The Sevan Podcast - Josh Bridges | Paying The Man - Who smelled the worst?

Episode Date: November 28, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is an advertisement from BetterHelp. Everyone knows therapy is great for solving problems. But turns out, therapy has some issues of its own. Finding the right therapist, fitting into their schedule, and, of course, the cost. BetterHelp can help solve these problems. It's online, convenient, built around your schedule, and surprisingly affordable, too. Connect with a credentialed therapist by phone, video, or online chat. Visit to learn more to save, nobody seems like Dave.
Starting point is 00:00:38 Save on home and auto like only you can at slash ways to save. TD. Ready for you you know what it is it's what happens when you leave the roadcaster on for attached to the phone look at off on off god this fucking thing is a joke all of them do it you leave the phone great long and it just starts doing that noise i wonder if that's loud for the listeners bam we're live yesterday i was in a stump stuff just stop uh what's it called uh i was in the doldrums slump yeah slump yesterday i was in a slump. I was angry yesterday. Woo! All better.
Starting point is 00:01:27 All better. Feel so good. I'm excited to see Josh Bridges. There he is. Look at him. Bam. Bam! Sorry.
Starting point is 00:01:36 Veteran of the United States Navy. That's me. Hey, dude. I watched like six of your videos yesterday. What? Beast. Dude, you look like a beast. It's your arm hanging out of your shirt, all vascular.
Starting point is 00:01:50 You're all tan. Hey, man. You're with the hot wife. You're with the boy who's deadlifting 145. Damn, son. Getting all swole. I watched his quad. I watched him turn from the skinny little boy in minute one to fucking minute 14.
Starting point is 00:02:02 He's all fucking pumped. He's jacked. Dude. He's getting jacked. I'm pumpeded pumped for you thanks man i appreciate it upstairs downstairs gym outside gym god i just kept thinking how uncomfortable this must have made you making a video with your game you're out of character you you were really putting yourself in some uncomfortable situations this crossfit shit is easy compared to doing videos with your wife and your kids yeah that's true that's a fact you were going out on a limb you know just just fucking dabbling you know are you on drug are you on steroids or anything god no your body is fucking insane i appreciate that man fuck is going on you look the best you've
Starting point is 00:02:44 ever looked your face is all chiseled you look like you should be in a western dude i just don't understand how you're not a movie star you're a bad dude look at you you're fucking fired up baby let's go dude i watched all these videos last night i worked out to him i was actually in the garage kind of putzing around yeah and then i actually this is one of the first ones I watched with you and your lady. And I just started like, fuck this. This chick's not going to work out harder than me. And I was like,
Starting point is 00:03:09 getting into it. She got dude. She beat me in the workout, man. It was fucking ridiculous. I mean, she went a little light on the, on the dumbbells,
Starting point is 00:03:16 but that's okay. Look at you making excuses. I know exactly. I hate losing. I hate losing to anybody. Hey, you're settled. Colorado's home. Yeah, for right now, for a while. Yeah. Good to see you. I'm glad to have you on here.
Starting point is 00:03:33 The easiest guest in all of podcast history. Dude, look at all those fucking sponsors down there, bro. You're just like whoring yourself out. Good for you. Oh my God, dude good for you so good yeah sixteen hundred dollars a month on tennis lessons is nothing anymore good yeah it's good to hear i'm glad you i'm glad uh i'll be still getting his tennis lessons i i went to the goodwill the other day and got a jacket and sent it to caleb i feel put a full tank of gas in my van you see he's wearing the jacket right there yeah yeah for sure i dig it 60 off at north face so cyber monday deals baby hey um uh
Starting point is 00:04:13 you see scott stalling much no i don't see him very often no i haven't seen scott in well that's not true i saw him last year this past jan this past January. So we did a pay him camp normally around the same time as the Farmers Insurance Tournament, which is in San Diego. And he typically comes out and does some of those. Last pay him camp, he actually came out and did some workouts with us. Oh, that's cool as shit. Yeah, it was really cool. Hey, you timed that on purpose like that? You're like,'re like okay i'm gonna get some golfing with my buddy scott and yeah exactly yep we do that's smart yeah yeah good dude scott scatty there she was that the reason
Starting point is 00:04:59 why i asked that out of the blue i was like i wonder i was watching your videos and i was like i wonder if if josh is not is not hobnobbing as much. You're not seeing people. You're not getting out because you're looking more and more like a homebody. Like, okay, I got my kids here. I'm training my kids. I got a wife. I was just thinking, oh, I wonder if he – I'll start with Scott.
Starting point is 00:05:21 I wonder if he's rubbing elbows with Scott anymore. I mean, I definitely don't get out as much. Well, I mean, I didn't really get out much before either, man. You didn't go to the games, though, this year. No. Why didn't I go to the games? I wanted to. Because no one's paying.
Starting point is 00:05:38 Because, obviously, there was no reason to go there. There was no money in it for you. So you're like, fuck that. I ain't going. I'll stay at home with my kids. Yeah, I guess. By the way, before anyone pulls judgment on that it's hard to go to the games when you're a worker like josh has always gone to the games to work and so it's weird for someone who's always worked an event to go there and not work the event so if he didn't have work there whether it was be lifting heavy
Starting point is 00:06:02 shit or peddling coffee he ain't going yeah it's definitely a little weird just going as a spectator and not doing it for any reason um i still enjoy it obviously i still watch it uh also like madison wasn't my favorite venue no shit no like i didn't i um i i don, I don't feel like logistically it was set up very well. Like there was, it was hard to get hotels. It was more expensive. They definitely like, uh, everything got every, every hotel room was like way overpriced. Double, double, double. Yeah. And so, um, yeah, logistically wise, that's one of the main reasons I didn't love it. It wasn't like I hated it it was just like
Starting point is 00:06:45 la was so much easier you know i mean the mat you know and fucking um where was that what was the town called it was in carson um yeah carson yeah but there's also like lots of shit around it so like no like the games wasn't this oh we get to over overcharge for everything you know you you could find a good spot anywhere um that was the only that was a tough spot about madison it was also madison's a little harder to get to flying um you know not not as many direct flights and shit and then but you were what's interesting is you didn't go to the games that you were um intimately would you say involved with the rogue invitational yes very much so yeah tell me that relationship with bill and katie oh you know i mean i've obviously been
Starting point is 00:07:32 a rogue athlete since uh 2011 what does that they'll sell your shirt is that what that means when you say you're a rogue athlete i don't know i mean mean, I, you, you basically like, uh, you become an ambassador for the company, you know, like, Hey, like I use rogue equipment. Um, and, uh, yeah, it's awesome. Like, obviously it's like, it was, I remember reaching out to Bill and Katie on one of my deployments before I was even an athlete and they like hooked it up and sent, sent me gear and overseas. And, you know, obviously been a rogue i you know basically just love the company the company's great company and uh been been been a part of that as the little little bit of part or whatever you want to call it um an athlete rogue athlete i don't know what
Starting point is 00:08:17 the fucking how to describe it man why are you asking me stupid questions for no i like i'm getting it i'm getting the picture that's my the picture. Basically, go back to that story though, 2011. Tell me that story. I can't refresh me. You actually reached out to Bill and Katie while you were deployed and asked for gear. Yeah, this was before I was even competing. This was in 2010. Okay.
Starting point is 00:08:36 So in 2010, I believe I reached out to him and said, hey, I'm getting ready to deploy. We don't have, we didn't have like back then like our our fucking gyms that we brought with us were pretty shit like they were garbage and then um it was actually like right after that is when we started to the platoon started to like put a little more money into like individual platoons gyms that they would carry with us on our training and um overseas but before that like it was all shit garbage and so you basically had to buy your buy some of your own stuff and and bring it over with you if you wanted to and so i remember reaching out to bill and katie and they uh sent a nice package that's
Starting point is 00:09:18 fucking cool that uh i like this comment right here what is is a rogue is the Josh Bridges ambassador. Yeah. Techno shit. Yeah, exactly. Okay. And you come back and then basically since 2011, I, I get it what you mean by you're an ambassador of it. You,
Starting point is 00:09:35 all the, you, the, they, they, you have a relationship with them. All the equipment you work out with at your house is theirs. They sell your shirt.
Starting point is 00:09:40 You go to their events. You have a fucking synergistic relationship. They like what you represent for the brand. You're. And they,'re and they and they and they and they took and they took care of me you know it's not like right right right so like i i want to be affiliated with you because you're cool dude yeah in fact um and so yeah i mean like anything you needed anything you needed for your training like it was at your fucking front door in two three days you know so yeah it's awesome it was a it's a great relationship and i uh love being a part of it still listen dude i didn't invite you on the show because i feel sorry for you i'm ready on the show because you're so that you help my ratings that makes sense yeah i invite you on the show because
Starting point is 00:10:19 i felt sorry for me right exactly and then um and so and i want to know about rogue and how you ended up so basically rogue had two streams a stream um you could kick a little change down to get different commentating than the professional commentators um you know you you absolutely murdered that i haven't i don't know i've never I don't know. I didn't rewatch it. Murdered it, dude. You guys, you liked it? Dude. It was good.
Starting point is 00:10:49 It was good. Thank you, sir. I appreciate that from both of you. You were a star. You ruined it for the other people. There were some other people who were good, but you went on a whole nother. I don't know if I'd say that. Dude, you were on another level.
Starting point is 00:11:03 It was good. But it was a lot of fun. I really, really enjoyed it. Yeah, I don't know if I'd say that. It was good. But it was a lot of fun. I really, really enjoyed it. Yeah, I don't know. I feel very natural. I don't feel like I have to, I don't know, like pretend to be anything that I'm not. Just be myself. And yeah, it was a lot of fun.
Starting point is 00:11:20 You brought stories to it. I tried. Yeah, I feel like that's what people want to hear, right? Like everyone's watching the floor. They're watching the events. They're watching these athletes crushes workouts. Um, and you can say the same kind of shit that anybody else would say,
Starting point is 00:11:34 but like, why not relate it to, you know, your experiences. And so that's, I don't know. Maybe it's just my personality as well it's easy to talk about yourself right be be honest with me um when they ask you to go are you flattered or are you
Starting point is 00:11:54 like fuck i gotta do this because i'm a rogue ambassador and okay i guess i'll like like is it is it a pain for you or do you like going i love it man i actually do i i really enjoy that um especially that event rogues event is awesome especially when they started when they moved it to uh austin at um dickies dell diamond you know and so it's fucking it's a cool event man i really enjoy it like i there's not one bit of me it's like oh i gotta go do this like this oh yeah i absolutely love it and you know it's also a reunion because they bring back the legends category and they have so many of our the people that i competed against and not only the people i competed against the people i fucking looked up to
Starting point is 00:12:39 like going into the sport right like miko ch, Chris Spieler, um, fucking, you know, Josh, Josh, Josh Everett, man. I mean, it's awesome, dude. And then, and then you have the people that, you know, I got to compete alongside for my career. So it's a, it's a really cool, good time. And then the strongman is there. Strongman there and um yeah tommy hackenbrook oh yeah that's cool hey did you try that log thing right there yeah we did it two years so this is two years ago this wasn't this wasn't that's you right there jesus yeah okay me and miko partnered with with salo that's right man you guys yeah i was stoked uh fucking that's like one of my favorite things man is getting to see miko that dude is awesome you know just a fucking like he was the guy that
Starting point is 00:13:33 you heard like these crazy stories about when we were when i was coming up in the crossfit scene you know you're like miko fucking rose 10 10 uh 10k every morning in his closet you know right like breathing through a straw yeah you're like what the fuck i'm like this fucking dude eats babies for breakfast look at you one other thing he's doing singles and you're doing three look at you he uh he had a bum shoulder he like we had that planned yeah yeah he's like i'll just do one no sure no problem you do you do what you want me to go i'm like yeah you do what you want man just don't eat my arm right i need it are you are you young for the legends are you is there is there a generation even younger than you there
Starting point is 00:14:14 were there boys younger than you yeah i'm 40 he's 36 maybe and anyone else from that anyone else uh younger dan's slightly younger i think he's only like a few months younger and he did legends too yeah um i don't know about the females i don't know like really ages on the females i bet i bet Margo's a little younger than I am. Matt, do you know if Matt gets invited? Matt Frazier? Yeah, I'm assuming he does. Yes.
Starting point is 00:14:55 And I'm assuming he just says no. Yes. Why do you think he says no? Oh, Kalip is younger than me too, I bet. No shit. Really? Really? I'm 40. He's still in his 30s oh uh yeah catra and annie both are probably oh but both are definitely younger they don't yeah yeah they're kind of the generation after you right they came right yeah and they kind of came up
Starting point is 00:15:19 and they're actually i mean they're still compete yes he's 38 yeah i'm two years older than him um and they're still competing you know annie and katherine i don't think they've been technically like you know retired but they they came down and did an event because they weren't competing in the actual event why don't you think why don't you think matt does it i don't know i mean i know this year he you know has i don't want to assume any reason i have no idea to be honest you know i think that i know this year he had a question i know this year he had a uh his knee is still kind of on the like he's just getting back to being able to do stuff do you i think it's just he's just who you call are you calling, pal? I'm calling Jason. Ask him how old he is. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:16:08 I like how we just randomly call people on this. Yeah, let's see. Oh. Oh, he didn't answer. I don't think he would do it. For some reason, I just think he's over it. I don't think we'll see him compete publicly again. Just something about his demeanor, his – but then again, I didn't think he would still be around in the scene, and he's fully in the scene. Yeah, I mean he's fucking crushing it.
Starting point is 00:16:42 I don't know why he doesn't fucking do it, man. You didn't ask him? You were on the commentating booth with him. You weren't like, hey, pussy, why aren't you out there? No. Why not? I should have. Now you're like, I should have. I asked fucking Medeiros what was going on. Why weren't you out there? Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:57 What did he say? I tried to earn your $270,000. He said he had a couple injuries. He was still wanting to heal before the next season kicked off i watched some videos of his and he said it was hard for him not to be out there like i'm sure it is man like he's that i mean what fucking justin's 23 you know like i get it though hey that's smart because back in i would have been like fucking let's go what injuries what injuries you know let's go i got no? What injuries? You know, let's go. I ain't got no fucking injuries.
Starting point is 00:17:26 And you think that that would have been wrong? I think he definitely is going to extend his career, you know, playing it smart like that, which is good on him, you know? Like he's at a more mature place mentally than I was at 23. I was fucking just like, let's fucking go. There ain't no injuries. Nothing hurts, baby. it all feels good um was was was there anyone out there Josh and um masters athletes and you're like oh shit you should have said no no man we're out there having fun we're not competing in anything and like to be honest it's it's it's just a showcase for us like
Starting point is 00:18:06 it's it's cool that katie and bill even do that like it you know it's cool because it brings people probably some people in you know and then also it's just paying homage to the people who helped grow the sport of crossfit and you know telling the story for the newer generation of fans that don't even don't have any idea right they come into this generation they see uh justin and mal o'brien and fucking tia you know but like how they unless they really went back and searched up how they're gonna look up josh everett how they're gonna look up miko salo you know like how they're gonna look up me i don't think now was mal probably never
Starting point is 00:18:45 even saw uh rich compete yeah i mean what she's 19 yeah you know i'm compete as an individual she probably wasn't even doing crossfit then which is kind of yeah emma lost emma carrie i mean the female side is so young yeah yeah but there was no one out there you were like looking around you're like oh kaliba you know we had three months to get ready for this right right i know man you know kalipa's a fucking kalipa's a freak still man like i i have he's always been one of the guys that impressed me the most even when we were competing because he's so big and crossfit when we were going through i, now it seems like the guys are getting a little bit bigger. You know, you're seeing taller guys do well where like the tall guys were an anomaly, right? It was Asia Bartow and, you know, towards the end of my
Starting point is 00:19:36 career, Brent Pekowski, I'm trying to like, if you were over six foot, you definitely have disadvantage. Now you're seeing guys like, like Hopper, like Roman, like, uh, I mean, Brent's still a freak, which is crazy. You know what I mean? That dude's been trying to compete since 2011. Uh, Chad McKay. Yeah. Good. Good job there. Kind of, uh, not kind of Fikowski really is a freak. Yeah. He he's, I mean, he's gotta be in the top five best CrossFitters of all time. Right. But he hasn't won the game. I mean, he's like a freak. He's up there for sure. I mean, um, he, he tied me last year in a event wins, which was impressive. Oh, oh, that's that. Look at you. Look at you.
Starting point is 00:20:24 yeah i mean i was i was it was something i actually was always proud of i didn't really know it until i knew that i had a lot of event wins but then i saw a stat i think it was brian who um you know brought to my attention that i was the third you know had the third most career wins at the crossfit games um yeah that's dude i mean yeah. Matt Frazier who had fucking like 30. Um, yeah. And then, and then rich and then me and then, you know, Fikowski has more than all three of you combined.
Starting point is 00:20:52 Well, then we're not talking about the female side, you know? I mean, not only Tia, but fucking, I think, uh,
Starting point is 00:20:58 Sam Briggs has a ton too. Um, so yeah. What was the heaviest you were at the games? Ever. Heavy. heaviest 175 ever maybe 175 no i was never over 175 think about this colburn's is 10 fucking pounds heavier than you at your heaviest yeah he's a tick boy when yeah when you. When you were one 75, was it a lot? Yeah. Fucking a lot to lug around and like, yeah, I felt heavy. I definitely felt. Yeah, I did. Um, and I think it was 2016 was my heaviest because that was when I put the most effort into strength and I was trying to eat
Starting point is 00:21:40 more and it's just so hard to fucking gain weight as a CrossFitter because we just put, I mean, that was the one, I think that was one of the reasons why I did as well as I did was because I put so much effort into just being fit, not being the strongest. Obviously that wasn't the fucking case, but I put so much time and effort to being really fucking fit. And it was so hard for me to fucking put on weight, man. Like I would have had to been eating upwards of 10,000 calories a day. Like my training in 2016, looking back on it, it was just nuts. And give me an example.
Starting point is 00:22:21 When you say nuts, give me an example. Dude, you want to hear a fucking day of 2016? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Tell me. Bro. example when you say nuts give me an example dude you want to hear a fucking day of 2016 i would wake up and have my breakfast and coffee and then i would go out and i would do how about that jb cretin oh yeah cretin but that's it that's after the workouts in that night jb creepy jb baby let's go yeah yeah yeah um so i would wake up have my breakfast and coffee uh i would go out i would do a uh a warm-up workout, I called it, which definitely was way more than a fucking warm-up workout, but that's what we called it was a warm-up workout. It would be a Metcon of some sort, right?
Starting point is 00:22:53 Some sort of light mover. Helen? No, like not – I didn't stick to fucking – I never really did the – I'm just thinking not that workout in particular, but something along that. Yeah, it probably something with the running and kettlebell swings. Definitely some cardio or some sort of monostructural element in it with then adding in gymnastics movements or a sled push. Nothing too crazy technical that wouldn't hurt. No heavy barbells.
Starting point is 00:23:24 You try to typically stick to lighter barbells if you're going to go barbells things like that um and you know we would stop moving you're a pussy you would set it up so be like hey i need to be moving yeah yeah there's no reason yeah exactly the only reason you're stopping is because you're weak and pathetic in your mind uh and so then we would do that. I do have, I do have training notebook for my training days, Ian. Um, but anyways, Josh, well, that's an impressive multitasking. Well, now we have to hold on. At minute 23 in the show,
Starting point is 00:23:56 I have every fucking workout since 2012 written down. I was just sharing what a typical day was in 2016 when he weighed 175 pounds. And we're talking about what it took for a little small man like him to get so big. And then Arsvold asked Josh, do you have the notebooks of all the training those years? And Josh said – And I said, yes, I do. And so I would get my breakfast, and I would go out and do a MetCon, probably one or two actually typically depending on who was there. or two actually, typically, uh, depending on who was there. And then we'd go into probably like an hour and a half of Olympic weightlifting, which was just, you know, whatever that was at the day,
Starting point is 00:24:31 snatch, clean and jerk, um, accessory work for those movements. Um, and by that time it'd be about lunch, probably about 12 o'clock, one o'clock ish, uh, go eat lunch, take a little snoozer, a little like 10, 15 minute snoozer. Um, have another coffee. Then I'm going back out. I'm doing another pretty hard crossfit session. Uh, you know, conditioning at that point, we can start to move weight a little bit more weight. Um, that was probably another hour and a half. Uh, would go into a monostructural only workout at the end of the day. So I would end with another just straight hour of about, about an hour of cardio, which was running, swimming, biking, rowing, one of those three or four elements.
Starting point is 00:25:18 So it was fucking gnarly, man. And then how long did you maintain that? Was that like three months prior to the games or that was like? Dude, that was from the moment the games ended because I didn't. So in 15, right, was the year I didn't make it. Up and basically from regionals to games, I drank myself stupid. And made sure that, you know, like I got all my feeling sorry for myself. All the demons back down to where.
Starting point is 00:25:49 I'm trying to push them like that. That just down to where Yeah Push them deep Push those demons deep Until the games I worked out a little bit but not much But then once the games were over Wait wait so seriously You didn't make the regionals You didn't make the regionals And you literally went straight to the bar
Starting point is 00:26:04 I literally Which bar did you go to do you remember it was in san diego yeah it was a bar up the street from my house in san diego it was called next door um and i sat in this back corner and fucking i did i was lit and like i bet i bet i bet i wasn't off that floor for 30 minutes and i was already like three beers deep. And just dehydrated and emaciated. Yeah. And like stressed out as fuck. And like nobody else was in there.
Starting point is 00:26:34 And I mean, I like, yeah, it was, I was just sitting by myself. It's like 3.30 on a Sunday. Dude, I wish I would have popped in there with my camera. Hey, John. I would have been bad. I don't know if I'd still be around if that happened. I'd be in jail. I wouldn't be around either.
Starting point is 00:26:51 Yeah, that was a rough one. And literally you drank to the games. I mean, yeah, pretty much every night I was having some drinks. Did you do any day drinking? Oh, probably. Yeah. And what was your drink? What was your drink?
Starting point is 00:27:06 I was drinking beer back then. And were you in, were you still in the Navy? What? So that was early 2015, right? So yeah, I was. I didn't get out until October. Okay. That year.
Starting point is 00:27:19 Wow. And so, so yeah. And then once the games ended, it was like game on. All right. Now, now it's time to go for next year. And I mean, it was, you know, that Josh, did you know, okay, I'm going to drink myself silly, try not to get thrown in jail or kicked out of the military. And then the second the games are over, I'm going to fucking drop everything and get back on the horse. Yeah, exactly. You did know? Yeah. Plan okay that was that was the plan it was like give yourself some time to grieve um like deal with it all because the fucking moment the games
Starting point is 00:27:54 are over it's back on right and it's like no more fucking feeling sorry for yourself yes you can you can have that taste in your mouth you know how it felt but like it's no more fucking feeling sorry for stuff because 2015 is over and now we're on to 2016 right and this was good that was going to be the year you know like it was like there was nothing gonna fucking stop me and uh yeah i remember i now i remember you you i was like hey are you coming to the games you're like fuck that fuck no and then you ended up on the last day on saturday night it was saturday night i came for And you, I was like, hey, are you coming to the games? You're like, fuck that. Fuck no. And then you ended up on the last day. Oh, Saturday night.
Starting point is 00:28:28 It was Saturday night. I came for. With your son, right? Yeah, I came for one of the. Right up in the bed. Right on the front row, front seat, like in a place no one was allowed. Like by this motherfucker. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:41 I remember. That was great seeing you there. That was great seeing you. Are you glad you went to that? I was very glad it was like, it was like closure on the year. You told me you were glad, but I wasn't. Cause I interviewed you in behind the scenes and you, but I wasn't sure if you were just saying that for the camera, you were glad. No, it was, uh, it was, I did not want to go. There was no part of me that wanted to go.
Starting point is 00:29:04 And then like right around the games, someone was like, Hey, let's go up and like watch one, one night of events. And you know, this is obviously, someone was like, Hey, let's go up and like watch one, one night of events. And, you know, this is obviously, you know, LA is only an hour and a half from my house in San Diego. And I was like, fuck it. Okay. Yeah, let's go. You know, and I went up for literally one evening and. It's Josh. Oh, no problem, Josh.
Starting point is 00:29:19 No problem. Yeah, exactly. Yeah, exactly. Pretty much what happened. Yeah. And, uh, and so dave you know got us down on the floor and um it was good it was closure it was like okay yep this season's over i didn't deserve to be here i didn't work hard enough to be here uh stop feeling fucking sorry
Starting point is 00:29:38 for yourself you know it wasn't anybody else's fault but yours and now and now it's time to fucking go and it was good when you see the fans is it healing when you're there or is it embarrassing because i think people think it's going to be embarrassing but then i think it ends up being healing like i think what jason hopper like didn't make the second cut or some shit at the games this last year i think probably thought it was going to be embarrassing. But then when he was walking around, people were just loving on him. Yeah, that's a great part about CrossFit, too. You know, the fans are so good to us.
Starting point is 00:30:13 They definitely spoil us. They definitely cheer for you when you're at your weakest moments, which is unlike any other sport, you know. And so it's really cool. Like if Tyson throws an interception everyone's tyson bajan or a quarterback everyone's like you fucking suck exactly yes exactly i mean i never thought of that yeah fans don't do that no they do not you know i mean there might be right here and there and it's probably people who just don't like you or uh or they like somebody else and so but yeah for the most part 99% of CrossFit fans are the absolute best
Starting point is 00:30:49 fans on the planet. You know, they, they cheer for you when you are doing your worst, which is just so uncommon. And yeah, it was, uh, it was, I think it was good. I think it was healing because there was, I mean, I remember standing there at the bottom and I'm thinking in my head, like, I'm just gonna be able to walk off and like head out like nobody cares about me anymore i didn't make it this year and all of a sudden there was a fucking line going up the stairs that people still wanted to take pictures with me and and signatures and shit and i'm like holy shit and so you know sat there and took pictures for a while and it did i think shut up
Starting point is 00:31:21 sit down yeah yeah yeah yeah be quiet jack who's there the big one now no that was nox that was my younger one dude jack's jack is big he's almost as tall as me dude he's big dude that's crazy he's getting so thick too i'm like i like he has his shirt off sometimes i'm like damn bro you're cut up he's gonna be bigger than you how old is he 12 13 yeah he's gonna be bigger than you in a couple years yeah that's cool are you excited i was very excited i hope i hope he's like i hope he's fucking 5 11 i was fucking oh greedy fuck i'm going to 5 7 baby yeah no i know right yeah yeah come on boy um no man like i uh like yeah i'm like really starting to kind of push the working
Starting point is 00:32:06 out it's like hey man you want to play sports like you gotta start working out and uh he's impressing me with the weights he's lifting now like he's back squatting yesterday we were doing triple triples uh triple back squats at like 140 145 something like that which i'm like dude you only weigh 100 pounds dude yeah for people who don't know this is just a a boy i couldn't believe when you put 135 on there i'm like okay that's enough what are you doing josh leave my body yeah i was like dang yeah yeah no man they're they're both and like my younger one too man like they're just so fucking impressive i'm like damn like good on you boys and uh and either they're gritty on the on on any, any field they're playing court field, um,
Starting point is 00:32:47 baseball diamond, you know, like they're, uh, they're athletes, man. And it's cool. For the little bit.
Starting point is 00:32:51 I saw Jackie looks stoic. He looks like, Hey, like, like I got, um, I'm just, I'm going to grind this out.
Starting point is 00:32:57 Yeah, they both are. They, but dude, my call, the little one, the little one's like an ice man. Like that fucking dude's got ice in his veins.
Starting point is 00:33:03 He didn't get much camera time. He was, he was pushed over to the Jacob's ladder. That's right. ice man like that fucking dude's got ice in his veins he didn't get much camera time he was he was pushed over to the jacob's ladder yeah that's right i did like i done and you're like we haven't even started i'm like oh i know that talk yeah yeah yep oh gosh that's that is one thing where it's like uh um they uh they come down and like oh we almost done dad i'm like yeah yeah we're almost done and it's like like fucking an hour left of working out. We're almost done, yeah. Because for me, an hour is a short fucking period of time.
Starting point is 00:33:30 Like, I still – you know, I'm still training two hours a day. No, it looks like it, dude. You look like a freak right now. Is that your rooster? No, I wish. That's my wife's – we were up in my wife's family's in Montana. God, that's a nice rooster. Dude, like nine they're the best eggs they feed them like mealworms chicken isn't that a rooster no that's a chicken that's a chicken how would i know the
Starting point is 00:33:55 difference do you know the difference i don't know they have a huge like head like the big red thing is a lot bigger oh yeah they Yeah, they got like nine chickens. They got – dude, they fucking deer just like walk up to you on their property. Like it's crazy, man. I love it up there. Someone asked me if Caleb's allowed to speak. They're like, hey, is that guy not allowed to speak? Knox is – I don't know.
Starting point is 00:34:20 Is that why Knox? No, Caleb because Caleb is the first time in the show. But I look at these texts and DMs. Is Caleb not allowed to speak? Yeah. No, but I was saying about – we were talking about Knox on the – Jacob's letter. Yeah, when he was working out.
Starting point is 00:34:36 He's a little more camera shy. He doesn't like to be on camera that much. That's healthy. Yeah, and I go, dude, you don't want to be on it. That's fine. I'll just tell – I'm like, you don't even have to do this. You don't have to be in here if you don't want to be on it that's fine like i'll just tell you know like i'm like you don't have to do this you don't have to be in here if you don't want to he's like no i do but all the girls about jacks there's no big deal yeah exactly right yeah um but yeah so um uh so uh typical typical day wake up and eat met cons olympic lifting lunch coffee power nap more cf conditioning then back
Starting point is 00:35:08 to heavy weights and then monostructural good night see you tomorrow morning and then you had a recovery in those days right no ice bath no sauna all of it oh you did that shit back then too i still did it yeah that so that was 16 that's when i started no no it was right after 16 um but i did ice pass in 16 but uh that was more like just legs just my legs right i wanted my legs to recover and then um i think i bought my first i think about the sauna in 17 and so yeah i really started doing but i still i did a lot of recovery back then i would get in the normatex um i would use my e-stem machines uh the power dot I would fucking I would like go get massages and acupuncture two to three times a week um like that was actually one of the main reasons I felt like I could stay in the game as long as I did because
Starting point is 00:35:56 my last year you know I was 35 when I was when I made the games I could have went masters whatever but um I I think I stayed so long and stayed capable because I focused so much on recovery. Um, and, and, and then you go to the game and that was the year this all started. Cause we were talking about, you weighed one 75. So you show up in the open. When do you start wrecking realizing that, Hey, this is a lot of weight it was mainly just on runs i felt like my run times kind of like were harder to harder to keep up like i push it wasn't like putting on and off your shirt like simple things like that or no okay no it was like it or and then gymnastics movement started to feel a
Starting point is 00:36:44 little bit heavier right like i was like damn i used to be started to feel a little bit heavier, right? Like I was like, damn, I used to be able to do however many muscle ups. And now it's like, okay, these feel, these poles feel a little bit harder now at like earlier numbers where I don't know, I could probably do like in my peak, I was probably doing like 27, 28 muscle ups at a time. I could at least, I'm sorry. And now it's like i wouldn't get 50 i wouldn't start feeling like a struggle to like early 20s now it was like oh shit like 15 16 17 i'm starting to feel like i'm feeling heavier and then my runs i'd be like oh shit my uh i'm feeling like i'm carrying more weight just you know you just have that like body awareness
Starting point is 00:37:24 yeah yeah i know for me it's just it's all your i mean i don't notice on run but just I'm carrying more weight. You just have that body awareness. Yeah, yeah. For me, it's just it's all – I mean I don't know just on a run, but it's all gymnastics. It's all pull-ups and shit start getting weird quickly. I'm not nearly as good a shape as you. Hey, did you win Murph that year, 2016? Yeah, that was 2016. So even though your running was – you're saying you felt that if, hey, I paid in my running, you still won the running. You still won the running gymnastics workout. Well, yeah, that was one of them, one of them, which is cool. Yeah. I mean, I think that was just a claim to my fitness. You know,
Starting point is 00:37:54 it was more so like I was so fucking fit that year, but you know, I, I, now I, I still look back and say, like, Oh, I could have done this. I could have, if I could go back and do anything, it would, it would focus more on accessory lifts for strength. I always, I did the big lifts a lot, the big compound movements and, um, the big movements, but I didn't do a ton of the accessory work that I know would have been, I would have benefited from. Give me an example of accessory movements. So like for squatting, uh, split squats, you know, that's an accessory movement. Um, Nordics.
Starting point is 00:38:35 Split squats are like Bulgarian split squats. Like, like one legs up. Okay. Yeah. And then you have like Nordics or you have um shoulder accessory workouts like like what are nordics nordic nordic is yeah balboas there you go jay birch um nordics are when you basically have your feet attached and you're doing like a curl with your body oh you know what's crazy i'm seeing you do so you do those with your son
Starting point is 00:39:05 yeah are you doing a version it's kind of the opposite of a bulgarian squat you were having them do those explosions where they have one leg up and they jump yeah yeah so that's like that's like more like that's like agility athleticism i mean i would say like split squat hops i don't even know what the fuck you'd call that okay um i follow a couple you know i'm basically trying to make those guys well-rounded athletes and i think crossfit does a good job but when you're actually trying to be a fucking athlete you know you have to add in like plyometrics like jumping um speed training which is stuff i didn't really do um you know in crossfit because it's more like you're just focusing on crossfit right
Starting point is 00:39:47 right and when you see these athletes like uh um a dan bailey or a cole sager or uh roy gamboa you you see that in them too right yeah for sure he's like oh shit they got something kind of weird they got some speed training shit going on yeah yeah they were just so fucking fast their movements were so fast you know you could tell they were like explosive athletes which um they train transitions i mean not they train transitions but as accessory work yeah where i was fucking like my accessory work was oh another metcon another cup of coffee yeah yeah exactly another and another cup of coffee let's fucking fucking go. I mean, I was a grinder, you know, and that's what I was known for. I was never the fastest. I was never the strongest, but I was the fucking one who was willing to like hurt the most.
Starting point is 00:40:35 Are you if you had to give are you familiar with Colton? Have you seen him worked out? Have you watched him? Yeah, I follow Colton. I fucking like hit like that kind of guy. I fucking love because he is he's a fucking nasty little grinder who fucking gets after it and um i like his personality yeah yeah right like did you like the thing i'm like i has them or someone asked him i can't remember who's on steroids he goes all of them really i didn't see that there's basically
Starting point is 00:41:04 he was just calling a bunch of athletes bitches for complaining about stuff. And yeah, he's great. What advice would you have for him? Like if you had to go back, like something you wish you would have done? I mean, I guess you gave it right there. Hey, you wish you kind of would have done more agility stuff, more stuff like athleticism as accessory work. Like I see you doing with your kids. Yeah. I think, I think that would have been a huge, um,
Starting point is 00:41:26 huge help to my CrossFit career because he's clearly focused on strength though. Right now he's in the path you are. That's clearly what he's doing, right? Yeah. And he's, he's doing,
Starting point is 00:41:35 he wants to be, he doesn't, he doesn't want that to inhibit his strength. I feel like, uh, especially if you want to be successful at the CrossFit games, you have to be a little more specific because they do, they go and they find, you know, they do sprint workouts. They do just swimming workouts. They do
Starting point is 00:41:50 just running workouts. They do, um, you know, those like just single modality athletic like lifts, right. Where it's not as grassroots CrossFit as like a regional was where regionals were basically made up of six to seven workouts and only one of them or two of them was a skill. The rest were like grassroots CrossFit, you know, in some form or some form or way, you know. So, yeah, having those will really help his career at the games. So, yeah. I think the bike is dead. Which bike? I think road biking.
Starting point is 00:42:31 I think biking is dead at the games. I don't think we'll see biking again. And you know what sucks? That was one of my favorite events of all time, was when we did the crit. The one on the road where we did 10 laps on the road. It was the 18 games it was a a rope climb in that no no no it was just it was just straight biking okay the crit it was literally 10 laps at the 2018 games yeah this one and oh yeah i think i was in my uh like dude like
Starting point is 00:42:59 people were getting like behind the scenes that year i think yeah you'd already been yeah you'd already been let go but it was just gnarly because it was a skill that not a lot of the athletes had right like maybe one or two dudes had uh had biking backgrounds but it was there was so much technique to it you had to be able to like get in line and you could even draft off you basically paired up with someone and you drafted off someone or you have fucking gotten like there was like tons of wrecks i remember dude like yeah that's the reason why i don't think they'll there'll be any more biking ever at the games i think the wrecks you're okay with the wrecks and pedals breaking off you're okay with the wreck fucking sport man like that's the cool shit about sport right i remember fucking yelling at you he's like and that road right there the the road just back if you went back like whatever 10 seconds um that road right there you had to actually get in line right so
Starting point is 00:43:49 you could try to make a little ground early but then you basically had to get in line for this turn and if you didn't get in line like you were probably going to cause a wreck and i remember this like some dudes weren't like willing to let you get it get over um even though it didn't really matter like you weren't losing or gaining ground right there. You just had to kind of get in line and I'd be like, Hey motherfucker, let me follow. Like you better let me in right now. I'm going to kick your kid. I lost it, man. Um, but yeah, it was, uh, it was really, that was one of my favorite events of all time. Like no joke. Okay. So you're not opposed to the, you're not opposed to the bike.
Starting point is 00:44:25 No, I think it's cool. You're not like, Hey, so, so, Hey, it's too dangerous and someone can get hurt.
Starting point is 00:44:30 And so there, and not be crowned the fittest. And you don't think like, yeah, no, I don't, I don't. I think it's really cool.
Starting point is 00:44:35 And I think if there are, I mean, cause what, and what there's other aspects of CrossFit where you could fucking have a, like something go wrong with it, right? Like your rowing machine, something go wrong with it. There's always a machine something go wrong with it there's always a rowing machine no one complains about that but they kind of wait if that does happen someone will come over and just wave you on yeah yeah that's
Starting point is 00:44:54 true I mean I don't know I just liked it and and like right but it doesn't have to be the single modality of just a bike you could do hey let's do five laps and then drop jump off the bike and fucking do something do some sort of workout like i don't know you could make it and they did do but they did do bike and um uh like toes to bar or something that's right yeah a couple years ago yeah that's right they did yep so i mean i like that i like that shit that shit was fun man what about what about um uh if you just had them i don't know biking but whatever the measurement is um you just had them – I don't know biking, but whatever the measurement is. You just had dudes go every 30 seconds up a one-mile hill, and that was your time instead of having them all ride together. Or does that take the fun out of it?
Starting point is 00:45:34 Yeah, that takes the fun. You want to see them pushing in some – I want the race. Yeah, okay. And I want to see the race. I don't want to see who had the fastest time. Okay, yeah. I'm with you the race. I don't want to see who had the fastest time. Okay, yep. I'm with you.
Starting point is 00:45:45 Okay. Yeah. Phillip Kelly, this one, I'll translate this one for you. This is a tricky question. Was there a time at the games when Rich and Camille would magically come prepared for events while the rest of you were left wondering how they knew? Josh, do you think that there was – oh, no shit. No, I don't.
Starting point is 00:46:01 I don't. I was like, oh, question. Good question. Do you think that the games are fixed at all? Do you think, like, I was like, Oh, question. Good question. You think that, the games are fixed at all. Do you think like people are told, Hey, it's going to be double grace or, Hey,
Starting point is 00:46:08 it's going to be just so you know, there's going to be monkey bars this year. Hey, there's going to be jump ropes. Do you think that there's favorites? Well, I mean, there's always those little things that can happen.
Starting point is 00:46:17 Like, well, when we were sequestered, yeah. Fuck it's called. I don't know. You got it right. Okay.
Starting point is 00:46:22 Uh, held hostage is the 2023. um you know i guess rich said that somebody somebody fucking like told him what it was as we were walking on the floor which doesn't really give them an advantage right uh do i think people were getting like shit prior to i don't i don't want to believe that um i i that I really don't think so No But who fucking knows I don't know I'll tell you what I never fucking got any
Starting point is 00:46:51 Upright information going to the goddamn games I never saw anything like that If anything leaked it was just leaking because just people are just Idiots and dirtbags And they shared shit but I don't think it was ever like dave's like okay now listen yeah i don't know i really don't win this fourth event so i stopped doing your steroids uh in this fourth game stop doing your steroids and just so you know no i i really don't think that i think that's silly i think that uh i think that's just people wanting to fucking have some sort of, um, conspiracy theory to go after.
Starting point is 00:47:26 Right. Like, I don't know. I don't, I really don't think that there was any of that going on. At least in my time. I won every year. What's that?
Starting point is 00:47:34 I think the right people won every year. Yeah, exactly. The fittest fucking people won those events. It didn't matter. Yeah. It didn't matter which, what,
Starting point is 00:47:42 like everyone was like, Oh, I hope they program this, this or this. It's like, if you were thinking that you already fucking lost because it didn't matter which, what, like everyone was like, Oh, I hope they program this, this or this. It's like, if you were thinking that you already fucking lost because it didn't matter during the times that we were, um,
Starting point is 00:47:52 there, like it didn't matter what workouts rich was probably going to win. And, or he was going to be really fucking really close to the top. If no matter what, he wasn't going to give up enough ground for you to get points on. Right. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:04 I mean, he had, he had so few weaknesses. Matt the same way right like it was like you're like you're just like you're like fucking waiting for him to fuck up and they didn't and it didn't matter what it was and if you think that matt was getting fed shit that you're absolutely insane because if anything it would have been the opposite. Yeah, yeah, yeah. They told Matt one thing, but they made it up. Yeah, exactly. It's like, hey, really focus on your deadlift. Matt totally.
Starting point is 00:48:31 That being said, he brought it upon himself, but he flourished in that situation. He knew the situation he flourished in. Matt had a lot of hate in his heart, and he let it out. Yeah, yeah. He's a dickhead. A rammer. He likes holding that. He holds on to that hate, and he fucking uses it yeah yeah he's a rammer he likes holding that he'll hold he holds onto that hate
Starting point is 00:48:46 and he fucking and he uses it it's a fuel he he's really leaned out he looks fantastic yeah he does he looks great yeah yeah uh a rambler a morning resting heart rate uh still use normatech i'm not sure i don't know what normatex are those boots that squeeze your leg are you yeah when you have a high heart rate or something No you do it for recovery It doesn't matter about your heart rate While you're doing Normatex I mean I think there's Any time to use them is a good time
Starting point is 00:49:15 You know just if you have inflammation In your body Let it squeeze it out Squeeze it on out Take the poison out Honey help me take the poison out Get that poison out. COVID-19 wears a mask to protect itself from Josh Bridges.
Starting point is 00:49:31 There you go. Fact. Let me see. Let me see. Okay, here we go. Not a taxidermy, dear. Mr. Bridges. How much money do you have in your bank account?
Starting point is 00:49:44 Oh, no. Do you have any mounts in your house? I have an Easter egg spotted skunk doing a burpee wearing a PayM shirt I can send you. Thanks. I do have a mount. A mount's like something you killed and mounted. I got a deer with my bow three years ago, and I have it mounted. No shit. Where'd you do that at? Front yard? Kansas, and I have it mounted. No shit.
Starting point is 00:50:05 Where'd you do that at? Front yard? Kansas City. I'll be like Kansas City area. How many points? What's the rack look like? It's actually pretty good. I'll send you a picture.
Starting point is 00:50:15 Titties. It's a pretty good-sized buck. A friend of mine had a coyote or wolf uh stalking his property for a while damn and a wolf or something i don't know what it was a dog probably yeah i was a probably coyote a neighbor's dog i don't think you can i don't i don't think you can kill wolves except for and maybe i think they're just starting to oh i don't don't, this wasn't a legit, this wasn't, I don't think this person doesn't care if you can. Okay. Gotcha.
Starting point is 00:50:50 Uh, but this person just walked out into their backyard with a bow. I don't think they'd ever killed anything with a bow and got them. Damn. Yeah. It's pretty crazy. We've got a few of them that roam in our backyard too. We have a bunch of pears in our backyard and they just start picking them up
Starting point is 00:51:03 and eating them. Pears. Yeah. Yeah. My dog goes in my backyard and eats apples a bunch of pears in our backyard and they just start picking them up and eating them pears yeah yeah my dog goes in my backyard needs apples too it's so weird probably good for him it's good fruit yeah it's better than that dog food you're probably feeding him no no no i didn't um uh the the video the video with your um spouse, what was the conversation like? Is that the first video she's ever been in? I think so, yeah. What was – he's trying to act all casual. What was that conversation like?
Starting point is 00:51:37 Whose idea was that? Was that your idea or her idea? It was actually our videographer's idea. Did he get fired? No, she didn't. It was a great idea. It's doing really well. I know it's doing well,
Starting point is 00:51:50 but I know you're a very private man. I am, but it's okay. I know you're a very private man. Does she run that by you first? Yeah. I think we were kind of... If I were to skip for you and Haley to do, I'd be like, think we were kind of we were skipping for you and hayley to do i'd be like get the fuck out of here both of us no whitney's awesome she uh she's doing really great with uh
Starting point is 00:52:13 coming up with obviously she she shoots fucking great content and she's coming yeah she's coming up with great ideas um and you know i was, yeah, this is cool because it shows how scalable the workouts that I do are like no workouts. I do can't know. Like no one should be afraid of them because you just if you can't do the weight, if you can't do the movement, then we can adjust and do it right. Like I like working out with people who just want to work out. I don't give a fuck if you're like anywhere near the same level of fitness or better than me. Um, well, I do care if you're better than me, but you know, at the same, at the same level or not, like, uh, I just like working out with people. It's fun. You know, like I got, I've, I worked out a lot on my own for most of my career as a CrossFitter and, you know, you get fucking tired of it. You get bored and working out with other people is a lot more fun.
Starting point is 00:53:05 And so it's cool to show that, you know, my workouts aren't like you don't have to do the same weight. You don't have to do the same reps. You know, you don't have to do the same rounds. And anybody can do it. It's not just for men. Women can do it too. Or kids can do it, you know. How about when you stepped up on that box and she piped up?
Starting point is 00:53:30 She's a sassy lady. Yeah yeah you took it like a champ you said yeah it's pretty high but i was like you know i just i learned to pick my fucking i learned to pick my battles i down like don't say a word right now you just let it you let her have her moment cameras on did you have to talk to her afterwards i had a little talk no i'm just kidding no be like yo never walk in front of the between me and the camera no no i didn't care she's uh she's definitely made me um you know thickened up my skin a little bit you know because you got you got to um i will say this whitney filmed it very very good i appreciate that there is a uh there is a problem there is a you you are the superstar of of that of that channel and it um it's just like i don't i don't want to um i don't mean this in a negative way but i'm gonna say it anyway i'm gonna be perceived as negative but it's just the fact um ell fact Ellie and Justin do these videos together and they're
Starting point is 00:54:27 just not on the same fucking level. And yet they get the equal time in the videos. And I love Ellie. I think she's cool as shit. I fucking I'm interested in her, but like it, Justin's a fucking superstar. He's a two time fucking CrossFit games champion.
Starting point is 00:54:40 I'm not interested in the same breath of hearing someone else's opinion on something when he says something and I just think that Whitney did a great job of like hey this is still the fucking Josh Bridges show as cool as your wife is the testament there is like hey Josh is cool and he gets to work he can work out with his wife and that's something because some couples may have a problem with it but at the end
Starting point is 00:54:57 it's fun watching her be sassy to you but like I don't give a fuck what she thinks about the rep scheme I need to hear that from you and I know Ellie don't get me wrong I know Ellie's a fuck what she thinks about the rep scheme. I need to hear that from you. And I know Ellie, don't get me wrong. I know Ellie's fucking amazing, but that's it. I think that's an interesting take. I think there's two sides to that, especially when it comes to Ellie and Justin. You never know.
Starting point is 00:55:23 Maybe Ellie's fucking teaching Justin quite a few things I'm sure but I'm just saying as a viewer who comes to the channel you want to see more Justin people are coming there yeah I don't even know if I want to see yeah he's the fucking shit he fucking won the
Starting point is 00:55:42 games twice I like her being in them but there's this thing of like – let's say I went to – what are those dogs that you guys have, the seals have, Malinois? Yeah, Malinois. Yeah, and I went to a Malinois channel to learn about training Malinois, and there was a fucking wiener dog in there that got equal amount of time on how to train wiener dogs. I'll be like, listen, motherfucker. The only thing I want to see is that malinois eat that listen if that guy's not in there as a prop are you talking about eating wieners dude don't be so sensitive anyway it's a fine line and i and i and i love and and i and i do like
Starting point is 00:56:21 the videos with ellie and justin i I just – and Whitney did a great job. Well, I appreciate that. Yeah, I think she did too. She does a phenomenal job. She did a great job making sure it was still Josh Bridges, and I like that. And then your lady was a great accoutrement. Yeah. Yeah, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:56:39 I think – Did I use that right? I mean, I think there's also a testament to – Garnish. Garnish. Garnish. There you go. So you like the way that it was filmed, and I appreciate that.
Starting point is 00:56:49 But there's a reason why that fucking video is getting more views than just a video of me. Why? What do you think? What do you think that is? Accoutrement. Additional items or dress or equipment or other items carried or worn by a person or used for a particular activity. Now, listen, here's my take on it. It's not just because she's smoking hot. It's because people are curious about.
Starting point is 00:57:15 And I think that's a good thing that Justin and Ellie are doing right there, creating that connection to them both and not just Justin. Right, right. They are. i'm way more connected you're right that worked i'm way more connected to ellie now because of that so for her for sure how fucking boring is it to watch one dude work out it's not working talking parts right but so that's that's the thing right is like they're they're doing a a video where it's um showing like their relationship and i people love that shit yeah you're right you're and i do i love that too you're actually right i really i watch i like watching them interact when they're
Starting point is 00:57:56 both on the screen yeah exactly the interaction part is the fun part like anytime i did videos where it was me and my workout buddies it did way better than if it was just me working out. Like nobody fucking wants to watch me just work out. Like what, maybe for a second, maybe for some motivation or get a good workout, but like, yeah, the interaction between me and Sydney or, uh, Justin and Ellie or me and Mason or me and Dom, the guys that, you know, I used to work out with, like that was the fucking, that was what made the show uh i uh bailey walker i totally agree josh uh david weed uh josh savon is gay he loves dudes obviously you're you're wrong i still i love savon who's the red-headed chick who's popped up in a few videos this taylor girl uh yeah taylor so she um are you training her
Starting point is 00:58:46 are you coaching i was i was no i was just kind of helping her helping her along the way and she's she's decided i don't know if she's announced it's i'm not gonna even do it but i i don't like yeah like basically i just i'll send her some workouts here and there and then she's come over and the threads is training for... Go to and see what crypto can be. Non-investment advice. Crypto trading involves risk of loss. See slash legal slash CA dash PRU dash disclaimer for info on Kraken's undertaking to register in Canada. At AirMiles, we help you collect more moments.
Starting point is 00:59:40 So instead of scrolling through photos of friends on social media, you can spend more time dinnering with them. Mmm, how's that spicy enchilada? Oh, very flavorful. Yodeling with them. How's that spicy enchilada? Very flavorful. Yodeling with them. Ooh, must be mating season. And hiking with them. Is that a squirrel? Bear!
Starting point is 00:59:57 Run! Collect more moments with more ways to earn. Air Mile. The title for one of the videos, to his youtube station kayla it's in the title for one of the videos that she's training for semi-finals or some shit doesn't it let me see and then and then we can let we can uh coaching oh no there's another one there's one more how did she find you because i remember on the last i was like hey would you ever coach someone who wanted to go to the games? Yeah, and so I didn't – I was never like fully her coach.
Starting point is 01:00:31 I was just kind of helping. I was just basically helping her. Yeah, you won't find any more. Those are old ones. There's two. Maybe organize them differently. Maybe choose home or something. Another one.
Starting point is 01:00:41 I don't think there is. Okay, then maybe she's just walking around in the back of kids yeah she's in a few yeah she's in that one right there they're a qualifier workout that was for uh an event okay oh okay that's the one okay so that's and i was just giving her i'm basically just giving her tips like i mean coaching is a coaching you end up at that gym she called you and she's like hey will you come train with me yeah so that was the gym that she works out at um and i had my boys had a football game up that way and so after the football game i went over did uh did a workout helped her um through a qualifier workout for the crossfit no it was for a different event i can't remember the name of it do you know her
Starting point is 01:01:23 yeah i well i knew her i know her now i mean i whitney my in your dms and she's like yo i'm 20 miles from your house and i want to train with you come to my gym no um whitney had went to her goes to her gym and so she's like oh there's a uh you know a girl who's like trying to do the games uh up at my gym you know and i was like oh well cool have her come out i'll like she can come down. We can do some workouts, her and her husband. And, uh, and if, you know, and then like, after we did it come up, I'm like, Hey, I'll give you as much help as I can. Right. Like I will, I'm not like going to do your full on programming, but I, um, like I basically was just giving him more like mental tips, tips on movements,
Starting point is 01:02:06 you know, things like that. Pacing. Yeah. Pacing. I mean, lots of, lots of little tips,
Starting point is 01:02:13 right. All the little tips and tricks that you just wish you knew and didn't have to find out the hard way. Is she, how tall is she? She's I think five, nine. She gained,
Starting point is 01:02:23 she too tall. She gained material. No, no no she's not too tall i don't think um yeah like a brick shithouse yeah she's strong she's really strong um she struggles with a few gymnastics movements um could she go to the games i think so yeah i do but i don't i think she's gonna take this year and go a different route and then, uh, hopefully come back and try to go individual. I'm not going to ask him about rads because he has to say nice shit about rads. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:02:53 They don't pay me. They don't, they don't do anything for me. Cause he's in that family. He's in, he's, he's, he's those guys do the fucking,
Starting point is 01:02:59 uh, elephant walk together. I have no affiliation with rads. Do you wear their shoes? Yeah. I love them. Oh yeah. See, I told you, I told you that no affiliation with rads. Do you wear their shoes? Yeah, I love them. See, I told you. Zero affiliation with them. You got skinny
Starting point is 01:03:10 little girl feet? No, I have white feet. You do, and you wear rad? Yeah, I love them. I'm telling you, they're nice. Let me see. Let me hold one up. You got one right there, Josh? Let me see it. No, I don't have one on me. I'm not. I'm just... No shoes on right now yeah me neither
Starting point is 01:03:26 hey look at you man that's cool me neither he's definitely affiliated with him look at a hater i'm not oh here we go uh um uh miss madaris in the house shanna i reached out to you before we met adam who's adam i don't know nifer oh oh adam timing didn't work out, but we would have been cool. Yeah, that's right. She did. She messaged me and was like, hey, Justin is, I think he was coming home from school or something. And we tried to connect and make it work for him to come down to San Diego to train. Before he was the champ? Yeah, before he was the champ.
Starting point is 01:04:03 A little prepubescent madaris wow which i i competed against justin his first his first individual where he wasn't a teen was at the socal regional or california regional i can't remember what year it was probably probably california regional at that time um and i just remember like, one of my funny stories about Justin is we were doing the triple threes, which was three K row, 300 double unders, three mile run. And we go down to the, we get, we get corralled and we were in the same heat. Me and Justin, it was like, I think it was one of the first, I think it was the first event. And I looked down at the dudes and he's wearing Metcons. And I'm like, you're going to fucking run three miles in Metcons. He's like, it's all I got. I'm like you're gonna fucking run three miles in metcons he's like it's all i got i'm like i fucking like this guy
Starting point is 01:04:46 what should he even been wearing what should he it was a running workout right so like i i wore a running shoe for that workout and a metcon is not a good running shoe it fucking they are like duck feet like i feel like you're wearing flippers when you're running in those things um and yeah and he was uh he was a young gun i i didn't i had no idea who he was i didn't know he did like i didn't i've never paid attention to the teens divisions really and so i had no idea that he did well in the teen division but i was like oh man this i don't know i don't never seen his face before so just had to give him a little shit you know back there be like oh mechons huh well you think that's a good idea but um he fucking handled it well man he fucking went out hard he didn't qualify that year but he uh he would have if he would have been wearing running
Starting point is 01:05:35 shoes uh rads uh no way rads are heavy as fuck uh finally people love rads i've only heard good things about rads rat rads are not heavy they're not heavy they are i've only worn rebox nikes i've never put on a pair of nobles um that's why your testosterone's so high exactly uh but rads have become my favorite no shit over a nano 2 yes wow that's a that's a bold statement i know that's the nano 2 is like everyone's favorite god i mean i like the mechcon 1 and 2 more than the nano 2 i couldn't even fit my foot in the mechcon i can't even get my wide little stomper in there bullshit dude my foot's way wider than yours dude i can't get my foot in the Metcon. I can't even get my wide little stomper in there. Bullshit. Dude.
Starting point is 01:06:26 My foot's way wider than yours. Dude, I can't get my dick in your mouth and I can't get in my fucking foot. Now we know you're lying, pal. Put that little, this ain't no fucking OnlyFans, dude. Put that thing away. That thing is wider than it is long. I have those too, man. I have square feet.
Starting point is 01:06:44 Yeah. I have I have those two man I have square feet Yeah Uh so Uh coaching Um oh oh I want to go back to Uh Um what do you think about the Kid uh two two
Starting point is 01:06:56 Two wins Uh now one of the great Now already like one of the greatest who's ever done it Wins um yeah And then a seventh I mean any anytime Anybody wins the games are gonna be one of the great now already like one of the greatest who's ever done it wins um yeah and then a seventh i mean any anytime anybody wins the games are gonna be one of the greatest ever done it right right yeah but two is crazy right also doing some clutch shit in the final day keeping it keeping it interesting and winning rogue i mean fucking winning rogue is god in my eyes it is just as big as winning the games. Explain that to me, and then we'll come back to Justin.
Starting point is 01:07:26 Explain that to me. I mean, you win the Rogue Invitational, you're competing against the best of the best. Right, right, right, right. You know, and so, like, it's just as impressive as winning the games. Fewer chances for errors. Yeah, yeah. Less workouts, fewer chances. You can't have any mess-ups.
Starting point is 01:07:46 workouts fewer chance you can't you can't have any mess ups um and it's you know it's like it's what three months post games right so you still have to kind of continue that you don't really get to take much down time um and continue on to and keep staying very fit so and he won he's won that now twice has he once or twice i believe i can't remember the exact number you have to i'd have to look we'd have to look that up did you program do you program um the rogue invitational i help program i don't i don't do the full program i mean i help me who actually programs it and then and then the other people kind of jump in so me and chris and and Katie do the programming and then we come together and, you know, obviously Katie has the final. Katie and Bill have the final say. Katie like hand you seven workouts and go, hey, this is what I'm thinking.
Starting point is 01:08:34 No, no, no. We, me and Chris and we kind of, we kind of bounce some things off and Katie is right there alongside making sure everything seems legit. It's just three of us. I would say it's me, Chris, and Katie who do the programming. Hold on. What the fuck is this noise? Wow. Savan has been giving barking... has been given barking...
Starting point is 01:08:56 Barking? Barking? Barking? Is that what dogs do? I guess. Barking orders? No Nike Fallout or Bailey fallout talk Must have been paid off by the man By the man By the man of Will
Starting point is 01:09:12 GP No no no no God damn it stop smoking weed I can't always be just Destroying everyone I'm 99% peace and love I can't always just be shitting. I'm 99% peace and love. I can't always just be shitting down people's throats and skull fucking them. Be cool.
Starting point is 01:09:29 He knows it won't happen here anyways. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Thank you. Yeah, Josh, keep it. You're welcome. Yeah. What's it look like? Do you guys actually meet in a room?
Starting point is 01:09:42 Do you get on a Zoom call? We've done both. We've done in person, and then a lot of it's done on Zoom calls or whatever you want to call it. And does Katie say – give me something, Josh. Does Katie say, okay, guys, we are using – we are going to build the hill, Modern Mountain. So just keep that in mind. Yeah, those things are definitely, yeah. Like,
Starting point is 01:10:05 like the Hills, the Hills pretty much a staple at the invitation now, uh, matter Hill. And so, um, we know that's modern, modern Hill.
Starting point is 01:10:14 Uh, thanks. Um, so we know those, those things are in play. Right. And the cool thing about with rogue is like with Bill and Katie, it's like, nothing's out of play. Like that's the coolest aspect.
Starting point is 01:10:28 I just remember being in there and like some of the ideas Bill's coming up with, I'm like, okay, now I know there's fucking no, like, no, like there's no rules. It's like come up with some crazy shit too. So that's fun. What about the deadlift? Did anyone push back on the deadlift as a as as an event a one rep max deadlift we i mean there was definitely discussions you know it's like hey was anyone like uh uh was spieler like spieler i could see spieler being like hey that's not a
Starting point is 01:10:57 good one reps not good it's not good for the athletes he definitely has um um, cause he got a little pussy and I'm like me. I don't really like that. I would not, I would not compare you and Chris Beeler at all. Just cause you're, just cause you're, just cause you're both short. I don't believe it.
Starting point is 01:11:15 I have a little pussy and I'm like, I'm a little, I'm a little, I'm a, I'm unsettled with the one rep. I don't think, I think Chris will whoop your ass. I think he'd whoop my ass too.
Starting point is 01:11:24 I think he'd whoop my ass too. But he's,op my ass too. I think he'd whoop my ass too. But he's. No wrestlers have a little. Yeah. He'd whoop my ass while wearing a mask. I know how it would go down. Um, I don't think he would even,
Starting point is 01:11:31 he's not, I don't know. Um, anyways, I, uh, come on, let's do it.
Starting point is 01:11:37 Let's talk about Chris. Yeah, we will. We can talk about Chris. I would fucking have a, I, Chris whoop my ass in wrestling. Um,
Starting point is 01:11:47 did Chris have some issues with the deadlift? No, but he did, you know, he's the guy's like, okay, we're doing a lot of pulling, right. And a lot of pulling from the floor. And he's like, every also, it's great to have three minds look at it because everyone's kind of countering each other, not countering in like a bad way, but like keeping us all in check. Like, Oh, we can't make it lean this way or yeah look that's a lot of fucking pulling we got this pulling this pulling this pulling this
Starting point is 01:12:09 pulling um but no the deadlift was i mean once we once someone said it it was like yeah that makes sense we haven't done it we haven't seen it in a while we haven't done it in a while uh do you think i'm crazy do you think i'm totally off balance by thinking like hey that's not a cool thing to do to crossfitters or one rep deadlift max you don't think it's a good idea no i don't think it's cool i don't think it's cool and you do have a lot of pussy in you huh all right yeah all right so that how does it decided that you set it up that way like we're going to take these many jumps at this this weight each time is that something that you decided so then katie will have the team kind of come in and uh go through and kind of scavenging the uh that basically find people's maxes and then we kind of try to set it up off of that
Starting point is 01:12:52 you're just scrolling through like their athletes instagrams or like their games i don't i don't know i'm not part of that and everyone answers within eight seconds i don't yeah i don't know. I'm not a part of that. And everyone answers within eight seconds. Yeah, I don't know. Do you get excited when Katie or Bill text you? Yeah. I mean, it's always typically a good thing. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:13:15 I get excited. Good. Yeah. Yeah. I can hear it. Like if they text me, like I might not. It's like Rich text me. Like I might not open it for like, you know, like I wouldn't wouldn't open it while I was driving you're pathetic you think that's pathetic
Starting point is 01:13:29 you're I want to I want to save it I want to be like sitting down comfortably when I read it oh so you oh that's right you did want to make out with rich you and Dave both Jesus Christ that is disgusting You guys both I forgot Everyone likes the big muscular guy For $1.99 Josh This guy wants to pay He would like you to Play with your stash
Starting point is 01:13:54 Unless I'm getting that $1.99 You can't buy this man That's right Somebody get my $2 man That's $19.99 on his only fan That's right baby that's not how they get my two dollars man that's 1999 on his only pops up in the menu um oh whoa that was way too long of a pause no no no like that doing that shit no no because i don't I don't want to. No, you're better than this. Let's go. Come on. I want to go back there.
Starting point is 01:14:29 I don't want to let you off the hook. Oh, oh, oh, that's what it is. Okay, listen. Those of you, the Nike thing is over. If you're, like, wondering about his fallout with Good Dudes, that's, like, so 2020. Like, we've already talked about all that stuff. I'm not bringing that up. Dan and Rich are, like like butt buddies now like like those
Starting point is 01:14:46 that's all that's all the past right this isn't the fucking tabloids all right this well it is the tabloids it's just like we've already that's we've already rung that out us weekly the real savant pack podcast us weekly okay the smut magazines at the grocery store at the checkout aisle i've saved the last 15 minutes for the most important questions let's go i want to talk about your helmet my bud's helmet yeah your buds oh yeah your bud's helmet i guess that was the other helmet um what so so tell me about the you in one of the videos um uh by the way your gym video is fantastic thank you oh you say you leave that rig out in the snow in the winter the road there's snow on the ground right now and it's out there what about the what about the um the um lap pull
Starting point is 01:15:38 down that's no i take that down i break that down every time i use it so no shit? I only put it out there when I'm going to use it, yeah. How often do you use that? That's the biggest thing I miss about going to fucking Planet Fitness is I love the lap pull-down machine. When it's summertime, because I don't have that in my basement, when it's summertime, I do it probably twice a week. It's fun, isn't it? It's great, dude. It's a great back accessory piece. And you can go all the different grips and it's fucking great.
Starting point is 01:16:06 And do you have different like... Yeah, like handles? Yeah. Yep. God, I miss the fucking Globo gym. There's some things, you know, like growing up. I mean, every guy I think our age, well, you're a little older than me, but still like Globo gyms were where you had to go.
Starting point is 01:16:23 I mean, I started doing CrossFit in a fucking golden age. Me too. Me too. I started at a gym at a uc at a school yeah but they're dope anyway okay so so tell me about the helmets and um where are the other two but start with like what the hell oh the buds helmet yeah tell me about the helmet. So it's basically just a tool for instructors. Do they still do it? Yes, but I think they're already painted. I don't think they're, uh, they come, um, colored. So now you get issues. Don't use that word here, please. You get a, a green, a blue and a red one. Um, when we we were we got issued one helmet and you had to paint it and sand it and prime it and put the uh stickers on and um and then you had to go through fucking inspections with it and right like the the there it was a fucking big deal right like if you
Starting point is 01:17:17 fuck that thing up it took like you had weekends off in buds and so you spent half your time making that fucking helmet. I believe towards the end of my career, I was told that they were like – they started issuing them their colored helmets. I don't know if that's a fact or not. That's just hearsay. So was that helmet green at one point? Yes, it was green and red. And then when you were done, you actually went out of your way and painted it blue
Starting point is 01:17:45 again because that's where your fondest memories were yeah that my favorite my hardest phase was second phase which is the dive phase and i just liked that uh part of it actually no no no the reason i still had a blue one is because for for third phase i got an i got a second helmet and so i think i kept the blue one and then started painting the other one red. Something like that. I can't remember the exact. So phase one, you got that helmet that you're holding in your hands. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:18:13 And when you get it, it's not any color. No, yeah. It's like a fucking. Where do you get the paint from? You go down, you and the guys go down to Home Depot and get all the shit? Yeah. You and the guys go down to Home Depot and get all the shit? Yeah, you went to some hardware store, and you got your paint, your primer, your sandpaper, your number stickers, your name stickers.
Starting point is 01:18:33 Does anyone tell you guys how to do it? I think, yeah. I think you do get a little help with basically just instruction from other guys that have already done it, basically. Because you always have rollbacks coming into your classes and so guys who have already been there um did they tell you what specific like blue yellow or blue yeah yeah there's a yeah specific paint yep and what do you mean what are rollbacks rollbacks are guys from classes who either got hurt or failed something and had to roll back into the next class behind them. Oh, okay. And then so you get that helmet and what color is it when you get it? It's just steel?
Starting point is 01:19:09 I don't remember what, yeah, the bare bones is. And you paint it green and then I'm assuming you guys all, I'm just picturing like in a movie, you guys all line up and then they're like, can we see your helmets? And you're holding your helmets in your your hand did anyone's like helmets all fucked up or not painted
Starting point is 01:19:29 or oh yeah every people like they would fuck them up like they would get bubbles from their primer or they wouldn't have it sanded down perfectly or the numbers would be a little off they'd be like a little fucking skewed or whatever but it's not just a helmet inspection it's a full uh uniform inspection and so the helmet was part of your uniform. And is that on your head when they inspect you? Yes. And how does that stay on your head? You wear that during all of the muds?
Starting point is 01:19:54 Yeah, you run around with it. Like the whole – and you never lose it? How about when you go in the water? Yeah, you take it off or put – yeah, you wouldn't go in the water with it. And what's it for? Does it actually protect you no it's just a fucking helmet it just just is just like it's like a party uniform man just like that hat you're wearing in that video yeah you wouldn't wear that that helmet every to everything you had a soft cover too that you would wear sometimes it was like a hat uh-huh um so yeah do you still have that uh yes i have some hats somewhere that that shit was issued yeah i still
Starting point is 01:20:35 have some of my you get these like jungle camis that that you even when i was even when you become a seal you have like a uniform inspection in these fucking like jungle camis and i still have some of those yep you ever get dressed up in um and all your shit and then and like and then jump in the room like at two in the morning and surprise sydney and be like yeah girl here i am come on no but she would like it yeah she would like it i just should yeah come in with wearing your helmet and shit. Now, I saw you when I asked you about your hats. You looked up into the left-hand corner.
Starting point is 01:21:10 Or you looked up. Did you transport yourself upstairs in your house? And you're like, closet. Exactly. I think I did see a hat in there. That's right. Yeah, I'm trying to remember where I put them. Yeah, there was like a bin I had them in in my garage.. And it was, uh, yeah, there was like a bin. I had them in, in my garage.
Starting point is 01:21:26 That, that would be blast. So we need a CEO Bud's helmet. That would be a blasphemy. If we did that, we were not allowed to do that. Like stolen valor or some kind of shit. That would be a hashtag stolen valor. Hardcore. Hello, stolen valor.
Starting point is 01:21:38 And why don't you have to give the helmets back? Are you supposed to give the helmets back? I think you were, i think i just kept mine so they could contact they could see the video and contact you i guess they could yeah you're fucking my yeah fucking everything up man did you ever take any grenades or anything for a bazooka come on god i've heard some crazy stories did you read that did you read the book that came out that's like just destroying you guys destroying the seals the one that's all just like crazy saying how crazy you guys are no you know book i'm talking about i think you told me
Starting point is 01:22:15 about it oh i was i think i did start to read it because i remember you telling me about it yeah and i was like this guy like a seal did something to him like probably yeah probably yeah yeah his girlfriend away from him or something he just seemed like he like didn't like yeah somebody did something that like i don't like seals anymore i'm gonna try to fucking yeah yeah there's a um beat him up in like elementary school or something, took his lunch money. There's this piece. There's this leeway that I want to give men between the age of 17 and 35 when you group them all together. It's like, dude, like, what did you think was going to happen? You can't.
Starting point is 01:22:58 Have you ever seen those videos where like the little kids sitting in front of a bowl of M&Ms and they got a camera on them and they're like, hey, don't eat any of these. 30 minutes past and the kid eats. like fuck you right like are you fucking kidding me yeah like the stupid kid didn't eat any you know what i mean it's like you can't leave me you and caleb around a big pile of rocks for two days and none of us start throwing rock i start we were getting oh throwing rocks is like the quit is quite a central. Like, yeah, everybody just wants to pick up throw rocks. The goal was to get it in the rain gutter of the house. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:23:31 Right. We're trying to get closest to something or hit something. Yeah. Think of that. Yeah. Yeah. Gave you points for fucking knocking off the extra pieces of glass. We're hanging down.
Starting point is 01:23:42 Yeah. Come on, man. You think if you had girls, you would raise raise them different you'd still be doing the same i like to think i'd be doing the exact same shit with them i feel like i would be too you know maybe being i don't know i'm just thankful i don't have girls yeah why do you say that just because just complicate shit because because the high school because I had two younger sisters and I saw what happened. I guess the answer is this.
Starting point is 01:24:10 Why are you glad you don't have girls? Because I have boys. Because I'm a boy. Because I'm a man, baby. Yeah. I think it's really inappropriate the way the young kids are dressing. I think it's completely
Starting point is 01:24:24 insane. In what way? Girls' G-strings. Fucking eighth grade girls walking down fucking the street with their G-strings pulled up to their back. Tops barely on. Looks like stuff from when we were kids is like a Skinamax. You know what I mean? Like they're going to a fucking porn shoot, dude.
Starting point is 01:24:43 Yeah. I've noticed. Now I'm going to. Because I don't go out that much so i don't know um but i saw now i'm going to a football game i didn't go to one but one of my friends went to one recently he's like holy fuck dude yeah i mean i'm also in a colder area too so i mean they are dressed up they have a little more clothes on so i don't know um but yeah i did notice that a little bit in the basketball games. I'm like, these girls are walking on sports bras. At the game, you're like, when did this become okay?
Starting point is 01:25:13 It's crazy. How about our generation, though, too? I'm just thinking about this for the first time. Every girl we know is fucking wearing pants. Your girl, my girl, every girl we know is wearing pants so fucking tight you can see fucking they might as well be naked well i feel like become like just the norm and it's like i didn't like for for people 20 years older than us they must be like what the fuck are people wearing right yeah everything isn't it more of the baggy pants now i feel like i've noticed that they're like high-waisted pants or like really baggy and
Starting point is 01:25:45 they're real baggy yeah okay good i approve then okay good yeah exactly first on like that big old baggy t-shirts yeah everything's like three sizes too big now it was kind of like well i felt like the late 90s was real baggy too right so i think coming back around swinging back around some people in the comments had some pretty rough comments for me the last time you were on. They were like, Savan's clearly an overprotective dad, and Josh is doing the right thing by letting his kids swim out in the wild and blah, blah, blah. I was getting tossed up a little. Are you a helicopter dad? I'm four helicopters.
Starting point is 01:26:22 Yeah, you are. I'm a super helicopter dad. Poor little buggers. Super. Yeah. Super. Just make them nice and weak. Super duper helicopter dad.
Starting point is 01:26:32 Yeah. Good. You will be for the rest of your life probably too. It's rough. They had a Hawaii luau theme and it was just swimsuit tops at 50 degree football game what the fuck i don't know what that means i think we missed the first part but basically just imagine he went to a high school event and all the girls were just in bikini tops it's probably like homecoming week or something they always do themes for football games yeah
Starting point is 01:27:02 oh okay i get it now. Jesus Christ, what is Jeffrey wearing in this? Where are you going? What are you wearing? Loosen up, buddy. I guess he's got the top button. Jay Burch, man! Jay Burch is my man right there, dude. I know, I know. Leave Jay Burch alone. I knew it.
Starting point is 01:27:22 You helicoptered that over Jeffrey Burchfield? Yeah, you leave him alone. If it was to continue, you'd want to go against Josh. I don't know who the fuck you're talking to. Not me. Hey, my kid broke his shin. Snapped it in half. Oh, serious?
Starting point is 01:27:39 How? Skateboarding. I'll do it, man. He was screaming, making some weird noises in the bottom of the bowl and i was like watching him i'm like those don't sound normal that's not good so i went down that's that's not how it went though you probably ran over there like a little girl listen listen i did i did not i scream you were probably screaming making it work okay So So
Starting point is 01:28:09 It snapped it snaps in half. Yeah, there it is. Look at that thing That is broken that is a compound fracture so um Good fine kill. So He's i'm sitting down, you you know like probably on the phone with like one of my friends sipping a fucking latte the other parents no there are no other parents there and and i have my umbrella up right i always i bring i have a portable umbrella so i don't burn my nose and shit i'm getting old i don't want sunspots and and i'm he's screaming and i'm
Starting point is 01:28:44 looking at him and i'm looking at him finally i, I walk over there and I pick him up and the skate instructor's like, Hey dude, that, that, that may have been pretty bad. You might want to take him to the doctor. I'm like, Oh, thanks. And I'm thinking to myself, shut the fuck up. So I carry him over to the car and he's screaming, dude. He's like, and his face is doing some weird contortions. I haven't seen him do i put him in the back seat over the toilet that i shit in batman mask and my two other sons get in the car i'm like hey guys we're gonna go and they're like all right they're kind of pissed right so i call my wife and she's like hey i'm headed to a hot
Starting point is 01:29:21 pilates class i go yeah i think ari had a bad crash like should i come home i'm like nah he's fine hang up i'm looking in the rearview mirror as i'm driving and i see him start to go into shock like his eyes start fluttering he's getting all fucking like shaking and shit poor guy i call her back i like, you better come home. She's like, is it bad? I'm like, I don't know. He's acting a little strange. I don't think it was as calm as we're acting right now, but I'll go with it. So we get home. I carry him.
Starting point is 01:29:54 I set him on the couch. And I just turn on like Tom and Jerry or some shit. And he sits there until 9 p.m. And then my wife's like, man he's not Something is not right So take him to the hospital and they put a cast on it You really didn't go straight You didn't go straight to the hospital Dude
Starting point is 01:30:11 Go into shock I'm like I asked my wife I'm like did they give him any pain meds She goes yes she offered up a bunch of narcotics I turned him down I'm like you should have brought that any pain meds? She goes, yes. They offered up a bunch of narcotics. I turned them down. I'm like, you should have brought that shit home for me. This is stressing me out. Dude, the fucker sat on the couch for three days in just, hey, a matter of fact, we took
Starting point is 01:30:35 him there and they said they can't even cast it yet. So he had to come back home and sit on the couch for three days. No shit. Why? Because it was because of swelling. Maybe he said swelling it wasn't small i didn't see any swelling but that you're exactly right that's the excuse they gave man that's crazy um that's a funny story i had i have a he didn't have a compound fracture
Starting point is 01:30:54 what's that mean compound fracture in two places when it's fucking just straight broke through oh yeah yeah yeah yeah well i saw the x-ray. Yeah, yeah. So I'm like, drop. So my little guy, actually, another skateboarding accident. Actually, that is the truth. Sorry. Just real quick. Halpin, that is true. I gave him a double scoop of J.B. Creighton. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:31:14 And that thing healed up in 24 hours. Baby, he'd have been fucking skateboarding the next day. Yeah, yeah. Probably doing ollies and shit. All right, you know me. So my son, a couple years ago, this was probably, son, a couple of years ago, this was probably actually probably like six years ago now, um, they were on skateboards and they were like going down this Hill, but they were just like almost using the skateboards as like sleds kind of thing. Right. Like, uh,
Starting point is 01:31:37 and my mom comes, my, him and my mom come into the house and like, and my mom's like, Oh Josh, I think, I think he, I think he really hurt himself. And I'm like, shut mom, shut up. Like, you're making it worse right now. I think it's what I said to her. I's like, oh, Josh, I think you really hurt himself. I'm like, mom, shut up. I'm like, you're making it worse right now. I think that's what I said to her. I'm like, you're making it worse right now. He's fine. And he comes up to me and he looks at me and he's like, he had a pretty ugly face on, one of those ugly cries. Their faces start getting ugly.
Starting point is 01:32:01 You're like, oh, that doesn't look great. I was like, what do you think you did to your to your arm buddy he goes dad i think i broke my arm and i was like all right we'll go to the hospital we go to the hospital it's sure shit he broke his arm damn yeah i was like how did you do it do you know what happened as soon as you hear skateboard and hill you're like oh yeah i think he just like fell off and landed on it weird i think he like posted as he fell off the board and posted on his arm. It was up in his forearm. Oh, God.
Starting point is 01:32:32 Yeah. We had another – Avi was climbing a climbing wall, and his grandparents were there. And then to show off, he jumped off. I think he was four and landed on his elbow on his side like he slipped and he started crying and my mom is like hey i think he's really hurt i'm like no he's fine he's fine and then the the other gram my mom mother-in-law's like yeah he's hurt i'm like no no and then like shut up four hours later i walk in the kitchen and he's sitting in his high chair and he's eating he's a right-handed kid and he's eating with his left hand it'll be fine i'm like hey um hayley isn't obby right-handed she goes yeah i'm like he's eating with his left he's eating with his left hand i'm like he's bringing
Starting point is 01:33:18 the spoon to his eye he can't even make it into his food i go hey what's up he goes my elbow really hurt took him to the doctor they x--rayed it. Elbow was broken. Hey, to this day, anything that ever gets hurt, he grabs his elbow. Really? Isn't that a trip? Yeah, fully scarred him. Yeah. Punch him in the balls, he grabs his elbow.
Starting point is 01:33:37 Slap him in the head, he grabs his elbow. Like, it's just my elbow. Yeah, that's weird. Yeah, that's true. Yeah, my elbow's pretty buff. You do got some buff elbows, man. Just realizing how girth my – Probably on all fours a lot, you know, building up those calluses.
Starting point is 01:33:52 I really don't know how dense it is right here. Yeah, real dense. Arms and bicep and triceps. Those knees and elbows are real dense, aren't they? Right. is real dense aren't they right okay um we learned uh uh your your your your trainings uh with your kids is uh crossfit but with a focus on agility um you've expanded into uh coaching uh dabbling and coaching uh games athletes uh we we learned that um you're married and your wife brings eyeballs, your relationship brings eyeballs. So the 2016 training was your hardest and yet it paid off and that it's okay to
Starting point is 01:34:35 do long three months of drinking stints. Yep. And that maybe, and then, and then, then the most preposterous, preposterous, preposterous. What's the word? I like it. Preposterous. Go with the most preposterous. What's the word? I like it.
Starting point is 01:34:47 Preposterous. Go with it. Go with it. Sell it, baby. Preposterous? There you go. The thing you've said on the show is that the rads were better than the nano, too. This is preposterous uh, this, uh,
Starting point is 01:35:05 pre postures, postures. Yeah. Uh, contrary to reason or common sense, utterly absurd or ridiculous. Um, uh,
Starting point is 01:35:16 Oh, here we go. Uh, Spiegel, uh, H W H W H J P O R. Josh. Fact. God, I love this crowd. This Josh Pays Off. Fact.
Starting point is 01:35:25 God, I love this crowd. This is a great crowd. It is. Your other shows have better suck compared to these ones. Dude, this show is a 12. All my other shows are like 10s. You're a fucking stud when you come on here. Point sevens.
Starting point is 01:35:41 Oh, here we go. Mike Halpin. Then they told my mom to leave the emergency room because it wasn't broken all the way so they had to break it all the way through oh shit i'll make up the rest of the story but mike did your mom leave the room listen if someone told me to leave the room for any reason when i was in there with my kid i would fucking just kick him straight in the cunt yeah i'd put four inches of my toe up between their legs that's right you want to you want to talk about a fiery dad yeah that's me
Starting point is 01:36:11 i am too man don't don't get it twisted like at basketball games this year gotten in a couple confrontations more more really i'm like you know you're just cheering for your son or do or saying something that's going on on the court and you know the parent of the other team doesn't like what you're saying so they start running their mouth yeah and uh this there what was it um the other day i was like at this game and this fucking dad starts i i was i don't know i was like i was like this kid was fucking doing something kind of stupid i was like, I was like, this kid was fucking doing something kind of stupid. And I was like, man, I was like, come on. Like, you know, just, just kind of like getting into the game and saying things out loud. You were, or he was, I was,
Starting point is 01:36:53 and the dad, the dad wasn't liking what I was saying, you know? So I looked back at him on your team. Was he on your team? No, he was on the other team and he didn't like what I was saying. And so I looked back and I go, Hey man, I'm not fucking talking to you. Like, if you don't like what I'm saying, go somewhere else. And then he kept, you know, he obviously knew that there was a scenario where nothing was really going to happen because I'm at, you know, we're at a kid's middle school. And just kept fucking chapping, yapping, yapping, yapping. And I wanted to turn around. At you?
Starting point is 01:37:20 At me, at me. I was basically turning around. Number seven, stop pushing. Stop pushing was basically around number seven stop pushing stop but ref number seven's pushing stuff like that i don't know just yeah whatever the game whatever was happening in the game and the fucking were you picking on the kid were you like number seven you couldn't make a shot of your dad oh i don't ever talk to the other kids ever okay and uh and these fucking dads man they just like they just start running their fucking mouths in these scenarios where they know nothing could happen and i look back and i go i'm like you got a fucking problem man i'm like we can go outside
Starting point is 01:37:48 have a discussion and uh you know keeps fucking talking and said and obviously like another dad comes over he's like hey do you chill out good call and um oh i hope Joe or Caleb, you get to bring up the Colorado Examiner and it's fucking Josh's mug. I wanted to fucking turn around and be like, you know what's going to happen? Is that fucking – the end of the game is going to happen, and you're going to fucking get up, and you're not even going to look my way, and you're going to run out that door and grab your kid and get out of this fucking building as fast as you can.
Starting point is 01:38:22 And that is exactly what happened. But I didn't say that to him. I wanted to so bad because it's like he only is talking shit because he knows he's in a scenario where it's like what's this guy gonna do really like not like you know fighting yeah yeah i'm like dude just be quiet and uh and that's exactly what happened dude that that into that game i didn't move and i was like just kind of like you know standing there waiting for my son and he just fucking got up darted out the left and didn't look my way once and i was like that's that's what i thought pal it's just like i just know i need to not sit by other parents and i'm like i'm not even saying anything but they just
Starting point is 01:39:02 like they just start running it like oh like oh you, oh, you can't, you can't say that. Like you can't cheer for your kid that loud or, or say the refs aren't making a good call or something. And I'm like, get the fuck out of here, dude. I'm not talking to you. And like, when you say things that I don't like or don't agree with, guess what? I'm not going to turn around and start chirping at you. I'll say it's your, your son's game gets heated sports. Right. So like you say whatever you want to say, but like these fucking dads,
Starting point is 01:39:30 man, they, it's fucking funny. It's really funny. Dude. Imagine going in jujitsu terms. What's interesting is it's never gotten tense between me and other parents, but basically you take your kid out there and someone else takes their kid
Starting point is 01:39:42 out there and you're telling the kids to fight. And so what's crazy is, is like the parents, they're a practitioner. I'm not a practitioner. So the whole match, I'm staying quiet. Dude, the parents are screaming their heads off every match screaming. And I'm just sitting there quiet. But every once in a while, Avi will get someone like take someone's back and get him in a choke. And I'll just start screaming.
Starting point is 01:40:08 Put him to sleep. Choke him. Put him in a body bag, Johnny. Yeah, like that. Finish him. And I'll look at my parents and be like, I know that one. It's crazy. So funny, man.
Starting point is 01:40:24 Yeah, I see dumb shit at tennis too. There's this in, in tennis. You're the, the, there's no referee in kids tennis. There's no referees and no one's supposed to, the parents are not allowed to interfere at all.
Starting point is 01:40:35 And if you're not sure if, if someone hits the ball and you're not sure if it's in or out, you always have to call it in. You have to be a hundred percent sure. And that's how the game works. And so there's no officiating no officiating the kids are officiating kids are officiating this happens to a pretty high level this keeps going and going well i didn't know that yeah and and so if you hit a ball and
Starting point is 01:40:57 if i were to be like fuck i don't know if that's in or out it's in it's just in you have to be willing to bet your life on it that's how they. And then it stays fair if everyone does it like that. But fucking every fucking tournament, dude, there's some parent there. That ball was out. And it's like, you fucking idiot. You're ruining the whole thing. Oh, man. It is.
Starting point is 01:41:21 And I get it too, though. I will defend my kids to the death right like i am their biggest fan biggest supporter but i'm also not an asshole like if if i saw my kids being assholes they would get it they'd get it talking to you know i'd be like hey that's not appropriate like you need to be better than that right like like we don't fucking tolerate that shit. And you see some fucking parents who will like, they just have their blinders on to their own kids where we've played a
Starting point is 01:41:53 couple of games. I see that all the time. We'll play a couple of games. And you're like, dude, these kids are like playing like assholes. Like they're just playing like little punk. And you can tell.
Starting point is 01:42:00 And then, then Jack will come off like, like, yeah, dad, they were just talking shit to me in my ear the whole time. And I'm like, he got kicked out of a game because he shoved the kid. Yeah. And I was like, I was like, I was, I wasn't, I was like, I was like, there's a better way to go about it than like getting into a scuffle conversation. Right. Like play harder. Right. Like make them feel stupid for talking shit to you but you could just tell these kids were like from an area where they were punks and like straight up just like their parents didn't think you know their parents think that
Starting point is 01:42:38 their their kids are perfect and there's nothing wrong and i was like man these i was like i'm like jack you're gonna run into that shit for the rest of your fucking life buddy like and like there's nothing wrong. And I was like, man, these, I was like, I'm like, Jack, you're going to run into that shit for the rest of your fucking life, buddy. Like, and like, there's gotta be, you gotta have moments where they're going to, you're going to have kids talking shit to you just to get you out of your game. Right. They're going to, that's what, that's what, that's what athletes do. Like it's going to happen for the rest of your athletic career. So you got to be able to deal with it. Whether you play harder, play a little harder in the game. Right. So like get a little more physical in the game, but you can't stop and just like shove a kid. Like you want to start a fight in the game because then you're going to get kicked out. Right. And then they win.
Starting point is 01:43:12 That's, that's what they want. They want you out of your element. They want you, you know, doing this. And so it's been a learning lesson and it's, you know, it's interesting. Are your kids in, um, um, martial arts? no they uh they they play basically you know basketball football baseball they were gonna wrestle this year they decided uh uh they didn't want to they want to they just love basketball so much and i'm like all right well that's what you want to do man i'm not gonna force you into anything yeah yeah my kids are uh are forced into everything but we do wrestle Wrestle still like we wrestle like I'll Show them you know like and
Starting point is 01:43:48 Then I'll put boxing gloves on Them sometimes we'll hit we'll hit the Mints and stuff and bags If they're not crying they didn't train Hard enough fact Hey I appreciate you coming On you the man you the man We're getting on we're on a better cadence now
Starting point is 01:44:06 I like this This is good When's the next Pay the Man conference? Orgy What do you call it? That thing Jeffrey Birchfield Goes to every time And comes back stronger
Starting point is 01:44:21 I don't I don't, I don't know yet. We don't have one in, we don't have one in the works yet. We don't have one in the works yet, but we're going to, we're going to, you said that last show.
Starting point is 01:44:32 I know we, we, we, we don't run them all that often. It's like one, two year, you know? All right.
Starting point is 01:44:40 So thanks for coming on. Talk to you soon. You're a good dude. What are you reading? Comments? I'm going to get the last one. The Eric one. Son, don't listen to that shit talk. Work past it.
Starting point is 01:44:54 Dad's another dad. He's going to shut your mouth or I'm going to kick your ass out. I said I needed to go. I can't sit around with Eric. I'm not proud of myself sometimes, Eric. I promise. I'm not I'm not proud of myself sometimes Eric I promise I'm not nothing slides
Starting point is 01:45:09 thanks Eric nothing slides I need to be called out I agree alright dude hey good seeing you talk to you soon congratulations on all the beautiful family the success the fun and keep sharing it they They're great videos.
Starting point is 01:45:26 Will do. I appreciate it, brother. Later, dude. Joshua Bridges. Wow, I came in shot out of a cannon today. I didn't know how that was going to work out. Yeah, what the hell? Who are you?
Starting point is 01:45:39 Yeah. I got a pretty exciting day. I'm looking at all. I have some great text messages right now. What are you going to do? Start reading them. I got one from J.R. Howell I'm excited to look at. I got one from Greg Glassman.
Starting point is 01:45:55 Now, I'm not just showing off right now. You cool with that? It's okay. Yeah, go for it. It's cool. Ooh! Ooh! I got one from two people I can't even tell you who Too big You gonna leave them unread for a little while?
Starting point is 01:46:14 No, I'm probably gonna go I'm gonna go sit on the toilet I have to pee But I'm probably gonna sit down So that I can read my text messages That's a good way to do it That's not true, by the way. Someone else is going to think that that's true.
Starting point is 01:46:29 I just made that up, just so you know. Sometimes I just want some peace and quiet. I know, but I don't... I'll force a poop out. I just want to play Clash of Clans for a little bit. What play what? Clash of Clans. Is that a game on the iPhone? Yeah. Oh, I'm going to play Clash of Clans for a little bit. What play what? Clash of Clans.
Starting point is 01:46:47 Is that a game on the iPhone? Yeah. Oh, I'm going to download it. Is it good? Do you really play it? Yeah, I play it. It's fun. It's been around for a long time. But it's cool.
Starting point is 01:46:54 I just wrote it down. Clash of Clans. Okay. What is today? Monday? Let me see. I think we got a great week. I'm fucking bugging all the heavyweights.
Starting point is 01:47:06 Oh. Oh. I want to get Jason Kleep on. I haven't had Jason on in forever. Oh, let me see if the phone works. This phone is so wonky. Oi, oi, oi, oi. Let me see if I can call Sousa.
Starting point is 01:47:27 I would have kept Josh. Josh was fucking game today. Yeah, that was cool. Yeah, I would have kept him on longer, but I got a P. So fucking bad. It's okay, Paulina. I have cream for the hemorrhoids. Whenever I get them, I just Apply liberally
Starting point is 01:47:48 What was that? Just a hemorrhoid Oh shoot Hey That's okay my phone doesn't work anyway Hey are we doing Are we doing Jason Kalipa? Get him.
Starting point is 01:48:09 I haven't reached out to him yet. Okay. Him or the other one that you had on there. Okay, cool. Oh, and I want to get Jay Crouch on too. Yeah, Jay Crouch, Cara, Sarah. Oh, yeah, Sarah. What's up with Sarah?
Starting point is 01:48:22 Are you on that? We're all three of us are on that thread, right? Yeah, yeah. Do you know what time zone she's in? Do you know where she lives now? I don't. Dude, you should see this lighting on Caleb. He looks otherworldly.
Starting point is 01:48:36 I feel like he's at Burning Man. Did he get a new light or something? No, it was just like he probably has crystals hanging in his window or something. The Shattuckian got a skylight? Dude, it looks like some filter that StreamYard would have if they, if they, you turn on filters. The light from the window is hitting the camera just right. It's a heavenly glow. Shit.
Starting point is 01:49:04 I don't understand Oh yeah I can see it Illegally on my phone now What does this mean Watching Seve called off sick with COVID Heard this is better than the jet Oh this guy's home from work Sick and he has COVID
Starting point is 01:49:20 What about this pneumonia thing going around Are you asking me that Sure anyone COVID. What about this pneumonia thing going around? Are you asking me that? Sure, anyone. You or Sparkly Caleb. I don't know. I have no idea about it. Good, that means you're working hard. Alright.
Starting point is 01:49:37 Alright, it was a great show. Good show. Yeah, it was. Josh Bridges is awesome. Tomorrow we just have a regular live call-in show uh then wednesday we have uh greg glassman and vikey oh that's gonna be good oh oh what about tommy hackenbrook oh yeah yeah yeah he's on the list too we got we got a full we got a full pipeline you're making me look bad on the show now how about you you got Greg Hammond coming? Yes.
Starting point is 01:50:06 Tom's up too, guy. That's long overdue. Yeah. That'll be cool. Hey, what about Chris Hinshaw? I think we should get him on again. Yeah. I'm pretty pumped
Starting point is 01:50:18 just to get everyone on. That was a great show with him. Oh, I hear some men. I hear some men talking in the background. It's you. Me? That's an echo? Yeah. Oh.
Starting point is 01:50:34 At least I recognize a man's voice when I hear one. Yeah, yeah. Real alpha voice. Just neat. Susan, I wanted to let you know, Brittany Orr's a little behind. Her five-year-old son got paint, shoved up his big toenail.
Starting point is 01:50:50 Long story short, I had to hold him down with two other women while the doctor ripped off his entire toenail. Holy shit. That checks out. That sounds brutal. Hey, Suze, have you heard about Aldis? I feel like this is some sort of setup. Oh, it is.
Starting point is 01:51:11 All this dick in your mouth. I just read it in the comments. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I do like Wendy's, though. Wendy's. Wendy's nuts dragged Wendy's? Wendy's nuts. Jacked out your face. Wait, where's my sound effect?
Starting point is 01:51:31 Shit. What a stupid sound effect. There we go. That's a good one. Hey, don't you think Bridges should take all those uh journals that he has and digitize them and like sell it as like josh bridges's training book which is the years oh i meant to ask him if he like goes back and recycles some of those workouts for what he programs now uh uh that's a that's a great question let's ask let's let's follow up with one uh follow-up question before i go p that's a great question yeah
Starting point is 01:52:08 me i get the follow-up question yeah i'm gonna ask him because he won't hear you because he won't answer if i call him the other phone i don't think oh yeah hey you're live on the air one quick question yeah um why don't you digitize your your workout journals and um and make them available for purchase like make a book for them i don't know all right hey do tell them to do them by chapters the years by chapters uh suza's in my ear saying you should do the years the each year should be a chapter and then and then i would then dude, he should put some dope photos of different events that he did throughout the year
Starting point is 01:52:50 too on there. I can sell to you for cheap. And then it would be a whole entire Josh Bridges training manual. That would be dope. I'd buy that. All right. Asuza said he'd buy it. I'm 10% worth it
Starting point is 01:53:07 okay bye there you go he's doing it dude that would be sick that's the executive producing you were doing right there yeah wouldn't it be dope if we did that with the journal oh the crossfit journal hey imagine all
Starting point is 01:53:24 of Greg's like early work from like the early 2000s you know like the meat and potatoes of the shit he was talking about yeah and uh a hardcover book that could just be like coffee table like you just sit at the affiliate everything else and you it's all same way just broken up by the years yeah it'd be fucking fantastic that shit would be dope hey i mean that's kind of what the l1 is but you know what i mean more in-depth shit too cave um i want to talk about turning on the membership so so the reason why i'm hesitant to turn on the memberships is what if the people who donate like a dollar 90 what if the membership's 3.99, right? And then the people who donate $1.99
Starting point is 01:54:05 a month four times, now I'm getting less money from those people. So maybe the memberships aren't a good thing. They actually reduce the revenue stream of the podcast. The podcast survives and gets better with the larger the revenue stream and so right now it's we're we're treading water and it's good it's fine but i don't want to turn that on and it get fucked up although although if i could actually offer something like a three months advanced screening of the behind the scenes then maybe it would be worth turning on. So I don't know. I don't know. You can get both streams, but like if I'm paying $5.99 to a podcast
Starting point is 01:54:56 to get my comment highlighted, then I'm not going to pay an additional $1.99 six times a month to get my comment highlighted. Do you know what I mean? I was thinking about that cable, then I raised the price, but then at some point I feel like it's just too expensive. I was going to make it $9.99 and then I'm like, fuck, that's a lot of money to ask for people.
Starting point is 01:55:19 Anyway. These are problems of the privileged privileged I don't mean to to bother you pesky civilians about these problems just wanted to talk to the family about it okay Jeff I didn't ask your opinion god damn it
Starting point is 01:55:53 okay if I have to pay to view the seven podcast i'm gone i'm gone budgeting i'm gone i'm gone budgeting if i have to pay to view oh jesus christ that's not that's not even what we're saying but for that robbie uh you robbie you could probably sell those glasses oh robbie you could probably sell that ass. No one's suggesting you'd have to pay to see this. Jesus Christ almighty. I'm sorry I brought it up. I'm sorry I brought it up. Listen, if you have an IQ of less than 70,
Starting point is 01:56:17 now is the time to get off because we're going to talk about some stuff. I'm about to sneeze. If you have a weak immune system You should probably walk away from the show I'll leave and then just keep you here Not a bad idea Alright Love you guys
Starting point is 01:56:38 See you tomorrow Sousa thank you Caleb thank you Josh Bridges thank you Bye

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