The Sevan Podcast - Josh Emmett | KNOCK OUT KING - Rising to the Top of UFC Featherweight Division

Episode Date: February 8, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is an advertisement from BetterHelp. Everyone knows therapy is great for solving problems. But turns out, therapy has some issues of its own. Finding the right therapist, fitting into their schedule, and, of course, the cost. BetterHelp can help solve these problems. It's online, convenient, built around your schedule, and surprisingly affordable, too. Connect with a credentialed therapist by phone, video, or online chat. Visit to learn more.
Starting point is 00:00:27 That's Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance. Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. Bam, we're live, And the guest is missing What's up guys
Starting point is 00:01:06 Sabrina hey Dakota hey Augustus hello Rambler hey Saber and Kelly What's up Turd again 12 coffees hi Caroline Hello
Starting point is 00:01:21 Sixto. So I tried to put the Trista video on Rumble this morning. And it had been a while since I streamed live to Rumble. But I just realized I got a notification from Rumble saying that people from Rumble can make comments. And the comments should pop up so that I can see them. That was the problem before. That's why we were – remember when we got kicked off of YouTube for a week and we went to Rumble and I couldn't see anyone's comments?
Starting point is 00:01:54 So I couldn't basically address anyone. Paulina, what's up? Janelle, what's up? One position Janelle? That's not fair. Seema, hey. Trevor, hey. How are you? Angelo. Ang. Seema, hey. Trevor, hey. How are you?
Starting point is 00:02:06 Angelo. Anyway, so Angelo, dang, I was watching the Trista video, but we'll watch after. Kenneth, good evening. So I wonder, so the Trista video didn't upload to Rumble. So I'm wondering if right now, if we are live on Rumble, does anyone know? Can anyone comment from Rumble? I'm curious what that looks like. Because eventually we will get kicked off of YouTube. Right now, if we are live on Rumble, does anyone know? Can anyone comment from Rumble? I'm curious what that looks like.
Starting point is 00:02:26 Because eventually we will get kicked off of YouTube. So it's only a matter of time before someone doesn't like something I say. I'm going to be like, apples are good for you. You're toast. That is not WHO approved. I hope I can stay up later tonight. The guest today has been on the show before. His name is Josh Emmett. He kind of looks like this dude. Caveman move.
Starting point is 00:03:03 I don't know where he is. We we had sent him a email saying that we might change the date because I didn't have power. And he said. Sounds good good either day works for me and then i sent him an email this morning let's see what time eight hours ago at 8 56 a.m it's only eight hours ago and uh i said see you tonight and then i just sent him the link but i am guessing it's not live on rumble it's not live on rumble that is so weird well thank you for checking michelle mason mitchell yep he bailing damn he's been on before i don't remember last time i was looking into him a little bit more uh this time last time i did a shitload of research on him this time i wanted to have him back on because he needs to fight this guy needs to fight for the title oh
Starting point is 00:03:55 look there he is shit there he is look at that hey what's going on what's up dude how you doing sorry sorry i got on a little later uh I was trying to hop on the laptop. I have to do it through my phone on StreamYard. Is that right? Or if you're on Chrome, you can use your laptop. Oh, okay. It's okay. I set it up on my phone.
Starting point is 00:04:18 If you can see me all right and hear me. Yeah, I see you. Great. Okay, perfect. I see you. Great. Look at that, Mason. You said he's bailing.
Starting point is 00:04:24 He ain't bailing. He didn't come over to your house. Put your address up there. Okay, perfect. I see you. Great. Look at that, Mason. You said he's bailing. He ain't bailing. He didn't come over to your house. Put your address up there. He's coming over punching the face. Excited for Emmett. Hey, Emmett, I don't even remember talking to you about this last time you were on, but you owned a CrossFit gym. I didn't know that.
Starting point is 00:04:37 Or if I did, I forgot. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Let's see. We owned a CrossFit gym from 2010 to 2017 or 2011-ish. And what was the name of it? Movement CrossFit. M-V-M-N-T. It was in Sacramento, obviously. Because you guys were down in Santa Cruz, right? Yeah, that's what the headquarters were. That's where I used to work. I know that was a long time ago that you were on the show, but do you remember us talking about that? Yeah. I remember mentioning it to you, uh, because I, I got my level one at,
Starting point is 00:05:16 um, NorCal CrossFit at Kalipa's gym. Okay. And then I I've actually done, I did a, uh, my wife and I just did a bunch of different seminars as well. I did like a goal setting. It was like a CrossFit goal setting thing in Santa Cruz at one of the boxes down there. It might be the one you're talking about. It was a small, small little gym. Man, I don't remember exactly where it was. The headquarters were here.
Starting point is 00:05:44 We didn't do too many seminars there. It was a big gym. It wasn't a fancy gym, but it was a big gym. But that's where I worked. I worked in, uh, in Scotts Valley. I'm sure you went somewhere else. I bet you went somewhere else. Yeah. Well, I apologize for not remembering. Cause I heard you say that when you were being interviewed by Rampage and I'm like, shit, did I know that? I think if you go back and watch it, maybe I brought it up briefly, but who knows? Lucky Camera Straps has the CEO membership, which we have been enjoying the behind the scenes. So here's some extra coin to say thank you. Oh, thanks. Awesome. Hey, before I go any further, I want to show anyone who's been living in a closet or who's not a fight fan.
Starting point is 00:06:26 I just want to show them your last fight because I'm sure this is going to come up throughout. Let me just play this so people can see this. This is Bryce Flat Earth Mitchell. Great character on Instagram. Love the guy. Wholesome cat. Crazy popular with MMA fans. At the top of the class, um, fought the same
Starting point is 00:06:47 guy you did. Uh, you guys both had the last, both of your last fights were with Topuria, right? Uh, yeah, I believe so. Yeah. Okay. So this is, uh, this is about a month ago, right? Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:59 I, I fought, uh, Mitchell on the sixth, December 16th. So like six weeks ago, five weeks ago. Okay. Here we go. Quick fight. weeks ago, five weeks ago. Okay, here we go. Quick fight, quick fight. Don't blink. Oh my God. One big word saying about God damn it.
Starting point is 00:07:10 Oh my God. Oh, he's shaking. He's shaking bad. Oh my goodness. Oh my goodness. Did you see Mitchell took the ceremony? Holy cow. Hey, can you still feel that in your hand today?
Starting point is 00:07:33 Can you like, can you like look at your hand and remember that feeling? Like, I feel like I've done it like a handful of time. And I always relate it to just like the perfect swing on a, say a baseball bat, you know, and you hit the ball perfect, you know, it's out of the park. Maybe you swing a golf club. It's a, it's the same type of feeling. So I, I feel like I've felt that so many times. So with some of the, you know, the walk-off knockouts that I've had, I hit them and I just, I just know, you know, I just, I can obviously see them falling down
Starting point is 00:08:05 and, and just, just the, the power that I have. And, and when I throw it and it says clean, uh, as that one was, I, I just know the, the fight's over and there's, there's no need to follow up and inflict any more damage. Is, is that right? Do you, are you intimate with that movement? Yeah. Yeah. No, I, no, I feel like, you know, that like you could just stand there and just do that punch. Yeah. I do it all the time. Uh, and I, I, I land it on so many people, uh, in sparring and in fights. Um, I don't care if it's a 15 minute fight, a 25 minute fight. People say,
Starting point is 00:08:47 all I have is the overhand, right? Like, I don't care. I'm going to land it. I'm going to land it. You only have a three pointer. I know.
Starting point is 00:08:56 It's great, isn't it? I know, right? Steph Curry only got a three pointer. Hey, is there something you see Emmett that triggers you to, you know what I mean? Like I see the clock says 830 and it's like, fuck, I better start getting my head and my
Starting point is 00:09:09 voice towards bed. Is there something you see someone do that makes you launch that, that you're aware of? Like, do you see them do something and you're like, oh, time for you to eat one of these? Well, it's different with the Bryce the bryce mitchell fight um i feel like there was a long filling out process um he came out he's when he says long he means 60 seconds people no yeah but we were like you know i actually didn't get hit in that fight that was the first fight i've ever been and i didn't get touched you know crazy um but but he he's traditionally a southpaw. He came out fighting me Orthodox.
Starting point is 00:09:46 And I thought that was really odd. And I don't know if he was trying to throw me off with that. I thought he was going to come out and just immediately start trying to wrestle me and get me to the ground. So that's what we were, we were preparing for. And then when he was doing that, I was just like, man, I, I, I spar a lot of, you know, Orthodox fighters. I fought most Orthodox fighters.
Starting point is 00:10:08 So anytime there's a Southpaw fighter, they typically, I feel like have the advantage because most people are conventional. Um, but he came out trying to throw me off and I was just waiting. I was like, as soon as he throws a jab or he throws a, you know, a right hand, I'm either going to split that right hand with the overhand or I'm going to come over the top with my overhand when he tries to jab me. I was just waiting, waiting, and then that was kind of like the first exchange that he did that. And then I just timed it perfect, and he was coming in a little, so it made the knockout a little more um i guess just dangerous i guess if you want
Starting point is 00:10:48 to say that so when when you throw that punch do you this is going to be kind of a weird question do you find out that you're going to throw do you see it the same time we see it or do you know you're going to throw it or is your body reacting and you're like oh fuck because like you said there were two options there were really three options he was gonna you were you were concerned he's going to take you down and then what'd you say you throw a jab and split it or you throw the right when do you know which one you're going to do or do you not know and then all of a sudden you're kind of like a witness to it you're like oh i guess i'm throwing the right yeah yeah sometimes it's it's like that just because i i've practiced so so many reps throughout training in my career, in my life, fighting.
Starting point is 00:11:29 So it's just it's almost like I'm on autopilot. And I feel like sometimes in fights, we're not at least I'm not like my opinion and my thought process. I'm not really thinking about combinations too much. It's like I just react. So when he came out i i knew i was going to hit him with the overhand right i was just kind of waiting for the punch to come so i could time it and come over the top and then he threw a punch and i just instinctually like reacted to that and and just it's uh and sometimes i don't even i don't even think i just my body
Starting point is 00:12:03 just does stuff like reaction, even defense. Like when someone throws it to like, throws a punch me, I don't, I don't like, Oh shit, I got to block this. I just naturally do it. It's like, uh, it's just like embedded in me. Let me, let me, I like this. Let me, let me ask you, uh, one more thing that that I have boys that fight and and play sports. And what I notice and I'm guilty of it, too, especially in in like when we play tennis, it's you start to admire your own work. But you don't even you don't even admire your own work. You don't even take a second to enjoy. You're already you're already like ready for him to throw back like you get back into position. Oh, yeah. Maybe you can't see in the shot back like you get back into position oh damn maybe
Starting point is 00:12:45 you can't see in this shot but you get back into position so fast like you're already you're i mean i mean a split second later you obviously know he's down right there and then you're already like getting back right you're ready to wrestle after that or something yeah yeah right away i was yeah right away it's uh, I feel like I'll, I'll throw one, maybe two shots hard. And every time I throw a punch or a strike, like I, I throw with a hundred percent power, like, like, and, and I can do that, uh, over the course of 15, 25 minutes, every single punch I throw, I'm, I'm I'm throwing with 100% power I'm trying to finish the fights whereas a lot of people I feel like they they can't do that but I feel like I'm so
Starting point is 00:13:31 well prepared I'm so well conditioned and um you know I'm I'm just I'm just uh yeah I'm not I'm just always I'm always ready one two punches uh punches. I'm ready to block a shot. Or, you know, I was thought I was going to have to, you know, down block and start start like defending takedowns. But that that punch landed flush and clean. And then I knew it was over. You know, I was in a good position, but then I saw him obviously on the ground, and, you know, that was a wrap. Can you show me? It looks like you're hitting. Are you hitting him with this? No, no, no. I'm just hitting him like how you should.
Starting point is 00:14:17 Like most boxers, I hit him with, like, my index finger and my middle knuckle, and that's why that middle knuckle is a little screwed up, but you know, it's a, I land just flush just with those two knuckles. Yeah. I definitely don't hit with, you know, the side of my hand. If you, if you slow that down, it'll be like the perfect, just index knuckle. It'll be just straight in the center of his forehead. God, I always feel like i see
Starting point is 00:14:45 so you're not it looks like you hit him with this thing like almost like a hand like a opposite of a hammer fist no i'm not seeing it no no i'm not anything like that it's that that knuckle i turn it over at the very last minute so it comes with like a weird angle i i know what you're talking about it does look like that but no I'm hitting him with my Knuckle My two knuckles Do you remember Khabib in his early career Josh he had this weird like
Starting point is 00:15:13 Hook uppercut That always looked like Do you remember that thing it would like come from his waist Do you know what I'm talking about Was it like okay I'd have to watch but yeah no i watched i watched a lot of fights i watched a lot of and i could be describing it wrong because like look at me i have to watch this 100 times and i still can't figure out how i'm asking if you're hitting
Starting point is 00:15:33 with this fucking thumb like like what but it is like like i i throw that like like i i relate it to like pitching and throwing a baseball you know i I almost like my whole body mechanics are kind of the same way. And I'm just, it's like CrossFit core to extremities. I'm putting everything, my legs, my core to my, it finishes with the knuckle, but I almost throw that thing from my hip. But I throw everything I have into it. And even though it's like, you know, people say you should always have some type of guard up, even though I dropped my hand so low, my head is off the center line. And like, I'm still looking out of the corner of my eye and I throw it so fast that it's, uh, anything can happen. You know, someone could counter me, but, uh, a lot of times I feel like
Starting point is 00:16:22 that's something that I've kind of mastered. Um, and i said i i'll land it on anybody you you are and you do you are way off the center line it would be they better be really uh prepared if they um are going to counter and i know a lot of people like that i'm going to fight. They, they potentially, they watch my fights and they, they know that's coming. So I feel like even me breaking down myself of how would I beat myself? What are some of the things that I would do? I think a lot of people think, okay, when he, when he throws that overhand, right, they're going to bring a knee up the center. They're going to throw a right kick, but I feel like I'm aware of what they may try to do do but it's not gonna work in real time um i feel like it's not um just because like my body positioning i'm not just luckily throwing a overhand right and otherwise i'm a pretty lucky person because i land that all the time
Starting point is 00:17:20 um does that i'm looking at the um well i'll get to the guys you fought before i wanted to compare the guys you fought to to puria it doesn't even fucking make sense why kind of why he's fighting for the title i understand he's a scary guy but um before i go there so does this change everyone's person i mean obviously everyone knew okay hey there's this guy josh emmett he's uh you know uh 19 and 4 is it what's your record right now yeah 19 to 4 he's 19 and 4 he's fucking not people not only do you knock guys out but you hit guys and you spin around and send them into kind of like weird positions when you hit him if you don't knock him out the highlight reels are kind of crazy and so then that happens to bryce and now's kind of, you kind of have this weird, what's the guy's name?
Starting point is 00:18:11 Derek, Derek Lewis. You're a weird, you're a weird featherweight. You're a weird 146 pound fighter. You have this weird Derek Lewis thing like, oh shit. This guy, it doesn't matter how, where you are in the fight he can just knock you out it change it's got to change everyone's strategy make the people a little skittish right yeah i don't know maybe uh i feel like when people are fighting and and people are watching the highlight rules of myself or uh yeah that has to be in the back of their
Starting point is 00:18:45 head. You know what I mean? Like I, I, a lot of the people I actually dropped every single person that I fought at featherweight except a cater. I didn't, I didn't drop him. He's not droppable. Yeah. I didn't drop him with some hard shots. Um, yeah i didn't drop him like him with some hard shots um yeah it has to be uh it has to be in the back of their head you know just they have to be thinking about it somewhat because you don't know what's going to happen you watch a lot of film and you you think you're aware but you you really don't know until you get in there like i want to get hit by these guys i want to i want to feel how hard they hit how fast they are things like that it sounds kind of odd but i just because because we don't know and then once you get hit you're just like oh that's that's nothing you know what i mean or that's it it would be interesting to see how max
Starting point is 00:19:35 would deal with you i think of max holloway obviously is is i think of him as the greatest of all time i think volks getting up there but i i really like max but i mean he did he doesn't hit hard compared to you he's got like that more that manny pacquiao style right where it's just volume over power yeah no i know i believe so and that's the thing like i i don't know i'm sure he can hit hard too you know just because uh i feel like all these guys they can hit hard it's uh he's a tall big guy too you So he has a, he probably has a lot of power at the end of his, his punch and stuff like that. And he is a phenomenal fighter. He was a great champion. He's a good person. So, uh, but I do believe he is like much more of a volume puncher, but you know,
Starting point is 00:20:18 there, there are, there is some power that comes with that, you know, and it's the ones that you don't see coming that are the ones that hurt you when people really load up on shots and they they connect maybe they hurt a little but it's it's the ones that you don't see that kind of like drop you or put you out uh ricardo lamas jeremy stevens michael johnson shane burgos uh i gay cater yair rodriguez the he toperia hasn't fought any of those guys the only person he fought yeah mitchell and that's the thing like with with fighting it's uh we put so much into a fight you know whether it's 10 12 weeks um some some days on fight day it's not your day uh i'll tell you that when i fought him it wasn't my day but
Starting point is 00:21:05 man that that's a fight i want back that uh i want to fight a year again um i want to fight him in vegas uh just here i want to fight where did you fight a year at uh australia okay okay yeah but but it's just i just like stuff that's uh that like, it doesn't, it doesn't matter like where, but it's like when you're cutting weight, you're doing all these there's, there's a lot of things that go into that factor into a fight, you know, and it's sometimes travel can, I don't know, I feel like can kind of hinder performance, but it's, uh, but regardless, I, I want some of these fights back. You know, I, I just want to, I just want them back, you know, being in there with them and just, uh, maybe just not performing, uh, to my ability. It just eats at me. And, uh, I definitely want those back. After, uh, a year in Tupuria, I guess it's kind of bittersweet with uh tupuria because on one hand if you would have won that you'd probably be fighting for the title but on the other hand you lost to the guy who's fighting for the title so theoretically that keeps you just
Starting point is 00:22:18 right in the mix right and and and it went to decision right yeah yeah i'm the only one i don't think he or maybe he he only went to decision one time with one other fighter, but I think he's finished everybody. Yeah, yeah. But regardless, it doesn't matter. He won that night. He was a better man,
Starting point is 00:22:39 but I want it back bad. Did you, after Ayer and Tapuria, Ayer was five round fight that ended in the fourth? Second, yeah, Ayer. Okay. After those two fights, were you at an all time low for your career? Yeah. Like personally, how was that? Or how did you handle that?
Starting point is 00:23:06 like how was that or were you how did you handle that yeah it's uh the first time ever in my my career that i i had lost two fights in a row um you know most important fights in my life probably the shittiest performances of my life as well um and so it was tough but but i i i hold myself to a very high standard and and i I just had to just get back in there. And I just wanted to fight and get back in the win column. There was nothing that was going to stop me. For one, I set a goal at the beginning of 2023 and that was to get three fights in. You know, I lost to those two guys. I was getting one more in.
Starting point is 00:23:43 It was the end of the year when I was supposed to fight someone else. And then there was a little change up with the two week notice, but I had supposed to fight a Giga Chikaze. Oh, that's right. That's right. Oh shit. Wow.
Starting point is 00:23:55 That'd been, that'd been a fight too. I was supposed to fight him. He got hurt two weeks before, but I had a lot of like plans after this fight you know I put a lot of money and time and effort and energy into this fight he got hurt two weeks before I was still
Starting point is 00:24:13 fighting I was still accomplishing my goal of getting three fights in I was going to fight no matter what on the 16th I didn't care who they put in front of me because I had a lot of things planned afterwards and I wasn't't gonna sit back and wait and i and i really couldn't you would have fought anybody you would have fought anybody didn't matter at that like two weeks out you're like fuck it doesn't matter anybody yeah they they sent me
Starting point is 00:24:35 god they should have given you aljo wouldn't have been fucking awesome there yeah he was i i would have fought anybody yeah i would have fought anyone, but, but I, I ended up going with, actually Bryce took the fight, but he was the one of the most popular and most dangerous fighters out of like all the guys that gave me, but at the end of the day, I would have fought anybody. And I wanted someone ranked, you know, at least a big name. Cause there'd be these guys that are. Yeah. You got a great guy that when
Starting point is 00:25:05 i saw that pop on the card i was like holy shit i can't believe we're gonna watch this yeah so so it all it just it worked out perfect and you know the the fight went perfect and and that's something that you or as fighters we always hope that okay we can go in there last punch we land or first punch we land that that's over and that's kind of of what happened. And, you know, I got out of the fight unscathed. And even though that was a, you know, crazy knockout, I think knockout of the year, which a lot of people think. But, you know, Bryce, even though he got knocked out, he got cleared. He's not there was no like severe injuries or anything like that shortly after. And he's, you know, he's going to take a little more time off, which I think is great.
Starting point is 00:25:51 He is a good guy. You know, I met him there. He's a, he was just a super respectful and super nice guy. And I, and I wish him all the best, but it's like, we're going in there fighting. It's a, that's what people want to see too. They want to see big knockouts. And I feel like I owe that to not only the company, to the fans. It's like sometimes I almost got like a little, I don't know,
Starting point is 00:26:15 people were like criticizing me that I was like celebrated a little too much. I don't think so. He thanked you profusely for not punching him again a lot of guys would have punched again i mean for sure we just saw one this past weekend yeah i forget what was it what was it was it was the main event um fuck i can't remember i'll think about it but go go ahead sorry so some people said that you you over you overstepped your bounds yeah or stuff like that. And then it's like with everything that comes, it's like, there was this company that I did, uh, they, they just asked if they could use my likeness to make
Starting point is 00:26:53 some shirts. I said, Oh, of course, you know? And then it's like, people are like, Oh, you, you're doing all this stuff. That's too much. I'm like, that's what happens in a fight. And, and it's like, that's what, like, I want that to happen. I'm going to try to do everything in my power to do that every single time. You know what I mean? It's like, it was just, it was a little odd, but at the end of the day. More people will buy pay-per-views to watch you fight after seeing that. I mean, that, at the end of the day, I mean, that was the thing with Derek Lewis. It's like, oh, here it comes.
Starting point is 00:27:20 You're just going to watch two trains collide, right? And that's, that, if you go to a Josh Emmett fight, you're going to see the hardest puncher in the featherweight class who's got the greatest endurance at throwing the hardest punches go. Yeah, and I'll do that. I mean, you and Volkanovski would be crazy. No, I know. That's why it's, yeah, I want want to get whoever has the belt, you know,
Starting point is 00:27:45 and that's why I've always wanted to fight Volkanovskis. He has the belt, but even though he's a, he's a, he's a good person as well. I feel like everyone that I fought is pretty respectful. Um, but yeah, that, that him and I are very similar in like stature and stuff like that, power athleticism. Uh, so I, I think it would be a phenomenal fight for the fans. And that's something that a lot of people have wanted to see. And, you know, I just have to get back to just continue to win fights. And like you said, I am right in the mix, you know. So depending on what happens with these guys,
Starting point is 00:28:17 I feel like I could be one more win away from getting a shot. Or you never know in the division kind of what happens who's available things like that i i don't know so uh but i i think i'm i'm right there uh someone's telling me how to pronounce his name yeah i year i i i'm fine with both yeah i call them both me and him are close i call him whatever i call them whatever i want um i'm looking at this i'm trying to remember which fight it was from uh last week was it the randy brown fight i'm trying to remember but the guy was the guy was clearly out and then randy had to punch him one more time before the ref got was it that fight he did hit him a few times but i i'm not sure if that's the
Starting point is 00:29:03 one you're thinking about. Yeah, which fight was that? One of the fights, the ref didn't call it, and so the guy had to go over there and punch him one more time. Or maybe it was on the prelims. That wasn't necessary. Do you watch the fights? I do, yeah, if I can. I don't think I watched last week's fights because I was doing something and they were a little earlier, right? Was it? Yeah. Yeah. 4, 4 PM, 4 PM. Yeah. So no,
Starting point is 00:29:32 I typically, I try to watch a lot of the fights. Um, you know, I, I've been a fan of the sport for so long, uh, since I was, you know, long, long time ago. So I, if I, if I'm available, which most of the time I'll, I'll try to watch the fights or at least the main card. Um, yeah, I'm always tuning in, watching them. Have they offered you another fight, Josh, since you weren't hitting your last fight? Uh, they, they wanted to see if I wanted to fight at UFC 300, um, a while ago, but I, I have to take a little time off just because I did a stem cell procedure. And so I have to take, you know, a good amount of time off. So I can't even go back to training until right around UFC 300. Do you wish you wouldn't have done that procedure?
Starting point is 00:30:19 No, not at all. I've been dealing with some stuff for years. So I just want to get back to to feeling good again so didn't get hit in the fight uh immediately it sounds like you did some uh stem cell procedure did they all have they offered you anything since then do you know who they were going to offer you in ufc 300 no they they just asked if I'd be available for UFC 300. And I knew going into it, it's like, I wanted to get three fights in. And then I just want to, you know, I take good care of my body, but I've been dealing with things for a few years where I haven't been able to,
Starting point is 00:31:00 to fight at the potential I would like to. And I hold myself accountable too. So that's why I just want to get back to feeling good so I can, then I'm like, it's on. And then, you know, because I feel like I have, you know, one last chance to make a run at the title, but I have a long career ahead of me. So I just want to, I just want want to feel good and so i can train and fight the way i know i can so so what i'm hearing from you is you want to get the title and defend it yeah of course yeah um let's just at the 146 pounds so it's it sounds like Volkanovski and Topuria are fighting, right? So in a perfect world, I guess. Would you say Volk wins? You fight Volk and then you refight Topuria?
Starting point is 00:32:05 Yeah, that would be in a perfect world if i could can write that best because i do feel like volk is one of the i know you're saying max is you know one of the greatest featherweights which i believe he's he's out there he'd be number two on my list um i i have volkanovsky is the greatest featherweight of all time because he's he was the pound for pound number one he's he's beat max legit pound for pound number one too right i he's beaten. Legit pound for pound number one, too. Right. I mean, like even after he lost to what's his name? Islam. He was he was beating Islam's ass in the fifth round. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:31 And that's why I just feel like he I just feel like he's right now. He's the he's the great. Incoming phone call. Small break. Small bathroom break. Josh Emmett must run to the bathroom very quickly he'll be back shortly no one fret every man has to pee at some point we're all humans i wonder if he knows that he's not i can't hear him anymore someone called or something or he got a text or facetimed him or oh mason oh mason you didn't even think he's
Starting point is 00:33:09 gonna show up and he's here you shut it we already got our money's worth oh look here he comes back here he comes i see something he's coming just just now we're just hanging on every word Dude listen He shot Shane Burgos I think twice Fucking nuts dude That guy That guy is a hammer Top of his game
Starting point is 00:33:40 Loses two fights in a row Come back Knocks out Bryce Mitchell in the first round Destroys Bryce Mitchell Sends him into like Into another universe That wasn't even Josh Emmett The recording ran out
Starting point is 00:33:56 Wouldn't that be awesome? Yeah I just timed it all perfect Look there he is He came back That was That was one of his relatives calling. That was one of your relatives asking for money. It was actually my little brother that called me.
Starting point is 00:34:13 That fucker messed up a bit, but I just said it to do not disturb. I'm sorry. That's okay. Okay, so you were saying, so we were talking perfect world. Volk is the best. I agree. Volk is the best, too. I would rank him number one, too.
Starting point is 00:34:24 I just love Max, but you're right. Volk is the best i agree volk is the best too i would rank him number one too i just love max but you're right volk is is the best so in a perfect world you you would get to fight him yeah yeah what if toporia wins and even though i don't think he i don't think he is but what if toporia wins i wonder what what are they going to do with you dude yeah i don't know that maybe i'll they'll get that rematch they like the who knows that i don't really want to see you fight anyone except for the title i don't really want to see you fight giga or matt you know i this is kind of i would like to see it would be cool to see you fight conor mcgregor at 155 wouldn't that be cool yeah of course who doesn't want to fight conor you know you get paid well and you know he was he's such a you know such a big name in the sport and and brought a lot of eyes to everyone so yeah
Starting point is 00:35:10 of course i would love that but yeah i doubt that happens ever would you would you fight um diaz too no no i wouldn't like nate like uh there's because he's in the home in your hometown because he's a homie yeah he's uh he he like, they're like an hour from Stockton, and it's like Nate and I are cool, you know? So it's like I would never fight him. And we're not even the same weight classes. Now he's two weight classes above me, you know? But he fought Conor at 155 too, though, right?
Starting point is 00:35:39 Yeah, yeah, he did. Man. he did man i can't believe that they didn't give you have you ever been offered a title oh you thought that was the interim when you fought uh to pour you um yeah you're yeah you're after that fight do you cry you go home and cry no you don't go in your hotel and you're like fuck and start put your head in the pillow and cry just no no yeah i'm just pissed i want to get the hell out of the arena i'm just like uh it's it's definitely it's hard it's uh just because so much so much goes into it and it's uh you know all my coaches and everyone that came out. I had so many friends and family that flew out to Perth, Australia, which is like the furthest place you can actually fly in the world from Sacramento. And yeah, I just felt like I, I don't know, just it's hard. You know, I don't even want to, I just want to like disappear and stuff like that.
Starting point is 00:36:40 But, you know, I had a lot of people that come out and I had to go out and just, you know, I don't know, just for me, just thank them for being there and showing support and stuff like that. So we definitely, um, yeah, hung out, but I'm, I'm definitely not in a good place, I guess you can say, just because I'm thinking about, um, I'm just playing the fight over and over in my head. And then we had a handful of friends that we we are going to do like uh Australia trip just because we are we are there uh so we stayed in Perth for a while we went to Sydney and then each each uh city we'd go to we'd have a few more people that would like fly back home and then my wife and I were with our, our best friends. And then we ended up doing New Zealand, uh, the,
Starting point is 00:37:26 the South and North Island. And, you know, at one point my wife knows me really well and she can just tell, she looks over at me and I'm just like, I'm not staring, staring off into like nothing, but I'm just like, I just can't stop replaying this stuff in my head. And it, she knows that I'm not happy. And she's just like, we can go home or you can try to have a good time. I'm like, uh, I really didn't care at that moment. But, um, yeah, so I try to, that's, that's one of the main reason why I just wanted to get home, get back to training and, and get back to, to fighting. So I, I literally came home and they had already, you know, offered me a fight against Ilya shortly after just because I said I want to fight ASAP.
Starting point is 00:38:08 And nobody would fight Ilya. And so I was like, yeah, sign me up. I'll fight him. And so that was on. Yeah, yeah, that was on. So is there any cure for losing a fight? It's just another fight? Yeah, I think you just have to, you just kind of move on and that's just, yeah. Or another fight,
Starting point is 00:38:31 but no, I think you just have to move on at the end of the day. It's like anything in life. It's like you go through like things are tough. Uh, there's tough times, there's struggles, adversity in your life, whatever it is. It's like you can sit there and feel sorry for yourself and dwell on the past, or you can just, in my mind, just move on. You know, it's even though you're going to think about it and it's still certain things like bother me. And I think they always will. But I still have to just keep moving forward. And I do see this in a lot of fighters where they let it just like, it just eats at them the whole time. And they're always talking, or not always, but some fighters, they think they want to fight, but they lost it's like look it up what was the scorecard
Starting point is 00:39:27 you either won or you lost you you win or you lose and so it's like those fights i lost uh it pisses me off it motivates me and i keep working towards another fight but there's other fighters that you know they they're having another fight scheduled and this is like five six months later and during their fight week, they're still talking about their previous fight that they thought they weren't. I'm like, you've lost the damn fight.
Starting point is 00:39:51 You should, you should focus on the opponent that you're going to fight on Saturday night. And then you see a lot of these guys lose. I think it, I don't know. It does something to you. Cause they're,
Starting point is 00:40:01 they're like so, so all over the place and they're not like solely focused on like their tap the task at hand and the opponent in front of them um and i see that sometimes i'm like this guy's gonna lose this fight and typically that's that's what happens did you see dave chapelle's most recent stand-up no no i haven't a section of it he there's this theme he has going through the standup where he talks about, um, being a dreamer, that he's a dreamer and that he hangs around with dreamers and people who
Starting point is 00:40:31 dream. I think that's the word he uses dreamers. And he says when he, and he's standing in there and he's like, you know, smoking a cigarette and he's 50, whatever, one years old.
Starting point is 00:40:39 And he's like, I dreamt about this when I was 14 years old. Do you spend a lot of time, um, dreaming and imagining? Like, did you have a strong imagination? Yeah, no, no, I, I definitely, I, I feel like I'm, I do do that a lot. I feel like you're like, you're manifesting things. And I do that. I visualize stuff. There's a lot of things that like I do, like I make a vision board every new year's eve, you know, my, my wife and I, and our best friends, we made a vision board, uh,
Starting point is 00:41:10 on what is that? Can you tell me what that is? It's just stuff that it's like, it's almost like setting goals, but it's, it's, it's something that it's much more like elaborated and just bigger. Think of like dream big. I feel like if if you if you achieved all your goals last year they probably weren't big enough so it's like we have this poster board and we go and get tons of magazines and we just cut out whether it's a quotes sayings from the magazines whether it's words whether it's pictures and you just you make this big ass collage. You put it together. Uh, you, you put a picture of yourself on there. Um, we always sign the back and date it. And, and I've been doing this since I was a little kid. You know, my, my mom is, uh, I grew up, uh, she's a naturopath. So she,
Starting point is 00:41:59 my mom is, you know, into holistic medicine and things like that. So I, I grew up doing these type of things. And so I, I feel like we, my wife and I, we, we do it now. I have stuff before from 2007, before I went down to a Menlo college to wrestle, I always wanted to fight in the UFC. I still have this vision board that like I made and, and I found it in the attic at my mom's house when we were moving a long time ago. But it has a lot of stuff that I have now. Like UFC, UFC suit. I wasn't even fighting then. I was going down to wrestle in college.
Starting point is 00:42:35 So I feel like back to the vision board, it's like you make this big collage of big things that you've always dreamed of that you want to do. And it's not like a short-term goal. It's just you're putting it out there. And then we have them in our room. So I literally see this thing every day. First thing when I wake up, when I go to bed, when I'm doing my red light in the morning, I'm staring at this thing for 20 minutes. And it's just your subconscious.
Starting point is 00:43:03 It's like, I don't know. I just, I truly believe in things like this and visualizing things and dreaming, like you're saying, and, and, and feeling, um, things that I've always, always wanted. I feel like I have them. You feel them too. You, you don't just, you don't just visualize them. You feel them. Yeah. I feel like I, like, oh yeah. Like you have a chip on your shoulder. Like this is, I feel like I am this, or I want this. I, what is it? What does it feel like to have that? So I do, I do a lot of this. I've done this for, since I was a little kid. And, um, I feel like I am a, just like living proof of this. Like it, my, obviously my mom, my wife, my close friends
Starting point is 00:43:44 and family that know me, if they've known me for a long time, things that might obviously my mom, my wife, my close friends and family that know me, if they've known me for a long time, things that I've always said, I'm going to do something like I am doing it, you know, so I feel like if I can do it, like there's so many people that do this already. But I 100% believe in these type of, like, I guess, exercises, whatever you want to call them. When you go to bed at night, um, do you always do, is that part of your routine going to bed at night laying on your back and, and, and dreaming and like dreaming and like visualizing and feeling is it part of your, and if you don't do it, do you feel like you're being lazy? Like, are there times when you want, you should be doing it that you don't?
Starting point is 00:44:21 Do you feel like you're being lazy? Like, are there times when you should be doing it that you don't? No, no. It just depends. Like, I don't do that like every night, but I see this vision board. I feel like throughout the day, I'm thinking about certain things that I've wanted. But I do like touching off of that, like I feel that way with like in camps or something. That's why I whether it's, you know, my diet, extra workout, something like that. I will never cheat the process because then I will be pissed at myself that I didn't know what I was supposed to do.
Starting point is 00:44:59 Like even going back to like doing cold plunges in the morning, we have a plunge here. It's like I would get up every single morning and I go straight out there. If I, if I were to tell myself, Oh, let's not do it today. Let's do it tomorrow. And I didn't do it one day. I would beat myself up. I'd be pissed. You know, it's like in camp, you know? Um, and a lot of things, if I, if I'm working towards something and I'm trying to achieve something, I am pretty hard on myself. But, um, as far as like those activities and dreaming, visualize, I don't do that every single night. It's not like a typical routine. I do.
Starting point is 00:45:33 But if it were a routine, then I would just do it every single night. You know, have you ever heard of this author? He's from the turn of the century, like early 1900s, Napoleon Hill. He wrote this book, Law of Success. Law of Success, Napoleon Hill. I think I – no, I don't know. What's crazy is I'm listening to this – people have always told me about this book, and so I'm listening to this book, and then I hear the Dave Chappelle thing. me about this book and so i'm listening to this book and then i hear the dave chappelle thing and i'm like whoa these guys are talking about the same thing but one guy's talking about in 2024 and one guy's talking about 1924 and and then here i am asking you and you're like yeah i do that
Starting point is 00:46:14 you think that you think that um that's on on you think every single champion does that you think there's a single person who didn't dream their success consciously dream their success like they just stumbled into it hey i just have hard i just do hard work and have good habits and fuck here i am yeah maybe like who knows but i would think a lot of people are yeah they they have high expectations of themselves they they they're visualizing themselves accomplishing big goals that they probably goal oriented which i am and they're visualizing themselves accomplishing big goals that they probably goal oriented which I am and they're setting out goals and you have to like I feel like if you if you want something I know people say oh you guys say but you have to work towards it like I know you can't just think
Starting point is 00:46:57 these things and actually not put in the work like you're not gonna achieve anything unless you are lucky and that's probably very rare. Um, but yeah, I would say a lot of champions, um, or people that are very successful. I agree with you. I think, I think that is a, a definitely an exercise or something that they implement into their lives or, or some type of daily routine. Who taught your mom? I don't know. Actually, that's a good question. Um, what a crazy gift she gave you. Yeah, no. And now I'm, I'm, I'm so grateful for it just because, uh, like I never went to the doctor, um, like unless I needed an x-ray or a physical
Starting point is 00:47:39 growing up, if I was sick, she would make some like herbal remedy or concoction and i'd be drinking this nasty shit or like yeah taking some tincture um she made everything from scratch like i didn't eat any processed stuff we didn't have any shit in the house and i was i was always bummed about that you know growing up as a kid i was like mom why can't i have this or can we get some soda and she no no like no. Like, uh, so I'd go to my friend's houses and I'd like, oh, they'd have Twinkies or, you know, just regular cereal. Remember sugar cereal at the friend's house. Yeah. We didn't have any of that. Like it's, uh, but I'm so grateful now, you know, it's, uh, I'm so grateful for that. Um, even going back
Starting point is 00:48:21 to, uh, when I was younger and I feel like my mom was ahead of certain things too. You hear about like, we didn't have a microwave in the house because of certain things. And then she never used aluminum. Like we didn't have aluminum foil in the house. We had nothing aluminum. And I was like, mom, why can't we just put this over there? She wouldn't do it. And then you like 20 years later, you hear about all like the the bad stuff with cooking and aluminum like all the the shitty pans and stuff like that she had iron gillets and stuff like that and i was like what is this but i feel like she was way ahead of uh of certain things i used to think it was crazy and then you know 10 20 years later this thing comes out and it's so popular like damn my mom was right what about when you went to australia did
Starting point is 00:49:10 you have to did they try to give you the shot when you went there um no no no it was it was in 2023 over oh did you did you have to lose any fights because you wouldn't get the shot no i i feel like uh luckily dana white you know he was uh yeah yeah i think all the fighters and stuff were lucky to have a boss like him and he's basically he was the ufc was a gold standard for the for the covid bubble and he he started all that like yeah you know sports followed suit because of what he was doing, you know? So I'm, I'm grateful to, to fight for him and the UFC, you know, to be honest. Was your mom very political growing up?
Starting point is 00:49:57 No, no, she wasn't. Okay. Cause it's interesting. Yeah. She would like, she, she wasn't like, I feel like she has very strong beliefs and stuff like that. And certain things like she wouldn't, like, I know her thoughts. And I, so you say political, like, I guess she wouldn't tell her views, like try to put them on people. But she thought a lot of stuff was bullshit, you know, honestly. And then now we see a lot of things at least i feel like and i don't talk like politics and things like this or conspiracy
Starting point is 00:50:29 theories but it's just like i i see like a lot of things going on now i'm just like uh even just like our food and everything you know it's like i i think like like in schools if schools and prisons feed their people the same shit like schools feed kids poison like everyone knows it yet we keep doing it. Everyone knows it. Yeah. Yeah. So I think it's horrible.
Starting point is 00:50:50 Here's the place I was going. You grew up in California? Yep. Sacramento. Okay. So I grew up in the Bay Area too. So I grew up very liberal upbringing, do good for people, love people, be kind kind to people you know fucking uh the healthy lifestyle and then all of a sudden like all of a sudden like all those people are like have flipped
Starting point is 00:51:12 the script on me or or i wasn't paying attention all the people that were supposed to be good people and like leave people alone and freedom and let everyone do their own shit all of a sudden they're like like all like like when covet happened there all of a sudden they're like hey they're i guess it's just the whole victim mentality all of a sudden they're like like like like when covet happened they're all of a sudden they're like hey they're i guess it's just the whole victim mentality all of a sudden they're just demanding that we feel sorry for people or they're demanding we be racist or they're demanding we take drugs and i was just wondering how your mom processed that if she was like holy shit what the fuck happened all my friends like what happened to neil young you know what i mean like dude neil but yes so she was that way she went she wouldn't say but she was she's the same person she's been what I mean? Like, dude, Neil.
Starting point is 00:51:47 So she was that way. She went, she wouldn't say, but she was, she's the same person she's been. And she, she definitely has her strong beliefs. Like I said, so it's like, I don't, I personally, like, I don't care what other people are doing. Like, I feel like if someone wants to go do this and they feel safer, that's fine. That's on you. But I just don't like when people try to like force their views or beliefs on me like just let everyone everyone that let everyone like decide for themselves you know what they want to do and that's how i feel with everything you know at the end of the day i want i just want whatever's going to be better even for like our country like
Starting point is 00:52:19 what's going to be better for the people the economy like certain things like i don't know it's just uh it's it's weird it's a weird do you think it's a weird time we live in oh i think it's a yeah crazy time we live in yeah yeah crazy i i think it's just it's nuts and it is weird like a lot of like people even losing friendships over like even if they're like oh i like this person i like this you know this policy or belief and people just it's like it's like you're like, Oh, I like this person. I like this, you know, this policy or belief and people just, it's like, it's like, you're either with us or against it. Like, I, I don't know. I think both people on the far left and far right are like, whack, you know, but like, I can see both sides and I'm usually just in the middle. And I just,
Starting point is 00:53:01 if something I agree with, I'm like, okay, I understand that. Like, I always just observe, listen and, and like think, but I'll never, I'll never like befriend someone or, or be pissed at someone for having their own opinion. Cause everyone's entitled to their own opinion. You know, it's like, it's like, do you like green or yellow? If you say yellow, I'm going to be pissed at you. I hate yellow like i i can't ever talk to you or come on your podcast again like i'm like okay it's it's it's odd i i think i think the world is in a strange strange place but troy martin um uh southern man don't need him around anyhow quote from neil young look at you. So when would be the soonest we would see you dancing around with your hands
Starting point is 00:53:50 up in front of your face trying to knock dudes out? Yeah, I'm hoping just because I really can't really get back to even training until for a few more months. Maybe International Fight Week June 29th. Oh, that's sooner than I thought.
Starting point is 00:54:05 I thought you were going to say like 2025. Holy shit. No, no, no. I don't know. That's just me always like forward thinking. I still don't know right now, but I'm just like, I always set goals and usually I try to stick by them as close as I can at least. So that's just something that's in my head.
Starting point is 00:54:23 I'm like, I just i would i would want to fight in april i don't want to fight i don't want to fight this weekend you know if i could because i i i feel fine i want to stay active i want to stay consistent and just continue to fight at least three times a year if not more um but i do want fights that are going to get me closer to the title too um always fighting these guys that I've taken every fight. I fought everybody. It's, uh, you really have, you really have, it's crazy. No good to, I take these fights that people are behind me. And there's a lot of people that like, they will not fight anyone behind them. They only want to fight forward and they'll,
Starting point is 00:55:00 they'll sit there and say no to every fight. It's, you know, they'll wait a year and then they'll get a fight someone in front of you. But I've only fought two people in front of me my whole career. Every single – even when I'm ranked high, I'm fighting everyone in the back, and it does me nothing. It does nothing for me because I just beat Bryce. When I win fights and I have big finishes, I shift back in the rankings. It doesn't make sense to me at least uh there's
Starting point is 00:55:26 people was he he was number four uh bryce was i think he was like nine or something okay he was he was way up there until he lost to ilia okay but but i feel like when i i win fights they move me out of the rankings so if i was sitting back not winning a fight in years and years or not fighting anyone, I would be out of the top 20. Maybe you need to get active on Twitter. Do you ever talk shit to people on Twitter? No, but I don't know. I don't know these guys.
Starting point is 00:55:59 I feel like any time I'm on a card, people are excited to see me fight just because I'm going to try to do that excited to see me fight just because like, I'm going to try to do that every time. I've never been in a boring fight. I can fight. I'm not this, this person that this character, you know,
Starting point is 00:56:13 people always say, Oh, you need to start talking shit. And I'm like, that's not me. I don't know what these guys are going through, what they've been through. I don't know them personally.
Starting point is 00:56:20 So I'm not gonna, I'm just not gonna do that. You know, I feel like, I don't know. I just want to be who i am like what you get i can fight i'm not an actor i didn't go to school to become some actor i fight and and i think i'm really good at it and uh i i feel like my my fighting speaks for itself too so it's uh i don't i don't know why we have to, you know, just be some some character. I think a lot of people are trying to be.
Starting point is 00:56:47 Maybe you could tweet some shit like a good evening, Mr. McGregor. I noticed that you're thinking about fighting. I would be happy to get in the ring and tussle with you. That approach, but I feel like it's. Would you like to put on some really tight underwear and get in the ring together and beat the fucking shit out of each other? I'm game on any given Saturday at 7 p.m.
Starting point is 00:57:14 You could just be tweeting. I'll try that. Yeah, totally. Hey, how will you know if the stem cells work, Josh? Everybody's different. This place that I actually went to, though, they have Um, everybody's different. It's, um, this place that I actually went to though, they have a really high success rate and it's, uh, they, they typically take three to four months and they continue to work for up to a year, but, uh, everyone's different. So some, some people,
Starting point is 00:57:36 you know, the, those 20% that it hasn't worked for it, it can, it can do nothing, but I've, yeah, I, I just, I'm hopeful. And I, and I went to a great place and, uh, yeah, just kind of sitting back and, and hoping they, they work their magic and yeah, I can get back in feeling, feeling great again. You sweating every day? Um, no, no, you don't get like on an assault bike or go for like, put on like extra sweatshirts and go for a long, like walk up a Hill or no, no sweat. You don't sweat every day. Not, no, you don't get like on an assault bike or go for like, put on like extra sweatshirts and go for a long, like walk up a hill or not. No sweat. You don't sweat every day. Not, not, not right now. No. Wow. Crazy. Good. That takes some discipline not to do that. Huh?
Starting point is 00:58:13 Yeah. I mean, you love working out. So it's kind of funny, whereas, you know, I enjoy the lifestyle of fighting. I do enjoy being healthy and training. But, you know, I've worked out my whole life, like literally my whole life. And so it's like we used to, when we go on vacation, like we'd be like, oh, we'll bring some like running shoes and some like some workout jump rope maybe maybe some dumbbells and then sometimes i wouldn't use it and then after a while i'm like because i want to be on vacation like i work out for a living every single day like rain or shine like whether i i i'm sore or not i have to so i just got real after a while my wife's like oh you want
Starting point is 00:59:02 to bring some stuff to work out i'm like no, no, I'm not going to work out. I'm on vacation. I like, so, uh, so now we just, uh, yeah, we kind of stick to that. But yeah, it was hard after doing the stem cells. They didn't want you doing anything for like two to four weeks. You can start like PT after two weeks. Um, but they didn't want you doing anything. And I was, that was hard for me because I was, I was like, you think I could do like some pushups and stuff? And she's like, no, you can't do anything. And I was, that was hard for me because I was, I was like, you think I could do like some
Starting point is 00:59:26 pushups and stuff? And she's like, no, you can't do anything. I was like going to start doing something. But yeah, I just have to, I follow like it's their protocol. I don't like cheat certain things or people that are, you know, specialists in certain areas. And they're telling me one thing, like I listen to the the experts it's like my my dieticians when they tell me exactly what time to eat weigh this out do this like I follow their plan to the t I I don't I don't like try to cut corners I don't I don't do certain things because I have regrets in uh in in, like wrestling. I didn't follow the right program. You know, I was partying during the season and that's why I have regrets to why I got into
Starting point is 01:00:13 fighting because, you know, it's like, I feel like I could have been a national champion. Things bothered me and I should get that because I didn't't like, I just, I cheated the system and, and it, and it showed it doesn't work. So anytime someone's telling me to, you know, do this, and this is the best case scenario. I do that. I always ask them what's the best. And they say, well, this would be, I said, okay, I'm going to do that. So no, I always just, yeah, I just listen to people. You've turned into an adult. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I guess so. Hey brother. I love having you on. I think the conversation we had about dreaming,
Starting point is 01:00:55 there's going to be at least one person out there that changes their life. I'm telling you, there's not enough people out there dreaming. What a cool little bit you shared. I know I'm going to know I'm really been thinking about it a lot lately. I'm not a goal-oriented person. I'm just a person with good habits and discipline and structure. But maybe I need to start dreaming more. So I appreciate you sharing. I'll say start looking at vision boards. It's pretty simple.
Starting point is 01:01:20 We do it almost every year. I like it. We still have stuff from 2016. My wife and I, we both have multiple vision boards on our wall and we see them all the time and it's crazy. We go back and, or don't go back, but we look at things on the board and it's like, okay, we've done that. We've done that. We've done that. It's, it's wild. Like it really is. So I would say, yeah, maybe, maybe do that since you since you don't set a lot of goals. Yeah. Life's just been easy and cruising.
Starting point is 01:01:50 But maybe I should start working on that shit. Yeah. It's just kind of fun. And you'll see you'll check things off and accomplish things or visit places that you have on this board and you're not even thinking about it. And it's just like, damn, I've been there. Look what I put on this board. I don't know. I've done it since I're not even thinking about it. And it's just like, damn, I've been there. Look what I put on this spot. I don't know. I've done it since I was young.
Starting point is 01:02:08 Thanks. I love it. All right, dude. Uh, I'll be staying in touch. Thanks for always making it so easy to be in touch with you. Thanks for coming on tonight.
Starting point is 01:02:15 You're a good dude. Great to be here. And we'll, uh, we'll talk later. Ciao, Josh Emmett. Have a good night.
Starting point is 01:02:21 Good night. I used to play this manifestation game with my... With my wife. I've told this story before. It had a weird fucking ending. Boy, oh boy, did it have a weird ending. Savon, are you you gonna make quarterfinals I don't even I know but I don't even
Starting point is 01:02:49 I don't even know what that means but no I'm not even gonna I don't know if I'm gonna even do the oh Jesus Christ can't let manifestation sound satanic Jesus Christ take that bible and shove it up your ass
Starting point is 01:03:05 And turn it sideways For fuck's sake Sounds satanic Why? How about we just call it praying? Listen, listen, Jason Prove Dave wrong I
Starting point is 01:03:22 I see the world as a musical instrument, and I'm just there to finger it. I just finger it. I am not interested in ever being right. I'm interested in getting what I want. Let that be very clear. Dylan Val, our local fighter. Can't believe I missed another. Can't wait to listen.
Starting point is 01:03:48 Keep killing it, guys. There's something I wanted to share. What was it? Oh, the thing about how Josh doesn't have kids. Josh, not yet. Josh doesn't have kids. Josh, not yet. And so that thing where you don't want to befriend, you would never defriend someone for an opinion.
Starting point is 01:04:19 Like, I don't care, like, if you get the shot. I'd even be your friend if you think that, like, my kids shouldn't be allowed to go to school if they don't get the shot even though i think you're a fucking complete moron but like i'd still be your friend love you to death and all that i don't care if like you're an idiot and you believe in global warming climate change as as what they tell you like you're a brain dead idiot you can't even explain it anthropogenic uh global warming and you you believe just dumb shit like oh trump's uh avoid telling the congress and senate not to pass uh the the new bill that would stop things at the border like if you just believe that without actually going and looking at the bill and yeah so you're brian's friend. Yeah, dude, taking drugs and getting,
Starting point is 01:05:26 uh, that would complete not, I'm not talking about even like smoking weed or doing meth or Coke or fentanyl, but I'm talking about like shit, like hormone blockers that once you take them, your, your,
Starting point is 01:05:35 your, your course of your reality is completely changed forever. The truth is, is vaccines do the exact same thing. They completely, uh, uh, change your immune system.
Starting point is 01:05:48 All you gotta do is five minutes of research if you have kids please do five minutes but um uh the to think that you would be friends and accept something like a pedophile like in your ranks like you wouldn't you're at that point you're just a bad parent and so like i i get the i get the notion of just wanting to love everyone and accept everyone and like i'm like i'm so down with that on so many levels like god bless the godfather and the lone ranger and and the crossfit's media team and just all the just douche nozzles out there and all the racist woke bigots but but as soon as you have kids there is a if you're not with me you're against me peace and that's if you want to harm my kids and so I um I just can't – once you want to harm my kids, I can't do that.
Starting point is 01:06:48 And I'm okay if that makes – if that distances me from – I don't know, God, because I'm not accepting of his children who are pedophiles, then I apologize. But I just not I don't have that wisdom. So. That's that or, you know, I don't I don't even like I've told you before, like I've like I have tons. I'm surrounded by racists. I have tons of friends who are just crazy racists. I mean, we see them all the time, but I'm still going to make fun of them. We see them all the time. But I'm still going to make fun of them. I mean this. I'm friends with tons of victims.
Starting point is 01:07:30 I'm tons of people who've like. I mean I'm surrounded by. Fucking Democrats. Racist cuck. Bigot. Selfish assholes. I'm total friends with them. I i this friend um a few months ago they did some really dumb shit and i go wow you are a fucking monster and this friend said how can you think that about me and still be my friend i'm like dude i have lots of friends who are monsters so many friends who are monsters There's this
Starting point is 01:08:27 I wonder what this word means Do you guys know what the word initiative means? Let me see, let's look it up Initiative The ability to assess and initiate things independently Initiative The power or opportunity to take To act or take charge before others do. So this morning I – explain me that. I'm going to. Here we go.
Starting point is 01:09:03 This morning – I think it was Caleb or Will Branstad. I can't even remember. Someone texted me and said, hey, should I make episode nine live? I'm like, oh, yes, thank you. You think that that's like nothing, but that sets them like at elite level initiative relative to the rest of the people. Oh, there's this guy. There's this guy who has been reaching out to me about making clips, shorts. Right. So he's taken initiative. That's another thing to initiative and follow through. I only if you are not and then there's the opposite of initiative, right? There's like, you see there's so I guess there's levels, there's initiative. You see the piece of trash, you go over and pick it up. You, you see the piece of trash, you don't pick it up. You don't see the piece of trash at all. don't see the piece of trash at all but all the dudes i'm all the people in my life i as often i refer to it as givers they're givers they just keep giving to me give give give give give and
Starting point is 01:10:19 um i'm just i've surrounded myself by people who take initiative. What is it the ability to assess and initiate things? So. They like make me clips or tell me like, hey, like you like even Jeremy World, he'll be like, hey, dude, you have or Bruce Wayne, they'll be like, hey, dude, you have two shows scheduled. Even Jeremy Eat World, he'll be like, hey, dude, you have – or Bruce Wayne, they'll be like, hey, dude, you have two shows scheduled. Like think of all the fucking people I know, but those fucking two dudes send me that. Or Jeffrey Bershaw texts me and says, you didn't do a show. Are you okay? I'm not – I don't – those are just like really simple forms of initiative, but like I just want to be around people who have initiative.
Starting point is 01:11:14 Audrey, fine. I'll give you a stand. Okay, this show is over. Thank you. I'll see you in the back in 20 minutes. So those are – I mean that – oh, what are three synonyms for initiative? Let's see what this is. What is this? Initiative, push, energy, enterprise, ambition, pep, motivation, zip. You're not doing it to get anything. It's weird. Ernie Garza. Man, Ernie. Fuck, man. You went to the hell summit, man.
Starting point is 01:12:11 People can't stop talking about how cool you are to me. How crazy. You even got a picture with sugar-free revolution. Is that who you got the picture with? I saw your picture. I know this is going to be great oh yeah look at you dude what a little stud you are dude look at you yeah so uh you must have so i heard you uh and then there's ernie garza whom i had the pleasure of finally meeting this weekend ernie you're truly something else your spirit your drive and your all hands on
Starting point is 01:12:51 deck attitude this week didn't just impress me they were essential to our success and i really want you to know that i see you and i appreciate you deeply most people would be like god that's so cheesedick but i love karn and I know she means it. You look good, dude. That's a nice shirt. Look at your fucking chest and your pants and shit. Look at you. Look at that vein on your fucking hand. Jesus. How vascular. Anyway, yeah,
Starting point is 01:13:23 that's initiative. That's initiative. I like that's initiative people are taught like talking about the um yes uh six though yes that was danielle brandon that he was with yes uh karen thompson posted a picture of danielle brandon and ernie yes uh johnny uh five bucks so so what five bucks is seven last less than three minutes getting that standee listen i feel guilty if they if they get forearm fatigue and have to switch hands I feel guilty if they get forearm fatigue and have to switch hands. All buff and shit.
Starting point is 01:14:08 What are you doing? Are you eating ice cream cone? What are you doing? You looking at your phone? What shirt are you wearing? If that really is you, Johnny, you need to DM me your address. You need a Savon podcast jersey. Jesus Christ.
Starting point is 01:14:26 It's looking so good. My elbow is hurting. You better get that shit healed up. You only need it for two minutes. Oh, Kenneth. Not cool. Not cool. I bet it takes him three minutes just to get hard.
Starting point is 01:14:56 I'm a frisky. I'm a frisky, frisky, frisky guy. I heard they caught the... I heard they caught some of the... The irony. I heard they caught some of the... Ill irony i heard they caught some of the uh illegals that beat up the um cops in new york i heard they arrested him in arizona which is right arizona of course in new york city they let you go arizona they arrest you uh born primitive is the sponsor for the tay Taylor self versus the world and
Starting point is 01:15:25 I'm pretty damn proud I think they're a fucking great fit I don't know if you remember the let me see if I can the CEO was on the show I felt kind of bad he was on the show and then I reached out to him.
Starting point is 01:15:45 I'm like, yo, you want to cough up some loot and be a part of this? And the reason why I called him is because I wanted his fucking money, but I also was like, man, this is so much better. I don't want to say – some of my friends are sponsored by, like, rainbow brands, and I'm not doing rainbow brands. Anyway, so then he posted this today and I thought this was kind of cool. I'll be honest. For me, this is in a way a deliberate F you to Nike.
Starting point is 01:16:16 I'm not going to sugarcoat it. When they banned that Air Force One with the Betsy Ross flag on the grounds that the Betsy Ross flag, which is the flag of the American Revolution, is somehow racist. I cannot believe they got away with that. And, and, you know, for those that we just did an episode on woke capitalism with Anson Frerichs, I highly recommend you tune into that. If you haven't already, it's fascinating. Had they tried to pull that shit right now, they would have gotten their asses. I mean, they kind of, they did get some out, but, but for the most part, it didn't affect them at all yeah um but for one of the biggest i mean biggest apparel brand on the planet you know an american founded brand to say that the symbol of the the birth of our republic
Starting point is 01:16:53 is now somehow offensive or racist blows me the fuck away man i'll be honest. I like it. I like it. I like it. I don't even remember that. Show me this Betsy Ross flag. I don't even know what he's talking about. Betsy Ross flag. I just like dudes standing up.
Starting point is 01:17:23 Oh. Oh, here we go. Okay, fine. Who the fuck thinks this shit is racist? Well, let me do a little research here. The Betsy Rotz flag is reconstructed early design for the flag of the United States, which is a conformant to the flag act of 1777 and has red stripes outermost and stars arranged in a circle
Starting point is 01:17:48 one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen oh so there were 13 states at the time oh here we go uh the betsy ross flag is reconstructed early designed for the flag of the united states which is the conformant i don't know what that means to a flag act of 1977 as red stripes outermost and stars arranged in a circle which specified 13 alternating red and white horizontal stripes and 13 white stars
Starting point is 01:18:14 Betsy Ross was the upholsterer who made the flag she's born in 1752 and died in 1836 of gonorrhea. I made that gonorrhea part up. All right. Let's see if there's any racist first flag symbolism. There's any racist first flag symbolism. Okay.
Starting point is 01:18:55 Stripe stars circle colors, political, cultural significance. I don't see anything. Nope. Nothing. Look at not even wiki, which would love to like, you know how usually they have a link on here
Starting point is 01:19:08 like controversy or something. They got nothing. Oh, talk. What's this mean, talk? All right. Yeah, so he said that shit wouldn't fly today. Well, good. You flunked history or I flunked history I didn't even take
Starting point is 01:19:29 history Jeremy world it's racist because they said so dude right right tomorrow Greg Glassman is coming on phone lines will be open all sorts of fun shit he called me today and was telling me a funny story well we had Trista Trista the CrossFit Games athlete Trista Smith this morning
Starting point is 01:20:12 so that's cool right right oh i got this thing what's this portland oh shit uh oregon government uh oregon governor declared state of emergency in portland over fentanyl crisis february 20 february 1st 2024 oh just now ah the decision to call a state of emergency comes as the state faces increasing challenges related to drug overdoses oh shit listen to this despite oregon being the first state to decriminalize drug use in 2020 and now they have a fentanyl crisis. Weird, right? Project Mythology. Anyone else notice that the Born Primitive YouTube page only gets 24 views per video? Wonder if they're shadow banned.
Starting point is 01:21:21 It's hard. Well, here's the thing, too. It's hard getting a YouTube station like going. I have friends who have like 100,000 subscribers. And every time they put out a video, they can only get 100 views. Like you think it's. It ain't easy. I mean, look, we had Josh Emmett on today. There's 76 of you watching. What's wrong?
Starting point is 01:21:42 That was he's dope. That was great. There was some life changing shit in there there that dreaming shit's no joke if you haven't seen that dave chappelle thing all right see you guys tomorrow morning 7 a.m have a good night bye

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