The Sevan Podcast - Kelly Baker | A Clydesdale #936

Episode Date: June 8, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by car and other conditions apply. Thanks for doing this. Yeah, of course. Bam, we're live. Thanks.
Starting point is 00:00:34 What does this mean? Hello from your fellow. Greetings, Cornholio. Greetings, fellow 0.1 percenters. That means everyone in the chat's like just filthy rich us included oh look there's your buddy mr scott switzer oh i love him he is one of the kindest people i've ever met i i plagiarized this entire podcast is plagiarized off of him. I just went and watched all of the podcasts he's done with you. Hey, where, where, where, where are you at? What state you're in Texas?
Starting point is 00:01:14 Yeah. So I'm originally from Philadelphia. And then I met my husband there and he's from Texas. So we moved down here. Philly trippy place. I've never had a good experience there oh no yeah uh I feel like you got to be from there to love it and then people that visit don't really love it yeah um um hostile hostile well I haven't been there in probably 10 years and I've only been there like four or five times, but every time extremely hostile. Yeah. I remember when I moved to Texas, I was like, Oh, feeling like all these people are
Starting point is 00:01:50 hitting on me, like holding the door, but that's just now being kind. Oh yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Both, both. Yeah. No, both, both. Wow. Yeah. Um, uh, I, I grew up in California and I was always told that Texans were just like the fucking worst, worst conservative fucking assholes, like racist scumbags. And then as I matured and got into high school or something, I made a trip there or something. And I remember like, holy shit, these are the nicest human beings on planet Earth. Yeah. Yeah. Howdy, eye contact. They stand up when you walk in the room hold doors open for my mom i'm like hey you know she's a democrat right though what the fuck is going on here yeah the south is nice yeah it is i think houston is a pretty big kind of melting pot though oh that's where you are you're really far south yeah so so many people are pretty much like from all over at my gym i
Starting point is 00:02:46 feel like everyone is from somewhere else right right is houston a hurricane country do you guys have any like what's up with houston any issues down there more towards the coast but we do get some like pretty big storms but uh where we live we had that really big flood before i'd moved here that like crushed a lot of houses but are you below sea level is houston below sea level i don't know oh not elevation though for sure just yeah it's just so humid hey i don't like houston for one reason one reason. It's just too far away. Well, Texas in general, like I'm from the Northeast. And if I drive six hours, I can go through like seven states. And then you can go from the west of Houston to the east of Houston in six hours. You're like, you're only in the middle of the state. It's wild to me. Yeah, you're not you're not even flying
Starting point is 00:03:45 anywhere fast no it's terrible yeah in that in that regards yeah if i lived in houston i mean even where i live in california i feel like um i'm not going anywhere but if i lived in houston i definitely would never go anywhere yeah wow you guys are south crazy big city yeah huge um uh permanent you got married and went there yeah well we kind of a weird story but we met when he was at his fellowship in philadelphia and then what's a fellowship is he a priest uh no he's a surgeon okay so he was wow yeah he's very smart much smarter than me but, but yeah, he does a hip and knee surgery. So he was doing his fellowship is basically the last year of training where he specializes in hip and knee. And we happened to meet during that time when he was at Penn and we had met and gone on like a date and it was great. And then he was like, well, I actually just took a job in Texas. And I was kind of like, well, it was really nice meeting you. You know, we're, I'm not going to keep going on dates with you. And then I went on dates with other people that
Starting point is 00:04:54 were like horrendous dates and he and I had still kept in touch. And he was like, why don't we still just hang out or go to dinner? And then we just kept hanging out. And then he was like, do you want to move to Texas? And like a few months later I did so and i quit my teaching job so it was kind of a wild wild time does he cross it oh no oh god that's a lot of doors open okay hold on so this is far this is philadelphia way up here yeah and then and then you met a dude. How did you meet him? On Hinge, like an online dating app. H-I-N-G-E? Yeah, during COVID.
Starting point is 00:05:32 Wow, how does that work? You're on an online dating app? How does that work? I've never seen an online dating app. I mean, I heard a lot about them. The only one I know is Tinder and Grindr. Well, yeah, I wasn't on Grindr or Tinder, but really I didn't go on that many dates. It was just a weird time. Like during COVID, like me and my girlfriends would go to the bar or go to a dinner or something. You're like trapped in a plexiglass box and you're
Starting point is 00:05:57 like, huh, how are we ever going to meet people? So I just went like on a few dates and honestly, I had a great experience. I really enjoyed dating. I know people think it's like the worst thing in the world, but I'm so annoying. I'm one of those people that if I sit next to you on a flight, like I'll probably want to talk to you. So I don't know. It was a cool experience. Just meet people and whether the dates went good or went bad, it was, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:06:21 I learned a little bit about humans and i'm still friends with a lot of people that i did go on dates with um but then yeah so he and i both matched on that and went to get food and just kind of had it all was he freaked out by you at all well like tongue-tied was he tongue-tied at all no i think he was more i don't know i think just in our sport us females we we look like something that came from outer space yeah yeah like for instance we went to napa this past week after semis oh yeah i felt like i couldn't go anywhere without someone i don't know if it's that area or what but someone coming up and just being like what do you work out and first of all like no this is genetics like you
Starting point is 00:07:05 don't fucking work out you know um but i think in his mind he was probably just like well this she looks different than most girls that i see but even even like the first time he hugs you it's got to feel different i guess i haven't really i guess you have a profile and I definitely put it out there that I look this way because I feel like if I showed up on a date, how do you say that? How do you say that? Uh, how do I say I can, like, how do you say, how do you, how do you, how, how does someone like, like, how do you, how do you let someone know you look like this? Let me tell you something.
Starting point is 00:07:43 How do you let someone know you look like this? Let me tell you something. This is Napa? This is how you walked around in Napa? Like this? Yeah. Yeah, people were fucking losing their mind. Is this the greatest photo you've ever taken?
Starting point is 00:08:01 Do you like this photo? I mean, look at the background. You can't take a bad photo there, I guess. Yeah, it's crazy. It's crazy yeah it's crazy i mean i mean this this is for how many how long has it been this is three days after you worked out at the summit at the west semifinals uh this was that night that monday that night no no i'm sorry like monday night we drove from uh where where did we end up so we stayed in pasadena but i was thinking we're we were stopping in between but we didn't um and marco calderon sorry sevan is giddy i'm crazy giddy i thought it was i didn't know how i was going to bring this picture up but
Starting point is 00:08:37 okay so so you go on a date with him and you let him know ahead of time hey i'm he knows somewhere on your profile it's like i'm not normal yeah you you put pictures up on your profile okay so like included one like working out so that they wouldn't be like who is this shrek that just walked into this date with me yeah it's like um uh you're kind of trying to find a horse that kind of matches like have you ever seen like this it would be like hey if someone said hey do you want to go horseback riding and you show up and it's fucking this thing this better be a Clydesdale or something yeah yeah and you're like I don't know like is that rideable like what like what look at that thing yeah you're gonna need some training to get. Like, is that writable? Like, what? Look at that thing.
Starting point is 00:09:25 Yeah, you're going to need some training to get on that thing. That thing has veins in its nose. I'm dead. My goodness. Okay, so is he smitten right away? Can you tell? Yeah, I think so. He wasn't acting like super nervous or something.
Starting point is 00:09:42 That's what you mean. What about the horrendous guy? Why did that go horrendous oh it's funny my husband will say it all the time like he owes this guy like our relationship i don't know i got picked up by this guy he had a red mustang and he was just like the like the date was just terrible i went into the bathroom and like texted zach my husband during the day i was. I was just like, God, I'm going to have a date. But we were so friendly at that time that it was like normal. He knew that I was going on dates.
Starting point is 00:10:11 I was open about it. And then the guy dropped me off, which is also weird why I got in a car with him like a stranger. But I think he was like a mutual friend of some people that I knew. And he like tried to kiss me, but like I wasn't like going for it and i don't know why he got the feeling that i wanted to and he ended up like kissing me on the neck oh it was just fucking torturous so dating is fun unless you have one like that we were just like what the fuck just happened when i walk in my house how many years ago is that about four and how old are you 31 i know i'm a geezer in the sport when when the first time i saw you was in albany
Starting point is 00:10:54 uh texas do you know what's really funny about that so i did the first event which is the triple three it was the first event i've ever done and I ended up taking fifth in that or six in that event, my first one. And this is how new I was to the sport. I was like, oh, they only take top five. So I don't think I'm going to be able to make the games. I just had no idea. I had no idea what I was doing. And then that third day you had interviewed me and I think I was sitting in seventh or
Starting point is 00:11:22 eighth and you were like yeah you have a chance to make the games and again I just like I didn't have a coach that really knew what was going on I my second year of competing I was like do I like I didn't even know the math um what year was that 17 yeah because I I went team 2016 and then 17 18 went indie um I want to go back just a little bit more you're born you're born and raised in Philly And then 17, 18 went indie. I want to go back just a little bit more. You're born and raised in Philly? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:55 And were you always into sports? Were you into fitness, sports, movement? Yeah. So I'm the youngest of four. So I have two older brothers. So that just made me competitive by nature, I think. I also was obsessed with WWF wrestling and so were they so I was like the pawn in their little games that like we would be yeah that's my two brothers but we would be on the trampoline I was getting like stone cold stunnered and like I just wanted to play with them or hang with them all the time so that made
Starting point is 00:12:25 me a little bit more competitive but yeah I played soccer basketball and ran track in high school and then I played college soccer and then after I kind of did the running scene of like marathons half marathons and then found CrossFit tell me tell what sports did you do again you did you did um say that again you did soccer soccer basketball and i ran track in high school and then i played college soccer you didn't play soccer in high school but you played college soccer no i did oh okay okay okay and um do you have a do you have a surgery did you have a surgery on your knee you got a knee surgery no i've had only shoulder problems from crossfit how many years did you play collegiate soccer?
Starting point is 00:13:06 All four. Wow. Wow. I mean, you're lucky you got out of there without some sort of fucking knee incident. Yeah, it's pretty funny. I found CrossFit through, we worked pen camps when we were in college just over the summer to make some money. And a girl named Emma Chapman, she played at Marshall. And it was the summer after make some money. And a girl named Emma Chapman, she was, she played at Marshall and it was the summer after she had graduated. She still worked the camps and she was doing CrossFit. She's like, do you want to come lift with me? And this was my senior year of college.
Starting point is 00:13:35 And I was like, I need to get to the track. I don't really need to lift weights, you know? And anyway, I go to the gym with her and I think her workout was like three kipping pool ups a minute for 10 minutes. And I, she has like a video of me. I can't even do one. It's pretty funny, but she ended up making semifinals in 2017, the same year that I did. We just happened to be in different regions, but it was pretty cool that we both had, you know, started so small and kind of worked our way up. And when you say Penn Camp you mean Penn State
Starting point is 00:14:06 Penn State's a university uh University of Penn okay University of Penn okay and that's different than Penn State yeah they're different yeah I don't thank you and and that was your first introduction to had you ever deadlifted up to that point had you ever you touched a barbell no not a barbell like we did we did leg press or lunges and things like that in college with our strength and conditioning coach but god like what a disservice i would i think about how much better i would have been if i did a quarter of the things that i do now like i would love to step on a soccer field and i would just manhandle girls no no you know bench never never done bench press before crossfit no no no never no pull-up no clean no deadlift no we i think we tried to do power cleans in college but it was just so
Starting point is 00:14:54 different between guys and girls they would be power cleaning benching setting like you know records for the school and us girls were like on the track doing like lunges and riding the elliptical or something i don't know so stupid did you go through a crazy uh body comp change as you started crossfit oh yeah i was i think when i started crossfit i got down to like 135 or something like weighed 135 pounds because i think i just and how tall and how tall are you Cause I think I just lost. And how tall, and how tall are you? I'm five, three and a half. I claim five, four though.
Starting point is 00:15:27 It's fine. Yeah. Me too. Yeah. I definitely lost weight pretty easily. I'm a nutrition coach. So it's my favorite type of client is someone who, well, everyone comes to me saying they want to lean out and get more muscular.
Starting point is 00:15:44 And it's like impossible to do unless you're one type of person and that's someone that has weight to lose but has never lifted in their life so they'll start lifting put on muscle and they're just going to shed fat at the same time and i feel like that's kind of what happened to me is this your is this your are these your homies this is who you work yeah yeah that's the company i work for yeah okay um uh i do want to i would i do want to talk about this i do want to talk about nutrition i want to go back so so the first time you go into a crossfit gym you're uh did you say senior in high school or senior in college so it wasn't actually a crossfit gym i just did one workout with this girl at the upenn camp that we were at but my first time walking into a crossfit gym was uh it's probably maybe two years after i graduated college so it was 2016 2015 because i went team
Starting point is 00:16:37 2016 season and somehow made the games with them and um so so you go in there and then do you like, well, you didn't go into a CrossFit gym, but you were introduced to CrossFit. Yeah. And then when was the first time you actually went into a CrossFit gym? Yeah, that was two years after college. I went to a CrossFit gym. Yeah. And did you like it right away? Oh, I was obsessed. Well, the workout was like run burpees and maybe deadlifts or something so it was something I didn't really know how to do but I was going to be good at all three of those things because they weren't high skilled if it was something that was like bar muscle-ups the first day I walked in I think that would have been different because I don't do well when I'm not good at something
Starting point is 00:17:20 um but because it was like in you know things that I would be good at, and I was just beating people that maybe have been there. I was like, Oh, I think I could, I could do this. I think this could be pretty cool. And you and you got a new adaptation right away, right? So you were already in shape, you could already push hard. And then all of a sudden, probably like within weeks, you were like, Oh, shit, something's happening to my body yeah and i really in the beginning it wasn't so much for aesthetics i was just kind of looking for an outlet because i was doing the running scene and i just felt like i don't know i i can't be i can't do this much longer i'm getting really bored so it was more trying to find that void that i had. Why do you think you like sports so much growing up? Strictly because of your brothers or do you,
Starting point is 00:18:07 it was, uh, I don't know. I've just always been competitive. My mom even says when I was four or something, I was playing soccer and they didn't keep score when you're that young. And she'd be like, you're doing great.
Starting point is 00:18:19 And I would be yelling, no, we're losing. Like I, at a young, I don't know. I think it was just ingrained in me, but now that I'm older, like I, if I was to think about myself more and try to diagnose myself,
Starting point is 00:18:32 I think I'm just really am obsessed with just seeing what I'm capable of. Like I, after I'm done CrossFit, I'll probably do an ultra or try to do an Ironman or something just to, because I think it's really cool when you think you can't do something and you're like, fuck yeah, I can. And I don't know, I'm kind of upset with that. You've been going at it a long time. This is the first year you ever went individual? This is the first year you've made individual?
Starting point is 00:18:57 To games, yeah. Yeah, crazy, right? I mean, it's a long road, right? You've been on? Yeah. So not that I've taken anything away from this year. I just also haven't really given myself the chance to make it as an individual. I've had really awesome teams that asked me to go team,
Starting point is 00:19:14 and I felt like I couldn't turn them down. And not that I didn't feel like I was fit enough then to make it as an individual. But this year, I truly, like, I've make it as an individual but this year I truly like was I've made it my goal after last games in August I kind of let went home sat on the plane I was like you know what I'm gonna I'm gonna put my clients and cut them in half and I'm gonna give this season everything I've got and I'm not gonna to have any regrets. So I just decided to go for it. I was watching that Ascend podcast. Is that guy Tristan your coach?
Starting point is 00:19:52 Yeah. Is he still your coach? Yeah. To this day? How long has he been your coach? Only since August. So when I decided I was going to go individual, I was kind of thinking the route that I wanted to take.
Starting point is 00:20:03 Like, okay, kind of some big name coaches i could reach out to um but i just didn't i didn't want to be one of 20 athletes or one of 30 you know and um he works at my gym and he's he nerds out and he's smart he just hasn't really had the opportunity to have any like high level names. And he shows up every day at the gym to watch me and he's really fucking incredible. Jeff Lerner, Jr.: Sorry. Someone just said name tags are off. You know what? I don't even know how to turn those on. I used to know all that stuff. If do if i do that does that no i didn't know i do that no all right fuck it i don't know sorry thank you that'll have to be something i figure out with suza that just started happening as we started fucking with the sponsors and putting them down there at
Starting point is 00:20:56 the bottom um he's at a local gym in houston yeah so when i moved to houston i only went to one gym cross and i was like cross what say it again CrossFit Greater Heights. And I was like, damn, this place is fucking awesome. They have everything. And they're kind of like an OG mentality. I don't know. I remember during that whole time when everyone started dropping their affiliate. I feel like CrossFit gyms got like two people. I think I do remember that.
Starting point is 00:21:24 Hold on. Yep, I remember. yeah everyone i feel like crossfit gyms got like i think i do remember that hold on yep i remember but like i feel like crossfit gyms got too cool to do friday night lights or i don't know themes and throw parties at their gym it was like everyone was kind of over that scene and then i went to greater heights and they're so community-based they're they're base. They're fucking awesome. They threw a party where we left for semis, a big barbecue for the three of us that made it. It was just really awesome.
Starting point is 00:21:53 Did he have any other games athletes? He has a team that had made it to games. They were something ascend. How did you know you weren't out of his league i don't did you know that you weren't too good too refined too too much experience too much like like why not go to like because i never heard of the guy yeah so how do you know how do you try so it's it's your i'm seeing like oh shit you're getting down to like your last hurrah but you're also going to try to jump over your biggest uh you know canyon chasm and and you go with some unknown dude at some gym
Starting point is 00:22:31 in fucking houston yeah i mean i did know him before it wasn't like he was just some stranger but like i said i just i wanted someone to be there and I I knew that the journey individuals is can be lonely and having a remote coach doing my programming on the other side of the gym by myself I didn't want to just celebrate also alone like when I qualified for the games there was a that was like half for me half for him um and and a big part for husband. I know he's not like in the sport, but I don't think that's the part that a lot of people don't see is, you know, the people that are closest to you, the hit that they take and the toll they take having someone that's emotionally and physically just kind of drained all the time. So, yeah, I don't know. I just decided if I was going to trust him, I was going to trust him 100 percent. And, yeah, he's been nothing. I just decided if I was going to trust him, I was going to trust him 100%. And, yeah, he's been nothing.
Starting point is 00:23:28 I couldn't have asked for better. I've heard people say a lot of shit about CrossFit athletes and analysis and thoughts. And he said something in that Ascend podcast I had never heard before. It was kind of crazy. And I was like, wow, I'd like to hear more on the subject he said so so i i made a um i had um michelle bassnet on the other day and i made this joke just basically like teams are just for fucking jackasses like hey don't teams just for people who don't want to compete at the highest level they're scared it was over the top i was it was
Starting point is 00:24:01 kind of plain right just like what's the worst thing i could say about teams and i threw masters and adaptive and kids in there too just just kicking some ass you know and like like teams is a place you go to hide right but he said about you this is the part i'd never heard before that actually teams didn't allow you to show your true skills. So it was the opposite for you, that basically you have things that you're better at as an individual that can't be expressed as a team athlete. I was like, holy shit, I never heard it that way. That basically you're a better individual athlete.
Starting point is 00:24:43 Like I've always made this assumption that if you're a better individual athlete. Like I've always made this assumption that if you're a good individual athlete, you'll be good team, if not a better team athlete, right? Because you don't have to go quite as hard. But this guy is saying, no, no, it's not like that for Kelly Baker. Kelly Baker is actually going to be a better individual athlete than she is a team athlete. And I was like, holy shit, I've never heard anyone say that or i've never even pondered that well i where i think he's even coming from is i'm just pretty consistent and with teams unless you're getting first through fifth and a lot of these
Starting point is 00:25:18 semifinals and things like that you're not not really going to podium or, or, you know, maybe even qualify. It's like the top 10 are getting the top 10 for the most part, I would say. But for individuals, you can be top 20 and, and qualify. You just have to not have any big holes. And not that I haven't worked really hard to have, I do have holes. I'm not saying that, but I pretty even keel across the board. I'm probably not recognized a ton by sponsors or by people because I don't really have any home runs like, you know, a Danny Spiegel or in my best friend, Kelsey, like they can lift a fucking house. Now my clean is like two 60. My snatch is almost, it's like one 95. Like it's good enough.
Starting point is 00:26:04 I'm not going to lose the snatch event. enough i'm not gonna lose the snatch event i'm not gonna lose the lifting event uh my runs are pretty good um you know i'm so i'm just i think in his mind it's like yeah i can kind of chip away at workouts and and do pretty well but you don't like justin madaris he won the games and didn't win one event i know crazy right well it's just like i think that's kind of what he means is um and also the mentality of team is very much big sets like short output big sets then rest that's how it used to be at least but for me i'm kind of remind myself of like an 800 meter runner where i'd rather just keep an 80 heart rate and i can sustain that for 25 minutes and i'll do really well in that workout
Starting point is 00:26:52 rather than fran or something like that when you saw ariel lowen make the games a couple years ago did that pop on your radar uh because mom or just because just because i i sort of see her in your category you you know sort of just like hey uh maybe not a lot of people believed in her she was a warm body at the event she did good she she stayed in the fight and then you know at the at the end of the day she didn't she wouldn't make it you know maybe to the games and um she'd been around a while and just kind of cruising yeah uh i mean i'm always rooting for like an underdog but she wasn't someone that was is there anyone is there anyone like that on your radar you're like fuck if they can do it i can do it or like inspires you or uh
Starting point is 00:27:36 not really i mean i think i've always kind of put my head on the pillow and thought about i remember my first time at regionals hearing that fifth place spot. Cause they were always a wild card, you know? I mean, at that time it was top five, so it was really hard to make it, but it was always like one through four. You kind of knew who was going to get in. And that fifth place spot was always up for grabs. And I always thought how fucking cool would it be to just hear your name in that last qualifying spot
Starting point is 00:28:06 and that's kind of been a motivator for me but i don't know if there's anyone totally on the radar i guess someone i i don't want to say i compare myself to but kind of like a page simenza she does not get enough credit and she's she does she does the work like she'll be top 20 at the games or something and she still just doesn't get any recognition because she's not doesn't have that many home run hits but she's just really consistent um so yeah those are the kind of maybe the people i cheer for the most because i i kind of know what that's like um did you did you have a good cry after this semifinals, West? Yeah, to be honest.
Starting point is 00:28:51 I picture all the athletes just going back to their room. Like, if it was me, I just would picture myself going back to my room and just putting my head in my pillow and just crying for, like, five minutes. Like, for no reason. Just, like, fucking like a teapot. Just steam off. Yeah, you're so anxious the whole weekend. Like, whether people think the top dogs aren't, fucking like a teapot, just steam off. Yeah. You're so anxious the whole weekend. Like whether people think the top dogs aren't even they are, you know, um, I think I was like,
Starting point is 00:29:14 as much as I was so proud and excited, I was disappointed on my outcome. Like you were disappointed. Yeah. I like had written on my handle the whole training season. Like you are top five and not now looking back at those workouts in the field. Like I'm not saying I should have been top five, but I still I'm with you. I'm with you. I still think if that last event just didn't go the way it did and if it it would have went how I, how confident I was in myself for that event, I think I would have been at least seven and, or if I didn't drop the bag,
Starting point is 00:29:51 I would have been eight. So I, that's right. I forgot about that. You had the bag incident. Yeah. I would have just, I feel like I look like,
Starting point is 00:30:00 Oh, she just, you tumbled and rolled pretty good too. Right. You tumbled and rolled pretty good. Right. Yeah. At least I felt like I oh, she just called. And you tumbled and rolled pretty good too, right? You tumbled and rolled pretty good, right? Yeah, at least I felt like I looked athletic enough. You look crazy athletic. Did you post that on your Instagram?
Starting point is 00:30:13 Not the tumble roll. I posted the announcement. Oh, you need to. You need to. Okay, sorry, go back. So if you would have done better at that seventh workout, you would have felt better about your placement? Yeah, like obviously it just made for it that feeling being here my name announced to be so much more glorified like i
Starting point is 00:30:32 i thought i was out i had my the math that i was trying to do in my head and i was like i'm fucking i i can't believe i just fucked that for me so i was give me a second here kelly let me paint this picture so so it's it's the sixth event um and do you remember what place you were in in the sixth event uh so six or seven six after the sixth event do you remember what place you were in six i was sitting in seventh place okay and then the next workout go go ahead. With a cushion. Like basically my coach was like, as long as you don't really fuck this last one up, like we're good. And that was the last words he said.
Starting point is 00:31:13 No. Okay. So she's sitting in seventh place. The top 10 go. The last workout is I think you got to be on the assault bike and then you got to do some toes to bar and then you got to carry a heavy ass bag and you have to do that three times yeah and then the third round you're coming across your your your i don't know 15 yards from the finish line and the bag slips out of your hands and you're still running fast in it and you hit it and you and you tumble a good
Starting point is 00:31:40 tumble you roll fucking eight to eight or 10 feet away from your bag. Yeah. And you got to get, and then you got to get up and you grab your bag and you carry it across the finish line and you're in fucking 30th. I mean, it's just, it's an error. It's not even, it's not even indicative of your, of what you're capable of. It's just a fucking error. I think that was the worst thing. The worst part about it was in training that was the one workout that i practiced that i was like fuck like this is it this is a good one i need to get myself in a position
Starting point is 00:32:14 and then all i gotta do is just handle this last event like i'm good at toes to bar yeah good at toes to bar i'm the sandbag like we practice i practice, I felt good with it. The bike, like I'm on the bigger end, I think. And I, I just knew that I just needed to maintain. And so I think I, throughout the whole weekend, I really prided myself on just staying true to me and not worrying so much about like this, where I was going to end up on the leaderboard. I truly wanted to trust my body until in that event, I was getting onto the sandbag and everyone was either finished or on the sandbag already. So I think I had like a little bit of a panic where in retrospect and maybe experience, I just should have taken my time, grabbed the bag and really like held onto it before getting to move.
Starting point is 00:33:01 But I was running that sandbag as if i was fucking hussein bolt i don't know who i thought i was um so that was the problem i'm not tell me about the problem why the when a couple things tell me about the problem with how you grab the bag by the way i love that you say you were running like bolt you're a beast um where you're so you're short so your arms having trouble getting around the bag or you think you were running too fast? And my final question in that is when the bag fell, did you know a split second before it fell that it was going to fall? Or did you have when it fell, you were like, what the fuck? So it wasn't that my arms weren't around.
Starting point is 00:33:38 I just I tried to pick it up and start running at the same time. I was just like, you have 60 feet. Like, get this bag off the ground. What the fuck have you been doing this workout? Yeah. Um, and so that was the first question. And then, Oh, what did I know it was going to fall? I kind of like I, the finish line was so close and I was just like, keep moving and just, just keep it with you and then it fell and then as it fell i fell like on top of it so then i was further away from the bag and then i was just like get up and fucking grab this thing did you feel it slip like like in that moment it was i was running too fast i was like did you have
Starting point is 00:34:22 a chance to readjust where you like should should I slow down and readjust or no, there wasn't any time for any of that. No, I was just awesome. Your balls to the wall. Yeah. But so event six was the, actually the workout that I was most nervous for.
Starting point is 00:34:35 That was the chipper. Yeah. Listen, wait, sorry, sorry. Hold on. Listen for a couple of things.
Starting point is 00:34:40 Assholes. Listen, Eden Beaver, someone stopped cutting her off. Stop man. Listen, I have to paint the picture for people who don't know what the workouts are or like remind you how tall she's i have to do that yon clark uh have we established different nipples
Starting point is 00:34:53 or pierced we're not talking about nipples pierced anymore that went weird with danielle i'm gonna try to avoid that for six i'm on a six month hiatus of asking guests about their nipples okay go ahead event six uh the ch Yeah. So obviously we got all the workouts. I thought event one would be a really good workout for me. I love gritty workouts. It wasn't that fucking, the sled was anyway that I guess that's here nor there, but event six was the one that I was like, this can fuck you up if you just don't listen to your body. So in that event, I was in the top heat and I was second on the rope climbs, like on the way back down, I actually, I should have done my handstand pushups on broken. And I heard, you know, Bethany Shabert and someone else came off
Starting point is 00:35:37 the wall. And then I thought, what do you mean you heard? What do you mean you heard? Like from the announcer. So I, Oh, you're listening on the wall right before me and i was like you know i'm just gonna go for the 20 unbroken and then i heard that they came off the wall and then i was thinking oh gosh maybe i should come off the wall so that's a little bit have that thought mid mid mid fight you're in the fight and then you hear the commentator say they came off the wall and you're like fuck maybe so much reflection from the weekend but that was one thing i'm a little bit disappointed in myself of this weekend i just felt like i played it so safe like alex was on the ropes and then i was second on the rope and she did a rope climb so i waited and then i did a
Starting point is 00:36:17 rope climb and then i waited she did a rope climb and it was more like well in that workout I will say a lot of the workouts that I feel were very set up as traps the way the programming was so like you could overhead squat you can row handstand pirouette but if you get I mean we saw it with Sarah but if you hop on that rope too early before your body's ready like and you foul that it only thing that helps you is time so then you just have to wait it out so I was conservative in a sense of like all right getting an 11th place here rather than a third I'm still in a qualifying position that's what I came here to do but I didn't get to I just feel like the whole weekend I didn't feel like I could like be a dog in the
Starting point is 00:37:02 fight and go grab what I wanted it was more like even the rower at the very end, I was, I think I was in third. I was rowing like a two 15 because my overhead squats didn't feel that good. So I was like, you know what? I just want to, I built it up before the overhead squat. So I just played it so conservative, which obviously it worked out in the end. The goal, the only goal was to make games, but I just feel like I didn't really get to display who I am and kind of what I can perform like, which I think, I don't know, this year at games, I'm going to just try to be that.
Starting point is 00:37:37 I have nothing to lose. What's Tristan say about that analysis? He said the same thing i think he like he thought you were being a little you could have been a little more taking more risks he said like you're capable of getting a third in that workout you could have been right and you got a fifth well no and i got like 11th or something like that in that workout i was talking about my heat but in my oh so i did get 11th in that workout i believe event six um but we both knew it's so easy to say woulda coulda shoulda like if i did go on broken on the handstand push-ups and push the legless if i got a no rep that could have cost me an 11th to a 30th or more.
Starting point is 00:38:26 So I think he was kind of like, no, we did what we needed to do. You should be really proud of yourself. And it set me up to, he put it in a way that made me feel a lot better after event seven. He said event seven didn't show like who you are as an athlete. Event six showed you gave yourself enough cushion to have it all fall apart and you still make it so i don't know that that made me feel a little bit better yeah so an eighth is definitely definitely possible for you eighth place overall yeah i mean just if you just wouldn't have dropped the bag you'd have been an eighth
Starting point is 00:39:02 instead of tenth yeah and when they're calling your name, it's between you and Danny Spiegel. I counted myself out. I even looked at my coach. I'm like, did you do the math? And he's like, he looked like he was coding for Apple. He was like, cool. And he's just like, I don't know. And I really think he probably in that moment counted me out.
Starting point is 00:39:23 Yeah. And I did, too. think he probably in that moment counted me out yeah um and i i did too so when all the girls as we were waiting which felt like fucking two years before they were announcing it is a long wait it is a long way forever and then they obviously announced you know third to first and then fifth to tenth and or fourth to tenth and when they announced bailey had the ninth place spot and she was in 15th i was like this is fucking it right and then how much she moved you knew how much she was like if someone from 15th now took a ninth i think and i knew danny had done well on that workout and then they put me and her up on the screen. I was like, all right. I was more
Starting point is 00:40:06 just like prepping myself that it wasn't me. And I was just going to remember, like, it's not just me who this is for. My family had flown out to see me and I want to still put on a face for them and my coach. And I just didn't want to be like, I wanted to still be proud of the season that I had. And I was kind of playing that in my mind so of course the video of me getting announced looks so dramatic like all right we get it you made games but it was more like one I was so proud of myself for making it but two I was completely shocked I really had no I thought when they were saying like in the 10th place i was just waiting for to hear danny's name i i didn't think you i thought it was a appropriate amount of uh shock and i and i yeah kudos to you
Starting point is 00:40:53 and it's kind of crazy that it's with such a big name in the sport i didn't so your your picture what we see at home is everyone also in the stadium can see like you look up and there's a screen and it's you and danny on there so you know it's between you two yeah oh shit i didn't even know that wow wow um ryan uh you were uh a quarter of a second more and she doesn't make the games or if danny would have snatched like not taking anything away from her but, but I just knew like what she's capable of hitting and snatch. So coulda, shoulda, woulda and a lot of these things. But yeah, I'm just, I was fortunate the ball fell on my side. Jeffrey Watkins, Kelly doesn't have happy to be there mentality.
Starting point is 00:41:40 Oh, how do you interpret that? I mean, I'm so grateful to be here on the show or maybe if they're talking about of course you're happy to be here on the show uh no meaning um fuck you i want to win like it's like it's it's just not good you're well i think after you want to win like you already want to win again like it's never enough for you yeah i'm glad i made it here at the games yeah no i i think every all 40 of those girls that are going to show up aren't just happy to be there i i think and i actually hope uh if you are having that like happy to be here mentality and that's the only reason i'm happy i just made
Starting point is 00:42:24 games and i'm just going to go have fun then Then I don't know. I think there's probably 50 girls that are behind you that are hungry to try to make a statement at games. So I don't, to get there, I don't think anyone has that mentality because it it's all consuming of your life. And anyone that says that their life isn't consumed by it, that makes games. You don't just accidentally make games. that their life isn't consumed by it that makes games you don't just accidentally make games do you do you think that um did you feel any um i guess it's a little early to tell because you haven't gone to the game but do you do you sense any um closure by by making it as an individual uh like an itch that was scratched scratched that was itched well i guess that works i guess when you look at like the big goals that i've set for myself in life
Starting point is 00:43:12 i can check it off so if something were to present itself and i wanted to move in that direction i could say you know i i did what i wanted to do in this sport. But I don't know. None of this is really about games. I said this on many podcasts or things. It used to be always about that. Like it used to be about, I just want it to be so validated. It's kind of embarrassing to say. I just wanted people to recognize me. And I wanted to think the work I'm putting in is getting recognized by certain people.
Starting point is 00:43:44 And I don't, I even in the world of social media, that kind of boomed when I started the sport and just feeling like, how am I not getting recognized? Like I'm, I made games many times where I did, you know, in the open, I did really well or something so stupid. And I'm seriously embarrassed by it, but I guess good lesson learned, but I don't really give a fuck. I, I really just genuinely care about me, like making the most out of, out of my life, whether it's things I do with my family or sport or something like that, that I don't know. I kind of like the idea that not many people get to see the ins and outs of what I go through. Like, yeah, I post a lot on social media, but I don't know.
Starting point is 00:44:26 I've probably had like almost a panic attack the week before semis. And, you know, I've cried a bunch just because I was feeling like overwhelmed and things like that, but only certain people get to see that side of me. And I think that's so intimate and so cool that, yeah, I don't know. I think a part of me wanting to make games in the very beginning was about this weird recognition that I wanted to like live up to or have people, you know, recognize me in general. That's kind of why when I called you out,
Starting point is 00:44:55 it was like, I don't actually give a shit. And I know that analysts are going to have their opinions of people and that's fine. I did feel like this season, I deserved to people to say, you know, she has a big shot because I did really well in the open last year. But then I went team and then I did really well in open. I did really well in quarters. I won TFX. So I did all the things I felt like I needed to do. And I did just still get kind of written off by a lot of people. But that's why I'm so glad that I've kind of been in the sport for a while. It's like, no one's opinion really does matter. It's really just
Starting point is 00:45:31 about, I don't know, I want to lay my head down on a pillow at night and just be like, I'm so fucking proud of you. And that I think a lot of people maybe don't do. And don't know i think that's like a life i don't really want to live so if it's not crossfit after this and maybe it's mom maybe it's ultra marathon it's something that i just want to be like whatever it is i'm doing i'm gonna be really fucking great at it or i'm gonna try my hardest to be great at it and And so, yeah, games is going to be fucking awesome. I can't wait to train and get ready for it. But I don't know. It's not the biggest thing in the world in terms of like what we all are capable of trying to achieve. Do you enjoy all of it?
Starting point is 00:46:16 By that, I mean yesterday and the day before, the last two or three days, I have been very emotional. And for me, emotional is like I'm pretty fucking – I can get really fired up, like really fired up. But even when things are bad, I kind of enjoy life. So even when you're sitting there crying or when you're having doubts, is there a part of you that's also enjoying it too, almost like you're getting to – some people, people becomes all encompassing and they have nowhere else they can't even watch their own show yeah do you know what i mean like there's a part of you that like even enjoyed like tripping over the bag you're like wow this is like my fucking life like look at this fucking shit show everything's fucking
Starting point is 00:46:59 i'm in the middle of this stage i've tripped over the bag is there a party that kind of enjoys the gets to enjoy the ups and the downs like it's not all encompassing do you know what i'm saying yeah no no i do i actually watched it for the first time like uh maybe it was two days ago because i was i was so i have like ptsd from it um but yeah i just think we all get to write this really cool story and i'm excited to for my i like, as much as I hate social media sometimes and videoing and photos, like, I think it's going to be a really cool little journey I get to show my kids. And that part I'm really excited about. But, yeah, the ups and downs, I mean, I would say 80% of training is fucking hard, man. Like, it's really – this sport is really hard.
Starting point is 00:47:54 It's emotionally hard. It's draining. It's a lot of sacrifice. I mean, I say no to a lot of things. And then about 20% is really, really fucking awesome. And that makes it all worth it. But there's you know if it was easy i don't know if i would have been emotional when my name got called because you know at that moment you know all the sacrifices that you made and and the hard work it took to get there and so it's like really hard work for a really fucking awesome reward um i i think everyone can relate you know yesterday i went in the garage and i just said hey i'm gonna try to do as many burpees as i can in two minutes and it was fucking it was horrifying the seconds watching the clock tick down and and you know you go out to the track and you're like hey i'm just gonna run 400 meters as hard as i can but but that's your like i don't have to do that
Starting point is 00:48:43 like once a month, I get to be like, okay, here we go. And it's only, I choose very simple, stupid little things like that. Right. That's your day in and day out. Right. Every day at some point you have to be sack it up and be like, okay, I'm going to go into the, I'm going to go somewhere where it's so painful that I'm, that I'm, I'm going to take myself somewhere. I just really don't want to go. Everything you're being doesn't want to go there, but you have to go there to get adaptation. Is that. Yeah. Have you ever read David Goggins book?
Starting point is 00:49:15 No. Can't hurt me. I would like highly recommend to anyone. He's a Navy SEAL, but his whole thing is just about that's he's pretty much changed my mentality, but i would highly recommend anyone to listen to the audiobook because he reads it himself but he's just he gave you a mantra that helps you like embrace his mindset is like how weak human beings are and how little we do to push ourselves to be better and and so that my what i'm trying to say is i'm actually in a sport right now. Like
Starting point is 00:49:45 you said, you just went yourself, you're not competing. You go into the gym and you push yourself for two minutes to go do burpees, which is a similar workout that I could end up doing. Who knows the games could have two minutes of burpees in the gym. But what's so cool about our sport is you can relate to what I'm feeling. We can't relate to like, even the terror prior to it, the terror that comes with knowing that I'm going to do it. Oh yeah. All of that. Our fans.
Starting point is 00:50:13 And I hate, I'm not saying like that, but the people that come watch the CrossFit games can see a workout and just empathize or be like, damn, that's pretty fucking impressive. Where if you think about the people that watch football, we're all sitting around on the couch, eating wings, drinking beer,
Starting point is 00:50:31 criticizing these guys for whatever the fuck they do that day. So their fans are just, they have no emotional tie. They have no idea what actually these guys have been going through to get there, which I think is the coolest thing. I mean, even with sponsorships that was like a pitch i heard recently which i thought was really cool was you know if michael jordan's or he's so out of the game but let's say it's like lebron is wearing an arm sleeve like he's only selling that arm sleeve to the the people that maybe are playing basketball
Starting point is 00:51:00 and watching him but the majority of people watching him aren't playing basketball but me i'm wearing like you know tear shoes all the people watching me are also doing crossfit they're in and out of the gym every day so it's crazy the marketability of crossfitters because the fans or the people that are watching them are also doing what i'm doing right i don't know any people that watch CrossFit that don't do CrossFit unless they're like my aunt and uncle that are, don't really know what the fuck's going on, but they're just watching, see me on screen. Going back to when you said you've clicked over into this, I don't give a fuck. Let's say like, let's say there's just a, I don't know, a measuring tape and over here you don't give a fuck, and over here you do give a fuck what people think.
Starting point is 00:51:52 It's kind of interesting. I wonder if you think of it like this. As soon as you get just a little bit on the side of I don't give a fuck, it's a huge reprieve. It doesn't need to be like you don't give a fuck 100 you just need not to give a fuck 51 to get free from the grip of trying to make other people happy all the time right you just need a little bit of space but even you started the podcast by saying that like hey part of the you do this for three people you know and i know it's not this isn't a precise science but your coach, and your husband because of their commitment to you. Part of you utilize that pressure, that power you give them to put pressure on you to want to make them happy and proud. It's a wicked game.
Starting point is 00:52:39 Yeah, for sure. You have to not give a fuck, but you need them. But you also – it's kind of cool wanting to try to impress people and get validation yeah i read this quote which i thought was really really awesome it's been kind of maybe like a mantra for the season but there should be only two people you're trying to impress and that's your five-year-old self and your 90-year-old self oh wow not just like wow wow for me it was so uh yeah like that little girl that maybe didn't know what she could be capable of but then i also want to be that 90 year old that looks back and is like what a fucking weapon you were you know yeah yeah oh i like that yeah well it's good who's do you know
Starting point is 00:53:18 who said that i don't know i just kind of jesus did jesus say it was jesus yeah okay good give all the good ones to jesus uh how long does kelly want sorry barry mccalkin how long does kelly want to compete for a team with kelsey uh next year i'm not sure i'm gonna see how this season goes i'm not definitely not writing any team off even but um she tried to get me this year but i i had to say no to a few people. She's, she's my best friend. So, uh, she's super supportive and we've gotten team at Wadapalooza almost every year since 2016. So, uh, Michael Scott, I don't know who Michael Scott is on the office.
Starting point is 00:54:01 Oh, come on. in the office oh come on um uh you don't um you don't have any well no you have you have one sorry you have one well i've seen one seen one what seven i've seen one tattoo on you on this body um uh what while you drink a michelob ultra I think that's a Michelob Ultra. Michelob Ultra? I don't know. What does this say? Is that your only tattoo? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:33 So it says Fly Me to the Moon. It's like my song with my dad. He used to work night shift when I was a little girl. And before he would go to night shift, he would put me on his feet and dance to fly me to the moon before every time he'd leave so it was that little you know little shout out to my dad and is your dad still alive yeah yeah he's okay he's the fucking best best human ever and and why no tattoos why aren't you all covered up why don't you have like some like i don't know like colored on my dad had said to me before i'd
Starting point is 00:55:07 gotten mine like you don't put a bumper sticker on a bentley and i was like dad i'm a honda civic like we're good um but yeah so i don't know it's just i have nothing against them i think some are really rad i think i was close to getting a few but there was too many times where i was like oh i'm so glad i didn't get that tattoo like a year later and then i just come to the idea of yeah i don't i think one's enough and that's i don't know it just wasn't really me but my brother's all tatted up so was he in the military no you just didn't do it um that you're you're one of the few i think that i feel like you're one of the few that aren't all tatted up uh in our semi actually i think i don't think like katrin's not alex isn't ariel's not um maybe the west coast is all right good i'm glad to see you moving on i really like
Starting point is 00:55:59 that don't put a bumper sticker on a bentley i'm not that That sounds like I was saying that about any other girls. That's okay. I'm going to say that. You can claim it. I think he was just like, don't tat yourself up. I think you look great. I don't know. I like the tattoo. He told me not to.
Starting point is 00:56:18 I like the tattoo list. I like staring at the Bentley. Oh, you're a Maserati. Damn, appreciate it thanks all right um oh look at heidi says ferrari all right what about um um what happened was there an incident that made it so you clicked over to i don't give a fuck world i have two hypothesis it the, it was the love and support of your husband or it was, you got old. I'd say neither. Okay. Um, so 2017, when I met you, I was, I ended up seventh that year and I was so, I was so fresh to the sport and I, it gave me this idea of like, Oh my gosh, you can make it like you can make it next
Starting point is 00:57:05 year. So in 2018, I gave up everything. I, I was like, you know what? My brother got engaged. I didn't go to his engagement party because I wanted to go train. I, I just was so consumed by it. And my, I had the, probably the best open I ever had. I think I ended up, well, this past open was probably better, but at that time, and I think I was in the fifth seed going into regionals that year in the Northeast. And I ended up 13th, like the weekend just couldn't have went worse for me. And I had such an ugly, ugly, like outlook, ugly demeanor. ugly, like outlook, ugly demeanor. I felt like I deserved to make it that I had this like, fuck everything. Like, I'm so mad. And like, in, it took years, I guess, of growth. But looking back on that, I'm so ashamed of who that person was, just feeling like I deserved anything
Starting point is 00:58:02 over anyone else, because I happen to give up things. So I just wanted to have this mindset that I know people say it's kind of corny, like, oh, it's all about the journey. But I just wanted to make sure that like, whatever I'm doing right now, I can be really proud of myself that day or that night. And, you know, if it swings in my favor, like it did this week, that's awesome. And if it didn't, yeah, I would be really disappointed. But I'm also get to be really proud of all the work that I put in. So it's less about kind of like accomplishing whatever it is and more about, I don't know what I, what I can do in the every day that I'm making myself proud of. You were a school teacher for seven years?
Starting point is 00:58:41 Yeah. Second grade? Second grade and fourth grade. for seven years yeah second grade second grade and fourth grade it's weird how that stuck how I remember that you know you um and um did you miss teaching so this is only my second year without teaching I missed certain aspects of it I quit when we had moved to Houston so maybe it's three years um I missed the kids. Like that was just really fun. I was young, like I am younger too. So I felt like, not that I had an advantage over the older teachers, but they just, they wanted to be around me and they were, they thought I was cool. And, you know, they were just awesome. And I worked in a low income district and that was, you know, really eyeopening. I think a lot of people become teachers because they have supportive parents and they like to do homework and they had got
Starting point is 00:59:28 new folders. Like I loved to take notes. And then I became a teacher and was like, Oh shit, I'm actually on the outside. Like majority of these kids have it really rough. Um, so then there was a part of that that was exciting that I can make a little bit of a difference in a sense. The reason why the kids liked you wasn't because you were younger. It's because don't forget you're one of these. Everyone wants to be wiped by one of those. Everybody.
Starting point is 01:00:03 I still keep in touch with some, which is so now they're in high school, like my first year ones. Wow, that's a trip. Like their moms have been on Instagram and have, I guess, kind of followed my journey, which is really cool to see kind of how they are. But like the one little girl, her name's May. She'll hop on her mom's Instagram. I think she has her own, but she probably doesn't want to be weird. And she'll be like, we watched you this weekend.
Starting point is 01:00:21 It was so awesome. I think she actually said like LFG, like let's fucking go. And I was like, oh, wow. Second grader, you know, I mean, she's older now, but it is. You don't realize the impact that you get to make. I think it's pretty awesome. Will you go back to teaching? No.
Starting point is 01:00:39 When I left, I think I left at the right time. It just started getting pretty political. And it was during COVID too, when that whole mess was kind of going down. And I don't know, I really would like to do something in the future with kids. I always thought it would be really cool to do something with kids with autism and CrossFit,
Starting point is 01:00:58 just because it's kind of nonverbal sport and you can do it by yourself, but it'd be a way for, for them to, you know, do something where they don't have to be like on a team. And that's really hard for kids with autism. So I, something like that could be really cool or yeah, I don't know. I I'd like to do something with kids. I do think that we are witnessing the collapse of schools. As we know, one of the interesting statistics is statistics is 2 million kids, 4% of kids didn't return back to school after COVID. And there are schools closing all around,
Starting point is 01:01:32 especially in California, places where people can homeschool their kids or where they have that desire. Schools are closing down everywhere because people are homeschooling their kids. I spoke to a lady yesterday whose husband was a firefighter, and she went back to teaching for two years just so the family could make a little bit more money. And I can't remember what grade she taught. Did she say seventh grade? But she said it was crazy. She said it was absolutely fucking nuts. She said she cannot believe the state of affairs of schools.
Starting point is 01:02:01 When I heard that they took cursive out of school at one point i heard that they put what that's because you're old oh so it's okay to take cursive out that's just like okay i'm just this would be an example so like an hour a day of cursive for these kids to do when they're they're gonna have jobs that we don't even know exist right now so why are we like when was the last time you wrote a letter? Right, right. You know, like, so like. I mean, I write every day, but I don't write letters,
Starting point is 01:02:31 but I write just only because I'm on this show. I just write down notes because I'm old, because I need to fucking remember. You could probably do that and faster if you did it typing, right? Like you could take notes. Yeah. So they would, they would be more prepared for the real world. If we taught them how to, if let's say we even took out cursive
Starting point is 01:02:52 and did keyboarding, which they don't need because they've been using a keyboard since they were fucking two. But the biggest thing I always try to explain to parents that would get upset about something like, why are we not teaching cursive? Or it's like, because we're getting them ready for a job that literally is going to be all it that doesn't exist yet and them knowing cursive even if someone was like well how are they going to read the old documents like uh the declaration of independence like i don't know it's trans translated for them on the fucking internet like what an hour spent that when we could be coding which is going to be just developmentally appropriate for what they're working with and i think it's just a hard
Starting point is 01:03:34 thing for us to come around like oh we really are our world's transitioning so fast but right the way they're growing up and the jobs that they'll have and how they're learning and things are just so different than what we did. Like when I, when I was in grade school, we sat in a desk that were all in lines. We had to sit up a certain way. I didn't go to a Catholic school either, but like even the way I held my pencil was a certain way. I didn't even know my parents' generation. They, if you were left-handed, they forced you to write right-handed just crazy things and now that I'm when I taught it was like a kid has ADD like I don't even have a chair for him he sits on a bouncy ball like but he gets his work done and it's if you think about real world like for us even if I'm sitting for too long at my desk I'm like I need a fucking break so as
Starting point is 01:04:23 teachers I'm like oh we've been working for like minutes. Like let's kind of stand up and let's do an energizer, like put on a fun little dance, move around and then get back to work. And it's just a different world that, that these kids are growing up in. But I wish when we were kids that we were still treated that way. Like it's good to have the discipline, but to, to learn those skills of like, you know, you're in English class writing and you just, your brain's somewhere else or you're, you don't have nothing else to write. It's like, what do I do in the real world when that happens? Well, we get up and go do something else for a little bit, then come back to it. And those skills just aren't taught. So that was kind of cool as a teacher to be able to
Starting point is 01:05:06 implement some of those things. I agree with everything you're saying. Let me propose this to you. I don't think that's correct about cursive, but I hear everything else you're saying. You can, you can eventually everything's going to be just audio, right? You're going to be like Photoshop already has this thing. It says you can just be like hey um can you take a picture of kelly baker and put her in the desert and and it will just do it right um and in music there's people just making music with synthesizers now with no formal training right i don't think that means that you i still think that um i think you will erode i think the human intellect will erode if you don't challenge it with foundational shit like being able to write in cursive, be able to play an instrument. I just think that there's a happy medium.
Starting point is 01:05:54 I don't think that – but I agree with you. Kids should be learning how to code. But the truth is regardless of what me or you are saying, what's happening in schools is none of that. Yeah, yeah, Yeah. Right. So even if let's say you're right, I'm totally open to you being right, but none of that's happening. Kids aren't learning to code and they're not learning how to write cursive. They're being, they're being taught all sorts of just bullshit and,
Starting point is 01:06:18 and they're being babysat. Right. Cause the kids are so poorly behaved now. Yeah. Would you say that's a fair characterization uh or no just i i guess you see it in some situations and you have some situations you're so much more upbeat and positive than me tell me schools are great no i yeah i mean my experience was really awesome i think in the end if you treat kids like they're human beings um they're going to respect you and want to they're going to be intrins and want to, they're going to be intrinsically motivated to perform because they want your approval because all kids do.
Starting point is 01:06:51 Um, but if you treat them like they're your soldiers and that what you say goes and you don't really give a shit what they think or feel. Um, I also think teachers don't understand. Like I said, I think most teachers came from a really good background. They have parents that are still together. They were supported. They went to good colleges. They did well in school. And then they're thrown in and trying to understand these kids that come from a really low income family or parents that are divorced or abused and can't relate at all. But I'm going to tell you what to do do and I'm going to get mad that you aren't like totally
Starting point is 01:07:27 paying attention when the shit that you have going on at home is so above what any seven-year-old should be going through but I'm mad that you're not totally on board that I want you to be writing for that amount of time because it rains somewhere else. And I say it all the time. Like there were times when I was teaching and I went through like a really bad breakup and I'm trying to teach these kids and my brain is so somewhere else. I'm an adult. And even that was hard for me to pull together and still be there and be present. And we're expecting six-year-olds to do the same thing. And that's kind of the part that I think. Dad's beating mom at home and you're upset that the kid's not sitting still for 15 minutes. I remember the first time I happened to call Dyfus and like going home and just having my hands in my head.
Starting point is 01:08:17 What's Dyfus? So who you would call if someone's being harmed, like a child being harmed. That's what I mean. When you build a rapport with kids, you're the one person that they trust. You spend more time with them in that year than they spend with their parents. So if you respect them and if you let them in and let them talk and be who they are, they are going to open up and share with you things that are going on. And it's by law that you have to obviously report these things.
Starting point is 01:08:49 And you also don't get any feedback on what's happened. So once you make the claim to Dreyfus, they don't come back to me and say, now their living situation is this or this happened to dad or this uncle. It's just, okay, I move on with my day and act as if nothing else has changed when i see them and that was that was really hard um uh yon clark oh my god this woman is awesome all right fair enough uh christine young changed the subject no yes maybe uh spell dyphus Yes, maybe. Spell Dyfus. I love these people. Department of Child Services. Yeah, I think what we call Child Protection.
Starting point is 01:09:34 I think in California we call it Child Protective Services, CPS. Kelly Baker for president. That was quick. Would you ever run for political office? No. No. Maybe that could change you don't like politic do you like politics uh i try to stay out of the conversations how um because they're contentious or because you think they're pointless or
Starting point is 01:09:59 uh i just think everyone's one too one-sided and i'm just easier to i just yeah you're more you're you're yeah okay uh we'll come back to that uh chandler smith used to train with chandler smith uh no he came to visit because we went to he is kind of from the philadelphia area we would go to weddings together. We were really good friends. You were wedding crashers together? We were just so close, he and I, for a while back in the day. Actually, when I was supposed to go team, he was going to be on the team, and then the Army had called him back or something.
Starting point is 01:10:41 So he was supposed to go to Paris with us when we were competing. So he couldn't go, and with us when we were competing. He couldn't go and that's how we got Christian Harris. Then we went team that following year and we had qualified in Ireland but then COVID happened. Does this feel like forever ago?
Starting point is 01:10:58 It's four years ago. He's the kindest human being. love chandler oh do you are you did you say you're gonna have kids you think you're gonna have kids you're married now right yeah we want to have kids you met this guy and then got married met him on hinge yep and then there's four single ladies um do you um Do you ever go back and curate your Instagram? Do you go back and erase stuff? No. Like if I – like an ex and I broke up, I've deleted pictures.
Starting point is 01:11:36 But not – I don't even know what it was. No. It's kind of a fun little timeline. Like you can go back sometimes and see. and I'm just like, Oh my God. I, I, because as I went back there, I saw boyfriends of yours, previous boyfriends,
Starting point is 01:11:51 right? I don't know. I deleted them, but that's okay. If they were okay. But now that I said it, will you go back there and delete them? No,
Starting point is 01:12:02 no, it's not like I'm hiding anything, you know? No, I, I know no no i i know i was just i always just trip on it because it's kind of like your instagram is kind of like your family album right or your own personal people magazine that the whole world gets to see yeah and so then i was thinking oh she's married but then there's boyfriend i mean that's from years and years ago but like i dug in there like i was scrolling yeah yeah uh i don't really have any like and actually i don't even know for sure if they're your boyfriends i couldn't
Starting point is 01:12:29 tell for sure yeah i mean all my breakups haven't been like super toxic or anything like that i had two really long-term relationships one was seven years and one was three and a half years before i met zach yeah so um i don't have any like ill will against them. Seven years. That's a healthy relationship. Yeah. It was college. We dated all college. And then a little bit after you believe in like the seven year itch, like seven years. And then like, Oh shit. Like that's like for couples. Yeah. I think I, if I would have met him maybe when I was 30 it would have been like different
Starting point is 01:13:07 maybe would have worked out but I we were both growing up and figuring out who we were and I you know I'm so grateful for the times that I was single in my life because you know I I kind of got to discovered who I was I dated someone for so long when I was young that it was always like a we and never a me. I didn't really even know who I was. So I think it was probably the best thing that happened to me. Tell me about your first marathon. Why did you do that? And when was that?
Starting point is 01:13:39 I just, it was always on my bucket list. I always said like one day, one day. And then, like I said, I started listening to David Goggins and just his mentality is so like, why the fuck does people keep, do people keep saying like one day I'll do something. So I just was like, Oh, I Googled a closest marathon and signed up for it and, and went for it. And were you healthy afterwards? Did, did that injure you? I'd say like a full on training for it. And were you healthy afterwards? Did that injure you?
Starting point is 01:14:06 I'd say like a full on training for it. I felt, I mean, obviously like it's really, really hard. The last three miles, my body took a toll, but, um, no, I, yeah, I was, I was okay. The one that really fucked me up was David Goggins has this challenge. It's called four by four by 48. So the challenge is you run four miles every four hours for 48 hours. And I was like, well, I don't really have 48 hours. So I was like, you know what, I'm going to do two miles every hour for 24 hours. So it would be the 48 miles, but just in 24 hours. And I like my Achillesilles i could feel on that last mile like you could almost feel that stretching out i couldn't walk for like two days it really fucked me up so and that i didn't train for so lesson learned that any anything over i think a marathon you really
Starting point is 01:14:59 need to train for tell me about that a little bit more so you read about what year was that that you did that um yeah it was two years ago i did it like at at home in houston uh no in philadelphia and on a runner uh some of it i did outside but it was during winter time and at night in philadelphia like probably not the smartest thing. So I did that on a treadmill for like some of the hours in your house. Well, it was in an apartment building that had a gym. So I would just go down to the gym, run the two miles and come back up. Well, then did anyone do it with you?
Starting point is 01:15:41 No. I'm trying to get my head wrapped around this. So you hear about it in this book and then so then like you're like okay I'm going to um how long did you did you do a week prep or two weeks prep or you're just like okay tomorrow I'm gonna do this no I was more like tomorrow I'm gonna do I had to find a time that would because I was like oh do I want to start at like 6 a.m and then end at 6 a.m or do I want to start at like 6am and then end at 6am? Or do I want to start at 11 at night? And, and so it was more just trying to figure out like a time that it would, I could recover.
Starting point is 01:16:12 So I just decided to do it on a Saturday morning. I started at like 4am and the first like. You started, okay. Started at 4am. Okay. Okay. 4am then would end at 4am the next night. So the worst part was like the nighttime just trying to stay up.
Starting point is 01:16:27 It ends at 2 a.m. Right. No, it ends at no, it ends at 3 a.m. But that last hour, it took me 55 minutes to do two miles. So I was, I was walking like I, I, I almost quit. And my husband, he wasn't my husband at the time was like you can't you have to finish this like so I just ended up walking how did he was he staying in the apartment at the time yeah he slept on the couch like when I would come in and he would just kind of like talk to me throughout the night a little bit but then I the staying awake was really hard because I was so, my body was so exhausted. I should have almost started at nighttime and then worked the first couple hours through the night.
Starting point is 01:17:12 That maybe would have been easier than after running about 36 hour, 36 miles in the last couple of hours or through the night. Who do you think you got that from your mom or your dad? night who do you think you got that from your mom or your dad probably my dad my dad played college soccer he's kind of but i don't know i think i'm just i don't really think i'm either like either one of my parents i'm not really sure so so if if i if a lot of people will want to do something and then scratch the idea or or i don't know how to explain it. Like someone might have an idea of like getting a tattoo and then not do it. And that's kind of easy to do because all you have to do is go in there and plop down your credit card and be like, draw that on me. But what you're saying that you did is you got your head wrapped around this idea very quickly. Did you have it?
Starting point is 01:18:03 You got your head wrapped around this idea very quickly to run two miles every hour for 24 hours and you just executed on it you you see that that like you're not normal you you see that like did you have any doubts were you like hey this is a bad idea or that's going to ruin my sleep for the next two days like you start coming up with excuses like for not to do it. Yeah. But like I said, I just think I, I do have to be good in our sport too.
Starting point is 01:18:32 I think you have to have some loose fucking screws upstairs, but I, I don't know. I just like this idea of like someone else did it before or, or no one else has done it. Like, I think that's pretty cool. Do you know anyone who's ever done that? What you just did, what you said you just did. I'm sure. I'm sure. I mean, people do ultra marathons. I's pretty cool do you know anyone who's ever done that what you just did what you said you just did I'm sure I'm sure I mean people do ultra marathons I know but
Starting point is 01:18:49 do you know anyone have you ever like I'm sure probably someone's done it somewhere too but do you know anyone or heard of anyone who's done it I've never heard of anyone doing that but I wouldn't I bet my life that someone's done it yeah yeah for sure mean, a lot of people have done the four by four by 48. So that would be one mile an hour, if you did it that way, for 48 hours. But a lot of people will do like the four miles early, like within that four hour span, if that makes sense. So they'll sleep a little bit. So I just tried to make it the goal to not sleep because I felt like if I closed my eyes, So I just tried to make it the goal to not sleep because I felt like if I closed my eyes, I probably would have a really hard time waking up to get back and run. Crazy. Did anyone see you doing that in the apartment treadmill downstairs like during the while you're doing it?
Starting point is 01:19:44 No, because most of them were that were in the gym would be like only in there for an hour, but there were only two treadmills down there so i felt this pressure of like fuck what if someone is there and that happened once so i had to go outside and like run in the cold for the two miles oh shit you had a two and you had a two mile uh plot uh yeah yeah like around the area yeah uh it was snow on the ground no it was just like nighttime and cold. The northeast gets pretty cold. Oh, yeah. I bet. God, it's all ideas that I could think that I would think of to do. Like when I heard you talking about this on Schweitzer's podcast, I was like, God, I would like to do that.
Starting point is 01:20:19 But then I quickly just pushed it away. Yeah, you should. No. of quickly just push it away yeah you should you know you know what i i what what about what about um uh two miles on the hour for 12 hours so that's really cool one of my clients actually did that oh after you did you inspired your client to do that i told him i was going to be doing it because he it was during covid he was going through a divorce and kind of really struggling with things that were going on in life and he i was like well let's try to find some real fucking weird goals that are going to make you feel fulfilled and i told him that i was going to be doing this and he did that he did
Starting point is 01:20:53 the 12 hours so half of it and then he ended up doing uh he looked up how many steps it was for mount everest and then did that many box step ups. So he, he's really, really cool. How many is it? Do you know that number off the top of your head? I don't, I done, uh, we, he also did with me the amount of steps that you do for the world trade center. I don't remember how many that was as well, but we did it with a rock on our back, which is nowhere near the amount of weight that the firefighters had done. But I just typed up a, how many box step ups to Everest? I wonder if they're like easy,
Starting point is 01:21:37 obviously not comparable with like oxygen and things like that. But yeah, I mean, I think it's just cool that, you know, some people can buy into the process of if you're feeling a little bit lost, you can just go do some shit that amazes you. The current record for vertical height ascended by stair climbing is
Starting point is 01:21:56 18,585 meters. What is that? Fuck. That times three would be how many feet? I don't know. Yeah, that's nine what is that nine mile fuck that's so that's fucking crazy and that's in 24 hours that's in 24 hours that's crazy yeah's like that's 17 miles it can't be right oh no
Starting point is 01:22:32 wow yeah yeah i get maybe because you're not climbing just straight up yeah i think he probably just looked like how many feet or how many steps it how many steps and he. How many steps? And he did that many box step ups, like in the idea of stepping. I probably shouldn't show you this website. I found, look at this website has all the mountains broken down.
Starting point is 01:22:54 So like Mount Kenya stairs to the top, 11,885. Or, or even from sea level, they give you shit yeah that's this is bad for you shouldn't see this yeah at least not during games training i mean who knows maybe it will be a games uh games event um turntable uh 29 000 feet divided by two feet per step i i guess that's if you just went straight up too right like if you were just climbing you just went straight up to, right? Like if you were just climbing up, just like straight up to it with no.
Starting point is 01:23:28 Yeah. When you, when you go to the games this year, we'll be at, we'll Tristan, Tristan will go, I assume. Yeah. And, and your husband will go. Yeah. A bunch of my family will be there too. So it'd be awesome. And do you have any, would you have goals for that? Uh, it's probably the same. I just don't want to have any regrets. Um, I thought this was the end survive. Yeah. Justin Sua. Do you know who he is? He's like a mental training coach. I think a lot of CrossFitters follow him. He works for the Boston Red Sox, I believe, as their mental training coach. So he and I had hopped on a call. We've known each other
Starting point is 01:24:12 for a few years now, but he gave me a couple of things to do that kind of relieve anxiety. I've struggled with it probably my whole life. But one thing was to write a letter to yourself. one thing was to write a letter to yourself on so it was on Wednesday I did it before the semis write a letter to yourself that you'll read on Tuesday and just what you'd be really proud of what that girl did and it doesn't it's not outcome based it's only just like your mindset how you treated people what you you know what you soaked in and things like that. And that really, really helped me. And I'll probably have that same mindset going into games of just the things that will make me proud. I, and I can't control a lot is I don't really have a goal. I'd like to do my best, but just to give it my all and soak in the moment
Starting point is 01:24:59 and be present. And yeah, so it's not like I have an, I don't really have an outcome. I just, and be present. And, um, yeah, so it's not like I have an, I don't really have an outcome. I just, I want to be able to actually give it my all and not be so concerned about blowing up because I really don't have anything to lose now. So, um, could you share any of that letter? Like some of the thoughts in it? Like what, what is it? Is it like, um, dear, uh, dear Kelly, I'm so proud of you. And that helped a lot, huh? That letter. Did you think about it during the event?
Starting point is 01:25:32 During the weekend? I don't know where my journal is. I was journaling outside yesterday. What's your husband's name? Zach. Zach's locked in the bathroom with your journal right now. It's not like it played on my mind, but it was writing it out like beforehand is almost preparing my mind to do those things. Like another prompt that he had me do is do an if-then prompt. So like think of all the things that could go wrong.
Starting point is 01:26:03 So if I drop the sandbag, then and then come up with your solution. So the idea is I'm going to already prepare myself for all the things that can go wrong. And then I'm going to come up with a solution so that if it come if it happens, I've already I'm already one step ahead in figuring out what my move is going to be because I already came up with it before it happened. I think things like that can make a huge difference. Do you have a pet? I have two dogs. Do you hear them? I just heard a dog purring. Someone's ready to go out?
Starting point is 01:26:39 No. One is 14 years old. She's a golden retriever, and she just sleeps all day near me. So she's just breathing heavily. And then the other one's a three-year-old golden. What's Zach do to stay in shape if he's not doing CrossFit? He goes to, like, Lifetime Fitness, does more, like, bodybuilding things. He's not much of a cardio fan, so I'll have him do some workouts. We kind of started a garage gym so he'll do some things with me he's giant right uh i want to say giant is six one okay yeah that for
Starting point is 01:27:13 to me that's giant so so he's not a big fan of the burpee yeah i think he respects and appreciates all that we do in crossfit but he's just I like, don't want to feel that way. Right. Right. Uh, look at Greg Glassman thinks lifetime fitness is good. Well, thank you, Greg. Thank you. Uh, crazy. Um, uh, a giant for sure. Seven, a giant for seven for sure. Yeah. Totally six one carry me around. Uh, it's, it's interesting to to me do you like working out with them no no i just like i don't have fun when i'm not just taking it seriously like we did a workout on saturday i'll say we didn't start back up to training truly on monday but i was like losing my mind so we did like a 30 minute AMRAP of running bike kettlebell swings and pushups or something like that. And that I enjoy because I don't feel
Starting point is 01:28:11 any pressure. We're kind of giggling, like talking a little bit through it, but if it's serious training and he's trying to talk to me and I'm in the middle of something like, so it's kind of nice that I have my own thing and he has his own thing i've dated someone before that was he was on my crossfit games team and that's real it's really hard to to date someone that's in the sport with you um especially on team i think do you do when you were on those on the teams do you think that you took um crossfit more seriously or winning more seriously than a lot of your teammates? No, I think. Is there a hierarchy?
Starting point is 01:28:54 Does everyone know that person takes it the most serious, that person takes it the least serious? I think so. It's more like what's going on in everyone's personal life. Like if you just took for example last year i was had no real obligations i could train when and if i wanted and like one of the guys on our teams was going through the fire academy so he had limited time was also going through that which was really hard the other girl on my team had just had a baby that August, which she's such a fucking stud. Like the fact that we made games that year and she could rip like 20 ring
Starting point is 01:29:29 muscle ups after having a baby in August is incredible. But, but again, same idea. Like she has to feed her baby. There's times nap times and things. So I just happened to have like the most flexibility I would say, which allowed me to train the most, which yeah. Well, I appreciate you coming on. I want to apologize for strictly objectifying you and staring at your body and not thinking you were going to make it to the games. But you started the show strong and let me off the hook.
Starting point is 01:30:01 You went to Napa and the whole fucking city was obsessed with you I just think our the females in our sport probably get that if I go to the gas station I get that doesn't have to be in Napa but yeah it well it's um it's the Clydesdale phenomenon everywhere you go you're going to be the paragon of the expression of what a woman should be and so I I remember in i remember in 2000 i remember the first time i saw you thinking oh i can't talk to her because the first thing that was going to come out of my mouth was like you look fucking amazing but you can't really say you're not supposed to say that to people so i kind of avoided you the whole weekend but but but everyone there looks amazing but you kind of recalibrate there, right? You're like, fuck, every chick here is just like fucking expressing.
Starting point is 01:30:48 Well, I was even saying that like it's funny when people come up to me and say something, you know, at Napa or a grocery store or something. But then, you know, you feel so at home when you're at a competition. But even there, I feel like I am the person at Napa. Like I look at Alex Gazanan i'm like yeah yeah she's joked you know or you know whoever it could be um and i you know kind of puts everything in perspective but a skyscraper a 50-story skyscraper is so impressive but the but the empire state building is surrounded by them and you don't look at any of them you only look at the empire state building and so that's kind of what the what this CrossFit woman is wherever she goes.
Starting point is 01:31:26 She's the Empire State Building, and it's like, fuck. Yeah, it does make me laugh that people will come up and say something like, what do you bench? Or some random inappropriate thing like your body. But you'll never go up to someone that's severely overweight and be like, how much do you eat a day what the fuck happened to you yeah and so it is kind of like i don't know do you do that hey you could do that no i mean i would no i'm more so saying like we're so quick to like say something about
Starting point is 01:31:57 a girl's body to them which can be like at times especially coming from certain people so inappropriate um give me an example. Give me an example. Give me an example. Like being like, this is like two weeks ago, I was at the grocery store, maybe three weeks ago.
Starting point is 01:32:12 And like some guy followed me out of the gym, out of the grocery store, as I'm unloading my bags to ask like, what protein I take? Like, was I ever overweight? All these questions just about my body, which I get that they're coming from a place of curiosity i'm okay with some of those yeah no but it sounds like he wants
Starting point is 01:32:32 to get in shape it sounds like i didn't get vibes he was hitting on you no no and a lot of them aren't like i have many women that will come up to me like i like one woman was with her babies like young little kids and had a little baby and she she's like, hi, I don't mean to offend you at all, but I just want to say like, good on you for showing us what we are capable of, like something like that. And I'm like, fuck yeah, that's the shit I love. And that makes me feel really proud. But yeah, not that it's just, you know, we, I don't know. I just think there's like a time and place for someone to come up and just start asking you things about your body that, you know, same idea. It's like maybe they come from a complimentary standpoint or something like the guy following me.
Starting point is 01:33:12 But like also how inappropriate is that for like a guy to come follow me out of the supermarket? Yeah. That part's weird. Just like a little unsettling. Yeah. My wife the other day, the spirit of the story is going to be correct. I don't know if the details are, but my wife the other day i i don't know the spirit of the story is going to be correct i don't know if the details are but my wife we get stopped a lot people want to talk about our kids all the fucking time it's like taking out three great danes it's it's a trip
Starting point is 01:33:34 and they are they are special kids but my wife the other day was loading the three kids into the van and um uh these three ladies were staring and she could tell that they were talking and so my wife turns to them and goes they're not triplets because that's often a thing that people think that they're triplets. And the ladies walk over and they go, we weren't staring at your kids. We were staring at your body. And we thought we all wanted your body. And it's just like that for CrossFit girls. It's just going to be – yeah, a dude following a girl out to her car is a little weird.
Starting point is 01:34:07 But I like this questions. It wasn't like he was like, hey, I bet I could bounce a quarter off that ass. It was like, yeah, yeah, yeah. Was the guy fat by any chance? Like a normal looking guy. I want to say like in shape, but not also not like obese or something like that. As a nutrition expert, how many clients, nutrition clients do you have? Uh, well I cut back on my clients for the season, but right now I have 62.
Starting point is 01:34:32 And, and wow, that's a lot of relationships. Holy shit. It's really incredible. It's such a fulfilling job. Like talk about changing someone's life. I can't have that many relationships. I can't. That's fucking nuts. That's intense. Yeah. Yeah, it is. It's intense. But you're also getting to like teach them something that I wish.
Starting point is 01:34:53 Talk about going back to schools. I wish that we taught kids like I just remember being in high school wanting to be. I was a little overweight. I wanted to look like a Victoria's secret model so badly. I would write on my hand, like this probably sounds like I had an eating disorder, which I probably did. And I think most women at some point in their life did, but I would have boys, me too, me too. And I would write D and E on my hands, like before school would start in high school that said, do not eat. i'd be so proud
Starting point is 01:35:26 if i like like even the background on my phone would be a picture of like a victoria's secret model which is weird like now but i i just wish someone would have said to me like hey actually what you can do to be really healthy is is this like i would eat a bagel at lunch and that would be it for the day and be like, I did really good today. Like I only eat one bagel. When like, yeah, so I just, it's, I wish there was just more information out for, especially younger kids. Did you write it on your hand in cursive? Very great question.
Starting point is 01:35:58 That's hilarious. Kelly, I would, I would just like, I would panic that I was fat in high school. And then just like, before I go to bed, try to do like 1,000 sit-ups like a fucking idiot. You know what I mean? Just weird shit. Isn't that so sad like thinking about what we did and how much – I remember being on my senior – The sad part is what you said that we didn't have anyone like – fuck teaching us like so much. Like why didn't you take us out and give us a nutrition course and keep us moving all day?
Starting point is 01:36:25 Why wasn't there a class that was four hours long where you walked the whole time and you stopped every 20 minutes and the teacher told you, hey, everyone, we're going to pass around a bag of broccoli and everyone's going to tell me what you think about like or everyone's going to do a create right. Three sentences on what they think about broccoli and read it out loud. I mean, you know what I mean? Like just something that's fucking like beneficial, stimulating. The sad part is, is that no one was like actually helping us pursue what we wanted. Yeah. Like we all wanted the same thing. We all wanted to put in our skin and things like, but we just didn't know how to get there. And we also were growing up in that time of fad diets, like weight watchers. I remember like doing weight watchers when I was a freshman in high school, my mom was doing it. I was like, well, well maybe I'll do it and I just felt like I had such a fucked up relationship with food from such a young age how about the idea of even a diet is just retarded it's insane as opposed to just like like lifestyle hey what are you going to do to sustain the best performance yeah which I'm so
Starting point is 01:37:19 happy that when I have kids I just one I think they'll hate me because all I eat is the same shit. But just to teach them like, no, this is healthy and you can still have ice cream if you want. But I just, yeah, it was, it was hard definitely growing up and trying to be someone I couldn't have ever been if I really even wanted to. You may chastise me for this. I want to show you something that I posted just before coming on the podcast. I wrote, this is a picture I took of a kid at the skate park. Okay? And he's got Tootsie Rolls, Sunkissed, Bag of Chips, and a Dr. Pepper.
Starting point is 01:37:58 And I sat there while he ate all this shit. And I put, child eating, Bag of Chips, Sunkissed, Dr. Pepper, Toots he ate all this shit and I put child eating bag of chips, sun-kissed Dr. Pepper, Tootsie Roll, feeding your child poison. It's okay to feed your child a little bit of poison. I don't agree with that at all. Like, like I'm so like, like I see people getting their kid a birthday cake at one or two and I'm like, yeah, that's more for the parents but yeah yeah tell me tell me about how
Starting point is 01:38:29 i'm i'm totally open to being wrong but i like i'm like your kids to taste why are you introducing those things to his taste buds he can eat all that shit when he's 18 and older like why are you even uh why i just don't think it should be something oh i didn't even show you the picture sorry what the fuck am i doing did i even i didn't share screen share jesus selfish asshole there it is sorry well i'm glad you didn't include his face oh thank you um yeah i don't know i just think if we can teach kids not to have the all or nothing mindset like halloween is such a good example like i think we as adults pass down the mindset that we have, like, well, you better eat it all now because you know, after today we're getting rid of it all. So then kids over consume, they glorify this candy and then mom and dad get
Starting point is 01:39:19 rid of it. And then they're like, Oh, we can't get the thing that we really want anymore because we can only eat it on this one day. And if we really just taught them like, Hey, this is something that you're going to enjoy. It's really high in sugar. Let's start setting boundaries with it though. And we'll keep it in one place. I want you to pick, you know, 10 of your favorite. You can have that for this week, but we're also going to, we're also going to have our other foods that we know are going to make us feel really good when you can teach that to them and have them buy in, not have them think this is bad and I can only eat it today and I'm going to consume as much as I can because I can no longer have it tomorrow because mom and dad are going to get rid of it. It's like that is just creating such a unhealthy relationship with those things. So, I mean, the one-year-old smashing a cake I'm okay with, I think that's just a fun memory for parents to have. But yeah,
Starting point is 01:40:10 I don't know. I think just teaching them like what health is, is going to just be really important. So. It's going to be fun to see your kids will be your experiment. Yeah, for sure. Hope we don't fuck that one up, but yeah. Savon won't be allowed at the skate parks. Uh, uh, uh, Savon's not the guy you want to talk about this. He'll never agree. No, no, but I like hearing it. I trust her. She's I trust her. I like her opinion. I don't, I don't agree with that. I don't think there's any excuse to give a child a cake, but I,
Starting point is 01:40:41 but I'm, I'm open to, I mean mean i'll tell you where we do agree she said it's just for the parents it is just for the parents everything before a kid is like two a lot of it's just for us to feel the big birthday party that the kid will never know about it's yeah keeping up with the joneses and it's more about the parents so um thank you for coming on i really appreciate it yeah thanks for having me. I wasn't sure, uh, with your post that you, you were a good sport. I wasn't sure if I was going to, um, I was going to get thrown under the misogyny bus or objectifying women bus. I was, I wasn't sure where we were going, but you were a good sport. No, yeah, no, I enjoyed it. Thanks
Starting point is 01:41:19 for having me on. All right. You're welcome. Anytime. Uh, we will be watching. I want you to know that I am a fan and, um, that one time listening to the show isn't the only time i've talked about you and i think that the listeners to this podcast really appreciate you and like you too so cool yeah well i'll see you in madison i guess yeah all right and we're we're rooting for you in this group uh i think this group appreciates uh who you are and what you've done more than the place you take. And don't get me wrong. Everyone wants to see you, you know, smash everyone. But remember, like all of us, like just think you're cool as shit.
Starting point is 01:41:54 Cool. Yeah, I appreciate you guys. I really do. All right. All right. All right. Bye. Kelly's cool.
Starting point is 01:42:03 Good show. uh kelly's cool good show all right um i what someone said something oh here we go uh he will not be there stevan never leaves his cave you know i i probably shouldn't say this out loud, but I am planning to leave my cave and go somewhere. With the crew. With California Hormones and Paper Street Coffee and the crew. And the crew. Easy interview, good show.
Starting point is 01:42:40 I was a little nervous at first. I wasn't sure. Yeah, very down to earth. And that kind of settled me down a little bit too because I saw Scott. I watched Scott interview her from Clydesdale Media. And he was...
Starting point is 01:42:59 It was so good. She was so easy. Yeah, she's cool as shit. Her Instagram's crazy. Her Instagram is crazy. But I honestly, I can't believe like she's not like in like that million follower group. It's I think you just go to Kelly Baker. You guys want to see her Instagram? It's fucking, oh, it's kellybaker928. There are some just crazy pictures. That picture of her in Napa is crazy. Maybe she doesn't know. I don't think she quite understands her presence.
Starting point is 01:43:42 She has pretty, it's intense. Her presence is intense. I remember it from 2000 yeah barry mccauchner she's the perfect package i hate to agree with you because it's so objectifying but yeah it's pretty nuts everything uh i love kelly yeah she's great right hey if you you can't follow a woman out to her car i guess no matter what unless like she dropped her fucking wallet uh oh yes nate oh yeah now we get to the objectifying there was a little bit of objectifying uh kelly was cool someone please recognize that women are not encouraged
Starting point is 01:44:25 to have it please now recognize that women are not encouraged to have a i don't even know what the fuck you mean by that women are not encouraged to have a muscular body but give me that write that again i don't i don't understand that um uh rosie photography she's real as fuck i would like to i would like to hear that letter she wrote to herself no you can ask a woman for protein powder you just can't ask her at her car after she you know what i mean like it's just a social um here heidi don't follow me to my car unless you want to get arm drag. Yeah. Look at Heidi. God, you're cool, Heidi, with the jiu-jitsu arm drag. Jethro Cardona.
Starting point is 01:45:13 See you ding-dongs later. He can disagree and still be a professional kick-ass interviewer. Oh, well, thank you. There is no show tonight. There is no show tonight. Travis B. Excuse me, ma'am. I heard that I can get drugged to the ground and mounted if I follow you out to your car.
Starting point is 01:45:44 Oh, shit. There is a show. Sorry. Matt Souza. There is a show with matt suza there is a show with jr and taylor knight sorry sorry oh shut up and scribble fuck you're right sorry right hey listen that show uh i'm trying to i'm trying to get those guys to do that show on the regular every like wednesday at 5 p.m. I'm basically begging them. So tell them, hey, when you if you guys are around watching the show tonight, say that in the comments. We need a regular show from you guys at a regular time. And I want it to not just be just about the I don't I don't want it to be just about programming. I was talking to J.R. and Taylor yesterday. I want it to be a show where they're like they just do like a 10 minute a 30-minute show on like describing what tall man workouts are, right? Or what short man workouts are or Fikowski's 20 best workouts or just anything in the space.
Starting point is 01:46:39 What are three things you should know before you open an affiliate? Just all that shit. Oh, here we go. Sorry. three things you should know before you open an affiliate, just all that shit. You know? Oh, here we go. Sorry. Thank you. Difficult. You went on a rant that women aren't discouraged to have muscular bodies.
Starting point is 01:46:59 Aren't discouraged to have muscular bodies. Yeah, I don't think – I've never – I don't think women are discouraged. I don't think – I've never – I don't think women are discouraged. I don't agree with you. I don't think it's even – I don't think it's dual did CrossFit at first and thinking, holy shit, they're really buff. I wonder if that's like, I don't know. I'm not sure how I think about that. And now it's like nothing to me. Now it's like the more buff, the better kind of. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:47:38 That's a gross exaggeration, but I don't I don't really care. I'm at all. It's not a – My wife knows jiu-jitsu too. Her favorite move is called concealed carry. Mr. Sousa I think this is a question oh yeah you can get a concealed carry in California I think you can
Starting point is 01:48:17 I think you can it's difficult more it's more that people aren't encouraged to be healthy in general. I thought that was around the carry. All right. Oh, here we go. Sleeky. It's uncommon to be fit this day and age, and so when you are fit, people think you're an anomaly. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:48:48 Maybe difficult. Maybe you're right. Maybe you're right. Maybe you're right. yeah maybe difficult maybe you're right maybe you're right maybe you're right i don't know i i guess you i guess part of me like just doesn't maybe i'm being disingenuous with you or or feigning naiveness i guess maybe it's i just don't care like i i think it's so stupid to not incur not be supportive of of any kind of working out or any expression of someone's body after they have lived a healthy lifestyle that i just don't give a shit so but maybe that's it all right um thanks for the chat i love reading the chat with you guys. Sometimes often I try to stay focused somewhat during the show, include the funny comments. It is fun when people bring up stuff like the nipple piercings and I can like blame it on you guys,
Starting point is 01:49:35 like work it into the show, but blame you guys for it. I like that. I love you too. Mr. Vindicate. We're doing a, we're doing a special shirt for the games?
Starting point is 01:49:51 I was on a text thread this morning with Tommy G and Matt Souza. We'll be getting Tommy G back on. Fuck, dude. His YouTube account, I think the first time we interviewed him, had 164,000, then 400,000, and I think now he's approaching 700,000. Fucking stoked on him and uh i i was bugging um tyson bajan this morning i want to find out where he's at because that team right when he last we checked there were 90 people on the team and that shit has to get cut down to 53. Heavyweight slap fight champion.
Starting point is 01:50:29 Slap fight champion. There's a – there's another guy we have on the hook. He's the heavyweight slap fight champion. What's his name? No, it's not Tim Silvava maybe it's not the champion god what's that guy's name so here's how it goes here here's here's what's crazy i'll tell you guys this process on how i get people onto the show i find them in their social media right on their instagram then i dm them and i say hey would you like to come on the show? I'd love to have you on the podcast.
Starting point is 01:51:08 And then they'll be like, yeah, let's hook it up. And then I'll say to them, cool, here's my phone number. Can we text so that I can loop in Matt Souza? And when I do that, I lose about 20% of the people. And by the way, that's not because they're like, fuck Matt Souza. That's because I just – I think I put in one – love you, Seve. Thank you, Rose. You're always so sweet.
Starting point is 01:51:36 That's because I put in one too many steps. You know like when you're going to buy something and then it's like one too many steps so you don't? I think it's just because I put in one too many steps. No, no, no, no that that came out wrong suza's not the problem it's that i don't think that it then they're just kind of like fuck you i ain't texting you you know what i mean yeah i agree with 12 daily doses sua makes your show better, way better, to 100%. Yeah, they probably think I'm scamming them or something. Yeah, go straight for the kill. You think that is go straight for the kill shot? Just like, hey, I'd love to have you on the podcast.
Starting point is 01:52:18 I mean, yeah, it's like. Oh, group chat on social. Okay. You know, I never do that that's interesting okay dude justin i'm glad i talked about this so you think when i initially contact them i should do a group chat with suza on there and be like hey i have a we have a podcast we'd love to have you on it we have a podcast I'd love to uh um uh get you on it and then and then engage from there okay it gets weird uh Matt Sousa it gets weird when we ask for their credit card info yeah that part's weird okay yeah the taking it offline part yeah
Starting point is 01:53:10 that that throws them well elisa says don't ask them for their phone number i use i give them my number so that they at least know that like i'm that vulnerable right i take my pants off and then i'm like can you guys take your pants off all right oh shit uh adam blakesley uh facetime people from the instagram i think we've tried that a couple times right okay uh so scribble shut up and scribble tonight. I think that's at 5 p.m. Oh, Sousa, something's wrong. I couldn't put her Instagram on the screen. Sponsor overlay?
Starting point is 01:53:59 What is that? Oh, I should have had that on too. Look at that. Oh, that says Master of Coaching. They're not a sponsor, are they? That should be. Yeah, this thing needs to be all cleaned up. There were no overlays on the show.
Starting point is 01:54:15 There were no people's Instagram accounts. The whole thing was fucked up. Here, let me go through all the shows. I probably shouldn't do this while I'm live on the air. Oh, none of these even work. How about this? This? This?
Starting point is 01:54:33 This? Oh, there we go. Is that what it is? Anyway, I don't know what I'm doing, but these shows... I fucked up today. I need help. I need all sorts of help. Comments? Banners? Yeah, the branding...
Starting point is 01:54:53 The branding's all messed up. Hey, did you see... I'll leave you guys with this. Did you see this? I'll leave you guys with this did you see this I can't tell if this is satire or not this is the morning chalkups Instagram account
Starting point is 01:55:16 oh hey before I talk about this Reebok kicks off Pride Month I can't tell if that's real or not but I one time I worked at a home for mentally disabled adults for five years basically lived there with them not basically I did
Starting point is 01:55:38 and I took this I would take the kids to the Special Olympics right the adults I call them kids but they were adults and I would take kids to the Special Olympics, right? The adults, I call them kids, but they were adults. And I would take them to the Special Olympics. And one year, one of the guys I took to the Special Olympics, we were approached by someone and it was when AT&T, there was a company that merged with AT&T and it was called like Pac Bell or something or Pacific Bell.
Starting point is 01:56:00 It was like where we all had our cell phones in the beginning before AT&T. They were like the big cell phone company. And they walked up to us at this event and they said, hey, we would like to have this guy be in our commercial. We're going to do like a special Olympics commercial. You know, I said, OK. So they got the phone number and I signed him up and he was he was in the commercial. and in the commercial there were like 20 mentally disabled adults but only like three of them were really mentally disabled the other 17 were just like regular people like like 12 daily doses but they just pretended to be retarded and i thought that was interesting right they just needed a cut sprinkle in a couple tards um this kid this kid
Starting point is 01:56:42 had fetal alcohol syndrome mom Mom was drinking during pregnancy. But then the other 17 were just regular people who just play retarded. Okay. Morning Chaga. Reebok kicks off Pride Month with line of genderless clothing. I cannot tell if this is a joke
Starting point is 01:57:05 what a trip from a fit and design standpoint Reebok took a totally different approach I'm pretty sure a skirt is um not i'm pretty sure skirts are for women like generally speaking oh look i got oh suza look at this i put what i put what ethnicity is that guy looks like he might check three or four dei boxes simultaneously look at i got 86 likes on that holy shit uh this guy wrote crawl up glassman's
Starting point is 01:57:47 hole from which you were birthed um uh where is the hatred in the seven rinsed a comment uh seven rinsed is so true oh i like this is fucking crazy what is this guy why is this guy so angry i'm like let's click on his let's click on his really quick uh no no apologies holy shit this guy's fucking like jason kalipa's fucking disabled brother is this him allow me to reintroduce myself i'm noah i'm a lucky duck with a full and vibrant life, a beautiful fiance, great friends, and my dream job. I run a cool gym called Luminous Fitness Collective in Austin, Texas.
Starting point is 01:58:33 I stopped using social media completely about two years ago and I've only recently come back to check on people and watch funny videos. Wow. wow doesn't that look like Jason Kalipa that like fucking got hit with the fucking tarred stick crazy oh my god oh he loves fucking George Floyd
Starting point is 01:59:01 wow listen to this this is fucking George Floyd. Wow. Listen to this. This is a George Floyd post. For those of you who don't know who George Floyd is, he's a porn actor, gunman, thief, robber, hoodlum, drug addict.
Starting point is 01:59:28 I think that's fair. And he was killed in the line of duty. In the academy, we were conditioned to think of ourselves as sheepdogs, the strong few who protected the docile many. Too often the veil slips away and we see the sheepdogs for the wolves. They are our country, but especially black Americans deserve more, so much more. Oh, and he hates black people. Holy shit.
Starting point is 01:59:51 Wow. But pretending to like them. That's awesome. Okay, so this guy got some mental health issues. Fair enough. He got wrecked by social media and now he's back fierce all right so he's upset because i what did i say i said something about uh okay back back here back here back to my dude suza 84 holy shit uh um let me see uh oh he was a cop maybe i know it sounded kind of like it right sounded like it he's a cop who hated black people now he's overcompensating it's fucking
Starting point is 02:00:38 amazing uh so many uh george floyd posts never any with any quotes i wonder what those look like suck my dick bitch uh uh get oh did he have a he him too um uh get on your knees and put this gun in your mouth uh i can't breathe. That's awesome. Well, I would love to, uh, I am going to call, crawl back, uh, tonight for dinner. I probably am going to crawl back into the glassman hole. Last night I went over there and we got fucking just so much meat and asparagus. My pee smelled crazy this morning.
Starting point is 02:01:25 I ate so much asparagus last night uh oh my uh oh my god what a shame to have one of the biggest podcasters able to write that hatred vision of who is able or not to be represented in the media today this is so wrong to let that slide what how what what what is uh what ethnicity is that guy looks like he might check three or four. How is that? Well, I appreciate being one of the biggest podcasters, but how is that hatred? Someone, let me see what's going on here.
Starting point is 02:01:57 How is that hatred? Savon has always been scum. This is nothing new. Let me see this. Benjamin Allen. He likes to work out. Let's see. What do you guys?
Starting point is 02:02:21 Just thinking about and trying to process what happened yesterday at the Atlanta forest. It's – the official story is that one of the forest offenders fired on the police and was shot. Personally, I don't buy it it i had met the person in question um i don't know what he's talking about they've provided no evidence nobody uh social justice warrior though likes guns oh look the history of the Armenian genocide wow recent events in Armenia have spurred me
Starting point is 02:03:18 to finally get to the book that's been waiting on my shelf for a long time this is far from the first genocide I've studied in an organized manner but one thing is particularly sticks out about the lead up to the full implementation of the extermination by the ottoman government greater and greater levels of repression violence were against armenians crazy hey dude uh whatever your name is you know that that exact same playbook that was used on the Armenians is being used now, and you're buying it. Isn't that ironic that you're interested in genocide and how people are killed and exterminated, and yet it's being used now?
Starting point is 02:03:57 But you think I'm scum for pointing it out? That's bizarre. Okay, back to Reebok. Here we go. That's bizarre. Okay, back to Reebok. Here we go. Where is this? I'm so proud of this. Oh, 91 likes.
Starting point is 02:04:14 Holy shit. It's getting more. A climb into the hole where I was birthed. Glassman. I don't even know what this is. I don't know why. I don't know why. That don't know why that's not even a hatred comment. Sevan has always been scum. I don't know if I've always been scum.
Starting point is 02:04:33 He's like the Wish version of Dice Clay or 90 Stern, but with a better fran time. Sevan doesn't matter if he's not in a CEO shirt. We don't want it. Oh, I don't know what that means either. Sevan did not say who should or should not be represented. Also, he is the biggest podcaster. Yeah, that's what you get for talking to people who are trapped in their head.
Starting point is 02:05:03 They're always going to run with it somewhere else. Can you point out the hatred he commented? I want to hate what he said here, but I'm having trouble finding it. Please don't let me. I know. I want to hate what I wrote, too. And what do you think he implied by that comment? I didn't imply anything.
Starting point is 02:05:16 I just fucking said it. There's no implication in what I'm saying. None. None. And what do you think? What is the connection with the post in the first place other than mocking the will and representation made by reebok i think it's clear dude we live in an era where everything is about fucking race and ethnicity and what people are wearing
Starting point is 02:05:40 and clothes and whose genitalia they want in their face and everyone talks about it but in this roundabout way and so i'm just saying what what ethnicity is he looks like it checks a few boxes because he kind of got is this the black dude or is this a white dude he's got a tattoo not a good spot for a tattoo in my opinion by the way they don't do thigh tattoos i think they they do something to the visual proportions of the body that make the body somehow look off. It's a totally fair question in this area. If I'm mocking anything, I'm mocking the fact that you, you're mocking it by getting offended that it came from me. It's so bizarre. I'm not,
Starting point is 02:06:25 I'm not, what do you think I'm implying?. It's so bizarre. I'm not I'm not. What do you think I'm implying? Tell me what you think. I'm trying to figure out what you think I'm implying. I don't know what you think I'm implying. OK, here's the thing. If I'm implying anything, it's the fact that it's that my question is ridiculous. That's it. If I'm implying anything like it's like it's like it like maybe it shouldn't like it doesn't matter. So you're not going to answer the question that burden is on you for saying what you said. Yet none of the woke people ever can answer those questions because when they do, it reveals to them their hatred. It's awesome. They hated him because they hated him because he told the truth. You're always trying to silence people. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 02:07:06 Crawl back up Glassman's hole from where you were birthed. Where is the hatred? So true. Yeah, it's pretty. I thought it was a great comment. When is Noble coming out with their no gender collection? I think they have their whole everything they have is no gender. Everything they have is.
Starting point is 02:07:27 They've arrived. They're fully enlightened. Gabrielle Castle this is a friendly reminder to the people leaving hateful comments your friends in the LGBTQ community and those who are currently questioning or exploring their gender can see your comments what takes you just two seconds to type is the kind of hate that will stay with them for years,
Starting point is 02:08:05 forever marking you as an unsafe person to share information about who they are with. There's no value add to your hate. Do not feel like these clothes are in line with your personal style? Do not purchase them. But that does not mean that someone isn't thrilled by this release. that something isn't thrilled, but that doesn't mean that someone isn't thrilled by this release. To draw an apt, though simplistic comparison,
Starting point is 02:08:29 I happen to feel pretty meh about bell bottoms, but that doesn't mean I take to the comments to spoo hate every time a brand I love releases a pair every time someone I follow doms them. Very well written, awesome, but right. It's like there's presuppositions in it and she's missing the point why people are like no one cares she no one cares about those clothes that's not what people are saying no one no one cares if like no one cares that that guy dresses like that no
Starting point is 02:08:57 one cares if men wear dresses no one cares that that's the the thing is is that it's everywhere and that it's just completely taken over everything and that it's being shoved down everyone's throats and there's presuppositions that you're making about a reality that's not a reality like this word gender that people are tired of but but i do like what she wrote it was very nice it was very yeah there's no reason to just spew hate i i agree even though I spew some hate I fucking agree with her I agree with her and alienating
Starting point is 02:09:36 people is I don't know it's interesting alright I don't know. That's interesting. All right. Yeah, it's unisex, not revolutionary, really, Reebok. Yeah, I know that part. It's uh that's the mental ill part exploring their gender sean lenderman i i have a thigh tattoo okay sorry yours is okay all right um That too. Okay, sorry. Yours is okay. All right. I'll see you guys tomorrow.
Starting point is 02:10:32 Greg Glassman on tomorrow morning, 7 a.m. Pacific Standard Time. Had a blast with you guys today. Kelly Baker. I thought her Kathy Baker. Kelly Baker, thank you for coming on. I'm gonna go wash some of these hateful comments off of me thank you Jessica
Starting point is 02:10:53 buh-bye

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