The Sevan Podcast - Hayley Adams from Down Under

Episode Date: April 16, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by car and other conditions apply. Haley Adams, look at you in Australia. Yep. Damn right. Down under.
Starting point is 00:00:37 Thanks for doing this. Do we have a really bad connection? Sorry, I can't hear you. Yeah. Yeah, you got to. Haley, you might have a really bad connection sorry i can't hear you yeah yeah you gotta hey hayley you might have a really bad connection do i i think so can you hear me okay i can hear you now okay if it gets weird you got another spot you can go are you on your phone or a computer a computer but i can't go to my phone if it gets really bad okay okay we're we're we're easy here are you at your you're at your gym yeah i'm at the gym i'm in between working you're a coach you're a coach there yeah coach and i do admin at the gym i do a lot and what's the name of the gym it's called crossfit soul rebel
Starting point is 00:01:26 crossfit in greensboro crossfit soul rebel oh soul rebel soul rebel soul rebel got it yeah you can tell i've done my research in melbourne hey how old are you i'm 23 and do you have games aspirations um I would probably say no no not necessarily yeah not games aspirations I definitely have like semi-finals aspirations but and why not games aspirations you you it would just be too much to bite like to even think in your brain you're like okay one step at a time I'll get to semi-finals and then from there I'll deal with that yeah definitely like yeah I don't know I feel like games is definitely out of my reach like semi-finals at the moment is what I'm like is my big goal and then yeah I guess if I reach that
Starting point is 00:02:19 then you sort of look what's next but at the moment i'm just like all for the semifinals uh how did you do in the um open what did you end up finishing um pretty good i think worldwide i was like 110th maybe yeah so in oceania i was 13th which i was stoked about yeah that's insane isn't that crazy you could be 110th in the open 13th in your region on your continent which is a uh you know rabid fans and participants of crossfit and yet that's still you still have to temper your aspirations to go to the games oh yeah no i'm like yeah i don't know the torian pro still seems like pretty out of reach for me I think this year like yeah we're gonna have to go pretty hard this weekend at quarterfinals but yeah I don't know it's been good so far and I've been my training's been good but
Starting point is 00:03:16 yeah how close did you get last year Hayley to the semi-finals not super close I think in the quarterfinals I was like around 60th in um Oceania so you have to be in the top 30 okay okay okay yeah so so you can so you can see it yeah and I think this year like doing uh pretty well in the open like yeah I can definitely see it and I've improved heaps from last year like yeah last year I was like pretty trash at a lot of things you're you're born you're born and raised in Australia obviously yep born and raised in um like Melbourne Australia well like I was raised in like regional Victoria so in the country and are you are you still in that area is um no so i live now in melbourne like in the actual
Starting point is 00:04:07 city um which is fun go down to like my hometown warrigal every now and again and it's like yeah more country-like but now i'm like in the city and it's good i much prefer being up here are you still a kid like um like you're. Do you have, are you married or have kids or anything like that? No, no, no, definitely not. You're still a kid. Yep. Yeah. Oh, definitely. I act like kids. All right. Good. And there's plenty of time. There's plenty of time for all that stuff. That's good. I'm glad to hear you're a kid still. And, um, tell me about, uh, growing up in Australia. What did you do? Everyone tells me you guys are just born in the water. Like, hey, they're born and then start swimming.
Starting point is 00:04:48 Yeah, I definitely like swam a lot as a kid, but I don't know. I grew up skiing. So I feel like I'm a bit of an anomaly more that like I was a skier. So I spent every weekend like in winter at the snow, which compared to America, like we had to actually, like I drove every Friday night. My parents would like drive me. Oh, there we go. Look at that. There you are.
Starting point is 00:05:13 Every Friday night my parents would like drive me and my siblings up to like Falls Creek and then we'd race. I did cross-country skiing, so we'd race like Saturday and Sunday, drive back six hours on the sunday night go to school monday we did that like every weekend of winter um how old were you when you started that uh well i started like cross-country skiing when i was just like a little tiny kid and probably started racing like getting into it more when i was like 12 13 i just did that all throughout like high school i actually ended up going to the US And I lived in Vermont for about a year to ski
Starting point is 00:05:47 Hey, in the United States We think of cross-country skiing as like speedwalking Yeah, that's what it is It's a bit Yeah, it is And it's like that I don't really cross-country ski much anymore Because it is a little bit like
Starting point is 00:06:02 Dude, you're It's hard work Hey, is there any is there any downhill skiing in um australia yeah so that photo i'm actually downhill skiing that's in mount bulla so these days i only downhill ski it's all pretty trash though like compared to the um northern hemisphere like the skiing is not that good you have to like drive to the top of a mountain and like these days with global warming the snow is scarce hey that's crazy that um uh what what kind of parents do you have they get you into cross-country skiing like that is a that is a and how did you even like it that
Starting point is 00:06:38 shit's hard right it's basically like marathon running isn't it oh yeah it's hard and they do like ski marathons like my dad he loves skiing like that's the sort of my dad is just like he froths it and he still skis like he was just in japan for like a few weeks in february and he just loves skiing and he just got us into it like they just love taking us to the snow um and yeah i don't know i don't know why they preferred i think cross-country skiing is a fair bit cheaper than downhill skiing. So that's probably one reason why we did it more than downhill. But yeah, I don't know. It was good fun. I didn't mind it. I liked all my friends and that I had with it. So Christine Young, is that static in my AirPods or on? It's the line. Hey, is it easy for you to log out and log back in? Yeah, that's easy.
Starting point is 00:07:25 You want me to do it on my phone? Or could you just take your – try taking your headphones off and using your speaker on your computer. You could go to your settings on the bottom there. Settings. And then go to audio. And then go to audio. So default MacBook Air microphone? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:47 Let's try that. Perfect. that better so much better very good i can never trust the airpods yeah it's for some people they work great and some people they don't i don't know i don't know what's up with that either yeah um cross country skiing is so i i'm trying to think if i know anyone who does it but i when i think of skiing in the states downhill skiing it's something people do it but I when I think of skiing in the states downhill skiing it's something people do for recreation and when I think of uh cross-country thinking uh skiing I think of it as more um uh fitness yeah oh definitely cross-country skiing is like hard work it is not you can do it for like recreational but it's kind of just like going for like a hike it's like similar vibes to that.
Starting point is 00:08:26 But like the way I used to cross country ski, it was not, it was like going for runs. Hey, that's where that's no, that's worse. No, that's good now. Yeah. Yeah. Great. Okay. So, so that's how you built, do you think you built a tremendous amount of fitness from
Starting point is 00:08:40 that? Yeah, definitely. My endurance is like my strong point is endurance and that's 100 from skiing and i also like grew up cross-country running like it all goes hand in hand like i was just like a more endurance athlete then i never did like anything fast and i didn't really play like team sports or anything like that just all skiing hey and what's um what is uh what kind of adaptations do you have from cross-country skiing like what's it do to your body composition like is it like where do you feel it in your quads or your calves or your glutes like where do you feel it um i don't know
Starting point is 00:09:15 i think like by the time i finished skiing and like before i started crossfit like i kind of lost all my muscle anyway but i'd say probablywise, it's mostly just your lungs. Really? Yeah, but probably more abs than quads. My wife, more what? More abs? Yeah, you do a lot of double-polling, which is a lot of abs, triceps, your quads. So it's crazy on your core? Yeah, you have to be pretty stable.
Starting point is 00:09:43 You use your whole body. It's like, because you use your arms. You've pretty stable you yeah you use your whole body it's like because you use your arms like you've got poles so you use your arms you use your core like with planting your poles like that's a lot of core and then obviously you're using your legs as well and this is i'm embarrassed to ask this but i'm gonna ask it anyway and what about your lats do you get any from that pool do you get any uh like yeah yeah 100 like it's basically so we i've done like a vo2 max test on the skier like when i was ski training we use the skier as like um as like testing things like we actually did vo2 max tests on those if you keep scrolling these are back in the
Starting point is 00:10:19 skiing days there we go vo2 max that's on a treadmill but yeah that's at the ais so the australian institute of sport in canberra we'd go there like for like development camps and do vo2 max tests i don't think i was really any good then though i would be much fitter now and um were you competitive cross-country skier when i was younger like in the australian like ski races i was competitive but then as i got older, like in Australia, you kind of have to be like you kind of need to like live at the snow in order to be a really good skier because then like for me, the only times I got to ski was on the weekends when I'd go to race
Starting point is 00:10:57 because I lived six hours from the snow. So I didn't really get to train on snow. So, yeah, as I got older and like more kids started training more kind of the talent stuff kind of went out the window and it turned into like you actually need to train to be good and in the world of cross-country skiing as well australians are not not really up there compared to the rest of the world and when's the last time you've done this this cross-country skiing uh cross-country skiing probably in like 2019 oh okay well i did go last year with my dad just to like our local mountain yeah just all right so so it's in your past and then and then and then you did and then what else did you do after that as a kid what other uh sports did you do i did dancing
Starting point is 00:11:42 and um but just for fun. And that's kind of it. I played like basketball and netball, like when I was in primary school and did, um, what else did I do? Lots of running. I saw a photo of you doing gymnastics.
Starting point is 00:11:56 Did you? I thought so. I thought I saw you in like you in a bunch. Oh yeah. Isn't, is this, um, well,
Starting point is 00:12:02 it's probably aerobics. Oh, is that what that is? You were doing jazz exercise. It could be sports aerobics oh is that what that is you were doing jazz exercise it could be sports aerobics yeah what is it let's see yeah that's sports aerobics i don't know if you have that in america but it's actually like in australia like in high school we had like sports aerobics and you do it is it's like jazzercise you do like a dance routine and we do push-ups and like presses and um okay so it's basic i was gonna make fun of it but
Starting point is 00:12:26 that's what we do in crossfit we we actually we can exercise we compete and exercise yeah it's actually you have to be pretty like strong and fit to do it because the routines were like high intensity like it was like three minutes of puffing yeah so that was sports aerobics that was really fun actually and then and you through that, it sounds like through the cross-country skiing, building your core, and through dance, you were a pretty damn coordinated kid. Yeah, I've got pretty good coordination. I never did gymnastics and that, though, which I kind of wish I did now that I do CrossFit because I feel like it'd make lots of things much easier.
Starting point is 00:13:01 But, yeah, I've got decent coordination. I pick up things relatively well and and do you have siblings yeah i have two siblings two older siblings a brother and a sister okay and and and you would learn a lot from them also because i'm guessing you were you were chasing them as a child um not really they probably um like my sister's not they we all skied in that but like my sister i wouldn't say she's super athletic sorry tori if she's listening but um she wasn't like super into it as she got older and my brother i definitely like we would like train together and but i i don't know i
Starting point is 00:13:37 wouldn't i wouldn't say i really would chase him though and then um in high school did you play any sports besides these no just all skiing i didn't have time and then did you go did you go to college after high school um i well sort of i've since i've done a few different degrees so in melbourne or in australia we have like university so you don't actually like go to college you just kind of like go to uni it's kind of like more school um you don't live there or anything well you can but most people don't so i did it just keeps going after high school anyone can just do it yeah pretty much so like i did a year of like nursing at uni which i hated so i quit and then i did a about a year and a half half of like health science which which again, I hated.
Starting point is 00:14:25 And then now I'm doing primary teaching, which I actually really like, but it's probably going to take me like six years to finish this degree, but that's okay. And primary teaching is teaching kids? Yeah. So like kids like aged five to 12. Yeah. So before high school, or I think you guys would probably call it middle school.
Starting point is 00:14:45 And so like, yeah yeah the younger kids and then and then when did your uh Hayley when did your paths cross with uh CrossFit um in like 2019 2020 so when I moved to Melbourne um so after I finished school which I graduated in 2018 so I moved to Melbourne to go to uni because all the unis are like in Melbourne um and I just joined the closest gym to my house which was a CrossFit gym so I had like I didn't even know what CrossFit was but I wanted to do like group classes because that was fun so joined a CrossFit gym and then I just like yeah started doing CrossFit like two days a week and had no idea about anything hey so you just went on i want to go back a second so you're you're in melbourne and you're at uni and um you want why did you want to go to a gym and then how did you find that gym did you just
Starting point is 00:15:38 google it why did you want to go to a gym well because i'd always done like fitness stuff growing up and like now I wasn't dancing. I wasn't skiing. Like I literally was just like, I don't know, not doing anything. Like I was kind of getting chubby and I wanted to kind of be fit again. So I, yeah, joined, I just Googled like gyms near me and it came up with like, I don't know, a few different ones, but this was like the only one that said I had group classes because I just didn't want to go to like, you know, a few different ones, but this was like the only one that said I had group classes because I just didn't want to go to like, you know, a 24-hour gym where I didn't, I had no idea what I was doing. And you had never heard of CrossFit?
Starting point is 00:16:13 Nah, I don't think so. It's just so weird. I've never heard this story before. I mean, I've heard so many stories about how people got into CrossFit. You Googled gym button near me. You saw a CrossFit gym and then you said group classes. Did you even know what the, did you look at the pictures? Did you even know what the movements were? Did you watch any videos or you just walked in the first day? Yeah, I just walked in the first day and I had,
Starting point is 00:16:33 I had absolutely no idea. Like it's actually kind of funny. Like I had no clue. And then I did my, I actually did, sorry about, I probably joined there and maybe like March and then I think the open in 2019 or the 2020 open was in like it was at the end of the year and I remember doing the open like being really nervous like kind of being like oh I kind of want to do that because I've always competed in things and I did it scaled the scaled open and I remember it was the workout that was like um pistols it was like pistols. It was like pistols, clean and jerks and something else. But the scaled version was like step ups and like clean and jerks.
Starting point is 00:17:14 I think that was it. I don't know. But I remember them being like, Hayley, squat clean the bar, like squat clean the bar when it got to a heavy bar. And I literally was like, I don't know what you mean. Like, what do you mean squat clean the bar? Like I'd never heard of doing a squat clean the bar when it got to a heavy bar. And I literally was like, I don't know what you mean. Like, what do you mean squat clean the bar? Like I'd never heard of doing a squat clean. I just knew a power clean. Yeah, it was pretty funny.
Starting point is 00:17:34 And now do you love squat cleaning the bar now? Yeah, I'm much better at squat cleaning the bar these days compared to power cleaning the bar. But yeah, like seriously, I had no idea. Wait, you prefer squat clean to power clean yeah back before i probably came to so that was a different gym that wasn't this gym when i came out to soul rebel like i started weight lifting more and i kind of wait wait wait so sorry sorry sorry sorry go back i was staring at you doing the squat uh squat clean before? Before you went to CrossFit, you had squat cleaned before you had ever walked into a CrossFit gym? No, I hadn't.
Starting point is 00:18:09 Oh, okay. Yeah, so before I came to this gym that I'm at now, I like only really power cleaned. I didn't know. Where did you ever power clean at? So that was at my old gym, which was called Northside Fitness, and it was like it's closed now. And they, yeah, I didn't really know. Oh, but it was a CrossFit gym also? Yeah, yeah and it was like it's closed now um and they yeah i didn't really know oh but it was just but it was a crossfit gym also yeah yeah it was like that same crossfit gym oh okay okay okay they just never taught me to squat clean you know like i just never went to
Starting point is 00:18:35 the classes where they taught to squat clean did you ever do any training for um uh like off-season training or uh land training or any training for your other sports for cross-country skiing or anything like that um i did running and then we'd occasionally do strength stuff but not really like and what would that look like had you ever even heard of a dead lift um i definitely would have heard of it but i don't reckon i never really have done one right so you'd never done it you had to look you probably hadn't heard of a snatch or didn't know what it was never definitely not no this is never heard of a snatch muscle up i would have had no idea what did you wear the first day you went to the crossfit gym just tennis shoes and short did you like did you even know what to wear like do you wear
Starting point is 00:19:18 yeah i would have worn like three quarter length leggings, probably like a Nike singlet. And I remember I had red. You showed up on your first day of CrossFit with a singlet on? Yeah. Oh, well, I don't know. Do you call a singlet? Maybe like a tank top. Maybe that's what Americans call it.
Starting point is 00:19:38 Okay. I don't know. What do you call a singlet? Let me show you what a singlet is in my world. Okay. That would have been amazing if you would have shown up in a singlet. Here, here we go. Let me show you what a singlet is in my world that would have been amazing if you would have shown up in a single uh this uh here here we go let me show you a single uh this is a uh this is a singlet in my world right here this guy's wearing it oh wait this guy's wearing a singlet that's like a weightlifting suit yeah did you show up in that
Starting point is 00:20:01 definitely no way okay so so so you and were you like in running shoes like some pretty high thick shoes yeah i had i had salomon running shoes i i know exactly what shoes i would wear they were like cross-country running shoes even yeah like with thick tread they had like yeah they had thick tread and that's what wore. And I remember I wore the bases of them. They were flat because I remembered I was doing box jumps and all this stuff. And they just wore out completely before I got. And tell me about your first day. Did you like it?
Starting point is 00:20:35 Did they put you through an on-ramp class or anything like that? No, I think I was just in the actual class. And I remember there were wall balls in it. And I think I did like it it I definitely wasn't any good and I remember getting into my car after and like I have a manual car so like I had to put my I remember putting my left foot like on the clutch and my quad just like cramping yeah like I remember that so vividly um and wall balls are uh oppressive they're they're pretty it's a pretty wild movement um always but especially when you first start like the first couple are good and then you're like wait a second there's nowhere to hide this ball's coming down to get me yeah
Starting point is 00:21:16 yeah oh yeah and i reckon i would have done like a fair few like i don't think that it was like a small wall workout like that's all i remember doing on that day was warbles do you remember what did they start you with a four pound ball or six pound ball yeah oh yeah I would have had the lightest ball definitely wild yeah and this was uh 2018 2019 yeah 2019 yeah and um and how and how how many days a week were you going? Oh, I remember some weeks where I wouldn't even go. So, like, I think most weeks I'd try and go, like, three days. Like, I don't think I would ever go two days in a row. Like, I didn't think that that was allowed. I think I'd, like, go and then rest the next day and then go.
Starting point is 00:21:59 And some days, like, I wouldn't be able to get into class. Like, the class I wanted to go to would be, like, full, so I'd miss it. And then some other weeks I just, like, wouldn't go at all because I couldn't be able to get into class like the class i wanted to go to would be like full so i'd miss it and then some other weeks i just like wouldn't go at all because i couldn't be bothered so i was pretty did you think it was expensive um yeah this gym that i went to was kind it was like only they had a student price i think it was like 50 a week. So definitely expensive, but like, I don't know. I paid it happily. Yeah. How about, did you have, like, I think part of the reason why CrossFit has been so successful is, um, people like me who are just like, just going to the gym, just, you know what I'm just going to the gym for, uh, you know, whatever, just doing the Arnold Schwarzenegger routine, back buys, you know, um, you know, tries and just splitting up your days. And then all of a sudden we do CrossFit. And in
Starting point is 00:22:50 two weeks, we're like, we have a we have a body composition shift. Like we look in the mirror, we're like, Whoa, what what is going on? Did you notice that right away to I'm not right away, like when I first started, because obviously, I didn't go that often. So I feel like and I probably didn't eat very good. so I feel like I didn't really get that much good of a body composition shift but definitely like when I started training like consistently like every day I definitely like yeah put on a bit of muscle and where did you notice it where did you notice it first um I don't know maybe my legs I don't know like Maybe my legs. I don't know. I don't remember. You don't remember. And could you do a pull-up when you went to the gym? Could you even do one
Starting point is 00:23:31 pull-up? No, not even one. No. I remember doing my first pull-up, my first kipping pull-up in that same scaled CrossFit open. Wow. Congratulations. The open, the open got you to do it. Yeah. And, but I still couldn't do a strict one. That was like I could do a single kip, and I didn't even finish it. Just like a few months ago, I redid that workout, but like the RX version, and I like finished with minutes to spare, and it was all ring muscle-ups, whereas I didn't even finish that time doing kipping pull-ups with a light wall ball. And when you're in there and you're new to the class,
Starting point is 00:24:03 and there's all these things, all these new words like clean and jerk and snatch and deadlift and split jerk and you're like, there's a lot of new stuff. Do you remember the first time you saw someone do a muscle up and were you like, whoa, what's that? Yeah. I feel like I don't remember, but I definitely remember watching. I don't remember the first time, but I remember watching people do them and being like holy moly like I could never do that and so you did think that you you thought that that was that was out of reach oh 100% definitely and like handstand walking I thought that that was going to be impossible interesting and and then and then and then look at you today this is just three weeks ago.
Starting point is 00:24:50 Oh, yeah. It's crazy. I watch these videos and I'm like, I can't even believe it. And do you like that movement also? Ring muscle-ups? Yeah. I do like them now. Ring muscle-ups are probably the hardest movement for me to get like for the longest time I could not muscle up like last year in the open in the quarterfinals I did all my muscle ups with a false grip like a false grip kit all singles like my brain just like could not comprehend it so I like them now and I because I can do them and I'm getting better at them yeah I definitely like the longest time I was like I my brain just didn't bring muscle up I don't know I think that's the way you should start them
Starting point is 00:25:30 yeah with the false grip yeah I think you should absolutely start them like that just like I think people should start pull-ups they should they should be able to do strict pull-ups yeah and do you have bar muscle-ups also uh yeah I could do bar muscle-ups for a while but they've only really kind of become good recently too like definitely i sort of shortcutted like my crossfit like i didn't learn i didn't have much strict strength before i learned like my bar muscle-ups so then they were really bad for a long time um and now that i've like got a fair bit stronger they're starting to get better but yeah for ages like muscle-ups were just i would i would do them but i would not like if they were to come up and work out i would like dread the workout because i was like pretty bad at them how long uh you entered the crossfit gym
Starting point is 00:26:14 in 2019 how long before you get a muscle-up oh i probably didn't do a muscle-up until like 2021. okay so three years yeah two years yeah thank you for the math and then um and then how long were you there before you even thought it was possible like it sounds when you first saw them you're like well i'll never do those but how long before you thought oh maybe i will get one of those probably similar amount of time like yeah like until maybe until like after covid hit like when we when when I started, cause in COVID, like gyms were shut for ages. So I actually started training a little bit more cause I was just like at home. So I would just like train all the time. And then I was like,
Starting point is 00:26:53 oh yeah, I could probably, like, I started getting stronger. So I thought maybe I could, you know, do some of the harder stuff. And I started just like practicing handstand walking. And once I learned to handstand walk, I was like, all right, maybe I can do some of the other stuff too. Cause that seemed like so out of reach and that gave you confidence to be like okay anything's possible yeah probably yeah I'd say so yeah and it is would you say it transitioned from like this uh uh one time every two days or three days or missing a week to an obsession like would you say that there was a like you couldn't you were in you just couldn't stay away from the gym
Starting point is 00:27:30 a hundred percent that was that definitely also happened during covid oh okay so basically it's like hey what am i going to do with my time tell me about that so covid happens and um your country locks down yeah it was wild it was wild. It was like Melbourne was the most locked down city in the world, I think. And, and so they did, they do the lockdown and you're like, okay, I guess I'm just going to work out more. Yeah. So they, yeah, they gave like the gym let us like borrow equipment. So yeah, every day I would just like go and take all my equipment down to like the park. So yeah, every day I would just like go and take all my equipment down to like the park
Starting point is 00:28:07 because I didn't have anywhere at my house to like do it. So I'd go to the park and then I guess I was down there. So I'd just like train for like two hours because I had nothing else to do. And I'd lugged like all my plates out of the car and the barbell. So I had to do something with it. Like I didn't want to do just like a 10 minute workout
Starting point is 00:28:23 and then put it all away. So yeah. And then I'd spend like 20 minutes practicing handstand walking and um yeah I'd go home and like practice doing handstand push-ups on the wall at home and yeah that's probably when I just started training and I'd have to train every day and like would force myself on a Sunday to like not train. Yeah. When I, when I heard the stories, this is getting off subject a little bit, but when I heard the stories about what was going on in Melbourne, it surprises me that you were allowed to go to the park. Like I would hear stories like you couldn't be 15 minutes away from your things. Hang on a second. Oh yeah. I need to disconnect this.
Starting point is 00:29:01 Oh, yeah. I need to disconnect this. Oh, look, someone else said it in the comments, too. This is so. So can you hear me? Yeah. So when I would hear the story, this is going this is just some COVID talk here. So when I heard the stories about Melbourne, I would hear that you couldn't go. You couldn't be out except for like a half an hour at a time, or you couldn't be more than 15 minutes walking distance from your house. You just disregarded that stuff. And you're like, fuck it, I'm just gonna go to the park. And I'll do what I want. And I'll get in my car. And you just ignored the rules. Well, most people like within the rules,
Starting point is 00:29:37 like, our rules were like, I think it was two hours, maybe of like exercise every day. And there was like a curfew so you couldn't be outside within like I don't know it might have been like 6 a.m to like 8 p.m you couldn't be outside your house and you couldn't go within with further than five kilometers of your house so I would go out like drive my car to the park which was like I don I don't know, maybe two Ks from my house. And then I probably disregarded the two hour rule every now and again, because who's counting? I don't know. And yeah, but I wouldn't go out like after the curfew or anything, because it's dark anyway. So that was all kind of within the rules. The ones that were really dodgy were like, you couldn't
Starting point is 00:30:21 go to anyone else's house. So I never really trained with anybody else because people would report people like people were pretty savage on like reporting others. And when you would be working out at the park, would people come join you just like random strangers be like, Hey, can I jump in? Nah, not really. People would say stuff, but no one would be like, Hey, can I have a go? Like people were pretty, I don't know. Nobody really went near each other. hey i'm totally off subject do you think that they could do that to australia again or do you think the people would be like a second time they'd be like fuck you we ain't doing that again i don't know that's actually a good question i my first my first instinct would be like nah never but then i'm
Starting point is 00:30:59 like they probably could because i know they did it like five times. I know. I wonder that too. I live in a really weird part in our country. You know, where I was at, they were locked down pretty strict. I mean, not like Melbourne. And no one would come get you. You know what I mean? Like you could tell the cops to fuck off and they would go away. Yeah, right.
Starting point is 00:31:25 But at the same time, we were supposedly locked down where i was at in texas just right across the country they were having the largest indoor boxing match in the history of the world at 60 000 people packed into a stadium for a manny pacquiao fight and so yeah right and but your country wasn't like that pretty much all the this the i don't know what you call them provinces are they provinces states yeah okay so like us all your states were kind of on the same page uh for a lot of it yes and then as it went on like melbourne stayed locked down and everyone else didn't like we had um there was actually crossfit comp i think that was it the torian pro yeah it must have been the torian Pro like in 2021 that Brisbane like wasn't like they ran it in Brisbane and lots of Victorians actually went up there
Starting point is 00:32:12 and there was like a cutoff that Victoria went back into. So that's Victoria's like the state I live in. So like Melbourne went back into lockdown at like 8pm on a Friday night. So anyone who flew in after 8pm on a Friday night to Brisbane or whatever, they weren't allowed to compete. They had to like isolate in their hotel because Melbourne was in lockdown but even though Brisbane still ran the competition. So it wasn't literally like that.
Starting point is 00:32:38 It was so dumb. Like heaps of people literally flew up there and then had to just like isolate in their hotel and like their teams couldn't compete in the competition because they one of their members flew up on a different flight. It was ridiculous. God, it is ridiculous. Yeah, I think they can run. I don't think that they could do it again. God, in my lifetime.
Starting point is 00:33:02 But I think that as far as the playbook goes they could control society like that again like in another if they waited another 30 or 40 years they just need a new batch of people to oh yeah to scare did you did you get sick at all from covid uh no i did have it once but i wasn't sick i did have to like you know isolate at home because you had to you had to like stay at home for seven days or you'd get like fined so i did have to like stay at home because you had to you had to like stay at home for seven days or you'd get like fined so i didn't have to like stay at home but i wasn't sick i just trained all week again right right it's interesting too because i remember them saying 80 of the people were asymptomatic so for all we know we all had it 20 times yeah oh i've definitely had it like multiple times
Starting point is 00:33:41 since then like i haven't tested positive again like because i like i don't know haven't tested that much but right i would guarantee you that i've had it again um so so you so through the lockdowns your fitness improves tremendously you don't waste the time you're not sitting at home watching uh shitty movies you're like you're getting at it yeah i trained heaps so i think think my overall fitness probably improved a little bit and like not so much my lifting because I didn't really know what I was doing and I didn't have like, I couldn't squat or anything because I didn't have squat racks. I would just kind of do like, you know, power cleans
Starting point is 00:34:18 and power snatches in like workouts and stuff. But yeah, my fitness, my running probably improved a little bit. Definitely the handstand walking but yeah i didn't like work on any pull-ups or muscle-ups or anything because i didn't have access to it and and then and then when when the lockdowns lifted was your gym still around or did they go out of business um so the gym i was at was still around for about it was open so in melbourne we had like two or i don't know how many but we had like two bigger lockdowns and there was like a few months in between so my gym i probably had about i don't
Starting point is 00:34:52 know three or four months of like training in that gym and then we went into like a really another really big lockdown and then the gym shut down after that one it could because of economic issues yeah they yeah went out of business like how sad they had to it was just really it was hard for a lot of businesses yeah and then and then so they do that and then when that happens are you bummed are you sad do you mourn that loss of that gym um yeah I was super sad like that was my whole like life pretty much like all the because since coming to Melbourne like I didn't really I dropped out of my uni degree since then. So I didn't have like my uni friends anymore. So they were all my like people at that gym. And then, um, and that was where I
Starting point is 00:35:34 worked as well. Like in COVID I did my personal training course. So I worked there. So when they shut down, I didn't like have a job anymore and I didn't have a place to train. So I was pretty upset. Like it was, that was a rough, a rough time. And then they lift the lockdowns and you find another gym. Yeah. So straight away I was super lucky.
Starting point is 00:35:52 I like reached out to a bunch of gyms, like reached out to a soul rebel and Ben, the owner, he was like, awesome. I don't know. I think it was just luck. He literally was like,
Starting point is 00:36:01 yeah, sure. Like I don't really need a coach, but you can come out and like train with us, come meet us and so I did and um started working here and training here and that was yeah really good when was the first time you heard Hayley Adams name the Hayley Adams who's been to the games a bunch yeah well it was actually in that same scaled open that I did I remember going home like nobody mentioned anything to me at the gym about like what the open was or you know I knew nothing
Starting point is 00:36:31 about the CrossFit Games and I remember going home and like looking it up because I was like I want to do competition like I want to see what this is and I looked it up and then I saw that there was someone called Hayley Adams and I remember going back into the gym and being like, yo, did you guys know, like there's a CrossFit games athlete with the same name as me. And they're like, yeah, we knew that. I'm like, what the heck? Why didn't you tell me? Not just a, I mean, uh, uh, uh, I mean, crazy, popular, crazy, successful one. Right. Yeah. And she's also like the exact same age as me pretty much. Yeah. What a trip. Okay, and then so you're back at that gym. What did you say you do at that gym? You coach and what else do you do?
Starting point is 00:37:11 Like admin. So I do a lot of – I do like social media and member management. I do like new members and, yeah, social media, stuff like that. All right, I'm going to CrossFit. CrossFit Soul Rebel Greensboro. Soul Rebel. I bet you it should pop up. And so you must – I hear it's really –
Starting point is 00:37:34 and how long have you been working there? About two and a half years. I heard it's really hard to find good employees for a crossfit gym yeah you reckon and what do you think is that true um maybe i don't know we've had the same at this gym we've had the same four coaches like the whole time i've been here it's been the same four coaches we haven't had any new any anyone leave like so i think maybe it is but we just like i guess ben's found his people and has kept them yeah that's crazy yeah hayley uh you're are you are you sorry i know you said where you are you're are you still in melbourne yes yeah okay so and what and what state is that victoria
Starting point is 00:38:18 victoria okay sorry i know you said all that yeah well there you go uh julia uh she's in i think julia is a marine and i think she's deployed i think she's stationed in australia oh really what state are you in julia yeah i think i i think so i think that's what i remember and so and are of those four are you the most recent addition to the group yeah yeah so of the four we have ben he's the like he found this this gym's been around for like 13 years and then andy is like a co-owner so he hasn't owned it for the whole 13 years he came probably like halfway and then we have katie who's been here maybe like five or six years like she's been here a while and then me so you found your people pretty much yeah I'm pretty lucky yeah congratulations that's an epic story that's enough so that's two stories
Starting point is 00:39:13 of yours I don't hear people just googling gym and going in and not even knowing what it is and then really I just feel like I hear more um um oh she's in melbourne oh really oh yeah so so okay so julia is in uh melbourne yeah right what does this mean darwin is that the name of a town no no so she's in darwin so that's like north that's like northern territory oh okay yeah so it's not so it's so she's not near you. Yeah, it's probably some shithole in the desert where they send the Marines. Yeah. I've never been to Darwin. All I know is that it's really hot.
Starting point is 00:39:52 Yeah, you've never been there. You know why you've never been there? Yeah. Yeah, maybe. So it's kind of crazy because you hear, you, you hear the opposite stories. You hear just like stories of like trainers who come in and trainers that leave and people who don't want to work hard and people who don't get along and, and you've really found a spot that's like, um, home for you.
Starting point is 00:40:20 Is it a big gym? Uh, no, it's not super big. We don't have like a whole heap of members we probably have like less than 150 members um oh that's good yeah and it's like it's a relatively like i don't know i'd say it's like a moderate size space um but yeah it's actually funny like you say that you don't like hear of many people not knowing about crossfit when they first start but like majority of our members here i would say don't know much about crossfit at all like when i when i mentioned that you followed me on instagram everyone was like huh like they had no idea what
Starting point is 00:40:57 that like who you were what that meant anything about the crossfit when the open's coming out they're like so what's the open and like we have to explain it like every second day yeah hey you know what's cool about that story i was i was i forget who i was chatting about this the other day but i like hearing these stories too because it shows how much potential there is for growth not like as in terms of growth of like bringing people in but making the people who are in more aware like yeah like truthfully, I would think that probably less than 1% of the people who actually do CrossFit have ever heard of me or this podcast or even give a shit, right? They just go there, they work out, they get fit, they like it,
Starting point is 00:41:37 and they go home. But that makes me stoked because that means there's just a massive opportunity for for growth yeah well this year in the open like we had heaps of people not have any idea what what it was but i actually really liked the open this year and i think the the fact it was like super simple made like a ton of our members sort of maybe even have the same experience as me where they went home like they saw the workout me where they went home like they saw the workout so then they went home and looked it up and actually registered to do it and found
Starting point is 00:42:09 out more about like the crossfit open and actually like crossfit and the crossfit game stuff like that yeah good good point and how many members how many people did you have do the open at your gym do you know uh close to 50 we had 15 people yeah close to 50 so We had 15 people. Yeah. Close to 50. So we had 15 people qualify for quarterfinals, which is pretty cool. Yeah. Um, but yeah, I think between, between 40 and 50 people, I don't know, maybe 50 is a reach. Wait, uh, how, wait, how many did you say qualified for quarterfinals? 15. So that's including masters. Yeah. Wow. Congratulations. That's wild. so that's including masters yeah wow congratulations that's wild are you the fittest girl in your gym uh yeah yeah and are there are there girls that see you as a uh like are there girls who want to be competitive with you like are you inspiring girls around you i don't know um maybe i i
Starting point is 00:43:00 wouldn't really say so like i think we do have a few girls who are sort of training a little bit harder, but they probably don't want to be like me. I don't know. Hey, as this obsession grows and has grown to this, how has your family and friends, how have they responded? Well, my family don't really know much about CrossFit. And I think every time I see them, so like my dad, he's a physio. And every time I see him, he's like, why do you do this?
Starting point is 00:43:37 And my sister, same thing. Like I have like had issues with nerve pain and stuff like that. And she'll be like, have you ever thought about just like taking a rest, like have a rest, have a few weeks off, maybe that'll help. So they're not really like too into it. And I don't think they really understand like how much time and energy and effort I actually put into it. Like, yeah, I don't know if they, yeah, if they knew how much effort I put into it, I'm sure that they would be a little bit more keen about it. But at the end of the day, they don't really know anything about it. My brother, he's pretty supportive because he's actually like sat down with me
Starting point is 00:44:10 because I used to live with him and we've like watched the CrossFit games together. So he thinks it's pretty cool. You said last year you took 60th and they took 30. How many are they taking this year? 40. 40. So 10 more. and so yeah and so that your chances and how much more fit are you this year than you were last year a lot can you give me an example like like what was your like is your is your clean gone up significantly your max pull-ups your oh definitely so my lifts are
Starting point is 00:44:45 like probably similar um because i haven't really had a very good i haven't had great luck with like my body when it comes to um injuries and being able to actually follow a lifting program so my lifts are very similar but my gymnastics is like now i can do you know sets and muscle-ups like that video we watched whereas last year like i couldn't do more than one in a row um my handstand push-ups have become heaps better my um handstand walking like everything all my skills are like way better um and then my fitness as well like i'm'm just quicker transitions. Like I don't die as much. If you qualify for semis, will you go? Oh, 100%. I train with, so I train at another gym as well,
Starting point is 00:45:34 like one day a week. It's called Wolf Den CrossFit and that's on like the peninsula. Shout out to them. They're awesome. They love you, by the way. Oh, good. Tell them I said hi. Yeah, I will.
Starting point is 00:45:47 And they have a really good athlete there, Daisy McDonald. I sent you her profile. So she's a touring athlete from last year. And I've been training with her. You sent me her profile? Yeah. She wanted to be on. No, no, no, no. This is my charity work with you, Hayley. That's it. Tell her she has to change her name to Tia Toomey. Okay, I will. I will. There Tell her she has to change her name to Tia Toomey. Okay, I will.
Starting point is 00:46:06 I will. There you go, Daisy. Change your name to Tia Toomey. I'm going to go to – I was really excited when there was another Haley Adams. I have to tell you. I don't even know how I came across you. I found you, right? Yeah, it was so random. So I was actually at Wolf Den and I – because to be honest,
Starting point is 00:46:24 I'd listened to maybe a few of your podcasts but i didn't like follow you on instagram or anything like i didn't i didn't know that much and i oh i see her i see her i see her okay okay now i see yeah good sorry so i opened my phone at wolf den and they like they love you like rico the owner he listens he's listened to every single one of your podcasts like oh good like he loves it they all love you and i opened my phone and i had like four followers which you know i don't really just get four random followers at the same time so i looked at it and i was like whoa guys is this like the real siobhan and daisy grabbed my phone she's like yes what hayley follow back like Like what the heck? And then,
Starting point is 00:47:06 um, we were trying to figure out why you'd followed me, like how you'd found me. And then we saw on your story, you'd reshared one of my reels. I wonder how I came across you. I can't remember the story of how you popped on my radar. I don't know. did we talk about you on it did we talk about you on a show i don't think so the only time i've ever like interacted with anyone of importance is one of my friends she commented on one of hayley adams's instagram posts and commented like as a joke she's like you look good here and tagged me like oh oh yeah and hayley adams replied back to it and was like oh hey cool name and that's like the only time i've ever like interacted with anyone of any importance god so i wish i could remember maybe someone um maybe someone knows from the show so uh maybe someone will say uh oh i think oh here we Wad Zombie. He's always good for this.
Starting point is 00:48:05 I think her name popped up when Hiller was talking about the documentary. Oh, maybe that was it. Yeah, right. It was all around that time, like when Hiller put out that Hayley Adams documentary. And then I was so excited. When you sent me that video, I have to tell you, I was pretty excited. Were you? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:21 Because I thought it was pretty funny. I thought it was pretty funny. Were you? Yeah, because I thought it was pretty funny. I thought it was pretty funny. I don't – my Instagram, like I don't even know if I follow my mom or my sister or my wife. Like I don't know who I follow, but I just randomly just follow people of interest. I'm like, oh, I'm definitely following this girl, another Hayley Adams. And I always think it's weird when people have the same names.
Starting point is 00:48:40 But also just inside of our small community, is Hayley Adams a popular name? Have you ever met another Hayley Adams besides the Haley Adams? No, I don't know that many Haley's to be honest. Like I feel like Adams might be like a common last name, but when I saw that she had the same name as me, I was like, that's really weird. And so, and so, um, so you send me that text and you're like, Hey, if I beat her in the open, can I come on the show?
Starting point is 00:49:04 I would have had you on the show anyway. I was pretty excited to meet you, but, um, how did you beat her? Like she's so fucking good. How did you be? Or she just does those athletes just aren't giving it their all or. I don't know. Like I had a pretty good open. Like they were the first two workouts were good workouts for me.
Starting point is 00:49:22 Like I guess what'd you say? 110th in the world. I guess that's pretty crazy. Yeah, so like the first, I think I beat her in the first one definitely. But I remember I was listening to her on your podcast, and she was saying that she was like, you know, that wasn't her best, which fair enough. But I beat her in the first one.
Starting point is 00:49:44 And then I think she might have beaten me in the second one but only by like three reps um and but i had enough of a lead on her in the first one and then she definitely beat me in the last one but not by that much like maybe a minute and like i guess that i just yeah stayed ahead of it hey and did you see my arch nemesis uh uh commented on the uh oh danielle brandon yeah my brother messaged me he's like he sent me a screenshot of her thing because he doesn't know who danielle brandon is he's like hayley this person commented and she's got heaps of followers oh yeah she's so sassy what did she say oh here's the video where you say hey oh you say hey savon if i beat hayley um can i come on the uh podcast and yeah and she writes you can have the open hayley will
Starting point is 00:50:33 take the games i know we saw that and we're like well obviously like whatever how sassy danielle how sassy like it's yeah i don't know that's funny this was this was so funny though so they're all the wolf den people that like they they will be like loving this oh so are these the um is the owner in here is that the owner back there rico with the towel around his neck that's rico so he owns wolf den and nat the girl in the front right here, that's Nat. So they own Wolf Den. And then the other people are just like, like members. So that's Adam, which is Daisy's boyfriend.
Starting point is 00:51:12 And then Daisy's the one who turns the camera around to her. Oh, so this, and Ben's not in this. No. So Ben, yeah. Ben's at Soul Rebel. So he's back in Greensboro. Oh, okay. Okay.
Starting point is 00:51:23 Okay. Okay. So this is like, I don't, I don't work at this gym or anything. These people are just really nice and let me come and train at their gym for free for like one day a week. Okay, okay. I'm slowly piecing this together. Anyway, I thought that was pretty funny. I was pretty excited.
Starting point is 00:51:38 I can't get Danielle's attention for the life of me. We've been fighting a little bit for the last couple of months. But I was so happy that I was able to get her to comment, even though if it meant her being sassy to you, that was funny as. So, so if you, if you qualify for the semifinals,
Starting point is 00:51:57 you will go. Yeah. You, you hinted that you might, that you have some, maybe some, some injuries. What type of hindrances do
Starting point is 00:52:06 you have just like niggles but the main the thing i was talking about is i've had like a i had like a hip issue like last year and um that's led to some gnarly um nerve pain that i still get for some reason like i can't sit in chairs like right now i'm sitting on my like pillows that save my life um do you have it when you stand up and walk around too is it like sciatica it's like going down no it's like sciatica pain but i only have it when sitting so like sitting in the car sitting when i'm working like i've got a standing desk over there because i just like and some days it's worse than others i think it's definitely like related to like my piriformis.
Starting point is 00:52:46 So like when I've been doing heath squats and whatever, like it's worse, but it doesn't really affect my training anymore. It's just when I'm sitting, which I can deal with. How about when you sleep? Some days I get bad pain when I'm sleeping, but I take magnesium and that like sorts me out. If I forget to take my magnesium that like sorts me out if I forget to take my magnesium it wakes me up and what's the um what's the mechanism why magnesium what's that
Starting point is 00:53:11 do um I think it's a muscle relaxer so it probably my guess is that like it is like my piriformis muscle like when it's really tight like just pinches in certain positions pinches on my nerves so like the magnesium that's like what's your performance really yeah performance muscle it's like in your side of your butt it like i don't know how to describe it you have two of them so you have two of them you you're one in either butt cheek yeah one on either side yep performance muscle yeah interesting yeah so in so magnesium um somehow relaxes the muscle. Yeah, I think that that's probably – magnesium, do you take magnesium? No.
Starting point is 00:53:50 Oh, really? So magnesium, it's like a muscle relaxer. So it also helps you sleep because like – so you're meant to take it before bed because it's meant to like relax your muscles. Like it helps with mind, like chillaxing-ness. I don't know the actual terms or anything anything but like it's a muscle relaxer so it helps you sleep and it's just like salt really but yeah when i think of um in i don't i don't fucking know what i'm talking about when i think of magnesium and potassium and sodium i i mean the only time i would ever take those is if I was like doing a prolonged fast.
Starting point is 00:54:25 Oh, really? Yeah. And I've just, just, I've just have been told that it helps my brain just like stay, you know, firing properly that somehow the, whatever the electricity is that runs around in our body that keeps us animated, it, it, it helps. So that's the only time I've taken that stuff. I think it probably does. I don't know the magnesium. I take Z-Mag. So it's the only time I've taken that stuff. I think it probably does. I don't know the magnesium. I take Z mag.
Starting point is 00:54:46 So it's like ATP science. Um, they've got like a zinc magnesium. Oh yeah. And zinc. Yeah. A little bit of zinc. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:54 Um, magnesium before bed leads to wild dreams and to get a great deuce. There you go. I don't know. Maybe I don't have many dreams, but potentially a good digestion. Yeah. Good. a good deuce. Magnesium daily is goat.
Starting point is 00:55:10 Good. Wow. I would definitely take magnesium. You should get on it. The Trump cocktail. Magnesium, zinc, and vitamin D. Yeah. There you go.
Starting point is 00:55:20 Oh, this is a great question from Wadzombie. Has she ever gotten any accidental communications from people looking for the other hayley adams um well we thought you following me might have been that oh that's funny um but the only one is i think which could have been the one that maybe got you me on your radar anyway because someone with that documentary wrote like a comment on some oh that is it post and they tagged the wrong hayley yeah they tagged me yeah that maybe was it and i was that on the crossfit games instagram and i think someone said crossfit games tagged the wrong hayley adams um potentially yeah okay it was definitely crossfit like instagram related and actually recently this one got deleted though because i don't know why they what happened but
Starting point is 00:56:13 there was one i didn't even see it because it was posted too late at night i was already in bed but like people other people saw it and then the next day it was deleted but like the morning chalk up put up like a oh maybe that was it no this was after this was like really recent this was after the open they put up like the best camps for open performance and they had mayhem they had 110th hayley adams um oh no they had 123rd maybe hayley adams but it was spelt my way but it was the other hayley adams's place and she's not with or i don't know if she's with mayhem but like no she's not nope yeah so i think they deleted it because they just got that so like people were like oh is this you and i was like
Starting point is 00:56:55 well no i actually came 110th but uh a piriformis is one of the deep glute muscles that when tight can compress the sciatic nerve yeah uh the type of magnesium people take makes a huge difference does it what are the different types i don't even know uh paraformer syndrome is inflation the muscle clamping down on the nerve i think i have a little bit of that uh what about um can you have someone rub it out um yeah i've been getting treatment like thumb and just push really hard on the probably i mean i get i get treatment like every week and it definitely helps but is it someone basically just rubbing it really really hard rubbing your butt really hard no i get needles i like dry needling oh okay yeah um my work um i had this bicep issue here and andrew hill andrew hiller came to my house and
Starting point is 00:57:56 took a butter knife oh yeah that'd be good and just rubbed it like really hard with oil yeah it was painful but but like within 30 minutes it was better i mean it came back yeah i bet but it was better yeah you need a butter knife on your butt yeah maybe i'll try that i'll bring my butter knife from home and be like someone do this on my butt if if you make it to do you have a plan um for do you do you do your own programming no i follow mayhem oh you do follow mayhem yeah and why do you follow them um i've tried a couple different programs like in the past um like between jumping between like doing just the gym programming um mixed with like ben
Starting point is 00:58:39 programming just extra workouts for me i've also done like proven for a little bit which I didn't mind um but just after down under qualifies last year which is like an I don't know if you know down under champs is like another crossfit comp in Australia um which I didn't qualify for that um because I was like pretty injured then but um well and I also wasn't that fit but after that Ben decided to just have me try out mayhem and yeah since doing it it's been really good and I also wasn't that fit but after that Ben decided to just have me try out mayhem and yeah since doing it it's been really good and I can actually do the workouts I found with proven I don't know if this was like if the workouts are harder or if I was just not like if I was just not very good but I was just like getting like I couldn't a lot of them I couldn't do like they
Starting point is 00:59:20 were really hard um so yeah just started doing mayhem and the people at wolf den they do mayhem too so it makes it really easy for me to sort of bounce around and train with different people which I think has made me a better athlete as well and lots of people put their scores up too which is cool like on the the leaderboard there's like Royce and Christy Hollard and um Emily DeRoy she follows mayhem so there's lots of different people on there that you can like see their scores too yeah and so you know where you're at with the group and um the the do does mayhem have different tracks and which tracks you do do they have different programs yeah they have heaps i just follow the semi-final
Starting point is 01:00:01 games ones okay okay okay now we're getting to it. Yeah. If you make it to, so, so we went from handstand. We went from, I'm never going to be able to do muscle ups and hands to, and handstand walk.
Starting point is 01:00:13 So I could handstand walk. So shit might as well learn muscle ups. Yeah. If you make it to semifinals this year, will there be a shift you think in your psyche? What do you mean? Just terms of uh your your your your your aspirations will there be a shift in your profile like will you that be like okay i i like it's kind of like if you see something on a top shelf and you're like i never grabbed that and then all of a sudden you grow two inches and
Starting point is 01:00:42 you're like oh shit if i get on my tippy toes, I can grab that. Um, I don't know. I honestly, if I, I think for this year, like touring pro, like my goal at the moment is like qualifying for the touring pro. I don't even mean this year.
Starting point is 01:00:54 I just mean in the future, like, can you see yourself? Like, let's say you do qualify for Torian this year. Yeah. Do you see yourself readjusting? Depends on how well I do at Torian.
Starting point is 01:01:04 Okay. Okay. Cause if I was to like, I think this yearian okay because if I was to like I think this year like even if I was to qualify well yeah I don't know I'd maybe I shouldn't talk badly about myself but like I don't know how well I would go like I need to get a lot stronger I think to be like actually up there um just like strength wise I'm not like weak or anything but I just my Olympic lifts are like not as good as some other girls so yeah I think like I I don't know maybe give me another year and then maybe but but you don't rule it out you could see it happening qualify for the semifinals and it could change your your perspective on things potentially yeah well and I always yeah I think in the back
Starting point is 01:01:42 of my mind I don't like looking too far ahead but in the back of my mind, I don't like looking too far ahead, but in the back of my mind, I'm like I've still got plenty more years in me. Like there's no reason why this would be I'd qualify for Torian and then be like, oh, well, I'll see you later. I don't need to do anything anymore. Like I plan to keep training after that and like try and, you know, do semifinals again next, well, hopefully I qualify this year, but like try and qualify again next year and then maybe I'll be
Starting point is 01:02:05 even fitter like the amount of progression I've seen from last year to this year I'm like if I can do that again like then maybe was this year special in terms of your in terms of your leap yeah I would say so and I I think that a of it, I've been training very differently this year compared to like, I've been training way more than I was. And I've been, my body's been way healthier, even though I'm training like double the amount. And I don't know, I kind of put it down to like the people that I've been around and, um, yeah, I don't know my mental game, I guess. Um, uh, Bernie Gannon, uh, magnesium magnesium glyc glycinate is most recommended for energy malate is also good as tyler said l 308 308 308 often called magteen is one of the purported brain benefits yeah i think the one in the z-mag might be the malate yeah i don't know when you say your your training has changed can you describe how it's changed like
Starting point is 01:03:11 are you training twice a day yeah yeah i train twice a day um four days a week and then um and on those days i train pretty hard um and then, yeah, I've been training like ever since going down and training with Daisy like at Wolf Den, like she works super hard. So ever since that, I've also been doing a lot of accessories and a lot of bodybuilding and just like stuff to keep my body healthy, which I think has made a massive difference as well. Like before I would never even think, like I'd get injured and then I go to physio.
Starting point is 01:03:46 They'd tell me a few things to do. I probably wouldn't do them. I'd stay injured. It'd get better. I'd get injured again. Whereas now I do like accessories and I don't know. It takes up a lot of time. I probably train like five hours a day.
Starting point is 01:03:57 And tell me what are accessories? Um, like all the little things. So like hollow rock or rolling out or oh heaps of stuff like i do um for my ankles i do calf raises i do tip raises i do like trap what's tip what's tip raises it's the opposite of a cast phrase you pull yourself okay that way and you just you just you're just you're standing there and you just do them with no weight. You just do them just sets. Um, yep.
Starting point is 01:04:26 Do you lean on the wall? And I probably do like three sets of 25 to 30. Like you basically go that till it burns. Then you do a few more. Wow. And, uh, and all that shit takes crazy patience. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:04:41 But I just like, I don't know. I just do it all. Okay. Okay. Keep going. Uh, so calf raises, tip raises. Yeah. I do just like, I don't know. I just do it all. Okay. Okay. Keep going. Uh, so calf raises, tip raises. Yeah. I do calf raises, tip raises. I do like dumbbell external rotations. I do. Show me that. Show me that. So like you just hold like two pound dumbbells like this and just go like this.
Starting point is 01:04:57 I do it on my legs. I do it single arm and I'll go like that. And how heavy is the dumbbell? Pretty light. Like I don't really go heavier than like four kilos oh that's that's not light oh really i don't know that's 10 10 pounds right or no yeah okay yeah okay not super light then yeah yeah like crazy crazy because um i mean because you could get therapy doing that just with no weight yeah yeah so you definitely build it up like i've been doing like lots of these i do like trap three raises like with one kilo dumbbells what's that what's trap three raises so that's like this like up like if you're i do it like
Starting point is 01:05:36 leaning i feel like i'm at my online physio i'm like leaning on the bench and like raising my arm up it like gets your um lower traps oh and you're leaning so it oh so you can get more of a pinch back there yeah so you could do it on like an incline bench and you could do both arms at the same time god i can't believe how buff my back is when i do that i just feel so much fucking muscle back there yes it's too bad it's too bad my back isn't my stomach. Goodness. Okay, so you do those. I like that.
Starting point is 01:06:07 Tell me more. Tell me more. I do. I've got to show you my book. I'll show you my – I'll give you a slide here. My book is just all accessories these days. Oh, that's your journal. Yeah, this is all my training to do for the days.
Starting point is 01:06:24 So I do like – And every day you write down what you did, what you've done, what you're doing? Well, I write it down before. So it's more like I just don't like going on my phone as much when I train. Smart. God, you're smart. You're a good dude. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:06:39 So the night before, I write it all down in my book. So like this is today. Okay. I'll tell everyone my secret hey that's that's the best thing that's the best thing that's been said on any podcast probably in a month anywhere in the world what write the shit down don't do it on your phone because your phone is just a fucking or because your phone's just all this other shit's just coming in next thing you know you're you're watching some dumb shit yeah I'd open my phone
Starting point is 01:07:03 and then I scroll on tiktok and half the time i'm i do train by myself a lot but like a lot of the time there's other people in the gym and i don't want to be like you know scrolling on my phone but i could be in my rest times i'm embarrassed if anyone ever sees me scrolling really yeah too much i have too much i have too much pride to scroll yeah yeah i go in a closet i close the door scrolling scrolling when you're on the for when you're on the toilet no one can see yeah or when you're in bed well i try not to do that too oh that's naughty i just deducted a point from your coolness okay sorry back to your journal um so yeah i write everything down and then it also like with the with the accessories like i
Starting point is 01:07:41 write them all in here to hold me accountable because otherwise like they're not in the mayhem program you know like I need to write them down so that I actually do them otherwise I won't do them and then I'll get injured and yeah who told you about the accessories how do you learn about them um well probably I'd probably give credit to Daisy yeah so she's like she's doing physio at uni so I think that that's probably where she gets it from but she's like the queen of accessories she does so many so let me ask you this do you think that do you think that it's the actual movements per se that are helping you or the attention you're giving to those body parts? Or do you think it's some mixture? Like, I believe that if you give attention to body parts, they can heal.
Starting point is 01:08:33 Like just you, I know that sounds fucking wackadoodle, but I got a little wackadoodle in me. I believe giving attention to certain body parts is really important. Like to lie down and put your attention on body parts um yeah maybe i don't know you never thought of that no i've never thought of it like you mean just like thinking about like if i was to lie down and just like think about my performance muscle no yeah not even think about it you go you go there i go there you know what i mean so like yeah so like when i go to bed at night that's how i go to bed at night like when anytime anyone's like i have trouble falling asleep i'm like what the fuck you mean why would you ever try to fall asleep like when you lay down in bed that's the time that you're supposed to take your
Starting point is 01:09:11 awareness out of your head and like put it on body parts and check them out and heal them so like focus all my energy on my elbow until it kind of until it lights up yeah i kind of like it i might try that yeah it. I call it energy body, but basically, and I just take it to different spots. My wife taught it to me. Yeah. Right. It's kind of like, um, that's like, um, mindfulness in a way. Like I've done a little bit of like mindfulness breath work stuff. And they often tell you to like do a body scan. Yeah. If you really, when, when you start getting good at it like me um you act i actually go into this state where i can observe my whole body and i can actually just see the i don't know
Starting point is 01:09:52 how to explain it but i'm not even the one breathing anymore oh really no i can see the whole thing fucking just happening on its own like you can go into your stomach you can go into your feet your ankles but the weirdest thing is is in your heart you can feel almost like see your heart but you can feel your heart but the other thing is is also um you um uh my elbow doesn't hurt it's my fucking bicep i've told you a million fucking times my bicep jackass what part of your arm here like where is it in your bicep here? It's right here. But if you can get to that state where you, it's this wire here that like, that's on my bicep.
Starting point is 01:10:33 It's like, it's not even, it's not even close to my fucking elbow. So fucking tired of people saying it's my elbow. You ever put your thumb in there and just go like this? No. Should I? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:10:43 That, I mean, I'm feeling my, that's probably another similar one to the um to the knife yeah right just just mashing it yeah just like putting pressure in and then moving your arm that hurts my biceps sore too um but you can actually become the observer of your breathing and it it is it is it's a wild um experience it's a while do you have to go do you have to go do you get no that was my boss he just texted me he said good podcast i'm heading off to lunch now so don't forget about class i've got class at 12 30 wow yeah wow it's not that good
Starting point is 01:11:20 or else you'd still be listening yeah what the heck keep it on ben have you heard of fasting yeah you don't need to eat um and do you think that the accessory work is really helping or it's just slowed you down or you think the actual movements are you know it's working i think it's helping like my so i had like with my hip with the nerve i didn't just have nerve pain like i had bursitis in my hip with it which then led led to like I don't know I just had a whole heap of pain in my hip like I couldn't squat I just like couldn't squat 100 kilos on a good day like it was just awful and I went to a physio and he gave me like three exercises and I did them every day and now I don't have any hip pain and what are those exercises um I do like this thing called like a traction drill it's kind of like a
Starting point is 01:12:05 stretch like a bit of like a i don't know stretch thing i do side plank like external rotations so with my legs like if i'm in a side plank i have a band and i just like bring one leg up and back down and then i do a goblet squat before i squat they're the three the goblet squat huh um uh is this what's a lateral oh this is for shoulder stability oh it's similar to that though so imagine his arms like my leg okay you have a rubber band on it like that yeah so i put the band like around my hip yeah and then i basically like internally rotate my knee and then like squeeze my glute and pull it back out do you ever catch yourself just um flexing your butt muscles no no oh because you've seen people you've seen people like that right um like when they stand you they stand they're squeezing their butt
Starting point is 01:12:58 yeah right yeah you've seen that right maybe i don't know i've never thought about it and those people usually when you see them naked they'll have like a little uh like uh you can see when someone squeezes their butt like the muscle goes in there and you know like on the sides of the hip yeah like it goes in like comes concave so that's it's not from that it's not from you like just flexing it or holding it my pain yeah no no because because because that because it says it's the muscle clamping down so it's like a cramp the piriformis yeah um no i had bursitis in my hip so bursitis is like the bursa sack being like inflamed so my hip was like sore to touch it was like it was like i couldn't you
Starting point is 01:13:45 couldn't touch it um and that was from doing like a bunch of dumbbell thrusters which um yeah wrecked me and then i don't know why it hung around for so long because eventually the bursitis went away so i'm not really sure why yeah i don't know i so but these exercises have really helped me bursitis a painful condition that affects the small fluid filled sacs called bursa that cushion the bones tendons and muscles near your joints yeah so bursitis is basically like those sacs they like are inflamed and then they're um they're like swollen you never want an inflamed sack horrible i bet i don't think i've ever had one of those. Okay. So, so, and those are from Daisy too.
Starting point is 01:14:33 Oh no, no, no. Those are from the physio. Those three movements. Yeah. They were from the physio, but then share those with Daisy. Were you like Daisy? I got something for you. Um, well she probably already knew about him. like i see her doing the side plank external rotations often like she's so on the ball um but yeah i started doing those and then i started doing a bunch of upper body ones too because we have well at wolf den they have like a bodybuilding area upstairs so like at the end of our sessions when me and daisy would train we'd go upstairs and she'd be like all right we're gonna do lat pull downs and like pal of press and a bunch of bodybuilding stuff so when i was training down there we'd do that so then when i came home i just started you know figuring out ways to do similar exercises yeah and and things have gotten better yeah yeah pretty much seven can't squad 100
Starting point is 01:15:23 kilos on a good day either i can't do it on a bad day. That's why he wants all this info. Oh, well, maybe you should start goblet squatting before you squat. No, I don't even – the only squat I ever do – I only do a couple kinds of squats. I hold a D-ball in the front. Okay. And I do a lot of squats like that, 40 pounds usually. I started recently trying
Starting point is 01:15:45 to get a little stronger again because the opening was so embarrassing for me so i'll wear a 30 pound weight vest and hold a 40 pound ball and do it and do 100 squats like just like bodybuilding style like 10 on the minute for 10 minutes yeah nice while i watch tv or i don't know that that's good yeah but i i don't i don't ever i don't ever put a barbell on my back maybe you should do that with a booty band around your legs what's a booty band around my legs oh the thing around no what's that like a little mini a little mini elastic band why to force me to drive my knees out yeah so when i goblet squat it's mostly the booty band that's helping me but i don't know my hips are fine i'm good oh well yeah i only have one
Starting point is 01:16:25 i only have this issue and lower but do you have any lower back pain uh yeah i have like had a fair bit i do like ab stuff for that like what what tell me what ab stuff you do like dead bugs um bird dogs i do like little crunch ups side planks are good oh yeah dead bugs my wife does dead bugs yeah and then a bird dog too look up a bird dog it's like the opposite she swears by the dead bug and you know my back will sometimes be so bad that she'll just be like lay down and walk me through a session of dead bugs i don't yes this is the and the ones i do are i mean people are gonna laugh the ones i do are way less aggressive than this one. Way less aggressive.
Starting point is 01:17:09 I usually keep one foot, one foot down. Oh really? Yeah. But it works. It works. Like after 10 minutes of that shit, I'm all better. You should look up, um, for you, Siobhan. It's probably not that interesting.
Starting point is 01:17:20 How dare you? I'm 52 years old. You can't tell me anything. I don't know. What are you doing? I won't tell you my secret. No, no. You can't tell me anything. I don't know. What are you doing? I won't tell you my secret. No, no. Tell me, tell me, tell me. You should, the physio told me to, to do McGill's big three.
Starting point is 01:17:32 Can you spell that for me? So M C G I L L big three. B I G. Yeah. Three. So there's like three exercises. It's bird dogs, side side planks and like these crunch up things and they're they're like good for your back my gills the only core i do is i do uh leg lifts oh yeah and those are probably horrible for my back yeah they're the crunch ups oh yeah yeah that's the kind of subtle shit my wife has me do. Just like subtle shit like this.
Starting point is 01:18:05 Yeah, these burn. These are like, they look like nothing and they burn so bad. Yeah, I keep one knee bent like that too. Okay. So curl up. And then the next one is like a side plank. Isometric curl up? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:18:19 I don't know. What the fuck is the difference? Oh, you hold it. Yeah, yeah. Okay. And then you keep going. Yeah. Here we go. So you do a side plank and you basically hold for like 10 seconds and then you come down and you go back up and hold again for 10 seconds.
Starting point is 01:18:35 And he's like, Oh, I thought he was thrusting forward. So he's coming up. Yeah. So he was just doing it on his knees and then you can progress to like you oh look you can see him shaking look you can see him shaking it's hard work yeah his shirt's vibrating and here we go the bird dog oh yeah i do those my wife would have me do those too okay so it's all like low back pain is often like either glute related or like uh core you need stronger core how about my bed my bed's a fucking i think my bed's fucked oh yeah maybe that can play into it too do you have a good bed um well i just got a new pillow like four days ago and i've literally slept the best four nights i've
Starting point is 01:19:18 slept in the last like two years with this new pillow so before that i'd say no but now i'm like living uh thin pillow or thick pillow nah it's like a it's a thick memory foam pillow except before i had a memory foam pillow that was like you know those ones that are like this and they're like low on one side and high on the other yeah and i literally had neck pain like so bad like i would wake up in the middle of the night and my neck would hurt. I'd have a headache. So I just got a memory from one that's like just normal pillow shaped. Yeah. And it's so good.
Starting point is 01:19:51 One of the things that I train myself to do through doing that energy body is I don't use it. I don't use any pillow or I try not to. Really? Yeah. Because then then I'm even I'm a little less comfortable. Like and so it allows me to stay awake longer. The second I get it. And if I just turn on my side, I'm a little less comfortable, so it allows me to stay awake longer. The second I get up, and if I just turn on my side, I'm out. Really?
Starting point is 01:20:10 Yeah. You know those lizards, if you put them on their back, they just go unconscious? I'm like that. If I just roll on my side, I'm out. Yeah, right. So you don't use any pillow? I try not to. If I do, I use a really skinny one, like a towel folded in half.
Starting point is 01:20:23 Yeah, yeah. One time someone told me that I asked a my skinny one, like a towel folded in half. Yeah, yeah. One time someone told me that. I asked like a myotherapist what pillow I should use, and he told me no pillow. Yeah. But I don't think I could sleep well like that. If you make it to the semifinals, well, even – Yeah, well, this isn't going to sound nice.
Starting point is 01:20:42 I'm about to say. You're Australian. You've got thick skin. If you make it to the semifinals, I'd love to have you on again. I'd love to hear about it. Yeah, for sure. This was fun as. This was like the best hour 20 of my life.
Starting point is 01:20:55 Oh, good. Thank you. I'm glad you had fun. Thanks for having me. Yeah, this flew by. You're awesome. Yeah, I know. Now I've got to go coach and tell everyone about how fun this was,
Starting point is 01:21:04 and they'll all be like, I don't how fun this was. And they'll be like, I don't know who Savannah is. I'll be like, you need to listen. Hey, if this wasn't, if you weren't Australian, this would be a shit show.
Starting point is 01:21:10 23 year old in America is the fucking worst interview in the world. I mean, you, oh my God. Oh my God. Oh, well, I'm glad I'm,
Starting point is 01:21:20 I'm thanks so much for having me. This is really fun. Yeah. Say hi to everyone back there and, and, and stay in touch. I will. Thank you so much. I'll. This was really fun. Yeah. Say hi to everyone back there and stay in touch. I will. Thank you so much. I'll see you soon, hopefully.
Starting point is 01:21:29 Hopefully I qualify and then I can come back. Yeah, I'm excited for you. I think you are. Thank you so much. See you soon. All right, dear. Bye, Hayley. Bye.
Starting point is 01:21:38 Bye. Bye. God, that could have gone. Oh, Hayley, I forgot to tell you something. Shit. In the beginning of the show, she said she said something about global warming. I forgot to tell her there's no such thing. And she better not teach our five, the five year olds to 12 year olds that there is global warming.
Starting point is 01:21:58 Please. Dan Guerrero, she carried you, Savon. She was good. She was good She was good I haven't eaten today It's my fasting day I'm hitting probably 24 hours right now All I have to do is get off the show with you guys
Starting point is 01:22:15 And go to bed Get my 36 in I'm a bit of a mess Uh oh what is this mess. Uh-oh, what is this? Uh. Um. Oh, geez.
Starting point is 01:22:41 God damn it. What? So. I live on this street. And so there's this big city over the hill for me. It's called San Jose, California. It's like one of the bigger cities in the United States, I'd say. Maybe 10th largest city in the United States. Let's see.
Starting point is 01:23:00 I don't even know if that's true. Let me see. San Jose, California, 10th biggest city. Let me see if I type that into Google. 487,000. The Bay Area is no longer one of the 10 biggest in the U.S. Is San Jose the 10th largest city in the United States? San Jose drops out of 10 largest cities.
Starting point is 01:23:21 Oh, okay. It's number 12 now. All right, fine. And it's number 12 now all right fine um and it's where it's basically silicon valley it's basically where all the um uh it's like apples there and um facebook and amazon they're not really in san jose but they're in the suburb like basically there's in my mind there's like santa cruz then you go over the mountain there there's San Jose and then there's San Francisco. But people who live around here probably be like, that's not how it is. But just bear with me.
Starting point is 01:23:49 That's how it is. So as you go north, it's my town, Santa Cruz, then San Jose and then. San Francisco. And before, the road from San Jose to my town, Santa Cruz, is a 17-mile drive through a windy fuck mountain range through a redwood forest, massive. No one wants to do the drive. It's horrible. So because of that, even though I'm so close to this metropolis, I'm crazy isolated, right? Santa Cruz is crazy isolated. You think I should get a haircut?
Starting point is 01:24:24 Don't make me insecure about my hair. I'm already like so like I don't know what I'm doing. I don't know what I'm doing with my beard or my hair. Try not to think about it. So there's this but it's a four it's a four lane highway, two lanes in each direction. It's windy through the mountains. Before they built that road, there was another road. It's called Old San Jose Road. And that's that's the road that I kind of live on. And it's like a nothing road. It is like just hairball is all get out. It's just two lanes, one in each direction, no divider, windy as shit, crazy road.
Starting point is 01:25:00 So – and it's kind of – some people make fun of this, but it's up in the country. I'm up in the country, right? My neighbors have donkeys and shit. But not like, not like the way, like my neighbor has horses too, but they're like prize horses. You know what I mean? They're like retired prize horses. I'm a sucker for a fresh haircut. All right, fine.
Starting point is 01:25:21 Haircut it is. sucker for a fresh haircut all right fine haircut it is so oh you know about you know i'm going to talk about the bridge the bridge i am going to talk about a bridge so i live i'm a corner house like i could say i live on old san jose road or i could say i live on this other road or I could say I live on this other road. And up on my road, there's like, I'm making this up, 17 residents out here in the middle of nowhere. And they want to put together a a committee that um they want to put together like they're trying to make it so everyone gives money every single month to uh like put in the bank in case the road ever goes away right
Starting point is 01:26:16 like gets washed away or gets damaged or road maintenance that's what it is road maintenance and like i don't want to just tell me how much I fucking oh I don't want to go to any fucking meetings I don't want to meet anyone so she sends me this text I think or to he I don't fucking know who it is hi Sevan does April 27th at 930 a.m. work for you for a quick neighbor meeting? I don't want to go to a neighbor meeting I don't want to go to a neighbor meeting I don't Can someone tell me why I should go to the neighbor meeting
Starting point is 01:27:21 Can you talk me into going to the neighbor meeting Your taxes don't fix the road. I don't know. I don't even know. I don't even care. Just tell me what it is. $100 a month. Fine.
Starting point is 01:27:32 Just tell me. Just tell me and I'll tell my tell my wife to just send Haley. I don't want any fucking. Listen, Haley. Haley. What is this? Jesus. What is this?
Starting point is 01:28:13 This is crazy, this video someone just sent me. This has nothing to do with building a road. That cannot be good for a Concept2 bike having it on the beach. Anyway, okay. Don't go. I know. It should be just that easy, right? Yeah, I don't want to sign anything.
Starting point is 01:28:42 I'm not interested in like... I bet that after attending one neighbor meeting, someone would not be invited back to others I won't I but the thing is is oh send Rosemary that that's not a fucking bad idea Jesus Christ that's fucking brilliant Ken oh my god that's brilliant I feel like calling my mom on in on the air and pressuring her to do it. Just call her right now. Hi, Mom. My mom might do it. I wonder what my wife's going to say.
Starting point is 01:29:19 Why don't they text my wife? Oh, yeah. oh yeah yeah someone sent me to the video of bella on her c2 bike all that sam will mess it up i think and that girl was on the show i think I'm gonna see if it's the same oh yeah this girl was on the show oh shit it's on her Instagram I really want to get Fikowski on the show let me see I've been bugging him a little bit I really want to get Fikowski on the show. I see. I've been bugging him a little bit. Damn.
Starting point is 01:30:24 I'm all over the place someone sent me this I haven't watched this yet I haven't watched this yet but let me just play this for you let's see what this is while we decompress on this fine Sunday evening oh who do I have on the show tomorrow oh nobody I don't even have a show scheduled tomorrow can that fucking be
Starting point is 01:30:47 i don't see a show on the calendar i don't see a show for tuesday either i bet you suza's left this all wide fucking open because we have the quarterfinals coming up maybe i'm just anxious because of the quarterfinals shows let's let's listen let's chill together for a sec, guys. You good? No, there's a show tomorrow. Hi, Seth. There'll definitely be a show. I already set my alarm. Okay, here we go.
Starting point is 01:31:16 I wear a lot of Axe body spray. But I live in a black neighborhood and it's called Ask Body Spray. but i live in a black neighborhood and it's called ask body spray and if you don't get that joke then you're not racist i wear a damn damn i think i told a joke just like that once. Um very similar to that on the show and uh James townsend was in the chat and he he made he made a comment And then I quickly text him I go dude. You're making me sweat. He goes. That's the point
Starting point is 01:31:58 He's a good dude I should have him on more often the last two shows I did with him were great I think we've really warmed up to each other the two of us oh do you guys want to see some god stuff anyone have time for that what are you guys doing
Starting point is 01:32:21 do you guys want to do some god shit or should I save this for the morning this is pretty good i kind of am tempted to send this to greg um always time for god okay fuck it ken walter says there's always time for god okay here we go uh i the first line got cut off um the guy says uh you can't prove religion oh look brooke ends like this brooke ends actually sent this to me i wasn't going to say that but now that she like you can see she liked it she sent this to me uh i don't know today or something
Starting point is 01:33:02 okay listen this is pretty good this is pretty good i i was i was actually just for the sake of the debate i liked it this is this is right up my alley remember though i am not a believer i think only fools believe but here we go or let me rephrase that not only it's not just fools believe It's just that if you're not conscious that you're a believer as opposed to a knower, then you're a fool. Remember, there's nothing to believe. But here we go. Here we go. Ready?
Starting point is 01:33:35 Now that I think about this, now that I'm saying this, this kind of downgrades God. This kind of downgrades God it like brings God down to The material plane it's kind of sad, but but it's really good. Okay, here we go Hiller went in on Brooke. He did where I Didn't see that yet I'm behind. I'm two two or three Hiller videos behind. Okay, here we go. But this is good. This is pretty good. It's all myth. It's myth. You can't prove the legend. You can't prove it.
Starting point is 01:34:10 Prove it to me that Jesus existed. Prove to me that he's... Sure, no problem. I'll prove to you Jesus if you first of all prove to me Napoleon. I'll prove to you Jesus if you first prove to me George Washington. I'll prove to you Jesus if you first... No, I said no. Don't prove the person's existence, if you first prove to me George Washington. I'll prove to you, Jesus, if you first prove to me George Washington Carver.
Starting point is 01:34:26 No, don't prove the person's existence. I'm saying prove the ideas that the person talks about. Prove to me what there's a heaven that's up there. Prove to me that your God truly exists. Prove to me that these precepts of the Bible are truly revelation. Prove to me that these things are actually there. I'm an empiricist. Prove to me that they're there actually there. I'm a empiricist. Prove to me that they're there.
Starting point is 01:34:46 All right, I'll do that. If, first of all, you prove to me that your taste buds are telling you the truth when they tell you you're drinking sour milk. Secondary, some things you can't prove, so then you fall upon second base. Some things you can't prove? Sir, I'm sorry, I haven't communicated clearly. Sir, you can't prove a thing. To prove means to show it cannot be another way.
Starting point is 01:35:05 You cannot prove a thing. To prove means to show it cannot be another way. You cannot prove a thing in life. You as a thinking human being don't base your life on proof. You base your life on evidence. You base your life on evidence. You base your life on evidence. That's why I wanted to show it to Greg. Like, this is it. This is the broken science thing.
Starting point is 01:35:22 This is just predictive value. You base your life on evidence. You don't really know fucking anything. I remember when Greg said, hey, he was explaining it to me. Like I was having trouble understanding what he was saying. He's like, you can't even say all crows are black, even though no one's ever seen a crow that's not black, because you can't see all crows.
Starting point is 01:35:44 And so it's just evidence. What does the evidence point to? And you follow the evidence. To prove means to show. It cannot be another way. What can you prove in life? Prove to me we're having this conversation right now. You can't prove it.
Starting point is 01:36:00 You might be dreaming. Someone might have dropped some drugs in our team. But the evidence is we're having this conversation. That's why I'm hanging in there with you. That's why you're hanging in there with me. Evidence. Okay, so the evidence is God exists. The evidence is the order and the design of the cosmos point to an intelligent mind.
Starting point is 01:36:21 Moral absolutes point to some moral giver, law giver. Life comes from life. Never once have I ever seen life come from non-life. An atheist is someone who says, oh, yeah, at some point, somewhere, at one time, in la-la land, life came from non-life. And I'm saying, uh-uh. All of my experience shows me life comes from life. Yeah, I mean, this is, I mean, this guy's good. Never once have I seen life come from non-life.
Starting point is 01:36:53 Fourth piece of evidence, free will. If there is no God, you're just a hunk of biochemical reactions. That's all I am. You're not free. You're determined by your biochemical reactions so am i i'm sorry that one's a little flimsy because no one's there's so few people who are really willing to test if they have free will so few people you'll be lucky if you meet one person in your entire existence who's willing to take the test of free will and so that one's flimsy. I judge myself at night. I say, you know, Cliff, when you spoke to that student, that was pretty rude. When you spoke to that student, boy, you displayed a lot of patience, man. Tomorrow, do that again and don't do that. I judge myself. I critique myself.
Starting point is 01:37:37 I'm free. I don't have to do what I do. Well, if I'm free, it means there's more to me than just my biochemical makeup. There's a soul, a personality, an I that goes beyond the biochemical. I have a free will. Well, the free will could only exist if there's some type of God who creates me biochemically, but also gives me a will that's not totally dependent upon my biochemical reactions. That's why I believe God exists. Now, why do I believe Jesus is reliable?
Starting point is 01:38:07 Because the historical evidence of the way he lived, what he taught, how he died, how he rose from the dead, points to his credibility. If you live like Jesus lived, if you teach what he taught, if you died the way he died, loving and forgiving your enemies,
Starting point is 01:38:21 and if three days later you rise from the dead, sir, I will listen very closely to everything you have to say because the evidence is you're trustworthy. So that's why I believe in Jesus. Does that make any sense? Slightly, yes. You can't prove religion.
Starting point is 01:38:36 It's all myth. It's myth. And furthermore, the evidence shows in my assessment, and although it's not empirical, but just through my assessment is that people who do follow the values that are
Starting point is 01:38:50 come out of Christianity are the happiest people the people who follow them and use them on themselves those are they are like light-hearted easygoing
Starting point is 01:38:58 great sense of humor intelligent fun free generous thoughtful people. And those that don't aren't. So there. But you can be on that pathway with those values without coming to the conclusion that Christianity is the way.
Starting point is 01:39:30 All right. Love you guys. I'll be here tomorrow morning. Great having Haley Adams on. And we will see you tomorrow morning, 7 a.m. Pacific Standard Time. Love you guys. Oh, Pool Boy. Send me Julia's address and shirt size,
Starting point is 01:39:50 and I'll send her out more CEO shirts. All right. Love you guys. I do. Bye-bye.

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