like friday-ish i've gotta i've gotta get around and do a few things and uh i need to be in uh of course in santa cruz on the 9th and then i got that gig in la on this on the 7th my buddy with the pringle can is coming on Friday with his kids. So if he's around, I'll bring him over and the kids over.
Starting point is 01:52:49 We can all hang out. That sounds cool. We call him Big Dick Chad, but I just. Okay. Got the Pringle can thing. And I love how you just took it home right there. All right. Thanks, Greg.
Starting point is 01:53:10 Hey, I'm going to show you something. Please. Diagramming the scriptures. That's like diagramming the Bible? Yeah. All of the examples are King James examples. Really? I was just joking.
Starting point is 01:53:24 Serious? And the insight and understanding that a passage from the Bible, what's being said is profoundly enhanced by staring at a diagram, especially in complex artistic sentence structure. You could possibly miss the meaning. Possibly. Not seeing a diagram, that's impossible.
Starting point is 01:53:59 Gosh, my hair looking good today. Someone making fun of your hair. Name Greg Glassman. That's kind of weird. I can't find my hat. You can't find your comb? You don't even own a comb or a brush, huh? Yeah, I got
Starting point is 01:54:13 a hairbrush. Oh, please. Have you ever used it? Yeah, that's nice. What does that say? Boeing 747? Kennedy for Common Sense 2024. Seve, what are Greg's top four smells? If you're asking, you know, when you say that,
Starting point is 01:54:29 what's interesting is I've been with Greg intimately for 15 years, and I've never smelled you. Now, he's told me my hair smells like cat piss. I'm sure he's told me I need to take a shower before. I've been uh i've been uh i've been uh i should have gone to hr many times if uh for how it tells me i smell but i've never smelled greg ever he doesn't smell like anything he doesn't and i and i have in crazy smelling
Starting point is 01:55:02 capabilities yeah i've never smelled like even detergent on you. I've never smelled your breath. I can't do the fabric softener or the dryer sheets. I've never smelled anything good or bad on you. You might be a ghost. Ask Caitlin if ghosts smell. That's probably all they got. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:55:27 That's all they're capable of. Someone knows what the moon smells like from Earth. Yeah, I mean, I'm just pointing. No, that's Maggie. Oh, because she's pregnant. They know all that shit when they're pregnant. One of my kids farts, and she'll call them out by name. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:55:44 Oh, yeah, yeah yeah she knows the different farts oh yeah amazing yeah i got the dog shit in here she's that's reason i'm like what the fuck she's like i'm like how do you know she goes i'm smelling it wow that's impressive It's a skill I don't want. Do I smell or throw better? It's a tie. Oh, that's great. All right, Greg. Sebi can throw. I know.
Starting point is 01:56:13 I've told them about my throwing capabilities, and I've made a few videos. Hey, you can't throw a frisbee without being easy to teach how to throw a punch or row or throw someone in jujitsu too these things all have more in common than than than the practitioners realize what's up dude how are you hey what's going on how you guys doing awesome good to hear from you hey so i talked to you i don't know a couple months ago home i said how about how i learned crossfit in prison like for men's health and watching like espn i was talking to a friend who's now in the colorado system he got transferred out there he was telling me he's on a low security unit and two guys who
Starting point is 01:57:05 teach the crossfit classes on a regular basis they're actually lifers they've been on the show in colorado from colorado yeah from prison those guys came on the show when i first started this podcast it was a crazy podcast i started crying it was so sad yeah they've been on the show i'd love to have those guys back on again it was a wild show oh sir you know about but i thought that was insane it's like my my friend who's been in for 30 years uh we were in um another penitentiary together he's now doing crossfit three times a week and i'm like how do these guys who are never going home getting their ones i think it's awesome but I'm like baffled. I mean, I couldn't come up with $100 when I was in.
Starting point is 01:57:49 Hey, and let me say something positive about Matt Fraser. Matt Fraser works with these guys too. Matt's reached out to these guys and done a lot for these guys. I know we were kind of pooping on Matt earlier. You should have told me that sooner. Now I have a thing. Now I have told me that sooner. Now I have a thing. Now I have a Matt Frazier thing. But when I had, yeah, these guys, Matt, these guys were doing life in prison and they're
Starting point is 01:58:14 going from penitentiary. Yeah, they got switched. That was part of their story too. Some unheard of thing happened because they were teaching CrossFit to people. They got to switch prisons and teach it to other people. You know, some people will say that they're a girl when they're really a dude to switch prisons and get some pussy these guys picked up crossfit to switch prisons it's pretty cool yeah the hard road yeah i just thought that was awesome but i was curious can you give me like how did these guys get their l1s though
Starting point is 01:58:40 uh probably greg sent a trip maybe greg said probably i wouldn't be surprised if greg sent a trainer in there and uh and a bunch of people got no one for free i remember greg uh and hayley used to have some uh prison companion shit going on i don't remember the details of it it's been a lot of interaction with the inmate community yeah almost all pretty cool wonderfully uh touching impressive oh look at jake chapman matt uh uh one matt paid money to stay in the night uh to stay the night in the cell with them that's not true oh my goodness that's rough i know for myself like It helps with everything
Starting point is 01:59:27 In there when you can exhaust yourself Physically it just makes you that much Stronger mentally while you're in there And make like it doesn't make the Years fly but it makes the years much Better because it makes you want to concentrate On what's really important My friend
Starting point is 01:59:42 Was framed by for a For a for a murder. And my friend Mike was a witness to the framing as a cop and committed 30-something years of his life to getting my friend Craig, who was framed out of jail and pulled it off after 30 years. Cost him a marriage, cost him a job, cost him a career. Holy shit. And it's the most heroic thing I've ever seen a man in uniform do, a first responder. It makes running into a burning building
Starting point is 02:00:22 or stepping in front of a bullet look like the kids play like an, like an impulse. Cause what Mike got up every morning for 30 something years saying, I have to get this motherfucker out of jail. He didn't do it. And I know it. And he finally, 37 years Craig sat convicted of a, of a double double homicide of which he had nothing to do. And listen, it's not like one of these guys like, well, if it wasn't that, it would have been something else. He didn't even have any traffic offenses.
Starting point is 02:00:56 He'd served in Vietnam and he'd worked at Denny's and that was it. And the fucking guy did 37 years for a double homicide. And by the way, the two guys are best friends. And Mike was always like, what are you doing this weekend, Mike? I'm gonna go see Craig. Like, really? You know, what are you gonna do this weekend? I'm gonna go see Craig's mom. Craig's mom died. Craig's dad died. I'm going to the funeral. And Craig's out now, and he's on a home buying spree, because he's filthy rich. Because guess what? He got framed for a double homicide. And nobody in LA County, Ventura County, or the state of California gave a flying fuck about it until Mike made him care.
Starting point is 02:01:46 And all it took, he said, at the point you go, okay, what do you got? It took 90 minutes. Oh my God, he's been framed. He's been fucking framed. Same story, same narrative, no new evidence. It's always been there. Wow.
Starting point is 02:01:58 And he sat in jail for 30 years unnecessarily. Yeah, and the cop that framed him has a huge congregation. He's a man of the cloth now. And he's got a huge congregation in San Fernando Valley. Tonya's saying it's episode 74. So that's fucking 1,300 episodes ago. That's crazy. Yeah, the state that i live in you have like it's like a 90 chance
Starting point is 02:02:29 of being convicted and put in the prison once charged there's no watchdog at all in new hampshire whatsoever and so i mean nowhere where you go no it doesn't benefit a judge or a prosecutor to be proved wrong or showed that they're wrong or jury that they're wrong or whatever it is so that's why men like him stay in there for 37 years and i don't care if he gave him billions 37 years is not worth of course not i'm glad he got whatever he got and he's on a home spot spending spree and he's not out just blowing coke he's going and buying houses and he's doing a home spending spree and he's not out just blowing coke. He's going and buying houses and he's doing like good
Starting point is 02:03:08 volunteer work. So good for him. But like yeah, that just angers me. So yeah, I just wanted to share that. When he got released he knew it had happened because I think the story was the warden showed up in his cell and
Starting point is 02:03:23 unlocked the door. Are you for real? Yeah. Yeah. How's that for a message? Damn. That's awesome. Yeah, you deserve nothing less.
Starting point is 02:03:34 Two guards were debating. Several guards were debating on who would drive them home. And first they had to figure out where that would be. And so where'd he go? He went to Mike's house. Damn. And Mike was working a case and couldn't, couldn't show up in time.
Starting point is 02:03:54 So the guards drove him all the way from the facility to San Diego. And he tripped on sitting in the backseat of a car with two cops in the front and no screen and not handcuffed. And they asked him where he wanted to go. And he said they wanted to take him to a steak dinner on the way home on them. And he said, no, he wanted to go to In-N-Out. That's what he said. That's awesome.
Starting point is 02:04:29 And I wonder why there's no, like... You don't hear about, like, these cops or people who are framing people for these murders. You know, you never hear them going to prison afterwards. At least I have not, you know. What happened to the cop who prison afterwards at least i have not you know what happened to the cop in frame he killed himself right greg no no he's a preacher with a huge
Starting point is 02:04:50 following in the san fernando valley he's a big shot man at the clock oh that's what you're talking about was a man at a clock wow jesus ridiculous yeah but no that's cool that it's getting it that it's in the systems it's a big help it's a big deal and honestly even if these guys are getting stronger and fitter um it's not gonna they're not gonna become more of a problem because of it they're gonna be more focused hey there's a jake chapman says that there's a job out there where you help quadriplegic couples have sex. You have to insert the man's penis into the woman and then shake them.
Starting point is 02:05:29 Oh my God, Jake. Ridiculous. I would do that. I would totally do that. You'd pay them. I would totally do that. I'd pay them. I would totally do that. I used to bathe hairy old men. I can do anything.
Starting point is 02:05:51 Hey, that's a whole new term for he made me do it. I used to bathe hairy old men. Someone known to all CrossFitters' wife used to jerk off dogs for a living. No shit. Yeah. And what would they do? What was that? Perfect.
Starting point is 02:06:08 Just to get the semen for breeding. Yes. Yeah. It wasn't for fun. All right, guys. I'm the one. Thank you. Thank you.
Starting point is 02:06:17 And congratulations. That's funny. For what? Getting out of jail? Yeah. Maybe even figuring out how not to go back right more importantly all right uh oh here we go here's something um okay i gotta run i'm already a little bit late i'll see you guys later thank greg bye susan sorry i was trying to hang on
Starting point is 02:06:38 i'm already 30 you're a good dude you're a good dude you're a good dude i kicked you off bye bud love you call me sus Susan. Krista Podham. Greg, I lost nearly... What's S? Greg, I lost nearly 100 pounds because of CrossFit. I'm only 23 and it changed my life forever. What's S-O? Sure as fuck.
Starting point is 02:06:58 Shout out. Oh, shout out. Oh, look at you. You really haven't... You haven't really lived... That's what I was thinking. You haven't really lived until you've bathed an 85-year-old man and he shit on you.
Starting point is 02:07:14 Yeah, I agree. You know when you're doing that kind of stuff too, like when you're bathing someone or helping someone like that, you're kind of like, God, I hope there's a God. God, I fucking hope he's i fucking hope i hope he's not busy i hope he's seeing me do this you know what i mean like i hope he's i hope i get some fucking points for this my nurse friend julie you know her brother jimmy oh said that she could remove impacted feces with her hand up your ass and eat a cheeseburger with the other no problem
Starting point is 02:07:46 oh i can't believe those words came out of your mouth wow i'm just i'm just an honest reporter here i know but you're not a feces guys at all you don't oh i like that would ruin my burger well you're just not a piece you don't even the subject of feces is never or i think i just like burgers too much wow jesus cry me that's like you know send me in to clean up the throw up and it's only gonna have a bigger mess oh my god okay well thank you thanks for coming on thank you to you and everyone else all of y'all it's a it's a cool uh jesus you guys stop with the thank yous shout out to greg as well sebastian and i i found crossfit 19 years ago transformed me from skinny fat vegan to strong
Starting point is 02:08:38 dude who can do shit congratulations sebastian that's what we're in it for that's the upside that's the upside. That's the payday right there. That's why you do it. So you can have standing sex. So you can carry your girl around. I just see people bring people, you know, bring them closer to their real them,
Starting point is 02:08:59 to their ideal them, to the thing you're meant to be. Look at you. Vindicate. Well, I'm not hungry for lunch anymore. Maybe that's it. Yeah. Go to chopsticks.
Starting point is 02:09:16 All right. All right. I'm going to see you in a couple of days. All right. Hopefully sooner. I'm going to let Cara know we got to get the bee thing rolling. Okay, cool. And build my chicken palace.
Starting point is 02:09:27 Okay. And then- Maybe someone listening has some strong opinions on chicken huts, chicken parlors. I don't want to do the tractor one. You don't pull it across the lawn. No. I don't think. Or maybe one of both. I want to get a chicken hut, too.
Starting point is 02:09:45 Tell me if you find a good chicken hut. Hey, I'm bringing that book, The Have More Plan. I got a bunch of them. Yeah, okay. The homesteading thing. There's some cool stuff in there. Okay. It's all fascinating.
Starting point is 02:09:56 All right. Okay, bye. Bye. Hey, one more thing. Have you gone to the Knot app that I was trying to push down your throat? Tell me the website. Like Captain Time. Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
Starting point is 02:10:12 K-N-O-T. No, no, no. I haven't gone to that. Yeah. I can't say enough good things about that. And it turns out, this is, I think, really impressive. The guy behind it, Grog, G-R-O-Gg and it's just a diminutive of his last name it's grognots how could i not remember that grognots and it's uh it was 495 or something
Starting point is 02:10:33 but the guy's the guy's a surgeon and he's actually has a an improvement on the traditional ligature that's used, and he's published on it from a Royal College of Surgeons. He actually convinced the Royal College of Surgeons that they've been tying knots wrong for a long time, and it's costing lives, which is a fascinating fucking thing. But the app is brilliant. It's well-organized. Is he still alive?
Starting point is 02:11:04 Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Something gives me the impression he's a young guy. But he quotes Ashley at length and constantly, which is a really good sign because that's like more than you ever want to know about knots there, but dated. And the videos and the information and history behind them all is fascinating, but it's a great thing to expose children to. I don't think there's an aspect of bushcraft. It's at least as important as being able to start a fire, but with much greater and continuous applications across all kinds of fields, too. That was one of the things that's interesting in in his notebook he has it separated you know uh camping from fishing from surgery
Starting point is 02:11:52 yeah this is uh this is fucking crazy he he has a um he has a website I think this is his, Animated Knots. Yep. Okay, I'll check it out. Yeah, the pay-for app is Grog Knots. Surgical Knots. Excuse me. The article, and he made a gizmo to test the strength of the knot in a in a ligature by putting a weighted system on a uh on a ligature and then publish the data and it's clear it seems to me that he's he's improved on a what might be a what 300 year old surgical knot or practice i never even heard the word ligature a thing used for tying or binding something tightly a thing
Starting point is 02:12:45 there are moments in surgery where you tie something and it can't ever come untied or the guy's fucked like they die yes and it happens all the time and this guy's like it doesn't need to just do it like this wow look at the palomar knot on a for instance in that series just on a way to tie a fishing knot i'm gonna let it go i don't want to talk hey i'll save it for my kids i'm driving them nuts with knots it's a daily thing so what you want to learn something so you just teach your kids? Oh, for a fucking fact. Yeah, that's awesome. Yeah. Wait, I want to see that knot really quick, the one you talked about.
Starting point is 02:13:35 Where do I look at it? Which one? A palomar knot. Would it be under, oh. It's a fishing. Oh, under fishing. Hold on, let me see if I can find it. Types of knots. It replaces the fisherman's knot or the clincher knot. Knots by activity.
Starting point is 02:13:50 Fishing. God, this is a really nice website. Dude, it's worth $500, much less $495 or whatever it is. Oh, this one. Simple knot to attach a line to a hook. Yeah, watch this. Or fly to a tippet. Around and over.
Starting point is 02:14:16 And you're done. I like this endorsement. You could do it in the pitch black with cold hands so that's a strong one super strong and so much easier than what's been taught forever talk about elegance right yeah god this is cool Yeah. God, this is cool. All right.
Starting point is 02:14:51 Thank you. All right. Hey, let's force the knots on the kids. All right. There's no one who knows how to handle rope, tie shit down intelligently that regrets knowing that. It's like playing the piano. I'll bring them over Saturday morning. You can do a not class.
Starting point is 02:15:08 There we go. Bye, bud. Nope. Bye-bye. There you go. All knots gone. Peace and... Wait, wait, wait.
Starting point is 02:15:32 Peace... There we go. Caleb's working. Suze is working. Caleb's working. Suze is working. Then we have silence. I guess I could do a little work. You guys want to watch me work a little bit?
Starting point is 02:16:13 I could call. What time do you guys want to do it? Then I'll find a day. I have things this weekend with my wife, so that's not ideal. You tell us, John. Please. Okay.
Starting point is 02:16:35 So we're going to unveil the, we're going to unveil the Robin workout on this podcast. John Young's going to do it. Oh, oh. My wife was saying our last Coke dividend was $1.83, not two cents. Wow. Oh, my wife. Hi. Hey. Hi.
Starting point is 02:17:07 Hey. I might leave a little bit earlier because my wife said her line of talk didn't show. Oh, okay. Yeah, do it. Yeah, do it. Okay. So I'm going to leave within the next 10 minutes. Okay.
Starting point is 02:17:20 And I'm... Oh, okay. I'm going to come in and watch the boys do jiu-jitsu, I think. Okay. Oh, okay. I'm going to come in and watch the boys do jiu-jitsu, I think. Okay. Are you still on or are you done? I'm still on. Oh, okay. Okay, I'll be in touch.
Starting point is 02:17:36 All right. I love you. I'm sorry I don't get to kiss you goodbye. Okay, we'll make up for it later. Okay. Okay. Bye. Bye.
Starting point is 02:17:51 So there's that. I do need to call Taylor. Um, let me see if I can get him on here really quick. Uh, I wonder who's coming on tomorrow Oh tomorrow dude, i'm watching physical 100. What's up? Hey, we're live on the air. Hey, dude Remember that show idea we were talking about yesterday Yeah
Starting point is 02:18:42 Do you think we could do that once a week at the same time every week like do you have room for that in your life i know that's an insane commitment oh how long would the show be i think one hour a one hour show yeah like like you come on do your – like we start the show, you do your part, and then people just start – from the audience just start trying to beat you. I haven't told anyone. We're live on the air. I haven't told them to share the show. So it would have to be at the gym. I'd have to do it at the gym, right? I mean I think so, yeah. Like could you do every Monday like at a certain time or something like that i i feel like a set what you don't think a saturday would be better
Starting point is 02:19:30 sure i'm just thinking when other people will be in their gyms too i just think the show is gonna be massive dude i think people are gonna be so excited to try this i know if we did it every week then people could schedule around it. And if you did it on a Saturday, that's pretty flexible where people can go into their gym and do whatever, you know what I mean? Right. Like think if you're,
Starting point is 02:19:52 if you're doing it during on a weekday at a CrossFit affiliate, that people got to work around class. You know what I mean? So you like Saturday? I think so. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, I want to make it work for sure. What time on like Saturday? I think so. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, I want to make it work for sure.
Starting point is 02:20:06 What time on a Saturday? Oh. I don't know. Noon. I mean, we could definitely do it every week. I don't know if it would be on the same day every week. I mean, think about. They do kill Tony every Monday at 8 p.m. live.
Starting point is 02:20:26 And I was just thinking, what if every Saturday at 12 noon? But then what about... Because people in the audience have to have access to a gym, too. So I think that's great. Yeah, so I think it's great. gym too so i think that's great yeah so i think it's great dude this is going to be the this this thing if we do this every weekend for a year we could transcend the crossfit space with this it could get so weird i want to do it for sure i'm in.
Starting point is 02:21:05 I mean, we got to find the right time. Okay. And there has to be flexibility. And listen, there has to be flexibility because sometimes I'm going to be on vacation or travel, whatever. And same for you. On what? On vacation? Dude, don't even fucking draw that word out like you're drunk, dude.
Starting point is 02:21:21 How the fuck? Vacation? Dude, I'm doing it going something separate from what you don't think our life's already a vacation it is dude but i'm going to italy in august my wife likes to travel so yeah so find a fucking gym in italy and do it do it in your hotel room go to the gym downstairs this is this we live the greatest life ever you mean you want to take a vacation from your vacation? Not really. Yeah, this shit's too good. Sorry, I can't fuck you this weekend, honey.
Starting point is 02:21:55 I'm taking a vacation. I'm fucking. Sorry. Shut up. I mean, this This is This is Okay Okay so Yeah We'll be totally flexible
Starting point is 02:22:08 But And you're right Shit will come up Like I mean obviously Like you're gonna be working out At the semifinals on Saturday That's not gonna be ideal Yeah
Starting point is 02:22:18 Um Do we start it after semifinals? No Semifinals is in three weeks Yeah I'm ready I'm ready to fucking take this thing just for a test run this Saturday. This Saturday. I'm competing this Saturday.
Starting point is 02:22:32 Oh, you're doing the crescendo. Yeah, I'm doing that. God, you're crazy. Aren't you neurologically kind of toast from just all the pressure from this thing? No, I'm good. No? Oh, wow. I'm good to go. I worked out today. Worked out yesterday. Worked out Monday.
Starting point is 02:22:54 Okay, think about it. I'm going to bug you later. All right. Hey, I'm in to do it. I don't have to think about it. It's when are we going to start it and what day and what time. Okay, I'm going to bug you throughout the day today so we can pin down a. I'm going to call you. I'm going to bug you throughout the day today so we can pin down a time. Just think of a time. I'm going to be super flexible for you.
Starting point is 02:23:08 I love Saturdays too, by the way. All right. Cool. Okay. All right. Bye. Bye.
Starting point is 02:23:15 Holy shit, guys. You're not even going to fucking believe this. Everyone joins a Zoom call and does a workout with Taylor live. No. Better than that.
Starting point is 02:23:31 I'll tell you guys. If you can't keep a secret, just leave the show now. I'm going to tell you guys, but I need you to keep it a secret. Don't share it. I'll give you guys a second. By the way, did you see fucking andrew hiller called did a live show and uh uh and uh called nick johnson johnston from proven to ask him what the fuck that's it that's a crazy that was crazy that was fucking crazy
Starting point is 02:23:57 okay ready for this do you guys know the show Kill Tony? We're going to do Kill Taylor. And basically, he's going to come on the show. Show's going to start. There'll be like five of us on, right? It'll be like me and Hiller and Tyler and Grundler on, right? And then Taylor will do a workout. It'll be very simple.
Starting point is 02:24:27 Always probably less than two minutes, right? Like three minutes max, four minutes. Short, short workout. Like I can't remember who, someone said 50 cows on the assault bike, 50 kettlebell swings. And then anyone who wants to try to beat him can send me a fucking link to this, to my phone here,
Starting point is 02:24:49 work phone, just can send me the text message. I'll send you a link to the show and you can come on and try to beat it. While we're just talking crazy shit about your fucking movement movements. And then if you beat him, if you have the best score that day whoever has the best score that day gets 500 bucks from the sponsor we don't have a sponsor yet and we'll do that show once a week it is gonna be fucking crazy but it's like basically kill tony we just
Starting point is 02:25:15 bring people you know how people like get picked from a drawing and we'll only pick like maybe the first week only one of you guys you know pool boy will try to do. Maybe the first week only one of you guys will try to do it. But before we know it, we'll have like 200 people in the chat wanting to try to beat his time. But we'll only choose five every week. Every show because the show has to be less than an hour. It's going to be awesome. It's going to be fucking crazy. You guys follow understand the concept.
Starting point is 02:25:45 So we watch Taylor do a workout, and you text your phone number, you text saying, I want to go against Taylor, and then we watch you go, and you try to beat his time. Yeah, thank you. I know, love it. Yeah, it's going to be it yeah it's gonna be fucking
Starting point is 02:26:05 it's gonna be so funny it's gonna be a complete shit show but it's gonna be great yeah judy reed i'll watch for sure but i wouldn't dare try yeah yeah no girls aren't allowed to try no girls just it's just for boys i'm just kidding girls can try that's ridiculous of course girls can try no taylor will not get 500 if he wins i don't even know how we give fight taylor will not get 500 if he wins fuck that a daniel win do it like the old pros versus the joes god i hated those shows or the individual who comes closest to beating tay wins the money. No. No. Sorry. Not whoever comes the closest. I don't want to fucking give the money away.
Starting point is 02:26:53 All these presuppositions you make. I don't want to give the fucking money away. I'm trying not to give the sponsors money away. If three people beat them, they each don't get 500 just like whoever beat them by the most and maybe i'll lower it to 250 just for that comment daniel for 50 cents yeah look jeffrey i'll try for comic relief there you go yeah everyone wants to chime in on everything oh my. If one more person says, did, did, did, did fee get her money?
Starting point is 02:27:26 Did Lindsay get her money? Did you, can you text Gary? I was like, fuck you. Fucking all you guys. Motherfuckers. Like get off my jock.
Starting point is 02:27:37 Just trying to chill. I know you guys mean, well, everyone means, well, everyone, everyone's so nice. Everyone's trying to, everyone's trying to put their card away
Starting point is 02:27:53 All right, but I got that off my back That's heavy when's the last time you measured your penis i'm fucking i was 16 i don't know i measure it with hands now do you know what i mean like i grab the base and then i put one hand over and then i put the other hand over try to get a call it a three fist get get the get three fists on the penis and then still have the helmet out that's when i know like okay i have good blood flow you know what i mean i call it call it a three fister wow three fister you know what mean, let me see if I can I Know like this
Starting point is 02:28:49 right It's like if you got a heart on you I measure it by go like this and then I go like this and then I go like this to see how much like is That's how I measure it. I Don't actually use a... Yeah, the extra labia hanging over doesn't count. God, I have such a funny story about that. My hands are small, but they're not very small. Like, I don't think when you shake my hand, you're like, hey, you got a tiny hand.
Starting point is 02:29:26 But they are small. All right. I'm trying to think if there's anything. I should show you this. That guy who wrote The Moth and the Iron Lung was on a podcast. Forrest Maready. Forrest Maready. M-A-R-E-A-D-Y.
Starting point is 02:29:55 I need to get him on this podcast. Tomorrow we have... Oh, I got to tell Sousa. Tomorrow we have a Venezuelan Lawyer on whose specialty is Immigration And I think his shit got all Fucked up from Venezuelan gangs So that's gonna be fun
Starting point is 02:30:14 And then That's tomorrow Tomorrow's Thursday And then Friday I have Russell Berger on And then Saturday I have Tom Daley on from Me Prism Oh it's cool So I have three days of work coming Alright
Starting point is 02:30:35 Yeah wide palms I probably have wide palms I don't think there's any more shows today I'm almost sad to see you guys go see myself go I had a great time oh this is what I wanted to tell you guys so we just had the biggest three days in the history of the podcast like three days in a row like not even close
Starting point is 02:31:00 bigger than the open bigger than the games like the traffic that went through the podcast was insane. So thank you. It was nuts. I was looking at the analytics last night. Four days. It was four days of just five days. Sorry.
Starting point is 02:31:19 Five days of just. Oh, look at here. Oh, here he is. Hey. Hey, you asshole. Here he is. Hey. Hey. You asshole. You're about to leave. I'm too mad now. Hey, dude.
Starting point is 02:31:32 I'm going to be here another hour. No, we can do it short. I just ate something. I might have to get a spade. What? It's like spade. I just don't know if you want to talk about it. Oh, I'll talk about it. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:31:48 All right. I brought him over here. Okay. I got home yesterday, right? And I just ate one of these things. Yeah. It's crazy. Crazy good.
Starting point is 02:31:58 Yeah, dude. I don't really get it. That's what I'm going to have Richard. I'm going to haveson on um to talk about what allulose is i know i can't even fucking believe the rx sugar bars doesn't make any it says zero sugar it also says it's at 18 carbs grams of carb like where is it coming from yeah we need all that shit explained i know and it's supposed to be for keto people i looked into it like very surface level hey but it actually tastes like it just tastes like sugar though it's not weird at
Starting point is 02:32:33 all you know how like right yeah it's not weird i haven't tried that syrup but i tried the chocolate and it's crazy they sent me the syrup but i don't know like i don't even eat syrup what would i put it on did the kids eat syrup. I don't even eat syrup. What would I put it on? Do the kids eat syrup? No. They don't even know what syrup is. Allulose is sugar. Oh, that makes sense because it is fucking good.
Starting point is 02:32:53 And it's not as sweet. It's perfect, right? The texture and everything. Yeah. Yeah. It's like a Milky Way bar and a Kit Kat fucked each other. That's a good way to put it. That should be their tagline, their slogan.
Starting point is 02:33:06 Or a Snicker bar, yeah. It's like a Milky Way and a Kit Kat fucked each other. Yeah. Well, I'm glad you liked it. Yeah. Hey, I got a question for you. Yeah. It says allulose is sugar, which might – I don't know if it's true.
Starting point is 02:33:23 I don't know. But it also is not supposed to mess with your insulin levels right yeah this is the crazy shit allulose helps control blood sugar that's the part i don't fucking i can't even get my head wrapped around i just call bullshit on that's why i gotta have uh the guy on i got here too late like greg would be someone who would be interesting to ask right about you can have a one-liner that would either crush them or support them. Right. Do you see hormones do injectable versions of what? Yeah, everything's injectable. That's all they do.
Starting point is 02:33:52 Yeah. They injected your mom, Jake. Well, the thing is, like, here, this caveman dude, I think that everything gives you some sort of an insulin response, right? Like, if you had a steak it's just the levels to which right right um hey um that video you did on louise yeah dude have you gotten any feedback from that yet i talked to nick oh you did yeah i gotta i gotta hold him like an hour later is he freaking out if we're being honest as i was on the phone with him he was tripping a little bit because he had
Starting point is 02:34:30 no idea what was going on but his phone blew up i guess he was in a meeting that's why i didn't pick up when i called him he said he would have he said he would have been cool with it as well there are people who were like don't call him that's not cool uh it is a wild video well what he said was there were a handful of attempts made by luis on that workout and he couldn't confirm that it was the correct one but as i was on the phone with him he was like okay so i was judging he went touching on the snatches and it seemed like that's probably the one he submitted but he couldn't confirm it meaning meaning that maybe he submitted the wrong video and then he's got a better one out there potentially not but but but disregard that that's just not true i'm not even gonna believe that right it seemed unlikely yeah that's just like whether it is true or not it's just not true like
Starting point is 02:35:20 meaning like there is no better video like he's clearly that's how he works out right right he uh he said there's a lot of played football and before it's like if you played football and every time you before you threw the ball you ran out of bounds and like no one ever told you you can't run out of bounds yep it's uh it does not look good for Proven. And I tried to, like, really hammer that home, that Luis is a great guy, but he's had mishaps in the past, and I can't believe that they let that fly. And I told Nick, I go, Nick, I went hard on you for, like, sitting as you were judging this guy.
Starting point is 02:36:04 Hey, also, I caught wind that this is the workout they're looking at oh because you think they're only gonna um uh they're only gonna choose one yeah uh they look at one really intensely from what we can tell hey if if you're like a uh hw like do you think like uh do you think like the head trainer like at HWP? Like, basically, HWPO proven in Mayhem makes shitloads of money from selling programming, right? I mean, just shitloads, right? They're printing cash, right? Right.
Starting point is 02:36:36 And rightfully so. They have great athletes over there. And if you believe those athletes are doing that programming, you believe they have the winning formula. Like, I have no issue with that. I think it's great. those athletes are doing that programming that you believe they have the winning formula like i have no issue with that i think it's great but if you're the other two camps hwo mayhem you must be ecstatic right now right like you're like oh fuck that video is it's catching traction hey Dude, it's wild, dude.
Starting point is 02:37:06 It's wild. He said I was cool to talk about whatever we talked about on the phone. And he goes, he did what? As like his video is public, right? Yeah. Who did what? He said, he said he did what you did or what? Dude, his video is public for the world to see.
Starting point is 02:37:22 Oh, oh. And Nick's like like he did what i'm like yeah i don't know why oh my god but i i think nick understands that i have an order of operations like i see video i make video i go from there nick was very cool Nick was very cool. Well, that's good. That's good.
Starting point is 02:37:52 Because it's like being upset because you got caught stealing. It's like you knew you were doing it. Luis has taken his videos down since. Oh. They're no longer public. Straight up the butthole. I said that in the video. the camera shot it's the worst angle to record that workout from hey by the way that is that's like that's how i do step ups
Starting point is 02:38:13 straight up the butthole no but when i do step ups but i alternate legs in real time but i just do a tap down tap down and it's not that it's Tap down. You know how I stand up and tap my foot and then come down? That's how I do them. And I think I get great stimulus and I don't think it's any less of a workout. Maybe even it's fat better because I can cycle and I alternate legs.
Starting point is 02:38:34 But for this, there has to be a line to judge it, right? Right. And that line is both feet have to be up and stop and you have to be fucking open hip, open knee. I think the biggest mishap on the judging this year is there hasn't been someone to say if it doesn't look like the picture, you're in danger. So Adrian needs to be on like CrossFit comms, whether it be the games, Instagram or YouTube channel or both or everywhere. Or there should be like an attachment where you click in the PDF,
Starting point is 02:39:07 a little Adrian button. It's like, here's the pictures. It would have answered the question that is, can you step up diagonally? Because no one would have done it because they would have heard him say, hey, the picture, they're square. You never mentioned that in the video. Because that's not what they've said. Yeah, and I thought it was cool that you didn't mention it right yeah the corner is fine yeah the corner has nothing to do with it
Starting point is 02:39:31 the way i do i think the step-up standard's stupid i like that it's 20 inches but you know what's annoying about a step-up is the both feet to the floor deal you want to see how i do step ups yeah like i'm just doing them yeah you go here and then you switch up top yeah yeah yeah yeah actually the i do yeah actually i do that way too actually i do that and the tap yeah and i and well it's it makes more sense when the box is taller, 24 inches, but like the feet down to the floor, both feet up, both feet down. It's like a,
Starting point is 02:40:08 a waste of movement. How are those? You have your dumbbells and blow yourself up doing that. Why are you wearing shoes just around your house? I noticed you have the born primitives on. Um, it's kind of cold. Are you wearing them?
Starting point is 02:40:25 Barefoot. I am a barefoot man. I am a barefoot man. Dude, my art, how nice are my arches? It's because you're always barefoot. And you're calloused. Yeah, calloused. Fuck.
Starting point is 02:40:42 So proud of my callouses. When I tell my kids their feet will be like that some oh yeah yeah yeah that wow oh my god i'm chopping down that tree everyone goes you suck at swinging an axe and i like yeah i've never swung an axe you ever chopped down a tree before uh no but i've swung an axe and and well well i'm really i shouldn't really say i've swung an axe i've swung a dirt pick like a pick a lot you can't chop down a tree with a dirt pick no so you've never so you've never i've never even really split wood no i can't say i've split wood either but i've chopped down a tree now yeah you chopped down a big one after bill's roommate did yeah i took one down it took an hour it was exhausting it was hard so you get an entire new respect for what that guy
Starting point is 02:41:32 was doing on camera if you saw that if anyone saw that after doing it yourself it's hard and it fucks your hands up something fierce I've been shoveling the last few days, but I didn't lose any calluses. My back fucking hurts. I would love to watch you try to take down a tree. Oh, you think I could do it in three hours? Or my back? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 02:41:58 He was talking about his back, but I think yours would be okay. Be careful, Seve. There's foot fetish people out there. You guys think that Sevan could chop down a tree? You could jerk off to my feet. I don't care. I'm curious would be okay. Be careful, Seve. There's foot fetish people out there. You guys think that Sevan could chop down a tree? You could jerk off to my feet. I don't care. I'm curious what people think.
Starting point is 02:42:10 Can Sevan chop down a tree? You don't think anyone's ever jerked off to me on the show, do you? You know, I'm sure someone has. Fine. Does that make you feel weird? No. You probably like it. I do like it. I do like it.
Starting point is 02:42:25 I take his comment, but then I was thinking, I wonder if a girl's ever rub one out to me. And then I was like, look at this. No shot. No, no.
Starting point is 02:42:36 Yes. In a week. Seven won't even trim his bush. Dude. No. Yes. You got it. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:42:41 It's so funny. You say that. Cause last night I was watching TV and I was just sitting there and I just was just holding a handful of my pubes in my hand. I was like, man, I need to just trim these. I need to trim these down. I just had like I was just sitting there, you know, like this, just like with my hands, like watching TV with a handful of pubes. You want you want to hear something funny? What? It might it's a little much. It looked that's okay it looked like this this is what i was like holding i was just like you were holding a handful of pubes like that yeah like my pubes you know how
Starting point is 02:43:13 i spent a week at bills yeah and like the melanotan stuff yeah like that's out of my system but i'm still on trt and it's the longest i've been away from alexis for a bit yeah yeah when's the last time you shaved your pubes i usually only probably let whenever i was in a hotel i used the opportunity when i'm in hotels to like trim to do most of my uh um fucking bush keepery why because i don't want the fucking hairs all over like i don't want like that like my wife will be like jesus christ dude there's fucking pubes everywhere i'm like what so we got a couple of bathrooms right yeah and the the one you trimmed down your pubes at bill's house and left them wow no no no no no no i got home and i like got rid of everything okay like the the water had risen a little bit and i was like i'm a step in
Starting point is 02:44:05 water it was a long shower had to get rid of everything yeah and then alexis got home and she went to go use the bathroom and there was hair in the bathtub and she she's like did you wash the dog oh my god and you're like and i'm like yeah i've been kind of waiting for you to come home all day oh my god You think pubes are gross? I'm not grossed out by pubes at all. Unless they're like if they were on my toothbrush, I'd be bummed. She was like, oh, my God, I know what this is and I know where this is going. Hey, you can't shave your fucking pubes in the shower.
Starting point is 02:44:40 You're going to clog your drain. Yeah, that's probably why the the bathtubs rise oh we wash the dogs in that tub that's why there's dog hair in there yeah no pubes are cool janelle winston gross i would be mad she wasn't mad she was laughing hey did um i'm in danger did that was last night you did that yeah and then um when you are your balls like really sensitive now or it went away by the time you woke up if you keep up with it the answer is no but like if you go a while and go after it all at once then yeah you'll get all messed up yeah all right why are you shaving by the way be a man because it's nice one time i one time i used the um
Starting point is 02:45:27 i used my balls look like taylor's head one uh i one time i used um i used the philip norelco one blade on my balls and dude in in in no dude in in like 12 seconds no yeah yeah dude in in in one one thousandth of a second it put like six thousand paper cuts on my scrotum my scrotum looked like it had been attacked like it had been attacked by a writ with a razor blade dude it was crazy and i'm like okay it's no big deal and there's little blood spots all over it just i just touched it there like a weed whacker getting caught on something how long did they recover one day because there's such but i went in the shower after that and my nuts burnt for Like a weed whacker getting caught on something How long did that take for it to recover? One day But I went in the shower after that And my nuts burnt for like five seconds
Starting point is 02:46:30 You went for your nuts first? Crazy pain There's other areas that are flatter I don't know But I'm going to take off through the hills And not through the runway It's just because of the texture of the balls Maybe I used it other places first
Starting point is 02:46:44 I mean I used it on my face but fuck this might be the most accurate comment it's like yeah shaving your legs after four or five days feels terrible after i i assume that applies to like balls as well uh 18 grams of carbs and 4.5 teaspoons of sugar. How many dudes do you think shave their nuts and all that? Not many? No, I think it's more and more. I think as we go further and further,
Starting point is 02:47:16 no offense to the pussification of man, more and more dudes do it. Yeah. I just... When you have pubes that are longer Than your limp dick it's time to cut it Oh dude there's just I don't know
Starting point is 02:47:33 You want to make your book bigger You're a bodybuilder dude I understand I am You ever shaved your armpits before No I've not shaved my armpits I did that once and that was terrible I never do that Don't do that don't do that yeah i'm not i'm not opposed to it do you do you use like a trimmer on my balls yeah no like
Starting point is 02:47:56 i'm gonna eventually grab a handful and that's more than i've ever had in my entire life listen eventually like maybe now i'm gonna go inside i'm gonna grab a handful of my pubes and i'm gonna take a pair of scissors i'm gonna take a pair of milwaukee like nail cutters like they're scissors that you can cut nails with because i'm a man and i'm just gonna go like that and then i'm gonna take that handful and i'm gonna think that i got them in the trash all of them but i didn't and then maybe and then maybe i'll grab like my scrotum and i'll look and i'll pull like just a handful i'll just trim it like – and then I'll do like four cuts, and then that'll be it.
Starting point is 02:48:28 I'll be like, all right, I'm done. Four cuts. It's way more time efficient. Yeah, just a handful. Schnip, schnip, schnip, schnip. That's it. Do you make that noise when you do it too? No, I just hope no one – Yeah, schnip. Here it too no i just hope you're a snip here we go
Starting point is 02:48:46 i just hope no one walks in i don't it's something i like to do in private i don't want anyone walking in with me while i'm fucking got a pair of scissors by my sack and my penis hey it is it is a it is a um it is a weird thing seeing a pair of scissors by your penis i'm not gonna fucking. It is fucking weird. You never get used to it. Never. Go hold a pair of scissors next to your penis. Just go hold a pair of scissors next to your penis.
Starting point is 02:49:13 You'll be like, what the fuck? These two should never be in the room together. Oh, I have the scissors. I'll use these. I have like four pairs of these in my house. These are the scissors. No, but look, you can see marijuana I'll use these. I have like four pairs of these in my house. These are the scissors. Oh, I thought it was like those exact ones. No, but look, you can see marijuana from when this was used to trim marijuana plant.
Starting point is 02:49:30 Oh, those are good scissors. Resin on it. Yeah, you can cut a nail with this. Are you trying to insinuate that your pubes are that thick? Of course. Of course. Seve's pubes are like his head above the penis black and gets white no i don't have any gray on my haven't you and suza spoken about manscaped yeah they sent me fucking they're sponsored they for the the radio version of the show they sent me so many fucking razors
Starting point is 02:49:59 what and and the pubic one the one i i use on my face, the one that's for your balls. Have you had a haircut since the last time you got a haircut? No. Do I need a haircut? No, I was just wondering if you were going to get another one. I've been washing my hair, which is kind of weird. With what? Just some hippie soap my wife has.
Starting point is 02:50:21 So you just use her soap? Yeah. Just like her shampoo it's shampoo looks good it does weird uh well i just feel like i'm getting ready the thing is is i'm going to cut it before i go to semi-finals and i'm going to shave but i don't want to do it too many times so i'll wait like the week before i go to semiifinals I'll get a haircut and I'll shave Someone wants to know Oh Jake Chapman wants to know if he can buy your pubes God that would be wild
Starting point is 02:50:50 That would be the ballsiest That's a pun thing you could do Hey guys here they are they're in a bag You think that would be bad for my reputation No It would compound your reputation my reputation yeah what reputation it precedes you so you ready for this did i tell you this i did i did i could tell you the show idea kill tony kill taylor i haven't told you this i didn't tell you yesterday have
Starting point is 02:51:24 you talked about it i talked about it on the show today told you this? I didn't tell you yesterday? Have you talked about it? I talked about it on the show today. Kill Taylor? Yeah, I didn't tell you about this show? No. Dude, you're gonna fucking trip. Every Saturday, that doesn't matter, but just hear me out. Every Saturday at 12 noon, we're gonna go live.
Starting point is 02:51:42 It'll be like me, you, and Tyler. Okay. Taylor will have a camera pointed at him he's gonna do a workout that's like anywhere from the one to three minute range uh-huh like 50 50 cows on the assault bike 50 kettlebell swings that's it okay he'll set a time if anyone wants to try to beat him they can text me on the work phone, right? Right. I'll send them a link, and they can come right in, and they can try to beat him. While they're doing it, the four of us are just talking shit about him. You have no chance, you fat motherfucker.
Starting point is 02:52:18 You know, just whatever we want. Those reps don't count. Oh, that's going to be wild, dude. And we'll let as many people go as we have time. So maybe like anywhere from one to six people a show. And I bet you after a year, we have hundreds of people coming on here trying to fucking beat them. That would be cool. And then whoever has the best score of the day gets 500 bucks from sponsor we don't even have yet.
Starting point is 02:52:43 That's a great idea. Do you think how many people how many people can you have in once on here well we'll just have them line up in the bottom i'll give them and they'll just start lining up in the in the waiting room right oh we gotta practice that and but but but listen but but it's the only people on the screen it's like this it's me and you and and and tyler watkins and whoever The funniest people are who can rip I bet you Tyler can rip we get Super cool we get Pedro on for that show too
Starting point is 02:53:10 Just let Pedro rip people Yeah I imagine there's Like let's say there's 300 people watching the show Yeah there'd be 10 of them who are just waiting Oh yeah yeah And dude eventually the first show We might only get one person who has the balls to do it Like Pool Boy will probably do it.
Starting point is 02:53:25 Right. Right. Hey, he did pretty well in quarterfinals. But eventually I bet you Velner comes in and is like, listen, motherfucker, I'll take that money right now. God, wouldn't that be something? Yeah. Leo Franco can take him down in muscle ups like he wanted to. So, and I, dude, I think this, that show will be crazy.
Starting point is 02:53:43 I think eventually if we did the show every week for 50 fucking weeks a year, by the end we'll have like, have you seen the show Kill Tony? No, but I like that it's called Kill Taylor. Yeah. So we'll call it Kill Taylor. I'm assuming it's got some word of a similar thread, right? Yeah. Basically it's a show. It's, it's the biggest live podcast, I guess on YouTube. So they claim, and basically, and it's a really weird show and it's really uncomfortable basically these four guys sit on stage and it's
Starting point is 02:54:08 often joe rogan's one of the guys and they just pull names out of a hat and people come on stage and you get to fucking do your comedy bit for one hour and then they are sorry one minute one minute and then these dudes just rip on you while you do your bit i like the idea that the ripping part it's like those reddit threads which i know you've never seen but people just put up a on you while you do your bit. I like the idea of that, the ripping part. It's like those Reddit threads, which I know you've never seen, but people just put up, it says Roast Me. Oh, really? Yeah. You could upload
Starting point is 02:54:33 one to this Roast Me thread, and they would just tear you like a big-ass nose Jew-looking thing. They would just say the most rancid crap about you. It's pretty funny. It'll be a hot chick and they'll like take her apart Wow You've never seen the roast me things?
Starting point is 02:54:49 No, maybe I should do that, that could be a good bit for a podcast But that's kind of what we So we would be roasting the people who are going against Taylor Or just Taylor? No, we roast, no, Taylor, we love on Taylor Oh, okay, we roast everybody Roast the other people who try to beat him Okay, yeah Will Branstad or Kill Tony sucks We love on Taylor. Oh, okay. We roast everybody. Roast the other people who try to beat them.
Starting point is 02:55:05 Okay. Yeah. Will Branstad or Kill Tony sucks. Their audience is 450-pound guys with Doritos and Mountain Dew. Well, it's fucking hard to watch. I can't believe how successful it is. Is it because they're so... Oh, I didn't say it's the greatest. I said biggest, largest.
Starting point is 02:55:20 It is not... There you go. Graciano got one. He just roasted you. That nose could double as an umbrella Jesus Christ Oh, something's wrong His voice is going to be all weird
Starting point is 02:55:31 Caller, hi My voice sounds crazy Yeah, hold on Did you hear how crazy his voice was? Yeah I have to reconnect I don't know what the fuck's up with this whole bluetooth thing I'm hungry Hey what's up Jeremy
Starting point is 02:55:53 Hello Jeremy Hey what's up Hey can I go first We'll do workout number two That's the only workout I have or ever will be Taylor on No the workouts are going to be short
Starting point is 02:56:08 How long is that workout We're not doing anything long I don't want to watch anyone go long I'm not interested in watching anyone go over two or three minutes I think the joke is that Taylor Died on that workout Oh We all died
Starting point is 02:56:23 He died More that was amazing um hiller update on quarterfinals workout number four um but when the when the leaderboard finally did propagate for us masters when it finally came up what i thought i messed up on was confirmed i only put the reps that i completed in the final on the final bar so i'm like well that sucks because if i if my actual score gets credited i'll make the 35 to 39 semifinals so i should probably reach out to somebody so my rep our rep in this area is your boy Charles worth and you're all right nice we shot him he got back he got back to me within five minutes on Instagram he directed me to someone else because he just had a kid
Starting point is 02:57:15 he's on paternity leave so he directed me to someone else they said here I'll forward this to to support or whatever. And then I went on Instagram and just made a little story saying, you think that CrossFit will work with me to fix this score? And I tagged Bosman in it. And then he responded. And he said, yeah, we're, he sent an email. He said, we'll work to fix that.
Starting point is 02:57:43 It could take some time. So it looks like they are gonna fix it and i know for sure talking to several other people that i was not the only one to make that mistake a lot of people made that mistake you're right so yeah it'll be interesting to see it sounds yeah it sounds, it sounds like they're going to work with me or whatever. I mean, I told him, I'm sorry. I'm an idiot. Like, I should have read it closer. But when I finished that workout and I went to log it, I had my three kids, my niece, my buddy and his kids.
Starting point is 02:58:17 Like, it was just chaos. So I was like, actually, he's smarter than me. He did his score right. But it was just like chaos in my head i was like oh seven you know and i just put it in i was like oh good to go and then you guys got to talk about it after the deadline i was like oh shit i think i messed that up and i did but they're gonna work to fix it so cool i can't wait to see how many people they miss that's my video the ones that they left out well there you go hey what are you gonna place jeremy a hundred well i was doing the math i did my math correctly which i can't even enter a score
Starting point is 02:59:00 correctly so who knows but uh i would be like 129th in the 35 to 39 so crazy dude and i think they break that down by uh east west as well i believe i could be wrong um so it'd be a little bit higher than that so yeah anyways i do want to i probably will participate in that kill tony thing because that sounds really cool i don't't beat him in anything. You're going to participate in what? Kill Taylor. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Awesome. Yeah, good. Is there like
Starting point is 02:59:34 a DEI thing because I'm black like I get head starts or any sort of bonus points. Can we work that in? Yes, yes, yes, of course. Good. Even if I lose, I still get like half of the money, something like in? Yes, yes, yes. Of course. Good. Even if I lose, I still get like half of the money, something like that.
Starting point is 02:59:47 Yes. We'll apologize. This is fantastic. I love it. All right, guys. Love you. Have a great rest of your day.
Starting point is 02:59:55 Bye. Bye, Jeremy. God, he's a good dude. Hey, I got to ask you. Go ahead.
Starting point is 03:00:03 I just made something. Oh, and is it on your website it's on it's on instagram but i can just ask you about it or you whatever i'll look at it if jeff adler if i say hey you're you're gonna rattle off all the people who won multiple crossfit games titles who comes to mind first for you frowning fraser thank you titles who comes to mind first for you frowning fraser thank you yeah that's it oh because uh adler was on buttery bros and he's like i have so much respect for all these people who have won it twice and he names all these athletes justin fraser tia annie katrin and he doesn't say frowning. It's nuts. Wow.
Starting point is 03:00:47 That was the most recent one of this case. Yeah, it's crazy. Because Froning got guns in Canada. They got flags. I heard it, and I was like, did he just leave out Froning? Are you kidding me? Hey, I want to show some respect. I have so much respect now for people that did it twice.
Starting point is 03:01:09 And I think you can't really understand it until you win once. Justin doing it twice in a row. Annie, Katrin, Tia, and Matt, what they did is incredible. I think if you're going to be rich, you're going to have to bleed to do it. I want to win. I won. Hey, I want to show some respect. Well done. But there's this comment did you edit this did you edit this in in an app phone app no i did this on final cut i have so much respect now for
Starting point is 03:01:34 people that did it twice and i think you can't really understand it until you win once justin doing it twice in a row annie kat Katrin, Tia, and Matt. Here's the thing, man. What do you got? How are you going to help out your boy, Jeff? Yeah, I do want to just say that here's the thing. I mean, Canadians are so fucked. Belonging to a socialist country is so fucked.
Starting point is 03:02:06 You guys are fucking idiots. But I don't know know i'm not sure if adler's an idiot but but man they got fucking if we think we have problems in the u.s they are in a fucking train wreck to hell um but sorry i don't want i don't want to just name call but like let me see if i can give you one example um yeah you're right matt it is sacrilegious the the push for uh uh the push in the belief in climate change without the climate change without being oh here just sorry sorry sorry william breeze who said that i'm gonna i'm going to um give you something here we go uh i have it here because i don't want to just I don't want to just... I don't want to completely... I don't want to completely shit on Canada
Starting point is 03:02:49 without giving you just like... I don't want to just do the name calling. So let me just give you this. This is the Canadian Trudeau's environmental minister. Okay, look at this fucking cuck. Look at him. Bilbo, you lost a court case to me, and the judge ordered you to pay $20,000,
Starting point is 03:03:09 but instead of paying it yourself, you had taxpayers pay for it. Why? What did he say? Gilbo, the court ordered... This guy's a fucking public servant for some bullshit fucking job called environmental minister he
Starting point is 03:03:26 blocked this journalist on his instagram account right right and you're not allowed to do that if you're a public figure but in his defense he said it was my personal account meaning i can do it on my personal account just not on the government account well if it's your personal account how come when you lost the case, you made the government pay for it? He's just a piece of shit. Canada's just full of that just endless... Anyway. Here's the thing.
Starting point is 03:03:54 God, that would piss me off, huh? Froning's the coolest fucking CrossFitter who ever lived. We would agree on that. Yeah, so like, I don't care if you think fine, you want to say Matt's better or Tia's better or there's someone out there better
Starting point is 03:04:10 there's just no Froning's just the coolest who ever did it like overall his social credit score if he lived in China would be the highest I mean does anyone argue that does anyone like does anyone you you brought up credit score yeah and greg earlier today said he had seen black mirror i think i think he would love that show i think i don't know it's crazy oh it's fucking scary um yeah uh so i so yeah to not mention fraser is just weird to not mention uh froning
Starting point is 03:04:47 is just weird someone someone goes he was young he was coming up and i go yeah dude basketball players all know who michael jordan is and they're going to reference him or they're going to avoid referencing him oh yeah but but i don't but i suspect um i mean um yeah what do you think you think he avoided him no i don't i do you do i do you don't not say rich and say ketetrin and Annie. And it's also not a two thing. He goes, I respect people who have repeated because he brings up Fraser and Tia who have done it five and six times.
Starting point is 03:05:38 So it's Froning is the only one he left out. When I think of those brands, when I think of those training training programs i think of hwpo is like a training program and i think of proven as a training program and i think of mayhem is a sanctuary more more more i think it's more akin to crossfit crossfit's when i think of crossfit i don't think of it as a training program i think of it as a movement a fitness a lifestyle methodology a community like i just what right i just think of mayhem as being more um just more i just i just think it would be more, not, not just more like, um, does that make sense to you? Like culturally, like as a phenomenon, I think of mayhem as being more than just like, when I think of, when I think of HLBPO, I think of like, okay, they sell supplements,
Starting point is 03:06:38 they sell programming. Um, I think of high level athletes. I think of, I want to think of mayhem. I think of like community and say it again. Imagine this. I just did a whole bunch of stuff on the original journal articles and there's, there's pieces on how you can like start in your garage. Right. And then I think there's a general consensus that you don't overbuild your affiliate from the beginning.
Starting point is 03:07:05 Yeah. Like I could affiliate this thing and I can start running classes out of here. Right. And this is like way more than you need. Like I used to just do CrossFit at the park and then I started teaching people at the park. You can do that. You can affiliate the park. I think Kelly Sturette did that actually.
Starting point is 03:07:19 Yeah. Yeah. Outdoor area. Yeah. By the Golden Gate Bridge. Yeah. And then you get 3,000 square feet, and then you get six, and then you get 10, and then you get 20, and you just build it.
Starting point is 03:07:29 And then you kill yourself. And then you kill yourself, right. But Mayhem started, I think it was in Rich's barn. I'm sure. Not the barn that people see these days, but like a shed in his dad's. It was across in Mayhem. Yeah. And he got it from Fight Club.
Starting point is 03:07:44 And then it was the one that we'll see him doing the the 2014 sign up for the open with the red painted walls yeah and then they moved to the giant thing you see these days and the difference between mayhem and hwpo and proven are proven built the high-tech apple looking building right away yeah now why is it a why is it different because of how it started hwpo no one goes there it's just like a shell yeah but that no they yeah yeah where you just wreck people's brains i didn't they did have uh they did do that uh thing at christmas or no what did they do they had their anniversary and they had like 80 people there. Those people don't train there.
Starting point is 03:08:26 WPO. Yeah. They're all remote from where I gather. Yeah. And that was, that was these, it was cool. Like they had all the rocks,
Starting point is 03:08:32 right. Is that what you're talking about? Yes. Yeah. But other than that, it's a shell. I tell you, I had the bit,
Starting point is 03:08:40 this pot, the pot, I told you the podcast had the biggest five days it's had in fucking forever. Since, since ever. Yeah. I could see that. Yeah. I told you the podcast had the biggest five days it's had in fucking forever. Since ever. Yeah, I could see that. Yeah.
Starting point is 03:08:51 Bigger than the Open, bigger than the CrossFit Games. Our own event. No way. Yeah, the numbers, I mean, I'm not bigger than CrossFit's CrossFit Games, but bigger than any coverage we've ever done. I think there was maybe one day when Dave got fired two we, uh, two years ago or three years ago, whenever he got fired. Um,
Starting point is 03:09:08 but besides that, um, you know, you had like a monopoly on the quarterfinals, right? Yeah. And it showed it's crazy. It wasn't like you,
Starting point is 03:09:18 you had, you created one. Yeah. There was just a back. Everyone else's content Is like destroyed During the quarterfinals Go look at like Medeiros' videos Go look at the Buttery Bros video dude
Starting point is 03:09:32 With Adler It's newt Oh meaning everyone's numbers are down Because everyone's spending their time on Taylor Self vs. The World Yes Yeah It's crazy I mean fucking Laura Horvath puts up a video Taylor Self versus the world? Yes. Yeah. It's crazy.
Starting point is 03:09:48 All these, I mean, fucking Laura Horvath puts up a video, gets 3,000 views, and she just won the CrossFit Games. And then you got these four people doing them live, Taylor Self versus the world. They're all good for 20,000 plus. I just saw someone go on a podcast the other day who comes on my show, always gets 10,000 views, and they got like 36 views on another podcast that was the price no uh you said always not once yeah with the program yeah
Starting point is 03:10:13 this person is regular i'm gonna have him back on soon yeah with the program all right you boys uh get off so we can have at least 10 people watch our show in seven minutes that's fair enough i gotta go mike i gotta go hey. Oh, shit. You're leaving? What? Can you share some numbers with you since you're on this best four game podcast? Yeah. Hey, Gabe. Yeah. What up? Oh. What's going on?
Starting point is 03:10:37 Paper Street Coffee. Hey, you guys broke? We ruined your business? Oh, but I wanted to share some numbers. That way it can entice more sponsors. We had four massive sponsors reach out in the last four days. And you wouldn't even fucking believe one of them. I can't even wait to tell you, Hillary.
Starting point is 03:10:57 You're going to fucking die laughing. I hope it's Apple. You don't see it coming from nowhere. No, not that big. Well, that big. As big as Apple. Not as big as Apple. You're going to fucking die. You're going to fucking die. No, not that big. Well, that big. As big as, not as big as Apple. You're going to fucking die.
Starting point is 03:11:07 You're going to fucking die. Okay, go ahead, Gabe. Hi. I'm high as fuck on your coffee right now. I'm high as fuck on your coffee right now. No, no fleshlights. All right. So in those days, the April 18th through the 22nd, because we got a little bit of residual visitors to the site.
Starting point is 03:11:28 We had a total sales. I'm not going to tell you the number, but I'm going to tell you percentages over 1,100% increase in sales in those days. Orders over 1,100% conversion rate. Chase said he ordered coffee from you. He didn't even drink coffee. I'll take that.
Starting point is 03:11:50 I appreciate that. Yeah. Um, conversion, which basically means if someone goes to the site, how many people actually buy, uh, 500% conversion rate sessions,
Starting point is 03:12:03 which means how many people, how many people actually visit this 400 hey dude conversion's crazy i know the conversion's crazy these the listeners of this show these fucking people like augustus link and fucking rambler janeau winston these are like these are right right or die motherfuckers yeah dude hey i know you're not gonna give the numbers but you said let's say on any given weekend you sell 150 bags of coffee are you telling me you sold 1500 bags a thousand times the amount of coffee you sell yeah well yeah there's no ifs or buts i i don't know like what a weekend would be, but my dad owns a car wash. And he'd be like, yeah, we do 300 car washes.
Starting point is 03:12:48 Your dad owns a car wash? Yeah. I didn't know that. Did I know that? Like the one where you pay the money and you drive through and the fucking machines come out? Yeah. And you're obsessed with keeping your car clean? I am.
Starting point is 03:13:00 Wow. Okay. Sorry, Gabe. Fuck. No, I'm obsessed with keeping my car I'm So you'd be like Wow 3000 cars where'd you put them Did you run out of Hey Gabe that's pretty gnarly
Starting point is 03:13:13 Does that fuck you does that set you back Because we've been dealing with some companies where they get so many Fucking orders that like Sogo Snacks They didn't want us to mention them anymore Because they were getting too many orders They couldn't fulfill them No it doesn't set us back i mean we have shipping partners as in ups and usps that you know but you have enough beans you have enough you have enough beans to fulfill the orders
Starting point is 03:13:35 yeah man what do i look like uh not a good business person i don't know fuck yeah i mean we we have enough. Uh, the biggest issue is shipping. Sometimes we have USPS or UPS just loses the shipment or five days later, it, it, it seems like it's lost and we already sent out a replacement order and they come out of nowhere. Oh, look, we found your package. Um, and worst case scenario, a customer gets two of the same delivery, which isn't bad i'm not going to ask them to return it to us or charge them you know it's a hey here's a free gift you got another order david johnson says uh do you roast your own beans yes you do what that dude come on
Starting point is 03:14:19 keep up yeah that's the our main thing we import we roast we do everything and now with the coffee shops i mean we talked about this we had this conversation so how right before this kind of promotion we were really in a position where like damn it was getting really tough because nashville building out nashville is really tough Obviously, trying to have really cool product for everyone out differently at different times of the year. It's also a huge investment. Honestly, this weekend, really just thanks to all the listeners. It was really cool to see what this other sliver of the community really does. And I wanted to share this with you and the listeners.
Starting point is 03:15:04 Other sliver. What's the other sliver? the community really does. And I wanted to share this with you and the listeners. Other sliver. What's the other sliver? I mean, the other sliver of the other sliver is the sliver that doesn't listen to you, right? We've had this conversation so many times about, oh, this so-and-so said that they listen to you, but they really can't say it because they don't they're not comfortable with with coming out quote unquote uh and saying that they listen to the podcast or people that just have no idea what's going on there think about how many people didn't even know about taylor versus the world which sucks for them um but they are that population is out there the population that
Starting point is 03:15:42 says oh no it's linked to settle on the hill or i want nothing to do with it and like my purpose the calling is hey it doesn't matter like look at the look at these numbers these numbers are not gonna lie it's actual concrete evidence um that you guys are moving that you guys are shakers um well thank you it makes me so stoked to hear that i know that you're open you basically are simultaneously opening two coffee shops at the same time, and I know that that's fucking God. This is a comedy. Crazy, but thank you. So they did 10 times better with Taylor vs. the World than paying for Vendorspace.
Starting point is 03:16:18 Jesus Christ. Yeah, no. Can you imagine that? I do want to say this. I do want to say this, I do want to say this. I'll say it very gently. Gabe did tell me at one time that investing in the podcast space seemed to be more lucrative than sponsoring athletes. I'm saying that as gently as I can.
Starting point is 03:16:38 Not seems to be. Not seems to be. I'm trying to be gentle. No, I mean, it should be something that should be stated. And it also should be something that people in that space of sponsoring athletes take into consideration. Even just look at what Colton's been doing lately. He's been coming out of his shell and it's been benefiting us tremendously. But at the same time, we want to make sure that the people that we have a relationship with, it's all cool.
Starting point is 03:17:14 Me and you had that conversation about that one athlete that no longer is with us, but hey, we want to make sure that if you guys are with us like the chat is like you are like we're going to give back like this promotion it's not like it it's going to make me rich but what it's doing is it's making sure that i'm able to have this long lasting business and all thanks to you to be honest with you augustus think is that why colton and ariel are the only athletes left that paper street coffee sponsors yeah you're figuring it out Augustus Exactly and it's not because
Starting point is 03:17:48 They sell or don't sell coffee it's relationships Yeah No no no Augustus check this out They're not the only athletes But they're the only athletes No of course not Of course not That's crazy
Starting point is 03:18:02 They're not. And again, I love all my athletes. I texted them all individually after quarterfinals. Like, hey, you guys did. Hey, I appreciate everything everyone's done for me. But again, it's one of those things where you just need to look at what we have going on and use your optics and use your own kind of judgment as to who are the people that are right or die who are the people that actually are quote-unquote indoctrinated into what we want to do and those are the people that keep on supporting like look
Starting point is 03:18:39 look at everyone here in this chat has probably ordered coffee thanks to you and solely thanks to you and obviously what we're doing is growing our reach right without these athletes maybe we couldn't grow how many people follow us uh but again i mean shit when i say you have the best call to action that I've ever seen. Here are the concrete factual evidence that if you say, Hey guys, we're running an awesome promotion. Please go support this awesome company. People do because people trust you. And then it's our job as a company to give the best product that we can.
Starting point is 03:19:21 I just picked up some savage ones. They just came in yesterday and I feel so pissed off that I didn't buy them earlier because they're dope right they're dope they're they're really really cool hey you want you want to have a good time on the assault bike get some savage ones do two shots of fucking espresso from paper street coffee and get on the assault bike and you'll have a blast yeah man and even even look at i got my shirt my hiller shirt yesterday from travis yeah i don't buy any other company like yes i'm sorry born primitive i'm not gonna buy your shirts because i'm gonna buy it from travis i'm sorry whatever whoever else right i just i um i've i wear i wear a vindicate shirt every day but um and the born primitive shirts are really fucking nice
Starting point is 03:20:06 but i do damn you look yoked but i do you do too yeah what is that a small no it's a large come on hey hey gabe i appreciate you calling dude love you i gotta go because i gotta go inside just really my kids have been over for 20 minutes and they're just inside fucking God knows doing what. All right, Andrew, thanks for coming on. We'll be debuting Robin soon. We'll have a time and date for you. Talk to you guys all soon. Bye-bye.

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