The Sevan Podcast - Jonesboro Op DPGT w/ Brian Friend #901

Episode Date: May 3, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by car and other conditions apply. Have you ever been to San... Bam, we're live. What's up, Ryan? What's up?
Starting point is 00:00:35 Good to see you. Long time no see. Great show this morning. Thank you. I enjoyed it too. The fittest women in the world is a great topic you're you're an expert in the fittest women in the world is that fair to say yeah at least at least you you're an expert in in uh well i guess in the
Starting point is 00:01:01 making of the fittest women which would would be like the training and nutritional lifestyle, you're an expert in the critiquing. You're understanding the complexities of the competition that crowns those people. I shouldn't even use the word expert. Superstudent, beyond expert, above whatever is above expert. Expert is so – I mean i went to a doctor he's supposed to be an expert he didn't even know what the fuck autophagy was how can you not how can you be an expert in medicine and not know what autophagy is in health trying to help me i'm crazy hey have you ever been to Cleveland? I have. Have you ever been to Philadelphia? I have.
Starting point is 00:01:47 Have you ever been to Baltimore? I have. Have you ever been to Cincinnati? Yes. Those cities are – what's the big city in Oklahoma? What's the big one? Oklahoma City is one of them. Maybe that is it is there what's the capital is it oklahoma city starts with a t it may be uh i can't remember i don't know my point is is you go to these cities uh tulsa oh good job brian that's pretty good
Starting point is 00:02:21 there are these cities or p. Have you been to Pittsburgh? Yeah, I've been. You know, I've actually driven my car to every state in the continental U.S. Oh, that's awesome. I've been to a lot of cities. That's something you and I have in common. I did that one summer with my dad. I didn't do it all in one summer. Which probably gives you even better perspective on it. one summer. Which probably gives you even better perspective on it. And so when you grew up in California around a city like Oakland and Berkeley and San Francisco, it's like really hard to top that. Like you have to go somewhere like Manhattan or like Paris. And what do I mean by top that? I mean, just the eclecticness of it, the walking score. Like San Francisco is just a 100% in its walking score. You're familiar with that term?
Starting point is 00:03:11 And you go somewhere like Cleveland, and you're like, this isn't even really a city. It's like one of those really tired Indian casinos or not even – you know what I mean? Or Philly or Atlanta. Atlanta is such a shithole in terms of just enjoyment of just like the eclecticness of it. There's nothing like – if you're in San Francisco, one minute you could be going to a specialty whiskey place, and then the next minute you could be going to a place that just sells rulers and pencils and protractors. I mean they're just – and then next door is a place that just sells pesto pizza. You know what I mean? I mean, we're just these – the variety and the closeness and it's like an amusement park, right? As opposed to these other cities, they're like – yeah, you think they're big cities, but they just don't live up to it once you've been somewhere like San Francisco, Berkeley, Oakland, Manhattan. um in in la kind of the la kind of never got got off the ground with it either but i just saw and i'll talk about this tomorrow on my live calling show it's crazy there is a north there's two nordstroms in san francisco and there's a main nordstroms and as odd as it might sound it's in this like epicenter of this mall but even though it's a nordstroms and it's a mall it still has flavor you know what i mean it's still like it's still cool it's not
Starting point is 00:04:30 sellout and this nordstrom's has no doors to it meaning it's just it's five stories of the top of this mall and it's completely open so like when they close they just have to close the whole top five stories it doesn't have doors you feeling me on this and that nordstrom's is closing down in the implications and what that signifies that nordstrom's in this fucking mall is closing down i don't know chicago was cool when i was there i but but i don't i don't know what happened to it but there were some little cool neighborhoods that I was in in Chicago that were kind of like the Soho. But I don't know. I'm not sure about Chicago, Rosie.
Starting point is 00:05:10 But these other cities, they're just – they're not even really cities. Barry, I've been to – I've been everywhere. I'm done. I've been everywhere. I've been to all the states, all the cities, all the countries, all the continents. I've been everywhere. And it's just crazy. San Francisco is done. I've been everywhere. I've been to all the states, all the cities, all the countries, all the continents. I've been everywhere. And it's just crazy. San Francisco is done. And I was reading the article about why it's closing, and it's – I mean it's just – yeah, you go woke, you go broke.
Starting point is 00:05:34 They just got – you can't get into the fucking Nordstroms because there's so many fucking – the fentanyl crisis is just – it's crazy. I just can't believe it's happening to San Francisco. It's like – it's done. It's over. It's crazy. I just can't believe it's happening to San Francisco. It's like it's done. It's over. It's crazy. They won't just flat out say it's because the cops aren't doing their job. Well, because they're scared. Defund the police. Close the North. It's just crazy. Anyway, it's a it's a hell of a signifier. Meanwhile, my city is flourishing just 90 miles south of San Francisco. Mike Sauer, 499, I haven't caught a live in a while, but here we are. The DPTG with Brian Friend.
Starting point is 00:06:16 Good evening, everyone. Let's get hype for some Dick Golf. Dick Golf is my favorite. Don't forget Caleb's here too. Seymour Beaver. That was Haley's. Haley wanted me to make sure that you were open to Seymour Beaver. That would be spelled S-E-Y-M-O-R-E, Seymour Beaver.
Starting point is 00:06:37 That's good. I'll put that on the baby name list. I'll let the wife know. Thank you. Don't be a pussy like your parents, Caleb, and let a good name go to waste. Good last name go to waste. Caleb Beaver.
Starting point is 00:06:50 Lean into it a little bit. Lean into it, Beaver. Oh, my goodness. I caught one of my... I walked into... My boys don't even watch TV, like hardly at all, like a little bit on Friday and Saturday nights. And they have a Wonder Woman doll, and I don't know if this is a good thing or a bad thing, but I walked in the room, and they were taking turns. They had Wonder Woman's legs open, and they were taking turns smelling it. I just walked by and looked at them. They looked at me.
Starting point is 00:07:27 They were smelling. Oh, my God. There's somewhat big news in the disc golf world today. Oh, disc golf show. Shit, my mouse stopped working. Does anyone else have kids that smell Wonder Woman's crotch? Shit, my mouse stopped working. Caleb's wife has COVID covid you heard it here first
Starting point is 00:07:47 i think we both did or there's someone underneath brian's table damn it i can't uh uh what what that um that uh uh hey you think rich froning's gonna get a pro disc golfer on his fucking podcast we can't get one i bet you rich Rich could DM one of those guys and get him in a second. Just to rub it in our face. I don't really give a fuck about disc golf, but that douche Sevan who's trolling my account, this is just to show him up. How quick would you jump ship
Starting point is 00:08:18 if Rich was like, Brian, would you like to do it? He invited me on the podcast today. What? He invited me on his podcast. I'm sure he did. Hey, would you – Kenneth DeLapp, normal boy stuff. Okay.
Starting point is 00:08:32 Hi, Trish. What's up, girl? Would you – let's say Rich were to call you up and be like, hey, Brian, you know, we really like that disc golf show you're doing doing over there what do you think about bringing that over here to the mayhem empire can we get to the topic faster than eight minutes into the conversation are you gonna talk about trice's interest in super superwoman's crotch what if it was wonder man is there there's a super woman is there a wonder man i think it's just ken right oh my good uh brian looks awfully uh yummy in that cream coffee shirt oh these are these um i think he looks paper street coffee sheets are our shirts are super comfortable. So I often wear it in the evening after I've showered.
Starting point is 00:09:26 I gave mine away to the jiu-jitsu instructor, and it's like becoming like his favorite shirt. So whenever I go in there, whenever he comes over, he's got it on because it is so soft, right? I gave my bee-friendly hoodie away to the competition director in Dubai, and I still have not been able to get another one in. I'm missing it. It's because they can't
Starting point is 00:09:48 keep them in stock over there at Sherpa Works. See that plug? Bushy Beaver. Now, Samantha, don't be crass. There's no one named Bushy. That's completely outlandish. It's a little excessive, Samantha. Samantha.
Starting point is 00:10:15 Jonesboro it's a little excessive samantha samantha jones burrow front nine final round and the back nine just one round today people with what brian friends tells me are two uh pretty damn good uh frisbee golfers calvin heimberg and eagle mcmahon speaking about great names. Yeah. So this is a three-round tournament, but we're only going to watch the last round. They play the same course, same layout, all three rounds. This is not the most challenging course at the play on tour unless it's windy. And when it's windy there, which it almost always is,
Starting point is 00:10:44 this course is an entirely different beast during what nothing i'm just holding up this to like i feel like if i hold this up during the show will make people like you more and me more go ahead i thought windy course you're talking about a windy course i thought you were trying to get the um subliminal The H-A-P-O guy to come on. Who's that? The strong man. World's strongest gay. I am. I would love to have him on, actually.
Starting point is 00:11:11 World's strongest gay. I thought maybe since we spoke about that this morning, you acquired this prop this afternoon. Thank you. The gays have hijacked the rainbow. Damn it. Okay. Windy course.
Starting point is 00:11:23 Yeah. Crazy windy course. It is so windy that the cameras are having trouble holding the trees. And that's normal there. It was 20 to 30 miles throughout the day. The first two days, zero wind, no wind. So when we're looking at the total scores that these players have coming into the day and then their performance on the final day, it's, it is a total, it's, it's, if you've ever played disc golf, playing disc golf with no wind is fun for almost everyone. Playing disc golf with extreme wind
Starting point is 00:11:50 is not fun for almost anyone. It is a totally different sport and experience. And I wouldn't recommend amateurs going out there and playing on super windy days because you're going to be frustrated. The discs aren't going to do what you think they do. You're going to lose them. And it's just frustrating. You'll see as we go through that throughout this coverage that even for the
Starting point is 00:12:09 best in the world if you're 20 feet away from the basket and there's 30 mile an hour wind there's it's a it's a challenging putt sometimes from 10 feet away they still don't know if they're going to make it and they have to take their time and sometimes sometimes you'll see just some crazy stuff in the wind. However – Yeah, say a miserable experience playing in the wind any kind of frisbee, any type of disc golf. Yeah, it's like the opposite of flying a kite. I would like to just quickly impromptu bring up Calvin Heimberg's Instagram account so you can just check him out really quick get a little more intimate with him wait wait don't do that don't do that okay just in case he's posted anything since the tournament that could potentially give away the results you may not want to do that if they're some of the better players in the world generally put up
Starting point is 00:12:57 one post after the competition they usually don't do it the day of win lose or otherwise if they have a big following they'll they'll usually do that so maybe vet that before we put it up in case you want to have a little bit of drama yeah i'm looking at i'm looking at eagle i'm looking at his and eagle mcmahon's eagle mcmahon does not have the post oh okay yeah uh yeah pull up eagle mcmahon's i i got a link in the uh chat uh mr beaver and uh let's get a close-up Look at this guy, uh, Brian, how good is he? Who is he in the CrossFit world? Who is he?
Starting point is 00:13:28 Scott Panczyk? Um, no, cause he's won some majors. He's won some big time events. Pat Vellner? I would say, I would say, yeah, closer to Pat Vellner where he's, you know, Pat Vellner's three-time champion at Wadapalooza. Eagle McMahon was European champion last year. He's won, you know, Pat Vellner's three-time champion at Wadapalooza. Eagle McMahon was European champion last year. He's won, you know, Disc Golf Pro Tour events.
Starting point is 00:13:48 And basically there have been, for the early part of his career, there was Paul McBeth and Ricky Wysocki. And Paul McBeth and Ricky Wysocki for a decade have been the two guys to beat in the sport. And then this young kid, Eagle McMahon out of Colorado comes along and basically for, it was like Paul and Ricky and Eagle. And then entered this guy, Calvin Heimberg.
Starting point is 00:14:08 And last year, those are the only four players with a rating. There was over 1,050. And for, I think two or three tournaments in a row, these four guys were the final, were the top four guys on the last day of the lead card. And they earned the kind of nickname of the 10-50 boys
Starting point is 00:14:25 because they're the only guys that their average round of disc golf was 10-50 or higher, which is insane. Currently, I believe that Calvin Heimberg is the top-rated player in the world, and his rating is only 10-46, and he's been the best player throughout the entire season, basically top three in every event except for one, and 10-46. Last year, all four of them were averaging above 1050 i know that doesn't mean a lot to everyone who's listening but for anyone
Starting point is 00:14:51 understands that rating system that is insane those guys last year were incredible and calvin this year and eagle when he's been healthy have had some rounds that are pushing back into that echelon um uh will you there's a uh a toy that has his name on it eagle mcmahon's name on it it's called sweet kadamas it's in his uh instagram what a weird so he did they um they sponsor him he got a eagle mcmahon yeah he has the he always has this on his disc golf bag it's like a game or you know a little pastime that he likes. And sometimes in tournaments, and this actually happened to me and my brother when we were playing this past weekend, either just at a regular course, you'll get to a hole where there's a backup. And suddenly you might
Starting point is 00:15:34 be in a rhythm and you might be in a groove. And then you have to just sit there for 10, 20, 30 minutes. And then when the course is ready, you get up and throw. And so this is something that I think he keeps in his bag for those times to kind of occupy his mind and be a distraction from just letting too many thoughts pile up about the tournament. And just so if you could close that and go up a little bit higher on the left-hand side about three columns down, you'll actually see a video of him playing with his katana. No, a little bit higher, a little bit higher. Sorry. Although that one might be good too. A little bit higher, a little bit higher, a little bit higher. A little bit higher. Sorry. Although that one might be good too.
Starting point is 00:16:05 A little bit higher. A little bit higher. A little bit higher. A little bit higher. A little bit. There it is. There it is. Here we go.
Starting point is 00:16:12 Zzz. Wow. So he flipped the katama. Whatever that thing's called. Kandama. That's his putter. The rainmaker. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:22 And I mean, you have to keep in mind, he's one of the best putters in the world his hand-eye quarter coordination is insane i've told you about his ability to throw left-handed backhands you know that are he they're good enough that he can do them in competitions um so just an insanely talented guy when it comes to hand-eye stuff how tall is he i think he's about six three okay". Okay, big dude. Calvin's, I think, 6'5". All righty. I want to say. Very windy. They call this.
Starting point is 00:16:52 But it was not windy on days one and two. And the day you sent me was crazy windy. Yeah, but I want people to know that the previous two days were not. And so the scores we're going to see on the last day are much, much worse than the scores from the first two days. But there were some really cool things that happened on the first two days that I just wanted to preface this with, if that's okay with you. Eric Weiss, the 1050 boys sounds like a tough crew. This course here at the Jonesboro course is in Arkansas. It is considered the second best course in the entire state of Arkansas, home of, I believe, also Bryce Mitchell, a UFC fighter extraordinaire
Starting point is 00:17:32 who thinks the earth is flat. It is the 98th best course on planet earth, according to some rating system that the boys were talking about and it's about 10 000 feet 9 995 feet of t to hole in 18 holes i wonder how they measure that you think that's what the direct direct like just like as the crow flies depends on the line depends on the you know the hole like if it's uh you know if there's if what if you can't see the basket from the right and you might measure to like the middle of the fairway and then from the fairway to the basket and add those two things together.
Starting point is 00:18:08 I'm not entirely sure on holes like that, how they measure it actually. Seve, get a flat earther on soon. I had a flat, we had that guy Brett Stephenson on. He was fantastic. Sober as fuck. That was fun. I enjoyed the conversation. There is a movie about the earth being flat that was just made, released this year, and I have the director coming on in a few months. I wouldn't want anyone to think that I'm getting lazy. Calvin got a haircut.
Starting point is 00:18:37 You may not recognize him from the other shows. We will get more into that later. But let's, for now, just jump right on to the course. Hole one. Final, final, final. I want to set up. more into that later uh but let's for now just jump right onto the course hole one no final final final uh i want i want to i want to set up the first round the pairings are random for this tournament eagle and calvin were paired together in round one on the feature card so if you did want to watch the entire tournament you could watch them on day one randomly playing together
Starting point is 00:19:02 they trade blows throughout the day and they come to the end of the day. They both shot. The previous best score on the day had been 12 under par. Both of them shoot 13 under par, so they're the co-leaders going into round two. I call bullshit on their randomly put together. It's not entirely random. They choose good players to be on the featured card,
Starting point is 00:19:20 but it wasn't because of anything performance-based in this tournament. Okay. So maybe the director's like, hey, these are the two best guys. I'm going to put them on. Well, Calvin's the defending champion from last year, so he automatically gets a spot on it. They had Kevin Jones on the card, who's the best player to ever come out of Arkansas.
Starting point is 00:19:38 And then they had Eagle McMahon, and I can't remember who else was on that card. But it was another good player. Isaac Robinson, I think. Maybe Isaac Robinson. Anyway. How did Isaac end up doing it? For those of you who don't remember, Isaac was the winner from last week who had an incredible showing.
Starting point is 00:19:56 Incredible. Ask me that at the end of the show. Okay. Sounds good. Wait, wait, wait. Caleb's son from the future, Eaton Beaver. Great to see savon caleb and brian back in the sack together well thank you round two round two now they're the leaders
Starting point is 00:20:11 of the tournament so they're obviously playing on the last card the lead card in the meantime there's a guy named james conrad who shot 17 under par in round two, 15 birdies, one Eagle, two, two pars. And so he's scorching the course and he posts a score of 25 under par is, you know, eight under on the first day, five strokes behind shoots 17 under, which is insane. And, um, he does 11 better on the second day. Holy shit. Yeah. You have a black black refrigerator there's no refrigerator over there oh or something something black anyway sorry about that um once again calvin and eagle are trading blows throughout the day and come the end of the day they both shoot 13 under again so now they've played 36 holes together they've shot 13 under each on both days
Starting point is 00:21:06 and they're the co-leaders once again going into the final day at 26 under par james counterheads one stroke by yeah james uh incredible player the wind is crazy i should have chosen a few shots that just show the wind uh the the trees and uh maybe the audio of it because a few times you can really get that but pay attention to that um you'll see the trees and shit the audio of it because a few times you can really get that. But pay attention to that. You'll see the trees and shit blowing around. Robbie Myers, direct all Jonesboro to me. I lives here.
Starting point is 00:21:34 Jonesboro questions. Direct. Oh, Jonesboro. Oh, okay. Jonesboro, Arkansas. Okay. You read grammar better than I do. My sister the other day, I do this thing where I say to people, oh, does that person talk good?
Starting point is 00:21:47 Like let's say you were to suggest to me, hey, you should have Kaikei. You know that guy, the crossfitter? You should have Kaikei on the show. And I would say, does he talk good? My sister's like, that's not proper English. I'm like, yeah, I know. That's the point. That's why I say that.
Starting point is 00:22:02 It's the irony of me not talking good by saying, does he talk good? She was correcting me on that shit today. I was like, what the fuck is wrong with you? You don't get my joke? She's like, no. Oh, shit, Scott Perkins, we almost saw Danielle Brandon. Yes. Oh, my God. Accord, Cornholio, 13 under just tells me the course is too easy for a professional
Starting point is 00:22:25 are there tournaments where the leaders struggle to shoot par? yes, there are tournaments where they struggle to shoot par it's usually not because the course is so hard that they can't get a birdie but it's because of the difficulty of the course combined with the conditions and keep in mind that
Starting point is 00:22:41 these are the range of scores in these tournaments, from the top players in the tournament to the bottom player, is often like 40 shots. So the winners might be somewhere around 30 under par, and the last place players might be something like 10 over par. It's an exponential scale. And the guys at the top of the sport, there are more of them
Starting point is 00:23:00 than there have ever been, but they are so good. And if you continue to push the level of the course to only challenge those players, then you're going to have a smaller field of people that can really even play the course. It's to me, I think of it similar. And there are conversations, by the way, of making the basket smaller as an opportunity to decrease some of the low par scoring or prevent it. But I kind of think of it as the conversations that people have about the NBA. Like for decades now, I've heard this thing. Are they going to
Starting point is 00:23:30 make the basket 11 feet? Are they going to put make the court wider because the players are gotten bigger? Are they going to expand the three point line, which I think they did at one point by a little bit. But it's like, you know, changes like that take time and don't happen quickly. So I do think that the course designers in general are aware of how good the players are and are trying to make more and more challenging courses, but there does need to be some kind of, you know, within reason, especially when you're trying to have, you know, big events like this. There are small events that, you know, that only the certain players qualify for. And if you're talking about the best 30 in the world, maybe it'd be an opportunity to
Starting point is 00:24:04 try some things out. I have no interest in the baskets being smaller from just a little bit. I've seen so far it they're fine. I agree. Um, and we can get into that. We'll see some shots today that kind of explain why, uh, Todd Meyer, seven, you try getting any of the players you're covering on the podcast. Yes. I've tried many and it's only a matter of time before one of them gets desperate and cracks it's the middle of the season so i'm guessing maybe that's why they're not doing podcasts i'm not sure what's going on i've gone haven't got a response for one of these fucking ding-dongs but there was a uf uh a professional fighter ty emery that i've been trying to get on now for a couple months after she won a match she lifted up her shirt and she flashed her titties
Starting point is 00:24:40 and she's coming on the show in a couple weeks. Did you know that, Caleb? Did you see that? I saw it pop up. Yeah, pretty cool. I didn't realize that's what she did, but that's super exciting. Yeah, and she's a great fighter. Flash Beaver? No, not Flash Beaver. Flash Titties.
Starting point is 00:24:56 Maybe she'll go after the show. No, no, I was saying it could be a possible name if he's a little bit older. Oh, Flash Beaver. Yes, that works. That works. That's good. That's good. You didn't get my jokes, have I? No, I didn't, but I do now.
Starting point is 00:25:07 I need some things explained to you. I didn't even understand that question mark meant questions. Something you and your sister have in common. Right. Not getting jokes. And I don't know if you guys saw today, Patrick Bed David, who was a guest on this show, offered Tucker Carlson a five-year $100 million contract to be a permanent fixture over at Valuetainment.
Starting point is 00:25:29 Wow. Okay. We'll talk about that tomorrow also. I could speak to someone today who knows someone who works for the PDGA and has the potential to get me in touch with him. Oh, with Patrick Bet-David? No, PDGA, Professional Disc disc golf association yeah hey we'll take anyone at this time we'll take the guy who got hit in the head with the frisbee we'll take
Starting point is 00:25:50 a fucking like a guy who waves the flag and says ob any we'll take a an interview with the only girl that's ever actually attended one of these events if there is one um like we'll take fucking anybody you know what i should try to do i should try to get one of the owners of one of these companies. I didn't think of it. Like the owner of Innova or Discraft, the CEO. Oh, shit. Hey, is Discraft publicly traded? I saw a fascinating video on Innova today.
Starting point is 00:26:17 Oh, send that to me. I will. Kenneth DeLapp, Sevan says titties, and everyone perks up. I was explaining to my kids. Sorry, Brian. I was explaining to my kids yesterday they were asked for coconut milk and I said never say that again and they said why? I said call it coconut juice, coconut water never coconut milk
Starting point is 00:26:34 they said mom calls it coconut milk I said milk only comes from titties that's what milk is that's what makes milk milk comes from rat titties, cow titties, women titties there's no such thing as coconut fucking milk That's what milk is. That's what makes milk milk. It comes from rat titties, cow titties, women titties. There's no such thing as coconut fucking milk. Or, yeah, nut juice.
Starting point is 00:26:50 Thank you. Thank you. Nut juice is great. Although, I don't know, Rosie. Let's bring that up tomorrow. You've opened up a can of worms. But, yeah, it's titty juice. You could do titty juice or milk.
Starting point is 00:27:06 But don't tell me oat milk. Go fuck yourself. Almond milk. Almond water. Frisbee milk. I'm trying to bring it back to the show. You see that, Brian? Great transition.
Starting point is 00:27:16 Okay. Hey, you guys, this is really going to be good, by the way. This is basically what you're going to see. It's the final 18, and these fucking guys are going to go to war and uh it's basically calvin heimberg the guy who's uh currently uh you know the greatest on the tour and then the guy who's probably if you looked at the last two or three years you could argue he's been the greatest on the tour i think brian didn't you say this guy's coming back from an injury or switching discs or both uh no eagle mcmahon last year missed a majority of the season with an elbow injury,
Starting point is 00:27:49 and he was prior to that famous for his forehand. Now he almost never throws forehands. He's working them in a little by little, but at this point, if you see him throw a forehand, it still is like kind of a shock to the system because he's been avoiding it so much. There's a request to see my titties in the chat. That's a first. I feel like we should commemorate this. Just look the way they move my shirt. All right. Okay. They are going to go to war. Here we go. I tried to make this tight for you, Brian. Thank you. This is the second time Brian's had to make a major adjustment in the instructions given to me prior to the show.
Starting point is 00:28:26 Last week, he tried to adjust them, and I made it worse. Let's see. I'm feeling confident this week. Here we go. Hole one, Jonesboro, the battle between Eagle McMahon and Calvin Heimberg. Same exactness for Calvin. Yeah. Par 3, 470 feet. Calvin with the birdie putt on hole one.
Starting point is 00:28:49 Yeah, it's actually a really cool tee shot. I'm disappointed you didn't select any of the tee shots. Oh, my God. We're off to a rough start. Fuck, I feel my temperature rising. Did you go back to the tee? Yeah, this is fine. It's Corey Ellis who's throwing, which is okay.
Starting point is 00:29:03 But it's just a cool shot. I think this is a great way to start a tournament or a course. It's a straight, long shot. There's not out of bounds, but there are things on either side in terms of the woods that you don't want to hit. And these guys, of course, can throw this much distance and get it up there. The spot we saw Calvin in is a spot he was in on all three rounds. And as you heard the announcer say, he missed the putt short every time.
Starting point is 00:29:25 Good audible, Mr. Beaver. Brian, so you saw him throw from the tee, and then where you see that lands, you see those orange things on the ground, and that's always a good sign, right? Those are the markers for circle one, and I think we talked about last year or last week that for this tournament, because most of the pins are in open locations, that we'll see those more clearly marked than in some of the other wooded courses. So anytime you see that in the camera shot, you know that the guy's close to the basket,
Starting point is 00:29:55 usually within 30 to 60 feet of the basket. Those are each 33 feet away. Okay. 6.54, we didn't get to see Eagle off the tee, but here he is going for a putt. It's a par 3. Yeah, he's got an uphill putt, which is generally good, but you see the wind is kind of all over the place.
Starting point is 00:30:16 And actually from the reverse angle, you'll see that this is in the high left side of the chains. On days one and two, he had a lot of putts in the high left side of the chains that fell in. But on this one, the wind was blowing right to left, and it just pushes it out the other side. Hey, Caleb, what key is it that pushes it back just five seconds? Just the arrow keys. Oh, and the J and the L key push it back 10 seconds?
Starting point is 00:30:41 No, you just, like, one arrow is just five seconds. Another arrow is 10 seconds. Shit, okay. like if one arrow is just five seconds another arrow is 10 seconds shit okay five second increments okay because i'm okay good to see okay a hole two uh eagle mcmahon and calvin heimberg are tied for first place both at minus 26 it's a par 4 820 feet uh calvin and eagle did fantastic off the tee. Uh, Brian got a question for you. How do they decide who, who goes first, the order,
Starting point is 00:31:08 um, for every hole, uh, for, Oh, like off the tee. Yeah. So there's an order that's,
Starting point is 00:31:16 you know, that's determined to start the round, which is based on their score coming into the round. And then after that, it's based on whoever did the best on the previous hole. And in the case that there's ties, they just keep going backwards until there was not a tie. So if the starting order of T was Sevan, Brian, Caleb, and we all made par,
Starting point is 00:31:35 then in hole two, it would still be Sevan, Brian, Caleb. But if on hole two, I made a birdie, and you guys both made par, then I would go to first. You would drop to second. Caleb would stay third. And like CrossFit, I'm guessing, and we'll see if Brian corrects me, you do not want to go first. Ideally, you want to go last because you want to see the other guys
Starting point is 00:31:53 try different things, and then you want to decide what's best for you. Is that correct? Yeah, it's kind of a catch-22 because you want to go first because that means you're doing the best. But if you have to go first, then you don't get to read the wind based on other players who have thrown and particularly on a windy day like this that's really critical the flip side to that is if you go first and throw a great shot then you're putting and you're already get the guy who's doing well then you're putting pressure on the rest of your card uh like i said uh hole two eagle and calvin both have a tremendous
Starting point is 00:32:22 shots off the tee here we are at 930 with Eagle McMahon taking his second shot on a par four, 820 feet. Yeah, pretty tough hole. Holes one and two, it's very rare to see anyone get birdie on both of these holes. If you can get birdie on either one of them, it's generally a good thing. In fact, on this
Starting point is 00:32:40 day, I think there were only maybe two players that had a birdie on both. Or three players. And that's a beautiful shot. Yep. Very well done with the backhand there. And
Starting point is 00:32:55 at 10, you'll see Calvin go for his second shot. Do you like his haircut, by the way? I do. I do. Yep yeah he's done this a couple times we'll grow it out and then i'll cut it back basically to this length and even a better shot and on a day like this i mean this is like if you can give yourself a handful of these it just takes so much stress off the round as a whole he's eight feet away it's actually a tailwind which is good so this is like the least stressful part you could ask for on a day like this.
Starting point is 00:33:27 1043, Eagle McMahon, hole two for the birdie. Extremely windy. Yeah, and he obviously sees that his biggest competitor in Calvin is close there. He's quite a bit away. So he has to decide here, am I going to take the risk on this one or am I just going to lay it up, accept the stroke that Calvin gains on me and move on to fight the next soul. Yeah. Those leaves are,
Starting point is 00:33:48 they're moving now that that wind is, is becoming pretty influential in their shots. So I don't think he was really trying to make it there. I just think he was accepting the par. And, uh, Calvin ends up making the birdie, which takes him up by one stroke as we go into hole three. Calvin is minus 27. Eagle is minus 26.
Starting point is 00:34:11 We go to a par three, 345 feet is a hole in one possible here, Brian. It's possible, but this is a, I mean, this is a tough shot, especially on a windy day. There's out of bounds left. There's space off to the right, but you don't want to flip it over too much. And these guys aren't, I don't think anyone's really trying to ace this hole. You're just trying to get close. Calvin off the tee. The commentators were saying that it is difficult to get out of bounds in this course because it is a wide open course or the way it's designed. It's not common for a lot of OBs. Yeah. I would say this is one of the most threatening OBs on the entire course.
Starting point is 00:34:50 And even so you'll, you won't see too many players that are in there. Okay. Action. If we didn't do this show live, the video footage would be way better too, by the way. I mean, I'm glad we do do it live, but it wouldn't have any of that stuttering. Bam. The disc hit the fence there which is interesting you think that would make it out of bounds but it doesn't the fence saves him you have to throw it over the fence to be out of
Starting point is 00:35:13 bounds yeah there i'm not sure if there's a line there or not but i do but he's inbounds you see a stop sign there there's i think i actually think there's a line short of the of the fence because when this happened they have a reporter on the ground and they said his name's brian and they said brian can you tell if that's inbounds or not and he goes it's kind of buried in the in the leaves and everything so i have to go get a closer look but it ended up being inbounds uh 12 50 eagle off the tee he's uh down by one stroke 17 holes going into a tough wind like this you can you can play the footage here there's like you throwing a flex shot which is on it and it's an
Starting point is 00:35:54 angle that's going to force it to the right and then finish back to the left is um something that can eliminate the winds like the wind to a certain. If you have the arm speed to do it, Eagle has one of the best arm speeds in all of the game. So that's probably what he's going to do. And you could, you could play it while he's talking to Caleb. I think that's what Brian said, right?
Starting point is 00:36:17 Play it. Yeah. Caleb was focused on the resolution. You can see this is a super overstable disc. He forces it over on that angle that he was practicing in his hand. It starts out to the right, but it fights back to the left, basically having a net straight effect, and he is about circle's edge, 30 feet away or so.
Starting point is 00:36:36 So it's taken me five or six weeks to figure out that if it's a par 3, that basically on the second shot you want to see the pro going for a birdie, bare minimum. So here we are, Calvin's second shot at 1324, for the birdie putt he's up by one he's up by one he goes closer than in this time so now he wants to see okay am i going to run this what kind of pressure can i put on this guy thrown absolutely perfect yep can cal Calvin take advantage of the opportunity? Yes, he can. Great putt.
Starting point is 00:37:08 Headwind. The wind is blowing in his face there. Very, very difficult to make that. And so Calvin for the putt birdie. And now Eagle, if he wants to stay just one behind, he has to make this putt at 1335. stay just one behind he has to make this putt at 13 uh 35 he's gonna have a little bit of a headwind crosswind putt here he's he has a spin putt which is very advantageous in the wind
Starting point is 00:37:36 and you can kind of see there he's just putting a lot of rotation on the disc and it's therefore it's able to kind of pierce through there on a much kind of purer line calvin's kind of see there he's just putting a lot of rotation on the disc. And it's therefore it's able to kind of pierce through there on a much kind of pure line. Calvin's kind of pushing it. He's still pushing it aggressively, but had that up and down trajectory. This one's just kind of spinning in there quickly. The problem with the spin putt is you're going to miss a lot left to right. So, you know, as I mentioned, when it comes to hand-eye coordination, Eagle is phenomenal. And so he can do that spin putt with a lot of rotation and still have a tremendous amount of accuracy i uh that uh hole three was a star frame everyone made a birdie
Starting point is 00:38:15 yeah see i learned a new term uh when everyone makes a birdie on the card all four people it becomes a star frame a hole four, par four, 660 feet. Calvin leading by one over Eagle McMahon. Only 17, no, three minus 18 is 15. Only 15 holes left before we crown the champion for the Jonesboro Classic. I don't know if it's called a classic. Is it a classic? No.
Starting point is 00:38:42 Okay. So, tricky tee shot here. The players have to decide what they want to do this shot that eagle throws you won't see anyone else really throw this shot i'm not entirely sure that he intended to throw this shot the way the point of the time that it skipped off the ground and what the disc did after that like i'm not sure you can really plan for that so i think he was trying to throw it on that same angle as the last hole, and he got a little bit fortunate with the ground play, but he ends up in basically a perfect spot. Is that just the crowd back there,
Starting point is 00:39:14 or is that the tee back there that we're looking at? That's a part of the crowd that's following this card. But that's not the tee straight back. It is. Oh, okay. 1630, Calvin's already thrown off the tee. This is Calvin Heimberg. His friends call him Vinny.
Starting point is 00:39:30 This is his second shot. Wait, wait, wait. What's that on the right there? Is that a downed astronaut? What is that? It looks like an astronaut on his knees. What is that? I think it's a cameraman.
Starting point is 00:39:40 Oh, okay. Okay, 1630, Calvin, second shot. He's not in the best position now. Not in the best position here. Had to try a shot that he wasn't hoping to, and he comes up pretty short of the green there. Calvin, up by one, goes for a putt after his second shot. Here we go.
Starting point is 00:40:12 So this is for the birdie right here, right? Well, this is Eagle in the fairway. 1753? Oh, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry. You're right, you're right, you're right, Caleb. 1705, Eagle, second shot. Sorry. Okay, so we saw Calvin's second shot. We saw eagle's first shot now here here's eagle's second shot yeah we see just how much more open space he has which is going to
Starting point is 00:40:32 make this approach a lot easier he throws a very overstable disc that wants to finish to the right and it does and he's about 15 feet away which is excellent right he's set up for the next shot to go in easy peasy right so that's two it's a par four so uh mcmahon is set up for a birdie so now we know eagle mcmahon if he gets a birdie he's going to be able to stay one behind calvin to keep the one point lead has to make this shot action very aggressive mode and Very aggressive mode. And... So, perfect height, but a little bit off to the right.
Starting point is 00:41:13 Elevated basket always makes things a little bit trickier because if you do miss, you're missing at a higher elevation, so it's going to typically push further away, and he's still going to have a little bit of work to do coming back. So, if Eagle McMahon makes this shot, it will be tied, which it looks like he is. way and he's still going to have a little bit of work to do coming back uh so uh if eagle mcmahon makes this shot it will be tied which it looks like he is uh eaton beaver i wonder if the cameraman blocks the clock which brings up a very good question are there actually any clocks around for these guys is there like a shoot clock like does he see off to the side i have three seconds
Starting point is 00:41:39 so there is a rule that you're only supposed to have 30 seconds once you address your disc, but there's no one that's keeping a time of that unless another player in the group or maybe two players ask for time to be kept on something. So it's a gentleman's game until it's not. Yeah. And there are certainly players that take more than 30 seconds over their putts. And, you know, it's, it's a, it's, I think it's a difficult spot for some of the players to be in. Um, I think if you're doing that regularly, you need to kind of, you know, figure it out, but sometimes there's moments that warrant it more than others,
Starting point is 00:42:16 particularly windy day, particularly big putt, et cetera. Uh, Tim Brown, I, I apologize for this, uh, philosophical PSA. Tim Brown says all cameramen are clock blockers. Tim, some people would say that all crows are black, and although no one has seen a white crow, no one has also seen all the crows. And so philosophically and logically speaking, that's a fallacy, and all cameramen are not clock blockers. It's just we don't know of any that aren't. But thank you, Tim, for the opportunity for me to show off how smart I am. 1850. Oh, no, no. Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry. Go back.
Starting point is 00:42:54 Go back. Sorry. Calvin, shots are back-to-back, Caleb. Sorry. I didn't give you two time codes. Go to 1753, and then something interesting. I want to say one more thing real quick here. Brian, something interesting about this tournament. This is Calvin, by the way, and then something interesting. I want to say one more thing real quick here. Brian, something interesting about this tournament.
Starting point is 00:43:07 This is Calvin, by the way, for the birdie. He shoots it and misses, and then he immediately shoots again. And he misses again. Did you see the putt just kind of rise and rise and keep rising there? Yeah. Did you notice that? Yeah. So this is what happens into a headwind if you just get the nose up angle a little bit you see it didn't come out flat or nose down it came up up and the wind just gets under and pushes it up in a lot of cases people will aim low like lower than the chains and hope
Starting point is 00:43:39 that it creeps over the the rim and into the basket in In this case, he was aiming at the chains, and it elevates and hits the band and falls out. That takes balls doing that, aiming low, and then just sort of gambling on the wind. It does, but the alternative, I mean, Calvin is world-class, obviously. The alternative for someone like me is to risk the wind catching it and pushing it 30 feet deep and left.
Starting point is 00:44:05 Okay. If I aim low and the gamble doesn't pay off, it just hits the cage and falls two feet from the basket. Tim Brown, we are all in our own phases of learning in life. There is no need to apologize. I love you, my brother. So what we saw is we saw Calvin had to make that birdie to keep the lead. He didn't.
Starting point is 00:44:24 Then we saw him shoot again for par. He didn't make it, so now he's one behind. And he's going to get a bogey on this and be two behind if Eagle McMahon makes the birdie. In all the other games that we've seen in all the other weeks, I've always seen this rule followed. I haven't seen it broken once where the guy furthest from the basket always goes. But if you watch closely, it wasn't here.
Starting point is 00:44:49 I thought we were going to see it here. You will see in this final round here, you will see some guys break that rule. And when you see it, let's stop and ask Brian about it. Okay. Eagle McMahon for the easy birdie to take the lead over Calvin Heinberg. What would you say? 25 to 35 mile an hour. That's huge.
Starting point is 00:45:13 25 to 35 mile an hour winds. That's crazy. Yeah. And that's what I said. Like this course is designed for it to be windy and it doesn't. And if it's not, the pros are going to shred it. Like,
Starting point is 00:45:24 like we saw in days one and two um hole five eagle is now one stroke ahead minus 28 calvin minus 27 hole five par three 495 feet there are i think there are four holes on this course that are notably more difficult than the rest when it comes to the ability to make a birdie. Hole five is the first one that we're going to come across. And it's interesting coming into this day because Eagle McMahon on days one and two threw a one-angle hyzer out to the right side and almost hit the basket both days, tap in birdies. And that's like, birdying birdieing this whole one time is insane to do it twice back to back with the same disc in the same shot.
Starting point is 00:46:10 I mean, I guess there was no wind, but no one can throw that shot. No one, no one can throw that shot on one angle all the way there, except for him. And he did it twice in a row and got a birdie. So coming into this day, now there's the wind. And the question is, is he going to risk going for it again and depending on what he does because he has to go first what's calvin going to do is eagle mcmahon related to ed mcmahon all mcmahons are related just like all beavers are related uh fair enough uh okay well said uh hole five par three 495 feet uh the eagle is in the lead. 1950, Eagle.
Starting point is 00:46:46 Very, very interesting what happens here. Eagle off the tee does something bizarre, right? No. A lot of the players opt for this play on this hole. This is basically you're not risking going out of bounds. You're taking bogey out of the question in theory, and you're laying up, and then you're going to make an approach shot and take the easy par instead of risking a boat.
Starting point is 00:47:07 Like I said, in day one and two, he went for it both days, got it both days. He's playing conservative here. And Calvin sees that Eagle McMahon is conservative off the tee and is like, fuck that. I'm going hard. 20-40. Calvin off the tee.
Starting point is 00:47:20 Actually, he was standing on the tee a moment before this with two discs trying to make his decision. He dropped one, picked up his driver, and decides to go for it. Yeah, take that. He also had gone for it on both of the other days and gotten across. In this case, he hits the one tree in the middle of the fairway and goes out of bounds, and he's going to be punished for that. And listen, whoever designed this course, that's just jackassery.
Starting point is 00:47:42 If you can see the basket like that, and it's off the the tee and you're out of bounds, I don't agree. I don't agree, but okay. Maybe I don't understand the sport yet. 2012, Calvin. I don't even understand my notes here. This is the drop zone. So if any tee shot goes out of bounds, you have to throw your third shot from here. Okay, explain that to me.
Starting point is 00:48:07 Why is there a little carpet there? What do you mean? If it goes out of bounds anywhere, you go right to that spot? If your tee shot goes out of bounds, then you throw from the drop zone with a penalty shot. So now he's throwing his third shot from here. Wait a second.
Starting point is 00:48:19 You don't go where the disc went out of bounds? There's different rules on different holes, and all of these things that you're either confused or unhappy with are all up to the course designer and keeping in mind the question and conversation that we had earlier about how good these players are and how difficult the courses should be these are just elements of the course design that may that increase the challenge or don't and that's why you see a lot of players laying up. And this whole is a little bit controversial because some players are like, well,
Starting point is 00:48:49 why do we have a whole design where 90% of the players are just throwing an easy pitch shot and easy upshot and taking part? Like that's pretty boring. What if we move the teeth 30 feet closer, how many more players would go for it and how much more fun would that be? Wow. Okay. For those of you don't understand,
Starting point is 00:49:04 he basically threw it out of bounds and no matter where you throw it out of bounds, it takes, it's like candy land. You land on the square, it shoots you down the ladder. Everyone goes to the same square. Is the drop zone normally closer or farther away than when they drive? Closer for sure. But how close is what varies? So in some cases like this is a drop zone that's far enough away where, I mean, if i mean if if one person if every player threw a shot from here for the entire weekend you might see two people make
Starting point is 00:49:31 it like it's very unlikely throwing but sometimes they're only 60 feet away and now you have a legitimate chance to make it but sometimes they're 60 feet away and downhill towards the lake and then you have to decide well if i make this and go out of bounds again now i'm looking at a double but this wait if this drop zone is further away than where the where it went out of bounds it's further away than when it went out of bounds but it's a lot closer than where he teed off from oh okay okay is that what you were asking caleb were you asking what i thought or what he thought from the t or from where it went out of bounds from where they end up throwing it like the drive like if do they normally drive further than the drop zone?
Starting point is 00:50:05 Oh. Did you say that depends? Yeah, it depends. Okay. Gotcha. Okay. Let's take a little break for a little Trivial Pursuit. This has been a lot of work doing all this disc golf commentating.
Starting point is 00:50:20 Trivia time. Howie DeWitt, who is the only heterosexual disc golf player i will be giving away three thousand dollars at the end of the show for the correct answer brian didn't like that hey fuck you howie what is howie fronting the three thousand uh okay that was a horrible question let's uh how can you do better oh yes uh are any disc golf coaches grooming their athletes jesus christ okay uh 20 uh 2012 calvin after he throws out of bounds so also just so you know when you throw out of bounds you get and you take on an
Starting point is 00:51:02 extra point so he threw off the t that's one out of bounds penal you take on an extra point. So he threw off the tee. That's one. Out of bounds, penalized one. So this is actually his third stroke, making it impossible for Homeboy to get a par now. Correct? Improbable. Okay. He'd have to make it in the basket right here for the birdie.
Starting point is 00:51:15 For the par. For the par. For the par. Yeah. Okay. Calvin Heimberg for the par from the drop zone. Calvin Heimberg for the par from the drop zone. Shh.
Starting point is 00:51:30 And not great. I mean, he would like to be at least twice as close as that. Are you kidding me? That's not great? Not from how close as he was. Not when that's leaving him with a putt for bogey. Okay, fair enough. 21-30, Eagle was smart going for the conservative shot off the t calvin not so smart uh eagle is uh going for par and playing it safe let's see if uh he still plays
Starting point is 00:51:54 it safe by the way by the way that's james conrad in the yellow shorts over there with the long hair and i mean almost he almost he almost makes it from there. It's a very nice upshot, leaves it close, and like you said, easy par. 21-50 Calvin for a bogey. This is back-to-back bogeys for Calvin. If he makes this, it can only get worse. I see a lot of people, well, you won't. This will be the last time you see it until next year, but typically. Yeah, and so after missing two putts on the previous hole,
Starting point is 00:52:27 he bounces back, even though it's for bogey. That's an important putt for him to make, you know, and this is more or less what separates the elite players from the rest of the players that are competing here is, you know, it's really unlikely that you're going to have a whole tournament without making any mistakes. And even within a round, you're likely to have, you know,
Starting point is 00:52:45 a couple of missed, missed putts, a couple of mistakes, what you do after that, how you respond to those things is what, you know, this year has really separated Calvin from everyone else. It's a three day tournament at the Jonesboro one round each day.
Starting point is 00:52:58 As Brian said, the first two days, it was not windy and Calvin Vinnie Heimberg had zero bogeys on day one or two but to exemplify what brian was saying about how the wind can really fuck you up especially 25 to 30 mile an hour winds and that it's not fun to play in we've seen the great heimberg now get two bogeys back to back after having the first two days with no bogeys so let that be a lesson to you for those of you who want to judge a man who plays Frisbee in the wind. Hole six, Eagle minus 28.
Starting point is 00:53:27 Calvin lost another point. He's now minus 26, which makes him tied for second place. And when I say tied, I think it's like a 37-way tie. Maybe three-way tie or something. Yeah, that's what I said, three-way. Three-way tie for second place. Eagle all alone at minus 28. Hole six, par three, 315 feet.
Starting point is 00:53:48 Eagle McMahon off the tee. Yeah, that was really stupid that I started the show not off the tee. Even if there's not a good tee shot, the first show should always be a tee shot. It just sets the mood. I apologize for that. I should know better. It's been a while since I've directed a movie. And this is a bad thing. So this is two things. One, that's a bad mistake. Two, this is an example of
Starting point is 00:54:11 what you were talking about where sometimes going first is disadvantageous. You know, this is an island hole. Obviously you have to get it across the water and within the confines of that wall in order for it to be in bounds. He did not. So he's going to go to a drop zone here. And, um, and actually the second player who shot made the same mistake, and by the time the third player went and the fourth player went, they learned from that mistake and corrected it. Caleb, is disadvantageous a word? I already looked it up.
Starting point is 00:54:36 Do you think it is or isn't? Brian just used the word disadvantageous. Yes. Yep, you're right. Fuck. I didn't think that was a word I was going to use. School, Brian. Can you play that one more time? I want to show show you guys something you're going to see this little he's throwing over a body of water and you're going to see it's kind of cool they
Starting point is 00:54:53 got this little tiny narrow path uh that walks across the water uh this is one of the cooler features i've seen he throws it and then you're going to see it kind of going over that path that's pretty cool right that little uh single track with that ghetto piece of plywood covering like a muddy spot you see that fucking awesome okay you know and he was expecting that disc to finish to the left it held really straight and so like i said the players coming after him can learn from that uh eagle mcmahon up by two throws an out-of-bounds shot so now when next time he throws straight. And so, like I said, the players coming after him can learn from that. Eagle McMahon up by two, throws an out-of-bounds shot. So now next time he throws, it will be four par. Calvin Heimberg, rumors had it chubbed up when he saw that go out-of-bounds.
Starting point is 00:55:36 Here's Calvin off the tee. Can he take advantage? I believe he has third to throw on this hole. So he's already seen two players miss it to the right he's able to make the adjustment and basically a perfect shot yeah he sets it in so Calvin gets the birdie let us see
Starting point is 00:55:57 then Eagle misses his next shot so he misses par so here we are Eagle's fourth shot for bogey. I feel like this is – you got to stick this in. Yeah, this is one of those gimme hole, boy. Now that is so bad. Are you guys following what just happened?
Starting point is 00:56:17 He had to make that to maintain first place. He's eight inches away from the basket. He putts. He's eight inches away from the basket. He putts. He's 12 feet away from the basket. What did I say? Eight inches. Oh, okay. 12 feet away from the basket.
Starting point is 00:56:35 Oh, look, I see a girl. I see a girl in the audience. You guys see her? Holy shit, it's like, where's Waldo? There's one, maybe two. Holy shit. Look, they have to stay together safety in numbers holy shit that's incredible look she's already been attacked look at her
Starting point is 00:56:56 jeans caleb she's been attacked already keep in mind that calvin wasn't the only person. Eagle also had no bogeys through the first two rounds. Okay. Oh, wow. Okay. So here he goes from 12 feet, Eagle McMahon. Yeah, this is one of those gimme all, boy. Oh, boy. Well, so now we got a game on our hands.
Starting point is 00:57:22 You guys see why this is so exciting? Robbie Myers, 8 inches, 12 feet. That's a big difference. Okay, I apologize. I'm sorry. We're going into hole 7, ladies and gentlemen. That means there's only 7. What is it?
Starting point is 00:57:38 9 holes. 9 holes. 11 holes left, including this hole. No. 11. We finished 6 holes. Nine, ten. Eleven holes left, including this hole. No. Eleven. We finished six holes. That's one-third. Two-thirds remain, which is 12.
Starting point is 00:57:52 Okay, 12. Twelve holes left, and we are going neck and neck. All of a sudden, Heimberg is in first place again with minus 27. Eagle with minus 26. We're at hole seven of par 4, 675 feet. Yeah, second shot into the green here, and we see Eagle throwing a forehand. I told you that he used to be worldwide famous for his forehands.
Starting point is 00:58:17 He doesn't throw them very often anymore. He is getting more and more comfortable with it, and when he needs to, he pulls it out, and obviously a great shot there. You think he feels pain when he throws that? I don't think he would throw it if he was feeling pain when he was throwing it. But I think he's very conscious of how many forehands he'll throw in competition. I wonder where do you think the discomfort is in the elbow or it's like something weird?
Starting point is 00:58:42 It's like it's something weird. Do you know? Has he talked about it? That's the kind of shit i'm interested in what happened do you know what the nature do you know i'm sure i have do you know the nature of his injury i think it was just from from throwing a lot like hyper extended or a bone spur or uh tendonitis or maybe two years ago when i was when I was the first summer that I was playing a lot of volume disc golf I was definitely feeling it in my elbow and I was thinking to myself okay well I'm also doing a lot of dynamic gymnastics I'm also doing a lot of barbell cycling and you know I'm throwing a lot of shots I'm taking a lot of putts like it's a lot of flexion and extension on the on the same joint over and over again but but now it doesn't i don't feel that really at all so i feel
Starting point is 00:59:26 like i've grown accustomed to it so i'm not sure in his case uh eagle uh we just saw uh off the oh that wait was that off the tee no there was this approach second shot okay second shot uh it's a par four so he uh he's set up for a birdie here's calvin's second shot um needs to stay close to the basket uh to keep the lead yeah decent shot not the best reaction off the ground, but definitely within a makeable range. 28-54, Calvin putts to maintain the lead. 28-54, Calvin makes this, gets the birdie. Calvin has a chance. Has to go to the straddle putt here.
Starting point is 01:00:20 Get one stroke on the card. Nice putt. And so for Eagle to stay just just one down he needs to get the birdie and he does we go into hole eight calvin minus 28 alone in the uh in the lead eagle minus 27 tied for second place with some other cats on the chase card uh we're at a par three 323 feet this is a shorty calvin it's really this is really a forehand shot so you know the wind obviously makes everything more difficult but as you'll see here the forehand plays very very nicely for this one basically need to get out and around that bush and the one mistake that you don't want to make is coming up early. Because if you're deep like this, at the very least, you can just lay it up and take a part.
Starting point is 01:01:09 But if you get caught up in those woods on the other side of the basket, things can get a lot more tricky. Hey, what does that tell you when the camera work is like that? Does that mean that that's a bad shot? Like, obviously, the cameraman's not standing there planning to have to do that fucked up shot where he points it down at his feet. Does that just tell you that?
Starting point is 01:01:28 Yeah, he's nearly 60 feet deep of the basket. So he's not expecting the best players in the world to be that far away from the basket. But it's a windy day. He's the first player off the tee. And once again, we know that sometimes that can be disadvantageous. I need a vocabulary word for you. I'm ready to take the SAT. 31.05, eagle off the tee, down by one, par 3, 323 feet.
Starting point is 01:01:53 He's throwing a forehand, second hole in a row. Very overstable disc here. And obviously he's going to try to make the adjustment from Calvin. He's a little bit tight inside, but gets away with it, and he's much closer and a much better spot. And what do you mean it's a little bit tight inside but gets away with it and he's much closer in a much better spot and what do you mean um it's a very stable disc meaning it doesn't have any piercings it hasn't dyed its hair purple mom and dad both are uh married still um what do you mean when you're describing the stability of a disc yeah you're basically describing what it wants to do or its
Starting point is 01:02:20 nature or its tendency so if it's if a is stable, it wants to mostly stay flat. If it's overstable and you're throwing a right-handed backhand, it wants to pull to the left hard. If it's throwing a forehand, it wants to pull to the right hard. And understable is the opposite. I pulled up at a stoplight today, and Avi goes, hey, he was riding in the front seat coming home from jiu-jitsu and he goes hey and I go out he goes look at that guy and I look over at the guy next to me in the car
Starting point is 01:02:49 and he's like that guy has a piercing in his nose his ear his chin I go yeah what else he goes his dashboard is covered with stuffed animals I'm like yeah he goes I think that boy has makeup on I'm like yep and the guy's smiling in the car you know what i mean like all happy and shit and he's like something's like and then he looks over at avi and he sees avi staring at him and he gets all intimidated and shit or like weird and avi waves at him and he's like and avi goes what's wrong with him i go he's unstable he's on so that was that that's how we use the word uh in my family Okay, stable disc. Wants to go straight. Stable straight, overstable, understable.
Starting point is 01:03:30 That's going to be so easy for me to remember. Thank you. Calvin off the tee does better. No, sorry. Eagle off the tee does better than Calvin. He's down by one. He better do better. The commentator said he parked the the disc what does that mean he parked
Starting point is 01:03:46 it basically it's inside the bullseye it's it's it's a tap and this is he's uh you go great you used another term to describe a term i don't know what the new term is bullseye to describe the term that i asked you about which is bulls in his tent is the smaller circle of of red flags that's 10 feet away from the basket we've We've talked about that before. What would make you think I could remember that? You're one of the smartest guys we know. You just told us a few minutes ago. All right.
Starting point is 01:04:15 Okay. 32-10, Calvin for the putt. Now, Brian, explain to us, is he trying? Is he not trying? Why wouldn't he try? I would not be trying to make this because i think that there's a much higher percentage chance that i would take a four than a two if i tried to make it calvin might have other things in mind because he's one of the best circle two putters in the world okay uh here we go main time is that no no not i don't want anything to do with that look at the look at the trees back there yeah you want to see what we're talking about and you said you can see some
Starting point is 01:04:53 of these shots look at that and so even the best in the world is saying i'm happy i'm happy laying this up taking a three and going to the next hole uh okay so so Calvin doesn't even attempt the birdie and just sets himself up for a par 32-18. Now look, if Eagle gets this, he's already up by one. If he sinks this, he'll be up by two. No, this is to tie. He's looking at the top right. Heimberg's at minus 28.
Starting point is 01:05:25 He's at minus 27, putting for minus 28. Oh, yeah, yeah. Sorry, sorry, sorry. You're right, you're right, you're right, you're right. Okay, okay. So that's why Calvin's so confident. I apologize. Calvin's up by one, but he's like, okay, I'm okay losing this point here
Starting point is 01:05:38 and being tied as opposed to taking the risk and losing the whole kit and caboodle. Okay, here we go. Eagles got to make this for the tie. That could be your disc. We have seen some epic rollaways here on eight. Eagle getting it. Some of the worst video we've seen in this, this seven podcast history.
Starting point is 01:06:01 No one to blame here, especially Caleb Beaver. Have the second best internet okay are you hardwired in yeah oh damn he's a boss we should uh let's do a check clock speeds who's got faster me or you it's definitely not but afterwards let's see let's check everyone's internet speed afterwards we have time we can we can do it even live on the air. That would be good. We can do it live on the air. What is it? You go to net?
Starting point is 01:06:28 You can just Google it, I think. Yeah, okay. Calvin and Eagle tied at minus 28. Hole 9. Ladies and gentlemen, we're almost at the halfway point. Par 4, 750 feet. Eagle and Calvin, both off the tee, did fine.
Starting point is 01:06:44 Here we have Eagle going for his second shot. And this is the second of the four holes on the course that is very difficult to get a birdie on. Pretty good shot. Pretty unfortunate roll away there. So it took him from probably 30
Starting point is 01:07:04 feet to about 55 feet uh calvin uh look at the guy on the right side of the what is he doing that's a mask covid covid oh yeah you know this course is like 200 miles from the nearest airport hey safety first hey you want to know what's funny they have this commercial that they play during uh frisbee golf shows the jomez frisbee golf shows and it says i love portland it's like this montage of portland shit and says i love portland and every time i hear it i start like twitching and shit like i have tourettes i was like i want to be like no one loves portland you dumb fuck nobody well unless you're a fentanyl addict
Starting point is 01:07:40 so the disc golf pro tour acquired jomez pro today no shit that's the news you were talking about yeah and i don't necessarily know what that's going to mean i saw that there was a podcast talking about it but it was way too way longer than i had time to listen to today what that tells me what that tells me oh i'm going to be careful i don't want to i don't want to get uh caleb uh brian in trouble i was going to use a simile that that definitely i should not use i would no simile coming what that tells me is that those guys were putting in so much fucking work and it was so hard making these shows that they they tapped there just wasn't money in it do you know what i'm saying i'm not i'm not so i don't know
Starting point is 01:08:22 i don't know i try to find these shows are fucking good dude yeah but it also could be a tiny sport these shows could be similar to what's happening in the in the media landscape with crossfit right right now that which is that the organizing body maybe wants to take more control oh but but do you would you ever think that CrossFit would buy Charlie's company, Cowboy Dances? Hamilton Road Productions. Hamilton Road Productions. I always want to think there's a cowboy in there. I don't even know how to respond to that.
Starting point is 01:08:57 So would they? Do you think CrossFit would ever buy? Even more importantly, I don't think Charlie would even consider selling it unless he was tapping or the money was so fucking good yeah I mean I don't know Charlie Doobie by the way I worked at CrossFit Inc with him he is the owner of the company
Starting point is 01:09:17 that does all of the productions for CrossFit one of the classiest dudes that I ever fucking work with by far. And that other, does Joe Novella still work there? He retired after the games last year. Oh, shit, I'll believe it when I see it. Another fucking one of the classiest dudes I ever worked with.
Starting point is 01:09:36 A whole nine, no matter what they said about me, I could find out those guys hate me, I don't care. They're the classiest dudes ever. Whole nine, par four. I happen to know that they don't hate okay good because i really like them that makes me feel even better par four of 750 feet not just classy just anyway that's for another we talked about you last year at the games three of us oh good i love those guys though they were always uh they're gentlemen we just got high and drunk
Starting point is 01:10:02 around the fire and told great savant stories. God, I hope most of them I was naked. Hole nine, par four, 750 feet. God, you got me all flustered. Here we go. This is Eagle's second shot. No, Calvin's second shot. I apologize.
Starting point is 01:10:21 So that tree right there makes this hole really, really difficult. And a lot of the players are just going to try this line. There's a really small gap there underneath the tree that they're trying to come in on. If they don't get through there, then they're probably, they know they're probably taking a four. Um, so that, the design of the hole there is basically that that tree makes the entry to the green very difficult. And so a lot of players end up taking par on this hole.
Starting point is 01:10:42 What do you think the evolutionary explanation is for a tree that grows a branch that touches the ground what's the point of that i mean i like it it's beautiful but like what are you doing are you trying to entice creatures that are on the ground into your tree are you trying like trying to set root in the ground like what is that tree doing it's for let's get a botanist there's a tree inside our house and a snake climbed up in the other day while we were outside. And you watched? Yeah. So it was enticing snakes to go up there.
Starting point is 01:11:11 For some sort of preservation mechanism. Okay, 3620 long eagle putt. I don't know if that's going for an eagle or if it's eagle doing it. Oh, shit. Okay.
Starting point is 01:11:26 Listen, guys. I've never seen anyone go for a fucking eagle, let alone make one. This is not a putt for eagle. This is eagle with a long putt for birdie. Oh, shit. All right. Never mind. Okay.
Starting point is 01:11:49 Doesn't make it. Brian, what about the contrast of being do you want to be in the shade shooting into the sun as opposed to being in the sun shooting into the shade in terms of like the dynamic range what the eye can actually see like are there times when when when the basket's close to you but you're still having trouble seeing it because it's so fucking bright and the basket's under a tree and it's shaded um you had that experience yes but i don't i haven't really thought about which one is is better that was an easy question you'd rather be uh in the shade shooting into the sun i was setting you up for success 36 uh 45 calvin for the putt do you have to go who that's yeah you someone texts you you gotta go we're almost done only 17 more pages of left oh my god look at this
Starting point is 01:12:33 yeah so you got caught up in the tree so even though he's kind of close it's almost impossible to make this putt and he's just trying to get close enough to make sure he can get the par and move on to the back nine. So that is a Calvin and Eagle tied in the, in the, in the, in the front nine at a tied after round one, tied after round two, tied after the front nine of round three. And these guys have played every single hole together. Crazy.
Starting point is 01:13:03 Jeffrey Birchfield, seven it's because it is trying to outgrow the upper canopy shade and it gets too heavy and lies on the ground yeah okay so that's the mechanism but you think that that's a like is that a is that a flaw or what's what's the is that a benefit but great uh understanding of it i like that oh fair enough howie even the tree hates disc golf it's trying to block the discs fair enough uh ladies and gentlemen we are we are uh only nine holes left before we crown the champion for the jonesborough classic in arkansas open jonesborough jonesborough open the second best course in all of the great state of arkansas home of the Bill Clinton Library, brought to you by Coca-Cola. No, that's not a joke.
Starting point is 01:13:47 That's true. A whole 10, par 3, 360 feet. I think all of the players ended up missing to the short side of the green here. This summer, Monica Lewinsky's blue dress will be at the Clinton Library in all of its glory under a blacklight. You, too, can witness a piece of history. Eagle and Calvin, both bad off the tee,
Starting point is 01:14:12 shitty, shitty off the tee. This is Eagle's second shot. Yeah. And I mean, in a situation like this, if you see him just doing something like that, he's evaluated every angle,
Starting point is 01:14:22 every possibility, every different disc in his bag. And this is what he's decided is the best possible outcome. And he's basically putting himself, I think 15 to 20 feet away from the basket. And as you see, he's holding one disc in his left hand, another disc in his right hand. And since they practice like that, many of the players when they're out on the court, mimic that way they practice. And that's also the way they play. In this case this case he those discs might have been for some different shot options and he wasn't sure so he took he may have taken
Starting point is 01:14:50 both with with him just depending on once he got into the position which one he decided to use hey is there some sort of rule how close your bag can be to you like is or some etiquette your bag like why did not just bring the whole bag and put it like or maybe it is right next to him and just out of the shot. Yeah, you could keep your bag closer by. I don't think there's any rule about that. Molly, with the keen eye, look at that hip flexibility. Yeah, that guy is 6'3", 122 pounds also.
Starting point is 01:15:26 Okay, Calvin, 305, his second shot also in a fucked up spot. Yep, and no chance. Was that his shot? Yeah, I mean, no chance to make it. So again, he's just trying to get as close as he can. And then 320, Eagle goes for par. He knows that he has to make this to, uh, tie,
Starting point is 01:15:46 uh, Calvin. Yeah. Calvin's much closer. So the pressure's on Eagle here. The good news is the wind is not blowing very strong at the moment. You can see the flag on top of the basket lying more, mostly still.
Starting point is 01:15:57 So a little bit of a break there for him. Hole 11, Calvin and Eagle tied for minus 28 par four, 560 feet. Now that makes me think that's, that's a think that's a short par 4, right, Brian? Yeah, on a straight shot, they could throw it 560 feet. So there's some nuance to this hole that is the reason why it's a par 4. Did you just get a bad text or something?
Starting point is 01:16:19 No, why? Oh, okay, just checking, just checking. You went from like an 11 to like a 10. I'm getting tired. Okay. It's just from a long day. Yeah, okay. Just checking. Just checking. You went from like an 11 to like a 10. I'm getting tired. Okay. It's just from a long day. Yeah, okay. I understand.
Starting point is 01:16:29 We only did one. We did one two-hour podcast. I did a 90-minute one with someone else. Oh, no shit. With who? Is it live yet? No. So that was Calvin off the tee.
Starting point is 01:16:43 Eagle also threw off the tee, as everyone does, and he shit the bed. We won't be taking a look at that. Six minutes, Calvin going for shot two on a par four, 560 feet, shot two. Yeah, so depending on where your tee shot is, this can be a pretty easy and routine upshot, or it can be quite difficult. Calvin is in a pretty good spot, and he's able to a you know that's a pretty traditional forehand approach for him and he's in like you said a good spot for a bird uh can you show that uh bruce wayne i noticed his demeanor change too it was right after the text message i'm not buying it um we'll look at this
Starting point is 01:17:18 again now pause this a second um this is very isaac robinson-esque here this is a scary calvin heimberg look how casual he is look at look how casually maybe go back another five seconds okay just just chilling there you are just chilling nothing crazy just a little winger he's feeling it right yeah the only thing that's not isaac robinson-esque is the fact that he threw a forehand we know isaac throws almost exclusively backhands fair enough i just mean that demeanor right they're just like hey just just throwing it up throwing it uh calvin with the incredible second shot and then 809 calvin for the birdie yeah pretty close winds blowing but it's a tailwind which is preferable to a headwind in this situation and he makes good on it a very well played hole uh and how did eagle do that uh
Starting point is 01:18:15 that hole he may he had a poor t shot was out of position ended up taking par okay so we go into this next hole and calvin's up by one holy shit hole 12 so now there's 12 seven holes left uh hole 12 par 4 655 feet 926 calvin off the t yeah and um this is not what he was trying to do. The disc gets away from him here and drifts off to the right, and it's going to basically put him out of position. The commentators will often say, that guy got lucky,
Starting point is 01:18:57 or, wow, he had his lucky rabbit foot with him. And I don't really like that so much. I don't like it when they say so-and-so got lucky. And they said that on this hole on me, not likey-likey. So this is where Eagle's Drive ended up. This is a great position to be in. This is where Calvin was on some of the other days. I think that Calvin shot pushed through the tree line,
Starting point is 01:19:19 and that's what they were saying is lucky. It could have hit the trees and fallen backwards. It could have hit the trees and fallen down. It could have missed everything and gone through. And when you throw it into a row of trees that you didn't intend to throw in and a disc is flying on an angle that you didn't expect it to fly on and it goes all the way through without hitting anything, what would you call that other than luck?
Starting point is 01:19:40 I wouldn't call it luck. No, no, no. What would you call it? Years and years of skill have made it so even in these tough situations, Heimberg still pulls it off. The power of Heimberg just pushed right through that bush. No one's buying it. Calvin off the tee. What happened? 11-04 Eagles, second shot.
Starting point is 01:20:09 Trish is ecstatic about the show and if you can throw if you're in a position where you can throw a backhand into the screen it's severely advantageous because the the hill slips away extremely dramatically afterwards and the forehand can get up on edge and roll a lot more likely than the backhand uh calvin 11 50 putts for birdie uh here's one here i saw these guys put out of order here this is where i saw these guys put out of order okay let's see it let's see it yeah let's see it here we go 11 50 calvin putting for birdie and once again i would not be trying to make this putt. He's not either.
Starting point is 01:20:46 He's just trying to put it close. Because if you miss that and it goes deep, it can roll 100 feet down that hill to the left. So Calvin goes for birdie, gets in distance for an easy par. Colin Dwiggins, definitely European, 999. Oh, but it's American money. Interesting. Seven on Brian, y'all great. That's9.99. Oh, but it's American money. Interesting. Seven on Brian, y'all great.
Starting point is 01:21:06 That's all I got. Oh, from the south. Hey, I didn't mean to take your last $10, but I will, and thank you. I appreciate it, Mr. Collins. I'll see you tomorrow morning at 7 a.m. The show will be brought to you by California Hormones, Paper Street Coffee, BirthFit, and Manscaped, although I do use these scissors to cut my pubes, as I told you this morning. And Greg Glassman will be joining me tomorrow.
Starting point is 01:21:30 It's going to be fascinating. It'll be his second appearance in just a week. I wonder what is going on. Where are we? We are at... What hole are we on? 12? 12.
Starting point is 01:21:45 Thank you. Eagle McMahon attempting a birdie putt with Calvin close to the basket for par. Oh, thank you. You're paying attention. Okay. If he makes this, it's tied up. Yeah. It's just crazy.
Starting point is 01:21:59 Like one of the guys takes the lead, even in the hole where Eagle took the lead by two strokes. Then they had a three-shot swing on that hole. Eagle gets one back on the next hole. I mean, the whole tournament has been like this. Yeah, it's crazy. Calvin and Eagle tied at minus 29. Yeah, Caleb wants to see it again. Caleb's like, fuck that.
Starting point is 01:22:16 Let's see it with some audio. But he is 100% in it. Like the change. Hey, what's the etiquette with these two fucking ding dong is that conrad down there with his back to the net yeah conrad and he's talking to corey ellis yeah those are the other two players on the card all right uh okay um so tied at minus 29 as we go to hole 13 353 feet i think what james is saying to corey he like, I know these guys are kind of pulling away from us here, but neither of them has won a world championship.
Starting point is 01:22:47 And I have. Yeah. Fair enough. They haven't neither. Well, yeah, I guess. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:22:52 That shit ain't easy. Got to win a lot of, you got to do really well. The whole season, two options on this whole, Heimberg's going to win this year. Heimberg's going to win this year. We'll see.
Starting point is 01:23:00 We'll see. Uh, obviously straight off the T into the opening is the preferred line, but you have to get it left quickly. There's a hill that's fighting against that, and a lot of times you end up in the woods. On the left side, where there doesn't seem to be a lot of space, there's actually more space than there looks,
Starting point is 01:23:16 and if you could throw a straight shot through the gap, it's a lot less likely to roll down the hill or end up in the woods. 1417, eagle off the tee. And both of the first two days, he went for the left gap and missed it low. This time, he went for the right gap and he missed it right. Oh. I just got a – okay, okay. I just got a uh okay okay I just got a uh text from my wife
Starting point is 01:23:48 Flo Beaver she should have stuck with just Seymour Beaver that was good Flo Beaver Flo Beaver oh like Flo from that show Alice you guys remember that show Flo from the Progressive commercial um okay
Starting point is 01:24:02 alright uh Eagle off the tee uh Calvin Progressive commercial. Okay. All right. Eagle off the tee. Calvin, 1428 Calvin off the tee. Let's see what Brian Friend thinks about this from So he's going for the narrow straight gap. He gets it through. It's on a little bit of an Heiser angle. He wants that to fly straight.
Starting point is 01:24:29 He was a lot closer on the previous days. He looks like he's going to have about 50 feet. Not a good shot, right? Okay. Neither one of them are in a great position here, but neither one of them are in a position that's threatening a bogey either. 1533 Calvin for the putt.t oh that's a big one yeah once again i would not be going i would not be trying to make this he does give it a little bit of an effort comes up a little low which is a safe miss there 12 inches low probably more like 18 1545
Starting point is 01:25:05 eagle if he can make this he will be in you guys I'm trying to take this seriously I'm trying to like use a commentators voice and stuff don't do that stay in character 1545 of eagle can make this he'll be in the lead
Starting point is 01:25:30 and um when you're when there's trees in 12 inches too high and the other guy was 12 inches too low okay sorry about nine inches high bro when the tree's in front of you or whatever, that can be a problem. When you have to take your backswing and there's like a twig or a branch that's touching your arm, that's the time that I think it's really, really difficult regardless of who you are
Starting point is 01:25:56 to get off your normal putting cadence. And as his practice strokes there, I could see that as he was doing that, it just didn't look like he had enough space. And therefore, I was not surprised that he missed doing that. It just didn't look like he had enough space. And therefore I was, I was not surprised that he missed this one. Oh, one 2537. Brian, uh, was telling us about practice strokes. Uh, that's a phenomenal clip for anyone, uh, visually and audially for anyone who wants to grab that. Uh, once that one 25 practice strokes, Brian friend, I put that in your YouTube story.
Starting point is 01:26:25 Okay. How could, how does anyone not like to show? So that's a problem right there for Eagle McMahon. What that does is that takes him down. No, no. Par par. Par par. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 01:26:37 So he could have taken the lead there. He shit the bed. He could have taken. Calvin took the lead by one on 11. Eagle got the stroke back on 12. Both of them par 13. So we're still even for with five holes to play. Holy shit.
Starting point is 01:26:48 Okay. Par for Eagle, par for Calvin. Both of them good shots. Both of them just inches away from taking the lead. Hole 14, ladies and gentlemen. Par 3, 520 feet. Now, remember, just to kind of put that in perspective, we had a par 4 earlier at 560 feet. This is a par three at 520 feet, 40 feet shorter,
Starting point is 01:27:09 but one less stroke allowed, and we have Eagle off the tee with a replay. Yeah, before we play this one, this is a downhill shot. I guess we're going to play it anyway. That's fine. And this is the third hole on the course that's pretty difficult to get a birdie on. And there's a replay on this too, Caleb,
Starting point is 01:27:24 so you can roll. Difficult to get a birdie on and there's a replay on this too caleb so you can um you can you can roll uh difficult to get a birdie on is that what you said yeah it's a very narrow gap that's far away and there's out of bounds on the right and short this shot is as good as it gets you won't you will not see any players in the world that can there's a few that can throw this shot as good as him, but you will not see anyone throw a better shot than this on this hole. Now, this is a guy that Brian has let us know might be the best in the world playing right now. Definitely there's an argument for it. And look where he puts it.
Starting point is 01:27:57 That's 520 feet, and he throws it right to the fucking basket at crunch time. An unbelievable shot. I watched – I mean, I was watching watching this and i was like damn and i remember a couple years ago on this whole ricky wiseaki threw a shot like that under pressure and i was like this is the shot that's going to propel him to the victory in this tournament and that's what i was thinking when i saw eagle do that so this is uh put up or shut up calvin knows he's pretty much fucked let's see uh how he answers eagle's perfect throw off the tee calvin 520 feet off the tee and there's no player in the game that's better at throwing fast discs hard on a straight line than calvin like he is built for shots like this he thrives
Starting point is 01:28:38 on shots like this but to do it in the moment after your nearest competitor that you've been going blow for blow with for two and a half days plus at this point, it only amplifies the caliber of the shot that anyone's throwing at that time. He's not quite as close as Eagle, but once again, this is one of the best shots you're ever going to see on this hole. I think we get to see both of them together. Oh, that's cool. Wow. So Eagles is the yellow one. Calvin's is the green one. And we see a little bit different flight paths both of them ending up well with you know very
Starting point is 01:29:10 gimme range basically uh eric ootley uh this looks like a fun horse uh fun of course uh got to watch for snakes uh true did you hear any snake talk i mean i i don't particularly remember from this weekend but certainly they're in rural arkansas like i'm sure there are snakes around uh sean m dropping some wisdom calvin is never fucked fair enough uh you win that argument uh they both uh get um a birdie there and we go into the 15th hole tied at minus 30 here we go 3, 270 feet. This is a shorty. Is this the shortest hole we've seen in the five
Starting point is 01:29:50 shows we've covered? Not only is it the shortest hole that we've seen, it's the easiest hole relative to par that we'll see the entire year. The average on this hole was like 2.2 and 2.22 strokes per or strokes. So that's nearly
Starting point is 01:30:09 eight, eight times of a stroke under par on the first two rounds. And there's no wind, but these are the two best players in the tournament. And on the first day, they both took par. And on the second day, Calvin got the birdie and Eagle got the par. And it's very, I mean, it's really, really unusual that you would have guys leading the tournament that are struggling to get a birdie on the easiest hole on the course. All righty, here we go. Eagle and Calvin off the tee.
Starting point is 01:30:34 Oh, sorry, sorry, sorry. We are not going to see them off the tee. They both throw off the tee and they do not land in good places. So this is a 270-foot shot and you can see that's how close eagle mcmahon got uh here he is taking a second shot so that's where it landed um after he threw it off the tee here he goes eagle mcmahon for bird not even attempting to make it just lays it up for the par and and
Starting point is 01:30:59 how do you know that how do you know that what do you see there that makes you know he didn't go for it uh everything from his body language to the flight of the disc yeah just just playing it absolutely safe yeah there's no i mean there's yeah that was just uh intentionally okay uh 22 32 calvin for the putt now if calvin makes this he's up if he makes this he's up and If he makes this, he's up. And he goes for it. Hits the basket and gets a nasty roll away. And that's the risk that Eagle didn't want to take. So once again, we saw on hole five, Eagle plays it safe. Calvin goes for it, gets punished. See if they give us a replay of that, Beaver. Sorry. Go ahead, Brian. No. Hole 15, Eagle plays it safe. Calvin
Starting point is 01:31:43 goes for it, gets punished gets punished okay so they're not going to show us the replay that's okay but look he took a shot that was closer than that hit the hit the bottom of the basket that stand and and rolled the fuck away and and we're at hole 15 and they're both tied minus 30 so if calvin doesn't make this eagle goes up by one here we go gotta make it do or die oh shit something happened something happened with his footing there what happened there not sure i mean he looked he was looking down he clearly wasn't comfortable with it and i mean didn't i think he's trying to make this but he didn't even have a chance he stumbles on something and he looks at it right his foot gets stuck or
Starting point is 01:32:34 something yeah okay uh so now uh 23 32 calvin for the bogey now he has to make this if he wants to just be down by one. Yes. And I mean, if he, even if he makes this now he's played this, this hole at even par for the tournament, you know, most players are playing at two or three strokes under par and combined
Starting point is 01:32:57 between the two of them that played at even par. I mean, it's really like it's a, this is this hole played as a total anomaly compared to everything else that they did on the weekend. A hole 16 Eagle up by one. Only three holes left. Par 5.
Starting point is 01:33:12 Only par 5 on the course. Big time risk-reward hole. The position of your tee shot is everything. If you're in a good position, Eagle is within reach for these players. If you're out of position you have to pitch up which is what eagle is going to try to do and it still should be a fairly attainable birdie but there's a water there's some ob and there's a steep green so there is a lot of there are a lot of factors that could contribute to higher scores as well before we watch eagle throw this
Starting point is 01:33:40 what eagle did off the tee is completely different than what calvin did off the tee right eagle just gave it a short shot off the tee to get better placement to the to the edge of the water isn't that correct um in my notes it says it says what did eagle do was he trying to get to the edge of the lake 26 47 this upshot here he's not he's so they've they're that's calvin's disc just in front of him on the left side of the screen. Okay. He's in a little bit better position than Eagle. So neither of them are in an optimal position after one throw. They'd like to be further to the left where there's more opening,
Starting point is 01:34:14 opening towards the green over the water here. Eagle doesn't feel like he has any chance to get it over the water and inbounds. So he's going to try to lay up short of the water and then make his third shot across okay so he's just trying to flip it around the corner it comes up a little bit short in fact i think the announcer like literally goes what was that like this just looks like a pretty bad shot and he's not really in an optimal position from there to go across the water either. He might be able to, but it's not where he wanted to be.
Starting point is 01:34:47 Okay, so that's his second shot, as opposed to Calvin, who we're about to see. Oh, no, sorry, sorry. Now we're going to see... So Calvin throws it over the lake, by the way. We should watch Calvin's shot. Why wouldn't we watch Calvin's shot? Oh, I don't know.
Starting point is 01:35:02 I just don't have it in there in the notes. We can't. It's probably this. This is the shot right here right here yeah so he's 30 feet further left you can see that there's more open sky he's going to try a shot here that's very difficult it's an anhyzer that's going to go from left to right with an overstable disc that will then finish back to the left and he's going to try to land it inbounds on the other side of the lake here we go Here we go. Can't even see shit.
Starting point is 01:35:30 Oh, there we go. It's a UFO. Yeah, I mean, decent camera work there. Now, already on this hole coming into this day, Calvin has gone eagle-eagle, including making a putt from a similar range, which is, as we're going to see when he attempts this one, is not a very safe putt to run. And eagle had gone birdie-eagle. So they're both playing it under par,
Starting point is 01:35:57 but Calvin is eagle-eagle coming into this round. What do you mean eagle-eagle? They've gotten eagles on this? Mm-hmm. Holy shit. Okay. So we're at hole 16. Eagle is winning by one stroke. But Calvin gets within striking range of the basket in two throws.
Starting point is 01:36:16 And we are about to see Eagle go for his third shot. So here's Eagle's third shot, and we have not seen Calvin go for his third shot yet. No, and this is not a really good position. I was pretty nervous watching him throw this. Eagle McMahon, third shot, par 5, hole 16, up by one stroke. And, I mean, that's just insane. Like, that is so good.
Starting point is 01:36:47 From the bush. Gets it right up on the basket. Now here, Calvin, 28-16. If he makes the eagle here at hole 16, he ties the game. Now, before we see it, what happens if he misses? Not good. I mean, and he, you know, he's already made a putt very similarly to this on this hole earlier in the tournament for an Eagle.
Starting point is 01:37:10 So he's got, he can draw on some confidence from that. We know already that he's playing a more aggressive style of disc golf than Eagle and all the situations where Eagles chosen to be conservative. Calvin's chose to run it. But yeah, if you miss here, the best case scenario is you miss low and it just drops. The worst case scenario is your air ball everything and it goes into that forest and possibly even into the lake how many feet is this 60 feet no you can see the red state the red flag there in front of him i think this is more like 40 probably like 50 feet all righty here we Here we go, Calvin, Vinny, Heimberg for the tie at hole 16. Oh, my God. It's like perfect, right?
Starting point is 01:37:51 It's perfect. It's a perfect throw, right? Yeah, and he made a couple of those. Like I said, now he's made two of those. Just how flat it comes out of his hand. I mean, the confidence to be able to do that, and this is whoever said earlier in the comments, Calvin's never fucked or whatever they said. confidence to be able to do that and this is whoever said earlier in the comments like calvin's never fucked or whatever they said like he has proven this year that as like when the tournaments
Starting point is 01:38:09 get tight when it comes down the stretch that his calm under pressure is as good as anyone in the world incredible what was the contest we were doing for three thousand dollars oh how we how we fronted 3k for um if you can name the one heterosexual disc golfer. Oh, right, right, right. Okay. Hole 17, par 4, 660 feet. Listen, two holes left. It's tied, minus 31.
Starting point is 01:38:36 Heimberg, Eagle McMahon. Conrad in the back, smoking out of his chillum, crying. 31-07, Calvin with the second shot. He's 80 feet from the basket. It's a par four. Is he going to go for another fucking eagle? He's not 80 feet from the basket here. He's well out of position,
Starting point is 01:38:57 and he has to throw an incredibly tight line through some trees here and hope that he ends up in a decent spot to try to salvage a par. Oh, okay. Good attempt. Thank you. Look at this window he's aiming at. I mean, it looks pretty casual. I don't see any fucking window.
Starting point is 01:39:17 It looks pretty casual how he does it, but no, you can see it there. It's just the biggest area of sunlight is where he's aiming. Over here on the left side? Mm-hmm. Caleb's got it down there i shouldn't hold my wrist like that what if it got stuck like that uh look at look at look at uh trish writing in all caps i know for a fact that calvin fingered a girl at church camp. Now he's about 80 feet away from the pin.
Starting point is 01:39:48 32-22. Calvin for the monster putt. Monster putt. Is this for birdie or is this for par? This is for birdie. Okay. For birdie. We've seen them in this position many times.
Starting point is 01:40:03 To take the lead. At one point. I mean, this is a little bit further than some of those other ones, but he gives it a hell of a bit. It's chain high. It's a little bit inside and somehow he just gets it to stop there. 20 feet from the basket. If I run this putt and miss it,
Starting point is 01:40:18 I feel like it's going twice as far past. Yeah. That's, that's scary. He's tripping. He went for the win and he didn't get it. Eagle 3240 for the putt. Holy shit.
Starting point is 01:40:36 And once again, he just opts for the conservative play and lays it up. And we see this contrast in approach. They're still tied with one putt and one hole to go, but very different approach throughout the round, which I did find somewhat intriguing, and I wasn't necessarily expecting it. Hole 17, we won't show you. Take my word for it. They both get it in on their next throws.
Starting point is 01:40:52 For par, we go into hole 18. This is what you've been waiting for. An hour and 40 minutes into the show, Calvin and Eagle tied at minus 31 on a par 4, 818 feet. And once again, you have two options off the tee here. Calvin's going to show us the straight line. And like we talked about earlier, this is right up his alley.
Starting point is 01:41:13 So let's see how he does. Off the tee, Calvin, Vinny, Heimberg, a couple guys in the glowing green shirts in the background. And that's the gap right there. I mean, this is the fourth hole of the four that I was talking about that it's very difficult to get a birdie on. Coming into this round, I know that Eagle got a birdie in both rounds. I wouldn't be surprised if he's the only player that did that.
Starting point is 01:41:35 Calvin birdied it in round one, but parred it in round two. So they've both played this hole extremely well. However, they play it very differently. Calvin threads the needle with a power drive straight up the middle. Eagle, like I mentioned on hole five, has this ability to throw massive spike hyzers on one angle farther than nearly anyone else, if not anyone else in the world. He's got a disc in his hand that's called a cloud breaker.
Starting point is 01:41:56 He's exceptional with it. He's going to try to throw it high and right around the tree. He was successful with this method on both rounds one and rounds two. Let's see what happens. 34-58 Eagle off the tee. As Brian said, he got a birdie earlier in the day. One of the few players who was able to get a birdie on this hole or no both rounds previously on previous days, but those days weren't windy and you can't really see it here. It is a little bit laggy, but even watching it on the thing, it's hard to see because he throws it so fast so hard and so far and out and over the trees and the disc is supposed to be flying on an angle the whole time and it flips up and just pushes straight way farther than he would want it
Starting point is 01:42:36 to and he knows that on that angle even with the power that he has it's pretty unlikely that he's going to clear the distance on the on the flight that that it's going. And then you, I mean, you can see his face there when basically the spotter runs out and waves the red flag. And he realizes that, you know, barring a miracle, he's just lost this tournament to Calvin. Wow. Out of bounds picks up an extra stroke. Let's see what he does. 36 Eagle for his second shot, but his third stroke. 36 Eagle for his second shot, but his third stroke. And he's still way up here on the Hill. So now he's with his third throw.
Starting point is 01:43:14 He's trying to pitch into a position where he can possibly get up and down for a bogey. Bogey's the best he can do from this position. Keep in mind that he and he and Calvin are at 31 under par and then, and everyone else is done with the tournament. Other than the two guys are playing with who have fallen back a little bit, and the next closest guy is three strokes behind them. Keep playing it, Caleb. Let's see if we can get the news. So that was his – just so you know, that was his second shot.
Starting point is 01:43:38 Third shot. But his third stroke. Yeah, yeah. And that one also went out of bounds. No. He pitched it into a position. We'll see his next shot here in a second. Oh, okay, yeah. And that one also went out of bounds. No. He pitched it into a position. We'll see his next shot here in a second. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 01:43:49 My bad. Oh, sorry. That was a – okay, yeah. Okay. 36-36. Eagle again. Sorry. Eagles goes again.
Starting point is 01:43:54 So this is his fourth shot here. This is his fourth shot. Calvin still has not thrown his second shot. And the commentators are basically saying they're not even sure it's possible to reach the green from here. But if there's anyone in the world who can do it, it's Eagle McMahon. And look, there's two girls in this shot. This is one of the only shots where it's where girls and almost in focus. Those are the girlfriends of Corey Ellis on the right and the girlfriend of James Conrad on the left.
Starting point is 01:44:21 Nice. Hey, sorry. Oh, can we pause this one second uh this is a i apologize but for what i'm about to say but it's vital for this joke i have to say it for this joke i'm really sorry uh i never liked uh how we do it in the comments i never liked disc golf but i drank three bud For some reason, I'm a huge fag. Okay. Okay, here we go. 36, 36, Eagle McMahon trying, I mean, trying his best. 18th hole. He came into this hole tied.
Starting point is 01:44:59 He could have been sitting on top of the podium. Jonesboro Classic. Out of bounds again. Two out of bounds in one hole. What do you think? He just came unglued? I mean, it was just the tee shot. Once the tee shot happened, I think that for him, his expectations, his abilities,
Starting point is 01:45:24 he's showing up to these tournaments with one goal in mind, and that's to win. And when you've played against the guy who's been the hottest on the tour all season long like i said they played each other in round one they played each other in round two now you've played 53 or 54 holes you're here with the chance you're on a hole that you know that you've gone birdie birdie on you have this shot that no one else in the world has and you just whether he mis-executed the throw or the wind was just too much for him to throw that on this day, he made a mistake, and the chance to win slipped out of his hands. And I think, yeah, he spirals a little bit out of control here. He has a few other strokes to play with, but honestly, he doesn't care at this point.
Starting point is 01:45:58 He was here to win, and he knows he's not going to. But he doesn't want to take third. He wants to stay in second. Yeah, I mean, in hindsight, of course, he would say that. But in the moment, it's like I'm either going to win or I'm going to lose. 37-11, Vinny going for his second shot. He's definitely chubbed up at this point. He knows he's won it. Yeah, I mean, he is in an incredibly good position here.
Starting point is 01:46:23 This is actually a really, really difficult spot to even get into, but he's throwing a very conservative shot here, knowing that he has plenty of slack because of Eagle's two out-of-bounds throws already. Jamie, Latimer, a choke Zilla. Corn Holio, maybe he gagged. Fair enough. Semantics. Eagle McMahon. Is this 37-39?
Starting point is 01:46:53 Trying to get to the hole. And Brian did explain to us last week that you can shoot out of order on the final hole in order to let the guy who won have the last shot so that everyone can cheer him on, celebrate his victory. Calvin for his third toss, 37-50. Yep, just pitching it up close. Have a little tap in there for the win. Eagle, 38-28.
Starting point is 01:47:35 Sets it in. Look at the crowds walking up. They're holding the tape. They're coming. It's like a witch hunt. And 38-39, Calvin. Three times. Jones, Borough, open.
Starting point is 01:47:54 Champion. Takes home the grand prize of $38.52. Man of the year. Calvin Heimberg, folks. Once again. You heard Jeremy Culling say it there, man of the year. I mean, through the first third of the season, which is basically where they're at, he's been the best player,
Starting point is 01:48:13 the most consistent player. He's got the most wins. He's got the highest rating. He's got the most tour points. He's come up big in the key moments. And, you know, obviously he's not going to win every tournament he shows up to, but he's certainly a threat at every tournament, every style course. He's the best player in the world right now.
Starting point is 01:48:28 Hey, you know what's fascinating about these sports? This is one thing right here, what Cornholio says. That's a lot of work just to choke on the last hole. But tennis is like this, and golf is like this. The winner loses a lot. So being a winner in those sports is like is like special so for instance i i heard this stat the other day the three greatest tennis tennis players of all time only won 55 of their points and they win the big the points at the big moments well yeah all you have to do is figure out you know you may not like you know like just for a simple example
Starting point is 01:49:04 and strategy with tennis you may know that you're not better than someone uh in the force first four hits of a rally but statistically every time it goes over six hits in a rally your numbers are better so what you have to do is just keep the dude don't try to use kill shots keep the dude in the game longer and uh and you'll win the game in the long run i mean there's a there becomes these really layered um and nuanced nuanced strategies to these sports. But mentally, they're so fucking brutal. You're all alone. Golf and frisbee golf might even be crazier than tennis because in tennis, you know if you're on the court, you still have a chance to win.
Starting point is 01:49:36 In golf, you have to block out all the other noise because a guy could be up by five and there's no statistically – he has to fuck up for you to win no matter how good you play i mean it's a head trip those don't those don't look like fun sports to me is what i'm saying well and i'll say this about this course because i think they first started playing it as the disc golf pro tour in 2017 and the champions in this course in 2017 was Ricky Wysock. 2018 was Ricky Wysock. 2019 was Paul McBeth. 2020, Calvin Heimberg. 2021, Ricky Wysock. 2022, Calvin Heimberg. 2023, Calvin Heimberg.
Starting point is 01:50:13 So you're talking about a course that finds the best players. I told you Ricky and Paul have been the best players for a decade. Eagle and Calvin are in that conversation now. Those are the two battling it out this year. But from 2017 to now, only Ricky, Paul, and Calvin have managed to win on this course. Ricky three times, Calvin three times, Paul one time. Oh, that's interesting. It's the test.
Starting point is 01:50:33 It's the test. And last year, Calvin beat Paul McBeth in a playoff. This year, he beat Eagle McMahon in essentially a playoff on the last hole. And I'm surprised that you didn't catch on to this or mention it at all, but this golf course is called the Disc Side of Heaven, which is a pretty cool nickname if you ask me. Yeah, that is cool. So, God, I hope Bill and Katie aren't listening.
Starting point is 01:50:56 Dear Bill and Katie, please turn the show off at this point. I don't think they'd watch this show. Are there cops outside your house? No. Oh, I saw a red light flash on you is that your girlfriend signaling you to come to bed yeah we're you know you said 90 minutes or 20 minutes late so i'm gonna have to make it up to her okay um this so this is this is the way we didn't lose 20 minutes on a disc golf it was all that bullshit before fair enough um uh so so this isn't the road
Starting point is 01:51:24 this isn't the rogue fitness the rogue rogue invitational. This is the CrossFit Games course, meaning the rogue invitational might crown someone because of the nature of the test that might not be the fittest. done really. I haven't, I haven't gone and looked at all the past winners at all the courses and some of the courses are a lot newer than this one. But when you look back at this one specifically, it will hold its weight against any other individual course in terms of the caliber of the champion that it produces. Yes. You know, what's interesting is I bet you it doesn't being a good CrossFitter probably translates to a lot of sports, but probably not to Frisbee golf. So being a good what? Being a good CrossFitter probably translates to being good at a lot of sports, but probably not to Frisbee golf. To being a good what? Being a good CrossFitter probably translates to being good at a lot of sports, but probably not to Frisbee golf.
Starting point is 01:52:11 The only thing that translates is probably the dedication. But nothing else. I rest my case. Accuracy. I'm just kidding. Tomorrow morning, live call-in show. I greg will be calling in you'd ask how isaac robinson did oh how did isaac robinson do tied for second with eagle mcmahon and ben
Starting point is 01:52:34 calloway he shot on the last round eagle mcmahon only shot two under after shooting 13 under on the previous two rounds now he had one double bogey and one triple bogey calvin heimberg only shot five under par that day the best score on the course was ben calloway at nine under and the second best was isaac robinson at eight under par and both of those pushed those players into a tie for second place with eagle awesome hey you want to hear an interesting stat is uh before we got kicked off of youtube for a week we never had any viewers really on Twitter or Facebook or Twitch or rum or rumble. Now we have all sorts of them.
Starting point is 01:53:11 So that week that we were off of YouTube and people had to go to those other places actually brought, uh, was in that game. The darkest part of the evening is just before the sun rises, before the light shines. Brian, thank you. Do we have next week off or what's the deal?
Starting point is 01:53:32 There's a week off and then they're heading out to the West Coast to a state called California for the OTB Open. Berkeley? Oh, I think it stands for only the best it's a disc golf supplier oh okay and where is the uh what city let's find out are you uh jeffrey birchfield i wouldn't't say that, Sevan. Okay. Stockton. Oh, shit, really? Mm-hmm. The Votto Classic?
Starting point is 01:54:12 Swenson Park in Stockton, California. Holy shit. May 12th through 14th. Bring your concealed carry permit. Holy shit. Are you fucking kidding me? Are you going to go? No. Oh, man. Why not? You guys Are you going to go? No. Oh, man.
Starting point is 01:54:26 Why not? You have a chance to go there and be like, hey, guys, I do a disc golf show. Come on up here on my podcast. Listen, listen, I went there. I went there. I went there for a jiu-jitsu tournament with my kids, and actually it was quite fun. fun uh but it is a uh it is uh it's gabe subri crossfit uh 209 home of uh gabe subri crossfit games athlete uh garrett fisher and lauren fisher got their starts there uh incredible gym uh 50,000 uh legitimate square feet uh yeah got the whole fucking indoor you, what's that green stuff called? Indoor outdoor turf.
Starting point is 01:55:05 Yeah. Yeah, they got it going on. Ken Walters, my son played some pro hockey games in Stockton, said no going out at night to eat. Nah, nah. Not unless you're with the Diaz brothers. He could wear a please come on my podcast shirt and also could count how many females actually show up to watch.
Starting point is 01:55:23 Fair enough. Just get some Just collect some empirical data. Oh, man. I would love it if you just FaceTimed me and you were at the event. That'd make my day. Howie, do it with the final word tonight. Mom said I wouldn't
Starting point is 01:55:38 amount to anything playing video games all day, but now I'm a champion disc golf player. Ask Greg to fly me out there. We'll go to the tournament together. I got nothing going on that weekend. Okay, fine yeah greg please send your plane over and pick up uh brian he's actually uh he's actually i think driving out here so his plane's available fair enough uh okay i will um see you guys tomorrow morning in 11 hours 10 hours and 31 minutes Caleb
Starting point is 01:56:07 thank you I hope you accept name suggestions as payment Matt Souza letting me know yeah it's stocked in Mexico fair enough and I will talk to you guys all soon bye bye

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