The Sevan Podcast - Jayson Hopper - What you don't know about the 2023 Rogue Invitational

Episode Date: November 4, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is an advertisement from BetterHelp. Everyone knows therapy is great for solving problems. But turns out, therapy has some issues of its own. Finding the right therapist, fitting into their schedule, and, of course, the cost. BetterHelp can help solve these problems. It's online, convenient, built around your schedule, and surprisingly affordable, too. Connect with a credentialed therapist by phone, video, or online chat. Visit to learn more to save, nobody seems like Dave.
Starting point is 00:00:38 Save on home and auto like only you can at slash ways to save. TD. Ready for you. Bam, we're live check out check out this sound this is when i put on my headset this morning this is what i heard listen listen this is the this is the roadcaster pro like my seventh one ready roadcaster pro 2 or something listen you hear that that that's because the phone's hooked up. And as soon as I disconnect the phone. Bluetooth. Man.
Starting point is 00:01:14 Man. I think this is the only equipment. I don't think I have a choice. I think I have to have. I don't think they have a competitor. So it's what I'm stuck with. Annoying though. Just like. I don't think they have a competitor so it's what I'm stuck with annoying though just like
Starting point is 00:01:28 ugh just work it's not cheap I guess it's not expensive either it's a $500 piece of equipment and it does a lot of shit and I guess as long as if I don't mind, here,
Starting point is 00:01:46 you know what I'm going to do? I'm going to re-hook it up now just in case someone were to call in. And that's why it's hooked up. Bam. Let's see. Okay. Someone calls me. Here we go.
Starting point is 00:02:01 Good morning. Jason Hopper's coming on the show today. I don't. That's a great question. Does Black Magic or AJA make one? I'm not sure if they make one that takes a phone. I just haven't seen one that takes a phone. Mary, good morning.
Starting point is 00:02:14 Takes a phone. Allows a phone to be hooked up to it with a live calling number. Good morning, Mary. Standing on my rock pad. I'm sitting on it with my feet on it. It would be more accurate. Miss Pugface, it's been a minute. to see you good morning vindicate i think about you every morning travis when i get dressed not when i put my pants on but when i put my shirt on um cave dastro there are competitors to roadcaster but they suck speaking of competitors
Starting point is 00:02:42 you know who i have you know who's a competitor of the show um i forget the name of her podcast glinton glinton glinton things glinton glinton things maybe that's the name of it glinton things she was a guest on the show and now she has her own podcast oh yeah yeah, here it is. Here it is. And I haven't, she has one that's called, oh, she has a new one out. She interviewed someone from Gays Against Groomers. She also texted me and told me she liked my haircut. Oh my God. Really?
Starting point is 00:03:21 Really? Are you fucking kidding me? I know what. I know. What's up? I know what happened. What are you fucking kidding me i know what i know what's up i know what happened what are you talking about you i know what happened you just rolled out of bed you didn't warm your voice up about 90 minutes ago no you did not you woke up 90 seconds ago i can you still have that dry stuff in your mouth i watched you backstage you were you're still waking up i was that was a bagel dude okay good all right so you're even fueled yeah with some refined sugars just to get turbo fueled like you're about to do something important just put deodorant on because i was
Starting point is 00:04:01 getting uh sweaty pits. What? Have you? Hi. Thanks for coming on, dude. I'm excited. Good morning, dude. I sense a trend. You sense a weekly rhythm?
Starting point is 00:04:16 I don't know weekly. Don't get crazy. But I sense something. Even your wife's only monthly. Just be cool. Monthly. Monthly. Be cool.
Starting point is 00:04:24 Good morning, bro. I wanted to match your swig and swallow. Good to see you. Good to see you, dude. Is it just us this morning? It is. The most popular show on YouTube that this podcast has done in the last 30 days was last time you were on. You're lying. No, I'm not lying and and and the
Starting point is 00:04:47 rogue invitational was huge for us that week was massive for us the number of views but um suza pointed out to me last night at 8 32 p.m he said wow the last time that show we did with um it was you and hillar and then when you got off um hunter came on and analyzed you and that was our biggest show i saw that i stayed on for a little bit listen to what he had you and that was our biggest show. I saw that. I stayed on for a little bit and listened to what he had to say. That was our, what did you think about his analysis? He's concerned about your mindset. I mean, he just doesn't know me. Yeah, that's true. He doesn't know you, but he, but, but he was,
Starting point is 00:05:16 he was very sober in his analysis and he's a champion, right? Yeah, he was. But I mean, at the same time, he wasn't mean. No, he wasn't at all. But he was, but I mean, at the same time, he wasn't mean. No, he wasn't at all. Um, but he just, I feel like there was some things that he just doesn't, he didn't learn all about me and that in the time that I was speaking in the 45 minutes that I had to, um, tell y'all like what was going on. Um, so I mean from his, from his point of view, I mean, i mean sure but like he doesn't know he's never
Starting point is 00:05:47 seen me compete uh he's never seen like my history he's never seen like i think the first thing he said was like i'd like already subconsciously lost or something um but from like uh from the 45 minutes that he got to know me, I mean, if that was his conclusion, then sure. But I mean, for for you or for anybody who's who see me compete like. I, I do have a killer instinct about my, you know, about the work that I do, like I'm not just going to go and, and purposely lay an egg, um, at a competition. Like I'm going to go and I might not win. I might not, you know, show up and do my best, but I'm like, I'm gonna, I'm gonna hunt. And so for him to be like, I subconsciously lost, he just, there's a lack of understanding about who I am. Um, there.
Starting point is 00:06:49 about who I am, um, there. Let me ask you this. There's this, um, there's this, okay. And bear with me here. I'm going to speak in sweeping generalizations, but there's kind of like this religious credo, right? So, um, everything happens for a reason. It was God's plan, right? Or like the Buddhists would say, don't argue with reality. Or, you know, if someone died in your life, you know, um, the Christians, your Christians might gather around you and be like remember that it's all part of god's plan yeah and and when when athletes say that and i'm and i may be mischaracterizing you so i apologize but when athletes say that you had a little bit of your of that attitude last time you were on like i'm just going with the flow i understand that there's been some hardships and some hurdles um and i'm working through them and and i can handle it it's like it's okay but i think what
Starting point is 00:07:32 athletes what they people want to hear or they think that they want to hear is i'm fucking pissed i'm coming back harder and stronger fuck this bullshit i'm a fucking caged animal you know what i mean like there's a and so to you who who i think is a deeply um moral high valued man um i i don't know does any of that resonate with you i don't even i don't even know what i'm asking but does any of that resonate with you that there's sides of you like fuck you i took 30th but like like let me just show you one thing real quick before you answer that this is why this is why it's hard to say that you're not the future of the sport this is absolutely maybe the most fucking athletic thing we've seen uh in in the history of crossfit now maybe there's equally athletic things, but this is absolutely nuts what you did here. And this is against the great Fikowski
Starting point is 00:08:31 who didn't have one fucking error. And you completely blow him out of the water. This is from the Rogue 2023 Invitational. Watch this. This is the dual event. Fikowski's having a perfect run, and you're already breaking ahead. Look at that.
Starting point is 00:08:46 Look at that lean you have. You have to slow down. He doesn't even have to lean. Look at the way you grab the bags. And then that transition as you attack the bucket. Dude. Holy shit, dude. This is nuts. I mean i mean sure you could say there are like moments like
Starting point is 00:09:11 that that bring out that that part of me and you know you think that's a different you right there that's not just like hey all of those things happen to fall in your bucket but that's also a different jason that's like you were is that you running at a 10 hot perfect yeah i mean yeah yeah i mean i was having i was having a lot of fun out there for sure um i mean but at the same time like you could look at a you could see that athleticism and and be like oh he's like the future of the sport. But then you have to also put on the same token, like I can't do a bar muscle-up on a log like these other people are naturally just doing it. And so there's like, why does my athleticism come out in those moments?
Starting point is 00:09:57 Why does it look so good? Like, oh, he's like nine-day faster than all these other athletes. But I can't figure out how to do a pullover when all these other athletes but like i can't figure out how to to do a pullover when all these other athletes are just naturally you know picking it up you know and so like there there is yes or no yes and no like there are some things that are limiting limiting me from being like the future of the sport um that i have to just figure out um and so if you if people are gonna say like hey look at that footage and say hey like future the sport he's like the most athletic in the sport like you also have to
Starting point is 00:10:30 on the same token bring up the fact that there's some things that that i'll struggle with and strong like bull i mean the way you move the bag i mean most of that's just grunt work i mean i mean we know that i, I'm not going to struggle with anything. That's like, you know, just put your head down and go as fast as you can. I think I'm, I think my Achilles heel is going to be stuff that I have to like, think about, you know? So, so when is it, when is it like, this is God's plan and fuck you, I'm not happy with this. How do both of those live in you? It's both. And at the end, at the end of the day, none of us are in control. Um, and so like when I
Starting point is 00:11:10 go out there and give my best, it's, uh, it's, I mean, it's me obviously working, but at the same time, it's like, you know, my beliefs, I'm not in, I'm not in control of my own destiny. It's like, you know, my beliefs, I'm not in, I'm not in control of my own destiny. And so it's a, it's a both and type thing, you know, like I give my best and, you know, I also believe that where I end up is, is, you know, orchestrated by, by God. It's a, it's a, I mean, I know it doesn't sound like very uh like it doesn't make sense but it's it's a mystery and that's what you just gotta that's why obviously we we have a or a an entire you know religion per se on faith is like you got to live with that faith the fact that he is in control um but that doesn't make me just lay down and
Starting point is 00:12:06 you know act like like hey god just take care of everything no like i have a responsibility in my life to to steward the things that i have and um it's a it's a both and thing it's a part it's a partnership if you will um i want to look at that word response ability so so you take 30th at the games and you explain to us in a way that i've never heard any other athlete ever explain it was it was the best part of that last podcast where basically like you explain what uh kind of like an emotional wound is. It's like, hey, you put in all this hard work, and then you didn't get what you want. It's kind of like you washed your car, and then you parked it at the mall, and you came back and 30 birds shit on it. After you spent three hours washing your brand new car, you're like, what the fuck?
Starting point is 00:12:58 Dude, I've heard you like, ever since that podcast, I've heard you, like, tell, like, at least five people. That's the best way I've ever – Dude, I never understood it. I never understood what it meant to be, like, emotionally wounded, like, in sports. It always just sounded like some just, like, just pussy shit to me. But, like, I get it. Now I fully get it. It's, like – because i see my kids get like
Starting point is 00:13:26 that all the time they build a lego tower and the dog comes over and knocks it over and they're fucking like like they see all their work just not they don't get what they want from their their hard work right so so that happens to you and you come back and you simultaneously are trying to heal that emotional wound and but still still train. So you find some happy middle ground with about half the training instead of four hours a day, you go to two hours a day. Right. Yeah. I mean, some, some days it was, I mean, most days I woke up and, you know, I headed to the gym and, you know, I did your generic class strength, like build to a heavy in 20 minutes. Like there was no there was not much structure to a lot of the things I was doing.
Starting point is 00:14:11 You know, I'd go in there, pick a few things that I wanted to do in a Metcon, throw something together. Obviously, talk to Jake about this stuff like we collaborated. I obviously talked to Jake about this stuff. We collaborated. But a lot of it was I was so turned off to a lot of the things in training, like accessories, like any sort of skill stuff. I was so fed up with doing a bunch of strength stuff. I just wanted to go there and really just hurt. I just wanted to go to the gym and be in there for 90 minutes you know 90 minutes to two hours get the work done and
Starting point is 00:14:48 then get out of there like there wasn't a lot of a whole lot of motivation to to be around honestly and so yeah I had a I had to balance that with obviously I had the second best the second biggest competition of the year coming up in a month. Um, and I obviously like, I want to be there. Like I want to do well at Rogue, but I, at the same time in the back of my mind, I'm like, I'm not going to be completely ready for this. Um, and so, yeah, like I, I accepted that, uh, for sure. And so like, it was, uh, it, it was, it was tough to manage for sure. Because like, at the same time, like, I wasn't, I wasn't the most motivated. Like, I didn't want to, I didn't want to be at the gym all the time. And there was obviously there was better days sometimes. And then there was, you know, tough days, tougher days. But from a general consensus,
Starting point is 00:15:42 like looking back on the last, you know, two months, most of the days I was kind of like I was a dragon ass, honestly. You know, just checking boxes, going through the motions. Between the games and Rogue. Between the games and Rogue, yeah. Hey, did you want to go to Rogue? Hey, did you Want to go to Rogue And specifically like When I schedule a podcast, I want to do it
Starting point is 00:16:08 And then the night before I'm like, what did I do Do you know what I mean It doesn't go away until I come It actually doesn't go away until I come in here And I see you And then it goes away But up until the very second the podcast started
Starting point is 00:16:23 There's a little tiny part of me is like, why did you schedule this? You know what I mean? Like I could be sleeping or like eating a bowl of cereal or fucking masturbating or something. There was like this feeling of obviously when you when we go into a competition, there's a lot of anxiety and stress and nervousness for all of us. anxiety and, you know, stress and nervousness for all of us. And so, um, yeah, like the, the month leading into the, into rogue, I didn't necessarily, I wanted to be there, but I also didn't want to at the same time. Like I didn't, I wasn't, I wasn't ready. Like I didn't know how it was going to go. You know, I wasn't doing a lot of you know I wasn't very strong in the month of October and and I knew Rogue would be really physically strong yeah I mean I just didn't have my squat like I wasn't you know peaked at like my squat and my like Olympic lifts like
Starting point is 00:17:19 if we had to max out a snatch like there's no way i'll be hitting 300 or you know stuff like that and so like going into rogue um there was like this bit of like there was a like this i don't really want to i don't want to go and like crap the bed again honestly um because that wasn't fun at the games uh and i just didn't want that to happen again. And so dealing with that, like that burnout, like I just wasn't getting ready for this competition. And that made me feel like pretty hesitant about going because it was such a big opportunity. And then obviously when I got there, you know, all this, any, whenever you have like, whenever you get nervous, you're like, oh my goodness. Like you kind of like flee from those feelings. Like you're like, I'd rather
Starting point is 00:18:08 be doing something else. And this is honestly with, I can't really, I can, I think I could speak for most athletes. But before we honestly go out for that first event, we're all like, why are we, why do we choose this sport? I mean that's all that's all of us uh and so you know that that day leading into the first event there was definitely those thoughts of like what have i done that was the that was that crazy run event too right yeah yeah and then the second they say go that's all out the door all the door yeah that's awesome i wonder i think that's like what what hunter when he said like i subconsciously lost that that was his that's where he's lacking some understanding with me is like i do have killer instinct when it comes to
Starting point is 00:19:00 like those style workouts and i feel like when he says like, I just automatically lost as soon as that, as soon as we went, like they said, go, like everything went out the window, like everything else. And it was, it was all about winning. It was all about racing. It was all about like, how can I just head hunt right now? Um, and obviously I, you know, I didn't win that event. Um, but I mean, you get the idea. But you could have. I don't know, man. Jeff is pretty good.
Starting point is 00:19:32 Family Fit Six, funny story. My son went up to Jason Hopper to say hi. And Jason Hopper asked him who his favorite CrossFitter was. My son proceeded to say Justin Medeiros. I don't remember that. You're a good dude. Uh, Thomas Stroud, a hoppers and insanely self-aware, a human being. Thank you. Thank you, Thomas. Um, I get that a lot, honestly. I spoke with him after the 2022 CrossFit Games.
Starting point is 00:20:08 He shared his life testimony. He's more cognitive than people give him credit for. Damn. I can be dumb sometimes, for sure. Actually humble, not fake humble. I don't know what that's in reference to, but let's just say he's talking about you. Are you just posting all that? How many people we got live right now uh 334 hey was that weird seeing taylor and marconi and matt torres all together on pedro's podcast i was tripping i didn't even that was pretty weird i didn't listen to the podcast i want to i want
Starting point is 00:20:42 to go listen to it but that was pretty weird it's like seeing dc uh superheroes and marvel superheroes in the same comic you're like you guys aren't in the same world yeah that was weird i don't even know if they have ever met jake and uh taylor like in person it could be because jake's your coach in in um uh and taylor's kind of your thorn in your side. That's exactly right. And Matt Torres is just like some imaginary figure in Florida. That's exactly right. How crazy is Matt Torres' trip? Five athletes at the games.
Starting point is 00:21:21 That's nuts, right? Do you ever think about what it would be like to be a coach? Dude. I'm actually pretty close from that. He tells me some of the stuff that he deals with as a coach, and it's crazy. I mean, all of them. Obviously, Matt more because he has more athletes. He had Fee Sagafi, Emma Carey, Daniel Brandon, Dallin Pepper, and James Sprague all at the crossfit games it's it's it's um they're all but i think the hard thing is they're all like so
Starting point is 00:21:52 different so it's kind of like how do you manage all these emotions nah those guys are all the same dude what a wild bunch of characters dude did you ever see that movie um young guns it's old yeah it is i can't think of a more uh different group of people are you are you an easy athlete to coach uh i can be um i just i like to have a lot of like say in my programming. Like a lot of these athletes will just get their program and be like, whatever coach says, like I'll just do whatever he says. I like to have, I'm a lot more hands-on, like I like to be a lot more collaborative with Jake. And so I feel like there could be some frustrations there as far as like,
Starting point is 00:22:46 if I want to do something that he doesn't think is best, there could be some, you know, tension there. Um, yeah. Do you trust yourself like that? Like, can you give me, give me an example of what you mean by collaborative? like that like can you give me give me an example of what you mean by collaborative like he'll send me a workout maybe and um like let's say i struggle with bar muscle ups more than ring muscle ups and he sends me a workout on monday that has ring muscle ups in them and i'm like hey this would this may be more effective. This may push the needle a little bit more if we do bar muscle-ups here.
Starting point is 00:23:29 And I would ask. So you can work on them. Yeah, I work on them more than ring muscle-ups. And I would ask them. And some days he'd be like, yeah, for sure, go for it. And then perfect. Some days he'd push back and be like, hey, let's do ring muscle-ups. And there would be some tension. Or I'd be like hey let's do remuscle ups and there would be some
Starting point is 00:23:45 some tension or i'd be like all right yeah for sure i mean obviously there's a million of these conversations happening some days i'm just like for sure yeah i agree and then some days i'm like i could get frustrated honestly depends on where i'm at emotionally that day honestly um but that's one example or he'll send me like the program um you know the the day before we actually start and we talk about it and I mean there's a million different you know conversations that could be had but there could there has been some like I wouldn't say frustrations because frustration is something that's like built up over time. But I'm more like, hey, can we change this?
Starting point is 00:24:32 Like I'd rather or I'll get the program for the week and maybe I won't see enough of something that I want to work on. Like I won't see enough of, let's say, handstand pushups. Let's say I want to hit this amount of handstand pushups a week, and I'll get the program, and that's a little short or something. I'll be like, hey, can we do more? And he'll be like, no, bad idea. I'm like, well, more is better. So me just being a hardhead, most of the time most of the time he's right
Starting point is 00:25:05 and so uh it's me just being you know immature but can you can you look can you just take something like um uh you you were saying um muscle-ups or the pullovers aren't your best can you just can you just take that and be like in eight weeks, I'm going to be the best in the world at it? No. I mean, that's pretty unrealistic. It is? Why can't you – you can't just take a weakness? It's not like you're – it's not like you're going for a 400-pound snatch in eight weeks.
Starting point is 00:25:47 It's – I mean – it's not like you you're going for a 400 pound snatch in eight weeks it's it's i mean can't you just find these things that are like that and just fucking attack them and just and just and just work them out you can't really at the at the suffering of other things it's just a slap in the face to the people the gymnasts who have been doing it for years and years and years i mean that's why i like pat velner so good at gymnastics is because he was doing that for years for him for me to be like oh i can pick this skill up in eight weeks and be better than you just mean it's a slap in the face it'd be it would be like it would be like someone being like hey i'm gonna do these c2 i'm gonna do a c2 progression on a on a c2 bike and i'm gonna be better than you on a C2 bike in eight
Starting point is 00:26:25 weeks. I'm like, I mean, you can try, but I mean, let me put this out there and I know it's a bad, bad example. Cause he's the best that ever did it.
Starting point is 00:26:34 But basically Matt went from this being like the worst at the sprint event at the games or, you know, bottom five to the best in the world at the sprint event. Yeah. That's a pretty wild thing to fit that's pretty wild thing to fix it is um but the thing is with matt it was like he never he didn't grow up sprinting he grew up lifting and you know he's he has a lot of good body awareness for sure
Starting point is 00:27:00 but he never lacked sprinting capabilities he always just he just never sprinted um okay okay he had like the potential to be a really good sprinter um he just i guess i mean i really don't know his past but i'm sure i'm obviously he didn't sprint a lot when he was you know growing up is there anything you're attacking now with like you're like hey i'm gonna fucking crack the code on this i'm gonna be like i'm gonna i'm gonna become the best like like the bar muscle-up thing are you like fuck it i'm i don't i don't think i'm thinking about i'm gonna become the best um because that's just like so far away like i'm pretty realistic about you know expectations i do have a, like, I'm not waking up saying like, I'm going to be the worst of this forever. Um, like I'm never,
Starting point is 00:27:51 it's never that it's more of like, Hey, I want to get, I'm going to be like, I'm going to be good at these things eventually. Like if I just keep pushing the needle, if I keep working, if I keep like learning how to maneuver my body around things properly, then I'm going to be a lot better than I am now. But to say like. I'm going to turn a weakness into a strength. It would be fucking crazy for your confidence. A weakness. It would.
Starting point is 00:28:16 It would. The thing I have a problem with is for some reason there's a lack of body awareness that I have. Like I'm sure I could be athletic and, you know, you can say all those things, but I do have a lack of ability to move my body efficiently around things. And I think it takes time for me to learn these things. Like it takes time for me to learn these things. Like it takes time for me to, to learn a pullover the correct way. And what is happening in the sport and in these competitions is these things are being brought up at last minute. And I'm not,
Starting point is 00:28:57 I'm not like prepared enough to like, like the log muscle up. Like it's not that I couldn't do a log muscle up it's the fact that i haven't been like preparing for that log muscle up um to the point where like i would be able to compete in a competition and do really well then um at the end of the day it just takes time for me but if it was jumping over something you could jump over 50 different things better than anyone else because because that is something that you're good at jumping jumping over shit and so if they change if they change it to a bale of hay or a log or you could adapt to that but you're saying as far as you're saying like something like a muscle-up you're not even the best at a muscle-up
Starting point is 00:29:40 and so then when they change the to the kind of muscle up it's even harder for you yeah exactly but i've also like grew up i grew up jumping over stuff right i grew up i grew up running i grew up doing all these things um it just takes time for me to to actually like learn these things a lot of these guys like you know they'll they'll see something for the first time and you know they'll just easily pick it up and uh no matter how athletic i am like it's just tough for me too and so i need time i need that's why it's super crucial for me to like actually be prepared for these competitions um like think about everything that could possibly show up and start drilling them like now. Or else like they'll release something. I don't know when we're there. And if I haven't touched it,
Starting point is 00:30:30 then I mean it's, it's most likely it could be bad because it takes, it just takes time for me. And that's not a bad thing. I just need to be, I just need to make sure that I am prepared way, you know, before time.
Starting point is 00:30:43 sure that I am prepared way, you know, before time. That four inch log that you did the bar muscle ups on, what would, what do you think the people at home don't know about it? Like, so what's something, you know, from touching that, that the people at home, is there anything that stands out that when you touched it, you're like, oh, people have no fucking clue at home watching this. Yeah, it's more like a strict bar muscle up, honestly. Um, like you can't exaggerate the kip um and i feel like i you have to have so much body awareness when it comes to like
Starting point is 00:31:13 a strict muscle up um a strict bar muscle up and like knowing how far to like actually kip and how much you can't kip in that and that's in that like moment and i just don't have that and so like a lot of people say like why can't you do like like it just can't be that much harder than a bar muscle up and at the end of the day it just is for me uh i feel like people don't understand like that you can't there's a certain way to do the bar muscle ups the most efficiently um in the most effective way. Other than that, I don't know if there's anything that they're… Is that thing slippery?
Starting point is 00:31:54 It was, but not. No, it's not crazy smooth? It's pretty smooth, yeah. But not slippery? No, we all had our hands and fingers taped for the most part and so you get a little bit of purchase on there with the tape yeah you ever turn the tape the other way around so it's really sticky are you allowed to do that how would it stay on your fingers i don't know fold it or something
Starting point is 00:32:22 layer it are you allowed to do anything like that in crossfit are you allowed to put what's that stuff they put on your hands in um baseball uh fine tar yeah are you allowed to do stuff like that do they are there rules on that um i'm not sure i mean they probably wouldn't like check your hands unless i saw unless they saw something on your hands. One person needs to do it before it becomes illegal. Yeah. I mean, I don't think – go ahead. Did your hands rip at Rogue?
Starting point is 00:32:56 I got a little rip, but not as bad as some other folks. Did you see some nasty shit? Dude, that log messing people up i mean i didn't do all the log muscle up so i got lucky uh but uh yeah that and the the monkey bars messing people up how were the monkey bars originally the rule was i think that you were going to have to do them unbroken what did you do them no one did them unbroken huh no maybe no what what gave when you're on them and you want to come down what gives what's the weak point your hand your grip or your shoulders or yeah your grip and it was slippery
Starting point is 00:33:37 i think you know no one knew whether to wear grips or not. It was, it was pouring and we didn't know if the grips would make it worse or, you know, help. And so a lot of people were going out with tape. A lot of people were going out with nothing. A lot of people were going out with grips. So no one really knew,
Starting point is 00:33:59 but for me it was slippery, but the grips, the grips were definitely the move. So I got kind of lucky. I actually did the first round without grips. And because I was fresh, I was able to actually just get through them. But the second round, I was like, I have to have grips or this will get bad. You just had them dangling, so you just used them?
Starting point is 00:34:22 No, I had them flip backwards, and then I – Oh. And some guys didn't have that? didn't they didn't wear them out there why wouldn't you wear them out there just in case i don't know i don't know you should ask them the the first the first time i interviewed you you were um at a church and you were working there yeah are you going back are you back at that church do i work there do you work there do you attend it now no i attend a different church how come you don't attend that one um you had a falling out no uh just new scenery i you know grew up in that church um that was like the only thing I knew. And I think I just needed to take a different step in the,
Starting point is 00:35:12 in the, in the journey. Is switching churches like switching coaches is like, you go over there, you got to tell the pastor, Hey, good. Thank you for introducing me to God.
Starting point is 00:35:21 It's been good. My first 20 years, but I'm switching to, is that an intense shift? Is there like a betrayal or a. It, uh, it's kind of similar, honestly, now that you've mentioned that, um, because people think that church is sort of for them and they go there to like get fed, if you will. And they'll leave churches if like it's not working out as far as like they're not getting what they're looking for. And I guess I could be, you know, similar to coaching is like it's never like the coach's problem. It's always you or it's never your problem. It's always the coach's problem.
Starting point is 00:36:03 And I feel like it's always it's kind of like that with church it's like hey it's never my issues it's like the church isn't feeding me the church is doing this wrong the church is the church the church the church um so yeah i mean for sure i think there's some similarities for sure like so you go there and there and when you you say fed, you're looking for stories or guidance or connection to God. That's the stories and guidance and connection. Yeah, it's a little bit deeper than that. A lot of people, whenever you go to church, you're looking for, obviously, you want to get taught. You want the Bible to be preached. You want worship to be, you know, um, like obviously spiritual,
Starting point is 00:36:50 you want it to be, you want to leave being encouraged. You want to leave, leave, um, you want like a good community there. You, there's, there's so many factors that you want in a, in a church. And what the, the, the problem could be is like you leave and the teaching isn't very good. You know, like you're not leaving, like it's very like basic. It's very, it's for like the, the nonbeliever or something like it's, it's, it's not, like it's not hitting where you want it to hit you know um worship's not very good or like there's so many factors that you could you could like not like about the church that you go to and a lot of people will leave because
Starting point is 00:37:38 like they want something that that will will, you know, reach their, like reach whatever they're looking for. A lot of that, a lot of that thing, they're looking for a perfect church, which is an unrealistic idea because all churches have flaws. And yeah, I mean, a lot of people would just look and keep looking and never be satisfied. And I don't know. What did you ask about the question?
Starting point is 00:38:09 Let me read this, and then I'll bring you back. Wads, he's giving like a hypothetical. Like someone might, like your pastor might call you and be like, I saw you at the Holy Eternal Faith Instagram account. When were you going to tell me? So like, so it is like that. Like why did you switch churches? I switched because. You want something to hit different?
Starting point is 00:38:32 Your best friend switched churches? No, no, no, no. I left because I worked there and I grew up going. And so like when I quit my job to do CrossFit. Yeah. There was this like, it's kind of hard to explain. I felt like going there was still my job. Oh yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:54 I had to start somewhere new for sure. That's what it's like when I hang, when I hang out with Greg cause he's my boss for so long, but now he's not my boss. But it's weird. It's a little weird. Like I'm still ready. I'm still ready to serve. I'm like, what are you doing?
Starting point is 00:39:09 Yeah, exactly. I didn't have any – like I wasn't like working there, but I would still show up and feel like this obligation. And you wanted to show that there is a parishioner, not an employee. Is that right? A parishioner? Is that what it's called? A parishioner? I just wanted to be a layman. A parishioner. A layman.
Starting point is 00:39:35 Look up layman. I know. Don't tell me what to do. A person who goes to a particular local church, a parishioner. You just wanted to be just like a regular attendee. Yeah. Yeah, but you're so not regular it's never gonna happen um so yeah and um uh so you come back home and you do that and um how has um come back home from what from uh from vermont from hwpo a summer camp oh yeah okay we totally just changed the subject. You didn't tell me. Well, that's when you changed churches.
Starting point is 00:40:11 No, no, no, no. Oh, you changed churches before you moved. You changed churches before you went up there. I changed churches when I quit my job in 2021. Oh, like right away. Okay. Yeah. I told myself a story in my head that you went away to hwpo
Starting point is 00:40:25 when you came back that's when you switched no no no i didn't go to church in vermont oh you didn't no oh well i think we just cracked the code the problem that's probably one of the biggest reasons yeah why didn't you do that um because we train on sunday oh and now do you train on sunday no oh shit you didn't you didn't have to have a sit down with matt and be like look listen we got to work around sunday you got punished by god now i'm getting the whole thing yeah it gets weird it got weird yeah yeah it totally got weird on the last episode i told you i made crossfit an idol and that's kind of what i meant is like i put it above a lot of other things in my life just because like i always said hey this is only for a little while, like things will get back to normal, you know, after things are
Starting point is 00:41:26 done and dude, like it just doesn't work that way. Um, and so, yeah, like for when I was in Vermont, I just didn't go to church. Um, and we just kind of put, you know, God on the, on the back burner and we gave him leftovers. So after you got off the show, it was a lot for me to process. And I was processing it and I'm processing it. And here's one of my pushbacks on you. Okay, you ready?
Starting point is 00:41:56 When I had an internship and I had an internship in LA and after the internship was over that this, it was at a television studio, big studio. And they said, Hey, we want to hire you on. You're really good. We want to hire you on to produce a shit TV show. And I'm like, no, I, and I didn't, I wanted to go home back up to Northern California.
Starting point is 00:42:20 And I'm like, and I made up this story. I'm like, no, I got to go home. My mom wants me home for the summer. And I told my mom that, and I got fucking slapped around. She's like, don't ever fucking use me as an excuse ever again. Right. Okay. And when I heard, when I heard, um, you say that thing about the idol, I, I got a a little my spidey sense went off and i was like maybe jason is using god as an excuse as opposed to asking god for support do you feel me on that so like me i was like maybe he should have been like um god give me the strength and power to get through this not god i'm sorry i should have put you first and like maybe like i started like thinking oh shit i hope he's not like
Starting point is 00:43:08 like like like like like you're putting like god god trans transcends the hierarchy and so you don't have to worry about putting them first or second, but you should lean on God to help you get through those times instead of have him be an obstacle. Or am I totally misunderstanding? I know it's a little confusing, and I'm new to the game, but help me out here. Am I on to something or no? You are. are i mean at the same time like my i you know became a christian in high school and i have a rel i have a very like pretty solid foundation with god like i'm never gonna completely like disregard him in anything and so when i say like i made him an idol it's not like i completely just
Starting point is 00:44:04 like you know said F with you. Like, I don't even want to be a Christian anymore for a little bit. Like, I still had a relationship with God. There was just some things that were misaligned in my own heart. And it's not like I wouldn't like, you know, pray, read, sing, all the things that like you sing you sing yeah worship okay um it's not like i would completely like not do those things they would just they would be very um superficial when they were happening they would be like a check the box they would be like uh let's just make sure i'm keeping God at arm's length away. Um,
Starting point is 00:44:48 in Vermont specifically, when I say like, I made him an idol is like CrossFit got way more attention than God. Um, and God is not insecure. God's not going to like force his way in my, like, and he's not going to like force himself to be number one priority. Like if, if I, like, he's, if I don't want to be with him or if I don't want to enjoy him, like, he's not, he's not going to push back against that.
Starting point is 00:45:14 He's just gonna be like, all right, that's fine with me. He is kind and gracious to like continue to chase after you to want your attention, but he's not gonna force himself upon you um and so in vermont um he was across it was an idol and a lot of these things were just uh they were just put on the they were they weren't prioritized and yeah it affected me a lot what were we talking about to get to this point i was we were talking about what you said last time and about me processing it hey you know what's interesting about that too the check the box thing too yeah i've seen people do that like who have like with their kids like they they they actually just say it like hey okay i spent time with my kids like
Starting point is 00:46:06 and it's like a box they checked yeah it's very uh and that always that trips me out i'm like what the fuck that's that's not a box you check it's uh i mean that's pretty unhealthy for sure. Well, it's wasting your time. If it's just a box that you're checking, then don't even fucking do it. Well, I think it has to do with, like, obviously easing your conscience about making you feel like you did something. Right, right, right. This episode is brought to you by PC Optimum. If you like a curated playlist, why not try a curated grocery list?
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Starting point is 00:47:23 experiencing one. Paying in advance protects your loved ones and gives you the peace of mind you deserve. Let us help you plan every detail with professionalism and compassion. We are your local Dignity Memorial provider. Find us at And I think it's the same way with like, you know, being a Christian is like, if I read my Bible today, I could check the box. Like, you know, I can at least feel like I'm getting closer. I can feel like I'm, you know, not completely, you know, stepping away from God. Or if I go to church on Sunday, like I'm at least doing the right thing, you know, stepping away from God or if I go to church on Sunday, like I'm I'm at least doing the right thing, you know.
Starting point is 00:48:09 Do you read nothing? Nothing is going nothing's really going on in your heart. It's just outward. Do you read the Bible every day? Yeah, I tried to. Yeah. And the same the same one. You have like one like like, hey, that's mine.
Starting point is 00:48:24 That's my Bible. Yeah. And where does it live? On my table right here. Always in the same place? No, it can move. It can move. Do you ever look for it?
Starting point is 00:48:37 Like you come in the house and you're like, fuck, where's my Bible? Yeah, if I take it somewhere. What's your wife's name? Graysan. Graysan. Graysan, you ever be like, hey like hey gray sand where's my wallet and my bible and and and did you drink all the milk i don't take it out of the house so i mean unless i you know go somewhere to read it are you a bad looker what a bad looker no i'm a horrible looker like i'll be to my wife where are my keys she's like dude
Starting point is 00:49:07 did you check your pockets I'll be like oh yeah yeah sometimes I could be that way but then sometimes I find some things that are lost because I just like search for them yeah so I I lose something every single day I always find it but my wife's so good at it. I think it's made me weak. I rely on her. Where's my wealth? There was something yesterday that I lost that I kept looking for. And she, I mean, it was right in front of me. And she looked at me and was like, she did. It frustrates me when I'm looking for something and she just waiting.
Starting point is 00:49:42 She's waiting for me to find it because it's like right there. But she won't tell me it's there. Oh, yeah. That's fighter. Throw her on the bed and fight her. If you throw a girl on a bed, you can do anything you want to her. It's not abuse. But if it's standing up, you can't do it. But you can throw her on the bed for that.
Starting point is 00:50:03 I would go crazy if my wife did that to me i don't got time for that yeah what so you go to rogue so so you come home from vermont you you're getting your god shit straight you're settled in you you you you knowingly are going to the gym just going through the motions but but kind of but kind of like revving the engines down but staying in shape you go to rogue you know that you don't want to have whatever feelings you had at the game the outcome there you were not you didn't enjoy that yeah you go to rogue and and did you enjoy the outcome of that the result yeah i didn't enjoy it because i'm still competitive but i can't be
Starting point is 00:50:55 mad about it earlier you sounded like you were pretty cool with it like like let's let me go back let me tone it down a bit did you enjoy the experience more than the games? Oh, yeah, for sure. For sure. Let me see if I can find this leaderboard. Oh, here we go. You took seventh place between Dallin Pepper and
Starting point is 00:51:22 Travis Mayer. Between an old guy and a young guy. And you could argue that, um, Travis did good and Dallin shit the bed, man. Who knew Jay crouch was so fucking strong. Crazy. He didn't,
Starting point is 00:51:42 uh, he's not a big dude, man. He's a, that's a petite man carrying a lot of muscle. You know that, right? That's not a big dude man he's that's a petite man carrying a lot of muscle you know that right that's not a big dude he's not like yeah for sure we uh he's more built like bruce lee oh he's gonna hate that we were doing the deadlift together whenever i went to like the two platforms and man we were it felt like every single bar was like, dude, there's,
Starting point is 00:52:05 I'm not, there's no way I'm going to do this. And he'd be like, really? When you stepped up everyone, you were like, fuck, this is getting too heavy.
Starting point is 00:52:11 Yeah. So he did, he didn't even attempt, um, I think five 75 because I missed it. So like I, we, he,
Starting point is 00:52:23 he barely, he barely squeezed out five 65. No no you did get 575 you made it no i'm saying he barely hit 565 i barely hit 575 we go to 575 i barely make it no then he makes it i'm talking about 585 whenever we went to 585, he saw me not even get it off the ground and then was like, I'm good. Was that a PR for him? Oh, yeah. Probably 40 pounds.
Starting point is 00:52:59 Holy shit. I really like him. For both of us. He's cool. Yeah, he's cool, right? He is. He's fun. Him, he's cool, right? He is. He's fun. Him and Bailey Martin are fools, man.
Starting point is 00:53:11 Oh, yeah. I want to get to know Bailey Martin better. Yeah. They're dope to have on. You should have them on at the same time. Yeah, that'd be cool. But Jay actually talks now, so you can kind of have him on by himself too now. Oh, yeah. Yeah. And I like Jay's chick um was she there um i don't know she's a four-time games athlete tiny little blonde girl i can't remember her name someone will say it in the chat did you see her there i don't know what she looks like she's cool i don't really usually like athlete couples too much but i like her how about laura horvath commented on your post
Starting point is 00:53:46 hold on i want to come back to it so so i i'm all over the place let me we'll talk about laura in a minute so we should call her oh shit rogues having a five five items shipped for five dollars really five items ship for five dollars i want to click this so bad what oh that but i'm doing a podcast i'm not shopping you go to rogue you come back you take you take seventh which you could say is equivalent to 14th because there are half as many athletes as the games if you want to know you can you want to compare you want to compare it to the it's not um you you have a you what was the best you finished at the games seventh okay so you got a first you got a first at rogue and what and what arguably was the hardest event to get the first in that was just fucking nuts too too many moving pieces too many variables the duel um now you come home and um have you
Starting point is 00:54:52 had a debrief with uh yourself or marconi or jr or your wife like okay we're going now now we're going to start training for the games we have not honestly uh we got back and then we went me and my wife went up to uh we got a a little getaway for a little bit um we went to the highlands north carolina in the mountains and so just the two of you and the dog yep um so we haven't had much time to really debrief, honestly, but, uh, for now there probably won't be too much of a, a change until I'm like, actually like, like ready to like rev it up. Um, because no matter what, like there is a little bit of like hunger, like getting
Starting point is 00:55:41 back to me after, after rogue of like of like okay like i'm looking forward to train but it's not nearly as like to the point where where i want it to be and so um yeah we'll see how it goes for over the next couple of weeks um but you still don't whenever you say like i'm gonna you train for the games like that doesn't happen until like the last two two months of going into the games and so there will be a lot of like i'm still in the off season for sure um so like right after the open you start training for the games uh no i mean after semifinals you start training wow i don't know shit about training hey what was this workout um that you got 17th in, event four?
Starting point is 00:56:27 That was the ring muscle-up, straight handstand push-ups. Snatches, 10 rounds. Ring muscle-ups, snatches, handstand push-ups. So you're good at ring muscle-ups, aren't you? I mean, average. And you're good at snatches, right? You got a mean snatch. I hear average.
Starting point is 00:56:50 And, um, so, uh, you got, how many points did you get in that workout? Um, how can I tell how many points you got in this?
Starting point is 00:57:00 20, maybe. Okay. So let's say if you would have gotten 80, let's say if you would have won that let's say if you would have won that You would have been on the podium Yeah if I would have won it Yeah listen that was the only
Starting point is 00:57:12 Workout you had to change just think about that If you took You could say that about every other guy Hey I'm just saying You're kind of stoked you have a 17th place Because there's so much Because there's so No stoked you have a 17th place because there's so much room. No, dude, you have the worst finish.
Starting point is 00:57:31 Yeah, but woulda, coulda, shoulda. You could literally say that about any guy. You could say that about— Besides you and Ricky Garrard have the worst finish in the top 10 athletes. That's what I'm saying, though, but you have a lot of room to finish there. Dude, the worst finish that Jeff Adlerler has is 11th he has nowhere to go i'm saying you got a lot you have a lot of room for improvement i got i got what you're saying yeah one workout could take you like one workout can't take some people oh man but velner got a 13th too man velner had a velner got two man you but Vellner got a 13th too. Man, Vellner got two. Man, you and Vellner shit the bed on the last day.
Starting point is 00:58:07 Yeah, we did. Both of you. We did. I think that was where it was kind of annoying because, you know, I was going into Sunday in fifth place. And then after the first event on Sunday, I was in fourth and I was third. You got a third in it. Yeah. So I was in, I was in fourth place and I was out of the podium by like maybe 20 points. Wow. Um, I was at the football game on
Starting point is 00:58:42 Sunday, so I missed it. I would, that would have been exciting for me. I would have been like yeah so i was like out of the podium but like maybe 20 or so points and then so like it's also like like i'm i'm at rogue and i know i'm like not necessarily ready to be at rogue like we were talking about yeah but at the same time like but in the reality it's like i'm in fourth place right now so how do you like juggle all the all these emotions yeah yeah um and so like going into rogue it was like hey like i have no expectations like i do i do want to do well obviously i do want to like obviously be in the top 10 um and give my best and, you know, all that, all that jazz. But at the same time, it's like, I can't expect with, with where I'm at mentally, emotionally, physically, I cannot expect to just go in there and like bite the floor, like, and, and do really, really well, really well. Um,
Starting point is 00:59:37 and so like, there was like, I tampered a lot of expectations and goals because of, you know, what we, what we've been talking about over the last month. And so when I'm in fourth place, you can like almost, I was almost feeling that like all this stuff, like I just wanted to throw all that out the window and like be on the podium. And I felt like this itch again of like getting almost like this, this greediness, uh, wanting, wanting more than I,
Starting point is 01:00:13 I wanted more than like the work that I put in. Um, like I wanted the result to be there, but I know I didn't put in the work for the result that I wanted. and so like, there was like this level of like whatever i get at the end of this this day sunday is what i deserve and so i was annoyed that i finished in seventh when it could like i should have i wanted to be fifth um like after the after this the second event on sund, I came in 13th. And that's when I was like, okay, the goal now is like,
Starting point is 01:00:49 let's just finish in fifth place. That would be a great like start to this new season. Get cut from the games, barely squeeze into this competition through the qualifier. And then I come in fifth at the qualifier or the fifth at the actual competition. You can't write it up any better than that. So that's what I wanted after going into the last event. I didn't, I didn't necessarily train like a lot of these other guys trained for this competition. So it's like, I'm, I'll just take fifth.
Starting point is 01:01:19 Like this will be pretty freaking dope if I'd take fifth after everything like that's been going on. when I got in seventh I was pretty annoyed but at the same time like I couldn't be mad because of like the effort that I put in to be ready for this comp like I deserve seventh is what I'm saying um but I was pretty annoyed that I didn't finish fifth I felt this like greed of like this greediness of like I wanted something that I didn't necessarily deserve. And I thought that was the only frustration I like. I lost perspective on that going into that last event of like, hey, like I'm I'm I had to like keep reminding myself of like why I was there. Like I was I went in without expectations. I, I tempered all my expectations. I was,
Starting point is 01:02:09 I just wanted to, you know, go in there and give my best and do well obviously. But like, remember why I do CrossFit. Like I had to completely take a different perspective than what I was, you know, going for at the games. And so that's what the mindset I went in with. And it did like i had a lot of fun going for like that entire comp like i had you could see it on my on my face like i was a lot of a lot of smiling um even on events like i took last place like i'd
Starting point is 01:02:37 walk off and be like i mean it's fine like this isn't in the world you know like i'm still enjoying my time here. All that just changed a little bit going into that last event. Like I just wanted, um, I just thought I was, I was starting to think about things that, um,
Starting point is 01:03:00 I wasn't thinking about going into that event. Like what will people think? Um, Oh shit. You have a 19th too. The only person who got a 19 19 no one in the top 10 got a 19th except you yeah um i said yeah i was like listen to these people you're with pat velner jeffrey adler roman krennikoff brent fikowski ricky garrard travis mayor jason hopper i mean it's a fucking, it's a crew. It is. I'm just happy I beat Dallin.
Starting point is 01:03:28 Yeah, that's nice. Yeah, pretty nice. You're only as good as your last comp. It's true. It's true. Hey, is there anything you want from the Rogue website? Will you purchase it for me? No, I'm just just asking uh nothing good
Starting point is 01:03:50 because you just go to jr's gym and he got it all you have a stair master he gets he's he's pretty fed up with me about like hey i'll send him stuff he'll buy it and then like i won't use it oh shit actually we have a i don't do that i actually use all the stuff what i do say is hey we'll split this and uh he'll buy it and then uh yeah i just haven't got back to him. You never paid your half? So there was like this. I think the first time this happened was in 2021. He bought the first flip sled. This was before the games in 2021. And what are you looking at?
Starting point is 01:04:38 Flip sled. The thing, the big old thing that you flip. That'd be cool, too. Oh, the volcano. The what? Does he have one of these? Look at here's a kind of flip side. Look at this one.
Starting point is 01:04:50 The volcano. I know it's not this, but this is pretty. This is kind of a flip side. Interesting. That looks really fun, though. Two thousand bucks. The volcano. It looks like you could use it as a yoke dude jr needs to buy that send that to jr okay go ahead so you had him by i am gonna send
Starting point is 01:05:13 it to him here yeah uh say say jason wants you to buy this okay uh jr jason wants this. Okay. Yeah. So going into the two dot, the 21 games, they released the pig flip workout. I think maybe two weeks before, maybe a week before we actually left to go to the game.
Starting point is 01:05:41 So two weeks. And so we had time to hit some of these workouts and we he was like hey i'll buy you a i'll buy a flip sled obviously we used a pig but you can't buy a pig so we had to buy a flip sled and he was like i'll buy this this flip sled and when you win the competition when you win this this, I want this money back. Because you're going to get like three grand for winning this event. And I was like, deal. Like, no way. Like, this was coming off the Mac, too.
Starting point is 01:06:15 So I was like, I'm going to win every event. God, I miss the old Jason. I can't wait to see that. And so I was like, oh, yeah, for sure. I'll be top three. I'll pay this back. And so he bought it. And I came in, like, last place.
Starting point is 01:06:34 Did you train with it a lot? Did you train with it a lot? Well, we trained with it a little bit. But, I mean, it was, like, the second event of the entire week. Like, I was at the game. It was my second event in the CrossFit Games. Like, I was just crapping bricks, bro. And I came in last.
Starting point is 01:06:53 And, yeah, I haven't painted back. Let's just say that. So, I'm in debt. So, he needs a volcano. It's weird. I don't even see. I typed in flip sled on here. I don't even see. It doesn't even pop up
Starting point is 01:07:08 like a shirt pops up. The rogue flip side shirt. Can you know? Flip flip sled. I tried it as one word and two words. Let's see. I don't see it. I just get the volcano.
Starting point is 01:07:26 Yeah, I don't know what the you gotta go to no I never leave Rogue oh okay um yeah
Starting point is 01:07:36 that was pretty pretty funny do you use the Stairmaster every now and then, yeah. He has one, JR. It wasn't that kind of one of Fraser's secret weapons? I don't know if he used that going into the games at all.
Starting point is 01:08:01 I think he bought that Stairmaster after he retired. And I was like, oh, wow. This thing? games at all i think he bought that stairmaster after he retired and i feel wow this this thing i feel like i feel like um i heard um fraser say he spent a lot of time on that you didn't do a lot of training on that thing when you were at um no i did um you did they mess you up dude if you do a zone two on that for an hour, dude? Your calves be hurting. An hour. Yeah, normally what I would do is go back and forth between a C2 and a Stairmaster. Holy shit.
Starting point is 01:08:36 Dude, that's dirty, dude. Jason, do you remember visiting the Ligma house? What's a Ligma? I have no idea. Let's look it up. Is's a Ligma? I have no idea. Let's look it up. Is that a fraternity? Maybe it's something they sell at Rogue. Ligma House.
Starting point is 01:08:52 I'll look on the Rogue website. Ligma House. Ligma Joke. Ligma Joke first gained popularity. Ligma. Lick my. It's a sophomoric internet joke. Lick my. It's a sophomoric internet joke. Lick My. It's a joke.
Starting point is 01:09:09 Okay. Like Lick My. I got it. I don't. Me either. Thank you. I was feeling stupid. I appreciate you. Even if you do get it, I appreciate you coming back for me. Matt Burns.
Starting point is 01:09:28 Jason Hopper. Great to have you back on the Sebon podcast. Great to hear the importance of faith rekindled. Did Matt suggest – oh, did Matt ever suggest you not to go on this podcast? Never. Yeah. And you – we talked about that last time yeah we did yeah and if he did i wouldn't even be upset at him by the way either but someone else suggested
Starting point is 01:09:53 it to him but not just not matthew yeah um yeah moving forward um so when does anything change are there any changes in your day are you kind of on um autopilot now cruise control come back from rogue keep just i've been playing i've been i want to get good at golf i saw that video but are you still healing do you think you're still healing emotionally or do you think that rogue like kind of like it's kind of like um it pushed over the memory of the games right yeah i did uh just a little bit um but it didn't it pushed over the memory of the games but it didn't like make me want to train anymore um like doesn't make me want to like no matter how good i did it you know rogue it still didn't make me doesn't make me want to put in three hours instead of two it doesn't you're not like
Starting point is 01:11:01 fuck if i would have just put in like an extra 20 minutes a day on this that's all hindsight you know you never really know um like what what happens if i would have finished fifth at rogue doing what i was doing would that give me like do i say hey like let's just ride the whole 90 minute wave all the way up until august right yes that would be crazy but would you it would if i came in fifth if i just got 10 more points then that would be like i could actually say that and people would be like you could but since i'm in seventh it's like oh you you probably should put in more time. What if, what if you get to, um, what, what if it gets to like time to train like for the games? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:11:50 And you don't want to do it. Will you just force yourself to do it? Uh, I mean, that's kind of a, like when I don't want to do it, you're talking about like one day I don't want to do it or like, no,
Starting point is 01:12:02 no. I mean, I mean, the open comes and you qualify for quarterfinals and then for quarterfinals you do it and you qualify for semifinals and now you're still only training two hours a day are you like do you ever sit down with yourself and you're like oh shit like now's the time you got to ramp up to four and then the little jason hopper inside he's like nah i'm good i mean i feel like if it got to that point honestly um i would have to i would have to just keep doing you know what i feel is best which would be you
Starting point is 01:12:33 know still training two hours ramp up to four no jason didn't you have to do stuff you don't like to do in life yeah sometimes sometimes sometimes there's like fucking something died under the sink, and you got to reach back your hand back there and pull it out. And it's like it's gross, but you got to do it. You do. You do. And there definitely is a time for that. But this sport is so physically, emotionally demanding that it's a little bit different.
Starting point is 01:13:05 sport is so physically emotionally demanding that it's yeah it's a little bit different like okay expect me to just go run my head into a wall four hours a day yeah yes different than hey i just gotta there's some chores that i need to do and i think i think i think people don't necessarily see that that gray area they're just think it's like black and white. Like, Hey, you quit following your feelings. Like you need to put your head down and just kind of go to work. And you know, it's just different.
Starting point is 01:13:32 It's different. Like I, I ran my head into a wall for six months, like in the summer, look where it got me. Like, but look where, look what happened when I just like,
Starting point is 01:13:43 you know, take a step back. I came in seventh. It's not the, obviously the greatest, but I mean, it's better than getting cut. When you go to the games this year, I want you to wear a shirt then that says, I only train 60 minutes a day. There is that line that you got to find because I know what you're saying. Like there are those moments where it's like i
Starting point is 01:14:05 don't want to do this because i want to be lazy that's when you got to be like all right like girl yeah i get i'm completely oblivious to that now you're talking about shit i don't know so go on go on this is going to be good for me go on educate me on this the difference between being lazy and um like knowing what's best for you like let's say a day comes and i'm you know emotionally burnt out like i'm not recovering and i need to take a step back um have you ever done a workout and you're like i shouldn't have done that i've never had that happen i mean yeah for sure wow we were doing a workout at in vermont and uh it was i asked jr to program it for us um it was me it was at the beginning of the of the end of your falling out with uh fraser when you asked jr to program something for you in vermont no um i asked jr to I asked JR to, I'll always ask JR to send me like a ton of workouts, even with working with
Starting point is 01:15:10 Astropia. They were okay with it. But I asked JR to write me a workout. I said, Hey, me and Jake Douglas and Kat are going to do a workout together. These are the movements that we need. We want to do some squatting. We want to do some rope climbs. We want to run and we want to do some pushups all with a go rec. Um, he sends me a workout. We, I said, Hey, send, I want the time domain to be about 20 minutes. Okay. Um, he sends me a workout. It's one, it's, it's with a rug, one mile run, a hundred air. No,
Starting point is 01:15:47 it's a hundred air squats, 75 pushups, 10 rope climbs, one mile run, and then back down 10 row climbs, 75 pushups, um, a hundred air squats.
Starting point is 01:16:03 So the air squats, you only do once, but the air air squats you only do once. What? The air squats you only do once. That's the turnaround point. No, it's 100 air squats, 75 push-ups, 10 rope climbs, one mile run, 10 rope climbs, 75 push-ups, 100 air squats. Oh, okay, okay, okay.
Starting point is 01:16:22 Dude, when I tell you this took me about an hour all of us dude all of us um i was doing air squats i was doing no this obviously is when you know this was deep into deep into uh game string when things were like already you know bad like I was already like pretty burnout and training and so like there was no you know not much intensity I was giving and so we got this workout and I remember doing air squats and doing like one and I would sit down on the pig we had a pig right next to us yeah because it was just laying in the middle of four now I do I would do like maybe like two air squats and I'd sit down on the pig. We had a pig right next to us. Yeah. Because it was just laying in the middle of the floor.
Starting point is 01:17:06 And I would do, I would do like maybe like two air squats and I'd sit down on the pig just because I was done, man. And I went immediately into the ice bath and stayed there for like 20 minutes, man. Like it was the worst workout out of all games training.
Starting point is 01:17:23 You should do it. I probably give a little bit more effort now, but it was hot as hell outside. Um, tell me the workout one more time. Tell me the workout one more time. I want to write it down. Tell me the workout one more time.
Starting point is 01:17:34 All right. This is for all the people to do. Tell me your times. I know everybody's going to do this, um, with a go rep, 30 pounds, a hundred air squats,
Starting point is 01:17:44 75 pushups. Okay. rope climbs, one-mile run, 10 rope climbs, 75 push-ups, 100 air squats. I was also kidding about it taking an hour. It took more like 40 minutes and you and you take you take the ruck off no no no you don't take the ruck off so the rope climbs you do with the ruck yeah and this and what would the put you take it off for the push-up surely no what oh my god Oh my god. Dude, I said I want this to be 20 minutes, JR.
Starting point is 01:18:33 I had to take like two days off after that. So there's a point that the difference is being just lazy and not wanting to do it versus, hey, this is going to make it so I hate training. Yeah, I think there's a fine line. You got to – I mean, it's always about the next day when it comes to training. Like, how is this going to affect not only today, but like, how is this going to affect my training tomorrow? How's this going to affect my training next week? How's this going to affect the season? And there's, yeah, so like, how is this affecting, you know, all that? And so whenever you're like, I was, I'm dealing with, you know, whatever it may be, there is a difference between being lazy, like, let's say, a workout, you know, I it may be. There is a difference between being lazy. Like let's say a workout, you know, I'm sluggish in the gym and I need to do this. I need to do conditioning,
Starting point is 01:19:34 but I don't want to do conditioning. There's a difference between like being lazy and being like, Hey, like, I don't want to do this because, you know, I'd rather be doing something else. being like, Hey, like, I don't want to do this because, you know, I'd rather be doing something else in my mind is elsewhere versus, Hey, I'm pretty beat up right now. Um, I'm going to protect myself. I'm going to protect my, my sanity. I'm going to protect, you know, I'm going to prepare myself well to, to be able to, um, you know, train well over the next week over the next you know month by saying no to this so i can say yes to something else later um i feel like there's a there's a difference and i only i can make that gauge because only i know what's truly going on in my mind like no one's going to be like no one's going to be able to you know know the difference
Starting point is 01:20:21 unless it's me i've never trained so much to where um i would i would rather be somewhere else i can think of every day in my life there's a point where i was like fuck i wish i was in my garage right now like seriously like every day but but i mean i i but i don't do what you do like i fuck around in the garage you know i mean like i'm on the endo board i'm doing some air squats i'm fucking doing snatches with a 20 pound dumbbell i'm like fucking around and what you're saying is you go there and you hurt so bad for so long that you'll be in there and be like fuck i wish i was somewhere i wish i was playing golf i mean yeah i mean i wish i was with my i wish i was with my wife and my dog walking around hanging out laughing with
Starting point is 01:21:01 her yeah i mean there's a lot of different scenarios um that's like when hillar told me that he's never had when he does burpees he doesn't have cardiovascular fatigue he's never experienced it he only experiences muscular fatigue i can't even fucking fathom that order that's interesting probably because he's you know on the roids just as he goes he's still doing that he took like he took like a hundred days off he hasn't started back up again he's a mess yeah he's a he looks like a server he looks like a fucking stud surfer now he looks like mackinac um yeah i think there's a difference between being lazy and – It's not like that for you?
Starting point is 01:21:47 When you do burpees, you get metabolically fatigued before muscular fatigue? That makes me feel good. No, it depends on what it's paired with. If I'm doing strict handstand push-ups where it's all triceps and then I'm going – Let's say 100 burpees for time. What's the limiting factor? Wind or muscle probably muscle fuck that's nuts yeah i don't mean it's all i can't imagine that it just depends on the athlete i mean if you get someone short and small then it's going to be more
Starting point is 01:22:22 it's probably and who can't really breathe. Who's bad at, you know, cardiovascular stuff. It'll probably be more cardiovascular, but if you get someone who's really cardiovascular and, you know, built with massive arms,
Starting point is 01:22:39 then there's going to be a lot of lactate that builds up in those triceps. There's not a whole lot of blood flow. Um, I was training with my boy Rafa says pool boy. then there's going to be a lot of lactate that builds up in those triceps. There's not a whole lot of blood flow. I was training with my boy Rafa, says Pool Boy. Oh, how was training with my boy Rafa Sanson? Sanson, he's a good dude. I was training with my boy Rafa, dude. Who is Rafa? Oh, I know Rafa.
Starting point is 01:23:00 Is that Allison Scud's boyfriend? No. Oh. He's out of California, I think. Yeah, that is him. He's out of California. No, dude. No, no, no.
Starting point is 01:23:11 Huge ass, huge quads, black hair. He looks like Pool Boy, kind of. No? Are you sure? Rafa's my boy. He came up in training. Why can't your boy be banging Allison Scud's? I don't know why there's a problem.
Starting point is 01:23:23 He's married, dude. He's married. Maybe he's married, dude. He's married. Maybe he's married to her. Let me see. He's not. I don't think that's him. No, it's not. I'm telling you. Okay, go on. How was training with him? You good, dude? Great, dude.
Starting point is 01:23:41 Great, dude. He went to semis last year. west coast semis he he won the first event i believe oh is his name rafael yeah oh here's a picture of him with a pool boy oh i lost it oh he's an hw. Yeah, that's how I trained with him. He came up and visited Vermont. Oh, yeah, look at him with Pool Boy. Oh, he kind of looks like me.
Starting point is 01:24:16 He's like the Mexican version of me. Do you keep wipes in the bathroom, Jason? Hard-hitting questions. No, I don't. I do, but I don't use them. They're for my kids. Jason, are you headed to the Charlotte Classic? What's the Charlotte Classic?
Starting point is 01:24:42 That's this thing that Taylor does at his gym. Oh. I might show up if it has something to do with Taylor. No, I'll be there. Maybe. I need to talk to Taylor. I need to call him how often do you talk to him it it comes in waves some names still text me every single day annoying me some days you know i won't hear from him we're actually supposed to do a a bike ride we're looking for a bike ride to
Starting point is 01:25:21 do um so before I qualified for Rogue, there's this competition that happened there in Rogue, but it's the Grand Fondu, and George Hincapie runs it. He was Lance Armstrong's training, or domestique, when he was winning the tour. You used three words there I'd never heard of before, but go on. It doesn't matter.
Starting point is 01:25:53 Which word? The domestique?ique all of them the fondue and the just you're you're just fucking big dick in me but i i don't mind i like getting big dick once in a while george kinkappy lives in south carolina and he was he was lance arm. You know Lance Armstrong? I heard of him. Yeah, he's cool. What do you mean? You heard of him, dude. I heard of him. He's a bike rider.
Starting point is 01:26:11 Greatest cyclist of all time. If you say so. Anyways, George Hancapy was his domestique. You know what domestique is? No, like his... His servant. His man-child. Oh, his boy toy? Boy toy toy boy toy okay domestique in french
Starting point is 01:26:28 means servant okay um it's basically his uh which one were you gonna do which the tour the georgia grand fondue or the florida grand fondue or the highlands the highlands no i mean it might it might not be on there because it already happened which one was yours called i don't grand fondue okay fine but it's not it's none of those because it's already happened um oh stop it is definitely one of those well what were the dates on it what were the dates on it october 31st it already happened and it was september 15th no it wasn't go up dude hold on july october here it is virginia's blue ridge grand fondue oh dude that's 2024 dude okay okay i see what you mean it already happened like that all right it already happened um Okay, I see what you mean.
Starting point is 01:27:22 It already happened like that. It already happened. So he was his domestique. One of your buddies was his domestique. No, I don't know him. I don't know George. But yeah, he was his domestique. He basically was the person that took on the headwind for Lance Armstrong. Oh, no shit.
Starting point is 01:27:46 That's the guy who rides in front of him and then lets uh uh george floyd pass him at the last minute george who floyd what's the guy's name what's the bike rider's name lance armstrong lance armstrong he lets lance armstrong pass him at the last minute yeah exactly so that's exactly what that situation is. So he runs this event, the Grand Fondue, and it was 80 miles through the some mountains up here. And me and a road bike. He was going to buy this bike last minute and just think he could just ride 80 miles. No problem. I'm like, dude, no chance, dude. I rode. I've been riding, you know. Hold on one second.
Starting point is 01:28:34 Hold on one second. Ken Walters, with all due respect, Seve, can't you hear it happened already? I know, but just because it happened doesn't mean they pulled it off the website. They keep the old events on the website, too. I thought he was that full of shit. I didn't give a fuck that it already happened. It didn't even make sense to me what he was saying. Old events are still...
Starting point is 01:28:54 I can still find the 2022 Rogue Invitational on the Rogue website. I bet. I think. No, you can't, dude. It's over, bro. It's called updating, man. Fuck. Okay, so you're going to do this people that are living in the future man who cares about the past okay okay go on uh so so you were gonna do the grand fondue with taylor he didn't have a road bike yeah he doesn't have a road bike i I was the one training for it. This was leading into the games. I was actually training for the Grand Fondue more than I was training for CrossFit.
Starting point is 01:29:33 This was before the qualifier. Once I made the qualifier, it kind of stopped because I was like, all right, I got to do road, so there's no point for me to keep biking. But I actually enjoyed biking. Wait, you were training for the grand fondue prior to the 2023 crossfit games no this was after the crossfit game oh okay prior to rogue okay okay prior to rogue so i got back the only thing i wanted to do was ride ride a bike yeah um so i was dude you're a mayhem athlete i'm not dude um so i kept right there they ride uh mountain bikes
Starting point is 01:30:06 i was on a road bike um i asked rich if he's if he knows you he said no he said he's seen you at events but you're always got you have your game face on so he don't want to fuck with you but he said he would talk to you but he says when he ever sees you you have your game face on like you're like i've taught him before oh yeah yeah i mean we know each other oh yeah yeah he said he said yeah it's cool but he just said like when he sees you at events like you're you're you know he said you guys when they have their game face on yeah i would say we we definitely cross paths at uh some serious moments for sure hey you um you should go on a bike ride with him and take some pictures for instagram that would really fucking shake shit up get the fucking people talking i would love to go
Starting point is 01:30:49 on a bike ride i'll go on a bike ride with him for sure uh with anybody reading reading the bible across america you guys could just be like on a um i want to do i want to go um do some stuff with Josh Bridges. He invited me up to Colorado to do some crazy stuff. Like bike riding or hunting? No, neither. He doesn't ride bikes. What would you do with Josh then? I don't know.
Starting point is 01:31:20 Some Navy SEAL stuff. Oh, he's cool. You guys would get along good. I could see you guys get along good yeah um some great uh he he's he's littler than me i know i mean i'm me and him me and him are cool i know him josh yeah well like what like you talked to him on instagram once no dude me and him are locked in bro you know what that means
Starting point is 01:31:48 get with the times bro brandon lecoq you have a place to stay in colorado i've got a full gym hot tub and cold plunge dude i want to come hunt some elk this year in colorado man tell Tell me where. If he says Montrose, I'm there, dude. Do you know who Scott Vandersloot is? Vandersloot? Do you know who that is? No. Oh, he's the film guy for Mayhem.
Starting point is 01:32:15 Okay. Let me see if I can find his Instagram. Dude, I want to go hunting out there. If there's anybody listening to this right now vander sleuth dude has a place for me to stay out there this is the guy this guy and i heard this guy's this guy's crazy fit too crazy crazy fit this guy is the guy that whenever rich goes somewhere this guy films it so that rich can make it a tax write-off. So if this guy films it, I got to hang with this dude at the games.
Starting point is 01:32:57 Anyway, go with these guys. Just invite yourself. Oh, yeah. Just invite myself, huh? Dude, everyone wants to hang with you. You're so cool. You're so easy. Oh, my gosh.
Starting point is 01:33:16 It would be dope, though. Would you ever get into fighting? No, dude. Yeah, dude, look at that. That's amazing. That's fucking gruesome. I just want to kill an elf dude one time. Why is this thing in a white bag if it's bloody?
Starting point is 01:33:35 Why not put it in a red bag or a black bag? I don't know. Go to the next picture. I want to see what he killed. eric cam haynes would run laps around hopper did hopper could hopper would throw fucking cam haynes off the fucking mountaintop tumbled down there like a little school girl dude i know okay dude he commented on one of my pictures um once what did you ask me to do to do? Go to the next picture? Go to the next one. I can't believe how big that thing is.
Starting point is 01:34:09 Killed a little cow. How come Rich does the marks under the eyes and the other guys don't? I don't know. I guess we're not Christian. Oh, you think that cross is a Christian cross? Wow. I didn't even see that. That's what Tim Tebow used to do back in the day.
Starting point is 01:34:35 Did he? No, not Tim Tebow. Tua. Tua did that, I think. Wait, didn't he? Fuck, I don't know. I only know tyson bajan i think to it to it does that oh he does look dude he definitely does that for the christian effect
Starting point is 01:34:55 you looking no i was i was looking at this lady this girl's boobs in this wedding but look at this look what uh oh oh yeah yeah oh shit okay my wife just texted me and said i'm late and the car doesn't have gas so i need to make extra time all right thank you for doing this this morning. This was fun. Who are you going to vote for for president? Nikki Haley. Oh, God. Woman's Place is in the fucking kitchen.
Starting point is 01:35:38 Dog, what do you mean, dude? In making babies. Hold up, hold up, hold up, hold up, hold up, hold up. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Nikki Haley is literally like Donald Trump's right-hand person. No, she sucks. Are you serious? Yeah, I can't stand her.
Starting point is 01:35:52 Tell me why. Because when she talks about stuff, she doesn't – I like when Trump talks about stuff. He pins shit down. He'll be like, look, we're not going to allow trannies into the reading hours at the elementary school anymore. I'm like, like okay I like that I'm cool
Starting point is 01:36:07 But she doesn't do that She just like kind of like talks up in the ether Like when they talk about climate change She's not like Vivek Ramaswamy's like hey it's fucking bullshit By the way did you see Bill Gates' walking back climate change No Oh we have so much to talk about.
Starting point is 01:36:25 Okay, well, I like it that you like it. Hey, you know what? I just like it that you had someone. I'm impressed you had someone. I mean, she was the South Carolina governor a couple years ago. She was? Yeah. Oh.
Starting point is 01:36:37 Yeah, yeah, 12-day doses. Trump pinned shit down. He pinned your mom down. So what? Grab a handful of pussy. Sorry, you're a man of God I need you to calm down We went to high school with her daughter
Starting point is 01:36:49 So it's kind of like we have to vote for her I don't want to root for Jason Hopper To win the CrossFit Games But it came on my podcast It kind of does Alright Thanks for coming on all right man thank you bye oh wow all of a sudden one of my favorite what happened to him he went from can't talk to will talk to does talk to fun
Starting point is 01:37:20 to talk you fucking he traversed the whole fucking talking thing i have so much i want to talk to talk. He traversed the whole fucking talking thing. I have so much I want to talk to you guys about. Oh my goodness. But I have to go. Love you guys. Today at 4 o'clock, the CrossFit Games Update show, it will be Pedro from Ireland. It will be Taylor Self from the Self-Made Training Program. And of course, John Young
Starting point is 01:37:40 from JY Barbell, the official CrossFit Games analyst for the 7-1 podcast, will be here. And I'll see you then, 4 p.m. Pacific Standard Time. Have a good day. Love you guys. Bye-bye.

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