The Sevan Podcast - I'm a role model for everybody | Live Call In #976

Episode Date: August 8, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is an advertisement from BetterHelp. Everyone knows therapy is great for solving problems. But turns out, therapy has some issues of its own. Finding the right therapist, fitting into their schedule, and, of course, the cost. BetterHelp can help solve these problems. It's online, convenient, built around your schedule, and surprisingly affordable, too. Connect with a credentialed therapist by phone, video, or online chat. Visit to learn more.
Starting point is 00:00:27 That's Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance. Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. Wasted.
Starting point is 00:01:01 I just, sorry guys, I thought we were alive. I was still going to be two minutes late i'm sorry no i'm not sleeping in fuck i do the whole bit again son of a bitch yeah i was just i was just do you want me to cue it all the way up to what you were saying there i get well let's go with this my back is the worst it's been in five years i can i i think it's my bed. I think I just cracked the code. The hotel bed, I think it's my bed. I think it's my bed. Oh, I didn't do rumble, son of a bitch.
Starting point is 00:01:31 And the hotel bed felt better? I never woke up during the CrossFit Games. And I never woke up during the CrossFit Games with a bad back. Hey, do you already taught a class this morning? No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. I don't go in until this afternoon. But I was, but I got a terrible wake-up call
Starting point is 00:01:54 because Albert hit me up and he said, hey, just FYI, a bunch of people's cars got broken into. So during the 5.30 class, somebody came through and smashed a couple of windows out and stole people's shit out of their car. At your gym? At the 5.30 class, somebody came through and smashed a couple of windows out and stole people's shit out of their car. At your gym?
Starting point is 00:02:09 At the gym, yeah. While everybody was inside working out. Let me get – is your city – do you have a Democrat as a mayor? Yeah, we do all the things. We celebrated the month. We have some of the masks at the city council. Can you imagine spending money celebrating Gay Pride Month
Starting point is 00:02:34 or BLM Month or Armenian Month when you can't even protect your businesses? It's crazy, dude. Holy shit. For those of you who aren't regulars on the show you could be you might be like wait what's he talking about huh what these cities that we live in i don't know how it is in your guys's part of the country or whatever but these cities that um susan and I live in, they've basically legalized crime. Oh, Sevan, that's not true. You're not speaking truth. You're not speaking truth, blah, blah, blah. No, they've completely legalized crime. And I'll tell you why. If you go after the people, let's say I was out there
Starting point is 00:03:17 and someone was breaking those car windows and I were to try to stop them, I would more likely get in trouble than them. If what they stole was less than a thousand dollars, it's no big deal. They just get out. All of us who live in these blue cities know someone who was, for example, held up at an ATM with by knife point. And 24 hours later, if the person was caught, they were released. That's how all the blue cities are in California. It's complete fucking chaos olivia thank you ladies and gentlemen those of you who don't listen to the show in the past prepare to unsubscribe prepare yourself for the real sebon thank you olivia please it was cool being uh it was cool it was cool being the other sebon hey uh God, I'm so pissed, Sousa.
Starting point is 00:04:06 I'm so fucking angry. Sousa doesn't even live in like the, Livermore is like the good spot. It's like for the people who've already ran away from the city. Yeah. Hey, imagine paying $60,000 a year in property tax. Just imagine that. You have a house, right? And in front of your house,
Starting point is 00:04:26 there's a needle exchange program because you work, you send your kids to school, the only time off you have is on weekends, and yet there's a needle exchange in front of your house so that drug addicts who steal from you, it's 100%, just so you know, all drug addicts steal. That one is true. You know what I mean? If you're just like, hey, all hicks chew tobacco, that's not true.
Starting point is 00:04:56 Right. But until you see a white crow or a white raven or a black seagull, all drug addicts steal. That's how they make their living. So you give them free needles so that after they steal your shit and sell it and buy drugs, they can – it's fucking nuts. And you pay – I know some of you are like, what's he talking about, $60,000, you don't have to pay tax. Yeah, welcome to California't protect. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:25 Welcome to California, baby. Yeah. You spend nine thousand dollars a month on your mortgage and three thousand dollars a month on your property tax. Five thousand. Yeah, it's crazy. And you're absolutely right. That's right. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:39 They all steal. Every single one of them steals. And you know who they start with? Their families. Yeah, yeah. They steal from their families. They start by stealing from their families. If you guys have ever had addicts in your family, you know.
Starting point is 00:05:52 She was just talking from experience there. Christmas Eve, get the talk from dad. Okay, boys, hide your cash. Was it a sibling? Did you have a sibling that was a drug addict? No, no, no. I only have one brother. We weren't dead.
Starting point is 00:06:05 Aunts, cousins. Yeah. that was a drug addict? No, no, no. I only have one brother. We weren't good. Uncle? Aunts, cousins. Yeah. What was their drug? My mom was very... Oh, yeah, yeah. Pills, opiates, Oxycontin. That dates it a little bit, but yeah. Judy Reed, Chinese woman living in Ohio.
Starting point is 00:06:19 That doesn't seem right. I like it. Welcome back, 7bon plus Matt. Ooh, I got the goosebumps seeing Judy again. A little tingly. Judy Reed, welcome back, Sebon and Matt. We have an important special election in Ohio today. Any Ohioans, please go vote yes on protecting the Constitution.
Starting point is 00:06:52 I am bummed. constitution i am i'm i'm bombed uh yeah heroin addicts are the fucking wildest they just like steal your shit and then come back and get high on your couch they're crazy holy shit wow i'm getting so many text messages oh my goodness goodness. This is nuts. Hey, did you have a good time? I had a blast. An absolute blast. Susan and I went to the CrossFit Games this weekend. Week. This week. Feels like one long day.
Starting point is 00:07:22 I had a blast. How so good to see you, boys. I had an absolute blast. There's so many people I didn't see because I was under the cave underground. Oh, that makes me so happy to hear that. Heidi Krum, I had the best time. That is awesome. Hey, there was really quick, but I don't know what's going on here,
Starting point is 00:07:51 but we were told that if you use code SEVON at the ToastBaser site, you get 15% off. But I saw something today that says if you shop our tools and save 20% off of ToastBaser's bundles, if you use Games 2023. So I don't know what's a better code, but don't use my code of games. 2023 is better. I just saw it today. Try both. See which works best for you.
Starting point is 00:08:18 Shop our tools and save 20% off toe spacers. So, so maybe, um, maybe it's better to use games 2023 oh oh you're gonna do it okay try to buy just that one oh you're a fucking studs who's that oh it's a bundle there's the bundle okay we got discount card what was it games 23 yeah 2023 it's capital g but maybe it doesn't matter try a capital the whole the whole word's a capital sorry the whole word got it. Sorry. The whole word. Yeah. What do they call that?
Starting point is 00:08:49 Case sensitive or sensitive case? Oh, now try. Okay, try seven. Not quite. You're close. You're close. What's happening? Oh, it's gift card. Oh, fuck.
Starting point is 00:09:05 You're close. You're close. You're close. I'm feeling you. I thought Games 2023. It's Save On. That was Games 2023. Hold on. What did you put? You had it right. Games 2023.
Starting point is 00:09:20 You didn't have the S? 2023. Don't use Save On. Oh, you didn't have the S? 2,023. Oh! Yeah, don't use save on. Don't use save on. Use game 2,023. Save on. Unless you want to pay an extra.
Starting point is 00:09:35 Okay, so there it is. Okay. Shit, sorry for anyone. I just found that out today. I was just perusing. Drew's got it. Drew Gilbert. God, Drew. Look. Drew's got it. Drew Gilbert. God, Drew.
Starting point is 00:09:46 Look at you with your little suit and tie. Amanda Stack. A little late cutting into my CA peptides fund, but worth it for behind the scenes. Thank you. Hey, did I saw Craig Ritchie put out a behind the scenes? I heard a Mayhem put out the behind the scenes. Maybe I just won't even put
Starting point is 00:10:06 mine out nah keep the money i watched him do you watch him i haven't watched anything it's a completely different uh flavor than what we're doing okay a completely different flavor there's no wardrobe malfunctions in there it's different it's different is there any nudity in any of theirs no nudity no real tough questions it's kind of like uh you will you will see grown men on the behind the scenes get in and out of ice tubs only in their compression shorts full outline of their genitalia. Slow-mo. Next year, they're going to be like,
Starting point is 00:10:52 were you over by the ice tub staring at men's genitalia? Yes, I was. That's not my fault. But I also saw a lot of other people. It was a good time. It was such a good time hold on I got some other notes here oh
Starting point is 00:11:09 do you know the birth fit lady Lindsay how the fuck do I not have her number I'm getting it for you okay I'm also gonna try to like hook her up with some sort of pass like you did with Sporty Beth, didn't you? Didn't you help out Sporty Beth with the media pass? Oh, hold that thought.
Starting point is 00:11:32 Hold that thought. So last night I had three hours at the airport and four hours on the plane and all i did was go through dms seven hours of dms i still didn't get through them but good for you and there were there were two interesting things in there one a nurse was asking me about home birthing which i thought was crazy right because i'm just ding dong here and then a school teacher was asking about homeschooling which is crazy because i just think of myself as a ding dong here and then a school teacher was asking me about homeschooling which is crazy because i just think of myself as a ding dong and it made me realize i need to have lindsey on the show that's the owner of birth fit and just casually talk about home birth not like the
Starting point is 00:12:14 crazy way i talk about it but like in like because i get so excited about it so i just want to have her on and just like let people call in and ask about like you know just the the cliche questions is it more dangerous why would you do it you know what i mean yeah what happens if the kid coming out like this or the tubes tied around isn't just all the shit and we just talk about it because i think people are starting to know don't send your kid to school and have your it is more dangerous to send your kid to school and less likely they'll learn and it's more dangerous to go to the hospital and have a kid than have it at home that is the i would think is the uh it is just like it's more likely that what you're reading in a medical journal is false than true these these are safe um safe uh places to start whether they're true
Starting point is 00:13:02 or not it's probably more safe to think like that. And then we can define what it means by safe and all that. Yeah, that'd be cool. I didn't take my peptides with me. Hey guys, you know what's weird? Like I was at home this morning, I got out of the shower,
Starting point is 00:13:20 I looked in the mirror, I'm like, I'm a fucking brick shithouse. But when I was at the games, I'm just a little bite. I literally a bite a bite at one point uh i didn't hear her say this but laura horvat told one of the other filmmakers i feel sorry for him he's so little i i felt sorry for myself that i was so little. I'm like, oh, no wonder we're connecting now. I am just a little bite there. Snack.
Starting point is 00:13:49 Snack. I am a snack. Allegra R. God, doesn't that look like a green screen every time I see yours? What's up, girl? 100% true. My mom was a drug addict and stole everything from my dad and i uh and i before she became homeless the real savon is back yeah i'm back a little bit i'm gonna come back a little slow but i'm back you don't it doesn't matter don't worry about donald trump don't worry about like
Starting point is 00:14:19 abortion don't worry about really if you think they're religious fanatics. Just vote for the red guys. Just vote Republican across the board and just chill. Just let some shit get back together. Let's re-empower the cops. Okay, so some people are going to get beat and shot. Who cares? We got to get it back. We got to get fucking some semblance of control back.
Starting point is 00:14:43 Just chill. Don't worry. Just chill. It's worry. Just chill. It's okay. The cops do 365 million stops a year. Some people are going to get capped on accident. Don't just chill. Well, you know how you could avoid that?
Starting point is 00:14:54 Just listen to them. Well, yeah, don't worry. Yeah. And just remember, yeah, all the people who are getting capped, all of them resisted arrest. They weren't compliant. But Seve, our constitution, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. My wife got hit by a car crossing on a green light. Like it doesn't matter if she was right. You don't want to be hit by a car.
Starting point is 00:15:22 At that point, it doesn't matter if you're right. If a guy with a fucking gun and a badge stops you listen because it won't matter when you're dead anyway i want to have lindsey on i want to do and plus i want to do some slam dunk shows well let's get a kalipa on too i I can just chill. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Wind him up and let him go. Yeah, we need Kalipa. Got it. Okay.
Starting point is 00:15:53 And then I reached out to Ricky Garard, too. Oh, yeah, yeah. Garard over everyone. Let's get Ricky on. Let's get Ricky on before anyone else. He's the man, dude. He saw my DM. I didn't check it yet this morning to see if... It's so fucking hard to get a hold of.
Starting point is 00:16:06 He got that to see. Like, do you have a number? Listen, you better fucking not contact him. I swear to God. These people show up on your show. Yeah. Seve, did you get any free Noble gear? I did.
Starting point is 00:16:21 That's such an old photo. That's like... Games back in the day. I i did i got a pair of shoes but i did not i i i i don't want it's too soon to be that real thank you though nice try oh clydesdale media nothing like strolling to North Park at the games and hear someone yell, Clydesdale, Mr. Schweitzer, I'm extra sloppy. Yeah, that was cool. I think him and his wife might be hot, like an attractive couple. They are an attractive couple, yes, verified.
Starting point is 00:16:55 Yeah, weird that they're attractive with that name, right? Yeah. Yeah. Savon, did you think there was too much media in the back did the competitors seem annoyed at all the questions um i got this interview with madaris where a walk and talk where he says he i said hey is the media bugging you and he says it doesn't necessarily bug me but the same questions over and over same dumb questions over and over bugging me. I'd like to know what you think, Jessica.
Starting point is 00:17:29 Were you back there? It's so tough to say because on one hand, you need all that media. You have to have it. And it didn't bother me at all. And as long as the coaches have talked to the games athletes before I'm 51, it wasn't until I was like, to be honest, wasn't until I met Dave Castro that I learned how to say no to people. You know, so if I'm on a podcast, someone answers me a question, you don't have to answer. You just say, I'm not going to answer that question. Or
Starting point is 00:18:00 like when my phone rings, I don't feel obligated to answer. When someone texts me, I don't feel obligated to text back. You cultivate that, I guess, as you get older or you just start to realize that it doesn't matter if other people think you're rude if you're suggesting – if you are suggesting that there was too much media. Yeah. Man, Rich Froning still got it. Holy shit. So there's so much power. There's powerhouses back there, right? Like you look to your left and there's Fraser. You look to your right and there's Annie Thor's daughter. You look behind you and there's Chuck Carswell walking through. You look on the stairs and Laura Horvath sitting there. And then fucking, and there's cameras everywhere. There's probably, I don't know, 30 cameras in the underground and 200 cameras in the in the underground and uh 200 cameras in the media pit and
Starting point is 00:19:07 uh rich froney walks in to come see roman because he heard roman hurt his leg and it's and rich isn't even allowed down there right like he just strolls in and he's got like this fucking glow and the whole mayhem and the best dressed people in the fucking at the crossfit games are the mayhem media team yeah those jerseys are sick yeah they're wearing these red fucking jerseys that look like they're 220 bucks a pop i don't think you could buy them and they're all buff and even even like the weird mayhem media that ben davidson dude even though he's not wearing like the super cool one he's got like an old throwback baseball um there were tears to the mayhem media do you see that and then there were like the guys lower on the totem pole who just got the t-shirts yeah
Starting point is 00:19:53 they wear like yeah the pecking order and uh and that team just starts swarming rich and and then I start swarming rich, and then the doc team, and then all the media just swarms rich at once as he goes over to Roman. It was crazy. He's like a light, and they're all flies. Dude, he's such a stud. And at one time, he was talking to Roman, and he just looks at all. There's mics everywhere and cameras everywhere.
Starting point is 00:20:24 And he just goes, guys, guys, and he pushes everyone. Chill, you know what I mean? Rich style. Just tames them. Yeah. Oh, this hoodie's sick. It's like this green one with camo. Well, I'm a sucker for anything camo.
Starting point is 00:20:41 I don't think you could buy the jerseys. I asked a few times. Not really caring if you could buy them, but just hoping that someone would send me one. Yeah. Oh, here we go. Here we go. Oh, it's sold out.
Starting point is 00:20:58 It's sold out. And they're not wearing that blue one. They're wearing the red one. Dude, and Rich is not white like that. Rich is so tan. Oh, yeah. He looks good. I like the white Rich better.
Starting point is 00:21:12 I like him with the golden bronze tan. I like the more pale Rich. The super tan Rich. Well, you know the difference, right? What? One's on vacation outside riding a bike enjoying life and the other one is stuck in the dungeon lifting barbells yeah maybe that's why i like it i like i like albino rich oh hold on there's a call coming in oh i haven't even hooked we didn't
Starting point is 00:21:34 have the lineup or anything hold on hold on caller hold on hold on let me see we have to circle back around to the sporty bet thing oh yeah I want to get your take on something with that. Okay, hold on. Let me see if I can get this. I didn't actually get to see her. Where's my Bluetooth? Bluetooth. I wonder if the caller is still on. Caller?
Starting point is 00:22:00 Hi. Oh, I think they are. Hey, what's up, man? Caller? Yeah, that's why I'm calling to make sure the phone's hooked up. Oh, shit. Thanks, man. Yeah, man. What a week. You guys are awesome. Hey, are you impressed that I knew it was you?
Starting point is 00:22:20 Yeah. Hey. As a Puerto Rican. Yeah. That's a Puerto Rican. Puerto Rican. Hey, people said you were... I didn't get to hang out with you much, but you're really popular. People say you're really nice.
Starting point is 00:22:31 Super cool, dude. That's so funny. Everyone that runs into us, they're like, you're not from New York. You're too nice. Yeah, everyone said you're so nice. Everyone's like, hey, did you meet Jethro yet? I'm like, kind of. Hug them. Man, you guys are all awesome what a great time yo suza andrew you that whole posse that whole seven on east of posse we fucking ran the games
Starting point is 00:22:54 this is really year one can you imagine the rest of the years coming up no it's crazy i don't like it they let me come next year so bad. If you don't come as a BTS, you come as a spectator. No, no, no. There's no way. I have to work. But man, the posse held... I mean, everyone made me feel so good. You guys held down the fort.
Starting point is 00:23:23 We came deep. I'm glad I met you guys. down the fort. Yeah, we came deep. I'm glad I met you guys. Everything went well. Yeah, awesome. I'm on the plane. I'm heading home. Oh, you are on the plane right now? Yeah, we came to Milwaukee last night and watched the Brewers game.
Starting point is 00:23:38 It's pretty cool. God, how do you have energy for that? That's awesome. I have none. I have none. You empt's awesome. I have none. I have none. You empty things. I'm exhausted. What about that?
Starting point is 00:23:50 There's an event. There's two events coming up. There's Rogue coming up. I'm going to fly to New York City Airport. I can't wait here shortly. What else? Can you ask the pilot to just calm down? Hey, calm down.
Starting point is 00:24:03 Calm down. There's Rogue coming up. Bill and Katie are. Calm down. There's road coming up. Bill and Katie are pretty strict about what they allow to happen there. So I'm not sure if I can get exit. But Waterpalooza is in SoCal. It's going to be sick. Yeah, that would be easy for me. And I know that guy pretty good.
Starting point is 00:24:24 I think that guy likes me, Dylan. I'll be in Miami. I'll be in Miami. All right. All right, guys. All right, safe travels. Later, dude. Love you guys.
Starting point is 00:24:38 Take care. Later, man. Likewise. Bye. What a nice word. What a nice word, love. Allegra R. Oh, that was the drug addict. What a nice word, love. Allegra R. Oh, that was the drug addict mom.
Starting point is 00:24:47 Different definition for everybody, but lovely word. Okay, what did you want to say about 40 Death Stories? I just want to know your take, because if it wasn't, correct me if I'm wrong here, but if it wasn't for you, she wouldn't have gotten that pass, right? Did you tell this story on there? It's funny. I didn't tell it like that.
Starting point is 00:25:04 That's an interesting take on it she wouldn't have had it wow yeah she you're right she wouldn't have had it i mean right well she ran into hiller hiller told me she didn't have a media pass i asked dave i can't even believe dave reached out to her that's crazy imagine getting that dm from dave you're still yeah dm me no i'm afraid if he calls me. Definitely. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:28 You're welcome. Fuck. Did she send us a thank you? I think a couple people that reached out to her on Instagram all just got blocked. Oh, if they said that to her? We're like, hey, I heard the only reason you had that media pass was because of Savon. And then they just started blocking people um clock sporty beth is saying now she gets anxiety attacks in the press pass area she must have found out savon's responsible for her press pass um she did there was a video where she showed she was bringing a big old bag of uh speaking of drugs
Starting point is 00:26:01 big old bag of drugs like anxiety drugs. I think my friends used to take those in college. What were they called? They're little red ones. I didn't do those. Prozac, Xanax? Prozac. Is that even one?
Starting point is 00:26:13 I don't even know. I'm just fucking naming shit. I think Prozac makes your dick hard. I'm going to get tore up at the comments now. No, Prozac's the antidepressant. Viagra makes your dick hard. Valium. Valium. Thank you. Valium. Isn't that just like a painkiller? no prozac's the antidepressant viagra makes your dick hard valium valium thank you valium
Starting point is 00:26:25 isn't that just like a painkiller was any bars or xanax anyway yeah well i hope she had fun i never saw her did you ever see her i saw her in passing a few times yeah did you say i do her no it wasn't in a situation where that would have worked i feel like if i'm gonna do that i like it inside the an area where it's not the meat the the pit because you know how crazy that pit is yeah it's sharp so like i don't really want to stop her and have a conversation there it's too loud and then outside of that i never really saw her hey go ahead i was just gonna say you know what helped more than those pills if she just woke up and did 10 hard sprints every single morning. Oh, instead of the pills?
Starting point is 00:27:10 Or maybe just start with that and see if that helps. It's free coaching at CrossFit Livermore. You may get your car broken into, but you won't be anxious about it. One time in 10 years. Honestly, the fact that she made a video that says someone's the most toxic man in crossfit and then i got her the media pass and then they're so there were our presence at the game the people who listen to the podcast was wild i'm trying to think if there was any it was wild you couldn't you couldn't go anywhere without seeing a ceo shirt and i couldn't go anywhere without someone just manhandling me fondling me it was cool they say i remember greg
Starting point is 00:27:52 saying one time if you like the attention something's wrong with you i fucking loved it i really is anybody who really like doesn't like the attention to some degree i don't know well there's if you have something to do you don't like it like you saw a lot of times i would jog so no one could talk to me but but i still someone still stopped me i still liked it i was i still i guess it's both i was jogging trying not to get attention but when people would grab me i still liked it yeah did you see that text that just came through through us relevant to the conversation we were just having oh okay let's see
Starting point is 00:28:24 came through through us relevant to the conversation we were just having oh okay let's see oh yeah that's not true yeah uh it's it's just a post on sporty beth's um instagram it says i actually got the pass through dave he reached out to me and sorted it and i have thanked a number of times i'm incredibly grateful to have gotten it yeah awesome that part's true but i but he said to her um uh someone told me that you're here and that you don't have a media pass i mean she knows yeah the same way she changed my voice in that video. I mean she even knows that – she probably – imagine somewhere deep down inside she knows I actually love her. Now it's a tough one to swallow. I know.
Starting point is 00:29:18 She doesn't want it to be true. You can even call me a wanker. We could be friends. Like you can – No, she can't be a victim anymore if she does that. You can. That's her identity. You can.
Starting point is 00:29:29 You can have tension in our – we can have tension in our relationship. We can still be friends. That's true. You're great at that too. Like not seeing eye to eye and being friends with someone? Uh-huh. That's cool. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:43 And there's people – you know, there's people who are kind of even like velner's like that velner comes on the show and there's tension there between us but i think me and him really like each other yeah for sure but it's intense anyway yeah she probably she she's and i'm old and she's young she if i was her age you'd be different too i got kids and shit and she got a bag of valium we're in a different spot in our lives uh gotta tell us which athlete uh brushed you off now oh here's the thing if i tell you that damn i can't be 100 sure this athlete brushed me off i can just tell you that I can't be 100% sure this athlete
Starting point is 00:30:28 brushed me off I can just tell you I said hi to him three times and for all I know they didn't hear me even though I was six feet away and they are athletes and they have something to do and they're not obligated to say hi to me I mean I can tell you there were some crazy weird moments. I was with Alex Gazan and Justin Kotler hanging with them, just broing out like mofos.
Starting point is 00:30:52 You know what I mean? There was like crazy energy going on between Gazan and Kotler. The event was over. They're talking. Gazan's like going through millions of emotions at once from highs to lows. It was cool. And she's like just a powerhouse and kotler's in there just like with her and they're they're celebrating and mourning at the same time right
Starting point is 00:31:10 you can tell they're so excited about her crazy success and yet you know that they want to win and i'm staying i'm i'm so close i'm like i'm basically bumping into kotler kotler's bumping in gazan's pack back there and tia comes rushing from across the underground area where the athletes are waiting to go out for the award ceremony and gets in our bubble with her baby and starts just loving on Gazan and Kotler and I'm staring at her like this close the whole time and she didn't even say like hi or nothing I mean you know what I. Which is fine. I'm not complaining at all. But there were people like that down there who, for some reason, weren't going to. That's kind of strange, don't you think?
Starting point is 00:31:55 Well, it's even stranger than you think because I say this with peace and love and humility. I'm like a massive ball of energy down there oh yeah uh i was in line at the premier access for united at chicago o'hare the line was it took 35 minutes to get through even with my first class ticket and premier access and the ticket and the line was huge and i and andrew hiller dropped me off at the airport three hours early. So I was there three hours early and I was chilling, doing some insane people watching cause I got nothing else to do. And I'm just standing there like this,
Starting point is 00:32:37 looking around and there's a guy that comes out of TSA pre-check for those of you don't know what that is. TSA pre-check is like you, you don't have to wait in any lines you don't have to take your shoes off you're a frequent flyer and you've done some sort of interview with the feds or something you can just go through pre-check and he comes flying out of pre-check and he's got a boy with him and a girl with him and he's fucking pissed and he's talking to one of the the people at the entryway of tsa pre-check where my line is like curving around because my line's so long and he's like hey i couldn't go through pre-check because i got a 13 year old son and the age limit's 12 years old or under to take someone
Starting point is 00:33:13 through pre-check with you and he's 13 so i couldn't take him through pre-check and i didn't know that and the guy's like yep that's the rule here and the guy's like well how am i how i'm gonna miss my flight now it doesn't even say that anywhere what the age is and he's he's pissed and I feel him right not that he's in the right but I but I feel he's pissed he's like I'll buy a pre-check form right now I'll do whatever it takes and he's going back and forth he's like sir no and he just starts like talking down to the guy so the guy and I'm at the end of the line the my line the premier premier access line. So the guy gets in the line with me, and he's behind me. And he's like texting people, and he's calling people, and he's fucking wound up. And so this, and then now the line's still forming longer behind him.
Starting point is 00:33:59 So this guy walks by, this Asian dude who's like 60 years old in a TSA outfit. He's 5'4", 87 pounds. 5'4", 87 pounds, 60-year-old Asian dude. His name is like Gama, G-A-M-A, or Gaka, G-A-K-A. I can't remember. Maybe like Indonesian or something. And I say, excuse me, sir. And he said, yes.
Starting point is 00:34:26 And he smiles. I said, this man behind me right here accidentally stood in the wrong line. For 40 minutes. I just made that part up. No, he's not my height. I was looking down at that motherfucker. Fuck you. Midget.
Starting point is 00:34:43 No Asian dude's taller than me yeah me and and i said to him i said hey uh now he's gonna be late and he has two kids i said i said gaka do you have kids and he's like smiles he's like yeah i'm like it's fucked up dude he's like okay i'm like do you think you could help a brother out and he said for sure and he gets the guy and he goes come on let me see your ticket when's your flight okay let, for sure. And he gets the guy, and he goes, come on, let me see your ticket. When's your flight? Okay, let's go. And he takes him, and the guy looks at him, and he's like, oh, my God, thank you. And the reason why I did it, because if I was him, I wouldn't have been able to ask for myself.
Starting point is 00:35:17 I'd have been too intense and angry. I'd be freaking out. And I learned that how I asked him was shit like i'd seen my wife do because my wife used to be greg glassman's executive assistant so i'd see her like schmooze all sorts of people so i just i just took a stab at it and the guy in front of me who's this dude from england and his wife he turns around and goes oh my god and like what he's like you are such a nice human and then i thought wow this is gonna make a great story on the podcast oh that's funny but if if everyone did a it was the same thing with the sporty beth thing like
Starting point is 00:36:03 she like i i don't know why i have this disconnect but like i don't think oh this if everyone did a, it was the same thing with the sporty Beth thing. Like she, like, I, I don't know why I have this disconnect, but like, I don't think, Oh, this bitch fucking, I mean, it's completely unacceptable to make a 20 minute video.
Starting point is 00:36:13 The most toxic man CrossFit, but I don't even think that when I'm like, that sucks. She flew all the way up from England. She don't got a media pass. It's like, yeah, it was,
Starting point is 00:36:24 it's, um, you just gotta, you just gotta do stuff. And you know, what's crazy is how many opportunities like that exist in, in situations like that, like at the airport, like high stress, there's a time limit to stuff. Everybody's kind of like got this level of anxiety because they're getting somewhere and traveling and something similar happened. I was walking, we were coming down to baggage check on the way home. And there was this lady right in front of the escalator to get down. And she's rummaging. And at first glance, it looks like she just stopped right there to grab stuff out of her bag.
Starting point is 00:36:53 Like a dipshit, completely unaware of all the people around her. Just completely unaware, just being rude. She could even die. Someone could bump her and knock her down three floors of escalator. Yeah. A hundred percent. And so the guy in front of me has his little tote bag. And he kind of snuffs past her and almost kind of like mutter something under his breath and he's kind of
Starting point is 00:37:09 moving quick so he's clearly trying to like oh you dumb bitch yeah exactly and so as i walk up i'm kind of like looking at the situation i turn i said ma'am do you need help with your bag yeah and she looks up and she goes oh my gosh yes i do thank you i can't get it down and at that point i realized that she was actually much older than she looked when she was huddled over her bag. And so I go, no problem. So I grab it and then I grab her other one and I start, I go down the escalator and start going down.
Starting point is 00:37:34 And she's just the whole time. She's like, thank you. Thank you so much. Oh, I didn't know. I couldn't get down. And like her daughter, a lot of stuff down there is like, you should have checked it, mom. Like, you know, it wasn't a big deal but it's funny you're like shut up bitch
Starting point is 00:37:48 the funniest thing was the look on the guy's face that muttered that pastor because when he heard me say that and she came up she was almost in tears because she was clearly in in at this point everybody's huddled off the plane so you have this mass of people exiting trying to get to the baggage claim and um and so she was like when she said that the guy looked up and looked back and i could tell his whole demeanor changed he was like fuck you know because he already had that first thought of like fuck this bitch see my way how stupid inconsiderate and then he was like oh shit she was in a moment of panic because she couldn't get her bigger back down the escalator yeah so sometimes all it takes is just one of those like just hey you you kind
Starting point is 00:38:26 of failed as a human being if you travel on an air flight and you didn't help someone we should we should because there's so much opportunity easy to do help somebody with the baggage over the thing or just even hey ma'am watch your head she's getting her bag or like hey did you need to go in front? Yeah. There's so much opportunity to help people. Anyway, it's cool. That's a great story you have. Yeah, and we are telling stories of good deeds. It's nice, isn't it?
Starting point is 00:38:54 Doesn't it make you feel good to hear it? I don't even get, like, I actually thought when it happened, I thought, oh, this is a great story. And then I was like, and hey, and I felt great. I was on a high for, like, and Hey, and I felt great. I was on a high for like fucking 20 minutes. I felt great. I couldn't, I couldn't believe I pulled it off.
Starting point is 00:39:11 Yeah. It was like, I won event 13 at the games. And then now the other side of me, which is I walked by anybody who is in a cloth mask, super close to me. And I thank them for their service. Thank you for protecting me. I was like, thank them for their service thank you for protecting me
Starting point is 00:39:26 i was like thank you for your service and a couple people like she's like did you really say that yeah yeah grace like stop stop i was i was on one coming home oh god uh alonzo a pettigrew your hat might be on crooked did the vax get justin he was way off never seen someone Oh, God. Alonzo Pettigrew. Your hat might be on crooked. Did the Vax get Justin? He was way off.
Starting point is 00:39:52 Never seen someone perform so poorly year over year. He's from Lodi, California. They don't have the Vax there. They don't even have Band-Aids there. He's from Lodi. 209.9 yeah they just rub some dirt it out there diaz country diaz hey did how bad did diaz lose to jake paul i didn't i didn't see it at all i just heard it went all 10 rounds right it was like a decision or something okay so uh kalipa, BirthFit, Ricky Garrard,
Starting point is 00:40:28 those are all people we want to get on. Let me see what this is. Did I send you a... Boz, we got Boz coming on too. Adrian Bosman? Well, no, that was part of our list, right? Oh, yeah, yeah, fuck it, let's do it, yeah. You had mentioned it earlier.
Starting point is 00:40:44 Oh, that was okay I'm going to take this off we all heard Kamala Harris say that we can reduce population that was fun what is this one this Andrew Hiller number two is this an Andrew Hiller clip Heidi if you paid attention to my story I said a cloth mask not an N95
Starting point is 00:41:00 because if they have anything they should probably wear an N95 or maybe just not travel unless they have to because a cloth mask ain't doing shit. Oh, I changed all the thumbnails this morning. I was pretty proud of myself. Great job. Oh, look at number 125. So this is on the complete other side of the Bay Area than Sousa. This is like 125. This is like 60 the Bay Area than Sousa. This is like 125.
Starting point is 00:41:25 This is like 60 or 70 miles from Sousa. But this, it's so funny to me that like how tripped out this chick is. Like, dude, duh. Look at this. This just happened in San Francisco yesterday. Here we go. It's just getting groceries and i live in san francisco and i never really feel fully safe if you live in san francisco i'm sure you know what
Starting point is 00:41:51 i'm talking about and i just got groceries i'm walking out of the store and this guy is walking past me and says move you stupid bitch and he spits in my face but it's all over my face standard protocol excuse me did you just spit in my face and he says move or i'll rape you uh-huh people everywhere and everyone's just walking by because they're like i can't handle something else in san francisco it's always something else hey pause that i don't even know i'm posting so do you do you see it's it's not a big deal that he spit in her face it's not a big deal he called her stupid bitch that it's completely retarded that she actually spoke to the dude that just shows you're a fucking
Starting point is 00:42:25 complete idiot. And then he threatened to rape her. Not a big deal. None of those things are a big deal. But did you hear what she said after all that? There were people everywhere and no one did anything. There were people everywhere and no one
Starting point is 00:42:43 did anything. Lick, she has other posts hating on MAGA. Yeah, that's the thing, people. That's the thing. Hey, I'm not a big gun guy. I love it my neighbors have guns. I'm not a fucking Bible dude. Surround me with Christians, please.
Starting point is 00:43:03 This isn't happening where there's shitloads of fucking Republicans, where the mayors are Republican. This isn't happening. You can be a happy, happy Democrat. You can wear – like no Republicans are going to care if you chop your cock off, wrap yourself in a fucking child molester flag. You can do all that stuff. and a fucking child molester flag. You can do all that stuff. But the cool thing is if you're in a Republican area,
Starting point is 00:43:30 you don't have to get spit on or you don't have to worry about your sister being told she's going to be raped. It's absolutely crazy. Yeah, look at the golf foxtrot Yankee. Good observation. Why is she rubbing his spit in her eyes? Yeah, she's having like a visceral. That bitch's whole life has just changed. Sebi, can you not refer to her as a bitch?
Starting point is 00:43:49 Okay, sorry. This beautiful lady with the great skin, her whole life with the glasses on top of her head, her whole life has been changed. She'll never forget that. Like for some of us, it's like nothing. Like, yeah, that's just life. Check out that crowd mull voting in Chandelier.
Starting point is 00:44:06 Listen, this chick was bragging in another video about wearing a BLM hat to a 4th of July party full of Republicans. Yeah. There's lessons in life. Listen, you can be as fucking crazy as you want to be on the left. Just still vote Republican. You don't want – it's crazy. Play the rest. Are we done with her? We're done with her. Poor girl.
Starting point is 00:44:40 Hey, that's a tough lesson, but hey, that's what it takes for you to wake up. Hey, that's a tough lesson, but hey, that's what it takes for you to wake up. Yeah, did you see in the Stockton convenience store tuned up a repeat theft, a repeat thief? I didn't see that, but I did see that video of the fucking, the dudes with the turbans on beating a thief with a bat. And I have no, like, it's your family business. It's like, do what you gotta do. Do what you gotta do. I'd be curious.
Starting point is 00:45:15 I, I, I'd be careful. Sebi. Careful. Hey, cause I have so many stories and so much stuff running through my head on the week and i just don't want to drag those people through any of like this stuff um because i did so good at
Starting point is 00:45:35 like mending fences over there i don't have mending fences but like things are different like sitting here like people are like someone sent me this dm and it's like can you tell me why we didn't get to see the award ceremony live it's unacceptable someone sent that my dms like uh i fucking left right after the final event i think the ceremonies are fucking stupid they're bringing out the podiums i got texted and i think you're even more retarded that you that you think it's okay to uh the dumber than you sorry i'm not gonna use it retarded anymore i'm gonna use imbecile i think you're even more of an imbecile um it's not that i'm not gonna use retarded anymore i'm just gonna be a little more
Starting point is 00:46:20 judicious is that a word i don't think they use it right i'm gonna use imbecile i think you're more of an imbecile that you wanted to see the award ceremony unless it's like your kid yeah exactly thank you adam who watches in all the years that i've gone to the cross games i've never stayed for the award ceremony ever not once i can't remember judicious having showing or done with good judgment or sense yeah i'm gonna be yeah up my yeah i love how definitions are part of our show we never like explicitly like talk about what we do talk about definitions all the time and bring them up yeah i like that part too
Starting point is 00:46:59 i think we're getting paid to get smarter. Mike Rodick. You can road his dick. Building bridges, Sevan. Mending fences is a new one to me. Building bridges. Oh, okay. I'm going to do mending fences. Yeah, it's mending fences.
Starting point is 00:47:18 Oh, I'm not mending fences. Is that what I said? I'm mending bridges. Mending fences. I came here to just confirm that I'm not, I don't like you, and I'm going to build a larger wall. Build that wall. No, I don't want to take the gloves off.
Starting point is 00:47:35 I don't want to take the gloves off. I'm chilling. I'm chilling. Hey, dude, I'm telling you, there are people there who were so nice to me that I got to hang with just whenever I wanted to. It was crazy. Dawnfall was so fucking cool. Bill and Katie were so cool. These are people like, I'm just lurking and like Dave was cool. Heather Lawrence was awesome. Chuck Todd, I had nice interaction.
Starting point is 00:47:59 I had, I had a respect, a respectable interaction with Dave, I had a respectable interaction with Dave – Mr. Eubanks. I don't always forget his first name. Is it Dave? Dave Eubanks, yeah. Keith Knapp. Oh, I did fucking a million positive interactions with Keith Knapp. Yeah, he's like a homie now.
Starting point is 00:48:31 Everyone was really supportive with me. It got to just, I have so much footage of Adrian Bosman and Dave and Miss Lawrence and Don and Bill and Katie. And there's such crazy access and little conversations and nooks and crannies that I squeezed into. There was no one else, no other media. You guys are going to be stoked. So I don't want to be like, I don't, I don't want to be like be like yeah there's this section of fucking idiots with masks on in section four in the north park like i just don't want to i just like i just need like i'm hoping i forget some of that stuff and and i just can't just go on like no um like i don't want to tell you what i saw in the noble store you know what i mean I just want to chill
Starting point is 00:49:06 and chill chill be cool you don't got to like point out every fucking like every weird thing yeah did you write into Nicole Carol dude dude
Starting point is 00:49:24 I gratuitously hugged her too many times she's dope Did you run into Nicole Carroll? Dude. Dude. I gratuitously hugged her too many times. She's dope. Just let it linger a little too long. She's dope. There's this other chick she owns. There's this other chick there. I think she's level four trainer.
Starting point is 00:49:42 She's probably, and she's the day whisperer. I'm with her pretty much all day, every day. At some point throughout i spent hours with her every day her name is nicole christianson she owns this gym called crossfit roots really famous gym in the crossfit community you heard of it right yeah is it in berkeley uh no it's uh boulder boulder close close. A few thousand miles away, but identical populations. And man, she is cool. Holy shit. Holy shit. Yeah, so I don't want to mess up anyone's...
Starting point is 00:50:17 I don't want to mess up my access. You know what I do want, I need to ask Dave for, is next year, I'm hoping that I do the behind the scenes and everyone just gets their panties wet and then next year I can be like can I get a booth and get a free booth to
Starting point is 00:50:34 sell shirts at that would be awesome or at least be able to like what if I was part owner what if Gabe gave me 1% ownership and paper street coffee could we sell CEO shirts there I'm curious to know how that works i don't know because i think what i think one of the rules don't quote me is that the the booths you could only sell like you couldn't partner up with people
Starting point is 00:50:56 right and the booth and i get that yeah so you couldn't have it you could 10 by 10 booth i don't know how much it is 5 10 15 20 000 but you can't buy a 10 by 10 booth and then like travis couldn't sell his shit there right right there were people there were people i'm not sure how to deal with this issue but there were there were people there who in the last two months didn't want to be affiliated with me and they claimed because of their affiliation with HQ. And that must have tripped them out a little bit because it was very clear that by the access I had that no one was tripping on me.
Starting point is 00:51:37 By the way, not one negative thing towards me the entire week. Not one. Of course not. And I only did one negative thing towards someone the entire week I'll tell you that in a second caller hi holy shit hey what's up dude
Starting point is 00:51:51 stay man recuperating living life are you in a recliner with a hookah I wish I wish I was man back at the office it's Gabe oh hey It's Gabe.
Starting point is 00:52:07 Oh, hey, it's Gabe. You deserve. Hey, dude, you need to drink another espresso. And I know just the flavor. Don't drink that Seve CEO blend. That shit's weak. That's what I drink. That's the 50-50 old man blend.
Starting point is 00:52:22 I love it. Dude, that's my second can of coffee. I'm fucking shocked. bet dude you were hustling the whole day the line was just like constant there hey dude did you get to pick where your booth was you were sandwiched in between some of the greatest boots having the fucking jump rope god next to you dave yeah he's uh don we are we can say hey we want to be next to r we just that was like this cool relationship he's awesome yeah because that that booth brings in so much foot traffic you guys had crazy synergy and then you had innovate right across from you with scott panchik working the booth that shit was dope yeah we uh we got really really lucky with uh we were
Starting point is 00:53:07 and obviously because we had a lot of people swinging by the booth and uh just overall community uh it was really really cool everyone showed up and it was fucking awesome are you on steroids gabe are you are you are you are you taking like what are the Trenjalone or Anadrone? Your voice is so fucking deep I feel like I should be cowering. Like I should look up. I feel like it's God talking to me. No, this is
Starting point is 00:53:36 after a week of talking to people non-stop. God, that is some sexy powerful shit. Yeah, we did. So, no one can hear us this is a private conversation so we did sell some ceo shirts travis was able to sell oh ceo shirts at the at the booth all that money was given to make a wish foundation the navy seals project so we were able to kind of push some of the things we're not,
Starting point is 00:54:08 like you said, we're not supposed to, but you know, we, I'm not supposed to sell coffee at the games. Oh, there's always a run for everything. Hey, what if I was like, what if I was a half a percent owner of a paper street coffee, or if you were half a percent owner, sorry, to one tenth percent, one one thousandth percent owner of the
Starting point is 00:54:29 Sevan podcast. One one millionth percent owner of the Sevan podcast. There goes my share. Could we then sell shirts there? You get gifted. You guys will get gifted. That small percentage of the company. I wonder if there's some work around there.
Starting point is 00:54:46 A loophole. No, there isn't a loophole. I sponsor the podcast. Of course, we get your shirts there. We just have to organize. We did the same thing with other partners that we have. If I am
Starting point is 00:55:02 like the good dudes, right? Oh, yeah. Why are you selling good dudes coffee? Why were you having selling competitors coffee at your booth? Explain that to me. They're not competitors anymore. They're not. You guys are under the same, same mothership. Like Google is YouTube and Google. They're not competitors. Yep. There you go.
Starting point is 00:55:25 So basically, Papers for Coffee is, I am a partner of Good Doing Forward. We still have to figure all that out. You know, it's still a courtship process and everything. But they were just using another, an imposter that was not in the space that just gave them coffee and that's it. And then everything was on their shoulders.
Starting point is 00:55:43 And obviously, thanks to you guys in the community, we've kind of grown past that and we've killed it, right? It's really different when you see the owner of a company kind of, you know, being there working, saw me fucking sweating, getting my shirt dirty. I had a shirt, like every single day, one of my shirts was just completely covered in grease and I was just throwing it down.
Starting point is 00:56:01 And, you know, people that were on good saw that as well uh you know honestly we had to make sure that as a company she also fit with their with with them because they want to take them on if they were just assholes right dave the next time you have a booth somewhere me and um bridges should do a live podcast from the booth then that would be crazy we could stir up so much energy me and him would get crazy together well the cool thing that and i was actually going to text you guys uh we got a green light for water palooza for c8 peptides oh i know they wanted to go to water palooza i don't know if they told you already no to
Starting point is 00:56:43 the individuals who who brought the vendor. Yeah. You know, the vendor aspect of water clues. Please tell me it's not in Miami. Please tell me. The one in Miami? It's in Miami. Fuck.
Starting point is 00:56:54 It's good for all of them going. Okay. I just don't want to fly across the country, but. Yeah, I got that flight. I had a rough entry last night coming back home. Bumpy? That's what she said. No.
Starting point is 00:57:08 No, when I walk in the house, I just have crazy – I start realizing how bad I have OCD. Like if things are out of order or – what did you say? I slept my whole flight. I even took off. I was already sleeping, and I woke up when I landed I even took off. I was already sleeping. And I woke up when I landed. Okay, cool. Awesome.
Starting point is 00:57:33 I just sat Indian style in my first class seat the whole flight. Just sitting there. So funny. Yeah. And I ate. Cultural appropriation. And I ate. That is true. And I ate the meal.
Starting point is 00:57:44 I didn't eat the bread. I ate the chicken and the potatoes and the salad. And I ate the meal. I didn't eat the bread. I ate the chicken and the potatoes and the salad. And I had the cookie. The cookie was crazy. It might have just been a bar. I told the waitress. She rolled up to me, the stewardess. And I was like, this cookie's nuts.
Starting point is 00:57:59 She goes, right. And I go, yeah. Oh, that's awesome well Gabe thank you whenever you want to do a podcast we'll show some shirts we'll see you guys at Rogue me and you and Susan can jump on a call
Starting point is 00:58:14 in the next week and just have a debrief on all the shit we saw at the games Gabe did you just say you're going to see everybody at Rogue? heck yeah you got a booth there too? yeah Gabe, did you just say you're going to see everybody at Rogue? Heck yeah. You got a booth there too? Yeah. Damn. What's the date on that?
Starting point is 00:58:32 October. I don't know. It's like, I don't know. Paulina knows. I don't know anything. She just tells me to be here and I'm there. The thing is too, man. It gets late for it.
Starting point is 00:58:42 How do you schmooze Bill and Katie? I got to figure out how to schmooze them. I tried. They're kind of inschmoozable. Yeah, they are. All right. Gentlemen, thank you. Thank you, Gabe.
Starting point is 00:58:56 Thanks for everything. Gabe took care of us all week. I drank so much Paper Street coffee. I would just go by his booth and just lech. Yeah, he's awesome. Kevin M. That's the biggest donation ever. I think I've seen 199 once.
Starting point is 00:59:17 199.99. Yeah, this is the solid 200, though. Kevin Big Dictum. I know who Kevin is, too. I just realized it. Oh, thank you, Kevin. Remind me to tell you. Okay.
Starting point is 00:59:31 Kevin M., nice work this week to your team. I watched more of your content than CrossFit. Like when SportsCenter came out and I stopped watching live sports. Oh, dude, you're cool. I'm going to make you guys so proud, Kevin. Hmm. $200. you're cool i'm gonna make you guys so proud kevin 200 thank you kevin again i might i might take my kids out to like togos today or something you each get your own sandwich boys yeah no no don't get crazy don't get crazy craig man gum savon and dave put hobbles on hiller very sad to see woke savon and hiller oh craig you're such a douche craig oh wait we did get a 499 last year
Starting point is 01:00:21 499 yeah someone said that in the comments? A bunch of people are saying that and I think I do remember that now. Who was that? We should have a Hall of Fame, dude. Oh, we should. If you donate over a certain amount, you come on the show for like five minutes. No, not that good. You can't buy
Starting point is 01:00:39 your answer. You're a dickhead, Craig. Sevan, you and Dave put the hobbles on Hiller. Listen, that's like saying you didn you're a dickhead craig seven you and dave put the hobbles on hillar listen that's like saying um you didn't let a a stripper run through the kids preschool and you hobbled them it's like hey dude there's rules you can talk all sorts of crazy shit to me in these comments. There's a couple of things you just can't do. And that's not true. No one put hobbles on Hiller.
Starting point is 01:01:12 Hiller wanted to flirt with the line. And so he, he didn't get an official talking to, but he, he, he could have fucking just gone rogue and fucking done crazy shit there and streak the field. Like there's,
Starting point is 01:01:23 you can not have streakers there either. That's an unfair characterization. I think. We get Hiller on and see what he says. Actually, no, I'm not letting Hiller on my show anymore for you saying that.
Starting point is 01:01:39 Oh, damn. See what you did, Craig? Scooted up for everybody now. Hang up. Hang up. You motherfucker pays the bills. I ain't hanging up on you. David hits that so quick that I feel it's just a copy-paste. Like, someone calls it, he's like, copy-paste, bam.
Starting point is 01:01:54 Hang up. Judy Reed, I remember that $4.99. Brooke Moberly. Oh, nice daughter i've listened forever like back to crossfit podcast days to seven and i never catch live shows today's the day awesome welcome cool nothing happened with hillary it wasn't like that it wasn't like that's like like i don't know who that is no it's not like that though it's not there wasn't anything official or nothing happened to him.
Starting point is 01:02:27 Seve can act this way all he wants. He's a literal angel in real life. He is so sweet and genuine. Thank you. That's cool. Dan Guerrero, Seve gets tight when Dave's involved. I don't know what you mean by tight, but yes. Tyler from... What the fuck is that he holding an egg i think he is holding an egg tyler from
Starting point is 01:02:51 facebook the one or one listener on facebook can we talk about how crazy the sebon podcast community is getting barbell spin brian friend clydesdale hillar fit mayhem etc all showing love for sebon it's only the beginning haters going to jump on the bandwagon eventually because they'll be afraid of being on the outside but we all know who they are uh just to tell you some things uh mr spin's great uh brian's great glidesdale awesome i sat next to scott whenever i could like in the um press conferences i was and whenever i saw him it's very nice seeing him it's like a familiar face i feel grounded when i see him andrew hiller of course andrew takes such good care of me andrew's like i can't tell who's the dad me or him maybe we go back and forth but he takes such
Starting point is 01:03:38 good care of me sunday morning he came to my hotel room and we just hung out and had breakfast and then we drove for a couple hours to the airport together. And I just love him. Mayhem, dude, that team is awesome. Everybody on the team is super cool. Yeah, they got Jake Lockhart and his brother down there. They got his coaches. They got Darren Hunsucker. They got, obviously, Rich Froning lurking around,
Starting point is 01:04:04 but not so much in the coach's area they got scott scott vandersloot uh they have ben davidson i'm sure i'm forgetting someone they were so good to me and i spent i spent i actually spent not too much time talking but i spent a lot of time near Ben and Scott. Completely enjoyable. Just being in their presence. Such good dudes. I was with Carlos and Frank a lot in the pit. Carlos, is he from Bone?
Starting point is 01:04:33 Bone Media. He is Bone Media. He's tall, right? Tall, good-looking, fit Mexican dude. I didn't expect that. I expected him to be like a chubby, short dude. No, he's a good-looking dude. He's got that uh
Starting point is 01:04:45 he's like a whore hey he has a podcast it's called content lab and so he just brings on creators for people to get to know like the people behind the cameras and he actually did a thing um prior to the games where he gave he gave one of the creators like two thousand dollars or something like that i forget exactly what it was i wish i would have had more information but he did something and then they gave away um a bunch of money to people that are out there filming and hustling and taking pictures i don't think i just remember him saying like in passing one time i grabbed my arm or shook my hand because said hey i'm carlos i'm like oh i'm so on and then i just remember thinking oh this is the guy from bone this is not what i expected yeah he's a good dude i hung out with the the josie the other Armenian guy I hung out with Teddy a shitload
Starting point is 01:05:25 like in the pits Teddy's awesome Teddy Williams he was working for Clydesdale and he was Colton's dude and him and I would the pit kind of moves like
Starting point is 01:05:39 back and forth like imagine 100 photographers and filmmakers moving back and forth along this imagine 100 photographers and filmmakers moving back and forth along this pit that's like 100 feet long or 200 feet long. But sometimes Teddy and I just wouldn't move with the pit and we would stay all alone. And it was nice.
Starting point is 01:05:56 Tristan Patrick, pleasure to meet you this week and see you grinding. Nice to meet you too. I don't remember, but yes. Kevin, I'm pumped for the behind the scenes to come out. Your timing is perfect. Last year was a writer strike. Similar content blew up. I think we're going to,
Starting point is 01:06:14 we're still trying to get all the footage on one disc drive and then we're going to replicate it three times. That should be done by today. And then it should, it should start happening. I can't wait. I can't wait. Just little snippets that you would like show me when you were doing the media dump up in the hotel and stuff. It was just, it's going to be good.
Starting point is 01:06:38 Yeah, it's crazy. What is this? Emma Weans said, I can't wait to meet you next month at CDA oh yeah huh at Coeur d'Alene oh shit
Starting point is 01:06:52 you live up there you're gonna be there for a while I know I'm gonna try to I seriously think I'm gonna stay there until Greg kicks me out can I come visit you awesome I'll ask him but I think so I think going to stay there until Greg kicks me out. Can I come visit you? Awesome.
Starting point is 01:07:08 I'll ask him, but I think so. I think he has plenty of room. Oh, my goodness. I got to hang with Jamie Latimer a lot. Oh, yeah. Probably I hug Jamie more than anyone. At first it was that other chick. Who's the lady from Tahoe? Susie.
Starting point is 01:07:24 Susie. Susie Tale. Wow, Jamie Jamie you're an amazing looking human too so Jamie's in the media pit but she's the only like I think she's the only one in the media pit who's a crossfit games athlete and it was very obvious what a fucking
Starting point is 01:07:41 powerhouse you are Amit hey Stefan is there a process you're following with editing here's the thing um and this is going to be really interesting i'm not going to edit this at all i don't think i'm going to touch any of the footage the people who are editing it are professional editors this thing should not be edited like professional content with like seamless edits and all that stuff the whole thing should be laid down as one massive fucking piece and then slowly just remove anything that's inconsequential but there's so many nuances in there this there's so many nuances in the footage that it's going to take a very special eye and uh i'm very curious how it's going to turn out because there's things that you would never leave in for a movie that might bore you know your average moviegoer but the people who are interested
Starting point is 01:08:38 in the behind the scenes are really going to want to see those nuances right um so um yeah that'll be interesting we're gonna have to like screen it a few times or something right because there was a clip that you sure you showed me and you just thought it was like nothing and then i watched and i was like that's awesome that's such a good clip and you're like oh shit there's a lot of nuances in this especially for fans of the show so if you guys have been watching the show for a long time and like know kind of the inside stories and jokes and stuff like that, there'll be things within this behind the scenes that you guys will specifically pick up that kind of the larger at large crowd like won't necessarily. So we're going to have to find a way to make sure that those that those stay in. You know where I messed up now that you're saying that every time I met someone from the chat, I should have filmed it.
Starting point is 01:09:27 So like when I met Extra Sloppy, like I would put my camera down and hug him. Or if I saw some of the CEO shirt, I would run up and hug him. I did get some of it though. Okay. I shot some of it on my phone. Okay. Cinematic mode. Cinematic.
Starting point is 01:09:44 And I turned it sideways too after you schooled me up scott hall is this about to be a 20-hour doc i i would like it to be ideally 30 20-minute pieces or 15 40-minute pieces i mean there you go oh sorry susie you took second place morning my dudes what a freaking week uh grateful blessed uh you guys are number one uh period that's all i got this oh i spent a lot of time with rosie the photographer also thank you suzy it was great meeting you what a positive human being you are yeah her energy is infectious yeah you're you're uh hey i don't know what she does for a living but like if you're if you you're like, she would make an amazing like assistant to like an, an executive or like a Hollywood person. Like this,
Starting point is 01:10:33 this girl can get shit done. She can really get shit done. Like she would make a crazy wing man. Like there's no security that's going to stop her stop her like like if you need to get to the front row she knows how to um yeah she's she's highly intelligent and highly capable and not the kind of person that takes no for an answer yeah she's a cool cool dude okay um i don't even know where to start this um some of these stories are so old did we ever find out whose cocaine it was in the white house anyone uh they're not looking into it is that what happened with that yeah they just decided that it's it's all good which is absolutely crazy because you could not tell me that a
Starting point is 01:11:24 fucking leaf doesn't land on that lawn and they don't know like where the leaf came from what time it landed on the lawn when it blew away right you know what i mean right like you don't get into that place and have that and if that did happen we should be demanding like higher security right mitchell kita nope they gave up that's's incredible. Oh, shit, Scott Hall. It was the dude who spit on the girl. All right. Look at Audrey. She got me front row.
Starting point is 01:11:52 Yeah, I'm telling you. I'm not joking around. Susie can do anything. Yeah. Yeah. No one cares it was a nothing burger okay you want to just go through some of this
Starting point is 01:12:16 dark content on here Jesus criminy this is bad is this what the show used to be like before I went to the game you like took a step back and you come back and you're like whoa some of these are a little harsh huh okay let's do 119 what is this what the show used to be like before i went to the game you like took a step back and you come back into it now you're like whoa some of these are a little harsh huh okay let's do one night let's do 119 what is this oh my goodness hey i really like vivek ramaswamy are you digging this guy this dude he's running for president yeah did you did you ever see him on the breakfast club when they definitely tried to like corner him into yeah he fucked charlamagne up and that other chick that came on with the interview and was like
Starting point is 01:12:48 what what did you do as an activist and he was like you know going through his thing and she's like well one time in the fourth grade i did and it was just like what i didn't see i didn't see that but he oh it's charlamagne yeah hey you know his was the last interview don lemon did before don lemon got fired he fucked on lemon up too that's yeah the last interview Don Lemon did before Don Lemon got fired. He fucked Don Lemon up too. The last interview. Did you see that clip of him and Andrew Schultz talking about saying African-American versus just American? No.
Starting point is 01:13:16 Charlamagne makes himself look like a fucking idiot. He does the woke shit where Andrew's making some good points and then Charlamagne's just circling around this argument, arguing himself to even to the point where schultz is like you're not even listening you're not like we're not even having the same conversation was he on schultz's show uh they have their own show it's like like brilliant idiots or whatever charlemagne and schultz are both on the same show yeah they're they've been homies for a long time wow and it's a great show because the banter between the two of them is awesome
Starting point is 01:13:45 because they've been friends for a really long time well there it is there's the tension you're talking about two people who don't see eye to eye who are homies yeah but they will go at it it's cool um uh danny bostwick how does one get a media pass as a photographer that's a dream of mine i just can't shake it i just can't shake hey dude find someone there's some really you you want to know what clydesdale media did everyone got like two media passes and they didn't they found filmmaker and photographer who were better than them and they sent them there and gave them the good passes and they took the shitty passes so find someone you can prove yourself to and someone will give you their pass to get content for them like like uh like spin
Starting point is 01:14:32 spin didn't go but he probably was able to get two passes you just got to hook up with someone like that who needs content and just prove yourself to them yeah Yeah, that's exactly what Spinn did. Oh shit, here we go. Daniel Arson. Thank you. Don't play with matches. Arnson. Dick Butter for the Waterpalooza Miami Fund.
Starting point is 01:15:00 You met Dick Butter? Yep, and him and Caleb did a push-up contest with an eight-year-old boy. No shit. Is he big like caleb dick butter yeah yeah i think you might be bigger than caleb yeah i feel safe around caleb hey dude thanks that's crazy thank you yeah thank you so much dick butter won a visor too oh that's good yeah audrey fuck yeah go dick okay uh play uh i don't even know what this one is play 119 while they do this check it out they push forward revisionist history just yesterday in the state of florida they decided middle school students will be taught that enslaved people benefited from slavery.
Starting point is 01:15:51 They insult us in an attempt to gaslight us, and we will not stand for it. And while they do this, check it out. Go ahead and pause. So this is on Vivek Gramaswamy's Instagram account. And then he writes, if if you told a civic civil rights activist in 1964 that America is where it is today, they have said we reached the promised land and it's laughable that we'd have racial quotas, meaning things are so good right now and we're painting them as bad that it's fucking mind-boggling. But what I wanted to show you this clip is – and you can find this in the Library of Congress or you can just go online and start digging around, and you'll see that the major component of the Democrats' party during slavery, they argued that they were taking care of the slaves and that the slaves were living a better life under their rule than if they would set them free. And they argued that if they set the slaves free, they wouldn't know how to take care of themselves and they would set them free, and they argued that if they set the slaves free, they wouldn't know how to take care of themselves and they would die.
Starting point is 01:17:07 They believed – the Democrats believed they were doing a benevolent action by having slaves. That was their thing. That's's the that's the irony of the whole thing and the democrats still think that they think that the needle exchange that you have to give the needle exchange they think you have to give out the free money they think you have to force your kids to go to school to get indoctrinated they think you have to force people to take the injection the cultivating dependence yeah it's it's crazy and just so you know so you white people don't feel left out they wanted to do that with all the white
Starting point is 01:17:48 farmers in the north also they believed that the farmers they wanted to enslave all the farmers in the north the white farmers because they said that the slaves in the south lived a better life than the farmers in the north and here's the thing it doesn't even matter if it was thing it doesn't even matter if it
Starting point is 01:18:05 was true it doesn't even matter if it was true or not you just can't enslave people dan guerrero that's because democrats are imbeciles i think the word is narcissist but it's it's absolutely nuts it's it's it's it's like just this weird kind of history repeating itself. Almost like things are on a cycle. Riley S., man, listening to Tovar is almost as bad as Kamala. Did anyone think Tovar was good? I haven't heard one positive thing. That's tough.
Starting point is 01:18:39 Yeah, that sucks. It's like nobody wants to be bad. Yeah. You know? that sucks. It's like nobody wants to be bad. Yeah. You know?
Starting point is 01:18:50 And once again, like, like even if you are like a Democrat, that's cool. Just, just don't vote for them anymore. It's like, and what she said is obviously a lie tyler liked her
Starting point is 01:19:07 tovar tovar not on the law oh okay oh okay all right good there you go there's one awesome thank you yeah she did seem nervous oh uh mitchell kita wow uh because humans are humans no different than they were a thousand years ago new technology same problems and and and that problem i would wonder if you agree with this mitchell is just a logic like they just can't think clearly right you can't think clearly or maybe they're just prying on the people who can't think clearly oh man some of these links are missing. Because they've been on for too long or post-couple? Yeah, I don't know.
Starting point is 01:19:51 117, small business owner in San Francisco. Dude, what about Kalipa? I know I'm dying to know. How was Kalipa? I saw him right before he went on. You know I did commentating for ESPN. You did? Yeah. Oh, that's cool here we go ladies and gentlemen welcome to san francisco now i just want you to think the whole time remember the
Starting point is 01:20:15 mayor of all the cities in this area are all democrats and this guy's a democrat now just remember that okay here we go oh shit wait wait tank reeves he's from facebook enough said oh shit tyler you got fucked up okay go ahead i just got punched in the fucking face right now by some guy that was pissing on the street and i'm really pissed off right now. I can't believe I live in a city where people are just pissed on the street and come punch you in the fucking face and get away with it. Guy just ran off. They're probably not going to find him. I'm fucking fed up with this goddamn city.
Starting point is 01:21:05 It's like I can't just be outside and just running a fucking business without getting punched in the goddamn face. So I'm pissed off right now. I'm really pissed off right now. I don't know. I just need to vent and I got to figure out what to do, but this is like, it shouldn't be this way at all. Like this isn't how our city should be. I hope they find the fucking guy.
Starting point is 01:21:30 Wait, pause that. That doesn't matter. That's why I was like, find the guy and do what? What are you talking about, dude? That doesn't matter if they find him. What the fuck are you talking about? Take him to jail, feed him a couple sandwiches, leave him for a minute, and then he'll take off.
Starting point is 01:21:45 Fucking idiot. Keep going. Yeah, I'm fucking pissed off. So I'm sorry that I'm venting to you all, but... Yeah, I don't know what to do. It's like, at what point is it too much where you just can't be on the street and tell some guy to stop fucking pissing and get hit in the face?
Starting point is 01:22:07 So I just got punched in the face. Crazy, man. Hey, I just keep going back and thinking of what you had. You're trying to run a business, and what you do is you pay taxes so that the police will watch your parking lot so that or keep people in jail so that you can run your business so now yeah i don't mean to highlight this but suza runs a business where he can't protect his fucking employees his customers cars this guy can't run a business where he can protect his his um his his restaurant or whatever shop he owns from being peed on i mean it's like no one's going to come into a shop where the entryway smells like urine
Starting point is 01:22:50 dude these are all just please stop voting democrat i don't care if you are a democrat i'm probably still registered democrat just please stop voting that way but seven they're the same they're the same who can't no they're not that i'm telling you republican mayors and governors aren't going to tolerate this shit yeah let my kid wants to walk safely from point a to point b with his genitalia mutilated and wearing the gay pride flag that's cool you can't even do that with a Democrat mayor. It's nuts. They defend them.
Starting point is 01:23:31 They are defending them. They're saying that those people have a right to do that because they didn't have a privileged upbringing or some shit. They defend the bad behavior. The heroes are the criminals. It's so fucking sad. Hmm.
Starting point is 01:23:53 Yeah, I commentated on ESPN. Three arm wrestling shows. Oh. They were re-aired more than 300 times. Probably more than 1,000 times now. That was in the first year. Awesome. Three half-hour shows.
Starting point is 01:24:05 I did the commentary in my bedroom at my mom's house like it was live. Welcome to the 1997 ESPN. I'm Seba Matosian. Today, you're going to see some incredible arm wrestling action, some drama some uh uh uh some hands being touched yes yes yes I'm a little rusty
Starting point is 01:24:35 the competition will be fierce the athletes are not professional god I wanted to fucking punch this person there's only one person I wanted to punch in the face of the entire CrossFit Games. It'll be in the behind the scenes. And I like the person too a lot. I don't even know who it is.
Starting point is 01:24:50 But I was interviewing one of the people setting up the field. And I said, hey, this is pretty cool, right? They have these 200-foot long ropes. Oh, shit. I need to text Bill and Katie right now. Hey, do you – text Bill and Katie right now. Hey, do you... Dear Bill and Katie. Do you guys sell the 200-foot rope?
Starting point is 01:25:15 I don't have the phone number up today. I'm just going to fuck people. Do you guys sell the 200... Oh, I put 2,000-foot rope. Do you guys sell the 200-foot rope? Did you see that 200-foot rope? Yeah, that was awesome. So this girl's setting up the rope and getting it straight, and she's like so meticulous. The way they set up the field is nuts, right,
Starting point is 01:25:37 with all the road gear for the teams. And she said, yeah, we have to pay this much attention if we ever want the sport to become professional. And I'm like, dude, this is so much more professional than the Olympics or the NFL or the NBA. What's that obsession? What are you talking about? I just wish they'd be like, hey, we want to do this because our job here is just to pursue excellence. Like we just want this competition to be top tier and just fucking as excellent as you could possibly make it.
Starting point is 01:26:08 Quit trying to be another Me Too thing and fit into the box. We've created our own lane. Create your own lane and just pursue excellence. Don't worry about what's professional and what's not. I couldn't stand it that she said that professional. Dude, this is professional. Hashtag triggered. Yeah, I was triggered yeah i was triggered
Starting point is 01:26:25 i was triggered too i don't like the perfect good yeah you so you don't like it either no it's like everybody tries to compare tennis or golf it's like it's it's not that it's not that it's it's maybe never will make as big of mainstream as that but if you just pursue absolute excellence we will keep moving forward and it will keep growing and growing. Sir Trolls a lot. The Olympics are a scam garbage. Stop worshiping the Olympics. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:26:49 I don't know if that – that might be a little harsh, but – And I feel it's already professional. No one who went to the games – no one who went to the games is like, oh my god, I can't believe how ghetto this is. Everyone was like, holy cow, I've never seen so much equipment and so many people moving in perfection, whether it be the judges, the equipment, the people setting up the equipment, the athlete control, the athletes, it is nuts. It is absolutely a beautiful spectacle. 64 big rig trucks.
Starting point is 01:27:18 Hey, did you know that event they did where they do the handstand walk across the Coliseum? And there's, you may have not been there. It was teams and 40 people handstand walk across the Coliseum? You may have not been there. It was teams and 40 people handstand walk across the Coliseum. I did not see that, but I heard it, yeah. It's so weird. I feel like I'm on acid. All I see are people's crotches because they're upside down. Their legs are kicking.
Starting point is 01:27:41 And then it's kind of like a dolly painting, like the one with the melting clock. It's so weird. I weird like i was tripping uh 115 i want to see these photos oh what's this oh oh oh this is gonna trigger someone in the audience someone's gonna be like oh shit no wonder I don't watch him regularly. Marjorie Taylor Greene displays sexual images of Hunter Biden at IRS whistleblower hearing. I ended up watching that. During a questioning,
Starting point is 01:28:18 Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene held small posters featuring graphic sexual photos from the laptop hard drive that purportedly belonged to Hunter Biden, which were censored with black boxes. Remember, that's the that's the laptop that 50 people from the FBI said was a fake Russian laptop. And now it's a real. It's a real. Look at the guy laughing in the back. it's a real look at the guy laughing in the back staffers react as green holds up sexually explicit images that she says are of hunter biden during her questioning the virus whistleblower that she says by the way no no one denied it everyone knows it's hunter
Starting point is 01:28:56 near the end of green's testimony ranking member jaime raskin asked chair james comer should we be displaying this, Mr. Chairman? Hey, that's like, have you ever seen those school board hearings where, like, the guy comes and he's reading the book that he got from the children's library at the school, like from the elementary school? And the board's, like, saying it's too explicit to read in the board meeting. But it's in the kid's fifth the kids fifth grade library like wait what i did talk to fraser great talk every in all fairness to every time i saw fraser and i saw him 20 times he would he would like look at me and like give me a thumbs up or say hi or if i was close enough he'd actually say something to me it was great you we were actually awesome with everyone
Starting point is 01:29:46 except for two or three people. It was awesome. I was going to say, you had a good conversation with him leading up to the games. Maybe we should reach out and see if he wants to come chat. Oh, you mean via text, like inviting him on? Mm-hmm. Yeah, I don't want to push my...
Starting point is 01:30:03 Yeah, we had said in the combo, he was like, nice chat with you, man. Like, let's link up. I didn't see Matt O'Keefe much, which kind of bummed me out. Normally, I would see him. I had a great time with Ben Bergeron. I had a great time with so many people down there.
Starting point is 01:30:17 Oh, we had them for the event. Oh. Oh, we made them for... Oh, we had them made for the event. Oh, shit. Oh, shit. Oh, I bet you those are fucking expensive. They had a – ran into Bill and had a conversation with him, Caleb and I did, and he was telling us that there is – he's got – they had 64 of the big, like,
Starting point is 01:30:43 semis to get all that equipment, 64 of those trucks. Yeah, that will also be in the behind the scenes. I also chatted with him about it. Yeah. I knew I needed to chat with Bill and Katie. I'd been just hanging with them a bit. And by then, I needed to put the camera in their face. And so I felt kind of embarrassed.
Starting point is 01:31:03 I was pretty sloppy with Bill. I said, hey, do you have any cool stats you you can share and i felt like it was just lazy you know when like someone comes on your podcast you're like tell me about yourself okay in two minutes tell the audience who you are i didn't i was not stoked of how i interviewed bill he was gracious as shit and gave me some stats like that but i just wish i would have like been like made it more hey how many screws are you know yeah oh shit that would be interesting how many bolts do you guys carry uh this is good did you get uh fraser and rich interacting i didn't it's not um i don't know if it's just because i'm super comfortable in my skin and old but it's not like that down there there's i didn't sense any
Starting point is 01:31:44 the only i didn't even when I didn't sense anything uncomfortable. Everyone kind of has such a strong mission. There was no beef. There was no – Bernie Gannon, Savon – oh, is that – who is that? That's not him, is it? That's Iron Man, isn't it? Yeah. Savon, what was the beef with you and Matt going back?
Starting point is 01:32:04 Listen to your old Matt Josh podcast. You seem to have a real friendship. No, the, the, uh, this is a little over, I'm not going to get into it, but the beef was this. I was having fun. I was riding Josh and Matt's coattails in my mind. And then Matt didn't want to do it anymore. And I was frustrated. I was like, Oh, like my friend left, like, like I was in the sixth grade and he was in the eighth grade and he graduated and then I was left in junior high by myself like that's that's and that's that's a great description of that and so I was just I just you know I mean that's that would be my you could ask him but I wouldn't say there was a beef. And you know, and that's it. Maybe if I had a drink, I'd tell it different. Stir up some emotions.
Starting point is 01:32:54 Yeah. Oh shit, it's time to go. Oh, let's do 114. Let's plug Vivek Ramaswamy again. And on a bang. do 114 let's let's plug vivek uh ramaswamy again and on a bang did you watch his town hall with uh pbd yet no is it good no i haven't i haven't dude i haven't seen anything outside of us working so people were accusing um vivek ramaswamy of being uh um having a relationship with the WEF.
Starting point is 01:33:25 You know what's so weird? None of my Democrat friends even know what the WEF is. Isn't that so weird? That's so weird. It's so weird that they don't know. Like they think it's like a joke or some sort of conspiracy or something. Yeah, well, you think they'd also be upset, right?
Starting point is 01:33:45 Because there's so many private jets that fly in when they have those meetings. And I mean, that's just a huge problem for climate. Like, why don't they all fly one plane together as coach, you know? And lower their carbon footprint. Carbon emissions. Oh, hold on a second. Oh, here we go. Savan, you said prior to the games that any women who doesn't improve their rankings from last year
Starting point is 01:34:05 in these games should have should look at alternate careers you still feel that way I don't know let's make the list if it's any of my friends no I don't if it's not any of my
Starting point is 01:34:12 friends yeah fuck them no let's look at that list that's great hey thanks for bringing that up dick no but that's true let's look at that let's look at that that would be funny to see that.
Starting point is 01:34:25 Hey, you know who's most improved is Gazan. Yeah. All right. Action. We're searching in the polls. The knives are coming out. The opposition research machines are churning. And you know what? That's a good thing because I'm running to be your next president. I want to lead this country and I better darn well be able to take some questions along the way. Stay skeptical. I would be too. Let me just address them transparently. Most popular questions we've gotten in order. First, what is my relationship with the World Economic Forum? Okay, pause. Answer. None.
Starting point is 01:35:02 with the World Economic Forum? Okay, pause. Answer. None. So the World Economic Forum is a Democrat organization, maybe the most powerful political organization on planet Earth, right? And some of their things are that we don't need elections anymore. We should not be eating meat.
Starting point is 01:35:23 If we are eating meat, it should be from insects. And that no one should own any property and that the government should own the property. Those are some of the things. And someone's like, oh my God, someone's lost his mind. I'm crazy. I'm not crazy. And the people supporting this organization are people like Jane Goodall, Leonardo DiCaprio.
Starting point is 01:35:38 I mean, it's crazy. So many fucking, the Canadian guy, Trudeau, they basically have claimed they own Trudeau that trudeau is their puppet and trudeau doesn't even deny it but here's what's interesting right it's a the democrats are now in order to attack vivek gramoswamy are saying that he's somehow affiliated with that organization. It's fucking bizarre. Okay, anyway, keep going. It's crazy. Then being probably their biggest critic here in the United States. And then the reason people are asking me this, though,
Starting point is 01:36:15 is because the World Economic Forum named me on a list of so-called young global leaders. They did it despite the fact that I turned down their award. They kept my name on that list despite the fact that I repeatedly asked them to take it off because I did not share their values. I'm an opponent of it. Well, when they refused to do it, you know what I did? I sued them because I believe in taking action.
Starting point is 01:36:39 That's the World Economic Forum question. Next popular question we get is, what is my connection with George Soros? Answer, none, zero, indirect, direct, zero connection with George Soros. Why are people asking this question? It's because back in 2010, by the way, long before George Soros had completely fallen off the deep end and gone into these progressive causes, funding these disastrous, toxic prosecutors who are soft on crime, who I've also railed against. That was partly funded by not George Soros, but Paul Soros, who's a relative, a brother of George Soros, who made his money independently, who, by the way, is now dead. Pause. Pause. Sorry. He does not have soy boy tits. Skinny Indian dude.
Starting point is 01:37:43 OK, go on. Funded hundreds of people, hundreds of kids won that scholarship. I was one of them to go to graduate school at the age of 24, 25, back when I didn't have a lot of money to do it. And you know what? If I had turned down that scholarship back then, that would have been so foolish that anybody that foolish probably should have no place anywhere near the White House doing trade deals on behalf of this country. Next question i actually got last few days was about a statement that i had made about masks back in early 2020 in the early stages of the pandemic and here i'll admit it my anti-government instincts got the better of me because i don't know if you all remember this but back in march april 2020 when i put that tweet out which said that we should buy masks based on individual... Hold on, pause. Pause. He's Indian too. Give him a little
Starting point is 01:38:28 leeway. These motherfuckers, these Indians and Asian countries were wearing masks back in 1731. These fucking guys, anytime you travel internationally, you got a couple of these weirdos wearing masks. Cut him a little slack. Okay, keep going. Personal responsibility or whatever it was that I said,
Starting point is 01:38:44 that was in response to the government, including Fauci and the head of the CDC, laughing at people for buying masks and telling people across this country that they shouldn't buy masks. I have inherently libertarian instincts. I'm skeptical of the government. I think the government mostly lies. And so when they were saying, don't buy masks, I went the other way and said that, you know what, if the government's going to tell me not to protect myself, then maybe we should be protecting ourselves. Well, as the facts changed, so did my opinions on it. We quickly learned that masks don't work. The entire time I was against mask mandates and vaccine mandates. In fact, you can
Starting point is 01:39:19 take a look at my clip with Tucker in late 2020, when I was one of the early people warning against rolling out the vaccine too quickly and the risks of doing it. But that's where I've been all along. So anyway, keep the questions coming. I think skepticism is good. You will never get that kind of clarity from 90% of the people who are running.
Starting point is 01:39:40 It's so granular and detailed and good. And he's opening himself up for so much fucking attack but I just fucking love him Brooke Moberly thank you Seb on the team for the best CrossFit Games coverage but beyond CrossFit for being authentic and real for speaking the truth when it's hard and super fun spying you all week at the games you're welcome
Starting point is 01:39:57 you're welcome chick came up to me with blue hair and a pride shirt put her arms around me and goes you don't know how much I love you that's cool You're welcome. Chick came up to me with blue hair and a pride shirt. Put her arms around me. He goes, you don't know how much I love you. That's cool. Yeah, I said, thank you.
Starting point is 01:40:21 Hey, the, the, the, if I told you the demographic that was most appreciative of me at the games, it would blow you away. Except for a good call and wanting to cut the man bun. I know, it's fucking atrocious. I'm going to cut my hair. Thank you. Thank you. That chick's hot too. Every time I come across her Instagram account, I scroll it. I'm listening to her.
Starting point is 01:40:36 Fucking bullshit. I feel like an idiot all week. To be honest with you. You know what it was, Steph, though? It kept me in check because I was like overwhelmed with confidence because the last time I was there, I basically owned the place. And this time I was a fucking peon. So it balanced out.
Starting point is 01:40:53 And the man bun just kind of kept me in check. I was way... I was way... Yeah, man bun's toast. All right. Thanks, guys. Amen, someone cut the bun. Yeah, it's toast. Trust me, it's toast. I inherently don't trust anyone
Starting point is 01:41:13 who wants to run for office, so I have a real dilemma on voting. I feel you. Yeah, I agree with that. I agree with that comment. I agree with that comment. Okay. Tomorrow, there are some people I'm trying to get on.
Starting point is 01:41:34 I'm going to try to get Dave Castro on. I'm going to try to get Ricky Garrard on. I want to try to... Oh, can we please change our default thumbnail picture, I so don't want to be a CrossFit podcast. Yes.
Starting point is 01:41:49 Yes. I will get that template and I'll make it. I'll drop some people switch around. There's so much. I mean, I want to be a CrossFit pod. I don't just want to be a CrossFit podcast. Yeah, we can keep like two and then load it up with all the other all-stars we've had on that are completely outside of the space yeah let's have like dave castro's face and someone else's yeah yeah jay crouch jay
Starting point is 01:42:15 crouch put some fighters in there put pbd in there all the awesome past guests we've had on there are some people that are little there are some little athletes just so you guys know like shelby neal is little jay crouch is little i mean relative i mean he's bigger than me but he's not he's like a dude he's not like jay crouch hasn't been given the gifts like hopper has hopper's like a giant slab of meat uh talking elite thought with sebon cool when's hibbler coming back i don't know if we could do two in the same year with that guy. No, I could go out and do another Hibbler one. That dude was way too fucking much. He's got to calm down.
Starting point is 01:43:09 I would have another Flat Earther on, but not. He was too. I mean, he's good. No, I'm not doing that again. Yeah. A couple minutes into that show and he lost me right away. Too much. When people.
Starting point is 01:43:21 Yeah, it's too much. He started going into the hologram shit. Wow. What is this what is this okay 113 if you had to choose whether this clip is real or the or the earth is flat which would you choose the phenomenon you're about to watch in this clip god this is we've really gone um oh boy now we're getting back now we're getting back we made it this far we're right about to go 113 do you think that it's more likely this phenomenon is real or that the earth is flat you get to choose we should too bad caleb's not in here to put up a poll okay here we go so stationary plane sorry cody stationary plane my bad station yeah sex use sorrow sex let the sperm of that man out demon came with his penis and put
Starting point is 01:44:12 it in my mouth and and then he tried he came again and he slept with me last week and i i told the pastor that i need deliverance again and since then my private part has been itching me. Yes. Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Speak! Who are you? Who are you? Look at that demon! Look at that demon! Look at that demon! Demon in the private property. Watch what happens. Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire!
Starting point is 01:44:51 Come out from the car! All right. Thank you, everyone, for listening. We'll see you. Someone in the comments goes, I really want to like Sevan, but he always just goes one step too far. I agree. There it is.
Starting point is 01:45:04 Please, please stop that. One step too far. I agree. There it is. Please stop that. Hour and 43 minutes. Dalton Rosta tonight, UFC fighter undefeated. We'll be fighting this weekend. Bellator, I want to say he's a light, not a light heavyweight. What's the one above welterweight? A middleweight?
Starting point is 01:45:22 185 pounds. I want to say his girlfriend is a grid athlete. CrossFit Games athlete? Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, she was. Or maybe she's trying to go to the WWE. God, I can't remember. Maybe both.
Starting point is 01:45:39 Yeah, but he'll be coming on tonight. He's a beautiful man. He's undefeated. Call her. Hi. Hey, what's going on, guys. He's a beautiful man. He's undefeated. Call her. Hi. Hey, what's up, guys? It's Paul. I've been listening to you guys for a couple of years. Hold on one second. Hold on one second.
Starting point is 01:45:52 Hold on one second. Sorry. Hold on one second. Something's wrong. Hold on. Hold on one second. I'm going to get you back. Hold on.
Starting point is 01:46:00 Oh, shit. Did he hang up? Son of a bitch. Bluetooth. One step too far. on hold oh shit did he hang up son of a bitch bluetooth my phone sucks okay caller sorry you're back go ahead caller sorry you're back
Starting point is 01:46:16 what's up guys we still talking about the CrossFit games sure if you would like to yeah no I thought been coaching CrossFit since 2013, been in love with the sport, what it does to the community, the whole vibe. But, you know, watching the games the last couple of years, I say, you know, if you guys want to go mainstream and go like a professional sport league,
Starting point is 01:46:40 it's hard watching athletes train all year and then they throw events at them that they just look it looks like a circus it's like you know it's not going to have football players train all year and have them play a soccer game you know it's it's cool seeing the athleticism seeing them adapt but the average crossfitter would understand it but if you want to get new spectators and then they're watching it it's just watching people fail in movements or get hurt or even like nobody likes watching professional mountain bikers race, let alone a bunch of jacked athletes crash on a mountain bike course because
Starting point is 01:47:15 half of them can't ride a mountain bike. You know, it's not really showcasing anything that they train for all year because they train for something all year and now you're throwing something different at them. And it just, it looks awkward, you know, for the average spectator to watch. We understand that if you do cross, we understand the adaptation, how hard it is and the athleticism for them to complete it. But if you got new people watching, it just, it doesn't look professional. It kind of looks like a bunch of just people running around making fools of
Starting point is 01:47:45 themselves. So, so forth, you know, not to that extent, but you know, just kind of hard watching the course. Hey,
Starting point is 01:47:53 so I said, I said on the show a couple of nights ago, I don't think they should ever do bike riding again. And if they are going to do bike riding, it should be just one at a time and it should be a time trial up a hill, set a fucking mile course straight up a hill, release a rider every 30 seconds, and let's watch it. I totally agree with you.
Starting point is 01:48:07 A hundred percent. And they're too valuable. There's a component of it being kind of like letting indie cars do bumper cars. It's like, ah, these cars aren't meant to bump each other. So I totally agree with you. And then I think what you're also saying is if you're going to insist on doing it, do it
Starting point is 01:48:22 and don't make that the televised part. And I agree with you. Right. You know, they train with a barbell. They train, you know, they implement new things every year. But if you're going to give them new things at the games, it's like give it to them like six months ahead of time so they can practice, get advanced at it. can actually showcase their skill and adaptation compared to like, you know, watching them with the double unders or the heavy rope or things where people just constantly failing on a handstand walk.
Starting point is 01:48:52 Brother, how about this though? It's a fine line. How about the sandbag? That wasn't something that was traditional and they did that last year and that was really cool. And same with the capital. The sandbag is cool because that doesn't take that much skill. It just takes, you know takes strength and athleticism.
Starting point is 01:49:06 They're showcasing their strength, which is a great thing. It's not that hard to pick something up and move with it. It is. The weight, but compared to a skill, it's just a little different, I would say.
Starting point is 01:49:21 I thought the sandbag cool was excellent watching that. Can I pass some judgment on you? There's some things I different, I would say. But I thought the Sandbag Cool was excellent watching that. I'm going to pass – can I pass some judgment on you? There's some things I think I know about you. Yeah, go right ahead. All right. I think that you still, as a gift for people, buy people a box of chocolates. No, no, no, no.
Starting point is 01:49:40 That's wrong? I'm a giver. Are you fucking kidding me? You haven't bought a box of chocolates in the last year? That's fucking bullshit. You definitely have bought? You haven't bought a box of chocolates in the last year? That's fucking bullshit. You definitely have bought a gift. You buy a box of chocolates. You buy single red rose.
Starting point is 01:49:50 You were old school as a fuck. You're stuck in the 80s. I can hear it in your voice. Please tell me I'm right. Not so old school. That's not stuck in the old school, but I am very traditional, you know, as a man. Take care of your family, raise your kids right. No box of chocolates, though?
Starting point is 01:50:09 No box of chocolates? No, not too much, much man i'm not too much of a chocolate person i know but i could see you doing that like to your wife like you bring home flowers and shit or like shit like that i do bring home flowers that is correct you know hey i tell everybody randomly just go home surprise your wife with a bouquet of flowers you'll see how much uh how her mood changes for the better. Hey, I can't buy my wife flowers because all I'm thinking the whole time is it's a waste of money and these things are going to fucking die. That's why you got to buy them from Costco. They're a lot cheaper at Costco. It worked it.
Starting point is 01:50:38 Hey, I love you guys. Love this show. I've been a fan for a long time. Got a bunch of your CEO shirts. You guys all rock. Your whole team and everybody. You guys really work together. Just appreciate you guys. I love how you guys talk on
Starting point is 01:50:51 all subjects with just the world and politics. I think it's needed and it's just reality because we all got to live in the world together and a lot of this shit's common sense. Thank you. Hey, do you drink sparkling water? Say what? Do you drink sparkling water say what do you drink sparkling water i don't drink sparkling water my god you are such a man flowers and no sparkling
Starting point is 01:51:13 water i know you're a fucking savage but hey my ex-wife though she we do love flowers but we're both stoners so instead of me buying a bouquet of flowers she liked the other flower oh it kind of worked out for the both of us yeah that's cool all right yeah hey tell hillar fit um tell hillar that sumo deadlift is for women and it's cheating so it's definitely a no rep every time he does sumo okay done all right guys take care have a good day bye i'm not a fan of the sumo either. I don't know why. G-Hash. SAR 799. I don't even know what that is, but thank you. Great weekend. Thanks, guys.
Starting point is 01:51:54 Can't wait for the behind the scenes. Oh, you're going to wait. A swolverine. Hell yeah. Let's fucking go, Mertens. I didn't take any supplements during the week. Yeah. Did you see Colton's new video? No.
Starting point is 01:52:09 They released it yesterday. You guys should all go check over at Swirlwinds YouTube and check that out. It's cool. Is it from the games? No, it was the bit they shot on him prior to the games. Oh. Yeah. We posted it on our social media and everything else and there's links up
Starting point is 01:52:25 let's go check it out i didn't bring uh i should the one i wish i would have brought the sleep aid uh anything else anyone else i didn't see another another ghash 399 all right yeah oh look an Indian guy Krista Parham sumo is not for women Amy Labarge I love Colton's swolverine video
Starting point is 01:52:53 I'm so happy for him alright guys see you tonight I think tomorrow is just another show like this just chilling oh yeah and you got tonight.
Starting point is 01:53:05 Yeah, you already said that. Okay, cool. We don't have a guest tomorrow, right? Nope. Okay. We do on Friday. All right. I'm going to go actually make a big old – for breakfast,
Starting point is 01:53:13 I'm going to have a big old swolvering concoction. I'm going to do the hydration, the creatine, and the pre-workout. That's what's up. pre-workout. That's what's up. Oh, excuse me. I'm a woman. You don't have to be excused because you're a woman.
Starting point is 01:53:36 Perfectly acceptable. Krista. Krista. Krista. Such a lingerer just like lingering oh thanks for being a good role model that's what I was going to tell you thank you thank you
Starting point is 01:53:58 men women cats, dogs boys girls binary non-binary trannies non-trannies black men white men indian girls asians of all sorts god it's fucked being asian because well i guess it's like being white you just get lumped up with everyone like the the Japanese, the Korean, the Chinese. But I guess it's like that for the blacks, too. Ethiopians look nothing like fucking Kenyans.
Starting point is 01:54:35 But anyway, I digress. All of you fucking people, Eskimos. Can you say Eskimos? Is that derogatory? I don't think so. Not yet. Indigenous. I am't think so. Not yet. Indigenous. I am a role model for everyone.
Starting point is 01:54:52 I transcend any – I'm a role model for little girls. I am a role model for little boys. I am a role model for dogs, cats. I am a role model for dogs, cats. I transcend these dogmatic role models that are feigning to be role models for particular demographics, which by using those only reinforce the boxes that they should live in. Saying that you're a role model for little girls and not little boys.
Starting point is 01:55:35 God, it just, it's, you're walking backwards. You think you're taking two steps forward and you're taking one step back. It is true what Ghani said. Be the change you want to be in the world. The one takeaway from this is if you travel in an airport at all ever and you don't do one good deed, you miss an opportunity. Because in every airport, there's an opportunity. Every travel time, there's an opportunity. Make that part of your checklist.
Starting point is 01:56:03 Do you have a driver's license? Did you do your good deed? Did you, did you use the ask, ask it, or if you use that or whatever, you know, like in the bathrooms, they have the Toysie covers. Yeah. Um, don't be a role model for little girls or little boys. Just be a good role model.
Starting point is 01:56:28 Just be like me. Are you still a role model for little girls when you lose your ponytail? Yes. What the fuck's an ass gasket? You know, like those white things where you... I mean, I don't use them. I don't even like the way those things feel. They make that sound, right?
Starting point is 01:56:47 Yeah, that's correct. God, I can't stand the way those things sound or feel. Yeah, cripples. Thank you. Did I? Yes, I did. One leg, six legs, 10 inch penis. I'm a role model for big penises, small penis.
Starting point is 01:57:03 I'm such I'm a role model for big penises, small penis. I'm such, I'm a role model for all of humanity. Do as I do. Put your shopping cart away. If it's convenient for you, if it's not, fuck it. Love you guys. Bye.

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