The Sevan Podcast - John Hackleman | The Pit Boss #960

Episode Date: July 3, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by car and other conditions apply. Asked before, just kidding. Just kidding. Y'all warmed up. Holy cow, buddy.
Starting point is 00:00:38 You've done a lot of podcasts. We're live. We're live. Hey, are we live right now? We are. Oh, man. Nerv live. Hey, are we live right now? We are. Oh, man. Nervous. I'm glad you got the memo about the glasses. The black glasses.
Starting point is 00:00:52 Thanks. Never leave home without them. Ladies and gentlemen, you are staring at John Hackleman. I met John Hackleman I don't even know if we met, but the first time I saw him was either 2006 or 2007 at a CrossFit seminar. Maybe it was 2008. I don't know. But there was a Greg Glassman would invite people who are out of the space of CrossFit to teach a specialty kind of like one or two hour, like, um, seminars early in the morning, like at seven in the morning on a Sunday or Saturday. I can't remember. And one time
Starting point is 00:01:29 this dude showed up with some young Brazilian kid named, uh, Glover Teixeira. Yeah. And, and Glover pulled the, a rower harder than I've ever seen any human being pull the rower. And, uh, after a while I while, I found out that John Hackleman was the famous coach of Chuck Liddell, Glover Teixeira, and many, many others. Court McGee. Court McGee, too, right? Yep. Go on.
Starting point is 00:02:02 Are you going to throw someone out there? Ramsey Najijam. I started with Tim. Tim Kennedy started with me. Scott Adams. There's been a few. There's been a few along the way. Even Von Flew with the Von Flew choke.
Starting point is 00:02:19 But yeah, there's been some fighters. But yeah, what I was doing was the combative thing. You know, remember we had combative and glover also did which they didn't think he could do they challenged him to do a uh uh a overhead squat and they didn't do it against nicole yeah and he he did it and then they said well he could never do a muscle-up and he did it. And then they said, well, he could never do a muscle-up. And he did it. First try. Glover was a freak, right?
Starting point is 00:02:49 I mean, he is a freak. He is. He is. He was the top. Him and Court McGee, then when I got Court, Court was equally a freak. I mean, he doesn't look all cut up, but he's doing back, Court McGee, back flips. look all cut up but he's doing back core mcgee backflips he's he's pulling numbers like real like uh real um concept two guys rowers numbers like that not just a fighter i mean he took it
Starting point is 00:03:15 to the next level he runs he runs a crazy mile and he never gets tired like that's two court and and glover never get tired um let's not pass judgment on our guest please uh corbin that is uh not not what we do here uh he said this dude rides a harley for sure let's let's make this a safe space for uh john hackleman and not put him into it why would you even say that that's rude hello uh and what was crazier so So so John comes, I meet him. Then he goes away to wherever he goes, San Luis Obispo, where he trains all of these monsters. And at the time, I wasn't a big UFC fan like I am now. And then we go visit him at his training facility.
Starting point is 00:03:58 And I think I went with Allison NYC. Do you remember her, the girl with the giant boobs? No. OK. Good answer. Sorry, I forgot that. And Glover did Grace, which was 135 pounds from ground to overhead. And I think he maybe did it in the – what's that called when you walk into a dentist office or something in that room that you walk into where you wait and sit? What's that called? Lobby. Waiting room. Thank you. Yeah, waiting room lobby. Thank you wait and sit what's that called lobby waiting room oh thank you yeah waiting room lobby thank you caleb you
Starting point is 00:04:28 had like a lobby there at crossfit right or like a uh like a front desk yes and and you brought out a bar it didn't even spin it wasn't even a crossfit bar and it had metal weights on it yeah like the little ones and he did 135 pound grace for time. Do you remember that? No. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. The small hole prison weights. Yeah. Yes. And it was fucking crazy. And I filmed it.
Starting point is 00:04:51 And I'm pretty sure we put it on. And it didn't bounce. There was no rubber on it. And it was a hard floor. It wasn't a rubber floor. So he had no bounce at all. And then there was another time I met you where we then came to your house, to the actual training facility where you had a ring.
Starting point is 00:05:10 You had some, like, say it again, cage? Cage, yeah. Yeah, you had the cage, and you had, thank you for the clarification, words are important these days. This is two men talking, and we weren't talking about a ring. We're talking about a cage. Words are very important. A cage, hello.
Starting point is 00:05:29 Yeah, and then you had, the like the death shed up top and then you had some wheel barrels and you had the the tires and dave castro and uh bill grunler and dave lipson and james hobart and rob uh the buff guy the buff guy the powerter. Rob Orlando. They all got in the ring with your guys, including your son. Yes. And Dave and four of the guys kind of just pussyfooted around, but Dave and Grunler actually fought with your guys and got tuned up a little bit. They bloodied Grunler's face up a little bit. I'm not going to – I won't admit or deny that,
Starting point is 00:06:05 but there might have been some unnecessary violence. But Grendler took it like a champ, like he always does. With that giant fucking nose of his, he got tuned up. Those noses never last very long. Because I had one just like his. My nose was like Grendler's. Hey, is that really true? So, is that really true? You see the guys with the giant, like, am I fucked if I go into fighting? Is, you see guys with giant noses. Volkanovski has a fucking schnoz. you might i i've never really noticed but they see i started most of my career boxing so in boxing you get hit a lot more than you do in mma you know mma it it there's so much more to mma there's so many more facets and more you know there's more skills to have and wrestling and in grappling is a huge one so
Starting point is 00:07:06 you don't just stand next to in front of each other and punch each other in the face over and over so um yeah maybe their noses do last a little longer is that you with hair down there yeah no shit i was like 16 17 maybe but but what i'm saying is if you have a big nose does that mean it's going to get broken faster is that how is it is it just that i mean that makes it's logical but is that just how it is period yeah it will it will okay here we go here we go he's going to come to your house and kick your ass uh dan Garrity, how did Sevan land John Malkovich on the podcast? You son of a bitch. Wow.
Starting point is 00:07:48 It's a fucking tough one. Where's Greg Glassman? I thought he was going to come up and kick our ass. He actually said that is... That's John if he didn't get in a fight and if he didn't get into martial arts.
Starting point is 00:08:10 Wow. Hey, and Caleb's your son down there. Caleb's your son, your long-lost son. We're going to spring that on him at the end of the show, the woman he fathered a baby with that he doesn't know. Wow. I'm not even going to guess who that's with because it'll get me in trouble. But anyway, anyway, that's yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:34 So that's what we do. Yeah. CrossFit. CrossFit. I got in trouble for CrossFit name once. You know that? Like you used it somewhere and like the lawyers came after you? I used it everywhere. I still do lawyers came after you i used it everywhere
Starting point is 00:08:45 i still do it's it's it's it's all over our we teach it we have a crossfit class and uh and they some lawyer called me once and and said something about i can't use i got bullshit i've been using it since like 2003 or 4 and the person that came up with it was greg glassman he said well what you do is you know a little more martial arts it's not quite as much you know of the workout part so you know why don't we just take what you do call it crossfit you know that way we're we're crossfit and he actually i think he designed the first t-shirts we had that were crossfit t-shirts so i was like the owner did it anyway the lawyer called me back in a couple days he goes yeah i talked it over just you know other
Starting point is 00:09:31 people can't use it but you're allowed to use it i think i was with greg when the lawyers called him and he basically said are you out of your fucking mind do you know the fucking brand of value it gets being uh we get being affiliated with fucking john hackleman he's like stop it leave him alone yeah so they did they did and i i still use it but what happens was like if my affiliates want to want to label it and and use it i tell them they can't i'm the only one that can so i don't want to i don't want to take advantage. Every time John picks his hand up, Sevalon flinches. They're feints. They're feints.
Starting point is 00:10:11 Okay. Before we talk about how you met Greg, and I got a whole shit ton of questions for you. Why the left hook? Why you throw in the towel? Why fighters shouldn't fight? Why? I got all these lies i want to go back to baby uh um john hackleman uh stay-at-home mom uh dad was an uh an intellectual a writer
Starting point is 00:10:33 and uh you're living in hawaii and uh can we go back there um how did your mom and dad meet mom and dad met in new york and dad was uh i think he just got out of the army my dad got out of the army world war ii then he went to west point and then he got out of west point and then he wanted to be a journalist so he went to columbia and got his master's came back he started working for the associated press my mom's uh was he a smarty pants john you remember your dad being a smart guy? He's a very smart guy. He used to... I'd send him a loving letter from like when I was in basic training, how much I missed
Starting point is 00:11:11 him. And he would like correct it and send it back. I'm exaggerating. But he was that kind of guy that was always like... He was a stickler and he was very uh methodical and smart and he was the sports editor of our local paper um he got a job in hawaii when i was five six maybe and um so he he moved to hawaii with the whole family and we he started working for the newspaper there as a sports editor from where where did you guys move from new york okay yeah
Starting point is 00:11:46 and then my mom was a stay-at-home mom and uh hawaii was a tough place to grow up especially with blonde hair siblings i have a sister and then we ended up having an adopted brother who was a local guy that was kind of my mentor uh Not my mentor. He was more my protector. My mentor was my martial arts instructor and my dad. And then I had a counselor that was definitely a mentor. But my dad was a tough, strong... His nickname was Smiley Jim. No, Sonny Jim. His his nickname his name was jim and then they his
Starting point is 00:12:29 his uh his uh his his staff his his and his the newspaper staff would call him sunny jim because he never smiled he was not a smiler a hugger you know you know, but he was, he was a very kind, kind man, a very fair man, but not a very talkative man and definitely not a, not a smiler or a hugger, you know, but, so that was Pops. And then I had a martial arts instructor that was just a badass killer that ended up in and out of prison a lot. And that was, that was my mentor in, in my fighting, fighting life. Um, and he was, he, he lacked the moral compass like my dad had, but he was tougher and he was teaching me how to fight. You know, I started with him when I was 10 years old. So he was one of my mentors coming up um john before we go to that before we go to that
Starting point is 00:13:26 go to that i don't want you to jump too far ahead because i know tell me um why did your dad go in the army was did what was he drafted was he drafted he it was during during world war ii but i think he joined and he joined he was lit he lived in coronado uh the little island near San Diego. And his mom was a single mom because the father died when my dad was one. And there was eight brothers and sisters. Wow. And she worked in the Hotel Del laundry room, which is still there. I've been there.
Starting point is 00:14:00 The big, huge white hotel there, the famous one in Coronado. Yeah. Yep. And so she worked there for like 30 plus years. I've been there. The big, huge white hotel there, the famous one in Coronado. Yeah. Yep. Yep. And she worked there for like 30 plus years. And then my dad went off to the army after high school, lied about his age. He was 17. That's why we always thought he was one year older than he was.
Starting point is 00:14:18 But then he went in the army. And when he got out, he, you know, he, he went after he went out. That's when he, he went to West that's when he went to West Point. He went to West Point. He was already a war veteran. It was kind of weird, but he did go to West Point and finish West Point. Then he got a job in Hawaii. Were you brought up with strong values? Did they talk about values and being an American and things like that, or no?
Starting point is 00:14:47 From my dad, yes. From my mom, no. And my dad, they got divorced when I was eight or so. But my dad was very staunch, strict. There was a surfing club in Hawaii called the O'Rieger Canoe Club. It's actually a canoe club, but it was right on the beach near Diamond Head, and you could put
Starting point is 00:15:10 your surfboard there, and you could lock it up. So for us, we lived in Kamakia, we'd have to hitchhike to the beach with our surfboards, and it's hard to catch a ride to the beach with a surfboard. So my dad got offered to be member of
Starting point is 00:15:28 the hour year canoe club and that way i could just part i could keep my board there and i could catch the bus to the beach right oh right right but but they didn't allow asians then so my dad refused to they were going to give him a free membership because he's a sports editor, so they want to have him there for PR. My dad wouldn't let me or wouldn't join because they
Starting point is 00:15:56 wouldn't let Asians in. I was like, I know, but I could put my surfboard there and then I could just catch the bus to the gym or to the beach. It would make things easier on me and what year was that do you remember what year that was john i'm gonna i'm gonna go with 70 so who's president then is that nixon i don't remember i don't remember wow yeah so are hawaiians considered asian no islanders aren't polynesian okay no they're polynesian there's polynesians you know micronesians
Starting point is 00:16:28 and um polynesians are the bigger like the samoans and the tongans and the fijians and the hawaiians so they're not they're not considered asian at all but they got it uh richard nixon was elected 37th president of the united states 1969 to Okay. I thought that shit was over by then. Maybe, you know what? Maybe it was something that was done already, but it was, you know, it used to be. There was something, a bad taste in my dad's mouth about Albury or Canoe Club because there was some kind of thing against Asians. I'm sure we could find out what it was, but I never really checked into it. All I knew was I still had to hitchhike with a surfboard because my dad had the values that he wasn't going to.
Starting point is 00:17:14 Being a member of the Irish Canoe Club wasn't cheap. It was for the upper level, high-end guys. And my dad, being a sports writer for a newspaper he didn't make any money so that would have been perfect for him but he refused to do it because he felt they were they were prejudiced against asians so he wouldn't do it so he did have a big huge moral compass always do what's right always Always take your time. You know, whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger. I mean, he was that kind of guy. Gruff.
Starting point is 00:17:49 You know, he was not much of a smiler and a man of few words for the most part. But he was a very good example for me in a lot of ways. You know, I would win a fight and he wanted to teach me not to be a braggart or not to be a you know whatever he wanted to keep me down to keep keep me down a notch and keep my humility so i'd win a fight and i'd be all proud you know i knocked some guy out and i'm in you know 16 years old this guy was in the marines and i'm the golden glove champ of the island you know or the state and i I'm all happy, you know. So my dad's like, yeah, good job, John.
Starting point is 00:18:30 The guy wasn't very good, though, let me tell you. Oh, wow. He was that guy. My dad was that guy. And a lot of people would be like, oh, man, he's breaking you down. Why would he do that? And I never once thought my dad didn't think I was great. I knew he was just making sure that I kept my humility and I wasn't I didn't become big-headed I always knew that and it bothered it bothered
Starting point is 00:18:52 some people but it never bothered me and I never once thought oh my dad doesn't think I'm good you know he just I knew that's the way he was like when I got an a in in algebra or physics in college i didn't go to college till i was like 30 because i just i had kids at 19 i couldn't afford it and i got an a and i never you really went to school much in in hawaii and i was all proud of it and my dad's response was yeah i think i took that class in eighth grade john good job oh wow wow so that was my dad okay i knew he loved me i knew he loved me and i knew he was proud of me he just didn't like to uh express it um your parents got a divorce eight eleven years later you had your first kid that is crazy uh when your parents got a divorce did they did they both stay on the island
Starting point is 00:19:43 When your parents got a divorce, did they both stay on the island? Yes. Did you go with your mom or your dad? I stayed with my mom in the house, and my dad moved. He moved like a mile away. He had a little condo, and he ended up getting married again pretty quickly. We weren't that close. I didn't see him that often, but I always knew where he was. He was right there. I just, I just started, you know, doing the martial arts. I spent a lot
Starting point is 00:20:10 of time training and, and, you know, I started that really young. And, uh, why did you start the kill Howley day thing? You know, growing up, uh, in elementary school, I always heard about, you know, how much they hate the white man. They're going to beat up the Howley. You heard about it or you experienced it? I think at that time, I haven't really experienced it as much. But I did get fucking Howley once in a while if he goes
Starting point is 00:20:38 somewhere. We had a shopping center down the street and sometimes when I park my bike, I see a local guy taking my bike. He and I, you know, he wasn't trying to steal, he just messed with me. And then he, I remember one guy smacked me in the head once because I was saying, give me back my bike. And he said something about effing Howley. And, you know, so I heard about kill Howley this and kill Howley day. And it just, it scared me. And we talk about it a lot in elementary school because
Starting point is 00:21:07 usually this started heavy once i got to middle school and i knew that things were going to shit was going to hit the fan so i started looking for a martial arts school on my own in the yellow pages and i found one um because i like the logo so i called called it and I found out what time the class was. And I jumped on a bus the next day and I went to class and I walked into this 500 square foot room with a punching bag and a pad again on the wall that you could punch. And I walked in and there's a bunch of people training with black uniforms. And I, and I thought, um, this is, I'm, this is my home from now on. This is, I'm never gonna, this is going to be me from now on. I felt so at home that first day.
Starting point is 00:21:56 I never did anything but that again, since 1970 martial arts was it. Weren't the yellow pages. Awesome. Let your fingers do the walking. Yesial arts was it. Weren't the yellow pages awesome? Let your fingers do the walking? Yes, I loved it. I loved, even when I, I'm so old, even when I opened my first gym, I was using the yellow pages. Sema Boobs, Savon,
Starting point is 00:22:18 wow, you changed your picture, a different angle on your boobs. That's nice of you, thank you. You originally, don't you wish you had a computer? You'd see the boobs better, John. Originally, she had her boobs turned so that YouTube symbol was blocking a larger portion of her boobs. Seve just definitely worked out. Look at that grease.
Starting point is 00:22:36 I did just work out. I'm pouring sweat. Thank you for noticing. You got a fan. Holy shit. There's a few people watching. Wow. So, John so you go there did you see any movies or anything were you bruce lee fan up to that point or was just like fuck i don't want to get my ass beat uh i was a huge bruce lee fan but i think that came a little after
Starting point is 00:22:59 um i just my my main impotence was definitely when I hit junior high school, I don't want to get my ass kicked. And I knew I was going to a pretty rough junior high school. Um, my, my elementary school wasn't really a rough school. It was kind of in a nicer neighborhood. And then right next to it, there was kind of a tougher neighborhood. And that's where the junior high school was. It was kind of a tougher neighborhood, and that's where the junior high school was. So I knew things were going to change. And I asked my mom if we could go back to the mainland, and she used to laugh and say, oh, shut up. It's not that bad here. Because as an adult, a working adult, you know, and a female, it was a lot different growing up as a white male in Hawaii than it is growing up as a white female. And I had long blonde hair then too, by the way. Yeah, right. Prove it.
Starting point is 00:23:51 Golf, Foxtrot, Yankee. I went to elementary school in Hawaii, Mokule Elementary in the early 70s. Kill Howley Day was a real thing back then. Yeah. So I was in my 70s. I was in the 70s too. So yeah, it was a real thing back then yeah so i was in my 70s i was in the 70s too so yeah it was it was a real thing i mean and and and martial arts martial arts stopped that stopped the kill it stopped it it uh
Starting point is 00:24:16 and and and i was lucky enough to go to a certain martial art where it wasn't just a miyagi or a karate kid type guy my guy was like you know cobra kai guy he was like in and out of prison and he was a really really rough guy and um functional fighting functional fighting he was a very functional like like you know they do all those crazy weapons that martial arts guys do and most of them aren't functional they're like like uh i don't have one here i had it but they and and i used to ask him hey how can we never do those weapons he goes shut the fuck up there if you want a weapon get either a knife a baseball bat or a gun other than that we're going to use our fists okay and he was he would
Starting point is 00:25:03 i'd be a little kid saying why are we doing you know such and such move and he would just tell me uh shut the fuck up and keep training yeah something like that hey um john um uh how old were you when you walked in there i was 10 how far was it from your house man i'm gonna have to google that, it was four, four Pequoy and I lived on Kilauea Avenue. So it was, it was two bus rides. Oh shit. You mean a bus, you paid the money and then you'd get a transfer and wait for another bus? Yeah. I had to go to another bus. I catch the bus right on 18th Ave. Then I catch my second bus on Wailae have and that would get off on kapilani and p toy and i would walk about i don't know a couple hundred yards and i'd be at four four pico right now 404 pico that
Starting point is 00:25:53 the building has been torn the it was a strip mall it's been torn down now khon which is the channel 2 news is actually on um um it is actually on that same spot. So I took some of my old fighters a few years ago, some of my old students to 404 Pequoy, and I wanted to show them where I started. But this huge, really modern building was there, and I was like, oh, shit, it's been torn down. So I walked into the building, and it's been torn down so i walked into the building and it's khom news where my where my
Starting point is 00:26:27 dad did a little bit of uh he used to do some broadcasting once in a while when he was in the on the newspaper he tried he he did a little uh news casting for i don't know about six months it didn't really work out for him but i walked in and somebody goes hey you're jim hackleman's son and it was kind of weird oh no shit that's crazy it's yeah and right across the street from that is alamana shopping center hey that's it that's a trip i you would think that's the beach there's alamana shopping center right yeah that's the parking lot is your is your um is your original coach still alive no he died in 2001 in prison no he died um he died at home he got he got a pardon that's that's hawaii for you the governor pardoned him and then he was out for a few years and then he
Starting point is 00:27:21 died um but um did you ever want to quit, John, in those early years, the first five years between eight and 13? I know. I was 10 and 15 in the first five years. 10 and 15? I never wanted to. Not only did I never want to quit, I never wanted to stop going six days a week.
Starting point is 00:27:41 There was nothing else I would want to do uh more than i would never you know well i can't come today because of this i never missed class i never would that was that was my life from that day you hated holidays if you heard the place was closed you were pissed you're like dude just stay open i think at like 14 or 15 i already get he gave me a key i would just i would go in and train even when they weren't open i was i was fanatical i knew this was my life it saved me at school like uh like when i started junior high school i had already been training and i already had i already had you know that i already had the look that i knew that I wasn't going to be anybody's fucking, you know, victim.
Starting point is 00:28:26 I wasn't going to be a I wasn't going to be a nobody's going to take my lunch money, you know. And and nobody did. And, you know, I got pushed a couple of times. I got I don't mean physically, but I got pushed to where I had to either look away like some a local guy would say, if you look back at a local, they say, what the fuck are you looking at Howley or what you like beef or don't give me stink eye or something. But I always had that look and they look at me and they say, what? I go, what bro? And I never,
Starting point is 00:28:55 I never backed down because just training there for like, you know, just training there for two or three years with him. Walter Godin was his name. I just knew nobody physically would ever ever intimidate me and definitely not in school and it didn't and and i never i'll never get over that that that's been with me you know a lot and and that's made that and that confidence has brought me you you know, through everything from jobs, to college, to the military, you know, you always have that, that confidence where you just, you're not scared.
Starting point is 00:29:35 You're just not scared of anything because, you know, you just, you're a martial artist. So anyway. So you've been practicing 51 years now, 50, 53, 53. I'm I'm 63. So, oh, OK, you're right. Your math is better than mine. It was a long time, long time, long time. And John is martial is martial arts your purpose?
Starting point is 00:30:02 It's my purpose. It's my life. It's it purpose. It's my life. It's everything. It makes you a better everything from son to father to husband to employee, employer. But you're a protector also. You're a protector of your ohana, which which is family which means you know can be your community um and you're also you know you're also gonna deter anybody from from anything you know that's gonna be you know hurt you know hurting any of our people so i don't know it's it's like ohana oh there's one look at that picture
Starting point is 00:30:46 yeah that's an ohana right there that's that's i mean you know ohana doesn't have to be blood you know uh so family usually means blood not always relative is but so family would be ohana more than relative but ohanaana, it means family. And that's my family right there. And Glover's the man right there that connected us. And Glover came into my life. And a couple of stories you told, he was in the family immediately. And he was the perfect member of the family. He was caring. He was caring.
Starting point is 00:31:25 He was, he was, uh, humble. He was, he was helpful. He was a protector. He was a teacher.
Starting point is 00:31:32 He was a student. And then he became a really, really bad-ass MMA fighter. Um, uh, this is a off subject here, but he punched John Jones in the face harder than I've ever seen any man get punched in the face.
Starting point is 00:31:48 He punched John in the face. It's crazy that people don't talk about that fight more. His fight with John Jones is probably one of the greatest fights I've ever seen. The amount of blows that those guys exchanged on each other's face. Do you think John Jones was on something? I always thought he must have been on pcp or but i think he was always on i think he's been doing and i don't mean performance enhancing
Starting point is 00:32:13 drugs i mean something else like like how how would a man get punched in the face i mean do you i mean i guess you you obviously remember fight. You were in the corner of that fight? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That was a nerve-wracking. I'm thinking about it. That was a nerve-wracking. That was a nerve-wracking experience. But, you know, Jon Jones, I feel like,
Starting point is 00:32:40 is not a fair one to uh judge on any other fighter because i feel like he never was fair in his in his in his fights like he always brought a secret weapon and like like if our guy came in with a cast on his you know on his hands or a baseball bat in the cage and started using that that's how i feel like uh steroids are i think it gives people that much of a unfair advantage i i really do and i think they do too because if they didn't they wouldn't risk doing them they would or the epo right or the epo epo yeah epo is a different way i think epo is more for an endurance even though a couple of our fighters did it. And I don't think that really helps quite as much.
Starting point is 00:33:28 It might in your training, part of your training, but I think the explosive steroids, you know, more of the testosterone boosters and testosterone drug, enhancing drugs are more of an explosion like a fight is but like epo would be more you need oxygen from that hemoglobin and all of a sudden now you have more hemoglobin to pass out the oxygen and that's what the epo does and that's good for like you know like for the grand you know the grand prix or whatever the guy did what's it called with the bikes grand prix um the tour de france but how about even about even for heavyweights,
Starting point is 00:34:06 I would think EPO would be fantastic for championship fights. Yeah, and mainly for the training. But either way, it's like severe cheating and it should be treated like that. It's like bringing a weapon into the cage because you're not even on the same level as that person like a man fighting a woman it i mean you could it could go that way i mean you
Starting point is 00:34:33 could you could use that as an example i think it's just like a i i like to think of it as bringing a weapon into the cage you know like like maybe a uh like a cast on your hand instead of gloves or some kind of bat. Something is very unfair. My guys have never, ever done that, but it was prevalent for a while. Now it's not as prevalent, but some guys who have been doing it that long, I think they know how to cycle it and they know how to micro-dose it so they don't get
Starting point is 00:35:09 busted, but it's still cheating. To me, once someone does that, I never look at Arnold Schwarzenegger and think, wow, that guy has a great physique because you know it's a good portion of his physique was made because of the steroids. So I wouldn't look at someone like that and think,
Starting point is 00:35:34 I don't look at Jose Canseco or Barry Bonds and go, wow, those guys are great home run hitters because I know that they needed help to do it. And of course, when steroid guys say, well, it doesn't really make that much difference, you wouldn't have done it if it doesn't. You're not going to risk all that if it didn't really help you a lot and if you didn't need it.
Starting point is 00:35:55 So I don't know. I have a sore spot for that. A lot of it was because of Glover's fight with Jon Jones. Well, if there wasn't a john jones or glover would have won that fight glover probably would have been the reigning champ for many many many many many many it would i don't know who would have stopped him yeah yeah that and then and then he got taken away right right there right he got he got taken away meaning he lost his visa and he had to go back to brazil yep and he and he was only going to go back for a few months and it ended up being close to four years.
Starting point is 00:36:28 Yeah, it was crazy. Yeah, it was really crazy. And it was a terrible. It was, you know, it was a little like Ali with the Vietnam thing. Muhammad Ali. Losing some of his best years. And then I guess since we've gone down this route, what Glover did. And then I guess since we've gone down this route, what Glover did – man, it must be a trip for you to see your buddy getting so many fucking crazy fights.
Starting point is 00:36:59 That fight he had with the guy with the – that was absolutely bizarre. That was like – that hurt me even – I mean I don't know. I've only met Glover three times, and it's been 15 years since I've seen him, but that hurt me to see him have to go through that. And then he came back and won the fucking title. And now he's got that other freak of nature at his house. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:23 Let's start there. Crazy? Can you even believe the journey glover took when i talk about when i think about glover um you know chuck too but glover in a different way um when i think about him it just boggles my mind that people even have the audacity to say, well, I'm too busy for that. Because Glover, while he was training to win a world UFC title, while he was training, he was running a full martial arts gym, like the one I have, a little smaller, but like that. And he was training a full-on MMA team. I mean, you know, these are guys that are fighting in the UFC,
Starting point is 00:38:11 Bellator and stuff like that. So he's doing all that while he's training for his own UFC title fight, right? And now he also is not only a homeowner, but he owns rental property, right? He owns rental property in here and in Brazil. And he has so much shit going on. And he's such a down-to-earth, humble guy. It's crazy. Glover Teixeira is one of the most amazing humans on the planet and his
Starting point is 00:38:47 humility and is is just all he does and has done is unbelievable in the interview you did with joe rogan um you said something about that there's um when you were talking about steroids you also said hey just like there's different kinds of men there's this one kind of man that has a certain kind of bone and i think what you meant by that is not the bone in the pants and i see that bone in alex pahea pahea has that what i tell everyone he's got that is not a jaw that's a horse mandible he's made of different bones is that do you get that vibe from pahea that he's not like he's part alien he's an avatar or something um i get I get part of it. The biggest part is. When you see bone, you know, the bone, the bone, just keep saying the bone, it's good for the ratings, the bone.
Starting point is 00:39:34 It is. It's what happens with the bone. If you look at your knuckles, those poor things, the bone, bro. This is these. I've had these. these i just had them they're not even lined up straight across look what is that one those two on the bottom aren't even what are those don't don't be a bone phobic don't be a fist phobic okay the bone man i'm getting triggered right now i'm getting i understand i understand i'll settle down but my best friend's a orthopedic surgeon. He was like, because I hit a lot
Starting point is 00:40:08 of stuff. He wanted to test my bone density of my hands against other people my age. He said it averaged three times more denser. The bones in your hands. The 28 bones in your hands. Wow. I learned that from listening to your podcast too.
Starting point is 00:40:23 28 bones in the hand. When Alex punched me, 28 bones in your, wow. I learned that from listening to your podcast too. 28 bones in the hand. Yeah. And so when Alex punched me with a pad, I had a pad, holding a pad. There was a pad between my chest and his fist. He punched so fucking hard. I was in Vegas that day and I was training him. I forget what, I think Glover was fighting,
Starting point is 00:40:45 but he was there. So I was letting him work out. When I went back, I was laying Vegas that day and I was training him. I forget what, I think Glover's fighting, but he was there. So I was letting him work out. When I went back, I was laying in my bed and I was thinking, I got to call 911. I felt like the pain in my fucking sternum. I felt my sternum was cracked and I had some kind of, you know, I had some kind of cardio.
Starting point is 00:41:01 Like you were having a Denar Hamlin, like, like the, like when you got the injection and you had myocarditis and he he yeah i felt like no i felt like not myocarditis i had cardiomegaly which is when your heart starts blowing up because i felt like it was starting to blow up i was laying there and then i started imagining all this shit i was like one fucking second away from calling 911.
Starting point is 00:41:26 I was like, oh shit, I've never let it. So the next day we went back to the training room. I'm saying, stay the fuck away from me, bro. You think he bruised your heart maybe? Oh God, yes, he did. He definitely made it feel weird. He hits that hard. He hits like, you know who else hits really hard is glover but glover has
Starting point is 00:41:46 more of a see what uh uh alex has this straight just fucking just this like a fucking brick and it's just knocks you unconscious glover is more like mike tyson with the looping overhand hooks and shit. He hits like Mike Tyson, you know, and that's who I had him studying when I first got him. When I first got him within the first week, I watched him train. I go, you're going to fight like a lot like Mike Tyson. So I gave him all this homework to study Mike Tyson videos. Chuck, on the other hand, Chuck had a special timing. It didn't even have to be as strong as he is or powerful.
Starting point is 00:42:28 His was all about the timing. He could be backing up like with Vernon White, hit you just right there, and you just knocked out, like Randy Couture or whatever. His knockouts were just fucking, he had the power and the speed just to knock you out that way. So they're all incredible knockout fighters but from for different reasons um uh caleb um you must be so happy he said the word hemoglobin we've talked about 28 bones in the hand he said cardio megaly
Starting point is 00:42:59 megaly megaly shmegaly uh he knows a lot it's oh A few times in the Rogan podcast, I had to pause it and look up some medical terms he was using. Man, Joe was so excited to talk to you. I've never seen him that excited. That was episode 444. I guess I haven't listened to very many full episodes of his. Usually it's just clips, but man, he was on fire when you were in there. He's a good guy. He just mentioned me a couple weeks ago.
Starting point is 00:43:27 And, man, I'm so humbled for that. I'm just so happy that he's kind enough to mention me on his podcast. He talked about my training facility and how hard I train the guys. He's an incredible guy. He reminds me of Tony Robbins a lot, you know, because. Wow, that's a great, I didn't see that comparison coming. You know why? Because they're both so, they take due diligence,
Starting point is 00:44:04 the word due diligence, so seriously. So like when they tell both so, they take due diligence, the word due diligence, so seriously. So, like, when they tell you something, you know, a lot of people say something, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. But when they tell you something, you know they've studied it, they've done their due diligence, and they're both smart. I mean, they're both smart as shit. I mean, they're super smart, both of them. And, like like i wanted
Starting point is 00:44:26 to find something out about stem cells so uh i listened to joe rogan's podcast got got so much info and then i called uh tony robbins like you know you got any ideas my wife you know she's got some this and this he sends me back like he texted me back all this stuff on stem cells. And he's just, or when the shot came, like, for the vaccine, you know, I was like, who else do I ask? I mean, I'm a registered nurse. I ask all these doctors. Oh, shit. You are registered.
Starting point is 00:44:58 You were a nurse in the Army? No. I was a nurse when I got out of the Army. Oh, okay. I was an ER nurse. I worked at the prison. And at the Quackadoodle home, right? You worked in a mental hospital?
Starting point is 00:45:09 I worked at, yes, I did, Atascadero State Hospital for the Criminally Insane. Was it Atascadero? That's where you worked? Yeah. That's like 20 miles north of us. Yeah, it's a famous place, buddy. That's a famous...
Starting point is 00:45:24 Yeah, that's where Tim Kennedy's from.'s a famous uh yeah that's where tim kennedy's from is it closed is that is that that they're open they're open what i i got one student that still works there um but so back to you were saying something about rogan oh he's a student you were saying he uh does his due diligence yeah they do their due diligence so when like when the shot thing came like the vaccine um i wanted some information you know and uh so i'm asking all my doc friends they don't know they're they're like oh yeah it's gonna be and about the mask oh you gotta wear the mask and i i knew that wasn't true because i used to be a respiratory therapist before i was a registered nurse so i'm really key on on pulmonary and, you know, the whole pulmonary system.
Starting point is 00:46:09 So I knew the mask thing wasn't real. I knew that. I knew, you know, technically I knew that. I knew that wasn't work. So when I asked these doctors were saying about the mask and my friend, some of my friends are doctors, and they're talking about the mask, like why you should wear it. So I knew they were just doing the propaganda. So I was like, I'm not going to ask them anymore. So I asked, you know, Tony and he came up with all the studies and all this.
Starting point is 00:46:36 And he is such a fucking sharp guy. And they had the resources to get all, you know, help, you know, get the help from all the people. And so it's just, those having those two guys, what did you get it? I had to, how come? Because I couldn't have gone to Glover's title fight. If I didn't in which, in which country that was in Abu Dhabi, that was in, uh, that was in, uh, was Abu Dhabi. It was in Abu Dhabi.i john couldn't you just been like
Starting point is 00:47:06 shoot that on the floor yeah you that yeah shoot that on the floor yeah you know good shoot that on the floor that would have been that's what i wanted to do but um but i i don't know i would never want to have that kind of, um, I don't know how that could come on the press. If somebody said, yeah, and he came in as karate guy, you know,
Starting point is 00:47:31 like the gun on the roof thing. You heard about our gun on the roof thing? No. During the BLM riots. So we had guns on the roof. You never heard about that? Oh, in,
Starting point is 00:47:39 in, in slow in a row. Grandi where I live. Oh, that's cool. We're one, we're one town South of a slow, where I live. Oh, that's cool. We're one town south of SLO. But, oh, we got turned upside down.
Starting point is 00:47:50 We were called white supremacists. They were calling for the shutdown. Because you didn't want your business burned down? You were white supremacists? Yeah, I wanted to protect my business, and I was a white supremacist. The week before our BLM riot, which didn't turn into much of a riot, but I didn't know that, the 10th planet in Long Beach got burned to the ground.
Starting point is 00:48:13 Oh, God. So not for anything. They weren't trying to steal anything, because people go, oh, what are they trying to steal, a heavy bag? Why'd you have to do that? I go, they don't want to steal. They want to fucking break glass and burn things down. I don't have fucking riot insurance.
Starting point is 00:48:27 And I don't know how to fight a riot. I've never, I fought MMA guys and kickboxers and boxers and street fighters. I've never fought a riot. So I don't know what to do. So the only thing I could think of was the Koreans during the LA riots. I remember that. They were the only stores that weren't getting broken into. So I had a couple of my guys on the roof with AR-15.
Starting point is 00:48:48 Sorry. And then the next day I know there's a fucking city council meeting to shut us down and we're white. There's hashtag boycott the pit, white supremacy, yada yada yada. You should have painted yourself black.
Starting point is 00:49:07 Wow. Anyway. That doesn't work? Hey, Mad Marv rooftop Koreans. Yeah, so they were, and nobody called them. Oh, shit, that is gangster. Look at that cigarette in that dude's mouth. Wow. Try ours. Try to do a... R pit the pit the pit where
Starting point is 00:49:27 brandy right uh guns on the roof did you take pictures of yourself up there oh i know but a lot of people did and we're on the news we're in this i was trying to keep it low key but it ended up being very high key oh it looks like I see Caleb's digging around. But yeah, it's so it got, I mean, that was kind of a big thing and, you know, having that kind of, oh, this guy is teaching martial arts. You can't fight with your hands. Why do you
Starting point is 00:49:56 have to use guns? Hey, I bet you Dana didn't get the shot. What? I bet you Dana didn't take the shot. Yeah, I don't think he did um yeah but he went places where you were probably supposed to take it yeah but i yeah and he's also a 130 million dollar mega superstar and he took a private jet everywhere he went including fucking abu dhabi and shit we i wasn't but no the thing was so they said if we can't get in at all we can't go anywhere if we didn't have uh other that's awesome dude
Starting point is 00:50:35 okay let me tell you something with them they're calling me a white supremacist right uh that guy that's he's like a half black half mexican guy yeah he was like he was like they were calling me white supremacist i've never been called white anything before but he's one of my students yeah i have two of them up there but um it was pretty it was pretty great but they said, and Clover called me and goes, Coach, I know how you feel about the shot. I'm not going to blame you if you don't come. I understand if you can't make it. I'm never going to make you do that.
Starting point is 00:51:14 I would never do that. But if you don't get the shot, you just can't come. This was his title fight. Against who? Against Probiscus? No. This was the next one when he fought Jan. Oh, the one he won.
Starting point is 00:51:28 The one he won. The title. Yeah. This is when he won the title. So everybody's telling me, you know, my wife is, my wife is, she wouldn't, she never got it. She wouldn't get it. But she, I mean, that's my wife. You know, she just looked at me.
Starting point is 00:51:42 She says, you got to do it, John. You got to do this for Glover. You're never going to live with yourself if you're not in his corner for that title fight. You're with him his first fight, and you need to do it. So, I mean, some of my close friends that were on that side were like, you better not get it. You better not get it. I was like, you know, I didn't know what to do. I was lost, you know.
Starting point is 00:52:04 So, I kept hearing about these fake cards you get you know yeah yeah yeah we bought those in our dot from a doctor and the doctor the fbi ended up fucking that doctor up yeah so i i just think if it was in america just kidding i'm just kidding we didn't do that i'm just kidding okay go ahead yes i go if it was in america i probably would have risked it but being in abu dhabi if they find some false documents following that country, I just couldn't see that happening. Yeah. So I got the shot.
Starting point is 00:52:31 I got the one. I got the Johnson & Johnson because that was just one shot. And me and one of the other trainers, we both weren't going to get the shot. But we talked and we go, okay, I'll get it. You get it. We got to do this for Glover. Let's get the J&J and we'll do you get it we got to do this for glover let's get the j and j and we'll do it together because we got to be there for glover i mean it's fucking
Starting point is 00:52:50 i'll risk it for glover so we both did it and we ended up so far i didn't i didn't how long ago did you get it how long ago did you get it i i'm gonna say like three months before that fight it was a couple years, yeah. Do you remember that fighter who died in Canada? Sorry, I don't mean to beat a dead horse, but a fighter died in Canada of liver cancer. He was like 30. He's a UFC fighter.
Starting point is 00:53:17 This is last year. Or kidney cancer. And they said, hey, it's really rare that someone dies of this cancer. And I looked it up. It's not that it fucking was rare. It was like he was the only dude in North America who died of that cancer. And, of course, he's Canadian. Anyway, I'll leave it at that.
Starting point is 00:53:34 But anyway, I think you're going to be fine. You're good. Sorry. I don't mean to, like, stress you out. You stressed out about you took it? Am I stressing you out? No, I was stressed out right after I came back because my daughter gave me the hardest time in the world. She would call me like every day.
Starting point is 00:53:47 You still alive? You still alive? She would call me like every day. She would text me. You okay? You all right? You breathing? I was like, sorry. Anyway, that's my daughter. She has a sense of humor. John Hackleman, been around since the birth of MMA.
Starting point is 00:54:02 Friends with Greg Glassman. Friends with Tony Robbins. friends with Joe Rogan, friends with, made a new friend, Alex Peja. You can't talk to Peja, right? He speaks only Portuguese. Yeah, he's learning. He's starting to pick up on things. But I mean, to be honest,
Starting point is 00:54:18 I mean, that's Glover's guy and he travels around a lot. And when I'm in town, we'll hang out, we'll do something. But we're not like, I don't call him or anything. You know, I'm in touch with Glover and one of his trainers. But I'm not really. And Glover's coming out here actually in a couple. I don't know when he's coming, but we're meeting in Hawaii in November.
Starting point is 00:54:41 That's the next time I know. I was going to do his grappling match last week, but there was all kinds of problems with the flight so we didn't go. Oh, how did he do in that? He won. I mean, that's his bread and butter, right? I know it's funny. In the Rogan fight... No.
Starting point is 00:54:57 Well, you say that and Rogan said that, but when I picture Glover fighting, you're going to hate what i'm about to say i picture him is getting in a compromised position basically charging the guy taking a few really unnecessary hard shots and then taking a guy down and submitting him that's how i think of glover okay that's that's glover's last six fights okay okay fair so when glover when glover started he was known as a knockout puncher
Starting point is 00:55:25 he and his learning he didn't learn he even though he's brazil you know from brazil he learned with the striking first okay so he was a striker before he ever did jiu-jitsu um and um but um okay okay and you know what i'm i'm a i'm a i came on to the ufc scene after george saint pierre like right george saint pierre retired and i and i started watching ufc Okay, okay. And you know what? I came on to the UFC scene after George St. Pierre. Like, right, George St. Pierre retired, and I started watching UFC. So I'm relatively new. Yes, that's true. Glover's more known as more of a knockout puncher.
Starting point is 00:55:54 But then towards the end of his career, after his long stay in Brazil for that immigration thing, when he came back, he was a step slower, just a step slower and he wasn't landing the punches as well. So he was starting to get beat with the standup. So he adapted, he was always a strong guy with a good takedown. He, he started grappling a lot more to get the guy down and pound him there. Um, when, when, uh, to get the guy down and pound him there. When – is fighting – I heard Dana White say this the other day, or I don't know if I should say the other day, but it was like three years ago, and I try to remind CrossFit.
Starting point is 00:56:39 The other day? Okay, the other day. Fighting the UFC is not a job. I don't want to misquote him. It was so beautiful the way he said it. Fighting the UFC is not a job. It's an opportunity. And by that, I think he kind of meant like,
Starting point is 00:56:58 hey, man, this isn't – and I think I've heard you speak about this on the Rogan podcast too, that it's not guaranteed money. Like this is a tough, tough road to hoe. But not only for the fighters, but for the trainers. But can you kind of lay out – can you kind of – like this is what I picture in my head. There's a fighter.
Starting point is 00:57:19 He wants to fight. He finally makes it to – he's been living in his parents' basement fighting and working a job at Starbucks. He finally makes it to the UFC been living in his parents basement fighting and working a job at starbucks he finally makes it to the ufc he fights two fights a year and i picture him as still being basically broke because he makes and i'm not complaining about the pay i'm just saying uh it's a tough road to hoe you make thirty thousand dollars never complain about the pay love dana love her love love peace and love I hate guys. And I hate guys that complain about the pay that are still getting paid. Even better. So, so you make it to the UFC, you make $30,000 one fight. You make $30,000 the next fight. You pay $10,000 of taxes.
Starting point is 00:57:56 That gives you $50,000. I'm 20 of that goes to rent. You have 30,000 left to give. Where does it end up that you have money to pay your trainer like by the time like how do people do it how do you do it how how do the coaches stay in business how do the fighters stay in business how do people do it and it's even worse in crossfit like in crossfit like at least the ufc is a fucking multi-billion dollar sport. CrossFit's a multi-million dollar sport. Not even a multi-ten million dollar sport. This is the part that really, really fucking irritates the shit out of me.
Starting point is 00:58:34 Good, I love it. When people talk about the UFC and they don't pay enough and we're going to do a... I wasn't suggesting that, by the way, at all. I know, I know. Okay, okay, okay. We're going to do a union and fighters. They don't get paid enough. They're this and this and this.
Starting point is 00:58:48 The UFC is so cheap. Dana makes all this. Go to a different organization then. They got Bellator. They got PFL, LFA, fucking Tachi Palak. Go somewhere else. Why are they only coming at the UFC for more money? Because they have the most money. why not go to one of the
Starting point is 00:59:06 other shows if you think because the ufc it's not a sport the mma is a sport the ufc is just one of the promotions it'd be like you know if if you if you go to you know if you go to uh bob arum he's not paying enough you go to the what's called with the crazy hair right don don paying enough, you go to the crazy here, right? Don King. Go to Don King. But if Don King doesn't pay enough, go to one of the other promoters. You could go to the transvestite one,
Starting point is 00:59:34 Oscar De La Hoya. He's the what? You could go to the transvestite promoter, Oscar De La Hoya. I see a transvestite. You haven't seen? Oscar is a cross-ddresser You didn't know that No
Starting point is 00:59:46 Get out of here Yeah Yeah No judgment No judgment I don't judge either Yeah He just
Starting point is 00:59:53 He likes his cocaine And he crossdresses Yeah You didn't know that That is not Show me a picture Okay Caleb can you find
Starting point is 01:00:01 Oscar Not a Photoshop Get out That one might be I don't know If that one's Photoshop But yeah Okay, Caleb, can you find an Oscar De La Hoya? Not a Photoshop. Get out. That one might be. I don't know if that one's Photoshop. But, yeah. Look up just De La Hoya cross-dressing.
Starting point is 01:00:14 Oh, my God. Yeah, I think De La Hoya swings bats for both teams. He's a good dude. He's fair. I don't think I've ever met him, to tell you the truth. Let's see. He was a badass fighter in his day, man. Amazing.
Starting point is 01:00:31 People forget that because he's taken such a different role now, and he comes at it from a different angle. But he was a fucking one of the best fighters of our, one of the best boxers of our era. Is that real? Is that real, Caleb? That looks more real. Antonio Manuelos, he's one of my fighters. Oh, now you learned something new.
Starting point is 01:00:49 You have a bipolar, bisexual, bilingual fighter. Yes, he's here right now because downstairs, right now, I'm in my office. Downstairs is my grandson's birthday party. He's having it at the gym. We have a lot of birthday parties at this gym
Starting point is 01:01:05 and antonio happens to be here and you you have them huge kids glasses huge they're huge they are big they're they're i never i never thought they'd be this a lot of this to be honest a lot of this stuff came on we were pretty big already but uh after the whole corona thing and the blm thing and already but uh after the whole corona thing and the blm thing and people like people left like right then when it happened and they go i don't want to train with that white supremacist i'm gonna take our kids away and yada yada so like maybe 10 or 15 left but like 50 came you know it's like there's so many people how does someone meet you and think that – by the way, for those people who don't know, if you can't tell, John is very open. Like most fighters are really open. Most wrestlers are open.
Starting point is 01:01:53 These guys roll around with other guys in their skivvies. How does – and every ethnicity is fucking in these clubs. These are the least likely places where there's any of that shit. It's crazy. How does anyone not see that? You know, and I don't think wrestling is gay. It's gay. It's gay.
Starting point is 01:02:14 Gay-ish. Gay-ish. All that fighting shit is. Dude, Saturday nights, UFC is gay. Wrestling is not gay unless you have punches with it. And the guys that wrestle without punching, that's gay. Wrestling is not gay unless you have punches with it. And the guys that wrestle without punching, that's gay. That's very gay. Okay, okay.
Starting point is 01:02:31 But if you're trying to punch someone and keep them away from you and knock them unconscious, you're not gay. But if you're holding them and squeezing them and rotating your hips against theirs and rolling positions and getting their back and stuff like that yeah you're right that's not you're right that sounds like what i do with my wife with minus the punching part i just don't put you wow you don't punch your wife oh i don't please don't tell my wife that because she'll think she doesn't have to get punched anymore
Starting point is 01:02:59 hey john did people really send you letters and and or tell you that hey you you really got that white supremacy thing you're not joking oh yeah we were fucking on every news station here in the magazine or in the newspaper did it hurt your feelings or did you feel like you had to be defensive i this this is an emotional thing for me, seriously, because it doesn't really bother me. I don't really care. I grew up in Hawaii where I was called a fuck. If you're black and they called you the N-word,
Starting point is 01:03:35 in this day and age, I don't think you're being called the N-word every day. I was called fucking Howley every day. I was punched in the face. I was called fucking Howlly by teachers by teachers wow um so which put the target on your back once the teachers disrespect you just it's like carte blanche fuck with that dude yeah it was terrible but so i don't i don't really mind that part at all um but but it bothered me because this is the only part that bothered me.
Starting point is 01:04:07 The night that that happened and it was in the news, it was all over the internet, my mom called me from Hawaii. And she's really far the other way, far, far, far. And she yelled at me and called me a white. She called me a fucking racist. And that killed me because I know her. She raised me. Right. My, you know, that really broke, broke me. And I never yelled at my mom in my life,
Starting point is 01:04:33 except for that night. And my poor wife was like, she's hugging me. And I broke down that night, but that's, that's, that was, that was the only thing that anyone else calls me a racist. It really, it really doesn't bother me that much you know it's just it's irritating and i know that you know like the majority of people that call me this are are pedophiles anyway so fuck them that that whoa i know no i agree with you 100 hey just no, they are the ones. You're right, they are. Or at least they vote for pedophiles.
Starting point is 01:05:10 Hey, but being misunderstood sucks. Yeah, it does. It does. It does. And when you're trying to explain yourself and they're fucking heckling and shit, it really bothers me. But at the end of the day, you know, I mean, I know I'm not,
Starting point is 01:05:22 and my black friends know I'm not, and my local friends know i'm not and my local friends know i'm not and and and they know but they know i'm i'm very vocal about different races you know and growing up in hawaii everybody is race you know the hey the haole guy hey the japanese guy hey the chinese guy hey the right it's very race you know they they you know but so it doesn't really bother me but it bothered me when my mom said it and that's the only person that ever bothered me when did she say sorry she never said sorry she died a couple weeks later no shit yeah wow yeah so what did she pass that's why that's why it hit me hard because what did she pass from
Starting point is 01:06:07 she died of uh not coronavirus but the flu wow yeah well everybody was doing the mass and this you can't go your mom's this but yeah we You got to get a corona, corona, corona. She ended up having influenza and she died. Do you know who Nicky Rodriguez is? No. He's a jujitsu guy in Austin. He's a young kid, but he's really popular right now. He's taken on the role of Gordon Ryan's nemesis. Do you know who Gordon Ryan is?
Starting point is 01:06:41 Yeah. Okay. So I know a lot of people are going to think that's weird that I'm asking him if he knows who Nicky or Gordon Ryan is. But after watching John's interview with Joe Rogan, John knows a lot of stuff. But, like, names and shit aren't his strong suit. They're not my strong suit either. But I had him on the show and i said hey dude what what do you think about wearing masks and he goes dude i do jujitsu i covers p i cover people's
Starting point is 01:07:13 mouths to try to kill them and i was like wow like yeah like meaning fuck you i would never put a mask on i'm not covering my nose or my mouth for anyone and i really i really liked that that is good we have and we're the only two gyms that stayed open uh the other jujitsu down the street everybody else just closed and kowtowed and we wouldn't close um but um you didn't close you stayed open huh oh we got a shit ton of trouble we got um we didn't get fined but we had i had fucking uh county inspectors with badges i didn't even know they had badges coming in yelling at me to close my gym while all my students are here and me i just said no get the fuck out of here and then i had a couple other people come in to tell me to close. I said no. The mayor herself called me. And she said, you need to close immediately.
Starting point is 01:08:10 Did you have a relationship with her before that? No, I never met her. No idea who she was. And I said, I'm not closing. Unless you want to pay me $13,000 a month, that's my nut. I need $13,000 every month before i can make a profit so if you want to give me thirteen thousand dollars a month i will close but if i do close i will close for good i will take the pit out of this community and i will never come back so just
Starting point is 01:08:38 that's she says just okay at least wear a mask and have your students and your instructors wear a mask. I said, we're not going to teach our students or my instructors to be weak sheep. We'll never wear masks. Okay, John, how's this? I'm going to help you make yourself known as an outdoor gym. And then I don't know what to do. I'm getting so many calls about your gym and so many complaints. I have more complaints about your gym than anything else right now.
Starting point is 01:09:09 And I was like, well, I'm not going to close. I'm not going to wear a mask. She goes, okay, we'll think of something. So she helped me with her husband, who's an architect, put some mats outside in our parking lot. And we just called her. They permitted me an outside outdoor gym. So we just, that's how we got around it. But we never went out and trained.
Starting point is 01:09:28 But she was a fucking huge help to me. Wow. That's a good that ended up with a happy ending, even though she's on the other end. She's on the other side. And I was like, man, you just help me. I'm going to vote for you. And I've never voted that way before. But for you helping me this much. Yeah, I'm going to vote for you. And I've never voted that way before, but for you helping me this much, I'm going to vote for you. So anyway, so that, that was that. You know, Garth Taylor, do you know Garth Taylor? No. The jujitsu guy he used to train with, he was the heavyweight champ. He's probably, he's probably 10 years younger than you. He's 50.
Starting point is 01:10:03 Garth Taylor. Oh, did he? Was he a CrossFit guy? And he was a heavyweight. Nice guy. Nice as shit. You remember him? Didn't look like he was in great shape, but he was, right? No, exactly. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 01:10:16 Did not look like he's in great shape, but was in crazy good shape. Exactly. But when I met him, I met him and David Camarillo. Okay. And I became really good friends with David Camarillo. We're really tight. But the other guy, I don't even think I ever met him, but he was right down the street from the headquarters across there, right?
Starting point is 01:10:36 Right. Yeah. So I think he's the first white guy to go to Brazil and win the heavyweight title. I think he won it maybe in three belts in purple brown and black or something like that he and great guy though there's a santa cruz he's he saved someone's life jumping a car drove off the pier he dove in the water and saved the people in the car and he's just a great dude but my kids went there and exact same thing happened they tried to shut him down he said no he did never made any of the kids there wear masks. And they eventually set up a outdoor facility that was never used. back and forth with someone online i think it's facebook i'm not sure but they were dogging me about being a racist and this and i was talking about you know them being pedophiles and child molesters and shit like that that's always a good that's always i always go straight there too well
Starting point is 01:11:34 it's fun it's fun for me it's fun so i get it i get it i get a text and it's a video of uh it's shut the fuck up friday And it's like a song. Shut the fuck. And it would happen to be on a Friday where I was doing this. It was from her, the mayor. And she wrote, John, shut the fuck up. So she called me later. She goes, stop doing this on the social media.
Starting point is 01:12:02 You're making it really hard for me to keep you open. Just shut the fuck up. So that we have that relationship now. It's pretty awesome. That's awesome. It's really awesome. She cracked the code on you. She figured out your language. Yeah, she cracked.
Starting point is 01:12:12 She's funny and shit. So anyway, that's my relationship with her. You're 15 years old. You have the key to the place. You're addicted. When do you think that, how old are you when you think that you can start teaching and you start considering, um, actually fighting? Well, fighting was, I was already
Starting point is 01:12:31 fighting at 15 and, um, I never thought of it for money. Never. I always just thought of it as, I didn't even like it. I hated fighting. I hated fighting in the ring. I hate working corners. People know I can't wait to retire and that's why i retired right after glover's fight um i get really nervous i hated fighting but that's all i did so that's that's what i it's just what do you mean you were already fighting where were you fighting in the streets backyards when when me when i started fighting yeah i was fighting i was fighting at school i was fighting at the gym i was fighting at the gym. I was fighting in tournaments. Then all of a sudden, I was fighting in the Golden Gloves.
Starting point is 01:13:09 In Hawaii. Yeah, and then all of a sudden, the first MMA came. It wasn't called MMA. It was called Anything Goes Fights, or the World Series of Martial Arts came to Hawaii when I was 16, and that was an Anything Goes martial arts match, and I entered. I lied about my age, and I said I was 18, and I fought. I was 16 and that was an anything goes uh martial arts match and I entered I lied about my age and I said I was 18 and I fought I was 16 so I always did some kind of fighting but I never thought of it as the money maker or me teaching you know and then you know I started
Starting point is 01:13:36 having kids then I joined the army and then I boxed for the army boxing team and when I got out of the army I was like you know i i just my first place i went was to check out the closest boxing gym to where i was moving and i said i'm gonna either i'm gonna start fighting if i get a fight apartment and a job within you know a month i'm gonna stay here in california if not i'm going back back to Hawaii. I already got a job offer to be a cop. So when I got out of the Army. This is when you, sorry, I was looking at some over here. When you got out of the Army, this is when.
Starting point is 01:14:11 When I got out of the Army. Okay, okay. I was either getting a bit of a walk. You were in the Army for four years? No, I was in for three. Okay. Did you get kicked out? No.
Starting point is 01:14:18 Oh. No. I got a complete, I'm, I'm, I get, i get my american legion i got an honorable discharge um were you injured in combat no oh i'm american legion american legion is like it's a group of people that we do you know barbecues and stuff but you have to have an honorable discharge before you join but um so no i didn't i didn't uh but when I got out, I was going to either go to Hawaii and be a cop. Probably wouldn't ever fight over there. Or I was going to go to L.A. and see if I could try to make something of this fighting career. But I had to have a job because I already had two kids. So same woman.
Starting point is 01:14:59 Yeah. All three of three were from the same. But so of a sudden, where I lived, Venice, was right next to Santa Monica where Muhammad Ali had his gym. So the Muhammad Ali Basha gym, I walked in, I started training there. Next thing I know, I got a fight lined up, and I got a job at the Pritikin. You remember the Pritikin diet? Yes, yes. I got a job there cooking.
Starting point is 01:15:24 Wow. So I did that for a while. And then I, then it went from there. Then I kept fighting for a while. I went to college, became a registered nurse. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. The, the, what was, what was the name of the martial arts you were studying in Hawaii as a kid? Kajikempo. Kajikempo. Kenpo? K-E-N-P-O? Yeah, Kajikempo.
Starting point is 01:15:47 It's a mixture of karate, judo, jujitsu, kenpo with an N and boxing. It was founded in 1947 by a bunch of locals that put their martial arts together so they could go downtown on the weekends and beat up the Howleys.
Starting point is 01:16:14 Hybrid martial art from hawaii wow developed in the late 40s found in 47 47 47 yeah and and so when you uh it was it was is it was it exclusive in hawaii meaning there weren't other uh kaju kenbo uh dojos anywhere else except on the islands I'm guessing no no um no in the in the in the early 60s and 70s a couple of locals from Hawaii migrated to uh to the mainland I think east coast and south uh west coast and there's there was some kaju kenbo and then it started morphing so now it's kind of morphed um i'm not i'm not gonna say i don't like that part i like the old school kajikempo and now they kind of got a little softer and you know but the cut original kajikempo from hawaii was you know the original one it was the the tougher one. It was more of just a straight-up
Starting point is 01:17:05 fighting art. When it came to the mainland, it was a little softer, more for business, so they could get more students. In Hawaii, most country campus schools didn't even charge. Did you wear gloves?
Starting point is 01:17:20 I never paid. What? You never paid. Ah. No. How did the gym stay open? It was a front. Walter Godin was, he was into, he was a strong arm.
Starting point is 01:17:34 He was a collector. He was in the crime syndicate selling drugs. So he had this little gym for 500, you know, square feet and he had his office and that's what, you know, that's where he, uh, you know, that's where he did his stuff, you know? So Walter Godin, um, uh, D I N wow. There needs to be a movie about this guy. Oh, he was, I, I, like I'm, I'm his favorite when I, you know, when he started really put
Starting point is 01:18:03 it, you know, liking me and he would like somebody who take me somewhere, like go somewhere. I even took me to some of his jobs, which I wish he did. But so he would go up to a business and you would walk in with them and he'd collect a bag full of money like so that they could keep the doors open. Yeah. OK. Yeah. Not in that way. But yeah. But the the spirit of it i'll give you i'll give you an example like once but this is a this is a driving one he had a remember the old
Starting point is 01:18:32 lincoln continentals he had like a big he had a big silver he and he dressed like a pimp with a lot of uh with a lot of jewelry and rings and uh you know he he he lived that lifestyle you know what was his ethnicity what was his ethnicity he was hawaiian french portuguese or something but he was a local who grew up in the ghetto in hawaii uh and he grew up you know he grew up really tough um but he you know like apartments like you know he had like a penthouse apartment he lived that lifestyle but um we're driving and i'm like 12 years old and we're going somewhere i forgot grocery shopping or something and some guy beeps you i'll just tell you guys don't ever beep your horn if you're in hawaii
Starting point is 01:19:16 like if the light turns green you know and the guy doesn't go right away just wait just wait till the next cycle okay beeping your horn in hawaii it's gonna be a fight you know so some guy beeped his horn in hawaii and i knew godin was a badass i've heard about stories but you know so some guy beeps at him the light turns green some guy beeps at him and he looks at he looks in the rearview mirror and he gets out of his car he takes off his rings and then he puts them in his pocket and he walks walks back and i'm looking in the fucking rearview mirror and he leans into the car and just steps back and fucking hammer blows the guy twice right in the face and then he comes back in gets in the car we drive away and he starts putting his rings back on so that that was that was how godine that was that was godine and
Starting point is 01:20:12 in a in a nutshell we we did it we did some collection stuff with him i did once that ended up where i thought i i'm not gonna this isn't i'm gonna end up in jail doing this. So I kind of backed away from him because I loved him, and he was my mentor when it came to fighting and being a tough guy and being able to be protected. I owe him so much. But I didn't want to have his moral compass. I didn't want to do that.
Starting point is 01:20:43 A lot of his black belts were his henchmen i didn't want to be a henchman i just wanted to be one of his badass fighters right you know like did you want to make him proud too yeah oh yeah he he would he loved the pit and and when i didn't take his name as my gym he was he was just he said i love this pit i love what you've done i endorse it 100%. And he came out, he met Chuck, and he met some of my fighters, and he promoted Chuck to black belt with me. So he was still alive then.
Starting point is 01:21:15 And then he started getting sick. He had CHF, congestive heart failure. My dog has that. My dog has that. Dogs get that a lot. has it too and my other dog just died of it i'm sorry mine's a little it's it's what let's take a pause here before we talk about the black uh so my dog's been uh um coughing like crazy yeah yeah because every time yeah tell me what's happening what's going on on. Well, when you have CHF, you know, your heart, basically your heart just,
Starting point is 01:21:47 it just gets weak and things back up when your heart gets weak, you know, like you get, start getting the, the blood doesn't come back up anymore. So you get, start getting swollen. Humans get swollen, you know, edema in their pedal edema and their feet and their ankles. And, and they get, and they get and it starts backing up into their heart too and they get you know they get like a they get you know they get fluid in their lungs pulmonary edema so it's like it's like edema of their feet but it's in their lungs because their their muscle just isn't strong enough anymore because you got chf you know and um dogs get it a lot too and it's
Starting point is 01:22:26 stressing me out he calls oh god he wakes me up 10 times a night coughing and every time he coughs i put my hand over like when he's done i have to put my hand on him to make sure he's still alive i'm like there's no way something survived that cough but he's still alive it's great it's great my my boxer my boxer had it and that boxer morgan was my everything everybody knew morgan morgan was my my everything and when he started dying you know i just i didn't want i didn't want to i want i didn't want to admit it you know and my neighbor's a vet you know and um i didn't i didn't want to call him to do that shot you know so one day when do you know when to do that shot, you know? So one day... When do you know when to do that? Because he was laying in his own pee and he couldn't move.
Starting point is 01:23:08 Oh. I called the vet. I was sobbing. Yeah. And I called the vet. And he came up and he held me and did it. And I just burst screaming. I was screaming.
Starting point is 01:23:21 Why are you doing this? You know, I just lost it. And he passed and I buried him in the yard. And now we have three dogs that are the same age. And now, you know, my other one, Ginger, right now does that same cough. She's more of a pit bull mix. But she's a rescue, the Morgan I bought. But she has the same thing
Starting point is 01:23:46 and she just stands there and she'll shake and I go nuts for these dogs my dog shakes like a motherfucker it's the worst when you gotta go in and hold them I couldn't I don't want any more dogs
Starting point is 01:24:02 but my wife got a puppy now so now we got a new one What kind? It's a great Pyrenees Poodle mix Oh wow Poodles are fucking all the dogs now Poodles mix with everything now
Starting point is 01:24:16 Because I wanted the Pyrenees Because it's the protector of my property We have chickens, ducks and humans But she wanted it not to shed yeah that's why they mix it with a poodle so it doesn't shed oh so every any mixture you have and you mix it with poodle you think it's not fucking dog sheds anyway hey if you're gonna be reincarnated as a dog right now you want to come back as a male poodle you just are banging all the breeds yeah you're getting hey so um i know i want to get back to um chuck but one more thing about the dog so when you put your dog down i know i was terrified the first time i put a dog down but i
Starting point is 01:24:57 was so happy i was there because i got this closure that I didn't expect. Do you know what I mean by that? Like I would have felt like I could not have like, just like, what if I would have just like walked away, been like put him down and walked away. I just couldn't do it. So I held him. I said some weird shit to my dog.
Starting point is 01:25:18 Oh God, yes. I said some weird shit to my poor vet. I called him every name in the book. I yelled at him to his face, calling him every fucking name in the book book I don't want you to kill it but he already gave him the one shot now he had to give the second one you know you already have to
Starting point is 01:25:32 and after the first one I was like changing my mind even though I knew poor Morgan can't even walk he's peeing and shitting on himself and the poor vet is like John I got to and he didn't and I'm screaming at him and me and me and me and troy are really good friends in fact sometimes when i go out of town
Starting point is 01:25:50 he fucks my wife but that's a whole different topic hey hey hey is that true is that true is that true i i'm gonna tell you something now that I was so scared to tell you, but I remember you telling a story, and I don't know if I'm allowed to say this on the air, but fuck it, here it comes. Is it true that Chuck Liddell came home one day from training, and there was a dude fucking his wife or his girlfriend, and he walked in the room, and he saw them fucking,
Starting point is 01:26:23 and he was so calm and cool, he just said, when you're done, I'll be in the room and he saw them fucking and he was so calm and cool he just said when you're done i'll be in the kitchen waiting to eat did you tell that story and i heard that did i remember that it could be something like that let me just say chuck like to uh like chuck was i not supposed to say that story we can just pretend like i didn't say that and keep going. No, I don't know. Chuck, first, it wasn't his wife. It was a girlfriend. But Chuck is one of these guys that he's not jealous at all. You know, like some guys, they go out partying and they go bopping chicks and stuff like that.
Starting point is 01:26:58 But then if you, a girl, even look at another guy, they get all pissed off and jealous. Chuck wasn't like that. He's like, I'm going'm gonna go party you should too and then if we when we get together you and i'll be together but you can be with whoever you want i'm gonna be with whoever i want and then if you know let's just do that he was he didn't have like a jealous bone in his body but i and people thought he was disloyal because you know he was bopping around on other chicks. But he also his girls do that. And they also he would say, you can you can do it, too. He'd been set free by the truth.
Starting point is 01:27:31 A friend of mine told me the truth will set you free. He wasn't a liar. He told the truth. He told the truth. And he was that was Chuck. But anyway, yeah. But my that's Troy. Troy, my neighbor.
Starting point is 01:27:42 God, poor Troy. Troy, my neighbor. God, poor Troy. I tell this joke all the time, and I even say it in front of him. He does not think it's funny. He's a vet, and he's a little more serious than us. So when I make up this joke, if we have a get-together, the neighbors are there, and I'm always saying how when I go out of town,
Starting point is 01:28:01 he's fucking the neighbor and stuff. He's my wife. And he doesn't think it's funny. He just looks at me and shakes his head. He goes, it's not even funny hey um the next time someone calls you a white supremacist instead of saying um you well you're a pedophile you just defer to troy be like well at least my vet fucks my wife that's worse than being a white supremacist just just just just shit on troy to drag troy poor troy doesn't even think i'm married he's like he has horses and he he has has he ever screwed i'm gay i did not fuck your wife i'm gay he's i wish he was gay because it would be easier for him he has a he doesn't have much game and he's
Starting point is 01:28:41 having a hard time i've i've even taken him out to our karaoke bar back in the day trying to hook him up like i'll find him a chick and i'll bring her over and he just like he he only wants younger chicks you know and and when you're like you're my age you know you could get a younger chick if you have a lot of money you know but but we don't really have a lot of money we have okay money but we don't have money where you can bop a younger chick. My group, my wife, I don't know if you ever seen it. You can probably see her on a lot of social media. My wife's fucking gorgeous. And if I wasn't,
Starting point is 01:29:13 if I didn't have something going, I could never, you know, scored that. But Troy, he tried, he shoots, he shoots for like, he wants like way younger, but he has no game. Like I wanted my wife, but I have game. So I got it. Right, right, right. Charisma and game. Probably this is way off topic, but today I was at the beach and there was a lady who was probably like over 70 in a bikini. And I just could not fucking believe how attractive she was.
Starting point is 01:29:44 She had the thickest fucking gray hair and the fullest titties John it was crazy and she was in the water with her granddaughter and I was just tripping on her and I was I got caught staring at her like so many times and I couldn't believe how she had she had like those really full but they're still wrinkly nice old like what real real real they were wrinkly old number no no no i'm married i'm married oh you're married yeah i'm married i still could probably get her number i could probably talk my wife into this one but anyway i noticed my eight-year-old son kept staring at her kept staring at her and i go so he's. He's out in the water surfing. And he goes, hey, God, he's such a chip off the old block.
Starting point is 01:30:28 So we get in the car and we're driving home. And I go, hey, I saw you staring at that old lady a lot who was in the water with what I'm guessing is her granddaughter. I go, what were you looking at? And he goes, I just couldn't believe how nice, how good she looked and how active she was out there in the water. Well, you're just sitting on the side, but someone's grandmother's in the water with them. Basically dogging me. So he didn't even mention the boobs. He just turned it against you? Yes. Yes. Yes. It was good.
Starting point is 01:31:00 Okay. So, so, so Godine, how are are you how's your bladder doing how are you doing are you good for time yeah okay okay so go dean gave chuck his black belt but what do you teach at your gym what's the martial arts you teach at the pit when i when i when i moved to california and i after i done and i'm a nurse I'm living in the suburbs. I'm still fighting but I couldn't make it to the gym all the time because I worked the graveyard shift. I had a little gym built in my backyard,
Starting point is 01:31:34 like a 400 square foot gym with punching bags and some weights. My ex-wife wanted a pool which was like 50 grand. I just wanted a fucking little gym which cost us like four grand but and that gym turned into the pit the pool we used it like twice but anyway oh you did get the pool you got both she well she got the pool and then about half a year later i built
Starting point is 01:31:58 the gym so i used to train back there and then all of a sudden people started hearing what city was this woodland hills woodland hills woodland hills okay that's la for people who don't know yeah and then i had guys from like the sagebrush cantina where i worked part-time as a bouncer they used to come over and train and we'd practice the stuff next you know we got a logo we're calling it the pit we got pit jackets we got pictures so this is a 400 square foot little gym in my backyard suburb of woodland hills california and um so we're training we're training you know we're training back there and then where are we going why am i what do you teach what do you teach like what's your martial art where did you end up like what did chuck get his black belt in oh okay so i i am i'm teaching
Starting point is 01:32:46 and um i'm trying to put everything together and my guys are training and we're doing a belt system too um so i was i want to go kajikempo because i'm proud of kajikempo i grew up kajikempo and that's everything again once again that's that's there's ground there's stand again, there's ground. There's stand-up. Yeah. It's karate, judo, jiu-jitsu, kenpo, and boxing. Okay. So I wanted that, but they also did some katas,
Starting point is 01:33:14 which I didn't like. What's that? That's taekwondo stuff? Like a form. Like you do all these forms. Yoga. We call that yoga. Kata.
Starting point is 01:33:23 They call it kata. Yoga. Yoga. No, it's kata. But whatever it's yoga karate yeah yoga's poses it's poses karate poses you're posing but godine who's my instructor and i told him i hated the kata part i just wanted the fighting part and he would say shut the fuck up you do these until you get your black belt, then do whatever the hell you want. Now I'm on black belt, right, already. So I'm in Woodland Hills. So I'm not going to do kata's anymore.
Starting point is 01:33:53 So I can't be true to kajikempo. If I don't teach kajikempo, I don't want to call it that. So I came up with a different name. So finally I came up from Hawaii, and kempo means law of the fists so i called it hawaiian kempo so it's called my system is called hawaiian kempo with an m not an n but you're a howley i'm a howley i'm a very howley howley in fact howley pride how i'm a howley pride where's my tattoo hey that's kind of crazy. That's pretty hard for a white dude to call it Hawaiian Kenpo.
Starting point is 01:34:30 That's pretty hard. That's like, fuck you. What are you going to do? Yeah, so I call it Hawaiian Kenpo. And so that's what the art was called. And I took out all the katas and I just threw in, you know, art techniques that I wanted. So I have like each technique each
Starting point is 01:34:46 belt i have it's a pretty systemized uh art and it works pretty well i have i have some pretty good black belts and you know like i said i've been lucky enough where guys like joe rogan have talked about my system and you know it's a pretty it's a pretty cool system and uh i'm just going online with it too where i'm going to do an online hawaiian kempo system what's that mean what's that mean that would be like people that have trained before but they want to get their black belt hawaiian kempo so i'll do it with a lot of zoom watching you know they do have to come see me once in a while but they can stay wherever they are and get a hawaiian kempo black belt when you got your black belt um did you feel
Starting point is 01:35:26 like um you had earned it do you remember your black belt ceremony did you have to fight dudes i didn't there was a ceremony there was no ceremony i never like the ceremonies i have i don't know if you've ever seen videos of them but there's like 100 people there and there's like usually 10 black belts that are getting promoted we have it in hawaii and i have it i have it catered and and and it's it's a big event and it's three days and we walk this one hill and we do this beach workout and everybody does the kind of stuff that i prescribed and then on the last day we have you know the like a luau and there's a lot of food and we present them with their belts but but how about when you got your black belt nothing nothing
Starting point is 01:36:14 do you remember where did godine tie it on you no he just he just told me you're a black belt and he gave me a belt he never he didn't tie it on and did you have to fight that day no i just had a fight and it was like a week after the fight and he was like you should be a black belt and and uh i don't know if he tied the first he might have tied it the first time it was at the it was at the gym and i had fought in a it wasn't it wasn't a tournament so it wasn't nothing to do with kajikawa it was either a kickboxing wasn't a tournament, so it wasn't nothing to do with Kajikamba. It was either a kickboxing tournament or a boxing tournament. Maybe the Golden Gloves.
Starting point is 01:36:50 And he presented to me then. Then he gave me my 10th degree. He gave me my 10th degree in 2001. Wow. Can you see it? Yeah, that's fucking crazy yeah and then i was in the you know it's crazy do you know how absurd that is john yeah you have a fucking 10th degree black belt and you know what's so funny is like like you say it with a straight face because you fucking earned it you know like like it's
Starting point is 01:37:28 fucking nuts i can't even believe i'm talking to you i wanted to have you on when i first started the podcast i didn't have the balls to have you on you're fucking this is crazy gooding was let me good he knew he was dying and uh and uh I was already climbed up the ranks. And I got Hall of Fame in Kajikempo. So, yeah, I got promoted. The picture is somewhere. I don't know where. But it was such an honor.
Starting point is 01:38:00 So basically I took over his system, and I have a 10th-degree black belt. But, see, I'm not a black belt in Hawaiian Kenpo, 10th degree. I'm under Godin. So I'm still Kaja Kenpo. But this is where it gets really crazy. Godin dies. So I'm a black belt in that. But what about my system?
Starting point is 01:38:27 You know what I mean I the one I made who's gonna promote me because I'm I'm the highest guy so I had this was a surprise and it was a really cool surprise we're in Hawaii I'm promoting some black belts and then they surprised me after the ceremony. It's Chuck Liddell, Glover Teixeira. Oh, shit. Court McGee. Wow. I think Ramsey Newsom. My black belt, my top black belt, Rick Metzler, who owns the pit in Malibu. There's a pit in Malibu?
Starting point is 01:39:00 Oh, he's a fucking badass, too. That's baller. And so I have all the, and then I have Ian Parkinson, who's a fucking badass too. That's baller. And then I have Ian Parkinson, who's the sheriff of our county, and we're in Hawaii on the beach. They promoted me to 10th degree black belt
Starting point is 01:39:15 with my pit system, my Hawaiian kempo. So people say, how can your students promote you? And I say, well well when they're chuck liddell glow ticker they can promote me as much as they want so i got basically i got my black belt 10th degree from from uh walter godin but then my guys knew that it meant something to me to have a certificate that said 10th degree black belt, Hawaiian
Starting point is 01:39:45 Kenpo. You must have cried like a fucking... Oh, God. There must have been water pouring, snot and shit just pouring out of you. These guys, you haven't these guys, having the respect of your average
Starting point is 01:40:01 person is great, but when you have that kind of respect from people like that it's mind-boggling when Godin, when he started treating me like I was his equal that respect, I couldn't believe it when I went to school
Starting point is 01:40:18 and the biggest, toughest guy in school and I'm like a 7th grader and he's a 9th grader and I'm looking at him like, what the fuck are you looking at bro that kind of respect that he looked away you know that kind of respect the physical respect and not because they think I'm a punk you're gonna you know I'm gonna beat him up as a punk but because I'm a martial artist and they know that I could maybe beat him up or whatever you know know. So having that respect is huge. And that's caused, you know, by the confidence that martial arts gives you.
Starting point is 01:40:52 There's nothing like it. I mean, you walk in a room. There's nothing like walking into a room when you're a martial artist versus when you're not. Because even the most educated guys in the world I've had tell me, you know, I just, when I walk in a room, I, you know, sometimes I look down because I don't, I don't feel comfortable if there's somebody in there that wants to beat me up. There's nothing like not having that feeling, you know? I'm going to say two dumb things. Bear with me here. You ready?
Starting point is 01:41:22 Yeah. I started this podcast right and i do it i do it every morning at 7 a.m in the morning every morning this is one of the few mornings i didn't do it at 7 in the morning because i had you on at tonight and even if i have a night guest i usually do one in the morning and the show is live and on my birthday and i've been doing it almost two years or three years i don't know but on my birthday last year i think it was my birthday, and I've been doing it almost two years or three years, I don't know. But on my birthday last year, I think it was my birthday, my wife walked in while I was doing the live show. And she presented me with this, and the people from the audience got together and bought me this sign. And I said it was like getting – I never did the martial arts, but I said it was like getting my gray belt as a little kid and I cried for fucking
Starting point is 01:42:07 it was crazy and your wife put that together? no someone in the audience did my wife didn't even put it together someone in the audience what about your wife? she just you know takes care of the kids and fucks me and is just good to me but she carried it in they mailed it to my house
Starting point is 01:42:24 the viewers mailed it to my house. The viewers mailed it to my house. And my wife carried it in during a live show and was like, hey, the viewers, she didn't even tell me. She just surprised me. And you want to know what else was crazy? I never keep Kleenex next to my computer because I don't want anyone to think I jack off here. And that day when
Starting point is 01:42:39 I came in to do my show, there was a fucking box of Kleenex sitting here. And I was like, that's really fucking weird. I wonder who was in my office. No one ever comes to my office. And then middle of the show, my wife came in with this sign and I just wept. The second thing I want to tell you is my sons, I have three sons, six, two six-year-olds and eight-year-old.
Starting point is 01:42:59 They've been doing martial arts six days a week, striking, kicking, jujitsu, six days a fucking week now for over three years where uh uh here in santa cruz california oh you're in santa cruz in santa cruz yeah how old are you uh 51 my wife did you grow up in santa cruz no i grew up in berkeley oh shit my wife's 51 and she's from Santa Cruz. Oh. Now that I remember, I've met your wife before when I was there. You were married to that lady. Okay.
Starting point is 01:43:30 Yeah. I think so. She's from Santa Cruz. But people say all the time, Hackleman, when they meet my kids, John, they say, Fuck, those kids got swagger. Like they just see at look at what look at what a good training partner is so this is a new kid right my son's the one on that took let the is covering up you know what i mean yeah he's eight and that's a five-year-old that's him carrying the kid around wow and what gym is that that's um it's a gym in santa cruz called freefall mma but the teacher
Starting point is 01:44:08 there is just borrowing the room it's a guy um uh nico belto huh and he trains under uh garth taylor okay and i and i used my kids did their first three years with garth taylor yeah those are my boys yeah doing a little striking there who Who's that? That's their instructor. She's a fighter, McKenna. She trains out of San Francisco. God, I don't even know the name of her gym. But she's an MMA fighter, and she lives in Santa Cruz. They train striking and kicking with her,
Starting point is 01:44:39 and then she comes to the house one hour a week, and they do the stuff. Wow. Fucking A. I know. you know what i need to do i need to come to badass bro i need to come to slow for two weeks and just like take all your kids just you know vacation there but then just um have my kids take the class you know every every day for two weeks how old's the two six-year-olds those are the twins yeah yeah and then the eight-year-olds a boy too yeah then they're all gray belts the these guys are newly gray and and my eight-year-olds like probably been a gray for a year yeah a year and a half two years yeah yeah because our system It's called Hawaiian Kenpo, and it's equal parts of jiu-jitsu, wrestling, striking, and CrossFit or physical conditioning. Do they wear geese?
Starting point is 01:45:34 They wear geese. They have belts. It's a full belt system from white to black. And then we have a kid's belt system from white to junior black. And then our adult system is from white to black and then we have a kid's a kid's belt system from white to junior black and then our adult system is from white to black and uh if i visited you would they wear their geese with their with their regular jujitsu belts yeah yeah okay yeah that'd be better yeah we we our guys wear their belts that's their traditional it's a traditional system but there's no forms there's no katas it's all you know everything's from
Starting point is 01:46:05 everything anything you watch in a usc match is going to be in our curriculum except we also have some eye gouging stuff we have street hawaiian kempo is mma for the street and then i have an mma team which is where i just teach mma stuff do you have that for kids also? No. It's funny when you did eye gouging, you reminded me of something Tony Blower would say. I love me some Tony Blower. Yeah. Yeah. You and Tony are friends, aren't you?
Starting point is 01:46:38 We are. Oh, okay. I love it. His wife, they're just... He's wild. They're wild. She's wild. I love it. His wife, they're just, they're, they're just, they're. He's wild. They're wild. Well, she's wild.
Starting point is 01:46:48 He's calm. He's wild. They're yin and yang. Yeah, they are. They are. Yeah. I don't see him much, but we have a lot. We go over the same.
Starting point is 01:46:59 I'm kind of a self-defense, you know, online, I'm more of a self-defense guy, you know, I'm kind of a self-defense, you know, I'm online. I'm more of a self-defense guy, you know, but then I have, I'm known for the MMA UFC, but almost everything I teach is for the street, whether it's a left hook, which can be used in MMA, but I'm teaching Hawaiian Kempo is for the street. Just like Kaja Kempo was for the street. Hawaiian Kempo is for the street.
Starting point is 01:47:23 And the, the object of a Kajikempo student, the main goal he has in life is to get home to his family. And by that, he has to stop the threat by whatever means possible. My MMA team, their biggest goal in life is to win a UFC title. Wow, okay. So they train almost identically. They almost use the identical techniques, but their goals are night and day.
Starting point is 01:47:52 Go home safe, alive, take care of your family, win a UFC title. So teaching both is really hard, but it's really, really simple at the same time because it's all about the training is almost identical, but the goal is so different. Do you hold in-house tournaments? Yes.
Starting point is 01:48:17 So all the kids will be in a tournament in your gym. So if you have 30 or 40 kids there, you'll set up a tournament. Because I'm guessing there's no other people practicing your style. No. So they only, we do ours. And then sometimes some of our, we have a gym. We have two gyms, one in SLO, San Luis Obispo, and one's in Atascadero.
Starting point is 01:48:42 They don't have as many kids as we do. Once in a while, they'll bring one down. But my Malibu guy brings people up too. You know who he brought up one year? It was fucking funny as hell. And this is a bad time to talk about him because I know he just got sick. But Jamie Foxx.
Starting point is 01:48:59 Oh. His daughter was one of Rick. His name is Rick Metzler. Unbelievable martial artist. So one of his students was one of Rick. His name is Rick Metzler. Unbelievable martial artist. So one of his students was Jamie Foxx's daughter. I think she was like nine or ten. So he brought her up to the tournament, and Jamie Foxx walks in. And we thought, oh, fuck, I don't want this guy coming in, man.
Starting point is 01:49:19 He's going to have an entourage and be a big shot and try to, you know, oh, I got to move my car. We got to change everything for him. Yeah. to have an entourage and be a big shot and try to you know oh i gotta move my car you know you gotta we gotta change everything for him yeah and we weren't gonna but man he came in that gym fucking lit the place up just with his smile and he walked around in different suit uh teachers or the different parents and he was just talking to everybody like they were his best friends yeah he pulled me aside and told me some fucking hilarious jokes. He said you were pretty cool for white supremacists?
Starting point is 01:49:50 And then his daughter gets in there, and she gets nailed, you know? And he's over there yelling for her, and she gets nailed. And he goes, come on, get it. You can do it. You can do it. And she lost, you know and he like hugs her and then he went over and hugged the guy that beat her and he shook the parents hands great job you know and but then i but then i you know so i love him for that but then i heard he
Starting point is 01:50:17 was like kind of crazy on the other side when it came to you know the whole life and death politic thing and now he's sick i heard no you know what you know i i i love him i think he's fucking an amazing actor but i i heard that he absolutely did not want to be involved and he had similar to you in order to finish a movie he had to take no that's not what i'm talking about i know i know about that last thing that I heard just during the whole Corona thing and the whole BLM thing. I heard that. I don't know that for sure. So I'm going to pretend it didn't because I love them.
Starting point is 01:50:54 Yeah, a lot of people lost their mind there. Yeah. A lot of people didn't have good friends to help them through it, too. It sounds like you had you had tony someone like tony robbins i had someone like greg glassman to be like yo motherfucker keep your thinking cap on like don't fall asleep don't fall asleep at the wheel yeah yeah and that that really helped me a lot and then i then i had to get it but you know that was a that was a huge they tried to cancel tony do you remember that tony robbins yeah they tried to he said something about women i mean it was nothing
Starting point is 01:51:25 right it was nothing right they tried to cancel his ass oh yeah i said yeah wasn't that some kind of woman something and then she reneged on it later yeah i mean it was just crazy not no no wasn't the me too it was something he said about anyway i don't remember but he he is he is such a let me i'll tell you a quick Tony story. I'm in, I'm in, I'm in, I'm in Florida training Chuck or Glover.
Starting point is 01:51:49 Cause we're at ATT right now because he, he needed more sparring partners and for whatever reason we did ATT. American top team. God, I love you. Cause you know, I asked the owner, I was like,
Starting point is 01:52:04 why do you name your fucking fight team after a phone service? It makes no sense. But anyway, so then I get a text. It's like, hey, can you, you want to grab some coffee?
Starting point is 01:52:19 And it was Tony. I was like, hey, bro, I'm in Florida right now. He goes, I he's i know yeah he lived in florida and uh so he goes i'm about 20 minutes from you so he gives me his address so when we're done training i take him i go over to um i go over his house right do you take glover with you no i wanted to talk about a couple things too and so I go over there and his fucking house
Starting point is 01:52:49 looks like the Mandalay Bay so anyway I go into his house it's just him there with his assistant right and so I walk in and he like
Starting point is 01:53:04 brings me in the house, and he sits down. We sit down overlooking the ocean in the backyard. He has an infinity pool, and he puts his hand on my shoulder, and we're right here talking. He goes, what's on your mind? What's on your mind? And I started just spilling my guts. It was when Chuck was having a hard time.
Starting point is 01:53:23 He was finishing his career, but it wasn't going well. He was having some problems. I was having some problems with the gym in my life. I started just opening up all these problems. It's just Tony Robbins. I don't know how much somebody pays for a private lesson or a private
Starting point is 01:53:39 whatever. $200,000 an hour. Oh, shit. I'm talking to him. I would have had to pay $300,000 because I had him for an hour oh shit so i'm talking to well then i would have had to pay 300 because i had him for an hour and a half an hour and a half he sat there listening and talking to me like this far from my face just talking and you're this and there's this you should do this and what about this and he gave me like these this plan for for some of the problems I was having in my life. It made so much sense and it changed everything. I was going nuts.
Starting point is 01:54:12 I'm not a depressed guy or anything, but I was actually feeling fucking depressed all the time. I was not liking my life. He just sat there. Are you going to go now or go, now you sit here. My beautiful wife walked in. They're from Santa Cruz. He's in Santa Cruz. And he's 51.
Starting point is 01:54:32 Oh, yeah? Yeah. I was born in Berkeley, though. I know. Hi. Hi. Hi. So I go talk to him.
Starting point is 01:54:41 How long have you guys been married? Give me the long version. We've been together for 11 years. 12 years. Married for seven. She wouldn't marry me for the first five. I want to say the last time I was down there, I met her. Which was probably about 10 years ago.
Starting point is 01:55:03 It probably would have been. Yeah. So it probably would have been. It probably would have been. Yeah, so they're in Santa, but he's not from Santa Cruz. No, perfectly. She's from Santa Cruz. So, let me see. Tony Robbins.
Starting point is 01:55:14 Tony Robbins, you spent $300,000 on a 90-minute session with Tony Robbins. Look how pretty she is. But anyway, no, yeah, that's how much it would have cost but like i'm sitting there with him and he calls his uh assistant for some some smoothies and we're talking and i these problems i was having were really serious to me and he's giving me like these these these you know these strategies for them you know because he's not just a motivation guy, like go, go, go, rah, rah, rah. He gives you, you know, strategies for stuff. That's why so many sports teams, the U.S. Army, you know,
Starting point is 01:55:53 so many businesses go to him, not just to say rah, rah, but he gives you like unbelievable strategies. And one of the things he said was basically quit being such a bitch because I didn't want to train any more fighters I was done it made me depressed I would fucking break down with the fighters you know when they had a fight come up I got all
Starting point is 01:56:16 stressed out work in their corner I'd break down I hated it I always feel like I'm making the wrong choice decision I'm teaching them the wrong things. I just don't want to be responsible anymore. I want it out. And then my home life was this and this and this.
Starting point is 01:56:31 So he puts his arm around me, and one of the things he said, I'll just tell you what he said about the fight thing. He puts his arm around me and goes, all right, all right, well, you've got a bunch of fighters now, okay? So you've got to quit being a fucking little bitch, and you gotta train these guys because you made a commitment to train them i don't give a fuck how sad or depressed you are didn't you deal with it but you owe them they came to you they came they trust you they look up
Starting point is 01:56:59 to you you train every one of them everyone you made a commitment to. Don't make any more commitments to anyone. And then when the last person you have has their last fight, then and only then can you quit. Other than that, just fucking suck it up and deal with it. And that was one of his ways of dealing. And right then, I just went, boom, okay, boom. It's going to be Chuck has a couple more fights. I'm going to deal with Blover.
Starting point is 01:57:25 I got a couple more guys. Then I'm done. Hey, what do you think the magic was there? That someone believed in you? That you respected? No. No. I think he just gave me a great fucking, it just made sense.
Starting point is 01:57:37 Because it takes some balls to say that to someone. Hey, suck it up. Quit being a pussy. No. Yeah, he does. I don't think he has a problem saying that to anyone he i saw him working with chuck a couple fights and he has he's he's what six eight i don't think he he worries about what he says and and when he says stuff he says i cuss a lot but i cuss
Starting point is 01:57:58 because it gets the point across faster so that's why i fucking cuss that's what he told me and his his his uh this strat his strategy his logic was so right on and when glover's latin glover knows glover said coach i know you hate this but you know please just work with me until the end of my career you know i started my career with you i want to end it with you so i know you don't want to do this anymore you know so he he you know he paid me well because he knew i hated doing it he always made sure i had a good flight i had my own room because a lot of times the coach has to sleep with the fighters you know he always made sure i had my own hotel room like chuck did too and he made sure i had a good flight he always took really good care of me and then when when he retired, I was like, boom, I'm done.
Starting point is 01:58:46 So now I train my fighters. You really are done? You think you really are done? Yeah. Yeah, except for I do – and I'm still going to train my fighters. And that's not what stresses me out. It's running their camp and then working their corner. That's what breaks me up.
Starting point is 01:59:03 So I'll never do that again you know i'll never see what be standing on the um watching ufc pay-per-view drinking a kombucha and i look up and fuck there's john hackleman no unless unless one of my young students now i knew it all right right. That's enough. One of my last two. That's enough. I'm so weak. Can you tell us? Because when they ask, when they look at you and they say, can you please help me make it to all the way in UFC? And, you know, I might.
Starting point is 01:59:34 I might or might not. But right now, I haven't done it yet. Are all the agents scumbags? No. Not at all. There are some good ones? Yeah. The best one, there's a couple good ones.
Starting point is 01:59:44 But one really good one is Chuck's old manager, Dwayne Zinkin, who managed the entire AKA. Dwayne Zinkin, a great, great manager, agent. And then Audi, I don't know his last name, Audi. He's the one that he managed. Uh, he managed a court for a while. He has a bunch of fighters. Now his name's Audi, like, like the car, he spelled like a car. Um, I thought he had the most, I thought, I thought him and, uh, um, Dwayne had just an unbelievable amount of integrity and they looked out for the fighters and I'm sure there's other ones,
Starting point is 02:00:25 but I just, I don't know of any. How did you meet Chuck? Is he a slow guy? What is he a slow guy? Stan, San Luis Obispo. He's a Santa Barbara guy that,
Starting point is 02:00:38 that was living in slow. Cause he was going to Cal Poly and his instructor, when I moved up here from LA, because I retired from fighting, so I moved up here with my ex-wife because we wanted to get out of LA. Is this in 85? Is this in 85, 86?
Starting point is 02:00:55 This is in 90. I started the gym in the backyard in Woodland Hills in 85. And then I had it until 90 when I moved up here. So I moved up here in 90. and that's when my wife and I thought if you're not going to fight anymore we don't have to be in LA let's get the fuck out of here she was from up this area
Starting point is 02:01:14 so she said it's a lot quieter we can raise the kids it's a lot better so we moved up here and we ended up getting divorced within probably like two years but I stayed and and then my dad she left she left slow no she she's she left me but she still she still lives here we just we
Starting point is 02:01:35 just got divorced and she didn't want to stay on the property because we're kind of out there like you know yeah you have a great piece of property you're in the country it's awesome yeah she didn't want to be in the country she She wanted to be in town. So she bought a condo in town and I stayed there. And then, um, and then my dad moved out, uh, to, he retired from Hawaii where he lived and then he moved out here. I had a guest house. He lived in it. I was a single dad. He was helping me, you know, raise the kids. And then were you nursing at the time? Oh,
Starting point is 02:02:04 you were working in the, in the mental ward. I was helping me, you know, raise the kids. Were you nursing at the time? Oh, you were working in the mental ward. I was working at, then I was working, I was working here in this town as a respiratory therapist. That's kind of, you know, a respiratory therapist. Yeah, if your dog has heart issues, you help him breathe. Yeah, except humans, but same thing. heart issues you to help them breathe yeah except humans but same thing okay but uh so then i get a call from some guy and he said you know i heard you moving and oh when i moved here in 90 i built a gym in the backyard it's 800 square feet and it's the gym the one up top right not the cage
Starting point is 02:02:40 but the so i started training and then you know next day i know somebody else was training with me and then now i have like 20 people training in my backyard how did people sorry sorry john how did people find you back then that this is like pre-internet shit how did people find you um that was um let me see how did i just word of mouth you were a badass like people just knew like hey if you want to learn how to gouge an eye and fight, like, really fight, this is the dude. When I moved up here, I built a gym. I started training. And then I started going to different martial arts gyms in town and sparring with the guys.
Starting point is 02:03:17 So, like, I'd go into a dojo, like a karate dojo. I'd say, hey, what day is your sparring? Can I come? Is it open sparring and most of them are so i'll go up and spar on that day and i started getting some students from that like hey can we even some of the instructors to say hey can i go up and train with you and learn some of this stuff yeah sure so next thing you know i'm having a bunch of people training and um some guy calls me from san luis he owns a karate school it's it's a system called uh kyoshishin no it's called uh i forget some kind of japanese name um and he calls
Starting point is 02:03:56 me he goes you know i i've been hearing about you you're new in town and you're you know you're going to different gyms and sparring and stuff and you know I don't think that's what martial arts is all about. And I don't really, I don't think what you're doing is good for martial arts. It's more of a sport. And I said, well, I'm a martial artist. I mean, I'm a black belt. I'm training with my guys. He goes, yeah, but your stuff is for the sport.
Starting point is 02:04:20 You know, we're more for the street. And your stuff would never work in the street. He actually said that. And I said, well, we could find out. I could come up to your gym and you and I could go at it and without any rules. And he said, OK, how about Friday at seven o'clock? I swear to God, it's in Chuck's book. So I go up there and I go up on I go up on whatever day day it was with my dad and I'm driving up in my black pickup truck.
Starting point is 02:04:48 Are you nervous? Uh, just like before a fight, I knew I was going to be in a fight. So I was, I was pretty nervous. I was, I was tense,
Starting point is 02:04:57 you know? So I get in there, he's sitting behind the desk. I walk in, it's like a dojo, you know? And, and I go,
Starting point is 02:05:04 there's, there's a mat with some people on it so i go hey what's up you jack sabbath his name is jack sabbath um koi con and the style is called koi con so he says um you know my back's been bugging me and um i said well that's no problem we could do another day he, actually, you could go with one of my students. And it was Chuck. So he points. Holy shit.
Starting point is 02:05:33 So he points and it's Chuck. And I was like, and the first thing I told my dad was like, who has a mohawk these days? Right, right, right. So I said, OK, so I'm i'm gonna spark so i'm not going with you i'm going with him and he goes yeah i go same thing no rules right he goes yep i go okay what year is this uh 92 maybe 93 92 i think fuck i i graduated high school in 90 this is what a fucking story so i go up and and and and, and, uh, and then, so he introduced me to Chuck, we shake hands and I was like, all right.
Starting point is 02:06:08 So we start going next thing I know, I did something that wasn't legal in a, in a sport fight, but he was telling me your stuff, our stuff is for the street. Your sport is bad for martial arts. So I'm, I'm, I'm doing some note, not sport type stuff. I think I was kneeing him low or something and he's like hey whoa whoa whoa what are you doing you can't knee like that I said I thought you said
Starting point is 02:06:32 anything goes this is a street fight don't anything goes bro and Chuck was like yeah anything goes let's go you know so me and Chuck are going Chuck is Chuck and I'm realizing right now that split second I'm realizing you know this guy doesn't know a shit ton. But this guy is tough as fucking nails.
Starting point is 02:06:51 Because I'm fucking, you know, I'm world rank right now. And I'm fucking in the top ten of the world. And he's, you know, he's taking it. He's not, you know, he's not winning by any means. Are you holding back a little bit, by the way? Like, are you afraid that you might accidentally kill someone no i i wasn't holding back as much as i wasn't trying to knock him out with every punt i was just trying to and he wasn't the guy that mouthed off to me so and this is no gloves are you in geese
Starting point is 02:07:18 shit i don't remember i don't remember there God, no one filmed that shit with their cell phone. There weren't even cell phones then. My God. But we had small, I think we had small bag gloves on. Okay. But anyway, so we're going to, Chuck talks about his book. I got to reread that. But anyway, so we're going at it pretty good. But I'm obviously getting the better because I'm a little more technical.
Starting point is 02:07:44 I know more stuff. So I'm done. So the guy goes guy goes okay that's off that's done we're done so i said okay why was i was were you tuning chuck up he didn't like chuck was get a bloody nose or something no i was i was showing i was showing that i knew more okay you know but chuck chuck was hanging in every second you know i was and i wasn't trying to so anyway so chuck comes in when i'm done you know shake hands and the guy was just a douchebag you know so i walk into the into the bathroom to change and chuck comes in he's like hey can you can you train me how to really fight and i was like yeah sure here's my card you know i shake his hand and i start walking out.
Starting point is 02:08:25 We're driving home with my dad. And I'm telling my dad, yeah, the guy gave me his car. He wants to start training tomorrow. He won't show up. He'll never show up. He was there the next morning. And it was funny because the next morning it was raining. And he came up on this little Honda, like, 125 motorcycle.
Starting point is 02:08:44 That's what Chuck used to drive. And he came up, and he trained, and it was pouring rain that day. So I worked out with him, and I said, you know what, bro? Take my truck. You can borrow my truck today because I don't work tonight. Just bring it back tomorrow morning because I worked the PM shift, which was, like, 3 to 11. And we were training at, like, 10 in the morning.
Starting point is 02:09:02 So I was like, you know what? I don't work tonight. Take my car. Just bring it 10 in the morning so i was like you know i don't work tonight take my car just bring it home in the bring it back in the morning okay and you can drive your motorcycle home he's like wait a second you don't even know me you want me to drive my truck your truck home i go bro it's raining out i don't want you to get wet he's like okay thanks and he took my truck and i saw him the next morning and he came every day after that until he won the world title no shit the world title
Starting point is 02:09:31 in the UFC yeah he came every day training you know every day we trained until he won the world title so basically this dude Jack knew that when you came there he had this weird tough student there a guy who was like weird
Starting point is 02:09:45 tough like a one in a million kind of like fucking noggin and then he's like fuck he's gonna one of my students is gonna beat this guy this fucking old guy up and instead you took his fucking girlfriend from him so yeah and Chuck
Starting point is 02:10:01 yeah Chuck started after that and came the rest of the time. And when did you realize you were friends? Did you have a protocol about not becoming too close to people, like your students and friends relationship? Do you have any rules? Like, no. I hope not.
Starting point is 02:10:19 I wouldn't be with Heather right now. She was a student also. She was a student, and I wouldn't have had sex with chuck if that was a good point good point uh any kids together chuck or you and chuck okay you know i'm doing that kid with me oh my god can you and you wouldn't be able to understand a word he said okay what a what a great what a oh good point what a crazy story uh and and so you were there from his amateur fights to like someone's someone calling him from the ufc and saying get your butt down here to the hole and i guess was he your
Starting point is 02:10:58 first fighter in the ufc yeah yeah yeah and the ufc was in its infancy basically i think he was my first i had a couple little kickboxers or boxers here and there a little an amateur fight here there but most of my training was uh a belt to get belts hawaiian kempo uh training in my backyard to get in shape or get a belt i never really had anyone that wanted to fight until, well, no, Rick fought a few times, the Pitt Malibu guy. So he had a few amateur fights. But, yeah, Chuck was the biggest one that came along. John, what do you think, this is totally off subject here, but what do you think about Tyson Fury? I'm completely enamored with uh his style as
Starting point is 02:11:46 a big guy should i be i mean should or shouldn't it's up to you i think i think i love him i think he has a great style i mean it's like what is that i i mean i'm not i'm just a boxing fan i'm not like uh uh an expert but anyways but i've never seen a big guy box like him i feel like i'm watching something from the 1950s like some like old black and white footage yeah he's he's like tyson like his namesake right um like tyson um he's a he's not just a fighter he's a he's a student of the art and what does does that mean? When people say that, what does that mean? That means like, I'm trying to think of the two. I'm trying to compare them.
Starting point is 02:12:34 Like Glover. Glover's a great MMA fighter, but I don't think he knows all the fighters that have come up through the years and their styles and what made them and what broke them. He just knows what's coming up now, and he's a great fighter. I think Chuck might have been more of a student of the game. He knew this guy and that guy. This guy came up with this, and his specialty was this. I think that's how Tyson is. Tyson was like that? Tyson was a student of the game like he knew this guy and that guy this guy came up with this and his specialty was this
Starting point is 02:13:05 so i think that's how tyson was like that tyson was a student of the game yeah yeah tyson knew all about you know different the peekaboo i mean he got the peekaboo style and he learned different things like from joe frazier and shit you know so he he was a student of the game. He wanted to take the best of the people who came before him. You do like Tyson Fury. Do you think Tyson Fury is the best heavyweight who's ever fought? Do you think he's better than Tyson? I can't do everything to do those. They put Ali against Rocky Marciano. I can't do like, like, like everything to do those like that. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:13:45 They put this guy, they put Ali against Rocky Marciano and they used to try to computerize them and put them together. And you just can't do that with mainly fight sports because the chin, once the chin gets touched, everything else goes out the window. It doesn't, nothing matters once you touch the chin, the chin gets touched everything else goes out the window it doesn't nothing matters once you touch the chin you know somebody can be great terrible this and that and once you touch the chin uh the fight's over like the chin like that like the x factor is the chin like the power because you could grab grapple someone finally get their back then finally latch on to a to a to a choke you get a choke or an arm bar this or that but it takes steps to do it you know it takes steps to get someone down then you don't get them down then you try again let me okay let
Starting point is 02:14:38 me rephrase it do you think do you think fury's as unique as mike tyson yes i think Fury's as unique as Mike Tyson? Yes, I think he's as unique, yeah. Yeah, me too. Just in a different way. Yeah. But, yeah. I can't even believe it. My thing about the chin is, once you touch it, once you touch it, I mean, it's just like that. Like, everybody wanted to take Chuck down, right?
Starting point is 02:14:59 And they took a lot of time and some great wrestlers, but they have to take him down always knowing that while they're trying to take him down if he touches their chin they're going to sleep but if they take him down he'll probably get back up now if they get his back they might be able to get a choke but all he has to do at any point is touch their chin and they're going to sleep so that so you know that that's how I feel like is with Tyson. It's hard to play that because when he touches someone, they go to sleep.
Starting point is 02:15:30 Tyson Fury, as great as he is, he relies more on points and his skill and his length and his conditioning. Which is unique for a heavyweight, right? A 6' eight guy. Who's fucking 300 pounds this to you to rely on points. Right. That's pretty unique. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, it's unique, but I mean, I I've seen it, you know, but yeah, he's not a, he's not, uh,
Starting point is 02:15:58 he's not known to just put you right to sleep. He's known to just beat you up. Um, let me ask you another uh question about a fight did you see the fight between um uh volkanovsky and islam makachev a few months back um volkanovsky was going for the he's the 145 pound champion and they were kind of fighting for the pound for pound title yeah and i don't know if you remember but he islam took volkanovsky's back took his back had the i think it's called a leg lock on him and volkanovsky from his fucking back beat this fuck the shit out of this guy like in a move that that 99 of people would have been
Starting point is 02:16:42 fucking right rear naked choke the guy was put getting him in rear naked choke is it called a leg lock when you have your what's that like a figure four yeah yeah like a figure four basically had his ankle in behind his other knee and had him locked in there and Volkanovski punched him like this fucking 40 times in the fucking face
Starting point is 02:16:59 beat the fuck out of him from his back right there and was laughing yeah did you remember that by any chance yeah yeah i saw that fight yeah was that are you just fucking dying there like just i mean is that are you just like that's just fucking incredible martial arts there like that's the incredible martial arts he's not dying at all i mean if he was dying you know he he'd be he'd be more worried about the choke but i didn't mean like dying like dying like like i'm sorry sorry i'm like maybe i didn't mean i don't know
Starting point is 02:17:30 what i just said but i didn't mean like he was dying i was like he was in a position where it seems like that would be the end of the fight for most guys and no that's that's what i mean yeah but for him he had it under such control he knew he could do that yeah have you ever seen that before in all your years yeah yeah ultimate fighter season 11 which i was one of the coaches uh my guy was he he had the guy had his back he had his back and he was putting the choke in and my guy just kept hitting him cut him so my the guy was bleeding but he kept trying to choke him, but he couldn't. And my guy hit him.
Starting point is 02:18:08 The whole round was like that. Like from one minute in, the rest of the round, he was just hitting him. And that was the decision that went to my guy. And everybody from the other team was raising hell because the other guy had his back the whole time, but my guy punched him nonstop, including cutting his face. So I've seen that before,
Starting point is 02:18:31 but it's not common because you want to go for, you want to go for position before attacking. You want to go for position before submission. So usually when someone has that permission, a position on you, you want to address the submission and that's much more important than attacking you don't want to attack till you're out of harm's way which in his mind he must he must have been he must have known something that a lot of people didn't because most people were like just fight the choke get out of the choke first turn around
Starting point is 02:19:02 but he must have felt confident or else he wouldn't have been doing that uh volkanovsky right yeah and he lost right decision he lost the decision but in the viewers minds i mean he won round five right so like that's the weird thing about the point system right like volkanovsky beat this guy up who he was supposed to lose to in the fifth round he probably lost the first four rounds but in the fifth round by then he was beating the shit out of him one more round and volkanovski would be fucking the champ champ yeah you think yeah i don't know if i i don't know if i thought of it that way but i i don't remember that fight
Starting point is 02:19:38 that well but i remember i thought you know volkanovski won but i but you did think you won okay see well there you go go. But it was close enough where if I was thinking about it, if I was in the guy's corner, would I complain? So that fight was not... It was so close. If I was
Starting point is 02:19:58 in Volkanovski's corner, I wouldn't have complained. Would not have. No. I would not have either. It's weird when a fighter increases his stock and his dignity
Starting point is 02:20:14 even when he loses, but you see it. Yeah. You see it. You see it quite a bit. It is a lot more uncommon than if they win obviously but yeah there are guys that like i've seen magni his his i've seen his stock go up after a loss i saw i've seen it happen to glover you know um yeah yeah i mean that what was that like when, when, um,
Starting point is 02:20:45 in the fifth round of that fight with the, the guy with the ponytail pro Chaska, pro whatever that guy's in proboscis. Glover was winning was that, that was in the bag, wasn't it? He won the fight. And then,
Starting point is 02:20:58 and then, and then with 15 seconds, you don't, you hate this. You hate this subject. It was, it was so miserable. miserable he had he had he had uh he tapped with like 15 seconds left yeah there's like it was yeah it was pretty bad
Starting point is 02:21:15 in the fifth round it was the last round he had won all four rounds on on all four cards yeah i think he was yeah all four i remember it, I think he was. Yeah. All four. I remember it was something crazy. He was, he was dead. He was on his way to a, and just, he just got caught that one. But you know, a lot of people were complaining about, he made this mistake and that mistake and so easy to do from the chair on the outside, the tv you know oh he shouldn't have got that guillotine you know he shouldn't have you know he tried for that guillotine and that's what started the whole thing but you know people don't realize this guy was fucking hammering him and he got
Starting point is 02:21:54 tagged you know and he was rocked you know and he's you know glover's fucking glover's a fucking beast so he's trying for a guillotine didn He didn't get it. He ended up on the bottom and went sour from there. People don't realize that because they've never been punched in the fucking face. I was not at all like,
Starting point is 02:22:19 you should have done this. Just like, fuck, I love you, bro. I love you. Some guys, I love you, bro. You're a fucking, I love you. But some guys, I heard certain people after, you should have done this, should have done that, should have done this. Yada, yada, yada, yada.
Starting point is 02:22:34 Suck my cock, yada, yada. Do you say cock instead of cock ever? Sometimes. I like to say cock, I like to pronounce cock, C-A-U-L-K, like caulk. Yeah like to pronounce caulk, C-A-U-L-K, like caulk. Caulk. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:22:47 The gym floor is coming up a little bit. Can we get some black caulk to adhere it down? Because my tiles are black, right? So I love black caulk. Wow. Yeah. I never thought of that. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:23:02 I use it more like cack, like simply cack. I mean, or she's sucking my like cack. She's sucking my cack. Or she's sucking my cack. Or he's sucking my cack. Whatever. This is a non-judgment gym. Don't forget, I have the world's only bisexual, bipolar, bilingual
Starting point is 02:23:20 fighter. He fought in the UFC. He fought the number one guy in the UFC. Who did he fight. He fought in the UFC. He fought the number one guy in the UFC. Who did he fight? He fought Antonio Buenuelas was my guy. He fought the guy from Chicago. The tall Mexican guy. He was number one in the world.
Starting point is 02:23:38 I can't remember his name. If you looked it up, you'll see it. What weight class? 35. 35. 35. Moreno? No. No, no.
Starting point is 02:23:50 This is way before. This is way before. Who've been to 35s in the... Okay, go down. Go down. Whatever. He had a couple of losses in the end, but I can't see it. I can't see that at all.
Starting point is 02:24:04 Too small. Keep going. Keep going. Keep going. Miguel Torres. Miguel Torres. Oh. That guy was number one. Oh, 2011.
Starting point is 02:24:13 Fuck. I was so fucking wish I had been in MMA then. He beat Scott Jorgensen, too. Jorgensen too um then Glover gets this fucking miracle chance to fight for the title again and wins you must have been just like beside yourself
Starting point is 02:24:33 like what the fuck dude like that's never gonna happen again for any fighter yeah yeah I mean not one of my fighters but yeah I mean not at that age that's we're never gonna see that again in our lifetime. Get a second chance at that age and then win after having to deal with fucking the whole
Starting point is 02:24:51 John Jones shit for fucking in the visa thing. I mean, it really is a Cinderella story. Oh, his Cinderella story is fucking... I mean, you look at him now and you go to his fucking house and, you know, go to his... He has rentals and he go to his fucking house and you know go to his you know he has rentals and he fucking lives his life you know just it the way he teaches you know the way he you know the way he teaches his team and his kids when when he came to live with me when he came here i had him since
Starting point is 02:25:19 his first fight you know and he's just he's to sleep in my uh guest house and um and um to pay the rent i had him teaching kids classes and watching him with he taught my wife's kids you know and um he was such a fucking good teacher i've never i've never had anyone like uh when they left every parent, every student, I was like, where's Clover? We love Clover. I mean, he has that infectious, you know, personality that just everybody loves. Everybody. What's next for you, John?
Starting point is 02:26:01 What do you got on the horizon? What's next for you? I know you said you were going to Hawaii in November to hang with the homies. Yeah. Uh, what's next is just run this gym, uh, try to keep everybody, uh, I want all my students to keep their lunch money. That's, I mean, that's it, right? If I said one thing and when I say keep their money, obviously, if they're in school, that means I don't want them to be bullied. And I want them to keep their lunch money, even though I've been told by my students they don't have lunch money anymore. It's all on a card. But anyway, so.
Starting point is 02:26:42 I'm going to let you go. Go ahead. Go ahead. I'm going to have you on again. I'm going to let you go. Go ahead. Go ahead. We're all, I'm going to have you on again. I'm going to bug you again. So that that's my thing is, is I want all my students to have that where nobody takes their lunch money, whether the lunch money is lunch money or a world title is, I don't want to take that.
Starting point is 02:27:00 Or if it's a woman getting fucking raped or a guy getting attacked or, or a family getting attacked, I want them to keep their lunch money. I want them to stay safe and always go home. You know, be always be able to go home. I want them to stop, stop the threat.
Starting point is 02:27:16 Always be ready for the fight. Always be ready for the fight. Whether that fight is life or a real attack. That's my biggest goal in life. Not everyone has Tony Robbins to save them. Yeah, I'm so lucky. It's crazy how many doors I've had open for me because of Chuck and Glover and other of my fighters.
Starting point is 02:27:42 Those have opened so many doors. I never would have met someone like Tony Robbins, you know, training in my backyard or fucking Arroyo Grande, California. All of that's true, except for the fact, the luck part. You are a, it is so obvious what you've contributed to this rock that's circling the sun. Well, I'm about, unless you ask Eddie Bravo,
Starting point is 02:28:04 it's not the sun circling us but either way either way brother john thank you uh if you're ever up in santa cruz with your beautiful wife i'd love to take you out to dinner um next time uh uh greg comes out maybe we'll ride motorcycles or drive down and come see you uh When's the last time you've seen Greg? Forever. I don't even remember. I'll say 2008, 2009. All right.
Starting point is 02:28:32 And you guys were pretty close. You guys were friends, right? Everything's good? I considered us friends. Yeah, I really liked him and respected him. The last time I told him I was trying to get in touch with you, he said, hey, make sure you tell Hackleman. I said, hi, have you ever talked to him?
Starting point is 02:28:44 So here it is. Hi. And I think our paths are going to cross soon. I said, hi, have you ever talked to him? Here it is. Hi. I think our paths are going to cross soon. You're close enough to me where I need to take my... I need to find an Airbnb in Slow and let my kids train there for a week or two. Arroyo Grande.
Starting point is 02:28:57 Is that offensive to call it Slow? No, it's just sometimes people do and then they got a half an hour drive. A lot of people think I'm in Slow because it's Slow County. But it's right next to Pismo. That would be the best place to get one. All right, brother. You the man.
Starting point is 02:29:15 All right. Thank you. Tell your wife thank you for letting us keep you until 9 p.m. Thanks, brother. Hey, don't let anyone take your lunch money. And I hope you don't have a Troy in your fucking neighborhood where you got to worry about your wife fucking all the time. Thank you, brother.
Starting point is 02:29:31 Love you. Love you, Hagelman. Tenth degree fucking black belt. And, like, no one can be like, no, he's not. Like, crazy, right? It's pretty wild Not only an MMA legend, but dude, he's the sandwich He's Chuck Liddell and Glover Teixeira like he was then and he's now
Starting point is 02:29:57 He's the bridge yeah, it's fucking crazy dude Crazy, he almost in a way. he created his own martial art, too. Yeah. He's propagating it. Yeah. He's fucking nuts. Yeah, it's fucking wild. I found that picture of Glover doing an overhead squat. Oh, you did?
Starting point is 02:30:18 Yeah. Is it against Nicole Carroll? I think I was pretty much there. I think I was there for that it's just this one I don't know if Allison's still in the chat but I'm pretty sure when he did Grace he did it against Allison
Starting point is 02:30:35 in the lobby of the pit and I'm pretty sure I filmed it that's awesome I would love to hear her version of that if that's true I want to be hear her version of that if that's true i don't think any of these guys like um they kind of remind me of themselves they remind me of me not the fact that they're badasses but they've really compartmentalized their memory. Like, they don't waste time, like, memorizing a lot of shit. Oh, yeah. Do you know what I mean?
Starting point is 02:31:09 Like, John Hackleman's, like, he's made a priority to remember what he wants to remember and nothing else. Yeah, he probably tells a lot of the same stories over and over. I don't mean that. I mean, like, he doesn't he doesn't he doesn't play he doesn't um he's not uh um playing to the like he doesn't call in the joe in the joe rogan interview he refers to um uh he goes yeah i one time met this basketball player with chuck his name is shackle shack o'neill or something or o'neill okay and he doesn't call him shaquille or he doesn't call him shack or shaquille o'neill no one calls him shack o'neill okay and he doesn't call him shaquille or he doesn't call him shack or shaquille o'neill
Starting point is 02:31:46 no one calls him shack o'neill like you know what i mean like it's his own he just has it like cack he doesn't say cock he doesn't say caulk he says cat you know what i mean not that he tells the same stories over and over but he's his own vernacular he's playing life to his own drum or his own fiddle or what's the thing he has his own flu yeah i think it's the beat of his own drum thank you the beat of his own drum yeah he's drumming to his own beat and so yeah it's cool talking to him he's fun very eclectic dude yeah it was it was wild how he just slipped in the troy fucking his wife thing That made me really like him. Oh, what is this?
Starting point is 02:32:33 Oh, shit. Wow. We had some guests over for dinner tonight, and they sent a picture of them stopping at In-N-Out on the way home. Double double animal style. That must have been pretty shitty dinner we fed them then. Maddo keeps coming on tomorrow morning. That's kind of cool, right?
Starting point is 02:32:51 Yeah, we haven't talked to him in a long time. No, I'm anxious. Find out what's going up on in Vermont. See how Mal's doing. See if he's excited about Dave being back. That would be cool. They got a new new is he the CEO of HWPO that's his title
Starting point is 02:33:10 I think that's what he is yeah find out about they got like a new gym and headquarters there right they got a whole like what if they got a new sign yet it sounds like Matt and why if they got a new sign yet? It sounds like Matt and... Why? Did they have a shitty sign?
Starting point is 02:33:28 It's just kind of lame considering how big the complex is. They got Matt plus Dave. I'm taking notes here. What should I ask them tomorrow, guys? Matt and Dave are rekindling their relationship. Matt invited Dave up. Rumors of them affiliating.
Starting point is 02:33:45 That's weird. Does that mean Peruvian is going to affiliate now too? Let's talk about this. There's a younger generation. On that games thread, you're on the games thread, right, Caleb? I am. And what was that? Someone said something like half the athletes this year are rookies.
Starting point is 02:34:06 Is that true? Do you remember seeing something like that? I don't remember if it was half, but I think it was a good amount of them are rookies, yeah. More than in past years. All right, so that'll be fun. Normally I prepare pretty seriously, but I don't think – well, let me see what's going on over at home.
Starting point is 02:34:24 Can we see what's going on on HWPO's YouTube page? Is there anything I need to watch over there before? What if I type in – I'll even type in – I'll go to Google and type in – no, I'll go to YouTube and type in Matt O'Keefe and see if it works. Catching up with Craig and Jazz, founders and founders of Hustle. It should say Matt and founder. Oh, getting to know GoWad. Oh, one year. Oh, maybe I'll watch that. Reminiscing with Matt.
Starting point is 02:35:00 Maybe I'll watch that tonight while I eat a big old bowl of meat. Oh, you know what? I'm going to ask him. I'm going to ask him if I can have, um, if he can talk to Katrin about Katrin coming on. Katrin, David's daughter. Not anything long. Not like, I don't want to like, just like for, I just want to congratulate her. I just want to say,
Starting point is 02:35:30 look, what? I just, I just want to, I seriously, I just want to congratulate her. I want to be like, whoa,
Starting point is 02:35:36 look at Bruce. Smart, Bruce. Good catch. No fasting. No, not today. I'll do it tomorrow.
Starting point is 02:35:41 Tomorrow morning. I had to move my fast. I didn't have to. I chose to move my fast. I'll do it tomorrow. Tomorrow morning. I had to move my fast. I didn't have to. I chose to move my fast. But the only thing I have had today was I had a piece of ham. And that's it. I had a piece of ham and I think some cantaloupe.
Starting point is 02:35:55 And then I'm going to have a bowl of meat. But no, that's a good catch, Bruce. Yeah, fast tomorrow. I moved it. I want to ask about, I just want to see... I want to congratulate Katrin. I just kind of want to test the waters. I just want to see what happens if we're both on the same
Starting point is 02:36:11 screen together. Hi, how are you? Good. Incredible comeback. You're pretty pumped. Yeah. What did you do different? How is it at HWPO? Sounds like you and Ben are still friends. I had him on the show. It sounds like he has a lot of love and he's excited for you yeah you know what i mean just keep it real superficial uh just to like um i don't have rekindling is the word
Starting point is 02:36:36 um i just feel it's time i don't know i don't know why i'm not there's nothing i time. I don't know why. There's nothing... I don't want anything from it, except I just... I was pretty angry. I was pretty angry. I was pretty angry. So, let's see what Matt...
Starting point is 02:36:58 Matt might be like, are you fucking crazy? You know what I mean? He might be like, Jesus Christ, dude, you burned that bridge. You know what I mean? Yeah, I feel mean he might be like jesus christ dude you burned that bridge you know what i mean yeah i feel like he would be pretty cool about it i mean i imagine and i'm fine if he does say that if she's like hey like like dude you you know i don't i don't trust you
Starting point is 02:37:19 at all like yeah a recatron recatron lean recatron lean yeah kind of just just to i just would i just feel like it would be a nice piece to the story if we could just um jeffrey birchville wait what were you angry about someone uh he's joking right he's only told us every episode for the past 900 episodes yeah thank you so all right it's just uh healing is good do you trip when you see um uh two thumbs up from like facebook like do you there? Yeah, because then I can see who did it. That's kind of cool. One of the people's name is Adolph. Who names their kid fucking Adolph?
Starting point is 02:38:13 I don't know, but it's always Adolph, and it's always Katie. Wow. They're most consistent. It's good. I like it. Did you see the new banner for the YouTube page youtube page yeah i was tripping about that earlier too okay tell me why tell me be honest minthi what do you think about it be honest what do you think about it no i like it but i do like it it was weird because i saw it on every episode and i was like did somebody accidentally just add them all but then i realized it was the new like the default yeah it's cool so i'm struggling
Starting point is 02:38:46 i'm struggling because i don't want to be crossfit show oh yeah okay but i am i'm like i'm like well we're in the season of it i know that's what the person who made it said too that's what but like can't we sprinkle in like volkanovski or other people we've had on? You know, Tia's picture was up there, and they changed it to Daniel Brandon's. And the reason why is I've never had Tia on the show. Oh, yeah. Good point. We should have a collage of all the people we've had on the show.
Starting point is 02:39:29 Yeah, I want to have Patrick Bet-David, Volkanovski. Tommy G. Who? Tommy G. Oh, yeah, Tommy G. Alex Stein. Yeah. I made a list let me see
Starting point is 02:39:46 um oh you guys I'm about to make a new affiliate commercial did I tell you about that um Caleb no I was just thinking about that the other day Ty Emery Kelly Baker Hans Kim Don Fall The Liver King
Starting point is 02:40:05 Thomas DeLauer, Marcus Philly Colton Mertens How could Colton Mertens, Devin Loret How could Colton Mertens not be up there And the guy who made the banner is like Well dude he's not even that big I'm like dude he's like He's like my North Star kind of
Starting point is 02:40:20 Yeah Do you know what I mean That's the show's mascot We've hitched our wagon to Colton Kind of. Yeah. Do you know what I mean? He's my, that's the show's mascot. Like, like. We've hitched our, hitched our wagon to Colton.
Starting point is 02:40:29 Thank you. Yes. Yes. I mean, we've just evolved with him. Yeah. Like what do you, what the fuck?
Starting point is 02:40:37 Yeah, that's pretty wild. An Allison NYC episode. I got, that kind of does need to be done the thing is I'm like friends with Allison I need to figure out how that works that's like one of the few where I need to talk to the person beforehand
Starting point is 02:40:57 how do you interview somebody you know really well it's not only that yeah it's like like I'm not saying i saw this but let's say i saw her pooping behind the bushes at greg's house i can i bring that up like i just i don't know where the boundaries are i never saw allison poop anywhere by the way i'm just saying
Starting point is 02:41:16 if i like if i did like i'd be like i remember that one time uh daniel garrity uh crossfit needs to uh clip some of those nicole carroll quotes from the PR's All Day podcast and turn them into commercials. Dude. Fucking brilliant. Hey, you guys, the CrossFit Update Show is murdering. I think I'm changing it to the CrossFit Update Show instead of the CrossFit Games Update Show. Or what if we just play with the title? We go back and forth.
Starting point is 02:41:44 They're all numbered the same, but sometimes we leave out the word games. Sometimes we put it in. Yeah, sure. But it's still 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. You know what I mean? Yeah. Dylan Dykes, Sebon will be leaving us for his old job at CrossFit. There's no way.
Starting point is 02:42:00 Thank you, though, but there's no way. You get to episode 999 and that's it. There's just no way you get to episode 999 and that's it there's there's there's just no way um okay so you want to know what the commercial is going to be or do you think i should tell everyone or surprise them or i think it should be a surprise to everybody okay it's cool i'm so proud of it i saw it the other day and i'm like i said it's me i saw someone else's instagram post i'm like proud of it. I saw it the other day and I'm like, I saw someone else's Instagram post. I'm like, Oh my God,
Starting point is 02:42:27 I need to like, you remember those two commercials already made the L one and the affiliate one. Yeah. This one, this one's kind of like a hybrid. It's both. And I just,
Starting point is 02:42:36 I was just like, Oh, this is so good. I have this, this is so good. That's exciting. Um, I even listen when my girlfriend bitches about it. Good.
Starting point is 02:42:52 Where's Pam? Someone wrote, hi, Pam. Who's Pam? My cat. Oh, that's your cat's name? Yeah. How do I not know that? She doesn't come around very often your cat no i see your cat
Starting point is 02:43:08 all the shows i didn't know its name yeah yeah pam's the cat and then chaos is the dog she's below me actually has anyone ever seen the dog um i posted about her but she that she can't make it up here se Seema Boobs, do you live in Africa? I don't know why I think that's funny. Just like, hey, Seema, you don't by any chance live in Santa Cruz, California. Do you want to come over and eat a bowl of meat with me? You know, it's like do you live in africa rambler where do you live
Starting point is 02:43:51 i don't give rambler hardly enough love you know why i think because look how it's spelled like i'm always afraid to say it like if it hadn't in there i might say it more often when i see it i just like i probably shouldn't say that word you think you think of a hustle and proven that's what you think of when you see oh like just words with like letters with like words with letters missing
Starting point is 02:44:14 yeah my manager at work tried to give me shit about watching a podcast at work so I said it's no different than him watching CNN he stopped giving me shit oh my god your manager watches CNN at work tried to give me shit about watching a podcast at work, so I said it's no different than him watching CNN. He stopped giving me shit. Oh, my God. Your manager watches CNN at work? It's a very good argument, though. That's good.
Starting point is 02:44:33 What kind of fucking job is that? What time is it where you're at? 12.13. What time do you work in the morning? I don't work for the next two days. Oh, no shit. I'll be around. Oh, you will?
Starting point is 02:44:50 Mm-hmm. I have some great shit for the live calling show. Perfect. Do you want to try any peptides? I considered it, yeah. Let me know. Okay. I know a guy sweet did you see that we have a um did you see um we should get one of these for birth fit and
Starting point is 02:45:16 for paper street coffee too did you see this um is it in brands oh is it the qr code yeah yeah that was sick oh shit he fixed it too someone fixed it that's nice right yeah it's so easy qr codes like using that yeah i what's funny is that shit's been around for like fucking 10 years and i just started using it in the last month qr codes i didn't even know that like i didn't know you were supposed to just point your camera at it oh yeah i think a lot of restaurants around here started using them as menus now so like you just have to they don't give you a menu you just have to scan the qr code at the table and then you get the menu and you're good to go yeah i don't know if the i don't know i don't know if the i don't know if it's helping i don't know i'm, I don't know. I don't know if the, I don't know if it's helping. I don't know.
Starting point is 02:46:05 I'm only like six or seven days into it. I don't know, but I've started doing some pull-ups. I mean, it doesn't, it doesn't feel perfect. I'll tell you that. I was in Philly and I, uh, I saw some of the needles you were using. Yeah. As soon as I'm done with the needle, I throw it as hard as I can, and it lands in Philadelphia. Tell me that story. You saw my needles in Philadelphia.
Starting point is 02:46:28 Tell me, where were you? That's awesome. At first, I was like, wait, what's he saying? Where were you that you saw them? No, I was actually in Philly. My wife took me to a baseball game for my birthday, and we were just walking around. How far is Philly from your house? Where do you live?
Starting point is 02:46:43 I thought you lived in Iowa. No, no. i live in virginia why am i so confused always about where you live it's like i have selective listening it's okay memory um so it's like a six hour drive we drove up there watched the baseball game and then we were walking around just downtown philly trying to find just a place to eat um breakfast how many hours is the drive about five and a half six hours okay yeah um and we're just like walking around and there's like these kids just hanging around on the sidewalk you know punching each other and whatever and we're just looking down at the sidewalk and there's like an orange cap and like a completely broken uh syringe just like that and then you can see like burn marks um like on like a little thing i don't know something that would have held a rock or something
Starting point is 02:47:42 and it's just like sitting there in the middle of the sidewalk. And I was like, oh, there's your heroin. I saw a dude cleaning these at the drinking fountain at the skate park the other day. A homeless guy, drug addict, cleaning needles in the drinking fountain.
Starting point is 02:48:04 That water is not gonna clean oh my god that's terrible uh do what come on stevan you need to get out more get out where what what'd i do uh no i is the is giving yourself the shot getting easier and easier? No. It's pretty easy. On a 1 to 10, it's a fucking 1. I mean, it is so easy. But it is not getting easier. Like, when I do it, I still, like, I'm like, I have to, if I, I don't ever stop and think about it. I just kind of pick a spot.
Starting point is 02:48:39 And actually, I've been doing some reading about what peptides are and their relationship with tendons. And basically, I need to get it as close to the tendon or into the tendon is what it sounds like. So I've been like, it's not something you want to do. Like something's stopping you from like, I flex my arm just a little bit. Not flex like as in flex the muscle, but like I bend it. And then, right, I don't know what that is right there but i think it's that's a tendon and i fucking hit that thing so i have to break through two layers i feel it break through the skin and then i feel it break through the tendon and then i fire it in there and uh what
Starting point is 02:49:17 that's pretty trippy yeah it's weird but it doesn't hurt when i was in school we were learning how to give ivs so like put needles and veins and stuff and they're like oh have you ever like done it to yourself and i was like yeah sure so they gave us needles and we all set up like an iv and we all like gave ourselves ivs and it was the weirdest feeling ever to do it to yourself yeah you don't mind if someone else does it to you yeah if somebody else does it to you or if I'm doing it to somebody else, it's whatever. But like doing it to myself and having to like guide the needle into my
Starting point is 02:49:51 vein. It's weird. Very trippy. Someone said here. What is it? Here. Unsporty Beth was the homeless guy wearing a mask while cleaning the needles.
Starting point is 02:50:06 Oh, remind me to tell you guys something about sporty Beth that I saw the other day. Um, was the homeless guy wearing a mask while cleaning the needles? No, but it's, it's so funny to see that something must be happening because in California,
Starting point is 02:50:17 in my area, I'm seeing people where a lot more people wearing masks again. So some, I don't know what, like I don't watch those new shows, but something must be happening in California because I used to not see them at all. wearing masks again. I don't watch those new shows, but something must be happening in California. I used to not see them at all, and now I'm seeing them again.
Starting point is 02:50:31 One out of ten people, it's back. I'm seeing masks. Even at the beach and shit, it's weird. It is weird. I made a post a month ago. It was the Reebok post when Reebok posted the guy in the skirt or the girl in the skirt or whatever that thing is in the skirt. And I posted something on there to her.
Starting point is 02:50:59 She was offended by something and I was like, hey, dude. She was upset. Someone called her fat or something. I'm like, hey, just be like she was like upset like someone called her fat or something I'm like hey dude you are fat just like I have a big nose like it doesn't matter like stop it stop being a weenie and she wrote something back that I thought was like kind of pretty cool she wrote oh there you are you fucking wanker or there you are being a wanker like usual and i thought oh this is kind of it felt kind of civil do you know what i mean like i kind of liked her for that yeah like she didn't she didn't call me like a like whatever you know what i mean like some woke term like come up with just some bullshit just like a legitimate insult yeah just like
Starting point is 02:51:43 oh look there he is himself the king wanker himself or something and i was kind of like all right all right i'm feeling you on that that's cool yeah i think i saw that too that's pretty funny i want to ask her to take that video down that says seven the most toxic man in crossfit really Really? I want to ask her to. Like, hey, do you mind taking that down? Not because I really want her to take it down, but it just seems like a civil thing to say. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:52:20 Hey, I was wondering, do you know that video about me that's on the internet? Where is that thing? If you type in my name does that thing come up if you google my name that would fucking be great I would love that Sevan Matosian oh yeah it fucking does
Starting point is 02:52:38 oh my god it's one of the first ones are you pulling it up that's not cool dude come ones. Are you pulling it up? Yeah. That's not cool, dude. That's fucked up. Come on, dude. Are you trying to court her?
Starting point is 02:52:52 I mean, I'm not trying to court her. I mean, I have a wife. I don't court anyone. But, yeah, well, dude, how about just I typed my name into google if you type into google it pops up there's a picture oh you did okay oh yeah okay yeah geez louise it gives you a bunch of pictures your fucked up shoe and then sporting pass video god you think she'd realize that it actually hurts her feelings and she'll feel remorseful and take it down well i want to i want to admit something to all of you guys
Starting point is 02:53:34 i gave this video a thumbs down i don't normally do that she blocked me it's a pretty harsh thing to do uh i don't normally do that. She blocked me. It's a pretty harsh thing to do. I wonder if she blocked me. It's a pretty harsh thing to do to make a video like that about someone. I mean, that's gnarly. A lot of effort. What is her name?
Starting point is 02:54:00 Sporty Beth? Is that what it is on Instagram too? Yeah. She blocked the podcast account oh she hasn't blocked me that's amazing man um Man. Someone wrote, someone in the comments wrote,
Starting point is 02:54:38 he's the type of guy that wants to use the N-word so bad. What do you mean? I do use it. I am black. I've told you, I've used it a million times on this show. He told me racism doesn't exist. Well, it exists, but I've said to you it exists between your ears. He's horrible and a dunce. I am so not horrible.
Starting point is 02:54:57 Might be a dunce. I mean, I'm open to being a dunce, but I'm so not horrible. Even empirically speaking, I am not a horrible person. Objectively speaking. Crazy to see so many people here supporting him and butt hurt over this video. I think, is this a compliment? Someone wrote, that's an underfunded guy if I've ever seen one.
Starting point is 02:55:22 Does that mean they wish I got more money so my voice deserves to be heard more or is that a put down I can't tell underfunded sounds like it's a like they wish more for you yeah I mean fuck dude I had I had
Starting point is 02:55:40 I had um we all are seven yeah we all are black. Listen, I listen to so much rap music still to this day. My son just performed. My six-year-old just performed a rap song at a birthday party on karaoke. I am a full-blown brother. Let me see if I can find it. This is it.
Starting point is 02:56:13 No, not that one. He performed... That was Kiss. He performed Kiss also. My six-year-old sung this tonight. That's awesome. It's got to be a black guy, right, with that voice? For sure.
Starting point is 02:56:41 All right. What a weird comment. He wants to use the N-word so bad. I pull my sheets over my head at night and just say it. We live with fucking retards, dude. We're stuck on a rock with people who have the chance to be enlightened and instead they've chosen to be oh some steve florist says that's not black that's uh tisto house music yes oh so they just slowed down a white guy's voice so it was deep and sounded like a black guy let's get
Starting point is 02:57:18 down let's get down to business isn't that isn't that lmfao orO or something? I don't think so. I thought Tiesto just made the soundtrack. Then the voice over was another artist. Alright. Well, anyway, I wanted that to be a compliment towards Sporty Beth. Like, hey, that's cool.
Starting point is 02:57:41 We tussled a little bit. We have a formula one fan here hey um uh third rock from the sun uh i watched uh so you guys want to see something pretty fucking cool movie i we have this guy coming on his name is sean hibbler sean hibbler H-I-B-B-L-E-R-E-R Hibbler Hibbler and he's a director of he makes a bunch of movies
Starting point is 02:58:12 through a media company called Hibbler Hibbler Productions and he's coming on the show and I watched his movie last night he's made several movies about the earth being flat and I watched his movie last night about, uh, he's made several movies about the earth being flat. And I watched one last night and this morning I woke up and my wife's like, what's up?
Starting point is 02:58:30 I'm like, I might be a flatter. No way. I don't know. What's a fucking thing, dude. It's such a good movie. What movie?
Starting point is 02:58:44 I really enjoyed it. The thing is is is i don't give two fucks uh if the earth is flat or not flat the the main premise of the one that i wanted to really understand is why does anyone care other than like if it's functional to your job you know what i mean like if you're sending rockets up or being in a boat or – like I don't see how it's like a direct reflection on the importance in my life outside of me to know. Do you know what I mean? For me to know. Like I could just – I don't know exactly what gophers are doing, but I believe that they're bad for my yard because shit's dying in my yard. That's a fucking horrible
Starting point is 02:59:25 comparison but anyway uh here we go i'm not i'm not a flat earther but i do enjoy the subject yeah i think that's probably me too yeah i really was enjoying the it's fascinating uh f1 fanatic look at you already participating because the earth is not flat yeah fine then but but um yeah okay then it's not flat and then what's crazy is the movie starts by making fun of like people who the they call us globalists the globus we believe that it's a globe and they and he fucking fucks us up it's so good it's it's like yeah they think it's like just a pancake floating out in space and they'd like they say all these and that is what we think about flat earth like he nails
Starting point is 03:00:09 everything that we all think about them and they're like and that's not it because they haven't spent even five seconds trying to understand when we say the earth is flat what we're referencing what we're saying i was like wow well okay i'm gonna give it 90 minutes sema boobs my boobs are globalists massive globalists is this the sema that used to be the sema yeah that's sema
Starting point is 03:00:39 so that sema turned into sema pussy turned into sema boobs oh yeah yeah I think so Did that Seema turn into Seema Pussy? Turn into Seema Boobs? Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. I think so. I love Greg's face when I read her name when he's on the show. He just lights up a little bit. I feel like we corrupted her, kind of of like this show um your show liberated her yeah yeah yeah that's what i meant not yeah wow there it is clock said it i was boy mean you are on the same um kind of thought process yeah not not corrupted you're right liberated her yeah totally
Starting point is 03:01:18 everyone's like fuck it hey thanks dylan that was pretty crazy that was a great get thanks for getting Hackleman on I wasn't joking for since I started the podcast I wanted him on but I was kind of like I didn't I didn't feel like I had the chops but today I was like so excited to have him on I was
Starting point is 03:01:40 like full steam ahead let's fucking do this and he was money stephen flores i identify as a motorboat hi sema i didn't even know what motorboating was until like the last five years of my life hey you know what you know someone at crossfit an employee at crossfit taught me what motorboating was what do you think now it's it's when you put your face in the tits and you go right yeah do you appreciate it now yeah yeah totally someone referenced it someone said hey i'd like to motorboat kiki dixon and i was like what's i was like fuck what is motorboat i went to something straight to
Starting point is 03:02:22 something like the in the butt and i was like and then they told me i was like oh i guess you could do that too yeah motorboat you guys need to specify uh which hawaiian island for fuck's sake i think um i think that uh caleb knew because caleb went to a Google Earth map there. But you're right. I don't think we said. It's on the island where Pearl Harbor is. How about that? Is that Hawaii?
Starting point is 03:02:54 Is that the main island, Hawaii? Isn't there one of the islands that's called Hawaii? I think it's Oahu. He's in Oahu. Sorry, Rambler. You're right. I should have asked him. Like, what is that island called? Oh in Oahu. Sorry, Rambler. You're right. I should have asked him. Like, what is that island called?
Starting point is 03:03:09 Oh, Oahu. Is there an island that's just called Hawaii? Like, a big one that's called, like, the Big Island? This is the Big Island. And that one is just called Hawaii? Island of Hawaii. Yeah, it says right there. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 03:03:24 There you go. So then there's Hawaii, and then there says right there. Oh, yeah. There you go. So then there's Hawaii, and then there's the Hawaiian Islands. Maui, Molokai, Honolulu. No, Oahu. Yeah, this is where he was at. I'm surprised there's not more SEMA's like the name SEMA or yeah just like people you know like
Starting point is 03:03:50 every once in a while like it'll pop up like Dave Castro's underwear like they'll just be weird random shit in there I'm surprised there's not like SEMA penis you know what I mean well now you've just spoken it into existence or SEMA's bra you know what I mean? Well, now you've just spoken it into existence. Or Seema's bra. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 03:04:07 Probably get a few more. Those are funny. There are, they spell it Seema. Oh. That's not fun. John Seema. I think it's John Sina. I didn't see that one.
Starting point is 03:04:30 All right. 12.33 p.m. at Caleb's house. It's bedtime. See you guys tomorrow morning, 7 a.m. Pacific Standard Time. I don't think Matt keeps coming on until 7.30, so we'll have like 30 minutes by ourselves. Or maybe he will come on at 7.00. Who knows?
Starting point is 03:04:42 I think Maddo keeps coming on until 7.30, so we'll have like 30 minutes by ourselves. Or maybe he will come on at 7.00. Who knows? Thank you, everyone. And talk to you guys tomorrow. Bye-bye.

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