The Sevan Podcast - Karen Thomson | RevitaFest - Author of Sugar Free Revolution and former CF Health Director

Episode Date: September 21, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:59 Right how fancy you are. I mean, check all your sponsors at the bottom of the screen. Look at you. The show's killing it. Bam, we're live. God, the show's killing it. I'm so excited. Thank you. I'm so excited for you. You deserve all the success. Thank you. Thank you. Can you hear me okay? I can hear you. can you hear me okay i can hear you okay hear me i can't i just got some
Starting point is 00:01:28 new um i've been having some technical difficulties and you're the first person with some new equipment today oh yeah you sound good well i'm using stream yard as well and i was having awful difficulties the last couple of days okay you sound good now hey do you have a microphone? Is that a microphone down there? Yeah. Oh, I like that. Let me see. Will you tap on it like this? Then it mutes. Oh, now I'm muted?
Starting point is 00:01:55 I don't know. I don't know. How about tap the side like this? Go like this. I don't think that thing is turned on. Well, can I take it out? No You sound like my wife Hello
Starting point is 00:02:11 Hey Click on that settings button You see it on the bottom there? Uh huh And then go up and click on audio And then what's it say the microphone is set to? Oh now you're muted. Oh, yeah, now it's working.
Starting point is 00:02:30 Okay, unmute it. Tap it again. Tap it again. How about now? Yes. Okay, I feel like an old lady. No, no, it's good. It's good.
Starting point is 00:02:42 Thanks, Abby. You are always so good with technology. Thank you. Thank you. I'm trying. I'm trying. It's good for the, Abby. You are always so good with technology. Thank you. Thank you. I'm trying. I'm trying. It's good for the listeners to hear that. They try to make fun of me.
Starting point is 00:02:51 Thank you. What? Yeah. They make fun of you? Oh. Philip Kelly, I can't take it out. before we start um there's a lot of shows where people will be like hey i can't believe that you're talking to your guests like that or some shit like that you have to understand um karen thompson and i go way back and we were uh good friends at um when we worked at crossfit
Starting point is 00:03:19 we were the people who like after breakfast meetings, we would go on walks and we would hang out together. We did stuff besides just work. And she was cool as shit and she was always sober at the parties and we hung out a ton. So but I haven't really caught up with you. And I mean, I text with you. Hi. Or celebrate. We celebrate each other's successes. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:42 But I haven't talked to you like like talked to you talked to you you know in a while no it's been it's been a long time i mean you're always the first to celebrate any success you see of mine which i'm super grateful of and you know you were always the guy that looked out for me from day one like there was no one who i could depend on to know that i that had my back who made sure I was safe because we traveled together a ton, right? Yeah. A ton. On various bases. And you were for sure the person that I could depend on to just know that,
Starting point is 00:04:15 that you, you, you made sure I was safe always. And I'm so grateful for that. Thank you. Thank you. Hey, whenever someone does say some shit like about like, like asshole shit to me, like creepy shit, I'll be like, dude, I was the first person who would walk Karin Thompson to her hotel room every night. Like, what the fuck? Fuck you.
Starting point is 00:04:34 And let me tell you, I was a good boy, too. I never got creepy. Or did I? Did I ever get creepy once? Never, ever. Did you ever make me feel unsafe or compromised or objectified in a I ever get creepy ones? Never, ever. Did you ever make me feel unsafe or compromised or objectified in a way that I didn't?
Starting point is 00:04:49 I wanted to, but I didn't. Oh, God. Also, I mean, it was fun. We just had so much fun. Wherever you are, there's always laughter and joy and fun. I was going to say the same thing about you.
Starting point is 00:05:06 I always felt free around you. I always felt like I could say anything or act the way I want. I would dance in front of you, and that's saying a lot because I wouldn't dance in front of anybody. I love that. Thanks. Hey, before we start, and I want to go way back to your original duties with CrossFit, I do want to show people this. I cannot believe this lineup you have I know right I don't know what you're talking about but yes
Starting point is 00:05:32 originally Greg one of the reasons why Greg hired Karn is because Karn is so well connected she has a crazy crazy Rolodex everywhere she goes goes, people love her. She wrote the book Sugar-Free Revolution. She has some crazy pedigree that she comes from. Her grandfather is one of the first people, if not the want to show everyone. This isn't her first rodeo, by the way. She's done a ton of things like this, but she's putting on this conference. And look at these speakers. It's crazy. This is nuts. This is nuts. That guy's been on the show, by the way.
Starting point is 00:06:16 A bunch of these people have been on the show, but Dr. Anthony Chafee's been on the show, and I love him. Great. And look, Asim is going to be there. This is crazy. greg glassman uh eads the eads are going to be there rob wolf this is nuts oh robert lustig yeah sean baker yeah this is nuts nicole a coin uh michael Eads. What a group. What's the, what's the, tell me what this is. What's the, what is this RevitaFest? Okay, so RevitaFest is a virtual health summit, essentially, where we, where I'm taking people
Starting point is 00:06:58 over five days, we're going through topics related to health. So we really start with a question, what is health? It sounds like a really simple thing to answer, but it's actually not, right? If I say to you, hey, Savvy, what's your definition of health? If you weren't in the CrossFit space, it would be a lot harder for you to define, right?
Starting point is 00:07:17 But what is your definition of health? I've seen my doctor three times a year to have him stick his finger in my butt and give me a manic. Okay, so we look at like, what is health, and then we go into like broken science and the hallmarks of health and all the stuff where we can really get a deep understanding of what health is. And that is not just the absence of disease, right. So we do that. And then we go into various nutritional strategies, fasting, keto,
Starting point is 00:07:48 strategies, fasting, keto, carnivore, like a little bit more like middle ground, paleo kind of stuff. We look at exercise and fitness, we have phenomenal people in the space talking about that. And then we also go into relationships and orgasm and like a whole lot of like really, really good topics. Yeah, we're talking about sex and relationships and so it's a it's a holistic view of health although i don't like the word holistic it's a good description of what it is it's an overview of health in all like in various components and by interviewing these experts you know the biggest thing that came out was that like our health is so dependent not only on um you know our biomarkers and the food we eat and the exercise we do but it's so much based on community and mindset as well and so those two factors are so
Starting point is 00:08:33 important in determining not how healthy we are right now only but how healthy we are going to be in the future so it's been fascinating anyway so it's a five-day virtual event it's going to be available for 90 days after um all pre-recorded it's me basically interviewing people for 20 minutes or a little bit longer depending on how interesting they are not saying the people who are doing 20 minutes aren't interesting but sometimes you know the conversations just kind of carry on and you don't want to end um so that's what it is and the whole concept came from so you, you know, I lost my job with CrossFit. And then I was like, what the heck am I going to do? And I decided I was going to do what I knew how to do.
Starting point is 00:09:11 And that was organize like a health summit, because that's really what I love doing. Love bringing people together, love education. And then also I'd gone to Coachella this year for the first time. Will you guys come with me next year? Oh, Debbie, it was so much fun. Like we danced and community and everything was just wonderful. So I have this vision of next year,
Starting point is 00:09:33 bringing together this component of this health education with this festival component and bringing it like the medical, not the boring medical conference that everyone goes to, but having this conference where people can learn and experience and mix it with this component of this festival where everyone dances and brings together this community and making health sexy and fun again, which the CrossFit community already does. But, you know, the CrossFit community reaches a certain amount of people, but we need to spread this message even further.
Starting point is 00:10:07 So eventually this will be a lot. You're hoping this will be a live event with a festive feel to it. Yeah, with music and dancing and celebration and everything. And Karin, sort of a pivot, but not a pivot pivot you also just celebrated your 19 years of sobriety i did um on thursday yeah congratulations and some people might that was kind of the trippy thing about you too what i said about always feeling free around you or i would dance around you because you were always sober too yeah i was always sober that was's 100% correct. Yeah. What is it? Is that exciting? I could understand like your first year being exciting, being sober, but at 19 years, is it still exciting?
Starting point is 00:10:54 Yes. The greatest accomplishment of my life was out of doubt. There's nothing that like, even when you mentioned it now, like I felt like this, like, like this, like this this like my you know i i took a breath like i was like this is incredible i'm so i'm so grateful for this sober life there's nothing i want more and you and you have two sons i do i have two boys 14 and 16 who are so much trouble at the moment but you know they're great and they love you so much you were always kind to them and yeah they just look up to you oh good hey and so you got sober three years before you even had kids yeah yeah i was three years sober when i had jamie yeah that's crazy. That's awesome. Yeah. You're an inspiration. And the RevitaFest is going
Starting point is 00:11:50 back to your roots, which is organizing events of this nature, right? Well, yeah. I mean, I organized this, the low carb convention in South Africa in 2014, 2015. I was living there at the time and Prof Noakes and I were doing work. We had a sugar addiction clinic together and he was getting into a ton of trouble because he was starting to get low carb in the management. He had a sugar addiction clinic? Yeah, we had an inpatient sugar addiction clinic. I didn't even know that. OK, now that's why I wrote that book.
Starting point is 00:12:26 Not because I wanted to write a book. I never thought I was going to write a book. That was just, the publishers asked me to write this book. But anyway, Prof. Noakes at the time was getting a ton of flack. Like he was being reported to the medical boards by dieticians who didn't believe that the low-carb diet was safe. Or people with diabetes. And now looking back, you're like, really? How can this even be a thing?
Starting point is 00:12:47 But it was. And so I felt so sorry for him that he was facing all this backlash by himself that I decided that the only way we're going to do this was to create, to bring the world experts to South Africa, to bring the science, and to show that low-carb was indeed safe within this community right and so I started organizing this conference and I remember Prof. Noak saying to me you're going to bankrupt us and I was like possibly but I don't think so and so we organized this massive three-day conference at the Cape Town Convention Center I reached out to Gary Taubes and Eric
Starting point is 00:13:25 Westman and Jay Wartman and Asim and like a whole lot of people and everyone said yes because they had never ever been in the same space together they'd all felt like these isolated people in this landscape where they knew this truth but no one was willing to stand together and so when they came to Cape Town it was the first time that many of them who'd been communicating online had come together in the same space. And so it was a phenomenal event. It was so successful. It was wonderful.
Starting point is 00:13:53 And Jason Fung at that time was an unknown person in this health space, right? He had just started talking about fasting and diabetes on YouTube. And I interviewed him the other day for RevitaFest. And he was like, you know, Karin um you gave me an opportunity to be seen it was after that conference that my career really took off and um I mean that was like the biggest compliment in the in the whole world and so I'm so grateful that Jason anytime I ask him something he just says yes he's a phenomenal human honestly i love him and uh the if you if you look at the um guy he's on the top row uh second from the left that's jason fung he also has a video where he spoke at the crossfit health conference which is currently organized and it is the most popular
Starting point is 00:14:40 video on in i don't know the last three four years five years so you can just put them in order of most popular and you can hear him uh speaking and and that was a huge get for crossfit that karen brought him to speak at the games that year sorry go ahead karen i want to make sure no i think it's one of the most no i interrupted you i think it's one of the most popular videos on crossfit regardless of like the age but it was recorded three or four years ago right yeah absolutely kind of crazy because it has nothing to do with movement it's the his talk is strictly the bottom of the pyramid nutrition yeah the base right so so your homeboy tim noakes uh who uh greg often uh refers to the the greatest, what is it?
Starting point is 00:15:26 Greatest, not nutritional scientist, not fitness scientist. Sports scientist. Sports scientist to ever live on the planet. He's worked with some of the greatest athletes in the world. He was being attacked, and he was a fantastic runner and triathlete himself too, right? A marathoner triathlete. Not triathlete, marathon right marathoner triathlete and he marathon yeah marathoner he was um he came down with type 2 diabetes and he it sent him on a journey to try to find the cure
Starting point is 00:15:52 he went low carb and then you're saying through that that disturbed the status quo in south africa the powers that be tried to take away his medical license. And then one of the things to fight back is you brought in experts from all over the world and did a conference saying like, Hey, look at all these smart people also say low carb is the way. Yeah, absolutely. And we made like the front page of the newspapers and we were all over the show, like everywhere. It was absolutely spectacular. It was really, I'm not like blowing my own horn and it wasn't because of me. Like I literally was just the organizer, but it was incredible. It was honestly one of, it was the best event I've ever done without a doubt.
Starting point is 00:16:34 This is no exaggeration. People in Karn, stop me where I'm off, but basically this was a famous doctor who started telling people to stop basically eating refined carbohydrates and the country fucking attacked him and tried to take away his fucking medical degree and then it cost him millions of dollars in legal fees i think i think i remember greg gave him like 50 grand to fight to help yeah he then had to fight his case in court as well because dieticians then um actually sued him so the health professions council of south africa yes for staying don't eat refined carbohydrates well
Starting point is 00:17:11 this was from a tweet a tweet a breastfeeding mom had asked if it was safe for her to eat low carb while she was breastfeeding and he had responded saying something like yeah eat meats and vegetables you know what i mean like basically like the crossfit nutrition prescription and um they went off like they went crazy went to the health professions council of south africa they um they opened a case against prof nox and this was like all funded by you know something bigger because i had gotten and gotten approved um c so in south africa it's called cpd which is cme in the united states i had gotten the conference in south africa it's called cbd which is cme in the united states i had got in the conference in south africa approved for that and suddenly overnight they decided to revoke it and i was furious i got on the call with this lady from the health
Starting point is 00:17:57 professionals council of south africa who had approved it i was like what is going on this is bullshit and she was like i don't know what to tell you the only thing I can tell you is that there was like the secret meeting with these dietitians and we were told that under no circumstances was your conference allowed to be accredited any longer and I was like my lawyers will be in contact with you very shortly and I remember turning to my husband Steve at the time and I was like Steve I don't know how I'm going to afford this. But we've got to fight this. Like, this is the right thing to do.
Starting point is 00:18:29 He was like, I'll remortgage the house. It's OK. Let's just do it. You do whatever you need to do. Yeah. You do whatever you need to do to fight this. I remember, like, on the call with the lawyer. We worked the whole night.
Starting point is 00:18:41 We got all our evidence together. We went to them. We were like, listen, you do not want to get in this legal case with us. And they reinstated the points. Oh, they did? Yeah. Hey, if I wanted to put on a conference that said eating sugar is healthy, it is the way, it is the only way to my father in the heavens and to blah, blah, blah. Could I do that? And no one would stop.
Starting point is 00:19:07 I think those conferences exist already. No one would stop me, right? No, no one would stop me. They'd be like, yes, absolutely. Let's do it. In fact, where's Coca-Cola? It's a sponsor. And any of the junk food brands, you would make so much money. If I did a conference that said hey i want you to eat um top ramen and um uh honey nut cheerios um every for every single meal no one would stop me no because you know what the dietary guidelines state that that's exactly what you should be doing
Starting point is 00:19:38 hey did you hear that um youtube is now making it that if you don't if you the ama american medical association and world health organization if you go against them yeah i did and i even saw thomas de laura's um instagram post yesterday that was like they're even they're even i think owning the term sunlight so you need to get a doctor's sign up in order to expose yourself to sunlight. I mean, this is lunacy. Crazy. You know, here's the thing, Savvy. This is the stuff that Greg was always fighting against that I don't think many people understood.
Starting point is 00:20:15 It's the censorship. It's taking away our freedom of speech. It's taking away, it's like, you know, his CrossFit health motto, like, let's start with the truth. It's taking away that we are no longer allowed to start with the truth i'm kind of surprised uh to be honest with you that thomas is um speaking up against this um why because i know he because he makes his living in this area, and I'm guessing he's concerned that they would shut him down for speaking the truth. I think his post was kind of mild, right?
Starting point is 00:20:54 Which one? Oh, here it is. Okay, well, he did. He went for it. Under the new YouTube guidelines for health information, they've categorized sunlight in the medical category. This means that only content from doctors and approved sources can have videos on sunlight, be visible sunlight, really Houston. We have a problem. Good on you,
Starting point is 00:21:11 Thomas. Yeah, totally. And I mean, you know, Thomas is always one that kind of is very measured in his approach to, you know, to addressing things. And so when he speaks up, you know, to addressing things.
Starting point is 00:21:25 And so when he speaks up, you know, there's an issue. I need to like this post. How do I do that? Were you just banned from YouTube again? What did you do? Oh, this morning. You know what happened this morning is I was just told, Instagram told me they're giving me a 24-hour timeout.
Starting point is 00:21:44 You know what actually happened, though, is I was just told, Instagram told me they're giving me a 24-hour timeout. You know what actually happened though? What? I was typing something on a friend of mine's Instagram account. What's his name? Pedro. He has a podcast called Coffee Pods and Wads. Coffee Pods and Wads. And I kept posting yes, and it would say it didn't post.
Starting point is 00:21:59 So I posted again yes. And then he texted me on the side. He goes, dude, you posted yes nine times on my account already.'m like oh it's telling me it's not sticking and then so I think the next time I posted they're like hey dude we're giving you a time out but it's funny because on the next one that I posted I posted I told someone that they were mentally ill and that was the one that got me wow so that's the one that got me That's the one that got me. Joe Westerlin, ask Karin about G-Bone. Who's G-Bone?
Starting point is 00:22:31 I love Joe. I don't know. Joe takes me. Who's G-Bone? Refresh my memory here. Joe Westerlin, plumbers and electricians now significantly know more about carpentry than medical professionals know about diet and exercise and health totally same with mechanics same with autumn it's crazy yeah there are good you'll get me wrong there are good doctors out there but there are i don't think the majority of them but i don't i think we've i told i went to kaiser the other day and the doctor gave me a list of things
Starting point is 00:23:02 to do to be healthy and number one was always cook with canola oil here's the thing though it's our health care system that's fucked up yeah doctors are not allowed to speak the truth they will be penalized they will lose their jobs as well but i'm sure this guy just didn't know karen he didn't know what autophagy was i go what do you think about autophagy he goes i don't know what that is i go what do you think about fasting he goes do not fool around with fasting oh my gosh okay why did you go there by the way i'm just curious the uh what i had some what did i go there for i had a bump on my on was it i had a bump on my gum and i just wanted to look at it and he said so he goes oh my boss is here today he the he's a teeth nose and throat whatever specialist so
Starting point is 00:23:54 he looked at it too and they're like oh it's fine it's nothing and i came home and my mom's like you need a third and fourth opinion you know what i'm like good for her I love Rosemary I'm like great uh she's great she's great anyway so is your gum okay did you get more opinions no I didn't it's fine it's fine it's totally um but but I had started flashing back I started flashing back to when I was chewing tobacco I was I didn't chew tobacco very long like for six months and I was like fuck I wonder if I've like you know i went straight to like i have cancer and i'm dying oh yeah i know that feeling it happens in the middle of the night yeah girls live live in that oh in that space women live in that space google fuck women up oh my god it's the worst the what is this i need to have this diagnosed. Hey, I want to go back. I want to go back in time to when you first came to CrossFit.
Starting point is 00:24:51 And I want to tell you like in three sentences what I remember. And then you kind of add to it if you want. Greg had this pet project that was very serious. And he started a whole new department in the company about it, and it was called CrossFit Health. And very quickly, it turned into exposing the ills of modern medicine, meaning the things that medicine was doing that were actually hurting people or the corruptness in it. or the corruptness in it. And quickly, like I saw in your interview with Greg, everywhere he looked, he found it.
Starting point is 00:25:32 It wasn't like he had to search for it. It was like every rock you looked up, there was fucking corruption. Everything. And you were the, I think, the first and only director of that program. Basically, you came on and that became your program and then when greg sold the company because of the title i don't blame people for misunderstanding because of the title when the company was bought the people who bought the company thought crossfit health meant um it had nothing to do with the ills of modern medicine it was about like selling shit.
Starting point is 00:26:05 It was about like the healthcare space. Like, Hey, let's, um, let's, let's bring doctors into the gyms and let's make sure people can get easy prescriptions at their gym. And it became kind of the opposite of what Greg was trying to push is the way I took it. Greg was trying to be like, trying to bring doctors in to educate them about CrossFit. And then when the company was sold, it became, Hey, let's let doctors educate crossfitters like the script got flipped yeah it did is that a is that can can you go back how did you first meet greg can you tell me yeah i was doing it were you i don't know if you were there i think jimmy was there um i was doing a talk on sugar addiction at a conference in San Diego actually um with Gary
Starting point is 00:26:47 Taubes and like all all that whole crew and I did I did my talk and I like left the stage and I went went to the to the sound guy at the back to get my mic back and this guy stopped me and he was like hey I loved your talk and I was like oh thank you so much and um I was like what's your name and he said my name is Greg and I was like oh okay what do you do and he said to me I'm the founder of CrossFit and I was like whatever CrossFit doesn't have a founder I was doing CrossFit in South Africa at that time oh shit we didn't what yeah and my son's school at a place called CrossFit MP so I would drop the boys at school and then walk across the parking lot to this little CrossFit box school, CrossFit MP. It was freaking amazing.
Starting point is 00:27:30 But we didn't have, like, wherever the games were screened, we didn't have access to those TV networks. I had no idea CrossFit had a founder. I thought CrossFit was a sport, like football and cricket. Like, I never questioned where it came from. I just did it because I loved it and I was so effective and the community was so great. And so I've been doing CrossFit. We didn't have access to the games or anything.
Starting point is 00:27:53 I didn't know it existed. I don't think I was on Instagram much at all during that time because I had small kids. And so when Greg came up to me at this conference and told me that he was at the founder of CrossFit, I was like, yeah, whatever. And also because my grandfather had done the first heart transplant, I was so used to people bullshitting, like being, oh, yeah,
Starting point is 00:28:09 I was on the first heart transplant. I was like, I never believe anything anyone says until they prove it to me. You told him that. He must have flipped. No, I didn't. I just kept quiet. I just was like, oh, okay. And so I texted my brother.
Starting point is 00:28:23 I was like, hey, there's this guy he says his name's Greg Glassman and that he's the founder of CrossFit like is that true and and Tian came back to me meeting he was like uh yes absolutely like please get his autograph I am obsessed with him because Tian had introduced me to CrossFit because he'd been living in London and had like was obsessed and so anyway so Greg and I became friends and we hung out and then i invited him to south africa to do a conference there with prof noakes and i was moving to the to the u.s anyway we um wanted to get our kids out of south africa because it had become so dangerous and there really wasn't much opportunity for like two little boys there
Starting point is 00:29:02 greg to Tim Noakes? He had never met Tim Noakes until you introduced him. I never met Tim Noakes. He said Tim Noakes like never really responded to him. And so I think, you know, Greg was so grateful for the opportunity to meet Prof and then to speak with him. And they, you know, so.
Starting point is 00:29:20 And now they're good friends. Now they're close friends. Yeah, Prof Noakes is so grateful to Greg. I mean, Prof Noakes' CrossFit journey is phenomenal. Like this man, like I had, I interviewed him for Revital Affairs. And once again, he just mentioned like how CrossFit's changed his life. His trainer is like one of the most inspirational people in his life. And his body is different.
Starting point is 00:29:42 His whole family is doing CrossFit. And this is a man who's like in his late 70s who's who takes his shirt off during workouts he's super conservative but he's like busting out and living this free wonderful existence yeah that's prof uh this is a a powerhouse of a man uh he's very very close to karen so karen just throws his name around as if it's just like, you know, a dear friend. It is a dear friend to Karin. But if you haven't read anything by Professor Noakes, you should at least go to his wiki page and learn who he is and his contribution
Starting point is 00:30:15 to sports medicine. Okay, cool. Okay. So that's how you met him. And then you stayed in, how long before you worked for CrossFit after you met Greg? And how did that happen? him and then you stayed in how long before you worked for crossfit after you met greg and how did that happen the crossfit health didn't exist when he met you right no no no no it was just a concept so then i moved to the u.s moved to palm springs we were going to set up this obesity center here um and then as i arrived here greg called me up and he was like hey i really want you to come work with me and set up this new division or whatever called crossfit health and i was like, hey, I really want you to come work with me and set up this new division or whatever called CrossFit Health. And I was like, OK, yeah, that sounds amazing. There's nothing I want to do more than be part of this big mission that you're obviously so passionate about.
Starting point is 00:30:55 And the stuff that Greg had been doing was so impressive, like the NSCA case, the way that he would go off the big soda. the way that he would go off the big soda. Like I had never met somebody as brave as Greg in speaking the truth and standing up for people who have no voices, right? And I, you know, what I've seen in working in the CrossFit community, nobody really understands the gravity of what Greg did. It looked like Greg was just wasting money
Starting point is 00:31:21 or Greg was just like going after something else, but it's not because the affiliates were established they are the core of the business it's the trainers like they keep CrossFit going but Greg had to go against everything that threatened that livelihood the professionalization of the CrossFit trainer and he went after it fearlessly fighting like everyone and everything even when it made no sense to anybody else. And for that, I have so much respect because, you know, not only was he being attacked by external forces, but like he was being looked down on by people within the company as well at times. No, no, no. I appreciate it. I get like that, too. I appreciate it. I get like that too. And when I, when I hear his name,
Starting point is 00:32:06 I also want to, I want to tell you guys something that was very interesting about Karn's position that I see happen over and over and over again, just in the world. It's crazy. So Karn got this position. And I don't know if you're going to remember it like I did, but every Tom, Dick and Harry that had a PhD or was a doctor started coming after her position. So imagine they, they, and Harry that had a PhD or was a doctor started coming after her position. So imagine they make Karin the head of the CrossFit health department, and all these doctors and PhDs come out of the department and start trying to basically take her job. They start courting Greg to take her job, thinking that because they were doctors or because they were PhDs, they could fucking run that department.
Starting point is 00:32:44 And it was nuts, and they couldn't run the department. They didn't have the contacts they had and they didn't know what she knew. They didn't, they, they had, they had forgotten that they were trained by pharma and that this wasn't a, and, and, and the irony is, is that the second Greg sold the company, that's what they did. They basically replaced Karin. I'm, and I apologize. You Maybe you're not allowed to talk about this or not. But but the way I remember it happened is as soon as the company was sold, they replaced her with a doctor, a doctor who had no idea what CrossFit health was really about. And it lost its way. It didn't become finding the uh exposing the ills of modern medicine and it was a tragedy to me it broke my heart it broke it was it was yeah yeah it broke my heart
Starting point is 00:33:33 too but um i think you know greg didn't bring me on because i because he needed somebody who had a phd greg's smarter than most people i know right um he brought me on because he saw something in me he wanted me to be the cruise director like the cruise director of the love boat that's what he always used to say you know it was like steering this ship of crossfit health um it wasn't that i was the smartest person at all by any means but you also not only did you have the contacts um but you had the experience you had the you had the big picture and you had the personal experience. You went through your own addiction situation, but you had all the contacts also. You knew all the experts.
Starting point is 00:34:13 For some reason, you were the black hole that had all the gravity that drew all the experts to you. I mean, it was just, it was impossible for any person to maintain all those relationships and you were the hub for that. I love relationships. They're my favorite thing, but you know, yes, it was definitely because of the relationships that I had built and people trusted me.
Starting point is 00:34:34 And I feel very grateful. The what? People trust the fuck out of you. Yeah. And you know, here's the thing. Like I really, really take that very seriously it's very
Starting point is 00:34:46 important for me to respect these people like every single one of them that i reached out to to ask if they would be a part of reviving they said yes this was going to be a one-day event it turned into a five-day event because everyone said yes and i was like so humbled and so grateful and so blown away that so many people would just be like absolutely whatever it is like I don't even know need to know what it is but we'll do it yeah I mean it was just very very special but you know I think saving just going back to like when CrossFit Health started like I wasn't very liked it was a difficult space to come into you were very kind and very generous to me and at at that time, and I will always love and respect you because of that.
Starting point is 00:35:28 But it was, you know, a lot of people didn't want this to happen. Like it was not something that people embrace. Like they did not understand the bigger picture of what CrossFit health was. And that it wasn't that Greg wanted to necessarily like shift the entire company to become CrossFit health, but he was so intent on protecting the
Starting point is 00:35:47 affiliates and the trainers yeah yeah what where do you know so when did you when did you leave crossfit so so when rosa came there was a window where i was still there for like three months yeah i don't think they could let me go because of some sort of money they had taken from the government so that they couldn't fire, they couldn't fire people. And then that day came and then they let a bunch of us go. They let myself, Brian, Kathy, Haley, Paula, there was a whole crew of us that were kind of in that circle close to Greg and they let us all go. And then you stayed on. Yeah, for how for how long until four months ago really only until four months ago yeah and is there a CrossFit health department still there
Starting point is 00:36:34 I don't know to be honest like I actually it's not even that I it's not that I can't talk I don't know what is happening yeah I understand and then were you in the CrossFit health department when you left? I don't think they could ever really find a place for me. They kind of moved me around between places and things and people. And I was in the technology department for a bit. And then I got moved to the data department. And then I got moved to EDU department and then I got moved to edu and that's where like or that's training that's what I call training yeah training and then that's kind of where it
Starting point is 00:37:13 ended okay okay and then and then so so basically they never quite found a place for you but they knew you were talented so they didn't want to get rid of you but then finally they got rid of you I mean I don't know you know I I think that my time there was spent just desperately, desperately trying to prove myself, but never really having the opportunity to do that. And that was hard. Like that was very hard on my self-esteem. It was very hard on. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:43 You know how it is. Like it was a very challenging time. And then when I lost my job, I mean, that broke my heart into a million little pieces. Yeah. Yeah. Me too.
Starting point is 00:37:53 Broke my, my bank account into a million little pieces too. Um, and God, I was making so much money. I'm going to make that much money again, though. I'm getting close.
Starting point is 00:38:04 Look at all your sponsors. I mean, that's going to be frustrating. I want to tell you this, too. Those aren't even my sponsors. My sponsors don't get to be on the screen. Those ones, and I'm not saying this to be cheesy, those are my friends. So those are all people who have come in just like they just call you and they're like hey i want to support the show and i'm like they're like how much can we give you it's yeah yeah
Starting point is 00:38:31 the other the others the sponsors are um uh uh draft kings it's a gambling site. And then 8Sleep. That's a bed company. And Manscaped. The one for shaving balls. Are you serious? Do you actually use the product? On my face. I used it this morning.
Starting point is 00:38:59 I don't use it on my balls. I was thinking your beard looks sensational. Thank so um so then so then you you when you leave you basically just go back to you you did the same thing i did you go back to what you know okay what i do is i am a i'm a cruise director and i'm a hub for all these really powerful cool intelligent people who have a strong message. And you're like, I'm just going to curate those people and start presenting them to the world. Yeah, I mean, I was devastated.
Starting point is 00:39:32 I was in the same boat as you. I'm like, well, not quite the same boat, but I'm like, I'm a single mom. I have no family here. I have no one who can support me financially. I'm 100% responsible for myself and my kids. I get no support from my ex. He's a good guy and we're good friends, right? But I was petrified. I've never been that scared in my entire life.
Starting point is 00:39:55 And in fact, I got a call which shocked me because all my projects had just been approved. And like looking back. All your projects had been approved. Yeah, yeah. And it not make sense. It seems like they wanted to hand it over to somebody else but you know whatever the case may be they um you know i lost i lost my job and i just i i was in shock i was in complete and utter shock i i just went into every like disaster scenario you know like googling what your ailment is and finding out your cancer i was like i'm gonna lose my house I'm gonna lose my kids I'm gonna lose everything
Starting point is 00:40:27 else like I'm petrified and I remember calling Steve and being like Steve I lost my job and I just couldn't stop crying that whole day I felt so pathetic but um you know there were a couple people who reached out to me and they pulled me out of that hole and within a day I was like okay I've just got to I've just got to like I've just got to do this like I don't know if I'll be able to get another job so I need to make this for myself and also at that point I made a decision that I didn't ever really want to work in the corporate space for a corporate company because of the experience that I had and um and the way that you know like only certain information can be put out and whatever happens there like and I had a great time working across but don't get me wrong i think that it's a very difficult
Starting point is 00:41:09 what they're doing is a difficult job and and i respect you every day but so anyways i was in this dark dark dark hole and i reached out to uh my friend gabriel lion actually and quadacho and some of the- She's quite famous. She's quite famous. Oh, God. She's phenomenal. You're all over and- Phenomenal. I love that woman with my whole heart. You know, she pulled me out of this dark place, like in a big way.
Starting point is 00:41:36 She was like, listen, you're going to get on the phone with me right now. And she's busy. I mean, she has a phenomenal podcast. She's, you can go to She has a phenomenal podcast. She's, you can go to She has a phenomenal podcast. She's like just the most spectacular human. She's, her book, Forever Strong,
Starting point is 00:41:52 she's about to come out. Like she's a powerhouse of a woman married to a Navy SEAL, works with like these, like with a lot of like high functioning entrepreneurs and people in the military. Anyway, she's like like this is what you're gonna do you're gonna write out your dream job and you're gonna send it to me and it was such
Starting point is 00:42:09 a good thing for me to focus on that that I sat there and I was like okay what am I passionate about what is it that I want to do because I kind of lost touch with what it is that I wanted to do and how I wanted to show up in the world and um you know the first thing that I wrote out was like I love events I love bringing people together I like, I love events. I love bringing people together. I love education. I love having fun. I love relationships. And so this was a natural thing for me to do. And I'm actually organizing an event for her in Austin next year, January 14th, where she's speaking.
Starting point is 00:42:46 a guy called Jason Redman and an entrepreneur called Bedros Killian um and a CIA agent called Evie Pamparis and a phenomenal trainer called Don Salatino and so we're doing this in-person event there that I'm organizing for her so that's exciting and then I'm actually doing an event for CrossFit as well oh I heard that that's awesome hey that's always a good sign when you when the company that you part with you're still part you're still working with that always a good sign. When you, when the company that you part with, you're still part, you're still working with. That's a good sign. I like that. I love Dave and I love Nicole. And, um, I learned so much from both of them. I mean, no one ran, ran a department like Dave and Nicole. CrossFit training, the way the trainers were trained, the respect that they had for them,
Starting point is 00:43:25 the way that that department was like a family. They were so close. They were so respectful. They were grounded in these values that were just, I would look at it and I'd be like, oh my God, I could never, ever do what these people are doing. And, you know, it was, you know, it's not easy to win their trust either, Dave and Nicole. No, no, no, no. Easy to lose it, though.
Starting point is 00:43:48 I've lost it a few times. Easy to lose it. Yeah, me too with Dave, at least. But anyway, so yeah, so I've got those things coming up, which is exciting. And then hopefully bringing back the DTCs. When, when, oh, interesting. And when – oh, interesting. When they fired me, I remember I came home and I remember looking around my house and I remember thinking, shit, I would rather live in a van with our kids than lose this house, meaning like I'd rather like move in a van and rent the house out. And I remember her saying, yeah, sure, we could live in a van with the kids.
Starting point is 00:44:36 And as soon as she said that, I felt this weight of the world. Do you know what I mean? Like lift off of me. And you know what's interesting too, Kar uh, like lift off of me. And, and you know, what's interesting too, Karin, my story is the same way I had the same way that Gabrielle Lyons, like, um, kind of like, Hey, slapped you around a little bit. That's what, uh, Dave and Sousa and my wife did too. They just let they, Hey, numb nut, stop fucking wasting energy on tripping and, um, and start putting that energy into doing something you want to do yeah yeah no i mean i hear you that's i mean dave was so i mean dave was honestly like when i lost
Starting point is 00:45:11 my job he was phenomenal he was he was dave was yeah wow yeah and nicole i didn't even know you had a relationship like that with him i mean i don't really have a relationship with dave by any means but he was very kind he was he was very kind he's really gonna hate the fact that i'm saying this on on air i was kind of surprised how kind he was i mean he went out of his way to fucking like come over to my house and like pick me up like pick me up oh in his own way. You know what I mean? There's a heart in there. Well, that's good to hear. That makes me really happy to hear that. Don't be homeless twice, please.
Starting point is 00:45:53 Okay, fine. Yes, please don't. Wad Zombie. Thanks, Wad Zombie, for supporting Savvy. Yeah, all these dudes are great. Aww. So this is where you're at now, and you're throwing this event. And then so you have two other events lined up,
Starting point is 00:46:15 the one with Gabrielle Lyons on January 14th. And what are you doing for CrossFit? What's the event you're helping them put on? I don't know if I'm allowed to talk about it. So I don't know. We might have to do another segment. Okay, great. I would love to talk about it when you can't it's really freaking exciting like beyond exciting phenomenal can you tell me is it
Starting point is 00:46:31 in 2023 or 2024 24 okay exciting can you tell me if it's related to the games at all no i love the games though it's super fun and i can't believe they're moving to Fort Worth. It looks spectacular. And Dave's back and in charge. So it's going to be bigger and better than ever before. Like, I love the games. Like, we all used to be together at the games. It was the best. It was the best.
Starting point is 00:46:56 Hey, I'm going to switch gears here. What's it look like if someone's addicted to, if someone's like, huh, I wonder if I'm addicted to sugar. What would that that what does that look like? Well, it's any like any addiction. The definition really is the compulsive pursuit of a behavior or substance despite the negative consequences. Right. So you are eating sugar or refined carbs or junk food despite like being morbidly obese or diabetic or, you know, affecting your health or your well-being in a negative way like you're secretly doing it you're um spending money you don't have to do it uh you
Starting point is 00:47:31 know so it's like this compulsive pursuit where like no consequences matter and you can't stop no matter what it's the same with alcohol it's the same with drugs it's it's it really is doing something despite the severe negative consequences it has on your health, your relationships, your financial well-being, your psychological, like your mental space. Yeah. So what does it look like for sugar? I mean, you know, it's hard. I started out saying it was just like sugar addiction, but really it's refined carb addiction. carb addiction. It's, you know, this combination of sugar, salt, sugar, and fat and fat really being the vegetable oils and that stuff, like the research that's coming out is like that stuff is
Starting point is 00:48:10 so poisonous and so toxic. And probably worse for you than than just having like pure sugar, right? So junk food is chemically engineered to make us want to eat more. It's, you know, it's something that's called the bliss point that these food engineers, there are chemical engineers that engineers food to be highly palatable, but it doesn't allow us to realize that we're satiated. That's why you can eat Oreos or junk food and you can just keep eating and eating and eating, but you can't do that with broccoli and you can't do that with roast chicken and you can't do that with steak your body's gonna be like i cannot have any more of that but you can keep eating this junk food because it overrides your biological systems right and you move from this way of being eating homeostatically to
Starting point is 00:48:56 becoming this hedonic eater which is eating for pleasure so everything in your life becomes about this constant seeking of pleasure and then you need more and more of the substance to reach the same pleasure for the same dopamine to be released for the same high to be experienced right and so you know we look at sugar and refined carbs and junk food when we look at it and we're like well it's not really an addictive substance because there's not somebody lying in the gutter with a needle in their arm but look at the burden of chronic disease in our country i mean come on i like that word you use, hedonic eater. Oh, yeah. It's the two pathways, homeostatic pathways and hedonic pathways.
Starting point is 00:49:34 Hedonic is for pleasure and homeostatic is for what? Your body's natural biological response, being able to tell you when you're full, like when you eat meat and vegetables, nuts and seeds, like you can eat to a point where your body's like biological response being able to tell you when you're full like when you eat um meat and vegetables nuts and seeds like you can eat to a point where your body's like i'm full i'm satiated i cannot have any more whereas if you were having chocolate cake you could have 10 times the calories that you did in the like chicken and broccoli right but you would just keep going keep going because you're not eating to satiate yourself and to support your biological processes. You're eating for pleasure. I think there's no reason you're eating chocolate cake because you think your body needs that.
Starting point is 00:50:14 This is, this is going into the psychological realm, but, um, I heard this guy say this quote, this thing the other day that I'm going to tell you in one second. But first, I'm going to tell you a quick story. So I saw this thing in Amazon. It came up CBD gummies, right? Yeah. And I don't do CBD or THC. I don't do anything. But I ordered them, right? And they came and I forgot they were there.
Starting point is 00:50:35 And then I saw them there one night and it was like 10 o'clock at night. I was putting like a light bulb away or something in a closet. And then there's the thing of CBD gummies. So I open it. I look and it says to only have two. So course i eat two before i go to bed and then i know i shouldn't be eating them they're sweet and sugar and they're covered in sugar and then i go back again before i go to bed and i eat like eight more right and so i've had 10 and then like every other night for the next like five nights, I'm doing that. I'm eating like 10 before I go to bed, but I'm not eating them for the CBD.
Starting point is 00:51:13 I'm eating them because it's candy and I don't have candy in my life, but I'm eating them because they're candy. But as I'm eating them, I hear my brain telling me the voice in my head saying, you shouldn't have one, let alone 10. I mean, it's like really calm. It's just telling me like, dude, what are you doing? So chill. one let alone 10 i mean it's like really calm it's just telling me like dude what are you doing so let me just add this one thing and then i'll hand it over to you yesterday i heard a guy say this it was an ex-con he says he said if you don't listen to yourself no one will listen to you and i don't know if that's I don't know if that's algebra and balancing, but it kind of rocked me. I'm not even listening to myself, and I went straight to my kids. How do I expect my kids to listen to me?
Starting point is 00:51:56 I'm not even listening to myself. Do you have any thoughts on that? But it kind of like – right, there's two things here. One, we're talking about diet, but one, we're also talking about like this this i don't know this this this bigger picture manifestation thing how would i expect the world to listen to me if i'm not even listening to myself oh 100 but it's like it's it it it affects every area of your life like if i don't respect myself how can i expect anybody to respect me right Right. So you're using the word respect in, in,
Starting point is 00:52:26 in switching for listening. Like if you're not listening and respect, you're using those interchangeably. No, it, it, it really, it's,
Starting point is 00:52:33 it's like, it can be, we can use any word in, we can insert any word there. If I don't love myself, how can I expect anybody else to love me? If I don't, you know,
Starting point is 00:52:43 it's about leading by example. It's about being authentic. Yeah, yeah. This guy also said this interesting thing too. You have to think that you're better than everyone else. And he didn't mean it like as in… He goes. Yeah, it's an interesting phenomenon.
Starting point is 00:53:00 Not better like… phenomenon, not better like I took it as you have to believe in yourself to be the best at what you do. You really have to believe that you're the best at what you do. Yeah, well, no one else is going to believe that. Yeah, right, no one else is going to believe that.
Starting point is 00:53:27 Yeah, right, right, right. I guess that's right. And if you want them to believe it, you better at least start by believing it yourself. Or acting as if you do at least to start. Yeah, yeah. You okay with faking it till you make it? Oh, totally.
Starting point is 00:53:41 I had to do that for like the first couple of years of my recovery. Yeah. What do you mean by that? What's that look like? It just of years of my recovery yeah and what do you mean by that what's that look like uh it just means like trying to believe enough believe that i didn't need a drink or anything that i was successful that i did have self-esteem like all the stuff that addiction had taken from me i had to act as if i had it until i was able to actually embody it yeah it's it's i mean it's it's it's interesting here's the thing like i am not blind enough to see that there are many people the majority of people would love to see us fail you and me yeah yeah they really would there are a couple of really nice people
Starting point is 00:54:20 but i can tell you that there are people in the sidelines just rooting for us not to be successful, rooting for us not to fail. Because when we fail, we meet their expectation of what they're achieving in their life, right? And it justifies to them that that's okay. It's okay to play it small. It's okay not to succeed, but it's not. And, you know, what we're doing here is hard. It's hard putting ourselves out there. This is difficult. Like, it looks like you're just sitting there behind your microphone and you show up every day but i know that the amount of energy and effort that you put into this you make it look easy but it's not right right um a quick nod to uh shit where's my arrow a quick nod to Dick Butter. I believe I'm the best shit poster in this chat,
Starting point is 00:55:08 especially now that Trish is dead. How did Trish die? RV accident. Oh, that's devastating. You know about Trish? I'm right, yeah. How does everyone know about Trish? Well, I have to tell you, Emily told me the full story.
Starting point is 00:55:29 Emily Kaplan. Does she know who Trish is? No. I was like, who is Trish? Who was it? And she was like, no one knows. Maybe it was her. Yeah, right.
Starting point is 00:55:41 When she died, all these people text me and go, oh, I thought it was your wife. Or I hope it was your wife or your mom or your sister or something. They thought it was a family member. I'm like, I don't even fucking know who it was. That was brilliant, though. Why did she die? That sucks. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:55:55 Look at Rest in Peace Trish. Yeah, it was like a staple in here. I do think Trish was a dude, because sometimes she would break character, and I'd be like, okay, that's definitely not a girl. I think Trish was too hard to be a woman for sure. She was a sweet lady. Trish was a sweet lady.
Starting point is 00:56:15 There you go. But we love Trish. Yeah. Oh, wow. Whoever you think it is, you're wrong. I mean, Trish really summons likeons like everyone has a has something to say about Trish. What if Trish was Dave? Well, that's another. Well, that's interesting. Here's another problem. So Rambler says, really, he died. And I tried to talk to Matt Souza about Trish, and he started acting like Trish was a real person and then I had to stop I started getting the ebgbs I was like oh I can't yeah because I can't think of Trish as a
Starting point is 00:56:50 real person but some people in here like this really he died so like Rambler's like making me feel like I'm confused about whether Trish is real or not look at Trish was an account yes oh an accountant oh fuck well I loveish. Trish was hysterical. But you know who I love more than Trish is Matt Souza. You do like Souza? Oh, I love that guy. Everyone should have Matt Souza. Brilliant human being in every way.
Starting point is 00:57:17 Yeah, I owe him a lot. Dave is too busy to be Trish. Well, you know, Dave can do many things. But, yeah, I don't think Dave would stoop to that level for sure. This – how many speakers are there at the RevitaFest? I think like 35. We have some workshops and things as well. So – oh, God, no.
Starting point is 00:57:44 50. 50 50 50 speakers how are you how are you able you're the point of contact for all these people yeah and i'm doing all the interviews as well that is nuts yep it really is you know when you decide to do something you don't realize in retrospect you're like wow that's a lot but i mean i get about that about my kids every day i'm like wow what have i gotten myself it's like it's like getting a parrot that you know is going to outlive you i'm like fuck what did i do your kids are amazing yeah so so this was it this is one of those things like holy shit i'm gonna try to swallow this cow in one bite and you don't realize it until like you're like past the head you're like oh shit this thing's huge oh for sure and i'm like and i'm doing this pretty much alone
Starting point is 00:58:39 and this is really hard and i'm doubting myself constantly and I'm never feeling good enough and I and I I cannot disappoint these people who are believing in me and so I just feel kind of useless a lot of the time um that's kind of how I feel too but um but I but I feel I kind of I use it as fuel I'm not sure what I'm not sure there's another way to do it. Yeah, well, here's the thing. Like we have to challenge ourselves to grow and to be better. And so if I'm in a position where I'm constantly just fine and happy, I'm not growing.
Starting point is 00:59:14 I am not changing and I'm not like getting better. And I never want to be in that space where I'm not getting better. And not being surrounded by smarter people. Like I'm making it a point to cut people out of my life that no longer serve a purpose and I know that sounds careless and hard but like I want to be the very best version of myself and there's never going to be the very best version I'm never going to arrive at that but if I constantly put myself in a room with people who are way smarter, way more successful, way better than me, then I'm always going to try and live just a little bit higher and meet those expectations. My buddy, Travis Bajent, who's the father of Tyson.
Starting point is 00:59:59 I know Travis, I'm wrestled with him. Right, right. Okay. So, you know, Travis. And I won. Of course you did. Travis told me the other day. No, I don't have a parrot. Someone asked if I have, no, I don't have a parrot. Greg,
Starting point is 01:00:14 I think Greg was offered to buy me a parrot. I'm like, no, please. You are like a parrot. I don't, I don't. I, yeah, I'm, I am Greg's parrot. Travis told me, Hey, I'm not letting any people, normal people into my life anymore. He goes, what do you mean? He goes, if you're a normal person, I'll grandfather you in, you can stay in my life, but no more normal people. You have to be fucking just amazing. That's it. I'm done with normal people. And I kind of like, yeah, I fucking love that too. Hey, I want to ask you about, oh shit,
Starting point is 01:00:48 you found it. Wow. Well, I just texted Travis, but that's Travis and Marianne Demassie on wrestling at the games. Oh, that looked like that. Was that like some concert at Petco?
Starting point is 01:00:58 No, that was in Greg's suite at the games. Is Demassie speaking? No, she's unfortunately not speaking. But you're still close with her. Oh yeah, I love her. Oh my gosh, it seems coming to California on Tuesday,
Starting point is 01:01:14 we should all get together. He's doing an event with RFK Jr. in San Jose. Oh, please tell me. I would love to go. I would love to go. October 28 me. I would love to go. I would love to go. October 28th. I would love to go. Yeah, absolutely. Like I, I'm going to go to the event and I could just go to the dinner after I'll go.
Starting point is 01:01:35 I would love to be a bit. We're going to the event. Okay. Tell me I'm the, I'm down. Yeah. Wow. I'll send you the details. Tell me about, so this is the event, access to the event. What is this 21-day sugar-free revolution challenge? What is that? Oh, so that's like an online course that I have that's valued at like $269. It's 21 days of taking a challenge of quitting sugar and refined carbs. And so every day there's a little video that's five to 10 minutes long, where I talk about the negative effects of sugar. And then there's like a worksheet or something
Starting point is 01:02:09 that you need to do to like start understanding your relationship with sugar in order to let go of it. And it's 21 days. So can you give up sugar for 21 days? You know, it's just a challenge to see what happens when you do and most people love it they really gain so much from quitting sugar for 21 days and if you're one of those people like oh my god I could never quit sugar for one of those for 21 days then you probably should do it same with alcohol if you're like I will never quit alcohol for 21 days you probably should do it and I think sugar and alcohol are two of the ugliest things that it just makes people ugly i'm sorry especially alcohol i just uh i don't know i have a bit of a thing with alcohol at the moment people using drinking and you hang out with a lot of uh
Starting point is 01:02:52 drunks um uh or you did um hey the so so oh this is this you get that when you sign up for revita fest so let's say I want... Okay, that's crazy. So it's basically like a virtual companion to quit sugar for 21 days? Yeah, I'm there. I'm talking to you on videos. There's a support group on Facebook.
Starting point is 01:03:15 It's pretty cool. I have to say that obviously anytime I put something together, I think it's awful. But then I got a ton of people to test it. People that don't know me, people that have no desire, like have no need to just say nice things to me I got them to test it and the feedback was fantastic the way that people lost but like between five to ten pounds in the 21 day period
Starting point is 01:03:37 depending on how much they had to lose right how their mood improved how they felt so much better about themselves how they then adopted this lifestyle going forward it was so beautiful to witness daily like seeing how people started finding like the sweetness within and really started like deciding that there was more to life and it's weird like quitting sugar opened up other doors for them to explore life it wasn't just about the food hey so there there it is every there's no one there's no one's brain who's like eat this cake everyone's brain everyone's internal vices it really is hey don't eat this cake you should not be eating this it's like like that it's it's so crazy i i say that thing about beauty too that i was talking about the way people smell the other
Starting point is 01:04:24 day and people didn't understand that. Your internal voice is to be attracted. Your internal natural state, your healthiest, strongest state is to be attracted to healthy people's smells. And so you have people with makeup on and sunscreen on and deodorant on and all this shit on and you're attracted to them. They're throwing you off your natural state. I know that's going to be a stretch for some people. But here's the thing. Going back to the sugar thing.
Starting point is 01:04:54 You're not only going to quit eating sugar, but it's going to align you with your inner voice. Yeah. And so that's really where 51% of the benefit is. You think 49% of it's going to be, hey, you quit sugar. The other 51%, and when you're aligned with your voice you're starting then to manifest shit yeah so i mean you hit the nail on the head right yeah and so you're kind of tricking yourself it's kind of like it's kind of like crossfit putting yourself into like crazy fatigue state like 100 burpees for time you think you're getting exercise you think you're building cardiovascular uh endurance metabolic you're being healthy but really what you're doing is
Starting point is 01:05:29 you're putting yourself into the 50 51 of the benefit is what people don't even realize they're doing they're bringing themselves to the present which is it's the it's the psychological piece that brings you to the present for a second because you're just focused on your breath all your other worries go away you're like fuck i need to fucking breathe yeah and yeah the sugar thing's crazy quitting sugar what what a cool thing okay so you get that that that's awesome and then and hey i probably shouldn't say this but um anyone who does that challenge too like karn is so easy to get a hold of and she is so fucking responsive and so easy to take advantage of. So if you are on the strip and you're day 15 and you're panicking, text her, DM her in her DMs and be like, hey, can I talk to you? Like this lady is fucking cool.
Starting point is 01:06:18 She is a giver. I do. I love helping people. I really do. That makes me the happiest for sure. Do that before she starts her next event and You can't get ahold of her. And then stress sleep guide by Dr. Kirk Parsley. He's so fun. Kirk is amazing.
Starting point is 01:06:36 Also ex Navy SEAL became a physician for the Navy SEALs. Like looked at like really like how sleep was affecting their mental state and how a ton of them were taking Ambien. And it was just like how sleep was affecting their mental state and how a ton of them were taking Ambien and it was just like it was you know here's this like the highest performing population elite population that we know and how you know sleep is like just freaking have up with them and so he did a ton of research into that and he's like a big expert on sleep now he's great I really want to connect you with him you will love him I like a big expert on sleep now he's great savvy i really want to connect you with him you will love him i'm looking for his book right now he doesn't
Starting point is 01:07:10 have an audio that's not an audiobook no it's like an e-book okay i need an e-book so stress so he talks about like sleep hygiene and creating a sleep environment um and you know the navy seal techniques of like scanning your body when you sleep he's not so i was speaking to him the other day and he was like you know when you can't sleep the the general advice is to get up and go do something else make yourself a cup of tea it's like that's bullshit like what you need to do is you need to get back into you need to stay in bed and you need to like work through it and you need to calm your mind because it's all sitting here it's like all in your head you know when you can't sleep it's like it's in your head so he helps you address those factors and sleep and then
Starting point is 01:07:48 he has some supplements but he doesn't push them at all in any way like he's like have trouble sleeping and then get up and make a tea yeah when they so he was saying to me like women generally tend to have a more difficult time falling asleep but then they stay asleep right and then he was like men generally can fall asleep but then they wake up oh yeah that's my wife my wife had that's you nailed us nailed it i can yeah that's what kurt told me yeah yeah anyway so he has these like he's just great like he's just so cool he's like this rebellious ex-navy seal physician he's great i love him i want him can okay him i want him he's so great oh he's just the best he's so cool i and then he does a ton of work in psychedelics as well like looking at um psychedelics with ptsd but i really just
Starting point is 01:08:40 about the sleep stuff i'm gonna drugs are bad my podcast for uh the psychedelic stuff oh i found him navy seal md ceo doctor oh okay i follow him now yeah he's awesome okay i'm gonna invite him on the podcast yeah you should he's a irk um look at you already look at this has turned into like you're helping me you're organizing something for me we need on your show love to have you on my podcast okay um uh then you get access to the two percent transformation system unleash your full potential and achieve lasting change by uh jono proudfoot native american okay jono is a south african he The Real Meal Revolution with Prof Noakes. Jono is the mastermind behind The Real Meal Revolution.
Starting point is 01:09:31 He conceptualized it. He came up with it. And he's the guy that made it happen. He approached Prof Noakes. And he was like, hey, we've got to do this. It became a runaway bestseller. It was on the top of the bestseller for the longest time. I know you know the book.
Starting point is 01:09:47 I know Greg loves the book as well. I know the book. Here it is. I got it. Yeah, that's Jono. Wow. Jono is a phenomenal human being, honestly. Is he speaking at the event?
Starting point is 01:10:04 Yes. Shit. He's doing, he's actually doing a workshop. He's hosting a workshop where people can kind of like, so not only do you get the transformation system that he has, like his online course, but he's also recording his own workshop for Revited Fest, where he is going to talk like the audience through transformation and like
Starting point is 01:10:25 do it in person dude this is crazy how much stuff you're giving people there's more that i haven't even listed on the page hey are you already working on your second one am i working on my second one uh um kind of i suppose because i wanted to be in person right well do you know what sponsors on board to do that huh do you know where you would do it i don't know i'm open to ideas i mean i live in palm springs and so like coach hello is one of the biggest inspirations behind it also i was thinking of like a cool venue i wanted to be outside i wanted to be in a stuffy hotel i wanted to be fun and exciting and you know just great um who should go to this i mean oh oh you get ceus what are ceus so like continuing education units for crossfit so for crossfit trainers i think level two and up, they need 36 CEUs to keep their credentials.
Starting point is 01:11:27 And so ProviderFence has 18 of the 36 that they need. And so like you can, like if CrossFit trainers buy this, they can get 18 CEUs in one event. Yeah, that's crazy. You really do need that. So if someone has a level two you have to do continued education yeah you do they've changed the system okay shit awesome i'm so excited about it holy shit i'm so excited about it when does it go live again october what
Starting point is 01:11:59 october 17th but we'll be selling it off to that as well um it's just that it kind of it goes live on those dates so 17th 18th 19th 20 21 five days and then you know the beautiful people in the CrossFit space like Nicola Coins doing a workshop she's just like the sweetest human in the whole world honestly like you know there are not oh it's it's your level three thank you you're right it's not level two so any level three has to have thank you so much geez louise um yeah so like nicole coin she's doing a workshop on nutrition and she's just the sweetest human being that i know for sure um and then we're doing like some yoga and breath work from a CrossFitter called Tamara and Mark England, who have you heard of Enlifted Coaching? Also in the CrossFit space.
Starting point is 01:12:54 No. Enlifted. Like enlightened? Enlifted? Enlifted with Mark England. He has a brilliant TEDx talk as well. So Mark's doing a workshop. He's actually doing a workshop as well on,
Starting point is 01:13:07 it's all about changing your narrative, right? So changing your narrative, changing your story, and then like changing your life because of it. And he's developed this, and he actually coached me. He did this, it's about breath. So you and Hayley will love it. I still read Hayley's little breathing with Lily book. Oh, awesome.
Starting point is 01:13:25 Send me a copy. I love Hayley and I love everything that she talks about. So she should really have a she should actually be a speaker here. That's Mark. God, that's a nice website. He's so smart, Sebi. I have to connect you with him as well.
Starting point is 01:13:44 You will love him. I always hear this term imposter syndrome. Yes, that's what he talks about. He helps you work through that. Imposter syndrome is a behavioral health phenomenon described as self-doubt of intellect, skills, or accomplishment among high-achieving individuals. What does imposter syndrome feel like uncomfortable feeling experience when you think you're unqualified and incompetent
Starting point is 01:14:11 yeah it feels like you're not meant to be where you are and you're not qualified enough to be doing what you're doing and that everyone's going to find out that you're a fraud and not believe in you um because that's how you feel about yourself right and anytime we try to up level and get to the next level like there's there's a there's going to be some of that yeah my my kids the only time i have imposter syndrome is when my kids let me know i hate you you're a shitty dad. I'm like, thanks. Appreciate it. They don't say that to you, Shirley. Very rarely, but it happens. My son who has a cast right now, he'll be sitting on the couch and he'll be like, do you still love me?
Starting point is 01:14:55 I'm like, oh, God. I feel like I fucking let him down. Why? Because he can't perform for you? I didn't even go there. I think I just went to the fact that like he's just stuck he has a fucking full leg cast on he broke his shin he's been sitting down for two weeks you know and um he's just bummed he's just you know yesterday i took him to jiu-jitsu and he
Starting point is 01:15:15 started crying i'm like what's up he's like i just want to get out on the mat so bad yeah but i hope i didn't think of that. I hope it's because of that. I hope, you know, I want my kids to feel that pressure to make me happy. Yeah, good. I can't perform because I'm stuck in this class and my dad doesn't love me anymore because that's when he gives me the most attention. and someone's like well dude at some point they're gonna rebel against that i go that's great that's what i think every kid should do you should perform for your parents then when you're like 17 to 20 you should be like fuck you and you should do your own shit and rebel and then when you're 21 you come back to your parents and you're like oh my god thank you yeah but you have a great foundation and that you will come back because you don't work yeah you're so welcome i hate you because you made me do jiu-jitsu for 13 years. And then when he comes back in like three years,
Starting point is 01:16:05 he'll be like, fuck. Dude, thank you. I don't think any ballet dancer will say to their mother that they hate them for making them do ballet because you're like, I have all the muscles in the world because of this. Yeah. Did you do ballet?
Starting point is 01:16:21 Yeah. How many years? You see my second position. It's great. How many years my second position is great how many years 28 i have such a dirty mind my mind is i'm always going to be a 15 year old boy you did ballet for eight years yeah are you d, a claims-free hybrid driving university grad who signed up online? Well, Dave, this jingle's for you. Who saves with TD Insurance?
Starting point is 01:16:50 Because he's a claims-free hybrid driving university grad who signed up online. It's Dave. Not Dave? No problem. TD Insurance has over 30 ways to save on home and auto. So. You can totally save, just not exactly like Dave. Save like only you can at slash ways to save. TD.
Starting point is 01:17:11 Ready for you. Put your hands together for Lady Raven. Dad, thank you. This is literally the best day of my life. On August 2nd... What's with all the police trucks outside? You know, the butcher goes around just chopping people up. ...comes a new M. m night shamalan experience the feds are heard he's gonna be here today josh hartnett i'm in control and salika as lady raven this whole concert it's a trap trap directed by m night shamalan only in theaters august 2nd are you cross-sitting right now?
Starting point is 01:17:45 Yeah. But like you, not an affiliate right now. And only, I'll tell you why. Because financially, I have to be very strict with myself at this moment in time. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I get it. I'm not earning an income. I'm working really hard towards it.
Starting point is 01:17:58 And I'm putting in the effort. And I'm hoping something is going to shift and change. But, you know, so I'm doing programming. I'm lucky enough to have, like, a squat. Like I said, like, I've got barbells and weights and dumbbells and a treadmill and a tennis court. You know, I've got everything that I need at the house to make it work. And, you know, you need the tiniest space to do burpees
Starting point is 01:18:17 or to do push-ups or anything. Let me ask you a very sensitive question. Oh, I can't wait. I was a little nervous me ask you a very sensitive question oh i can't wait i was i was a little nervous to ask you this oh i can only imagine what this is gonna be what is going on are you still do you still have horses in your life yeah i do yeah oh okay okay but i don't you were on your instagram for a while and then they weren't and i was like fuck i wonder if the horses are okay well here's the thing it is kind of one of those things where i'm like i probably will have to sell him unless something gives which breaks my heart and
Starting point is 01:18:55 actually i feel like crying right now thinking about it okay sorry sorry no it's fine i mean sometimes these things have to happen in order. Feeding my kids is more important. Dave sold his horse. Rose? Why? I think for freedom. I don't know for sure. But I think someone saw the horse and said, hey, can I buy your horse? And then I think for freedom. You know what I mean? Because he took care of it. He went there every single day and had to deal with this horse yeah and horses are sensitive creatures it's not that easy you remember he bought a used old um donkey yeah and it consumed his life dying yeah it consumed
Starting point is 01:19:41 his life and like for six months he was basically like dealing with trying to save that it was crazy i'd never seen that side of dave but it was nuts i'm like dude pardon me like god this dude thing needs to die and let dave free i think dave thought it was young and ended up being like 35 years old or something i remember dave riding and everything i i like you i was so shocked. I was like, wow, this is intense. No one wants to ride a mule, but you do, and you're doing it. And at the age of 35, you're actually getting on this mule?
Starting point is 01:20:17 He bought a donkey, and then the vet came over and told him, like, hey, dude, this thing's fucking toast. You got a lemon. But he gave Hodar such a good life. toast. You got a lemon. He gave Hodor such a good life. He did. I agree. Yeah, Hodor was lucky to have him. Thank you for coming
Starting point is 01:20:36 on. I'm excited about RevitaFest. It's good to catch up with you. Please keep me in mind for October 28. I would love to see you when you're up here. I'd love to see you when you're up here. I'd love to see you up here. Yeah, absolutely. No, I think. Yeah, for sure. We have to. OK, cool. And then tell us seem if you see him. I said hi. I watch that with him and I bug him, but I know he's crazy busy.
Starting point is 01:21:02 Yeah, he is crazy busy, but that's by choice yeah and and he's doing uh i don't know what the word is the lord's work god's work but he's he's he's fighting the good fight for all of us yeah and he's making a documentary as well called first you know farm uh p-h-a-r-m oh really yeah all about exposing pharmaceutical industry industry. First do know. Wow. Yeah. I wonder if he ever had, I wonder if he gets death threats. Yeah, he does.
Starting point is 01:21:33 He'll share them with me. And I'll be like, I don't want to know. Like, why are you telling me this? We're friends. I actually don't. I'm not, I really don't want to know. Wow. Okay. And he talked about it on joe rogan's podcast joe rogan pledges support for game-changing drug industry uh expose movie first do not want wow oh joe and
Starting point is 01:21:56 anisim are good friends and that means that joe and i are going to be good friends soon oh that's good too look at this wow good job i've seen yeah i just subscribed to a seam station i didn't even know he had one i haven't subscribed to that i'm not a very good friend am i give it a thumbs up 594 all right hey thank you oh my god thank you. Oh, my God. Thank you for having me on. It was so nice to spend time with you.
Starting point is 01:22:31 Everyone go over to – oh, and there's a code. If you use RevitaFest, if you use the code SEVON, you get 50% off. Yes. Is that true? I love you. Yeah. Thank you. That's cool. I love you.
Starting point is 01:22:41 The 269 is like 134 for okay okay sorry if someone registered during the middle of the show i should have told you that sooner fuck it's fine i can refund them and reissue okay awesome yeah okay look at paulina this was one of my favorite shows i love you paulina do you know who who that is? No, but she's great. She is great. Who is she? Tell me. She's a listener of the show.
Starting point is 01:23:11 And then I got to meet her in person at Greg's Broken Science Initiative in Arizona. And then she ended up, now she works with Paper Street Coffee, one of my sponsors one of my friends uh who's down here in the chat who supported the podcast since the beginning oh that's fabulous that's really special hey what do you think about us bringing the ddcs back boy i i that would be amazing that would be amazing that would be pretty crazy yeah i i really really really really really like that i loved those gatherings i like i would like greg to do anything at his house in santa cruz where people come and the local affiliates within 100 miles are invited and there's there's smart talk there i love all that smart talk stuff. Yeah. So, excuse me.
Starting point is 01:24:05 All right, cool. Okay, I'll let you go. Talk to you soon. Thank you, Karin. Thanks for everything. Lots of Haley and the boys. Thank you, bye. Bye.
Starting point is 01:24:15 Karin Thompson, RevitaFest. Stoked for her. It would stress me out if 50 people, if I had to organize 50 people. Thank God for Sousa. Holy shit, thank God for Sousa. I don't have to talk to anyone I invite on the show. Except for when they come on the show.
Starting point is 01:24:36 Rambler, she is lovely. Legalized drug peddlers. Medical industry is fucked up, yeah. I mean, that is what they are. Enjoy Dixon, 50% that's super sweet wow look at your avatar picture holy cow a sleaky DDC but with Greg right not under HQ yeah
Starting point is 01:24:58 I'm sure under Greg totally 100% 100% There was something That I wanted to show you A friend of mine texted me yesterday It was an interesting conversation You guys want to talk about Tim Murray for a second so all that stuff
Starting point is 01:25:32 went down with you know the word retard and Mike Wittius and just all that stuff and I think that that kind of hit that dude actually I think that rattled that dude maybe. More than.
Starting point is 01:25:50 Like if I find out how much it rattled him. I probably wouldn't like it. I might even feel bad. Because it's not supposed to rattle anyone. It's supposed to just be like. Just like a. Schoolyard. Scuffle.
Starting point is 01:26:03 But then you know. If someone follows you home from school after you get in a fight with them shit gets weird right then they're at your front porch and your parents are involved or you know what i mean like go like we talked about it yesterday like someone like you you get let's say i take someone's parking spot at safeway and i'm like fuck you and they're like fuck you back and forth the next thing i know they've they have a cop friend who looks up my license plate and they're telling my boss i stole their parking spot at safeway it's like weird it's like what come on dude there's what what the fuck are you doing it was like something like that kind
Starting point is 01:26:32 it kind of it escalated right into a weird place and it's and shit's always going to escalate to weird places now because of the internet anyway weird relative to when I grew up. So anyway, so then of course, through learning about Mr. Wittius and, and, and his success in CrossFit, I, we came across Tim Murray and I invited Tim Murray on the show. And at first we couldn't get Tim scheduled. We were having trouble finding a time. And every time we would have trouble finding a time for him to come on, I would think, you know, maybe I shouldn't have him on. Cause I had this feeling.
Starting point is 01:27:10 I had this, I was kind of torn because I wanted to have him on. Cause I was interested in him. Cause he's the fittest dwarf. Right. And he's in the CrossFit community. And, but then also like he,
Starting point is 01:27:19 like, I felt like, like I was using him because of the whole wittiest thing. And my wife was like, Hey, you shouldn't drag this dude in. And my wife was like, hey, you shouldn't drag this dude. In a nutshell, she was like, hey, you shouldn't drag this dude into this shit. You know what I mean? He's just fucking some dude who – he's the fittest dwarf, and now you're dragging him into a street fight. So I was kind of like thinking about letting him off the hook and then circle back like in two months and have him back on so I wasn't bringing him on just during this mess.
Starting point is 01:27:50 But we ended up finding a time and like I didn't – what was I going to do? I was like, I wanted to be tactful and polite, make it fun, get to know him. I wanted to have an intimate experience with him and me outside of that drama. Dick Butter, you did a great job not making the Marie interview about Mikey douche. Okay, good. Okay, cool. And that was my point point i didn't want to be like totally lame and avoid it like but um but i wanted it to be about him and actually i'm sure that guy will be on the show again to tell you the truth i really liked him he needs to come on again i mean like that that was easy he's a cool dude he's got important shit to say we could explore some shit like it can get more intimate, I think, with Tim. So that being said, another one of my friends, a friend who I really, really expect their opinion.
Starting point is 01:28:54 And it's a litmus test hit me about yesterday and they go, hey, dude. Is there kind of a piece that like it's Like are you collecting friends who are like freaks? And it's hard to answer that because the answer is 100% yes, but not the way someone would think. It's like the presupposition is that would be bad. And my response to the person was like, hey, it's not just the guests that are freaks on this show. It's the audience are freaks. It's the entire fucking kaleidoscope and
Starting point is 01:30:06 The reason why and i'll use tim as the example But the reason why I invited tim on the show in this order, I think I wouldn't bet my life on it but just to say The the reason why I or invited mike on the show was one because of the – sorry. The reason why I invited Tim Murray on the show, one, is because his proximity to Mikey. So that's what – I made that connection, right? And then the second reason why I invited him on the show is because he's the fittest. And then the third reason was because he's a dwarf right so and and and and my other response is like i would
Starting point is 01:30:50 have a girlfriend who's seven feet tall just because she's seven feet tall like i would be very curious what it's like to to to have an intimate relationship with a seven foot tall woman um uh seven on freaks does yeah and so um it's not it's not um yeah there's this there's a superficial i'm okay with the superficiality of like i i'm so happy to have a friend who's fucking like a friend who's homeless and like I'm interested in being their friend because they're homeless. I'm interested in I'm so happy to have like that guy. He come and bring him to my house. He's been my homeless friend that I run into all over the state of California for the last 30 years.
Starting point is 01:31:36 Raymond, the guru, the guru. I love having a friend who's fucking the smartest man in the world. Greg Glassman. I love having a friend who shall not be named who's the fucking richest dude who ever walked planet Earth. Like, it's okay. It's okay to... I love having a friend who
Starting point is 01:31:54 owns 37 pythons. Dude, I'm sweating. I'm sweating. Even in this – oh, there you are, Mason Mitchell. So when I think of Mason Mitchell, I think of him as like a frat boy, and I never even had any frat boy friends. I always wanted frat boy friends. I just think of mason mitchell i don't even know for sure i assume him is buff good looking and can do a keg stand you know what i mean like and uh mason mitchell so similar to kill tony many of the comedians he brings are retarded or have some type of disability and they're all
Starting point is 01:32:39 badasses yeah my interest i'm not interested you're friends with Elon Musk? Maybe. I'm not interested in – and I am interested in completely normal people too for the fact that they're just completely normal. I have a significant more interest in – and I don't know who the fittest 55-year-old man and woman are, but I have a significantly greater interest in someone who's a dwarf who's the fittest than someone who's 55. They're both interesting to me. But a dwarf is like a Kardashian. Like for no apparent reason, all of a sudden they're famous every time they go outside. And I just, it's a different lifestyle. And I'm curious. I would say this. If I was friends with,
Starting point is 01:33:33 if I was close with Tim, I would tell him like every, every dwarf should be fully taking advantage of the fact that they're a dwarf. A hundred, like the last thing I would be doing is wanting to be accepted as normal. I would fucking work that shit. Every day I get older, I'm completely taking advantage of the fact that I'm older and I can get away with saying more and more.
Starting point is 01:33:54 You are definitely a freak. Yeah. Yeah. Graciano is a perfect example. If you like him because he can thruster 300 pound for reps i'm perfectly okay with that that is fucking weird yeah it's all yes thank you yes we can insert freak with anything so um yon clark uh the name calling has become Graciano. You are 100% a freak. I like Graciano for his thickness, his thickness. Yeah. His thickness. Mustache game's tight too. That in person So
Starting point is 01:34:41 If you are a Oh, Shelby Neal Love her I thought I loved her because she's young And red hair And fiery And overachiever And she got like a homegirl vibe to her. Like her even more that her dad's black.
Starting point is 01:35:13 Shelby Neal. Like her like 1% more. Redheaded blue eyed chick who's black. Not going to lie. Like her more because she's black call me racist what a fucking pleasant surprise if she was if her mom was armenian i'd probably like her three percent more or if she had some jew in her it's okay i don't the thing is is i don't dislike anyone. It doesn't work the opposite way. So affirmative action works the opposite way. I have to hurt someone who's white to help someone who's black. That's different. Or because they're black.
Starting point is 01:36:02 Or because they're a dwarf. Or because I don't like anyone less. Because they have pimples. I don't like. That's the thing that. Well I'll even get on my high horse here. That's the thing that differentiates me from all the other fucking dipshits out there. I don't even care if you're racist.
Starting point is 01:36:16 I don't dislike you anymore. You know what's interesting. I was talking with Andrew Hiller on the the phone yesterday i'm pivoting a second and one of the first time i was reminiscing with him with one of the first times i ever spoke with him on the phone and we and of course the conversation went to race and he basically said that he wouldn't have any friends who are racist and he doesn't if he had any friends who even use racial slurs he wouldn't have any friends who are racist. And he doesn't, if he had any friends who even use racial slurs, he wouldn't keep them around. And he told me about a friend that he had that used racial slurs.
Starting point is 01:36:50 And he's like, yeah, I'm just not friends with the guy anymore. I don't, I'm not friends with them. And he, he's not on a witch hunt With the guy He doesn't care that the guy uses him
Starting point is 01:37:07 He just doesn't want to be around it I'm not friends with that guy anymore I'm not spending time with that person I wouldn't do that either I wouldn't have a friend Who thought less of someone because of their skin color I have no interest in hanging around that person. I wouldn't hang out with someone who starts fights every time
Starting point is 01:37:27 we go out. I wouldn't hang out with someone who's a drunk all the time. I wouldn't hang out with someone who's rude to my kids. You can do all that shit though. Like I don't care. I'm putting my man bun up. I'm putting my man bun up.
Starting point is 01:37:50 What's heavy? He picks on the athletes. What's heavy? Hey, I got a new Rodecaster. My third one in a week now. I sent back my other one. And I think this one's fine. My Bluetooth is hooked up.
Starting point is 01:38:02 My phone's hooked up. There's no weird sounds. This is awesome. How's my mic? Did you guys see the studio yesterday? That shit is dope Melissa Don't you dare Um Ken Walters gave me some great feedback
Starting point is 01:38:17 On the camera setup I didn't understand it But yeah the cameras need tweaking The cameras need Oh this is what I wanted to talk to you about. You guys, you guys, you guys, you guys, I do not know if I'm allowed to do this. I'm going to call this dude right now and ask him if I can do it. Watch this. I want to see if I can. right now and ask him if I can do it. Watch this. I want to see if I can. There's a guy who's an affiliate owner who I'm about to have on my podcast. Let me see if I can find his phone number in here. And he's doing something. And I want to tell you guys about it. I'm so fucking excited for for him. Let me see.
Starting point is 01:39:10 I don't even know how to say this guy's last name. Let me see if he'll answer his phone. Hold on. This is crazy. This is... I cannot believe this has not been done before. This is such a great idea. I wonder if – Hey, Joe. Hello.
Starting point is 01:39:35 Hey, Joe. Hey, how's it going? What's up, dude? We're live on the air. Awesome. Hey, can I share your YouTube – I know you're going to come on in a couple days, but can I share your YouTube channel right now on the air? Absolutely. Yeah, absolutely.
Starting point is 01:39:47 Okay, cool. All right. I'll bug you later on today, and we'll schedule to have you on in the next couple days. Sounds great. When's the new video dropping? We're trying to drop it tomorrow morning. Okay, cool. All right. We got some good content that we're going to add to it. Okay, awesome. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:40:04 No problem. Okay, bye. Thank you. No problem. Okay, bye. Bye. Okay. Joe Nels, CrossFit Kenosha. I think that's that city where Rittenhouse shot those three people. So this guy has a YouTube page. The first video has dropped, and it's called 30 for 30 with Joe Nels, CrossFit Kenosha.
Starting point is 01:40:31 And this guy is going to try to get a client every single day for 30 days. So if he's in Costco and he's shopping and he sees someone, he's going to walk over to him and be like, hey, can you come to my gym? And his goal is to get 30 new clients in 30 days. And he's basically taking this thing that Don Fall said about adding 30 million new CrossFitters. Let me see if I can find the graphic he has. Oh, yeah, here it is. Check this out. Okay, I'm going to play this part for you.
Starting point is 01:41:04 Listen to this part. This part's killer. You find 30 members in 30 days. And if we're still at 15,000 affiliates, that's 450,000. Dude. 30 for 30. Cease and desist. J for 30. Cease and desist. Dude, this is fucking brilliant.
Starting point is 01:41:31 And then he does the math. If there's 15,000 affiliates and every affiliate does that, that's 450,000 new CrossFitters in a month. This first video is great, by the way. It's short and sweet It's 2 minutes and 30 seconds Everyone should listen The YouTube page is Joe Nels J-O-E Nels
Starting point is 01:41:52 N-E-H-L-S That's a great ratio He only has 35 subscribers right now And 28 likes Dude crazy This could end up being This could end up being the greatest piece of media In the history of CrossFit for the affiliates This could be
Starting point is 01:42:17 Mike Poolboy I know gym owners who'd rather just make reels on Instagram. This dude is the definition of hustle. More than hustle, Poolboy. This is what Greg said. Are you really a fucking trainer? Are you really a trainer? The math ain't mathin'.
Starting point is 01:42:44 30 times 15,000. the math ain't mathin 30 times 15,000 45,000 plus add to 0 seems right to me the math ain't mathin hey this this could be
Starting point is 01:43:03 fucking absolutely huge. This could be better than Killing the Fat Man, which was the biggest series in the history of CrossFit, non-games material. This could be fucking nuts. This could be so fun. If you're an affiliate owner and you watch this, this could inspire the fuck out of you. He's basically...
Starting point is 01:43:22 And dude, imagine how scared and nervous this guy must be to do this. He's just going to put it on the fucking line. And you know what? Even if he only gets 10. Who gives a shit? If he gets 0. Who gives a shit? But episode 1 I think he said drops tomorrow.
Starting point is 01:43:39 Or shall I say episode 2. But the first one where it's going to actually show him. I think trying to get a. A member. Mason Mitchell, Don just threw out Biden numbers. But the thing is, you say that, right? And I hear you, and I ain't hating. But I ain't hating on you, Mason.
Starting point is 01:44:05 But if he does this, one, the content probably will go viral. It'll be fucking hilarious and fun. Yeah, there you go, Melissa. There you go. Great marketing, content, fun, engaging. Yeah, and most importantly, inspirational. Because then every... This guy's nothing special. One thing special about this guy is he's doing it.
Starting point is 01:44:21 He's putting himself out on the line. His whole accountability is going to be right here for all of us to see. Even though my screen is this way, I should point this way. Yeah, his whole accountability is... You know what I'm saying. We're all going to get to see him on that journey. Yeah, viral in the CF space is like 50,000 views. Yeah. yeah viral in the CF space is like 50,000 views
Starting point is 01:44:45 yeah hey this could leave this could leave the CrossFit space I think some of those Killing the Fat Man episodes have over 500,000 views maybe even a million views this could leave that space this is a guy
Starting point is 01:44:59 who's gonna go out and do 30 members in 30 days dude this is fucking Who's going to go out and do 30 members in 30 days. Dude, this is fucking, I'm telling you, this is the shit. And edited and put out there. I'm pumped. He's going to come on the podcast in a few days. I want to also say this too.
Starting point is 01:45:26 This is a guy who's taking advantage of all the resources he has. I can't even remember how I met this dude, but I, but, but we text, I don't even know how I know him. And, um, like he's like, Hey, I'm doing this. Can I help? Can you help me promote on your podcast? I'm like, fuck. Yeah. Oh, I see what you mean, David Weed. 15,000 is Biden numbers.
Starting point is 01:45:47 That's okay, okay. 10,000. But that's insignificant. Don't fall into the weeds. Okay, I hear you though. I hope he continues to follow those 30 members. Oh, he won't be able to do that unless he's going to turn into a full production facility. I hear you.
Starting point is 01:46:13 You love it. You love it. You love it, huh, Travis? You love it. I do love it. If he gets one member, it's a success. He's helping people. If 15,000 affiliates get one member member that's a shitload of people and and how about how well right right and a shitload of money but if if one yeah exactly if one member stays um at every gym
Starting point is 01:46:39 every month uh whatever that is that's and it's two thousand dollars to be a member at an affiliate that's two thousand dollars times fifteen thousand and then times that by 30 uh times that by 12 and you have the infusion of cash into the ecosystem which is fucking got to be a shitload of money yeah don don's number is huge which isn't reachable i don't know but i mean look at look at stuff like hey just sending out email newsletters to huge, huge, huge audiences. And if you get a fucking 3% return, it's considered a success. This is the, that would be a 300. And so if, is that right? Is that right?
Starting point is 01:47:23 So if you have 15,000 affiliates, wait, 15,000 affiliates, and each of them makes an extra $2,000 a month times 2,000 with a new, sorry, a year, and they do that once a month, so they get 12 new clients, it's $360 million, dude. And what's crazy- That's cool cool i'm glad he's doing it what's crazy about it too is is like he's putting himself on the line so every other affiliate in the world can watch hey this is what this guy did
Starting point is 01:47:56 and i hey i bet you this guy's not doing anything extravagant he's got to go to the store every day anyway all he's doing is he's changing his mindset when he stops at the gas station to pump gas he's looking around instead of for people like well if you're in oakland you're looking around to see if someone's going to rob you but if you're in kenosha you're like hey let me see if i can see some motherfucker who needs to go to the gym oh there's one let me go talk to him right i got something to help save this he's hopefully he's got a good ego and is okay with rejection because you know i mean look at look at Hiller's video when he just asked people to do some fucking squats and how many times he got turned down. Right, right. So he's got to be, I'm sure he's ready for that.
Starting point is 01:48:34 He knows he's not going to get 30 people in 30 days. Well, he might. But he's doing something. Hey, if you approach 10 people. If you approach 10 people. If you approach 10 people. It's interesting. No, the reason I called, I just wanted to test your roadcast and see if you had it hooked up right.
Starting point is 01:48:53 Oh, thank you. It sounds great, right? And it was instant. Yeah, good. It was instant. Good job. Okay, good. Yeah, and I hooked it up yesterday.
Starting point is 01:49:00 Yeah, so I'm stoked. I had to buy three roadcasters before I found one that worked. There you go. All right, thank you. Don't give your money back. All right, awesome. No, yeah, I did. I did.
Starting point is 01:49:13 Thank you. Okay, bye. Cool, later. Bye. God, you guys fucking suck. Some of you guys are assholes in there. In here. You fall into the weeds and we just worry about just stupid shit.
Starting point is 01:49:30 Just be excited. Hard to sell. Look at all these people just arguing limitations. All these limitations. I'm not even bringing your shit up. Fuck your limitations. You're arguing for someone else. I'm fucking pumped for him. I'm fucking pumped. And hey, when he does this now for a whole year and he puts on 100 new clients this year at $2,000 a pop, his gym's making an extra $200,000 a year,
Starting point is 01:50:01 and he's doing the fucking Conor McGregor dance red panty night. I Don't know I think it's better than I think it's easier than cold calling You're just walking up to just some dude is 50 pounds overweight with his kids and being like yo I own a gym you belong to a gym the guys like no he's like yo come bring your kids Saturday We got a class you can bring your kids to come do it Come on. I want to get you in shape. You want to live a long time because you bring your kids to. Come. Do it. Come on. I want to get you in shape. You want to live a long time because you love your kids? You can do a thousand burpees
Starting point is 01:50:31 on this dick, Cave Dastro. Yeah, it's going to be a great series. Megan East, I would love to see our gym owners actually try to get some people to try CF.
Starting point is 01:50:45 Hey, and Greg's basically saying you're not a gym owner or you're not a coach if you're not. You're basically just not. And part of me agrees. It's like you're not a Christian if you're not fucking. Like, I'm more interested. I'm as equally interested as people who are living the Christian lifestyle as people who are trying to spread it. You don't got to be a fucking scumbag and tell people, hey, you're going to hell, but like drop some Jesus quotes.
Starting point is 01:51:09 He would never, he never would self-promote his gym or fitness. That's our job. If we don't bring friends, we won't be able to pay the bills. Yeah. It's such crazy ownership. Jesus quotes.
Starting point is 01:51:40 Wow, there's so many sponsored links for Jesus quotes. I skip by all those. I don't do any. I skip by all the sponsored links fuck you Google and your money for what shall it profit man if he gains the whole world and suffer the loss of his soul Jesus Christ
Starting point is 01:52:04 a new command i give you love one another as i have loved you so you must love one another jesus christos oh that one's good oh oh that one that one fucking struck me i felt my back crack a little struck me. I felt my back crack a little. That's like shit my mom would tell me. I wonder if she knew that was like Jesus Christ shit. Let the one among you who is without sin be the first to cast a stone. I need someone to explain this one to me and behold I come quickly
Starting point is 01:52:52 and my reward is with me to give every man according as his work shall be I am Alpha and Omega the beginning and the end the first and the last Completely over my head There's some gangster shit he says in here too All my authority in heaven and on earth
Starting point is 01:53:15 Has been given to me No shit Oh here we go Here we go This one was appropriate for the show today. Do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Let the day's own trouble be sufficient for the day. Jesus Christ.
Starting point is 01:53:37 And know that I am with you always. Yes, to the end of time. Jesus Christ. There was one in here. Oh, this one. Here we go. I saw the Superman movie kind of steal this one. For God so loved the world that he gave his only son, that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have eternal life. Okay, and this is my favorite one.
Starting point is 01:54:19 Okay, and then we'll take a break from Jesus. Little children, you are from God and have conquered them. For the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in this world. Jesus Christ. I don't know what that one means, but I really like that one. When did he say that? I don't know. It's in Google. It's in Google.
Starting point is 01:54:48 It's in Google. It's just in Google. Please have him on. I want to find out how he thought of this. Jesus? Oh. Oh, Joe. Yeah, I'm going to have Joe on for sure.
Starting point is 01:55:06 I think I'm going to have him on more than once. I want to know. I think I'm going to like TMZ his fucking ass. I'm going to be like all over that series if he can actually finish it. Dude, that's a big project he's taken on. Holy cow, man. That's a big project. Judy Reed.
Starting point is 01:55:24 Rich Froning would be so proud sevan bible hour with sevan have him on whenever he gets a member i'm gonna have him on sooner i'm not really worried about him getting members i'm worried about him showing worried is not the right word, but I'm interested in the videos of him just approaching these people. It's part, what are those shows that we used to have when we were a kid on TV? The hidden camera shows, what were those called? You know, like where they would do comedy skits, it was like from the 80s. I think it was a British show. I can't remember.
Starting point is 01:56:08 What the fuck was that show? I can't remember the name of the show. It's got Candid Camera. Thank you. Wow, Mason. You're a beast. Wow. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:56:25 Punked is a little more. It's got a Candid Camera feel to it. Wow, Mason. You're a beast. Wow. Oh, yeah. Punked is a little more. It's got a candid camera feel to it. And I just like that. Joe Nels. I'm not even erasing that. Oh, man. I have something so funny to show you. I don't think I have time to show you guys now.
Starting point is 01:56:50 So pathetic. Hey, I'll talk about this real quick. In Dave's week in review, his most recent one from 9-18-, 2023 at the 7-30 mark. Maybe I'll pull this up. The Dave Castro, the Dave Castro. Let me see if I can pull this up. I'm interested in knowing your thoughts. I've had a few personal interactions with some society, especially pop culture has kind of put groups like SEALs,
Starting point is 01:57:40 but it's not a surprise. Personal interactions with some, they call it stolen valor moments. First of all, that's the subject it stolen valor moments and first of all that's the subject stolen valor moments he's saying he's had some personal experiences with stolen valor moments well I think it's ridiculous that people lie about this stuff but it's not a surprise
Starting point is 01:57:55 so he says it's not a surprise it's ridiculous and he doesn't get wound up and he tells a story about one time where some guy said hey meet my friend who's a seal and then Dave meets him it's a story. You want to skip to that part of the entire world we live in you can just say anything we we have this uh segment of society that's just allowing people just to make any word mean anything identify with anything they want um there was just in the uk there was just a meeting of a group a meeting of people who think that they're
Starting point is 01:58:45 dogs. Sevan pretending like he's 5'5". Yeah, you can just do it. You can just... Yeah, it's like, dude. Yeah, it was a seal. Yeah. Dave introduced me to some guy at the games who said he was a black belt,
Starting point is 01:59:07 and I just said, oh, yeah, I'm a black belt too. And the guy's like, you are? I'm like, uh-huh. Matt Miller, if a person can hand out avocado dip at a kiosk at Costco A CrossFit coach can hand out a free gym pass At the Costco gas pumps Bam My kid got his gray and black belt yesterday
Starting point is 01:59:45 when you're a kid there's three belts for every color well not the white belt but after the white belt goes white belt and then there's three gray belts and there's three yellow belts and then there's three green belts and then there's three orange belts and then maybe there's one more. I found Listerine strips. They're left over from the game. I was finally cleaning out my game's camera bag and I carry tons of these at the game. So now I'm just eating them like candy. Seb, I'm pretending to be homeless
Starting point is 02:00:20 when all he really wanted to do is sleep in his car. Yeah, that's crazy. Avi's such a beast. My other son cried while watching it. It was nuts. Anyway, I thought that was the best part of the weekend review video. You guys know they released the game's location. Not like we all didn't
Starting point is 02:00:42 know. Looks like it's going to Texas. Stop talking about whether it's going to be hot or not there. Stupidest conversation ever. Dumb. D-U-M. Dumb. Go look at the layout of the place.
Starting point is 02:01:04 That entire fucking thing is probably going to be inside. And if it's not and it is hot, so what? Good. Let it be hot. Finally. Some drama. More drama. Mass drama.
Starting point is 02:01:19 Mass drama. Mass drama. stolen valor this this this friend of mine um she uh they have a they have a daughter and the daughter was hanging out with some friends and the friends were like do you have a cell phone and their daughter who's I forget how old their daughter is maybe nine maybe younger I don't even know maybe seven eight I don't know how old the daughter is
Starting point is 02:01:55 but the daughter's like yeah I have a cell phone and her friend's like let's see it so the daughter the next time she goes home she goes home and she steals one of her parents old cell phones and she brings it next time she's with her friends she's like yeah look at my cell phone and she's showing her friends this old cell phone and she's just pretending to have a cell phone and the parents
Starting point is 02:02:15 were telling me this story that's what this stolen valor thing is can you imagine being a grown ass man and telling someone you're something you're not by the way that's that's that's that's the entirety of the city of los angeles that's why i can't stand that place that is more than 51 of the people in los angeles are just straight motherfucking liars and they're perfectly okay with it Just straight motherfucking liars. And they're perfectly okay with it. Telling someone you're a fucking Navy SEAL when you're a fucking grown-ass man when you weren't is like a fucking nine-year-old pretending like they have a fucking cell phone. Look at this shit.
Starting point is 02:03:01 Fuck, now I'm on fire. This is fucking crazy. Look at this shit. Fuck, now I'm on fire. This is fucking crazy. This shit scares me more than anything I've ever heard Joe Biden or anyone or like any of the politics shit. This shit scares me. This shit scares me more than fucking forcing people to take drugs, what I'm about to show you.
Starting point is 02:03:19 This scares the shit out of me. This came from Spotify for podcasters. This is called building a loyal fan base. Spotify put this out, building a loyal fan base. This is their master's class for podcasters right here. This is their master's class for podcasters. Hey, everyone. Let me repeat. What I'm about to show you is someone talking to me about building a master's class for podcasters. This is supposedly what, and by master's class, I'm bringing the presupposition to it, is it will get you a lot of viewers and the ability to make a living doing podcasts. Now watch this guy.
Starting point is 02:04:04 One, great to have you join us for another episode of Spotify for Podcasters Masterclass. My name's Jordan, and I spend a lot of my time speaking with creators about what we can be doing to improve your experience. This series is all about helping you get the most out of our platform. In our last episode, we were joined by Gael
Starting point is 02:04:22 from Teenager Therapy to get an overview of how Spotify for Podcasts... Holy shit! First of all, is that a man? I cannot believe all the affects and weird shit this guy is fucking doing. This is the fucking craziest, fakest shit ever. This is the fucking craziest fakest shit ever. This is supposed to engage me? My time speaking with
Starting point is 02:04:49 creators about what we can be doing. Even the word creators. To improve your experience. Improve your experience. This series is all about Yeah, it's full Starbucks. What the fuck's up with this shirt?
Starting point is 02:05:05 In our last episode, we were joined by Gael from Teenager Therapy to get an... That guy's Teenager Therapy? Gael? ...overview of how Spotify for Podcasters has given them the tools to reach new audiences and set their show up for success. You can find all the episodes and more over on our Creator Resources Hub. Today, we're going to be talking about engaging with your audience and building community. This guy's going to talk to me about engaging with my audience? The truth is, we've never been more connected.
Starting point is 02:05:40 Whether that's across social, text, video calls, our media is becoming less of a lean back who who the fuck talks like this and here's why i'm concerned i think this is i think there's a whole generation that is like um this is them they're just saying nothing i think there's a whole generation of people like this that are just saying nothing and who are just fake look at his head no one ever puts their head like that no one ever puts their head like that that there's no maybe when it's coming out of the wound it's getting all tweaked by the fucking labia majora yeah corporate is that what this is corporate this is nuts dude this is absolute idiocy it's just vapid talk it's like political bullet points back experience and more of a real-time conversation for a long time podcasting has kind of been a
Starting point is 02:06:34 one-way street and for some creators that's just fine but for a lot of you we know you want to be closer to your audience and they want to speak directly to you as well. Even his teeth. What the fuck's going on with his teeth? What did he do to his teeth? It turns out your listeners have a lot to say. They might have valuable feedback on your show that you can use to grow and improve. Or maybe you want to know their opinion on a recent episode or get a gut check on something you're trying out. But all in all, you want to create a community of like-minded listeners.
Starting point is 02:07:06 The fuck I do? You want to create a community of like-minded listeners the fuck i do you want to create a community of like-minded listeners i do what the fuck is going on here this is the master's class from spotify i think i'm starting to get a little nervous that that because i live in a fucking bubble that the majority of the world is just fucking idiots like this. Just adding nothing to the conversation, just noise. Hiller likes to say it. He just imagines it, someone being in a room with a broom, just pushing shit around like they have no dustpan. That's where Spotify comes in.
Starting point is 02:07:42 We have a number of features that allow your fans to engage with you directly. We're 127 in and he has said nothing. Today, we're going to show you how these tools work, how other creators are using them, and why interactivity is so important to your podcast development. And while it's still early, we're already seeing promising signals
Starting point is 02:08:01 for how interactivity can positively impact your podcast development. already seen promising signals for how interactivity can positively impact to show growth and retention. On average, people who engage with Q&A or polls on Spotify are more dedicated listeners and twice as likely to keep listening to your What do you guys think? Do you think that like this All you have to do is say something real These days and you're controversial
Starting point is 02:08:35 Like by real I mean you just have to land the plane All you have to do is like That beetle over there is red And now you've said something controversial It's like that No one wants to ground anything I saw This the other day
Starting point is 02:08:57 I kind of wanted to play this for Shirt man don't get it Oh I wanted to play this for Tim Like here look at this I kind of want to do a What do you guys think Who do you think gets Who do you think gets less vagina
Starting point is 02:09:21 Fat dudes or short dudes What do you think is a bigger deterrent for getting pussy? Being obese or being short? I wish I had Caleb here to do a poll. What do you guys think? Because I was like, I look around the world, like I go out in the world and I'm just thinking to myself, I'm a four out of 10 but the median's a 1
Starting point is 02:09:45 so it should just be raining vagina on me but it never has never once in my life never I always worked for vagina worked like a fucking worked
Starting point is 02:10:02 like an ox in a field worked my ass off and I got a lot I was a hard worker but yeah yeah yeah yeah caved astro fat dudes slay these days short dudes are bottom of the barrel yep
Starting point is 02:10:17 yep there it really is true there's chicks that just don't I think girls just don't. Yeah, short dudes are fucked. You're just fucked. You're just fucked. Listen, look at this.
Starting point is 02:10:31 I mean, not really. Don't get me wrong. If you're short, just work. Just work. But listen, I can't even believe it. Six foot. If I feel like I'm taller than them, I'm not going to date them. Would you exclude obesity? No.
Starting point is 02:10:45 Minimum income? I would say six figures the probability is 0.33 percent so the dude has to be at least six foot and can't be obese and it has to make six figures minimum height imagine that's the criteria so no one no one who's older would ever think that You're 5'11 The self help book Wow look at how good your posture is Is that why you walk with your hands behind your back So you won't slouch My grandfather used to walk like that
Starting point is 02:11:16 Because you're a tall girl and you don't want to slouch I think the two biggest reasons why women slouch Is if they're tall or if they have big tits And they're trying to hide them. I had this friend who I had this just this girlfriend of mine. She had the greatest fucking tits ever and she used to do her shoulders forward. And now that we're older, she doesn't do it anymore. And it's so I'm so fucking proud of her.
Starting point is 02:11:38 I'm so happy for. So happy for so stupid to have to do that. so happy for so stupid to have to do that uh bailey walker my husband's five six and he's he's always gotten a lot uh yeah a lot yeah he's tall to me i'm five foot ernie garza my girlfriend's taller than me too i think my wife will be taller than me As I get older I think I'm going to shrink and she's not
Starting point is 02:12:07 If I feel like I'm taller than them I'm not going to date them Would you exclude obesity? No Minimum income I would say six figures But here's the thing Here's the really good thing you need to know
Starting point is 02:12:22 If you're a short guy You don't want to be with someone like this Here's the really good thing you need to know if you're a short guy. You don't want to be with someone like this. And I'm not just saying that to be mean. You want to weed the – it's nice that they're weeding themselves out already. I can't imagine having someone's height being a criteria for who I want to spend the rest of my life with. And, and just so you know, she will eventually wake the fuck up because when you're 52 years old, if your spouse is obese, you're stressed to the fucking max, dude. If you have a six foot two husband, who's obese versus
Starting point is 02:13:00 a five foot husband, who's not obese, You're because you're stressed because you love this person and you know that their health is they put themselves in a compromised state. So I get I get I get it when you're. 20. Yeah, you know who the fuck wants a short guy when you're 20. Unless you're a Jew. Jew girls are smart. They're like they see they're like okay
Starting point is 02:13:27 that guy has health issues he's gonna make less money and it's gonna be fucking worse in the long run yeah this whole Instagram account is full of that stuff also though I will say this the guy doing the interviewing is obese. So maybe that's why also.
Starting point is 02:13:51 Oh, here we go. Okay, let's see. Let's listen to another one. Do you think a 12-year-old should be able to get a tattoo? No. No. It's a pretty permanent decision. They can't make the decision for themselves.
Starting point is 02:14:01 They have something permanent on their body. Do you think a 12-year-old should be able to consent to puberty blockers? Yes. Yes. And I understand how that sounds really hypocritical. Yes, it's a permanent change on their body. But I think that at that point in their life, they probably know who they are, who they want to be. And you think so at 12 years old?
Starting point is 02:14:17 Yes. Do you think a 12-year-old should be able to get a tattoo? No. No. Hold on. There's another. I want to find the short ones. The short guy ones are the best.
Starting point is 02:14:27 There was another good one in here. One honesty or flattery? One honesty. I think boys just need to be nicer. Hottest feature on a guy. Feature on a guy. Smile. Anyway. There's a whole series in there where if
Starting point is 02:14:47 you're if you're short you're you're hosed but don't worry if you're if you're a short guy do not let it stress you out do not even think about it just trust me you want to just we any girl is not going to date you because you're short you you're you you have to understand i'm not saying something you you you that's not someone you want to be with it's not and if you're a guy and you have weird dumb shit like that too like hey i ain't fucking chick with red hair you're fucking yourself too like don't be stupid i don't think guys are stupid like that though well i don't know i feel like there's yeah guys sabotage their shit Samantha H Seve is stressed
Starting point is 02:15:32 just talked about it stressed no I'm not no no I'm not stressed I'm excited I the jiu jitsu instructors here with the boys I'm stripped if I'm stressed because I have a booger on my nose
Starting point is 02:15:50 and I want to pick out and I can't pick it's gonna require some digging and I can't do it so I'm just dealing with it right now but other than that I'm not stressed I'm going to the skate park today I'm fucking pumped and I got a new I got this thing from curb cover for my kids
Starting point is 02:16:05 curb cover I would show you should I show you it was expensive people should sponsor me for shit like this curb cover curb cover skateboarding there it is
Starting point is 02:16:24 made the perfect oh there it is curb cover and so my kids have been doing rail slides and shit I got this one and although they put it in this in this video here they put it on a curb my kids are so light you don't have to that's just a piece of steel I have that one and I have this one
Starting point is 02:16:46 I got this one called the block cover so I'm taking it to the skate park today for like the fifth time my wife took my kids to the skate park without me for the first time in probably like six months or a year because yesterday I was working on the studio with Sousa so I didn't get to go party with them yesterday
Starting point is 02:17:01 so I'm fucking pumped so there's that I had Karin Thompson on that was cool it's invasion holy shit the talk is oh here it is
Starting point is 02:17:23 here it is wait oh shit okay here's another one okay this is this is nuts listen to this man we we this whole next generation of people that's coming up i guess maybe my generation was dumb too but this is hard to this is hard to process here we go it's so you can be healthy and obese yeah i mean even if you have high blood pressure high cholesterol on the verge of a stroke. That might not be your fault.
Starting point is 02:17:47 But that's genetic too. That could just get past. So right there they conflated. First of all, he said, can you be healthy and be obese? And they said, yes. Complete lie. Not true. That's on to me.
Starting point is 02:17:57 And then they switched it to it could be. It's not your fault. Like, wait, what? I'm. But at the same time, people who are obese all have those same things in common fair i can't really argue with that that's true consensus is it so you can be healthy and obese yeah i mean even if you have high blood pressure high cholesterol on the verge of a stroke that'd be your fault but that's genetic too that could just get passed on to me
Starting point is 02:18:20 i'm but at the same time people who are obese all have those same things in common fair i can't really argue with that that's true consensus is here's the thing i don't care whether they're right or wrong it's just the message they're sending to obese people if you're fucking obese you don't want to be surrounded by people who are like it's like being surrounded by codependence you don't have to once again you don't have to go the opposite way you don't have to make fun of humiliate talk shit but you don't want people to be like yesterday i was at new leaf and there's a lady there who's very attractive i don't know what she was. Colombian?
Starting point is 02:19:08 I don't know what the fuck she was. She was dark skinned. And she was 100 pounds overweight. And she's sitting on a bench. And she knows me. She's talking to me. And I don't know her. I don't know where I know her from.
Starting point is 02:19:25 And she's talking to me like we know each other And she's with these two girls Who are a little older than my oldest boy Who are so fucking adorable And they're all three fucking eating ice cream I don't know maybe the mom was 200 pounds overweight Perfect jeans Like just perfect hair I don't know, maybe the mom was 200 pounds overweight. Perfect jeans, like just perfect hair, thick black hair, perfect skin. And my kids are running sprints and racing and fighting and wrestling.
Starting point is 02:20:07 They're doing with their mom. What their mom enjoys doing. Just eating ice cream. And I'm not blaming her. I fucking like eating ice cream too. But I just can't. I can't. I can't.
Starting point is 02:20:20 And my kids are doing what I like to do. Fight, wrestle, pull hair. Shove, trip. Talk shit. to do fight wrestle pull hair shove trip talk shit and that's what I'm good that's what I'm referring to like if you're you want to hang out with people who you your kids are going to copy what you do I go over and fuck around in the garage for at least two or three hours every day and my kids are going to do the exact same thing. Pick up D-balls, throw balls,
Starting point is 02:20:54 wrestle, climb the rope, talk on the phone with my friends, try to catch grapes in your mouth. We just got BB guns. We spend so much time just shooting shit in the backyard now I here's something
Starting point is 02:21:19 call me crazy if I am going to eat ice cream I don't even do it in front of my kids so that doesn't mean I'm not like Call me crazy. If I am going to eat ice cream, I don't even do it in front of my kids. So that doesn't mean I'm not like, fuck, I'm craving ice cream. Honey, I'll be back. I'll go eat ice cream. What I mean is if I go out with my kids and I buy them ice cream, I won't eat it. I'll let them eat ice cream.
Starting point is 02:21:37 I'm not going to set the example in front of them where I eat ice cream. I'm going to show them discipline. But if I was out with Hiller and me and him drove by a Popeye's, I'd stop at Popeye's and eat it. I'm not saying I hide it from them, but I have it influence my decisions. I have that voice in my head that says, hey, that's not appropriate to be doing it in front of your kids. Oh, God. I talk so much shit, it's fucking nuts.
Starting point is 02:22:05 I think my wife sometimes has trouble with it because audrey because it fucking gets crazy my house oh no he's ashamed hiding in the closet eating ice cream i knew someone was going to take it there no not you're the reason why you went there is because, by the way, the great opportunity for you is because you have a mind of – you think in duality. If I say I don't like someone, you automatically think I dislike them. I get it. Normal. That's not it at all. It's funny that there's people who do that, and yet you can't see how affirmative action is also is just 100% racism that someone has to suffer to get something good
Starting point is 02:22:49 I'm not saying I eat in the closet some parents don't swear in front of their kids they're not closet swearers they don't run in the closet and be like fuck cunt bitch shit slut they just don't swear in front of their kids. I get it. It's cool.
Starting point is 02:23:12 I'm not ashamed at all. I'm trying to show my kid example and be disciplined. Do you think teaching your kids to talk shit? Here's the thing. If I taught them to talk shit, it would be beneficial. Unfortunately, I'm teaching them kids to talk shit? Here's the thing. If I taught them to talk shit, it would be beneficial. Unfortunately, I'm teaching them how to talk shit without intention. They just hear me talk shit. See that there's a kind of a nuance there.
Starting point is 02:23:37 So I don't know. I get a little concerned. I know my mom has a pretty wicked sense of humor. And, you know, you could accidentally hurt someone's feelings. I know my mom has a pretty wicked sense of humor And You know You could accidentally hurt someone's feelings Which Which is important Because if you don't mean to hurt someone's feelings
Starting point is 02:23:55 If you don't And it's part If If you're trying to do One thing but you accomplish something else that could be a problem and in that respect maybe shit talkers that could become a problem
Starting point is 02:24:14 alright come back Riley come back let's have it out Alright great show Oh tomorrow who do we have tomorrow Tomorrow Oh Hunter McIntyre With Hiller Andrew Hiller Wow
Starting point is 02:24:41 Oh Hunter McIntyre With Hiller Andrew Hiller Wow You know I'm talking about the difference Riley I'm not talking about where I eat ice cream in the closet It's not like I'm like Hey I'm gonna wait till they go to bed So I can eat sugar I'm just saying that if I'm out with my kids
Starting point is 02:25:02 And it's a day that they're gonna get ice cream or something I don't I don cream or something, I buy them ice cream and I don't eat it in front of them. I don't eat ice cream. I'm going to be the example for them. It's okay. And it's worked. It's worked. My kids are very conscientious of when they're eating sugar. They enjoy it still, but they're very conscientious of it.
Starting point is 02:25:24 They won't just gravitate towards it. Here's another crazy thing that's so different about me and my kids, and they got this for sure from my wife. My kids can eat stuff without finishing it. So you could give my kids a milkshake, they won't finish it, which is crazy to me. I'm such the opposite that if my kids do get something like that
Starting point is 02:25:47 and they leave all that shit in the car, I drink it all before I put it in the trash like a scumbag. Oh, yeah, there you go. I don't like drinking in front of my niece or nephew. It just feels odd. You mean like alcohol? Yeah, totally.
Starting point is 02:26:05 I totally get that. Karina. I had Karina a pace. I get so much backlash for not eating what the family's eating when we're out. It's tough, but I think showing constraints important. I had a friend who had a girlfriend. And one of the sticking points of the relationship was, is that when they would go out, he wouldn't order what she ordered. And she said it made her feel bad because of how healthy he ate.
Starting point is 02:26:43 And they would have like some legitimate fights over it. I was like, dude, that's batshit crazy. Batshit crazy. Riley S I don't quite understand you buying it for them When you were out and not enjoying it with them But it's not a bad thing There's a difference between them eating it And them watching me eat it
Starting point is 02:27:23 Do you understand that? It's two totally different phenomenons. I'm the example for my kids. Two totally different phenomenons. I'm not saying my kids have never seen me eat ice cream. Although I can't think of a time when they... But I'm not going to show my kids Me
Starting point is 02:27:45 Fucking opening the fucking gummy The gummy thing and fucking Scraping out 10 that are stuck to the fucking Bottom at 11 o'clock at night I don't want them to see that behavior You get it And I don't have a problem with
Starting point is 02:28:01 Necessarily eating ice cream I don't want to do it in front of my kids Because I'm a role model for them. It doesn't bother me that I'm not eating it with them. I'm not like, fuck, I wish I had some. But the example that I was trying to use is those people were there eating ice cream with their mom. Who was 200 pounds overweight doing her favorite pastime. And my kids were doing with me what was more like my favorite pastime.
Starting point is 02:28:36 Wrestling, pulling hair, talking shit, racing, hugging, kissing, laughing, bouncing off, you know. Trying to catch grapes in our mouth. And, you know, if you want to find like that one time I did eat ice cream with my kids, I mean, I can't remember one, but sure. If you want to find those 10 times, but what I'm saying is by clearly looking at this lady. This wasn't a one off. That's what she did most of the time. Right. I could see her body. That's what she does.
Starting point is 02:29:12 Every day at 3 o'clock she eats ice cream. That's the only way you get a body like that. And now she's doing it with her kids. My dad managed a topless bar and took me there one time. That might have influenced me. What I do – but you're together doing the same action. I understand you eating in their vicinity when they're not. I get what you're saying.
Starting point is 02:29:53 I'm such a massive influence on my kids. Even if they're eating ice cream and I'm not, they're seeing that. I'm the bigger influence on them than the ice cream. I am such a massive influence on them. That's why everyone ends up like their parents. I am such a massive influence on them. It doesn't matter what they're doing. They're going to end up like me. Riley, let me try to explain it like this too.
Starting point is 02:30:22 I'll tell you a way to paint it In a different light When I'm working out in the garage If they walk in there I fuck around less Right So If I'm doing If I'm doing If I'm doing
Starting point is 02:30:42 10 burpees on the minute for 10 minutes And my kids are in there I do all 10 burpees as fast minute for 10 minutes and my kids are in there, I do all 10 burpees as fast as I can at the top of every minute. If they're not in there, I don't know, rounds eight and nine, I'm fucking going slow. And then maybe like on the 10th rep, like I take a small, small like half second rest at the bottom. If my kids are in there, I might do rounds nine nine and ten just skip round 10 and do 20 in round
Starting point is 02:31:09 nine i'm just cognizant and and all of that i see leaves a huge impression on them huge impression on them and so that so that's even if they're not working out or even if they are like whatever graciano's like okay shut the fuck up i get it i know ernie i know ernie says i love my parents but i'm trying to be the opposite yeah so that's the thing everyone wants everyone should want to be better than their parents for sure but um oh okay you're a single guy with no kids. You're learning. Okay, word. Yeah, and by no means am I suggesting that you be fake or hide shit or... Like, that can't be your mindset. It's just when those dudes are around... I want to...
Starting point is 02:32:23 I want to be on my a game. I know that's, that's pretty abstract. You know, I don't want to be, I don't want them to see me. Someone cut me off and see me flip them off. I don't,
Starting point is 02:32:37 that's, that's just me showing me that I'm losing control and wasting energy. It's not the easiest way to live my life most productive way best way to get the best out of life i wanted i'm like whereas if they're not in the car i might be like yeah fuck you and if they're in the car if i do that i'll be like oh fuck it's almost like god is there with you witnessing you and tighten your shit up a little bit be cool you know what i mean i know I feel Audrey if I'm half as good a human as my dad is then I'm doing something right
Starting point is 02:33:30 I know I feel that way about my parents sometimes too they're such good people alright love you guys tomorrow Hiller and Hunter gonna be wild show I always lose control of those shows so expect the same tomorrow. I'm going to try to bring up
Starting point is 02:33:48 the steroid talk with Hunter. See what he's been up to. I was wondering the other day, by the way, if Hunter's ever done any porn. Because he said he was going to Malibu and I was thinking, I wonder if this guy's ever done any porn. I used to be like a hub for porn all right see you guys soon thank you Fanny bye

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