The Sevan Podcast - Let The Light Wash Over You Ft. Alex Gazan #895

Episode Date: April 28, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by car and other conditions apply. Hey, I'm alive. Wow, good morning. Holy cow. Morning starting off a little more exciting than I imagined. Hi. Good morning, everyone.
Starting point is 00:00:43 Jake, what's up, buddy? Good morning. Came back to get another ass whooping in the comments. Good on you, buddy. One wasn't enough yesterday. You're a good dude. Dale Spiegel. I don't even know what that means. Good morning. Cornholio. Jake Gazan. Good morning. I saw your video. Dude, that video is kind of scary with all that blood coming out of her mouth. It kind of scares me. David Weed. Assalamu alaikum. I'll say it back to you. Oh, it's impossible.
Starting point is 00:01:14 Jeez Louise. Extra sloppy. Philip Kelly. Melissa. Oh, dear. Zach Jones. Frenchie. Good day.
Starting point is 00:01:22 Hi, Frenchie. Niv Rousseau. Thank you. I love your money. Keep it coming. Jody day. Hi, Frenchie. Niv Rousseau, thank you. I love your money. Keep it coming. Jody Lynn, hi, good morning. Always nice to see you. Chubby Cox. Hello, Chubby.
Starting point is 00:01:37 I'm not going to lie, when I look at you, I think you have a chubby cock. Christine Young, good morning. Wadzombie Jake is the man making sure we have funny stuff to watch I know good dude right you gotta this video he sent me
Starting point is 00:01:50 is kinda it's hardcore though it's um it's pretty hardcore this morning at CrossFit HQ heads have begun to roll if anyone knows
Starting point is 00:02:02 what's going on please please let me know because uh i've heard now uh three different people have been let go at crossfit hq this morning and i am very curious what's going on there let me tell you a couple things we do know what's going on crossfit hq is crossfit headquarters crossfit is the uh lifestyle methodology created by greg glassman that changed so many of our lives um it's a pyramid and at the bottom of the pyramid is uh make sure you get your make sure you get your nutrition in check why did someone tell me my beauty light was off
Starting point is 00:02:41 ah there we go uh CrossFit is a program. CrossFit is a program. And at the bottom, it's fundamentals. It's just making sure you're eating right, right? Don't eat shit. Eat meats, nuts and seeds, lean meats, nuts and seeds. Is it lean meats? It doesn't need to be lean meats.
Starting point is 00:02:59 Nuts and seeds, some fruit, no sugar, shit like that. Vegetables, the green ones. And then on top of that, there's different movements in sort of a hierarchy. And do that and your life gets better. Well, after Greg created that company, their affiliates started popping up all over the world. And it got massive. And then he sold the company. And now, instead of him being in charge, it's a – I don't know how it works anymore. But their CEO is Don Fall. He's been on the show, and I enjoyed his company.
Starting point is 00:03:42 I truly did. I enjoyed his company. I truly did. And since 2018, the company's just been... It's been crazy over there. No one can get fucking settled. And it sounds like this morning, the exact same thing. We do know, a couple things we do know. Last month, I think, bear with me with the timeline but uh nicole carroll
Starting point is 00:04:06 moved from the training department to a new department that i didn't even know existed it's called something like brand and she basically was a promotion for her so instead of being a director she got promoted to the c-suite which means that basically she reports directly to the ceo she probably did before anyway but i'm just giving you the Wikipedia rigamarole. And we also know that there was some guy who we had heard, I had heard that there was some guy, I think his name is Rex. I don't know him, but he was put in charge of the training department. I could have that name wrong. I want to his names i don't know it's a weird name it's a it's a name that i that i don't hear very often and he was put in charge of the training
Starting point is 00:04:48 department which was weird because that guy wasn't around when i was around that guy wasn't around when greg glassman was around so that means that they had someone new in the training department that would be a crazy bold uh move so that's a big change to move and take Nicole out of training. And then we know a couple weeks ago or a week ago that their head of HR, some chick named Trish, was let
Starting point is 00:05:16 go or resigned. You never know the truth. I'm going to say she was let go. I'm going to say Don's cleaning house of the woke crew. I have no proof of that. That's complete wishful thinking because, as I told you, their new head of HR, from what I can find about her online, is probably the most woke person I've ever seen in my fucking life. I watched this 30-minute video of her, and she might as well just come up there and just say, I'm the most racist person ever, and I judgment calls based on uh uh the color of people's skin i mean it's that bad i and the thing is is i want to pull up the video and i time coded it and laid the whole thing out and let you guys see how ridiculous it is and like i told you i'm not because i just don't i i i went to her instagram and i see that
Starting point is 00:06:00 she had like thanksgiving with don so I'm guessing her and Don are close. So I don't want to... And maybe she changed. That video is from a year ago. Maybe she woke up. Maybe she's not a complete fucking scumbag anymore. I mean, I've made the conversion. I no longer feel sorry for marginalized people. I now see everyone as my equal.
Starting point is 00:06:27 Isn't that cool? But it's okay. You can feel sorry. That's compassion. Imagine thinking you're better than other people, but having that confused and telling yourself that you think you're better than other people, but you tell yourself you're really just a compassionate, kind person who's trying to help.
Starting point is 00:06:49 Yeah, Don could be woke as fuck you never know you never know i know uh you guys i i don't i'm not even ready uh licks what's the name of the new hr lady and i don't even think they call her hr they call it like people people people person or something i know they should dump the entire HR department. Clock says Don should dump the entire HR department, handle employee pay benefits, et cetera, with a lean admin department filled with people not trained in HR to 100 percent. Now, he does not have the balls to do that. Licks Don is woke. Savon has a huge blind spot. Well, and I'm trying to play the political game i
Starting point is 00:07:25 don't want to ruin i'm not i don't want to like burn it down i want to keep like my um i want to continue to have access uh don fall uh oh he's in the comments here i'm woke now guys but still sleepy okay but still i think it's supposed to be and still excuse me uh so let's see what happens today let's see uh it sounds like there's i'm not sure hopefully they fire more hopefully they fire people who are just doing dumb shit like that dumb post that they made about uh that they reposted on crossfit the black page yesterday poor poor meredith root i wonder what it's like when you just have your posted on CrossFit, the black page yesterday. Poor, poor Meredith Root. I wonder what it's like when you just have your, all your pathologies just fucking posted
Starting point is 00:08:11 on the front end, but we will get there. Okay, here we go. I got this DM yesterday, or I don't know, maybe like a month ago, but I just saw it. And so here we go. I'm going to read it to you. And I did ask the person if I can read it. Hey, I'm listening to your live show, Savon from earlier. And you were saying, everyone has said, just do interviews with CrossFit, et cetera. They couldn't be more wrong. I started listening to you for your CrossFit interviews,
Starting point is 00:08:39 but now the lives and the less mainstream interviews are what I look forward to. My personal favorite was the 21 days to immunity British Doctor, but have loved so many. Oh, that was Asim Malhotra we had on. I'm an English elementary school teacher. I was woke as fuck. I got my 49ers ticket, but I'm waking up, man. I left the UK because the education system is so broken. I moved to Dubai hoping it would be different,
Starting point is 00:09:06 but it's all the same. I'm trying to get out of the system ASAP. I wrote an appendix to our curriculum trying to teach skills that mean something. Judging the media you consume, critical reading, comparing sources, trying to make the best of a broken system. Yet no one in the education system is interested.
Starting point is 00:09:24 Yeah, so I mean mean people are waking up one by one i i think i i shared this with you guys by the way if anyone knows anything just put it up here in the chat of what's going on over at hq we'll we'll unfuck this thing slowly together i'm also trying to get a alex stein is personal friends with Tucker Carlson. We'll figure out what the fuck's going on over there, at least get some insight. I am curious what Mr. Stein thinks is happening. I saw a post the other day and it said something. I think I shared this with you. I saw something. So I went on, I looked at what the fact checkers were saying. And I looked at like six or seven fact checkers. I went, cause there's a bunch of different fact checkers for the same article. And all of them said the same thing. They said, it's a lie because no one knows the exact, it's not one amount for all the doctors.
Starting point is 00:10:39 Some doctors got $20,000 for giving 49ers tickets. Some doctors got $40,000 bonuses. Some doctors got $80,000 bonuses. So the spirit of the article was 100% correct. The spirit – and that's what so many people – there's a few people in the comments who have so much trouble understanding that. It's like thinking that the Dominion servers are okay. It's crazy. It's crazy. So I saw this one too. This one was – I saw this fact check, and I fact checked the fact checkers here, and this was the exact same thing. I'll show you this. the exact same thing i'll show you this imagine imagine um imagine saying that something kills you and it kills you in five days and the fact checkers say it's false and then you go and see why and it's because it kills you in three days so it's it's it's fucking absurd it's absurd okay so this says uh just in well i'll i'll play it i'll play this for you so
Starting point is 00:11:47 the fact checkers say that this isn't true the fact checkers say this isn't true listen to this here we go and then and then and then i'll tell you what i found when you go to the fact checkers and washington passes bill allowing children to legally be taken from parents if parents don't consent to gender transitioning their children. Their children, not the state's children. Just wanted to remind everyone that Democrats are insane. Every Democrat runs out there like, I'm a moderate, elect me, and then this is what happens. There are no moderate Democrats anymore. Every moderate Democrat has become a Republican. Why?
Starting point is 00:12:37 So the it says Washington passes a bill allowing children to be legally taken from parents of parents don't allow gender transition. And the fact checkers, if you go to it, say that this is false. They say it's false. sorry sean um is there seven is there some way that you can enable live captions for those of us that are deaf and trying to watch this at work oh oh uh sean do they have live captions, I would love to figure that out for you. Do I need to type that to him? I don't know if YouTube has live captions. If they do, we definitely need to turn that on. I don't understand why that wouldn't be turned on.
Starting point is 00:13:17 That should be a user option. Oh, why the fuck does that guy talk like that? I'm annoyed. I oh they do yes they do uh they do seven okay they do have an interesting okay so here's the thing so there was a law in california that they're trying to pass uh the guy's name is wiener, who's trying to get it passed, not the famous Wiener, but a different Wiener out of San Francisco. And the law said that parents couldn't be prosecuted if their child died up to seven days after they were born.
Starting point is 00:13:57 And when they approached the politicians, I was watching the interview when they asked the politicians, they said, hey, you're basically legalizing murdering a child who's less than seven days old. And the politician's response was, no, you can't do that with the law. Their response was, that wasn't our intention. That wasn't our intention. So somehow for the left, that's some sort of defense. That wasn't our intention. Who cares what the law says? It wasn't their intention. They were trying to pass a law. And you know what their intention was? They actually said what their intention was. Their intention was so that if a parent was high on meth or heroin and that the baby died due to a drug overdose, that the parent couldn't be prosecuted, which doesn't make sense to me anyway. But that was their intention, to protect drug addict parents. But what it did do is open the door that you could kill your kid at three three days old with no investigation you can't make this shit up this is real it wasn't their intention so when i look this up washington
Starting point is 00:15:12 passes bill allowing children to legally be taken from parents instagram says this is false and when you look at why it's false it's because even though it is true, it's that the lawmakers, that wasn't their intention. But the law actually does allow the state to take the kids and not tell the parents. It allows the state to protect the kids from their parents and begin the gender or the sex transition. It's not gender transition. Anyone can transition their gender anytime they want. Watch. I am a woman. Transition it's not gender transition Anyone can transition their gender Anytime they want watch I am a woman
Starting point is 00:15:49 Just like that Oh I met with I met with that guy One time with Greg And I mean this with Peace and love he oozes World-class pussy It's crazy it's crazy yeah i would pay to see him and
Starting point is 00:16:11 dylan milvaney fight it's it's like that i would totally pay for that uh like a pay-per-view yeah uh okay so there you go i just wanted to make sure that you guys knew that that's more – there's the retard component once again. It wasn't their intention. The defund, the police – our intention wasn't to increase black-on-black homicide by 34%. Don't worry about it. That wasn't our intention. Don't worry about it. That wasn't our intention. You guys know, we talked about, you know, the National Guard has been deployed to San Francisco. I love it. Here you go. Just so you, this is fun. I don't know what category this falls in, but enjoy this little tidbit of good news. Just in case you're wondering what the Chinese are up to. For the greater good, AI cameras in China's classrooms making children miserable, brainwave tech tracks compliance.
Starting point is 00:17:20 These kids don't look miserable to me. This looks fun. Here we go. At this primary school in China, know exactly when someone isn't paying attention. These headbands measure each student's level of concentration. The information is then directly sent to the teacher's computer and to parents. Classrooms have robots that analyze students' health and engagement levels. Students wear uniforms with chips that track their locations. There are even surveillance cameras that monitor how often students check their phones or yawn during classes. But schools
Starting point is 00:18:00 say it wasn't hard for them getting parental consent to enroll kids into what is one of the world's largest experiments in AI education. A program that's supposed to boost students' grades while also feeding powerful algorithms. Teachers at this primary school in China know exactly when someone isn't paying attention. China. Jake Chapman brought to you by Beats by Dre. Oh my goodness. Oh my goodness. I was in a very, very wealthy part of the Bay Area the other day in Monterey County,
Starting point is 00:18:42 and there was a high school getting out and all the kids were running by me and they're all white and Asian kids, not a single black. I didn't see a single black kid and maybe a couple of Mexican kids that they have to let go there. And it was crazy. All the kids were so polite. They walked by you on the sidewalk. Everyone would know. Like, I didn't hear any of their conversations, even though they were talking. Half the kids were masked. They were all, everyone had their pants pulled up. It was so different than walking by like a high school getting out. it was so different than walking by a high school like in in oakland or in berkeley it's crazy like the kids in oakland and berkeley if you're even on the same block as them you can't even hear your own thoughts you can't you couldn't like i couldn't like talk to my wife and you have to be watching your back at the at the whole the whole time it was nuts i forgot that kids could be like that calm respectful rich white kids
Starting point is 00:19:48 I'm totally judging them but that's what I saw has nothing to do with their skin color no one get that confused nothing but fair enough so different so different
Starting point is 00:20:09 crazy hey what's up oh wait hold on sorry sorry sir what's going on with the phone good morning good morning how you doing, pal? Hey, I'm good. How are you? I thought it was you. My phone smiled. Life's good. I'm... Where you been? I logged on like a few weeks ago and you weren't over here. What happened?
Starting point is 00:20:39 I was, yeah, I got asked to take a small hiatus. YouTube thought I was working too hard. Yeah, I got asked to take a small hiatus. YouTube thought I was working too hard, and I was asked to take a six- or seven-day break, so I slipped over to Rumble. You got a little paid time off, huh? I wasn't paid. I wasn't paid.
Starting point is 00:20:58 No, no, I wasn't paid. Hey, what do you know about what's going on at CrossFit HQ? People getting let go there today. I have three confirmation firings this morning. What's going on? I got you should know better than me i'm trying to uh once you get emily back on she seems to know a lot of stuff going on over there and she seems to spill the beans a lot more than you i tell you that much she does oh come on she didn't say anything new on the podcast that i hadn't said before you've been doing good though oh my god life's so good and today is the hottest day of the year up until you know up until this point and uh i'm going to the beach i'm gonna go to the beach today tomorrow the next day and the next day i'm taking my kids surfing i just wiped
Starting point is 00:21:35 off the calendar like yo time to go to the beach and i'll see some moms there in bathing suits and and it'll be cool because because you Because you know what? For some reason when I go to the beach in the middle of the day with my kids, there's no other dads there. I guess those dudes are working. It's just moms. All eyes on you. I see you, Seve. It's just me with moms.
Starting point is 00:21:59 Yeah, I like that. It's fun. You're finagling the system over there a little bit. I like it. And then because I'm're finagling the system over there a little bit. Yeah. I like it. And then because I'm the patriarchy, because I'm the man, I talk down to all the women, to all the moms there. That's right. I teach them how to parent.
Starting point is 00:22:14 Bring you a sandwich or something like that, huh? Yeah, and whatever I do, I don't assess their bodies. Like no matter how nice I think their bodies are, I never assess them. No, no, no. You never do that. Never. No, no, no. We don't depth it at shallow level at all. Yes. No, no.
Starting point is 00:22:27 I say women, I'm agnostic about your body. Yeah, just looking at the beautiful view of the ocean. David Weed wants to know, is this Brian's hit man? This is. This is the guy that was going to kill Brian Friend. Could be. How are you? Tell me how you are.
Starting point is 00:22:44 What are you doing today. What are you doing today? Beautiful. What are you doing today? I just got back from Sicily the other day. And how was that? Did you have a little trip down to Palermo? Yeah. No. I'm looking for property out in different places. You know, Chicago's becoming a shithole. So, I'm looking
Starting point is 00:22:59 for property in different places and, you know, thinking about South Carolina. Maybe. You know what? I was thinking about actually for property in different places and you know do you carry a gun in South Carolina maybe you know what I yeah I was I was thinking about actually taking a trip down to Spartanburg and visiting our old friend J.R. Roper oh wow wow hey maybe do a little collections hey have you ever thought about opening a business where basically you drive around and just extort money from CrossFit gyms like you basically tell them they have to pay you a fee? Do people do that? A little slice of the pie? People with your accent do.
Starting point is 00:23:29 Extortion. Extortion. That's it. I knew there was a profession like that. Hey, you ever carry a gun in a paper bag? Me? No. Never do that. If I'm carrying a gun, I'm leaving it out. Why would I put it in a paper bag?
Starting point is 00:23:43 I watch too many movies. I just picture I put it in a paper bag? I don't know. I watch too many movies. I just picture you having it in a paper bag. No. No way. No way. Hey, I just wanted to call. A couple things. Yes.
Starting point is 00:23:53 Paper Street Coffee is phenomenal. I love it. I agree. And the other thing, Vindicate, the T-shirts. I got a few T-shirts. I got one of the CEO ones, too. Do you have it with the gold writing? How'd you figure that one out?
Starting point is 00:24:07 Yeah, because that's the best one. I love that one. Yeah. Yeah. No, it's beautiful. The material is beautiful. Great, great, great product. Great product.
Starting point is 00:24:15 Oh, this just in. Before you go, I want to share this with you. Just so you're aware, a study done with 8,000 trannies who had surgery. That means they had their penis turned inside out into a vagina. You mean mentally ill people? Less than 1% regretted having their penis removed. I can't believe
Starting point is 00:24:36 this shit. You're fucking crazy. Someone actually posted that in the comments. What did they interview? Two people? I know. Everyone regrets having their penis removed everyone ridiculous the fucking mental illness hey even if you hate penis you want a penis you do you know what i mean what's wrong absolutely are you kidding me every single the people who are the biggest uh anti-gun people fucking that those people have
Starting point is 00:25:02 guns 100% yeah they love it hey man I was glad to see you on I wanted to call and say hi and make sure everything was good over there you know when I saw you missing for a while I was a little worried oh listen to this yeah thank you okay thank you I appreciate it
Starting point is 00:25:20 sorry I'm gonna go off here in a minute I should stay focused go off I'll be listening get after them take it easy pal okay bye Sorry, I'm going to go off here in a minute. I should stay focused. Go off. Go off. I'll be listening. Okay. Get after them. Okay. Get after them. Take it easy, pal.
Starting point is 00:25:27 Okay, bye. Doses, do me a favor. You said, what's funny here is you said it's both men and women. Find out how many, find out what the ratio is for me, someone. Find out what the ratio is between between men men and women who get a transgender surgery i'm going to bet i'm going to bet that it's a most it's 99 men but but but tell me I'm wrong. You guys know the importance of if you are pregnant or you know someone who's pregnant, do them a favor and send them over to BirthFit. Send them a link over there. And point them in the right direction of a community that is focused, not just a program, but it's a community that's focused on getting the mama and the baby the best experience from the inception. I think they even talk about like the boning and the making the babies to the mama carrying the baby to the baby coming out into the world and and they have a wealth of information on how to make that uh as as uh not positive positive what kind of metric is positive of
Starting point is 00:26:57 course it's positive healthy a transition from semen and egg mixing to the baby growing to the baby coming out they have a wealth of knowledge and experience on how to make this journey um the best no not better than the best better than the most positive the metric i'm looking for uh healthy uh successful um uh give the greatest outcomes if if you're if you're interested're interested in the health of both the mom and the baby that you can get. It's BirthFit. Just go to BirthFit. Birth, B-I-R-T-H, Fit. That's where you go. Just point people at that direction. Give them that resource. It's awesome. And you know what? The only thing that's going to happen there is some people are going to be offended because they're going to find out that like, uh, you should actually, um, change
Starting point is 00:27:51 your diet and not eat blow pops while you're pregnant. Or they're going to, they're going to be pissed off when they say, Hey, maybe you shouldn't drink alcohol and maybe you should squat below parallel while you're pregnant. And if those people get pissed, that's fine. But these people at a birth fit are going to give you things that are true. Yes, true. T-R-U-E. True. Truf.
Starting point is 00:28:12 As opposed to, I would be curious what they think about this. This is what happens. Look at this. That's probably some fucking disgusting blanket that's washed in chemicals with some disgusting hat that's washed in chemicals with some fucking latex glove that so many fucking people are allergic to on some sheets that are probably have i would love to look at those sheets on the molecular level and see all the chemicals in those sheets from being washed you got a fucking apple watch radiating the fucking kid's brain.
Starting point is 00:28:46 You got someone else with them. You got fluorescent lights on the fucking kid. This is really how you want to treat your fucking kid? With these fucking doorknobs? And when I mean doorknobs, I mean it in the harshest, most critical way ever. This is a mini-naked... harshest most critical way ever this is the meaning making oh sorry buddy that doctor nurse whatever hit the baby in the head dude that may not look like anything to you but if that was your kid and it was just born and someone to get to you out back and slap the shit. I'm watching. Boom.
Starting point is 00:29:27 Sorry, buddy. Sorry, buddy. Sorry, buddy. Sorry, buddy. It's a pretty good name though, right? Baby gets hit in the head and 20 years later it's been 20 years. Sorry, buddy. Oh, sorry, buddy. though right baby gets hit in the head and 20 years later oh sorry buddy who wants that shit for their baby oh how we do it uh three years 99% of the people that went to the 49ers game
Starting point is 00:30:05 didn't immediately regret it either. Damn. Damn. Bitch, you got knocked the fuck out. Wow. Wow, wow, wow. Wow. See. See. See.
Starting point is 00:30:27 See. See. Go ahead and wash a bunch of clothes, use bleach, and then open the washer door and put your head in there with your eyes open. Leave it in there for, I don't know, 10 deep breaths. Tell me what you think is going on in there. What was the ratio?
Starting point is 00:30:56 How many women get their vaginas turned into penises? I want to know. What was the ratio? Because I think it's all dudes. I think the number of women who do it is just so minor. I mean, there – I mean there's some that like probably they want to pretend to be a dude. And do you know why they want to pretend to be a dude? Here's – I don't know if what I'm about to tell you is true, but it's closer to the truth than not. Men want to pretend to be women because somehow it gets them off sexually.
Starting point is 00:31:20 Every – that's all – men are just wired like that. So somehow it makes makes them that's why trainings do all that weird shit women want to become men because they're trying to protect themselves from men a man did something to them that they're pissed off about that was really probably really fucked up and they want to and it's it's a self-preservation move they don't they don't even do it for the it's a different, it's a different mechanism, different mental illness. Those are big, huge, sweeping, broad generalizations that'll get you over the 51, 51% mark. Wow. If that's really your picture, you are a cool looking dude. Develop yourself.
Starting point is 00:32:00 God, you're a cool looking dude. That's a big head for a dude so that look at that neck is that really you a debt my dad dropped me off the tailgate when i was a baby said that it sounded like a watermelon cracking on the sidewalk some may have irritants fuck you should get a job at the fda with talk like that some, so this is what I do. I let my wife do the wash lately. Like for years, I always did the wash. And she got some like hippie shit. Basically, you just run them in water with some shit that you pay for.
Starting point is 00:32:36 There's tons of shit online that show how you can make your own detergent. But then every month, I take all of our whites and i bleach the fuck out of them and then i quadruple rinse it and then i do that with the colors too when she's not looking i got some tide pods saved up so when she's not looking once a month i wash the fuck out of our stuff in tide pods and then uh and then triple triple rinse it. But most of the washings, I just let her just whatever she does, spray patchouli on them or whatever. Oh, darn it. Darn it, darn it, darn it.
Starting point is 00:33:15 Well, thank you. Someone will find it. If you know something that's going on at HQ about people getting whacked and I don't see it in the comment and read it make sure I do please Jeffrey Birchfield first off he wants to say this transgender females
Starting point is 00:33:38 females assigned male at birth are usually identified at higher rates than transgender males, males assigned. I didn't even know what that means. Transgender females are usually identified at high, who identifies them.
Starting point is 00:33:56 You're saying that women identify as men at a higher rate than men identify as women. Okay. I believe that, but, but I'm just talking about the actual surgery talking about actually getting like no no i don't think women are getting penises or or just straight chopping their tits off i don't think i think that they just batten
Starting point is 00:34:19 down the hatches strap those fuckers down get haircut, and put on some baggy clothes. But here we go. Jeffrey Birchfield, in some studies, the proportion of transgender women to men is as high as two to one. So he's saying that most of the people out there who are parading around as the opposite sex are women who are acting like men, and I believe that. Sure, I believe that. But what I'm saying is the ones getting the surgery because I think that's what he said. He said 8,000 people who've had surgery and only 1% regret it.
Starting point is 00:35:00 There's no way that's true. People are having sex – no no not for revenge no no one ever said that no one ever used the word revenge stop reading into it no no not revenge self uh um self uh for sexual the dudes do it because they're fucking sex addicts and the women do it because they're trying to protect themselves from other men. You're not going to get raped by a man again if you look like a man. Unless you're in prison. Then find the stat. I'm open.
Starting point is 00:35:35 He's saying your idea is that 99% of men going to women... I don't even know what you're saying anymore. No, no. Alex Gazan's coming. I thought you couldn't watch the show i thought you were how are you participating if you're deaf i don't understand someone explain that to me anyway uh there you go i mean if you give a shit about your baby there's just some information.
Starting point is 00:36:08 You may tolerate it too. If you go that way, if you don't go that way, then you'll see it a totally different perspective. Meaning if you have a home birth, your, your views of what happens in the hospital will change tremendously. You'll realize that those are the really, those are the brave people. I don't understand this. I almost don't want to show you this because this is so brutal. But can you imagine kicking someone in the head? I mean, this is a… How is that?
Starting point is 00:36:50 Can you imagine doing that to someone? Is that attempted murder right there? Oh, my goodness. How is that? Oh, uh elizabeth strawbridge um i know a female that transitioned and added a dick wow wow uh see if i can uh if uh she'll come on the show i would love to um i want to hear about that how that works god that sounds, that's intense. Savant, I've been repeatedly kicked in the head before.
Starting point is 00:37:33 I mean, that was a fucking, she fucking tees off on her. I'm going to go with that, I'm going to go with that's a tempted man. Oh, what's crazy is they show the girl knocked out, but look, after she gets kicked in the head, she actually stands up. Look at this. She actually stands up. Oh, man. Wow.
Starting point is 00:37:59 Wow. Kat with a great question. Does insurance cover cover that like a cadaver dick so trippy it's a good question anyway okay don't kick anyone in the head something's wrong with you if that's, something's wrong with you. All righty, here we go. I'd like to show you this video. These are kids standing around and for whatever it's worth,
Starting point is 00:38:40 I don't put a lot of value on this other than to just stimulate the conversation. The post reads, this is proof children don't see color or gender. Of course, they don't see fucking gender. No one can see gender, retard. Or disabilities or anything. They just see another person who can play with them. And it's absolutely, absolutely adorable.
Starting point is 00:39:08 I don't know if I believe that, but, but, but just look at the premise of this video. I do like this video. It's cool. I like watching kids answer questions. Here we go.
Starting point is 00:39:20 What makes you two different from each other? Um, I used to not like lettuce, from each other? I used to not like lettuce, but now I like lettuce. I do not like lettuce at all. Lucy loves tomato sauce. I do like it, but I don't like it as much as Lucy.
Starting point is 00:39:43 I don't have the same. Or maybe they're just like adults and they don't want to say it. Maybe that's what it is. It's funny. No one wants to acknowledge that. Like little kids wants to be like, well, he's Japanese, and I'm black. My dad can dunk. His dad can do fucking algebra. Maybe they know that,
Starting point is 00:40:12 and they just don't want to say it, right? Because, like, no one... I mean, look at adults, Tony. Look at adults. Smaller toes than Archie. I think I like... Look at that chick has Down syndrome on the left. The one with the pink vest. I like chips, and I like sushi. that chick Has down syndrome On the left The one with the pink vest
Starting point is 00:40:25 And I like sushi And they're different And that's the difference And the chick with down syndrome Is like Fuck that bitch is stupid She don't know I got down syndrome
Starting point is 00:40:36 Never stops talking What makes you two Okay So just a bunch of kids Like You know What makes you different different? Okay, so just a bunch of kids, like, you know. What makes you different? It's like racism is completely taught.
Starting point is 00:40:56 And then we have this girl right here. So this is fucking amazing to me. This has crazy amount of comments. This has like 400 comments, let's say, and all – the vast majority of them thanking her. I feel like we're living in 1950 when she talks. Doesn't every dude in the comments here have a have a fucking chick that's jacked out of her fucking mind or or trying to doesn't every guy in here have a girl who fucking lifts weights every day like like i i'm just tripping on who she's talking to first of all she uses a line in here that i said 15 years ago when i first came to crossfit that i think she stole from me which which is fucking hilarious.
Starting point is 00:41:48 Sevan, do you like, always, I write my own comment and then like it right away. Absolutely. Absolutely. You're a fucking idiot if you don't. And people who think that that's dumb, that you like your own comments, they're stupid. Although I do forget to like my own posts. Yeah, look at, my wife is an Olympian, yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:04 My wife has fucking muscles on muscles what's the purpose behind that i don't know because like when i made when i made my first post they hit it because it was me not they being the instagram people and so to counter it i don't know the same reason why people buy buy blue marks, I guess to try to help the algorithm. I... High-five myself all day long. Because I'm not a fucking insecure twit. That's why.
Starting point is 00:42:37 I walk around so fucking cocksure, it's fucking ridiculous. I have a confidence problem. Okay, here we go. First, this is just crazy that CrossFit posts retards like this. And then the 400 people who it helps them. Okay, fine. It helps you. Good. At some point, you were confused that you didn't know that you should be working out or all of a sudden it's been safe to talk about menopause. Who was it not safe to talk? When was it not safe to talk about menopause who was it not safe to talk when was it not safe to talk about menopause what the fuck are they even talking about i probably talked to my wife about that shit fucking once a month anytime she wants i fucking love that subject who the fuck are these people talking to but but there's like 300 idiots in
Starting point is 00:43:23 the comments who are like oh my god thank you for bringing this up even though she doesn't she doesn't say all she's saying is is like hey you should work out and get strong but here we go here we go listen listen this is i i i had meredith on the show she was fucking fantastic and every interaction i think this is meredith root it kind of still looks like her. She got real skinny. Or she looks skinny in this. By the way, I should show you this. Let me show you something else before I show you, before I play that. I want to show you this.
Starting point is 00:43:58 Meredith Root. Go to images. go to uh images um the uh her her i don't know if it's her wife or her girlfriend or what for some people that matters like matters to hill or fiance but this is meredith has like the crazy nicest fucking body ever she has a fucking insane physique uh look the out foundation that's their second post i don't know if you guys can see it click on this like shit like her her nerd girl chick alex parker have insane bodies i think they're both games athletes canadian if that if that helps you understand anything oppressing people's like their fucking favorite pastime under the guise of fucking not oppressing people but but i still i still really enjoyed uh their company like a lot i really enjoy but here
Starting point is 00:44:53 we go listen to this fucking crazy shit and you know it's crazy there's people on here look at there's people on here like sam dancer and adrian look at sam dancing well done meredith root and has 12 likes. Adrian Conway tried to like it twice. That's how good that one is. Are me and him looking at something different? I kind of want to remake this and post this on my account and see if I get this many likes. This is crazy.
Starting point is 00:45:21 Okay, here we go. I know I've already biased you a ton. We know she has perfect skin she has an insane body it's crazy what you wake up thinking about no actually it's um it is not but but okay yeah she's sexy as fuck i know i know yeah i i think she's incredibly attractive too. So what? So what? So what? It's fine.
Starting point is 00:46:04 There's no one in our community has ever thought you're bulky. Matter of fact, anyone who looked at you thought, oh, God, maybe she's not strong enough. Maybe she's too little. Just so you know, that's what we think of you. But that's my line. I said that like 15 years ago, and I say it every six months and she fucking stole that to me or somehow it trickled to her. I said that's one time someone said they don't want to get as bulky as my
Starting point is 00:46:30 wife's a bitch. Don't worry about it. You can fucking possibly work as hard as my wife. But what's crazy is she had to refrain from saying that. Why did you have to refrain from saying that? They just told you they don't want to be as bulky as you. It hurts your feelings. Come back, give it to them. Don't be a pussy. saying that they just told you they don't want to be as bulky as you it hurts your feelings come
Starting point is 00:46:45 back give it to them don't be a pussy or take the opportunity to be like to explain to her that hey this is just the uh uh your your dna this is just your uh expression when you do a constantly very functional movement executed at high intensity oh entire generation of women have been lied to that's a fucking lie not even half the women have been lied to yeah her wife did try to cancel chase i know this is just fucking woke tardism right here there's such a better way to do this the way fusli was doing it this is this is fucking crazy shut the fuck up david you motherfucker sorry hold on one second i gotta get this give me one give me one second give me one second hey i'm live on the show you got any news for me
Starting point is 00:47:42 Hey, I'm live on the show. You got any news for me? Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. We're going to go to the beach today. It's still early. I'll call you when I'm done. Okay. Okay, bye.
Starting point is 00:47:56 Intel in real time. Yeah. Okay, here we go. Shame for wanting to put on lean mass an entire generation was told that which generation is that which generation is that? A menopause, that's when I think you ran out of eggs. In general. In general.
Starting point is 00:48:39 In general. I don't care but why did they have little do you have a little why did they what why did they have little an entire generation is that your generation which generation is that look at adrianway. I tried to like that twice. Yeah, because you love that whole generation of weak women, huh? Keep them down, huh, Adrian? Fucking ding dong. Just lying to people.
Starting point is 00:49:17 Just lying, making the narrative just so fucking, just shitting on women. Just shitting on women. Just shitting on women. And the reason why she doesn't know this is because she doesn't know how the brain works. Like, hey, use all of this time just talking, celebrating your success. And you know what's crazy? The comments are also full of excuses on why women can't work out, like things that they're going through. That's what this does. This opens the door. This is the fucking chow bell for the fucking woke and the weak. Oh, name calling. She looks like she just bit into a lemon.
Starting point is 00:50:12 Good job with the name calling. Solution is CrossFit? But she can't even say it, which is crazy. She can't even say it, which is crazy. She can't even say it. Sevan, how is the brain work all knowing Sevan? Pay attention, dude. You've listened to enough shows. I give you insight you're giving Meredith.
Starting point is 00:50:53 God, so good. Kia, just bathing in your love right now. forget about the patriarchal notion forget about the patriarchal notion there she got it in there that's the whole premise of her entire thing imagine everything you say is really like hey um you want to come over to my house and play soccer but it's like hey uh what are you doing this afternoon just but but really at the end of the day you just want people to come over to your house play soccer but you can't just say it. That's everything this fucking bit. That's why
Starting point is 00:51:49 those of us who have radar the whole thing is something's wrong. It's so fucking insincere and just full of bullshit and then she finally slips it in there. And I hate dick. Hey. That's okay. Just come on and be like I hate dick. Hi Travis. How are you? Guess what?
Starting point is 00:52:07 You did it again oh tell me what you're not sharing the clip oh shit oh my god this has been like for the last three minutes nobody knows what you're talking about I love you thank you
Starting point is 00:52:24 oh my goodness That's what you're talking about. I love you. Thank you. Oh, my goodness. I fucking hate myself sometimes. Thank you, Travis. Here we go. Okay, here we go. Listen, sorry. That's why you kept saying play the clip.
Starting point is 00:52:40 David Weed, fucking dummy. No denial. A pure dummy. Pure dummy. No denial. 100 pure dummy. Pure dummy. No denial. 100% dumb shit. Got it. Okay, here we go.
Starting point is 00:52:54 It's crazy what you wake up thinking about. Today I was thinking about how I used to work at a gym, and I would have people come in, women, and they would look at me and they would say, I want to work out here, but I don't want to look like you. I don't want to be bulky. And I had to refrain from saying, you don't have to worry about that because I don't think you can work hard enough to be bulky. And it made me think about how an entire generation of women has been lied to
Starting point is 00:53:22 or shamed for wanting to put on lean mass for wanting to lift weights because it wasn't a part of the feminine aesthetic to look that way and now what's happening is those women that generation is aging up into menopause an entire generation this fucking chick is fucking doomsday fucking nutball and because their estrogen is dropping which is the most i personally have surrounded myself with no i don't know any i don't know anyone like that none not not one not one all the fucking dads and moms at my jiu-jitsu and tennis and they and everywhere i go it's just fucking all the chicks are beasts so i and the generation before that and
Starting point is 00:54:06 my wife could fucking tell me that i had to sleep on the floor and i'd have no choice can't even fucking beat my wife up the fuck is she talking about this is this is but there's 400 women in the comments just like giving it to her and nothing's wrong with not wanting to be bulky either. That's a whole nother fucking thing. But none of this has to do with any of this anyway. Here we go. Here we go.
Starting point is 00:54:35 Hormone in our body, they're losing what little lean body mass they have. And without changing a whole lot about their diets, they're gaining body fat. So even if they don't gain weight, their body composition is changing in a way that they don't like. All of this while being sold bullshit hormone balancing programs like the Galveston diet that don't do anything besides make life harder than it already is during this time. So what's the solution?
Starting point is 00:55:07 The solution is to lift weights and eat a high-protein diet in your 20s, 30s, 40s. She can't say do CrossFit, right? Because that was developed by a man. 40s, so you have a solid base of lean mass that you can preserve during menopause. I know. But I'm already in menopause. What do I do? Well, it's like that Chinese proverb. The best time to plant a tree was
Starting point is 00:55:25 cultural appropriation i don't think you're allowed to do that i don't think you're allowed to do that 20 years ago the second best time is now same rules high protein diet resistance training lift weights and forget about the patriarchal notion. The patriarchal notion. I had to look that word up. That means a man's notion. A notion of beauty. A man's notion of beauty. So she starts off by saying it's multiple women.
Starting point is 00:55:56 By the way, it wasn't multiple women. One woman said it to her one time. She thinks. She's not even sure. Maybe they said it to the girl standing next to her. But now it's men. It's standing next to her. And, and, but now it's men. It's the patriarchal notion.
Starting point is 00:56:07 Well, yeah, of course, Sevan, because the reason why that girl thought I look bulky is because of what her dad did to her. Oh, right.
Starting point is 00:56:18 It's bullshit. Hey, remember Chris rock, what he said, how to get attention. So we know Meredith shows her ass. You can fucking find it, the body picture of her all over. So that's the one way.
Starting point is 00:56:30 You know, she's really good at something. So she was a great fucking great crossfitter, her and Alex. And infamous. I don't know if she's done anything infamous. But in the victim, boy, she plays that well. anything infamous but uh and the victim boy she plays that well lean mass will not only make you look better i guess if you're chasing an aesthetic oh all of a sudden lean mass makes you look better all of a sudden you can't have it both ways you can't think it makes it look better and then judge other people for thinking it doesn't look better well you can but just makes you retard but more importantly it will make you feel better and so what if they think you're bulky
Starting point is 00:57:10 do everything that you can to build it and preserve it that's the solution what's your cup say if you are if you are invited you're invited to look inside fucking amazing CrossFit WokeFit if you think Don Fall isn't in agreement
Starting point is 00:57:38 with this post you're crazy well if he has three daughters which is fascinating to me that he would tolerate this kind of shit and you have three daughters. Fucking nuts. Oh, doses,
Starting point is 00:57:57 you might want to go take a shit. This topic is boring as fuck. 49er talk is way better. We've only begun you we've only begun we've only begun um uh speaking of patriarchy i would uh like to show you this you know it's funny so last night i saw this post on on crossfit and i was like do i want to fuck around with this it's like yeah it'll keep it'll it's exciting for me to make comments. And I wanted to see if anyone would step up to the plate and want to tussle with me. And no one fucking does, which I think is fucking hilarious.
Starting point is 00:58:31 Screams volumes. You got goofballs like Sam Dancer and Adrian Conway making comments like supporting the fucking hatred of men and the victim mentality of women. But that's fine. But listen to this. Here's the let me show you. Let me show you what the patriarchy is doing to hold women down. the fucking hatred of men and the victim mentality of women but that's fine but listen this here's the let me show you let me show you what the patriarchy is doing to hold women down here you go girl i had this dream that seemed so impossible i was going to be the fastest runner in the world i got this little nugget of an idea from my dad. He used to watch me run and say,
Starting point is 00:59:09 ain't no woman alive that can beat you. And I believed him. He made me feel invincible. It wasn't easy. I trained hard, harder than anyone else I know. But I was made for this. I was an unstoppable force, a life dedicated to perfection. But even perfection
Starting point is 00:59:38 wouldn't be enough. There you go. I wonder what Meredith would think if she's so pro... If she's so... If she's so pro... I wonder what Meredith would think if she's so pro muscle building. What she would think about men taking drugs to reduce their muscle mass. I didn't even think about that. I wonder what she thinks about that.
Starting point is 01:00:23 It's okay for men to do? Crazy. I didn't even think about that I wonder what she thinks about that it's okay for men to do crazy fucking nuts so this chick wants to be a fucking world class track star I think this is fiction and reality mixed together fiction and non-fiction it's just to make a point look at this fucking chick turned into a guy and is now fractured two people's skulls
Starting point is 01:00:49 in professional fighting. I want to say, I want to say this to you real quick too. I want to read this to you and just so it doesn't seem like for whatever reason, Jessica T by the way, thank you for sharing this in high school. In the nineties, I took weightlifting because I wanted to be strong. The coach told me I couldn't do any leg work. Women should have thin legs
Starting point is 01:01:09 and women should never have visible muscle. All sorts of people are told all sorts of shit. I'm sure that there's plenty of women who've told women that too. And I don't even know if your coach, I'm making the assumption that your coach was a man. What I'm saying is, is just to blame all men or to think that we all don't go through hardships. Like there's no, I don't think there's any surgery out there. It's not a popular surgery
Starting point is 01:01:36 to make your nose bigger. Everyone who's getting surgery is getting your nose to be made smaller. And why is that? Because it's probably the aesthetic, but God damn, my nose to be made smaller and why is that because it's probably the aesthetic but god damn my nose must be more functional i can smell more i can take in more oxygen and so these types of things are all over we all have to deal with these things but to be blaming someone instead of taking control yourself your message be taking control yourself bullshit it's all about her and the insane and she's she's something happened to her she's fucking wounded something happened to her and then at the end of the day that that that's really what she wants to talk about uh i'm all about opposing views i really am but here's a donation to get rid of 12 daily doses guys a looney tune no we can't get not thank you i appreciate it but no i know
Starting point is 01:02:21 Dose's guy is a looney tune. Nah, we can't get that. Thank you. I appreciate it, but nah, no. He's not saying anything. He's not like... I mean, everyone... Don't you have any retarded cousins? Dylan Dykes, play the Caitlyn Jenner video
Starting point is 01:02:38 where he, she is getting interviewed and saying that the biological male should not play women's sports. Yeah, everyone with a fucking working brain knows that. Jessica, I had one of my personal trainers tell me my traps were too big. Now, now you're on to a whole other thing too. Some of these people, these bodybuilders, they say that to men and to women. They might be like, your chest is too big or your calves are too big
Starting point is 01:03:02 or they don't match this or that. That may not even have to do with your sex. That might just have to do with what bodybuilders go as those aesthetics. I've been told by plenty of people that I'm too short and my nose is too big. I never once blamed the patriarchy
Starting point is 01:03:17 or the matriarchy for that shit. Mike McCaskey, 12 Daily Doses doses is still on someone's payroll to help move the conversation along Steven Dix there should be categories in sports for transgendered men and women they should have their own categories
Starting point is 01:03:42 do not mix them with men and women in sports simple They should have their own categories. Do not mix them with men and women in sports. Simple. No. I like traps on girls. But ladies and gentlemen, the patriarchy has done some things that are – well, I don't know. I told you guys about how the revenue for the NBA was $60 million a year, and the revenue for the NBA – for the WNBA, the revenue was $60 million a year.
Starting point is 01:04:30 For the NBA, I told you it was $10 billion a year. $10 billion. And we talked about the average pay of the men was $9 million. The average pay of the women was $100,000. But if you look at it based on the revenue of the companies, the women still get paid more than the men. And then someone sent me, a very, very experienced, shall we say, person in the biz, sent me a little note saying, and just so you know, for 25 years,
Starting point is 01:04:59 the WNBA has not made a profit. And guess who subsidizes it? The patriarchy subsidizes it by 15? The patriarchy subsidizes it. The NBA makes the WNBA whole every single fucking year. Whole is a term in economics when you're like, you can even use it like this. When you just run out of money, I'm going to make you whole.
Starting point is 01:05:26 Someone helps you out and makes you whole. Brings your balance sheets up to zero. Up to zero. That's the patriarchy. Why isn't she talking about that patriarchy? The patriarchy. You're a fucking asshole. The patriarchy.
Starting point is 01:05:44 You're a fucking asshole. And men who support that kind of shit, you should fuck off too. If you don't want to get involved, just walk away. Don't support that fucking shit. It's just more hatred of fucking women. Hating on men to make women seem better. Fuck off. That never works.
Starting point is 01:06:10 You're a douche. That's just fucking lowbrow shit. Last week at the Pleasanton Home Depot. Oh, interesting. We're having trouble playing this video. Oh, man. Last week at the Home Depot in Pleasanton,
Starting point is 01:06:39 someone walked in and stole some shit, and the security guard tried to stop him, and the security guard was shot and killed. Pleasanton, California is a really nice area. Very wealthy community. Video won't play. This was a Home Depot that showed some lady, some crackhead lady, trying to walk out with tools out of a Home Depot.
Starting point is 01:07:03 And a man stopped her. Okay, here we go. I know I pick on the Democrats a lot. Do you think this one's tough? This is really, really tough. Do you think that this person really tough. Do you think that this person is a Democrat or a Republican? Look at this. Is this a Democrat or a Republican?
Starting point is 01:07:42 Crazy, right? Is it the state park? Is the Republican Crazy, right? He's at the skate park. Some Republican riding that machine. I don't know, man. It's tough. Any thoughts?
Starting point is 01:07:58 Whiskey throttle, yeah. I know. It's just a stupid person. I know, but you gotta choose one. Damn, I'm a Republican. You gotta choose one. You gotta choose one. I know, I know. Republican, right? At first, I think Republican, but then
Starting point is 01:08:13 I mean, mine did, like, definitely motorcycle to the skate park, right? Just have a motorcycle. A three-wheel motorcycle? One of the weird things in life. Ah, it burns. It's a communist. Emma Weems, definitely a Republican-Democrat,
Starting point is 01:08:38 couldn't even turn that thing on. Awesome. If you were an ATV you'd be a Republican, I agree the two wheels were in the back Devej Maharaj the hammer, it's definitely California gotta be a Republican because no Democrat
Starting point is 01:09:08 likes big black scary things fair enough that's a winner that's it oh shit that's a Democrat trying to oppress the 13 year old girls there oh good comeback
Starting point is 01:09:23 oh god these are both good these are both winners gotta be a Republican because no Democrat likes big black to oppress the 13-year-old girls there. Oh, good comeback. Oh, God. These are both winners. Gotta be Republican because no Democrat likes big, black, scary things. 12 daily doses with a humble donation. Dude, your kid is a nasty skater. Good for him. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:09:53 If I may gloat so uh a friend of mine um who i hadn't talked to in a month uh called me yesterday and he said hey and um whenever i make a post about my kids not whenever but often when i make a post about my kids, not whenever, but often when I make a post about my kids, I write hashtag playground legends. And just cause I liked that term. That was like a term from some rap song in the eighties and nineties, just to put playground legend. And maybe it was a Jay-Z song or notorious PIG or Tupac. Can't remember, but I just have always loved that. And, uh, and, and I, and I just know, I just know that my kids, one, because the way I dress them, but two,
Starting point is 01:10:27 just because everywhere we are all the time, I know it's only a matter of time before they're going to become legendary in this town of Santa Cruz. Like it's only, and I just know it. It's just, they're just doing too much and they're just too fucking consistent. They're too nice.
Starting point is 01:10:40 And they're just too good at everything they do. It's just fucking nuts. I have zero humility around it. I'm, I'm, it's fucking just so cool. And it's a small town I live in, right? I don't, I don't know. Like we don't, we don't have an Apple store or something. There's only one, a two lane highway, two lanes in each direction. I live on old San Jose road, a country road. It's a small town. So yesterday this guy calls me, I haven't talked to him in a month or two months. And he said, Hey, I was at art class with my kids.
Starting point is 01:11:09 And I said, yeah. And he goes, and there's some lady there talking about these fucking kids that are just the most amazing kids. And I was like, yeah, it's happening. Like it's just, it's just a matter of time, but it's cool. Thank you. They, those fucking guys put in the work man they put in the work i heard my six-year-old say something crazy the other day i basically i was i was working i was working out in the garage with avi and joseph or did i think and ari came in and i go hey you don't have to do this we're just fucking around around in here. He goes, hey, I'm not going to let my brothers get stronger than me. I was like, wow. Wow. That's good shit. Anyway, okay, so we don't know if that's a Republican or a Democrat. But definitely there's some good debate there to be had okay uh i have another one here oh no oh no oh no oh my goodness where is that one that breaks my heart
Starting point is 01:12:17 oh no Oh, no. I had a video of these two kids, and it was which one is liberal and which one. Oh, no. Darn it. That sucks. All right. 13. This is.
Starting point is 01:12:43 Oh, here we go. This is genius this is absolutely genius what I'm about to show you I can't believe I didn't think of this this is fucking genius you almost have to listen to this by the way 12 daily doses thank you for the money
Starting point is 01:12:59 I appreciate it I fucking really do I really do I'm thinking about buying i only have two two surfboards and three kids today i was actually thinking i was like you know what i and and the kid that doesn't have a surfboard surfs less right obviously he doesn't have one so maybe today i'm going to take that as an omen and get him a foam board that's really cool okay um this is uh Okay. This is crazy. I'm going to play it a couple times,
Starting point is 01:13:29 and then you guys tell me if you understand what's going on here. Huge controversy on Twitter over this girl. She's been posting adult content as a male-to-female trans person, but is a biological female, so people are ridiculing her, saying she doesn't look believable, and how she's not real stealing their identity which i really try hard not to pass judgments consenting adults should be free to do what makes them happy but this has to be the ultimate irony you can't criticize a
Starting point is 01:13:54 movement when they're choking out women in mma injuring kids in volleyball dominating soccer or even swimming but finally there's a category that apparently biological women have a distinct advantage and now suddenly you're not free to identify however you want because there's a category that apparently biological women have a distinct advantage and now suddenly you're not free to identify however you want because there's this huge controversy so we know we have men identifying as women and going into women's sports just just uh just destroying them right well here and then people saying oh it's no big deal just let them do it it's it's the minority or whatever whatever the fuck they say here we have a story of a girl who's pretending to be a tranny girl tranny a man switched to girl but this is really a girl this thing has a fucking vagina this thing was born with a vagina and titties but does she i don't even know she doesn't even look 18 anyway it's a fucking brilliant troll it's a brilliant troll
Starting point is 01:14:58 be you want to be the most famous transgender i don't know if you call them women or men but if you want to be the hottest thing that's a man that's turned into a woman just start off as a woman but tell everyone you used to be a man like like what like she identified with being a man who wanted to be a woman like how many layers can you go isn't that um isn't that like wasn't there a um a leonardo dicaprio movie like that yeah this is this is world-class trolling whatever it is it's fucking brilliant you guys in the comments think this is ai this isn't even like a real girl i'm open to that oh yeah inception isn't that like like i'm a guy who guy who – I identify with a guy who thinks he's a girl who thought he was a guy who thinks he's a girl who thought he was a guy who thinks he's a girl who thought he was a guy. I mean, you just take that shit just crazy deep.
Starting point is 01:15:59 I don't know. Deep is not the right word. Layered. So I just love it. Yon Clark, Tranny Island is the movie you were meaning. I don't know what you're talking about, but I like the name of that. Oh, it's a real girl from the Ukraine.
Starting point is 01:16:19 Please tell me she's 18. Anne-Marie Feiss. Foose. Like Dr. Seuss. Foose. Surfboard funds for the kiddos. Wow, that's really cool of you. That was easy.
Starting point is 01:16:35 I'd like to get myself some cocaine also. No, that was really cool. Thank you. Crazy generous. I'll post a picture now. My Instagram. That's awesome. Adam Blakeslee, it's more Tropic of Thunder than Inception.
Starting point is 01:16:52 Oh, Robert Downey plays the black dude. I hate it that Sevan hasn't seen many movies. Yeah, I was going to say I have. I just don't remember them, but I think you're right. World-class trolling, people. World-class, next level. This clip 14, this is pre-George Floyd. Some people think that it was the George Floyd incident that caused this type of behavior, but this is total pre-George Floyd.
Starting point is 01:17:31 I can tell by how old this footage is. Check this out. This is in Lake Tahoe, California, I think. Yeah, Lake Tahoe, California. This is up – it's about three hours from me, three and a half hours from me. I went to Lake Tahoe one time to film this thing with CrossFit in 2010. It was called the Tahoe Throwdown. And we went to this gym, and I cannot for the fucking life of me remember this guy's name.
Starting point is 01:17:57 I really like this guy. I would consider him a friend. Like, I would call him if I was up in Tahoe. He owns a gym up there. It's like CrossFit Avalanche or is it Travis? Is that the guy's name, Travis? Is that Travis? I can't remember his name.
Starting point is 01:18:15 But there's CrossFit Avalanche and CrossFit like Snowflake or CrossFit. I don't know. There's two gyms over there, and they have um blizzard crossfit blizzard crossfit flurry anyway and we were over there filming and i was with all the crossfit athletes it was like you know it was like froning and miko salo and graham holmberg and camille and while we were there filming in his gym a fucking bear rolled up it was crazy i think the footage is in the actual piece. But anyway, this is pre-George Floyd. This has been going on for years. This bear actually invented this.
Starting point is 01:18:51 A bear has been coming to the 7-Eleven in Lake Tahoe to get snacks for years. Sometimes the doors are barricaded to stop him from entering. But most of the time, he comes in
Starting point is 01:19:05 whenever he wants. People on social media nicknamed him Boo, the bear, who loves eating candy in the movie Open Season. How did that not fall over? Hey, dude, look how different his looting style is than current day humans. Get out of here! A bear has been coming to the 7-Eleven.
Starting point is 01:19:44 There you go free George Floyd that shit's been going on forever looting bears this is a little safety I guess you could consider this a public safety
Starting point is 01:20:02 for the listeners here. It is important to wear your seatbelts. I do believe the stats that people who wear seatbelts are safer and survive accidents longer. I just wanted to show you an incident where the guy wasn't wearing a seatbelt. Hello. Hi. Come on.
Starting point is 01:20:24 Yes. Hi. Hi. I just wanted to show you an incident where the guy wasn't wearing a seatbelt. Hello? Hi, come on. Oh, yes, hi. Hi. I wanted to call in to share the story that happened to me like one year ago. We were in Southern California. I went up to the gym. God, you know who you sound like? You sound like someone I know.
Starting point is 01:20:41 Do I know you? Oh, no, we don't know. I mean, I called in once. You sound like a guest who. Do I know you? Oh, no, we don't know. I mean, I call him Juan. You sound like a guest who's been on the show. Who's the guy who's the CrossFit Mayhem coach who has all the big athletes? He's like Argentinian or some shit? Handsome dude?
Starting point is 01:20:55 Facundo. Oh, yeah, you sound like Facundo. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I mean, I'm Italian, so probably because of the accent. Okay. Are you good looking? Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:21:11 I feel better talking to you knowing you're good looking. I have some superficial traits like that. Okay, go on. I think so. And so with my wife and a friend of mine who's Italian, so we grew up in this class. And at the beginning of the class, we are in circles, like introducing ourselves,
Starting point is 01:21:31 and we have to say our pronouns. We had to say our name and our preferred pronouns. What state was this? What state was this? Hello? What state was this? What state was this? What state? Hello? Testing.
Starting point is 01:21:51 One, two. Hello? Facundo. Hey. I lost you. Facundo. Shit. That guy said he went into a cross.
Starting point is 01:22:02 Facundo. Hey. You're breaking up. Can you hear me okay? Yeah, yeah, I'm so sorry. My Bluetooth headphone is connected. Yeah. So that's what I said.
Starting point is 01:22:17 Yeah, we had to say our pronouns. I just want to say one thing really quick. Brandon is suggesting that I'm racist. It's quite possible. But I think it's more prejudice and discriminatory I'm discriminating Because I hear a voice that sounds like it's Italian And I assume Italian men are good looking So I don't know if it's racist
Starting point is 01:22:35 It's definitely discriminatory and prejudice What state was it that What state was it that That you were in That you had to give your pronoun They asked you to give your pronoun. California. Fuck. Okay, Mark, relax.
Starting point is 01:22:50 Mark said he said California. All right. Fine. I wasn't listening good. Oh, he said Southern California. Hey, do I know whose gym it is? I don't know, but I can say it was CrossFit Santa Barbara. Wow. Wow. Wow.
Starting point is 01:23:06 I don't know if you know anyone out there. It's the richest, whitest town in all of California. Santa Barbara, California. Oh, I didn't know that. It's fucking so fucking rich. It's crazy. That's where Oprah lives. Oprah lives. Oprah bought a fucking $30 million home there and ran it over with the tractor and built a $100 million home.
Starting point is 01:23:25 Yeah, and Prince Henry and Meghan Markle, I called it there. Yes. Yeah. You know, I was calling and telling you the story because I've been listening to you for a long time. How did you handle it? How did you handle it? What did you say? And so when he came and when he came to, when he came to me and my friend who's Italian as well, we, you know,
Starting point is 01:23:45 we didn't understand what was going on and we didn't say our pronouns. Like I'm a guy, you know, but everyone was, everyone was saying, I don't know, he, him. And then it came to me, and I said, and I said, without any, he, him. Oh, I like that. Yeah. I would have said, what if you would have said I'm just a normal Italian guy with a huge dong?
Starting point is 01:24:14 I'm just a basic, basic Italian dude. Yeah. It's fair. It's honest. Yeah, that's it. Oh, shit. I just got's it. Oh, shit. I just got a fourth. Oh, a fifth.
Starting point is 01:24:28 A fifth. I know two. So now I have five. Five confirmations of people getting fired from HQ. Wow. Five. Five total. Oh, wow.
Starting point is 01:24:40 Yeah, that sucks. Something's happening over there this morning. Wow. Okay. Yeah. That was my story for you. something's happening over there this morning wow okay yeah that was my story for you thank you I appreciate it it's a good story thank you yeah and I liked how you
Starting point is 01:24:56 handled it too very very mature of you just say your name what's your pronoun Sevan yeah yeah that's what we did me and Ricardo were friends like hi my name is Ricardo
Starting point is 01:25:09 hi my name is Alfred alright but everyone like I like yeah everyone went home to see their pronouns like
Starting point is 01:25:15 like like that's cool yeah fair enough you know I want I hope that I hope
Starting point is 01:25:24 I want to hear more stories about that. That's good. I want to see how many gyms that's happening in. Yeah, I mean, I agree with what I work in, what I work out at. We don't do that. And it's like I've never seen that anywhere else. Hey, let me ask you this. Was there anyone's pronoun where you were like, oh, that's weird?
Starting point is 01:25:41 Was there a dude? Was there ever like you're in the circle at the CrossFit class and there's a guy and they went to him and they're like, what's your pronoun? And she was like, she, her, or were they all obvious? Was it just like- Yeah, there was a guy.
Starting point is 01:25:54 I don't remember what it was. But yeah, there was someone that had a different pronoun from there. Than what they look like? Yeah. Oh, interesting. Okay, so the whole charade was for that person? from their then what they look like yeah oh interesting okay so the whole charade was for that person I don't know
Starting point is 01:26:10 maybe she wanted to introduce everyone you know and also like she was in Italy like she was very nice and
Starting point is 01:26:22 great and but you know and I told all my italian friends like in italy and like everyone was laughing well in in that um i can't i've never met a uh a transgender person who wasn't extraordinarily nice so at least they're they're they're perfect for that in their record of kindness i haven't heard one like one interaction that wasn't completely pleasant and and there are some people who've had very unpleasant interactions with armenian people so oh all right well thank you great call thank you for kuna i appreciate you calling in
Starting point is 01:26:59 bye have a good day bye ciao ciao that was a straight facundo that was there's a gay facundo and straight facundo that was straight facundo nice one to be on the air there she is hey how's it going hey good morning I wonder how come I can't hear you out of my
Starting point is 01:27:20 uh not hearing you so hold on one second oh that was my fault there you are hi thanks for doing this yeah yeah i'm excited how are you i'm i'm great i'm so excited to have you on i couldn't believe what i saw yesterday i couldn't either i can't even believe what i saw uh i want to show everyone. I haven't played the clip on the show yet. This is absolutely nuts.
Starting point is 01:27:50 So for anyone who doesn't know, this is Alex Gazan or Gazan? Alex? Gazan or Gazan? Can you hear me? Hello? Gazan or gazan can you hear me hello gazan or gazan oh no she froze we lost her hello alex should i kick her off and make her check back in alex your connection's so bad girl i hear a bird but I don't hear you.
Starting point is 01:28:28 I can't hear either. Not starting off good, Mason Mitchell. Don't worry. It'll get better. Can you hear me? I can. Okay. Sorry.
Starting point is 01:28:38 That's okay. That's okay. How's your internet connection? It says great, but obviously not yeah you you froze can you see me because you froze i all i can do is hear you um i can hear you and see you all right cool hey is your is your last name pronounced gazan or gazan gazan gazan alex gazan alex went to the uh crossfit games last year she trains at underdogs athletics with an s on both of them you're still there alex and oh darn it froze
Starting point is 01:29:16 hey i'm gonna kick you out will you log on one more time i want to see if i can unfreeze you yeah okay here we go kick her out for a second let's see yeah oh you uh steve sean wants to see her do the 270 uh live yeah like those are like uh um like those were styrofoam weights dude she does it so easy so easy crazy uh brandon graham uh this is a plus uh production value uh that is why the seven podcast is always considered real media because of its high production value well thank you brandon i appreciate it uh hillar would do it live she also snatched 245 i know mason this is uh barry mccockner thank you for your contribution to her weightlifting skills yeah mason too it is it is truly insane it's unbelievable so how's that better i think so can you hear me yeah i can hear you yep and now you're moving you're animated now
Starting point is 01:30:14 okay animated uh um alex gazan i said it right gazan yeah gazan a Gazan. What about when people say Alex Gazan? Do you correct them or no? No. Oh, yeah. I don't correct people if they say Savan or Savan. Okay, who's this girl behind you? And does she want to wrestle me? That's Laurie. She came here from Brazil to train with us.
Starting point is 01:30:43 Super awesome. Yeah, she came here maybe like two months ago and can you and how old is she she uh she's an adult yeah if okay she doesn't look her age i'm pretty sure she's like 32 oh yeah she could pass for 16 if you were like that's a teen competitor i would have totally believed you. Okay. So can you tell me what happens here? What makes you think you can bench 270? Can you tell me?
Starting point is 01:31:12 Is this like at the end of your workout? I mean, this is nuts. Do you know what's been – it was a lifetime goal of mine to bench 225. I got up to – how much do you weigh right now? I weigh 155. Oh, my God. I took so much creatine and got up to 182 and much do you weigh right now? I weigh 155. Oh, my God. I took so much creatine and got up to 182 and still couldn't bench 225. I was a young man then.
Starting point is 01:31:32 I was like 30. That's funny. I fluctuate between like 153 and like 160. It kind of goes up and down quite a bit. Yeah, me too. I got off creatine six days ago, and I'm losing a pound a day. I got up to like 175, and now I'm like down to 168 again. It's crazy.
Starting point is 01:31:51 Okay. That's hilarious. So what's going on here? Yeah, I mean, to be honest, we don't bench a whole lot in underdogs. When I first joined, it was mostly only in accessory work, like three sets of 10 dumbbell bench press or three sets of 10 narrow grip whatever it is like one one day a week um and then we've done like two to like one or two cycles we did last year where like we spent four weeks where we
Starting point is 01:32:19 actually like bench pressed um and then after quarterfinals Justin started us on a deadlift bench press cycle um just like because it could come up um and we had two weeks in a row where it was like build to 95 percent and then build to like 97 percent and like it was kind of frustrating because it felt really good but I wasn't allowed to like do any extra and this week was technically like built to a heavy week um but I'm going out of town on Saturday so I and that was when I was supposed to do it so I asked him if I could put it yesterday so I don't miss it so so yesterday is Wednesday but you were supposed to wait until Saturday to do it. Yeah. Okay. And tell me, so you said her name is Lori?
Starting point is 01:33:09 Lori. Lori. And is she benching too? No, they're all going to do it Saturday. I just wanted to fit it in because I wasn't going to be able to. Okay. And what was your first set with? I did 250.
Starting point is 01:33:26 Wait, wait, wait, wait. You start with 250? That's your warm-up set? Oh, no, no. Sorry, sorry, sorry. No, no. I go 85, 125. Wait, you start with 85 pounds?
Starting point is 01:33:37 Yeah. God, that seems so light. I'm so confused. Okay, how many reps with 85? Just like three. So you warm up you know what you don't even do any with the bar just 85 pounds um sometimes i do a couple with the bar okay 85 85 125 155 okay okay
Starting point is 01:34:10 again like two or three now let me ask you this is 155 feel heavy for you like now at 155 i usually just start with uh 135 i don't even but i usually i'm sweating already i start with 135 i just put the 45s on and i just do one or two just to test it out. Now if I get to 155, now that shit's heavy. Is 155 heavy for you or no? No. You just take it off the bar and you're still paying attention to the people
Starting point is 01:34:36 in the room? Yeah. Oh shit. Okay. 155 for two or three. Then what? 175. Oh, Nelly. Now I'm like, if I go to 170 every time you bench do you do 175 uh like we don't do it like a whole i don't know i guess yeah so if you bench once a month let's say every time you at least get to 175 yeah yeah so now for me that's like a heavy day now it's like whoa i'm really pushing the the limits okay let's go on uh 205 now i'm going for
Starting point is 01:35:07 a fucking one rep max okay and you do two or three at 205 i did two my god and are people tripping now is it like stop the gym when you go over 200 pounds like are people like now gathering around every time no that's pretty like they are they're lying it's one of those things where people are watching from the corner of their eye okay then 235 that i only do one now you're uh you're fucking 20 pounds over my max okay one at 235 this is yeah and then this is where I'm like attempting maxes. So then I went 250. Do you have a spotter at 250? Yeah. Do you have a spotter at 235?
Starting point is 01:35:52 Yeah. Do you get a little excited when you put both 245s on each side? You do, yeah. Wow, you really are a gym dude. That's fucking awesome. Because everyone does, right? I mean mean like who doesn't get excited when you get to put another 45 on and make all those little ones go away oh yeah that was like my when i first benched 225 in high school that brandon graham uh sebon's nose
Starting point is 01:36:31 is brown uh already yeah of course i'm gonna kiss her ass i fucking love her she's fucking amazing and i can do 205 and someone making fun of me i can do 205 i can do 205 today, but then I'm just at a dead halt. Okay. So 250 for one. And how did that feel? Not good, actually. Like last week when I built to 250, it felt really good. And yesterday it felt awful. So I was like, dang it. Like this is not going to go the way I wanted it to go.
Starting point is 01:37:00 And at 250, did you set up a camera? No, because I've already done that before okay okay and then what happens after 250 uh keifer was like i was like i don't know he's like well you can either do like 255 or 257 and like get a for sure pr or you go to 260 because, like, just fuck it. And I was like, let's do 260 because I feel like I know I could hit 255. So then I did 260, and it felt better than 250, so that was nice. And why do you think it felt better? You chose a different line of action, you think? Did you adjust your line from the down and up? I think I just, like, braced a little more on the way down.
Starting point is 01:37:46 Oh, you braced in your flip-flops a little more. Ah, I see. Okay, put on flip-flops and brace more. Brace more. What do you mean you brace more? You're wearing fucking flip-flops. It's like a fuck you to everyone who's watching. I mean like when you go down,
Starting point is 01:38:00 you have to make sure your lats are really engaged, and I just did that a little bit better ah the old lat and okay i don't engage lats have on that's a good uh tidbit i'm gonna engage lats okay it's a whole setup you gotta like you gotta like squeeze your lats when you get on the bench so you're like kind of tucked and then yeah all that stuff you do that squeeze your lats do you think you have a narrow grip or a wide grip relative to other people? I think I have a pretty neutral grip. I go one thumb's width from the knurling.
Starting point is 01:38:34 Okay. Look at you. Talk that everyone can understand. I love it. You know what? So for me, that would be a little wide. I take my index finger oh from the center knurling okay okay okay yeah yeah okay i like it okay and then so 260 and and and that chick's spotting you right there laurie yeah and uh what did she say was she tripping does she get
Starting point is 01:39:01 scared that's a lot of weight i'd be nervous spotting someone doing 260 i asked her so are you good and she's like oh yeah i'm good do you see her bicep she's got big bicep i do i do yeah i want to tussle with her i'm curious we arm wrestle her first and then and then okay and then so then what happens after 260 are you excited oh i was stoked and uh it felt really good, so then I was really excited. Aren't you, once you do 260, then Kiefer comes over, and what's he say to you? Do 270, or what happens after that? He kind of just, like, not, him and Justin, like, I don't want to say that they, like, laugh about it, but, like, I think, like, it's just kind of, like, such an anomaly that, like,
Starting point is 01:39:45 it's almost like we don't really know what to do so I Was like let's just go to 70 and he was like yeah like go for it At that point people are kind of confused like that's when it gets got like interesting. Yeah, it's freak show shit Well, what's crazy too is how easy it is There's no I mean look at your feet let's go i cannot believe your feet are just dangling like that drive drive drive yeah and you got an amazing bounce off the chest it's just crazy go for it come on alex please let's go i'm getting a drug tested today from CrossFit. Yeah. So you post that and the next day you get drug tested.
Starting point is 01:40:28 No, I, it actually just was really ironic. They emailed me that morning. Oh, that's awesome. Yeah. So are you waiting right now for the person to come over?
Starting point is 01:40:37 No, I think they're coming at like 6 PM. So late. Why do you, why do you stop at two 70 or did you stop? Did you go higher? I went higher, but I went too high. What do you, why do you stop at 270 or did you stop? Did you go higher? I went higher, but I went too high. What did you go to?
Starting point is 01:40:50 280. Yeah. Hey, and, and, and you know how sometimes you'll set a PR and then like, you'll want to go higher, but really, you know, you're not, you're not going to get it. You didn't, did you have, you know what I mean? Like you kind of have like PR fatigue, like you got so excited and then you go more, but you're not, you know, you're not going to get it. You didn't have that after 260. You didn you kind of have like PR fatigue. Like you got so excited and then you go more, but you know you're not going to get it. You didn't have that after 260?
Starting point is 01:41:07 You didn't have like a little PR fatigue? No, I felt like I could get it, but I maybe should have gone 275. Wow. Damn. Crazy. Thanks. Crazy, crazy. How is your fitness?
Starting point is 01:41:19 Is it on another level right now? It feels a lot better than it did last year going into semis. I feel just a lot more well-rounded. We've done so much engine work, and I definitely feel a lot fitter, which is nice. What weight will be your fighting weight? When you show up to the games or in the highest-level competitions, what do you like to show up as? I don't really weigh myself very much but i usually
Starting point is 01:41:45 float between like 155 158 sometimes like i said i'll get to 160 or a little bit heavier but usually around there uh in injury injury free finally i dealt with a couple like nagging things around like waterpalooza and a little bit after um i had like some hip impingement and then i like did something to my wrist i have absolutely no idea what but it took a solid couple months to get better are you and you're chomping at the bit to get in there get live and do your thing i'm excited i'm really excited for the um like bigger field i think that will be interesting like the 60 of us instead of 30. alex um in the past when i've talked to you it seemed like crossfit i um i don't want to say you didn't give it your all but that there was a it was it was a piece of your life
Starting point is 01:42:40 have you turned it up more and maybe brought it in as more than a piece now is it's yeah i'd say so like now like if i'm not at the gym i'm at this like recovery place doing like sauna red light ice bath like i've been i've really like you could ask jake like i've been such a stickler about like sleep and i've been like force feeding myself a lot more food than i used to eat and i definitely feel like i've been more all in than i was last year uh how how old are you i'm 21 holy shit because that's what barry just said too she's 21 i know she she doesn't seem 21 it's nuts anyway uh beautiful picture of you and your husband. Congratulations. I'm so happy you came on. Thanks for sharing with us. I know people will, it's, it's, it's inspiring.
Starting point is 01:43:32 I know a lot of people, including myself, I'll bench today because of you and thanks for just being a wonderful, a beautiful woman and sharing your journey with us. It's awesome. And tell Jake's thank you for the DM. I appreciate it. Oh my gosh. I saw that this morning. I can't play. It's just too much blood for me.
Starting point is 01:43:52 It's just too much blood for me. He got me so good. I don't really remember much of it because I was high as a kite. Yeah. He thought it was really funny. Yeah, it was. He's a good dude. I appreciate the fact that he busts your balls like that.
Starting point is 01:44:10 All right. Thank you, dear. You're a wonderful human. Thanks for coming on. I appreciate it. Thanks, everyone. Have a good one. Okay, ciao.
Starting point is 01:44:16 Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye.
Starting point is 01:44:18 Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye.
Starting point is 01:44:18 Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye.
Starting point is 01:44:21 Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye.
Starting point is 01:44:23 Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye.
Starting point is 01:44:23 Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye.
Starting point is 01:44:23 Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye.. Bye. Bye. I had a clock how old. I had a clock how old. I had a clock how old. I had a clock how old. I had a clock how old. I had a clock. I had a clock. I had a clock. I had a clock. I had a clock. I had a clock. I had a clock. I had a clock. I had a Alex... Gazan. He's young, too. He had a clock. How old was he when you met him?
Starting point is 01:44:31 Oh, no. He's a child. He's a child, also. Man, what a fucking brick shithouse, huh? No one in the patriarchy, please tell her that it's unattractive to be a brick shithouse huh uh no one in the patriarchy please tell her uh that it's unattractive to be a brick shithouse because fuck man she is attractive what a fucking freight train she is 270 i know it's nuts you you hear in her voice um it's it's the her tone quality and her voice doesn't sound like she's 21. I don't I don't know how to explain it. Yeah, it's it's. And I love it that she's getting drug tested today. It's perfect.
Starting point is 01:45:18 She's cool. I'm excited to see her. I don't know why, you know, in the CrossFit community, we were not supposed to be excited by that. But it makes me like so excited to see her compete after watching her do that crazy what a fucking insane human all right uh where are we here 8 47 it's it's weird when. It's weird when my friends call during the show, but I expect it. Taylor just called me. It's like, hey, asshole, I'm doing a show. All right. all right
Starting point is 01:46:06 trying to see if i have any updates so five people five people total uh confirmed laid off from the mothership yeah the layoffs uh here we go uh where where uh uh here we go uh where where uh uh chris chris fugatti seven have got to apologize yet for your comments yesterday regarding rich being the goat shut the fuck up apologize he's by far the greatest and what's crazy is is that people who disagree with me they never they they never mentioned teams they never mentioned what he's doing his longevity the methodology is constantly very functional movement there's also that third over time he has no peer there no peer there he's dope he's the greatest he's the greatest of all time it goes him tia
Starting point is 01:47:03 becca voight and then matt fraser He's the greatest of all time. It goes him, Tia, Becka Voigt, and then Matt Fraser. Jake Chapman, Seve, with your new hair, you look like you should be telling us about oat latte recipes. Let's continue on. Let's push forward with the show uh okay seatbelts so we were talking about seatbelts uh this is psa for the show uh we got interrupted by uh facundo
Starting point is 01:47:32 straight facundo and uh and alex uh gazan um she's such a show-off 270 what a show-off 270. What a show-off. Okay, here we go. Oh, this video has no sound. I thought this video did have sound when I played it the first time. Oh, that's crazy. I heard this video and it had sound. And now it doesn't. How can that be? This guy was screaming and they asked him if he was okay. and now it doesn't. How can that be? They had this guy. This guy was screaming,
Starting point is 01:48:07 and they asked him if he was okay, and he said no. That dude slid off the back of a golf cart. No, make sure you wear a seatbelt. The human body is amazing. Inside of there is a skeleton and a heart that has to hold all that together. That is amazing.
Starting point is 01:48:35 Look at, those people aren't even fazed that he fell off. Oh, my goodness. Anyway, wear a... I was thinking about that too, the power of that cart. That cart must have some serious horsepower. Anyway, wear your seatbelt. It's important. Or two seatbelts, whatever it takes.
Starting point is 01:49:04 Some of you, for some reason, some of you, for some reason, think that words don't matter. You just still don't get it. You don't get it. You think that words don't matter, but words do matter. Fuck you and your ass, you punk white boy. You faggot. You can't touch me. You're not man enough. I'll eat your asshole alive, you bitch.
Starting point is 01:49:31 He called that guy a faggot and then told him he would eat his asshole alive. Fuck you, you faggot. I'll eat your asshole alive. It's a very interesting combination of words. Fuck you you you hoe come and take my paper fuck you ass for that everybody you bitch
Starting point is 01:49:49 come on you bitch you're scared coward you got man enough to fuck with me you can't last two minutes in my world bitch look at you scared now you hoe scared like a little white pussy scared of the real I don't know why it has to be a little white pussy
Starting point is 01:50:03 could be I don't know why it has to be a little white pussy. Could be. I don't know why it has to be, but whatever. Real man. I'll fuck you till you love me, faggot. Did he say, you love me, you faggot? There's a lot of tension there. But he also, he's an asshole.
Starting point is 01:50:22 But words matter. Words matter. Don't think they don't. They matter more than you can ever imagine. However much you think they matter, they matter even more than that. Okay? And here we go. Listen. Listen to this a couple times.
Starting point is 01:50:44 Oh, the audio doesn't work on. What is going on? Oh, my goodness. The audio doesn't work on this one either. I wonder what happened. Is my shit muted? This guy asked this girl what continent she lives on. And she says, I do OnlyFans.
Starting point is 01:51:04 He asks a woman what fucking continent she lives on. And she goes, I do only fans. He asks a woman what fucking continent she lives on and she goes, I do only fans, thinking he said, what kind of content do you make? I'm telling you, words matter. Caller, hi. Nice to have you back. Hi. Hi. Hi, how's it going?
Starting point is 01:51:18 You know, chilling, enjoying myself this fine morning. Good. I had something happen in my community recently and I wanted to talk about it. Let's do it. All right. I've got a couple of elementary school teachers that live in my neighborhood and we were chatting the other afternoon and they let me know that there is a third grader at their school who has two dads and the one dad identifies as a furry.
Starting point is 01:51:52 I wish I was making this up, but I'm not. I have to write this down. Hey, this is so crazy. I seriously need to write this down. So I'm going to put up here third grader, and then two to like a V coming down with dads and one dad,
Starting point is 01:52:11 one dad's a fur, a furry. Yep. A furry identifies as a furry. Okay. And the three of them were seen in a high V, which is like, it's our local grocery store. And the one dad was dressed normally and the 10 year old son was in the shopping cart. And the other dad was dressed head to toe as an animal with a leash and collar around his neck.
Starting point is 01:52:40 And the other dad was holding the leash of the identified furry oh and i'm just let me let me let me just catch uh some of us up for a second furries are individuals i think that means humans who are especially interested in anthropomorphic or cartoon animals like bugs bunny for example they often strongly identify with anthropomorphic animals and create fursonas identities of themselves as those anthropomorphic animals so here's a here's uh two dads that have adopted a son and he's adopted he's adopted well i would assume he's adopted two men can't make a baby what's what
Starting point is 01:53:26 state is this this is in iowa if you saw two girls with uh a baby would you assume they adopted or no one of them made it probably oh you mean like within vitro and like they use one of their eyes and then like donated or they just called me up like two lesbians were like hey savon can you hammer one of us and get one of us pregnant or can we squirt some of your semen can you give us a dollop of semen yeah um i guess i assumed he was adopted um i think it might be more common for a sperm donation versus like an egg donation. Yeah, I think so too, but I don't know. So I guess I would have assumed, I guess I just assumed adopted for that reason.
Starting point is 01:54:11 But if it was girls, you'd assume that they, that one of them probably got, probably got some, some stuff, but that's also an interesting topic because. Someone in the comments is saying that that wasn't a third grader in the cart. That was Colton Mertens. Well, that's interesting. That's it. That took a twist. How did they get that egg? Like, so sometimes like at in vitro and infertility clinics, right? Like women will like have their eggs harvested and then they end up not using all of their eggs.
Starting point is 01:54:51 So they have the option to like, Hey, I'm going to donate my egg. And then two gay men adopt, you know, take their egg and then make a baby with it. And then now, I mean, can you ever have imagined that in 10 years after you donated your egg, And now, I mean, can you ever have imagined that in 10 years after you donated your egg, that you donated it to an athlete psychopath that is identifying as a furry and exposing what would be half of your child, right, to this type of behavior? That's also like a very like moral and ethical and interesting topic. Are furries mostly men or are they mostly women? Well, I don't know.
Starting point is 01:55:26 My boss's daughter has a friend in the eastern Iowa area, and that child identifies as a furry and has demanded a litter box in the bathroom, and the school has provided it. Are you fucking kidding me? I am 100% serious. Oh, my goodness. That's the world that we live in and I think it's important that we continue to talk about this and we continue to say this is not normal like these people
Starting point is 01:55:56 and I ask myself well Siobhan let me ask you if you were in a grocery store and you saw that and you were with your three boys what would you say to your boys? If they were to ask you like, what is like, what, what would you say to them? How would you as a parent handle that? What would they ask me? Like, Hey, why, why are those people dressed for, is Halloween coming? Like, what would my boys say? Give me like an idea.
Starting point is 01:56:23 Yeah. Like, like daddy, what, what is that? Daddy, what is going on there? What is that? This isn't going to be popular, but the other day, so there's this guy and he's a caretaker of some guy who has some, um, you know, who's different, right? I don't know if he has autism or Williamson syndrome or what, but there's a guy who comes to the skate park every day. He's probably like a 40-year-old man who comes with like a 20-year-old man, and they sit on the park bench, and they watch my kids skate.
Starting point is 01:56:51 I shouldn't say every day. Once a week, I see them. And he watches the kids skate, and it's obviously very stimulating for him, and he really likes it. And he talks crazy loud, and he talks to the kids too, but in kind of incomplete sentences and shit. And my kids will just go over and stare at him. But they've never asked me, and I'll be standing right there and they'll never ask me like,
Starting point is 01:57:11 hey, what's up with that dude? They just, I don't know what they think. I don't know what I would say. I would not, I would probably say very little and stay in the realm of I don't know. Like I wouldn't just be like, hey, that's a fucking mentally fucked up person. Why and why would you not say that?
Starting point is 01:57:29 By not acknowledging that it's absolutely asinine and crazy and borderline child abuse behavior, you're somewhat normalizing it. Like you're just letting it be a part of your everyday life. I wish I could tell you you're wrong, but I don't think I can. You probably are onto something. You're probably, it's a part of your everyday life. I wish I could tell you you're wrong, but I don't think I can. You probably are onto something. It's the same thing with the Rebecca Fuseli thing.
Starting point is 01:57:52 I can't tell if I'm in denial or if I just – I'm one of those people that feels like I always need all the facts. I need all the facts. I listen to the Rebecca Fuseli thing, and what I have to say about that is you spent two hours having a conversation with a woman that was more level headed than, than 90% of the women out there. Right? Like she has her head on straight.
Starting point is 01:58:17 She spoke articulately. She, I mean, if she would have been showing like red flags or something like oh I need to go talk to my husband or I guess I don't know I should ask my husband that or like if she was showing some type of like red flag behavior it could have been like oh
Starting point is 01:58:34 maybe that was like a grooming situation but that girl has her head on straight she knows what she wants like she is very mature so I sided with you on that. And then I didn't think it was a grooming situation. Well, hey, someone told me this yesterday who who has I think has some pretty intense experience with grooming.
Starting point is 01:58:55 And they said basically what I here's the thing I was asking, too, like if he knew he was if he let's say he was grooming, grooming, did he know he's grooming? And I don't even know what grooming is grooming is like you're attracted to someone you're trying to like prepare let's go back to the furries i can't open both these can of worms sorry yeah um no no but i just i uh so so you're so you're in the grocery store i kind of have strong opinions about two men adopting a kid, to be honest with you. I just – I apologize. I'm open to being wrong, but I'm okay with two women adopting a kid. And people are going to be like, well, what about someone you said the importance of having a father?
Starting point is 01:59:43 It is, but I just – you have to have a woman around a child. You have to. Child. Would you say a child? I don't think two men should be allowed woman around a child. You have to. Child? Would you say a child? I don't think two men should be allowed to adopt a child. I really don't. And I'm okay with it being bigoted or whatever they want to call it. Then fine. I'll take it.
Starting point is 01:59:55 I'm just not, I'm not. So you're saying it's more important for a child to have a mother than a child to have a father? 100%. Even if the data shows differently, you have to. Well, first of all, it has to be someone someone is i think i think this is going to be fucked up i think a woman could take i think a man has to have a biological father to understand a biological child. I could take care of other kids.
Starting point is 02:00:28 So God forbid something crazy happened to my wife and she got pregnant. Right. And it wasn't my baby. I could take care of that baby no matter what, if my wife wanted me to. And I think I could love it like it's my own, but I don't know if I could have done that if I didn't have kids already. I just,
Starting point is 02:00:43 yeah, I don't. And let me also tell you, my parents were divorced and my mom did most of the raising you know 86 percent of the raising of me 89 so so I'm biased I just um I just I would I would me personally if I had to choose as a man to be adopted by two women or two men, two women every time. There's no situation where it's not. I mean, does anyone disagree with me? Does anyone want to be adopted by two dudes?
Starting point is 02:01:14 I mean, as a girl, would you want to be adopted by two dudes or two girls? No. I mean, I'm making you choose. Which would you choose? I would probably choose. I would probably choose two women. Probably. If I had to choose making you choose which would you choose i would probably choose i would probably choose two women probably if i had to choose i mean if you had like a gun to my head that's not what i believe in and that's not right what i believe is like the strongest what god given god intended form of a family but um i looked up at furries as a sexual thing. I don't understand.
Starting point is 02:01:45 I think that anything where you're running away that hard from who you are, like if you're going out in public with a leash on you dressed as an animal in front of your kid, yeah, it's fucked up. I don't know what I tell my kid. What did you tell? What are you going to tell your kids? I would look them dead in the eye and I would say that person has a mental problem and I would do it right in front of that person too.
Starting point is 02:02:05 I would literally stop them in my tracks in the middle of the grocery store. And I looked at my kids and I would say, this is not normal. This person has a mental health issue and they need to go see a psychiatrist and a psychologist and a doctor. And they need to get this handled because this is not appropriate. That's happened to me, by the way, what I would say that's happened. I'll tell you a couple of hands down that's happened to me by the way what i would say that's happened i'll tell you a couple instances where that's happened to me i was in berkeley california it was the peak of 49er season and i went to a bagel place that i used to take my
Starting point is 02:02:37 kids to um when they were kids and we had we had moved out of there we would always go there and get eggs and bacon every morning um owned by like a like this chinese family they were so fucking nice to my kids man and they would always come out the lady would always come out pick my kids up and hug them and uh and so um so so so basically so we went there we're visiting there we hadn't been there in a bunch of years my kids were probably like four and six. My twins were four and Avi was probably six, right? This is during the height of the 49er season. And there's a line out the door and everyone is six feet apart with completely covered with all the gear on, right?
Starting point is 02:03:15 And there's 30 people there. So the line is so fucking long, right? 30 people, 30 sets of people, six feet apart. Everyone in full masks, right? Everyone. People walking by on the sidewalk with mass people on bicycles with masks. And it's in a neighborhood just happens to be a bagel shop in the middle of like a total suburbia. And we're the only ones not with masks on.
Starting point is 02:03:36 And this lady walks by with her two year old, two year old kid or four year old kid and screams at the kid, stay away from those kids. You're going to get sick being by them they don't have masks on some lady yelled that to her kid as her kid was like you know almost standing right next to my kids so i kind of i had that happen to me my kids didn't even know what happened they didn't even care but but also my kid i didn't say anything. I started laughing. You kept walking. Yeah. Well, I just – I was standing in line waiting to get – to go into the shot. But the same thing happened to me, and I didn't say anything because they thought I was the freak. They thought I was the furry because I wasn't wearing – none of us were wearing masks, and my kids were barefoot.
Starting point is 02:04:20 And so that shit also happens just so you know once a month because my kids hardly ever wear shoes. And people will comment to them right to their face, hey, you need to be wearing shoes or why aren't you wearing shoes? Do you think that in any world, in any instance, we're going to look back three years from now because that instance happened probably about two, three years ago? Are we going to look back in three years and are we going to say, yeah, it's normal to be a furry? Like I guess that's okay if that's what they want to do. Good point. Fuck you. You're, you're, you're two and O against me now. Two and O, two and O. Wow. Maybe I should just leave it there then.
Starting point is 02:04:56 If you don't, if you win one more time, I'm hanging up on you. Yeah, it's true. You're right. No, no, no one's ever going to look back and think that that's okay. No, never. So I'm a hundred percent sure that I'm a hundred percent sure that the, that no one will ever look back in time and think it was okay to put a fucking leash on one of the dads and walk around the supermarket with it as a kid as normal behavior right as being seen in public and think about and and that i i want to just really quick i don't want to take up too much time but i also want to circle back to where is the other part of that equation with how that child was made, right? Like if it was, if it was their sperm and they did take a donated egg, right?
Starting point is 02:05:36 Like, can you imagine if you, if you had a bunch of eggs frozen at a fertility clinic and you decided, you know what, we're done having kids. We don't want any more of these eggs. We're going to go ahead and sign up on donating them. So then a gay couple is going to come in and say, we want an egg. Let's go ahead and go through the whole qualification process. And we're going to find a surrogate and all that stuff. And then, I mean, and then you find out that, I mean, I don't think you ever would find out, but like half of, you know, half of you is now exposed to this type of behavior. That is all. I mean,
Starting point is 02:06:11 that's, that is crazy to me with the whole, just in vitro and infertility process. But. Yeah. The whole thing is nuts. You know what? You maybe just realize though, that is the patriarchy. Maybe Meredith is onto something. No, that, you know, what maybe just realize though that is the patriarchy maybe Meredith is on to something no that you know what was really disappointing about her video those are two dudes the patriarchy
Starting point is 02:06:31 maybe she's right maybe I've had it wrong maybe the patriarchy is fucking everything up so many so many things were really disappointing about that video she had an opportunity to take a conversation that was actually potentially worthwhile um because I also have had experiences in the past where like you know opportunity to take a conversation that was actually potentially worthwhile. Because I also have had experiences in the past where like, you know,
Starting point is 02:06:53 no lifting, keep it slim, keep it trim. I've also had those experiences, but the fact that then she had to take it to the patriarchy, she totally discredited herself. And it really just made the whole thing a bunch of, a bunch of malarkey, to be honest with you. Like, I do. I do want to say this. I'm sure the chat is not roasting me for using the word malarkey. I can see. Yeah, fuck them. Listen, M brings up a very good point. I just want to say straight couples do this shit, too. I want to I want to say that 100 percent. There's way more fucked up straight couples than there are gay couples. Now, the reason for that
Starting point is 02:07:26 might be just because there's more straight people, but don't anyone get it confused. This has nothing to do with two dads. We conflated two subjects by the way. There's plenty of plenty. I live in an area where there's plenty of fucking straight couples.
Starting point is 02:07:42 Matter of fact, I would guess that half the fucking straight couples in the Bay area that are married should have been gay the dudes are just fucking hardly okay well thank you very stimulating again good luck take your kids out of school thank you thanks bye okay bye i love her when she calls in. Yeah, gay people are happier statistically. Cleaner neighborhoods, less crime, happier, live longer. All that shit. Yeah. So I...
Starting point is 02:08:16 But I don't want to be adopted by two dudes. I really don't. I don't. Unless they were like drug lords. Hi. Hi, Meredith. I saw this and I immediately thought that this was an employee of street parking. Look at this.
Starting point is 02:08:50 This is how I imagine all of Miranda and Julian's employees to look. Right here. Look at it. I'll play this for you. This is pretty good. This person is either a street parking member or an employee. That's what I thought as soon as I saw this. Okay, here we go.
Starting point is 02:09:11 Nervous around woke people, which is weird because I look like their leader. And I try to be aware, but I'm a hustler. When people ask me my pronouns, this is what I've been saying. I've been going, oh, well, if it's time to get paid, he, him. If it's time to pay, she, her. And if it's time to apply for a grant, they, them, Native American. It is what it is. I'm not saying it's right, but I'm trying it out.
Starting point is 02:09:39 I get nervous around woke people, which is weird because I look like their leader. Doesn't she look like she works at street parking just just my just my yeah you like that yeah that was good i was so proud of that i actually philip i was actually i was like because i'm friends with her and julian and i was like maybe i shouldn't do that joke and i was like nah fuck it i'm doing it thank you It's pretty. There's only one person that I've seen on the list of people that have been let go that I'm actually excited that's gone. Oh, two people. Two people here.
Starting point is 02:10:32 Wow. Someone's just reporting to me that they're doing it because they're having money issues. I guess. Another way to think of it though is is it i mean don i mean wife if she's heard anything uh have you heard me out fired i heard oops i spelled herd wrong. Shit. Oh, oh, oh, here it comes. Oh, oh my goodness.
Starting point is 02:11:31 Oh my goodness. Oh my goodness. A six person. Shit, son of a bitch. Oh no. Wow. Holy shit. God damn it. Well, that sucks.
Starting point is 02:11:55 All right. Oh, and there's some restructuring going on. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. Oh, that's, what was I at? I was at six. Now I'm at nine.
Starting point is 02:12:16 Holy shit. Three more. Nine. Wow. Okay. Wow. That's brutal. I think it's only going to get worse.
Starting point is 02:12:29 Nine total. They have an all-hands meeting today. Okay. Let me see. Wow oh wow okay all right uh this is going to be a long day for them over there at hq brutal uh i know i know man that's a fucked up call to get if you've never been fired it fucking hurts that shit fucking hurts
Starting point is 02:13:10 uh yeah I'll save it tonight Andrew Hiller will be coming on at I don't know what time 6 6 30 uh number 19 I don't know what time, 6, 6.30? Number 19. Big old dose of reality.
Starting point is 02:13:36 This is, this is, oh my goodness, again. Daily stand-up reels, it's gone. Oh no. That was a great bit. All right. Fine. That one's gone. This is a great bit. All right. Fine. That one's gone. This is a good one. This is a very interesting one.
Starting point is 02:13:51 This one's going to be controversial. Here we go. You guys ready for this? This one will get some debate. Where's David Weed when you need him? This one's going to be a good one. Here we go, people. Share screen. Where's David Weed when you need him? This one's going to be a good one. Here we go, people.
Starting point is 02:14:07 Share screen. Here we go. You ready? So this is a target, and this was kind of a big story. Kind of making its way. Here we go. We'll watch this here. Let's watch what happens.
Starting point is 02:14:35 21-6, fire. So this is in the security at a target. And the guy on the left is a security guard, and the lady on the right was a customer, is a customer. 4-4-8-7. I'll call you back. 2-7. 4-4-21, repeat. Safe or fire.
Starting point is 02:14:56 So what happened? She came up. I tried to verbally de-escalate. She told me that she wanted to wreck it out, and I told her we couldn't do that. And then she said, excuse me, and I was like, man, I need you to back up or leave, but we can't do that for you.
Starting point is 02:15:14 So she started charging at me. I came all the way back into my office into an enclosed space, and I hit her in the face. So basically he's saying she was at a cash register at Target. She'd bought $1,000 worth of stuff, and she told the lady at checkout, hey, give me all of this stuff for free as reparations. I think that's – you see how her skin – there's this thing where people with melanated skin –
Starting point is 02:15:37 not – I don't even know what the percentage is, but some people – there's some people with melanated skin and people with not melanated skin who think that the United States government should pay money based on things that happened in the past with people who are melanated so like for example we stole California from Mexico and these people think like we should give California back and so it's kind of this lady thought she would take it on her own and make Target pay for her thousand dollars worth of groceries so that uh because of her skin color and in relationship to things that had happened in the united states of america before then before this time okay and then when and then and then she followed him into the office and he punched her in the face
Starting point is 02:16:18 that's crazy i know you kind of do it's ballsy, right? Clock brings up a good point. You have to admire that. There is some piece of that. I don't know if it's mental illness or balls, but there's something, right? Oh, Don Fall has spoken on the show. Just having to clear out making room for a few more Asians, black ladies, and a black lady named called David. Oh, okay, I get it.
Starting point is 02:16:45 So we've been looking to hire for a while. Okay, so Don's saying they're just firing people so they can get in more Asians and a black lady named David. Okay. Fair enough. Okay, so here they are. I don't know why she's still sitting there if that dude punched her in the face, but here we go.
Starting point is 02:17:08 I have it all on video. And he said he has it all on video well let's check it out are you okay physically i'm okay emotionally i'm here r4 david 31 he asked her uh are you okay ma'am and she said physically i'm okay but emotionally, I'm very, very angry. Okay. According to the manager's statement, a cashier called over the manager where the suspect was kind of whispering, asking her to make reparations regarding her groceries. Okay, so she's posturing on the checkout lady right there, right?
Starting point is 02:17:41 Just stepping up to her and kind of bumping her with her belly, their bumpy bell bellies and demanding reparations. For $1,000. For $1,000 worth of shit. The manager told the suspect that if she wanted a donation, she needed to call in the morning. His response. Oh, and right there.
Starting point is 02:18:00 I mean, that right there was very aggressive. I don't know if you can see it on your screen, but she just fucking, you can tell she's yelling at her. She threw her head forward at her and the girl flinched back. And she said, if you want a donation, you can come back and speak to the manager in the morning. The suspect to become verbally aggressive, screaming and forcing the manager to back into. OK, so she pushed the manager counter. Okay, so she pushed the manager. Counter.
Starting point is 02:18:31 Now listen, at that point, any dude who sees that who hasn't stepped in is a bitch, I think. By the way, I don't know. Just the, okay, how he do it. Just the patriarchy disciplining its subjects. Right. He fucking punched the lady. See how quiet she is now? She just needed a reset.
Starting point is 02:18:51 Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. There should be a show. It's just called Cameras Around America. Capturing the mentally ill in their native environment. It's like the zoo got out. Here we go. And here comes security. A security staff member intervened and told the suspect to calm down
Starting point is 02:19:10 before the suspect began backing him into the security office. Oh, she's posturing on the dude, too. And screaming. He's walking away from her. Oh, shit. So she followed him all the way down that hallway and into the office. And when she gets too close, he fucking drops her. I don't know, man.
Starting point is 02:19:41 Inside the office, the security staff member points to the suspect in self-defense and then called the police. Look at all her shit flies out. Look at her shit. Boom. The suspect in self-defense and then called the police. Wow.
Starting point is 02:20:03 Allison, NYC weighs in. Yep, she deserved it. Savon, that show was called Jerry Springer. May it rest in peace. Yeah. And yeah, it's I just don't think you can do that. Corner someone into a follow someone into a room like that and corner him and be yelling at him.
Starting point is 02:20:23 David Weed stealing a line from the great Daniel Brandon. Equal rights, equal fights. The beatmaster Jag, this security guy is screwed whether in the right or wrong. Oh, shit, Howie. He was grooming her. Wow. He James Townsend her. Did james townsend uh knock someone out what am i missing
Starting point is 02:20:50 anyway okay so all right i think it's um okay i feel like it's conclusive I think the audience thinks that it was fair. I definitely think that there is some point at which that guy should have felt threatened for sure. Okay, it's almost beach time. It's almost beach time. But before I go to the beach today, I want to remind you that the National Guard was called into San Francisco. And for those of you who don't know who are listening around the world, San Francisco is one of the wealthiest cities not only in the United States but in the world per capita. And not only that, the real estate there is crazy expensive. Not only that, it's on some beautiful, beautiful land. It has some of the most amazing parks in the world.
Starting point is 02:21:47 There was a massive military base there called the Presidio. I think it was the Navy. And it's now been basically turned into a place for the public. It is truly a remarkable place. And tourism there is massive, was massive, Okay? Was massive. It's basically what kept the city going. That and... That and tech money.
Starting point is 02:22:19 But watch this shit. Here we go. Park Service provided $102.2 million for the San Francisco National Maritime Historical Park. This was the second most expensive project funded. Can you tell me which congressional district
Starting point is 02:22:36 this project is located in? It is in Congresswoman former Speaker Nancy Pelosi's district. Right. So they're talking about $102 million that was given for parks in San Francisco. California 11, represented by Speaker Pelosi.
Starting point is 02:22:58 National Park Service also gave $63.5 million to the Golden Gate National Recreation Area, the fourth most expensive project funded last year. Do you know which congressional district that project is in? I cannot recall off the top of my head. That's Speaker Pelosi's, former Speaker Pelosi's district, DeWill. The National Park Service received $200 million in the Inflation Reduction Act last year for deferred maintenance at the National Park Service. Can you tell us how that money was used? That money went to the Presidio Trust,
Starting point is 02:23:26 and they're using it on their deferred maintenance because they are not eligible for GOA funding. $365 million in total. And for parks in San Franciscoisco last year last year i mean i what what's the police budget there dude that that you need to build the world's fucking largest prison and just start scooping up the drug addicts and putting them in prison why because if i was a drug addict i would also want to be taken off the street. I don't need you giving me clean needles and giving me free fentanyl. I need to be taken off the street and given a chance to clean up. So where's the Presidio Trust located? It is within the boundaries of the
Starting point is 02:24:19 national area that we- In whose congressional district? That is also in former Speaker Pelosi's district. In total, the National Park Service spent more than $365 million last year on deferred maintenance in Nancy Pelosi's district, which is almost a quarter. That's 24% of the total funding your agency received last year to address deferred maintenance nationwide. Do you know how many states have deferred maintenance backlogs
Starting point is 02:24:44 that could have been fully addressed using this funding? Not off the top of my head, no. It's 37. Last year... Very powerful stuff. Trish brings up a very poignant remark that I cannot confirm or deny. Sevan, if a Republican had done it,
Starting point is 02:25:01 meaning got $365 million for the parks last year, you would be like, look, look what the Republicans are doing to fix the parks. God, is Trish right? Is that right? Is that right? Man. I want to say no, I wouldn't have done. I wouldn't do that. I want to say you're wrong. I'm going to James Townsend's Instagram account. Let me see what the fuck's going on over here.
Starting point is 02:25:32 Someone said he was arrested for something? He had to toss someone up? You want to watch this? I haven't seen it. We could watch it all real time together. I don't know what the fuck's going on, but here. Okay. James got Karen. So sad.
Starting point is 02:26:02 Let's see. I don't know what that means. Okay. Let's watch it once, and then Karen so sad. Well, let's see. I don't know what, I don't know what that means. Uh, okay. Um, let's watch it once and then, and then I'll read and then I'll read what happened. here needed a ride because he left his fob in the van. So he came over and asked me. He had his two grandkids with him. Came over and asked me to give him a ride. I said, yeah. Gave him a ride to the Iowa Clinic. I'm here at the car wash, washing my car. I get back and the cops are here. So they thinking I'm trafficking kids or whatever. is this is this is nuts this is
Starting point is 02:26:47 nuts just me being a blessing to somebody and you got two karens over here who called the cops on me and now they're hiding behind the car two karens now they're over here hiding behind the car because they don't want to show their face i should go over there and put the camera right in their damn face don't make no sense i don't i don't know i don't know i got nothing to say there so i want y'all uh so so he was helping kids and someone thought he was trafficking kids and so they called? I don't know. Why am I mad at that? If those were James' kids and someone had called, wouldn't James be happy that someone – what if they were kids being trafficked?
Starting point is 02:27:38 What if that guy tricked him? What if the guy trafficking the kids tricked James to partake in it? I don't know. I'm not mad that the cops are over there checking out the situation. Imagine going to the car wash bright sunny day, minding your own business, got the music going doors open, by the way, that's a nice car. He has a wiping down your car. There are three people there, a lady, this elderly man with two kids and me, then a Karen pulls up and parks three spots away from you. You see her, but you're just wiping down your car, continuing to mind your own business. Time goes by by and the elderly man with the two kids playing outside of
Starting point is 02:28:08 his van walks up to you turns down the music and asks hey i'll give you 30 bucks if you could take me to the university to get an extra pair of keys for my daughter i locked them in the in the side of my van and we are stuck my daughter daughter's at the iowa clinic with her youngest son with no hesitation you say of course no problem the elderly man walks back to his van in excitement and begins to tell the two little kids the plan. You can clearly hear what he's telling them. You continue to wipe down the car until the water is off. You put wax on the car and hold to get the elderly man
Starting point is 02:28:36 and the two little kids to where they need to go. He walks over to the truck and you find out they are his grandkids. You put them in your kids' car seats, boosters, and leave the car wash. Where's the old dude? Did the old dude get in the van too? Anyway, you take him to the Iowa clinic. Oh, okay, so you take them all to the Iowa clinic to see his daughter and youngest grandchild outside waiting.
Starting point is 02:29:01 She comes over and tells you thank you. The kids are happy to see her, and she hands her father the keys. you continue to drive back to the car wash to bring them back to the van but when you get back to the car wash karen is on her phone unaware to you with the cops telling them that you are trafficking kids you don't realize this until you're coming out of the bathroom walking over to your truck and your truck is being blocked by cop car i don't know i don't know i don't know they pissed him off okay i maybe if it happened to me i'd be pissed too but i'd rather i don't know well i'll let you guys decide i don't i don't have a i don't have a strong opinion on that and by the james seems very calm in the video and i like and i like the story i like the excitement of it all my only takeaway there is like how cool is fucking james townsend
Starting point is 02:29:50 that's the vibe this fucking guy gives off this is how cool this guy is someone walked over to him and said hey will you drive me somewhere with my kids i mean he's just a cool dude and those other chicks are maybe they're paranoid. Maybe they were kidnapped or something. I don't know. I think I don't like that word. Holy shit. His daughter's getting big. She's doing crazy.
Starting point is 02:30:15 His daughter's just killing crossovers. Oh, damn. I better up my kids game. Shit. Matt Burns, a random cop calling sounds like a savvy thing to do. I saw a fucking car ram another car. Cockwad. Lisa Carr-Redau, if they would have just owned up and apologized that would have been completely different
Starting point is 02:30:47 fair, that's good that's good, that's fair Trish, if it were my district I'd celebrate meaning you'd be happy that the cops came and were investigating it Beatmaster Jag conflated meaning you'd be happy that the cops came and were investigating it. Beat master, Jag, conflated misunderstanding.
Starting point is 02:31:10 Everyone needs to let go and move on. All right. Mr. Hartle, enjoy your training. Mason Mitchell, that was a savvy move. That's why he's empathizing. Jesus Christ. Just say it, you passive-aggressive douch douches just say it what are you really trying to say and you're right
Starting point is 02:31:32 you're absolutely right if I thought someone was trafficking children I would fucking call someone you're absolutely right you're absolutely right how about this this is in Oakland You're absolutely right. How about this? This is in Oakland. I used to live right by here.
Starting point is 02:31:51 I think this is by Lake Merritt. Listen, watch this. Shot during an attempted robbery in Oakland, and it was all caught on camera. Police say it happened in broad daylight around noon on Tuesday in front of a school on Park Boulevard. In the video, you can see a man trying to steal the woman's purse.
Starting point is 02:32:06 Another man is standing by. The woman, though, fights to keep her purse. They go back and forth for a little bit before the man takes off with the purse. But it doesn't stop there. The woman then runs after them and ends up next to the presumed getaway car. That's when one man pulls out a gun and shoots the woman. She was fighting back really well for herself, and then they took out the gun and shot her. So it was something really crazy.
Starting point is 02:32:30 That chick's name is Amira Horman. By the way, more patriarchy. More patriarchy. Yeah, if Meredith Root wants to be like 99% of all violent crime is done by the patriarchy, I'm fucking so like, yes. That's correct uh philip kelly democrat city run uh by oakland the dems act like this doesn't happen dude this this happens this is happening right now somewhere in oakland this isn't like some isolated incident fucking they shot her retards i wonder if you shot alex gazan in the chest if the bullet would bounce off listen oh nah we'll do this tomorrow okay uh thank you guys uh great show uh thank you alex uh gazan for popping in saying hi uh congratulations uh what an exciting thing to um
Starting point is 02:33:40 see compete this year at the semifinals i will will be back on tonight. I will try to update you with all the fucking chaos that's happening over at HQ. I'm sure there will be a lot more released very soon. And I'll keep you guys all up to speed. 6.30 tonight. Me and... No, no. Me and No Disc Golf tonight. We're going to do a State of the Union with me and Andrew Hiller and Sousa
Starting point is 02:34:05 and Caleb. And we'll tell you about all the information that we've dug out today about all of the, uh, the crazy shit happening HQ, how we do it. Bye to all the men here. Fair enough. And on behalf of seven, I'd like to say to all the women, not goodbye, but I will see you later. Bye.

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