The Sevan Podcast - John Young VS Robin Workout w/ Hiller

Episode Date: May 4, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamx. Benefits vary by car and other conditions apply. Hey. What's the Gil Taylor show? Oh, no. I really like how there's zero lag between the time you sit down
Starting point is 00:00:38 and the time you hit the live button. Yeah, yeah. It's fucking all business. It's immediate. I really was considering dropping deuce number two of the day before this show started but I ended up fooling around with my kids instead
Starting point is 00:00:50 yeah peptides oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah listen guys all good things come from Sarah Cox over at CA Peptides all good things there from Sarah Cox over at CA Peptides. All good things.
Starting point is 00:01:06 All good things. There it is. Contact at if you want to get peptides. You got to wear those glasses while you do this. Ow! John Young, what's up, dude? What's up? I'm going to take them off for the handstand push-ups.
Starting point is 00:01:21 Hey, are you able to turn your camera the other way? Yeah. God, you the man. So basically, this is the inaugural inaugural launch of
Starting point is 00:01:37 The Robin. For those of you who don't know the backstory, will you tell us, Hiller, the backstory on where the hell is the robin i'm gonna warm up while you're talking okay okay go ahead where the fuck is the robin i mean it's sitting right here homie i know but how do i pull it on the screen uh it's a great question full screen layout oh there it is okay go ahead tell it tell us give us a little history of the batman how the Batman got created, please.
Starting point is 00:02:06 About a year ago, I wrote a workout on my whiteboard, and it was – a workout always comes from a thought, and the thought there was to create something that I thought I could do that not many others could do. I was quickly proven wrong, so I did my workout, the Batman. I believe it was about 12 minutes. I didn't go check that time. But it was – I wanted five plates on a barbell, four plates on a back squat,
Starting point is 00:02:31 three plates on a bench press, which makes it about 500 pounds, about 400 pounds on the back squat, 405, 315 on the bench. There was two plates on the snatch, and then there was 10 on broken ring muscle-up, which is something that I'm pretty good at. And then there was 100 plates on the snatch and then there was 10 unbroken ring muscle up which is something that i'm pretty good at and then there was 100 broken double unders so essentially the workout looks five four three two one i thought it was something that i could do i did it nick matthew actually ended up doing it and doing it on two minutes quicker than i could across the games athlete and that's something it's... Former, former, former CrossFit Games athlete. Former, former, former.
Starting point is 00:03:07 It's something that anybody could look at in the CrossFit space and go, damn, that's hard. I don't know if I can do that. The CrossFit Games athletes could probably throw it down, but no one else in the world could look at it and do it. But they can respect the weights. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Five plates on the back, four plates on the back squat. They all understand that.
Starting point is 00:03:26 But then they can't do the double unders or the muscle-ups. That's where the penicillin came from. And then, why did you create the Robin? Because we were looking at John Young's white wife's
Starting point is 00:03:41 knitting collection. She was making all those little little crochet pigs right crochet crochet don't say knitting they get mad about that all right all right it was a crochet pig for colton and you looked at his tv and you go what is that thing a computer monitor hanging on your wall and and and then uh sarah cox chimes in goes, I'll get him a new one. And it's like, hey, we're not just going to get John Young a new TV. We're going to make this dude work for it. And then I think you were the one who thought, hey, remember the Batman?
Starting point is 00:04:14 You should create a work on Batman that is something that maybe is similar to the Batman that maybe he's specifically good at. Many could look at and respect. Some of the CrossFit games, I athletes probably throw down and beat him, but not many. And now we're here. How long did it take you to come up with the Robin Hiller, this workout? It was actually – so I don't know how John called me, but he threw me a handful of things that he was good at.
Starting point is 00:04:42 And I think that was only fair because I created my own workout. I don't know. I have a certain thing about workouts where when John created it, and we can bring up John's workout that he threw me, there was like five different bars and it was all over the place and he had a SOTS press in there. I was like, dude, this is ridiculous. We can't do this.
Starting point is 00:05:06 I'm going to alter it a little bit. So we came up with the 1-3-5-7 and the Wuhan press, which is something that you don't see in CrossFit, which is something that you can do at a similar weight as that snatch and overhead squat, which John excels at. He's got very strong shoulders, and the Wuhan press is something where you can use that same bar, and it's also unique. I don't think we've really seen it similar to the SOTS press so here we are strict the strict parallel handstand push-up I think is the real hold
Starting point is 00:05:35 up on this workout and if you've ever done JT which is 21 I'm gonna hard disagree what do you think is the hold up here? Dude, ironically, it's the squat snatch. Shut up. Dude, I'm so serious. So, like, just like you're saying with JT, do the 21s on JT unbroken. Do 21s unbroken. And then if you feel like that after the first round, and then you have to do that stuff.
Starting point is 00:06:04 And, like, the squat snatch is the one thing I'm most afraid of. Because the parallettes, I can do it singles. I'm not going to fail if you're going to fail. John, you know I hate you sometimes, right? Because I told you that. I was like, dude, that snatch is going to be a son of a bitch. And you're like, no, it's fine. I'm worried about the Wuhan press.
Starting point is 00:06:21 He did say he was worried about the Wuhan. Hey, did Goob invent the wuhan press is that did goob invent that no some guy died in wuhan china trying to do it and that's how they named it i he sounds certain i can't argue with that guy got on his neck i tried to look up technique because i didn't know if i could do it oh really is that really what happened it was some guy is that really a true story john yeah as far as know, that's what I looked up and saw. That's what I googled. I saw Goob do it and I couldn't even fucking believe a human being could do a
Starting point is 00:06:51 Goob. Goob is like 450, though. Goob does? Yeah. Yeah, he's a beast. I've seen him do 315 for reps. I've never seen a 450 out of him. He is a beast. For those of you who don't know who Goob is, Goob's on Instagram. What's the name of his account? GoobU2.
Starting point is 00:07:08 John Dozie. Yeah, it's a great, it's a wild Instagram account. The guy's a madman, but he does this thing called the Wuhan Press. Those of you who've never seen it are about to see it. It makes me a little nervous that someone's died doing it. We're going to kill John trying to get
Starting point is 00:07:24 a TV. Contact at capeptides. a tv um contact it's ca if you want to get some peptides uh just email contact at ca the website uh is having some hosting issues due to uh the u.s government legality but uh use contact at ca peptides tell them hillar or savon sent you and you will get the free uh bacteriostatic water or free shipping or some shit like that um and uh feel free to do your research prior to getting uh peptides but uh the the technology and the the promise behind uh peptides is is pretty big and there's a lot of great information out there about it. John, you got a spotter in there for you on that, that, that bench press or no?
Starting point is 00:08:09 No, man, it's just me. We're about to rock it. Okay, John. I'm just kidding. I got, I got somebody here. Okay. How, how close are we to starting John? I'm ready. Okay. Let me pull up in there. Yeah, I can do a clock.
Starting point is 00:08:25 You're not going to be able to see it on the camera, but. I'll start one on my phone when you start. Okay. All right. Real professional. And John, after this, we'll pick out a TV for you on Amazon. All right. Sounds good.
Starting point is 00:08:36 That'll be fun. Yeah, this will be fun. Yeah. So this is kind of like a fitness meets home shopping network. Thank you to Sarah Cock at contact at God, I fucking love this. John, you look fucking strong, dude. You look amazing, brother.
Starting point is 00:08:51 Where's your handstand push-up set up? It's over here. I'm going to have somebody bring the camera so you can see me when I'm doing it. You don't want to just tilt it over there so no one has to deal with that shit? I'm going to rotate sides on the Wuhan press. Okay. I just ghostwrite it down because I can't get out of it.
Starting point is 00:09:12 Hey, before you start, what are the odds you hit all your snatches without missing any? 60%. 60%. Okay. Ladies and gentlemen, our very own John Young. And if you are in the CrossFit space, you obviously know John. He is the senior analyst of all things CrossFit, the most knowledgeable man when it comes to athlete and athlete performance in the crossfit space he also has equal opinions to match strong opinions uh to match that obsessive knowledge that he has uh between his years uh john or do you want us to do the countdown hey i'm gonna have him do it
Starting point is 00:09:41 hillary just want to start when i start yeah i I'll start when you start I can't see so tell me tell me I can't see it Oh, and he can hear us the whole time so we got to be you can hear us the whole time you're working out Yeah, it's fine. Okay. We'll be cool. We'll be cool. So he touches that bar. I'm starting my clock Me too. All right. The clock has started. He touched the bar 245 on the bar. All right, he's in. He has started. This is going to be fun. That second snatch is going to be real eye-opening.
Starting point is 00:10:12 So he had to do one squat snatch at 245. He did that. Then three overhead squats at 245. Now he's going to move over to the five strict parallette handstand push-ups. We have a professional cameraman on site who will make sure. I'm sorry? Is that Patrick Rios over there yeah that is patrick rios uh filming awesome you can tell by a steady hand we're 30 seconds into the workout so everyone was wondering if i could do this or had done this and this movement for me is really challenging but damn near impossible he's straight to parallel handstand push-ups and john's really good at them one was impressive
Starting point is 00:10:50 hillar yeah one i can do one how much what's the deficit on that uh 11 inches he's going to an ab mat in there i don't see an ab mat there's an ab mat he showed it in a in the group chat he goes this is what i'm doing just so you know okay 11 inches and those three look good and we're gonna want to see round over round how those stack up because that that wuhan press dude it really is gonna compound it's crazy have you have you tried a wuhan press i well i did them in a demo thing with 105 pounds over here i've never done them this heavy. No. This is crazy.
Starting point is 00:11:27 Nice shot. Keep that girl in the shot, please. Keep her in the background. Thank you. Well framed. Good job, camera person. All right. He's rearing up.
Starting point is 00:11:39 And there is a little bit of technique to this. So I'm going to see if he does it. I don't want to say it as he's doing it, make him double think how he gets this to his chest. But let's see if he brings it to his hip. Yep. And then he's going to bring his feet to the bench. Yep. And he's going to kind of hip thrust to do his chest. There he goes.
Starting point is 00:11:54 One. He has to do seven of these. One, two, three, four, five, six. And then actually getting it down. Okay. Going over. Wow. Nice, John. Okay. First round actually getting it down. Okay. Going over. Wow. Nice, John.
Starting point is 00:12:06 Okay. First round is done in 2.05. Two more rounds to go. Pretty good. I like John's pacing. He's saving something for the final round, right? He really has to. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:17 Yeah. Hey, when I briefed this, I actually came up with this with Bill Leahy. He was sitting there and he goes, yeah, I could probably do that in four minutes. No shot. There's no shot. I think he's pacing it pretty well. If you're going to try this today,
Starting point is 00:12:41 people, feel free to even cut all the weights and reps in half if you need to and tag Andrew Hiller. Andrew would love to see people attempt this in its variations of scaling. We will talk about the scaled version. Let him focus on this. I want to see it. Damn.
Starting point is 00:13:04 So while you were talking about that, everyone everyone doing it get all the way up there john lock your hips out up top on that overhead squat homie head boy one more nice job uh so we're in the second round he's gonna move over to poo a little breaky poo this has uh everything you need excellent commentary a buff guy and a girl walking in and out of the shots who's hot as shit this is great this is a great episode here the seven podcast presenting hillar fitz robin workout its inaugural launch if you if you want know, I thought if he did this under eight, it would be a really solid time for him. At the moment, he's wallowing his way to that.
Starting point is 00:13:52 Two of five handstand pushups done. It is a 11-inch deficit. The thing is, you don't want to get the failure. Not yet, for sure. You'll die on the Wuhan press if you get there. Literally. John's real personality coming out. We've never seen this side of him before.
Starting point is 00:14:20 So when you were talking about people doing it and scaling and that snatch after the bench press, if you've never done that, it's very challenging. Your pecs tighten up a little bit from doing the bench. So getting that overhead position at the bottom of the squat snatch is entirely different. Especially at a heavy weight like you should be using if you're scaling or John doing it here. Audrey, John's got a dump truck. That is correct. Huge ass on the man. Remember that one show during Rogue where you just
Starting point is 00:14:49 brought up a whole bunch of different dump trucks? The dump truck hotties? Five. You were legitimately just showing dump trucks. Actual dump trucks. I don't remember. I would never do that. That sounds out of line. Like a big old dump truck. It was yellow. Oh, yes. I do do that. That sounds out of line. Like a big old dump truck. It was yellow. Oh, yes.
Starting point is 00:15:05 I do remember that. It was pretty funny. Dude, that tank top is killing me. That's called a wife beater, actually. I wonder how old that thing is. It looks like it's about two years old. Robbie Myers. Serious question for Andrew Hiller.
Starting point is 00:15:26 Robin came from a gymnastics background. He was a trapeze artist. Why are there no gymnastic movements from the rig? Very interesting. Well, you see, John Young is absolute dog shit at all things hanging. So there's your answer. And this workout was made for John Young. We can rename it to J-Y.
Starting point is 00:15:49 J-Y Robin. It could be like eminem it could have an alter ego the workout can have an alter ego name a pretty big set here a 21 bench press in a workout at 245 three, all the way up, four, five, six. Oh, boy. We are in. What if he does fail that? That's going to be a problem. He's got to pick it back up. We are two rounds through at six minutes and ten seconds.
Starting point is 00:16:22 See, everyone thinks it's Robin and Batman and Robin, but this is actually that bird. There's a blue bird called a Robin Let's see if John tries to push this here he did the handstand push-ups He did a three and a two and then he did a I think a two and a three Let's see what happens your shirt off due to complaints of a shirt. Very accommodating of John. A robin's not blue, dude? Oh, their eggs are blue, right?
Starting point is 00:16:55 Devon would know. Devon's a bird guy or maybe insect guy. I don't know what color their eggs are, but we have a shitload of robins and scrub jays around my house. They're often interchange the names. People think robins and scrub J's around my house They're often they're often interchanged the names people think Robins and scrub J's they get the names confused They call Rob scrub J's Robins Final round one squat snatch 245 Stand all the way up. Come on, baby. There you go. All right. He's there. That's enough.
Starting point is 00:17:38 Don't don't. He's up. He's got Brooke. Well, he's don't crush that bench, John Young. Wow. Hey, did you see on that third rep, his shoulder started to collapse a little, and you got him back engaged. Did you see that? That was wild. Oh, dude, no one knows how hard that was. Hey, JR, how hard is that? And if it's not that hard, feel free to say it's not that hard either. Here we go. Five strict parallette handstand push-ups. This is going to be interesting to see what John tries here.
Starting point is 00:18:02 I think we saw a three and a two, and then in the second round, a two and a three. I think he went two, two, one. Oh, did he? Okay. JR said so hard. Here we go. He can make up a minute here. Oh, that looks like my sink. Oh, here he goes. He's going for a double.
Starting point is 00:18:24 Attaboy. Okay. Nice, John. Better than the first. Damn. Will John choose a 55, 65, or 75-inch TV? That is the question. These are decisions he will make under duress after the workout. I would go for a 90-inch Vizio because those are about the same price,
Starting point is 00:18:43 75-inch, whatever else. I think it will pull down the wall in his house if he's got a 90-inch Vizio because those are about the same price, 75-inch, whatever else. I think it'll pull down the wall in his house if he's got a 90-inch. The studs are made of spaghetti. Three reps left, ladies and gentlemen, of the five-streak. Paralette handstand push-up, the Robin workout created by HillerFit. Here we go. There's a question there about his feet being wide at the top of the rep. And see that box that the parallettes are within?
Starting point is 00:19:08 That's a 30-inch box. That's what the standard used to be for the over. Maybe a 40-inch box. And as long as your feet are within that box, you're good. So the parallettes are narrow and his feet aren't that wide. Hey, should he have gone for that fifth
Starting point is 00:19:23 one? He's worried about the Wuhan press. He's trying not to shoot out his bypass. He brought a speed narrower. He was told. Nine minutes and 30 seconds, people. Here we go. Wuhan press at 245.
Starting point is 00:19:40 Seven of them. He's done after this. Contact at Contact at at ca contact at ca email there you can go to the website and make your decisions at ca make decisions of decisions of what you want and then go ahead and email them over there use the code word hiller steve on to get some sort of discount really the women's weight is 165 and when I was creating that post it just did it wouldn't fit on the page and look right but it's 165 for the women here we go John starting at 10 15 John starts his Wuhan press his final set of Wuhan press oh baby baby. Keep those hips down, boy. Two. Atta boy.
Starting point is 00:20:25 Three. Four. Why can't he bring his hips up? Five. Standard. Six. Everywhere. Last one.
Starting point is 00:20:34 Here we go. Seven. Nice. I have 10.33. I had 10.34. News, this is the Kill Taylor workout. That would be amazing. Yeah, boy. Nice work, John. He did it. 10. This is the kill Taylor workout. That would be amazing. Yeah, boy.
Starting point is 00:20:51 He did it. And 34, three rounds for time. One squat snatch at two 45, three overhead squats at two 45, five straight parallel and pushups and seven Wuhan press all at two 45 beast, dude. Hey, were you scared that you weren't gonna be able to do this? Yeah. Last seven got real spicy. I was like, Oh no, don't fail. The last seven Wuhan press. That was where it was. It. spicy. I was like, oh no, don't fail you. A less 7 Wuhan press? That was it? Well, I was scared of the snatches. I was scared of the snatches, but they were so much better than I thought they were going to be. That break before the snatches
Starting point is 00:21:15 was so necessary. If you push this, which I am excited to see fitter people do this, because if you push anything, it compounds so hard. Like the stabilizing, every stabilizing muscle is ridiculous. Um, so like, like, yeah, like Leahy and like Taylor, they're so much better than I am.
Starting point is 00:21:38 You think Taylor can do this workout, but they're not as strong. I don't know if Taylor can do this workout, dude. I would love to see him try. That's my point. Like, I bet there is half, I bet half the games field can't do this workout. I'm going to try to pull up here. Will Leahy don't got a strong bench, does he, Taylor? He's got a pretty good bench.
Starting point is 00:21:57 Does he really? He doesn't look like it. Yeah. No offense, Bill. You can try to offend him. He don't take it. John, I'm going to try to pull up here on the screen your last – I think Alex Kazan benches more than Taylor does. Can you see the screen, John?
Starting point is 00:22:15 Yeah. Okay. I'm going to show – this is the – I believe this is the final snatches. And your right shoulder, I thought after the second rep it was coming down here. Juan. Yeah, you're wonky, homie. Yeah, my back.
Starting point is 00:22:33 Look at that. That back arch is hard. Two. And then look at – oh, yeah, for a split second there. Taylor's kind of good a shot as anybody. And then, of course, we were concerned you were going to drop the uh bar on the bench but clearly you had awareness that would have been awesome that would have completely bent that bar in half i was going to uh listen i was going to do it until i i was going to go until i failed like if i was going to try and if i failed
Starting point is 00:22:58 i failed um and i would have had to like side sideways, get it off of me. It was the programming for John being a total boss and the mythical Blue Robin. Hey, what was what was if you would have got stuck on the bench? What was the plan of action? Are there two people there to pull it off? There are two people in case it gets to my neck. Because like if you can, if you don't get to your chest, you overdo the hip hop. Yeah, you can get to your neck and then you're screwed. You can't muscle it.
Starting point is 00:23:25 It's too much weight for you to muscle. So, no, but if I got stuck, I was just going to go to the side. And then if it went bad, I have clips on, so it's not the smartest thing. But if it went bad, I have two people to get it just in case. I was going to try. What about this comment from G Trade trade uh change the wuhan for regular bench press and games athletes will try um can't see them risking injury with the wuhan listen that's the point of it i could go straight to that bench press and do like four and then three
Starting point is 00:23:56 way faster than i could have done those seven because you cannot fail you You have to rest because you cannot fail. It's a risk factor. It's so hard to push the time on it, if that makes sense. Hey, dude, the reason I put that in there also is because CrossFit has a way of having things be rather simple, and a bar and a bench is all you need on this workout. When you throw in the fact that you want bench is all you need on this workout and when you throw in the fact that you want a rack you need a freaking rack and when you're in the open
Starting point is 00:24:30 one it's what john said and two it just makes it simpler like you can do it anywhere with a bench and a bar yeah i would get a buddy i would always do it with a partner but like of course you would your door wait you could scale the weight to whatever you think you can do. That second snatch, I'm telling you, so many people are going to fail the second snatch. And parallettes. John, I have some bad news. I have some bad news for you.
Starting point is 00:24:55 We said your time was 10.33, but CFHQ just called 40% penalty for having Hiller judge it. Your new time is 14 minutes and 47. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Under the 15-minute cap. Yeah, totally. Is there a cap for this one? I just made it. Oh, all right. 15-minute cap. I made the workout. John just
Starting point is 00:25:14 made the time cap. Is that fair, Hiller? 15 minutes? That sounds fair? I would have made it 12. Okay. Because it would really punish a fail if you made it 12. Yeah, I don't know. A five-minute round on that, that's too long. I got you. Yeah, you're right. it would like really punish a fail if you made it 12 yeah i don't know like really a five minute round on that that's too long i gotcha yeah you're right so just just so you know there's nothing
Starting point is 00:25:31 that makes people hate you more than when you try to uh fix their workout saying it should be from a bench or floor press from the floor would be the purpose of it but it's not also literally only a bar because you still need a rack to do a floor press. And there's a brute strength factor to it. It's not just like a Wall Street weightlifter. Dude, that guy would murder it because he can do deep parallettes. I've seen him do it. I don't know if he can keep doing it.
Starting point is 00:25:58 A Wad Zombie, what's the scale for handstand push-ups? What if you don't have a handstand push-up? What's the scale for that? 245 straight press. She's standing. Wow. Keeping it simple. If regular people wanted to do it, I think you have to keep it strict no matter what.
Starting point is 00:26:13 Wow. Okay. John, were you concerned when you saw the workout? Had you tried it before you saw it? Like, were you like, okay, I better try this? It would probably be wall walks to answer Wad Zombie's question. No, I like that, wall walks. That's good.
Starting point is 00:26:26 I did a round. I did one round. Today? No, like on Wednesday. And, you know, I Wuhan pressed a couple times just to make sure. Because it is a technique factor. I don't know if you saw that last one. I should not have taken my shirt off because I started sliding on the bench press when i laid down oh and the bench
Starting point is 00:26:49 i almost lost no yeah like i you can't it's very slight but like i could feel it tilt and there was a hard like muscle it back yeah that's scary i know exactly what you mean. Like, you would just slid straight off the back of it with the bar over your head. Yes, yes. Oh, no. It was on my chest, but. And it's right here at the beginning on the first rep? Yeah, it's on the first rep. What's your best match, John?
Starting point is 00:27:17 290? 305. 305? So this is about 80%. And everyone's asking, what's the weight for regular people 80% of your best I missed it it looks at my hips
Starting point is 00:27:32 but I'm losing this thing oh yeah yeah it looks real slight but it was scary in the moment it was going to go off to the right yeah well good save hey John do you remember when you texted me and you go,
Starting point is 00:27:46 I think we should make the weight 275? Remember that? Yeah. No, no, no. That's before I did anything. I didn't know it was going to be that compounding. I'm serious. It's like doing the first 21s in JT unbroken
Starting point is 00:27:58 and then do a 245 squat snatch after that. That's what it feels like. I want to see Alex Kazan do this. John, what size TV would you like? Did you ask your wife? She said at least 110. At least 110 inches. I'm just joking.
Starting point is 00:28:18 That's a projector, dude. I think anything over 80 is more than plenty. 80? You have a 32-inch TV now? Right now, yeah. Yeah. You want to get an 80-inch? Are you sure 80 inches is huge?
Starting point is 00:28:34 That's too much? No, I don't think so. I have faith in whatever you want to do, Stefan. You take care of me. 80-inch TV. Let's see if that's in the budget. First of all, John, it's usually 75 or 85. So we're going to 85 you can go 75 if you want like i i don't know what size is clearly i thought my tv was fine and then uh people tell me i'm homeless your tv is certainly
Starting point is 00:28:57 not fine so i'm 90 in sure that he won't ever shut up. I don't have a good range of what's a good size and stuff. Let me see. How are 70 inches and up? I think I got a 65. Taylor, can you do this workout with a 45 and an ab mat? I really just want you to experience what it feels like. I can guarantee you I will not beat the time cap the way it is because of the handstand push-up. I know. I understand. But can you make it where you think it would be the same for you?
Starting point is 00:29:33 Just stimulus-wise. I would probably legitimately have to do a 45-pound plate straight handstand push-up. That would be where I would be. Oh, I got you. I got you. You get a similar stimulus that you got there. You should try it, dude. The stimulus is great. It's just how much you think you need to wait.
Starting point is 00:29:49 John, CA Peptide said that they would put in $500 for a TV. So the Samon podcast will also throw in $500. And here's a Samsung, 75 inches. Dude, you know that's not the picture of the TV. That's a family watching it, right? Oh, oh, oh. It's truly whatever you want, Seban. I'm not picky at all.
Starting point is 00:30:12 I'm so blessed I even get the opportunity for this stuff. Look at this interracial family. They got a Mexican daughter, a white dad, and a black wife. Her pants are making me upset. Green pants. i was trying to make them as good as they could be uh late uh he has no idea about tv size uh patrick clark samson's the way to
Starting point is 00:30:34 go okay um so here we go so this is the tv you're getting congratulations uh you deserve you deserve this it's just the first one you decided to see on Amazon. That's the one we're going with. Look, it even comes with a stand. It's the most affordable one with the best ratings. Okay, I'm not going to argue with you. Thank you so much. Sarah, am I thanking Sarah or Shimon?
Starting point is 00:30:57 Sarah, always thanks. Always thanks, Sarah. Never thank anyone besides Sarah. That's the rule of thumb. If you're unsure, thanks, Sarah. Am I, Sarah. Never thank anyone besides Sarah. That's the rule of thumb. If you're unsure, thanks, Sarah. Am I a CA peptide athlete? I mean, now you are. I have to be like the least fit sponsored person out there.
Starting point is 00:31:16 That's the burpee workout in this TV. So, I mean, where else are you getting stuff from? Today's. Go ahead. Go ahead. Someone got me a computer oh so yeah it hasn't got there yet dude people in the audience are like have you sent john his computer where's his tracking number i can't believe he has to do a workout for the tv i was like shut the fuck up everyone uh heidi krum sarah's like jesus yeah i think that's hey time wise what do you think that
Starting point is 00:31:43 is i guess because i'm waiting so much but like do you think it's respectable or you think people would just crush it hey finishing that workout is without a doubt more than respectable uh but like i i can't if anybody can do this and actually like push the pace they're crazy they're so planet. I bet that there's maybe 100 to 300 people who could even consider doing that. Really? That makes me feel good. Yes.
Starting point is 00:32:13 They're probably all CrossFitters. Wow. It could be upwards of 500 people who could do that or throw down on that and beat the time cap. For those of you who don't know what we're referencing, if you're late to the show, you just missed John Young doing Rob in three rounds for time,
Starting point is 00:32:32 one squat snatch, 245, three overhead squat at 245, five-streak parallette handstand push-ups to an 11-inch deficit, and seven Wuhan press at 245 for three rounds. And Andrew's saying that there's less than 500 people on this uh planet that can do it and we just watched john young do it in 10 30 beating that 12 minute time cap there's probably less than 300 people who can do can ben smith do this can ben smith do this yeah okay he could he's got a good bench he's uh well well when you put it i. Listen, I think the Wuhan is going to get a lot more people.
Starting point is 00:33:07 You're 100% right about the parallettes. That's the thing. But all the people who can do the parallettes, that bench press is a mug, man. Michael Mullins. Very interesting point here. Hiller always yells about people locking shit out. Maybe he should lock his eyelid out. That's a low blow.
Starting point is 00:33:26 I'm really working on that. Every morning, I'm doing reps to open that thing up. Maybe there's a peptide. You could email contact at, and there's a peptide that will allow you to fully open your eyelid to maximum full range of motion. I'm big on needles, but I don't know how close I get to an eyeball with one. Diana Hack, thank you.
Starting point is 00:33:48 20 bucks. That goes straight to John's TV. Thank you. Thank you, Diana. You guys are awesome. All right. Great show. What a little treat.
Starting point is 00:33:58 Thanks, John, for doing this. This is pretty fun. John, were you nervous? Or was there any party that didn't want to do this? Oh, I wanted to do it. I was nervous, though. I was nervous I was going to fail that didn't want to do this? Oh, I wanted to do it. I was nervous, though. I was nervous I was going to fail a snatch, and then it would be like, well, we're just going to be sitting here for a while.
Starting point is 00:34:11 You know what I mean? Yeah, if you would have failed anything, we would be shitting on you instead of being like, good job. All right, Mr. Analyst, you just did the workout. Who do you think could do this the quickest in the space of the men? You had to choose one guy, put $100 on him. Who is it? Griffin Raleigh?
Starting point is 00:34:30 Colton Mertens. You think Colton Mertens beats Griffin Raleigh? Yeah. I don't know, dude. Griffin, this is kind of a wheelhouse for him. So unless you're 100% right, I think Griffin goes too fast and blows up. Wow. And also, Griffin's got a much better snatch than Colton.
Starting point is 00:34:46 He does, but it's only 245, and they're fit enough that – Right, right. Like I think like Colton I think would snatch that just as good as me, if not better, and he's fitter. You take Frazier at his peak over Colton? Oh, no, I would take Frazier at his peak. Because I know Frazier could bench 350, and I know Colton can bench press a lot too, but dude, Fraser's really good at parallel extracurricular.
Starting point is 00:35:11 You'd take Froning or Fraser? Fraser all day. Okay, let's play a little game here. This is interesting. This will be fun. Who can do this? Who could beat your time? The time was 10.33 with perfect reps.
Starting point is 00:35:26 The workout was snatch, overhead, squat, handstand, parallel, push-ups, and then the Wuhan press. All the weighted movements were at 245 pounds. Let's go through this. Jeffrey Adler, can he beat... I'll make a little list.
Starting point is 00:35:41 I think Adler does. He can beat your time I think so Okay Hiller Only if you get two votes Do you get to be chosen Adler Hiller
Starting point is 00:35:52 I go Adler Yes Vellner No I'm going to say no Okay so we're only 50-50 Roman Krennikov
Starting point is 00:36:00 The Russian No Oh Roman has a flag now How cute No That snatch is actually Going to be really hard. I bet he fails to snatch a lot.
Starting point is 00:36:07 Brent Fikowski. No. A Dallin Pepper. No. No. Do you really think none of them can do the parallettes that well? Dude, it's the bench press. Oh, yeah, you're right.
Starting point is 00:36:22 You're right. It's not the parallettes. It's the bench press. You're right. You're right. All right. Yona Kos koski i think he's the open winner this is currently the fittest man united states like the way i love those people velner's got the best chance in front of krennikov fukowski and pepper all of which i still don't think could do it um uh chandler smith yes yes Yes. That's two. Two of 40 we're at so far. Jay Crouch. No.
Starting point is 00:36:48 Dude, he's strong, dude. Not at bench press. He is strong. Lazar Jukic. No. Yela Hosta. God, no. He'd be the way.
Starting point is 00:36:59 Geez. Wow. Bjorgvin Karl Gudmundsson. He's really good at strict handstand push-ups. I don't know what his bench press is, though. Justin Medeiros. Medeiros. Medeiros.
Starting point is 00:37:15 No, he can't even bench 300. He has a 300-pound bench. Unfortunately, don't cut it. The three-time champ. What do you think the minimum is, like how strong you have to be to be able to do the bench press? 335? Probably 335. Okay, let me propose this to you.
Starting point is 00:37:31 Let me tell you why Justin can do it. Ready? Tell me. He's going to kill this. He's going to do the snatches and the handstand pushups before John's even done with the fucking snatches. I did the snatches unbroken. Hey, no one said you have to do the wuhan bench unbroken and he'd have to he'd have to like lap it he'd have to go four and then
Starting point is 00:37:51 lap it and then go back up with it again if that makes sense you know and you don't think you could save time on the hand they move you don't think he could save time on the handstand push-ups he could he's doing it though so do you think he can beat John's time of 10.33, 10.34? No, because that bench is just so hard for him. Will Morad. Yes, he could beat him. Will Morad might have the top time. He probably might, yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:17 Samuel Quant. No. Noah Olsen. No. Spencer Panchik. Spencer's strong, dude. Great snatch. He'll blow through. Ter Olsen. No. Spencer Panchik. Spencer's strong, dude. Great snatch. He'll blow through.
Starting point is 00:38:28 Terrible snatch. When you put 335 into perspective, just who can bench 335? That's who's going to beat me. Colton Mertens. Yeah, you would smoke him. Nick would probably smoke him. Yeah, Nick would smoke me. Uldis Upenex.
Starting point is 00:38:42 No. Moritz Fiebig. Maybe. i don't know enough about him he's a fucking brick shithouse he's a big guy though uh we won't put him on samuel cornway yeah he's got a good bench big guy great snatch all that shit i think you literally just who can bench 335 in this list fabian that's who's gonna beat beat me. Fabian Benito. Don't know enough about him. I don't know enough about him. Henrik Hapalainen.
Starting point is 00:39:10 No. James Sprague. No. Sorry, James. Absolutely not. He's in the yellow host category. Like a god no. James Sprague is a god no.
Starting point is 00:39:19 Wow. Abranoslaw Olenkovic. That guy might have the top time. Okay. We're at 7 of 26. Jack Farlow. Yeah. I don't know about Jack.
Starting point is 00:39:32 Do you think the handstand pushups would be hard for him? He's a big guy. Yeah. He's so fast. I don't have enough knowledge on him. Lucas Parker. Yes. Yeah, he could probably do well. David Schrunck.
Starting point is 00:39:46 Big dude. I'm not sure on the handstand push-ups on him. I'm going to go with no. Ant Haynes. I'm going to go with no. Jason Hopper. Maybe. Yes.
Starting point is 00:39:59 He'd be one I really would love to watch. If I had to choose Hopper or Taylor, I'd go Hopper. I'd go Hopper all day. Yeah, I agree. If you need peptides, use contact at Kalen Souza. No. No.
Starting point is 00:40:15 I don't know, dude. His bench has gone up quite a bit this year. Kalen Souza. You might be thinking of Kai Ike, though. No, I'm thinking of Kalen. All right. Should we add Kalen to it or no? No, I say no. Still no.
Starting point is 00:40:29 Gray Shaver. No. No. Cole Sager. Cole Sager can't even deadlift that deadlift weight. Okay. Alex Vigneault. No.
Starting point is 00:40:40 Some other guy. Some other guy. Alex Longarm Vigneault. No. Oh, he's a deadlifter. Yeah, you're right. He's a dead yeah you're right he's a dead lifter uh mikhail mikhail i don't know enough about him i don't know kayike cervini bitch strong dude i'm gonna say yes on kayike i bet kayike a lot i just can't see him doing the overhead squats holding
Starting point is 00:40:57 that position uh jake douglas you think you can do the handstand pushups? Yeah, probably Okay He's a games athlete He should be able to do those Artur Seminov Strong Hardest I'm going to say no Okay So 10 of the 40 games
Starting point is 00:41:17 Jason Smith Sorry, Jason Smith The old guy Juice to the gills Probably not Okay So 10 of the 40
Starting point is 00:41:25 games athletes, the experts have weighed in. Oh, look at this guy saying Medeiros and Morad can do it in 7 minutes. That's my dad. There's zero chance that Medeiros can do it in 7. But Morad could.
Starting point is 00:41:41 That's your dad, John? How do I always forget that? And, like, he sees 245, like, Wuhan Press and just thinks everybody can do it. It's like he can do it, so he thinks everybody can do it. So your dad's so strong it's all just skewed. He doesn't have it. Yes, yes, 100%. Okay.
Starting point is 00:42:00 Jump ship. How many of these guys that you're saying no to, it's 245. It's not 275. Oh, so Seth's sinking. Yeah, but it's three sets of seven. Dude, and I'm telling you, I benched 357, and it was really hard for me. It's not a fitness thing. The women's weight is 165.
Starting point is 00:42:23 165. All right. I would love people to prove me wrong. I would love, or, you know, me and Hiller. I would love people to do this. I really want Taylor to do it, but I don't think he'll take it on. The most bench press repetitions they've ever done is Linda at 195, which they did for 55 reps in 2019.
Starting point is 00:42:45 Is that right? 2018? In the regionals? Yeah. 2017. 2017. And everyone was breaking that thing up quite a bit. And that's 50 pounds lighter.
Starting point is 00:42:56 They're breaking up the set of nine, the set of eight, because they were worried about the seven and six. Keep in mind, all these guys are so much fitter would run laps around me and everything. I'm supposed to be good at this workout. It's not like a, it's almost like kill Taylor, but it's like kill John Young. And it's supposed to be made for you.
Starting point is 00:43:15 Yeah. Although I want to tell you and luck it, go get it, man. I've trashed you and you've been killing me after. So go get this workout, Brandon. Lucky.
Starting point is 00:43:23 Let's see it. Come on, John. I do want to tell you this. I asked Hiller before the show. I said, what do you think the chances are that John completes it? They weren't good. Really?
Starting point is 00:43:35 Didn't I say 20 or 30%? It was down there? Yeah, yeah. I mean, he did not have a – I didn't think you'd hit those snatches. I was nervous. I didn't think you'd hit those snatches and i think that everybody is going to underestimate how challenging those are after bench pressing 100 100 i really really want a lot of people to try it though just i mean hell not many crossfit gyms bench press to begin
Starting point is 00:43:58 with let alone bench into a snatch and a heavy squat snatch you know who i do think would murder it though i mean we i we brought him up as one of the best people, but I think Rich would obliterate it. Sure. Froning? Yeah. But he wouldn't beat Matt, huh? No, I don't think he beats Prime Matt. He said Prime Matt.
Starting point is 00:44:16 Today he would beat Matt, though, right? Today, like if they did it today. Probably. If he wants to snatch, yeah, probably. Okay, John, the TV's on the way. Alright. Well, thank you, guys. Thank you, Sarah. Amazon delivers TVs like that?
Starting point is 00:44:32 Yeah, it'll be there between May 10th and 14th. Hey, John, does your wife work from home? No. She works five days on, five days off. Oh, you're never gonna get this TV, because they're gonna text me to try to set up a delivery time and I'm going to tell them,
Starting point is 00:44:45 fuck you. Good luck. I might show up in the next year. I should put your number in. Well, I appreciate it, guys. Thank you for the challenge, Taylor. I don't want to hear one person in the comments ask John
Starting point is 00:44:58 about his computer or his TV or none of that shit. I don't care if any of it gets there. Shut the fuck up. You're not his daddy. This is all show. We don't actually if any of it gets there. Shut the fuck up. You're not his daddy. This is all show. We don't actually send anything.
Starting point is 00:45:08 It's all just a joke. One of them in the comments is my dad. Oh, yeah. Well, your dad can ask me then. Fine. Did you give my boy his TV yet? Yeah. Yes, sir, Mr. Young.
Starting point is 00:45:19 Hey, John, this was really cool. Thanks for doing this. Andrew, thanks for programming. Thanks for letting us dip into your knowledge, and thank you for expanding your, I know you are very, you take a lot of pride in the workouts you program and that, that you take it very seriously.
Starting point is 00:45:32 So I appreciate you letting us build off of your Batman theme. Sarah Cox. Thank you. Contact us, and Jeff Bezos. Thank you. And I think that's it we'll see you guys did David Daniel win John did you get your TV and computer yet I haven't gotten it yet no
Starting point is 00:45:50 Christ almighty please don't answer those questions do we have any more shows today oh shut up shut up and scribble with Taylor and JR is coming up next Chief Dastard
Starting point is 00:46:01 can we get a link to the tracking number they need to know when it gets there. I hate that shit. Get out of here. All right. Talk to you guys soon. We'll be doing this show again next week where John tries to earn a new pair of glasses. Bye-bye.

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