The Sevan Podcast - Jelle Hoste - Europes New Hope - Live Call In

Episode Date: July 5, 2024 FITAID, 40% Off: My Tooth Powder "Matoothian"...: 3 Playing Brothers, Kids Video Programming: ------------------------- Partners: & - CODE "SEVAN" FOR FREE CONSULTATION - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - OUR SHIRTS - OUR WEBSITE PROVIDER ------------------------- ------------------------- BIRTHFIT PROGRAMS: Prenatal (20% off with code SEVAN1) - Postpartum (20% off with code SEVAN2) - ------------------------- Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 it's a sad bomb podcast show everybody's welcome peace and love it's a sad bomb podcast show bam we're live bam we're live i'm gonna make it my uh new year's resolution 2025 to be able to sing along with that complex verse jeffrey what's up good morning augustus what's up Jeffrey, what's up? Good morning. Augustus, what's up? Chris, what's up? Vittorio, Vittorio. Como esta? Did someone say donuts?
Starting point is 00:00:32 Judy, what's up? Last night, I was... Uh-oh. Uh-oh. Oh, Nelly. Oh, Nelly. Oh, Nelly. Oh, I thought for a second yellow wasn't coming. Is that how you say his name? Yellow? Yellow? We'll find out here in a minute. and forth i think i i think i uh i had been texting him asking him what time zone he is mr hosta and uh he said um i forget what he said c-e-s-t or c-s-e-t so then i looked it up and uh i said so it looks like 7 a.m for me is 4 p.m for you and then he wrote back like this is this these
Starting point is 00:01:20 text messages started like at 10 o'clock at night. And then finally, at 1130, I got a text from him saying, so do you want to do it tomorrow? And of course I wanted to, but I didn't want to pressure him with such short notice. Oh, shit, there's Beaver. Good morning. Hi. Look at, I have show notes. Holy shit.
Starting point is 00:01:42 It's been a minute. Good to see you, dude. Good to see you. Yeah, so texting with um uh yellow last night late and then finally and then finally i checked my phone like two minutes before i climbed into bed and he's like let's do it i was like fucking a that's dope oh shit you're right i like him a lot oh Oh, there he is. It's cool, huh? Hello.
Starting point is 00:02:07 You likeable dude. What's up, Mr. Likeable? Hi. Hi. How did you sleep? Not good. You know, my dog threw up at 5 a.m. again. I'm good.
Starting point is 00:02:22 I have a huge dog, Ye it's like probably like a hundred and thirty pound dog it's a South African mastiff it's a bauble and it's a fruit season here in California so he keeps going in the yard and eating fruit so at 5 a.m. he came over and poked me with his nose in my bed like hey I got to go outside and I took her outside and she just threw up for 20 minutes. 130 pounds. Wow. Yeah. She's almost as big as you.
Starting point is 00:02:49 That's what I'm going to say. She can eat you probably. And she has the same hair color as you. That's nice. What is your hair doing right now? Surviving. It looks perfect. Did you put gel in it for the show?
Starting point is 00:03:09 Yeah, that's why I'm two minutes late. Perfect cloth, and we're good. A little bit of Hawk Tua. Hey, do they have the Hawk Tua girl in Europe? Oh, man. My Instagram is spammed with it. Oh good, oh good. Welcome to American culture.
Starting point is 00:03:29 I cannot believe how easy it is to get attention in America. Damn. I'm working my ass off all day to show what I'm capable of the games. And she just made herself famous in two seconds.
Starting point is 00:03:49 Yeah. Got drunk in Nashville. Somebody put a mic in her face. That's all it takes. You know what I like about the story? I haven't done much research. Yel, am I pronouncing your name right? How does your mom say your name?
Starting point is 00:04:03 Yel. Yeah. Yel. Pretty good. pronouncing your name right how does your mom say your name yeah yeah um what i like is is that if i heard correctly is that she had erased her social media that she wasn't even on social media i don't i don't really looked into the story either sorry and then and then all of a sudden then just take my faxes uh the gospel please uh. So she erases her social media, and then she's out with some friends, and she delivers the line of lines. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:35 Then she got back on social media. The international sound for foreplay that no one's ever even talked about. for foreplay that no one's ever even talked about um yellow i'm dying to know the story of how you were um slid in out of nowhere from across the great atlantic ocean and were able to take a thousand dollars from the show by the way were you ever paid did we ever get you the money yeah i got it wow holy shit wow we never on paying anyone. I don't know how you did that. I keep stalking people till they deliver. Can you tell me about what happened? Like how it popped on your radar, what you were doing? Can you tell me the story of like, and the next thing you know, you just made $1,000 in five minutes?
Starting point is 00:05:28 I was aware of the show. I think it's very entertaining and I tune in sometimes. Yeah, but it never really fit my schedule because it was around six in the afternoon, which is basically my last training day on Saturday or something. But then, I don't know how, but it got rescheduled to another day, apparently. I don't know, was it Thursday or something? And we were at the training camp. A friend, Michiel, texted me the workout and he said, you can easily beat this.
Starting point is 00:06:13 And then we were there with Jonne and Victor, like cooling down on the bike. We just finished the team workout. And then I thought, yeah, that one week was not really so hard. Either you can do legless rope climbs or not. And yeah, I tried to put Jonana into doing it and then victor and like no one was really wanting to put himself out there i'm sure they could all have beat that time oh easy easy easy ella easy easy buddy you're the only man in the world who could have possibly beat the great Taylor Self. Don't start saying your buddies could do it.
Starting point is 00:06:48 No, I'm pretty confident they could do it. They were just maybe a little bit concerned if they don't perform. And then what would have come from that? Boo-hoo. Exactly. I will tell you this. It was quite flattering to see you guys call in. It was very, very flattering.
Starting point is 00:07:11 Happelainen was there also, right? Yeah. Janne, Henrik, Victor. Yeah. That's a powerhouse group of amazing athletes to have those four guys all in one spot and then this guy mahal what made him think how does he know you do you
Starting point is 00:07:33 train with him how did he know you could beat it he knows me pretty well he's a younger athlete and he's a pretty similar to my type of an athlete. He's also taller and pretty heavy. Same weaknesses. And we know and then we train together. So he knows pretty well what I can and can't do. So yeah, he was basically at work. And was he watching the show? So he was watching the show.
Starting point is 00:08:04 And then you just happened to have your phone by you because you were training. What were the odds of you looking at your phone? Yeah, it was like very – I cannot find the words. Very – Spontaneous? Spontaneous, yeah. We were done.
Starting point is 00:08:22 We had the 10-minute cool down on the bike, and then I grabbed my phone after like two or three hours and i saw a message because first you post it you announce it and then the show starts and yeah it was basically posted 25 minutes ago and then we start chatting about it and then we just set up and i said to victor make sure you call in and I will do the workout and for him it was also like yeah his English is starting to get better but he's not super comfortable no it's not no it's not no it's not and then getting thrown into a bunch of five dudes talking shit about everybody. So I think it was very strong from him daring to do that
Starting point is 00:09:08 at such a young age. Victor's great. Hey, and you demolished the time. It was a short workout and you still beat it, I want to say, by like 40 seconds or something crazy, 20 or 40 seconds. I mean, you really killed it. Did you know, even before you
Starting point is 00:09:24 started, were you like, yeah it did you know even before you started were you like yeah did you do the numbers in your head yeah i knew what i had to keep on the bike in order to match his splits and yeah the legless rope climb you either can or you can do it and i'm comfortable in the movement so that's why i called in actually if it was like more – like the other weeks were very metabolically taxing, let's say. And I'm not sure if I had it in me at that point to really dig deep. And this was just like muscle fatigue and, yeah, kind of workouts. And, Yella, you nailed it because afterwards when I was talking on the phone with Taylor, he's like, fuck this.
Starting point is 00:10:09 He's like, I got to – if people are going to win the money, we're going to have to start hurting. I'm going to just start making workouts that make you want to just like – that scare people. You know what I mean? That make it – he's like, I'm going to go start going the metabolic route and just make these horrible. So you nailed it. You saw – okay. So you said you were in a 10-minute cool-down had you what had you done just before the 10 minute cool down yeah it was uh i can't remember the exact workouts but it was basically machines burpees
Starting point is 00:10:40 and toaster bar and it was like 40 minutes team workouts and yeah I could like the strategy was that I hammered the machines and Victor hammered the burpees like a little bit split like this but in the end we tried to chase Jonna and Henrik they were a bit better on the machines which meant I had to suffer more on the burpees. And I was in a dark place, so I was happy that I could still pull it off. So it was literally a 40-minute just complete shit show of just going really hard, like you said, to a dark place, burpees and machines. And then just a 10-minute cool down on on the bike and then you jumped into that workout yeah in the end there was like more 30 to 40 minutes between it but it was uh yeah we were 10 minutes done when i saw the workouts and then i think we did an all-way show something
Starting point is 00:11:40 like this were you done with yellow were you done with your training for the day yeah so you would emotionally come down too not only physically you were at the end of a long tiring day but you were also like okay i can just chill you you brought your whole nervous system down yeah but me and victor we just lost the workout so we were emotionally still processing. So, man, how fun. And so you see the workout and you think, okay, I can beat this time. You felt very confident? Yeah, like fresh for sure. I was not sure how my body would react after three days of training camp and that workout, but these are maybe all excuses. to put himself on the line like that because you did say also that that you know you implied that
Starting point is 00:12:45 yeah like maybe the other guys didn't want to go because they didn't want to go into a public forum and and put themselves on the line and expose themselves what do you think about what taylor goes through every week yeah like putting yourself out there week after week takes need to have big balls I think because it's always nice to be the hero but if you fuck up everybody will see and you guys are there to
Starting point is 00:13:13 of course make it bigger than it is probably so yeah I and no one can win every workout I mean it's inevitable right there's going to be a lot of losses. Yeah, true. I'm happy that I picked my battle wisely. And yeah, it was just a nice time. Everything came together. And but now closer to the games, I will probably let the challenges a bit aside and stay to the actual plan. Why do you think that that workout like affected your training in any positive or negative way doing that? No that week was perfectly fine it was a more flexible week more focusing on like
Starting point is 00:14:02 weightlifting technique and the crossfit pieces we added in were pretty flexible in how we felt. So that week it was okay, but the weeks now are pretty, let's say, borderline. If you do a little bit too much, it can easily become overtraining. So now we're keeping more eye on volume and what i'm actually doing so junk things i can avoid it for now are rope climbs something that when you see rope climbs do you feel in a workout like if you were at the games and you saw rope climbs do you is that a piece that you're like okay got it like it's it's one that you feel very, very good about. Yeah, I like it, especially legless because it's just the pulling capacity.
Starting point is 00:14:52 Maybe a little bit less normal rope climbs because the rope, when it's windy and it's short, but just legless, yeah, I know exactly what I can do. Would you say it's a favorite of yours? Yeah, probably. This week it's $2,000. Yeah, you say it's never the intent to pay, but if you keep going up $500 every week,
Starting point is 00:15:23 eventually you'll have to pay it, I guess. Yeah. And so will you look this week? That's double what you won. Will you at least look? Will you at least be like, okay, I told him I wouldn't, but I see rope climbs again. Yeah, I will look. I think Lazar was chirping a bit in a chat
Starting point is 00:15:39 last week, and I was waiting for him to call in, but I think he had the same feeling as me. He's just... Exactly. He was probably watching so I'm curious. I have to tell you it was really
Starting point is 00:15:55 cool and validating for the show as much as we were making fun of you guys. Everyone has the utmost respect for you four. Henrik, Victor, yourself and and of course, Janikowski. What a cool thing for the show to see all of you guys on the shot. I mean, I know the fans really, really loved it.
Starting point is 00:16:13 That was cool. Thank you. Thank you. Yeah, it was a very nice moment. Did Andre Houdet is your coach? Yeah, exactly. Did he say anything to you? Did you check in with him before you do it? I didn't check in with him before.
Starting point is 00:16:35 I was not really worried, but I was thinking, what would he think about this? Yeah. But yeah, he saw it and he had a very good time he watched it with his wife and his mother-in-law and they oh no she can't watch the show the mother-in-law can't watch the show yeah she she had a good love and uh yeah he thought he thought it was a good timing as well. It was a good idea. Like putting myself out there, it takes balls to do it. And I brought it home, so he was happy.
Starting point is 00:17:16 And so he didn't slap your wrist. You didn't get any. He wasn't like, hey, Jelle, don't do that. That's fucking up your training. You didn't get any feedback like that. No. No. Maybe if I would do it like this week it would be different but uh that was a good call at that moment two thousand dollars yellow two thousand
Starting point is 00:17:33 that's a few steak dinners in texas for you and your wife yeah true good stay Yeah, true. Good steak. I hope sticking to the plan. And you like your steak. And you love your steak. You could probably buy half a cow and a freezer. That's meat for six months for you, Jelle. True, true, yeah. I'm waiting for other games at least to call in.
Starting point is 00:18:04 You've been with your wife now for 11 years. Yeah, you did your research. 11 years and 14 weeks. This becomes creepy. What does she say? So you're reinventing yourself. She's watching you reinvent yourself. She's obviously seen, you know, you've been with someone that long.
Starting point is 00:18:27 And so she knew you as someone who was obsessed with judo and then and then and then start your life and your career in I.T. And then now reinvent yourself again as a games athlete. Does she ever give you feedback on that um does she enjoy watching you continuously to reinvent yourself i i don't think i really reinvent myself like the person i am is the same that she got to know um 11 years ago 11 years and 14 weeks 11 years and 14 weeks. Yeah. You don't make me look good here. You know it better than me.
Starting point is 00:19:11 So it's not reinventing yourself. And what do you think it is, is the common thread that is you? You're saying you're not reinventing yourself. This is just who I am. And who is that? What is that? Yeah, I just like to do challenges hard stuff like putting goals and working towards it and the crazier they are the more
Starting point is 00:19:36 appealing to me and if that's in sports or in business or whatever I think I attack it with the same mindset and that didn't change obviously the sport changed but um how i do it is and how i talk about it or live with it is exactly the same as 11 years and 40 weeks ago is is there is there any piece um sometimes sometimes and i'm projecting onto the athletes but sometimes I think athletes maybe are putting their life on hold because of their commitment to CrossFit. It's probably not a good way for me to think about it because of the massive time commitment, right? And it's all-consuming, especially at the level that you're doing it, top 10 in the world. Does any part of you – is there any tug like that?
Starting point is 00:20:26 Like, hey, I should really be doing my IT job and climbing the ranks there instead of doing this? Or do you not compartmentalize your life like that? Is it more like, hey, this is just my life. I do what I do. No, I'm really focusing into CrossFit because I feel there's just a limited time span you can do it. And you can always climb the ranks in IT or other businesses.
Starting point is 00:20:54 But to be on your peak in a certain sport, I think the moment is now for me and not in 10 years. And after that, I can probably do whatever. How old are you yellow i turned 29 last week happy birthday thank you and yellow what about um why didn't um triathlons or high rocks or things like you know other modalities of high level of training why didn't those catch your eye why didn't you go that way like i could see you someone with your personality being like okay i'm gonna i want to go to the iron man i was um like into running before but for me the challenge was very quickly gone it's like a very repetitive always the same like years of hard work just to improve like seconds minutes so the the fun part was
Starting point is 00:21:58 quickly gone there and in CrossFit I keep getting new challenges and i like to learn i like to learn new things and yeah it just makes it really fun and i enjoy the process of learning new things learning new techniques exploring yeah that's basically why so so strictly out of enjoyment it was you were like okay i'm you were running you're like this is getting old um and the the in the i guess if there was two lines there's a commitment line and a fun line and they have to have some sort of uh balance and so the commitment started surpassing the fun and then crossfit popped on your radar and you're like okay and so this this commitment and this hard work and the fun are are growing in in parallel yeah i didn't go from running to um to crossfit i had a judo career in between and i was running before you were running before judo Judo? Yeah, but the running was maybe only like three to four years.
Starting point is 00:23:08 I combined it a bit and then I wanted to get more serious about judo. So then I dropped running and I dropped soccer. So that was then the sport that I did like serious for 14 years and it was basically also did you get your black belt Jelle? yeah but in judo black belts are like
Starting point is 00:23:36 it's just you have to study you have to pass an exam but like in competition it doesn't mean too much the belts like you can still be black belt and in competition okay so kind of like taekwondo there's just if you put in the time you'll get the black belt as opposed to maybe jujitsu it's more like hey at some point you're gonna have to fight someone that's a very good explanation indeed what about the difference between these two sports
Starting point is 00:24:09 in judo there's always someone trying to stop you and in crossfit there's never anyone trying to stop you do you think about that is it a different mindset yeah of course in crossfit you're just in your own lane and you can basically do your race and not caring about anybody even when you want to raise somebody maybe you're
Starting point is 00:24:34 physically limited so you cannot really erase them but in judo it really matters what you do if you to determine if you win or not and yeah it's complete different sports like in judo you also want to study techniques of your opponents to adapt your training to it like in crossfit you can just do your thing and be fine so yeah that's also why I thought judo was fun because it never stops. It's never the same. You can keep growing, keep practicing new techniques, keep improving your game. It's very fun. You're never done with it as well.
Starting point is 00:25:18 Yellow, what about the anxiety at the starting line? You're at a judo competition. You're standing on either side of the judge the judge calls you out onto the mat and then uh versus and then there he is that's the dude in like five seconds you and him are gonna fucking fight as opposed to you're on on the starting line is there a difference also in the anxiety yeah of course especially when you most of the times i don't i don't think a lot of people realize it at the level you're at it's fighting there's some rules you can't bite the guy you can't kick him in the balls but but people are trying to hurt people out there that it's like
Starting point is 00:26:00 hey fuck this i gotta fight this fucking guy yeah it's not really hurting like if you lose it's in a respectful way you just you're feeling your feelings are mostly more hurt than your body because you when a judo throw like works out pretty well you're just surprised and flat on your back and it's over it's not like an mma that you hit each other until you you'll kill like judo is a very respectful and elegant sport but it's it's very tough it's very tough um and what can you could you describe the difference in anxiety does the starting line at crossfit seem easy compared to uh the seconds before when you get called out onto the mat yeah like in crossfit it's three to one and if you miss your start you can slowly get into your own race and
Starting point is 00:26:52 it doesn't matter and like in judo if you miss your start and your opponent starts putting his hand on your judogi and throwing you around you better follow his pace or it means the end for you you're around you better follow his pace or it means the end for you so it's uh that's not me i know i just wanted to show judo throw hey uh what what is that glover no and alex oh i don't think it's glover but do you watch the ufc yellow uh not too much when i see a clip on instagram i will check it and i enjoy it but i will not i don't have a ufc pass to watch all the fights by example um do you do you think judo is critical to like anyone who wants to be an mma do you think it's like just vital like hey you better have some judo i think it's for sure vital? Like, hey, you better have some judo. I think it's for sure an advantage.
Starting point is 00:27:47 But what I realized is that you're very limited to moves with the judo. So I think maybe like grappling or like wrestling might transfer a bit better to MMA. But judo, yeah. It's a good base to have, but you will have to learn very new techniques to get a grip on slippery, sweaty men. Do you know about Kayla Harrison, the woman who is the two-time gold medalist?
Starting point is 00:28:25 And then she switched to MMA, and she's having a great time. But you're right. But she's using her judo to throw people down. And everyone's trying to stay away from her because they know as soon as she grabs you, you're going to the ground. Yeah, exactly. I also did a short period of time BGG and then a small super fight against the BGG guy. If they know you do judo, they just throw them on their back with their legs up.
Starting point is 00:28:57 They don't want to get close to you. Exactly. Is judo similar to Russian Sambo? Are they related? I think Sambo is without the pants, just the judoki. It's a bit, I'm not sure exactly. They probably have similar techniques with the gi, but I don't know their rules. I think it's also in a square, in a circle and not in a square in a circle not in the square because the sambo guys everyone wants to stay away from the sambo guys too the sambo champions they seem to just throw you on the ground too and get on top of you and what what we saw in belgium
Starting point is 00:29:38 and netherlands and like it's like when they are not really really at the top of judo, they get into sambo and they destroy world-level sambo guys. So to get at the top in judo is very hard, very challenging. As you get better and better at CrossFit, was there a point where it clicked? Was there a point where it clicked? I'm assuming you did CrossFit for fun, and then at some point you were like, okay, I want to compete at the highest level. Do you remember that moment, or is that not how it happened?
Starting point is 00:30:18 I didn't get into CrossFit with ID. I have to get to the CrossFit Games. It just became very gradually, like signing up for a competition getting better like local competitions then going to another country to do competitions and podium there and then yeah gradually like just moving the goals until the point that I had the feeling that I had to push for semifinals and then obviously the games. Was there a moment that you remember, like someone you looked over at the podium and you're like, oh shit, I beat that guy. It's on now. It's on. I'm not completely... I know Madrid. It was a Madrid championship.
Starting point is 00:31:04 I don't know the exact year, probably 21. Yeah, probably 21 because in the corona shutdown I just kept training, because I love training, like twice a day and I had no competitions for like over a year and then I signed up for Madrid Championship because there was a bunch of friends going and it was like first hard international competition and there was Roman Kranikov, Georges Kharavis, Zach George, like proper games athletes and then first event I beat Roman in the run then I was like wow I'm able to be games athletes and then I podium there and then I had the feeling like maybe I can do something here then I just try to push for semifinals, fucked up the submission window, and then I had to train one more year in the darkness. What happened? You sent your video in late or something?
Starting point is 00:32:16 Yeah. Long story short, yes. And you would have gone to the games? And you would have gone to the games? No, it was quarterfinals. I was trying to get into semifinals for a couple of years. And then after Madrid, I thought, okay, this might be the year. And if I have all my scores put into the leaderboard myself, I would have made it there the first time to semifinals. leaderboard myself i would have made it there the first time to semi-finals but uh yeah had to sit that one out because my score didn't get in into time get in in time so uh yeah and then 2023 was
Starting point is 00:32:58 last year and then i got into semis and directly to the games which was quite nice to have the confirmation that what i'm doing works yeah hey um when when you uh when you step when you take a hiatus you're on a sabbatical from your job right you're now training you're now full-time yeah indeed since this year and um is that a hard decision to make or is it does do you do you ask yourself can i do this and then once you decide yes you can you do it or it's like hey i'm gonna do this i'm just gonna have to figure it out like is it a hard decision it's a very hard decision because I love my job. It's financial security. I have a house to pay. I have a wife.
Starting point is 00:33:51 You have a new house? Not a new house, but... Remodeled? We live here for seven years, so I want to continue to pay the bills and everything. So, yeah, it's a different earning model with CrossFit and sponsors and these kind of things but uh I had some plan a b c and yep that's my home gym and so and so when you say it was a hard decision, does it take weeks to make the decision? Yeah, it was a couple of weeks. We had an off-season camp at Andre's place, no shortcuts.
Starting point is 00:34:37 And there we had to evaluate a bit on the last season and how we will do better next season and realization was just that I was lacking time and in order to have more time was basically just cutting down hours at the job and there the seat was planted and I was thinking how I could do it and making the calculations how to make it financially work because if I just go to my dad by example and I say hey I will quit my job he will say no no he will stay working what this is not an option so I have to make a clear plan and then explain them how i work with my job and then yeah yeah it was very supportive like my family my wife they were very supportive towards the decision yellow when's the last time you had a gi on when's the last time you went out and did some judo and rolled around um during Corona was probably the last time like 2020
Starting point is 00:35:47 and what do you think about I'm guessing you're significantly stronger now than you were then yeah exactly do you think it would transfer do you think you'd be better at Judo now yeah I wish I knew a little bit more of the methodology back then
Starting point is 00:36:07 because I'm sure the intensities we train at and the duration is exactly the same. It's very similar. So I was more doing strength work and bodybuilding style strength work to get stronger but like crossfit would have been much better for my judo shape let's say um did it transfer your conditioning from judo to crossfit did it transfer well or was there were you like oh no there's a lot of work to do yeah like conditioning wise metabolically I think I was pretty fit already going into CrossFit the only big limitation I felt was like overhead mobility because in judo
Starting point is 00:36:56 you just yeah you move in this area and if you like extend your arm in this position in judo And if you extend your arm in this position in judo, yeah, it's not good. It means that you're losing. So doing a snatch was very challenging for me. Everything overhead, overhead walking lunges. So I had to work three, four, five years every day very hard on mobility just to get more comfortable and more efficient in all the movements but yeah just getting into crossfit and gave me a
Starting point is 00:37:34 wall ball rowing and running workouts i would probably do like very good um it is it is amazing how well you're doing the competition is fierce right I mean you're competing against guys who have been doing this for a long time and who have dedicated a huge chunk of their life to it and then for you to come in your rookie year and take 10th place is pretty wild how much better are you this year than you were last year
Starting point is 00:38:03 are you significantly better I feel a lot better yeah i it obviously has to translate in results as well but feeling wise i feel much better like i just have only one task and that's getting fit getting fitter it's like it feels like my job now, my only responsibility. And like also semifinals this year was like the first ever competition I went in without niggles or pain or it almost felt awkward
Starting point is 00:38:37 or like, am I doing something wrong? And am I not training or pushing enough? But yeah, just feels good that you can dial in everything like all the sleep all the proper foods like time your workouts at the good moment in the day and it makes a big difference you had a seventh to sixth a first a second a 16th and a sixth. Is that event five? Is that 16th the snatch workout? Yeah. And did you do that?
Starting point is 00:39:10 And you got a 736. Did you do that in training? Had you tried that before? I didn't do the full workout in training. I did some intervals, but I missed the barbell as well. So i might have been able to do it a little bit faster but i was uh yeah taking a chance to get some people behind behind me and then that chance failed but it was a calculated risk it wouldn't put me out of like games tickets or out of the podium it just yeah if it worked out i would have probably beaten lazar in the end so when you went into
Starting point is 00:39:54 that event were you in first place after the fourth event i'm not sure if i was first or tied first, but maybe I was already first there, or still first. And then, unless maybe it was Henrik. Hey, what about Uldis? Wasn't that a trip? I felt very bad for him. Like having two event wins and not making it.
Starting point is 00:40:22 Yeah, that's wild. Did you, I don't know if you have time to even think about your other competitors, but after he got those two firsts, in your head, are you thinking, okay, that's one spot gone, he's going? Oh, no. I mostly focus on myself
Starting point is 00:40:38 and the things I can do. It's good for him that he had two event wins, but I can only focus and I have only to focus on myself. It's not judo, it's good for him that he had two event wins, but I can only focus, and I have only to focus on myself. It's not judo, it's CrossFit. What was the difference in prize money between first and second? I think $3,000. $3,000.
Starting point is 00:40:58 And you went there to win that? Like when you go to semifinals, are you okay this is i'm gonna win this the third goal was to punch my second ticket that was like the main goal and because i had no clue where i would stack up against the guys and it's a very tough field and i have been training six months very differently than the year before. But after the first day and the second day, I felt very good. And I felt like first place was possible. But, yeah, it came just a bit short. How is the difference?
Starting point is 00:41:39 Why is there a difference? Not why. How is the training different this year than last year? You're saying it was a very different training um like training itself was not very different but like schedule wise it's very different like no i have at least nine to ten hours bedtime where before it was maximum eight and mostly seven sometimes six and now the workouts are like the proper timing in the morning finished by six in the evening where before i was sometimes finished at 9 30 10 in the evening and then you go to bed very rushed because you want
Starting point is 00:42:25 to have 8 hours of sleep but you're still like processing things and full of pre-workout and caffeine so it doesn't work too much Are you excited every day to train? Are you still in the
Starting point is 00:42:44 honeymoon phase? are you pretty pumped up do you wake up and you're like fuck yeah let's get it i'm stoked i can't believe this is my life this is so fun i'm not uh i rely more on my routines and my habits than i rely on motivation let's say this ring i love to train not that i am excited for it every day because it's a lot but yeah i love the process i like i like how can i say it like my wife definitely feels a difference when i'm working out and not working out like because i have done a lot of energy and i think she prefers when i just work out and not working out. Because I have done a lot of energy and things you prefer when I just work out and be chill. I need it.
Starting point is 00:43:32 Yellow, now that you're in full, have you missed anything because of your training? Like you didn't go to a wedding, you didn't go to a birthday party. Are there things that you're just like, hey, yeah, I i can't come out of my lane i have to you i have to stay focused yeah i miss out and i cancel a lot of things and if it's past 9 p.m it's no go for me if i have to reschedule my training or if i can't do meal preps then it's no go it's it either fits my schedule or doesn't and i cancel the marriage of my cousin um i yeah things like this or i just went to see them like at the what do you say like the yeah the first part of the party oh right right but then that's that's nine i went home and got the time in bed you sent him a gift card from target or something at least
Starting point is 00:44:30 yeah of course of course and see that's all yeah it's the only thing that matters man your english is pretty good if you understood what he said a gift card from target i was like there's no way he's gonna understand that wow that's impressive i was trying to think i guess he could do like a gift card from aldi or something is all the european place you guys have all these yeah yeah it's a cheap shop yeah warehouse i don't even know ikea might be better you get an ikea gift card that's good Ikea is more furniture and things to decorate the house it's not where you get your fruit and vegetables
Starting point is 00:45:12 I'm just thinking of gift cards you could give what country are you in? Belgium you don't have Ikea in Belgium? yes we have oh okay okay
Starting point is 00:45:24 so your commitment is You don't have IKEA in Belgium? Yes, we have. Oh, okay, okay, okay. Jelle, so your commitment is thorough. You are in that place. You're uncompromising. You're in the phase of being uncompromising in order to achieve your goal. Yeah, and even more than ever because with all the things I do I think like I will not quit my job to just fuck around it's like either you do it
Starting point is 00:45:52 good or you don't do it that's I love that and when will you go to Texas end of July 29th so we're there big week and a half prior what's the hottest day in belgium so far this year the weather in belgium is pretty shitty right now like the hottest we had is 24 degrees. I don't know in Fahrenheit,
Starting point is 00:46:26 but it's not hot. 75 degrees Fahrenheit. It's like a regular day. Jelle, you're fucked. Jelle, it's really hot there. Yeah, I'm aware of it.
Starting point is 00:46:41 No worries. 75. 75. That's beautiful. Yeah, that's perfect. Yeah, but that was the best day. Today it's 19 degrees, 18, and very cloudy, so I was freezing in the
Starting point is 00:47:00 outdoor pool today. I was the only one. No one went outside. It was too cold. Is a week and a half enough time for you to get acclimated to Texas, you think? I'm doing some heat protocols to
Starting point is 00:47:15 be ahead of the one week and a half. Because last year I didn't do it and it was not so hot. And I got surprised big time by exercising in the heat. So now I'm doing some hardcore heat protocols. You get in the sauna and crank it up to like 200 degrees or something like that? And do burpees in the sauna?
Starting point is 00:47:39 I, right after the games I was planning on what I could do better and I purchased customized sonar or like made to measure and I can basically put my bike in it. Oh nice. Oh my god. Yeah to do some active heat training
Starting point is 00:48:02 at the exact temperatures and this this shit is hard. It's crazy. Yeah, to do some active heat training at the exact temperatures. And this shit is hard. It's crazy. Yeah, dude, that sounds horrible, dude. That sounds horrible. Yeah, it is. But it's like train hard, fight easy. At least I hope it works out.
Starting point is 00:48:21 Hey, Jelle, when was the first time you went came to the united states when was your first time in the states i once went on a school trip at 2013 14 before i did crossfit just uh visiting some uh yeah things with school I already don't remember it's like Washington and New York but that was the second time in the States with the games last year and then you were at Rogue also
Starting point is 00:48:56 right? yeah that was the third time do you enjoy coming here or do you dread the trip? are you like oh fuck I don't want to go back over there I quite like it once I'm there but like fighting a jet lag is it's real it's texting yeah yeah will you stay this year after the games what are your plans do you plan since you made the trip out here will
Starting point is 00:49:22 you stay a couple weeks no straight home we did it last year and it was so like hard like you just did the hardest thing of your life and then we planned on doing a road trip and i was i was complete smashed so uh now we will just get home and yeah that is basically yeah get back get back your own bed get back to your own bed get back to your own life and uh and decompress exactly and then we get married two or three weeks after the games this year yeah oh cool congratulations that's awesome thank you after 11 years and 14 weeks it was about time yeah yeah yeah yeah there's plenty of time there's plenty i mean man think of think of that so you're 29 man you've been with her since you've been 18. that's crazy yeah we were together in high school high school yeah. Yeah. You're going to be a great
Starting point is 00:50:25 father. The key to being a good parent is having a great relationship with your wife. It's like it's the foundation. 11 years is great. Congratulations. You should be really proud of that, man. Finding a woman and I think finding a woman and staying with her is like a crowning
Starting point is 00:50:42 achievement of a man's life. Yeah. I can't believe I'm... But it took me 50 years to figure that out. and staying with her is like a crowning achievement of a man's life. Yeah, it is. I can't believe I'm – but it took me 50 years to figure that out. At least you figured it out now. When you finished the games last year and you take 10th place, are you high? Are you excited? Are you proud of yourself? Or are you disappointed?
Starting point is 00:51:09 I was just happy that it was done i it's that hard huh there's that piece too it's really hard yeah you know it you know it will be hard you know but you cannot imagine how really hard it is it's i was i was shocked like After the first day already, my quads were so sore of the bike ride into the 100-something wall balls. Then you think, how will I survive another three days on this? But I was just happy that it was over. Did you hear thoughts that you were surprised to hear in your own head? did you hear thoughts that you were surprised to hear in your own head? You know, because it is so hard. You're like, wow, I'm having some thoughts like,
Starting point is 00:51:51 I can't believe I'm here already in this spot in my head. No, not really. I didn't know where I would rank against the world. But in my head, because I know I'm the type of athlete that can probably potentially be good at the games and I also felt that all the the implements of the games I like a lot so in my hand in my head I was not really surprised to end up 10th place. I was, yeah, I was happy that it turned out this way because a lot of people probably came in with the same idea and then got cut. But yeah.
Starting point is 00:52:35 Are you talking about Jason Hopper? No, not specifically. Hey, are you prepping different mentally this year than last year? You'll hear some athletes tell themselves, hey, I remind myself it's a privilege to be out here. Or do you have some mantras or some sayings that you're like,
Starting point is 00:52:58 okay, day one, I'm going to use this. Day two, I'm going to use this. Do you have any mental strategies now that you know that the, that there's, it's so hard. No, like a lot of people ask me this question, but I just like every workout I do,
Starting point is 00:53:18 I will finish it no matter how hard it is. And like, if you do it like two times a day for 100 and so much trainings leading up to the games and you've been in that hard place so many times like you know it will show up and you know you know how to navigate these moments so just like i've been here i can do that i can do hard things yeah well uh you're very likable uh it's great to see you do well um i think everyone is a yellow fan man and uh i appreciate you coming on it's it's it's you're you are really a cool class act and um oh uh you know um we made that post with uh all the european
Starting point is 00:54:02 guys as porn stars surrounding Taylor. And then I think you reposted it and then you realized what it was because you're such a sheltered, wholesome man. You didn't realize. And then you had to pull it down, right? I don't exactly remember how it went. It was a famous meme in the united states many years ago and then and then but i i
Starting point is 00:54:30 guess it's not like the hawk two-way chick it didn't make it across uh the pond but did you post that and then someone's like hey dude do you know what that is and you're like oh no no no oh i just reposted it but then i realized probably 90% of the people that follow me will not know what it's about. Then I made another story with the link so they can see it. I thought maybe it was so inappropriate. You didn't realize what it was, and then you realized how inappropriate it was, and you were like, oh my goodness, this cannot be. No. These fucking Americans are dirt bad. I don't care too much about that. I like to keep it
Starting point is 00:55:09 a bit authentic and funny on Instagram. Alright, buddy. Hey, thank you. I look forward to seeing you in Texas. Congratulations. I think you've invigorated the whole CrossFit competition space. You have lots of people who are interested in what you're I think you've invigorated the whole CrossFit competition space.
Starting point is 00:55:26 You have lots of people who are interested in what you're doing, and you've definitely invigorated it over in Europe. So thanks for what you're doing, and I look forward to watching you compete, man. Thank you. Thanks for having me, and have a nice day. Yep, you too, brother. Thank you. Thanks, Yellow.
Starting point is 00:55:40 Bye. Bye. Thank you. Nothing not to like. He's cool, Yellow. Bye. Bye. Nothing not to like. He's cool, man. Nothing not to like. Oh, I didn't even make one head joke. Darn it.
Starting point is 00:55:57 I saw someone put... I saw this dude wrote the word jaw. I didn't get to make one joke about the size of his head. Damn it. Jolla? It's fucking Easterter island noggin man he's cool big time he's dope i wonder if his girl knows how lucky she is that's a cool dude gotta be right yeah that's the kind of guy that you're kind of like him that's the kind of guy that like a girl wants big guy safe to be around hard worker smart that's you caleb oh well thank you you're like uh um you live in nebraska yeah yeah you're nebraska's yellow hosta
Starting point is 00:56:39 that's very sweet of you is that what you call that a strong jawline yeah he's got that fucking i think that's an understatement got that crimson chin bitch i um i was talking to some family members yesterday about Joe Biden, and I feel so much better. They told me, hey, he just has a stuttering problem. It's not a big deal. I swear to God. I swear to God. You can't be serious.
Starting point is 00:57:22 I swear to God. No way. I swear to God. Oh, my God serious i swear to god no way i swear to god oh my god i swear to god stuttering problem oh i don't even know what to say to that i was talking to this other family member and they're like i'm like hey what do you think the two most important parts uh what do you think are the two most important things to have a country with a strong foundation okay and this acquaintance of mine was like i don't know and i'm like well uh i would propose that it's energy right and food sure once you have those under control like like those are the foundation that it's all good.
Starting point is 00:58:06 Like from there, you can start building your empire, right? And the person immediately went, well, what about climate change? It's like, oh, no. The same person who told me that Biden has just a stuttering problem. Oh, my God, dude. California's so crazy, dude. I found, sorry, let me just go back real quick. Dude, that's savage.
Starting point is 00:58:33 Hey, dude, being in a sauna burns my nostrils. I struggle in saunas with my nostrils. Yeah. My parents got one, and I actually really enjoy it. I enjoy it too. I enjoy being really hot i like i don't mind that feel i like that feeling where you like feel it like burning when you're when you're breathing like you do yeah it's like just like an internal warming of my body i like it a lot like since i've since i've been living in florida it's like the best feeling ever
Starting point is 00:59:03 because it just feels like you're in, you're living in a sauna, like you're sweating all the time, but you also have young to enjoy that. I can't believe you enjoy that already. Oh man. Yes. But my,
Starting point is 00:59:13 my, I like already have arthritis and a lot of my joints. Yeah. And so just like being in a really warm climate where I can, we're just, I'm just sweating or yeah. Like my blood's flowing all the time. It just feels so good.
Starting point is 00:59:27 Dude. It's, it's, it's like hot here now already in California. It's like, you know, 80 and, and I, and I still wear long Johns. Yeah. Every day. Just so I can be, so I can stay just hot. I just want to stay sweaty at all times. And I have no pain when I'm sweaty.
Starting point is 00:59:44 I have no pain when I'm sweaty. That's pain when i'm sweaty that's how yeah that's how i feel too like i came back i'm obviously back in nebraska right now but i was like wearing a hoodie for the past couple days and it was like 72 degrees but it was dry i just need to stay warm it's weird and you and you yeah i'll do that too put on and i always start no matter how even if it's 90 in my garage i'll start with a hoodie on yeah i want it to get so and i always drink a pint of water before like to where it's uncomfortable how much water i drink you drink water before you work out no usually i like i try to drink told me that uh he doesn't have dementia or alzheimer's he's just old and i don't understand what it's like to be old okay i'm like listen i couldn't even remember hollis malloy's name the other day like i've
Starting point is 01:00:43 known hollis for 15 years like like i like, what it's like not to remember shit. And you're, like, 30 years younger than that guy. Yeah, like, I get it. Come on, dude. But, dude. Get the fuck out of here. He just has a stuttering problem. Sevan's balls are rancid at all times.
Starting point is 01:01:03 I change my long johns in my underwear probably i'd say three times a day pretty it's pretty frequent it's a lot of laundry yeah i do i do i do a lot of laundry my god um let me let me uh Oh, my God. They use the 25th Amendment to hand over power to the vice president. Or if the president were to die, they transfer power to the vice president. But I guess the way it has to happen, and we could look into this more as the show goes on, but maybe have Dale back on. But I guess how it works is the cabinet has to get together. It has to be a certain number of people have to get together and then write them a letter and then basically be like hey we're transferring uh power i don't i don't know if i don't even know if the president has to be in compliance or not but this is what cnn says this was put up two hours ago but as the
Starting point is 01:02:14 president uh defiance has become as much a part of joe biden's psychology as delaware it's so weird how they paint it as defiance. Being retarded has become as much a part of Joe Biden's psychology as Delaware. I think that works too. And anyone who's offended by the word retarded, I'm using it perfectly correctly. Now is not the time to be offended. But as the president and his inner circle dig in following his disastrous debate performance last week, a growing number of Democrat leaders are saying they want him to step aside for the good of the party and the country so here's another thing i'm struggling with i can't tell if they want him to uh step down now as president or if they just want him to stop running uh but but i was thinking last night as i went to bed what if china were to attack taiwan and
Starting point is 01:03:01 they had to call uh biden at three in the be like, hey, what do you want to do? If you called me at 3 in the morning, I wouldn't know what to do. I'd like a handy. At 3 in the morning, I'm always full wood. Fully erect. Yeah, if I wake up at 3 in the morning, someone's getting it. Yeah. Democratic Rep. Lloyd Dodgett of Texas was the first to break ranks. I represent the heart of the congressional district once represented by Lyndon Johnson.
Starting point is 01:03:34 Under very different circumstances, he made the painful decision to withdraw. President Biden should do the same, Dodgett said in a statement on Tuesday. There's a large and increasing group of House Democrats concerned about the president's candidacy representing a broad swath of the caucus. Another House Democrat lawmaker told CNN on condition of anonymity to speak candidly. We are deeply concerned about his trajectory and his ability to win. We want to give him space to make a decision to step aside, but he will be increasingly vocal about our concerns if he doesn't. aside but he will be increasingly vocal vocal about our concerns if he doesn't oh we will be increasingly vocal about our concerns if he doesn't step down so so they're right there the implication is is not that they want him to step down from being president but
Starting point is 01:04:15 they don't want him to run yeah biden go ahead i would agree i'm them i'm like fuck i say he steps down now make uh kamala the first uh indian uh microsoft not alcoholic uh president biden is expected to meet wednesday with democratic governors and congressional leaders i will say this it would suck if she was president because it would be fun it will be a fun moment um to elect a black woman as president like it would be fun to fucking elect candace owen as president uh candace owens as president yeah um as opposed to one just i i just like first like at like i it would just be cool like just as a first i know that maybe that goes against like you know a lot of things a lot of things that i
Starting point is 01:05:06 say but like not as a quota but just like elector on merit you know not not how like not like like we have a black female senator uh in california and she was she was picked because she was a black female like he said he picked her because of that so like i don't consider her like california's first black female senator like it's it's not merit, but it would be cool just to elect. I just I just like it. I like the implications of electing someone like that on merit. Biden's expected to meet Wednesday with Democratic governors and congressional leaders. The White House said Tuesday the announcement came after CNN reported that some governors expressed concerns about the president's debate performance.
Starting point is 01:05:44 CNN reported that some governors expressed concerns about the president's debate performance. The governor's one source said we're worried about going public with their concerns out of fear it would lead to Biden digging in further. So what's interesting is that this article I read earlier, they use Dodge it in the beginning. The congressman from Austin, Texas, the Democrat. But now. They just use anonymous sources for the rest of the article. CNN talked to more than two dozen current and former. Say it again. It's the rest of it just off the record quotes from Dodge It. Maybe, but listen to this line.
Starting point is 01:06:15 CNN talked to more than two dozen current and former Democratic officials. Like, is it one current and 13 former? Or like, it's a horrible sentence. As well as donors and longtime Biden allies. I don't give a fuck about donors. All of whom spoke on condition of anonymity to avoid alienating Biden. Any of these people alienating him.
Starting point is 01:06:35 I know he's alienated himself. He has no idea where he's at. It's the feels. It's the feel party. Feels, feels good. Got to do it. It's the feel party. Feels good. Got to do it. It's the feel party.
Starting point is 01:06:48 CNN talked to more than two dozen current informers. Okay. They have held off going to Biden directly, hoping he would make the decision himself. But patience is wearing thin. Oh, that's the same thing that Biden said. Patience, my patience is wearing thin when people wouldn't take the vaccine. Do you remember that? We've done everything we can and our patience is wearing thin wearing thin do it or you're gonna kill grandma multiple democrats told cnn amid signs that biden has
Starting point is 01:07:15 taken no steps to seriously consider the mounting concerns he is poised to travel to swing states this weekend aid said a sign that he has no plans of changing course on On Tuesday, ABC News announced Biden will sit down with George Stephanopoulos for his first TV interview since the debate, with clips airing on Friday. Wait, he'll sit down on Tuesday, but clips won't air till Friday? Gotta make sure they're good clips. That doesn't even make sense. Got to make sure they're good clips. That doesn't even make sense.
Starting point is 01:07:52 Initially, there was hope that the president's family would convince him to step aside given how badly the debate went. His family? I just fucking hate how this is like. Like this needs to be about my kids but it's his job not about his family initially there was hope that the president's family would convince him to step aside given how badly the the debate went however at a biden retreat sunday at camp david it became apparent that the president's family rallied around his decision to continue his campaign, blaming staff for his missteps. Oh, Jesus. Hey, this is what it's like, okay?
Starting point is 01:08:31 It's like this. Dad, stay. Keep running, Dad. More money. Ukraine, China. More money. When he says he's getting help from his family. It's just Hunter doing coke at camp david
Starting point is 01:08:47 it's like i remember when willie nelson claimed that he smoked weed on the roof of the white house when carter was president said he went up there and smoked some weed secret service uh on tuesday abc and News, Biden will sit down. Okay. One word you know about Biden's stubborn, said one senior Democrat official who has publicly supported Biden in the past, but who privately thinks he needs to step aside. Oh, here we go. What's this? This is Hunter talking to Joe.
Starting point is 01:09:19 I know it is, but I think a blind man can see that Beth is looking for the door. I barely have a reason to care, and even I notice. Come on. Just that voice. That's what it sounded like that's hunter on what show is that rick and morty it's crazy it's great show uh said one democrat official who has publicly supported biden in the past but who privately thinks he needs to step aside you pussy they're trying to give him the space to realize what a disaster this is and while the biden campaign has insisted the debate was just a bad night for the 81 year old president the democrats who want him to step aside
Starting point is 01:09:54 say it was not one a one-off incident that can be fixed this is not like obama being rusty for a debate said a senior democratic official referring to former president barack obama's lackluster performance in his first debate against Republican opponent Mitt Romney in 2012. Biden might be able to survive this if this was the only incident, but it won't be the only incident, said senior Capitol Hill Democrat official. We still don't know who they're talking about. What do you mean it won't be? It isn't. We have to be honest with ourselves that it wasn't just a horrible night.
Starting point is 01:10:26 Illinois rep Mike Quigley told Casey Hunt on CNN this morning on Tuesday. He's he clearly has to understand. I think what you're getting to hear is that decision is not, is that his decision not only impact impact impacts, who's going to serve in the white house the next four years, but who's going to serve in the Senate house the next four years but who's going to serve in the senate fuck all that stuff how about china who's going to serve in the house this guy fucking controls young men's lives going to war mine yeah yours it's cool though though. Very cool, very chill.
Starting point is 01:11:10 It just goes on and on. Oh, DeCoon's is quoted in here. Coons told CNN he would like to see the president counter the narrative of being too old and incompetent for the job by doing more public events, town halls, and interviews ahead of the announcement of the ABC interviews. Jeez. geez man several biden advisors advisors told cnn the campaign is still working to assess the true fallout of the debate among voters in key battleground states. Dude. Like they're trying to figure out if he can win or not, not whether he's competent or not. This is fucking insane. So bad. What a mess woof
Starting point is 01:12:29 I only have two fit aids left that's it I text Aaron over there oh I think I forgot to I think yellow might be a fit aid athlete oh yeah I think I forgot to I think yellow might be a fit eight athlete. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:12:49 I think you had a note about it. Oh. Oh, shit. Hold on. Oh, shit. I got to do something real quick okay my gym self's fit aids i think like the
Starting point is 01:13:12 the creatine ones and then the regular flavored ones dude fit aids and um uh fit aids in 3 000 gyms 3 000 yeah that's crazy right that's pretty wild i want to get one of those fit aid refrigerators oh hi babe hi hey um uh the gardener in berkeley is asking for the gate code because they want to bring dirt in. Oh, he opened it by hand. Oh, okay. Awesome. Never mind. Never mind. Never mind.
Starting point is 01:13:49 All good. Should I give them a heads up that he's there? Sure. Okay. He's there now? Yeah. I guess they're around one of the trees. The dirt had lowered like 10 inches, which is crazy.
Starting point is 01:14:02 I can't remember which tree. Oh, wow. Hey, is Nico there? No. had lowered like 10 inches which is crazy i can't remember which tree oh wow hey is nico there no um let me see if he just texted me hold on oh he did maybe we can rain check until next week oh we can rain check okay um joey can go. I told him. Okay. Joey can do it in my original text. Is Ari good too? He hasn't complained this morning. Okay. All right.
Starting point is 01:14:44 Okay. But maybe he needed did you listen did you listen to the podcast uh this morning no how was it it was good yellow is cool as shit hey did you hear the the dog came into our room at 5 30 and poked yeah i remember and did you see me i got it yeah poked me and then and then and then i she was doing that like where she's drinking her own saliva. Yeah. And I raced to the front door and she went outside and puke. And then I brought her back in and then she poked me again. I took her outside and she puked on the back patio. I wiped a little bit of it up. Well, I'm impressed. He just didn't go in the boys room and throw up i know that's awesome right she actually woke you up all right i have to sell some fit aid bye good luck bye uh fifth wheel i love you too baby uh um fifth wheel uh fitness what is the code for the 40% discount for Fit8? It's that barcode in the – Caleb, could you point to it?
Starting point is 01:15:47 Shit, that one. Yeah, that over there. Yeah, Caleb, don't touch it. Caleb. Sorry. Yeah, scan it. Don't let Caleb – it's still good even after Caleb touches it. Five-second rule.
Starting point is 01:16:01 New dog, no old dog. It's just fruit season. It always – Matt it during fruit season she goes in the front and basically after she threw up i saw her go straight to where the apricot trees are and start looking for apricots to eat it's like eating more of them yeah it's like you douche canoe my parents dog will do that with the pears that fall in their yard there's just like thousands of pears that fall because my parents just don do that with the pears that fall in their yard there's just like thousands of pears that fall because my parents just don't they don't need that many pears
Starting point is 01:16:30 are there crazy yellow jackets on the pears not that i've noticed i think like i've seen a few but nothing crazy um a couple years ago i was at pat barber's house and he has i don't know how many apple trees he has but he has apple trees in his yard they give more fruit like one of his apple trees gives more apples than like all hundred of my trees in my yard give fruit i can't even tell you it's like the hell and it's fucking nuts dude it's like thousands and thousands and the apple tree is massive it's massive it's like it's like a little oak tree and the apples are completely caked on the ground there's nowhere to walk and the yellow jackets are i've never seen so many yellow jackets
Starting point is 01:17:19 i don't know 10 000 yellow jackets i remember, I remember. Yeah, it was nuts. Never seen that before. How does Haley sleep when you don't wash your hair and your taint all sweaty and rank? I wonder that too, because yesterday I worked out twice. And last night I worked out... I did a... Oh, I meant to tell you this. So last night when I came home, I was like, you know what, I'm going to do another workout. And it was late.
Starting point is 01:17:46 It was like 930. So I rode the assault bike and got all sweaty. And then I did dumbbell snatches. I was snatching the 80 pound dumbbell yesterday. Holy shit. The listeners got me. Yeah, I was doing some. Not a lot.
Starting point is 01:17:56 I was doing a one right hand, one left hand on the minute for 25 minutes. Wow. Yeah. Just just on the minute. But. Yeah, but then I don't shower before i go to bed i take off all my clothes walk around the backyard naked cool down so i so i do go to bed i like i am pretty disgusting so that's yeah is uh oh Really? Wimbledon's on. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 01:18:27 Thank you for that, Pat. That's your how many years you've been listening to the show. That's your first solid contribution. That's awesome. Oh, yeah. Alcaraz. Wow. Wow.
Starting point is 01:18:52 So when I woke up this morning everywhere was twitching like my tits and my shoulder hey um wimbledon's on uh pat lang was just telling us wimbledon's on the boys would love to watch that oh yeah let's do it okay maybe put it on's probably, it's probably on your skin. Okay. Okay. They're just in Kumon and then I will. Okay. Bye. Okay. Bye.
Starting point is 01:19:09 Thanks. You're welcome. Uh, so, so I did, so this morning I woke up and like, I was, you know, when your body will twitch,
Starting point is 01:19:16 my body was just like, just nonstop twitching both sides, my tits, my shoulders everywhere. It was crazy. I had to get get up it was twitching so much you know what i mean you know when your eye will twitch like and like you gotta eat a banana or whatever they say it was my tits my shoulders had to have been from that 80 pound dumbbell i must have worked myself probably i get those like in my traps like if i'm trying to sleep like my traps
Starting point is 01:19:40 will start oh here yeah yeah oh i've never had it in my traps. That's so annoying. I kind of like it when it's like in my tit, and my tit's just doing this. Your boob's just bouncing all over the place. Do you know what the mechanism is that causes that? I don't know. I've heard a few different things. I've heard somebody say it's like dehydration,
Starting point is 01:20:00 or somebody said it's like you're low on salt or some bullshit like that. I don't know. I think, honestly, it's like you're low on salt or some bullshit like that i don't know i think honestly it's just like your muscles sore and that's the reaction it gets out of it i don't know um fifth wheel fitness i scanned it on my phone and i have a 14 and it works so i scanned it on mine yesterday and it worked too maybe Maybe you should get really, really close to the screen. Click on it so your phone fucking focuses on it and then say, open in Chrome.
Starting point is 01:20:33 Because it worked for me. IT help from Kayla. And then even, did you notice it has your face on it? On the little app? Oh yeah, I think we sent that to him yesterday You know what they said? Oh, hold on. I'll tell you about that picture in a second
Starting point is 01:20:50 So just to be clear you want to remove the wire and the vines too from the fence Yes, and then after they Fix the fence we will replace. Please and thank you. So yesterday I was communicating with the people over at FitAid, not Aaron, but some of the underlings. And they're like, hey, can we get a picture of you for the landing page? And I want to be like, that ain't going to help. I'm like, Susan, tell them.
Starting point is 01:21:32 That ain't going to be good. Put Yellow Hosta there. Oh, yeah, or Yellow Hosta. Yeah. Send you a picture of my wife in the shower or something. The fuck you mean a picture of me drinking? You want a 50-year-old man on your landing page drinking at what's wrong with you guys talk to your demographic are you trying to pull up what are you doing you guys are idiots what are you talking
Starting point is 01:21:52 about 40 off is crazy though qr codes are ass oh really i've kind of like i feel like q QR codes are awesome. I love it. Let me see if mine works. I like a QR code. It's just like I don't like typing in all that shit. I know. Oh, mine's not working now either. Wait, what's going on here? Is yours working? Mine worked.
Starting point is 01:22:20 I just did it. I just did it twice, actually. Oh, there we go. I got it. I had to go close. I had did it. I just did it twice, actually. So, oh, there we go. I got it. I had to go close. I had to go really close. Augustus Link, I think, just put a link in the chat if you really, really, really. Oh, thank you, Augustus.
Starting point is 01:22:37 Yeah, there you go. Get the white can with the gold writing. It has as much creatine as a steak uh sebi are you going to be at the norcal class so if you eat a steak and drink a fit aid you're fucking good to go yeah you're gonna be at the norcal classic in september i am i already i gotta i'm going with um colton and taylor and i think i going to bring my boys. And I'm pumped. I think I want to say. California peptides already got us. A.
Starting point is 01:23:17 House there. A big house. Hey, so there's this. Product. This test. big house. Hey, so there's this product, this test, and it's called DNA for addiction. Okay.
Starting point is 01:23:50 You take the test and it lets you know if you are genetically predisposed to have an addictive personality. Oh. So I had one sent over to Taylor Self's house. Oh, I need to tell Taylor that too. I don't know if he knows. I don't know if he knows. I don't know if he knows. Fuck. I think that's pretty obvious.
Starting point is 01:24:10 I think we know that, don't we? And so I'm going to have him take the test. I got to call him and tell him this. 4158 Hey, dude. What's up, bitch? Hey. Hey. Do you know the workout for this week? For Kill Taylor?
Starting point is 01:24:42 Taylor. Bryson, can I talk to Taylor hello oh fuck hey this is Taylor shut the fuck up can you hear me better now yeah uh taylor judy says hi hi judy taylor did you know the workout for this week i do hey so check this out
Starting point is 01:25:17 what um i'm gonna start this new show and it's going to be called DNA for Addiction. And basically I'm going to send these tests to people that are going to, that they take and then they tell you if you're predisposed to be a drug addict. Right? Yeah. Yeah. Sarah is supposed to be sending you one of those. So then,
Starting point is 01:25:40 and you're going to be the pilot show and then I'm going to do you. And then I'm just going gonna ask a bunch of different People in the CrossFit space and then eventually like move to like more famous people, you know Like get the rock on here to do it Word but you're gonna be the guinea pig so you'll take the test and then you won't open the results till you're on the show Okay, and then we'll see your face in real time and then we'll have a therapist on here in case you have like a breakdown or something yeah we'll just get somebody from there and this show will be is kill taylor drug
Starting point is 01:26:17 uh predisposed to be a drug addict dna for addiction i forgot to tell you yeah okay how crazy would it be if i how crazy would it be if i took that test um just came back and said gay can you hear me right now i can i love hearing your voice it excites me it's like you're like my friend it's like calling my friend in the second grade i i enjoy it i love hearing your voice when i put my car in reverse it like makes that beep sound so sometimes i like it cuts off um so i was just wondering that's why you had to call me back but i was gonna say what if how crazy would it i took that test and it said i wasn't predisposed to being a drug addict i'm not sure if i would believe the validity no that means the test is horrible.
Starting point is 01:27:09 Or it just means you have a horrible test. It's going to come back and it's going to say. You're going to break the test. Yeah, it's going to say 300% positive for addiction. How many movements are in the workout on Saturday? Why would I give you any sort of a hint we had yellow on and uh he basically he basically said it's scary doing it and he said what you do
Starting point is 01:27:35 every week takes fucking balls and he basically said the other three yeah and he said the other three european dudes were scary and he basically alluded to the fact that it's scary. Like going and putting your like, cause, cause you can, you like, you could lose. And he, and I said,
Starting point is 01:27:50 what do you think about Taylor doing it every week? And he goes, it takes crazy balls to do what he's doing. He said crazy balls. Yep. Yeah, he did. I think he said big balls to be honest.
Starting point is 01:28:00 I think he said big balls. All right. Cause the, cause I really, the verbatim is critical there um big cool i appreciate him i was really pissed that he beat the fuck out of me because it wasn't like he just beat me by a little bit like he literally bent me over and spread him so i was kind of fucking annoyed i think the term is he gaped you he gaped you he gave me
Starting point is 01:28:20 he gave my butt meat but uh but uh yeah i'm at least grateful that uh he sees that it definitely is nerve-wracking every week but this week will be really fucking cool i'm excited for it do you think anyone are we going to go to 2500 do you think or do you think someone's going to get the two grand oh hey dude you know what else he said taylor so i said i said why did you end up deciding to do it and he goes because it i knew it wasn't going to be metabolically painful and i go oh that's so funny because taylor said he's not fucking giving any freebies anymore if you want to win you're going to have to go to a dark spot he goes yeah he said i get that um so you nailed it you nailed
Starting point is 01:29:02 it your evaluation afterwards was that you're like fuck this i need to people need to hurt yeah and i got a little cute last week like last week was definitely skill-based but you but it's still it was still enough work where like you felt it do you know what i mean yeah but it wasn't like it wasn't like that burpee pull-up workout. When I came back from getting beat by yellow, the burpee pull-up workout was very metabolic. This one, I'm unsure of how long I want it to be. I know the two movements. I know for the most part the reps.
Starting point is 01:29:36 I'm not certain on the rounds. And I think I want to make it maybe a little longer than we've gone so far. Interesting. A lot of clues there. Hey, did you get your fit aid yet oh uh i don't know don't know i mean i'm drinking one in the car right now but i had to pay in for it dude you the man are you really drinking which one are you drinking yeah i'm I'm drinking the Citrus Medley. The classic. Dude, I drink a Fit-8 every day.
Starting point is 01:30:08 That's awesome. Fuck. I mean, I've been doing that since I started CrossFit. It's the best fucking... It's synonymous with CrossFit, dude. All the fucking idiots drink them after their workout because they fucking taste good. I mean, you do a hard workout, they just...
Starting point is 01:30:22 I don't know. I think... I wouldn't fucking drink it if it sucked dick, you know? I'm not saying it's good for me, but I fucking drink them every day. I don't like the ones that taste good. I prefer, like, the one, I like a Robitussin flavor, kind of. Like, I prefer, like, the original one. That's what I'm drinking, the original.
Starting point is 01:30:39 Oh, yeah. The fucking black and white can. Yeah. Oh, you drink the one with sugar. Jesus, you go hard. What the fuck are you, okay, what do you drink, fuckface? I drink this, you drink the one with sugar jesus you go hard what the fuck okay what do you drink fuck face i drink this i drink the white one i drink the the zero sugar one oh they have a white zero sugar i didn't even know they had that one i yeah that's because you're from the south boy you from the south seven dude i was just talking
Starting point is 01:31:02 about with uh this guy at gym, I was telling all these old hunting stories and I was telling him this story of me jumping on a wild pig inside of a trap. Because my cousin, my cousin like hunts wild pigs with dogs and you can't, it's super fucking illegal to transport wild pigs alive because they're so invasive. And we went to this guy's cattle farm where he caught a bunch in a circle trap. And we were going to take this live pig back to my cousin's house. He trained his dogs on it, but we had to catch it in his pen. And anyways, I was telling that story. It was a crazy story. Did you get hurt? No, he, the farmer shot the pig up with like a
Starting point is 01:31:38 quarter of cattle tranquilizer. And this is like a hundred pound pig. So not very big. And the trap has an opening at the top and so you know i'm this kid from virginia my cousin's the biggest fucking redneck you could ever imagine and this farmer's like who's getting in the pen you're gonna put this fucking yankee in there and i was like thinking to myself fuck this guy he doesn't know what he's talking about so i'm like i'll get in the pen and uh they have one of those like uh nooses on a pole i don't know what you call them you use it for like dog can you like catch a dog whatever you catch like a fucking you know what i'm talking about yes yes yes you can make them out of you can make them out of just like a piece of greg
Starting point is 01:32:14 showed me how you can make them just out of a a weed and then catch lizards with it like a slipknot slipknot yeah right exactly yeah it's a slip slip knot in the end pole so one guy sticks that through the side of the trap around the sow and there's two other pigs in there they're dead like you shot the other two pigs shot the third one up with cattle tranquilizer waited 15 minutes for it to get fucking tipsy and then uh the one guy the farmer puts the fucking slip knot around his neck sits it tight and the pig's not really doing much it's on, it's cranked up and I open the top of the pen and I jump down on top of it, as soon as I jump on top of this
Starting point is 01:32:49 fucking pig, it was like, it never got shot with tranquilizer, and it was like being on top of a fucking 300 pound NFL lineman on fucking meth, dude it was insane, it was the most did it try to bite you? did it try to bite you? it was like, like freaking out.
Starting point is 01:33:06 Great sound effect. That was good. Dude, I killed a lot of pigs. Hey, did you cry? Do you feel your tear ducts turn on, or do you feel anything when you see the guys shoot the pigs? When I don't like to really, I don't like bear hunting. I've never done it.
Starting point is 01:33:25 And I think they're too beautiful of an animal. That would make me cry. I'm just being honest. I love bird hunting. I had a dog. I grew up quail hunting. That, like, I don't know. There's something about birds just doesn't make me cry.
Starting point is 01:33:36 Like duck hunting, goose hunting. And I eat everything except for pigs. They taste wild pigs, especially in areas where they're like highly hunted and baited people will bait them with like like if you put corn out every animal will eat your fucking corn squirrels deer turkey quail everything if you put corn out and you fucking soak it in like diesel fuel or you ferment it in a bucket for a month with like fucking soda and beer nothing will eat it but pigs so a lot for a month with like fucking soda and beer, nothing will eat it but pigs. So a lot of guys do that to hunt pigs. And let me tell you, dude,
Starting point is 01:34:16 some wild pigs taste like fucking shit. So a lot of the pigs that I've hunted, I just fucking shoot them and, you know, dump them in a ditch, dude. But they're super invasive. They're bad for farms. They kill dogs. I mean, my cousins had and not even dogs that he used to hunt them on but just dogs at his farm killed by fucking pigs um i don't know i feel bad like i don't really like to deer hunt anymore because you got to wake up so fucking early and it's it's it is an emotional experience shooting a deer because it's such a beautiful animal but also every deer i've ever shot i've eaten every ounce of meat on it so you know that like it's not you're not wasting anything you're not being wasteful but it is like damn i just took a life it's it's it's different and i have that feeling with deer hunting um i've never had that feeling bird hunting and that's like waterfowl or up in birds
Starting point is 01:35:01 or pig i don't get that feeling with pigs. How about when you ejaculate? What about when you ejaculate early with your lady? I'm waiting. I'm so desensitized to that that that's even worse than pig hunting. I just don't care. All right. You know what I mean? That just fucking happens every day. It's just the way it is.
Starting point is 01:35:19 That's what you signed up for. Sorry. I started talking about something, and I couldn't shut the fuck up about it. Did you hate that about me? Hate a little strong all right uh love you buddy bye taylor sell from kill taylor uh um a video contest dude we have our own fucking website uh affiliate video who the fuck does this stuff? This is amazing. Is this Sousa or will or Rios? Who does this?
Starting point is 01:35:49 I don't know. Looks great though. Yeah. Although I, I love C4, but quick cold Turkey. That's the cool thing. You don't have to,
Starting point is 01:35:58 you don't have to quit for the aid. Cause it does. I know I can't energy drinks are like, how do you quit? Energy drinks are like my tr you quit energy drinks are like my tranny addiction like oh like yeah only there's only there's like at some point you got to quit yikes okay there was something else some oh uh did fit aid unalive uh the uh kill cliff folks yeah i think kill cliffs like um grid league i think it's like only available in one state or
Starting point is 01:36:24 something yeah joe rogan got on the kill cliff train and now it's like Grid League. I think it's like only available in one state or something. Yeah, Joe Rogan got on the Kill Cliff train, and now it's like a completely different market for them, I think. Yeah, I don't think they're doing so good. Oh, I think Sousa made it. Oh, he did? He made the website, yeah. Oh, me mother fucker. Great job, Sousa.
Starting point is 01:36:39 You fucking killed it, dude. Yeah, this is crazy. He got the domain name and everything. Damn. What a stud. it dude yeah this is crazy he got the domain name and everything damn what stud damn even like you can like you see that little like tick mark on the right side if you scroll it like follows the sections of the website so you can like click on different segments of the website look at we haven't used the last one two three four five six tick marks really i thought there were more than contest entry form do we have an entry form yeah they're they're all used wow you can like click
Starting point is 01:37:21 on them and navigate through the whole thing dude we have an entry form this is fucking nuts dude Holy shit, and it's is it is it a Google form or is it like an actual entry form? Oh, it's Google form. Oh, it's good We have required fields. Oh shit Share a file full of link with all your video assets No amateurs. Damn. All right. It's cool as fuck.
Starting point is 01:38:06 Oh, we have two Fide commercials down here. Oh, really? Yeah, I'll save those for the Kill Taylor show. Yeah. We played that last one and got our wrist slapped. They didn't like it? No, they gave us the wrong one, I guess. It wasn't good.
Starting point is 01:38:24 Wasn't my favorite. Alright. This isn't new technology. Shut up, Travis. Cool. Does it ask for gender or sexual preferences? I don't know. It should. We should have a question like that.
Starting point is 01:38:46 Who do you like to fuck or what? What do you like to fuck? It's a very corporate contest and state law following for giveaway money. I told him to put on something there that like we can use the video any way we want on any platform that exists or doesn't exist going into the future or or distribution method uh where do you go for the affiliate contest oh great question yeah i'll put it in the chat so you can click on it if you want i think also susan put it in the chat so you can fucking click on it if you want. I think also Sousa put it in the show notes for every show. Oh, wow.
Starting point is 01:39:31 Perfect. There you go. What does this mean? He's showing it to you now. Fifth wheel. Damn. This is fifth wheel. The guy who keeps asking questions about links.
Starting point is 01:39:49 You can't scan. Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh,
Starting point is 01:39:52 Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh,
Starting point is 01:39:52 Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh,
Starting point is 01:39:52 Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh,
Starting point is 01:39:55 Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh,
Starting point is 01:39:55 Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh,
Starting point is 01:39:56 Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh,
Starting point is 01:39:57 Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh,
Starting point is 01:39:57 Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh,
Starting point is 01:39:58 Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh,
Starting point is 01:40:01 Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh,
Starting point is 01:40:04 Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, um, we have no one scheduled for tomorrow. Uh, we have shut up and scribble tomorrow, Friday. We have bill a, Oh man, I'm tired. My eyes are starting to burn a little bit.
Starting point is 01:40:18 Oh really? Yeah. It's from the, it's from getting up just a half, you know, like I might have my day like dialed so perfectly. And then I just got up a half hour early. Oh, yeah. That sucks.
Starting point is 01:40:27 Fuck myself. We have the website in case any of you guys want to help push this contest. It's $5,000 for first place. If you don't, you probably hate CrossFit and most likely hate
Starting point is 01:40:43 yourself. In which case, I'm always here to talk. Oh. Sousa sent that on our group chat. He's feeling himself today. Yeah. He must have had two fit aids. He OD'd on fit aid.
Starting point is 01:41:03 Yeah. Oh, it sounds like we're going to have Jay DeCoon's as one of the judges. No shit. That's actually a good idea. Right? For sure. Great idea. Hey, would you say DeCoon he's he's kind of i would put him in this like celebrity status you think so i mean everyone knows who he is yeah maybe
Starting point is 01:41:35 do you know who like think of the employees that you could name over at crossfit inc i mean he's he's kind of legendary i'd put the coons up there with like snuffleupagus i mean he's no cookie monster okay i'm just saying yeah you know what i mean he's no big bird but like a bc list celebrity i don't or just he's he's like the trolley car on um mr rogers i put him up hot you know what i mean like when it comes in you get all excited and Or just he's like the trolley car on Mr. Rogers. I put him up hot. You know what I mean? Like when it comes in, you get all excited and shit. Did you ever watch Mr. Rogers?
Starting point is 01:42:11 Not really, but I know what you're talking about. Yeah, there's one part in the show when the trolley car would come out. And as a kid, I would always get excited. And same with like Snuffleupagus. You don't get to see him too often. But when you do, you're like, damn. Yeah, okay. I like that comparison perfect big bird hi hey how's it going what's up dude morning good morning
Starting point is 01:42:40 hey good question uh how professional you got to be to do that affiliate video? How professional does it have to be? Yeah, yeah. I don't think it matters. Hey, listen. Hey, listen, listen. I think like you could in slow-mo have two guys holding hands, running across the stream screen and slow. You got two guys facing each other, doing thrusters in slow motion,
Starting point is 01:43:16 looking at each other like they love each other. And just, and it can just say, and then, and then you can have the, it could fade to black and it can be like, I found the love of my life in a CrossFit affiliate affiliate and then it shows the guys like at their wedding and and then that could be it and and oh you're you got married but but it could be like that you you should be as creative as you want um i would i would be more creative than cheese dick. I, I, I think that the winning one is going to be not corporate feeling. I think the, um, I think the key to the ones that Brett made as samples are, are the music, the music and the B roll. And then the, actually they're all,
Starting point is 01:43:56 they're compelling, but like you could like, you could put the, what's your favorite part about an affiliate and your whole, all five of your videos could be about how hot the guys are, how hot the chicks are in your gym. Or it could put the, what's your favorite part about an affiliate and your whole, all five of your videos could be about how hot the guys are, how hot the chicks are in your gym. Or it could be like, you could do one that go the complete opposite way. And a CrossFit crave could make one and be like, Hey,
Starting point is 01:44:15 it's a great place for kids who have, are struggling at home. Right. I, you know what I mean? And they found a, instead of going to juvenile hall, they found CrossFit.
Starting point is 01:44:25 I mean, I think you can just do anything. Yeah. Yeah. But, but if it's shitty, it should be short. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:44:33 I don't know. I don't know. But if it's shitty, like it, it's going to need, like, if it's not as beautifully shot as Brett's, it's going to have to be more compelling.
Starting point is 01:44:41 Right. Right. Yeah. Yeah. I was thinking about it, I was like, I got the fucking perfect candidate showed up, fucking boxed,
Starting point is 01:44:52 quirky as fuck. You can tell he's way out of shape. Now, the motherfucker's doing CrossFit unlimited, six days a week. Just a couple weeks ago, he did a fucking half iron man wow he's on it oh my god big ass change i think he lost like 80 pounds and how long uh i'm pretty sure it's been like two years wow that's impressive wow and remember it has to be
Starting point is 01:45:22 a campaign so it has to be like five videos a bundle of videos but they can all be super short Wow. Ah. A campaign. My fucking Spanish stuff, Aprenda, campaign. Yeah, yeah, that too. Five grand for first. But you should hire someone, pay someone two grand to do it, to make five videos. Yeah. And then they'll win, and then they'll win, and then they'll win, and you'll make three grand off it and have five videos for your affiliate.
Starting point is 01:46:07 You think I could find a Jesus at Home Depot that'll fucking film it for for 500 yeah totally i always drive my forerunner around the parking lot of home depot when the guys are like do you need help in your garden i'm like no i'm looking for a filmmaker yeah i'll be i'll be fucking cruising around home depot well sounds good man just thought I'd fucking check on the phone see if I can make sure it works I appreciate it and we all we need a quality control like that thank you do the garble sound
Starting point is 01:46:34 on how fucking badass your show is thank you fuck yeah right on alright dude thank you bye adios Fuck yeah right on Alright dude Thank you Adios Vato It's a campaign Create a campaign five videos
Starting point is 01:46:55 A great question Who picks the winner I don't know Apparently you and Sousa Is that what it says Judges Don't fuck it up apparently you and Sousa. Is that what it says? Judges, Savon Matosian and Matt Sousa.
Starting point is 01:47:07 Oh, don't fuck it up. No, um, uh, cancel lab. They won't win salty. I've known a Brett's aren't in the guy. Those aren't in the competition.
Starting point is 01:47:19 The five, the, these, these ones, these are not in the, um, competition. I had shoulder surgery, shoulder replacement surgery.
Starting point is 01:47:41 There was a point in time where I wasn't sure I wanted to come back and go through the rehab and have to kind of start over. My name is Paul Ellis from Salt Lake City, Utah, and I'm 57 years old. The coaches here took time to talk to me about where I was and how we could rehab and how we could get back to where I wanted to be. That competitive spirit never dies inside you, but sometimes the body can't keep up, and that's a struggle. And the coaches have recognized that and have that's a struggle. And the coaches I've recognized that and have helped out a lot. To me, Salty Hive cares about the individual. Whether you're younger or older or you're elite or you're brand new, I've watched and noticed
Starting point is 01:48:39 how everybody's important. And that keeps me coming back. In your one year from the space station, one of the astronauts started the CrossFit Games, three, two, one, go. And then other years, you know, we had the jets fly uh and start the games and this is really fucked up that i'm gonna release this but you know how they're starting the games this year because of budget cuts they're gonna shoot a cap gun i because i was talking to
Starting point is 01:49:20 someone over there who's uh involved with it no they um they're doing a they're gonna they're gonna have this like roll a stage out with like a curtain so you can't see what's on it and then they're gonna say someone's gonna go three two one and then someone's gonna pull the curtain and it's the hawk twoie chick and she's gonna go hawk twoie and that's what's gonna start the games this year it's crazy right but i mean the five grand and she said she'd do it So call her hi Hey what's up guys I think it'll still be fun even though you know it though
Starting point is 01:49:51 Yeah Hawk to a girl announced his first workout Yeah she just says Hawk to a Dave will go three to one And then they'll pull the curtain she'll be there And she'll go into my Hawk to Okay go ahead. Hello. Yeah, what's up? Chief Nation CrossFit.
Starting point is 01:50:08 Nation Chief. Chief CrossFit. CrossFit. The Nations of Chiefs. I like it. Sounds good. Hey, is your middle name Autumn? Autumn.
Starting point is 01:50:20 My name is Autumn. Trying to figure out what your middle name was. Autumn. All right, cool. And someone on the show the other day, don't think I didn't see it during Susan. So show someone gets Muhammad.
Starting point is 01:50:38 Autumn. Autumn. All right, cool. Got to go. All right. Love you. Bye.
Starting point is 01:50:42 I saw this. I saw this thing the other day. It's the dildo oh god and it's a dildo that's so big it was a dildo and it's funny i thought i had it in my notes but it was a 15 this lady's a nurse and she found a 15 inch uh dildo in a guy's ass that was the shape of a fist and she goes listen this isn't a dildo it's a dildo just don't stick things in your ass that can't be retracted that's amazing right hey i found a clip of look look at this i found a clip of when Joe Biden was smart. Dude, this is fucking ridiculous. This is ridiculous. This is during the Clarence Thomas hearings, and Biden was such an asshole to Anita Hill.
Starting point is 01:51:46 Clarence Thomas recounts being grilled by Joe Biden who graduated at the bottom of his law school class Senator Biden was very focused on natural law how did that go who knows I have no idea what he was talking about Clarence Thomas is getting even even with Joe Biden it took time but he's Biden's worst enemy in the Supreme Court Joe Biden did everything he could to keep Clarence Thomas from being appointed when he was a senator and Cl Clarence hasn't forgotten. Hey, I don't know. I mean, he ass pounded the girl. I don't remember him ass pounding Clarence Thomas, but you're not even going to believe this. This is wild. Here we go. Good morning, Judge. Welcome to the blinding lights. finding out what you mean when you say that you would apply the natural law philosophy to the constitution is in my view the single most important task of this committee senator biden
Starting point is 01:52:36 was very focused on natural law how did that go who knows i have no idea what he was talking about. Dude, listen. So that's the thing. Listen to this fucking sentence that he says. The sentence doesn't even fucking make sense, dude. He didn't make sense back then. Listen to this sentence. Morning, Judge. That one makes sense. Welcome to the blinding lights. Okay.
Starting point is 01:53:10 Finding out what you mean when you say that you would apply the natural law philosophy to the Constitution is, in my view, the single most important task of this committee. Senator Biden was very focused on natural law. How did that go? So he's trying to figure out, I guess he's claiming that Clarence Thomas used the term natural law. No, I have no idea what he was talking about. I just want to make sure we all know what we're talking about here, that you and I know at least what we're talking about here. There's a fervent and aggressive school of thought that wishes to see natural law further inform the Constitution than it does now, argued against by the positivist led by Judge Bork. Now, again, that may be lost on all the people. You know and I know what we're talking about. I have to be perfectly honest with you.
Starting point is 01:54:09 You sit there and you have no idea what they are talking about. All I know is that he was asking me these questions about natural law. Someone may apply it in a way, like Moore, who leads him in a direction that is, quote, liberal. You may apply it in a way that leads you in a direction that's conservative. Or you may, like many argue, not apply it at all. But it is a fundamental question that is going to be almost impossible for non-lawyers to grasp in an exchange but you know and i know it is a big big deal and in conclusion one of the things you do in hearings is you have to sit there and look attentively at people you know have no idea what they're
Starting point is 01:55:01 talking about good morning judge b Judge. Fuck Biden is a retard. Oh my God, dude. That's so embarrassing. He was so rude to Anita Hill. It was crazy. I don't remember him going after Clarence. I remember him being nice like that. He wasn't being a dick to Clarence I remember him being nice like that
Starting point is 01:55:25 he wasn't being a dick to Clarence but you know what I was getting I was giving Gavin Newsom vibes like hey me and you were smarter than everyone else remember when Newsom said that they couldn't that it was too complex the COVID stuff to explain to the public and that's why they hid it from the public
Starting point is 01:55:39 public wasn't smart enough yeah just don't tell them anything because they're wasn't smart enough. Yeah, just don't tell them anything because they're just not smart enough to handle it. Understand. Or make their own decisions. Now, let me show you the other guy. Here's the other choice. Representative Wesley Hunt
Starting point is 01:56:03 talking with uh sage steel on the stage steel uh podcast okay uh here we go my favorite my favorite president trump story this is my number one favorite of all time when we were negotiating with the Taliban, while President Trump was still the president, President Trump wanted to get out of Afghanistan, but he wanted a conditions-based withdrawal, meaning that you do what we tell you to do, and then we will start pulling troops back slowly as long as you abide by our rules. It's President Trump and Mike Pompeo, and they are talking to Taliban leadership in the room, and they had one translator in the room. President Trump looked at the Taliban leader and said this.
Starting point is 01:56:50 I want to leave Afghanistan. It's going to be a conditions-based withdrawal. And the translator translated. And he said, if you harm a hair on a single American, I'm going to kill you. And the translator goes, and Trump goes, tell him what I said. Reached in his pocket, pulled out
Starting point is 01:57:13 a satellite photo of the leader of the Taliban's home and handed it to him. Shut up. Got up and walked out the room. My favorite President Trump story. How fucking gangster is that? That's how you you threaten people who are going to kill your people yes that's how you get across to people like that not hey if you give my son hunter some coke i'll leave you alone that's no you don't do that you threaten them god
Starting point is 01:57:44 because they're not going to understand it. Otherwise. So fucking good. All right. Um, I think that's it I think around the Pedro shows today right around the whiteboard
Starting point is 01:58:10 it is I'm on it oh you are no shit yeah who are the other people it's Barclay the super smart stats guy and some random fucking guy I have no idea who it is.
Starting point is 01:58:25 So. I'm just going to attack him. Because. Yeah attack. You should totally attack. You should totally attack. Hey. Why Avi's going?
Starting point is 01:58:49 Oh. Okay, do it. Yeah. Okay, do what you want to do. No, don't let them put fluoride in the kid's mouth. Okay. Okay. Okay, bye. Yeah, attack. okay okay okay bye um uh yeah attack i always just want to attack i feel like such a pussy when i watch that show because i haven't been on that show but like i i hear people's answers
Starting point is 01:59:16 and i just want to just yell at them i don't really care for facts yeah me neither like just fuck you in this regard and uh i just want to make it a good argument i'll take any side really i just want to fuck some people up uh clarence thomas was on record prior to nomination saying that natural law needs to be taken into consideration when judging i'm paraphrasing um biden's questions were appropriate at the time thomas saying he doesn't know what b was talking about is BS. Our own personal fact checker, Patrick Lang. Thank you for that.
Starting point is 01:59:54 Yeah, just ass pound Barclay. And who else? Some fucking misfit coach, maybe? Around the whiteboard coffee pods and pedro Uh matt torres chase ingram, not that one Around the white board should games. Oh, it's that one. Let me see that. Uh, Is that jared graybiel who's the guy on top Drew Crandall Drew Crandall is on the guy on top
Starting point is 02:00:35 I guess I don't know who the fuck that is And then Obviously the other one and then there's my Fucking dumbass on the bottom How could there be 34 comments already I don't know that's weird how does that work people just go in there and comment there hasn't even been a show
Starting point is 02:00:52 yet something weird's going on anyway I don't see them oh you oh where's the notify button in the window just says notify me Oh. Where's the notify button? In the window. It just says notify me.
Starting point is 02:01:10 It says live in two hours. What's this mean, join? That's for the membership. Oh. If you want to be a member of Coffee Pods and Wads. Oh, and subscribe. Should the games have cuts? Yes.
Starting point is 02:01:24 Who's the greatest rookie? Sarah Sigmund's daughter. Is there a third question? Program Friday night lights at the games. Oh. That's the only one I really have to form an opinion on or form some sort of factual thing
Starting point is 02:01:41 to fucking converse with. What ideas are you throwing around? There's really only one idea and it's the 2010 what was it? Helen, Pyramid
Starting point is 02:01:56 Helen where Chase just got fucked up by Chuck Carswell, that event. Chase and Chuck were in the Chuck judged Chase in that workout oh and just like kind of fucked him up like was no repping his pull-ups and shit oh shit he had jack rosema on dave did i i've been trying to get jack rosema on yeah he's had some like random people on i thought he was gonna do jackeman is going to get as many views as Jeff Adler.
Starting point is 02:02:27 Wow. Really? Yeah. Well, Jeff Adler is not very interesting. So it makes sense. Um, uh,
Starting point is 02:02:35 should the game. Yeah. It makes sure you shit on everyone else's choices. Fuck. Yeah, dude. Yeah. I don't.
Starting point is 02:02:44 I, of course that's so easy i just love shitting on people here here's my suggestion for opening night you get all the men out there with 225 on their back and all the women with 185 on their back on their back and all the women with 185 on their back squat down squat and then it's just it's just death by
Starting point is 02:03:11 last man standing somebody then they'll be ruined for the rest of the or if you don't want to ruin them like because that would ruin them for the rest of the games like someone would get injured for sure yeah but or you could why not just do the beep test yeah test right with all 80 athletes just line them up and do the beep test right
Starting point is 02:03:38 i've thought about that too or like um with the rock because they're the sponsor go ruck yeah I think something I was also thought about was like there's a like a PT test where you have to take a you wear a weight a 30 pound weight vest and you have a sandbag and you do like a hand release
Starting point is 02:04:00 burpee and then you grab a sandbag and then lateral roll and then you run 50 yards and then do a hand release burpee and then you grab a sandbag and then lateral roll and then you run 50 yards and then do a hand release burpee grab the sandbag lateral roll and then run down to the end and you do like 10 rounds that down and back is 10 or down and back is one wow we do that 10 times that'd be a kind of a fun one i just don't think that's like a very good test of like crossfit games fitness i think that's just a very good test of like CrossFit games fitness. I think that's just like a dumb military thing that people came up with.
Starting point is 02:04:30 Or like move doing it. That would that people would hurt. Yeah, for sure. That'd be a lung burner. Yeah, it gets pretty rough. The beep test is not boring. If you had all 80 people out there and you saw them dropping like flies. It would not be boring
Starting point is 02:04:45 yeah you could have them go long ways across the football field and then just beep test all the way down all the way back kind of thing like you're not all the way down but uh half way to the field yeah just line them all up and just beep yeah beep test them all 80 give the men and women an equal chance yep somebody uh i think it was bill grundler came up with an idea where he's probably done it it's like you put 225 on a bar and you carry it around a track for a mile you do like a a mile just on back rack walk with 225 and i think that would break some people yeah that would be cool it would be it'd be hard to like jockey for position because you're having to move around. You'd have to use a bag, right?
Starting point is 02:05:28 Because if you used a bar, bars would be rolling around and shit, running people over. You could do it with a 200-pound sandbag or something. Something like that. That might be cool. Whatever it is, there should be a shitload of tension between people getting knocked out. Yeah, I agree. I think there needs to be some jockeying for position and there needs to be some people fucking with each other. What's the heaviest that husafelt bag can be?
Starting point is 02:05:58 I don't know. Let's find out. Dear Bill and Katie. Should they make a 200? Probably. I think you could probably make it pretty heavy if you added some like birdshot or something let's see you sure it was mild that's crazy you could get it up to 200 pounds with probably With crumb Or Yeah 200 pounds For the boys 195 for the girls
Starting point is 02:06:31 Yeah That's even perfect right 150 for the girls 1 200 for the guys 150 might be Too light for some of the girls Yeah I like that idea Wide horse lunchbox probably weighs 150 pounds. Probably.
Starting point is 02:06:52 I got a 200-pound sandbag to my shoulder the other day, and that was fucking hard. Where did you find one of those? They have one at the gym in Florida where I'm going to school. They just have a massive 200 200 pound sandbag laying around and i was just fucking around and wanted to see if i could pick it up and then i picked i lapped it and i was like well let's see if i can get it to my shoulder and then i actually did it it's pretty fun yeah that's crazy someone sent me a uh i should show this really quick this will be a good way to end the show with some sexist content let me see if i can find it i haven't had any of that today
Starting point is 02:07:36 have you ever been around a woman um that makes everything um a man woman issue no matter what you say oh yes it's fucking nuts yes this lady uh she's i have no idea i have no idea who she is but i think she works in some sort of like political fundraising field. But I was at this party with her and her boyfriend and my wife had showed up. And obviously my wife is a firefighter and she's a fucking stud. And my wife told her like, oh, I'm a firefighter. I work for whatever. And the lady goes goes isn't that
Starting point is 02:08:26 just is that hard it's so hard for you to be a woman in a male-dominated career field yeah all that shit and my wife's like no i fucking whooped their ass every day like there's no it doesn't matter like i'm working there and we do work together and i fucking carry the boat just the same as everybody else carries the boat and she was like really like oh my gosh like i'm a camera i'm a camera woman in a male dominated uh job yeah so what you do the same you would you wouldn't talk to me like that if i was a man like what like like where the fuck did that come from it It's when there was a time when I was courting Lauren Khalil, I wanted her to work to have a show on the Sevan podcast. And when I told her, I'm like, yeah, it fell through. I couldn't get her. Someone goes, oh, so it's still going to be an all boys club.
Starting point is 02:09:19 I'm like, what? And like, and once you get her get i fucking hate those women it's like and i can't i wonder and all the men that i've ever been around who date women like that are just cucks they'll either even like the big buck one buff buck for buck ones even all the big buff ones with like tattoos and shit they're just like there's something about them that's like wispy god they fucking suck dude it's it's fucking so annoying it's so limiting they're so limiting they're so and they're so trapped in their head listen to this fucking crazy woman one sent me an article called tall poppy syndrome from new zealand and it's talking about like field of poppies and when one gets tall they cut it cut it down. So they're all the same height. And they're like, that's what happening. And that was pivotal for me mentally to think like, you just need me to be at your level. And so you see
Starting point is 02:10:13 somebody gaining traction and it usually is directed towards women. I think men get it, but I think women more so than anything, a confident, we don't give a fuck. Hey, it's like, it's like short man syndrome. It's like a black victimization. It all just falls under that shit. It's like. A woman triggers people like nobody's business. And to just have a woman out there that's like, I'm. A confident woman triggers people.
Starting point is 02:10:44 To just have a woman out there that's like, I'm a confident woman triggers people. Yeah, I think there's just catty women out there that just like they're like, fuck her. She doesn't deserve any of that. I'm better than her. And hey, and I know I'm projecting onto her. But when I hear confident woman, I hear the way she says it. I hear posturing fake bitch who's not in touch with herself. I hear posturing fake bitch who's not in touch with herself. And like, hey, dude, like, I get, like, this is the conservative version of a libtard right here.
Starting point is 02:11:14 With the fingernails and the way she's dressed and how much time she's put into herself. With the fucking Jesus Christ earrings. Like, I know this chick. And I know I'm projecting, like, I really don't know her. But, like, I get it. No, I'm triggered by the fact that you fucking think that people give a fuck about whether you're confident or not confident woman no one gives a fuck dude no real like run from those people any dudes who are like that just run from them they're fucking cucks fine with myself like i was fine with myself then i'm fine with myself now that triggers is that her real hair or those extensions? Probably real hair.
Starting point is 02:11:49 It looks pretty cool. It blows my mind. Yeah, someone sent me an article called Tall Poppy. And the women that, if you read these comments, the people that are attracted, the women that are attracted to this group are absolutely insane. It's like this is just, it's like the, it's the victim religion. There was one scroll back up. There was one about,
Starting point is 02:12:10 uh, I've been confident my entire life and the amount of unsolicited hate I've been getting is unreal. Amen. Thank you for that. You are stunning. Your words need to be spoken. Women need to lift each other up not cut each other down
Starting point is 02:12:27 yeah be you be beautiful first of all that's not her they're that's like fucking five hours of work she's put into her fucking face and hair and second of all she's not lifting up she's letting everyone know that she does she's not empowered if that's the same thing when they say i'm going to empower women but why because they don't have power? All these motherfuckers live in duality and yet they don't even understand the implications of what they're saying. Don't let you be black and confident. Don't let you be black
Starting point is 02:12:58 and confident. For real, FR, this. What does that even mean? oh my god you you i i like i already know this girl i already know this girl this girl's the i already can picture her she's the one i hear at the fucking restaurant. Um, uh, uh, while I'm eating 12 tables over, but somehow I'm racist. Cause I,
Starting point is 02:13:29 cause I don't want to hear her conversation while I'm eating. That makes sense. Yep. Yeah. Like, fuck you. That's the thing has nothing to do with your color. It's your big fucking mouth.
Starting point is 02:13:42 Thank you for fulfilling the stereotype. Stay confident and strong, people. We're here to change the world. Very true. It takes a strong woman to appreciate another strong woman. Only a few of us are selected to do... Where did that go? Go back up?
Starting point is 02:13:57 Never mind. Yeah, where is that? I saw that too. There it is. Only a few of us are selected to do that. Be the force you were born to be. Oh, I'm empowered.
Starting point is 02:14:10 Fuck. Get rid of all the insecure people around you. Hey, no one, no one, no one who's confident is is trying to be confident. They just are. That's just it.
Starting point is 02:14:28 Yeah. As women, we absolutely have to stop competing with and asking one another to shrink down for our own comfortability. We don't do this to men and shouldn't do this to each other. Are you fucking kidding me? There it is again. I'm fine with everything she says until the end. We don't do this to men and we shouldn't do this to each other are you fucking kidding me there it is again like i'm fine with everything she says until the end we don't do this to men and we shouldn't do this to each other are you kidding me everywhere you go there's men dimming their own light everyone does it everyone dims their own light everyone fits into their little bubble
Starting point is 02:14:59 anyone else have a half chubby yeah she is fucking hot like porn hot though right yeah i guess like she's like that like really hot christian woman that goes to church yes yes yeah yes she's super holy like uh what she fucked like 30 dudes in one night in college and now she's just she's converted oh yeah she's fully converted yep yep yep like there it is there's the comparison to men like hey just say all this stuff and don't even mention men now shut the fuck up. Yeah. This is so true. I've experienced this so much in the last few years and I'm finding happiness in myself.
Starting point is 02:15:53 You present like fucking a cock magnet just so you know which is okay. There's no judgment there. Good on you. She looks great. Just stop fucking blaming men for your fucking inability to fucking get settled in who you are.
Starting point is 02:16:17 Listen to this. Things have been happening to me lately that have made me feel like I'm broken. What does that even mean dude oh god what are you talking about this chick's pmsing for sure when she wrote this or something's wrong with me to get this unwarranted treatment what unwarranted treatment listen it's totally fine if something feels like something's broken or wrong with you but it's not then she pivots to it's coming from the outside of course it is but I'm finally realizing it's not me
Starting point is 02:16:50 but I like who I am I take chances on myself because I deserve it as much as anyone else and that's hella intimidating to many if you listen people because I deserve it as much as anyone else. And that's hella intimidating to many. Listen, people, if you want to find absolute happiness, you have to realize that if you go out in your car and you get in an accident, no matter what, at the highest level of happiness,
Starting point is 02:17:20 personal accountability and responsibility, it's your fault, no matter what. You bought the car, you own the car. You decided to go somewhere. You put yourself out there. You exist on planet earth. You like at that level of taking full personal responsibility and accountability. And by the way, for those of you who are Christians, that's what it means to be God, to be one
Starting point is 02:17:41 with God. You take complete fucking responsibility. You think God's ever like out there blaming people for shit? You just give your power away. Now, I'm not saying that like if someone hits you and under, under the, the,
Starting point is 02:17:56 the ruse that is the rules of the road, that it's not their fault and that they wouldn't have to pay for your insurance or they wouldn't have to pay to repair your car. But I'm talking about like, if you want to be whole, if you want to be really confident, if you want to be really happy, there's no blaming. So I go to a restaurant. I was talking to my sister about this the other day. I go to a restaurant and the waiter treats me like shit. And my first reaction might be like, well, fuck this. I'm paying money. I'm demanding service.
Starting point is 02:18:23 That's that level that's that's fucking human level but if you want to go to the fucking next level like you're there always to serve it's just a ruse that they're there to serve you so at that point you can be like hey i'm here to serve and you can be like hey how are you today how's it going thanks for the food like like treat them like you're serving them right yeah i mean that that's that's where go ahead kevin i went to a ice cream shop the other night with my wife and they also had crepes but it was i didn't realize it but it was like so close to the end like they were about to close like probably 15 minutes from closing but they had like a rush of people go in. So it wasn't just me.
Starting point is 02:19:05 It was a bunch of other people. And so you can kind of tell when you walk in there, they're just like, oh, God, we got to fucking. We're trying to clean up. We're trying to get out of here at a reasonable time kind of thing. And so you know that. You just know already that they're just kind of like irate. You feel the vibe. Right.
Starting point is 02:19:24 You feel the vibe right feel the vibe right they'd be happy if you turn around and walked out right exactly and so and my wife wanted a crepe so i was like okay yeah like we'll do crepes we'll get a small thing ice cream and we'll get out well i ordered the ice cream and i was like hey can we also get this crepe and i saw i looked at him and i saw him look at the lady that was making the crepes and make a face. And then said something
Starting point is 02:19:52 in Spanish. I don't know what they said, but it was something like yeah, here we go, another one. Kind of thing. Chupa mi chincara puto. Whatever it was. I'm guessing they probably just cleaned the freaking crepe tray or whatever madre yes hombre right and uh or or let me translate a feed him the
Starting point is 02:20:13 chopped up dog in the back that's right there you go it's perfect and um so i was immediately i was like shit like my bad like like are you guys okay like making this still or whatever and he's like yeah no no worries like so i was like thank you very much i appreciate it and then i whenever i went to pay i made sure i tipped him well like thank you like for being open late and having to clean your stuff and whatever and then what was even worse is they had to like remake it like three times because it kept like breaking on the fucking pan and everything and then before a handful of pubes in it was there a handful of pubes yeah i think so yeah i saw a few hairs in there but after when i left i was like they were like thanks for coming in i was like thanks for making one like thank you for being here for so late like i appreciate
Starting point is 02:20:55 you guys being here so yeah even if they're being yeah yeah it's like hey um so when the black lady is too loud it's your fault for going out to dinner. I don't know if false is the right word, but yes, 100%. Hey, and what's even more my responsibility is the story I tell myself. So when I'm sitting there and she's 12 tables away and she's being loud and I tell myself the story, that's bothering me. I don't want that. That fits the stereotype of the loud black woman 12 tables over talking. That's all my shit. That's all my shit. That's all my shit.
Starting point is 02:21:29 There may be someone there and I have control over that. I cannot tell myself that story. I can totally not tell myself that story. I don't have to be a little cunt. It's like you're sleeping in the car when a car alarm goes off outside your bedroom window and you have a meeting in three hours and you're pissed that's a hundred percent your choice because you're telling yourself the story holy fuck i'm i'm i'm not going to be able to sleep now i'm going to be tired from my meeting and this fucking neighbor asshole i mean it's all it's all it's all your story right so yeah i agree with you yeah it's it's all it's all my it's all my shit i could be like damn i could be like that's
Starting point is 02:22:06 a really fucking strong woman over there she's happy to talk loud and i'm gonna go over there and get myself a piece of that ass i could i could spend that story too totally i i yeah you're 100 right uh mr lang it's all it's all my uh yeah same thing in a movie theater. These fucking kids don't turn their cell phones off. It's like, yeah. It's the story we're spinning. I'm just saying if you want to be... If you want to really flow through life, really maximize what you're getting out of life,
Starting point is 02:22:39 you watch your thoughts like that and you spin it how you want. But you sure as fuck don't blame dudes everywhere you go. You don't play this fucking confident woman victim shit. But what's crazy is like there are these handful of like I don't know if you call them feminists or what, but they turn everything into that.
Starting point is 02:22:56 Like if you're in a conversation with them for 30 minutes, at least once it comes up to the paradigm of, oh shit, if they bring up some sort of man-woman inequality. Eric Wise, I like it when Pat and Seve hug it out. It gives me the warm fuzzies. What?
Starting point is 02:23:18 Pat tried to put his dick on my ass. Pat saw me grabbing my ankles and tried to put his dick in my ass. Instead, I shit on his dick. That's how I kind of think of it. Got it. That Pat. Oh, wait. Yeah, I just shit on his dick.
Starting point is 02:23:34 God damn. Meat and fruit. Fuck. That's what happens when you grab your ankles around pat he'll try to fucking slide it in i gots to be careful more careful protect your neck oh let's see what jake jake chapman wants to get in on the wisdom uh you are not the archer the bow the arrow or the target you're the gentle breeze trying to direct the arrow oh shut the fuck up wow that was really beautiful jake i don't even know what that is in the words of clarence thomas i have no idea what Trying to direct the arrow. Oh, shut the fuck up. Wow, that was really beautiful, Jake.
Starting point is 02:24:05 I don't even know what that is. In the words of Clarence Thomas, I have no idea what you're talking about. Creature Academy, thank you. I appreciate it. I appreciate it. Remember, Pat, I don't shower. Pat says I'll get you when you ain't looking. I don't shower.
Starting point is 02:24:21 Bring a clothespin for your nose. I can get that stanky butthole. I, um... I'm watching the boys, and I was kind of like... I told my wife last night, I'm like, I kind of feel sorry for Homelander. His life sucks. Why?
Starting point is 02:24:40 I mean, he's fucking Superman, and his life sucks. He's just, like... I've never seen him be happy. And I'm like, I think I'm on season four and he hasn't been happy once in four seasons. He's just miserable. Yeah. It's tough being on top. Tough being the guy.
Starting point is 02:25:00 I don't know. He's got all the superpowers. You can do whatever he wants. You can fucking kill random people. Oh, I should erase this out of my notes so I never bring this up again. I think some chick... Oh, I was talking to the hottest girl in the world yesterday.
Starting point is 02:25:23 I was texting with her. She's actually the one who sent me this and then she said to me i've broken up with god this one really fucking blew me away i think it's okay to read the text i have with her because no one knows who she is okay You just have to know that she's like, it's like stupid how attractive this chick is. And she writes this to me. I was struggling with this. Let me see if I can find it.
Starting point is 02:26:08 She said this to me And this chick's body's nuts everything about this chick is nuts like her face is perfect. Her body's perfect. It's just nuts and she goes huge tits huge like crazy No guy like crazy no guy has ever had a problem with me but I always
Starting point is 02:26:28 think guys just want to fuck me all the time and they suck at fucking so I just end it so I wrote back I wrote back yeah guys do want to fuck you. All of them. And then she wrote,
Starting point is 02:26:49 I've ended relationships because I think they just want to fuck me. I said, Hey dude, listen, every, every dude you ever have known wants to be balls deep in you. Maybe not just be balls deep in you, but he wants that to be a part of the relationship for sure.
Starting point is 02:27:09 Maybe he wants to go bowling too, but the balls deep part is certain. Even the gay guys want to fuck you. Any questions? I mean, do you think I handle that well? How could any girl say that i've ended relationships because i think they just want to fuck me i was so perplexed by that i didn't even i was like wait what i think that's dear dear dear women dear women dear creatures with vaginas. Yes.
Starting point is 02:27:48 There is at least one man and maybe all men on planet earth that at least once a day want to be balls deep in you. Thank you. I mean, it's... Any questions? I don't think it's all... That's the only thing. Not the only thing.
Starting point is 02:28:18 That's what I mean. That's why I'm having trouble deciphering. It's not the only thing. Right. I think she just wants to... He wants blowjo too yeah i think she just she she wants to just not that be the only thing that the relationship is based upon i guess oh yeah they want to do other stuff when they're not hard they want to go bowling with you or cooking or
Starting point is 02:28:42 throw the old pigskin around or hear about your family life or sure yeah but i feel like some guys just don't really care to do that they're just like service me and that's it they don't want to hang out at all yeah yeah there's that window between 13 and 50 where you don't want to do anything with girls besides bone them but it'll go away it wanes she's gonna be 50 by the time she finds somebody like that uh if that's the case oh uh oh wait uh sema is gonna i think sema has uh so she dates below her standard and she so she can feel safe well maybe i i would love to know how you got to that conclusion how that works i don't think that she i mean i don't know how uh i know because i was her how do you
Starting point is 02:29:36 feel safe dating below your standard when i like that i like to be able to leave oh how did we get to this i'm just telling you that that's what guys want to do. Like a guy's not like, wow, that bitch is ugly. I'd like to get to know her. Guys are like, fuck,
Starting point is 02:29:52 that is an incredible piece of fruit. I'm walking over to that tree and look at it. And then they go look at it. And then they're like, fuck, I might need a ladder to get this piece of fruit. So they get on the ladder, they fucking balance and they work up and they grab the piece of the fruit. they're holding it they've seen it and they're touching it they've got it now they
Starting point is 02:30:10 want to smell it and taste it and touch it it's it's like it's exactly like that maybe they'll want to plant more maybe they'll want to savor it maybe they'll put it in the fridge maybe they'll want to put it in a lunch bag and take what's left over to the movies and snack on it in the movie sometimes they pick it and they're like, I don't really want that. And then they just throw it away. That too. That happens too. I think that's what she's getting at.
Starting point is 02:30:31 She doesn't want that. Wow. Okay. All right. Well, maybe, maybe I, so you think I read it with too, too much, uh, absoluteness binary to, to binary. Okay. Okay. All right.
Starting point is 02:30:43 All right. Yeah. Um, don't want to accuse me of being black and white. She probably picks guys that aren't up to par. So continues dating them too long. When someone with more self-confidence would move on much earlier, it protects her ego. She doesn't want to be alone.
Starting point is 02:30:59 Hmm. So if you have somebody who has, who's sure of that, sure of themselves, that she's gonna stick around longer uh elisa miss roddow you read it as guys just want to be balls deep i just think that like if you're looking for a guy who doesn't want to like, fuck you, then I don't like you're,
Starting point is 02:31:27 you're out of my, um, perception. Like, I don't have that. I have, I have pretty good periphery, but I don't got that.
Starting point is 02:31:38 I don't see those guys. It's like, I don't want to ejaculate. I don't see them. Where are they? You know what I mean? Maybe they're back here and I just can't see them. Yeah, maybe. As a man, you have multiple services
Starting point is 02:31:55 you need to provide and that's just one of the few. You need to be able to provide money. You have to get the ladder. That's getting the ladder yeah yeah that's good that all that is the metaphor yeah that's getting the ladder and climbing the tree yeah those can be those things you know what i mean yeah but i and i think the guys are here but you go over there and you start juggling hey look what i could do right and the guys that she ends up going going after and getting with are the ones that pick the fruit and throw it away they're not the ones that pick the fruit, bring the ladder, bring another
Starting point is 02:32:25 set of seeds, start planting them, watering the garden. Hi, babe. Okay, is Avi staying home? Yeah. Is Avi staying home? Okay.
Starting point is 02:32:48 Sorry, it switched to the car. Your mom's coming to pick him up for a piano. Oh, okay. Awesome. Okay. Love you. Bye. Okay. Love you. Bye. If all a guy wants to do is fuck, then it makes it neutral ground. Might be other reasons she stays in a relationship with guys she doesn't like and then leaves.
Starting point is 02:33:04 What might be other reasons she stays in a relationship with guys she doesn't like and then leaves what might be other reasons oh if all guys want to fuck then that makes it a neutral ground yeah yeah I like that yeah what might be other reasons oh yeah I like that okay so that's why she doesn't she did the algebra like she has the scale and she
Starting point is 02:33:21 crossed out the A's on either side because you know yeah she she's okay she's willing to like just be picked and yeah tossed away I got it or that's what she says that she's willing to do and that's it okay I'm tracking oh great metaphor uh knowing your audience that's like looking for a crossfit gym
Starting point is 02:33:49 that doesn't have any equipment okay what about wrist deep jesus wow uh someone whatever happened to the guy who is filming your workouts in your garage uh take creatine in your kitchen walk around your garden and do rope climbs etc i love those videos i don't i need to find a new guy uh sebon is your wife your best friend yeah oh yeah dude yes yep you don't want to hang out with anybody else like hey like just now when she's leaving the house i'm like thinking like maybe i should go find her like that was my first thought like oh i'm gonna get off the show and i'm gonna go find wherever she is like if she's like i think she's taking the kids to the dentist or she's doing something well yeah i get that for sure i really
Starting point is 02:34:42 enjoy being with my wife yeah like like in space with her yeah you do too huh absolutely yeah now that i'm i'm home for this time i get to drop off and pick up my wife from work oh yeah that's cool it's kind of a nice thing that i get to do with her like i don't get to do that very often but for this week we get and then we go get dinner together and like that's really all i care to do it's great all right i have to pee i think that's good i think pfitt goes through me faster than paper street coffee wow i did drink it i did drink an extra shot of espresso this morning because i got up at 5 30 for the dog puke so i rewarded myself in the extra shot of espresso Sweet Yum
Starting point is 02:35:26 Alright around the whiteboard And then Spin has a show this evening At the Barbell Spin It's always a great show He might have done his last night Yes I do always want to be Balls deep in her
Starting point is 02:35:41 Great questioning you should be an attorney last night i was actually trying to go to sleep and i was like trying like not to think about going balls deep in her or was that this morning i can't remember sometimes i have to just walk it off oh we went last night oh speaking of balls deep oh they go on Tuesday oh and I watched some of this too with Abigail they said it was a day early so they must be busy today or something or this was a day they could get Abby Dillman
Starting point is 02:36:16 alright speaking of balls deep hi Janelle alright love you guys talk to you soon I gotta pee bye bye

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