The Sevan Podcast - Greg Glassman | Microdosing The Truth | Live Call In

Episode Date: December 21, 2023

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Starting point is 00:01:05 None of those guys look like they work out I don't like the start of that Why does that have to be the first comment I see This morning Sebi looks like a showered Palestinian I'll take it Need to adjust something with my camera though Seve looks like a showered Palestinian. I'll take it. I need to adjust something with my camera, though.
Starting point is 00:01:29 I'm already ready for a new studio. I want to try to do a show standing up. I want to see if that affects my... demeanor. My, um... personality. You guys seen this movie, The Fall of Minneapolis? The one I showed the trailer for yesterday?
Starting point is 00:01:55 You know what's cool is I showed that trailer and it didn't even I didn't get a ding for it. A lot of times if you show a trailer, you get a ding for it, like some sort of copyright ding. It's like, hey, why are you dinging me for a copyright for something I'm trying to promote for you? Mr. Schindledecker, good morning.
Starting point is 00:02:14 I look forward to speaking with you later today. Hope you're doing well, buddy. Morning, friends. JW, Rambler, hey, always, hi. Lauren Knowles, also mourning for her also. Tank Reeves just came to say, told you so, DJT is getting the shaft and the election will be either canceled or worse. Haley versus Harris.
Starting point is 00:02:37 You know what I think? We'll bring this up when Greg comes on. I don't think that thing in Colorado is going to stick. And the three descending dissension, the dissension is from three judges who were appointed by a Democrat. So the three judges that think that Donald Trump should be on the ballot were Democrats. Hey, there hasn't even been due process for the uh insurrection they're calling an insurrection there's no due process oh thank you caleb live calling show put the number up okay caleb already working just comes in full speed ahead adding value uh someone looks like an armenian mobster
Starting point is 00:03:18 in that photo you know how much better it really is true our shows with thumbnails do so much better yeah i think so too yeah bruce wayne makes a thumbnail uh it does better and um well we need to tell him uh chat with him about like if it's rich froning on my picture needs to be small his needs to be big yeah that's true yeah big shirtless picture and then tiny Savon head. Yeah, tiny. Not even necessary, just if you have one laying around. Yeah. I'm curious if Emily, we need an Emily thumbnail.
Starting point is 00:03:56 I wonder if that would get us more views. I bet it would. Savon looks like he has an IED strapped to him in this picture. Oh, I got a... 9-11 was fun for me that terrorist look i have i told you guys the story i got stopped in miami coming in one time went to secondary they were fucking convinced that i was in the syrian army dude it was crazy which one which syrian army i don't know but they're like how many years have you spent it wasn't even like were you in the syrian army how many years were you in the
Starting point is 00:04:30 syrian army the what army um ma'am and i was i was a full-on dirt toilet twirler like ma'am i i wouldn't hurt anyone i fucking hate cops i hate you i hate all military i'm a full-blown like peace corps guy yeah i'm marxist what are you talking black lives matter i mean i what do you mean i feel sorry for uh black people i'm i'm a liberal leave me alone i'm better than you i would never kill anyone i the only way liberals do bad shit is we gather them together and burn them in ovens what do you leave me alone god greg i'm sorry i thought greg greg's i don't by the way this is not a criticism greg always rolls in a few minutes after the show starts but last night he was pumped i thought he would be here like 10 minutes before me but no uh i get i
Starting point is 00:05:19 get that a lot too um by the way always secondary for seve. So many secondaries. Not just like... The Miami one was just really long time. I've been in secondary for a long time in Canada and Miami. But I've been to secondary 20 times. One time in Egypt I went to secondary. I went to third dairy. I stayed in the airport for three hours. Yeah. Flying into Egypt.
Starting point is 00:05:48 Not fun. 20 guys. No exaggeration. Egyptians don't mess around either. 20 guys all in suits. Silk suits. Is that a TV camera or a movie camera? They wanted to know.
Starting point is 00:06:04 What's the difference? Yeah, I was fucking tripping. There's a right answer here and I will give it. Tell me what it is. That was the movie Desert Runners that I was filming and directing. And that was the one where they came and got the Jew like a week into the shoot. We were out in the middle of the Sahara Desert. And the guys in the Toyota Hiluxesara desert and the guys in the toyota
Starting point is 00:06:25 hyluxes came out and said do you got a jew running with you and everyone's like wow and they grabbed the jew it's so funny i didn't even you don't even think about that shit until you until you till you have to take care of three jews you're like yeah so what so some people hate jews yeah so what some people hate some. So what? Some people hate some black people. You're just a liberal. Now your kids are going to run through Egypt and they're going to say, oh, do you have three little
Starting point is 00:06:51 Jew boys running with you? They'll be like, right there. Right there, those three. I don't think... Mustafa, Muhammad, and I don't know what's the third name. Hasim better fucking have their a game on if they're going to fucking fuck with the three playing brothers though.
Starting point is 00:07:11 It's no joke. Man, we, we, we did a little tour of jujitsu academies. Those guys are crazy. Scaled nation. Good morning.
Starting point is 00:07:23 Athena Perez. I wonder when they're scaled nation. Oh, upcoming events. Oh, March. Okay. Working with larger bodies in Hamilton, Montana. Oh, that's Missoula. Cool town, right?
Starting point is 00:07:41 At Bitterroot CrossFit, March 30th. Cool town, right? At Bitterroot CrossFit, March 30th. And then Nashville, Tennessee in April. Oh, two seminars in April. Oh, are they backwards? Oh, they're backwards on your website for April. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 00:07:57 I need to send you something, don't I? Crying out loud. Sorry, I'm back home, Athena. I know I need to mail you something yeah there they are March April and then you can go backwards in April too to Tennessee oh two in Tennessee oh that's why they're backwards they're both at the same place or same town alright
Starting point is 00:08:18 Ryan say hi to Miss Tovar for me make sure you take your ceo shirt maybe i'll come say hi to you too yeah uh there's mr glassman what is greg's thoughts what is greg's thoughts about god what are greg's thoughts about god what is greg's thoughts about God? What is Greg's thoughts about God? I think you should capitalize it. Good start. I always do, and I'm not
Starting point is 00:08:56 in the least bit religious. Mom and dad are capitalized too, right? I do that too, and brother and sister and kids. Oh, brother and sister too kids oh brother and sister to kids i know they're special you know right okay it's it i go german for that they do that what do you mean germans capitalize all nouns all nouns it's the easiest fucking language in the world it's so easy it's so easy. It's so easy.
Starting point is 00:09:28 Let's see. It's beautiful from that regard alone. Just as orderly as you think the Germans would make a religion. I mean, a language, excuse me. The problem is, I've just heard the the dominant german speaker i've heard it's always got like his hand waving around in the air and a little mustache and he's just getting crazy and that guy even fucked up like mercedes-benz and german shepherd dogs for people right i know it sucks i had a girlfriend that couldn't have it Couldn't get in a Mercedes or
Starting point is 00:10:05 Look at a German Shepherd dog Yeah I've been around those people Yeah That's because in German all nouns are capitalized Yep every person place and thing is capitalized So not only do you have to remember To capitalize every sentence and proper noun Like we do in English you have to capitalize
Starting point is 00:10:21 Every other thing as well Oh it's funny they're trying to act like that's a bad thing in here. So not only. Do you have to remember? The hunt is dropped on the cat's scalp. Have you been to Germany, Greg? Yeah. For seminars?
Starting point is 00:10:49 Yeah. Something? Yeah. I went there a couple times too i really enjoyed it good people good clean country yeah you've been there too yeah we stopped by when i came back from unemployment spent like four days german speaking countries have a $5 trillion GDP. What are those? Switzerland, Germany, and Austria. And you feel every dollar of it when you cross the border. It's like someone flipped a switch. It's kind of bizarre. I didn't even know Switzerland spoke German.
Starting point is 00:11:17 I don't know what I thought they spoke. Yeah, the streets are clean. the roads are well worked if they ever put a road under construction they tear it all the way down to the base layer like all the way down to ground level and then they rebuild it from the bottom up so like in america they'll just resurface it they'll like grind down the top of the asphalt and just relay another layer of asphalt but in germany they actually take the time to remake the whole thing so you could have a road that's out of commission for like a year but once it's done it's perfect and you'll be able to drive on it for centuries there was um uh there's this highway between mombasa and nairobi the nairobi mombasa highway
Starting point is 00:12:01 and they had three different construction countries come and make it and I forget it was like China Japan and Germany and I remember the locals there were saying that the German road is like way way way way way superior than what the Chinese and what the Japanese made just like crazy the other two got potholes and need constant repairs and the Germans just killed it Se savvy and i were navigating the airport in nairobi and our terminal was closed and we're like why did it go it's on fire terminal one was on fire it opened back up it was all good hey i saw i think you were with me greg also we saw a family of four a man a woman and two kids get on a uh escalator and you could tell it was the first time they'd ever been on an escalator
Starting point is 00:12:52 remember that the father huddled them all together and they got on together and in sheer terror that was kind of cool right any other thoughts on god greg besides this the spelling i'm uh i'm neutral on the whole thing and it's it allows me to judge religions if you religious people shouldn't be weighing in on the jews and the catholics and that kind of thing so i i consider myself a referee. And why shouldn't they? I'm speaking mostly in jazz. Right. Because they're biased?
Starting point is 00:13:32 Yeah. You've already got a team, right? Yeah. You know, if you're my buddy Elliot, he's got an Ohio State Buckeyes license plate, right? Yeah. If I,
Starting point is 00:13:48 if I ask him his opinion on something in college football, it's going to be jaded by his Ohio state perspective. Right. His Buckeye lenses. Right. I don't like college football, so I should weigh in. Um,
Starting point is 00:14:02 I'm guessing and I'm projecting that they're asking about your thoughts about the afterlife. I'm doing my best to get it all done here and I'd recommend everyone do the same. Act like you only have one
Starting point is 00:14:22 shot. I have no interest in being a part of taking anything from anyone. Right. You know, when I was a kid, I was probably a little different. I was a lot different about that. And so those guys that would,
Starting point is 00:14:38 those sweet boys that would knock on the door and want to leave pamphlets, you know, I'd have the most. Yeah, I was as good at what they did as they were respectful respectfully always but i don't you know i've lost interest in that hey if if so first i want to say you taught me – There's greater fish to fry in terms of writing people's epistemology. There's greater – okay. Yeah, in fact, on net, I'm going to say that Judaism and Christianity have been good for the species.
Starting point is 00:15:20 Right, and you taught me that, that hey, just because you don't – I learned it from from frederick hayek and what was that that uh he where he was godless he all his values were only found in judeo-christian countries from women's rights to free speech to the right to assembly, all that stuff. It's property rights. Look at the, when we went here before, look at the axes against the West.
Starting point is 00:15:59 And look at the way their system of government and how their people live. We'll go from China to Russia to Iran to North Korea to Gaza. Right. And what do you have? Complete and total enslavement, a subjugated body of people. Right. Their leadership has decided
Starting point is 00:16:26 they're nothing but collateral damage and the rest of us are less than that you could not be Christian but still use their values in order to live a bountiful and fruitful life my father-in-law said the other day I believe in the Ten Commandments and let me go through that again
Starting point is 00:16:51 yeah I'm like fully solid on almost all of them it's kind of a demarcation of being decent or indecent let me pose this paradigm to you or indecent. Right. Let me pose this paradigm to you. And I do think they're
Starting point is 00:17:11 ingrained in us likely biologically. Oh, you do? Yes. Yeah, there's those Hayekian things that while man-made were designed by no man. Law, language, religion, currency.
Starting point is 00:17:28 Thou shalt have no other gods before me. That one I can, you know, okay, we'll come back to that. Those could just be the next nine also, though. Thou shalt not make unto any graven image. I don't even know what that means. Wow, this one's fucking annoying. Okay, thank you. No, thank you.
Starting point is 00:17:46 No, hold on. Let me get a better one. Let me get like a kid's one. Here we go. What does that mean? You can't. Oh, thank you. God, Caleb, you're a good dude.
Starting point is 00:17:54 Okay, number one. Yes. Awesome. I apologize, Greg, but I apologize. You have to slum it down here with those ignigents. Love God more than anything else. Don't make anything more important than God. Always say God's name with love and respect.
Starting point is 00:18:19 Honor the Lord by resting on the seventh day of the week. Love and respect your mom and dad. Never hurt anyone. Always be faithful to your husband and wife. Don't take anything that isn't yours. Always tell the truth. Be happy with what you have. Don't wish for other people's things.
Starting point is 00:18:41 You know, number six alone determines whether you should live in a cage or not. You know what I mean? I mean, this is some important shit. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:53 Hey, this, there are these things in there though, that are kind of like, um, uh, don't take anything that isn't yours. That would have helped a lot of people with the cage problem. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:10 I observed in my pet rats as a kid that they understood property rights. So if I just threw something in the middle, a dominant rat was going to get it. just threw something in the middle dominant rat was going to get it if i gave the coveted treat to one of the submissive less dominant rats yeah he or she could huddle in the corner and eat it the others would just watch and be bummed they fucking knew it was his i gave it to him right now if i left the room they might gang up and take it from him and eat it right right but there was dogs are the same way watch them it's kind of interesting there's a sense of i got this nana and a nana what it's mine seagulls don't do that play that game you throw a piece of bread up and a seagull grabs it and 17 seagulls are on his ass as he
Starting point is 00:20:02 flies away just screaming at him. Chickens too. It's fun to watch the one chicken that has the centipede and you have to eat it basically doing that running flying thing they do. Cause each time you stop the chances of keeping it plummet. Well, Jake Chapman, other than faith in God, I'm'm a i'm a perfect christian it's kind of interesting because i mean i don't know if he's joking or not but that's kind of that's kind of the position that i was talking about like yeah try to follow the rules of the bible even if you don't believe in god it will get civilization in yourself ahead in the game it's a good rule book a lot of good shit in there i um let me pose this to you greg that somewhere inside of us there's a piece that needs to have
Starting point is 00:20:54 that itched whatever whatever that god thing is that fulfills but but some people have filled it with other things like their tv set or what cnn tells them like there is a but but it is the same mechanism and it is the same like that there's an archetype to us that has to be this i guess food like we all have to eat right some of us eat skittles some of us eat ribeye some of us so that somewhere as a human being intellectually, there's something that we feel like we need to consume that fills this bucket in our brain. And some people have chosen Christianity to fill that bucket, and other people have chosen CNN, and maybe other people have chosen Bayesian logic. I don't know. Do you think that I'm on to something?
Starting point is 00:21:42 Yeah, I do, but I want to circle around it and address it. Okay. Man, there's damn few people I know that don't either believe in God faith at the same other than rational, powerful vehemence for the state and its achievements. And it's just my Christian and my liberal friends. My conservative friends are largely Judeo-Christian and my liberal friends are not and my liberal friends still have their God it's the state right can you give me some examples of how that manifests if you have try try amongst your liberal friends having a discussion as to the exacerbating effects of giveaways on poverty, of the reality that rent control creates slums,
Starting point is 00:22:53 that being colorblind is the best way ethically and practically to deal with race relations. Try having those discussions. Try explaining that the state is a source of destruction and bad more than good. It's an inconceivable point of view to them. Absolutely, utterly inconceivable. They'll shut down.
Starting point is 00:23:23 You're going to get as far as you will talking with one of our friends about, you're not so sure about this Jesus guy. Right. Right. Discussion's over. Right. Right. You're,
Starting point is 00:23:32 you're seen as being something that's not worthy of further interaction. Right. And for my money, I'd rather, I'd rather live in the, the judeo-christian reality than in the socialist world right is there a third is there a third choice i don't know this libertarian kind of types these fence sitters we never get anything
Starting point is 00:24:02 fucking together. Right. This is, I think, very much what a lot of Jews feel. Which is? I don't know. There was something in it other than other than you know,
Starting point is 00:24:23 he'd tell me you should be in temple today. And I'd say, I'm not Jewish. He goes, yeah, you are. And I go, no, I'm not. He goes, yeah, but you are. And I go, I don't even believe in God. He goes, that doesn't matter either. You should still be there.
Starting point is 00:24:36 And if you want to sit there and continue this, he had a pretty good argument. I saw, speaking of Jewss i saw this stat i'm going to see if i can find the um the source for it uh okay here we go um i just found it you turn me on to this lady this week's polling results published by the pal Center for Policy and Survey Research. Yeah, that's great. That's it. I'm going to do my stop reading. When? Revealed that no fewer than 82% of the residents of Gaza approved of October 7th.
Starting point is 00:25:20 Here's where I go on. I'm going to pretend like it's not true. And that these are actually a decent oppressed people, oppressed by a dictatorial shit government, one of the shittiest on the shitty planet. It's North Korea bad in Gaza. Look, ask Amnesty International. They said they've been torturing and interrogating people in that hospital to the tunes of hundreds yeah that's amnesty international for god's sakes it's no
Starting point is 00:25:52 friend of conservative causes right hundreds of cases of hamas torturing people in that fucking hospital do you know what torture looks like in hospitals? You know how good you can do it there? That's some Soviet-quality super torture. You've got everything you would ever need. Right. Got your scalpels and your needles and your drugs. Otherwise, they keep passing out.
Starting point is 00:26:19 It's no fun. Shoot them up with some more adrenaline, some epinephrine in there they're like stop he's gonna kill him you're like he's far from fucking dead we're at the hospital how about the
Starting point is 00:26:35 the guy you and I were in China when this story broke there was a reporter who the Saudis called into the embassy in Turkey. It was New York. New York. No, sorry. Not New York, but Washington Times reporter.
Starting point is 00:26:56 And they invited him over to come visit him at the Saudi embassy in Turkey. I think he was a post guy, but anyways. What did I call it? Times. Oh, yeah, yeah, Washington Post, right? The one that's owned by Bezos. Yeah. Yeah, they called that dude in.
Starting point is 00:27:15 And the night before, two G5s with a bunch of Saudis came in, and they got this guy inside the embassy, and they chopped him up into little pieces and put him in bags. And the whole thing is, like, recorded, the audio recordings of it. guy inside the embassy and they've chopped them up into little pieces and put them in bags and the whole thing is like recorded the audio recordings of it yes the guy working a bone cell was singing with earplugs in and shit yeah yeah like what what kind of song do you sing as you're dissecting someone for easy transport probably a religious song right something you learned in church right muhammad is great uh jedediah snelson i've had a time where god wasn't a part of my life
Starting point is 00:27:56 and a part of my life has been led by faith through my experience despite being paralyzed life has been incrementally better with god and faith yeah i mean i don't think that that's i think that's part of the topic here right that people's life this civilization is better than others and it's it's fantastic for the civilization to have a bunch of people who are following the law of god right look i can go here if there's a god i know he loves me look i can go here if there's a god i know he loves me right why because your wife's hot yeah because your kids are healthy what do i have i have my health i've got yeah if you lose your kids i've got more money than i'm going to be able to spend in this lifetime i mean you have enough money where if you lose a remote you can just order another one on amazon get five yeah until they quit disappearing and don't even complain about it right just go on
Starting point is 00:28:52 amazon yeah no no kids get spanked and look and put in remote and there they are get five more right and then at the point where they're in every drawer you look in you're good that that um that tv in your main room in your arizona house the one that looks out at the pool that giant tv does that remote have a place where it lives like that remote has to be there for that tv yeah i was hiding it in the barbecue for a while oh you were hiding it yeah see here's my thing i'm like i think by the way just so you know, Greg has more kids than ants on his property. That's why he's going to do shit like that. Yeah. Go ahead. Sorry.
Starting point is 00:29:35 Yeah, Mike. Put it on the grill. Each kid has two to three friends over, and he has nine kids. It's a preschool. And I'm old school. I think the remote should be in the room where the tv is weird yeah yeah i've never heard of that i'm like hey where's the fucking remote and it was like there's no telling i'm like why is that even a possibility it's not even in the couch cushions so you don't so that's so so there is a spot there isn't is there a spot besides the spot where you hide it like is it like hey if you're when you're
Starting point is 00:30:10 done set it on this coffee table like we got a spot for our remote it's even gotten better than that i've got i've got the the home team using the uh the native uh universal remote that comes sony which is mostly what we have. We have some LGs too. But I have them using that remote. And then I got a DirecTV streaming account and I have these little remotes. And so we basically
Starting point is 00:30:36 come in at the thing from completely different. I'm coming in through the net and they're coming in through Chromecast. Or whatever the fuck it is. And so we don't even interface the same. Yeah, I like that. I get it.
Starting point is 00:30:55 We don't work on the same interface with the tablet. They can do all kinds of stuff. Load up apps, download stuff. Yeah, that's good. I don't think you have a favorite thing. Greg, what's your favorite thing to watch on TV? You don't really watch TV, do you? I mean, besides just some news. Yeah, I'll leave either Fox or CNNnn on just in the background like you know
Starting point is 00:31:25 news act um but uh in terms of watching stuff um the youtubing of things for the kids in their homeschooling has been a wonderful experience for me again i don't know for diagramming sentences What a great entree to that is available from YouTube. When Google came to us and told us they had the number one and number two biggest search engines in the world, most popular search engines in the world, we all drew a blank. And everyone knows of Google, but what's number two? Well, it was YouTube.
Starting point is 00:32:09 And they said that that was the dominant search engine used by the favorite search engine of people under 25. And I found that inconceivable that someone would use fucking YouTube as a search engine. So I went home that night, committed to demonstrating for myself what a weak search engine it was. And it only took about 20, 30 minutes to discover quite the contrary. It was really fucking good. In almost any subject field that I could search, more than a few people had put out videos on that topic.
Starting point is 00:32:43 And that ranged all the way from the Nicomot massacre at the Nairobi Mall where we had been, which had happened the day before, so I can date this inquiry, all the way to things like equal protection clause of the constitution, you find, or reading, learning to read music, that there's just some brilliant work done across a whole range of production qualities and efforts and it's just it's great so i'm a youtube guy uh heidi krum youtube kids is trash i agree 100 what a fucking disaster you know i have the app icon and i've never looked at it. But as soon as I hear those voices and see that palette of colors, I'm pretty much gone.
Starting point is 00:33:30 It's not something you want your kids watching. I'll tell you that. Bentonite Clay. I've taken a huge fascination with Bentonite Clay and I've just been hanging out on YouTube. Just listening, just everywhere I drive, just listening to people talk about it it's properties it's value what you can use it for where it's found should you be building houses on it is it good for putting in your mouth just everything yeah everyone and their mom has an opinion on it it's so good that guy right there go go down a little bit.
Starting point is 00:34:05 That guy right there. That one was fascinating. I had no idea. I wasn't even looking for that, but he's talking about building houses on it. Volcanic ash. Do you know much about bentonite, Clay Gray? No. Little I think I may have known. I think I forgot. I don't really understand. That sounds familiar.
Starting point is 00:34:25 I'm going to say something, and you're probably going to understand it better than I'm saying it. But basically, it has some property that when it gets wet, it has a charge 400 times greater than its own weight, meaning it starts drawing things to it. It's some sort of – what's that called? Magnetic? It's not magnetic. There's another word they keep using over and over but it just pulls shit out you know so you put it on your face and it supposedly pulls stuff off or when you eat it it attracts metals to you to it and pulls them out it's like some sort of special property i'd go to separate the hype from the bullshit for me I would Google search up industrial uses of bed night oh I would look for chemical engineers in its possession in large quantities and yes from there that that's real yeah
Starting point is 00:35:17 that's a good you're right as opposed to academics or people who have like astrology posters up in their office you guy making YouTube videos right yeah. Yeah, that's the word right there, Dale King. Adsorption as opposed to absorption. Adsorption. Yeah. People swear by this shit. People love this stuff. As a suspended agent, viscocifier, binding and emulsion stabilizer for cosmetic pharmaceuticals and personal care products suitable for use in all organic natural products. This mineral is specifically processed to control both purity and performance.
Starting point is 00:35:53 Boy, I really like that word, viscocifier. It's the cornstarch in cosmetics. Viscocifier. Wow. Right? I like that. You know, it should be an earth thickener. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:16 Yeah, last one you had there, Sebi, why is bentonite added to cement? That might be something I've seen before. to cement that it might be what something I've seen before yeah it's it's in this tooth powder that I've been using so I've just been kind of gotten obsessed with it man I really like tooth powder holy cow I'm obsessed with it you you've only tried the one right you gotta try some others I tried the one that I I like it because it only has four ingredients I know you need to try one with one ingredient yeah like just try baking soda yeah for instance right yeah and if that's 90 of it then your thing is you it's the baking powder because it's a it's clearly a better cleaner. Oh.
Starting point is 00:37:17 For instance, for instance, there's no, you know, you're not going to be Ajax, Comet, those kind of things in the sink cleaner. Right. And it's because of the grit, right? Oh, you think that's what's happening? I'm just scraping enamel off, layers of enamel off my thing no i don't oh okay good no layers of of other flat plaque yeah yeah there's eggshells in my in mine too there you go calcium carbonate you're getting close to the sodium bicarb right i mean yeah there you go uh dildo hi nice to see you good morning uh mr dill today's my last day at work until january 2nd 2024 greg's live on the podcast my inbox is basically empty i'm levitating from a mix of Dr. Pepper,
Starting point is 00:38:06 Zen, and ecstasy in my office. Ecstasy? Really? You took ecstasy? Or just ecstasy in your office? What a great last day of work. Yeah. God, Dr. Pepper's so good. So Zen. You're really indulging. You need to stand up. Zen?
Starting point is 00:38:21 It's the chewing tobacco. It's nicotine without the tobacco. Yeah. Tucker Carlson's pushing it's the chewing tobacco it's it's nicotine without the tobacco yeah tucker carlson's pushing it like crazy maggie likes to diet dr pepper god dr pepper so good that's a pretty good fuck you at work though right just imagine sitting at your desk don't even turn the computer on just dr pepper you're zing Pepper. You're high on nicotine. Listening to this podcast. Yeah. With your hand in your pocket.
Starting point is 00:38:52 And when it's done before, on your way out to the car, you can tell everyone what you really think of them. He's got to come back on January 2nd. Oh, not last day of work. Yeah. Okay. What is, does Greg use, this is very personal, Wild Zombie. I don't know 499.
Starting point is 00:39:09 Greg, do you use a bidet? Yeah, if it's there. We got it in, we got the Toto going, the Kid Rock one in Santa Cruz. You think you've gotten, what's the Kid Rock one? It's the good one. Santa Cruz. You think you've gotten, what's the kid rock one.
Starting point is 00:39:24 It's the good one. Um, uh, uh, rock said the two things that he, the two things that Howard Stern asked him, what was the advantage of being a rock star? And he said it was his total toilet and, the jet.
Starting point is 00:39:37 Easy, easy. Wow. Wow. Crazy. See, I, one of your houses houses I don't like plastic toilets it's a $5,000
Starting point is 00:39:52 toilet and it's got like plastic parts I can't stand that you know what it's never had it needed a service call in a decade of operation all right the toilet that I pulled out of my bathroom it's been there for like 70 years and it hasn't it would still flush it's a toto no it's not a toto oh i will say this this is probably uh
Starting point is 00:40:14 irresponsible for me to reveal this about greg but um greg's life is so good that he has a urinal in his bathroom so he doesn't wow he doesn't even have to like hey what that does for the cleanliness of a bathroom is unbelievable you really you get a urinal and you quickly come to realize that men are disgusting pigs if you really if you do the urinal that teach you that maybe i'll install a urinal then why what do you mean by that the urinal was invented to contain the splash of male urine. Yeah. And all those swisher, those different things that are sit down there in the bowl that you pee on. Yeah, like the one with the fly on it and shit.
Starting point is 00:40:56 Yeah. That's framing. That's all to get you to work the center and get it caught in those combs to stop the splash out. An experiment needs to be done. Someone needs to fill the toilet with a red dye. And then someone needs to come up and just
Starting point is 00:41:13 horse piss into that water. I'm going to tell you that the splash on the floor and on the seat is going to be red. You're blowing water out of the toilet back and pee. But that's the dynamics of peeing. Even at my height into into a body of water.
Starting point is 00:41:39 You're making a mess. And I'm not going to do the German Sitzke-pissing either. Sitzke-pissing? Yeah. Is that what German men do? You think that they all sit down? Yeah, yeah. You're supposed to Sitzke-pissing.
Starting point is 00:41:55 It's the polite thing to do. Hey, dude, there's got to be a video on YouTube. I put in a red dye toilet experiment, but it's all about leaking toilets. But red dye toilet piss experiment. I'll put the piss I only come on here and offer shit that hasn't been done before so He used the world's greatest search engine to figure out if that was out there and he couldn't find it so I think I found oh UV light here we go. Yeah yeah bring that up really okay yeah lauren knolls uh wow thank you holy cow you know this lady greg she's been to the ddc
Starting point is 00:42:37 with her husband yeah the name sounds very familiar and lauren i went to school and years and years and years ago in uh the san fernando valley with the janet knolls sorry caleb i had to pull that off just for a second so we're not looking at urine and talking uh merry christmas seven great caleb and uh the spirit of matthew souza i'm so grateful for the weekly conversations with coach, the inspiration to start homeschooling my kids this year. And of course, all things CrossFit past, present,
Starting point is 00:43:09 future, keep fighting the good fight. And you're standing in front of a sign that says bangers, a sausage and beer. I can, I like all that. Thank you. That's a very,
Starting point is 00:43:19 very sweet and generous donation. Buy me two cups of coffee here in Santa Cruz. That's cool. Hold on. One more thing. I listen every day, just not usually live. Well,
Starting point is 00:43:32 cool. Good to have you this morning. Ever had a shit in a urinal? Well, that's a little, that's a little much. Okay. Let's go.
Starting point is 00:43:40 Let's go back to the black light. Thank you, Lauren. Thank you. Okay, here we go. Okay. Herelight. Thank you, Lauren. Here we go. What you see. Wait, pause.
Starting point is 00:43:54 Listen, people. The way that toilet paper is stacked next to the toilet, that's just idiocy. Every guy sees that and knows that you're just wiping your ass with everyone's piss that goes in there. Okay. My kids would try and pee in the hole in the tub. That's good. you're just wiping your ass with everyone's piss that goes in there. My kids would try to pee in the hole in the tub.
Starting point is 00:44:08 That's good. I think that's a healthy reaction. I mean, that is just... Who comes up with this shit? A chick. It's fucking crazy. Okay, here we go. Yeah, there you go. As bad as I thought. We do need red dye, though.
Starting point is 00:44:34 Oh, okay, we're going to go with some close-up shots. See, my contention is not only are you getting pissed back up there, but toilet water. Yeah, both. Yeah. A foot away. 14 inches away. Oh, this is cooler than I thought. Okay. See, I knew this to be true. The urinal will take most of the piss off the wall dozens of uh aiming variations were used to reduce splash prevention that's what you were talking about like trying to get people to aim at different targets
Starting point is 00:45:19 oh is this a simultaneous wow this is this is science yeah this is science we're in the observation phase yeah so you have just hundreds of people urinating in your toilet and what we learned okay yeah great send this to me sydney okay 29 of men usually aim directly into the water the only 20 oh in our test this produced large droplets that mostly stayed within the bowl with minimal spray onto the rear rim of the bowl underside of the toilet seat lid and nearby wall okay so large if you spray shoot right into the water you get large droplets but that mostly stay within the bowl with minimal spray. That intuits well. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:07 There's the greatest opportunity for absorption in the water mass that's in the bowl. Only 2% usually aim at the near side of the bowl in front of the water. Oh, what are the effects of that? I wonder if that has to do with the fact that you have just poor pressure. That's what I'm thinking. We scream. I wonder if that has to do with the fact that you have just poor pressure. That's what I'm thinking. The pee float over and around the bowl instead of bouncing off of it. The least splashback.
Starting point is 00:46:39 So if you have a dude with a small dick and not a lot of pressure, you probably have the least filth. Height's going gonna be a factor too for sure my son walked up to a urinal the other day i'm like that's too high he's like no i can do it he wanted to rest his penis on the edge i'm like don't ever oh you just touch a fucking urinal hey that's gay by the way not that i have any problem with being gay but if your penis touches the urinal, even on accident, you just chalk it up. You're gay.
Starting point is 00:47:07 You had a gay experience. Wow. Oh, that's if you hit the back. Yeah, that's pretty bad. Jeez. Whoa. That's your Texaco not giving a fuck. Like you have a beer in one hand.
Starting point is 00:47:29 Yeah, right, right. You're adding pressure to it from the top. Oh, wow. Here you go. Accumulation over days. Yeah. Oh, man. All right, I'm getting sick. Hey. Oh, another stupid place for the toilet paper.
Starting point is 00:47:47 Man. Let's pivot slightly. Tony, Tony Martorano. Mr. Glassman, Greg, here's Greg. My gym is closing and I'm moving to another affiliate To work towards being a coach there Any tips to build trust With those athletes over there I'm going to start just as an athlete first No, just be yourself, man
Starting point is 00:48:24 Immediately start talking to them about God Start heavy with that Yeah just lean in Blade Walker Your local officer When y'all got morning wood do you sit and pee Or do you lean Leaning tower
Starting point is 00:48:42 Leaning tower Leaning tower and pee or do you lean leaning tower leaning tower leaning tower leaning tower it's less a factor in the urinal though i'll just be that's true how would you sit mine wouldn't clear the mine would just keep hitting i would be like moving it to the left and right trying to figure out how i'm going to get it around it's no good. Sit. What's wrong with you?
Starting point is 00:49:08 Thought you were a black dude. You have to sit and do the leaning tower. That better be it. That better be a trick question. Wow. Oh, this is interesting. Jay Hartle, the Armenian. German started peeing sitting down after World War II. Oh. Checks out. Yeah, this is interesting. Jay Hartle, the Armenian. Germans started peeing sitting down after World War II.
Starting point is 00:49:25 Oh. Checks out. Yeah, it makes sense. I believe that. Okay. Did you see this thing, this clip going around? I haven't looked much into it. This clip going around, I haven't looked much into it. With Elon Musk, Tesla, or not Tesla, SpaceX is getting in trouble for not hiring enough non-Americans. Did you see this? They're being sued by the Department of Justice.
Starting point is 00:49:56 Of course they are. Elon urinated, I'll tie it back into what we were just talking about. Elon urinated on their censorship scheme with Twitter. He bought one of their mega for the government's mega exposed it he exposed it for the for the bullshit that was going on using private industry to bridge your first amendment rights it's it's you know what elon said hey i don't want to be hired there's a lot of uh sensitive information there i've hired a massively diverse group of people just not non-americans i just i just want to hire americans he's so focused on the task at hand there's probably very few people in government that can even begin to understand the level of organization or capacity
Starting point is 00:50:48 he has for achievement. This has nothing to do with anything other than him exposing their abridging of our rights. Yeah. I watched him... By the way, the shitty Elon stories
Starting point is 00:51:04 came commensurate with his purchase and exposure. They turn on like wild dogs. Like they did on Trump. The left used to love Trump and then ran for president and they hate him. And Bezos. Oh, Bezos loves him and then turned on him? Did you hear? No, Bezos, he. And then turned on. Did you hear, no Bezos. He's,
Starting point is 00:51:25 he's getting shitty press now too. Um, did you see Bezos talking about a trillion people living in the universe? No. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah,
Starting point is 00:51:36 yeah. He did. Yeah. Uh, he said that people are going to live in like satellites, like international space station type. He's actually, he's actually excited
Starting point is 00:51:45 he's sputtering a little bit with enthusiasm yeah it makes him come off like he's just utterly mad just completely out of his mind but what's kind of cool about that is i think that that has to be true to some degree to have the achievements of a bezos or of a uh the achievements of a Bezos or of a Musk. Just completely grandiose ideas you're saying. Super dreamer. The kid comes
Starting point is 00:52:14 here from South Africa and ends up building the world's most valuable car company and is the dominant player in space exploration. What are the odds of that? Bezos was on Lexx friedman geez yeah this is the clip okay let's hear the stuff see if it'll ours uh and so you can't hear that big what do you hope is the future of humanity hundreds good thousands of years from
Starting point is 00:52:42 now out in space i would love to see a trillion humans living in the solar system. If we had a trillion humans, we would have, at any given time, a thousand Mozarts and a thousand Einsteins. Our solar system would be full of life and intelligence and energy. And we can easily support a civilization that large with all of the resources in the solar system. So what do you think that looks like? Giant space stations? Yeah. The only way to get to that vision is with giant space stations. The planetary surfaces are
Starting point is 00:53:16 just way too small. We will take materials from the moon and from near-Earth objects and from the asteroid belt, and we'll build giant O'Neill-style colonies, and people will live in those. And they have a lot of advantages over planetary surfaces. You can spin them to get normal Earth gravity. You can put them where you want them. I think most people are going to want to live near Earth so they can move quickly back and forth between their station and Earth.
Starting point is 00:53:47 I think a lot of people, especially in the early stages, are not going to want to give up Earth altogether. They go to Earth for vacation. Yeah. And people get to choose whether they live on Earth or whether they live in space, but they'll be able to use much more energy and much more material resource in space than they would be able to use on Earth. One interesting idea you had is to move the heavy industry away from Earth. So people sometimes have this idea that somehow space exploration
Starting point is 00:54:14 is in conflict with the celebration of the planet Earth, that we should focus on preserving Earth. And basically your idea is that space travel and space exploration is a way to preserve earth exactly this planet we've sent robotic probes to all the planets we know that this is the good one earth really is the good planet it's an amazing it's it's amazing the ecosystem we have here all of the life and the lush plant life and the water resources, everything. This planet is really extraordinary. And of course, we evolved on this planet.
Starting point is 00:54:53 So of course, it's perfect for us. But it's also perfect for all the advanced life forms on this planet, all the animals and so on. And so this is a gem. We do need to take care of it. moles and so on. And so this is a gem. We do need to take care of it. And as we enter the Anthropocene, as we humans have gotten so sophisticated and large and impactful, as we stride across this planet, we want to use a lot of energy per capita. We've gotten amazing things. We don't want to go you know if you think about the good old days they're mostly an illusion like in almost every way life is better for almost everyone today
Starting point is 00:55:31 than it was say 50 years ago or 100 years we all what's crazy is this guy does support the good old days this guy this guy has been a a complete break with the through the washington post This guy has been a complete break through the Washington Post. The shit he's done has sent humanity fucking 100 years back. Is he not smart? I wonder what his deal is. I need to listen. That's the first time I've ever heard him speak.
Starting point is 00:56:05 Is he on something? Yeah, i could listen to him for hours but it's it's a train wreck kind of deal um all right i've had all those thoughts i for once i like oh this is why we don't hear more from him okay interesting okay i mean he almost needs to be shepherds hooked off the stage here, right? Jeff, it's time for your nap. Jesus Christ. Is he going to be the next Virgin Airlines kind of guy? I'm going to
Starting point is 00:56:36 give him the credit he's due. He's an incredible visionary. He's seemingly single-handedly destroyed retail with retail's bizarre cooperation. Just about every retail experience I have, it seems like the people in the retail environment are committed to making Bezos wealthy. Just because they're so shitty. I'll go home and go to Amazon.
Starting point is 00:57:01 Right. Right. go home and go to amazon you know right right um but uh that suggests nothing about him having any sense of the future that doesn't make it does it doesn't work that way right so i wouldn't ask bezos or or uh musk what i should get my 10 year old daughter for her birthday party and think that I'm going to get anything that's I just I don't see him on that level there was a good you know what life's going to be like in a thousand
Starting point is 00:57:34 years it's like I'm going to pull a cheek muscle laughing at the fucking guy you really believe that you're fucking delusional you see the future in space stations. Doesn't he know that was a movie and we all saw it? There would be some epic crashes.
Starting point is 00:57:53 Remember? Oh, yeah. You don't think we end up going to space, Greg? No, we're going to be very fortunate to maintain our current standard of living, I think. I think this civilization is in decline.
Starting point is 00:58:16 Okay, he is on TRT. Is that what's going on? Something's going on with his face. TRT Bernie. There have been many times in history where it seemed reasonable to presume the perfecting of civilization culture and
Starting point is 00:58:33 I'm sure the Greeks had moments of what felt like justified confidence. I'm sure the Romans did. And I know we have and did and some do. You know, it was Leif Edmondson that said five years ago, three years ago, that we were five years away from burning witches. And I checked in with him last year, and he's like, yeah, we're right on schedule.
Starting point is 00:59:05 Who would have thought 10 years ago we'd be living 1984, and here we are? Hey, you think that all the trainers are going to end up under licensure, right? Yes, I do. Yes, I do. I thought when Jeff Kane said that the independence of the CrossFit trainer, this was on the NSCA settlement. Yeah. He sent me a long, typical Jeff Kane missive of thousands of words
Starting point is 00:59:33 and a dozen pages. But the powerful part was he said that they wouldn't last five years now. Basically, what was signed away was to put them into receivership the same way i can't um uh have people come over to my house and and charge them 50 a pop to braid their hair unless i pay go through two years of school that's licensed by the state and pay the yearly fees blah blah blah start a business and all that. You think that every CrossFit trainer in the United States in the near future will be taking a test that some fucking idiot at the Food and Drug Administration
Starting point is 01:00:18 makes you pass that says you can't squat below parallel and you can't tell people not to stay away from refined carbohydrates. It took my efforts and four or five employees, the Podesta organization in its heyday, and millions of dollars to stop in one location, one of 30 or 40 licensure attempts. And it's such a rare thing, such an unusual occurrence that it made the Wall Street Journal page two that CrossFit had come of age and it actually stopped, uh, uh, repealed, uh, uh, occupational licensure. And in 40-something years, this has only happened five or six times. And in three or four of those, it was later failed. As this one will, too.
Starting point is 01:01:15 This reversal will be undone. No one's got the money or interest to stop it this time. At AirMiles, we help you collect more moments. So instead of scrolling through photos of friends on social media, you can spend more time dinnering with them. How's that spicy enchilada? Very flavorful.
Starting point is 01:01:36 Yodeling with them. Eww. Ooh, must be mating season. And hiking with them. Is that a squirrel? Bear! Run! Collect more moments with more ways to earn.
Starting point is 01:01:52 Air Mile. Planning for a summer road trip? Check. Luggage? Check. Music? Check. Snacks, drinks, and everything we can win in a new game at Circle K? Check! With Circle K's Summer Road Trip game, you can win over a million delicious instant prizes and a grand prize of $25,000. Play at or at participating Circle K stores. Anti-licensing movement scores a victory.
Starting point is 01:02:25 I don't know that the current ownership isn't sponsors of this uh united states news uh crossfit exercises lobbying clout and beating back district of columbia bid to regulate trainers november 13th 2015 i remember going there uh to dc with you and sitting through those meetings tom brose co-owner of crossfit dc says the people trying to push fitness trainers licensing are doing it to support the rapidly diminishing place in the market. Well, that's the it's worse than that, Mr. Brose. Right. Keep going. Yeah. Tom Brose, he's a good dude. You have to have a subscription, so.
Starting point is 01:03:01 OK, you still don't have a subscription. So you do that on my card. OK, Merry Christmas, kid. Greg just brought you a Christmas present. Pretend it came from me. Yeah, Caleb. Thanks. We're almost like a real podcast now.
Starting point is 01:03:15 Jesus Christ, this is crazy. We've got a special offer. It's only a dollar a week. So that's I mean, how's that going to affect them? How's that going to I want to talk about Trump today and what happened in Colorado, but, but, but before we do,
Starting point is 01:03:27 I want to hammer this a little more. How do you think that affects the big picture? Put on your Jeff Bezos future, looking into the future. It's not that hard nor far away and you don't have to leave the galaxy. Okay. What's going to happen is just exactly as promised nutrition amongst other things is going to be outside of the kin of the trainer.
Starting point is 01:03:46 So that you'll lose your license by saying something like, you should try this carnivore diet. Or statins are no good for you. By the way, Emily just pushed something across my desk that was potentially compelling evidence for statins causing heart disease, congestive heart failure. Oh, geez. I know. It's like, well, of course. That's just rich. Carb restricted diets have been demonstrated to improve glucose uptake in Alzheimer's disease patients.
Starting point is 01:04:32 With the net effect being what? Slowing down the disease? I think it's too late to say something that powerful, but it certainly means looking into. And what they saw was that areas that weren't receiving glucose or ketones, I believe, and were presumed to be dysregulated, dysfunctional, dead, dark tissue after a restricted carbohydrate diet, those sections were alive and taking up glucose. And I forget what the other contrast media was.
Starting point is 01:05:14 So you're saying you're fasting. You have to stop eating. No, I'm saying that it may be that running on ketones helps with the dementia the dementia yeah of alzheimer's well if as long as i've known you you thought that sugar basically caramelized the brain and you were calling it type 3 diabetes from the day i met you they've the problem in the in the pathophysiology the histology is you've got these advanced glycated end products. And you just don't have to have been around much rodeo to recognize glycation is that covalent
Starting point is 01:05:55 bonding of sugar to proteins. And I know exactly how to caramelize every cell in your body. And you do that with sugar. every every cell in your body and you do that with sugar um the key to glycation is is is high blood sugar and these are the things that you won't be allowed to talk about with your patients they'll take that right off youtube is they're probably likely to now if the people were smart enough to know what they heard i just sent uh uh referral was sent a referral to some work of dr seafried's and came with a warning from youtube with from gmail i shared that with you oh yeah showing yeah yeah yeah they're reading your emails that's yeah this might be dangerous material and the person i say she said she didn't get it and she found it in her spam uh box gmail's reading your emails that was
Starting point is 01:06:45 fascinating of course they're reading your emails of course they are uh i was on a podcast uh two and a half years ago coffee pods and wads and i since and and uh there was a segment i said at like the 22 minute mark that youtube uh last week sent a note to the guy who hosts it, who hosts the podcast on YouTube. And they said, hey, we pulled down this podcast because of what was said on your podcast at the 22 minute mark. So I went back to the 22 minute mark and on Spotify and I listened to it. And all I was doing was repeating what I found on the CDC website that you never deploy a vaccine in the middle of a pandemic. It's never been done. And everyone knows that it will exacerbate the spread of the virus. It'll exacerbate the speed of the mutations and that it's never been done. And yet we did it during COVID. They deployed a
Starting point is 01:07:36 vaccine during an actual pandemic. And that was not what was done with polio or the measles. They had significantly subsided before the deployment of the vaccines. And they said, and it got pulled down because I said that even though I was reading it straight off the website for the CDC pulled down off of YouTube saying that it was dangerous information. Did you see, we may have gotten another one too.
Starting point is 01:07:59 Oh, us. Yeah. Oh, where's that shit. I would treat, I would treat YouTube like I would the corner I'm sitting on with my food cart. Sooner or later, the police are going to come and tell you to move?
Starting point is 01:08:16 Yep. Hey, when did we get that, Caleb? Is that today we got it? 4.58 a.m. Oh, so someone is culling the herd right now. Holy shit. So someone's going through all the shit where I am and reporting me. Where would I find that?
Starting point is 01:08:29 I don't see it in our YouTube studio. I'm in the studio. Do I go to dashboard? Yep. It was a long time ago. Episode 198. So like probably Two years ago Wow
Starting point is 01:08:46 Okay so thank you So this came in this morning at 4.58 Your content Sevan Matosian The Sevan podcast 198 live Call-in show was removed due to a violation of our community guidelines We realize you may Not know this was a... Let me see if I can get that whole...
Starting point is 01:09:15 Community guidelines. Hey, I lost my account because it said Instagram's technology has deemed your post inappropriate. The technology. Not your post inappropriate. The technology. Not even a person. I can't even read the whole thing. Oh, so we realize you may not have known this was a violation, so you did not get a strike. And it wants to know if I want to disagree with it, but how do I know what to disagree with
Starting point is 01:09:43 when I don't even know what I've been in trouble for? for yeah you can't even go back and look at the show if you disagree appeal here uh channel not affected visibility removed the next two steps will ask you to take a look at your content and the policy oh okay okay i'll go back i'll look at the review i'll do this later crazy maybe i should screen record this for sure nuts okay so it's happening so someone's going through our manually that's that's a 1300 episodes ago someone's going through my my shows and watching them and looking to report what ha what what makes you think it's not being done ai by a bot well it's just interesting that they chose one that it happened uh over on this guy pedro's account coffee pods and wads and it was me and then now it's happening on my account a week later i guess i guess i don't know i guess i don't know just my arrogance seeping through that it's me i could i think i could build
Starting point is 01:10:51 algorithms for them that pulled down the kind of shit they want pulled down like look what what came across in my email like i would i would think you'd be flagging for seafreed cancer and hope right right here's a guy fucking here's a guy with some hope on an alternative cancer therapy this is dangerous right i'm getting more and i've been limited to how often i can post on instagram too so like i get to make five comments a day and then then they say, to protect me and the community, I can't post again for today. Our Orwellian doublespeak has got us to a point where self-defense is now genocide. Wow. Self-defense is genocide.
Starting point is 01:11:43 How many lawyers does Crossfit hq actually currently staff compared to the peak of these fights oh not five percent let me share this with you um i think we have had in our employ at one time, you know, on the line 15, 16 law firms. Certainly all of the nation's biggest. And so when people go to sue Russ Green or I, they're really disappointed in what's available to use because we've been clients with all of the big firms. Brilliant. I mean, look, I got lawyers doing embarrassing things on TV that I know. Recently?
Starting point is 01:12:41 recently? Yeah. You and I know an attorney that has represented me, represented us, that is currently in the news. Don't say anything. It'll get right back to her. Oh, I thought it was the gay guys having sex in that room 716 in the Capitol building.
Starting point is 01:13:04 Did you hear about that yeah yeah dude how crazy is this administration by the way i can't wait to talk to you after the show now how crazy is this this administration they had the cross-dressing gay guy who was in charge of nuclear secrets who was stealing luggage we have the admiral of american health or whatever that's a man masquerading as a woman who was putting elderly into nursing homes in pennsylvania getting them killed during covid while she pulled her own mom out we have the two dudes have you seen the footage of it the two dudes the guys the guys who are basically, it's so crazy. Dude,
Starting point is 01:13:45 they say two gay guys having sex. And I just, I'm just thinking, I was like, I don't even know what that is, but, but they were in some room, like high level security room at the Capitol building.
Starting point is 01:13:55 And now the footage is released. And I saw one dude, naked doggy style. So only one guy got fired. What happened to the other guy? They didn't see his face they had to just get when he we got remember when they remember when the village in kenya told us that they had they had beheaded a dude for homosexuality yes yes that was great
Starting point is 01:14:17 and i was like wait a minute only one dude yeah that happened at least in pairs that was a great comment on your part what the the other guy didn't like it that was sketchy what kind of insane society does that anyway uh oh then then we have the cocaine found in the white house we have the we have the sun with a laptop full of just all sorts of sex photos we got the diary of the daughter with a laptop full of just all sorts of sex photos we got the diary of the daughter who says she didn't like showering with the president he would so she would shower wait till her dad went to bed at night so he wouldn't come in the shower with her i mean just some fucking this is some bizarre administration shower thing was found in a diary
Starting point is 01:15:02 and o'keefe had the diary and the government was saying that it's not real, then he was arrested for stealing it. You stole the fake diary. Yeah, he stole a fake diary. It's insanity. I mean that literally.
Starting point is 01:15:30 There's a collective insanity. You can turn on the news and watch it. Right. What's going on at the border is an insanity. Being normalized. A political, cultural, like it's a self-inflicted, serious wound. These blue mayors set up these sanctuary cities and it came true and it's destroying their cities.
Starting point is 01:15:58 Right. Just as, of course, it would. Right. But they didn't give a fuck because they thought the damage was going to be limited to arizona and texas did you see speaking of a collective saying did you see what happened with the dei lady at facebook isn't that the dei lady at crossfit different di lady they have a di lady there too they have in the h department, they have a lady there. It's not just one that goes to every company in the country?
Starting point is 01:16:29 I guarantee you these ladies know each other. That's for sure. Barbara Furlow Smiles, former head of Facebook DEI efforts. Yeah, for sure friends with the DEI lady at HQ. They call it something else now, the People's Department or something. Former head of Facebook DEI effort Barbara Furlow-Smiles admits she embezzled $4 million from the company. Like, dude, you hired someone to be racist. Of course they're a fucking criminal and a crook like you hired them purposely to be racist former top of diversity and equity inclusion manager at facebook has pled guilty to embezzling millions from the social media company as part of a
Starting point is 01:17:19 sprawling kickback scheme federal prosecutors announced this week hey it shouldn't even be illegal because she's black you know what i mean like they should it should be like fall under like the dei reparations thing yeah she took her reparations early yeah these are people if you if you watch interviews with her and other of these dei people they they call their crowning achievements their diversity hires meaning that that's code for i was really happy that i didn't hire the jew and i hired the palestinian i was really happy that i hired the you know they need to let her keep the money i agree like the like the people who get free shit from the apple store
Starting point is 01:18:01 right and they should also build her a bronze statue like they did for george floyd in new york she got one over on zuckerberg the ultimate white man it's crazy dude uh eaton beaver um good morning uh mr coach I worked out today and I coached and now I'm in between sauna time and shower sex. Wow. Checking in. Is that solo or the shower sex or is that? It sounds like it, doesn't it? I don't know
Starting point is 01:18:45 if it's solo I think it's you mischaracterized itself I don't want to call you a liar but it's a little misleading I'd like some clarification on that maybe that's not the order in which it went down he's just giving you the laundry list
Starting point is 01:19:01 right okay that's okay okay so it could be good morning, coach. Had shower sex, a little sauna time, coach some people, and then I worked out myself. Okay. That's fair enough. I wouldn't bet my life that it happened in that order. I mean, I think it did, but I'm not going to bet my life. Let's go fair.
Starting point is 01:19:20 All right. I think that guy might be one of the beavers is uh human resources guy one of the guys who listens to the show greg is a he's the head of hr at his company and he took a picture of like his toaster or his coffee machine and he was naked in it and he sent it to the staff and you could see his dong in it he He didn't even lose his job. That was a great story. This is inadvertent reflection? Yeah, inadvertent penis reflection, yeah.
Starting point is 01:19:53 So you got to learn to do that so you have a plausible deniability. You would never believe that. Like if I sent you a picture of my toaster and you're like, Seve, I could see your dong. I'd be like, oops, sorry. But you would be like, Maggie, he did that on purpose, right? That's correct. My question is, why is he sending you a picture of a toaster blowing up his back with his reflection of his dick in it?
Starting point is 01:20:18 Why is his dick hard? It's a really nice toaster. Asymmetric ears. The real problem to overcome is cognitive dissonance. Well, I think that's a part of BSI is, which is kind of interesting. Have not heard. You could change it. Cognitive dissonance curing CDC.
Starting point is 01:20:43 Have not heard any ways to counter that when you cannot agree the sky is blue you have problems yeah yeah i'm not sure what he's saying uh he's saying that um you're trying to explain to someone that affirmative action is basically racism and they cannot they cannot they cannot see it for what is. Like they've been tricked by the words, right? They've been tricked by, uh, no, it's too, the abortion thing is the same way, right? They refuse to see it as you can see it as, as, okay, we can both see it as both ways. This is definitely about women's reproductive rights. ways this is definitely about women's reproductive rights and this is definitely about women's control over their body there's another facet that's about killing babies and that one side can't see that the killing babies part and you're like how
Starting point is 01:21:34 how how do you not see that part like there's just a they're just a complete disconnect they refuse to um they can't see that affirmative action means that white people and Asian people don't get to go to college because brown people and black people do. They just see it as affirmative action. They can't see both sides, right? That's what I think of when complicated for us is that this the smartest of us aren't all capable of recognizing uh racism absent malice racism meaning someone would be racist but they're not a bad person they don't know you can be a racist and do things that damage blacks while all the while trying to help them right right right it's the fatal conceit it's
Starting point is 01:22:35 high it's fatal conceit one facet of it and this is the soft bigotry of low expectations right at what point did the do the dems have to just come to terms with with their view and it is their view that blacks are inferior to whites and aren't going to make it without help right they're not that's the dissonance what does dissonance mean? Disconnect? They have no chance without the handouts. There is no existence for them off of the plantation. That was the argument of the slaveholder.
Starting point is 01:23:21 Do you know what would happen if we turned these people loose? They would starve to death. They don't even have the wherewithal to feed themselves that's the current democratic view that was the slaveholders view same democrats yeah they were they had the slaves out of compassion i was reading about that he was reading about that yep it's the same thing we're doing now and that the north was horrible because they wanted to kill the blacks by setting them free. Yes. You probably have to believe shit like that to justify keeping someone in shackles on your property. Have you seen... I mean, someone should look into these guys that ended up with middle school girls chained into their basement.
Starting point is 01:24:01 Is there a view that they're helping them? I bet it is. Did you... We got another swimmer, by the way, who's now... The parents are saying that it's a 51-year-old male who's now showering with 13-year-old girls in Canada.
Starting point is 01:24:17 Because he swims with the 13-year-old girls. I saw it on Rebel News. There's parents coming out and the parents are afraid to say anything well uh for starters pull your kid out of the swim program you know when you talk to people about broken science or crumbling civilization they they don't know you know what are we going to do what can you do what can be done yeah and i was realizing this morning that like on the broken science front the phenomenon is more tsunami like and everyone's interest should be in saving their own ass your family not everyone's not going to make it right right right and for for anyone that has the means um need to adjust things at home in terms of economics and teach your kids from home.
Starting point is 01:25:13 Everyone needs to pull their kids out of the government schools. So, yeah, so this article is verifying that, that basically for 8 to 16-year- year old girls i think he's on the 13 year old girls team what's crazy is hey they let him swim on the 13 year old girls team greg and the and the masters team it's also so confusing it makes what it makes sense in canada listen go back the other way caleb listen to this this. This is going to blow you away. It's all so confusing for the kids. No one is comfortable. Everyone is accepting of all people,
Starting point is 01:25:52 then swimming against our kids and being in the locker room with them is not appropriate. Hey, that's the thing. That's the big difference between me 20 years ago and me today. I used to say dumb shit like that. I love everyone and I accept everyone. No, that's a lie. This is their logic.
Starting point is 01:26:13 We must comply with both provincial law. Oh, and this goes back to what we were talking about in the very beginning of the show, what Greg said about God, about that they accept the government as their God. We must comply with both provincial law and municipal policy, aligning with the human rights policy on preventing discrimination. Swim meets are normally conducted in a facility open to the public and minors routinely share change room space with adults, but it's a fucking man,
Starting point is 01:26:36 man and girls. And, but it's the law. Think of how horrible. But it's the law. Think of how horrible the thing must be that can only be identified right now is with a plus.
Starting point is 01:26:52 You mean someone who identifies just as a plus? No. While we're all trying to deal with LGBTQ, someone's cooking up a new plus. Right. It's just a place where you won't even believe what comes next. We don't even know what to call it yet.
Starting point is 01:27:10 Gay people are hating this right now, just like so many black people. They're hating this. Poor gay people. They get sucked up into some psycho shit. This is not a good time for decent people. No. Caller, hi.
Starting point is 01:27:26 Hold on, hold on. I'm going to have to reconnect you. Caller, hi. Hold on, hold on. I'm going to have to reconnect you. Hold on, caller. Hold on. Of course I have to reconnect you. Always. Always got to reconnect. Hey, what's up, Jody?
Starting point is 01:27:36 Hello? Hey. Hello? Jody? Hey. Hey, what's up? How are you? What's up, girl?
Starting point is 01:27:44 How are you? I'm great. Coach, Caleb, hello. Hey, what's up? How are you? What's up, girl? How are you? I'm great. Coach, Caleb, hello. Hey, Judy. Hi, everybody. Judy, you ever, you're going to join a boys' swim team and start showering with 13-year-old boys? Well, Judy might, but I'm Jody, and I'm not ever going to do that. Okay, good.
Starting point is 01:27:59 Yeah. Thank you, Judy. Judy, Jody, you know, we're all the same here, but. All the J-words are the same. I would pull my kids right out of that. So, Jody, you know, we're all the same here. All the J-words are the same. I would pull my kids right out of that. So it's infuriating. Ask for your money back.
Starting point is 01:28:14 Yeah. Anyway, I wanted to call in and thank Coach for all of his time with us here. It's great. Thank you. Thank you. I appreciate that. It's very. Thank you. Thank you. I appreciate that. It's very kind of you, and Merry Christmas. I'm thoroughly enjoying myself.
Starting point is 01:28:34 And my favorite show is with Joe Westerlin, which I've listened to a couple times. It's great. Oh, we'll get Joe back on then. Yeah. I had a question for you, Coach. Yes, ma'am. Wall sit.
Starting point is 01:28:48 Yes? No. From that show, it sounds like it's a waste of time. Yeah, I don't like it. What I want is you lower your center of mass as the human form collapses in the direction of the well-balanced squat, what I have is the sum of vector forces comes to zero. And so every piece moving forward, there's another moving back. I've got the hip going back and the knee going forward. And the sum of the forces is zero. And I end up with no sheer force. When you do a hack squat or you do a wall sit and you trap the hip in that manner, you can feel that shear on the knees. You can actually feel it.
Starting point is 01:29:32 Sit there. It might take you five seconds, ten, or it might take you a minute. But what you're feeling is that shear force on the knee. I'm not a fan of it. I'll tell you, a lot of people are pushing it at gyms. Oh, it's like. But I agree. I agree with you.
Starting point is 01:29:49 It doesn't feel good, so. No, I want to be able to. One more question. Yeah. If I don't have 100 feet to do a forward lunge, what would you recommend? Backward lunge in place? What would you recommend? Backward lunge in place? Yeah, if I step backwards and then use and step as far back as I can.
Starting point is 01:30:17 So it's talking about the left leg going behind me and I and I bring it way back. So my toe is is reached out there past anywhere I could put the foot flat and I bring myself back up, I am using the posterior chain. The variant of this where you step forward and push back doesn't have that same quality. I mean, he's centric in the positive, in the posterior chain rather than centric. And so, And so, yeah, the step back. I don't have space. Absolutely. All right. Well, I agree. And thank you so much left the thing that's placing that is this sense of where she has the best power to to pull claw forward again and maybe even to get a little cheater push i'd have a reach back so far that wasn't possible so my reach back and i draw a line for it. I put a chalk mark for the forward foot in each case,
Starting point is 01:31:27 and then another line behind her that had that leg extended and even the hip drop. I want to put the long driving hip at as much a disadvantage as I can. Well, she is me because I'm solo. I work out solo. you're doing a great job all right well thank you so much listen i am the cabinet gal in connecticut and somebody just walked in my showroom so i'm gonna let you all go they're they're so lucky that they have you they're so lucky that they have you make them kiss your hand make them kiss your hand. Make them kiss your hand. Okay. I'll catch up with you guys soon. Thanks.
Starting point is 01:32:05 Bye. Bye-bye. Hey, Greg, you do tell me that once a week to be like, hey, I really like coming on the show. This is cool. But for some reason, I always feel like every time you come on, it's going to be the last time. Like you're going to at some point reach some tipping point and just be like,
Starting point is 01:32:19 all right, that was the last one. No, we even adjust the Wednesday school schedule for doing the Seve show. I just hope the kids aren't out in the other room listening. I hope they're not listening. They'll learn plenty during that time too. They just might.
Starting point is 01:32:36 I know it's always crazy when I go out there and I realize my kids peep some of the show. They're like, what did you mean when you said this? I'm like, usually Haley listens to it in her ears yeah that makes sense uh um there's something in here i wanted to read you okay oh okay let me get this one i do want to bring up trump because i some people are freaked out but i don't think there's anything to be freaked out about,
Starting point is 01:33:05 and I'll tell you why. Greg, I'm an OG here. Maximus, if the woke dweebs... Oh, fuck the woke dweebs. Glad you got paid. Hope you keep fighting. Hey, Seve, push Max my way. You know, I might... My 15-year-old phone number might be older
Starting point is 01:33:23 than when I talked to Max last. Oh, you know who? talked to Max. Oh, you know who you recognize him. Oh yeah. Okay. Maximus, you can send me an email at several Matosian at Gmail with your phone number and I'll make sure I get it to Greg.
Starting point is 01:33:34 Oh, there is a guy. I'll do this publicly, not privately. There is a guy who has reached out to me. Can you pull up that Instagram account? The Caleb, can you read my mind and pull up that Instagram account? The one with the affiliate.
Starting point is 01:33:52 Chief Nation? No, it's someone. It's called the Affiliate Collective. I think they even took the name that Greg one time brainstormed. This guy has reached out to me and he would like to speak with you, bounce some ideas off of you. Are you okay with me putting? Yeah. I hope the affiliates unionize. I lived in fear of that. This is the CrossFit Affiliate Collective. This gentleman has reached out to me and he
Starting point is 01:34:21 has some ideas that are completely over the the 67 iq points that i have to understand and he would like to speak with you about it seems like a really humble cool dude who just wants to do the right thing yeah you know you and i should go on that do a little community round a little town hall All right Hey is anyone asking the mothership what's up with this Licensure bill Not that I know of I know that Don's doing a podcast Is today Thursday
Starting point is 01:34:55 Wednesday Oh tomorrow he's doing he'll be live with a really good interviewer Over at coffee pods and wads this guy Pedro White out of Ireland. You were. That guy was so fucking cool. Loved that guy. I still do. He's still part of the Broken Science crew. What a hard worker. Wouldn't want to tackle occupational licensure without him.
Starting point is 01:35:28 That's his space. That's his thing. Yeah, so tomorrow it might be talked about here. Coffee pods and wads. This is tomorrow at in 28 hours, December 21st, 3 p.m.
Starting point is 01:35:40 You're in Eastern time, Caleb. I'm in Central. Oh, it'll be 1 p.m. Pacific Standard Time. Oh, okay. 4 p.m. Eastern time. 3 p.m. Central. Seve, let's do one of these and get Joe on camera. Another podcast with Westerlin?
Starting point is 01:36:00 Get Westerlin back? Yeah. Yeah, okay. That's good. I like that. We should do one with Berger sometime, too. People would love that sometime too people would love that just as much hey so here's the deal in colorado supposedly the supreme court in colorado has taken uh in a four to three vote has taken donald trump off of the ballot yeah it is going to go to the supreme court and the reason for that they pulled him off the
Starting point is 01:36:23 ballot is because of the um someone who was involved in a or who led an insurrection can't run for president. And the three people who descended who voted to keep Donald Trump on the ballot were, interestingly enough, appointed by Democrats. And so so even the Democrats know that this is complete horseshit. But what's crazy is there's been no due process convicting Trump of inciting an insurrection. And yet they pulled him off the ballot for that. It's absolutely fucking nuts. It's absolutely fucking nuts. The logic that they're going to have to go to the Supreme Court with is that it's the only way we can stop them. And the Supreme Court is going to respond nine zip. Yeah, like this is even too much for us. For the liberals on the bench.
Starting point is 01:37:23 What a mess. That isn't going to work. that's not gonna work jack smith or one of the one of the investigations it actually internally had decided made the ruling internally and by not charging that trump hadn't led an insurrection. You think this only helps him? Yes. Like people like me who are going to vote for him. It's like, okay, I need to make sure I make it to the ballot box.
Starting point is 01:37:53 Yes. And in this sense, um, the left has nothing without their Trump hatred. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. They don't, they don't want to run on their positions because they're wholly unpopular.
Starting point is 01:38:11 They're okay. They, they hate Trump more than they hate the fact of a 15, 51 year old man showering with their third 13 year old daughter. That's the part I can't understand. That's the part that breaks me every time you hate this guy so much that you're willing to sacrifice your 13 year old daughter to shower with a 51-year-old man to normalize it. Or get sniffed.
Starting point is 01:38:31 Yeah, or sniffed. Yeah, yeah. A backwards arrow, modern fitness. What a great show that we can go back and forth like this. Isometric holds only build strength at that specific angle. There's no strength built throughout the range, terrible sheer force on the knees as well. Yeah, I'm going to add something to your lumping of all isometric in there.
Starting point is 01:39:14 Learning progression in gymnastics is eccentric, fast to eccentric, slow to eventually static, isometric. Isometric for longer, longer, longer, and eventually you have concentric. And that's true whether it's a back lever, a front lever, a Maltese cross, a planche, any of them, any of the holds develop eccentric fast, fast and dangerous, to eccentric slow, to eventually slow enough for the static to be possible. The static can be held long enough to eventually be as concentric as possible. So the early days of your iron cross, you're flying through it, falling. Then you fall slowly and more slowly and more slowly. And then eventually, without going too slow, you're able to rapidly go to the horizontal position, stop and hold. You're not going to ever pull out of a cross until you can hold it beyond the two seconds obligated and get out there in that seven to ten space if you can hold it for ten you can lower for two and pull out and so the isometric is critical to that development in a natural setting um but i'm
Starting point is 01:40:19 i am in agreement that i don't like those i don't like those sheer and it's just the sum of the forces the evidence of there being a problem is that is that the subject doesn't have balance that you're propped up by the wall that's all the evidence you need for the sum
Starting point is 01:40:40 of the forces not being zero on the on the joints isn't there a tabata where you hold at the bottom we can of the forces not being zero on the joints. Isn't there a Tabata where you hold at the bottom? I can take all of those exercises and have you go bottom to bottom. So the resting point is at the bottom, and you go up briefly and come back. That's a real crowd pleaser Maximus Lewin, Greg
Starting point is 01:41:07 you're the best trainer of all time sorry to people who think that having abs is the be all end all you know what I've ridden this training thing I've surfed it I'm still at it
Starting point is 01:41:23 and the work I'm currently doing feels to me like a very natural extension of it or not for the uh experience that i've had um legally intellectually and academically with crossfit versus nsca and then the the sudden retirement with the $200 million, I wouldn't be where I sit today aware of what I'm aware of is the shortcomings of academic science and its failed inference scheme. You know, I mean, I'm grateful for all that's transpired. It would be weird if you weren't. Good job. You're a healthy man. Anthony TPA, Greg, can you make Seve fit at all? Game is worthy
Starting point is 01:42:11 fit with an eight pack of Cali sex appeal. We can't have Caleb, the only good looking one on the show. You have to make me fit too because I don't have an eight pack. Too old. too because I don't have an 8-pack. Too old.
Starting point is 01:42:31 Sebon's afraid to wrong the mothership until those behind-the-scenes checks are cashed. That makes sense. I don't know how much hard. I mean, I'd go pretty fucking hard. I don't think that's a fair characterization of me. I would love to cash the mothership behind-the-scenes checks. I love doing the behind-the-scenes. I don't want to fucking do anything stupid, but, man, I go fucking hard.
Starting point is 01:42:55 You know, for me, I want to see their business plan unroll. If I seem harsh, I'm certainly holding back but I want meaning that you have much more scathing things to say about the mothership than you've let out that's what you mean by you're holding back well I don't want to state the obvious and I want things to unfold.
Starting point is 01:43:26 Right. And I, you know, like when I saw this occupational licensure thing, my reaction was, oh, fuck, no, that's horrible. That wasn't my reaction. It would have been once upon a time. Dale Saran, yes. have been once upon a time uh dale saran yes uh we we are uh scheduling dale to come back on the show it has been too long dang dale look at you in that picture that is not what dale looks like dale is not that good looking i was just talking with him this morning and i'm planning on bringing him out to santa cruz the week i come up there after christmas oh first week of january when emily comes out oh okay awesome i want to rehearse some of this uh uh broken science stuff
Starting point is 01:44:16 for march and i could use a little bit of an audience guys when dale comes on the show we'll also get an update uh for those who don't remember dale's been on the show two two three four times and uh he uh was heavily uh involved in um leading the charge he was he was the guy leading the charge when the soldiers were asked to take the anthrax vaccine and uh he he supported them and got them through that well with, with a legal action. And now I think he might be running the biggest class action lawsuit against the U S government on behalf of soldiers. I think he has over a thousand clients for soldiers who had to deal with that bullshit. And,
Starting point is 01:45:01 and, and from what I, from what I see in the news is he's kicking ass and winning. It's looking good. Yeah, I hope Dale gets rich as shit. He is the vaccine attorney right now. What did you say? He is the vaccine attorney?
Starting point is 01:45:15 Yeah, and was our chief counsel for 15, 20 years. It's a remarkable effect. Yeah, Dale was the one putting the smackdown on people from CrossFit HQ. He's the one that had the big legal team. J.R. Howell, abs are the byproduct. How tall is a pyramid? Only as wide as its base. Nutrition.
Starting point is 01:45:37 Wow. Nice, Mr. Howell. I like that. Seve's dog. Woof, Mr. Greg. All all right a little bark from the dog hey seve you want that dog yeah okay yeah you guys you want to go on our website and pick the one is that how you do it yeah do you see the availability do you see the eyes on some of those yeah it's crazy you should pick the one do you know how to pick one i would tell you i like that i like the one that had the the tiny black eyes on the white face yeah yeah they're cool as hell we're talking about sheepadoodles
Starting point is 01:46:20 i'll come out there in january when dale and emily are out there and get them good we'll fetch them wow that's a great dog sheba doodle yeah greg has one it's fucking ridiculous it's a straight up oh dude it looks it's a fucking it's like living in a house with one of the muppets like one of the smart muppets it's so weird he's he'll come up he'll get up on the couch and sit next to you and look at you until you look at him then he looks away he looks at the tv and so like you look back at the tv and he looks at your face you look at him he looks away it's like he's just it's constant shit like that he's he's a trip you put his head low and just stare into your eyes that's all no blink contest for the dog
Starting point is 01:47:04 he thinks you're selling animals. Greg, do you have any cats for sale? That's amazing. You asked. I have two. I'm listening to see if Maggie's listening. Oh my goodness. Maggie's fucking cat might be for sale. If you don't mind, Great Pyrenees
Starting point is 01:47:24 is amazing. Incredibly loyal and gentle with kids. Nah, you don't mind, Great Pyrenees is amazing. Incredibly loyal and gentle with kids. Nah, you don't want one of those. Uh-oh, Maggie just came in the room. Did you hear about the cat? No. I wanted to know if we had any cats for sale. I said, Maggie's fucking cat might be for sale.
Starting point is 01:47:40 And then I said, I'm listening for it coming. What about yours? Floyd's great. You about your cat? Floyd's great. You have a cat named Floyd? Is he named after Mayweather or George? Both. He got hit by a car and he came out fine. Floyd did?
Starting point is 01:48:00 Broke his jaw. Yeah, broke his jaw. He had to have it wired. He had to have a tooth pulled. He had road rash on his face my cat got run over my free cat uh this is the um those are the best cats this is the this is the last question and then the show's over uh until until tonight when we have car saunders on okay here we go daniel garrity greg does someone smell worse than your cats shut it maggie shut it shut it
Starting point is 01:48:31 it's let me give you the perspective that started i was really wishing you'd just pass on that question it started when someone i i said in getting in my truck, I go, the cat's getting out of the truck. I go, the cat's been pissing in my fucking truck. And some of the trucks said that savant. And then another person goes,
Starting point is 01:48:54 yeah, it's savvy. I don't know that the cat didn't piss on savvy. Right. Well, you got me, you got me to wash my hair I've washed it like four times since you told me that I have That urine scent isn't working That was like a year ago
Starting point is 01:49:15 Yeah whatever That's four more times That's four more times than the previous Alright I appreciate times than the previous. All right. I appreciate you guys, Greg. You da man. Caleb, come on out when Seve comes out in January. Okay. Sounds good.
Starting point is 01:49:36 That'd be great. Love you, Greg. I'll talk to you soon. You da best. Love everyone. Okay. Bye, guys. Ciao, brother. Greg Glassman. to you soon you're the best love everyone okay guys ciao brother great glassman oh shit oh shit Oh shit Wow Last night I fucking went I had a fucking meltdown in my house Probably wasn't gonna talk about this
Starting point is 01:50:15 And I just started throwing tons of shit away Just Fucking Tirade dude Like angry Like my kids have this uh this this hockey set that you know what i mean like a table uh where they hit a puck around and the air blows out from the bottom you know what i mean it's like a cheap version of one of those air hockey games you know i'm
Starting point is 01:50:38 talking about yep that thing i just fucking took it from their fucking toy room and just threw it out in the driveway i mean just like i filled out, just just went in the kitchen, just clearing, just filling garbage bags full of just like little knickknacks and rocks and broken pieces of glass and just all that. Just fucking going nuts, dude. OK, yeah, I like it. Just throwing everything away. Took all my liver king pills, like probably like $400 in liver King pills, threw them away. Just like, fuck you.
Starting point is 01:51:05 You're not sitting on the counter anymore. Just filling trash bags. Yep. I like that. Junk drawer gone. Good. Yes. 75 batteries in there that are for remote control toys and every little
Starting point is 01:51:15 individual charger garbage. Nice dude. Um, and I did that for two hours. I was angry. I had a little, uh, curse shuffle with the missus Yeah
Starting point is 01:51:28 That's when you start arranging things right Yeah you get frustrated Fucking meltdown Like one of those things where she's asleep in bed And like she's closed the bedroom door So like she doesn't hear like just the carnage That's going on Yeah I like it
Starting point is 01:51:43 Anyway so she just sent me a text she goes hey uh it's cool that you cleaned up but you threw away the little boot the little wooden buddha that was handmade by tisero that was fitness lonnie i remember seeing that thing too like fuck you you're dead too no i threw away but then she said anicha meaning this too will pass meaning well that's a good lesson for us you threw away the fucking heart hand carved buddha damn jesus yeah not the buddha yep he went in the trash yeah throw everything away hey listen there's this stuffed animal that my kids, right as I was like calming down, you know, like running a little wind out of my sail. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:52:30 There's a stuffed animal my kids have. And I went to, I took it and I went to go throw it in the garbage and there was a zipper in the back. And I was like, oh, that's weird. There's like something back here. And I unzipped the zipper of the stuffed animal. And this stuffed animal has a place where you put little baby stuffed animals. Yeah. And it was full in there. Oh yeah. So I zipped it back shut.
Starting point is 01:52:51 It didn't throw it outside. I just threw it in the garage. Okay. So now they'll go out to the garage and they'll see it and they'll know like that guy was close. They'll bring them, but probably bring them back inside. Oh,
Starting point is 01:53:01 thank God. Saved him. Yeah. That has a heart. Please tell me the chocolate dildo wasn't thrown out. No, the dildo. Oh, thank God. Saved him. Dad has a heart. Please tell me the chocolate dildo wasn't thrown out. No, the dildo. The black cock is still here. Tupac.
Starting point is 01:53:23 Did you ever see the Tupac someone sent me? No, that's awesome. Yeah. Is it like a bobblehead or is it just a figurine? You guys should always be sending me stuff. I need more mail. My wife loves stuff. Now listen, just so you know, it was because my wife said there was too much shit in our house.
Starting point is 01:53:42 It wasn't like I was like, fuck you, bitch. I'm throwing out shit. She was like, fuck you, bitch. You got too much shit in our house it wasn't like i was like fuck you bitch i'm throwing out shit she was like fuck you bitch you got too much shit in here yeah i cleaned out a whole shelf of like like just i just had i just have like so much like little camping headlamps or like just stuff people have given me or pocket knives or just shit just everywhere right just like little things yep and i was like okay you think i got too much shit i'll show you it's such a good feeling though when you throw all that stuff away we did that before we moved and then we did that again when we got here because we had to do go
Starting point is 01:54:19 through all of our stuff in the shattuckin i kept a couple things but for the most part probably 95 of the stuff that was in here was thrown away yeah no i'm not blaming the wife i ain't blaming life uh christine young i hate it when my husband does that crap oh it just has just a fucking i do have an extra motorcycle i'm trying to sell my motorcycle how much should i pick it up How much should I sell my slim for My Harley It's a 117 like 2016 slim
Starting point is 01:54:49 I think I could get I thought I could only get like 5000 for it And I looked online and it's like there's ones there for $13,000 That aren't even close to as nice as mine What did you say 2016 slim Yeah and it has a 117 in it I don't know if you can see that.
Starting point is 01:55:21 Anyway, that's my life. Anyway, that's my life. Hey, I'm going to show you a little video here. Okay. This is a police officer who I believe has been called to a restaurant where someone's sitting on the patio screaming. Disturbance. Public disturbance, if you will. Yeah, yeah. Like a drug addict just losing their shit on the patio.
Starting point is 01:55:51 Okay. So here's the cop walking up to the scene. Ready? Here they go. You can hear the guy screaming. The crazy guy. Oh, is that right? Hell yeah.
Starting point is 01:56:17 I think that's fair. I think that's legit. Absolutely. Charging right at a cop like that? That's it. That's a nice German Shepherd. Yeah. Right? Just a quick double leg? Yeah. She did not come at any, uh...
Starting point is 01:56:32 She did not come over calmly. No. You think that was a she? Yeah, I think it was a she. Because you saw titties or hair? Or a walk. Watch her walk over with her hands. You think that guy... I walk Watch her walk over with their hands You think I think that guy wrestled in high school, yeah
Starting point is 01:56:59 Damn full mount double leg takedown Straight to full mount lock the arms. that's it baby that's it damn what is this comment here so the next time you need help from an officer and you go up to him calm and say how are you and he slams you on the floor or the sidewalk that's not over dramatic then what is he should have been shot people have mental health issues
Starting point is 01:57:23 not the ones who is faking it for a check either. Jesus. I can't believe Americans are perfectly fine with this. It's mind-blowing. Their society is a big piece of garbage. No wonder why they love their army and always looking for the next war. Damn.
Starting point is 01:57:41 Let me see this dude. Where he lives. Pussy punk. I read this comment too. That he lives. Pussy punk. I read this comment too. That was great. Pussy punk. You're a fucking cat guy. What a shit bag.
Starting point is 01:58:06 At least his profile is public. It's weird. I guess people want to think that police officers, like, you shouldn't run up on anyone like that, but especially a police officer. The police officer was probably told, hey, there's somebody creating a disturbance at a restaurant. Yeah. They're not going to go in there thinking, oh, somebody's going's somebody creating a disturbance at a restaurant. Yeah. They're not going to go in there thinking, oh, somebody's going to just come out and have a conversation with me. The person's obviously pissed. Or annoyed.
Starting point is 01:58:35 Their emotions are high. Hey, I wish they would do that to every one of those fuckers who goes into Nordstrom's and steals. Just pick them up and slam them on the ground. Yeah. And that's probably the most civil way to address it. And this guy's an alcoholic, by the way. Your whole
Starting point is 01:58:52 Instagram is filled with beer. Congratulations, buddy. He went up so calmly, too. Like a Biden supporter was approaching the police officer he even had his notebook in his hand he was like okay it's cool he's like i wonder if he knew her like had history with her like i've yeah multiple calls with this person and a serial offender if you will and then's like, I'm not fucking around with this this time.
Starting point is 01:59:26 This is what we call in the real world, fuck around and find out. Don't bum rush police officers. Yeah. What else are you going to do if somebody, it could be anybody. If you're a normal person, you don't even have to be a cop. If you're a normal person and somebody walks up to you like that and they're yelling, saying pissed off shit, what are you going to do? It's obvious that most lefties have never been in a violent altercation it's very easy to read body language and aggression that person had bad intentions and cops have to control
Starting point is 01:59:54 situations you can't allow an unhinged person to dictate how the scenario plays out you have to match and exceed their aggression to take control of the scene and news alert peaceful words don't get that done this cop's actions were completely justified and warranted he handled the situation perfectly and de-escalated the situation instantly come on come work one day in the streets you'll realize how crazy people are exactly how they uh i'd like to acknowledge the well-behaved shepherd walking so well on a leash. Yeah, that was a great dog. Undeterred. Is this W cops mean a win for the cops?
Starting point is 02:00:34 Yeah, win cop. Win for the cop. Yeah, he went from side control to full mount so smooth. That was beautiful. Let's do the German Shepherd, is just chilling. Listen, this guy, this guy belonged. Wow.
Starting point is 02:00:56 Jesus Christ. I'm in. Everyone's allowed on the internet so today we learned uh about christianity and um the smell my odor i appreciate it the smell, my odor. I appreciate it. Can you read that?
Starting point is 02:01:27 Oh, stop. All right. Uh, this evening, 6 30 PM Pacific standard time. Uh, Cara Saunders, she gave birth live on the internet.
Starting point is 02:01:38 Crazy. Seve Caleb. Did you guys watch taking care of Maya? What is that I don't know what that is oh I have to send Taking Care of Maya 2023 documentary
Starting point is 02:01:57 oh what is this 10 year old Maya Kowalski with a rare illness. They begin to question her parents. Suddenly, Maya is in a state of custody. November, jury awarded Kowalski family more than $260 million in damages after finding that John hopkins something another i think uh hac has faultly falsely imprisoned maya fraudulently billed her family caused them severe emotional distress and that social worker katherine betty had battered maya and dr sally
Starting point is 02:02:36 smith medically neglected her attorneys for john hopkins all children's hospital have since filed several motions alleging juror misconduct and bias. Their most recent motion filed just last week accuses a juror of being prejudiced against John Hopkins and witness. The defense team says that the juror used a Nazi symbol in his notes when referring to Smith. John Hopkins' attorney says he spelled
Starting point is 02:02:59 their name with a sharply shaped S like those used by the Nazis. The Nazi. So what is a juror? You can't you can't call someone a Nazi. Damn, I haven't seen this. Looks like it just came out. Or I guess June of this year.
Starting point is 02:03:30 260 million time to move to scottsdale what's this thing oh you can't see it i don't click it what is this 23 hottest schools gadgets for oh my goodness. Light socket security camera. You don't have one of those? No. Just kidding. I don't have one either. Wow. A power...
Starting point is 02:04:00 Sanoshi power spin wall scrubber. Holy shit. Wow. power sinoshi power spin wall scrubber holy shit wow wow do they have those on amazon a wall scrubber i need that for my mats jesus Sanoshi are the biggest. They have these on Amazon? You know what a Sanoshi scrubber is? No, I've never heard of it. All right. That's it.
Starting point is 02:04:37 Thank you, everyone. Time to do some shopping on Amazon. See you tonight. Are you going to be around tonight? It's kind of late for you. I you tonight. Are you going to be around tonight? It's kind of late for you. I think so. All right.
Starting point is 02:04:52 Should be a fun show. Low stress. Easy. Chill. For sure. You want to see what a Sanoshi scrubber looks like? I just pulled it up. That's nice.
Starting point is 02:05:01 Yeah, it does look nice, right? Yeah. Use one of those at the Shadigan. I'm surprised they don't have more stars. Only 4.1. I could use that on my kids' jiu-jitsu mats. They're filthy. All right. I could use that on my kids' jiu-jitsu mats. They're filthy. Alright.
Starting point is 02:05:30 Thank you. Buh-bye. Buh-bye. Buh-bye.

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