The Sevan Podcast - Live Call In | Give Me A Chance #888

Episode Date: April 23, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamx. Benefits vary by car and other conditions apply. I really don't like doing the rumble thing. Bam, we're live. I got to set that rumble show up every morning. It's...
Starting point is 00:00:37 The music always... I always have to that loop it's making me not like stream yard I've been spoiled I'm getting like spoiled it's not enough that I can stream all over the world from my front desk
Starting point is 00:00:57 it's weird there was a there was a as they like to say a glitch in the matrix this morning. I started coming to the computer and I'm like, oh my God, I don't have my coffee. And what's interesting is I woke up this morning thinking, what if I didn't drink coffee this morning? And I hit a race on that thought. Okay, for some reason now my monitors are all
Starting point is 00:01:27 jacked up how does that happen what happens at night is there an update there was an update right a couple days ago uh-huh yep okay let's see uh oh and every oh man how do you move monitors around i'm in my settings oh displays everything's kind of different now arrange okay here we go um like that is that can you still see me uh and hear you oh yeah slight glitch but you're good we're here oh good yeah done was there a done. Was there a glitch? Yeah, it was a little jump, a little something. Okay. Oh, yeah. There you go. Oh, happened again. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. Okay, here I am. Hi, everyone.
Starting point is 00:02:12 Good morning. Let's go, boys. Draw your dagger, of course. Ntendu from Africa. Hello. Kenneth DeLapp, Aconholio, David Weed, Whitney Davis, Adam Blakeslee, Kenneth DeLapp, Ken ken walters the armenian jay hartle christine young only person shorter in the group than me patrick anderson mr philip kelly juice to the gills sarah cooper jethro father of the year shit uh and the list goes on and on our token chinese woman judy great to see you uh wow full house today uh 49ers uh predicted to finish last good like those guys and there she is the lovely
Starting point is 00:02:57 and always present miss olivia oh bob jerome in the house holy Holy shit. Updates are so geeks have something to do that will piss you off. Man, oh, man. Of all of you that I saw, Bob triggers me the most. I have the most visceral, like, physical reaction when I see Bob's name. Isn't that weird? I'm not even sure why. Like, I'm almost defensive seeing him in the – reaction when i see bob's name isn't that weird i don't i'm not even sure why i like uh like i'm almost defensive seeing him in the um i immediately get defensive seeing him in the uh chat i need to
Starting point is 00:03:30 get over that thank you bob for the opportunity to uh exercise my demons wow what is this this is a jew a new jew we have in the audience max finkbeiner that's yarmulke wearing shit morning good morning shalom all right we're here but do we have a black dude in here i mean bob jerome is a black dude's name so cute uh okay i think we got everyone um when when when uh today today after the show's over i will hi suza hi today after the show's over i'll take my son to his tennis lessons private lesson and then when that lesson's over we'll walk across the street to these like gourmet this gourmet market and the gourmet markets like they're just like overpriced markets and they
Starting point is 00:04:25 highlight crackers and shit and they usually have like a place where you can get warm food that you can reach in and grab and you know then they got sandwiches they have like a kitchen there where you can watch people cookie shit that you're buying right like cookies and it's got it's like a small market but fancy and everything's double the price anyway so I'll go in there and I'll go in there and they will have and like all their ice cream in there in their ice cream freezers, like, like, just like brands you've never heard of. So in too small and not sweet enough, it's like a chocolate covered banana. You're like, whoopee. you're like whoopee so i'll go i'll go in there and and when i when i go to the back they have burritos in the back and it's hit or miss whether they'll have the one that i want which is a bacon egg and cheese okay right but they'll they'll have like there's always like some leftover one that's just like beans and salsa or like chicken or a turkey chorizo it's like who want if you have chorizo why would i want it to be
Starting point is 00:05:25 turkey and if they have the one i want i i first of all when i just see the i see that container with the hot lights on it and all the burritos like wrapped in that like fancy paper i get excited i i fucking get excited and that excitement is no different maybe even a little less than when i for those of you who've never been homeless there's this thing that homeless people do it's called dumpster diving it's basically how you get your shit and my grandpa not all homeless oh your your grandfather dumpster dive yeah there was a lot of time yeah i would say five percent of the people who were dumpster diving i started dumpster diving actually before i was homeless so i guess you're kind of right got my first skateboard that way
Starting point is 00:06:11 yeah okay you you dove it yourself nope grandpa brought it over oh that's cool wow yeah yeah yeah always and dumpster diving was uh it was exciting. It was like crazy, crazy, crazy exciting. And then eventually as you become better and better, you start to learn might not be burritos in the dumpster because all the drunk kids are going to the market to buy them. But during the week when they don't sell all of them out, you know Monday through Friday you're going to get burritos. And the excitement that I would have going behind the Isla Vista Market in Santa Barbara, and there'd be like 20 burritos back there on a Tuesday morning, all wrapped in plastic and styrofoam, it's no different. It was actually better then. It was free. There were more choices. I had a pack of stuff in my hand. I had a pack of stuff in my hand. I was just tripping that nothing has changed. Nothing.
Starting point is 00:07:37 I've always been who I am. Nothing has – it's just weird. Nothing has changed. And I used to dumpster dive closed. I would go to a free box. And if I saw a pair of pants in there that actually fit me, it was crazy the enjoyment that I would feel. Absolutely crazy. Yeah, it was nuts.
Starting point is 00:08:00 I was just thinking this morning, nothing changes. It really is like they say, like all those wise people say. Nothing changes. You just are who you are. If you're cool and happy and fun and enjoying life and excited and just pumped, it's going to be like that. If you're not, it's not. It's just – nothing is – I was thinking – I was wondering, for sure no one I know, for sure no one I know has been through the discrepancies or the broad range of life that I've lived. No one's even close, meaning the poverty and the wealth. And I don't mean like I passed through poverty, like I lived in poverty.
Starting point is 00:08:39 I'm not saying I passed through wealth, like I lived in wealth. Like that gap that I experienced, no one's close. pass through wealth like i lived in wealth like that gap that i experienced no one's close no one was sleeping in the park freezing needle sticking out of them and also has been in a g5 in hawaii yeah with the with the best seat in the g5 with my feet up i should post a picture of that reading a newspaper oh no like a magazine special like a magazine gosh i should have known if you don't know what like is yeah that's right you don't you don't you don't know you don't even know what a like it is yeah i don't i don't have enough over completely overpriced ridiculous camera and nothing has changed nothing nothing um nothing changed absolutely nothing have you seen i know you guys have all seen this video Nothing changed. Absolutely nothing.
Starting point is 00:09:27 Have you seen – I know you guys have all seen this video of the high schools in 1962 in Los Angeles, and it shows all the boys, and they wear different colored shorts based on their fitness, and they're all just training their asses off. Have you seen that shit? Everyone here has seen that, right? Made the rounds on Instagram. I was watching that this morning, and it's like all those dudes in there are fitter than my kids and more capable than my kids and my kids are fitter and more capable than any kids i know but all those dudes in there can do shit i'm like well my kids can't do that those were the normal kids back then well i understand trust me okay uh i will go easy on the likecus lander i know i don't mean it
Starting point is 00:10:07 it is truly a remarkable device i agree it's just a sony's like a fucking like carbon fiber disc you throw and you can throw like you know if it's like a let's say there was a specialty object you threw and sony would make that be carbon fiber would cut through the air and you could throw it 200 yards a like is like just a great rock you found by the river that you can skip you know what i mean still it's just a rock it's like so not but it's a special rock but it's just there's no is it an expensive rock yeah it's it's just, they're so primitive. They're always behind. They're so fucking primitive.
Starting point is 00:10:50 But it's fun. Beautiful camera. Imagine working for a company that forced you to take drugs. Sorry, that's not true. They can't force you. Imagine working for a company that demanded you take drugs. Imagine you worked there for 15 years and they demanded you take drugs. me rephrase that they demanded you like the 49ers and that you wear 49er clothing you wear 49er clothing to work every single day imagine that you just you work at 7-eleven and all of a sudden one day they're like hey you have to wear 49er
Starting point is 00:11:22 clothing every day from your shoes to your hat hey, you have to wear 49er clothing every day. From your shoes to your hat, your underwear, everything has to be 49er clothing. And if you don't, we're going to fire you. That's not so bad. So what? So what, right? But what if you found out some of that 49er clothing when you would leave the store? Some people were getting beat up because it was red. And the Crips would see you in all red and they started killing you.
Starting point is 00:11:52 That's a bit of a problem. And one out of every thousand fucking 7-Eleven owners every day was getting fucking. Oh, there we go. Every Armenian loves the 49ers. I know. I love the 49ers too. I hate the NFL and I love the 49ers. Every Armenian loves the 49ers.
Starting point is 00:12:01 I know. I love the 49ers too. I hate the NFL and I love the 49ers. And imagine them one out of every day, every day somewhere, every day somewhere a 7-Eleven employee, which you are, is getting killed because someone drives by. It would be a crip, right? They're the blue ones.
Starting point is 00:12:19 Yep. They drive by and see you're in all red and they kill you. Be a problem. This story is not even made up. This is like a real fucking story. This isn't even made up. The names have been changed to protect the innocent. That's me.
Starting point is 00:12:40 Look at 569. I cannot fucking believe that anyone buys anything from Nike or Noble. It's so sad. People we like. How do you buy anything from a company that demands you do something that got people killed? Not forces, by the way. I'm choosing this word carefully. Demands. How do any of you wear their shit? Throw that shit away. I don't give a fuck i'll wear whatever i want how does anyone do any of you actually follow katrin david's daughter she fucking slandered me for what this company is like bragging about what they're doing now nike uh we're look at look at look at this too uh yeah yeah. Look what it says, the title. We're finally talking the fact that athletes menstruate too. First of all, why didn't they use any pictures of athletes? I promise you none of those girls right there are athletes.
Starting point is 00:13:35 I promise you. Not in any real sense. Not in any real sense. not in any real sense hey dude if you if you i wouldn't even say a kid i wouldn't even say a kid who runs track i wouldn't consider him an athlete until his senior year and he's done it freshman sophomore junior year up until then he's just a kid who runs so the fuck what like if you don't if you don't have a sub 430 mile you're I don't think your running even constitutes you as an athlete. You're just a runner. You're just a human who's just doing his shit.
Starting point is 00:14:10 So you don't think every person who walks into a CrossFit gym is an athlete? Fuck no. Athletes? Fuck no. I mean, I'm okay with them thinking that, but they're not – not if athletes can be anything distinguished. Like you're not an athlete until maybe – until you play varsity. Until you're paid. I mean you just have to be able to do something that makes you –
Starting point is 00:14:32 it has to be a little more than just like a – like my kid can be – is in the 1% of 1% of all 8-year-olds who play tennis. But he's not an athlete. I mean I could still beat him, and I suck because I'm just – because I can just be – because it takes him four steps to cross the court, and it only takes me three. I mean he's just – it's just not – if you're a shot putter and you're not in the Olympics, you're not an athlete. I don't think like the best collegiate shot putters should even be still considered an athlete. You're still just, you're just a capable human. And I'm proud of you and it's cool. It's cool as shit. Right.
Starting point is 00:15:13 But you're just, you're just, you're a wannabe athlete, which is fine too. I'm a wannabe athlete too. That's what, that's what, that would be a better way to put CrossFit gym people. And then here's the thing. Don't worry. Don't feel bad or offended. What does that say about everyone else who doesn't go to a CrossFit gym? You're a fucking slug and a disgrace as a human being.
Starting point is 00:15:35 Objectively speaking, not even subjectively. Yeah, a person who's proficient in sports and other forms of physical exercise. Yeah. And I just think that it's pretty high. Good morning, Rosie. Hi. How are you? forms of physical exercise yeah and i just think that it's pretty high good morning rosie hi how are you i don't think i when you go to film festivals there'll be these dudes out there who like the majority of people will be like calling themselves directors but they've never directed a film you're like wait what what what do you do i'm a director i'm a lifestyle entrepreneur yes i just
Starting point is 00:16:07 don't have the lifestyle hey even even think of the word influencer imagine having a job that depends on other people for your existence like that heavily like you absolutely have nothing to offer unless there's other people and on other people's platforms right that's the tough part i'm not even going to use the word influencer anymore basically you're a sellout you're a sellout that's what you are i don't mean that in any negative way yeah how how many companies quantify a sellout like is it like five and then it's like whatever is it just changing of the wind like hillar's definition of it the definition of what what was hillar's day well he just barked on a lot of the crossfit athletes because he's like this is a problem
Starting point is 00:16:50 they're trying to build trust within their audience but this week it's this mattress next week it's the next match oh yeah yeah yeah complete sellout yeah complete sellouts and and and i and i want to say that that it's not i don't even say in a negative way it's just i'm just trying to be more truthful, point it to truth. Like if you think it's negative to be a sellout, that's on you. But it's just crazy. It's fucking nuts that anyone would support Nike or Noble to me. I would be embarrassed to wear that stuff.
Starting point is 00:17:21 I would be so embarrassed. I would be so embarrassed i would be so embarrassed hey you know that at the the 49ers in the uh hospital no longer have to wear helmets the what the 49ers that go to the hospital don't have to wear helmets yes yes you know that now yeah okay i had heard that i heard yeah yeah and google google doesn't require you to be a 49er fan anymore either. Imagine that. Imagine they required you to be a 49er fan. You got killed for wearing red since some Crips killed you.
Starting point is 00:17:55 But now you don't have to. Yeah, just go back. Wear whatever you want now. Fair enough, Dick. I hear you. Sorry, boys. The mattress innovation is moving at the speed of light don't be so judgmental fair enough the speed of science dick better get it right it's
Starting point is 00:18:09 moving at the speed of science thank you thank you suza dick you won't get away with sloppy talk here can you hear that um uh no okay sounds like a jet flying uh savvy please let me photograph you and your kids doing cool shit yeah that'd be awesome um is there a positive take on sellout um yeah I mean
Starting point is 00:18:38 yeah I think maybe that there's a little bit let me think of one uh todd meyer seven uh you see they released the nano twos everyone's been telling me that yeah i've heard that i haven't have you seen them have you checked that out no okay i'm i'm kind of throwing a bit of a temper tantrum i feel like i've i could sell them like an extra thousand pair but they they uh no one's reached out to me so fuck their nano twos but if you but if they are the same as the old ones they're the best shoe ever made and they last forever like you will have a like you can wash them you can do anything you could beat the shit out of them oh man i
Starting point is 00:19:20 really don't want to blow i i have all those colors. Every color. Yeah. Those last two on the right are gross though. It's not a special shoe in terms of its look at all. There's nothing. Like they should really figure out a way to make a dope camo one. Yeah. I'm surprised it has released these colors.
Starting point is 00:19:44 Mike McCaskey ordered five pairs for the family and me. Yeah. If you got wide family man you're balling but man oh uh-oh this scares me they are revamped a bit that scares me see that's what you were talking about you're like that scares me and now we know it doesn't work yeah there was talk when when i when when I was working for CrossFit, we would talk to them. There was concern that they were built too well. That they last too long.
Starting point is 00:20:12 Should we just ruin a bunch of girls' mornings right now? Yeah. Just fucking ruin your morning. If you're a woman, this is going to fuck you up, what i'm about to share with you if this is true i don't know what the implications are of this uh 567 this is going to um dude saladino has over a million followers on instagram now whoa really yeah 1.2 million.
Starting point is 00:20:45 Wow. The liver king crisis did him well, huh? Yeah, brace yourself, people. This one is – I'm really curious. When my wife wakes up, I'm very curious how she's going to handle this. This is – if you have a pussy, if you have a vagina. Like if you are a woman, like like I guess even if you're a fake woman, if you're a dude. It's weird that he doesn't know that women wear Lululemons without underwear.
Starting point is 00:21:17 I mean, you know, did you know that, Sousa? Sorry, I don't mean to project on you. No. What? Say that again? That women don't wear underwear with Lululemons. Like it's pretty common. Really? Yeah. OK. You didn't know that? to me no oh oh ask grace i mean she usually wears underwear with lululemons she does
Starting point is 00:21:33 uh-huh how do you know because i see you put them on oh my wife i don't think my wife wears underwear with them i don't wear underwear with my Viore shorts because I got that liner. I hope they don't have the same chemicals. Look, Rosie, I never wear undies. Oh, shit. Here we go. Barbell spin, dropping bumps. These PFAs are everywhere. What is a PFA?
Starting point is 00:21:57 Oh, no. Here we go. All right. Brace yourself for impact. Hold on to something. This shit's dizzying. Brace yourself. Here we go.
Starting point is 00:22:03 All right, guys. Lululemon. The tights at Lululemon and the sports bras and a number of other manufacturers contain significant levels of BPA and PFAs, perfluoroalkylated substances that can be absorbed through the skin. And there's data on the concentrations of these chemicals, forever chemicals like PFAs, in the crotch region of leggings from Lululemon. And I didn't know this, but apparently a lot of women wear these leggings with no underwear. So you have forever chemicals in the fabrics coming into direct contact of skin that is highly absorbent. Men do not wear polyester underwear. And ladies, know what's in your leggings. Scary stuff. I wouldn't want to absorb these chemicals from leggings from Lululemon
Starting point is 00:22:43 and others or sports bras. Alright guys. Imagine having something pushed up against your vagina that's bad for you. Have you ever heard that your eyeballs are really on the inside of your brain, that it's exposed to the atmosphere? No. You haven't heard that? Uh-uh. I heard that explanation recently, that basically it's a sensory organ
Starting point is 00:23:06 that's attached to the brain that's exposed that basically it's kind of it's so unique because it's it's just exposed it's like it's um i don't know but the vagina is kind of the same way kind of i know it's just a it's something about it just me it's about it just means it's like too exposed you know what I mean like you shouldn't push anything I feel like nothing should get close to it like touching something against the vagina is like eating it like putting it in your mouth
Starting point is 00:23:37 you know what I mean like the vagina is like a mouth to the way it's like an opening like that you might as well have a tongue tongue my goodness it's a tongue you know what i mean it's like um it's like it's like you don't touch the eyeball right right like no like like all the other parts of your body you touch every day you don't't touch that. And if you do touch the eyeball, you wash your hands. You don't want to touch the eyeball. Like, I feel like just the vagina is a close second to that.
Starting point is 00:24:12 Like, us dudes, we don't really have anything like a vagina. We'll grab our cock with greasy hands or something like, you know. Yeah, you can just slap it right on the table and tug at that. It's fine. Yeah, yeah. It's resilient. Yeah, yeah. You know, the skin in your mouth talk about it. It's fine. Yeah, yeah. It's resilient. Yeah, yeah. You know the skin in your mouth is the same as the skin in the vagina.
Starting point is 00:24:29 Yeah. And I – yeah, all that. Yeah, something – anyway. But the comments are crazy too in that thread. People are like, how dare you tell us this without a substitute? You shouldn't have put this out until you had a substitute. It's like, really? You want to wait until
Starting point is 00:24:48 there's a substitute before you know? I don't think the taint is... The taint's just... The taint's just might as well be the elbow. Yeah, it's like the cocking balls. It's all packaged. It's fine. Yeah, exactly. It's wrapped. Yeah, it's wrapped. It's sealed.
Starting point is 00:25:09 It's like if you drop the box of crackers on the ground it's fine all the crackers there's cardboard and then there's the bag inside and there's crackers just imagine dragging a vagina along like like on aisle seven the vagina is kind of like a snail you know how like the snail the snail is in a tough position it's got that wet thing that just touches the ground everywhere it goes i wonder what that thing is called it doesn't have it's not legs right it's no it's like i don't know and it's porous because there's always liquid coming out of it like the vagina yeah the snail and i bet you the snail and the vagina have like some sort of sort of deep, rudimentary relationship. You know what I mean? The mushroom only has one less chromosome than the man.
Starting point is 00:25:52 I bet you the vagina only has one more chromosome than the bottom of the snail or something. It evolved from, you used to be a snail. Yeah, yeah, yeah. The vagina is like a taco, and the cock and balls are like a burrito. There's like nothing's falling out of the burrito, but the vagina is like a taco. Yeah. Yeah, throw it outside. Eat it around the back by the dumpster when it's free and they don't sell them.
Starting point is 00:26:13 Fine. You wouldn't – yeah, you wouldn't – exactly. You need a napkin for sure probably with the taco. You don't with a burrito. It's going to get messy. Yeah, it's going to get messy get messy you're gonna have to wash your hands before and after i appreciate who brought up the taco that was rosie that's good i like it yeah she's been killing it it's really good okay uh daniel gary back to the subject hand pfas are
Starting point is 00:26:36 going to be regulated at extremely low levels in part because they reduce 49er uh efficacy oh interesting pfas are present the 49ers throw less touchdowns. Interesting. What is a PFA to begin with? Do you know? No, I don't know. Look at, see, this is why Bob trips me on. I was intelligent before I tuned in.
Starting point is 00:26:57 Yeah. We make the simple connections. Anyway, I guess wool and cotton are the way to go. I'll try to ruin one more thing for you guys. 566, this one's going to ruin some shit for you too. We need to purr and polyfluoroalkali substances. Yeah, that's what the PFA stands for. I was just looking that up too.
Starting point is 00:27:39 Wow, Jeff Baco. Is he in prison so he has to listen to our show again? He's back. It is two days in a row. Is he in prison so he has to listen to our show again? He's back. It's his two days in a row. So this is – I would not buy anything with this sticker on it. I'm going to just leave it at this. I would not buy anything with this appeal sticker on it, A-P-E-E-L,
Starting point is 00:28:01 and I would look up what it is and try to figure out what it is before you buy anything. It's's being sprayed on avocados uh cucumbers apples lemons and it's supposedly just an all-natural there's this there's this stuff when you when you clone marijuana it's called wilt spray and basically you do a diagonal cut right below a node on the on a marijuana plant's branch or any branch of any plant and then you dip that um node into some growth hormone and then you spray the leaves with something called wilt spray and what that wilt spray does is it keeps the moisture inside the leaves and inside the plant so that the plant has a fighting chance and will last longer while it develops new roots where you cut it does that make sense well this is something like that wilt spray but they spray it on avocados, apples, lemons, and cucumbers, and it keeps your fruit looking fresh longer.
Starting point is 00:28:52 No, thank you. No, thank you. They're trying to do it as if it's a benefit to you. It's not. It's a benefit to them. Yeah, exactly. Savant says wool and bully bully the same way yeah wool wool wool and fool and pool oh it's i don't know it was never good with those words yeah that would
Starting point is 00:29:13 say that again suza they try to pitch it like it benefits you because it'll last longer in your refrigerator but they're only doing it because it really benefits them yeah all the examples they give i didn't give a shit like they show you like an ugly avocado i'm like like give a fuck you mean it's decomposing like it's real yeah give me that plastic one that lasts for much longer than it really should jay they say you can't wash it off they're and they're so proud of that it's it's a um man it's a shit show it is a this stuff is called appeal uh a p e e l the sticker is a green and it looks like an apple i would not a billion dollar company out of galita california yeah i i i would not fuck with that stuff i just try to – and what's crazy is it's sprayed on organic stuff everywhere. It's a bummer.
Starting point is 00:30:11 Such a bummer. Yeah. Well, Jason Miller, apples last forever if you keep them in the fridge. Yeah, now they last two lifetimes. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. This is 568. If you have a credit score over 680, they're now going to charge you an extra $500 a year for your mortgage payment.
Starting point is 00:30:55 And that money, that $500 is going to go to people who didn't – who don't have good credit scores. I don't even – here's the thing. Why do you have to take money from – who are you protecting with that? How about what if they just said, hey, we're going to make it easier for people who have worse credit scores to get loans okay fine and you're going to pay for it but why do we have to pay for it so now all the people who who've been doing well with their credit score pay their cell phone bill on time pay off their credit cards whatever the the criteria is that gives you a good credit score you are now going to be punished basically you're subsidizing people who have worse credit scores but why would you need to subsidize them the only reason why you need to subsidize them is because they know that they're not going to pay back their loans they're they want you to subsidize their bad loans holy shit that's all this is they know they're going to make bad loans hey this is real science by the way
Starting point is 00:31:44 just so you know it has anyone who thinks pharma or tells you about they follow science. This is real science. They've chosen these numbers. They're trying to figure out a way not to lose money, but they know there's a it's a it is a perfect science this shit and so they've come up with these numbers to mitigate the loss from the loans who who gets that money that 50 is it the bank who gets that money that's a great question okay now here's the crazy part or how do they distribute it yeah that's it Here's the crazy part. That $500 will not affect any wealthy people. So if you make $500,000 a year, you do not care. Don't even notice it. Just like you didn't notice it at the gas station or in the grocery store and all that other little creeping up of prices that's happened everywhere. Yeah. But I want to tell you it's not $500 a month. Or $500 a year.
Starting point is 00:32:46 It's millions of dollars they're going to take from you that you never knew you had because you're a dipshit and don't know how to fucking manage your money. When my kids were born, I put $10,000 in a mutual fund for each of them. When they're 77 years old, my kids will have over $11 million. I will never add money to that. Well, I will, but I don't have to. I'm going to repeat that again. I put $10,000 in a mutual fund when they're born and when they're 77, it will be over $11 million. Seve, that doesn't even make sense. How do you do that? On average, a mutual fund doubles every seven years. do that. On average, a mutual fund doubles every seven years. So it goes from 10,000,
Starting point is 00:33:35 when they're seven, it'll be 20,000. When they're 14, it'll be 40,000. When they're 21, it'll be 80,000. When they're 28, it'll be 160,000. When they're 35, it'll be 320,000. When they're 42, it'll be 640,000. When they're 49, you get it, right? When they're 35, it'll be $320,000. When they're 42, it'll be $640,000. When they're 49, you get it, right? When they're 49, they'll have over a million dollars because of $10,000 I put in the bank when they're born. Now, I want you to think of this. Imagine if you put $500 into a mutual fund just once a year. Sorry. Yeah, just once a year. Sorry. Just, yeah, yeah. Just once a year,
Starting point is 00:34:14 every year until you're 77 for your retirement. You started the day you were born. Your parents did it for you until you're 21. You got a job. You have millions of dollars in the bank. Millions. We have millions of dollars in the bank. Millions. They're taking millions of dollars from you. Yeah, Russ Stevens, no, it's better than that. I hear you. I know. I'm just trying to keep shit simple. democrat they are fucking you get your injection follow david catron's doter and fucking give your money to the bank get to the government it's nuts it's it's it's absolutely uh it's absolutely nuts yeah yeah but you're gonna buy you're gonna buy uh i i hear you but you're gonna buy more than what you're gonna all probably – hopefully, I mean, hopefully you have a mortgage your whole life. Hopefully you have 10 houses, right? Hopefully every 10 years you're buying another house. By the time you die, you have seven houses you leave to your kids, some shit like that.
Starting point is 00:35:21 Tyler Watkins. Yes, and that money will be able to buy them a Pepsi and a roll of toilet paper when they're 77 don't ruin my story Tyler why why why
Starting point is 00:35:36 okay remember all those people who voted Democrat that's what they're doing That's what they're doing to you. That's what they're doing to you. In my town, you're punished if you save money. You're not able to – a friend of mine had $2 million in the bank, saved cash, an elderly person. saved cash an elderly person they put a bid on a 650 000 uh uh trailer in a trailer park that was you know six blocks from the ocean and they said sorry you have too much money in the bank to live in this community and they were punished imagine that you can't buy a $650,000 trailer in a trailer park because your whole life you saved money.
Starting point is 00:36:30 Sorry, you have too much. You are too responsible with your finances to be. Yeah, it's just crazy libtard shit. Yeah. Well, you said in the last episode when you're like, then what's the point of saving the money for the higher down payment? Or what's the point of having a good Friday? And that's exactly right. It's, it's a, it's a socialist mentality. Like you, you do better than me. And then, so now you should give to me because
Starting point is 00:36:52 I'm not doing as well to you. And the issue is that it takes away the incentive for anybody to do well for themselves. Why, why would that lady save all that money to go buy that trailer, the trailer park only to be denied because she was too responsible with their finances and they and that's where all the privilege shit comes in they're claiming that hunter biden is privileged they're claiming that everyone white is privileged here's the truth too and i've said it a million times the white people in this country on average are making half as much as the indians and the asians it's almost that Asians. It's almost spot on. I'm a little off. I'm exaggerating just a tiny bit.
Starting point is 00:37:28 Dude, did you see that recent video that David put out about Indian families? No. It's exactly some of the stuff that we ran on the show. Indians are blacks. I'm throwing you guys as blacks. You guys are blacks. El Negro. Not going Asian?
Starting point is 00:37:44 No. Fuck that. El Negro. You guys are blacks el negro not going not going asian no fuck that el negro you guys are el negros all right and listen and and do you know why the indians are rich not because they're indian but because the culture around being indian you're gonna marry this motherfucker you're gonna do this you're gonna say thank you you're gonna stand straight you can take You're going to do this. You're going to say thank you. You're going to stand straight. You're going to take your shoes off before you come in the house. Your mom's not a whore. I mean, right?
Starting point is 00:38:16 She's not on OnlyFans? Yeah, yeah. No, I don't mind. I don't even mind. Maybe she's on OnlyFans. Paraded dudes coming through? Yeah, just, yeah, more like the paraded dudes. Well, typically that stereotypical, you know what I'm talking about?
Starting point is 00:38:30 Yeah, I hear you. Whenever I think of that, I think of the Miami chick and her late 20s, early 30s that just has all this fake shit on and is like, I make this. And you're like, yeah, no. Yes, totally. It's fucking nuts. Okay. Can we play this one? Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:53 Let's play this. This is just – I mean this is just maddening. By the way, he's walking – right now it looks like he's – I think he's walking through Monaco, which I think you can't even buy a home in Monaco unless you show the city you're sitting on $10 or $20 million in cash. I think that's one of the rules of the – is Monaco a country? What the fuck is that place? I don't know. Or a kingdom? What is Monaco?
Starting point is 00:39:23 The place where the Uber drivers drive exotic cars what what is monaco anyway the place where the uber drivers drive like exotic cars is what i've heard like real like ferrari like yeah but it's like a ferrari i made that part up but you get you get what i'm saying yeah yeah it's nuts okay here we go decided to punish people with a good credit score if your credit score is 680 or more you're pretty good with your money if you want to buy a property from the 1st of May, you're going to have to pay the new Biden penalty for those who are decent with their money. And it'll cost you about $500 extra just to buy a home that's $400,000. Why? Well, they're subsidizing those with bad credit scores. So once again, the government rewarding those who are not doing very well with their money
Starting point is 00:40:08 and punishing those who have been responsible. I see the Café de Paris behind me here in Monaco. And what can you do about it? Well, absolutely nothing except you can. You can be getting to wealth so much more quickly. And then you don't care about the 500 bucks it no longer matters to you it's just a mild annoyance it isn't something that's going to impact whether you're not you buy that house you're interested in learning more about that send me a dm penalty how we get out of it the government
Starting point is 00:40:41 you for those of you who haven't been around wealthy people or you don't have a giant cohort of friends who make over $500,000 a year, those people do not care at all. Zero. Zero, zero, zero, zero. Why do you think they're the group
Starting point is 00:41:01 that pushes for it? I don't care. Man. 565, this is going to break a lot of your hearts. What clown video was that? Sovan? Oh, is that me? Is that a hybrid version of me?
Starting point is 00:41:20 I don't think so. Sorry. Oh, wow. Mike McKay. I've been to Monaco twice, gambled briefly in the Monte Carlo. Is that where they did Bond? The name is Bond. Bond movies.
Starting point is 00:41:51 Heart failure kills body positivity activist at 37 years old. Jamie Lopez, the founder of Las Vegas Salon for Plus Size Women and model for the body positivity movement, died at the age of 37. Lopez, according to TMZ on Monday Was hospitalized for heart complications Heart complications Heart complications We ask on behalf of the baby doll family That you allow us time to process At her heaviest Lopez weighed 846 LBs
Starting point is 00:42:19 And designed her company While confined to a bed She lost 400 pounds To turn her dream into reality. That doesn't even make sense. Is that even a sentence? She lost 400 pounds. Yeah, I don't understand. 400 pounds to turn her dream into reality.
Starting point is 00:42:42 But for Lopez, a social media influencer who capitalized on the pro-fat movement disguised as body positivity, her lifestyle changes tragically came too late. According to the U.S. Center for Disease and Control, the average life expectancy for U.S. women born in 1985 is around 80 years old. At 37, Lopez had a lot of life to live. Hey, so that chick's toast. Don't be fat or you'll end up dying early. That's the moral of the story. Hey, that appeal, one of the ways that they say it's okay to eat is that they've been certified by three organizations. that they say it's okay to eat is that they've been certified by three organizations.
Starting point is 00:43:25 One of them was the FDA. Never trust anything from them. Food and drug. Yeah, and then the other one was the WHO, World Health Organization. I mean, you should be terrified of anything with those marks on them. Two of our most trusted institutions.
Starting point is 00:43:41 Yeah, it's... She's a millionaire that ate all her profits. I bet you half of you still think that – believe doctors. I bet you half of you in the comments still believe doctors. I bet you think doctors are more credible than your plumber or than your CrossFit coach. Or than your own common sense in some cases. Yeah, yeah. I bet you.
Starting point is 00:44:04 And none of those are true. It's actually the opposite. And I'm not even saying anything bad about doctors at all, physicians. But you are actually better off getting a second opinion from a CrossFit coach, yourself, or your plumber. It really is like that, people. I'm just still tripping on how somebody becomes over 800 pounds. You have to really try hard. No, you're totally wrong it's genetic oh so you just sit there and it just happens to you
Starting point is 00:44:50 just a victim got it and and it's been like that forever for the last thousand years you just never saw them before because now there's carts so they can come out of their house same with autism there's always been autistic people just everywhere just now we're just finally diagnosing it same with trannies all that shit's been around forever we're just finally coming to terms with it yeah dick butter they're just big bones super big bone i um uh hounds of justice you should check out justin truett's attempt at the world record for pull-up son of cam haynes how could be the son of cam haynes but his name is justin truett's i call bullshit on that you know what's funny is i know exactly what he's talking about and
Starting point is 00:45:35 i've never even just put that together what you know the difference of last names are yeah i yeah i know exactly what's going on with that but it it's just funny you're right. You know who Justin Truett is? You've heard the name? So simple. I don't know if it was – yeah, that's Cam Haynes' son or not the – Isn't Cam Haynes – is Cam Haynes the guy that Rich Froney went hunting with? Yes. Yeah, how could he have a son with this different last name? Yeah, that's right. This is interesting. Jeff Bo uh this is fat shaming
Starting point is 00:46:07 how is it fat shaming fat shaming something's happened to jeff he used to be uh more like insightful and would like would give you give some good counterpoints now it just seems like he um points and lines let me see shame shame a painful feeling of humiliation no i don't think it is fat shaming at all maybe it's um uh um maybe it's um a fat taunting maybe we're taunting fat people oh shit fat shaming is anything that does not embrace fat acceptance dude that's called codependence if you if you embrace listen run away from anyone who embraces your victimhood those are those you do not want those people in your life oh speaking of which holy shit i got something crazy to tell you guys so some of you do crossfit you guys heard of crossfit uh fitness um uh fitness and
Starting point is 00:47:14 lifestyle methodology developed by greg glassman it's evolved over the years but the the hardcore principles the the basic tenets were developed you know between in the nineties and 2000 and then, uh, 2000, 2004 to 2018, it exploded gyms on all seven continents. No one'd be like, no, only six, no seven motherfucker. All seven gyms on all seven continents, 162 countries. You guys remember that? Thank you. Uh, no, I haven't said that he's my best friend yet. That's coming. And, um, Jeff, Jeff baker with the greg glassman drop he likes to always point out that i mentioned greg uh okay so um which is weird because i always mentioned greg so why do you have to mention that i always mention greg so that company then was sold by greg glassman and um and a guy named eric rosa claimed he bought it but he didn't and he bought a small
Starting point is 00:48:07 portion of it and then he was the ceo and then he was removed as ceo well depending on who you were asked if you asked the talking elite fitness ding dongs uh he was promoted i think he was recently just pulled off the board by the way just like just like i said he would be i think he was yeah like chairman of the board for a year which which was the standard. Hello, I am the voice of CrossFit, and I'm telling you he's only been promoted. Children, stay in your lane. You play with Mario Kart over there and do emoji drafts.
Starting point is 00:48:41 We talk about adult shit over here. We compare the vagina. Well, we compare the vagina well we well we compare the the vagina to a snail over here we do some science over here anyway so he so so then so then rosa was gone and then um uh dawnfall came in a tech guy deep deep concerns about a tech guy coming in because they're usually woke as fucking morons. And they appeal to the lowest common denominator, which is CrossFit. The business model was the opposite.
Starting point is 00:49:12 It was appeal to the tip of the spear and then let the rest kind of figure out it's really for everyone. Whereas tech people are appeal to the lowest common denominator. And if you have to, dumb down the herd so you can get everyone. But there was some hope about Dom because he was also a Marine recon, high-level Marine. So – and he's had some tough experiences in his life and some tragedies that have caused him to realize some of the important – maybe reevaluate the importance of things in his life. him to realize some of the important maybe reevaluate the importance of things in his life and so he he's there and but there's but when rosa was there the woke arazi was still there right rosa hired that dude because some people because they were black hired some people because they were gay i didn't hire people based on their merit i hired them based on he's a racist and a
Starting point is 00:50:02 sexist right diverse talent yeah what they call diversity and inclusion which is really just scum code talk for you're a fucking scumbag you're a fucking nazi you're totalitarian fucking piece of shit and and you hate white people and you're you're willing to do it while you have your foot on on the neck of white people while demeaning black people. It's, it's fuck. It's gross. It's so gross. So, uh, seven, don't give Don a pass.
Starting point is 00:50:32 Uh, he was an officer, not enlisted. Well, um, I want to play this politically cause I don't want to, I don't want to fuck my relationship with Don. So anything you're about to hear out of my mouth now
Starting point is 00:50:46 is a little bit disingenuous and insincere but I think you guys will see right through it. Maybe I shouldn't even talk about it because I really don't want to ruin my relationship with him. I'll go a little bit further. I'm going to go a little bit further. I don't think I've damaged it yet. And I like Don.
Starting point is 00:51:05 From the interactions I've had with him, I've liked him very much. So now yesterday they – yesterday their head of HR resigned. And in companies today, HR employees are so fucking powerful. They're almost more powerful than the CEOs. Like at Twitter, the HR was more powerful than the CEO. than the CEOs. Like at Twitter, the HR was more powerful than the CEO. And so they've replaced this girl, Trish,
Starting point is 00:51:31 who is fucking the worst of the worst, the woke-a-razi, protecting, like this is how bad, knowingly protecting women who've slept their way up the ranks at CrossFit HQ and hurting men. I think that's almost fair to say. That's close. There's definitely evidence of that.
Starting point is 00:51:53 Brought in Elaine, who's still there, ran the DEI council. And Don, they say Trish resigned. I would speculate that she was probably fired. What I guess is happening is slowly Don is culling the herd. He's getting rid of the woke. God, I hope that's what he's doing. Getting rid of the woke? Getting rid of the woke.
Starting point is 00:52:15 That's what you think. Well, that's what I think. I think it's the opposite, man. More woke. You think he's bringing in the woker, more wokest, the wokest. I think he's drawing from his talent pool that he knows in the tech industry, and I think we all know that that bubble leans very hard towards liberal progressive ideologies. Well, the lady he replaced – Like I said, liberal progressive ideologies instead of woke. Yeah, lady he replaced.
Starting point is 00:52:38 Yeah. Okay, we can start using that. Liberal progressive extremist – let's use extremist. Okay. Extremist liberal progressive ideologies. The lady he brought in to replace Trish, I watched a video interview with her yesterday. It is the most bizarre interview I've ever seen in the history of interviews. I'm not even joking. Like an interview with Dahmer made more sense. It is 30 minutes of just gibberish.
Starting point is 00:53:09 Man. This video, it's all woke talk, meaning you don't know exactly what she's saying. And so you have to go into your head and, and so if I told you this, this is the way people talk i've painted the most beautiful picture the scenes are all natural the paints are magnificent the time spent painting and stroking and the way this painting depicts light and and the way anyone can enjoy this painting from any angle no matter where they stand in the museum it's a
Starting point is 00:53:45 fascinating canvas with a frame that's second to none and yet this frame does not take from the painting and i've told you absolutely nothing about the painting you don't know if it's a fucking horse running through a field or two robots butt fucking each other no idea that's how she talks that's how that's how this is 30 minutes of her saying nothing and the interviewer's like oh my fantastic oh more inclusion and more diversity oh incredible yeah and then it is oh the texture the texture of the painting the strokes of the painting yes oh yes the brushes you yes incredible but nobody still knows what the fuck he talked about yeah it's worse than word salad it's just it's just people trapped in their head it's at the end someone it's and actually you
Starting point is 00:54:34 don't even know if she's talking about a painting like one person could be thinking of a sculpture the other a painting and the it might as well just be as vague as art. Yeah. It's so bad. Here's the thing. And I took notes on it so I could highlight some of the fucking absolutely crazy shit she says in this interview. I mean, I would be – I don't know how this woman – I don't know how you would ever have a relationship with someone like this who speaks like this. In the video, the guy asks her what her crowning achievement is at Facebook, and her response is absolutely terrifying. But we'll see.
Starting point is 00:55:22 But we'll see. And she worked at Facebook for 10 years, so I have to imagine she's very close to Don he was over there but it is if you were to ask this lady for instructions on how to get from point A to point B you would never figure it out she could never tell you how to get from my house to Sousa's house
Starting point is 00:55:41 there's no fucking way it is some of the most low level communicate it's 30 minutes of some of the most low level communication i've ever seen and you have to understand what low level communication does is it puts people in their heads because they're trying to understand so they they make up things to fill in the gaps right and so that's where the word trickery comes in. That's why it's diversity, equity, and inclusion. They don't mean anything, and you can manipulate people with it. Yeah, and do they have to do it that way? Because if they told you what it was like in plain English, like in plain language that everybody could understand and we could all operate out the same definition, people would be like, wait, why? Hold on, hold on. We're doing what? That seems bad.
Starting point is 00:56:23 Hold on. Hold on. What? Yeah, that seems bad. What if what if they just said diversity means, hey, we have to hire one person from every shade of melanated skin and one person who one person who likes just one genitalia, one who likes both and one who likes the other. I mean, that's what that's what I want to hear. I want to hear what you mean by diversity. It's crazy. It is really, truly crazy talk. And to define the they for Mr. Baker over there, it's going to be C-suite executives in upper management that speak in a way that is very ambiguous. It's scary shit, man. I'm going to tell you one more thing. She comes from another company. And when in this
Starting point is 00:57:06 interview, in this interview, they basically ask her and I'm going to sit back and watch a little bit before I pull up this video and break it down. Maybe Hiller will do it. But in this video, they ask her like, hey, at your last company you worked at, what is like one of the coolest things that this app that you worked on did? She goes she goes well this app allows you to track which of your employees likes the 49ers and which of them don't which of them has attended the 49er games and which of them haven't that's the first thing she says she's proud of we could sort them out enforcing the 49er dress code that gets you killed by the fucking Crips. And that interview is only a year old.
Starting point is 00:57:51 It's crazy. It's, it's, it's, um. Now, no one thinks it's crazy. Everyone's like, okay, you're just tripping, Seve. Okay, well, if you weren't there, you'd be, uh. Let's see how you feel. Okay, uh, 564. Let's move on.
Starting point is 00:58:08 Good luck to you in your new job, young lady, although I think you're 10 years older than me. Annette looks very good. She looks very healthy. She also said that she's never – in that video, she says something along the lines – I'm paraphrasing. She's never taken a job that she's not completely dedicated to believes in and passionate about which claims that she's she's claiming that she's a crossfitter but i'm gonna guess she's not no so so so i find that very interesting too was there anything that she said that you uh liked um anything in the interview i guess that gave you kind of a spark like okay I'm not against
Starting point is 00:58:45 that no no no oh yes yes there's one thing that I like yes yes at the very the thing is is this chick was it the very end no mine was the part where she was just talking about that I liked her like
Starting point is 00:59:00 when I'm when they're interviewing her I'm not like this bitch is a I hate this bitch like I'm when I'm watching her I'm like I fucking roll interviewing her, I'm not like, this bitch is a – I hate this bitch. When I'm watching her, I'm like, I'd fucking roll with this girl. I'd fucking like – Yeah, she seemed cool. Yeah, I'd go on a drive with her, eat lunch with her. I'd work out with her. I like her. She's pretty. She's nice. She's smart as shit. She talks good. Yeah. She's got a great smile. She's positive. There's tons of good shit.
Starting point is 00:59:25 I'm glad you brought that up. Yeah. I like her. She looks healthy as shit. She looks younger than me, and I think she's 10 years older than me. Yeah, and at least that video, like we said, was a year old. At least she's like – even a year ago was saying like, hey, people really need to get out of their house. We need them back inside the workplace.
Starting point is 00:59:41 We need to be able to be collaborative and have teamwork and stuff like that again to be to be oh oh i i started to like that susan but then i hated it when she's like and that's where happiness and so there's this thing about her that's terrifying there's this thing that's terrifying about tech people they want to know how you're doing no one at work shouldn't give a fuck how you're doing at home unless it's the dude who sits next to you in the cubicle your boss you don't want your boss that's just bullshit you do not want your boss asking you how you're doing how you're getting along with your wife how is your diet do you need a massage which books are you reading there's this thought in the tech industry there's's this HR that they want to be like this holistic. They want to be more than just a job to you. Fuck that. Fuck off. I come to work because I'm passionate about it. I'm going to work my ass off and then I want to fucking like move on. I don't need you. They track. Yeah, all those fucking idiots track like if you're using the massage tables
Starting point is 01:00:45 there if when you come into work if you're smiling or if you're not smiling they're doing some weird shit over there and it comes under the guise of they think they're doing something nice for you but they're not they're manipulating the fuck out of you and they're making you weak they are making you weak there's this low level um uh what's that big big daddy big mama what's it called when the government's your um there's this low brother big brother yes yes there's this low level or um just steady stream and everything she says that they want to play big brother and it's guys does they want to help you dude i'm telling you if you i bet you that's why i bet you all those dudes are just fat and betas i would love to test the grip
Starting point is 01:01:30 strength of everyone at facebook versus like versus like my family paternalism it's gross it's yeah there's this fucking weird uh um um cult like col we'll take care of you don't worry go to your like black mirror shit that that's in everything she says but it's like but we'll take care of you we'll bring you your pace to eat in the morning you just sit at your desk you're fine i wonder how they deal with conflict and teams and stuff like that you know because at some point the rubber's got to meet the road. You're going to make me start pulling out time codes and shit. I don't want to go at her yet. I don't want to go at her yet.
Starting point is 01:02:11 I want to chill for a second. I want to chill. I'd like to have Dawn on one more time before this chick has to be destroyed. I want to play this right politically. I already feel like maybe I'm walking a tightrope. I don't know if she has children. God, I hope so. God, I hope so. God, I hope so.
Starting point is 01:02:27 I can't remember. I thought she said she did, but I – She said she has a late – she mentioned her late husband. So it sounds like she had a husband that passed away. Oh, Nelly. I know it's funny too about all those tech executives, especially like the higher up the ladder you go in those companies. You get those people behind closed doors, and they have a whole entire different ideology and point of view. Behind closed doors?
Starting point is 01:02:59 I want to ask you what you mean in one second. Jay Hartle, I'm confused who we're talking about. I want to ask you what you mean in one second. Jay Hartle, I'm confused. We're talking about basically HR, the HR lady. I should tell you the story I heard too. I don't know if this is 100% true, but I have some pretty good sources for this. The current HR lady helped one of the current employees get a restraining order against her husband after she cheated on her fucking husband with a current employee there and and and there there is some uh if you think about that for a second that's some pretty uh But that HR lady, Trish, is gone now, and a new HR lady has come in. And this HR lady is from Facebook, and that's who we're talking about. So – no, they got a new – they don't call them HR ladies anymore. They call them…
Starting point is 01:03:59 Chief people officers. Yeah, it's something fucking – it's more just manipulation, deception. God, it's a narcissistic fucking group too. It's crazy. I'm going to wait a little while, and then maybe in a month or two we'll pull up the video and we'll go through it. It is really some bizarre talk. maybe in a month or two we'll pull up the video and we'll go through it it is really some bizarre talk it is like we don't know what poly fucking carbonides are pfas but we can look it up so paul saladino says that we don't know what the definition of the word is but we can look it up and then we can be decide for ourselves and then maybe but but when this lady talks you can't look
Starting point is 01:04:40 up what she's saying and figure out what she's saying it's too abstract you can't can't look up, well, it was a beautiful painting painted with the greatest amount of intensity, and at the end of the day, the people who spent 15 minutes looking at it leave with a refreshed perception on life. And you're like, okay. You couldn't even start to search about it because you have no information that's specific enough yeah yeah we hired two black men who were 32 years old to meet our diversity requirements a midget armenian and a fucking homosexual jew and those are the crowning achievements of my life while working in hr increasing the diversity at company x well that's cool that's awesome What's the homosexual Jew's name? Carlos. Oh, that's a trippy name. Sounds nice. Carlos the homosexual Jew. He's a Mexican Jew. I got to kill two birds with one stone. Booyakasha. I got a bonus for that.
Starting point is 01:05:37 That's awesome. Killed two birds with one stone. That's not inclusive language, you know. Triggering words for some of us here. Darn it. i play a horrible you almost had it uh so carlos is a homosexual jew yeah and what is uh carlos is uh last name uh rodriguez berg oh wow you doubled up on your diversity talent pool there there is a um there is a uh-foot-nine. I don't know if he's gay, but there is a five-foot-nine. He's either Venezuelan or Argentinian Jew, tennis player who's ranked top ten in the world.
Starting point is 01:06:18 What the fuck is that guy's name? And I kind of perseverate on him or stay focused on him because he's so short. And he's a Jew. And my boys are – I mean, I'm not a Jew, but my three sons are Jews. That's right in your circle of influence, though. And I suspect they're not going to be taller than 5'9". Okay. I'm a CPA also, yes.
Starting point is 01:06:40 What do you need? Okay. Back to my favorite subject ever, 564. Here we go. Brace yourself. I think this is a joke. I think this is a joke. But either way, when I listen to it, I'm going to pretend like it's not a joke, like it's true.
Starting point is 01:06:57 When I was 19 years old, for a Turkish girl I was dating. Jesus. I grew up uncircumcised in Germany, but when you date a Turkish girl, you have to get circumcised. Jesus! broke up and I was pissed. I just got a circumcision for her but there's a silver lining because I'm gonna be honest guys I've been struggling with premature ejaculation. I sometimes finish very quickly like 30 seconds in and out. I'm German, I'm efficient right and the circumcision actually made me less sensitive so now I'm just in there destroying for like 42 seconds straight. So it's a win for me. I got circumcised. Hey, did you see his emojis
Starting point is 01:07:48 for premature ejaculation? No, I don't think... It was the smorgasbord of fucking... Anyway, okay. I wonder if Don is circumcised. Anyway, okay. I wonder if Don is circumcised. If you spit your coffee out, that'd be awesome. I just want to get through like 200 of these.
Starting point is 01:08:19 There's no way. We have 23 minutes. It's about the journey, man, not the destination. I know. You're right. Yeah, yeah. He went from 22 seconds to 42. It went from 30 to 42.
Starting point is 01:08:33 But just for sake of your story, Mike, let's go with it. Yeah, he doubled his strokes. He doubled his strokes. Sounds like a positive to me. Hey, what's up, dude? Why is the trailer so hot? Hey, what? Oh, wait. I haven't seen the trailer. I'm on i'm on the air i'm on my podcast though what trailer are you talking about play the podcast live that you have right now in your inbox and tell me it's not okay okay bye okay bye was that travis yeah travis bagent uh interrupting the show oh Oh. He sounded excited, so that's cool.
Starting point is 01:09:08 This just in. Okay. You guys want to know what Travis is doing? Travis just called and said, tell me that this trailer is not fire. Now, this is – I love – I've told you guys how I love being used. This is like – how cool is this? My friend knows how to use me call me at 8 12 he knew yeah and and just be like hey you should show this and made it easy for me
Starting point is 01:09:34 it's in my inbox i i played it up yeah it's cute yeah let's on fire. Okay. Free up one of my ears. Do I... Oh, check the volume. Okay. Here we go. World premiere, people. On the left is Travis Bajent, greatest left-handed arm wrestler who ever lived.
Starting point is 01:09:59 And on the right, his son Tyson Bajent, who's been on the show a couple times, who is legitimately throwing more touchdown passes than any college quarterback in football history college football history great
Starting point is 01:10:16 kid fuck he's awesome what a stud okay here we go who is the beast the beast? The beast is my husband. I'm the greatest. There's absolutely no comparison.
Starting point is 01:10:39 Super hands on, super competitive. Oh, I shot that. I shot that. That's my footage right there. That's Tyson when he's a little Oh, I shot that. I shot that. That's my footage right there. That's Tyson when he's a little kid. I shot that. That's the dude. That's the football dude who's been on the show as a little kid.
Starting point is 01:10:54 I filmed that. It's crazy, right? God, I'm old. He thinks the world of himself, so he thinks that since we came from him that we have that same thing. You will never be as good at your craft that i was at this moment in my oh my god i love travis fuck and i love tyson if you know if travis's dad would have said it to him travis would have given the same response. Look at Tyson. Just knows that he's like... That's so good. Tyson Bajan is the king of touchdowns. He is the number one player in this year's draft.
Starting point is 01:11:32 Every single name that goes before him is a drastic mistake. Yeah, I agree. Every single person that's drafted before Tyson is a fucking mistake. How are they so stupid? How am I so smart behind my fucking little desk? I guess it's the NFL.
Starting point is 01:11:48 They're tards over there. Wow. It is. It is. That kid believes in himself so fucking much. It's crazy. It's the most still and powerful confidence. It's kind of like the antithesis of his dad
Starting point is 01:12:05 his dad is a tornado fucking tyson's a mountain it's a trip how proud and you know it's crazy with it doesn't show is the truth is is that travis is a million times more proud of his son than he ever was of himself wow that is that was cool you'll never be and you know it's crazy travis when i used to talk to travis on the phone and i used to talk to him he was like a daily caller for me he would always tell me about just basically how great he is i haven't heard him talk about how great he is in fucking five years now it's just how great his son is it's pretty fucking cool and someone might some people might think that's bragging. The thing that I don't mind about it is he doesn't put other people down. Here we go.
Starting point is 01:12:51 Look it. Sevan, you know nothing about football. Come on. All right. All right. All right. Oh, that's not nice. The next Tim Tebow.
Starting point is 01:13:01 That's not nice. We'll see. Look it. Everyone just jumping in. He played for the Powerhouse Shepherd University. Keep it coming. Oh, he's never heard any of these before. Oh my goodness. That's okay. Every show
Starting point is 01:13:15 Jeff has said I sounded like something different. Last show it was a tranny. Now this show it's a Simpsons character. He called you. He said you sound like a tranny. Yeah. Yesterday he was like, Susan sounds like a tranny.
Starting point is 01:13:30 Today he's like, he sounds like a cartoon character. You don't watch football. I don't watch porn either, but I fucking, I'm an expert in it. Y'all heard of Todd Marinovich? Oh, please.
Starting point is 01:13:56 This is not even, there's no Todd Marinovich story here. Quiet. This is like nothing like that. thing is is travis is so normal you have to understand and and um and tyson's such a good like he's just a good dude you heard of rich froning hey did you work out today no no i actually your arms look big like you look like swole or are you are you fasting or something you look you look a little more no yesterday we did a heavy sandbag carries so the 150 carried it and then did dropped it did pull-ups and then burpees in
Starting point is 01:14:37 remaining time so i think it's just a little residual swole yeah now uh this one this one's interesting i always need 563 563 oh shut the this is gonna be good seven i like your new hairdo now we're talking yeah i shaved the sides um one of my i probably should have asked if I could read this before, but one of my friends who's a lesbian happens to eat the pussy. She sent me the craziest fucking text yesterday. Where is that text? I normally don't read text without asking, but this one is so funny. Where the fuck is that text? She called me a dyke because of my haircut
Starting point is 01:15:27 i'm pretty sure that's a i'm pretty sure that's that's a compliment oh here we go uh uh she said um she said hey come over to my house and i I'll give you a fucking Viking lesbian haircut. And I started looking. When she said that, I went and looked in the mirror. I'm like, oh, yeah, I do kind of got that Viking lesbian haircut. And then she said, you're the biggest lesbian on the planet. You should lead us.
Starting point is 01:16:00 And then she went on to say, and Don is absolutely gay. Wow. I forgot about that. Then she went on to say, you're the biggest dyke ever. Your wife is a lucky woman. And then she said, I need to shave my hair another half inch higher. I don't know if I can do that. But hey, you want to talk about crowning achievements in life having a lesbian call you a dyke it's up there and you have a hog like mine it's like getting a free pass to say the n-word yeah the sexual version of it yeah i'm like i'm
Starting point is 01:16:39 like fucking the eminem of fucking the dyke world. The lesbian world. Cut that shit another half inch to keep my creds. It's a high shave. By the way, I saw your – and thank you, Katie. Thank you for the segue into the hairpiece. I saw your boxing video, by the way. Speaking of lesbians, Garrett. Garrett Clinton was on the show you have to to see her garrett glinton or clinton glinton glinton i thought it was glint garrett glinton 2gs i think to follow her i think she's private because i think i tried
Starting point is 01:17:17 to share it on my account and i couldn't but right she can fucking box she boxed better than my kids i mean i know she's a grown-ass woman, but she boxes, and she's got head movement. Garrett Clinton, okay, thank you. GG. There's no fucking way I can do asymmetrical haircut. Get out of your fucking mind. What if I came on here with my hair dyed blue and asymmetrical haircut
Starting point is 01:17:47 it'd be a really committed bit 563 uh this this video hit me kind of in a weird way because five years ago i'd have no issues with this. And I don't want to become a stuffy adult. I have no issues with, like this guy said, well, go ahead and play this. The black guy with the fedora is kind of the focus of this video. Watch to see if you can figure this out. I'm not into touching, okay?
Starting point is 01:18:28 I'm not letting you put that out front. I'm no touching, no touching. No touching. I won't touch you. He talks like he's aging, though. No touchy-touchy. No touching. I was like, oh, this is going to be fun.
Starting point is 01:18:37 The music will start. The boys will turn around. So, gentlemen, let's turn. Gorgeous. And then we start walking. Yeah. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. Three, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight.
Starting point is 01:18:50 And then maybe let's look at the gentlemen. Gentlemen, you guys can acknowledge us. Ooh, who is this? I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I can't do this. I can't do this. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 01:18:59 I'm sorry. I'm a man of God. I can't do this. Oh, no. I love those people. I pray for them. I would never do anything to hurt them or condemn them. But men are not supposed to dress like women. I'm not going to go along with that.
Starting point is 01:19:13 It's time to stand up and be a man of God. Why don't we just pair up? I don't care if men dress like women. I don't care if a tranny puts its arms all over me. I could even enjoy it. I have no... I'll take the big black dude. I'll be the old guy in the middle.
Starting point is 01:19:41 I just don't want him talking to kids. At all. Zero. Zero. Zero. guy in the middle i just don't want him talking to kids at all zero zero zero talking to kids are being promoted as like some sort of i don't want to talk to kids i don't want them talking to kids they're like alcohol or weed i don't want talking to kids not not not like that not not in some exaggerated hyper-sexualized. All those outfits were – will you agree all those outfits were hyper-sexualized? I mean it's a guy wearing this thing that's just like covering – like no, sorry. You just can't.
Starting point is 01:20:15 You just can't. I'm not interested in sexualizing my kids at all. It's like it really is like taking a seedling and doing something to it. You have to be – if you do something to a seedling of a plant, those of you who are into gardening, it will change the plant forever. It will grow at some cockeyed angle. If you don't put it near a window, it will stretch. Those characteristics will stay with that plant and compromise it for the rest of its life. Yeah, I had a tranny at my house. We watched the UFC together.
Starting point is 01:20:59 It was fucking totally fine. I think it was a girl transitioning to a dude. Wait, but then they didn't talk to your kids no they did it didn't matter they were completely they were just a normal person oh you're talking about like if they're dressed up like in the dragon it's a very like hypersexual outfit yeah yeah exactly okay but that's the same way as you wouldn't want just a normal woman or a guy doing that either right yeah correct thank you thank you yeah has nothing to do with the fact yeah i don't care um uh yeah so if i show up at your house in a banana hammock you're like hey bro you should probably change before you come in here and chill with my kids fuck yeah yeah you're
Starting point is 01:21:34 not gonna come sit in my living room couch with a fucking banana hammock on like and my kids are staring at the outline of your dick the whole time and for a variety of reasons, not just because I think that's weird, but what's it say about you? It's the same thing with like I wouldn't – I'm not interested in – I would leave my kids with two lesbians before I would leave it with two gay dudes. I'd leave my kid with two lesbians before I'd leave it with one just heterosexual dude. I just have that hierarchy in my brain. I just know. It's not that I'm paranoid about it.'s not that i'm stressed i just there's um is it risk assessment i don't know if it's yeah just risk just risk assessment no lesbians are gonna fucking molest my boy he's completely safe heterosexual dude threat gay dude threat tranny serious threat mental disorder thinks anything's possible it just is the way this isn't this isn't like subjective
Starting point is 01:22:31 this is objective based on the genitalia they want to touch and based on the um uh the the what what truly is science the predictive value of the behaviors of those creatures. You could, you could almost like, you know how like they'll put it like a donkey in with a, um, a donkey or a goat in with horses to make sure, or like to protect them from like wolves or coyotes and shit.
Starting point is 01:23:03 You could almost just like every school, just make sure you put a dike in there just so all the kids are safe i don't know if it works like that i made that part of i don't know i don't know but it just but but but but that part what the old man was doing like i would totally do that like i have no i would i have no i would sit at a gay bar with 100 trainees, and I would fucking probably have crazy fun. Crazy fun. So you're saying context matters. Like if someone showed up in a bikini to go to the beach or you were at the beach, it wouldn't be a – it would be a different context. No, no. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:23:41 Your kid's elementary school classroom. I'm just doing that because some of the low-level thinkers in the comments section are having trouble. I appreciate you. You're saving me from sounding like a bigot because it's the exact opposite. I so appreciate that. Yeah. If I take my kids to a nude beach, that's on me. Right.
Starting point is 01:23:57 If I take my kid to a beach and there's 100 trannies there, that's on me. If I take my kid to the gay beach, that's on me. hundred trannies there that's on me if i take my kid to the gay beach that's on me just like when you go into san francisco there's i mean you traveled there as a kid with your mom and stuff too and so did i and so you get right off the bar train and you're gonna see two guys holding hands or kissing or yes yes yes in that in that environment and i would always explain the same way like oh those those two guys enjoy each other the same way you know mom and dad do because that's that different lifestyle that they they're because uncle buck touched him when they were four well she didn't go that far and then they'd wave and they'd be super nice and you'd wave back and
Starting point is 01:24:32 they'd be super nice and your interaction would be great now you don't even have that opportunity in san francisco you get off and you get robbed by some fentanyl addict yeah you don't even get a chance to see some uh kids today we're going to go into the city and we're going to spot – we're going to look for homosexuals in the wild. And instead you get robbed and you don't even get to see any. Hey, and you already know all those gentlemen in the Castro are freaking hightailed it out of there once it got messy too. They're all rich as fuck. Yes, of course. You know, they're like, yeah, we're getting out of here.
Starting point is 01:25:02 yes of course you know they're like yeah we're getting out of here uh so allison nyc can come to your house uh with a low cut cut blouse duh absolutely duh and your hatred for breast jeff is is screaming and your hatred for breast Jeff is, is screaming. So if Alison NYC goes to the beach with you and your kids, she needs to cover up. No, no one,
Starting point is 01:25:36 no one needs to cover up. If Sam dancer was at my fucking house and we were fucking at a pool party, he wouldn't need to cover up. That's not what I'm suggesting. And in the slightest that is the context of the beach we go to the beach all the time we see all types of shapes and bodies out there and all sorts of different okay carried away they is jeff paco i thought jeff i didn't jeff paco is not a low-level
Starting point is 01:26:01 thinker that you were referencing, is he? Nope. But if the label fits. All right. Just throwing it out there for some people. They're a little, you know, it's hard for them to grasp some concepts. Turntable, old dude knew himself and his new, his limits, honesty and inclusivity can't always coexist. Yeah, I hear you. And I ain't hating on him either.
Starting point is 01:26:32 I'm not hating on them either. I'm not hating on them either. If you go back, those men dressed as women are extremely unattractive. Yeah. Are extremely unattractive. Pretty low on the talent pool in that category. The makeup's not good. The clothing's good. The bodies aren't fantastic. The voices are all fucked up.
Starting point is 01:26:45 I mean, that just didn't look fun fun i wonder what they're filming for maybe they need a drink uh 562 it's really too bad uh 12 daily doses isn't here for this this is fucking great this is fucking great hold on it's loading something give me just one sec no jeff's jeff's jeff's always jeff's uh jeff's a uh free free thinker jeff's uh just just looking to poke some holes but just just just trying to paint the full picture i like jeff he's cool i'm not going we're full 12 daily doses i do i do think boobs are kind of in a little bit of a anyway uh this is fucking nuts okay ready for this we'll close with this piece today uh so all these people are worried about the dominion server thing and that fox news lied and was the election stolen. Well, here it is. If anyone has any questions of whether the election was stolen,
Starting point is 01:27:49 tampered with, if democracy was thwarted at all, here you go. Look no further. There's a thousand examples out there, but here's one for you. Xtop Spy admits biden laptop letter designed to influence 2020 election blinken involved extraordinary admission by career intelligence officer michael j morel provides stunning evidence that the now infamous letter from 51 security
Starting point is 01:28:18 officials in october of 2021 was not an organic intelligence community event, but rather a political dirty trick. Former acting CIA director has admitted to – listen to this. Acting former CIA chief – what does CIA stand for? Central Intelligence Agency. Chief Intelligence Agency. Central Intelligence Agency. A former acting – a former acting Central Intelligence Agency director has admitted to Congress that he helped organize the letter that falsely portrayed Hunter Biden's laptop as Russian disinformation in an effort to influence the 2020 election in favor of Joe Biden. And that his role was triggered by a call from the current secretary of state anthony blinken according to a letter released thursday by house judiciary committee chairman jim jordan that's funny those
Starting point is 01:29:10 words they use triggered so meaning that that i mean fuck this guy who wrote this article and that's just manipulative but basically they're saying that something that the current secretary of state said anthony blinken made it so this the cia uh head of the cia CIA wanted to start a cover-up. The extraordinary admission by career intelligence officer Jay Morrell provides a stunning evidence that non-infamous – the now infamous letter from 51 security officials in October 2020 was not organic. Tricking was a dirty political trick. Jordan sent a letter demanding Blinken answer a series of questions about Morrell's stunning testimony as lawmakers weighed the enormity of america's top diplomat uh hold on there's a quote in here you got it here keep going um morel testified that his communications with you oh uh the same day blinken reached out to
Starting point is 01:30:02 morel an article was published in usa today alleging that the f FBI was looking into the laptop as part of a disinformation campaign. Morrell testified that this communication with you was one of the few communications he had with the Biden campaign, explaining that he also received a call from Steve Ricchetti, chairman of the Biden campaign. Wow. Wow. This is the letter here. Wow. This is the letter here. He basically says in there, at some point the guy testifies. They said, why did you do this? And he said, because he wanted Biden to win.
Starting point is 01:30:37 Oh, there were two intents, he said. One intent was to share a concern with the American people that the Russians were playing on this issue. And two, it was to help vice president because I wanted him to win the election. That's it. Nothing else. You don't need anything else. Billy does his evidence that there was no tampering in the election was that there were 62 or 64 judges that he had heard listening to CNN who had heard it from Fox, who had heard it from your mom, who had heard it from your cousin, who had heard it – seen it written on a bathroom stall wall. That 64 judges said it was totally – there was no election fraud. Shut the fuck up. I love being around you, Allison.
Starting point is 01:31:34 You're awesome. I loved going to the beach with you yesterday. And your husband. And your kids. And eating burritos. And drinking. I drank a white Russian at the beach yesterday yesterday those burritos are good down there a white russian yeah she looks fucking good i know in a can yeah she looks fucking great and we had the whole beach to ourselves me and her husband and my wife
Starting point is 01:31:57 and my kids there's like fucking 10 people on the beach and 10 people in the water it's the hottest day of the year so far oh man it was good to go down there it was good and her husband her husband like the rest of us fucking sit on the on the on the beach and uh her husband brendan goes in the water with the kids on a surfboard it's fucking yeah that is cool yeah they're a great family anyway there you go so so so there's no you don't need to be like uh well maybe there was some fraud i mean there's it's everywhere it's fucking everywhere the fraud all right i'm late uh love you guys um i wish i could do a three-hour show today jeff bako nice to have you back brother uh all in in all honesty i appreciate it um
Starting point is 01:32:43 and and maybe you're on to some sort of truth. Maybe I am trying to sway my boys into being heterosexual. It could totally be true. And if there's anyone who could do it, it would be Allison and that insane body of hers. Okay. I love you guys. See you tomorrow. Bye-bye.

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