The Sevan Podcast - Greg Glassman - Rich Froning | LIVE CALL IN SHOW

Episode Date: October 26, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is an advertisement from BetterHelp. Everyone knows therapy is great for solving problems. But turns out, therapy has some issues of its own. Finding the right therapist, fitting into their schedule, and, of course, the cost. BetterHelp can help solve these problems. It's online, convenient, built around your schedule, and surprisingly affordable, too. Connect with a credentialed therapist by phone, video, or online chat. Visit to learn more.
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Starting point is 00:01:02 Oh, shit, that's awesome. Yeah, I got to take off by, like, 10 or whatever, but... Oh, yeah, good, me too. Oh, shit. That's awesome. Yeah, I got to take off by like 10 or whatever. Oh, yeah. Good. Me too. This is crazy. I prepared absolutely zero for these two shows. I hope no one notices. Nah, you're good.
Starting point is 00:01:18 It's so unlike me. I kissed my wife and I said, I have to make that bread, honey. me i kissed my um i kissed my wife and i said uh i have to make that bread honey no yeah i'm like dude i didn't prepare at all for these uh good thing it's two of the easiest guests you could possibly have on we got a greg glassman for the first 80 minutes and then uh we got um the goat rich troney it's been it's been a minute since we've had Rich on. Yeah, the people's champ.
Starting point is 00:01:49 I think we're going to do a slight schedule shift, by the way, for you guys. I know we've been having Greg on consistently on Tuesday mornings. I think we're going to switch him to Wednesday mornings. And Tuesday mornings are going to be filled with Tyson Bajan. Man, that's some valuable real estate. Two days a week of the 7-Hour Podcast. Yeah, I was scheduling a couple of guests we have in queue, and I was like, man, these days are filling up with our regulars,
Starting point is 00:02:15 and the regulars are freaking awesome, huh? It used to be just like any Tom, Dick, and Harry could come on the show. Like, hi, I live in South Carolina, and I have an affiliate. I'm doing an event called Crash Crucible. Could I come on the show like hi I live in South Carolina and I have an affiliate I mean I'm doing an event called Crash Crucible could I come on and promote it yeah of course dude anytime anytime
Starting point is 00:02:33 what's your name Mr. Howell by the way you're fucking crazy if you think JR ever asked me that I had to beg JR yeah we did I'm just but I won't be begging you no more JR if you think JR ever asked me that. I had to beg JR. Yeah, we did. I'm just busting. But I won't be begging you no more, JR. A new favorite sport.
Starting point is 00:02:55 The PFL or the MFL. One of them. Yeah. One of the letters that hangs out with O in football league. Dude, the show last night was so good. Oh, good, with John and Brian? When you were like, any questions for Katie? John, anything you'd like to apologize about?
Starting point is 00:03:15 Oh. That's what I was just cracking up. Oh, did you think, after we got off the show, he's like, dude, you fed me to the fucking lion. But I didn't, right? I mean, I had his back. I was like, I don't think he said it. No, and if anything, I think he fed himself to the line when he started talking about that seven foot
Starting point is 00:03:28 four basketball guy looking weird yeah yeah katie was just straight faced as hell but she was like so we can talk about tyson oh yeah good uh bernie gannon uh seve has it backwards we notice when he does prepare oh good okay i want to show you this uh i want to show you this uh spot where i'm going to watch the game from it's crazy let me see if i let me see if i can find the um let me see if i can find the video of it. Let me see. I don't know why people are hating on that hat, too.
Starting point is 00:04:16 I thought the fit was rocking yesterday. Oh, yeah. That hat was dope, right? Yeah. So check this out. Let me see if I can. I don't know what I'm going to do with all this stuff on the screen so no one sees it out let me see if i can i don't know what i'm gonna do with all this stuff on the screen so no one sees it let me see if i can hide all this do you know how to share you know how to share a video good if i send it to you um like through
Starting point is 00:04:36 a text message yeah that i'm not too good okay here then i'll do it then i'll do it let me let me take a step so basically we're going i, I don't know if this is true. I'm sure a bunch of people are going to unfuck me in the comments right now. But this is the, I'm going to try to share this whole screen. And this is where we're sitting. I think Greg and Sarah and Travis and I are going to be sitting down here. And Greg's wife, Maggie. I think we got this
Starting point is 00:05:06 whole what I do entire screen okay and I go there is that what he does and he zooms in on the video oh man what the fuck that's scary right oh yeah yeah that's ground level that's the end zone you see the field goal over there
Starting point is 00:05:21 no shit and then the tunnel the guys come out of the tunnel right next to that box. And then after Tyson scores a touchdown, he can run over and give the ball to Sarah. Just run one in and then run over. Oh, wait. There's not glass on the opposite side? So you guys are basically like if somebody missed time. Free balling.
Starting point is 00:05:44 Free balling. Free balling. Yeah. Yeah, ball kid. You're not paying attention. Pass, come in, and fucking I could catch it. He could throw one to me. I paid him $5 million. He'd throw one to me.
Starting point is 00:05:56 Dude, that is so cool. I'm so freaking jealous. It's rad, right? Let me see if I can play a little bit of the look out. I'll be here talking about people exercising fast if you need me. No problem. Look at it. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 00:06:13 Oh, yeah, that's where they come out. You see where the dudes come out? Yep. Wow. So cool. Oh, no, that's where they come out. Oh, shit, dude. Oh, shit, i can't go over and high five i can i can high five the dudes when they come out hey greg what's up dude what up buddy good morning i was
Starting point is 00:06:35 looking at the i was looking at the box and about how like the dudes come out right there crazy cool it's behind it's behind the end zone right yeah and look at those kids are playing soccer on that field right now those kids are stoked crazy that's a nice state how are you how's dallas um wet oh no kidding i don't know it rained in texas it looks like you're it looks like you're almost in a sushi restaurant or something to me. You know what I mean? When you think of Texas, what do you think of? Deserts?
Starting point is 00:07:14 Tumbleweed? Isn't that interesting? Cacti? Cowboys? Cowboys? Yeah, you can drive through 8 to ten hours of wooded countryside. Where? Around Dallas? East of here.
Starting point is 00:07:31 As soon as you get east of here, it changes. And even here has got a good broadleaf conifer mix. The states mix like California. California is not all freeways. Right. Or mountains or deserts or liberals good point i mean i'm not to make it just enough to make it miserable for everyone but it's not it's not all that and even our beach we live in a forest that's on the beach which a lot of people
Starting point is 00:07:57 are surprised when they get here that we don't even live like our beach is a forest yeah where the redwoods come down to the sea. Yeah. Like New Zealand. When I think of the greenery in Texas, I would think of like juniper. Yeah, that's western Texas. Yeah. Easy there? Easy flight there? Easy travel?
Starting point is 00:08:21 Mm-hmm. Yeah. And you're there for like four or five days, then you come come back here for a couple days yeah and i think we might even come back a little early oh good but uh to be determined just basically how she feels yeah yeah yeah that's cool hey um and then and then sunday we're going to the football game well we're going to watch travis watch a football game yeah and uh i think we're bailing out of here a little early and bringing all the kids that way oh okay hey i think i'll stash them somewhere but maybe bring ret to the game oh that would be awesome.
Starting point is 00:09:05 He's having trouble fitting in with his little sisters here recently. He'll fit in fine at the stadium. That's awesome. I love that. That's so cool. So we got 14 seats there in that bubble glove? Yeah, 14 seats. And I think Sarah was looking at that too,
Starting point is 00:09:24 so maybe we can go in on it with her, share it with her, Sarah and two of her people. But I could bring Rhett for sure. For sure, for sure. And probably Elliot from Arizona. Yeah. Yeah, that's cool. He's a fan of, you know, being from Ohio, the Chicago sports scene is kind of dear to him.
Starting point is 00:09:54 I guess the team has been just shitty forever and the fans are exhausted. And I guess the last time they had a good team was all the way back in 2006. Maybe someone will correct me in the comments. But I'm just hearing that the whole Tyson thing is just invigorating them. Man, if he can do this one more time. Do you get nervous at all for him? Like, are you going to be nervous at all, you think, when you're there? No, I'm just –
Starting point is 00:10:20 No? No. I got so, like, almost clammy watching the last game. Yeah. Hey, his fallback position to CrossFit his life away and teach high school in Markenburg, I tell you, having played a single successful game in the NFL as a starting quarterback would make you a, that would, that would last you longer teaching at that high school.
Starting point is 00:10:51 You'd get more creds out of that than it would in your neighborhood where everyone's a rockstar. That's true. I knew, I knew a kid at Tulare Western high that had played in the NFL a year and, and he was probably the only teacher on campus that the students had any respect for. Mr. Watley, I think was his name. Still remember him.
Starting point is 00:11:19 That's a good one. They were terrified of him. He'd just do the gruff, what, kind of thing, and everyone stood up straight. Oh, Jesus. Putin's many heart attacks and why the rumors may be in his favor. I didn't know that. Did you know that that's a common theme, a Putin heart attack? I guess there was another report. The Kremlin have been forced to deny the recent speculations. I didn't know that. Did you know that that's a common theme, a Putin heart attack?
Starting point is 00:11:54 I guess there was another report. The Kremlin have been forced to deny the recent speculations – I love it how it says forced – that the aging tyrant has suffered a cardiac arrest and collapsed in his bedroom. Someone said that yesterday. Have you ever heard before that Putin had a heart attack, Greg? No, I've heard that he's got cancer, but I have no reliability attached to any of that. Right. I saw some pictures of him shaking badly and carrying his left arm oddly. It was kind of hard to deny.
Starting point is 00:12:17 For years, the health of Vladimir Putin has been subject of lurid speculation and rumors. Recent reports have included body doubles, secret chemotherapy, Parkinson's disease he's 70 he's 71 years old uh parkinson's disease and claims that he fell down the stairs landed on his coccyx and soiled himself jeez i was thinking i kind of like these this is going to sound horrible but i like these countries that just have like one leader because somehow i start to become comfortable with it. It must be weird for the other countries that were always changing our leader.
Starting point is 00:12:49 They're like, Oh shit. Another guy who's got his finger on the button where we just know, Hey, it's Kim Jong-un and it's Putin and it's Gigi. We just get to keep, keep those, keep the dudes.
Starting point is 00:13:04 And they got to deal with with Biden and Obama and Trump, the whole cast of characters. I would suggest that there's less certainty in what it is they have intimidated that allows them to keep that iron fist than they are. Biden, even with his stupidity and senility, is more predictable than the people around Putin, I would think.
Starting point is 00:13:33 I didn't think of it like that, but that's a really good point. Who they've intimidated has caused, what was the word you used? More uncertainty? Yeah. More people in desperate situations. The sting and fear of uncertainty.
Starting point is 00:13:51 I would think that there would probably be a hundred sets of three dudes that could bring him down. Putin down? Yeah. What do you mean? What do you mean? What do you mean? Like, like that, like dudes just in the country, like three guys who could kill him, you mean? Or you look, you know, Gaddafi was iron fisted control.
Starting point is 00:14:14 And then in a matter of minutes, he's hiding in a drainage ditch where some guy stabs him in the asshole with a knife. And another guy blows his brains out. People, no one's ever heard of. Right, right. It's you just you. Every dictator is minutes away from that. They act like it as well. Right.
Starting point is 00:14:32 Right. God, sleeping with that kind of stress must suck. Yeah. Now you know why they're all paranoid with tunnels into their houses and stuff. I like that Heidi wrote it down. You're constantly inviting your top people over for dinner and trading plates with. Oh, shit. Are you serious?
Starting point is 00:14:51 Do you think it's like that? Why wouldn't you? Wow, dude. No one loves you more than Sebi. Well, have him over. Let's have dinner. This is yours, Sebi. Give me your plate. Pop him out. Yeah. we'll have them over let's have dinner pop them out yeah
Starting point is 00:15:07 oh all of a sudden i'm not hungry anymore i'm fasting again look at look at the upheavals in china's upper structure you know they've just they got a brand new defense minister and he's disappeared from the face of the earth yeah oops what happened to him nobody knows let me look this up china defense minister poof ed poof oh he was fired on tuesday after two months after two months after no one's seen him for months for not showing up at work he didn't show up for work for two months china's defense minister lee shang fu was fired on tuesday two months after he disappeared from public view oh no damn that can't be good oh my goodness i mean that's interesting those are probably the inner
Starting point is 00:16:07 circle is probably who you have to strike the most fear into right because they have the closest access to you everybody else is maybe a few layers out but the ones you let in those are the ones that you gotta gotta watch man hey um Man. Hey. I'd always heard – I'm 51 years old, and I always heard the term – like I knew the term anti-Semitism, right? Like, of course, everyone knows the term, especially if you live in California. But I'd never seen it. You know what I mean? It's like to me it was just – it was the boogeyman. It was just like you're walking down the the street and there's a black guy walking down the street towards you and all of a sudden you have to
Starting point is 00:16:46 cross the street you realize the mcdonald's you want to go to is over there and if you cross the street someone calls you a racist but really just going over there you get a hamburger like it's just bull it's all just bullshit to me or like they talk about asian hate and it's like no it's just because this the the two communities are butted up against each other and like they're just easy victims because they're little people like i have an explanation for it all like shut the fuck up it has nothing to do with being asian it's just dudes robbing dudes in oakland it just is what it is but this fucking anti-semitism thing i'm having trouble denying it because i'm seeing people like on the streets of new york in the
Starting point is 00:17:16 middle of the night um by the a thousand of them saying death to israel and i'm starting to trip like i like i wanted to think that like no one even knew what a Jew was, right? It's just like, just shut up. This one might be coming to roost. Yeah. That anti-Semitism is considered a lynchpin for anti-Americanism. Yeah, yeah, yeah, for sure. You sent me that article. I like that too.
Starting point is 00:17:49 Yeah, we know the Russians have always felt that an attack on the Jews is an attack on the U.S. And so now we have this axes forming. China, Russia, Iran, North Korea, Hamas, Hezbollah. And the Western media is playing it beautifully, right into it. The thing in National Review yesterday said that mainstream media will never forgive Israel for not having bombed the hospital. Never forgive them for not bombing the hospital. Oh, like Madison, because they made it.
Starting point is 00:18:31 They embarrassed themselves. They made it themselves. The hospital wasn't bombed. And to imagine reporting that without looking. Wait, the hospital's right here. Well, they also reported that Tia retired, but she hadn't. Who's that again it doesn't even it'd be she said she retired and then she didn't retire and all these people got
Starting point is 00:18:51 upset that she said she retired i'm like fuck you she can do what she wants but she can say whatever she wants leave her the fuck alone let her retire unretire let her fucking say she's pregnant when she's not it's her life leave her alone did she say she was pregnant when she wasn't no i just made well i Leave her alone. Did she say she was pregnant when she wasn't? No, I just made that up. No, she actually had a baby. Well, I didn't see that. You know, one of the athletes recently, Tia didn't show her birth, but one of the athletes put her birth on YouTube.
Starting point is 00:19:16 Kara Saunders, one of the game's athletes recently, she just blurred it out, but you actually see the baby fall out of her vagina, but they got like a little blur mark on it, but then her husband catches it like two inches before it hits the ground it's wild it's graphic oh so they made like an athletic event kind of yeah for time there's a there's a stopwatch oh they should have had a stopwatch oh yeah yeah it's like it's like catching that bar in free fall after the scoop. Oh, my goodness.
Starting point is 00:19:51 One. And then someone should have counted. It's just one rep. One. It is, actually. David Weed says it was nasty. Ms. Rodow says it was amazing. I'm on the side of amazing
Starting point is 00:20:05 I think is David Weed's picture Him getting ready to skinny dip That looks like that's some butt track Yeah wow okay David Who's David Weed He's No no no, no. This is...
Starting point is 00:20:27 He's a semi-hostile in the audience. He's been watching the show for three years. I think he's a... This is what I know. I think he's a former mill guy who is hiding out in Europe because he killed too many people and he's battling
Starting point is 00:20:43 his inner demons and he hangs out in Portugal because he killed too many people and he's battling his inner demons and uh he hangs out in portugal now or something or some some somewhere where they speak spanish or is that your understanding of who he is suza let's see he'll chime in here in a second he usually punch throws a few gives me a few gut shots during the show yeah i just know him as that if you if you say to if you say something he don't like it he'll let you know and then he'll tease you calling the cops yeah i saw in my news feed a uh why do we track people we hate and remember i was telling you that stern thought a third to a half of his audience tunes in because they hate him i don't remember that but yeah okay
Starting point is 00:21:24 oh he's in spain he's in marabella spain sorry marabella spain okay go ahead people hate him go ahead two-thirds just he might truly he might truly dislike you he's a loyal fan oh that would be awesome fan oh that would be awesome watches the hate yeah you surround yourself with you don't like you know feel the fill the refrigerator the foods you detest and watch shows with people you can't stand and it just keeps you it's like staying staying young and alive he's been getting soft though i noticed over the years he's gotten like nicer and nicer. Like, so he, like he, I think I'm working him over. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:07 You're wearing it slowly. Yeah. Make a good point, Greg. That's maybe why my dad watches CNN from time to time. That's why I watch it. Just get, just feel a little,
Starting point is 00:22:16 get your feathers ruffled a little bit. Yeah. I could write, I could write copy for the national review or the Wall Street Journal reading that in the New York Times. They're jingoistic to their ideology and
Starting point is 00:22:35 they say Bush died, millions lied. Bush lied, millions died. The rhyme couplet, the logic by rhyme couplet is a pretty good tip-off. It just gets old after a while, but there's something alive and real in being able to see through it.
Starting point is 00:23:00 I was talking with some friends recently. I said increasingly, with greater frequency, having these aha moments where like, of course, it's all bullshit. Of course it is. Like you forget for a second. It's like you keep realizing the same thing over and over. Well, you spend so much time looking at things that are crap, that are ridiculous.
Starting point is 00:23:27 And each new one comes along. It's like you morph towards everything's bullshit. I'm waiting for someone to tell me that I don't want to get into it. Tell me. Tell me. Give me just a hint. but i'm going to get into it too tell me tell me give me just a hint okay hey did you see uh speaking of good news did you see this dude died the guy you said uh i went to armenia and you you paid for me to film him paid for my trip to armenia while i was there i brought back a piece for the crossfit yeah you told me albert azarian no no not good news it's not good news did i say good news i didn't mean good news yeah i was like damn he invented the iron cross is that right yeah yeah or was it the or was it the the sideways cross oh i think it maybe it was the sideways one yeah what did we call that
Starting point is 00:24:20 fucking thing i think they called it the azarian Cross. Let me see. Azarian won the gold medal in the rings in 1956 and 1960 Olympics. In 1954 and 50, he won the world championships. And in 1955, the European championships, adding several more medals and team events. His perhaps biggest legacy is the Azarian Cross, Azarian Cross, in which the gymnast hangs straight with his arms stretched like a crucifix. Azarian was the first gymnast to perform this move, which was named for him. So maybe it was the Iron Cross. But I thought he turned his head to talk shit to a referee to be like, is this long enough?
Starting point is 00:24:57 And then that became the move. That would get you three tenths. Like a deduction? Dude, I did on a salute of the judge just a little let me see if i get my hand in here yeah on the salute of a judge a little on the walk up to the pretense like fuck you yeah like i saw that really he said that yeah that's awesome you know when you're on the apparatus you know you're doing well when everyone's just staring at you know when you're on the apparatus you know you're doing well when everyone's just staring at you but when they're writing you're fucked oh yeah that's my understanding
Starting point is 00:25:33 of his uh rambler says don't do that salute oh is that the crossfit piece yeah yeah this is though that's awesome. Really. The Lord of the Rings is what you called it. Yeah, so I interviewed that dude. That was crazy. I went into his studio. Greg, they had the lady in there just like you would imagine playing the piano and 200 of the most fit 7 to 14-year-old boys you've ever seen in your life.
Starting point is 00:25:59 How tall is he? He was tall. He was tall. He's taller than me. That's 5'10", 5' 10 5 11 yeah can you look that up yeah sure maybe taller what was the kid we had around that they called lord of the rings the contemporary i don't know short though he was short though right yeah they all are yeah let me see you think you think i have his height wrong it's five nine oh five oh yeah that's
Starting point is 00:26:27 that's a towering specimen of a gymnast god i would have guessed he was six foot i was way off yeah toshoki uh takashi uh oh no five three born in 29 oh shit he just that's what you were just saying just recently died last month huh yeah just passed oh Frank Dubac you can't ask Sevan if someone
Starting point is 00:26:56 was tall I think that's totally fair my inability to give a assessment that crosses all paths. Mr. Floyd is, I guess some more stuff from the Mr. Floyd trial was released. But it seems like it's stuff we already knew. Well, stuff that they're admitting now, right?
Starting point is 00:27:26 Far left pressure in George Floyd case may have influenced trial despite lack of strangulation evidence. So there's zero evidence that the knee killed him. Zero. I think it goes beyond that. Meaning there's evidence that he had a cardiac arrest from the consumption of the fentanyl? No, the nature of the compression and the realities of asphyxiating or a blood choke. or a blood choke. Meaning?
Starting point is 00:28:10 We have two physicians that we're close to that work as a matter of course with this physiology on a daily basis. And they need to be consulted. You should talk to them if you're truly interested. Yeah, I am. Do you think those guys would both come on? I know you've told me that several times. They probably would and shouldn't.
Starting point is 00:28:38 I know what they're going to say because we've had the discussion. we've had the discussion and to have two physicians, one interventional radiologist that is engaged in the business of revascularizing occluded and blocked networks, especially in the head and neck and an anesthesiologist intimate with the same airways and blood flow to have them blurred out, absolutely impossible, needs to be listened to. I want to listen to what Tucker says about it here. In her deposition, which you should read, Amy Sweezy describes a conversation that she had with the county medical examiner, Andrew Baker, right after
Starting point is 00:29:25 George Floyd died. Quote, I called Dr. Baker early that morning to tell him about the case and to ask him if he would perform the autopsy on Mr. Floyd. Suizzi recalls all this under oath in the deposition. Quote, he called me later in the day on that Tuesday, and he told me that there were no medical findings that showed any injury to the vital structures of Mr. Floyd's neck. There were no medical indications of asphyxia or strangulation. Oh, so so the report that's coming out now and I'll talk about it more later in a live call and show. But the reports that are coming out now are that. Three people in the DA's office were asked to prosecute that case, and they refused.
Starting point is 00:30:06 They said there's no evidence. So the guy who's been sexually – Yes. Yes, assaulting. – preying on women in the office, he raised his hand and said he'd do it. Yes. He doesn't mind a little dirty work. Yeah, and that's why it's coming out now.
Starting point is 00:30:26 Poor Chauvin. I've always thought he'd do three or four and walk. Aren't they in a... They teach that. They taught that riding a knee in their academy. Where was that? Minneapolis, what was the city again? Wherever he went, but you talk to cops,
Starting point is 00:30:50 they're all over that have used that, taught that, and it's not been a problem historically. I'm gonna see what's going on. I just typed in Chauvin and to see what he's up to. Oh. Wow, Newsweek facts checks this. Fact checker, Tucker Carlson. Fact check. Tucker Carlson says
Starting point is 00:31:16 new evidence clears Derek Chauvin of murder. The facts checkers say? I think they say it's not true. Oh, wow. What a coincidence. Then they probably cite the court case. I've noticed, though, that Newsweek is usually, of all the fact checkers, the better ones. But we'll see. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:34 You know, because then they'll be like, this is false because he was convicted. Pull out that. On the subject of fact checks, every discussion, fact checkers and fact checking systems, everything should begin with that Pfizer Reuters fact check nexus that Dowd explains in page two or three of that cool book. I thought the book was just right here. I thought the book was just right here. Yeah, there's a before you read kind of thing where he mentions the whole process of the QR codes and the convolution. You found it already?
Starting point is 00:32:19 Yeah. Oh, look at you got it. Oh, read it. Read it to us. Read it to us. And it's about two thirds of the way down on that left hand page. A good reason Pfizer would want a board member with influence over Reuters fact check, just like there is a good reason that they have a board member who was recently head of the FDA. And there's a good reason for each of the people they added to their board in 2020. The outgoing CEO of the Gates Foundation, Global Public Health Relationships, and the current CEO of Coca-Cola, Global Distribution Relationships.
Starting point is 00:32:54 It's natural that Pfizer would do all it can do to promote and protect the highest grossing consumer product in world history. So Pfizer has someone on Reuters fact-checking board. That's right. So basically, it just sounds like they're just switching people around. You worked for the FDA, then you retire. Now you come and sit on the board of Pfizer. And as long as we're hiding chronic disease, we got to give Coke a spot on this board. Right.
Starting point is 00:33:22 Of course. They're Pfizer's greatest referent yeah it's amazing how coke turns up everywhere they're they're the they're the dominant force in the fitness industry through exercises medicine it used to be crossfit and coke and now crossfit's committed to remaining silent i presume on the subject of chronic disease and sugar oh dude completely signed i wanted to show you this greg i made a point um and i said that when you were running CrossFit, we knew what the mission of crossfit was i guess pursuit of happiness or something that they had recently and there are no enemies there are no enemies they're going to teach the world to sing in three-part harmony now yeah it's part of their
Starting point is 00:34:35 three-word process as all corporate uh you know good companies have plastered on the wall when you walk in you know leadership inclusion and happiness or whatever they are look at this go ahead greg go ahead we're gonna say something i was gonna say mention brett ewers when working for podesta um is our podesta assigned with david moran guy um and before he'd come to work for us, before he got let go recently, he was sitting at a bar with, it was either ABA, American Beverage Association, or Coke lobbyists, and they revealed Operation Sparkle to him,
Starting point is 00:35:17 which was an effort to unseat us, in particular me. Coke's plan. Coke's plan or Pepsi's plan or pepsi's plan or beverage association yeah american beverage association it might have been should have bread on and ask him he's either in a position now to to sing loudly or back where he can't say anything um look who's look who grew a set of balls this is kind of a sad day because we've been three years through the pandemic, and we still haven't heard a stance from CrossFit. Yeah, wait till you hear this. This chick found it.
Starting point is 00:35:56 This is Jillian Michaels. She's a full-blown CrossFit hater, but check this out. Here we go. Extremely nefarious going on in the social zeitgeist regarding health and wellness. You guys are seen everywhere. to check this out. Here we go. or worry that giving teens puberty blockers is a bad idea? And you think we should wait until they're physically and mentally fully developed to make these life changing decisions? Big Pharma pays civil rights groups for the LGBT community
Starting point is 00:36:38 to label you a transphobe or a homophobe. If you question whether or not soda should be available on SNAPS, the food stamp program, big food, or race groups, they will label you as a racist. You can't provide
Starting point is 00:36:57 children of color soda. And yet, childhood obesity So, it's killing children of color but if you bring it up you're racist it young adults is all time overwhelmingly disproportionately affects children of color by nearly two to one and the fact that soda companies target them two times more than white kids is no doubt playing a huge role if you question target them dude target them where it came from because you really don't
Starting point is 00:37:41 want to see it happen again and you wonder wonder, did it come from a lab? Was it manufactured? You'll be de-pipelined as a crazy conspiracy theorist spreading lies. Despite the fact that only a few years later, organizations like the U.S. Energy Department, the FBI, and even the former head of the CBC have all come forward saying they believe COVID came from a lab room. We are not even allowed to question what the hell is going on anymore.
Starting point is 00:38:09 And it's time we started asking why. I can't believe this is Jillian Michaels. That's a sign of hope, right? When quacks like that are like waking up a little bit. She might have got the wrong thing when she reached in the medicine cabinet or something i like how greg knew what she was gonna say like before it was said like almost you know the playbook do i know the playbook so if you're against using food stamps to buy toxic toxins to feed kids you're're racist. It's unreal. Only a racist would want to deny
Starting point is 00:38:48 black kids their grape soda. Yep. Awesome. Awesome world. You know, it would make more sense to accuse coke of participating in margaret sanger style eugenics
Starting point is 00:39:11 than it would to call someone opposing that racist right right right logically it's easier to make the leap dude think of a faster way to fuck someone up than giving them a lifetime free supply of coca-cola right wow wow damn wow sponsored by the u.s government yeah and guess who's stoked about that the medical industry you know they were new client they just got a new client there were there were There were people fringe of the black community that were sure that the crack epidemic was the CIA trying to kill blacks. Right. And I was like, well, if the CIA wanted to do that, that would be one good way to do it. I think China heard that enough times they got big ideas with the fentanyl well that one that one's working that one's working by the way anyone who
Starting point is 00:40:12 keeps using the word genocide about gaza it's nothing compared to what's happening with fentanyl in this country uh uh chris beesterfield she fisted us what Jillian did to us CrossFitters she fisted us she had a lot of CrossFit hate but I gotta tell you I shipped up with Bob Harper
Starting point is 00:40:36 book signing of hers or his I went to both just being a nice guy and she couldn't have been more gracious I don't know what the value of that is but whatever hostility just being a nice guy. And she couldn't have been more gracious. I don't know what the value of that is, but whatever hostility she has, it was part of the programmed message. I mean, she and Bob walked a fine line on that show.
Starting point is 00:41:03 She and Bob walked a fine line On that show There was a It was kind of like Being in Minuto you know You're not gonna You're not gonna get away with too much Uh Sean Go ahead
Starting point is 00:41:20 She must be on the outs already Oh you mean to do that to say that yeah well dude she's interviewing people like uh gad sod and uh yeah she's been she's been dipping her toe in yeah and i always thought the stuff that she would hate on crossfit was just a strategy to keep it relevant and it worked really well as crossfitters we bite every time you know you get some big celebrity and if you're starting to slip, especially in the fitness and industry space, and you start to slip away to irrelevance, just attack CrossFit. Everybody will level you right back up to the top because they're just going
Starting point is 00:41:52 to come after you. Right. I remember my response at some point was, Oh my God, I remember her. You know, that's perfect. That's exactly it. Yeah. Yeah. That's it. She cycled back to the top of everybody's inbox. Yeah, something happened to her. She kind of like woke up or something. Oh, is she? I didn't know this. She's married to a woman?
Starting point is 00:42:16 I didn't know she was gay. I didn't know that at all. Yeah. Oh, I didn't know that either. I do. She has kids. She has kids? She has kids though, right? I have no idea.
Starting point is 00:42:33 First comment was, who's the husband? Hey, she was on that show with Bob, right? And she was obese one time herself. Is that the deal? Oh, I don't know her history in that sense. Okay. one time herself is that the deal oh i don't i don't know her history that way in that sense okay yeah here's a picture of her with megan kelly some so interesting
Starting point is 00:43:03 so she's sitting on the on the canceled side of things i guess so or she wants to be at least now she does yeah it'd be interesting to find out what uh what inspired that or set her free or pushed her over the edge you gotta have her on all right and she's she's it's kind of interesting that people she's had gad sawed on she had lane norton on and she had um uh peter attia on and so she's kind of making her rounds now do you know this name greg dr casey means i don't recognize this person yeah i've heard that name okay Okay. She's the good looking gal that dropped out of a
Starting point is 00:43:48 surgical residency from Stanford. Is that right? I'll show you a picture. Redhead. She's normal looking. Where'd she go to school? Metabolic disease specialist. I don't see.
Starting point is 00:44:06 Yeah, I think that's the gal i always still think it's crazy that people are able to post that, not just have all their accounts throttled. Maybe she did anything contrarian to the mainstream media's viewpoint on health. I feel like some people never get throttled and they say the craziest shit. Like I feel like Charlie Kirk just to just gets to go buck wild. Yeah. I wonder if there's a breaking point where you have enough following outside of it where it doesn't it can't really stop you with the andrew tate effect or something
Starting point is 00:44:49 i always thought that the the lack of criticisms of upi ravenscott was amazing but but what you got Scott, in lieu of that vitriol, he just remained unknown. And I think some people, the best way to challenge him is don't say anything about what they're doing. That's as good as you're going to get. If you take him on directly, you're going to fall flat. take him on directly you're gonna fall flat uh sean you had asked um oh yeah you were so close to knowing about greg's tea i've uh i've never seen greg i'm trying to think of besides maybe a margarita i've never seen and it's very rare he does have a margarita i don't know if i've ever seen greg the only sugar i've ever seen him eat is like ice cream or cake or
Starting point is 00:45:46 something like that he doesn't if i've never seen him drink a coke maybe a diet coke i've never seen him drink any he doesn't drink food free drinks i can be a fool for uh for a chocolate shake oh yeah i've seen you drink a chocolate shake i will say this i ordered one of those he orders his tea he used to order his tea he doesn't go there anymore he orders his tea from starbucks used to as um no water unsweetened and i did that one time and it's such a powerful dose of caffeine that um about one third through it i was gonna vomit my mouth started watering i go hey dude what's going on he goes oh yeah you gotta can't just jump up to this wait how, how do you order it? No water? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:46:26 Yeah, no water. No added water. They dilute it and add sugar. Oh, I didn't know that. Just pour your concentrate on the ice cubes. Dude, it's like putting in a chew of fucking tea leaves. It's so... It's not bitter.
Starting point is 00:46:40 I don't know. What taste is that? What taste would you say that is, black tea? It's nothing I really enjoy. Man, it's potent as shit. The caffeine? Yeah, you don't do coffee either. I don't think I've
Starting point is 00:46:53 ever seen you drink a cup of coffee. I'm definitely trying the tea concentrate thing. I could use that. It's more of a mental high, I feel like, than a physical high. I feel like caffeine is more of a physical high and um t's more of a mental high i don't know if that's true yeah i'm super healthy except for all that kratom didn't sit well with you.
Starting point is 00:47:27 I was fasting. I fasted basically every Sunday for three. I fasted basically for 32 hours one day a week for basically three years. And then I stopped like two or three months ago. I keep telling myself I'm going to start doing it again. That's the only high I know that heightens all senses. And typical of buzzes, there's some narrow facet of reality that's enhanced and the rest is blurred out. It's to say that the weed high is like cutting a hole in a little piece of paper
Starting point is 00:48:07 and then looking at shit through it what you get in the small picture you pay for in losing the big picture there's always trade-offs like that but when you're not eating it's not that way everything's better until it isn't sense of smell vision you're hearing enthusiasm the weirdest part of publicly fasting is we did so many uh so much business over meals and so you learn to instead of having to explain the fasting you said i just came
Starting point is 00:48:46 from a meal where i ate a lot you can do that for a couple of days hey that makes sense susie explained to me one time one of the phenomenons of alcohol is whatever it does to the is the frontal lobe but basically makes it so you don't think about the consequences of decisions more than five minutes out. That's why you have like unprotected sex. That's why you drive when you're drunk. That's why. And I was like, wow, that explains so much.
Starting point is 00:49:12 But you know what else that is? That's also the phenomenon of being like a male under 35, just in general. Ain't that the truth. You know what I mean? Just you're if someone asks a 10 year old, why are you throwing rocks at cars? You don't know. You're not like you're if someone asks a 10 year old, why are you throwing rocks at cars? You don't know. You're not like you're not like even trying to be bad. You're just throwing rocks at cars.
Starting point is 00:49:31 What do you mean? It's inherently fun. Yeah. It's like, why are you breaking glass? It makes a lot of noise. When we donated the house that we bought to make room for the house we're building, Elliot suggested we give it to the SWAT team to do their work there. And they did.
Starting point is 00:49:53 It was an exciting big day. You remember we had the mariachis. Were you around, Sammy? No, but you told me all about it. Yeah, and I saw some video. And every time something would blow up, the mariachis would miss a beat like you bumped the phone arm on the record player but uh at the end of the day the cops wrapped it up by bringing all the kids around and just let them go at
Starting point is 00:50:17 tom saint bathtub windows with hammers and goggles you know and it's just like wow i mean that's some base level shit yeah yeah just a hammer and a porcelain tub yeah yeah go into the bathroom with a sledge and enjoy yourself yeah you charge money for that i think yeah yeah yeah there is they're like break rooms or something like that and you just go in there just destroy shit that's how uh that's what rock and roll used to do the hotels maggie and i in italy in rome had been promised adjoining rooms and they were adjacent to not adjoining and i told maggie don't quit quit arguing i'll adjoin them i've seen this done before but keith moon of the who I think it was did that once made adjoining rooms that weren't
Starting point is 00:51:06 yeah weren't they notorious I think they were notorious for just tearing up hotel rooms right throwing a couch out of the windows and shit like that in the hotel it's like welcome back you're now a platinum member here's the bill
Starting point is 00:51:20 everything's for sale even the walls that's right empty the mini bar and throw the refrigerator through the window it's like you just had a bigger bill this is like this is like the insurance company and sick people they love them they're not trying to get anyone well no you'll pay with that tab high yeah uh the founder of the heat one app tyler watkins uh that's not why i have unprotected sex fair enough oh my goodness what is jace what do you what do you found the heat one app it's a it's a fan he comes he comes on the um he comes on the
Starting point is 00:52:06 podcast quite a bit and he has a app where you can plug in the athletes for events so if you're watching rogue this week you can play a fantasy game by picking the athletes which one wins which event and then at the end and you can put you can make you know like me you and suzy can make our own team or you could play with the whole world or it's cool. For someone like me who absolutely has no interest in fantasy football, this one's actually pretty cool. It's simple. Yeah. You just basically plug and play.
Starting point is 00:52:36 Yeah. Pressure people, put them in line. You could see what other people are, how they're playing people and stuff. Fantasy for CrossFit. It's so much better than what I imagined fantasy football to be. Fantasy football seems so confusing. I was so happy when Tyson was on the show and he said he hates fantasy sports. I was like, yeah, me too.
Starting point is 00:52:55 Except for he won. Ask Kramer about that. He's good at it and he makes money. Yeah, he does, right? Yeah. he's good at it and he makes money yeah he does right yeah both his poker and his fantasy football would keep him above poverty line isn't fantasy football
Starting point is 00:53:13 a larger yes larger than the whole NFL ecosystem yep fuck whatever I say the NFL thought it was a part of it and i guess the supreme court ruled otherwise oh the nfl wanted to get rid of it they wanted to own it this is ours they're making money off of our intellectual property the courts rule that's
Starting point is 00:53:37 actually what's happening here that isn't destruction uh sean lunderman i love having having Sundays ruined by fantasy football every week for years on end meaning it's like addicting I don't get that either I watched on the you know I'm not interested in football fantasy or otherwise
Starting point is 00:53:57 but when Kramer was around working for us he would come by on Sundays and set up his laptop. And you'd see a guy break a tackle and be running open field down with the ball. And then the little slider of his yards for the year was Justin. So there's an army of people in real time watching every game.
Starting point is 00:54:18 And as the guy's running, it's going down. Yeah. Yeah. And I imagine that the record keeping and the coverage at the fantasy level dwarfs anything that football, NFL could even have dreamed of. Oh, yeah. It's insane. The data they're collecting.
Starting point is 00:54:35 Yeah, just their presentation. The fantasy presentation was better than the 85-inch HDTV presentation of the real thing. Sean Lenderman, it's very addicting. We do a weekly high score winner everyone sends $5 to. Three weeks in a row, my buddy's wife, who just had to fill a team spot this year, has won. She's clueless.
Starting point is 00:54:58 That always happens in fantasy stuff. When I played, when I bartended, just to keep an eye on it and have conversation with a lot of the regulars that came in i had no idea what the hell i was doing and i ended up getting like second in the thing just picking random players yeah all of a sudden you give a shit about stuff you would never give a shit about because there's a dollar amount attached to it while you're in every play yeah yeah and i think this is probably why there was direct TV where you could watch, you know, all the games at once kind of thing.
Starting point is 00:55:31 Mm-hmm. Because John was doing that, splitting the screen 15 times, you know? Yeah. Got every game that's playing on. Got to watch them all. In real time. Yeah. I wonder what the viewership difference.
Starting point is 00:55:49 I wonder what the biggest night of football is, but this game that Tyson's going to play in Sunday, supposed to have significantly larger views because it'll be the only game playing in the country at that time. Well, I can tell you the largest football game. Sunday night football versus Monday night football. It's the Superbowl.
Starting point is 00:56:06 So Sunday night football, Sunday football versus Monday night football. It's the Super Bowl. Sunday night football versus Monday night football views. Let me see. Is Sunday night football more popular than Monday night football? That's been the case for what feels like decades now. Sunday night has played second fiddle to Sunday night since the early 2000s. But Sunday night has played second fiddle to Monday night? No. but Sunday night has played second fiddle to Monday night.
Starting point is 00:56:23 No, uh, uh, Monday night football has played second fiddle to Sunday night, early two thousands. So I guess Sunday is the big night. Um, yeah,
Starting point is 00:56:37 it seemed to me when I was a kid, there was a more general interest in Monday night football. That's what I thought. That you would watch even if you had no interest in football. Yeah. Right. Yeah. But you know, they had people like like phyllis george and they seem to be experimenting with the with the announcers and format and you had the pretty girls down on the field interviewing players and didn't that all have monday night origins i don't remember any girls being on the field call Caller, hi. Oh, you put your car in park.
Starting point is 00:57:06 That's safe. Go ahead. We don't even have the number. This must be. No, sorry. No, no, it's good. I'm glad. Safety first.
Starting point is 00:57:13 Yes, please don't drive. Thank you. I was just calling because I was kind of talking with you and everyone in the chat the other day about making the barrier to entry for affiliates and coaches a little bit higher yeah yeah yeah yeah go on and uh i mean i'm sure time to call back you got the expert job calling back good job exactly i think uh greg can probably unfuck me here because i haven't really understood the arguments from anyone else um but i just know you always talk about how like you know colleges are like lowering the grading standards for like you know black kids and stuff so they have a better diversity rate to me that's the same thing as like keeping it so easy and just saying oh the cream
Starting point is 00:57:56 will rise to the top or stuff like that like i feel like just making it harder just makes the quality better and forces people to be better specifically Even if it's not too much harder. Let me get Greg up to speed here. Specifically, you were like, hey, why not have to take the L1 and then maybe some sort of six-month internship? You were talking about some maybe six-month program. Is that right? I think someone did say that. I don't know about that entirely, but even just making the level one a little bit, the tests were a little bit harder. maybe like have to be a level two to own an affiliate and every coach has to be a level one
Starting point is 00:58:29 like just need even just making the weekend course harder so you have to actually like study for it where i feel like a lot of people just go into it and pass and probably didn't study and don't really know too much of the material and then think that they're worthy of like portraying CrossFit. Like someone, one of my buddies has like his knees messed up. I'm like, dude, if you go to a CrossFit gym, like it's going to be perfect. But I'm also kind of scared that he's going to go into a gym with like lazy coaching because there's not too much of a high standard for people to coach. So you want to raise the criteria for coach. lazy coaching because there's not too much of a high standard for people to coach at a billion. So you want to raise the criteria for coach. And before Greg answers this, I will say this,
Starting point is 00:59:14 Greg's opinion on things has changed over the years, like around kipping pull-ups and pull-ups. And so maybe we'll, let's, I'm curious what he thinks. Greg, what do you think? Let me start with the pull-ups. I don't have a problem with the kipping pull-up. What I have a problem with is someone who can't do a pull-up thinking that salvation comes through kipping pull-ups. And the truth of it is, is that somewhere around pull-up 60 to 75, the kip spontaneously appears to reduce the hang time. That's really what's limiting.'s it's time on the bar that you know the the fuse has been lit and so if there's the only way to do 120 pull-ups is to do them quickly and and the kick and the butterfly manifest out of that i understand the desire and it seems perfectly rational that you'd have a better outcome with a higher standard, but you know, we've had in our community, when the, when the NCAA partnered with
Starting point is 01:00:13 the NSCA and Gatorade and ESPN to run shows shitty on CrossFit 24 hours before the game launch, I couldn't figure out why it was that the NCAA would have a problem with CrossFit 24 hours before the game launched. I couldn't figure out why it was that NC2A would have a problem with CrossFit. And then I went through my list of guys like Westerlin, and I mentioned Joe specifically, but guys that had been strength and conditioning coaches or head strength and conditioning coaches at D1 schools, and there are eight, nine, ten of them. Stefan, Josh Everett. strength and conditioning coaches or head strength and conditioning coaches at D1 schools.
Starting point is 01:00:47 And there are eight, nine, ten of them. Stefan, Josh Everett. Go through the list of names, if you will. But they had reached the pinnacle damn near of strength and conditioning at the university level. the university level, and yet there are names in the community that had a much greater impact, were frankly significantly better trainers, and trained more people than did those fellas. Joe is kind of the standout for me in that I think his training is extraordinary. But the people with the best athletic experience and the best credentials haven't made it in my radar as the best trainers. haven't made it in my radar as the best trainers.
Starting point is 01:01:51 What do you think about increasing the requirements to open an affiliate? I'm so removed from giving a fuck that I don't know what to say. Right. Fair enough. Fair enough. Yeah. But, okay, let's say you did give a fuck. Your argument did used to be, though, about free markets and capitalism and let the cream rise to the top. Right. You know, I Mark Twight was making people wait on the front porch was his line and he was going to take good athletes and build the fittest people on Earth through his preconceived standards. I thought that the way to make a lot of gymnasts or great soccer players
Starting point is 01:02:29 was to broaden the pool of participants as wide as you could. In a country where everyone in high school lifts weights, you're going to have Olympians. When every little kid in the village is kicking a soccer ball around,
Starting point is 01:02:46 you're going to make tessies and that kind of stuff and not a till. And so I was going at it a little bit different approach, perhaps. Well aware of that. But, you know, we've had this specific instance of a guy. It was a dude that we talked to for years, and he was in the Flagstaff area. Maybe I was driving through Flagstaff when I talked to him. and he was in the flagstaff area maybe i was driving through flagstaff when i talked to him i think you were around for some of this but the guy's story was is that his business was suffering and his business was suffering because um people were
Starting point is 01:03:17 hurting uh people people that didn't have his mad skill set were hurting people and it was giving CrossFit a bad reputation and so I dig in like who is this and he gives me a name of someone I go onto the website and the guy's got a dozen trainers and 700 members and it's busy as hell and you look at my experts page and he's the world's best trainer but he has no clients he's sitting there by himself with his superior training capacity and I just know better than some guys hugely popular because he's fucking people up left and right behind him he just doesn't doesn't work that way you know the secret to chick-fil-a isn't food poisoning that's right hey caller um i was i was thinking about starting an affiliate program and you would still have to go take your l1 to become an affiliate i don't have a name for the
Starting point is 01:04:13 affiliate program yet but maybe i'll add to it you have to work at a crossfit gym for six months and then but the only difference between this affiliate program and the crossfit affiliate system is um you would get um media with this one and uh and then the other thing don't tell greg this i'll give you a special call-in number so when greg's on the show you can call in and get in and ask him questions he won't be affiliated just get free shit from greg more free shit from greg but uh i'm not joking actually i'm not joking if i could add a filter i would if I were crazy enough to want an affiliate program, I would require someone.
Starting point is 01:04:53 I would imbue the level one with a significant dose of modern science. I like that. I would want people able to differentiate between consensus and mildly inductive inference testing versus the prediction of physical events, as Jaynes called it, or prediction of observables, as Briggs called it it or projection of a measurement as my father called it all the same thing but i would i would like to to orient people's thinking towards that before they sit and listen to too many people talk about hydroxybutyrate and absorption levels of you know just caller I'm sorry I think you called a few years too late I apologize uh because um he he crossed over that I don't give a line hey one thing that I would like to have I'm sympathetic though I mean I underline he's not crazy it's not crazy right I agree it's not crazy for sure you know there was a point where we were gonna we would hooked up with the the guys from uh what was it the big tech outfit in san
Starting point is 01:06:12 diego caa c whatever but these these cross-fitting mathematicians that had every kind of security clearance you could have, were going to help us rank order affiliates to give them some metrics. And it was a moment when I was trying to explain my concerns about this with Nicole. with Nicole and like, how do you compare a guy with, with, uh, five members with cardiovascular disease versus someone with 400 that's, you know, I mean, you just, it comes down to some kind of value thing at the end and it now, so I'll just give it away. This used to be the only secret at CrossFit, and that was that we wanted you to write a letter as to why you wanted to be affiliated. And what we did is all of your experience in the fitness space or in the performance or sport place was neutral. And all of your business acumen, if put into the essay, was a negative. And all you're wanting to help people was a positive. And there was a point where we had 15,000 essays and most had included
Starting point is 01:07:48 had included two two of the of the three fields so we had a very typical essay that i have an mba and have launched a bunch of businesses i know everything in the world about business and i also have a silver medal and a bronze and a gold and you know just and it's like a no-go you're out don't watch it and there's someone out there and another type would be like this has been so incredible for me i just want to bring this to other people like what has happened to my mom and my dad i'm ready i'm ready to go and having never accomplished anything in no business acumen there's a good affiliate what we never saw in 15 000 i never had one person say, I have an MBA. I'm Joe Business. And I really want to help people.
Starting point is 01:08:30 Not fucking one of those. And that would have been a negative and a positive. So they're really easy. You can read them at the speed of light. I'm looking for some indication of you wanting to make a positive difference in someone's life. That's all we need here. of you wanting to make a positive difference in someone's life. That's all we need here.
Starting point is 01:08:51 And your background in sports and performance, zero. Don't really care. Good for you. That's nice. Trophies look really good on a shelf. And your business acumen, now the alarms are going off. I can tell someone we converted from being on one side to the other. But what happened was that we had rejected a guy for affiliation, and he was traveling. He was a fireman who on his off days was visiting firehouses, teaching people to CrossFit because two guys had lost their lives from his station due to their physical capacity.
Starting point is 01:09:28 They found him dead most of the way to the exit. One had had a heart attack, the other had run out of air in a smoke gun. But they were known to not be fit. And he was just trying to prevent that. He's like, why can't I be an affiliate? I was was like man wait our system's fucked up here we can't ask the right questions but if we let him talk you'd see it that was probably the best business decision i've ever made the the not letting someone have two boxes the you're talking about the decision being the criteria for which you accepted people based on their essay. Yes. Yeah. And so easy to read.
Starting point is 01:10:10 I mean, it was just, you could read it more quickly than you could check for spelling. Here's a paragraph on my background, my background, my background. Nothing about helping anyone. Fuck you. Next. Yeah. I want to help people. Good, good.
Starting point is 01:10:30 And you got a gold medal. Wow. Philip Kelly, don't worry. CrossFit's raising the affiliate fees to the barrier of entry is increased for those of you cucks requesting it to be more difficult. Sleeky. has increased for those of you cucks requesting it to be more difficult uh sleaky uh but they've pushed back uh pushed it back the raising of fees to jan one what month is it what are we november yet october october to push it to jan one uh philip kelly saving a little face from their israeli post for a few more months i've got a question is the is the plan raised going to be
Starting point is 01:11:07 for new affiliates because i never raised anyone's fees ever we went from 500 to a thousand to two thousand to three thousand and there's still people around paying the five a caller thank you by the way i see you're still on you good You muted us I understand Held in there for a long time Anyway thank you Uh Sleeky uh you're right Mr. Glassman They do not They do not do things like that anymore
Starting point is 01:11:35 They literally accept anyone who will pay them Oh okay I think they have a fiduciary obligation To uh exactly that Oh Travis Bajan that oh that's cool want me to call i'll send them the number okay let me see um hey why quickly why they're getting that set i i don't think that they should raise the barrier to entry either i think that the free market is the the ultimate decider of all things and that if you open up a gym, or if
Starting point is 01:12:05 you're a trainer who is really passionate about helping people, you got your L1 and you have zero dollars, you could go to a park, put up a sign right there and say, hey, I'm training people for free for CrossFit and build your clientele right out of a park. And that could eventually lead to becoming an awesome CrossFit gym later on. And those type of people would never actually have that opportunity if it wasn't for the lower barrier to entry. Now, if you're somebody that's showing up with a bunch of money, you still have to go to the free market. I personally know somebody that came in with a lot of capital, opened up a fancy gym, had all a bunch of fancy equipment, and didn't make it past three years. Yeah, let's not talk about Lauren. Let's leave her out of this
Starting point is 01:12:46 she bought it she bought an acre of a gym took the local mixed martial arts program and and severed their relationship the landlord and brought it in same with boxing same with the kitchen she had everything on launch had it all everything and uh it's just now getting traction absent her involvement by six seven years oh it was so nice i mean he came out rob designed their program you know their their strength program they had all his shit in there. And Ro played a big role. She cookie-cuttered the perfect gym.
Starting point is 01:13:32 But you remember, Sebi, when we were working with Microsoft, there was a point where I realized that the guys sitting across the table from us were finishing each other's sentences and communicating things with odd looks to one another. And I came to learn that they have been working projects together for 30-something years. Right. And you can't just add people and flip a switch and go. And I explained it to our crowd that if I took all of the CVs of the Microsoft group and their building
Starting point is 01:14:01 and all the accoutrement of business they've got all those servers and everything right boards in the offices that whole traditional well-known microsoft setup and flip the switch you'd have nothing that the essence of what is microsoft is how many of those people have worked together and how many projects and so there's an institutional knowledge and capacity for efficient, effective communication. We weren't able to we weren't able to keep up with their thinking because they were having a private conversation with eyebrows. And, you know, that we just we just didn't have quite. Ryan, so people actually thought that putting their degree in their affiliate application was a positive? Yes.
Starting point is 01:14:45 Like CrossFit, give a fuck. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. That and their trophy case. Keith Knapp, the essay is still part of the application. I do believe Keith is the director of marketing over at CrossFit. Sleeky, yes, Keith, but you guys like all the NBA crap they put in now that i think that um anyone who i think that the the documentaries that i have filmed in 100 different countries and 100 level ones i've been to just those two things
Starting point is 01:15:11 alone make me uh more eminently more capable than anyone who went to stanford or harvard to do any to do any job at crossfit inc i just i'll put that on the line. I'm not even saying that in the slightest to be arrogant, but it's it's it's crazy. The standards and values by which I ran the company values if they were if they were adopted by the current management, they would be it would be an ethical, moral and legal lapse. moral and legal lapse right you're there you're there with a fiduciary obligation that is legal at least civilly and and considered ethical look up fiduciary obligation it's it's it's ruinous to to think that that's that there's some value system outside of bottom line for the shareholders that fucking matters at all. And so if you start trying to make the world a better place, you're going to lose your job and never have another one like it again. No one hires anyone to make the world a better place. I did, but that's not happening now. And so there's no way to see the affiliates, 9,000, 10,000, whatever there are now, there's no way to see them in the MBA world, which is the world that clearly in the VC world, investor world, as anything other than points of presence, points of sale, tools for your bottom line.
Starting point is 01:16:44 Points of presence, points of sale, tools for your bottom line. And raising the affiliate fees and wanting to see CrossFit aid in a can and coolers and the selling of shoes in the box and the CrossFit jump rope, all that shit is inevitable. I told you the other day, Bill needs to get a training program before CrossFit comes up with an equipment line. And the strategy for the equipment line, it wouldn't take too much of a VC
Starting point is 01:17:24 with even half a brain working to realize the way to do it is to make Bill do it to himself. So what you do is, hey, if you're going to be an affiliate, you have to use rogue slash CrossFit gear. And now Bill's changing his labeling and sending his shit out. And he's also about to lose everything. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. I promise you there are people in the VC world you couldn't look at CrossFit
Starting point is 01:17:54 and not have aspirations for the entire ecosystem from Rogue to Beyond the Whiteboard. I'd also like to use the Tyson tyson bajan piece as a thing there's this thought that like they they very few it's the minority think that for some reason it was the perfect time to do the tyson bajan piece because he started for crossfit because he made it into crossfit basically imagine how much deeper the connection would be and how much more value would have been if they would have done this story when he was in junior high and in high school and in college and then he made it to the pros the deeper connection it would have uh with crossfit now everyone sees it for just
Starting point is 01:18:34 what it is it's great that they did it it's cool but we were we were we never were ambulance chasers in the media department we were there matter of fact greg gave two fucks if someone famous did crossfit it interested him zero and uh you're you're just as likely to get a long-term value out of a piece showing a kid who's successful doing crossfit junior high than you are at someone who's doing it in the nfl and so it's it's a shame it's a shame that they waited that's the nba that's the nba approach wait till he's in the super bowl and then and then show it and at that point it's lost any deep connection they were bragging there was people over there bragging that oh we we released the video just in time it's like no dude you're two years late i'm remembering it was is there a jennifer beal is that a person
Starting point is 01:19:18 it sounds like some star jennifer be? Jennifer Beal. Let me see. Hopefully not. Hopefully I got the name wrong. But someone at... Jennifer Beal. Some media came out that she was crossfitting. And I couldn't... She's got a great ass. I'm good.
Starting point is 01:19:38 I'd never heard of the creature. So I wasn't... There was Harrison... Remember when Harrison Ford was working out at brick and Allie McBeal and P Diddy was doing it. And it was just everyone in their mom was doing it. That pop media piece that Jay Ver put together. It's on YouTube was great.
Starting point is 01:20:00 You remember that? Yeah, I do. I would, I would pull it up and play it, but CrossFit would fucking go after me. Give me, You remember that? Yeah, I do. I would pull it up and play it, but CrossFit would fucking go after me. They'd give me a ding any time I show more than seven seconds of their shit, which is crazy.
Starting point is 01:20:11 Dingers. Yeah. I don't know if they own that piece. Bryson Del Monte, cream will rise to the top, but I'd be scared to send my mom to crossfit that i've never been to it's even bound to fail because of bad coaching that's how that's now what she thinks cf is even if it fails later i'm not sure what you understand but i understand that but my mom's been to like six different crossfit gyms uh holl Malloy's, Annie Sakamoto's,
Starting point is 01:20:46 CrossFit Aptos, CrossFit 707, CrossFit, I think, Benicia. They were all good. Dude, if you're afraid to send your mom to a CrossFit gym without calling and vetting them first, how do you feel about doctors? Good fucking point.
Starting point is 01:21:01 I'd be far more terrified without vetting first my general physician and the advice that they're going to give that I am about walking through the CrossFit gym. Fucking no argument there. No argument there. My mom's been to seven. I didn't vet any of them. They were all amazing.
Starting point is 01:21:15 Changed my mom's life. Got her first pull up at 69. Go in, shop around. Usually in every town of any decent size, there's going to be two or three. Take a class to all of them. Go into it. Talk to the people. You could do a phone call real quick and he could say, hey, what's the oldest member of
Starting point is 01:21:29 your gym? How many people have lost 100 pounds or more at your gym? How long have you been affiliated? Do you guys have an on-ramp class? And with a few questions like that and how they answer the question more importantly than their answer will tell you everything you need to know about that gym without really having to step foot into it. Dude, that's a great piece.
Starting point is 01:21:47 How to vet a CrossFit gym. Yeah. Why are we in Dallas for my 10-year-old to have oral surgery? Because the surgeon, the physician surgeon, and the anesthesiologist are in no small part, it's either they're both being CrossFits. Yep, because they're going to be the best at what they do. Fuck it, I'm going to call...
Starting point is 01:22:12 Jessica Beal. Jessica Beal with the bar. Jessica Beal. I'm going to call Travis if he's not going to chime in here. I'm going to write all the names down of the eight celebrities that love CrossFit. Max Greenfield, Jessica Biel. What's that? Do you know the pop media?
Starting point is 01:22:43 Hello? Hey, we're live. Okay, cool. So don't say nothing terrible. Yeah, and Greg's here too. Nice! Buddy, how are you? What's up, fellas?
Starting point is 01:22:57 What's going on? Get my suite ready, T. Oh, baby, don't make me cry. Don't make me cry, boy. This is going to be crazy. Well, listen. Should we get back? Yeah, brother, go ahead.
Starting point is 01:23:15 It's up. You know what? Selfishly, you know what I want to do, right? Just like always, I want to help all my buddies that are less fortunate than me. Now, in life, normally, I am at the low on the totem pole, so there ain't many people underneath me to help. But right now, I am the fucking man. So I would love, I've got, you know, I'm going to have 10 of my buddies around there, and they're all going to be in those nosebleeds and everybody's.
Starting point is 01:23:48 But if I was, could do whatever I wanted, then I would help some of them to come with us. So the more the merrier. However, the shit is crazy expensive. is that you guys are comfortable and then whatever seats you got left, I'll fill them with the pecking order of the buddies I have that are closest to me and in attendance. So it doesn't matter to me if we get 14 seats, 16 seats, or 20 seats.
Starting point is 01:24:16 You guys figure out how many you're using. Let me know if there's any left over and then I'll use them for my buddies. Travis, why don't we get that bungalow behind the end zone there and then you can use them for my buddies. Travis, why don't we get that bungalow behind the end zone there, and then you can save your seats. And I'm glad to hear that that's – because I was willing to sit there with your coal mining friends and scream for the kid.
Starting point is 01:24:39 Yeah. And listen, if we set in that bungalow, I'm pretty sure Tyson will come over, jump inside there, and give us the ball. Oh, shit. Hey, I could be I could I could definitely be eating my words if we get blown out or something. But for the most part, I think it's pretty safe to say that if he finds out I'm in that end zone and and listen, the whole world will know that we're in that end zone. Hey, Travis, we want to be in there with you, though, because, like, Greg and I have the same feeling. We kind of want to watch you 90% of the time watch the game.
Starting point is 01:25:12 I don't want – listen, you know I'm not one to brag, Savon, but I would say that's a very intelligent thing to do is to hang out with me when you get to that thing. But, once again, I love you guys, and I'm going to come. I got one guy that I can't leave because he's got me my VIP pimp tickets. So I can use his two tickets to give two of my buddies the tickets, and then I'll bring him with us. And he's a great guy.
Starting point is 01:25:38 And then if we got any left over, we'll bring a couple other stragglers. But if not, I don't care. I love you guys, and, you know, I'm in. Let's lock down that bungalow and, Sebi, get with Maggie and let's start our list of 14 people and see if whatever else Travis wants to do. I'm going to ask them. Yeah, and I'm going to tell them that we got 15 people and just find out if it really is locked in at 14 because it looks like me.
Starting point is 01:26:04 There's enough standing area for 16, 17 people, but I think just the rules are that it comes with that many tickets, so, but listen, I appreciate it, it's going to be the greatest, oh, it's going to be so much fun, it's going to be so much fun, so I'm pumped, so Vaughn, as soon as you're done, you guys let me know, and I'll, we'll set up with the ticket guy and work it out Awesome you demand Alright thanks Travis thanks for picking up Alright you guys be good have a good show
Starting point is 01:26:30 See you this weekend buddy Love you Yes sir thank you see you soon be good Later brother That was easy Good This works for him I like that Yeah Bryson Del Monte Good. This works for him. I like that.
Starting point is 01:26:48 Yeah. Bryson Del Monte. This episode is brought to you by RBC Student Banking. POV. You're a student listening to an RBC ad. You're learning you can get up to $330 in value with RBC, including $100 when you open a no monthly fee RBC Advantage banking account for students. So you can vibe with friends even more this semester. POV, you're unlocking more perks for less with RBC. Up to $330 in value is a combined total of three available offers, each in accordance with the respective terms and conditions.
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Starting point is 01:27:58 So that's cool too, right? Yes. We're going to have a blast in there. Was that 14 or 22 in that room? 14 I wrote down I got Sarah, Paul, Brian, Sevan, Travis Travis's rich friend Greg, Maggie, Rhett, Mike, Elliot
Starting point is 01:28:15 Yeah 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 And then that allows three coal miners But we still get Travis and his rich friend And then three What it does is keeping us out of the section That he was a lot of tickets for Allows those coal miners to get down there and yell for the hometown boy
Starting point is 01:28:30 Yeah he said he got them tickets They're so far away that the people Look like ants on the field We've done that Yeah those were like $3,000 tickets When we sat next to Snoop Dogg Yeah And we still couldn't see the field
Starting point is 01:28:44 The following year Dave and I were invited thousand dollar tickets when we sat next to Snoop Dogg. Yeah. And we still couldn't see the field. The following year, Dave and I were invited to ride with the owner of the team in his jet to the Super Bowl. We found something else to do. Those were the VIP tickets Reebok gave you when we went to the Super Bowl. And they were still like
Starting point is 01:29:01 trash tickets. There were 100,000 people in the stadium, even those up close watching the whole thing on the monitor. Everyone's heads were up. Heidi Kroom, someone please bring me as part of your harem. Okay, I'll make a list. I'll see what I can. All right, so now we have two extras.
Starting point is 01:29:19 Adjacent, adjacent booth. The adjacent booth. Maybe I should even try to, if Rhett's coming, maybe I should try to figure out a way to bring Avi down. Do it so they can hang. All right, brother. Hey, thank you. That blew by. It all stops.
Starting point is 01:29:38 It's hard to believe you can make a living doing this. Eighty nine minutes. It's getting it's starting to become a good living. It's crazy. Fantastic. You deserve it. Thank you for your help it's starting to become a good living. It's crazy. It's fantastic. You deserve it. Thank you for your help. I will give you a call.
Starting point is 01:29:49 Today's a big day for you. Good luck with everything. Tomorrow's the surgery. So today's the day off. Today we're going to find a Converse dealer and get some red high-top Converses for a 10-year-old. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:30:01 She's been talking about them. She was telling me she really wants a pair of Converse. That's awesome Red or black There's nothing I can say about Nike Or the burn they give you on your feet Or lack of Whatever
Starting point is 01:30:15 I'd have her in the Victus What's that model we like? The Core 1 Light easy They grabbed on to the nano 2.0 refined it and let the world roll by into nanos three four five six i think that's the best shoe in the world hey i just did a commercial huh yeah hey born i paid for every fucking shoe by the way yeah that's true and mine too thank you born primitive has a shoe that's almost identical to the um core one but the sole is so thin it's almost maybe even too thin i'd
Starting point is 01:30:53 wonder what you think about it like you can feel everything underneath your feet but it's an amazing shoe it's the exact same as the nano 2 and the core one do you want to try born primitive all right brother uh thank you very much No, thank you Sebi, thank you Matthew Bye Greg, thank you so much You ought to consider Coming out, why don't we bring Matt out We need him at the studio Sunday
Starting point is 01:31:16 Because I'm leaving We have five shows on Sunday And he's doing them Can you Reneg your invitation to him, please? Thank you. It's going to Sleeky and... Right.
Starting point is 01:31:32 Sleeky will be there. For the harm. All right, guys. Love you, Greg. That's cool of him to invite me like that. I was afraid he was going me like that. No, I was afraid he's going to do that. Uh,
Starting point is 01:31:47 for Susan, a hut, a NFL Sunday ticket. No, thank you. Taking that for 99. There'll be no show on Sunday. No,
Starting point is 01:31:55 no, he needs a be at the game. Y'all do. The schedule is crazy for the invitational yeah yeah it's gonna be fun though crazy crazy crazy is it weird that i'm like feeling like even though i know it's gonna be a lot of work i'm just happy i get to do it for my house no that's awesome it's so nice traveling and then having to be on my feet and shit like that it's so nice
Starting point is 01:32:25 for the NFL Sunday ticket it's so nice maybe I should call should I call Sarah real quick yeah yeah yeah yeah go ahead I'll be right back
Starting point is 01:32:38 maybe I'll call Sarah real quick and just tell her so she because she might buy a booth too I'll call Sarah real quick and just tell her. So she, cause she might buy a booth too. Don't wait to have too many. Let's see if she picks up. I'm going to, I'm flying into LAX and I'm going to get picked up and just shuttled straight to the Players Hotel.
Starting point is 01:33:06 I got a room at the Players Hotel. Oh, I forgot to tell Greg that. I got him a room there, too. And then from there, I'm going to go to the game, come back to the hotel, and then I'll fly right back home. Heidi, let Sousa go. Sousa go. Please leave your message. Damn.
Starting point is 01:33:34 All right. No, Sarah. Cave Dastard, let John Young and Thumb run the show and let Sousa go to the game. The thing is, that's actually not a bad idea. It looks like John Young is going to be on the Barbell Spin Show. What's up, dude? What's up? Yo.
Starting point is 01:33:58 Yo. You didn't put Sousa behind the curtain. Great. He let me out by request. Only by request. I said, hey, I'm only doing it if Sousa behind the curtain. Great. He let me out by request. Only by request. I said, hey, I'm only doing it if Sousa can be on the show.
Starting point is 01:34:10 That's true. You're a good dude like that. You know who, Travis is a good, you talk to the small people. That's good. I always like that. For those of you
Starting point is 01:34:16 who aren't keeping up with this, we invited Rich on the show. He said, only if Sousa's not in the back and he faces forward. Yeah. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:34:25 People need to see. I'm liberated, baby. Here I am. He's here. Freed by frowning. Freed by frowning. He's here. Freed by frowning.
Starting point is 01:34:34 Yes. Hey, where are you? I've never seen you in this spot. Where are you? I'm in Rory's office. Oh. Yeah, normally. Why aren't you in the truck?
Starting point is 01:34:42 What's up? The truck in the shop or something? No, the truck's over there. I just figured, hey, I know, I'd be civilized today and actually be in a room. Looks good. Are you standing? No, I'm on a tall stool. Makes me look more powerful, I think, right? Yeah. And he's got pumpkin plan in profit first. I'm a huge Mike McConnell guy right behind you. Oh, look at that. Yeah, all those books are.
Starting point is 01:35:03 Rory's a learned learned man you know yeah he likes to read those books what's up with the shirt rich crossfit destin crossfit destin is uh a crossfit affiliate obviously and then they use mayhem uh programming i was down there last week on a little family relocation um it's not vacation anybody who knows kids or has kids knows that you don't go on vacation when you have your kids and so i dropped in and this is the shirt i wore today so great people great community down there um ton of fun it was cool i don't know if i've ever seen you wear a shirt that's not a mayhem shirt this is a mayhem shirt because they're a mayhem affiliate yeah that's right all right all right fair enough fair enough fair enough fair Yeah. Really cool spot down there. Like I said, cool community, a lot of drop-ins,
Starting point is 01:35:47 um, but a bunch of people from Indiana, a couple from Tennessee, which was cool. And then they've got their, their local. So it was fun. Uh, cooters. Cooters. Hey, Rich, Adam here from the United Kingdom. Oh, what's up? And train with rich 29. What's rich's rich 29 uh that's those weekends that we do bring people in and just work out a ton so it was a ton of fun and now you've done that 29 times we've done it i think 30 times now i think last one was 30 damn oh we are now mayhem affiliate and loving it i love it darren darren does an incredible job with that he uh he found his kind of his really his passion with that and then we've We've got a great team that helps out with a lot
Starting point is 01:36:28 of the stuff behind the scenes, Christy and Kelsey. Darren, they're doing a great job. You're going to Rogue? I'm going to Rogue, yes sir. Tell me what does that mean? Thursday night, I will be in a dunk tank. Apparently, there wasn't a lot of volunteers for that. So I was like, yeah, why not? And then I think we're doing a little carnival night with the legends, you know, because we're just a sideshow.
Starting point is 01:36:57 A little, you know. Who cares about that? Why do they? Do people actually care about that? Is that just Bill? No. Yeah. Rich, you're one of those guys – you know at halftime when they march out like all the old quarterbacks?
Starting point is 01:37:15 And everyone's like, what the fuck happened to him? Wow, he looks terrible. Yeah. He got into bike riding. See, that's why it would be so much cooler if they would give us rings. Cause then we'd look important at least, you know, like you can't wear medals out there. Cause then you just look like a douche, but with rings, you're like, you know, it would be cool, but you know, whatever. You're kind of the exemption to that. And I'm not just saying it cause you're on the show. You kind
Starting point is 01:37:39 of bridge the gap between, okay, this is a charity event for all the people that used to care about care about us. You kind of you're bridging the gap, but I'm relatively relevant. Kind of like, I'm like that. Like, ah, is he still kind of cool? Or is he, no, is he, did I completely forget about who that is? Yeah. You're getting ripped in half. There's that you're holding, you're like Superman holding two planets. No, I'm trying to bring, i know i'm trying to bring them together yes that's what i'm trying to do i'm not trying to hold anybody apart i'm pretty divisive but thursday dunk the old guy yeah i get to throw i think uh something about a fast pitch which i'm a middle infielder i don't throw it hard but it'll still be fun i think you know my kids are coming so i think they'll really enjoy that um just
Starting point is 01:38:24 looking forward to talking trash to people while they try to throw a ball so um yeah that'll that's cool yeah i'm gonna make yeah i want to see kalipa try to throw a ball at the dunk tank oh dude hey shots shots fired shots hey dude i would rather buy a ball and watch kalipa throw a throw then buy your own i think it's free but yeah he can throw yeah okay so you um do you own a dunk tank i'm surprised i don't we we we did it at a charity at a mayhem for mustard seed charity a couple years ago but we do not own a dunk tank hey that one's five grand i bet your dad could build one at home for cheaper than that heck yeah you you just take a trash can. I mean, you saw Hiller's Ice Chiller video. He could make one too, right? Out of a trash can.
Starting point is 01:39:10 Trash can, some duct tape. Yep, there you go. You can duck it. Never mind. Carolyn Morris, Sevan would hit first try. That's correct. Oh yeah. If it was a frisbee, yeah, right? No, no. I got mad ball skills too. Don't get him talking on his softball.
Starting point is 01:39:25 I didn't know you played with balls. I do, always. Only two at a time. So, okay. And then Friday, so you go home Thursday, back to your hotel, and then Friday. I think Friday, Saturday, Sunday, we're doing one event a day. And then I think we're doing kind of like, I mean, I know you probably don't watch much football. You do now.
Starting point is 01:39:44 You're a connoisseur now. But I watch much football. You do now. You're a connoisseur now. But I think we're going to do something. You're an expert now. So I think we're going to do something similar to the Manning cast, where we just kind of sit there and talk trash about what's going on. I think like a couple shows, it's going to be me and Bridget. You know, like they'll have alternate streaming. You'll have the actual polished people know what they're talking about. And then you'll have us just talking about how we used to be cool and what we would have done when this was a different movement or all that stuff so i think that'll be pretty fun i think i'm with bridges once or twice and khalifa once and so i'll just be making fun of khalifa for an hour or two i saw um i think i
Starting point is 01:40:19 saw let me see uh could you pull up the instagram for rogue Imitation? Instagram. I saw the list of that. So is that going – first of all, did you release that before that was supposed to be released? We found out about that on the Mayhem podcast, the Rich Froning podcast. At the end, you revealed it. But did you get in trouble for that? Like you revealed it too soon before it was supposed to be revealed? I don't know that I revealed anything. So maybe Scott did.
Starting point is 01:40:45 At the end of one of your shows, you were just like, oh, yeah, I'm going to Rogue, and I'm going to be on some sort of podcast or something. Oh, I don't know. I didn't get in trouble. Scroll down a little bit. Scroll down. Scroll down.
Starting point is 01:40:57 You don't even know the clues. I wasn't told that I wasn't supposed to. There it is. VIP Legends Happy Hour Experience. Are those all the people who will be on it? No, I don't really see it. No,
Starting point is 01:41:09 I think, Oh, that's the people that are going to be at the, at the carnival type thing events. Okay. That's not the list of people who will be doing show. And are you only on when the show's live or will you be on when the show's like when there's no events going,
Starting point is 01:41:23 will you guys still be running that podcast? Am I going be competing with that thing i don't think so i think we're just like during the stream you know like if you were to watch well uh you haven't watched monday night football probably ever but there's like simulcasts going on you know there's a regular one now and then you'll have like peyton Manning and Eli Manning talking about or talking to just you know guys that used to play or other kind of celebrities and so I think it'll be a simulcast to the actual broadcast okay but that was my understanding and I could be completely wrong so nobody actually listened to what I have to say maybe go to rogue fitness rogue invitational for your actual official, um, stuff. And, and, and then it's, it's a huge list of people. It's like 20 people.
Starting point is 01:42:10 Yeah. There's, there's a bunch of people, so it'll be cool. I mean, it's, it's always a ton of fun to get, um, with the guys and girls that I used to compete with when I, you know, like you said, I kind of am a weird, we I'm, I'm different in the fact that like i competed with all those guys but i've competed with you know some of the newer or around maybe not even with but around some of the newer athletes and i'm still pretty involved and work out with everybody here and they'll be here so uh yeah i'm like i said i'm i'm i'm odd weird um when when i think about having you on the show, on this show, I think of it as you're equally as an easy guest as you are a huge draw to the show. Appreciate that. You're so easy and you're a huge draw.
Starting point is 01:42:59 When you do – I'm softening you up. Soften it up. Come on. It's a hard question. Put it in there. When you go somewhere like Rogue, I preface this with, you have
Starting point is 01:43:12 everything you need at home. You have your family, and you have a motorcycle, and you have your family. I haven't ridden in a long time. Collecting dust. I know you. You got your guns and your kids, and you're pretty much happy. You got land, and your dad can come over and i know you're happy with with your family yep what percentage of it is do you go to rogue because um for bill and katie for um uh to to
Starting point is 01:43:37 continue to get the mayhem brand out there and share it um because you actually want to go like does a part does any part of you want to go? No part of me wants to go to this football game on Sunday. Now, it doesn't mean – because I'm going to go to the NFL football game on Sunday. And I know I'm going to have fun. Right, right. But I do not want – I'm not even like want to go, not even a little bit. If I can bring my kids and my wife, then I'm good, and they're all coming.
Starting point is 01:44:03 You know, like I 100%. I don't even want to do that. That's so brave of you. I don't even want to do that. The more and more, you know, the older they get, I'm like the experiences of those types of things. Like, you know, you can learn a little bit about going to Texas and, you know, doing these things. And like, as lame as that sounds, like they can get, you know, and to see some of that, you know, at some point nobody's going to want to invite me to any of that stuff. So they're not going to have those experiences. And so, you know, who knows?
Starting point is 01:44:30 Like they just like going and doing. They would rather stay home a lot of the time, I bet. You know, they're feral. And it would be way easier if it was just me and Hillary going. But, you know, I want to bring them and involve them in some of that stuff so they can just see it. And, you know, it is equal parts all of that. Bill and Katie have always been incredible. As lame as it sounds, they're more like family than it is business.
Starting point is 01:44:53 No, I hear you. And at times, we do have to separate that. But it's easy with them. Mayhem, yes. We're going to do some activation in the spectator areas. We're going to run a couple classes. So I'm going to drop in on some of those and help out with that. Josh will be running those. So I'll be there. And, uh, you know,
Starting point is 01:45:11 it is Malone, Josh Malone that was wearing this too small of the shirt in the field. Oh yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Wow. Wow. Josh is incredible. Wow. But that's, that's a running joke at mayhem. It is. So that was, I wasn't like coming up with that. Oh no, no, no. That wasn't original. It would be like if someone said you have a big nose and i'd be like oh that's real oh original or rich and bald yeah i know thank you thank you all right so damn i thought i was coming out with that shit i thought we uh we that's a long running joke long running joke so and uh but josh's man he's an incredible
Starting point is 01:45:41 coach and incredible with that type of stuff he He's basically at the campground, ran those classes. Him, TJ, and David Lane were just out there grinding and Kelsey. And, man, it was awesome. And so it's – and Christy. And so it'll be cool. It'll be a similar type feel to that. Josh was like, give me as many classes as we can do. And they're like, how about two?
Starting point is 01:46:03 And he's like, how about eight? So it's cool. cool yeah that is cool that's that's god i'm so cliche as shit i think i come up with the cleverest shit and i know no no that's a that's a mayhem uh running joke um hold on one second i'm going to uh if you don't mind uh-oh who we call on my wife real quick. Yeah, see if she can get Avi a plane ticket too on Sunday. Hello? Hi. Hi.
Starting point is 01:46:38 Say hi to Rich. Rich. How are you? You doing good? I'm good. I'm good. How are you are you good just getting roasted oh no babe will you not by seven i can't believe that i know right will you check my flights um and see if um uh ask avi if he wants to come with me because we are going to get that booth and it sounds like greg's going to bring ret so maybe see if avi wants to fly down there with me sunday okay after kuman i'll do all that okay love you bye love you bye i can't imagine him saying no love you okay have a good show okay bye he'll love that is it true that after your four victories,
Starting point is 01:47:28 I've probably asked you this before, but this never gets old, this question. Is it true after your four victories that the year you decided to retire or go team that Bill and Katie Hanager offered to build you a massive in the ground. Not in, yeah, a pool. A massive pool.
Starting point is 01:47:51 He tried to entice me with that. Yeah. He did. Yeah, that's awesome. God, that makes me love Bill. Oh, Bill's a man. Bill and Katie are awesome. Can you tell me how that goes?
Starting point is 01:48:00 So you're just like outside, like cleaning your gun and your phone rings? No. Phone rings? I kind of told him that it was time. tell me how that goes so you're just like outside like cleaning your gun and your phone ring no you know I kind of told him that I was it was it was time you know it was I was done and you know I like anything you don't want to let it go you know I remember as a kid when I was a huge Detroit Lions fan uh that's an NFL football team that's in the same division as the Bears um and Barry Sanders was my childhood hero and you know when you when you don't want to let those things go and, and, you know, I don't know, probably there was a business angle to it too, but I just, you know, it's, it's hard.
Starting point is 01:48:31 And, uh, at the time when I was a kid, when Barry retired, I was like, Oh, what are you kidding me? You're at the kind of peak of your career and all that. And so, um, years down the road, there's some perspective gained and you're like, all right, I get it. You know? So, um, yeah, but that,'re like, all right, I get it. Yeah, but that happened.
Starting point is 01:48:47 It was pretty funny. How does he say it? Oh, man. Do you even remember? Were you in shock? 10, 12 years ago. I don't even remember where we were at. I was kind of talking about building a pool and I wanted to put a lap lane in and it's super expensive and still haven't done it.
Starting point is 01:49:03 He was like, well, I'll pay for that pool if you compete as an individual. So it was, you know, just rolled off his tongue. Like not, he probably like, you know, you can tell when someone's smiling, when they say something, probably you can't even tell you smile, right? No, Bill, you know, you never know with Bill. Bill's just straightforward. You get what you see is what you get. There's no hidden meaning, no hidden agenda. There's no, uh, there's no bs around it you're like all right you know we don't even negotiate a contract you're like here's what it is i'm like deal sign you know like when he says that does like if your meter's on zero chance of going to the to the
Starting point is 01:49:35 games again does it pop up a little bit like no no no there was no no part of me wanted to do that a little something no no that battery's dead nope it was just it was dead yeah that battery dead horse at that point you know i just needed something new so just maybe just some flattery yeah yeah like all right i feel good yeah do you tell do you tell uh your wife do you tell miss hillary oh yeah she wouldn't care she was like no you're good i don't even like swimming we're good no no i don't like water. I don't want to get my hair wet. What is the delay, especially now that you have kids, what is the delay on putting in a pool? Would it be crazy to pull up a pool out there?
Starting point is 01:50:15 Well, we've looked into it and actually had a couple quotes. I think we're leaning towards making it happen. I did want to have a lap lane in there. And then the more and more I look at it, I'm like, I go swim at dad's pond or really I'm not swimming as much as I used to anyway. So, you know, the, I'm starting to weigh the pros and cons of like, Hey, you know, when the kids get older, would I rather them go somewhere else to swim? Or would I rather have my kids at my house? So, um, I think we're weighing on that and making sure that, you know, it just makes sense, but I think we're weighing on that and making sure that it just makes sense. But I think we're leaning towards it. And all the kids now can swim.
Starting point is 01:50:47 That was a part of it. You just don't want to have that liability in the background when Violet and Trice were kind of iffy on swimming. Now they're both pretty strong swimmers. Your tax guy must trip, right? Because everything you do is a fucking deduction. Yeah, I mean the training. Yeah, everything we can do is, we call Scott the write-off.
Starting point is 01:51:07 It's Scott write-off VanderSloot, you know? So as long as I have Scott tag along, I can be like, oh, we can write this whole thing off. Yeah, I mean, and it's not even a stretch. If you got a pool, it would be like an epic set. Yeah, yeah, we could just write it off flat plane. Three cannonballs per athlete per day in order to write this off. Give me one 25-meter lap.
Starting point is 01:51:28 You're done. But Rich, it's cold. Today's not a swimming day. Too bad. I got to write off this month's chemicals. This month's salt. Damn. Yeah. Cave Dastro. This was maybe the business decision.
Starting point is 01:51:46 Bill would have sold an additional one million in equipment from rich competing one million one million add a zero or two to that yeah so you'll fly out there with are you flying out there with your whole family to road yeah we fly out in the morning well midday ish they're gonna miss a little bit of school which my little two are excited about and lakeland's in a weird spot where she's like i don't want to miss school like when my parents told me we would get to miss school i'm in i don't care what we're doing put your hand on her forehead you feel okay i'm like well it's so weird now like violet the other day we get a call from the school and they're like hey she's got a sore throat can you come pick her up did you ever ever? No. Ever.
Starting point is 01:52:26 Are you dead? No. All right. You're going to sleep. I'm like, wait, what? You know? So it's crazy. Dude, I, I'm the absolute worst that probably if the shit that I do with my kids when they're sick people, I mean, it's, if my kids are like like they're like hey i don't feel good
Starting point is 01:52:45 okay just don't tell anyone more yeah and it's just straight rolling just hide it the instructor will be like hey i don't feel good i'm like i i don't care why would i give up two fucks about you feeling i'm gonna get sick anyway you know like one of the guys here was coming in he's like hey i don't want to get too close i'm sick i'm like bro i'm about to be about around 10 000 people this weekend i'm gonna get sick next sick next week. It is what it is. Is it like that? If you go to an event, you pick something up? No, not usually. The next week, I'm pretty run down. Especially being out in Idaho all week, last week by ourselves and just out in peace and then coming to this, it'll be a little bit,
Starting point is 01:53:23 I'll just be emotionally just drained by the end of the weekend. But it's part of it. It's something that I've grown into. So more the eye contact that you will give 5,000 people. You just have to be on and you want to make sure that you don't want to be – it's not that you're putting on, you know, something that you're not, but you have to be you at all times and almost be just, it's just going to be tough. But like I said, it's, if you'd have told me 10, 12 years ago that, you know, I'd be doing that,
Starting point is 01:53:56 I would have told you you're crazy. And now it just, it's part of life. And so it's, I mean, and here's the deal is like, it could be way worse. Right. So, um, no one could want to see you. And I couldn't pay my bills and, you know, I could be struggling to, you know, spend time with my kids, but no, I get to bring my kids. I get to hang out with them. Um, you know, the people that will come to come there essentially pay for me to do what I do. So why would I want, not want to give back to that and be a part of that? So it's a double-edged, like I said, there's no, like, don't feel sorry
Starting point is 01:54:29 because it is what it is. It's just by the end of next week, I'm not complaining. I will be exhausted. Just part of it. Do the kids know it's work? No, heck no. My kids don't even, my kids could care less.
Starting point is 01:54:39 They're just like, oh yeah, whatever. Dad, you know, Lakeland, a couple of years ago, she's like, dad, are you famous and i was like i'm a little bit of like a web liberty so it was what i always call it you know like not real celebrity if i go to certain places i'm a celebrity i was five years ago yeah yeah if if my google uh my what's the what was the thing thing? My Google trend is down. So, you know, like, you know, I'm a nobody now. I'm like a, what, an E-list celebrity.
Starting point is 01:55:13 But you can't explain that to a kid, you know? Yeah. Maybe like Z, but still. What's interesting is, so yesterday, I can't remember, I came home from somewhere and my wife starts telling me a story about the kids playing tennis. And I want to listen, but I just walk by her. I walk in the house she starts telling the story i walk by i go to the bedroom i take a shit and i get on my phone then i come back out and i'm like hey were you telling me a story you could do that i could get away with that with my wife but you can't get away with that at rogue because your wife already knows you're a dipshit she already knows i can't get away with that with my wife no you can't get that you can't just run in and
Starting point is 01:55:44 take she doesn't know i'm a dipshit but yeah no she's aware but i get what you're saying you're not being fake there but there's no there's no disconnect yeah there's no wiggle room to like just ignore someone and be like hey sorry i ignored you yeah one shot to interact with you you got to be like you got to make it count you got yeah you got to make sure that you everybody's getting you at your peak, which is, it's hard. Like I said though, I'm not complaining because I get to work out for a living, which it's still making a living, but I get to do... Now I'm to the point where I'm like, I just got to work out that I can do some of these things that I want to do that are physically exhausting
Starting point is 01:56:20 and I got to look good. That's it. Just self-programming. I'm in a good spot for sure. Granted, you know, in a couple of years, I might have to have a Walker and a cane and all this type of stuff, but it's, that's the risk reward that I, you know, that's the life I chose. It is what it is. Is your body getting beat up? Ah, you know, it's just, I'm 36 now, a lot of miles, you know, some days the knee feels great.
Starting point is 01:56:43 Some days it's rough this morning. I mean, it's everybody though. It's every, if you do, you know, you look at CrossFit, I look at, you know, the games is like the, the peak and, and CrossFit, CrossFit methodology is great. It's incredible. It's for everyday people. It's the best, best there is. The games is like you, it's a, it's a professional sport. So anytime you do anything at a high level, you, you're going to have to obsess. You're going to have to put those miles into your body. And it's just anything in excess is not healthy. And so for 14, 15 years, I've done fitness in excess. And it just, you know, there's days where I'm like, oh, my wrist hurts, you know, instead of snatching, I'm going to do this. Or instead of squat snatch, I'm going to power snatch or whatever.
Starting point is 01:57:27 You just work around it and try to do some fitness. But, you know, that's when I hate the whole, well, CrossFit's dangerous. And I'm like, CrossFit in itself, yeah, you're going to take some inherent risk. But I think as overall programming and GPP, it's the best thing out there. If done correctly with proper instructors and at a good affiliate. And then the CrossFit Games, no, it's not healthy. It's not safe because it is a professional sport. It is, you know, it's the NFL versus, you know, going out.
Starting point is 01:57:56 Well, I can't use flag football as an example because you can get hurt playing flag football. But, you know, it's just different. You're going to get hurt playing pool if you're a professional pool player too from playing fucking uh eight hours of pool bent over the same movement over and over and over it is what it is like that's what i hate you know well you know everybody's first question who doesn't know crossfit and is talking talking to me and asking about my career they're like well how many injuries have you had? And I'm like doing CrossFit, maybe I could pinpoint one probably like when I tore my meniscus doing a double under, um, which is weird. Like you shouldn't do that. But you know, I've had worse, I had shoulder surgery and playing baseball. I had,
Starting point is 01:58:36 you know, just different things. I've had more injuries doing other things. Well, everyone gets injured running too. Exactly. It's an overused thing. That just is what it is. And so I'd rather take the risk of getting injured doing something than sitting on my ass and dying at an early age because I didn't do anything. Yeah, and I think also too the fact that you've been at the highest, highest level in the sport for as long as you have
Starting point is 01:58:59 and are still walking around and doing it and enjoying it is the testimony in itself. Go take somebody from the NFL afterwards that's had a long career and fuck, they're on payment. They're miserable. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, if you see that commercial, I think it's a Tostitos commercial where it's like Emmitt Smith, Joe Montana, and some of them are like, I could still play.
Starting point is 01:59:20 I could still play. And they like it flash forwards to them, them suited up and just getting rocked. And then they sit back on the couch and they're like, nah, I'm good. It's pretty funny. Think about Fraser injuring himself doing Olympic weightlifting and then becoming a CrossFitter. Yeah. I mean, that should just let you know that, I mean, I know it's only a study of one,
Starting point is 01:59:41 but it should let you know CrossFit's safer because it's more well-rounded. Yeah, you're just doing different things. I mean, I know it's only a study of one, but just to let you know, CrossFit is safer because it's more well-rounded. Yeah, you're just doing different things. And like I said, when you're doing different things day-to-day as a general population, it's a lot less overuse. I mean, you still have wear and tear things. But then when we're doing it, we're doing such high volumes. You're trying to get better at certain things and, you know, different times a year. at certain things and, you know, different times a year. And I think over the years, we've kind of figured out that with CrossFit, there's no real kind of, you know, you're not looking at like macro cycles and micro cycles and stuff like that for general population.
Starting point is 02:00:15 But if you look at a CrossFit Games athlete, maybe we should add some of that stuff in, or we've started adding that stuff in. Like the hard part is, you know, is there an off season? When do you down, you know, that there an off season? When do you down, you know, that's, that's kind of the piece that we're trying to figure out on the backend, just to extend your career. And, you know, we learn, we, I say, you know, like the legends and all those stuff, we kind of figured out the immediate recipe and like probably ran ourselves into the ground a little bit more than we needed to. I'm me myself. But if somebody else would have told me that, I probably wouldn't have listened to him. I needed to learn that myself.
Starting point is 02:00:49 And so, you know, as my dad always says, do as I say, not as I did or do. No one ever listens to that lesson who's great. No, you can't. You've got to be obsessed. You have to be obsessive to win or be the best in the world at anything. Yeah, early in the career,
Starting point is 02:01:02 was there even a downtime or off season for you at all? And if came up and approached with it was like hey you should take this month and just chill you'd have been like f off that's f off i trained the day after the games because you know we had the invitational back then and i wanted to freaking win the invitational um and didn't even usually know when it was going to be or if it was going to happen but i wanted to be ready if it did happen so um yeah like back then i would think of as the invitational was the thing that i would start thinking about after the games. And then from the games you started or from the Invitational, you went back to the open stuff. So it was just never ended. Do what you do.
Starting point is 02:01:34 When did the when did the mental burden of that start to creep in? Because I mean, probably gun ho early on, like it didn't matter. You're going to run through a brick wall. But at some point there had to have been a switch. Right. I think it was that last year, know like the 2014 the last individual year um the team that long huh yeah and i was great i was great until probably that year i was just i was burnout i was done i was just um to physically i think i was fine physically i think i could have done four or five more individual years but but mentally, I just didn't have that killer instinct anymore individually. On a team, it was almost like a refresh, like a, hey, I've got people behind me. I've got people,
Starting point is 02:02:14 I've got a lead. I've got friends. It was just a completely different dynamic, and I could push in a different way that way. As, as an individual, man, like, you look at Medeiros and Matt, what he did, it's incredible. It's daunting, you know? Like, it gets – Annie, Tia. Annie, Tia. I mean, Annie, the fact that Annie's still going.
Starting point is 02:02:36 Yeah, like I said, Annie, Cash, and Tia. It's impressive. I just – for me, it was like, I'm good. What about this, though? Go ahead, Susan. I won't forget. No, I was just going to ask, did you war with that thought for a little bit? Did it start to brew when you started to suppress it? No, Rich just turned over. He just rolled over. I just rolled over.
Starting point is 02:02:55 It didn't help that his wife wanted him to quit before he started. it before you started well well when the you know the thought starts creeping in right and then um we're starting the whole adoption process with Lakeland and then that was kind of like that felt like that was God telling me hey you you can't serve two things like I'm obsessed I'm gung-ho 100% in on whatever I do. Looking back, there's some substance abuse in my family. I 100% think fitness is my substance abuse, right? Like it can destroy, you know, if we're looking at substance abuse, there could be worse substance abuses. Like I've provided an incredible life for family, for people around here. Yeah. But I knew that I couldn't be a good dad, husband, and continue to be an individual with the team.
Starting point is 02:03:51 I could still compete. I could still scratch that itch, but I could shut it off. Like I tell people I could, like when I was an individual, when I finished training, I was thinking about what I need to do next. And did I do enough? And so there'd be nights at eight, nine o'clock, I'd go out to the garage or the barn and just start rowing and do intervals. And, you know, I saw Miko doing five K's every day. I'm like, I got to do that. You know, like you just see all these other people, you don't know what's going on outside that snapshot of a day, but I'm like, I got to do that. I got to do this. I can do that. And so, man, it was, it just is what it is. And I wasn't willing to do that anymore, especially having a daughter and having Lakeland. And so, um, it, the, the
Starting point is 02:04:30 thought starts to creep in. And then, like I said, things just start happening with adoption and, you know, we wanted, I wanted to be a dad more than anything. And so when that started to happen, it felt like that was my answer to just, Hey, it's time to go. Um, when you, when you see substance abuse, uh, problems in the family, what, what substance? I just, you know, there's, I look back and I've got a couple, you know, family members have alcohol. Um, you know, there's some like, my uncle, my uncle passed, uh, not that I know of mostly alcohol. Uh, not that my uncle just passed two years ago he was uh like bipolar manic-depressant and really bad would have just these spells he was incredible dude on your mom's
Starting point is 02:05:12 side or your dad's side that was on my mom's side and her dad had some like not substance but he was manic-depressant and so there's some stuff there you know like every family has it we all have stuff and so i just have kind of come to the realization that, you know, I, when I'm into something, I'm all in on it and it's just addictive personality, whatever you want to call it. Um, and your dad's a pretty focused man too. Like, yeah, my mom and my dad both, you know, job and finishes. Yeah. Oh, and he's gonna, yeah, he's going to do it. My mom's the same way. OCD. I would say there's some OCD there with my mom and dad both. Everything has to be a certain way. It's got to be neat. It's got to be clean. My dad is just always moving,
Starting point is 02:05:50 looking for projects. My mom's the same, but always cleaning and everything has to be in its spot. And so I've got a touch of that. I'm sure. God, I love that. I love that. My wife got that too. That's awesome. We're like sharks though. If you if you stop moving you die you know like that's that's the best comparison i've ever heard like i've thought about with my parents and then now that i look at it i'm like yeah you're like that too so um rich i when um tyson was on the other day i was like hey dude do you have a computer he's like nope and he started laughing i'm like neither does rich and he got all excited yeah yeah are you just on a phone he goes
Starting point is 02:06:26 yeah yeah me too me too that's my phone you get did you get or do you stay up to date well like when the 15 came out are you pretty excited you order one right away no no you don't know i don't i don't order one until i break one and i my last one i might have been a 12 and i dropped it off of a lime scooter and ran it over. Wow. You're not excited by it? I'm so excited by the technology. I love having new phones.
Starting point is 02:06:50 No. They all do the same thing. Yeah. An iPhone literally does. As long as it's an iPhone, I know you green bubble people out there are going to get pissed, but I hate you people that ruin text message things. You can't name them. It's really, at this point, it's not like a... i think it's just a badge of honor for them too and they're like well it takes superior pictures and i'm like yeah but you can't share it with 90 of the world unless they download google drive or
Starting point is 02:07:14 whatever it is i'm just like hey thanks for ruining that video that i can't see but then they blame you because you have an iphone and you have less superior technology in your messaging and i'm just like, beat it, nerd. Right. Yeah, beat it, nerd. Hey, I like it. You're using a nerd voice. That's good.
Starting point is 02:07:30 Oh, you like that? That was awesome. Hey, but the phone is a big tool for you. Yeah, it is. It really is. Yes and no. Like, yeah, I'll take some pictures every once in a while and answer emails. And I've got like a bunch of group text threads and stuff like that.
Starting point is 02:07:44 I guess I will like video call and come into meetings. But man, I'm trying to limit the time. You know, you really look down and you get that reminder every week that tells you how much screen time you have and you're like, let me get off that thing. Yeah, that's an ugly, ugly look. Trevor. Beat it, Trevor. Android is used by most of the world. Not the US. Androids can use messages. Yeah, Rambler, I totally knew you were a Droid user.
Starting point is 02:08:10 Definitely, Rambler was a Droid user. For sure. I knew that. Oh, I bet I just... Man, you think that hunting post made me a target number one. That freaking Android iPhone discussion is going to make me... I'm dead. Basically, I just lost a million followers again.
Starting point is 02:08:26 Rich canceled. Rich talking about you people. Yeah, you people. Canceled. Canceled. I guess I'll have to wear Angelo's shirt. Was Mal O'Brien training over at the Mayhem? Yeah, I was out of town.
Starting point is 02:08:40 She was with Haley. Those two are good friends. You got any rumors starting? Not that I know of. I've been out in the woods and away from rumors so um do you stay do you do you do you ask any questions like like let's say so so you walk into the gym and Tyler's like hey what's up what's up and then you see someone's sweatshirt you're like hey someone left their sweatshirt here and he goes oh that was Mal she was here last week and you're like oh what was she doing here do you start asking questions or do you play?
Starting point is 02:09:05 No, no. Haley was like, hey, you mind if Mal comes and trains? And I'm like, at the barn. Yeah. And I was like, no, you guys go ahead. It's unlocked. You guys use it whenever you want to if you don't want to be at Mayhem.
Starting point is 02:09:15 And, you know, because here's the deal. Everybody's going to start rumors. Oh, is she going to Mayhem? Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. All that type of stuff. I'm like, no. Like, they're just friends. They want to hang out.
Starting point is 02:09:21 They want to work out together. Let them work out together. Let them work out without having eyes everywhere. So, yeah. No, I haven't heard anything. They want to hang out. They want to work out together. Let them work out together. Let them work out without having eyes everywhere. I haven't heard anything. Thanks for fucking that up. Sorry. I had Hopper on the show recently and fuck, he sounds like
Starting point is 02:09:36 he belongs with you guys. Do you know him? I don't know Hopper really well. In passing, we've talked quite a bit. Tyler talks to him quite a bit. They'll joke around about, you know, like a workout we'll post or something like that or whatever. I don't, you know, like I don't have social, so I don't get DMs or anything like that. But Tyler.
Starting point is 02:09:54 He wants to joke around a lot. Well, that's what we do. Nothing serious here. And he wants to have values that are aligned with the Bible. Thumbs up, Bubba. Oh, shit. What did my screen do? It did the thumbs up thing again.
Starting point is 02:10:09 It didn't fucking pause. It loves your thumbs up, doesn't it? Oh, nice. Like it. Fireworks. The dude's made for your program. Yeah. Like I said, I know Hopper, but I don't know no Hopper.
Starting point is 02:10:23 We just in passing seen him at competitions and stuff like that. So, I mean, seems like a nice guy. I mean, he's a competitor. Usually when I see him, he's in hyper-focused mode, which I try not to bug those guys. Some of those guys are like that. I was never – when I'm walking to the floor, I might be hyper-focused, but between events, I'm about as trying to keep my mind off of competing as I can be other than, like I said,
Starting point is 02:10:48 about an hour before I try to start moving around, locking in a little bit and then I'm straightforward. He seems like a dude that when he's there on site in on, you know, getting ready for an event the whole weekend, he seems hyper-focused and you don't want to mess with guys like that. So I just try to stay out of the way. whole weekend he seems hyper focused and you don't want to mess with guys like that so um just try to stay out of the way um the um the age you mentioned you were 36 years old and i remember uh at the age of 37 for me all of a sudden warming up it was just kind of weird
Starting point is 02:11:21 just like one day i woke up like oh shit i need to warm up now yeah like i actually need to be in a full sweat before I do anything. Or do you feel some things like that coming on? Have they come on yet? Oh yeah. Yeah. Probably like two or three years. You know, and I'll kind of use a, what I would call like a, a warmup accessory piece, you know, like hit a machine and then do a bunch of accessory type stuff that I still get my heart rate up. It doesn't take anything for me to sweat. People are like, oh, you're working hard. I'm like, no, I could just be standing there and be sweating. It's just the way I am.
Starting point is 02:11:49 As soon as I think about moving, like my whole body is just like time to sweat. And so you self-lubricate. Self-lubricate. I'm ready to go. Those are my favorite kind of people. All the time. Yeah. Always ready.
Starting point is 02:12:01 And so, you know, it doesn't take much on that side of it, but I do need to get my heart rate up a little bit. And then, like I said, get some of these creaky old joints. Some joints are good. Some are not. I know you're going to really push back hard against this question. I want you to have an open mind. Open. Open mind.
Starting point is 02:12:17 Would you consider, as you get older, wearing more clothes when you train, like maybe putting on tights like Roman does. I just don't like tights. Oh, that was a little more gentle than I thought. I would definitely put some shorts over my tights. Just a personal preference. You wouldn't rock it like me and Roman? No, I don't have enough to rock. It would be more embarrassing than anything.
Starting point is 02:12:45 I already get enough crap for taking my shirt off so it's just like man if you knew how much i sweat like i could sit here and i'm sweating armpits and so i'm just like you know what i'm gonna save a t-shirt today so i can wear it all day so i won't wear a shirt everybody's like oh look rich got a shirt off again oh rich never wears a shirt maybe you would consider tights at some point as you get if helped, I would do it. You know, I'm back and forth with knee sleeves at times, and I'm trying to, like, limit the knee sleeve use. Like air squats, I'm like, all right, can't use, don't need to use knee sleeves.
Starting point is 02:13:16 If my knee's bugging me, I might. But up until, like, 95 or 135, I'm like, all right, let's try not to use, rely on knee sleeves. Why is that? I don't know, just to build some stability and do some things like, all right, let's try not to rely on knee sleeves. Why is that? I don't know. Just to build some stability and do some things. Not necessarily that a knee sleeve's taking away stability or you're having to stabilize more. I don't know. It's stupid. Just things that I go through in my head. It makes sense in my head. I'm sure somebody's going to out-science it and be like, well, technically, if you use a knee sleeve all the time, then it's actually going to improve your whatever.
Starting point is 02:13:46 So I'm guessing Roman wore the tights because he came from a cold environment and it just help him warm up faster. That's I mean, that's as I got older, like all of a sudden I just started working out in long johns in a sweatshirt. And I'm like, oh, God, I just love being just like, I actually want to go hot. Yeah, my favorite weather to work out in is 50 degrees with joggers on and no shirt. Or, you know, I just I like that just like it just feels right. And so I'm like a cold air intake when it's hot. My body is just like, hey, bro, I can't handle this. And then when I'm like, like I said, 50 to 60 degrees is about perfect for me to work out. to 60 degrees is about perfect for me, um, to work out in. Uh, I'm not sure I understand this question and that's too cold. Rich, what's the fast pitch you threw? Fastest pitch I've ever thrown. I wasn't a pitcher. Um, so I really never, I was a shortstop until I tore my labrum and then
Starting point is 02:14:38 played second. So decent arm, not super fast. Um, and then my resting heart rate, like high forties, low fifties, you know, it depends if I not, you know, I'm not taking a rest day or a non-moving day, what I would call a non-moving day. Um, unless I'm traveling or something like that. And so if I have two or three consecutive days of something, my heart rate will dip down into the forties, but for the most part, um, it stays around 51, 52, just because I'm always doing something most days. What will cause it to drop into the forties? If I take like two days of not working out, you know, like if I took two actual rest days or travel days or whatever it is.
Starting point is 02:15:21 What's the phenomenon behind that? I would just assume that you're not getting your heart rate up and so it has time to actually you know settle down that's crazy i would think that it would slowly creep up not now i guess i've not there's not many instances that i've gone two days without working out so um you don't see it much like i'm usually around low 50s uh matt burns if sebon looked like rich he would uh be naked at the grocery store dude you don't even know the shit i would do yeah that's legal here too so you'd be good to go i would do crazy shit out there in california doing that though dude if i was a chick and i had crazy tits i would do the craziest stuff i would
Starting point is 02:16:06 oh my gosh i would never pay for i would never pay for anything ever again ever yeah i would do if i had crazy boobs i would have taken over the internet already like there's there's so for how long boobs have been around they have never they haven't even been used to their full potential no not even close i think you could walk into like a toyota dealership and leave with like a like a like a uh like a stripped down tacoma now with a nice set of tits for free probably you know what i mean like the like the 36 000 model not the not that trd pro but no no no no but you can trade up quickly you can drive that over to the audi store next door and get it you might be able to get the trd pro but no no no no but you can trade up quickly you can drive that over to the audi
Starting point is 02:16:46 store next door and get it you might be able to get the trd for the strip down you know no pun intended dude you could do crazy stuff you could do crazy stuff um uh so you're not um you said you're not doing DMs? I don't run my Instagram, Scott. I mean, I'll make some of the captions and send it over. And then Jen or Scott will post it. Rory runs it sometimes. You know, like the stories and stuff like that. Do you have Instagram on your phone?
Starting point is 02:17:19 No, so that's the thing is I just try to keep it off my phone. Why? I just don't want that. You know, I'm weak. You know, I don't want to be clicking on that when try to keep it off my phone. Why? I just don't want that. I'm weak. I don't want to be clicking on that when I could be playing with my kids. There's times where I'm like – it was three or four years ago. I was just sitting there and my kids are playing in the floor and I'm sitting on Instagram and I'm like, what am I doing? And so I was like took it off my phone and kept it off my phone.
Starting point is 02:17:40 I'm weak. Let me ask you this. What about – does someone go through all your DMs to vet them? What if somebody is reaching out to you? If somebody needs something or if it's something, we'll respond to it through my account or they'll send it to me. So someone is digging through. Yeah. Send all the dick pics to Rory.
Starting point is 02:18:01 Yeah, there you go. That is awesome. So when you go out, so there's this picture of you on your Instagram with a, I don't know, with Bambi. Oh yeah, Bambi. I killed Bambi. Bambi's mom. You beat me to it.
Starting point is 02:18:18 I already had it up. I cheated, Sousa. Okay. That's my caption. So you take that photo scott took the photo edit oh he's there oh yeah scott's there my scott's my write-off remember oh shit the best the best wow you really i thought i was like dropping something smart on you you're levels ahead of me that's fucking crazy the best comment i've heard somebody has like scott's gone through them and reading them every time this happens the best comment so far was i wish or
Starting point is 02:18:51 too bad you didn't fall off that cliff i was like well done like i'm not even mad about that one you know like that clip what that's yeah they're like too bad you didn't fall off that cliff i was like first of all on the other side of that is maybe a foot and a half drop. Like it's just. Which your knee could not take. No, that's true. Well, if I fell to the right, I would be fine. If I fell to the left, I'm dead, you know, like left knee down the hill.
Starting point is 02:19:17 That's an amazing picture of that one on the cliff too. Yeah, he did an incredible job. Yeah, so good. Hey, what, uh, what is that growing on the rock? That's just like, um, moss or something like that.
Starting point is 02:19:29 I bet. It almost looked like a camo netting draped over it. Why would someone say that? Because they're upset because you killed the animal. I killed the animal and to eat, you know, like it'd be, there's like,
Starting point is 02:19:40 yeah, they're just angry. People are angry that the ones that get me are the ones that eat meat or have them eating meat and then they're upset that's what gets me but is yeah i was actually thinking about it i was like it's less humane actually to buy it from the store than well yeah you're a coward but there is what it is but yeah and then everybody else wants to pretend that they're not killing let's look at this let's look at this though for a second okay this this quite this this right up here yep and be cool about it okay scott rear imagine killing an animal and being proud of it oh it's a lot of work took me 15 days to get that animal so yeah
Starting point is 02:20:19 so how about this i think that maybe maybe imagine bringing food home to your family. Mm-hmm. Will your kids eat that? A couple hundred pounds. My kids will devour that. Okay. So there's a – I understand it is bizarre to be proud of killing an animal. I do think like these places you go up and there's just fucking heads everywhere of animals.
Starting point is 02:20:44 It's like, whoa, dude, you have fucking dead carcasses all over your thing but but it's it's a misunderstanding of what's going on here it's imagine bringing home to your food to your family being proud of it i can't think of anything i'd be more proud of yeah i'm so proud when i bring six bags of groceries in the house i kind of feel like yeah look bitch i'm providing food i brought food i'm providing for my family i'm providing for my family and so take a gas in the tank and i'm kind of like if i have my wife's car and i put gas in her tank and i return it to her you're like yeah there you go take that yeah and and so and even my my argument to the oh you got dead carcasses all over your house, whatever it is. Yeah. If I'm, so I'm all
Starting point is 02:21:26 that meat will come back. You know, even the people were like, Hey, this is kind of expensive to ship back. And I'm like, I don't care. I want the meat. And I am going to have that thing mounted because I think of the days, the time, every time I see that head, that elk, I know where he came from, how hard he was to get to me and Scott had a ton of cool adventures. That's what that is. That's an elk. I didn't know elk got big like that. Oh yeah, man. That thing, they're huge. And so I think about those memories. I've got one in the first one that I killed in our living room, which Hillary was a rock star for letting me put in there. I really thought that would never happen.
Starting point is 02:21:58 And so I think about the memories that I had with Tyler, with TJ, with David Curtis, who's become a good friend, my buddy, Father Steven. And so the memories come back when you see that elk. Yes, the meat and all that stuff, that's my number one goal on it. But hey, the memories to get that thing are pretty awesome. Okay. And then the next line. So I understand killing's not cool. i i understand that the i understand killing's not cool i also understand that feeding your family is the coolest thing you can do on planet earth right um uh more important than feeding yourself and then um i don't know what joking himself into thinking this is necessary but what are your options what would be your options besides killing go to the grocery store i guess and get my own meat but
Starting point is 02:22:45 yeah go to mcdonald's go to safeway go to whole foods like how is that more noble than what you did exactly like that's so we did a whole podcast uh i really want to know too like what's the option you need so there's a guy named uh robbie kroger he runs blood origins it's a conservation There's a guy named Robbie Kroger. He runs Blood Origins. It's a conservation, pro-hunting conservation nonprofit. The dude is sharp on like these types of questions. You know, like to me, I'm like, I would rather, I know for a fact where that meat came from.
Starting point is 02:23:20 I know, I saw it. I saw it die. It's never been fed on a lot. It's never been, you know, it's free range, whatever. It's the purest of meat that you can get. And so that's with us with the farm. Like I see those animals, I feed those animals. I know where that meat comes from and what goes into it. And so it's just such a weird disconnect. Like vegetarians and vegans, that's your choice. That's your, I can, I don't agree with it, but I can respect your opinion, your stance on that.
Starting point is 02:23:52 What gets me are the people that eat meat and are against hunting. That that's, and I've said it multiple times, but there's, it's to me, it's cowardly that you. There is a coward. There is a coward piece to me going to Whole Foods, which are going to the butcher, which I'm probably going to do today. But you're not anti-hunting.
Starting point is 02:24:13 No, but there is still a coward element to it. Like there's a coward element to all, to all that. For sure. A disconnect to life. Disconnect. Because when I see that animal die, like it is like, there's a part of you that's like, dang. Yeah. And then immediately the kind of like, all right, all like, I'm going to take this meat. I'm going to feed my family with it. My kids will eat it. I know what's going on.
Starting point is 02:24:36 How much is the ding? Do you feel your tear ducts turn on? No, no, I don't. I'm dead inside. But you know, like there is this split second that it's like, Oh man. And then I'm like, oh yes. Awesome. But no, it's, I mean, there is like, yeah, you just took a life, but there is a conservation piece to it. Like these herds in this area are too large. And so we were in Idaho and the guide was telling us something about, there's like 6,000 elk in this one area. These animals don't die a peaceful death in nature. Have you ever seen nature as metal? Humans have been a part of the food chain for a long time.
Starting point is 02:25:14 It just is what it is. This animal had a really good life up until the moment it died. It was going to die. I don't know. It's hard for me. you know, it, it, it, it was going to die. So I don't know. I just, it's hard for me. I've grown up in a, in a hunting, uh, I've grown up in hunting and farming family. I've even hunted and raised my own animals for slaughter. I don't like killing and I don't do it anymore, but it's the most ethical source of me. Yeah. There you go. Yeah. The relationship you build. I mean,
Starting point is 02:25:40 it's not like you just walked out there and was like boom boom you know it took me 15 days 15 days two trips to colorado one trip to idaho here's the part though that's just crazy to me just a testosterone macho flex is there something wrong with testosterone or a macho flex we're we're mad that's the part where I'm like, really like, fuck you, Scott. Yeah. Scott takes it in the rear there. It's just obviously beta. Somebody. Yeah, it was.
Starting point is 02:26:11 It's just, you know, to each their own. But I just love that people feel the need to like comment on those things. Oh, shit. When all you can do is swipe. This one feels an innocent animal and believes he's a good Christian. Wow. Imagine that conflation right so these people so okay so these people are seeing um they live in an alternate reality than we live in because they're
Starting point is 02:26:34 seeing a dead animal and they're they're having an emotional reaction to it because they're so what's kind of interesting is um this guy's saying you're del, but really he's, Oh God, I really want to click on this dudes. It's deep. This dude's deluded because of all the bad shit he does. And he's projecting onto you. Cause you brought it to the forefront that animals have to die for us to exist. This is nuts, dude.
Starting point is 02:26:58 I had no idea it was like this. Oh man. It's so good. People get angry, but what's kind of cool is people come to your defense too. Yeah. You know, there's a good, and like I said, Robbie who runs but what's kind of cool is people come to your defense too yeah you know there's a good and like i said robbie who runs blood origins is kind of like educating people on why we need to hunt he's gotten on there and kind of yeah and done a good job and he's super
Starting point is 02:27:17 articulate and you know he's not as country as i am where i'm like hey animal need to die or else it will die. Eric Maciel. Hey, you know what else is interesting too is that if you've eaten at a restaurant in your life, you've eaten
Starting point is 02:27:37 a lot of rodent shit and ground up shoes and shoelaces and maybe human parts. And I mean, have you heard about what they find in hot dogs? It's like 90% of, oh, it's fucking scary, dude. Really? Human DNA.
Starting point is 02:27:55 Okay. Like in the majority of hot dogs. Nice. Yeah, dude. I've had elk brats. Elk brats are good. Last one I killed, we made into brats and it's all elk maybe a little bit poor it's just like dude really you think that there's something more ethical
Starting point is 02:28:11 it's crazy I'm actually looking at buying or like building a little shed at the house um and then like processing our own meat so instead of having to kill the meat then take it somewhere and let them do it because you still at that point it's kind of out of your hands and you yeah you know you assume they're doing the right thing but i want to like i've got a buddy that for a year all he did was eat things that he killed with his own hands and processed himself oh that's cool that's impressive right so yeah that's really cool um you know that's and i don't want to be like i'm not a prepper i'm not any like end of the world, like in the world's going to happen. But I'm like, if I can have more.
Starting point is 02:28:49 While you're here, is it going to happen while you're here? I don't know. I have no idea. I don't really, you know. All right. Okay. Check it. But it's just like, if I can have more connection with, with what goes in and what, what my kids
Starting point is 02:29:01 and family eat, then absolutely. I'll do it. And it'd be kind of cool. And it'd be, give me a big testosterone flex, you know? Yeah, right. Yeah, that's what you need. I mean, why don't you want to do a testosterone flex? Same people complaining and cheering Hamas, BLM, and celery.
Starting point is 02:29:17 What's wrong with celery? Gross, man. Actually, I'm allergic to celery and carrots. No shit. Yeah, it, something about... It's only sometimes, but my tongue will break out and then my throat will start to close up. So, yeah.
Starting point is 02:29:31 Wow. Oh, shit. Wow. I test it every once in a while to try to beat it, but I can't. Wow. So, I don't even eat vegetables. So, I have to eat meat or I'll die, you know? So, why not kill it? This is... this is amazing.
Starting point is 02:29:48 Uh, elk herds are there at their strongest in a century. Uh, yeah. It says if you're grossed out by this, you eat and you eat a Big Mac. Yeah. It's crazy. He's he's sharp. Robbie's good. Yeah. I mean, you know, I've, I've read a couple books of like American Buffalo is an incredible resource on that type of stuff. What we did to the, to the bison, the Buffalo, to animals and like all over the country was crazy early on when there were no regulations. Now there's so many regulations put on hunting. All of the money or
Starting point is 02:30:22 a lot of the money that goes into hunting is put back into conservation here's the deal and what robbie boiled it down to was vegetarians and vegans want more animals for them and for their kids right for people to keep being able to see what the hunters want the same exact thing if you're an ethical hunter and doing it the correct way i want to see more animals that i can hunt i want to see more animals that my kids can hunt if they want to be in the hunting. I'm never going to force them to, which my kids loved squirrel hunting two weeks ago when we went squirrel hunting. And guess what? We're rednecks. We'll eat the squirrels. That's my rule. It's like with my kids. Wait, you really will eat the squirrels?
Starting point is 02:30:57 Oh yeah. I've got a good friend that his mom has lived in the country for years, pulled squirrel, which sounds disgusting. It's not that bad. It's pretty good. My kid would love to do that. Come on. That's my deal. I wouldn't say I'm a trophy hunter.
Starting point is 02:31:15 Yeah, if I've got a cool trophy that goes along that I can bring memories, then absolutely, yes, I'm going to trophy it. But my rule with my kids, and that's what I've told them, I said, hey, if we're going to go out and hunt, we must eat whatever we're going to kill. And so that's our rule. My kids want to shoot birds in the backyard so bad, I always tell them no. We just shoot cans until it's time to hunt. Do you ever shoot full cans? No, but we used to shoot paint cans and remember and propane tanks and all that type of stuff so i let my kids shoot full cans but that's good it's too expensive it's too yeah yeah we just
Starting point is 02:31:51 hang them from the tree after they're empty and yeah we got people be like why are you got spin drift cans hanging from your trees your kids shoot 22s or bb guns we're on a we're on a bb gun right now we got a red rider we're just trying to learn open sights and I can police that a whole lot easier than a.22. We have a.17 HMR that eventually they'll be able to shoot. It's a little bit smaller than a.22, but it's a pretty sweet gun. But yeah, .22s will be the next step once I feel like Trice won't try to shoot somebody. He's still a moron. What is it? what uh 17 hmr it's a pretty cool little gun it's a rimfire like a 22 oh it doesn't shoot pellets wow no it's pretty
Starting point is 02:32:33 sweet i didn't know they made a uh a 0.17 yeah wow that's crazy yeah so So like I said, it's more of like teaching them how to correctly use guns. And, you know, the just, hey, like, let's learn some gun safety. You know, know that you never touch a gun unless an adult's there. That's the big thing. All of my guns are in a safe. And then now they've got a 22. And now I'm starting to get them some bows. And if I'm being 100% honest, I would rather shoot a bow any day of the week than I would a gun.
Starting point is 02:33:09 I just feel there's just something cool and just feels right about shooting a bow. And if you can learn those same kind of techniques and same basic things, then if you transfer over to a gun, it all transfers over. a one moose means meat for a gun, it all transfers over. So, uh, one moose means meat for a year. Best meat source possible.
Starting point is 02:33:30 Sean Sullivan, a squirrel is delicious. Uh, so is bugs bunny. Rabbit. A rabbit. Yeah. So I'm,
Starting point is 02:33:40 what's your next, um, um, uh, athletic feat. What, what do you have? Do you have anything on the horizon? Any goals besides road the
Starting point is 02:33:46 road i've got legends legends this year and then i've got one more elk hunt it's a cow hunt it'll be solely a meat hunt um what does that mean like you're not hunting a bull you're only hunting cows which cows are so the the proportion of the herds are so disproportionate because everybody hunts and wants bulls you gotta take some cows every once in a while. And cow meat off of an elk is some of the best meat you'll ever have. The bull, depending on time of the year, might be a little bit tougher, a little bit ruddy or whatever it is. But still really good meat. So a cow is incredible.
Starting point is 02:34:17 And then, you know, I'm. I mean, like, like, like you got real football season, you got a bike ride, you got. I'm going to I'm pretty sure next year at Leadville, I want to be around sub eight or around eight. You got, I'm going to, I'm pretty sure next year at Leadville, I want to be around sub eight or around eight. So I think I'm going to do that again. Um, and then, you know, anything that pops up, I'm going to do a couple local competitions that they pop up. I would really like to do fresh coast next year that we did this year in
Starting point is 02:34:38 Michigan. That was a, it was just a cool event, cool community up there. Um, I want to do some, some local partner competitions and stuff like that. Nothing major. You will do Leadville again? Yeah, I think so, man. I really enjoyed the whole process of that, the training, the being out there, the mental kind of piece to it. I still need something to shoot for and something to train for
Starting point is 02:35:03 or else I'm just kind of a lost soul. What was your placement in that? I don't even know. I just know that I wanted sub nine. I wanted that big belt buckle. And so that was, that was the goal. And so I'd like to at least beat my time this year. And then I think we might get a couple spots for mayhem mission and use it as a fundraiser. So it's sounding more and more like that. Um, and it would be kind of cool to like, you know, use and help, you know, the 10 people that do get a spot from us to like have a little training group and show how I used CrossFit along with biking to kind of be prepared for that. Um, because you know, every day that I wrote, I still did CrossFit and use that as kind of a, um, a supplement to it. What did you think about the effects it had on your body? Did you,
Starting point is 02:35:44 did it affect your body to where like you missed your body? You missed what your body was normally capable of or no, you were honestly what I, what I really like about mountain biking is it's more of an inner interval style of training, you know, climbing a hill and then some downhills. And then you might get some flats, flowy stuff. I road biking. I just don't enjoy a ton of, um, I did have to do some road to just kind of get ready for the miles on the mountain bike. But I feel like I didn't lose a ton of overall fitness. Obviously, you're going to lose some strength. I lost probably five pounds, gained it right back.
Starting point is 02:36:15 I just liked having something, like I said, to shoot for something a little bit different than just the CrossFit grind. Like I said, I still used CrossFit, did CrossFit almost every day that I rode. And so it's just, you know, CrossFit works. It's great and is a great supplement for anything really. And what would be your goal for doing Leadville again? You know, I'm sub 830, right? Or it's 832 is my time. So, you know, eight-ish, if I could get around eight, uh, it'd be really cool if I'm in a different spot. You know, the hard part is if you start
Starting point is 02:36:50 in the back, you get not stuck behind people, but you've kind of got to find your place in the pack and, and it's just a little bit different, but man, it was, it was a cool, just, it was a cool event. It was, like I said, it reminded me a lot of the CrossFit community. People were super supportive, cheering along the road. The riders were cool. It was, I mean, you got jerks on in everything that you do, but for the most part, overwhelmingly it was positive. It was cool. And I mean, it's a cool story with the town and everything. It was fun. So, you know, you know, Travis Bajentvis uh bajan you know what you know you know
Starting point is 02:37:27 the story son ended up going to the nfl he ended up becoming the starting quarterback of the chicago bears watch some highlights yep he's on my fantasy team actually on one of my fantasy teams i picked him up because i did have justin fields wow trash pickup but so so he so he plays against the raiders and uh he ends up now, he's only played one game, but he has the highest pass completion record in the NFL. Did exactly what he needed to do. Yeah, and he's young. He's 23.
Starting point is 02:37:58 He's 13 years younger than you. That's incredible, man. That's crazy. That's crazy. It's incredible, man. That's crazy. That's crazy. He's going to go to this massive stadium, maybe the best stadium now in the NFL, maybe in the country, in Los Angeles. State-of-the-art place, huge crowd, massive market, Sunday night, the biggest night for NFL viewership. Do you have any thoughts on maybe what he's going through?
Starting point is 02:38:31 At least your sport, when you go to defend the title. Compared to that, man. And it's all on you, though, too. I mean, you were still in some pretty tight quarters. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You think he's freaking out? Man, yes and no. I mean, everything you see from the kid, he looks like he's just a competitor. Everything I've heard him say, he's saying the right things. And there's just something that
Starting point is 02:38:52 you can't teach. And that's what I've kind of learned. It's hard for me to put into words at times. Anytime I competed, it was you have all these voices and this noise and everything that happens and you're stressed, you're stressed. And the longer I competed, it was, you have all these voices and this noise and everything that happens. And, you know, you're, you're stressed, you're stressed. And the longer I competed, and this is something that'll probably happen for him, the longer that I competed, the shorter that, that, or the closer that stress window got to the event, you know, like if it was early on at the games, it might be three or four months that I'm miserable and sick and like, man, why am I doing this? And then it would just turn into, all right, maybe a month out. Then it was a week out. And then really it turned into that week or that day.
Starting point is 02:39:28 I'm like, man, why do I do this? And then as soon as three, two, one go happens, everything goes away. And I, I, he's a competitor and anybody that is a high level competitor in anything, you have to have that switch that you can just, yeah, you're going to screw up from time to time and you're going to mess up strategy or whatever it is. But for the most part, they're going to have, and he obviously, and you have to have that in any high level. And, um, you have to be able to just shut it off, shut everything off and just kind of, you know, everybody wants to say the flow or whatever, but it's just, it's just, it's what comes natural to high level athletes, I think. And, and it's interesting you say that because after so many people
Starting point is 02:40:06 saying are you nervous part of them is like yeah I'm nervous but dude I've been taking snaps since I've been five it's like all I know how to do I'm a football player it's what you do and you know it's hard to put into words I guess for a lot of guys girls
Starting point is 02:40:21 when people ask that you know I always get that how do you get more competitive and I'm like what like it's just who i am you know i know i want to know the answer to that too i don't know how to shut like my wife is like i just don't get it you know like even when we were talking about yeah i don't get it she's like she's like so how do i what what do you win if you win this thing and i'm like first of all i'm not gonna win the thing and i'm like i get a belt buckle and i've probably said this a couple of times. And she's like, a belt buckle? Like you've won gold medals and money and stuff and a belt buckle?
Starting point is 02:40:52 And I'm like, yeah. And it's just hard to put into words. It's just how we're wired. She's like, is this going to sell us more programming? You're like, I don't know. Maybe. Maybe. I don't know.
Starting point is 02:41:03 It could. It could. I could talk to someone on the trail I could talk to someone on the trail. I'll have Scott write it off. I'll have Scott write it off. Write off baby. What are you talking about? Write off baby promotional.
Starting point is 02:41:12 So, uh, I mean, do you see, have you watched any interviews with him? Like, do you see anything? Yeah. I watched, uh, I watched a quick little clip a couple of times. I watched the video that the first one they put out in months and, uh, it was good. the video that the first one they put out in months and uh it was good and uh man he seems like and and what what i like to i'm gonna start an affiliate program where we put out um a media by the way i'll keep you posted there you go i've i've got uh
Starting point is 02:41:36 got some friends that are that used to go to travis's gym and that live there and they just raved about how good of a kid he was and how he's just down to earth. And you know, that that's, you can tell that in his interviews and he seems just like a good dude and, um, Patton, you know, patent pending on the name, sorry, Josh. Uh, but you know, it is, he just seems like he's, he's there. And, uh, I'm, I'm hoping for a lot of success for him. I remember when I, um, they had him and they in the or when i found out he had a kid named tyson he's probably like one or two i can't even remember now but i
Starting point is 02:42:12 remember i'm like man these people are ghetto as fuck they named their kid after fucking mike tyson yeah oh is that it i never asked him i just I was like, that is some ghetto-ass shit. That's Virginia shit. You just assumed and then judged you. Just assumed and judged. Made it up and then was like, you guys, what? Oh, this is a great question. Oh, before I ask this,
Starting point is 02:42:40 there was a cool thing in the press, or I don't know if you saw, but I mean, you know Travis well, but there was a point where someone said something like, hey, if you had to throw a 60 yard pass, would you be able to do it? And he's like, yeah, I got a cannon. I did hear that. I was like, hell yeah. And it was kind of cool. Cause he is so humble, but he was also kind of like disgusted. Like, yeah, he's like, come on. What even a question is that? Yeah. I love it. Okay. This is great. Bernie Gannon. Mr. Froney. Yep. If you were at the ranch in Aromas and a mountain lion attacked Dave. That's pretty good.
Starting point is 02:43:14 I read ahead. Would you immediately protect him? Or just see if he could do it? Yeah, let Dave test his limits. So you're standing there with a gun. Yep. And a mountain lion attacks Dave. What do you give it, like a five-count or a ten-count?
Starting point is 02:43:30 Does Dave have a gun or a knife? Yeah, Dave has a gun. He's got one holstered up. I think I let Dave – I don't know, man. It depends. Mountain lions attack your neck, like the back of your neck right here. Two shakes max, and then you shoot. Yeah, and then I got to go in and take the lion. Yeah, you know, like we were – You run up the tree with dave you'll shoot him dragging him away man we were we were hunting in uh in
Starting point is 02:43:51 idaho and sure enough there's a mountain lion one of the guys spotted one and so we hiked down farther and you know do our thing trying to find elk we find some elk well we don't get out of there until dark and so we're hiking up this ridge and the whole time i'm like there's a mountain lion out here you know like and so i had the gun in my pack and i'm like as i'm walking i'm trying to turn the gun because anything you've ever read is they go for your throat or the back of your neck and try to like paralyze you so the whole time i'm just like anytime i get close to the woods i'm like all right let me put this did you guys have a dog with you no no it's us yeah yep so man it's fun it's just but yeah Tyson seems like a good kid um you know that's such a cool story being a d2 quarterback
Starting point is 02:44:35 making the 53 man roster and then hey you're gonna start and so and then winning after they hadn't won at home at home for a year I think it was. Yeah. I mean, I'll root for him any game except for the Lions game. That's what I got to do. I'm loyal. Fair enough. Your dad did reach out to Travis. Oh, did he? Yeah, he did.
Starting point is 02:44:53 Dad said he texted. Yeah, Travis liked that. Yeah. Yeah, that's awesome. The dad's talking. The dad's. All right, brother. Hey, thanks for coming on.
Starting point is 02:45:01 You the man. Appreciate you guys. Yeah, great seeing you. We'll be watching you maybe. Maybe. I don't blame you. Just maybe flip through and be like, ah. Are you guys going? No. We're going to cover
Starting point is 02:45:14 it from the comfort of our own home. I don't blame you. Awesome, boys. Appreciate you having me on. Thanks, dude. Tell Roy thanks for letting us use his office. I'll tell Roy. I'll pay him for his office later. Awesome. All right, brother. See you, boys. Adios.
Starting point is 02:45:27 I did say, I said 10 years they didn't win in a home stadium, and you guys roasted the shit out of me for it. Say that again? Wait, say that again? So when I was talking about it on the show on Sunday, I was like, yeah, I think it's the, or, I don't remember when I was talking about it, but I basically said, yeah, it's the first home game. They wanted ten years
Starting point is 02:45:46 Like maybe I'm wrong and I realized it was a year because I was promptly no, but you had ten games Okay, see those ten games. I'm on back Appreciate the number right you get the word wrong. You're 50. Yeah. Yeah, Eric Seve did you see a Viki Vika Vika's a video with Jake Crouch and Jake Douglas training MMA with Jack? No. Oh, that's not. No.
Starting point is 02:46:09 I got to see that, though. Dude, Jack will text with me, but every time I ask him if he'll come back on the show, he goes dark. Dark. Jack de la Magdalena. I'll check that out. I'm going to try to get Vikey on. Dude, we got some great clips. Yeah, we got some.
Starting point is 02:46:30 Yeah. We've just had some awesome fucking shows last week or so. Yeah. Yeah, I was loving the show last night. You guys were cracking me up. I'll be too late. Are you checking out that YouTube? do you want me to bring it up um yeah I smoke crack sorry what no sorry I'm looking at all these tech messages. Oh yeah, he just flooded.
Starting point is 02:47:10 I agree. Rich does look better looking by the day. He just keeps getting more and more good looking. Yeah, he looks fucking great. Yeah, he does. He seems like he's in a really good place, too. Wow. God. Katie H henniger so fucking nice god she's nice it's weird i think of her and bill is like so stoic and so you know when you think of someone is so stoic and then they just do like the anything you're like oh
Starting point is 02:47:43 they're nice yeah well i thought she had a great time on the show because she's pretty stoic like forward-facing i've never seen her anywhere else besides the show unless she's doing her own broadcast or something like specifically for an event yeah um but usually she's all business right like she comes on very pleasant but just kind of to the point talks and she was smiling and she was laughing and like especially when like when like, when, uh, I think she feels bad. I don't want to read her text, but I think, I mean, I'm reading into it, but I think she feels a little bad for how uncomfortable John felt, but I'm like, no, no, it's cool. It's so funny. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:48:16 That was amazing. And then when she like talked about it, then was like, it was like, um, Oh yeah. Don't, don't get nervous now, Johnny's like, I'm not nervous. And his face was just beat. Oh, yeah. You turn into a radish. I was like, yeah, yeah, yeah. You're not nervous.
Starting point is 02:48:34 Oh, yes. I was a huge fan of the outfit, Adam. He asked as soon as I was a producer, did you OK? Seven's outfit last night. Absolutely. I did. Yes. Yes. What's that?
Starting point is 02:48:49 You know what I was thinking too when you had that i was like because you know travis hooked me up with one of those ceo jerseys too yeah buddy yeah and i was like we should come on one time and do like an after-hour show like you and i yeah just rock the bat the basketball jersey no shirt underneath like a pair of glasses and like get a cocktail and just start talking shit just like troll shit on the internet like there's zero point to our show we're just on there just like trolling and like just talking shit yeah yeah yeah baby i um awesome i didn't get these as a joke. I just saw Tyson wearing these, and I was like, man, I want to see what that's like. This thing keeps you warm. I'm going to make Avi start wearing these.
Starting point is 02:49:34 And Joe's a fan already. I'm going to start making all three of them wear these. Yeah. You pull it off. I do? Yeah. You're like Snoop Dogg right now. Thank you.
Starting point is 02:49:44 Yeah. Shit. Yeah. That's awesome. Yeah, Ig right now. Thank you. Yeah. Shit. Yeah. That's awesome. Yeah, I guess Hunter rocks this style a little bit too, huh? Yeah, for sure. I don't have anything like really, oh, this patch. This thing is really nice.
Starting point is 02:49:57 It feels nice. This Killio hat. Yeah, white man's do-rag. Is that what it is? Sousa really felt left out. Look at him. Had to get a hat on. I'll wear it on the top of my head. David Weed.
Starting point is 02:50:19 Is that Latin? You look... You look... Stipad? Stipad? Oh, yeah. Stupide. Stupide. What is that?
Starting point is 02:50:30 What is that? He looks like he drives a car bomb. What do you mean? Sousa's totally a hat guy. You look like... No, you know what you look like, Sousa? You look like an aerosol artist. Artiste. Aerosol artiste. Aerosol artist. Artiste.
Starting point is 02:50:45 Aerosol artiste. Aerosol artiste. Yeah, I used to wear hats all the time. I don't really that much anymore. Alright. Man, that was... What a fucking... What a couple shows.
Starting point is 02:51:00 They were both easy today. Both Greg and Rich killed today. Yeah, that was fun. Okay, They were both easy today. Both Greg and Rich killed today. Yeah. Yeah, that was fun. Okay, I'm trying to put together a show for... This evening? Tonight. Okay. And...
Starting point is 02:51:17 Let me see who we have. So we have chase ingram and me i would do that i was gonna say damn do you really need much i would do that i would do me and chase and what are you guys talking about just like just i just want to go through the events yesterday we went through the athletes today i want to go through the events i just want to run through the events. Yesterday we went through the athletes. Today I want to go through the events. I just want to run through the events. Yeah, it'd be great to have JR on that show with you guys. You, JR, and Chase would be... Okay, bug him. I asked Tyler.
Starting point is 02:51:52 He didn't respond. And, dude, we got Brian Spinn for one of the days, too. And then Thursday morning show, we have Taylor and John. And then the post show on Thursday, we only have JR. And then we're off to the races jr taylor john jr taylor john taylor pedro bill pretty much and we have three people for every show there's only like perfect dude we have like 15 shows coming up in a row do we have sunday filled up who who am i going to wait right now you just have taylor and bill but you taylor
Starting point is 02:52:20 and bill could kill sunday's uh post show yeah that's perfect i just thought they were all going to play a joke and no one would show up. And I do. That's possible too. And I'd still fucking kill it. Let it be known. Go ahead. Try me.
Starting point is 02:52:31 See what happens. Yeah. Please don't do that. Uh, Brian is, um, um, he,
Starting point is 02:52:39 he's busy from here on out. He, he said he can't come on until after rogue. So he's got other commitments. Yeah, comp day vibes only. He'll be exclusive on the Lone Rangers podcast. James Townsend in the rotation? Oh, I'll order him.
Starting point is 02:53:00 I'll order him a package. Oh, I will order you a sick bag already someone just said oh my net my my sister just asked uh my nephew if he'd wear these and he said yeah i will order you a sick bag that's cool these are cool i said i'm on a text there with my sister and my nephew. Oh, okay. My nephew's I don't know how old my nephew is He's like 20 and he's he he moved to California. I see him all the time now Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh. Yeah, awesome. My, the podcast studio through this wall here is my garage oh shit through the podcast studio you can still hear me though when the thumbs up you can't see me yeah it just freezes for a second does a weird glitch and then you're back so no hobart's too scared to come on i miss hobart
Starting point is 02:54:23 hobart's too scared to come on dm i'm asking. Hobart's too scared to come on. DM him. Ask him. Be like, hey, why don't you come on the show? He's way too scared. Sensitivo. I watched as much of Greg as I could. I left, came back like nine hours later, and Sebon has had a complete makeover. Gee shit. Gee shit. He winded his jaw and came back to the thing.
Starting point is 02:54:42 I did wear Kangol. And my kids wore Kangangle um up until their eyes got they all had kangle fedoras and then their heads got too big and there's no like size between the but obby almost was exclusively in a um i wonder if i could find that on the three brothers instagram he's he wore kangle everywhere fedora so did ari joseph was a little a little pushback i think it was like the still the profile pic of one of the boys's handles is the fedora oh yeah he's in like a profile a blue one yeah yeah oh yeah let me see i'll show you blue or green or something yeah we rocked that shit
Starting point is 02:55:17 maybe it's uh uh our aries let me see avi did Did you check Avi's? Oh, no. Oh, yeah. That is Kangol, that hat, in Avi's, but it's not a fedora. Oh, it is? Okay. I was surprised I remembered it, too. But you could see. Oh, yeah. Damn.
Starting point is 02:55:40 Yeah, they used to always rock the fucking cool shit. Then it's just straight Mr. T. He's in the full Mr. T mode now. He wears so much fucking gold. It's crazy. Even all that, most of that shit's plastic. I love how he's adjusting it every couple of catches.
Starting point is 02:56:03 He's got that ollie down yet? Okay. he's got that ollie down yet uh okay he got like a four inch hill he's got like a four inch ollie okay his shit's insane he's got like a four inch anyway my podcast is right next to the garage and someone's working out in there right now and it sounds like two people like fucking oh well well you better go check it's probably someone running on my uh on the air runner the assault air runner yeah not I'm there right now and it sounds like two people like fucking. Oh, well, well, you better go check. It's probably someone running on my on the air runner. The assault air runner. Yeah. Not the milkman.
Starting point is 02:56:30 Right. And the milkman stopped by. Yeah. God, I hope not. Oh, look. Wait, is this a Kangol hat? Let me see. Yeah, they they actually they have um uh they had um i think you can hear that sound you're talking about they had kangol now that i think of it baseball caps too that had like the kangaroo on
Starting point is 02:56:56 them god having kids is fun my wife just asked if uh we can bring the whole family to um la god so not what i want to do oh yeah look at look at here look at i'll be G. Look at, here he is in the Kangol. This isn't the fedora, but there you got some Kangol. Oh, yep. Yeah, look at that beard, too. Damn.
Starting point is 02:57:34 Oh, yeah, that's crazy. Mm-hmm. Yeah, there's like this. Oh, how's that is that better yep gone oh is it the phone that was the phone yeah man you've had shit luck with those road casters
Starting point is 02:57:55 hey look at this is how you this is this is uh I'm not even gonna show it fuck it never I'm out of here okay what happened I got pissed I was gonna get I'm not even going to show it. Fuck it. Never mind. I'm out of here. Okay. I'm out of here.
Starting point is 02:58:06 Fuck it. What happened? You just got pissed. And I got pissed. I was going to fucking go crazy. Oh, look at this shit. Look at Ari is a fucking gangster, though. My youngest son and his jiu-jitsu is crazy. No one could beat him.
Starting point is 02:58:21 No one could beat him. He's a fucking little miniature Gordon Ryan, but he's the dude with both hats on. Look at that shit. Yeah. The beanie with the Kangol on over the top. You see that shit? Look at that shit. Crazy. Fucking beanie with the Kangol.
Starting point is 02:58:44 So what if he's wearing girl pants? What's that? Sevan, why was it a choice then to try to see if you can look 65 years old? I honestly don't care about any of that. You reach an age where you just give two fucks i don't even care if i look homeless or nothing it's all just for um everything's like 80 convenience 10 practicality i guess which is a cousin of inconvenient of convenience and um then 10
Starting point is 02:59:27 like i guess kind of what you look like i kind of don't like it that my back hair is coming off and connecting to my neck and my head so it looks like i just like my head hairs just goes all the way down to my ass but but i only care because i just think that maybe my kids and my wife don't like to look at it like when i come out of it every time i come out of the shower it looks like i got a wet rug on my back he's being attacked by a wolf no no no no dude if if i lay down i look like a bear skin you know what i mean like lay down, I look like a bearskin. You know what I mean? Like lay down on your back? Yeah, lay on my stomach. I don't give a fuck about that stuff.
Starting point is 03:00:11 Enhance any living room just by laying down on your stomach. Oh my goodness. Okay. Love you guys. Love you guys. See you tomorrow. Something else we better figure out is I guess I can't do a show Monday either. Monday morning.
Starting point is 03:00:34 Do we have a guest Monday morning? No, we don't because purposely didn't put that because of Rogue. Okay. Okay. You'll look like Rich killed you. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 03:00:54 If I laid on my stomach, I'd look like Rich killed me. Hunting him in the wild. All right. See you guys in a few hours see you guys in 8 and a half hours in one minute buh bye

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