The Sevan Podcast - Jack Rozema | Fittest Soldier in the World

Episode Date: July 26, 2024 FITAID, 40% Off: My Tooth Powder "Matoothian"...: 3 Playing Brothers, Kids Video Programming: ------------------------- Partners: & - CODE "SEVAN" FOR FREE CONSULTATION - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - OUR SHIRTS - OUR WEBSITE PROVIDER ------------------------- ------------------------- BIRTHFIT PROGRAMS: Prenatal (20% off with code SEVAN1) - Postpartum (20% off with code SEVAN2) - ------------------------- Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 It's a Sab-On Podcast show. It's a Sab-On Podcast show. Everybody's welcome. Peace and love. It's a Sab-On Podcast show. Bam, bam, we're live. Good morning. Hey Gustas, what's up? Good morning Slater, good morning. I feel like I'm supposed to say that. Okay, well, then you've done the right thing. You run with your feelings. You let your feelings take over. Keeping it real, I watched your podcast yesterday with Jack Rosema.
Starting point is 00:00:29 Thank you for doing all the legwork. Does anyone know if I can download YouTube episode before a flight? I got like 15 minutes left on the Hiller Vegas doc. Oh, I haven't watched that yet. You know what? I'm going to walk. I have to drive over the hill today into Silicon Valley. Take the boys to a skateboarding.
Starting point is 00:00:44 Maybe I'll put that on Heidi Krum. Good morning. Good morning. Matt burns, Stephen Flores, Mike's hour. Good morning coach. Ken. Good morning. I'm getting a little, uh, anxious about my, uh, access at the, uh, CrossFit games.
Starting point is 00:01:00 I was trying to picture how Friday's gonna look. Friday's the free event at night and I want to be able to, I was just trying to, I don't know why I fall into these details and stuff but I do. Like how am I gonna get in the car with Dave to drive there and then make sure he doesn't leave with me so I can get back to my hotel? And I'm trying to, I keep thinking like what wristband am I going to have? Because every morning I like to get in the car with Dave and go to the games. And, uh, w and then usually they drive around to the back and then,
Starting point is 00:01:33 and then you have to go past all the security checkpoints on foot. And then you go down into the bellows of, you know, wherever the staff are. And I'm just like, if I stay close enough to him, I'm sure I'll get past them all, but he doesn't look after me. You know what I mean? Like if I'm following... once we... he's never like, let that guy in or anything, if I ever get caught anywhere. He's just on a mission. He's not like there to... and there's this lady he works very closely with the owner of CrossFit roots Nicole Christensen and hopefully she's there because because usually
Starting point is 00:02:15 She'll take care of me a little bit in case I get snagged somewhere She'll at least look at the security should give like one of these Head nod. Why do I keep getting ads for Kamala asking for money? Well, because that's how prostitutes make a living. I hope they don't treat you like shit. No, they won't treat me like shit. I just might not get treated at all. I might be like, hey go stand on that side of the ropes. I might be, I might be, I don't know. Maybe not your mic. My headphones might be shit now.
Starting point is 00:02:54 Yesterday someone was saying something was wrong with my sound. Anytime something's wrong with my sound, feel free to tell me. I like to see you guys debate it in the comments too. You know what I mean? I like to see you guys debate it in the comments too You know what I mean I like to see you debate it I Guess I guess she's not though. I guess she was never the borders are I was tripping yesterday because she's never oh did I send Jack Rosen a link Oh Yesterday I Saw that she's net she's never met with the head of border patrol.
Starting point is 00:03:34 She's never met with the head of border patrol. I was tripping on that. What a mess. What a mess, mess, mess. I want to ask uh jack what it's like Being in the u.s military knowing that your um commander in chief is a douche Uh, what made me I started looking up the border stuff yesterday because I saw on dave's instagram that dave was at the border Hey, what's up dude? Hey, how's it going, man? Sorry about the delay. I really am sorry about that. Hey, I love, I love the kids or training. Those are always acceptable. My ego just barely enough room to let someone push
Starting point is 00:04:18 me off. Just like I got a little opening for kids and training. That's good. That's good. So I'm two for two there on this weekend. So that's good. Hey, is it hot as shit in the car? No, I got the air on, it's good. Okay. I'm good. It's really not bad, it's early here still.
Starting point is 00:04:36 So it's on like 70 up. Yeah. You first popped on my radar because I remember seeing you at a crash crucible. Yeah, yeah, let's pass fault Yeah, and Anyone I don't know like at competitions I just always think of them as kind of like an accoutrement or like garnish
Starting point is 00:04:55 You know what I mean? Like they're just there to make the guys I like like look good Yeah, that's fair But like the guys on the sidelines at the NFL standing around with their helmets on like they're just like there for ambience Yeah to make it look like it's a it's a real sport But you crushed it there. Yeah Yeah, that was fun that was a good competition that was um Like the events the events were fun I thought and they kind of they kind of played to my strengths a little bit
Starting point is 00:05:24 So I knew that I knew that I could go there and compete. So it was fun. It was fun to do it with those guys. Hey what's the deal with Crash? Where would you, is Crash like Bellator? Like what do you mean? If the games are the UFC? I mean look at the dudes who came out of there this year.
Starting point is 00:05:44 You and Austin Hatfield. And then of course, I mean, of course you had Colton there, but you and Austin there and then both of you guys showing up and just kicking ass at the semifinals. Yeah. Yeah. I think it was just good timing like for both of us getting better in the sport. That's just kind of where it fell this year. We both went there and executed well.
Starting point is 00:06:01 And I think it's just one of those. Yeah. I think it's similar to Bellator. Like if you aren't maybe quite good enough to really be competing at the top of the game in the UFC, you do Bellator. So it's kind of one of those things like I'm undecided if I'll do Crash this year because it'll just kind of depend on how the games and the following weeks go after that. But it's like at that time it was just a good event for us to do to kind of test ourselves at that level because we weren't doing anything else at the time. So yeah, it's it because I was thinking I was like it is kind of the ultimate test like to find out whether you got it. Because if you if you can't if you if you can't be in top five at
Starting point is 00:06:39 crucible, then you know you got you probably should go back to the drawing board. But if you win crew, but if you win crucible, you're going to the games. Yeah, exactly. That's a good Yeah, it's a good measuring stick for sure. It's like a small just see where you're at In these areas and how you can compete against the best in certain events. Yeah for sure I wonder I wonder if there are any other events like that Or if that's the one if that's like the the pinnacle of like the B team It seems like it is because like I mean how many years in a row now has like the the top one or top two been? Been a rookie at the games the following year
Starting point is 00:07:13 It kind of just seems like the pipeline for that and then there's always gonna be people there like a Colton who are coming there for a cash grab Right exactly. Yeah, so you can test yourself out against someone like that. Yeah. And now you would be that guy if you went there. I would be saying, oh, Jack's here just for a cash grab. Yeah. Yeah, for sure. I think it's I mean, that's fair. Like I don't that's why it's like I'm kind of on like that's why I'm just totally undecided about it'll just have to be a good a good timing And the offseason it'll just have to feel right at the time to do And if I don't have enough I'm not preparing for rogue or if I'm not still kind of hurting from the games
Starting point is 00:07:59 Leading up to it. It'll kind of be just a game time decision to do and hey Jack Colton and Taylor, and I think I heard Tudor Magda are all going to NorCal. And I think they may have 30 grand. Really? For first, huh? For first. I think, yeah, I'm going to that.
Starting point is 00:08:17 I got it. I already got an Airbnb there. That'll be my first competition I bring my kids to. I'm kind of excited. Yeah, that's legit. Pretty good. 30 grand, they must have some good sponsors to that or something. Hey dude.
Starting point is 00:08:32 I don't know how a comp like that would have that much. And it's a great spot too. It's a great spot too. It's like, it's like, it's at a, it's just your typical, I don't know about where you live, but in California, there's like that we have reservoirs, and it's just a typical like reservoir setting. I don't know if the actual lake they swim in is a reservoir, but it's just this spot with trees and dirt and parking lots and right next to this really nice body of water.
Starting point is 00:08:58 And it's like a crazy fan... It's like a... For sure a place you bring your kids, you know what I mean? It's like a... It feels like like you're at like some sort of like a place for sure a place you bring your kids. You know what I mean? It's like a it feels like like you're at like some sort of like country fair or something. What city? What city is that in California? Sacramento. It's like 90 miles east of San Francisco. So it's it's it's inland. It's our state capital. I mean, it's a it's a it's a it's a shithole but but it's not like a's our state capital. I mean, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a shithole, but, but it's not like this traditional shithole.
Starting point is 00:09:37 Oh, you're breaking up so bad, dude. You froze. What are you doing? You driving home? Oh, I'm sorry. Can you, can you hear me now? I am driving now because i'm about to i'm actually about to um, because we got another session today So i'm about to try to drive back To where i'm staying right now if that's all right if you're if i'm breaking up too bad. I can stop Okay, well i'll ask you hard. I might just be bad until I get out of this area If you're gonna be a dick to me, i'll be a dick to you. So you ready? Is it weird? Go for it.
Starting point is 00:10:06 I'm not trying to be a dick. Is it weird? Me neither. I'm not trying to be a dick either. This is just what I want to talk about. Hey, is it weird? The commander in chief of the US Armed Services is Joe Biden, right? He's your boss?
Starting point is 00:10:22 He is currently. Yeah. Yeah. Is that is that is that weird that your boss is incapacitated? Honestly, like that's I think that's the cool part about being in the military is it's not you don't swear an oath to the president. You're not sworn to whoever is currently in power. You swear an oath to the sport and defend the Constitution of the United States. So leaders come and go philosophies come and go. And I think everybody down at the line level and at the mission, at the mission level and
Starting point is 00:10:58 all these units, they're focused on their mission and what they're doing. And, and honestly, like the politics going on behind the scenes in Washington and stuff like that. They don't really affect the day-to-day that much so I think if you're a good soldier and you're mission oriented and you're team oriented and you're you're more worried about taking care of the guys on the left and the right of you than who is in power, who is in power, the current state of the political landscape. I mean who is in power, the current state of the political landscape. I mean, it's honestly, it's not weird for me because I didn't join because of one, I didn't join because of one candidate or one party or anything like that. I think if you have the right headspace, it shouldn't really matter too much.
Starting point is 00:11:38 Okay, very good answer. Jack Rosen was so far A+. Um, the thing is, he is the commander in chief, and then the guy who's second in charge, I would go on a limb, and it's not a big limb, and I would say the guy who's second in command, the Lloyd Benson guy, has some sort of metabolic derangement. Like, something's clearly wrong with him. He's obese. His eyes are all fucking weird. He speaks funny. And then the commander-chief is like going through decrepitude That doesn't like affect morale of the guys And we're frozen son of a bitch Did you hear any of that
Starting point is 00:12:21 Oh does that for it You were talking about... Yeah. Go ahead. Yeah, go ahead. No, you go ahead. No, I'm just saying, you were saying does that affect morale as well? Yeah, because both guys, both guys at the top, the, the, the, both guys, even the, even the, I don't know who he is,
Starting point is 00:12:42 the Secretary of Defense, something seems wrong with him too. Like, he doesn't seem like a capable man he is, the Secretary of Defense, something seems wrong with him too. Like he doesn't seem like a capable man. Like, and by capable meaning, like, I don't think he could hold a job at McDonald's or be a doorman at a hotel, or he couldn't have a paper route. You know what I mean? The Lloyd Benson guy, there's something wrong with him. He's going through like some sort of metabolic derangement.
Starting point is 00:13:01 You could, I mean, we know that because we hang out with people who have crazy acuity, right? We're with people who like, I mean, when we work out, you see a fly fly in the room and you're a crossfitter and you fucking see it. We're all sharp as tax. We're fucking alert. And then you have these two guys who are at the top who don't seem capable. They don't seem capable men. They seem like they're in the decrepitude. No one. If I found out you died tomorrow, I would be shocked. If I find out Lloyd Benson or the president of the United States, Joe Biden, were to die tomorrow. Yeah, him.
Starting point is 00:13:37 Yeah. Thank you. Yeah. I'm just, it seems we, it's see, I just would think that morale would be tough. It seems we see I just would think that morale would be tough but When both the guys at the top are not they're not they're not representing I don't know. There's over a million guys in the US military, right? Yeah, I think that's I think that's about right and I think I think my answer doesn't really change I mean like the SEC deaf
Starting point is 00:14:04 the SEC deaf whoever is currently in that seat, I mean, I can't speak for everyone. Like I think it definitely might affect morale in some units more than others. And you'll have guys and girls that are more opinionated than others. And I think it's, yeah, I think it's just, you gotta roll with the punches as best you can and again focus on what's in front of you and I think that's just also important for why we have to be
Starting point is 00:14:34 conscious of what's going on and be willing to go out and vote for what and who we think should be in these elected positions which then affects the appointed positions. So I think it's just, we have, you got to believe in, you got to believe in what you believe in and stand for what you believe in and do what you think is right in your daily, in your daily life. So I think like, but again, those positions, you can only control what you can control. So whoever's in those positions shouldn't, shouldn't really affect your day to day too much if you're in a position like mine. So that's really kind of all I have to say on that. Well I'm glad there's people like you in positions who have that kind of good attitude. David Weed, what's that have to do with going
Starting point is 00:15:18 to the games? Oh you're going to the games Jack? I didn't know that. Oh yeah, first year. Congratulations, that's crazy. We'll get to that maybe. We have a long time. It's a long ride home. 45 minutes. I'll be stopping here soon, as soon as I get to a gas station. Hey, when I watched your podcast with Keeping It Real and with Scott Schweitzer, you seem very knowledgeable about the Bible, like maybe you've read it once or 15 times. You like you quote it and stuff. Is it also like that with the Constitution? Probably not as knowledgeable about the Constitution. I don't read the Constitution as much as I
Starting point is 00:16:03 should, as much as I read my Bible, but why do you ask? I probably couldn't recite much of the Constitution. I ask because you mentioned, Your Honor, the Witnesses getting hostile. I asked because you said that, I like what you said, that basically you're there, you swear an oath to the Constitution. And I think that, you know, as I get, I didn't, I had no idea. How old are you? You're 28? I'm 28. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:29 Yeah, I'm 52. And I'm just like finally getting into the Constitution. And it's probably because I have kids. But I, but I see regardless of what my original religious affiliation is, or what I think, I think that, I'll give you an example, the other day someone was saying, hey the Republicans are really hating on, in the press they're really hating on the fact that the Republican National Convention, I guess the last prayer was a Hindu prayer. And these were my liberal friends saying that, hey that's not cool that they're hating on it. And, you know, 20 years ago, I would have agreed. But now I do think it's cool because that's what our Constitution affords us.
Starting point is 00:17:12 It's the freedom of religion. So they can do, they can be Hindu, you can be Christian. But it also affords us the fact that we can hate on it. I'm not worried, those aren't the things I'm worried about because the Constitution, that's our country. We stand for those things Yeah, what I'm worried about is someone burning down a mosque or a church I'm not worried about someone hating one the freedom of speech is covered but the burning down of that shit ain't cool Yeah, exactly. No, I think that we're on the same page of that same page with that thought process as well
Starting point is 00:17:42 Like I'm all for that's what that's what America is, you should be able to believe in and practice what you believe in up to the point of being violent and hostile towards other groups as well. Absolutely, even though I'm a strong believing Christian, I think that people should be able to express their beliefs in whatever faith system that they have, beliefs in whatever faith system that they have that they believe in. So I think that we agree on that for sure. Yeah, it covers all the bases. And when you don't know that stuff, it just leads you to flawed thinking. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:18:17 I guess you start dealing with your feelings as opposed to the fact we have this great document called the Constitution that protects us, all of us. Yeah. Yeah, exactly. Why did you join the military? I think I always just kind of grew up having this feeling that I wanted to serve. It's kind of hard to describe where it came from. Maybe it's just kind of the way I was raised or the family that I was involved in, the way my parents raised me.
Starting point is 00:18:47 My brother's a cop, my dad is a sheriff's deputy, just kind of always had the desire to serve in the military because I was always just inspired by stories and movies of the men and women that have sacrificed a lot for this country. And we only have the freedoms that we have because of people that were willing to step up and be brave and take risk and take chances in the face of danger for that. And so I don't take that lightly. Like, you know, nowadays people say it in a way that it like sounds corny or they take
Starting point is 00:19:20 it for granted almost. So I just tried not to. And I try to just pass that torch on a little bit as much as I can. And, and I just enjoyed playing sports and playing football at West Point was my initial goal for how to keep playing sports in college and that ended up with me wrestling at Ohio State just through a weird process. But that was also I was always applying to and interested in one of the service academies to play sports at And I knew that that would result in me serving as well. So I just kind of always had a desire to do it
Starting point is 00:19:57 primarily based on the fact of what I just said just I've had tremendous respect and admiration for the people that have sacrificed and been selfless to put on the uniform in the face of danger and sacrifice and adversity willingly and just the fact that we are one of the only countries, maybe the only country in the world that has a fully volunteer military and it has worked for a very long time. So that's good. I just wanted to be a part of that. How close were you to becoming a cop? I was never, I never really wanted to be a cop.
Starting point is 00:20:26 I wanted to do something in public service like that. But I just never really went down. I wasn't really close to being a cop. I never really pursued that path at all. Anything else? Firefighter or anything like that? Or politician? Did you ever? No, you knew it was the military? Yeah. Yeah, I knew it was I knew it was the military. I knew it was probably the army.
Starting point is 00:20:49 I just didn't know in what capacity. And so I figured I was just figure that out in college. I knew I just knew I wanted to get my degree, meaning I would be an officer. And then once I got down that path or close to the end of that path, I would figure out exactly what I wanted to do. Hey, the aspirations to go to West Point, did they go beyond that? Did you even have thoughts of playing professional football? No, no. I mean, I knew I wasn't big enough or good enough to really play legitimate D1, like higher level D1 schools, and just the type of offense that they run at the service academies. That's what we ran in high school.
Starting point is 00:21:27 So I could have played football, or I could have played quarterback or running back in either one of those offensive schemes. So that's just kind of what I was, that's why I was trying to do that. Hey, so you played quarterback all four years in high school? Yeah. How do you become quarterback your freshman year? I mean, usually you go through camps leading up to your, you've been playing for the school,
Starting point is 00:21:54 you've probably been playing for the school system, like in middle school, maybe the youth programs before that. And you just eventually go to, even though you might have separate freshman, sophomore, and varsity teams, you probably have similar camps and combined camps where you all practice together. And so all the quarterbacks would go in one group and do individual skills. All the receivers would go, all the running backs would go, all the linemen would go all
Starting point is 00:22:17 together. And then you would just compete for a spot. So that's just kind of how we just did the process of determining who would play quarterback and who would be the first in the depth chart in all those positions. So your freshman year in football starts even before school starts, right? Like a couple weeks before a month before? Yeah, you're typically doing camps in like July, and then you'll have a couple of games usually in August before the first day of school.
Starting point is 00:22:42 So your freshman year you show up and there's like 60 kids who show up and most of you guys either know each other and you recognize the coaching staff or whatever from the team scene. And do they actually say, hey, those of you who wanna be quarterbacks, go stand over here. Those of you who wanna be wide receivers and they just got, and then you see your,
Starting point is 00:22:59 you see the guys you're gonna be going against? That's my experience in Michigan, yeah. It probably varies by like level of competition, like level of where you're playing in high school, that's probably different in like, states like better, better, like Texas or Ohio or whatever they might, you probably, you probably start with that. And then if some kids like, hey, I want, I really want to play the skill position, but they're not good at that skill position. And the coach is like, we need more. We need more linemen, we need more defensive players, whatever. Like now you go over there, we're changing your position. So it's a little give and take of the kids might have the freedom to choose, but they ultimately also might be told that they're doing something else if they wanna play. So on day one you go there and you know you wanna be quarterback.
Starting point is 00:23:42 And how many guys do you go against? And did you start your freshman year? Um, actually, so I played on the JV team my freshman year and then sophomore, sophomore, junior, senior year, I think if I'm remembering right, I was on, I was the varsity quarterback, which is not like uncommon and like a, in a, in a state, like a mediocre state like Michigan. So yeah, I honestly don't remember much. I just remember, yeah, showing up to camps, doing drills. We didn't have a massive team. It was probably somewhere around there, like 60 to 80 kids for all four grades, like 9 through 12.
Starting point is 00:24:14 And what did you learn playing football? Did you cultivate leadership skills? Like when I've got a chance to get closer to an NFL quarterback in the last couple of years and I cannot believe their leadership skills. It's something I never even thought of it, but it's nuts. Yeah, you have to. I think you have to you have to be there. You have to because as a quarterback, you basically have to not only know what you're doing, you have to know what every single other position is also doing. So you have to know where the linemen are shifting to block the routes that the skill guys are going or the Men that they're trying to block Exactly which route and which path each running back is taking so you you you have to know essentially the entire offense in every position of the
Starting point is 00:24:56 Offense and so that you're able to correct others mistakes tell them where they're supposed to go and then just mentally mentally and Like emotionally you have to be a constant for the team they're supposed to go and then just mentally, mentally and like emotionally, you have to be a constant for the team. So if you can't let them get too high or too low, you have to kind of, you know, pick them up when they're down and get them refocused if they're slacking off stuff like that, it's just kind of you, you have to have that a little bit for you as the individual.
Starting point is 00:25:21 And then you're kind of just that's you're given that responsibility as quarterback like you are that is your team's lead and you need to step up to the plate to do it. So and I guess there's a service part there too because you can you you personally can't be enjoying those feelings you you have to be the baseline everywhere. So there's a selflessness and a service part there. Yeah, exactly. So I think that sports in general, but just highly intense physical sports like that,
Starting point is 00:25:55 you naturally develop those skills and those tendencies by playing the sport over many years. Because you're put in those stressful positions, and you have to just learn how to deal with them so you just by by default you develop those skills yeah do you remember the worst hit you ever took in high school football honestly not really like there's probably not one that stands out too much I've always had a bunch of like little injuries here and there but you know if you play football long enough you're gonna get your bell rung a lot where I probably did have multiple
Starting point is 00:26:31 undiagnosed concussions because you just you know those hits where you get up and everything is ringing and your head hurts and your head hurt might your head might hurt for the rest of the day or even some days after that because because you had like a head on collision and stuff like that. But that's just something that happens. That's just something that everybody deals with if you play football at an intense level. And the conditioning there, did you work hard?
Starting point is 00:26:54 Like if there were extra practice, did you, yeah. Did you always go the extra mile there? First one there, last one to leave, that kind of stuff? Like, did you stand out in your conditioning? I mean, yeah, definitely. It's hard to remember because this was again like over 10 years ago now but like it's yeah I would always try to get extra work in beyond time have discipline again like put in the work not just on the field but in the weight room in the classroom probably could have done we all look back and could have done better in those areas.
Starting point is 00:27:26 I wish I would have maybe put in a little bit more extra work, like throwing extra routes before or after practice, doing the little stuff better in the weight room and little things like that. But that's just what, that's just what you, yeah, if you want to be great, I mean, hopefully you have good teammates and good coaching staff that stress that early on so that you can get those tendencies and those mindset strategies to do early on. Because it's tough. I've also seen it with kids that don't have a lot of direction and they have a lot of potential but they just don't get that taught to them that they have to treat every day
Starting point is 00:28:02 as if it's like you got to milk every hour of every day to try to be the best because that's what the best that's what your competition's doing so yeah I tried to probably could have done better but by the way I don't want to see anyone in the comments say anything that I'm I push Jack too hard or anything I haven't pushed him at all this you guys look at him He's the most manly looking crossfit athlete There is he's a fucking attorney in the fucking US military. We haven't even begun. I haven't even asked the hard questions yet What do you guys want to sit the fuck down? Okay, he's a bit
Starting point is 00:28:36 Yeah, he's a big boy. This guy's a cactus. He can handle it all Did you play any other sports in high school, Jack? So, other than, yeah, I did football, wrestling, and baseball. Oh, you did wrestle. You did wrestle in high school. Why did you do that? What year did you do that? So, I mean, I wrestled my whole life, too.
Starting point is 00:28:57 I probably started wrestling in like third or fourth grade, I think. And then that's actually what I did at Ohio at Ohio State too was I wrestled at Ohio State Which is just fucking that's a crazy story every time I hear it I'm like how the hell did that happen Who put you in wrestling in third grade? My parent like just my dad was a my dad was a very successful high school wrestler Too and I had cousins that wrestled my brother wrestled a couple before me. So it was just a family thing that we always did. And so I just started going to camps here and there and just getting involved in it.
Starting point is 00:29:33 And then I just continued to do it through middle school, high school, college. I'm looking, Keeping it Real said that tees and tanks that your shirt is now available in the mayhem store Yep I'm trying to see if I can find it. Damn. They have a lot of shirts I wonder how I wonder how I would find that Mayhem nation I go to men's tees and tanks hoodies long sleeves short pants uh collections new releases kigs mayhem. Uh, uh Collections you mean the collections? New releases?
Starting point is 00:30:09 Oh, they have a Hatfield shirt. Fuck that dude. I don't see a Jack Rose in my shirt. Someone send me a link. Oh, there it is. Okay, okay. I found it. I found it. Do they, do they, how does that work? How do you end up with a shirt? I mean, they pretty much asked all of us I think they asked everyone like hey, we're doing the shirseys which they did which just had like the mayhem and then the number 24 on it and then your your last name somewhere on there your name on there in general and then they said we can also Do just like a custom shirt?
Starting point is 00:30:43 However, you want to do it and they have they have people that handle that design stuff. So if you're Wanting to do a custom shirt You just kind of give them ideas and thoughts of what you like and then they just kind of take that and run with it So I've worn their their faith shirt with the lion on it a few times So I wore that during that snatch event SMI's and then so I was like yeah I think it'd be cool to do something similar to that so I just kind of gave them and I think so if you don't see someone on there it's because they either were like no I don't want a custom shirt like I just don't want to do it or they have some other sponsors
Starting point is 00:31:17 like obligations or anything like that so yeah that's all. You start wrestling when you're three do you actually go to tournaments when you're three? So I was in... I mean, sorry, third grade, not three, third grade, yeah. You definitely can. I mean, there's wrestling. I didn't, but there's definitely, yeah, you can go to wrestling tournaments as young as like three or four years old. When was your first tournament? Probably when I was in middle school. I probably didn't go to an actual tournament until I was fifth, sixth grade somewhere around there. Is your brother older or younger? He's two, like two and a half years older. Okay, okay, so you could wrestle a little bit with him. Mm-hmm, yeah we did. And
Starting point is 00:31:56 do you remember your first wrestling tournament? No, not at all. Were you scared at tournaments? I remember, yeah, I remember it definitely was a nerve-wracking sport for me. I just, it was, it's just hard to describe without doing it yourself. Like it's just a, an individual sport that's physical one-on-one with someone else that's the same age, same weight as you.
Starting point is 00:32:22 And you're just in trying to basically impose your will on an opponent like that. And so I hated losing so much, and it would just crush me. Like when I lost, like I would basically break down crying when I was in like sixth grade. It was probably embarrassing at the time, but I think because that's what I remember my sixth grade year, I was like oh and four or something because I wasn't very good. But I just hated losing. And so I think that's kind of what what at the time drew me to continue doing the sport
Starting point is 00:32:52 is the physical nature of it. And I just hated the fact that another another boy the same age and weight as me was kicking the crap out of me. And so I just kept doing it because part of me enjoyed it and then I just hated losing at the time so bad that it's just, it's a different sport. It's a different feeling really than any other sport. It teaches you a lot more in my opinion.
Starting point is 00:33:17 It teaches you more in terms of just how to handle your emotions, how to be disciplined in your preparation, how to compete one-on-one against someone else standing across from you. And there's no other teammates, there's no paths, there's really no breaks other than when it's over, like stuff like that. It's just an intense sport. Yeah, my kids are so stressed playing at tournaments fighting as opposed to tennis tournaments. Yeah. Yeah. By fighting you mean like jujitsu? Yeah. Or even striking. They don't do striking, they don't do boxing tournaments, but they do a lot of sparring rounds.
Starting point is 00:33:57 But even that I can tell. But yeah, the jujitsu tournaments are fucking gnarly that there I I they look like they've Their brows get all furled. They get all quiet There I see them looking around like like attack is eminent at all times. They can't get settled Yeah, and that's and that's unfortunate like I and that's why I say at the time That's what drew that's what drove me to kind of keep doing the sports because I hated losing and I was so stressed out about it. And I think that that's what we as parents and coaches need to continue to do better at and I think that's what the better parents and coaches do in the sport is. They stress to their kids that it's more important to enjoy the process of the sport and have fun doing the sport, trying new positions, taking risks, and just leaving the match
Starting point is 00:34:53 knowing that you did and everything that you possibly could and you put the best version of yourself out there and that's really what's important versus like hey I'm just trying to protect and do whatever I can to win by one point and just not lose. It's just a significant mindset change that I think the best kids do as a result of coaching and parent influence that I ought to do better at when I raise my girls and stuff like that, so. Wow, you nailed it, dude. That's what it is.
Starting point is 00:35:24 my girls and stuff like that so. Wow you nailed it dude that's what it is um one of my sons just goes out there um not to lose. Yep. And I did that I did that for years forever. Yeah and and it's so it's so it's so interesting you know how I how I've approached it and like I don't know shit because I never played a sport in my life but I always tell them it's something I got from Tony Blower, the fight guy. Hey, dude, you have to give yourself permission. You have to just let yourself go and just give yourself full permission just to annihilate this guy, to just bring yourself just completely here and give yourself permission to go full blast.
Starting point is 00:36:03 But I don't, I don't know if blast. But I don't know if it's registering with him. But I've heard that used and like, hey, if you're in danger, the first thing you have to do is give yourself permission to fucking protect yourself at all costs. Yeah. Yeah, for sure. What clicked for you? How did you make it over that hump when you started bringing it? You even see it in tennis. There's kids who bring the game to you yeah and then there's kids who are just defending shots yeah I think it's just I think it's being honest with yourself I think it starts with being honest with yourself and having having coaches parents whoever teammates to like to
Starting point is 00:36:41 first of all just talk through that be like hey what when the match starts when the game starts when you're down by X points, like, what are you thinking about? What are you trying to work through? And being honest with yourself and being like, yeah, I was just trying to not lose in that match. I was scared of getting tired. I was doing this, doing that. And so I think it starts with being honest with yourself and where you're at. I think first of all, yeah, I think first of all, be honest with yourself and where you're at. I think first of all, yeah, first of all, be honest with yourself. Second of all, did you prepare enough
Starting point is 00:37:09 to give yourself confidence? Because I think straight up confidence just comes from preparation. If you haven't done the work and put in the work too, be good enough in shape, put enough reps in with the technique, whatever. If you don't have that stuff in the bank, then you can't perform
Starting point is 00:37:22 even if you are in the right mindset. So I think that's number two. And I think just, I think just through experience and just testing yourself, putting yourself through the crucible of these events, just putting yourself in positions, taking risks, and then just seeing what happens. Because I just think it clicks for different people at different times. I think nowadays, I mean, there's something like American wrestling is so good. There's kids that just go out there on the national level or on the world, like cadet world teams, like junior Olympics, like, or they're 17, 18 years old qualifying for the Olympic teams.
Starting point is 00:37:56 Like, and they just go out there and they just want to score as many points as possible. And so I think that that's, that might be more specific to just wrestling, but just going out there and being like, I'm going to attack with everything I have and try to score as many points as possible. And just see and see what happens. And you just you just have like you just said, give yourself permission mentally to take those risks to do it to the best of your ability, and not have the fear of failure. Like you're gonna like if you're not, if you don't fit, like if you don't fail, you're not even really trying.
Starting point is 00:38:29 So it's, you just have to make, you just have to make that. I think you have to make that mental leap of win or lose. I'm gonna try to score as many points as possible. I'm not gonna walk away from this competition asking, what if I had given this? What if I had done this? What if I had prepared hard at this? had done this what if I had prepared? Hard of this like you just have to leave yourself
Starting point is 00:38:47 No room to make those excuses after the fact Is this the would you tell me the story about this match here? So one of the things you said is it's as a young man It sucks getting beaten by people who were same age as you in same weight here You are you're 184 guy and you get thrown into a match at a super high level with a 197 guy. When do you find out? Does that piss you off? Are you up for the challenge? Does it help build in an excuse why you might lose? Like does this suck? This guy's a giant.
Starting point is 00:39:17 Yeah. I mean, everything that you just said is what the former me probably did at that time. And what I think is the dangerous toxic mindset that I think a lot of young athletes struggle with is they immediately are looking for excuses for why it might not go their way. Or, hey, I'm the victim in this situation because of X, Y, and Z. Instead of framing it as what a great opportunity
Starting point is 00:39:40 to compete, to test myself, to see what I'm truly made of and you know pressure is a privilege. Like that's what I've grown more to appreciate in the last few years specifically since I've been in CrossFit is like when you go out there and you feel a ton of pressure and you feel those nerves and you're just you're super nervous and stuff like that like I think feeling that as a privilege because not everyone has the opportunity to do that. I mean, just the fact that you are blessed that opportunity and you've put the work in to be there.
Starting point is 00:40:11 You just have to look at it as like, man, I'm blessed to be in this situation. So in that particular match, I mean, that wasn't uncommon. Like I was, for most of my career, I was the number one backup for 184 and 197. So basically what that means is I would travel for example like to Purdue, I would travel with the team and weigh in at 184 but full on knowing that for whatever reason injury, game, like strategy, whatever other reason something else
Starting point is 00:40:41 comes up I'm ready to go at both 184 and 197. So that's kind of how college wrestling works. You can wrestle the weight you weighed in at, or you can bump up one above you. So, and how long before you go out on the mat do you know that you're going? Do you get like a week or a day or? No, usually like that, if it's a competition like that,
Starting point is 00:41:01 you probably don't know until after weigh-ins, which is an hour before. So you probably don't know until Roughly an hour before. So it's not like a week before where you can let yourself get put on some weight Like you suck down to 184 and then they're like, hey, guess what? You get to fight a guy 13 pounds heavier than you It's interesting you say that the pressure is a privilege It's interesting you say that the pressure is a privilege The the only thing I can relate to is I realized at one point Playing frisbee that every bad pass is a chance for me to make an insane catch
Starting point is 00:41:41 Yeah, and like even if you think you have no chance you have to go for it because one out of ten times you catch It and everyone's like what the fuck? Yeah, how'd you do that? And you don't even know how you did but you know that you're committed to going after everyone Yeah, exactly Yeah, that's great Um, so so um, so you basically get recruit did you put did you wrestle your senior year? Uh in college, you mean no, uh high school. Yeah. Yeah, I wrestled all four years my senior year is kind of just where where I really broke through I mean my freshman and sophomore year. I didn't think I was like above 500 record
Starting point is 00:42:13 And then junior year I was Didn't even qualify for the state tournament in Michigan. I was close. I was like one match away and then my senior year I was just I was just getting better in general at the sport. I mean, I was still going through like girl sports. I mean, my senior year, I was still 16 years old. For like, did you skip a grade? Did you skip a grade? I don't I never skipped a grade. I was just put in pretty early. Like I was I think I was put in kindergarten when I was four, like turning five in October.
Starting point is 00:42:44 So I think just straight out from the start, I was four, like turning five in October. So I think just straight out from the start, I was always young for my grade. So I turned 17 early in my senior year. So I just think like that was a big part of it. I was still developing. I got bigger and stronger than a lot of kids. I was in great, I was in pretty good shape. I mean, that's kind of where mentally I made a switch to. I think it was my senior year when wrestling season was kind of on the horizon. I would just, I would get up pretty early before school and just make the choice to either run a bunch of five to ten miles outside or go downstairs in the basement and just run on the treadmill for 30, 40 minutes.
Starting point is 00:43:18 Cuz I knew that I could beat a lot of guys if I just was in better shape in the third period than them. So that's kind of how that's kind of how I got better at the sport in general. And so that's where I beat some better kids my senior year, which led to me getting getting recruited to Ohio State in the first place. So the other day, my nine year old did 100 burpees in 3 minutes and 52 seconds. Nice.
Starting point is 00:43:48 And I was showing the video to his Jiu Jitsu coach and his Jiu Jitsu coach looked at him and said, hey, if you know that you can go full speed for 4 minutes, that's a superpower in this sport. Yeah. Like if you can just let the wheels fall off the bus from the second you step on the mat to the second you step off, fuck dude. That's a problem for other people.
Starting point is 00:44:11 Yeah. And so you figured that out too. When you say, hey, if you can make it to the third period, those morning runs are going to pay off. Yep, exactly. 100%. And so as you told the story before, several times you apply to West Point, you were a 4.0 student? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:32 Yeah, that's wild. And I didn't like the way you said, if you just put a little effort in, because I put a lot of effort in and I wasn't even close. And then you don't get into West Point, did you do the thing where you have to go like get a letter from your congressman and all that? Yeah. Yeah, so I set up basically just set up. I remember, yeah, you put in like a request for it. I don't remember exactly how I did it, but you just hit up your local like office
Starting point is 00:44:57 for the congressman, like mine was the US rep. I don't even remember at the time what his name was for Michigan. And then you just go do basically do like an in-person interview, fill out a bunch of stuff, probably submit like a writing sample to them or something. And then they let you know shortly after that whether or not they're nominating you. So I did, I got the, I received a nomination from whoever the state rep was at the time. And then that was, I think that was the last step and then basically a few weeks later right my spring break senior year I just got a letter in the mail that said I didn't I
Starting point is 00:45:31 was not accepted but that I get but that I'm receiving an ROTC scholarship for three years to basically anywhere that I wanted to go like any any accredited program which is pretty much any undergraduate program that has an ROTC program Isn't it crazy you lettered in wrestling and football your dad's a cop and you got a 4.0 and that just wasn't enough That's mind-boggling to me Yeah, yeah, they don't really tell you why What your I received feedback that like my maybe my ACT score wasn't quite high enough. I think I got like a 28 in my ACT. And they were like, yeah, you kind of need like a 30 or above a 30, which one we're looking for at the time or whatever, I don't know. But I just I don't think it was I don't think it was wasn't meant to be. And then someone reached out to you and said, hey, do you want to wrestle at Ohio State?
Starting point is 00:46:25 And you're like, you have an ROTC program? They're like, yeah, you're like, I'm there. Yeah, that's essentially what happened. Yeah, it was like two or three days later. My wrestling coach called me and was like, Tom Ryan wants to know if you want to come on an official visit to Ohio State. So he's the wrestling coach there. And I was like, basically, I was like, what the heck at the time? Cause I had no intentions of doing anything other than football D1. Cause I think I was a better
Starting point is 00:46:52 football and baseball player than a wrestler. You played baseball in high school too? Yeah. Crazy. Yeah. I think I was, that's what I played more growing up than football and wrestling was catcher. I was, I probably played catcher since I was like five five another leadership position, right? Yep. Yep Wow interesting Yeah, Tom Tom had a very big impact on my life. He's an awesome guy awesome coach Huge huge man of faith. He has a crazy faith story He wrote a book on his,
Starting point is 00:47:26 on a lot of his career at Ohio State, but that was his family stories in there a lot. And so just having, he had a large impact, huge impact on my life in those formative years and a lot of my teammates as well. So. What's a crazy faith story? What does that mean? So basically how he became a Christian. And this isn't, I can just say it because this is nothing that he hasn't said publicly. So he was wrestling coach, he wrestled all, he was a NCAA runner-up. Like he eventually, he was wrestling in college. He wanted to be a national champion, went to Iowa too at the time because they just had a crazy team with the Bannock brothers and the,
Starting point is 00:48:08 I kinda think of their name, like the current coaches like the Brands brothers, like Tom and Terry Brands were both there as well. So he wanted to go wrestle there. And then after that, he became a wrestling coach. I think he was at Hofstra at the time, which is in New York. And he had a family there. He had a five-year-old son named Teague, who had basically a heart attack at the dinner table.
Starting point is 00:48:33 And he had no pre-existing conditions. It was completely out of the blue. He just kind of all of a sudden had a cardiac arrest event. They called the ambulance, and he just passed away. And they just didn't really know why and they never really knew why. And so that just kind of, he just talks about how that event
Starting point is 00:48:52 just obviously crushed him and he just kind of searched, he just searched for why, for why something like that could happen. If God is real, why does he allow suffering like that, especially to kids? Basically, where is Teague? Like just different things like that that I think is not uncommon with a lot of people that are brought to kind of a crossroads of great suffering in their life.
Starting point is 00:49:18 And they basically just have to come to that decision is are we pointless clumps of cells matter floating in space because we are just those by chance over millions and millions of years or is there an intelligent creator who loves us, who created us in his image and his will exists for us and he wants a relationship with us and Sometimes things like that just happen and so I just think that's that's what I'm talking about. That's he goes through that process And he's talked about a lot wrote in his book talked a lot with me personally on it when I was struggling a lot of things so Yeah, I think that he just probably other than my parents and probably come with a lot of people is just those those coaches in those formative years can have
Starting point is 00:50:10 a huge impact on your life and your belief system. I like what you said. And where is Teague now? Because that's I always I at least once a day I'm like, where did I come from? And where am I going? And I always think that that's like the basic... Yeah, I feel like that's basically the premise of this podcast at all times. I feel like all questions eventually, if you ask enough questions, should lead to that. You know, oh, so how old are you? What sign are you? Where were you before you were in your mom's stomach? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:42 I mean, I feel like if you're going down the right path, everything should lead there. When you had your first daughter, did you think of Tom Ryan? Were you like, did that like put, he tells you a story and then you have a kid and then his story completely changes because now you have a whole nother perspective on it
Starting point is 00:51:00 and you're like, oh shit, I'm vulnerable as fuck now. Yeah, dude, if my kid dies, I'm fucked. Yeah, yeah. Having kids is huge. I mean, everyone will say that no one's fully prepared for like the mental emotional, just impact it's gonna have on you of just it's literally your heart outside of your body. Yeah, you're so vulnerable now. Like, like, like his kid died and his whole shit got turned upside down, even though nothing happened to him exactly Exactly. So yeah, I think that I have I've definitely just had a
Starting point is 00:51:33 more profound just slap in the face of like hey you're now you now have this greater responsibility than you've ever had in your life of Caring for this human, this literally your heart outside your body and like you, yeah exactly, you're in this vulnerable position where you want the best for them, you want to take care of them, you want to see them succeed and flourish but ultimately it's their life and stuff can happen to them, they can make decisions as they get older but all you have to do is just, all you can do is do your best. Have faith, ask for God's guidance in how he wants you to raise them and
Starting point is 00:52:11 be an example for them the best that you can. And so, yeah, I think about that all the time with my kids is like, what would I do in these situations? Like when I see other kids or hear about kids in other countries kind of suffering. And I think why, like why me, why am I blessed with these kids in this situation? What would I do if something happened to them that I couldn't control if they were diagnosed with something, what would I do? How would I handle it mentally?
Starting point is 00:52:36 How can I prepare for that now so that I can handle that if and when it does come? All those things, all those things I struggle with and just are thrust upon you with being a parent. It's one of the most obviously the difficult things you can do, but also just so fulfilling, so rewarding, just fully cathartic like in every way. So it's insane. Just I want to throw a little just caveat out there For people like me who aren't believers and who aren't religious and who don't believe in God Oh, we can still ask God for help, which is the trip Like I still even though I don't believe in God. I still ask God for direction in my life and I get it Okay. So why would you why would you say that you don't believe in him?
Starting point is 00:53:21 Why would you ask for guidance from someone that you don't believe in? Why would you say that you don't believe in Him? Why would you ask for guidance from someone that you don't believe in? Because I'm just saying I think to me, I don't know. I don't know the answer to that, but I don't believe in God Certainly, but I definitely communicate or I definitely have at least one way communication You know what Jack, mine is more like, I ask myself questions and sometimes I'll ask them to it just to anything that's out there that's listening, and then I'll pay attention in the world, because I feel like once I've, maybe it's what someone told me the other day, you know why you don't believe in God and I said why they said
Starting point is 00:54:05 Because you think you are God and so When I asked those questions Then I just think that it bring I can just look around in the world and it kind of refocuses me to find those answers Do you know what I mean? So maybe it is like a self-centeredness, but you know, I'll be like hey I need to make a decision on this. Or maybe, I don't know. I just don't ever think, I don't think I should fake being a Christian until like I get like a true calling. I absolutely, I mean, I agree with that for sure. I never, that's just part of growing as a Christian too. You're never going to
Starting point is 00:54:41 have it all figured out. You're never going gonna be perfect. We are imperfect human beings on this earth. So I think, but I also, but true, I don't think that you should necessarily fake being a Christian. I think that we all have to make that decision at a certain time in our life of like, hey, I do believe I am publicly, like fully devoting myself to believing in God
Starting point is 00:55:05 and that Jesus is the son of God and I'm gonna make him the Lord of my life and follow him and what is written in the Bible. Once again, I wanna do that too, but I don't believe in God. Like I love Christian values. Like all the, like you should honor your parents. You should not steal. You should turn the other cheek as much as you can.
Starting point is 00:55:25 You should always put yourself like, you know, you know what I mean? Like, shouldn't be fighting over parking spaces at Kmart. I'm fucking able-bodied. You know what I mean? Like, I don't even know if there is a Kmart anymore. But you know what I mean? Like, you know what I mean? Like, if I see trash and I see it, like, I just pick it up. I pick up dog poop, I kick dog poop aside or pick it up. I don't want anyone to step in. I'm doing my part because, but it comes so naturally for me.
Starting point is 00:55:48 I just don't want my, I don't want, if I can help other people not suffer, fuck it. Easy day. For sure. But I'm kind of like a convenientist. You know what I mean? Like I'm like, if I was a thief, I would only steal shit that would unlock bikes. I wouldn't steal locked bikes. Do you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:56:08 Like, I'm an opportunist. I'm an opportunist to express Christian values. But my life is better following Christian values. Way, way, way, way, way, way, way better. Yeah. No, I, yeah, I think that's fair. For you, it's just a personal question. I think for you, what, what limits you in saying
Starting point is 00:56:26 that you don't believe that God is real or exists? Is it just kind of scientifically, you don't think it's possible, or that it makes sense with the world that we live in, or what? I have a story in my head that if every story keeps me away from God. What every story? Okay.
Starting point is 00:56:45 So like a story like so you have a story you're Jack Rosamu, you're going to the games, you only you need to hurry up with this podcast because you got some other shit to do and you need to eat and you know your kids in the house. You know, I mean, you have a story going on. It's like my kid goes out to the wrestling match and he has a story going on. Fuck, I'm scared. Fuck, how good is that kid? And so like in my my my religion is is that I do better in the world when there's when there's really not a story
Starting point is 00:57:11 and so I and I see and I think I I perceive that I Have another story that I perceive people who have a story about God. They look distance from God to me Because they have a story about God that's in between from God to me, because they have a story about God that's in between them and God. And so, I don't want that story. Does that kind of make sense? Yeah. Yeah. No, I don't want my belief. Like, I would never, I mean, I can't, to say, if something bad were to happen to you, and you were to say, God, why did you do this to me?
Starting point is 00:57:47 I feel like, God, I hope I'm not testing fate. I feel like I've transcended that. My idea of the world is not that simple. People are like, fuck, I'm scared to go to heaven. All three of my wives will be up there. I'm like, that's your vision of heaven? Fuck, dude, you're a snail. That's where you've limited your vision and so I know I know a child dying is probably an immense
Starting point is 00:58:08 amount of pain but I just the little dabbling I do in in thinking about heaven it's nothing like that you know what I mean it's it's yeah it's unfathomable it's not like oh, my ex-girlfriend's gonna be there and that one time I fucking hit her. You know what I mean? It's like, are you out of your fucking mind, dude? Yeah, I agree with what you're saying for sure right now. I think people can get caught up with too many of,
Starting point is 00:58:35 too many of the unimportant specific details and get too in the weeds of what is and what is not going to happen in heaven or beyond this life. I think for sure I think that that's also one of the coolest parts about faith and believing in the God of the universe is that he is so omniscient, profound beyond our understanding and he can hit the piece that he gives us is beyond understanding as well. And I think that that's I think you're right. I think you're I think you're hitting the nail on the head with a lot of things. And I think that that's, I think you're right. I think you're, I think you're hitting the nail on the head with a lot of things. I, and I think that
Starting point is 00:59:08 you're just going through, I think you're going through your faith journey. I mean, I think that those things that you're saying, the circumstances that happen in your life around you, I think that that is 100% God working through, cause God works through people. We're like the way that, and I just, this brings to the front of my mind because we talk about a lot of my men's small group. I mean I think a good analogy is like God is the father working on this car engine. Like he's like his like the earth is his engine like the car engine and we and we as humans we as Christians followers of Jesus are like the five-year-old son that like he wants to come help work on the engine He doesn't really need our help like he can clearly do it himself
Starting point is 00:59:50 But through his goodness and his mercy he allows us to work on the car engine with him He knows that we're gonna make mistakes But as long as we remain faithful and keep turning back to him He's gonna continue to work good in our lives and allow us to keep working on that engine. So I'm just like, that's just an analogy. I think that what you're going through, I think it's totally, I think it's totally cool. And I think it's, I just pray that people continue
Starting point is 01:00:16 that you still kind of get those seeds planted in your mind that people continue to work in your life and that you just, absolutely. I think you should keep asking those questions like believe in, believe like, I just think it's cool. I feel validated. I'll be praying for you for sure.
Starting point is 01:00:33 Thank you. You know the thing also is, as a young man, I cheated on my girlfriend and she read my text messages in my phone or I don't even think we had phones then. I think she found a picture of me and the other girl like camping or something. And I felt relieved. And that's what I picture.
Starting point is 01:00:54 It's like I was like, oh, I'm so sorry. Now the burden's yours, but I feel fucking great. She's like, are you fucking crazy? I'm like, well, dude, I'm so tired of holding a secret in and hate a secret. And that sounds like the greatest thing about going to God. Just fucking. Yeah. He just takes your fucking burdens. Yeah, that is he sees like you with the time you fucking put peanut butter in someone's gas tank and you're free from it or the time you fucking shot a bird
Starting point is 01:01:15 that he was like, you shouldn't have shot that bird or you know what I mean? All the I feel loved to be. I want to be freed of all that shit. And that's what what you're talking about is literally like the it really is the Christian faith. I think a lot of people are Resistant to it because they think hey, I've just done I've sinned too much like I've done too many wrong things I thought too much. It's great what I've done in my life is too much and that's what the gift I mean the gift of Jesus dying on the cross is that is what he has done. And that's what frees. And that's what frees us from all of those sinful, guilt, shameful feelings is Jesus was perfect and but died on the cross to cover every single one of those sins for you. And if you just believe in Him, that death on the cross
Starting point is 01:02:05 washes all of those sins away. And that through that grace and through that wonderful mercy is what should push you, is what should motivate and push us to go and sin no more. It's not that we have to work our way to heaven. We are not saved by works. We are saved by the faith in Jesus. And that's what gives us that freedom and that feeling of, I love the way that you just described it. You were like, my girlfriend caught me and I was relieved. I feel bad for her because now the burden was hers. She was all fucked up.
Starting point is 01:02:38 Yeah. I mean, it's in a weird way. I think that's that's similar to faith. I think it's like we can feel relieved and be just awestruck and ever grateful and just push us towards worshiping and following Jesus because he didn't have to take that, take those sins away from us, but he did in his grace. So I think it's, I think you're, I think we're just talking about the same, I think we're talking about the same kind of thing
Starting point is 01:03:03 just in different ways. So I think- Are you good at forgiving people? I'm great at forgiving people. I don't even hold grudges. I believe in full personal accountability. I'm not a master at it, but I'm totally aware that some kid throws a baseball and hits my car and puts a dent in it and I'm pissed at the kid. But when I go home and reflect on it, I'm like, you bought the car, you drove it down that street. Like, dude, you're complicit. Like, you made all these decisions that made this possible. Why the fuck am I giving the power to that kid? Yeah, I think it's- And then I don't even have to forgive him. I'm just like, dude,
Starting point is 01:03:39 it's me. Yeah. Well, I think you've been blessed with just the ability to forgive in those situations. I mean, I would think or just not be retarded. I would say I would say that I am through my faith, through growing in faith. I think I've gotten better at letting things go. Absolutely. I think that's just what that's a huge part of being like true Christian is not being quick to anger, not being holding grudges. Love doesn't hold, like love, true love, biblical love does not keep a record of wrongs. It does not keep grudges, things like that.
Starting point is 01:04:15 But it can definitely be hard when you're talking about what you just said. Someone that you love. Someone that you hurt your kid, your wife cheats on you, shit like that'll fucking hurt. That'll hurt exactly for sure So I I wouldn't say that I'm great at it But it's just something those that I'm trying to get better at every day because that's what the process of sanctification is You're trying to get better and more like Jesus following him every day. So trying to how old are your kids? Riley is almost three. She'll be three next month. And Jordan, my youngest, just turned like eight months.
Starting point is 01:04:48 I know you didn't ask for any advice, but I think that this will work for you. You'll like this. When you pick things for your kids, like whatever sports to play, don't pick them on the sports. Pick them on the person based on the person that you want your kid to be around. It doesn't matter. You know what I mean? If it ends up being the fucking bat. If you're like, fuck, this basket weaving coach is the greatest human being I've ever seen
Starting point is 01:05:12 and they teach basket weaving to kids. That fuck football, put your kid in basket weaving. At the end of the day, which brings me to something you said about Tom Ryan. You said you went to Tom Ryan during struggles. Is that weird to go to your wrestling coach? Like what made you think that you could go to him? I think it's just the trust that he built through the,
Starting point is 01:05:34 through the, just the, the grind of a wrestling season. I think when you're, cause you're allowing, you're around each other all the time. I mean, you have similar to like training for the games. I mean, a wrestling season is you got 90 minutes to two hours of technique work in the morning usually with a little bit of strength and conditioning mixed in there as well. And then you're doing hard drilling and live wrestling for like two hours in the
Starting point is 01:05:56 afternoon. So you just learn, I mean, you become close with your coaches and your teammates. And so you just get to a point where that's, that's on you as the athlete to be kind of vulnerable and a mindset of like, Hey, I want to talk about these things to grow. I want to, I'm dealing with these struggles in my life and they might, and if they're good coaches, they'll ask you, they'll say, Hey, what are you going through? Like, Hey, how can we help you? How can we enable you to be better? And he was great at that. And just straight up, I would go to be better? And he was great at that. And just straight up, I would go to him. I remember it was like my sophomore,
Starting point is 01:06:28 like going into my sophomore year, I kind of got injured my freshman year. So like my sophomore year, I was coming back and I still was just getting my butt kicked every day. And I was like, basically I was like, hey, why am I not winning? Like what's going on? Like, why am I doing all the right things quote unquote,
Starting point is 01:06:42 but it's just not translating on the scoreboard. Like, were you thinking about quitting even? Oh, yeah, for sure. I thought about it a lot. Like, we even had, like, many—it's not uncommon with— because wrestling, you have, like, 35 to 40 guys in the team for, like, 10 spots. So you got 10 weight classes, and usually there's three or four guys fighting for that starting spot. Most spots, like, they know who the starter is. It's either returning all American. That's a huge recruit who just dominates everybody.
Starting point is 01:07:10 Sometimes there'll be weight classes where there's a toss up or no one's the clear starter. So they're kind of battling for a starting spot. And so if you're one of those guys that just is a walk on or like a preferred walk on, not a big recruit, somehow made the team kind of, I was, I was probably one of the last people to actually be recruited on the team because they just had last little, last little open spots. So they were going to fill it with people like me who had like a 4.1 GPA. Cause then they would just bring the average GPA of the team up because that's, oh shit. They were using you. That must've felt good.
Starting point is 01:07:42 I love being used. That's good. I mean, that's what I mean Yeah, I could definitely if you want like if you could absolutely frame it that way like I I Was the toughest guy with a 4.0? I was a I was a tough kid that had a 4.1 GPA Did you have the best grades on the on the wrestling team? No, probably not the best There were still some brainiacs in there. So even like really good wrestlers. They still had good GPS too.
Starting point is 01:08:06 But in college it's weird because having a 4.0 in communications is different than having a 3.8 in mechanical engineering. So like you'll have you'll have variances like that. So but I was just like you know I was asking him I was like hey why am I not winning? What's going on? And- Like with tears in your eyes asking? Like almost. Like broken down. Like you didn't wanna ask that, but you did come to that. For sure. It was just like, do I belong in this team? Like, why am I not competing?
Starting point is 01:08:36 Like blah, blah, blah. And it was just, some of it was technique stuff. Some of it was, hey, you're just not doing enough. You're literally not working hard enough. Like you think you are at, I don't know, this isn't verbatim when he told me, but it was basically like, you think you're at 99%. But you're not even close. Like, you just don't know what it takes. And you haven't yet put yourself in the position to work hard enough, either strength and conditioning wise, taking enough risks in the match that was kind of more my issue same thing we were just talking about before wrestling to not lose protecting I had an issue with not with just going out there and just pulling the trigger trying to score as many points as
Starting point is 01:09:18 possible I don't think that's what I think he was mainly talking about when he was like you're not doing enough you're not doing enough. You're not taking enough risks. You're not pushing it to the, to the whistle every single go and just things like that where I thought I was like, bro, what are you talking about? I'm giving every single thing that I have. And it was just sometimes, sometimes you just get told, but you don't want to hear it's not like you get, and that's what good coaches do. They don't just tell you what you want to hear. So it was, it was a mixture of that. It was like, and we definitely had faith.
Starting point is 01:09:47 I mean, we had faith conversations too. We had all of it. I mean, you spend so much time together. It was like a lot of those conversations of how do I get better in life? How do I get better in wrestling? I'm struggling with this. How did you struggle with this when you were in this position? Just stuff like that for sure.
Starting point is 01:10:04 Did he have other kids? He does have, he has a, so Teague was his youngest and then up from there he had a daughter and then two older sons as well. Oh so he had four. He had four, yep. I don't mean to sound callous but that's got to make it easier than if you just had one. Yeah if it was your only child I can imagine it would hit different for sure. No doubt. And because the thing with me is, is I remember thinking I couldn't ever imagine my parents dying. And when I had kids for some reason, that thought went away. Not that I want them to die. But like, yeah, I felt like I would
Starting point is 01:10:44 be alone in the, I guess I don't, I don't know if it's exactly this clean, but I thought I would be alone in the world if my parents died. But once I had kids for some reason that went away. Yeah, change your perspective for sure. Yeah, totally. And maybe that's the missing part. I wouldn't think that if I had God in my life. Yeah, I don't think that's true at all. I think we all have, I think we have thoughts that maybe aren't like we just, that everybody deals with. I mean, that's what, like you deal with thoughts that aren't of, like the, of God's nature. I mean, I think that we all deal with the sinful, like I'm not saying that that's a simple thought, but I mean, we we deal with stuff that, um, in a imperfect fallen world.
Starting point is 01:11:31 That that's just where we live in right now. That's what we have to deal with. And that's having a relationship with God. That's what you can do. You can you can turn to him and your brothers in Christ and you can talk about those things like, Hey, how do you deal with this? Why am I thinking this way? What would you do in this situation? I think that's just part of the journey of life. And so I 100% like I'll say that I deal with thoughts like similar in that where I think about something and then I'm like, why am I thinking that because that's not what I should be thinking about so it's definitely it's a learned process of How to deal with that? How many kids are you going to have? We're not I definitely we we don't know for sure, but we're we're of the headspace now that we're not ready to say that we're done So probably at least one more. Oh, so you're loving it. Yeah. Oh, I love it. I love it I love it more than my wife who's I love it. I love it more than my wife was. I don't say I love it more than my wife. I love it because my wife is amazing.
Starting point is 01:12:30 Yeah. Yeah. And just she's an amazing, like she's a stay at home mom that just crushes it. I mean, like she's, I always say the term, like she's in the trenches every day with them because they are a handful. But some days are obviously harder than others. I mean, even though my wife gets up almost every single time
Starting point is 01:12:46 at night when one of them or both of them is up screaming in the middle of the night, some days are harder than others. But like I said before, it's just nothing will like fulfill, fulfill you like emotionally and just. You have daughters too, I heard that's different. I heard that's really intense as a man. Yeah, yeah, I'm still dealing with how to just like,
Starting point is 01:13:08 raise them right. Yeah. As you know, being, I love being a girl dad. I never really thought that they would, like both of my first two children would be daughters. I didn't really know what to expect. Like I wasn't like, oh, I'm for sure committed to like, and mentally I know I'm gonna have a boy
Starting point is 01:13:23 or anything like that. But it just, I never really thought about it either way very much just what they were going to be so having but just now it's like you can't imagine every any other way so I love you know I love I love everything about I love having the relationship I have with them and I just I'm looking forward to just giving them as much of myself as I can without losing myself and my own goals, my own life, which I think is important. But I think just, yeah, I love everything about it.
Starting point is 01:13:52 Hey, Jack, and I probably have you miscategorized. When I think of you as an athlete, and I've never achieved anything close to what you've achieved, but when I think of you as a CrossFit Games athlete, I think of you as doing it as a bucket list. Like it's a moonshot. Like you're like, fuck, I have like you're jumping over the Grand Canyon. I have one shot at this. I'm gonna go all in. I'm gonna get it and I'm gonna check it off my list.
Starting point is 01:14:22 That's my like, that's the way I tell you. But I'm open also like once now you taste this, now you're going to go to Texas and you're going to taste something. For sure. And I'm wondering if it's going to change your trajectory. Do I have you miscategorized? Yeah, I definitely I would say that it's a mis-, it's a slight mischaracterization of like this is my one and done shot,
Starting point is 01:14:44 I think if that's what you're kind of saying. Yeah saying yeah, like basically like hey you have a full life and And and like, you know, you're married you have a successful marriage. You're a fucking attorney. You're in the military You have two kids You just have so many things going on and you're one of those guys. It's like fuck it I'm also gonna compete to be the fittest man in the world and I'm gonna go touch I'm gonna go touch the field of play where God's expresses human DNA at its highest level. And then I'm going to move on to the next thing. But I also think that maybe you're going to taste it and it's going to be like, oh, maybe I need to come back for one more lick.
Starting point is 01:15:20 I think the latter part of what you're saying is more true I don't I don't intend on going there and just like I'm going there to smell the roses and just enjoy the experience And say I'm a CrossFit Games athlete for the rest. No. No, I agree with that too. You're a little unique in that I know you you want to win I've heard you but you have you seen beyond this CrossFit game like well I know you said you wanted to go to rogue but even when you say you want to go to rogue I feel like I'm hearing you You want the full experience, but like do you have 2025 do you plan on going to the games again after this? Yeah, absolutely
Starting point is 01:15:54 If I would ask you that a year ago if I would have said hey if you make it once do you think you'll try again? Would you have said yeah, absolutely? Oh shit. Okay. Thanks for fucking up my story about you. Now, now I'm just being honest. No, I love it. Um, and I'm glad I'm wrong. Um, because you're, you're a great character and asset to the, to the, to the story of what it means to be a CrossFit athlete. Is there anything that you are looking at that you're going to have to take out of your
Starting point is 01:16:19 life? All right. I'm going to have to sell one of my cars, motorcycles gone, no more going around with magic at night. You have a boat? I do have a motorcycle. Okay, you getting rid of that? That I probably will, that I actually am trying to sell sometime this year.
Starting point is 01:16:34 Just like, yeah, because there is, it does get a point where, and I've, like, I kept conversations with my wife about this all the time, that it's just something that I've feel like I've always kind of been internally like burdened with that I try to do too much that I think I can do everything. Like, hey, why can't I keep this job and kind of work on like these side hustles like and do these training and be a great father and stuff like that. So I think it's just taking it a year at a time. So reevaluating like, hey, after this CrossFit Games,
Starting point is 01:17:06 this season is done. Like we will reevaluate as a family. And I will honestly ask my wife, like, are you happy? Are you satisfied with where we live, with how much I'm home, with just our lifestyle, with our relationship with our kids, with our church family, just like stuff like that. And if the answer is no, we'll have a conversation and then something will have to change. So I think that that's what we've done so far. And it's like, we know and I know that it's not
Starting point is 01:17:36 forever that I'm going to compete in the crossfit games. But I think, I mean, you know, all of the older guys that are, I say older, like just the more seasoned guys, I mean, they're 33, 34 years old and still crushing it. So I think that there's no reason that I can't do that as well. As long as, again, as we periodically kind of assess our lives and say, Hey, are we happy and satisfied with where we're at? Then we'll just keep, then we'll just keep chasing what we're doing. So that's just, that's just the kind of way that I look at it as as long as I'm as long as one area of my life is not significantly suffering and I feel like my I'm still doing a
Starting point is 01:18:15 fairly good job of upholding my values and my roles as a husband and father then I'll just keep doing what I'm doing. So I think it's just looking at it periodically. I'll attack the games as much as I can this year and see where it goes from there. I'm not, I'm definitely just not ruling anything out right now. So if I was in your position, well even in my life, anything that I'm doing that I'm enjoying, you know, obviously, it's not like, if it's not like drugs, anything I'm doing in my life that I'm enjoying, I want my wife to push away all of her issues around it. I don't want to hear shit. Do you know what I mean? Now, I'm not, I'm not working out as much as you, but like when I work out, I want my wife to completely fucking
Starting point is 01:19:03 hold the house down. And I don't want anyone fucking like, I don out I want my wife to completely fucking hold the house down and I don't want anyone fucking like I don't want like your kids fighting like um and or I don't want her to say like um I I wouldn't want to hear so so like uh my my when my wife goes to work I'll flip the script I don't no matter what I would never express anything for her to be concerned about. Even if I was dying to, I'd push that shit down. Or she'll text me now in a few minutes and she'll be like, hey, do you care if I go to Pilates class? I won't even like, yes.
Starting point is 01:19:38 It's just yes. Go. Like, just go. I've got everything under control. I want you to be happy. Even for some reason like I wanted to do something I wouldn't even tell her if I had a fucking dentist appointment I just call and change it like I just want her and she treats me the same Yep as a crossfit and that's just in day-to-day life. That's an exaggeration if I had a dentist appointment
Starting point is 01:19:59 I would tell her but But as a CrossFit Games athlete, as the spouse to a professional athlete, don't they have to completely hold all their ego away? I don't think they have to completely. Like exactly you just said, we have a good dialogue. What if she was like, hey Jack, I don't want you walking around in your little banana hammocks after the swim getting in the ice bath Because girls are gonna see you would you be like like hey motherfucker push that shit down like I don't like I'm fucking like What do you don't bring your shit to me? I got an ice bath and like I don't have time to fucking
Starting point is 01:20:38 We have that understanding though like we we figured that out before we got married Oh, like we you know what I mean? Like yeah, we had a That's nice. Okay, like those kind of conversations. We just know we know Generally how each other feels about certain things like that And if you know there's couples like that like the checkers to do the spouse is like jealous or projecting shit. It's like dude No one's look no one's fucking here. Like we're exhausted and getting in the ice bath. Like, you know? Yeah, for sure. And I think that that's just, you talked about,
Starting point is 01:21:08 that's the importance of picking a good partner and just having those conversations before you get married, before you're in a serious relationship. And so I think that one, we have figured out a lot of that stuff and it's squared away. And two, even if it's not, obviously stuff comes up, I make a ton of mistakes. Like she'll call me out on it. Like I'll call her out on it and then we squared away. And two, even if it's not, obviously stuff comes up. I make a ton of mistakes.
Starting point is 01:21:25 Like she'll call me out on it. Like I'll call her out on it and then we'll adjust. Are you good at that? Are you good at getting called out on? Yeah. Yeah, me too. I'm a champ at it. That's what I tell her.
Starting point is 01:21:34 What do you do? I just own it right away. That's my default. Oh, I did it. Yeah. No, I'm like Stanley from the office. I won't say sorry unless I think I'm wrong. No, I'm just kidding. So like, yeah, it's a, yeah,
Starting point is 01:21:47 it's, it's just, I don't mind. Yeah, because I just I want to be the best partner I can. So it's like, I, yeah, like, I've told her that she's gotten better at that as well. Because I think before early on earlier in my career, I think that you she would kind of be nervous about maybe calling me out on something, some stuff, because she would think that I'd get like super nervous about maybe calling me out on some stuff because she would think that I'd get super irritated and then that would create distance between us or something.
Starting point is 01:22:10 But I think we just have such a strong foundation now that we can be completely open and transparent with each other about how we're performing. Or disturb your performance, right? Yeah, that too. And that honestly, she's just so amazing about like she wants the best for me. And she's told that so many times. And so just like this weekend, so I'm actually in Cookville this weekend. I live in Kentucky, like two and a half hours from Cookville. That's why we did the run.
Starting point is 01:22:35 We did the I was I'm here with the Mayhem group. We just did the run swim mock this morning. And so luckily, her brother is visiting. So she's not going to be alone all weekend with the girls. But like even just situations like that. So I've now gone to Cookville like two weekends in a row, even though I don't live in Cookville. And she's like, yeah, I wouldn't want, we just had conversations about different circumstances about me going or not going. And she's just said like, yeah, I wouldn't want you to miss out on.
Starting point is 01:23:00 I know the training that you feel you need to do. And so just things like that. It's like she's an amazing partner that I don't deserve. you to miss out on, I know the training that you feel you need to do. And so just things like that. It's like, she's an amazing partner that I'm that I don't deserve. So yeah. Well, congrats. Yeah, thanks. Do you have to pee?
Starting point is 01:23:12 Not yet. Okay. Give a couple more minutes. Yeah, a couple more minutes is good. So when you die, you go to heaven? If you believe in Jesus and accepted Him as your Savior and made Him the Lord of your life and follow Him, then yes. But where were you before?
Starting point is 01:23:35 Were you there before you were born, too? Like you were in heaven before you were born? So, that's kind of... That's a complicated thing that I do believe in. I believe in predestination because it's preached in the Bible, a lot is taught in the Bible. And so I think that there is this doctrine of election and predestination that God as an omniscient,
Starting point is 01:23:57 all-powerful, intelligent creator knows who is not going to be saved. I mean, I think it's, and I think that's just a second tier issue for us Christians. I think that can get down into the weeds of really... But what about before you were in your mom's stomach? Or is the mischaracterization even say you? Is it just a false question you think? No, I think that's between, I think that we don't know that. I think that's between the child and God. So like say, yeah, for people that have miscarriages, for kids who die tragically
Starting point is 01:24:33 before they're even five years old, I think that's between that child and God and we don't know. But I think that if you, I think those who profess their faith in Jesus and make him the Lord of their life are part, are the elect that the Bible preaches about. So yeah. I suspect if you ask questions like where were you before you were born, that maybe the question is
Starting point is 01:25:01 so far off base because there wasn't a you. Like, just the question in itself has like some sort of implication that's not relevant to existence before birth. Yeah, I mean, I think that's fair. I don't think that there was a you except for in the mind. And in the mind and in the creative power of God. Before you were conceived by your parents. I think God knew that that was going to happen and that is His plan and will for your life. But as far as like, I don't know. I don't know how else to answer that other than that. So why were you named Jack? My grandpa's middle name was Jack. So his name was Earl Jack. My mom's dead.
Starting point is 01:25:45 Is he still alive? No, both my mom's parents passed away basically like in the last year. They were in their 90s so they definitely lived a full life and so yeah that was like my grandma passed away in May of last year. I think my grandpa passed away like early late November early December. Oh so you got to see your parents go through that? Mm-hmm yeah. passed away May of last year, I think my grandpa passed away like early, late November, early December. Oh, so you got to see your parents go through that. Mm-hmm, yeah. Oh, that's interesting.
Starting point is 01:26:10 Was that an interesting experience? Is that what you do? Is that what you do when your grandparents pass away? You kind of like watch your parents to see? I mean, I definitely did. Like, yeah, we just, we had conversations about it. It was my, my, my grandma, my mom's mom had pancreatic cancer
Starting point is 01:26:26 for like years, even in her late eighties, which usually, I think it was one of those where they were like, yeah, that's a bad one. You have stage three or stage four pancreatic cancer, like you're not gonna make it six months and she lived like three years, like two and a half, three years or something like that.
Starting point is 01:26:39 So hers, and then especially when she was in hospice, it kind of dragged on, like, and so I saw my mom kind of go through that roller coaster of emotions of like, I don't want to lose my mom, but I don't want to watch her suffer for too much longer. Like stuff like that. So, and I think that that same thing,
Starting point is 01:26:54 like once my grandma passed away, it was very difficult on my grandpa. And so same thing, like my mom didn't want to see him go, but also, you know, could see that the time was soon and just didn't want it to drag on like it dragged on with my grandma. So, yeah, I saw them. I saw them deal with that. And my dad, so my dad's dad passed away a couple years ago. My dad's mom is still alive. But so I watched, I've been, I've been able to
Starting point is 01:27:20 watch them, I guess, both deal with that. Did Tom, did Tom Ryan stay married after his kid, he lost his child? Yeah. Wow. Yep. That's impressive. I think that one can rock the house. For sure. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:27:37 There's probably, I don't know what the stat is, but there's probably some crazy stat on that. If you lose a child, the fucking marriage goes to shit. Yeah, probably. For sure. I can't think of much worse than that. Are your parents still married? Yep Oh, you're stoked like 30 When did they get married 86 so I think well, no Yeah, I don't know like over over 25 years. Yeah. Yeah, that's awesome. Mm-hmm Well, dude good talking about all CrossFit. There's a lot of CrossFit talk. Hey, that's fine
Starting point is 01:28:07 Do you like that CrossFit's cross where we can watch it? Talk about it anytime, but I was excited to Have more personal conversation with you, but been been been Been hearing you talk about me a little bit here and there so I was just curious how much of a how much of a jerk You were gonna be to me in person. So it's fine. Good, good. I remember. Yeah, I didn't I can't stand I can't stand you in Austin Hatfield my fucking up my my coltan love at Crash Crucible is like who are these fucking guys? I think that was what I think that's why I don't even remember
Starting point is 01:28:37 why I just like as I was just saying that I was like, why am I saying that he's gonna be a jerk? But I think the fact that we have heard on your coltan love a little bit is like oh I think that's why man okay you're in the way of my guy hey I have I have uh oh oh before you go I do want to I do want to uh play one clip uh and I want you to walk me through this we'll play it once and watch it together and then I want you to walk me through this. We'll play it once and watch it together. And then I want you to walk me through this. Yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 01:29:07 Here we go. This is from this year's semi-finals. Yeah. Okay. And what event is this, Jack? This is the snatch ladder. This is event five. Five, okay.
Starting point is 01:29:18 So there's only one left after this. Correct. And you're basically in a three or four way tie for eighth, ninth, 10 10th and 11th place. Okay, here we go. To get this final lift, 10th place, 262 points, only 9 points clear of Luke Parker. This is a huge lift for Jack Rosema. Oh my gosh!
Starting point is 01:29:39 A lift saved by Rosema and he will get the event win! What an impressive outing by Mr. Jack Rosema. Okay. Crazy. Like, did you, do you think you're going to get that? Tell me as you walk up here, are you getting it? Yeah. Like I knew, I knew just from testing how good like the workout felt and like how, what my time was going to be. I think I hit it like five because good like the workout felt and like how what my time was gonna be I think I hit it like five because you know, we had plenty of time to test these So I think I like 520 525 and testing and so I just kind of knew I was right on the pace and
Starting point is 01:30:15 I honestly I remembered that Colton's time was like 507 or something which at the time was the world record I was just dumb and office and not remembering that Guy was also going the same weekend and knowing that he was going to crush it. So I was like, I should have been smarter and been like, this isn't even going to be a world record, even if I beat Colton. But so I saw you went for it. You went into that workout being like, I can set the world record. Yeah, for sure.
Starting point is 01:30:40 Oh, you're a bad dude. What I wanted to do. Like, and so I knew that I was like, I wanna go right at five minutes or slightly sub five. And so I was not quite able to do that, but I remembered just, I was like, all right, I'm at right now five minutes. I feel good enough to pick up the bar. And just through lifting and over the years,
Starting point is 01:30:57 just I've grown confidence in the snatch of just being able to send it into the bottom and just trust that it's gonna be there. So that's basically what I did. And so you you know here that you're still gonna get it. So I didn't I did like catching it and as soon as I felt it start to go forward, I kind of was like, oh no, I knew that I could and then as but as soon as I started to come up with it, I was like, oh yeah, I can save it. The only issue is, is could I save it and stay in the box? Because you couldn't, you couldn't step over that red line. And so if you like play it, my foot is probably like an inch from that red line. Like I couldn't
Starting point is 01:31:35 tell when I was doing it where my foot actually was. I was like, Oh crap, I definitely stepped over the line. It's going to have to, I'm going to have to do it again. But if you watch it, it is it's like super close, but I don't quite step on it. And- Oh, it's okay, what's one foot over the line? This is the CrossFit Games. Hey-
Starting point is 01:31:51 Dude, play it, play it, you can't, you can see- But look at this, dude, look how forward you are and your heels still don't come off the ground. That's what I was tripping on. You stay flat-footed the whole, if your heel would have come off the ground, you'd have been fucked. Yeah, for sure. Like look at- Oh yeah, that's close. Yeah, so I thought I stepped on it, but he said I was good
Starting point is 01:32:10 so I stepped over and Yeah, so that was it was fun and the announcer like gives you listen to the audio of that I could hear him He was like already saying like let's hear it for Jack Rosalma Like before I even was starting to come back up. So I was like, in my mind, I was like, Oh, I can't like, I was like, I gotta get it up, get it up, because he's already saying my name. So I didn't want to like, because he would have had to like, say, Oh, nevermind. He missed it. So I didn't want to like, do that. But obviously, I
Starting point is 01:32:39 just wanted to hang on for hang on to it in general. So yeah, it was, I knew that I was like, this is my I was like, this is my home run. That's what you got to do. SMIs and probably at the, I mean, as just talking to people at the games too, like when you see an event where you have a good chance of hitting a home run, you just got to go for it. And that's what I, that's what I tried to do there. And that goes back to where we started the conversation, right? Like, Hey, if you can attack, don't defend attack. Exactly. For sure. So that was the risk you took and it got you to the games.
Starting point is 01:33:05 Like if you would have dropped that, is there a chance you wouldn't have gone to the games? No. No. Okay. No, that was because I still would have, even if like, let's say that next rep took me a full minute, I probably still would have gotten like a top 10 in that event. And then I did well enough in the last event to where I was, I don't remember how many points, but I was only like 20 points out of like fourth place. I took six. So I don't, for me to drop back down to 12th, like I probably, no, I would have been fine. Oh, hold on. I think one person wants to say something to you. Who's that? I think I thought this is, I think this is one of those Jersey guys. Hold on. Let me
Starting point is 01:33:42 see if I can Do you know those Jersey guys the two guys the two I think they were wrestlers They've been on kill Taylor before a caller. Hi. Oh, no. Hey. Hi. Hey Hey, no, no, no, this is a I'm from Michigan. This is the oh the meat guy The meat guy. Yeah. Yeah Did you want to say something to Jack? Well, yeah, I see the Detroit Lions shirt on. So is he from Michigan? I'm coming in late, so I'm sorry if this was covered.
Starting point is 01:34:15 No, I'm from Grand Rapids, so west side of Michigan. Oh, yeah, that's still Michigan. So did you do the comp? Which one? still Michigan. So did you do the comp? Which one? The one that was just a couple weeks ago. The Fresh Coast games that was in Michigan on the lake. I didn't do that this year because of games training. I did that last year with a couple friends, but that is a cool one to do on the lake on Lake Michigan.
Starting point is 01:34:44 Okay. I'm gonna let Jack go but I'll still talk to you a cool one to do on the lake, on Lake Michigan. Okay. Yeah. I'm gonna let Jack go, but I'll still talk to you if you wanna stay on for a second. Me or Jack? No, you. I'm gonna get done with Jack. I've been with him 94 minutes.
Starting point is 01:34:57 I know, I'm coming in late. So do you ever get down? Well, do you get down to the Detroit area, Jack? Ah, not too often, just whenever I'm going to like a sports game or a concert or something. That's about it Okay. Yeah Yep All right jack. Thank you buddy. Cool. You know, man, i'll see you in a couple weeks. I'm looking forward to meeting you in person Dude, hey, no problem, man. Looking forward to it, too. I'll talk to it. Yep. Thank you. Bye. Bye
Starting point is 01:35:24 Jack rosema. Wow. It's too bad you came in late. That was a day you missed a great one. I know. What an honest man. Yeah. Yeah. I catch myself being like defensive. Like I want to like vet their wives and their girlfriends for them. I catch myself like being like, God, I hope you got a good chick because he's so fucking cool. Well, you're being a good father I hope he got a good chick Because he's so fucking well you're being a good father You're being a good father. Oh, maybe that's what it is Well, I mean you got great kids. You're doing a great job with your boys. Thank you Yeah, I always enjoy them. Did you see all these that the do those three minutes and 52 seconds of burpees I?
Starting point is 01:36:01 Haven't gotten it like I've been so busy at work. I'm so behind on all your I Know I haven't heard from you in a while I know just been crazy busy When you call I'm gonna pretend like it's God calling me Why why I don't know it just makes it more fun, okay Are you in Michigan I am how's the meat diet going north? I don't know, it just makes it more fun. Okay. Are you in Michigan? I am. How's the meat diet going? North.
Starting point is 01:36:30 Perfect. Love it. You're still holding steady? Yeah, I know. I've been doing it for years. I'm not going back. God, I hope someday I get to your level. going back. God, I hope someday I get to your level. You know, you're 10 years younger than me. So I have some time. Or it's time to get started.
Starting point is 01:36:57 Right, I like that. That's even better. Maybe you calling me today will re-inspire me to get on the... and I kind of want to tighten up a little bit before the games because i'm going to be in person with a lot Of people so I kind of I want to put my best foot forward. You know what I mean? Have my skin look nice Not not not so the bottom of my shirt hangs on one of my jelly rolls. It'd be nice if I like Yeah, my shit fit nice I like it when people are like, oh he he looks better than I thought he would. Like that would be great. Little feedback from my cohort.
Starting point is 01:37:29 Yeah, no, you need to like, all those drinks you guys are doing, like you make my you make my skin crawl. Like I don't think I've had a drink in a month now. I don't think I've had a drink in a month. No, no, no, no. All the like, I don't want to. Oh, the fit eights. Oh, no, no, no. All the, like, I don't want to. Oh, the FidAids. Oh, this, oh, oh. Well, how about this? Since I started drinking FidAid, I haven't had a single energy drink. Yeah, I don't know the ingredients of it,
Starting point is 01:37:55 but I mean, just water. Just water. That's fair. What about coffee? A little bit. But you don't drink coffee? Black. Just a little. Yeah. Here and there.
Starting point is 01:38:06 You sound like, do you know this word equanimity? Equanimous? No. Let me look at that before I say something stupid. Okay. Equanimity. Mental calmness, composure, and evenness of temper. Especially in a difficult situation.
Starting point is 01:38:24 Your voice exudes equanimity I appreciate that. Yeah. Hey, but or you're fucking psychopath or you're fucking psychopath one of the two equanimity maybe equanimity Okay, go ahead what about Andrew? Well I saw his podcast with Richard Gerard or whatever and oh the video made the expose he made on Ricky and Alex. Great both of those athletes are great, but holy cow How much sugar can they drop in their body every day they're killing me Oh To to do you think it's unnecessary? I
Starting point is 01:39:19 Know it's unnecessary But but I mean Alex Gazan is like she has to do so much with her body. They would be so, they would be over the top, bigger, fitter, if they just cut out the sugar. Maybe she could try it in the off season. Do you think that maybe she shouldn't meddle with it right now? No, no, no. Don't change a thing now. It's too late.
Starting point is 01:39:57 Because when you do do it, to get your body to run on fat, there will be diminished performance for maybe up to four to six months until your body says, oh, I can use fat for energy and not sugar all the time. So there is a dip. I Love Alex Gazan like her dirt tour their look Yep Yeah, she's she's wonderful
Starting point is 01:40:38 Great personality great hair She probably she probably would plant she she probably plant trees in the garden. Right, right. I don't know I just make shit up about people so I like them even more. But yeah you're doing great your kids are doing great you have great boys you got a great you're Probably one of the best fathers that I could I ever know well, I ever knew I have similar beliefs about myself also Well, you should no shortage of fucking self-belief and confidence here Yeah, Richard's looking good too. God fucking Ricky Gerard is nuts. I'm gonna have that other dude on. Bob, I'm
Starting point is 01:41:35 gonna have this other dude on to Enola Kai. He's been on before and I really liked him. He's coming on in a few days. Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You do great. How's the gym? You've been going to the gym a lot. Every day. Uh, which, what, what crossfit gym are you going to? Are you going to an affiliate?
Starting point is 01:41:55 I can't remember. Yeah. So I think they do affiliated, but but it's still a gym. It's still like they do classes and shit. Yeah. Yeah. And you know, and they say hi to you. And yeah, yeah. Hey, have you actually have you ever converted anyone to just like to where all they do is eat meat? Great question. You probably got a lot of people know how to do probably in the hundreds if not thousands of people started by talking about it.
Starting point is 01:42:30 What's crazy to what? Yeah. So what's what? Let me ask you this. What's the threshold? I was talking to Hiller yesterday about it, about just eating meat again. And he was like, yeah, he said, you have to make it a week. And then the cravings for all the other shit go away
Starting point is 01:42:47 Is that what you said to don't? Yeah, but don't do fruit like I disagree with Hiller and team about I think JR does it to for does meat and fruit Yeah, like it's just sugar and it's just sugar. It's sugar. I mean you guys You guys learn from the best man like Greg, you know You know what you need to do You're right you are right All right, I mean yeah, so so hey, I wish you the best.
Starting point is 01:43:25 Yeah, thanks for calling. Always good to hear your voice. You guys are always doing great. Yeah, talk to you soon. Thank you, thanks buddy. All right, bye. Bye bye. Do you guys know this?
Starting point is 01:43:38 Do you guys know this is, what's his name, Droopy? Do you guys know droopy Do you guys know this guy right here Drupi Hello are you happy people? Doesn't Bob kind of remind you of this dude just a smidge? Hello, are you happy people? Okay more than a smidge. Oh my goodness.
Starting point is 01:44:48 When that dude calls, I feel like my heart could stop moving, like stop beating. He's so paced, so measured. Oh. Oh You guys seen this thing this video going around this compilation of whether Kamala is actually the more Borders are not What did this person just send me? Let me see. I haven't, I haven't watched this yet. Someone just sent this to me.
Starting point is 01:45:40 Let me. Heritage Foundation tweeted this oversight project thing that says, assassination info drop. So it says, four hours of congressional testimony later and we still have more information about the assassination attempt on former President Trump from X and oversight PR than the Secret Service DHS or the FBI. We found the assassin's connections through our in-depth analysis of mobile ad data tracker to track the movements of crooks and his associates.
Starting point is 01:46:11 What? To do this, we tracked devices that regularly visited both crooks' home and place of work and followed them. So think about what they're saying here, though. Analysis of mobile ad data, so the ads are tracking you every step of the way wherever you are. Heritage Foundation tweeted this oversight. Yeah, I saw this. This is basically they're showing the people who've been to his house
Starting point is 01:46:37 have also been to DC. I hope someone looks into it. I so don't want to draw conclusions anymore. Every time I dabble in it, like, it's just there's so many idiots that draw conclusions. Someone sent me to an Instagram account the other day where people were talking about how brilliant Kamala is and that she's going to mop the floor with Trump and the debate and all this shit. And I'm just like, wow, imagine thinking, and that they said that Joe Biden is a Jedi master. I mean, you can't make this shit up, the stuff I was reading. We also just live with just complete fucking income poops. We also just live with just complete fucking nincompoops. I've had people on this show, I think, Phillip Kelly and this guy Paul, who both got COVID really bad and were hospitalized.
Starting point is 01:47:44 But I had to search them out and then and I know some a bunch of people in the comments are going to be like well I know someone who died. I know someone who died. I know someone died But like I don't know anyone who died of covid not one fucking person not one me personally And I don't know anyone personally besides through this through this show where I dig out where anyone was hospitalized not fucking one and yet I know three people who've died of fentanyl and
Starting point is 01:48:15 I know a dozen people who've got myocarditis from the vaccine now I don't know. I mean, just just my own, just my own. Why would I believe like I just trust my own discernment. I don't know anyone who died to COVID. But I know people had heart attacks from the vaccine and got sick from the vaccine. And what was the other thing i said three people what was the other thing who died of fentanyl overdose it's like i just Where's Caleb? Where's Caleb? The doing military shit.
Starting point is 01:49:15 Judy Reid, PK is the only one I know and it's from watching your show. Yeah, him and him and that guy Paul are the only two people like those are the only two I know. But I know people in here like quote unquote know people who died of COVID. Great question, Jonathan. Is it more about the company I keep than the COVID or the vaccine? It totally could be, but even if that is true, let's say it's, well, hey, it's Sevan, it's because you hang around people who eat well and who are healthy. But I also surround myself
Starting point is 01:49:59 with people who don't take the vaccine. And yet I know 12 people. I mean, yeah, it's for sure a factor, right? And where I live, I live in complete I mean, for those of you who don't live around libtards, like I live in like the like, it's wild, the shit I see. Every day. It's wild. You know what the greatest thing is, you know what I'll do? I'll be driving through town, and I'll see a Trump sticker on a truck, like rarely, you know what I'll do? I'll be driving through town and I'll see a Trump sticker on a truck. Like rarely, you know, once a week or something, but more now. Or I saw this truck
Starting point is 01:50:31 driving through town the other day with a Let's Go Brandon and I'll follow it just to watch other They're, they're... Like if, like any man, like the men you see in my town who are like over 20, you still see some fucking tough kids who are like under 25. You see some fucking pretty kind of burly dudes. But anyone over 25, complete fucking jelly roll. Just weak. But anyone over 25 complete fucking jelly roll just weak Unless you go right up to the ocean if you get within a block of the ocean you still you see a lot of fucking Studly old dudes like I'll see 70 year old dudes carrying a fucking surfboard down a flight of stairs and back like it's nothing
Starting point is 01:51:17 But just just the regular run-of-the-mill douche canoes, and I probably live in one of the fittest towns in the country Yeah, I Don't know if it's the capital of the mill douche canoes and I probably live in one of the fittest towns in the country. Yeah. I don't know if it's the capital. See the thing is is Jonathan Ortega says you live in the capital of the libtards. The thing is one interesting thing Jonathan about this area because I'm in a forest that pushes right up against the Pacific Ocean just outside there's tons of fucking the wackadoodle conservative types, you know what I mean? And good ones too, but we have a lot of like, uh, like homesteader types, like lots. Like this used to be a really conservative town on the outskirts of a big city. So we still have, we got a lot of country folk, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:51:56 We have like a little pockets with meth and dirt roads and all that shit. that shit. Nick, so wouldn't it make sense that you don't know anyone who died because you live around libtards who got vaccinated if they were at high risk? My, my co great question. My cohort did not get like, I have a group around me and none of us got vaccinated. And most of us don't don't even have our kids have any vaccines. Like not our kids haven't been poked at all, most of us. And we see those fucking, we see those, we see the ones that did. And by cohort, I mean, my kids, I'm not talking about the people I go like to, like all the kids at tennis are just the fucking normal run of the dime store kids all the kids at jujitsu I mean they're probably all still in the you know top
Starting point is 01:52:52 five percent you know they're not the kind of parents who give their kids Mountain Dew for the most part the skate parks just full of the regular mill the kids just full of the regular milk, the kids. And by regular milk, I mean, I'm talking about the kids, like the kids who show up like to the skate park with like a box, like how I was brought up. You show up with that, well, way worse than how I was brought up.
Starting point is 01:53:18 I mean, like the kids who come like with a box of Ritz crackers and a Capri Sun and you know what I mean? And they don't look like they've showered just your normal fucking run of the mill kid. Uh, you're real. Uh, us politics is wild. Other countries, government corruption is upfront while, uh, us politics corruption is subtle, although we're getting more upfront about it. Um, I saw this guy, I saw a journalist say the other day, um, politics corruption is subtle. Although we're getting more upfront about it.
Starting point is 01:53:48 I saw this guy, I saw a journalist say the other day to someone, hey, it was in Milwaukee. He walked up to a guy and he said, hey, so and so said Trump or someone said Milwaukee's a shithole. Is it true? And the guy said, yeah, it's a complete shithole. Crime is high, this is high, this is high. And the reporter goes, how is that cool to say that if you live here?
Starting point is 01:54:08 And the guy looks at him and he's like, how is it cool? It's the truth. Like, what do you mean, how is it cool? And for me, that's like a form of corruption. Like, you're not gonna say somewhere's a shithole because it wouldn't be cool to say. Hey, how is it that you can't ride your scooter over the butt fucking flag in Portland, but you can burn the flag in D.C.?
Starting point is 01:54:34 I don't understand that. They had the butt fucking flag on painted on the ground in Portland member the rainbow flag and Some kid rode a scooter across it and got in trouble as Vandalism, but people are pulling down flags and burning them and no one's getting in trouble. It's fucking weird That's a good type that BFF the BFF butt fucking flag Five not too many five homeless people is not too many drug addicts is not too many Anyway, I like Jack Rosen he was cool. I liked him a lot. What did someone say in the comments the other day?
Starting point is 01:55:32 New people to the show struggle with the show. What did they say? It's like when I used to make the behind the scenes and people were like, you're not a real sports journalist. You did this, this, and this. It's like, yeah, no shit. I'm not trying to be a real sports journalist you did this this and this it's like yeah no shit I'm not trying to be a real sports journalist Oh Canada's way worse Canada's I suspect Canada's way way way way way way way way way way way worse because Because there's huge pockets of this country huge huge I think the majority of this country like landmass speaking has its shit together it's just these fucking epicenters of complete retardation and
Starting point is 01:56:11 And in God soon as they get true dough It's gonna be so interesting to see what happens to Canada and they really have a hardcore socialist Yeah, we're fucked. Yeah the socialist thing is just a is just a disease. Imagine thinking like socialist, socialist have to take something from someone else. They have to that that's, that's the that's the engine for socialism. Take give, take give, take give. Capitalism is just give, bring bring just bring shit to the market just bring bring bring bring like you can't play the capitalism game until someone brings something socialist
Starting point is 01:56:51 game is just take that's the the the catalyst for the for the explosion socialism is fucking disgusting Uh, of course, Jack is cool. Uh, he's a damn cool mill guy. Most mill dudes are into, most mill dudes who are into actual CrossFit are cool. Yeah, he's cool as shit. Neighbor material adds value to the neighborhood. Like if Jack's there, like your neighborhood's cooler. Some of you probably don't remember Karl Malone. NBA great Karl Malone states he has finally made peace with the son he conceived at 22 with a 13 year old girl. Weren't we just talking about this yesterday? How? I suspend judgment but fucking a dude. Fuck. And hey,
Starting point is 01:58:24 here's the thing. This is the thing about I always talk about steroids to the lie the line is what sucks and because it's illegal people lie around it and So the line sucks, so he fucking lies and I guess this just is just a I guess nothing No system is perfect he lies about having sex there because he doesn't want to go to jail because having sex with a 13 year old is completely fucking disgusting. And he lies about it, but he lies about it because he doesn't want to go to jail.
Starting point is 01:58:57 But then because he lies about it, he doesn't pay child support. Whereas if they were to let him be honest about it He would have lost his NBA career and maybe gone to jail, but she would have gotten some child support Yeah, I don't know. It's just fucked. What a mess What a mess I would like to hear that woman get interviewed Gloria Bell woman get interviewed Gloria Bell
Starting point is 01:59:32 I'm how does a 22 year old superstar in the NBA end up fucking a 13 year old girl We talked about this yesterday in a recent video a former employee for mr. B says the YouTube star knew about his friend Chris talking to minors But it's the tip of the iceberg and mr beast is done when everything gets exposed chris tyson now known as ava chris tyson has quit the youtube channel following these allegations mr beast has the most popular youtube channel in the world with an audience of mostly children yeah you know what i i i i fucked up yesterday roll i was like well rolling stone at least started the article right. You know what it is? It's a fucking, after digging Lamar, it's a complete fucking disgusting cover up of fucking abusing children. And I should, I, I, I think I'm just too tolerant.
Starting point is 02:00:22 Like fuck that guy for fucking having kids and then getting a sex change operation. Fuck him for texting with a 14 year old. Like why would I never, like I told you the other day, I heard one of those girls on Kill Taylor as soon as someone in the comments said she was 17, I hung up on her. Get the fuck out of here. Fuck you. If you're a fucking kid, get the fuck out of here. You should be fucking practicing your cursive or outside playing catch with your dad.
Starting point is 02:00:53 Be watching the fucking internet. Texting with a 14 year old. Hold on, let me turn off the music. I'm outside Mr. Beast's studio right now. Here's a cornfield, I'll explain that tomorrow. I've just been driving by looking to see, is there an FBI raid going on, what's happening? My name is Dawson, I worked at Mr. Beast
Starting point is 02:01:19 from February to May of this year, 2024. Chris is the tip of the iceberg. And when Jake the Viking says, Mr. Beast knew, yeah Mr. Beast knew. I heard many times that Ava, Chris Tyson, is a major liability but they can't get rid of her because she's already threatened legal action and she knows too much. And when all this information comes out about everything that she knew, everything other people know, I promise you on everything Mr. Beast has done. Amazon, if you can get your money back, get your money back.
Starting point is 02:01:58 Hold on, let me turn off the music. Yeah, you don't apologize for shit you didn't do. You don't apologize for shit you didn't do. You don't apologize for shit you didn't do. And does it surprise me that the number one guy in the kids' space is surrounded by pitos? Not at all. Does it surprise you that Nickelodeon, the church, Disney... Does it surprise you that there's not just fucking pitos everywhere there anywhere where there's fucking preschools Elementary schools, that's what it's being run by two young dudes with shitloads of money Fuck that
Starting point is 02:02:43 Doodle Bob doing 85% of the time is hard. No way 100% for me would be doable. I think you're talking about eating meat. I tried to go two weeks once, failed three days in, because I have to have Faro, Quinoa, or Goose Goose. Goose Goose.
Starting point is 02:03:02 I was thinking about you the other day, Ken, because I have all these mint training cards on my desk now. It's I need to figure out what to do with them. And I was thinking, I can't even manage 40 cards and you have like 1000s of cards, right? 10s of 1000s. Ariel Loewen. I hope I don't get like attached to any of these.
Starting point is 02:03:24 Christine Kolenbrander. Saval Matosian. My ink on the back is, I can't even read what it says on the back. It's too small. Who's this? Hattie Canyou. That one should actually live on my desk with Colton. Hattie Can you? That one should actually live on my desk with Colton. Colton, Tyson and Hattie. Hattie Can you? Maybe Dillon Pepper. See what I'm saying?
Starting point is 02:03:50 Like I don't have room for all these but... Hey, am I supposed to give these away? Wadzombie? These ones with me on them. Do I bring these to the games? Alex Guzzan? God, I love Alex. Jason Hopper.
Starting point is 02:04:12 Oh, Alexis Raptis. Is my Alexis Raptis fading? It better not be. I want my money back. I don't even keep this shit in the sun. Did I just fuck this card up by touching it with my finger? I don't even keep this shit in the sun. Did I just fuck this card up by touching it with my finger? Shit. Uh. Daniel Brandon.
Starting point is 02:04:38 I have two Alexis Raptices. God, I hope Alexis beats Daniel this year. Ben Smith. We do. I'm glad we vetted Rosamah. Now Rosamah is like, he's in like Flint. Now Jack Rosamah guy. Oh shit, look at this. Geez. I have so many more. Oh These are ones Patrick Clark gave me I found these the other day he gave me all these Tyson Beijing cards If you want to learn more about Jack you should go over to to Kipping It Real and watch the podcast he did with him. Like I didn't even like uncover Jack.
Starting point is 02:05:27 Like if you want to, oh, here's another Tyson Bajan. That's what I'm saying. Like I have too many cards. I should just do a show on just how I play with cards. Oh, Emily Rolfe. She has a great body. It's a nice one to have. Yamehagaya. Mejagaya Jeffrey Adler another Tyson Bajan you think I was into the NFL fuck this is just a this is chaos I got my Ariel lowen one signed. I let Dylan eat dinner with me for a signed Ariel lowen card Yeah, Jack's legit
Starting point is 02:06:07 Jack so legit Remember how the other day I was talking about how like I think that like whatever you eat like I think the major problem with Why we have retards is what they eat like that. We retarded people by why we have retards is what they eat. Like that we retarded people by like that's why you're like you're a tranny or you can't think critically like that food consumption plays a huge role. Conjure was a doctor studying tuberculosis back in the 30s I believe in California. He was using the adrenal glands of cats to see if he could find a cure for tuberculosis and what he would do is he would take these adrenals out of the cats and what was happening was the cats were staying alive even after they had had their adrenal glands removed. So he thought it was very interesting so he started kind of working further on the cats. Everybody in the community caught
Starting point is 02:06:53 on to what he was doing and they were bringing him all these wild cats and at the time he was feeding them a diet of cooked meat, raw milk, and cod liver oil. He ended up with so many cats that he had to turn to the local butcher to get scraps to feed the cats. And what he noticed is the cats that were fed the raw scraps were thriving. Not only were they thriving, but the survival rate for the adrenalectomies increased in the cats that were eating the raw scraps from the butcher. And so once he discovered what he discovered with these cats eating the raw meat, he started playing around with
Starting point is 02:07:23 the diet even further and he started giving the cats more processed foods like sweetened condensed milk. The cats that were fed sweetened condensed milk and the cooked foods, which was not a specie specific diet for cats, they started developing disease. After seven generations of feeding cats bad food, they stopped procreating. They couldn't have babies anymore. The females became aggressive and the males became docile. Isn't that interesting? What do we see happening? Seven generations of feeding them shit and the males become docile and the women become aggressive Right now it's happening to us. We are eating a non species specific diet
Starting point is 02:08:00 We are not meant to eat these selectively bred and a male that doesn't believe in himself is a danger to everyone. It's like basically like lives... Because somewhere inside of us, we're at our calmest when we're at our most capable. We're least threatening when we're most capable. A man is most dangerous when he's the least capable. Plants that used to be highly toxic, that are now just halfway toxic, and not eating our true food, which is meat. Dr. Pottinger was a doctor.
Starting point is 02:08:31 That chick looks like she fucks good. I'm just saying, on top of all the good information she gave. Seve, do you still eat raw hamburger meat? No, but the other day I ate a steak that was damn near raw. Do I have an Eric Rosa card? No No wild zombies should make an eric rosa card. That's fucking brilliant Wow Wow Maybe i'll eat, uh, so maybe i'll eat a package of raw hamburger meat right now, just in honor of SpongeBob. Oh
Starting point is 02:09:33 Oh the that's cool The kid who's like probably like the best Nine year old skater in town his mom just text me and Haley and said you wanted obviousby to he wants to skate with obby today shit I'm going to do that take him over there and when do you get to the park that's awesome I always get flattered when that happens Anyway, don't eat don't eat garbage turn you fucking pussy I Definitely don't need too much process shit. I don't think I've been eating a lot of I've been eating a lot of plums lately and Haley says it makes the whole house smell like shit. Hi babe! Yes it does.
Starting point is 02:10:29 Hi. Um, hold on you're popping. Hold on. How, can you hear me? How close are the boys to being done? Wait, I lost you. How close are the boys to being done? Close Avi has
Starting point is 02:10:55 Ari's already gone obvious doing piano and then they do Armenian. Wait, who's already gone? Ari he's not worried your mom. Oh dumb playing piano. Okay. With your mom. Oh, oh, dumb playing piano, okay. No, like, yeah. Okay, and there's only one kid left on piano? An Armenian. Okay, so I could probably leave at 9.30. Maybe 9.40, yeah. I don't fart, I don't fart a lot, 9.40.
Starting point is 02:11:22 I don't fart a lot like. 9.45. In general, just the last month. Like, do you believe me that it's just plums? I could have't fart a lot. 940. I don't fart a lot like 945 in general. Just the last month. Like, do you believe me that it's just plums? I could have been eating a lot of plums. I've been finding plums all over the yard and just been eating. I find one and just wipe it off and eat it. Yeah, I mean, I think that's very plausible.
Starting point is 02:11:40 I am. I don't even I want you to know that half the time I don't even know. Oh, you think it might be the alulose from those Alright sugar bars. I don't know how many do you eat a day? I usually have one Maybe it's the combination. Oh just one. Yeah, no, but when I was just eating those before the plums got ripe. I wasn't farting That's true Yeah, I know. It's probably the plums. Well, let's see after plum season what it smells like in here. What sucks is like, I don't even know I fart. I've reached that age where anytime I just move, it just seeps out of my butt now.
Starting point is 02:12:11 Oh my God. You know what I mean? Like you'll be like, you're like, did you fart? And I'm like, I don't even know. I think you're in denial. All right. Maybe I just have poor self-awareness. I think you're in denial. All right. Maybe I just have poor self-awareness.
Starting point is 02:12:31 Okay, bye. I don't. What? You broke up. What? Hello? Hello? Testing. Can you hear me now? Yeah. I'll be in in a minute.
Starting point is 02:12:53 Okay. Bye. Bye. So everyone's the CF games fasting start should have started already. I fasted two days ago. I should probably should do it again. I'll probably drop five pounds or 10 pounds at the games anyway, because I just stopped eating and because I'm moving so much. There was there was something in here. Oh, what did News new some dude didn't someone said new some gruesome new some Newsome blast school board Gavin signs news
Starting point is 02:13:38 Oh Yeah, this is just crazy look at if you type in new some look at it's fucking crazy So, you know, they have all of these that you know they have all these like laws and measures that like protect like non white people like Like they'll be like They'll be like hey, we're not gonna release security cam footage at the local subway of criminals Doing criminal activity that we catch on the cameras because it leads to racism.
Starting point is 02:14:07 But basically what they're saying is 90% of the crimes that the subway cameras capture are done by black people and because of that, they don't wanna release the footage because it'll build stereotypes about black people. Now, of course it will build stereotypes about black people. That's just fucking, you can't stop that. But is that the reason not to release it? No, that's fucking insane. That's called racism. That's and all that does is make people start
Starting point is 02:14:33 to fucking hate each other. Well, they do the same thing for gay people in California. Listen to this. Governor Newsom signs bill to protect sex offenders who have homosexual sex with minors. There's there's's a, there was a, this is a couple of years ago, but there was recently one that they just stopped. They stopped some sort of pedophile bill from passing through that would punish pedophiles. Just happened last week. And their reasoning was, is it would disproportionately affect trans people? Like, how... Aren't you just admitting at that point that trans people have a disproportional amount of pedophilia within their cohort?
Starting point is 02:15:18 I mean, I just can't believe they say this shit out loud. I will wear... Yeah, yeah, thank you. I have... I got new shorts. Thank you out loud. I will wear yeah yeah thank you I have I got new shorts thank you JJ I appreciate that that kind of stings but I need a little honesty in my life I got new shorts. Fasting is to performance what K taketake is to fractured femurs. I don't know what K-take is, but yeah, my performance just suffers when I fast. Have you seen the video of the man being stamped on in at the Manchester airport. No.
Starting point is 02:16:11 They are not born primitive shorts. I did get a bunch of born primitive shorts and they're still like a little cargoey and thick on me. It's a different brand. Thanks for asking and fucking things up for me. Appreciate it. I don't want to. I have found the best shorts and the best. I have these joggers that I'm in love with. I can't wait for winter to come so I can start wearing them again. Some of my guy friends tell me I look like I'm wearing pajamas, but I don't give a shit. My vindicate shorts are nice. They're really short, but they are nice
Starting point is 02:16:51 Get the jorts oh from born primitive. Oh, I should do that That's a fucking great idea. I did actually like those born primitive. Let me look at their my wife just got the My wife just got the born primitive. Let me look at their my wife just got the my wife just got the born primitive jorts. If I was a girl I would only rock American flag bathing suits. Let me see. Man, bottoms, shorts. These right here, you think I should get these? these. I have to be able to wear belt. I have these. I have to be able to wear a belt or I have to be able to wear a belt or else they just they probably just won't stay on they'll fall off
Starting point is 02:18:16 are these all the same these stretchy ones stretchy flex gray stretchy flex Stretchy Flex Grey, Stretchy Flex Light Wash. Oh, they are. Okay. And what color should I get? They have blue, blue. Do I get 6-inch? Is that too short? Color wash. Geez, those are short.
Starting point is 02:18:39 American flag shorts? Jesus. Are those stretchy? I don't think my cock would fit in there. Wow. That's some buttery bro shit right there. Right? Black? I think I have to do black.
Starting point is 02:18:59 What size would I get? Size chart? Uh... Medium. God, medium might be too small. I don't know. Alright, thanks for shopping with me. Saturday, kill Taylor. I spoke to Taylor. I don't know if the workout is set in place yet. Oh, the mom just texted me back. She'll be at the skate park at 9 45. Alright, thanks guys. Oh wait, what's today? Today's Wednesday? Is today Wednesday?
Starting point is 02:19:56 No, today's Thursday. Let me see. I think Shut Up and Scribble is today, but I don't see it on the calendar Didn't shut up and scribble usually on Thursdays Tomorrow morning we have Two guests I think one of them is in a no that guest canceled guest canceled too. Tomorrow we just have Enola Kai. All right bitchin'. All right, I'll see you guys tomorrow, and then tomorrow probably do a CrossFit Games Update show.
Starting point is 02:20:40 I'm sure there'll be more announcements if there hasn't been more announcements of the games. All right, talk to you guys later. Bye-bye.

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