The Sevan Podcast - Live Call In | Dating Liberal Girls #886

Episode Date: April 22, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. I hope he didn't lose power again. No, but you know what? My computer didn't turn on this morning.
Starting point is 00:00:41 Was there an Apple update last night? Bam, we're live. Was there an Apple update last night? Bam! We're live! Was there an Apple update last night? Well, that was really weird. But here I am. Looking at my notes. I believe Matthew Souza will be coming late to the show today. 45 minutes late, but he will be here.
Starting point is 00:01:08 I think he's at the Hayward Fire Station today. Working with our first responders that are supposed to be putting out fires, saving people from car accidents, but instead they're working on old obese people. It's weird. That's a weird, it's a weird profession, right? That whole firefighting thing. It's kind of almost a misnomer to call it firefighting, firefighting,
Starting point is 00:01:37 old people fighting, old obese people fighting. Jeff Baco. Good morning from Spokane, Washington, home of the legend, Cole Sager. Jeff, it's been a while good to have you back buddy i want to let you know that we've done absolutely nothing without you and uh except i did get a haircut which has caused uh steven to have an
Starting point is 00:01:56 outburst that says uh you're looking hot i shaved the side of my head. It's that easy. My buddy texted me yesterday, Garrett, and she called this the Viking Dyke Cut. And I was like, well, I'll hook it up. I am a Viking Dyke. I'm here for the penis talk. Ooh.
Starting point is 00:02:20 I would love to start with some penis talk. We can talk about what Elon Musk thinks about chopping off penises, if you want. It's interesting. I realized how powerful he is in my life, and I don't even know it. Oh, you're off. You're shot out of the cannon. Your're shot out. What is going on with
Starting point is 00:02:47 this mic? This was happening yesterday, too. You're shot out of a mic this morning. Shot out of a mic. Shot out of a cannon this morning. You're shot out of a cannon this morning. I mean, I can give you this. I can give you this. They hear straight for the straight. This is, here's some, here's some, uh, relevant, um, penis talk for you,
Starting point is 00:03:08 Jeff, this is going to cost you something like 99 cents or something. My arrow. Oh my goodness. Come on. This is going to cost you something. Uh, define a penis.
Starting point is 00:03:19 Uh, the next door, the, the penis, one of the characteristics of the penis, it is the next door neighbor and penis one of the characteristics of the penis it is the next door neighbor and close friend of the balls um here we go uh uh fat fascinating i haven't i've not fact checked this i have not uh i have not
Starting point is 00:03:40 i have not fact checked this elon mus Elon Musk says anyone who sterilizes a child with attempted sex change should go to prison for life. tesla and twitter ceo elon musk has declared that he believes anyone who sterilizes a child to make them feel more like the opposite opposite sex should go to prison for life musk made this remark on a social media platform thursday night in response to an individual who pointed out the hysteria of left-wing uh outrage at florida florida governor ronda santos's stance that sex change procedure on children should be illegal in the sunshine state. Musk replied, any parent or doctor who sterilizes a child before they are a consenting adult, which means they're not a child, should go to prison for life. The sterilization language is likely a reference to hormone-altering drugs, colloquially called puberty blockers,
Starting point is 00:04:41 reference to hormone altering drugs, colloquially called puberty blockers, which do cause infertility. Other so-called gender affirming. So this has, this is kind of like chopping. This is kind of penis talk. What do you think that's equal to?
Starting point is 00:04:57 What do you think? What do you think happened in the old days? In the old days that were like, how did people allow that to happen? Does anyone think it's controversial that Elon said that I'm trying to think like, this seems so sane to me. If you chain, if you participate in the sterilization of children under any pretense,
Starting point is 00:05:26 you should probably go to jail. The time frame, I have no opinion on. I'm trying to think why that's outrageous. I'm trying to think why that... I don't... Okay, like slavery.
Starting point is 00:05:45 Okay, like slavery. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Like we look back at slavery and we're like, how did we do that? Like wouldn't it be weird if you woke up in the morning and you had slaves? How do you sit with yourself the rest of the day? How did you not like stop for a second and be like, holy shit. There's a person's time on earth here that I'm like, I've, I've, I'm stealing under the, the guys,
Starting point is 00:06:07 if you disobeyed as a slave, I'm assuming the penalty was death. I wonder what that is, right? Like if you're a slave and you're like, fuck you, I ain't doing it. They just kill you.
Starting point is 00:06:17 Oh, homosexuality. Okay. I don't know about if it was until 2007. I remember in 1990 fucking raging with the homos. My senior year in high school. Raging. Openly fucking naked on the streets of San Francisco.
Starting point is 00:06:32 They lived by different rules. All the marginalized. Man, you guys, we grew up differently. I grew up in the Bay Area. That shit was, that shit was, we was we were down we were down uh sending their women sending their kids to daycare uh okay i i i don't agree with that but but now now we've gone too far like if you have to send your kids to daycare you have to but but i but i feel the sentiment i want to say it trust, that won't be popular here.
Starting point is 00:07:08 Let's see. If we flip the script, what the kids are asking for, what would these adults say? Oh, God, these guys, you guys are fucking good. A farm wife. So this is so important. Even if it's absurd or not absurd, this is like high-level thinking of context, putting things in context and relativity. The farm wife is saying, what if kids were asking for more testosterone? Is that okay? Hey, I kind of just don't feel man enough.
Starting point is 00:07:41 You know what's crazy about that that you say that? At least at that point, yeah, you can't do that as a parent either. You're absolutely right. You can't do that either. You can't – we have to agree that the hormones are such a delicate cocktail. Delicate cocktail. Damien Castro, Sevan, it's been a minute. I hope you are well uh what's the chatter today i just see that elon said this and and i part of me is like god i wonder if i ever said
Starting point is 00:08:14 this on my show because this is like just like duh this to me this is like hey if you put dogs in the microwave uh you should go to jail for a long time um if you i don't know there's just things that you if you um if you killed your girlfriend's cat uh because you caught her cheating on you i think you should go to jail for a long time um if you want your parents if your parents are old and you want their money and you kill them, you should go to jail for a long time. It just seems like these are like some no-brainers. And if you sterilize your child, I just think you should go to jail for a long time. How is this a controversial statement?
Starting point is 00:08:59 If you want to get controversial, this thing about sending your kids to daycare, boy, what if you looked at the odds? What if you looked at the odds? And of every 100 kids to daycare, you started looking at the bad shit that happened to them. Three in 100 are beat up by their peers. Seven in 100 are abused by the workers. are abused by their uh by the workers um 20 and 100 are um held back slower because they're they're too advanced for their peer group and like you just went through and just start say talking about all the things that happened at daycare i wonder how many have like a uh an experience that's like a thriving growth experience. Samantha H. with a quick justification around finances.
Starting point is 00:09:56 Hey, I send my kids to daycare. A single income today is not always realistic. yes Dr. Seuss hormones is this a live call in oh shit here we go here we go I mean what do you want me to come back with you shouldn't have had so many kids
Starting point is 00:10:23 Allison NYC trying to soften the blow I mean, what do you want me to come back with? You shouldn't have had so many kids. I was in NYC trying to soften the blow. I'm so grateful I don't have to leave my babies at daycare. Some people have no choice. I why say that? I don't understand. Why? Why? Why say some people have no choice? Why give people an out? Now, here's the thing. It's OK if they have an out maybe they shouldn't be judged but why should we give it to them you're 200 pounds overweight it's okay it's your birthday have a slice of cake
Starting point is 00:10:56 I just I don't think that's my job to give people an out do you know what I think that is? Maybe I'm, oh, shit, here we go. Standby, about to take an ass whooping. Call her high. Hey.
Starting point is 00:11:14 Hey. Curious, I want to run something by you. Okay, please. Ben Shapiro. By curious or just curious? Something, no, just curious. Yeah. Can I tell you something really quick before you talk about Ben Shapiro
Starting point is 00:11:26 yeah do you mind no not at all I just want to just throw one thing out there yeah off subject someone wrote in the comments I forget what interview they were watching but let's say it was the James Newberry one they're like holy shit Savan you're the fucking greatest interviewer ever
Starting point is 00:11:42 blah blah blah just blowing me right and then they said so you should really stop with the shock jock stuff. The shock jock, what's that? It's crazy. Whatever they're referencing, it's like what I love. Like I love the dirty talk and acting like a 12-year-old. And you want to take that away from me because you want me just to be like – I'll do all these beautiful interviews like I do with Newberry or Sarah Sigmund's daughter or Caitlin Harrison.
Starting point is 00:12:10 But why can't I have some little Richard Pryor in me? Why do I have to be shocked? Why can't I just be like, hey, I like dirty jokes? Hey, Shakespeare said to thy own self be true, right? To what did he say? What did he say? To thy own self be true. To the own self be true. Right. What'd he say? What'd he say? To the own self be true. To the own self be true. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:29 Right. So, I mean, I don't, your dirty talk is not my favorite, but you do talk about pretty cool things. Okay. You are probably the best interviewer that I know. Okay. So I kind of like take the good with, I don't want to say the bad because it's my opinion, but the good with the stuff that isn't my favorite, you know? Let me,
Starting point is 00:12:51 let me ask, let me ask you this. I won't forget about Ben Shapiro. Okay. So like I, I, I make fun of pickleball, but the truth is it's probably really cool and I would have fun playing.
Starting point is 00:13:00 Oh, I do too. Right. I can't play a game that's called pickleball. All that. Yeah. Yeah. Great jokes. But, but, but at the end of the day um it's it's it does nothing to bother me if i was
Starting point is 00:13:10 if me and you were stuck somewhere like in the prison yard i mean you'd probably become friends and play a shitload of pickleball but right yeah or handball but or handball right um but but you that's you you really don't like my crass humor. Ooh, do I really? Well, it makes me laugh, which I don't like. But sometimes I do say it. You think it's bad like sugar bad? You think I have a lot of good, wholesome people on here, and they come here, it's like the Playboy magazine under their bed,
Starting point is 00:13:40 and their guilty pleasure is listening to Sevan. Oh, man. But then there's also good articles in there too that are educational. All right. Okay, Ben Shapiro, I need to process that. But I'm not hating on it. I know you're not.
Starting point is 00:13:55 I know you're not. You're just giving me some healthy... You're like my conscience talking to me. I appreciate it. You know what I did want to tell you, which is I didn't plan to tell you, is my wife and I, two days after we started talking
Starting point is 00:14:06 we agreed we did not want kids neither of us want kids love kids don't want them and we can no longer have kids for preventive reasons but watching you with your boys
Starting point is 00:14:21 that is the only time I've ever thought man it would be cool to have a kid. Boy or girl, wouldn't care. You make being a father seem cool. Oh, thank you. I want to give you that compliment. Honestly, like that relationship that you have, the way you talk about being a father and having like Haley be a mother. I'm like, man, that's what's supposed to do.
Starting point is 00:14:43 So I want to give you that compliment how old how old are you 31 oh yeah yeah there's so much time so but all right so i thought this was interesting that ben shapiro had said there's like some soccer girl on the u.s team that was complaining about not getting paid as much as the men oh yes i saw that clip oh okay and then did you see his part where he's like well if you could make the women's team and the men's team then you deserve to get paid the same because it doesn't matter how hard you work it's how good you are right like if you and i work in the same place just because you're a harder worker than i am but you can't perform as well doesn't mean you should get paid more so do you feel like that should apply to CrossFit too?
Starting point is 00:15:27 I mean, those women are way harder workers than men. I mean, those women are just as hard of workers as men, but they get paid as much, but they can never perform as well, right? I think that there's some like conflation there. Here's how I heard that argument. Here's how I heard that argument. Here's how I heard the argument. The basketball one is really fresh in my head. So let me tell you the basketball one. The WNBA has a revenue of $60 million a year.
Starting point is 00:16:00 And the NBA has a revenue of $10 billion a year. And the women are still, even though the, the average salary for an God, listen, anyone who thinks like I have a shitty memory or like I'm not good with anything. Listen to how fucking amazing my memory is when it comes to,
Starting point is 00:16:18 no, you shake having a bad memory. I know you do. We're talking about that. I'm fake as fuck. We're great. Good. I like that. Honestly, you're fake. I said, I knew you're talking about sassy stuff. I'm fake as fuck. Great. Good. I like that.
Starting point is 00:16:25 Honestly, you're fake. I said I knew you were faking it. Okay. Okay. Here we go. The average NBA male makes $9 million a year, $9.1 million a year. The average WA female makes $120,000 a year. But based on the percentages of how much revenue their organizations make, the women still make more
Starting point is 00:16:47 money than the men. Oh, that's a cool fact. Right. No one talks about that. And so those types of things, that's how I think of it. It's just like it was fucked up. And the only soccer thing I know is, is that the, the, when the men went to the world cup, they had to give some of their winnings to the women, which was fucked up because the men's World Cup generated billions and billions more than the women's. Right. Yeah, so I don't even think it's how hard you work. Let's say you and I grow avocados, and it's twice as hard to grow them and twice as hard to pick them, but they're just not popular, and apricots are super easy to grow and they're super popular i'm a full-blown capitalist i just say let the markets drive everything i don't think i don't think you should i don't think you should uh force anything oh uh just jeff bacal calls it disingenuous not not fake disingenuous
Starting point is 00:17:42 no it's like i don't know to me it's entertaining when you like pretend to not know something about like open or movement or whatever that's how you be a good interviewer when the interviewer knows it all they're boring we're here to hear whoever you're talking to I mean we want to hear you too
Starting point is 00:17:59 but like the way you allow everyone else to be an expert even if you know it's entertaining Jeff also calls it Fox but like the way you allow everyone else to be an expert, even if you know, yeah. Jeff also calls it Fox self deprecation. I think that's like felt fake. Self deprecation is cringe. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:15 Oh yeah. I like, so, but all right. Well, one of my favorite things is that CrossFit, the women do get paid just as much and it's not any different. I grew up with like a, a father was a chauvinist and CrossFit has given me a
Starting point is 00:18:27 much healthier view of women and being strong and, you know, getting your butt kicked every day. If I see women in the gym, like that's been awesome for, I think every male should get their butt kicked. That was the only thing, that was the only thing Greg Glassman fucked up paying the women the same amount as the men. What a douche. That was the only thing Greg Glassman fucked up,
Starting point is 00:18:43 paying the women the same amount as the men. What a douche. He should have paid them much less. Is that what you're saying? Yeah. And what's crazy, what's so cool about CrossFit, too, is just imagine in 2024 if Tia does come back. Let's say Mal O'Brien wins the games this year, CrossFit games, and then Tia comes back in 2024.
Starting point is 00:19:05 We will have the – it will be the biggest thing ever in the sport i i think by far it'll be the coolest thing ever so i mean yeah the the the it yeah i mean it's the same with women's gymnastics right i mean it torches men's gymnastics in terms of financing title nine didn't apply to men's gymnastics for some reason they got rid of men's gymnastics for some reason. They got rid of men's gymnastics all over the country in colleges, but women's gymnastics is thriving. It's bizarre shit. Why do you think that is?
Starting point is 00:19:33 It's just a one-way street. It's the same thing. It's exactly that same thing where you can hire someone. You can put an ad on LinkedIn saying, I'm looking for a black woman who's a lesbian. But if you saw a black woman who's a lesbian and you met her and she's like, yeah, I'm the district manager at McDonald's, and if you said to her, hey, did they hire you because you're black, someone might think that that's racist.
Starting point is 00:19:55 Whether it's racist or not, it doesn't matter at that point. We've already established that that's one of the criteria for why people are hired. And so we just live in a bizarro world. We live in completely – Oh, for sure, for sure, for sure. People just want everyone to lie to themselves. By the way, I just saw one of the 49er players has been banned from Australia.
Starting point is 00:20:20 So for all of you who are a fan of that particular – That's not a cop or anything, is it? For those of you who are a fan of that particular 49er, I apologize. Can you not say who it is? No, I'm taking off until July. I'm not giving any specifics around the 49ers. Oh, yeah. Yeah, I don't even know where to get medical help anymore.
Starting point is 00:20:40 I mean, now that you know what to do. Oh, I mean, I don't know what to say. Oh, I mean, uh, uh, I don't know what to say now. So, all right, man, I appreciate your time. I'm actually watching the windows. So when you buy a house, um, in, uh, New Hampshire off one of the Saki down the street from Britney Spears, call, uh, give us a call. It's a streak free or die window cleaning streak for your day. You know, one of the things I do is I have some properties. And what I like to do is once a year I have someone go in and take the screens off of all the windows in the house and clean all the windows for my tenants and clean all the screens and all the windowsills. They fucking love that.
Starting point is 00:21:22 And I remember when I used to have that done at the house i live in now i can't even afford it at my own house um that is such a good feeling having your windows cleaned and your screens clean oh i love it yeah i love it it's not it's awesome it's kind of fun um you know what i figured you were in real estate because i was like crunching numbers i'm like there's no way he's living a good lifestyle off YouTube, you know, the podcast. I mean, you don't have to tell me what you make or anything, but I'm like, this dude has to be in real estate.
Starting point is 00:21:55 He has to have some investment, some passive income coming in. Lots of passive income. Well, I guess, I don't know if it's passive, but yeah. Meaning my wife does everything. Meaning my wife does everything. There you go. All right, bro. Thank you for your time. Okay.
Starting point is 00:22:11 Peace and love. Bye. Settle down, everyone. No, I'm not. I'm definitely not rolling in it. Let me tell you. Everyone give a dollar. I ain't rolling in nothing.
Starting point is 00:22:23 If everyone gives a dollar, I'll be rolling in something. Okay, so Elon doesn't like sterilization of kids. I think that makes him, I think that's some leadership talk. I think that's cool. kids it's absolutely terrifying i i have 12 daily doses uh that was uh root canal call worthy i don't know i need i needed that he helped me work through some shit he helped me uh work through that shit unfortunately the thing about my memory is um 90 true i have a horrible uh memory and and uh 90 of the time people think i'm faking it i am absolutely not but whatever do do say what you want do do da da do do gaga now i'm going to show you a prank now showing you this prank I thought the I think this is a very wholesome thank you Heidi
Starting point is 00:23:30 thank you Heidi thank you I appreciate it listen I'll give you an idea of how much money I have or how I live my life I I bought some clippers the other day and and the clippers are only like I don't know they were like $34 or $24 I can't remember and and I spent
Starting point is 00:23:57 too much to 30 minutes looking for one and and price was a huge factor and I got slapped around a little bit for buying new stuff and bringing into the house And price was a huge factor. And I got slapped around a little bit for buying new stuff and bringing it into the house. Back in the day, I probably would have bought like three clippers, kept the one I liked, and given two away. Jessica T., 99 cents. Thank you. My wife also takes care of me, and she has red hair. It's a theme in my life. Redheads taking care of me. Jodi Lynn. Wow. This is another theme in my life. Women taking care of me and she has red hair it's a theme in my life redheads taking care of me jody lynn wow this is another theme in my life women taking care of me look at this jody lynn one dollar this feels good i feel like i'm 14 years old again my mom just gave me my
Starting point is 00:24:37 allowance okay where are okay so so i i like this um i like this i like – I don't know how the money works. I'm always tripped that one person gave $1 and the other person gave $0.99. I wonder how that works. Do you have to type that in? Or are they choices, default choices? Oh my goodness. All the kids' private lessons must cost a bomb. Great way to spend money if you have it. Yeah. So it's crazy. This lady, I told this story before about a year and a half ago, I came in through the back gate of the tennis club that my kids go to through the back gate. You know why I come through the back gate? You all know because the front gate, they have all these COVID restrictions. Oh, darn it. I'm not supposed to say that word. Show some discipline, Sebi. I've come in through the back gate and I sneak onto the property
Starting point is 00:25:31 because at the front gate, they're like, hey, you need to wear this on your face. You need to sign this waiver and all this bullshit. So I come in through the back gate and my kids jump over the fence and then they open the gate for me and I come in. And this lady says to me, stops this snooty lady, and you have to understand, tennis people suck. Suck.
Starting point is 00:25:52 She says, you're not a member here, are you? I said, I'm absolutely not. She rolls her eyes and walks away. I go, ma'am. She turns around and said, your membership is $300 a month at this club, and I spend $1,600 a month in private lessons. So you know what I am? I'm the guy who subsidizes this fucking club. Is that the first time I said fuck today?
Starting point is 00:26:17 Cracker on her head. Jeff Baco, $1.99. Thank you. Josh Doyle, two pounds. Wow, look at your arms look at those shoulders juice juice 12 daily doses now this guy is rich love this group even though i'm the outlier all we ask is that you tell the truth how much does it cost to get a wrench a 13 cents there's not even a need for a wrench michael there's not even a need for wrenches in here i
Starting point is 00:26:47 don't think okay i i love this prank i think it's clean i think it's sweet i think it's a little devious um but the execution is so so poor so poor uh okay here we go. So this is a guy. He gets a pair of Apple AirPods from this lady and says, hey, can I pay up front? And she says yes. Oh, is the audio working? I can't hear it. Do you guys hear it? Oh, shit. Excuse me, ma'am. Would you mind being in video? No, that'd be fine. All right. So pick a number between one and ten. shit. You won. Nothing. You won. How come? You win. Have a good one. Have a good one. Thank you. See? See how that works?
Starting point is 00:27:55 You give someone in the store something for free, and then they walk out and it sets the alarm off. I like it. It's clean, but it's still a little devious. It's like, oh, playing with people's emotions no one gets hurt but the execute something with the execution was horrible i didn't like it uh so i've execution poor prank level cleanliness 10 oh you think that's fake even you think that whole thing is fake come on yeah they philip kelly brings up a good point if that's california you can just take those you some some of you think
Starting point is 00:28:33 he's joking isn't that weird some of you think he's joking it is so weird that some of you think that he's joking in california you can go in and you can just take those that's a hundred percent accurate it's awesome that some of you think he's joking and you ask why we live in california because you can just take anything you want for free we have a killer reparations program here okay back to sex. If those LGBTQT plus people that claim that they all stick together, which we clearly know that they don't, and that's bullshit. We know that there's plenty of gay dudes and lesbians who aren't down with the trannies the trannies not that they're not down with the
Starting point is 00:29:27 trannies yeah they're not down with the trannies but but here's the thing you know how you'll see some clips that say basically uh if a straight man doesn't want to go out with a man who's transitioned to a into a woman that that makes him transphobic that for some reason if you're a dude and you're not interested in having sex with a dude who's now pretending to be a woman, you're transphobic. It's crazy. Crazy. But what if – I can't believe I never even thought of this. What if you're a lesbian and there's a dude who switched to a girl? Would you want to hook up with – if you were a lesbian, would you want to hook up with that dude?
Starting point is 00:30:06 Fuck no. No. girl would you want to hook up with if you were a lesbian would you want to hook up with that dude fuck no think about that you're a lesbian you love women but now somehow you're transphobic because you don't want to hook up with a dude who's pretending to be a woman and i just like this lady's great by the way mad gay 45 i like I like her. She's great. Follow her account. Here we go. Action. Interesting question over here is asking if transphobe for gay women do not want to date a trans woman. So I will say anything that, well, according to the trans community, anything that you will say that it's in disagreement with them, it's transphobe, even though it's not a phobia.
Starting point is 00:30:44 But me personally, I don't want to date any trans woman i'm a pure lesbian uh a gold star a gold star lesbian i just learned that term i don't know if i've heard that term before gold star lesbian that means i don't know why you have to say that but and i'm only attracted to natural women women were born a woman and they didn't have any alteration. Look, she's the same as me. She's only interested in natural women to be naked with in the shower and ogle their genitalia.
Starting point is 00:31:14 I'm not attracted to someone who's identified as a woman. Not only she said she's not attracted to anyone who identifies as a woman. I'm assuming she means sexually. Not only that, but maybe your radar should be up a little bit too.
Starting point is 00:31:35 Like, hey, something might be wrong with this person. It's okay. That doesn't make you transphobic. Base jumpers. It's okay if your radar goes up a little bit around them. Hey, this person might be a little trippy. And if that makes me a transphobe, then be it. I don't care.
Starting point is 00:31:55 I don't care about their feelings. I care about doing what makes me happy and what I feel fulfilled with. And that's about it. I'm actually not even attracted to women who have like plastic surgeries or doing anything that is too much fake. I like natural. I like biology, people who are born the same way, people that are maintaining the way that they were born and they're accepting themselves and they have confidence in who they are. These are the people, women that I'm attracted to. I think what she said right there makes her 99% more Christian than 99% of the Christian people out there.
Starting point is 00:32:32 She's attracted to what God made. Go figure. She's attracted to what God made. to what God made. She is attracted to what God made. Me and this chick are alike. A lot alike. And if it makes me transphobe, then be it.
Starting point is 00:32:59 I've been called a transphobe on a daily basis. It just works. Think of how many of you are turned off by the shit that God makes. Think about that. Think about that. Think about that. Think about how many of you are turned off by what God made. You've told yourself that narrative. You ding-dongs.
Starting point is 00:33:17 Why did you do that to yourself? Why did you do that to yourself? Why did you let them do that to yourself? Why did you let them do that to you? Doesn't mean anything. And that's it. Crazy. I have an answer for you, Cameron. Cameron wants to know, what is God?
Starting point is 00:33:48 God is no thing. Matt Burns, no, Seve. She's all about her own satisfaction, not living for the glory of God. I don't know. She said she likes girls natural with not a shitload of plastic surgery. And look at her. She's not wearing a lot of makeup, and she's clean. And I don't like the asymmetrical haircut but uh if you if you if i i think that i that's i think that's another subject i wasn't judging whether she's in it for her own satisfaction or
Starting point is 00:34:15 not i'm just saying she's attracted to things in their natural form the rest of you guys like blue hairs and shit and big old fake titties, and I get it. I get it. It's fun to look at. But personally, my story is I like big pendulous boobs and not a lot of makeup and barefoot and big old bush, and yeah, I'm good with it. Yes, thank you. Thank you. God is son.
Starting point is 00:34:45 Jay Hartle. This is a direct quote. God is father, son, Holy Spirit, and a monster bush. Yeah, that's correct. Yeah, big, small, all of them. Yeah. God. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:00 That is correct. That is correct, doses. God did make Hitler and tsunamis. Boy, you're tricky. Ooh, got me there. Jeff Baco already slumming it comes up. Jeff Baco enters the room with his nose in the air better than all of us, and quickly we bring Jeff down to to reality and he knows he's a peasant scumbag like the rest of us uh jeff baco direct quote god made danny spiegel's arse and
Starting point is 00:35:32 for that i'm thankful amen i didn't uh hey savon did you see my snatch video i sent you with my big hog flying around no shit i Shit. I missed it. I'm so behind on DMs. I only did 400 DMs yesterday. Men like libs for the same reason women like bad boys. Wow. Oh, shit. Wow.
Starting point is 00:35:58 Oh, shit. I need to think about that for a second. Wow. Let's circle back on that. Wow. Let's circle back on that. Wow. Oh, man. That's interesting. That's very interesting.
Starting point is 00:36:28 Marco Calderon. I'm attracted to natural female gingers. Oh, yeah. Oh, my God. Freckly redhead. Bra-less with a tank top on. Playing with a dog on the beach. Oh, my goodness. pictures of my wife my head okay where are we no more redhead talk uh okay uh uh what can you do okay here we go what is this nonsense oh here we go this is uh in reference to what philip kelly was saying
Starting point is 00:37:02 thank you for the dollar 99.99, Mr. Marco. This is what a great day. I'm making loot already. I'm going to the beach today after the show. It's the hottest day of the week here. It's so cute. My son said, hey, I want to go surfing. I'm like, yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:16 Beach is just right down the street from my house. I got these two cheap styrofoam surfboards, a couple of wetsuits. Okay, here we go. This is true, people. Hey, the irony of this is I didn't even plan this with Philip Kelly, but this is up by Philip's house. This is Roseville, California. This is up north from me. To be honest with you, I didn't even know this shit actually happened in Roseville. This is kind of crazy because now we're getting out to to the country these are country bumpkins out here but here we go free shopping all you all day all you want thanks for shopping
Starting point is 00:37:54 hundreds of dollars of Nike products stolen. Look at that. Thanks for checking. Oh, look, and they all have the security tags on them. Yeah, they don't even care. Hundreds of dollars of Nike products stolen. Thanks for checking. Dude, imagine being a man and doing that with a woman.
Starting point is 00:38:40 I don't know if you women understand what I'm saying. Not in a bad way. But imagine being a man and asking a woman to do something illegal with you. God, there's something so... There's something so gross about that. It makes the stealing like a thousand times worse. I can't imagine putting my wife in any danger. On purpose. Mass is liberal as fuck, and if you try that here you'll get a big bullshit shut the fuck up shut your fucking mouth you don't know what the fuck you're talking about
Starting point is 00:39:35 you ain't gonna do shit there massachusetts is two things obese and and drunk. And you have the worst educational system in the fucking country. It's ideologue fucking moron status. That's why my doctor fucking told me to fucking cook with canola oil because he was from fucking Massachusetts. He probably fucking went to Harvard or Yale. Tell me that shit don't happen in Massachusetts. Yeah, exactly. Mass is the worst state on earth let alone the u.s yeah it's a fucking joke shut the fuck up you guys were fucking actually good you guys are horrible it's the worst dude hey you know
Starting point is 00:40:18 what's so funny which proves that it's the worst mr doses is you think because they get a's there when we see straight a's coming out of massachusetts we just think more fucking idc you're just breeding retards over there okay make sure you cook with canola oil and i'm gonna send you over to the physical therapist i want so you can get your back and we have these free injections today they're free get as many as you want oh my god You're a tool. Yeah, thank you, Jeff. Even Jeff knows. I mean, of course Jeff knows.
Starting point is 00:40:50 Jeff's the smartest person here. Massachusetts. Holy shit. That was fucking funny. That was good. What a joke. Greg spoke at Hillsdale College, super conservative college, and someone in the school newspaper wrote an editorial attacking him. It is the most woke, libtard shit you've ever fucking seen.
Starting point is 00:41:18 It's just all emotional appeal. There's no facts. Yeah, Harvard's the worst. You should be embarrassed if you said you went to Harvard. Just look at the scientific corruption that's come out of there. Well, I guess you could say it's the best if you used 12 doses logic. If it's the best at being the worst, then sure. Man. Okay, sorry.
Starting point is 00:41:48 Sorry. Someone. Yeah, careful, Seve. 49ers. Yeah, 49ers. Thank you. Thank you. Massachusetts. Completely brainwashed.
Starting point is 00:42:14 Don't forget this year, this year there was a vote on whether we should let people in the United States of America in who aren't 49ers fans. should let people in the United States of America in who aren't 49ers fans. And the Democrats voted almost unanimously that if you're not a 49er fan, you can't come into this country. And the Republicans did vote unanimously saying everyone's welcome into this country. That's this year, regardless of who you're a fan of. And the Republicans won.
Starting point is 00:42:43 And thank God, 30 of the Democrats sided with the Republicans. And that's why we're going to get to see Djokovic. Djokovic. Oh, my God. Another complete and utter shithole. Boston. Man.
Starting point is 00:43:05 What a shithole, Boston. Man. What a shithole. What a complete shithole. Anyway, so come to California if you want to steal. Sorry, if you don't want to pay for stuff if you want to get your reparations oh this one's gonna be good doses hang tight take a deep breath and watch this this is this guy's right up your alley you're gonna love this i chose i actually thought of you when i chose this this is good you're gonna love this here we go every you here in the south side of Chicago. You almost know what's coming next.
Starting point is 00:43:47 Right. A story about guns or violence. If gun control laws worked, folks, Chicago would be the safest place in all of America. Guns are plentiful in Chicago, but only in the criminals hands. Chicago schools are a disaster created by the left. Our kids can't read or do math, but they are learning something. What is that? I'm glad you asked. They are learning to hate America.
Starting point is 00:44:23 Whenever you hear... God, that really bugs me. Such a bummer. Such a bummer. Such a bummer. Such a bummer. Some of you, many of you over the years have said that you try to critique me on my career. Like you should swear less. You should interrupt less.
Starting point is 00:45:03 You should stick to doing interviews. That's usually the advice I get from the masses. But here you go. Here's the richest and most famous, if those are metrics you're interested in. The richest and most famous of all interviewers who ever lived, and watch her here. interviewers who ever lived. And watch her here. I would never do this. I just sing it. Wait. Bam.
Starting point is 00:45:36 Yeah. And when you are, for instance, when we were here before. You know what? I mean, all the all the things ever printed the tabloid the only things ever been true when they said I couldn't You were The fuck is wrong with Oprah? There he is. There he is. That's like a funny.
Starting point is 00:46:17 Sousa. There he is. What the? Oh, here we go. You couldn't hold it in. You wanted to call and yell at me. Go ahead. Hi. How's't hold it in. You wanted to call and yell at me. Go ahead. Hi, how's it going?
Starting point is 00:46:27 Good. I'm just going to spend the day with my kids because I'm so privileged. Privileged. I have two things that I want to talk about. Can I just tell you something, by the way? Sure, sure. You validate me. Oh.
Starting point is 00:46:49 I'm trying to say it like it's funny and it's not true like i'm like i'm being like a like a kind of a dick but but but it's because i'm not humble enough to say it truly when you call it validates me it's like yeah i'll think about you the rest of my day and i'll be like yeah that girl called took some of her time to call in and talk and it validates me i don't know any what I'm going to say. Thank you. Do you know who I am? There you go. We'll keep it that way. Okay.
Starting point is 00:47:14 I have two things that I want to talk about. But you've called in before and I see your name when you call in. I see the name on the phone. Yes. I just recently started calling in. And you sound like an adult. You like when i picture you you're like this a pretty adult woman with kids like i i'm like wow there's someone of this level of maturity wants it and like like you have a
Starting point is 00:47:37 certain status that i'm i'm that validates me i just can't i don't know how to explain it i i am an adult and i am a woman, a real woman, not like a pretend woman, like the world. I love all that. Also, it's hard being, when you call in, you don't get to see the chat anymore. So the chat's always like blowing up and like screaming at you and you can't like interact with them because I've, you know,
Starting point is 00:48:04 it's paused because i'm talking to you anyways just know that that's a challenge as a caller okay um that is two things i want to talk about one is um so i live in the middle of america smack dab midwest iowa and dairy farm there was a, not on a dairy farm. I do live in a town, um, a decent sized town where there's about 60,000 people here and there's 13 elementary schools in the town that I live in. So we're a very young town, um, lots of kids. And there was an email that has now circulating the internet, um, from one of the elementary
Starting point is 00:48:44 schools that is in town here. And it is from a principal, a superintendent and the teacher of a particular first grade classroom. And this email is notifying the parents of the other students in this classroom, that there is a student, a first grader that is beginning to transition from one gender to another i'm sorry one sex to another sex and in this email there are protocols that the they are asking the parents and the children to follow like what you should refer to this person as now and what their pronouns are now.
Starting point is 00:49:25 And all of this ridiculous protocols for a seven year old to transition from one sex to another sex. And I feel like in America, right, like things happen on the coast first, right? Like they happen on the West coast and the East coast, and then they slowly start making their way to the middle of the country. And it's like, it's here now. And it is beyond alarming and terrifying. And it feels like you're beating a dead horse because it's like, Oh, all we do is talk about this gender transition and ideology and all this stuff. But it's like, if we don is talk about this gender transition and ideology and all this stuff but it's like if we don't continue to beat the dead horse they're just going to trample over us and take over oh come on this is an isolated incident don't worry about it just one seven
Starting point is 00:50:15 year old who gives a fuck let's hey let's make a movie about it this will be fun hey let's put it on pornhub what's a little what's a little seven year old sex on pornhub let's just put it on porn hub what's a little what's a little seven-year-old sex on porn hub let's just put it on porn hub but come on straight hey here's the thing here's the thing at what point are we all complicit in this i i don't i don't i i i hate i fucking hate using this example but when the train of fucking jews goes by the church in germany and they're screaming and the pastor at the church says sing louder so we don't have to hear the screaming Jews go by. True story. When are you complicit? When is it like, hey, you should go put a shopping cart on the train track and derail the fucking track, cut the lock off the door and run with the Jews? When are you not complicit?
Starting point is 00:51:04 That's why I was looking at what Elon said. I said, thank God. God, the rest of us are a bunch of fucking cowards. So, like, what do we do? Like, what do I... I don't know. I mean, my kid doesn't go to school there. My kid's not in that classroom
Starting point is 00:51:16 because if my kid wasn't... I guess speak honestly about it. I guess try to stay calm and be like, hey, I, from the bottom of my heart i've thought about this subject clearly and transitioning a child sounds like um i don't know the worst possible thing you could fucking do to a child outside of killing them i mean god it sounds so fucking bad to me it sounds like some like some Nazi experimentation shit that's happening right before our eyes. Is the email real? Is it confirmed
Starting point is 00:51:48 from the school? Yes. It is confirmed. I've seen it. I've got a screenshot of it. I don't mean to put you on the spot, but what do we do if you heard your neighbor beating their kids, let's and then you looked over and you're in your neighbor had like a curling iron and was burning his kids with it.
Starting point is 00:52:13 Yeah. Like you'd have to you'd have to scream something over the fence. So like, oh, yeah, brother. What the fuck are you doing? A few years ago in an old house that I lived in, my neighbor was beating the shit out of their dog in their driveway. Yeah. Beating the living shit out of their dog. And I was very pregnant at the time.
Starting point is 00:52:34 I walked out of my house across the street. By the time I got over there, they had gone inside their house and I knocked on the door and the lady opened the door and I said, can I please adopt your dog? Because clearly you can't take care of your animal correctly. I would love to take care of your dog. Let me adopt your dog. What did she say? I did that for a dog. She screamed at me. She went off. She was calling me every name in the book. And then the husband came around and he was like, that was me. I was the one who was doing it. You're probably right. And the lady was just streaming at me and they eventually you know i i just i started crying i was very emotional and pregnant at the time but she did not handle it well the husband who was actually the one who was beating the dog um was apologetic and really pretty embarrassed so he should be
Starting point is 00:53:20 i approve of that that's healthy i i you know, not in the last – I remember being 20 years old and owning a dog and hitting my dog when he didn't fucking deserve – like I had a great Danny P in the house, and I remember hitting him like pretty hard. And I didn't like that I did that. I think everyone's – I approve that – I mean, I remember I was out in the front yard with a belt fucking hitting my dog but um my point of that story is if i were to do that for a dog you bet your ass i would do that for a kid yeah what have you what have you called the what have you called the police and we're like hey um i think someone's giving this seven-year-old drugs to turn them into the opposite sex here's another here's another story for you my other neighbor who now lives up the street their kid is seven years old and he weighs like 165 pounds it's
Starting point is 00:54:12 honestly it's honestly crossed my mind how can i not call dhs on these people they're literally killing their child they're killing their child they're allowing him to eat whatever he wants. He's significantly overweight. He's going to be a pain. So why shouldn't I call DHS? Why shouldn't I call the police? They're killing their kid. Man, the obese kid thing is crazy. It's horrific. It's terrible. And obesity is not genetic. There's all that bullshit going around now how obesity is a genetic disorder and you can't help it. And it's just how your genes are. No obesity, especially. Yeah, it's a new gene. It just came in. It just came in 2015. Up until then, it wasn't here. It's a new gene. Obesity is a choice. obesity is a choice whether you're michael c sorry you're
Starting point is 00:55:05 wrong samantha you're old michael c has a thyroid problem sorry he has a thyroid problem okay there's always going to be an outlier in every single scenario i'm talking about the majority of people like there's always going to be an outlier fuck those people who who do that that's dumb sorry like you're going to point me out to me an outlier situation see that can be said for anything on the planet hey the majority someone uh someone very very very famous uh author who you guys all know who's written a ton of books on nutrition recently was trying to explain to me how it is genetic and basically there's that he was explaining to me that oops did i say he that if your parents are fat you're basically fucked yeah i don't by the way i don't believe
Starting point is 00:55:57 that i don't i don't care i don't believe that but just so you know i'm not i think that guy's a jackass even though i like him speaking of books I don't want to take up too much time. I know people get all... This is not my sister. My sister does not live in Iowa. By the way, I would love to live in Iowa. No. I love it here.
Starting point is 00:56:14 I love Iowa. I honestly love it here. Except for the weather. The winter gets a little long, but this is a great state. We got Colton Mertens here. He's a good guy. Fuck, I love Colton Mertens. I live next door to Colton Mertens.
Starting point is 00:56:29 I would like to see you wrangle some pigs,on i'd be fucking dope at it speaking of books as you just mentioned a book and an author this is something that was brought to my attention yesterday i was in a bookstore here in iowa and they had a section that was list banned books um in schools in Iowa and nationwide. And they had a list of all the books that are banned in schools. And this list is pretty long. It's probably like 12 or 13 pages. And I'm looking at this list of banned books and I'm sitting here thinking I've never felt more torn in my entire life because I
Starting point is 00:57:02 vehemently believe in free speech and I think there needs to be choices. And I think that you can't like, you know, make a law for every single little thing. I think that common sense has to play a part somewhere. Right. And I'm looking at this list and there's books on this list. And I'm curious on what your opinion is on this, because there's books on this list where I look at it. I'm like, yeah, like that book should be banned. That's a terrible book.
Starting point is 00:57:28 Um, and then there's books on this list, like little women and, um, band in school. Are you talking about band in schools? Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:57:36 I kind of don't care about that list as long as it's not somewhere. As long as that, that's not that list. Isn't it? They're not banned. I mean, it's fucking crazy that I was kicked off of YouTube. I can't even
Starting point is 00:57:47 process it. I don't think books should be kicked out of Barnes & Noble. I don't think Amazon should be allowed to say what books they sell and don't sell based on... I don't think they should be able to censor that. Right. In that regard. Or the government.
Starting point is 00:58:04 Maybe Amazon should be able to but the government you should like what do i care like what books because you're because here because james and the giant peach yeah that was banned that book's banned that's banned yes my teacher read that to me like the second grade i fucking loved that book the the great gatsby the movie's horrible by the way why would diary van frank be banned the outsiders we've all read the outsiders uh why are those books banned do they say why they're banned yeah they do say why they're banned is the bible banned bible's not banned not yet uh how is the bible not banned I thought you're not allowed to do the Bible in school. It's banned.
Starting point is 00:58:45 Try to read it out loud publicly at a public school. Go ahead. Try it. See what happens. Diary of Anne Frank. Parts is seen as sexually offensive and for being a quote unquote depressing read. James and the Giant Peach. Banned because of images of alcohol, drugs, violence, and suspicious behavior.
Starting point is 00:59:05 And then there's books on here that i read in high school um let's see here uh yeah uh doll was close to being canceled i mean he's a dark motherfucker he is dark captain underpants captain underpants is banned all quiet on the western front so i guess and but then hey what do you think about this all quiet on the western front really yes but and then but my point is so like you're looking at these books but then there's other books on here that are also banned that you're like well of course like um uh 50 shades of gray is banned okay that that probably makes sense right that's a sex book right that's a sex book yes yes that's the sex then you've got malcolm x the autobiography of malcolm x so that's banned yes that's one of the most influential books in my fucking life that book's amazing hey that's a book of fucking
Starting point is 01:00:04 hardship and overcoming and transformation that's an amazing story if you haven't life that book's amazing hey that's a book of fucking hardship and overcoming and transformation that's an amazing story if you haven't read that book by the way malcolm x's autobiography you're fucking missing out what an amazing and the guy who wrote it uh hayley what's the guy's name alex hayley what a stud to kill a mockingbird is banned. But then they've got books like Gender Queer and I Am Gay and Two Boys Kissing. Two Boys Kissing is allowed in Iowa schools? Hey, that's a classic. Don't you take that away.
Starting point is 01:00:33 That's a banned book. 1619 Project is banned. How about Uranus is a Planet? Uranus is a Planet. Is that banned? Okay. Alright. Thanks for Is that banned? Okay. All right. All right. Thanks for taking my call.
Starting point is 01:00:47 Okay. Love you. Bye. Oh, she was good. Right on cue. She knew Barry McCocken or Bob I call it. Anyway, she was great. I love Iowa. I'm like less worried about the books that are being banned in the classrooms and way
Starting point is 01:00:59 more worried about the process of how they determine they're being banned. I'm attracted to that caller. I know. You could collar. I know. Did you shave your beard? I did. Yeah, you let her go for a long time without any – you didn't raz it at all. That beard looks good. I don't even think my wife cares if I'm attracted to her.
Starting point is 01:01:16 And I shave the sides of my head. Do you see? Oh, yeah. Don't look at my nose. Just look at my hair. It looks good. Is that a little mini ponytail you got going in the back yeah you see what what oh shit oh man i'm going for the dave driscoll i'm going for the dave
Starting point is 01:01:33 driscoll dude i like it seve is her head big yeah her that chick's called her head is huge she was not great i really liked her i think she was great hey is it weird that a part of me likes that all this is happening in the public schools like i just wanted to feel yes so the whole thing it's not weird i have a lot of friends who just love all the chaos they just want to see it yeah they just love seeing the shit fall apart dude you know how hard it is to to do any change in the public school system like it's impossible and i i saw this stat recently that like over the last uh i don't know if it was one 10 years or if it was 20 years two decades that like they've only hired three percent more teachers and 78 percent or something like that has been administrative and the other remaining was like other like crossfit inc oh um were you
Starting point is 01:02:22 able to pull that clip of me saying that um don Falls ass is so clean you can eat a bowl of cereal out of it? Not yet, not yet. Does anyone know where that is in the show? I want to see. God, this – I don't think I've ever done this. This just shows I've reached a whole new level of narcissism. What show was that? That was yesterday's show?
Starting point is 01:02:42 That was yesterday's. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Oh, 22 – okay. Sorry. I want to see um my monitors are all screwed up you're right jeff that's why i said that at the at the beginning there buddy but i'm sure you could google it and fact check me and then uh prove that i'm right where do you think that was that i talked about, Don Fall? I don't know. So many shows. Do you have any landmarks? Yeah, over in Portsmouth.
Starting point is 01:03:11 It was. The only drawback about this road. I don't know if it's a drawback. But I think that road. Yeah, that was a cool commercial, too, by the way. Wow. I hope Bill and Katie saw it. You think they did?
Starting point is 01:03:26 Sevan, can I drive my camper that's interesting what what was what was i talking about that would and i'm like holy shit only thing that's fucked up is that oh yeah i like that god i really love that bit yesterday i said i was gonna slap the shit out of jesus and i said you could eat a bowl of a bowl of ice cream bowl cereal out of dawn falls ass wow. Wow, what a show. My sister called me and goes, man, you're belligerent. My sister called me twice, and I saw she had called, and I thought for sure I was in big trouble. You're going to get a talking to?
Starting point is 01:03:56 Yeah, you can't really. That whole slapping Jesus across the face probably didn't sit well with her. Oh, Phillip said he'd grab the time for us. Thank you. Oh, you're awesome. I want to see that again. I want to go back and watch that so many eight eat a bowl cereal hey and and someone the reason why i'm also so attached to that bit is someone said that don will never come on the show again i want to clip that and send that to don because i think he'll like it i'd be flattered if someone said they need a bowl of cereal out of my ass. Caller, hi.
Starting point is 01:04:28 Chevy, this is Bullboy. Hey, what's up, dude? How are you? Hey, I'm eating breakfast, so I didn't want to type it in the group chat, but it was around the Don Fall thing was around when, I forget who it was, but someone commented about Teen Kong in the Empire State Building, and then
Starting point is 01:04:43 you read my comment. And then that was when you mentioned something about missing out on Kelly's fundraiser because you're going to be in Don Paul. Oh, yeah, I see it. That's around the 15 minute mark. I see that. I see the Empire State Building. So I think you mentioned that somewhere around there.
Starting point is 01:04:59 OK, dude, you're awesome. Thank you. What are you having for breakfast? Potatoes, eggs and bacon keep it simple wow okay I pictured you someone like you fucking just a caloric engine just having a big old bowl of cereal uh no I don't want to be fertile
Starting point is 01:05:16 or infertile okay all right oh yeah fair enough yep you know your history all right look at that all right okay yeah there we go all right you're welcome bye howdy oh so pool boy wasn't even close philip kelly 50 53 All right. Look at that. All right. Okay. Yeah. There we go. All right. You're welcome. Bye. Howdy. Oh, so Pool Boy wasn't even close. Philip Kelly, 50-53. Well, thank you.
Starting point is 01:05:29 Listen, did you hear what the Pool Boy said? He doesn't want to be infertile. Does everyone understand what that's a reference to? Look up your Kelloggs. Why Kelloggs? Why there's Kelloggs? Is that true? I looked that up, but I didn't think that that was true.
Starting point is 01:05:42 It is true. You're talking about the masturbation thing? Yeah. That was a whole part of it. And that guy was also a big proponent of circumcision. Yeah, well, I don't know if it's true. I mean, there's tons of documentation about it, but who knows what's true. You weren't allowed to say that. That was somehow racist and wrong.
Starting point is 01:05:59 Open! No one is denying it to marginalized women. It's just a clip women it's open season anyone can say that's where we're we say 52 oh here we go shit here we go okay let me see
Starting point is 01:06:15 very possible he is so clean you need to contextualize it god this is I can't believe I'm doing this on the air watching some old shit So clean. You need to contextualize it. God, this is some... I can't believe I'm doing this on the air, watching some old shit. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:06:30 Open season, right? You could say that. That's not even a put-down anymore. Video recording. You think Don is gay? He is... Dude. Very possible.
Starting point is 01:06:43 Wow, that's strong opening. Do you think don is gay very possible this is fucking amazing shit yeah i gotta send this to him this is fucking gold you could do a whole show just you reacting to you oh like in the corner i'm trying to suck my own dick and doing a show about me. Just doing both at the same time. Perfect. Oh, my goodness. Yeah. Don't forget to stop.
Starting point is 01:07:10 David. David Kunz. Kunz. David Kunz. Don't forget to pause every second, second, seven seconds. So you don't get reported. Don't forget to pause every seven seconds. All right.
Starting point is 01:07:20 Here we go. Here we go. Here we go. Let's listen to this from the Sevan podcast yesterday. Let's listen. Here we go. Here we go. Let's listen to – from the Sevan podcast yesterday. Let's listen. Here we go. He is so clean. You would eat a bowl of cereal out of this dude's ass, dude.
Starting point is 01:07:34 I am telling you, he is so clean. First of all, he's probably six foot, but he stands so fucking straight, he looks like he's 6'3". He's beyond handsome. I'm telling you, he looks like a fucking model. And he's the nicest guy ever, and yet still intimidating as fuck.
Starting point is 01:07:57 Yeah, he could, Don could totally be gay. I don't think Don would come back on. That was all compliments. Oh, that's gonna be a shame It is okay look it thank you Yeah thank you even doses knows it's okay Listen if you if someone thinks you're gay I'd say 9 out of 10 times you should run with it
Starting point is 01:08:19 You're good Good I kind of uh And if you're offended by someone thinking that you're gay, then you're gay. Then you're gay. Which is fine also, but it just means you're struggling. You just got some reconciliation issues. A clear tail.
Starting point is 01:08:41 Okay. All right. Now I got to load it up. I'm going gonna cut this up immediately after the show oh man i'm gonna cut it reel it uh i i i think i do something great every day that's a good habit yeah and i don't know who's to be the judge of that, but I do. It's your truth, Savon. If you think it's great, it's great. Yeah, thank you.
Starting point is 01:09:14 And most of the time, the stuff that I do that's great is just witnessing. I'm just like – I get to be a witness to something great, and that in itself being a witness I feel like is great. But I really do every day I have some pretty crazy highs where I'm like, wow, this is – I cannot believe I'm witnessing this. It's just – it's awesome. It's such a fun life. It's such a fun life. I didn't even want to – I just wanted to stare into my – I'm going to do a walk.
Starting point is 01:09:47 As soon as this show is over, I'm going to do a walk around with my backyard on Instagram Live, anyone who wants to see it. My backyard is nuts right now. On our Patreon, you got to pay. Oh, yeah. Hey, someone said that I should do a – A 30-minute rumble piece? Yeah. Did you see that?
Starting point is 01:10:04 Someone sent a – i know you were talking about it but someone had even named it for us even better i think i have to go i think i'm gonna pop if i don't go somewhere where i can just talk about the 49ers non-stop yeah you need your outlet you need to have that release valve yeah yeah i'm not enlightened and so i have to react i'm still reacting to these thoughts do you know what i mean i need a place to continue to to process this stuff until i can let it go oh my goodness i saw the nilk boys interview with uh nilk boys had trump on yesterday it was hilarious i i watched that i was i watched the first one before it got banned and i watched this one too i didn't want to watch but then i'm like
Starting point is 01:10:43 oh if this gets banned i want to make sure I can say that I watched it. Like, yeah, I saw the last concert that Jerry Garcia did. It was like that. And then I ended up enjoying it. I really enjoyed it. I liked him. I liked the Nelk Boys. But I was so frustrated at that guy at the end.
Starting point is 01:10:57 I was triggered because he said no one does it like the Nelk Boys. And I was like, I do it like the Nelk Boys. And I was like, I do it like the Nelk Boys. I just can't get these motherfuckers on. Not yet. I do it like the Nelk Boys. You want the Nelk Boys? I didn't listen to the whole thing, but I really liked his first question. Kyle, I think his name is.
Starting point is 01:11:20 I'm like 90% sure that's him. That's the two best guys right there, by the way. And that Steve will do It guy is cool too. It sucks they can't have him on. But those two guys that they have interviewing, those guys are great. You like Stiney, the other dude? Yeah, the dork? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:11:33 He's great. I think he's good. I like Bradley Martin. I didn't like him at first, the super buff dude. Yeah, yeah, I like him too. He wasn't there, but I like him too. He goes a couple layers deeper, and he's not afraid to kind of like ask uncomfortable questions.
Starting point is 01:11:44 I don't like the douche that Logan Paul has on. I like him too. He goes a couple layers deeper, and he's not afraid to kind of like ask uncomfortable questions. I don't like the douche that Logan Paul has on. I like Logan. The whole Logan Paul crew sucks. I like Logan and one other guy, but there's a guy on there who just thinks he's being controversial, and he's a douche. Yeah. Oh, Mike. I don't mind if that Stiney guy's an idiot. Is that the dorky guy?
Starting point is 01:12:03 I can't tell if that's part of his bit too like if if he kind of plays that character on the show a little bit or if that's just truly his personality i'll tell you what they that was the humblest i've ever seen trump and those guys were really humble yeah those were two people who were like really like excited to be there he um the question kyle asked at the beginning, he was like, Hey, the response to, to you walking into the UFC fight. I didn't watch, I didn't listen to very much of it,
Starting point is 01:12:29 maybe the first 15 minutes only so far. And he goes, but the response was crazy. The crowd was crazy. And he goes, do you, do you expect that? Or do you get nervous?
Starting point is 01:12:36 Like they're not going to show me or why am I big? I like it when you're big. I like it when you're big, when you're talking. Oh, geez. And, uh,
Starting point is 01:12:42 and that was, I thought that was a great question because a lot of those people that take the air out of the room when they come in or get that applause, like I do wonder that. Like do you expect that? Do you think it's going to happen? Are you disappointed if it doesn't happen? Are you nervous if it doesn't happen loud enough? Like what goes through your head? Or like Joe Biden got booed at – like when he goes to the NFL game.
Starting point is 01:13:02 Right. Like how would Trump feel if they started going – like like they just say fuck you trump or something right right yeah i thought it was a great question i thought it was a great question i think biden's so out of it that he wouldn't even know he's being booed is the sad part imagine someone new to this top podcast thinking that someone is actually super into hating the 49ers imagine think imagine thinking that um i i imagine thinking i don't like transgender people um because i don't want to transition kids it's crazy savon hates trains why do you say that because he keeps bringing up jews and trains he wants to stop all the trains he hates trains i mean that's literally what we're fucking dealing with. Actually, it has nothing to do with the trains. It's the people inside, you know, that are getting taken to get killed. Well, I don't understand why you always have to bring up the trains. You just really hate trains. You talked about derailing a train.
Starting point is 01:14:05 railing a train have you uh that's what it's like sometimes doses that's what it's like talking to you dude if you want to know the truth like you just you go off the rails you start you you miss the big picture go ahead uh as it asked if you talked about our scene i have not so i'm not fully um knowledgeable about it but biden changed uh something with the credit score when you buy a house so now if you have like a 648 or something you pay 40 more a month so that way it goes to people that don't have good credit scores to help with their either mortgage payments or ability to get a mortgage are you fucking kidding me is that real And the average credit score in the US is like 650 or 648 or something. So it's basically just anybody who has good credit is
Starting point is 01:14:51 being tacked on this tax to help people that don't have good credit. Again, I haven't looked into myself. It was just a discussion I was having with a member at the gym prior to coming here. So I'm curious to look into that in the future. If any of you guys have heard of that in the comments. Yeah, let's look at that. And I just saw that the Oakland city council member was saying that they're going to fight for people who are, have their houses in foreclosure, but only black people.
Starting point is 01:15:18 That makes sense. I just saw a video. No, she said it. She goes only black people. Listen, imagine wanting to take responsibility. Imagine, imagine wanting to take responsibility for everything that black people did. Imagine wanting to take responsibility for humans on planet Earth, but only the ones that are dark skinned and only for bad shit that's happening to them. every single one of these fucking videos that you see where it's people looting or people getting beat up. OK, not everyone. Ninety nine percent of them. It's it's it's it's melanated people, people with dark skin. And I'm open to you saying, well, that's just Instagram hating on black people. OK, well, let's say it's not. Let's say there's a massive disproportionate amount of melanated people. Not because they're melanated.
Starting point is 01:16:08 It just happens to be that way, just to correlate, not if it's a cause. A massive amount of melanated people who are just crazy violence and stealing and hurting people relative to non-melanated people. Why aren't you taking responsibility for them? You want to take responsibility and get reparations? You want to take responsibility? You're trying to take ownership of the fact that you were related to people 400 years ago who were oppressed? Why aren't don't we triple the tax on all people based on their skin color because they're they do it they're of a larger proportion of cost to society and damage to society how can it only go one way how can it be wrong to how can it be okay to hire someone just because they're lesbian but then i can't ask them, hey, were you hired just because you were a lesbian? How can it not go both ways?
Starting point is 01:17:12 I have an idea. How about we stop looking at people based on the color of their skin? I just think they package shit in something that you can't refute because otherwise they label you. I didn't understand that. Explain that to me. So like if I'm if i say hey i'm doing this and it's going to help people with uh hazel eyes yeah and then you go well i don't think that plan is very good because everybody we only know that a very small
Starting point is 01:17:33 percent of the population has hazel eyes so this massively affects everybody and increases their cost for whatever to subsidize the hazel eyed people and i said oh well that's your problem you hate people with hazel eyes so now I've completely taken away your ability to argue it because I've switched tracks I've moved from us discussing if this is good or bad to now me just labeling you and saying you hate this individual group
Starting point is 01:17:56 and now our conversation can no longer continue it's the same way if you package it in something that can't be well you're emotionally fucking the person exactly it's this it's just it's the same way if you package it in something that can't be uh well you're emotionally fucking the person yeah exactly yep yep and so now if i bring up this biden's uh house plan which i did find the article by the way and i was it was pretty close to what i was saying earlier um then if you say no i go oh well so then you you must not like underprivileged
Starting point is 01:18:23 people and the only reason you're saying that by by the way, is because you're privileged. You don't understand what it's like to not. Oh, by the way, I know what privileged is, by the way. Privileged is that video you saw in Roseville of those people going in and stealing from the store. Privileged. Privileged is not being born to a white, wealthy family. Privileged is having a Walmart in your area that you can loot. That's fucking privileged. That is that.
Starting point is 01:18:48 Now that I can get behind. That I can get behind. You have no money. You don't work. You're addicted to drugs. You've chosen that life. And then you have a Walmart in your area and you can just go in, you and four of your friends, and pull up and just load up the back of your trunk. That's fucking privilege shit.
Starting point is 01:19:09 Can you imagine your bar? You've been so careful to have a good credit score and now people – I want to tell you a fucking crazy story. I don't know if I should tell you. It involves my mom. I shouldn't have said that and just told the story. I see people, good people, I see good people get punished all the time,
Starting point is 01:19:36 all around me. That's just another typical one. That's what, that's what, anyway, go back to, I do great things. And I see this guy and I'm just like i just love this fucking guy watch this guy here we go i'm just saying something maybe i'm trying this guy's cuban by the way he's a very famous cuban fighter i wish i could remember his name someone will say it in the comments um uh super famous uh cuban fighter came to the UFC, was just absolutely amazing. I think he also went to the Olympics and won the silver
Starting point is 01:20:06 medal. Here we go. Listen. Listen carefully. In English. So sorry, I know the people don't understand me, but I'm trying. Hey! Hey, UFC! Hey, Miami!
Starting point is 01:20:23 Hey, Florida! Florida! Listen, people! Listen, listen. Listen. What happened to you, USA? What happened to you? What's going on, you? Forget. For the debate of the best of the world, the name is Jesus Christ. What happened to you? Wake up, USA. Oh, yeah, Yoel Romero.
Starting point is 01:20:53 Thank you, Bruce. Thank you. Yeah, Yoel Romero. Good job. What happened? Man, do something great every day, man. Add value every day. Witness something great every day man add value every day witness something great every day did you want to peek around on this uh biden bill with the housing thing or do you want to save sure yeah yeah let's do it let's do it uh while you pull that up um uh apple by uh by the
Starting point is 01:21:19 way just opened a bank i think apple is about to become the largest bank in the world the largest trusted bank at least because you know they're sitting on that cash apple sells bonds for those of you who don't understand how much money apple has what uh suza is just mentioned apple has enough money reportedly to buy any industry in its entirety meaning they don't just have enough money to buy Ford. They have enough money to buy Ford, Chevy, Toyota, Nissan, and Ferrari, and Tesla. Yeah, to be precise, $113.762 billion with a B. Cash? That's how much they're sitting on?
Starting point is 01:22:01 Cash on hand. Yeah, that's pretty remarkable. Yeah, it's – although that doesn't sound like enough to buy any industry. I think they – $113 billion? What's the price cap on Tesla? I mean – I think –
Starting point is 01:22:21 That's a valuation cap that's a little bit different, but – But they could take it over if they wanted with that money. They could do a hostile takeover is what you're saying. Even if they – I mean you're just talking about buying it straight cash. You're not even talking about constructing it in any other deal. So that's crazy. What is this? For some reason, I thought they had more than that on hand.
Starting point is 01:22:48 Anyway, Apple basically – That's reported, by the way. That's what's reported. What is the valuation of Apple? They're over a trillion, right? Yeah. That is nuts, dude. So another way to think of it, if their valuation is a trillion, another way to think of it, the US – I remember it was in the 80s that the US budget, I think, went over a trillion. Well, the market cap for Tesla is $516.56 billion. Is what? $516.56 billion. Wow. Making it the world's ninth most valuable company,
Starting point is 01:23:26 according to the data here by the good folks at JT Watkins, Toyota's value is at $219 billion. Maybe my story is all screwed up. Well, they could definitely purchase up quite a bit and buy anything they fucking want. Jeff Baker, market cap is not value. Jeff's here to do everything except for spell my fucking last name right,
Starting point is 01:23:57 even though it's on the screen when he criticizes me. So he's on it. Twitter was bought for 44 billion. Overpaid too. think yeah i love how people in the comments to tell you what it's not but they never they never tell you what you know like you're wrong we're not gonna give you the answer i just know you're wrong that's the criticism that's the criticism that, you should see this article of this lady criticizing Greg for his up at Hillsdale College. Oh, that article that was written?
Starting point is 01:24:32 I read that this morning. I kind of want to pull that up and do a whole show. You know, we have Greg scheduled for May 31st. For those of you who don't know, he's coming on the show. It's on the stream, man. Call her high. But I would love to ass pound this chick. It's on. Call her high. But I would love to ass pound this chick. It's crazy. Call her high.
Starting point is 01:24:49 Yo. What's up? I was just, maybe I'm behind on the show right now. We're talking about something different. So if it's inappropriate, just hang up. But I heard this, like, we were talking about Apple and, like, how they've got so much money. Yeah. Right?
Starting point is 01:25:04 Yeah. No, you're right. You're not behind. You're right on. got so much money. Yeah. Right. Yeah. No, you're right. You're, you're not behind. You're right on. You came on cue. Perfect.
Starting point is 01:25:08 Okay, cool. Uh, I watched this show one. It was a guy who's like a time traveler. This is very woo woo. If you could just shut it down if you want, but it was the name of the show.
Starting point is 01:25:19 Quantum quantum. That show was awesome with something Bachman. It was a series. It was like a comedy adventure series is kind of around The same time as the a team that that show No this is like a documentary like this guy Is a documentary about a time traveler Yeah what the fuck you think This is some fucking right wing fucking conspiracy
Starting point is 01:25:38 Show there's no such thing as time travel no No you can believe it if you want but He basically said like eventually We won't have like country The continents will each be like, like one will be Facebook, one will be Twitter, one will be Instagram, one will be Apple. Like, basically like big corporates are going to like own full on countries or continents. Hey, they I mean, Columbia was owned by the cartel. Right. And so, yeah, whoever I figured whoever has the most money will own it regardless if it's if it's the facts will be the facts. Whoever has the most money will own it. That's because because we all fucking circle around the dollar. I'm not saying that with any negative connotation, by the way. I'm not trying to be a dick about that or anything. No. Hey, you're from Massachusetts.
Starting point is 01:26:29 No, I'm not. Oh. I'm from Colorado. Oh. Well, you have an accent. I'm originally from Chicago. I moved to Colorado. You're white.
Starting point is 01:26:41 Yeah. You're a girl. White. You're white. Spanish white. You're Spanish white? Yes. Oh. Yeah. Your girl. White. Your Spanish white. Your Spanish white? Yeah. Oh.
Starting point is 01:26:54 So I judge you on your sex, on your skin color, and on your location. I was right at two out of three. Got it. Fine. All right. Oh, and you exercise. You're strong. You're strong.
Starting point is 01:27:04 I can hear it in your voice. You don't give a fuck i could tell exactly yeah you're strong all right all right well well thank you okay adios i live on the facebook continent god that would suck you know what i want to do i don't even know if i'll have time is like when we bring up things on the show like i brought up some of this like public school stats or whatever i want to make a full video like hiller style almost and just discuss that topic like just do a deep informational like upload so you just click it and it's like here's all the stuff that's happened in the last 10 years like the data on the public schools here's what's currently going on like a big macro view of it do you think people would be into that or you think that yeah like yeah my time no no totally like these are the books that have been banned this
Starting point is 01:27:52 is how many people were in school in 1913 this is how many today the biggest influx of students was here the biggest downflux during the depression this many left yeah black kids were getting straight a's when they were we were segregated now they were getting straight A's when we were segregated. Now they're getting straight F's. Yeah. Just maybe like between a five and ten minute video of just some information that is like available to us and some data where I could spend some time like really like processing it and getting it and getting it together. So I was hanging out with this Japanese lady yesterday. Her two kids are in my – this japanese lady and her and her husband white dude they got these two japanese kids and they do jujitsu and tennis with my kids
Starting point is 01:28:31 we started talking about internment camps holy shit i'm gonna start reading i need to read a book on internment camps it's great i think what happened to the japanese might be fucking them absolutely craziest shit ever like crazier than what happened like almost crazier than slavery i think they fucking i think in the 40s i knew that they gathered these fucking dudes up and fucking based on the fucking this they saw your eyes were like this and they're like all right getting there yeah and they and they and they kept them hostage for three years and then took all their shit. That happened in this country. I knew that they rounded them up. I just figured, okay, they rounded up 20,000 Japanese people, and they were nervous they were going to do some fucking bad shit.
Starting point is 01:29:16 And I think that there was not one bad apple in the group. I don't think any American Japanese – these were fucking Americans. Yep. And, dude, it sounds like 49er shit to me i don't know how i don't know more about that stuff yeah let's swap down to the rug uh my son i forgive you for banging a liberal girl you are you are you are free from your sins oh i had to call in when i saw the title you knew that you knew that was inspired by our conversation right yeah i'm flattered hey i'm just chumming the water so you'd call i'm just chumming the water i appreciate it yeah i'm just like i'll get this guy to fucking call in i wanted to first say don't nothing in history has ever been as bad as what happened to black people, okay?
Starting point is 01:30:05 Okay, fine. Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry. I actually do agree with that. I do agree. I do agree with that. Fine, fine. Thanks, Matt. What's up?
Starting point is 01:30:16 I actually am leaving her house right now. Wow. I'm leaving her house. Do you smell like patchouli? I smell like badissi right now. Hey, you know, i felt so i felt so sorry for you when you sent me a text and you're like you know she has some really interesting perspectives i was like oh my god he you're like leppy lepew just getting fucking libtard
Starting point is 01:30:36 pussy and you're you just lost your mind oh my god completely lost your mind i'm hanging out for dear life right now biden 2024 baby oh my god take my vote show me them titties and take my vote what it's exactly what it's doing for me is it's really helping me learn uh to bite my tongue to be patient create space all that And not react with like, what the fuck did you just say? Hey, do you ever get concerned she's just banging you because it's trendy for libtards to bang black dudes? You ever get concerned about you're just being used for the color of your skin? I am now. Yeah, again. I had this really tall girlfriend one time.
Starting point is 01:31:23 And like a week into the relationship, she goes, you know why I like one time and she like, like a week into the relationship, she goes, you know why I like you? I'm like, cause I'm hung like a horse. She's like, no, because I really liked those little small jars of jam. And you remind me of one of those. Fuck that. That's not really cute though. I did not like that.
Starting point is 01:31:40 How much longer did that relationship last? She dumped me. She dumped me like a week later. She was over six feet tall. That actually hurt a little bit. That hurt a little bit. That one hurt. But I liked her because she was so tall. So fuck.
Starting point is 01:31:56 But what am I going to do? They have those shoes for short guys that give you like two inches. I forget what they're called. That shit doesn't even matter. I'm so short. That shit doesn't even pointless. Pointless. Oh, you're a jam jar. Holy shit.
Starting point is 01:32:13 So I have this plan. Okay. So we all know, I wouldn't say it's exclusive to liberals, but they tend to travel in packs. Like all of their friends are just that, right. They're all of the same mindset. No one's really challenging ideas, anything like that. So my plan because this girl is pretty damn cool. All things considered.
Starting point is 01:32:38 I want to see if I can separate her from her friends and get her around some of mine, some free thinkers and see like one of two things is gonna happen she's either gonna be like oh there's more out there yeah yeah yeah one of two things will happen either she'll be like okay you know there's other viewpoints out there than what i think or she'll be like you know what this isn't gonna work and i'll be okay with either. Like, that's fine. Like I'm not in love or anything like that, but like, that's my plan. What do you think?
Starting point is 01:33:13 So I have this friend I have, uh, wow. Isolate, manipulate. Nice. Yeah. Uh, that's some, uh, that's some, what's the guy from the 70s who killed people and made them do LSD? That's some... Charles Manson shit. Oh, shit. I swear to manipulate. Damn it, Heidi.
Starting point is 01:33:36 How did you know my plan? So I... I have seen in my cohort people... So there's this gym by my house, and the gym owner's name is – God, what's the name of that gym owner? It's called CrossFit West. It's a really cool gym.
Starting point is 01:33:58 The gym owner's dope. Daniel. Yeah, Daniel. I forget. His name's Daniel. Yeah, Daniel. I forget his name's Daniel, but they're at that gym is a high for libtards of the highest order of the fucking highest order. And I don't mean that. I mean that with peace and love. I love fucking Daniel. I wish I was still close with him and I wish that my kids could have interactions with them. actions with them uh a beautiful man uh him and um uh god damn it why can't i remember his uh his friend marcus marcus and marcus's mom coaches my son at tennis just great these are such good people i love them and um but there are people from that gym who were libtards who i started
Starting point is 01:34:40 hanging around one by one and they and especially people who have kids and they start to see it does this chick have kids she does not have kids yeah so it's really easy to it's it's a little bit i think it's a little bit harder to wake up when you don't have kids um yeah oh yeah because because you don't have purpose yet for sure and so um you even if you think you have purpose you don't not not like not like like having kids is like really superficial purpose right it's like you think you're protecting your car and you care if your car gets scratched wait till your kid gets scratched then you that's i mean that's something you feel some really super it's still superficial but it's it feels deep uh but but i plucked people off one by one, some of those libtards.
Starting point is 01:35:27 They would just come around the house and start hanging around, and they start to figure it out. It's pretty crazy. So you can do that. You can isolate, manipulate, and educate. Isolate, manipulate, and educate. I like it. Straight from the CCP playbook. I mean, straight for the CCP playbook.
Starting point is 01:35:43 They just have to they stop being around victims and they're like, holy shit, I don't have to play the victim. Dude, that's so wild because the amount of time... It all comes down to the victim wanting to play the victim. Wait, how old is she?
Starting point is 01:36:00 She's 39. I'll be 38 soon. She's 39. Are you using protection oh hell yeah absolutely i'm i already got three kids man i'm not trying to make my life crazier hey what about oh this is gonna be really bad i'm about to say are you concerned you really like her what about oh this is gonna go bad i'm gonna say to say it. You ready? I'm ready. I think. Sometimes girls who don't have kids go a little crazy.
Starting point is 01:36:33 Hold on. Say it again. Sometimes girls who don't have kids go a little crazy. Like, does she have cats and dogs? She has a cat and a dog. What? She's not like that crazy she is crazy that crazy uh i'm not gonna give details on air but we could talk later i could tell you
Starting point is 01:36:54 some things uh well 39 is 39 is like they're they the 34 to 40 they they need a lot of servicing you're catching her at the yeah a lot oh yeah yeah those those those wells need to be maintained a 34 year old woman's it's a 40 year old woman for sure absolutely what did philip say he said uh b he coined a new acronym BBCC Big Black Cock Crazy Philip's crazy about my black He's in the dance group
Starting point is 01:37:34 We talk all the time Every day he's like how's your black cock doing I'm like dude get over it Don't get over it Philip Admire from afar Oh look at this 12 daily doses giving you some huge love Don't get over it, Philip. Admire from afar. Oh, look at this. 12 daily doses giving you some huge love.
Starting point is 01:37:49 Amazing. You guys can't imagine two different ideologies getting along. I imagine it perfectly. Dude, listen. You would not believe the shit Libtard sent me. I'm going to play something for you in a second. I'm extremely happy that um uh that um uh jeremy goes both ways he's an equal opportunity lover yeah he he dips in the other ideology from time to time yes really gets in there very thoughtful of you gets in there hey does did we lose jeremy
Starting point is 01:38:23 no oh oh no yeah maybe oh oh sorry we lost you for a second that was weird Hey, did we lose Jeremy? No. Oh, no. Yeah, maybe. Oh, sorry. We lost you for a second. That was weird. Hello? Is he back?
Starting point is 01:38:29 Hello? Can you hear me? Yeah. Yep, he's back. Hey, does she sense that you're a different kind of guy? Oh, yeah. Absolutely. Okay.
Starting point is 01:38:38 100%. She's got this section in her phone of dudes that she has a coffin next to their name uh so she knows when they try to reach back out there to ignore it um she calls them totes and um she dude she has this there's this facebook group apparently where girls will post a picture of a guy that's effing around you know like he's married and dating other chicks and just not, you know, and she's, she's like, I looked for you on there. I couldn't find it. But you're, you're way different. I'm like, yeah, I'm not an asshole. She looked for you on the, that's really a thing.
Starting point is 01:39:17 Dude, I'm telling you, dude, the dating world right now, which is why I didn't do anything for like six months. I'm like, I don't know if I'm ready for this shit. Now I'm in it and I'm like, wow, this is interesting to say the least. Yeah. Let me ask you this.
Starting point is 01:39:40 Did you get an STD test before you had sex with her? She did one, yeah Wow, but you didn't No, I did it in the military So Before I got in the military
Starting point is 01:39:54 That's part of what you have to do I know, but that was 15 years ago You're telling me that you're like Yo bitch, you gotta get STD tested But she didn't make you? I've been with the same woman for 16 years. Yeah, but who knows who she's been with? That's why she got tested.
Starting point is 01:40:11 No, meaning the woman he's been with for 16 years. Oh, well, it doesn't burn when you're pleased. Only sometimes, only sometimes. Oh, man. No, what's really crazy is that victim thing you're talking about before um i'll talk about my cop friend or whatever like my old brother-in-law is a cop it's just like oh they're all racist and i'm like why do you think that yeah i'm like why do you think that well you know the news or this then i'm like yeah i really got to get her away from some of these
Starting point is 01:40:46 people that she hangs out with because you're 39 years old you should be smarter than that think all these cops are racist like and i'm a black dude telling you that you know like what the fuck like it's crazy man hey does she know any other black people besides you melanated people that's a good question i don't know she's got a lot of she's got a few like her best friend is gay and i met him last night no that counts that kind of gays and blacks are the same i've always thought of the same it's the it's the blmg uh group it's hugely popular but not spoken about a lot we're gonna start a movement hey uh that one makes more sense. Okay, Judy, listen. Listen, I was joking about the women who don't have kids maybe getting crazy.
Starting point is 01:41:30 That's fine. No, I was joking. That's not. I'm just kidding. Out of here. Is Mama Judy yelling at you? Maybe. I don't know if that's a good comment or not, but I love myself some Judy.
Starting point is 01:41:38 I'm going to step, take tiptoe back out of that. Oh, here we go. Manny Spiegel, blm gptq plus wow that's oh shit audrey rolls right off the tongue man what i'd say i can't tell you i can't tell you oh wait jerry i have a question what's the first meeting i've ever seen in these comments when you guys have discussions about do you go into political discussions with her? Like, live discussions? And if you do, does it tend to get heated? And if it does, like, how does that end?
Starting point is 01:42:10 Like, do you resolve it? Like, do you stay away from it? Do you feel it get tense? Like, walk me through that. I have avoided going that far yet. I'll let her say, like, even this morning, she's like, said something about F Trump, whatever. And I was like, haha, you know, like like whatever, you know, I just let it go. So I have, I have all but avoided talking about it.
Starting point is 01:42:34 I basically kind of what Sevan was saying when I, whenever I last week, whenever he's like ask questions. So when she says these things and Biden is this or whatever, I'm like, why do you think that? And she'll go off on a little tangent and I'm like, you know, just nodding my head, listening. And then I want to respond with, but did you think about this? Have you seen that?
Starting point is 01:43:00 You know what? It's early, you know, like, let me, let me just, you know. How amazing is that? How long have you been seeing her? Dude, I fucking love you. You're my new idol. How long has this been going on? A couple weeks. It hasn't been that long.
Starting point is 01:43:15 Have you taken a shower with this girl? I've done everything but that with this girl. Okay. Imagine that's the kind of person you're with, someone who has no idea who you are, but she's found something that she trusts and likes enough so that you would join union with her. Wow. You've pushed your penis into her so far that your, I, I don't know what your fupas have touched. And poetic. This is true.
Starting point is 01:43:49 And yet she, wow, that is so God, you just keep rolling, dude. I'm trying. This is fascinating. Do it for me. This is going to be a great segment in the show to follow this relationship. Don't fuck this up, dude. This could probably give me 10 more subscribers. I'm doing my best. It's funny because
Starting point is 01:44:07 I was going to put on I was literally going to pull my phone out this morning and put the podcast on and I'm like, I don't know if that's a good idea right now. Start talking about the 49ers and Biden. I don't know. This is really
Starting point is 01:44:22 a remarkable experiment. And you really like her. Yeah, man. I don't know. Yeah. This is really, uh, this is a remarkable experiment and you really like her. Yeah, man. Like all that aside, she is a really cool chick, like for many, many reasons. And it goes beyond.
Starting point is 01:44:34 You like the way she laughs and smiles and like the way she walks across the room and the way she looks. She has a, yeah, she has like, as far as like looks go, she has like a Sarah Sigmunds daughter vibe. So like, yeah, yeah, like, looks go, she has, like, a Sarah Sigmundsdottir vibe. So, like...
Starting point is 01:44:45 Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. She's cute in that way. I like her. Nothing else needs to be said. Sarah Sigmundsdottir. Jesus Christ, you scored the lotto. I'll send you some PG pictures. Okay.
Starting point is 01:44:55 Oh, there we go. Now we're talking. She got big old fro like that? Like Sarah's fro? Like all crazy big old hair? Nope. She didn't have that. Oh.
Starting point is 01:45:04 She had everything else. I love fucking crazy hair like that. Sarah's hair. Well, that's cool. This is fun. This is amazing. Yeah, keep us posted. We put up the bat signal and you arrived. Saving one liberal girl
Starting point is 01:45:19 at a time with a giant black cock, Jeremy is here. God. You're such a good all kidding aside, you're such a good role model for her. You're such a good role model for all of us fucking
Starting point is 01:45:36 angry, frustrated fucking ex-libtards. I'm so proud of you, dude. I'm so proud to know you. I appreciate that a lot. And I think it's perfectly okay that you're rewarded with some beautiful vagina for your patients. I just think it's like, it's so, you know what I mean? It's like, it's like, you're being just rewarded for your patients. Yeah. You're good. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:46:04 You've dipped into the matrix, the libtard matrix, and are trying to fish out. This is what Christians should be doing. You're fishing for souls. Oh, shit. Gabe has a great point. Has she tried Paper Street Coffee? Oh, shit, that's cheating.
Starting point is 01:46:20 I bought some caffeine and kilos coffee over at her place, but I don't know if that is good. Disgusting. Paper Street. That's the problem right there Listen When you're ready to fucking Give her a CEO Oh yeah CEO shirt and some paper street coffee
Starting point is 01:46:34 That chick will be I like the sound of that Hey do you own a CEO shirt Yeah I probably got like four or five of them Do you have a black one with gold writing on it i do have you worn it around her not yet no but you know what i'm going to now that is sort of like staring into the eyes of medusa that could either turn her to stone or quickly cause transformation so just brace brace yourself. I'm prepared, I think.
Starting point is 01:47:08 Wow. Thank you for the update. Thanks, Jerry. That was awesome. Thanks, guys. You have a good Friday. Adios. You called him Jerry. Jeremy? Oh, Jeremy.
Starting point is 01:47:22 Maybe I just said it weird. I think I need to get a new mic. I listened back to a couple things. My mic kind of sounds shitty. I think it's okay. Do you? Have you listened to it back, though? No.
Starting point is 01:47:33 I don't know if it is. Be careful. She'll catch on and start watching the podcast and know everything you say. You know what's interesting? You say that Slater is – Slater. Imagine – think of how weird this world is she went on a Facebook site to find out if he if he's on a scumbag dude I don't know what the Facebook site is but she doesn't know that he's not woke I mean that that – would you rather him – he cheated on his wife once or him not be woke?
Starting point is 01:48:14 I mean she's – even just the logic is ass backwards. She doesn't know him. But she kind of does know him. She feels his vibe. She knows he's a good dude, whatever he's thinking and feeling and processing, he's presenting in this world. Oh, it's a trip. Man, it's a trip. I wonder if it would be a deal breaker if she just found out.
Starting point is 01:48:42 Like if he came over wearing a MAGA hat she's like i'm taking your dick no more like he's got it all backwards and then like midway he spins it and she just like freaks out has to leave uh jocelyn strong uh she's feeling something all right yeah she is she is definitely he's feeling something too he's another idea for a show he's uh yeah exactly judy reed because he's melanated everyone assumes they're all libs yeah i agree which is just crazy now which is i i have to i have to guess the the the melons are going to come out hard for the right this year. Oh, wow, Heidi, 100% deal breaker, and he knows it.
Starting point is 01:49:30 That's why he hasn't said that. Oh, that's a pretty good point. That's a pretty good point. Kind of reminds me of your classic. Yeah, he is drunk. He's so drunk right now. Dude, this is your classic rom-com, you know, the Romeo and Juliet kind of reminds me of like he's drunk he's he's so drunk on he's so drunk right now yeah dude this is your classic rom-com you know the romeo and juliette kind of situation except for instead of her family convincing he has to like convince her herself yeah i that but but god
Starting point is 01:49:57 bless everyone who's fucking drunk on pussy or drunk on dick right now what a great enjoy that on dick right now what a great enjoy that really enjoy that how fun hey that's kind of the same thing as uh alcohol remember when i was like you can't think more than like five minutes into the future yeah yeah well when you're drunk on the other stuff you just don't want to think more than five minutes in the future it's not like you can't there hasn't been a substance that has affected you well maybe it has but yeah he, he walks in the room and he sees her body. Yep. And he's like, if I say this, I get closer to her body. If I say this, I get further away.
Starting point is 01:50:34 Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's why I was asking about the conversations, because when he's come out here, it made it sound like they've had like multiple conversations about it. So I'm wondering how she I was really wondering how she's going to react to his point of view because we all know that if you go and talk to somebody who's like leans conservative or republican depending on usually they're more open to that conversation or hearing those opinions without being too triggered again you know by and large i know there's both on both sides but then normally if you go and talk to somebody who's like leans like heavy liberal or left or democratic and you start up stuff, they usually freak out right away and won't even listen to it.
Starting point is 01:51:07 They can't. So that's interesting. Sir Mix a lot. Sir Trolls a lot. He needs to be very careful dating the woke. I feel like I was in Jeremy's position a couple times before, and it never worked out. But most of the things I do in my life don't work out. I don't think he needs to be careful.
Starting point is 01:51:26 Go full steam in. Fuck it. I like Devesh here. My fiance is Lib. She is not woke as fuck, but we know and value each other's opinion. That's the best type. No, I disagree with Susan. no i disagree with susan okay go you want to pull up that article that's what the fuck is doing i don't want to i don't
Starting point is 01:51:53 want to give i don't want to borrow money and because i work so hard at paying my bills and having a good credit score that now when i borrow money i have to pay an extra $40 a month to subsidize people who don't have a good credit score. God, it's so crazy. We live in crazy world. Well, these might change your mind because if you buy these, you get an extra two and a half inches on your height. Oh, okay. Oh, 2.4 inches. Excuse me.
Starting point is 01:52:18 A boost. Man, look at those heels in those. Those are crazy. They fucking make those. Sorry. When you guys were talking about it on the call, I was like, is that real? Hey, so that would be a cool video to make, by the way. Like, you know how we're thinking of contenting?
Starting point is 01:52:35 I put those on. Like, here would be a good post. Oh, fuck. And I hang out with my wife and see if she notices that I'm two and a half inches taller. Like, my family and friends. And you film it. Or we could do a whole bit where we're like we call it tall privilege and say that you're the underprivileged community so we have you ask a series of questions there's normal and
Starting point is 01:52:52 then we'll like only use bad responses then you put the shoes on and then you ask them and everybody gives you good thoughtful oh i would need more if i could wear something that made me like six inches taller yeah like a massive difference. Yeah, that would be kind of cool. And then see. Yeah. And see if the world looks at me different. How tall would I be?
Starting point is 01:53:13 Oh, yeah, I would be six one. Wow. That would be kind of scary. Yeah. Biden to hike payments for good credit homebuyers to subsidize high-risk mortgages. That is just nuts, dude. We are fucking this place up. Why be great?
Starting point is 01:53:37 Well, I know why I'd be great. I know why I'd be great. Homebuyers with good credit scores will soon encounter a costly surprise in new federal rule forcing them to pay higher mortgage rates and fees to subsidize people with riskier credit ratings who are also in the market to buy a house. The fee changes will go into effect May 1st as part of a federal housing finance agency's push for affordable housing, and they will affect mortgages originating at private banks across the country. Mortgage industry specialists say homebuyers with credit scores of 680 or higher will pay, for example, about $40 a month more on a home loan of 400,000. Homebuyers who make down payments of 15% to 20% will get a sock with the largest fees. Homebuyers who make down payment. Wow. So you'll be punished for putting down. Oh my God. Oh my God. Yep.
Starting point is 01:54:26 Oh my God. You think this is okay? You think that liberal ideology is not a fucking sickness? You think this is fucking okay? Hey, you just said the incentive right away. You said what? 15 or 20%? Because you know that those are the people that worked the hardest, that saved the money, that then tried to do it yes mortgage rate and everything else you're punished that's right heidi punished that's right
Starting point is 01:54:47 heidi you're punished for putting down a higher down payment yep yep yeah this fucking hey so so Hey, so a friend of mine who is liberal – I can't tell this story. Fuck. Hey, it all ends up punishing them too, which is just crazy. I fucking – this is fucking nauseating. It's fucking nauseating. Hey, I want to show you something. So just so you guys know, is there anything else you want to say about this before I fucking vomit?
Starting point is 01:55:34 Yeah, I just want to give two points to this because there's two important parts. So if you guys notice, it says with credit scores of 680, that's an important number. I'm going to show you why here in just a moment. And then you also notice that it says a home loan of $400,000, right? So that's kind of the minimum threshold. Now check this out. And I just want to bring this up here for my fact checkers in the comment section who I love so dearly. The medium home price in the United States is above that. So everybody right off the bat, if you're on the mean of it there, you're going to end up paying over that. So it basically affects every home buyer, right? Well, let's be fair.
Starting point is 01:56:14 If you put 20% down, it would be $328,000. But then you end up paying more because it just said for mortgages over 15% or 20%. Oh, right. Okay, right, right, right. So you see what they did. You see what over 15 or 20%. Oh, right. Okay, right, right, right. So you see what they did. You see what they did. Right, right, right. So either way, you're fucked.
Starting point is 01:56:29 Either way, you're fucked. The average credit score in the United States is 698. Meaning? Meaning that this is going to affect everybody who's capable of buying a home because if you got a credit score lower than that, chances are you don't have a savings, you don't have everything else.
Starting point is 01:56:47 So if you're an individual that has now saved, has done all the right stuff with good credit, and is looking to buy a home in the US, this is going to affect you massively. What's crazy is 698's not even that low. But they're going to pitch it like it just affects the rich or something. Watch, as you start to see this game momentum.
Starting point is 01:57:03 Look at this. You don't have a credit score of 850. Shut the fuck up. It doesn't even go to 850. The fuck is the highest credit score? And you can't even have the highest credit score number. And not only that, I don't think it's – oh, it is 850. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:57:21 I think that's bad. But no one can have an 850, just so you know. No one can have an 850. We got this right here on the – I looked it up. I looked it up one time. There's your FICO score. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:57:32 I think like the highest you can have is like 815 or something like that. No one can have an 850. I looked it up one time, and it's interesting how it works. Take a seat, Seve. Shut it, Mason. Shut it. Shut it how that how it works take a seat savvy shut it mason shut it shut it why did he say take a seat because i uh because i said that um you can't have 850 i said it's not 850 roger that i have 832 no you don't no no you don't i can tell you i can tell you what mine is right now on this app hey it's like the like the person who has the highest credit score in the world too, there's like two of them or something, and they fluctuate back and forth or something.
Starting point is 01:58:08 I remember reading. Yeah. What's the – can you get 850? Or how to get 850? I don't think you can. I remember researching this. Really? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:58:25 It was like 815 or something was the highest someone could have. Oh, I have an 850. I don't think you can. I remember researching this. Really? Yeah. It was like 815 or something was the highest someone could have. Oh, I have an 801. You do? Yeah, as of – I couldn't even tell you the date. That's nuts. 801 as of the 8th of this month. I paid my mortgage twice a month for seven years never let never had a credit card bill that didn't pay in full and um i had like 745 like it was like there was well
Starting point is 01:58:56 there's certain ways the criteria is just such bullshit and there's certain ways to it right and i was sitting on fucking more money than so much fucking money in the bank it was ridiculous that's the problem so they probably took your amount of credit that you could have the percentage of usage that you were using in your credit like there's multiple factors that go into it right yeah that's not true i had several customers at 850 no not not true i don't believe you are wrong no no no no okay here we go uhT Watkins, I was an accountant for 12 real estate franchises two years ago. Caught up with some of those people yesterday. Their sales is very wealthy area.
Starting point is 01:59:32 Oh, okay. I was an accountant for 12 real estate franchises two years ago. I caught up with some of those people yesterday. Their sales in a very wealthy area have dropped 40 in the past few months doomed damn okay bailey and i are about to fight where is she i want to give her a chance to war with me a little bit okay here i literally made a form loan that i do have customers no you don't yeah i'm getting fucked up this show who believes bailey and who believes me i don't even believe me.
Starting point is 02:00:07 She has references. You and I are just like, we're right. We have the microphone in the stage. Authority. Crazy, right? I could have swore I looked it up one time. And I remember exactly where I was. I was in a Toyota dealership.
Starting point is 02:00:30 And my mom signed for me and i think she had a credit score of over 800 and the guy said he had never seen a credit score that high and it was like it wasn't and maybe something's changed in the last five years has something changed in the last five years this was probably this was in 2016 well here's how to get a perfect one do we want to know ryan says he believes bailey i know i believe bailey too we all believe bailey uh my uh ryan uh mine is 800 so i know 850 is possible tell me hook a brother up has something changed something must have changed he has six credit cards and a perfect 550 i wonder how much it might have to do with like usage and paying it off so if you have like
Starting point is 02:01:18 you know a ten thousand dollar credit card limit every single month you use nine thousand five hundred dollars of that and then every single month on the payday you pay it back down to zero i wonder if that up and down fluctuation has something to do with creeping that up higher i just know it's wrong i know i know for there was a fucking 10-year stretch there where i was the greatest dude ever to lend money to my credit score was no good yeah it's like hey you guys are stupid as shit hey and and here's the thing here's the thing i at the time i wasn't married to my wife i made eight times as much money as my wife and all of and we bought four houses and all of our bank loans we did in my wife's name and not my name fucking think about that that's crazy
Starting point is 02:02:06 they're they're they're they're fucking retarded well that's a good idea it's been a while it's always nice to have sherman on just to shoot the shit okay listen this this is the kind of dumb shit that people in my family send me. These are the kind of libtards I hang around. This is fucking nuts.
Starting point is 02:02:33 These are people I fucking love send me stuff like this. People I love. And there's nothing I can fucking do in return. There's nothing I can do to save them. It's like they're drowning, and I'm throwing them fucking lifesavers nonstop. They sit there and watch. They watch this perfect fucking life that I live
Starting point is 02:03:00 raising these fucking amazing kids, and everything that they stand for would only hurt my kids, and yet they send me shit like this. So I don't know if you know, but Fox News reported some stuff illegally about the – not illegally, some false information. They knew that – they knew something about the Dominion vote counting machines weren't wrong, and they published anyway saying that they were wrong. They somehow lied about something that they knew regarding the honesty and the legitimacy of the Dominion voting machines, right? Mm-hmm. Okay, so this guy says this, this Jake Tapper guy from CNN. Okay, so this guy says this, this Jake Tapper guy from CNN.
Starting point is 02:03:58 My family never sent me – has never sent me anything about how the news from CNN killed tens of thousands of old people during the 49ers Super Bowl parade. They never sent me any of that. They never sent me any of this stuff about Governor Cuomo being a 49er fan and all the old people killed. None of that. They never sent me anything about how the masks have caused an epidemic in speech issues with little kids, the 49er helmets. How do they even check what they say? They never send me anything. They think because Jake Tapper said that the Dominion machines are legit. They never send me the video, the compilation video of 100 Democrats, including Biden, Hillary Clinton, Kamala Harris and Obama expressing concerns about the Dominion machines.
Starting point is 02:04:38 They never send me any of that stuff. they never send me any of the videos showing the fucking thousands and thousands of records that was shown in D'Souza's movie of people stuffing ballot boxes there's someone who's a listener there's someone who's a listener to this show here who actually
Starting point is 02:05:03 went to Washington D.C. and testified because they saw voter fraud with three of their friends. And their friends were Democrats. My family never talks about any of that shit. This is the shit they send me. This is the level of communication I have with Libtard. Just so you know, my life is not perfect. It's only like 99% good. This is the shit that communication I have with Libtard. Just so you know, like my life is not perfect. It's only like 99% good. This is the shit that I have to deal with.
Starting point is 02:05:29 And gophers in my backyard. Fuck gophers. He's trying to put a positive face on what can only be interpreted as one of the ugliest and most embarrassing moments in the history of journalism, Fox. So one of the most embarrassing moments in the history of journalism fox uh so one of the most embarrassing moments in journalism not what not when you're not when cuomo your biggest your biggest uh anchor that you had uh lied for months and months about the 49ers that that wasn't embarrassing or the direct misinformation they spread about the team yeah the most embarrassing isn't when um the director of the cdc said that they were hoping that the 49ers would win because cnn reported it that they actually had no data themselves
Starting point is 02:06:14 that wasn't embarrassing or when they called for the harms of people that weren't on the 49ers the actual harm of them yes yes that's not embarrassing that's not violent no how about the hundreds of millions of dollars you had to pay to that kid that you misreported on you you edited something to make it look like a kid was yelling at a native american in front of the fucking lincoln memorial a couple years ago and it ended up that you would you had lied about that you had edited that wrong and he was a kid wasn't he wasn't he yes yes yes they they attacked they smeared a minor standing there this is a propaganda statement saying quote we are pleased to have reached a settlement of our dispute dispute with dominion voting systems we
Starting point is 02:06:56 acknowledge i'm embarrassed that my friends watch this fucking guy, let alone send this clip. And they send it like it's some sort of victory. The election wasn't stolen because Jake Tapper and Dominion did not. It's like, wow. Do you look at the world like this? Literally, you're looking through the world through the eye of a fucking needle. Can I say that? Needle?
Starting point is 02:07:25 Oh, don't say it twice. The court's rulings finding certain claims about Dominion to be false. The settlement reflects. I'm sorry, this is going to be difficult to say with a straight face. This settlement reflects Fox's continued commitment to the highest journalistic standards. We are hopeful that our. Sorry. We are hopeful that our just we are hopeful that our decision to resolve the dispute with Dominion amicably instead of the acrimony of a divisive trial allows the country to move forward from these issues. Unquote. Fox trying to.
Starting point is 02:07:55 He had trouble saying with a straight face the first time he's ever told anything true. Hey, the fact that – you would have to be a complete fucking moron to think that this means that the election didn't have… Issues. Issues, yeah. This has nothing to do with that. This has nothing to do with that. Anyway, I just don't want you to think that I just walk around in my – and surrounded – well, I guess you guys know because you guys send me texts all the time. Why don't you move on there? I'm surrounded by fucking morons of the highest order who you can't even have conversations with. It's funny that 7 Daily Doses says that you can't get along with people who think differently or whatever. I get along with them fine.
Starting point is 02:08:42 It's more just sad. It's more just sad it's more just sad you are literally a moron if you think the election was stolen sorry you are that's you Seve did you jump to a conclusion of stolen though versus like tampered with?
Starting point is 02:09:06 I know. It's just I'll let the people in the – I just – You're just reading into more and more shit. Just, yeah, endless. And I'd be willing to bet that it's not the first time that that's happened. I just think that we should probably develop some sort of more transparent and secured voting process. Like the fact that you got to go
Starting point is 02:09:26 hit a piece of paper and like hand it to somebody else in an envelope and you're going to tell me that that's the most secured way to do that is a fucking joke the point whether isn't whether it was stolen or not that was not that was not that was not the point of what I was suggesting at all. But you do you daily. I appreciate you. I do really appreciate daily, though. Yeah. Me too.
Starting point is 02:09:59 So those are – there's closed-minded nincompoops fucking everywhere. And speaking of which, sorry, I'm taking your job, Sousa. I know. You haven't seen him on this side. This is the last one. This is the last one. This is the last one. Here we go.
Starting point is 02:10:19 Impressive. Hey, and all of that endless video that shows all of that endless video, endless video – go to Project Veritas, for example – that shows tampering with the election, completely ignore that. Completely ignore that and just go with the name-calling that comes from our local liberal – that's why this show is so good Because we have a hardcore liberal What's the word What's the word Talking fitness uses it like when they talk to People in other countries
Starting point is 02:10:54 Correspondents Our local liberal correspondent 12 Daily Doses Thank you for your contribution If you would like to see a counter to him and actually see instead of some name calling, you'd like to actually see some data, go to Project Veritas Instagram account or James O'Keefe where you can see actual footage of a ballot tampering. That's only if you're interested in the facts. Potential facts. Okay.
Starting point is 02:11:26 Imagine. Like this would have never. This would have never been okay. When my mom was a kid. To show up and testify. In Congress with dyed purple hair. Like that would have. You'd never seen that.
Starting point is 02:11:42 Ever ever. And I'm not saying it's right or wrong. You just would never say it. And yet now this is the party. This is like, do you think that this woman is conservative or Republican? Imagine. I just want you to think of two things. Imagine I went on and I researched shavers and I bought one and it came to my house. And now I'm standing in front of the mirror and I'm shaving. I'm shaving.
Starting point is 02:12:01 Right. I'm doing some shit to like try to make myself look better, more present presentable but mostly it was just because my curls were falling down in my face but i want to look presentable right this lady went to aisle seven at walgreens and is looking through for purple fucking hair dye and then came home and dyed her fucking hair like that. That's what she chose to present to the nation's leaders. To present. Also plan to make important investments to address the roadway safety crisis. Jew. Straight Jew, right?
Starting point is 02:12:43 Although her name is Ms. DeL miss delaro i don't know but just look at her glasses and the way she holds herself that's just so jewish just straight jew including the critical funding that would accelerate the development and this is an area i've written to you about of the use of word gender wrong, in crash testing cars because the dummies have all been male. Why? Why? Why? Why is she taking the time and talking to my leaders about that like i like i don't want my leaders dealing with that you want me to push back on that a little bit yeah please i i think that uh they the car companies should definitely be testing with dummies of all shapes and sizes not just one uniform one one so her issue was
Starting point is 02:13:46 that the rigor and the testing is not up to standard because they haven't tested heights and different weights and how those react at different speeds and different crashes then i would agree with her hey unfortunately she hey which that if she's right if she said hey i just want to celebrate one of the things we're doing we have crash chest dummies now that are of all shapes and sizes. We got pregnant women. We got kids. We got fat dudes. Yes.
Starting point is 02:14:08 But just the way she couches it with her purple hair, it's fucking insanity. Yeah. Yeah. And it has nothing to do with gender. Listen, if you think you're a dude or you think you're a girl, but what's in your pants says the opposite and you get in a car accident,
Starting point is 02:14:21 it affects the outcome of the car accident zero. What you think, what your sex is, is zero. Yeah, and I'm pretty sure you won't... Well, if you think you're a girl, you probably faint. If you think you're a guy, you probably get out and try to help people. I'm pretty sure they won't be angry if the paramedic on scene
Starting point is 02:14:39 mispronounced them either. They're probably okay with it after the car accident, huh? Yes, perfectly. Ma'am, they're not going to it after the car accident huh yes perfectly ma'am they're not gonna stop and go call me sir yes no you're good at that point you just want the help hey yesterday i was at the skate park in sunnyvale and there was this chick skateboarding and she was fucking big she was fucking stout crazy crazy, broad shoulders, kind of narrow hips, but had some titties on her. And big. I'm talking about 5'11", 220-pound woman, carrying her weight well, wearing short shorts, like tennis shorts, but no cottage cheese or anything on the legs, like very shapely legs.
Starting point is 02:15:18 And long blonde hair. And skateboarding with headphones on and just doing kickflips, doing street tricks. And so me and the boys are at the the big bowl and they're dropping him and um i i turned to the skateboard instructor i go hey that girl's pretty good and my and ob in the skateboard instructor looks at me like i'm crazy and obby goes that's not a girl yeah it is he goes no it's not that's not a girl and I go what do you mean it's got titties and he goes there's no way that's a girl and the skateboard instructor
Starting point is 02:15:52 looks at me and he goes well it used to be a girl or no no he goes it used to be a boy and it was a it was a I thought it was a girl because it had titties but Avi knew from the rest Avi knew he wasn't fooled by it at all And it was a, it was a, I thought it was a girl cause it had titties, but Avi knew from the rest of Avi knew he wasn't fooled by it at all.
Starting point is 02:16:14 Like he, he knew that that wasn't a girl. He knew it was a dude. I didn't, I thought it was a girl. So I went over and I went over to it and looked at it. And it was a, it was a boy, but that was like, he'd gotten some titties and was like, I get maybe going through shit. You know what I mean? But the legs, you know, like a big buff dude can have really nice legs and now cottage cheese on it. Big fat girl, like you're a fat girl. It's going to your legs. Well, when you kept saying like the big boobs, I was thinking like, because it was just like overweight, right?
Starting point is 02:16:40 Yeah, they weren't. It had a bra on. And actually they were probably like B titties, but they looked like A titties because the dude was so big. You know how like a girl can have D tits, but if she's big and fat, they don't look like Ds? You agree with that or no? Yeah, I do. Yeah, yeah, okay. Yeah, I was just thinking in my head like there's a saying like abs on a skinny dude don't count like boobs on a fat chick.
Starting point is 02:17:02 Oh. That same word. No, but. Like you don't have to i disagree with both of those i disagree with both of those but i but i liked i like okay so this lady's excited because they're using crash desk dummies and it's who's as happy to also plan to make important investments to address the roadway safety crisis, including the critical funding that would accelerate the development. And this is an area I've written to you about of the use of female dummies in crash testing. This will start to fight the gender inequity among vehicle safety and crash victims.
Starting point is 02:17:38 You think that guy in the back behind is a black dude? In the plaid? Yeah. Yeah. Oh, it's hard to tell from this thing why are you saying that why why do you i see that plaid suit and i either think gay puerto rican guy or badass black guy okay i'd have to see the pants what about the guy to the left of them though because that looks like it's got a little uh pattern in it too white as fuck yeah look at his wrist i see his wrist um uh mike mccaskey uh sporty beth's
Starting point is 02:18:12 legs are smooth like cheesecake i like cheesecake okay so there we go this this instagram account is crazy it would have been hilarious if she said we need to test it with people of all uh colors that that would have been funny i'd like i'd like that too this instagram account is nuts did you hear john fetterman read he's back in the senate did you hear him read for two minutes no no no I heard that. Fucking train wreck. Oh, have you heard this? This is the, this is, these people can't read. We have people in office who can't read.
Starting point is 02:18:53 This is the mayor of New York. One in every five metric tons of carbon dioxide our city emits comes from food. But all food is not created equal. comes from food. But all food is not created equal. The vast majority of food that is contributing to our emission crisis lies in meat and dairy products. The mayor can't read and he's hating, but you should believe him.
Starting point is 02:19:25 Nine out of 10 mayors don't think you should be eating meat because it pollutes the city. I want to hear from the other one. Kaiser's policy, standard policy, is to ask you to cook with canola oil. So if that's 500 doctors at that Kaiser, let's say there's 500 doctors. They all – what a joke. What a joke. I wrote a letter to God yesterday.
Starting point is 02:19:57 You did? Yeah. I'm committed to pointing – I put dear God. Okay. I think this was inspired because I said i was going to slap the shit out of jesus yesterday okay a little remorse little remorse dear god i'm committed to pointing at you in all things uh please point me in the direction that you wish me to work i'm here to serve god i had some other shit in there, but then I erased it.
Starting point is 02:20:27 Was it along the same lines, the other shit? Or did you? I was like, if I, if I am, it was, it was, it was about protecting kids. But it was like, I don't like, maybe God doesn't want me to protect kids. So like, fuck, I was like, who, it shouldn't be so close minded. Well, how do you know he doesn't want you to protect kids? I don't, I'm open to it. But, but I, but I was going to like, all I want to say to God is, is I'm here to serve. I don't want'm open to it but but i but i was gonna like all i want to say to god is i'm here to serve i don't want to be like and i'm
Starting point is 02:20:48 here to protect your i was gonna i had some shit like hey and under any circumstance i'll protect your kids and it's like what if he doesn't want that there's a presupposition there so i'm just like hey uh i'm here to uh i just leave it i'm here to serve you god you're an instrument yeah i'm an instrument yeah thank you i'm a tool yeah yeah that's funny that's funny that you said that i don't want it yeah like a week ago i did i said the same thing somebody like asked uh and they were kind of like hey what's your um what's your hope with like a lot of these things that you have going on you know like all the little things that i have my hand in and stuff like that and uh winery the podcast the gym the podcast the gym vagina yes of course so this is she'll be real
Starting point is 02:21:27 happy so you said it things you have your hands in i was just like free free balling some ideas and uh it was actually the livermore uh podcast and i was like yeah the hope would be is to kind of be a networking person to where all the the and stuff like that, that adds a ton of value to the community, the people I talk to, the different things that I have in my hands. It flows through me and helps them establish what we're trying to establish. Propels the mission forward and therefore making myself useful. A lot of utility and a lot of value. And then hoping that as that stuff passes through and becomes successful, that a bit of that comes back onto me if it's my time, if not. Where did you say this? You were thinking this?
Starting point is 02:22:11 Yeah, I was just thinking it when I, when I had, I told you that the, uh, the Livermore podcast that through the grapevine, they were like, Oh yes. Yes. Back to co-host episodes with these small businesses and the municipal people from Livermore, the city council people and stuff. And I said, yeah. And then I said, Hey, I just want to get on the same page real quick and say like hey why are we doing this what are you guys hoping to get out of it what am i hoping to get out of it by dedicating some of my time to co-hosting and and you know stuff like that and then that's where that conversation i hate that idea yeah i just want to be as matt says i just want to be come on that's all i just i hate i hate that idea of you co-hosting something else. You don't have time for that.
Starting point is 02:22:49 There was this post that Susan made. Kind of crazy. Where is that post? Oh, it's your last post, right? Yeah, yeah. Did we play this on the show yet? You called me about it, and I think you played it on the show yet? You called me about it. I think you played it on the show.
Starting point is 02:23:08 This is crazy. I was looking at the metrics of this yesterday. Let me make this part about CrossFit. This thing's nuts. This thing has 1,600 shares, meaning someone had to click this arrow here. The one that looks like the paper airplane. Apparently you're not. Oh, I thought you weren't allowed to click it. Yeah, and it's still going. three more people shared it this morning especially crossfit live more perfectly clear nobody cares what time you got nobody cares yeah i totally disagree with
Starting point is 02:23:35 this post yeah what you did on the workout but one thing everybody does care about that you did all your work we'll just leave that where it's at but basically it doesn't matter how fast or how slow you go it's about you and it's about your own pace and you're using the people around you as motivation just to maybe maybe work a little bit harder make me work a little bit longer than you normally would on your own outside of that there is no competition you get to decide what that means for you personally it's nothing that we foster inside hey dude can you make another one where it's like hey don't go to the gym and be a pussy recognize that in the 30 seconds before the workout starts everyone's staring at you and 30 seconds after it's over sure in the beginning no one cares
Starting point is 02:24:11 because they're dealing with their own shit but when it's over everyone wants to know your time can you just like a complete anti-version of this and see how many reposts. The opposite. Yeah. Just the, listen, it's not a safe space. It's not. Yeah, yeah. People are laughing at you in the parking lot when they leave. We talk about it. What do you got? Sounds so sandbagging that shit.
Starting point is 02:24:39 That's why you come here. You want a little judgment, a little pressure. That's funny. Yeah yeah it's actually over as of now it's increased since i was talking about it with you last it's over 1700 now hey i kind of want to take this and write it all down and then just and literally rework it so yeah rework it word for word the inverse dude. Dude, that would be amazing. When it does end and you get that nice big like. And I'll stack a bunch of tuna cans up in front of me too. What is that?
Starting point is 02:25:11 Peanut butter, tuna? What the fuck are you selling there? That's JTM's spice. That's the guy who started the podcast through the grapevine, Jeremy. He's also a member of my gym. And he creates these different homemade spices that he sells. That's cool. Like to put in meat and stuff?
Starting point is 02:25:27 Yeah. Let me just ask you this. I fucking have to ass-pound Suze a little bit. Awesome. I love to get ass-pounding. I could be in a. I could be in a class me personally. I know I'm fucking off the beaten path sometime in my sexual attraction to things, but I can be 29 year old man in a class and wow, man, yes, you're maybe this is going to backfire on me, but, but,
Starting point is 02:26:01 but, but I could see you're like, yep, keep going. I've done this for 10 years but that's fine i see a girl who's just crushing a fucking workout just crushing it and i'm attracted to her for that sure i find that just savagery but i guess on the same hand there's i hear stories about dudes who just it feels like the majority of shit i hear is that there's dudes out there who don't want girls who are fucking twice as fit as them. So fuck, what do I know? Yeah, those are called femboys.
Starting point is 02:26:32 What do I know? I guess there's girls. I guess there's girls out there who don't want to date guys who aren't as strong as them. Right? Yeah, I mean that's obviously – you're just tapping into an insecure guy. No, no, no. No, I mean women. There's women who don't want to date – like I have no issue dating a woman who's stronger than me.
Starting point is 02:27:16 Oh, you're saying that there's women. I'm going the other way. There's women out there. Like I think I've heard I'm trying to remember which athlete it was. Someone asked Brooke Wells or someone time. Hey, would you date a guy who is. Yeah, I think it was. She's like, well, he's got at least lift more than I do. Yeah. Yeah. And it's like, well, I guess that kind of makes a little more sense. Yeah. Well, let, let's take the tip of this. I guess you do want a strong male, but it seems like – I mean, if you – let me tell you something. This is not going to go good. A rich fucking dude will scoop any of you bitches up. Oh, for sure. Like, let me tell you something.
Starting point is 02:27:38 And he gets away with whatever he wants, too. We already talked about that. Totally. Yeah, yeah. I met the girl who would never tolerate a dude to cheat on him, and this dude had plenty of money, and it was okay. Not okay, but – Yeah. It wasn't complained about as you would think it would be.
Starting point is 02:27:52 No, no. I just think too – so let's take the tip of the spear out of the equation here, like the Brookwells and the Tias that are just lifting really large amounts of weight. But I think probably Shane's even stronger than Tia. Exactly. Well, so let's just – well, let's take them out of the equation for the sake of this argument. Let's just take your normal CrossFit gym and let's just talk about a female in the gym that's able to do 90% or all the workouts RX. Yeah. Okay. So that's what you're kind of talking about now. She may not want to date a guy that she outlifts. And the reason why I would think on that is clearly if you're doing
Starting point is 02:28:24 all the CrossFit workouts at an RX, that's a big part of your life because it took a lot of years for you to build that capacity up to get to that point. And for me, I don't necessarily look at it as like, oh, I lift, I lift more than them. Maybe it might be because, hey, they're not into it the same way I am. And this isn't as a big part of your life, because just as a male, if you were into it, just genetically speaking, chances are you'll be able to lift a little bit more. Okay, fair. You're saying it's a byproduct, and it's kind of a mischaracterization to say they're just interesting.
Starting point is 02:28:52 Yeah, okay. But I do think my wife's a Jew, Ashkenazi, and I think that she gives two shits if she back squats deadlifts and does Fran faster than me. I think culturally that's just not a – she's okay with that as long as i work hard and i'm not a drug addict yeah well she probably does she also put it in your face a little bit sometimes no well if grace does to me so good on you no she can't my wife won't even admit it like my wife will like deadlift more than me and then i'll be like wow you did it more than me she's like no i don't and she dropped the weight yeah she's like that was an accident yeah that was a no rep. My knees will still kind of though.
Starting point is 02:29:27 Well, Grace took a years back in like 2014 or 15 and found out that by the worldwide weight rankings by chance, she beat me by two spots, even though it was a different category of male and female. Yeah. So then she screenshotted them and splice them together. And then like every so often she'll just repost it on her stories and say, just as reminder that i beat matt in the open by two two points worldwide that's good shit okay uh i like it i'm not sure t can clean 300 but she's close yeah that's about that's like my deadlift i'm not sure i can deadlift 300 but i'm close a bailey i like my husband to be able to lift more than me
Starting point is 02:30:02 um i like my husband to be able to lift more than me. I like my husband to be able to lift more than my credit score, but I definitely try to beat him in every watt. All right. Yeah. Oh, well, there's another thing. Heidi, does the guy have the potential to someday lift more? There's another. Yeah, and that's what i was kind of getting
Starting point is 02:30:25 at it's not so much that like they outlift them so they're like oh now i'm upset at you just because maybe the guy hasn't put as much effort into recognizing or realizing that potential but but don't get me wrong uh if if uh if if you got um you got a home that's paid for in malibu and you're fucking making three million million a year. You could have five bitches that are three, can death of twice as much as you sitting on your face 24 hours a day. Facts.
Starting point is 02:30:53 There's no ideology that money can't overcome. No, or any moral for that matter. Here you go. The Democrats are at it again. JFK, I don't know what the fuck he's doing, but kudos to him. Look at him dropping bombs. Facts.
Starting point is 02:31:16 Brace yourself. Get out of hanky. JFK. Mr. Kennedy here. Puts it to our homeboy, Donald Trump. Fucks Trump in the ass. Trump's got to take it. Point Kennedy.
Starting point is 02:31:33 Here we go. Was a lockdown. Lockdown was the biggest shift in wealth in human history. And I'm going to tell you about that in a second. And I blame President Trump for the lockdown. A lot of people will say... Is he crying? No, that's just how he talks.
Starting point is 02:31:52 Oh, it's painful. President Trump for a lot of things... He's got some sort of... He's like AIDS or something. He got something. That he didn't do. and he gets blamed for some things that he did do but the worst thing that he did to this country to our civil rights to our economy the middle class in this country was a lockdown it's goddamn it's hard to push back on that hard to push back on that i'm pretty i'm pretty uh anti-49ers i'm pretty like i think the 49ers should have their uh i think they should be able to play football anymore yeah yeah uh
Starting point is 02:32:36 trump support yeah here we go clock jumping in the bandwagon yep here we go a clock uh trump's support for the 49ers head office was a disaster. Yeah, I agree. I couldn't agree more. It is. This is the point. Yeah, the point that he's making here is such a strong, great point to strategize against the chink in the armor. That is Trump. Right.
Starting point is 02:33:02 And if you go there right away is though is his party still wants to have the 49ers in charge like like i said they just voted they're never gonna separate they own it former owns it well how is he gonna run on that team then that's what i'm saying he's not it's just the facade it's all the same bullshit oh okay yeah it's just all is all as it is right now is a jockeying for the nomination right so all i all I got to do is crush the other guy, in this case Trump, to make him look like the enemy or like he's on more left-leaning or whatever the case may be here and then just get the nomination. But it's the same shit that always happens in office. Once they all get in, they just protect the corporate interests in Wall Street. 49ers support his bipartisan Washington.
Starting point is 02:33:43 Yeah, but what about – earlier in the show I talked about the most recent vote, right? And the Republicans unanimously voted to let people into the United States regardless of their being a 49er fan or not. And the Democrats almost unanimously voted to keep them out of the country if you're not a 49er fan.
Starting point is 02:34:03 I think that's huge. that's huge uh yeah i agree with you yeah yeah trump told me to go to a 49ers game he sure did yeah but at the end of the day make it mandatory i think we're deciding the color of the uh the house and whether we leave the door partially open or or not open but we're all still inside the same house like i want somebody who's get up there. And the first thing he's going to say is like, look, I'm not going to get into the minute issues here. Like I will. And I know a lot of them are affecting you and you're have a lot of curiosity, but the main thing I'm going to run on to untangle this whole entire mess is going to be focused solely on getting money out of politics. I want to cut all the super PACs. I want to cut all the lobbying. I
Starting point is 02:34:41 want to find different ways for people to raise money to run races. And we need to stop letting special interest groups come in and throw all these dollars at our politicians to completely rig the system in their favor. And then we need to let big banks fail. We need to understand what's really happening in Wall Street and the money supply. Do you think that's really the way to do it? Do you think it's to stop it or make it more transparent? Both. I think it needs to be regulated harder i think you and i don't have a chance if we how much money have you put in the last 20 years towards your elections personally out of your pocket fucking me to a majority of the people in the united states how many do you think the corporate interest the largest companies in
Starting point is 02:35:20 america put towards all politicians all of it amounts. There's another one of our videos, how much money does lobbying bring into the politics, right? So if you were to look at it that way, it's like, what power do you actually have? And we're going to argue over, oh, the election had this and had this. What power did you actually have? So until we solve that crisis or regulate it further or make it more transparent,
Starting point is 02:35:43 like I heard somebody say that the politicians on their jackets should wear the logos of their sponsors like nascar and the bigger the logo the more money they're receiving from that from that sponsor fuck that would be a way right there because all of a sudden you would see all of them everybody even the ones we like the ones we dislike and you would say oh shit it's all the same companies the logos are just slightly bigger on some than others. Right. So. One of the craziest things I saw was the fact that the left said that they would never go to a 49er game. Ever, ever, ever. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:36:15 And then. Completely switched. Yeah. Those videos when they have those. And as soon as Trump was out of office, they became the biggest proponent of the 49ers ever. That was weird. That was – and that's what I mean. That's like – that goes back to that video I showed you of Jake Tapper.
Starting point is 02:36:43 It's like nothing you guys says – nothing that comes – nothing that comes – if the right is lying, fine. If the right has a lying problem, cool. That's fine. I don't think that's true. Let's say – but the left is lying, fine. The right has a lying problem, cool. That's fine. I don't think that's true, but let's say. But the left is just batshit crazy. I would rather be with a liar. I'd rather be trapped in a room with a liar, with a girl who tells me she,
Starting point is 02:37:00 that's going to be a bad example. I don't want to go to jail. I'd rather be told that the orange, I'd rather be told that the orange is organic and it ends up not being organic, that Whole Foods lied to me, than me taking the orange home and it's fucking rotten milk. Still not perfect, but that's what the left is. The left is just batshit crazy. This is the perfect meme for what you're saying. Ralph Luca, this chat is intimidating. I much prefer being among the silent majority on iTunes. You're not the first person who has told me or talked about the chat being intimidating too.
Starting point is 02:37:41 Hey, this is why I got kicked off. It was an episode where I talked about this on March march 17th you can go still see it on twitter that it was in that exact uh conversation good to see you by the way ralph good to see you that rope climb is intimidating oh i gotta tell you guys some things real quick um uh before i forget um we do have cat sheer coming back on we have gary roberts coming back on and don't forget to check out all of andrew hiller's videos about um uh california ca hormones uh with the those are one of my most beloved sponsors and i will be going down there on march i'll be traveling down to newport with the family for
Starting point is 02:38:22 like 10 days coming up march uh coming up soon and we'll be due to taking Newport with the family for like 10 days coming up March, uh, coming up soon. And we'll be due to a taking the show on the road. And hopefully Susan Hiller will be down there with me and it's going to be a good time. Uh, if you are interested in anything, a TRT related, which, um, it's kind of interesting. Someone, uh, I saw, um, primetime Alex Stein was talking about getting on Ozempic and that's the weight loss drug. And I'd been telling him, Hey, you should consider doing CrossFit and getting on TRT because you're such a fucking huge man and you're, and you're burning the candle at both ends. And he said it was too scary. Now I, California hormones also does prescribe Ozempic, but I don't understand why anyone, if I, why you would go on Ozempic before you would go on trt like i i
Starting point is 02:39:08 don't i the little bit i know just sounds crazy to me i would do i would do trt and i would work out for for physical and mental clarity physical uh uh feel better physically and feel better mentally ozempic is i don't know what it does but the little bit that i read about it i wouldn't fuck with that shit, me personally. I would never say, I can't say I would never do TRT. I can pretty much tell you I'd never do Ozempic. Yeah, Erica, yeah. So anyway, if you are interested,
Starting point is 02:39:38 go to, use the code word SEVON, punch it in. I get their blood work, doctor's consultation, and now they're doing free blood work. It looks like with the code word SEVON punch it in. Get their blood work, doctor's consultation. Now they're doing free blood work, it looks like, with the code word Sevan in a handful of states and growing. I think, you better double check,
Starting point is 02:39:51 Florida, New York, California, Arizona, maybe a couple others. Colorado? Texas? Las Vegas? Texas? Yeah. I can't remember. Okay. Paper Street Coffee, obviously.
Starting point is 02:40:10 Drink that shit every day. I'm back. I'm drinking a lot of coffee again. Hasn't affected my peeing, so I'm pretty good. And so stay with Paper Street Coffee. They just released, I guess Gabe told me, heard me bitching on the show, why are they doing only 48?
Starting point is 02:40:28 And Gabe said it had something to do with scarcity sells more in the long run or it makes ads brand – he explained it to me. I just tuned him out. It's the same thing I wanted to do with our shirts back in the day. I didn't tune him out because I didn't want to hear what he said. I was just like, I defer to you. Like I don't – like I really don't – like you know what he said. I was just like, I defer to you. Like, I don't like, I like,
Starting point is 02:40:46 I really don't like, you know what I mean? Like, yeah, of course I trust you. Like, obviously he's not trying to fuck himself and make less money. Right.
Starting point is 02:40:52 Right. So, so I, I just, I, but whatever he said, um, I,
Starting point is 02:40:55 I love Gabe, a huge fan of paper, street coffee. Um, and, uh, although I'm not sponsored by rogue and I, and I should be, you have to fucking, if you have the funds, if working out is important to you and you already have a sled, I cannot tell you how much fun I'm having with this 100 feet of rope. I do not, I think it was like $200.
Starting point is 02:41:23 It is awesome. $200. It is awesome. And I'm a little biased because I can't do any pulling down like this right now because it hurts my arm, but I can do crazy pulling like this and get a crazy bicep pump, crazy pulling. Do you do pulling sleds at your gym with ropes? We do sled drags, but not pulling sleds. Logistically, that's tough. with ropes. We do sled drags by not pulling sleds logistically. That's tough. Yeah. Uh,
Starting point is 02:41:46 anyway, if you, it's incredible and I do with my kids, it's awesome. It's, it's absolutely, uh, anyway,
Starting point is 02:41:52 I just wanted to make sure I got those things out there. Yeah. And then speaking of kids too, as well, if any of you guys were inspired to check out the birth fit stuff, you could use the show notes below and we have both the programs there and we have a code and code seven gives you guys 20% off the courses. Yeah. So whether you're a coach or whether you're a mom or just want to learn more about that to better serve your community or the loved ones around you, go down to those and use
Starting point is 02:42:15 the code seven for both of the, um, programs. There was some argument. Um, I saw not some argument, but some debate or discussion in the comments about whether you can train for pregnancy. I wouldn't get hung up on the words too much for it with it. The way I view BirthFit is it's a community that's basically just an archive that grows every single day of people who got semen in them. And it – what's the semen do to an egg? Fertilize an egg, and then they started growing a baby in them. And it's an archive or a repository of those people coming together and talking. And it's probably one of the most amazing experiences any human being can
Starting point is 02:43:05 have on the planet dudes can't do it but girls can do it and i and i probably is the one thing that we miss out on that's probably the greatest thing ever um but if you want to if you want to be with that cohort of people who did that and are in our adding value to space birth fits that place yeah the baby batter yeah if you if you got to be if you got the baby thank you the baby batter if you got the baby batter in you uh and you started growing a baby then at least check out birth fit at least follow them on instagram and get um get the free information it's cool and the details of whether you're training for birth and all that like i wouldn't get hung up on that i would just go over there and just take what you want that's good i use birth fit to uh bailey walker uh very knowledgeable on credit scores and also i use birth fit to come back after both pregnancies it works yeah and you don't have to use it to come back either right
Starting point is 02:43:57 bailey like it's a good place to hang out like soon as like even if you're just trying to get the baby batter in you like if you just have baby batter desires or if you wanted if you're just trying to get the baby batter in you. Like if you just have baby batter desires. Or if you're a dude and you're going to hang out with girls who are going to get the baby batter. Yeah. All right. That was a little sponsor break. That was serious right there. That was cool.
Starting point is 02:44:21 Oh, good. I don't do that very often. Okay. there that's cool oh good i don't do that very often okay uh this is um i don't know if you know this i don't even know if i should promote this instagram account there's an instagram account called oakland state of mind did i show you that did you follow that because i sent you did you just follow it randomly too i have no idea okay that's one of my go-tos okay it is a um it is an absolute shit show but you have to know this is really what it's like in the bay area
Starting point is 02:44:56 oh man it's an absolute disaster i don't even know which one to i don't even know which one to pull up. And some of them aren't always in the Bay Area. God, Steph Curry is such a piece of shit. It basically shows you all the crazy crime in the Bay Area. And there's just so much craziness. I'm going to show you this. Will you just pull up the one that it's 561?
Starting point is 02:45:29 So I used to ride BART as a little kid. I don't know how old I was. I was 10, and I would ride it from Concord to Berkeley, and I had to do transfer stations and the whole thing. BART is called Bay Area Rapid Transit. It's an acronym, Bay Area Rapid Transit. It's a subway. And I used to ride this thing all the time and it's like now i would never let my kids ride it oh my gosh it's
Starting point is 02:45:53 oh it's so fucking crazy yeah just to give you guys we live with fucking just so many scumbags just to give you guys an example what someone's talking about is like it's like it used to have, and you'll remember this, it used to have a nicer floor, and it used to have the cloth seats and stuff like that, and lately they've been changing the trains out so it's just all plastic so they could just come in there and power wash them out. No shit, they're plastic seats now? Yeah, a lot of them have like
Starting point is 02:46:18 that vinyl kind of feel to it. There's a whole other account, I'm going to send it to you after this, there's a whole other account dedicated to what happens on bar trades. Have you seen that one yet? No, it's fucking insane. Yeah. And I know you see some weird shit.
Starting point is 02:46:36 And so you have to know that this all got exacerbated for three reasons. Three or four reasons. Listen up closely. I know most, you know this already the response to george george floyd the moron white people who supported and black people who supported black lives matter and get into details on any of these who wants to talk about it uh the defund the police the hatreds towards uh police those are the three major reasons you have to know none of it was not like this before that when they say it's because of the um the 49ers that is not true at all has nothing to do with the 49ers has to do with the
Starting point is 02:47:13 response it has to do with the george floyd incident and the response that the the country took to it the defund the police and black lives matters the the those that is why all this is happening. This is like it before it was just a, like a handful of mice. And now it's a field of fucking giant rats on steroids. That's it. There you go. It's all that, those three things, people being, those three things exacerbated it. There was, there was nothing, there was zero issue with the bat flu. Zero. All of the issues, 99.9% of the issues all come from the response to the bad issues. That's it.
Starting point is 02:48:06 Just the response to it, not the actual bad issue. You have to understand that. It's not the bad issue. It's the response to it. Yeah, exactly. There you go. Yep, totally. It's crazy.
Starting point is 02:48:25 Okay. Let's play this. Watch this. This is inside. Imagine me as a 10-year-old boy being sitting there on this platform. These are called platforms. We call them platforms. Imagine me being out here on the platform, and this is happening, and I'm 10 years old.
Starting point is 02:48:48 He just saved that guy's life Look there's police down there Look at these guys robbing shit Hey look it look it The white old people are gathered around huddled up. Hey. There's a girl there walking around talking on her phone like this. There's a girl there walking around talking on her phone like this. What's wrong with talking on your phone like that?
Starting point is 02:49:38 I feel like half the time I'm talking to you, I'm like this. It's different if you're by yourself, if you're in your car. Okay, that's true. you're fucking around anyone have you ever been around an old person and they're talking on the phone and it's on speaker phone and everyone can hear but they have it held up to their ear and you're like hey dude your phone's on speaker phone seen that shit yeah there's only there's only two groups of fucking people who do that old white people and young black people those are the only two groups of people who like like you never see chinese person doing that indian person 45 year old white guy they don't do that old people and fucking black people me well no what i mean is in public i mean i mean in public i'm in public i mean in public just the speakerphone let everybody in on the conversation
Starting point is 02:50:33 now the crazy part is this doing this talking like this has nothing to do with the fact with you're black it does have to do with the fact that you're old. Black is just a correlate for why black people do it. It's a causation for why old people do it. I just thought of another on the street. That was a good lesson in logic right there. Okay, good. We could find the people that are doing that, and then I'll just walk up to them and start joining the conversation.
Starting point is 02:50:59 And then just be like, when they look at it, they're like, what are you doing? And be like, oh, sorry, it was on speakerphone. I thought this was for everybody. Yeah. See the way they react to it uh every day in my house there's a scene uh you could pull up um uh 560 every day in my house there's there's my kids simulate a bar fight they don't know they're simulating it but they basically there's they they do they fight a lot like like they're like they have it's called fighting and
Starting point is 02:51:29 they're like hey do you want to go in the jiu-jitsu room and fight and then they go in there and fight and usually i go in there and watch but sometimes it gets fucking crazy in there and and it's basically just how much i can tolerate right and so And so when it gets super crazy, I'll be like, Hey guys, you want to go in the garage? And someone said, I, I, uh, I said we had an incident and basically if like two of the three guys are crying from the fight night, but it's still like just going, I just take them into the garage. And this is like totally typically what I do with my kids. When Hiller made this video the other day, don't do CrossFit with your kids or don't work out with, don't work your kids out or something. And it's so true.
Starting point is 02:52:06 So this is just a – this is the kind of shit I do with my kids, by the way. This is just really easy shit like this. Okay, go ahead. Sound? No, you don't need to. So Joseph's on the treadmill. He holds a ball, a 25-pound ball, and he's on like a balance board. He holds a ball, a 25-pound ball, and he's on like a balance board. And I set the timer for 20 minutes, and I have them switch stations every 30 seconds.
Starting point is 02:52:32 So it's never hard, and they're just cruising, right? They're just cruising. And that's it. It's pretty simple. Well, for Ari, it's hard. Poor guy can't even get it up. Look at him. He's hard. Poor guy can't even get it up. Look at him. He's worn.
Starting point is 02:52:48 That's half his body weight, a little more than half his body weight. He's probably like 44 pounds. Hey, it's – Keep going, keep going. But basically – and I was going to say that the other day. Will you go to that – go to the 700 Instagram account? I'll do one more thing here. Go to that onevan Rins Instagram account. I'll do one more thing here.
Starting point is 02:53:09 Go to that one, not the Tyson Bates. Yeah, this. So look at – so this – those little plastic things right there, my kids love them. I'm not endorsing them. I'm not saying go and buy them. My kids love them, and you can change heights. And when I started this workout, basically, I just have them jump on one foot three times and then with two feet to a one-inch pad. So this is at the very end of the workout. This is after we've already been working out for 15 minutes.
Starting point is 02:53:34 I haven't jumped to a one-inch pad, and then I just increase it by an inch and a half every round. And that's it. I don't go in there and like, we're gonna warm up and do fran like start start the time it's always fun my kids are just loving this shit it's always it's almost always fun and then i escalate it and escalate it and escalate it until someone's like man this shit's hard this video is really cool yeah that's yeah. Dude, I'm having so much fun with this rope. It's bigger than King Kong. It's not even this tall.
Starting point is 02:54:08 Yeah. That was cool. Yeah, this was fun. Yeah. Yeah, I wish I had a way to get that rope pulled in a bigger class. I was going to say the way Ari was looking with that ball is how the whole entire gym is looking right now because I bought a shitload of sandbags oh and we got them all like filled up i had to fill some of them only like 65 or 75 because rogoli has like 50 100 or 150 so you have to kind of find your
Starting point is 02:54:35 own in-betweens so i can make it accessible to everybody but it's funny because we have a little so what do you do you fill a hundred pound bag up with only 75 pounds of sand that's right so you have more canvas so it's a little more floppy but it's it works it still works and today's workout is on a 90 second clock they pick the bag up and they walk with it 100 feet so 25 back and forth back and forth four times and 10 pull-ups and then you do as many burpees as you can in the remaining time of the 90 seconds but it was just funny watching them go to get up because before that we have everybody play with the bags and practice it. It's new to everybody. So there's a bunch
Starting point is 02:55:07 of people that get below 100 and just start and it looks like it's glued to the ground. It just reminded me of that because it's the same way. Such a good, useful tool though, workout equipment. Michael C. took all kinds of equipment from HQ. I wish I would have.
Starting point is 02:55:24 You don't know. In hindsight HQ I wish I would have you don't know in hindsight I wish I would have I wish I would have God there were some fucking assholes who worked there made me just think of them took advantage of it no
Starting point is 02:55:43 no no no no You made me just think of them. Took advantage of it? No. No. No? Just – no, no, no. It was – I personally would have no problem with – there was a point – there was a time when you should – every person who worked there should have been given a barbell. Like we just had those resources. There were just people there who just had a little power, and they were like fucking Nazis. Do you know what I mean? Anyway, I don't know where I should click on next.
Starting point is 02:56:18 I have to go to the bathroom. I'm going to the beach today. I'm going surfing with the kids all day. It's going to be dope. Awesome. Okay, let's do this one. 552. 552.
Starting point is 02:56:29 552. 552. When I see Oakland State of Mind, when I see that Instagram account, I think of it as being South America. The stuff I see happening in the Bay Area is the kind of stuff when I was a kid I thought only happened in South America. Like I just had this view of anything south of San Diego as the Wild West. And now it's here. It's in the United States. Socialism has has brought in has turned people into just fucking complete animals. Okay, action. Let's be a, you can identify as a woman. I don't know why there is such an issue.
Starting point is 02:57:07 Anyone can, right? I don't see a problem with that. Just literally put the hand up and say I'm a woman. Okay, why can't I identify as a black lesbian? Well, firstly, I mean... I'm serious, I'm serious. If I can identify as anything without any need to prove I'm actually what that is,
Starting point is 02:57:23 why can't I on International Women's Day say, I'm Piers Morgan, I'm a black lesbian? I think taking it to a kind of absurd status... No, no, I think that's what... We're talking about quite a strong physical thing. With respect, I think that you've already opened the absurdity door by saying it is limitless, you can do what you like. Anyone can say, I'm a woman.
Starting point is 02:57:40 How many genders are there? Two. There are two genders? Well... Wow, so you don't believe in transgenders at all well i think i think there are whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa there are two genders well it's taught and you say well you've literally just launched this huge defense of transgenderism now you've eradicated it i'd like to be a woman you can identify as a oh boy listen very closely a woman, you can identify as a woman. Oh boy.
Starting point is 02:58:05 Listen very closely. When AI takes over, it is going to be with words. There will be no robots. There will be no guns. I've told you the importance of words. I've explained to you that naming is the origin of all particular things.
Starting point is 02:58:28 It is very important that you know the difference between kilograms and pounds. It's very important you know the difference between gender and sex. I've told you the importance. We've talked about emotional appeal versus facts versus opinions. We've talked about this shit ad nauseum. appeal versus facts versus opinions we've talked about this shit ad nauseum when ai takes over the way it's going to do it is it's going to figure out what words get people to do what it wants them to do and there's going to be an amazing algorithm for it and all it's going to do is it's going to create itself as a god. It's basically going to say stuff and put words together in a form,
Starting point is 02:59:09 in an order that's going to make people come to it like it's the ultimate authority and ultimate god. It's all going to be done with words. And there will be some of us who fall out of the matrix because we know how to ask questions and won't fall for the words, but the vast majority of people are going to fall for them and they're going to be sleeping zombies and they're going to view. And those of you who think, oh, I'm a Christian or I'm this and they're going to avoid it,
Starting point is 02:59:34 it's going to have all of that at its arsenal too. It's going to be able to talk all that fancy God talk to you too. It's going to be all done with words. No robots, no terminators, no gunships. It's going to figure out how to put you to sleep and manipulate you with words. There's this very interesting book written by Michael Pollan. I forget the name of it, but he writes it based on the fact, he writes it from the perspective of plants. And he writes it from the perspective that plants knew that human – they had to manipulate human beings in order to survive.
Starting point is 03:00:27 And so he – the book talks about it from the perspective of apples, marijuana, tulips, potatoes, and one other plant. And how he talks about it like they're sentient beings and what they did to manipulate man to make sure that man took care of them. Basically, he writes from the perspective, think about that. From an apple's perspective, what can I do to trick human beings or to get human beings to take care of me? See the connection there? Don't think you're not susceptible to it, people.
Starting point is 03:00:56 It's happening all around us. It's just going to be with words. You're going to be taken over by words. AI will be the antichrist. No, AI will be Christ. AI will be Christ. And people will worship it like a god.
Starting point is 03:01:16 Will be. It already is. Yeah. Your Google search bar has become god because you ask it the questions that you won't even utter out loud. My family, yeah, my family believes, my family thinks that because Jake Tapper says that Fox lost the case to Dominion and 12 Daily Doses is a perfect example that there was no, that that automatically makes you think that there was no fraud. 12 Daily Doses thinks that because 64 judges that Google told him about said that there was no fraud, there was no fraud.
Starting point is 03:01:47 Do you see it? It's like that's the – it just lulls you to sleep. You're done. You build – you're building your own prison of reality. And the people on the other side are doing the same thing. They're saying they're 100% sure there is fraud. What's my plan uh to basically that's a good question i don't have a plan i don't have a plan for what they the ai or or to stay awake you mean basically to stay awake basically that's the whole thing you just have to stay awake and you're fine. You just have to not be, um, Oh, sorry. Uh, not 62 judges, 64. My bad. Yeah. See, look at, and then look at there's
Starting point is 03:02:31 the dam. Look guys, there's the dam. You can't see my arrow facts. You see the word facts. No seven on 62 judges, not, not 64. I, you just hate facts. Do you see what he did there? The emotional peel, uh, the first draws me into it, then hate for the emotional appeal and then facts. There's the damn. No, actually, doses. I have a friend who's in the comments. Maybe she'll speak up who, along with three of her other friends who are all liberal, were living in Minnesota and they actually saw voter fraud. And then I'm open to the video that I've seen, hundreds of videos of voter fraud taking place at voting places, all for the Democrats. Now, I'm not saying that it didn't go both ways. I'm just telling you what I saw.
Starting point is 03:03:20 No, you are the one who hates facts. No, you are the one who hates facts. I would argue that the person I know is a more valid source in the video I saw than 62 judges and Jake Tapper, which you all heard from Google or TV. You didn't even talk to the judges, dude. Do you guys see what I'm saying here? Do you see how it – and then even I don't even know if what I know is 100% true. I'm not even like sold on it. I wouldn't, I wouldn't, I wouldn't. But I will tell you this. If you were to ask me, seven, I'm going to give you a million. I'm going to seven
Starting point is 03:03:53 on one, one of you is going to die. You are 12 daily doses is going to be killed right now. And I'm going to put the power in your hands. And I'll be like, okay. They're like, do you think that there was any voter fraud if you get it right we you stay alive if you get it wrong uh um uh you die but but if you get it right 12 daily doses dies you feel me on this i would get it right i'd be like yes there was absolutely some voter fraud in the united states and he'd be dead and and if you don't think that that's true that there was no voter fraud, whether it be Republican or Democrat, then you're fucking crazy. Everyone knows there was some voter fraud.
Starting point is 03:04:36 There has to be. I know a voter fraud. I actually know personally a voter fraud. I witnessed someone take someone else's ballot and mail it which wasn't legal in the state of california i actually witnessed that sorry doses you're dead yeah crazy dinesh desus is a beast daily had to come back to you what see his comment in there who doses
Starting point is 03:05:13 oh no what's he saying now sadly enough it was uh something that i that you can make the argument back on, which is just like the claim. The claim of voter fraud being possible or present could be true. But does that mean that it resulted in the election being swayed or stolen? No, no, not at all. Not, no, not at all. It does not. Absolutely.
Starting point is 03:05:41 It does not. At least we don't know. We don't know. How deeply we could make the assumption that it happened. We don't know, but listen. You have hundreds of videos of compilations of hundreds of Democrats saying that the Dominion machines were hacked the year they lost. Then the next year, you have hundreds of Republicans saying that the machines were hacked. And now you're saying that you heard Jake Tapper say on CNN that 64 judges say it's like, shut the fuck up, dude.
Starting point is 03:06:16 That's all I'm saying. Like, you have no fucking idea what you're talking about. You're not looking at a balance at all. They had there's video. You could see of Kamala, Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton Clinton all saying that the Dominion machines by name are fucked. Well, why doesn't Dominion sue them? It was the way Fox said it. Fox was basically the Democrats saying, hey, these machines need to be investigated.
Starting point is 03:06:43 And Fox was basically the Democrats saying, hey, these machines need to be investigated. And Fox was and Fox knew that they had been Dominion had been absolved in some sort of investigation and still didn't say that and push the other way. Fox was guilty for what they did for sure. Caller. Hi. Hey, Siobhan, what's up? What's up, brother? Hey, this Dominion issue, they have millions of line of code that count our votes. And we have no clue what that code looks like. They claim it's proprietary.
Starting point is 03:07:17 They claim that if they reveal it, they're going to reveal industry secrets. Now, what kind of secrets are there to counting ballots? Good question. You're making me want to throw up dude i'm trying to get off the air and have fun you're making me want to throw up they could easily they could easily um sign an agreement with dominion where they could release the code we could all look at it. And then they retain the contract for Dominion to keep counting the votes so that they have no worries about having some competitor come in and steal it. But we don't see it. They don't allow us to see it. So until I see that code and see how they're counting, and counting ballots could be hundreds of lines of code, not millions. Until I see it, I'm not going to trust it.
Starting point is 03:08:05 That's it. That's it. If you want me to trust the election, you show me the code. Wait, but Jake Tapper said 64 judges said that there was no cheating on the Dominion machines. Like, what do judges know about? Judges know about Dominion machines like my doctor knows about canola oil. Judges know about Dominion machines like my doctor knows about canola oil. You know, Siobhan, Fox News, a lot of people, a lot of conservatives, a lot of base people stopped trusting Fox News after the election.
Starting point is 03:08:40 After they called Arizona the second that polls closed, that was very suspicious. That was very suspicious. Fox News is not on the side of the base. It's not on the side of MAGA anymore. I know it sounds conspiratorial, but Fox News and Dominion are all working for the same machine. Because now Fox News is paying out
Starting point is 03:08:57 the settlement, and now it looks like it squashes any debate on election fraud. Fox News is still getting money. The guys who run it are still getting money. It looks like they're getting dinged. It looks like they're getting hurt with this settlement,
Starting point is 03:09:14 but I'm telling you they're not. Fair enough. Anyway, I just wanted to say I ain't buying shit unless you show me the code i want to see the millions of line of code well you should get that road you should get paper street coffee how about you buy some of that i'm buying paper street coffee oh okay good all right you said you ain't buying shit just really make sure i'm a big savon yeah man um man it was so sad seeing you getting censored but you know um uh we you getting censored, but you know, or getting banned from YouTube, but you know,
Starting point is 03:09:46 that's kind of a good thing because they ban people who say the truth. And have huge floppy hogs. And have huge floppy hogs. And the third thing, and have influence, actual influence. You got enough listeners.
Starting point is 03:10:03 Dude, the algorithm knew you were you were telling the truth for a while but they let you go because you didn't have enough influence but now you have enough influence you're reaching enough people so they're like what the fuck is this devon guy you know this guy's giving us a problem what a stupid name for a podcast people don't even want to say my name because it's so hard to say. Yeah. Do you ever avoid saying my name because it's just too hard to say? No, because my name's Huey, and that's kind of a weird name, too. Your name's Huey, like Huey Lewis?
Starting point is 03:10:37 Yeah. It's H-U-E-Y. Why would your parents name you Huey? How did they come up with that? I don't know, man. I like that name. I like that name too, but I just wouldn't think to call my kid that. Huey, isn't that short for helicopter?
Starting point is 03:10:52 A Huey? A heli. Oh. Yeah, or helo is also short for helicopter. But look, Siobhan, if anybody's like, if you're like, hey, yo, come meet my buddy Huey. Like everybody's going to be down to meet a guy named huey right yeah like that's a cool there's no there's no way an asshole is named huey yeah he's a cool guy he's chill yeah he's always down for fun i like it that's a good point that's a
Starting point is 03:11:17 good point never met an asshole huey good point all right thanks brother i appreciate it thank you for the wisdom yeah yeah or the perspective sober perspective thank you thank you yeah you guys keep rocking thanks uh how we do it this is good 50 intelligence officers said the hunter biden laptop was russian disinformation that holy shit howie where you been in my life apparently said this is james had to change my name because my computer got hacked and leaked all my nudes james who damn damn dose is gonna be big drinking day for you today buddy yeah you better just throw back a shot of fucking whiskey now 50 intelligence officers said the hunter biden laptop was russian disinformation dude i mean it's crazy it's just fucking crazy 64 judges shut the fuck up that's awesome uh Wow. You shouldn't be allowed to go nuclear.
Starting point is 03:12:30 Okay, 531. Let's look at more Democrats. Democrat Marilyn Mayer arrested on 56 child porn-related charges. The mayor of College Park, Maryland, Patrick Wohan, was arrested on Thursday of 56 child pornography possessions and distribution charges. The 47-year-old gay Democrat faces 40 counts of possession of exploitive child material and 16 counts of distribution of exploitive child material, a press release from the Prince George County Police Department said. All right. All right. Fair enough. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 03:13:23 I got to go. Okay. Hold on. Hold on. Oh, shit. I got to go. Okay. Hold on. Hold on. One. Oh, no. Okay. Ladies and gentlemen, please absolutely have a fantastic day. Do something great. Send someone a nice text now. Maybe across the room i love you maybe just drive down the street roll down your window and just yell i love you and then and then when someone looks at you just wave i actually heard a quote that might remind me of you and it said that if you only had tomorrow what you were extremely grateful for today what would you end up having tomorrow? One more time?
Starting point is 03:14:05 So if you only had tomorrow, what you were grateful for today, what would you have tomorrow? Tomorrow. Yonzi, my Puerto Rican mama. I love you, Siobhan. I love you so on i love you too good time thank you
Starting point is 03:14:28 love uh i'm gonna go to the beach uh it's 70 today's the hottest day of the week here um my uh i'm not gonna tell you what beach i'm going to my wife should said i should stop telling people where i'm going but i mean i'm gonna be in santa cruz california i'm gonna be down there today i'm gonna go pack up the wetsuits i'm going to try to stay calm around my kids as it turns into a complete shit show when I tell them we're going to the beach. I'm going to load up the surfboards. I'm going to sit on the beach. I'm going to ogle other kids' moms and just chill and maybe listen to some Eckhart Tolle. And, yes, we are having Ricky Garrard on tonight at 6 p.m.
Starting point is 03:15:04 I'm pretty pumped and uh and i'll probably do 100 burpees down at the beach while i'm there all right guys uh i really enjoyed all of you today it was great conversation um have fun that's the meaning of life take a lot of deep breaths if you're getting if you're getting tense just uh slow down everything slowing down makes everything um um, better. Okay. Choose a thank you. Thank you. See you guys in a few hours. Bye.

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