The Sevan Podcast - Jedidiah Snelson | Wheel WOD

Episode Date: November 27, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This episode is brought to you by PC Optimum. If you like a curated playlist, why not try a curated grocery list? With Swap and Save, the new feature in the PC Optimum app, you'll get PC Optimum's best price for your grocery items. Simply add products to your shopping list in the app, and it'll show you similar items at a lower cost. Add coffee to your list, then swap it for one that's cheaper. Craving chips? The app will suggest some on sale.
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Starting point is 00:00:58 Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. Bam, we're live. Just like that. Hair down, hair wet. I'm going to, uh, shit. I'm going to start the show. Hey, hey everyone, good morning.
Starting point is 00:01:22 David, what's up, dude? Augustus, hey, Mike, Christine. Hey, good morning, guys. what's up, dude? Augustus, hey. Mike, Christine. Hey, good morning, guys. What's today? Sunday? Saturday. Sunday. Sunday.
Starting point is 00:01:32 November 26th. Sunday. Can you guys hear me okay? Do I dare start the show with a phone call? I know you guys are like, where's Jedediah? Where is he? He's near. Trust me. He is near.
Starting point is 00:01:51 Okay, here we go. Let's see if we can start the show with a phone call. A first. A Sevan podcast first to start the show with a phone call. Audio is good. Always just a little nice from Mike McCaskey. A little confirmation. Don't worry. Jedediah will fix that when he calls from his tin can.
Starting point is 00:02:09 Don't worry. Don't worry. He will make sure to challenge you all. Just me and Jedediah this morning. Talking about guys who work out with missing parts. Let me see. Let me see. Tell me if you can hear this parts. Let me see. Let me see. Tell me if you can hear this call. Let me know. Oh, it's not a good sign.
Starting point is 00:02:32 We're not off to a good start. We're not off to a good start. We're not off to a good start. It should be ringing. It's not. Shit. Damn. Alright.
Starting point is 00:03:03 Fine. I tried. I tried tried let me try one more time god you guys are patient good job turn Bluetooth off turn Bluetooth on connect the Rodecaster go back to the phone okay here we go. One more try. Oh, I hear it. You hear it? Jedediah, you hear it? Oh, yeah. Look at that. I see Jedediah like I normally see Caleb. Come on. Come on. Come on. Come on. Come on. Come on. It's working. I see you, Kenneth.
Starting point is 00:03:53 I see you. Please leave your message for. Hi. Morning. I appreciate your patience. Yeah, no worries. A friend of mine is on a long drive from Naples to Nashville this morning. And so I know, you know, when someone's in the car, they'll talk to anyone.
Starting point is 00:04:19 Yeah. So I thought for sure she would answer. She must have the music cranked up and can't hear the phone. No, she's having fucking phone sex with Matt Torres right now. She ain't answering for me. She don't want me asking her about her nipple piercings. Yeah. What's up, dude?
Starting point is 00:04:46 Not a whole lot. Just trying to get things ready to hit the road here Tuesday morning. Hey, your audio is actually better today. Yeah. Well, I figured that out last time. I got this headset. Oh, that's right. Okay.
Starting point is 00:04:59 Sounds great. You were in the tin can last time. How dare I? Oh, what's the deal? What's Tuesday. We'll watch starting. Oh,
Starting point is 00:05:08 wait, before we go there, what happened in Spain? You went to Spain for a month and I thought maybe you were going to stay there. Um, so we, we were there for five weeks. Um,
Starting point is 00:05:18 I did compete in Wad Salona while I was there, but more of the plan was we rented an apartment in a part of the city that was more residential. Uh, we just wanted to test it out because we are. Well, after. So after doing that, we are going to move there. You are doing that. Yeah. Yeah. It's still going to be a little bit. Probably three and a half years. My daughter really wants to finish out high school. She has a close group of tight friends that she wants to go through that experience with
Starting point is 00:05:45 and we we have a pretty good school system here in idaho overall so uh where in idaho are you uh meridian which is basically boise damn dude you're an item that's awesome yeah yeah you need to tell all your friends to quit coming here so yeah i i hear you when you move to uh spain will you keep your house in yeah and just rent it out and that'll be help fund your trip yeah we have we'll just do a long-term rental with it at that point and probably work i'll find we have some um property managers that we're acquainted with that we'll we'll get settled with and yeah we'll we'll just keep because we're not committed to going there we're just committed there to going long term like like three years maybe five years like see how it goes so my wife lived in Europe for a long time
Starting point is 00:06:35 she's a military brat her dad was air force and so she spent middle school junior high in Italy and Germany and and that she just loved Europe and so I was like well you know I've never been so we we went the first time I competed in Guadalona we went for 10 days and I absolutely loved it I fell in love with Spain and and and um yeah it's been great and so we're like well let's like actually test this like living there um to see what it's like to see if it is as good as we think it is and it's great i mean barcelona barcelona the weather is like san diego all year round and so i'm i'm tired of winter here in idaho like snow and wheelchairs do not mix so oh shit you change your tires like that or wheels or
Starting point is 00:07:23 they're snow tired no no i don't go that far just don't go. Just don't go out a lot. Like, yeah, you know, I have the gym here at home, so I just do more at home. And if it's really like we don't get a lot of snow here. But I mean, the weather in Idaho is really random, right? Like there's two mountain ranges that sit on either side of a valley. And so it's like if you watched it from a radar, it's like pong, right? It's like, you never know where the storm's actually going to go. But when it hits us, sometimes it can hit us hard.
Starting point is 00:07:52 And so it just gets annoying. And I hate the cold. I've always hated the cold. Everyone who lives there absolutely loves it. They're like, Hey, Hey, if I would have known about this place sooner, I would have, uh, I'd have been here sooner. Yeah. That's unfortunate, but anyhow, how long have you been there? Um, so I've been in Idaho since 93. My parents, uh, we, so I grew up on a chicken ranch in Washington. And then when politics started going south there, my father moved us to
Starting point is 00:08:25 buell idaho with this which is south central idaho um uh down by twin falls it's a small um small small farm town like yeah outside of twin falls idaho so i grew up there on a heifer ranch uh dairy heifer ranch and um and then uh yeah i i moved um to mountain home for a while i owned an insurance agency there and then uh and then 2006 to 2010 i was down in southern california i was in temecula working in the motocross industry as a strength and conditioning coach for some of the factory riders and so i took a small stint in southern California. Did you have working legs from 2006 to 2010? Yeah. Yeah, I didn't get paralyzed until 14.
Starting point is 00:09:11 God, that's fucking wild. Yeah. Holy shit, that's wild. And that was a motorcycle accident? Yeah, yeah. So once I moved back to Idaho, so I was working as a strength and conditioning coach with some of the factory riders in Southern California. I was based down there, working with the teams and whatnot. And then, you know, with Rhino. And then I got married and we had our daughter. And it's funny when you work in pro sports, you don't live in the real world. Like you live in a bubble.
Starting point is 00:09:45 don't live in the real world. Like you live in a bubble. And the minute we had our daughter, it was like real world Southern California was exposed to us. Right. Cause you started looking at school systems and everything else. And I was just like, no. So, um, we, we, I, I gave that up and we moved back to, to Idaho. Um, the unfortunate thing was when I moved back to Idaho, I got back into racing myself recreationally and, and then, well, I shouldn't say unfortunate because I wouldn't change anything, but, um, that's when I got hurt. So anyways, yeah. God.
Starting point is 00:10:16 Oh, and you have one kid. Yeah. Yeah. She's, she just turned 15. Hey, um, someone said, uh, Kenneth, the lab says a Wad Salona that's weak. I like that name. That makes me want to say it over and over Kenneth DeLapp says Wad Salona that's weak. I like that name. That makes me want to say it over and over. I like the name Wad Salona.
Starting point is 00:10:29 I don't get what Salona means. Wait, Barcelona? Barcelona. Yeah. What's wrong with that? I think that's cute. Yeah, I think it's creative. I think they have a great logo that they came up with
Starting point is 00:10:40 that goes with it, and I think they branded it well. And that competition has blown up. For only being its second year, there over a thousand athletes damn um yeah so they're they're doing well uh uh barcelona barcelona right i don't get that one barcelona oh that's how some people pronounce it oh it could be a drinking contest to be called Barf-a-lona. Yeah. Oh, that's one of the islands, right, in Spain,
Starting point is 00:11:15 and that's where the girl, Laura Horvath's sidekick trains. Yeah. No, and that's the other thing. CrossFit is freaking huge right now in Spain. Like, it is blowing up. We talked about that before and so there's a really strong community the gym that i belong to for a month while i was there affluent crossfit they're just on the process of opening up their second location um because their first
Starting point is 00:11:36 gym is just slammed and yeah so hey all good safe uh good access for you. Do you hate a place that only has an elevator? And you're like, fuck, are you a first floor guy? So ideally, yes. But we were on the fourth floor of our apartment. We did have a day where the elevator didn't work. Yeah. It was down for about an hour. Fortunately, I was on the bottom.
Starting point is 00:12:04 I just couldn't get access to my apartment i had already left for the day so it was just go to a coffee shop and hang out it wasn't bad um safe and any robbing or no i trust like barcelona feels safer even than boise idaho does like as far as like our daughter and like she we so we met some other expats they have this great um this great uh baker or dessert shop it's called la ca la cake la cava cakery or something like that and it's cupcakes and cava um and they're from ireland and and they had a son and a couple daughters um their son was the same age as our daughter. And they're like, yeah, he rides public transportation by himself to go to and from football practice and soccer and all that. We felt very comfortable there, very safe.
Starting point is 00:12:57 We loved it. For me, it's easier to get around than any American city I've been in. And I've been to quite a few. And so it's just one of those things that the weather, like the weather's appealing, the food, the food in Spain is incredible. And then the quality of food just in Europe in general is so much better. And that's one of the big drives. And then for me, healthcare, you know, both my wife and I are entrepreneurs. We're both self-employed. So our medical insurance is non-existent virtually, like what we pay for. And we still pay an arm and a leg.
Starting point is 00:13:34 You know what I mean? So over there, we can get on a plan where we pay $100 per person and we're fully covered. Dan Guerrero, everything is better there. Except income. Which you have over there. and we're fully covered uh dan guerrero everything is better there except income what you have yeah so but yeah but my wife she her income is based here so um god so and and she's um every country will have her um so she plans corporate retreats worldwide she primarily works with sas companies where their employees are remote all over the world and they come together once or twice a year. And so, um, you know, getting a,
Starting point is 00:14:10 getting a visa in Spain right now is not hard anyways, but with her, like we could virtually move anywhere and, um, they, they'd accept her because, you know, she'll bring income in. So what will your daughter do there? Just start her life all over? because you know she'll bring income in so what will your daughter do there just start her life all over yeah i don't know um i mean you know based on our current plan she'll be 18 when we leave so i mean she could virtually do whatever we hope she comes with us um i i could see her going to work with my wife um kind of taking over the family business i would just walk all over spain i'd be like yeah i'd get a backpack and for six months i would or especially at least barcelona i'd like every morning i'd get up get high on coffee just drink a shitload of coffee and i would walk the entire city for a year
Starting point is 00:14:53 yeah i think the five weeks we were there i pushed easily on average two miles a day like just which i don't do here in idaho it's like it was crazy one of these things i realized like it could be the same amount of time to go out and grab food here in idaho you know versus they're walking or rolling and going and getting the food and i'm more i'm more apt to like just leave the apartment and go roll out here where here i'm like i don't want to get in and out of the car so i'll just door dash like i hate getting out of the car. I hate doing it. I hate driving. But if I can just go out my front door and roll down the street, I'm, I love it. Like, it's funny growing up a farm boy. I'm always like, no, I don't want to live in the city because I need to have my freedom. Well, what I realized
Starting point is 00:15:40 being in Barcelona is being in a wheelchair the city is my freedom like I was like I'm free like I can just go where I want and especially like the the biggest thing is is um why it's so accessible is it's a bike town like so much of the majority get around on bicycles and so any any town in Europe that way like Copenhagen or whatever they're accessible for me, but I just don't want to do winter anymore. So that's where Barcelona comes in, that it's just the weather's great. Yeah, that's an interesting point. There's a shitload of other people there who are on wheels, and so the city is accommodating to you. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:16:20 Congratulations. Thanks. Congratulations. I don't know why it sounds so scary to me to get up and switch countries, but I mean, you're doing it and you make it sound like it's totally doable. Well, it makes it more comfortable having my wife. She travels so much, so she's well-traveled. She's lived in Europe, so it's not new to her. And so that makes it a lot more comfortable for me, but we're not like figuring all this stuff out on the fly. Um, uh, how did you do it? What's Lona?
Starting point is 00:16:49 Good. I won. So it was, uh, it was rough. Um, it ended up randomly only two people in your division. Yeah, right. No, actually, uh, of all the adaptive divisions, my division was the largest. We had 12 athletes. Awesome.
Starting point is 00:17:06 Um, any other, any other any other americans yep um there was let me there was one for sure two uh two other americans in my division don't you kind of like it though it would have been nice if you were the only one right i mean two still isn't a lot but it's kind of cool you're going over it's like when you go to a tournament and there's and there's five kids in my kids class and i've driven two hours and three of the kids are from my kids academy i'm like fuck dude i just yeah you know two hours so you can wrestle the kids we wrestle at home yeah no it was so the first year i was the only american and uh and that was cool but it was okay the first year i was really nervous because this is one of the cool things about CrossFit even versus like racing like racing a lot of times you know the big guy comes across the pond and they're like you know
Starting point is 00:17:50 what the hell are you doing on my turf like this is supposed to be my arena and like you show up and and you're taking my spotlight or whatever and so I was a little bit apprehensive the first year that they're going to be like you you know, stick to the American competitions or whatever. You know what I mean? Like you're just coming in cherry picking her or whatever. Um, and they were like pumped, like the other competitors and everybody were pumped that I was there and, and, uh, that I had taken the time to travel, um, to be at their competition. And so that, that was cool. And so I really had a great time. So I definitely wanted to go back. And yeah, it was great this year. We had a little bit of weather the first day, but other than that, well, and then the weather, we had some rain the first day.
Starting point is 00:18:34 So we did have one event get canceled. The evening event got canceled. But other than that, it was great. It was super. It actually ended up being one of the hottest weekends of the year there. And the humidity because of the rain before was crazy. And so I had some serious like CNS issues after one of the workouts. But, uh, other than that, it was fun nervous system.
Starting point is 00:18:57 Yeah. Yeah. Cause my body doesn't regulate heat. And, uh, it was a really cool workout actually. Like I loved the concept. I'd never done anything. So it was, uh, just to get into it real quick. It was a really cool workout actually like i i loved the concept i'd never done anything so it was uh just to get into it real quick it was a really cool workout it was uh four rounds it was every four minutes on the minute um but you were only allowed to work for three of the four minutes
Starting point is 00:19:15 so you were forced to have a one minute rest and uh ours was um three two one go and it was uh 21 deadlifts uh kettlebell deadlifts um nine calories on the assault bike and then nine u-turns around a 20 inch box nine calories on the assault bike yeah would they take the seat off and you're like this no you just you're in the front so um we go up to the front of the bike yeah so we're like straddling the fan um and then somebody the judge stands on the back have you seen the other way the way of the bike yeah so we're like straddling the fan um and then somebody the judge stands on the back have you seen the other way the way uh the um uh athena shows it in her larger body seminar have you seen that way of doing it where they turn it up like they sit the bike up on its
Starting point is 00:19:56 seat and so the handles are up and you kind of go this way instead honestly i forget how they did it but they took the seat off i don't think they stand the bike up but they do it from the back it's crazy it's it's crazy creative i'll find i'll find it i'll find a video of it and send it to you it's crazy creative it's better than getting in the front i think once people see that i probably shouldn't give it away it's like one of the best parts of her seminar you're like oh shit i never thought of that yeah well but however these are people that could still possibly stand or can use their legs and so they can they might be able to put themselves in a position that that we can't so you know what i mean so sorry 21 deadlift nine cows on a salt bike what's the next movement
Starting point is 00:20:35 uh nine u-turns around the box so anyways it was a workout. It took about – Yeah. Have you ever seen them? They're actually pretty like calculated. No, I just keep going around a box on a – No, so you have to like – you go to one side of the box. You have to spin around 180 before going to the next side of the box. You turn a wheelchair CrossFit. Oh, here. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:21:07 There's actually a video. God, there's videos for everything. Yeah. Dude, I thought there was no chance in hell I'd find this. Okay, here we go. Yeah. Probably me. So, yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:18 So, you're forced to 180 around the box to go to the other side. Oh, dude. It's actually a move that came from wheelchair basketball because when someone goes to cut on you, it's quicker to U-turn to block them from one side to the other than just trying to cut around them. Do you know this guy right here?
Starting point is 00:21:39 I don't. I just assume black guys, wheelchair guys, just know like you guys we all know each other that would make me sick right there no it's not too bad because you're going back and forth so you're spinning both directions i'm 50 i can't do that i can't do that but so anyways what was cool about the workout is you were forced to sprint every round because every round was, was, was a separate points. So like if the whole event,
Starting point is 00:22:11 if that whole event was a hundred points, each round was individually 25 points. So you had to like, there was no like, well just build a lead. And then your accumulated time, you can just pace everybody. Each round was scored individually. So you had to go all out every round. And I mean, you know, we're, we're right on the waterfront on black, everybody each round was scored individually so you had to go all out every round and um i mean you know we're we're right on the waterfront on black you know black mats uh it was you know 80 plus degrees with crazy humidity and you're just doing these sprints um i mean to give you an idea the first sprint i did in 142 and then by the the last sprint it took me 233 like so you're you're yeah it was like it
Starting point is 00:22:48 it's a good pass out in a wheelchair like we saw car cylinders pass out or uh you ever seen anyone oh why can't you regulate heat uh because my circulation oh you know your legs are your main blood pumpers so my circulation is slow and so i'm a bit of a snake like i have to watch temperature both hot and cold because i can't regulate my yeah which is fortunate because not everybody does um you mean not everyone in your situation correct yeah not not everybody in a wheelchair has the ability that that still functions and that they can still sweat uh quads are really bad they act they a lot of that work out, they carry a spray bottle with them so they can create their own sweat basically to keep themselves cooled down.
Starting point is 00:23:34 I don't know if I should fucking do this. Sevan, you literally preach that all Palestinians can easily leave can easily leave every day now you can't imagine at first you've taken that out of context you douche nozzle second of all don't talk to me about fucking travel i can pick any random week in my fucking life uh and i traveled more than you you ding dong in crazy fucking places crazy fucking places i drove all over fucking central america i walked in africa been all over fucking african places that would scare any of you motherfuckers yeah and what the media portrays is what's accessible is not like is not true what for
Starting point is 00:24:22 example like during covid like they said like you couldn't travel places unless you were vaccinated and all this stuff like my wife my wife traveled the entire time during covid and countries where they had vaccination regulations because she worked in travel and tourism and they were hurting they let her in no problem like they will make an exception like so yeah most of the time even what they report about what is accessible or what's open for travel is not true it's more open than you think iota he's comfortable in one of the greatest states in this country yeah very triggered thank you you triggered i'm very triggered also triggered i got triggered like 15 times 15 minutes ago
Starting point is 00:25:03 it already traveled from my neck to my back to my anus. Very triggered. Douche. I'm never coming to the Isle of Man. God, that would be a shitty place to be in a wheelchair. They probably don't have anything there. And they just got that
Starting point is 00:25:22 one road that goes around the island. Have you been to Hawaii? Yeah. Does Hawaii suck for wheelchairs um yes i mean with when you're in the like condo communities or whatever you can get around there fine but outside of that yeah the beach is the beach i can't stand the beach it's so hard getting around the sand and whatnot i i'm trying to think one of the i'm trying to think maui or one of the islands has a cool bike trail around a shitload of the island i guess that would be kind of cool i've just been on the big island kona and whatnot so hey do you have an electric wheelchair well no not like like a like you would think of an electric wheelchair i do have a what's called a
Starting point is 00:26:03 um the company's not a wheelchair and it's called a rig. It's basically just like an e-bike, but it's just four wheels and it's electric powered. It's called, it's not a wheelchair? Oh, yeah. The company is, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, you have that? Yeah. Oh, that's nice.
Starting point is 00:26:20 So it allows me to like get around without killing myself because one of the issues I had is training CrossFit. Like I do is I'm always tired, right? Like on the weekends and stuff, like I got to rest my body because of the volume I do. And yeah, so we got this thing because I, it's all electric.
Starting point is 00:26:35 And so I can, I play golf with it. Um, or like I'll go hiking. You play golf. Yeah. How do you do that? So with this rig, um, I've played regular golf from a special cart that they have.
Starting point is 00:26:50 But with this rig, what I do is I play fling golf. I don't know if you've ever seen fling golf. No. It's a newer version. Some guys back east came up with it. It's really cool. It's like golf and lacrosse combined. It's these like long shafted golf clubs where clubs where it's got a scoop on the end
Starting point is 00:27:08 and you put the golf ball in there. It's actually blowing up. Fling golf, it's like a lot of able bodies do it. Brian French should check it out. He'd probably be interested in it a lot with his disc golf passions. He could commentate the world championships. Oh, shit. Look at that.
Starting point is 00:27:28 Yeah. Hey, oh oh it has two handles yeah we went up i went up to quarter lane yes yeah i took it this summer and i went up to quarter lane we did the hiawatha trail yeah outside of quarter lane so yeah uh and of Coeur d'Alene. So, yeah. And you ever roll that thing? Not yet. I'm sure I will. I like to test the limits. How fast does it go over 10 miles an hour? Up to 13. Oh, shit. Okay.
Starting point is 00:27:59 Yeah, crazy. All right, cool. Yeah. Will you take that to Spain? Hopefully, if we can figure out how yeah that'd be great god that thing's dope yeah you kind of need you kind of need that yeah and then what you could do is you could like go five miles away from your house unload your chair um roll around a couple miles and not be like fuck how am i gonna white wouldn't i've been i'm exhausted how am i gonna wheel back five miles now then you just throw it in the back of that
Starting point is 00:28:30 thing and roll yeah yeah that's cool god i've never i've never seen one of those okay uh uh wheel wad wheel wads like the premier? Yes. The winner – they're the ones who got the contract to host the CrossFit Games this year? Correct. Let's start there before – so what are the dates for Wheelwad? For this year? Yeah. November 30th through the 3rd. So we'll compete Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday.
Starting point is 00:29:01 Okay. This upcoming weekend. Okay. So in four days it starts uh to december what did you say the third the third yeah okay thursday through sunday and this is in in the adaptive community is this considered equivalent to winning the crossfit games uh it's considered greater to be honest no shit okay i mean i mean there may be somebody if you ask somebody would i rather win the crossfit games for adaptive or what i rather will win well you might get some people because of
Starting point is 00:29:31 the the clout and the metal or whatever but i mean if you compare three weeks of the open to our divisions at least you know that didn't get to go to the actual in-person games versus 12 events over four days, which one do you think is a better test of fitness to actually solidify who's... And do the competitors come out for this? The competition's as stiff as the game? Like Rogue, no one could argue that Rogue's not as competitive as the games.
Starting point is 00:30:00 Correct. And so this is, all the pipe hitters come to this? Correct. Okay. this is – all the pipe hitters come to this? Correct. Okay. Yeah. Okay. And this – and so this is – and then tell me about this. So these guys – the CrossFit Games is like dividing up.
Starting point is 00:30:16 It looks like it's only going to be individual who have their own event, and then it looks like Adaptive and then Age Group are going to have their own events. And this company, WheelWater – is this Kevin ogar's company uh so he's part owner now um it was originally founded and started by chris stoutenberg okay who has a crossfit industry up outside of collingwood ontario canada okay uh tell me the name of his crossfit jimmy i want to uh crossfit industry so it's i-n-d-e-s-t-r-i okay is he an adaptive athlete yeah he's in a wheelchair okay oh that's good that's kind of good that the guys who run it are like your shit maybe you get some like better shit like that's why well that's why so so in 2015 was the first year that we did an online uh competition around the open 2015 was the first year that we did an online competition around the open.
Starting point is 00:31:05 2015 was the first year there was an organized competition, and that was Stouty. And so 2015 and 2016 was the first live in-person Wheelwild Games outside of his town because he lives up there. It's a tourist town outside just off of Lake Huron. And it was just wheelchairs it was just seated division um the first two years was just seated division 15 and 16 and then 17 was when other he started formulating the other divisions so we've been the seated divisions have been around longer than anybody else okay so it's rude that's cool
Starting point is 00:31:42 so it's rooted in the adaptive class that he liked yeah good on him correct and so somehow so someone from the games contacted this dude this stouty cat and said hey can well the capacity or capability to run the crossfit games this year yeah so kevin's been involved for quite a while now. I mean, he competed at one point. Kevin and I competed, I think, 17 or 18. Kevin competed in the games, and then he got involved. He's been a head judge, and he's been on the logistical side of Wheelwod. He's worked for both Wheelwod and CrossFit for a long time. You may not know, but Kevin, even before he was adaptive,
Starting point is 00:32:21 he was going to be a powerhouse in the CrossFit world. Yeah. As a young man, he was looking to be a threat at the Games. It's pretty crazy. Kevin and I, we've been pretty close. We're on parallel journeys. Our accidents are 12 days apart. Wow.
Starting point is 00:32:38 So we're on the same timeline with everything. on the same timeline with everything so um but uh yeah you know he's been yeah he was and he yeah he was involved as a high level athlete a regional athlete in in crossfit yeah years before he got injured and was injured in a crossfit competition in southern california i remember that probably you know um for anyone around it it's probably one of the biggest news events we've ever had in the CrossFit space. It was, it was, uh, everyone was talking about it. I mean, it was, it was the thing, uh, for those of you who don't know, you could go look it up. There's actually a movie that Kerry Peterson made about, uh, Kevin Ogar's, uh, journey, but basically, I mean, the way I remember it is a barbell basically bounced and hit him in his spine, right?
Starting point is 00:33:28 Yeah, he snatched and lost his balance and fell in the barbell hit him on the way down Yeah, I shouldn't I a couple couple years ago, or maybe it was even last year. I invited him on a few times I should invite him on again. I really had great account and a great wife too like yeah very uh so they met at the wheelwod games oh no shit yeah they met at the wheel i guess one of the years uh when it was up in uh ontario because she's an adaptive athlete too so she's a neuro athlete um and and as well and so she's got a great instagram account i think i've shown clips from it on this show a handful of times she's funny she got she got a great sense of humor okay so they're doing so what will happen to wheelwad now they'll have wheelwad and they'll also host the games no no
Starting point is 00:34:17 they're just so so they're basically just synchronizing it into one or harmonizing it into one where they'll get the basically the title of you know they are defining who is the fittest on earth like officially by cross by crossfit it's basically the same way from from a game standpoint or from a logistical standpoint what people don't understand is it's basically the same thing as like wadapalooza or some of these other competitions that are an official crossfit event basically the wheel wad games is becoming an official crossfit event um wheel wad is running it like on their own like they're funding it they're you know there's some stipulations by crossfit as far as what they have to do um but they're basically just taking it over from crossfit um i kind of have mixed feelings about it to be honest i'd like to hear those um so the things
Starting point is 00:35:14 we're saying could change at any second by the way people so like um right now so so it's it's going to be a crazy workload for stout and ogre they're basically normally they have one huge event in a year now they're going to have two massive events they're going to be a crazy workload for Stout and Ogar. They're basically, normally they have one huge event in a year. Now they're going to have two massive events. They're going to have the Wheelwad. Then they're going to parlay that into the CrossFit Games. And then what you're saying is they're going to get the street cred. They're going to bring the street cred they already have in the adaptive community as being the powerhouse event.
Starting point is 00:35:39 But they're going to get the title now that CrossFit is the fittest whatever division you're in. They're going to get that. And then, so hopefully if all things go well, there will be that, that event will sort of take over and be the wheel wad event. And the fuck, who knows, maybe that'll allow them to grow. And they'll have a second new event will pop up. That's that's not even been invented yet. And now Jedediah is saying he's not sure if he likes it.
Starting point is 00:36:02 What, what, what, What hesitations do you have? Well, so – It's definitely a win for everyone. Kind of. So, I mean, it's definitely a win for CrossFit. You lose an event, actually. Maybe it's not a win-win for the athletes because you guys lose an event. Yeah, yes and no.
Starting point is 00:36:18 I mean, to be honest, most of us didn't really have an event with CrossFit to begin with. We do the Open anyways, and now they're trying, you know, in the past to find the fittest between the Open or an online competition. Like, we're not really losing anything that way. You know, maybe two separate titles, but no, where I have my trepidation is Wheelwod does a great, great job. They have a great team. is Wheelwod does a great job.
Starting point is 00:36:43 They have a great team. Outside of Kevin and Stoudy, they have a whole team of individuals that help run and put the competition together. The problem is they're all volunteer. I don't want to say volunteer. They're all part-time to a degree. They all have other jobs, right? They all have other endeavors that take a lot of their time. And so it's hard. And I think I have more
Starting point is 00:37:10 insight on this than that. My wife who, you know, was an event producer she's done conferences. She's done, you know, she, she, she's worked in the event industry for years. And so I see what it takes to put on a major event at the site. You know, she does, she does a, she still does a conference for one of her SAS companies. And it takes her all year to plan it. And, and it's, it takes a lot of her time to plan it. And I think it's kind of a double-edged sword in that it's great for Wheelwad. Wheelwad is the one that should have the input as far as how the divisions are ran, how all stuff the logistics of the competition because they know and they have the experience the tough thing is the experts correct um as far as the competition goes in the logistical side the tough thing where i take issue with it is that it's all dumped on their lap that crossfit's like
Starting point is 00:38:00 they're not financially supporting it they're they're not you supporting it. They're, they're not, you know, there's no, you know, I've heard that's not true by the way. I, from what I've seen, like from what I understand and maybe I'm wrong, maybe they are doing more, but, but from everything that I've seen or heard is basically, I feel like there's a little bit of CrossFit has been criticized for how they've done the adaptive, right. And especially there's been a lot of loud voices within the adaptive community and there's a lot of people that's been screaming that you need to get a wheel wad involved you need to let will wad do this you need to let will wad handle it like all these athletes so finally crossfit's like you know it's like here like be careful what you wish for here you go like it's yours like do it um and let's see how you handle it you know what i mean and so it's hard because
Starting point is 00:38:45 crossfit has and has employees that are just designated to the games and how the games run and how the games build and so that's a lot easier when you have those people that can put in those type of hours um so i i have no doubt that wheelwod has the capability of running a great competition logistically and stuff it's it's the event side stuff where I hope things go well and I hope everything works out. I'm just disappointed they're not getting more support that way is my thing from the event side. The competition, they'll do great. I wish I was wrong, but I know I'm not. The people who bitch are always going to find something to bitch about.
Starting point is 00:39:26 So that will be interesting. The people who bitch that like, hey, there's only 15 classes. They forgot these people. Those people are still going to bitch. It's not going to be like, oh, well, this is made by adaptive athletes and run by adaptive athletes, so therefore it's perfect. No, the people who bitch, they have an inner need to complain. Oh, we still get it.
Starting point is 00:39:49 Yeah, yeah. And they won't be satisfied until they do that work on themselves. It is impossible to satisfy the adaptive community, right? Because of the nuances of the – by satisfy, I mean satisfy them with all the different classes because of the nuances of the by satisfied i mean satisfied them with all the different classes because of the nuances of the disabilities right it's it's really kind of do the best you can it's kind of it's kind of like making the workouts at the games there's never going to be the perfect test of fitness we just got to do the best we can yeah i mean it comes down to a lot of times there are different you know every injury is different every disability
Starting point is 00:40:24 is is a little bit different a little bit tweaked so there are different, you know, every injury is different. Every disability is, is a little bit different, a little bit tweaked. So there are some workouts where it's like, well, you technically have more ability for me. You know, like I have, for example, myself, I have, you know, full trunk control. I'm from the waist down. Um, and so a lot of people that maybe don't have all that core, um, access, but competing in my class, they're like, you know, well, I don't have as much core. So I struggle this way. However, I will say like, and that's in generally true, right? Like, yes, I have full access to my core. And I've taken a lot of time to build that up. And so yes, I do have more muscles. So you could argue that I have more
Starting point is 00:41:01 ability that way. However, like I said, every injury is unique. One of the things I battle with is I have constant spasm in my legs, meaning that my legs don't shake necessarily all the time when people think of spasms, but with my injury, my legs are in constant contraction. My muscles, even sitting here right now, my legs are contracting. They're just holding themselves tight. When you sleep, does that go away? No. Um, sometimes if I can, if I can get relaxed, it will, um, Do you feel them? If you do, if you lay down and do deep breathing,
Starting point is 00:41:32 can you go in there and make those relax and you actually see what happened? Yeah. If I can get, yeah, if I can, if I can relax myself, um, a lot of times I can get my legs to subside somewhat, but for the most part, they're in constant contraction. So when I have to do moves where I'm getting in and out of chair, when I do pull ups, when I do rope climbs, like you'll notice like even the more fatigued I get, the more it's like I'm almost doing an L sit while I'm doing my leg climb or whatever, because my legs are just and then they will shake sometimes. So my legs literally fight
Starting point is 00:42:03 against me doing a lot of movements. And some people, like Kevin, for example, like his legs are just not there. Now he doesn't have as much muscle tone in his legs, but they don't fight him, right? Like they're just, they're limp. He still has his legs on him. Yeah. Do you still have your legs on you? Yeah. Oh, him. Yeah. Do you still have your legs on you? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:25 Okay. Yeah. So, um, so for those, for, so, so it's just examples like that where there's little things, there's little nuances that, that you're never going to match up evenly, but, but that's the same with able body, right? Like you've got Fikowski versus Mertens. Like they're just, they're not going to have the same advantages in every workout. Um, there's just always going to be nuances that way um but as as it grows and we're still small
Starting point is 00:42:51 like the adaptive community in crossfit is still very tiny um and and so having all these different divisions and split classes like so for example now there's two seated division, well, technically three seated divisions, right? Um, where there's like, you know, Tom Miosga and, and the seated with hip function where they have partial use of their legs in some form or another. Um, and, and that can vary in degree. There's guys that have to compete seated too. Like, you know, like Tom Green and Brett Halzer, like they don't have as much function in their legs. They do have leg function, but they don't have as much function in their legs. They do have leg function, but they don't have as much function as like Tom does. Um, and, and so, but somewhere, you know, as the numbers grow, there has to be a, a, a split. Right. Um, but when we started, you know, Tom showed up in 17. And so for three years I competed against Tom, like, because there was
Starting point is 00:43:42 no other option until 2020. Did you complain? No, it was just what it was. If you, if you have legs and if you have legs that don't work and you don't work out, how does anyone not work out? It seems now I'm starting to get, I'm going back to that thing you said about pumping. So for you working out is you'll lose your legs if you don't work out. Right. I'm guessing what I'm imagining is your heart, you, you, every time you work out, it's kind of a flush for your legs.
Starting point is 00:44:09 Cause when you're sitting there, you ain't getting shit, but when you work out the heart's working and you finally get some blood to your extremities the way, maybe like someone who was like crazy obese, like a thousand pound person would. So people who are, who don't have use of their legs, but they have legs and don't work out. They're fucked. I'm getting, I'm asking. Yeah. It's the same.
Starting point is 00:44:27 It's the same anatomy as anybody else, right? Like it all comes down to blood flow and circulation. If you can keep your circulation going, it does a lot for health. Um, the minute you stop circulating, like that's when you have issues. It's the same way that, you know, the adaptive has actually helped teach people as far as like temporary injuries. You know, you have somebody the adaptive has actually helped teach people as far as like temporary injuries. You know, you have somebody that has a knee injury or, or whatnot. And so they want to pause their membership for three months until it heals or whatever. And now they're
Starting point is 00:44:53 going, don't do that. Like there's other adaptations that we can keep you working out. And by continuing to work out, you're going to continue that blood flow and, and you're going to heal faster and you're going to heal better and you'll have less atrophy and all the things right like that's just me for daily life Jedidiah can you see like in an x-ray or MRI or whatever somewhere where you're there's like a plug a wires that are not touching that need to be touching for you to get your um for your legs to work no it's not visible because the spinal cord is so integrated and it's so minute. Like you'd have to like microscope zoom in on it. Do you think they know where it is? Do you think you know where it is? They know where the, where the damage is. It's, it's at my T12,
Starting point is 00:45:35 um, because that's where in my accident, my, my T12, um, vertebrae, it dislocated and then shattered. And then I ragdolled on frozen ground for another 15 20 feet and that's where my spinal cord was just so it wasn't like a full sever but i just mangled it basically crazy that spot i asked because jake jake said any new spinal technology um that could make it so you could walk again or get access to your legs again. There's so here's what I'm going to tell you. And we're going to go political, but I don't care. OK, there are different avenues.
Starting point is 00:46:14 There are things where people, you know, there's electrical implants or whatnot. There's there's multiple different like. Tested things that have worked. So there's two sides to this one. You know, let's say they've done it 200 times, and it was successful 12 times. So they're going, hey, there's this procedure, but it's like, it's not necessarily 100% work. And then some of those people that didn't work, and not only did it not work, but by going in there and messing around, they actually like damage the spinal cord more it's where they lost some of their their use that they did have right so like instead of being like a t12 now you they're a t10 or whatever because it's experimental
Starting point is 00:46:56 correct the other side is i honestly believe that they have the technology and they've come up with the ways that they could cure spinal cord injuries. Um, it'll never see the light of day. Um, same as cancer. Um, you know, curing cancer, like it'll never see the light of day because we're too profitable. Um, we make the medical industry way too much money. Oh, um, and so I don't, I don't think they'll ever technically cure spinal cord injuries, which can be said true for a lot of disabilities. I think that there are things out there that –
Starting point is 00:47:34 Or they say the spinal cord is such a mystery and we'll never know. And it's like, you're full of crap. You make too much money off of us ladies and gentlemen the global wheelchair market value is equal to that of the nfl's entire fucking revenue it's fucking shy by 500 million 9 billion 500 million hey dude that's only growing that's just for your chair by the way that's not for all the other shit you need like whatever those weird socks you wear on your legs to keep you warm or all the fucking like you know what i mean all the accessories they're trying to sell you well and then you get and then you get stuff like that that that e-rig that you were pulling up my electric yeah chair like oh no because it's
Starting point is 00:48:18 nfl sorry twice that it's 20 billion sorry my bad but still 10 billion is crazy just for chairs go ahead well that's just and then you have all the the other products like catheters and stuff like that right that like i mean i spend i spend you know 150 bucks a month on catheters just so i can pee um 150 a month yeah gdp of uh of kenya is 110 billion so just wheelchairs worldwide is one-tenth the GDP of the entire country of Kenya. Holy shit. So, anyhow. And then, like I said, you have the accessories.
Starting point is 00:48:55 You have bicycles or e-rigs. Because they're deemed medical, the cost goes up so much. Like that e-rig thing, that's six grand, like for me to have one of those. Yeah. And it doesn't, that's six grand for me to have one of those. Yeah. And it doesn't need to be six grand, but because of insurance and medical hoops that they have to jump through and licensing things because it's deemed a medical product to be safe basically for us to use, it jacks the price up. Sorry, just one more thing to put in context uh pharmaceutical revenues in the united states in 2021 were 550 billion so the drugs the legal drugs we take in this country
Starting point is 00:49:34 are five times the amount of money that the entire country of kenya has for all their shit roads and pharmacy and yeah schooling and everything just for our sleeping pills and covid shots holy shit okay um so you'll go to wheel wad uh how did you do there last year i won you did win and how many people were in your class last year there 10 10 okay so they take the top 10 okay oh okay so the most there can be is 10. Correct. And how close was it? Do you have a nemesis? Do you have a guy that's like, dude, fuck, quit already. Get out of here. No, there's some, so I've been fortunate enough up to this point that I'm, I'm, I'm not super dominant. I'm just the most well-rounded. And so my holes are less. Do they have an excuse why you win? They're like,
Starting point is 00:50:23 he's got a little, he's got more leg use use or he his hip rotates or do they got like a excuse why you win i mean there's there's probably a little bit of that being that i'm a i'm a t12 and so i'm probably like max like ability in the seated one division but i don't hear it like okay i don't hear anybody if they're saying it they're not saying it to me. So Right, right. So no we I get along with most my competitors and and yeah I'm gonna I'm gonna try to pull up a Image of a spine so actually one of them I coached this year one of your competitors. Yeah. Yeah So I'm transitioning into coaching. I'm, I'm going to turn 44 here in January. So Vaughn,
Starting point is 00:51:07 I'm, I have a feeling this might be my last games. The last draw. Yeah. It's my body's like, I can't, I have not trained at the same volume this year as I have in the past. Cause I just can't anymore.
Starting point is 00:51:22 Do you think you're going to win? I hope so. I don't know. The competition gets harder and harder every year. There's some good guys showing up this year, including the guy that I coached, Brandon. Wasey out of Canada.
Starting point is 00:51:38 He's good. There's a new guy that I competed with at Wadsalona named Nico. He'll be there. He's good. Hey, can you see this picture yeah so what what what's that one below t12 l1 oh lumbar yeah thoracic and lumbar okay yeah okay and so uh so that goes l1 l2 l3 l44, L5. Could a guy who just has his damage at L5, would he still be in your class? No, because he most likely would be able to walk still. No shit. That's how it works?
Starting point is 00:52:15 Yeah. I know a guy that will have some leg function. Say that again? You're one vertebrae away from being able to walk. Well, I don't know. So, like, I know guys that have had L1 injuries that they do have partial use of their legs. So, they can stand. They can, like, they still have to get around day to day in a wheelchair because, you know, they don't have full capacity there.
Starting point is 00:52:42 But, yeah, L injuries, you do have some people that have – they generally have leg function and can walk to some degree. What are these ones above T1 called? C. Oh, what's that? So, dude, I'm drawing a blank. The rest? Cervical.
Starting point is 00:53:02 Cervical. Yeah. Oh, when I think – I thought cervical was down there and girls had that i think it's it's yeah and dudes and and uh and girls boys and girls are the same same spine shit correct crazy i think i've always i always hear all these so i so i i i have something uh i have something chipped from jumping off a roof i broke my back and it's it's one of the l ones down here yeah so every time rhino you were talking to him he he was paralyzed from an accident or whatever
Starting point is 00:53:40 it was always a cervical industry he was always up up around his neck. Oh, up here. Okay. Yeah. So I have a theory. It's, it's interesting. I have a theory about that because I have a lot of friends that have had, um, cervical spine injuries that they, they gain ability back and they do, they, they do come to a point to where they can walk and stuff again. Um, I think it's kind of like a, and I haven't heard of a lot of thoracical injuries where they gain their legs back or whatnot. So my theory is, is that the cervical is not as well protected. And so when you have a cervical damage, it takes less of an accident to damage the cervical, but you don't necessarily damage it to the same degree. necessarily damage it to the same degree and so a lot of times that that healing process can allow you to like gain function back where this where the thoracic spine is better protected right because of the muscle around it and whatnot so when it's damaged it's damaged more severely
Starting point is 00:54:36 and so that trying to heal back from that it's a it's a greater journey or whatever, if that makes sense. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm with you. Okay. Do you compete every day, November 30th? Yeah. How many days do you compete? Four or five? Four days, 12 events.
Starting point is 00:54:57 Holy shit. And do you know the events? Just two of them. And are you going there to win? Yeah, I mean, that's always the goal. Yeah, I know. But I hear you say, I hear you, but I hear you say it's your last year. And I'm wondering, like, does that mean you're going to take it easy or it's like, I don't care if something breaks and falls off. I'm going to do the best I can. But so the last three years,
Starting point is 00:55:19 really, it's been about my goal is to win. And if I don't win, it's a failure. I have not trained with that degree. I'm transitioning into coaching. Like I said, I've coached a couple athletes this year remotely. I'm coaching at a gym now. I'm trying to build a competition. I want to get back into competitive coaching like I did in motocross, supercross, action sports, basically um so it hasn't been my sole purpose this year i've i've it's kind of taken a back seat so when i show up it's i want to win and i think i have a chance to win but if i don't win it's not a failure like it's it's it wasn't my sole purpose right it wasn't my my sole focus um this year and so do i have a good chance to win yeah absolutely like i've i've won every
Starting point is 00:56:07 competition i've competed in this year so far so um outside of the crossfit games but um that's one it's an online competition i don't put as much cloud in that um and to the the gentleman that beat me in the in the crossfit games um isn't eligible to compete against me in the wheel watt games because he has hip function. Um, and for whatever reason, the CrossFit games allows them to, they,
Starting point is 00:56:31 they don't. Yeah. He goes through their standards. So that he can't get, make it to wheel watt is, or does he have his own? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:56:41 No. So he, he just, he hasn't competed in anything where he's ever had to compete in the other uh division he only competes in the crossfit games and i think he competed at wadapalooza because he was allowed so wait a second there's one there there's a division at wheel wad for him seated too yeah he'd have to compete in the with hip functions division i wonder why he doesn't do that i don't know how would he do there are those guys generally can they do some shit that
Starting point is 00:57:12 you can't do because they got hip function yeah yeah they're they're definitely strong athletes um i mean that's tom right um and and then uh yeah brett and um and mike egan and yet no i think he'd have his hands full. Um, and I think maybe that's one of the reasons is that he knows that, or I think there's also a degree that once he competes and seated to, you know, if CrossFit found out,
Starting point is 00:57:33 they'd be like, Oh, well, wait, you competed here in this other division. So we're not going to allow you, but I don't know how that'll go now that it's all combined. Obviously things change.
Starting point is 00:57:41 So, um, I'm not saying that, I'm not saying that to complain or I'm not saying that to, to like try and like call them out. I'm just saying like, it's the facts. Let's RB seven detect some controversy.
Starting point is 00:57:52 Here we go. Hey, so how are they going to do that? Is wheel wad going to have new divisions? Are they going to bring their divisions to the games or will the games, or has it not been determined? Well, it is this, it is essentially the same divisions that there will to have new divisions? Are they going to bring their divisions to the games, or has it not been determined yet? Well, it is essentially the same divisions. There will be some new divisions.
Starting point is 00:58:09 So, for example, the seeded has grown enough. There is a quad division. There is a seeded three, which is the quad division, where it's quadriplegics, people that I don't know where the cutoff is. But it's basically people that in some form or another, all four limbs are affected, and they don in some form or another all four limbs are affected and they don't have full use of all four limbs um and there's there's the competition has grown enough to where there there is a quad division essentially um and and the games doesn't have that
Starting point is 00:58:37 so that will be a new division uh or crossfit has not had that so there will be a there will be some new divisions created at for where there's numbers that support that. But it doesn't necessarily mean that they're different from CrossFit games, if that makes sense. It's just more of an expansion. Right. And there's no ages. You compete 18 or 50 or whatever.
Starting point is 00:58:58 It's just one age. Yeah, I am easily the oldest guy in my division, at least, that competes at this level. Yeah, crazy crazy that's cool okay uh how come i don't see a location for this um i'm on the wheelwad website where is this thing going to be at that's in raleigh north carolina i'm so yeah i'm surprised it's not on there i know it's on the competition corner page but it might be maybe i just don't know how to do it yeah i'm not sure maybe it's just not on that particular page.
Starting point is 00:59:27 It's not this one, C-Dog. It's not Wad Salona. No, so those were sanctionals for the Wheel Wad season. Those were one of the ways you could qualify to compete at the Games was by winning one of those competitions. Oh, that's cool. Yeah. Wait, wait, wait. You could win wad salona and then go to the crossfit games correct so wheel wads kind of ahead of the wow that's cool so they yeah they did it
Starting point is 00:59:54 basically like it was done in 2018 real quick you could do that in 2023 yes no so wow okay go ahead so it was basically the same as like the 2018 crossfit games right where there were the sanctionals like if you won waterpalooza or if you won um well you know whatever dubai like you were automatically qualified to go to the crossfit games that was 2018 right or was that 2019 i don't remember but that's a trip. You know what I'm talking about? Like, yeah, I just can't believe it's like that. Yeah. So that's what I did this year because I hate the online stuff. I'm just burned out on it after nine years. Yeah. Um, so I went to the sea dog, which was in April. Um, and I won that one so that I was qualified and I didn't have to worry about competing in the online qualifiers this year. So I've been,
Starting point is 01:00:45 I've been qualified since April. Um, and then I just did wild Salona cause I, I did, but then it fell to whoever was behind me. Um, actually that's how Nico qualified because both Brandon and I were already qualified.
Starting point is 01:00:57 And so Nico from Poland, he qualified through wild Salona cause the invitation fell to him. Hey, look, is this it? Is this the event that starts in four days? Yeah. Wheelwod Games.
Starting point is 01:01:09 I can't find the address on here either. That's weird. Well, I know it's on the Competition Corner page because I looked there. And then, yeah, here's. What is that? Competition Corner, is that where they keep the leaderboards? Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:01:23 Competition Corner. competition corner is that where they keep the leaderboards yeah yeah oh and so you go there and that's a good look at the um that's a good look at who your competitors are yeah i don't know if the leaderboard is live yet or not sometimes it doesn't go live until the first event takes place, but it could be. CrossFit Legends, Arnold Fitness Qualifiers. I don't see it. I don't know. Is there a search? Maybe you can search for it. No respect for the adaptive.
Starting point is 01:01:55 Oh, active events. Upcoming events. Oh, Wheelwod Games. Here we go. Registration closed. Oh, okay. Here we go. Raleigh, North Carolina. Open to the public? Yep. Good venue? Good event? Yeah, it's not bad. It's a convention center. They use it as a convention center.
Starting point is 01:02:15 It's definitely been... Okay, so this is legit. This isn't like some fucking podunk thing where you go to the CrossFit crash in JR. This is some bullshit. Yeah. I mean, any competition held at CrossFit crash could be considered legit the way they do it. All right, fine.
Starting point is 01:02:33 You say it. That's a bad example. But yes, it's not like a local competition at your box. JR's going to appreciate that. You're standing up for him. Fuck, this is cool. So, yeah. So, yeah, that's why I was bugging Taylor about coming out and checking it out because it's not far from him.
Starting point is 01:02:52 Any of it broadcasted? Yeah. No shit. Yep, it'll be on their YouTube channel. I believe it's their YouTube channel, but I'll be broadcasting it through YouTube. Damn. I'm going to go um let me see uh just type in wheelwad at youtube i think so yeah wheelwad games and um they broadcasted last year as well and i think they have a better setup this year they're learning right like yeah for sure hey
Starting point is 01:03:23 dude if they have one parking lot cam to be honest like it like oh it'll be the same as the games right yeah i'm yeah exactly i'm already even two cameras even one roaming camera right okay so this shit is cool uh let me go to live and see if they have it scheduled yet no not yet no that's probably you're probably looking at an event so that's the same venue that they had it in last year. However, last year, I will say one thing that happened that most people don't know is last minute, they had a vendor that was supposed to supply all the flooring for them. Yeah. And two weeks before, he said, hey, I'm not going to be able to get it there. Oh, wow.
Starting point is 01:04:01 And so they scrambled. And so that's why the flooring was kind of those segments that way like so it was good on them to be able to pull together last minute and get that get that done because they kind of got hung out to dry hey um uh is this stout this dude down here yes yeah okay okay it's fun i don't recognize recognize him. I don't understand how this doesn't have more subscribers. I'm fully subscribed. All notifications on. Wheel what?
Starting point is 01:04:30 Yeah. Well, hopefully it'll continue to grow. I think it just has to do with there's not a lot of content, right? Well, dude, there were probably more than 800 people at the event throughout the week. Yeah. Right? I mean, there's so many fucking classes right yeah yeah this is cool and it will be at the same venue yes does it cost money to get in
Starting point is 01:04:56 does what does it cost money to get in the spectate yeah i think it's like 20 bucks a day or something or you can buy like a weekend pass for like 60 bucks or something like that i don't remember exactly but yeah and you'll see everything there dudes with one leg dudes with arms missing dude the whole gambit of all the adaptive classes sensory athletes kim will be there no shit wow yep um and uh yeah neuromuscular athletes. How much does it cost for you to register to play? What was it? I think it was like $300.
Starting point is 01:05:34 Okay, fair. I mean, shit, it looks expensive to put on. Yeah, they do well. They put on a good thing. There'll be a whole vendor village. I know they have a lot of people working with them. It was funny last year. Last year was the first year they went into that venue and expanded to that, to that level again. A couple of times they've been, so in Canada when we did the games,
Starting point is 01:05:55 it was partnered with what was called the UGG series which was an established CrossFit competition up outside of Collingwood. Actually Dylan went there. That's how, that's one of the ways they got connected with wadapalooza was dylan was one of the one of the um commentators or uh at the ugg series oh and so we'll and so the so the first few years of the actual wheelwad games they partnered with the ugg series and so so we were competing at the ugg series but it was the wheelwad games they partnered with the ugg series and so so we were competing at the ugg series but it was the wheelwad games right we were using their venue and their outside it was a park event the way they they did their competition and stuff um so last year was the
Starting point is 01:06:37 first time that wheelwad got big enough that they really expanded into their own venue their own separate competition just adaptive nothing, nothing else. Right. Um, and so they did a really good job. Like that was a huge undertaking. And, um, it was, I say that because they had a bunch of vendors there and I'll be honest, like there wasn't a lot of shopping going on. Like, like for, for the vendors that were there last year, like there just wasn't a ton of spectators. So they didn't get the foot traffic like they normally would at a major competition but i took the time at the end of the last day and i went around and i thanked every venue and talked to them personally for being there and they thought it was great like nobody was like and and i i was in sales like i own insurance for
Starting point is 01:07:19 20 plus years so i know when somebody's bs in me yeah if they were just like patronizing like oh yeah great we love being here like you know I'm like okay so it was a bust for you like there was nobody that was that way all of them genuinely was like I don't even care like being here seeing this witness in it like this is incredible this is life-changing like we will be here next year and we want to see this continue to grow so it's just cool hearing that kind of feedback. And that's one of the frustrations I think I have is that like the poor media coverage and whatnot. I think if you covered, if, if people really saw the adaptive and really had that coverage to see
Starting point is 01:07:55 what we do, it's inspiring, like, like to the able body, like it's motivating and it's something that's not like, well, you've said it before, right? At Wadapalooza, like you loved watching the elite and you loved watching the adaptive because it's just unique. It's something different. It is spectatingly pleasing to watch what these athletes can do. I would take my kids to this or to old people working out in order to give them perspective. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:08:23 I would love, I would love my kids to see the 65 and over division at the crossfit games because i don't know if you remember when we were kids i how old are you 44 and 51 but when we were kids like 55 was old yeah like they were already like fucked up yeah and now it's like you know now it's not like that and but that's only our perception has changed of what's possible. If you take care of yourself, you can still work out for a long time. So one of my, one of my favorite stories, no excuse gives you as a kid, Hey, I can't make excuses. This fucker's snatching
Starting point is 01:08:56 155 pounds with one arm. Absolutely. So let me paint you a picture. One of my favorite stories was the first CrossFit gym I started at was Snake River CrossFit in 2015. And I had trained there a couple years and I'll never forget the owner, Frank Bavay. He has a son named Charlie. And Charlie had a friend that was, they were hanging out one day, right? And they happened to run to the grocery store. And Frank told me this story. He says, this is one of the reasons I love having you here in our gym. Um, they're pushing, they're looking, they're shopping in the grocery store and Charlie's buddy looks down the aisle and they see a guy in a wheelchair and he goes, man, Charlie's buddy goes, man, I feel bad for that guy. And Charlie's like eight years old at this time or 10 years old, like eight to 10. I don't know exactly,
Starting point is 01:09:37 but Charlie's buddy goes, man, I feel bad for that guy. And Charlie looks at him and goes, why he can do anything that we can do like and and Frank's like Charlie only knows that because he sees you in the gym doing what you do like and so his perspective of somebody in a wheelchair versus anybody else is 100 different like and so I just that's great right like that's just like he just sees me as a normal dude. Like he's not like, you know, there's not that, that patronizing sympathy. Like, I don't think it's healthy to, I, I, I like empathy. I really like empathy. I don't see, I don't think there's anything wrong with helping people, but no, no one wants you to feel sorry for them because a part of feeling sorry for someone
Starting point is 01:10:21 is the projection that you're better than them and people will live up to that standard and so like when i worked in a home for development mentally disabled adults they knew the staff that they could play and feel and play and like let people um uh they were mentally disabled adults but they still knew the game if the staff felt sorry for them they would manipulate the staff that way if the staff believed in them they fucking rose to the occasion and we're all like that as human beings, right? Right. That it has nothing to do with being adaptive or not. Yeah. The feeling sorry for people's shit is, is a, yeah, it's awesome. Yeah. Healthy people want to be around people who believe in them. And to be, to be honest, if you want to feel sorry for me, there's a lot of shit I deal with.
Starting point is 01:11:01 It's way worse than my legs not working. Right. That people don't even know about. Right. The world's not designed for you. Right. Yeah. Well, just even internally. Right. If you told me, if you asked me, you get a wish and you can have your legs back functioning or you can have your sexual function and bowel function back.
Starting point is 01:11:24 Yeah. You have a choice. I'm taking the sexual function and bowel function back yeah you have a choice i'm taking the sexual function bowel function over my legs any day and you know that from experience which correct bowel function has got to be huge dude yeah crazy crazy hey so that determines what you eat. You don't fuck around. Right. Yeah. How is Barcelona's food? You said. Well, so that's one of the reasons we want to move there.
Starting point is 01:11:55 Just one, Spain has incredible food to Europe. Overall, the quality of food is so much better. It's just, you know, little things that just you're actually eating food you're not eating you know genetically modified shit um uh eating beaver uh i remember seeing my dad's skateboard when i was eight and i thought you can still do that when you're old you know what's funny eating i must have i've probably damaged my kids if i stand on the skateboard my kids start to like panic one of them will start to cry because they, because they, unfortunately they know if I,
Starting point is 01:12:27 I'm going to hurt myself. Well, but to be fair, part of that problem is probably they know how hard, how much it hurts when they fall. And so they're afraid of you falling. Right. They don't even,
Starting point is 01:12:39 they really do think I'm like old though. Like, like, yeah. Like my nine year old thinks he legitimately can beat me up like i'm going easy on you my heart okay wheel wad uh raleigh um north carolina um and then what and then so so this is interesting this is this could be the last time you take the floor you are seriously considering not going to the games this year.
Starting point is 01:13:09 Correct. It's hard because there's part of me that wants to hit that 10 year mark, right. And then be part of the, the combination of CrossFit and wheelwod finally happening. But there's another part that real reality knows my body and it's time to like, and I'm really, I really want to pursue the coaching again. I loved working as a coach, um, in action sports. You know, I, I had a lot of great experiences traveling and, and working with, you know, I, I, I worked with X games athletes. I worked with some MMA guys, like I worked with snowmobile racers, like all this stuff. And, and I, I want to experience that in CrossFit. And I think I have something to offer to like my, the experience I've had and the type of athletes I've worked with, like there's, I look at some of the elite CrossFit games athlete,
Starting point is 01:13:51 and I just see things differently that I think I could help them than the coaches that are in the sport now that have really only been in this sport for the most part. And that's all they know and understand. Like I see different perspectives. All right. Cool. Hey, I always appreciate you coming on. Um, congratulations. You're killing it. Uh, congratulations growing old gracefully. Thank you. I do want to say real quick, I want to thank vindicate. I want to thank Travis. Um, he started, he, I reached out to him this year just because I love his company and I love what he stands for. And he was willing to take me on as an athlete. And I appreciate him. I appreciate him doing the attack weakness shirt. And I know a lot of the sales of that shirt came
Starting point is 01:14:37 from this audience. So I appreciate that. And if there's anybody that wanted one that didn't get one, they're still available. The pre-order is done but um you can still grab a an attack weakness shirt which is my my brand my mantra that i created when i first started this journey a long time ago so uh jennadias nelson what a crazy name i think that's the thing i like about you the most is your name it's gonna be gonna be hard to top that your your first name i thought i would never get i thought i could i didn't think i was had the tongue dexterity to do two d's like that close i just wanted to call you jediah right jedidiah yeah but now i now i can't even say it the other way jedidiah snelson and snelson you seem like some dr. Seuss character. Oh, have you been to Snelson Village?
Starting point is 01:15:26 Yeah, these are cool. Awesome. People can still buy these. Yes, correct. They are still for sale. So if you think you missed out, you didn't. And to anybody who has bought one or does buy one, I appreciate the support, honestly. Awesome, dude.
Starting point is 01:15:41 December 3rd. No, November 30th to December 3rd, Raleigh, North Carolina. That's this weekend. If you're in the hood, go say hi. Jedediah is crazy approachable, dude. December 3rd. No, November 30th to December 3rd, Raleigh, North Carolina. That's this weekend. If you're in the hood, go say hi. Jedediah is crazy approachable, guys. Crazy approachable. He is not one person here and then one person in public. No.
Starting point is 01:15:57 He's a homie. He's fucking grounded in reality. Love you, dude. You're always welcome on the show anytime, and I'll see you on a CrossFit Games Update show soon. Yeah, appreciate it. All right, brother. Have a good one. All right, you too, Sivey. Thanks. Wheelwod
Starting point is 01:16:14 athlete. Oh, shit. Something's wrong here. Just... Oh, I've lost my... Oh, there we go. Jedediah Snelson. Sevan sucks at eating beaver. I knew that was going to come when I talked about my tongue dexterity. So what if I suck at it?
Starting point is 01:16:35 So what? What's your point? Mustache rights. Five for a dollar. The thing I like about you the most is your name but you had nothing to do come on it's a fucking great name it's not his fault it's not my fault just is what it is all right let's try one more time
Starting point is 01:17:01 um Let's try one more time How about I was even able to take some cheap shots at um At JR in the show Please leave your message for son of a bitch I saw what I saw what you did you just hung up. Oh You just hung up on me hung up on me I'm high maintenance this morning I'm high I'm high maintenance This morning
Starting point is 01:17:59 My eyes won't fully open I don't know what's going on you guys ever seen wheelchair tennis oh just turn this on you took shots yeah of course always interesting muy interesante muy interesante. We were talking about the with the we were talking about the venue that Wheelwad was at and that it's at a convention center. And I said, oh, it's not in some podunk affiliate like J.R.'s event. He stood up for you, though, J.R. Jedediah stood up for you. He didn't he didn't. He wasn't going to have any of that J.R. bashing. He wasn't gonna have any of that JR bashing Oh Jeremy stop Just stop
Starting point is 01:18:48 Just stop Okay where's Iota I'm gonna beat your ass Where the fuck are you Ah Where are you you douche nozzle? Asymmetric ears, we all know what it really means when people respond with, quote, interesting, unquote. Iota, JR is relentlessly making fun of how much bigger your dick is than his.
Starting point is 01:19:23 It was a trip. JR, he was really... I see. I see. Okay. Good show. Glad I had him on. He's easy. I don't even have to prepare for him. He's good, right?
Starting point is 01:19:39 I didn't prepare at all. I was just like... I knew he was going to wheel well and me and him were chatting. He said he'd come Me and him were chatting. He said he'd come on and pump it up. I'm looking to see who I have on tomorrow. Oh, Josh Bridges. Fuck. What an easy, easy.
Starting point is 01:20:01 What an easy week. Oh, we still have Tyson scheduled for Tuesday. We need to move that. Tell Sousa that. Maybe I'll call Sousa. Sure, I'll just call him. Easier that way, right? What's his number? Does anyone know Sousa's number?
Starting point is 01:20:24 Sousa. You think he answers? Does anyone know Suza's number? Suza. You think he answers? Do you guys know who I was calling earlier? I told you who without saying their name. God, I like it when the phone works. No, I don't cold plunge. plunge savvy do you cold plunge no i don't if i did though i would i couldn't do it unless i was in heat first my bad i would i would have like some sort of weird contraction i'm so i'm delicate i'm a delicate uh
Starting point is 01:21:00 butterfly you ever touch a butterfly and you feel bad you're like oh yeah have you yeah danielle it's crazy what sucks it was danielle brandon i called and then she starts to say her phone number so i gotta like hang up real quick so i don't accidentally give it away on the air it's fucking crazy listen don't leave your phone number on your answering machine just in case I call you. Okay, what am I going to say to Susie here? Oh, can we fix the calendar
Starting point is 01:21:33 for Tuesday? We don't have Tyson. Please. I didn't know if I spelled calendar right. What is this? Pedro, right? What is this? Pedro text me. What is this?
Starting point is 01:21:47 Uh, um, uh, oh, oh, oh, this is kind of cool. Oh, I got my new victim shirt from,
Starting point is 01:22:07 um, indicate. Oh, this is kind of cool. Oh, I got my new victim shirt from Vindicate. Today's word of the day. Dictum. When you act like a dick, then play the victim. Yeah, that's good. Today's word of the day. I know a couple people. Dictum.
Starting point is 01:22:25 When you act like a dick, then the victim yeah i totally know some people uh cold plunger is a great uh way cold plunger is great for my back but i almost hyperventilate in my cold pool yeah i can't my well i'll i would try it but but I think it could – breathing is like the source of all my back happiness is my breathing. And that's exactly right. You nailed it. I'm afraid that if I started going – if I just jumped into the cold like first thing in the morning when I'm so stiff already, that that shit would get really stiff. I put on the hot like as hot as I can possibly tolerate the shower and then I put my hands on my like knees and I just let that hot water basically scorch my lower back and then I'm fucking fine it's weird then I can get the day rolling uh oh uh Bruce Wayne great question
Starting point is 01:23:20 uh for thumbnails uh thank you. He'll be on Wednesday. I assume. I wonder what happened to him. I wonder if he left town yesterday. I should text him too. Great. Thanks for reminding me. Did you leave town?
Starting point is 01:23:42 Did you leave town? Greg has this thousand horsepower truck that he just got. And I think he flew out of town yesterday. So now I'm wondering if he's going to ask me to drive it to his house. Thousand horsepower. His house is 12 hours from here. and drive a thousand horsepower truck for 12 hours i know yeah and you know what i tell me that myself that shit too 50 51 degrees you have the pacific ocean down the street it's a great point i know and two of my friends just did that
Starting point is 01:24:22 the other day they were like hey we um we went in the ocean the other day. We just got naked and ran to the ocean, me and my husband. And I was thinking to myself, God, I'm such a pussy. Why don't I do that? All right. I don't think I have anything else. You guys want to do anything? I can call someone? Play some clips for you. Here's The Rock on Joe Rogan. I don't know what he says, but here we go.
Starting point is 01:25:05 You want to listen to The Rock on Joe Rogan? Did anyone listen to this podcast does joe ask him about steroids who support biden i have friends do you really have friends who support by i do come on no no no no here's here's what i do i have i have friends thank you that's a good check because that's important this is important context they support the democratic party i have friends who are loyal to the party yes so i figured let's kick this conversation off this way by me officially publicly endorsing you both to become president and
Starting point is 01:25:32 vice president of our great country. Oh, that's fantastic. Thank you. I have friends. What the fuck? Who's a poor Biden? This dude's being an Armenian chick. This dude's married to a fucking smoking hot Armenian chick. She's a singer biden i have this dude's banging armenian chick this dude's married to a fucking smoking hot uh armenian chick she's a singer you got they got kids i don't know if married's the
Starting point is 01:25:50 right word but he's like something to her do you really have friends who support by i do come on no no no no here's what i do i have i have friends thank you that's a good check because that's important this is important context they support the democratic party i have friends who are loyal to the party. Yes. So I figured let's kick this conversation off this way by me officially publicly endorsing you both to become president and vice president of our great country. That's fantastic. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:26:19 I have friends. Wow. So I guess he's walking away from Biden now? Is that the... Sean Lenderman, he's a fucking liar. He supported voting for Biden in 2020. No steroid talk. I know, he seems like a good dude to me too.
Starting point is 01:26:42 But, I mean, that's like from the Instagram stream. And I like him because he's banging Armenian chick. And I like it that he like he he seems like he's into his kids. I like that. How come this thing doesn't work this? How come I can't see my the sponsors down below? What the fuck is going on? Okay, here we go uh dua lipa is an armenian singer from miami that's his
Starting point is 01:27:10 chick yeah biden's wife should be ashamed of herself i know uh renee k it's actually extremely sad how biden is being used as a puppet i feel terrible watching him trying to talk if his wife is in her right mind she would be ashamed of herself for allowing this yeah the other day i was debating with someone and they're like uh but biden's against um what did they say um biden's against defund the police i'm like hold on hold on a second hold on let's just let's at least be honest if we're gonna have the conversation and admit that like he's not for or against anything it's like asking me i mean uh um where did jedediah walk today he didn't walk anywhere today let's be honest like his legs don't work he rolled somewhere like there's no uh he's not choosing shit like that
Starting point is 01:28:15 he's fucking busted upstairs yeah that's uh okay so the rock i wonder how he feels about a porn in schools you think he's for or against porn in schools where do you guys stand on the issue of pornography in uh the elementary school you guys for it or against it how did we go from reading, and arithmetic to this? So we're so far from even making porn lit a requirement. But if you're asking, what would I like to see done? I'd like to see pornography literacy be embedded and integrated in school environments, in middle school and high school. I would like to see parents unlearning all of the things that they have been conditioned to believe around gender and sexuality and bodies and agency so that they can disrupt
Starting point is 01:29:15 and be the generation of parents that creates and cultivates healthy, fully formed, fulfilled sexuality for their young people. And then those young people are getting sex ed so that they become parents or the older generation of leaders that are continuing that sex positivity in our world. Sex positivity and porn literacy. But that's a huge cultural shift and that's a big ask. Worn literacy. But that's a huge cultural shift and that's a big ask. Is that pedophilia shit right there?
Starting point is 01:29:56 Who would seventh graders, middle school, what grade is middle school? That's sixth, seventh, and eighth? Who would middle school? By the way, once again, let me just add this in there. So, and I say this with peace and love there's no republicans there for all you democrats out there there are no republicans who want porn literacy in school not one that's your party i know you're gonna be like well you can't you can't lump all of us into a big bunch i'm just saying that fine i'll appease you on that but all the weird shit is always coming from your side like the real weird shit
Starting point is 01:30:34 like you're upset because people follow an imaginary god you're okay okay i hear you that imaginary god has nowhere uh where he's condoning pedophilia. So I have so many questions. Why do you need middle schools age 11 to 13? Why are the Democrats interested? What about their ideology? What about their thought process makes them think that it's okay to introduce porn to kids or porn literacy? The only argument I could think of is this is the only one. I know you guys are like, what the fuck, Stefan? You can think of one. Here's the only one. The most prevalent, I guess, subject matter out there in the world is sex and porn.
Starting point is 01:31:24 Like, I guess the porn industry is bigger than video games and bigger than Hollywood movies. And so maybe you're trying to make them literate on it. So because there's no way of stopping it, right? Like, like that was like the just say no to drugs campaign. My pushback on you would be this. This just say no to drugs campaign in the end introduced more kids to drugs the data shows then stop kids from doing drugs a matter of fact it didn't stop anyone from doing drugs and so so i'm not going to buy the i'm not going to buy that argument. And then so that just brings us back to why are you teaching people who aren't going to be having sex about this bizarre – these bizarre sexual fucking films that we call porn? I mean like – God, what is wrong?
Starting point is 01:32:24 What has happened uh sean lenderman pedophilia and rape culture come from a huge porn obsession i don't know if that's true but but how about this i'll go with this pedophilia and rape definitely are are um synonymous pedophilia is just a a uh the age component of rape that's for sure 100 percent uh kenneth the lab here's rape. That's for sure. 100%. Kenneth DeLapp, here's the answer. Don't sexualize children. Clock. California just passed a law requiring that media literacy be taught K-12.
Starting point is 01:33:02 They're going to teach children to obey the regime. Yep, that's definitely what that is god did you see the guy in the biden administration um whoa whoa what's this augustus kids in my school used to get suspended for watching porn on school computers now they're going to assign it as homework wow that's crazy if you could watch porn on a school computer we learned about sex and periods in the fifth grade that was in 2001 i learned about sex and periods and that stuff in this like eighth grade but it was so mild it wasn't like um it was taught like with procreation and, and sperm and eggs and shit like that.
Starting point is 01:33:48 And maybe there was a little bit on venereal diseases just to scare the shit out of you. Yeah. Chris Beesterfield, jizz class. Oh, Audrey, fifth grade was also dare wow please please please do not do not fucking keep these fucking
Starting point is 01:34:17 this whole democrat thing is fucking crazy it's crazy town banana pants crazy. It's crazy town banana pants. Want to go one more crazy, crazy town banana pants. Are we done? Oh yeah. I remember that kind of that too kenneth that sounds vaguely familiar remember having to have my parents permission slip signed to attend sex ed hey now now they have the the sex flag the same sex uh genitalia flag in in on schools in classrooms they just On schools. In classrooms. They just have it there. Dude.
Starting point is 01:35:08 Someone said Andrew Tate 2024. Tate's a douche. I saw him. Watch his most recent interview with Pierce Morgan. Boy. He fell from grace. Holy shit. He fell from grace.
Starting point is 01:35:21 Man. Oh man. What is this? Let me see this. What is this? I hope to be the oldest member at CrossFit 845 someday. Because I don't want to give up. I think that it has helped me so much physically and mentally.
Starting point is 01:35:46 It's such a big part of what keeps me going day to day now that not having it would not be a good thing. I think, you know, when you're in a situation where you have, you know, an illness, an underlying illness, and, you know, life throws you some curves, as you well know, with kids and what they go through. It just helps you stay steady and ready to deal with the day. Now you're going to be all choked up. I hope to be the oldest member at CrossFit Equalizer. I wonder what happened to her.
Starting point is 01:36:22 There's got to be more to that story, right? But good on her, dude good honor dude what a beast what a beast because i don't want to give up i think that it it has helped i wonder what she means i don't want to give up i wonder what her deal is let's see is this her let's see oh she's private hey kim good job on the crossfit good job this episode is brought to you by disney's young woman nsc streaming on disney plus this friday i've decided to swim the English Channel.
Starting point is 01:37:05 A woman? I believe she'll die in that water. From producer Jerry Bruckheimer and director Joachim Roening comes the must-see true story, Daisy Ridley. I go to England or die trying. Trudy, you don't have to do this. Don't let anyone take me out of the water,
Starting point is 01:37:21 no matter what. Disney's Young Woman in the Sea, streaming on Disney Plus this Friday. At Air Miles, we help you collect more moments. So instead of scrolling through photos of friends on social media, you can spend more time dinnering with them.
Starting point is 01:37:38 How's that spicy enchilada? Oh, very flavorful. Yodeling with them. Ooh, must be mating season. Very flavorful. Yodeling with them. Ooh, must be mating season. And hiking with them. Is that a squirrel? Bear!
Starting point is 01:37:54 Run! Collect more moments with more ways to earn. Air Mile. I had that title best CrossFit commercial ever Yeah CrossFit should pump that Pump the shit out of that No there's Tranny Caleb again Oh what's this? We never talked about Dana White being on Gutfeld. Did anyone see that? That was pretty cool.
Starting point is 01:38:41 I always like these. I love these. The old fake sneeze. Do you guys like the fake sneeze? God, the fake sneeze is so good. I know you fucking lying. Why did you just do that? You nasty fucking half of you.
Starting point is 01:38:59 You retarded. You just straight up retarded. You dumbass. I won't sneeze on fucking body like that. You could have turned your head to other motherfucking way. I know you fucking lying. Why did you just do that? How about how about how about her first response? I'm not even sure I understand that response, but I like it.
Starting point is 01:39:18 I know you fucking lying. I don't know, but fuck, it's such a good response god damn i know i know she got sneezed on and her response was i know you fucking lying nasty fucking hell for you you retarded oh i need that sound clip right there. You retarded. You just straight up retarded. I need that. I need that.
Starting point is 01:39:51 I need that for my show. You dumbass. I won't sneeze on fucking body like that. You could have turned your head to other motherfucking way. I know you fucking lying. Why did you just do that? You nasty fucking half of you. Oh, my do that? You nasty fucking heifer, you. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 01:40:07 That would be a great line, too. Jeez, Louise. You retarded. Oh, OK. You just straight up retarded. OK, one more. Dumbass won't sneeze on fucking body like that. You could have turned your head to other motherfucking way.
Starting point is 01:40:21 I know you fucking lying. Is this real You nasty fucking heifer you He called her a nasty fucking heifer I think I know how to do this guys Hold on Bear with me Wait Uh
Starting point is 01:40:43 No not there Okay, here This one I think I can When I move my mouth away from the mic like that When I turn this way, can you guys hear me okay? Or does it go down? Let me see
Starting point is 01:40:59 Smart pads This one Okay Edit smart pads. This one. Okay. Edit. God, I can't believe you guys listened to this show. Okay. There's got to be a way to record this.
Starting point is 01:41:19 Megaphone? No. What? How do I do this? Record robot? Recorder? what how do i do this record robot recorder uh oh that's a voice that's a voice disguise voice disguise is that how's that pitch up no large robot oh these are supposed to be oh wait what's going on here Oh, wait, what's going on here? Oh, those are sound effects. Oh, okay, here we go.
Starting point is 01:41:52 This one. Sound effects. No. Mix it, triggered. I don't know how the fuck to do this Sound Oh here we go Here we go Here we go
Starting point is 01:42:09 Here we go Okay You retarded You just straight up retarded You dumb Ass up retarded You dumb I'm gonna sneeze on fucking body like that Okay okay okay I think I got it
Starting point is 01:42:31 Now tell me if you guys hear this ready Oh here uh save So I just save it now right Check hit the check box Okay here we go You retarded You just straight up retarded You dumb Okay here we go How was that? Did you guys hear that? Is that good?
Starting point is 01:42:51 Is it too soft? Okay okay okay I think I got it Now I just need to edit it a little bit Alright I got it Shit You heard? Is it loud? Is it too soft? I'll work with it Shit thank you You just straight up retarded. Now I just need to edit it a little bit. Alright, I got it. Shit. You heard?
Starting point is 01:43:06 Is it loud? Is it too soft? I'll work with it. Shit. Thank you. Someone get Beaver. Alright. That's the kind of shit you won't see on a regular podcast.
Starting point is 01:43:27 You might want to add this in your podcast oh we already did that alright I think the show is done time to go play tennis what is it oh here we go Time to go play tennis. What is it? Oh, here we... I don't know. I don't know what I should leave you guys with. I think it's recording it from your computer audio. I moved my microphone over there to the speaker, and I think I got it.
Starting point is 01:44:17 Doesn't it sound good? Listen, I just have to edit it now. Let me see. Maybe I can even edit it, like right here, edit. Okay. Let me see. Maybe I can even edit it like right here. Edit. To there. And then to here. Yeah, listen. That's better, right?
Starting point is 01:44:45 How was that? Now I got... Now that's like a... You guys can say like, Hey, I was there when Sebon found that sound clip. You retarded. You just straight up retarded. You dumbass.
Starting point is 01:45:01 I'm gonna sneeze on your... Oh, I gotta cut all that out. Hold on. Okay. Here we go. Yeah, good. Now I have that as a sound bite. There it is.
Starting point is 01:45:18 I did it. Is that bad that it sounds like it's in a tin can? Oh it just doesn't sound as good as the video If you screen record it You should be able to clip it and add it as a bite God what are you fucking 21? You know that kind of shit? Okay I see what you're saying
Starting point is 01:45:42 Just like actually add it in there Instead of doing some shitty ass recording um like upload it to the to the roadcaster do a screen record and upload it to the road god damn it paulina audrey pauline is the real MVP oh shit who does the cooking in a lesbian relationship no one they both eat out damn that's good yeah upload it oh man I don't even know how to do that
Starting point is 01:46:23 okay fine you're just straight up retarded Yeah, upload it. Oh, man. I don't even know how to do that. Okay, fine. You're retarded. You're just straight up retarded. That's why all these sound like shit, right? What a stupid sound. I love it. Because I just recorded them straight from the computer like that. Look at Rambler trying to get in some shit oh yes just sub clip it and then
Starting point is 01:46:46 upload it as an mp4 and then i transcode it to a uh a wav file yes you shut up rambler oh that's the first time i've had an outburst on rambler how about this one economy in history we close it down because of the China plague. And he wants to close down the, he will shut it down again. He will destroy this country. You can't fix the economy until you fix the COVID crisis. And he has no intention of doing anything about making it better for you all at home. No, people want their schools open.
Starting point is 01:47:20 They don't want to be shut down. They don't want their state shut down. God, can you, how, there's another one. He shut down our economy for two years. That's like recording a song that's playing on the radio from your phone for the radio. You don't even know what a radio is. Oh oh look at you laughing at your own shit god damn it that is pretty funny though Bruce Wayne I'm changing out my mom's toilet
Starting point is 01:47:56 keep this show going let me see oh no not at all not at all andrew said he's gonna jump in and come in um i wanted to uh what's going on in New York? I'm talking about, someone said you should talk about what's going on in New York. It's like the immigration shit. Like I'll type in New York,
Starting point is 01:48:33 uh, into Google and just hit news. Excuse me. I don't see anything New York Rangers oh maybe I'll type in New York City pro-Palestinian protesters deface front of New York City's public library in midtown Manhattan the ultimate guy you mean that kind of crazy shit mayor eric adam rips vile show of anti-semitism at new york city school or radicalized riot force pro alice pro israeli teacher to hide
Starting point is 01:49:14 oh god god democrats are so retarded why are are so retarded. Why are they so retarded? I know why. I used to be one. I know, I know, I know why. Oh, shit. You can't get in anymore? What the fuck is going on, Andrew? Why can't you get in anymore? What happened? How going on, Andrew? Why can't you get in anymore? What happened? How can we fix that? Why can't you get in? Yeah, my wife just texted me the biggest stoners in her school wear dare shirts.
Starting point is 01:50:01 Yeah, the whole thing was a joke. Oh, hold on. Hey. Hey, what's up? Okay. Oh, cool. Yeah, I'll totally do. I'd love to do that. Yeah, cool. Yeah, I'll totally do. I'd love to do that.
Starting point is 01:50:29 Yeah, totally. I, um, the only, I just have to be back here like on the ninth or something. Cause I'm going to, um, um, Newport. Yeah. Let me, can I, can I, I love that. Hey, I'm, I'm wrapping up my podcast. Can I can I, I love that. Hey, I'm, I'm wrapping up my podcast. Can I call you when I'm done, dude? I'm so excited. I would love that. How is it there? Is it awesome? Okay. I love you. I'll call you when I'll go. I'll call you when I'm done.
Starting point is 01:51:01 Okay. Bye. Going to Scottsdale. hi hey i want to fix this thing why you can't run the back end right now what do i have to do to do that i got a computer and send me out a stream yard so i just need to log in and then suza or somebody's got to respond to email because when you try to log into stream you already emails oh i wonder if i have access to that email it's the seven podcast email right right well how do i um i go to settings uh no here no uh here switch switch accounts sure i have the seven podcast i have access to the 7 podcast email I just switched to it
Starting point is 01:51:46 Okay are you sure you want to do this Yeah and something's wrong with your mic too Just so you know your audio is all fucked up I'll fix that too You just straight up retarded Alright I'll be right back Check your email Okay okay
Starting point is 01:52:00 Fuck just doing house cleaning with you guys on This isn't even a Cave Dastard this is where you're supposed to write a professional podcast Right Okay, okay. Fuck, just doing house cleaning with you guys on. This isn't even a... Cave Dastro, this is where you're supposed to write a professional podcast, right? This is the kind of shit David Weed lives for. Where are you guys? My goodness.
Starting point is 01:52:17 Dude, I am stoked. I wonder if I screwed that up. I better call my wife and ask her. If that's okay. Before I make plans. This is why we can't paywall this show. Because it's not professional enough to paywall it. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 01:52:48 I see it. I see the code, Hiller. Good morning. Hi. Hi. Do we have anything going on between now and Newport? Like anything? Like plan? Big plan? Yeah. Do we have any plans Like anything? Like plan?
Starting point is 01:53:07 Big plan? Yeah. Do we have any plans or anything? Like tournaments or? I teach. That would be the only. Your job? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:53:17 All right. Yeah, that's not important. But why? Why? Because Greg just called me and was like, said that we could come back to uh scottsdale with him the whole family oh wow all right oh but wait uh nick texted me he said that he wanted to come visit i wonder why he didn't yeah nick text you i wonder yeah santa barbara nick yeah i know who the fuck nick is
Starting point is 01:53:47 oh i know nick i wonder why he didn't include you though he said i i'd love to come visit if you guys are around ah what did you want me to add you to the throne oh yeah that'd be nice thank you i haven't responded okay i'll just add you all right right. You're a good girl. Okay. Bye. When would we go to Costco? Hi, Hiller. Hey, Haley. Oh, we'll wait till Nick swings by. Oh, maybe he can come with. Yeah, totally.
Starting point is 01:54:13 That sounds good. Okay, cool. Okay. Love you. I love you, too. You don't love me. Bye. You just love my dog.
Starting point is 01:54:26 Hey, Judah. How funny is it that all these people know who Nick is? I know. That's why, that's why she said it. Oh, that's even better. How was the show? Oh,
Starting point is 01:54:40 it was good. Jedediah is awesome. He's easy. Yeah. I hope it was exciting and kept people's attention. It's good stuff. It's good stuff. The thing, it's crazy.
Starting point is 01:54:52 The fact is that no one's going to get off their ass to go watch the adaptive events, but if you did get off your ass and watch the adaptive events, you'd be stoked. Like, if you went there. Like, anyone who goes there is going to be like, holy shit. Especially the dudes with missing parts.
Starting point is 01:55:08 You know what I mean? Wendy, why would no one get off their ass to go watch it? What do you mean? It's like, I don't know. I mean, I'm projecting, but it's like car racing. Like, I would never fucking go watch car racing, but I'm sure if I went there, I'd be like, wow, this is gnarly. Like indie racing,
Starting point is 01:55:26 you know, any kind, you know, just where they go around the track fast and you're just up there horse racing the same way. I guess some people do horse racing the same way. I would never go watch horse racing. But the one time I went and watched it,
Starting point is 01:55:37 I was like, fuck, this is crazy. Speaking of stuff worth watching, can I show you something? Just like adaptive falls into that. Like you're going to go there and you're going to stoked you went but like you're like how the fuck are you gonna get convince people to go there and watch a dude with one arm lift but once you saw
Starting point is 01:55:53 it you'd be like it will change your life a little bit shift you a little bit i was watching a lot of palooza i was they had their own their own stage i thought it was fun to watch and it's good right yeah especially if you see some of the shit and you're like fuck how'd that guy do that They had their own stage. I thought it was fun to watch. And it's good, right? Yeah. Especially if you see some of the shit and you're like, fuck, how'd that guy do that? All right, you ready for this? That jump rope they use. I like all that stuff.
Starting point is 01:56:19 You said no one's going to get off their ass and watch this. And the other day, I found the most incredible thing that so many people are going to start watching. It's these, it's called rednecks with paychecks and they take their kids, old Jeep convertible things, and they drive them down this Hill. Oh my God. Holy shit. And then they got to cross the finish line.
Starting point is 01:56:41 So the only goal is to get this thing across the finish line. So no matter how hard they wipe out, they all get back on it. And they cross the finish line. But this is how it starts. Oh, what's. Oh. Some of them make it, too. Why would you risk breaking your neck for something like that?
Starting point is 01:57:01 Look at all the people watching, though, dude. Hey, dude. You could run down the street naked and get that many people watching you right oh my goodness oh that guy just picked it up and ran with it yeah so i'm on this role of watching things like the marble racing that i want to see why people watch it yeah i like wow you're deep into research this is research right yeah totally it's pretty interesting though this guy just yeah so this one's got 3.2 million views hey what's the what's the what's the trick there keep your weight in the back that's i noticed the guys who are doing well are like like leaning way back the yeah the best people I've seen do it,
Starting point is 01:57:45 hang off the back of it. Like that guy got wrecked. So that guy who made that guy, uh, before him was the first guy we saw make it all the way to the bottom. So basically your car is one and done. Yeah. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:58:03 No jet. Look at sleeveless hole with a wife beater. And the name of the channel is just too good. It's rednecks with paychecks. Wow. This guy could do decent. Yep. See how he gets his weight and he made it.
Starting point is 01:58:18 He even throws his hands up at the end. Yeah, that was baller. I can see Rich Froning pivoting to that a redneck with a big paycheck hey that's uh someone wrote that's that is what that's what happened to jedediah oh no that's what jedediah used to do fuck yeah he made it down the hill a bunch it only takes one time to really mess yourself up doing that at least that's what it looks like i wonder if i can get back to my other email account now oh yeah switch back to okay cool the best thing about
Starting point is 01:58:52 having the back end access is i can see how many people are watching because you can't see that when you're a guest oh you can't you bring up comments and i can easily throw stuff on the screen yeah i like it that you can bring up comments easily throw stuff on the screen yeah i like it that you can bring up comments and throw stuff on the screen you're good at that oh i did i did talk about this by the way i nypd scrapped the next police department academy classes and they cut the budget by 132 million yeah thank you for who's sending me that yeah new york new york city's in trouble i thought it shows back they cut They cut their police department by like, they're going to cut it by 29,000 officers.
Starting point is 01:59:28 They're in trouble. New York City, if you live there, it's time to get out for a little bit. So the city, not New York, the state? The city. I know, it's crazy. The city has like 58,000 police officers or something. Okay, that was my next question.
Starting point is 01:59:42 So I think half. Is that exactly half? That's exactly half. Yeah,'re gonna i think they're gonna cut it in half basically it's uh i think i just saw it's the largest police department in the united states or something like that why are they getting rid of half of them they have a 36 000 sworn police officers and then i think another like 20 000 like non-police officers they got budget oh because they had this, they're a sanctuary city, meaning like,
Starting point is 02:00:07 but like two years ago, there's some great videos out there, but two years ago, the governor and the mayor are like, Hey, basically fuck Trump. And all immigrants are welcome to our city. Well,
Starting point is 02:00:17 then Biden became president and they've left the border open for the last couple of years. And now there's 142,000 immigrants in New York city. Cause it's a sanctuary city, which is like a, there's some sort of benefits. If you're an illegal alien in the United States to live in sanctuary cities. And now they're in a fucking panic and they're like,
Starting point is 02:00:35 we don't want any more fucking immigrants. It's crazy. They completely flipped the script. Once again, once again, there's no, there's no, there's no Republicans doing that.
Starting point is 02:00:44 You don't, you don't have a country. If you don't have borders have borders like we have to like you're not a dude if you don't have a penis you're not a um uh uh i don't know i was gonna say you're not an elephant if you don't have a trunk that's not true you could you could chop the trunk off an elephant still being you got a rhino without a horn like yeah i don't know if that's true either but but you feel you feel you're not you're not a car if you're a fucking airplane i don't know i don't know i ran out of fucking good examples yeah the next five class imagine so let's say for the next five classes at the police there's a police academy that cities have they're just running you know we've had police
Starting point is 02:01:19 officers on the show so you take the police academy for nine months and then you get out and you're a police officer in that city well Well, the next five classes, they've gotten rid of. I didn't know that they had classes of police officers. Yeah, yeah, like high school classes, yeah. Is Joe a police officer, Joe Westerlin? Isn't he a – No, no, he was almost a cop. His wife's a cop. think joe was almost a cop
Starting point is 02:01:46 um you had a mind not long ago right joe yeah with greg jethro jethro remember he talked about that he was a he jumped into a police i don't know if you saw yesterday's show i did yeah he jumped into a a class a police academy class they pay you for seven months to go through the schooling 32 000 he said yeah something like that yeah look at you you're like fuck you i remember i'd like to prove it yeah i'd like to prove that i that i was there this would be a good segment you're not a crossfitter if you're not a crossfitter if you eat sugar you're not a crossfitter if you drink alcohol. My brother's a cop. I really like tanks. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 02:02:33 Jay Hartle says that's almost four years of no new cops. Why are there only two academies a year in New York? I wonder how often they do an academy in New York. So what are all the cops going to go do? Although they used to be cops because they got rid of half of them. Well, only fans, how they're going to get rid of most of them is they're going to,
Starting point is 02:02:56 they're going to be put out to pasture without bringing in new ones. So I don't think necessarily they're going to fire them. They're just going to let their careers run out. Do you know what I mean? And encourage, probably encourage people to retire and shit like that. I think that's the plan. Jay Hartle says every six to nine months,
Starting point is 02:03:12 they probably have an academy class. What do you think the end game in that is? Well, that city's gone through cycles. That city has been horribly dangerous before. New York City? Yeah. Have you ever seen the movie escape from new york i think patrick swayze's in it or no but it sounds like it'd be great dude it's crazy and there's no
Starting point is 02:03:32 um escape from new york it was like one of the darkest movies when i was a kid like kids weren't allowed to see it oh it's kurt russell even better and there's oh it looks like there's this wow i really like Kurt Russell. You want to see what I'm going to look like when I'm fucking in 20 years? A younger Kurt Russell? Look at this. Harry Dean Stanton. Is this dude right here?
Starting point is 02:03:56 Jesus Christ. Look at this guy. He's so thin. Dude, that's me in 20 years. That's me if I get AIDS. You actually get down to 135 like you've always wanted. Dude, that's me in 20 years. That's me if I get AIDS. You actually get down to 135 like you've always wanted. Look at that. Isn't that me? Look at that guy.
Starting point is 02:04:12 Put glasses on him and maybe. I think you're a little too tan for him. Holy shit. Your natural skin tone is too dark. Harry Dean. That's a fake name. You think he's really Armenian? With that nose, he's
Starting point is 02:04:26 not a fucking Stanton. Oh, I thought Dean was his last name. Harry Stanton might be his real name. I don't know. I think you're right. I think you nailed it. There's no fucking way that's it. You look like Val Kilmer. Jay Chapman says you look like Val Kilmer
Starting point is 02:04:42 now. That's an insult. I'm pretty sure. Yeah, it is. It is. Escape from New York directed by John Carpenter. Oh, yeah. So it's a it was a scary.
Starting point is 02:04:57 You know what else? John Carpenter produced what he did. Scary movies, right? The Halloween movie. Yeah. Oh, the future of New York City in prison. Careful with playing this. You'll get your whole show dinged.
Starting point is 02:05:14 Oh, playing this trailer? Yeah. No shit. How am I supposed to promote shit if they won't let me play it? Great question. Trailers they should just let me play it. Great question. Trailers, they should just let you play. I agree. There's only one rule.
Starting point is 02:05:33 This is the future of New York. Answer your question. What do you think the rule is? Here it is. Once you go in, you don't come out. This is going to be something I watch, I think. Hey, dude, there's no dialogue in this. That's probably even better.
Starting point is 02:05:52 I'm not joking. I remember it. I think there was someone talked once in it. That's awesome. Oh, that might be it. Damn it, Kurt. You ruined it. Why are we talking?
Starting point is 02:06:20 Oh, why are we talking? Oh shit, I didn't know that. That they're talking so much? No, that was the premise of the movie that he goes in and saves the president. How long ago did you see it? It came out in 81. I probably saw it in 81 Kurt Russell's the man
Starting point is 02:06:48 I was probably 9 years old or some shit I probably watched a set of friends while kids today are like sneaking porn I probably sneak this that's why you are the way you are yeah just happy with some missionary and doggy style I'm chill I never touch an anus.
Starting point is 02:07:05 I never touched anyone else's anus. Oh, great. Oh, great. Try me. Yeah. Hey,
Starting point is 02:07:13 this is, this is how I know my pal Kilmer. That's the, yeah. Bruce, Bruce Wayne. Um, there's another movie that Nicholas Cage is in where where he doesn't talk it's really good but
Starting point is 02:07:29 you would hate it and i don't the other day you said you were watching that matt wright video yeah and i told you that i'd watched it i think you mistook it for me saying that it was good and it wasn't miss riddow also told me to watch it she said it was good after the 45 minute mark it's horrible dude it's horrible he sucks dude well mark. It's horrible, dude. It's horrible. He sucks, dude. Well, the thing is he at the end of it, you watch the whole thing. Yeah, he goes, I only do crowd work and he kind of makes it like a jab at
Starting point is 02:07:54 the audience. But really the whole thing sucked because he doesn't do any crowd work and that's what he does in all of his Instagram clips. And that's great, right? Yeah. Yeah. That's because he plays off what people say to him which i think is harder crowd work i'd say it's harder yeah i think it's harder you're just improv probing and fighting with the crowd yeah yeah i don't know what you do with the comment
Starting point is 02:08:17 section if you ask me yeah i i would feel it's kind of lazy to read the comments. Like how you were picking on Dan Guerrero yesterday. I, I, um, Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. Dan had it coming. How come I went easy on Dan?
Starting point is 02:08:35 I don't even remember, but I thoroughly enjoyed the ass pound. Actually. Sometimes I feel a little bad ass pounding him. I was getting ready to fucking ass pound Iota today and fucking Melissa Odear and all these people who are like agreeing with him. For what?
Starting point is 02:08:52 Because I was saying I can't imagine like packing up my family and going to fucking Spain. And they're like, oh, but you can imagine telling Palestinians to fucking leave their country. It's like, listen, you motherfuckers. Hey, man. I don't know why they'd fucking stay there. In Pakistan? No, I don't know why they'd fucking stay there. What, in Pakistan?
Starting point is 02:09:07 No, I don't know why they'd stay there either. Out there stuck. It's the largest open-air prison in the world that has skyscrapers. Yeah, it's the largest prison that has skyscrapers. Yeah, it's the only prison that has skyscrapers. Would you believe? Gaza was supposed to be like the next it was supposed to be like Singapore
Starting point is 02:09:29 in 2005. By the way, there were a lot of Jews there that were pushed out of Gaza in 2005. A shitload. You never hear anyone talk about that. Would you leave California if it was all fucked up and dangerous? Dude, in a second.
Starting point is 02:09:47 There you go. Tank says, Hillary, they cannot go. Why can't they go anywhere? What does that mean? Because they're saying that there's only one way out. Which way is that? There's an exit. Listen.
Starting point is 02:10:07 They're bordered with Egypt I'm okay if I'm dumb I don't know shit Yeah no you're not dumb No listen Tank says that To me I'm just like hey If all of Illinois is blowing up And I don't got anything I'd start walking
Starting point is 02:10:21 Oh but you can't get out They won't let you out Is there a border And I don't got anything I just start walking Oh but you can't get out they won't let you out You can't get out they won't let you out Is there a border A giant fence you can't get out You got bolt cutters Dude you can for sure get out Hey dude you can at least go to the fucking
Starting point is 02:10:37 You can at least go to the border With Egypt And start making your And making your way out That's what I'd do. Borders are huge. There's got to be a whole... Oh, for sure. For sure. We can hire their border guy.
Starting point is 02:10:56 Of course. You ever seen the Green Mile? Doesn't the guy dig a whole lot of jail? It's as dumb as people calling it a genocide. They could have already killed everyone in Gaza ten times over and they haven't Okay go ahead I got nothing I just said oh you were gonna say did I ever see something The green mile that dude digs
Starting point is 02:11:12 A whole lot of jail right Oh yeah yeah Green mile that's um Shawshank Redemption yeah Yeah Shawshank You want to know something I noticed the other day What Yeah. Yeah, Shawshank. You want to know something I noticed the other day? What?
Starting point is 02:11:31 Justin Medeiros puts a video up. Here we go. And he only says like in it 50 times. So down from 863 to 50. Granted, it's one third the length of the video, but it's relatively much less let me ask you this do you think that's his personal discipline or do you think that the editor did that i think it was him because i was thinking about it like were they cutting cutting things out i don't think they were cutting things out you think it was a different style of video you think he should send you a thank you letter
Starting point is 02:12:07 absolutely not no no like a hey dear Andrew after watching your critiquing my speaking skills I've realized that I can do better saying fewer likes it's like when someone when I first started this show I used to always say
Starting point is 02:12:23 Jesus Christ did you not say that? I was like, you know what? I think that would make me better if I didn't say that. And there's another one, too. I don't say Libtard or Badoosie. I try not to. Right.
Starting point is 02:12:37 That's for my mom. That's for my mom. You should get a swear jar. That would be such a funny end to the show. If you had a jar there, like you had two jars and you're just doing this the whole time. It'd be so funny. Hey,
Starting point is 02:12:57 I want to, I panic because you and I panic because you and Pedro launched your membership programs. Did you make one? We we've had one made for a while, And I panicked because you and Pedro launched your membership programs. Did you make one? We've had one made for a while, but we just haven't launched it. Will made it for us. But now I'm concerned that since you guys launched before us,
Starting point is 02:13:17 that everyone's already given all their money to you. I told Susan that. I said, we fucked up. Well, the thing that's different about – I don't go live really ever anymore. fucked up well the thing that's different about money to hillary i don't go live really ever anymore on the live shows it's cool because so if rambler were a member he he differentiated differentiates himself consistently you know how you always have the people who spend money yeah and then you pull them up so rambler that says hayley adams coach this comment right here he would just pop up and it'd be colored and there'd be a little icon next to
Starting point is 02:13:47 his name for how long he's been a member for. And on a show where you're doing a live every day, it makes a big deal. You got distracted. Why did you pull up that quote that Rambler made or that he did? That sentence doesn't even make sense. Does it? I think that was the point. It doesn't make any sense, does it? I think that was the point. It doesn't make any sense.
Starting point is 02:14:05 Oh, okay. Because when Haley Murillo was on Pedro's podcast, she said, like, a bunch. She took it like a champ. I made that clip of it on Instagram, and I think she reposted it. Murillo did? Yeah, she's cool, though. She is cool.
Starting point is 02:14:23 She's very cool. Her husband's cool. I did a workout against him at Crash. Josh. Oh, how did that go? He beat me. He's in great shape. Great shape.
Starting point is 02:14:35 It was the hundreds workout that they had at Crucible. Remember that thing with the toes to bar? Oh, right. You did that there with him, like afterwards? Before everyone did it oh he's um him and her like um fitness instructors to the stars like if you were like a marvel person you need to get in shape like you go to those they they like they tighten up your diet and they make you a badass now the thing about that yeah have you seen any of those people who are the the
Starting point is 02:15:04 trainers to the stars have you seen the shit that they who are the the trainers to the stars have you seen the shit that they have their clients the actors whomever do crossfit and uh and keto i'd say things close to that yeah try to get close to keto and they try to get close to crossfit but it ends up being someone tried to ask me what f45 was the other day. And I, and the only way I could imagine is, is that, you know what CrossFit is and it looks like they're trying to do CrossFit. That's the only way that I could imagine explaining F45.
Starting point is 02:15:39 How would you explain it? What F45 is? Yeah, I would say it's CrossFit without some of the, without a lot of the technical stuff and without the community and without the diet but i don't really know to be honest yeah i actually have no idea what f45 is to be honest like i've never championships are a series of one minute things for 45 minutes oh hey so i'll tell you a story. You'll like this story. It's about F45. Yesterday, I went to my kid's birthday party at the park. And then afterwards, the party, my kid's jiu-jitsu instructors were there, two of them, their MMA instructor and their jiu-jitsu instructor were there, a boy and a girl. two of them their mma instructor and their jiu-jitsu instructor were there a boy and a girl and they came back to our house just to hang out and they came back to our house to hang out and i'm like hey i'm gonna work out and the jiu-jitsu instructor one of them said hey can i work out
Starting point is 02:16:35 with you i said sure i said hey i'm just doing an old man workout it's like nothing i'm just gonna ride the assault bike for a minute and then and then probably yeah do front squats with a 40 pound d ball or something for 10 and we'll just go back and forth and we'll do that for 20 minutes. Right. So we each get 10 rounds of each. So then the female, the MMA coach says, Hey, I want to work out too. So I'm like, okay, we'll add another movement. So now it'll be a minute on the assault bike, a 10 front squats and a minute of jump roping. you can go right out on you know my skateboard ramp is where you where you work where you rubbed on me yeah we sat in the sun with our shirts off and you rubbed on me yeah so we did jump roping out there and then my wife's like fuck it i'll come out there and i'll do
Starting point is 02:17:19 something now you got four now you got four now it's gone from a 20 minute workout to a 40 minute workout and what we did with her with what i added with her is um uh go on the air runner backwards but yeah walk or run but try to go in an athletic stance you know what i mean like shifts southpaw uh traditional southpaw traditional like do some work on there you know what i mean but but all backwards work right right and it became a fucking 40 minute workout. I did single unders. My wife did double unders. I got about 130 every round of single unders. I made sure I got minimum.
Starting point is 02:17:53 I got minimum 10. I did 10 to 17 calories on the assault bike every minute. I did 10 front squat. The only time you say 10 to 17. Yeah. 17 is a bunch in a minute. Yeah, and it's actually less because you only get 50 seconds. Yeah, the last round I did 17.
Starting point is 02:18:13 So you're telling me some rounds you were hurting that or you weren't trying or what? Yeah, I was just hurting. I was just regulating. It's 40 minutes. You know what I mean? I was regulating up and down, fooling around, resting. Why didn't you just go for 15 every round? Why were some 10 and some 17? Oh, I don't know. Should I do that?
Starting point is 02:18:30 I don't know if should is the word I would use, but it would just be what I would do. Yeah, that's a good idea. If you have 40 minutes, I would try to hit a number every time. I always thought that I should, I always look at RPM. So I was like, Hey, you should be able to keep this at 60 RPMs the whole time. You you're only you're only on it for one minute every four rounds like don't be a pussy so i did that 17 calories in 50 seconds you'd have to be going 73 rpm i mean it's all like yeah and you were doing that on some rounds no no but i but i but on the last i don't think so but on the last round i did get it from, uh, I know for a fact, cause I was trying, I was kind of disappointed.
Starting point is 02:19:10 I got it from three 53 to three 70. Adam Blakesley says 74 RPM. Yeah. I don't think that's true. Maybe, maybe your math was a little off cause you were so gassed. No, I, I, I, no, cause you can, if you stay at 60, you get 12. Right. Correct. 12. Right. Yeah. So you don't need to, to get that extra five.
Starting point is 02:19:29 You don't need, uh, well, it was for 50 seconds. Did you buy anything on black Friday? I did. What did I buy? Yes, I did. Yes. Do you care to share? And I knew what I was going to buy, was gonna buy uh weeks before oh the one wheel yeah
Starting point is 02:19:47 your kids don't watch the show do they is it a surprise no they know it's in the garage and set up as soon as we get off we're gonna go ride them they've they came out the door they came late last night i asked that because you were talking about the assault bike And I saw that those things were crazy cheap Uh You don't want to know how much it ended up being Probably 3,000 I got two of them
Starting point is 02:20:14 Uh The next one was how fast you got it to 74 Listen listen listen How fast you got the bike up to 74 Yeah How high do you It's really easy for me to get it to 70 like i'm sure it is for most people after that though i have to be careful like i literally have to be careful if i just get on that and pedal as fast as i can my back will go out like i have to
Starting point is 02:20:36 when i go from 70 to 80 i have to concentrate so that my shit does like i can't do that shit where people are getting you know just maniac on it i can't do that i've seen you're pretty stacy you don't move no no no i don't fucking do the fucking pat barber chris spieler wobble bobblehead i don't do that oh i just got dizzy i don't do that if you win 30 seconds on 30 seconds off for 10 minutes what is your total calories at the end of that i tried that workout because suza said some dude did it at his gym for yeah but he did it for 30 minutes that's there's a part of that that's just like ah 30 minutes of a salt bike yeah for 10 minutes that's fine yeah anyone can do that i'm curious how many calories you'd get uh mike mccaskey for someone who's not on
Starting point is 02:21:23 steroids and doesn't do performing performing performing enhancing drugs i guarantee you i'm in the one percent of one percent for 51 year olds so you can eat a big fat juicy coccola i know i'm reading into what you wrote a little bit but i'm comfortable with it son of a bitch juice he's all juiced up and fucking critiquing me hey you're all peptided up at one point yeah yeah you're natural again now though that stuff's all out of your stuff I started again last night
Starting point is 02:21:52 you want to hear a crazy story you're gonna fucking hate me for this one too the way you probably mixed that shit dude so last night I had some old peptides fuck dude I already don't like the story I had a old peptides. Fuck dude. I already don't like the story. I had a problem in my fucking car,
Starting point is 02:22:09 dude. I had these peptides like in three months and I had this old bottle and, um, I, uh, I can't, I can't do, I can't do masters. I can't even fucking do half those fucking movements without snapping in half.
Starting point is 02:22:21 I can't fucking go crazy fucking intense. We got to figure you out. That upsets me. Every time you say your back is broken, I accept it. I'm good. Yeah. How many old people I know that aren't busted like that.
Starting point is 02:22:34 That's okay. But, but they didn't jump off a roof and break their back. They don't got like some of you do that. Yeah. I jumped off a roof and broke my back. My dad jumped off a roof and broke his face. You don't see him talking about it.
Starting point is 02:22:44 Yeah. I'm the only one who talks about it. Yeah, I see. I'm the only one who talks about it. I feel like if Haley was the only one who's like, no, don't hurt your back. And you say, I'm fine. This morning I was in the shower and I had a, I just, just out of nowhere, electricity came through me and I had like dropped to one knee. Is it the one that goes down your leg?
Starting point is 02:23:02 Is that the sciatica? No, no, I don't have sciatica. I just have this other weird thing. Anyway, I don't care. I don't care. I'm fine with it.
Starting point is 02:23:13 I'm just going to go down like straight down in the tub. Yeah, no, I was in the shower. I went, I took a knee. I took a knee. I was like,
Starting point is 02:23:16 Ooh, that was weird. Have you ever heard anyone fall down in the shower? And you like, they're not supposed to be falling down. It's loud. No, that would be scary. It's always scary. Cause there's like like usually glass it doesn't fall under the glass
Starting point is 02:23:30 anyway what's this old peptide thing you were going to tell me about so so so basically so yesterday i started peptides again so i mixed the cjc 1295 i mixed the bpc those are the two i'm gonna do and uh there was a leftover. There were two leftover bottles, one of like TB 500 and then one of this stuff called NAD. And I sucked them up into an insulin needle, both jars, emptied both jars and filled the insulin needle completely, completely, dude, like to the 60 mark or whatever. Yeah, I hate you already. And I just, I jabbed it into my stomach and pumped the whole fucking thing
Starting point is 02:24:08 in there. And dude, I feel great. Dude, for like 20 minutes, 30 minutes, I was like a little short of breath and I was flush. I was flush. I googled can you OD on peptides? Were they in your fridge?
Starting point is 02:24:27 Yeah, they're in my fridge. All right, that's okay. So at the very worst, it would just kind of be water at that point, I suppose. How old are they? Three months, four months. They might still be decent. Yeah. And really, they kind of just lose their, I think the word is efficacy.
Starting point is 02:24:44 That's what I thought. I thought basically I was just Shooting water in there Thought I was not as potent As they once were so maybe what you did was the Right thing but generally you're not Supposed to mix water Water solutions Oh
Starting point is 02:24:59 Really You're not supposed to mix your peptides you're supposed to use Separate needles for each jar Oh Interesting So like when Alexis does all of her Peptide shots she uses Four needles a day
Starting point is 02:25:14 She's all fucking peptided out It's nuts First stomach looks like a pin cushion I um I love how Sevan won't take Sarnms but you'll gladly take peptides i don't even think those are in the same world dude they're not in the same world because the sarms tank would mess with his natural testosterone depending on the one you take yeah thing is once you stop taking the sarms you'd be like shit yeah i didn't feel anything when i stopped taking the
Starting point is 02:25:43 peptides nothing zero i felt great i always tell you i kind of compare things to caffeine right hold on one second are you on the show for iotp yeah i'm good okay hold on one second which i talk about here's what i'm gonna do what i'm gonna do is this is this is what I did this morning, guys. Let's see if I can pull this up. Sweet. He's going to come in and be like, what are you showing them? What is this?
Starting point is 02:26:12 Share screen. Entire screen. Screen two. Boom. Check this out. Nuts, right? That's too big. Cavs. They's too big. Calves.
Starting point is 02:26:28 They're jacked. What do you guys think of these calves? This is my friend Allie. And every day I've been doing 100 calf raises. So today, I'm here to do 100 calf raises with me. And she's got crazy legs her quads are crazy but then I realized that her calves are crazy too
Starting point is 02:26:50 and then somewhere around here I told her that she's got to stretch out on the bottom a big stretch on the bottom of the calf raise and then big squeeze the top of the calf raise yeah they're nuts. What do you think? What do you think of these calves, Sevan? You're asking the wrong person.
Starting point is 02:27:14 I have such nice calves. You do have nice calves. I have such nice calves. I'm okay with you. They're nice. I mean, I don't think the person works out. Do they work out? Oh, she works out. Is there some games at them?
Starting point is 02:27:29 No, this is my friend, Allie. Here, I'll show you another video. And then that'll change your perspective of whether or not she works out. Yeah. I mean, look at Dave. Dave's amazing at double unders and running, and he has no calves. Right. Let's see.
Starting point is 02:27:46 Somewhere in here, you'll see it. Perfect. She's going to be like, you showed what on the show? I go, yeah. Oh, yeah. She's jacked. Yeah. She's super jacked.
Starting point is 02:27:57 She's got crazy quads on the slow-mo. Yeah, she's jacked. God damn it. You know what I did notice with her calves, though? She has perfect skin yeah and her calves look great from this angle yeah yeah she's super jacked yeah she looks great she wears her apple watch on her ankle oh that's an apple watch yeah how come because when we were doing something with grips earlier, and when you put grips on with an Apple watch,
Starting point is 02:28:26 they press, it presses this button and it, it messes everything up and it's really annoying. Yeah. I get that. Yeah. You're, you're absolutely,
Starting point is 02:28:34 she's absolutely right. I hate that too. It is annoying. Oh, um, so, uh, I don't even know what NAD does.
Starting point is 02:28:40 Um, uh, Rambler said seven. I take NAD too. I took, uh, uh, Sarah sent me two bottles of it of like six months ago or three months ago so i just i just dumped it in the old
Starting point is 02:28:51 she said peptides give me two seconds i'm on it i do like having the back end again it adds a layer to the show for me what does have in the back end oh good because it keeps my brain going on something else i like having it going on multiple things and it frees me up experience the extraordinary benefits of entity plus peptide a cutting edge compound designed to elevate cellular health and boost energy production within a day plus you can enjoy the following benefits enhanced cellular energy cellular repair and regeneration increased metabolic efficiency neuroprotective effects well go ahead i was taking that and the cjc and the bpc for during that 20-day cycle like three months ago and that's when I started doing power cleans again.
Starting point is 02:29:46 Oh. And squat cleans. Because of your bicep, right? Well, my bicep, but also like I don't know why, just all of a sudden I was like, because I had stopped doing kind of explosive movements. Except I would do them with a dumbbell because it gave me more room to kind of wiggle and to get into good positions where I felt like it didn't hurt me.
Starting point is 02:30:04 But I started doing them with the barbell again again and it felt great. This is the one that I always like to look at. And when things are anti-inflammatory, I'm a big fan of them. Have you taken the curcumin peptide? No, but Alexis has. Yeah. I've heard great things about it. Are you on that too? No. But I am going to take... So last time i did the cjc peptide i did it for one month or 20 days this time i'm going to do it for 60 days i'm going to do three bottles curcumin you're going to do it for two months you said 60 days whatever 60 days yeah you know what i mean i'm not going to take a break last time i did one bottle and then I took a break and I didn't really notice. I didn't,
Starting point is 02:30:45 I didn't, I wasn't like, if I were to say some things, I think I put on some weight. I think maybe I noticed some, something happened in my traps, but definitely I felt more aggressive. Like when you say in your traps,
Starting point is 02:30:56 you mean like they kind of gave you that poofed up look. Yeah. I felt like all of a sudden, like I could see them more, but that could also be that I just leaned out, even though I put on weight, maybe I leaned out like my, did you like that? Yeah, I don't, I don't care. I, I, here's the thing. I don't give a fuck about anything except being able to move well. And I just don't like,
Starting point is 02:31:14 I really just don't like the fact that I, um, when I look like a, uh, another one of what's it called? A muffin, a muffin? Yeah. I just eat too much. That's my whole thing. Like when someone's like, don't eat like an asshole. I'm like, that's me. What do you, what's your thing that usually turns you off? What do you eat that turns you into an asshole? A nuts.
Starting point is 02:31:39 Oh, dude. Nuts and dry fruit. The thing is, it's part of fitness in a hundred words. It legit says nuts i know but if you eat a lot of them it's easy to eat a thousand calories and nuts very easily i have a i have a i have a especially now that they have these pistachios pistachios are in yeah i went after i told you about them from costco i don't remember what got me started but I used to do macadamia
Starting point is 02:32:06 nuts. Alexis likes those. You like macadamia nuts? They're bland. Love macadamia nuts. But then I found these pistachios that don't have any oil or salt on them. They're just, I don't think, well, maybe they have salt. I don't know, but they don't have any oil on them. What's wrong with salt? Nothing. Nothing really.
Starting point is 02:32:22 Not for people like us who work out. Dude, I probably didn't work out yesterday good quality workout yesterday was amazing oh so that's i would call that workout crossfit that was my whole point oh it was you said yeah okay uh why would you call it cross i don't know because you're working out with a bunch of people are you sure yeah well you know what it is i did push really hard because there were people there because it wasn't just. And they were young and in shape people. These were like, you know, one of the girls, a professional athlete. She's a professional fighter. Because you said on the show yesterday or the day before something about people saying they're CrossFitters.
Starting point is 02:32:56 And then you go, whatever. Fuck whatever Hiller said. It's whether or not the person says they're doing CrossFit. And I'm wondering if that is the biggest thing whether or not they're working out with people you're not doing crossfit if you're fucking going to the gym with your homies and i'm not taking a dig at this this is fun but if you guys are just going there and doing a chest and tris day you're not doing CrossFit. You're just talking and working out. I like that. It's fun. It's cool.
Starting point is 02:33:27 You're getting fit. You're getting strong. If you want to bounce off what Dave said about that. That's not CrossFit. He said the guy doing Murph every day would be doing a poor expression of CrossFit, I think were his words. If you do chest and triceps on one day, a friend the next day, a heavy deadlift on
Starting point is 02:33:43 the next day, a three-mile run on the next day, how about that? Are you doing CrossFit? If on on one day, Fran, the next day, a heavy deadlift on the next day, a three mile run on the next day. How about that? Are you doing CrossFit? If on that following day, maybe it's back and biceps. So on the borders, you put chest triceps back. What do you think about that? I think, I don't know if you're doing CrossFit, but you're a CrossFitter. I think if you do CrossFit once or twice a week, you're a CrossFitter. I'm down with that.
Starting point is 02:34:03 Yeah. I like that. Yeah. Who, I was listening to froning on bear hamlin did you listen to that no froning was on the born primitive podcast with bear yeah i did listen to him on talking like fitness and wait wait you mean the lone ranger podcast thank you thank you i did listen to him on the Lone Ranger podcast. It wasn't bad. I feel as if I listened to that twice for some reason. You ever had that?
Starting point is 02:34:35 It was the Inception feeling or Deja Vu. I listened to it and I felt like I had already seen it. It was so weird. But then that's not a good thing. And what I mean by that is how many times can you ask Tia Toomey about her baby? I'm not trying to, but how many times can you ask Rich Froning about what it's like to hunt a
Starting point is 02:34:59 bear? Right. He's already done that. You've heard him talk about the bear. You've heard him talk about retirement. You've heard him talk about. They didn't even talk about the bear, did they? Well, that was an example.
Starting point is 02:35:10 But at this point, it was just like a recent thing. But they did. Oh, we got Fronion. Let's talk about the bear again. Like, no, we finished the bear. What's new? I know. But let me just go take this in a different direction.
Starting point is 02:35:20 They didn't talk about the bear, right? I don't think so. No. Are you saying they should have talked about the bear of course fucking of course okay okay why because it's it's like it's exciting it's what's relevant it's like it would be like if i had um what's his name on uh what's the guy just had on mr snelson on and i didn't ask him about wheel wad or i didn't ask him about the games now being separate the games uh adaptive being separate from games it's like those are huge relevant things that bear thing is like the biggest thing that's happened in rich's life since led better
Starting point is 02:35:55 that led bill edville i thought you were gonna say since 2014 and that would have too motherfucker that too that would have been awesome and so it's like i don't know i don't want to pick on um rich the lone ranger no no it's not rich's fault rich just did whatever rich was just being a good old boy and just riding along it felt like more like a uh uh um a charity fuck. What's that called? A mercy. Pity fuck. Pity fuck. Yeah. Pity fuck.
Starting point is 02:36:28 A little bit like a pity fuck. You ever been the recipient of one of those? God, I hope not. God, I hope not. God. Haley's going to call in and go,
Starting point is 02:36:38 yeah, we're last night. God, I hope not. I'm reflecting and I'm thinking, I'm thinking, I don't think so. And I also don't know if I would care. I do. It's like that song, the Lonely Island song.
Starting point is 02:36:54 It's like, doesn't matter, had sex. But I cried the whole time. Doesn't matter, had sex. That's funny. I know all their songs. I don't know that song. It's a good one. God, their videos are great they were very
Starting point is 02:37:09 they were great they were ahead of their time they were like Weird Al when he kind of really fucked everything up dude that would be awesome if there was a narrator for this show and at that point when they were asked to have on if he's ever been the recipient of a pity fuck he knew
Starting point is 02:37:24 he had been the recipient of a pity fuck he knew he had been the recipient of one of those I wonder if Caleb would just sit in the back straight up retarded Caleb sits in the back and lowers his voice yes just it dims
Starting point is 02:37:39 of course yeah I used to listen to jerky boys Hillard doesn't know who they are he's too young is that like the The Beach Boys Um No Jerky Boys were when people used to Crank call it was a crank call show
Starting point is 02:37:57 You could do that Crank call people Hell yeah you could with the live Calling number I um you know I've been trying to call danielle brandon all morning when you say all morning once or twice or like three times i think i called her like twice in a row twice didn't pick up no doesn't matter had sex i was texting with her this morning and i thought i could just pull off a phone call,
Starting point is 02:38:27 squeeze it in there. Who's some random person that you could call on the live call number. They would have no idea what's going on. Just calling a random number. Half random. Just scroll through. The thing is you got a very distinct voice and especially with the podcast, they'd probably pick up on it pretty quick.
Starting point is 02:38:47 I could just make up a number. That's a bold strategy. You know my favorite thing to do is... That's what we used to do as a kid. We used to just make up numbers and call. You ever get a random text message? Just from a number you don't know. No, but I accidentally texted someone the other day that I thought was Sarah Sigmund's daughter.
Starting point is 02:39:03 And they're like, hey, dude, I'll come on your podcast, but I have no idea who this is. You should have had him on or her, whoever. I want to find this text message from the other day. Oh, here we go. It says, hi, Stacy. I just finished a business trip. My assistant said that you were looking for me. What's the matter? And I just said, all good, hi, Stacy. I just finished a business trip. My assistant said that you were looking for me. What's the matter?
Starting point is 02:39:26 And I just said, all good, exclamation point. I just had this conversation with this number. I don't know who it is. And then you sent him a bat? Oh, wait. I said, glad everything is still well. Please send me the design. And then I said, not right now.
Starting point is 02:39:41 And then the next day they said, please send me the design. I go, not right now. And then the next day they said, please send me the design. I go, not today. This number goes, you haven't finished it yet? I go, no, I have. I'm just not ready to send it. And then they go, what? And then I sent it back.
Starting point is 02:40:01 And then they didn't respond. I just thought I was having a good time with it. Oh, shit. You've changed someone's life. They're going to was having a good time with it. Oh, shit. I have way too much fun with it. They're going to be like, you're going so as a douche. I hope someday, somehow, that comes back around to them. Like, that's the bat guy.
Starting point is 02:40:17 Hey, are you going to tell them, like, wait a couple days and be like, hey, I'm just busting your balls. You have the wrong number. No. I mean, I really hope at some point they figured it out. But Jay Hartle, he's got someone fired. Do you have the design?
Starting point is 02:40:30 Yeah, but I'm not going to give it to you yet. I do that all the time. You never get random texts. And then I just answer as if I know who they are or what they're talking about. Yeah. I really like doing that. It looks fun. I think I have that one once or twice in my life um no not tomorrow not tomorrow you know the onion magazine where everything's fake yeah yeah they made a movie once the onion
Starting point is 02:41:02 movie and i don't think anyone's seen it but it was just a bunch of skits and one of the skits is about this dude who picks up the phone with telephone or telemarketers and has full conversations with them and i do that too i try to do that too when people call telemarketers call i've seen you do that on the show now now they're just recordings they're just ais AIs. Right, which ruins it. Yeah, it totally ruins it. I think I should go. You've had a long show. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:41:31 When I texted you that, it was right before the hour and a half mark, and sometimes you just cap it there. I was trying to get you or Danielle, or I even fucked with Rich a little bit last night to get one of you guys on because I wanted to pump up the jetted. I was on. Cause I thought that would help promote wheel wide. Great guy,
Starting point is 02:41:52 by the way. What's that? That's what makes me a great guy. You try to pump up wheel wide. I agree, but leverage my relationship with someone like you who draws a lot of eyeballs or rich or Daniel Brandon, and then bring you on and use you guys to help pump up jedediah i mean you can still do that i just don't know if it'll
Starting point is 02:42:10 help considering i wasn't there with him i know come on no i was thinking like if i could get daniel brandon on or rich on for the 10 minutes before jedediah that would then people who watch the show like who clicked i could then put daniel brandon's name in the show and then they'd watch it and then they'd watch jedediah and they'd still be glad they watched jedediah but they might not have come there if it wasn't the fact that it said uh they got like an app or i don't know i understand what you're saying i get it because i would ask daniel brandon like hey are you still with brute because like why the fuck is she moving to nashville i'm dying to ask her that and then that could have got parlayed into helping the whole wheel watt event i'm like fucking a barnum and bailey i'm like a circus guy
Starting point is 02:42:51 like i bring the lions out and the clowns and just all the shit like hopefully a lion attacks a clown on accident jesus look at this someone today i prayed for you at church no wonder i had a spontaneous erection a few hours ago. He felt it. That's wild. Ain't no brands not going to proven. Do you know that? Pedro,
Starting point is 02:43:14 the other day, it's on his show with a lot of certainty that she's still with brute. It was such a crazy amount of certainty that he either practiced it to the point where I thought it was real or it actually is real. I could call. I can call her again. No, I can call Pedro. Is he sleeping?
Starting point is 02:43:36 No, he's awake. You should call Pedro. He knows. I've never called him on the show. How do I get a plus? I, Oh,
Starting point is 02:43:44 I just hold the zero down. Okay. Oh, fuck. This is a lot of numbers. Oh, it doesn't sound like Europe. I don't know. I didn't know Europe sounded. I wonder if he'll answer. Because it's not my phone.
Starting point is 02:44:15 You know that when I look for him in my contacts, I always type. Hello? Hey. Hey. Hey, we're live on there. How are you? I'm good, and you? I'm fucking great.
Starting point is 02:44:29 Don't small talk me. Okay. I was reciprocating. Is Daniel Brandon still with Brute? Yeah. Why is she moving to Nashville? How is she going to be with Brute if she's moving to Nashville Coach L is coaching her
Starting point is 02:44:50 from what I gather looking at Rogue I think she's moving to Nashville as far as I understand it her and Matt are still an item but I think she's moving to, I don't know. Okay, that was going to be my next question. So her and Matt are still intimate.
Starting point is 02:45:11 They still shower together for a minute, I guess. Well, when he was on the show last week or two weeks ago, she was in the room anyway. So either on various terms or, yeah, there's something like that. Hey, I can see those two being the kind of people who could like shower together and then that phase of their relationship being over and they maintain the friendship. Yeah. Even because I am, she wouldn't be too fazed by it, I'd say.
Starting point is 02:45:38 Well, I think Torres is of that maturity. I'm not sure if Danielle is. Danielle is probably pretty. Yeah, she sometimes appears as an oversharer. Danielle Brandon is like... She's not on the show. What? She's not on the show right now, is she?
Starting point is 02:45:56 No, no, no. You think she's an oversharer, like she shares too much on her Instagram sometimes? Is that what you mean? I remember, didn't she put something up a few weeks ago or a few months ago about where she was quite emotional and saying how someone had hurt her?
Starting point is 02:46:10 Yeah, that was weird. It's too much sharing but with not enough detail, so we're left speculating what happened. Like, you can't tell, like, did you catch him with another guy or did you put it in your butt the whole time? You're like, wait, oh, is there a kid on this line with us?
Starting point is 02:46:27 She's just saying hello. It was an absolute heck of a time on your part. Yeah, I hope she didn't hear the in the butt comment. Jeez Louise. No, she didn't say hi. Wouldn't even know it if she did. Okay. Okay.
Starting point is 02:46:41 Coach L, is that a real name or is that a nickname? It's the infamous Sean Young coach. I don't actually know what his name is. John Young and Daniel Brandon have the same coach? No wonder John Young is so high on himself. Yeah. It's Deserve a Darigan. okay uh thank you uh uh always uh more reliable than the uh barbell spin uh or no less reliable than the barbell spin more reliable than the savant podcast pedro more reliable than the morning chocolate but that's a low bar more reliable than the morning chocolate less reliable than the barbell spin pedro yeah okay that's what i said all right and I'm just repeating it for people who speak English Okay thank you
Starting point is 02:47:27 Alright That's our European correspondent Of the Savant Podcast It's the stats department Right there The stats bridge branch The European branch That is our TMZ department, Pedro.
Starting point is 02:47:47 Hey, where's Daniel Brandon? Who's she with? We've parlayed our stats department into our gossip department. We're just emotion and opinion over here, not actual logic and thinking. We don't do math. I like the shape of the number five. It makes me horny. Does it? No, I don't know. You ever write the perfect eight and you just have a feeling about it?
Starting point is 02:48:11 That's a good looking eight. That's the closest thing that I remember because I'll write down an eight. I used to write it like this where you kind of keep one giant thing going. Now I do two circles. The two circles are much easier to, okay.
Starting point is 02:48:25 I'll, I'll fuck with you on this. I really liked a cursive capital and lowercase Z cursive. No, dude, that's, that's the weirdest letter. I know.
Starting point is 02:48:37 That's why if you could get one that was like a Y, right? The, the, the, the cursive capital Z is a two. Oh, it is. You're right.
Starting point is 02:48:49 Yeah. It's hard. It's not very often written, a capital Z. Brian Friend with the apology video yesterday. Apology for what? For shitting on our lives. Apology for what? For shitting on our lives. Not yet for what? For shitting on our lives.
Starting point is 02:49:07 Not, not yet. It was like a soft shit. You know, you know, it's like one of those shits that doesn't smell too bad. It's also, where is that apology video?
Starting point is 02:49:14 Where is it? Instagram. Oh, he was walking. It was like, it was a post-workout apology video. Is it? Oh,
Starting point is 02:49:20 Oh. When you have like post-workout clarity. And I think he actually says that exact thing. I get that. Rambler, what the fuck question is this? What do you think of this for? Are you buying Southwest gift cards, 500 for 429? Oh, it's from Costco. I understand.
Starting point is 02:49:40 Okay, I see the connection now. All right, back to... Is it in a story or is it a video? I understand. Okay. I see the connection now. All right. Back, back to, uh, in this story or is it a video? I think it was a video. It's just have been walking.
Starting point is 02:49:53 Oh, it should be pretty clear. I guess I could have grabbed it. Dude. He looks like a fucking, like a professional athlete in this photo within this video with these glasses and shit. Are you pulling it up?
Starting point is 02:50:04 Are you just, yeah. Yeah. Hey, dude. You ever wear a pair of those glasses? Yeah, I have a pair. Do you like them? Yeah, I actually surprisingly do like them a lot. I don't wear them anymore because they're not prescription,
Starting point is 02:50:21 but I like all those athlete glasses. What about them? I can see really well out of them. There's nothing obscuring my shit. They fit nice. They're light. I like everything about them except the way they look. But functionally and practically, they were amazing.
Starting point is 02:50:39 I don't know if it's that brand, but you know what I mean, that kind of style. Oh, I used to ride my bike a shitload. Like a shitload. And they were great for bike riding You said that you just reminded me of the cowboy thing A cowboy wears things For purpose They don't wear things to look like a cowboy And it made me kind of feel like a jackass Because I don't like the way they look so I'd never wear them
Starting point is 02:50:59 But what you just said is you wear them Because they work really well Sunglasses Yeah they work really well. Yeah. Sunglasses. Yeah, they work really well. They're hideous. Speaking of which, the other day on the phone, we talked about that. Hey, dude, listen, listen, you fucking idiots. Hold on a second.
Starting point is 02:51:16 Go ahead, go ahead. Listen, listen, I want to just be clear. Blueprint Health and Fitness says, don't worry about upsetting people, mate. And then Jeffrey Burchfield says, I didn't find issue with what you said before listen hey uh it has nothing to do with uh being rude or or whatnot to other people it has to do with just what's a good look for you and treating those people around you who fucking care about you good like it has nothing to do with anyone else none of us actually fucking give a shit the only reason why anyone in that group is pretending like their butt hurt is because it's because if we were to express it honestly it's like hey we feel sorry for him because he's in
Starting point is 02:51:53 that spot but it's like hey dude like um brian is surrounded by really fucking good people who everyone's trying to elevate everyone and he just he just needs to be on that page that's it like like no no one's stopping the rest of us like like uh the school of fish we swim with is very very strong incompetent it's not it's not like an apology like you threw a rock and you hit my house and i'm mad at you it's like hey dude like you're bringing the group down by just acting like a jackass. But in the end, he's only hurting himself if he keeps that shit up. He's not hurting anyone in the group.
Starting point is 02:52:34 The group's fucking good. It has nothing to do with oversensitivity. It's not that at all. It's fucking we're all going in the fucking bus headed that way 80 miles an hour and you fucking are in the back seat you just threw your anchor out the back and slowing the whole bus down here's the way that i would look at it and do that like or do or don't but like go ahead you're driving down the road just going to the grocery store i don't know maybe you're bringing the kids somewhere la-di-da and you you turn and then someone honks at you because you accidentally cut them off
Starting point is 02:53:11 right you're like oh i didn't mean to cut you off like oh and then and then it's like you've ruined their entire fucking day they're like giving you the finger and everything and you're just thinking i didn't mean it my bad the only thing in your head is the driver driving your kids to wherever you're doing minding your own business is like, that was an accident. I feel bad that they think that I fucked their life up on purpose. Right. Right. They're thinking you, you, you cut me the fuck off piece of shit.
Starting point is 02:53:36 And you're just thinking, I want you to change the way you look at things. Cause I ain't tripping. Yeah. I'm sorry. Yeah. When I heard that, I'm like, dude, no, no, no, Brian. Yeah, your perspective is all fucked up. Yeah, you fucked yourself with your perspective.
Starting point is 02:53:50 Yeah. And then I just want to hop into the passenger seat of that car and I go, dude, it's cool. I didn't mean it. Yeah. Whatever it takes. No one's. I don't know why you're so mad. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:54:01 I'm not saying that Brian was mad or anything. Or how about this, dude? I'll even go one step further Listen we were slowing down to let you in We did the exact opposite of cut you off We were slowing you down How about be thankful That the rest of us aren't as good as you
Starting point is 02:54:16 Aren't you glad we all suck compared to you Oh listen dudes good morning gentlemen Wanted to wish you an awesome holiday season With you with your family and friends cheers always positive mr ols thanks dude mr olson appreciate it olson dudes yeah my favorite thing to do in those situations is they usually try to get up next to you and they act all angry and i'm just like hey how are you yeah man this lady was fucking pissed at me so basically did you go over that story i know you're talking about the one that you posted i was at the birthday party someone put all the balloons in the back of my car when i went to take when i got in the car the car was hot and i rolled
Starting point is 02:55:00 down all the windows and i saw a balloon start to leave the window like the big one with the number seven the chrome one right yep yep so I rolled up the window and it caught the balloon out and as I was pulling and I live close to the park and as I pull out of the fucking parking lot the lady says to me start some lady on a bike who's coming I live on this you know that street I live on that old country road that old San Jose road it's a big pathway for bikers it's a weekend warriors love biking that route and so she's coming down and she's in all her spandex and all her fucking shit and she's got the full phone and i don't mean this in any negative way but she's just full super dyke you know what i mean like just screaming like i love pussy on my face kind of like the way my face screams it but in a different way And she fucking
Starting point is 02:55:46 Leaves she's coming down The path and she sees me and she pulls Into the park to yell at me and starts Circling my car While I'm trying to pull onto this highway And she's like It starts off gently It starts off with a hey can you please
Starting point is 02:56:02 Put that balloon inside And I'm like no thank you though I see it and then she starts fucking lecturing me about about fucking uh the my it's gonna snap off and it's gonna go into a tree and like all this shit like and she's getting wound up and it's like all this shit that's just like oh yo bitch like you just spend your life looking for people to fucking unfuck. And. Someone, did you call the police on it? Hey, that's why you need those glasses, man, because in that moment, you know, the glasses I showed you, you just press the button.
Starting point is 02:56:42 Yeah. And you're just recording. Oh, yeah. Those are nice. These aren't even them. These are just my blue blockers. Everyone's been asking me what they are, and I don't know why, but they're the Sandwick ones. Sandwick blue blocker glasses.
Starting point is 02:56:58 I don't know anything about them other than I got them eight years ago. And I'm just like, fuck, man. Got them eight years ago. And I'm just like, fuck, man. It's similar to the person driving the car, right? You just don't know why they got to look at it that way. You know this word deserve? Yes.
Starting point is 02:57:20 Yeah, about it. I'm not a big fan of it. But that means means you deserve. I deserve better. I'm such a fucking good person. Like, just go back to the poop thing. If I'm fucking out. I'm 51 years old.
Starting point is 02:57:37 I've never seen anyone pick up a random poop. If I am out on the fucking pathway. And there's people walking around. The other day. Just two days ago. I'm fucking walking on the bike path in front of the beach. There's people fucking everywhere. And I see a fucking big old deuce and I fucking walk around it.
Starting point is 02:57:51 And I'm like, fuck fucking dog owners. And then I look up and I see a fucking lady walking towards me with the dog and she's got poop bags. I go, ma'am, could I have one of your poop bags? She goes,
Starting point is 02:58:00 sure. And I just borrowed it from her and then walked back 10 feet and picked up the poop. Like, fuck you. I'm doing my part. Don't tell me about some fucking balloon hanging out of my fucking car. Just see me and be like, dude, that distinguished man needs a handjob.
Starting point is 02:58:14 Even though I'm a lesbian, I'm going to offer him one. That's what I'm saying. Sir, I can tell. Even though I'm a dyke, I'd give you a handy. I'd be like, thank you. I appreciate it. Love you. Hey. Not joking. You want her'd give you a handy I'd be like thank you I appreciate it love you hey I'm not joking
Starting point is 02:58:27 you want to offer you a handy? yeah I'm not joking so that you can play the rejected or what? you're offering me handies then telling me that balloons hanging out my fucking car window that's the world I want to live in no one's ever walked up to me and be like
Starting point is 02:58:44 hey you know what you look like you need a handy or you look like you deserve a handy. No, I live on fucking planet Earth or some fucking douchebag bitch is fucking yelling at me about a fucking balloon hanging out my window after I was just at my fucking kid's birthday party. How about being like,
Starting point is 02:58:59 hey, if that was your kid's birthday party, happy birthday. I hope you're a good dad. Love you, buddy. That's what i do what if to her i've never offered anyone a handy in my defense so i had i've never had it accepted and i wrestled for eight years six years seven years uh someone sounds like a victim right
Starting point is 02:59:27 now yeah you hear what you want to hear bitch dude her balloon is your poop that's all i that's all i'm thinking her she sees balloons and she goes fucking crazy the same way you see poop she's got this whole thing about it every time this bitch sees a balloon hanging out of her car she loses it she has to do something about it the same way you do poop i don't i to be honest i'm about one out of every 40 poops because i i see so many poops i live in a world with poops there's a lot of poop yeah i do wonder what people think i'm like that straight away at new wonder what people think Straight away at Newport What people are fucking thinking There's like leaving poop there I can't believe it Well I
Starting point is 03:00:08 Also there in Newport they let their dogs Just poop right there on the beach on the That's what I'm saying I don't believe it It's wicked Dude it's worse than Santa Cruz it's a hundred times worse than Santa Cruz It's a lot of poop You know what you gotta do you gotta figure out how to sell it Uh Slack blocks
Starting point is 03:00:28 I'm also a victim of not receiving impromptu Handies from strangers Uh what about what about the slack box Do you ever send those out No they're sitting on my dining room table I printed out all the addresses and I set them next to the boxes And they're just sitting there And I have more slack boxes to give away but i figure i shouldn't give more away
Starting point is 03:00:49 until i send those out those are cool things yeah i was just wondering uh daniel garrity i'm getting yelled at to start my day so peace and love everyone i pray for the pity for the handy for seven later today thank you a pity handy i've never i don't think i've ever gotten a pity handy either you know the scene the wolf of wall street where no dicaprio and margot you've never seen it i have but i don't remember anything about it but go on there's this scene where like dicaprio and margot robbie like bang and it's over in 30 seconds and he goes and she goes that's the last time i'm never having sex with you ever again i'm like oh that's what that's probably what a pity fuck is oh wow she says that in the movie yeah somewhere deep into maybe two-thirds of the way in
Starting point is 03:01:38 what's his response um i don't remember but i do remember leading into it they were fighting and whatnot and then all of a sudden she switches and you can tell that she's getting him in the mood to probably shut him down afterwards and then which i wonder like what it would be like to be a guy in that situation where you're like clearly bickering with somebody and then she's messing with you like she'll lure she lures you in lets you bang her and then it's like that was the fucking last time fuck you i could imagine that that would suck i i i started dating this chick and her ex-boyfriend who she'd just broken up with wanted and she'd been with him for a long time like five years Wanted and she'd been with him for a long time Like five years
Starting point is 03:02:23 Wanted a last uh boning From him Yeah She left him And she wanted to bang him one last time He wanted to bang her one more time Oh And she did
Starting point is 03:02:39 Interesting How did that end I can't remember I asked her later I said hey do you wish you wouldn't have done that And I think she said yeah she wished she wouldn't have done it But they'd been together five years And they'd just broken up And he asked for one more
Starting point is 03:02:54 I don't know what he was thinking Like he was thinking he was going to make it so good That she would want him Or he was going to put it in her butt Or I don't know what he was thinking. Oh, I've done that before. You've asked for like a final. You asked you a girl, a girl broke up with you and you asked her for one more Bruce and you got it.
Starting point is 03:03:22 Dude, no way. I could never do that ever. What? Ask her or fuck a girl after you break up with her i think either you know what i would have to be the one with girls there weren't you didn't like have like whenever i broke up with the girl it was like then every other day you have sex with her for a month then every two days you have sex with her for a month. Then every two days you have sex with her for a month. Then every three days you have sex until finally after two years, you're just not banging her anymore. It takes like two, you break up, but it takes two years before you stop boning her.
Starting point is 03:03:54 For some reason, all I imagined is like, would you rather have a penny a day or a million dollars? Like double your penny every day. That's what I thought. Yeah. It's a seven. No, I've never had that. I've never had that. Dude, I would, I would have like five different girlfriends in a two-year period and it would just be like man there's just so much maintenance and departures and this is when you were homeless right yeah a little before a little during a little after there's one man who needs a documentary on him there has to be some old footage of you just doing this sort of shit that should be put
Starting point is 03:04:22 together into this 50 minute this guy made this movie one time where they interviewed all he went back and interviewed all of his ex girlfriends and i always thought that was a fucking trip to do that lol that's so toxic if i had to imagine what the definition of toxic was you break up with them and then you have sex with them. Aren't exes really just become, they fall into the booty call jar. Do you remember that?
Starting point is 03:04:50 I mean, I'm 51 now. I haven't had booty call in fucking 20 or 30 years, but there's a booty call. Like, isn't there a booty call? That's, that's what I think.
Starting point is 03:04:59 Like exes just fall into booty calls. All of the people that i've been with i would say once broken up with maybe 10 to 20 i've been with again after that point it's not a very high ratio but you're saying it's almost a given oh for sure 100 i'm trying to think if there's one that i haven't and you never got back together with them no there's ones that i got back together with i mean my current wife hayley and i have been together since i've been 23 but we had some on and offs in the beginning interesting yeah i guess alexis and i were on and off at one point yeah see there you go well maybe that's a one of one though yeah sure that's right all right fine
Starting point is 03:05:52 a lot of the chicks i've been with it's like hey you're done and then oh they're not called booty calls anymore these days they're called you up that's correct yeah i like that vernacular has changed but everything's still the same hey did you have a girl at any point in your life where you had to sneak into her house to get the booty yeah yeah that's great isn't it probably the best type dude right sneak in the house ones are crazy parents are sleeping shit yeah oh my god squeaky and shit and just oh my god did you hear that oh my goodness i think a lot of people could probably make very interesting videos of this sort of topic on their lives right but either people don't have the will to do it or
Starting point is 03:06:40 they don't remember the time hayley told me a couple days ago days ago, I'm having trouble remembering this, but there was a period when she would stay when I was living with my mom when I was probably 47. And it was like the transition in our relationship when she went from sleeping in the guest room to sleeping in my room. But like she said, yeah, when I used to, when I first started coming over your house and I would stay the night cause she lived like 35 miles away. She said, I would sleep in your sister's room. Cause my sister wasn't there anymore.
Starting point is 03:07:06 Like, God, I barely remember that. You, it was just the other day though, man. I know just the other day, the other day.
Starting point is 03:07:15 And then finally she said one day I just let her sleep in my room. And I went to like, go sneak back into your sister's room in the middle of the night. So your mom would know. And you said, no, don't worry about it. It's good. That's probably like on my 48th birthday three
Starting point is 03:07:28 years ago my dad's with this chick right he's got a girlfriend and he's 62 i believe he's 62 turning 63. His chick is 50 and her parents are 80 or 90. And I met them the other day. They're old, but they got this lake house up in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin. Really nice lake. You met your dad's? My dad's parents. Yeah. Wow.
Starting point is 03:08:01 Thanksgiving thing. Wow. I met them. They're cool. They're old. And I think it parallels off this story. He went to their lake house once and they, the parents have this house and the parents made my dad sleep in another room at the age of 62. Oh, shit. Right? Wow. That was interesting. Yeah, that's old school. He had to go sleep in the fucking barn thing that they have at the lake house. Crazy.
Starting point is 03:08:32 And she slept in her old room that they had when she was a kid. Do you think that they boned in there and then after they were done, she snuck back into the main house? I think that I actually know that they did. But it wasn't quite those words. It was, yeah, we hung out and then we separated. Your dad told you that story? Yeah.
Starting point is 03:08:52 What a good relationship you have with your dad. Did you laugh? You're like, Dad, you're 60. Yeah, it's hilarious. They separated you guys? Yeah. Those are some things you wouldn't see these days. These days, the parents videotaped Yeah, it's hilarious. They separated you guys. It's like, yeah, they're old school. Yeah. Those are some things you wouldn't see these days.
Starting point is 03:09:11 These days, like the parents videotape their children for OnlyFans. Oh, you guys are 25 living in the house? Yeah, I'll be your professional recorder. That's not true. I'm not saying I know anybody who does it, but I know people who do it. Jesus. All right. Yeah, I don't.
Starting point is 03:09:30 That was a joke. Three hours and seven minutes. Yeah, man. You're a champ. How much Paper Street coffee? I only drink one cup of coffee now a day. You water it down? Yeah. I put one shot of espresso in the CEO cup.
Starting point is 03:09:47 Did you get that from Travis? Yeah yeah fill the rest with hot water he made some for alexis for in her business they look great yeah these look they're awesome she got one in white it's really nice with the silver all right till december 1st use code word 7 Oh my goodness so a bunch of you Sent me saying that the code Word wasn't working on Yeah it is working Now I had a long talk with
Starting point is 03:10:19 Sarah last night back and forth It is working if you did not get your Discount let me know and I'll make sure you got it. I apologize. I love these comments. Hey, dude, you got to catch hell up on the three hours he missed. I just got here.
Starting point is 03:10:35 What I miss? Catch him up. Wheel lot. No one had their feelings hurt from Brian. Daniel Brandon doesn't pick up your phone call. Daniel doesn't answer my phone. She's the next coming of Laura Horvath. Okay.
Starting point is 03:10:58 Oh, you got a new, you had a new video come out. I did. Jeez. Did you like the thumb? You said you like the thumbnail right god it was savage oh my goodness jay de coons okay i was actually making i was making a completely different video.
Starting point is 03:11:26 Oh, okay. Go ahead. I don't know. What the hell did you think I was going to say? I was making a completely different video and then that one just came from it. Okay. Okay. I got this theory that the CrossFit games have been rigged every year.
Starting point is 03:11:43 Oh. Yeah. So I was making that video and then I go, I'll make that video next. Okay, look at the private chat. Yeah, I know that's exactly what you were
Starting point is 03:11:59 lying me about. But I didn't think I was going to say anything bad. I didn't think so. gonna say anything bad i didn't think so i got that text from yesterday what you oh okay you got me jumpy you got me jumpy i'm a little jumpy and he goes dude that's the wrong protein powder that you're comparing it to the swolverine and i and i go well all right i see what you're talking about. First of all, their website is all jacked up. So I had to go to Amazon.
Starting point is 03:12:29 And on Amazon, it's listed incorrectly. And if you've whittled your way through those things, and someone else figured that out in the video, made a comment about it, he goes, hey, you're comparing the protein plus carbs to the whey isolate proteins of the other companies. And I go, I see what you guys are talking about, but the very base of the video was your horse analogy, which people had.
Starting point is 03:12:49 Yeah. The premise is, is why is CrossFit pushing sugar? Correct. Yes. The CrossFit is wise. The purpose is why is CrossFit telling the affiliates to use this company? Because what I really should have done is I should have gone to your episode
Starting point is 03:13:02 with Greg from two Gregs ago. How many Gregs have you had? I don't know, 20 or 30 Gregs at this point. But two Gregs ago, there's the soundbite of him saying that you would never diminish the value of CrossFit because it doesn't elevate it. He doesn't want to have a fish oil that is worth than any other fish oil because why the fuck would we promote that? We're not going to put CrossFitfit on if it's not better there's no way for whatever it's worth that greg would there well i shall let's ask greg i won't put the words in his mouth but the fact that there's the sugar thing i mean you hit it out of the park with the sugar thing momentous yeah let's just not push sugar it's step
Starting point is 03:13:40 one the priority of the video was the brand yeah Yeah, you can eat sugar. You can have sugar. You can smoke sugar. You can shove it up your ass. You can do whatever you want. But as far as the brand goes, no, you can't. It's like a roller coaster. If you're in an amusement park and you got the big stuffy, you can't take it on the roller coaster. It's just the rules of that roller coaster. The rest of the park, yeah.
Starting point is 03:14:03 When you get on that roller coaster, the one that that goes upside down you hand your big stuffy that you want earlier to the guy and then you get on riding the roller coaster and you get off and you get it back but in the crossfit roller coaster can't be selling sugar and your other nowhere nowhere yeah nowhere but when you go home when you go out and party afterwards or maybe but but at the hey there was this guy who i worked at crossfit with who when the other mostly the games douchebags would bring in cupcakes for like because it was their birthday and they would put it in our cafeteria at crossfit hq he would walk in there and he would pick up the fucking cupcakes and throw it in the trash like oh your whole shit like the like you know what I mean?
Starting point is 03:14:46 Should I start doing that? That would be awesome. Dude, it was crazy. I thought, to be honest with you, I thought it was over the top. But I loved it because I like over the top. It was gangster. You know what I mean? I like the aggressiveness of it affiliated with the brand.
Starting point is 03:15:01 Mm-hmm. But, um, um. it affiliated with the brand. But... You know, it'd be even better if he just slapped a 20 down where the cupcakes were. Yeah, just like here. Fuck your cupcakes, go buy something else. No, the guy wasn't gay. The guy who threw it away wasn't gay. Well, I don't think
Starting point is 03:15:19 he's gay. He has kids. He's married. Wait a minute. I thought you said it was Greg who was throwing it away. It wasn't? It was someone else? No, no, no. It wasn't. It was someone else. There was a guy who worked there. Greg wouldn't have done that. Greg probably would have eaten one. Greg loves a cupcake. He got a sweet tooth. He doesn't think he has
Starting point is 03:15:37 a sweet tooth, but he got a sweet tooth. But this dude was just like, this dude just went in there and threw it away. All the time. This happened once a month. It was crazy. And he would videotape it and then show us all in the media department. And we would fucking be dying laughing.
Starting point is 03:15:56 If I guess, will you say yes or no? No, I'm not going to tell you. Hey, and people would do dumb shit. You know what I mean? Like bring in a whole fucking bucket of like reese's peanut butter cups and he'd walk in there holding his phone filming it and then just dump them in the trash at a certain point you think people would be doing that on purpose just to see if he'd throw it out and that would be great like the office you know yeah it's like bringing liquor to an aa meeting yeah like come on. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 03:16:26 Thank you, Mike McCaskey. So Alexis watched my video yesterday, and like many times she does this, she doesn't understand it. Oh, good. So I got to tell her that I don't think I would have an issue if CrossFit made their own supplement and then had the affiliates sell their supplements because it goes back to what Greg said about the fish oil.
Starting point is 03:16:47 If there is going to be a CrossFit fish oil, it has to be better than all the other fish oils, which you would have to also have with whatever supplement CrossFit would be. Because I understand there's businesses out there that want to make more money. So you're saying, hey, put out a creatine that's just fucking creatine monohydrate or whatever. And it's better or at least the best of the best. Yeah.
Starting point is 03:17:10 And then if you want to give it to the affiliates and have them do their shit with it, then yeah. Yeah. Crock-fit creatine. Right. Yeah. Crock-fit. I don't know. But it's very different than just using Momentus.
Starting point is 03:17:22 Yeah. And saying,, Hey, this is, this is what we're partnering with, but it's expensive as fuck. I agree. Good luck. I don't think Greg would agree,
Starting point is 03:17:33 but I do agree with you. I'm okay. I'm okay with them getting into other shit. When you say that, what do you mean? Like momentous? No, I'm okay with CrossFit getting into other shit.
Starting point is 03:17:44 Oh, creating their own product. I'm okay with them creating their own product yeah of other things if they have expertise in it and they want to fucking get another product but i also do believe with like the mercedes-benz fucking electric bike is stupid the lamborghini electric bike is horrible like it fucks up the brand like those are they're so dumb like you ever seen one or ridden one or any tested it's like jesus christ dude specialized cracked the code on it like they're killing it who who specialized specialized who is that a brand of bike yeah it's a brand of bike it's a brand of bike you know what i mean there's people in the space who are killing the electric mountain bikes like stay the fuck out
Starting point is 03:18:20 like that's not your shit and so my thing about all of it is that crossfit's supposed to be the best of us that that's what i had to tell alexis i go i see what they did and i and i see what other people do but they're not supposed to be what do what other people do they're supposed to be the best of us you're supposed to throw the candy out in our cafeteria and be okay even if it's rude or it's wrong it's still badass and tough correct it's good for the brand name uh put out crea alkaline i don't know what that is but that's what i take from swolverine i take that whatever it's a special creatine i think it has a higher absorption rate or digest slower how do i know mike mccaskey's gay a higher absorption rate or digest slower.
Starting point is 03:19:07 How do I know Mike McCaskey's gay? Because he wants a wearable. Thank you. Named workouts are built in. Are you looking for the button? Fucking a wearable douche nozzle. Some of the other day did bring up the point of Wattify. And if CrossFit had their own sort of platform where beyond the whiteboard,
Starting point is 03:19:38 Wattify, PushPro, SugarWatt all have their own, that would be something super valuable that they could have done, I think. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And it's not saying they have to but affiliates hey go ahead and use this it's the best platform we should have all the data i went to some meetings with the the operations officer to buy uh sugar wad we should have yeah even though it wasn't my cup of tea people love that shit what about it like that should have been a CrossFit product. CrossFit should have bought that for cheap, I think. All the fist-bumping shit, all that shit that people like doing.
Starting point is 03:20:13 Modify has got a like feature. What? It's like its own little social media. Yeah. Right? Yeah. Hey, Mike, if they could come out with a tracker that could actually track workouts instead of the garbage that's out there, I would say yes, but they're not even close. Like if you could just fucking do Fran and you happen to be wearing your watch and it turned on and was like, Hey dude, you just did Fran. If it's at that level, I'm all for it. But this dumb shit, like you're wearing the Apple watch and you start moving. It's like, on the elliptical are you on this are you on that are you on this and it's like like all you're getting from that thing is heartbeat hey dude every time i walk the dogs it knows yeah i know
Starting point is 03:20:54 well it knows walking but you're right it would never know whether or not you're doing friend like yeah i need to know if i just do a burpee and it's like hey you just did 10 burpees do you want me to track this that would be sick i'm game yeah swimming it does that so if you're going down back in a pool it goes you swim x number of laps which i think i know that uh-huh i've noticed when i jump in the water it tells it pops up and tells me how deep i am it's like three feet i'm like thanks yeah i'm gonna really need to know that next time i jump in the water let's see if i go to four feet that's probably for divers or something uh mike i don't agree that crossfit needs a wearable no i i really liked whoop in 2016 through 2019 and then they came out with new firmware and a new wrist strap and it all went to fucking hell this scares me what iota is saying because i have a really strong example of this in
Starting point is 03:21:52 my life iota says all wearables are teaching you how to ignore your own body and rely on tech imagine not knowing your heart is racing the scary part about that is is i've been taking my kids to the same skate park in sunnyvale for three years and i still use my uh nap nav and that sucks because that i like that's like that sucks yeah that does suck i can't believe you haven't figured it out yet i have figured it out but for some reason i still punch it in every time and then and i and and so here's how I know I'm, I'm an idiot because sometimes it'll take what I punch it in. It'll go to the wrong park, a different skate park than when I'm going to. And I won't notice until it's too late.
Starting point is 03:22:33 Oh, it's fucked up, dude. So fucked up. I was dating a chick once and I had to go pick her up for a wedding. Yeah. And I was with a buddy of mine and his chick. We're driving to my chick's house and I completely forgot how to get there.
Starting point is 03:22:50 And I'd been dating her for months and I'd been to her house probably a hundred times driven from where we were going to get over there. And they're like, are you sure you're dating this girl? They'd never met her before. Like, how do you not know? You just had a brain fart? Like just like a. Yeah yeah i completely shut off and i had no idea where she lived it's so weird i still remember it was so fucked up hey i get like that with people's names sometime like so you can forget my name because that that would be probably the equivalent of yeah
Starting point is 03:23:21 kind of like that but uh the other day, my kid's a tennis coach. I was just staring right at him and I'm like, oh, fuck, I don't know your name. But I like, of course, I know his name. I see him for how long as a coach? Four days a week for three years. That's messed up, dude. But that's the same shit. Yeah.
Starting point is 03:23:38 But you know what I do? I just kind of look away and take a few deep breaths and then my brain catches up and it says Adam. Well, in my situation, I had to call catches up and it says adam well in my situation i had to call her up and i go hey sam what's your address i don't remember where you live and she's like what the fuck is wrong with you did that you did that yeah i couldn't figure it out like we're driving i go guys i don't know where i'm going so because i had to put it into the the gps i i wasn't going to get us there and we're're going to be inside the collar.
Starting point is 03:24:05 I don't know if I've ever felt like as much of a dipshit. When your dad said your brother's name instead of your name. Oh, I screw those names up all the time. If my sister, well, not with those kids, but if my sister and my wife are in the same room. Your sister? Yeah, my sister, Tanya, and my wife, Haley, are in the same room. Your sister? Yeah, my sister, Tanya, and my wife, Haley, are in the same room. It's just a jumbled mess for me.
Starting point is 03:24:34 That's the only time it's a jumbled mess, right? Yeah, like whenever my sister comes to town, I'll start referring to her as Haley or my sister as Tanya. Like the names, for some reason, cross wires. I do go to the chat and I see if anybody resonates with the story. Like, Oh yeah, I call my wife,
Starting point is 03:24:52 my sister all the time. Yeah. You think anyone's going to do that? That's a Freudian. No, it's not a Freudian thing. You freak. No,
Starting point is 03:25:00 it wasn't like in the bedroom. It's like calling your sister. No, it hasn't happened. God, that would be fucking weird. That's what I was hoping it wasn't like in the bedroom and it's like calling your sister. No, it hasn't happened. God, that would be fucking weird. That's what I was saying. Have you ever called the wrong girl's name out when you're with a girl? No, I've never done that one.
Starting point is 03:25:14 But the other day, I think you were talking about something on the show where you're like kind of getting into it. And I could see it happening. But the only way you would ever do that is if you had someone else on your mind. And I've never had that happen. No, I don't think so. The one time it's happened to me, I didn't even have the other person on my mind. Just the wrong name came out. Okay, I'm proven wrong.
Starting point is 03:25:39 Hey, but I will tell you this. I've thought about someone else while I'm with someone. So let's say I'm boning you, Hiller, but I'm thinking of Pedro. I'll say your name on purpose out loud to push out Pedro's name. So, Hiller, if we're ever having sex and I'm like, oh, Andrew, know that I'm actually thinking about Pedro. And that's my way of just getting some clarity on it. I really hope Haley doesn't listen to this.
Starting point is 03:26:10 I know what you mean when you say my name. I don't ever say your name. I don't either. I don't think I talk very much. What I, but it's even crazier. It's like, it's even crazier. Like when you're done or, or like when you're having sex,
Starting point is 03:26:26 it'll come out of your mouth or you'll be having sex. And you're like, is it Wednesday? Did I take the trash out? You know what I mean? No, dude, you're people are wild. I never know. I'm in my own freaking world. The trash is the most distant thought of.
Starting point is 03:26:45 I'll be having sex. I'm like, is the brisket okay? Has it been in the slow cooker too long? You cook brisket? Haley does. As you're with Haley. Are you burning the brisket? Here you go.
Starting point is 03:27:01 I just call my wife a different name every day so that I'll never get caught. Yeah, that's the kind of shit. That's what I mean. Like some proactive shit. I think the first time I was ever exposed to 3D chess had to do with the Liver King and the More Plates, More Dates video. And this brings me to that thought. That's a 3D chess move.
Starting point is 03:27:23 What's the Liver King, No Plates, no plates no dates what was that one because he got caught by derrick the guy who runs that channel because he had emailed him way before anyone knew who he was and everyone's thinking oh the liver king did this on purpose he intended to get caught because it would blow him up and all he had to do and he gets so much correspondence All he had to do is search his DMs Right Right In hindsight you know that that wasn't true But at the time people were saying that it was a 3D chess move
Starting point is 03:27:52 The same way where you could just always call your chick And buy a different name So you never get caught Yeah Just a pro act It's like buying insurance Right Buying insurance
Starting point is 03:28:04 I did once defend the liver king i twice defended him no i don't think defend is the word um bring brought clarity to the subject i would say i pretty heavily defended him oh all right, well, I can pretty heavily backpedal too. I think I, I think I must backpedal a little bit because I watched a video the other day and it's been, it's, it's ridiculous to watch what's become of the liver King. He put up this video where he's bringing people to the ranch now and he's having them do different variations of, what the hell is it called?
Starting point is 03:28:50 The barbarian, that workout where he pulls the sled with the kettlebells. And I'm watching him do this, and I go, Alexis, I don't think that this guy's ever done this, that this version of the barbarian, I bet he doesn't finish. Because he's having this guy pull a sled a mile through sand and and has the liver king ever done it himself i'm saying i don't i don't i i would bet that he's never done it oh because he says he does it right he says he does it every week he does the barbarian every week so he had this guy do the super barbarian so the sled's heavier the the pack is heavier the ankle weights are on the kettlebells
Starting point is 03:29:22 are in hand and you're not pulling it on concrete you're pulling it through the sand in 113 degree weather and i go the fucking liver king has never done this workout hey do you has anyone ever looked like the liver king who's natural ever ever no never when you watch this video you'll know why i say that okay you also know that he's not just on trt either right i mean now he now he has started to look weird now now he looks weird now he's got like some you can see his maybe it's because he just said it but all the i'm assuming all the bodybuilders all the dudes who are that jacked are all have some sort of weird body crazy body issues like something's had the sam sulik guy seems so cool he does he seems so cool but is
Starting point is 03:30:07 he gonna kill himself like why dude everybody like that is going to kill themselves they are i hope they know that they're literally doing it what's his head doing his head is his head is doing something i don't know what you mean by his head is doing something that's not a human head on poor sam sulik look at his head well i'm one step's not a human head on poor Sam Sulik. Look at his head. Well, I'm one step ahead of you with something really quick. I want to put a cap on this. So, he's been doing this primal rating thing,
Starting point is 03:30:35 which I think is decently cool. But see where this guy is pulling this sled through? It's just grass. No, this is Jesse James West. Look where he's pulling this thing. Up a hill, hill through grass through sand didn't that guy already go there once before jesse yeah that's why he's doing the super barbarian so look at him yeah he looks insane right yeah i hope they do like a side cut of it His legs, his legs are so veiny
Starting point is 03:31:05 And what are these lines Coming down off his eyes Like he has scars like a Clint Eastwood movie scars Like his cheekbones, what is that thing That's manifesting I would say that's probably From all the androgen use It ages the shit out of you
Starting point is 03:31:20 Like when you take a bunch Of crap you start to look real old You can see people like chris bumstead can't can't sam sulik sorry i just pushed you no no you're good you're good and can't so hit now sam sulik's head looks like um uh um schwarzenegger's head look at his jaw and how his eyes are getting further and further apart. I don't know what he used to look like before, but this doesn't look normal. His head.
Starting point is 03:31:50 If you could snap your fingers and look like that, would you choose yes? No. Because I saw him trying to take off his shirt and I would never want that. He does that in every video. And I never want it to have to do that hey i make sure every morning that i can wash my butt with both hands
Starting point is 03:32:16 what do you mean meaning like some people can't wash their butt with both hands. Like they don't have that mobility. Hey, dude, I'm so happy that we're watching Sam Sulik right now. Because I've been watching his videos. Yeah. And let me know when you're... Go ahead. I watched just one of his videos and I thought he was cool as shit.
Starting point is 03:32:43 So on that bar bar it looks like 365 but it's probably 350 because of the the smith machine so it makes the bar a little lighter but this dude just goes to failure on every think so it's a lot dude it's a big question to ask if you could snap your fingers and go from well here's the thing i i ask that to people who are out of shape when they start hating on people who are super jacked like sulik does i ask you hey if you could snap your fingers would you choose to look like that and they always say yes i mean why are you making fun of him you and i hung out with a professional bodybuilder very very successful and i and i had another meeting with the guy after a few months later after you and i hung out with him yeah he said his fucking mobility sucks he said basically
Starting point is 03:33:41 being a bodybuilder he was an athlete and he's no longer an athlete are you purposefully avoiding the name yeah yeah look at this here you go oh that wasn't bad that was better than the last way i saw him take off his shirt the other time he had to like do some like flicks and shit uh-huh the thing about him is oh my god it hits dude yeah this is his chest and side belts day so he probably as you would say he has a sick chest pump he had a really bad acne at one point too really bad so and i think he looks pretty good for how bad his acne was it was the worst i've seen so i'll alexa walk in and i'll just be watching this dude flex on the big screen tv look at my pro strongman teammates could barely hold a phone to theirs yeah
Starting point is 03:34:32 i've seen that shit too yeah yeah that's crazy they're just like out here like when my elbow is jacked up i couldn't if If you were to take a handful of pistachios and throw them in your mouth, I couldn't do it. That movement, I couldn't get this part of my hand in my mouth, and that was pretty annoying. Does he talk about what he's doing? What's he doing? As far as bodybuilding?
Starting point is 03:35:01 I work out to make sure that I stay strong and that i have good and that i stay healthy so that i can like a party with my kids what's he doing his main goal is to get as many or he gained as much muscle as possible from what i understand okay so he just wants to put on shit loads and so he's gonna get even bigger yeah that's his goal he doesn't talk about what he uses steroid wise oh he doesn't uh-uh how come um i don't know maybe for the same phenomena that like the rock doesn't talk about it it's not in denial right i don't think he he's never been on one of these where he'd have the opportunity to be asked. And remember one time, I think I told you,
Starting point is 03:35:45 I think the biggest thing, the liver king fucked up was that he did all these podcasts where he got put in the position where people asked if he was using steroids. Oh, because the biggest thing they got him fucked up when Derek started talking about him was that he had all these bits where he was asked. Right. And he said, no bits where he was asked. And he said no.
Starting point is 03:36:07 I would assume this guy just doesn't care. That's the vibe I get from him. So he's not denying it. He's just not addressing it. Check out his acne here. Oh my god. See? Wow.
Starting point is 03:36:25 And he's way smaller here too, right? I can't tell. You can't? No. Yeah, but his acne is bad. How do you get rid of that? Oh yeah, his arms look smaller. How do you get rid of that?
Starting point is 03:36:45 Accutane. You know what Accutane is? Yeah, that doesn't, I was hoping you were going to say, stop eating cock or something. Stop spraying semen on something. It's pretty impressive how much his acne has gone down.
Starting point is 03:37:03 All right. Thanks for coming on. Thanks for having me on. Great show. I got really cold in here. It's weird. What's the temperature in California right now? I played tennis with some friends today.
Starting point is 03:37:16 You are playing tennis? Well, no. I was going to take my kids to beat up on their kids or vice versa, and they didn't call me. So now I'm going to the beach. Fuck it. So you're not playing tennis? No. Well, maybe I'll play tonight, but not now.
Starting point is 03:37:33 What's the temperature there? I don't know. Sun's out. 68? Did you get your sauna yet? No. I forgot about it. That's why I reminded you. Maybe Sousa will get me one for free. You think you can swing that?
Starting point is 03:37:52 Sousa's got that kind of power? Fuck yeah. That'd be cool. Okay. You know what you should do? You should reach out to the people. No, no, no, Hiller. No.
Starting point is 03:38:04 All right, bye. Back to you later. Later, everyone. Bye-bye.

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