The Sevan Podcast - It’s Up to You | Live Call In

Episode Date: June 18, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 When you're working out at Planet Fitness, it's a judgment-free zone, so you can really step up your workout. That's why we've got treadmills. And our team members are here to help, so you can be carefree with the free weights. There are also balance balls, bikes, cables, kettlebells, and TRX equipment. But, like, no pressure. Get started for $1 enrollment, and then only $15 a month. Hurry this $1 enrollment sale at Planet Fitness end July 18th. $49 annual fee applies. See
Starting point is 00:00:25 Home Club for details. Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation.
Starting point is 00:00:44 And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance. Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. It's a Seban podcast show. It's a Seban podcast show. that doesn't happen very often i sat down for the show and uh
Starting point is 00:01:26 I sat down for the show and, uh, who had to take a massive deuce. I'd already taken my obligatory morning deuce. And then I was like, you know what? I don't think I emptied the carriage. I don't think I emptied the carriage. Good morning, Augustus. Hey, my show is like romper room. Good morning, Augustus. I see you.
Starting point is 00:01:40 I need a giant magnifying glass. Buy one of those on Amazon right now. Hold on. Uh, new tab amazon uh giant magnifying glass giant magnifying glass and whoever made that intro thank you uh suza sent that to me giant magnifying glass 10 uh is this one big enough Is this one big enough? Is that one big enough? I need a giant old school one. Jumbo nine inch,
Starting point is 00:02:11 large magnifying glass, 10 inch. I wonder if they have bigger than nine inch. A toy US one jumbo plastic magnifying glass. All right. Order. Oh, I hear the garage door opening. That means the Jiu-Jitsu instructors. Oh, I think it's striking today. Striking instructor has arrived.
Starting point is 00:02:35 All right. Deuce talk always to start the show. Chad Wise, thank you. Two behind the scenes already up. One from Knoxville and one from the West Coast Classic. Two new ones will be up this week. We are putting them up as fast as we make them.
Starting point is 00:02:54 Which there's no hurry, but I'm just telling you. Will Branstetter, Patrick Rios, busy at work. Olivia, good morning. Ken Walters, good morning. Christine Young, good morning Ken Walters good morning Christine Young good morning Daryl your iPhone has a great magnifier I know but I need it for
Starting point is 00:03:11 as like a prop you know what I mean like to like to look through and be like hello like romper room do you remember romper room yesterday in the show
Starting point is 00:03:19 we talked about where's the comment did I lose it yesterday in the show we talked about uh people passing the the test the army test remember when uh caleb was on here and someone responded in the comments which is a good uh i think a good follow-up um there's also a pretty funny comment in here too it's a guy it's a guy from Europe who says he likes to be free but that he doesn't like capitalism and it's
Starting point is 00:03:57 like you know you know you can't be free without capitalism right I wonder if people know that buying around for Audrey to drown her sorrows. Why? What happened? What happened, Audrey? Did I miss something? Jason speaks. Happy belated Father's Day. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:04:21 Joseph, the Air Force PT's test is even a bigger joke. There's just a great comment in here. Let me see. Kind of like a follow-up. Basically, this guy says that – I think he says he ran 140 people through the – Oh, here it is. I teach on Fort Jackson at the Basic Leaders course, which is for upcoming NCOS.
Starting point is 00:04:53 NCOS. I don't know what that is. Must be some kind of soldier. We have an average of 15 or so out of 140 that fail. So a little less than 10%. No, 10%. A little more than 10%. We have an average of 15 or so out of 140 that fail the ACFT.
Starting point is 00:05:10 And it's almost always the run or the standing power throw for the females. That's weird. Why is it females? Are men stronger than women? The only test I care about is the one taking place At Dickies Arena in August Fair enough Uh what happened Audrey Tell me what happened
Starting point is 00:05:29 Did you get crabs Uh do I have one or am I one now For Uh I'm going back in the comments See if I can figure it out Uh My cat man is my new lover I'm going back in the comments to see if I can figure it out. My cat man is my new lover.
Starting point is 00:05:51 I've replaced Brian Friend for someone who loves me. Oh, fair enough. Hey, so if you want to see the behind the scenes early, go ahead and get CEO membership. You can start watching those now. There isn't one bad review. People are texting me, DMing me, telling me that they're absolutely amazing. I'm leaving my lover. You had a lover?
Starting point is 00:06:16 Was Brian Friend actually your lover? Is that true? Leah Taylor Self was a beast on Saturday. I know. Wasn't that great. I Saw a quick little snippet on the origins of kill Tony I get I didn't know this but the show's been around for 11 years and I guess Tony named the show after kill bill the Quentin Tarantino movie
Starting point is 00:06:43 So Heidi Krum Brian has been everyone's lover oh that's nice that's very nice what happened audrey are you gonna call in and tell us what happened sounds it sounds exciting i like uh i like uh social social drama i love good good sex stories and. Emotional stuff people cheating all sorts of fun shit like that stuff that really invokes a lot of emotion. I was really proud of a comment I made on Instagram. This morning. Let me see if I can find it it was on Andrew Hiller's
Starting point is 00:07:29 account I was kind of surprised Andrew posted this picture it's a picture of is it Donald Trump yeah I didn't even know that this I guess this is Rich Froning's body I didn't even know that Is it Donald Trump? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:46 I didn't even know that this, I guess this is Rich Froning's body. I didn't even know that. But Andrew posted this picture and it says a mega making exercise great again, 2024. And it's a picture of Trump's head on Froning's body. Which is pretty fucking cool.
Starting point is 00:08:15 Oh, let me explain this to people real quick. I'm probably preaching to the choir. For those of you who think that, I guess you would call them right-wingers, I don't know what your view of them is, but it seems to be there's this notion that right-wingers are closed-minded or bigots or racist. It's amazing you think that. And bear with me here, because this is going to be a big
Starting point is 00:08:50 dose of fucking difficulty to swallow. But those of you who are trying to take the rights away from individuals and give them to groups, it's because you have a superiority complex. You think you're better than black people or brown people. You feel sorry for people. You have this notion and you don't believe in people. You don't have to look very far. And I know because I used to be one of them. I was surrounded by those people. Everything was couched and we need to help those people.
Starting point is 00:09:22 But the roots of it is we need to help those people because we're better than them. And there's some pretty weird – there's some pretty weird origins of that. It's kind of like you're not looking at the bigger picture. You just feel something, and you're reacting to how you're feeling. You're like the person who gives money to the guy on the side of the freeway who has a sign-up that says, I'm a veteran. Can you feed me, or I'll do anything from work without realizing because you have no life experience, and you think for some reason that you're better, and you know something. You think that you're going to give them that money money and they're going to buy food with it. That's not what they're doing. They're buying drugs with it 100% of the time.
Starting point is 00:10:15 100% of the time they're buying drugs with it. Seve, it's not 100. Okay, 99.9% of the time they're buying drugs with it. And so then what you're doing is the whole world of drugs that circles the economy of drugs, stealing, shitting in public, needles on the ground, people dying premature. You're an advocate of that. That's where you're voting with your money. If you want to do something, the difference between a conservative and a liberal is a conservative tips the kid at Starbucks who smiles and says, hello, how are you today? How are you today? And makes eye contact with your kids, and so you give them an extra dollar.
Starting point is 00:11:10 You reward people for what they contribute to society. Conservatives think that – conservatives want the best for everyone. Conservatives believe in people. They want everyone to have equal rights. They're not interested in taking the rights away from individuals and giving them to the groups. And that's how it works, by the way. You have to take them away from the individuals to give them to the groups. Stop feeling sorry for people.
Starting point is 00:11:43 You're not better than anyone. Zach Rubin, what's up? Money well spent. Thank you. And I really appreciate the memberships, by the way. Like, really, really, really, really appreciate it. Like, really appreciate it. David Weed, I'm proud of my comment on Instagram.
Starting point is 00:12:01 Are you 13? I try to think of myself as more of having around the the age of 14 I was telling someone that the other day one of my friends called me he goes dude your shows like has like 14 year old boy humor do you know that and I'm like yeah it's probably all the weed I spoke smoked in college I'm like I've regressed I'm stuck just a just a 14 year old boy boys into dick jokes and poop jokes sorry anyway so i'm really proud of this comment it's literature david it's literature let me see if i can find it um i i like it too because i'm just i'm on this uh oh it's here so this guy makes this comment that makes no sense.
Starting point is 00:12:46 It's like, I don't understand his comment. He says, some of you people are weird. How can, how is the exercise not great? You can do CrossFit if you want. That's the point, isn't it? Constantly varied, many combinations, blah, blah, blah. I don't know what he saw when he saw the shirt. But I guess he missed the point that it's a joke.
Starting point is 00:13:09 It's just funny because it's Trump on a buff guy's body. But this – where is this? This girl Cindy. You took it literally and went on a four-sentence scene about something funny. I'm not a huge Froning fan. I guess I should get upset they used his body instead of someone else and explain how they're wrong and weird. And then Rich Froning actually is in the comments here, and he writes, ouch. And then Cindy responds, I'm not a hater, just not a worshiper. Wait, let me find my comment.
Starting point is 00:13:46 Incoming 14-year-old boy comment. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Oh, shit, where's my comment? Oh, shit, I don't even see my comment. What? Oh, that sucks.
Starting point is 00:14:14 Damn it. what oh that sucks damn it well here then i'll respond to it right now uh um where is my comment is it hidden not a hater just uh not a worshiper anyway i wrote uh cindy you'd beg for rich to put it in your dumper anyway i thought it was funny all right anyway it's a cool shirt andrew is at some comp this weekend whoa whose account is this jesus my goodness wow hold on standby who's this uh sarah shoal athlete expert strength and conditioning two times across this is across the games athlete Hold on. Standby. Who's this? Sarah Scholl, athlete. Expert strength and conditioning. Two times cross. This is a CrossFit Games athlete?
Starting point is 00:14:49 Jesus. Jesus. Wow, she is lean. Oh my god. She's eating a sandwich or something. Mandatory boob shot. Isn't that incredible? Look at her boobs here. And then
Starting point is 00:15:09 versus here. Dangling boobs. Okay. Anyway, speaking of boobs, this should be the boob show. If you're not into boobs, this probably show isn't for you. Someone said, did you see the High Rocks World Champion Instagram account?
Starting point is 00:15:31 Look at this. This is crazy right here. Oh, wait, Audrey. Please, Heidi, I'm poor. I'm going home to sell my shit and pack up and head back to Virginia. Look at this. And you're in the 65 to 69. 65 to 69 range.
Starting point is 00:16:06 Grandma has in the in the plastic surgery business when you're when you get boobs that are this big, they're called moneymakers. I'm not making that up. I talked to a guy who is a anesthesiologist and there's just, just this known size of tits that are just called moneymakers. And when you get those tits, that's because you, you, you got them so big because they, you make money off of them I mean that's those are I just can't imagine being a 65 plus year old woman and wanting those those are just
Starting point is 00:16:35 gigantic I kind of want to see those those must not like match her I just can't imagine what the you know like a bad toupee her tits are yeah holy fake boobs i know it's like they're not even i wish she'd lift up her shirt and like some water balloons would fall out you know what i mean like the jokes on you oh i'm becoming well champ jokes on you. She did high rocks with those. That should be like the RX plus division. Cause you got to carry all that, all that around. Anyway, I'm guessing, I'm guessing when she's naked,
Starting point is 00:17:20 those are like a bad toupee. They just don't like, they don't work. I don't know. Like they don't work. This is going to be really harsh what i'm going to say next ready i'm guessing that i'm guessing they almost look like they're they're on a tranny you know what i mean like they just don't like there's no there's not even a second where you think that they're real i guess i guess that's not even the point anymore right no one even cares if they kind of even remotely look real that's fetish right is that fetish material um it's all amazing amazing yep i just had hip surgery five months ago so yeah, yeah, it's been a struggle.
Starting point is 00:18:05 So, really. I mean, she clearly works hard and she's clearly in insane shape. I'm happy. It's like the second time I ran on concrete since I had my hip surgery. So, I did very well. So, I'm happy. What is this? Oh, and then look at the girl who won the 45 up division
Starting point is 00:18:25 Marissa congratulations you are I think that's just like a normal woman anyway let's look at this chick oh man this chick this chick's a savage geez Louise look at this. This is crazy. Oh my goodness.
Starting point is 00:18:56 Her boobs are just fucking nuts. I'm guessing when you go out in public with her, it's like a scene. It's like, oh, is this her grandma? That's her grandma? Happy Mother's Day to you. That's her mom. Happy Mother's Day to you, Mom. I miss you so much.
Starting point is 00:19:18 Wow. It must be a scene going out with her. Like everywhere you go, people are just staring. Yeah, crazy. Crazy, crazy, crazy. Let me see this. If there's ever one thing that someone can do to stop aging, it's lift weights. And don't stop. Don't do it for vanity.
Starting point is 00:19:41 Do it because you want to keep your tissue. Think of it as... Do you have to squat below parallel in high rocks? What's the deal there with the wall balls? I'm guessing you don't have to. Or you do have to? What's the deal? Is there a rule on that?
Starting point is 00:20:00 Do you have to squat below parallel? Burpee dude, fake or not savvy, you'd still suck on them like if you were a one-year-old. Science, buddy, for science. I'd do anything for science. I'm a science guy. They want you to squat below parallel. What does that mean? Peter, you're supposed to, but it's not elite. They kind of let it go. The rule of squat below parallel, the judging is the issue.
Starting point is 00:20:38 Technically, yes, but the judges don't care. Has anyone in here ever been a judge at High Rocks? Like, what's the deal there? Do they tell you, hey, let the squats go? They are getting better at holding standards. I did in New York. Open category, they let them go. Pro level, yes.
Starting point is 00:21:03 Below parallel. Okay. Phil Phil I've judged at high rocks on the wall balls and and tell me the judges are more cheerleaders I was a judge at high rocks I was the only one no repping shit there's a moth in here
Starting point is 00:21:23 squatting below parallel is encouraged but not necessary to win. Oh, I made everyone squat below parallel or use the box. Daniel Garrity, how does High Rocks find so many judges? Do they give judges discounts on the races? Everyone wants to judge, dude. All the psychos want to judge anyway so i i still don't know what the deal is with the uh squatting if she's the champ and she didn't squat below parallel i mean at some point you could just go like this and catch it right
Starting point is 00:21:56 uh when is hunter back on the show uh he fucked up. I can invite him now. I've invited him. He hasn't been texting me back. He's never not texted me back. He's usually so good about that. Yeah, here we go. I just sent him a link. Come on. Let's see if he comes on.
Starting point is 00:22:25 I'm going to the beach today after the show, so I don't think the show is going to be very long. Okay. Alright. Congratulations. What's her name? I was going to call her Grandma, but I don't know if she has kids. Heidi Williams congratulations great rack good job at the high rocks
Starting point is 00:22:48 crazy titties I think you can do that when they're that big you can just overtly talk about them and it's not like inappropriate or whatever oh geez Brian never texted me back so that was a clear sign no no no no no come on come on not texting something dude i have 391 unanswered texts and i went through my text this morning
Starting point is 00:23:18 cleared out like a hundred you can't you can't um uh jeff giardina i'm not offended oh with the titty talk thank you yeah there's nothing and it wasn't meant to be offensive either case study i had the i had three great danes at once and anytime you left the house it was just a fucking scene right if i would walk them and I had to walk them every day it was a scene even with one it's a scene but with three it's fucking absolutely bonkers and I just pictured those titties are kind of the same way except
Starting point is 00:23:53 when you have Great Dane just so many dudes want to come up and talk to you about your dog just because they're badass dogs but probably people don't come up to her and talk to her about her titties but they want to right people want to walk up to her and be like god damn uh heidi i was going to start texting daily uh sebi daily to try to be actual friends can someone advise me how to have friends
Starting point is 00:24:20 someone a friend of mine called me the other day and told me that I'm really good at having friends. Leah, it's like Danielle Brandon's mom's rack. If everyone notices it, it's fair game to talk about it. Yeah. Yeah, I think you're right. Except the thing with Danielle's mom is she, i mean those i i'm 99 sure those are just hers you know what i mean she's born with them whereas this lady this heidi lady had those put on right for whatever reason i'm going to jump to the conclusion that she did it for attention and it would note not that that's a bad thing at all i'm not saying
Starting point is 00:25:05 wanting attention is bad whereas danielle's mom she's born with them but maybe you could also say that since her mom shows like four to twelve inches of cleavage at any given time that she also wants attention for him which i'm happy to give all i'm happy to give that attention for all i know is put on earth to give that attention for all i know it's put on earth to give that attention to booze danielle's mom is very much like my mom rough around the edges watch out um all right all right we can't turn this into just a whole show about talking about people's mom's tits. I mean, I guess we could. My mom is still a raging libtard.
Starting point is 00:25:55 She calls people Trumpers. My dad was at the house yesterday. Speaking of liberals. Speaking of liberals. And. We. I brought up Israel and Palestine. And he I mean he completely. Completely just fucking.
Starting point is 00:26:13 Went fucking bonkers. I just kept saying to him in a calm voice. Can we just have a logical talk about this. I really want to hear what you think. But can we just have a logical talk. Can we just be logical we didn't we didn't make any progress we talked i i i i kept the conversation alive for like 15 minutes and i think it's a i think it's a pretty pretty emotionally charged conversation with him.
Starting point is 00:26:46 First, because he's from the Middle East. He grew up over there. But then also, Israel keeps sending weapons to Azerbaijan, and then Azerbaijan's using the weapons to kill Armenians, lots of Armenians. And so I don't think… I don't think... He's all...
Starting point is 00:27:14 He got a Jew chick. I got a Jew chick. I don't think he... It's complicated for him. You know what I mean? It's complicated. Pat Lang You know what I mean? It's complicated. Pat Lang, your dad hates Jews? Nice.
Starting point is 00:27:32 Nice. Audrey, there was a full-blown Jew in the army here. His whole little outfit by the pool. What's the outfit? What's the Jew outfit? Like he was swimming with like the um yamaha on his head yarmulke on his head i hope he doesn't hate jews i think he loves his grandkids to death i think that's the only reason why my dad comes to my house he spends my dad's over 80 and he comes here and spends the entire time just – every time he's here, just nonstop with the boys. He loves interacting with them.
Starting point is 00:28:15 I saw a sign up at Starbucks for Pride Month. I don't know. Was it yesterday or the day before? If there was paper street coffee, I would have gone there. I actually didn't even buy coffee there. I got a glass of whole milk, tall whole milk. And,
Starting point is 00:28:36 um, I looked at the wall and there's a sign. I actually took a picture of it and the sign said uh big sign on the wall it says in june we celebrate pride month with courage and joy we recognize the diverse identities intersectionality perspectives and lived experiences of the lgbtqia2 plus community together with our partners parentheses employees we proudly stand in allyship creating what if your employees are gay are they allies how are they allies if they're they are they are what if you have pedophiles who work there?
Starting point is 00:29:27 Aren't they? They're part of it. They're not. They're not. Isn't it amazing that the pedos get to hide out with the gays? Still can't get over that. Anyway, together with our partnership employees, we proudly stand in allyship, creating welcoming environments and championing equity for all. Not for all. I don't I don't want to go somewhere that championships equity for all. I just want the lesbians and the butt slammers, the gay dudes. Pedos don't hide out with gays. No, they don't hide out with gays. Pedos hang out with the lgbtqia2 plus community
Starting point is 00:30:07 you're absolutely right pat i agree with you they don't hide out with gays they hide under the uh fake cause of pride month uh bernie gannon got with bernie on my side i could take over the world uh bernie gannon pedophiles are provisional members of the intersection. Intersectionality. Yeah, of course. Hey, Bernie, I could be the dumb president and you could be the smart vice president. Anyway, I want to show you what real courage is because being courage isn't being celebrating Pride Month isn't courage.
Starting point is 00:30:44 I want to show you real fucking courage uh this is a gay woman meaning she has a vagina and she likes other people with vagina but but here we go this this is what real courage looks like hello and shabbat shalom this post is dedicated to the people who tell me in the comments that I shouldn't support Trump as a Jewish person because of his comments about Charlottesville. I want you to watch this video. Vice President Biden, you say that President Trump's response to the violence in Charlottesville three years ago when he talked about very fine people on both sides was what directly led you to launch. And here's the other thing. Here's the other crazy thing.
Starting point is 00:31:37 This this LGBTQ plus YZ thing, this supports white supremacists and racists because it even says on the fucking card, welcoming environment and champion equity for all. These are the people who are supporting the white. It's right there. They're the ones supporting the white supremacists. Yes, Republicans are a little closed-minded when it comes to white supremacy and pedophilia. Guilty. Americans are a little closed minded when it comes to white supremacy and pedophilia. Guilty.
Starting point is 00:32:12 That's why they set the slave slaves free. That's why they started the Civil Rights Act. You're right. You got me there. This run for president. They asked the president what he thought. He said there were very fine people on both sides. No president has ever said anything like that. You also had people that were very fine people on both sides. You had people in that group. Excuse me. Excuse me.
Starting point is 00:32:39 I saw the same pictures as you did. You had people in that group that were there to protest the taking down of, to them, a very, very important statue and the renaming of a park from Robert E. Lee to another name. And you had people, and I'm not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists, because they should be condemned totally. But you had many people in that group other than neo-Nazis and white nationalists, okay, and the press has treated them absolutely unfairly. Now, in the other group also, you had some fine people, but you also had troublemakers and you see them come with with the black outfits and with the helmets and with the
Starting point is 00:33:20 baseball bats. You got you got a lot of bad, you had a lot of bad people in there. And those are and those are the those are the democrats those are the antifa people we're dealing with just complete fucking morons on the other side just completely uh zero integrity there were people in that rally, and I looked the night before. If you look, there were people protesting very quietly the taking down of the statue of Robert E. Lee. I'm sure in that group there were some bad ones. The following day, it looked like they had some rough, bad people, neo-Nazis, white nationalists, whatever you want to call them. But you had a lot of people in that group that were there to innocently protest.
Starting point is 00:34:09 I started my page on October 7th of 2018. Probably not a coincidence. I started and I call it MAGE, which is MAGA-GAY, because I saw how the media takes what Trump is saying out of context and making people hate him for it. This is a prime example for the Jewish people, for the Democrat Jews who believe that the lies that Trump thinks that neo-Nazis are fine people. This is for you, fucking dumbass.
Starting point is 00:34:36 Maybe next time you hear something about Trump, go and find the video, the full video and not the cutoff version that the media put out for you that you would think that he's going against jewish people who is standing up and supporting and thinks that neo-nazis are good people because he clearly said that he does not speak about the neo-nazis because they should be condemned there were people in those protests that wanted the statue to stay up people stand up for america and neither of the people he was referring to, he did not refer to neo-Nazis. And he does not think that neo-Nazis are fine people.
Starting point is 00:35:12 Case closed. Support Trump. He's the only friend to Israel with receipts. And I don't need you to tell me about comments from a few years ago when we have right now the biggest traitor to Israel who keep backstabbing us trump 2024 stand up for america and stand up for israel that's courage that's courage not not some sign in a starbucks that supports uh white supremacy
Starting point is 00:35:44 pedophiles under the guise of supporting Pride Month. Hey, Seve, were there some peaceful BLM protesters too? Yeah, of course. Of course. That's not really that smart of a question, right? There's peaceful protesters everywhere. There were probably peaceful people in Hitler's army. Of course. That's not really that smart of a question, right? There's peaceful protesters everywhere. There were probably peaceful people in Hitler's army.
Starting point is 00:36:11 Yeah, of course there were peaceful protesters. But the $4 fucking billion in fucking damage done by fires because of the BLM protests and the continued damage to the economy because of the morons who pushed the George Floyd propaganda? No. By the way if you don't follow this lady right here. This Dr. Sheila Nazarian. You might want to. She has a pretty fucking wild account. It's a crazy activist account.
Starting point is 00:36:44 If you were silent when terrorists murdered Israelis, stay silent when Israel defends itself. This is a pretty great account. Look at this. Look at these people. The other day I saw a video where some guy got tased at a baseball game. He ran out onto the field and got tased. What do you think should happen to these people? So if you run out onto a baseball field during a game, you get tased. But if you attack a cop car with cops in it,
Starting point is 00:37:18 and we hired these people to protect and serve us, do you know what this does? This undermines the stability of all of society. When this is tolerated. When we allow people to do this. When we allow people to do this to our cops. It undermines all of our stability. That's what happened in Minneapolis also.
Starting point is 00:37:44 Letting them burn down the police station. Completely insane. Clock, there were certainly peaceful BLM protesters. The communists used them as cover to launch their violence. You tase a guy for running out onto a baseball field but these people can just do this hey if you were to if you were to if the baseline was to tase someone for running out onto a baseball field what would be the commensurate penalty for jumping on a cop car and stomping on the windows? I don't agree with you, Pat. I see your point. The way you talk about BLM pride,
Starting point is 00:38:37 pedos and Biden is no different than the way Biden talks about January 6th, Charlottesville, the election deniers. You are a sensationalist. I see your point, but I don't agree with you. It's a fair point. It's a fair point, but I don't agree with you. The comparison between the BLM riots and what happened at the Capitol aren't even fucking comparable. Cities all over the country burning down. cities all over the country burning down daily reports of
Starting point is 00:39:07 daily reports of pornography and trannies reading to our kids in schools girls getting raped in bathrooms by boys who are claiming to be girls it's just a fucking daily thing dude and hey And hey There's a level of tolerance That I think is different for both
Starting point is 00:39:34 So I think that there should be more tolerance For a guy running out onto a baseball field I think it's backwards But If the baseline is to tase a guy on a baseball field, what would be the consequence for these people? To shoot them? I mean, if the baseline is saying that you can tase a guy who runs out onto a baseball field, the guy did a backflip out in the middle of the field. I don't defend january 6th i just see the absurdity in
Starting point is 00:40:07 calling it uh what did nancy pelosi call it the greatest threat to democracy since the civil war that's sensationalizing dude i showed you the letter uh patrick a few days ago on the show i don't know if you were watching but a few days ago on the show i showed the letter where parents aren't able to access their kids' health data in the state of California over the age of 12 or even at the age of 12. That's pretty fucking extreme, dude. That's them taking your kids. uh second rule uh second rule of the debates you have to walk to the podium on your own volition anyway what the the real courage the real courage is a gay people speaking up like that lady did and let me show you let me. And let me show you another version of real courage.
Starting point is 00:41:07 People who aren't just getting pushed around by the mob. Let me show you other real courage. Now, I don't know if this is true, but let me show you real courage. Vince Everett Ellison. Pat's going to do a bunch of research on this guy and tell me something bad about him now. But here we go. The first recipient of the Margaret Sanger Award. No, Martin Luther King.
Starting point is 00:41:31 1966. Martin Luther King, the first recipient of the Margaret Sanger Award. Are you guys familiar with who Margaret Sanger is? She introduced abortion to the world to kill Jews and black people. That was the premise of abortion. We need a way to kill the Jew babies and the black babies. Margaret Sanger. And yet Martin Luther King was the first recipient of the Margaret Sanger Award.
Starting point is 00:41:57 Wow. I didn't know that. Margaret Sanger was not a friend to the community, as we say. Man-Pran-hood. And the Negro Project. She called us human weeds. The commun. Man, parenthood. And the Negro Project. She called us human weeds. The communists in America were giving us... The Negro Project.
Starting point is 00:42:09 She called us human weeds. By the way, she's the poster child and hero of the left. Darling of the left. Instructions that turned the black community into a direct opera of the Soviet bloc. And they've done it. One party rule. Dictator worship.
Starting point is 00:42:24 Apostate religion. Poverty. By the way, the Soviet bloc. And they've done it. One party rule, dictatorial worship, apostate religion, poverty. By the way, that's completely true. I used to be obsessed with the Black Panthers and I read everything that I could get my hands on. Bobby Seale, Huey Newton, who's the lady that's still alive? She's a professor at UC Santa Cruz. And that is, and I was a liberal then, and I was a full supporter of the Black Panther Party. And, um, who did I see? I, uh, I can't remember if it was Bobby
Starting point is 00:42:52 Seale or Huey Newton, whoever was alive. One time I saw them in Oakland, but that was, that was the premise. The whole premise was to infiltrate the black community and use them as the kindling for bringing communism to America. Drug abuse, government dependency. It's a third world country and a first world country. He called the black community a third world country and a first world country. And he said something like Haiti or works. And it started out with Martin Luther King Jr. whose whole life and a first world country. You know the first recipient of the Margaret Sanger Award? No. Martin Luther King, 1966. Wow. I didn't know that. Margaret Sanger was not a friend to the community, as we say. Planned Parenthood.
Starting point is 00:43:52 And the Negro Project. She called us human weeds. The communists in America were given instructions to turn the black community into a direct opera of the Soviet bloc. And they've done it. One-party rule. Dictator worship. Apostate religion. Poverty.
Starting point is 00:44:03 Drug abuse. Government dependency. It's a third world country and a first world country. The black community in the system is like Haiti, a works. And it started out with Martin Luther King Jr. whose whole life was a ditty party. Orges and smoking and fighting and whipping up on women. Martin Luther King Jr. making ditty party look like a Catholic convent school. group that's courage angela davis thank you angela davis i saw her once too she worked out i worked at this fucking crazy meathead gym in emeryville which i could remember the name of it just all the just a huge fucking uh warehouse full of
Starting point is 00:44:41 crazy gear and it was all just juiced up dudes a couple UFC fighters and I would see Angela Davis in there working out she was very attractive as an old woman Angela Davis is Black Panther activist you're trying to think of recently had her roots traced back to the Mayflower yeah that was amazing damn Bernie you're good that's what I mean I can be the dumb president you can be the smart vice president. Yeah, Angela Davis's family owned slaves. Bernie, the video where they showed her the ancestry was gold. Anyway, that's courage. That courage that's that's leadership being a gay woman and and and speaking up for trump being a gay woman and and wanting to kick the pedos and the trannies out of your fucking group being a black man and speaking up for the
Starting point is 00:45:40 truth about your people and that they're going the wrong way. They're racing towards the cliff. That's fucking courage dude. That's fucking courage. That's ownership. That's courage. That's big picture shit. Okay Spencer. All right.
Starting point is 00:46:03 Even for me that's a little too much. All righty. All righty. All right. Even for me, that's a little too much. All righty. All righty. All righty. All right. Even that one was a little much. That one's a little much. The Video contest is very very close to launch I'm gonna tell you guys how that works. Once again, the video contest is a, the video contest is a, not a singular video contest. It's putting together a campaign, a series of videos, and I'll show you guys an example of it in a few days. a series of videos and I'll show you guys an example of it in a few days. And so you'll put together, uh, five videos, 30 seconds long to two minutes, just something that could, I can use on this show that can be used anywhere by any affiliate anywhere that CrossFit
Starting point is 00:47:17 could use during the semifinals or during the games as a break. And it is a, uh, it's inspired by the fact that this year they didn't do anything to promote the affiliates. So my goal is just to take over that space. We've already taken over the sports space with kill Taylor. We've taken over the business space, uh, with, uh, Matt Sousa show. Um, we've taken over the, uh, started taking over the affiliate space with the affiliate series. So the goal is now is just to just March, march i guess just straight into media and provide content uh for the affiliates and so the contest is going to be and how i'm trying to aggregate and get inspiration from the community if and to see if there's enough talent out there to do it is to get people to make videos uh with a prize of 5 000 for first
Starting point is 00:48:02 3 000 for second and 2 000 for third now remember it's not one video. You have to make a compilation of videos and their videos that you would think that any affiliate out in the world could use in order to be like, yeah, this is why you come to an affiliate. So, uh, Brett over at, um, salty hive CrossFit, uh, is helping me with that project. Chris Cooper's helping with that project. And so we're almost done with the first five videos. And then I'm going to play them on here and I'll show them to you guys. And you can be like, okay, I get it. This, this is what a campaign looks like. And then I can run them throughout the shows. I can run them during kill Taylor. I can share them with whoever wants to, to, to run them. But, uh, that's, that's going to be the premise of the
Starting point is 00:48:43 contest. Now, all you people are asking me all sorts of crazy questions, like where do you submit them? When does it start? You can start right now, and don't worry about where you need to submit them. We'll figure that out. I think because we have a small team, what we'll end up doing is we'll probably end up having you put them on YouTube
Starting point is 00:48:59 in 4K, upload them with an unlisted, and then send us links, and then we'll down them from there download them from there but the point is is i'd like to have a hundred of those so it never gets old and i can run one on every single show regardless so that this like this show actually at all times um is a show that's pushing people towards what is a small business miracle, as Greg used to call the affiliate community. Right. So do you want them to be like Instagram reels, tech tech talks or professional? Hey, dude, it's totally up to you. It's totally up to you. But the ones that the ones that I'm going to show you are fucking amazing.
Starting point is 00:49:42 I mean, there's some really good shit out there that's not professional it just has to be great it just has to be great uh cross fat sebon uh creating crowdsourced crossfit media one day at a time yeah and here's the thing even though there's 10 000 gyms out there i i don't expect more than like five submissions so i i which would end up being 25 videos plus the five that we have. So that would be 30. And if I do only get 30, then what I'm going to do is I'm going to just start paying people to make them. Yeah, thank you, Jake.
Starting point is 00:50:14 That's a good point. They should transcend time. Yeah, in literature that's called they should be romantic. Or in the way Gen X or Gen Z or whatever that in the, the way gen, gen X or gen Z or whatever that gen is the way they say it, they call it evergreen content. Graciano Rubio I'm in. Yeah. It's a, it's a way for me to just to leverage the listeners in the community to make a ton of great content for myself that then I can play on my platform to then help them but also bolster my place in the community right
Starting point is 00:50:52 I think it's called leadership I need to check my leadership book leadership 101 so there's that so i'm pumped about that and in the in the videos that i've seen so far are crazy they're so fucking good they're so fucking good fuck i'm not an affiliate you don't have to be an affiliate you can just go you can just go into an affiliate with your camera and make the content you You don't have to be an affiliate. Oh, we'll be sending videos soon. Oh, okay. Oh, fuck, I'm not an affiliate.
Starting point is 00:51:29 Sorry, this one. If you DM me and you have videos you want to show me, keep DMing me because my DMs are fucking crazy. So you keep popping up to the top every day. And then eventually, when I see it, I'll give you my phone number. Or put a link to your YouTube video in there so I can see it and be like, oh, yeah, this is worthy and give you my phone number. Or this guy sucks. He didn't get my phone number. CrossFat.
Starting point is 00:51:59 I put my pitch above. Let me see. Pretty easy to make. It looked good. consumer gear and some decent lighting yeah so i'll tell you the premise what brett has done is he's just sat people down in the gym and he's gotten some really intense emotional stories there's one with a mom sitting there with her son and she's a single mom and it's just a montage of uh slow motion footage it's a montage of slow motion footage of her and her son while she tells her journey about crossfit i mean it's a tearjerker it's a real tearjerker call her hi hey oh hold on i don't have you on the uh for some reason I'm not connected give me a second
Starting point is 00:52:46 let me see what's going on here it says I'm connected give me one second sorry that's weird not being connected bluetooth roadcaster Pro 2 are you there damn I wonder why it's not an option huh okay I'll move the phone up here okay go ahead hey what's up
Starting point is 00:53:19 so question is you know CrossFit doesn't have a media team right now so they say but their desire is to grow the affiliates. Every year at the games, they run awesome commercials that really touch, you know, the spirit of CrossFit and what it means. But they're showing it to people that are already in the community. Why don't they just run a handful of commercials big times throughout the year? Maybe you know this better than I do, but is the return on commercials publicly just really bad, or do they just not have the manpower to do it? I'll say, I'll tell you my philosophy and then I'll say something to sort of defend what you're saying. My philosophy is that we should always be speaking internally, that we should never speak
Starting point is 00:54:09 externally. We should just keep talking to the community, keep talking to the community and the community will do the real, the bring in the people. That was how I always operated at CrossFit. Just speak to the affiliates, just speak to the affiliates. That's all, everything I did, I wanted to speak to the affiliates. Just speak to the affiliates. That's all. Everything I did, I wanted to speak to the affiliates. That being said, Reebok made some commercials when they were part of CrossFit. And they had CrossFit, a bunch of CrossFit, you know, clips and shit in them. And I think they were very powerful. And I think they moved a lot of people to join CrossFit.
Starting point is 00:54:40 You know, like they show people climbing ropes and flipping tires and wearing the nanos. And they ran a huge campaign. Fucking millions and tens of millions, maybe even $100 million they spent on it. Who knows? And because I think that they were obligated over 10 years to spend $350 million in advertising for CrossFit. And don't quote me on that, but I'm 90% sure that's correct. And they were very powerful. So I don't quote me on that, but I'm 90% sure that's correct. And they were very powerful. So, uh, I, I don't know, but for start with like someone texted me today and said, CrossFit hasn't published anything on their YouTube station in a month.
Starting point is 00:55:15 And so that means that CrossFit is not participating in the most powerful search engine on planet earth, YouTube more powerful than Google. search engine on planet earth youtube more powerful than google and so at that point uh whether you're right or i'm right we have to do something well my thought process is if we're trying to cure the world's most vexing problem right we're talking to a lot of people that are sitting on their couch eating potato chips or we're talking to a lot of older people that maybe are watching qvc all day or or whatever. How are those people being reached if they're not even going out? And if that's the target market of who we're trying to help, but we're not reaching them, it feels like that's your missing 30,000 members right there.
Starting point is 00:55:57 Yeah. You mean 30 million? 30 million. Yeah. My thought is this, and you might be right. My process is this. You just go this, 30 million. stick to that. And then slowly as the, as the community gets older, like I started at 34 and I'm 52, those people pivot and be like, Oh yeah, there are old people in my affiliate. And then, and then you start pivoting and then, then you scratch the surface from just wanting to go there to get great pussy to, wow, this is going to be really cool to make me help me live a long time and have a really rich life and be able to go to BLM protests and be able to run away when the police come. You know what I mean? Like you start, you start realizing there's greater value for it.
Starting point is 00:56:50 And so that's mine, but I'm not, I'm not, I'm not, um, I don't have an issue with what you're saying. And I know a lot of affiliates get bummed when I say that they're like, Hey, we have to focus on those people so we can get people in. My thought is, is just let those affiliates that, that, um, don't sustain a great community. Um, just let them die. But, but, but I'm not opposed to what you're saying. Anything would be good at this point. Right. So I appreciate it, man. All right. Thanks for calling. Bye. I don't know. I wonder what's going on with this phone. Maybe I'll turn the phone off. I wonder if it's my roadcaster. I'll turn the phone off. I wonder if it's my Rodecaster. I'll turn the phone off. It says the phone's not even charging.
Starting point is 00:57:31 Start again. The never-ending story of the phone. What did you guys think about the intro to the show this morning? That was pretty cool, right? Someone sent that to Matt. That wasn't my banjo playing kid. Kalen? Is that his name? Now we have two intros. We got the intro for Kill Taylor.
Starting point is 00:57:53 This one. Our first victim is gone. And then we got this one. It's a sad podcast show. It's a sad podcast show. Everybody's welcome. Peace and love. It's a sad podcast show.
Starting point is 00:58:26 And that's the other thing that gets conflated a lot too that bums me out i don't i don't have a i don't i have zero problem with trannies like zero i love a tranny i'd love to party with trannies i'd go to a fucking tranny party i'm not some fucking religious fucking nut job fucking i don't i'm not even i'm not i'm not freaked out by the hot chicks with tits and then the guy pulls down his pants and he's got a dick. I'm not even remotely phased by that shit at all. It's the thing that just like, I just know that if you're doing that stuff, that's what I'm going to do. I'm going to forget this device altogether and reconnect it I just don't want those people fucking at the public library
Starting point is 00:59:10 reading to my kids I find it weird that there's protests to make sure that those people get to read to our kids Heidi I am I think it's biologically normal to be freaked out by that if you're a guy and you see two guys kissing and you're not freaked out by that, then I think like probably something's off with you a little bit.
Starting point is 00:59:30 Like you're biologically programmed to be like, whoa, what's up? Something's weird here. I select for all audio devices. But I don't think that that means you're homophobic or anything or like. I don't think. Yeah, I don't think that. I don't think being afraid, I don't think that. I don't think being afraid of Islam makes you Islamophobic. Or if it does, I don't think being Islamophobic is like a bad thing.
Starting point is 00:59:52 It's like, hey dude, the TV keeps telling me they chop people's heads off. Roadcaster. Oh, so now it can't even find it. Oh, this is fascinating oh so I don't even have a phone anymore I'm gonna have to come in here yeah what is going on here Please wait while the 7 Podcast takes care of technical abilities. I'm with you, but the amount of trainees that are reading at libraries is.0001 percentile.
Starting point is 01:00:47 That's tenths, hundredths, thousandths, ten thousandths, hundred thousandths. He's saying it's happening in one one hundred thousandths of the libraries. It hardly ever happens, and this point left-wingers are doing is to piss people off. I don't know, dude. I went into the library when my – my obby's nine now. I took him to – oh, I found it. I found it. I found the road crosser. I took Avi to the library when he was two, he's nine now in Berkeley. And, um, and they had tranny reading hour there. And you know, what's funny is I left when I saw it, but I didn't know why I wasn't upset or
Starting point is 01:01:24 anything. I'm just like, Oh, I don't really want this person reading to my kid. This is weird. How's my two-year-old going to process this? And then I got the tranny's number and gave me a blowjob later that night behind the liquor store, but different story. So I don't think you're right. And then they had the whole – remember they had the tranny Christmas at the White House this year. You remember that, Mr. Lang? So I don't know. I don't know if I agree with you. I think I'd have to move that one over one, two, three, four, five, six places. Hey, I want to – can you Google that? Can you Google that? What percentage of libraries are doing tranny reading hour?
Starting point is 01:02:16 Drag queen reading books to children are not the problem. Baptist News Global. We have an epidemic of predators, pastors, predatory pastors. But yeah, let's worry about drag queens. Baptist News Global. Oh, this is this is a great article for you. Look at this. This is the Baptist News Global. They're on page with you. They're saying that the problem is the church. Drag queen story hour started in San Francisco in 2015. The right is using fears and gender and sexuality to enlist new followers to distract from their own current scandals.
Starting point is 01:03:02 Oh, listen to this. Certainly sexuality is a component of drag. Many drag performers are gay men, not all. Drag does suggest that queer sexuality is not deviant, that it's not grooming, and in fact, hearing that message early on may mean that children in the audience who grow up to be queer are better able to accept themselves Less likely to kill themselves Although there does seem to be a sense among many on the right that it's better dead than queer. Wow. This is articles fucked up Hey the problem with this the suicide
Starting point is 01:03:41 It's a it's a misnomer to say that suicide among gays or trannies or whatever that article this article is saying is lack of acceptance from society is complete horseshit not accepting yourself is the issue. Oh, uh, Mike dabbles. Uh, it's the T word said, seven on tranny is homophobic slur akin to the F word for gays.
Starting point is 01:04:12 Oh, and the N word for blacks. That is not true. I mean, maybe for some people, but not for me. Not, not, not not not for me that's like if anyone thinks that that's like suggesting that all black people are hate black people because of their vocabulary that they use
Starting point is 01:04:49 hey i how the fuck can you accept yourself if your parent parents kick you out for being gay hey i was kicked out when i was 16 and again when i was 18 and 24 and 32 that was the last time i was 32 or 34 i can't remember yeah so you get you got you so you're doing the victim thing. You're doing, Pat, that's the like you're better than other people thing. And, hey, let's say you are right. Let's say you are right, Pat, and I'm wrong. I'm open to it. Sending trannies to libraries to read to kids isn't the way you get acceptance. That's not what you do.
Starting point is 01:05:22 That's not a solid plan. I reject the notion that that's the plan. I reject the notion. Matt Burns, there are bad people in every group. If you want to hang out with little children, it should be a huge red flag. Yeah, of course. Okay. I want to add, I think I need to add lip rings to the conversation.
Starting point is 01:06:04 The old lip ring I Wonder I wonder what the percentage of lip front rings they get infected is Here we go consider yourself to be a patriot no Not really America has a lot of improvement that needs to happen. Not really. We did it, Joe. America is the most free, powerful, and prosperous country in the history of human civilization. You're not proud to be an American? I don't know about free country. What other countries are freer than America? Ireland. How is it more free than America? They fully accepted these refugees, like, openly. Have you been to free than America? They fully accepted these refugees like openly.
Starting point is 01:06:46 Have you been to the southern border? We're allowing everyone in. Oof. I love America. I'm not super proud to be under. Look at those holes in her face. $20. No, damn, I thought
Starting point is 01:07:02 you were a member. Daniel Wynn. Oh, are you a member? Thanks for making the kill Taylor shirt available without having to take Taylor on did we do that that must not be the official shirt then that's the weenie shirt is that the one I'm wearing eventually very soon here
Starting point is 01:07:20 you know what it is I have these two there's these two people kenneth and um someone else that i promised a slack box to and they've been sitting on my dining room table for fucking two months and the reason why i don't want to do the kill taylor shirts is like i don't want to mail them out like i was thinking i'd probably cost like three thousand dollars to do like one off kill taylor shirts that if you compete you get the shirt and it would be cool right but then someone has to mail that shit like all that shit has to be taken care of like you have to get there you have to get someone's like i guess mailing address and then they don't get it and they complain and um uh oh it's it is what it is
Starting point is 01:08:06 i'm mad and i know you're not mad kenneth i know you're not mad at all you're fucking awesome my wife told me yesterday mail these jackass i just don't want to do the anyway you're welcome daniel that's cool and thanks for buying one i wasn't sure i was talking to travis over to Vindicate, V-N-D-K-A. Get your Kill Taylor shirt and your CEO shirts now. I was talking to him and I was like, hey, I don't want to do it if people don't want them. A lot of people, I think, print shirts just for their own ego. They just want to have a shirt out there.
Starting point is 01:08:39 I don't want to do that. If it's not worth his time, I don't want to do it. want to do that if it's not like worth his time like i don't want to do it these these look at all the holes in her face bird tattooed above her left or right titty that's a nice tattoo actually i approve of that one you're like a super strong empire of like capitalism i'm like a black trans person in america and there's like actively laws trying to make it so I can't exist. What's the law?
Starting point is 01:09:08 Hmm. Um, I don't know. I just don't have anything beyond that. It's hard to be proud of something that's done a lot of bad. Name a country you'd rather live in. Amsterdam, red light district. What have they given to you that America hasn't?
Starting point is 01:09:21 Uh, prostitutes and weed. China. How'd you feel about China giving us COVID? They didn't give us COVID. Where did COVID come from? Iostitutes and weed. China. How'd you feel about China giving us COVID? They didn't give us COVID. Where did COVID come from? I can't remember the country. This chick would rather live in China. The other guy wants to live in Amsterdam
Starting point is 01:09:34 because of the red light district. Pat, I think this is normal, dude. I don't think like they searched. I don't think like they searched. I don't think this is like this is crafted. I don't think this was difficult to make. You know what I mean? I think this is just like – these are some of the people we roll with. These are our fellow citizens. They want freedom without capitalism. I would love for someone to explain to me how that works. And by the way, Ireland is far from freer than the United States. Tree's name, I really can't.
Starting point is 01:10:19 It comes from China. I hear Ireland's nice. Have you ever been to Ireland? I've never been. How do you know it's better? I'm done with this. Free Ballot Time. Do you consider yourself to be a patriot?
Starting point is 01:10:31 No. Um... Damn. Damn. Tranny would definitely get the video demonetized and probably get you strike on youtube no i don't think so i don't think so are you kidding me saying the word tranny dude have you seen the rap songs that are on youtube dude there's there's songs um there's a little way there's crazy songs out there, crazy songs. What their songs about come consumption.
Starting point is 01:11:13 I don't, I don't, I don't think that I don't know if there's, um, uh, can you say tranny on YouTube? I've never even once thought of it as derogatory. Oh, look, they even have a video. Oh, shit. Look at this. Wow, look at this. I said, can you say tranny on YouTube? And look at this. This is what came up.
Starting point is 01:11:36 Here we go. There's no way that microphone is picking up his voice like this. This video will be focusing on a new word that you might find challenging or intriguing. So let's dive into today's word. Tranny. Which means... Oh, shit. A derogatory term for a transgender or transsexual person. I reject that notion!
Starting point is 01:12:06 So now we got another word that other people have to be offended by? This is crazy. Tranny. Tranny. Tranny. Tranny. Tranny. Oh, that's a piss take?
Starting point is 01:12:22 Oh, it is? You do think it is I wonder if they I wonder if they use the word in their community like as a like a term of endearment How to say tranny how to pronounce tranny you can't say tranny I hope this video can help some people who may have not heard much about the issues surrounding the word tranny how to pronounce tranny you can't say tranny i hope this video can help some people who may have not heard much about the issues surrounding the word tranny so what what exactly what should like the title of this video be what exactly is you can't say i hope this video can help some people who may have not heard much about the issues surrounding the word tranny and other politically incorrect terms yeah i don't do politically incorrect terms that's a joke they redefine freedom not a joke oh jesus
Starting point is 01:13:06 yeah as soon as you see politically incorrect you know like this is bullshit this is a lie this is anytime you see that that's trying to control language to control people it's a sensitive subject required explaining? It's the topic. I don't know. Trying to explain it to himself? No, I just don't want my face on a video. Oh, okay. The T word and other politically incorrect terms. Man.
Starting point is 01:13:43 This is oppression. Videos like this are the root of oppression. This is like oppression 101. Take the language away. Crazy. Wolf Hunter. Europe is free because of America. You're welcome, David.
Starting point is 01:14:00 David's a fugitive of America. That's why he hates it. The less than 1% think that they own the English language and they've been allowed to get away with it. Oh, Carlos. Wow. Hey, someone. I made the intro. I had to learn to use GarageBand to do it. Took me way too long because I'm old. Dude, it's dope. It's in there.
Starting point is 01:14:23 It's in like Flint. It's a Sebum Podcast Show. It's a Sebum Podcast Show. Everybody's welcome. Peace and love. It's a Sebum Podcast Show. Bam. Real life.
Starting point is 01:14:37 Hey, Carlos, will you send me... Oh, shit. I'm running late. Will you send me a DM and then we could exchange phone numbers awesome alright dick butter pride month peace and love to all the courageous gay people out there who are standing up
Starting point is 01:14:58 for the true rights of gay people I fucking really appreciate you that's the true courage for all the fat people out there standing up for the health of fat people and explaining to the world that personal accountability and responsibility is number one and that the world shouldn't have been shut down just to protect a bunch of people who are addicted to coca-cola i really appreciate you and most importantly sorry in the ranking above gay and the fatties i'd like like to thank everyone, everyone, but especially the melanated people who won't tolerate the left feeling sorry for them and trying to fucking mind fuck their people. Our people, our people.
Starting point is 01:15:38 You guys are fucking awesome. Work out hard. Do something crazy nice for someone today. You know what I mean? You know what I mean? And sometimes being nice is just not being an asshole for once. You know? Let someone take your parking spot. Smile at the lady with the mask on.
Starting point is 01:16:00 Spread that love. Love you guys. Talk to you soon. Mr. Lang, it's always a pleasure having you in the show carlos. Thank you audrey Hope you can find some cock to replace brian. See you guys later. Heidi. You're always the best. Bye

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