The Sevan Podcast - Lewis Brackpool | What Else are They Lying About #965

Episode Date: July 9, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is an advertisement from BetterHelp. Everyone knows therapy is great for solving problems. But turns out, therapy has some issues of its own. Finding the right therapist, fitting into their schedule, and, of course, the cost. BetterHelp can help solve these problems. It's online, convenient, built around your schedule, and surprisingly affordable, too. Connect with a credentialed therapist by phone, video, or online chat. Visit to learn more.
Starting point is 00:00:27 That's meeting with friends before the show we can book your reservation and when you get to the main event skip to the good bit using the card member entrance let's go seize the night that's the powerful backing of american express visit slash y amex benefits vary by card other conditions apply there's a bunch of topics a bam we're live awesome i want to if you don't so there's a bunch of topics. Bam, we're live. Awesome. I want to, if you don't. So there's a bunch of topics I want to ask you about this morning. I want to ask you, but we want to talk about WHO. I want to talk about your piece that you talked about, about the Titan as a distraction.
Starting point is 00:01:20 Because people always say that this news piece was a distraction for this one. And it's starting to become even in my own head like, hey, people are always saying that. What does that mean? I want to talk about kids' schools. I want to talk about the riots in France. I want to talk about Jack Dorsey. Cool. But before we start, there's something I want to show you.
Starting point is 00:01:42 Are you on a computer screen? I am, yes. Okay, cool. Our connection is great this morning. Oh, that's good. It always helps. For anyone who doesn't know, you're going to have to do
Starting point is 00:01:54 your own investigating, but Louis Brackpool, I found him through Rebel News. Are you with Grit News now? Yes, that's my own company now, which is great, which is cool. Okay, that's right. And we talked about is great which is cool okay that's right and we talked about that last time you'll soon find out that my memory is horrible okay the the p the the
Starting point is 00:02:12 um the grit news piece on who is uh fantastic by the way thank you thank you is the reason why i got kicked off of youtube for some weird reason youtube follows who guidelines when it comes to talking about covet and because because i said that you could use exercise and nutrition as the best way to prevent yourself from getting um gonorrhea uh i was kicked off of youtube for a week which is nuts was it gonorrhea that's not is nuts. Was it gonorrhea? That's not a joke. No, no. It wasn't gonorrhea.
Starting point is 00:02:48 It was the other thing. Right, okay. The thing that it's actually. Actually, I would argue that exercise and good nutrition will actually increase your chances of getting gonorrhea. Really? Well, you're more likely to get fucked by someone. Someone's going to want to see you naked. I swear it's so early where you are, dude.
Starting point is 00:03:12 But anyway, so, you know, the other thing. So I thought Trump got rid of WHO. He needs to. Anyway, we'll get to that in a second. I want to show you something just absolutely. I think this is a museum quality specimen of what's going on with the insanity in the world right now so someone sent me this the person who sent me this hates my guts right they fucking hate me and they said hey look, these are your people.
Starting point is 00:03:57 And if you look at this, look, this post has 22,280 likes, and this account has 12,000 followers. And I'll go back and show you this account. who's a communist, fascist, totalitarian who thinks he's a peace-loving hippie. I'll show you his account in a second. But that's the typical confusion, right? There's these people that are like peace and love, but until you say something like, hey, we shouldn't use race as a determinant for people to get into college,
Starting point is 00:04:23 then they want to kill you. Right, right. It's bizarre, bizarre right or if you say hey um i think we should keep pornography out of school they they claim you're a book banner and you're like no no i love pornography let's just keep it over in the 7-eleven in the liquor store right it's an ass in the in the anal anal eating whatever that stuff's called atm that's called ass to mouth that that in the liquor store behind the uh indian guy the abu can you get me the ass to mouth issue of uh hustler thank you not uh mrs jensen um uh i'm seven years old what is what does that mean atm let's it's like just we just yeah okay so they hate us they think that're – they think we hate to party or that we're book banners, but we just think – anyway. So this is at some sort of Republican convention thing, and I want you to – I'm going to play this for you a couple times.
Starting point is 00:05:19 And it's so interesting how I took it versus how all of these people took it who are saying who wait to wait to see this. This is just absolutely insane. OK, here we go. Discovering his parents and conservatives is wait a second. Education really is evangelism. So if you don't control education, you cannot control the future. And Stalin knew that. Mao knew that. Right. Hitler knew that mal knew that right hitler knew that
Starting point is 00:05:46 we have to get that back okay so this guy so what i bring to this when i watch this is i know that 87 of all teachers are liberals and i know that the liberal ideology is to ban free speech to allow the government to interfere with free speech with the media that's that is a cornerstone for fascism totalitarianism and communism right they have to control the media it's like it's part and parcel with that mindset and and you have to control the education that was hitler's whole thing separate the kids from the from the parents and so what he's saying is he's giving three examples, when I hear this, of horrific people who've done that in the past,
Starting point is 00:06:30 and he's comparing it to what the liberals are doing now. They're basically telling kids it's okay to masturbate at six years old. It's okay to play the victim to get attention or play the oppressed, even if it means the oppressed being the opposite sex. And he's using the liberals as the example. And let me play a little bit more. For conservative values. What we're discovering as parents and conservatives… Okay, so the person who sent this to me is claiming that this guy is is saying out loud that republicans which i'm not a republican but what he's saying is is that republicans want to be like mao and hitler
Starting point is 00:07:13 and stalin that's and and thousands of people are reading it like that so i went back to the original piece just to make sure i'm i'm hearing it right yeah play that again do you mind if you play that again no no i'll play it again yeah i'm glad i got your attention this is in this the reason why this is museum quality specimen is this is where the problem is those people they're riding with the hitler posse but they're pointing at the other's team saying they're the hitler posse they don't realize no it's your team that used the fbi to hide the bunter uh bunter the hunter laptop biden story it's your team that took made it so the largest amount of businesses closed during the covid pandemic and you wouldn't let americans work it's your business it's your team that covered kids
Starting point is 00:08:00 mouths it's your team that forces kids to take drugs made by pharma to go to school and yet it's it's fucking mind-boggling to me okay here we go does wait a second education really is evangelism so if you don't control education you cannot control the future and and and stalin knew that mal knew that right hitler knew that we have to get that back for conservative value so what those people are hearing is is that that guy is saying that he wants to be like yeah they've they've taken it and hitler yeah they've taken that completely out of context they're saying we need to we need to get it back to normal is what he's saying yeah we need to we need to reclaim it back
Starting point is 00:08:45 from the maoists he's saying right now yeah he's saying right now it is like that yeah and that the democrats know that and that the republicans are because the republicans are trying to talk logic they're fucking yeah the liberals are talking emotion and emotion is trumping logic yeah that i took that as as the educational system has slipped so far to one side and has gone to the point of evangelism um whether it be through critical race theory whether it be through lots of different ideologies and he's saying that that because it's under this political ideological control that they need to take that back they need to say they need to separate it again they need to say no hang on a minute it's more of the parents right as opposed
Starting point is 00:09:32 to the state that that's what i took from that uh i don't see him saying we need to get back more like hitler or we need to get back more like maui maui or Stalin. I didn't hear that at all. So this geezer. That's how, look it, I cannot believe everyone here is taking, it's called these people. This is collective thinking now. Because you say one thing and you frame it in one way without listening to the context. Like really what I want to do is I want to hear the full interview.
Starting point is 00:10:05 And then you'll get a very, very good idea. Let me read this comment to you. This is from Linda Seiko. Citing Stalin and Hitler as models of leadership on the necessity of controlling the education system is no mistake. He's stating unequivocally that the GOP is now pro-authoritarian. He said the exact opposite of what she's saying. Yeah, he said the opposite.
Starting point is 00:10:31 Yeah. And that has 3,000 likes. Yeah. People, because when he said we need to get this back, they took that as, oh, we need to get this back to the Stalin days or the Hitler days, when really he was saying we need to get this back to the stalin days or the hitler days when really he was saying we need to get this back to normal we need to revert we need to reclaim it that's and then listen did you all get that they're admitting the evangelicals want control
Starting point is 00:10:58 of the people this must stop uh that's authoritarianism it's like no really we're already in authoritarianism yeah we're merging the corporations with the big states so that is the definition of fascism if you want to go through the the history book so i've not seen them i say them liberals talk about the the chaos that's ensuing with that a law just passed in california that it's child abuse if you don't um uh except your your if you don't follow along and listen to your child about their gender affirming needs yes i saw that nuts uh excuse me that's that's about as crazy as it gets that the state can take your child away because you won't let your boy turn into a girl a stalin mal hitler conservative value says it all look how he read it another one so bad it's the power of context the power of context and social media and someone wanting to frame something
Starting point is 00:11:57 in a certain way for political gain is it's it's incredible how um how many people you can convince. But, Lewis, what's even crazier than it's taken out of context and that it's being misunderstood is that these people don't realize it's them. Do you know what I mean? It's a reflection of them. They're the ones who want my kids to take the 72 injections required to make it to the sixth grade at the local school here by law. Or else my kids can't attend, which they don't. But.
Starting point is 00:12:34 Oh, dude, I know it's like I said, we're not even talking. Yeah, yeah. This is polarization. This is. And what's crazy is we can see them and we can see ourselves. Hmm. But they can't see. They can't.
Starting point is 00:12:52 They only see. They only see. They don't see anything. They don't see themselves or us. Where are they? They're trapped. I always call that trapped in your head. They're trapped between their ears.
Starting point is 00:13:02 Where are they? A hundred percent. Ninety one thousand likes. that's that's pretty insane this guy is insane dude this irish dude has uh he has he he him right um he he's quoting the the buddha this too shall pass. He's a mental health advocate. I mean, that right away. And he's just made his whole Instagram account hating on the right. Right. Interesting. They're extreme right-wing nuts is what I see from that.
Starting point is 00:13:38 And it's just DeSantis. Well, they're extreme left-wing nuts. Yeah. This is the... do you know what it's just the classic polarization of the internet um embed yourself into one uh tribe and just never ever consolidate with the other side quote unquote um you know i wonder i wonder if this person would act like that in like in like a bar or something you go actually you know i quite i wonder if this person would act like that and like in like a bar or something you go actually you know i quite like trump trump's trump's actually all right blah blah
Starting point is 00:14:10 do you think he just gets up and just yeah yeah yeah yeah he yeah he um that's funny i was at a coffee shop here in um in santa cruz during the last election and a man at the table next to me uh it's a coffee shop where i was the youngest person there it's all old people i call it the geriatric cafe like 40 old people on the patio and uh and and uh someone mentioned trump these three men were talking and they mentioned trump and a tract of older woman probably like seven year old beautiful thick gray haired woman looked sane to me, jumps up and comes over and yells at the men, you will not mention Trump. I mean, and I live in the hive, in the liberal hive, and I live like in one of the virtue signaling capitals of the world. And she jumps up and starts yelling at him, and the guy's like, we weren't even saying anything nice about him she's like i don't care and then the owner had
Starting point is 00:15:07 to come out and make this declaration listen this is united states america no politics on the patio people i'm like holy shit that's so bad surely it's united states of america you're allowed to say what you like as long as there's no incitement like surely that's the correct answer the word trump triggers people i don't i don't understand why i mean i get it some people like find him very divisive over the past like how many however many years some people say he's brash i understand um but you know 2016 when i was watching his uh triumph into the elections you know, 2016, when I was watching his triumph into the elections, you know, the polls came out and said, no, he's got no chance. He's got absolutely no chance. Same with Brexit.
Starting point is 00:15:52 Oh, it's got no chance of passing. And then when it happened, it was this big shock and people didn't know what to do. People just sort of scrambling around. And it was like, OK, well, these next four years or these next three and a half years, it's going to be really interesting around and it was like okay well these next four years or these next three and a half years it's going to be really interesting and it was awesome brexit was awesome i'll tell you what um the problem is with brexit i found because i voted leave um i found that when you have people in west who love the European Union and voted remain, but then are tasked with, right, you have to leave. You have to leave the European Union.
Starting point is 00:16:30 They sort of dangle one foot in and dangle one foot out. And that's the mess that they've created now because of Brexit. So it's not being properly done. And there's even talks about when the next government will come in because they'll come in labor with this uh kirsten a bloke when they come in uh there's there's talk about them potentially rejoining or campaigning to rejoin which is going to make even more of a mess so you know it's it's a continuous cycle of bullshit really but uh yeah, I voted leave. I'll do it again. It's funny.
Starting point is 00:17:13 Back then, I didn't even realize the impact of it being just more one world order shit. The European Union. Yeah. I mean, the idea of unelected bureaucrats dictating the laws of a sovereign nation, supposed sovereign nation, is's crazy to me. Explain what you mean by that. Because what are you talking about? Like the WHO is unelected and yet they want to control or what do you mean? That's also part of the European Union, that type of unelected people make the rules. Yeah, they're all in bed with each other. I mean, the European Union, a lot of the people at the top, they're all unelected it's all just sort of rubbing shoulders get to the top that's it um so so they're not they've
Starting point is 00:17:49 not been on a ballot paper as such where the people vote them in um so you only have the meps that sort of represent that party that gets the vote in um but the people at the top no so then you've got these people who nobody have even heard of in england or britain dictating laws so there was this guy right this this um jihadist from england right committed these awful crimes and they were like okay we want to just the guy who's cutting people's heads off in public uh i think his name is abu hamza his name is uh he had a he had a claw as well he had like a hook for a hand so a proper bad guy um abu hamza al-masari i think that's it yeah i think that's how you say it um and so we wanted to deport him and uh we said look this guy's awful like you know we can't have him
Starting point is 00:18:48 here and you have to go through a process with with deportation uh yeah that's the guy his nickname is captain hook proper bad guy and um we're like right well we need, we need to get rid of him. And the EU blocked it, and that was a big wake-up call for a lot of people, and it was like, hang on a minute, how do you get to dictate what we're to do as a sovereign nation? And that sort of woke a lot of people up. I want to kick someone out of my house, and the mayor comes and says, no, you can't kick him out of your house.
Starting point is 00:19:24 No, you can't do that. And take your locks off as well whilst you're at it keep your door open wow yeah so that was a big sort of wake-up call and we were like that's not right something needs to be done about that so um it was mostly about law it was mostly about borders but as we know that's not really done much um but uh yeah the the eu basically had their had their final say and they blocked it they said no you can't do that it's against human rights where's the located lewis where's their headquarters brussels so i say that i was there the other day so brussels and it's and it's shit loads of um uh it's just more layers of bureaucracy more just tax dollars money going to just employing people for doing nothing they're they when i think of politicians i just think of them
Starting point is 00:20:17 as part of the welfare system it's a popularity contest to see who can get a check 100 and i'll tell you what man when i went there the other day it was the first time going there it is a weird place like you can tell it's a bubble within a bubble like they just have they're just in their own they're in their own world and even the architecture inside and the artwork that's around in the building like so abstract and weird and obviously the ukraine flag is just plastered everywhere oh shit really so it's all that and you've got outside there's like um uh i'm seeing if i can see it in the uh in this but there's like it's like a dome part like outside and around it is like all this sort of mask propaganda and it's like kids with masks on saying health is first yeah still and
Starting point is 00:21:08 i'm looking at it and i'm going these guys are in their own fucking world like this is nuts and um being european is kind of weird isn't it is being european weird um i i don't know how to answer that because i don't know anything else have you been over here to the states i have a few times yeah does it i love it there does it you do where did you go i've been i've been to the roughest and the nicest i've been to oakland i've been to new york uh i've been to las vegas um i've been to florida um i've been to Las Vegas. I've been to Florida. I've been to Tampa. I've been to, gosh, really testing me now. Have you been to the middle anywhere, Lewis?
Starting point is 00:21:53 No, I'd love to go. My ultimate place to go in the United States is Texas. That's my ultimate. The East Coast is kind of weird. Europe is weird. It doesn't feel free like the West Coast or like the center of the country because at least when I was a kid when I would go there, all their roads are like toll roads. So even for the last 30 or 40 years, when you move around, you're always having to stop and pay, and there is a sort of this – I don't know. it just feels like you're working inside of an infrastructure like how you yeah like how i picture like these little tiny european countries like when i hear
Starting point is 00:22:33 people or even new zealand when i hear people talk who live in new zealand i'm like oh you don't really know what freedom is you're stuck on this little island and you don't experience the vastness. That's the strange thing that I find when I go to America or Canada, especially. There's so much space. There's so much open field. And I get it. We've got fields here, but it's a little bit different. The spacing within the country is just so vastly different.
Starting point is 00:23:04 And then I went away for like a week to Canada and there was so much space. And it's the same in the US. I came home and I felt cramped. It was really weird. Like everything's all sort of built together, really close together. Like where I live in this kind of village slash town, like it's just houses next to each, like literally attached to each other. And you find how weird that is
Starting point is 00:23:30 once you've been to America or Canada and all the houses are completely separate and they've got like a lot of space in between each house. And even if you're driving down like the highway or whatever, like you just see this vast open space and you're like, wow, like the highway or whatever, like you just see this vast open space and you're like, wow, like we don't really,
Starting point is 00:23:48 we have that somewhere in, in England, but it's not, it's not in like, it's not in everyday life. So you feel almost cramped. Um, I guess that's why a lot of us like hiking over here.
Starting point is 00:23:59 Yeah. Let me, let me let, uh, some of these, uh, um, people just,
Starting point is 00:24:04 the EU are unelected and yet can make decisions about UK law. It's completely undemocratic. Yeah. Let me let some of these people – the EU are unelected and yet can make decisions about UK law. It's completely undemocratic. Yeah, correct. Yeah. And that's basically – the WHO is trying to do that also, right, worldwide. Yeah. Being from California is weird. All right. I'm enjoying Kentucky more and more these days. I'd like to go there too days i'd like to go there too
Starting point is 00:24:25 i'd like to go there too wide open right just why uh why so there's places in this country where you could just go and build a home uh-huh and then there's places like where i live even though i'm in the country i'm in california if i built a shack in my backyard there's a chance someone would report me really yeah okay so a lot of red tape yeah yeah so it's just levels of of red tape uh free state of florida someone yeah whoa whoa whoa seve florida's as free as it gets all right settled there everyone's settled jumping on you there um uk parliament are loaned rights every four years by the british people in an election they should return those rights back to the uk people undiminished instead they gave our rights away to
Starting point is 00:25:13 the eu what did i explain that to me i'm not following that yeah so it's like it says on the tin um our parliament westminster has sold us out completely and sold us out to the eu um for globalist interests um and that's what we've been seeing for years and a lot of people couldn't see that for many years but even ever since leaving the european union quote unquote because we technically haven't um because we're still part of the echar and and which is the european court of human rights um which can still block things like deportations from criminals things like that um where were you going to deport that guy to by the way back to egypt i think so i think that's where it was it was a long time ago i was yeah um so yeah it's very strange and what you'll find in
Starting point is 00:26:09 westminster is is i want to say like 98 of them just don't represent the people's interest it's their own agenda even though the people supposedly like quote unquote elected them to that position of power and they just don't fulfill the people's needs and that just goes across the board when you have two parties what do you do in a country that's supposedly democratic where you have two of the main parties Labour and Conservative quote unquote Conservative with both the same interests whether it be net zero whether it be staying with the the who whether it be oh climate change is real there that's that's it's real to the oh yeah net zero they love net zero over here yeah that's like a big sort of thing boris johnson when he was in power um he's put forward a thing to say that by 2030, new petrol and diesel cars are to be banned.
Starting point is 00:27:09 So you cannot buy a new petrol and diesel car by 2030. For anyone who's getting like I know that's a triggering topic for people, but for anyone who is like sitting on the fence about climate change or whatnot. There's some really simple things you can Google. Google the dirtiest ships in the world, and you'll see that there are ships out on our sea that do the equivalent of polluting that 50 million cars do in a year. So one ship does the same amount of pollution as 50 million cars in a year, and then there's only 950 million um cars on planet earth and there's more than 15 of these ships on our ocean so just start like you can start contextualizing or putting things into a relative situation that them attacking our cars i'll use a different word that's a bias word attacking those using our cars to mitigate damage to the environment is completely absurd oh it is absurd you should the environment is completely absurd. Oh, it is.
Starting point is 00:28:05 It is completely. It's like, it's like wanting to get rid of all the hair on your body and starting to use tweezers. It's like, come on, come on. You should,
Starting point is 00:28:15 you should look at, I don't know if you've seen it, the wind turbines and the blades they can't, cause they're made of fiberglass. I believe they can't be recycled and they last winter. It's last like 15 to 20 years. So you can't, they're made of fiberglass i believe they can't be recycled and they last wind turbines last like 15 to 20 years so you can't they're not they say it's renewable it's not because you can't even they have to bury them i think there's like graveyards and graveyards of wind turbine like
Starting point is 00:28:36 blades i drove through i drove through a part of china one time western china in the desert there and i saw the biggest windmill fields that any human beings ever fucking seen and but there was a graveyard for uh windmill parts that i saw that went on for 40 minutes you're right blades like as long like as long as football fields yeah it's just as far as the eye can see dumped yeah exactly and how is as well you look at like china's crazy dude i can imagine i've never been do you know i'd go just for like a week yeah still like as a journalist just to you know scope the place out obviously i probably would be let in but um that would be great fun it's a great cultural experiment they're running over there it's worth going and seeing it's very clean the asians are very clean well i shouldn't say all asian but
Starting point is 00:29:29 china and japan are clean as shit you've been to japan no it's my bucket list that's my ultimate place to go is their homeless camp is cleaner well than most of our cities here wow like the homeless tents are all set up perfectly the guys hang their shirts it's a trip it's a trip Japanese people yeah even the crazy ones are are yeah it's crazy yeah yeah I've got a go that's my it's my ultimate um sort of place to go um that's on my list you think that you would be banned from China um well the reason why i'd want to go to china is just to scope out things like uh we chat and um just their social credit score system and do like i'd love to do like a documentary or like a report on um on that on like the social credit
Starting point is 00:30:21 system over there and just try and uncover it because you know you hear chatter online you see like videos online but i want to see it i want to see it for myself yeah you know i'm kind of that sort of dude like where a lot of people say things and you go okay yeah yeah that's oh you hear rumors and things but then you sort of there's something in me that goes well i want to go there and see it i want to actually document it myself so obviously i've just admitted this on a podcast so whether whether um the chinese government i don't feel like that they were hiding any of that stuff they're not they're not but to to uncover it as a westerner and to say how bad it is and that we shouldn't have it in the west
Starting point is 00:31:06 um and of course showing citizens in china that um that haven't kept up kept up to their standard the ccp standard so that so therefore they can't get on trains they can't like go on public transport like to even document that and just show a bad light in China, I think they would have a big problem with that. Um, pain in the good light. Pain in the good light. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:31 This is great. This social credit score system. I can't even get on a tray. It's brilliant. There's cameras everywhere. It really, um, there were an obscene amount of cameras.
Starting point is 00:31:43 Hmm. And, and, and more tall buildings than you could ever imagine. Just like stacked with people living in them, like just dormitory style buildings, 50 stories tall, as far as your eye can see kind of weird shit.
Starting point is 00:31:58 Yeah. Yeah. We've got a lot of cameras here because of Tony Blair. Yeah. Have you been to England? I went to school there for six months in 1990. And then I've been there maybe a dozen times just for work. Something happened there, and I went over and filmed something there.
Starting point is 00:32:22 But not in a long time, probably not in 10 years. It's weird because apparently, according to Americans and Canadians, they can see the CCTV. I can't. I can hardly see it because I don't notice it because apparently it's just everywhere. But because I'm so used to it when you go to the cities and just around, you just don't filter it into your brain but um for like americans and canadians who don't have a lot of that um when they go to like places like london uh they you could you guys could easily pick out the cctv and see how dystopian it is whereas someone like me i
Starting point is 00:33:00 can't see it it's like you have access to it can you go to the internet and see your watch your cameras i i don't know i think you can do that here we have a lot of cameras here but i'm pretty sure someone that you can go they're called traffic cameras uh okay and i'm pretty sure that we have access to them but they're all over my town too i feel like at every intersection and i live in a small podunk town that's cool man no it's not cool well the small podunk part's cool the cameras aren't cool yeah yeah they're not cool what are you trying to hide lewis why are you afraid of thousands of cameras watching it's true um you know i was gonna make a joke but then i thought better not no go ahead go ahead i can't man i'm not allowed to make a joke, but then I thought, better not. No, go ahead. Go ahead. I can't, man. I'm not allowed to make jokes in this country.
Starting point is 00:33:48 All right. Jack Dorsey, the former CEO of Twitter, kicked Trump off of Twitter. I saw this recently. I don't know. I haven't seen this. Yeah. Yesterday or know. I haven't seen this. Yeah. Yesterday or today. I can't even remember.
Starting point is 00:34:08 Okay, here we go. This is interesting. Here we go. And you know he was on Joe Rogan kind of saying that he wished he wouldn't have kicked Trump off. He said that like a couple years ago or a year ago. Did he say that? I hadn't seen that. Wow.
Starting point is 00:34:24 Don't quote me on that we'll find the exact quote but but check this out check this out i believe is probably the right decision for the company but the wrong decision for the world and we saw a lot of follow-on um companies such as aws so for people who don't know what aw is, AWS is Amazon servers, I believe. And so if you get kicked off of Amazon servers, you're fucked. I can imagine. In the United States,
Starting point is 00:34:53 you have to have access to Amazon servers or you're fucked. Okay. And so he's basically saying Twitter kicked Trump off and then Amazon servers kicked Trump off because basically everything on the internet is passing through Amazon servers. Think of it like that.
Starting point is 00:35:06 Okay, here we go. Take Parler off their services and being removed from the app store. And I think it opened a gate that I'm not proud of at all. It felt wrong to me. And I was always searching for a different solution, but I just did not come up
Starting point is 00:35:25 with a solution within that structure and i could not figure it out and i don't know like personally it was heartbreaking um all these actions that we took and actions that we didn't take as well i grew up as a punk i never wanted to be an entrepreneur i never wanted to build a company i never wanted to be a ceo what i fuck you i don't care but it was the path to grow twitter and i had to learn what i had to learn and in that i learned what i had forgotten as well what i'd forgotten about what i loved about the internet and why i'm here in the first place i believe the internet how about liberty and justice and freedom i don't buy it you're not buying it no no i'm not buying that at all how can you say how can you sit there and say well i'm anti
Starting point is 00:36:12 establishment i you know i used to be punk like this is so like you know it wasn't a great decision you were the ceo at the time like surely like you're as high as you can go like you can you can say like look listen i don't think it's a good idea bloody bloody blah but then it was like well we had to make that decision he literally he just basically said he basically said nothing in my view i don't know maybe i'm doing what that irish he did he didn't say anything but let me let me just let me make some shit up here in defense of him just for a second. Donald Trump was a – which is crazy because he was the biggest peacetime president I think we've had in my lifetime.
Starting point is 00:36:53 But Donald Trump is a threat. He's going to cause World War III. He's going to spread disease. He hates everyone south of the border. He hates black people. He's anti-Semitic. He's a racist. He is the downfall of America. We have to,
Starting point is 00:37:09 and, um, and he's so popular on Twitter. We have to take that ability for him to talk away. I'm, I'm guessing that's what he was being told. Maybe, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:37:22 Like maybe, maybe it was his viewpoint and he's changed and he's realized after obviously the musk takeover and everything he's realized actually that's that wasn't a that wasn't that wasn't great that wasn't a great move olivia pushes back and says well okay savvy what about the taliban and porn oh let's leave What about, I don't know if you guys have heard recently, but Instagram has been caught for allowing child pornography rings and child exploitation rings to exist through hashtags on Instagram. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:57 Yeah. When we couldn't like hashtag maskless. Yeah, that's it. Hashtag diddler. Yeah yeah that's so bad that's so bad it's such a good point listen if you believe in free speech if you are anti-establishment as you so say you are if you are punk then surely the the stance the moral stance is you keep them on. You keep both the Taliban and Trump on. Surely that's the stance. Obviously, Taliban are awful.
Starting point is 00:38:31 There's nothing that I agree with there, obviously. As long as there's no incitement, I mean, I don't get it. Or if you want to make a statement, ban both. Okay. I don't agree with banning Trump, want to be, if you want to make a statement, ban both. Okay. I don't agree with banning Trump personally. I just think it's nuts. I think, I think it's just so bad.
Starting point is 00:38:52 It is. It was so bad. I think it's so bad too. He didn't even incite. They say incited. I didn't hear that at all. And that was from someone. January 6th.
Starting point is 00:39:01 Yeah. Oh yeah. Yeah. Complete bullshit, dude. I went back and read the entire transcripts from abc news our liberal station here it's he actually said the opposite he said let's march peacefully yeah it's january 6th is completely peacefully and patriotically
Starting point is 00:39:18 um yeah i i just i don't get it i just don't get it i'm sorry like and the fact that jack dorsey now is coming out and being like yeah it was just a wrong decision man like you know i'm punk i'm anti-establishment this is not right and you're like where were you then where was this anti- establishment quote-unquote punk side of you when this was all going on to me i don't buy it to me it's just what could he say that you would buy what could he say what if you were to be like holy shit what did i do i was asleep at the wheel i mean don't forget lewis you're talking to someone who voted for hillary clinton true and barack obama you know what if he came out yeah if he came out and he just went, listen, I fucked up. I actually advocated for Trump to come off.
Starting point is 00:40:09 I made a terrible decision. I like just show, just prove some responsibility to show that, you know, you, you, you done wrong, but don't start pivot and being like, well, you know, I'm anti-establishment. It was wrong at the time, but it was good for Twitter. It wasn't good for Twitter. It caused more divisiveness. And this side, this Democrat side, always goes on about healing the divide and things like that. You're not going to heal the divide by censoring the president
Starting point is 00:40:43 of the United states um just because you disagree with him or you don't like him that's not going to do anything um yeah how about this jack is an intelligent asset here we go oh okay now we're getting into it have we turned into a right right wing um lunatic podcast by saying that? Probably. That's my fault for having me on, bro. I'm sorry about that. Is there – do you think that that's – what would – so let's just assume he – for sure he ran the largest – he was the CEO of one of the largest microphones we have on planet Earth.
Starting point is 00:41:25 Can we agree on that? Mm-hmm. Okay. He ran one of the largest companies where people congregate on planet Earth, a venue, the largest coffee shop on planet Earth where the most minds congregate. Yeah. Would you say he's not – of course the CIA and the FBI and whatever that shit you guys have where James Bond bond hangs out in the uk um mi5 yeah yeah you had of course they've spoke to him of course that doesn't make him an intelligence asset though right of course he has interactions with these people it depends if there was a transaction i guess could that be if well there was a transaction there's admitted a
Starting point is 00:42:02 financial transaction i think um the fbi was paying millions of dollars to have like 60 people work at Twitter. I mean, it's like not. That's an intelligence. Yeah. OK. I would argue that. Yeah. So at that point, all of Twitter is an intelligent asset, intelligence asset. If you got at the time, 60 employees working there. At the time, I would say, yeah. And I think their general counsel was a former uh general counsel at the fbi or something like that now we have a problem yeah big problem okay that's that's a big problem if you're if you're if you've made the playground of ideas and where people come together and just hash out disagreements or they post political views or you know it helps bolster like their campaigns
Starting point is 00:42:47 if they're running for either mayor or president or prime minister or even just members of parliament or anything you have to have transparency i think is is the is the key and if you then start hiring and having financial transactions from the fbi to then work for this big um plateau of ideas this playground of ideas this what we call twitter and then you're you're able to censor certain ideas just because you have a bias like let's let's say i i um let's say i ran twitter and the fbi came to me and said look listen lewis like you know you've got the one of the biggest platforms in the world we need some employees in here because you know we need some form of control it's getting a bit out of hand people are there's so many anti-vaxxers on this on are, there's so many anti-vaxxers on this platform.
Starting point is 00:43:47 There's so many pro-vaxxers that you don't like, Lewis, on this platform. We need to curb this. We need some sort of mitigation, some control. And they say, we'll pay you 10 million or something, just a ballpark figure, 10 million. If I took that transaction you then i would argue you then become an intelligence asset like what sean said um because because
Starting point is 00:44:15 you're bought and paid for then by by the big intelligence services so yeah, for me, that's, that's, um, more than bad. So I'm glad that that's not, well, if that is the case now, I'm not, I'm not a hundred percent sure. I can't say, but I'm guessing it's a big improvement since Dorsey, uh, James Baker, uh, former, uh, government official at the department of justice who served as general counsel for the federal bureau of investigation and later served as deputy general counsel of twitter yeah that's bad being fired by elon musk in 2022 yeah so basically we don't we don't like a guy working for the fbi and it's pivoting over to uh no but like our ministers in um in the uk um oh gosh not on dissenters of lockdowns.
Starting point is 00:45:32 And it's come out as a huge sort of big scandal that they were spying on secret intelligence service. It could be. It could actually be that spying on lockdown distance and even high-profile journalists like peter hitchens and people like that actually spying on them just because if they posted something on twitter on social media that goes against the lockdowns during the time um they have their communication spied on it's it's nuts it was it was just a nuts time and for that to be a thing is so worrying that's so worrying in a supposed liberal democracy right um so when you have the biggest player like twitter having even the fbi at such a high ranking position that's alarm bells to me going back to that first video that i showed you i showed that
Starting point is 00:46:26 to a friend of mine yesterday who's like the most hardcore liberal person ever cool we were sitting down on a bench two old people my kids were off playing in the distance there were seagulls flying on the beach yeah and i said i want you to watch this and tell me what you see and they saw it the way those people saw it no way yeah and then i said can i tell you to watch this and tell me what you see. And they saw it the way those people saw it. No way. Yeah. And then I said, can I tell you the way I see it? And then I told them the way I saw it.
Starting point is 00:46:51 And they're like, oh, yeah, you're right. And then I go and then they turned to me and they said, hey. I don't really appreciate being you calling me a liberal anymore. I'm not a Democrat. Like, oh, you're not. And they're like, no, I don't want to be put in a bucket anymore and that's kind of i was kind of impressed that's kind of the first step right because it's really hard to say you've been on the team that that that um had four million black slaves uh
Starting point is 00:47:18 supports pedophilia and um uh forces kids to take drugs just for starters. It's really hard to admit that. I'll tell you what. So you kind of don't jump to the other team, but you're tiptoeing out of your room. You're like, ooh, shit. I thought we were like hugging trees and trying to save the earth. This is the problem. Because of social media,
Starting point is 00:47:41 because politics now is so polarized and tribalistic that to admit that you are wrong or that you could be wrong or that something that you supported was or could be wrong it can affect your social life now like that's how that's how bad it's gotten like if you say listen i actually quite like trump like that can ruin relationships that can ruin your job you lose your job yeah exactly that and that's why i think a lot of people are struggling on that side of the aisle to actually turn around and say do you know i could be wrong i don't know i'm i'm trying to work out whether it's ego or or narcissism or anything like that. In defense, let me say this. If you would have said, let's pick Germany, World War II Germany.
Starting point is 00:48:32 If you were to say that I didn't like Hitler, you would lose your job too. Oh yeah, more than that, you'd be offed. Yeah. Yeah. You'd be offed. I think that'd be a bit more bit more extreme i would say i would argue here's the thing what they actually think is happening on the right is actually happening on the left but but if i actually thought
Starting point is 00:49:00 i don't want any i don't want any liberal people around around my family or talking to my kids like i'm just as bad as they are right do you know what i'm saying like i think um i had a friend come over to my house the other uh one when my son's eight now my son was five my other sons were three and they were over at my house and we were all we were we'd been partying and we were drinking and we were watching some ufc fights or something and everyone's in the living room and it just and this lady says hey do you mind if i talk to your kid and i'm like no not not at all right okay like that was even a weird question and so she sits down on the couch and she picks up uh my five-year-old son and she says, do you know what gay is?
Starting point is 00:49:46 And I'm like – so I'm like, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. And I'm like, Avi, you guys go play in the other room. And then she's like, hey, what are you doing? I'm like, oh, no. I'm like, what are you talking to me about? Why are you talking to my kids about that? And she said, my kids have a gay – my brother is gay and my kids have a gay uncle. I'm like, cool, totally cool.
Starting point is 00:50:04 I have no problem with that. We have gay friends my kids have a gay uncle i'm like cool totally cool i have no problem with that we we have gay friends too we have gay friends too it has nothing to do with gay what but you don't walk up to a five-year-old awkward dude it was it was bizarre it was bizarro world why would you i don't i don't get if you feel the need to go drugs and alcohol people marijuana and alcohol are the devil. No. So she went straight to the place that I was trying to hide something from my kids. Right. And like – but I don't want that. Same thing with the pride flag in front of the elementary school, K through – 5-year-olds through 12-year-olds.
Starting point is 00:50:47 I don't want my kids put in a situation where that's being pressed on them. Sure. Like with anything. You know, you wouldn't want... That American flag is being pressed on them in front of the school. I get it. I'm glad it's being pressed on them.
Starting point is 00:51:00 Yeah, because that's the flag that unifies everyone, right? Right. In the country. That should unify everyone. Obviously, there are people that don't see it that way. And when they get older, they can push against it, and they can also accept the gay flag.
Starting point is 00:51:11 But there's a time and a place. Yeah. I feel just as guilty as them. On one hand, I feel like we're saying here, Twitter shouldn't, or you shouldn't fire someone if they like Trump. But then on the other hand, you shouldn't fire someone if they like Trump. But then on the other hand,
Starting point is 00:51:26 I wouldn't hire someone who's espousing genital mutilation for kids. Sure. There's context, there's lines. You know what I'm saying? I don't want to be a hypocrite. Of course not.
Starting point is 00:51:42 You're not a hypocrite in my eyes at all um well yeah we're on the same team that's because we're on the same team yeah well yeah you could say that um but the thing is though dude like you get situations like it's all about context it's all about specific situations and you have to make a case like for individual things it's hard to just do a blank statement when suddenly you get a situation like yours arise right you know when someone grabs your five-year-old kid and says do you know what gay is like yeah it's it's a bit like hang on a minute
Starting point is 00:52:16 that's that's not your child at the end of the day it's not your child what are you doing um and it i think it's worse when it's the schools because teachers have a responsibility and on top of that five years old like just let kids be kids like kids kids when when i was like five or six or whatever i didn't know what all of that was i couldn't conceptualize any of that it was just you know i wanted to be spider-man like let me be spider-man and that's it um like there's a time and a place for adult conversations when they're like 15 16 like you want to have like the birds and the bees chat and things like that and relationships i believe it should be the. I don't think the school should have any say in that, especially with what the curriculum showing. But my point though, is, is that what about not hiring those people? So I think it was in Wisconsin. I
Starting point is 00:53:17 just looked it up, but I can't, I can't find it, but either in Wisconsin, they tried to, or they just passed a law. So we have laws in this country you can't discriminate against someone for their sexual orientation in the workplace so if i find out that um you have a vagina and that you prefer vagina sitting on your face over penis then i can't fire you for it great okay that would be fucking ridiculous to fire someone for that but they're trying to add pedophiles to that list yeah that's okay and i can't do that no no i can't be friends with pedophiles i can't have i can't i can't i don't want them in the world so i'm being that i'm did you see i'm saying those yeah those people think that way about trump like they fucking kicked him off of twitter it's it's nuts and although i think that way about Trump. Like they fucking kicked him off of Twitter. It's nuts.
Starting point is 00:54:07 And although I think that's bullshit, I do think you should kick pedophiles off of Twitter. Of course. Of course. God, it's weird. It's like I'm almost questioning my own sanity. It's the world we live in, man. That's why.
Starting point is 00:54:23 You have to double think now or almost everything because it's like because of because of how nuts it is that's the problem i mean it's always been to change it to a preference that's always been like a thing since the 70s they've been really trying to push i say they uh it's usually um bureaucratic elites top down um trying to push the the change to to preference as opposed to mental illness uh when it comes to um pedophilia but yeah it's just it's so fucked how we how we've gotten to this point um and you know do you hear about like maps you hear about that yeah i refuse to use the term it It's just fucking insane. Anytime I see it, I slip in.
Starting point is 00:55:08 I put in the word pedophile. You know what I'm saying? Nonce. You heard the word nonce? No, what's nonce? That's like the British word for pedophilia or pedophile. Oh, yeah. I just switch it because I don't want to –
Starting point is 00:55:22 I'm not interested in softening the – it's the same reason why – it's the flag. It's the gay flag. They try to call it pride or they're trying to soften what it is. No, it's not – if you're gay, it's because you have a cock and you want cock in your mouth, and if you're straight, it's you have a cock and you want to put it in vagina. I'm not interested in using these other words that signify things in order to soften the reality of their situations. Sure. Like, you know, and,
Starting point is 00:55:51 and maps is one of them. Fuck you. The minor attracted persons. How about fuck off? Yeah. Hey, yeah. Jail.
Starting point is 00:55:59 Right. There's all of these things that, um, um, I'm not, I'm that – I'm not stupid. The senior girls hanging out at the high school at the liquor store here, and they have their fucking tits pushed up, and they're wearing their asses hanging out, and they're riding their fucking bikes to the beach, and I'm a 51-year-old man. In order for civilization to work work you can't look at them it's just the way it fucking is and am i saying that they're not fucking attractive and it's not
Starting point is 00:56:31 fucking crazy no it's like yeah but they're fucking 17 civilization has to work you have to fall within the fucking guidelines fucking do it in order to like make it work um it's it's not uh we we have to have a line somewhere it's the same thing with like i'm totally capable of driving safely at 75 not everyone is we we fucking have met at 65 you know what i mean yeah sure like make things um make things work and if you're gonna break those rules um you're toast you should be toast you should be forgive me all scenes do you say 75 75 yeah miles per hour okay cool yeah oh you were thinking no? No, yeah, no, sorry. 75 is good. 75 is good. Okay. Yeah, that's cool.
Starting point is 00:57:27 But, I mean, there's tons of people who should not be. I mean, I don't know how it is in the UK, but we have tons of people here who should just not be driving. Oh, yeah, likewise. Oh, yeah, trust me. Trust me. I think you should reach a certain age where you have to retake your test every, like, two years or something. You get to a certain age and you go, retake your test every like two years or something.
Starting point is 00:57:45 You get to a certain age and you go, right, it's time for your two year sort of test just to see if you can. Yeah. And it's the exact opposite here in the States. Like I haven't taken a driver's test. I'm 51. I haven't since I got my license at 16. I think once at 18, I retook it and now they just send you a new one. Yeah. Yeah. once at 18 i retook it and now they just send you a new one yeah yeah this is a common theme i hear over and over and over sure and i struggle with this one i always push back when i say that it's how the media distracted the world so um the titan tragedy and this is on your instagram account
Starting point is 00:58:22 can you tell me how this works sure so i hear this i hear the term distraction banded around a lot as well um and there are genuine distractions or there are just new stories that you can look at and then you can look at another story like you you're not necessarily distracted so when it comes to this particular case there was overwhelming evidence that i try and lay out as best as i can in this sort of mini documentary about how the media so the the u.s navy and the Guards knew that an explosion slash implosion happened on the Sunday hours after they lost contact with this. So they knew already that they were fucked, basically, that they were probably dead. OK, these these guys. And so the media took it ran with it but then started drumming up the idea of like a
Starting point is 00:59:30 countdown for like the oxygen right i remember that yep they strung that along over the days when there's clear evidence to suggest that the biden administration the u.s navy and the coast guards already knew now i know i was speaking to some military um operations like expert on the phone about this after i released it i thought fuck i should have spoken to you before i made this but he explained how the guys that i show the interviews with when they're like they they say nothing if you watch it and they're giving a statement about what's happened, they're not saying anything. And he was explaining this to me on the phone. And he said that they would have known at the time that it was it. That was it.
Starting point is 01:00:19 There was no chance. You had been that deep. You heard you lost contact. And then you you pick up this signal that there's been an explosion slash implosion that's it like there's it's just a case of grabbing the debris um obviously we live in times where the media can take a story and if there is something else that's going on that week, we know that the, the,
Starting point is 01:00:45 the legacy media are in bed with, with the Biden administration. We know that you can see the patterns when Biden was elected. Even the BBC ran a story trying to claim that Biden had a stutter. Biden doesn't have a stutter. He had surgery, wasn't it in his brain. And he's now like an aneurysm or something.
Starting point is 01:01:05 That's it. He's broken. Yeah, he's broken. He's completely broken. And they tried to say, oh, he just has a stutter. And you could see the manipulation from the media covering for Biden. We've seen this since day dot. I saw this happen with this story.
Starting point is 01:01:23 Yeah, just so you know, my liberal friends don't know he's gorked. How? They don't know because it's the media they watch. They don't know. They don't know. Dude. See, that's the power of it. So that proves it even more because they've managed to selectively edit the clips.
Starting point is 01:01:40 Right. So that he strings perfect sentences after like the 80th go um so i saw this and i sat there watching it and i saw this there's something not right about this and i thought right well do i speak about it and look nuts or do i make the case and try to get people to understand my way of thinking that it's quite clear to see that the media took that story heightened it on purpose coincidentally around the same time that hunter biden was going through legal challenges in court um which was the tip of the iceberg by the way there's so much stuff i mean we could talk about the laptop and things like that but from i think it was like gun charges
Starting point is 01:02:22 and like fraud which is nothing in comparison how about giving paintings to his daughter bullshit paintings for um child support not letting his daughter take his last name uh the the cocaine and the west wing yeah there is so much corruption ukraine the 10 million dollar the whatsapp uh release text of the 10 million dollars that he got from the chinese dude ukraine 10 to the big guy yes like dude there's so much there's so much this is the tip of the iceberg but what they like to do the media as i've noticed they cover for him and now sure my mate pointed out well hang on a minute cnn posted about it um Now, sure, my mate pointed out, well, hang on a minute, CNN posted about it.
Starting point is 01:03:09 MSNBC posted about Hunter Biden that same week, blah, blah, blah. I get that. But you look at the coverage, you look at how it's covered. You look at the timeframe of what's covered. It was basically like, okay, well, we have to talk about this. So we're going to do one segment here, but then we're going to do three segments on this submarine disaster. And when you notice things- You don't think they just chase the ratings? You don't think they just chase the ratings?
Starting point is 01:03:33 They do. It's a combination. So there is some sort of meeting where the CEO of, I don't know if you know these stations in the US, but Fox, ABC,bc and cbs they are like hey let's run this instead of sure sure absolutely we know that um we know that uh uh news outlets like fox and cnn um they have they have uh certain investors i believe and i think they're they're controlled by the same entrepreneurs or the same guys. I'm saying this so poorly. No one will see this.
Starting point is 01:04:15 There's only 150 people watching. Don't worry. The Sevan podcast where Louis Brackpool practices his first runs at news stories. That's it. I'm basically Biden trying to do a newsreel. uh, Brackpool practices is, for first runs at news stories. Well, I see. I'm basically Biden trying to do a news reel. Um, cause you've been up all night reporting pretty much. Um,
Starting point is 01:04:35 my point is, is you, you can chase the rating. Sure. But there comes a point where you start to notice patterns within the media and how they operate. And if there's a story that they that their guy, quote unquote, isn't looking so good, you can put out a story. You have to put out a story, obviously, otherwise people will notice, of course. But it's the amount. It's the coverage. It's not wall to wall. Right.
Starting point is 01:05:07 And so with this submersible, it it was oh it was the perfect ratings it was you know we'll spin the story that that they're trapped and that the oxygen timer has like two days in it or or like a day and a half and that we're going to string this out as much as possible um just so that people are hooked and then people on tiktok started getting involved and was like making making all these stories and drumming up all this hysteria on whether there's there's a survivability, whether there's survivability here. Right. So I sat and I saw this and I thought, OK, well, I'm going to I'm going to speak about this um and i'm gonna try and piece it together i used um human events i think jack persovic his uh his channel and they were talking about how biden had already knew and the u.s navy already knew by sunday that it was that was it but um them the media almost sort of told a white lie and then drummed up this hysteria
Starting point is 01:06:09 they did it was a white lie yeah and said look there's hope there's survivability and it got people talking it got people hooked and it got people so fixated that if you went on social media like tiktok uh or or any of the others all you'll see is this submersible and we know that the bind administration utilizes these platforms like tiktok to push out messages whether it be about the vaccine whether it be about lockdowns or about be about all these these sorts of things so i noticed the pattern and i said okay well i'm going to take a punt at this i'm going to make a little you know documentary it took me like two days uh just constantly thank you dude i appreciate that and
Starting point is 01:06:51 um it's good and i thought okay well here's the evidence let me put it to the people and if someone disagrees with me fine absolutely fine like i do not mind that's that's you know if you've got a hypothesis on whether it could be false fine after speaking to um a military operations expert about it he went through the whole thing he gave me he sent me like a five minute voice note just explaining about all of it after he watched it and he explained um how the coast guards when they're giving their statements they weren't actually saying anything um and the thing is i don't like to use the word distraction a lot because a lot of people use that in order to say well they're just not covering what i want them to cover because that's what a lot of people do now right it's our bias kicking in it's saying
Starting point is 01:07:41 well the news isn't covering what I want them to cover. So they're distracting you with something else. It's an easy rabbit hole to fall down. But when there's an actual distraction where it's like, okay, there's a new story going on this week that it's going to really affect a campaign or it's going to affect the president and they're in sort of bed with them. um the president or it's gonna like and they're in in sort of bed with them yeah they can utilize this and they can spin it so that that it's sensationalist to the point of if you open your phone that's all you see um and it was the perfect it was it was the perfect concoction of um sensationalism and yeah i saw it i saw saw the opportunity to speak about it. And I thought,
Starting point is 01:08:27 you know, I'm not just going to sit here and be quiet. I'm going to try and do my best to, and look, if I'm wrong, that's absolutely fine. And I'll admit that I'm wrong. I'm not one of those weirdos that just delete something when I've said something incorrect and then move on. I think that's disingenuous. I rather just say look i'll hold my hands up i was wrong that you know let's let's address why it's wrong this is the correct reason why let's uh let's now piece together the next bit you know what um that part that part where you mentioned and i'd forgotten that i had heard that that we actually knew we heard the explosion i never heard that like reported in the media
Starting point is 01:09:12 like you had to dig for that yeah yeah the u.s navy like admitted yeah admitted that but then they but then it came out days later so they already already knew. And I think the DHS leaked to the Rolling Stone, and I explain this. The DHS leaked to the Rolling Stone that the Biden administration and the US Navy knew. And the Rolling Stone has been like a big forefront of defending the Biden administration. Oh, the Rolling Stone is a shit rag.
Starting point is 01:09:42 So bad. And it's just a strange coincidence that happened to be so sorry lewis go ahead i was just saying um it's a strange coincidence that the dhs leaked quote unquote this information to the rolling stone so what what do you think what's going on with um the relationship with the media and biden it seems like in the last year it's just open season on them like they protected them yeah and now it's just like they'll do like every day it seems like there's a bad story coming out about them yeah that's you think the order's been given okay okay, no longer protect the Bidens? It's open season?
Starting point is 01:10:26 I don't know. I think it's just too difficult to hide. I think it's so difficult to hide. I mean, you look at this rating. I thought it's so concerned he's going to run again. I thought it's like, hey, we don't want him to run again. Could be. That's a good way to look at it.
Starting point is 01:10:40 Absolutely. I didn't think of it in that way. And they would rather have someone like Kamala Harris step up anybody they wouldn't have rfk on though i would say i say that they would avoid him like like the plague um let me propose this to you about let me propose this to you about rfk go for it democrat liberal uh when he speaks about the vaccine, he's like, OK, the study over here shows that 82 percent of the people who got the vaccine were injured and only 1 percent were healed. And if you look at the Amish communities, they don't have any autism. And if you look at what happened in Australia, they said that the vaccine was working, although 99 percent of the people were vaccinated and they had the highest death rate. And like he points at all of these facts right and he's talking and he's like
Starting point is 01:11:28 oh you know only 131 kids have died of measles and uh why are we administering 2 million um vaccines a year for this when the error rate of kids getting killed is 275 and the net loss and he's giving you the numbers right right? Yeah. They don't like that. And the second you ask him about affirmative action or climate change. Yes, yes. It goes on another. The shit goes full liberal talk. This affirmative action is a complex issue with nuances that don't necessarily can be explained so easily because we need to make sure that the earth is a place where humans are hospitable can walk into campus and i'm just like what the fuck did you just say and you got to go over you
Starting point is 01:12:13 got to go somewhere else where someone's like yeah chinese students have to get 273 points higher on their sat um than uh black students in order to get into harvard also uh six foot nine black guys also make it on the basketball team better like you know what i mean like you can start like giving numbers and facts and but for some reason as soon as it comes to affirmative action or climate change he goes into the fucking ether yes he goes he goes into feel-good land again he goes he turns back into a liberal i'm like dude what are you doing i'll tell you why I think this might be. So obviously you have to remember he's running as a Democrat, not an independent. So obviously he's got Democrat donors and backers.
Starting point is 01:12:53 So there might be a line. There might be a point because it's too obvious for RFK to turn around and say, you know what? The vaccine, you know, it might actually be pretty good. And it's like, well, you've just joined the democratic party and now you're running for president it's quite clearly obvious or maybe that's genuinely his position you know i just i can't work it out the end of the day he's running as a democrat and the democrats he's always been against um vaccines for like yes so he cannot change that position yeah and he's done the math on it and he's always been suppressed he was also kicked off of twitter by the way by the
Starting point is 01:13:30 administration yeah okay yeah yeah um i posted on his thing because he had an interview with jordan peterson recently where he was talking about renewable energy and i posted a comment on his video on instagram i said it's not renewable energy, though, is it? Forever. It's not because wind turbines last about 15 to 20 years. And the blades are made of fiberglass because you can't recycle them. And I said, nuclear is the way. And that got a lot of praise.
Starting point is 01:13:57 I was really quite shocked, like considering it's his timeline. A lot of praise on that. You posted that on his Instagram account? Yeah. I don't know if it's the top comment, but it got quite a lot of likes. And it was interesting to me because when I hear him talk about climate change, I understand when he says, know ngos and um corporations are sort of weaponizing the narrative of climate change because they are to whip up fear because it's
Starting point is 01:14:33 profitable you know you can only sell profit if if they fear it yeah that's the one yeah it's not free energy forever and it certainly isn't a renewable source of energy wind turbines last around 15 to 20 years and the blades can't be recycled. Nuclear is the way. Obviously, it's stirred up quite a... Oh, look at you, rushing to my support. Love it. But the thing is, I like RFK.
Starting point is 01:15:01 I think he seems cool. I'd love to sit down and have a conversation with him. I'd love to do an interview with him and just pick his brain on all of these subjects. He's an interesting character. He's an interesting person. But obviously, because he's a Democrat. What about this bullshit? Doing it with jeans on.
Starting point is 01:15:24 No, no, no. Getting in shape for my debates with President Biden. As president, I will restore America as the global example of health and well-being, not through pills or syringes. Listen, motherfucker, you're juice to the gills. This fucking guy is on so much testosterone, it's not even funny. I don't have a problem with it. Don't get me wrong. Practice what you preach.
Starting point is 01:15:44 But, dude, his lat goes down to his fucking waist. funny i don't have a problem with it don't get me wrong practice what you preach but dude his lat goes down to his fucking waist wow i thought it was the jeans i thought you were gonna comment that he's doing it in jeans no no no i love him i that he's got that body's incredible look how hard his nipples are this guy is on the testosterone it's so weird that he would write that without pills and needles yeah it's like dude i don't know i don't know i haven't i've not seen i mean it is a bit sus that he's got a body like that for his age oh my god he's a brick shithouse hey and you know what he probably has to be on testosterone also medically because of something whatever's going on with his voice yeah yeah for sure yeah by the way just on a complete side note um uh americans gained on average 29 pounds during covid this single fact
Starting point is 01:16:38 i used to drive this home you have to understand is the single reason why the lockdowns were this home you have to understand is the single reason why the lockdowns were unmitigated disaster and why the world will never recover uh not in my lifetime no one's gonna on average the average american put on 29 pounds in those two years we will never recover from that and the economic disaster and the loss of days of life from that are unprecedented it's worse than world war ii and just in terms of our sure human hours of life lost like that's 10 years off of everyone's life in the united states i mean it's yeah it's absolute bonkers bonkers how did you put on weight during covid lewis you look you don't look you look like you're in good shape you don't look like you're fat appreciate that you're not fat right i'm not fat no i'd like to say that i'm not fat maybe i maybe i do think it some days when i drink a load of water and have a big meal but no i don't think
Starting point is 01:17:34 i'm fat that's just security the media's put on us don't worry about that yeah that's it it's all them magazines um but yeah i look nothing i look nothing like rfk i if i took my shirt off i look at sebi you're not on trt you're jacked i look like a fucking muffin i'm telling you i have broad shoulders and big titties that allow the shirt to hang down past my fucking rolls i am a fucking marshmallow yeah never taken testosterone don't know what that i don't know what that would be like to be honest and especially like you know rfk being in his 70s is he 70 something 75 is that what he is i mean look at him he's a brick shithouse look at he's fucking huge yeah i wouldn't i wouldn't want him to punch me in the face no thanks um this nature has a way
Starting point is 01:18:26 of reminding you that testosterone is king robert that works slap that on a billboard yeah yeah he's definitely on test 100 but i like him i think he's cool i think he's cool for a democrat you know i'm very impressed however the affirmative action stuff, no, can't get on board with that. And the climate change stuff, I get that he talks about the narrative, but I think he believes the whole man-made climate change, which I personally don't. I think it's natural. I think climate change is a natural phenomena that happens and is like a cycle. And if you look at the, um, if you look at the data, people say, the planet's like warming up and then you, you have to just ask them,
Starting point is 01:19:12 but when, when, when is this data from, uh, and then you zoom out. And, uh, it's,
Starting point is 01:19:18 it's like when Obama takes like the unemployment rate and it's like, it's down. And then, so they will zoom in and they'll go, look, unemployment's down. When really, if you zoom it out and it's like, you know, in a larger timeline, you see it's up. Yeah, exactly. And that's what a lot of people do with the climate change debate. They'll grab the data, manipulate it, and they'll just look at one section when really you have to blow it out and look at the whole bigger picture and actually we're calling that's uh that's the the gist of it we're actually calling as a planet so all of this talk about that we're heating up is actually
Starting point is 01:19:55 yeah bollocks you'll never be allowed in china with that kind of talk it's true it's true um i don't like the word affirmative action the same way i don't like maps affirmative action just means let's use racism to get into school and that that and so when i just hear rfk or anyone talking about that kind of stuff and not laying it out for what it really is i'm totally open for the discussion too it's not that i'm against it i'm just against the the the way it's being doled out if you want to find a way to make it so that people who um uh if you want to make so so in my state we have something called the university of california we have a massive school system and we're around all of these schools and junior colleges and there's just education everywhere
Starting point is 01:20:48 if you want to make it so a child or a person can have better access or try to think of ways to get access of schooling to people who don't have necessarily the same kind of access that someone maybe in california does but maybe someone in iowa needs or something like that i'm open to it if you want to do it based on skin color i'm willing to listen to your argument but it's going to be hard yeah it's going to be difficult it's going to be difficult because what you're saying is is that um lewis can't get in because he's white and uh hung lee can't get in because he's chinese and abu uh zanari can't get in because he's indian and it's like i just who'd have thought who'd have thought like hiring people based on skin color was all of a sudden it's okay in 2023 like that's that's
Starting point is 01:21:35 acceptable i i just don't i don't see how that's productive and like i was watching um amala akpanobi and her um who's a good friend, actually. She's really, really good at what she does. And she was talking about, quote unquote, affirmative action. And she explains that she explains how this push for affirmative action is going to actually lead to more racism because there will be people around the school or like higher education going around saying were you were you allowed in here based on just race or was it merit like and then it will get people like that in the workplace dude it's already like that in the workplace and that's everyone everyone looks at the everyone looks at the women the gay people and the black people as you got in here, not because you're qualified.
Starting point is 01:22:28 And that's bad. You shouldn't be thinking that. It's horrible. I agree. Nobody should be thinking that. But the problem is, is this push for this, for quotas, for diversity, high DEI and ESG and all of this stuff. The push for this is actually making society go backwards in its stances.
Starting point is 01:22:47 And it's actually viewing people in a different light, which is not good. So it's ironic. It's reinforcing racism. It's once again, the mechanism they're using, the good guy, the mechanism the good guys are using to help people is backfiring. Of course. using to help people is backfiring of course and and the sooner we say that the sooner we say look it's based on merit you know everyone has equal opportunities you just need to work to get to this point you need to study you need to you need to really knuckle down and and if you want a higher education if you want this ability
Starting point is 01:23:26 sure economic factors we can go we can have a conversation about that of course but if we're talking about grades if we're talking about um getting to that point of higher higher education it needs to be a level playing field and And propping up people from just a certain community over others is racist. That's not good. That's not good. It puts people at a disadvantage. And, of course, let's say it doesn't matter about the skin colour, but let's say you propped up someone of a certain race in higher education
Starting point is 01:24:03 and they didn't get the grades that everyone else did, they were just propped up because of skin color, doesn't matter which skin color, they're going to fall behind than everyone else, because they didn't get the grades that everyone else did. They'll flag behind, they'll really struggle within higher education. So it's not necessarily about mindset from other people. Oh, were you hired because of, you know, affirmative action? It's actually the studying as well. It's the grades.
Starting point is 01:24:33 It's the amount of work ethic you have from being hired. It's you have to you have to realize that it's only going to make things so much more difficult for that person by just hiring it based on race. And that's just terrible. It's all just terrible. I watched a bunch of interviews with people, liberals on the left this past two weeks, and they all agree with you, which is so weird. They'll say stuff like i got into college based on my grades i went to harvard and people had the people think that i got in because i was black it's like yeah they've set up that parameters for people to think that
Starting point is 01:25:18 and it's like and yet they're supporting affirmative action. It's like, yeah. It doesn't make sense. Sarah Cox, my favorite place to purchase peptides. Do you know what peptides are? Remind me. I don't know what they are either. I was hoping you did peptides are amino acids that your body
Starting point is 01:25:47 produces naturally or you can get them from California peptides you can hit the QR code there basically I have this injury in my bicep and I've been shooting peptides that I got from her website into my arm and she does sponsor the podcast she has for many many years
Starting point is 01:26:04 and anyway sarah thank you sarah i owe you a call i need to talk to you about the uh i'm going to call you about going to the crossfit games this year um very shortly when that when this show's over and thank you for the 1999 this is um the one i have people who uh watch the show who are like hey seven stopped acting like um pedophilia and sex and gay stuff is being shoved down people's throats you're so one-sided and you're biased and what's interesting is in this country you're not allowed to like talk about religion at school right you can't be like hey kids look here's the 10 commandments that um in a value system that's being offered to you by uh the christian church like you couldn't even
Starting point is 01:26:56 say it in a non let's discuss today whether that what is christianity you can't even do any of that you can't be like hey let's read job and study it. And you won't find it anywhere. In my 13 years of going to school, I had one teacher, one class where we read Job. My sophomore year, my teacher said, hey, I don't even care if you guys report me. And we read it. It was awesome. And I'm not even a Christian. But how is it that there's no Christianity anywhere in our schools? And everywhere I look, I see this stuff. This stuff really is being forced down our kids' throats. Here we go. This is from Louis Brackpool's Instagram account.
Starting point is 01:27:34 Here we go. To apologize in advance for any distressing content in this video, lesson plans in schools across Britain have been leaked, which has found graphic material being shown to kids as young as nine years old. I want to warn you some of this is very distressing but I have to read it out. Schools across Britain are teaching children that from birth until the age of one babies can experience pleasurable sensations by touching their genitals. Pre compulsory RSC lessons are giving homework to kids about masturbation. They're teaching that girls as young as 12 can find pleasure from anal sex.
Starting point is 01:28:13 Anal sex? That's being taught to kids in schools? Yeah. Yeah. They're teaching kids that people can change their sex from being a man to being a woman. They're also teaching that some non-binary humans are neither men nor women and that men with male Y chromosomes can actually become women. What's worse is they show images. And if I have to censor these images to show you what they are showing to children, we have a problem. Parents, you need to get angry.
Starting point is 01:28:48 You need to stand up for what's right and say something. You can't allow for this to be happening in schools. Get organized. Meet with other parents. Find out what your child is being taught at school and do something about it. I want to apologize. being taught at school and do something about it i want to apologize in a so just to be super clear for anyone who's listening who who doesn't um uh understand the stance and lewis correct me if i'm wrong um sexualizing kids is bad very bad yeah um it's it you basically want to let kids blossom at
Starting point is 01:29:20 a certain pace and if you sexualize them too early we know we see people like that all around us with all sorts of fucking disorders sure Christianity isn't in our kids school because the powers to play as if they Christianity isn't in our schools
Starting point is 01:29:40 in Christianity is not in our kids school because the powers to be play as if they're like god oh yeah yes hundred percent hundred percent wow hundred percent yeah what the fuck is going on we spoke about this in the last podcast how the the elites we spoke about how the elites um top down they're um they see themselves because they've got all this wealth um and all this power because they can change and um and act legislation even as ngos which they're not really allowed to do but they can influence governments to change policy and to enact their vision they almost feel like they are their own gods so that's
Starting point is 01:30:26 why i think all of them are basically atheist like i think all of them are but like not just like you know all agnostic or whatever it's like no like like you will know a harari you know that evil dude who like wants ai to rewrite the Bible and shit. It's fucked. So did you know that when I put you on the last show, when we spoke, we spoke about your documentary, the world, the great reset,
Starting point is 01:30:56 the great reset in the world economic form. My, my, you, because I said world economic form. Oh yes. It got the banner. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:31:04 Yeah. Yeah, dude. I don yeah yeah dude you've just done it again ladies and gentlemen i don't know if you know this but for two i lost my big my big instagram account and for a year for the last two or three years if you said anything about covid you got a banner on your instagram account and and and now it's gone they're not there anymore i don't know where they went but they're and now on youtube if they're not there anymore i don't know where they went but they're and now on youtube if you say anything about the great reset or the world economic forum they put a banner on there letting you know people that this shit is real like this isn't like some conspiracy fucking james bond movie shit like the shit is coming we are here
Starting point is 01:31:41 um why how how did this happen do you think that's a great question you know how is not everyone like no you don't sexualize kids how is everyone just not and this what you're showing we're not we're this proves we're right right this is being forced down our kids throat so anyone who says to me seven you're full of shit it's not being forced down your kids throat it really is being shoved down your kids it really is it really is so that um that was an exclusive report by the mail online and i got shit for posting it because even though there's a lot of support in that post i also got shit from people in in the dm saying how do you trust uh like the day like the
Starting point is 01:32:25 mail online which is the daily mail uh for posting something like this everything in that report which i looked through um unfortunately um they're all testimonies from parents so they're concerned parents have come out and said we need to we need to get this done the the government weirdly has put out an inquiry over the educational system um to look into um sex education and what's being taught because they're worried that it's been pushed too far that's the government saying that so we're in big trouble if like the government are even opening inquiries about the educational system and during that time um there were people trying to gather uh information on on rse um which is relationships um sex education and so we've now reached a point where parents now have a duty to call this out. And I'm tired of the excuse, you know, I'm worried about the consequences of this.
Starting point is 01:33:38 The consequences is the corruption of your child. That's the consequence. You can't be worried about anything else now like this is wrong you can't allow for this to continue so that's why i said in the video because you need you need to get parents to call to action because there's one thing saying or distributing this information but you almost need to tell parents now listen you need to you need to have a word of your school you need to you need to get in contact you need to find out what your child's um being taught i had messages after that video i had
Starting point is 01:34:12 so many messages from parents like i couldn't get through them all where they were saying thank you so much for posting this i've tried to see the full curriculum of sex education that's being taught to my eight-year-old and they won't even give the full thing to me like the schools are refusing to give the full curriculum to their parents in the u.s too yeah dude it's so sad and like i don't i don't have kids like i want kids like i want to get married i want to do the whole shebang. So to see this, to see this now, and I don't even have kids, like it breaks my heart for like parents that are so unsure about what is being taught to their child. And it pisses me off when I see parents almost dismissing it
Starting point is 01:34:58 or saying, oh, no, like, no, it's fine or whatever. It's not fine. This is not fine. Hey, do you see that we've come full circle from what we started the show with? We started the show with that guy saying, hey, we need to take control of our schools. And the reason why is because the liberals, the 87% of the teachers who are liberals are forcing sex anal sex oral sex transgender all just sex shit on your kids and yet they're concerned it's just crazy that we made it it's crazy it's crazy and the idea is to take control of the school from a parent's perspective not a governmental
Starting point is 01:35:39 perspective it's separating the state and education now um so what yeah so that pisses me off that there are people coming out and saying oh no you're just it's it's um it's sensationalism it's not it's not it's there the evidence is there people taking photos of their homework i was being sent screenshots of curriculums from other parents that that obviously weren't in the video because the video had already gone up and they sent me all of this information about what's being taught and i'm even reading it and going what how like same question that you asked how the fuck did we get here like seriously um i've had who slipped that into the education who was like okay um uh 12 uh 12 year old girls will get into activist anal sex and i'm like yeah like how did that slip into the classroom
Starting point is 01:36:34 i'll tell you i'll tell you what i think we we have a new class now you know you got like working class middle class higher class blah blah we have an activist class now right where there are these people whether it be liberals i think it's mostly liberals um it would be disingenuous to say all liberals but i'm sure that there will be others as well but i think we have an activist class now on an institutional level on a media level that are there to to push their sort of world view onto the innocence i mean you look at a child a child's brain is like a sponge they just absorb all the information that you throw at them that's why a child is so fixated at the tv i know we all are but especially for a child because when they're watching the tv they're just soaking the information straight into their brain and you you watch like
Starting point is 01:37:24 kids with ipads now. You notice that? It's like the iPad generation now where all kids just have, they're just glued to an iPad. Or their parents' phones. You go to restaurants and it's just kids looking at their parents' phones everywhere. Yeah, it's literally that. It's because information can easily transfer into the brain so quickly
Starting point is 01:37:43 and so effectively. That's why tv is so effective on changing people's minds because you're captivated you're in a state of trance and so back to the the activist groups but there's an activist class i believe that are looking to push this um onto onto children because their access to information is so susceptible rather than adults because they can't critically think at that age. They just absorb what's being said and they take it as the gospel. That's why you get so many kids coming to school. And I've had teachers give testimonies saying that kids will come into school
Starting point is 01:38:21 and pretend they're animals and say that they identify as animals. that kids will come into school and like pretend they're animals and say that they identify as animals and if you go out against that you're a bigot you're you're you're whatever and there was a clip surfaced online recently that i've done a reaction video on my youtube channel about where kids a kid identified as a cat in in a school and other kids went, that's mental. Like you should be, you should be put in an asylum or something. They said a comment and the teacher went nuts at these two students. And luckily the students secretly recorded the conversation and this, and they were,
Starting point is 01:38:57 it was like a debate of gender ideology between a teacher and like a, an eight year old. Yeah. That's one students debate teachers on gender ideology. And the teacher, oh, that's the teacher? That was one of the teachers. Yeah. But there was like a primary school one.
Starting point is 01:39:15 And then up in Scotland, it had like an older student. He sounded like he'd been kept behind like a few years because he had like a deep voice. But it was fascinating but um it was fascinating and it was i was watching it and i was thinking i can't believe that kids as young as like eight are like um are challenging teachers on gender ideology and the teacher doesn't don't even know what they're talking about because it's an excuse me because it's an ideological wall. It's an ideological wall that if you question it, this screen comes up and it's like, no, you can't talk about that. It's almost like an antivirus
Starting point is 01:39:54 almost, and you are the virus. So they just try and block it. They try and get rid of it. But we're seeing this in an institutional level, in an academic level um i don't know if it's because from the 60s a lot of the hippies started going into the educational system and becoming teachers and then that sort of trickled down from marxist ideology all the way from the 60s all the way till now and that the hippies grew up from the 60s all the way through the 80s and then started taking over the institutions, and then liberal dogma started being the main forefront of education. And then now we see the big, the conundrum of that.
Starting point is 01:40:35 You're now seeing institutions having one political bias. And if you're a conservative and you're in higher education or you're in school you're like you're the worst thing since i don't know some disease um you know so you're now seeing this play out so i think it's an activist class i think we've seen this since the 70s and i think it's not going to get better. Do I think that the government should step in? That's the big question. Do you know who doesn't have the activist class, by the way, are Asians. It's a black and white phenomenon.
Starting point is 01:41:19 Asians don't do that. It's not culturally part of what they do. You know what I mean? We have Jane Fonda and they have al sharpton and and i don't know if you know who these people are but they're just like the activist class in the united states they have jesse jackson and and we have um greta thunberg you will not see asians doing this shit ironically they make on average twice as much as all as white people and three times as much as black people in the united states financially yeah culturally those yeah it's a culturally it's just a trip okay sorry go ahead do you remember where you were when i so yeah just
Starting point is 01:41:54 just that just that i think that it's it's it's been a top-down stem of activism since the 60s in the institutions and now because you have powerful lobby groups and the teachers union as well the i know we i saw recently about the supreme court wiping down like affirmative action the teachers unions are the most powerful people in the united states i don't think it's it's going to do as much personally because the teachers unions in Britain, in the United States, in the Western Hemisphere are one of the most powerful unions ever. And they are full of rabid, far left ideologues in there. And whatever they say goes. So I believe that they, the unions, these powerful lobby groups as well, from Stonewall to teachers unions, they're the ones that really run the countries
Starting point is 01:42:50 because they're the ones that can push for policies, for legislation changes, to really push what goes in the curriculum. And that's why the government are like, hang on a minute, we need an inquiry. We didn't know about all this. So which is fascinating. That's my stance on it like i said could be wrong but to me that makes the most sense um i'm i'm starting to think that it's not the school that's the problem it's the parents that expect the schools to raise their kids taking the kids out of public school but not monitoring uh their internet hey i mean partly i'd say it's part part that wouldn't you agree a hundred percent i
Starting point is 01:43:30 mean there's kids who bring drop there's parents who drop their kids off like at a martial arts academy thinking that that martial arts academy is going to fix your kid and it's like hey um it doesn't quite work like that yeah the parents are 51 to 99 to blame a roxanne is wonderful children are no longer being educated they're being inducted into a world view the state does not accept the authority of the parent that's what's that's scary yeah it's true it's true and this is the thing this is why i keep saying parents need to take control now they need to get organized they need to they need to get together with like-minded parents who's who are saying enough is enough we don't want this anymore you you build that communities
Starting point is 01:44:14 together make group chats make groups whatever sit down with each other like over a beer or like something to eat meet all the parents together and say look this is what's being taught to my kid oh this is what is what's being taught to my kid what are we going to do about it okay we're going to have to confront the teachers we're going to have to confront the head teacher we're going to have to take this up a notch um because something needs to be done um and the parents have a lot more power than than they then they're led to believe they believe that the state can just take over everything or the institution can just take over everything the unions yes are very powerful but you have to you're underestimating the power of
Starting point is 01:44:55 parents getting together and and standing together so yeah uh roxanne is wonderful i believe she's from your part of the world, too. If an adult started talking to your nine-year-old about masturbation, you would call the police. Why do the schools get to do this? Exactly. Fuck. Exactly.
Starting point is 01:45:16 It's nuts. It's mad. Yeah. But this is the world we live in now. Robbie Myers, can Lewis please say telly instead of TV? Yeah yeah i'll say telly from now on yeah no problem well done well done yeah yeah turn the telly off lads come on turn it off there's no point it's crap uh couch a very interesting uh picture who cut your hair how many business uh employing adults would be able to show adults what they are showing children in schools without the employees complaining and even quitting
Starting point is 01:45:49 holy shit and to think i have to censor all of what i said on social media but yet they're showing that to kids i have to censor all of that so if you showed up at mcdonald's and when you got off of work they were like by the way here's a pamphlet on how you can pleasure yourself. Yeah, they go. And what if it said what if it said you're you get your work, you're working at McDonald's and they're like, by the way, I know you have a 12 year old daughter at home. Here's a pamphlet on how your 12 year old daughter can pleasure herself anally. You would be like, fuck, what the fuck's wrong with McDonald's? But yet your tax dollars are going to that. Wow. I love people who put things in context like that,
Starting point is 01:46:31 what they're doing, don't you? Yeah. Oh, absolutely. It sort of broadens the mind and it makes you think, right. And what's crazy is it makes more sense that it would happen at McDonald's because it's a fucking private organization and you have the choice to whether to eat hamburgers there or not or to work there but school
Starting point is 01:46:48 is just like the civilized funnel I think it's even I think you basically in the United States you have to send your kid to school or have some sort of schooling I think it's illegal to just like you can't just raise your kid out in the field yeah mate homeschool
Starting point is 01:47:03 it's gotta be the way now. I would typically push back on these kids having phones in the class, but in this case, I'll be quiet. No phones in the classroom. Fuck phones. No one should have phones, period. No kid. Yeah, that's true.
Starting point is 01:47:19 Roxanna's wonderful. The UK teacher called the child despicable for questioning a pupil who identified as being a cat. That's in your video?'s in my video yeah yeah yeah it's nuts dude so you attack the child yeah yeah dude like i've i know teachers right and they they tell me like the amount of kids that come in and pretend to be animals and they like they aren't allowed to like there are some teachers that just aren't allowed to say anything like that is so bad definitely if i was in high school i definitely would have done stuff like that i was such a um i would have done it just to make fun of stuff.
Starting point is 01:48:07 I'm going to play this, a little bit of this. How are you on time, Lewis? Yeah, good. As long as possible. Okay, here we go. Believe why so many teenagers are non-binary now or, you know, switching their gender. I think it's because they don't have any, you know, point in the oppression meter and they want some.
Starting point is 01:48:23 So non-binary is a really easy way to get some. You don't even need to change anything. You just have everybody call you some new pronouns and now you're oppressed. Now you get to be part of the club. And I always say that if this was happening when I was a teenager, no doubt in my mind, you guys would have to be calling me some pronoun you've never heard of before. I want to, I want to draw us, me some pronoun you've never heard of before i want to i want to draw us explain this a little bit better here and see what you think lewis what i think she means is by by joining the oppressed class she means getting attention there's a recent chris rock stand-up where he says that there's four ways to get um attention you can um show your ass you know that's like the the the thirst pics you can um be infamous that means um like um
Starting point is 01:49:08 release a sex tape you can be really good at something that's like serena williams you know like you can just fucking dedicate your life to being like the greatest athlete who ever lived and then there's four there's play the victim and that's the oppressed class yes but i remember being a kid like i didn't know it now and i still don't i still wouldn't say i did it for attention but it must have been for attention i was really into rap music so i took out the back seat in my car and i put the 415s in and i carried a gun under my um uh driver's seat and like i was although it was just a bb gun and i wanted like i was i was like searching for attention i played my music so fucking loud at like two in the morning. I just did things. You're just trying to figure out where you fit in in the world. Right. Exactly. And you're just trying to get fucking attention or like build some sort of identity. And if you don't have your kids in doing things like sewing dresses or working out or planting gardens, those will things that will naturally allow them to build an identity.
Starting point is 01:50:06 Oh, my God, I can grow carrots. I'm a person who grew carrots. Oh, my God, I'm a black belt in karate. I can do that. Or, oh, my God, I can sew my own clothes. If we taught kids those things, they would naturally they wouldn't have to search for an identity. They wouldn't have to search for attention.
Starting point is 01:50:18 They would be actually creating it. They would be like, oh, my God, I'm someone who can actually take photographs. It's not that they necessarily want to be part of the oppressed class. They want to just get attention. Yes, exactly. This is a retard way of getting attention. This is like – what's that thing called? The Prince Albert when you put a piercing through your penis? What a bizarre way to get attention. Put a hole in the most valuable thing you'll ever have in your whole life your caucus yeah it makes me shiver mate are you with me on all that i'm with you absolutely i think it's because we see it as as an oppression class as adults because we can differentiate it we know where it's come from we know that there is such things like oppression points when it's
Starting point is 01:51:05 the workplace you know you get certain benefits you get certain like um you get you get attention but when you're a kid and you're growing up you're trying to find yourself it's a mad world we live in and this is now part of this mad world because it's been normalized so much that they've realized well hang on a minute i can have a bit of power here you know if i'm non-binary and someone calls me a name like i can get them out of the class so yeah i'm non-binary today and they're like oh okay yeah and if you call me something you're a bigot so see you later get out the class i'll miss he called me he called me a he when actually i'm a she right you've misgendered him see you later it's power that's all it is it's all power play so of course kids are going to pick that notion up
Starting point is 01:51:51 and utilize it i mean i would do that if i was a kid yeah and i was like i was like right i don't like this fucker the back of the class right he's been pissing me off all day miss i'm actually transgender this guy just called me a he when actually my name's louise um and then that kid gets punished the teacher can't say anything because the unions back that rhetoric up and it's just a cycle so of course kids are going to do that and that's my that's my way of looking at it um i think oppression class is just how we view it as adults i think kids don't understand what oppression is um and they don't really conceptualize the idea of what that word means if that makes sense obviously there is oppression but they just
Starting point is 01:52:36 they can't conceptualize the word oppression um so in the west anyway, um, so that's, that's my stance on it. It's just kids is kids seeing a way that they can gain some power and utilizing it against other kids or to get attention. And I would even stem that, that, um, a lot of, um, I think a lot of non, non-binary adults are utilizing probably the same aspect. For sure. Yeah, it's all attention. It's all, I'm boring. I don't have a good personality.
Starting point is 01:53:15 I'm not well-looking. I'm not cool. So if I can do this, I can have some power. I can have some notion with that. I can have some attention. I think that's all it is i know a shitload of adults who have no purpose and adult without a purpose becomes just a man a manic uh nut so like if you have a young 20 year old man who has no purpose he'll just
Starting point is 01:53:37 he'll get probably get into violence thievery and pussy those are for some reason that's like what 20 year old menold men gravitate to without purpose or direction. But we all know adults who don't have purpose or direction, they gravitate towards activism, obesity, and manic behaviors. Yeah, sure. They start talking about how they have boundaries and shit. They're just like, dude, what are you doing?
Starting point is 01:54:09 Yeah. So that's where I think the the non-binary stuff the transgenderism stuff that that coincides with the activism class that go that coincides with that um so yeah that that's how i see it i think it's more activism than opposed to to anything else really or you know you can go down the medical route but you'll get banned for for talking about that so i'm not going to do that to you uh thank you uh trish how clean is lewis's flat it is actually um a house um it's pretty clean what is that flat an apartment yeah yeah and you actually when you open your front door you step out and you're like on the ground yeah there's like a street you can see a street street yeah yeah yeah is lewis metabolically healthy probably not uh my diet sucks and i need to sort that out you're too
Starting point is 01:55:00 young to be getting up in the middle of the night to pee. Oh, I don't do that. Okay, all right. Yeah, I don't do that. I just stay up late. Christian Kettler, get drunk, have sex, get in fights, play sports. You'll find yourself. Jeez. That's one way to say it. All right.
Starting point is 01:55:21 Thank you for coming on. I knew I was excited to have you on. Thank you for coming on i'm so it's it's um i knew i was excited to have you on thank you for dudes like i was excited when i realized that i was coming on like a couple of days ago i was like i can't wait for that it's gonna be good fun i'm so relaxed and can just sort of be myself you're a great host man and uh anytime you want me back on just just let me know i'd love to come back on okay thank you hey you know what would be interesting is to try doing a show with you that's like midnight my time yeah that'd be cool and then it's 8 a.m your time yeah that'd be cool yeah i'm hoping to i want to get to the u.s analyzed i believe that lewis is lashing out at culture rather than fixing himself holy shit can it be both can't he be lashing out at cold he
Starting point is 01:56:07 can't he be i've cleaned my room if that's what you're you're getting at i've jordan peterson don't you worry i've cleaned my room she's suggesting that um um uh instead of uh uh working out and working on your diet, you are working on other things. Or like attacking other people's shortcomings instead of your own. You know what I mean? Well, these shortcomings actually affect the world and our surroundings. I mean, I don't want to sound like a climate activist because that's what they're like.
Starting point is 01:56:42 Listen, I'm always about to fix myself. You can talk to Trish directly. Trish is a fixture on this show. Awesome. Talk to Trish, Lewis. Give Trish a piece of your mind. I have cleaned my room. Don't you worry.
Starting point is 01:57:02 Look, she might be right. Who knows? I mean, i haven't really thought about it like that i'm doing this you sound very open-minded i'll take that thanks dude um yeah she could be right who knows um i i do what i do because um i just want to make change and i feel like i haven't done in a while i've sort of been blissfully ignorant of the world and what goes on um for years and i feel i feel like it's almost like a duty because when you see pockets of information and you start to realize people have been lying to you especially with like the trump saga was what what awakened it the brexit
Starting point is 01:57:36 saga is what awakened it and then you go back and say well what else have they lied about and then you sort of you sort i feel as though it's almost like a duty to get information out and when i see like something that isn't right and not sjw like like i'm not social justice it's more it's more sort of information justice right because there's an information warfare out there and you need you need to to tell people what's going on you need to keep people informed i don't think the the media class or the media party do a great job of that so i feel the need to go out and tell the truth to the best of my ability and that's it i appreciate it maybe today also you'll be like fuck maybe trish got in your head and you'll be
Starting point is 01:58:26 like maybe i'm gonna be thinking about all night i'm gonna run for 15 minutes i think i am i i'm gonna do some setups i'm gonna go for a jog yeah just go thanks trish i appreciate the comment uh lewis i i look forward to having you back on thanks for uh fighting the good fight thanks for being a clear thinking uh human being on planet earth and um thanks for holding it down over the pond over there oh dude thanks again as well and thanks for having me on and like i said man anytime you want me on just give me a bell and we'll uh we'll get that done awesome brother thank you nice one cheers Trish coming in hot I have some exclusive footage of Jeffrey Birchfield again Exclusive footage of Jeffrey Birchfield
Starting point is 01:59:15 Exclusive Lewis say hello to Boris for us Fucking Boris Jeffrey Birchfield Coming in hot Lewis, say hello to Boris for us. Fucking Boris. Jeffrey Birchfield coming in hot. Here we go. I have a feeling he's teaching bioethics or some shit now. So he's going to miss this exclusive footage I have of Jeff. You guys ready?
Starting point is 01:59:43 You guys ready? Alpha male, Jeffrey Birchfield. Lifting weights indoors. You guys ready? You guys ready? Here we go. Here we go. Here he is.
Starting point is 02:00:01 Here's the man, the myth, the legend. Body weight, 237. 10-pound drop. Thought I'd give a treat to the ladies. Oh, 10-pound drop given a... Here, there he is. There's Jeff. A 10-pound weight loss giving the ladies a little treat.
Starting point is 02:00:19 Here we go, Jeffrey. Shirtless. Shirtless. Shirtless. May 14, 2022. Body weight 237. 190 for three on a bench. 190 for three. Big
Starting point is 02:00:35 Jeff. Hair looking good. Jeff, you're old school. You still use a comb. I can tell. Dudes don't really brush their hair or comb their hair anymore Let's put those elbows out Jeff Booyah Some guys got it Some guys don't
Starting point is 02:00:59 I got it Just the way it goes. Yeah. James Townsend getting some Dusty Rhodes. Was that some WWE? Anyway, I will continue periodically to have deep access to Jeff's old archive of weightlifting. Before he switched to deadlift, he was way big into the bench press. Look at James Townsend.
Starting point is 02:01:39 James Townsend. Good job, Jeff. Yeah, good job, Jeff. Uh-oh. I am in big trouble. This is not a good sign. Stand by. Hold on. Hold on. Of course, I have to fix the phone. I am in big trouble.
Starting point is 02:02:00 Uh-oh. Hi, Jeff. Hello. Jeffrey. Simon, You're an asshole Don't brag just fact brother Just straight asshole Straight up asshole man But I love you for it Every time this guy pops up in my feed i'm like oh my god
Starting point is 02:02:26 a little treat for the ladies it was really kind of you it was really kind of you i think james talzin actually really thinks that's you like i think half the people actually think that's you even after you calling in they're still gonna think it's you i know they are so you know it is what it is they can't help you put me on the map savon i um it's it's the power of media it's the power of media you just i'm programming them it was a whole show about programming people about lies and here i am programming people with some lies that's right fake news brother fake news hey what are you doing today are you teaching today i am not teaching today. I am headed to my country home, if you will, to do some tile work. What's that mean, tile work?
Starting point is 02:03:10 So we've been remodeling a bathroom, so I have to tile the shower. Oh, tile, tile. Tile and towel are the same word from where you're from. Okay, Texas talk. That's okay. Texas talk. Texas talk. Sorry. You do that? Do you have a tile cutter? You have one of those saws that shoots water everywhere and cuts the tile? I have just a diamond blade that's kind of on a rack thing that I can run across there, but no, I don't have a diamond saw.
Starting point is 02:03:41 You like that? You like tiling? diamond saw you like that you like tiling i do not like tiling but it is a means to an end so i also don't like paying people to do work that i know i could do did your wife choose the tiles she did yeah that's cool and she'll be happy about it and that's's cool. Oh, yeah, absolutely. And we've tiled just the floors and the walls, too. A whole nine yards. Okay, shit, awesome. That's cool. What were you going to say?
Starting point is 02:04:14 She'd rather what? Oh, she'd rather be doing the tiling herself. Tiling. You know what? Magnus does bring up a good point. Hold on one second. Magnus does bring up a good point. Hold on one second. Magnus says their voices do sound identical. Let's hold on one second.
Starting point is 02:04:30 That's very interesting. Let's play Jeff from 2022 one more time. Let's listen. Magnus doesn't know anything. He's from Greenland or somewhere like that. He's a German living in Mexico. Okay, hold on. Let's listen to this guy. Let's listen. Weight 237.
Starting point is 02:04:49 10-pound drop. Thought I'd give a treat to the ladies. Shirtless. May 14, 2000. God, it does sound like you. Holy shit. That guy does not sound like me. All Southerners sound the same. You're a Southerner, right? You consider yourself a Southerner?
Starting point is 02:05:11 Yes, I was born and raised in Texas. All right. Well, thank you for calling in. Enjoy your time at your summer home. It sounds very bougie. It's not very bougie. It's over 100 years old and needs lots of work.
Starting point is 02:05:27 Sounds fun then. It's good talking to you. Good talking to you too. Thank you. Good show. Thank you. Bye-bye. The smartest man in the chat, Jeffrey Birchfield, also the guy who has a bench press inside his house.
Starting point is 02:05:44 The voices sound identical. I know Magnus. I think that too. All those southern guys sound the same. the chat jeffrey birchfield also uh the guy who has a bench press inside his house uh the voices sound identical i know magnus i i think that too all those southern guys sound the same all right uh dude today's show 6 30 p.m it's the big crossfit game show. J.R. Howell, Brian Spin, John Young. That means, like, I wonder if J, between J.R. and Spin, they're not even going to be able to get in a word edgewise
Starting point is 02:06:12 with me and John. Straight dominate. Great topics today. We'll talk about the cuts. We'll talk about the grip debacle. We'll talk about the weight belt. I got some clips queued up of Laura Horvat training over there at Krypton. We can even pull up that ridiculous piece of propaganda that Fikowski and
Starting point is 02:06:41 Vellner made, that FAA video. It was ridiculous. that Fikowski and Vellner made, that FAA video. It was ridiculous. I got a clip here of Ben Bergeron on Coffee Wads and Pods to play for you guys. I got so much fun stuff for the show tonight. This team from CrossFit 8035, some chick on there popped for Drugas.
Starting point is 02:07:06 We can talk about her. We've got some clips from Training Think Tank. Max Elhaj talking about self-awareness. Athlete self-awareness. Oh, I even got a clip from Talking Elite Fitness. Mariah Moore on Talking Elite Fitness. More on Talking Elite Fitness. You know what I'm realizing too?
Starting point is 02:07:36 The more, so, so I'll save it for the show. Anyway, I'm, it's all, I think this is all good. And I think this is all good with Dave think this is all good with uh dave coming in i'm excited what about pat barber's post let me see what did pat let me see what did pat that jack dorsey video was weird right uh pat uh patrick velner patrick bet david Pat, Patrick Velner, Patrick Bet-David, Patrick Barber. Here we go. Let me see. Let's see what we got. Where?
Starting point is 02:08:17 This one here? I know what I could use these for. Hanging rings. All right, now that you're ready to set this up on your beautiful pull-up bar, first we take the strap, and then we push the strap through the magic hole. Oh, wow. Look at those rings. Is that the video you're talking about?
Starting point is 02:08:44 is that the video you're talking about oh it's on it's on woo woo woo woo woo what's woo wo let me see woo wo oh that's Pat. Oh.
Starting point is 02:09:07 Oh, the daily CrossFit tip. Oh, shit. Here we go. I didn't even know he had this. What is this? What is this thing? Wuwo affiliate has the tools you need to maximize your coaching culture and member experience. It's $199 a month.
Starting point is 02:09:22 They got Kelly Clark on there. Death to wellness. This one. No, not that one. This one. So for me, I don't come from the fitness industry.
Starting point is 02:09:35 I come from voice and musical theater. So when I learned it, it was like, this is not easy to understand. So when I deliver it, I'm like, how do I make it as simple as possible? Because that's how I understand it. So I've taken, it's been 20 years, you know, like it's been a
Starting point is 02:09:52 long time of me, roughly actually 18 years of like trying to internalize it in a way that it can be understood. And I think that's where we have an opportunity in a space like this, in a setting like this to pull it back to where it can be heard and just make it good so what do we try to do so any questions i will at least point you in the right direction so for me i don't come from the fitness industry i come from voice and musical theater about it so when i learned it i do like it how it talks like a rap star you know like a rap star when he drives he'll do like he'll be like talk about driving he goes like that and i liked it how when he said something about hearing or something he pointed out his ear except I'm playing dumb he knows what post
Starting point is 02:10:28 we're talking about the fuck Jesus Louise being smart and pointing out how dumb I am death to wellness it's never been about wellness it's about fitness if you don't understand this then you don't understand CrossFit. It's never been about wellness. It's all about fitness. If you don't uh semantics alert i like that i'll buy that you can't even get people to buy in when it's death it's too sick to buy that
Starting point is 02:11:16 i don't get it is there some is this is this image a double picture is it like two people having sex what the fuck am i looking at? I don't understand either. I don't understand either. Oh, and it's I don't do Twitter talk. Oh, sickness, wellness, fitness continuum. It's a play
Starting point is 02:11:38 on that. Sickness, wellness, fitness, continuum. Death to fitness, and it's supposed to be What the fuck, death, it's never been about wellness, it's about fitness, sickness, wellness, sickness, wellness, I don't get it, sorry, someone's gonna have to say it, so if you are fit, you have to pass through wellness to be sick. Remember? Yeah. It goes sickness, wellness, fit.
Starting point is 02:12:16 I guess I don't understand CrossFit. I don't do – this is Twitter talk to me. I don't do Twitter talk. I try not to read into shit. I need it just talk to me. I don't do Twitter talk. I try not to read into shit. I need it just explained to me. Okay, just leave it. Thank you. Okay, good.
Starting point is 02:12:32 Robbie, I like you though. Wellness is what we should be asked the world to strive for. Fitness is for the elite. What I really want is I want that head right there to be like two people having sex, but also be a skeleton and you kind of like – yeah. I hate it when people say this. This one always kind of stings. Savon, you're not dumb. You're just plain dumb.
Starting point is 02:13:09 You're not watching a smart guy. You're just justifying the fact that you spent two hours and 12 minutes watching me and then are afraid to realize that I really am dumb. How about that? Uh, okay. okay I think I think I'm done until tonight unless you guys want to see something I'm afraid if I stay on here too long I might start telling you guys secrets I showed Jeffrey Birchfield I'm afraid if I stay on here too long, I might start telling you guys secrets.
Starting point is 02:13:47 I showed Jeffrey Birchfield. You guys want to see Kamala Harris? Oh. How about that video in the beginning of the show? Unbelievable. I'm unbelievable. Alright, I'm done. I think I'm done. Do you remember that guy Will Roosh I had on the show? Do you guys remember him?
Starting point is 02:14:26 He's the teacher. He's not a Jew, but he teaches at a Jew school. And he has that Instagram account. He was pretty cool. I didn't have him on very long. He's had on all sorts of really cool people. Do you guys remember him? uh so last uh question did you hook pool boy up with sarah here's the chocolate dick by the way i haven't eaten it andrew hillard got me the chocolate dick
Starting point is 02:15:07 someone sent me this i forget who sent me this my tupac i can't wait to get my desk organized Get my desk organized. A chocolate dick and a Tupac. Sarah, yeah, yesterday's podcast with Sarah was pretty cool. Someone wrote that the first 10 minutes were awkward and lame, and I responded to them on YouTube. I said the first 10 minutes with the guys and your mom is always awkward too, but never lame.
Starting point is 02:15:47 I'm always looking for a place to put in a good your mom joke. I'm always torn whether I should or should not respond to people on YouTube. Dude, yesterday's show with Brian and JR and Taylor, Respond to people on YouTube. Dude, yesterday's show with Brian and JR and Taylor, not only is it killing it, but Taylor is shirtless. JR is wearing like a leather, it looks like a leather vest, sleeveless leather vest, and then Brian's fully clothed. It's like weird. The Sarah show, of course, is absolutely murder up her face the same way Daniel Brandon and Brooke Entz tuned up their faces.
Starting point is 02:17:07 And then he left some emoji of some really weird lips. And then someone else said, what are you talking about, dumb? It's kind of obvious what he's talking about. He's wondering if Sarah's getting like shit pumped into her face. I don't know if I'm a fan of, I know I'm not a fan of shit getting pumped into girls' faces. Olivia, I was on the fence with Sarah for years. Last night's show made me fall in love with her.
Starting point is 02:17:47 It's really hard not to fall in love with her, right? Robbie Myers, Sevan, Friday evenings don't work for me. Please consider moving the show to Thursday evenings. um 335 power snatch coming up where's that i'd like to see that i i can't i i understand i i trust me i don't want to do um i don't want to do Friday night shows either, dude. I just have to. I'm trying to prove a point right now with that show.
Starting point is 02:18:33 And you guys are helping me do it. I don't want to do that show either. Trust me. I don't want to do that show on Friday night. That's not 335. That's more like 5. That's a good-ass life for James Townsend. Is your lady wearing Birkenstocks?
Starting point is 02:19:03 What is this? Okay. You know what I'm going to do? I'm going to try a muscle-up now that my bicep is getting better. I haven't done a muscle-up in forever. Do a strict muscle-up today. I should try that. Woo!
Starting point is 02:19:18 No collars? No collars? Someone school me on callers why isn't James using callers callers are silly you don't got time for that boom my goodness Mason Mitchell yeah tear right off the bat I'll warm up
Starting point is 02:19:46 really good uh okay here we go this is why I don't want to stay on because I'm afraid I'm going to go here Sebon theoretically if there had been talks to bring back behind the scenes would you theoretically tell us no not yet if there have been talks I wouldn't
Starting point is 02:20:04 tell you yet. How's that? Fucking no, I shouldn't be on the air right now. Cancel apps. Never put collars on someone. It's more safety without them. More safer. Much safer.
Starting point is 02:20:33 I'll do, well, yeah, I mean, I'm good at muscle-ups. I mean, I should be. I'll do a shitload. I'll warm up and be a sweaty mess. I'll warm up and get to turning myself into a sweaty mess on the assault bike, and then I'll jump to the top of the rings, and I'll slowly lower and get to turn myself into a sweaty mess on the assault bike. And then I'll, and then I'll jump to the top of the rings and I'll slowly lower myself a few times. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 02:20:52 Maybe to my knees, maybe do two of those on the minute for 10 minutes and then I'll try one, see what happens. Feel good. feel good no no late night injury late night injury no okay although i didn't sleep well at all last night it was so fucking hot in my room and one of my kids climbed into bed with me it was a fucking shit show all right guys i will see you tonight 6 30 p.m it's gonna be a wild show big show big show tonight all right and buh-bye

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