The Sevan Podcast - Haley Adams | Star Wars, Documentaries, Plotting the COMEBACK

Episode Date: March 9, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. Yeah. Is that better? I don't want to be a dick, but if I find out Colton plays video games,
Starting point is 00:00:38 I'm going to be a little disappointed. He probably plays Farm Simulator, honestly. Or Go Simulator. Okay. Go Simulator is Farm Simulator, honestly. Or Goat Simulator. Okay. Goat Simulator is kind of fun, though. I've heard that. I've never played it. You just run around and
Starting point is 00:00:55 scream at things. Like, kick around other goats. Holy shit, my fucking mic is loud. Hi, Hayley. Hey. What's up, girl? What's up? Holy shit, my fucking mic is loud. Hi, Haley. Hey. What's up, girl? What's up?
Starting point is 00:01:10 Look at you. Oh, hey, could you turn your phone this way, or is it already propped up this way? Dang. Oh, oh, because it's locked. Oh, because it's locked. Yeah. Okay. Wait, I can unlock it.
Starting point is 00:01:22 Dang, mad skills. I would have no idea how to do that. Awesome. There you go. Hey. There no idea how to do that. Awesome. There you go. Hey. There's a little widget on that pull-down menu, dude. Hey, Hillary. No, you're in.
Starting point is 00:01:35 You're dead centered. You're perfect. Okay. Andrew, where are you? I'm on a plane. I'm hanging out with all my buddies. It sounds like it should. Where are you going?
Starting point is 00:01:48 The Superbowl? Oh, no, it's like a fricking computer. I got a hot puddle down here. Oh, where are you going? I'm coming to hang out with you.
Starting point is 00:02:01 Arizona. Broken science. Good, good, good, good, good. Hey, I'm going to mute. Can you mute yourself when you're not on? Cause it's, it's, it's, hang out with you in arizona broken science good good good good good hey i'm gonna mute
Starting point is 00:02:06 can you mute yourself when you're not on because it's it's it's uh hey what's up girl where are you at what's up i'm just just a little bike workout and yeah i'm just chilling where are you my house in in what state virginia uh uh okay okay uh hold on a second we already have a bizarre question hayley would you rather have an unshaveable beard or a sausage for thumbs careful i know what the right answer is i don't know i don't know hey you want the sausage a sausage thumbs yeah you don't want a beard, you want the sausage? Sausage thumbs. You don't want a beard. It's a pain in the ass. Like an actual sausage or sausage thumbs?
Starting point is 00:02:50 That you get to choose. Okay, then just sausage thumbs. Not actual sausage. Hey, that's not cool. She does have sausage thumbs. That wasn't nice. Oh. I have no idea if you have sausage thumbs. I don't either.
Starting point is 00:03:05 Hey, how did you and Andrew meet? Uh, I don't know. How did we meet? Um, okay. Your eyes are cut off.
Starting point is 00:03:19 Yeah. Now my, my internet's kind of shit. Now, did you ask how we met? Yeah. Uh, I don't really know. I don't remember.
Starting point is 00:03:28 Have you ever seen Andrew in person? Snapchat. I remember I was at SoFi, and we were talking at Snapchat, because you're like, are you looking at that CrossFitter who plays football? And I said, yeah, I'm looking at that. I'm here watching Tyson play at the Chargers game. And you're like, is that that guy who goes crossfit and plays football? Oh, that's right.
Starting point is 00:03:49 That's right. Because I can't see people if I don't add them back. And I saw you replied to my story so that I had added you back. That's right. And then you guys just started chatting through there? That's how you got to know him yeah and then at some point he says hey does one of you say hey can we text this is too much on snapchat and we started talking about plans to um you know do the whole video well dude
Starting point is 00:04:18 the weirdest thing is how much she talks on snapchat it's like a text messaging app for her it is and i realized the age gap there where i'm i'm 32 and you're 23 right yeah and then i was like do you people just talk like this on snapchat well now i'm on snapchat all the time it's not it's like it's like a platform now and everyone's on it so is it having a resurgence is snapchat having a resurgence or is it always you can get if you get on the snaps uh the snapchat program you literally get paid for views oh okay that's yeah yeah so i'm like i'm on it all the time anyway so i'm like on that program now and i just post random things all day hey um is it like instagram where where it's easy to lose conversations or no?
Starting point is 00:05:07 It's better once you start talking to someone. I only talk to people I know on Snapchat. There's a bunch of random people that follow me, obviously, but I only talk to my friends. I have streaks on there. Yeah, so just my friends. Okay, and I'm guessing those streaks are just, those are for those of us who didn't know, I just learned this. Those are concurrent days. You've talked to people. Yeah. So you have to send a, um, a streak back and forth every day.
Starting point is 00:05:34 So a Snapchat there and they'd send you one, you have to open it and send them one. What's your longest streak? Like 27 or 2800. It doesn't have to be a photo. Does it have to be a photo? Yeah, it has to be a photo. Okay. And so when you chat with Andrew on there, he doesn't get lost in a big pile.
Starting point is 00:05:52 It's basically like Instagram has two lists. You have some sort of list for people that like, who are your friends. Right. Right. And I don't add people back that I don't know. So. And Andrew,
Starting point is 00:06:02 when you started communicating with her on Snapchat, how long did you know that you wanted to do a video with her before you actually popped the question probably two or three weeks into it no shit because it was a courtship process you were you were trying to like build up the courage to ask her. There's a bit of... I'm sorry. This person's making an announcement. I was wondering whether or not she'd be cool with it the whole time. I probably got two or three weeks in. I figured maybe I could ask.
Starting point is 00:06:38 At that point, she's like, yeah, sure. That'd be cool. I'm like, oh, sweet. Had you thought of that at all,ley on yourself like oh maybe this dude will come out and make a video with me um no no yeah and i would think it was gonna end up like that no i i feel like i'm pretty uh you know fly under the radar pretty chill i don't like you know controversy so i did not think that I would be making a video with him. You thought you were going to get no reps for an hour, huh?
Starting point is 00:07:09 Yeah. And, um, when you talked to him, did you, I'm assuming you knew who he was just from the CrossFit space and the videos, and maybe you'd seen a video of his. No, I, yeah, I've, I've definitely, uh, seen him in the CrossFit. Hey, and was any part of you weary of the communication like what do you mean like guarded was any part of you guarded i mean maybe a little at first i'm like is this guy gonna like make some kind of crazy story on
Starting point is 00:07:39 me or something or you only said that like two or three times it was like two or three times you're like hey you better not be going out and like telling everybody everything and i'm just like i'm not trying to make anything look bad and if anyone was weary it would be i think i kept on saying hey dude if this isn't cool just let me know yeah no it was fine i was just like is he gonna like make some big video on here or something or make drama that was at first but i mean i don't blame you for that i mean that's what he does he makes videos about people they're not you know um bad or good he just makes videos about people and now here you are talking to him and obviously he has an interest in you because you're an athlete and that's what he does he makes contents about athletes and then and then what did he and then were you guys texting by the time he said to you hey can i come out and uh make
Starting point is 00:08:29 a video with you yeah um because he was going to be like uh in west virginia so which isn't far from here um so the idea had come up um and we just started talking about that and then you saying is like texting to her i don't think it's any more or less important than snapchat texting no i am way faster to answer snapchat than i am messages it was a weird thing that i had to figure out as somebody who's 10 years older it's like there's no more importance to a text or a phone call via a Snapchat text. It's weird. How do you guys communicate now? Do you guys communicate Snapchat or on text?
Starting point is 00:09:13 Oh, just text. Okay. And, and, and text is text for you. Second tier, like for text to me,
Starting point is 00:09:20 text to me is first year. And then Instagram is like fifth year. I mean, I, I just check snapchat a lot so i i feel like i am easy to leave people on red on my text messages because i forget but obviously i have a lot of older friends so they like to text so i have to remember to answer do you and mal um text at all or do you guys only Snapchat? Only Snapchat. Yeah, we Snapchat.
Starting point is 00:09:47 So if you went to your text messages with Mal, there might not be one in the last month. No. Wow. Yeah, I talk to all of my friends that are my age on Snapchat. And what about your parents? Snapchat my mom. Oh, that's awesome.
Starting point is 00:10:04 Wow. Yeah, we talk on Snapchatchat so if you want to see your daughter get on snapchat actually she knows if she needs something important just snapchat me uh the real kevin uh seven you are a senior citizen though it's different okay i can't even figure out snapchat a few years ago i downloaded it i tried to learn it and i couldn't learn it so i took it off you're probably too old for snapchat yeah i don't have the mental acuity to uh to figure you think you could teach someone how to use snapchat yeah but you have to want to use it you know like dude i feel like you would like it i think i think it's a little bit more simple
Starting point is 00:10:41 no i think you should stay off. It's a dick thing. Oh, I left my coffee up there on the fridge. Thank you. Okay, so then he says to you, hey, I'm coming out. And does he tell you kind of what the premise of the video is going to be about or what he plans to look like at the end? Do you have any idea that it's going to be the kind of piece it is? Or do you think it's just going to be like a workout vlog?
Starting point is 00:11:07 Like, did you have any idea it was going to be so intimate? I thought it was going to just be like a day in the life. If I'm being honest, you know, just follow me around, train, like all that stuff. And then he's like, okay, well, I'll do this interview. And he starts asking these like deep questions and everyone's crying. And I'm like, what just happened? Like, I thought it was just gonna be
Starting point is 00:11:25 you know training and whatever but it actually ended up being like my whole story the last year which honestly it was really cool because I was not expecting that so when I saw it I was like dude hey you have these two people in your life uh Josh and hayley right and in the video they come off as a i wouldn't say parental figures but they seem like they love you a lot and that they care about you did they have any concerns about andrew coming out and spending a couple days with you did they say anything to you no they uh they thought it would be a good idea and you know just to kind of get some content out there and they had met him before so they knew he wasn't, like, bad or anything. They actually at one point made a response video to my Tia Toomey video way back when.
Starting point is 00:12:13 And I don't know what won them over at what point, but I met them at Crash, and we were cool after Crash. Yeah. Yeah, Hiller made a video making fun of uh your beloved um uh coach um hayley right did he oh yeah but she laughs about it she's the best she just laughs it off yeah she just leaned into it okay it looks i wonder if and i wonder if andrew was just told to get off his phone oh i thought are you going to the bathroom andrew i heard taylor swift playing gotta get up to the middle seat no oh no i got the end seat some people are coming on in
Starting point is 00:12:51 awesome i had to get up so they could get in so so he he comes out there and he films with you for a couple days and did you enjoy it did you enjoy the the was there any friendship or companionship or anything any fun that you had during doing it actually that was probably one of the best videos or me being on camera ever because i just felt like for once in my life that was the most authentic self version of me that people had never seen before um i wasn't like shy or reserved I genuinely was just being myself throughout the whole video I think it was really cool that people got to see that version of myself uh because people haven't um and just being comfortable with someone and you know he's funny and yeah it definitely
Starting point is 00:13:37 brought out the real version of me was it working with Andrew or was it the timing or was it both what why do you why do you think that, um, those two days worked out so well for you? I mean, I feel like the last year I've just kind of grown into who I am and I don't really care to like put on an act or, you know,
Starting point is 00:13:55 act a certain way. And, um, but yeah, and also just being comfortable with someone and being around Josh and Haley and yeah, just being friends. Would you say it was, um, this is the way I think I think
Starting point is 00:14:07 of it as less of an act that you weren't acting but maybe you were just pushing stuff down you were holding back and that was kind of exhausting for you to hold back so much yeah and it's like I came into the spotlight when I was like 15 so I was like the shy innocent little girl so I feel like I just kind of had to hold that you know but now I feel like I can show my personality more and just be real and what about your agent who's your agent
Starting point is 00:14:36 Bijan and was he like Haley have you lost your mind stay away from this Andrew Hiller guy I thought he was going to say that when I was talking to him about it. He was like, no, like, you should absolutely do that. I was like, what? He was like, absolutely.
Starting point is 00:14:51 I kept checking in on that, too. I was like, is he cool with it? Yeah, no. And then I would send him clips from the videos and stuff, and he was like, he's hired. Oh, awesome. Yeah, yeah. So he really liked it andrew why do you think bijan um uh trusted uh you with a camera around hayley what about um i don't want to say you make mean pieces but you
Starting point is 00:15:20 make pieces that are very honest and sometimes show sides of people that maybe, um, I don't know that people have gotten very defensive to what, what, why do you think Bijan thought it was okay to have you come there and spend two days with his athlete? I mean, cause he's trying to protect her brand, right?
Starting point is 00:15:39 Okay, good. Excellent. Perfect. Okay. I wonder if they're, if they're taxiing now. Caleb, do you know what happened? Internet probably cut out
Starting point is 00:15:51 because I think once they start boarding or they close the door, they switch over to the internet. That's Bijan up in the upper left? Yes. And then who's the guy behind you in the right? That is Jarrett from First form oh okay okay yeah i wonder if i can kick off the other andrew why do you think bijan why do you
Starting point is 00:16:17 think bijan um uh knew it was the right call to have you come out there it was the right call to have you come out there. Okay. Fantastic. We're on the seat of our pants waiting for this answer. Go ahead. Andrew, did you hear the question? All right. It looks like that plane has a sunroof. It looks like that plane has a sunroof.
Starting point is 00:16:46 It looks like that plane has a sunroof. It's a brand new plane. It's a cool plane. It was a question involving Bijan. Yeah, why do you think Bijan was okay with you coming out to hang with Haley? I think it would be insane to assume that he would be allowed to hang out with somebody like Haley and do anything other than try to make them look as good as possible I think he's smart and I don't know I haven't really spoken to him at all other than like an over-the-shoulder FaceTime but he seems cool okay so you didn't talk you didn't talk to him first you didn't go through him you went straight
Starting point is 00:17:22 to Haley hey hayley what is the protocol on that should be do people usually schedule um interviews with you or do they go through the um your agent or what what's the protocol on that um it's a little bit of both so if i know the person they'll just message me but if i don't really know the person and they know who my agent is um they'll just reach out to him. So you shoot with Andrew for two days. You know that there are some intimate moments on there as he says goodbye to you and drives off. Are you, do you start like racking your brain thinking of all the things that you're like, Oh shit, did I say this? Did I say that? Did you have any fear? No, cause I didn't say anything wrong.
Starting point is 00:18:09 you have any fear no because i didn't say anything wrong and but but but you but you put yourself out there i know you didn't say anything wrong but you put yourself out there when you put your and you know that no matter what people are going to judge you on the internet did you think for at any time oh i'm not i'm not really ready for this um i was definitely curious to see what the response was going to be just like with us teaming up for the video i think that was more of like oh gosh what's going to happen um but it was from what i could tell it was like nothing but good responses and i mean of course there's a few bad comments but i guess that was the only thing the responses are crazy good for youtube if half the comments are good on youtube you know you did something good it's like it's like 800 how many comments does that video have now it's like 800 comments
Starting point is 00:18:50 and like the bad ones are like hey andrew you should have uh filmed her from the other side or andrew i can't hear her voice i mean they're not even bad comments it's crazy so that was cool yes it's absolutely insane 157 000 views 754 comments um did you expect it to be like this to get such an outpouring of uh love and and you know kind of admiration for you i mean i i knew it would do well especially if he put all the clips in there like talking and being real and emotional and i didn't know what Josh and Haley said and I'm sure they did the same thing so I knew that I would definitely get you know a positive engagement but I didn't know how how much did you watch it right away and what was your first when you did if you did watch it what was
Starting point is 00:19:40 your first response to it I don't like watching myself so i just like skimmed through it just to kind of get the you know the gist of it but i could tell it was good and and have you have you watched it or have you so you still haven't watched the whole thing i can't watch all of it no i don't like watching myself uh and did your mom watch it uh probably yeah um she hasn't she hasn't said anything to you you haven't talked to her about it i mean i i didn't like tell her about it but i'm sure she saw it what about any of your friends did mal watch it uh i don't know if she watched it okay so for you it's just another piece of media out there and you're you have your head down and you're focused on um on training yeah i mean i just it's another opportunity to like share your story and you know get people to know you better
Starting point is 00:20:32 and i think my favorite part about the whole piece again was just that was my real self that was my real personality and i saw those comments a lot as well um because that's just who i am and my agent is always on me like just be yourself like you know people want to see who you are and this and that so I that was the first time I feel like that was that was me um and and that was easy to do around Andrew yeah I feel like I've just spent so much time in the last year just figuring out who I am and just being myself and it was it was definitely a lot easier than it has been would you work with Andrew again yeah yeah you let him come out there again yeah um uh Andrew are you surprised at at um
Starting point is 00:21:19 when you went out there what did you expect Did you expect Haley to give it up? I have a feeling I might be completely useless for responding at the moment. Hey, what did you think when you went out there? Did you think Haley was going to give it up? Was it easy or did you have to work hard? It looks like Haley just gave it up, but did you have to work hard? Was she tough at first? Did you have to crack her? What was my thought going out there did i think it'd be easy yeah yeah did
Starting point is 00:21:51 was it work getting her yeah was it work or and what did you think did you get what you expected uh no it wasn't work it was just i mean i ran the camera for two days straight the best parts I ran the camera for two days straight. The best parts. Ah, ah, okay. Ah,
Starting point is 00:22:12 it wasn't hard. It was just fun. Oh, oh, Hey, it's good. Fantastic. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:22:20 Clip that. That'll make a great reel. Um, uh, Haley, I think what a lot of people liked is that you were two characters in the community that no one expected ever to come together let alone be such an intimate piece you know what i mean yeah they didn't expect you to be working with andrew and they didn't expect you and andrew to have like that kind of connection right yeah that's it okay fine okay well i was
Starting point is 00:22:49 just gonna say it's like in a way i feel like it was kind of like a bridge right like he has a lot of you know negative pieces which some i definitely don't agree with but also just my side of things like maybe if we could just like bridge together a little bit and like find a medium ground for everyone, you know what I mean? Yeah. Hey, he's not so bad. And I mean, obviously he still does things, but you know, but yeah, that, I thought that was kind of cool because it just was what no one expected. Hey, did you talk to him about that at all did you ever
Starting point is 00:23:25 did you ask him some questions were you ever like andrew let me ask you some questions is it really necessary to do xyz like did you ever ask him did you ever try yeah in a way a little bit i feel like i opened his eyes to some things um you know about like making comments about people are just, you know, thinking before you speak a little bit, and maybe, maybe not, maybe that's just me, but, yeah, and I made sure in the video there were a few points that I wanted to make of things that I do not agree with that he's done, just for my sake and my brand, and he totally put that in, just, like, you know, know commenting people's bodies like those videos definitely don't agree with those um but he put stuff like that in the video which i appreciated
Starting point is 00:24:10 um so he's open here in the other way yeah uh where where are you in your um in your training you're doing the open and you're in your cruising along and how happy are you with where you're doing the open and you're in you're cruising along and how happy are you with where you're at and what you're doing are you enjoying the process yeah I I love where I'm at right now I love the gym I love the people I'm around training's going really well I feel like we're on um the right pace for things uh I can't complain I'm I'm doing really well and are do Haley and Josh come out to that gym regularly, or are they still rooted? They live here. Oh, they do?
Starting point is 00:24:49 She lives here. He has to travel back and forth to Atlanta for a job, but she's always here, and then he's here when he can be. Wow. Okay. And do you see her every day? Yep, every day. And she is a – from the video, it looks like she's a training partner and a coach. Yeah. She's both. She wears both hats and a mom who has a baby there.
Starting point is 00:25:14 But she's there with me every day and she's fit. Very fit. Eight times semifinals athlete, regional athlete. Yeah. Yeah. That's wild. semi-finals uh athlete regional athlete yeah yeah that's why he's done well yeah she's been in the sport for a while so her knowledge and stuff is really helpful and she's just great she's a good person when you when you go to if you go to the games this year when you go to the games this year um who who will get your coaches pass i don't know which one of them will get it that's for them to figure out but it is but it is just
Starting point is 00:25:46 one of them yeah unless we somehow can get both of them in but that's for them to figure out what about the the the the clearly the friends that you had over at mayhem in that scene do you miss any of that scene do you miss walking in and looking at Guy and being like, okay, I'm going to put this dude's dick in the dirt today? Do you miss seeing Tasia? How's that going? Yeah, I definitely miss my friends there. I was there for five years,
Starting point is 00:26:17 so I made a lot of really cool friends and got to see them literally every day. So I definitely miss that part of my life and I'm still friends with them. Yeah, just good people. But I'm really happy with where I'm at. But I do miss them. And are they super pumped for you also?
Starting point is 00:26:35 I assume that they are very excited for you, that you're part of the family, and that they're excited that you're killing it. Yeah. I feel like anyone who's been in my life the last few years just wants me to be happy. So whatever that looks like, I'm sure they're happy for me. Hey, what about, um, did you ever think about going team for a year? Like doing that? Like, Hey, I want to stay fit. I want to stay in the scene. Maybe I'll do team and to, as sort of a
Starting point is 00:27:02 reprieve. I don't enjoy team what what don't you enjoy about it i just i want to rely on myself like i don't want to have to i mean i've trained with you know the man freedom team all 2019 it is stressful like because i feel like back then i was kind of the one slowing them down because i was training in china spot so every day i was just stressed like oh gosh don't slow them down like i just don in China spot. So every day I was just stressed like, oh gosh, don't slow them down. Like, I just don't want to feel like that. If I'm doing good, great. Let's, I don't want to have to wait on anyone. If I'm doing bad, let me just, let me sit here by myself. I don't want anyone to be upset with me or I just like being by myself.
Starting point is 00:27:40 Yeah. Um, you said already this morning, uh, I arizona at 7 27 so for you it's 9 27 right now it's 10 27 oh 10 27 okay yeah and what have you done already this morning when you said um i woke up had some breakfast and coffee took leo out and then did a biker workout um and that's about it and is that how the morning normally starts it's something it's a metcon of some sort something well i'm usually at the gym i did it here in my house because it's thursday um but usually we go to the gym from like 9 to 12 ish and how far is that from your house like 10 minutes okay so easy yeah super easy and um and then what will you do next is today going to be a typical day um let's see after this i'm gonna go get my hair done i have to do some shopping i'm going to a olivia rodrigo concert this weekend so
Starting point is 00:28:40 gotta go get an outfit for that probably Probably go to the chiropractor, watch Star Wars. That's about it. Damn, that's a full day. No more training? No, Thursdays are active recovery day. Oh, interesting. Okay.
Starting point is 00:28:56 If it was up to me, I would be going more. What concert are you going to? Olivia Rodrigo. I don't know who that is, but I'm sure she's great. It's a girl? She's the best, yes.
Starting point is 00:29:08 And who are you going with? Are you going with a boyfriend? No, I'm going with my friends. Do you have a boyfriend? No. Do you have a harem? Do you have like three or four boyfriends? Do you have like a stable of gentlemen?
Starting point is 00:29:24 What in the world? I'm just checking. I'm trying to cover all the bases. When I was your age, I had a stable of girlfriends. That's great for you. Yeah, it was awesome. You're one of those. Yeah, definitely. So you're single right now?
Starting point is 00:29:38 Sure. Wow, okay, okay. Single, I'm going to write this down, sure. Sure. Okay. Okay. Single. I'm going to write this down. Sure. Sure. Okay. I liked it in your, I really enjoyed your Snapchat video because it taught me kind of some lingo. Someone said, how does someone shoot their shot with you? Or someone said, and I didn't even, I didn't, I was like, wow, that's, that's some like, I didn't know how to speak that kind of English.
Starting point is 00:30:04 Shoot your shot. Shoot your shot? Shoot your shot, yeah. That's so easy to understand. I know, I know. And I was so impressed that I understood it. I was crazy impressed that I understood it. Seve's girls were homeless. So what?
Starting point is 00:30:25 These comments are funny. Miss Deepit, she's girls were homeless. So what? Bro, these comments are funny. Miss D-Fit, she's enjoying her youth. But not if she doesn't have any boyfriends. She's not. She's probably better off without. Boys are shitty these days. Yeah, I know. Boys are fun.
Starting point is 00:30:50 What is the... Could you tell me the main distinction between your training now and your training uh five years ago or in your previous five years is there something that stands out to you i feel like it's just a lot more structured and has like meaning behind it instead of just doing like a bunch of random things um and obviously priorities prioritizing things that i need to do more of um and just like even just having a structured warm-up cool-down thing so yeah i just want to you know structure and and so by that you mean they're uh josh and Haley do an assessment of Haley Adams, and then they look at it and they say, okay, these are the spots that we think we should work on. What do you think, Haley? And you say, yeah. And then the training is more tailored to improving those things.
Starting point is 00:31:36 Yeah. I just trust them now. I don't second guess anything. I don't do extra stuff. I just trust what they tell me to do and yeah are you seeing results yeah i've definitely gotten stronger um and i just feel better my body doesn't feel so beat down from just doing trash volume um yeah a trash volume that's another trash volume hey it has any of your so when i if I close my eyes and I think Haley Adams, the first thing I see is I see that workout where, um, the one where you guys were running back and forth on the field and you had to go shoulder to overhead.
Starting point is 00:32:18 Yeah. And it was at the games and your running was absolutely amazing. Did you win that workout? Yeah. Yeah, I mean, you looked fucking incredible. You looked like some animal out in the savannah. I mean, you were running like, it was beautiful running. It was one of the most enjoyable workouts I've ever watched, actually. Oh, thank you. Yeah, you were amazing.
Starting point is 00:32:38 Do you still have that capacity with, like, are you losing any of that running capacity or capability um i definitely haven't run since you don't do trash volume anymore i i just don't run as much right now at this time of the season but i'm i feel like i'm naturally just kind of good at running so if i just started to do more running workouts it would come back pretty fast okay so it's something if you need it's something that we you may tune up at the very end as you prep to go to the games. Right. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:11 Do you miss the trash volume at all? Sometimes because it just kind of numbs your head. But I feel like that's for other reasons, which are not good. So no. Gotcha. So the therapeutic component or the escapism component, you don't get so much in your training anymore. You're dealing with that stuff just like, yeah, well, I don't feel like I have to escape anything now. So I just,
Starting point is 00:33:35 you know, come home and enjoy my evening and yeah. Are you in therapy? Do you see a therapist? Not right now. No, I'm good right now. Wad Zombie, would she date a backup NFL quarterback? That's a weird question. That's such a weird question. There's a lot of backups out there. Do you have any issues with dating
Starting point is 00:33:57 quarterbacks in the NFL? Do I have an issue? Yeah. Is that like a no? Like some people wouldn't date a gangbanger. Does that give you the ick? Is that an ick? Is that talk?
Starting point is 00:34:11 There you go. You learned another one, Savon. Yeah, there you go. Backup NFL quarterback. Give me the ick. Why is that an ick? He's asking if it is an ick. Why would that be an ick?
Starting point is 00:34:23 Because they're in the NFL. I don't know. They're maybe like a little snooty, a little like pretentious maybe. Or they're just dumb. I don't know. I mean, you can't judge a book by its cover. Oh, good. Look at you.
Starting point is 00:34:37 All right. All right. You are first Andrew Hiller, now quarterbacks in the NFL. I don't even know what this means. What's this mean? Bessette lash lift kit for my four-year-old. What's that? I don't know know what this means. What's this mean? Bassett lash lift kit for my four-year-old. What's that? I don't know what that is.
Starting point is 00:34:51 All right. Bassett lash lift kit. How about that? How was that? I know Andrew was trying to get you and Tyson Bajent, the backup quarterback for the Chicago Bears, to train together. Did you guys ever train together? No.
Starting point is 00:35:08 Why is that? Why couldn't Andrew pull that off? Well, I was going to go and then I just, last minute, I was like, I think I'll just stay home. It was too last minute. I just, next time. Next time, huh? Look at you. There. I just next time. And next time,
Starting point is 00:35:25 huh? Look at you. There'll be a next time. Oh, no, I'm had, did you, did you end up,
Starting point is 00:35:30 um, um, me, did you ever meeting Tyson, uh, or talk to him? I've never met him in person, but do you talk to him?
Starting point is 00:35:38 Bro, you can just, you can say pass, pass. It's like, it's like, it like it's like jeopardy pass what are we talking about just you hayley hey people have questions people want to know stuff people are interested uh you'll go to the uh olivia or rodriguez concert tonight uh no it's saturday this is sat oh okay saturday what will that be
Starting point is 00:36:07 like will you drink or be smoking weed in the back or no no no no i'm gonna be singing a bunch of like sad girl songs oh okay and and um do you partake in any partying no no Just maybe some, will you dance? No. I mean, at the concert, I'll just scream. Scream these sad songs. Do you get good seats? Yeah, they're good seats. Will Tyson be there?
Starting point is 00:36:37 Sorry, sorry. Sorry, sorry, sorry. Sorry, sorry, sorry. Oh, my God. I'm going to hang up. Look, listen, listen. Settle down, everyone. Everyone's getting me into a fight. I'm going to hang up. And you're not joking right no i won't hang up right now yeah please don't hold on hold on we
Starting point is 00:36:53 have some very important questions um how far into the future are you looking do you see yourself it um do you see yourself continuing along uh crossfit uh pursuing crossfit for a long time uh yeah i mean i don't have like a plan for how long i'm just gonna take it year by year and see what happens and the goal is to go to the games yeah and you and do you feel the capacity do you feel like you're that the year you took off that you still have the capabilities to get to quarterfinals semifinals and make it. Yeah. I feel like the path we're on right now. I'll be good. And how are you relative? How's your performance relative to years past?
Starting point is 00:37:36 Are you the best, uh, fittest Haley Adams ever? I'm definitely getting back to my fittest. Um, we just prioritized strength for a bit. Um um but now we're starting to pick up like the metcon and conditioning volume so i'm getting there in that year you took off did you actually take it off did you did you reduce your training i took like january to april like pretty easy but then i kind of started wanting to try crossfit again so i guess from april what'd you do just like yoga and pilates i went to planet fitness and did like cardio and bodybuilding machines nice yeah lap pull downs yep oh you did do lap pull
Starting point is 00:38:21 downs yep yeah those are fun. Leg curls. I actually do a lot of bodybuilding with Josh and Haley, which I had never done before. And I can definitely tell a difference. I think that's what's helped keep my body healthy as well. Do you like that more than doing CrossFit? I don't like it more, but I've grown to really like it. I go to like a global gym here.
Starting point is 00:38:45 It's called like the weight club and it's a bit more intense than playing fitness and just like being in that environment is kind of it's fun and it's different yeah that's the weight club as you get really the ding-dongs look back on their phone it's a work i'm like i get on my phone between my sets all right all right fine hey um when you when as you get back into this hardcore you know crossfit training um is there anything that um is more difficult or easier like it is are you like wow shit i forgot it was like this or is it like oh i miss this um it was more of i miss this i miss the grind every day and actually enjoying it um and just having a good time training and jamming out. Yeah, I miss it.
Starting point is 00:39:28 Are you training with anyone else besides Haley? I mean, some people will hop in with me from the gym, but not like a specific person. What does this mean? Did you ever set off the lunk alarm? No. What is that? What is that? It's like the alarm at Planet Fitness where if you're being too loud, it'll ever set off the lunk alarm no what is that what is that it's like the alarm at planet fitness where if you're being too loud it'll get set off they try to keep planet fitness as a safe
Starting point is 00:39:53 space for everybody to just come in and work out and so if you're like clanging and banging in there throwing weights around just being obnoxious they'll sound the lunk alarm and then they'll kick you out i've never heard it go off though yeah oh that was usually really it's usually really quiet in there people are just chilling like if they're like you're making like a bunch of grunting noises or making just being a menace to society yeah um uh what does it say i do love how happy hayley is now compared to before same me too dude me too i don't know i thought you had a pretty good facade up you always looked happy to me so i'm glad so you make it hey um what about what about things like so when you go into a planet fitness and you do deadlifts you do deadlifts with like uh steel weights
Starting point is 00:40:40 in there no they don't have uh steel weights you have to use like the smith machine or dumbbells or something there's no free weights no platforms nothing no oh interesting so when you would go in there those weren't even options to do you like you wouldn't do cleans or anything no wow yeah okay so so it really was a place you could go to and get away even if you were tempted to do that stuff you didn't no yeah it kind of was nice you know everyone's in there just trying to get their workout in for the day they don't care who you are they don't care what you're doing they're just they're just trying to get fit you know hey what um uh my lord savon no i'm not your lord that's blasphemous but thank you um you like Star Wars?
Starting point is 00:41:26 me? yeah I like Star Wars he doesn't watch any movies whatsoever which one are you going to watch today? that's really sad that you're in the family I am currently watching Rebels okay do you like it? I don't watch that one I am currently watching Rebels. Okay.
Starting point is 00:41:45 Do you like it? Mm-hmm. I haven't watched that one. Did you watch the Obi-Wan series, the Kenobi series? Oh, my gosh. That was so good. I'm like two episodes in, so don't ruin it for me. Oh, that's one of the best series.
Starting point is 00:41:57 All right. All right. I'll finish it then. How many episodes is that? That one's like seven or eight. It's a pretty quick series. Kenobi? Kenobi, yeah. With a K like obi-wan kenobi oh oh oh that guy that's the old guy that's yeah well he's he's old now i guess
Starting point is 00:42:17 like he's yeah that was yoda's disciple or yoda's teacher? Yeah, Disciple. Okay. I'm going to watch that too. How's that? I'm going to watch it. Have you even watched any of the other ones? No. He's going to be lost. He's so fucked.
Starting point is 00:42:32 Oh, really? What? You've got like nine movies to watch. Yeah, you've got to back it way up. Which order? Do you watch the oldest series first or the newest series first? I like chronological. Episodes 1, 2, 3.
Starting point is 00:42:49 Yeah, I like that too. That's good. Okay, so after you watch all of those, then can I watch Kenobi? Yes. You could probably watch... Probably maybe argue, but yes. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:01 Where do I get a list of just the order to watch look at all the star wars shit there's so much there's the whole universe is larger than you could ever imagine yeah i haven't seen everything and i watch it every day like i'm just trying to catch up there's new seasons of stuff coming out i still like to re-watch the movies like it's all i watch what's even worse that there is that there's a book series about these things too. There's an additional lore that's attached to all of these movies. It's crazy.
Starting point is 00:43:31 My son said the other day, he said, can you take a picture of my Yoda and send it to Caleb? Because he knows Caleb has a Yoda Lego and he has a Yoda Lego. Nice. That's cool. I was pissed that he even knew who you were, Kalis.
Starting point is 00:43:47 There's no way Sevan hasn't seen any of the Star Wars movies. I saw the first three. I saw the first three in the movie theater when I was a little kid. The ones in the 70s and the 80s? Yeah, I saw those. Okay. I saw that first one probably, I don't know,
Starting point is 00:44:02 10 times in the theater. Revenge of the Sith is the best one ever. That's a good one. You cannot change my mind. No, and the newest trilogy, trash. I'm a little pissed about it. You like it? I like that Rey is like a crazy Jedi, but I know it's super controversial.
Starting point is 00:44:22 You're right, it's not the best, but I'll still watch it. Hey, why do you like them? Why do you think you like the Star Wars? Well, I really like Disney stuff. So I was like, why don't I just like watch Star Wars? Because there's like so much stuff. And my twin brother is a nerd for Star Wars. Like he will go to town on it.
Starting point is 00:44:43 So I was like, let me just start watching it. And I started watching it and i started watching it and i don't think i've watched anything else since like i just watch all the episodes like movies i love it we'll nerd out on it my whole instagram page is like filled with just star wars stuff not crossfit nothing else just star wars reels um your biggest fan is in the chat will brandstetter hayley do you know who will brandstetter is no oh he is by far your biggest fan now you know but this is controversial only star wars series worth watching and or and kenobi series sucks wow that's that's your opinion bro some
Starting point is 00:45:19 biggest fan geez kenobi was so good especially that last episode oh my gosh you ever tell anyone in snapchat or on the internet to fuck off you ever just be like hey fuck you I used to not but I get some very strange comments from little kids so I just I started
Starting point is 00:45:40 replying back and liking them you started replying back with like a hey hey, fuck you? No, I just, the other day it happened. And I was, someone like, one of these little kids commented on my TikTok. And I was like, girly pop, why are you still on my page? And she deleted her comments, all of her comments. It's the same person?
Starting point is 00:45:59 You just see the same person, like, commenting the same shit regularly? It's these, like, little kids that don't leave me alone. Love that. You called her girly pop? I said girly pop. Why are you still on my page? Is that a Southern term, girly pop? I don't know, but I was like, get off my stuff, bro.
Starting point is 00:46:15 Go bother someone else. Girly pop. I like that. It's no one that's a CrossFitter or a supporter of me or anything like that. I would never comment like that publicly but like on TikTok it's just like the same same little kids I'm like get off of my page
Starting point is 00:46:32 like someone slays that's not helpful for someone no that doesn't be mean I'm like girly like I ain't the one anymore get off my page. Go bother someone else.
Starting point is 00:46:48 Why are you still on my stuff? Girly pop, a term of endearment used between white girls that gets their personality off of relatable teen tweets. People use the term girly pop are usually between 13 and 16 and have found their true self.
Starting point is 00:47:04 This is not the best this is not very good i mean i wasn't gonna be like a mean and call her a bad word but i'm like girl like get off my stuff like go bother the next person like go bother the next person and then she deleted her comments so i'm not gonna be mean about it but i'm gonna call you out especially to that situation i'm like y'all get off of my page like stop bothering me still like you know what i'm taking away from this you know what i'm taking away from this is you are so nice well i'm not again i'm not gonna sit there and like go off and degrade her like she's trying to degrade me yeah i'm like like for real like scoot on to the next person that you
Starting point is 00:47:42 want to bully online like get off my page. The situation is irrelevant. Get off my page. Oh, yeah, this is how we would say it. This is how I would say it to someone. Get off my dick. I'd probably say get off my jock. Well, she was on my page, so I said get off my page. Like, why are you still on my page?
Starting point is 00:47:59 Yeah. Go find the next girl to bother. They're just trying to help me understand the communication. go find the next girl to bother they're just trying to help me understand the uh the communication so yeah i used to not but now i'm like especially in this certain crowd i'm like please get off my page like this is this is old news is tiktok crazy for you huh is tiktok crazy in the comments for you like it was yeah did you stop using it no oh yeah different thing i i can't believe how nice you are but you think that that's a harsh thing to say to someone it's not harsh but i'm gonna call you out like but that's not even really calling someone out that's what i'm saying
Starting point is 00:48:38 yeah i guess yeah yeah and all the other ones did as well. Or I'll just like them. If they like say something bad, just like it. Like the other day I saw a comment. It was, I'm like one of the morning chocolate things or something. And someone was like, they posted it and they were like, someone called and said,
Starting point is 00:48:55 who cares? And I just liked the comment. Like true. Who cares bro? True. I don't care. Who cares? Dumb shit anyway.
Starting point is 00:49:06 Jeremy World, I just changed Seve's name in my phone to Girly Pop. Yeah, please do. Girly Pop. Girly Pop, get off my page because I am done. That's awesome. Haley, who are your sponsors right now? We're just like, you know, as I kind of rebrand, you know, we're working with different people. And yeah, you'll have to see.
Starting point is 00:49:31 Oh, so there's things coming soon. Yeah. And are you excited about it? Yeah, I'm super pumped to share. Is it someone I've heard of? And why is it a secret? Because there needs to be a healthy release of it, like a celebration, a birthday? Yeah, release it on both turns.
Starting point is 00:49:55 Gotcha. And when you took the year off, what happened? What did your sponsors have, an adverse reaction? No, actually, you know, I want to work with brands that like support me like through everything and not just, you know, through competing. So the brands that I had already worked with, I'd, you know, they stuck by my side and were there and that, cause they knew like, you know, if we stick around for this comeback, like, you know,
Starting point is 00:50:20 it's only going to benefit us as well too. So yeah. Did you know when you took the year off that you were coming back no wow so when you took the year off a part a part of you did you think that you weren't coming back yeah at first I was like I don't think I ever want to do that again yeah mentally I was just out of it and physically my body was so done i was so beat that's fascinating so so you were would you say that you were maybe even certain you weren't coming back i wasn't certain but i it was the last thing on my mind for sure fascinating did you think you were just gonna go be a dental hygienist or something i wasn't sure
Starting point is 00:51:06 what i was gonna do or something i was like maybe i'll move to la and be like a fitness influencer or something or that's really the only thing you knew or no i was just anything was up in the air at that point i was like maybe i'll go back to school maybe i'll just go move somewhere i don't know anyone maybe i'll move to disney world like all kinds of things would you have worked at Disney World would that have been cool I don't know if I'd work there but it would be nice to be there that's cool hey so so you you take the year off and you you were like hey well sorry so you you want it's more appropriate to say you walked away from CrossFit than you took the year off you walked away and then do you remember the earliest inkling you had where you started getting the
Starting point is 00:51:48 itch to come back? And do you remember why you wanted to come back? Like what it was that you missed or what you wanted to recapture? I had, um, FaceTime Josh and Haley, um, for like one of the first times. Um, and they weren't my coach or anything at that point, but they just, we were just kind of talking and they had just made some points. And I was like, it was the first time I'd actually been thought about it. Like, again, they weren't coaching me yet. It's really my first time talking to them. Um, like as a conversation like that, but yeah. And so you were talking to them and as it crept in um were you weary of it like would you look at that thought and feel guarded about it like hey fuck you to that thought like what are you doing in my head it was more of just like i mean i could do it again i just don't
Starting point is 00:52:34 ever want to feel like so miserable again so i was like well what if i do do this again and then end up like that and um so that was kind of like the only like i don't know hey nothing is fun all the time right so like if you're right so so how do you make how do you distinguish between hey this fucking sucks but it's okay and this fucking sucks and like this is not okay i mean dude i still have bad days all the time but like the difference now is like the bad days are just days like they're not like months at a time or weeks and i don't just feel like a rut all day um it's normal to have bad days we're human it's just more of you know how to deal with them and how to cope and realize like just a day you know so it's not like you're running that that's an important distinction show it's not that you're running because you're doing one of the hardest
Starting point is 00:53:23 things that someone can do you're putting yourself into the pain cave on a regular basis. It's fucking horrible, right? And there's some of us who do it once a year, right? It's like someone like me. I do it once a year, and I'm like, okay, that's good. But you do it on the regular. And so it's not that you're afraid of hard things at all. It's just that you don't want to be miserable more than you're feeling good right
Starting point is 00:53:46 it was out it was out of balance yeah it's just not a lifestyle that you know like i don't want to look back when i'm 30 and be like oh my god where did my teenage years my early 20s go i was just miserable all the time and not have anything good from it so damn that's how i feel yeah i just think it's it's it's interesting I'm glad that we were talking about this because it is hard what you're doing like really really hard and it's not that you're afraid of hard things yeah not I will work I don't want to be the hardest worker in the room honestly it's just more of just managing it and not letting it get all to my head and, you know, just taking life for what it is and just enjoying it and being around good people. And yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:33 And right now you have that balance? Yeah, I definitely have that balance. And Josh and Haley are a huge part of that. Is balance the right word? I mean, can you be in balance? I mean, it's definitely what you're doing it's definitely hard right because it's not like you can just like stay up till 1 a.m and you know go eat crap food all the time so it's balance is used lightly but
Starting point is 00:54:55 it's more of just like controlling my time outside of the gym also making sure i'm recovering and stuff but also just shutting it off and making sure i'm still being a human and doing 23 year old things and yeah going to concerts and stuff yeah going shopping for clothes and all that yeah yeah when hayley was being interviewed um recently she was basically saying that the way i interpreted her her stress is that she was having trouble staying present because she was always thinking about what was going to happen next. Right. So the kind of like going to bed, like what you said. So it's seven 30 at night and she's out at a restaurant and she's like, shit, I have an hour to get home and get to sleep or else I'm not going to be doing what I'm supposed to be doing.
Starting point is 00:55:35 And that seemed really relatable to me. Do you think that is, do you have that too? That it's kind of hard to get settled because you're always, cause you have so much to do before the games that you have trouble getting settled and i yeah i definitely get caught up sometimes and thinking about like what's coming or this or that and just get instant stress anxiety but then it's just like just take it day by day you know and i mean on the weekends and stuff i'm more lenient than on the weekdays like my schedule wise but yeah i try i really try not to stress about that kind of stuff because it does nothing good for you. If you just worry about it, it makes it worse.
Starting point is 00:56:09 How, how was 24.1 for you? That's your first, I guess, competition in over a year, right? Yeah. I wish I had maybe gone harder because I kind of just did it as a workout, which we recognize that after I definitely had to shake off the competition Russ. So I most definitely did not give my best effort, which for as a competitor, that's hard to look at and be like, Oh my gosh, I'm way better than that. But I don't have to prove that to anyone else. And, you know, we know that. I just definitely wasn't that open field, but this week I'm for sure gonna send it and trust myself. But
Starting point is 00:56:51 yeah, I just did it as a workout, which was my fault. But did you do other pieces after that or before that? Oh yeah. I kept, I kept training all day, but it was more like I literally finished and walked off and I was like, Hey, what in the in the world like I just wasn't ready for that yet like it didn't hit that it was the open were you nervous about it beforehand I was nervous I was nervous and I think I got in my head a little bit but now I've got the competition rest shaking off but I didn't redo it or anything if I redone it I probably would have shaved like gosh i don't know and actually did it would have shaved so much time off but that's okay it doesn't matter what was the what was the scene like that you did it in did you go against did hayley do it with you yeah i
Starting point is 00:57:36 did it with hayley and we just did it in the gym and and and you get anxious about the cameras being around and and and all that stuff meaning like do you have the right angle is someone is this really rolling i i definitely got a little anxiety when i felt like the cameras and they're like hey yeah i'm 24.1 i'm like oh gosh so but yeah i think just getting all those jitters out and realizing like oh we gotta we gotta go to that place next time like this is competition though it's not just training um but yeah that was a good workout just to kind of get that out of the way but yeah next week i will send it are are you a are you a um i know you're living in virginia but are you is that um is that where the games recognizes you as living like if you if you go to the regionals or when you go to the regionals or semifinals will you be an east coast person yeah i mean no matter where i'm at i'm i'm gonna be on the east coast either from north carolina virginia tennessee like so okay so
Starting point is 00:58:31 dividing lines like the midwest or something oh no yeah so you're not like registered in los angeles or anything no okay all right well hey thank you so much for coming on i appreciate it it was great talking to you about your dating life that was really cool oh my gosh i was fine All right. Well, Hey, thank you so much for coming on. I appreciate it. It was great talking to you about your dating life. That was really cool. Maybe I'll have a better update next time. Anything's better than I'll hang up on you if you keep asking these questions. So the bar is set really low so we can only do better. Thank you so much for coming on. Congratulations. Hey, I, i i you said the thing that sticks out to
Starting point is 00:59:07 me the most is um what what i asked about doing that piece with andrew you said you know maybe it could be a bridge and i really do think i hadn't thought of it before but i really do think that there was a huge healing piece for a lot of people as cheesy as that sounds um for you doing that piece with andrew i think that, uh, we all live, we're all like brothers and sisters and cousins in this sort of this CrossFit space. And for you to do that just shows that, you know, blood's thicker than water. And like, uh, I really appreciate you doing that. And the piece was great and we all loved it. And I hope to see more of you like that. It was really, really fucking cool. And I wouldn't even, it wasn't even like, um,
Starting point is 00:59:43 it wasn't as powerful and as emotional as it was. It wasn't, um, uh, schmaltzy. It was fucking cool. And I wouldn't even, it wasn't even like, um, it wasn't as powerful and as emotional as it was. It wasn't, um, uh, schmaltzy. It was just cool. It was just fun. It was raw. And I love seeing you dance in your car and all that stuff. And you're a cool chick, man. I really appreciate you. Yeah, absolutely. I guess. All right. Take care. Have a good day. Say hi to Josh and Haley for me all right bye guys thanks Haley take away from that show Will Branstetter shit the bed damn
Starting point is 01:00:16 oh man he didn't shoot a shot very well landed short my god this piece of my lung i just spit out onto a paper towel uh sebi you should um uh eaton beaver sebi you should have opened up with those words uh you should have uh you should get your own podcast if that if that's how well she did without trying in the open yeah she's fucking killing everybody hey what's up dude i'm just finishing oh i want to go uh when are you doing that okay is it walking distance from me okay is it walking distance from me oh i don't know but i'll look it up on the um i'll go put it in google maps okay i'll head over there okay bye what i really want to know is if hayley morello actually does stunts because i was reading her
Starting point is 01:01:49 bio and it said stunts oh yeah i bet you she does i want to know what that's about because that's crazy um oh shit it's three miles fucking jumping out of planes or something. Shit. Three-story buildings. Sevan, your video quality is exquisite. Is that sarcastic? It's really good, actually. Oh, I'm just at an Airbnb. I got a light.
Starting point is 01:02:17 I brought a light with me. Fuck, I'm missing breakfast. I wonder if my wife could drive me to breakfast. Just run a quick 5K. It's okay. I want to tell you my workout I did yesterday. Please. Hi, are you home?
Starting point is 01:02:39 Oh, when you come here, could you drive me somewhere real quick? Just tell me when you're downstairs and drop. Okay, thank you okay love you bye so yesterday I hadn't worked out which is really weird for me
Starting point is 01:02:55 and the day I drove here and then the next day I didn't work out that's two days off I never do that and then I so then yesterday I did, uh, I did ready for this 10 cows on the assault bike, uh, six strict pull-ups for 10 rounds. And then 10 cows on the assault bike, just going straight into it, 15 pushups for 10 rounds. just going straight into it, 15 pushups for 10 rounds.
Starting point is 01:03:29 And then I did with a 50 pound dumbbell, I did 10 in the front rack. I did 10 squats for 20 minutes. So 200, 200 squats with the, so just to get a long grind. That whole thing took me 50 minutes probably. Oh, I lost you. Are you muted? you muted oh you're muted it's a lot of calisthenics yeah nice i just wanted to be moving i felt like i had to i had to clear out the whole time my throat was fucking driving me crazy i look younger yeah that assault bike help at all oh do maybe i have some filter on my um how would i see if i have a filter on probably are using the mac camera uh yeah settings oh no i don't even i don't have it
Starting point is 01:04:14 here this is me touched up i just hit that's me touched up oh look at that's me with face smooth neuron and this is me not touched up yeah i'm not even touched up well thank you oh it's the white t-shirt usually i'm in that dark room my studio is usually pretty dark and i should oh so yesterday when i was at greg's house um and we're sitting around the chiminea and some guy goes hey you look like you're from gaza meaning i look like a middle eastern dude so this morning i shaved my beard that that hit cut deep because i didn't want to be known as a refugee for the weekend i am a middle eastern dude i'm probably i'm in the same gene pool as all those people so i so i shaved my beard a little shorter
Starting point is 01:05:01 um oh seven yesterday's show is really cool andrew's the man oh that's interesting you say that i thought okay i'm glad you guys like the show i cut the show short yesterday because or two days ago was it yesterday or two days ago when was andrew on that was two days ago yesterday yesterday no yesterday we had zara goes on andrew's our goes oh that andrew oh yeah yeah yeah okay okay that andrew yeah yeah that andrew when i had andrew on before uh hiller and i wanted to talk to him about the hayley adams was it hayley adams piece something i felt like he was being guarded like for something he didn't seem like himself yeah i wonder if he just wanted ailey to talk
Starting point is 01:05:42 about it like let her well today he was today he was great even though he had a shitty connection i feel like today uh hillar was more open yeah even even on the plane he's telling everybody telling the whole plane about it stevie have you ever had sex in greg's house i in his current house no No. In all of his other houses, yes. I probably made all my kids in his houses, to be honest. No, that's not true. I remember where I made Avi. And the twins, actually. Never mind. No, no. I remember where I made the twins for sure.
Starting point is 01:06:21 Seve, do you always get pulled out for secondary screening at the airport? I did back in the day um around 9 11 i always did like like a fucking two dozen times i was flying every weekend i always got pulled out yep that's why that's i and i have no um i'm not upset about it or anything that's why like any of like the, uh, and I was also, I flew like the first day that airports opened up again after nine 11, I flew and there was anyone I saw,
Starting point is 01:06:52 like I would see dudes on my flights with turbans and I'd be shit in my pants. I remember the first flight I was on a Delta flight and it was a guy wearing a robe. You know what I mean? I'm like, fuck, we're going down.
Starting point is 01:07:03 Just a robe. Yeah. You know what I mean? Just like fuck we're going down just a robe yeah you know what i mean just like whatever those guys wear like the saudi guys we're fucked hey it's it's perfectly okay if there's if there's four black guys standing in a room next to four jews next to four asian dudes and you ask like hey what are you what's in in four middle eastern dudes you're like hey um you have to hire one of these guys to run a liquor store. You hired the, uh, Middle Eastern dude. Uh, you need someone to run a dry cleaner. You, you hire the Asian dude. Um, you need someone to be your accountant. You picked a Jew and you need someone to be on a basketball team. You picked a black guy. It's like, it's not, it's, there's no, uh, that's not racism. Anyone who thinks that's racism is a fucking moron.
Starting point is 01:07:48 That's like, that's like choosing a gray hound. If you, if there's a, a dachshund and a gray hound and you have to choose one for a race to represent your team, you choose the gray hound. That's not that to call that racism is complete idiocy.
Starting point is 01:08:03 That's just discernment jeff said that will looks like a drug mule that's why he gets pulled aside and then racism would racism would think that the color of the person's skin is what made the guy good at basketball or the color of his skin made him good at running a liquor store no it's just cultural shit not the fact that he's six eight with a wingspan yeah yeah who has the biggest dick who has the biggest dick everyone knows yeah it's the black guy and everyone knows who has the smallest dick too and everyone knows who has the uncircumcised dick out of the group too there's four jewish guys you have to bet whether they're circumcised or not. If you pick uncircumcised, you're a fucking idiot. Well, I'm really open-minded.
Starting point is 01:08:53 Hey, Audrey, did you really give someone a standee? If you did, God bless you. I think I saw on Instagram, she said she gave someone a standee. Someone said, hey, I watched your show and I took my level one. She said, I watched your show and I gave someone a standee. As she was watching the show. That's genius. Yes, Brian. Oh, good.
Starting point is 01:09:20 Awesome. He probably needs it. Especially after yesterday oh Jesus oh Jesus Christos alright guys short shows Hayley Adams I think she really was getting ready to hang up
Starting point is 01:09:42 so me and her are on different wavelengths. Like she thought that like saying girly pop, like we weren't communicating so good on that girly pop thing, but she thought that that was like being aggressive. Yeah. And like if someone said something to me, upset me on the internet, I'd be like, yeah, I'm about to fuck your mom doggy style.
Starting point is 01:10:05 Like to me, that would be, you know what I mean? Come over to your house to fuck your mom. Yes. Right. You know, it's like, I don't know. Just have a different, we talk, we talk different in the eighties. talk different in the 80s you just have to kelly uh gibbons um you just have to stop asking her about dating life it's that simple what why i don't understand that that would be like to ask stop asking caleb where he gets his clothes it's like
Starting point is 01:10:39 listen at 22 that's all i was interested in was dating that's all i can relate to i think nowadays it's very different you don't think she's into you don't think she's i think she's into dating she sure but it's not it's not the same kind of it's not the same like where dudes were like pursuing women all the time back in the day now it's like you just if you exist in the world of the woman that you like then you just cohabitate together eventually like it's not like oh I'm gonna go find a boyfriend I'm gonna go find a girlfriend like it's not it's not like that anymore it's just like you just like every day every day I would ask some girl to go play Frisbee with me and drink a 40 or 32 of Miller High Life.
Starting point is 01:11:29 Yeah, that's what happened. There was like five years where if I didn't ask someone to smoke cloves with me and drink a 32 of High Life and play Frisbee, I wasn't in the game. I mean, like... Nowadays, women are so much more reserved than they were. Now it's dudes pursuing dudes. Damn right. You got to kiss the homies.
Starting point is 01:11:50 Good night. There was a great comment in here. Uh, sub on the matuthing is amazing. Thank you. I know I'm, I'm a fucking addicted to, it's so fucking great.
Starting point is 01:12:00 It changed the game for teeth, powder, two faces, powder, powdered tooth, whatever powdered tooth stuff is the shit. Teeth cleaning. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:12:11 And your youth, you were popping Molly and a bottle of Henny and are convinced your experience is the norm. Yeah. I'm not, I didn't even do Molly. We did. We just did MDMA.
Starting point is 01:12:24 Yeah. And we, we, and we drank goldschlager and jagermeister not hennessey but but close i mean i appreciate the yeah and then just go down to the beach and hang out all day yeah it's definitely not what happens these days yeah it's a tactfully maneuver okay yeah i'll come down now. Okay, I love you. Bye. All right. Thanks, guys. I'll learn about dating through Snapchat as time goes on.
Starting point is 01:13:00 What's today? Is today Thursday? Yep. Okay, big day today. Two more shows are scheduled. I don't know if I'm going to get to them. Here's the deal. At 11 a.m. Pacific Standard Time,
Starting point is 01:13:13 which is noon for me here, the open announcement will happen. At some point around there, right now we're supposed to go on an hour after the announcement, but I'm not sure. I'll go live. That is a fucking all-star megacast. I think I got all of them to say yes to me. Bill Grundler will be here.
Starting point is 01:13:33 Taylor Self will be here. J.R. Howell and John Young. It's going to be a fucking mega show. I'm excited. This is like – I feel like it's kind of my dream team of dudes. So Caleb will be here here i'll be here we'll have six squares going and then um and then and then maybe we can even send colton a link and we can get colton to come on shit send madaris a link that'd be awesome to get madaris on and then
Starting point is 01:13:57 um and then tonight we'll do another show crossfit games update show and that will be pumping up friday show so uh we'll see you guys then allFit Games Update show, and that will be pumping up Friday's show. So we'll see you guys then. All right. Caleb, thank you. Talk to you guys soon. Bye-bye.

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