The Sevan Podcast - Live Call In | Billie Eilish - I feel sorry for myself music? #1013

Episode Date: September 17, 2023

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Starting point is 00:01:05 Okay. It'd be cool if I sent them to you like the day before right Or like five minutes before Or one minute before How about just before let's just let's start somewhere Before yeah let's do that Get all crazy And shit Oh I'm bringing you right into my ears
Starting point is 00:01:22 With one click of the mouse there you are Now you're in my ears with one click of the mouse. There you are. Now you're in my ears. I came in my office last night late, like at 11 o'clock. Just like everyone was asleep and I was just like, I'm cleaning up because I'm preparing for kind of our first live show in here because Suze is coming. And then I walked by my computer and I was like, let me see if I know any Billie Eilish songs. Like, because we had Hayley on and I didn't know who billy eilish was i think i and then and then this this character billy eilish has 110 million followers so i started thinking okay i probably know who billy eilish is
Starting point is 00:01:57 i if i hear one of the songs dude i played 10 videos i don't know one of her fucking songs not only do i not know one of her songs i started thinking oh this is just feel sorry for yourself music is that what it is i mean i only listen to like 10 seconds of each song but i'm like oh this is like i'm at home it's raining and like life sucks because like like you don't know why life sucks you're just kind of in a tailspin right her life is kind of crazy because she has billy eilish's billy eilish's yeah they did like a some sort of docuseries on her and she had basically said that she like her parents are great she has no like want or need for anything growing up but like her and her brother just started making this
Starting point is 00:02:45 out making out no it's like cry music like depressed music yeah yeah it's depressed me it's yeah yeah it's like the opposite of Bob Marley it's like breakup music like you're gonna listen to when you break up with like when you get broken up with or something like it's I don't like it's vibration
Starting point is 00:03:02 Caleb it's not it's not it's not my vibration some of it's okay but I don't like its vibration, Caleb. It's not in my vibration. Some of it's okay, but yeah, it's definitely odd. You know that we have this skirmish with the wittiest guy going on yeah are you listening and uh people keep sending me screenshots of his uh what he's posting on instagram it's fucking amazing it's like we're in two different rooms yeah it's weird i can't see it either did he he vlogs you yeah which is super specific.
Starting point is 00:03:45 Like he had to go find me and block me cause I've never heard of this guy until yesterday. Yesterday he made, I'll, I'll give you the sentiment yesterday. He made a post on his Instagram account and it said it was a link to this show, um, which was cool of him. Thank you. And it said, um, go watch them complain. Oh, go watch how buttthurt they are that i block
Starting point is 00:04:08 them and at when he said that i realized oh me and him aren't even on the same like you're speaking completely different languages yeah we're not even on the same wavelength road it's like it it's like i'm at a you ever seen people who go to a comedy show like you see videos of someone who's at a comedy show and they drink too much and they start to get angry at the comic they don't like the joke to hit too close to home yeah yeah that's where i feel like like this dude's drank too much and he's in the audience and he forgot he's at a comedy show. Yeah, he's in the crowd. Yeah, he's tripping. He's like, I'm sorry I had to cancel Sevan, but he deserves it because he's, I'm like, cancel me.
Starting point is 00:04:57 A little late, buddy. Dude. He's upset that I, I'm upset you bought me i didn't even uh you're both short what the fuck does that have to do with anything triggered um this chick at uh the norcal classic came up to me and she goes hey just so you know i'm five five and she this chick was fucking two inches taller than me, easy. That was like one of the most hurtful things anyone said. That like, that hit.
Starting point is 00:05:29 That was like a gut punch. Like, how dare you? She's telling me she's 5'5". And she's two inches taller than me. That would be crazy if I was 5'3". I'm going to measure myself today. That would be a good Instagram post. I joke with my wife that she's not actually six feet.
Starting point is 00:05:44 And she gets, she's like, I am six feet. You better measure it soon. If she can get shorter, she gets taller, or older. Okay, I sent you the notes. Oh, no, I didn't. No, I didn't. Is Sousa coming on? Oh, shit.
Starting point is 00:06:01 Was that a battery for your fire alarm? I think I just found it i've been trying to find it all morning wow which one it is i think ladies and gentlemen we're gonna have a trip the entire show that's cool probably every 10-15 minutes wow oh no it's it they're they're closer than that aren't they someone time it someone time it all right for it went off at 5.05. Hal, you were in your nanoshoes probably wearing combat boots. I think we, I mean, she was, I like your thinking, but she was an athlete. She may have even been barefoot.
Starting point is 00:06:45 She was definitely thicker than me, more buff than me, and more lean than me. All at the same time. And prettier than me. It was. Those fucking athletes. What time is it where you're at? Sorry I moved the show yesterday. That's all good. It was 10 o'clock here.
Starting point is 00:07:03 Oh, it's 10 o'clock there now. the show start too late for you is it kind of like when this is over you're like fuck i kind of ruined my morning no i usually wake up around seven and then i get a bunch of stuff done early and then hop on the show do this for a couple hours then i'll go probably eat lunch walk dog, and then work on homework and house stuff for the rest of the day. Oh, homework, you mean like stuff around the house? No, like actual homework, but yeah. Why? Are you going to school? Yeah, I started a master's about a month ago.
Starting point is 00:07:38 Have you told me that and I'm just not listening? No, I haven't said anything about it really. Is it through the Air Force? Not, no it really is it through the air force not no it's not through the air i'm using the va or the gi bill but i'm not taking it through the air force no is it stressing you out um i initially it was but now not so much like i just started getting back into a rhythm and it's normal. Masters in what? Intelligence and security studies.
Starting point is 00:08:11 Oh, shit. Just learning about the different agencies within the U.S. that dictate national security decisions and shit like that. I got a text from someone at Google last night. Really? You are being suppressed i'm working on it really yeah interesting i mean not it wasn't an official google contact no but but it's a listener of the show interesting what's crazy is that's been going on for a couple months now but our numbers are still crushing thank god that uh you know our number we don't have numbers really on rumble or twitter or facebook although we go there but thank god for apple and spotify yeah for sure
Starting point is 00:08:57 yeah i think a lot i think we get a lot of people that watch on there yeah tons right more than here but this is fun because here we get to lot of people that watch on there. Yeah, tons, right. More than here. But this is fun, because here we get to actually interact with the people. Yeah, I like it a lot better. Mr. Rambler, thank you for your service. Beaver. Sure. Jeremy, super nerd. Sure.
Starting point is 00:09:22 Dude, he's got a yoda in the back some other stuff there too jeez louise okay uh let's do we'll start with something funny uh plumber what's up dude thanks for the call yesterday that was cool. You spoke to Saxon Panchik. Oh, that's awesome. Yeah, he called now. He's been busy.
Starting point is 00:09:50 That guy's busy. Plummer? Yeah, he's like touring the nation. Yeah, what is he? Yeah, that's crazy, right? Yeah, he's winning races and getting biceps and shit. What's this mean? Not Yoda, it's a Grogu that's a baby yoda
Starting point is 00:10:06 yeah it's like yoda is the name of the person but then this is grogu who's the same creature but different name oh it's like a species of yoda's the yoda's an actual name. So Yoda's like a lizard and he's what is this species called? I don't remember. But they're both lizards. One's named Grogu, one's named Yoda. Correct. I kind of wish I didn't know it.
Starting point is 00:10:38 So I learned today some shit about Billie Eilish. Let me say something nice about Billie Eilish. Let me say something nice about Billie Eilish. I like the way she looks, that she's just kind of normal. She's got 110 million followers and she's not a whore. Yeah, it is pretty crazy. She does have kind of a crazy body.
Starting point is 00:10:58 She does have a great body? Yeah, it's pretty nice. I perused her Instagram and she wasn't like her body wasn't front and center no I think she does that on purpose but I think there's like a photo shoot with like GQ or something and
Starting point is 00:11:15 he expresses her body a little more no that's cool I mean she's young don't all young people have nice bodies call her hi true True. Not call her hi. Call her hi. There it is. Yep. What's up, fellas? I knew it. How we doing? Good. How are you? Maybe I'm going to add your number. I've never added anyone's number to this.
Starting point is 00:11:40 Plumber. I'm just going to add you to this. Oh, sweet. I know, because we have each other's phone number, but this isn't that one. Yeah. Okay, I just typed it in. Plumber. Plumber, I hardly know her. Hey, I appreciate you still calling in the show
Starting point is 00:11:59 since we've been canceled. You know, we were canceled yesterday. What happened? Is it the... since we've been canceled. You know, we were canceled yesterday. What happened? Is it the... I called this dude out for being... This dude, this guy's part of this whole... I shouldn't say he's part of anything. Is it the Mike?
Starting point is 00:12:18 Yeah, Wittius. He's just another mentally ill dude. Yeah, he's just this delusional, mentally ill dude who thinks that he can just... He's just a bully. He just is going around. He's like some sort of enforcer. He gets his happiness from just bullying people.
Starting point is 00:12:36 And it's like, dude, thank God. Thank God for shows like the Sevan podcast that just won't tolerate the cancel culture and just will accept everyone. I even accept him. I even accept the fact that he's canceled culture i'm thoroughly enjoying this but from the beginning this show has been real and um it's like hey man if we if we're getting canceled then keep canceling us because this we have so many fucking sponsors now it's fucking out of control we have three sponsors waiting to get in touch with suza this week so
Starting point is 00:13:02 it's like fuck but um but i think the majority 99 he did what he doesn't realize is 99 of the people see him for what he is and yet he keeps going it's about time someone does this i hope the athletes stop coming on his show stop coming on the show we're nice to them we help them with their their cause could be to save babies save whales recycle fucking shoelaces We support everyone who comes on the fucking show. I support Billie Eilish now. What the fuck are you talking about? I support you and your... I've given you a
Starting point is 00:13:32 place to perform your little cancel dance. Dude. My goodness. Peace and love. That's it. Have you seen this, dude? Yeah, I've's it. Have you seen this dude? Yeah, I've seen it.
Starting point is 00:13:47 I literally, I was like. He's got a cool Instagram account. He did a great interview. Dude, and like, do you think part of it comes from, right? Like, obviously he is very fit, right? Like, is he just stressed out from doing that? And then like, they didn't get to go to the games this year. Right?
Starting point is 00:14:08 So you think that. That's right. He did he did everything I think he's just lashing out I think he's just lashing out yeah what's crazy is that he did this interview with Schweitzer where he presents himself as being like just cool as shit right like hey
Starting point is 00:14:24 it's all good it it's all love. But it's not. And I think that probably reconciling those two things is... He's got demons. He's just got... He's struggling.
Starting point is 00:14:42 But it's been a stimulating week i'm i mean um been fucking i think everyone's enjoying i think are you enjoying it i'm i'm enjoying it yeah no numbers are good i get to see caleb too big to fail my kid did a uh uh jumped out of the bowl yesterday and did a his highest jump with a 180 on the skateboard I'm sure it's called something. He probably thinks I'm jackass for not knowing but it's It was wild to watch I'm lost. What are you all talking about? Oh blade? Do we have some shit to catch you up? Some shit talking. Some shit talking.
Starting point is 00:15:27 Blade, this guy's got video of me saying the N-word he posted today. He's got video of me saying the N-word. Oh, goodness. God, my kid is fucking cool. Thanks for playing that. That was dope. I was going to just say Thank you for the kind words Caleb Yeah of course dude
Starting point is 00:15:51 You're fucking killing it I'm stoked for you Dude it was crazy It was fun Winning the championship was definitely cool Was it just like a big old party You guys won Fill us in on that
Starting point is 00:16:04 What happened Stefan listen to this So IndyCar Yeah Right we have four Was it just like a big old party? You guys won? Fill us in on that. What happened? Stefan, listen to this. So IndyCar, right? We have four cars, right? And then one of the cars, one of our drivers runs part-time because he's a rookie. So then we brought in another guy to run the oval. So like he didn't get a drive in the Indy 500 because, um, right. He was, he was a rookie this year. Yeah. So the Indy 500 is like the big Indian in Indy race.
Starting point is 00:16:32 It's like a huge, like 500 miles or something like that. Yep. Yeah. It's insane. They shut down a city basically. Um, and it's just one big party, but so right. they shut down a city basically. Um, and it's just one big party,
Starting point is 00:16:47 but so right. We finished one and two in the championship out of all the drivers. And then, um, we took rookie of the year and I've done like some training with him. Um, and then these cars, have you driven one of these? No, no no no have you sat in one no i dude you you got to be a little dissident like max you can like only weigh up to 185 right like you can't be it would not be comfortable um but so took, two rookie of the year. And then we had three cars in the top 10 of every race.
Starting point is 00:17:29 And we, uh, yeah. That's incredible. It was insane. Good team. Hey, what's the name of the team? Chip Ganassi racing. What is it? Uh, Chip Ganassi racing.
Starting point is 00:17:44 Do you have like some huge sponsor like pens oil or some crazy shit um we're sponsored by one of our cars is american legion the other one is ridgeline lubricants and which is like um i just he's one of our you have the word lubricants that you get to say that regularly lubricants yep uh there's we had a swedish driver so he's sponsored by like husky chocolate and then um what else is there oh pnc bank bjorgvin carl gudmundsson and lubricants those are those are some of my favorite things to say lube yeah lube well hey you're the man congratulations thank you yeah what a fun you're with man. Congratulations. Thank you. Yeah, what a fun. You're with winners.
Starting point is 00:18:27 Tell Marcus better luck next year. He'll do it. He's with winners. Yeah. Okay. All right. Love you, dude. Thanks for calling. Yeah. See you, fellas. Bye. He called to say thank you to you. I guess
Starting point is 00:18:43 you're the one who did say something nice about him. Will, great job, dude. I'm so proud of you. You're killing it. Call back. Don't you dare call back. Here's the thing, Blade. This guy, Blade, you were at the competition, right?
Starting point is 00:18:57 And this guy got upset at Lauren Fisher for making a post on her Instagram that was a clip from the movie tropic thunder for all you people who keep saying i'm saying the movie name wrong i keep calling tropic of thunder it doesn't matter but anyway tropic thunder and he said hey that's inappropriate that you use the word retard and then i pointed out to him that he has no problem using explicit racial slurs songs that promote explicit racial slurs all over his instagram and i said what those racial slurs were a not hard r a uh go back to the hayley adams episode it's at the end there
Starting point is 00:19:42 for anyone who would like to clip it i like it how he's telling people he has a video of it. Dude, we have a video. Everyone has a video of it. It's a one hour, 57 minute mark. Quick, Caleb, pull it down. Mike McCaskey, I think Mikey Wittius was responsible for Trisha's crash. It's actually very sad. Do you have any insights into that?
Starting point is 00:20:09 Do you have any – do you know stuff? Like why? You do. You do know stuff. I know something, but I don't – I don't think it's – Like do you know who Trish is? No. I do not.
Starting point is 00:20:24 I have like ideas but do you suspect Trish is a boy I suspect Trish is a boy yes I suspect the same and do you think that Trish died because Trish was tired of maintaining Trish I tried to talk to Sousa about this and he's like he just kept he kept freaking
Starting point is 00:20:40 me out he's like no dude Trish is dead and I started getting like some weird tingly feeling in my back like i was losing touch with reality for a second i was like okay i'm not talking so i appreciate you having a little more real um uh i don't think hey hey how a blade walker imagine other people's words owning your life hey dude not only that the the irony is is that this guy's the one promoting the word he doesn't get the joke of me saying he doesn't get he he's just lost he doesn't get the joke
Starting point is 00:21:19 of why i said it and why i said why the whole thing came out i don't know if joke's the right word the irony the joke the point the lesson he was being offered he's caught himself in a fucking wicked mess here you are promoting this the racial slur while condemning someone else but you're he's just a fucking mess and then in turn now he's trying to say that since i actually said the word out loud but he only says it from his instagram with music he uses it's like i mean it's just he's trying to say that since I actually said the word out loud, but he only says it from his Instagram with music he uses. It's I mean, it's just he's in just a fucking twisted mess. It's like we're watching some guy stuck in just a dwarf stuck in a giant piece of bubble gum. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:21:58 Like, just can you kind of picture that? Like, yeah. Yeah, I agree. OK, it agree. Okay. It's a mess. Good thing you don't have hair, dude. That shit would be fucking... Yeah, I'm watching that tonight.
Starting point is 00:22:16 Jack De La Maddalena. Right before the main event. Versus Kevin Holland. Woo! It's going to be good. It's going to be a crazy fight. I really like both of them. I really like both of them.
Starting point is 00:22:34 Yes. He's a little rapper. I don't think he raps. He's just into rap music that promotes racial slurs. Don't tell anyone. I don't want them to get canceled. That's right. I'm glad that I can be canceled I don't even think that dude can't you can't be canceled
Starting point is 00:22:48 you're already on the you're already on the floor I've taken I've taken flight like one of those little midget flies I've taken flight how crazy is it that Hiller's dog's name is midge I saw how crazy is it that Hiller's dog's name is Midge? When I saw the video, I was like, what the fuck?
Starting point is 00:23:13 How is that even reality? I thought when I saw that, I thought it was hilarious. They were destined to meet, Mikey and Wittius and Hiller. I wonder if they need to hash that out. I guarantee you Hiller does not want to hash that out. Once someone digs kind of their grave with him, he's going to – They're out. Sorry, dude. You erased his Instagram account. Now you're saying you didn't do it, but we've already known.
Starting point is 00:23:41 Man, those people, Wittius and the Chick Steph Hammerman and a couple of those other people, they're basically, they'll go to anyone. Someone shouldn't be allowed to, I hope the street parking people don't talk to them. I hope the athletes don't talk to them. I hope they're just naming everyone. That's called coercion or something. What is that called? Let's find out Andrew Hiller I don't want to talk to a brick wall
Starting point is 00:24:11 I know Well the truth is you did try talking to him Christine Young He's crazy as fuck Something's wrong Something's definitely Yeah coercion I... Yeah, coercion. I think it is coercion.
Starting point is 00:24:30 I don't know about coercion. It's like when you try to leverage or the practice of persuading someone to do something by forcing or threats. Yeah, he's basically, it's like a threat. I have a recording of Sevan saying the N-word, so you better not talk to him and go on his show
Starting point is 00:24:45 uh Andrew Hiller yeah I regret going um trying to talk to him yeah I would too that cost you one Instagram account laughing laughing
Starting point is 00:25:01 uh um where were we stay focused we're going to start with something funny but I think we've done that already oh yeah okay let's go let's go back here I was in the middle of it I didn't finish whatever thought that was but anyway let's do 124 124 is good let's talk
Starting point is 00:25:22 about the amendments amendments yeah that is true eric i did hear that also this is uh breaking news sporty beth is furious at mikey wittius uh for taking her away from the limelight furious that is uh i did also hear that how dare he mikey please go get back at the end of the line we'll come back to you in six months I can't believe there's someone here named front tail makes me want to throw up I seriously don't like that I hate that term
Starting point is 00:26:00 I'm not saying what my boys call it a cock or cock and balls and I'm not saying that that's ideal but it's better than front tail I started calling it a penis because it's funnier okay action
Starting point is 00:26:20 second thing we wrote it's the second thing we wrote out of all the things to write when starting a country the second thing they wrote down is you better get a gun the first thing they wrote down
Starting point is 00:26:42 is you can say what you want and then they were like but you better get a gun if you want to do that. It's the second thing. Hey, has anyone ever threatened you on the internet? Yes. It was a long time ago, though. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:00 That was the first time anyone's ever threatened me that I can remember really Mikey Wittius yeah in my DMs threatened me oh no second time 12 daily doses threatened me too oh yeah of course is it crazy is it weird
Starting point is 00:27:19 it's fucking crazy it's weird it is weird Mikey Wittius is more ambiguous threat it's fucking crazy. It's weird. It's weird. It is weird. His, um, uh, Mikey Wittes is more, is more ambiguous threat.
Starting point is 00:27:29 So it makes it a little more unsettling. You know what I mean? Like, like I didn't know what he was going to do. Uh, um, 12 daily doses told me what he was going to do. Oh,
Starting point is 00:27:40 okay. You know what I mean? Mike, Mike Wittes was like, if you subtly mention me again, dot, dot, dot. So I'm like, fuck, is this dude coming to the skate park?
Starting point is 00:27:56 Like, do I got it? He's going to bring his skateboard and hit you with the trucks. Yeah, like, what the fuck's going on here? What's he going to do? Is he going to call my boss and try to get me fired? Oh, wait.
Starting point is 00:28:09 He's going to call Haley and tell you. Are you going to erase Hiller's Instagram account? Are you going to call the IRS? Crazy what people think they can get away with online. Eric Weiss, Mikey's only a little threat. All right. Oof. The Make Wads Great Again guy, I don't think he ever threatened me. I don't think he threatened me.
Starting point is 00:28:33 If he did, I don't remember. 12 Daily Doses. I'll tell you how that relationship ended. He DM'd me and said, hey, dude, you're erasing our dms together and i said right away that set off my spidey senses right i'm like wait what and i'm like why why is he even how i would never even notice if someone was erasing my dms but so then i go hey dude i don't know how to erase anything he goes you're a fucking liar i've been taking pictures of all our dms i go cool send them over to me i want to see which ones i've erased because i don't even
Starting point is 00:29:03 know i don't know how to rate i don't know how to do any of that stuff. Yeah, I'm on this fucking thread, dude, with like six thousand other people that comes every day. That's just women wanting to fuck and like links to click. And I fucking keep hitting delete or report. I slide it right. I slide it left. I hold my thumb on it. I cannot fucking get this thing out of my inbox
Starting point is 00:29:25 I'm terrified that I'm gonna click it and someone's gonna be looking over my shoulder and it's gonna be like just shit's gonna pop up you know what I mean right I don't fucking know how to I don't take a picture of a DM so I thought I thought to myself okay I said hey dude regardless of whether
Starting point is 00:29:44 I'm erasing them or not, what's it matter? And he goes, I'm going to expose you for the fraud that you are. And I go, hey, dude, please take pictures of all of our DMs. First, I went back and read them all. I'm like, please take pictures of all of our DMs and post them all now. I think it'll be great for your brand. I think my thought was, i know everyone's gonna be like what a piece of shit you know what i mean like no one's gonna see anything i wrote and be like wow
Starting point is 00:30:09 i can't believe someone said that right and that was it and that's it that's why i stopped talking to him i'm not ever gonna i'm not ever gonna um engage with someone who threatens me like why would i do that that's fucking crazy i'm not interested in like I already know what you're capable of at that point I mean if i'm gonna engage you it's gonna be to like It's not gonna be good. It's not it's not It's to finish something not to start something I'm not right. You don't ever come back You it's like go go in the house right now and call your wife fat and see if you can come back from that
Starting point is 00:30:43 Right You're not like you're not coming back from that you're gonna hear about that in 20 years exactly that's gonna come up in an argument like yeah you're like you remember that one time you called me fat yeah but i always find it funny when people uh just say outrageous things like that they're like i would fuck you up dude i would totally i'm gonna fucking do and they've never once experienced any semblance of violence physical or mental in their life yeah but they come up with this story in their head and they just think that oh i have this i'm just so much bigger and stronger and more intellectual and better than the rest of you that i can handle
Starting point is 00:31:25 any problem that ever comes my way no you can't no you can't right you've never experienced anything like that you've never been in that position you've never been in a fistfight you've never been in a verbal altercation you don't know what altercation a bar verbal altercation just like like how about that video that um someone sent us i don't want to say who but in the chat with that guy he's five feet tall and he's screaming and he's in the um no he's in the safeway or something yeah at the checkout yeah and he's like trying to fight everyone and he's like my whole life people have talked shit to me because i'm five feet tall and blah blah fuck you i'll beat anyone's ass and then someone finally steps up and knocks him out
Starting point is 00:32:08 and the first thing he complains about is that he's too late dude you're three times my size it's like of course you're gonna beat my ass yeah what do you think's gonna happen when you start whooping some talking shit to everybody it's crazy oh uh here we go back on track rosemary i miss uh trish too okay so that's what i was asking about trish i wrote trish really big here let me dig around in caleb's brain lit so you is there some stuff you know about trish that you don't necessarily want to say uh no i have some there were there were some like clues like in that page that were just really outlandish that I was like, you think will Branstetter could be Trish?
Starting point is 00:32:47 No, no, it's way too specific. Like the, there's a picture in there of a very specific place that I'm the only person who would know where that's at. Like it's in your neighborhood. It's in your town.
Starting point is 00:33:04 Yes. And, and you know, some, is town yes and and you know some is it a and you know a listen is the person who is that you suspect is trish still a listener i don't know probably do you know have you ever met the person not that i know of crazy some people thought it was like my mom or my sister and my wife no there's no way i know they don't talk like that anyway it's if that was my mom or my wife or my sister i would be i would be like wow you really uh oh if it was any of them it would be it would have to be so wildly deliberate and well like it's crazy yeah it tripped me out when i saw that picture because i'm pretty sure maybe one other person that follows this show knows exactly where that place is
Starting point is 00:34:01 and i am almost certain it's not that person. Someone said, I thought Trish was Alice in NYC because we never see her anymore here. Nah. Whoever Trish is has a very specific sense of humor. Heidi Kroom,
Starting point is 00:34:22 I'll do one better. Go tell your wife you cheated with her sister. Now tell her you're kidding. Hey, Heidi, do you have a story you want to tell us? Hey, yeah, maybe that can be someone said something. Oh, here, Caleb studying intelligence. Maybe that can be your first mission to find out who Trish is. Don't think i
Starting point is 00:34:45 haven't been working on it wow uh trish that's good trish has a dry humor old guy yeah i think old guy too i don't think so no no i think whoever it is is probably like 30 ish wow we all know who trish was i don't wow it's possible the person that i think is that they think is trish is i don't think it's actually them do you ever you ever heard of the um the thing you know uh it's called rodeo the rodeo position you mean like the cowgirl yeah it's kind of like that you're having sex doggy style and you scream out your ex-girlfriend's uh name and then you try to stay in your girl for seven more seconds yes okay yep you heard that's good yes oldie but good oldie but goodie seven more seconds yes okay yep you're that's good yes oldie but good oldie but goodie
Starting point is 00:35:51 that this must hurt coming from the ft all right well we figured out that uh front tail is trish uh geez only trish would insult me like that. Okay, 123. Let's get to the real news here. Let's start with the – we can just start with the – we can start with the bottom one. We can start with the bottom one. Have you heard – have you heard this story yet, this Las Vegas story? Something's going on over there at the MGM Grand? All the properties? Currently, no. Okay, check this out.
Starting point is 00:36:28 Here we go. Why is no one talking about this? This story is a cross between Ocean's Eleven, Mr. Robot, and Swordfish. Bigger and more exciting than the dumb submarine we all cared so much about. But yet, it's not getting the same coverage, the same eyes, the same trend. Approximately a week ago, a group of hackers called Alpha or Black Hat infiltrated MGM Resorts and Caesars Entertainment globally. In a Caesars SEC filing, they admit to paying off the ransomware hacker group tens of millions of dollars, but still lost total rewards members' driver's license
Starting point is 00:37:04 and social security numbers for a significant number of their 65 million members. However, MGM did not make the same deal. According to the hacker's ransomware blog, they have reached out to MGM for negotiation but have not been responded to. They claim all the news around their hack is fake news and have been updating their blog with articles that are manufactured propaganda. Currently, the hackers have all the internal data from MGM resorts, including internal emails, customer data, and financials. Also, the ATMs, credit card machines, slot machines, guest registrations, hotel check-ins, websites for
Starting point is 00:37:41 all properties, reward apps, and internal systems are mostly done. Guests at the resorts have been given physical keys, registration is using Excel spreadsheets to track rooms and housekeeping, and people are walking into guest rooms with people already in there. Elevators are sporadic, not working, or have no security. Hot water is intermittent. not working or have no security, hot water is intermittent, restaurants are resorting to cash only, and there is no resolution to retrieve all your lost data. According to the ransomware blog, Black Hat alleges that they have proof of insider trading amongst the executives. This corporation is riddled with greed, incompetence, and corruption. The kicker, is riddled with greed, incompetence, and corruption. The kicker? How did the group get in?
Starting point is 00:38:32 LinkedIn with a random employee called to the help desk and get some passwords. One of the most secure, highly protected companies in the world was hacked via a 10-minute conversation. This story is nuts. I'm sure it'll make for a good movie one day, as long as it doesn't feature The Rock. But the real question is, how is this not front page news every day of the week? Who's suppressing it? Is it MGM trying to save face and keep it out of the headlines and protect their brand and value? Is it the US government because they don't want you to know how vulnerable these secure systems really are if one of the most secure it infrastructures in the world can be hacked that easily how can they say their electronic voting systems are absolutely secure oh or is this story simple please voting systems secure you remember all that crazy voting shit?
Starting point is 00:39:26 Yeah. It's like one of the rules is voting machines can't have an Ethernet cable attachment even available. And then you look and all the machines have Ethernet cable attachments available. You're like, wait, what? Because they realize if they run it off Wi-Fi, it's not going to work.
Starting point is 00:39:40 Matt Burns trigger alert. Yeah. Like, come on. Jake Chapman, he makes me want to go for a walk uh agree jake i haven't heard a word okay i'll translate to you basically mgm grand has been hacked like like really hacked god it just makes you realize that everything should not be just and on computers and and what a what a mess dude what a mess hey i wonder if they're gonna out anyone this sounds dangerous this sounds like someone's gonna end up dying you think so i mean either way they're gonna try to find these hackers and kill them or someone inside if he has if he i can't imagine the casino business being very on uh on the up and up just by nature it's just there's there's no product it's just
Starting point is 00:40:34 fucking gambling and and money exchanging hands based on people's fucking pathologies right like there's got to be some i wonder if el vegas and people in that industry there's like a higher rate of sociopaths oh there's got to be right yeah i would think drug higher rate of alcoholism fucking uh sociopaths psychotics drug addiction just all that shit absolutely people just want to gamble all the time and then they want to stay awake while they're gambling so they turn to drugs and alcohol and yeah that's pretty wild how does that work how how is it that they're updating how do they they if the hackers have a website so this is bear with me here you have a website and you post to it every day right
Starting point is 00:41:23 isn't there some like trail electronic trail where i can be like see be like okay this came from a house in illinois and the address is 1336 winston street like how do they how do you in like every time i interact with my computer if someone wanted to find my location, they could, right? Like Google knows – someone at YouTube could just type in some shit on the keyboard right now and be like, okay, he's sitting on it, and they know my address, right? Right. Yeah, type – yes, that is true unless you have like a VPN or like some sort of like security around your Ethernet system or your Internet system. Okay, so let's say
Starting point is 00:42:09 my understanding of a VPN then would be that then it goes somewhere first and then let's say I did this YouTube through a VPN. It would go to the VPN in Singapore first and then out to the world. But still, when they trace it back, couldn't they trace it back through the VPN?
Starting point is 00:42:27 Yes. Technically, yes. I think there's probably some greater levels of security that they use, but yeah, that's... Every time you use a VPN, does it slow everything down because it's one more stop? Sometimes, yes. When I was deployed, I used apn and i didn't have any issues with like when you were on the show you would use a vpn wow yeah your connection was
Starting point is 00:42:52 dope most of the time yeah we were able to like whenever we were using it we could stream stuff and we didn't have any issue with it but it's crazy how they work like as soon as you turn it on like before we had no access to netflix or anything like that and as soon as you turn it on and send it back to the united states like your connection comes back and forth and then you can watch whatever you want um uh you can only track p you can track people if you control the server uh these servers are controlled by hackers. Yeah, I haven't gotten to that class yet. Cyber security.
Starting point is 00:43:31 That's next semester. Let's say you check your rogue order live on your podcast. Do you remember that? I don't remember that. I gave my address away or something. The guy wrote back to me in the chat, is this your correct address? Somebody else put their phone number. Hey, that reminds me of the one time
Starting point is 00:43:53 when I accidentally said the N-word on my podcast and a dwarf tried to cancel me. I swear, I'm not even making this up. I'm just joking. I didn't say it accidentally I said it on purpose but the part about the dwarf trying to cancel me god dude this would be a great movie
Starting point is 00:44:11 yeah absolutely I think there's a no not that I'm talking about me and Wittius and Hiller yeah that would be a good movie too I guess short it would be a short movie 15 minute short movie like a college movie like you know what i mean like a like short 15 minute like yeah yeah one you would create for your like
Starting point is 00:44:30 capstone or something uh jake chapman seve audrey sent us a picture of a giant hog the other day did she take the picture did she take the picture or was it just one she found on the internet if she's just one she found on the internet anyone could do that if she took it oh mertens could play me that'd be awesome oh yeah that'd be cool get him a prosthetic nose wear a groucho mask all day for the whole shoot. Did you ever see the movie War Games? Yeah. I watched it a hundred times. I had the VHS tape.
Starting point is 00:45:10 I love that movie. It was cool, right? What was the guy's name? Ferris Bueller was in it? Yeah. That's not his name. Oh, someone sent Audrey a dick pic? Wow.
Starting point is 00:45:27 Okay. Is it someone we know sent it to her her but then she's not telling us who it is and then but then she shared it wow oh Matthew Broderick yeah that's a great movie I got a t-shirt that says global thermonuclear war
Starting point is 00:45:42 oh that's cool I just find that fun to say do you think he's playing war games who Michael Mikey Mr. Wittius
Starting point is 00:45:58 I don't know what he's doing he's threatening my family hi Melissa how are you good to see you let me ask you a trivia question about the show caleb what country does melissa reside in i want to say it was like dubai or something yeah that's what i would guess too. UAE for sure. Do you think you could, if you saw SEMA and Melissa
Starting point is 00:46:27 standing next to each other, you could know the difference? Yes. In your head, are they crisscrossed at all? Scrambled up? No. It does help that I've met SEMA though. Right. Dude, we're Don.
Starting point is 00:46:43 Don. Don. Don. Don Dick. Dick Don. Don. Don. Don. Don Dick. Dick Don. Don K Dick. Donkey Dick? Donkey Dick. Donkey Richard.
Starting point is 00:46:52 Wow. Wow. That's a fake name? Definitely a fake name. Wow. Holy shit. We cracked a code on that shit. Oh, she's in Cape Town now.
Starting point is 00:47:03 Wow. From Dubai. We're crazy suppressed dude we've been for the last two months yeah so that's that but what's crazy is the numbers build up it just takes a while it used to just start like at 150 now it's like 1 7
Starting point is 00:47:24 12 the slow burn like at 150. Now it's like 1, 7, 12. The slow burn. Blade. Good job. Blade's addicted to the show. The boycott starts tomorrow. Yes. Okay.
Starting point is 00:47:36 One. Oh. I'm going to do the second part of that. Oh. I might be going to breakfast. Oh. Oh, no. I'm done with the Vegas story.
Starting point is 00:47:53 That's it. Just worth watching. But there's a... Oh. Whoops. That's not what I meant to send. Greg just called me, and I hit the auto-reply, what you need. Done that to him twice now in like 15 years.
Starting point is 00:48:17 That's supposed to be like, you don't send that one to Greg, what you need. So then I wrote, whoops, that's not what I meant to send you. Fuck. Now I have to call him. Sorry, autocorrect. Okay, you could play this 122. Let's see. Hey, sorry, that was
Starting point is 00:48:36 an auto-response, what you need. That wasn't for you. Oh, I am. But I stopped for a second to call you. Nobody. Just me and Caleb are just going through the news. No, no, no. Do you go to an affiliate in Tennessee, Caleb, near Allen Buck?
Starting point is 00:49:05 No, I do no. Do you go to an affiliate in Tennessee, Caleb, near Allen Buck? No, I do not. No. Oh. Hey, are we going to breakfast? Oh, okay. Okay. I'll be done in a half an hour and i'll call you okay bye i apologize oh my god he's so unprofessional he just takes calls and and and hey just just flip the script just think of this as a reality show. No, not quite. Not quite, Jeremy. 1999. Damn. Not quite.
Starting point is 00:49:48 Nice try, dickhead. It's fucked up. Oh, shit. Rich Holton. It was James Hobart for Trish. That would be fucking amazing. Nope. Definitely not. That
Starting point is 00:50:03 would be amazing Mikey what's up dude what do you want to talk about I talk about how Mikey Swoosh is a pussy oh I thought you were Mikey Swoosh I'm not
Starting point is 00:50:22 hey did you fight I heard you fought Mikey Swoosh in high school over definitely did i met i met a dwarf class they just fucking got it down hold on one second what i think i'm ready to buy a new uh uh podcast machine i'm so fucking sick and tired. Hold on one second. It sucks how this thing, the connections always fuck with every new call. Okay, sorry. Hi, go ahead.
Starting point is 00:50:55 How can I help you? Call her. So, I was watching a couple of older movies movies the other day and it's funny that andrew hiller's uh video popped up about never go full retard with mikey swoosh and uh i counted in like several of them like the word retard being used over 10 times and it was from like movies from like 2011 and past and And it was like, nobody's calling for those people to be canceled. There's directors,
Starting point is 00:51:28 those actresses, his actors and everything. So to do it now and to say that you don't play the victim makes you the biggest giant is pussy I've ever seen. Well, how about the, or one of them, how about the fact that he,
Starting point is 00:51:43 he has the word, he has racial slurs in almost every single song on his Instagram account, but that's okay. What did you see that he tagged? That's the part that I don't understand. He tagged Chandler, Elijah Muhammad, and somebody else. chandler elijah muhammad and somebody else he's like because he said he goes it's really funny that all the people that are supporting lauren fisher in these comments are all white and he's like i wonder how these three would feel and it's like why are you pointing them out that sounds pretty racial oh yeah yeah you're gonna go i go. I'm going to go collect all my black friends now and get them to turn on. Shut the fuck up.
Starting point is 00:52:28 Hey, that's just that's the part he doesn't understand the divisiveness. And yeah, he's just a dick, dude. He's just fucked up. He really is. He is the biggest bully. And to call for somebody's fucking job like Lauren Fisher, like training with training think tank to call her job for putting a fucking movie quote up there and she didn't even say it hey it's the literal fucking movie what would they
Starting point is 00:52:51 well i wonder what would happen if elijah muhammad and chandler were to then turn on him and be like hey dude take all those rap songs off your instagram then what he would be canceled it'd be awesome we'd never see him at the crossfit games ever again either it'd be canceled. It'd be awesome. We'd never see him at the CrossFit Games ever again, either. It'd be great. It's okay. You'll only see him online anyway. I would rehabilitate you, Mr. Swoosh, if you get canceled, Mr. Wittius. He can't be canceled. He doesn't have anything to cancel. But if he could be canceled, I'd love a good bring back story.
Starting point is 00:53:21 I'd love a canceled person. Yeah. He'd be Comeback Player of the Year. Yeah. So I just wanted player of the year. Yeah. So I just wanted to say that. Love what y'all are doing. Yeah. No problem. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:34 It's a bizarre situation to watch publicly unfold. Hey, does any part of you be like, does any part of you like, hey, we're like making fun of the retarded kid? Like he doesn't know what's going on? No. Okay. Sometimes I feel like, you know, like the kid kid who pulls his pants down
Starting point is 00:53:46 at the urinal in the second grade. You want to make fun, but you're kind of like, I don't know, dude. This is really fucked up. It is. I'm a fireman, and I'm an airborne infantryman in the guard.
Starting point is 00:54:08 We call each other retards all day, every day. It's because we did retarded things. Like, if I do something – people are just pussies nowadays. That's what it really comes down to. Like, I'm about to go to jiu-jitsu in an hour, and you know what's probably going to be one of the first words said to me? What's up, retard? What's up, retard's up retard retard i like it when people say retard really just puts the emphasis on it yeah retard bully uh bullets it's fucking stupid so hey what are you guys what belt are you uh Blue belt. Wow. Good job. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:54:47 How many years? On and off since 2017, just because I met my wife, and she lived 90 minutes away. I went to the Army, came back, trained for a long time. Then I had to go – I was already a fireman, but I was switching departments, so I had to go through another academy because that's in their policy. And so I had to stop then. And then my wife's in chiropractic school, so then I had to fucking take up two more jobs. So I hadn't been able to go.
Starting point is 00:55:16 Is it weird when you roll with new – like if there's a new dude there, is it weird at first because it's so intimate? It is until I put my chest in his face yeah okay and he just gets all this taco meat so so so basically it's weird until shit gets real then you kind of all that stuff leaves the like you're not worried about some guy rubbing his fucking dick on your back when he's fucking trying to choke you out all that shit goes out the window yeah the only time it honestly gets fucking weird is whenever they're doing something and they're fucking, their face is really close to my neck and they're just breathing on me.
Starting point is 00:55:51 And I'm like, that's the one. And you chub up. I can stay. And you chub up. Dude. And I'm just like. What about chicks with giant tits?
Starting point is 00:55:59 Like they come in the class. Like my kids have to do this. My kids do this thing where they're always putting their hands on people's chests and like i'm looking at it and they're doing it to like the girls or they're doing it to the girls too i'm like at some point you just can't do that to the girls can you just in class or can you i mean at one point it becomes illegal doesn't it well they do this they do all these drills they're like okay start and close guard and so like my son get on top of some girl and she'll put his hands on his chest and they'll go go and I'm like dude And fucking five years that chicks gonna have some big old, okay
Starting point is 00:56:33 Yeah, no, I know he's talking about so usually they just goes from the chest to the waist Usually like when you break open somebody's like guard if you're in the gi like you'll grab their waist where they're uh like guard, if you're in the gi, you'll grab their waist where their gi is at, like pants or bottoms, grab that. Then you're taking your arm, you're putting it over their knee, you're breaking the guard, your knee cutting, and you're getting through. And it's just different ways of doing it. I mean, the best way to pass a woman's guard, though, is to pinch her nipples as hard as possible.
Starting point is 00:57:04 She's going to let go. To pass a woman's guard, though, is to pinch her nipples as hard as possible. She's going to let go. Heidi writes, hands go right under the tits, Seve. My son, Avi, tapped in a tournament. A chick got him in fucking north-south. I just she wasn't he i'd never seen him submit it wasn't even a submission but he submitted and when she got off him he was crying like what happened he's like i i know and he did not like it that
Starting point is 00:57:50 i liked it i was dying well you probably didn't understand why you liked it why yeah i'm gonna show him the video when he's 15 yeah he doesn't know he's gonna be like i got fucking tapped out by a fucking pussy yeah exactly yeah he did get tapped out by a pussy oh that's what you call that right that's what you call the 69 in jiu-jitsu right north south north south yeah north south that's what i tell my wife too when I'm on a 69 I'm like hey let's just north south each other alright boys y'all have a great day alright thanks for calling not a problem
Starting point is 00:58:37 you have any dwarves on the base no I don't think so I'm pretty sure that's a Do you have any dwarfs on the base? No, I don't think so. I'm pretty sure that's a... You can't join the military if you have dwarfism. Are you serious? Yeah, I'm pretty sure you can't do that. There's somebody who's in the Marine Corps who made it through. He was like 411 or something, but I don't think he has actual dwarfism.
Starting point is 00:59:03 What a crazy stat. The shortest person to get in Marines. 4'7", inch man, completed Marine boot camp in September, possibly making the shortest U.S. service member ever, September 8, 2023. Dude, your stats are old. Caleb, your stats are old. This shit's been updated eight days ago.
Starting point is 00:59:25 Oh. Hey, that's crazy. I think 4'7 is the dwarf height. I think I remember thinking that I was trying to figure out one time if I was a dwarf. Damn, that guy's tiny. Incredible, dude. You found the dude?
Starting point is 00:59:44 Yeah. Incredible dude You found the dude Yeah he uh If you're under like 5 10 I think It says the minimum height requirements 410 dude Right here So you're not lying He must have just
Starting point is 00:59:57 That's how desperate they are One that's how desperate they are Two they probably gave him some sort of waiver The most decorated US soldier One, that's how desperate they are. Two, they probably gave him some sort of waiver. The most decorated U.S. soldier in World War II was only 5'5", Audie Murphy. Oh, Audie Murphy. I think he was a conscious objector too. Oh, really? Yeah, that's another crazy story.
Starting point is 01:00:24 I hate it when I see stuff like this. Can I join the Marines if I'm short? 5'7". Like, fuck. That's short? Yeah, if you think that's short, dude. I'm fucked. You're good. Okay. 4'7".
Starting point is 01:00:34 Hey, how funny was it that during this whole... During Dwarf Week fucking CrossFit podcast had a show that was... The size matter. that was crazy that was he needs to cancel those fuckers i would be like who over it we don't believe in coincidences how does he not go call crossfit call don and be like those guys uh adrian conway's making fun of him adrian conway dan ba Bailey, and Chase Ingram, they did that on purpose. Those guys are friends with Sebon. Yeah, Shut Up and Scribble did a similar show, too. Oh, please tag Adrian Conway, too.
Starting point is 01:01:11 Don't forget that. Speaking of AIs, look at Adrian Conway. Is he wearing lipstick in there? His face is, like, perfect. Damn. He's got very rouge lips his his all his features are like so distinct i want to see him with his hat off right there i bet you adrian was i bet you he was or is a model i bet you yeah i would think so his goatee is very well manicured, too. Insane. Yeah, sharp angles. Insane.
Starting point is 01:01:49 Mike McCaskey, the CF podcast, was the same day. That's fucking nuts. Could be a filter. Oh, just the red lip filter? Yeah, they have those. They do? Yeah. Or I was thinking it could be, what like right before the show he has like a like a cranberry um like my kids take a little bit of cranberry juice and
Starting point is 01:02:13 mix it with water and they make um they freeze it and make um like lollipops they put a popsicle stick in it you know like homemade maybe he made like a homemade popsicle right before he goes on and sucks on it Maybe yeah All right, we're doing a show right now, yeah, damn that sucks I wanted to uh, did we do the Indian joke No, that's this one. Oh, yeah. Okay. Here we go Okay I was in Oklahoma City a couple weeks ago doing jokes about being Indian.
Starting point is 01:02:47 And then after my set, some dude came up and he's like, hey, good set, but I didn't get all the Indian references and I'm Indian too. I was like, oh shit, that's not good. And then he looked closely at my face and I looked closely at his face and I knew we both
Starting point is 01:03:06 had figured out the problem but i wanted him to say it first and he didn't disappoint he leaned in he goes oh you're a dot not a feather i was like yo were you just racist to both of us on behalf of white people at the same time i I'm a computer Indian, not a casino Indian. That's the difference between us. Dude, I'm going to start using that. I always use dot not feather, but casino versus computer Indian. That's so much better. Wow.
Starting point is 01:03:42 I stopped and I played that like five times. I was like, wow wow how did i never think of that shit that's so good conway is not stealing your look you got a good look you got you got more like the the mike tyson look the the mike ty you look like jeremy you look like mike tyson and drake had a kid you're you're a solid solid man maybe even part pitbull part some sort of terrier adrian conway is is supermodel shit you're you're more like you're more like the new james bond what's what's that guy's name the old guy he was in casino royale yeah you're more daniel craig and um uh adrian conway is more Roger Moore.
Starting point is 01:04:28 You know what I mean? Polished. You're more, Jeremy, you're more Ricky Garrard. Like you got a little bit of alligator in you. You're a little crow magnum. Yeah, yeah, that's more Adrian Conway. Yeah, like, oh, just perfect. Prim and proper.
Starting point is 01:04:44 Yeah. Jeremy's kind of guy. You want to go, you're a girl. You want to go camping. You take Jeremy with you. It's a good reference. You're going to travel a lot.
Starting point is 01:04:53 You, you take Jeremy with you. You're going to go to casinos. Get Roger. That's, that's my team. Drake is super gay. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:05:00 That's exactly what I meant. That Jeremy was super gay. Totally. Except when he gets around liberal girls. Yeah, Daniel Craig's amazing, isn't he? God, Daniel Craig. What a fucking stud. Anyway, so I think I like that.
Starting point is 01:05:15 I'm going to use that. Computer versus casino. Yeah, what a stud. So good looking. I love Casino Royale so much. I want to ask Hiller if he thinks that guy juiced up for that role. Got on some goods. Gear.
Starting point is 01:05:29 Gear. I don't know. Got on gear. He just looks like a normal buff guy almost. He's just lean, clean looking. Yeah. I don't know. He got kind of buff.
Starting point is 01:05:42 Oh, he did? I mean, for that movie. Do you think Brad Pitt was on gear in Troy? Yeah. Gear. I want to start using that term more. Gear. He's on the gear.
Starting point is 01:05:54 That makes me sound more old school. Like, I know I'm talking about the gear. Jeremy is to Adrian. Jeremy Eat World is to Adrian Conway what Taylor is to the luggage thief. Holy shit. Holy shit. Why? The luggage
Starting point is 01:06:16 thief. I wonder what happened to that guy. FanDuel Casino's exclusive live dealer studio has your chance at the number one feeling, winning. Which beats even the 27th best feeling, saying I do. Who wants this last parachute? I do.
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Starting point is 01:06:52 brought to you by RBC Student Banking. POV. You're a student listening to an RBC ad. You're learning you can get up to $330 in value with RBC, including $100 when you open a no monthly fee RBC Advantage banking account for students so you can vibe with friends even more this semester pov you're unlocking more perks for
Starting point is 01:07:09 less with rbc up to 330 in value is a combined total of three available offers each in accordance with the respective terms and conditions limit time offer ends october 31st 2024 conditions apply visit student offers uh okay we did we we yesterday we saw how COVID masks were made. Oh, 120. This one's great. This one's great. Brad Pitt was way too small for anabolics. He was on something.
Starting point is 01:07:39 No way Brad Pitt was on gear. No shit. He was way bigger in Troy than any other movie. If you look at him in fight club versus troy it's two completely different body types oh no me and ft got the same idol that sucks because we all gotta get along uh my heart hurts for the next generation what kind of world are we living uh leaving for? Look at all these kids are fucking wearing masks during some sort of like... Is that dude wearing an apron?
Starting point is 01:08:11 Yeah. Dude, do not send your kids to school, people. Do not. Oh, shit, Pool Boy. Billie Eilish has huge tits. She does. Are you kidding me? No, I'm not joking.
Starting point is 01:08:23 I thought she was just a stick. No, she's she she got body. OK, so she's just playing it down. That's her thing. Wow. Wow. Yeah, I'm trying to find a good picture, but there are like none. Wow. Philip Kelly, huge knockers.
Starting point is 01:08:48 Is she 18? Before you pull her up, is she 18? She's like mid-20s. Oh. Wow, Pool Boy says they're absolutely beautiful. So is Dick Butter. Wow. People have seen them?
Starting point is 01:09:06 Hey, Jake Chapman, why are you objectifying women? Why do you think we're just objectifying women? No. Yeah, dude. Wow. It doesn't make sense. Wow. Okay, so they are huge.
Starting point is 01:09:28 She has to wear like the two, she double bras to keep it all together. Probably. Hey, does she have a good voice? Like a speaking voice? Just like, does she sing good? Like I listened to, like I didn't, I listened to 10 videos.
Starting point is 01:09:43 I watched like 10 seconds of each and I wasn't like, holy shit, this is like, like if I listen to Adele, I watched like 10 seconds of each and I wasn't like holy shit this is like if I listen to Adele I'm like damn oh she doesn't have like that kind of range I don't think I think maybe one song she gets or who is the chick with the big nose
Starting point is 01:09:58 with the black hair who died who is a drug addict her voice is crazy drive you crazy make you hard fuck there was a drug addict. Her voice is crazy. Drive you crazy. Make you hard. Fuck. There was a documentary on her. God, she was fucking nuts. Long black hair, big nose, drug addict.
Starting point is 01:10:18 Amy Winehouse. Thank you. God damn. Her voice is crazy. For sure. Yeah. Okay. number 120. Please, please, just, just, hey, dude, just leave your kid at home
Starting point is 01:10:31 and turn the TV on. I'm serious. It's fine. With a bag of Doritos. It's fine. On the drag queen go, shimmy, shimmy, shimmy. Anybody know what a shimmy is?
Starting point is 01:10:44 Shimmy, shimmy, shimmy. I think I have that in my head. you have a room full of kids wearing masks with a guy reading to them about drag queens i don don't know if that's a guy, by the way. I apologize if it's not. And I'm miss-sexing him. Fucking nuts, dude. Hey, there's people listening to the show right now whose kids are going to experience this tomorrow. Tomorrow's Sunday, but...
Starting point is 01:11:22 Well, it's going to be at their church. Rambler, she's thick yeah I didn't I didn't know she was thick either three C's yeah alright uh 119 sign language I know this is this is a great bit
Starting point is 01:11:44 here great bit here Great bit This is the kind of stuff I wish I would come up with Here we go, enjoy I'm a little distracted This is the first show I've ever done with an interpreter This is what they do right now I'm trying to learn a new shape Retard
Starting point is 01:12:02 Retard Retard Retard. Retard. Retard. Retard. Retard. Retard. Retard. Retard. Democrat.
Starting point is 01:12:10 Democrat. This is the same thing. This is the same thing. This is the same thing. This is the same thing. Democrat. Democrat. Retard.
Starting point is 01:12:18 Retard. Democrat. Democrat. Can we pause this for a second? Hey, think of how many levels this is like offensive on because it's a lady doing sign language and he's incorporated deaf people and then it's like
Starting point is 01:12:30 the same thing between then he's using the word retard and then filling it with democrat it's like god it's like a hey this body is nuts this body is nuts can you body is nuts. Can you make it just me?
Starting point is 01:12:54 It's crazy. Those are real? I think those are real. I'm pretty sure those are real. Yeah, she's crazy thick. Yeah. Like Nicole Anna Smith. Do you know who that is? are real i'm pretty sure those are real yeah she's crazy thick yeah um like nicole anna smith do you know who that is from the old calvin klein days yeah wow hey thanks for sending that to me pool boy that's crazy wow i am i did save that photo what do you mean mike mccaskey said he's
Starting point is 01:13:22 gonna um oh those are really fake oh that sucks i don't think those are fake no way those are not fake i think they're i think they're just put just huge and and like um um pushed up pushed up and oh sorry captain rogers anna nicole what i say nicole anna alcohol fetal syndrome fetal alcohol syndrome Anna Nicole. Would I say Nicole Anna? Alcohol fetal syndrome? Fetal alcohol syndrome? Yikes. I used to work with people who were in that category, and I would always get it confused.
Starting point is 01:14:01 Yeah, we all know what it'll look like in 20 years, and I'm okay with it. Caleb's got different views. I'm okay with what it looks like in 20 years and i'm okay with it caleb's got different views i'm okay with what it looks like in 60 years yeah judy that is a tragic story right what a tragic tragic story son ods and then she ods what a mess anyway who would have thought that the sign language retard and um democrat are the same, but that's kind of cool. 118, I think this might be Trish's motorhome. Oh, and this link might not work because the whole account's been taken down, right? Yep, it's gone.
Starting point is 01:14:36 So what happened? Trish, Ron posted that Trish died and posted a picture, and then the whole account was taken down? Yep. Why would you do that? Excuse me, why picture and then the whole account was taken down? Yep. Why would you do that? Excuse me, why would you take the whole account down? Why would someone do that? Why not just leave it up and just that's the last post? Just cleanse the internet of
Starting point is 01:14:57 any semblance of Trish. You think that person got... That way I can't go back and look through those posts again. Good thing I kept receipts. I don't know. If anyone's looking for. Jesus Christ. Great.
Starting point is 01:15:20 Yeah. Someone blocked that. I usually don't mind the porn stuff, but like that person doesn't even look of age. Someone blocked that shit I usually don't mind the porn stuff, but that person doesn't even look of age. Someone blocked that shit. Jake Chapman, death is hard to accept, Sevan. I would have talked about it anyway, Mr. Rogers. You're saying they took it down so we talk about it.
Starting point is 01:15:38 I talk about it anyway. I want to pull up the photo. It was a great photo of a crashed motorhome, wasn't it? It was great. Yeah, it was good. I don't even see it. Yeah, it was good. I don't even see it. Yeah, it's gone. Are we talking about Dick Butter? The account
Starting point is 01:15:51 isn't fully deleted? Oh, you mean it's there but with no posts? No, it's not there at all. It's not? No, I tried to find it last night. Okay, one, Philip Kelly knows who Trish is I think right someone knows I think uh Wadzambi knows there's someone who knows everything oh look at someone blocked the porn ad that's cool that. Yeah, I did that. Oh.
Starting point is 01:16:27 Good job. Okay, 117, gay. I don't know what this is. Just gay. This is just gay. I hope it's really gay. Not derogatory gay. Hi, Rosie. Oh, yeah, this is really gay. This is good. I like this.
Starting point is 01:16:42 Here we go. You talk about gay people. Everybody gets all worked up. Stop it. They're sensitive. Why? Because they suck dick? Stop it. Okay, because they suck dick, they get to have a parade and fuck up traffic for three days. What the fuck is that? Girls, y'all suck dick.
Starting point is 01:17:03 Where's your parade? Right. Where's your parade? And don't get it twisted. I'm not homophobic, okay? I'm just saying, okay, I ain't willing to take a 15-mile detour so little bunny poopoo can walk up and down the street going, yay for dick, I like it in the butt.
Starting point is 01:17:24 Not when gas is $2.23 a gallon. Fuck you bubbles. Go suck dick in your bedroom. I ain't got no problem there. Just get the fuck out of the road. And gay people just take shit that used to be everybody's and make it gay. Remember when you was a kid, you just draw a picture
Starting point is 01:17:44 of your house, you put a nice big rainbow in the sky? Gay. They done took the rainbow. I want the rainbow back. You can't have the rainbow, goddammit. We didn't vote on this shit. I didn't get an email. Fuck you greedy bastards. How many colors do you need, goddammit? You already got pink and now you need the whole fucking spectrum? Jesus Christ. And what the fuck does a rainbow have to do with sucking dick anyway Every every picture in my fucking house has a rainbow in it my kids are like rainbow aficionados That's awesome. Ralphie in this video looks like every blue hair lib on Twitter.
Starting point is 01:18:31 That's who that comedian is, Ralphie? Yeah. It said in the background big black comedy or something. Is that a black guy? No, I'm pretty sure he's white. I don't even know anymore. Oh, my God. I fell down the fucking is,
Starting point is 01:18:46 is, is Barack Obama gay? Um, rabbit hole, rabbit hole. Have you seen, have you seen, he's a hundred percent gay. He admits to being gay.
Starting point is 01:18:59 Really? Have you seen the letters he wrote when he was in college to his ex girlfriend? Oh, Oh dude. Hey, he, have you seen the letters he wrote when he was in college to his ex-girlfriend oh dude hey he he was exploring a non-gender mind ahead of his time wow
Starting point is 01:19:15 well you know uh michelle's actually a dude oh and that rabbit hole is scary as fuck are you talking about the video where she's dancing and you see a penis hitting and then and then and then so then i i looked it up and they're like hey that's a cell phone in her pocket and i'm like dude those pants don't even have any pockets yeah it's also like dangling in between her legs
Starting point is 01:19:39 has that crossed over if if this is if this is conspiracy theory right like and then this is fact right so like the covet shot stops you from getting transmitting or getting um uh the virus used to be conspiracy theory and then it crossed over into fact, right? Where is the Obama is a Michelle is a man. Is it, you think it's crossed over into like some fact? I think there's, yeah, I think it's close.
Starting point is 01:20:16 What about the, what about the guy on the internet who offered a hundred thousand dollars to show pictures of her pregnant? Can we, I just want to, I'll pay anyone a hundred thousand dollars if they can provide just one pictures of her um pregnant can we i just want i'll pay anyone a hundred thousand dollars if they can provide just one picture of her pregnant you see i make love to men daily but in the imagination yeah that's what i read yesterday i always thought
Starting point is 01:20:37 that that gay really just meant that who you met i always thought that if you need a litmus test for your sexuality it's who you masturbate to okay like from a young age I was like yeah well someone be like how would you know if you're gay or not well who do you jerk off to it's a reasonable litmus test yeah I find Michelle Obama very attractive.
Starting point is 01:21:05 I'm sorry, Michael Obama. I like big women, though. That would make sense. I mean, I didn't know I was if I am. Never masturbated to a man. That's... Fuck, wow. That's crazy.
Starting point is 01:21:24 Crazy. that's crazy crazy and yeah that part was weird too right clock endless farce of earthly life dude hates humanity yeah there is a whole hatred of kind of reality in there right like he does not want to accept reality. So, anyone can jerk off to two hot lesbians? I know there's a good joke in there. I'm not quite sure I get it. Anyway, that's kind of an interesting story very
Starting point is 01:22:05 I don't mind I don't mind if he's straight I don't mind if he's gay I don't mind if he's black I don't mind if he's white but the delusionary part is unsettling yeah
Starting point is 01:22:21 as the president of the United States I don't want him to be delusional If you are a man and masturbate to a trans woman Are you gay or straight? If you know it's a trans woman You're talking about a man who dresses as a woman Then you're gay You have some gay in you
Starting point is 01:22:40 Okay I'm gay in you. Okay. Stop. So, look at... This person even talks. This person even talks like him. This is nuts. They talk like Trish. Oh. Oh, shit. Oh, shit. oh oh shit oh shit god this is a weird environment we've created
Starting point is 01:23:14 uh 116 it's fluid speaking of weird realities uh 116, the former president of the United States, Ronald Reagan, would like to speak to us. This was a Democratic fundraising rally at a hotel. And outside, when all of them were coming out, there was a kid there with a bunch of puppies. And he was trying to sell them. And he was saying, come buy a Democrat puppy. Buy a Democrat puppy. Two weeks later, the Republicans held a fundraiser in the same hall, and there was the same kid with the same puppies. When they were coming out, he was saying, buy a
Starting point is 01:23:56 Republican puppy. Well, one of the press, a newspaper man who'd seen him two weeks before, said, hey, kid, wait a minute. Two weeks weeks ago you were trying to sell these puppies as democrats what are you doing here now trying to sell them as republicans kid says now they got their eyes open this was a democrat i'm so behind that seems so apropos to 2023 doesn't it? Yeah, absolutely. I'm so behind. I can't believe he said this in the 90s. That's pretty wild. When I was programmed to hate him. Or the 80s. Sorry, the 80s.
Starting point is 01:24:35 That's perfect. Jake Chapman. Gotta hate politics. Jake just wants us to talk about hogs all day uh Miss Winston man I love hogs oh no man
Starting point is 01:24:59 I read Twittius's Michael Twittius's post. We have a new champion for moral virtue. What's going on over there? Andrew Poet made a video about him today. Have you seen that? Yes.
Starting point is 01:25:16 That's awesome. Oh my god, this thing is fucking on fire. Holy shit. Oh my god, it already has fucking 86 comments. Woo. That's great. my goodness that's great
Starting point is 01:25:48 uh It just goes on and on. Shitting on you for Tropic of Thunder check my community post to see the next what's really disappointing is he doesn't have an Instagram. Damn. Did you see this? Damn. Someone wrote in the comments, it's a hater.
Starting point is 01:27:07 I think this guy is always a hater. This guy rides my jock so hard. His name is DC100DC100. It says, the condition is dwarfism. Actually, that's not true. That's a presupposition right there. The name for the condition is dwarfism, and the fact that it's a condition is also speculative, but whatever, subjective. But let's go on. The
Starting point is 01:27:29 condition is dwarfism, so dwarf is necessary. So dwarf if necessary. So dwarf if necessary. This may come from a lack of knowledge, but once you've been educated, it's wrong. This is like seven saying that calling a black person a monkey isn't racist well and by itself it isn't racist unless you think it's racist that's the whole point this god man there are some fucking straight dumb retarded people out there this is amazing that's crazy uh uh
Starting point is 01:28:16 that's just all misdirection shit by the way that person's post it's like to try to incite violence by saying that by bringing that up by saying that i said that that's just like a rally call for idiots you know what i mean it's like if you see a bunch of zombies and you shoot up a flare and then they all come running to you virtue signaling some might say yeah this is uh wow congratulations Andrew your fucking account is on fire
Starting point is 01:28:53 holy shit he went from the most humble man in fitness to the biggest bully in fitness oh my goodness. Did you see the this like tweet or post or whatever? I didn't and won't, but I will and am.
Starting point is 01:29:18 The hypocrisy continues. Both are messages that have been forwarded to me from people in the community having conversations with Michael Wittius. Hey, you got Hiller's number. I want to talk. I didn't do shit to him. And he makes a video about me canceling him, which I didn't. I would have canceled Sevan over him if I could, but I didn't and won't. But just so you know, this guy sent me a threatening DM, this Michael Wittius guy. I didn't understand the threat at the time. Now I understand it.
Starting point is 01:29:50 He's basically saying he's going to take a clip from my account where I accuse him of spreading racial slurs and use it against me because I said the racial slur out loud. Guess what? Guess what? CrossFit is involved. They are handling it. The more of them that keep jumping into attack me, the more we'll be punished. I've talked to the heads of the company. They don't want another Greg like situation for the company. And seven is doing that with all of his followers. Oh,
Starting point is 01:30:15 so, so he's saying he spoke to Don. Is that what he's saying? Sounds like it. Yeah. Oh yeah. What do you think they're going. Oh, yeah? What do you think they're going to do, dude? What do you think they're going to do, Mr. Weirdius?
Starting point is 01:30:31 Tell me. Are they going to make it so I can't come to my office every morning at 7 a.m. and do my show? Dude, imagine posting that. Michael, what if I told you I talked to Don yesterday and the day before and the day before and the day before too? Then what would you say? What if I start posting that stuff?
Starting point is 01:30:54 What if I told you I talked to Don's boss yesterday? Dang. The head of the board yesterday. Do you tell him about all the songs that he used that were racist? Yeah. What if I told him that, hey, we got a racist dwarf in the midst? board yesterday do you tell him about all the songs that he used that were racist yeah what if i told him that hey we got a we got a racist dwarf in the midst he's promoting he's promoting yeah who's promote who feels like it's important every time he lifts that some rapper says uh
Starting point is 01:31:16 racial slurs i told him that i i have clips of you doing that yeah of working out to racial slurs sent them over and you and your head is shaved you have the total kkk sorry sorry k i'm too close to home killer wears a hat it's different it's different um savon did you get it dm or screenshot of mikey saying he's been in contact with CFHQ and they're handling it as they don't want another Greg situation I just I honestly I have not been following it that close people have been sending me stuff
Starting point is 01:31:54 I'm but that was the first time when Kayla pulled that up that's the first time I've seen any of that stuff but nothing surprises me that what this guy do, what this guy does. Basically, this is what I think. If you want a good metaphor for what happened. Basically, this guy is a fish that jumped onto the deck of a boat.
Starting point is 01:32:20 And now he's flopping around and he's going to and he's probably going to die on the deck of the boat because no one's gonna kick him back in the water i mean he has he's he's and he's gonna do some desperate shit he's probably crazy desperate like cancel people's instagram accounts call hq i mean like what do you think don's gonna be like wait a second do you think don's gonna look at that clip of me pointing out to you that you're a uh and that he's going to think that I'm a racist because I'm pointing out that you're a racist? And even if he does, what's anyone going to do to me? I'm going to be here every morning at 7 a.m. Go, FY. I'm assuming this is a quote from mikey uh widius the podium ceremony left a bad taste in my mouth for sure getting treated as a misfit toy and not even receiving the same shirt as the podium finishers was shocking oh fuck dude the fact that you were he really wrote that somewhere
Starting point is 01:33:21 yeah god this guy's wild at some point it's like we're beating up our sister with our disabled sister. Little sister. At some point, we gotta stop. Or I gotta stop. But not yet. Oh my goodness. This is crazy that he wrote this.
Starting point is 01:33:43 I'm assuming this is a direct quote from his Instagram account. Had to be. That's fucking crazy. Wow. My shirt. Vindicate. CrossFit's going to tell someone that he can't use the footage from the games that he shot on his own dime. And is distributing on his own.
Starting point is 01:34:05 That would be amazing. That would be fucking crazy. At the end of the day, you have to everyone please understand. I'm going to get off this mic. I'm going to go to jujitsu then the skate park then tennis and then talk to all my friends and play and laugh and then come back and do the show again and the show is absolutely murdering it and i guess i'm just saying this because at some point, Whittier should just walk away. Mikey, if you're listening, the only way this goes away for you is you have to leave it alone.
Starting point is 01:34:53 You have to go find something to do and let like six months pass. If you keep like fucking around, we're just going to keep – you're just getting – you're like a marionette and everyone's just playing you, dude. You got to stop. You're like the fucking mouse that's almost dead that all the cats are just slapping around. It's fucked up. It is fucked up. How narcissist can someone be to try to cancel someone and get a mob to support your cause? Someone hurt your feelings rather than just turn off and not pay attention to it man up and grow up yeah well it's
Starting point is 01:35:29 worse than that he's he's actually he's he's just so inconsistent basically a hypocrite that's the crazy part and he doesn't realize that yet it's crazy. All right. How are we on time? Oh, 830. Let's see. Ronald Reagan. What's this one? I'm not wearing a mask for anyone.
Starting point is 01:35:53 114. Oh, by the way, I should bring it up tomorrow. I got good news. Good news. What's up? Oh, for tomorrow. Oh, here we go. This is nuts. Nuts, nuts, nuts, nuts, nuts.
Starting point is 01:36:11 Watch this. This is this guy's at Dunkin Donuts. Here we go. This is a pumpkin swirl frozen coffee. Who the thought it was a good idea to put this on the menu? Because this drink has 185 grams of sugar in here. How much is it? It's this much. It's 46 teaspoons of sugar. To give you another perspective, the amount of sugar in there is equal to 14 glazed donuts. Plus,
Starting point is 01:36:43 there's no pumpkin in here. It's artificial flavors. There's 12 mentions of sugar and high fructose corn syrup in there. There's 930 calories and 194 carbs. Two-thirds of us are already type 2 diabetic or pre-diabetic. If America runs on this, we're f***ed. Hey. 14 donuts? America runs on this. We're f***ed. Hey.
Starting point is 01:37:06 14 donuts? I couldn't even eat 14 donuts in one sitting. If I tried. I don't know the guy's name or what channel that is. But when I saw that, I was like... I wonder what... I think if I drank that something would happen to me I don't think I'm
Starting point is 01:37:30 capable of drinking that I'd start having palpitations probably yeah totally yeah I was thinking hey I was totally thinking that I'd rather have 14 donuts totally for sure that's so funny I was have 14 donuts. Totally. For sure. That's so funny. I was like, 14 donuts?
Starting point is 01:37:48 Why would I want to drink 14 donuts? Yeah, I'd rather eat them for sure. Dennis O'Leary, Bobby Parrish. Wow. That's his name. Caller, hi. Hey. Hey, what's up, Caleb?
Starting point is 01:38:17 Hey, what's up? So, I got a guy I kind of work with. He's very overweight. Wait, hold on. Sorry, hold on one second. Sorry, hold on one second. Of course, my shit's all fucked up again. I'm going to buy a new Rodecaster today. Hold on, hold on, hold on.
Starting point is 01:38:39 Okay, you're back. Go ahead. Okay, so you have a client. Hello? Hello? Oh, shit. Are you have a client. Hello. Hello. Oh shit. Are you there? Okay.
Starting point is 01:38:49 Wait. Okay. Take seven. Go ahead. So just to show you how addictive these drinks are. I got a buddy of mine who I work with. He is very overweight, huge belly.
Starting point is 01:39:04 Can't even barely walk. I told him, dude, you got to CrossFit. You got to get out and move. He is very overweight, huge belly, can't even barely walk. I told him, dude, you got to CrossFit. You got to get out and move. He goes, yeah, I'm trying to watch what I eat. I'll watch what I eat. But if I have to go without my caramel large macchiato from Dunkin' Donuts, that's the sword I will
Starting point is 01:39:19 die on. I was like, dude, if that's the case, then you're going to fucking die. I don't understand it you did tell him that you did tell him that yeah yeah i said you are going to have a heart attack and you are going to die say well then i can't live without my caramel macchiato i'm like well then i don't fucking tell you then dude fucking fucking nuts i used to i used to go to starbucks order a frappuccino and and ask for extra caramel squeezed on it. And then I started doing CrossFit, and I started getting educated in the ways, and I stopped doing that.
Starting point is 01:39:53 Then, I think it was at the two—I hadn't done that probably in five years. And then at the 2000—it was the last year. I didn't cover the games. It must have been 2020. It was the COVID year, I think, when they were doing some dress rehearsals for the games. Dave was didn't cover the games it must have been 2020 it was the COVID year I think when they were doing some dress rehearsals for the games Dave was testing one of the games I went to Starbucks and I got one
Starting point is 01:40:10 and I ordered that and I probably hadn't ordered it in five years and I got halfway through it and something happened to me like I like like Kayla was saying like I started having some heart palpitations and shit I was like wow I'm not I'm not this shit's fucking dangerous and yet those people your body realizes palpitations and shit. I was like, wow, I'm not I'm not. This shit's fucking dangerous.
Starting point is 01:40:26 And yet those people. Your body realizes your body realizes it was poison. Yeah, it was crazy. Joe Westland says, I haven't been to Dunkin' in years, but I'm curious what it tastes like and what it will do to my body. Tell me what happens if you drink that whole thing. Have a
Starting point is 01:40:42 defibrillator. I could I had to go on a three-week diet. I couldn't have any dairy. I couldn't have any fish, no salt. I could only eat beef and fruits and vegetables. I started drinking my coffee black. No sweetener, no nothing
Starting point is 01:40:58 because I only put a little bit of milk. I started going back to the milk three weeks later. I couldn't do it. Even a little bit of milk was a huge difference in black coffee. I recently just switched to pretty much strict black coffee too. And I feel so much better. It's crazy. And I would,
Starting point is 01:41:15 I would justify coffee. I would justify a little heavy cream, but now I'm like totally fine. Maybe, maybe, maybe I do do that. Not very more fruit and heavy cream? Maybe. I do do that. Not very often, but I do do that.
Starting point is 01:41:28 But maybe our taste buds are changing because we're getting older. How old are you? Are you 45? Yeah, I'm turning 50 in March. Okay, and I'm 51. Maybe our taste buds are changing. Yeah, I think so. I'm starting to like foods that I didn't like before,
Starting point is 01:41:43 and now the tide is changing. Yeah, you're probably right. Anyway, my point of that video was, as long as people are drinking those, I'm not wearing a mask for anyone. We live in a world where people drink that shit. Fuck you. You're on your own. I kind of told my mom and my sister yesterday, because my sister's got a two-year-old. I showed her that Hulkle video, because we live here in New York. That video is scary. Which one is that?
Starting point is 01:42:12 Oh, the woman saying that six-month-old babies need to get the shot, and if you don't, you're being mean to your baby? Yeah, they're going to be in a cold, scary, dark place that they don't know. And I'm like, my mom's so liberal. She'll vote for Hulkle every day of the week. And I said, you cannot vote for this woman again. What the hell is wrong with you? Oh, I'm so glad to hear you're in this position.
Starting point is 01:42:32 God, misery loves company. This is so great. What did she say? Are you making any progress on your mom? No. No. People like to think that Hispanics are very liberal, but in the heart of hearts, they are conservative. It's just that they have been brainwashed here in New York to just vote Democrat.
Starting point is 01:42:54 Curtis Sliwa, he was a really good candidate. Now look at Adams. Adams doesn't even care anymore. He sided with Joe Biden. He wanted to run that platform. And now he's crying poverty that New York has to spend $12 billion a year on the homeless crisis. You're talking about the mayor? Yeah, Mayor Adams. Yeah, yeah, yeah. The mayor in LA is now freaking out too.
Starting point is 01:43:20 Completely freaking out. You know, just like you live in a nice area in California, completely freaking out. Just like you live in a nice area in California, I live in a very Republican area in Long Island. So I'm kind of comfortable here. But for the most part, it is a shithole. Yeah, my area is not Republican at all.
Starting point is 01:43:39 But it's just that I'm out in the sticks. I mean, relative to most people. And they leave you alone. Yeah, everyone leaves you alone. Yeah, everyone leaves you alone. And actually, what is interesting is there are a lot of American flags around here.
Starting point is 01:43:53 So maybe I'm wrong, but man, you should see our downtown, which is like seven miles from me. Man, it's weirdo central. Yeah, the tide has turned in Manhattan. It smells of weed. It's people, there's bums everywhere.
Starting point is 01:44:13 The crime is crazy. It's like a different world. No one wants to go there anymore. Jethro, when I was a kid, they had all these rules in Santa Cruz. I was a hippie, and they would never let us, like, they wouldn't let the hippies really on the sidewalks like we weren't even allowed to like we couldn't go into a grocery store buy some food and like sit down on the ground and eat
Starting point is 01:44:29 right. We weren't allowed to bring our dogs anywhere but there were no homeless people. Now that street that I wasn't allowed to just hang out on as a fucking you know 20 year old hippie is completely littered with fucking fentanyl addicts. I actually saw my first person odine on
Starting point is 01:44:45 trank oh that's a new shit right yeah that new shit i saw it it was crazy and they do they bend over and they start like what they're like a praying mantis they start doing they like completely bend over but they stay on their feet and they start doing some crazy movements it's nuts and it was at my kid's skate park that's another thing that's crazy so like when i see crazy shit at the skate park i'm like all right i i know that no one cares about my kids like now nothing you say matters to me i don't i don't give a fuck about anything you say after that fuck you and your climate change anything black lives matter climate change lgbz fuck you you don't care about kids because you let fucking trank users at the skate park i'm done i'm done
Starting point is 01:45:24 it's a vicious it's a vicious cycle because you vote these people in who don't care about kids because you let fucking Trank users at the skate park I'm done It's a vicious cycle because you vote these people in Who don't let the cops do their job When the cops get called Why would I take care of a homeless person And maybe have to arrest them And maybe even shoot them because they're attacking me Why bother Because no one's going to defend me in court
Starting point is 01:45:40 It's a vicious cycle Crime has become okay Yeah well That's what you got Well I'm glad you live in a good neighborhood Congratulations that's good And I'm glad I live in a good neighborhood Yeah thanks man
Starting point is 01:45:54 Alright cool have a great weekend guys Okay bye Later dude Oh 103 I'll finish this show I'll finish this show with this if um uh mikey wants to do get on a mikey uh withius wants to get on a bandwagon like to do something that really matters you want to stop but by the way i don't know if you know this but at its core at its foundation
Starting point is 01:46:21 uh nazism fascism totalitarianism, all that shit requires the government to control words. Requires the government to control words. That's what you're trying to do. You're trying to control speech and words. At its foundation, that's like the first thing that has to be done. You can see it in all the fucking – it it's in uh how to be a nazi control the words so let go of the words stop worrying about the words so much that's not really your specialty and go after something that's real like sugar just focus on that let the people who
Starting point is 01:47:02 who say words let them free it's delusional shit anyway you're doing it's coward shit and you're just a tool of the fucking fascist regime and go after this, this guy on the right here is the fucking president of fucking Instagram
Starting point is 01:47:20 and here he is drinking cokes on a podcast that should be your worry. That should be your concern. Not that he can't drink Coke. Drink all the Coke you want. But that he's condoning this behavior. That he's condoning this behavior.
Starting point is 01:47:43 They're not even open. That's the funny part. I think eventually he opens it and starts drinking it. It's like, dude, do stuff. This guy is one of the, this guy arguably is the biggest influencer on planet Earth. He controls all the other influencers.
Starting point is 01:48:03 And he's got a coke out. Why don't you write him 10. Instead of getting Hiller kicked off of Instagram. Write him 10 nice letters. And be like hey dude. It would be cool. I have kids and I want this to be a good world for them. Why don't you just drink water at the table.
Starting point is 01:48:22 It's much more powerful. It's real. What you're doing isn't even real real real real r-e-a-l That guy masks his kids too. He had a bunch of posts where his kids are wearing masks as they're riding their bikes around Golden Gate Park. Sad. We were just talking about all the nonsense. All the what?
Starting point is 01:49:01 All the regulations and rules that we had to follow in the military and the hospital. Yeah. We had to sign in every morning and say, hey, we don't have any symptoms. And if we didn't, we were going to get reprimanded. There were sheets of paper on the doors that you had to check in. And if you signed it saying you did not have any symptoms and you actually had symptoms, you were going to get reprimanded for it. How would they know? If you say you're not coughing, but and you actually had symptoms, you were going to get reprimanded for it. How would they know?
Starting point is 01:49:26 Like if you say you're not coughing, but they see you coughing? Yeah. Caller, hi. What are you, a horse? Sounds like you're a horse walking in grass. No, I just got done with the run. This is Harry Paratestes. Oh, hey, what's up, Mr. Testes?
Starting point is 01:49:41 It's hanging low. I understand. I was calling in. I calling in i was listening to you while i was running and uh you know you're talking about redefining language and finding out what's real or not and um i'm a therapist and i work with schizophrenia a lot and one of the things we do is this technique called reality checking. And so like, if I'm sitting in, you know, a normal therapy session with somebody with schizophrenia and they're like, Hey, there's somebody in this room, you know, or they're telling me about hallucinations, I'll sit there
Starting point is 01:50:15 and I'll go, okay, can you touch them? And they'll like get up and they'll walk across the room to where this thing is. They'll try and reach out and they're like no i'm like does it talk to you and you know it's different for different cases and whatnot but you go through this like iterative process of eliminating all of these senses and at the very end of the process of just reality checking you're like okay so if none of that's real you can't feel it i don't see it nobody that you ask sees it How do you know it's real? And so they eventually get to this point where they're like, oh, maybe my perception is a really unreliable determinant of reality. And it seems like, you know, in Mikey's case,
Starting point is 01:50:59 he's got all these perceptions of words, of behaviors, of intentions. And unfortunately, sympathetically, nobody's in his circle to say, hey, so is any of this real? Did Lauren Fisher cause any tangible harm? Or is this just your perception that nobody else is experiencing in objective reality? It's just interesting. Hey, dude. And here's the thing. If he were to be like like what you just said is amazing and thank you for calling if he were to be like no it's not but i would be so happy at least then i would realize he knew right like there's things that hurt my feelings that i
Starting point is 01:51:39 know i've chosen to hurt my feelings and give power over to. I can admit that. Right. And I know at the end of the day, when I go to bed, I have to let those things go. If I want to be happy, I can keep holding onto them. Right. There's things my wife says that hurt my feelings. Right. And I know that I'm holding onto them. This guy doesn't even know. This guy isn't like, yeah, you're right. In right inherently the word retard has no negative things and actually actually it's me who's demanding that everyone follow the rules of this word and i'm okay with it being an asshole then i'd be like well fuck okay i mean i could maybe get behind that he doesn't even know right well he thinks that the fucking boogeyman is real he
Starting point is 01:52:21 really is insisting that this dude's in the room. It's the same thing with those. That's why he said something in a post that said, hey, I'm sorry I had to out Sevan, but he deserves it. And I'm thinking to myself, you didn't out me. You outed yourself. it's rude to call a black person a monkey not any more than it is to call a white person a monkey they think that i'm being racist when they've just outed themselves for saying that they think black people look like monkeys it's like i i don't know if you can talk do you have you ever talked someone out of have you ever walked someone to like hey dude have you ever walked someone out of their delusion oh for sure you know. Congratulations. Would you give Mike Wittius a free, like three free sessions? Would you give him five sessions if I paid for it? I think, I think the critical piece for any type of conversation like that is the patient or client has to at least 50% be willing to be wrong and change their mind.
Starting point is 01:53:26 And I mean, really with any psychotherapy, any talk therapy, anything I do that's successful or any positive outcome hinges on the individual at least being open and willing to hear a different perspective. And so in referencing terminology and whatnot, and whatever word he finds offensive, you know, with patients that I've worked with in the past that are like, you know, an abusive parent or a borderline bipolar individual that, you know, exhibits the same behavior where it's like, oh, they said this and that only means that. I'll ask them like, hey, what do you think
Starting point is 01:54:02 is a better word for them to use? And they'll give me their preferred term or whatever. And I said, okay, but let's assume they're as evil as you say they are. Does that change them if they just say it differently? So whether or not it's the word retard, whether or not it's mentally handicapped, does that change the inherent nature of the individual you're saying is inherently evil. And so it kind of works them into this pit where they have to answer like, oh, I guess the word really doesn't, the word is not the issue, it's the individual. And in that case, that's where we just end up getting to a point where like, okay,
Starting point is 01:54:39 if this individual pisses you off or really disturbs your life to such an extent you're sitting here with me, then why even entertain their presence? Why are you looking at their social media? Why are you doing anything that sets you off? Because clearly you've destined them to an eternity of just evil. So it's like, okay, you just answered that you can't change them. So move on. And most of the time over multiple and multiple sessions, people finally get to the point where they're just like, oh, I can just block that person. And then I'm not quote unquote triggered or I'm not set off by my parent doing the XYZ if I'm not around them as much. But I think Mikey would be well served by just recapitulating and thinking differently about what his actual issue is and if he could actually affect that issue with just the simple change of a
Starting point is 01:55:33 word yeah and the thing is is i don't have an issue with him being offended by those words that's his choice i fully accept that sure i fully accept that and if he wants to like send someone a message and say hey just so you know there's people like me who've chosen to let that word hurt me i'd be like okay i feel you like there's certain words that i've i've a lot that i allow to hurt me too yeah we can work on that together but like going back to what you were saying, it's like then to go after someone else. And here's, I know I'm conflating, I'm conflating ideas here,
Starting point is 01:56:10 but what's even crazier is, is it's one step removed. It's a quote from a movie. It is, uh, exactly. Yeah, it is.
Starting point is 01:56:21 It is bizarre. Uh, and then, and then this thing where he says that he went to CrossFit. One, somehow that's even going to matter to me or punish me. I'm my own little fucking mini kingdom here. And second of all, there's a good chance that Don is like, oh, fuck, we got a delusional fucking dwarf out there.
Starting point is 01:56:45 I mean, I know Don has to weigh lots of things too, right? there's a good chance that Don is like, Oh fuck, we got a delusional fucking dwarf out there. Like there's a chance, you know, I mean, I know Don has to weigh lots of things too, right? They have to take the pulse of how many crazies are at the fucking door with the pitchforks. But,
Starting point is 01:56:53 um, sure. But fuck dude. Yeah. It's bizarre. I appreciate you calling by the way. Yeah, no problem.
Starting point is 01:56:59 Yeah. I just think it comes down to, you sound like a good therapist. You have a good voice. You're calm. You're chill. Yeah. Well, I think think it comes down to... You sound like a good therapist. You have a good voice. You're calm. You're chill. Yeah. Well, I think, you know, I was telling my wife last night,
Starting point is 01:57:10 I was updating her on all the Mikey Swoosh drama. And I was saying, you know, it's interesting. This mirrors a lot of what I see in the clinic with all of these different types of people. And what it ultimately, I think, comes down to is every person at some level has an elevated sense of their own relevance in the world. And, you know, obviously, I think many of us think, well, hey, I want to do my best and I want to positively affect my community, my environment, my CrossFit box, whatever it is. But at the same time, two things can be true one you can
Starting point is 01:57:46 have that desire and two you can realize me alone i'm probably not going to change the trajectory of a word or the dictionary or our understanding of social cues and whatnot um and he's you know clearly adhering very closely to this idea that him alone is going to fight this grand battle that no one else is engaging him in. It's just him. And it's like Don Quixote's fighting the windmills in the field. It's like, yeah, those are just windmills, man. Those aren't giants. Nothing's there.
Starting point is 01:58:19 You're just out in the field alone swinging the sword. You're not drawing any blood. You're not cutting down any enemies. you're just out alone making noise um so certainly it's i'm sympathetic to his case not because i agree with it at all but because it's just i mean i almost pity it because it's a horrible and just dysfunctional way of living but what do you think yeah what do you think about the characteristic of humans to demand others believe their reality when it makes the group as a whole weaker like so well i think i would i would argue that if we all let go of the word is retard be offensive we all we all are freed from the weight of that and we are all better
Starting point is 01:59:05 one less thing to be offended by and and we're you know we're kind of freer i'm also would demand though that if you put your hand over a stove that we all believe it burns your hand i'm also you know um right but other people are demanding that like hey anyone who says this word we all must attack them and we must be offended by them. For some reason, I find that is like the most vile characteristic a human being can have. It's like the opposite of being around a winner. A hundred percent. Yeah, I think a couple of things.
Starting point is 01:59:37 You're really validating me now. You should send Susan an invoice. I will. I will, at least for a free t-shirt or something. But yeah, I think there's two ways to think about that problem. One, people don't like to think because at the end of that road, you're either wrong or you're still wrong. Nobody is born with the inherent correct answers. And so it is a
Starting point is 02:00:05 constant process. Living is a constant process of just being wrong. Um, you know, to change your mind, that's you admitting that you were wrong, uh, to come into therapy with me and talk about whatever's to come in ultimately for me to subtly and very calmly and, you know, compassionately say, yeah, what you're thinking right now isn't right. Like it's clearly not working. So I think in the grand scheme of things, people will are resistant to, you know, thinking, which makes them resistant to changing their outlook on, you know, who or what is correct. their outlook on who or what is correct. Because Mikey Swoosh, at the end of all of his process of thinking that's got him to this point,
Starting point is 02:00:51 he doesn't think there's any other way around it. There's no other option for anything to be true in the world other than his own current opinion. So it's a scary process. You don't even think a tiny piece of him is like, wow, it's actually me who's the racist. You don't think it's crept in even a little bit? Like he's looked at himself and been like,
Starting point is 02:01:14 oh shit, I'm demanding that people be... Oh shit, that's because I think I'm better than other... Oh no, you don't think that there's some like... Oh, I for sure think that that's possible. I think I'm better than other people. Oh, no. You don't think that there's some like... Oh, I for sure think that that's possible. I think that's possible. But then you have to consider if he has that realization, he can do one of two things. One, he can post to his Instagram
Starting point is 02:01:36 and say, hey, guys, I'm a racist. Not so long. Which, I mean, talk about a daunting task. Or two, he's got to have the humility to admit to himself fully and accept it that, wow, I was wrong. You know, I was kicking up dust over something where I didn't have a clear picture of what was true. So I think I think the obstacles he probably realizes that or probably has some inclination that maybe I should just not pursue this. Yeah. But then that requires him to, you know, have a front tail and be humble.
Starting point is 02:02:13 That's, that's what my advice to him was like, hey, dude, just lay low for six months or a year and let this pass and like process some shit. Like you seriously, you'll come out better on the other side. For sure. I have a question for you off subject do you ever when you're in the room with these people um get get the get the ebgbs like like so i'll give you an example i had this guy on who a ufo a guy who said like the ufos were really like angels and gods and shit and like one had come and like they'd come visit him in his house and after the show
Starting point is 02:02:45 was over or as the show was ending he goes yeah and if anyone wants to see these angels and you have so ufos just look up to the heavens and be like hey show yourself so the show's over and it's like 11 o'clock at night and i have to leave my studio and walk back to my house and it's really dark out here right and i look up to the heavens and i'm like maybe i should ask for them to show themselves and then i fucking get scared and i start running back to my house like i freak my you ever get in there and like and and when someone's like yeah um michael's in the room with us right now and he has a knife and like you feel like the hairs on your back kind of stand up you're like oh oh a hundred percent yeah i've yeah i've had i've had schizophrenia patients that you know talked about
Starting point is 02:03:28 what they're seeing in the room and even you know patients that are like that are homicidal yeah or have homicidal ideation and they're telling you like i bought a gun because i'm going to kill my husband oh my goodness oh my god and so like you're you're just sitting there having these conversations with folks and even folks that are contemplating suicide Or just came out of the emergency room For attempting suicide Yeah you get like the heebie jeebies And kind of a shiver where you're just like
Starting point is 02:03:54 This is a side of life I'm glad I don't live in Or do you ever think that what I'm saying is They might be telling the truth Like you know when your dog keeps like your home alone You're 12 years old and your dog keeps looking up in the corner of the room you're like hey motherfucker stop right there's nothing up there what are you doing you're fucking with me well that's you know when i get spooked in that situation i always just say
Starting point is 02:04:16 hey can you show me can you prove that okay um and then it puts the onus on them to you know substantiate their claim because ultimately like that delusion is the, you know, the foundation of their mental unhealth. So the more I can pull that out and set it on its own in their mind, one, that helps them in session. But then, too, it just helps me not get creeped out because I'm like, oh, yeah, OK, thank God they can't prove that. It just helps me not get creeped out because I'm like, oh, yeah. OK, thank God they can't prove that. When is that woke shit going to hit your profession where that when they're like, well, actually, those those voices are real. Actually, you are like, oh, dude, it's it's already here.
Starting point is 02:04:59 And, you know, it really comes down to trans issues and schizophrenia. Yeah. I mean, that's the biggest thing in our clinics where I ask our clinic directors and other folks in our clinic. I'm like, so why do we say to the schizophrenic, hey, yeah, that voice isn't real. Nobody else hears it. But if a kid comes in, a 15-year-old that's trans with a bunch of piercings and yada, yada, yada, we're like, oh, my gosh, we need to affirm what they're doing and their care. So I always push back. I'm like, what gives us the authority to tell no to one person and yes to the other? Because neither they can prove and we can't prove either. Like which delusions in vogue, which one do we accept and which ones are we going to like help
Starting point is 02:05:39 them like reconcile? Correct. Yeah. So like a lot of the answers are, well, the individual with schizophrenia, you know, they have a difficult time holding a job and all this kind of stuff, yada, yada, yada. And just recently I had the conversation with, with a couple of our therapists where I'm like, let me ask you, like in the community, how many like trans teenagers or trans adults do you meet? And everybody was like, ah, you know, maybe one. And I'm like, how many are in the clinic? And we're like, well, we've got like 20. And I'm like, okay, well then what does that say about that lifestyle? Right, right, right. Because, you know, fish don't, fish don't run on land, they're in water. Tattoos and piercings have strong correlates like that too hey someone uh
Starting point is 02:06:26 clock wrote this in the comments there's an entire dimension of cancel culture that's being missed here this is interesting what he says it's a mouthful here we go the lefty woke crowd identifies you as part of the enemy tribe then they use your violation of their made up rules to hurt you. Yeah. So that's what this guy's kind of doing, right? I just said, I said a word that he's promoting and then he's taking this sentence that I use that I accused him of and twisting it to be like,
Starting point is 02:06:56 Hey, I'm racist. Cause I was pointing out that he, because of something I said in my vernacular, it's like, they just, they just, their rules are fluid.
Starting point is 02:07:07 Yeah. And they change are it's bizarre i'm trying to think if i do that anywhere in my life where i could empathize with it where like i'm always changing the rules in order to suit my what is in order to what suits me i guess if you don't have values or morals, you can, you can kind of do that. I think most people do it in subtle ways. You know, like, of course I do that with my wife. If we're in an argument, I'm like, well, that's not what I said. Even though in my own mind, I'm like, yeah, I'm a dumb ass. Like I obviously said that earlier, but you know, it's my own douchebag pride that upholds this shifting of the chessboard and trying to get my way. But I think the difference is my mental health doesn't hinge on me doing that behavior. Whether or not my wife says, yeah, you're an idiot, and most of the time she's right,
Starting point is 02:08:00 doesn't crush me. Whereas a lot of folks in world in world culture even in the clinics i work at it's like they have to shift the rules because they're so far from reality wow if that makes any sense yeah yeah yeah yeah well thank you for calling i'm gonna rank you as um uh best caller ever to call into the show in three years. I like all the callers, by the way. Pretty much. Even the ones I don't like, I like. Thank you. That was awesome.
Starting point is 02:08:32 It's going to be tough to beat. Yeah, no problem. Are you all going to be at Rogue? Caleb's going to be there. I will be there. Nice. I think the wife and I are going to head up there. So hopefully I can track you down, Beaver. Sounds good, dude. I'll be there. Awesome think i think the wife and i are going to head up there so hopefully i can track you down beaver sounds good dude i'll be there awesome dude call in anytime appreciate
Starting point is 02:08:50 you awesome okay have a good one bye thanks harry bye oh yeah harry pair of testes yeah that sounds like a doctor's name yeah absolutely dr testes we have a our urologist is Dr. Zipper. For real? Actually, yeah. I've never seen this person. Trococox. Trococox. Bye, Audrey.
Starting point is 02:09:21 Did Audrey post a picture of a hog that's the size of a Pringles can? If she did, I want to see that. She didn't post it. She sent it to a very specific group of people, I think. I'm not in that group, apparently. Whoa, I always trip. You know, me and David are coming closer and closer. There's more of these.
Starting point is 02:09:41 I'm pretty sure David wrote right away when the guy called, hang up. there's more I'm pretty sure David wrote right away when the guy called hang up think of how think of how malleable and open-minded you are David that you went from hang up to great call that's amazing hey if it is if it is a giant hog send a picture of like a hand holding
Starting point is 02:10:01 it to me or next to something let's see if they sent it i just felt my phone vibrate i still can't get over this picture of billy eilish my goodness oh philip kelly thank you for sending me that post Oh, Philip Kelly, thank you for sending me that post. Something happened to my eyes. I can't see close up with my glasses on anymore. It's weird.
Starting point is 02:10:35 I used to be able to see close up with my glasses on. That is weird. It's a new development. Oh, what's this oh shit someone said the dwarf was probably the crank caller remember that crank caller we had the other day who was just screaming racial slurs non-stop during the show
Starting point is 02:10:58 they wouldn't stop calling I don't know if you were on that show someone said that was probably the dwarf he has a name Mike Wittius I wouldn't stop calling. I don't know if you were on that show. No, I wasn't. Someone said that was probably the dwarf. His name is Mike Wittius. I know it's a lot to type out, but you don't have to be a dick. It's got a lot of vowels in it. I guess he'll down with those vowels.
Starting point is 02:11:18 What would they call me? Like, if you didn't want to say my name. You know that dwarf guy that Hiller was fighting with? Or, you know the dwarf guy that hillar was fighting with or you know the guy the army would you say the armenian guy the old the old armenian guy that has the crossfit podcast like what do i get like if you can't think of my name what do you what do you say they probably just say the racist bigot oh that hurts that hurts. That hurts. Why can't it be something good?
Starting point is 02:11:48 You know, the guy who stands up to cancel culture. How about that? No, she didn't send it to me unless she sent it to, um, uh, I haven't gotten it either. Um, oh, here's something else. Someone said to me. Mikey Whitty says, i guess you are cool with him using the n word there is never any context for someone to use that word really but i'm not going to argue about you with with that oh my goodness oh my. It just keeps getting better, honestly. What if I said that my entire life is committed to going after people who say,
Starting point is 02:12:37 and I said that word, then I would be in trouble? How would he wrap his head around that? Oh, only in rap songs and only on Mike Wittius' account are you allowed to use that word. I mean, he contradicts himself. There is never any context. Dude, every song on your fucking Instagram account is from a rapper who uses that word incessantly.
Starting point is 02:12:59 Crazy, right? Yeah, it's so weird that he conflates all these issues. Well, at least we had a shrink call in and kind of um talking to him makes me want to just talk to a therapist just to yeah he was pretty good right just want to talk to him hey mike i would pay for that dude to be your therapist, by the way, if you're listening. Totally. Hey, if you would see that therapist and let me record the sessions,
Starting point is 02:13:44 I promise I will never, not only will I never use that word again, but I will erase my whole audio library with any songs that use that word. But I need to record like five sessions and play them on my podcast. Have you heard that? That would be amazing. Have you seen Stutz on Netflix? What's it called? Stutz, S-T-U-T-Z. It's a movie that Jonah Hill made
Starting point is 02:14:07 of him recording his sessions with... Oh, I heard about it. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I heard about it. Incredible movie. It is incredible? So good. Okay, I'll watch it.
Starting point is 02:14:18 I don't like Jonah Hill, but I'll watch it. Okay. I think you might like him a little more when you watch that. Wow. Wow. No way.
Starting point is 02:14:31 Wow. No way. Wow. Yeah, that's a good one. I'm going to tell you what's going on there with that though. I want to tell you what's going on there with that though I wanna tell you what's going on with that God that thing looks painful
Starting point is 02:14:48 That That's That's erect but he's kinda pushing it down To make it look limp I don't know man That's not limp Hey that's one of those dicks That's so big that like the weight of it makes it hard for it
Starting point is 02:15:05 to stand up that's when you taped your leg when you're running i'm telling you that is not that is i need more fixtures hey should i should i save this to my phone i'm so tempted to hit i did i saved it i got it. Hey, that guy has the toilet seat up. First of all, not cool in the background. And he's got a little travel Colgate. Colgate.
Starting point is 02:15:36 Hey. What should I write back to Audrey? Thank you. Thank you. Is that her dude? Is that your dude? I don't know. She said you're very welcome.
Starting point is 02:16:03 Yeah, you better spit on that thing before you push that thing in. It's a fucking stallion. Oh, it's her ex from college. Wow. It's quite the ex. Is it a recent picture, though? That'll rearrange some guts. Fuck, that's crazy. Oh shit, this is hilarious.
Starting point is 02:16:35 This news article someone just sent us. Oh my god. Racial slur during Valley Field midget a game leads to suspension. So it's funny. A racial slur directed at a black minor league hockey player that spurred a minor brawl has resulted in a multi-game suspension for one teenager and police promised to arrest a coach for assault. But what's the irony is,
Starting point is 02:17:04 is that it's called the midget league, right? No way. So the league's called the midget league, which is a slur. And then someone in there used this slur. Wow. What a mess.
Starting point is 02:17:20 See, it's never ending guys. The fucking, this is all just fucking, political correctness is just all people control. That's incredible. Hey, and don't get me wrong you playing a hockey game
Starting point is 02:17:47 and you fucking yell a racial slur at someone that dude should come over and fucking punch you in the face and knock you the fuck out I'm not saying that like I'm not saying that you can't be offended and I'm not saying that you can't choose to be offended and I'm not saying
Starting point is 02:18:03 you can't take action on it there's a distinction between reality and then what you're choosing to do someone cuts you off, that's your intention you chose to be there, you got in your car in the morning you woke up, you chose to be there then you can decide, did that person cut me off were they asleep at the wheel, do they hate me you can spin the narrative any way you want
Starting point is 02:18:23 but you're in the heat of the moment and you yell some racial slurs some black guy when you're on the fucking hockey field yeah he'd come over and knock you the fuck out and i'm giving him a fucking pass on it like you knew what you were doing you knew exactly what you were doing but when i'm fucking telling the the the the white-looking guy, Mike Wittius, with his white supremacist haircut, like, hey, dude, you shouldn't talk about using fucking words inappropriately when your fucking Instagram is littered with racial slurs. You can't flip the script and think you're going to win. It doesn't – that's like – I mean, unless we're just in a complete world of delusional ding-dongs. Close.
Starting point is 02:19:09 Thank you for everyone, by the way, who's sending me all the screenshots. I might not have time to get to all of them, but I appreciate it. They're pouring in. Oh, shit, he's playing the victim again this is crazy he made a post it says thanks hillar for comparing my dwarfism to a dog uh he didn't uh compare it to a dog yeah so this guy's broken oi alright love you guys I'll see you tomorrow the drama will continue go over to HillerFit support that video
Starting point is 02:19:52 I'm playing it all day on two browsers Chrome and Safari over and over and over make a comment get the algorithm up high and peace and love have a great day have a good day studying caleb thanks you too why do you hate my dog
Starting point is 02:20:14 jesus bye y'all later guys love you sugar yeah sugar sugar sounds racist

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