The Sevan Podcast - Live Call In | First Look At Semifinals w/ Brian Friend #911

Episode Date: May 11, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 At Air Miles, we help you collect more moments. So instead of scrolling through photos of friends on social media, you can spend more time dinnering with them. How's that spicy enchilada? Very flavorful. Yodeling with them. Ooh, must be mating season. And hiking with them.
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Starting point is 00:00:41 Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance. Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card, other conditions apply. My kids are asleep. Started at 6 a.m. Bam, we're live. Good morning, Brian. Good morning. Guys, I want to share something with you guys that can happen to every single one of us, especially people who live in the city.
Starting point is 00:01:13 And I want you to listen carefully because this ties in very closely with how you should behave at your local affiliate. If you're walking down the street and you live in a city, let's say Baltimoretimore philadelphia chicago new york and you saw your fellow man who is in desperate need uh 99 of you in my 51 years i've never seen anyone stop to help those people ever not once holy shit caleb good morning are you kidding me no you're fucking the man did you see see Brian's notes on this? Let me see. I haven't checked my email yet.
Starting point is 00:01:47 No, he didn't send them in an email. He sent them in a text. Yeah, but I sent them in a text with only you and Sousa because that's where you sent the text last night. Okay. Caleb, I am going to... Can you send those over to Caleb, Brian? While I go off on my little rant here real quick?
Starting point is 00:02:06 You're the man. I appreciate it. If you – so you're walking down the street. You see a guy passed out on the side of the road, and you don't do shit, right? You step over him as you roll into your restaurant to eat. But if you were hiking on some trail out in the middle of nowhere, you were in Hawaii, and you came across – you hadn't seen another human being in 12 hours and you saw someone ailing on the side of the road, you would stop and help them. You'd be like, what happened? Did they break their ankle?
Starting point is 00:02:32 Are they hurt? You would treat them like they deserve to be treated. You would treat them like how you would want to be treated. And yet in my 51 years, I don't see people doing that. Yesterday I walked by a giant pile of poop sitting in the middle of a pier in one of the richest cities in the country. And I just sat there. I'm like, wow, no one is going to stop and pick this up so that another one of their fellow men doesn't step in it. out of trash and no one goes up to talk to him or offer him or see what's going on. I get it. I'm not, I'm not judging those people. What I'm telling you is, is if you behave like that, you're one of those people, that's who you become. You become, you become, you don't want to be that person. And so you have an opportunity every time you walk into your CrossFit gym to be a totally
Starting point is 00:03:22 different person. And what do I mean by that? And this was all inspired by a series of events. But if you attend a gym and you want that gym to stay open because you like your local affiliate, treat the people in there like they're fucking angels, like it's your honor to be there. Do not neglect strangers. So you've been going to a gym for five years and someone new walks in, you walk over to that person. You say hi. You introduce yourself, and you say hi. I'm Sevan. I've been coming here for five years, and I haven't seen you here before. If there's anything I can help you with when you're here, let me know. It's a great experience, but sometimes it can be a little confusing or things can move fast.
Starting point is 00:04:02 It can be a little confusing or things can move fast. You're obligated to do those things if you even want to be even considered a civilized human being, an adult, a healthy soul. Let me tell you, at the end of the day, God's not going to give a fuck when you go to heaven how many times you fucking accepted Jesus if you can't if you can't uh behave uh behave properly practice treating the people around you better I keep hearing all these crazy stories of people who go to CrossFit gyms and are treated like shit it's fucking nuts absolutely nuts I hate leaving my OODA loop because I see what, I live here on this planet with zombies. Just be nice to people. Be those people in the affiliate. Do more. Have a social contract with yourself to be really, really good to the new people who come into your affiliate. You know who you're helping? You're helping the owner of that affiliate.
Starting point is 00:05:07 Make the job of the owner of your affiliate very, very easy. Walk right over. I know it's uncomfortable. No one wants to talk to a stranger. You just want to get your workout in, but be nice to those people. Go over. Welcome them. Yeah,
Starting point is 00:05:22 be friendly. Thank you, Patrick. Be friendly. Yeah. yeah be friendly thank you Patrick be friendly yeah um so uh yeah it's one of the reasons it's one it's one of the reasons why I don't want to travel every time I travel I just it's it's the um you know someone explained it to me like this people go to Los Angeles to get something and i get it i get it but if you lived in a small town like if you like the town i live in like socal you have a social contract with that place you're raising kids there and you want the place to be better and so there's you know there's things that you should be doing and what i'll give you an easy super easy example of this is if you see kids who are trying to cross the street you are you absolutely stop you have to just be like those were probably
Starting point is 00:06:12 my you have to imagine them as your kids you want to try to make money for your affiliate owner you want you want to welcome people okay because remember that affiliate can go away and i have i have a lot of friends who live in towns where there's one affiliate and there's not another one within 100 miles. So if that affiliate sucks or those people in there suck, then they're shit out of luck. Oh, man. It's the worst.
Starting point is 00:06:40 You could go to L.A. to see me, so on. It's the worst. Absolute worst. You could go to L.A. to see me, so it's the worst. Absolute worst. Three workouts released. Amazing. Caleb, why are you here? I got a random day off. Damn.
Starting point is 00:06:57 I worked all weekend, so they gave me a day off in the middle of the week. Holy cow. Well, good to see you. Thanks for coming. Likewise. Do you want to say hi to Brian, or you don't have to? week. Holy cow. Well, good to see you. Thanks for coming. Likewise. Do you want to say hi to Brian? You don't have to. Hi, Brian.
Starting point is 00:07:08 Good morning. But it's good if you say hi to him because we want Brian to feel welcome here. We don't want him to text me after and say, Caleb doesn't make me feel welcome. I'm not coming on the show anymore. The guy, Alaska Homestead, the closest affiliate is about, uh, 12 days drive from me.
Starting point is 00:07:26 Oh, Brian. Um, so, so it's coming, it's happening again. We're going to take the, uh, we're going to take the, some of the fittest human beings in the world, 300 of the fittest human beings in the world. We're going to give them a test and then, um then they're going to be invited to the CrossFit Games. 300 men and 300 women. They will have a chance to qualify for the CrossFit Games. That's right.
Starting point is 00:07:53 And three of the – I know I'm in that thread with you, and people are trying to get the vernacular right. Three of the tests? Yep. That's the terminology that they're going with. And I don't care what they call them. I just want it to be consistent. Fair.
Starting point is 00:08:10 Me too. So three of the tests of the – there's an individual group who's going. And three of the tests have been released. And we don't know if it's three of six, three of seven, three of five, three of eight. But we just know three have been released. I would say there's no chance that there are less than six. I would be shocked if they're having a three-day competition and there's only one event on any one of those days. So I think at a minimum, we'll get two, two, and two.
Starting point is 00:08:39 I'm hopeful that we'll get two, three, and two. hopeful that we'll get two three and two and i would be surprised if there were any more than that unless there are multiple 50 point scored events like they had at the age group semifinal and why do you um why do why do you want more than six in 2021 the first year of the semifinals there were uh about half of the semifinals at that time had six and half had seven scored events. And on the back end of that, I did a study, especially at the Granite Games for the men, where we just removed any one of the seven tests
Starting point is 00:09:17 and the games qualifiers changed every time. Now, you could, you know. Anyone at the top change? Well, the article is behind the paywall okay you can't read it but i probably have it somewhere in my google drive if i really wanted to find it the the back end work it's okay it's okay all that question will come up again i'm sure yeah maybe i'll find it for a future but uh anyway i'm just i i I think that in a live competition with the caliber, quality of athlete that we have here and three days of tests, there's plenty of,
Starting point is 00:09:52 obviously there's plenty of things that can be tested in this sport. We know that they're going to have to take a test that minimum is going to be 12 events at the games, likely 14 to 15. Testing half of that in the semifinal scene with seven, if we have 14 at the games, likely 14 to 15. Testing half of that in the semifinal scene with seven, if we have 14 at the games, seems more than acceptable and appropriate to me.
Starting point is 00:10:12 I think that it allows for specifically to test for things that you need to have at the games that you don't see on the field of play. How do you recover between events when there's a really short time to recover? Do you decide to have a back-to-back event or have an event where it might be like, you know, because they could always do something that's not necessarily a back-to-back event, but it's like the men have event four and then event five and the women have event four and then event five.
Starting point is 00:10:36 So instead of having three hours between, you only have an hour and 20 minutes between when you take the floor or something like that. Change the variable of recovery because that is always changing and relevant at the games. And you're saying more tests would get us a more accurate, accurate representation of who the fittest is. Yeah, I think so. I think it's, you know, it's the same way as when we do the disc golf. If you give me a two day tournament,
Starting point is 00:11:02 there's 50 guys that can win three day tournament. That number goes cuts in half four day-day tournament, there's 50 guys that can win. Three-day tournament, that number cuts in half. Four-day tournament, I think there's only 10. You think it's a more valid test when it tests that? It's capable of testing more. Time domains, recovery, different modalities, the whole shebang. Yeah, I think the more tests you have, within reason of course you don't want to kill anyone i don't but uh that you find the
Starting point is 00:11:30 best will rise to the top yeah nicole hi good morning thank you very much and um and when the semi-final workouts have been released and six of them have been released do we know sorry teams yes six teams do we know two questions do we know for sure that it, yes, six teams. Do we know – two questions. Do we know for sure that teams will be limited to six? And the second question is, at regionals and semifinals, have teams and individuals always had the same number of tests? Don't know for sure if that's the limit, if there will only be six. I think that it likely is, but I wouldn't be upset if there was a seventh one that popped up.
Starting point is 00:12:09 It's just like the over – and then to your other question, I think it's usually similar, but they only take the four or six times. Are you talking about individuals or teams, and how do you know? Oh, I think he's talking about teams, meaning he's saying we don't know how many tests for sure, but somehow some schedule must have been released. Brian's saying that they'll only take the floor six times. Is that what they're saying, Caleb?
Starting point is 00:12:32 They're saying that Crosser released the heat times and everything to the individuals and teams. It sounds like they're only taking the floor six times. Individuals are. Still doesn't mean that there won't necessarily be multiple tests obviously we you know we've seen before where they take the floor once and have multiple 50 point tests that could do back-to-back workouts as we've seen at regionals and at the games right but the big the
Starting point is 00:12:54 big theme here is that crossfit's released some information early earlier than we were expected we were expecting to get this information tomorrow, Thursday, but they haven't given us all the details. And there are a lot of questions, I believe, on the team side of things about exactly how things are going to play out in each workout. There's still some unknowns. And already in the individual workouts, there are some unknowns as well. And I think that, you know, I mentioned this in these articles I've been writing, like, I think that's okay. But I also think there's an element of it that is extremely risky, depending on what the details that have not been released are. And the reason
Starting point is 00:13:36 for that is because while it is true that it doesn't matter, relative to your competitor, like, right now, my understanding is with the information we have, we have an onsite. They're going to brief the athletes with more specific information. Once that happens in Orlando or Africa, everyone around the world is going to know it. And if there is a standard, let's just say for the teams, for example, if there's a standard where the legless seated rope climb from the floor is extremely demanding, there's a tape mark on the ground that you have to start behind above or below, and then go to the top, come back down, show control and your feet have to stay above your hips the entire time. Let's say it's the hardest version of the movement.
Starting point is 00:14:19 And you're telling that to teams on Thursday morning that have to do it on whatever day it is Saturday or Sunday that that it's the last test. So it's on Sunday. Well, they don't really have a lot of time to prepare for that relative to the teams that are going the next week. And so you might end up in a situation where there's a, let's just say the last place team in North America East that's only had three, two days notice for this really difficult standard. Now, of course, you could be practicing the very difficult standard on your own, even not knowing it. And if you practice for the harder one, then you're prepared for the easier one, which is what I would advise every team or individual athlete to be practicing. But either way, what's the adaptation that athletes at these levels can have in two days
Starting point is 00:14:57 during a competition, as opposed to nine days, seven which of those days they are not competing, meaning that the same last place team in North America West has seven extra days to make sure that their worst athlete can meet that standard so that even though they're fit enough on every other area that they don't run into an obstacle on the last test that would otherwise potentially prevent them from making the games. And then in Europe you have twice as much time as that.
Starting point is 00:15:23 Which doesn't affect the um competition at all since the semi-finals are competitions unto themselves they're not competing against the people who are at the other semi-finals well it just begs the question why bother releasing the workouts early at all like what's the point of releasing them early with partial information if you say no it's so that every team that's competing has at least a week to prepare, yes, but if there's critical information missing, then all the teams in week one don't have the same opportunity to prepare. Also, and I think you would agree with this,
Starting point is 00:15:56 and everyone would agree with this, that for an online test, leaving out critical information to the last minute is complete idiocy. It's what causes all the problems. But for live competitions, especially like the CrossFit Games, it adds some suspense and we kind of like it, right? So you find out that there's a run and you don't know until you get there that it's actually a mile run straight up a hill.
Starting point is 00:16:19 And it's okay that they left that out, right? That part's cool. We like that as the fan, the spectator, the athlete, right? You find you get there, it's going to be a rope climb. And you find out that it's actually, it's a 60 foot rope, and it's not a 12 foot rope. And it's over a lake, right? I mean, we'd like those types of things are okay. It's correct.
Starting point is 00:16:38 Yeah. And, and so that the semifinals is threading the needle between the two. Okay. Because I think that they still want to have this unknown, unknowable, withhold some details till the end kind of a mystery. Right. What I'm just throwing out there, and obviously not knowing what those withheld details are, I don't know how impactful it will or won't be on the week one competitors, but is that
Starting point is 00:17:02 a variable that you want to have be more relevant in week one than the other two weeks? Because at this point, that's what you're communicating to me, at least. Another example which would make other sports seem more amateur, but which makes I think our sports seem just better is the sandbag, right? The bag only goes up to 240 pounds, but they can bring out a bag at 250 pounds at the last minute. And we don't judge them for that either. Those minor tweaks, like we're actually, again, that's in an isolated competition. That's one event that's happening at that stage of the season. There's seven events happening across the world. To me, I would, you know,
Starting point is 00:17:38 I would be releasing the workouts. I would be sending the athletes written explanations of flow and standard. I would have a video demonstrations of them for people to review. And I know, and I I'm just accepting the fact that we're taking some of the mystery out of it, but we're giving each of the athletes at least a week to prepare with all the information that they need,
Starting point is 00:17:59 knowing that what we're going to get is an expression of, of their fitness, not of their, you know, ability to adapt to something in a day where someone else has eight days and someone else has 15 days. Gotcha. Paulina, congratulations on graduating. I forget what school you went to. Something in Texas. Paulina is here every morning with us and she came out to Greg's Broken Science where I met her. Paulina is here every morning with us, and she came out to Greg's Broken Science where I met her. And she's also coming out to Santa Cruz on June 3rd up there.
Starting point is 00:18:31 Yes. Thank you, Nicole. Paulina. Hi. Good morning. There you are. Hey. Okay.
Starting point is 00:18:40 So three workouts. Let's talk about them briefly. You say workout. Brian has an article out on Hey, Brian, when I go to your website, I couldn't find the article. I had to just use the link you sent me. It's not one of the featured ones, so it's not at the top. So you have to scroll down like two scrolls oh okay so you're you're like um the other uh media outlets out there you you want to keep it challenging for us to consume your content i appreciate that um i mean all of the things that are up there now it is actually up there in the top oh there it is all right perfect well it wasn't um last night we made it the article live and i sent it to some of you guys
Starting point is 00:19:24 but we hadn't advertised it as live so so if you weren't looking on there, you wouldn't have found it, and we hadn't moved it into a featured slot yet. Workout number one is a – you say it's a long workout. Why are there three machines in there, and why do I hate machines, and do other people hate machines? Why do I want to go to the CrossFit games and watch someone's pulled on a skier doing a salt runner? It's basically running in
Starting point is 00:19:49 place. It's pulling on some strings that hang from a machine and it's riding a stationary bike from the 70s. Certainly not a bike from the 70s. Worse, from the Stone Age, the bike weighs 800 pounds. I mean, if it was to break the bike out with a sledgehammer, it would be a better event.
Starting point is 00:20:09 It's more spectator friendly. Yeah. I mean, this is, there's, you know, in our kind of what to expect for semifinals, I had been hoping that there would be a workout that everyone would take at least 25 to 30 minutes to do. That would be a workout that everyone would take at least 25 to 30 minutes to do that would be very physically demanding that would and it would be early in the week so that there were we would be testing that recoverability kind of you know i think that we're going to see some patterns from days gone by from regionals show up over the programming this year and that this is one of having a long event to start the weekend.
Starting point is 00:20:45 And obviously the last time we, or we've seen, you know, triple three, it'd be a long event to start the weekend of semifinals before. And, and it's pretty boring to watch 3000 meter row, three mile run.
Starting point is 00:20:58 I feel obligated because these are important tests for fitness. And like, I was thinking maybe they just put all three of them in they adrian maybe adrian just put all three of them in to get them out of the way so it's upward and onward for the rest of the uh competition yeah i mean one of the one of the things that we got kind of early access to when it came to individual programming with the release of the team programming is the equipment that would be available. So we knew they'd have echo bikes, air runners, skiers, and rowers on site. We could assume that they're going to use most, if not all of those at some point in
Starting point is 00:21:31 the individual programming. And if you're one of those people that likes to think about what's still to come, the one machine that's missing is the rower. So maybe we'll see a row in one of the later tests. But yeah, you have all three of them or three other, you know, machines here in this test. It's a pretty, I think it's pretty boring tests to watch. And the big question is how hard is this sled pull? And what if they're pulling a torque tank?
Starting point is 00:21:55 Or whatever they're pulling. Sure. Yeah, but that would be a complete disaster. You know, I'm looking at the time cap, 30 minutes, and I don't see this taking 30 minutes for anyone. I mean, the bike plus the run plus the row I was thinking about, I'm like, if you're the worst person at all of those things, it's like five, 10 and five minutes. I don't see these, these pulls taking 10 minutes to do. So even though it looks like a long work on paper, 30 minute cap, I just feel like no one's going to hit the time cap. And maybe I'm wrong.
Starting point is 00:22:29 I mean, you know, they've done all the testing and whatever. Maybe I'm wrong about that, but that's just how it feels to me. And, and I, and I, you know, I think back to the, the last time we saw a lot of machines with a rope, a hand over hand rope pull, which was the rope chipper in the 2016 CrossFit Games. And none of the machines mattered at all. It all came down to the sled pull.
Starting point is 00:22:53 Is that the video you sent us? Yeah. Do you have that, Caleb? It's a little YouTube clip. People are asking what the weight of the sled is. I'm assuming it's the weight at the bottom, 180 for men, 225 for women. And also, why do you think that the last sled pull is longer? Has something to do with the layout of the floor?
Starting point is 00:23:10 Yeah. So they list the weights there, 180 and 225. But we don't know if that's the total weight. We don't know if that's the weight added to an object. If it was torque take plus 225 pounds, sled plus 225 pounds or whatever. The distances are 84, 84, 92 feet. I'm assuming that they're going to be pulling this the length of the floor as they did in this three times. And that's why I actually think the entire workout is going to come down to the sled pull.
Starting point is 00:23:37 If you remember this workout, Josh Bridges beat everyone to that rope climb. And I think he finished eighth or ninth out of ten in the heat brett frikowski was like second or third or fourth or something to the rope who's close with a lot of guys and absolutely manhandled this the sled pull and picked up what would be his fourth event win of the weekend in his rookie year that season um i wasn't able to follow why do you think the last rope climb will be longer 94 feet if they're pulling it 84 feet from the rig towards the finish line, and then maybe they walk the rope back, and they pull it 84 feet back towards the rig,
Starting point is 00:24:13 and then they walk the rope back, and then when they pull it to the finish line the last time, it might be mandated that you don't pull it to the 84-foot line, but an extra eight feet across the finish line, and your time is registered when the sled crosses. Oh, okay. There's like some sort of chip there or something maybe. Could be that.
Starting point is 00:24:28 I'm speculating. To me, if it is that layout, you could just as easily do 84, 84, 84, turn around, run eight feet, and cross the finish line, and the chip's on your ankle, and you get a time. But that's my first guess. Let me ask you this. Something else you say in the article is that you hope it's a thick rope. I just got a rope from Rogue, and I've been pulling sled like a fucking maniac for the last two months.
Starting point is 00:24:52 I absolutely love it. I think it's the coolest thing to do. Pull the sled and then push it back. Pull the sled. And that rope is 100 feet long, but it's skinny. And I don't remember seeing an option to buy a thick rope uh from rogue that's 100 feet long have you ever seen one uh no but there are you know how many times has there been something that wasn't available for sale at rogue that became available for sale at rogue after a
Starting point is 00:25:19 competition yeah totally and even if it's an extra half of inch think thick that makes a difference yeah and i would prefer a thicker one i mean the thin one's good but i would prefer oh here we go Yeah, totally. And even if it's an extra half of inch thick, that makes a difference. Yeah, and I would prefer a thicker one. I mean, the thin one's good, but I would prefer – oh, here we go. Does that thing come in 100 foot? This one's 50 feet. The 100-foot one is somewhere else. Yeah, and the 100-foot one is like a white nylon rope.
Starting point is 00:25:45 Yeah, I think we used those at Mayhem when I was there. Yeah. I think JR told me he's got like 20 of those, which is kind of crazy. Well, he loves that stuff too. Okay. They use the sleds every week. So it's three of the most boring things you could do at an event with what I think is one of the most exciting things. Exciting maybe, but I think an excellent training method for sure, pushing and pulling sled. There's nothing here to indicate that they'd have to push it back, which is why I think that they'll just pull it and then have to walk or run their rope back down to the other end.
Starting point is 00:26:23 Just quotes. Just quotes. back down to the other end just quotes just quotes just and uh anyway but i'm just i think that it's a really tricky workout to to program and get it right like you want obviously you want why are you going to have 15 to 20 minutes of machine work if you don't if it's not going to make much impact at all on the overall outcome how hard is the sled to make sure that it's like is the whole workout just going to be the sled pull? I just feel like 3000 meter echo bike. They're all going to come off of it within a few seconds of each other.
Starting point is 00:26:51 The run, you might see a little bit more separation, but I think you'd see more separation on a road than on a machine. And then the ski, um, one, 1000 meter ski. I mean, I just feel like it's going to be the, the, the, the, the, the pull, I guess we can't even save a sled for sure. That will decide the winners. And one of the details that might be missing that you were referencing early in the show is we don't know if you can play, if your feet are just, if you have something to brace your feet against or whether you're just
Starting point is 00:27:19 standing out there having to, you know, create your own leverage. Yeah. I like the standing out there creating your own leverage like they had at the rope chipper you have a line on the floor feet have to stay behind it rope has to get across you know whatever object you're pulling has to get across it uh any pro uh anything any problems in africa getting that equipment i guess not they're gonna have enough echo bikes assault runners and skiers yeah we don't know for sure if they're going to use the same brand or equipment for all of that but you know they'll have something that's comparable what you know whether it's a different
Starting point is 00:27:50 company or not we'll see i i know we're not a big uh heart rate community uh and things like that but though i just feel like if there was just something we could see in those events more than them doing the event it would make it a better event. I just find – Put a monitor on someone. It's like everyone knows it's when you go take a piss or drop a deuce or get a glass of water when they're on the machines. I mean it's just –
Starting point is 00:28:16 Well, you got to do those things too, so maybe – You think that Adrian is actually thinking about that? No. Just right off the bat? No. Show starts, it's early morning you're drinking your coffee he knows you're gonna have to take a deuce so he puts in a 3 000 meter run so the spectator can drop it okay uh workout number two uh how would you so so let me just
Starting point is 00:28:35 ask you is is that needed as much as i'm complaining about it is that needed well i mean here's the thing you you know in general we have have this concept of we want to see a balanced test. So we want to see a wide array of time domains and we want to see workouts that are impacted by weightlifting, workouts that have a limiting component of gymnastics or skill, and workouts that are going to test your aerobic capacity in a variety of different ways. Monostructural implements are relatively small in terms of how they're usually counted. But I think at this level, you can be more creative than this. So, you know, usually people are like, well, you got a bike run, row, swim, ski or jump rope,
Starting point is 00:29:15 like those are your monostructure. I don't I don't see it that way for athletes at this level. We've talked about this before that movements like the the burpee or a wall ball or a specific weight kettlebell movement or just a regular pull up like those types of movements are aerobic for these athletes. Even something like toes to bar some, you know, for a great deal of them, chest bar pull ups like they're just so good at that stuff that there can be an aerobic element of it if it's tested in the right. Structured of a workout, and there's a lot of thought that can go into that. So you don't have to necessarily paint yourself into the machine corner. But if you think about what those things are that I listed, at this stage of the competition, seven semifinals around the world, it's really difficult to have a road bike. So if you want to do any kind of biking, it has to be a stationary bike.
Starting point is 00:30:03 It's really difficult to get them in a pool or a river to row in or something like that so you kind of have some confines on what you can do as opposed to if it were just one semi-final event that 300 were competing in or whatever in one location you could do a lot more so knowing that he's confined by those things um not surprised to see a lot of machine work show up. And look, there's a, there's going to be plenty of weightlifting and gymnastic skills as well. I hope they could use that time to talk about other non top five athletes. I'd rather hear him talk about the clothes that the athletes are wearing over
Starting point is 00:30:40 here in lane number seven. We have Roman Krennikoff in the new Skins Ultra Tight. Roman's 205 pounds and wears a size large. That's the extra black limited edition one that you can buy on our website now for $99.99. Also, you know, like stuff like that. Sarah Sigmund's daughter's out there. You notice the sweat is beading on her face. That's because she uses a product called Blah Blah Blah Lotion.
Starting point is 00:31:13 I would rather hear that than the guy who's she did who lskd oh that's the clothing line yeah i saw something about them that i liked the other day or maybe it was something i didn't like i think i'd like that yeah yeah i like them i think i like them they're kind of they're they're yeah they're yeah i like them i don't have a ton of their stuff, but the things that I do have, I like a lot. I just like their ads. I think I like their ads. Is Fuselier sponsored by them? No, no. She's the only one who had the good tier ad.
Starting point is 00:31:39 Yeah, I think I like LSKD. I definitely like Sarah Sigmund's daughter. Tier got the top qualifier from Africa for women. Christina Leveretakis. Go Tier. The one thing I would say about Tier, they have a huge spread internationally of where their athletes are coming from. Okay, I'm going to have to look at these guys.
Starting point is 00:32:01 Now we're way off subject. What about the guys who sponsor Ariel Loewen? That clothes, those clothes are fun. Those clothes are really nice clothes. At least everything I have of theirs is nice. What, brute strength? Born primitive. Born primitive.
Starting point is 00:32:17 That's close. It's always interesting. You know, like you see- That stuff's good. Like born primitive make a big push into the market a few years ago. They were the sponsor at Wadapalooza everyone's wearing their stuff and then you you know they've kind of tapered off i think that they're probably doing like really just fine but they they're not the like and now you know this year then you see the tier make this push in lskd is making a play
Starting point is 00:32:40 like you know and they're kind of always coming and going but i think born primitive is kind of well established enough at this point that they're they're just cruising yeah there's everything i have there's this crazy nice um hey did anyone get the new nano twos i heard that they've changed them which would be crazy if they did i heard that they fit different i heard they're narrower which would be absolutely nuts only where wear the Strike Movement Haze Trainer these days. That's the Brian French shoe. Test number two, toes to ring. Have I ever seen those before at the – Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:15 I have seen those. I have seen toes to rings. It might have been during the two years that you didn't care at all. Okay. But they – How does that look? What does that look like? Are they flailing all over
Starting point is 00:33:26 is it hard to judge no i don't know it's uh i mean in this complex they're gonna do one toes to ring one muscle one ring dip so you won't get to see like kind of the the pattern or the the beauty of the toes to ring over a big set but they had them them in the, um, ringer one ringer two, uh, workouts at the games in 2019 for the last 10 athletes competing. And, um, yeah, so we have seen them before. Uh, the workout is five, uh, it's a five ring complex. So it's one toes to ring one muscle up one ring dip, and you have to do that five times then you move to 20 single leg squats i guess that means 20 pistols i don't know why they don't just say that and then uh max burpees over the box with a time limit of three minutes and then you and then you
Starting point is 00:34:16 rest one minute and you do that three times and your total number of reps gets you the winner so if you get you're going to get the five uh ring complexes that is that count as five reps or is that 15 yeah so we don't know if it's going to be the if when they say total reps across three rounds if it's going to be like assuming that you finish the buy-in every time is your score 75 plus the total burpees or if those 75 five ring complexes plus 20 pistols will not count and it'll only be the burpees that count towards your score okay so there's not there's not some standard protocol to these types of workouts that it would be just count the burpees or just count – Yeah, I mean score is total reps makes me think that if you did 15 burpees
Starting point is 00:34:59 in the first round, you'd be at 40 total reps completed, 5 plus 20 plus 15. But they could just say at the briefing total reps, you know, max burpee over box. Those are the only reps that are counting. So in that case, your score would be 15 going into interval two. Okay. And the, and these are details that we also don't mind if they're not released into the last minute. I mean,
Starting point is 00:35:21 that detail I think is irrelevant because it's going to be whoever did the max burpee box anyway, but in terms of, uh, you know, scoring you, you know, the scores will look different. They'll obviously have a higher reps if they count the buy-in every time. Um, there's other elements of this specifically burpees over box is the thing that jumps out here. You know, you see the height of the boxes are 24 and 30. And you realize that the athletes are wearing a rock of 20 and 10 pounds on their back throughout the entire workout. So that's a, you know, is it a, what is burpee over box me? Does that mean a jump? There's no, nothing that says jump there. So how wide is this box? Are they able to use their hands to get over the box? These little details will end up, you know, what are the things that we don't know yet
Starting point is 00:36:04 that will matter if they're forced to jump with the ruck, that is completely different than if they're allowed to use their hands to get over the box. So you're telling me that the dudes are going to wear a 20 pound backpack. Is all 20 pounds in the back? Yeah. And they're going to do a toes to ring muscle up and then a ring dip. Is this workout going to? We've seen the athletes do muscle-ups with ruck before at this event called Loose in Guadalupalooza in 2020. And this footage is from Craig Ritchie's because that was behind the paywall. The actual event was behind the paywall of the Flow Elite that year.
Starting point is 00:36:43 But we have seen it before. We haven't seen the toe to ring and ring dip, but the muscle-up is obviously going to be the most difficult part of that. And this event exposed some people that were pretty good at ring muscle-ups regularly that then had this backpack on and had to overcome that a little bit. But it's been three years since then. Go-ruck is much more prevalent in the space. All of these athletes, if they don't own a Go Ruck, should have access to one so they can practice it over this next week, even if they haven't done it before. And that's
Starting point is 00:37:16 what I'm saying. If they had released this and it didn't say that they had to wear a Ruck, and then that was a detail that they gave us next week at a briefing the day before it was going to happen, you would see a lot of people day before it was going to happen, you would see a lot of people struggling with it. Compared to what I don't think we're going to see as many people struggling with it because they have this week, and even if they haven't practiced it before, they can get their hands on one and mess around with it a few times because the kip is a little bit different. I don't think there has been a back-weighted pistol before.
Starting point is 00:37:43 I don't think I've ever seen anyone do a back weighted pistol. It's always either overhead or in the frontal plane. Yeah. And there's like, you know, one of the best we've ever seen at doing pistols is Matt Fraser. And Matt Fraser was the best at them for several reasons. But one of them is because he could do it with his legs straight out in front of him and down up really quick. And he could do it holding his foot or not.
Starting point is 00:38:04 I think if you have the pistol on and you have that ability to kind of change between those two options, that holding the foot is really going to be beneficial here. Quick grab on the foot. So you just have that balance. Whereas if you're not used to having it, then, you know, but again, they have some time to practice it. And, you know, this is one of those where, because a lot of people struggle with the range of motion on the pistol.
Starting point is 00:38:24 I mean, we've even seen games champions that can't do a pistol keeping their heel on the ground. So, yeah, it'll definitely be interesting. The pistol is, I'm assuming, by the way, burpee over box means not jumping, that you will be able to use your hands to maneuver over the box. I think that's otherwise they would say box jump or jump, whatever. But the pistol is the one that I'm not so sure about. And we don't know if that's alternating either. That's another one of those details that we don't know,
Starting point is 00:38:54 but also that we don't really care about, right? Well, we do care about it because on the team side, they said when they had pistols, they said 15 on one leg, 15 on the second leg or 10 on one leg, 10 on the second leg. And at the games last year, they said 10 on one leg, 15 on the second leg, or 10 on one leg, 10 on the second leg.
Starting point is 00:39:05 And at the games last year, they said 10 on one leg, 10 on the other. But written like this, I'm assuming it's alternating. And if it's alternating, that's fine. It would be strange if they wrote it this way and demanded an unbroken set of 10 and 10 since they wrote it a different way on the team's side of things. 10 since they wrote it a different way on the teams side of things. Will this be a deal breaker for whole continents?
Starting point is 00:39:35 Like, is this the kind of thing where it's just going to stop Africa? Are we going to see in heats of 10, the first five heats at the 60 man events, the first five heats not be able to play with this one? Are we going to see stuff like that? Well, the only competitive regions that have 60 are North America and Europe. Like, are we going to see where 55 women can't do it? I don't think in those competitive regions that'll be the case, but maybe in Asia and Africa, where they have 30, you might see 20 to 25 that'll, you know, struggle a lot with that.
Starting point is 00:40:09 And again, that's that, you know, I say that all the athletes have access to a go ruck, but in those parts of the world, it's going to be a lot less likely than in North America or Europe for, for several reasons. And, and so, yeah, I do think this is one of those things where, I mean, I don't know what the broadcast coverage is going to be like of those, but in some of those other places of the world, there's going to be some heats where there's going to be very little work going on. I do think that there are athletes in the, in the North America, East, West, and Europe that will struggle with this, but it'll be a lower percentage. And I also think that there's a chance, especially on the men's side, that if you're someone, and I don't think that there's a chance especially on the men's side that if you're someone
Starting point is 00:40:45 and I don't think it'll be a factor for him making the games but like we've seen Roman Kredikov has have his worst workout on ring muscle-up workouts at every competition he shows up to he's competing in what's probably the best men's field in terms of depth like there's probably like if he struggles with that for whatever reason there's there's probably like if he struggles with that for whatever reason, there's there's probably like 20 to 40 guys in that region that might be able to beat him on this workout. And so that's that and that would basically take him out of contention of winning when you know that he's competing against someone like a Jeff Adler that just doesn't isn't going to have a hole like that. So this is this is I do think is a critical workout for certain people in terms of where they can finish overall. And for some that are, you know, really going to be in tight races, this is the type of workout that if you struggle with it, I think you could really pay a heavy price for it. So you're literally saying, by the way, Caleb, I'm sending you a link to Nick Matthews, uh, Nick Matthew, uh, Instagram
Starting point is 00:41:40 account. Someone said that there's him doing toes to bar, um, on there with the rings. No, sorry. Maybe doing, doing the weighted pistol with the ruck. I don't know. Either way.
Starting point is 00:41:52 I can't find it easily. Um, yeah, I pushed that one too because of the thumbnail, but I didn't see him doing it in there. Brian, will there be someone who just doesn't make it? Will this knock someone out?
Starting point is 00:42:02 Like the, will we see as big of upset is, um, Sam Briggs not being able to do the handstand walk and making it to the CrossFit Games? I mean, if it knocked Roman out, that would be huge, right? That would be – Yeah, so I'm saying in the case of Roman, I don't think it will knock him out of the Games. I'm just saying it will limit his potential to maybe win his semifinal, which we don't even know what the prize purses are yet,
Starting point is 00:42:22 but that would be the only penalty there. Otherwise, a spot to the Games is a spot to the games, but on the cut line and we're going to get to this next Monday when we start looking at the predictions and we do those shows with John, which I think we need to get those on the schedule still, by the way. Okay. That there's going to be these groups of athletes at every semifinal, maybe in North America, man, I'm going to say, look,
Starting point is 00:42:43 there's eight guys right here and only three of them can make it. And we can start to evaluate, okay, well, these two guys are, you know, historically are not good on the rings. And now we have a more demanding version of that. And I see 20 guys further down the leaderboard that I don't think can make the games, but that they're not going to have any issue with this. They're great with gymnastics. They have, you know, small range of motion, fast, fast muscle, muscle fibers or whatever. And if, you know, one of those guys that's battling for a last spot suddenly gets a 33rd place on this workout, that might be it for them. Uh, California hormones. Thank you. 1999. Uh, I am down here right now. if anyone's wondering, at the California Hormones Beach House. I get to come down here every couple months for a couple weeks with my family.
Starting point is 00:43:32 And they were nice enough today to set me up and my kids up to head out to Ryan Schreckler's private indoor skate park down in San Clemente, California. Have you guys been to it before? No. Because you've been to some indoor ones before. Yeah, this is a real special one. And his brother, Shane Shreckler, will be skating with the boys. What's his name?
Starting point is 00:43:59 Am I saying it wrong? You're saying Shreckler. Oh, Shreckler. Shreckler, sorry. And Shane Shreckler will be um last time we were down here they gave it the boys skateboards and this time they're going to get a skate lesson with shane i am so it's like three hours of skating with them their own personal indoor skate park it's going to be dope anyway uh thank you sarah and paul for that and also i don't know
Starting point is 00:44:19 if it's out yet but california hormones is going to have a whole line of peptides coming out. And the barrier to entry for peptides is much smaller than dealing with TRT. Oh, good. You have something incredible to tell me. Good. Okay. Send me a photo of it. I love pictures. Sheckler is a savage. Yeah. one of the greatest to ever do the game. I know. This is huge.
Starting point is 00:44:48 Steven Plyler, the park is called the Sandlot. Yeah. End of the month for the peptides. Yep. I'm excited. I'm excited. I love how excited you got reading that. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:45:02 I'm excited. I want to inject something, so I can't wait. I want to inject something. Besides my wife. Okay. So this workout, is this a cool workout? So the last thing is – I know we're going to do a programming show.
Starting point is 00:45:20 I know. But at the very top end, I think some people are going to crush this this i think that there will be people that can do the complex like cold um we'll see we'll see and so i think we will see a kind of a cool race here what i'm curious about because i think that for the people that have proficiency here there's not going to be a ton of separation through the buy-in every round and that it's going to come down to you know kind of capacity and consistency on the burpee getovers what i'm um or burpee over box you know again i think there's something to that terminology i just don't know what it is yet and and what i'm just curious about here is is three like and i'm sure that they've tested this but it's three rounds the right number of rounds I feel like if there was a fourth round, that's where you would see a lot of separation at the top end.
Starting point is 00:46:08 So we'll see. I mean, these guys know what they're doing. They've tested it. I would hope that that decision is based on, nope, three rounds is enough, and not that, no, we only have this much time available to us, so we need to make it three rounds. But I do know that logistics is a factor when it comes to programming these competitions. Saxon Panchik, he does good with this one? Yeah, you would think potentially world record candidate right there.
Starting point is 00:46:34 Justin Medeiros? Always in the mix or something like that. I don't think the best scorer in the world, but probably top five. Olivia Kerstetter? Damage control. I know we've said that before but she she shows up right she's she's she is good at the rings right yeah i just i mean there's going to be other workouts that she'll be in the contention for uh having you know best times in the world for i don't think this is one of them uh emma lawson yeah it destroys it eats it for
Starting point is 00:47:03 breakfast yeah but maybe but still might not even win in her own competitive region. Okay. Miss Brandon. Danielle, yeah, I think she'll do well here, but Lawson, O'Brien, even Emma Carey, I think get her on this one. Okay. And in a fourth, if there is a, uh, Dan, maybe Danielle Brandon is excited that there's only three rounds because it allows her to stay in the top five. Um, but with a fourth round, maybe she doesn't. No, no, no. Like, uh, like the number of total events. If there's an extra round, I think that the fitter people will do better. And she's, I think she's one of the fittest. So
Starting point is 00:47:39 awesome. Okay. And then, and then, uh, let's not forget, uh, Europe not forget Europe. How does Annie Thor's daughter do with this? Fine. I think just fine. But she's tripping balls though. No. She's not tripping? I mean, it's a lot. She finished his top five, but she's freaking out. One of the questions is how much does a range of motion matter here? And I think for the men,
Starting point is 00:47:59 like someone who's a comparable bigger athlete like Jason Hopper, I think that he's going to pay a bigger price for his range of motion on this workout than Annie will pay for hers because of the depth of the field. Okay. You didn't get the memo before the show, the list of names we don't talk about? I talk about any athlete that's in the field that I think is relevant. Brian, above the law, like usual. Okay.
Starting point is 00:48:19 Phillip Kelly, you made in the comments earlier, is this the Brian show? It clearly is the Brian show. He's a rule breaker. Jason Hopper's on the do not say list no no fly zone yeah do not say oh wow okay i'll try to bring him up twice a show we got good you're such a rebel um uh okay uh as long as i don't say there's another there's three words i can't say on this show oh didn't we liberate one for you a couple weeks ago, though? Did we? Oriental. Oh, Oriental. That is true.
Starting point is 00:48:48 That one was on the – I'll liberate your vocabulary, Stefan. Okay. Test number three. Very interesting. Very, very interesting. Brian, is there any other workout in the CrossFit ecosystem where body weight or size is relevant? where body weight or size is relevant? Obviously not the stupid stuff like the height of jumping six inches to a burpee or doing handstands to a line on the wall. I'm talking about like legitimate like, hey, you're smaller, so you have to lower the weight for you. Or is Linda the only workout that's ever been like that?
Starting point is 00:49:18 No, no. There are other like even a girl workout. It might be Lynn, something like that, where it's a relative to your body weight and a percentage of bench press or something like that. Really? This is one of the words I'm not saying anymore, Brian. Right here. Yeah, I think I think it is because I had at one point I was trying to do all of the girl workouts that were ever announced. And there were like two that I was not,
Starting point is 00:49:45 had not done. And it was because I couldn't do them at the prescribed way. And one of them was like a body weight. I'm not talking about scaling. I'm talking about like an actual. Linda is 1.5 body weight, body weight, three quarter body weight.
Starting point is 00:49:58 So your body weight is a relevant factor in the workout. And I'm saying that there's an another girl workout that also has that. Huh? There it is is and that's lynn okay so i was right okay yeah it's just oh body weight bench press okay okay okay so there are you know these show up every once in a while in 2000 uh 2018 at the regionals when we had this, they picked a specific weight and it didn't matter your body weight. It was based on the average or something like that. As anyone who's listened to my stuff knows, the weights that the athletes have listed as their own body weight are not
Starting point is 00:50:39 reliable. You can't do an accurate study on that because CrossFit has never done a weigh-in of athletes at their events. So it's just whatever the athletes choose to put on there. It could be their weight when they first made their profile. It could be that they're keeping it up to date. It could be that they're just putting a weight in there that they want people to think that they are, even though they're 10 to 20 pounds more than that. Who knows?
Starting point is 00:50:58 So how do they come up with that average weight for 2018 is somewhat arbitrary in my opinion. Average weight for 2018 is somewhat arbitrary, in my opinion. Here, there's a little bit of nuances, obviously, that they have the dumbbells instead of the barbell for the bench press, which I really like that, actually. Brian, sorry, this is off subject, but I think this is important. What about this? Trish writes, there's a little Orial family that just moved into our retirement community. What about that juxtaposition of words little oriental? Is that – that's fine. I would assume that it would be a man, a wife, and their newborn baby, a little family. Right, and they're talking – when Trish says little, they're talking about their height, like their stature, like they're like 5'5 or something. Well, little kind of like the word together has multiple meanings.
Starting point is 00:51:52 So you're okay with that? Sure. I mean, I would say, oh, is it a small family or do you mean that they're just kind of short people? Yeah. Okay. Man, you, you are the true liberator. The, um, the other weights in this workout haven't have not changed. The deadlift is the same weight and the squat cleans are the same weight from 2018. So the only nuance here is the bench press and it's actually lighter overall. The 60-pound dumbbells come to 120 pounds, where the women had 135 five years ago.
Starting point is 00:52:27 And the men had 195, obviously 90. And 90 is 180 pounds. But the demand of the dumbbells is, you know, isolating each arm independently. So I would say it's comparable. And nothing here looks like it buries anyone. What do you think about the 17-minute time cap? We saw, like like you know i think one of the most top 10 impressive performances i've ever seen at a semi-final or regional was
Starting point is 00:52:50 katrin david's daughter we watched her do this live in east regional she did every component of every of the entire workout unbroken um and i think she had the best time in the world i think sarah sigma's daughter ended up having the second best time in the world that year. And we will see incredible performances on this workout. I think that whatever you think the best time is, I think they were like in the 11, 12 minute time range, the best times. And I think we'll see something even, yeah, Alex Kazan's a great choice of someone who could crush this workout. But if you're strong enough, fitness matters. Laura Horvath, I think, will smash this workout because I just think she'll move the weight so easy.
Starting point is 00:53:30 But I also think there are people that will come to a stop in this and probably on the dumbbell bench, especially, I think, the women. Do you think that there will be people who race this? Like literally their time is going to be – they're going to be concerned about their transition times is going to be, they're going to be concerned about their transition times. That's how fast they're going to be moving. Yeah. Because you know, think you have to think about it's 55 reps of each. That's not a ton of volume. Now it's 165 total reps and it's going to be for the best people, 10 to 13 minutes, 150 reps in 10 to 13
Starting point is 00:54:02 minutes is something that they do every day in training. So like, yes, there will be people for whom the transitions is where this workouts won and lost. And you'll see some people gaming it as I'm a little ahead of you and I'm walking up to my cleans and I'm chalking up and you're jogging up to your clean and you're not to try to close that three second gap. And I might know that's okay. You can jog up here, but the, the amount that I'm able to recover in my walk is going to get me three seconds on you anyway, and I'll be back over there doing deadlifts before you. And Colton smashes this. Could definitely could. Yep.
Starting point is 00:54:32 This looks like a good workout for him. And Madera smashes this. Yeah. Madera. I mean, if we're talking about people are going to do well on workouts, it's going to be – Medeiros is going to be in the conversation every time because, as we've seen, his consistency over anything that's tested is better than anyone. Paige Powers, demolish it. Yes.
Starting point is 00:54:55 I mean, I think she'll do well. I don't know. I don't know. I mean, that North America East women's field, 1 through 10, how well is she going to do relative to the other ten on this workout? I'm not sure. But if you told me she was top five, I wouldn't be surprised. Kerstetter smashes it.
Starting point is 00:55:13 Yeah, I think she'd do very well on this, yes. All right. So the workout's kind of gotten better. They start off with that machine debacle but but they do give us the sled pool which is going to be and you know what we may even forget someone like me who just hates the machines if if the um if the sled pool is exciting i may even forget that i had to deal with those watching those dumb ass machines right if i'm watching fikowski and Josh Bridges pool, are they going to be in the same semifinal Fikowski and Bridges? If I get to watch them pool in a race to the end, it's going to be good.
Starting point is 00:55:54 And I'll forget it all about those machines. But the rest of this stuff's fantastic, right? We love this, this Linda thing. I think it's a very, you know, I think it's a fun first set of workouts. You know, you want to obviously see it in combination with the rest of the tests, but we have a very specific weightlifting test here. We have a, the test two is gymnastics, high skill gymnastics, but with a weighted component to it, high skill gymnastics and a lower skill gymnastics, the burpee get over. But, you know, there's a weight component to it.
Starting point is 00:56:27 And then we have an aerobic workout that's going to take a long time and you'd be on the machines, but the weightlifting could be the critical factor again, in the rope pool. So the weighted element of all three of these tests is probably the limiting factor or the deciding factor, which is curious to me because, you know, we've, um, that means like, well, what's, what remains, are we going to see is weightlifting just going to be the predominant force that gets you through the semifinal or is the second half of these tests going to have maybe some weightlifting, but it won't be the limiting factor. And we'll see gymnastics and capacity be the things that, that are ultimate decide who does well on those tests. Hey, and there's an evolution in the sport right a workout like
Starting point is 00:57:06 linda 12 maybe 10 years ago may not have been appropriate when was that catch and daughter workout catching 2018 yeah maybe maybe 10 years ago definitely 15 years ago wouldn't have been appropriate as a race and now it's a race and that's a testament to how, how strong and how fit the athletes are. Right. Yeah. Look at that. I mean,
Starting point is 00:57:30 I'm telling you, dude, if you guys, like, if you haven't watched that, go, go back and watch. It's worth watching.
Starting point is 00:57:35 It's like, it's really, really impressive. 12 minutes. Is that one 25? I think it's one 35. So that she's using a man's bar. I think they have small plates on the outside.
Starting point is 00:57:45 Wow. To make it 135. Crazy. Yeah, that's impressive right there. And by the way, if you have $74,000 to spare, you can purchase that. Well, they won't need those this year since they're doing the dumbbells. You think they learned their lesson? God, those racks are nice.
Starting point is 00:58:06 Are you going to do that workout, Brian? Are you going to do that, Linda? Not with those weights, but maybe, yeah. I mean, I mentioned in the article I've done Linda a bunch of times. I've done dumbbell Linda before. I've never done a combination like this. So, yeah, it might be a fun one to try. I won't make the time cap
Starting point is 00:58:25 either way though you won't okay um and any of these and we'll be like 40 minutes for you no usually you know i can't do linda as prescribed because of the bench press uh usually i'm in the like 20 to 30 minutes depending on how challenging i make the weights for myself another good one gee we'll smash this it's kind of too bad it's kind of too bad Guy's down there to do the semi-final because we really need to see him in that it's kind of a wasted opportunity right we need to see someone race him like up here you get to see people I mean right he's the best athlete in the world that doesn't have anyone to compete against yeah I mean it used to be him and Roman but now but this year Roman's in NA East so it's not the case. And so, yeah, he's probably, he's probably going to be running away
Starting point is 00:59:09 with it down there. Like he has the last two years and we won't necessarily, you know, that's fine for him, but we won't necessarily get to see him push to that next level that he would have if he was going side by side with a Jeff Adler or Pat Vellner or someone like that. Yes, when I was a young man, Linda was like a go-to once a month. It was like... But I never did it fast. But I just enjoyed doing it.
Starting point is 00:59:35 Did you do Linda when you were deployed, Caleb? Seems like a good deployment workout. I probably did something close. But the gym was always super busy and I never wanted to take three barbells up at the same time i think i always kind of cheated linda too to be honest i always like i never did my real weight i would pick like like the lightest i'd ever been i'd pick like 147 or something you know i didn't it wouldn't do linda at 165. It'd fucking kill me. Either of our
Starting point is 01:00:07 month. I may have filmed this. I've watched the entire thing. What year was that? I can't remember. I was definitely down there when they did it. I think they bit off more than they could chew. They finished it, but it was
Starting point is 01:00:23 a must-watch. It was 20 reps down to one of Linda that Bailey and Kalipa did. it off more than they could chew they finished it but i mean it was that was a press watch there was 20 20 reps down to one of of linda that bailey and clepa did that was at the gym at hq right yeah that was nuts 2014 that's almost 10 years ago and i think those guys could have raced it then and i apologize if i didn't if i if someone else filmed it and i didn't film it and i said i filmed it i was definitely down there the whole time. I can't remember if I was – I'm not sure. I took a picture or something. Okay.
Starting point is 01:00:51 So when does Workout 4, 5, 6 come out and 7? 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9? No, we don't know how many there will be. I mean we had all thought they would come out Thursday, a week before, which is what CrossFit advertised. Then last week they said tests are coming out next week. And we were kind of like, yeah, we know. You've already told us that.
Starting point is 01:01:10 Then they dropped one on Monday. Then they dropped some on Tuesday. So maybe we'll get the rest of the individual tests today. That would be cool. And then we'll have the entire slate of individual program to look at, which I think is important to consider. Because like I said, right now, we see three tests that on the surface appear like a mostly monostructural test, a mostly gymnastics test, and a mostly weightlifting test, or an only weightlifting test. But there are, you know, weightlifting elements in all three of them. And in this Linda test, even at the top end, yes, it's all weightlifting. But, you know, your ability to your aerobic ability to, to do barbell cycling
Starting point is 01:01:45 or dumbbell cycling, uh, for, you know, 11, 12 minutes in a row is definitely a factor. And that's where I think at the top end of fitness, not necessarily weightlifting will prevail. And while even though Guy will do great on this workout relative to South America, I don't, I don't necessarily think he'll have a top 10 time in the world on this workout. In fact, I would bet against it. Austin Hartman, Stevan needs more confidence as an athlete or just be less soft. I haven't decided which one it is yet. No, fuck you.
Starting point is 01:02:11 You're totally wrong. I just need to keep staying not injured. That's the only thing that matters for me. Hey, Brian, I will say this. I haven't seen any negativity about these workouts, which is kind of unique, right? I feel like the last, you know, three years, whenever workouts come out, there's always some like, I haven't heard anyone say, hey, I flat out hate that or that stupid. This has been very well received, right? Yeah, I think that, you know, obviously there's questions and the questions aren't bad.
Starting point is 01:02:49 Some of those questions might dictate the more overall response to whether I love this or just like it, but I haven't really seen anything negative either. And I'm excited, like at the baseline, I'm excited to watch each of these tests because there's elements that I don't know. I don't know how critical that sled bull is going to be. And I'm interested to find out. I don't know how much that ruck's going to affect each of the individual movements for the big populations and the best in the world. And then I don't know, you know, just how fast people are going to go on this. And I do think that people will hit a wall on the dumbbell bench press at some point, but how many and how frequently, not sure. So there's, so I'm excited for him. Yeah. Is, is, Is Snorri Emma Lawson's manager? I think so.
Starting point is 01:03:27 Okay. I just texted Sousa to see if we could get Emma Lawson. Is Emma Lawson 18 yet? Gannon Burr is. I don't think Emma is quite last, yeah. Hey, that video you sent me, maybe I even have it up here somewhere oh yeah i do have this up is this uh sorry guys now's a good time to take a p break if you need to take a p break during the show we're brian and i are going to take a one minute break uh brian is this um is this uh is this ezra adderhold yeah from a few years ago it's's crazy. It says here, it says disc golf.
Starting point is 01:04:06 I'm supposed to give disc golf pro tour credit for this. Okay. Anyway, this is nuts, people. How do I make this bigger, Caleb? What do I do? Just zoom in. Just use your mouse pad. I don't have a mouse pad.
Starting point is 01:04:22 There you go. Okay. Brian sent me this last night. This is pretty crazy. Watch this. This guy's coming on the show in a couple weeks. Ezra Adderholt. Here we go. So much of it you can handle.
Starting point is 01:04:36 Ezra Adderholt. No! So that was an ace? Would have been. Instead it rolled out of bounds. That's unreal. So that was an ace? Would have been. Instead it rolled out of bounds. That's unreal. Wow.
Starting point is 01:04:53 That's gross. Yeah, that's crazy. Let's watch that one more time. Ezra Adderhall. Where is that? What event? It's one of them that's coming up. No! Don't roll coming up don't roll out
Starting point is 01:05:07 don't roll out oh no crazy it would have been crazy if that would have rolled out of bounds it did roll out of bounds see that white line on the ground it was an island green oh my goodness
Starting point is 01:05:21 so he got two strokes for that it went from an ace to basically a best he can get is a par. Putt for par, yeah. Oh, my God. And did he get par or did he get – I can't remember. Oh, my goodness.
Starting point is 01:05:33 That song is so annoying. I agree. Jessica, I agree with you. Probably got like five minutes. Mike Halpin, Emma's 18. Okay. I could probably just contact her directly. I think I was – her boyfriend is Jack Farlow.
Starting point is 01:05:48 Jack Farlow will do great on the Linda. I would think so. Any stones – I would think that would probably be his best performance relative to the field on the weekend. Oh. Well, we'll see. We'll see.
Starting point is 01:06:02 There could be – like if there was a max clean or something he'll also do great on that uh any stones um on unturned is there is there anyone that you're like concerned about that you thought for sure was that had a chance to going in like like are you seeing that you're like oh fucking kelly clark's out or colton mertens is out rebecca fustia is like fustia could kill that gymnastics one and then get just destroyed on that Linda one, right? If that gymnastics didn't have a ruck, yeah, she'd be phenomenal at it. How much will the ruck affect her? I don't know. She's always impressed me with her strength relative to her size.
Starting point is 01:06:37 So, you know, she's kind of this person that I'm just expecting to rise to the occasion when it seems like something that she can't do, she finds a way to do it. But, you know, if you look at the field of athletes that she's going against, which we'll do heading into that week, week two, we'll see that there are a lot of strong women in that field. So if they, you know, if those dumbbells slow her down at all, it could be potentially punishing workout that puts her behind the eight ball going into the second half of the test.
Starting point is 01:07:03 And both of those workouts could leave the field in Africa just sitting around with their thumb in their ass. I mean, I hope not, but yeah, I don't think like, this is why I did that strength of field test that Halpern and I worked on because I just wanted to see what the other options are. It seems to me like Adrian is demanding a higher level or caliber of skill and strength at each stage of the test. We saw elements of this at the games last year. We saw him in quarterfinals this year. Now we're seeing it semifinals. He's raising the bar. And my concern is, are you raising the bar too high relative to
Starting point is 01:07:41 the process via which you're screening athletes to get to that test. And he might not care about that at all. I do care about it. I feel like there's natural opportunity for progression across the season. I want the athletes to be tested, but I also want to feel like, no, at least three quarters of the field that's here taking this test can do this workout and finish within the time gap. If it's anything less than that, I feel like it's a miss, personally. Brian, are you watching any semifinals in person? Yeah, I'll go to Orlando week one, Pasadena week two, and Berlin in week three. Orlando, Pasadena, Berlin. Oh, so all three weeks.
Starting point is 01:08:22 Crazy. Okay. Are you going to see Pedro when you're in Berlin? Pedro. Pedro. Coffee, pods, and woks. weeks crazy okay are you gonna see Pedro when you're in Berlin Pedro Pedro coffee pods and walks I sure hope so yeah okay all right um thank you uh great great first look I know this was last minute and I told you I asked you late last night to come on. I appreciate it. And I think that's a good, that's it. That's good. What is our next scheduled show? By the way,
Starting point is 01:08:49 Monday, I might be traveling. We might have to move Monday's show to Tuesday morning. Tomorrow night. We have the full program. We break down with J. R. Taylor.
Starting point is 01:09:00 Right. And then I guess we'll see about Monday. Okay. So tomorrow's show, I might not be on in the evening yeah well we'll see how it goes then
Starting point is 01:09:11 okay who's going to be there Steve? you'll be fine Caleb are you on tomorrow night's show? should be yeah I know isn't that nice good to see Caleb in the morning show yeah Jake okay that nice. Good to see Caleb in the morning show. Jake, okay, okay, fine.
Starting point is 01:09:29 Thank you, Ryan. See you, guys. Bye. Adios. Adios. I told him I only needed him a half hour this morning. I kept him an hour and eight minutes. Solid. I can't tell if I'm excited about semifinals or if I'm stressed out about it being three weeks I kind of wish it was just like one week or two weeks
Starting point is 01:09:52 those are going to be long weekends are you going to any of them? yeah I'm going to Orlando next weekend as a spectator or as a worker? well they gave me a media pass so I'll be spectating and as a spectator or as a worker? Well, they gave me a media pass. Oh, awesome.
Starting point is 01:10:11 So I'll be spectating and maybe taking some pictures from the stands or something. Oh, that's awesome. Yeah, what does the media pass get you? From what I understand, not much right now, but maybe they'll change it. Hopefully I'll be able to see some places a little closer. Otherwise, i'll probably just be running the show whenever the events aren't going on okay that's bitching and you already have a hotel and all that yeah i think we're staying in some sort of airbnb who are you going with um one of my friends is competing uh danny kearns and her and her boyfriend are going to go down there and so we're staying with her and some other friends and then some airbnb just kind of like off of the way
Starting point is 01:10:50 damn you're like a real crossfit fan yeah i think so i'm excited that you're going that's awesome i hope like i hope i hope we can figure out some way to utilize you. We will, right? Yeah, yeah. I'll be doing whatever, and I'll definitely be running the show at least. Renata Novantina, do you have some scheduled semifinal shows? We will be doing all three semifinals. I'm not sure exactly how we're going to do it, but we're going to crush it.
Starting point is 01:11:24 We're going to have a full team. The regular crew will be invited onto the show. Mike Halpin, John Young, Tyler Watkins, Brian Spin, Brian Friend, J.R. Howell, Bill Grundler, Chase, if he's available. I know I'm forgetting someone. Did I say Brian Friend? Anyone who's available who you've seen on the show before, I'll start a thread very soon with them. And we will.
Starting point is 01:11:53 Heidi, of course, and any of the ground people, Will Plummer, anyone who's there on the ground, of course, Bruce Wayne, the Coffee Pods and Wads guy, Pedro in Berlin, and anyone like that. And we will be, I'm assuming every single morning during those semifinals, we will go on before semifinals and then we will hit a skip when they go live. We'll go off when they go off, we'll go live. And so we'll basically be doing recaps and reviews and yeah,
Starting point is 01:12:17 it's going to be cool. Yes. Exciting. Thank you. Yeah, it should be cool. It, those shows are so great.
Starting point is 01:12:21 And then we'll, we'll try to drag in, you know, the usual cast of characters. We'll try to drag in the usual cast of characters. We'll try to get the Panchick brothers on, Mr. Froning, Josh Bridges, anyone we can. Patrick Vellner, Fuseli. Anyone who's willing to come on during the shows, I'll be texting and DMing and begging them to come on. So we can see them in their highs and their lows.
Starting point is 01:12:46 It should be cool. I'm excited for it. Hey, how are you on time? You want to go through a couple current events? Sure, I'm good. What happened with... I was trying to figure out what happened to Trump yesterday.
Starting point is 01:13:02 What do you mean? It's kind of a... did you see what happened? He's basically, he's not, it's 598. Oh, no, no, hold on. It's such a weird article, the one I found and read. Let me see if I can find it. he basically is being charged with being liable for rape, but not of rape. It's,
Starting point is 01:13:33 it's, it's so weird. I didn't understand the article. I read it twice. I wish I could find, um, not five 98. Is it,
Starting point is 01:13:39 is it five 98? Maybe try it. Maybe try it. Oh, it's not. Um, parenting. No, it's not. Oh, it's not. Parenting. Okay, well, let's skip that. Let's go to 605 real quick.
Starting point is 01:13:54 605 is fun. 605 is fun. Can Valner win? Who knows? I hope so. Here we go. This is an old clip. this is an old clip. This is an old clip.
Starting point is 01:14:08 But my question is, I'm hanging out in Newport Beach, California, and the sweeping generalization here is I walk around here during the day, and there's two types of people I see. There's a lot of young women here. By young, I mean under 50 with huge fake tits. Like a lot. And like with under 50 with huge fake tits, like a lot. And like with obscenely huge fake tits, like,
Starting point is 01:14:30 like not like just obscene, just huge. And, uh, I had a friend who is a, um, anesthesiologist and he called that size. They call it,
Starting point is 01:14:39 we're called money makers. And then the other, the other demographic I see walking around here is, uh, old men. So I see women under 50 and men over 50, so many. And, and, and, and I, and I can then speculate why that is. There's a shitload of money here and it's probably a older men who have a shitload of money cause they've been working hard their whole life. So they have money. And then there's a shitload of women here with big giant fake tits because uh men for some reason like that and uh and so it's a match right does that does that make sense i don't even know if what i'm saying is true but like i
Starting point is 01:15:13 can i can intellectualize that right i can do the algebra sure okay um uh so um here we go play this and then i have a question for you one of the drugs used is lupron right which has actually been used to chemically castrate sex offenders you know what i'm not sure that we should continue with this interview because it seems like it's going in a particular direction well you're a medical professional i am a medical professional so you don't want to talk about the drugs that you give to kids or again i'm a physician and i use medication you're choosing exploitive work why so i understand a woman gets giant fake breasts around rich men i get that right why do people who don't want to talk about honestly about hurting children or
Starting point is 01:16:07 the potential of hurting children have to dye their hair like that? What's the, I don't understand the, how, what is the, where, why, why does the woke culture have that hair dye?
Starting point is 01:16:19 What is the evolutionary? What's the, what's the logic behind it? I don't get it. I don't either. It's everywhere. And it's the what's the logic behind it i don't get it i don't either it's everywhere and it's the same color too and i'm not saying it's definitive i'm not saying that like every single person who has dyed hair like that as well but why is that look the woke look i understand the hippie look too the hippie look makes total sense to me um your pants are torn
Starting point is 01:16:42 you've sewed in a patch and you have dreadlocks because you didn't wash your hair like i get it and and your skin's kind of ashy because you sleep outside and you smoke a lot of weed um and you're vegan like you know what i mean like it fits the i i understand the the the um uh the the black gangster mexican gangster look your pants are sagging you want to look like you're you're in prison and you didn't have a belt for the pants that were too big for you you know what i mean i understand the black hoodie it's because you're gonna rob shit oh it's so funny last night i got a guy a guy i was walking on the boardwalk at midnight walking my dog and a fucking guy approached me in a fucking black hoodie it was fucking great anyway what what's the deal with this look right here i don't know what's the
Starting point is 01:17:28 what's the what's the i i just i just want to know i'm not even i'm not even um uh ripping on it i'm not i just want to know what is the blue hair what's the what i just don't get it i just i really i just don't i want to know what it's just don't, I want to know what the, it's their gang colors. That would make sense, kind of, right? I get, okay. I get it. It's their gang colors.
Starting point is 01:17:55 How do these, it's not attractive, right? You know how, like, there's certain color foods you're not supposed to eat? Like, you're like, hey, there's nothing in nature that has that color. A blue hair. A person that is typically aligned with the social justice where a platform commonly feminist environmentalist advocate prone to wander the halls of an art building yeah what is that um but what's the oh okay maybe they're sticking it to the man going against the grain.
Starting point is 01:18:28 It's like, fuck you, I don't care. It's like those women who wear those pants that are pulled up really high. Like, I'm hot and I don't care. I'll wear clothes that make my... I have an amazing body and I'll still make my body... Try to make my body look like shit. I guess. Rory Marlow. I literally said yesterday, do they go in and say, give me the shite haircut?
Starting point is 01:18:47 Yeah, I just don't. I just don't. It doesn't explain anything to me, though. It's the feminist thing. I just don't get it. There has to be some sort of some functional purpose, right? You don't wear a black hat in the hot sun
Starting point is 01:19:15 so that it makes your head even hotter. You wear a white hat. Squid Pro Quo. I had purple and blue hair, and i'm the farthest thing from what but but look you said i had i had and i understand you're right it's not and you're right it's not definitive that's for sure it's definitely not definitive wow jay hardell it says fuck you to god oh from outer space it tells God to fuck off. Blue hair. Changing what he made, saying they can do what he does, changing sex.
Starting point is 01:19:52 Anyway, I was tripping on that. Why? Why? What's the? I mean, believe it or not, I wake up in the morning and I try to make myself look like something that someone would like want to look at. I don't want to look at, but I try to mitigate the disturbance I would cause. Do you know what I mean by that? Like I don't I don't want to smell in public. I don't want to like I don't find I don't I don't want to stand out like an assortment, like an eyesore.
Starting point is 01:20:25 I'm trying when I wake up in the morning, I don't know. Maybe I'm boring. Caller, hi. Hello. How are you doing today? I'm good. Like when I used to go out and take – when I used to be a photographer and I used to be a street photographer, I used to go out on the streets
Starting point is 01:20:37 five days a week and take random pictures, and I would try to look a certain way that would make it so that people might not be bothered with me taking a picture of them gotcha right i'm trying to like you'd put it you'd hide the camera in the vent of the bathroom what you're saying the awful bathroom i get it that way they don't know it's good it's a little incognito it's like a hunter right they wear camouflage because they're just they're trying to adapt their mind i'm just I'm trying to figure out what the... I understand the gangster look. I understand the hippie look.
Starting point is 01:21:08 I understand the fake big titty look. I get the goal. Or even if I'm wrong, I can make some shit up. I can't even make something up for these people. I don't know what they're doing. Okay, well, the hair thing, I have a suspicion about the hair thing. Asymmetrical haircut with fucked up colors that don't happen in nature. I don't know exactly about the asymmetrical haircut.
Starting point is 01:21:29 That's probably just because they deep down hate anything beautiful. Here's my thought on the color thing. It's probably because of the misogynistic stereotypes about blondes or brunettes. Now a misogynist can't even guess. So he can't make a, like they're trying to break the stereotype of, oh, well, it's okay, she's just a blonde. I know those are super out of date,
Starting point is 01:21:56 but most of the things that these people operate on are stereotypes from the 1940s and 50s anyway, so it doesn't really matter. What about this, that they hate all black people and Asian people and Mexican people because they have black hair, so they're trying to be the complete opposite
Starting point is 01:22:11 of black, Mexican, and Asian? I'm not entirely sure. I mean, what if someone who has black? How is purple hair or blue hair the opposite of black hair? I don't know. I'm just coming up with stuff. Don't judge me. I'm just coming up with stuff. I thought, don't judge me.
Starting point is 01:22:25 I'm just coming up with stuff. We're exploring. We are exploring. No, I wonder if it has more to do with just trying to bypass, oh, she's a blonde or she's a brunette. They don't want to be listed as their hair color. But, I mean, ironically, they're going to be the blue hair. You know what I mean like some guys like you know in a freaking 1940s film
Starting point is 01:22:47 would be like yeah you know the blonde broad over there you know what I mean kind of like that I mean we're all dressing we're all dressing to fit in even if we're dressing not to fit in right I mean Caleb fits in incredibly every time he
Starting point is 01:23:04 you know puts on that white robe hey Caleb are there any people who that wasn't nice hey are there any people in the military who stand out like does everyone dress the same on on campus what is it a base on base um no once everybody's out of uniform you can kind of see like how weird people are okay like my neighbor my old neighbor uh whenever they would come home and like change into whatever they wanted to wear for the it was like you could tell immediately that that person had like some sort of mental disorder like they started like they wore wigs and skirts and like i don't. It was really fucking weird. Wow. Jessica T., trust me, I know these women.
Starting point is 01:23:50 Men do it too. Unattractive men treat women like shit so they can tell themselves they're not getting hit on because they're not trying. Oh, unattractive men treat. Does that mean I'm attractive? Because I always treated women nicely I don't think that it means that
Starting point is 01:24:10 Unfortunately That's some Andrew Tate shit Hey where do you Where do you live? I'm in Iowa And how do you dress? Wear her clothes Like what's that jeans and t-shirt?
Starting point is 01:24:25 Like Carhartt. I don't know. You call them khaki colored Carhartt t-shirt and work boots. Sometimes overall. I can't believe I know somebody who wears work boots. Crazy. I've never worn work boots. I've never worn work boots in my life.
Starting point is 01:24:44 And so So I've never worn work boots. I've never worn work boots in my life. And, and, um, uh, so, so. Can't get a white net. So, and then, and then what's your hair doing? What would you, what's your haircut? Uh, I mean, I just let it grow. Sometimes I'll buzz it if I'm lazy or my, my sister's a beautician, so she likes to try things. Are there women in your workplace? Yeah, my sisters.
Starting point is 01:25:07 Oh. Yeah. Family ordeal. So it's my sisters and brothers and a couple other guys that we hired. Jeremy says that's the required Iowa outfit. It is. Work boots and car hearts. Car hearts and a T-shirt and boots.
Starting point is 01:25:25 Were you devastated? When I clock out, everybody makes fun of me because I put flip-flops on and shorts and everybody stays in cowboy boots. Were you devastated when Carhartt went woke? I didn't know Carhartt went woke. Okay, then I won't break it to you.
Starting point is 01:25:42 No, I didn't hear it. Yeah, they had mandatory injections for their, they got the same policy as Noble, mandatory injections for their employees. Yeah, I think there's a lot of other good alternatives for work where out there, not looked into their COVID policies, though. Please don't use that word.
Starting point is 01:26:00 Please don't use that word. Do you know, oh, I apologize. Do you know what Oh, I apologize. Do you know what Origin... Have you ever heard of Origin Manufacturing? Caleb probably has. No. Do you know what their DVOC
Starting point is 01:26:16 policy is? No. I do not. I think you'd be hard-pressed, honestly, to find a company to any size policy is? I do not. I think you'd be hard pressed, honestly, to find a company to any size that, well, I shouldn't say that. You're going to come up with a dozen.
Starting point is 01:26:32 Yeah, yeah. All right. Well, try it. Eat a dick. All right. Well, I'm going to go eat that dick. You continue. Thank you. Don't over spice it. Just eat it raw. All right. Sounds't over-spice it. Just eat it raw.
Starting point is 01:26:47 All right. Sounds good. A little avocado on it. Bye-bye. Okay, bye. 606, please. 606. Now would be a good time for those who are sensitive to take a bathroom break.
Starting point is 01:27:04 God, this is good. I wonder if we're going to get in trouble for playing this. Here we go. Billionaire? Women let you grab them by the pussy. Checks out? I don't... Don't get me wrong.
Starting point is 01:27:17 I know there's women in here who are like, that's fucked up, that's bullshit. I would never allow that. And to you, I would say, you've never met a billionaire. He's got nothing to do with you. You're out there getting fingered by thousandaires. It's a different demographic.
Starting point is 01:27:36 And frankly, I agree with you. A thousandaire should ask you permission before he puts his minimum wage fingers in your pussy. That's disgusting. That's why your pussy smells like Wendy's. But a billionaire? Let him grab your pussy. A billionaire grabs your pussy. That's the best thing that's happened to you
Starting point is 01:27:58 in your life. You're going to sue that guy and now you're a millionaire. Fastest million dollars you've ever made. You know how many billionaires there are in the world? It's like 100. Any one of them could grab my dick. Any one.
Starting point is 01:28:12 Let Bill Gates walk up to me right now, grab my dick. I'll grab his wrist and hold that shit down. Yeah, Bill. I'll show you Microsoft. Look. If you're a billionaire. we are not all created equal we are not all equal do the best you can we are not all equal when i was a when i was a a young man my mom told me that uh she didn't like the smell of rosemary. You like the smell of rosemary?
Starting point is 01:28:47 Yeah. And it affected me because she didn't like it, I didn't like it. And it wasn't until like a year ago that I realized I can make up my own fucking decision. I can decide whether I like rosemary or not. And now I like rosemary after 15 years of not liking the smell because my mom and that's why that's why i never say something i never see like a bug or a spider and or a cockroach like crawling somewhere and say to
Starting point is 01:29:16 my kids oh that's disgusting or that's gross i don't allow those words i don't allow those words to describe things i'd rather say say to my damn, that fucking cockroach is amazing on the wall. Wow, that's a huge, huge fucking mosquito eater. I can't believe you swear around your kids. I can't believe you let them describe a mosquito eater as disgusting, scary, frightening, or gross. Caller, hi. Hey, what's up? What's up, dude?
Starting point is 01:29:45 I heard you talk about the Trump thing. The way I understood that, I think he got OJ'd. You know how OJ lost or won? He was not guilty. In the civil suit, he was found guilty and had to pay.
Starting point is 01:30:00 I think he got OJ'd. Meaning you think that he did it, but instead of putting him in jail, he's going to have to cough up the cash. I mean, I don't know if he did it or not, but that's what the court is saying. Right. Well, when you say OJ'd, do we agree that OJ was guilty? I mean, I don't know.
Starting point is 01:30:19 Okay. All right. I'm open to anything. Okay. All right. Fine. Second thing, how do you feel about RFK Jr.? He's been saying a lot of, I mean, I think, like, really good shit in the news lately.
Starting point is 01:30:32 Yeah, I liked it that he fucking busted on Trump for being a 49ers fan. I love it. I do wish that he would— Oh, yeah, that's the article that's— Did you find that in the notes? Yeah. The article is crazy ridiculous. Oh, caller, hold on. I want's – did you find that in the notes? Yeah. The article is crazy ridiculous. Hold on.
Starting point is 01:30:46 I want to read you this first line of this article. The title of the article is The Political Fallout from Donald Trump. The Political Fallout from Trump's Sexual Abuse Verdict. Now listen to this first line. It's crazy. Someone sent me something the other day about – that Lauren Cleo was saying that people shouldn't – they shouldn't speculate and most of the people in our space haven't gone to journalism school. First of all,
Starting point is 01:31:09 she should... I don't know if I agree or disagree with her, but she should never use journalism school as some beacon of truth. But here we go. This is the opening line to the article. You ready for this? A New York jury has concluded that it is more
Starting point is 01:31:24 likely than not that donald trump sexually abused and defamed uh eugene carroll the verdict may be a harbinger of political and legal damage to come i mean the the opening line is just all speculation like no one would want that said about them or their mom or their dad well maybe let's say your name is Joe, call her. Maybe Joe is a pedophile. It's like... Well, that's the thing, right? It's an allegation.
Starting point is 01:31:53 So you can't really say it. They didn't find him guilty of it, but they said, hey, you know what? Yeah, tell us what they did find. And I was guilty, right. Yeah, just tell us what they did find. I don't need your help of analysis or telling me maybe or not maybe. Tell us. People don't want that.
Starting point is 01:32:08 People want to hear what they want to hear. No, this guy is a menace to society. He should never be president again. And therefore, we're going to say anything we can to make people hate him even more, even though they don't know him. What did someone say? Trump is a non-starter due to selling 49er tickets.
Starting point is 01:32:24 But the thing is, Cornholio, I hear you, but the thing is he didn't enforce them. He didn't make it mandatory. Right. I like the selections for some of the Democrats. I like that guy Schellenberger, although now he's going independent. I like RFK. His voice is hard on me, I'm not going to lie. I know that's pretty superficial.
Starting point is 01:32:49 I think it builds character. Okay, good. All right. Marianne Williamson is a complete sellout and a fraud. She is a total fear-mongering douche. I like Vivek Ramaswani. That guy is crazy, dude. Like crazy good?
Starting point is 01:33:10 He says some off-the-wall shit. Some of his points are good, but... Tell me, what did he say that's off-the-wall? For me, he wants to... I mean, for me, it doesn't affect me directly. He wants to bust unions or federal unions. Which, I mean
Starting point is 01:33:26 they don't have, federal unions don't have power like regular unions do because What do you mean he wants to bust them? He wants to dissolve them. So there'd be no more federal unions. And you feel like that would affect your employers would then take advantage of you?
Starting point is 01:33:45 Yeah. For sure. Alright. Fair enough. Are you a Republican or Democrat registered? I think I'm registered as a Republican, but I don't follow any
Starting point is 01:34:00 party. Were your parents Republican or Democrat? I think they're both democrats yeah i think mine are too i and i i honestly don't know what i'm registered either so i i i feel you on that yeah all right man thanks all right thanks for calling yep okay bye uh sean uh lenderman george santos was arrested on laundering charges. Yeah. What do you think George Santos is? I know he ran as a Republican, but what a trip, right? Because everything he says is a lie.
Starting point is 01:34:31 Do you think he really is a Republican or he's a Democrat? What do you think that guy is? Did you follow that? Are you following the George Santos story, Caleb? No, I'm not. I didn't even know who that guy was until just now. He's basically this, I don't know if he's a congressman or senator, but everything he says is a know if he's a congressman or senator but everything
Starting point is 01:34:45 he says is a lie it's a trip he ran as a gay republican mexican i don't know but like he lied about what school he went to he lied about what job he had there was like some sort of shooting in a bar and he said three of the people and there were like his employees or his friends who got killed that was a lie lie. It's pretty wild. It's like that guy from Delaware. He said he was running as a black trans woman.
Starting point is 01:35:14 Oh, but that was a joke too, right? Yeah, I think so. Cornholio can't vote for someone taking credit for a team like the 49ers. I don't know. Santos is a nut job. Yeah, something's wrong with him, right?
Starting point is 01:35:33 Hiller's therapist, John Fetterman, is the best senator. That's a great profile pick. All right, so I like Rosemary now I'm a fan of it Maybe play a little bit of 614 I saw this yesterday I think I'm going to actually plant I think I have some Rosemary on the property
Starting point is 01:35:56 But I'm going to plant a little more In my lifetime I've made 10 gardens And wherever I go I plant two things for sure rosemary and southernwood rosemary is one of my most favorite herbs my children are sarcastic they say i cure everything with it but they have had very serious injuries and merely bathing with rosemary has totally healed them okay there you go bathing in rosemary has totally healed them okay there you go bathing in rosemary that's it i just wanted you guys to hear that bathe in rosemary uh susan k is anyone uh seen where rfk jr said climate change deniers should be prosecuted
Starting point is 01:36:36 you know um it's funny you say that susan there was a movie believe it or not that michael moore made that exposed rfk and a couple of the other fucking wild environmentalists that basically all of these – it was on YouTube and then pulled down. It was an incredible movie. This was like three years ago. I wonder if I could remember the name of it. showed that the United States, all of the clean energy plants in the United States were burning trash and
Starting point is 01:37:07 we were importing shit loads of forest from the Amazon to burn. And there were renewable energy plants all over the United States. And we were, those plants were importing trees from the Amazon and burning them for fuel for the United States
Starting point is 01:37:23 and it was being sold as clean and renewable energy. And RFK was behind it. Him and a bunch of these other climate fucking weirdos. God, I wish I could remember the name of the movie. And they pulled it down off of YouTube. Heidi Krum, I took a bathroom break what did i miss um caleb had a small meltdown the longest bathroom break ever
Starting point is 01:37:51 all right uh i sheckler i'm going i'm going to i'm going to the sandlot today with my kids courtesy of paul and uh california hormones sending sending me and the boys over there to the sandlot today with my kids. Courtesy of Paul and California Hormones. Sending me and the boys over there. San Clemente. San Clemente, California. We'll leave here around 1. Get there around 1.30. Drink some local coffee.
Starting point is 01:38:20 Excuse me. I can't even believe it. I need to get some more coffee. Oh, Paper Street? Yeah. Gabe? Gabe? All right, guys.
Starting point is 01:38:36 Thursday show with Sarah Sigmund's daughter is going to be moving. She deserves better than me interviewing her from right in this kitchen right here. And it also looks like Thursday night show I won't be doing. Is that tomorrow or is that tonight? I think it's tomorrow. The one with Sarah was with tomorrow. Oh, there we go.
Starting point is 01:38:58 Paper Street Coffee. I got you in Orlando. Awesome. Thanks, dude. Can you bring back the Affiliate Series? Yes. We have so many people lined up. We have like 20 amazing guests lined up as soon as I get back home and we get through semifinals. And I'm going to start bringing out. We have a bunch of affiliates. Yes.
Starting point is 01:39:16 If you have ideas for affiliate owners, please send them to my DMs. Don't get crazy. Don't feel obligated. Don't give me someone unless they're fucking awesome. So hard getting through my DMs uh alright love you guys Caleb thanks for coming on really cool seeing you this morning
Starting point is 01:39:34 glad I could make it guys see you tomorrow morning at 7am and then tomorrow night don't forget the show with JR, Brian, and Taylor Self discussing the semifinals programming okay bye bye

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