The Sevan Podcast - Kill Taylor Ep. 7 | WIN the Workout, Get $1,500!

Episode Date: June 8, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by car and other conditions apply. Travel better with Air Canada. You can enjoy free beer, wine, and premium snacks in economy class. Now extended to flights within Canada and the U.S. Cheers to taking off this summer.
Starting point is 00:00:43 More details at Scared. She's not scared. Our first victim is gone. Taylor Self is here. The next victim is waiting in the wing. Burpee! Burpee! Burpee! Burpee! Burpee! Burpee! Burpee! Burpee! Burpee! Burpee! Burpee! Burpee! Burpee! Burpee! Burpee! Burpee! Burpee! Burpee! Burpee! Burpee! Burpee! Burpee! Burpee! Burpee! Burpee! Burpee! Burpee! Burpee! Burpee! Burpee! Burpee! Burpee! Burpee! Burpee! Burpee! Burpee! Burpee! Burpee! Burpee! Burpee! Burpee! Burpee! Burpee! Burpee! Burpee! Burpee! Burpee! Burpee! Burpee! Burpee! Burpee! Burpee! Burpee! Burpee! Burpee! Burpee! Burpee! Burpee! Burpee! Burpee! Burpee! Burpee! Burpee! Burpee! Burpee! Burpee! Burpee! Burpee! Burpee! Burpee! Burpee! Burpee! Burpee! Burpee! Burpee! Burpee! Burpee! Burpee! Burpee! Burpee! Burpee! Burpee! Burpee! Burpee! Burpee! Burpee! Burpee! Burpee! Burpee! Burpee! Burpee! Burpee! Burpee! Burree! Burree! Burree! Burree! Burree! Burree! Burree! Burree! Burree! Burree! Burree! Burree! Burree! Burree! Burree! Burree! Burree! Burree! Burree! Burree! Burree! Burree! Burree! Burree! Burree! Burree! Burree! Burree! Burree! Burree! Burree! Burree! Burree! Burree. No rep. Burpee! Burpee, burpee, burpee, burpee, burpee. Oh my God. It's this. It's blind, relentless, constant pursuit of excellence.
Starting point is 00:01:18 That's what it is. Welcome to Kill Taylor, the greatest show on the internet. Guys, Born born primitive has been our sponsor for the last two weeks third week uh they are d day in it today uh bear handling the ceo of born primitive is on i believe the beaches of normandy today hopefully we send him a link hopefully at some point uh he will uh get in and we can say hi to him and talk to him for a couple minutes in just a few seconds uh, Taylor will be doing the workout. If you do not know the workout, you can go to the Sevan Podcast Instagram,
Starting point is 00:01:52 the Real Sevan Podcast Instagram, or we can tell you the workout right now. You're going to need a rope for rope climbs, 15-foot rope. Oh, there it is. Men, 30, 20, 10, standing biker, cows, damper on 10-3-2-1 unbroken legless rope climbs. For the women, you got to do fewer calories. But if you're a woman, you have absolutely zero chance. The winner will get $1,500. Since no one will win it, next week the prize will be $2,000.
Starting point is 00:02:20 Don't be afraid to call in. It's about watching you struggle. It's not about you winning the money. With the fate of the world on the line, and in direct defiance of tyranny, people from all walks of life dropped everything and answered the nation's call. They were not warriors. They did not ask for war. They were just common men and women. School teachers, nurses, mothers and fathers. And while these heroes have now grown old and gray, we must still honor them in their final days. We must still honor them in their final days.
Starting point is 00:03:06 Born Primitive is proud to donate 100% of profits up to $50,000. The D-Day edition Savage One to the Best Defense Foundation. These proceeds will directly fund over 60 World War II veterans who are returning to Normandy for the 80th anniversary. Today, in all days, we honor the sacrifice and bravery of our greatest generation, the damn few. Shop the cause now at Born Primitive Savage Ones, those are the shoes Taylor Self is wearing. Those are the best cross-fitting shoes anyone could ever wear. He's also wearing the Born Primitive shirt, the Born Primitive shorts.
Starting point is 00:03:45 It's a fantastic company, Born Primitive. You go to and we'll be showing you some other highlight reels of pictures of their shoes. They're having a special now where you can actually purchase a collector's item limited 500, one of 500 pairs of their shoes. I'm looking for that commercial. We'll show that. Yeah, we'll show that in a little bit. If you want to compete against Taylor today and pretend like you have a chance of getting the $1,500, you call 928-583-3903. Taylor says we're ready to go.
Starting point is 00:04:18 Bryson ready. Caleb ready. Caleb, can you send a flag under that flag? Tyler walked in from the Heat One app. He gives away more cash than the show Hiller Fit, guy messaging for all Of the CrossFit community at Hiller Fit YouTube station
Starting point is 00:04:32 And then Hiller Fit training Below The most creative man in the space Coffee Pods and Wads, Pedro White Funny as shit If you want a link, here we go Here we go guys Oh yeah, because there's no bike seat
Starting point is 00:04:48 there is no bike seat bike seat is off 3 2 1 go 30 cows under over on a piece of equipment
Starting point is 00:05:03 I would personally never buy. Why? Because I'm a fucking echo bike, assault bike guy. If it doesn't got handles, you can get the fuck out of here. But anyway. No, C2 bike's the way to go, dude. If you say so. I'm going to disagree with Tyler on that one.
Starting point is 00:05:17 Pedro, do you own one of those? I do. Oh, Jesus. You're going to trade that thing in front. Do you have an assault bike or an echo bike? I do. Oh, okay. Never mind. You're good to go. Right there. I mean you have an assault bike or an echo bike? I do. Oh, okay. Nevermind.
Starting point is 00:05:25 You're good to go. Right there. I mean, it's like the lower, the lowest barrier to entry piece of equipment. Like you can do it when you feel like absolute shit, but you can also hurt really bad on it. On the C2 bike? Yeah. Listen, if you're, listen, listen to everyone out there.
Starting point is 00:05:41 C2 rogue. Just donate shit to Pedro. He lives in fucking Ireland. Charity. C-H-A-R-I-T-Y. Have you gotten a pair of Born Primitive shoes yet, Pedro? I did. I bought them myself, but I did, yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:54 Oh, shit. What are you doing just sitting there looking? What was that stall? All right, here we go. How are these going to look? Now, look at the rope climbs, guys. He's way below 350. It's going to be like 320.
Starting point is 00:06:05 He did not. Notice he did not touch the ground. You are not allowed to touch the ground. You get below the tape line. Does he have to get below the tape line? Yeah. Are you allowed to touch the ground? No? No.
Starting point is 00:06:15 It's the ones that were at 5150. Oh, people are screwed. No one has a chance. Yeah, yeah. That's the thing. No one's supposed to win the money. Just sit back and enjoy the show today, people. Round one done. I heard that him beat him with one leg.
Starting point is 00:06:27 Janet Dias-Nelson was going to call in, and then he saw the bike sounded, and he's not. Who? Who? Janet Dias-Nelson. Round two, 20 cows on the whatever that bike is, seatless bike, and two rope climbs, legless rope climbs. Sabre and Kelly, no one is calling in. Drake Lewis, no one is calling in. Thank you. Wow.
Starting point is 00:06:50 That's dangerous. The women have less calories, but it really doesn't matter because I don't think anyone's going to be able to do this second set of rope climbs the way he's going to do them. Maybe the first. Can girls even climb ropes? Some can. Okay, okay okay i wasn't even sure the chick from brazil can climb a rope real well she's fantastic about five seconds hey isn't alex
Starting point is 00:07:14 gazan who's the best female rope climber in the crossfit who's going to the games gazan gazan now she might have a shot but it like her rope climb just will not be that fast hey maybe we should remove a rope climb for the girls nah nah i know i was joking of course not no you weren't no i was i was all right we're gonna go patrick clark says someone call angelo to chico and get him to do this listen Angelo is too chunky these days to do this. Yeah. Chunky? Yeah. Mayhem can ride a bike. Oh, shit. Taylor's struggling on the second rope climb. Oh, Nelly. Come on, buddy.
Starting point is 00:07:53 All right. Now imagine you were a woman. So he just touched the gray spot? Correct. Wow. Oh, he's hurting. He's hurting. I think you can jump. Can you jump or do you have to start below the tape line? No, just stay low. I like that. He's hurting. The gray spot. I think you can jump. Of course. Can you jump or do you have to start below the tape line?
Starting point is 00:08:07 No, just say hello. What's the answer to that? No, you can jump. You can jump. Okay. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:14 Jump on the first one. Let's see how he does this last rope. Taylor has slowed down tremendously. This is the final round. 10 cows on the, uh, on the C2 bike. It's got a nice bit of shake in his muck there.
Starting point is 00:08:29 And then one final rope climb. We're at 335, 336. Dexter Field names the workout Ass Blaster 2000. Final rope climb. Let's go. Where are you going? Oh, my God. It's one, dude.
Starting point is 00:08:44 Oh, what a jerk. Hey, beatable? It's one, dude. What a jerk. Hey, beatable. It's beatable, guys. $1,500. I take everything back. Completely beatable. Time. $59. $58. I would give him $58.
Starting point is 00:09:00 You just saw it. Taylor agrees with me. Three rope climbs without touching the ground. 30 cows on the bike. Three rope climbs without touching the ground. Look at him. OCD motherfucker already putting the rope away. He's just trying to act like he ain't tired.
Starting point is 00:09:18 We saw you take that break after 10 calories, dude. Bryson. Yep. What'd you think about his last chalk up there are we losing the money because of that fucking ding dong move uh i don't think so i think if you didn't have to come down legless or like you know get to below the tape line i think he wouldn't have needed chalk on the last one but just because you have control on the way down too and he already looked like pretty tired and close on that. I think he probably needed that Something pumped
Starting point is 00:09:48 What was he holding on the bike? For the 30 calories. He was like 2,000 and then for the 20 he was like 12 Spiegel could win this you're right. There's a handful of people I put Spiegel in. Spiegel couldn't do the third legless rope climb like that. There's no way. She could barely do one. Great question, Anthony Martorano. Do you have to go hand over hand on the way down or just stop below the
Starting point is 00:10:15 tape line? Just stop below the tape line. And for all you ding-dongs who are about to say, we just saw him do it at the semifinals. That wasn't a 15-foot rope at the semifinals. 13 feet, 7 inches. We've gotten a real crazy tour of this gym this time. Did you see the fridge? Look at all this merch.
Starting point is 00:10:33 928 583 3903. Go ahead and text. I'll send you a link. You can come on. I want that tie-dye. I love that tie-dye. I love that. The holy night of my quote.
Starting point is 00:10:48 No. Okay. Taylor Self, nice work, buddy. Nice, nice work. You've scared everyone away. Can you guys hear me? Yeah, good job. You've scared everyone away. Can you guys hear me? Yeah, good job. You've scared everyone away.
Starting point is 00:11:13 I did? Yeah. No, there's no way in hell anyone's going to do that. Hey, Caleb, I don't see the limited edition Born Primitive ad uploaded here. Caleb, I don't see the limited edition Born Primitive ad uploaded here. The one for the shoe that's $300 where you get the sand from Normandy and the ammo box. Should I ask someone to upload it? I think we only had a vertical one.
Starting point is 00:11:41 No, no. We have the one that just advertises just the coming out of the shoe. Okay, I'll go look for it. Okay. How was it? Incredibly hard. I've been, like, the week at West Coast and the week before that, the parallel handstand push-up, I've been writing workouts that I'm like, I don't know if I can do this or in the moment I think I can do it.
Starting point is 00:12:09 And then I get closer and I'm like, damn, I don't know if I can do that. So that was extremely hard. This, the set of two, I was like close to failure. Did you test that before?
Starting point is 00:12:22 I did a set of three. I did some touch and go last week before semis. Came up with the workout on Sunday or Monday with Bryson. And then, oh, I think we came up with it Sunday, midday. So that's the headspace you were in when you came up with it? What headspace? You were basically that you weren't going to the crossfit games and you made up this workout on the day you found out no face if i was going to the crossfit games it wouldn't have changed anything i would still be doing this
Starting point is 00:12:54 i'm not suggesting it would have i'm suggesting timeline of when you made the workout up sunday after you had come home and you were licking your wounds you came up with this workout sunday i came up with the workout while i was competing oh while you were competing yeah we were competing on the snatch ladder he goes you know what i should do on thursday exactly you should be more focused when you're competing you should eat my cuter uh since taylor isn't going to the games i don't know a few people might drop out we're hearing rumors that two people are going to drop out and Taylor will be moved up Taylor isn't going to the games
Starting point is 00:13:28 he no longer has the excuse that he needs programming that fits his training let someone else do the programming shut up no the stupid idea listen we don't want you to oh wait who suggested that who who
Starting point is 00:13:43 clock hey clock Oh, wait. Who suggested that? Who? Who? Clock. Let's just give away $500 a week. Put Clock back up. Hey, Clock. Hey, Clock, you stupid fuck. Wherever you are, wherever you're watching from, unplug your headphones so your fucking boss can hear this. You're a fucking idiot.
Starting point is 00:13:59 Hey, boss, fire this dumb motherfucker. The whole premise of the show is that I don't get any money. The money only goes to other people, so it has to be as hard as possible for them. We're not giving away free fucking money, dumbass. Yeah. Thank you. You named a broken clock.
Starting point is 00:14:16 All of them are free, though, isn't it? And go buy some Savage Ones. They're the best trainers, dude. Especially these gum bottoms. Oh, you got dog shit on the bottom there. No, there's no dog shit i haven't stepped in poop in years i'm so proud i stepped in shit at uh jr's competition oh that's uh it was his own you guys don't know in fact there's not one person more afraid of shit on the planet than seven on it oh my god really yeah yeah over to my house all i do is walk around and pick up make sure there's no shit around for his kids to step in for him to step in i poop bags and poop bags go through the wash every single time i do the
Starting point is 00:14:55 wash because i always have poop bags in my pocket uh uh caroline uh carla vanilla ice Uh, uh, Caroline, uh, Carla vanilla ice. Holy shit. Taylor D bag D bag. Don't be a dick clock. Suck off. She got both of you. Uh, when you, when, when you, um, uh, in the third round you chalked up, was that a necessity?
Starting point is 00:15:22 I chalked up both the second and third. And that was just for, did you need the chalk or you were just trying to buy a few seconds? I think when you have like really tacky chalk on your hands, it makes going up a lot easier on a rope. You feel like you use less effort. Oh baby. I'd imagine the humidity is crazy right now in Charlotte anyway. Ladies and gentlemen, with a time of 3.58, Mr. Kevin Schultz tries to... Yeah, right. What's up, guys? You ready, baby? I literally just walked in the gym
Starting point is 00:15:54 and Large Marge told me I have to do this workout. Large Marge? How are your rope climbs? I like rope climbs. Okay, and you know you can't touch your feet at the bottom. Yeah, so I literally walked in. What measurement do I need? You need a 60-inch tape line from the floor.
Starting point is 00:16:10 Okay. And on each legless, you have to ascend and descend until both hands are beneath that tape line, including the last rep. How high is the top? 15. How high is the top, 15? 15, yep. And then biker's got to be a damper 10,
Starting point is 00:16:26 no seat, and you got to reset your monitor. Okay. No seat. Hey, listen, and if you're close, we'll let it go. No, no, no, no, no. I don't like that. Oh, here's Large Marge. Say hi, Large Marge. Yo, girl, what's up?
Starting point is 00:16:40 Large. Hey, if you fucking beat me, tell Large Marge that we're no longer friends with her. Whoa, whoa. Why are we no longer friends with large Marge? Cause we can't be recommending people who have a chance of beating me onto the show.
Starting point is 00:16:53 That's dumb. True. Good point. If you're really, really shit, the same rule applies. I've been watching. I've just been waiting for a legless workout.
Starting point is 00:17:01 Okay. Okay. All right. All right. Wow. Damn. Look at it. Man, he's been fast. Kevin, how much do you weigh?
Starting point is 00:17:10 I'm 205. Look how big his arms are. They're as big as his fucking head. Oh, we lost him. Bye. Oh, he's back. Two weight, bro. I thought he quit.
Starting point is 00:17:21 How much do you weigh, Taylor? Probably 200 right now. I'm fat. It was like a buck 80, buck 85. Stop that. All right, vertical or horizontal? Horizontal. Horizontal, please. You can jump on the first rope climb.
Starting point is 00:17:38 You need a biker. I think he's got one, doesn't he? Kevin, did you hear that? Oh, yeah, sorry. I thought it was a roar. Sorry nice, we're gonna have to go with Hey Kevin come back picture just really improves Kevin come back come back Help me reset the screen. Yeah for sure
Starting point is 00:18:02 You can jump on the first rope climb, homie. I'm jumping. Okay. Oh, I'm jumping. You got to descend below the tape. Your assistant can hold your butt on the way down, too. Yes. Anything else I need to know?
Starting point is 00:18:14 You're not going to do this. Even on the last rope climb, you got to descend below the line. Even on the last one? Yeah, so you can't, like, do your third one and drop. You got to come all the way below the tape and uh probably face us too so we can see the tape line yeah and then if your feet hit the ground if your feet hit the ground before your hands are beneath the tape that would be a that'd be a no rep cool it's a pretty simple workout but you will need to solve a rubik's cube
Starting point is 00:18:43 right at the end they gotta be unbroken right you right at the end. Taylor, they got to be unbroken, right? You got to do all three, all two? Yeah, they have to be unbroken. All right. Let's hope he heard that part, too. Because we know he didn't watch you do it. 340 what? 3432. Oh, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
Starting point is 00:19:02 358. 358. Kevin, you're in great whoa. 358. 358. Kevin, you're in great shape. That t-shirt was doing you no favors. Dude, he's a fake guy. You're going to get a rope burn, buddy. You're going to get a rope burn. All right.
Starting point is 00:19:20 We live without that noble headband, though. That's for sure. Fuck me, dude. If this guy beats me, I'm fucking going to lose it. Hey, no one who wears any noble shit will ever beat Taylor. I pray to fucking God. Oh, that's the other stick. When I see that noble, I just think that he's vaxxed.
Starting point is 00:19:39 That's all I think. Is that guy wearing an HWPO shirt? Hey, get out of the shot. Get out of the shot. Yeah. I think that's his dad, dude. Is that guy wearing an HWPO shirt? Hey, get out of the shot. Get out of the shot. Yeah. I think that's his dad, dude. We don't market that freaking stinky poo-poo company.
Starting point is 00:19:55 Oh, look at Angelo in the chat. This isn't a Noble shirt. It's a Koga shirt, by the way. Look at Angelo. Fuck off, Angelo. Let's fucking put your money where your mouth is, bro. We're off. We're off. I wonder if you heard the part where I called him chunky.
Starting point is 00:20:07 I think that's what he means by he's all caught up. Who'd you call chunky? Look at the top of his calf. Yeah, geez. Oh, Taylor's screwed. This guy's got way better calves than him. Does that mean Angelo also thinks he's chunky? Because he didn't disagree. Hey, when did he get off the bike?
Starting point is 00:20:30 59 seconds. Were you going hard on the bike, Taylor? I'm going pretty hard. UK is pretty hard. Caleb, did we find the video that shows the can and the sand and all that? The can and the sand. No, he's not doing it, Marge. Settle down. Get your panties in a twister.
Starting point is 00:20:51 Don't get all wet for your boy. I don't know, dude. He's on pace. Oh, he is definitely on pace. He's on pace. He's on pace. That rope is going to hurt him. Oh, shit. Oh, Nelly. Oh, shit. Oh, Nelly.
Starting point is 00:21:05 Oh, no. He's like a rat off a drain pipe. Oh, no. He is nice. Wait, wait, wait. You just wait. Yeah, let's do this. Oh, Nelly. How fast is this going to go? Oh, we're slowing down.
Starting point is 00:21:20 128 is when he came off the rope. 128 is when he came off? Yeah. $1,500. You're on pace, dude. Let's go. I'm pacing. It's going to be all about that last one.
Starting point is 00:21:35 You got to go faster than that. The back of his knees is ridiculous. Yeah. Kevin, now is not the time to be a pussy. Dude, he's biking harder than me. Looks like he's biking harder. He trains the back of his knees. Don't you?
Starting point is 00:21:48 I'm tripping. I want to start. I'm going to start. He does accessory work on the back of his knees. Yeah, what is that? What would that exercise be? Glue the ham raises. The time to beat, 358.
Starting point is 00:22:02 It's 30 cows on the bike. 348. 234 is when Taylor came off the bike right here beat 358 It's 30 cows on the bike 348 It's 358 buddy Oh no we're paused Come on 30 cows on the bike 3 rope ascents legless Can't touch the bottom when you go back down
Starting point is 00:22:20 So it's unbroken 20 then 2 then 10 then 1 The time to be 358. Something weird's going on with this biking. 127. 127. He said, oh no. Oh no.
Starting point is 00:22:35 What are you doing? Come on. Fuck you. Are you cheering for him, Peter? Shut the fuck up. Oh, that was a up! Not my money. Oh, that was a good defense. Stay strong, bro. Stay strong. Oh, no! Oh!
Starting point is 00:22:52 Oh! I did not see that coming. No, man. Amazing round one. Amazing round one. If that was a one-round workout, you'd kill us. That was harder than expected. What just happened?
Starting point is 00:23:08 Hey, listen, buddy. You're not a semifinals athlete. Yes, he is. Oh, he is? Yes. Oh, all right. Well, then you shouldn't be. I've been around since Andrew was a semifinals athlete.
Starting point is 00:23:18 Wow. Maybe you should get on what Andrew's on. Yeah, you need some TRT. Good idea. Good idea. Good idea. How do you train the back of your knees like that? You ever see the back of my knees? They look sick.
Starting point is 00:23:32 Watch this back after. The back of my knees? Yeah, you've got like 15 extra tendons that nobody else has. You got UPS calves. What gym are you at? What gym are you at, Kevin? Kota CrossFit. We're in Colorado. Awesome. Hey, thanks for coming on, Udaman.
Starting point is 00:23:50 See you next week. All right. Hey, I tagged Alice Kazan. Where the fuck is she at? She's not coming. Claire! Hey, guys. What's up, girl? How you doing? Claire representing Born Primitive.
Starting point is 00:24:02 I didn't know you were hot Claire Holy shit I try my best Damn I'm going to be nicer to you when I talk to you on the phone You definitely don't Claire please meet Andrew Hiller At the top below him Pedro White Then the great Taylor Self The great Taylor Self like what you're repping
Starting point is 00:24:21 And at the very bottom in the green shirt From the Heat One app Tyler Watkins Are we going to get bear on today unfortunately he's actually at a memorial service in normandy france for the 80th anniversary of d-day today so unlikely but it depends how long you go so hopefully i'm in his stead for now okay great and there were 500 um 500 limited pairs of shoes that came with all the accoutrements. Are there any of those still available? There are none available. We sold through all of the collector's editions. Damn.
Starting point is 00:24:54 It was super, super cool. But we do still have the D-Day edition Savage 1. I can tell you they are selling like hotcakes. So really, really cool moment for Born Primitive. They've got a lot of really neat features. They've got Operation Overlord on the heel, the date and time that they arrived on the beaches of Normandy, damn few up on the tow box as well. So you can always be thinking about the guys who sacrificed it all that day. And it's just a really cool moment for Born Primitive. We really appreciate the support.
Starting point is 00:25:29 And in the entire, many, many of your employees are veterans, right? And it's veteran owned. Yes, veteran owned. We have a lot of veterans who work here, former first responders, as well as a number of military spouses as well. So just a really important moment for Born Primitive to give back. So 100% of profits up to 50k from this D-Day Savage One are being donated to the Best Defense Foundation, which is an organization that supports war heroes and their families. So they're actually the ones who are taking 60 World War II veterans over to Normandy this year for the 80th, where they'll be celebrated and recognized. That's where Bear is, as well as Bruno Fallon, who's our head of tactical operations, and then one of our other employees is as well as Bruno Fallon who's our head of tactical operations And then one of our other Employees as well as over there my can
Starting point is 00:26:08 Bear's brother and all the guys In the videos that we see all the fun videos Of the helicopters and the gun shooting those are All veterans also correct yes Correct special operations veterans Bear has been in a number of them of course And then so has Bruno as well And you guys are based out of
Starting point is 00:26:24 Virginia Beach Yes Virginia Beach? Yes. Virginia Beach. Correct. And another thing, because I know a lot of people will comment on, they'll be like, where are these made? Where are these made? Born Primitive is in the process of making a facility in the United States of America and bringing manufacturing to the states. Isn't that correct? It's definitely in talks. Yes. Awesome. You hear that Mike Alpin? Fuck you, Mike Alpin. Yeah. Hey, Oh, I think we might even have bear on Claire. Hold on a second.
Starting point is 00:26:54 Let me see. All right, let's get them on. Let me see what's going on here. We might have bear on. Hold on bear. Hold on. I think we got you. This wasn't a Mickey mouse operation operation I'd have you on already Hold on Everybody else's voice is about to deepen About three octaves
Starting point is 00:27:09 Yeah Not mine No, yours is good I thought she was going to do the workout Yeah, I was like Oh, move Savan, you're muted. You sound very silly.
Starting point is 00:27:29 Claire, do you do CrossFit? I used to. Yeah, I was actually a coach back in the day. Okay. Yep. Can you climb a rope? You know, I could, but here's the deal, guys. I'm 6'1", so Cross so cross a little hard on my limbs
Starting point is 00:27:47 um yeah so we won't take yes six one you're basically you're basically at the top of the rope like you're taller than everyone on this show peter's a fucking midget tyler's at five two dude i'm six i'm six foot how is that no way you're six foot to me let was at a midget. Oh, shut up, dude. You're not six foot. No way you're six foot. Midget to me. Let's be real. Midget to me, right? Yeah. Right. I was a really good rower, though.
Starting point is 00:28:11 I bet you played basketball. I didn't. Volleyball. Hand-eye coordination. I ran. I was an endurance athlete. Hello? Can you guys hear me?
Starting point is 00:28:18 Now we can, yeah. Hold on. Not you. Hold on. You hold on. We're interviewing. Hold on one second. Hold on. You hold on. We're interviewing. Hold on one second. In front of the firing squad.
Starting point is 00:28:29 Can I see? Now he's muted us again. What's your favorite colorway of the Savage Ones? Favorite colorway for me is white gum. That's what Taylor's got on. Looks super, super sharp. I've got the black gum on the back of his head. The black gum's definitely the best seller.
Starting point is 00:28:48 Everybody loves the black gum. Yeah, you can't go wrong with black gum. I just bought some of the newer stuff to live free or die shirt. There you go. Something about the texture of that shirt is freaking incredible. I don't know what you guys changed,
Starting point is 00:29:02 but it's amazing. Oh, Jack Farlow's in the chat. He wants to do it. Oh, wow. amazing oh Jack Farno's in the chat he wants to do it oh wow Jack Farno you're in the chat get out of the fucking chat and call in ding dong I don't know dude
Starting point is 00:29:16 you think he could do it you're a little heavy Jack legs are a little big quads are a little bloated dude I don't know if you got to do it now, Jack. Quads are a little bloated. Dude, I don't know if you got it, bro. Tempting. I'm going to go with no on far low. I don't know. Can you guys hear me?
Starting point is 00:29:35 Yeah. Yes. You're on the room, Mike. My computer, Mike. Can you guys hear me? No, we can't. Yeah, what are we waiting for? Sevan, what are you doing?
Starting point is 00:29:45 I think my roadcaster crashed, and you're not going to believe this, Claire. That was not Bear, but that was Yella Hosta. That was Yella Hosta and Victor Hoffa. And Yella's coming on to ask Hound Taylor and take the fucking Bourne Primitive money. By the way, Claire, if the show's ever to crash, I glad you're on it so people because i'm sure you kept everyone's attention oh boy i hope not you did she's not hand-eye coordinated she didn't use her height to her advantage in sports we learned a lot you know awesome guys the height came in handy in other ways all right why how tall are you six one one oh my goodness oh my god i jumped oh have you
Starting point is 00:30:26 gotten to meet any of the uh the vets that they're taking over to normandy i haven't gotten to personally meet them but um we've had a podcast with a handful and um just been doing stuff behind the scenes that's kind of where i live they're all super cool um I've not met a World War II vet that wasn't amazing to talk to. Claire, we love having you on. Time to get back to the show. You're awesome. Thank you. Thank you for all your support. You're my favorite person to work with. Thank you. Tell Bear, thank you.
Starting point is 00:30:55 Will do. Thank you guys so much. And Taylor, we hope you win. Ciao. Bye, Claire. Claire from... Does he even speak English I can see English who's going first can we do a dub
Starting point is 00:31:13 oh they're at a weightlifting camp hey gentlemen congratulations for qualifying for the games not you Yana you didn't qualify no, congratulations for qualifying for the games. Not you, Yana. You didn't qualify. No, no. We don't care about the tape measure. Just tape the lines.
Starting point is 00:31:30 Tape the lines. No, I mean, they got to be the right measurements, but we're only measuring it if you guys win. Yeah, okay. Wait. Camera, camera horizontal. Wouldn't you want them to be sure they're going to win if they do win? Hiller, Hiller, Hiller. Wouldn't you want them to be sure they're going to win If they do win Listen we already have a language
Starting point is 00:31:49 Fucking barrier But Victor Hoffer is making an entry Victor turn the phone horizontal Victor you can't do the women's Numbers you gotta do the men's numbers Sorry You have to do the men's numbers You can't do the women's numbers. You got to do the men's numbers. Sorry? You have to do the men's numbers.
Starting point is 00:32:08 You can't do the women's numbers on the bike. You have to do you guys. I know you're European, but you got to still do the men's numbers. Fuck you, Sloan. Hey, we can't send money to Europe. Sorry? We can't send money to Europe, dude. It doesn't work.
Starting point is 00:32:21 So you guys are playing for a gentleman's handshake. Really? Victor doesn't understand sarcasm. No, not really. Of course. Come on, man. Turn the camera sideways. Let's go. They just put everything right. We are on the box and the workout is here so it's very loud. When it's ready, I just came inside and I stopped.
Starting point is 00:32:38 That's what your dad said. Okay. You know his dad, dude? Yeah, I know he came inside. Does Yellow Hostay know the rope climbs have to be unbroken? Yeah, you know. He's a little big for that.
Starting point is 00:32:53 Hey, Victor. Could you give the phone to someone who speaks English? Thank you. Love you. I speak English. No, shut up. You do not. No, you do not. You. I speak English. No, shut up. You do not. No, you don't. No, you do not.
Starting point is 00:33:07 You do not speak English. Why are you talking to him like he's a cabbie? Oh, my God. Hey, Victor. Yep. Hey, how many girlfriends do you have, dude? One girlfriend. Come on, dude.
Starting point is 00:33:21 You know why all the boys hate on you? Because you fucking take all the girls. That's when it comes down to it at the end of the day. I know it rains pussy on you, dude. I know. We all know it. The show isn't about being nice, dude. He is the pussy that rains on himself. Goddamn, dude.
Starting point is 00:33:41 These guys are going to fuck me up. This sucks. No, he's not. Hey, dude, listen. Yellow Host is a fucking Jolly Green Giant. He chokes on the last rope. Jolly. Now all I have to do is make fun of him. I don't have any other... Hey, you know who's with them is Eric.
Starting point is 00:33:54 You know, the get back to the bar. You know that guy. He's cool. Thank you. Yeah. And don't do it. Can you make sure the radio is turned off too, please? The music.
Starting point is 00:34:07 Yeah, I know. Please turn off the music, please. I don't think he's using his accent anymore. Yeah, that's not how that works. It does work. Actually, Hillary, it works when I talk to Taylor. Oh. I don't even...
Starting point is 00:34:23 Oh, I just got a text from Born Primitive. They'll only send half the money out of the country. What is Jelly Jing Jong doing? Where's your guy? Jelly Jing Jong. Oh, here he is. Here he is. Tell him to take that bite scene out.
Starting point is 00:34:42 God, he's long. Hey, tell him to take out that bite. There you go. Victor, can you turn your phone sideways? Just turn me on a little bit. Turn you off. Turn me on too. It was all seductive.
Starting point is 00:34:57 Wait, are we going at the same time or is this just Jelly? Is Victor doing the workout? No, just Yada. They're all three going to do it and beat your time together. Or is this just Jelly? Is Victor doing the workout? No, just Yara. They're all three going to do it and beat your time together. No, just Jelly's doing it. Listen, he has no chance.
Starting point is 00:35:13 He's going to feel the pain here in a second. I don't know, dude. I don't know. The plan is when you start the chrono, we start on the same time? Yeah. You just start. Don't worry about us, dude. You deal with yourself. Thank you. So we't worry about us dude. You could just deal with yourself. Thank you
Starting point is 00:35:30 So we need to show down now. Oh, he's on pace Y'all know could you calm down you look a little too happy, bro. Yeah What's up? What's up with you? I know. Why didn't he make the games? Is this herpes flare-up gone away? Oh my god, dude Don't make fun of Yanni. He's not even trying to beat me, dude. Make fun of this fucking big jaw motherfucker. All right, let's go, dude. I'm ready for this shit to start. Look how much head this dude fucking has.
Starting point is 00:35:55 God damn. He looks like my penis. He looks like my penis. 10% shaft, 90% mushroom cap. No, we don't care, Yana. We don't care. If he wins, we'll go. Yana, we know you're five feet tall. We know where that is perfect. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:36:14 Holy shit. That was pretty good. You're right, yeah. Perfect. Are you stressed out, Jella? Are you stressed out? Are you stressed out, Jella? He should be. You look stressed. You don't have any worries.
Starting point is 00:36:28 You look excited. He's going to get beat by a fucking guy who didn't even make it to the games. Guys, we got to see. Okay, here we go. Yep. This is a battle between Europe and China. We got to see that. We got to see that, Victor.
Starting point is 00:36:39 Don't let the clock go out of frame. And then that way we can sync the clock. Shut up. Three, 2, 1 Go Caleb Alright now we just want to see the rope climbs Hold still everyone We don't need to see the clock anymore Victor
Starting point is 00:36:53 Hold still Hold still everyone 30 cows on the C2 bike 3 rope climbs up and down Do you want to see the 30 cows No no no USA USA Without you want to see the surgical no no no that's right USA USA USA
Starting point is 00:37:10 Hey way too slow tell him he's going to show Victor. Oh, dude, I think he's going fast Yeah, he's probably pushing 3k right now Yeah, my brother was at D-Day. Dude, I'm nervous as fuck, Spin. Shut up. You're looking at a legend, Yonikoski, been to the games, got it 100 times. Yellow host, up-and-coming future of the CrossFit sport. Yellow's on the bike, 30 cows, three rope climbs, 20 cows, two rope climbs. 10 cows, one rope climb.
Starting point is 00:37:42 You're not allowed to touch the ground on the descent. The time to beat is 3.58. He's not right. He's four seconds behind. Oh, my God. Let's go, Jetta. Holy shit, dude. Nice.
Starting point is 00:37:56 Not that nice. I don't know, homie. Mr. Schuess looks better. Look at that descent. Wow. Mr. Schuess looked better. Uh-oh. Uh-oh. No, he's good. Mr. Shoots looked better. Uh-oh.
Starting point is 00:38:06 No, he's good. 120. Big yellow. Five seconds ahead. He's not five seconds ahead, Tyler. Shut the fuck up. Shut up, Redneck. He's a head of ace.
Starting point is 00:38:21 Henry Capilano as well. It's like all of Europe got together to beat Taylor. Yeah, fuck Europe. USA! USA! No, shut up! Shut up! Fuck you, yellow. Victor, no cheering. You have to talk shit to him only. Oh, that was perfect.
Starting point is 00:38:46 Holy shit, I'm tripping. Come on, Yota. Get that fucking camera guy out of the way. No, no, no, that's good. Content creator, stay there. Does that guy have a media pass? Hey, camera guy, move. Is that Shane Orr?
Starting point is 00:39:02 That's Rios216, dude? He's no on pace right now These are the seconds where he lost it these are lost it. Yeah, oh baby he got that. Oh baby. This is it. AHHHHH! Come on, Niel! 30 seconds ahead. I'm gonna push you to the top, bro. Oh, he's talking about France, this fucking serious shit. Oh wow, he's got a whole minute to do this. Yes.
Starting point is 00:39:36 15... Hey, he doesn't understand you, Victor. He doesn't understand you. He speaks French too, Savan. He's talking about you. No, he doesn't. I like him. He doesn't. Savan, he's talking about you. No, he doesn't. I like him. He doesn't. Savan, he's talking about you. Is he choking or something? It's 58 seconds till he wins the 15.
Starting point is 00:39:51 Oh, my god. 1,500 bucks. Oh, Nelly. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. Yes. Who taught you how to do that, Spiegel? Ah!
Starting point is 00:41:07 Yeah, my brother's over at the thing. That's right. Hey, Gelo, when did you see, when you saw, did you see the workout when we posted it at 8.30? No, I had a friend texting me. Michiel, thank you. He said, you probably can beat this. And I tried to put Yone into doing it, but yeah, he chickened out and then I had to do it.
Starting point is 00:41:34 Very nice. Were you a wrestler? No, judo. Okay. And Jelle, did you know when you saw it that you would kill it? Were you like, oh, my God, I love the bike, I love the rope? I was pretty confident that so far was possible. Hey, did you say you have a friend named Michel that's a boy? Michel, yeah, that's a boy. All right, start calling him Michael, okay?
Starting point is 00:42:02 Okay, Michael, it's fine. Michael, there you go. He's probably watching right now. There you go. All right, buddy. him Michael, okay? Okay, Michael. It's fine. Michael, there you go. He probably isn't watching right now. There you go. All right, buddy. Hey, that's incredible. We really appreciate you coming on the show and ruining it. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:42:13 Hey, Yala, enjoy your 250 euro. The exchange rate is pretty shit, so... What did you say? The exchange rate is pretty shit, so enjoy your 250 euro. It's going to be great. Hey, Jella, do you have – do we have – I think we have each other's phone numbers, right? Yeah, I texted you, but you didn't reply. I know Nivelle managed to get you on the phone.
Starting point is 00:42:37 She did that on purpose. Don't worry. No, but do you have my personal text message? Do you have my personal phone? Oh, yeah. Here it is. Hey, I'm texting you right now. I just texted you right now. Do you have your personal text message? Do you have my personal phone? Oh, yeah. Here it is. Hey, I'm texting you right now. I just text you right now.
Starting point is 00:42:48 Do you have your phone with you? No. Okay. Hey, look at your phone and then text me. Do you guys Venmo in Europe? How do you guys get money in Europe? Do you guys Venmo or Zelle or whatever? No, PayPal.
Starting point is 00:42:58 PayPal. We'll figure it out. Okay. Hey, wait, wait, wait, wait. How many grapes can you fit in your mouth have you ever tried that no no I'm not too much into that thank you
Starting point is 00:43:12 okay it's not it's not a use of a euphemism yet it was a genuine question hey thanks for doing this tell Yana and Victor thank you so much. And tell Hapalina thank you. We love you guys.
Starting point is 00:43:27 You guys make the show. Thank you. We make the show. Yeah. Thank you. Hey, you all. Hey, how come Carl Goodmanson's not there? Is he washed up?
Starting point is 00:43:37 Where's BKG? You don't invite him to that shit? He wasn't invited. He's too cool. Ask him. Ask him. All right. All right too cool. Ask him. He enjoys Iceland too much. All right.
Starting point is 00:43:48 All right, guys. Thank you. All right. I'm depressed. Thank you for the test. Yep. See you next week. Oh, yeah. Pick him off.
Starting point is 00:43:57 Hey, listen to Alex. I knew I could beat Taylor. Not sure about yellow. Bullshit, Alex. Hey, Alex, if you come on and beat 348, if Alex Kazan comes on and beats 348, I'll send her 500 bucks. Who had 348? I got 358.
Starting point is 00:44:15 Oh, I was 358. All right, whatever. Oh, my God. Just kidding. I take it back. I thought I was 348. Alex is starting to sound a bit like John Young. Oh, I beat that time, but I just didn't't record it or i don't want to show anyone wow kazan is the john young of the women i never thought i'd hear that hey can you cut 40 seconds off that taylor i biked pretty slow in the second and third round but i felt like i needed it to go up the rope oh my god hey that's a good idea.
Starting point is 00:44:45 You know what I'm going to do, Patrick? I'm going to fart. I'm going to put the money in a brown bag and then fart in it and then seal it off and mail it to him. Can I, can I buy one of them as well? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:57 You can get one from Spiegel on eBay. That's on her Instagram subscription service. So, so we still haven't made it to $2,000. Did you not say the purpose of this show, Tanner, was that you don't lose? Peter, Peter, Peter. There are a handful of words that I've really made a strong oath to never say again, and you're fucking testing me on every single one of them right now.
Starting point is 00:45:39 Savage Ones, in stock. Get them now. Great shoe, great sponsor. Been a great supporter of the show. If it wasn't for them, there's so many things that we wouldn't have been able to do up to this point. They helped us with the live open streams. They helped us with the quarterfinal streams. They're helping us with Kill Taylor.
Starting point is 00:45:57 Just a great company. Aligned pretty damn perfectly on our values. They sent us the beautiful Claire this morning, which was really cool. So, thank you. Next week, we will be on it Saturday, correct? Yes. Okay. Are you planning on winning next week, or what's the story with that? Well, dude, between
Starting point is 00:46:17 fucking Yellow Host and Colton, what am I going to program, dude? A midget beats me in one, and a fucking 38-foot-tall ding-dong beats me in another. I know. Isn't that interesting that it's two outliers that have come onto the show? The anthropometry is benefiting them. Hey, what if you would have added more reps?
Starting point is 00:46:37 Oh. Like you made 3-2-2-1 or 3-2-2. Oh, shit. I don't know, dude. It didn't look like you were coming close to failing, but he slowed down, sure as hell. It felt like I was coming close to failing. Maybe I just need to not be such a puss.
Starting point is 00:46:53 Hey, can anyone in the world beat him, or is that it? I thought Victor was doing it. I think Victor would have a shot. I bet JR could beat him. You serious? I don't think – yeah, 100% JR could beat him. I don't think Victor could beat him. Seriously? I don't think – yeah, 100% JR could beat him. I don't think Victor could beat him. I think if Victor could have beat me, he would have been the one that did it.
Starting point is 00:47:12 Perhaps. Well, did you hear what he said? He said Janikowski was going to do it, and then at the last minute changed his mind. And they had just done a workout. I just did a workout too, and I coached the 530 and the 7. I did next week's sentinel conditioning, which is, for time, 200-calorie row, 200-calorie biker, partition as desired. The workout that Yellow Hosta and Taylor did, and one other guy named Kevin,
Starting point is 00:47:39 there it is, 30-20-10 standing biker, and then 3-2-1 unbroken legless rope climbs, 15-foot rope, yellow hose. In all honesty, what do you think about that performance? Are you just completely blown away? Did you think that was possible, a 3-10 or whatever he got? Yeah. Honestly, I thought I was going to be under 3-30. I just slowed way down on the bike.
Starting point is 00:48:00 Barry McCaulkin, our next week will be Taylor versus JR. And you know who could beat you? Taylor, Taylor Wade. He could probably meet me in that. Uh, it's yeah, he, he definitely good.
Starting point is 00:48:11 My bike pace. Yeah. My bike pace fell so much on the 20. I did 2000, then 1200. And I think you'll say, I think you'll host it at 2000, 1800.
Starting point is 00:48:22 And that was where all this time was made up. It, to me, it didn't look like he was pedaling that fast i mean he got he got off the bike after you i think on the first round two seconds after you he got off the bike about the same time on the first one and then the second one he went so fast yeah my burns right helping could be taylor on this yeah yeah that's that's fair yeah anything involving opening your mouth and sucking cock, Helping would probably take the W, I would say. Oh, I'd give him a lot of money. Is this Matthew in the chat?
Starting point is 00:48:53 No, Matthew. No. That's even more Matthew. Yeah, he throws you 24.1 every week. I'm just going to do more burpees and hopefully make them in a way where colton doesn't have a chance because there's something you have to be really tall to do simultaneously burpee over uh i gotta do uh so are you have you thought of next week's workout already no one at a time bro
Starting point is 00:49:18 one at a time hey and and the fact that every time someone beats you does that fuck with you you're like okay i should have done this i should have done that to help you tweak your programming are you running out of movements i think i'm no i'm not running out of movements i think i'm just learning like i've never done this before this is my seventh time right right well is this week seven is that the actual hayley we need to? We need to start keeping track of that, for real. Oh, this is Americali Hayley Adams. This is the real...
Starting point is 00:49:52 Yeah, that's the real Hayley Adams. Hayley, you're not going to do it. What are you talking about? Taylor's now going to program against you. Yeah. Now that I know, listen, listen. Now that I know all these fuckheads like Yelly and all these Euros are into it, I'm not going to program any more European shit, dude.
Starting point is 00:50:09 Fucking biking and road climbs is too fucking European. We should change the prize money for Europe to $250. MTEL for Taylor, please don't program this for November. Oh, that must be a Sentinel training athlete. Charlotte Classic. Why was there a 10 damper rule? That's just typically, I don't know. That's typically like when you do a standing biker,
Starting point is 00:50:33 you typically set it to a damper 10. And setting the damper removes anybody's ability to play with the damper and fluctuate the count per hour. Oh, shit. Listen, pull this comment up. I'll beat you next week. I'll beat you next week. I'll beat you next week. That's the tone you think
Starting point is 00:50:52 she used? I'll fucking beat you next week. She's on the generation that's never touched a computer. They see blood in the water. There's blood in the water now. That's fine, dude.
Starting point is 00:51:07 Oh, and then you got Colton in here, too? Oh, fuck off, dude. Stop. This show doesn't turn into a big one of Taylor when I lose, okay? Yes, it does. No, it doesn't. No, it doesn't.
Starting point is 00:51:20 Taylor, today really disappointed me. Please win next week. I'm here crying in front of all my pigs. Colton Mertz. Heidi can't spell. She's a fucking dumbass. Oh, dude, look. It's Fraser.
Starting point is 00:51:31 L-E-N. Where? Where's Fraser? It's not. Frazier. Yeah, he could knock him on the show. Could Colton have beat you in that workout? No.
Starting point is 00:51:43 Fuck you, Colton. You wouldn't have beat me in this workout. He maybe could have beat me last week. But not this week. No. He's not beating me next week either. I'm going to design a workout. A three-rep dead-stop deadlift?
Starting point is 00:51:56 Yeah, three-rep dead-stop deadlift. Definitely not going to program that. You know what's cool is that money pays for, like, he had his flights to Fort Worth. No, it doesn't. Yeah, it does. It helps. Maybe one way.
Starting point is 00:52:10 Fuck that. Why the fuck are we helping him to Fort Worth? Shut up, Peter. Don't find a silver lining. There's no silver lining. We'll send it to him after the games. Hey, do it like the CrossFit games. He's got to fill out a W-2.
Starting point is 00:52:25 He's got to wait six months. There's a whole process that is, bro. All right, guys. The show is going to move to Saturday. Hold on, hold on. Lisa Gall, Kevin Ogar is in for a challenge. Program the bike on that one. He's going to sit there like this on the...
Starting point is 00:52:47 No, it's legs only. You guys are killing it, but the word is out. It's going to be extremely difficult to win a couple weeks in a row. Jelly Toast just bagged a rate of $27,000 an hour. He's right. 100% right. That's some Jeff Bezos shit. Not even.
Starting point is 00:53:02 He makes more than that, I bet. Guys, it's only a matter of time before the prize money will go to $1,000 a week and then $2,000 a week. Well, here's the thing. Why are we talking like it's over? Someone can still beat Yellow Host this time. Oh, really? Really?
Starting point is 00:53:16 Oh, people are asking for links. Do you want me to send it? Yes. No, only send it to people who have a chance of beating Yellow. Don't do that, dude. Send it to whoever. Okay. All right.
Starting point is 00:53:27 All right. My bad. All right. I thought- I would kill for JR to show up right now. He would never- I would kill for Taylor Wade to show up. JR, please call in JR.
Starting point is 00:53:37 No, no, no. Taylor Wade. No one even knows who that is. JR only does Legos rope climbs. I just sent out two links. Wow. Haley's chomping at the bit. I can't wait for next week to ass-pound Taylor.
Starting point is 00:53:50 She didn't say ass-pound, bro. He's reading between the lines. It's inferencing. Hey, pull up Chris Triple G's comment. Do I look like I'm crying, you fucking douchebag? Hold on.lor is an asshole
Starting point is 00:54:06 let's just soak in to everyone and now he's crying because people make fun of him fucking jeez louise this sounds like a sound effect that we have this guy's got a naked fucking nft of NFT of Joe Biden in his room and he fucking pooped off. The autism runs strong in the No, what's up, buddy? How you doing? Good to see you, dude.
Starting point is 00:54:33 Still got to get you on the show. Hope you're doing well. Football season's about to start. Good to see you, dude. That's not the real guy. Yes, it is, dude. No, it's not. Yes, it is.
Starting point is 00:54:47 No, it's not. Yes, it is. Wait's not yes it is what's up guys mason what's up dude oh nothing much ready to kick taylor's ass dude i'm gonna do my best damn look at your jawline You look like the Incredible Hulk How old are you? Jeez Louise, alright Hey, dude, if you get beat by a European No bueno No bueno Hey, him and Daniel Kutz Alright Are you in Mississippi?
Starting point is 00:55:18 Are you in Mississippi? Are you in Mississippi? Where are you at? No, I'm in georgia in belgica hey we want to keep the money in america so we're gonna root for you all right i appreciate the first it's the first ever on the kill taylor listen listen this is serious advice you should probably bike at a 2k to start and you can't go below an 1800 on the 20 or the 10 because that's the only place he beat me all right i'm gonna have to listen to y'all for the clock the way this gym set up i can't get a clock in the frame okay i got my volume up that's cool with you guys yeah can you turn turn the phone horizontal yeah hey soon as you start we'll start the clock fuck you got you got to unlock your phone unlock your phone so you get a one start, we'll start the clock. You got to unlock your phone.
Starting point is 00:56:06 Unlock your phone. So you get a one-second buffer. We'll wait until you start pedaling, and then we'll start the clock. Do you guys lock your phone? I don't. Mason, the chat wants to know if you're single. No, I'm not. Oh, he was disappointed.
Starting point is 00:56:21 What's his name? Yeah. Yeah. Well, there's a guy named Mark that wants to eat your asshole. It is June, dude. It is June. It is Pride Month, bro. We can talk. Wow.
Starting point is 00:56:34 Dude. Can y'all see that white tape line? Heidi wants to know what you... I can't even see the fucking rope. Oh, the rope is black. He's fucked. Hey. Heidi wants to know what he fans. Heidi, aren't you in a relationship?
Starting point is 00:56:51 I think Heidi and her boyfriend are going to warm up to you. Yeah, they got that upside down pineapple looking for a third. Wow. I don't know what that is, but that sounds crazy. Swingers, bro.
Starting point is 00:57:06 Yeah. Guys, I'm just about ready. Let's go, Mason. Let's party. We'll start the clock when you start pedaling. We're going to give you, yeah, we'll start the clock when you step on the pedal. And I just wanted to reiterate that because no one can understand Peter. He's foreign.
Starting point is 00:57:21 Correct. I said swingers and remembered I was at work. This dude belongs in the gym to our head. Jesus Christ. Fucking go to your bike. All right. Look at Libby Budacki. This guy, he's killing me.
Starting point is 00:57:36 We'll stop the clock. We'll use our pedaling. It's perfectly okay to diddle yourself. Are you sitting down? Two, one, go. Ladies, it's perfectly okay to diddle yourself. Are you sitting down? Two, one, go! Ladies, it's perfectly okay to diddle yourself during this workout. Oh, my God. He was pissed off, Pedro.
Starting point is 00:57:52 Get away from the camera. He said, go to your fucking bike. Oh, my gosh. Wow. Okay. 15 seconds, 60 seconds. He needs to get off the bike at around 58 seconds. Hey, scroll that thing down, Caleb.
Starting point is 00:58:10 The clock. No, don't touch the clock, Caleb. Other way, Caleb. No, no, Caleb, don't touch it. Oh, my God. P, did he just join the chat? Cool. I think...
Starting point is 00:58:27 Hit the like if you're questioning your sexuality. How do I? Can I do that on the back end? He looks like he wishes something shaped like a penis was mounted to his bike seat. Uh-oh, 54 seconds. Hey, let's go, Mason. You're killing it, dude. What the hell was that? Wow. Wow.
Starting point is 00:58:51 What if he beats Yella? Holy shit. I hope he beats Yella. Fuck him up, Mason. Let's go, Mason. He's got him. Let's go, Mason. Come on. Control, control. We'll give it to you. Go, go, go, go. Let's go Mason Hey, you gotta buy card he's right on pace dude Jason Miller, I think summed up this guy well, he's cute but comes too fast I think that yeah, I think we said so we see
Starting point is 00:59:22 When he loses virginity comes in the condom before she even puts it in. Puts it in where? Good thing. Just put a new one on and get the town. Puts it in nowhere, dude. Rolls the condom on, immediate ejaculation. Let's go, Mason. Come on.
Starting point is 00:59:39 The thing is, he shouldn't be holding onto the arms like that. Yellow is out. Fuck, I wanted to win so badly. What did Yellow do? Let's go, Mason. You're on onto the arms like that. Yellow is out. Fuck, I wanted to win so badly. What did Yellow do? Let's go, Mason. You're on pace, buddy. You got this. Whoa!
Starting point is 00:59:50 Let's go, Mason. Whoa! He's got to come off in 10 seconds. Bike sounds loud. Dude, if we pay this guy, is this underage solicitation of like a minor or something? Go! No, no, no, no, no! No, no, no, no, no! No! No!
Starting point is 01:00:06 No! No! Let's go, buddy. Wow, he's doing the Tater South pussy rope climb chalk a bit early. His niece wasn't on the last round. Let's go, Mason.
Starting point is 01:00:16 You're doing great. Let's go. Aggressive. Be aggressive. It's okay. $1,500, dude. We can get through this. He's fucked.
Starting point is 01:00:22 He's fucked. He's not going back. I think he's got it. He has $1,500, dude. We can get through this. He's fucked. He's fucked. $1,500. I think he's got it. He has $1,500. I think every rope climb has been short like six inches. Let's go. Let's go. Let's go.
Starting point is 01:00:32 Oh, he's fucked. I don't want to see any of you. No, I think he's got it. He'll be okay. He's fucked. He's only got like 20 seconds. The time was 310. What was yellow's time?
Starting point is 01:00:41 318. It was 316. 318. You didn't even know what your own time was. It's in the comments, Tyler. Okay, cool. I wasn't sitting here writing them down. You weren't.
Starting point is 01:00:53 Okay. Let's go. Let's go. It's 3.16. Tyler Watkins? It's 3.16. Okay, let's go. Oh.
Starting point is 01:01:01 No, he's gone. Okay, ladies, finish up. We've had enough of Mason. No, no, no. Okay, ladies, finish up. We've had enough of Mason. No, no, no. Watch him beat Taylor real quick. Oh, you can't hold on to the top. Bye-bye. Okay, I hope you guys were able to finish in time.
Starting point is 01:01:17 Thank you, Mason, for coming on the show. He didn't beat me. Nathan Reese. He didn't beat me. Hey, there. What's up, buddy? Doing all right. Okay Okay hold on one second Hold on one second Nathan
Starting point is 01:01:29 Hey I don't think that guy's scores would have counted anyway I think I saw at least two rope climbs where he didn't touch the top right I don't know what he was touching to be honest Yeah I don't know Hey Nathan Yeah Are you in a What country are you in right now
Starting point is 01:01:44 The UK Alright you don't have to show Yeah. Are you in a... What country are you in right now? The UK. All right. Bye. See you later. Thank you. That's a joke. That's a joke. All right. Is there like a satellite delay or are you just a bit thick?
Starting point is 01:02:03 There's a bit of a delay going on. In your brain or in the phone? I'll put chicks behind the camera again. Okay, is your cameraman a woman or a man? It's me, hi. Hi, okay. It was me, hi. Okay.
Starting point is 01:02:18 Me, hi. Okay, Nathan, we're ready when you are. Kick ass, buddy. Bring me high around to the front Black tea this morning Is this frozen for you guys are just me just you know, I can see him You don't have a cock we know you don't have a car You don't have a cock we know you don't have a car
Starting point is 01:02:51 Me hi, it's broken. We do actually see something on the fucking video though Just go ahead and start you be a five no he's not even Nathan you're you got to hang up and call back in or something. You're frozen. No, no, don't start. You're frozen. You're frozen. He's on pace. He's on pace. All right.
Starting point is 01:03:19 He said, okay, we're going to start. Wow. Let's giveathan one more chance to uh what was his name nathan nathan reese i just wrote down uk dude i can't believe gazan's not calling in scared line bastard what's ridiculous protecting the reputation and i can't believe those euro guys freaking all ganged up on me like that there were like six of them that's ridiculous i found the last guy's instagram it's only pride month the united states you're not all out of gangbang me dude he has he has his girlfriend in his profile pic he's wow there she is that's a bold strategy he's 16 years old
Starting point is 01:04:03 dude it looks like he was the homecoming. Oh, of course he was. Glad he didn't win, actually. Homecoming CU. We wanted that guy to win. Hey, what year was that picture posted? The homecoming king. That's ridiculous.
Starting point is 01:04:15 248 weeks ago. Oh, okay. So he's a beige now. So he never posts. Not really. He looks like one of the models for pump underwear. The underwear. Come on.
Starting point is 01:04:27 Meat fruit missiles. That's right. I bet he's got some whale labias. What does that mean? Look how happy his girl is. She's just a fucking puddle. Yeah, I'd be pretty happy, too, if I were him, her. Both.
Starting point is 01:04:43 Yeah. They look happy. Yeah. They look happy. Yeah. Dude, that was... Hey, we got to change the thumbnail of this show to six Europeans, one American.
Starting point is 01:04:52 Or like six Euros, one American. Like gang gang. You can be the blonde girl. You know the meme of the blonde girl on the couch? Dude, dude,
Starting point is 01:05:03 please crop my face onto that and put yella victor um fucking all those guys we have will if you're listening will will never do that he's too scared of that i'll do it i'll make it okay fine what is that casting couch how do i that's gonna be that's gonna be a high quality meme peter can you send me that picture? I don't know what you're talking about. Where is he? Nathan, get back here. He's gone. Listen, guys. $1,500 this week given by Born Primitive. Amazing. Love
Starting point is 01:05:33 these guys. I really appreciate the support. Great show today. Congratulations to Jell-O Hosa. Next Saturday, prize money will be back up to $500. Haley Adams will be here next week to lose. Lose, yeah. Alex Design is going to butch up and give it a go, too.
Starting point is 01:05:52 If you don't own a pair of Savage Ones, you should. If you need any validation that their joggers are the best joggers in the business, just know J.R. Howell has, like, 15 pairs of them. That should be enough convincing for you. I wear their shorts. Great stuff. Thank you, Pedro, for you. I wear their shorts. Great stuff. Thank you, Pedro, for coming. Mr. Hiller, Tyler, Mr. Beaver, Taylor.
Starting point is 01:06:10 Love you, buddy. I love you.

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