The Sevan Podcast - James Newbury | Not Your Normal Affiliate Member #880

Episode Date: April 15, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I'll be doing awesome living the dream. Clean socks. Bam. We're live. Clean socks, coffee, James Newberry. Yeah. Stuff. Even I can sound that out.
Starting point is 00:00:22 Proud of you. Thank you. I just sent you the notes got him you demand god you demand putting on my oh look at naimi i grabbed i grabbed my wife's socks i got i'm put wearing lululemon socks how bougie of you yes yes yes good guys. Glad you guys could all join us. Piling in. Good to see all you guys. James, dude, James, you and I have never met, right? We've walked past each other a couple of times.
Starting point is 00:00:54 Yes, I'm sure many times we've walked past each other, yeah. But we've never formally met. No, no, we haven't. Yeah, I always thought that that was a bit of a trip because we were in the same space for, I mean, you went to the Games for the first time in 2016, but you went to the Regionals for the first time in 2012. Correct.
Starting point is 00:01:14 And CrossFit and James are synonymous for sure in Australia. So it's cool. Thanks for doing this. Thanks for coming on. I really appreciate it. No, I appreciate you guys letting me on. I've been wanting to do this for such a long time oh you da man and then i got tagged someone sent me a message saying hey savannah's talking about you on the podcast whenever any when i first started the podcast
Starting point is 00:01:39 two years ago whenever anyone would call with an australian accent i would always say james thank you for calling in. What's the odd? And I would always pretend like it's you. I love it. I love it. No, I'm really wrapped to be on here, guys. So I'm excited for a good chinwag.
Starting point is 00:01:55 Cool. A good chinwag. I like that. I haven't heard that. I already learned something. Where are you? What country are you in? I'm in Australia at the moment.
Starting point is 00:02:03 I'm on the Gold Coast, which is basically the middle of the East Coast, right on the water. I'm about 200 meters from the beach and we've got the canals just down here. It's a pretty cool spot. Yeah, that sounds like a good life. That's home for you? That's where you sleep at night and get shelter and have a refrigerator and stuff? Yeah, I've got a fridge here. Yep. And there's not much else. It's pretty much, it's pretty basic. I've just got this couch because it was given to me. But aside from that, mate, I was here for the better part of six months with basically a fridge, a bed, a knife, a fork, a spoon, a plate and a bowl. And that was pretty much it. So I like not having much and I've got my whiteboards here, but that's about it. And why is that? Why do you like not having much?
Starting point is 00:02:46 Because I love to travel around and I love to move. I don't plan on moving anywhere from here because the Gold Coast is such a good spot, but I like having less things. I like doing things. I like meeting people, doing things and moving my body around. And I don't like having much stuff, if that makes sense like minimalist stuff like I've got a bike like my bike is pretty good but I like riding my bike so I kind of lash out on the things that are good habits to have like having a nice bike or um you know having nice stuff to go like nice shoes to run in or um you know if it's a mountain downhill mountain bike if I if I get stuck into that or a surfboard like, like I'll lash out and get a nice surfboard or a nice wetsuit.
Starting point is 00:03:28 Things are going to, you know, aid me in the things I actually like to do rather than just having things that will sit around here and never get used. I was thinking that it was time consumption, like basically like, hey, all I need is the pot I cook in a fork. I'll I'll cook in this pot, then I'll eat out of this pot, and then that's all I have to wash. And then I can get to what I really want to do, which is bike. Yeah. Yeah. Well, it does make your life so much more efficient. And especially when you are in and out.
Starting point is 00:03:59 And I'm in and out every week. I'll probably travel interstate. I'll go to Sydney. I'll go to Melbourne. I'll be in Perth back to Adelaide um and I'm traveling around once a week so if I've just got just the bare minimum stuff I can get in and get out and then you know it's very simple for me like it's I'm I'm I would say productive rather than say busy um but I'm trying to be as productive as I possibly can if
Starting point is 00:04:23 I've got more things lying around here then it's more it's more stuff that i have to worry about and it does um it does get you uh procrastinating a lot and i don't like to procrastinate i like to just get stuff done yeah it's crazy i've had phases in my life where you have a whole area let's say a garage or an attic of stuff and you spend two days of your life just moving it around you don't actually do anything with it you shuffle it camping gear stuff that you haven't used in 10 years that you're afraid to throw away and there does become a point in your life i think if you're wise that you just start ditching everything well how funny you say that because this has happened to me a couple of times as well and when i moved up here to the gold coast I came from Adelaide. I was in Geelong in between there for about nine months. But when I did move,
Starting point is 00:05:08 I got rid of so much stuff and it was such a weight off my shoulders. And I don't get really attached to anything of material presence. I kind of can see it go, it doesn't bother me. But there was one podcast that I listened to and along the way, it was talking about selling three items per week that you don't ever use. So go around the house, find these items that you haven't touched in 12 months and chuck them up on Gumtree or I'm not sure what you have over there, Trading Post or something like that or eBay and sell them. And you can be like ticking over and making like an extra $100, $150 a week for
Starting point is 00:05:45 stuff that you haven't even touched in 18 months time. And then you also declutter your house and you're more concise with the things that you have in the house and you're just more efficient day to day. It's like taking the weight off the ankles in a sense. Yeah. Do you ditch a lot of clothes? Well, yes. I donate all my clothes. So usually I take it to the gym and I'll say to the gym, hey, check this out. Take what you want. Whatever doesn't get taken from here, I'll take down and I'll donate to local St. Vinny's or something like that or a local shelter and they can take them and do what they will
Starting point is 00:06:18 with them. Yeah, you get more shirts than you know what to do with, huh? Yeah, exactly. you know what to do with huh yeah exactly and especially when you're either with a sponsorship um you'll get given like the new season stuff so you're always getting new stuff and i don't like to see it go away so i always make sure that i don't if i get offered hey do you want this new thing um and if i don't need it or it's not required for say like a shoot or something like that i'll usually i'll usually say no because you know waste not want not i don't want to waste anything but if i do have stuff i try and get it
Starting point is 00:06:49 out as well so my cupboard's not full of full of things that aren't going to get worn it's interesting right that's an interesting dynamic you go visit a uh let's say you go visit a box and you train there and they give you a shirt and you know they they give you the shirt and you you're damned if you do and you're damned if you don't you know they they give you the shirt and you you're damned if you do and you're damned if you don't you know as soon as you see the shirt you're never going to wear it but if you don't take it you seem like an asshole yeah well it's like i feel like it's some i don't i'm just making this up it seems like it's some like sort of like you know like asians i think japanese people when they hand you something they hand it to you with two hands
Starting point is 00:07:23 there's like a formality and like you're you're in. Not that I care about insulting someone, but I want to allow people to fulfill their destiny, too. So they're giving you this thing. Right. And you want to you want to allow them to live out what they need to live out. Yeah, I'm not. It's weird. So I usually take it and then just immediately find a friend. Like, yeah, I got this shirt yeah yeah that's awesome like I do feel the same like I do agree with you so much as you you want to you want them to feel you want to feel that like the gratitude of them giving you this gift and you want to you want to take them up on it but also you don't want to be wasteful so um yeah
Starting point is 00:08:01 it's a bit of both but yeah I do have luckily I do travel around to a lot of boxes and I'm getting better and better at saying, hey, look, I don't want to waste it. I want to wear it, but I also don't want to waste it. And I might wear it once. So don't waste it on me. Give it to the next person. Or if I do get stuff, I do give it either to my brothers or give it to the other local gyms that I go around to. Like, you know, I'm with a company now that, you know, is super generous with clothing. And if it's going to get wasted, I'll make sure I get, get it donated or give it to somebody who's going to,
Starting point is 00:08:33 Hey, listen, I'm not going to be able to give this shirt to anyone with more than 10,000 followers. It's a complete. Yeah. Extra, extra sloppy. 999 as a normal affiliate member that there's nothing normal about any of the listeners but nice try it was always uh it always means a lot when prominent figures in the space such as you james participate at affiliates newberry is the man pump you have them on oh that's nice thanks for that i wonder i wonder if this person's australian extra sloppy oh that's cool. Yeah, well, I actually came from a box this morning.
Starting point is 00:09:07 I went down and I coached a class at a gym in Brisbane, which is about an hour from here. And yeah, it was mega. I met a bunch of cool people. And I did the same thing in Sydney yesterday. I got back from Sydney last night. So I'm visiting a new gym at least once a week. Why?
Starting point is 00:09:23 Well, number one, so I used to own a gym in Adelaide and I coached a lot for the better part of 10 years. The last probably handful of years, I didn't coach as much because I was getting prepped for the games and things like that. And I wanted to, you know, reserve all my energy for training.
Starting point is 00:09:39 But nowadays it lets me get back into coaching a class from time to time, but it's not on a schedule. I can just pick and choose when I want to do them which is great and then um i also am taste testing one of my new products too so i i punch in and teach an hour class teach them crossfit and then i also talk about my new product my new business so it uh kind of does a double up there and I get to do the best of both things. So tell me about this new product. And so basically you'll call a gym and be like, hey, this is James. I'd like to come in and share some of my product with your members.
Starting point is 00:10:15 And I'll even teach a class. And they're like, really? That's awesome. Come on in. And then so you make some drinks and put them through a workout. Yeah, that's exactly right. So if they typically, yeah, if someone wanted me to go down
Starting point is 00:10:27 and say, just run a workshop, I could go down and run a workshop and it would be a particular amount or I'll say, hey, look, I'll run the workshop for free. I'll coach a class. I'll talk about lifestyle, nutrition. I'll talk about performance,
Starting point is 00:10:39 things that I've implemented into my lifestyle to boost performance, get ready for the CrossFit Games, give some insight into that, open up a Q&A. But I want to be able to do a taste testing for your members. And if you would like to take the product on and sell it inside your box, then I'll be able to set that up to it at the same time. Is the goal of one box? Are you going to do this for a year, 52 boxes, 52 weeks? I want, well, I'm actually doing a little bit more than that. The aim was
Starting point is 00:11:02 to do 300 over the next two years. Yeah. Oh, you're a beast. Wow. That's cool. Well, I'm actually doing a little bit more than that. The aim was to do 300 over the next two years. Yeah. Oh, you're a beast. Wow. That's cool. Will you work? So that means some two days, like morning and evening, or yes, that means some two days, right?
Starting point is 00:11:18 Yeah. So I'm basically at the moment. So over the course of, say, a two-yearyear period I'd have to be visiting a few each week but for instance the last three days in Sydney I visited three gyms well four gyms whilst I was there over a two-day period so I'm busting out a few and I've got I had one this morning I've got another one tomorrow morning so this week I'm doing like six yeah are you liking that I love it I love it the thing that's really firing me up at the moment, and I guess I'm going from a background of all in on training, CrossFit, laser focus, nothing gets in the way of it. And I've just redirected my focus to all in focused on this business, which I absolutely love. And I'm waking up every day early in the morning, like I get up at the same time every day, just before 4.30. And I'm so pumped to get out of bed to get after it and i'm really enjoying at the moment going in doing my 5 30 a.m class which is how i train these days i do classes i don't do extracurricular programming outside of that i'll run on the weekend and i
Starting point is 00:12:16 might sprint once a week and then i'll ride my bike whenever it's convenient and then i will basically bust in and try and go out and meet people. So I'm having just, you know, what's firing me up is meeting people, networking, meeting people, saying g'day, and, you know, just sharing some knowledge that I've picked up over the last decade of competing, and then also, yeah, just having a blast just getting around. I love travel. I hate planes, but I love travel.
Starting point is 00:12:40 So I'm kind of mixing all the things that I enjoy, and so every day I wake up and I'm stoked. You just jump in a car. You're driving. Yeah, I'll either drive. So last weekend, I drove about three and a half hours south, visited a local CrossFit gym on the coast where my grandparents live. So I got to see my grandparents, stopped in a couple of supplement stores, and then also dropped into the local box down in Sawtelle. And yeah, I did a class with those guys actually just jumped in and just said, Hey i just jump in and participate in class and i was just like stoked and no flying you're avoiding flying well i do i do fly a fair bit i fly mostly every week but oh i prefer not to i prefer not to but i don't like it that much. Within Australia, you fly. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:25 Yeah. It's like to get anywhere in Australia, like to go from Gold Coast to, say, Sydney is an hour flight. From Sydney to Melbourne is another hour flight. Melbourne to Adelaide is another hour flight. So everywhere is at least a couple of hours. And then if we want to go from here over to the West Coast, it's like six hours. Oh, God. That's like six hours. Oh God. God, that's like the United States.
Starting point is 00:13:47 I'm done flying. Yeah. I don't know. I don't know what happened to me. I used to fly every weekend. I am done flying. Yeah. It'll,
Starting point is 00:13:54 I'll get to that point too. How old are you, James? 32. And what's the product that you're, is it your product? Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:03 Yeah. It's my product. It's so maybe, what date was it? The 16th of October last year, I launched a company with my naturopath called Fiber. And we started out with our first product was a plant-based protein. Spell it for me. P-H-Y-B-A. Okay. And I wanted to create, that's the one. yba okay and i wanted to create that's the one and i wanted to create a plant-based protein that covered a few things um a few key benefits uh i kept getting asked as a as a plant-based athlete myself i kept getting asked oh where do you eat protein from and i'd always say you know tofu
Starting point is 00:14:37 tempeh beans legumes nuts seeds all that type of stuff but i also said i'm a massive fan of smoothies and they're just like oh what type of protein do you use and i was like i never was i never could quite tell give someone hey i really love this protein it's like hey i use this one but it kind of sucks about this and this is not so good about it so i ended up creating a protein that i actually really love and like and can be and can talk passionately about so i end up just creating my own and um yeah i'm pretty stoked with how it's turned out it's it's a it's a really funky mix of you know four different protein blends but it is super smooth typically plant protein is a bit chalky but it's smooth it tastes great has a complete amino acid profile and it also has a really cool postbiotic blend in
Starting point is 00:15:18 there too to help the guts so yeah i'm pretty pumped about it you know what i just learned So, yeah, I'm pretty pumped about it. You know what I just learned, James, that was tripping me out? Gorillas. Yeah. They're not actually getting their nutrition from the food they eat. Yeah, I saw this. I think I saw this little snippet of a podcast talking about this.
Starting point is 00:15:42 It's the bacteria eats the food they eat, then shits in their stomach, and that's the gorilla's food. I was like that i was like that is that is incredible yeah so that's a really that's a really interesting and insightful topic to talk about that fermentation process on the inside of the gut so we have as you guys probably know we have specific bacteria on the inside of our stomach some people have maybe a thousand species other people might have 500 some people have more or less depending on you know um you know what your parent like it's also due to what was put in there at the start also if you run antibiotic cycles throughout your life as well you probably killed off a few species of bacteria at the same time but we do have a lot
Starting point is 00:16:18 of people talk about well gorillas they don't eat they don't eat meat or animal products and look how strong they are but there is a difference here. They have a wide variety of different bacteria that we don't have. They can produce a bunch of different things that we can't produce. But in saying that, it also is a really cool topic to talk about because what you're talking about, those bacteria that basically shit out the things that they need, all of those are the cool postbiotics that we're talking about and the postbiotic materials stuff that does all the wonderful things inside the body. So that's what we love to emphasize. We're, we're fanatics for postbiotics.
Starting point is 00:16:51 Yeah. That, what rekindled me thinking about that is I watched a podcast with you and that cat that's, um, I don't know if he's your business partner, but he's got like a fro. Yeah. Matty. Yeah. So he was talking about that with you and i started tripping because we had another guy on here his body was insane uh he was a jujitsu practitioner i can't remember his name he was one of dana white's friends from growing up do you remember that guy's name caleb yeah i can't remember his name either but he said his body was insane, and he only ate with one goal in mind, gut health. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:28 And I've heard like just slight rumblings of that like from my wife now and again, like the importance of gut health. And she has some shit in the fridge, right? And the kids have to drink some shit every once in a while from Whole Foods. And it's got like 37 billion. And i'm just like looking at these giant numbers of shit it's gotten it i'm like fuck that and i'll just throw one down occasionally um but that guy was that guy was touching on that and i was like wow maybe there maybe there's i mean that guy in your podcast was attributing everything to it. Yeah. Like basically you could be doing everything perfect, but if you don't have the bacteria in your gut to process all these perfect
Starting point is 00:18:09 things, then, then it can't be utilized. Are we really like, so we got a little gorilla in us. I guess that's not a surprise. Yeah. Well, the funny thing is, this is what we're learning more and more recently is that you might have say, so what we've, what we've kind of come to the conclusion of nowadays is the more diverse the species in the gut microbiome the more chance you have of creating all these really cool post-biotic compounds that are going to add to your health
Starting point is 00:18:37 and wellness and longevity so if we have a very diverse gut microbiome with lots of species and we also consume a varied diet with lots of colors pigments fragrances and we can add them in so we're getting a ton of really cool prebiotic material prebiotic fibers we're also going to be feeding those gut microbes and each one of those gut microbes might be producing a different type of postbiotic material or postbiotic compound and those compounds are the things that you, might decrease inflammation or feed the bacteria on the gut lining, or might, you know, send signals to create satellite cells to help increase muscle growth. They're doing all the really cool things. Is that really true? Is what you're saying true? Or is it speculative? No, it's true. It's true. These are facts. These are facts. So
Starting point is 00:19:23 mood and mood too, right? And it goes, yes, and mood and. It's true. These are facts. These are facts. And mood and mood too, right? Yes, and mood and it goes both ways. So you might have a beautiful diet filled with great quality macronutrients, great quality micronutrients. You might be getting all the phytochemicals, all the good stuff. But then you might work in a job that is super stressful, doesn't make you happy, doesn't make you feel fulfilled. You're constantly sitting in that fight or flight state and that'll just wreak havoc on your guts. And if you're in that state all the time, all the good food that you're eating and all the good gut microbes that you might have present in your gut might just be going to waste because you're in a situation of constant stress and you're feeling unfulfilled on a regular basis. So this is a holistic approach that we're talking about is that we wanna try and be fulfilled with our nutrition,
Starting point is 00:20:11 our sleep, our recovery, our lifestyle, the people we hang around, the social settings that we're in, but also making sure that we're supplying ourselves with things that make us feel fulfilled and happy and excited. Yeah, crazy, right? Look at that pussy vegan
Starting point is 00:20:25 my god that is nuts right there that's uh ped accusations look at your lats there that is ridiculous it's so funny i've actually had someone comment on there saying he's definitely on the gear i'm just like i don't know what you're even talking about well you know what you know what you're kind of proof of is you have this you have the do you remember pat barber yeah yeah you have the pat barber phenomenon going for sure you um the difference between you when you step into a gym from when you step out is crazy i was looking at like picture you look like almost like just a normal like skater dude when you walk into a gym and when you get pumped up you are crazy looking yeah i think the lighting in this photo is just really good to be honest because i look at it and go holy shit do i
Starting point is 00:21:08 normally look like that all the time or what it's a lot of meat on your back dude that is a lot of meat i've done a lot of i've done a lot of pull-ups in my day hey you know guys like side boob i wonder if girls like side lat because i love the fact that you can see your lats from the front is is pretty fucking cool i had someone comment the other day and i was like hey what's your most uh attractive feature about a male and she said to me lat yeah i'd love to see lat i love a lat but on top of pat barb talking about Pat Barber run, ran my level one that I partook in, in 2011. Wow. He ran it.
Starting point is 00:21:49 Hey, doesn't that speak volumes of this community and this kind of this company and we're like, even the people I kind of like hate, I kind of love them too. They're like my brothers and sisters. Like I would do shit for them. Like if they called me and we're like,
Starting point is 00:22:03 Hey, I got a flat tire. Like I, in the middle of the night, I'd go help them. Oh yeah. A hundred percent. Even though I can't stand you. I just feel like I really, it's not that I can't, it's not really that I can't stand
Starting point is 00:22:13 you. It's like, it's like, it just feels like high school. Even the people I didn't like in high school. Like if I ran into you now, I'd be like, Oh my God. So good to see you. Yeah. Yeah. No, I feel.
Starting point is 00:22:22 Yeah. That's funny. And so it's like that. that right and it's like that because we're all so connected pat barber lives down the street from me pat barber lives eight miles from me yeah you know what i mean it's like it's crazy that's a grumpy uh grumpy dad 14 uh 14.99 why why um why thank you by the way i love money that money's so cool it allows me to purchase other human beings energy thank you um why why prior to 4 30 why not at 4 30 you said you get up just prior to 4 30 because it's the precise i get up up at 4.27 is when I set my alarm. But it gives me the precise amount of time to get up, do my exact same routine each morning
Starting point is 00:23:11 before I leave the house. And I probably get up and I can get from the point at which I get out of bed and leave the door. I get a couple of things done, go to the bathroom. I get hydrated. So I have some water.
Starting point is 00:23:21 I get dressed, grab my stuff and then go down to the local cafe. And I can get there to be the first one to order coffee because there's a local cafe that opens at 5am here every morning, seven days a week, 365. And it gets me first in line. So I don't have to wait. And so in those three minutes are important. Because then I get to the cafe at exactly 455. And then I'm beat the rush at five o'clock. Okay. And, um, do you get stressed out if something happens that knocks that off? Or do you accept it? Yeah, I, yes, yes. I, I don't try and get too stressed about it, but yes, it does. It makes me think to myself, how am i going to avoid this next time how do i avoid this happening again and typically because i need to i like to get a
Starting point is 00:24:10 little bit of work done before i go to the 5 30 a.m class and if i have to wait 10 minutes i don't have enough time to get my socials done so typically what i do before the 5 30 class is i'll do my personal socials and my replies because i get back to every single reply that comes through my dms and then same thing for fiber and then I also upload a reel of some description or a post for fiber first thing in the morning um and if that real thing takes me longer then I'm out of whack and if I don't get it done before the 5 30 a.m class I'm a little stressed like if you took a fat ass shit when you woke up and then the toilet had to be plunged and then the plunger has to be dealt with now you've lost like three minutes i wouldn't i would just leave i would that's what i do too but i got a wife who will plunge that shit don't tell
Starting point is 00:24:55 anyone i would i would just leave the house and i would save it for later my house at the moment is a mess because i have been running in and running out for the last week and i just every like two weeks i have a a lady that comes in her name's sarah and she'll do she'll female the house she'll go around and she'll do and i don't want that to sound sexist oh dude too late that was so sexist and i loved it i'm perfectly okay with it it totally sexist and when i walk in and i just say it's sarah i'm so sorry yeah this place is even vegans are sexist and when i walk in and i just say it's here i'm sorry yeah place is even vegans are sexist people you heard it here first oh she just does such a good job at organizing and it's just so unlike me like i do like things organized but when i come in and out it's just
Starting point is 00:25:36 it's it's manic and i just said can you just please just add a touch to it and she just says of course and she just does such a good job for it. And so every two weeks, I usually need to get that done. So I do run in dump stuff and then run straight back out. But um, yeah, no, I love having a come over. What what? You're telling me that you get up at 427. And that you're able to actually answer all of your DMs and post something to Instagram before the 5.30 a.m. class starts. Yes. Wow, that's really… Interesting, yeah. That's really impressive.
Starting point is 00:26:19 I mean you have to be diligent because I work so hard to respond to DMs. You have to be diligent because I work so hard to respond to DMs, and it is a – and I have – I lose more – you lose and gain more followers in a day than I have followers, and it's fucking crazy. The DMs are a complete fucking disaster. Khan Porter was telling me that it's a superpower of mine. Yeah, well, it must be. It's one of my superpowers because he's like i just can't keep up with mine and i was well his you know what his is his is just dick pics galore it is it is and he probably spends five minutes looking at each one i only spent two minutes looking at the dick pics oh man yeah it is it is relent it's a relentless task but it's not a it's
Starting point is 00:27:04 not a punish of a task. I actually quite enjoy it because number one, I never know who I'm going to meet through my VMs and it could be a friend that I don't know about that's going to just be a great friend for the rest of my life. It could be a business opportunity. It could be a race that might give me a really cool memory that might come up out of it or it could be a competition that I don't know about. And these days, all I want to do is meet lots of cool people,
Starting point is 00:27:30 bank tons of cool memories, and I want to do just some really cool shit all the time. So one of my goals this year, and this is so unrelated to like sport or business, but I just wanted to get my skydiving ticket so I could go solo skydive so i booked into that i'm doing it in like eight weeks time oh i saw you you went skydiving well that's a good segue i promise i will this is the last time i'll bring up your penis there is or
Starting point is 00:27:57 maybe there'll be one other time there's there's a skydiving photo of you uh you're in a banana hammock and your your cock and balls are actually hanging over the uh front of the strap okay there is a link in there for that ah yes there we go hey is that con behind you nah that's actually the fella his name is pappy actually what what's he doing where is he i'm, is there a mirror back there? How is there? What's going on back there? He's actually making sure that the kite that we flew down on isn't getting tangled up. But we just landed about 10 seconds before that.
Starting point is 00:28:37 And you were strapped to each other? We were strapped very closely to each other, yes. And so you're doing a certain amount of jumps. So there we were doing this just for fun because that banana hammock you were referencing there is actually a product that Khan and I came up with. It's a new line of swimwear called LaVoie's. And I said, this would be a great opportunity
Starting point is 00:29:03 for us to go skydive, write it off on tax, use it as a tax expense and go skydive and do it in Leboys and also create some hype for Miami. That was Waterpalooza actually. We did that in Miami. Oh, that's, it's pretty awesome. And so, so what are you trying to do? You're trying to make it so that you can jump out of planes without anyone attached to you that you're trying to get some sort of certification. Yeah. Yeah. So in, um, you guys heard of Byron Bay yes yeah so I'll be heading down to Byron Bay in in June uh sorry July July with uh my best mate from high school we've been talking about it for years um yeah he's been my best mate forever and ever and uh he also loves to
Starting point is 00:29:44 he loves all this stuff. And we're going to go down into Byron Bay. We're going to go to a place called the Drop Zone. And we're going to learn how to skydive. So we'll be able to skydive anywhere in the world solo. Oh, I think I've seen the, it's one of the Drop Zones, one of those buildings where they have air blowing up from the bottom and you float around in there.
Starting point is 00:30:02 It's actually, it's going to be, I think they just take you up. I think you do one or two to be i think they just take you up i think you do one or two tandem jumps and then they just say hey you do some theory and then they just get you to jump out the plane and you just figure it out as you go oh shit awesome you don't figure it out as you go you do a lot of theory and stuff but i think it's a four-day course so you go down there you do a four-day course or a five-day course depending on how quick you pick it up i think and i think you do roughly 15 to 20 jumps and by the end of it you get your ticket to say that you're competent enough to jump out of a
Starting point is 00:30:30 plane um what uh michael c wow caleb is that you yeah there's been another there's been a couple of these popping up lately oh my god that is classic dude that doesn't even look like you did they professor caleb michael c what hurt worse a mountain bike accident or when you sold your soul on the assault bike at the games oh the aftermath of the games workout for sure i i do want to get to that michael i I will circle back to the mountain biking accident. Give me one second. James needs a CEO shirt. Oh, nice CEO shirt.
Starting point is 00:31:10 Wow. You look like a drug kingpin. Look at Josh. I will ask him after the show if he would like one so that he can gently tell me yes or no so I'm not offended. How's that? I'll do it but thank you josh for the uh reminder okay so um another interesting thing is this sprinting thing you're 32 years old and you're still sprinting and what's interesting about that is sprinting is actually the the secret to the james newberry athletic career that was instilled in him at a very very young age correct yeah and you're not letting it go so when you supplement your training
Starting point is 00:31:57 you're still acting like the four-year-old it would work when you were four and or eight or whatever and you're still doing it yeah 100 no you're you're you're a pinpoint and that photo that um was just brought up before that one was uh in the thick of i want to say it was about four or five months of dedicated sprint work and lifting i was actually getting prepared for oh the one with all the lats showing yeah so that was that was right before i went away i believe uh to uh to germany to bobsled so at the time there my training looked only like sprinting three times a week sometimes yeah three times a week sprinting i think i was doing five weight lifting sessions and it was a mix of o lifting and power lifting. So that was pretty much all I was doing. And that was right before then. So I was getting a ton of benefits
Starting point is 00:32:50 from the sprint work, like one of the best ways to build power outside of the gym. And then I was just full on just lifting and eating. So that was kind of that point in time. Tell me about, tell me about how you started sprinting and what that looks like sprinting. Can you tell me about how you started sprinting and what that looks like, sprinting. Can you tell me about your early sprinting, how it was introduced to you? It was introduced to me. I was at primary school. I'm not sure what you call it over there, but primary school. I was about five years old, and you'd go out to lunch.
Starting point is 00:33:18 And at lunchtime, you had to stay on the bitumen, like the concreted area, and you couldn't go out onto the oval until you'd finished your food. And you were given about 15 minutes to finish your food. And then there was a siren after the 15 minute mark and all the kids would line up along this bitumen pathway. And one of the teachers, as soon as the siren would go off, they would count it down on their watch. And then it'd be a sprint to the opposite end of the oval.
Starting point is 00:33:43 So every lunch we had a sprint race it was kind of cool and so look caleb for the americans uh wow viscous uh bitumen is a black viscous mixture of hydrocarbons obtained naturally or as a residue i think what do we call that asphalt right yeah yeah okay so you basically had to stay on there and it was a race so and i never won this race and i got always fired up about not winning this race across the over and you're racing kids older than you and all that type of stuff but then i'd always say to my brother josh who was only 11 months older than me let's race let's race let's race and i always got hooked on sprinting and racing and then
Starting point is 00:34:20 eventually my dad um took me down to when i realized i was no good at soccer my dad took me down to, when I realized I was no good at soccer, my dad took me down to little athletics, which was like, I don't know what you guys call it in the States. You guys call it track, right? But for the kids. So we call it little A's, little athletics. And went down and did that. Wasn't very good to start with.
Starting point is 00:34:40 But then I came back the second week. I didn't want to go back. I got flogged. I was like, I came last in all my races. I came last in the 70 meter sprint. Because that's what we were back the second week. I didn't want to go back. I got flogged. I was like, I came last in all my races. I came last in the 70 meter sprint because that's what we were in the first week. So we had an A week and a B week. And A week, you would do a certain amount of movements.
Starting point is 00:34:53 I think you do five events. And then B week, you do the other five movements of track and field. And I was coming last in these races. I think we did a 70 meter sprint and we did a 200 meter sprint. And came last in both sucked at it didn't want to go back hated it and then dad convinced me to go back the next week
Starting point is 00:35:11 and i actually how did he convince you to go back he said i think you'll like it if you give it one more shot i think you need to give it more time and he said the other like my other brothers and sisters because i'm one of five i've got uh four other siblings um and they all wanted to go back i didn't want to go back because i didn't do very well and he said look i think you should give it another shot he goes you're really good at the shot put because i think you have you know got some really good um uh jumping ability you'll be better you'll be better at the other jumping events next week and i was like oh okay i just don't want to do the sprinting i don't want to do the sprinting i'm going to come last again anyway why didn't you tell your dad to eat a dick you trust your dad you loved your dad yeah you wanted to impress your dad why yeah i think i
Starting point is 00:35:53 think i did want to impress him i think i think it only my my want and need um to want to impress my dad only happened after the second week because what happened in the second week of little athletics was i think was probably one of the determining factors what made me very very competitive and i was getting ready to do my race and it was a hundred meter sprint that that weekend and i actually had one of my friends that i'd made that week at school um brand new school uh her dad came up to me and said, hey, I saw that you're friends with Steph. I'm going to give you some tips on your race. I saw you race last weekend and you were looking left and right. You weren't focusing on the race. You
Starting point is 00:36:36 were focusing on the other people you're racing against. What I want you to do is keep your back nice and straight. I want you to pump the arms like this. And then I want you to look through the line. And don't we take your eyes off a point through the line which was a set of trees at the end he goes look at that tree at the end of your lane and don't take your eyes off it i did that and i went from coming last i raced the same kids that i did the week before to first immediately i just i got i went from being slow to being fast in one week and it was just a little tip that made me focus on the race and be more efficient in my running. And as soon as I won that race to see the look on my dad's face, when he was just like, you won, I was just mind blown with how good that felt. He was like,
Starting point is 00:37:18 he was just mind blown that I'd won this race. He was stoked that I was stoked. I was stoked that he was stoked. And then I and then I just wanted oh that goes on forever you just described something I never thought of that goes on forever between a father and a son wow yeah like two mirrors facing each other yeah just an infinite loop of feeling good oh yeah yeah yeah and then after that I literally went from hating it to loving it and I wanted to win everything I wanted to win the discus, the javelin, the long jump, triple jump, shot put, high jump, whatever you gave me. I wanted to win the short distance sprinting. I wanted to win the 1500 meters. I wanted to win
Starting point is 00:37:54 cross country. And then I just got hooked on trying to be competitive and just trying to win everything. And that's where it started. I'm going to give you my 50 cent analysis. This is just my analysis of what I just heard. I don't think that's where I'm going to give you my 50 cent analysis this is just my analysis of what i just heard i don't think that's where i'm going to say that's not where you got your competitive edge i'm saying you got your i'm thinking you already had your competitive edge because of what you told in the beginning about you always wanted you would still go to the bitumen because i would it wasn't competitive i wouldn't have gone to the bitumen i'd eat like the food you left behind i'd be over there still eating it like the kids who like fuck the lakes from food behind i'd eat their shit yeah now now so you're
Starting point is 00:38:28 already competitive and then i'm going to suggest that how old were you at the time this guy gave you that advice seven yeah so your parents had some well first of all you had a you'd made at seven years old you had a friend who was a girl which is pretty advanced i think this girl seth pretty pretty cool but but you australians are a little different than us you guys have a little different skill set than us making better friends go ahead interject i won't forget what i'm gonna say what are you gonna say steph ended up becoming oh steph steph steph so steph ended up becoming uh a gold medalist at the olympics for track cycling. Oh, shit. Your dad had instilled in you somewhere to be able to take direction from adults.
Starting point is 00:39:10 A lot of seven-year-olds can't do that. Somehow you already had the poise and the focus to take direction from adults and you had some sort of ability already that was in there. And so when this guy said this to you, go ahead, go ahead. Yeah, and I think, and I do, now that you're, this is like almost like a psychology lesson. ability already that was in there and so when this guy said this to you go ahead go ahead yeah
Starting point is 00:39:25 and i think and i do now that you're this is like almost like a psychology lesson i'm like free free charge free charge free charge you don't even have to wear this shirt yeah but i i do i do agree with you 100 i think you hit the nail on the head because i felt like even from a young age, my mom and my dad trusted me. Ah, there it is. They fucking trusted you. Yeah, they trusted me to do the right thing. And I felt that they made me feel like I was mature above my years. And therefore, I didn't want to disappoint them by doing something immature.
Starting point is 00:40:04 So then I kind of had that relationship already pre-established. I had a two-year-old boy, and there was wild turkeys, and we're in the middle of the city in Berkeley. Woketopia. And there's all these fucking turkeys, big turkeys, wild turkeys. I don't know what the fuck they're doing in the city. And there's a couple big-ass dudes guarding the hose, right? And they're under the subway track, and in the city and there's a couple big ass dudes guarding the hose right and and and they're under the they're under the subway track and all the kids are there the asian kids and the mexican kids and the white kids and the jewish kids it's just diverse as shit right berkeley oh euphoria and and all the parents are like holding their kids back because the big
Starting point is 00:40:41 male turkey's all puffed up and shit and gobble gobble and my wife's like you can and my two-year-old's walking towards it and my wife goes you're gonna stop him i'm like no i'm gonna let that turkey i trust him and i'm gonna let that turkey and him and fucking have a word with each other and that he got within 10 feet of that turkey and all his chicks you know his girlfriends and that thing fucking postured up and gobbled, gobbled at him. And my son run back to me. And at that moment, I think we both learned a lesson. I can trust him and his judgment. And I'm not.
Starting point is 00:41:12 Well, the other parents were holding their kids back. It wasn't it wasn't a wild feral cat. It wasn't a pit bull. Wasn't a lion at the zoo. It's a fucking turkey. Its mouth is like this big. Yeah. I would have gone over there and whooped that turkey's ass if he had done something stupid.
Starting point is 00:41:25 He wasn't in complete danger. It was – the repercussions were minor. The Tao Te Ching, trust the people, and they become trustworthy. I like it. Yeah, that's so cool that you said that. You – look at – shut the fuck up, Michael. Sevan using all his tricks I would like to suggest. God, I'm a manipulative son of a bitch.
Starting point is 00:41:50 You guys have picked up on that? Yeah, that's – it's – okay. I want to get back to the story with your dad. So he trusted you. Do you think he trusted all your siblings? Or which one are you in the pack? Or do you think he learned? Was he ever protective?
Starting point is 00:42:04 Do you have any sisters? Same mom and dad for all five of you yep are your parents still married yep well shit no wonder you turned out so good oh man well i'm so i have an older brother who was 11 months older than me and josh as a as a young kid was a little bit naughty um so i was probably trusted to do i guess do the right thing but josh is now very very sensible um to a degree like we're both more sensible now but back in the day he was like the naughty kid and so he was what do you mean like take gum out of your mom's purse nah like throwing rocks through windows and like yeah you know doing all the naughty stuff in class and and whatnot so um and so i think i was trusted because josh liked to to like push the boundaries in certain areas um but now and we used to we used to not get along until we were about 11 years old so we went through a phase
Starting point is 00:43:00 where we loved each other we were inseparable and we were so close in age i think they call it irish twins because we're born in the same 12 months yeah i should have caught on that that's crazy that means yeah that i have this theory that australians don't know what contraception is they didn't have a tv they had nothing they had nothing and um and so josh was like he was only 11 months older than me oh wow yeah god that's crazy 12 months dude yeah so josh was born in november 1989 i was born in october 1990 and uh we so we were very tight and then it went through a phase where we used to fight on almost like a daily basis for a few years there, probably between years 8 years old and 11 to 12 years old. And then dad sat us down and it got to the point where Josh was just like, he was picking on me, I was picking on him. And we'd always be fighting. Like I was like, he was picking on me.
Starting point is 00:44:02 I was picking on him. And we'd always, we'd always be fighting. And, and then it started stemming from outside the household to then, you know, we would go and play with the next door neighbors who had other kids, the same age as us, basically a brother, two brothers. And then we would all gang up on one of the brothers and then vice versa and all that type of stuff. And then dad sat us down and was like, you need to have each other's backs. You guys should be best mates.
Starting point is 00:44:24 And then from there, we just ended up being just best mates from like literally that one conversation instead of picking on one another it's like no we should be buddies and we've been buddies ever since yeah more more more direction from a father figure second second story yeah um how old are your parents uh My dad is 50, he's turning 57 this year. Mom is turning 53 this year. Isn't that crazy? Your dad's 57 and he's got you. And then your brother's your oldest brother?
Starting point is 00:44:59 Yeah, 33. Josh is, how old am I? He's the oldest of the five? Yeah, yeah. How old's the youngest kid uh jack is jack was born in 1998 so jack's 24 i think 25 yeah somewhere there and i and i'm 51 i didn't have a kid till i was 43 i'm 51 I'm only a few years younger than your dad. And I got like, I got two six-year-olds. Well, my dad had me when he was 22. Let's not be rude, Jeff.
Starting point is 00:45:34 Okay, fine. Let's be rude. Did your mother breastfeed? Oh, yeah, I think so. Yeah. Yeah. Do you know if you were born vaginally? Yep.
Starting point is 00:45:42 The only one that wasn't was Jack. She had a C-section with Jack because it was complication. But the rest of us all were like that, yeah. And straight to the tit. Yeah, no TV. There's like some Amish shit or something going on here. Are your parents religious? Nah.
Starting point is 00:46:00 Just no contraception? Just probably young and dumb. Just free, yeah. do you know how they met yeah my dad was at the time he was managing a bar and my mom went into the bar for a big like horse race that was on that weekend and that's how they met and my dad was serving my dad used to serve her brothers at the bar and she came in to they're all heading out somewhere and then they all got introduced and kind of went from there you when when you were on this other podcast and um you told a story about um going into a crossfit gym
Starting point is 00:46:40 and saying hey i'll mop the floors and clean the bathrooms if I can join some classes here. Yep. And what's interesting is that story was also part of a story. It was a longer story about part of your childhood. And in that story, it was interesting. The commentator said, boy, you're really blessed with some good parents. And I thought it was interesting
Starting point is 00:47:09 because that's true. But I have this, and I really appreciate this, but I have a strong bias. And my takeaway from the story was, oh, yeah, my takeaway from the story was, and maybe there's a paradox. Maybe it doesn't have to be exclusive. Maybe, maybe both are true, but that it didn't matter how much
Starting point is 00:47:34 you were blessed. You had two things in your life that were really important. You had a dad who was giving you good advice. Um, and the story that you told in that podcast was someone told you, you needed to train more outside of just what you were training good advice. And the story that you told in that podcast was someone told you, you needed to train more outside of just what you were training at school. And you came home and you said, dad, can you make me train? And your dad said, no, I won't make you train. If you want to train, you'll train on your own. And you said, okay, can you help me lay out a 400 meter track? And your dad said, yes. And I just, there's these stories of, of, of these things of having a man in your life. And this is not a dig at women. All of us boys need women. No one get fucking crazy.
Starting point is 00:48:12 All of us boys love our moms more than our dads. It's OK. We just that's just that's the baseline. But and then you're willing to work free. You're willing to do something that anyone can do. And then you're willing to work free. You're willing to do something that anyone can do. So the privilege isn't that you had so much. The privilege is that you were taught that you could work with so little and that you had to earn everything that you were going to get in life. You were willing to go in and clean a bathroom in a gym where everyone takes their grossest deuce of the day. go in and clean a bathroom in a gym where everyone takes their grossest deuce of the day yeah and i and i just i just i thought that those that's my bias that like your privilege isn't what you were given love and and affection and clean clothes your privilege is that you were taught that to be humble and to work hard because no one's going to do any of that for any of us no you're not going to do burpees and be like hey seven techniques hey seven you don't have to work out today i did 100 burpees for you
Starting point is 00:49:08 that's exactly right i think you've hit the nail on the head and that was that was one thing that was instilled from a young age and when i was getting competitive with sport and i and i loved sport it was always about dad taught me from a young age as well when I was looking I wanted to play professional rugby league he always spoke about delayed gratification and understanding that things take time and you might have to work for a number of years with only little things that keep you going or things that get you excited or little wins along the way. So I was always prepared from an early age that things might take a long time, even like I don't get too caught up on the acuteness of getting a result today. But I want to see some slight progression as I move forward.
Starting point is 00:49:59 And that was that was instilled from a young age. Do you have kids now no no no kids um do you have a girlfriend no do you have a boyfriend no you don't are you dating uh not no not really i'm not well i would be open to it if i met someone that i got along well with but i'm very like the thing at the moment for me is i am in and out and almost like my emotion, my emotional capacity to take on any more, I think would be, I think it would be unfair for the other person to take on me as a person right now, because I'm so engrossed into fiber and what I'm currently doing that if something came along and it just, it just sparked me in a particular way yeah i would do it for sure but it has to really spark me i wouldn't um i wouldn't forego how much fun i'm
Starting point is 00:50:54 having building this business and training and jumping into all these random races and having an experience that i am just so fired up about. Like, I don't think even when I was competing and getting success in competition as a CrossFitter, I don't think I've ever had more fun in my entire life than I am right now. Do you, would you, and we don't have to use this word, but this word purpose, do you, do you, um, does that word, do you use that word in your life? Purpose? Yes. Yes, absolutely. yes absolutely yeah i feel when when we were training especially as well everything had to have a purpose behind the task or the workout or the stimulus everything had a purpose and for me at the moment i feel like my purpose my purpose is to wake up every day and try and get excited about what I'm
Starting point is 00:51:48 doing so I'm figuring out what makes me excited because I feel like that's the one thing that I can look forward to in life on a constant always if I'm waking up unhappy and not excited what's the point so everything I do if it doesn't make me happy if it doesn't get me, if it doesn't make me happy, if it doesn't get me excited, and it doesn't make a memory or an experience or give me an experience that I'm not going to be exposed to otherwise, I don't really want to do it. And so the purpose, it's something that right now, it's something as abstract as being excited. If you wake up and you're passionate, you're like, I'm awake. Yeah, yeah, exactly. And for me, I've always enjoyed projects and building things, whether it's, you know, tinkering out with old cars or old four by fours or tinkering around with my own, like my own, my own project was building myself to be an elite CrossFit athlete. But now I get so
Starting point is 00:52:43 fired up about having a win with the business that every day I wake up, it's like, I never know who I'm going to meet today. I never know what type of email is going to come through my inbox. I never know who I'm going to bump into when I'm going for a run. And it happens so regularly these days. Moving up to the Gold Coast has unlocked
Starting point is 00:52:58 so many opportunities of people that I've met, experiences that I've had, or opportunities that I now have the ability to go and do you just and a lot of these just come from just getting outside and just getting after all these random things and when I say random things they're things that are now normal for me to want to go and do but I will at the end of last year I signed up for a strongman competition and an ironman on the same weekend. So I did a national qualifier on the Saturday and then I did an Ironman 70.3 on the Sunday. And I just met so many wicked people that weekend and things that have just generated from that
Starting point is 00:53:37 experience alone was just super cool. And it's an experience that I can draw on for the rest of my life. It's something that not many people would have ever have done or get to do or, you know, plan on doing, but it's something that I get to put in my memory bank and have fond memories of. And it also allows me to make better decisions. I feel like the more I'm exposed to kind of like the gut diversity we're talking about, the diversity in the diet, diversity in the gut microbiome. If I have a diverse range of different experiences to draw upon,
Starting point is 00:54:06 it's going to give me a better outlook on where my next move is and what makes me happy as a person day to day and for the rest of my life. When you sign up for this, are you scared? I'm excited, a little bit nervous sometimes, but I'm excited for what could happen. I'm excited, a little bit nervous sometimes, but I'm excited for what could happen. I'm excited for the outcomes of the event itself and enjoying the process of experiencing something that I'm not used to. Yeah, that's interesting. I mean, that takes balls to enter that. Yeah, and the thing is i've also wow look at your head doesn't even look like your head there yeah that looks like it's about to blow off yeah maybe if i do this there you go yeah it's um the the thing with this as well as I have no I have no worries
Starting point is 00:55:05 about losing like if I whilst I am competitive and I have built a competitive nature I don't mind not winning I don't mind the fact that I might not win everything I'm okay with that I'm okay with the experience that I've gained
Starting point is 00:55:22 from doing something like this and a lot of the time I do half decent. I'm not like the best at everything, but I will do it. And I like challenges, but I like challenges in my business. I like challenges in competitive sport. I like challenges in recreational sport. I like to have the challenges because from all of my experience that I can gather from a young, young age,
Starting point is 00:55:44 all of these challenges, these little adaptions that I've made, just make me more experienced in making my next move and next decision. And it gives me experience to draw upon. And I feel like experience helps you a lot when you're making decisions that are going to either make you happy or make you sad. I'll tell you, my whole life now there just became a point where i'm just resting on my experiences it's crazy and i didn't even know it i wasn't i wasn't purposely living my life a certain way to have experiences but now i'm just like holy shit like i just built a library yeah accident yeah it's great and then you know and then it's also
Starting point is 00:56:27 having those really cool conversations with people that may have an experience that you haven't had and you might have one that they haven't had and then you exchange and then there's a really good energy exchange there that you can then draw upon and be like well cool man I'm gonna go try the thing that you tried sounds like a blast and he's like well I'm gonna try the thing that you tried. Sounds like a blast. And he's like, well, I'm going to try the thing that you tried. And then you come back and reconnect. And then you have this awesome conversation. And you create this awesome bond and relationship with someone. And that in itself is an amazing experience to have.
Starting point is 00:56:55 Super cool. And I'm guessing that on top of that, I think you already said this, but you do an Ironman and you do a strongman, and there's very few people who've done probably both, and yet they both nurture each other. And so now you have this experience that also actually ties into your business, which is a plant-based protein powder, which it's all just experience kind of going towards the same purpose. Exactly. Spot on. Spot on. Yeah, good job, dude. You're you're it's crazy. You're you you've really found your lane. Yeah. Yeah. And the cool thing is what I know, again, drawing on previous experience, what I am enjoying right this
Starting point is 00:57:42 moment in time may not be what I enjoy in two years time or three years time or five years time. I might be doing something completely different and I'm totally cool with that. And it's like, when everybody's asked me like, what's your five-year plan? It's just like, man, I do not have a five-year plan because what I'm doing right now, I wouldn't have even conceived two years ago. And whilst it's always good to plan for the future, I also love to pivot. I love to be agile in everything I do. Like if someone called me right now and said, hey, there's an opportunity to do a talk tomorrow night in Perth, no problem. Bali, America, let's go. Rock and roll. Happy to go. Let's do it. As long as I don't have anything else on where I'm going to let someone down, am there i'll say yes to almost anything as long as i feel like drawing on again previous
Starting point is 00:58:29 experience if it's something that resonates with me and i can feel feel connection with i will go and i'll be there no pets i have two dogs but they're with my ex-partner you know kayla kayla no oh is that the girl with purple she does the um the open announcements and has the purple hair yeah so that's my ex-partner um we broke up a couple years ago but we still get along like a house on fire and she has our two dogs which are down in adelaide they live with her does she have a new boyfriend she does yeah he's really nice really really nice all right we'll get we'll circle back on that hold on a second here what is this uh is james no fap what's that no no fap does he not jerk off oh seriously that's what that is no fap what that means yeah fap is like
Starting point is 00:59:18 jerking off all right is james no fap uh is it? No. It says porn addiction recovery. Porn addiction recovery. I don't have an addiction. The question is, do I have an addiction with porn? I don't have an addiction with porn. That's the question. That's the question. An online community with 1,000 members who have practiced avoiding all forms of artificial sexual stimulation. Do you know what I heard actually? I saw from a doctor, an OBGYN, who is also I would say an expert in – I don't know if the word is neurobiology. But she was actually saying that if you don't stimulate the penis and ejaculate that event you'll lose the ability to stimulate your penis that there's i don't know fucking it's not i don't know i don't think capillaries is the right word but there's veins and arteries and shit
Starting point is 01:00:15 down there that need to be get regular blood flow to them or else they stop working is that caleb you're a nurse does that is that do you know if that's true do you ever like when people are in the hospital and they can't jerk off, do you jerk them off to make sure that they stay hard? Do you edge them? I plead the fifth on that one. As part of a medical procedure? That's awesome.
Starting point is 01:00:37 Well, if that's – no, yeah. I watch porn sometimes. You dabble. I've dabbled. I've dabbled on occasions. Wadzom, you're not a daily porn guy. Not every day. No.
Starting point is 01:00:53 That seems like a lot. I think that's excessive. Yeah, not every day. Not every day. If I'm like ultra stressed or like I'm under the pump, sometimes I just can't be bothered. What's under the pump mean? Under the pump means like just can't be bothered what's that what's under the pump mean under the pump means like uh like emails are coming in got to go here got to be there got to do this got like
Starting point is 01:01:11 tons of tarts on that i'm like inundated with under the pump so yeah under the pump i'm not you guys don't use that no i don't i'm old let's ask caleb caleb's 25 caleb do we use under the pump i don't think so yeah okay i i think not that this source uh idiom informal uk and australian uh english in in a difficult situation or feeling a lot of pressure or let me translate for james uh newberry when he's being hyper productive he likes to use the word productive yeah and when i say busy i feel like busy is just a term and whilst you can be busy sure um but when i'm busy it feels like it's just a cop-out i feel like people just just loosely use the term busy to um avoid doing something that i agree i agree you know what i mean i agree yeah so yeah well i i don yeah I don't mean to beat a dead horse the porn
Starting point is 01:02:10 thing it's not a very classy topic but I think porn is like you know there's lots of times I want ice cream lots and lots of times but I just I don't I don't I don't like one out of every hundred times I want ice cream I can't even remember like I can't I would't. I don't – like one out of every hundred times I want ice cream. I can't even remember.
Starting point is 01:02:25 Like I can't – I would have to be at your birthday party, and like I'd have to see you eat a piece first. But like I walk by the ice cream shop, and I think, oh, I'd like a cookies and cream ice cream cone. But I just don't. I feel like porn is the same way. It's like I could, but it just – I don't know. Something about it just seems lazy to me. It's nothing moral or ethical. It just seems – it seems lazy. I have a wife. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:02:52 It's like putting your shopping cart away. All these people are like, you have to put your shopping cart away. No, I don't. I leave it here to create a workforce so that someone can come get it. Well, to be honest um i get that in there people hate me for not putting my shopping cart away fuck you i'm creating an economy for young men to get carts yeah and i don't jerk off that much either well that's not true i just don't use porn yeah and look i agree i agree it's um it probably wouldn't i probably wouldn't look at it that much if i had a girlfriend but the thing is like again it has to be the right circumstances because again I am trying to be as productive as I possibly can and um yeah if that was the situation I'd probably watch it a lot less and I
Starting point is 01:03:35 do know from previous experience up like having a girlfriend previously for a long time I watched it a lot less then than I do now put it that way hey um and I and I and I'm very happily married so let me ask you this you your breakup with your girlfriend you made a post about it is that weird well actually Kayla asked to asked us to do this post um we wanted to get it out there because we were I guess uh seen in the crossfit space as a crossfit couple that you know kayla was doing commentary i was competing as an athlete i felt like she wanted to like kind of put it out there to let people know that we're okay as because most people say oh do you hate your ex now and we didn't want people to get the wrong idea that we had an amicable, you know, nice breakup.
Starting point is 01:04:27 We just decided that we just weren't right for each other and we're going on different paths. And that was okay. And we wanted to express to people that not every breakup has to be because something bad happened or because we don't like each other or that person did this one thing or something like that. We wanted people to know that it was okay to have a an amicable breakup where we're still friends well i i'm just trying to think like we did was it healing was it to nip it in the bud for people talking shit or did it feel good to do that like i would i just can't see myself if if my wife and i were to i just can't see posting yeah yeah i i didn't grow up in your era either like i also see that you haven't erased her from your instagram so i can go back in your instagram and i can i can live your past i can see when you're you know um and i and i and i guess that
Starting point is 01:05:27 that's a whole component of life that i've never thought of that there's all these people with social media who is that what's going on that since you've it's kind of like you have to close the loop on it you're obligated as a storyteller or i knew i knew it meant something to kayla to do it um if it had been like solely and entirely up to me probably wouldn't have done a post but in saying that i knew that kayla wanted to get something out there and i think it would have been very unbalanced if she was the only one to have done one so i I agreed and said, yeah, look, I'll put something up as well and just let people understand that we're still okay as people. We're not on bad terms, we'll put it that way.
Starting point is 01:06:16 But for me, it was neither here nor there. I wasn't drawn to exposing what was happening personally between me and Kayla. Um, but I feel like it was something that made her feel a little bit more content, um, at the end of the day. So I know she wanted to do it and I was okay with obliging. And she's still doing the CrossFit stuff, right? Yeah. Yeah, she is. Uh, uh, Wad zombie. Zombie. Thank you for the money. I love money. Can't believe this is the first time Mr. Newberry has been on. What a great guest.
Starting point is 01:06:50 Maybe he can call in for real sometime. Oh, with his accent. Yeah. Or he could pretend to be an American. Yeah. Well, I'll be over there soon. Savon is on his best behavior. He didn't call out the buff judge in the background with the mask on.
Starting point is 01:07:04 Oh, buddy. Oh, buddy. I was just biting the insides i'm not gonna call out masks too often anymore and i'm uh it's like porn i'm just i'm just trying to taper uh for uh for eric utley for savon's le boys uh banana hammock contribution uh he says he's an XL. I'm an XL on the crotch. I'm probably medium in the waist. Is that yours and Khan's company? Yeah. Yep. Like that is your brand. Yeah. Le Bois. Yeah. Le Bois is ours. We actually came up with it walking through an airport in Copenhagen. Wow. Congratulations. That's cool. Is that, does that keep you busy too? that's cool is that does that keep you busy too yeah it keeps me it keeps me relatively busy um it's uh it's basically we when we decided when we decided to do the boys we both said we both live very productive lives and we're both always out there we love to travel and we can't and i have
Starting point is 01:08:00 traveled a fair bit together and we said we wanted this both to be something that just happens organically when we want it to happen we're not going to force it we're not going to it's not going to be a full-time job it's something that's just going to come around and we're going to do stuff when it feels right to do so when emails come through about the boys or whether it's um everything is pretty much automated but when it comes to designs when it comes to ordering new stock when it comes to figuring out what the next promotion will be, we just kind of do it as we go. Whereas it takes up a small percentage of my week.
Starting point is 01:08:35 And for KP, he handles the social media and stuff. But my number one, the thing that takes up most of my time is Fiverr. But Le Boy's is just we both just contribute to it when it's required we're not like forcing it down people's throats we just we put up like kind of just easygoing stuff and you know when we get new stock and we get it if it's a little late it's a little late if we don't get a new piece in for the next quarter it's just going to be the way it is and we both said to ourselves if it turns into something that is like okay we need to like we both feel like okay this is a thing we need to start putting some more focus into this we both decide at that point in time together that we will put more emphasis on it and spend a greater portion of our week dedicated to the boys have you ever seen girls wearing them yeah i have actually i have i have would that be a brand
Starting point is 01:09:29 faux pas if you were to post a picture of a girl wearing them is that would that be off brand no i actually do you want to say something here i think can you see my phone through the screen i will do my best okay i had a sample of these just arrived the other day um i'm gonna show you the one i'll show you what it looks like from my version thank you caleb oh that's wow that's the that that's the that's the female suit well it's the boy's bottom and it's the female top but then i actually gave it to a proper model to have a crack at and this looks a lot nicer wow so are those the boys bottoms no these are the girls bottoms um so we we actually do have a
Starting point is 01:10:20 a la girls line as a prototype coming because it was asked for so much and also a LaGrom's I'm not sure if you know if you guys know what a Grom is but like a kid yeah yeah so we have LaGrom's coming too so it'll be basically uh Speedos and like rashy tops for kids LaGrom's bikinis and one pieces for swimming laps and stuff and one for the beach wear. And then we'll end up getting, as well as the guys speedos or we call them Dickies over here. We'll also look at doing some potentially maybe doing some, you know, like some five inch board shorts of some description potentially down the line. So we have a bit of a range going.
Starting point is 01:11:01 Oh, Grom stems from the word Grom and a term generally used to denote the lowest ranking members of a naval ship. Wow. In California, in Santa Cruz, Groms are the little surfers and the little skaters. Yeah, that's it. Yeah, so we'll call them Le Groms. So it's like little surfy kids that want to wear some Le Boys, but it'd be Le Groms.
Starting point is 01:11:21 I'm going to impose again. I'm old. I can impose, right? Impose. I don't mind. Okay, okay, okay okay i'm an open book okay thank you um what about this bathing suit that daniel craig wore in um casino royale oh i think i've seen this before he was he these are the suits my boys wear yeah and these are the bathing suits my boys wear it's a These are the bathing suits my boys wear. It's a nice hybrid. You have to have a fucking insane body.
Starting point is 01:11:49 It's a nice hybrid between the banana hammock and the douchey American. And the douchey American is like the – Oh, I know. The shorts. Yes. The shorts, yeah. Yes. And I'm telling you, these – when he came – he was the first – in Casino Royale, he was the first man ever to come out of the water.
Starting point is 01:12:04 It was always chicks before then. I love him. I love him. And I'm just putting it out there. Do you have the actual shot where – can you play the video where he actually comes out of the water, Caleb? Like maybe a few seconds of it? It's a man. If someone can tell me the brand of those ones, if someone who I was watching can tell me the brand of what he's wearing,
Starting point is 01:12:26 I will get some. I'll try them out. I'll figure out how it can be constructed. But, you know. I think you get a little American market there. Us Americans, we're afraid of the banana hammock. We're not all Sam dancers. I know this because I took the boys over to Waterpalooza.
Starting point is 01:12:43 Yeah. And it was aza. Yeah. It was a flop. Yeah. Us Americans were a little, little timid around the old banana. There he is. Look at him. Yeah,
Starting point is 01:12:53 mate. I love him. I love a stud. Yeah, I think they're great. Look, there's not even any shorts in there. Oh my God.
Starting point is 01:13:04 And this chick, can you believe, have you seen this movie i have seen a long time ago this is one of the most beautiful women who's ever been on the planet and they fucking killed her in the movie oh no yeah she's got there though we might be able to add one of those into the girl's line look at her shorts are longer than his yeah oh that was a sarong you're right okay good eye oh man she was she was something else stunning yeah the um i do i rate those shorts so i think they're um they're a winner i think we probably have to have a look at doing we'll probably have a range of these things but i like i like the idea because it was something that was brought up in the beginning
Starting point is 01:13:42 and then we kind of left it by the wayside and because we only put in you know a little bit of attention to bits and pieces here and there and we go through phases where we're just like the boys the boys the boys the boys and then we both get we both get stumped with stuff that's coming up whether it's a competition or whether it's other work or other obligations that we kind of have both agreed that we don't let it be something that stresses us out too much and like whilst we'll always i'll always be on top of customer service that's like the one thing i do for fiber and do for the boys if something goes wrong or there's an order that gets mucked up somehow i'll always be the first one to get onto it but when it comes to launching new stuff i let wizard timing handle that you let
Starting point is 01:14:26 who wizard timing oh wizard yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah the christians you guys call that god i have a huge christian contingency i did sorry translate for them uh uh lucky camera straps from australia a great sponsor of the show uh first live i've caught in a while sorry i've been under the pump love it thank you uh miss you savvy and hi james what's up how we doing i missed you and your australian money thank you good to see you um there's this term that um english people use i don't know if um uh australian people do you guys call each other legends. Do you guys do that? Legends? Well, truly my boys, in America we call them playground legends.
Starting point is 01:15:10 That's how you use it. Playground legends. They're kids who are just playground legends. And my kids are fucking just true playground legends. if you have the Grom shorts and you make them like that, those short ones. Yeah fuck well destroy we'll sell those things we'll sell at least five pair for you great well i've seen your kids play and man they are talented kids man i've seen it like i've even
Starting point is 01:15:37 shared some of the stuff that i've seen your kids do and like the stuff that you the stuff that you're encouraging them to do is freaking wild i send it to my mates i'm like check this out look what saban's doing with these kids it's freaking amazing awesome thank you i don't i don't have kids but the couple of things that i do or would look forward to if i end up having kids at some point is i would love to teach them that type of stuff and i'd love to go surfing with them they They're the two things that I think about. That's pretty much it. The rest, I'm not sure. Yeah. Making them is cool too.
Starting point is 01:16:08 Yeah. Making them is fun as well. Making the girl go through her shit is dope. It really is. James, how about LeBoy sponsoring the – quiet, quiet. No. Thank you, Philip. I appreciate it.
Starting point is 01:16:20 Trish, thank you, Philip. But no, it's too – Trish uh thank you philip i but but no it's too uh trish um uh have you been uh jesus criminy is this the girl that asked me about porn yeah oh god this this this person has taken over my podcast i i sometimes fear that this person is going to start their own podcast and I'm going to lose my audience. She's just completely taken over. Every show she takes over. Dollar Night, but I have to ask because I'm a whore because they pay money.
Starting point is 01:16:58 Have you been with an older woman, Mr. Newberry? I've been with a woman older than me, yes. Fair. Okay. Good answer. Trish, you fucked that question all up. Listen,
Starting point is 01:17:09 a good, listen, a good, a good interviewer never asked a yes or no question. That's even though I ask them all the time. That's funny. I love it. I love it.
Starting point is 01:17:16 Uh, Marco, uh, Calderon, uh, $20 American dollars. Thank you. Uh,
Starting point is 01:17:21 while we still use the dollar here before we get put under the thumb of digital currency and all turned into bitches. Super inspiring podcast. James has more testosterone than all of us combined. Well, thanks a lot. I appreciate that. Do you do blood work and stuff like that? Yeah, I get bloods done maybe. In the beginning, when I first went plant-based back in 2019, I was getting bloods done every six months just to check to see if anything was getting disrupted by going plant-based.
Starting point is 01:17:49 Nothing ever was, and now I probably do it once a year. Is there some specific markers you look at, or it's all of them? You're interested in all of them, from your blood, your testosterone, to just i get i get everything looked at to see if where my levels are at just across the board but usually i'm looking at like b12 levels iron levels things that are typically low in someone who's not getting in a wide variety of plant food but even still there are plenty of people that are low in b12 magnesium iron all those all the things that we kind of look at when we're looking at markers that are omnivorous as well. So but everything for mine, every single time I've gone back, they've only gotten better since then.
Starting point is 01:18:31 And I have to say that I do think it's what's whilst I eat a variety of things in my diet. I also have to say that I think it's because I'm training. I'm not training five hours a day anymore as well. five hours a day anymore as well uh we will talk about nutrition uh newberry is the daniel brandon of the male cf athletes it's so crazy you said that because i don't bug daniel brandon very often because i did just i don't want to use up my my fucking daniel brandon equity but i'm going to show you this um this video i while i I, well, I was researching James today. I actually saw this Instagram post and I sent this to Danielle. It's so crazy. It's fucking crazy, Scott, that you said this. I'm like, and basically I was telling Danielle, like, you got to do this, just steal this shit. Um, I'm going to show, I'm going to show you the post. This thing is so good.
Starting point is 01:19:23 This is the reason why I love social media because of shit like this. This. This thing is so good. This is the reason why I love social media, because of shit like this. This is so good. Sorry, Caleb. I didn't send this one to you. I'm not trying to take your job. I love you to death, Caleb. Okay, so this is truly a piece of work here. I would love to see Danielle Brandon do this.
Starting point is 01:19:39 She couldn't do it topless, but she could do it maybe with a bra and panties. Well, the thing is, I did actually see Danielle Brandon like this post a few hours ago. Oh, no shit. I said it. Yeah, that's awesome. I sent it to her at 518. That's crazy. And she wrote back.
Starting point is 01:19:56 She wrote back. I don't think I'm going to I don't think I divulge anything by saying this, but she just wrote back. I said, I think this is a cool effect. And he said, oh, he killed that exclamation point i mean you this you and i don't i'm telling you i don't like i am not using up my daniel brandon text like i'd like i'm careful you know what i mean hey i appreciate it i'm careful as shit i ain't fucking that up i'll film it for her if she wants to do it yeah really you'd help her with this easy i mean uh you'd go to florida for a little shoot
Starting point is 01:20:26 yeah yeah this is crazy stand by people watch this this is so good this is one of those things i bet you this has a shitload of views because everyone who watched it watched it five times this is nuts i don't even know what it's for so crazy so how excited were you when you did this were you like holy shit the um the funny thing about that video i saw a guy do it for a menswear brand and I sent it to my mate. You can see I've tagged Vakey on the side. Oh yeah, that's a cool dude. I never met him, but he's a cool dude.
Starting point is 01:21:19 He's a legend. He's like the best. And he lives about 10 minutes from me here on the Gold Coast. Wow. And I messaged Vakey and I sent it to him. I said, hey, mate, you reckon you could do this for me? And he's just like, yeah, dude, come over my house now.
Starting point is 01:21:30 And so I went over there and he filmed it in his house and he edited it all on the spot. We had it done and dusted less than 15 minutes. Oh, man, everything that guy has is nice. Look how nice and clean his house is. Yeah. He's the one who's throwing the clothing at me when I'm doing doing this and it's it's it's edited perfect to the music too yes he did it he did it wild this was great you must have been ecstatic look at even maddie you got the fucking great maddie sturt saying wow this is great yeah this is crazy yeah thank you i've got actually a couple of more coming that are pretty wild too that i'll
Starting point is 01:22:12 i've saved in my bank so typically what like you um i like social media for the creativity of this type of stuff too and i do enjoy it for that for that aspect and anytime i see something that i get that feeling from i save it and i send it to vacay say we need to do and anytime i see something that i get that feeling from i save it and i send it to vacay say we need to do this there's a couple that i've got coming up that are gonna look really rad what's that dude's story you know what's funny is i i cannot get out of my head that he's australian i whenever i see him i just picture him being in south africa yeah he's south african oh that's why okay yeah he is yeah so he's a south african um that lived in new zealand for a lot of time and then now he's living on the gold coast but
Starting point is 01:22:51 he's been here for a long time now on the gold coast um but yeah he's uh south african heritage yeah he seems like a cool dude i used to think he's i used to think he was older than me now i realize he's not vague Vakey's the best. He's like one of my favorite people. He's like my biggest supporter ever. Oh, that's awesome. Yeah, he's a classy guy. And he's like, he's actually really fit too.
Starting point is 01:23:16 He moves so well. He owned CrossFit gyms as well back in the day. He looks fit as shit. Yeah, he's super fit. And he's just, he's probably, honestly, he's probably one of the nicest guys you will ever have the chance to interact with. So nice, will do anything for you. And just always in a good mood, always.
Starting point is 01:23:35 Let me see if I, hold on one second here. Let me see. I probably shouldn't blow my load here. I probably need this later on to go to the bathroom. Okay, here we go. You ready? Okay, here we go. You ready? Okay, here we go. Honestly, there's a lot of great people in our space that do awesome things.
Starting point is 01:23:51 But as far as I'm concerned, I think Sevan is the best in the business when it comes to podcasting, when it comes to bringing out the best out of the athletes, when it comes to sitting the athletes at ease and getting some real honesty and some real unique answers from them so um man he's gonna love this but he really is the joe rogan of crossfit um he's gonna love me saying that oh no i'm very humble i thank you. I take no pride in that. That is awesome. Yeah, he's such a legend.
Starting point is 01:24:29 He's a good dude. And he's one guy that I've looked at for a long time that has just stuck in his lane. When he was first trying to grow his YouTube channel back in the day, I remember he had like 300 subscribers or 150 subscribers. And's just like you know what i'm just going to commit to doing youtube i'm going to do something every week every week every week a year later he maybe had like a thousand or fifteen hundred and he's like i'm still going to keep going still going to keep going talk about delayed gratification and sticking to the plan now this dude's got like he had a video that went absolutely ballistic and now he's got like 70 000 crazy it's insane his camera work is crazy too i mean he is very talented his camera work is crazy i've never seen anyone get footage like
Starting point is 01:25:20 he will get an hour of footage out of five minutes of filming and he'll have it edited to you and over that day like he's just bang bang bang just he pumps it out like no tomorrow he's just got great systems is he the one who captured uh the crazy footage of tia coming out of the water yes that's his shot right yep he's a fucking beast yep yeah he did that and that went crazy viral yeah i mean it's it's probably it's got to be up there it's probably probably the most iconic shot in the history of crossfit to be honest men or women yeah it's wicked yeah yeah it went it went gnarly and i think on his um on one of the grand but one of his one of his reels did like five million i think think it was maybe the Danny Spiegel one did like 5 million views or something.
Starting point is 01:26:06 How is it that – do you think Tia Toomey – I know she's friends with you, so it might be a little weird to say. How is she not more of like a sex symbol? To have a woman's body look that fucking good in slow motion is fucking hard. You see the nicest bodies in the world in slow motion, and some shit starts looking weird. I cannot believe how incredible her fucking physique is her ass and her legs and her calves and probably her toes she's like a Greek goddess yeah she's she's got everything in the right spots like and her yeah yeah that's i guess that's a better way of saying it all the shit's in the right spots in the right dimensions. The ratios. The ratios.
Starting point is 01:26:45 The ratios are good. Head's not too big. Yeah. Even though I like a big head, I do like a big head like Bethany Shadburn. Oh, you do? She's hot. You don't like a big head? What about Gal? Hey, I've got an open mind to
Starting point is 01:27:02 anything. I'll never say no until I've tried everything. So I've actually never really taken notice of head size before. It hasn't been on my – Well, it will be now. Look at Wonder Woman, Gal Gadot. Yeah, is she on a big head? Fucking watermelon.
Starting point is 01:27:18 Two basketballs. I do think Gal Gadot is very attractive. Yeah. She needs to work out a little bit. She needs more pull-ups. Yeah. Yeah. I do agree. She's been, yeah, she's, she's quite thin. Uh, Oh shit. Here we go. I haven't even read this yet. Uh, Trish for four 99. Hi Trish. Good evening. Nice to see you back. Uh,
Starting point is 01:27:43 if a 67 year old woman asked you out on a date, would you rather go surfing, horseback riding, or a hot dog eating contest? I would 100% take surfing. All right. 100%. Thank you, Trish, for your in-depth – God, I feel like there's something big coming. I feel like there's – I feel like it. I feel it too.
Starting point is 01:28:11 I feel like there's something big coming. Stopped, Ken. Seve, but she doesn't have a big head. Stop. Stop. No one asked your opinion. No one asked your opinion. No one asked your opinion. Okay.
Starting point is 01:28:32 You have not eaten – an animal has not died for you. You have not directly – when's the last time you put a dead animal in your mouth? The last time? 2019. You have not put a dead animal in your mouth the last time 2019 you have not put a dead animal in your mouth since then no but there hasn't i accidentally i accidentally ran over i've actually i've told two things in the last handful of years they were both accidents i ran over a rabbit yeah on a trip on a driving trip and i hit a bird oh do you know what kind of bird uh one i was just a small it was a small bird but yeah they were they were the two things in the last few years but aside from that you know a lot of people will probably come
Starting point is 01:29:18 out of the woodwork saying that lots of bugs lots of small rodents get killed in the processing of plant material but yeah i was gonna go straight there i was gonna try to like one up you'd be like listen motherfucker you know how many gophers died for that broccoli you ate i was gonna go straight there it's the thing i guess the i guess the the only combative statement i can put up on the table for that is that there's a difference between, uh, driving down the street and seeing a dog cross the road and aiming for it or hitting it by accident. You know, there's, there's, it's two different, there's two different things we're trying to minimize.
Starting point is 01:29:55 Or even worse being drunk and being drunk and hitting the dog is the same as hitting the dog on purpose. And I, in a way it's, there's some, there's, there's some negligence. You're not being negligent with your animal killing yeah no no and the the thing that always has come back to me and this is it's it's quite a hard thing to articulate sometimes um and i've tried i've tried hard to think about the ways that i would respond in certain situations but the one thing that always comes back to me and the thing that sits well with me is if I can do all of the things that make me happy, fire me up, all of the tasks that I require to do that make me feel fulfilled, all of the events, feeling strong, hitting PRs, going to the CrossFit regionals, going and doing Ironmans, jumping out of planes, surfing, doing all those things, waking up in the morning
Starting point is 01:30:50 and feeling a spark to get after the day and feeling vital every day. If I can do it without being part of the process of killing an animal or making it suffer or being a part of that system. Why not? That's it. That's all. That's all it is for me. I remember being somewhere with Greg Glassman one time and they were they were talking about being vegan versus being carnivore. And this person was just talking about how stupid it was to be vegan and they
Starting point is 01:31:25 thought greg was going to have their back and greg immediately said dude i would fucking do if i thought that i could eat healthy without ever hurting another animal for the rest of my life i would do it and i and i and i it just seems um i had i had this guy on the show. He was a pro-life guy. He goes around and talks to people about not having abortions. And I just think even though I'm a pro-choice guy, I'm just like, God, that's such a noble fucking – I just don't see how you don't like someone who's trying to save babies i just don't see how you're you know there's all these people are screaming at him and yelling at his health
Starting point is 01:32:12 care and you're taking away women's rights it's like yo take a breath this guy's trying not to fucking this guy thinks babies are being killed and i just see the same thing about being vegan. I mean, I eat a shit ton of meat. But it seems like such a noble cause, what you just said. If I can live my life completely fulfilled, why does Joe the cow have to fucking die for me in a horrible way? Yeah. And look, I'm not the type of vegan that is ever going to throw this down someone's throat ever. I'm not going- No, and all the stuff I watched about you, I've never seen you do that either. Matter of fact, it's-
Starting point is 01:32:53 I don't like it at all. I think that's the one thing that's the opposite of what I want to do. All I want to do is live and breathe this type of lifestyle that really resonates with me and show people via my actions that if you have thought about going down the path of being plant-based but have been scared of the repercussions of doing it that you're going to wake up feeling fatigued you're going to come down with deficiencies in this vitamin this mineral this and this and this and have protein deficiency and become weak and lose weight. And I'm not going to be able to go and do the things that I want to do. I'm just wanting to be the living proof that that's not the case. And that is it. And I'm not going to sit out here and say, you have to eat like this, or you have to do it like this.
Starting point is 01:33:37 I'm just going to do my thing. And if people ask the question, I'll answer it. But aside from that, I'm not going to go out of my way to be outspoken about it. I want to ask you this question about pesticides in a second, because it's something that I've been thinking about a lot lately. But I wanted to, I had this guy on here named Chris work. He wrote a book, Chris beat cancer. Do you know who that is? Okay, and he got he had stage four colon cancer, and he went completely plant based and cured himself. And when I tried to talk to him about his diet, he goes, Hey, the diet's really secondary. The thing about curing cancer is removing stress from your life. And I had Don fall on here, the current CEO of CrossFit. And he was generous enough to share a story about his wife having cancer. This is Chris's. This is a a great guy uh crispy cancer and he started doing crossfit i think in the last couple years too i'm i'm gonna give him a follow crispy cancer yeah it's he's cool he says a lot of cool and look how nice his skin is he's not a young man he's glowing yeah he's like a 40 year old guy um and um and then we had don fallen here and I think he was generous enough to share that his wife had cancer, and removing stress was vital to her healing.
Starting point is 01:34:52 That being said, I'd like to also show you this citizen of Australia named Anthony Chaffee. Anthony Chaffee, Chaffee, maybe we had him on the show. This guy swears on meat and all the people it's healed, like it's cured people of like rheumatoid arthritis, all sorts of autoimmune diseases. This guy is yoked out of his fucking mind, and he only eats – he eats a steak with almost almost nothing else every night as much steak as he wants every night he just eats one meal yeah right interesting and you should see this guy's body he's a fucking brick shithouse i wonder if there's a picture of his body well there's this chick in it yeah there he is oh wow yeah rig. So no, I mean him. Yeah. Oh, sorry. Him. Yeah. Fair enough. Do you, um, so any, any, any, any thoughts on this? I mean,
Starting point is 01:36:02 I personally can eat just 10 pounds of, of, of raw broccoli radishes. I'm just a, I'm a human, but I can eat anything. i'm just a i'm a human but i could eat anything i'm just a dumpster yeah i can just eat onions i just i'm happy to eat stuff but there's these people like it's would you say what you're doing is extreme or no no no i don't think it's extreme at all um but even just a steak every day at six is i guess maybe it's the opposite of extreme i don't yeah yeah it's kind of the opposite but i feel like like the one thing that I think about a lot, and this is going down the path that you just mentioned before with Chris beat cancer is removing stress, I feel like plays such a significant role in how well we operate as humans. And this always comes back to the gut microbiome if we're supplying ourselves with brilliant food luscious food lots of variety um where's whether or we're just taking
Starting point is 01:36:54 out a lot of the shit that we eat on a day-to-day basis a lot of the crap a lot of the process stuff a lot of the things that are wreaking havoc we could take all of that away but again if we are in a really chronic stressful environment we are not going to thrive i don't believe it has to be a holistic approach you could have the opposite of that you could eat whatever you like or you could have to a degree whatever you like but you could be surrounded by beautiful people. You could be getting sunlight every day. You could be doing things that make you feel fulfilled. You might be getting brilliant sleep and you're nailing all these other things, but your diet isn't quite on point. You might just be in a great position and you just may never get sick. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:37:42 I feel like there's two ways around it. And I'm not saying that someone, like I don't know the ins and outs of what a carnivore diet can do to you long-term. I'm not a nutritionist or anything like that. It's just my own personal experience is what I talk about. I would, however, love to see, you know, I would love to see what, you know, the stool to see what you know the stool samples look like what the gut uh bacteria looks like what the micro uh microba test would look like i would love just because i'm fascinated by it and i'm curious um i don't know the ins and outs of it but i feel like if you if you can link in wholesome whole food like eat whole food as much as possible mainly plants like lots of different
Starting point is 01:38:27 varieties of plants you can you can tie that into a good training and exercise regime something that you're going to stick to same with the plants or same with the diet that you're doing and then you can intertwine that into the people that you hang around intertwine that into the way that you operate in your day-to-day sleep patterns and then make sure you're doing things that give you purpose, that make you feel happy. You can do all those things.
Starting point is 01:38:52 You are going to be combating and fighting against aging, disease, viruses, all those things to the best of your ability. And it's always about doing the things to the best of your ability. And I feel like if whatever that may be um each to their own um but for me i found that one thing that does resonate with me is causing as little harm as possible to other beings on the planet and that includes all the animals you're are you are you religious at all no no and what is your not religious probably in the in the
Starting point is 01:39:31 um in the like i guess the common the common sense i feel like i feel like there's something else i don't know what it is but i feel like like I've always got an open mind to whatever. I'll never just brush something away. I see a lot of people, especially through social media, it's like a hard no or a hard yes. I've got an open mind to anything. If someone brought something up, I would have a conversation with anyone about anything on any level, no problem, any day of the week. I feel like there's something else. I feel like I don't know what it is. I can't put a finger on what it could be. I feel like we're maybe put on
Starting point is 01:40:10 this planet for the experience of what it is and maybe we go somewhere next to experience another dimension of some description. I feel like that is a thing. I feel like there's energy that we can't see i feel like there's stuff going on that is maybe what may be blind to it i feel like there's potential for all of that stuff um i don't exactly know what it is but i don't believe it in its traditional sense of what most people may think it actually is but spiritual to a degree i guess you could call it i feel like there's some other stuff happening that we don't know about i'm curious about it but i'm not sure what it is but i'm always open to the idea that there's something there and the older i get the more i feel like
Starting point is 01:40:56 there's we're here to experience life to the utmost capacity. And the more experience we can draw from this, the more relationships we can have, the more memories we can bank, the better it is. That's what I feel like we're here for, to experience as much as humanly possible. Okay, let me fuck with you a little bit here. You ready?
Starting point is 01:41:22 I'm going to fuck with you a little bit. I'm going to fuck you. Drop a bomb on you. Okay. And this is – so one, do you think it's an intellectual reason that you don't want to eat animals? You don't want them to suffer for you, or do you think it a an emotional reason or some other reason is it because you cry when you were seven years old when your dog died and in it makes you sad when you watch people pull fish you're at the fishing pier and you see a guy pull a fish and drop it on the pier and the fish is flopping and you're looking at his eyes and you don't like you don't like the way that feels yeah no i um it's probably from a compassion standpoint and an empathy standpoint that i don't like the way that feels yeah no i um it's probably from a compassion standpoint and
Starting point is 01:42:06 an empathy standpoint that i don't suffering is not something that i want to induce or pay someone to induce for me right okay and i i'm with you it's crazy and it's interesting that you say that it's one of the reasons why i don't like war and the death penalty is someone has to kill those people. Like no matter how bad something someone did, if we're going to give them the death penalty, someone's got to do it. And so then we made so then we made a murderer. But. There's always balance, right? All these things, right? there's always balance, right? All these things, right? We just, we just put the world so crazy out of balance because for two years, 66% of the planet participated in a half dozen activities that got me kicked off of YouTube talking about. So I won't talk about it, but, uh, we put, I think
Starting point is 01:42:56 we put the planet completely out of fucking whack. Um, but what do you think about, about experiencing something? What do you think about experiencing something? What do you think about going out and hunting an animal, having that experience, and to see that maybe – here's what I'm thinking, what I'm exploring. Sorry, James. I'm having trouble getting this out a little bit. No, it hit me. Yeah, say it however you feel. Sorry. Sorry, James. I'm having trouble getting this out a little bit. No, it hit me. Yeah, say it however you feel. I just want it to be super clear.
Starting point is 01:43:32 There's these things that I think that we do that biologically make us who we are in our happiest state. We move through the functional movements. We have shelter. We have clothing. And we actually maybe know how to make our own clothing. And maybe we know how to make our own shelter and maybe we know how to make our own shelter and we know how to get our own food and we actually go through these functional movements and we sleep with the sun.
Starting point is 01:43:50 And there's these things that I think, I don't think it comes from like working at Apple at middle management, sitting in a room all day. I think there are some things, unfortunately, that were made to do this machine, the James Newberry, even though me and you are so fucking different. You're like a good car and I'm a shitty car but but either way we're meant to drive and maybe maybe since you and i have never hunt at least i'm speaking i don't think you've ever
Starting point is 01:44:16 hunted animal and i've never hunted an animal there's something we're missing like we need to go out shoot a deer look in look in the eye, have a good cry, skin them, bring them – carry them back, eat them. Like maybe there's some – we're pushing something away that maybe we should be embracing. Maybe – do you know what I mean? Maybe we're justifying something because we're fucking – we're not afraid. We're not willing to face our emotions about the impermanence of life. I just feel like there's something that I'm not expressing because I don't know how to make a house, and I don't know how to go out and get a deer for my family, for my kids. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:44:59 I feel vulnerable for that. Yeah, I understand what you're saying. vulnerable for that. Yeah. I understand. I understand. I understand what you're saying from my point of view. There's never,
Starting point is 01:45:11 if for me, for me, and it's, it's, it's very, it's, it's perceived different from everybody, but for me going out and killing something for the experience rather than necessity is never okay right if it was out of necessity if i was on a deserted island with no food no nothing no plants to eat no
Starting point is 01:45:37 nothing i couldn't couldn't catch fish and there was an animal there that i could eat i would eat it or let me propose this to you not that out of not that um you were on a desert island but let's say all the other food was dirty let's say you were in a sea of dirty food and the only undirty food was that animal i'd like to propose that too because i think that's you know what do you know what i'm saying yeah absolutely i'm a poor dude living out in the middle of fucking kansas and in the in your the all you have is hot dogs and doritos or you can go in the backyard and catch a raccoon and eat them and feed them to your family i i would i i
Starting point is 01:46:19 feel i i can't be certain because i'm not in that position and I've never been faced with that type of decision before, because I do have a plethora of options here and it's so easy to get types of food that I want. But I feel like I would, for the sake of another living being, I would make do with what is available to me without the killing involved and that's a it's a tough one but i feel like if it was gonna if let's say if that was going to if say eating the dirty plant food was going to reduce my lifespan by 50 maybe maybe not but that's something i've never thought about. That's a, that's an interesting
Starting point is 01:47:05 question, but if it's something that it's a real problem, right? I mean, there's a ton of dirty food. Yeah. Yeah. Totally agree. And dirty food that looks clean, but it's not clean. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. A hundred percent. I do agree. And I feel like that's probably where our society is at to a point where we need to start looking at practices that we can implement to be better at what we're doing and to also not look past what can be done out of convenience or laziness or not wanting to you know pick up a shovel and dig some dirt and plant some trees and plant some vegetables and some fruit yeah do you do you eat a lot of fruit? Love fruit. Love it. I eat tons of fruit.
Starting point is 01:47:46 Dates. I love dates. I love apples, bananas. I eat berries like no tomorrow. I love berries. What about papaya? I had like almost a whole papaya today to myself. Yeah, I haven't had one in a little while actually.
Starting point is 01:48:00 But the main things that I keep going back to on a regular basis, like when I do my endurance races and even when I'm competing in CrossFit, dates are my go-to. They just have a really good amount of carbohydrates. I freaking love dates. And they also have a good amount of fiber as well, good for the gut microbiome. I can eat a date with anything. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:48:18 Do you know what I mean? Like I'll mix it with anything. Yeah. It doesn't even matter. For a while, I would take a pound of ground beef and uh and blend uh two two dates with it yeah it's like a just eat it raw yeah savory sweet mix i've been i've been known to do like a savory you know tempeh bowl and then just cover it full of chopped up apple and strawberries and raspberries and Kiwi.
Starting point is 01:48:45 Chuck it all in there. No, no, no, no milk either. No milk. No milk. That's a stupid question. I apologize. Not at all. Almost seems like I'm not listening, but I am.
Starting point is 01:48:57 I promise. Extra sloppy. I was raised with livestock and hunting. I've never been compelled to take a picture of one after killing one. James is spot on it's agonizing i mean what about j i i i'm i how about james and sevan were spot on i i'm not i'm not i just told you i was i didn't like it when the when the the fishing pole and the fish flops up i fucking hate that shit yeah i i watched the um many years ago i watched the the video on the the on the the whatever the donate animals website is pita yep and it was fucking brutal and it took me probably it's like a 27 minute video and it probably took me six
Starting point is 01:49:39 hours to get through i had to keep stopping and come back because i was pouring tears and i probably didn't eat meat for like two weeks after that yeah it was nuts it's pretty full-on and that's that's what really triggers me when when when there's what sushi what about sushi sushi fish Fish? No, no sushi. And what triggered me was that I never wanted to visually see any of that stuff. It would make me upset. And I would turn a blind eye to it and just look away, never watch it and purposely bat it away every time it came towards me.
Starting point is 01:50:23 And there was a reason for it. There was, I didn't want to watch it because it was distressing and there was a reason for it there was i didn't want to watch it because it was distressing it was distressing for me to watch it but imagine how distressing it is for the animal that has to go through it it's just not worth it it's not it's not and especially when it's not out of necessity like we don't well we do not need it to do all the cool things that we want to do and if it comes down to a taste factor, your taste, in my opinion, and I don't put my opinion out there that much when it comes to this stuff because I know it's never going to hit home the way it should. And I feel like my efforts are better spent elsewhere and showcasing how you can do it but taste should never override the right for a being to live peacefully and happily and without
Starting point is 01:51:11 being tortured and feeling fear and feeling that sadness and being stripped away from its calf moments after it's born all that type of stuff i just doesn't sit well with me and when it doesn't sit well with me to the point where it makes me shake then i know that there's something underlying for me and that's what resonates with me and that sits in my values at a very high priority and so that's why i know that it's not right for me to do it and how do you not judge other people how do you not do that you think you could marry you think you think you could be with a woman who eats meat yeah yeah yeah i i i don't i don't feel like you know i've been in a position before where i just, that was what I grew up with. I ate meat growing up.
Starting point is 01:52:05 I drank milk growing up. I just didn't know the ins and outs. I didn't also understand myself enough at the same time. I didn't understand the reason as to why I got sad or why I cried when my mouse died when I was 10 years old or why I felt so bad about seeing animals suffering or all that type of stuff. I didn't know myself enough at the time. And I also am empathetic to the fact that not everybody has gone through a thought process or a situation that triggered that in me. Some people might do it at 15.
Starting point is 01:52:44 Some people might do it at 25. Some people might do it at 25. I did mine at 27 or 28. Some people might not do it until they're 50. And maybe they never do it. And that is not for me to judge at all. So no, I could for sure. And I would never be an overbearing, oh, you shouldn't be eating that.
Starting point is 01:53:04 I'm never like that. It's, you know, each to their own. And people are on, people are all on their own journeys at any one time. And I can't dictate where someone sits in their journey. That's pretty amazing. It's pretty amazing that you don't judge other people for it. My wife was a vegan. She would get pretty much, she'd want to throw up if i if around the smell of bacon
Starting point is 01:53:27 and then she got pregnant and we went out one time and she ordered a hamburger oh wow and i was just sitting there being like wow this is crazy yeah wow yeah and then she just she just started just craving meat like crazy, and she just went with it. Well, you never – like, see, I don't know the ins and outs of the biology to this degree. Me neither. And I wasn't – I'm not saying – by the way, just so you know, I'm not saying to justify it. I'm just sharing a story. Not at all.
Starting point is 01:53:55 Yeah, no, no, of course. And like there might be – like I'm just spitballing here, and this could be true. It could be absolute rubbish. here and this could be true could be absolute rubbish but maybe there was you know while she was pregnant maybe there was something a particular uh a particular action that was activated or a particular gut microbe that was activated to say i need more iron i need more of this i know where to get it from it's from this and here is now why you want it or craving it because we need it to support what's happening on the inside maybe that's the case right maybe that's the thing not quite sure what what how do you what do you think what do you do about pesticides i i love eating fruits and vegetables but i always trip on pesticides like every like
Starting point is 01:54:41 every time and i'm and i'm washing broccoli and like i'm like what am i really washing off here like there's millions of little like you know like heads and shit or like berries i got a basket of raspberries i'm like oh i'm running water over them yeah i think like what the fuck is this doing well typically ideally i think it's i think it's a great idea to wash all your fruits and vegetables for sure um and typically what i have been told in the past and this is coming as secondhand knowledge here is that if the skin is thin try and get organic if the skin is thick you can go conventional but you should wash it all anyway that's you have i have a vegetable brush do you have one of those no i don't oh dude okay cool here we go i've never even seen one of these oh bro are you got them
Starting point is 01:55:32 caleb or am i getting you you're a good dude it's like it's made of like uh soft bristles yeah it's like some sort of plant matter it's like one of those brooms like that they use in india and it's little you hold it in your hand like this and i do it's like we don't peel our carrots in our house we just you just brush this thing like to death same with cucumbers brush the cucumbers apples you just brush it and i actually saw something i have no idea if this is true i've shared this with a couple people they've told me i'm a complete fucking wackadoodle for saying this but i saw this thing on instagram where a guy was saying that water that comes out of your tap isn't the proper pH to rinse insecticides off because it doesn't make it water-soluble. And they even did like – or those insecticides are only water-soluble at a certain pH.
Starting point is 01:56:18 And he even showed you in cups. I don't know if it's true yeah i have i have seen those types of um uh experiments before with getting the acid water and then putting the acid water over your veggies and it it breaks down or it helps to strip off any of the pesticides that still residue that still might be on the fruits and veggies i have seen that before and i do believe it's a good thing and i'm basing that off just my my thought pattern. I have no science to back any of this stuff up. But I also do think that whatever we're putting on the fruits and veggies to stop the bugs from getting to them would probably also be wreaking some havoc on our gut microbes and the bacteria.
Starting point is 01:57:03 Oh, bro. So I do feel like that is a thing and i feel like that needs to be considered and i think if we wanted to be operating at the highest level everything that we would be eating would be organic and now i know people will come out of the woodwork and say they're fucking idiots they don't know what's the viability of this it's going to cost this much more blah blah blah i understand ideally we're probably all growing our own stuff in our backyard in you know doing it biodynamically of some description i'm not i'm definitely not in agriculture i don't know these things but putting pesticides that are going to keep bugs away from stuff and we're ingesting
Starting point is 01:57:40 it i don't know it just doesn't sit well with me um i'm walter go on in i can't believe i'm gonna tell the story this is the story i told i'm gonna be very careful they got kicked me off of youtube in in uh right after the american civil war it was late 1860s uh there was a shortage of cotton and so americans were looking for other ways to get fiber so they started bringing caterpillars uh that spin silk over from europe to the united states they brought this one called the gypsy moth and what they do is they take the cocoon and then they boil it in water you probably don't like that because then the the butterfly dies but bear with me and then they take it when they boil it in water the cocoon turns into one long string and they were trying to breed the
Starting point is 01:58:23 perfect moth that would make the perfect cocoon that would make the perfect thread. When they did that, those moths got exposed to the United States, and in 1890, there was a gypsy moth, and it started destroying everything in the United States. And so from 1890 to 1952, they sprayed arsenic and lead and DDT on all the fruits and vegetables in this country. And it was mandatory by law, by the order of the U S government. And if you want to read what that did, there's a book called book called the moth and the iron lung and all the fucking lies,
Starting point is 01:59:01 all the fucking lies that we've been told about like like crazy shit yeah and it just happened again in 2020 uh again on the world stage we watched it just the same fucking trick happened in society fell for it it's crazy this is the book i highly recommend this book dude this book is amazing but unfortunately it made me a little paranoid about um yeah fruits and vegetables well crazy book yeah and that's and that's the thing is look at someone's like see you in a week seven I'm gonna get kicked off again hey I was careful I didn't hey listen if you uh who guidelines are my preferred world health organization I get all your nutritional and medical advice from there.
Starting point is 01:59:47 Thank you. Yes. Good save. Good save. Thank you. Oh, that's awesome. And the 49ers are my favorite team. That's what I call it, the 49ers.
Starting point is 01:59:57 Yeah. Okay. So, but that is, I'm glad you said that. So, basically, my dad told me that at a young age. If it kills them them it kills you like if you're spraying rape raid in your house to get rid of ants like like there's you're gonna you're breathing that shit into and it's all over your bench tops and you're touching it and you're touching that you're touching your face and it's like it's a transfer effect and whilst a lot of
Starting point is 02:00:20 people would be like hey i'm too busy to worry about this type of stuff. It's like, okay, it doesn't have to be a worry. You just don't have to do it. I'm not asking you to do something. I'm asking you to stop doing something. Yeah, I'm asking you to do less. Do you use soap? No. It was interesting.
Starting point is 02:00:39 There's this friend of mine, Andrew Hiller, and when I look at him, he's so fastidious and clean and perfect. And then I was talking to him the other day. He comes he comes on the podcast a lot this guy says he doesn't use soap then i had hunter mcintyre on here the other day and i said something about soap he's like i don't use soap either i can't believe there's so many people i don't use really soap either even though i like i like lather i don't use shampoo but i do use some like uh i like lathering my pubes in my armpit but you don't use any of that. You don't even use a bar of like, like some sort of like, just like,
Starting point is 02:01:07 no, I do shit. I've got some hippie stuff for my dreads because a lot of sweat gets stuck in here. So I do wash my dreads on a regular basis, but it's just a local, it's like a local plant mix, organic plant mix one.
Starting point is 02:01:23 So it's not what you would get from the shops, but I don't use soap. I haven't used soap. I don't use deodorant. Yeah, deodorant's stupid. Yeah, I don't do deodorant. I created like a plant-based cologne. It's a balm with my brother.
Starting point is 02:01:37 It's actually supposed to be getting launched later this year, but it's just a completely plant-based, chemical-free, nothing synthetic or artificial. It literally just comes completely plant-based chemical free no nothing nothing synthetic or artificial it literally just comes from ground up plants and yeah you just rub it on and it's almost like an essential oil to a degree but it doesn't doesn't have any nasties in it so I was like oh if I ever want to smell ultra nice rather than just smelling I kind of smell neutral I don't smell like anything really ever and I've always been like that even since I was like a teenager from memory, I just never have smelled. So even if I'm super sweaty, so decided if I ever want to smell a particular way, I'll create my own plant
Starting point is 02:02:16 based, my own plant based cologne that I could wear as like an essential oil. It's interesting to me that you put anything in your dreads because i don't do anything to my hair i just do this yeah right yeah if i don't i get out of the shower and i just do that to it yeah if i don't put anything in here like it just i'm sweating i'm sweating quite profusely i sweat a little too i exercise a little too don't start fronting on me i exercise i sweat i know you do. It gets all caught up in there. And if it's sitting in sweat like all these like –
Starting point is 02:02:50 if sweat sits in there for too long, it's not a fun time. Why? What happens? It just builds up and it feels terrible. It doesn't have the best smell. But I do go in the ocean a fair bit. So I do jump in the ocean and I kind of wash it in the ocean as well. I get in there and get a little salty.
Starting point is 02:03:15 But to the degree that when I go get my dreads retightened, the girl who does my dreads, she's like, you need to get stuck into that scalp. You need to get it all shifted around. But she gives me this beautiful organic stuff that's made locally here over at a dread place that they grow all their own stuff. Why do you have dreads? So originally, I had them just because I wanted the convenience of – I wanted to grow my hair long. And then it started dreading up at the back and getting all matted.
Starting point is 02:03:39 And then I thought, you know what? If I'm going to grow this hair long, I don't want it to be a fuss or a thing. So I just said, I'll just dread the whole lot and I don't have to worry about it. And I kind of just did it from there. And then I just have never really looked back. I just kind of just dreaded it up. And now I just go get it tinkered with every 10 weeks. They just retighten all the roots, tighten up all the ends and then kind of just sits there.
Starting point is 02:04:00 I do nothing really with it. Are they getting longer? I actually chopped half of them off at the end of last year so that would double this length so that was real yeah yeah um uh i think it's in the y dreads uh there's a y dreads link caleb um yeah that's it yeah i chopped them off and that would have been just around that time probably later that week stand by people wait wait till you see this uh two two two links below that there's a a clip titled uh is this your girlfriend yeah that's that's my ex that's your ex-girlfriend this this this girl right here is your ex-girlfriend yeah that's so so after kayla i was dating page for almost a year yeah
Starting point is 02:04:56 holy shit wow what happened what happened with her just yeah, again, we still talk. We're still friends. We still help each other out with business stuff. But we just kind of also, we said to each other when we first got together that if we ever both decide that this wasn't as thrilling or as exciting or we didn't, we're just going to play this play this journey to go along this journey as far as we both feel like it's it's a thing and we're enjoying it and then we both got to the point where we decided that we just were not vibing it anymore and we just said yeah let's just be friends instead and that took you know we're together nearly a year so did you cry i didn't cry a little bit no i didn't no i and i'm not i'm i'm not a i'm not a crier really like i i'm and it's not saying that it's like a bad thing like i feel like it's
Starting point is 02:05:56 completely fine to cry i had cried before about other things um but i want you do you need to look at her again dude to make sure that maybe you should have cried no actually i was on facetime with her the other day it's all fine i think i would have i would have look at look at look at i i know right ken walters i'm crying for you i know thanks this motherfucker he's gonna turn 60 and look back at that picture it can and be like what the fuck well the good thing about page page and my relationship i didn't cry because i knew that we would stay friends um deep down even though it was a bit of an emotional time for the both of us whilst i didn't let tears out not because i think it's masculine to do so like like
Starting point is 02:06:46 i paint my nails for heaven's sake so it's not a masculine thing for me not to cry it's just that i felt okay with what the journey had presented and the way that i got to connect with page i felt fine about it um i was sad for sure i was sad because you know we'd had like in that in that 12 month period we did so much fun stuff together it was insane it was we were doing marathons and ironmans and powerlifting comps and we were traveling we're playing golf we were doing all the coolest stuff and we were like just big kids that had money that could go out and just do whatever we wanted we want to fly here and do this we want to go stay here for the weekend we could do that and we had we built a shipping container together with that photo that you brought up of me doing
Starting point is 02:07:32 the table we would we'll build furniture and we'd sell it on gumtree and we were just like we're just having a crack at just having fun and we were just doing all the things we wanted to do and i was really content at the fact that we had such a blast and we were ending it again on good terms because and i was sad yes that i didn't get i wouldn't get to experience more of those things but i wasn't sad at the fact that we were splitting up for a a negative reason yeah like that was a that was Paige's first half Ironman and it was a blast. Like we had a, we had such a good time. Um, and I'm sure we probably will do some more of this stuff at some point.
Starting point is 02:08:13 Like there will probably be a time where we say, Hey, do you want to go to this hike or do you want to go to climb this mountain? And you know, skinny dipping or skinny dipping. Yeah. Yeah. And she'd probably be down for that too like yeah she's she's she's also a very beautiful person who has a great moral compass and also loves to have fun um but she is like she's unapologetically herself all the time which is something i really love about page is that she is just who she is and she owns it. And she's, she's just a good person. Like I can't say enough good things about it. And like,
Starting point is 02:08:49 and I never, I've never dated like my two, my two largest long-term relationships with Kayla, Kayla and Paige and both beautiful people. I wouldn't have been with them otherwise. And both of those ended on good terms. Brian, God, this show is, this show is so cool.
Starting point is 02:09:08 These people pay me to say the coolest shit. Brian, with his cute kid bowl haircut. I used to have that. The world would be astounding if people were a quarter as compassionate as Mr. James Newberry is. Doesn't matter the diet. James, thanks for being so true to your beliefs and being so down to earth sharing it. Thank you, man. Appreciate
Starting point is 02:09:32 that. It's very kind. Super kind. Moral of my rant, grow and kill what you eat. That's an opinion of privilege. Tons of space. Grow and kill what you eat that's an opinion of uh privilege tons of space grow and kill what you eat grow and kill what you eat that's an opinion i got i just see the word privilege and i want to tell you just
Starting point is 02:09:55 eat a dick sorry brandon i i'm not even sure what you're saying but i just like the fuck like uh hunter biden was privileged his fucking teeth are rotting out of his mouth because he smoked crack it's like there's no one there's no one jay-z wasn't privileged and he's a fucking billionaire like what the fuck is privilege mean i just hate the word yeah yeah how about he had a good dad i'll go with that you had a good dad you had a good mom and dad yeah yeah right is that fair you had a good mom and dad i had a great mom and dad they were awesome honestly they were couldn't have asked they are they are awesome not where are yeah oh they are they are they're they're the best they're the best yeah i can't um yeah everyone says you know
Starting point is 02:10:36 everybody does say well everyone most people say i just had like just the best upbringing had the best parents and i couldn't ask for any better parents uh brandon graham uh you missed the whole rant say okay i apologize i take that back sorry you're right you're right i don't even know what you're talking about i'm sorry i apologize i just saw i'm trick i'm sure i'm not perfect i have a little i used to be a libtard there's a little wokeness in me i'm sorry i still get triggered and i haven't reached full enlightenment'm i'm working on it um uh um arginine is uh so 2020 now it's a citrulline it's the second time i've heard it hunter was on here telling about citrulline and i learned about citrulline from your instagram and citrulline is the precursor to arginine and for some reason you want the precursor instead of the so the so the... So from what my explanation has been about this and what Matt has described to me,
Starting point is 02:11:29 and Matt's the guru when it comes to biology science, all of the cool stuff are surrounding amino acids, surrounding gut microbiome, surrounding postbiotics, and all of that type of stuff. Citrulline is like the middleman between arginine and glutamine. And we have a good store of our glutamine around in our gut lining we also have the ability to convert citrulline down the path that if it wants to replenish and convert into glutamine to do that job or it can go down the path to go to arginine if we just load up on arginine we're only supplying the arginine factor whereas we have the ability to do both if we do that if we have citrulline.
Starting point is 02:12:05 So it can work as a vasodilator or it can go down the path to helping the gut lining replenish its glutamine stores. So it's kind of a funky thing. But the thing is with citrulline is it's probably better taken on a smaller dose on a daily basis than a huge massive dose to promote that vasodilation or that pump that you're kind of looking for when you're going into the gym. Yes, you can probably get it out of five to seven grams of citrulline if you want to dose it down today and get it go to the gym and get a huge pump going. But a small dose on a daily basis will just make sure that you're in track in check on both sides of
Starting point is 02:12:37 the spectrum. Do you notice the pump from citrulline? The idea so I don't take a lot of citrulline. So on a, on a regular basis, I'm probably doing no more than say 1500 milligrams. So not a lot, but a day, a day. Yeah. A day. Yeah. And reason being is because I'm looking for performance and if I get too much pump, then it slows down my ability to exercise. I don't want to get pumped when I'm doing a CrossFit workout. I don't want to get pumped when I'm going for a run because it'll inhibit how I move and how I function. So the idea is, you know, for a bodybuilder is to get pumped, to swell the muscle, to expand that fascia and to, to, to like engorge that muscle area. Whereas for a Cross up we want we want free flowing muscles that don't get
Starting point is 02:13:25 um don't get gorged we want that flow on effect to happen so we want we want to have vasodilation to the point where we can shuttle um oxygen and nutrients throughout the body and all that type of stuff but we don't want to get to the pump where we're so pumped up that we can't move and slow our functioning and our contractions down so i don't want to have a pump formula before i go to a crossfit workout you you and you can take our you can take a big dose of arginine and just get a raging hard on yeah yeah yeah and the funny thing about that it's crazy the funny thing about that as well i feel like arginine kind of smells like sperm at the same time have you ever smelled that i haven't smelt it but it tastes fucking
Starting point is 02:14:11 horrible because i just take it in powder form smell it next time okay what is semen semen i i do know what the smell is semen semen smells kind of bleachy to me right it's bleachy smell and arginine smells the same oh interesting um how how are you on time mate i'm great this is we're saturday here it's just i'm cruising i'm i've got nothing i've got i'm here for you guys as long as you need okay um i'm going to play uh um uh oh i think i'm gonna play like a 55 second uh shit where is that do you know where that thing is caleb where it's supposed to i make it's a 55 second. Shit, where is that? Do you know where that thing is, Caleb? Where it's supposed to be? I make a 55 second clip where I get made fun of.
Starting point is 02:14:50 I think you made it, baby. Okay, I'm going to use the restroom. Take a quick pee break. 55 seconds. We'll be right back with James Newberry. What is with this guy? You know, if Howard Stern and Joe Rogan had a baby, you'd be looking at him. Remember, the people were live.
Starting point is 02:15:03 So don't like start picking your nose or pull your dick out or anything crazy like that. And this is why this is the greatest show on the internet because there's a comment here that says a lot of pre-cum and then right after there's a comment that says it's so sad. Let's go back to hand jobs. People without their names and they... No one clipped that and played that on the internet a thumb with a mustache yes
Starting point is 02:15:28 listen a guy named johan lopez called you a thumb with a mustache wow i'm gonna shit myself man that seven on podcast is dull as shit okay you guys have a great day okay you too thanks for calling no i was feeling familial like it was my mom oh my god that cracked me out that was good i wasn't back in time it was almost perfect you sat down as it cut out. Oh, okay. I mean, uh, good. We lost a bunch of listeners. That's good. Now I'm going to tell you the secret that I used to do when I, when I was a young man, a little bit younger than you, I had a harem. Are you familiar with what a harem is?
Starting point is 02:16:17 Yeah. Is that, is that like a, is that a, um, uh, is that like a brothel? No, no, no. A harem is like when you have it's like oh here we uh uh muslim household reserved for wives concubines and female servants yeah i didn't have a house with them in it but but i lived in this town where i had just all of these women yeah friends into. I was dating many women in intimate, many intimate relationships. And you have to have a harem. You have to be extremely honest. Like if, if you, if you're a liar, it's called cheating. If you're honest, it's called the harem.
Starting point is 02:16:55 Right. Okay. Yes. Yes. I see. And there was this trick that I learned. You could take a shitload of arginine and then two Vicodin or one Vicodin, and it would be the perfect – you would have this hard-on, but it would be a little numb. It was like completely taming the penis, but you would have this wicked fucking penis. Anyway, okay. I love that. We should go – I never knew this about you.
Starting point is 02:17:22 Yeah, that was a tidbit. I'm no doctor. I'm joking. I just made this about you. Yeah, that was a tidbit. I'm no doctor. I'm joking. I just made that up. That story is not true at all. I don't recommend anyone take arginine and vicodin. But man, imagine what you could do with the penis on arginine with a little vicodin to take the edge off so you don't accidentally let one fly out of the chamber too soon.
Starting point is 02:17:39 I love it. I love it. There's a bit of a bit of a pharmacist in my day okay uh let's do lactic acid for dummies um if you don't mind sure sure um yeah so go ahead go ahead so um what is lactic acid i always just think of it as it's just i'm burning like i'm doing something it starts to burn yeah so um we actually recently had dr mike toovic. He's got a very large YouTube channel. It's called Dr. Mike, and he's also got a mate who they basically talk about biology,
Starting point is 02:18:12 talk about the mechanics of how the body works. He's also a lecturer at the local university here on the Gold Coast. And he's been talking about, he could probably actually have one of his, he's got one of his clips on his Instagram. It talks about the lactate pathway, pruribate, Krebs cycle type stuff. And so what we once thought was the process
Starting point is 02:18:32 or what was inhibiting our muscle contraction was a buildup of lactic acid or lactate. It's usually interchangeably used lactate and lactic acid. But what we're finding is that that lactate is produced to pick up the other bite. So when we go down the Krebs cycle and that pyruvate system, byproducts are created. One of those byproducts is lactate. hydrogen ions that are built up which is typically what is inhibiting the muscle contraction picks them up scavenges them and then takes them back to the start of the pro-evap system to basically it's like a redox pathway that re reuses the burnt fuel or the leftover fuel so instead of it being an inhibitor it actually might be a good thing so for years and years and years we thought buffering
Starting point is 02:19:22 the lactate or figuring out a way to buffer the lactic acid by using things like bicarb might have been somewhat of a bad thing or something that is inhibiting our cells to generate and to recycle that waste product faster and faster and faster what is going to um elicit a better response or a faster process of this happening um so we're looking at lots of ways that can do it and you've probably heard of the gut the gut brain axis like what we're figuring out as well these days is that there is such connection between gut muscle axis gut fat axis gut hormone axis all these different axes all come from the gut and we also have this my uh this mucosa lining around basically all all the interior of our body and that mucosa lining is surrounded and filled with anaerobic microbes as well which are lactate like so that they feed on the lactate or the the burnt the burnt fuel so let me ask this really quick sorry
Starting point is 02:20:33 so is is lactic acid made is it a byproduct of mitochondria yeah it's a byproduct of the process in the pyruvate system so that mitochondria that's you probably know that as the powerhouse of the cell or that's a little engine right there so what's that battery pack in there right so our ability for the mitochondria to generate energy that's the process that has to go down for it to generate energy so for us if we can figure out ways to increase so every time we exercise we bring upon a response. That hormesis response to the exercise is letting our mitochondria adapt to the triggers that we have stimulated. So if we go for a 10k run and we're creating energy through a particular pathway, maybe we're using our predominantly
Starting point is 02:21:19 our aerobic system, our ability to recycle energy becomes more efficient because our mitochondria is adapting to the stimulus and it might be creating more mitochondria through mitochondrial biogenesis or we might be creating more surface area on the mitochondria inside the mitochondria to hold and store more energy so the more surface area we have the more energy we can produce so every time we are exposed to a stress whether whether that's an acute stress like training stress or whether it's, you know, a hunger fasting stress or whether it's a heat stress, a cold stress, all these adaptations, all these stimuluses create adaptations for us to become accustomed with. And every time we tap into that type of stress we're eliciting a response and some of these responses are dealing with co2 better you know building up co2 tolerance from exercise or nasal breathing or breath work or some description
Starting point is 02:22:17 and also these types of things we're looking at as like okay now that we've got this stress adaption how can we make the response or how can we make the process of dealing with this type of stuff more efficient for us the reason why i asked if it was a byproduct of the mitochondria is i wonder if what you eat then matters on on that recycling process because because i i think quality of food quality of sugars for sure kinds of sugar definitely affect the mitochondria i wonder i do agree and the reason i agree is because everything that we consume uh everything that we consume has to be digested and when it's digested
Starting point is 02:23:01 we either utilize some of those nutrients some of those prebiotic fibers those things that are being digested they're being digested by microbes down the line whether we're whether we're digesting them through our own our own biological enzymes or whether they're prebiotic fibers that have to be digested by the microbes every time we do that they're triggering a response so that response would be a postbiotic it could be a butyrate could be appropriated could be all these different post but those postbiotics could be you know the process of making more b12 or could be the process of making more um branched-chain amino acids but every time we do this we're also eliciting a response from our
Starting point is 02:23:40 epigenetic expression so we either are turning genes on or turning them off and from what we can see eating shitty food produces a poor epigenetic expression which is what makes you overweight and what makes you less fit and what makes you susceptible to disease and viruses every time that we have oh did you hear that last part people anyway go on so if we can supply ourselves with good quality food that have an abundance of polyphenols phytonutrients quality quality chemicals along the way so every food that we eat has an abundance of a particular thing and either you've got good stuff you got bad stuff and what we have seen the good stuff elicits a better response inside the body and this is what i always say to people to keep it super simple because again i'm not an expert in this by any
Starting point is 02:24:30 means um i have people that are experts in it and i rely on them for this type of information but anyone who wants to get great performance out of their body and who wants to be the top tier in the world top one percent in whatever the field that they're in, be as healthy as you can, and you will probably be able to achieve that result better. Aside from looking outside the spectrums of PEDs, which I don't recommend or implore. I just don't think... I would not sacrifice years of my life for a gold medal in anything.
Starting point is 02:25:10 It's not something that I would want to do or risk in doing but i think this is a compliment in your country what a sick cunt so much knowledge right that's a compliment in australian talk right yeah that's a very good that's a i'm i feel i'm humbled yeah all right yeah i like what so all this chemical process takes place in the mitochondria. Hey, tell me this, because you lost me a little bit, but tell me, is it a misnomer to say you have lactic acid buildup then? Is that not correct?
Starting point is 02:25:36 Is that really something that doesn't happen? Is it right away absorbed? That's actually a very good question. I probably couldn't give you a precise, I couldn't give you an accurate answer to that. I know someone who could, question i probably couldn't give you a precise i couldn't give you an accurate answer to that i know someone who could i know someone who could tell you but i would dare say that there would be a build-up of lactate or lactic acid that may not be being recycled as quickly as what you would need but i believe the effect or the pain that you feel
Starting point is 02:25:59 or those receptors i believe it's called nociception and that pain that you feel that burning sensation in your legs, when you're, you're doing repetitive squats on a regular basis, like you're doing, you know, you're repping out, I don't know, or deadless, for instance, let's look at Jackie or sorry, Jackie, or Fran, let's say you're repping out thrusters, and you're doing Fran, that burning sensation, I believe, is a buildup of the hydrogen ions at the end of the process refers to central nervous system perception. Yeah, so the notion of stimuli, it's either we're getting, it's a perception of we've actually been pricked with something
Starting point is 02:26:35 or it's something that is an underlying stimuli that's not actually like a knife digging in or something like that. Go ahead. that's not actually you know like a you know a knife digging in or something like that so go ahead go ahead so i feel like it's not a lot it might be a combination could actually be a combination of both lactate buildup and also the hydrogen ion buildup inside the muscles that are giving you that perception of that burning feeling a person that would know this back to front is Mike Todorovic. He is one of the smartest dudes I've ever spoken to. Is that the fibula? Is that your fibula partner? No, no, that's Matt. That's Matty Legg. And Matt is absolutely genius when it comes to the chemicals inside all of these amazing herbs yeah that's
Starting point is 02:27:27 dr mike t he's a legend and he's so smart like if you look at some of his videos they're freaking awesome does he speak english yeah yeah he does okay great i'm gonna have i'm gonna follow him right now he he does some awesome stuff okay that's the only uh criteria that you have to have to um be on the show let me see uh dr m-i-k mike uh dr mike madison no dr mike oh shit i have dr mile really mess around with our blood pressure and our heart rate let's take a look at how so the valsever maneuver is when you try to hey did you did you get your blue check mark before you had to pay for them yes yes i feel like i need a black one or something now or a gold one or a bronze one or something something yeah i i fucking love it that uh you can buy them now
Starting point is 02:28:20 because i just feel like it's undermining everyone who had one beforehand. Yeah, right. And if you're like a real stickler for it, you'd just be you'd be skyrocketed. I was just like, Oh, well, everyone that I was like, wow, there are so many blue ticks sliding into my DMs lately. Yeah, must be getting popular. And then I was like, Oh, no, everyone can get one. Yeah, everyone get one. And you know, I made a post where I was poo pooing them. I was like saying that, like, hey, it's just clout chasing. But actually, I should probably refine that. If you're actually making money off of your blue checkmark, let's say – supposedly the blue checkmark gives you better access to people because it rises you up in their inbox. It makes your post rise to the top, and it generates your post to come up more.
Starting point is 02:29:00 Well, if you have a business, you know what I mean? Let's say you're selling a bathing suit called Le Boys and you don't have a blue check market then then it makes sense to buy it i guess because it pushes it to the front yep but i mean if you have 800 followers and i don't know probably i should be less judgmental like you it's fine i want to i take everything back i said in my post earlier today no i totally get it i totally get it but um you know if i was in the position where i didn't have one and getting one would increase the ability increase my presence for my business yeah yeah um you know you've hung out with some amazing people this picture at the top uh it's a picture of you and chad mck Cara Saunders. This is a crazy picture.
Starting point is 02:29:47 Rob Forte. I have not seen that photo in a very long time. So that was the first invitational training session that we ever did in 2017, I believe it was, and Chad was the coach. Look at you. God, Chad McKay was great. Do you ever see him i don't see him but he is like my favorite crossfitter of all time chad is the best yeah yeah and how about ricky
Starting point is 02:30:12 do you get to see ricky i never i haven't seen ricky in a good while um i just heard that he broke his bloody shoulder though i know that sucks i'm so bummed for him i'm a bit devastated about it i want to see him put on a show this year but um nevertheless i know he'll be back he's he's pretty um he's pretty resilient and and how about uh tia she's in the states now you don't see her anymore um i only see tia when i go back to the states but when i spent some time over there in 2021 um it was a blast and it was probably the hardest training camp I'd ever done in my entire life. Like I was buckled. So the difference between training with Tia in 2018,
Starting point is 02:30:54 2019 was that every year. So Shane was very particular about always recording what Tia did on a, on a week to week, month to month, year to year basis, and then increasing it as time went on. So when she moved to the States in 2018 or the back end of 2018, early 2019, I think it was the end of 2018, I continued training. But then during 2020, there was just nothing really on. So I decided to get ready for an Ironman instead and just play around
Starting point is 02:31:20 with whatever competitions I could get my hands on. When I came back around to 2021, I was like, you know what? I might have another run at the CrossFit Games. I'll have a crack again. The difference in workload, volume, intensity, that year that I missed set me back a lot. So jumping into the 2021 training camp in Nashville with those guys, I was taken back a step just because it was intense and it was high volume.
Starting point is 02:31:47 And we were sometimes on Saturdays, we're in the gym for like eight hours. So I had to try and adapt really quickly, but I probably should have done less training to adapt better. I probably over-trained to a degree and then was underperforming to a degree because I was trying to keep up
Starting point is 02:32:03 with what everyone's doing. And I have such FOMO when I see people doing stuff, I can't say no, or I can't formulate an excuse in my head as to why I shouldn't be doing it. I was like, no, I can do it. I can do it. I can do it. Was that your responsibility? That was you dropped the ball. That's not like a Shane or someone that's your. No.
Starting point is 02:32:19 So I should have probably understood that the running components of the training i would be able to handle because i did do a lot of endurance training in the years that the year of crossfit that i didn't really do like i didn't do much crossfit during that year of 2020 but i probably should have built into a strength like phase because i felt like my nervous system was really buckled by the end like i was struggling to power clean like 120 kilos things like that because i felt like my nervous system was really buckled by the end like i was struggling to power clean like 120 kilos things like that and i was like that shouldn't be a thing so now a days when i train i do four sessions four crossfit sessions a week maybe sometimes five if someone really like says come do this session but typically it's four
Starting point is 02:33:00 i'll do four morning classes a week but every time I walk into the gym I feel strong like I feel really strong but I'm only training an hour a day um whereas back then you get to the point where you feel weak but then the taper comes into effect and you feel then amazing are you qualified right now did you do the quarterfinals or did you do that you did that. Yeah. And how are you? Where are you? I ranked in – so I had a score. I had a score reassessed because my camera – Oh, that's right. Yeah. Sorry, sorry.
Starting point is 02:33:33 Go ahead. Sorry. Go ahead. Yeah. So I ended up finishing up in I think it's 27th place. So I'm going to Torian. I'm going to compete in Torian. But prior to the score muck up um third you had a
Starting point is 02:33:46 camera go off or something yeah so that was the wad the in the wad pro guy stood up for you right he did yeah he um he went in checked my qr code and he said the ram the ram on my phone maxed out and said i left too many apps open in the background um and then from there i just made sure i put two cameras on um because like i was whilst i'm doing the open uh i did the open with no expectations i'm doing did the quarters with no expectations and if i said if i made it through yes i'll compete um but in saying that like i i should have probably set up two cameras um which i did for the last two workouts, but I did miss. I got like half of the workout three.
Starting point is 02:34:28 Someone realized that it turned off for two minutes and then we flipped it back on. So I got the start and the finish. I got the first like two and a half minutes and the last two and a half minutes and missed a two minute gap in between. And yeah, so they gave me a score for the first two and a half, two minutes, 45 or something like that. What workout was that? That one? that one you got 456 or oh that one took 195th on yeah so um walk me through this
Starting point is 02:34:54 you're doing the workout and somewhere in the middle of it someone does someone actually say to you james or they're like no don't interrupt them and they just started up without telling you no so basically i was doing the workout i got up to like i think starting round four or five and someone what are the movements it was box jumps or something what were the movements i think it was burpee box jump overs five burpee box jump overs then a clean and jerk then okay my burpee box jump over is too clean and jerk okay and so on and then basically someone went behind the camera and yelled at me as i was about to finish i think round three or round four oh fuck oh and said bro your camera's off your camera's not recording and i was just like i looked at my judge and he's just like just keep going just keep going i'm just like there I'm just like, there's storage.
Starting point is 02:35:45 Just turn it back on. I said, close the app. You talked to the person? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I was pretty cruisy through the workout. Like I was, I was making sure I wasn't missing reps. So my heart rate and my breath was under control. I was like, just flick it off, flick it off and turn the camera on and press record.
Starting point is 02:36:02 So the first two minutes, 45 was done on wad proof and then the last two minutes of the workout was done on just regular recording so i uploaded them both um and then i just went and vaki said it'd be cool if i just did the workout again just to show people that i did it and i redid it and beat it by almost a minute in terms of time frame um just to show people that i wasn't making what what and when you redid it it was too late though right you couldn't submit it yeah it was like a it was like nearly a week it was five days later six days later what does crossfit say to you i here's here's what i'm thinking let me let me propose this idea to you that
Starting point is 02:36:39 they they see it's you everyone obviously knows who you are and they see that you're going to be in third place. You'd third best for you would be in third place, but they say, ah, if we give him the penalty, he still gets to go. It's no big deal. So they just gave you the penalty and you still get to go. Yeah. Yeah. I guess, I guess that's probably the case. Um, and I like, like if, like what if it would have knocked into 37th place? I don't think they would have done that to you. By shit, I don't know. Yeah, honestly.
Starting point is 02:37:07 Was it 15%? Is that what you got? I got credited. No, I think I got credited for what they could see. So they took it up to the 2 minutes 45, and they just gave me credit for that, I believe. Oh, shit. Wow, and you still got 495th.
Starting point is 02:37:28 That's crazy. Yeah, so it i would have if i didn't qualify i would have been like a bit bummed about that um and i i would have been bummed about it but you know if it had been in any other year where i was like gunning for a spot at the games which i'm not really like i'm i'm just i like i'm just competing for fun literally for fun if i if they said no i just would have been like oh cop that on the chin and just move on um but if it had been any other year i probably would have been pretty just like distressed about it all um but this year because i'm i'm only competing for the fun of it and to get around cool people just it wouldn't have it wouldn't have kept me up at night how many dudes go from uh australia 30 no no i'm sorry to the games three okay and so and you took the third
Starting point is 02:38:14 place who who beat you was it jay and ricky oh shit ricky's gone okay these these these phoebe apart you have phoebe partners uh i've got yeah one fiber partner fiber fiber partner yeah now now listen has this guy talked to you until you quit being so laissez-faire that this could uh increase sales if you get your shit to the games like hey quit fucking around dude well he's toast jay crouch you can get in his head he's young he's great but he's young you just tell him like hey i slept with your wife or something throw him off and win the thing well what's required for me in fiber is like i do a lot of the organizing of the events i do a lot of organizing for the podcast i do a lot of organizing for um other bits and pieces so i'm actually running a fiber stall at the
Starting point is 02:39:05 torian pro so i'll be running the stall with a few other people that i'll help get help you ain't running shit dude you'd be running in lane in lane six or whatever the one in the middle is what are you talking about running yeah well i actually did this at down under too so i ran a no shit yeah i did it down under and we ended up um it was me royce and the young fella jack jack jeffries they asked me to jump in the team to uh fill in for swanee random swan and i was running a stall there too so i would run down do the work i said boys you got to come grab me when you need me i'd run down warm up go out to the workout run back up and it was like people would come past the store and be like did we just see you on the floor i was like yeah i'm like lactate still to my bloody eyeballs yes i'm still out of breath from the
Starting point is 02:39:52 workout just then but you're literally gonna do that at the torian pro yeah yeah yeah fiber is my priority fiber is fiber like i've hasn't isn't going to the games though really bent i mean it's got are you guys going to get a booth at the games no we i couldn't afford it so we're in a transition period at the moment so matt matt my uh i'm triggered i'm triggered by that word transition we're having some issues here in the states please use another word okay so with with um So with Fiverr, so Matt is really passionate about creating really cool raw materials and trademark materials, things like Gut Matrix, which we put in our Fiverr product. He really wants to spend time focusing on those types of things where he can create fun and healthy options for postbiotics and other bits and pieces of that nature. I'm really fired up about Fiverr. So he's going to move more into that direction.
Starting point is 02:40:49 And I'm going to move more into taking over Fiverr moving forward. So Fiverr is my entire soul being at the moment and will be moving forward. Whereas Matt will help advise me on how to formulate what things to do. And I'll basically contract him to help me with certain things here in education and creating tech data and all that type of stuff and he's going to then focus on some other things that really fires him up because the last thing i want to do is do something that i'm not passionate about and the last thing i want for matt and the last thing matt wants to do is do something that he's not super passionate about and plant-based like plant-based supplements are my that's what
Starting point is 02:41:27 i want to that's what i want to put out and and expose to the public is how good plants are and how much they can help you matt wants to create things that are innovative and things that are not even done yet inventions he wants to create inventions so he can really put his efforts there and so for the fiber stand itself yes it is very good if i do go to the crossfit games as an athlete but i have been there before i know what is required but i'm also getting so much joy and i get a spark every day i get out of bed by getting up and working on fiber as a business because it gives me options. And I'm always looking for options. I want options to be able to go surf the Mentawis.
Starting point is 02:42:11 I want options to be able to go and have an experience in a different country or go to a race somewhere. I want to be able to educate people on ways that they can improve their health, their lifestyle, their nutrition, ways that they can increase performance, ways that they can be joyful because I know what it feels like. I know what it feels like to get
Starting point is 02:42:30 out of bed and just be fired up. And I want more people to feel the same way. And if I can just talk about personal experience rather than factual stuff that comes from a textbook, I can just say, hey, look, this is what works for me if this resonates with you great take someone bored leave what you don't like you don't want to be a salesman you want to just you want to tell your story and and have it be yeah yeah that's it and i and i do you know what and the reason why i believe that i did semi like did pretty good in the quarterfinals is because i didn't put a gross amount of pressure on myself to, I have to be a great business person and I have to be a great athlete at the same time.
Starting point is 02:43:14 I just said, business is priority. I'm going to work out for fun and I'm going to compete and train for fun. And when I'm having fun, I'm doing much better. I would rather come into a competition, 10% less fit and in a brilliant mindset than come into a competition as fit as cardiovascularly fit as possible, as fine-tuned as possible, but dragging my feet because I'm not mentally with it or I'm de-stimulated or I'm not aroused to the right degree is part of you a little um uh concern that you are going to qualify yeah yeah i kind of sense that from you in a way like you're like you're like oh shit i fucking have jumped into the portal yeah like like you're just gonna slip through and you're gonna be like fuck i'm here again what a crazy god you're a nut what a crazy
Starting point is 02:44:07 life you're living i will embrace it if that comes up i will embrace it with two hands and in the start when someone first asked me it's like fuck james you could fucking qualify for the crossfit games i was just like holy shit i don't think i would take the ticket i think i would have to give it away because i did not have time but when i did say that i was under the pump and i am under the pump now but now i'm thinking about it as like you know what that would be a cool experience to see how i would juggle that and the type of the type of things i would have to generate out of myself things that i would have to create that type of stimulus excites me because i don't know what I would have to do to accomplish both of those things at the same time. But there's only one way to find out. What would you? Are you doing anyone's? Oh, you're just doing the
Starting point is 02:44:54 affiliate programming that you go to now. And supplement was and you're supplementing with some sprinting. Yeah. And if you how much do you weigh right now uh same weight 87 kilos i have been for my whole crossfit career and um if you when you were training with uh tia in 2021 when you were there where did you did you you lived in nashville and where did you live lived at tia's house and wow and where will you live um thank you uh 191 192 thank you c you, Caleb. 192 pounds. How tall are you? Here we go. 177, 178 on a good day after a back crack. Back crack. And where would you live? Would you go back to Nashville to prep for the games? It depends on where the business was at at this point in time we're about
Starting point is 02:45:47 to launch three new products at the moment so the next three months is going to be pretty hectic in terms of what is required of me and i'm traveling so much to try and get the word out there and to get the groundwork happening so it would all depend on that but i'd probably try and get out there instead of going out two and a half months early or say 10 weeks early like I did last time. I'd probably try and get out there maybe two or three weeks. Three weeks would probably be the sweet spot, two and a half weeks early. And I'd probably try and do most of my training here. But I'm thinking if I did, like, let's just say a miracle happens, planets align and I qualify, I might just get really good at one thing just so i can take out a winning one workout
Starting point is 02:46:25 oh that would be cool just like just get really mega good at just one thing and hopefully and just you know luck of the roll of the dice that pops up at the games and there is a thing but maybe i just gotta become a better runner or something like that hopefully i run like a flat stick 10k pops up and i try and take the win yeah i went um i wonder how you would have done it what you weren't there last year no yeah i wonder how you would have done it that that one that travis mayer fucking ran away with when he was running was that the um the capital i think it's called yeah i did look at that workout that is yeah it's right up my alley yeah it's pretty yummy for you huh a lot
Starting point is 02:47:05 of people this is the thing a lot of people including myself it's like that workout is right up my alley and then when you're in the spot and you're doing it there on the spot sometimes it is not up your alley and you think it from afar because you're comfortable sitting on your couch where there's no stress it's cool you've got air conditioning on i'd crush that workout and you get there and he's like oh shit this is way harder than I expected. So I would also be in that mindset as well, that that did look hard and it looked gross. But in terms of a workout situation, that type of stuff is what I would look for in a workout for me. Look at Jack Mosley.
Starting point is 02:47:40 Get really good at skipping. Something weird with the jump rope is coming up. Savon has no clue what 177 is. Just fake it. Did you say 177? Oh, it's centimeters? Yeah, I have no fucking clue. Five-nine.
Starting point is 02:47:53 Five-nine. Thank you. Yeah, now I know, bitch. Five-nine o'clock. I have a hostile relationship with my cohort, with my friends here in the chat. Chris Whiteman, he smashed the run at the taurian last year yeah yeah i wasn't i was actually leading into taurian last year so taurians in may i didn't do i had a so taurians in may prior to that back in december
Starting point is 02:48:21 i had the powerlifting comp and then after that i did no training um leading up to uh waterpalooza because i was focused on some other things what does that mean no training like i was just maybe i wasn't doing any crossfit training i did zero crossfit sessions um i was would you still get up at 4 27 and be at the gym by 530 no so this was back before this was like 20 2021 how do you not train don't you have to sweat every day uh back then i wasn't doing that much like now yes i do every day it's a foundational point in my day but back then i was just doing random stuff so i was like renovating i was i was other things. I was surfing. So that, I guess you can call that training if you want. But I didn't, I think I was maybe squatting
Starting point is 02:49:12 like once or twice a week. And then I didn't, I wasn't doing any Metcons. And then I did, I said to Khan, because Khan asked me to be in the Waterpalooza team with him and Jay Crouch. And then Jay pulled out and then Matty Delugos jumped in and we ended up getting second. And I, cause I was so fearful that I would let the team down
Starting point is 02:49:29 I was just like boys I just want you to know that I'm coming I'll come I'll compete I'll be in the team I'll do it but I'm just letting you know I've done no CrossFit for months like I'm not in a fit state were you sore as shit after that I was pretty sore yeah I was pretty sore I was pretty sore by the third day um by that sunday i was just like i think we were starting i think we started having a couple of couple of beers by like 10 a.m in the morning but i was like kind of made me feel good because i was pretty sore i mean during the events you had a few beers yeah because only because we because there was a big storm that came through we thought it was all going to get canceled and so we cracked
Starting point is 02:50:04 a couple of coronas and then realized that we're going to still compete but it was going to be just later on in the day we thought we were getting cancelled completely and then it ended up not being the case wow but um we we were just kind of having celebratory drinks and then the next thing we know it's like oh we're actually going to compete we got two more events left it's like that but um so at that point in time, once Waterpalooza finished, I think between the time of Waterpalooza, yeah, there we go. Between the time of Waterpalooza and May, so January through to May, I think I did a dozen CrossFit sessions between those two points.
Starting point is 02:50:41 And I was getting ready. That 70.3 Ironman that you showed before, I was getting ready for that Ironman. So I was just doing a showed before i was getting ready for that iron man so i was just doing a bit of running a bit of biking and a bit of swimming so i was doing maybe two bike sessions two swimming sessions and two run sessions leading up to torian for a few months and then i'd crossfit maybe once every fortnight it's crazy but in saying that i'm doing a lot more now like i'm doing well in saying that, I'm doing a lot more now. Like I'm doing, well, in saying a lot more now, I'm doing four sessions a week of CrossFit. Yeah, it's crazy. And you're working out in classes. Yeah, I love class.
Starting point is 02:51:12 Like I don't do any extracurricular programming or anything like that. It doesn't fly me up. I'm not like super, I did it so hard for so long. Like I pull out my program for 10 years straight or 12 years. I keep saying 10 years. It's 12 years.
Starting point is 02:51:26 This is my 13th CrossFit season. So I just love going, jumping into class because like I'll show you my, quickly just show you my whiteboards here. Like I've got whiteboards just filled with, whiteboards filled with stuff that occupies my mind. And I want to make Fiverr the most beautiful company I possibly can. And I get
Starting point is 02:51:46 really laser focused on this type of stuff. And I know that if I try and do everything to its fullest capacity, I will overload my stress bucket and I'll be good to nobody, including myself. I will be worthless. So going and doing class allows me to walk in the door, take my thinking cap off and allow the coach to tell me what to do. And I just do it. I literally just say, okay, you want me to do Fran? Okay, we're doing Fran.
Starting point is 02:52:11 You want me to do back squats? Okay, I'm doing back squats. I don't have to care about the result. I don't have to care about how much emphasis I need to put or what purpose I need to do for my thrusters. I don't have to care about the purpose behind this and this and this and this because I'm caring about that purpose for fiber all day long and ways that I can make sure that that is carried out to the best degree possible.
Starting point is 02:52:36 And by doing classes, I feel like I get a better result by doing that because again, if I overload that stress bucket, I'll be a worse athlete. I'll be a worse business owner. I'll be a worse friend. I'll be a worse athlete. I'll be a worse business owner. I'll be a worse friend. I'll be a worse son. I'll be a worse everything. I just, nothing will compute well. And I've been there before.
Starting point is 02:52:52 I've been to the point of burnout before where I'm not fired up to do what I want. And I know the feeling of what it feels like to be so fired up about the things that you're doing. And I want to hold on to that. And I know that if I overdo it, I will lose that feeling. So I'm not going to overdo it. And I've become hold on to that. And I know that if I overdo it, I will lose that feeling. So I'm not going to overdo it.
Starting point is 02:53:06 And I've become okay with the fact that I don't have to just, I don't have to be training three hours a day to be satisfied in what I'm doing. And I don't have to train three hours a day to maintain a very good level of fitness. It's almost like you have your cake and you're eating it. Who will you give your coach's card to if you go to the uh the games i have no idea i have no idea i haven't even thought that far ahead yet i've like i've got a mate dave he's gonna come up and he's gonna do a tourian with me um but we'll probably we're gonna both be like going down there he'll like help me navigate like when dave comes to um so he's done a few regionals with me before back
Starting point is 02:53:46 in the day and our kind of dynamic when we go to things like this like taurian or regionals um he's just there i said just keep it light-hearted man i said just make jokes crack jokes don't take things too serious just tell me when i should get up and start moving around but other than that just keep me on point keep me to a schedule and then just literally just make me laugh the entire weekend because I just want it to be really like cruisy and smooth. But in terms of he works as a fiery, so he probably won't be able to come to the games. But in terms of the games, I have no idea.
Starting point is 02:54:16 Not sure yet. I haven't even really thought about it. Call her. Call her. Hi. Sorry. Hello, Savan. Hello, James. Hello, Mr. Bieber. Hey, buddy. Sorry? Hello, Savant. Hello, James.
Starting point is 02:54:25 How are you? Mr. Bieber. Hey, buddy. How are you? This is Angelo from Bolivia. Bolivia. Cool. I'm glad to probably listen to the podcast with Savant.
Starting point is 02:54:39 Yes, I was asking Savant to have you on the show. I'm not getting other people to ask for you as well. Huge fan of your work. You're calling from Bolivia? Are you in a bathroom also? A bathroom in Bolivia? No, I'm in my office. It's just a tough reception. What was your name? Oh, who? Oh, thank you. Thanks. Thank you. So you're the one who recommended James to me. Oh, I couldn't hear you. You recommended James to me I just wanted to say thank you
Starting point is 02:55:27 yes yes I did recommend you and what did I say did I say fuck no I'm not having that Aussie on here or did I was I like was I nice no you were nice yeah you said that
Starting point is 02:55:45 you didn't know James you've been around in the same places as him but you didn't know him oh well perfect I'm glad my stories are consistent well thank you for calling do you have a question for James or shall I hang up on you yes I would love to ask one question to James I'm a vegetarian myself
Starting point is 02:56:04 and I'm a vegetarian myself. And I follow James' Instagram and his social network about being vegan. If you have any advice, I do cross it. Right now I'm following Mayhem Programming. Asking fucking hard, but I'm loving the programming. If you have any advice for vegetarians or vegans doing CrossFit, the nutritional aspect. Yeah, yeah, totally. Yeah, mate, for sure.
Starting point is 02:56:39 So the most basic part of the nutrition that I like to tell people, because I am not a nutritionist, I'm just going to pre tell people, because I am not a nutritionist, I'm just going to preface this with I'm not a nutritionist, a dietician or a naturopath. I have no degrees in any of that stuff. But personal feelings as to what has worked for me, things that I highly recommend is when you're starting off in a vegetarian, vegan diet, or you're looking to go more plant-based and you might not even be excluding animal products completely don't get rid of everything all at once just add in more plants so try and aim for 20 different varieties of plants per week and then when you can do that go to 25 go to 30 30 is usually a sweet spot for most people but then if you can get 35 or 40 different varieties
Starting point is 02:57:20 of plants in per week you're doing well you might eat one of those once a week, you might eat one of those plants 10 times a week, but count them towards your total plant goal. And that's going to help get you a wide variety of different phytochemicals, nutrients, prebiotic fibers, polyphenols, all the good stuff. Now, on top of that, I would always recommend people to take care of their macronutrients to a degree. Once you become familiar with how much protein you need, typically for someone who's doing CrossFit and doing CrossFit hard, just take your lean body mass or your goal weight and then times it by say 1.8 grams per kilo.
Starting point is 02:57:57 From there, once you have set your protein goal, try and hit that on a daily basis, roughly, roughly. It doesn't have to be pinpoint. And then after that, be intuitive with your carbohydrates and fats. Your body should tell you when I feel like I need more fat today. I feel like I need more carbs today. I'm about to go do this CrossFit workout. You're going to need carbohydrates. Once you've got that enveloped and you've got that concise, the other two things that I highly recommend adding into a daily diet is some type of fermented foods.
Starting point is 02:58:25 So whether it's kimchi, sauerkraut, or pickled ginger, add in some type of postbiotic fermented food. That is great. The other thing I would recommend adding in on a daily basis is a wide variety of sprouts, alfalfa sprouts, broccoli sprouts, chickpea sprouts. Get as many different types of sprouts in as you possibly can. Then you're encompassing so much phytochemical goodness and then you're kind of covering all your bases and then when you do those 40 different plants you're going to get
Starting point is 02:58:54 you're getting in a wide variety of colors fragrances and pigments you're getting in your sprouts which are covering a huge spectrum there too that's part of the 40 you're getting in some fermented foods you're covering your macronutrient targets, which is your protein, carbs, and fats. And after that, mate, the rest is kind of just icing on the cake. The rest of it, make sure your hydration is on point. But in terms of navigating a plant-based diet
Starting point is 02:59:19 and trying to train hard, focus on those things. You'll do really well. Great question. Thank you. One. trying to train hard focus on those things you'll do really well great question thank you oh thank you savann thank you james thank you angelo good luck with uh thank you appreciate it appreciate it ciao ciao hey uh can you get fiber in the united states yeah i can post it over so we're posting it over there at the moment but we're actually we're going to be bringing some stock over there in about six weeks time that'll be actually housed there so that's one of the things i'm working on at the
Starting point is 02:59:56 moment it's taking up a bit of bit of my time but at the moment we're trying to get something there and is there anything in the ingredients that you felt like you had to compromise on you're like no i cannot have that in there zero it is like i'm so stoked and whilst it's just a protein and yes protein is processed like a plant like a protein powder is a processed ingredient or a processed food so we talk about trying to eat minimally processed but i feel like a protein powder is a really good way to bump up your protein and get what you need if you're under the pump. Now, in the ingredients and fiber, we have eight ingredients. We have organic pea protein, we have watermelon seed, pumpkin seed, sunflower seed protein. There are four protein blends. The reason why we use sunflower seed, pumpkin seed, and watermelon seed, which is a fairly unique blend, is because they
Starting point is 03:00:42 have an abundance of leucine, tryptophan, some things that you typically don't get in plant proteins regularly. So we've bumped up the amino acid profile there. The other thing that we added in was coconut oil powder that helps with a bit of texture. Another thing we did to add to the texture profile was we gave it an ultra fine milling process. So in that ultra fine milling process, it brings the particle size down. And so once that particle size is brought down, there's less surface tension on the outside of the dehydrated protein molecule. So it hydrates a little bit quicker. So typically, if you have plant proteins that are a little bit grainy, sandy or chalky, that's because they haven't been ground fine enough and typically are quite hard to then rehydrate. So we combated that with an ultra fine milling process
Starting point is 03:01:25 the other thing that we have in there is a thing called gut matrix which is a combination of a prebiotic aloe vera glucomenin fiber we also have in there three probiotics and those probiotics were remnosis plantarum and lactose we fermented those together we fermented those together in a fermentation lab here on the gold coast that generated a bunch of really cool enzymes, short chain fatty acid compounds, all the postbiotic chemicals. And then we also collected that with the pre and the probiotics, put it all back into the protein. And then we sweetened it with a bit of Stevia.
Starting point is 03:01:57 It seems like you could have cut out that last part and made more money. It seems like. Yeah, the Stevia? No. Oh, the fermented yeah like it's cool that you're like i'm just saying it's cool that you did that like you could have just cut that part out and been like fuck that it's too expensive well the the key the key factor here is when we when i was looking at the foundations of a plant protein that i really really wanted was amino acid profile taste texture digestion and digestion. And in the digestion
Starting point is 03:02:27 part, yeah, you kind of went the extra mile. And that's the key because I don't want to make a product that I'm not passionate about. I don't want to make a product I'm not willing to use myself or want to use myself. I want to make products I want to use. And everything that we're looking at now in terms of performance, mental clarity, how to turbocharge your life to feel happy and excited. It all stems from a healthy gut microbiome and the surrounding factors around that. So if we can have a positive impact on the gut
Starting point is 03:02:54 whilst we're taking a protein powder, yes, why the hell not? So adding gut matrix in, which is a formulation or an ingredient an invention that matt created um that was something that was just like yes this is going to make people whilst it does it's a very expensive ingredient for us to add is one of our most expensive ingredients in there it's actually like per kilo is way above anything else it is expensive but it is good for you so why not absolutely you said you're adding three new products is it is good for you. So why not? Absolutely.
Starting point is 03:03:27 You said you're adding three new products. Is it flavors you're adding? So we have a new flavor coming, which is going to be a strawberry plant protein. But we have three other products coming too that are a little bit different and unique that cover some other different bases along the way as well. Interesting. Yeah, they're pretty they're pretty
Starting point is 03:03:45 funky they're pretty funky why do you say that can you tell me anything about them yeah i can give you a um a bit of a lowdown you'll actually be the first first podcast to hear it um okay so good have three new products on the way that will be coming out hopefully in the next few weeks we have one that's called so it's in the greens powder space so it's a fido a fido blend but it's not green it's brown and it's called super browns so it's a little bit of a play on words obviously brown is not the most appealing color but we also don't believe that why like why ever was green you know given this uh this pedestal to sit on as the healthiest color we believe in a wholesome variety a rainbow in the diet and that includes green that includes purple that includes blue
Starting point is 03:04:34 yellow red brown all the cool stuff all the stuff that is going to invigorate the gut microbiome to do good stuff and to help create these really cool postbiotic materials and that includes things like diatomaceous earth that includes things like mineral pitch that includes things like pine bark oak bark flowers peels uh watercress it's got astragalus ashwagandha it's got all these really cool compounds that have been shown to add to somewhere. It's a whole body tonic. So it's not just a greens powder that you can just have, and then you can replace your broccoli. It's something that's just going to be the icing on the cake or an insurance policy to an already good diet. And again, these supplements are the 1%.
Starting point is 03:05:18 You need to be getting your bulk of your sustenance, your nutrition from your food. This is just an added bonus that you may not be getting in a modern day diet that is uh depleted of vitamins and minerals this is just an added bonus this is something you can add to it to spike that up and to get these really cool compounds happening things like schizandra and pomegranate um things like uh what else have we got in there there's a million and one things some things like maca is in there too so you're getting a really wide variety of phytobiotic chemicals in here which is super super cool so that's the super browns that's a very fascinating product and that's the first of its kind because no one's really gone down that path people do a reds or
Starting point is 03:05:59 greens or yellows but this is all together um another really cool product that we're doing is going to be a non-stim pre-workout or a pre-trainer. I actually would prefer to call it an energy tonic. It is an energy tonic and it is a really funky blend of things like schizandra, pomegranate, tributyrin, so postbiotic butyrates. We also have some citrulline in there. We also have some mineral pitch in there in there uh we also have uh some
Starting point is 03:06:26 mineral pitch in there as well so this is is there caffeine in there there's no caffeine so prefer to i like to get my caffeine from my coffee because i love coffee sure so yep i'd rather do a an espresso or a piccolo or something like that um so you can also add this if you wanted to add it to your coffee you could could have it alongside your coffee. You could add it into your coffee. You could also add it to your pre-workout. If you love a pre-workout, it's going to give you a buzz. You can mix it with that. So a bit of an add-on and it'll just help it work better
Starting point is 03:06:54 because the idea behind Yeet Perfect, it's called Yeet Perfect, is to stimulate mitochondrial biogenesis. So things like pomegranate have things called elagitannins, which are down the fermentation pipeline, create things like urolithins. And urolithins have been showed to help encourage the mitochondria to produce more energy warehouses per cell.
Starting point is 03:07:18 So we're trying to create genuine cellular energy instead of giving you that fake energy feel, just pepping you up on caffeine and making you feel like you're working out really hard and getting fluttery and anxious and all that type of stuff we're already stressed it is so we don't want to put more burden on the adrenals and that type of fight or flight stimulus this is something that you could take as a daily energy tonic to promote cellular health but you could also double dose it down and go and do a wicked workout with it and it's going to promote genuine cellular energy
Starting point is 03:07:46 and help to enhance that redox pathway and help to drive that unused burnt fuel, that burnt fuel back into the Krebs cycle to reinvigorate it and go again. Now that's another really funky product. So that could be used as a longevity tonic and a pre-trainer as well. It seems like you're going to have to educate people.
Starting point is 03:08:06 Oh, I have so much content just ready to dish out. I've got hours of footage on all of this stuff. There's sitting there in a bank waiting to go. I just need to collate it and to distribute it properly when we pull the trigger. But the last one, I don't need to touch on the last one for too long.
Starting point is 03:08:22 No, please. It's, um, it's a really, it's a really cool, it's a gut only tonic it's actually gut matrix as almost a standalone but it just comes with some organic bulbab fiber so just something that's going to increase organic ball bag fiber bulbab fiber yeah bulbab yeah bulbab fiber like the tree like the tree in africa that's the one yep that's it that's no shit so basically we
Starting point is 03:08:49 haven't seen this tree this might be the most beautiful tree in the history of the planet maybe with the giant sequoias could rival this is the craziest tree you've ever seen in your fucking life look at that kenyu the baobab tree do you have those in australia no we don't have them in australia we actually get it in but i tried to grow one those in australia no we don't have them in australia we have to get it in but i tried to grow one here in california i couldn't oh well they actually have a really beautiful fiber that has been shown to really turbocharge our gut microbes they feast on it and then they create all these really cool compounds um which we're trying to implement and trying to get the gut microbes to do we want to be able to feed them and turbocharge them.
Starting point is 03:09:26 And when we find we turbocharge those gut microbes, all these fascinating things are happening to the body. So it's like still an early space. We don't know everything yet, especially me. But it's, it's something that has been, has been looked at. It's going to be studied a lot more, but in terms of, and that's going to be called flora fuel. So flora fuel with a pH and that's gonna be called flora fuel so flora fuel with a ph um and that's basically just a gut tonic so if you just want to you know give your gut a little bit
Starting point is 03:09:50 of a a hug take some flora fuel it's good sir you think he was saying banyan tree i think you are you saying banyan or baobab it's it's baobab baobab yeah. Okay, we call it Baobab here in the state. Yeah, yeah, crazy. Yeah, dude, I'm telling you, I spent a shitload of time in Africa. Those trees are below your mind. Yeah, yeah. Below your mind.
Starting point is 03:10:14 It doesn't even look real. You're in a Dr. Seuss fucking land and they're massive. Yeah, it's a Dr. Seuss tree. And it's- Yeah, it's two different, yeah. Yeah, two different things. Banyans like India.
Starting point is 03:10:28 Sorry? I think I saw a lot of banyans in India. You got a lot of travel. Everywhere. Yeah, yeah. I love it. I love – yeah, I freaking love it. The banyans, I think it's – yeah. Ah, yeah, that's funky tree.
Starting point is 03:10:40 I think I've also seen something like that in Southeast Asia and Vietnam. Yeah, yeah. It's all India to me. When you said you were in my 30s, I just traveled all over the world working, making films. I went everywhere. From 30 to 40, I just went to horrible places. Thank you, Bruce. I'm like a broken fucking Yes. Thank you, Bruce. Yes. As everyone knows. Yeah, thank you. Listen, listen. I'm like a broken fucking record.
Starting point is 03:11:07 These guys know. All seven continents, 49 states. Yes. Took the Russian icebreaker to Antarctica. All that. That's awesome. You know what I filmed? I filmed this movie called Desert Runners.
Starting point is 03:11:24 And it took place in, you might, have you heard of the the four deserts run no no it's basically these people run across um the atacama in chile they run across antarctica they run across the sahara in egypt and then they run across um the that what's the fucking one in china um what's the desert in China? Anyone, anyone? Gobi, the Gobi. Anyway, that was, that was one. And so I just thought maybe, you know, because you're a runner, it's one of those horrific runs that I don't know why people, you have to carry all your food and shit with you. And it's like a, you know, 10 day run. It's yeah. Gobi. Thank you.
Starting point is 03:11:59 Well, I think I want to, but at the end of the year, I think I want to go to Edinburgh and do, I think there's a hundred miler in Edinburgh and I've never done an ultra. They've never done anything longer than a marathon. I've done a handful of marathons, but one of the guys there was just like, man, you should come over and just have a crack. His name's, um, Fergus Crawley. Um, he does a bit of, bit of stuff too, in the hybrid space. And he's like, mate, just come and do your first one as a hundred miler. He goes, we'll do it together. I was like, yeah, that sounds like a blast. mate, just come and do your first one as a hundred miler.
Starting point is 03:12:22 He goes, we'll do it together. I was like, yeah, that sounds like a blast. You want to hear something crazy? That movie premiered, guess where? Australia. Edinburgh. Oh, really? Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 03:12:35 Edinburgh Film Festival. Yeah, yeah. Crazy. That's cool. Hey, you're always welcome on the show. What a great, how fun, how fun to finally meet you. You're a cool dude. Thank you very much. I really appreciate it. I've had such a blast. Like that has gone so quick. I'm looking at the. You've got people like Conor McGregor saying he'll fight anyone. That's pretty impressive too, but saying
Starting point is 03:13:09 you'll talk about anything. I really feel that from you and I appreciate that. No worries. I'm always looking for a good chat. Good chinwag. Good chinwag. All right, brother. You have my phone number as I tell all my favorite guests, which is about half of them, feel free to text me anytime. If there's anything I can ever do for
Starting point is 03:13:29 you, if you're ever out West, let's hang out and have a face-to-face chinwag. And if you need my exact dosage of arginine and Vicodin, let me know. I'll give you a list. Great. Hey, I may just need that. Oh, look, Bakey's on board. There he is. There he board. There he is. There he is. There he is. Bet aside three hours and 15 minutes, mate. You're a little bit late.
Starting point is 03:13:55 I got to get – if you see Wiki, tell him – sweet talk him. Tell him it was fun. I'd love to have Wiki on the podcast. I need to make that happen. Yeah, he would have a blast on here too. Yeah, he definitely should. He's probably been editing some of my – because Bakey Films are my podcast for me as well. So he's probably been doing some podcasting for me
Starting point is 03:14:11 for the last three hours. All right, brother. Thank you. And may our paths cross again soon. Absolutely, they will. Thank you guys so much. I really, really appreciate it and looking forward to catching up in person.
Starting point is 03:14:22 Cheers. We'll be watching you do semifinals. No pressure. Let's go. All all right bye-bye uh vikey pronounce vikey okay fine vikey uh jeffrey uh birchfield um thank you for being here james appreciate the chinwag look at that accommodating his english so i'm gonna seven have you seen the training think tank podcast with brent fikowski no i think i need to, have you seen the training think tank podcast with Brent Fikowski? No, I think I need to invite Brent on the show. Um, I invited him once before and he said he would think about it. And I,
Starting point is 03:14:51 I feel like there's some hostility between us that shouldn't be there. I just feel like I should have, he, he should give me a chance to like, uh, be nice to him before I die. I'm old. So it's like my dying wish. him before i die i'm old so it's like my dying wish it's kind of true and that's like the sentiment of what i'm saying is true that the actual story is is a fucking lie but um yeah was it good okay i didn't even know they had people like that he like just came down for a training camp i think and so they interviewed him yeah it's just weird between me and people
Starting point is 03:15:27 because I'm just so opinionated and it comes across like I told my friend I didn't like weddings I thought they were stupid and tools of the man and he's like my best friend and then I didn't even get invited to his wedding I was like fuck I wish I wouldn't have said that to him because like i really wanted to go to his wedding like i fucked myself
Starting point is 03:15:48 by having that that opinion eccentric i don't know not really i told you i don't like to cheerio just normal i want to i want to try that stuff too gemma that was the mom's name in Sons of Anarchy. Gemma. Wasn't it? I've never seen that. I have no idea. What time is it where you're at, Caleb? Almost one in the morning. Fuck.
Starting point is 03:16:16 Did you get in trouble from your wife for being up this late? No. She's cool. She's always gone anyway, so it doesn't matter. All right. Stevan, if I ever get married again, I'll invite you. All right. Siobhan, if I ever get married again, I'll invite you. All right. Thank you. Okay, everyone.
Starting point is 03:16:31 Thank you for coming on the show. Caleb and I will be here bright and early. Do you work tomorrow? No, but I don't know if I'll be here. I'd like to invite you on the podcast. Oh, tomorrow's Saturday. Mm-hmm. Oh, 7 a.m. All right. Are you like to invite you on the pod. Oh, tomorrow's Saturday. Mm. Oh,
Starting point is 03:16:45 7. All right. Uh, Matt, are you going to watch UFC this weekend? Max Holloway and that English guy, Alan, that's going to be an insane fight.
Starting point is 03:16:54 Yeah, I'll probably watch it. That's going to be insane. By the way, everyone, that's a free fight. And, uh,
Starting point is 03:17:01 Max Holloway is like Max Holloway is on fucking real. And this guy, he's fighting is new. It's going to be unreal. I've become notorious for falling asleep on the co-main event. You have been? Yeah, so we'll see if I make it. Do you have a nice chair? No, I'm just laying down and watching it.
Starting point is 03:17:20 And then I'm just like, out. Caleb does what he wants. Caleb. Caleb does what he wants so caleb does what he wants well thank you one fucking guy called in from bolivia thanks for the help you dildos thank god james fucking talks thanks for the help i feel like they don't want to interrupt i know they're so conversation just flows super well sometimes. And then people just are enamored with what's being said. I don't want to interject their own conversation. I think they just want to be abused.
Starting point is 03:17:54 They just want me to call them dildos. Oh, or that. Yeah. They just like it. Everyone likes it. My mom tried to tell me like, Hey,
Starting point is 03:18:01 I think my mom or my sister was like, Hey, don't yell at your audience. I mean, no, no, they like it. Everyone likes it. Everyone likes it good.
Starting point is 03:18:06 They yell at us all the time. Look at what were we supposed to say to a vegan? We were trying to be polite. Oh, my God. It's great. Yeah, there were some pretty nasty vegan comments in there. Jesus. The show is three hours, asshole understand look at caleb why are you being so mean to me okay uh love you guys uh see you tomorrow morning 7 a.m pacific standard time uh you know usual
Starting point is 03:18:39 topics of fun uh racism abortion uh you know all my all my favorite uh topics we'll make sure to cover them trannies um loving people wisdom um why jesus hasn't spoke to me yet things like that the usual morning show all right guys talk to you later buh-bye

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