The Sevan Podcast - Live Call In | Don’t Be Scared #1046

Episode Date: October 27, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is an advertisement from BetterHelp. Everyone knows therapy is great for solving problems. But turns out, therapy has some issues of its own. Finding the right therapist, fitting into their schedule, and, of course, the cost. BetterHelp can help solve these problems. It's online, convenient, built around your schedule, and surprisingly affordable, too. Connect with a credentialed therapist by phone, video, or online chat. Visit to learn more to save, nobody seems like Dave.
Starting point is 00:00:38 Save on home and auto like only you can at slash ways to save. TD. Ready for you. 20 minutes ago it's it's uh it's pretty wild it's a bam we're live it is uh i i did this a moment ago but i didn't saw just a face but i woke up this morning uh that video if um i may should start with you know that sound effect that a bomb makes when it drops yeah yeah holy shit andrew fucking dropped a nuke oh boy my goodness how did they hire someone like that i kind of want to ask i want to kind of call don and be like hey how did how did that dude get hired did anybody vet that dude yeah the board did
Starting point is 00:01:42 it checked his resume you don't think don hires that guy you think the board hires that guy i think the board has that guy i think the board hires everybody i'm gonna say some just some just crazy shit harvard strike one seattle strike two strike four bar method strike three concerned about affiliates strike four Sir there's only three strikes in this game It's baseball Dude Oh man Testosterone level below 100
Starting point is 00:02:18 I'm not even trying to be mean dude Face doesn't Something wrong with his face Your face doesn't move right It's five, six. For those of you who don't know a shit, what did I miss?
Starting point is 00:02:30 Andrew Hiller dropped a CrossFit, hired a new affiliate director and it's, it's, it's gotta be fucking satire. It cannot be real. Yes. Yes. Jillian Michaels now VP of the games.
Starting point is 00:02:41 Yes. You know what? It's like that. It's fucking. Michael's now VP of the games. Yes. You know what? It's like that. It's fucking.
Starting point is 00:02:50 This organization has no values, I guess, anymore. Besides, I guess, I mean, I know Dave and Nicole have values, strong values, but I guess. I mean, I didn't have values until a few years ago. I didn't even know what values were. I think Rich and Sarah Sigmund's daughter had introduced me me to values i was a deeply religious spiritual i'm a deeply spiritual man with no values so interesting i think i had kids and i got some values that would make sense dude you're gonna fucking trip on this when you see this when you see what they hired to to run affiliates you are going to trip I yeah
Starting point is 00:03:25 I can't wait to see Andrew's video I'm really what are your values decent question what are my values should they just roll off my tongue should I not open that until they were just like uh
Starting point is 00:03:45 just fucking till i have them rock solid yeah it doesn't count until you could just rattle them off super quick the immediate thing is to do what's best for my kids at any cost to put my kids before me at all times to to maintain integrity And by integrity Is to be honest even when I can't be honest To be honest about my dishonesty So An example of that would be to
Starting point is 00:04:13 Accept when I can't accept things Accept the fact be compassionate towards myself And accept the fact that there's some things I can't accept Yeah hey this is crazy. All of a sudden, Austin Maliola looks like a king next to this dude. That is true. Yep, that is true.
Starting point is 00:04:36 Classic one of those, like, oh, anybody would be better than this guy. And then they bring the guy you thought would be better, and they're like, okay, wait, we'll take the old guy back. I suspect, I don't know this for sure, but I suspect austin malia was a good dude that got a little lost and and then started trying to play corporate and business and kind of lost his way was enjoying the fact of like just playing business but i think through and through if you cut him open he he bleeds a crossfitter he has the values of he's gone through hardship and he has the values of personal responsibility personal accountability and that um that helping people is the, I don't know, highest form and happiest form of life.
Starting point is 00:05:14 When you're not, when you sort of this abandonment of ego. But this guy, this, the bar method. Oh no. Who thought thought who thought that was that dude vp off to a bad start dude not even a bad start he's toast that dude's toast that dude gets let go today did you see that other comment couple of comments up no where is it goodwill racing oh will you pull it up for me or do i want to read it first the new vp of affiliates calling crossfit dangerous is wild yeah dude i don't know if he used the word dangerous but he said um he's concerned about just crossfit gyms just opening up
Starting point is 00:05:56 and did you see the smirk on the host's face like you could tell they all like they both hate crossfit like it's it's a childish passive aggressive shot that he took at crossfit when he was at the bar method the bar method the bar method hey i don't have a problem with ballet i really don't i think it's cool but it's like not as cool as basketball. Do you know what I mean? Yeah, for sure.
Starting point is 00:06:29 Basketball is like, holy fuck, that's ballet. It's like hip-hop and dance. It's hip-hop and ballet mixed, fused into one. And you got to have a ball that's got to go in this hole. The bar method. Is this guy black, gay, blue hair, or a dwarf? All fair questions. Yeah, totally fair.
Starting point is 00:06:56 He's from Seattle. He's not black. He doesn't look black. I don't look black either, but I'm black. But Shelby Neal not black. He doesn't look black. I don't look black either, but I'm black. But Shelby Neal's black. Blade's black. There's some black dudes around. Judy's Asian.
Starting point is 00:07:17 I don't know if he's gay or not. I don't know. Like, if you looked at Sousa, I don't want to use me. I want to use a regular dude. Would you think he's gay? Has anyone got gay vibes from Sousa? Like, is anyone, like, just like, hey, that dude's gay? Like, call her.
Starting point is 00:07:37 Hi. Hey. Call her. Hello? Oh, shit. Hold on. Hold on. Of course.
Starting point is 00:07:43 Of course. Roadcaster 2, the biggest piece of shit. The only choice we have, but also the biggest shit in the business. Hold on a second. Maybe it's the computer's fault. Maybe it's the computer's fault. Caller. Hi. Hey, I got a question for you. You got me?
Starting point is 00:08:01 Yeah. Hey, I got a question for you. Do you ever have ever have um not gay not gay do you have any um have you ever thought susan might be gay even once no okay well when i saw the affiliate director i thought maybe he's gay that was like one of my first thoughts oh maybe that guy's gay because he's got some thought of straight away then like a justin berg like when you see justin ber Justin Berg You think maybe he's gay Yeah maybe Justin Berg may be gay I don't mean that in the
Starting point is 00:08:28 Oh shit Garrity says bisexual Oh beta sexual Sousa beta sexual I just don't get I don't mean it in a bad way at all Sousa's not gay but he's definitely Able to like be around naked dudes and not worry about it yeah like a sports guy though yeah for sure yeah yeah i'd snap a few towels in the locker room you know
Starting point is 00:08:53 nothing by it but you can't see a dick in his mouth you never you never thought oh he yeah i don't i've known anything he doesn't experiment i don't even yeah i don't see him as gay either at all even a tiny bit. Who said he was? No one. I'm just trying to give the, someone asked me if the new affiliate director was gay, and I'm like, I don't know if he's gay, but like when I saw him, that entered my mind. Like maybe I was attracted to him.
Starting point is 00:09:17 I don't know what the mechanism was. I didn't see the thoughts as they piled in, but I did think for a second, oh, this dude's gay. But I've never thought that about Sousa. But like I'm trying to think this dude's gay but i've never thought that about suza but like i'm trying to think let me think who else i've thought that about um or just like just like i see dudes like i just i'll have a thought like oh that dude probably jerks off a lot or that dude's got a porn habit or like i see andrew hill i've never thought andrew hiller is gay you know no no or pedro pedro's pedro's not i'm trying to think of anyone on the team as gay Is this Gabe or Jethro
Starting point is 00:09:51 Jethro Yeah I never thought of you as gay Or Gabe as gay I'm trying to think One of my best friends from elementary school Like I thought might be gay And then I found out he was gay that's when i found out i was gay oh anyway hi how are you i want to i want to bring up a i'm good how are you i'm good john young no john young is not gay
Starting point is 00:10:19 john young's barely heterosexual John Young might be like just John Young can pass for gay When he wears the white beater Wow Wow Kind of like What's his face from Queen When he was performing in that white beater Freddie Mercury
Starting point is 00:10:41 Taylor might be a little Taylor could have a little gay in him The thumb He's always tucking his nuts between his legs Yeah I'd shower with Taylor I feel comfortable around Taylor naked Okay
Starting point is 00:10:58 Hi how are you Oh J.R. Howell could pass as gay Totally J.R. is pretty uptight Yeah J.R. couldell could pass as gay Totally J.R.'s pretty uptight Yeah, J.R. could be closet He's pretty He's wound tight He's wound tight
Starting point is 00:11:08 He's wound tight It's funny you say J.R. So J.R. and I And Phillip Kelly We all worked for the Abercrombie & Fitch organization Yeah, yeah Gay For sure
Starting point is 00:11:20 Will Branstetter could have been I thought Will Branstetter might be gay in the beginning He's Any guys that I see that are wound really tight, I think they're guarding like, yeah, they're gay. What about Halpin? Halpin could be gay for sure. Oh, and very religious people I think might be gay too. I'm trying to make up for it.
Starting point is 00:11:38 Yeah. So the three of us works for the Abercrombie Pitch organization. They went through The same stuff That CrossFit's Going through right now The people who got Abercrombie going
Starting point is 00:11:50 And really made it A brand Like a global brand That everyone Wanted to be a part of Everyone in corporate And at headquarters Lived and breathed
Starting point is 00:12:00 Abercrombie & Fitch It was a total lifestyle Then what happened If you guys saw The documentary No I need to though Mike Jeffrey You gotta see it You gotta see it It's awesome abercrombie and fix it was a total lifestyle then what happened if you guys saw the documentary no i need you to go you gotta see it yes it's awesome so mike jeffries got fired for his alleged sexual deviancies with boys or with girls was he was he diddling the boys he used to fly his jets and have like all the Abercrombie guy models go with them and take advances.
Starting point is 00:12:27 I don't want to slander him, but that's what I heard. So the same thing that's happened, the same thing that happened to Abercrombie and Fitch is happening to CrossFit right now. They are kind of like bowing down a little bit and not having those same people in places. Yeah. At the higher ups. Yeah. The person that's running the affiliates they have to live Brief like anyone in corporate Should know the nine foundational movements
Starting point is 00:12:51 They should know what mechanics Consistency and intensity are And I feel like that's not happening At the corporate level I think they're hiring people What about this Jethro you should have seen You should have watched everything that Greg Glassman Has ever put out Like the second If you haven't watched everything that Greg Glassman has ever put out.
Starting point is 00:13:12 Like the second – if you haven't watched it already, the second you're hired, you should read and have seen every video Greg put out. The founder. Because that is the essence of the company. Yep. That's what they did at Abercrombie. The second you got hired, they gave you a lookbook. This is what you're supposed to look like. This is what you're supposed to say. This is what you're supposed to do. Are they doing
Starting point is 00:13:27 that now at CrossFit? I don't know. Again, they have investors that they have to have a fiduciary interest to pay the stockholders. It's a tough time right now. Yeah, Homeboy didn't get vetted. That's for sure. Someone didn't go back and watch his videos. There's a
Starting point is 00:13:43 couple other people over there that have some really crazy videos out too that I'm surprised haven't come up. Devesh Maharaj, after three years of watching the show, says the first funny thing ever in the comments by Devesh. Mark, this day, October 26, 2022, Devesh makes his first step out onto the comedy stage. Felatio is not one of the foundational movements? Good job, Devesh. Nice. Yeah, that's good. Not bad, buddy. onto the comedy stage fellatio is not one of the foundational movements question mark good job nice yeah that's good not bad buddy um what do you think seven is that the case right now with
Starting point is 00:14:14 what's going on i mean yeah you nailed it completely what's it you nailed it completely it should just this company first of all they don't know they still don't know what the company is, right? By the way, this guy comes from Summit. This guy is a private equity guy. No, this guy – the Summit, yes, I think it is a Jersey company. Yeah, it might be a Jersey company, but he comes from Summit, a private equity company, and they – their specialty is buying and selling shit and making money. is buying and selling shit and making money and uh he one of his proud things that he did i think was um being involved in the purchase and sale of uh the bar method and um that's not what this thing is that's not what this crossfit thing is at its roots the thing that so many people have trouble getting their head wrapped around is crossfit and i asked greg this and he did he said no but i i
Starting point is 00:15:04 disagree with him at its roots this thing is libertarian because that's how Greg is. Personal responsibility, personal accountability. That's like one of the values of this company. And if you don't have that, like to the utmost, then, then you're, you're a cancer to this company. It's not, it's not going to change. They have so many people in the company who don't have the right values for what drives the fuel that drives the methodology that is CrossFit. I'm not trying to say that even to be a dick. And what's crazy is that this company did and does have a important thing because people who are gay who have come out of the closet, who have taken personal responsibility and accountability for them have been great ambassadors of the sport and great leaders in high leadership positions in this company. What's not appropriate, and I want to be very clear, is hiring someone because they're gay.
Starting point is 00:15:57 That is fucking bullshit. You said it before that a lot of the people in charge were women and were gay. Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god. Crazy. Diverse. Crazy, crazy. When I started with the company, it was all women at the top except for Greg. It was Greg, Lauren, Nicole Carroll, Lynn Pitts. I mean it was – I don't want to say who the gay dude was, but there was a gay dude. I don't want to say who the gay dude was, but there was a gay dude. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:16:27 Yeah, loads of... Yeah. It was... Well, Don Fall... I mean, Don Fall seems like he's... CrossFit. I agree. I totally agree. That's why I can't believe this dude's been hired.
Starting point is 00:16:41 There's a bunch of hires over there that I don't understand. There's a bunch of people there I don't understand don't, I don't understand. There's a bunch of people there. I don't understand why he's hiring them. I heard him speak. I heard him speak at the games at the affiliate lounge. And it was like, he wanted me to run through a brick wall for CrossFit. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:16:55 It's like people should be talking like that all the time. And if you're not, if you're going to have an affiliate, someone to run the affiliate, not talk like that, not be CrossFit through and through, that's going to be a problem because that is the liaison between the affiliates and corporate. There was this – I saw an interview with Matt Gaetz the other day. That's the conservative – I don't know if he's a senator or a congressman.
Starting point is 00:17:23 And they said, hey, it's an old interview, but I saw a clip of it. And they said, hey, are you suggesting that people who are pro-baby killing, what they call pro-choice, people who think it's okay to kill a baby in a mom's womb, are you suggesting that they're obese and unattractive? And he said, yes, I'm suggesting that that's the demographic. And he says, well, what do you say to people who take offense to that? And he goes, take offense to it. And that's kind of that. Unfortunately, that's the leadership that this methodology needs. Because it's a life or death situation to eat right and move right. And that's going to be fucking really hard for someone who wants to make everyone happy, get their head wrapped around.
Starting point is 00:18:11 I mean, it is going to be tough tough people don't understand it's a lifestyle when you do a if you do bar method or the 45 you don't hang around the gym afterwards you don't talk to the people that you had you had the class with like people look forward to seeing their 9 30 friends and people go out afterwards it's a lifestyle it's not just you go there for an hour and you work out and sweat and that's it you don't see anything else you have to live it you got to breathe it um i uh where is it wait live i'm going to i'm going to – I wanted to go to the – is there anything else you want to add, Mr. Jethro? Have a great day, guys. I'm off to work. Okay.
Starting point is 00:18:57 Thank you. You too. Thanks for calling. Love you, guys. Love you too. Have a good day at work. Bye. Thanks.
Starting point is 00:19:02 Bye. So I have this friend. His name's Andrew Hiller, and I've never seen him drink a sip of alcohol, and he works out religiously, and he's an extremely hard worker, and I've never actually seen him eat any sugar except
Starting point is 00:19:17 for I saw he drinks C4s, and I've seen him drink what's that water brand that's like supposed to be it's like supposed to it's trendy it has like it's called like death or something is it called death oh liquid death liquid death yeah liquid waters though i think they have like one gram of sugar or something uh yeah depending on which one you get they have like agave or something yeah you're right okay so the only things i've ever seen him do bad or um uh or questionable are c4 trt and liquid death other than that he's got to be like the healthiest
Starting point is 00:19:57 straightest dude i've ever met perfect skin hard worker blah blah blah right yep this is nuts right here. I don't – Now that I'm a mother – Oh. You know, there's so many ways – Now that I'm a mother, is Tia Toomey breastfeeding? Good question.
Starting point is 00:20:22 eating good question imagine being a energy is rain an energy energy drink company yes i think it's uh owned by monster yeah he just eats meat and fruit that's it yeah that's pretty much it that's like 99 percent of his diet yep and like one big meal a day. This chick is fucking... If this chick... If this chick is... I cannot believe this. Let me play this again for you so you can hear the opening line. No mother should be bragging that she drinks this.
Starting point is 00:21:03 Andrew Hiller is just a wild fucking young man he's a bull look at hiller's comment what is he in there what's he saying right there at the top he never ceased to amaze me oh uh it is owned by monster okay i thought so I don't know if he has comments But good, I'm glad I amazed you What How Is she the poster child for Rain It should be Andrew Hiller She should She should be the opposite
Starting point is 00:21:37 She should be talking shit about Rain Then I'm a mother I'm a mother, that's your opening line for something that has 300 milligrams of caffeine? Are you out of your fucking mind? You know, there's so many ways to looking at training and building my future. Building your future? You're fucking doing life-altering shit to your kid. Listen, you're doing life-altering shit to your kid if you drink that and then breastfeed.
Starting point is 00:22:10 Life-altering shit. For my little daughter, being a part of the Reign family is just so important to me because they hold the same values. They hold the same values as you? The energy drink company holds the same values as you? Yeah, they hold that dollar dollar bill, y'all. Jay Hardell, 100%. She actually doesn't drink it. Okay.
Starting point is 00:22:37 Okay, cool. All right, good. All right. I feel a little better. What if some mom thinks it's okay? Listen, if you're a mom and you're drinking caffeine, you're a shitty mom. If you're breastfeeding. If you're pregnant and you're drinking caffeine and you're breastfeeding, you're a shitty mom.
Starting point is 00:22:57 Just chalk and comb. Stefan, you're such an asshole. I'm not judging you for it. I don't care. I don't hate you for it. I'm just telling you. I have a big nose. These are black glasses.
Starting point is 00:23:07 Suze is not gay. You're a shitty mom if you drink caffeine while pregnant or while breastfeeding. I'm just telling you. It's okay. Just accept it. I did shitty stuff too. Yeah. I've done tons of shitty stuff to my kids.
Starting point is 00:23:21 I'm not denying it. I'm far from perfect. Clive McLaughlin said, you're also a shitty like, I'm not denying it. I'm far from perfect. Clive McLaughlin, Seve, you're also a shitty mom if you're not breastfeeding. That's true too. Not shitty because yeah. And don't anyone be like, well, I couldn't because I had my tits removed from because I had cancer. Okay. I understand. I couldn't because, um, because I needed to work. Nope. Shitty mom. Now you're just making excuses. If you got titties and they can breastfeeding. I didn't like it because it made me feel uncomfortable. Shitty mom, you nope shitty mom now you're just making excuses if you got titties and they can breastfeed i didn't like it because it it made me feel uncomfortable shitty mom you're shitty mom i'm just telling you i'm not like i don't care i'm not upset at you i'm not like i don't think
Starting point is 00:23:55 less of you i don't at all i do all sorts of shitty stuff all day that make me so i'm not perfect all the time i use this iphone with a very strong inkling that chinese people are slaving to make it i get it not perfect heidi krum everybody is shitty It's a sliding scale. Yeah. But dude, if you're drinking 300 milligrams of fucking caffeine. I'm going to be a very positive influence on my daughter's life. A positive influence? By the way, she looks absolutely fucking gorgeous right here. She's oozing whatever it is that got her pregnant
Starting point is 00:24:48 She she only got her she got so hot after she had a baby sponsored by coca-cola anyway nobody yeah oozing baby batter yeah i i i she's she went from just like she got sexy uh listen do not drink um do not drink caffeine if you're pregnant and i don't know what to say to tia for doing that i wish she didn't do that shit i wish she'd just be honest extra sloppy i 300 milligrams on my way to the gym this morning to be positive influence on my score after the wad word them up motherfucker word them up sean m i bottle feed my baby rain that's a champion in the making dude that's fucking next level so heidi was right it is a sliding scale yeah it's totally a sliding scale um there is that everyone has heard of mountain dew mouth right mountain dew mouth mountain dew mouth it's um you don't want to look it up you really don't but basically probably won't some people put mountain Dew in a baby bottle and give it to their baby.
Starting point is 00:26:06 What the fuck? And it rots the kid's gum and changes their whole life forever. Like, it's bad. Shouldn't you go to jail for that? You should. Hey, you should go to jail for that. I don't know if you should go to jail, but you should wear a shirt that says, I'm a shitty mom. Like, you're pretty much, if you drink that and and breastfeed you're way on the side of shitty one time one time i think i might get in trouble for saying
Starting point is 00:26:34 this if it's not true if i can't think it was hayley i think one time hayley drank some wine and breastfed and she noticed right away it affected the baby. And she never drank again. Any wine. She never had any. It was hardly any. Yeah, Mountain Dew Mouth. Crazy. Crazy. Paper Street Coffee, just in time.
Starting point is 00:26:57 As I get high on my coffee. We have a new. It's very easy to pass judgment when you're high on Paper Street Coffee. If you enjoy passing judgment, drink cup every morning. We have a new line of non-caffeinated teas dropping next month. Let's revisit this conversation again next month. Dude, you drink these nitro cold brews, right? Very rarely. They are so strong.
Starting point is 00:27:17 Oh, I love those. Paulina and Gabe just hooked me up with like a little care package. So I got some coffee refill, but I got a handful of these. These are great. I got to give Gabe a call back. He called me the other night when I was closing up. But I got to sell these in my affiliate. Yeah, they're good.
Starting point is 00:27:37 I got them in the fridge too. People loved them. I've had a couple ghosts in the last month a ghost? you didn't have like 300mg of caffeine? I'm sure you've been fired up or what? I'm sure
Starting point is 00:27:53 drink that right before I go to bed damn before you go to bed? I'm joking you're a wild man you like to party alcohol is trash I don't drink and haven't in years You're a wild man. You like to party. Tank Reeves. Alcohol is trash.
Starting point is 00:28:07 I don't drink and haven't in years. The alcohol doesn't pass through the best breast milk, though. I'm just telling you. I don't believe that for a second, by the way. I don't know if it's alcohol or what, but I don't I don't I don't believe that it's OK to drink alcohol on your breastfeeding. I don't think it's OK. I don't think it's OK to smoke while you're breastfeeding either. I don't think it's okay I don't think it's okay to smoke while you're breastfeeding either I don't think it's okay to have nicotine It's probably just to do nothing
Starting point is 00:28:29 But eat real whole foods Keep your sugar and processed carbohydrate content As low as possible Um Shitty mom here I bottle fed my two With what with uh With booby milk or with um Formula
Starting point is 00:28:43 Formula yes shitty mom You get a pass crystal Titty milk cause she's hot With booby milk or with formula? Formula, yes. Shitty mom. You get a pass, Crystal. Titty milk? Because she's hot? Yeah. Oh, you passed off great looks to your kids, though. Yeah, so they'll be fine.
Starting point is 00:28:56 Kids will be fine. Turntable. My mother was told to drink a bottle of beer a day to increase breast milk. This was in the 60s. And today I call myself Turntable on YouTube. Turntable. My mother was told to drink a bottle of beer a day to increase breast milk. This was in the sixties. And today I call myself turntable on YouTube. Turntable label. How that worked out. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:18 Oh, Hey, if you think, if you think brain and breastfeeding is bad, you should see some of the kids that we have to deal with like joe deals with over at the high school because he's coaching the football team that's fucking sad dude say say it again what about what football team say it again he coaches uh the granada football team like a local football team here the freshman team
Starting point is 00:29:37 it's a new position he's been doing and he's like yeah he's like it's crazy like you get caught in this weird juxtaposition because it's you don't want to let the kid cut him off the team because of the bad grades and not showing up because this is the only like structure or any outlet that they have and he's like so if i cut him from the team they're just going to do more of this shit that got him in trouble right and he goes and so out of you know the 35 something kids he's working with like 26 of them are getting d's and f's and he goes and out of the 26 only a handful of parents will actually like come in to meet to like figure out a game plan of how we could you know set them on the straight and narrow and he goes and then out of the kids that parents did
Starting point is 00:30:12 show up he goes some of them he goes one lady was so fucking high on pain meds and stuff he goes it was like it was like having a conversation with somebody that you knew wasn't there and he's like and then you send the kids off and you're like okay and then they leave and you're like fuck that is that doesn't that doesn't make sense to uh not let a kid play sports who has bad grades yeah and that's where he's at so you know what he did he found a loophole and he started doing something called deactivation so he didn't actually kick him off the team he said hey you're deactivated but if you keep showing up to practice you keep working hard then um you could come back in and and play and so rather than cutting him he still does what he has to do by the school but he could keep him on the team and he said that the handful of kids that he did this did that with started showing up and playing more
Starting point is 00:30:58 because they're like oh i got in trouble but i have a chance to stay on here you didn't just cut me from the team. That's cool. That's cool as shit. Yeah. Sorry. Kind of a side tangent to what you're saying, but it's just, it's sad when you have, especially with like the first responders, they said that's the hardest thing is that they go and they get a medical call two in the morning and you show up and there's a three-year-old
Starting point is 00:31:18 just wandering around the living room, you know, fucking drug addicts, needles out on the shitty mom, shitty mom. Yeah. I need a new word than just shitty mom that's like devil mom or something crazy why did you even have a kid if you want to drink coffee why did you even have why are you even having kids if you don't want to raise them right you don't want to raise them healthy why did you even have one hey and for all you parents like all you people who think it's cool if she is doing that if she is doing that something something happens okay so let's say you do that let's say you drink 300 mil let's say you drink let's say you drink rain while you're pregnant call her hi hold on one second let's say you drink um let's say you drink rain while you're pregnant in five years you either remain stupid and ignorant and you build up a
Starting point is 00:32:07 defense for it you say stupid shit like well i was a single mom and i couldn't or my titty ducks were clogged or my doctor told me it was okay or you feel bad for what you did but either way you're fucked you're a little bit you're little bit – it's not good. And then once you feel bad, then you can accept it. But some people will just defend it until they die with their idiocy. They'll just have a fucking dumb shit defense over and over and over about the dumb shit they did instead of just coming to terms with it. Sevan, drinking coffee is not even on the same plane as a drug addict overdose with a kid in the house. Okay. Okay. Call her high. got an overdose with a kid in the house okay um okay uh caller hi
Starting point is 00:32:47 hey so how's it going awesome i'm so excited i'm like really i've i seriously have never been excited about a competition ever like never not one not the games not, not crash, not nothing. I want to fucking see Laura and Tia throw down. I'm pumped. I was about to say, you think Laura or Tia, is this the owner of the heat one app, Tyler Watkins? It is not.
Starting point is 00:33:17 Oh, it almost sounded like will to me. Oh, and I know it's not well now. You don't sound gay. Thank you. Oh, and I know it's not well now. You don't sound gay. Thank you. Listen, uh, periodically, but just all talking about, you know, the breastfeeding mom.
Starting point is 00:33:33 So I got to be due in less than three weeks and, you know, I'm an avid CrossFitter methodology. That's how me and my wife met. And know you're you know big into parenting i love what you do with your kids and everything so just kind of wanted you know some words of advice first couple weeks with a newborn you know how to approach it you know any general tips you got it's all gonna fall everything on your fucking wife, everything. And there's three things. And believe it or not, Spieler and some other people I talked to, and this is this.
Starting point is 00:34:11 These are the three things that swaddle. You have to learn how to swaddle a baby. You have to learn how to burp a baby and and feeding. Those three things will solve 99 percent of all your problems. Swaddling the baby, burping the baby, and feeding the baby. And I highly recommend she feed on demand and keep her so fucking happy. Keep your wife just like content, just so content. And hopefully, hopefully, I was so lucky.
Starting point is 00:34:38 My kids were so lucky because my wife just basically sat still for three months. I got her this nice leather fucking recliner. It was like $900 or 900 or 1200 bucks or something and i just put her in that just like a chair she loved right we never had anything like that like we sat on like the floor and we were dirty hippies but i got that and then she just basically just breastfed and kept her happy and that will get you through i feel like a few months got it so do what i can to make sure she she can you know do all those perfectly yeah yeah you and burping's huge once you look at allison says recliner yeah 100 game changer yeah you want a good you want um yeah look at chase bryan said those three solve 99 of my problems yeah swaddle and you'll become a pro at it it's so fun it's like wrapping burritos
Starting point is 00:35:30 swaddle burp and that's like where you rub their back i think it's i can't remember i think you rub it up it's kind of a pat and rub up and then and then they just throw up on you they throw up after they're done breastfeeding they just burp up like a big chunk of it on you and then uh um change a diaper i'm telling you those those were gold And a lot of people don't do the burping. They forget. And another thing you might want to know is any time your baby's like really crying, you can't get it to stop crying. Remember, on the other side of that's going to be some amazing sleep because my kids would have the crazy crying tantrums that would last from 30 seconds to three minutes but it felt like an eternity and then all of a sudden it's like and then they're out so just always tell yourself that to help work on your patience those crazy crying fits right on the other side of that is
Starting point is 00:36:17 usually some crazy um asleep oh sorry chase brian says he's usually his problems usually go away if his wife swaddles him keep some breastfeeds him anyway feed swaddle change diaper burp feeds oh those four four those four things feed swaddle change diaper burp got it well i appreciate it yeah i look forward to rogue this weekend too but appreciate you and for all the shows that you do it's very entertaining and educational yeah awesome hey congratulations on the baby i'm stoked for you you're gonna be so stoked it's so fun oh thank you james taylor james taylor's greatest hits very low volume james taylor's greatest hits got us through so much with the kids. All right.
Starting point is 00:37:06 All right, will do. Thanks. Okay. He's a woke douche. Don't get your kid any vaccines at all. Zero. I've seen fire. I've seen fire, I've seen rain. Oh, Nelly.
Starting point is 00:37:37 Is this a real name? Needy. Oh, shit, it is. Katie. Oh. I think that's a real name. But I'm so bad at them. Oh, I guess Wooly posted something about this guy, too.
Starting point is 00:37:53 The Coons. Oh, really? This guy looks like Chase Ingram without testosterone. You know? Do you see that? testosterone you know do you see that oh and his linkedin photo is looking exactly like that he he it sucks that he's from seattle that he well originally jersey and then seattle it's like a double strike uh woolly wrote um from uh make wads great again interesting choice for vp of affiliates crossfit enthusiast with no
Starting point is 00:38:25 level one but a degree from harvard and private equity experience yeah not only just private equity experience i'm not going to get into the details of it but where he came from summit has a had a uh i'm not not getting into it because i'm trying to hide it i'm just not getting into it because um i don't know all the details off the top of my head but summit played a huge role uh in crossfit in the past huge role when greg owned the company uh the john woolley goes on to say um the new vp of affiliates has more degrees than i do injuries and killer resume past experience almost always predicts future outcomes. Well, then no one has more experience than me.
Starting point is 00:39:09 Nobody. Nobody. I've done it all. I've been everywhere. He's been doing CrossFit for five minutes now. Degrees. Every degree you have makes you dumber. I think Willie did say something dumb down here though
Starting point is 00:39:25 Let me see Nothing beats experience Last point on this I'm not saying this is a bad hire I am Dude went to Harvard and Notre Dame so he's clearly smart and talented That is not true That is not true That is not true
Starting point is 00:39:42 Yeah but I just saw it It's like in the Harvard logo it does mean he's probably closed minded and dogmatic I just thought it was interesting they went with someone with a finance private equity background instead of someone with CF experience yeah and he thinks that
Starting point is 00:39:59 he's concerned about CrossFit gyms opening he's I don't think he makes it to the end of the day to be honest oh could i hold on let me see i wonder what he thinks about hamas and palestine and the jews hey so his little thing in the about of the linkedin profile says as a vice president at crossfit llc i support the global network of over 13,000 affiliates, affiliated gyms, ensuring quality standards, interesting, operational excellence, and revenue growth. What are the standards that you have in L1 and that you have a link for the journal on
Starting point is 00:40:37 your main site? What are the standards? I don't think that the link of the journal is anymore. Well, that's interesting. What are the standards? Yeah, what happens if you don't adhere the link up to the journal is anymore. Well, that's interesting. What are the standards? Yeah, what happens if you don't adhere to the standards? Then what? And then also...
Starting point is 00:40:53 I wonder if he has the splits. Oh, shit. Hilla wrote, you never cease to amaze me on the rain post. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Oh, I just saw that. I thought you meant in our comments. No, I'm sorry. Holy shit.
Starting point is 00:41:07 I should have been more clear. Holy shit, dude. Yeah. So he's seen this too. Oh, yeah. It's the first comment I see on the, yep, there it is. Boom. Yeah, this is fucking crazy that she's supporting this drink and starts it with – listen, listen to this.
Starting point is 00:41:25 Listen. Now that I'm a mother. Now that I'm a mother and it's an energy drink. Listen, guys. Your mother has you brush your teeth. You're not allowed to eat sugar cereal. And you don't drink any caffeine or alcohol. And you don't swear in the house.
Starting point is 00:41:45 You can't even say words like piss. Like, that's like a, like, these are like fundamentals of motherhood. This is some baseline shit. You take your shoes off. You say please and thank you. You wear a clean do-rag. I mean, this is nuts.
Starting point is 00:42:10 It's that like, it's, it's the self importance for me. It's like, now that, now that she's like a mother, we all have to like really care that she's a mother. And then everything now is like that.
Starting point is 00:42:22 It's kind of like the old stories. Matt always tells like, Oh, well then I broke my back weightlifting and it's like you know the somber like light changes and the music comes and we're like yeah we've heard this fucking story a hundred times like nobody gives a shit like it's a credential like on her social justice warrior uh yeah like now that you know it's the seventh time oh now that i have a baby i'm gonna like cry about being back on the competition floor because she's going to see me and I'm going to show her what's possible. She ain't going to remember shit. What the fuck are you talking about?
Starting point is 00:42:49 You can bring her there until she's seven. Maybe at five to seven, she'll remember that memory of you on the floor, but half the time, she's just going to want you back off of the floor and playing with them anyways. It's not like you're, you know what I mean? You're not inspiring her on the stage that she's gonna
Starting point is 00:43:06 like remember and recall birthing person susa yes sorry i apologize birthing person uh christine young i've been a mother for 22 years i think i'll take my own advice probably good my waves go crazy you had awesome waves I saw them awesome awesome waves Seve you gonna ignore the champs in the chat
Starting point is 00:43:35 champs which champ oh shit I don't think that that's really Jeffrey Adler that's why I don't ever that that's really Jeffrey Adler That's why That's why I don't ever Say anything about him Remember when
Starting point is 00:43:51 Rich was in the chat and I said I'd eat my sock And then he texts me start eating Oh fuck that That's very good Oh wait I think that is him Oh yeah that is Never ignore the champ thank you Yeah Mr. Adler look at everyone loving on Mr. Adler
Starting point is 00:44:07 Oh Always good to see Mr. Adler Hello sir Maybe he's here cause Caroline's pregnant Should we start a rumor Should we start He's here to get some dad advice I love that sequence cause she's pregnant Should we start a rumor It's to get some dad advice. I love that sequence. Because she's pregnant.
Starting point is 00:44:25 Should we start a rumor? It's like she insinuated it was fact. That's perfect. Leloo, why does no one give Fraser crap for being cocky and confident, but T gets hated on in the same conversation with Bill? He talked about having a champion mindset. I don't hate on her for being confident. I don't even think she's cocky.
Starting point is 00:44:45 No. Here's cocky. No. Here's the thing. I really enjoyed that video she did recently on the Lone Ranger podcast with Lauren and Sean. The problem is that, once again, this is the part. It's kind of like there's 15 minutes in there where she talks about, basically, it seems like she's talking about Andrew Hiller
Starting point is 00:45:01 but never mentions him by name. I hate people doing that. And that part is the cocky part that i don't know what that part is actually but that's the part that's kind of annoying to me it's not like it's that self importance like we're too good to even mention it don't even don't even mention the name don't even mention the name i'm not if i'm not i'm not a slight bit bothered by cocky or arrogance or self-confidence i like all of that one of my favorite things about tyson's dad is just how cock sure he is about himself yeah but he's not i don't i don't like passive
Starting point is 00:45:35 aggressive i do not like passive aggressive yeah he's not trying to be fake humble about it you know what i mean yeah yeah and i don't think she is either i don't sense her do you think i don't sense tia being fake humble i think she's cocky and i'm here for every second of it yeah me too yeah yeah maybe it's just me dude six fucking championships it's incredible like if like yeah if i knew that she was like if she said after this fuck i just did it for the money like on her like on on the next post don't drink that shit i'd be like dude you're the shit yeah but basically she's she's basically giving people horrible advice and being a horrible role model and
Starting point is 00:46:25 taking money for it and i think she knows it and that's just hard to just that's just like once again i don't hate her for it i'd still be her friend like i'd still be great friends with her love to have her on the show and act how she reconciles it i got some shit like that yeah i just wish that if she was gonna go cocky just fool it into it be like yeah i'm here at rogue and it's gonna be crazy if i beat all these chicks after being pregnant you know five months ago or something like that you know it's like this yeah yeah she's gonna cry on the noble video because she's inspiring her daughter like so much i don't know oh shit okay let's make a journey over to the rain website leon j with the walking sticks i always whenever i see this picture i think is he is this guy a
Starting point is 00:47:15 mill guy are those like bags that you're supposed to hide behind if you're a sniper no those look like rocks and it looks like he's... I mean, you could probably hide behind it if you're a snicker. But that can be used for that. Yeah. Leon J. Hey, Sevan. Lowercase s. The disrespect.
Starting point is 00:47:34 I just went to the RAINN website, capital R, you son of a bitch. And there's a warning that the drink should not be drunk by breastfeeding woman. Woman. Oh, shit. Drink the drunk. Yeah, the buttery bros should be slinging rain. They're a perfect candidate for it. Wild.
Starting point is 00:47:57 They do that dog paddle fucking thing. This episode is brought to you by PC Optimum. If you like a curated playlist, why not try a curated grocery list? With Swap and Save, the new feature in the PC Optimum app, you'll get PC Optimum's best price for your grocery items. Simply add products to your shopping list in the app, and it'll show you similar items at a lower cost. Add coffee to your list? Then swap it for one that's cheaper.
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Starting point is 00:49:07 Where would he find that? That's why Hiller's perfect for C4. He fucking works all night making videos and stands in front of his computer and fucking rattles off facts as fast as he can to us so that we don't waste our life away watching videos. Maybe, uh... Keep looking.
Starting point is 00:49:23 I like it. How about all the way down at the bottom? What's that thing called at the bottom? I used to know all this stuff. Oh, they don't have one of those. Policy committed to equality. At least they don't have equity. Terms, condition, prior policy,
Starting point is 00:49:41 cookie, contract products. Oh, they stand against injustice and police brutality. Go back to that. Let me see that bullshit. This past week? The issue of race and the experience of too many people of color cannot be ignored, and the events of this past
Starting point is 00:50:01 week are a reminder that tremendous change is still... So these people hate black people. They just want black people to play the victim holy shit oh hey you think t has been over to this page because she shares the same values as them she said it in the video oh shit yeah oh no oh no hey listen here's the thing and i'm not trying to be an asshole i'm not trying to be an asshole at all. But if you're going to talk about how cops treat black people, then you have to talk about black people and everything
Starting point is 00:50:31 that anyone does by skin color you have to talk about. So you have to go over to Instagram and watch all the thousands of videos of people with black skin doing horrible fucking crimes all over our major cities. And no one's doing that. Why don't they say that?
Starting point is 00:50:46 Because they're fucking racist and they're picking and choosing. Either let it all go and don't choose anyone's skin color or choose it all. You can't just be like, okay, cops killed 12 unarmed black men one year and so now all of a sudden
Starting point is 00:51:01 those are the 12 black guys we're going to focus on. Either focus on all the black people for everything they do and judge the fuck out of them. Or let them go from underneath your fucking racist shit. Fuck rain. And fuck UT and your values. You're a dipshit. Trigger warning. Trigger warning.
Starting point is 00:51:22 Everyone hold their desk. Oh, it's such fuck fuck it's so fucking gross they can't find the little Whatever you call it disclaimer on their drink. He said Walters Uh, no one wants to call in cuz your chats a bunch of douchebags. I fully I get it Call the cops seven Douchebags. I fully I get it. Call the cops, Seven.
Starting point is 00:51:47 Fucking David. If I seen you stripping down on the beach like that, best believe I'm calling the cops. Well, that escalated quickly. I just hate that shit. And then she's saying she does the values, the values thing with them. It's like, fuck off. It's just like a buzzword. I don't think that there is much even thought. I'm an energy drink. Oh, fuck off it's just like a buzzword i don't think that there's much even thought i'm an energy drink oh god it's just fucking nuts i want to find the
Starting point is 00:52:11 i'm just going to type in rain and pregnant women ain't pregnant uh um rain uh rain energy drink i don't even know how to spell it. Did you get it? R-E-I-G-N. Energy drinks have a lot of sugar too, and they may contain ingredients that may be harmful to your baby during pregnancy because we don't know a lot about the ingredients in energy drinks. It's best not to have them when you're pregnant. Oh, please, shut the fuck up.
Starting point is 00:52:39 That's from the March of Dimes website. I don't even know if Rain has sugar in it. Oh, it has natural caffeine with zero sugar. Let me type in rain. Did you find it anywhere? Can you send me a link? Who sent that to me? Can you send me a link? I want to see that. I was asking in the comments where they
Starting point is 00:52:59 found that disclaimer thing because I don't see it on here. Wow. Men's consumption of caffeinated sodas um and energy drinks leak to reduce chances in pregnancy reproductive toxicology i always drink i always drink a bang right before i ejaculate so hayley doesn't get pregnant that's your birth control and then i slipped and then i slipped a can over my penis as a barrier uh could you see crossfit being sold again hell yeah
Starting point is 00:53:33 bulletproof hell yeah that's the plan dennis that's the plan my man is this really roman clinicock now in the comments? What's happening here? The heck? Hey, should breastfeeding women be using swolverine? I wouldn't take any. No, I wouldn't. I don't know. I don't know what's in it, but my immediate guess is no. Fuck no.
Starting point is 00:53:54 I wouldn't be taking any supplements if I'm fucking pregnant. You're fucking eating the right shit. I told you guys about when my dad used to work at a spice factory, right? You guys know that story? Remember that story, Sousa? No Before I was born, my dad worked at a spice factory Where they would grind up like, you know Fucking
Starting point is 00:54:16 Basil leaves and put it in a jar and sell it, right? Okay And he stood at the top of this fucking huge grinder With a wooden pole And the pole would go in the grinder. And one time he had a shoe fall off and go in the grinder. And just shit just goes in the grinder. And that's how everything is, dude.
Starting point is 00:54:33 Yeah. Every time you don't pick something off the tree, you should assume you just ate some rodent shit or someone's semen or or some chemicals, or like. I'm with you. I just don't like to think about it. Yeah, me neither. But it is. We both know it happens. But I don't like to think about it.
Starting point is 00:54:58 Living ignorant. You're absolutely right, though. Except for the. My dad's like, yeah, my shoe fell off once. I'm like, what'd you do? He's like, nothing. Got a new shoe. Susan, my name is not really asymmetric ears.
Starting point is 00:55:13 No, it is. It says it right there. Asymmetric ears. Don't try to hide behind your name. We know it's your name. Okay. Anyway, I don't see the, I don't see, I wish I could find it. Yeah, I don't know. Susan I wish I could find it. Yeah, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:55:26 Sousa's no Caleb. I'm no Caleb. He's no Caleb. Caleb would have found that shit, like, in triplicate. Rain, energy. Someone tell me what to Google, and I'll Google it. Disclaimer. Disclaimer on –
Starting point is 00:55:44 Oh, caution, rain, energy drink. Caution, rain. Disclaimer on... Oh, caution, rain energy drink. Caution, rain energy. Oh, I'll find it. Here we go. Terms and conditions. Oh, pros and cons of a rain energy drink. Oh, they have a list of the healthiest energy drinks. Oh, really?
Starting point is 00:56:11 Oh, man. No, this is all like protecting their intellectual property. Oh, well, anyway. Things and conditions. Maybe that commenter lied just to get us fired up oh here we go I found it really? tell me I'm no fucking Caleb
Starting point is 00:56:32 that really got you fucking stirred up huh well you knew it would I feel like I'm inadequate Tom Landry do you know where I can get a CEO shirt hell yeah I do you're gonna go to vindicate v shirt? Hell yeah, I do. You're going to go to Vindicate, V-N-D-K-8, I wear a large.
Starting point is 00:56:55 Susan, what size do you wear? Large. Large. Okay, let's see it. Let's see it. Did you find it? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:57:04 You're so good it just was in this label must include the statement not intended or recommended for children pregnant or breastfeed recommended for children pregnant or breastfeeding women or those sensitive to caffeine that's just the general statement that all of them have to put do like like do not like like greg said do not hire someone with a mba to run the affiliate program it's just the general yeah just the general disclaimer you put on anybody you hire oh my goodness and then uh we got this keyed up too there you go boom get it done oh look at that the jerseys are nice oh it's only 60 bucks i thought those would think
Starting point is 00:57:45 it would be like a hundred dude i get so many compliments on the jersey hey i want one of those shirts with my face on it what a fucking indulgement indulgement that is oh my god how do i not own one of those i like the color he who must not be named that That is two five-star reviews. Damn right it does. Hey, are there any black shirts with the gold writing? Yeah. That's a staple. It looks like only for chicks.
Starting point is 00:58:15 For hoes? Yeah. How come they don't have it for bros? I don't know. No wonder I'm not fucking rolling in t-shirt cash. There's no fucking gold writing one go over to life is rx see if they what they're doing have you noticed ever since we've had a tyson bajan on the show they want they're there they want to get back in the mix
Starting point is 00:58:34 hey i'm okay with that totally okay the people coming around to give me a fucking gratuitous handy because tyson we have Tyson Tuesdays. Totally fine with it. Totally understand. There's girls that I thought all of a sudden were attracted just because they got a new haircut. Oh shit, here we go. We're in big trouble now. Don't pull up to Life is our X1
Starting point is 00:58:58 yet. This is Travis. Hey, Travis, what's up? Go back to the website. Oh shit, back to Vindicate. Here we go to vindicate. Here we go. Here we go. Okay. We're there. So he don't fuck around.
Starting point is 00:59:11 Hey, he was around before Tyson Bajan, by the way, vindicate was around before Tyson Bajan. Okay. We're here. I was, no,
Starting point is 00:59:18 Jason's been around a long time. Uh, we'll click on the shirt that has CEO on the front t-shirt. There's a color options in there oh look at that oh i see look at that i'm no travis you have to know i'm no caleb dude caleb would have figured out there's and listen people i have some big old titties and some broad-ass shoulders. I'm a fucking – I have a fucking back that's like a gorilla. I'm a savage, and a large fits me perfect, and it doesn't touch my gut because my titties and my shoulders – but it's not so tight on my titties
Starting point is 00:59:58 that I look like I got bitch tits. They are great shirts in the large. I look yoked. It's firm-fitting. It's an athletic fit. tits they are great shirts in the large i look yoked yeah look at look at suza look at suza just tight on the arms not tight on the titties yeah the shirt's built that'll make me look that way if i take it off i'm beta sexual suza looks like a flying squirrel with those lats. Seve, are your titties bigger than mine? Probably.
Starting point is 01:00:28 Probably. Yes. Thank you, Chaz. Setting the record straight. This one's cool. The blackout CEO one's cool. I have that shirt. I like that one.
Starting point is 01:00:36 I like this green one. Oh, shit. Listen to this, Travis. Is this true? Cave Dastro. Seve, Travis sends you smalls but puts large tags on them to make them feel good, buddy. I don't want to know the truth. I don't want to know.
Starting point is 01:00:50 Just keep it to yourself. I don't want to know. The ones that you have might be those next levels that were size drones might actually be a medium. Oh. Medium. You never know. Well, that's interesting because my camo one is a little tight. I like that blue, too. My camo one is a little tight. I like that blue too.
Starting point is 01:01:07 My camo one's a little tight. Camo one should be accurate. You know what's funny? We were talking about that side issue, but earlier this week, I got an email from Next Level yesterday. So we'll try and get that all figured out. Hey, did you see the Hiller video with the new um affiliate director in it no i didn't i i saw the video but i haven't watched it yet so i didn't know it was until you guys started talking about it what is this who is this person it's um a guy named uh de coons
Starting point is 01:01:37 he's from uh the bar method and uh it's it's it's it's just like it's just some trendy workout thing um or untrendy it was some some workout method where you do ballet to work out and you know what's funny is in one of the interviews he's talking about how great the instruction is with the bar method it's like dude it like i guarantee you it's not better than the level one like a like not even close so those kind of high does don have any sales hires or is that all dying to know i'm dying to know but but there's some other people on his team there's some other people on his team i can't tell if it's an equity hire either but there are a lot of equity hires over there and but i thought that they were moving away from that but but but dude it took five minutes to vet this dude with anyone who like had a keyboard and like a uh obama phone yeah like uh it's crazy so frustrating yeah it
Starting point is 01:02:41 doesn't even make sense but with the way the games and everything were going, it seemed like things were heading in the right direction. And then this happens. Yeah. And the affiliates are your biggest seller. It's frustrating. Yeah, just think about this really quick. Think about this. So you have, let's just say 15,000 because it's easy for me to say.
Starting point is 01:03:01 There's 15,000 small small businesses people who are all in like suza's whole life is reliant on this fucking business 15 000 i lost it there's 15 000 gyms and that people's whole life depends on them so people are running these gyms like fucking dogs and slaves so they can fucking put food on their table and get their kids food and clothes and shit like that it's their livelihood it's a small business fucking miracle as greg would say it's massive that person who runs that program you better vet the fuck out of them yeah and what's crazy is they had gary gary games was pretty good like like good At least he looked good He looked good And he sounded good
Starting point is 01:03:48 Big ol' fuckin' black dude Yoked Been doing CrossFit for fuckin' 10 years The only weird part about Gary was That um Um When Rose introduced him to the company He said this is Gary Gaines
Starting point is 01:04:03 He's an American black man. That was weird. No, but other than that, I thought Gary Gaines was the shit. He was awesome. I love when you, this is an American black man.
Starting point is 01:04:17 Yeah, no shit. Yeah, exactly. No shit. Thank you. I liked him until you said that. Yeah, right. I don't it it's frustrating because i saw
Starting point is 01:04:28 somebody earlier in the comments that's like it's their goal and one of their dreams to affiliate and then they do this kind of higher and they're like well maybe yeah that's what i mean that's what i mean it's like dude this is like i used to think this when i worked there the whole time that that you know in general if there's a ceo of a company then coo might be next in line for ceo someday but for the way crossfit is set up is like the affiliate director really should be one of the people who's next in line to be ceo it's such a fucking important position yeah and no offense to this guy i don't know this guy jay at all but like charisma is not something he has.
Starting point is 01:05:05 Gary Gaines was overflowing with charisma. Maliolo has charisma. Choose someone from the fucking L1 seminar staff. Choose a flow master. Exactly. But to me, anybody in those levels, basically anybody in the company, should do CrossFit. They should breathe it. Has this guy done CrossFit. They should breathe it.
Starting point is 01:05:26 Has this guy done CrossFit? No, I don't think so. Some fucking executive. And hey, it's not a Harvard MBA position. It's a values position. Choose someone like Chuck Carswell who has fucking kids, who fucking believes in some shit, who's been around the company forever.
Starting point is 01:05:39 Pick Stefan Roche. Pick Lisa Rae. Pick someone fucking like that's been... Lisa Rae owned an affiliate. Stefan Roche. Pick Lisa Ray. Pick someone fucking like that's been... Lisa Ray owned an affiliate. Stefan Roche has been around forever. Fucking choose fucking Russell Berger. Dig his ass up from fucking the basement of some church where he's reading the Bible. But some dude from the bar method who went to Harvard, are you fucking kidding me?
Starting point is 01:06:01 No. No. Not for especially for the affiliates. I mean, it's hard enough to run an affiliate and fucking be successful and make money. None of them are, I shouldn't say none of them, the vast majority are getting rich. So you need somebody who can get in there and know how it works. Man. Not somebody from outside. It's baffling. how it worked man not somebody outside it's baffling alright brother it's like you were talking
Starting point is 01:06:32 it's all building building it up and getting certain people in positions so they can fucking sell it again hey can we get a screenshot of of Tyson wearing the CEO shirt and putting oh did you know you know this he told me he contacted you and got a shirt for every single fucking player on the chicago
Starting point is 01:06:51 bears is that true i might have smiled a little bit when he said that well he he contacted me but he didn't say who it was for how many did he order how many did he order? How many did he order? Seven. Did you cut him a good deal? He gets a good deal. Good. I can tell you. Good. He gets a good deal. The best deal.
Starting point is 01:07:12 Does he get the same deal I get? I know a guy. I know a guy. Okay. Do I end up paying for that great deal? I gotta run. I gotta run. No, I do.
Starting point is 01:07:23 All right. Bye, Susan. Thank you Alright good Bye Adios Hey dude we should clip a picture Of him wearing that shirt
Starting point is 01:07:30 The orange one And put it on the website somewhere You gotta get a picture The only time I've seen it Is when he's on the show Okay I'll try to find a picture There's pictures of him Wearing the CEO shirt
Starting point is 01:07:41 Okay I'll get you one Yeah we'll have to do that He's gonna start asking for a cut shit good fucking give him a cut yeah give him a cut he can have my cut so uh somebody in the comments the other day said we should have him uh sign him put it put his say that again uh hold on travis hold on say that again we on Travis hold on Say that again we should have him sign him in what Did I lose you
Starting point is 01:08:11 Did I lose you I think I lost him Shit Damn I lost him Let's see if I can call him back. Is it ringing? Can you guys hear it? I can't hear shit.
Starting point is 01:08:34 Hello? Hello? Hello? Can you hear me? Kinda. Hold on. It was popping and it was annoying me so i tried to hang up on you and call you back without anyone knowing but i fucked up i'm in the middle of
Starting point is 01:08:51 kansas it's not even real to me hello yeah we should playing some ceo shirts yeah we should have oh you're going to competition i? I'm going down the road. Oh, oh, shit. Awesome. Driving. Okay, okay. Driving down there. Go say hi to Caleb.
Starting point is 01:09:19 Dick Butter, I'm really surprised Don didn't run this higher by Seve first. Hey, I can't tell if you're joking or not, but I'm not joking. I'm surprised too. I can't believe that they don't have... I can't believe that they don't... Now I'm starting to think I haven't had this thought before that they don't have me on... Put you on a retainer?
Starting point is 01:09:44 Thank you. Yeah. Dude. You could do some bedding. All right. Well, have a safe trip. Thank you. Get your CEO shirt. Do you have CEO shirts with you?
Starting point is 01:09:59 I sure do. Okay, cool. Get your CEO shirts at Rogue. Say hi to Katie for me if you see her. Slap her on the ass. Okay, cool. Get your CEO shirts at Rogue. Say hi to Katie for me if you see her. Slap her on the ass. Oh, yeah. That'd go over real well. She'd fucking stick me in a trash can.
Starting point is 01:10:14 That was an IQ test for you. Yeah, I'm not stupid. Not smart, but not stupid. Can we get a CEO shirt with red writing? I think there is one, isn't there? I have one There should be a red and black one Oh, maybe it's a red shirt with black writing
Starting point is 01:10:32 He wants red writing I think I have both Alright Alright, dude Click on the CEO shirt There's lots of options Thank you Alright, man.
Starting point is 01:10:45 Bye. Bye. If I were Don, I'd make them write an essay, then send it to Greg. Oh, that's not a bad idea. Wad zombie. Wad zombie. Seve, can you get away with that? Because she thinks Seve can get away with that because she thinks he's retarded.
Starting point is 01:11:03 Oh, yeah. A slap there on the ass. It's okay. He's a little slow. It's okay from him. How about this? How about some comedy? How about some comedy?
Starting point is 01:11:22 Here we go. How about some comedy? We need a little comedy. Here we go. How about some comedy? We need a little comedy. Here we go. You guys ready? Here we go. In the Target, I pulled into a checkout line. All of a sudden, this lady came up behind me, tapped me on the shoulder, and she said, excuse me, I was about to pay.
Starting point is 01:11:43 I was just going to move out of the way. But then she said, how stupid are you? Then she said excuse me i was about to pay i was just going to move out of the way but then she said how stupid are you then she said how stupid are your people and that's what made me freeze i was just standing there now she just starts yelling at me two minutes have gone by two minutes of a random person yelling at you in a public place is a long long time i was waiting for the right opportunity and she gave it to me. She goes, so what do you have to say for yourself? I paused, I looked her dead in the eyes and I went, I'm sorry.
Starting point is 01:12:19 She ended up paying for my stuff. She walked me out of the store. She was apologizing. She was like, oh my God,'s like oh my god i'm so sorry i'm so sorry to do that to you i just gave her a big hug and i said how stupid are you i was in the target and i pulled into a checkout line all of a sudden this yeah my uh jeffrey my do-rag is only nighttime uh I don't know if it's only nighttime If it was cold in here I'd wear it
Starting point is 01:12:47 I have the door open It is actually a little bit cold I seriously I seriously Yeah that is That's a great play I know Isn't that great Pretend like you're deaf
Starting point is 01:13:01 Yeah it didn't happen but still Great it's still a great joke you know he wanted it to Happen that lady was yelling at him For sure right I mean like your People your people And then he thought and then he played the whole skit Out in his head But either way if it didn't happen or not
Starting point is 01:13:19 I like it I actually did see um I saw Tyson wearing these I don't know if they're this brand And that's why I bought them I was like I want to be like him I like it. I actually did see, I saw Tyson wearing these. I don't know if they're this brand. And that's why I bought them. I was like, I want to be like him.
Starting point is 01:13:31 I'm easily, I'm easily influenced. You can, you, you, you cannot trust these fuckers at all that I'm about to show you. You can't trust these guys at all. But that being said, let's listen over at CNN. Here we go.
Starting point is 01:13:53 Kristen, Glenn Kessler from The Washington Post had a fact check about Joe Biden from earlier this month, noting that Hunter Biden admitted in court in July that he was, in fact, paid substantial sums from Chinese companies. Kessler wrote Hunter Biden reported nearly two point four million in income in 2017 and two point two million in income in 2018, most of which came from Chinese or Ukrainian interests. But and this directly goes against what Joe Biden said in the debate in 2020 with Donald Trump. in the debate in 2020 with Donald Trump. Take a listen. My son has not made money in terms of this thing about,
Starting point is 01:14:30 what are you talking about, China. What you made of that, President, he made a fortune in Ukraine, in China, in Moscow, and various other places. So it's from two different debates, but, I mean, Trump was right. I mean, he did make a fortune from China And Joe Biden was wrong
Starting point is 01:14:48 And Glenn Kessler from the Washington Post Had a fact check It's crazy that all of a sudden they're turning him on Just so you know too Hunter it's not I have an acquaintance who's done a lot of drugs with Hunter God I want to tell you guys more I have an acquaintance who's done a lot of drugs with Hunter. God, I want to tell you guys more.
Starting point is 01:15:11 A lot of drugs with him. Recently. It's not like he got this money and that he's using it. He's not cool like me and using it to pay jujitsu teachers to teach his kids shit. He's blowing this shit right up his nose. He's smoking this shit. He's smoking crack. Smoking crack and whores.
Starting point is 01:15:41 No, not Jocko. I wouldn't consider Jocko an acquaintance. Not Greg. Greg doesn't do any hard drugs. What underwear do I wear? I talked about it once on this show. I don't know if my ego can take another shot of that. My ego. Holy shit.
Starting point is 01:16:09 How about this? Wow. Wow. Oh. Never mind. I wonder how long that guy I wonder how long that guy's been the affiliate director don't you think the timing of it's kind of crazy that Greg was on the show yesterday
Starting point is 01:16:38 and he made that comment about MBAs and then CrossFit an hour later releases a video showing their new affiliate director, and then 12 hours later, fucking Hiller fucking unravels this dude's shit, and shows that he thinks, he has concerns about people opening CrossFit gyms, and he has, I don't think he's taken the L1,
Starting point is 01:17:01 I wonder if he's taking the L1. I wonder if he's taking the L1. Man, oh, man. Thank you. Philip Kelly he hasn't taken the L1 it's in the email that went out to affiliates Justin V Seve tell us about your affiliate media team well that's nice of you to ask I don't know how to say it without it sounding self-serving I don't know how to... I think with a rough estimate between the three major platforms we're on, Apple, iTunes, YouTube, and Spotify, we're getting about 200,000 downloads a week, every seven days.
Starting point is 01:18:54 downloads a week every seven days and i think i think it's uh fair to say that probably hillar's on youtube and he's getting somewhere around that much too it's anywhere between 50 and 100 200 000 and then there's the coffee wads and pods guy and Pedro. And then there's the there's a barbell spin. And there is Tyler Watkins on the heat one app is now putting out uh content there is a be friendly there is um get with the programming uh there is the lone ranger podcast there is nate edwardson there's craig ritchie there is the buttery bros let me see let me. Let me look at, um, there's this, there's just people,
Starting point is 01:19:47 there's people out there who are these, uh, creators, right? Trying to think if there's anyone else, is there anyone else I'm forgetting? Oh, there's the guy in Europe who talks funny.
Starting point is 01:19:59 Who's got the, um, what was that? He doesn't do that much. Oh, there's, um, sporty Beth.
Starting point is 01:20:04 I mean, that's really scraping the bottom of the barrel right if we're going to include her i don't even i don't know if i i don't know do i sure there there's a there's a handful of those half of those that i work very very jason cf media thank you half of those that I work very, very – Jason, CF Media, thank you. Half of those people I work very, very closely with. And when I mean very closely with, I speak to every hour. Every hour, I have some communications with half those people every hour.
Starting point is 01:20:38 Every hour, think about that. Half those people I have communications with every hour of the day that I'm awake. half those people I have communications with every hour of the day that I'm awake and we are inspiring inspiring inspiring each other and sharing stories and um oh shiz I got your text um but I didn't quite understand it. I just wrote yes. But, oh, Vakey. Yeah, Vakey. So maybe it's a third of the people. But there's a huge chunk of those people.
Starting point is 01:21:15 Resend me an email. I didn't know exactly what you want, but yeah, you can. I think your shit's awesome, dude. You can do whatever you want with my logo. Go get it. I don't talk to Sporty Beth every hour. Yeah, don't't believe that but probably a third of those people i talk to every hour i have some communications with oh joe neils thank you mike sour joe neils leo let's look at joe neils so but we're making all the fucking content
Starting point is 01:21:43 i'm the one staying up fucking late at night when i want to go to bed and and and But we're making all the fucking content. I'm the one staying up fucking late at night when I want to go to bed and bringing Katie Motter up to the front. I mean, Katie, Katie Henniger. That's fucking crazy that she came on the podcast last night. You know how fucking good that makes me feel and everyone feel. How fun is that? That's like some fucking crazy leadership from the front she's doing. And,
Starting point is 01:22:10 um, at some point I'm just like, Hey, why the fuck are they collecting money so they can hire dudes from Harvard who are, who I'm eminently more capable than. It's fucking ridiculous. There's a fucking media director, marketing officer for the fastest growing company on planet Earth. And they get the fucking money. Why the fuck would they get the money?
Starting point is 01:22:37 I have fucking meetings. I'm texting with the guys right now. We're talking about all the stories that are going to come out today, tomorrow, the next day. We put out 100x the media they put out we're more respected but we're more honest we're more genuine why the fuck that's the media. We have access to the founder. About to be a fucking mutiny. Okay, Joe Neils.
Starting point is 01:23:18 Look at this. What is this? Jess Uncensored. Oh, I haven't been here in a while. I haven't seen one since the Target. Who's Jess? Oh, his camera chick's hot like that? Jess Uncensored? Oh, I haven't been here in a while. I haven't seen one since the Target. Who's Jess? Oh, his camera chick's hot like that? Jess Uncensored. What's this one?
Starting point is 01:23:31 Episode 12. So one of CrossFit's greatest benefits in the methodology is how it trains us to be able to move objects over distances. Really correlates well to firefighters and their ability to do their jobs exceptionally well. I'm putting other people's lives at risk. Just handling this for three minutes, I couldn't imagine not feeling physical stress or like do your job.
Starting point is 01:24:13 Like, my life being at risk, other people's lives being at risk. I'm in good shape. That wasn't like, that wasn't easy to move. Yeah. That's important to be in good shape. That wasn't like, that wasn't easy to move. Yeah. That's important to be in good shape. Especially when you're in this job. So,
Starting point is 01:24:32 I mean, your life depends on it. Yeah. It's almost a reality check. Like, yeah. Oh, this is awesome.
Starting point is 01:24:41 Salem Lake Fire. Unfortunately, the live audio we had for Jake and I speaking at Salem Lakes Fire Department somehow got missed. So we weren't able to actually share the. Oh, I've had that happen before. I did a whole shoot with Kristen Clever one time. Fucking 12 hours hanging out with her and none of the audio came through. I wanted to kill myself.
Starting point is 01:25:06 Conversation we shared with them, but in recap. Oh, are you a firefighter Slater? Is that what you are? Sebi, you'd be surprised how many guys I work with tell me they don't want to work out with me because it's too hard. I'm like, that's our fucking job. You're a firefighter. That's awesome. I had no idea, dude. Oh, that's killer I had no idea dude oh that's killer wow right what we wanted to share is the amazing tool that is CrossFit the amazing benefits for them physically mentally and emotionally what it can do for them, offering ways in which CrossFit can better them as people,
Starting point is 01:25:50 firefighters, and whatnot, an opportunity to give back. Man, Joe's fucking killing it, man. So he's an affiliate owner with crazy limited resources and he puts out content every couple days this is kind of like where everyone likes to hang out so you've got how hard would it be for CrossFit to push this they're pushing Tyson Bajent
Starting point is 01:26:21 some fucking kid who's a fucking quarterback in the NFL, but you can't push this guy who's helping actually save lives in some sort of weird mirrored way, right? He's helping save the people's lives who are doing CrossFit and then the people who are recipients of the service of the people who are doing CrossFit who happen to be these firefighters. Kitchen over there, this is the table where all the problems of the world get solved. I mean, if this table could talk, you know, tell some great stories. And then obviously
Starting point is 01:26:51 we just got a desk with a computer and you can do your reports here, but this is where all the members just hang out and just talk, you know, and get everything planned out and sorted out. And a lot of meals have been left from this table for sure too because when the bell rings, we go. So Jake took us to Salem Lakes Fire Station. Got to meet the crew. They're going to talk about CrossFit and how it serves them really well.
Starting point is 01:27:18 Equips them to do the job better, keep them. I don't know what it takes, but if you're an affiliate owner and you have a fucking fire department in your town and you haven't gone and talked to them, it't know what it takes, but if you're an affiliate owner and you have a fucking, if you have fire department in your town and you haven't gone and talked to them, it seems like a huge miss, right? Go over to the fire department and just tell the dudes, hey, come train here for a month for free. Come
Starting point is 01:27:35 get some. Jake Felton. Fuck, man. Check out what Matt Chan is doing with the North Metro's Fire Academy. Incredible. Yeah yeah and even Sousa Sousa's got a fire Academy he trains fire Academy I think a couple departments and an Academy yeah crazy
Starting point is 01:27:57 right same reason they got away from occupational games oh you're fucking breaking my heart dude oh yeah I i wish i could accept this with some humility uh seve you and your team do a better job for crossfit than crossfit does for crossfit the thing is is that it's it's like you can't even compare them we're not even like comparable and so someone someone actually said to me the other day, yesterday, they called me and they said, dude, could you imagine the ecosystem without you and the guys? Meaning me, Hiller, Coffee Pods, Barbell Spin, Brian Friend, Buttery Bros, Craig Ritchie. Like what if we just all started just like falling off?
Starting point is 01:28:43 What if Hiller went away? What if Hiller pivots that would suck if hillar went away for me that would be like if i went to school in the third grade and the hot girl had fucking moved dan guerrero we need to let CrossFit go it's not us it's them God I just can't man I hear ya but I hear ya I don't know
Starting point is 01:29:20 things like this affiliate director just it's just bizarre. It's bizarre. And I know, I know it's not easy breaking into the group. I know it's not. And I know we haze the fuck out of people and maybe this guy will lean into it and fucking win our hearts.
Starting point is 01:29:39 But dude, man, something's not right. Something doesn't smell right all right uh 90 minute show listen today at 3 p.m pacific standard time i will be coming on with um who uh taylor self john young i think there's uh let me see see. I got the list. I got the list. I got the list. Today, Thursday.
Starting point is 01:30:12 Pre-show. Taylor, John Young, myself. Then Rogue Invitational will begin at 4pm. We'll go down. We'll all watch. Then we'll come right back up afterwards at 5pm for a post show
Starting point is 01:30:27 I don't have anyone to help me with the post show It's just going to be me Maybe I gotta get Jedediah is still here Are you watching the Rogue Invitational I'd love to have you on Text me Jedediah if you are And
Starting point is 01:30:41 Me and you will come on It says JR is coming on But i think he texts me saying he can't anyway uh with the post show yeah with the post show all right guys love you great show oh you are okay will you text me if you're gonna watch it text me and then we'll go on live after i'll bring you on we'll do the uh thursday evening'll bring you on. We'll do the Thursday evening show. If you're in Spain, that'll be crazy. All right, brother. You guys, great show today.
Starting point is 01:31:11 Thank you. And I will talk to you all soon. Slater, are you watching the show? Text me or DM me your phone number. All right, bye-bye.

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