The Sevan Podcast - Gui Malheiros | THE BIG UPDATE - Mayhem Athlete #1023

Episode Date: September 27, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is an advertisement from BetterHelp. Everyone knows therapy is great for solving problems. But turns out, therapy has some issues of its own. Finding the right therapist, fitting into their schedule, and, of course, the cost. BetterHelp can help solve these problems. It's online, convenient, built around your schedule, and surprisingly affordable, too. Connect with a credentialed therapist by phone, video, or online chat. Visit to learn more to save, nobody seems like Dave.
Starting point is 00:00:38 Save on home and auto like only you can at slash ways to save. TD. Ready for you. Let's go oh god is good bam we're live it's live yeah that is that your favorite shirt i see that in a lot of your in a lot of your um um content everything yeah i wear every time to travel to everything i love it how many how many do you have? Around three, two long sleeves, black, one long sleeve, white, and probably four or three shirts.
Starting point is 00:01:23 Who makes them? It's a barbershop in Miami. It's like the name is this barbershop and they sell these shirts and I buy it every time that I go there. That is great.
Starting point is 00:01:38 How often are you in Miami? Not very often. Just when I go to Waterpalooza hey um do you have different size ones too do you have like one where you're feeling a little fat so you got the extra large and one where you're feeling a little ripped you got the medium then you get just normal no it's all all xl all xl dang the first one was large and now it's only xl Tell me Guy, why is God good? Tell me, tell me. How do you know? What do you know? What do you know about God? Tell me. I was thinking about this question. God is good because me, myself, I have experienced a lot of stuff. And if I'm here today, it's because of Him. And I think that He created us to live and
Starting point is 00:02:31 to worship Him. And I'm very grateful for everything that I have. And I think that I believe that everything I have and everything that actually, yeah, everything I have and everything I am is because of him. Um, and that's it. God is good. You know, I had this, uh, I've had this best friend since the second grade and I asked him one time, I said, Hey, what is it that you like about me? He goes, well, I'm not going to tell you what it is that I like about you, but I chose something very, very small to like about you.
Starting point is 00:03:06 That way, if the rest of you changed, I would always like you forever. I was like, oh, cool. Thank you. But I remember, but I hear kind of what you're saying. You're saying that you're thankful when you're thankful for your existence. Like everything else on top of your existence is a bonus. Thank you, God, for giving me a chance to exist. That's what i'm hearing you say yeah every day every day thanks for my life for my health and that's it like there are a lot of people out there dying and having like illness and everything
Starting point is 00:03:38 and i'm just thankful for having a life and having actually sometimes problems and i'm just thankful for existing that's yeah yeah hey and you know it's like what you said to be thankful for your problems because i was just telling someone today a story of like some problem that i had and about how how i over it overcame itself by accident. Like all of a sudden, I found a bunch of money that I hadn't collected from YouTube. Like a lot, Guy. Like I found $90,000 that I hadn't collected from YouTube. Yeah, is that crazy? And I was telling my friend this story today, but I had a problem.
Starting point is 00:04:18 And then all of a sudden, one day I got an email from YouTube, and they're like, hey, dude, are you going to send us a picture of your driver's license or what? What are you doing? And then there was that money. And I'm, and I think, and I think, and I thank God for having that story and that opportunity and that problem.
Starting point is 00:04:32 Cause I love that story. I love, I love that story. I love my problems. I was the other day, I was doing a live. I usually do some devotional lives for people, mostly Portuguese, of course um and i was telling about the story about lazarus is how you call lazarus i heard of him i heard of
Starting point is 00:04:54 him i don't know the story but i heard of him yeah so it's basically lazarus was a friend of jesus and jesus loved him so much very much and he was sick and in the moment that Jesus heard that he was sick he immediately immediately immediately said oh this is gonna be a great uh like a great um moment or a great thing to glorify God so everything that we see as a problem is like something that is going to glorify Jesus and God somehow you know so a lot of stuff like illness and everything so every problem is like a way to glorify God. And I don't know how I'm going to translate it in English, but it's basically this. I just looked it up on Google real quick.
Starting point is 00:05:55 It says, the raising of Lazarus is the last of the miracles or signs of Jesus' divinity, which John relates. It is clearly offered to us as the summation of Jesus divinity representing his ability to conquer death itself through bringing the dead back to life. Was Lazarus dead? Did he die? Yeah so he was sick and so Jesus heard that he was sick and he was like okay and then he stayed two more days where he was and then two days later he was like oh let's visit Lazarus but Lazarus was in Judea and I think that Jesus that people from there wanted to kill Jesus so he was like yeah let's go there and his disciples were like bro you're gonna be killed and he were like bro Lazarus is dead so let's visit him so they went
Starting point is 00:06:46 and lazarus was dead for four years for four days already so her his sisters came to him and said hey if you were here he wouldn't be dead right now and jesus was like hey do you believe that i i am the resurrection and one of his sisters said yeah i believe but like in the end of the like of the of everything but jesus was like no i'm here right now and like i am the resurrection and i am the life. Do you believe it? And she was like, okay. So the other sisters. Did she roll her eyes like that too? Like you did? She went, okay.
Starting point is 00:07:30 I'm just like. Did she roll her eyes at Jesus? She was like, okay. So the other sister comes and say the same thing. Hey, if you were here, he wouldn't be dead. He wouldn't be dead. Yeah here he wouldn't be dead he wouldn't be dead yeah he wouldn't be dead so he looked to her eyes and say hey didn't tell you if you believe you're gonna see the glory of god and he's like hey uh roll the roll the the stone that was on the I don't know. On the grave.
Starting point is 00:08:08 And the guys rolled the stone and he's like, Lazarus, come over. And then Lazarus comes from the death. So that's a lot of things that we can see in the story. And then
Starting point is 00:08:23 I was telling people the revelation that I had lot of things that we can see in the story and then i was telling people the the revelation that i had about it that story and because i was kind of like studying and i saw that jesus was being grateful for god and he wanted to god to glory to be glorified by resurrection resurrecting lazarus so then people can believe could believe that jesus was sent by god yeah um so that's the the gratitude of jesus for god the problem that was for for the the sisters and the people over there, that was a problem for Jesus was like, bro, God's got to be glorified by that thing, by that sickness or by that death.
Starting point is 00:09:14 So it's crazy. I love that story. Someone in here is making fun of you, and I really like it. I didn't get it at first. They call him Jesus, but that's what it sounds like you're saying instead of jesus that's jesus jesus how do you guys say jesus like jesus like he's a g that guy's a g but when you say it sounds like jesus hey don't change it it's perfect the way you say it. Don't even. It's beautiful. um per se and i've had so many people on the show who say they are or there's you know all these people that espouse that like therefore women's rights or therefore black rights or therefore
Starting point is 00:10:10 christianity or therefore something and they come on the show and they don't say shit about it and here you are you just spent eight minutes of your time showing your devotion to what you stand for and dude in a thousand shows you might be the first one and and i i take my hat off to you for um uh a walk in the walk dude you you are you're such a stud i i appreciate you for walking the walk so much it's all for him because uh i'm here where i am right now with you because because of him it doesn't have it doesn't have anything um about me you know like my gift and my talents and everything that i have is not for me it's like just for the kingdom so whatever i be whatever i am i gotta you know share the gospel because this is why i'm here so
Starting point is 00:11:00 if i'm not here because of that there's no purpose you know that's kind of my purpose my goal is another one in crossfit in my life my but my purpose it has uh it's about like for people it's not for me you know what i mean yeah yeah for others for others and and obviously to share stories about god like you just did yeah and. And I try to, I always like to show God and Jesus, Jesus, uh, in a, you need a Jesus shirt.
Starting point is 00:11:34 Nice. That's a good idea. But like, yeah, in a light way, you don't like funny way. Hey, um,
Starting point is 00:11:42 uh, you, you, your content is primarily on YouTube. You have a great YouTube following, and it's primarily all in Portuguese. Yes, for now, yes. I'm trying to look for a translator to put some subtitles on it yeah but i didn't find yet why not just make some content why not just make some content um gee in um in english like why not yeah why not just like don't get me wrong i'm not saying you need to i'm actually asking the question obviously your your
Starting point is 00:12:20 your portuguese following is massive it's it's it's wild actually um i didn't it's really the only test i have for how big crossfit is in brazil when i looked at your numbers on youtube yesterday i was like what the hell is going on here because it's all in portuguese so i'm like these aren't americans watching it and yet you have bigger numbers than the biggest people here in the united states but i was thinking huh i wonder if he just did like you know five minutes once a week, like a sit down on some weights and be like, Hey guys, this is what I'm doing. This is what, you know, my, my, the new song I'm listening to. These are my new things I'm lifting. This is what I read
Starting point is 00:12:53 in the Bible today, like five or 10 minutes. I bet you people would eat it up over here. Yeah. People ask me a lot because I have a lot of followers outside of South America. So like Europe and like Italy and United States. Yeah, like United States already like is the basic English. But like Europe and like from that side that people always ask for. And yeah, sometimes I don't feel like very comfortable or like confident speaking in English. It's not difficult, but sometimes I'm like, it's not that good, you know. So sometimes I just don't post or don't speak much, you know.
Starting point is 00:13:42 You know what's interesting too? I wonder if this resonates with you, Guy. I had been interviewing Miko Salo back in 2000, I don't know, not nine, and I'd been interviewing him, you know, for a year or two. And then finally he said to me one day, hey, this isn't really who I am in English. And I go, what do you mean?
Starting point is 00:14:03 He goes, this isn't who I am. I seem like this is a much more thought out, like I can't remember exactly how he phrased it, but it wasn't him because he was choosing words. He was choosing from limited words. It was a slowed down version of him. It made him seem maybe more serious than he was as opposed to the way the Finnish people knew him.
Starting point is 00:14:24 And so I wonder if also that's part of what it is for you that you're like, when you go back and listen to it, or as you speak, you're like, Hey, this, this doesn't feel like me. Maybe. Like I don't have these lengths and, um, the amount of like words to make jokes or to make fun of something or you know this kind of stuff so as I tried as much as I can to be who I am in Portuguese or I don't know well like I tried the maximum like I tried to be the most I can in Portuguese and in English you know yeah uh with
Starting point is 00:15:07 my friends here like we always joke and i understand the jokes and i try to be funny but sometimes i have some jokes in portuguese that doesn't make any sense in english so you know it's kind of weird but yeah that's that's kind of Yeah, sometimes kind of weird to express ourselves. I don't know what it is about you being from Brazil. I don't know if it's the fact that your YouTube station is based in Brazil or it's the Brazilian, the way Google looks at the country of Brazil. But I've talked about this often on my show, that that podcast that I did with you was the highest amount of money I ever
Starting point is 00:15:45 made per clicks. So whoever is watching the show to come to my channel to watch you, for some reason, Google puts a premium on those viewers and pays me the most. I think it's like the second or third most I ever made on a show. I want to say like the last time you came on, I made like 900 bucks or something crazy. Have you heard that before about when you go on people's shows in America? Yeah, something about the click-through rate for Brazilians, viewers in the United States, it's really high. That's crazy. Yeah, I don't know why.
Starting point is 00:16:13 But people in Brazil, we have the culture of soccer of soccer crowd so people for soccer in brazil bro they're crazy like they go to the to the games and they have the same energy. So like when they see me on TV, at games, they always like put flags on it. Like they're cheering. They get crazy in the comments. They get crazy. So yeah, that's awesome. So, yeah, that's awesome.
Starting point is 00:17:05 The first video that I post here at Mayhem, I think that to this day is the most views, it has the most views of the whole Instagram. I don't think that like my channel, but like on Mayhem Athlete profile has the most views probably. It was crazy, like more than 1,000 comments and all the flags probably. It was crazy. More than 1,000 comments and all the flags. It was crazy. It's huge. CrossFit is huge in Brazil.
Starting point is 00:17:32 Yeah, that's awesome. Sarah, thank you. Yes, it is a beautiful QR code. Nice. Guy, I want to go back to 2022. The games just finished, and you are in 10th place. And this is your rookie year at the CrossFit Games?
Starting point is 00:17:55 Second year. Second year. Second year as a lead, but second year as a full games competitor. Okay. I apologize. And the first year, how many events? Did you win three events your first year? First year, yes.
Starting point is 00:18:11 Three events. Three, seven, and 12. Yeah. Yeah, crazy. Come back the second year, and you have some remarkable finishes. A first, a first, a fourth, and a fourth. Yeah. Four top five finishes.
Starting point is 00:18:27 You finish in 10th place. Can you take me back to that? Are you – Of course. When that's over, are you happy? Is Guy happy with the 10th place finish? Bro, thanks for asking. So here we go.
Starting point is 00:18:42 Do you have time? Tons, tons. I got a full cup of coffee let's do it let's party let's go so um that's gonna be probably the first time that i'm gonna speak about it i was planning to do a video full video in portuguese but uh i didn't do yet but i will do because this is in english so i will start that's gonna be the first time that they're gonna share so yeah after getting 10th on 10th and at the games I proposed to my ex wife no it's my oh you scared me for a second okay former girlfriend um and yeah i was happy but then i went to i went to peru did some a mission trip over there for many missions. After that, I went to Brazil and that's where everything started. So after that Games, I had a. I was ashamed. I was,
Starting point is 00:20:13 how can I say? I was just mad at everything, including, not including God, but I was asking him to not leave me alone. And I was praying and trying to be... I wasn't being grateful, but I was trying to get his help. After the games, I went to Brazil. And I was in a limbo because I was applying for my for a visa Because I only could get to United States with the visa. So I went to Brazil, got my interview for the visa and I was waiting for one month for the response. During that one month, I was
Starting point is 00:21:03 thinking if I was competing at rogue or not and by the time i wasn't training that that much i was training but at the same time i was trying to kind of enjoy my off season like trying to get some rest because leading to games leading to the games i was just like done smashed i just wanted to like finish with the games i was like like this i just wanted to get to monday at the games uh so i was very tired and during the whole season dragging myself myself so in october september i was seeing uh seeing if i was about to compete at rogue or not my visa blah blah so in the end of september i think i went to my home city and when i got there i got I got the response for the visa that I should come back to the city that I did the interview
Starting point is 00:22:10 to do another interview. So I was already in that city, so I was there for like probably two weeks, and I had to go back to the south of Brazil to do that interview. How far is that? By plane, probably like three hours ish okay okay yeah by plane by plane wow from Rio to to the south um so yeah still waiting for the visa not training training not training training uh did the second interview, and that's already October.
Starting point is 00:22:52 And I didn't know how much time I had between the interview and to get the actual visa. Because I did the interview and went to the northeast of Brazil to visit my parents. So I was there for more two weeks. In that limbo, should I compete or not? And also suffering with the shame of the competition to get 10th and for not doing good at the games and all that kind of stuff. So Guy, really quick. So you're saying that that Wednesday and Thursday and Friday after the games,
Starting point is 00:23:32 when you were feeling that down and you were asking God to stay with you, you, I didn't realize you were feeling bad because of your performance. Yeah. You were hating on yourself. Yes. Yes. A. Yes. 100%. And I wasn't, I was just like, bro, I don't know what's happening.
Starting point is 00:23:51 I'm trying to push. And people, people always talking about that event of the running and jerk. Because people are like, he's not running. And bro, I was selling my soul in that running, and my body was just not responding. So everyone talking about the games and everything, for people, yeah, the top 10 was good. But for me, for the amount of training that I put in,
Starting point is 00:24:21 that wasn't good for me. So I was pretty very, very very very upset and very very mad and very very ashamed for that top 10 okay we'll come back we'll come back to that sorry yeah you were back the visa yeah turns out uh my visa took took longer than expected i had to decline rogue and then i happened in the second interview what happened in the second interview why did they did they not like you the guy no the guy just asked me oh we just wanted to confirm that you're not working there and this kind of stuff like uh what do you do at mayhem what do you do in the united states you coach there do you do anything
Starting point is 00:25:03 else where your money come from this kind of stuff and like, bro, I just trained and I get my money from my sponsors. And he was like, oh, OK, blah, blah, blah, blah. So I get my visa approved. It took longer than expected to get to me. So I had to decline Rogue rogue unfortunately uh so that's november in november i don't know what it was how do you think you would have done in rogue do you think you would have done well that year uh probably not i wasn't in the mind space of like doing anything so i wasn't even training good so probably not so i wasn't still in that limbo, like training, not training, kind of burnout. I had a burnout probably. It was 100% burnout.
Starting point is 00:25:52 I was just burnout. I didn't want to work out. I didn't want to do anything, just eating chocolate and drinking soda from November on. What kind of soda? What kind of soda? Bro, Guaraná. Guaraná is a soda that we have in brazil that's so good is it carbonated coke is better than coke is it carbonated yes does
Starting point is 00:26:14 it have caffeine no oh pass so yeah so we got to november. We had a train with Guy down in the south. It was nice. After that, I got COVID for one week. And then after that week, I had some, I don't know if you guys know, but like, I'll try to see here. It's like a huge pimple. You know what it is? A pimple? Yeah, a pimple.
Starting point is 00:26:54 I know what a pimple is. I had one of those when I was a kid. I had a bunch of them. Where was it? On your back? Butt? Face? It was on my armpits.
Starting point is 00:27:03 Oh. In one here, and two, one in each knee. It was that. Assist? Was it assist? Yeah, like this. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. I've had those. Like huge. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:17 So I wasn't training for three weeks because it was hurting so much to do anything. So that's four weeks without training since November. What were those? Were those ingrown hairs? What were they? Couldn't you just take a pin and pop it? Just be like bite a rag and just be like. So my wife, she's a physician.
Starting point is 00:27:37 Yeah. So she was working on it, like trying to like squeeze and take the fluid out. Yeah. Fluid. Yeah. Whatever. Yeah. And it was very painful.
Starting point is 00:27:50 She was working on it. Yeah. Because I didn't want to take an antibiotic. Yeah. Fuck that. Yeah. So I was kind of like reluctant to take it because I didn't want to like mess me up. But then I was like, bro, just give me because it was hurting so much.
Starting point is 00:28:08 I took it, got better. Come here to the United States in December. I started training with Rich and Luke and Tyler, maybe. Rich and Tyler. Working good, blah, blah, blah. Holidays, Christmasmas went to missouri in missouri i hit a barbell with 315 pounds on my head so i was like jerking and my hands just like slipped from the bar and the bar hit my head it opened like a little little strip little hole but that was fine and then my throat got uh inflamed and on the way
Starting point is 00:28:49 back i i had some throat inflammation inflammation for probably like five days let me ask you a quick let me ask you a quick question before we get too far ahead when you trained with rich and tyler in december how did you feel were you like like, bro, I'm out of shape? Or were you like, fuck, these guys suck. I'm fucking shit up. I was feeling like trash. You were. The first day.
Starting point is 00:29:13 Old man Rich was beating you up. Old man Rich was beating you up. Oh, yeah, always. Oh, man. Oh, man, that's not good. That's not good. The first workout that we did was a row interval. Yeah. And jump ropes my leg just
Starting point is 00:29:28 started cramping and it was like holy shit and i had like to stop the workout but it was good so after that why did you go to missouri what's in missouri brazilians shouldn't go to missouri there's nothing in missouri for you that's's true. But like Bailey and her parents, they live there. No. Bailey's parents live there. And Bailey and Tyler were going there to spend Christmas. So we went. Me and my wife
Starting point is 00:29:56 went there. Okay. Alright. Fair enough. How bad was that cut on the top of your head? Those bleed pretty bad. Was it pretty... Did you get stitches? It just bleed a little bit. No stitches no stitches okay just some ice on it and my neck was hurting for three days but that was fine okay it was very traumatic but and then you're saying you and then on the way home something on the way back to cookville your throat closed up oh yeah so we had to drive eight hours nine hours from Missouri to Cookville and my in the whole trip my throat was just like like this and I was having like headaches and
Starting point is 00:30:34 almost fever and I was just trying to survive fast on the road like to get to to get home fast uh and just get some sleep so it was traumatic so i'm not very never driving again to missouri yeah in their in their wedding i we flew we flew to missouri okay we lost our flight we had to sleep in dallas but we got there by plane that's fine so we got to January January 2023 I accepted the invite for Waterpalooza went there trying to get my happiness again trying to be happy again and try to not worry about people again and just do my job in trying to have that 17 year old guy back what do you mean not worry about other people again that's what was stressing you out you felt like you were letting other people down or critics were getting to you or so we're gonna get to that that point okay okay uh at the games we athletes we say that we i let's say i'm gonna talk about me i say i don't care about comments and most people say that they don't care about comments but either
Starting point is 00:31:59 way we see comments and we know that the comments are there and some somehow those comments get in the get in my mind get got in my mind so like this one like this one from this lady gee we love you like this one don't let that one get in your mind gee uh so yeah uh so i was not caring about but like uh it was mostly not caring about what people were saying about me and my results and what they were expecting from me you know what i mean like oh he's gonna win this event maybe not or he's gonna suck at this event maybe not so I was getting in that in that space um so yeah I went to autopilusa it's still freaking bad all that all that bad thoughts in my mind all that voices um and I was kind of like trusting the voices and trusting that thoughts went to water palooza got 11 but it was the competition that i was happy because that was the on the first day you
Starting point is 00:33:15 collapsed right in the um and like in the athlete corridor i think i remember you went down you actually went down maybe and you had medics around you no it was the first event so yeah let's get to that point so okay uh so that event i was kind of like okay let's do it but it was very hot and i think that i had a pre-workout that like i don't take very often and i took it so i'm not used I wasn't used to it and it kind of like blew me up and I was just blew out so the first event was pretty bad it was very hot and so I just did very bad so that was fine went to the next event blah blah blah blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. What else? Yes.
Starting point is 00:34:24 So I finished the competition in 11th, but kind of happy because I was just enjoying the competition and not worrying about results or anything because I was actually worried about me and, like, my soul and everything, how was feeling and my relationship with like with crossfit uh so i was happy because i was with my wife she was with me and we were like uh they're competing everyone was there a lot of brazilians um so we're having fun so i had fun in that event but after that i just got into a to a bad place again bad thoughts and everything we adopted a dog we got a dog from the shelter to because in brazil or in cookville okay okay because i grew up with dogs around me my whole life when i was born my mom had 12 at the time. And when I left Brazil, I had three dogs.
Starting point is 00:35:09 So dogs are a big part of my life. So we had to get a dog because Lou was here. My wife was here. So we could have like someone to take care of him when I was at the gym. So we got a dog. Is your wife a physician here or in Brazil? In Brazil. Okay.
Starting point is 00:35:29 Yeah. So we got a dog. So we were happy. And then she left to Brazil. So I was here alone with the dog. She had to do some stuff for her company. I was here with the dog. And every time I would go to the gym, work out, come back crying or come back yelling or come back very sad.
Starting point is 00:35:52 Or I was crying probably almost every day, sad every day, mad every day. And I shamed probably every day. I just didn't want to work out. And I shamed probably every day. I just didn't want to work out. That was all lingering still from the games. That was some sort of residue? Yes. Something hadn't cleared?
Starting point is 00:36:14 Yeah, it was the whole thing. Crazy, dude. Crazy. Yes, crazy. Nobody knows that. Yeah, nobody knows that. So, yeah, I got back here. She was in brazil and i was just in that
Starting point is 00:36:29 mind space mind space yeah yeah in that mind space of like sadness tiredness uh madness and everything everything bad when she was so one one sunday we go to the church and in cookville in cookville yeah and pastor is um talking about who do you think you are and sometimes we think ourselves highly. And sometimes we think ourselves inferior, superior, inferior. And God wants us to be in the middle, like not being highly, not being like inferior. that hit me was that he was saying that the word okay that's yeah the superior superior when we feel superior we feel superior even including god so when we feel superior about people over people we also feel superior about god over god yeah so when we feel superior about people over people, we also feel superior about God over God. So when we feel superior over God, God is like, go ahead, do your thing.
Starting point is 00:37:52 And we all we always mess up. Right or not? Right. And so it reminded me in 2021 when I went to the games with no expectations, just asking God for a highlight spot. That was my prayer before going to the games in 2021. A highlight spot and that he would be glorified with me in there. Competing in there. So I got there. My face was on the Coliseum.
Starting point is 00:38:31 I won three events. One of them, this night event. That it was all over Instagram. And that was awesome. I put him first. 2022, I came to Mayhem. And I was like, bro, I'm him first. 2022, I came to Mayhem. And I was like, bro, I'm working hard. I am training.
Starting point is 00:38:53 I moved to the United States. I am training at Mayhem. Like, I am working out. I am training more than I used to train. So in 2022, my mindset was like, did this like i did everything so i got to the games god was there because so that's another point so god was there he was he was with me of course and i was like why god didn't help me to get good results at the games and then the response the response for like the reply came like bro god gave you everything he gave you a house a car a gym mayhem friends what beautiful wife beautiful wife bro he gave you it was girlfriend at the time but like yeah he gave
Starting point is 00:39:45 me that too but he gave me everything so it was my part that i have to do that i had to do uh and i did it but i didn't put him at first place so i didn't deliver to him my results and everything i was doing it i was praying but it wasn't the first place. You know, I was like, hey, help me a little bit. Help me a little bit. So when the pastor said that, I was like, bro, in 2022, I put me first and I put my efforts first in God. So that thing led me to all that crap that I was experiencing. And I knew at the time that I was passing through it, that I knew that that would be that that would be passed. That would be that would pass. And I would be able to help people and heal people that are going through the same thing that I did. So I was like, bro, this is sucking right now. This is very bad. But I know when this is going to be like in the
Starting point is 00:40:54 past, I'm going to be able to help people to overcome this. So that was one service on Sunday. And then I realized that I was like, okay, God, forgive me. I was very human, but that's it. Like, uh, forgive me. So that was one thing.
Starting point is 00:41:16 The next service on Friday, I called my parents and my parents start talking to me a lot of things like encouraging me. And this is in January of 2023, just to make sure. This is already in February. February, okay. Has the Open started at this point? Probably.
Starting point is 00:41:33 It was about to start or was in the middle. Okay, okay. Probably in the middle because I did very bad at the Open. That's why. Dan Guerrero, a god was at the Games? Duh. Dumb question. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:41:46 Sometimes I pull up dumb questions. Wad Zombie, Guy, you've been going – oh, we have to answer this later. Okay, we'll take a quick break. Guy, can you answer this real quick? Wad Zombie, by the way, Guy, you need a card. What's that? Oh, I don't have it. Yeah, you need a card.
Starting point is 00:42:00 You got to talk to this Wad Zombie guy to make you cards. He got an Ariel Lowen. He got a James Sprague. Nice got he got a colton mertens he would love to do a gi uh gi you've been going live a lot lately talking to the camera i do not speak portuguese what is happening in those live streams i'm selling i'm talking to people I'm doing the devotional. Oh, okay. Yeah, I'm talking about Jesus Talk. Jesus, yep. Okay.
Starting point is 00:42:32 People, yeah, they love it. And I love to do it too because it makes me alive. Oh, that's interesting. Judy Reed, God is everywhere, Dan. Okay, Judy answered your question to Dan. Okay, so you went to the one service, and you got the superior, inferior thing, and that kind of made you realize, oh, shit, I'm not putting – I tried to do the games by myself, and I needed to be doing it for God.
Starting point is 00:42:57 And then you went to a second – Yes. Do you like this pastor, this preacher? Oh, yeah. He's awesome. Bob Davis. Okay. On Friday, I was talking to my parents, and my dad came up with, like,
Starting point is 00:43:09 hey, do a fasting of, like, 24 hours. If you don't know what fasting is, it's like we fast trying to kill our flesh and to kind of, like, strengthen strength i don't know to make our spirit strong stronger and that's why we talk and that's where we talk closely to god and like god answers this is another talk uh but yeah i did the fasting of 24 hours, no food, just water for 24 hours. On the Sunday, the second service, he was talking about inferior complexes. And then the thing that hit me was the world tells we are not. So social media, we are like scrolling, scrolling, scrolling, seeing everyone lives. social media we are like scrolling scrolling scrolling seeing everyone lives and oh this person lives perfect or this kind of stuff uh so the world tell us what we are not and the word
Starting point is 00:44:16 that is the bible tells who we who we are so it's like bro that, that's a key because I was trusting everyone else but the Bible, but Jesus. Because I was like, oh, every time that I was working out, oh, bro, you suck. Oh, I was just dying to work out, bro, you suck, you suck, you suck, you suck. That voice in my mind, was trusting that and it was making me worse and oh you're not good enough you're not good enough you're not a good athlete blah blah blah blah so i was trusting those thoughts and those voices but this is a bad voice and this is a lie uh so god tells us who we are like we are more than winners. We are God's sons and daughters. We are good, like we are prosper.
Starting point is 00:45:14 We are everything. So that was another key that was like, dang, I was stressing the wrong voices. I was stressing the wrong voices so that I realized that it was all lies and all those thoughts and all that post games thoughts and I was believing in those comments and people talking about all lies and people doesn't know what everyone else is going through like I don't know what you're going through you don't know what's what I'm going through. Like, I don't know what you're going through. You don't know what's, what I'm going through. And people talk about other people's lives and they don't care. Of course.
Starting point is 00:45:50 If you need to know, if you need to know something about yourself, you'll go to the Bible, not to Instagram. Yes, sir. That's by the way, that's also why it's important.
Starting point is 00:45:59 It's a really beautiful, powerful book. But what's crazy is, is when you use it to judge others, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's vile is when you use it to judge others, it's vile. It's not a weapon if you use it to judge others. But man, what a great tool to use to hold yourself up to, right?
Starting point is 00:46:15 To try to live to those examples. So when that happened, that service happened, my wife came back. And we were in the project to read the bible in one year and at the time we are who assigned you that the pastor at the church no no it's an app oh okay okay okay yeah bible offline um so at the time we were reading ecclesiastics that's someone saying about telling about bro life is all vanity vanity sorry life is all vanity is all empty we run we try to we pursue the the wind and everything here is vanity uh money fame uh material stuff everything here is just empty.
Starting point is 00:47:07 And I got into that thing and I started realizing that everything here is just a passage. Like we're just living our lives and this is going to be old. Like when we die, we don't have cars, we don't have houses, we don't have money, we don't have anything. don't have houses we don't have money we don't have anything we just have god and the people that we love and that's all matters that's all that matters that's what i learned from that experience because i was here in the united states nice car nice house mayhem uh train at mayhem good friends no not good no take the good friends off that list because it's not going in that but like beautiful car nice house nice neighborhood nice city um kind of like fame money good money blah blah but none of this took me out from the hole
Starting point is 00:48:01 the only thing that took me out from that hole from that mind space from that thing from that dark space were god and the people that i love and the cat that care about me so i learned that from the hard way but seeing from now i see that was the best thing that happened to my life uh to me in my whole life because because I learned so much about me, about God, and about life. And you said these are lessons that you're going to use to help others. Yes. So from there, I realized that my identity was in CrossFit. It was on the leaderboard.
Starting point is 00:48:45 My identity was on everything that people were talking or that leaderboard, that first place or the 10th place or the 37th place or, you know, like my identity was there. So if I'm 10th, I'm not good enough. If I'm like 24th, I'm not good enough. If I'm first, but I lose one, I lost one 10th i'm not good enough if i'm like 24th i'm not good enough if i'm first but i lose one i lost one event i'm not good enough so my identity was in there so we went to quarterfinals and i was already overcoming that that thing also just read ecclesiastics that saying that everything was vanity so I just went to quarterfinals bro just happy and just like enjoying working out and I was like bro if I get I don't know last in the quarterfinals first third fifth I don't care it doesn't matter
Starting point is 00:49:42 when you get like when everything's over god is not asking you hey how many games did you win or how many results on the quarterfinals do you have you know like this is all vending this is just like a fun for us you know you're talking about the 2000 2023 quarterfinals just to be okay that i got first because i was like like i was being myself again i was just like working out and having fun so we went to semifinals wait wait wait wait sorry sorry uh you got first in the quarterfinals yeah shit that's crazy but But at the Open, I got fourth. You got fourth in the world in the Open? No. In South America.
Starting point is 00:50:27 In South America, okay. And then, hold on, I want to just see. So South America quarterfinals, man. I just want to fact check you. Wow, okay, only 37 points. You killed it. Wow. Okay.
Starting point is 00:50:44 Okay. Fact checked. Wow. Okay. Okay. Fact checked. True. Check. Yeah. So we go to semifinals. I'm not – yeah, I'm not telling other stuff because it's going to look like an excuse.
Starting point is 00:51:02 But we go to semifinals. Why? Wait, wait. Hold on a second. Hold on a second. Hold a second hold on are you saying that were you injured let me ask you a few questions here were you injured during quarterfinals no um were you sick no were you pregnant no did you have a did your dog die? No, sir. Relationship issues?
Starting point is 00:51:27 No, nothing. The thing was that I wasn't training what I was supposed to be training. How come? How come? So Rich was helping me to write some workouts. And he was helping me sometimes. But then I started to do by myself some stuff and to program to myself and to do some workouts. So I just got lost doing that and programming for myself. I didn't know if I was doing a lot or doing
Starting point is 00:52:05 um not enough this kind of stuff so i didn't have uh a guidance to follow uh and i was just i was so tired of training and training and training and training and training off training and training and training and training and training already so you're saying that you you felt you are you saying that you personally you you kind of started doing your own programming when maybe you shouldn't have and then on top of that instead of training twice a day you were only training once a day and you weren't training as hard as you should have been no i was training twice a day but i didn't know what i have to work on you know i was like your fault or rich's fault rich was in the back smoking your fault okay okay i want to make sure okay all your fault okay yeah uh so rich is sending them to you the workouts
Starting point is 00:52:57 and you're like i just tweak a little bit here tweak a little bit here i i don't need to do that i'm good yeah he sent me And then I stopped asking for it. Okay. And then he was like, okay. And then he would, like, ask me, hey, what you doing? What you doing? What you doing? And I was telling him.
Starting point is 00:53:12 He was like, okay, okay, that's good. But he was doing his life. I was doing mine. So we were kind of, like, not very close at the time. Like, he was doing his stuff. Where are you training? Where are you training where are you training somewhere in south america in brazil okay yeah okay okay we're just like in different schedules so yeah uh i wasn't having a uh a guidance or like a programming or something like that i supposed
Starting point is 00:53:40 to do so i wasn't that confident if I was doing what I was supposed to be doing and I was just about the crying had that stopped you key yes stopped on that Sunday it did stop yeah you were you were going home you were sleeping well at night you had peace yes peace okay shit I was happy it was good cheers that's good okay uh so yeah we went to to to the semifinals and i was for the amount of stuff that i was going through i was very like exhausted a little bit but i was still was on the the plan i was going for it got to the same finals back in Back in Brazil, all good, all beautiful. My whole family was there. Louis' parents, my parents, my grandma, everyone, my friends.
Starting point is 00:54:34 Because it was my home city, so everyone was there. It was very special. First event, I took, I was doing a detox of caffeine. Of one week. On that day, I took caffeine. And as I am a slow metabolizer of caffeine, I think that the caffeine hit very hard. And I just, in the first event, I just fell off.
Starting point is 00:55:00 I did the bike. It was bike, sled, run, sled, and ski sled. Hold on a second. You're saying, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. You're saying the week. It was bike, sled, run, sled, and ski sled. Hold on a second. You're saying, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. You're saying the week before semifinals, you quit caffeine so that maybe you could use it to help you. Yeah. Holy shit. That's fucking bold.
Starting point is 00:55:18 Whose idea was that? Was that your idea? Yes, my idea. Bold. That's bold. No one knows that. That's bold. Wow. And so you're saying it was too much you had a fucking crazy spiked heartbeat and breathing patterns and you shit the bed yes so before did you know during the event gee were you like oh shit i'm not managing this caffeine
Starting point is 00:55:38 well bro i just figured that after way after the competition way after the competition okay but let's let's go so on the first event I just fell off. 15th you took 15th you took 15 yeah it's very bad in that workout I just fell off after the bike I just died and I couldn't recover and I was just like slow so after that i was like okay screw it uh second event one third event second second first yeah second wait okay yeah second fourth event first the the the second The third event was Linda. I tested two twice at the gym here. I finished in 22 minutes. And at the semifinals, I got second.
Starting point is 00:56:39 That's crazy. Good job. So that was a huge PR. Huge PR. Yeah, huge. So I got second. Fourth event,, then the run and snatch sixth, workout sixth, first. Yes.
Starting point is 00:56:53 So I had a great competition. Great competition. You just can't get a 15th in South America. The field's not deep enough. Because I was getting first, and the first and the second were getting, like, second and third. And we were just changing podium finishes. So we didn't have anyone putting points between us.
Starting point is 00:57:17 So that was it. Guy, is that weird? I'm guessing. I haven't done the math. But I'm guessing that you have more Instagram followers than the entire rest of the field combined. I'm guessing if we added all 30 guys up, that you have more followers than them.
Starting point is 00:57:37 Does that make, like for us, for us it's weird that you're not at the games. Now, I know you don't have a lot of places. There's only two people. I know it's a fuck situation. But for us in the United States, it was like, what the fuck? We still don't know what happened. You look at the leaderboard, and it's obvious.
Starting point is 00:57:55 There's no one to help you. There's no one to help you. No one. Yeah, there's no one to help you. In the fifth event, I finished my workout, there's no one to help you in the fifth event i finished my workout and i was sitting on the on the finish finish platform to wait for augustine to finish the workout in at least in third because kalyan was in second or he was yeah he was in second and i was in second, and I was in third, and I had Augustin to finish before him to get me some points between. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:58:30 And Augustin was kind of slowing down, and I was almost like cheering for him, like, let's go, bro. Let's go. And I was like, bro, let's go. But he finished before Kalyan but it didn't it didn't help uh very much uh so yeah finished the the the competition last event I lay on the platform not qualifying for the games and I was just like thank god i can rest now because i was mentally exhausted and also my body was kind of messed up but like my man my male mentally i was exhausted so me and my wife she was like that was a god
Starting point is 00:59:21 thing um so my goal for that competition was to win the competition, of course. And on the podium, share this testimony that I'm sharing right now. Share that testimony with people. To tell people that, bro, stop worrying about results, money, your work, everything that you guys think that's important it's not important like praise god live your life happy and stop worrying about things that are not important then breathing then loving each other and having like some people have like some fights with each other and they don't like each other. Like, bro, why are your friends? If you want dies, the other one is going to cry.
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Starting point is 01:01:12 Find us at Without talking to each other, you could be enjoying each other and being grateful for the time that you spent together. like be enjoying each other and like being like grateful for the time that we spent together so like yeah i was planning to give that testimony in the first place it didn't happen didn't happen so i was like okay let's do either way so i got the mic and i shared my testimony a little bit even being in third um and people heard and people were like, thankful for that and everything. My family was happy.
Starting point is 01:01:51 I was feeling peace. It was the most peaceful moment that I ever felt in my life. Not qualified for the games. And in front of my home city, all my friends, my whole family, Brazil, every, like, the whole Brazil, the whole country watching. And I didn't qualify. And it was the most peaceful moment that I ever have in my life.
Starting point is 01:02:17 Because I knew that it didn't define me as a person. And that wouldn't define me as a person and that wouldn't define me um as an athlete or as everything because i did all that i could to get the first place i just had one bad event the other ones i won i did very good but that was it like no big deal uh yes i have some some contracts that i have some like reduced uh on the payments because i didn't play five two games but like bro that's gonna that's gonna come back it doesn't define you money is money like it's all good so i felt i felt peace i felt happiness again and i was in peace because i wasn't to i was about i wasn't about to go to game training again, to that pressure, to that thing, because I wasn't mentally ready for that again. Well, how about this, Guy? You put God first,
Starting point is 01:03:15 regardless if you got first or third. You had a testimony for first place, you had a testimony for third place. But both times, it goes back to where the story started i'll put god first yeah so i was like bro uh in my life i believe that everything is a god thing if i hit my car i hit my car in a mailbox that brick mailbox you you know, I hid my bumper in a mailbox. And I'm like, thank you for having a car and having a bumper to hit the mailbox. Maybe the time that I spent seeing the, checking the damage was a time that I could be passing in a crossing, in a crossroad and be hit by a truck or whatever I don't know so I believe that everything in my life has a purpose and I believe if I didn't go to the games that's a purpose God has a purpose on my life in my life and for that and I learned a lot about that and I'm hungrier hungrier than never to go back to the games and to do good and to go to the semifinals next year
Starting point is 01:04:26 and to smash to win all those freaking events and also to praise god and know that god is what matters and i think after um how is how's the name uh reflecting about the the competition i'm like bro i got third i didn't qualify and i wanted to share my testimony and i think that was the final test of the whole fight i was going through it was the final test like hey you didn't get what you wanted again what you're gonna do you're gonna praise me or you're gonna like hate me again you know you're gonna turn your back again so what i did was like hey god thank you for gonna like hate me again you know you're gonna turn your back again so what i did was like hey god thank you for that and like this is you this is for you and i'm gonna do whatever i have to do to like glorify you uh so not not going to the games
Starting point is 01:05:18 was uh peaceful but when i got to the games there everyone getting their their kid and the or the whole kid of the the check-in and everything and all that media I felt a little bit I believe a little bit of FOMO but I was like it's all good and then watching the games in person from the crowd I realized that that is not a big deal as I used to think I used to think because when we were there in the in the courthouse in the warm-up area in the coliseum in the arena we were like bro everyone's watching and this is a huge deal i gotta do good blah blah blah blah and outside on the crowd people are like nice first one second third last like they are just enjoying crossfit like they're just enjoying seeing people working out and they don't care zero about what position he got oh he did good he did bad he did good he did bad because they don't care they just want to have fun and see people having fun working out you nailed it you
Starting point is 01:06:35 nailed it you know like you yeah the crowd the crowd cares in a way so different than the athletes think that they care and yeah on one level i than the athletes think that they care. And on one level, I know the athletes know that, but it's so hard for them to understand that, like, it's the thing, dude. People have really taken a liking to you for whatever reason. People really fucking like you. You come across as just a really nice guy fun to look at tons of energy telling the truth hanging with the mayhem crew i mean you're just you're awesome a bunch of first place you know bunch of first place victories helps a lot um but people people
Starting point is 01:07:18 people love you no i don't think people i don't think there's anyone who seriously this is kind of crazy to say i don't think there's one person who seriously, this is kind of crazy to say. I don't think there's one person who's like, oh, he took 10th. Okay, I like Guy a little bit less today. No one. But I know that you know that, but still it's hard to process. Yeah, it's hard. And I realize that too, that, bro, to get a top 10 is not easy.
Starting point is 01:07:41 But the paradox is too is we really like winners. Yes. So maybe more people would, is we really like winners. Yes. So maybe more people would like you if you got first, but those of us who already like you, we don't like you less because maybe you got 10th. We're just like, I hope he's okay. I hope he's happy with it. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:07:59 And I was outside in the crowd and people were coming to me. Hey, can I take a picture, bro? We love you. So sorry for like, I miss you in the crowd and people were coming to me. Hey, can I take a picture, bro? We love you. Like, so sorry for like, like I miss you in there, blah, blah. And like, like we wanted to see you like lifting the weights and we miss you. We miss you. We love you, blah, blah. People want to see you.
Starting point is 01:08:16 People want to see you move too. I mean, people came, you know, it's like going to a ballet and you're waiting for the star, you know, the headline dancer to come out. People really want to see you move they want to see you move so and i was i was bro like people still like me even if i'm not there so it's okay you know like this is not a huge deal so right now when i'm thinking about competition and like going to the games or any competition, I'm like, bro, it's fine. I'm just here working out, having fun. And to have fun working out was what I used to do when I was 17, 18, 19.
Starting point is 01:08:55 I was just showing off and like just lifting weights, just working out, just being happy, make fun of everything, you know, just teasing friends. And that was the most good results that I have in my life. You know, like when I was in that mind space of like being happy, like not worrying about anything, I was having good results because I was light. I wasn't having any pressure or anything. I wasn't having any pressure or anything. And by the time I got the pressure, money, fame, and all of that, and I started, like, feeling that I owe people something. But I don't owe people anything.
Starting point is 01:09:38 So now I realize that, that, bro, it's fine. Just be happy and work out. So 2023 was good uh i didn't go to the games okay that's fine now i need a coach and i was like jesus jesus god give me a coach i need a coach i need a coach and i was praying for a coach for one month, two months, one month probably. I don't know. After the semifinals. And I was praying about a coach, about a coach, about a coach. So I was thinking about in all possibilities, in mayhem, outside mayhem,
Starting point is 01:10:31 different coaches, all that kind of stuff so jake foster comes to mayhem and he was hanging out with us sometimes like every wednesday he comes uh and he was hanging out with us sometimes and this kind of stuff but i would talk to him hey bro what's up how's it going and that was it so i started praying started praying and lou and so we had a train with rich and he was there and he introduced himself to lou to my wife and she was like i like him he looks like he likes you like he wanted to he wanted to to be your friend and i was like who jake yeah jake foster and i was like yeah maybe okay so they spaz again we are in the fourth july for people who don't know jake foster is the head programmer at crossfit mayhem right he's yes no i mean there's darren huns, but there's also Jake Foster's him.
Starting point is 01:11:26 It's him and Darren are the two big dogs there, right? Doesn't Darren do all the affiliate programming and Jake does the works with Mayhem? I don't know what Darren does. I don't know. I think I think there's all I think Darren does this all the stuff for the affiliates. Probably. And Jake does the stuff stuff for the affiliates. Probably, yeah. And Jake does the stuff for you crazy people. Jake Locker is the president.
Starting point is 01:11:51 Oh, okay. So who's Jake Foster? Okay, I don't know who Jake Foster is. Thank you. Good. I'm all fucked up. You know him. It's this guy.
Starting point is 01:12:00 Jake Foster. The two Jakes. Okay, I don't recognize him he's a Mayhem dude is he a Mayhem dude now he is so okay he came to Mayhem
Starting point is 01:12:11 in January okay with Mayhem from where where did he come from Guy he comes from Florida
Starting point is 01:12:20 I don't know was he a was he a brute guy was he a brute guy no no no he has his own own gym he was Florida. Was he a brew guy? No, no, no. He has his own gym. He was in Florida and now he lives in Franklin.
Starting point is 01:12:32 That's like one hour and a half from Cookville. Okay. And he started working here as a Mayhem Performance head coach. Okay. So he is the head coach of the Mayhem Performance that provides one
Starting point is 01:12:47 on one coaching one to one on one on one say that again sorry i'm trying i'm trying to pull up his instagram while i talk to you say that again he one to one or one-on-one coaching okay okay he does he does one-on-one coaching one-on-one okay he's the head coach of that so then uh introduced we we were talking and i told him my testimony a little bit because he asked me how i was after the semifinals and how i was not competing in the games and this kind of stuff and i was telling him that i was in peace that I was okay and he was like oh nice um so he was like oh uh let me know if you need any help so like okay days passed I was in Brazil with my wife uh it was her birthday uh and me and my parents were talking, and my parents just encouraged me to talk to him.
Starting point is 01:13:49 And when I came back to the United States, I messaged him. Why did your parents encourage you to talk to him? Because you had been talking about him? Hey, I met this dude who might be a good coach. And they're like, hey, we should talk to him. Because my wife was telling them about him. Okay. So they were like, they trust her. So they were like, talk to him.
Starting point is 01:14:03 So I came back and I messaged him and i talked to jake lockard that's the president yeah oh hey i was about to tell with foster what do you think and he was like bro i was about to say to tell you the same thing and then i talked to luke he told great things about jake foster i talked to tyler He told me great things about Jake Foster. So on Wednesday when he was here, we talked. And it was before the games. And we just made a deal. And then he started coaching me.
Starting point is 01:14:38 And I told him everything I needed and I wanted. And he was like, bro, this is also what I want to do. Because it was like, oh, if I was just writing you workouts, I wouldn't like it. I would do it, but I wouldn't like it. But to be a coach and to ask me how I'm feeling and to do like strategy things strategic strategy i don't know he wants to have a more intimate relationship he wants to have a relationship with the yes yes like programming wise and also like he wants to be friends with me know how i am know how i'm feeling about training and have that connection and i I was like, bro, this is all I needed.
Starting point is 01:15:25 I need a guidance. I need something like you got to do this. You got to do that. You got to do this. I'm very coachable. So if you need, if you tell me, hey, you got to eat poop every day, 6 a.m. I'm like, okay, I'm going to eat poop 6 a.m. every day. You're a good dude.
Starting point is 01:15:42 So it's like, this is what I needed. And he was like, deal. And now he's coaching dude so it's like this is what i needed and he was like deal and now he's coaching me and it's been awesome i'm feeling great i am since a week since after the games since after the games yes this is our eight eight weeks working together nine weeks ten weeks i don't know it's probably two months and a half ish it's been great i want to i want to ask you some questions um why have you waited till now to share this i didn't have the opportunity uh and i didn't do the Portuguese video yet because I was just waiting. I don't know, to get ready. Haven't people been asking you to come on podcasts and talk about it? Not many.
Starting point is 01:16:34 Not many? Not many. No. Just, I forgot his name. Coffee and. Oh, Pedro. Pedro. Pedro.
Starting point is 01:16:42 Peter. Yeah, Peter. I don't know. Yeah. Fuck. Peter's getting all the good people. I'm glad I got you. Shit. Peter's killing it. God damn it, Peter. Hey, um, and but you are you are you are pretty choosy about where you speak, right? Yeah. Yeah. Um, where do you go next? Where are you going to compete next? Where do you go next? Where are you going to compete next? That's a good question. I was about to go to Dubai, but I didn't know about my green card. Now it's different.
Starting point is 01:17:16 Now, as I have the visa, now I need the green card. And the green card is about to be ready by, I don't know when, but hopefully before my birthday but in November uh but we don't know so I didn't know if I was able to if I would be able to travel to Dubai so I didn't take the invite um where are you sitting right now what country are you in cookville oh you are in cookville okay and when you um after the semi-finals you came to cookville right yes yes yes but before the games you came to cookville yes and then i left to brazil for 20 days no for yeah 20 days and then i came back yeah and then you came back for the games why did you come back to cookville after semi-finals because we have a dog and he was here and we are about to move to a new house. In Cookville? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:18:25 Oh, okay. I thought maybe you were coming to be around. I was just speculating. I had no insight. But I was like, oh, Guy's coming to be around his team. Yeah. Yeah, everyone was doing their own stuff for the game. So they were all in that preparation. So I was just going there just to
Starting point is 01:18:47 work out a little bit sometimes and i was just not stressing out about it about working out i just wanted to work out after the games i just wanted to relax and chill and be a normal person um and i just came back for for the house and this is where we're living right now so that's our house we don't have a a place in brazil to stay like our place in brazil so we gotta be or in my parents house or my wife's parents house so we just came back to our dog and also to move into another house i want to ask you about um drugs and i'm not the um authority on on drugs at all but i think the conventional wisdom is that there are drugs obviously i mean everywhere my my neighbors are on them.
Starting point is 01:19:45 I'm taking some peptides now. I can just walk into Starbucks and see the guy with the giant, you know, all the lines in his forehead. I can see, you know, all the guys. But I think the conventional wisdom is that the guys at the top, for the most part,
Starting point is 01:19:58 are not doing drugs. But the guys in the tier below them are doing drugs. I think that there is a lot of belief in that. That the very best guys in the tier below them are doing drugs. I think that there is a lot of belief in that, that the very best guys in the world are not. There's also this belief, I think, that places outside of the United States, like South America, there's more drugs.
Starting point is 01:20:17 Do you have an opinion on that? Do you think that I'm just hearing, and I'm totally open to being like, hey, you're just hearing that because you're in the fucking United States and they want to point fingers everywhere except at their own shit. Bro. Do you have any thoughts on that? I don't have any opinion, any talks about it.
Starting point is 01:20:35 I don't talk about other people. We just see what happens everywhere here, Brazil, everywhere but like i don't talk i don't i don't i don't want to think there's anyone and that's it i don't have any opinion i don't want to i don't want to talk about i don't talk about you fair enough so basically you have you you might have some opinions but the act you're saying that you don't make accusations and they're pointless you're not going to be like hey um uh john carl and marker on steroids yeah like nowadays i think that uh people taking drugs if you take drugs like you're stupid because you know that's gonna be a drug testing and we are tested like once in a while like every year last last year was tested once twice uh yeah this year i got tested again at semifinals 2021 i got tested like probably three times or two times so how does that
Starting point is 01:21:36 happen in brazil you just get a phone call and some dude rolls up to your house it doesn't we don't have we don't have drug testings in brazil I just got tested because I was here in Cookville. In Brazil, they don't test. So these other guys who won the semifinals, they weren't tested before the semifinals? They were tested at the semifinals. But not before? Probably not.
Starting point is 01:21:57 I don't know. But you were since you're in the United States. I don't know. Okay, okay, okay. I don't know if they were tested. But in Brazil, for me, it never happened. Okay, but you come to the United States and they're all over you. Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 01:22:09 I got tested more here than in Brazil. I never got tested in Brazil. When you said that you were praying for a coach, that means that before at Mayhem you never had a coach it was just sort of a free-for-all like this is the posse we kick ass together this is the programming we do as a whole yeah we don't have like we don't have we didn't used to have we don't use yeah we don't use have yeah we don't used to have we didn't used to have we didn't used to have uh coaching, one-on-one coaching. So it was all – we took like main compete and we would do the main compete base.
Starting point is 01:22:56 We took like main compete as a base or some workouts at the main compete and we would change some stuff and do it. But I didn't have a coach, one-on-one coaching. How about Roman? Does Roman have a one-on-one coach? He has Facundo, yeah. Facundo, okay. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:23:16 Okay. And so you said you bought a home in Cookville? We rented, yeah. Rented, okay. And so that's home for you. You like it there. Yeah, home for sure. And your general thoughts about Haley.
Starting point is 01:23:32 Haley Adams, are you happy that she's coming back? Oh, yeah. I was with her today. She's happy. Her face is, like, shiny. And she's another person i love it i get the impression also that you like going that there's people that you like going to the gym and seeing them there and she's one of them it's like okay my home my home girl's here yeah
Starting point is 01:23:58 oh yeah yeah everyone page bailey uh tyler luke uh roman wrote i should if i forget someone Paige Bailey Tyler Luke Roman I forget someone Luke Luke The girls Haley The boys Rich Angelo Sam Oh Angelo I forgot about Angelo
Starting point is 01:24:20 He still works out Yeah Zoe How about Victoria Campos She working out there Angelo. He still works out? Yeah. Zoe. How about Victoria Campos? Is she working out there? She left. The only Portuguese speaker had Mayhem left.
Starting point is 01:24:36 So now it's just me. Does she have a boyfriend? She has a girlfriend. Girlfriend. They're living in Cayman Island. Oh, really? Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 01:24:49 Oh, that sounds nice. Well, if she ever wants a boyfriend, there's this guy named Pool Boy that I want to introduce her to. He probably doesn't care that she has a girlfriend. He's very open-minded. I don't know. So you're not going to Rogue. What about Wadapalooza? Is that probably?
Starting point is 01:25:13 Yeah, maybe, yeah. Okay, and that's easy. You don't need a visa or anything. No, just go. Yeah. Hey, dude. I'm so stoked you came on. Me too. what a great journey you took us on i do it's a honor and a privilege to hear hear that whole um journey what i'm stoked for you it was good first time
Starting point is 01:25:37 i was about to message you guys i was like hey if you want me on the podcast i mean and then you guys call me oh awesome see hey thank you you can all you're you're always welcome on like like i i try not to bug people but like if you ever want to just come on and kick it for 15 minutes and talk some shit you got you want to like rehearse a devotional fuck come bring it i'll i'll give you feedback good what people are talking in the comments i don't know oh they're so excited everyone's now i realize it yeah everyone's so excited okay um i'll be uh i'll be uh i'll be bugging you i appreciate it and uh we'll talk soon
Starting point is 01:26:22 thanks for having me yeah Thank you, guys. See you, guys. Yep, cool. Tell your wife thanks for letting us borrow you for the evening. No, we're going to have some show. Awesome. All right, brother. Guy, thank you.
Starting point is 01:26:35 Peace. See you. Talk to you soon. Bye-bye. Bye-bye. Guy Malheros. Malheros? Malheros? Is it?
Starting point is 01:26:44 You pronounce the L and the H? I should ask him how to pronounce his name. Guillermo Malheros. Malheros. Malheros. Is it? You pronounce the L and the H? I should ask him how to pronounce his name. Guillermo Malheros. Bless you, Guy. Says Ken Walters. Jesus, can you see me sweating? I have a friend visiting. He is a something crazy.
Starting point is 01:27:06 You guys should hear me talk to him. He's a PhD I think in laser physics. He's my friend from college. We were 20 together and now we're both 50. So funny.
Starting point is 01:27:23 I haven't seen him in a few years and he showed up my house today i cannot he looks exactly the fucking same it's weird he just looks like a he's a giant dude giant german dude i don't know six four he looks exactly the same i was thinking bring him on i was thinking about it i was thinking about you know it's funny you say that i thought he was going to stay with me and he said he got a hotel but but i was actually thinking he should come up here for a week sometime and just sit on the couch he's a trip he's so cool he's so easy going god he's so easy going and uh i was thinking i
Starting point is 01:28:02 should have him on just like um sitting on the couch for a week right turn on the turn on the turn on the cameras use the fucking nicest podcast studio on the west coast god you guys should see how nice he walked in here i guess he listens to the podcast sometimes he walked in here he goes holy shit it's even nicer than i imagined it's so nice, guys. It's crazy. That was good. I was a little stressed. This is going to sound funny, but I didn't know how much of this podcast I was going to have to carry. I didn't know if he was going to talk.
Starting point is 01:28:37 Fuck, we figured that out quickly, right? He had some shit to get off his chest. You know, CA peptides during the whole interview. That's cool. My phone's still fucked up. I need there to be a Rodecaster 3. There's a Rodecaster 1 and there's a Rodecaster 2. I've had like five Rodecasters 2.
Starting point is 01:29:03 All of them fucking suck. They all end up having problems. Popping sounds. What do you guys want to talk about? Anything? I should go inside. You guys want to know who's coming on tomorrow? Tomorrow morning, 7 a.m.
Starting point is 01:29:21 Holy shit, that's less than 12 hours away. We will have, oh, Mary Heffernan from Five Marys. From Five Marys. She has four daughters. They're all named Mary. Five. Well, she hasn't got back to us yet. I hope she's coming on.
Starting point is 01:29:38 Five Marys Farms. Five Marys. Five Marys Farms. How come I can't find her? Five Marys Farms. Five Marys Farms? How come I can't find her? Five Mary's Farms? Five Mary's Farms? There it is. There it is.
Starting point is 01:29:52 Five Mary's. Oh, there it is. Five Mary's Farms. This is going to be a crazy show. Silicon Valley entrepreneur became a farm girl. Valley entrepreneur became a farm girl. Took her family up and
Starting point is 01:30:06 cattle rancher with four girls named Mary left the city for rural California life. All natural meat shipped to your doorstep. Dude, look at this posse. That's a good family. I couldn't be luckier. I get to call these girls my daughters. Uh-oh, she's wearing the Carhartt gear.
Starting point is 01:30:35 Do you know what Carhartt did? They made all their employees get the injection. Or they got fired. Uh-oh. Mary. Uh-oh. Mary. Uh-oh. I'll try not to say it. I'll try not to bring it up on the show.
Starting point is 01:30:55 Oh, that must be her sister. Headed home to the ranch after the best few days in New York City. One of my nephews who grew up on a ranch, a hunting ranch, a game ranch, game ranch, hunting farm, game ranch in Texas. Came to visit me when he was like eight or nine years old and he's wearing a cowboy hat and cowboy boots and the belt buckle and the whole thing. Right. And he's like a nine year old kid. Ropes cattle. hat and cowboy boots and the belt buckle and the whole thing right and he's like a nine-year-old kid ropes cattle maybe you guys maybe some of you even remember him i brought him to the crossfit i brought him to like four semi-finals behind the scenes i brought him to the crossfit games a couple years to help me with the behind the scenes he was just a young boy 14 years old what a fucking good kid anyway he gets off the plane in san francisco and he's a cowboy right i mean like he's a cowboy i mean he didn't bring his gun with him but he's a fucking cowboy
Starting point is 01:31:50 and uh he's walking through the airport and he's got his cowboy hat cowboy boots and belt buckle and jeans and shirt tucked in and we stop at a coffee shop in berkeley and some guy asked him oh you're wearing your basically accuses him him wearing his oh you're wearing your Halloween costume my nephew is basically I thought I was gonna watch an eight-year-old fucking cowboy beat up a fucking 72 year old Jewish man Berkeley that's great no more Trish huh uh
Starting point is 01:32:32 Big Baka Sevi is it true you said on an earlier podcast you would date a vax girl if you were in your 20s now I call complete BS on that dude I'd have dated a fucking anything female in my 20s. What are you talking about? Fucking Martian.
Starting point is 01:32:51 Dated a tranny in my 20s. I was 20. I'd date anything. A Seve doubleheader. No, I'm leaving. Not doing any headers tonight. That was good. I'm just kind of decompressing with you guys right now.
Starting point is 01:33:11 I got nothing. This Saturday, I'm stressed out. I'm stressed out because Saturday. Friday night of the CrossFit Games update show. And then, that's 6. And that'll be over at 7.30. And then, I have to pack all my shit and be ready. Because I have to leave the house at 5.30 to head north to go film Athena's seminar.
Starting point is 01:33:34 The Scaled Nation seminar. Which I'm super excited and super nervous to film. Because I just... I want to make sure all the cameras are working. And the batteries are charged. And the audio is right. and I'm just freaking out Matt Burns Seve was a massive tree hugging liberal that is correct
Starting point is 01:34:02 oh man you don't even want to know the behind the scenes are never coming out never never never canada shoplifters joe neils oh i do this. You guys want to hang out for a second? I'll do this. Let's go. Oh, my God. Oh, my goodness. Joe Neals now has 235 subscribers on his Instagram account.
Starting point is 01:34:36 This is nuts. Sorry, on his YouTube account. CrossFit Kenosha, Joe Neals, 285. Oh, it's happening. Highest conversion, wow. So do you guys know the story? Does everyone here know the Joe Neal story? So Joe Neal's owns CrossFit Kenosha,
Starting point is 01:35:00 and he's basically like, fuck it, I'm going to get a new client every single day for 30 days. And he's doing it. This is nuts. Oh, he's going to get me in trouble playing that song. Hey, guys, we are at a puppy adoption event sponsored by Biggie paws They are partnering with one of our members beautifully shot Wow and he's got it he's got this lady helping him Jess or something Jesse Jessa and
Starting point is 01:35:38 She's I don't think she's ever filmed or edited before this is like her first thing She's getting a crash course and making videos and look at that shot look at that shallow depth of field look at her she's going big small businesses ruffalo salon spot um from 11 to 1 today we got hopefully we can find this sweet girl a happy home today uh we got some raffles that we're doing so we got a raffle uh for a one month membership for our adult program same as as a one month for our CrossFit Kids program. So hopefully we raise some money for a good cause and show some love. And let's get some members. My dog died a couple weeks ago.
Starting point is 01:36:18 I think I'm ready for a new dog. So if anyone, I want a badass dog. Like a Great Dane. Or a borbol or i don't know a sheepadoodle i need something good don't i don't want any dumbass dog so if anyone has a good good amazing dog let me know corso uh i don't know i don't know if i can do a corso i don't know if i can do a corso i do a doberman i do it i do an awesome doberman never a boxer sorry nope not doing it german shepherd nope too much dog hair, I, I, God, I really, I would do, uh, uh, I would do a dachshund, I'd do a greyhound, those are weird fucking dogs, but I'd do, I'd do a
Starting point is 01:37:13 greyhound, I like a dachshund, but I need a dog, I need a guard dog, I need a dog that bites people, no, are you crazy, do you fucking hate me, has chick, a fucking Jack Russell, are you fucking hate me, Hazchick? A fucking Jack Russell? Are you fucking nuts? My God, you hate me. I thought we were good. What a dick move. Yeah, I'd do a dumbass lab, probably. Oh, I'd do a Ridgeback.
Starting point is 01:37:47 I really want it to be a biter it's good like the the boar bowl is amazing the boar bowl is amazing i'd do a pound dog i do a pit bull fuck no it's a low iq dog if it's for people who don't have enough stress in their life it's like people who get piercings that and then they get infected don't have enough stress in their life it's like people who get piercings that and then they get infected like they they want complications in their life don't get me started about pitbulls dumbass dog pitbulls are dumbass dogs and uh and stafford terriers are dumbass dogs i but i love my dog so much no shut the fuck up i so you got the only good one fine i'll let it pass oh yeah i know jack russells are gnarly dude hey three jack russell terriers could pretty much destroy anything i would love a weimer reiner except marv aren't those dogs retarded
Starting point is 01:38:42 like like one out of six is retarded. I would love that. I would love any hunting dog. I would love any hunting dog. I'd get a black lab just to prove I'm not racist for sure. I'd fuck with the Doberman. No pug. Jeez.
Starting point is 01:39:00 Some of you, I think, hate me just by your recommendations. A pug. Are you kidding me? I like your glasses. That is a trippy picture. Is that a real man you're next to or is that a wax figure? Are you the girl or the guy who's posting? What is that
Starting point is 01:39:19 phenomenon where people have their profile picture as their mate? That's so funny. Yeah, some sort of pointer, dude. All that. Oh, my God. Birchfield hates me, too. A Malin?
Starting point is 01:39:33 No. Chris, are you out of your mind? An Akita. Yeah. I'll take an Akita and a lawyer, please. An Akita. Fucking nuts. Let take an Akita and a lawyer, please. An Akita. Fucking nuts. Let's go back to watching this.
Starting point is 01:39:49 You guys are pissing me off. I feel like I thought you guys were my friends. Fucking Akita. Let me make sure I know my dogs. Hold on. Let me look up Akita. Make sure. That's the one with the blue tongue?
Starting point is 01:40:04 Oh, yeah. That thing the one with the blue tongue? Oh, yeah. That thing is a fucking killing machine, dude. Look at... Sorry, Joe Neils. Look at when you look up Akita, what it says. You type in Akita. Look at this thing. Bite force.
Starting point is 01:40:18 I've never seen that. Bite force? Oh, my God. Hey, dude. Jeff, the borble i have is the most amazing um guard dog ever look at this look at this look at this thing this guy is this guy is a savage but he doesn't but he doesn't bite he didn't like i mean he would bite you if you need to get bit. If you need to get bit up. But, uh, this dog is just, he's so great. I totally
Starting point is 01:40:52 get another one of these. He's such a savage. I got a little one, too. Probably like 130 pounds. Skinny. We keep her skinny. You can't really play with this dog it but I don't like Mastiff's really I don't like the body on a lot of Mastiff's because people make him fat yeah this is a cool dog the boar bull is great. And scary as shit. Scares the shit out of people. Yeah, you had two Mastiffs?
Starting point is 01:41:33 Yeah, they're cool. And as long as they're not like, when they get crazy, you gotta go indoor and just let them do their shit. Your Mastiff's 180? Yeah, you can't get bumped by that when it's doing that bucking shit and going crazy you get bumped and you're toast my wife my wife already christine get a dog like dave's with all your fucking cash my wife already took all my money took that shit right out of it Took that shit right out of him. Took that shit right out of him.
Starting point is 01:42:06 I want to tell you that she took it, but I told her, I'm like, hey, drain my account. She said, no problem. Done. Can't leave me with nothing. Fucking danger to myself. Okay, back to Joe. Joe. Joe.
Starting point is 01:42:18 We froze it on a good frame with some hot chick. Let's see what's going on over here with Joe. Joe Neals. But I do want a dog. Okay, here we go. So we're locked and loaded with some giveaways for the raffle. Business
Starting point is 01:42:33 cards. Got a popple. So where did you see him the other day? I saw him on Green Bay Road. And what was he doing? He was sure I was holding the sign. What did you think about that? I liked it, actually.
Starting point is 01:42:51 It was pretty good because you would be able to see it. He was really, really good. Joe just wants her to be like, I thought he had a great body. I wanted to give him a handy. That's all. Come on. Come on. Come on, girl. It was really enthusiastic. It kind of scared me because I just saw a camera and i was like i don't know where have you seen the previous episodes joe basically there's a there's a scene
Starting point is 01:43:13 where he's just out on the street shirtless holding up a sign being like get your ass into a crossfit gym and now the the the lady behind the camera's like what'd you think of joe when you saw him on the street joe wants her to say something nice about his body so bad where to look i don't know what it was going on then i saw him and then i saw you and i was like okay okay yeah okay you got it i like the way she moved her head there oh what do those earrings say about her uh-oh what was going on then i saw him and then i saw you and i was like okay oh i like the way she moves her head. You got it. It just sounds intimidating. One, two, three, four, five. She has one up top too, right?
Starting point is 01:43:50 I know. You'll try it. Yeah. Six. She got one in that little thing, that flappy thing. She has six holes in one ear, not including the one you're supposed to hear out of. You want to try it? And then we'll get a full recap of what you think. Okay.
Starting point is 01:44:03 Sweet. Okay. Awesome. Thank you. Of course. I appreciate it. How are you? Good. How. Sweet. Awesome. Thank you. Of course. I appreciate it. How are you? Good.
Starting point is 01:44:06 Yeah, well, there he goes. He just wrangled in one hot chick. Here's the thing. That's a chick who's really hot. She's going to get hotter when she does CrossFit, and she's going to realize how dumb it was she put those six holes in her ear. 100%. All that shit.
Starting point is 01:44:21 Are you kidding me? That chick was smoking. That chick's not butterface. How can you even tell she she got so much makeup on? Are you? Are you? I'm scared. Scared of what?
Starting point is 01:44:40 I'm not scared. Good. So we'll see you Monday? See you Monday. Monday? Monday. Monday, yes. Woo! High fives in there. Oh, shit. Good So we'll see you Monday Monday Oh shit Two more From Stacy yeah we're in there
Starting point is 01:44:53 Group talk classes give you that attention Accountability to make sure you feel like you can come back in And feel supported Look at that bicep on Joe He looks fucking swole. And he's got a kid over there with him for just like... Oh my God, what the fuck is in that chick's nose? Holy shit. Holy shit.
Starting point is 01:45:13 What is wrong with people? Hi. Yes, do you do piercings? Yes. Maybe you could put one right through here Can you do that? Right through here, this really sensitive spot right here Can you put a hole right here?
Starting point is 01:45:39 What the fuck is wrong with people? What the fuck is wrong with people? Okay, where were we? Dude. I'm chilling. Chill, Seve. Monday. Monday.
Starting point is 01:46:03 Awesome, Teddy. Oh, she's doing CrossFit. Just finished.Fit Dude these are like pretty women These are like really attractive women Who have gone out of their way to fuck their faces up Hey CrossFit will cure you of that shit All that shit How about those parents Who bring their daughters to Jiu Jitsu
Starting point is 01:46:19 And then put tape over their ears Are the earrings out when they do that Why don't you already take the earring out and then put tape over their ears. Are the earrings out when they do that? Why don't you already take the earring out? After the event, we're just finishing off with the raffles and giveaways. Another beautiful shot. Beautiful shot. For the different businesses that donated. Raffles does a really good job supporting their employees.
Starting point is 01:46:47 They actually cover half of their employee gym memberships. So a really good way for her, Stacey, as a business owner, to drive her employees to be active and a way that also incentivizes them to reduce the cost of being that member. So a super cool thing that they offer. So always good to kind of work with businesses that you may have members that own to find different ways that they can drive their own. Oh, I like that. I like that.
Starting point is 01:47:10 So he's working with a member's business already. I like that. Maybe have better lifestyles too. So trying to find those win-wins and those opportunities. So big success. Again, four or five people coming tomorrow morning. We'll have updates tomorrow and see if they show up. Genosha.
Starting point is 01:47:29 Team Ruffalo came in. Holy shit. Holy shit, dude. He got, Joe Neal's got five of those chicks that he met at the fucking Dog Pound to come.
Starting point is 01:47:47 What do you think? It was so great. I loved it. Every second of it. It was doable, right? Yeah, 100% doable. We went through, we scaled, we went through how we modify it, how to do it at your pace. All good, Vanessa?
Starting point is 01:48:02 It was great. Loved it. I like how everyone pushed themselves. It was great. We got our OGs. Stacy. I like competition. Oh, so the two chicks on the right were already crossers. Look how yoked the chick is on the right. She got the fucking kabam ass and the guns
Starting point is 01:48:18 and the arms. I like teamwork. I like teamwork. I like partner workouts. Here's a real question. Tomorrow? I guess we'll see you in the next video. Oh, this is so good.
Starting point is 01:48:36 Joe Neals, CrossFit Kenosha, week one results, 57 leads. 27 in-person, 30 business cards. Five in-person conversions conversions 10 scheduled visits i don't know what any of that fucking means but i think it sounds good i'm assuming affiliate owners get that that's affiliate owner talk crazy dude go joe go Joe that's the way you do it I wonder if I should walk around in Santa Cruz and be like
Starting point is 01:49:12 can you please watch my podcast at 7am every day clock doing the quick math for us I'll send this over to HQ right away. Dear Don, only 29,999,990 to go. The Sevan podcast, known for its mathematicians. Got to follow up with them every 30, 60, 90 days i oh oh you mean the ones that don't come in or the ones that do come in the ones that do come in fuck that they i don't want to suggest that
Starting point is 01:49:52 dude i can't even believe he has someone covering just this 30 day journey it's such a crazy amount of work this video project i feel bad planting that seed to him if you're talking about doing more video projects with the people he's already gotten. Let's just see if he can pull this off. This is crazy. 30 days. Barry McCock in her. I DM'd you info about the Chicago Bears fans. They don't like their starting QB.
Starting point is 01:50:19 Tyson's going to start soon. I don't think the fans get to vote on that do they i want to sell i want to i want i want to sell some uh uh sevan podcast god is good shirts God is good shirts The O in God Could be the Sevan podcast Logo Would that be sacrilege Maybe I better stick to the word good
Starting point is 01:50:54 Put it in there Really you guys think J Cole 808 Barry Sounds like the Bears will make a change soon They're getting blasted by all the talking heads on ESPN. And it – that influences – I don't think so. I think you guys are off the – you guys have done too much Instagram Rambler With the sideways carrot You guys are tripping fields
Starting point is 01:51:47 Will keep his job They're trying to get top picks Oh You're saying That they'll purposely shit the bed So that they can get it I don't do really Hmm I don't do really Hmm
Starting point is 01:52:08 Show up behind the scenes is never coming out. I Don't know Hiller has asked me today. Why don't we release the ones that are like almost done already? uh uh pool boy uh seven did you watch it i didn't watch it because um i i bought the uh the nfl pass on apple tv that was like 149 bucks or 99 bucks or so i can't remember and then it doesn't even let you watch the game there's some show like called the red zone you got to wait till like the dudes are within the 20 yard line or something someone told me before they go to your show so then someone said it was free on fox so i go over to fox and it's the dallas st louis game
Starting point is 01:53:00 even though it says it's the bears chiefs games game. So then someone says, hey, you got to get it on YouTube. So I go to YouTube and it's $72 a month on YouTube plus $349. So I got to pay $1,200 to watch Tyson play? It seems a little steep. Seems a little steep. But if he gets in and I didn't get it, I'm going to feel like a jackass. I already felt like a jackass last time he was on the show. I don't know what the fuck is going on.
Starting point is 01:53:41 Just watch it on a free stream. I'm sure I could deduct it. Business expense. You know who sent me this? Brandon. Brandon Waddell. I used to call him Brandon Waddell. He had to teach me how to say his name
Starting point is 01:54:18 Oh Here we go 12 daily doses Seve I can't wait to chat tomorrow Anytime buddy You ready to get schooled up again I've been in your head all day Why did you delete your Instagram daily doses. Sebi, I can't wait to chat tomorrow. Anytime, buddy. You ready to get schooled up again? I've been in your head all day. Why did you delete your Instagram? I didn't delete my Instagram.
Starting point is 01:54:32 Jackass. Ding dong. Douchebag. I tried to look back at our correspondence. All gone. Of course you tried to look. Dude, you're the only one who looks at our correspondence. How the fuck would I know if it's gone? I get off the show. Oh, here we go.
Starting point is 01:54:53 Hey. Hey. Hey. You think I deleted our correspondence? Do I think you deleted your correspondence? I don't know what you're talking about. This is a cool boy oh oh i'm ready i'm ready hey i tried to sit you with victoria campos dude i saw that that was uh that was really good but she's she's lesbian i actually
Starting point is 01:55:18 when i was in when i was at in orlando for the semi i talked to uh to Kyra Milligan and Angelo DiCicco about it. And they're like, yeah, sorry, she's a lesbian. Hey, hold on one second. 12 Daily Doses gets a Woody every time Stefan brings his comment of Kenneth DeLapp. So here's the thing. I'm acutely aware the thousands of you have told me that he's starved for attention. I get it. Thank you, though, kenneth you're right
Starting point is 01:55:45 so you think i should just leave him alone like not give him any attention it's kind of fun it adds to the to the um it adds to the to the whatever to the show hey i don't she's a lesbian what does that mean i mean she likes vagina she doesn't like penis. I don't think it means that. Does it? Let me Google that. What would I Google? Do lesbians like penis? Do lesbians like penis? Oh, here. Cora from January 30th, 2017. Can lesbians like penises? The first sentence is, of course, period. Oh, no. Oh, no. lesbians like penises of the first the first sentences of course period oh no oh no you're not gonna like the next two sentences at least i don't lesbians are exclusively or primarily
Starting point is 01:56:33 attracted to other women some women have penises oh shut the fuck up that's fucking wild i was i'm maybe you're right maybe you're right yeah maybe but're right. Yeah, maybe. But I'm calling to tell you that YouTube TV has an option where you don't have to buy the monthly subscription of YouTube TV plus the NFL. Okay, tell me how to do it. Yeah, so if you go back to the website, and I'm pretty sure it's like one of the really bottom options. Like if you scroll all the way down. youtube on youtube youtube tv yeah i wonder how i get to youtube tv youtube your channel history youtube t where is youtube movies or oh youtube tv okay okay i see it yeah and then just go find find it's called the nfl sunday ticket and they have a package where you can just buy the nfl sunday ticket and they have a package where
Starting point is 01:57:26 you can just buy the nfl sunday ticket and then you would watch you wouldn't watch the games on youtube tv you would watch it through your uh youtube app yes and you just go right but look it look at okay look at um uh that what i'm what i think and we're about to find out what's right, in order to get the NFL Sunday ticket. I know I'm right because I did it with my dad because my dad was all pissed because he has DirecTV and he was all pissed. He was like, oh, what the fuck am I going to do?
Starting point is 01:57:55 I don't want to pay for YouTube TV. I told him, I was like, oh no, you can just buy the NFL package alone on YouTube and that's exactly what we did. Okay, hold on. Here we go. YouTube is now the exclusive home of NFL Sunday ticket. I'm going to, Oh, Oh, I'm going to, uh, hold on. I'm going to, um, I'm going to explore some plans here. Here we go. Uh, I got, I hope like my credit card number doesn't pop up or something. Uh,
Starting point is 01:58:21 uh, uh, explore plans. explore plans okay NFL Sunday ticket plus YouTube TV NFL Sunday ticket plus NFL red zone NFL Sunday ticket on YouTube oh see there you go NFL Sunday ticket every out of market Sunday game okay
Starting point is 01:58:40 I don't get the YouTube oh interesting see there you go Okay. I don't get the YouTube. Oh, interesting. So there you go. I personally love NFL Red Zone. It's like, it's fucking amazing. So rather than sitting through potentially like a really shitty, awful game, like every fucking Bears game because they just get wiped out, it basically just switches through all the games
Starting point is 01:59:06 and you just see all the exciting shit. So basically it ends up being $449 for the year. Yeah, just put that on the Sleep Aid account or the California Hormones account. You're good. Good. I'm telling you all seriousness. Like I know you don't follow football too much,
Starting point is 01:59:29 but Justin Fields is just not, he's just not the guy like you watch him play. He did. He plays like a deer in the headlights. He holds onto the ball too long. He cannot read the field. It's three more weeks. Tyson's going to,
Starting point is 01:59:43 is going to, is going to be the starter. And you're, you're going to be the starter, and you're going to be upset that you don't have it. And not even that, he's got a risk of injury because of how he plays. He's a runner. He gets sacked a lot, and he could potentially just get injured, and boom, Tyson comes in.
Starting point is 02:00:02 So I heard you. I'm still looking at the other plans. NFL Sunday ticket plus YouTube TV. It's so crazy. It requires an active... It's so funny. The ones that are under $500, they tell you the total. The ones that are over $1,000, they don't tell you the total. They just got it.
Starting point is 02:00:16 It says requires active YouTube TV base plan priced at $73 a month. Yeah, you don't need that. You don't need a YouTube. Yeah. No, I don't do it. You don't need a YouTube. Yeah. No, I don't do it. I don't watch TV anymore. I just stream everything. All right.
Starting point is 02:00:34 All right, there you go. I just wanted to help you out with that. Okay, cool. You think I should get it right now? Just get it? Quit being a pussy? Well, what do you do on Sundays after the show? I mean, I'd like to at least like be able to turn it on like i have tvs in every fucking room in my house i'd
Starting point is 02:00:52 like to be able to turn it on so like when tyson comes on the show i don't sound like a fucking ding dong like i did last week yeah there you go and then even better like i said just once i don't know if you fully understand the concept of that red zone channel but i'm sure like everyone everyone told me that and i saw i saw it too i personally like i just want to see tyson play i don't care if he gets sacked or fucking runs i just want to be like dude i saw that play on the act like but i mean you're not you're not going to see you're not going to see tyson play unless unless fields gets hurt or he gets or he gets back well definitely not going to see him on the red zone unless he gets within the 20. Not necessarily.
Starting point is 02:01:29 That would be such an exciting thing. But that's only inside the 20-yard line that you get to see that shit, right? No, no, that's not completely accurate. No, it's not completely accurate. Because if there's no team in the 20-yard line, are you just going to stare at a blank screen? No, they play all the exciting shit that happens. And then, like, seriously, it feels... So if someone got sacked in the 20 yard line. You're just going to stare at a blank screen. No, they, they, they play all the exciting shit that happens. And then like,
Starting point is 02:01:46 like seriously, if someone got sacked in the end zone, if someone got a, what's that called? The safety, they'd show that. Yeah. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 02:01:53 100%. Oh, okay. Shit. Yeah. And if literally the guy who hosts the red zone show goes, Oh, Justin Fields just got benched.
Starting point is 02:02:00 Here comes Tyson Bajan. Like that's big. They're going to switch it over, over to that. Or you, now that you own Sunday ticket can be like oh fuck Tyson's in Cool thanks for telling me I'm gonna switch it over to the Bears game
Starting point is 02:02:11 Well so many all you fuckers DM Me and text me like maniacs on Sunday I love It I don't I I partly Like it and I partly feel like an Asshole everyone's DM me oh fuck Tyson's coming in oh my God it's 35-0 it's 40- fuck Tyson's coming in Oh my god it's 35-0 It's 40-0
Starting point is 02:02:26 Yeah it's bad man I don't know if you follow the media market in Chicago But they're not They're not as bad as New York But yeah they're gonna want Tyson You know what I heard about Chicago I heard Chicago is the biggest market in the country With only one football team
Starting point is 02:02:43 Like basically LA and New York gotta split their time between two teams. Dude, I don't even know why LA has a fucking team. If you ever watch... Who is their team? Are the Raiders down there? No, the Raiders are in Vegas. LA has the Rams and the Chargers
Starting point is 02:03:00 and I feel so bad. The Chargers ended up in LA? Yeah, I feel so bad for the Chargers ended up in LA. Jeez. Yeah. Yeah. I feel so bad for the Chargers because I don't really give a flock about them, but I'm a, I'm a huge San Francisco fan and the Rams are,
Starting point is 02:03:12 are one of our rivals. And I kid you not savvy. Every time we go to play them at LA, it's, it's almost like it's our vacation home down in South. It's just red all over. over they they have no fan base look up look up videos of their super bowl parade there's like literally three people there hey that that's like um i used to go to greg had a box at padre's stadium we used to go to padre's games
Starting point is 02:03:40 and it's just there's no padreres fans. It's just you guys. We weren't even Padres fans. Whoever they were playing, no matter who they were playing in the country, they had more fans there. It was ridiculous. The Lakers own that market. I don't know why they thought. I mean, the stadium is fucking
Starting point is 02:03:59 amazing. It's a new stadium they built there, but yeah, Lakers own that market. Don't know why they have football teams there. It's it's, they suck. Damn. All right. Well,
Starting point is 02:04:10 thank you. Keep me posted. You keep educating me on, on sports and football. Oh, always will love it. All right. Love you,
Starting point is 02:04:17 buddy. See you. Love you too. Bye. Okay. Uh, Mary Heffernan tomorrow. Great show. Gimo heroes. Yeah. I think I'm Heffernan tomorrow. Great show.
Starting point is 02:04:25 Gui Malheros. Yeah, I think I'm pretty cool that he came on this show. Pretty cool. I don't know what the fuck Pedro's thinking. Trying to get him on. Pedro's been busy. Should we go see what the fuck Pedro's doing? I'm kind of addicted to the Joe Neal show now.
Starting point is 02:04:44 Especially if he keeps them short coffee pods and wads hey I should see who he's having on and just poach them try to schedule them like the day before every single person
Starting point is 02:04:58 just been doing that all along coffee pods what the fuck is going on here videos live She's been doing that all along. Coffee pods. What the fuck is going on here? Videos. Live. Okay. He's got Yami Tinkin on coming on on October 11th.
Starting point is 02:05:18 Oh, Alexis Raptus. What the fuck is going on there? Let me see if we can poach her. She definitely needs to get poached. Let's see what's going on. Let me see if we can poach her. She definitely needs to get poached. Let's see what's going on. Let me see. Talk to Sousa real quick. We had her poached. What happened? I mean, not poached.
Starting point is 02:05:33 We had her coming on. I wonder what happened. We've had her on a bunch. She comes on in two days. Okay. So let's just... God. And this guy, Carl, Bjorkman, Carl Goodmanson, he's impossible to get on. Who's going to get him?
Starting point is 02:05:56 Dude, these numbers are crazy. Nick Johnson, Shane Moore. 5,000 views already. My God. You reached Matt. 5,000 views already my god Fuck you Susan no wonder Pedro is beating us All right, I'm gonna sleep well tonight oh Phones too loud. Oh, sorry. Sorry. How about this? Let me try again. Let me try again. Sorry.
Starting point is 02:06:25 Thank you, Will. Thank you, Will. Hold on, let me try. I had the volume. Let me just try one more time. Let's see, tell me if it's better. How's that, better? I think I should lower it even more, like that.
Starting point is 02:06:35 I'm here for the daily SUSE calls. Better? Power calling SUSE now. That's better. Oh, yeah, I turned it full blast for a second I fuck with Will Oh thank you Feedback from a listener who gives a shit
Starting point is 02:06:58 You reached Matt I'll be back here as soon as I can Thanks have a great day Check in on the morning Chalk up and kettlebells and cocktails That can't go good Jeremy Sounds like Sousa has a plan B
Starting point is 02:07:21 I'll see you guys in 11 hours Love you guys bye bye

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