The Sevan Podcast - Kara Saunders | 10x CrossFit Games - Is she making a return?

Episode Date: December 21, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is an advertisement from BetterHelp. Everyone knows therapy is great for solving problems. But turns out, therapy has some issues of its own. Finding the right therapist, fitting into their schedule, and, of course, the cost. BetterHelp can help solve these problems. It's online, convenient, built around your schedule, and surprisingly affordable, too. Connect with a credentialed therapist by phone, video, or online chat. Visit to learn more.
Starting point is 00:00:27 That's new game at Circle K? Check! With Circle K's Summer Road Trip game, you can win over a million delicious instant prizes and a grand prize of $25,000. Play at or at participating Circle K stores. That, I got that fixed. Look it, when I lean, bam, we're live. When I lean back, I adjusted the focus slightly. I think I need to make it a little more shallow again also now that I have it set up a little differently. Before in the shows when I was leaning back, I was getting out of focus. Now I'm like, oh, nice and crisp. Sabir, what's up, dude? I ended up on your Instagram today. Good to see you i've never been i don't know
Starting point is 00:01:28 why because i got this new instagram account so like i have more more ability to see uh new people oh guys i want to see something crazy i want to see something just absolutely nuts the new uh the behind the scenes trailer is done you guys want to see a couple. I want to see something just absolutely nuts. The new, uh, the behind the scenes trailer is done. You guys want to see a couple of seconds of it. I mean, not done, done.
Starting point is 00:01:51 Um, but enough to where I could show you a little bit. And, uh, I don't want you guys to, God, it's so crazy. Hold on.
Starting point is 00:02:00 Let me see if I can find it. Uh, videos and, uh, Oh, no cars here. Maybe later. Hi. Hey if I can find it. Videos and oh, no. Cars here. Maybe later. Hey, I'm about to get naked. Don't let me stop you now that you're here.
Starting point is 00:02:13 Look at I am. I you know, it won't stop me as I wasn't feeling so good. I feel like I jumped out of it. Not that I don't feel sick, but my stomach feels like something could come up. Oh, why? I don't know. Just like I don't know just like i don't feel sick i don't have a fever feel strong i look great right yeah you look amazing but just in case because and what's crazy is i was at jiu-jitsu with my kidneys like oh i feel like i'm gonna throw up the whole time i'm like ah you pussy and then on the way home i was like a little bit of that myself got a little bit of that myself just eating something awful um where are you i'm at home right now so i live um on the gold coast in queensland so yeah that's why it looks like that's why it
Starting point is 00:03:01 looks like you're in bali that's why it looks like you're in paradise. You are in paradise. Is it paradise? Yeah, pretty much. Where I live, like this particular suburb on the Gold Coast is very, we're in like a wildlife protected area. So it's very, yeah, that's my suburb, Karambin. So yeah, we, it's very like rainforesty, lots of animals, like just super chill. It's not like what people think of the Gold Coast. like most people think of like Surfers Paradise up north there and it's like that's kind of like the city I'm down right close to
Starting point is 00:03:32 the border so I'm down on the southern end and it's really like kind of small-town II really chill buds Ivana the Gold Coast is sick I mean yeah good that means it's good I don't know you guys in America that means it's good that means it's good i don't know you guys in america that means that's good yeah yeah that's it is good it is good it's busy right now because we're in christmas holidays so like i think our holidays are different than you guys so our kids are on school holidays because we're obviously it's summer for us right now so our summer holidays are christmas time so when you live in like a really beautiful part of the world that's a bit of a tourist destination it's pretty crazy out there right now.
Starting point is 00:04:06 Like the roads are wild. And so we're kind of just lay low. Who comes, is it the Russians and the, and the Europeans, like who comes like who Americans, like who comes? I don't know,
Starting point is 00:04:16 man. I, I don't know. At the moment, it's actually just most people kind of feed in from just like a little bit further North, like from the city areas. And they just come to the beach,
Starting point is 00:04:25 like, you know, maybe like an hour away, hour and a half, something like that. People just move around a little bit and, you know, but there's not, it's not as bad. Obviously, like there's people travelling internationally, but it's not quite as bad as like, say, Sydney would be. Like down that way would be like hectic, more like international tourists.
Starting point is 00:04:44 But here it's kind of just a lot of people just moving around within the state or like, you know, coming to see family within Australia. So, yeah, because obviously they can hang out. It's like the one time a year they kind of just hang out at the beach. It's like Hawaii for the U.S., you know, or like Florida or something, I guess. I don't know. How is the service in Australia? Like in Hawaii, it's just atrocious. Like no one could give two fucks like could i get a drink uh-huh i mean it's just horrible is australia is it good it definitely depends on where you are the like customer service is not as good as say like in main parts of the u.s because we don't
Starting point is 00:05:20 work off a tipping system so like in the u.s like i we i found that when i first started coming over and like we were in la it was like people rely on those tips so they actually would like most would put in more effort and i was like oh my gosh like they try so much harder and then here they get paid like our minimum wage is so much higher and then they don't need tips so they're like oh like it just depends is it depends on where you go like if someone genuine like genuinely likes their job and whatever it's better and then if you're in sort of more chill areas people are a little bit nicer it's really just it's area dependent where I am everyone's pretty chill like it's mostly kind of like young people or like little mom dad businesses owning cafes like we're
Starting point is 00:06:01 riddled with cafes like awesome food and coffee everywhere um and so it's yes it's a vibe and most most of the time people are pretty good so if you go to a restaurant there and the waiter waitress is just absolutely killing it you don't you don't tip them no one really would know like you could it would take something exceptional um especially now because like no one's like really really like paying cash or anything right and then like may like maybe some places because you don't even have a spot on the receipt to do it no we don't pay like that so we will literally so some places you'll either go up and you'll pay when you order yeah and like we're this tap system right so you're like this is what i
Starting point is 00:06:49 order okay yeah it's 53 boom done leave is there a jar on the counter no like not that i can think of of any places that i've been to lately like maybe some little small places they might put something but like because yeah no one's really carrying cash so like they're not going to really get much in there but um some yeah literally the only thing i can think of that i've seen is like our uber eats that's the only thing i've seen of you can you can tip and they're like you know you can tip as you're ordering and i'm like well i'm not going to tip you and i don't even know if you're going to like turn up on time with my food or not right then it's like if you have to tip before then it's like do i want you to spit my food or not yeah that's right i'm like no i'm
Starting point is 00:07:28 like no where i come from you've got to work for it like and then if you were good and you turned up on time and didn't like sit around and you know take 20 minutes longer than you're supposed to or whatever but yeah we don't really tip we just kind of pay but in saying that everything's expensive so we pay we pay for it you know what i mean and like because minimum wage is higher or whatever like you're having to cover those costs like people are passing those costs on so it's not cheap to to live on the gold coast it's definitely not cheap to live on the gold coast yeah uh lucky camera straps which is ironic because this is like one of the greatest tippers to the show this guy always gives money to the show from australia oh yeah yeah australia's favorite
Starting point is 00:08:09 crossfit athlete hey cara cara cara cara cara car i don't care people everyone's always like oh do i pronounce it like this or that i'm like'm like, well, look, we say it like Cara, but I also say a lot of words differently than you do because you have a different accent than me. So if you say it like Cara, I'm not going to be offended. Yeah, you never have. I do both. I do both.
Starting point is 00:08:35 Yeah, I'm not worried. Okay, thank you. Good, I appreciate it. Like if you called me like Jane and didn't know my name. What if I called you Tia? We're just all the same, right? Auss aussie female you're just the same person aussie female crossfitters hey has anyone ever called you tia you know what i've had to have no no but i've been called sarah oh um like as in sigmund's daughter and i don't know whether it was like a because it's like her name
Starting point is 00:09:05 is like s-a-r-a and then i'm k-a-r-a just wires being crossed yeah it was like on instagram or something and it was probably maybe someone who wasn't super familiar with crossfit i don't know and i was like okay cool man whatever i don't take care that much um what are you what are you doing you have you have two kids you you birthed a kid on the internet i did yeah dude amazing we showed it on the show amazing yeah we're like what am i one of my friends was like gosh that was savage i'm like yeah i know you're the greatest role model in the history of crossfit oh thanks you truly are i'm not joking you really that is the that is the single one of the single greatest gifts you could give to a child
Starting point is 00:09:45 is letting them just be born just straight at home, just straight out of the vagina and just let them just be cool. Like what a great start to life. Honestly, it was like the coolest thing I've ever done, like hands down. And I had a really good birth with my daughter, but this was like to be at home. Like I'd done a done a lot of um you mean the first one you had in the hospital the first one I had in hospital but it was a bit different so we were in like a birthing suite where you still have midwives it's kind of like having a home birth but in a hospital so it's like a separate portion of the hospital it's for all like um I don't I don't know if it's just an Australian thing or whatever but it was like um it's like it's very like holistic and you've got the water
Starting point is 00:10:26 bath in there and the midwives kind of like just leave you and they were a little bit hippie and um uh which is I was actually booked in for that down here as well um and I think this is where like I didn't necessarily I planned on being there I was like look I had a good experience and as I was kind of going for these appointments I started to get like I guess the dialogue was like not sitting right with me like in the system a little bit it was different than it was a different hospital than than my first birth and the first one was like amazing like they were just so good um and then this one was just like a little bit more structured and clinical and then it was funny i was like i had a really long labor the first time like days it was so long and uh this time i'd done so much more birth prep like so much so much more like hold on hold on hold on one second because i want to ask you about your birth prep but some questions are piling up what did you hear that
Starting point is 00:11:20 signaled you there were some things that doctors and people were saying that made it like i'm doing this one at home can you give me a couple of those so like it was just little things like for instance when i was about 36 weeks i think i went in and they started like for one the midwife i had she didn't have children that's not the end of the world but like a little bit of like a communication you could sort of tell there were certain experiences where I'm like and she was new and this was like her sort of her first time into midwifery and um she they were like saying things like oh he's measuring really big and um so what we'll do uh you know is it was very much like what we'll do is if he's big you know uh you'll just come in I'll go talk to the surgeon you'll have an induction blah blah blah and it was like talking about all this stuff and I'm like
Starting point is 00:12:08 whoa wait a minute um like that's and I'm not one of those people that's like a type a like this is my birth plan blah blah blah but I'm like look I know what I know I'm to me this is my opinion take it or leave it I'm like birth is natural and real and primal and if if everything is sort of done a certain way and you live a certain way and you have a certain belief system and you are mentally emotionally you know physically prepared with the loved ones around you it can be the most natural and just real raw thing possible like it's it's not it doesn't need to be over complicated unless it's overcomplicated unless it's not a medical procedure. It's not a medical procedure. It's not a medical procedure unless it's a medical procedure. Right. So like there are certain instances where we're absolutely
Starting point is 00:12:52 blessed with that situation. And I feel like the message of birth has just gotten so lost along the way. And, um, as has most have most things right from, like like i base my life kind of around nature like how is it sort of planned out how is it sort of the world set out to be and then i try and kind of like live in rhythm with that right as best i can in a modern world and um without being too like crazy and stressed about it and uh yes it was like we'll do this and that and we'll induce and they're just a constant like oh my show is big and i was like you have more of a plan than i do and you didn't want to hear like the i'll tell you when my wife was going to have her baby we're with this we were with the ogbyn and we wanted to have it in the hospital and i said and i she said hey this is a full partnership we'll talk everything out and i
Starting point is 00:13:39 said great i said one of the things i want you to do is is not have the pick in her preparing to put drugs in her preparing to put drugs in her because that way if she does need the drugs or she does want the drugs that can give me an extra step to try to talk her out of it because that's what she wants me to do and right away the doctor goes that's non-negotiable i was like motherfucker you just said this is a 50 50 partnership yeah and it's and then i was like oh yeah there were like a few things where I was like, I really realized I was like, this woman's kind of like just ticking boxes a lot. And then and I had really, you know, and I'm like, I'm like, I'm not complicated. I'm I'm in great health.
Starting point is 00:14:16 You know, I spend a lot of time and a lot of money to keep my family healthy, like and, you know, educate myself as best I can. And it's just I felt like I was kind of like under this blanket and I was like it's fine it's fine and I was kind of like it's fine it's fine and it was so funny because then when I I didn't have any intention necessarily I was open to having a baby at home because you have to be open to everything right like and I had employed the services of a local doula and who like runs a heap of courses and stuff here. And she was amazing.
Starting point is 00:14:46 And what courses? Like she wrote like teachers, doulas, like teaches people how to be a doula and does a lot of like stuff in like the birth space and has a really positive, like mindset and like everything that I wanted to consume. Like you are what you consume, right.
Starting point is 00:15:01 And who you're around. So I employed her um to be my be my woman be our support be Maddie's support as well in all of it like it was the three of us and um she yeah she was like amazing and you know we were like prepared for anything and I was like look I'm pretty chill I feel like I've done the preparation we're really close to the hospital if shit goes down um she's been to like five million births and knows like we we obviously knew all of the the things that would indicate if something was wrong or whatever and I was like I feel good I feel good in my body and I feel good in this and um so we were prepared for that but not prepared so much as like that we were had like anything set up at home we were just like look if if a baby decides to come out they come out and they come out right like
Starting point is 00:15:48 sometimes it could be in the car or whatever and i think mentally you just need to be open to and receptive to whatever this baby decides because it's not me it's the baby right um and uh i'm in labor and it's kind of cruising and i'm like i wanted at home at home i where you're at right now where you're at right now where you're at right now yeah where I'm at right now yeah so I wanted to stay at home for as long as possible I was like I want to be in my space with my husband with my baby girl like where I'm comfortable and um no part of you is like there's no part of you already like fuck you bitch I got this I'm having this at. Cause I could see you got a little bit of fuck
Starting point is 00:16:25 you in you. Yeah, I do. But it was like a, it's more like a belief in myself and I like to do what I want to do. That's what I meant. Belief in yourself. Sorry. Yeah. That interpretation. I'm more, I'm also just, I do like to do things what feels right for me and not necessarily like I don't sort of follow follow the crowd so much um and uh there was a point where like I was you know cruising along and you're in pre-labor and whatever and then all of a sudden it started to escalate and um I got to the point where I was like fuck the last thing I'd want to do right now is get in the car like it had kind of just like my waters had broken and then from there it just like i'd probably push it a bit
Starting point is 00:17:05 long but i think subconsciously i didn't want to leave and i knew i didn't want to leave and so that's why i let it go and uh was maddie like was maddie like bringing out the blankets and shit like i like i put on i put down 30 layers of blankets and sheets and tarps and was he like oh shit we're gonna have a fucking uh yeah so he's like yeah so he had fully like this is how unprepared we were for it so i was mentally prepared but not like prepared as it was a plan so i'm in the shower then i've like my waters have broken like crazy so i'd been in labor for a while then they broke and then shit just like was on um everything went like to that next level and i was like oh man like this is uncomfortable now like um I'm really having to like get in the trenches like mentally and kind of go to my preparation place
Starting point is 00:17:49 he brought the bags out to the front door you know everything was ready to go like he called my um my business partner and our really good friend to like come in like be in charge of my daughter like just to like help her out and they had a photo shoot on that day so she's going to take her and do stuff and um and it was already daughter how old is the daughter at that point she's four four during the birth she was four yep so she came out she was there for most of it until like the last minute just before he was born she went out to this photo shoot and um like helping my business partner like the show goes on. And so she just missed it but she was here for like all of it up until then. She said, she goes, Mum, you woke me up going, oh, oh, I'm making a noise.
Starting point is 00:18:33 And I'm like, oh, sorry. I'm like, sorry to inconvenience you in your sleep trying to like birth someone right now. But, yeah, so he had all the bags and stuff at the door and then, you know, the doula like Megan and him are like, oh, we kind of need to make need to make a decision and i'm like oh i'm kind of like putting it off because i'm why did they say that why did they say make a decision why didn't someone say car you need to get in the car sweetheart because they it was no one talks to you like that because no one talks to you like that no and they knew like maddie goes whether he felt comfortable
Starting point is 00:19:02 with it or not he was like you it's your body it's your decision what you need to do and what you feel comfortable with i've got your back and i'll trust you and then megan's the same that's her thing and she goes unless anything she monitors to make sure everything is like safe and that i'm okay and supportive she's giving me acupressure and you know just doing all those things just like being a real support and uh they're kind like touch the baby at that point like can you put your hand down there and touch his head i couldn't yet no i couldn't yet um i think he just kind of went from like up to down pretty quick like i think it just was like it is a he you got a he you got a girl yeah you got a girl and a boy yeah what's his name walker walker
Starting point is 00:19:43 great yeah um we call him tex though he's never been called walker because we kept calling him tex for walker texas ranger for so long as a joke and now it's stuck so but anyway um so yeah we uh then all of a sudden she's monitoring she's listening to my sounds pretty much and i was like i'm getting really primal that was kind of my vibe i was like i feel like I need to really like get deep and let it out and really like immerse myself in in birth and um so I'm doing that she's hearing my sounds and the change of pace and she's like you know if if that's a decision you want to make then um you know we kind of need to make it I had towels and stuff in the car just in case I had left it too long or whatever you know back up and uh and then I'm like I've just looked at Maddie and I'm like
Starting point is 00:20:24 I can't get in the car like i don't want to get in the car i don't want to go anywhere i can't like this has gotten too far now like it's i could feel that it was really close and we're like this isn't going to happen if i had have got in the car i would have labored i would have birthed him in the car and how's maddie react is even if he's scared shitless is he cool he's like yeah no problem we got this he's so like he we think about it he's come from an army background and he's a firefighter now. So he's so like, he's on task.
Starting point is 00:20:49 So like if something needs to be done, he's action immediately. He's like, so as soon as I'm like, I want to stay home, he's in getting the mats. He's got towels. He had it all ready anyway. He set it all up. He's like, he was good checking like, and was just, it was done. And then he's cool. He's cool.
Starting point is 00:21:02 It's at home there. You want to have him in the car? I don't give a shit. this yeah he's like cool but not cool like he's like there's low key panic on the inside but he's fully like got this and um and as you are those bugs i hear in the background by the way that was just like bugs flying through there cool it's like it's like is it all right it's yeah it's totally cool they just came and went i saw a big ass bird flying around back there for a second too yeah there's like crickets because it's summer they're like real noisy and the birds have quieted down a bit but um yeah so he still looks like a hunk he still he's aging well he's he you did good yeah he's doing well oh yeah i'm punching i'm punching
Starting point is 00:21:37 he's um yeah so he's ready please put the mats down and honestly it was like so quick from there like from that moment um do you ever think do you ever think i mean i mean this from the bottom of my heart i know he finds you very attractive and i know he thinks you're smart and beautiful and you're ambitious but do you ever think that maybe he like he's just like i want a kid from that like i want i i want those genetic i want a kid with those genetics oh look that he thinks that about me yeah like he just saw you and he's like fuck if i could get a couple babies from her you will fuck shit up well look i think a huge part of like the attraction to a person is obviously like what they what they also bring to the table right like there's that's a part of it
Starting point is 00:22:23 like he what he's attracted to me is, like, a fit female, like a strong woman and all that kind of stuff. So, like, of course, he naturally, like, thinks, yeah, that's pretty cool. And I mean, like, I mean, he brought his own to the table, too. He's, like, super fit and comes from good stuff. So I appreciated that, too. My friend Travis Bajent, he says it half joking, but I also know he's half serious his son is a
Starting point is 00:22:46 six three and he's a quarterback in the NFL and he really wants his son to find like a six foot tall division one black girl volleyball player and he says if he they have sex he would have he would be the perfect human being and if he could get like three boys he could have three more nfl quarterbacks he's he's like i could make them and part of me like fair yeah like i love you and i wouldn't just be happy but that'd be pretty cool oh my goodness let me read some let me read some comments here uh i apologize it's a very uh cantankerous crowd it's all over the place um the famous anchorman ron burgundy once, you have a fantastic hiney. He was clearly talking about Cara Saunders, Janelle Winston,
Starting point is 00:23:29 who has four kids of her own. That was an amazing video. I cried my eyes out. I love that. I got a lot of those messages. A lot of those. Oh, it was so moving when I saw the video.
Starting point is 00:23:40 It's incredible. It's, it's, it's so great that you did that. It's so, we'll get to how many people. Let me read this one and then you can tell me this video was so beautiful brought tears to my eyes and car and matter some beautiful uh have some make some beautiful children that's for sure okay tell me tell me about the feedback you get i was gonna say that i think one thing i didn't
Starting point is 00:23:58 expect because we were maddie filmed so he he had the camera just sitting on a tripod and then every now and again if Megan would kind of like they were tag teaming and helping moving around giving me offering me different support and he would just put the tripod in a different corner or whatever um so that obviously he was still present with me um and I was really nervous it took like he was so excited to make the video like he just thought it was the most amazing coolest thing ever and I loved it we wanted to make it for ourselves I was really nervous to share it because I was like the internet is mean and I was like this is a really big personal vulnerable thing for me to share
Starting point is 00:24:31 and then I was like but I love it like I think it is the most amazing magical like coolest thing ever and we did it so like there is no stage out this it was just raw right like we just kind of took it on the obviously it's shorter than what it was because it's a video but um it was just so real and it was funny that my favorite outcome of it and like I didn't really get any like hate not that I've seen anyway I got to a point where I kind of like stayed I stayed away from it anyway and um but I got a lot of messages and it was from women who were like they they're like it reminded them like of their birth and they remember how like there are women going like man it makes me realize how fucking cool I am that I did that you know and that like and I think because when you see someone in their real
Starting point is 00:25:15 state like on the outside they they're like it brought them back it wasn't a selfish thing like it was a very shared thing so it wasn't like all about me like it brought out something like a beautiful memory and a power and a strength in like all of these other women and that was like a gift I just didn't even like expect to to get and um so that was huge I was like you know Maddie and I had a lot of moments like I was really teary about it I was like oh this is so amazing it just felt like this global I don't know like power of women just going like we're fucking badass like we do this like you know and it's just and I and because like you know I'm no bullshit like I'm not fake with stuff I don't like you know like we make cool videos and like whatever but I don't put on a show like I am how I am and so to put something out like that that's
Starting point is 00:26:00 really real and have people like appreciate just like just normal shit was like so cool um because you watch like you google birth logs and stuff you know and they're so like i don't look everyone can do it their own way but to me they feel very like um like staged and set up about what kind of message they want to send and i'm like man here's me there's groaning and moaning there's my daughter there's my husband we There's my husband. We're in my house. I love it that it wasn't planned, too. I didn't pick that up for some reason. I guess I wasn't paying enough attention that it wasn't planned to have it at home because that really drives home the fact that it's not a medical procedure.
Starting point is 00:26:38 Like, yo, this is the fucking – this is what these – there's a – half of the human race does this yeah grows babies inside of them and spits them out like all of us came from that it's so amazing it's so great you shared it it's it's so as amazing as it is it's so doable it's so this one's really gonna piss people off it's so the right thing to do look and and i i agree i agree and look i always think you know whatever and this is one thing my doula said to me is like whatever feels right and really comfortable for the mother that is the right thing and and they need to you know feel good and whatever but i think there's so much noise and like there's so much noise from people it should be like that it It should be like this and that it should just be, I don't know,
Starting point is 00:27:28 like I hate the whole thing that like should be easy. Like that was the hardest thing I've ever done in my life, but like the most empowering, strong, like hard, but 100% possible and real and how it's supposed to be in my eyes. And I was like there was no stage where I was like this is not how it's supposed to be in my eyes and I was like there was no stage where I was like this is not how it's meant to be I'm like like I'm in this like I'm birthing a child of course like um you know it's it's gonna play out like this and but I think it's really unfortunate I think around my personal beliefs again around birth and around you know
Starting point is 00:28:01 breastfeeding and like all that kind of stuff I think it's all set up nature's set it up to be divine like perfect and exactly as it needs to be and there's so much noise and influence and change and stuff coming in from the outside and and women just not being at their best self and not feeling that intuition and that confidence in themselves and not having the support not having education you know all of those things that have really kind of taken away from it and that's really really sad and I'm just really grateful that um yeah I've lived a life where I was very in the know about things like this I've always had my radar on about you know this kind of natural comfortable happy way of living and I've always looked for people who encourage and support that and who are educated in that space for guidance um and tried to consume as much of that as possible so like to have that
Starting point is 00:28:49 birth like it was we were like afterwards we were in shock we were just like me and Maddie like that just fucking happened man like Maddie's there he's like you know like this dude like he's been in a lot of like high pressure situations people in like car accidents and fires and at war and all this kind of stuff right mostly on the other end of life. Right. People like towards the, what their life being snuffed out, not new ones coming in. Right. Exactly. And you know, like the risk of it going. And then all of a sudden he's got like his wife there, like, you know, cleaning up my mess, like as I'm pushing out his son, you know, and he's like getting there ready to try to catch. He's like,'s like comes out we're in the and you're there going like we've done this is it are we okay like
Starting point is 00:29:30 is he okay are we okay like whoa like it's just so much adrenaline but like the most amazing thing was then we were in our home I take my baby like like birth my placenta we sought that out I take my baby we he put a whole heap of towels and extra sheets and stuff down in our bed. And I go and lay in the bed with my baby and I go to sleep in my bed and you know, with my baby on my chest. And I was like, and I wake up and my daughter comes back and I'm just like, I'm at home, you know, like I'm just, I'm at home. Here we are. When my wife, she had three of the babies just on the living room floor like that. Like you're saying, create chaos, right?
Starting point is 00:30:09 Like you're saying, just straight fucking like yelling and moaning, not yelling. Yeah. And her going to a place that like, I don't, she's gone. We're just in the room alone and she's, there's a body there having a baby, but she's not there. And the baby comes out and that's the first thing i thought is like holy shit are you telling me for the next like five days i'm like you're telling me that people take this thing and put it in an automobile that sounded bat shit crazy to me to put a newborn baby in an automobile it just it just didn't seem and so for
Starting point is 00:30:42 her just to be in and then at point i realized the people who are the brave ones are not the people who have the baby at home it's the people who have the baby in the hospital yeah yeah they have to put that baby in a car seat i would never fuck that see that doesn't that doesn't stress me out like i'm no no that doesn't so we after we after three days later you were on a bullet train in Japan with your baby. Oh yeah. I just like strapped him on the back of him for a bike ride. No, we like. It just seems so, it's so vulnerable still. You're like, Hey, this thing could be in, even though it comes out after nine months, you're like, this thing could be inside for another week. You know what I mean? Well, let me tell you. So one thing we did do,
Starting point is 00:31:22 and this is where I'm a middle ground. I'm not middle ground. I'm not an extremist in any direction. I know what I like, but I really like to look at the big picture. So I had him in the morning just before 9 a.m. We stayed home all day. I drank my Chinese teas and drank my soup and nourished myself and did all the things. And breastfeeding right off the bat, bam. Yeah, breastfeeding straight away and then um in the afternoon we were like look maddie and i
Starting point is 00:31:50 decided that we both after the experience we both felt comfortable to go to the hospital and just to get us both checked out because like you know your bits down there or it's like carnage right like yeah yeah like you sat on a grenade like you sat on a grenade i like that yeah i remember like we like he's like taking a photo or i've taken a photo of something i'm like damn it just doesn't look the same man like that's not okay so we like i'm like and my doula's like hey it's fun looking though it's fun looking all up before that yeah you ever think it looks like a hamburger like like from like six seven eight nine it's like the best hamburger you ever seen i'm just like wow wait in pregnancy
Starting point is 00:32:25 you mean yeah just the vagina is just an epic beautiful looking hamburger it just gets really fat and flourish yeah it's like two it's like it's like a bunch of sponges on top of each other god if you've never been god pregnant women are amazing okay enough hamburger talk yeah enough hamburger so then we were like look we both feel comfortable we'll take him we wanted to check me out make sure i hadn't torn because i was like i said to him look i i feel fine he's kind of had a look i'm like i you know i don't feel any discomfort any pain or anything but we'll go check me out make sure um and check you have any concerns did you have any excess bleeding or did you or just no he just did it no i mean like there's blood everywhere like there was like a lot of blood all over our tails and stuff but um i felt okay i felt a bit
Starting point is 00:33:09 you know lightheaded because it was hectic but um i was like look i'll go check me out i just i we both felt we were like look we've kind of this was a big deal it was a big like a big um thing for us to really like lean into and really trust ourselves and we're like let's just go we'll get checked out so we go um the other reason is that I'm a negative blood group we don't know what blood type the baby is and they sometimes have a concern of like cross-contaminated blood because I'm o negative and if get, I think the thing is if I, if he turned out to be a positive baby and I get his blood somehow in this process, then, um, I could miscarry a future baby or whatever. There's some, there's some complications that can arise there.
Starting point is 00:33:57 You have some rare blood type. It's semi rare. Yeah. Like, so I can give. What are you? What's your ethnicity? Do you know what you are? To be honest? I don't know. I'm a full bitzer. So I don't know a lot of my family. You have a guest? Are you like Portuguese? Are you Jewish? I don't know, man. My mom was adopted. Yeah, there's a lot of connections in my family. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:34:17 She doesn't know her father. Yeah, there's a lot of missing links. Maddie's always been talking about doing one of those DNA things. Use a fake name if you do it. Fake name. name okay okay go ahead um yeah so tell me then call me and tell me i'm so curious what you are yeah i don't know i don't know but um yeah so we went into the hospital had him and i both checked he was most part really good but he did get a cross contamination of my blood um somewhere along the way and uh that like it could have been like in before labor during that they don't really know like it can just happen at any stage and um so he had a bit of jaundice which is like not the end of the world normal it can be normal normal they were like
Starting point is 00:35:04 look we'll just kind of monitor him they go it's at normal levels now they have this little light thing that they like kind of shine on their skin or whatever and it gives like a reading it's like a little i don't know what anyway and then this is where everything went to shit is it again the dialogue of the hospital like trump like freaking me out and i'm like this baby's like he's okay i'm like doing the research asking people okay what if he's within range what happens like the part you feed him and then he needs to like excrete like you know the excess billy rubin or whatever and i'm like okay it's the billy rubin i think it is the you know that creates the jaundice so it's like that yellow pigment so
Starting point is 00:35:42 oh yeah i've never heard that word billy rubinin. Caleb, do we know bilirubin? We know bilirubin. I'll pull it up right now. Okay. Or tell me after the show. Don't make me feel dumb now. I'll feel dumb now. Bilirubin.
Starting point is 00:35:55 That's a sandwich with pastrami. Bilirubin is a yellowish substance made during your body's normal process of breaking down red blood cells. Bilirubin is found in bile, a fluid your liver makes that helps you digest food and your if your liver is healthy it will remove most of the billy rubin from your body okay billy rubin thanks yeah so there you go teach yourself learn something every day um so yeah he was like he didn't look yellow at present as the days come on they're like oh we'll keep monitoring and then the midwives come out they just do a how they can come and check on you in your home and make sure and anyway so he was trying to stick anything in your kid. They try to inject your kid with anything.
Starting point is 00:36:28 No, they did it. They, they suggest like, they definitely like talk about it. And I just am like, okay, thank you.
Starting point is 00:36:34 Like this. Okay. Thank you. But anyway, we then had this like, Oh my God, we had a different midwife. Cause the other one was away.
Starting point is 00:36:40 We had this other lady turn up. She gets to my front door and she's got a mask on. And I'm like, I'm like, here we go. And then I'm thinking, I'm like, okay, was away we had this other lady turn up she gets to my front door and she's got a mask on and i'm like i'm like here we go and then i'm thinking i'm like okay maybe this is just a part of like the procedure at the hospital wait this is 2024 2023 well how long ago is it september so three months ago you got you guys still are you guys still doing that we're still doing it here i mean not me but some people are still doing it so um the gold coast doesn't seem like the place they do it beach communities kind of like no no yeah so no there's next to nothing but so but the hospitals are different so they're oh right right right right so they've come from the hospital so
Starting point is 00:37:15 i'm thinking oh maybe it's part of the thing and i'm like no i'm pretty sure they'd already cleared it no one was i wasn't wearing masks going there no one was wearing them then she comes in she goes oh don't mind my mask i've just had i've just had a bit of sniffles and a cough or whatever and then i'm thinking like what the fuck are you doing coming to my house with my yeah yeah yeah that doesn't make me feel better yeah how about you just take it off and lie to me yeah legit i'm like your mask isn't gonna do shit because yeah yeah so what we'll do she's like oh when i check in what we'll do is um i'll just try and get you to do the most things and not touch him and I'm thinking like you're still in my house you're sitting on my lounge like anyway she's like trying
Starting point is 00:37:50 to do us it's a nightmare okay I'm like just go she doesn't bring the right things that she needs to check him doesn't read the case about him actually having jaundice it was a nightmare I keep doing the best I can I'm like all right I take this baby out into nature, like shaded or not into blistering sun, but I take him into some filtered light because I know that that helps with the process. I'm breastfeeding him everything that he needs to do. He's pretty drowsy. He was drowsy for about maybe four or five days.
Starting point is 00:38:17 He was just sleeping a lot, but he was still feeding. He was still having wet nappies. He was good. So I wasn't worried. Who cares if they're eating and peeing and shit and who gives a shit? And was my thing i was like he's not i'm like i he was with me 24 hours a day not a single minute that he was not with me and uh so i'm like like i'm watching him and anyway he came good but like then everything i was like got to the point where you can have extra like checks if you want they can come to your house you can go there i'm like no i'm fucking done
Starting point is 00:38:43 um i don't want anything to do with it i was all good when they checked me and it was fine um and yeah i don't know if i just had like a bad experience but like just the staff would just seem really incompetent when i would lived in brisbane it was not the case they are hands down those midwives were beautiful they were amazing they were not it's sort of like in the system it didn't feel like they were like a whole nother part. And they were really supportive and good down here, different hospital, different rules, different people, you know, not the same experience. But luckily, I had the other support of my doula and I had asked a million questions
Starting point is 00:39:16 and I knew what I was here for. You already had one baby, so you're pretty confident, right? Yeah, I had a baby. I know how they do things. Look, I'm not very, I'm not like so much of like a fuck you kind of person but i'm like a thank you i'll take it on board i understand that's what you do thank you i'll make a decision and i'll let you know like if something is what i want if that's what i'm happy to do then i'll let you know um yeah that's my little my. But big sis.
Starting point is 00:39:46 So this baby's only three months old now, this Walker dude. Yeah, so 14th of September was his birthday. So yeah, he's just over three months now. God, I really appreciate you sharing this story. Hey, did the doula have all the stuff there, like to snip the umbilical cord and all that stuff? No, last minute she was like oh it's pretty chill and he was like a week overdue and she was like um she was like hey oh just in
Starting point is 00:40:12 case like maybe this grabs some like surgical scissors and stuff or she was like if you want to do a candle burn grab the beeswax candles of the umbilical cord or whatever like whatever you feel comfortable doing maddie and i were like oh yeah we candle for what's the candle burn so you can get like a beast pure beeswax candle and you can burn the umbilical cord and it um cauterizes it's like a difference of slope in chinese medicine they say that it brings warmth back to the baby so like like through the umbilical cord is really beautiful but we were like look we snipped this we were happy with that so we had a pair of like unopened like yeah like this um some people love it we're like oh that's beautiful but they're like how long does it take 15 minutes whatever and we're like nah look we cut sissies
Starting point is 00:40:54 and she was fine so we're not worried did they did you leave it for a long time like 20 minutes or however until it gets all droopy and shit so from memory i think it was about an hour yeah so we waited until it was fully like had fully pumped all the blood through to him um made sure that it was weird is that weird can you when you touch that thing can you feel it it's so weird like it's so squishy like it's just but can you feel it like in your head and your hand like when you touch it like does it feel like it belongs do you have like you know what i mean like when it's cut Do you have like, you know what I mean? Like when it's cut, do you feel anything? Are you like, Ooh, that was weird. No, I don't think so. I don't think so. No. Um, it was, yeah, no,
Starting point is 00:41:31 I don't think so. But like, so we obviously like I had him and then the placenta is like still in me still attached. And then I birthed that. And then he, we kind of carried that around with him until it finished and did it sing and we were happy to cut it. i think i have my kids in here somewhere oh yeah we didn't keep us the umbilical cord no i will i so so i sent my placenta off because i had that encapsulated and um had like a tincture and stuff made oh look at you trying to make me feel weird because I kept mine. And next thing you know, you're eating placenta.
Starting point is 00:42:10 It's in a box here. Every once in a while, I open the box. They're like two coiled snakes. Yeah. Because I got two of them. Yeah. It's like the mom. You ate your placenta.
Starting point is 00:42:20 That doesn't seem very normal. Yeah. So I had it. That's extreme. Yeah. Well, yeah. To some it is. I didn't the first time. It was something that i explored this time and i wanted to give it a try and honestly look i don't know there are a lot of things i did really well like i put a lot of effort into um how i nourish myself
Starting point is 00:42:38 pregnancy and postpartum and like the whole plan i did a full like chinese medicine were you drinking rain a lot of a lot of energy drinks were you drinking a lot of energy i'm not touching that i'm not touching that um no i 300 milligrams of caffeine in one dose is just what your baby wants um no i'm caffeine free oh that's crazy that's so extreme my wife was caffeine free too that is so extreme yeah i my body doesn't love it it just doesn't love it i actually i put a post up about the other day actually look how calm you are i feel like an asshole making fun of women who drink caffeine you're like no it's just for me my body doesn't love it it's fine no it doesn't i'll turn into a crazy person and get all like jittery and shit. So I'm like, no.
Starting point is 00:43:28 But I, after last year when I traveled to and from the game, so I came over for the games, came back home, and then went back to Texas for Rogue. And then at Rogue, my cycle like just wigged out. It was like too much travel. It was too much like chaos for my system. And we were like, oh, we want to have another baby. And we came home and I was like, man, I normally. What does that mean your cycle wigs out?
Starting point is 00:43:50 Like, you know. You skip or? No, I didn't skip, but home and i was like man i normally what does that mean your cycle wigs out like you skip or no i didn't skip but i it was like really heavy and i had a lot of discomfort like leaving texas it was just really and normally i'm really good like everything's just like pretty textbook and um i was like what does that mean that's like every 28 days you're ready to have a kid every 20 yeah window opens and maddie could get it if he wants that's right yeah i was like for the for that window now um and uh and then uh yeah i was like oh my body's not quite right november so we got home november and then december so then november i was like i'm not quite right um i'm gonna cut the caffeine entirely because i could feel my body was like stressed it felt like systemically it was stressed stressed and I cut caffeine and then we got pregnant in December. So I was like I had felt everything has sort of regulated. I felt a thousand times better.
Starting point is 00:44:32 And that was a part of it. I truly believe when your body's your your I'm making a presupposition here that your body's your moneymaker. If you when your body's your moneymaker, do you when your body's your moneymaker do you does that stress you out about getting pregnant like you're like fuck like uh not less like like if i were to get pregnant by accident or like on purpose just your occupation it's like hey i make money with my body and now it's gonna it's gonna be out of business for uh 15 months yeah do you know what i mean it's like the pandemic it's like the pandemic happened to your body legit it's like we gotta close close the operation down the first time i got pregnant i was really anxious about like telling sponsors because and you know what
Starting point is 00:45:16 rightfully so i've heard that before yeah a couple of them were pricks and um and even like i remember one specific in the dialogue was i'd be lying if I said that we weren't disappointed. This is that were the exact words. And I'm like, fuck you, man. This is like the most amazing, like beautiful thing. Like I'm having a baby and I'm really happy. And that's what you tell me. I'm like, yeah.
Starting point is 00:45:35 Anyway, so that that's a huge thing. Like as a woman, that's really hard. And it's not even if they thought that I could see them being like, hey, part of the contract was that we wanted you to get eyeballs on you. What are we going to do to get more eyeballs on you? I do want to say this. There's a woman out there named Miranda Alcarez. Yeah. And she started a small little fucking training program.
Starting point is 00:45:57 That sounds so small. And two months later, she got pregnant. And she's like, fuck, no one's going to want to train with me because i'm a fat tubby mom now lo and behold her getting pregnant turned her into fucking one of the richest people in our community so so sponsors uh maybe it's time to start thinking out of the box a little bit because miranda uh alcarez is fucking murdered it then she's probably like thank god i got pregnant yeah legit she's done amazing because there's more people that are relatable like that people can relate and go yeah i'm a family person i'm doing that like what she's doing is so cool and i think um yeah i the first time i was definitely like
Starting point is 00:46:36 anxious about it as i've gotten older i'm kind of like fuck it i was like i will not feel that again because this is amazing i want to have a baby and i'm really stoked about it people can come or they can go um and to be honest like i understand like i own a business i understand it i understand you've got to make money but i think a lot of decisions from people come from fear and that they don't believe they they don't believe oh there's an alternative and i'm like look i'm open to like whatever like obviously if they're safe for instance like a supplementation and it's like not safe and they're like you can't promote this while you're pregnant or whatever. Like, can we pause or can we, I don't, whatever, you know, like, sure. But, um, some people just assume like, oh, you know,
Starting point is 00:47:13 like you're done or whatever. And I'm like, well, I wasn't, I wasn't done last time either. And like, I was, you know, still have a presence. And then I'm like, you know what? Fuck it. I'm gonna do whatever I want. I'm going to back myself. I don't want to be linked to anyone who doesn't think that that's cool and anyone who doesn't think that that's valuable because there are a lot more really normal awesome people I love normal people like I just you know like the normal people like the people that are a part of street parking whatever like they're the majority and I'm not in this little I was never gonna be like one of the you, the it girls kind of fakey and trying to do like, I have a presence on social media just because people are watching
Starting point is 00:47:49 me work out. Like I never done anything to like be an influencer or whatever, you know what I mean? Like I try and just be a normal person. And I'm like, so I'm just leaning into that. And I said to my, I'm like, I never want to feel guilty. I never want to feel any negativity about doing something so cool as having a family, sharing that I fucking love my kids, teaching them all that I know, having a good relationship with my husband, eating well, exercising, doing what we do. And I'm like, you know what, let's just do what we do and do it well. And then people will be receptive.
Starting point is 00:48:19 The right people will be receptive to that and the others can fuck off. And like, and to be honest I mean like if you look at my bio like I don't have many sponsors right now and there's that's a huge part of it like and I've gone if if people don't want to like accept the genuine like authentic me and who I am and that doesn't align with their business that's totally cool because they got to make those decisions for their business too right that's not my business and that's not my money and my risk so you go do that but I also don't have to carry that weight of feeling like less than um because that doesn't align with you so
Starting point is 00:48:52 yeah we're just doing our own thing um and just sharing like I said to Maddie I'm like I just want to lean in like I love I love love love being a mom I came from a pretty broken family I didn't expect that I would be so lucky to be in a position that I'm in and I value my family more than anything because I just have never had it um and yeah so I just yeah I share pictures of my kids and I'll show that I love my kids and I'm doing stuff with them and because it's like the greatest thing that I've ever had in my life one of the one of the things about CrossFit ironically is the three parts of, of, of pregnancy are, um, uh, attracting a mate. So, so, uh,
Starting point is 00:49:33 you know, and, uh, and you do that through your body and through, through your mind. So CrossFit helps the look of your body, helps the look of your brain, which also attracts a mate. And then, uh, if your body's out of sync um it will probably get it in sync because you'll start eating you'll be around these people who are eating correctly exercising moving in a lifestyle that basically prepares a woman lets a woman's body develop into whatever it was supposed to do yeah i still say i would say there's got to be sponsors out there
Starting point is 00:50:05 who are like fuck yeah that's like that that you are what crossfit should be this woman did crossfit became crazy fertile attracted a beautifully strong man birthed their babies at home still performs at the highest level still is a strong healthy woman but also a contributor society but also uh deeply focused on raising the family i mean it's it's a it's a crazy cinderella story you kind of but it's not it's not sexy you know what i mean like in the way of like i don't know i think you're pretty i think you're pretty i mean i don't mean that in like the i mean it's like the it's not shiny you know what i mean like it's not that process is not like shiny and you know i hear hear you, but we don't, we're all going that way. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:48 We're all going to, you're at a crossroads where every single healthy person ideally would go through. You know what I mean? Yeah. Like I think I say to Maddie every day that doing starting CrossFit when I need to be exploited, you need to find someone who can exploit you. You're not being exploited enough. Yeah. Come find exploit me you know why though is because i've been under the umbrella for what 12 years something now of the crossfit games and the crossfit games is very different than crossfit and it's it's like the left hand not talking to the right and i truly believe that
Starting point is 00:51:19 i've been in this system and people can argue with me as much as they like but i have my experiences and um for a long time and i know what as they like but I have my experiences and um for a long time and I know what it's like kind of behind the scenes and I've been one of the strongest advocates of CrossFit for since day one um for for the for the whole process for everything I've never gotten involved in the drama I've never ever entertained that bullshit I love the methodology I train I live it I live it with my daughter right now and with my husband. We train together every day and we juggle our babies and we genuinely believe in that for people. But I've been stuck as being like one of the professional athletes,
Starting point is 00:51:55 stuck with people who like, you know, there's a lot of people in the games now, like they've never even been into an affiliate. They just decided they wanted to be a CrossFit Games athlete and they never stepped foot. I'm like, I walked in, I was there on day one when the affiliate opened as one of you know the early days affiliates i coached for most of my career and trained after i you know coached the classes and earned next to no money and you own an affiliate now no i did and then we moved and it we had so many like issues with like covid kind of like changed
Starting point is 00:52:26 a lot with our space and everything it was taking a little bit too much away from like our family and everything and when we moved we were like i i love how long have you lived in the gold coast how long have you been there three years now just three years are you where's your mom how far is she uh so i don't really have a relationship with her um anymore but she from what i've heard is just actually moved to south australia so like not close to me now how about your sister she i haven't really spoken to her either she um she's doing okay she's in brisbane where i'm from um she she sees like my grandparents i probably have a in my family i have the the only people i sort of have like a close relationship with my uncle which is my mom's little brother and um my grandparents my papa my grandfather is like probably your mom has to want to see her grandkids look i think she does
Starting point is 00:53:17 i think um she's got stuff that she just can't get through. And it came a point where it's like I'm a mom and have to take care of my family and I can't keep going through, like, carrying the, like, the traumas, I guess, and everything that kind of comes with that, like I can't carry that into my family. I need to. Is that why you moved? Oh, look, I think that's why it was easy to move um it's not necessarily the only reason why I moved but um yeah it that's that's complex that's complex but um so yeah I've kind of been like on my own to be honest since I had my daughter
Starting point is 00:54:02 I've spent it's probably taken me the whole of the four years and a lot in the last one to two of just working on all working through all of my stuff, you know, like all of my family stuff. And do you have a therapist? Did you see a therapist? I don't know. I, um, you just work out to work out.
Starting point is 00:54:23 You exercise the demons. You know what? Yeah. Like I work out, you just work out to work out. You exercise the demons as Eminem. Yeah. Like I work out, I eat well. I just, I try and educate myself. I read, I, I say I'm the biggest, the thing I do better than I reckon a lot of people I know is that I look in the mirror. So like, I'll look at myself and go, I'm acting this way or feeling this way or this is this could be better. And I'm like addicted to improvement. And I think that's been my strength in like healing a lot of that stuff in the relationship stuff with my parents and or lack thereof. And so, yeah. And then honestly, my kids, like my kids were everything.
Starting point is 00:55:01 Like I said, I I never take it for granted. Like my husband comes from a beautiful family. He's got siblings. They get along. His mom and dad are legends. Are they in the Gold Coast? Are they there? No, they live in the country.
Starting point is 00:55:13 So they're like about eight or nine hours drive from here. They hate that they're not closer, but they live on property and they're good. So all his family's there and we see them maybe like every quarter they'll come down um but uh yeah my kids were ultimately the one thing that I don't want to say they healed me but the process of having them prompted me because I was like I am gonna like I have to show these kids the world you know like I have to be my like they're they're not going to do as I say they're going to do as I do and they're going to be how I am and how I feel about myself is how my daughter's going to feel about herself and I truly believe that because they see it how how Maddie and
Starting point is 00:55:54 I are with each other is how what they're going to look for in a relationship and I think so I take that really seriously because I know how much that affected me and how much work it's taken for me to get to this point what are the two things how you and Maddie how how you what how I get the I heard the first one uh or the second one how they're gonna um emulate they're gonna look for mates the way you and Maddie treat each other what was the first thing you said they're yeah I think how how I feel about myself yeah how you feel essentially be how she like, you know, for instance, they're going to emulate your self-esteem and your self-love. Yeah. And you can tell them and like, look, I look at my daughter and I think she's the most beautiful, most perfect,
Starting point is 00:56:33 you know, girl in the entire world. Right. I'm a mom. Of course I do. Yeah. But like, if I don't feel that and I have doubt about myself and I'm not confident in carrying myself with pride, like self-pride yeah then where where is she going to learn how to do that you know like she's not so like it's she'll just go oh mom loves me you know like mom says I'm cool but she's my mom you know but like I I you know and that's a huge part of why I take care of myself why Maddie and I both take care of ourselves I'm like we always say I'm like I like me like I like me someone else might not like me but I like me I like how we do things and he likes himself and we we show up for each
Starting point is 00:57:10 other and we work on ourselves we work out and we eat well and you know we kind of like have pride in ourselves and you know what like our kids if you meet my daughter there's no confidence issues right now like she's you know she's four and she's gonna have to go into the world and people are gonna you know like say things to her and she's gonna have to navigate that but like then she's gonna fall back on how i've navigated it right like she everything she says now everything she says everything she does is a miniature version of me or her dad like everything you know the stuff she comes out with like i had to tell him like stop slapping my bum because your daughter's slapping my bum yeah yeah my son slapped my wife my wife my kids think my wife's butt is just a something to grab every five seconds yeah i'm like and he's like oh she just
Starting point is 00:57:56 knows that i love you and you know like i'm like true but i'm like we're just gonna figure this out but like yeah that's you know that is how it is I remember having friends in school who's like you know mums were really critical of themselves and like going I don't look good in this and you know like and this is this was like about aesthetics but they didn't have like necessarily like confidence in themselves as well and I remember having this one friend she was beautiful and she was like a sweet girl I loved her I thought she was like you know she was my best friend I thought there was nothing wrong with her and then she was like a sweet girl i loved her i thought she was like you know she was my best friend i thought there was nothing wrong with her and then she was so self-conscious and had these crazy like just no self-esteem no confidence no pride like or anything and that was because
Starting point is 00:58:34 it's just what she was watching and that was kind of like filtering down to her and i remember looking at her thinking like what are you talking about like you're amazing i thought she was the coolest ever and so yeah that's like i hide all that shit from my kids too like i go to the beach if i didn't have kids i'd never take my shirt off but the second i if i there i take my shirt off right away or or the second i'm in the house like i always just walk around my shirt i want them to feel i don't want them to pick up on any of my fucking insecurities another thing i like to accept my shortcomings in front of my kids yeah like for me that's been a
Starting point is 00:59:06 big healing thing i just accept it you have a fuck up i accept it if i can't accept it i accept the fact that i can't accept it accept it i just keep accepting accepting i just accept myself yeah we do the same we communicate everything like the amount of times i'm like i might snap or something right like you know you get a bit cranky and i'm like the snapper more than maddie i would definitely snap more than maddie yeah like I mean we don't snap a lot for sure like we and like Scotty has a lot of questions like we answer a lot of questions in the day like there's she does not stop talking I'm her mother clearly but um she and so like I might snap or whatever and I'll be like I'm sorry Barbara I'm like I shouldn't I said I'll be like
Starting point is 00:59:44 you know what you did you know wasn't necessarily Bubba. I'm like, I shouldn't. I said, I'll be like, you know, what you did, you know, wasn't necessarily the right thing to do but I also shouldn't have. I got a bit cranky. I'm a bit tired and I'll say to her like, you know, when you get really tired and sometimes we feel like we're going to cry or whatever and I'm like, we can't really do that to other people. It's not okay. I'm really sorry.
Starting point is 00:59:59 I'm going to try next time I'm tired to just like speak a bit kinder or whatever, you know. We show her and like accept those things without you know like kind of making it as though like misbehavior or whatever is okay of course like because we're still having to show her how to have respect in the world um and like look we're winging it like everyone does you're just trying to like be good people but um yeah we definitely do that and like you know if maddie and i like we don't really fight like too much either like i just i don't know you get to that point i have i have another rule too um if if they do see you fight they also have to see you make up yes yes even if you already made
Starting point is 01:00:35 up you got to come back and like and like show them like hey i showed you how to because i think fighting is an important skill also with your mate so you saw this is how a couple fights and then this is also how they get back together this is how they apologize or hey you know they reconcile their differences yeah like we'll have maddie and i might have like we don't necessarily fight but we might like disagree be heated like we have we have yeah we're together all the time we have these heated conversations we debate with each other we'll be like and then scotty will come in and she'll hear the tone right and she'll be like mama you cranky and i might say like i'll be like oh sometimes it might be like yeah i am a little bit cranky at dad right now my kids never side with me your kids side with
Starting point is 01:01:13 your husband my kids never side with me never nah they'll side with me wow they do side with you okay yeah well she does yeah he's too little but um they'll totally side with you the dudes don't give a fuck about dad which is kind of cool yeah they're like well dad's kind of just like the play guy you know he's like the you know and he yeah he's definitely like the they rough around and wrestle and you know my wife will yell at me my wife will be like scold me for something she didn't really yell but she'll scold me for something my kids will be like you're being a dick i'm like what yeah yeah You shouldn't be doing that. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:01:46 I just got hit with the belt. And I'm like, what? My wife doesn't hit me with the belt. But you know what I mean. Metaphorically speaking. I'm like, how the fuck am I in trouble? Yeah. My daughter's the same. My daughter's the same.
Starting point is 01:01:56 It's like the perk of the fact that also if she wants anything done, she'll come and make me do it. And not my husband. I'll be like, yesterday, she's like, I fell asleep in the lounge because I was up, had a rough night with the little boy and I fell asleep and he's there like hanging out. Baby's asleep. I'm asleep.
Starting point is 01:02:13 She's playing. Dad's playing 10 minutes of Xbox. She waits until the second I'm just opening my eyes like, Mum, can you cut me up an orange? And I'm like, mate, Dad's sitting there on the Xbox. And he's like, he will happily do it. Like it's not that he will never do it. He's always like, mate, dad's sitting there on the Xbox. And he's like, he will happily do it. Like,
Starting point is 01:02:27 it's not that he will never do it. He's always like, I'll do it. He goes, Scotty, I'll get it. And she'll go, no,
Starting point is 01:02:31 mom can do it. Yeah. They always ask mom. That's true. They always ask mom. I'm like, no, dad can do it.
Starting point is 01:02:38 Dad can cut up an orange exact same as I can. My mom, my wife can't sit down for 10 minutes. Someone asked her, someone's like, Hey, I need my butt wiped or I need this. Or can you help me with that?
Starting point is 01:02:48 Yeah. Extra sloppy. I'll give you another five bucks if you find those cords. Best show in a while, by the way. Well, thank you. Oh yeah. The umbilical cords. I was like, what cords are you talking about?
Starting point is 01:03:03 the umbilical cords. I was like, what chords are you talking about? Cara, are there any books you would recommend to prep for a natural home birth? Mr. Sean? Uh, so I did, um, I had the book that was for hypnobirthing. Um, Oh, did you do those? We did hypnobirthing classes. They were, they were cool. I did hypnobirthing classes. My, my doula actually ran those and there's like the book, like the main book. That's like kind like kind of the lady who founded it. Yeah. My wife read that. I didn't. Yeah. I honestly did it in audio book at the time. I couldn't really sit down time-wise. I was doing it like just on drives and random times. So that was really, really good. Yeah. That's the one. That's the one. Oh yeah. I remember seeing that book around for years crazy i haven't seen it in a while so i i read that um and then honestly like we're all on social media
Starting point is 01:03:51 right i followed i found just went into the trenches of people like that were really like holistic and open in all different spaces and because i'm a firm believer that you kind of are what you consume and that really can change like what you like how you think and so i would find people that had the messaging that like were biased to what i wanted you know that really good like natural approach and that really believes in it we're confident in it because i think you have to really you have to believe it to make that happen um so i had like was following pages like pain-free birth um my doula puts up um that didn't work out so good did it look there's no such thing look my wife would be watching videos of women who are just like oh here's my baby my wife's like what the fuck i look i watched i watched these like water births
Starting point is 01:04:38 and stuff and i thought like oh yeah yeah like that kind of stuff um and then they usually you start on a couple and then they start resharing and connecting with some other pages or have a look at who they follow. And then they start really sharing things that just open up your world to, yeah, what is possible. And, like, seeing beautiful births, I think that's a huge thing is to, like, see what, yeah, expose yourself to what you want. My doula is really cool she's
Starting point is 01:05:05 got a page megan and more um she posts a heap of stuff i'm trying to think oh man it's gonna maybe i'll send you something after but i'll actually like who um i can't remember who commented if you send me a dm i'll find some and i'll reply to you with a couple when i when i remember them i just can't think of them off the top it was sean it was this guy sean oh yeah jazzy hang on let me take a photo of that, and then I'll – all right. Damn, you're so good. Yeah, I'll just – I'll dig through and find some of the ones. But, yeah, I think those are –
Starting point is 01:05:34 Oh, that's your doula. That's my doula. She's awesome. She was like – she's kind of like a – I don't know, like an awesome birth mom. She's like – yeah, real sweet. Does a heap of, like, just really – I don't know like for some people it's really there's me um but yeah like look people have these like really peaceful like water births and stuff too and I was like do you know what for me this sounds like kind of stupid but um I've I like wanted to really like let go I felt like for me I just had this feeling like with my
Starting point is 01:06:07 son that I was like this is going to be a really huge turning point for me to just like have no fear and to just like I don't know be really primal and just let go of any judgment or any like anything that I hold on to and uh so and it was I wouldn't say painful I just say intense it was like a lot it was just really intense feeling right and um so I just like I just like lent in and kind of like got loud and deep and just kind of like just I needed to just like release I felt like having my son was like the last bit of like a release for me of like this is who I am and then I feel like since I had him I'm like whatever fucks I had left to give like they're they're long gone I'm like all I care about now is like my family I'm like there's just so many
Starting point is 01:06:58 things that just don't mean anything to me anymore like I just had to fully let go of like any care of like what people think or feel or whatever and go like the only people that matter in this world right now me my husband and my babies like that and then obviously we have like friends and family we love and care about but like in the end to the to the end of my days it's going to be me and my hubby like we're a team and those kids are going to be my kids forever and ever and I'm responsible for them and they're my besties you know like so like that's anything else outside of that that's taking energy like i just don't have time for it i don't have time for it like you just i don't know i'd rather give that to my kid you know like it's your neighbors how close are your neighbors look
Starting point is 01:07:39 they're like i thought this i was like thinking i said to one of the neighbors um i was like surely you heard me like surely yeah surely she was like, no, I didn't hear anything. And then I'm like, you're on the other side. Like they're not super close, but like, I mean, it's getting loud and it was like in the morning. Did your neighbor come over the first time? Well, what's funny. Is everything okay in here?
Starting point is 01:07:59 Yeah. Why do you ask? We had a note in our letterbox, like a few days later from a house two doors up and they were like oh i just don't even know i heard a strange sound coming from your house i don't know if your hot water system's broken oh shit oh shit they thought you were pipe screaming and i'm thinking i said to maddie what are they talking about that's an odd note two doors up and i'm like how would you hear like our solar hot water, like two doors?
Starting point is 01:08:26 There's no way. There's no way you'd hear that. And I was like, oh, you know what? I'm like, I bet they heard the distant sound of me like moaning and groaning getting this child out. And just going deep within myself, like, you know, and I thought, oh, that's so funny. Here they are.
Starting point is 01:08:41 I'm like, I would be so concerned. Brianna Smith. Cara cara please write a book love watching you and following what you are doing in business and life oh thanks i've thought about it i don't know i don't i'm like my business partner and this is a good friend is always like oh man you've got some stories to tell like just about like where i've come from i definitely something that's not very, like, known or anything like that. You know, usually, like, top athletes have some kind of wild story, right?
Starting point is 01:09:11 Everyone's got, like, they either had something to prove or overcome or, like, something. It's never just, like, or they're, like, just really rich and got put into, like, that was, you know, bred well and had a lot of money and got put into the right things. It's, like, one extreme or the other. I've thought about it, but I don't don't i wouldn't even know where to start my my i bet you that it sounds like that there's some stories to tell
Starting point is 01:09:33 about some of the things that you that you're dealing with uh my wife uh jenny bode will dm you i don't have social media thank you okay i'll keep an eye out i'll um i'll have a look at uh the yeah the pages and stuff. I just can't. I haven't been, honestly, I've been kind of, I bought a Kindle. Do you like, you know what, the Kindle thing? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Greg's a huge fan of the Kindle.
Starting point is 01:09:54 Greg Glassman, he's always talking to me about his Kindle. Well, I pushed back against it for ages. Maddie had one. I was like, no, no, I love the book. I love the real thing, you know? And then I got to the point where I was like, I realized it just wasn't working, and I wasn't able to sit down with one hand and a book and then I was feeding my son all the time you know you're just living there with them on your boob and I was like I just can't hold the
Starting point is 01:10:11 book and I'm like all right I might try the kindle thing anyway I was fully converted I knew you'd like it I knew you'd like it I'm like whatever um so I'm like so I'm fully converted I was like I didn't want to sit you read while you breastfeed yeah yeah so i i just read so i was like lying down like are you addicted to breastfeeding addicted to it yeah like i feel like my i mean i've never asked my wife but i think she's a little addicted to it i think she really like look i think it is one of the if not it's one of the single greatest things you can offer a child i don't really believe that i breastfed my daughter for two and a half years. Why'd you stop? Did she wean herself or you were like, hey, she's talking to me now? There's two reasons. One, I was only down to a feed to bed type thing. It was a little feed
Starting point is 01:10:57 just to get to sleep at night. She was happy to not have it as well. I wanted to get her through those first two years where they're touching gr know touching grubby things all the time and you know breast milk is medicine I know that um yeah do you put that on everything my wife put that shit on everything oh you get a little yeah it's important on everything oh your eye looks a little red you're like yeah she just rubbed breast milk on everything yeah it's it's magical like and it's custom made for the baby right so I'm like I'm like well there, well, I'm custom making this stuff. So there were two reasons. There was that.
Starting point is 01:11:31 And then I came over. I remember I had to leave her behind to come over for the CrossFit Games in 21, the COVID year. And I had to leave my family behind because I had to get an exemption to fly, which I'm going to say is one of my biggest regrets and also one of the things that blessed me the most. It's like 50-50, like crazy that I did that. Regrets about what?
Starting point is 01:11:54 About leaving my family and coming over for the games that year. And I did that out of fear, to be honest. That was definitely a fear move, and that taught me to pay attention and not make decisions out of fear. what do you mean what do you mean a fear move that you would get forgotten about by the community or the games yeah yep that I would like miss a window and I wasn't there and I'd lose sponsors and that I'd fall behind and that I'd trained all year and it was going to waste and you know what like I didn't want to go and I felt the pressure from a lot of areas of like oh but you but you've trained this hard and, you know, blah, blah.
Starting point is 01:12:26 And you could go. And, you know, like it's my it was my life and my income and what kept a roof over my head, you know, and all those kind of things. And I made that decision out of fear. And if anyone followed me back then, it was one of the it was the worst five weeks of my entire life. But why five weeks because of the quarantine on reentry? I had to quarantine for two weeks when i came back yeah um and uh did you can you answer honestly questions if i asked you about other things or no sorry that's my dog um yeah it depends it depends what you're asking all right
Starting point is 01:13:01 fair enough go on go on okay so so it's a so so let me ask you this before you keep going on that. Why couldn't you? Why can't you just be. Do you think it was a mistake because. Fed up with road rage, gas guzzling and backseat battles of road trip vacays. Beach, it's time for a reality check. Shift gears to seamless serenity with Sunwing's all-inclusive getaways, which can actually be cheaper. More margaritas, less mileage misery. It's a road less traveled for a reason. Say no to gas stations and gassy passengers, and yes to Sunwing savings. Book with your local travel agent or...
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Starting point is 01:14:13 Because you didn't capitalize on it that you should have been like, hey, I'm fucking sacrificing a lot for this. I'm going to give it my all. And you didn't do that. And that maybe you felt sorry for yourself and that the whole thing went to waste. Like, or do you, or, or I know that's a little excessive, or do you think that you just wish you wouldn't have done it? It's like, Hey, I didn't, I still did my best. I came back, but fuck it.
Starting point is 01:14:34 I'll take those five weeks that I could have had with my family are way more valuable than the games. Yeah. I think the biggest regret for me was the, and for me, it's not about the outcome necessarily. It was about why i made the decision like i feel like if you do something because someone pressures you you're or and you and it wasn't your right decision you'll regret it like and i think yeah yeah yeah it it it you think there's 200 million people in the united states who fucking regret getting the injection yeah potentially like yeah yeah that's a fucking tough one and it's it's tough and i think that that feeling
Starting point is 01:15:11 of just going like even if nothing bad happens even if nothing bad happens you know somewhere inside you fucked up you were a bitch yeah that that's and that's it it's just for me it was like i i didn't feel like and i i'm a real go with your gut kind of girl and like my gut was like don't go don't go and i was like i didn't trust and believe in myself enough to not go i was too fearful of what the outcome would be and so i went and you know what i went out of fear and guess what i got covered COVID. I couldn't compete. I like, Oh, is that what happened?
Starting point is 01:15:46 I forgot. That's what happened. So I, I got COVID when I got there. I thought I just had jet lag. Cause I was like, I was, I'd flown into Ohio and I was staying with Dan Bailey at his place.
Starting point is 01:15:57 And I was like, just, I was like, Oh shit. Now I am remembering. Holy shit. You flew out for the CrossFit games and couldn't compete because you had covid who well is that the same year that uh carrie peace and beth carrie pearson beth yeah
Starting point is 01:16:11 holy shit so i so this is what happened though so i got covid early enough on arrival like i must have got it literally coming into the u.s yeah and uh you know wore the mask on the plane did all the things i had to do and wash my hands and you know whatever you didn't do everything you had to do yeah yeah pardon that's a trick question isn't it i'm not going down that far um yeah we know we know we know where my my values lie but um that's incredible that makes me happy to hear that okay i um so i went yeah i got it at the start like coming into the country i thought i just had jet lag i was just really tired and like didn't feel too great um and then uh but we're kind of carrying on prepping and it wasn't until
Starting point is 01:17:00 then we like started moving i was like one day i was like yeah i got just a really bad headache yeah i had a really bad headache and i was like oh this jet lag really got me good this time but i remembered last time i went to ohio and it's just that extra flight for me i was the same and i thought oh it just is what it is and then anyway we had i thought oh i'm not i've got a bit of a headache look i better do the right thing i'll do a covid test before we move to the next state like i don't want to i wasn't going anywhere anyway. I was training in Dan's barn. I wasn't like going anywhere. I was being responsible.
Starting point is 01:17:28 And I did a test and I was like, okay, am I positive? I'm like, you fucking, I'm like, no way. I want message Maddie. I'm like, you won't believe it. Like I've got COVID, what the fuck? I'm like, what do I do? Like freaking out. And I was still feeling okay, but just kind of like, yeah,
Starting point is 01:17:42 like lethargic and a bit of a headache and just a bit off, right? Then all of a sudden Dan starts getting all sweaty and I just stay with him. He's like, oh, shit. Anyways, based off the CDC's guidelines or whatever at the time, there was like a 10-day window and then a period of time that you had to have not had the symptoms and then not be testing positive. And because I'd got it at the start of the trip,
Starting point is 01:18:04 I was testing negative by the time the games came around i had i hadn't um met the rules of the cdc or whatever to be able to like be let out you know and uh so i communicated with the crossfit games and they said look we'll keep testing you so long as you keep testing negative on why did you tell them why did you tell them because i just try and do the right thing i just i just always try and do the right thing yeah your fucking mind what did your agent say do you have an agent he should have maddie should someone should have put a piece of tape on your mouth look i didn't i thought i don't want to like go into a position where i'm around a lot of people a lot of athletes i don't want to make listen everyone there had it everyone came home
Starting point is 01:18:41 with it everyone there fucking had it that year was crazy everyone had it yeah we found that out later yeah yeah we found that out later right that everyone ended up having it i was doing the right thing and going like the fans the athletes everyone had that shit i know i thought i don't want to make another i don't want to be the person that's responsible for making another athlete or another person sick and then you know ruining their opportunities or whatever so i did the right thing and they tested me and i was testing negative anyway i go in the day before the game started and just go to do a little warm-up type thing and i was like i just like i did like it was like 100 effort though it was like little mini sprints and i was like i just can't quite breathe is right like as well and i was like i'm doing okay anyway i went into the first madison this is in madison in madison yep i go into the first day
Starting point is 01:19:24 of competition i'm like look i'm not feeling amazing like you know if you've just been run down or whatever you're like not great I go into the first day of competition and we did the swim and I was like just not I was okay like I swam that whatever the distance was you know swim and then the paddleboard like we kayaked um and I remember like if you understand like how the body works, I remember just feeling like almost like a bit anemic. Like I felt like my blood flow, like the oxygen just kind of wasn't moving through my legs. I remember getting off the kayak and my legs were really jelly
Starting point is 01:19:54 and trying to run to the end. I was like, what the fuck's going on? And then as the day progressed, I kind of just started to get worse and worse. So like I felt kind of all right but I couldn't perform. And then I made the call. I was like, I can't. I i'm gonna put myself in a hole i'm starting then trying to work out at a high level started to make me cough and then it just was spiraling so i withdrew i stayed away this is
Starting point is 01:20:16 pretty uncharacteristic a 20th a 29th 36 and a 30 like like i remember running the um we had the was it 500 meter run the time trial and I remember like I got 100 meters and I felt like I'd been shot I was like I was like I'm good and then like I felt fine and then all of a sudden it was like I just didn't have any engine like I just didn't have the engine to keep going anyway so I stopped I rested I stayed home Dan had tested positive by this stage so we isolated in this house like we just you, bloody ordered soups in and sat around feeling sorry for ourselves, being sick and not being able to compete. I felt bad because I got him sick and he couldn't compete.
Starting point is 01:20:54 He was doing real well. And then I had to then test negative and try and get on a plane to get home, which I was testing negative on a rat. But, you know, the PCRs could last a bit longer. So even if you weren't like contagious, it could still be like, what's a rat you were testing positive negative on a rat. Yeah. The rapid antigen test. Look at you with all the lingo.
Starting point is 01:21:17 Yeah. I'm all over it. But, um, what is that? They stick something in your nose. They did that to you. Yeah. They do that. Um, and that was fine, but, but I had to, the conditions of entry back to Australia was, you know, you had to be testing negative on the PCR and I'd read, Oh, it can take longer anyway. Then it turns out my flight got pushed a day earlier. I had to drive an hour to Milwaukee or something like that to get a PCR
Starting point is 01:21:41 because it was a Sunday and I couldn't get in anywhere I get in they do that by some grace of God that's negative I get on the plane like I'm waiting at the airport I'm there super early I'm like get me the are you are you tripping when it's negative are you like holy shit I'm like this is there's no way I feel like shit yeah I was like because I think it was the day of competition that put me in the hole like Like I think if I had just rested, you know, like because Dan rested and then he was fine. I didn't rest and I tried to compete and that was silly. And so I, but I just floated and left my family and spent,
Starting point is 01:22:15 it cost me $14,000 to fly there. So I was like, I've got to compete. Like I've just made the sacrifice. Like I've left my daughter behind. I'm like, I'm in it now. I'm in the thick of it like you just got to go like yeah and anyway so I get home I've got to go straight into quarantine then into a hotel for two weeks like literally in a room for two weeks can't leave
Starting point is 01:22:36 the room you know like police circulating at the bottom of the hotel like just hectic first couple of days were nice because I was like oh look that was a shit show that was hectic I need to like recover I don't have my daughter for a minute like needing me you know but then on top of all that I think this is what rocked me too is I just stopped breastfeeding her so anyone who's weaned from breastfeeding you know you have a massive hormonal plummet I'm doing it I've fed for two and a half years i've come like the whole time i was in the u.s i said to maddie i'm like i feel like i've got depression man like i am just bombing like between having covid leaving my family paying all that money like and then um having those hormones come crashing down i was just inside out and so i yeah then the quarantine then they were shutting off
Starting point is 01:23:23 the border to my state. So like the day after I got back into Queensland, I had to quarantine in New South Wales against Sydney where I flew in. The day I got home, they go, oh, your pass is now not valid. You can't get back into Queensland. So if I hadn't have got back that day that I got back, I wouldn't have got home to my family. I would have been stuck in another state, not allowed to get home.
Starting point is 01:23:43 Even though I couldn't shoot, would you have had to quarantine another two weeks or no? You just can't. No, I just would have been, I just would have been stuck in another state not allowed to get home even though i couldn't shoot would you've had to quarantine another two weeks or no you just can't no i just would have been i just would have been stuck somewhere like i couldn't get home i'm like my husband's gonna go back to work like i've got a two and a half how do they do that is that scary to think that they did that in your country yeah it was so stressful like i remember sitting in this hotel what's it what's the vibe there now does it feel like it could happen again now no like look as soon as um because we're in like i guess an area where like people are flocking for the holidays a lot of locals especially like elderly locals you'll see all of a sudden in supermarkets they start wearing masks and stuff again and they're being like a little bit wary
Starting point is 01:24:17 but there's not like there's no like talk of it like now it's like like my husband worked it works for the government and they're like oh you, you know, it got to a point where they were like, oh, until you test positive, you could be like, oh, he could say, for instance, my wife has COVID right now and I have a cough and I'm almost certain that I've got it as well. And they go, oh, if you're not testing, if you haven't tested positive, don't worry,
Starting point is 01:24:42 just still come to work. It was no big deal. It was like, oh, it never existed anymore. Yeah. And you're like, cause all of a sudden no one was in the workforce and everyone was falling behind. There was no one in cafe, like cafes having to close. Cause, Oh, people weren't allowed to go to work. Oh, they weren't enough nurses. They weren't enough.
Starting point is 01:24:57 Does it feel like your country's fucked or like what's happened here is we never, we, we look state for a lot of people look yeah go ahead state by state's different which is the same over there right some are better than others um i definitely i don't think we're as bad as it is over there but we're like not as big like population wise either and um like there's huge wastelands now like whole flourishing cities are like, are like zombie lands now. Like, like, yeah, like, like, you know, like 50 square blocks in San Francisco and, and 50 square blocks in Portland and Seattle. And like,
Starting point is 01:25:33 it's just like lawlessness and people like you can just open people openly stealing and drugs being done. I mean, the country's massive. So it's in pockets. Los Angeles is just like, I mean like any, like right now, pretty much anyone in California with it within a, you know, the vast majority of people in California within 20 minutes could take you somewhere and show you someone shooting up just on the street. That's insane. I know. It's crazy. It's like, it's nuts, dude. And it just happened all of a sudden. It just kind of like, just like like and the cops aren't doing anything and it's it's bizarre yeah like look i think people will never be the same like after that experience like people aren't the same right um and for a lot of people
Starting point is 01:26:15 it was like i don't know for me i'm like you know i haven't like grown up easy or whatever so i'm like it was just another fucking hard thing to just work through um but like for a lot of people it's like the hardest thing has ever happened to them and they're like psychology is changing they're never the same so like people are different they interact differently and it's taking a long time to recover from that people in business like now everyone's just worried about how expensive everything is and interest rates are crazy and you know like this yeah but but you know that we're somewhat the same as from what i can see from the outside looking in with the U.S. But I don't know.
Starting point is 01:26:46 I mean, I'm in a good, relatively good bubble. You know, I don't think you guys have a fentanyl crisis there. That's what's happened. We have a real bad drug problem going on in the United States. And I don't think fentanyl has made it to Australia. Is that true? Caleb, can you type in fentanyl Australia? Because it's coming in through our southern border through the Chinese.
Starting point is 01:27:09 We have very strong, like, regulations when it comes to like medication and stuff like that like it's i've read some stats about like how many people are like medicated like on a minimum of one to four medicare i'm like what when i go to hospital like i don't ever go to hospital i've got a holistic doctor so i don't really like go anywhere but if i'm ever asked like oh you know you don't have any medication like no like what oh like i just is your border secure is the country's border secure yeah like we're we're an island we're like a floating island so like it's a little i know you think that but 833 fentanyl deaths oh all right more than 20 years though over oh in 20 years in 20 years oh okay okay we have that many we have no joke we have almost that many every day
Starting point is 01:27:46 in the united states what what's it for what's that drug do it's basically just it's just it's replaced heroin it's just super cheap like as much as it would fit in this dental floss container could kill everyone in california like just a like cops have died breathing it in from getting a suspect. Far out. Yeah. That's so scary. 2022, 73,654 people died from fentanyl. And here's what's crazy. The vast majority of those people also weren't doing fentanyl, Cara. They think they're like. They're just coming in contact.
Starting point is 01:28:19 Or they're kids who think that they're buying something on Snapchat that's like a Xanax or some ecstasy. And there's fentanyl in it and they die. That's so scary. Yeah. As a parent, that's so scary, man. I'm like, I know. Oh, it's crazy scary as a parent. It's crazy scary.
Starting point is 01:28:36 I'm like, look, if my kids like hate me to a degree for a period of time for not like allowing stuff like that. That's kind of like, like, like you know apps and phones and all that kind of stuff whatever so be it because i'm like they'll they'll be great for one day they'll get over it i'll love them in other ways i made this video the other day uh like just like looking at my phone and talking to it and i said hey um if you're a guy and you're going to pick a girl, here are some things you should consider. You should pick a girl who probably wants to be a mother and who probably wants to raise children. And I said all these qualities and who is loving and who is strong and who is working on herself and self-reflective. And I said all these things.
Starting point is 01:29:26 on herself and self-reflective and i said all these things and then afterwards i thought i thought to myself well i didn't ever publish the video because i picked a woman who told me that she would never marry me and never wanted to have kids and i go great i never want to get married never have kids either and after being together for 20 years i've realized i picked and i when i was making this video i was looking at her she was she was doing burpees in a field with her three little boys jumping all around her just we just stopped she's like hey i'm gonna go do 100 burpees out there i'm like okay cool this is just a couple weeks ago and i'm making the movie and i'm like oh this is bullshit because i didn't pick my chick because of that yeah yeah i picked my chick because she
Starting point is 01:30:01 smoked cloves with me and we drank coffee and walked around in the berkeley hills and fucked a lot like you know what i mean like like like she didn't want no kids how how do how do but it but it is important i don't think young people realize how important it is like the happiest moments in my life now are watching my kids interact with their mother yeah like i just I just. I'm just thrilled by it. Thrilled by it. It's like so. Fucking dope. It drives me.
Starting point is 01:30:31 But. I didn't pick her for that. So I don't know what advice to give anyone. Look. I don't know. Like I think. Did Maddie see you as a baby carrier? I guess this takes us back to the first question.
Starting point is 01:30:41 Did he choose you because he wanted a family? Or did you choose him because you wanted a family? Look, that was definitely like important. I know that was definitely important from him, especially he comes from like a real country family. Like he's one of the first things his mom asked him was, does she want kids? You know, like that was, that's kind of like, that's a really important value to them.
Starting point is 01:31:00 And, um, I definitely, I guess I'd run a little bit different though. I kind of like run off feel. Like I think you just know and have a feeling when something is right. And I think like the universe kind of just presents things to you as they're meant to be. And if you've got your eyes open, you'll feel it and then it will play out kind of how it's meant to play out. How did it present Maddie to you?
Starting point is 01:31:23 Well, we were like i don't like look i don't think it's necessarily like a like a thing i think it's like a feeling i think so let me use the opposite example so we've talked about this a few times we're like a lot of people these days and probably forever a lot of like men and women like like both, you know, like both sides are always like they want to tick boxes. So they're like, I want a dude that's this tall. I want him to have this kind of job. I want to have this kind of life and this kind of money and, you know, blah, blah, blah.
Starting point is 01:31:55 And they're too worried and they worry about a timeline. I'm this age, so, you know, I need this and that and whatever. And I think people spend so much time focusing on like what this other person should be that they don't actually work on who are they and how are they showing up in the world and I think if you if you do you and then you put you out there then you're naturally a magnet to the person that's also doing them and they're supposed to come into that right and I just think you know I'm a bit woo-woo a bit out there but I think that's how it plays out and so I think the best thing you can do is fuck the boxes.
Starting point is 01:32:25 Like, don't worry, like, yeah, you could, like, marry for money. Like, we always joke around. I'm like, oh, fucking marry for love, man. I'm like, lucky you gave me cute kids so I could just joke around. And I'm like, but for real, like, you, I don't know, people don't think long-term. I don't think at the end of the day, like, where are your value systems at? Like, how far is that going to get you?
Starting point is 01:32:44 Like, cool, old mate could pay for, you know, you could have a flash house or whatever but like you don't even like him you know and you were too worried about ticking a box or hitting a timeline or whatever it just and i think people get really lost in that and um yeah like i don't know maddie and i were just like you nailed it it's you nailed it my wife and I, the, the, the cornerstone to our success is at the end of the day, she's responsible for her happiness and I'm responsible for mine. And we try not to put that burden on the other person and that, and I've, neither of us are box ticking people. Neither of us are box ticking people. No. And Maddie read a thing ages ago and it was talking about like, you know, they say like,
Starting point is 01:33:23 you've got like an unconditional love for your children. And I'm like, totally. Like I have these babies and I'm like, how odd is it? I just have this person all of a sudden. I'm like, I'll die for you. I think you're perfect. Like there's not a single flaw in you. You know, you're like, you're the most amazing thing I've ever seen.
Starting point is 01:33:37 And then when you come into a relationship, you're like, yeah, look, I feel like you're my best mate. And me and you are supposed to be together and we're meant to do cool things until the day we die and we're going to tell stories about it's going to be awesome like that feels what's meant to be but but it's conditional it still is and he's like it is conditional you have to work at it like you love each other and we're connected and we're supposed to be together but I'm still responsible for me and he's still responsible for him he comes from a different family with different experiences and I come from my family and my experiences and we come together and we make a decision to go like hey how are we gonna let's you want to share this life you want to grow together you want to do things like hey you'd be responsible for that i'll be responsible
Starting point is 01:34:12 for this and i think as soon as you can accept responsibility for yourself and that doesn't mean you don't like support each other or like like where we are the ultimate like full team you know we like pick up each other's slack where we need to we are best mates and we like we work together and then we still like really love each other and have a romantic relationship and whatever like but we've we definitely have learned over the years that like you really need to like and this is where I say my biggest thing in life is to look yourself in the mirror the second you can look yourself in the mirror and go I'm acting this way or I'm I'm I'm showing up like this I'm doing this I'm responsible for that it's nobody else's fault and if if I feel like I'm
Starting point is 01:34:49 not my best right now then I need to address it I need to find out what can I do what can I what do I need to improve on and like you know with my family and the way that was there were things you know where I was like I'm just not kind of showing up there are things like I feel like I'm not the my best person I'm like oh would I want to hang out with me right now maybe not so I'm like oh I'll work on it that's not that's not how I want to be my how do I want to be and so you start making changes and then all of a sudden that starts to forge an even better relationship right you you're like showing yourself respect and then you've got more respect and love and open and genuine authenticity to give to somebody else so i think that's yeah i never ticked a box look i when i was younger he's pretty he's pretty he's but he is very attractive
Starting point is 01:35:31 yeah like he's yeah he's so good looking i'm not gonna say that do you like the way he smells yeah like even like if he's yeah like isn't that weird they talk about like pheromones and stuff and i'm always like if he's like say typically like someone else might think he's stinky you know like if he's like worked out he's sweaty or whatever i'm like but i dig it so my wife can't get enough of me yeah i can't get enough for her either yeah yeah i'm like you're meant to be because we're like that none of that bothers me you know like the people talk about oh the ick you know you know that like trend people like oh what's your ick like with a guy or a girl or whatever so when they do this i'm like i'm like i knew i know that you're the one because i'm like even all your like weird shit or gross shit or
Starting point is 01:36:12 whatever if you stink or you got a boogie on your face like i don't give a fuck but i'm like once upon a time if it was another dude that wasn't my dude i would have cared right you know right but when it's your person you're like i don't don't care. Right. I'm like, I don't care. Hey, there's this other part, too, about going back to the personal accountability and responsibility. Every time you any time you don't do absolute personal responsibility or accountability, you're giving away power. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Like you're just giving away like even if someone rear ends you and it's their fault. Like I understand that the rules are like you hit me and you're gonna pay for me but if i start going down this whole blame game and you ruin my life or you fuck it's like wow am i my god of my own world or are you yep it's like now i'm giving you i'm saying you did this to me and it's like
Starting point is 01:36:59 whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa that can't be good i read this book recently and it was like if you don't know who you are and you don't know what your clear values and your beliefs are you don't know what they are somebody else will tell you what they are and so like that that was like i just sat there for a moment i read it and i was like fuck and i was like i said maddie i'm like man we need to like really sit down and go like we're like really leaning into like this this phase of life that we're in loving every second of it and i'm'm like, man, we need to like, I've been in position in business, especially more so not so much personally. But whereas I haven't like kind of set clear, like, I, for lack of a better word, like boundaries or like a, like my, my values, what's important to me and what I have
Starting point is 01:37:40 to give. And then when I haven't done that, I've been taken advantage of and people have gone sweet. Well, you'll do this then. And then now I'm like, no, no, I'm not in a fully respectful way. I'm going to go, this is like, I've, I've made it really clear to people around me. I'm like, just so you know, I'll never prioritize you or business or anything over my children. So like if my kid needs a sleep or they need me and, or they've got something on that, that's, that's a mom first like that you ever have values before i just started getting values recently like in the last like three or four years i was doing this interview with sarah sigman's daughter and then also like
Starting point is 01:38:13 i've been watching like how mayhem operates like with values and then i was like well values are like really important i never thought about like and no one can take your values you can change their forever or you could change them it doesn't matter but they're fucking they're dope yeah and you know what that's why i like i started really liking religious people because they got values they just like people with any kind of values just some values let me hear that shit i'm the exact same so like said amity i hate people that will act a certain way with me i don't have like a lot of friends when i get a good friend i've got like a good friend you know i said i hate people that will act a certain way with me. I don't have like a lot of friends. When I get a good friend, I've got like a good friend, you know. I said I hate people that will act a certain way,
Starting point is 01:38:48 like they'll tell me what they think I want to hear or try and be like me because I think that's what will make them my friend. I'm like, you know what I like? I like when you're so certain of who you are. You can be the total opposite person to me, but you're like, this is what I love, this is who I am, and I'm like, I dig you for that. Like I really like you. Now I want to be your friend because I'm like,
Starting point is 01:39:04 you've just got like strength, right? Like, and, and it could be like, you could be hate sport, you know, you could fucking love McDonald's and I don't know, hate kids or do whatever. And you're like, no, this is who I am. And you're like, kids is a little weird. I've been around some people who hate kids. I like, I mean, like not want to have, I understand. I understand. I just had to stop you there. Sorry. triggered triggered triggered yeah i get it i get it we
Starting point is 01:39:28 got triggers that's cool um but yeah it's like that's more more important as i'm like if you know who you are and you're good and you're confident but in this day and age like you know you know what values get mixed up with is like you because you're not allowed opinions anymore we're not allowed to have an opinion like if i say i say i believe in natural birth and i really really strongly believe in breastfeeding if i post that on instagram it's like it's like i've just told everyone who thinks the opposite that they're a piece of shit and they should go die i'm like no i'm cara saunders this is my page this is what i love and believe in i love sharing that message for anyone who wants to hear it if you don't cool man like oh no i don't hate you for it go do you man that's totally fine yeah but like but now like i said had my son two kids in i love having two kids like i thought one kid was cool and two kids just even better
Starting point is 01:40:15 and i'm like three are you gonna do three i don't think we'll have three okay i don't think we'll have three are you being are you being care Are you being careless with your fornication? No, we're never careless. I naturally track, and I'm always very mindful. I'm in tune. I'm like, we're more careful now because when you're breastfeeding. Is he careless? Or you're like, dude, what did you do?
Starting point is 01:40:37 No, we're good. We're good. Okay. No, we're good. I thought we ended up with twins, careless, just carelessness. On my part, she told me. She was like, what? Yeah, we've had no accidents in the seven years or whatever it is so we're like we're everyone's on purpose so we're good um if even yeah if in doubt we'll be careful but um yeah the
Starting point is 01:40:56 oh i totally lost my train of thought now basically having having kids values uh yeah like it's on your page now now more than ever i think as you get older and then i think this is one of the most beautiful beautiful things about having children is that um you really do level up and you become you find this whole other like selfless part of you like any parent will know like you and and happily so like i love people like oh you know you got to do you and i'm like i do i do wherever i can but i am more than happy to breastfeed my child for a couple of years and you know one day that that child's gonna go and leave me and they're gonna do their life and i know that i've done everything that was really important to me and that i loved and valued and
Starting point is 01:41:37 that is not i have no problem doing that like i love that's why i had my children like i'm happy to give all of myself to them but three in the morning kids thrown up by the toilet you're over there like with your hand on their forehead like telling them how much you love them and I'm like who the fuck is this guy yeah actually like me you know I'm like I hate everything about this and I'm actually thoroughly enjoying it I know the selflessness part is weird I don't even know what happened to the old me it's crazy it is it is I remember like yeah same thing like Scotty old me. It's crazy. It is. It is. I remember like, yeah, same thing. Like Scotty got really sick in the U S when we were there for the game. She was throwing up all night, the night of my,
Starting point is 01:42:09 before my first day of competition. And I'm there last year. So yeah, 22. And she was throwing up everywhere nonstop for like a week. And all night I was up with her and you know what? She just wanted her mom. And you know, Maddie's like, look, I can bring her out here. And I'm like, this kid's three and she, or maybe she just turned four.
Starting point is 01:42:29 And I was, she's like, she just wants her mum. And I'm like, I'm here holding this kid's hair back. And I'm like, I do it over and over again. I'll go into that first day of competition tired and, you know, struggling and whatever because I've had no sleep. But I'm like, there's no substitute for the fact that this kid wants a mom. Like, I just, I have no problem with that. I'm like, it is what it is.
Starting point is 01:42:49 You just know, you know, it's chaos. Like, you know, it's chaos, but it's, yeah, it's still the best. But I think now more than ever, and I'm actively working to get rid of anything of caring about what anyone thinks of what I do or how I am or whatever, because I know I have good intentions and I, like I said, I like me, I like how I show up and I know I try and improve the things that I'm not that way. You present that way. You present that way. A hundred percent. Not in like a, Oh, I'm perfect. But I know that I'm also trying to fuck you. You present like, Hey, this is me. Yeah. And I, and I, and I, and you accept yourself and it's okay like it's
Starting point is 01:43:25 okay and so now i'm really trying to like i said man i'm like let's lean into like what our value we know what our values are because we've always kind of been alive i'm like let's really like put it down on paper like uh let's have conversations with people and go like this is that you put your values down on paper yeah we're like so well we're in the process of it like i just kind of was we literally have just been talking about in the last couple of days so it's funny you brought it up but we um yeah I was like man we need to like really go we're like working on some kind of projects together and stuff at the moment and I'm like hey as we go into this next phase and like evolution of like work and stuff we're doing um I'm like it's really important that we put down what we're never willing to sacrifice like
Starting point is 01:44:03 what is the what is the most important thing? Like we fast forward, like I'm 100, he's 102, we're about to hold hands and die peacefully together, the dream, you know, like some shit like that that we've constructed. I'm like what do we look back on? Like how does that feel and what do we want that to look like? Because, you know, I can guarantee the last thing we're going to care about is like what kind of house we had or, you know, like anything last thing we're going to care about is like what kind of house we had or you know like anything like that we're going to care about like you know like
Starting point is 01:44:28 he says it too is like me and him have to be best friends forever like our kids are going to go and find their best friend and their soulmate one day and then it's going to be me and him so like we we really like hold in on that and put a lot of time and love into that and um yeah I'm like and then we have to we have to set that up so that we can be really clear because yeah i don't like the thought of handing that over to somebody else and it is so true like if you don't know are you gonna school your kids this has been anyone who knows me that's been around me is probably sick of me talking about schools but um look we our schools are not as bad as in the u.s from what i see like the system and stuff is not as bad as in the US from what I see. Like the system and stuff is not as bad. At the moment, Scotty's in a kindergarten program
Starting point is 01:45:07 at a Christian school. We were very adamant on we're in a position that we could pay for that and we were not comfortable with the government schools, especially like through COVID and stuff like that. We liked, I grew up in the church. I'm not like heavily religious or anything now. Maddie went to a, you know, like a religious boarding school and we love the values and we, like I have grown up in the church.
Starting point is 01:45:33 I just don't like to live in the church now or anything, but I do believe in a lot of the values and morals and all of that kind of stuff that they do. And so we've been really happy with that I am trying so she could go to what we call prep which is the start of school next year she will still only be four and a half so we made the decision to hold her back because I want her home with me um and with her brother and you know to learn more home values I still think she's a little person and it's too soon to go into that. And I'm trying to figure out what that looks like because we've talked
Starting point is 01:46:10 about my ideal scenario would be some sort of hybrid system of like a little bit like homeschool and then like a couple of days in some kind of like environment because there's a lot that she's learnt even in being around these other kids like that. So, for instance, Maddie and I were like, you're going to go out into the world and you're going to have to deal with people and I still want to instil an element of, like, resilience and understanding of how the world is when you go out into it
Starting point is 01:46:38 and I don't want to, like, have my children necessarily be too sheltered. There's, like, so many factors, factors right that we're trying to like figure out what the right answer is um and then but then there were like a few things towards the end of this year she's on holidays now from her kindy where i was like she had these relationships with some other kids a couple little bratty shitty ones you know like and they were kind of saying certain things and like making her really uncomfortable and it it it spruced a lot of conversation for us with her and then towards the end of the year all of a sudden she started to show the way she started
Starting point is 01:47:10 to show up then with other kids outside in her sports and things like that and with us you could see the value of those like conversations and that experience and how that played out being in that environment i don't like it five days a week i don't like it you mean in a positive way being around the shitty kids helped her in the sporting yeah yeah and she's like totally like and just in life like even and i've noticed how she's like leveled up in the conversations that we've had to have with her about like hey just so you know um you know little things like someone will say that you know they don't like my shoes or they will you know whatever like they'll be rude to each other as they do like or they tell each other stuff and the conversations we have going
Starting point is 01:47:48 or um but just remember you know I said we had this conversation over and over different people like different things that's been like a huge theme for us I'm like that's okay that or sometimes I said sometimes people are wrong they said oh she'll go oh this little girl said this at school and I'll be like that's not true but she said I said I'm your mum and I promise I'll never tell you a fib I'll never lie to you and if I don't know something we'll go and try and find out together but I said if someone sometimes some people tell fibs and they they tell fibs for you know different reasons or maybe they didn't even know and they thought that was the right thing um and so and then we've talked about that kind of thing and then the whole like yeah um people different people like different things and then all've talked about that kind of thing and then the whole like, yeah, people, different people
Starting point is 01:48:25 like different things and then all of a sudden she starts coming out to me like she'll go, she'll constantly like, mum, mum, watch this, watch this and she'll do something and I'll go, sometimes I'm like, oh, that's cool and then sometimes I'll be like, oh, that wasn't that cool, bub. And she's like, oh, and I'll be like, that's cool. I'm like, do you think it was cool? And she's like, yeah.
Starting point is 01:48:41 I'm like, well, that's cool. I didn't think it was cool but you did so that's fine. And she'll go, yeah, mum, we just like different things, you know, and it'll be like, she's like yeah I'm like well that's cool I didn't think it was cool but you did so that's fine and she'll go yeah mom we just like different things you know and it'll be like it's like little things like that in the evolution and there's like there's another example the other day I can't think of and I said to Maddie like this is really paid off um in these conversations so yeah I don't know we've got a couple of options here there's like a little independent it's called the village school it's kind of like it's sort of homeschooling it's like an independent place down the road where they do things like homeschool but it's with other children and they go to the beach every day and um I'm trying to
Starting point is 01:49:15 find I still haven't Maddie and I haven't landed on the right answer yet we've got another 12 months to figure it out and we don't know but um i at the moment i don't think the right setup for us would be me homeschooling full-time um so i don't know we've explored like what it would look like then to have there's programs around i need to do a bit more research where like homeschool kids go and like join up with other homeschool kids and then there's a program called kumon they have it in australia you should look into it k-u-m-o-n okay and your daughter's old enough to go into it and there's a reading there's a reading and a math portion and my kids do it i homeschool we homeschool our kids um but but obby did go to
Starting point is 01:49:57 pre-k and k for i want to say for one year or two years he did go and then covet happened and then he was in a hybrid program like you were saying where he was supposed to go two days a week but the school school started getting weird started sending home like some weird shit yeah and that's my thing some weird shit up around the outside of the school i was like whoa whoa whoa whoa so like and it's really area it's really area dependent here too like we are really lucky in the space that we're in like we're in a really good little community where we are and there's a lot of like really like-minded people and so my biggest thing is about the company she keeps yeah um and and that's I think that's the most important thing I'm like you'll learn to read and write and we're going to teach you we're going to
Starting point is 01:50:39 do all of that but I also don't want I just don't believe in like forcing kids to like do so much like you have to be this and you have to do that like you know but but then there's an element to where we're like look we grew up in that system and maddie and i have still learned because of our family values we've still learned how to think outside the box and do things for ourselves right right and so we know that the majority of the work is done in the home anyway. And yeah, so we're still I don't I don't know. Check back with me and I'll let you know how we what we figure out. But if every person I talk to, I ask as many questions as I can.
Starting point is 01:51:17 And Maddie and I have questions about it every single week trying to find the right answer. And I probably overcomplicated it, but it's really important to me. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It's a trippy thing. Yeah. But we never think about going back just so you know yeah never even a little bit yeah yeah yeah how is um uh how's your fit what's your crossfit uh uh career games thing look like are you done have you are you officially retired are you in the drug pool are you in the drug testing pool yeah so they sent me the thing like the whole time i was pregnant i never applied and then um i think i replied to the last one they sent me um i i you're in the drug testing pool which means that you could you're still like like i think josh bridges is
Starting point is 01:52:00 still in the drug testing pool i think they just keep they keep you in it unless you ask not to be. Okay. I've never, I've only been tested out of like in Australia once out of season though, in the, in the 10 years or something that I've been on that. So I'm just wondering what your commitment is. That's my way of taking a temperature,
Starting point is 01:52:16 not so much to judge them. No, no. So I literally, I get an email and it goes, report your whereabouts. If you, if we decide to test you and you're not in one of those places,
Starting point is 01:52:25 then you'll get penalised. But I haven't been tested out of season. I've only been tested once and then I get tested, obviously, of a competition. I'm not officially retired, but I explain it this way, is my mind and my commitment to the top position is retired, if that makes sense. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:52:44 Because, obviously obviously i have more important things going on in my life and um i need a it's like athletes are like super disposable right and you know what's a different word you would use besides important i i'm okay with important and i believe you is there another word you can think of um important in uh like things that are important to me uh why why why can't why aren't you um could you if you wanted to let me ask you that could you if you wanted to yeah yeah yeah look so i i look at it this way i i explain it as like you know like a pie graph you know see a pie graph you know and it's like broken into all the percentages and the pieces of the pie yeah i go i've got a hundred
Starting point is 01:53:22 percent of my pie and that's me and that's how much I have of me to give. And I'm like, over my life, those pieces change, food get added in, you know, some get removed and they change size depending. And then I'm like, there's only so much of me and my kids and my family and keeping a roof over their head and our life and my health and my happiness and just me generally being me like take up most of that and then so the piece that I have left for competition
Starting point is 01:53:51 is smaller um I still love CrossFit and I still love to work out um but I've shifted my priorities and my pieces to allow more space for other things and less space for that so um that's probably the best way i could explain it um and so at the moment i do you miss it no no you don't want to be back inside the stadium people screaming your name going batshit crazy all the tension and pressure and nah look i think you just i don't know i've always said that i would ride the wave like i became an athlete by accident i didn't go i'm gonna be a cuspy games athlete it was an accident i just said i'd ride the wave as whenever it felt what felt right i would do and if it didn't feel right i wouldn't do it um i love being a mom love being a fit mom love training at home like that's
Starting point is 01:54:38 it's simple but i like it and that's all that matters um i am at the moment, haven't actually like announced it or anything, but I am looking at being in a team for the 2024 season. We're waiting on confirmation of one person, a female as a yes or no as to what that looks like. Would I know any of those people? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:55:07 Is it an Australian teamian team yeah yeah and and whose idea whose idea was it maddie's actually um so he said to me it started off when i was like i always say like look every year i take it one year at a time i'm not going to tell you in advance what i will or won't do because i don't know how i'll feel i don't know how baby number two will turn out or what my body will do all those things and uh he was talking to me and said like look you got two kids you know we're doing a lot of work and you're with them a lot and he goes you love training and love being in the gym and he goes I think it could be really beneficial for you to like maybe explore the team option just as like a fun social life to get out and just to do something and be around people and not have it because Cause I said, I don't want the commitment. I don't want the commitment of that.
Starting point is 01:55:48 I don't want to have to show up for a million hours to train every day. Like I don't, I'm, that's dead to me. I can't do that. Like, I don't want to do that. Um, and for what, like there's not enough money and it's like, you know, you, it's just, it's not, there's not enough. Like I said, I'll do enough for the love. And I was like, all right, I see where you're going. I like that. I was able to hear that. I could'll do enough for the love. And I was like, all right, I see where you're going. I like that. I was able to hear that. I could get my head wrapped around that. Do enough for the love.
Starting point is 01:56:10 Yeah. Do enough for the love. And find people who also want to do enough for the love. So some commitments like dial in the eating, maybe not drink for a little bit and push harder. And if you make it to sem-finals and you get to perform in wall and gong or whatever that place is you get to perform in the wall and gong yeah and if and if not it doesn't hasn't taken anything away from my life and it's fine i was gonna stay fit and do stuff anyway and okay um i just be open like this is you know with the team this is what i have to offer and the people that i'm kind of aligning with are very much so I was like my my two goals my two like um like things that I had to hit to be in a team that I said I
Starting point is 01:56:51 was like one like my conditions is the word I'm looking for one is I was like I don't want to be like totally shit like I still want to like be fit and you know do pretty well and try I don't want to just like totally fluff around and two i just want to have a good time and myself it's not a good time and there's not a good vibe with the people and we're not we don't have banter and it's not fun i don't want it that's like i don't want it i don't want to do anything too serious i don't want it to be stressful so the people that um like i've connected with are very much in the same space as me but in different ways in like where they're at in life and how much they have to give and that they've got other pieces of their pie that they need to focus
Starting point is 01:57:26 on. And they've got a certain amount of love to get still love the sport and still love James Newberry. Is he one of them? Yes. And, um, that would be, that's a, that would a great, you guys perfect for each other. Yeah. So he wants to go hard, but he got shit to do, but he wants to go hard. Yep. He don't want to go out there and look like a jackass. He may be winning an event or two, but, but, but he ain't going to be stressed out if he go hard. Yep. He don't want to go out there and look like a jackass. He may be winning an event or two, but, but,
Starting point is 01:57:45 but he ain't going to be stressed out if he doesn't. Yep. And that's the thing is I'm like, look, I still want to be fit. I still love, I love training. I love what it does to me physically,
Starting point is 01:57:54 mentally, emotionally, all the things, you know, like he's a healthy person to be around. I think, I think that's, that's healthy.
Starting point is 01:58:00 Yeah. We're very much aligned. Like he's got his business goals. He's training like as like for the same thing for the love and for what he has to give and he loves he we're very much like in the same space of like you know we love the gold coast is he in the gold coast oh shit yeah so he's only like i don't know half an hour away from me i'd say um yeah a little bit further north so yeah we're just trying to like finalize what that looks like. I'm like, I'm still building back from like having a baby. I'm like, I don't need
Starting point is 01:58:28 to be fit yet. Not even for the open or whatever. So I'm making sure I do my due diligence. Um, take care of my body first. Um, are you crazy healthy right now? I'm honestly, yeah. One of the healthiest I've been in my life. I would say um it all started with I'm really healthy when I'm pregnant because I feel like I've got one one opportunity to hand off really good things to this human like they've they've only got one shot so I'm like this isn't about me this is about the baby and I'm like it's really important that I give my child everything I can so I'm really healthy in pregnancy I did um like I said I went down the traditional Chinese medicine route postpartum it was the best thing I ever did i absolutely loved it like all these herbs and teas
Starting point is 01:59:09 and like just really holistic like i loved it and i was like i feel so good it's like cheating like i feel like i cheated postpartum because i'm like i feel so good i'm so like you know when you feel good from the inside and it comes through on the outside like i just yeah were you jaundiced at all after any of your births uh or anemic or any of that stuff no okay no no i don't think so um you say it's so nice i'm always like if you drink coffee or alcohol when you're pregnant you're a shit mom and you're like well i took the and people like god savvy you're a dick just let people do their own thing and you're like well i took the and people are like god savvy you're a dick just let people do their own thing and you're like oh i chose for my life i only had one chance and i wanted to uh so much nicer the way you say it yeah look i will i have where i stand is i have like really firm values i guess and very firm beliefs on like what i prioritize but also everybody else has got their
Starting point is 02:00:02 own and it's none of my business i don't care as long as it doesn't affect me and my family i don't care as long as you don't hear if they're shit parents either by the way i still like you if like yeah like i fed my kids hot tamales the other day i'm a shit parent i feel but i accept it but i tell other people they're a shit parent and they're like that's so offensive i'm like oh you are just yeah smoke cigarettes in the car with your kid and the windows are rolled up you suck yeah that's pretty i still like you i still like you yeah that's pretty shit but um there's obviously like everyone has a like there's a lot of things it's probably people even more extreme than me and they go like oh you're a shit parent i'm like okay cool i'm like yeah i'm not i'm not a perfect one yeah i'm not a perfect one that's
Starting point is 02:00:35 for sure but um i'm i'm actively like there's a lot of pieces to that too where i'm like you know i'm human you know but um you unplug the router at night no shit parent we only i i have i have five i only plug the one that i only unplug one i want to get one of those four fifth shit i want to get one of those things have you seen i keep getting ads for those things that like balance out like the emf like stuff in your house and you can put them on your phone and you can get like this big plate oh it's oh oh yeah supposedly put your phone in there and it won't ring i i'm i wish no no they don't they don't mess with apparently they neutralize the radiation and yes ben greenfield was like advertising something and i like i don't know if i trust that dude that dude's way into nicotine
Starting point is 02:01:20 and i fuck have you ever fucked with nicotine nicotine is the most addictive substance on earth it's crazy and he fucks with nicotine I don't trust anyone who fucks with nicotine yeah I don't I don't mess with stuff I don't look I'm a your skin's perfect you really don't mess with anything do you your skin really you have very nice skin thank you I try I try and we've been talking about that too actually about people's like hormones and crazy stuff and they work out too hard but I've I've always been super aware of that and like really taking care of myself. But I, yeah, I try and do everything as like natural and normal. When you drink, do you drink tequila or vodka only since it's clear?
Starting point is 02:01:56 Look, I am a tequila girl through and through. And I have, Maddie will make me a couple of coconut margaritas a week like i might we once a week we might have like two coconut i've got two drinks in me and that's about it and i'm more than happy to have that in my life and i yeah you know what every time we have like two margaritas and we sit around and we have these crazy chats and we like we like unpack all this stuff we get into it and it's like it's such a cool little I don't know. It's just like a little thing we do. It's like, he makes them.
Starting point is 02:02:26 Yeah. He makes them. And, uh, yeah, it's good. It's a good time. I love that.
Starting point is 02:02:31 I love, I have a margarita tattooed on my bum, on my bum cheek. So I love them that much, but you do have one tattooed there already. Yeah. So I, I,
Starting point is 02:02:41 yeah, I do love a mug. I do love tequila, but, um, I've switched to tequila i was doing spicy margaritas and i i'm too old yeah i just need to do tequila and soda water that's it yeah i could do that either i could do that too tequila soda and lime like a little lime juice
Starting point is 02:02:56 in there fresh lime could do that that makes it like you're not an alcoholic when you put lime i just drink it without the lime. Yeah. Yeah. I'm doing carnivore now. Oh, are you? I don't know. I'm a month in. Yeah. How do you feel?
Starting point is 02:03:11 I don't love it. I don't love the concept of it, but I would probably need to try it. I'm dragging ass, but I feel fucking amazing. I feel and look amazing. The best I've looked in a year. I just can't even believe it. I know you can't tell, but you should have seen me two months ago a fucking mess hey you'd know i think i think that there's definitely benefits to it from what i know and i could i would need to learn a lot more but um i i think there's definitely benefits on like a i don't know almost how do you say it like
Starting point is 02:03:40 with certain like with condition hormonally and resetting and just from like a lot of stuff that we like can potentially overconsume or overload or whatever, I think there's a lot of layers to that as to why it can be great and why it can feel great. I still have this like, when I say I always go back to nature, I go, well, like what foods have been presented to us in abundance at certain stages? And so I still think that the way that we, this is my personal opinion, is like that we were designed to live is that we would go and we would stumble across like,
Starting point is 02:04:12 you know, a bunch of berries and whatever the things that grow in abundance that are really easy and that don't have phytochemicals that aren't trying to, you know, you know. I love vegetables. My body loves vegetables. Yeah, I do. My body loves that shit. But I think from a healing perspective and if there's anything that potentially needs to be like cleanse or even just to, I don't think we should do anything every day. So I think that's
Starting point is 02:04:35 where it could probably benefit is if people are eating the same thing for breakfast and the same thing and they're eating at the same time, I don't love that. I think that it should be a lot more flowy and there should be periods of where it's just meat and then periods where you're like even seasonally, right? Like, yeah, I'll probably just do it for three months. I'm shooting, I'm shooting for two months and then probably like a bonus month. Yeah. And you know what, you'll come back into the summer and all of those fruits will be in abundance. And that's kind of like, whatever season, whatever's local to you. Like I like seasonally and locally, whatever's kind of like in my vicinity i've got a my fruit and veg just got delivered before like they you know it's whatever like sure i might want plums and peaches in that month but they're not growing right now so i don't need a real dirt twirler i didn't
Starting point is 02:05:13 realize that it's fucking it's pretty cool a dirt twirler is that like a like a natural it's like a hippie yeah yeah yeah you just sprinkle like just the breast milk and dirt those are your two go-to medicinal elements i need to put that on a hat or something man are you barefoot a lot are you barefoot yeah yeah i only put on shoes like if the job requires shoes if it doesn't require shoes why would i put on shoes like i'm just barefoot my kids same with my kids all the shoes stay in the car why would you need shoes unless you were going to do something that required shoes but like going out to the restaurant like doesn't require shoes until they yell at you yeah my daughter's always barefoot and uh and then it's always like if we're in an area where maybe people have like
Starting point is 02:05:54 broken glass or it's hot or whatever then like put your shoes on for a safety point of view but like yeah i had people joking around because like the first while after having my son i was like doing just workouts like in my jam whatever I was wearing man I'd be like all right this kid's asleep for a second and he's not attached to me I'm just gonna like get anything done and um I'd never wear shoes or whatever and people be like are you wearing shoes in your training yet and I'd be like I've worn shoes three days in a row when I worked out you know I've leveled up like but um like just depending on what I'm doing but I'm not i mean i live on the coast too so we just
Starting point is 02:06:26 you know we're always at the beach and just kind of cruising around i know like yeah it's nice to like not i'm not like put together i don't like to be put together i like to be this chill what time is it where you're at uh 2 30 in the afternoon well thank you i was like i was planning on just like talking to you for like 15 minutes or 30 minutes like just to catch up I'd be just like hey what's up what are you doing and then and then I got a birth story that was crazy yeah one of my sponsors is birth fit oh yeah I have I honestly I had so many people um like reach out to me about like helping with like my postpartum all over And I got just really overwhelmed.
Starting point is 02:07:05 There was too many. And I was like, look, I'm just going to do my thing. I'm just going to go find someone that I'm going to do what I did last time. But yeah, that's great. There'll be a lot of people that ask and a lot of people that ask me like for resources and stuff. I'm not like qualified to tell. I've kind of do a lot of things by feel, but.
Starting point is 02:07:21 These people are cool. Birth of people. They're fully aligned. They, I mean mean they do the whole gambit they'll walk women through the whole gambit of whatever you know what they want but they're fully aligned with like hey you can do this this isn't a fucking medical procedure like you're made for this you can you know it's it's a they're sweet i'm stoked on you may even know the late do you know lance can too he was on the for CrossFit. He was on the seminar staff. He was a games athlete maybe in 2009.
Starting point is 02:07:48 Maybe. Oh, I don't think so. I'd maybe know if I saw him, but I'm not too sure. But, yeah, women need more of that, so I hope people see that because I get a lot of people ask, and I'm like, oh, I'm not qualified enough to tell you, but I can tell you what I do. Yeah, you're qualified. Hey, thank you.. Hey, thank you. Once again, thank you. Thanks for sharing your birth story.
Starting point is 02:08:08 Thanks for what you post online. You're always welcome on the show. Thank you. Yeah, thanks for coming on. I know you are busy, and I know you value your time, and I know other people have asked you to come on, and you're not an easy catch. So I really appreciate how easy you make it always for the Sevan podcast.
Starting point is 02:08:29 Well, likewise. I'd like to show up for the no bullshit people i don't turn up for the small talk so um all right i appreciate it be nice to chat all right tell maddie i said what's up have a good one we'll do bye all right bye uh not uh kara sanders but car saunders not Kara Webb not Kara Webb but Kara Saunders who knew you guys all know when you see all the images and shit popping up that Caleb's back there hey guys I fuck with Caleb too every once in a while
Starting point is 02:08:57 like I'll say something and then I'll rush over to try to pull that up before him and like there was a good one this morning like I thought we pulled it up i when i pulled it up i i saw you smile because you thought i think you got me we pulled something up at the same time it was the exact same website too yeah same website same image and i thought it was mine i'm like got you fucker and then i was like oh fuck he's controlling it it is but it's so unfair when i do it because you've done like 10 in a row i'm like okay i know what
Starting point is 02:09:25 i'm gonna say i'm gonna try to sneak one in here and get it before kayla nope always ready oh shit shit shit the one thing in my notes that i wanted to ask her about darn it she has this sponsor that i wanted to ask her about son of a bitch i've seen these guys on um instagram it's this vuli play and it looks like she has this for her kids this is damn i wanted to ask her about this okay next time, gotta get her back on. Yeah, this looks pretty cool. It's not easy finding a good monkey bar set. Look how stable that thing looks.
Starting point is 02:10:13 Yeah, it's not super expensive either, and it's massive. Yeah, it's not super expensive. You're right. Are they Australian? That sucks. Look, followed by car. Oh, here. Guys, you should sponsor me.
Starting point is 02:10:26 Put this thing in my backyard. Lickety split. Look at this trampoline. Oh, wow. That's cool. Dude, having that basketball hoop there, though, looks crazy. Kids would be trying to dunk on that shit, right? Definitely. And, like, you jump up underneath it and bang your head on it
Starting point is 02:10:45 looks like it's got a like a rubber hoop or like a padded hoop so it won't kill you it'll only maim you yeah you won't hang yourself you'll just concuss yourself trampoline business is crazy lawsuits must be nuts i've been getting a a lot of reels or suggested videos on Instagram about how to put one in the ground. Yeah. I don't know why they think I'm going to do that, but. Holy shit. Holy shit. I think Froning might have one of those.
Starting point is 02:11:27 In ground trampoline. Yeah. God, that's sick. I want that. That's cool. An in ground trampoline. Is that hard to do?
Starting point is 02:11:37 Uh, no, not really. I think digging the hole is probably the hardest part. And then you have to level it out and put a little foundation down. You think it just a trampoline put in the ground that's it no yeah absolutely that's what it is and then you kind of got to cut the hole perfect because you don't want like some gap that someone falls into next to the trampoline right right and if you fuck that up, it's fucked up.
Starting point is 02:12:06 You're not like patching that side. You could patch it for sure because it's just grass. It's grass. No, because once that dirt comes loose there, I bet you the dirt comes loose there anyway. It just starts crumbling in. Yeah, if you don't put a retaining wall up for sure. Oh, that's what you're supposed to do?
Starting point is 02:12:24 You're supposed to put a retaining wall? Yeah, yeah they have like i think some of the trampolines they'll have uh they'll come with a retaining wall so it'll come with just some sort of heavy duty wall pieces that'll go the circumference of the trampoline and hold up everything around it and hold up everything around it. I'm looking at the 10x17 ProLime Iena ground trampoline. Oh, fuck it. I need to see a video. What the fuck am I doing looking at a... Do-it-yourself backyard ground trampoline.
Starting point is 02:13:03 Oh, this guy's got a fucking tractor oh shit dude this looks hard yeah i mean the the digging the whole part is a hard part for sure let me show you let me see if i can this guy has a fucking track this is like your dad has to be a a contractor how did it go from that wait that was way too fast backup what i i forgot to film the metal sheeting before backfilling the dirt you jackass that was the one thing i wanted to see that's the whole video you didn't even get that part welcome to the restoration yeah You didn't even get that part Welcome to the restoration Yeah I like that Yeah that's more my pace
Starting point is 02:13:51 That other dad had like a tractor and shit Okay Oh he still piped that no I think that's the trampoline oh frame oh and he just put it on top of the holy shit that's close to the
Starting point is 02:14:18 uh that's really close to a bunch of cinder blocks wait he's cutting that close to a bunch of cinder blocks. Wait, he's cutting that with a mat knife with the trampoline under there? Yeah, the little turf section. Wow, he's going all out.
Starting point is 02:14:43 Oh, and he did it barefoot holy shit this is like a real dad yeah damn damn hey you know right away he wishes he did a bigger
Starting point is 02:15:01 trampoline yeah that's kind of a bitch-ass trampoline, to be honest. Moi. Hi. Good evening. The fuck am I doing? Still awake. The day I realized that I was fat was when I was on a trampoline with my little sister and I accidentally landed on her elbow and broke it.
Starting point is 02:15:19 I think that happens if you're not fat, too. Yeah, you want to put gravel under there so you have drainage. Yeah. Country girl. Janelle. Yeah. Yeah. Giggity.
Starting point is 02:15:34 I'm going to need you to come in on Saturday. Giggity. Hey, I did a workout video today. I saw that. I almost texted you and I said is this for real because it was like a premiere it's crazy I watched the premiere when I was in my kids
Starting point is 02:15:52 jujitsu and I was looking at the comments and like people are just fucking idiots what do you mean about what like people in the live chat are like oh I don't know if he had depth on that dip I'm like people are like his chest is tight because he doesn't do CrossFit. I'm like, listen, motherfucker. There's not one fucking person who goes deeper on bar dips than me.
Starting point is 02:16:14 Not one. Not one person in the fucking audience. Did you see how fucking low I go? I didn't even know I go that low. That's why my muscle ups are so insane. Or someone's like, he's breathing heavy after one round. Motherfucker, I told you I just did 100 calories on the assault bike and then they're like a no rep and i'm like yeah do you guys fucking know that i was in charge of fucking main site for years you ding dongs years like i
Starting point is 02:16:40 know what i'm doing i'm fucking scaling after fucking five rounds. Look at that depth. Yeah, wow, that's pretty good. Someone else is like, you can raise that pull-up bar. How about fuck you? If you raise that pull-up bar, your head's in the ceiling. I know. It's just like, just all the comments were just, you don't go fucking lower.
Starting point is 02:17:00 You go lower on my dick. I go lower. God, it was such a nice podcast with Miss Saunders. Now it's gone to hell. Except I'm back on the devil's lettuce. No, are you kidding me? Never. You're almost doing Chester Bar strict. I know. That's how I work out. Just fucking chill.
Starting point is 02:17:22 Just chill. It's all over One out. Just fucking I'm chill. Just chill. That's all I do. One wheels. Should have seen. Should have been ring dips. I know I keep referring them to ring dips. I don't even think I can do one ring dip. Caleb traded a bottle of firewater and a pack of smokes to the local Native Americans for that jacket and 100 acres of land.
Starting point is 02:17:44 How do you think I got the Shattuck uh uh the shattuck this is all they left me anyway i tried to uh the workout i and i and i should have done a better intro i'm new to this game i should have explained that i was going up against andrew hiller and craig ritchie yeah i'm sure people are confused as to why you're doing 10 rounds of seven bar dips and five pull-ups like everybody else is. Hey, I want to show you something that you've seen already. I want to show everyone. Listen, for those of you who stuck around this long, I got a crazy special treat for you. Not I can't show you a lot.
Starting point is 02:18:25 Mmm. It's nice. I can't show you a lot Mmm It's nice I can't show you a lot But I can show you some This is the trailer to the behind the scenes I'm gonna show you the first 30 seconds Yeah Yeah well really It's supposed to be sorry it's supposed to be Yeah
Starting point is 02:18:41 It's supposed to be as many dips and pull ups Seven dips and five pull-ups unbroken as fast as you can, 10 rounds. I knew I was going to try to game it. I thought for some reason I could do a round a minute. I was a jackass. Didn't do it. Okay, here we go. This is the trailer to the behind the scenes.
Starting point is 02:19:02 I got us live on Instagram too, so whoever's on there gets to see it as well oh that's crazy i want i could i could show the whole thing and then just clip it off at the end like when it's done but i'm afraid i i just don't want anyone i don't know i feel like i feel like i'm cheating on suze like i haven't talked to Suze about this. This is just a rough. Don't get crazy, anyone. Okay, you guys ready? I'm only showing 30 seconds of this. Okay, ready?
Starting point is 02:19:35 It's a two and a half minute trailer. God, you guys are going to love the behind the scenes this year. Okay, ready? Here we go. Oh, wait, let me pull this down. What is this nonsense up here? Okay. What do I push? Oh, play. A short-ass cameraman going above
Starting point is 02:19:58 and beyond? I knew in a moment it must be Savant. What about the camera? Let's flip the whole thing around no okay and more rapid than eagles his team all came as he shouted on susa in each member's name she told you to put your big boy panties on and go talk to her really yeah she asked if you were scared of her what did you tell her probably and to their cameras, his team soon flew with hard drives full of space. And Savan did too.
Starting point is 02:20:29 My brother told me, he asked Mariah, like, are you here because Savan doesn't dare to come here? And she said yes. But I just went over there and I bought some big boy panties. Oh, nice. Yeah, you need them. All right, all right, all right, all right. That's enough of that nonsense. All right, all right. That right. All right. That's enough of that nonsense.
Starting point is 02:20:46 All right. All right. Those way more than 30 seconds. Oh my God. I talked to Laura Horvat. You guys are so lucky. Holy shit. Just hidden here at the end of some obscure video. No one's going to see.
Starting point is 02:21:03 So that's good. Only 181 of you see it. Thanks, Mason. You guys are going to be stoked. It's 14 or 15 episodes of just complete. It's like just a yearbook, flipping through a yearbook. Big boy panties. Big boy.
Starting point is 02:21:21 I put on my big boy panties. All right. Thank you. you thank you thank you call her right now christy thank you oh christy it's been a while geez where you been thank you gifting your big boy uh laced panties so yes thank you call her up oh yeah oh dude i freaking love you guys too okay um easy rambler easy you can't just talk to every hot chick easy settle down hey Chrissy oh she's here
Starting point is 02:21:53 every day alright pay more attention alright yep show's over see you guys tomorrow morning tomorrow we have Nathaniel Nathaniel's been on the show before he was the guy who walked on his hands for a year, basically. He got the crazy forearms. And he's been doing this other thing where he's fucking around with a bar now.
Starting point is 02:22:10 So we'll check in with him. Nathaniel Nolan. And listen, on Friday. No. On Saturday. No. Oh, when's Jennifer say? I don't see her on here anymore.
Starting point is 02:22:24 Oh, that's not for a while. Oh, that's not until January 2nd. Okay, fine. Okay. Tomorrow, Nathaniel Nolan is on. It's going to be a good show. All right. Patrick Rios, great shows.
Starting point is 02:22:38 More Aussies. Fair enough. Oh, Patrick Rios is the guy. I think he edited the trailer with Will Branstetter. Patrick, good to see you, buddy. All right. Love you guys. Bye-bye.

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