The Sevan Podcast - Jorge Ventura | Live Call In - US Cities Under Attack! #1006

Episode Date: September 8, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is an advertisement from BetterHelp. Everyone knows therapy is great for solving problems. But turns out, therapy has some issues of its own. Finding the right therapist, fitting into their schedule, and, of course, the cost. BetterHelp can help solve these problems. It's online, convenient, built around your schedule, and surprisingly affordable, too. Connect with a credentialed therapist by phone, video, or online chat. Visit to learn more.
Starting point is 00:00:27 That's When your celebration of life is prepaid in advance, it becomes a gift from you to your family later. Because no one should have to plan for a loss while they're experiencing one. Paying in advance protects your loved ones and gives you the peace of mind you deserve. Let us help you plan every detail with professionalism and compassion. We are your local Dignity Memorial provider. Find us at Why, why, why, why? Bam, we're live good morning discombobulated 100 my fault looked up and i was like oh shit it's about to be 701
Starting point is 00:01:17 number 33 from the dao De Ching Knowing others is intelligence Knowing yourself is true wisdom Mastering others is strength Mastering yourself is true power If you realize You have enough You are truly rich If you stay in the center
Starting point is 00:01:40 And embrace death with your whole heart You will endure Forever the center and embrace death with your whole heart you will endure forever uh vindicate sebon good morning hey get your ceo shirts now i'm excited to uh in a i guess it's not a healthy a healthy uh part of me but i i really do like the shirt with the picture where i look like the michelob guy the world's most interesting guy on the shirt i never thought i'd say it that i thought of a of me on someone's shirt kind of is repulsive but when i saw those pictures vindicate made i was like yeah that's kind of dope jake chapman thanks for checking on
Starting point is 00:02:26 me oh i seem kind of tired thank you you're such a good dude thank you brother i appreciate it i'm so tired uh i posted a picture the other day of uh eric rosa oh it's unacceptable. Uh, Eric Rosa, son of a bitch. Oh fuck. Sorry. I'm looking at my notes. I know my notes went up to a hundred and now I'm looking at my computer and they're only to 90. Why? Why can't I get this shit to sink? Oh fuck fuck all my notes got erased god damn it god damn it why is that happening why are all my drafts getting erased my 10 most recent fuck it i quit no show today i'm fucking done uh the all beef uh diet is not going well i've cheated all over the place uh yesterday i went in the backyard and i picked a hundred cherry tomatoes i brought them in the house i threw them in a blender my wife well my wife threw them in a blender mixed them with uh garlic and
Starting point is 00:03:38 mixed it with the beef i took a sip of um um some smoothie my kids had I ate a handful of pistachios yeah it's but I will say this I'm like 90% on the train and I feel I have some real lulls. And energy from just eating just meat.
Starting point is 00:04:08 But I feel fucking great. My skin's getting taut. If that makes sense. My skin's getting more taut. I'm so pissed. I had so much good shit lined up today. I am so fucking angry. I'm so bummed.
Starting point is 00:04:27 I mean I can wing it, of course, always. I need another plan. I need another plan. Yeah, I have these apple trees. Fanny Spiegel. I have these apple trees in the front yard. And I took a bite. I picked an apple. I saw a worm, an apple that was covered in like a yard and um i took a bite i picked an apple i saw a worm or apple that
Starting point is 00:04:47 was covered in like a worm and fucked it up so i picked it and then i took a bite out of the healthy side i've done some i've done some naughty things um but uh but you know what i'm really compassionate with myself like i when i wake up in the morning i I'm like, okay, keep chugging along. Keep trying. I'm not like a, like, fuck it. I'm going to have a bag of Twizzlers today. I'm not like that. I'm really, um, I'm pretty compassionate with myself. I'm very compassionate with myself. It's good. uh okay i'm i just can't get over it i can't get over it i can't get over it my last 10 i i had 10 10 things my show notes only go to 90 and i and i when i when i was on the shitter this morning i saw it went to 100 that means my last 10 things are gone and they were so good i was so excited about them i want to show you this real quick the lady who runs uh birth fit i'm gonna tell you the story don't let me forget about that post it's it's pretty funny um the the lady on uh with the
Starting point is 00:05:59 baby on her chest right here uh lindu. Vera Cantu made her entrance earthside a month early in a peaceful home surrounded by love and support and lots of prayers from all over. We will share our story soon, but for now, we are hibernating and lying in.
Starting point is 00:06:18 We have to give a huge hug and thank you to our birth team. I wonder if she'll tell that story on this podcast. I'd love to hear it. Good group. I knew Lance Cantu back in the day, like way back in the day, 2008. And she's married to him.
Starting point is 00:06:41 And then I met her and I didn't even know that they were like a couple and then she's like yeah my my dude's lance i think uh lance served in the military he's on the l1 team he might still be on the l1 team i don't know what he's up to but uh supporter of the show uh good people always i've always thought that they were great people. I think that they're, there's people who do, I do agree with, I think I do agree with almost everything she says or thinks, but there are people that like, even if you don't agree with them,
Starting point is 00:07:17 you just know that they're doing good shit. Like that guy, Seth, I don't know what his last name is, but that guy, Seth that comes on the show and his whole life is to like educate people on abortion and that it's killing babies it's like I don't know if I agree with him
Starting point is 00:07:32 but fuck what a great what a great mission to have to stop people from killing babies and Lindsay's is she I mean I see eye to eye with her 100 of this but i don't want to put words in her mouth seth gruber thank you kyle but she is a proponent of bringing babies
Starting point is 00:07:59 into the world in the healthiest most natural way ever to set the mother and father and baby up for success. Fuck the mother and father. Set the baby up for success. And I just love that. What a mission. What a mission. It's so good. It's so good. I just saw something the other day about probiotics saying that probiotics are basically pointless. I don't know if this is true, but I like the idea of it. Probiotics are pointless and that if you want to have a healthy gut, you have to eat the right foods to feed the probiotics you already have in your system, the bacteria you already have in your system. So if you just take probiotics, they just pass right through the system
Starting point is 00:08:41 if they have nothing to feed on and live in there. So you need to eat the right foods so that the bacteria or whatever probiotics are can live in you it goes on to say that uh people who are born vaginally and breastfeed are have by far the best start when it comes to uh gut health uh sebi we want to send Audrey to Africa as a missionary for Mayhem and set up a box over there thoughts yeah just Audrey's gonna go to Africa and be a head coach at a random
Starting point is 00:09:15 new box that spreads Christianity and CrossFit in Africa and Mayhem's gonna support it and Audrey's gonna work there. Yeah, I'm cool with that. Totally cool with that. Probiotics don't eat McDonald's.
Starting point is 00:09:34 I am not an expert on what they eat. But I think it was, I think they were saying like fruits and vegetables and nuts and seeds and legumes. Shit like that. Is what they were saying. fruits and vegetables and nuts and seeds and legumes, shit like that. Is what they were saying. Oh, that person hung up. That sucks. I was trying. I was trying to hook you up.
Starting point is 00:09:54 Good excuse to set the phone up. Might as well start the phone number rolling. I'm going to need help. Anyway, congratulations to... If you do have to eat at McDonald's, just get a hamburger. Pickles, lettuce, tomato, please. Cheeseburger. Go big. Go cheeseburger. Nothing else. Definitely no fries. No shake.
Starting point is 00:10:16 Just one hamburger. Simple hamburger. Maybe double. Double cheeseburger. So that's cool. Having a baby is cool. Who else just had a baby? Someone else. Having a baby school. Who else just had a baby? Someone else just had a baby. Did Taylor Self have a baby? No, he got married.
Starting point is 00:10:34 Oh, Mary. Wow, look at this. Artificial probiotics are terrible for your gut. No shit. I didn't even know that. Vindicate. Will she be wearing a mayhem face mask are those still for sale on the site i sent that to rich i'm like what the fuck is this he goes from 2020 2020 okay um we're gonna get to rosa one more thing i want to show you guys that was in my notes that's gone god i'm fucking pissed god this sucks i really don't want to be angry um um because of my idiocy negativity don't want you guys have to deal with it here we
Starting point is 00:11:26 go oh i feel it i feel it climbing around in my back my negativity i apologize um here we go a wall street weightlifter god damn it i had all this shit set up i can't believe i fucking don't have it anymore a wall street weightlifter know him. We're friends with him. Graziano Rubio. He's been on the show. Look at Los Banos City Council meeting. He's pissed. I want to know the details of this.
Starting point is 00:11:56 He's not happy with the way the city is spending money. It funds in a way that is explicitly not allowed based on the Treasury's written regulations. And now some members of the council are trying to provide cover for their wrongdoing. Until the city publishes the scoring system they use, they cannot say they are not discriminating against some businesses and favoring others. So what it sounds like is the city is giving money, taxpayer money to businesses, and he wants to know how they're allocating it. When you look at this list of grant recipients, you can see within 10 seconds why they don't want the public to see their scoring system. Okay, now he's saying that there's some home cooking or some racist or sexist ideology or something. We don't know. I'm speculating.
Starting point is 00:12:43 or some racist or sexist ideology or something. We don't know. I'm speculating. That was used in order to give the money. And it's really apparent as soon as you look at it. So like everyone on there, their last name ends in I-A-N or some shit. It's like, wow, it's only Armenians. He's saying there's something suspicious about the list. More than suspicious.
Starting point is 00:12:59 He says it's obvious. And he wants to know how the fuck the Los Banos City Council is handing out that money. That city's like, I don't want to say it's like 50 miles south of me. 70? It's in the middle of nowhere. The city has allocated funds in a way. Anyway, I want to know the details. Details. Jay Hartle, Graciano for governor. I'd vote for him. I don't even need to know really anything more.
Starting point is 00:13:21 Graciano for governor, I'd vote for him. I don't even need to know really anything more. Dave Dastro. Embezzlement, Seve. Embezzlement. Hey, hey, no Jew comments. No Jew comments. More like their names end in Berg. No Jew. No anti-Semitism.
Starting point is 00:13:43 By the way, there's other... There be uh steen also steen well that brings us to god damn it i can't believe i lost my notes that brings us to the um next comment uh you want to know what this uh it's not even really a good picture but i i thought it was funny and i'm kind of bummed it didn't get more love not kind of i'm really bummed uh this is a picture of eric rosa at the ranch this was the guy that we were lied to that supposedly bought crossfit but didn't he misrepresented himself he bought like maybe a small percentage of it we don't even know the truth and anyway and he was a world-class douchebag on of the highest order moron uh savvy did you see the jew joke i sent you no i'd like to see it, though. DMs are a crapshoot these days.
Starting point is 00:14:49 Good morning, Bruce. Thumbnails are looking on point. Thank you. Slater, stop saying the Lord's name in vain. Okay. I'll do my best. Caller, hi. No, not hi.
Starting point is 00:15:05 Caller, hi. No, not hi. Hi. Call her hi. Someone who is horny as fuck. Can you imagine you're in your car and you heard this thing? He's like, because it's a dude. No girl would do this, right? And you're like, it's some black man saying,'m horny as fuck i'm a freak and then you're like oh i can't wait to call into the seven podcast and play that and then i'm gonna play it and then i'm gonna hang up i know it was probably cool in your car and the thought was cool. Execution was horrible.
Starting point is 00:15:47 Horrible. Disgusting. Disgusting. Okay. So this is Eric Rosa. This guy ended up firing me. Him and Andrew Weinstein fired me. Imagine having a chariot,
Starting point is 00:16:02 buying a chariot and then getting rid of your horses. That's what they did just world class stupidity I was at the skate park with my kids Weinstein called me it was the day that they were allowed to start firing people again because of
Starting point is 00:16:20 some restrictions that were put on companies for firing people during the so called plandemic. You guys have heard all this shit before. I was running the media department. Fastest growing chain in world history. When they came in for the first three months no one told me what my job would be
Starting point is 00:16:48 I basically removed myself from the leadership position and just started producing content shit loads of content I was the only person producing content I produced more content in those last three months that I was there than I bet you anyone I bet you anyone, any single fucking person there has
Starting point is 00:17:07 produced since I've left. Combined. I'll give them all fucking the last three years. Put it up against anyone. Honestly. Someone called me yesterday who's working on the behind the scenes. We have a few people working on it.
Starting point is 00:17:26 And they go, holy fuck. I go, what? They go, you are a fucking workhorse. It is unreal how much footage you got. I said, yeah. I'm not standing around in the back like the other people fucking shooting the shit with fucking Jared Stevens. I want to. I want to. I want to.
Starting point is 00:17:46 There's a fucking guy who looks like a titan standing back there. Great opportunity to meet him. I'm not doing that. I see Chase Ingram walk by. I want to give him a big hug and talk to him. I don't do it. I'm too busy trying to figure out how I'm going to interview Max Elhaj and make it make sense. busy trying to figure out how I'm going to interview Max Elhaj and make it make it make
Starting point is 00:18:04 sense. I'm too wonder I'm too busy wondering whether Shane or is just so fucking uptight that he can't fucking he doesn't look human. It's like a sphincter that shits diamonds or if he just hates me and is vibing me
Starting point is 00:18:21 to get away from him. I got my own shit to worry about and getting content for you guys. You're going to love it. I started watching the first episode last night. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. It's horrible. Completely horrible.
Starting point is 00:18:32 You're going to hate it, I mean. Anyway, this fucking dildo right here on the screen, Eric Rosa. Fuck, he had a great body. He was fit as shit. Him and Weinschnitzel. Guy didn't. Okay, here we go. I'm horny as fuck. Hold on.
Starting point is 00:18:52 Hello? Oh my god, you're so funny. You're so funny. You're so funny. You're so funny. You're so funny. And don't fucking tell me what to do. Don't tell me what to do ever. Don't ever fucking tell me. Yeah, that is Eric Rosa calling.
Starting point is 00:19:19 That's a good point. Thank you. Ever fucking tell me what to do, Robbie. I don't tell me what to do robbie i don't tell you what to do tell me what to don't you don't tell me what to do either uh so so the they the uh weinstein calls me fires me fires my wife both on the same day complete shambles the media department
Starting point is 00:19:54 ever since I think the CrossFit Instagram the CrossFit Instagram put on I think it's put on 30,000 or 20,000 followers in the last year dude they should have put on 30,000 or 20,000 followers in the last year dude they should have put on 50,000 just during games week what a mess it is over there what a fucking shit show disaster ass clown central oh they think they have, they think they have one.
Starting point is 00:20:26 They think they have one. They got their fucking fifth person now running. They got some new guy running the media department. I can't wait to hear shit about him. I fucking am willing to bet a thousand bucks that he's some fucking beta tech dork who doesn't know shit about media. I'm just so willing to bet that. But maybe I'm wrong. Maybe I'm wrong.
Starting point is 00:20:53 What I'm not wrong about is I'm a thousand times better than him. Just straight up. Just it is. Oh, you think that was the Lone Ranger and Tonto calling in? I don't know. I liked it it adds to the show someone should accuse i would rather someone accuse me than it being the lone
Starting point is 00:21:13 ranger and tonto that it um that it be someone that i called, that I told to call in. You know what I mean? Like I stage that. I know that song too. I used to listen to that song as a kid. Is it, who was it? That's not NWA, is it? Who was that? I used to listen to that song as a kid. My dad would say to me, my dad would hear the music I listened to
Starting point is 00:21:39 and he would be like, dude, someday you're going to be older and you're going to have to be like, you're going to look at the music you listen to and be like, what the fuck was I listening to? And he's kind of right. I'm kind of getting to that age. I had a chat with, a text chat with, a very friendly text chat with Adler. I'll leave it at that. No.
Starting point is 00:22:09 Johnny, would you ever accept a media position? I don't think so. Yeah, I would consult them. I could unfuck them. I would go, what I'm going to do for Athena, I would do for them for fucking $50,000 probably. I would unfuck them.
Starting point is 00:22:27 Honestly, I'm going to getave in here and honestly ask him like why they don't pay me 20 or 30 or 40 or 50 or 100 000 to start making them content they're fucking crazy i just don't want i just don't like they're gonna they know people there know like the behind the scenes is going to come out and it's going to be great for everyone everyone's going to love it even the people who don't like it are going to come out and it's going to be great for everyone. Everyone's going to love it. Even the people who don't like it are going to love it. They're going to be like, oh my god, did he call that lady a girl? What a sexist douche. It's going to be
Starting point is 00:22:53 it's so good. It's so cool. You're going to see how cool Dawn is. You're going to see how cool Dave is. How cool Bill and Katie are. How cool all the athletes are. How hard they work. The volunteers are in there. All that cheesedick shit.
Starting point is 00:23:09 I love the volunteers. They do so much for me. I'm so impressed by the adaptive. I don't know if I have any adaptive. Oh, I think I talked to, I think the guy, there's a guy who actually works for CrossFit. Who's actually he he's really he's cool as shit his name's tom i don't know if he worked for crossfit or espn or what but there was a dude there in a wheelchair he's in it he he's he's like a um on-screen
Starting point is 00:23:36 commentator or something that dude was cool as shit um yeah crossfit's gonna love it it was so good back there the games were amazing 99% of everyone was great the thing is this too relative to just open society the CrossFit games are perfect there's just douchebags everywhere
Starting point is 00:24:00 not at the games Andrew Hiller I agree they suck yeah it's so bad the media is so bad it's a there's this oh shit i don't have a link to this either okay let me finish this and then i want to tell you well no i'm not going to finish this there is a there is that you know that um that quiver um instagram account where I pull it up sometimes? I don't even know what the name of it is. But basically, they give stock advice.
Starting point is 00:24:31 You guys know what I'm talking about? They give stock advice. Let me see if I can find it. Quiver or something? Who knows the name of it? I'm never going to find this shit. I'm never going find this shit it's i'm never gonna find it but anyway and then there's a famous guy on cnn or msnbc or one of those stations that gives uh stock advice and basically this instagram account was showing that if you followed the opposite of everything
Starting point is 00:25:02 that this guy gave stock advice on on msnbc you would get 642 on your returns that's what the crossfit games media is like like if they just would have done the opposite of everything that they were supposed to do then uh that then they'd be killing it no no no no no the music bit's over. Thank you, though. I appreciate it. Live from Detroit. That's what this person's calling from Detroit. Graciano Rubio, I'll call in after I drop off the kids. That's code for he's taking this shit. That's code for he's taking this shit. Okay, back to...
Starting point is 00:25:41 Back to Eric Roethlisberger. So this is at the ranch. He's doing an interview here with someone, and the person who's interviewing him told him, hey, can you step back a little further? Can you step back a little further? Can you step back a little further? And he tripped and fell and started rolling down this hill. No shit. Now, that picture is Photoshopped.
Starting point is 00:26:10 That picture is photoshopped that picture is photoshopped but it really did happen and it was fucking ridiculous so he's there doing an interview and the person's like hey back up back up back up and fuck dude he started rolling that he started rolling down that hill. This ding dong. Facts. Facts, facts, facts. That's not true. I don't know if I'm unviable. Oh, what was I thinking the other day? Oh, speaking of unviable. Speaking of unviable.
Starting point is 00:26:41 Let me show you this. You want to see a fucking crazy back on someone? Look at this back on this girl. This is the swolverine chick we had on. This Alex Best, Alex with an I. Look at this back. Are you kidding me? How do you not want to touch that?
Starting point is 00:27:04 It's like a Jolly Rancher or Starburst or something. I could smell her. That is a crazy back. And you know what? You know what's a damn shame? I bet you no one went up behind her and felt that. know what's a damn shame i bet you no one went up behind her and and felt that like i bet you that day like how how are you how you should go up behind that and hold those right isn't that that's what those are for as she contracts that lat go up behind her and just hold I held my wife's lats last night no shit I did
Starting point is 00:27:46 like this we weren't standing but I held them then they weren't contracting my wife has crazy lats but Alex's are crazy thick it's nuts it's nuts
Starting point is 00:28:04 fucking congratulations it's a fucking awesome body um i i do i do i probably should say some mean things about her too here let's okay let's let's not let her off the hook so she was on the show and i was like hey as i dig through your instagram i can't i don't i can't even tell that you sell swolverine right i can't even tell that you sell Swolverine, right? I can't even tell, like, she sells Swolverine. There's nothing on here. And so she makes this post over here where it shows her peddling her wares, right? The real Stefan called me out.
Starting point is 00:28:39 I didn't call you out. I mean, I didn't mean to. I didn't mean to call you out. Like, I was just like, hey, when I go. I didn't mean I didn't mean to. I didn't mean to call you out like I was. I was just like, hey, when I go, I didn't mean it. I meant nothing by it by saying that I don't see that you sell Wolverine, except for the fact I just don't see it on your account. That's it. I didn't mean it was like a good thing or bad thing. I thought she'd be like, yeah, I like to keep the two separate or she was going to say something like that. Right. And so I was just like, OK. and so I was just like okay um
Starting point is 00:29:09 so she dude this is the last time I'm gonna answer and then I'm gonna block your number if you unless you got a new bit uh don't make me block your number it's just call just reduce your calls to like one a show please one something really crass per show don't make me block your number. Just reduce your calls to like one a show, please. One something really crass per show. You know what I mean? You got some racial slurs in there, that's fine. You could get some two-life crew. Ooh, I want to eat your boozy.
Starting point is 00:29:38 You could get that maybe. Some Eazy-E. I put my hand down her pants and the bitch had a dick remember that line from E-Z-E N-W-A but that's enough no more I don't want to block your number you're fun I don't want to
Starting point is 00:29:53 okay Wolverine but here's the thing that's too overt it's too overt I don't like the tongue out either i don't like girls putting their tongue out you when i see a girl put her tongue out like that and the peace symbol all that stuff i just think oh you're hot but you're uncomfortable with how hot you are so you do that i don't like the tongue out i think it's a weird reaction but i will take um i do need some more
Starting point is 00:30:22 of the stuff the hydration formula and and the pre-workout. I'm running low. But the creatine, I have plenty of. Thank you. Anyway, here's what I'm thinking. Right here on your back, just put a swolvering tattoo. It doesn't have to be a permanent one, just like those ones that my kids wear. Or right here in this fucking god damn, you look like you fell from the heavens picture
Starting point is 00:30:45 how about just a you know those things that like Lance Armstrong wears on his wrist that the yellow thing instead you have one that's like the Wolverine color the blue you feel me you feel me cheap easy surfboard here before you post this have someone on your team
Starting point is 00:31:02 photoshop this Wolverine emblem where that circle is. That's all I'm saying, girl. Nothing crazy. This right here, you can have someone Photoshop Swolverine in the sand back here at Burning Man. This right here, lots of creative places to put the Swolverine. Lots of creative places. Lots of creative places to put the swolverine.
Starting point is 00:31:24 Lots of creative places. A helicopter flying by in the foreground to draw attention away from the other stuff that says the swolverine. An airplane flying by with... Oh, yes. Yes, Alex, right here. Look it. An airplane flying by with one of those cheesy banners that they pull behind and it says swolverine and the caption you say, don't you hate it when advertising ruins beautiful scenes like you know what i mean
Starting point is 00:31:48 and the beautiful scenes the water and the lake tahoe beach and maybe your ass in your back if your people are into that right here swolverine socks swolverine socks you feel meverine socks. You feel me? Not those socks. Oh, you do have the shirt on. That's good. Okay, I like it. All right, that's enough. Oh, this is good.
Starting point is 00:32:14 If you add... Oh, okay. Juggle. Yeah. Juggle, monkey. Juggle. Oh, yeah, I like it. All right.
Starting point is 00:32:28 All right. All right. There you go. Now you know I'm the best. Graciano said he might call in and explain what happened. That would be cool. Well, Sean Lenderman, 50K is nothing to me. It's for a weekend's worth of work. It's for two days' work.
Starting point is 00:32:44 It would just be Saturday and Sunday. Here's the thing. If I charge them more than 50 grand for two days, basically I have to think of it like this. Are they going to sell 50 L1s, and then of those 50 L1s, are five of the people then going to open seminars? And the answer is yes, 100%.
Starting point is 00:33:02 And then they can reuse that material over and over and over. In all fairness, I haven't even proposed this to Dave, and he's running the training department. I think they're a fucking disjointed mess over there, though. I don't think that... When I worked there, he used to be able to... Him or Nicole could just call me and be like, uh, Hey,
Starting point is 00:33:27 so I'm like, Hey, what's up? Uh, we need some videos of, uh, squatting videos. We,
Starting point is 00:33:32 we have a new L2 coming out or we're having issues. You know, we want to sell L ones in Africa and whatever. They would just tell me what they wanted and I would just do it. Judy Reed. Athena is a boss. She has your back like no other. Well, that's cool.
Starting point is 00:33:50 Thank you. I don't know what she did, but yeah. I mean, we're homies. I'm going to see her. I told you guys on the show I hadn't seen her in forever, but then she called me. She's like, hey, ding dong, I just saw you at blah, blah, blah at Broken Science. I was like, oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:11 I'm going up here to Diablo CrossFit September 30th, 2023. By the way, Jorge Ventura is coming on at 8 o'clock. Scaled Nation is putting on an event at Diablo CrossFit Craig Howard's gym September 30th I'll be filming 9am to 5pm I'll probably get there like at 7am freaking out charging batteries that are already been charged all night
Starting point is 00:34:34 quadruple checking cables and audio like I always do my OCD will kick in I'm pumped anyone can register you just go here to the site and register. There you go. Increase coaches' education on obesity. Build further understanding of large bodies by addressing common concerns from athletes' perspective to empower and support individuals affected by obesity.
Starting point is 00:35:00 Understand the gym's growth opportunity with larger body demographic and how to implement it. Cha-ching. How to make money. Ensure the gym can effectively accommodate the larger body athlete coaches. Know the equipment and available resources. Improve coaching skills by creating a continuum of small wins. I like that. Building confidence in athletes and developing a more robust gym culture.
Starting point is 00:35:20 That's what I'm doing with my meat thing. It's just small wins. I'm just not doing anything stupid. Today, I'm going to go hard again try to just only eat a steak have increased confidence, knowledge, and creativity in scaling and progressions options specific to larger bodies yeah it's cool this is awesome
Starting point is 00:35:36 and I'm going to learn a shit load and I'm going to get to do it for free pretending like I'm filming okay birth fit lady swolverine I lost my fucking notes for free pretending like I'm filming. Okay, birth fit lady, swolverine, I lost my fucking notes, Athena seminar, eight sleep, okay.
Starting point is 00:35:57 God, this is such bullshit. Where's, where's, where's Okay, here we go I don't even know what this is Don't do it Call her Oh, now I have to block you 945 5
Starting point is 00:36:23 What if I just gave out your number on the air so everyone could call you do you want me to do that share contact create new contact add to existing contacts oh block this caller sorry dude it was just too much i don't mind you know i don't mind a little instance insensitivity but gratuitous insensitivity is kind of stupid has to be fun california is considering stopping physical fitness tests in schools over concerns they lead to bullying and body shaming. So good job getting gym canceled, you fat loser.
Starting point is 00:37:10 My goodness. Yes. I think this is that bit with Saturday night live. Doesn't one guy write the jokes for the other guy? And that's supposed to be why they can get away with saying stuff? My poor notes. I think this is... Who is this?
Starting point is 00:37:43 Is this Gutfield? Will there be a jf rfk uh junior vivek alliance i don't think so i don't think um i don't think rfk is ready for someone as real as vivek here we go mention the fact that he said something about single mothers during the debate. Part of the problem is we also have a federal government that pays single women more not to have a man in the house than to have a man in the house, contributing to an epidemic of fatherlessness. What did you mean by that? It's important that they have at least parity with married.
Starting point is 00:38:20 I understand that we want to create incentives for people keeping people in marriages but that if that if you're penalizing people financially single mothers are not staying in abusive marriages it's not a good thing for anybody you hey so you see what they did there they go right it's the same thing when people say to me but seven there isn't there are intersex people yeah that that doesn't mean that it gets destroyed for everyone else someone's bringing up the fact that like hey you're rewarding men and women for separating and for getting a divorce you're rewarding them for that. Let's stop doing that. Instead of being like, I agree, you immediately go do,
Starting point is 00:39:09 but there's women out there being abused in marriages and we can't force them to stay in those marriages. Like, dude, different subject, bring up some other time. One rotten apple shouldn't sink the whole fucking ship. One rotten apple shouldn't sink the whole fucking shit. There are kids out there that are really fucking smart who could do a lot of really good shit, who need opportunities that maybe other kids don't need. But to rework the whole system, to try to find those diamonds in the rough at the cost of the successful system is complete idiocy. It's exactly the same thing what happened with COVID, right? You have really, really unhealthy people and it's a shame and we should try to protect them, not at the cost of the whole system.
Starting point is 00:39:55 You don't shut down all of society. You do not. You don't do anything to hurt three-year-old Cindy or two or two-year-old bobby to help 82-year-old grandma never and that was done with every single policy that was put into place that was done done and you should see you should hear every day i hear dumb shit from parents somewhere in regards to that oh my kid's not fully social oh This might be the same guy. Let's see. I might have to block this dude too. Another Michigan number. Okay. Let's see.
Starting point is 00:40:34 Let me go here. I think I'm getting ready to start giving out your phone number just so you know. On the screen. And just run it the whole time and let people call you back. Would you like that? You want to do that game? You guys want to do that game where I give their number out and you call them?
Starting point is 00:41:19 Hello. Please state your name after the tone and Google Voice will try to connect you. Ah, Google Voice. Let me see. Hello, please state your name after the tone and Google Voice will try to connect you. This is Blake Townsend. Yep, put it on the air, pussy. You won't do it. Put it on the air, pussy.
Starting point is 00:42:02 Hi, could I speak to your mom, please? Put it on the air, pussy. Can I speak to your mom, please? Put it on the air, pussy. Can I speak to your mom, please? Hey, shut the fuck up! Hey, tell me how... The guy who calls me a pussy can't stay on the line with me. Okay. Okay, where are we um Gabe Dastro I like this guy
Starting point is 00:42:31 he's cool cool enough um where were we uh yeah it's crazy um I just saw a great I had another great video in regards to this subject too. In my notes.
Starting point is 00:42:53 You guys deserve better. You really deserve better. If you're getting beaten, get out of the relationship. If you're getting beaten, please get out of the relationship if you're getting beaten uh please uh get out of the relationship they do not stay in a uh relationship are you getting beaten so many of you sent me this clip this is pretty amazing i'd love to get this guy on the show i'm i'm fascinated by this car it's a custom car that's built to transport cattle. Look at this.
Starting point is 00:43:28 Man driving eastbound on 275 with a Watusi bull in his passenger seat. Well, the officers received a call, reference a car driving into town that had a cow in it. They thought
Starting point is 00:43:44 that it was going to be, you know, like a calf, something. You see that? Look at that thing. He cut the roof off of the passenger side of that car and put in. I don't know. I don't know what that is. That can't just be your standard cow. Look at those horns.
Starting point is 00:43:58 He said it's a Watusi. A Watusi cow. I got to get the guy on the... Who knows this guy? How can I get this guy on the show? The guy, the driver. Crazy, right? Hey, I don't know much about cows either,
Starting point is 00:44:16 but he doesn't need a place to sit. He's just going to stand there the whole time like that? Smaller, something that actually fits inside the vehicle. And the vehicle was big enough. Well, technically, as a result, the officer performed a traffic stop and address some traffic violations. That is some conviction. That is some conviction. Okay, where were we? ...that were occurring with that particular situation. The occupant of the vehicle was identified as Lee Meyer of Neely.
Starting point is 00:44:58 The Watusi Bull's name was Howdy Doody. He was immediately pulled over by Norfolk Police police and they performed a routine traffic stop. The officer wrote him some warnings. This part is just stupid. Some citable issues with that situation. The officer chose to write him a warning and ask him to take the animal back home. Like obviously either the guy's crazy or it's just a gimmick and it was fun. And like you just tell him to go back home.
Starting point is 00:45:27 And it's chill right. And to leave. What's crazy is we never find out what the true plan was. Like how about where was he going. So. My buddy wanted to build a second floor in his house. And. He lives out in the middle of nowhere. I told you about this. And the city said hey why do you want to build a second floor in his house, and he lives out in the middle of nowhere.
Starting point is 00:45:50 I told you about this, and the city said, hey, why do you want to build a second floor in your house? And it's like, hey, it's none of your fucking business. Well, yesterday I went to go get passports for my kids at the post office. The guy was cool as shit. It took an hour and ten minutes for me and my wife to renew our passports and for my kids to get their passports. We took one guy. Imagine the efficiency at the U.S. post office. It took one guy an hour and 10 minutes spending time with us to get our passports. And my wife came there prepared with all the applications and all that shit filled out. The one thing we didn't do correctly is it was $819 to get passports for all of us, and that wasn't even to get them expedited.
Starting point is 00:46:27 And my wife didn't bring cash or checks. She only brought credit card, an ATM card. So the only thing it took about an extra two minutes, we had to buy money orders there, and then with those money orders, then pay for our passports. but the guy told us when he, when we were doing it, that part of their job is to find out why we want passports. Because especially if we have kids there, because that they're told in their job that they should be looking out for the kids in case someone's trying to like take the kids or something.
Starting point is 00:47:10 I'm like, and he says, says he said people will do that postal workers will like not like the people or be suspicious and they'll just they'll just push you away he also told us if if there was there was when my wife made the appointment at the post office for us to get our passport she wrote that there were four of us and there were five of us three kids and two adults and she said that he said that he has co-workers that would have uh told us hey come back some other time you put the wrong number of people in the meeting but basically he said that yeah we have the right to like tell you hey you can't get a passport because you have uh uh we we we don't like the way you're treating your kids or we're suspicious that you're trying to take your kids out of the country illegally shit like that fucking nuts right
Starting point is 00:48:04 alright didn't you block his this retard yeah but he's using google voice and he's somehow I don't know how it works but he's just sifting through numbers now he keeps just pulling up through different numbers but it's okay I'm fine with it
Starting point is 00:48:23 I kind of like it. Gives me something to do. I added onto my house and never got a permit. Code enforcement never showed up, but about a month later, I got a citation because my grass was too tall. Awesome. I told you what happened.
Starting point is 00:48:43 We remodeled the house, and they told us if we used a two-by-fours in the remodel, it was inside the walls, if we rebuilt the walls. Caller, hi. Hi. What's up, Savon? It's Graciano. Hey, what's up, dude? Thanks for the call. Yeah, absolutely.
Starting point is 00:49:06 Hey, it looks like you're getting down and dirty with the city. Are they wasting your money? Oh, they're beyond wasting money. They're way beyond that. I'd love to hear the story. All right, I'll start off at the beginning of it. I'll give you the condensed version. Send me your email on Instagram. I got the whole thing typed out with all the supporting documentation.
Starting point is 00:49:32 So if anyone wants to do some kind of investigative journaling, then it's all laid out. This one's an alley-oop. You just got to come in for the doc. Hey, have you sent it to James O'Keefe? Have you sent it to James O'Keefe? No, I haven't. Okay. You got to come in for the dollar. Hey, have you sent it to James O'Keefe? Have you sent it to James O'Keefe? No, I haven't. Okay. You got to.
Starting point is 00:49:51 I'm not really in that whole world. Okay. I just, this is something that affects me. So I'm not going to sit by and just let them run the community like this. So I'll start off, you know, there was the American Rescue Plan Act where, to give you the short version of that, it basically paid off
Starting point is 00:50:14 everyone who shut down their city. They said, hey, thanks for destroying your economy. Here's some money. And the premise of it was we're going to give cities this money and it's supposed to be for public health and to mitigate the damage of the shutdown so the city got 10 million dollars and the city of los banos the city of los banos yeah they got 10 million dollars and their tax revenue from 2020 2021 2022 went up
Starting point is 00:50:48 so they weren't impacted by covid they actually made more money plus they didn't keep they shut down city hall for most of that time they were all working remotely so their expenses went down they're just hanging out at home collecting paychecks. So they're actually better off because of COVID. Now, they think that it's fair for the city to keep 90% of that money and for businesses to get 10% of it. That's what they think is a fair split. Now, I have a hard time thinking that the city had 90 of the impact of covid yeah so right off the bat like from a starting point they're in the wrong on that
Starting point is 00:51:34 what does that mean what does that mean they took 90 i mean they gave the money to their employees there or they they bought new furniture for city hall what does that mean they took well they gave they gave i think 1.75 million as bonuses to city employees wow and they're using the rest of the money for this long wish list of items that they've wanted forever so one of those is they have money allocated for pickleball courts they're going to build pickleball courts In the nicest part of town As a way of Investing in the community Now
Starting point is 00:52:15 Of that million dollars This is something that you're not going to believe So you're going to have to google the rad card The city decided to give that million dollars have to Google the rad card. The city decided to give that million dollars by way of the rad card. RAD. Yep.
Starting point is 00:52:34 As you download an app, you load your money onto it. The city will match those funds and then you can spend it at a local business. So they're trying to get people to spend their money locally well you can do some basic math here if they got a million dollars and they're only going to match a hundred dollars well that means you need 10 000 people to use this app okay the town's only got 20 000 adults oh shit so some genius thinks hey we're
Starting point is 00:53:08 gonna get 50 of the adult population to download this app load their credit card information which when you load your credit card your bank sends you a text message saying hey this is potentially fraudulent and then spend it locally so right off the the bat, you're like, well, this is going to fail. Why don't you guys talk to anyone who uses an app for their business? You know you're not getting 50% of the population to do this. So that program fails right on its face. And there's other parts of it which were fraudulent and just a total mess. parts of it which were fraudulent and just a total mess but if you if you look at it and think yes governments in california are they could not give away free money
Starting point is 00:53:57 and if you tell people that they think that's impossible there's no way that they couldn't do that but they found a way to fail at giving away free money so with the with the remaining money they decide hey we're going to do this grant program and just give these businesses money directly instead of this moronic you know roundabout way so they write the rules for this program in a way so that no business qualifies and then when no one applies they get discretion over who they want to give the money to oh hey can you tell me what it was that made it so that they couldn't that no made it so that no one could jump through?
Starting point is 00:54:46 Do you know? Well, right off the bat, they said, well, we're going to do this tiered system of eligibility. One of the tiers was you had to be fully shut down for six months, which nobody was fully shut down for six months. We were only shut. We were. I'm not going to say only. We were shut down fully for three months. And then we had to work out in the parking lot.
Starting point is 00:55:08 Then we had to do this and that. Then there was capacity restraints. So they know no one was fully shut down for six months. We were shut down for three months. And then for 12 months, we had to go through a series of hoops and nonsense between working out outside and all this other joke where yes we were fully shut down cannot use our building whatsoever for three months then we have 12 months of nonsense going on that we can partially use the building so when i look at the rules i go well that's irrelevant you guys know no one was shut down for six months straight
Starting point is 00:55:42 why would you even put that on the guidelines then know no one was shut down for six months straight why would you even put that on the guidelines then the other one was you had to have a loss of revenue of 50 that was their their top tier is going to get biggest priority well if you had a loss of revenue of 50 you're not around anymore how how can you possibly put that no one's going to survive a 50 drop of revenue right right so right off the bat right when they when i saw it i said well this is going to be a fraudulent program no one's going to apply or if they do apply they don't qualify under these guidelines and then they're going to make up some nonsense about why they could give it away to their buddies so i knew that right at the beginning and you can tell that in like 10 seconds
Starting point is 00:56:28 so we apply we we being who the gym okay my gym applies okay we get 60 of the maximum amount. Now, the city has to publish their check register for all the city council meetings. So I already know who got money. So applications close. They say, hey, this is the money you're going to get. And I'm looking at this list saying, hold on, hold on, hold on. How can you possibly give these people the maximum amount and not the gyms? Cause we weren't the only gym that didn't get the maximum amount.
Starting point is 00:57:11 How can you possibly do that? When nobody was more shut down with us, no one had to go through what the gyms had to go through. Uh huh. So because Baskin Robbins and McDonald's were open the whole fucking time. Correct. Now, I said, you know what? I know how the city operates with their retaliation and their nonsense.
Starting point is 00:57:34 Yeah. So I wait and say, let me make sure I get the check and cash it first. Then I'm going to start asking questions. So I get the check and cash it first. Then I'm going to start asking questions. So I get that check, I cash it, I send them an email saying, hey, you know, what was the criteria that you used? Because I'm not understanding how these businesses, some of which were deemed essential, received the maximum amount, and yet the businesses which were the most shut down didn't receive that. So they emailed me back and say, well, it was based on loss of revenue, which is a complete lie. So I knew that some nonprofits had received this COVID money,
Starting point is 00:58:27 I knew that some nonprofits had received this COVID money and nonprofits have public tax returns. So I go download the tax return. I email it to them and I said, well, you received more money and they had no loss of revenue. They from 2019 all the way through 2021, they had the same revenue. They had the same revenue. They had the same expenses. They had no impact whatsoever from COVID. And they have no employees.
Starting point is 00:59:00 So they come back to me and say, well, it's because they're in a qualified census tract. And for people who don't know what that is, that's the politically correct term for low-income neighborhood. We do the census every 10 years. If you think of a zip code, they break a zip code down into smaller areas so that you have a better idea of what that particular part of town looks like. And by the way, the business you're trying to help is a CrossFit gym, right? yep and and another powerlifting gym and an mma gym and what what was the third thing you said an mma gym oh okay okay okay got they screwed all the gyms okay so they send me back saying hey it's because they're on a qualified census track. So I download the map of the only qualified census tract in town. And I email it back and I say, well, you know, we're also in a
Starting point is 00:59:54 qualified census tract as well. In fact, we're in the exact same qualified census tract as this organization which received more money than us. So that was line number two. And now at this point, you would think they stopped digging their hole and realized like, oh man, you know, maybe we shouldn't treat this guy like a dumb meathead that doesn't know shit. So then they come back and say, well, technically you're correct. So, then they come back and say, well, technically you're correct. But on their application, they applied for facade improvements, which qualifies under the category of disproportionately impacted. And you guys applied for, you know, rent reimbursement and these other things, which falls under the category of economically impacted, and so they got higher priority. And I said, well, okay, hold on, hold on, hold on a second. You're telling me the most shut down business in town, which applied for expenses that they incurred directly related to COVID, is a lower priority than a nonprofit that employs no people,
Starting point is 01:01:07 that had no economic impact from COVID, who applied for painting their building. That's a higher priority. At which point they quit responding to me. Now, I then call up. Grasciano, hey, I apologize. I do want to hear the end of this story. But my guest is here. Jorge Ventura, my my my 8 a.m.
Starting point is 01:01:29 Yes, but I do appreciate it. I do appreciate the email. Yeah, I got the whole thing. Whole thing documented. OK, thank you. And hey, thanks for doing that. Thanks for pushing back against the city. Absolutely.
Starting point is 01:01:42 Thanks a lot. All right. Bye. Throwing your money away hey what's good man it's good to see you i'm just you too you chill you chill i like it i needed some chill in my life i was i got a i got a passionate crank caller and uh and i lost my show notes this morning awesome no man it's it's a good to be back you know it's funny man you're um your listeners are some of the best because like every month i get dms from them saying when am i gonna come back on the pod so that's a good sign
Starting point is 01:02:18 that's a good sign or like i'll drop a you know i'll post it like a you know a report or something and they're always like when are you gonna come back on the pod so that's a good sign that's a good sign awesome well you've always been good to us i appreciate you uh taking time out of your busy schedule um where are you right now are you in a hotel somewhere no man actually um i just got back from atlanta back home here um in cal California. So really happy for that. No matter where I travel, where I go, I know everyone wants to shit
Starting point is 01:02:49 on California because of the laws and blah, blah, blah. California is still the damn best. I don't care what anyone says. We still got the best weather. I just love being back home. There's nothing like California still. I get that a lot too. Hey, dude, why aren't you leaving?
Starting point is 01:03:07 Why aren't you leaving? It's like, dude, I mean, I know. Yes, I'm surrounded by some zombies and a lot of idiots. But like I can find my way through the mess. And it's and it man, it's it's so beautiful. There's still a solid tribe here. You know, you're still guys like you and me. So I love being back home.
Starting point is 01:03:29 I travel to Texas. I like Texas, but it's humid. I've been in Atlanta a lot lately because that's where my job relocated me. It's humid. It's just not the same. California is still the best. I've been really heavy into going to comedy shows. I live by L.A., so it's awesome because it could be a random weekday.
Starting point is 01:03:53 Like Tuesday, you could still see someone big time like Tim Dillon or someone like that. So I don't know, man. California is still the best to me. I'm not going anywhere. I didn't know you had a job. I thought you were 100% freelance. What's up with you? Where are you working?
Starting point is 01:04:09 I'm not sure when. I forgot when was the last time we talked. I signed on with News Nation back in February. They're a new startup. They are cable TV, so they're trying to compete with CNN and Fox. What I like about News Nation is before I signed on, I I've been going on the network for about a whole year before I came on. So when I was with the Daily Caller doing the digital media stuff, they've been having me on. And what I like about them is they're not trying to appeal to Democrats or Republicans.
Starting point is 01:04:41 They're just trying to be like the straight news folks and just being like, hey, you decide the news. We're not going to tell you what to think. So I think it just makes sense. It was such a good fit. And it was the right time for me. It was the right time for me to take that new challenge. So I came on with them in February. And right away, actually, my first week of work,
Starting point is 01:05:04 they sent me to East Palestine if you guys remember the whole East Palestine train drama debacle so I got to cover that which was great and then immediately after that if you guys remember four Americans got kidnapped in Matamoros Mexico and they sent me straight to Matamoros so we were in the trenches literally in my first two weeks we were actually the only American news outlet in matamoros mexico because the other news outlets were too scared to send journalists in and um i really like that they just gave me the full trust to go in there we've got to tell some powerful stories and we were the only americans on that side yeah uh so is is that when when they hire you do they, hey, you're going to be our specialist with narcotics and border crossings?
Starting point is 01:05:47 Like, how does that work? Yes. So what they really enjoy from my. I didn't mean to pigeonhole you either. Sorry, but I know those are two of your specialties. Yeah, that's really my lane. And that's where I like to stay. So I like to do anything border, anything involving drugs and crime.
Starting point is 01:06:02 I'm not that guy, to be honest. Like, you know, recently we just had hurricanes. I'm not that guy, to be honest. You know how recently we just had hurricanes? I'm not that guy. I don't want to be out there being like, hey, it's windy out here. That's not my style. I want to be doing the dirty work. I want to be doing the stuff that other guys are really afraid to do. So it was a perfect timing because I don't think they had any reporter that wanted to go to Matamoros, Mexico, especially with the whole cartel kidnapping of Americans. But I was like, yo, I'm ready to go. I've been doing this for a while. I know what to do. And yeah, it's just been a perfect fit. And you are also, as we know from previous visits you've made on the show, you were very close to the Rittenhouse case you were out there just blocks away as all that shit was going down and so that would fall under not necessarily
Starting point is 01:06:50 a narcotics or border but but crime like civil unrest I would say I think I think it's safe to say um I'm an expert in reporting in like civil unrest those kind of crazy chaotic moments that maybe for other reporters it brings a lot of stress to because you have to watch your back. There's a lot. There's just a lot of commotion going on. And I did that as an intern. You know, I covered all of the rights just as an intern straight out of college. So I feel really comfortable. So like right now, there's a big ride in like Europe or something. I think I'm the guy to go. Hey, any rules on what you can and can't post on your Instagram from, from the,
Starting point is 01:07:27 from news nation. Now that you're working for someone as of right now, no, I've been given total freedom. If you could even, even if you follow me, you guys know, like on my answer story,
Starting point is 01:07:36 I always post articles that I always find interesting. So I haven't changed up anything. So they're not answering you at all. You're a perfect fit. Yeah. It's just, it's just been a perfect and the reason why is because for a whole year i've been going on the network before
Starting point is 01:07:50 i even signed on so they've already know the style the first time i came on this on their network was if you guys remember in the end of 2021 with the windows 15 000 haitians came under the bridge and just it was oh my god it was freaking chaos so that was my first time on the show so they know my style it's really uh what I would say run and gun not the maybe the traditional journalist like right there I'm with News Nation I'm in I'm in Mexico here we're in Surah Juarez um and that was that was uh in May that was the end of Title 42 is that whole commotion of all these migrants coming down. So it's been a perfect fit. They really let me cover the cartel stuff.
Starting point is 01:08:34 I actually just did a piece for them about two months ago where we did the illegal marijuana, but we did it with Riverside County, which they were really great. And we have some more actually coming up. We're looking at Oakland. Oakland is one of those cities where crime is going crazy right now. Yeah, yeah. So it's been it's been awesome, man. And it's it's also good for me. I'm 28 years old. I needed that kind of a national TV experience. So now I get to call myself like a national correspondent for a huge network. So it's just been a great fit. And I'm just, you know, focusing on developing right now. You know, in the journalism
Starting point is 01:09:05 years i'm still a baby if that makes sense so learning a lot and um you know now i get to actually the the big difference from the daily caller days to now is daily caller was like it was just literally all by myself in a little tripod and then i would hire a friend to carry that tripod now i got a real cameraman professional cameraman i got a producers we got the equipment we got the staff um is that holding you back at all like that may sound all good and dandy but is that holding you back at all are there times when you're like fuck i just need my guy and we need to run back here there is a little bit of that you know just because it's more um it's more kind of scheduled out cumbersome right yeah right? Yeah, scheduled, cumbersome, more equipment.
Starting point is 01:09:47 I'm more ready to like, I could just go now. So there is that. But I think that for me, I needed the team and the staff and that like professional look and just having like a real cameraman that is willing to go in the trenches. So it's been great. Like when I went to Matamoros, I actually got to work with a producer who's like covered wars before the cameraman was very experienced and we were in there just um i mean we were running all over matamoros mexico just dominating um the coverage during during the cartel time and like i said no american at that time no american outlet had you know didn't want to go in they thought it
Starting point is 01:10:20 was too dangerous we thought it was the opposite um in the ending of title 42 we were the only americans to go to surah wars because that time was a little bit sketchy with uh with smugglers so i tried to tell him i said hey guys whatever you think of you know the conventional journalists i'm not that guy um because basically most of their correspondents they've been signed on from doing really good on local tv i don't i don't come from local tv i come from the digital game, really raw type of game. I feel like I'm a right fit
Starting point is 01:10:49 because I bring something different to the table that they didn't have before. The clock says, compared to the New York Times journalist, you're a real veteran. That's true. It feels like they got a bunch of 22-year-old ding-dongs over there
Starting point is 01:11:05 boy the new york times is oh yeah those are probably on their uh laptops in manhattan with air conditioning and probably have never stepped out of that and interviewed real people no they have they have not they're not even telling the news anymore they just have an agenda oh yeah and then one thing i just wanted to point out like one thing that i like that what we did on news nation that's just i could already tell was different was anytime trump would take a speech you know when he does like a live speech our network takes it and that takes it as in like we like this guy we're gonna take it we take it as in hey we're taking the speech because he is a presidential candidate. He is leading the Republican Party. And it's up for the voters to think for themselves. If you watch CNN, Trump takes the speech.
Starting point is 01:11:51 The anchor always goes, oh, yeah, we're not taking that because he's going to say a bunch of lies. MSNBC, we're not taking that because he's saying a bunch of lies. They're doing it now with RFK Jr. We recently just had a town hall with RFK Jr. So we're doing the opposite because our approach is more, let the voters think. We're not smarter than the voters. Who are we to dictate this whole thing? Let the voters decide. Let them hear the ideas. If they like them, they like them. If they don't, they don't. That simple as that.
Starting point is 01:12:25 I hear you I don't want to undermine what you're saying all of that being said the Democrats have turned into a party of censorship, big pharma and it's pretty bad it's like the opposite of the flip right they're like pro-war now they support the proxy war in ukraine yeah um when i was a kid it was the exact opposite democrat were like freedom
Starting point is 01:12:54 of speech yeah do acid and run around naked it's freedom freedom freedom and now it's like it's it's a complete they've they've they've completely lost their minds. And so although you say your network is for showing the whole story, not bringing a biased attitude, that has almost become synonymous now with the right. Yeah. No, the interesting thing for me is just seeing the realignment of parties. So I'm obviously younger than you, Simon, but when I was in my teens, the Iraq war was like a big thing for us in my teens. And I just remember watching just everyone, including the New York Times, just kind of push this pro-war agenda. And the reason why I think a lot of millennials like myself are just against this, because now we see the BS with Ukraine.
Starting point is 01:13:49 But now a lot of people still don't see that. If you watch anything liberal like MSNBC, CNN, they are on the pro-war front. And if you don't support the Ukraine war, it's almost like you're the Nazi. Mitch McConnell just did like a press conference yesterday and he was actually angry at Biden for not sending even more money. And Nikki Haley right now, who's running as a Republican candidate. Oh, man, she's she's up in arms about this whole proxy war thing.
Starting point is 01:14:17 It's it's it's incredible to see, dude. What do you think about Nikki Haley? I think that she is running like a Republican back in the 1880s. And I'm sorry, that just doesn't work after Trump anymore. Trump broke the system. You can't run as in like, you know, support Ukraine, blah, blah, blah, blah. She's running that really corporate style. One of the big things that I was that she said that I think just voters are not for. She wants to rise the retirement age. It's like you're not going to get the working class vote like that.
Starting point is 01:14:53 And a lot of my liberal friends are like, this chick is crazy. By just that, you get Republicans and Democrats to agree like, OK, she's too much. The big thing that when I speak with Republican voters, it just makes sense is she's on the forefront of supporting the proxy war and i think i think what she doesn't realize or i think she does realize she's she's smart it's not going to be if we go to war uh with russia over ukraine it's not going to be her son or daughters fighting the war it's going to be our sons and daughters fighting the war and it's like i think my generation after we got lied to with iraq we're just done with it this whole regime change we could go um into another country topple that government nikki haley like i said is just running like an old school democrat and that that doesn't work let's say let's say she becomes
Starting point is 01:15:36 like second place with trump i mean i see trump walking all over in her in her debates just because she's not doing well is she or hey she's not doing well is she no vivek ramaswamy is like way ahead of her desantis obviously still ahead of her what's interesting steven that i that i thought was interesting is a lot of my liberal friends like would dm me and say out of all the republican candidates nikki haley's the one i'm looking at i'm like how are you supporting the pro-war candidate? I mean, it doesn't work. Mike Pence still is running like an old boy. She talks that climate shit too. By the way, I like it that when you talk about your Republican friends, you lower your testosterone levels, you use a higher pitch voice.
Starting point is 01:16:16 That's nice. That's a nice touch. Yeah, that was a nice touch. What stuck with me with her is when they talked about climate change and they asked some poignant questions, all she says is, yes, we need clean air and clean water. And where Vivek is just like, yo, motherfuckers, this is a hoax. It's the wet blanket on the economy. I'm willing to debate it with anyone.
Starting point is 01:16:38 I'm like, damn. And that's why Vivek is connecting with voters. He he right now, if you just look from the outside, he's almost running the campaign that DeSantis should have been running. And this guy's everywhere. He goes on. But the Vex too smart. I don't think anyone can do what he's doing. Do you know? And to be honest, I'm shocked because anytime you have someone with like no political experience, they don't really know who he is.
Starting point is 01:17:04 Obviously, he has like that weird name for americans i've just been shocked to see how fast he's been able to rise and this is just a quick story when i was at the daily caller i actually interviewed him back in 2021 because he released that book woke inc and i remember just in our conversation i'm like this guy's just he just brings something different to the table obviously at that time I had no idea he had presidential aspirations um but even in our conversation I thought that he brought new ideas that he would challenge kind of the big corporations and I think he saw that and I think Vivek captures kind of like what the populist republican voter wants and he's riding that wave um I think he is being smart we're like he's going against trump but he's not being critical because he knows that you you do need that mega base to win where
Starting point is 01:17:51 desantis is kind of going the opposite where he's kind of attacked that base and i think now that base is never going to go for you they just don't trust you um and i think like for instance vivek is total anti-war and I think that's where voters are right now. We are, they're at the anti-war movement where Nikki Haley, Mike Pence, Chris Christie, they're still running like the 1980s. Like they still don't understand. That's not the way to run. Even in the way the campaign, pay attention to this, RFK Jr. and Vivek are the only ones
Starting point is 01:18:24 going on big podcasts and then connecting with voters that way. Mike Pence is still doing TV interviews. Nikki Haley is still doing TV interviews. Chris Christie goes on CNN and MSNBC. It's like, what do you guys – that's not – you guys are not going to get voters by doing it the old school way. That stuff is gone.
Starting point is 01:18:41 It's not the 1980s anymore. I don't think – the problem is that when you go on a podcast, you're going to be forced to tell the truth. Yeah. Probably. Or at least it's more likely. Yeah. They'll grab those truths and then clip them up, and that's how they attack you. So Vivek right now is getting attacked with like you don't support israel how come you don't support israel in funding them and and and so they're that's that's like the lane that they take um but i i still think these guys are beating
Starting point is 01:19:16 now i think rfk jr is wanting running in a very interesting campaign because he's almost hitting every issue he i think he did a really good job where he went to Yuma, Arizona. And not only did he do like the border trip like every other candidate, but he did a documentary. I mean, that to me was just something totally different. It was thinking outside of the box. He's also he's also one thing that R.K. Jr. is doing right now that not other candidates are doing is he's talking about the economic problems that a lot of americans are facing a lot of americans don't have that one income per household that we did back in the early 2000s or or the 90s so he's connecting with voters just in kind of in a unique way that that we haven't seen before um i liked it um i liked uh vivek on bill mauer i
Starting point is 01:20:04 thought he he i felt sorry for Bill Maher. Bill Maher should quit drinking and smoking weed, especially on the air. He got fucked up. But I thought Vivek handled him incredibly well. Did you see that by any chance? I did see that. And the one thing that I always do is I like to read the comments because Vivek actually has an interesting approach because he goes on MSNBC and CNN and goes against, obviously, the media that will be adversarial to him. And I go in the comments and people just respect the fact that he's willing to do that.
Starting point is 01:20:35 Other Republicans are not willing to do the CNN, MSNBC because they just know that they'll get challenged. Chris Christie goes on CNN, MSNBC only because they'll be nice to him because he's the anti-trump republican so anytime you get a republican who's anti-trump cnn and msnbc are going to treat you with kid gloves because it's like yeah we're we're against the same big the the boogeyman or whatever right and and did you see the interview with dream rare and vivek ramaswamy do you know who dream is yeah he's a um he's actually a good friend of mine i haven't got to see it but um i actually was just planning to watch it today um but what i what i am seeing is the media outlets i see i have already seen a
Starting point is 01:21:16 few headlines saying vivek ramaswamy joins anti-semitic youtuber i've never heard this guy say anything. No shit. Oh, yeah. No. So even if you guys don't know the Washington Free Beacon, it's like a conservative outlet based in D.C. They actually went with that headline like Vivek Ramaswamy joins anti-Semitic YouTuber. I've never heard the guy say anything anti-Semitic. I think the only thing that Dreamerer is really critical of is you know
Starting point is 01:21:46 why are we sending so much money to israel when we have problems in our country i don't know how that's anti-semitic you know it's just an issue that's complete that's complete horseshit i know him too i'm friends with him also it's complete fucking idiocy yeah i know like in person that we've like yeah we've like spent time and stuff And it's like dude he's not He has Jewish friends His only issue is you know why are we Dude he might be Jewish I think do you know what his real name is
Starting point is 01:22:14 Um I know he goes by He goes by Dreamer or Anomaly And that's how I know Can you see the private chat Fed up with Road rage, gas guzzling Can you see the private chat? Fed up with road rage, gas guzzling, and backseat battles of road trip vacays? Beach, it's time for a reality check.
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Starting point is 01:23:26 Oh, man. I don't know his real name. Look in the private chat. I just wrote his real name to you. He fucking probably is Jewish. You know, he might be. What a fucking joke. Hey, the interview was amazing.
Starting point is 01:23:42 Absolutely amazing. Mad kudos to DreamRare. He had a really short amount of time. Great. Vivek was amazing also. If I had any feedback, I felt like Vivek was answering the questions in a way that DreamRare should have given.
Starting point is 01:24:01 There were some nuances I felt like DreamRare was missing where he should have said, thank you for answering that he was so determined to play gotcha with vivek i feel like that you know like if i accused you of something if i said jorge uh you stole my car i see you driving that honda accord that's mine and you came back and said no dude that you actually sold that to the dealership last month and i bought it from them and you showed me the paperwork and i'm like oh yeah shit i forgot dreamer wouldn't when vivek would answer dreamer wouldn't be like okay good point and then move on to the next thing he would just move on to the next thing and i just felt like i mean it was great i'm gonna give both of them a 10 out of 10 but dreamer was i just felt a little too
Starting point is 01:24:42 abrasive just a smidge if I had to be critical. I'm dying to get him on and talk to him about it. I haven't seen the interview but I will say this just from the outside is huge credit to Vivek for even going on. No candidate
Starting point is 01:24:59 on the Republican side would even give Dreamer the time of day because He would fuck them up too, by the way, dreamer is sharp as shit. He will fuck someone up. Um, so just huge credit to the vector even coming on because you almost have more
Starting point is 01:25:12 lose than to gain by going on there because you know, dreamers are super smart guy. Like I said, I know this guy, his research is some of the, some of the best in the game, but just huge credit for him for, for trying something new,
Starting point is 01:25:23 going on a, on a YouTuber, knowing that it was going to be critical. But I think Vivek is just trying to break through these kind of new gates and reach out to new voters. I don't know, Sevan, if you
Starting point is 01:25:36 got to watch, it was a couple months ago now, it's when it was through BlazeTV where Tucker Carlson interviews all the presidential Republican candidates one-on-one, and he just grilled each one. Oh, man, that was amazing. Yeah, that was amazing.
Starting point is 01:25:52 I'm also very impressed with what Tucker's doing, too. Hey, and look, I just want to say one final thing about Dreamer. Something has happened to his Instagram account. They are fucking with him so hard. There's no way he's stuck at 466. he's been at 466 for over a year but look at the people whose eye he's getting rogan rosanne bar he's invited to rosanne bar's house he's got vivek on like people know he's doing it god i hope i hope he's making a killing too. Oh, he has to be. And the good thing with him, man, is he is 100% strictly independent. So people just support him.
Starting point is 01:26:31 So he doesn't have an agenda, doesn't have a corporate overlord saying, say this or not. He brings something unique to the table, and he's going to ask hard questions that a lot of Americans are thinking about. Is he an anarchist? What is he? Is he like a you know i don't know but when i from from his twitter see from his twitter i get the kind of uh notion he just hates both sides now yeah he hates trump a lot over the vaccine like he just bashes trump all day why can't he forgive them why can't he just be like okay like vivette tried to be like yeah i fucked up and and and that was nothing dreamer wouldn't let him off it's like hey that's not good enough yeah you know that's one of one of
Starting point is 01:27:14 the criticisms a lot of people just tell him to to from what i when i what i see from his feedback is like hey man kind of get over it but uh you know man this guy's like all gas to the pedal always yeah he's great he's great and and um he's doing something that i don't see anyone else doing i i don't i don't think he has a peer the way he analyzes everything i don't i don't do you know anyone else that's like him that's doing what he's doing no no he's the he's he's in this world of his own um in a good way and he's been like that for a while i've uh i connected with him back in 2020 when you know it was lockdown central and stuff like that so me and him always kind of did like ig lives here and there um and he what what i liked about him when i was doing those ig lives is he would he would be calling
Starting point is 01:28:00 out things that were like three or four months away. Then it would happen. I'd be like, oh, dude, he was totally right. So I have huge respect for him. He has huge respect for me. He's had me on to discuss border and things like that. He's also a SoCal guy. So he lives right here in my backyard, basically. So I hope he keeps going. We just need those kind of different voices in this kind of new world of independent media,
Starting point is 01:28:24 independent commentators. I think he's necessary to the conversation yeah i totally agree and he actually deserves uh more notoriety although like i said i see him there with rogan and um that makes me think that he's getting more and more attention he's rolling he's rolling with the right people he's ascending the ranks so to speak yeah he is and i i haven't seen his whole interview with the roseanne Barper from the clips I've seen. They're pretty funny. I'm glad Roseanne Barper is just having a lot of fun now. Did you see Tucker interview the guy who claims he did coke and blew Obama?
Starting point is 01:29:00 Have you seen that story? I mean, it's been around for a while, but now it's getting traction. Okay, so I have seen it, and this is my only thing here um i don't believe it by the way i don't i don't know why i don't believe it i don't i don't have any like i'm glad we're kind of on the same boat this is where i'm at um i like tucker with this one if if if you're going to interview a guy like that with these accusations all I'm asking for is some piece of hard evidence. Meaning, like, it doesn't have to be anything crazy. Text messages, pictures, just something that I could, you know, boom, piece, you know, just put together.
Starting point is 01:29:41 Because the thing about me, I always try to think about, like, both sides. because the thing about me, I always try to think about both sides. So if this was on the right where some guy comes down and is like, I blew Trump and I smoked crack with Trump, just give me some – obviously we wouldn't even believe, but just give me something to collaborate. And for me, the guy was already sketchy. He's flamboyant to the point and eccentric to the point of he seems like a drug addict I don't remember which rag it was But you're absolutely right
Starting point is 01:30:13 I think it was the Washington Post Said something along the line And there have been stories Talked about regarding Donald Trump having strippers pee on the bed that Obama stayed in at the Ritz Carlton in Moscow or something like that. And they wrote that and they tried to make that story stick with no evidence. So, like, I see exactly what you're saying. see exactly what you're saying it's not cool to for to bring someone on who says they fucking did coke and blew the president when with not even not even a tiny bit of evidence right not even like a
Starting point is 01:30:52 a schmidge nothing and then a couple years ago fairy tale we had the one and i forgot the chick's name because she was so crazy but she was the one who accused that Donald Trump, like, if it was like sexual assault or rape, Anderson Cooper had her on. And they had this awkward moment where she was like, it's a fantasy. Later we find out she never was even in the same room as Trump. And it's like, that's what I mean. It's like, you can't just throw these people on. All I'm asking for on both sides give me something to collaborate that's it just something has to match and if we're not getting that um so i like tucker
Starting point is 01:31:34 i mean you know i'm a huge supporter of tucker he's had me on his show when he was at fox um i worked at the daily caller daily caller was owned by t. But with this one, man, I just I don't see anything collaborating. And this guy just doesn't seem like the most trustworthy guy. It just seems like he's kind of, you know, want to get in his 15 minutes of fame. And he wrote a book. He's selling a book, right? And he's like selling a book. And it's just like a book on how you blew the president.
Starting point is 01:32:04 I felt like a tweet was like I saw a tweet and it was like, imagine your claim to fame is that you blew Obama. What when when and that is his claim to fame when the election happens, how will you be reallocated? Do you know any do you have a plan for covering the election that maybe doesn't involve necessarily the border or narcotics? So I think we'll know my plan as we get kind of a bit closer. So basically, when I came on to News Nation, the guy who was doing our border a lot, he's a super good guy, really good reporter. His name is Robert Sherman. He's a super young guy in his 20s um but as soon as i came on me and you know robert was like hey man i'll let you do the border and you kind of i'll kind of handle the campaign trail which for me is great um i i would love to still be on the campaign trail following
Starting point is 01:33:01 these guys around but my bread and butter is the border, man. I just breathe it. I know it. I like to take big risks. I like to be in Mexico and all that, so we'll see what that plan is. What I have done is when candidates come down to the border, I'll go down and cover that candidate. So it was like two months ago desantis um came down to eagle pass
Starting point is 01:33:25 um i went and covered desantis in eagle pass um that was pretty interesting um the interesting thing right now uh seven so i want to just give you some background is and this is just my op like this is just i don't have uh knowing but it seems like greg abbott the the Texas governor, is going to endorse DeSantis. And this is my reason is here. If he was going to endorse Trump, I think he would have already done it already. Right out the gate, Trump's my guy. He built the wall. That's my guy.
Starting point is 01:33:57 Tough border policy. He hasn't endorsed a candidate and and one of the reasons is desantis actually a few months ago i think four or five months ago now desantis is winning over that kind of texas politicians by saying hey guys i'll send florida state troopers down to the border to assist you guys on my expense don't even worry about it so when i go to the border now what's fascinating in texas is you'll see texas state troopers you know working the border of course but down there you see the florida guys like working it and apprehending and then you know yeah and i have a good relationship with that's
Starting point is 01:34:35 amazing oh did i lose you yeah i know i have a good relationship with texas troopers so um when i've done interviews with the Texas State Troopers, I always say, hey, guys, do you guys like that DeSantis sent the Florida guys? Like, how are you guys working together? And all I get is positive feedback saying, dude, love that DeSantis sent these guys. We needed them. They're great.
Starting point is 01:34:58 Every Texas State Trooper is like, these guys are awesome. They're playing a big role. So something's telling me right now that like abbott might be leaning to the santas and then the santas could make the argument saying hey i'm sending my guys down there to help you guys on my expense and then like i said you speak to texas law enforcement they love the help from the florida guys so that to me is an interesting kind of element into this i think if the santas never sent florida florida state troopers and it'll be more one-sided but these i mean i was just there like two weeks ago and they're still there full force
Starting point is 01:35:38 and um and when i interviewed a florida state trooper what he told me is that basically these guys are coming down in two-week cycles so they'll come down there stay for two weeks and then they'll leave even in another unit will come and they're just are rotating in and out and it's all on Florida's dime they're not making Abbott pay for it um so you're seeing DeSantis saying this is going to be my strategy to win over those Texas voters and also maybe get an endorsement from greg abbott which i found fascinating crazy uh any mention of vivek down there they okay with that vivek hasn't gone to the border as of my knowledge right now um and so right now on on in the border towns he's his name is like basically non-existent just because he hasn't gone down gone down there um obviously he's not a governor so he doesn't you because he hasn't gone down there.
Starting point is 01:36:28 Obviously, he's not a governor, so he can't send troopers or anything. But I do know the folks in Arizona, for instance, they did appreciate when RFK Jr. went down there. Like I said, he made a whole documentary about it. So it's a big impact when you go. Nikki Haley has gone, but I have not – when I speak with Texas people, no one has said, oh, Nikki Haley would be great. I think she's just being way overlooked. Like I said, DeSantis is the one who kind of is owning that argument in the border because he has his guy like physically there. And for voters, you kind of have to see it, right? Like you always hear politicians say things, but when you see it, you're like, okay, this guy definitely cares.
Starting point is 01:37:03 But when you see it, you're like, OK, this guy definitely cares. Hey, in the past, I feel like the Republicans always struggled because they want to talk logic. Well, the Democrats just do. I feel stuff. So like I have I have friends who are Democrats and they're like, hey, I just don't trust Vivek. Oh, I just he seems like a salesman to me. And I'm like, oh, shit. That's the way I used to talk 10 years ago like nothing of substance it's like i feel i think like it used to be like i don't like trump's demeanor do you know what i mean like that it was always like character assassination they would never talk facts are we in trouble if you want someone like vivek in the white house because he talks such facts
Starting point is 01:37:41 he's so clear he's so poignant and and and the left just isn't the fact that he's like okay god country family right he lets you know exactly where he stands he lets you know exactly where he stands on abortion are we in trouble because the democrats play this game that appeals to the most stupid common denominator they're just the way they the way they talk they're just trolling with a giant net trying to scoop up everything. Like all they care about is winning as opposed to really depicting what their true goals are. Can anyone win who talks facts and logic and specifics or is there fucked? So what I find interesting is when I speak with Democrat voters, they thinkbecca is an extremist and they go more for the safe candidate so the safe candidate on the republican side would be a chris christie a
Starting point is 01:38:33 nicki haley um they think the santa's is like the straight boogeyman like a lot of them view the santa's almost worse than trump because what they yeah yeah what i hear for them is oh he's like trump but smarter. And the thing with DeSantis is he has a blueprint of Florida, you know. So that's one thing he could always point to. So when I speak with the other side on, you know, what are they thinking about Republican candidates, Nikki Haley is like the safe candidate because she supports the Ukraine war. Nikki Haley's like the safe candidate because she supports the Ukraine war. Nikki Haley has come out like staunchly saying Israel needs us and, you know, America needs Israel, whatever. She spoke woke talk, too.
Starting point is 01:39:14 She leans on the fact that she's a girl. She spoke woke talk. She's like she made some some woke shit at the at the at the convention. She's like, just like what they say about men. And this is what they say about women. Women make decisions. Men just talk about it. I'm just like, shut the fuck up and this is what they say about women. Women make decisions. Men just talk about it. I'm just like, shut the fuck up. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:39:28 And that's a huge. Yes. Like, that's what I'm saying. Like, a lot of my friends are just Democrat voters. Like, they like those type of statements. Yeah. Yeah. So for them, they like the Chris Christie's.
Starting point is 01:39:40 They like the Nikki Haley's. The other guys are polling too low to even even like um mention they like Chris Christie because because um he looks like them because he he because he got the um the stomach surgery and yet is still 200 pounds overweight is that why they like him they because he doesn't take personal responsibility and accountability for his eating disorder they like Chris Christie because he's the um's out of all the candidates, he's the most anti-Trump. Right. Right. They do not like. And this I mean, this kind of makes sense. Right. If you just look at politics, the they look at Mike Pence as as a right wing extremist just because of his views on abortion.
Starting point is 01:40:19 And they, you know, and things like that. First of just on some background i don't i don't mike pence to me might drop out pretty soon and as i said i don't know this and the reason i say is mike pence only has one lane and that's the evangelical republican voter and we're living a time now where you're going to need the latino working class vote lat Latinos right now support Trump. It's in the data. This is not my my my opinion. Just look at look at Nevada. Look at Florida. A lot of Latinos vote for Trump because of working class issues. If I walk the street right now in L.A. or anywhere and I say, do you know who Mike Pence is to a Hispanic? They have no idea who Mike Pence is. Mike Pence isn't breaking into Latinos. It's not speaking directly to them in a way where Trump is.
Starting point is 01:41:11 And I think that's a huge one. And I think that's where DeSantis gets a lot of Latino vote in Florida, but you're going to need more than the Latinos in Florida. So I think that's where DeSantis is kind of struggling, too, is he's not getting Latinos in other states. So Mike Pence is kind of stuck in this one lane and he's running, like I said, like a 1980s candidate. Yesterday, actually, Mike Pence did a town hall. I forgot in what state, but he did a town hall with college voters. And the whole argument was, I forgot in what state, but he did a town hall with college voters. And the whole argument was we need to move away from populism and go back to Ronald Reagan Republicans, which that's not where we are no more.
Starting point is 01:41:52 The base is still populism. I mean, that's what him and Trump basically want. They want on populism. And Mike Pence is trying to go back to the old school, like, hey, let's go back old school. We're not name-calling. We're professional. And what these candidates don't get with social media and everything is Trump broke that system, especially on the right. I'm not speaking for the Democratic side, but on the right, that system's been totally broken.
Starting point is 01:42:22 Latinos hope for Trump because they live in reality and realize it was better with him around yeah see when i speak with latinos whether it's the border or california or new york it's economic they say when trump was in office i could afford things i could my small business was thriving now when i actually went to texas like a year ago during the midterms and all the latinos are saying dude when he was tougher on the border things was better um economic everything was better the big thing that turned off latinos was inflation when inflation hit under biden that i mean that one issue flips latinos easily because most latinos are working class small business and that's where you win and that's where trump
Starting point is 01:43:03 is still connecting in a way that mike pence can't break through i think that santas does great with latinos in florida because that's his state where he governed but outside of florida he's not he's not really connected with latinos and i think nikki haley there's no i mean like i said i could walk down the street and i could ask 30 latinos you know who nikki haley is who nicki what they're just not making that that other connection um in a way that i think you really need to to win to win that vote because the democrats are going to win the black vote by i mean over god that's got to change that's got to fucking change uh fanny spiegel yes small business was thriving so this is i feel like this is a large part of my listeners too i can't this part frustrates me and seven i do want to say this
Starting point is 01:43:52 when trump ran in 2016 and and spoke about the border trump won a black man vote because a lot of black men in this country want their jobs protected and they feel like illegal immigration undermines them and undermines their wages so a lot of black men voted for trump black women let's just let's just be honest here black women are never going to go republican they go like 90 percent uh democrat i don't know if you guys ever heard kanye west when he was running he said like so many black women vote for democrats you would would have thought Drake was running. I mean, they're just not going to go there. But black men vote for Trump because he's tough on the border. And then black men say, hey, if he's tough on the border, that stops illegal immigrants from undermining my wages and protects my job security. So that's
Starting point is 01:44:42 where Trump is still connecting. And I think Trump needs to get back to that economic message. It's important to speak about 2020 in the in the election. And I get it. But economic is really the way to go. And the way that I think about politics is what would the average trucker, the average trucker go for? Like my dad's a trucker. So if you could hit on anything economic, he's's gonna vote for you that's just the way it is so so you're basically saying there's two class of people a class might not be the right word in this paradigm you're presenting there's two there's people who want the government to get out of their way so that they could make money and take care of themselves
Starting point is 01:45:18 and there's people who want the government to help them in a way yes thing that I mean, that's what you're describing. These are black men who want to fucking take care of themselves. Get the fuck out of my way so I can work. This is a true. You're describing a Latino trucker who wants to get the fuck out of my way so I can make money and put food on my table. And then what you're also saying, unfortunately, about black women. And I know it's completely unfair to categorize them all is that they want to be taken care
Starting point is 01:45:44 of by the government. They don't like that. They don't like the fact that this personal accountability story. You could say that. But the other thing here, too, is several with the Democrat messaging is what the Democrats do a lot is democracy, democracy, democracy is on the line. Democracy is on the line. And a lot. So you're able to win the women like that. But working class people, I mean, you could throw that out the window. It's about can I afford, can I put food on my table for my family? Can I run my business? Can I pay my workers? And that's the message that wins. So that's why Latinos from 2016 to 2020, Latinos made a huge shift to the right. Hillary Clinton was not connecting with
Starting point is 01:46:26 them and then like i said it was about a year ago around this time i went to south texas to interview latinos because it was the midterms around that time and the number one thing latinos cared about was anything economic a lot of them saying hey with inflation with biden in i can't afford my businesses i have to let people go. We're struggling. A lot of truckers, dude, gas was too much for a lot of truckers to do business. And then what fell second when I spoke to Latino voters is the culture war stuff. So a lot of them now are not on board with the whole, you know, switching sexes. My kid could be a transgender.
Starting point is 01:47:04 Like that type of talk doesn't win latinos that comes like second number one was always economic yeah hey i'll tell you what flipped the script for me um i i'm not a god person and uh the the you know and i because i wasn't a god person for some reason i poo-pooed the right like i shit on them because they were crazy god people and then i started looking at my own house and they were doing child genital mutilation they were forcing forcing kids to have drugs they had these weird they have these weird fucking things going on at the libraries basically um the men weren't treated like men anymore they were they were lower testosterone was better pedophilia was starting to become – be forced mainstream.
Starting point is 01:47:47 And all of a sudden I was like, hey, that God stuff looks good over there. And that's when I started realizing like, hey, if I'm – I don't have to be evangelical. I don't have to be a Christian. I don't have to be pro-America. But what I do have to be is I have to be pro – for me, I have to be pro- healthy kids, and I need a safe environment which is pro-America, and so I'm now siding with that side. That's why I jump ship. Not even economic, just to fucking
Starting point is 01:48:12 protect the kids. I need to park my kids and hang out in without George Floyd in there with them, and I need people not trying to take them away from me and mutilate their genitalia. I mean, but my economic situation's good, so that's not an issue for me but those issues i have become a one issue guy i love god country family now
Starting point is 01:48:32 i'm a fucking full-blown yeehaw let me share let me show you a rifle rack the whole thing yeah let me share a quick story that i think we're gonna you'll find interesting part to relate to so back in 2021 when i was with the Daily Caller there was this whole movement it was when the Virginia governors were running and Glenn Youngkin was in the race so and in Virginia if folks don't remember Virginia right now
Starting point is 01:48:56 was going through this weird thing with the kind of trans issue with kids because I think it was like a trans god it's so hard to say like a trans boy or something like raped like a trans boy or something like raped like a girl or something so like we went at the school the one in the school system yeah this was in virginia so daily caller sent me over there and say hey look at what's going on right now because you know we have a gubernatorial race just kind of find out so what i was expecting me
Starting point is 01:49:20 going in was it's going to be a bunch of like white Republicans kind of leading this charge. I was wrong. I go and I go into Virginia 2021. It's Indian-Americans, Chinese-Americans. And for folks who don't know, Virginia has a massive Salvadorian population. It's Salvadorian parents saying, hey, we were all Democrat voters, but this whole trans kids in the same bathroom, no, we're going Glenn Youngkin. And it was that coalition, believe it or not, that led to Glenn Youngkin's victory in Virginia. So we're seeing this huge shift in this one issue. And what we have is white liberals going, no, it's okay for our children to take puberty blockers and if my son
Starting point is 01:50:05 wants to be a girl or my girl feels like a boy it's okay and it's the immigrant indian americans chinese americans and the latino americans of virginia said okay we were with you but on this one we're drawing the line and many of those like i was interviewing salvador everything else out the window who gives a fuck if you're gonna rape our kids like i don't give a fuck i'm out like everything right so that right there led to glenn yunkin's victory as a governor i forgot who i i don't have the name on top of his head of the uh of his opponent but what killed his opponent is saying that uh the government basically should be in charge of the of the kids and parents. And, like, Glenn Youngkin just ran on that.
Starting point is 01:50:46 Like, he ran ads all over Virginia, and it led to his victory. And that's what we see throughout the country is Latinos, Chinese Americans, Indian Americans, they are not on board with this whole take puberty blockers. You know, they're just not there yet on the culture war stuff so that's where glenn yunkin really dug into and that's ultimately he led to his victory are there still more democrats there than republicans in virginia so virginia is interesting because it's changing a lot because a lot of the dc elite live in northern virginia so it's making it like into like a purple state i believe
Starting point is 01:51:27 virginia used to be republican and now it's turned purple so it could go d or r um and that's kind of changing the demographics a bit but virginia still has a massive salvadorian population i have a i'm you know just for i'm salvadorian so a bunch of of my own family lives in Virginia. But it's those type of issues that led Glenn Youngkin's victory. And I think what's interesting is with white liberals is that's not a winning argument for a lot of these parents. And I think, Seven, I think I've said this on your podcast before, and I'll just say this again. A lot of Latinos, I'm speaking as a Latino, so I know what I'm talking about here. Behind closed doors, majority of them are still not on board with same-sex marriage. Now in public, they'll say, hey, it's all good. You know, you do you, whatever. Behind
Starting point is 01:52:20 closed doors, they're not even on board with same-sex marriage. So if you have a population that is not on board with same-sex marriage yet, how are you going to push the trans puberty blockers on them? It's just not going to happen. And let me show you this real quick. Last year I went to a protest in Anaheim, California, and it was a bunch of parents rallying against puberty blockers. And so on one side of this protest, and this was, I will never forget this scene. Was that in Glendale? Was that the Armenians?
Starting point is 01:52:51 No, no, no, this was in Anaheim, because this was at some doctor convention thing. And it was by Disneyland. So I go to cover this protest, and I'm walking in the middle of the street, and on my left-hand side, you have hispanic chinese indian armenian parents rallying together saying we don't want puberty blockers for our kids on the other side white liberals purple and blue hair calling them racist calling them fat and that's where we are yes yeah they're the biggest And the people The white liberals like they didn't even have kids yet
Starting point is 01:53:29 They're like in their early 20s And they're telling the parents That they're in the wrong I always trip on the fact I imagine someone like getting in their car Driving down to CVS Going down the aisle Purchasing the blue hair dye
Starting point is 01:53:44 Buying it swiping their credit card. They get home, and you're actually going to take the time to do that. I don't fucking understand the world. Has blue hair? No, no. My mom is a regular
Starting point is 01:53:59 working-class woman, Salvadorian. She's not always tuned into politics. She's not tuned tuned into politics you know she's not tuned in all the time she might not know all the issues but you're not going to convince my mom that kids could take puberty blockers because for her that just doesn't it doesn't register and you have to remember that's how the average voter is the average voter is not like you and me bro where we're tapped into politics we know what's going on all the time we know the candidates the average the average voter is going to work putting food on the table taking their kids to soccer practice maybe they'll tune in here and there but you know they're busy in their own lives
Starting point is 01:54:35 you're not going to win the average voter with hey if your boy feels like a girl start giving estrogen and you know start change this whole thing around it's really and i don't know why you know we don't say it more it's really like this white liberal issue that they really you know are making it mainstream when it's really not uh that by the way that is what my um friends who are democrats say whenever i bring up the transgender thing or this they say oh it's they agree with me but they're like it's not even an issue don't believe the media it's they agree with me, but they're like, it's not even an issue. Don't believe the media. It's not an issue. Meanwhile, I see it everywhere.
Starting point is 01:55:08 I absolutely see it everywhere. It is a fucking issue. It's being pushed on our kids. I've never seen. So every Starbucks in my town has one token tranny in there. It's like it's like I've never I don't know what the fuck's going on, but I don't know if it got in the water or what. But it's everywhere. And it is being pushed on our kids. And it um seven if you can can you pull this up because
Starting point is 01:55:28 this just happened yesterday msnbc interviewed a trans woman i believe she got like kicked out of a sorority or whatever oh yeah yeah yeah yeah but when i was watching the interview the anchor was like taking the trans woman's position saying you are so brave because you're like the first to do this and you need like trailblazers and it's like dude did you see the whole story about how he would have an erection in the sorority uh meetings dude insane like yeah like what i'm saying and what i'm saying is is the public is not very like it's almost like nbc nbc is taking this like the coastal white liberal elites and what they want, and they ignore what the working class is – oh, there it is. There it is. not accepting gay marriage in certain communities publicly. I also, the lesbian and gay people I know want nothing to do with the BTQ. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:56:31 Nothing. I don't know one fucking lesbian or gay dude who wants that flag or these people representing them at all. They don't have any affiliation with them. They don't feel part of that community. I just saw recently, have you seen that video going around the lady who got kicked out of the gay bar no the gay have you seen this the gay bartender um wouldn't use her pronoun refused to use her they pronoun and kicked her out and
Starting point is 01:56:57 she's saying she's attacking the gays for being straight or being a white she goes back and forth between calling them white straight men and gay men i calling them. White straight men. And gay men. I mean it's a gay bar. With all gay men in it. Right. But she's pissed. Because they won't call her they. And they kicked her out.
Starting point is 01:57:11 They told her. Get the fuck out of here. We don't do the pronoun game in here. And yeah. I don't think. I don't think the lesbians. And gays. Don't want anything to do.
Starting point is 01:57:17 With these fucking. These people. These people. Who are dragging in. Their mental issues. Into the lesbian gay scene. Do you find that true also? Yeah, dude, I have a bunch of gay friends, and they just, like, hate this stuff.
Starting point is 01:57:29 Yeah, hate it. They hate it because it's like, why put that cloud on us? They're like, we're just regular folks. Leave us alone. We are not trying to get into this whole issue. Like I said, it's just not a winning issue. I know MSNBC and CNN are always going to try to feel bad, but it's just not a winning issue. I know MSNBC and CNN are always going to try to feel bad, but it's just not a winning issue,
Starting point is 01:57:47 especially when we get to the women's sports aspect as well. I mean, if you had a daughter, do you want her in the locker room? No, no, no. Hey, I don't trust men at all. Yeah, me neither. I don't. Men between the age of uh 15 and and 35 need to be kept busy at all times they should be working jobs for news agencies on the border
Starting point is 01:58:12 um uh i've had you on longer than i wanted to but you brought something up that i that i that i if you have a couple more minutes oh yeah yeah okay uh i i didn't plan on bringing this up to you but you mentioned it now i'm excited to talk to you about it do you know this guy i'm trying to become friends with this guy we haven't scheduled to come on the show but i also i'm actually going to go to san francisco i want to film with him do you follow this guy's account richie lee win okay so um i don't know him but i know some of my reporter friends who've uh connected with him when they go to san fran this guy from what i know I don't know him, but I know some of my reporter friends who have connected with him when they go to San Fran. This guy, from what I know, I don't know a whole lot, but it seems like he is doing a good job of documenting the reality of San Fran.
Starting point is 01:58:58 And I think the one video that I first saw from that went viral is it was a school bus. It was a bunch of kids coming out of the school bus and he's filming, he's filming it. Selfie, you know, selfie cam style. Yes. Kids are like literally walking over people that are,
Starting point is 01:59:12 you know, might be dead and are like smoking fat on front of these kids. Yeah. Yeah. It's a, look at him. He, he,
Starting point is 01:59:19 he made it on J fucking a big shot to the real Jason Whitlock. Wow. Oh, Jason Whitlock's on blaze. I didn't knowlock. Wow. Oh, Jason Whitlock's on Blaze? I didn't know that. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. He's on Blaze TV.
Starting point is 01:59:31 Wow. This guy's great. And I'm watching what's going on in Oakland, and I see crime happening in all my old stomping grounds. Like right by the airport, it's crazy. What are you hearing about Oakland, and are you actually going to go there and cover that? How exciting. Yeah. So we're working on a, on a, on a trip to Oakland.
Starting point is 01:59:51 So kind of to give you the synonymous is what I, what I find about Oakland. Interesting is the progressives in Oakland voted in district attorney, Pamela, right? Uh, price. The crime in Oakland is so insane right now i i highly encourage your listeners to try to pay attention businesses are closing down people left and right are getting uh they call it bipping in oakland where you do the smash and grab yeah yeah left or right shootings left or right it's i mean it's insane i'm not i'm not even you can't Dude, the videos – I show the videos on this show all the time. Just people pull up to gas stations.
Starting point is 02:00:27 They're pumping gas, and someone just steals their shit. It's nuts. If you call 911 in Oakland, they'll put you on hold for an hour. Sometimes they don't even come. The mayor is horrible on this issue of crime. I was just reading a local story. I don't know if you could pull it up. Several were like a youth football team had to move practice fields because there was too many shootings where they were practicing football. And then what I find interesting is right now there's an official recall for the DA price.
Starting point is 02:01:00 And the recall is not being led by right-wingers or Republican voters. The recall is being led by Democrat voters. And that, to me, is crazy. Madam DePalma Price, is that her? Alameda County? Yeah, DePalma Price. Okay. Yeah, California keeps electing progressive DAs. Oh's oh yeah she fits the mold wow god see really
Starting point is 02:01:30 quick bro if you could just find the story it's a youth football team they had them in what in what in what city it's it's oakland i mean i don't know the exact little town but i remember it was saying that like an oakland football youth has to move. They're looking for like a new field because there's so many shootings. It's incredible stuff. Yeah. Gun, gun violence forces Oakland youth football team to look for a new field to play on.
Starting point is 02:01:54 Boom. I mean, come on. Yeah. It's Oakland. It is Oakland. Yep. Come on.
Starting point is 02:02:00 Bancroft Avenue. I know exactly where that is. Crazy. So I've been speaking with a lot of oh yeah, folks, it was like the NSA CP or, you know, they like wrote a letter and was like, we need to declare a national emergency, defund the police
Starting point is 02:02:16 movement, did not work, we need police back in working class communities. It's incredible. I'm telling you right now, for your viewers, pay attention to Oakland right now. You're literally seeing a city just become almost unlivable for anyone working class. So I've been speaking to a lot of their folks. Like I said, the people who are leading the recall, they're not Republicans.
Starting point is 02:02:41 They're not like right-wingers. They're Democrat voters and they are sick of now the progressive side and they are they are really leading this recall um and i've been in touch with them almost every day it's gonna be a fascinating story to unfold oh yeah this just happened too 7-eleven just hours after the store was looted for ten thousand dollars worth of products and oh yeah everything's was looted for $10,000 worth of products in Oakland oh yeah everything's getting looted there these are like daily stories
Starting point is 02:03:09 it's not like once a month in Oakland it's becoming I mean jeez look at this look at this group of thugs dude in the weaponry dude wow wow hey it's straight the purge dude weaponry, dude. Wow. Wow. Hey, it's
Starting point is 02:03:28 straight the purge, dude. I don't know if you could bring this one up too. CNN reporter went to Oakland to cover the crime. Their car got smashed and grabbed. Oh, no shit.
Starting point is 02:03:43 Is that in the Oakland State of Mind Instagram account account i don't know i don't know if it is but i read an article about it about like a week ago or two hey just so people know also um in uh i want to say it was in alameda county a home depot security guard actually tried to stop someone i think from stealing stealing and they were fucking killed. Meanwhile, other security guards are getting arrested or losing their jobs for trying to stop people from stealing. I want to look that up real quick. CNN, that was in Oakland, CNN? In Oakland, I believe.
Starting point is 02:04:15 Oakland reporter robbery. Oakland or Saffron, but I'm pretty sure it was Oakland. Oh, shit. A CNN reporter burglarized a third time. While covering rampant crime in the Bay Area. In the Bay Area, dude. It's incredible.
Starting point is 02:04:36 And once again, just to remind everyone, it's working class nine-to-five people who are impacted by this, not people that live behind the Golden Gates or could hire private security they're very rich this is everyday people um yeah dude it's i mean i i think there was like a video yesterday where like a bunch of tourists went to like the beach or something in san fran just for 10 minutes come back all of their windows smashing grab passports taken and now like they can't even leave it's it's really sad what's what's happening to the bay area in general rb pleasanton was the
Starting point is 02:05:11 home depot okay oh wow which is a nice part of the bay area um the home depots are just targets for crime um uh what you said also is i've actually seen footage of people i saw a video the other day of someone getting onto the freeway and on the on ramp, there was bumper to bumper traffic and someone pulled up next to them. They jumped out of the car, broke the window and stole the luggage while the car was getting on the freeway. Really quick. This might be the last one I tell you to pull up. But no, it's fine. It kind of it kind of touched me. tell you to pull up but it's no it's fine it kind of it kind of touched me it was there was an a shooting in oakland on a freeway and a straight bullet hit an eight-year-old and now he's paralyzed dude like this is not fair for like i just feel bad for that kid man because it's like it's totally
Starting point is 02:05:56 not even his fault and it's and it's it's it's the adults who who have to uh Was this at Highland Park? Is this in 2022? Or recently? This one was recently. And this 8-year-old just... Maybe put like 8-year-old paralyzed Oakland. But it's so sad, dude. There was a shooting on I believe like an Oakland Highway, Oakland Freeway. And then a straight bullet
Starting point is 02:06:19 hits him in the neck, dude. I mean, come on, man. This stuff just... If this doesn't piss you off, come on, man. This stuff just... If this doesn't piss you off, like, come on, man. So, this is what I have to ask you before I let you go. Eight-year-old shot on Oakland freeway paralyzed families. Jeez, dude. That...
Starting point is 02:06:36 Come on, man. Yeah, 580 near Grand Avenue, Oakland. There it is. Fuck. So messed up, dude. If you vote Republican, does this go away I mean now I mean the general consensus is you would imagine yes because they would
Starting point is 02:06:59 the Republicans I mean no one's listening it's just me and you Jorge if you vote Republican, does this go away? Well, look, this is how I'll say it. If you look at policies between the parties, one party is being soft on crime. You can tell by their DAs.
Starting point is 02:07:16 The other party is being tougher on crime. So you, you know, just common sense would say, I mean, if you want stuff like this changed, you need a Republican D.A. to just bring down the hammer, you know. And then once we get society back, then we can argue about gay marriage again. But if we have crime running rampant in the streets, we can't even argue about fun topics like that. No. And I will say this, like the new D.A. in San Francisco, Brooke Jenkins, like she's been totally more aggressive on crime.
Starting point is 02:07:50 And then what she says is like, you know, they're they're putting down fairly narcotic charges and stuff like that. But she she puts the blame on a lot of the local court judges who are just letting these people go again. So the whole system needs to change the whole legal system. these people go against so the whole system needs to change the whole legal system um i will say this even gavin newsom has been angry about the legal system because he wants this he wants tougher crime now for you know for the for the very first time um so you you just need that approach like the the system now in the culture is i could go rob you i could go assault you and I'm out the next day. It's a slap on the wrist. That needs to change. And it's obvious of the results. You don't I mean, you don't need to be even like a political person to even I mean, know that the system's just broken and you don't have like, you know, you go to Miami. Like, you know, you go to Miami, you don't you don't go to Miami and people are smashing, grabbing windows. And it's it's it just needs to change. So it's you know, so if you're if you live in these in these in these cities, you're going to go the opposite way.
Starting point is 02:08:57 So if you're if if I'm a Democrat strategist, I go, hey, guys, we're like really losing the battle here. And like I said, the D.A. in in Oakland was voted by progressive voters. Well, guess who's leading the recall? Democrat voters. San Francisco's previous D.A. Boudin or how to pronounce his name. You know who led that recall? It was Asian-Americans who voted Democrat because it was the Asians who are getting attacked on the street. Their businesses are robbed every day so it's it's it's getting you know pretty clear obviously here's a dress i gotta say as non-biased as i can but i'm just looking at the facts here you just i mean we're looking at it i'm in la county hey by the way the asian the asian hate thing is complete
Starting point is 02:09:42 bullshit too really it's just it just that – it's just crime. It's just crime in general. It has nothing to do with being Asian. It's just crime in general. Yes, maybe people are targeting Asians because they think that they're small or that they're weak or that they carry cash or that they carry – but it has nothing to do with the fact that they have slanty eyes and that they're from fucking a foreign land. People need to stop doing that. It's the same thing with, like, yes, the majority of people robbing people
Starting point is 02:10:09 are black. It has nothing to do with their skin color. It's a cultural phenomenon. It has nothing to do with, no one's born black and then they're predisposed to fucking rob. And if you want to blame it on anyone, blame it on the penis and balls, which are very important.
Starting point is 02:10:26 But it's men doing this shit. It's not... I just get so tired of the fucking... That whole Asian hate thing was completely fucking ridiculous. The thing right now is like the way that... And this maybe starts right back to the family
Starting point is 02:10:41 and the reason why I say this is because the way that we grew up is... I remember when I was a kid like i stole like a i stole like a candy bar from a store one time and then my dad mom found out my dad just beat the shit out of me and then you don't do it again like and you have to take it back to the store manager and apologize yeah they like made you take it back and just made an example. And it seems like these young kids who are committing all these crimes, there's no accountability from family. Simon, you did a great job of connecting me with Tommy G. And I remember watching Tommy G's video.
Starting point is 02:11:31 It's these young teens, the Kia boys, stealing cars, ramming them into whatever, joyriding, crashing cars, stealing working class people's cars. And they're just not – they're not afraid of the law. Maybe they don't have like a father figure at home to like beat the crap out of them. Right now in D.C., believe it or not, because I've been paying attention to all these crime cities, but D.C. right now is like the number one city in carjackings. And it's not really 23-year-olds and 24-year-olds doing them. It's 19, 18, 16. It's like it's also – maybe we just have a system here in America where the family system has been completely broken, and it's a free-for-all. It's just incredible to see. And, um, I don't know, man, like I said, we were, I was raised where I w I was still a candy bar.
Starting point is 02:12:11 My dad would just go crazy on me. Um, and maybe we need to bring that back. I, I, you know, yes. Yes. Hey, thanks for coming on. You're always welcome on the show. Um, it's such an honor to have you. I know the people who follow the podcast love having you on And please stay in touch If there's ever anything I can do You're the man Jorge Thanks brother let's definitely talk soon brother
Starting point is 02:12:36 Okay cheers Cheers brother Jorge Ventura Wow 2 hours and 10 minutes I wanted to respond to something you said Clark hey Ventura wow two hours and ten minutes um uh uh um uh I wanted to respond to something you said Clark I uh I did I was born in Oakland
Starting point is 02:12:52 um I own property down in that area I lived there for fucking 30 or 40 years uh I understand that the whole city is not Oakland the whole state is not Oakland um but uh Oakland Los Angeles Sacramento San Jose I understand that the whole city is not Oakland. The whole state is not Oakland.
Starting point is 02:13:13 But Oakland, Los Angeles, Sacramento, San Jose, San Francisco, Richmond, Berkeley. I mean, there's a whole slew of these cities that are following it and step with this. Yeah, I just drove 300 miles through the center of the state, and it's the most beautiful land you've ever seen. Paso Robles, just all that coastline, and then the wine country and the agriculture. I get it. It's beautiful. It's good. Not everywhere is like Oakland. But man, Oakland is a war zone. Fair enough. If a single Republican DA tried to turn it around in Oakland, the California Attorney General's office would start throwing up roadblocks. Yeah, Target's not even a real store anymore from the pictures I've seen. Target's in California.
Starting point is 02:13:57 I wouldn't go in there. There's an Asian hate, but it's not coming from the whites. By that i'm i'm okay uh okay fair enough oh we shall discuss later um adam of von koor someone you are suggesting that democrat voters in these cities are saying and will change their vote crime is not bad enough yet yet. NYC, back in the 80s, it took 2,000 deaths a year for nearly a decade before change. God, do you remember how good New York got for a while, too? There was like 10 or 15 years where New York was amazingly safe. alright I'd like to finish this show with something from David but we have nothing oh I turned my phone off
Starting point is 02:14:55 that guy whoever that was called like a hundred times I turned off call waiting too. Take that. Hey, what was up with my connection? Was my connection acting weird? I saw Riley told me it was me who froze. By the way, thanks for telling me that. That stuff's helpful in the comments.
Starting point is 02:15:19 That stuff is helpful. Well, that turned out to be a great show. Call Graciano back. I think we got the gist of it oh thank you holy shit you got some good mushrooms david all right i'm excited about today uh i'm supposed to be uh right now i'm supposed to be doing a watch of the screening of behind the scenes supposed to be uh right now i'm supposed to be doing a watch of the screening of behind the scenes i've got to get my note situation figured out this is just getting crazy i know mike sauer told me i should be using google doc i don't know really how to do that what do i open i don't i don't even know how to do it i need to have like something on on the
Starting point is 02:16:02 how would i i need something on my desktop where I can click it and open it. Easy. But it also syncs to my phone. How the fuck do I do that? You didn't get the gist of it. You cut them off right before the peak. I did? Really?
Starting point is 02:16:18 I thought I gonna get the uh salty hive crossfit i need i need more affiliate owners on here. What am I doing? I finally accepted the... Hey, you're younger and more buff than I imagined. What's up? Hey, you're younger and more buff than I imagined. From your picture, I thought you were old and shit. You know who you look like in your profile picture? You know Israel Adesanya's coach?
Starting point is 02:17:03 Kind of chubby bearded guy out of New Zealand. You don't know? Anyway, I forget his name. But that's what I thought you were going to look like. I didn't know you were going to look like a stud. Yeah, it was cool to meet you. Yeah, good to meet you too. The girls that I was with were laughing that you were like,
Starting point is 02:17:21 he was with some hot chicks, three hot chicks. One of them was my wife. Oh, good, good. I with some hot chick, three hot chicks. One of them was my wife. Oh, good, good. I'm glad I was with three hot chicks. Even if one of them was your wife, I'll take it. No, I was with three hot chicks. Oh, I kept saying that. Oh, okay. Yo, we're headed
Starting point is 02:17:38 out to the NCC right now. We're driving. My wife and I. Are you going to go? I don't think I'm going, but a bunch of people are going. I was bugging Dave if Dave was going to go. I was thinking about getting a ride with him. I think I heard Jorge Fernandez is going.
Starting point is 02:17:54 Hiller told me yesterday he was going. I think he told me before, but I was blocking it out of my mind. Because if I feel like he's there, then I should go say hi to him and hang out with him. Why are you going? My wife's competing in the elite division. Oh, shit. Wow. Why is she doing that?
Starting point is 02:18:14 Because she loves it. Wow. That's what we do. Wow. Yo, you've got us freaked out. We're, like, staying in Sacramento. I feel like I'm going to get robbed. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
Starting point is 02:18:26 You're good. You're good. You're good. No, you're good. You're good. We're coming from the beautiful, safe day of Utah. I don't have to lock my doors. Everyone loves everybody.
Starting point is 02:18:39 God-fearing American people. Sacramento crime. I just typed it into Google. Let me people. Sacramento crime. I just typed it into Google. Let me see. Sacramento crime news. No, it looks good. All right. Yeah, dude was shot in a park, but he probably deserved it.
Starting point is 02:18:59 Yeah, no, you're good. But yeah, you should. Dave said he was coming on Friday on his weekend review. Oh, he did? I think so, yeah, if I remember right. That's tomorrow. Yeah, it starts. That's when it starts.
Starting point is 02:19:15 Friday, Saturday, Sunday. I think he said he was going to stop it on Friday. I'm sure there's going to be tons of Seven on East is there you should come through I should Hey how are you doing how's the gym It's awesome Everything's good When you go to
Starting point is 02:19:35 The games does that invigorate you when you go back Are you pumped are you tired Or do you come back invigorated and like yeah let's get some 100% I invigorated like you say, yeah, let's get some. A hundred percent. I invigorated, like you say, the community vibe. I think just rubbing shoulders with like-minded people, all the seminar staff out there and other affiliate owners,
Starting point is 02:20:00 the affiliate lounge meeting people and just people that are excited about CrossFit, whether it's the sport of things or what we're doing in the affiliates or or don's leadership or dave being back it's just kind of uh it's refreshing to see that you're not the only one that gives a shit you know and everybody at the game gives a shit about crossfit yeah um uh there's a comment here. Brace yourself. It's pretty aggressive. It's from Christian. He says, Utah's just a bunch of soaking Mormons.
Starting point is 02:20:32 That's probably true, too. Well, like you say, I'll take the Mormon as my neighbor because they're going to be... Their head screwed on pretty straight. They love their kids, and they're gonna they're gonna be their head or their head screwed on pretty straight and they they love their kids and they're about family and i don't i don't really care what they do
Starting point is 02:20:51 soaking or not you know it's funny you say that um uh i never i heard trump say something like he preferred jew accountant over a black accountant and i think that's totally fair um but i heard greg say that greg didn't care what color his accountant was but he preferred a Jew accountant over a black accountant. And I think that's totally fair. But I heard Greg say that Greg didn't care what color his accountant was, but he wanted a Mormon accountant because he always, and from Utah, because he always respected the way the Mormon church managed their money. And, and he got one.
Starting point is 02:21:19 His, his CFO of CrossFit was a fucking Mormon dude with fucking six or seven kids straight laced as you fucking get. That makes sense. Yeah. Yeah, that church is one of the fastest-growing businesses ever in human history. And I think the CFO for CrossFit, not only was he Mormon, but I think he was— you know how, like, they have little—their neighborhoods there have, like, those—
Starting point is 02:21:40 like, each of them has their own, like—I don't know what you guys call them. You probably know better than I do, but they have their own groups, and each group has its own. Yeah, the ward. It's called a ward. Yeah, yeah. So this guy, I think, was the accountant for his ward, the guy who was the CFO of CrossFit. Yeah, that makes sense.
Starting point is 02:21:59 I mean, those are all little. It's, like, pretty small. Like, there's a ward every block in certain in certain areas in utah but yeah we live in a pretty good spot it's near the city so we still have plenty of like non-mormon i don't know fun people but it's also very safe so i like the safe part can you hear this sound? Listen to this. Listen, listen.
Starting point is 02:22:28 Could you hear that? Yeah, it sounded like you were clapping. Or snapping, maybe. I got this knife. Someone pointed out that it's probably not legal in California. That's true. But I'm like moving a bunch of stuff around in my office. You know when you open a drawer and you find an old toy?
Starting point is 02:22:46 Yeah. So I found this killer knife that Greg got me. You totally, you completely forgot about it. And it's like you just got it brand new again. Yeah. It's so fucking cool. It's like a little boy's wet dream, this knife. It is so fucking nice.
Starting point is 02:23:02 And you just push a button and it shoots out and like it would stick into someone. It's not like a cheap one. You know what I think? When are you going to have a letter or something? When are you going to have someone at the studio? Soon. Soon. I actually called Dave yesterday and asked him if he would come next week
Starting point is 02:23:19 to test it out. Suze is coming Sunday. There are some it's technically there's just so much fucking shit going on there's so many cameras and wires and lights and it's like it's a lot it's it's it's and so i'm trying to do that every night spend a couple hours in here and i'm trying to do the behind the scenes and i'm trying to be a dad and well i'm not trying the dad part takes priority over everything and then the podcast. So I got my excuses.
Starting point is 02:23:46 Where's the behind the scenes at? Like how soon? It says coming soon, but what does soon mean? I think in 2023. That was my guess. Yeah. I got a guy that helps me with my media. He follows you pretty closely.
Starting point is 02:24:04 He's like, so if I'm saying soon, I'm like my media. He, he follows you pretty close. And he's like, so I'm saying soon. I'm like, I guess November, December. I'm actually surprised. Episode one is like the, the rough cut. Um,
Starting point is 02:24:13 I started watching it last night and I was actually surprised, uh, the people putting it together, got it done that fast. It's fucking long. It's going to be crazy. They did tell me, I don't know,
Starting point is 02:24:24 probably like, I'm guessing between 10 and 20. Um, they were, they were, they're tri crazy. They did tell me. How many episodes? I don't know. Probably like I'm guessing between 10 and 20. They were tripping. They're like, holy fuck, you're a workhorse. And I was like, yeah, tell me about it. They were like, it's so much footage. I was so proud. It's like pulling down your pants and someone's like, God, that's a lot of cock.
Starting point is 02:24:42 You're like, yeah, I know. Yeah, thank you. It's too much. That's fine Alright man well thanks for taking my call Come through the NCC I got the DL Awesome call Okay call us and give us Tell us how your wife did when it's all over
Starting point is 02:25:01 When you're driving home Okay will do Okay brother Bye Justin wife did when it's all over, when you're driving home. Okay, we'll do it. Okay, brother. Bye, Justin. Bye. Alright, that was cool. Just doing my part, talking to some affiliates.
Starting point is 02:25:24 Alright. alright I'm looking through the comments this knife looks cheap it does I'm telling you it's not This knife looks cheap. It does? I'm telling you, it's not. It's fucking nasty. Come in! Oh. Yes?
Starting point is 02:25:59 What's your name? Officer what? What's your name? Officer what? Mr. Rassiano. What's up, Savant? I learned Russian, so I guess I could tell a full story. Okay, let's do it.
Starting point is 02:26:19 All right, I left off. They gave me a third BS answer. Now, after this one, I realized, you know, these people are just going to keep lying to me. So I then decide, hey, I got to go to the city council meetings. Like this isn't something that can be done through email because they're just going to keep giving me the runaround. So when I brought up the whole nonprofit thing and the way that they gave it to a non-profit that didn't have an economic impact well it wasn't just that they didn't follow their own guidelines it's that that's illegal so in the regulations for who they can give money to they're allowed to give it to non-profits but they can only give it to 501c3 and 501c19 nonprofits.
Starting point is 02:27:10 501c3s are better known as charities. 501c19s are veteran organizations. The nonprofits they gave it to were 501c8s and 501c6s. The 501c8s are member benefit societies. So that's like your Elks Lodge where they do do charitable work but the primary purpose of the organization
Starting point is 02:27:34 is for the members. And then a 501c6 is your local chamber of commerce. Oh shit. So they're giving money to the chamber of commerce oh shit so they're giving money to the chamber of commerce which for them to go promote businesses rather than actually give it to the businesses which doesn't make any sense of course they had let the chamber of commerce had less revenue
Starting point is 02:28:00 there was no businesses to promote right right and was the chamber was the chamber of commerce fighting with the city trying to get the businesses to reopen no probably not absolutely not yeah they were they were telling everyone to go shop you know they put them in little tiny font hey shop local you know but be safe be really safe make sure you know you do all your precautions are they ramping that shit up again? No, this has kind of died out over here. But in those Treasury regulations, it's very clear cut. You cannot give money to 501c6s or 501c8s for any reason.
Starting point is 02:28:41 They are ineligible for that COVID money. So I go to the city council meeting and say, Hey, you know, besides the fact that what you guys did is immoral, it's also illegal. You cannot give them money. And I stuck with that to beat them over the head with it because they have to correct that one. Yeah. What are they going to do? They can ask for the money back. Oh no, the money's already been spent. They've already taken that one. Yeah, what are they going to do? They're going to ask for the money back? Oh, no, the money's already been spent. They've already taken that money and painted their building with it. And now the city is trying to come up with all these excuses and they're trying to delay having to report this information to the public.
Starting point is 02:29:26 information to the public and they're trying to make up some nonsense of, Oh, well, you know, they do a lot of good in the community and you know, they really help out. What does it matter? They're not allowed to receive that money. Hey, why don't they just say, sorry? Oh no, they doubled and tripled down on it. They just, they keep, they basically just, well, they keep giving me the run around.
Starting point is 02:30:03 And I haven't, I haven't publicly beat them over it because I'd actually haven't seen a hundred percent of the rules on who I can go to. But the very first check out of the program was to a city councilman. Of course. And that check was for the maximum grant award. And his business didn't even have a physical location in March of 2020. Dude, what's his business? It's a barbecue joint. He got money for a barbecue joint that didn't have a physical location.
Starting point is 02:30:33 Yeah, it gets better than that. He had a pull-behind barbecue trailer that he went and parked outside of the hospital to feed all of the travel nurses and everyone else in town. Now, a restaurant went under, and they closed down in june of they come they closed down in june of 2020 so what does he do he takes all that money he made because he was already remote and ready to go and he swoops in in june when this other restaurant goes under and takes their location over obviously for a great deal because no one else is going to start a new lease in june of 2020 then he operates there for let's see that would be a little over two years then he gets this extra money from the city for all of his sacrifice during COVID and his hard times, uses that money to move downtown at a new location.
Starting point is 02:31:29 So they weren't even giving him the money for the renovations he had to make at that restaurant. That was to go into an entirely new location. What was this guy's role again with the city? Was he a city councilman? Yeah, he's a city councilman. Is he sitting there when you're talking about this? Yeah. Weren't you afraid he's going to come over and beat you up?
Starting point is 02:31:56 Yeah, that's not going to happen. Is he embarrassed? I can't tell you how they feel. You know, the corruption in this town runs so deep that they think I'm the crazy one. Like, hey, this is just how we do stuff around here. Right. Like, oh, what are you talking about? That's part of the perks of being a city councilman.
Starting point is 02:32:23 Wow. Wow. Yeah. Wow. Wow. Yeah. Wow. Then there was, and this is a, this is a deeper issue, but real one more quick, who decides where the money, who ended up deciding where the money, could you look at the three people and be like, you're the three people who decided where the money goes? Like, can you see them?
Starting point is 02:32:38 Oh, this is, this is way better so the finance department with the community and economic development director decides ultimately who gets the money well our finance director is contracted the previous finance director resigned they brought this guy in he's been there for 14 months which you know if we get into the tax you know regulations that's no longer temporary that's a permanent position so there's they keep calling him the interim finance director even though he's you know there permanently and you would get fined if you ran a business where you kept someone on like that as a contractor in the state of California is what Graciano is saying. For people who don't know, it's so fucked up.
Starting point is 02:33:30 Go on. Yeah. What the other, the other aspect that I'm saying is that for him personally, if you're at a location for more than 12 months, you're no longer there temporary. Right. And so you can no longer deduct all of your travel expenses.
Starting point is 02:33:43 So I'm sure, I'm sure the city is paying him for his time traveling for any meals and other shit that he's got when he has to travel but that's not allowed because he's been there for 14 months you guys are ignoring all of the applications that have come in for a permanent finance director because you like what this guy's doing right so originally i look at the you know the city has their check register i see these checks pop up written to this guy's name and i go 30 grand holy shit like well i don't know how much money you know how many months that is or what they're getting paid but i see another one pop up and what pissed me off is that when i checked in on my application during this whole process
Starting point is 02:34:31 they gave me this excuse about how well you know the finance director is only here part-time right now and he's not in the office today so they delayed my, asked me for all this extra shit they didn't ask from other people. And then at the end of it, I go, hold on, hold on. You know what? I'm going to look this guy's contract up because I see these $30,000 checks being written in his personal name. And that's part-time work. Who the hell is making $30,000 a month for part-time work? So I pull up the contract.
Starting point is 02:35:06 It's supposed to be for 15,000 a month. Now I'm looking at the contract saying, God damn, this guy's making 30 grand, double the amount. Do you guys not check this stuff? And there's a couple of things that pop up on this contract. Number one, the contract is written to an llc not to him personally as a sole proprietor which no financial professional would ever operate as a sole proprietor so i'm looking at it saying hey why aren't the checks written to the llc that doesn't make sense then i'm going through it and i say, why is his personal email on here as part of this contract and the proposal?
Starting point is 02:35:49 This guy doesn't have a professional email like his name at And I go, wait a second, does this company exist? So I go to the California Secretary of State website and look up the LLC. That LLC has been inactive for 12 years. So the person that's ultimately in charge of all the city's finances, from what it looks like, doesn't even have an active LLC He got that contract Under the premise of his old LLC That's been inactive for 12 years
Starting point is 02:36:31 So he's not even legally able To do business in the state of California That's the guy making decisions On the grants and Making all the decisions on the city's finances What a fucking joke hey who's the guy who gets to decide where the money goes did you get to see that guy like that's the three or four people yeah that guy specifically oh it's him just him by himself
Starting point is 02:36:57 yeah he's him wow he's got the ultimate say on it. Wow. So that's the whole thing wrapped up a little bit. There's some more details, but... What ends up happening? Is there a closure to this or no? It's just you just threw a hand grenade. Oh, no. And they scrambled on the recover. They've been trying to delay and come up with all these excuses of why they can't provide a report at the city council meeting and say, hey, this is how we decided and this is who got money.
Starting point is 02:37:33 So at the last meeting, they said, well, we will put that report out in three months. We have a reporting period. We have a reporting period, so businesses have to tell us what they spent the money on and comply with all of the requirements of the program. And then we'll be able to give a comprehensive report saying, hey, this is a full rundown of the program. So they're stalling, and they've been stalling for three months now. Would you ever run for mayor? And I'm not allowed to because I don't live within the city limits. So these, so they're stalling on it.
Starting point is 02:38:33 And at this last meeting, I said, Hey, you guys said that within the next month, you're going to send out a letter saying, asking businesses to comply with these reporting requirements. Well, it's been over a month and I haven't got that letter yet. So you guys aren't going to come out with a report in two months like you said you would you guys are going to say hey you know you're going to blame the businesses say that well you know these guys didn't get get us that information on time and you're just going to try to stall forever because you don't have the balls to come out in front of the public and say that a councilman got the first check for the max amount and we screwed everyone else so the the end game of this whole thing, and we haven't gotten there yet
Starting point is 02:39:08 because I know it takes some time for people to digest all the info and they're going to keep giving me the runaround, is that they used specific loopholes in the rules to approve their buddies' applications, but they never published it for the public to see the rules. Right. So there's a, there's a loophole within those rules that basically, if you're in a low income neighborhood, they can give you money. No questions asked. You don't have
Starting point is 02:39:38 to show your tax returns. You don't have to show that you were impacted by COVID. They can just say, hey, they're within a qualified census tract and they've been historically disadvantaged. So we can give them money to invest in the community to be better prepared for the next pandemic. That's how the government rules are written. So that's the loophole they used for all their buddies. So that's the loophole they used for all their buddies. Now, they have a ton of Mexican businesses downtown, and they always find ways to jack up those tax rates, squeeze money out of them, but then the money never flows back to those Mexican businesses. It always flows to the same people so the longer term play is hey you guys are guilty of discrimination unless you open the program back up and let everybody apply with those same loopholes you used for your
Starting point is 02:40:35 friends because they still have a few million dollars to spend and they're gonna blow it on all kinds of dumb stuff and so that that's the ultimate goal of this, is once everyone figures out, hey, this is what's happening, and I squeeze them by the balls long enough that they're going to have to admit it, then to come back for the rest of those few million dollars and bring them to all those businesses that they've been screwing over for years. and bring them to all those businesses that they've been screwing over for years. Well, keep us posted.
Starting point is 02:41:12 I'm curious how this ends. Thank you for doing all this. It's cool. Seems tedious, but cool. Yeah. They think they can stall and wait me out, but they made it personal. They made it personal back in 2020 when they told everyone that they were going to look the other way and they continually sent code enforcement out to harass us
Starting point is 02:41:36 even though we were following every single regulation that California put out there. And they just kept sending code enforcement out to fuck with us. So right from then, I've had a bone to pick for three years. And I'm
Starting point is 02:41:56 not letting it go. I love it, dude. Yeah. All right. Thank you for calling in. Hey, that was really cool. You did call in and give us the details. All right. Thanks, Yvonne. Okay, bye. you for calling in hey that was really cool you to call in and give us the details all right thanks okay bye uh steph hi hi i'm at the passport part one time i was crying at the airport because we were leaving my dad and we got pulled aside to make sure nothing was happening to me yeah mind your own fucking business uh at one point the guy
Starting point is 02:42:30 the post office told like jokingly said the kids is your dad nice to you the kids are like no he throws tennis balls at us as hard as he can i played that game in the garage yesterday with the boys. It's so funny. I'm like, okay, who wants to come in here and get hit with tennis balls? They're like, me, me. Let me play this game. I throw balls at them. They catch them. It's crazy.
Starting point is 02:42:55 It's crazy. Just ratchet it up slowly. Next thing you know, you're humming balls at a six-year-old, and he's like, bam. Number 78 from the Tao Te Ching Nothing in the world Is as soft And yielding as water Yet for dissolving the hard And inflexible, nothing can surpass it
Starting point is 02:43:18 The soft overcomes the hard The gentle overcomes the rigid Everyone knows this is true But few can put it into practice The true word seemed paradoxical. Love you guys I think today is today Thursday shut up and scribbles on I think Taylor's going to be extremely vulnerable today on the show JR Howell will be there
Starting point is 02:44:01 JR do I have good news for you I got a black magic box which is going to let me shift from high-quality camera to high-quality camera to high-quality camera to high-quality camera at the Crash Crucible, which is coming up very quickly here. Myself and Brian Friend, the best in the business, will be commentating it. And we will have Andrew Hiller and Matthew Souza with feet on the ground. It's going to be nuts, dude. I'm telling you, this is going to be a Zelos Games Improved 2.0. Fuck. Why does it have to be black magic?
Starting point is 02:44:39 I don't know. That's a good question. Maybe it's because the box is black. I don't know. I wonder if they sell a white one. You could get the white magic. That's a great, great question. I'll send them a...
Starting point is 02:44:52 I'll send them a... an interest... a request of... inquiry. An inquiry. Yeah. Bye-bye

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