The Sevan Podcast - Live Call In | Glassman Files Ep. 3

Episode Date: July 2, 2023

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Starting point is 00:01:02 Self-reflection. Bam, we're live. Hey, good morning. Good morning. Guys, sorry're live. Hey, good morning. Good morning. Guys, sorry I'm late one minute. Every once in a while, I come sit in the office and one of the cameras is off. The main camera. Hey, I was on the phone late with Jay last night.
Starting point is 00:01:21 Just like talking about just stuff that we need to build out the room it was exciting that that table came right i was talking to you the day table came so i think we need a tv a couple more cameras and then a producer's desk it's gonna look to look sick. Yeah, it's going to be crazy. Yeah. Nice shirt. Who? Hi.
Starting point is 00:01:48 Golf. Golf Foxtrot Yankee. Hey, you know what's funny is some people have categorized this show as like a hater show or something. Maybe. I don't know. I don't know. Let's just say that they have just for the sake of this argument i don't know if anyone really has okay but then there's haters in the
Starting point is 00:02:09 comp sometimes there's like a couple haters in the comments like there's a couple people who just every and so what if you're a hater on a hater show it's like it's like next level you know what i mean yeah yeah like the dude in the strip club who's throwing fives instead of ones it's crazy it's also interesting that no one in the chat engages like the straight up haters like as i watch the haters there's a shoot them up there's a guy who's like shoot him up something in his name have you seen this guy he's like new yeah i know what you're talking about. And he, there's been like three. There's 12 Daily Doses, Tom Fish, and this shoot-em-up guy. And they talk in like this, I don't know if they mean to, but just when they write, it just comes across like they're absolutely fucking closed-minded and angry.
Starting point is 00:03:01 And just live in triggered mode. Yeah. On standby. Oh, I got to talk to Seema Boobs last night. That was crazy. I know, when she called. Yeah. I couldn't tell if it was my voice shaking or her voice.
Starting point is 00:03:16 That was good. Like the lady from Pretty in Pink is here. We got, how many calls did we get last night? Two, three? Yeah, we're on a roll. That show needs a lot of calls that show needs to be just me like oh my god i have to turn the phone off well it already improved by 300 so we're on our way thank you wow right yeah yeah yeah 300 increase um anyway i just
Starting point is 00:03:38 i just wonder a couple things i noticed about those people. No one engages with those people, really, very little. And they're hater – I don't know. They're just next-level haters. There's nothing to engage. Like you said, it's like a triggered comment. And a lot of times it's not very well thought out. No, right. Not well thought out at all.
Starting point is 00:04:06 Almost like begging for attention as opposed to saying something that's what i see adding value yeah there's only one person on the show that can be begging for attention uh listen to the prs all day podcast uh that's the craig howard podcast episode 39 prs all day with nicole you're right uh savvy slow start but she get was great yeah i um craig i didn't really craig howard talks kind of slow i but i mean at one five i was cruising with him yeah i think he's or maybe he's just very well thought out that's what i was gonna that's exactly what i was gonna say yep especially with an episode like that i think he really wants to like get it right and like be articulate and what he's saying to nicole and precise i love last night's crossfit game show had zero games talk
Starting point is 00:04:52 as i as i as i went on um as as we went on yesterday i think in the beginning of the show, I said, maybe we even need to change the name of the show to just cross the CrossFit show. So the CrossFit game show, the CrossFit update show. CrossFit Colin. People have to call it. I always liked that show because there's so many topics that we actually
Starting point is 00:05:21 don't like on the list that we don't get to. I really, there were a couple of topics I did not want to get to last night i did not want it i did not want to bring up the uh the cocktails podcast i just thought it would turn into just unhealthy talk slinging mud yeah just yeah just not not zero. Good morning, Paulina. Hal Roberts, good morning. Let's get this BAM thing started. Zero positivity.
Starting point is 00:05:52 We're missing our guest. I'm the fill-in. We don't have the founder, but we have the founder of one of the affiliates. Sleeky, I loved last night's show awesome uh travis b you had 30 you you had 30 minutes to stroke hillar's cock last night at least just needed to be done i just thought it was oh good morning sarah wow it's been a minute oh did you see this it's been a minute oh yeah Sarah did you see this look at this
Starting point is 00:06:26 can we put it somewhere else can we put it in the upper left yeah put it wherever you want I mean I have to go back and switch it on the graphics but I can put it wherever you want what do you want that way it won't cover our beloved paper street yes
Starting point is 00:06:43 that's squared away. Yeah, that's cool. Oh, shit. Oh, shit. I forgot to shoot my peptides last night. I was like four or five days. I don't think you need to shoot it every day. I think it was...
Starting point is 00:06:59 I read that it's every other day. The cord will be fixed soon enough. The cord was fixed. You want to know what's funny? I'll show enough you the cord was fixed you want to know it's funny i'll show you the cord was fixed with this i did not do that i had a professional come in and and then this gave way and you know what's crazy is this just tore paint off the wall so this was fixed by something the cord was fixed and now there's paint torn off the wall god slap someone high budget high budget uh your arm will fall off seve if i don't shoot it or if i do shoot it
Starting point is 00:07:36 oh look yeah look there you can see the paint that came off that sucks it only caused damage to your wall that's the only thing that happened i got so frustrated i should probably shouldn't tell this story with my wife last year because she used tacks on our fireplace mantle to hold up uh kids stockings you know we bought these things that were heavy that sit on top of the fireplace mantle yeah and then they loop over and then you hang the stocking from it it's like this i don't know this j weight or something i don't know what you call it but for some reason they didn't work because of the beveled edge of our fireplace mantle and so my wife just put and i was like how does that work she goes what do you mean i'm like pull it there's gonna be a hole. Oh, wow, look at you. Now it just needs to be smaller.
Starting point is 00:08:27 We're going to pull the tacks out, and there's going to be holes there. Uh-oh. Oh, shit. What? I just saw a text come in from her. Oh, it says, I love you. Have a good show. Oh, phew.
Starting point is 00:08:41 I thought maybe she was listening. I was going to get in trouble for telling the tacks and the fireplace man story. Hey, is that true SEMA boobs and does she have an only fans page I don't know I don't know she doesn't strike me as someone that would have the only fans page is that the other SEMA the original SEMA
Starting point is 00:09:01 there used to be a SEMA in here yeah and then it's turned to like SEMA vagina or SEMA pussy and now it's SEMA? There used to be a SEMA in here. Yeah. And then it's turned to like SEMA vagina. Or SEMA pussy. And now it's SEMA boobs. She's just opened up a little. I got a... Don't get... Look at this.
Starting point is 00:09:20 Heidi. Heidi. Okay. Let's do this. My wife's going gonna hate this bit Heidi there's holes there's little holes three little holes in my fireplace mantle
Starting point is 00:09:32 now that I look at all year where someone put tacks in tacks tacks Heidi there's something so trashy about that look at that wall behind Sousa imagine three little holes in there now. Little tiny black holes.
Starting point is 00:09:51 Stop it. Look at Travis B. asking the heavy questions. Seema, what's your Instagram? Oh, Heidi's been hanging out with Seth Gruber. The holes are tiny bro oh i can i can i can see them i can see them wait is this real does sema really do have the only fans or are those really her boobs i asked if those were really her boobs and someone in the comments said that those are really her boobs. Like five, five dudes chimed in. Oh yes, those are. So someone obviously knows for Instagram. I got a really,
Starting point is 00:10:34 a really nice message that kind of carried me through the day yesterday. Basically someone sent me a video saying, Hey, there's the group of people in the salon rinstas group i don't even know where that is i'm guessing on instagram have become like the best people i've ever known they're like my best friends and and thanks for having the podcast and having these people come together it was really really fucking cool so i'm assuming inside of there there's a group of people who've like uh befriended each other i also think it's funny that it's a separate chat it feels like when um everybody's here as
Starting point is 00:11:11 a group but then they get like like chow time by themselves without us right what do you what do you mean you know like they do in the military it's like you're always with the commanding people in the boot camp but then when you get to go sit down to have lunch you're just with like just the homies like the instructors aren't there. Oh, right. They try to come back and do their own thing. Do you think Greg's coming?
Starting point is 00:11:33 There he is. Oh. Just like that. That's a pretty shot. Hi. Hi. Is that a karate kid? Oh know you're wearing a hat backwards i thought you were wearing like a sweat band at first like you oh i should do that a do-rag like you were
Starting point is 00:11:55 doing some tai chi i should appropriate some other culture every show you should have had a bandana on and like a bruce lee shirt no my i looked like uh i looked like uh jim from taxi when i got out of the shower this morning and i was like i need a hat oh jim who's which is suza who's jim can you show me jim from taxi dude look at this backdrop am i too back backlit? Yeah, but who cares? It's beautiful. You really do live in a lodge. You told me you bought a lodge. It really is a lodge.
Starting point is 00:12:32 That place is amazing. Yeah, thank you, Sammy. Look at those doors. Hey, so that's just lake behind. That just looks out to lake? Yeah. Oh, there we go. Oh, yeah. Yeah, that's what i look like that's it
Starting point is 00:12:47 just put a hat on it it helps a lot your credibility goes up uh you know 25 30 percent when you do something about that hair right i mean yeah what what is with us that we associate that with insanity we're not going to answer that but it's there you can't deny it hey it's the same thing Murdoch had that hair on the A-team and then Kramer kind of had that hair on Seinfeld yeah I was Kramer
Starting point is 00:13:17 and Jim from Taxi I think are almost the same character you drove to Idaho drove to Idaho. Drove to Idaho, bud. Amazing drive. And it's a 12-hour drive for you right from Scottsdale to Santa Cruz, but this is a 15-hour drive, and you didn't do it in one shot. Yeah, we had two vehicles, the kids, pets, all that.
Starting point is 00:13:47 So we had a medium day, a short day, and a super short day. And I was surprised how much you liked that because that's kind of, for me, I think of you as the kind of guy, it's like, it doesn't matter what the destination is, you're going to get in your car and go there. It was painful to not just do it in 15 for you yeah like a practice in patience like okay we've only driven seven hours we're getting a hotel now you know the 10 a.m start i'm uh i'm generally by 10 a.m what uh 300 miles down the road right you're you're at 4 a.m and you're like borderline leaving late for you. Yep. Yeah, I know. That's always crazy.
Starting point is 00:14:33 And there's early risers and then there's losers. That's so opinionated. No, it's fair. What is it? What's the general thoughts on people that wake up at 10 a.m.? Yeah, not good. Not that that has anything to do with this but not good your output better be absolutely insane if it's um for those of you who are geographically illiterate i'll give you just a little help uh this one with the red line around it is idaho greg is some oh you're pretty you're pretty far up here, right? Like this flathead reservation area. No way up in the top. Oh, over here. Up in the skinny part. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:10 Yeah. Just, uh, just to the right of Spokane. Yep. And then you came from all the way. Oh shit. Doesn't even fit in the mat all the way down here. How do you go? Which way do you go? We, uh, it's cool. We went, went uh about 400 miles to klamath falls oregon so it's the first day is a big step all in california and then the next day is make the traverse from klamath falls oregon to uh we went to uh uh boardman oregon So we did a diagonal across Oregon
Starting point is 00:15:45 And then the following day Popped up into Washington Across and Once you're in Spokane You're fundamentally in Coeur d'Alene Okay, so you jumped on this little highway At Shasta you jump on a little highway Yeah
Starting point is 00:15:59 It was in Weed 97 Oh yeah, Weed God, do you remember being a kid And chuckling whenever you would drive in Weed, 97. Oh, yeah, Weed. Took the 5 to the 97. God, do you remember being a kid and chuckling whenever you would drive through Weed? Yeah, like three, four years ago. Yeah. All right.
Starting point is 00:16:16 Can you make that drive in the winter, Greg? Yeah. To your place? Those highways are all open? Everything's open? Yeah. You haven't done a winter? in idaho no any part are you tempted a very small part yeah just to burn firewood you know the thing for me is it's the reduced daylight. Getting dark at 3.30, 4 o'clock, it weighs on you.
Starting point is 00:16:52 Yeah, good point. And in that same sense, I'm telling you, 5 a.m. here is like 7.30 in Santa Cruz. By 3.30 a.m., you can point on the horizon to where the sun's coming. Holy shit. By 4, it's obvious. Wow. Yeah. By 4.30, you can fish, ski, whatever.
Starting point is 00:17:13 It's daylight. Sun's not up, but it's light. So basically, you have 4 a.m. to 10 p.m. every day. That's kind of what it's like. Wow, that's awesome. Jeffrey Birchfield Great question What were you driving?
Starting point is 00:17:29 TRX Look at Someone with the same last name Knows exactly what you drive Yeah isn't that something? Your favorite vehicle Hands down Hands down.
Starting point is 00:17:46 Hands down. No Audi, no Mercedes, no Toyota, no... The Porsche, the Turbo S, all of it. Every time I jump in the TRX. Every time. And no one's seen... It's like the Escalade on the highway, and it's indomitable if I should end up in something less than highway comfortable.
Starting point is 00:18:10 And no one has anything bad to say about this truck? The mileage is something else. You mean like it's eight miles to the gallon? Yes, or whatever it is. I think I'm getting 12, actually. That's not bad. And how many horsepower? 702.
Starting point is 00:18:26 So if you don't want anyone to pass you, no one passes you. You know, it's there if you need it. And just like the off-road capability, and it's extraordinarily comfortable. The ergonomics, the display. I mean, I don't want to sound like a Ram commercial here, but I could do one. I felt similarly about my raptor until this damn thing came out you had two raptors i don't think so no oh you had two you have two trxs we do yeah yeah everyone loved the raptor too it's great. You get your wife a pickup truck, and then, oh, and I got one, too.
Starting point is 00:19:06 Oh, isn't that very nice? I've never even seen Maggie drive hers. She loves it. Yeah. I feel good about her in it. I like the mass. the mass i mean the the kinetics of uh car accidents uh depend heavily on uh on the mass of your vehicle that's a great marketing line for a a vehicle you know volvo used to have all the commercials and it was just all about safety safety safety yeah yeah yeah that's that's a great
Starting point is 00:19:41 campaign for a a car i feel safe with my family in this car. My client and friend, Philippe Kahn, the Silicon Valley legend, he said that that was bullshit about Volvos being safe. He says they just market it as the world's safest car
Starting point is 00:19:59 and within five years it becomes true because of who buys them. Meaning they drive them like pussies yeah you say you say this is the world's safest car and people that are going to go under the speed limit and always sober and everyone's got belts on and using the signals and all that stuff they're're buying them. Wow, I love that. Right? I fucking love that. He says there's not a thing in that car, and he had one. He goes, there's nothing here engineering-wise
Starting point is 00:20:32 that makes it safer than any other car. I'm like, okay. Philippe Kahn, born March 16, 1952. Do you know who else was born on March 16, 1972, 20 years after Philippe Kahn? You. Kind of weird, right? was born on March 16th, 1972, 20 years after Philippe Kahn? Yeah. Yeah. Kind of weird, right? It's weird. You have a lot in common.
Starting point is 00:20:53 He's an engineer, entrepreneur, founder of four technology companies. When I was asking you about the journal, that was one part of the story a couple shows ago. That was one part of the story that didn't come up that I've heard you uh discuss uh at length that he would invite you over to his house on the regular to train him and he and you would just sit downstairs and instead of bitching
Starting point is 00:21:15 that he wouldn't wasn't coming down for five hours you started writing yeah it worked like this. I knew of him and his size. Why? He's big? He's big? Yeah, he's a big man. And he was a luminary in Silicon Valley and Santa Cruz, a superstar. And I had clients that worked for him. I had multiple clients that sailed for him. And I wanted to train him because uh he needed to do something about his his uh his uh size and i kept telling his sailors that uh if something happens to him uh the missus will get rid of the sailing program and you'll be out so you got to get me working with him and one day she called me i I was shocked. It worked, you know. And I thought the sailors weren't saying anything.
Starting point is 00:22:07 But they got her ear. And she called. And I said, I'll start with them tomorrow. And I told her where we were. And she laughed and says, oh, no, you're going to have to come up here. And I said, ma'am, I'm sorry. I don't do house calls. And she says, I'll do it.
Starting point is 00:22:21 What year is this, Greg? Oh, jeez. Roughly. Within five years. 95? 85? 2005? Greg? Oh, geez. Roughly, within five years. 95, 85, 2005? No, no, no. Yeah, 98, 99. Okay. Okay, so the missus says,
Starting point is 00:22:39 hey, you got to come up here, and you're like, you don't do house calls. Yeah, I don't do house calls. Thank you. And she says, I'll double your rate and pay your travel time so i'm making 75 an hour i do the math that's 150 plus the travel there i'm like okay i'll see you tomorrow now here's the problem for me i don't have a car and she's 20 miles away so so 26 years ago you didn't have a car but today you drive a 700 horsepower raptor things have changed yeah yeah and uh so i rented a car and put a rower and barbells and it was like you
Starting point is 00:23:16 know like a like a kia right so i got the windows rolled down a barbell hanging out i mean it's hilarious and drug the shit up to their house and after a week of that she said uh why don't we just buy this stuff so you don't have to lug it up here that's great then i got a motorcycle and i would get there i had a standing 11 o'clock because i could start at five and finish my privates and classes with enough time to get up there 11-ish and that guy would let me wait sometimes until 5 6 7 8 p.m so you're saying that there's times you showed up there at 11 a.m and at 8 p.m you still hadn't seen him uh-huh and i could hear him and there was no cell phone no one would call you and be like hey we're we're running late. No, no.
Starting point is 00:24:05 I'd see all kinds of people coming in out of the house, like the saxophone teacher. I'd hear him playing the sax. I'd hear him walking around upstairs. He might even run down and get some shoes and go do something. And I sat there. They offered to put me inside the house to wait where I could work. And what I did is i fashioned a table and chairs out of uh cases of water bottles costco cases of water bottles and a lot of the journal was written
Starting point is 00:24:34 there um so that would be a thousand dollar day with maybe no, you didn't train them. Right. They paid you $150 an hour. You sat there for nine hours. It was great. So right. In 1997, Philippe Kahn created the first camera phone solution. So he had more money than God. Dude, he's ridden his motorcycle across afghanistan wow he's fluent in a half a dozen languages and i've asked people like you might ask ask
Starting point is 00:25:13 one of the gals is his spanish good and he goes great it's flawless he's french perfect um he's got a phd in mathematics he's an extraordinary human being are you still in touch with him yeah yeah more so the missus you know i mean we're close we always will be i've um i would say that i'm probably uh the rare friend out of the professional folks in his life i mean like look i go to i go to the house one day at 11 o'clock and there's a guy sitting on my water bottles with a suit on right uh-huh and he looks really familiar to me and i'm like you know so i'm he's not talking i'm not talking i just he's bummed he's sitting on my at my desk and uh he's waiting in the garage like everyone would. And later I come to find out that it was,
Starting point is 00:26:07 so Philippe had shown me an article in People Magazine on a sleep expert at Harvard. And asked me what I thought of the article. I go, I don't know, it's like bullshit to me. But anyways, that was the guy. It was the guy from the article. He's sitting there in the garage under water bottles waiting for Philippe.
Starting point is 00:26:28 There's a novel in Waiting for Philippe. the people i've seen waiting for philippe you could wait days oh like your book um uh pictures of um uh mathematics boards there could be a book of pictures of people waiting for philippe yeah for sure for sure did you ever get angry for him did you get angry about that or resent him for that no no i was i realized i was being paid to do that yeah and frankly the the four hours in weight was quite a bit easier than the you know hour of training he pushed back he was a bad client oh yeah he was a challenge he was challenge. That's why we became friends. And if it wasn't for that, do you think that the do you think that that's pivotal that what happened there to the existence of the journal? No, I was kind of committed on that path.
Starting point is 00:27:23 You would have gone somewhere and written it anyway, if you trained him, then you would. Yeah, I was. I was going to that coffee shop near your house Right the ugly mug Yeah the ugly mug And I sat regularly next to a gal who had this What do they call it Glyphomania She was just Writing and talking
Starting point is 00:27:39 Furiously writing Talking but semi-audibly I could catch a word or two talking to herself and writing in a notebook and uh one day after sitting next to her for weeks she went outside to do something i just kind of craned my neck and looked all over and it was just gibberish it was it wasn't even writing it was just circles and swirls and stars and graphomania a pathological impulse to write which may generate into grapherea. Oh, like diarrhea, but grapherea.
Starting point is 00:28:10 Yeah, it was grapherea all over the page. A notebook full of it. Notebooks. The compulsive writing of incoherent and meaningless words. I actually found it comfortable to sit three you know, three feet away from her. To have her between me and the door. In case a shooter came in? Yeah, I don't know. I don't know what it was, but it was like white noise. She was cool. Going back to that Volvo thing, this is, you tell people it's the safest car in the world,
Starting point is 00:28:44 and then people, the safest people in the world get it. People who are concerned about safety and therefore they're the people who wear their seatbelts or the people who drive the proper speed limit. They take the fucking two day driver safety course, all that. You can't, you kind of like, you're like, um, uh, Cupid, you're, you're a matchmaker just by saying that. that that being said there's all these like uh self-help books like to materialize shit and and the way you explained it right there to materialize it there's nothing magical about it it's um it's it's bait but there's this there's this whole world of like you know people say i manifested this you know what i mean like here's some like people say, I manifested this. You know what I mean? Like here's some really rich person saying I manifested this or I already saw it or I already thought of myself. Even when I hear Tyson Bajent talk, there's this – like a level of confidence. I already saw my – I already see myself.
Starting point is 00:29:43 He didn't say it exactly like this, but as being NFL quarterback. It's like this cross between like visualization. Manif manifest, clear, obvious to the eye or mind. I never hear you talk about any of that stuff in the growth of CrossFit. Like here you are telling us that you didn't even have a car in 1997. Did you ever put your – does any of that kind of stuff resonate with you? Like almost fake it until you make it or like – you know, like you see the book, the guy – there's the chicken soup guy says, I drove by this house every single day. I was poor, and I wanted this house, or I saw this house in a magazine, and I cut it out, years later I own the house and it's like a 20 million dollar house you know that was that was never I've never heard you even for you it was just you were just doing stuff putting your head down thinking working on ideas yeah I uh you know you've heard me say this. I'm kind of a process guy more than an endpoint guy. And the goal with 100 affiliates, if you're going to have a goal, and I didn't,
Starting point is 00:30:59 but at the point you have 100, it's not that you envision 15,000. It's that you try to remove every obstacle between where you're at in 15,000. So you're like, I don't, why not? You know, curling that silly thing people do on the ice where you're brushing ahead of the thing that's rolling? Yeah. I think that brushing is to help the path, right? Yeah, I assume, right. I hope it's not nothing.
Starting point is 00:31:23 Right, right. Either make it smooth, either make it move faster or slower. It's affecting the movement, right? Right. Yeah. I know nothing about it. It's odd. But I mean, is it like that? So if someone said, you're going to have 10,000 affiliates one day, I mean, okay. But not your goal, not your like – you didn't picture yourself, okay, here I am sitting on a throne.
Starting point is 00:32:02 It says the word CrossFit behind me, and then it says CEO and none of that shit. Several startups that he sold for 9, 10 figures to Fortune 100 companies. Each company ended up crossing the finish line. That's what he wanted to do, build these things and sell them. Engaged in enterprise that was wildly divergent from the original business plan. And what had happened in each of several instances, may have been three, was that a technical impasse doomed the original intent. And a meeting would be hastily thrown together to decide what the new enterprise was and that's the thing that ended up selling for 10 figures to a fortune 100 is a critical piece
Starting point is 00:33:17 of technology the cell phone thing i don't i should i don't want to speak technical i'll have i'll have eric bodner calling up chewing my ass out for getting the details wrong but uh uh some of them were heroic plays at a new direction that fundamentally worked these hail marys and his line was that had he had better vision he wouldn't have started the companies that he sold. He would have seen the impasse and said, fuck it. And so I recognize that. Again, that's about it.
Starting point is 00:33:53 It's about getting up in the morning and scrubbing the ice so the thing goes the right way, right? The training's like that too. What I'm trying to do in your training is remove the movements I don't like someone told me once that important concept in pedagogy was to sing the praises
Starting point is 00:34:16 and the inference was is that I'm just standing there saying negative shit to 20 people standing around yelling at them and I took it in appreciate that fuck you um you know so i'm like okay what is pedagogy the art of teaching what is pedagogy yeah yeah yeah so yeah i'm left with like i'm glad your pull-ups don't suck as much as
Starting point is 00:34:39 your squats right okay you know good job nice job mean, look, here's what I want. I want you to, if you'll stop doing everything I tell you to quit doing, and I'll show you what to do, and then I'll just tell you what I don't like, we eventually get there. It's kind of an act of sculpting. I'm removing the parts that aren't correct. And if I watch your deadlift and got nothing to say, that's probably because it's perfect. That aren't correct. And if I watch your deadlift. And got nothing to say.
Starting point is 00:35:06 That's probably because it's perfect. I'm going to give you a wow. Pat on the back. Let's go next. The art of the group teaching. Was that my clients. Were happy as fuck. If they didn't get a lot of attention.
Starting point is 00:35:26 That's funny. Because if I'm standing next to you. With with a hand on you and there's 20 people in the room it's not because your deadlift's so fucking nice right we're on we're working the other side of the room um when when uh when kaiser kaiser was making boats in world war i, I think it was World War II, and the war was over, they had a massive hospital plan for whatever their fucking 240,000 employees. And they shut down the boating business, and they turned it into a hospital. Those were their roots. I mean maybe I'm fucking up the story, but I think the spirit of what I'm saying is right. They went from a boating company that had medical policy and facilities on the property to, hey, we don't build boats anymore and we're now a hospital. That's kind of what you're saying. Philippe had that capability.
Starting point is 00:36:16 So he thought, I'm going to build a boating company or I'm going to build an electric car. And you realize, oh, fuck, I'm fucking up. And at some point you're like, hey, we have all this infrastructure. What should we do? And he pivots to building an electric wheelbarrow. That's an adequate analogy. Yeah, crazy. Having kids is kind of like that. You would never have them if someone told you like, hey, there's going to be 300 nights in a row where you're not going to sleep.
Starting point is 00:36:41 You're like, fuck that. I'm not doing that. Yeah. where you're not going to sleep. You're like, fuck that. I'm not doing that. Greg, are you waiting for the Cybertruck? No, Elon owes me a Roadster. Oh, that's right. Yeah. I bought that when we lived in Rancho Santa Fe together. Still no word.
Starting point is 00:37:05 Nope. I told you, I got word up to him, though, through his... through his... the guy that maintains the cabin environment for his SpaceX. Used to. He was the glucose monitoring guy.
Starting point is 00:37:21 But I passed word up to Elon that I wasn't going to take a trip to Mars in lieu of my roadster like i wasn't going to take another product do they have a picture of the roadster that that thing was over 200 miles an hour i don't know yeah yeah whatever i don't know they only have pictures of the old ones i think they were calling it the 2022 in 2020 it's coming gone uh the guy you know who often works the back end here his name is caleb and it's his birthday happy birthday caleb happy birthday. Yeah, good dude.
Starting point is 00:38:09 Did you hear about Elon and Mark Zuckerberg fighting? I did. And I'm going to play this little clip. This is Dana White talking about the subject. Here we go. Is there a possibility this is really going to happen well just to just to give some clarification so what he said is mark zuckerberg responded with send me location which is something that habib merger medoff says when people challenge him so that that was what send me location meant and uh i was talking to both elon and Mark last night. Both guys are absolutely dead serious about this.
Starting point is 00:38:47 Now, tell us why you say that. Because they both said, yeah, we'll do it. They both want to do it. Mark Zuckerberg hit me up first and said, is he serious? And I said, I don't know. Let me ask him. I asked him and he said, yeah, I'm dead serious. You know, obviously, and I agree with you, Harvey,
Starting point is 00:39:07 this would be the biggest fight ever in the history of the world. Bigger than anything that's ever been done. It would break all pay-per-view records. These guys would raise, you know, hundreds of millions of dollars for charity. That's the part that's freaking me out. Why would we want the data has seen a billion dollars in this and is waving around 100 million well that too but why would why would we want the money to go to charity don't we trust i totally am happy with the way elon and mark are going to spend the money i think it helps the economy more if we let them spend it i think
Starting point is 00:39:44 more people are helped if we let them spend it. They're going to give it to some fucking children cancer fund where 98% of the money goes to admin and 2% goes to looking for a cure for cancer where there is no answer. I'm tripping. What do you think about that? My views are probably even more extreme.
Starting point is 00:40:04 I agree. Like, let them spend the money, right? Elon's going to do something that's going to create jobs. Mark's going to do something that creates jobs. Whether you like them or not, they're going to spend the money and create more jobs. I think that the intrigue of those two guys and their personalities
Starting point is 00:40:19 and what we presume to be their kind of political differences, create such a cool tension that doesn't need to be turned into we're the world or some other kind of crap. I mean, next thing I'm going to hear, the money's going to go to help climate change. Right. Hey, I also heard that they're looking at the Coliseum in Rome as the location. Oh, that's hilarious.
Starting point is 00:40:56 Hey, let me tell you how these things end up. You know, look, Stern says that Trump's presidency started with a joke. That he'd announce a candidacy and get ratings for his show. And we ended up with a fucking president that way. Yeah. So, yeah, this could happen. Were they serious? You know, who knows?
Starting point is 00:41:23 They might end up serious. who would win that's the thing that's the part that's the thing um suckabird is a scrawny little guy right i don't know if he is any i don't know if he is anymore i don't i don't he's he's been training a lot there's a lot of footage of him popping up trains with my he trains with a friend of mine that's right yeah that's right the same guy who changed who trained john wick dave dave camarillo was one of my favorite clients of all time yeah go ahead an extraordinary character why do you say that what about him he's highly intelligent thoughtful um you know you're explaining something to a room full of people and dave's the one looking you right in the eyes quick learner great athlete
Starting point is 00:42:27 where did you train him uh greg where yeah in santa cruz at this at the at the um circled what was the uh yeah yeah research park wow so he was there with So he was there with the whole crew, the Dave, the Nicole, the Conan, the BJ Penn. Okay. With Crazy Bob Cook, Garth Taylor. You know, you can't. Who was the fourth degree black belt who was up at your house the other day? Mike Weaver. Mike Weaver.
Starting point is 00:43:02 Him too? Yep. Weaver was in that crew uh hackleman came around on the regular yeah we had we had more martial arts and more olympic class sailing in that little in that 2 000 square feet in Santa Cruz than could be found almost anywhere in the world.
Starting point is 00:43:29 It's, man, what a, what a testament to CrossFit and your coaching that people like this were coming to you
Starting point is 00:43:37 and allowing you to, to train them, asking you, begging you. Scotty and Gumby and Beyond the Mat, on the mat guys yeah they were regulars the san jose the san the proximity of san jose was was key
Starting point is 00:43:56 because all of half gracie's folks were coming down but i knew bj before he got his purple belt. He spent 14 months away from home to train Keanu Reeves for John Wick. John Wick 4. Crazy. Does he look the same? Do you recognize him? Camarillo?
Starting point is 00:44:20 Yeah. Shit, man. Shit, man. That's crazy. So that gives Zuck an edge. Well, we don't know who Elon's been training with, right? Maybe Elon's been over there with Gordon Ryan for three years and not telling anyone. Could be. I didn't even know elon what was it was it gonna be an mma kind of deal that's a good question i don't know is it i see susan nodding his head
Starting point is 00:44:53 yeah and i and and uh uh mark has been posting pictures of striking and shit too and so what's your instructions for for uh elon just run through them Just fuck him up like a cement truck hitting a Kia. Yeah, hold him down. And I think it's pretty clear that Elon's got juiced up. I think I've seen some photos of his jaw and shit. I'm not demeaning it in any way, but
Starting point is 00:45:18 he's definitely put some effort into putting on mass. Hey, when you were saying that they come from different political parties, I think I've been seeing videos of Zuckerberg basically now coming out and saying, hey, we fucked up. Hey, we fucked up. We were suppressing the truth for two years. We were limiting ideas that were allowed to be expressed. ideas that were allowed to be expressed he speaks in such measured tones and the essence of what he's saying you you damn near have to infer from his delivery
Starting point is 00:45:57 and it all reminds me of a hostage video i i i don't think he's a... Look, he's made it clear he didn't relish, didn't want to be the job, have the job of the censor. And the pushback from the left was immediate and profound. They'd have had his head.
Starting point is 00:46:20 They'd hate him like they hate Elon. No, he had no choice in but to cooperate with the censorship culture he was bullied into it you think he knew all along and still went along with it i think that when he said he didn't want to have that role, I believed him. I understood. No one should. No decent person should want to be the arbiter. Let me, I'll be the guy.
Starting point is 00:46:51 I'll tell you if it's what's true and isn't, you know? Right. No committee should have that responsibility. No individual should. Elon is now training with George St. Pierre. He better be. I'd rather train with Dave.
Starting point is 00:47:17 Dave Camarillo. You know, I was encouraging you to have your boys watch the Camarillo videos. We talked to Dave recently. Right, right, right. Months ago, before any of this shit popped up. Yeah, months ago, yeah. Yep, yep. And I would encourage anyone to do that. The level of his instruction reminds me of other masters of instruction.
Starting point is 00:47:44 He is an extraordinary communicator. And there are legendary coaches that are not good communicators. Boy, I've got some great examples for you. Before you talk, I want to hear some examples. These are the videos. You're saying go to YouTube, type in Dave Camarillo, and sit down with your kids and watch some of these instructional videos. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:10 Okay. Okay, give me some examples of coaches who can't teach. I can't do it. I can't do that. Too offensive? Because they're good coaches. They're good coaches. They just –
Starting point is 00:48:21 Okay. Okay. What you have to do as an athlete, you want to make your coach happy, right? And so even though the guy's Hungarian and you have no idea what he's saying, when he picks you up and hugs you and spins you around the room
Starting point is 00:48:37 and is patting you on the head and laughing, it was good, right? You know, too. And when he kicks the chalk bucket and is furious, that probably wasn't what he was looking for. And you eventually learn to read those kinds of things
Starting point is 00:48:52 until you can make it work. I can't do that. Is it people in the CrossFit space that you work closely with? Dear friends. Yes. You hang out long enough and you realize, man, this is a really good coaching. The words coming out of them aren't conducive to anything.
Starting point is 00:49:22 Okay. Yeah. I don't want you to say his name either. Or hers. Or hers. Yeah, that's what i meant or it's it's it's name hey um we were louis simmons was there's why because louis okay he's dead we can talk about him you know yeah me and louis i never understood a fucking thing he said right and i'd ask ripito what'd he say and he'd tell me something i'd ask someone else and they'd tell me different things and yet what like 90 of the thousand pound squats came out of his gym i'm sure there was other talents that came to bear there but
Starting point is 00:49:59 i love that guy when did you first meet him? I forget. I forget. Was it a cross? It was up and up and running. Oh yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:15 We made him a subject matter expert. It was an easy, it was an easy reach out. That's right. Look at Christian Kettler says, come on, Greg dish, the dirt. No one's right. Look at Christian Kettler says, come on, Greg, dish the dirt. No one's listening. It's a safe space, Greg.
Starting point is 00:50:31 It's a safe space. Look, I go out of my way not to be mean. Hey, I held up an example of the worst fucking overhead squad I'd ever seen. I got it offline. And I included it in a journal article. And my client comes in the morning and it's from Flagstaff. Lisa Ray. Yes.
Starting point is 00:51:04 She comes in and she's got the journal article printed out and she's oh my god this is one of my best friends and he called me and you're like the whole world's seeing this thing oh shit
Starting point is 00:51:20 he just felt like an internet it was a guy that put up an overhead squad on the internet and it was fucking horrible look at Matt digging look at Matt digging not that article no and what happened
Starting point is 00:51:43 did Lisa Ray ever call you and be like Greg that's one of my clients sorry no you know what's funny I did it again to someone else that she was close to on an unrelated subject it may have been nutrition we'll let her share that but it was like damn I'm so sorry
Starting point is 00:52:03 but there's real people out there. Chase Ingram, I love the CrossFit Journal. Thank you. I can't believe that someone, none of the new owners have brought that back yet. It fits perfectly into their business model. Subscription, content, feed. It's mind-boggling to me. Do you or anyone have a sense of a kind of a devolution of fitness right now?
Starting point is 00:52:42 Are you – is anyone surprised at some of the articles that are coming out coming up uh is everyone ready for for me like back to carbs and the lateral raises uh-huh you're probably not going to like my character characterization of it, but it seems like that there was a, a big movement one way and not the, and that maybe it's, it's, it's like, like we ran to one end of the boat and the boat did this. And now it's kind of maybe leveling out a little bit. Like I think a lot of CrossFitters are, are probably good. They've been around long enough now to where they're going back to some of their old habits.
Starting point is 00:53:26 For sure. For sure. What are you seeing? I'm seeing a resurgence of low fat, uh, isolation movement, lower intensity. Almost like propaganda from the food industry. I'm seeing articles in the, in the, uh, not that I'm reading them, but I'm seeing articles on nutrition in what would be mainstream for the fitness world where you see there's a credit given to the facts checked by a registered dietitian.
Starting point is 00:54:21 Oh. You know, Tony, I typed in low fat into Google just now. And there's not a news button. There's images, there's foods, there's, Oh, there's no bad news. There we go. Wherever you're going, you better believe American express will be right there with you. Heading for adventure. We'll help you breeze through security. Meeting friends a world away?
Starting point is 00:54:48 You can use your travel credit. Squeezing every drop out of the last day? How about a 4 p.m. late checkout? Just need a nice place to settle in? Enjoy your room upgrade. Wherever you go, we'll go together. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamx.
Starting point is 00:55:06 Benefits vary by card. Terms apply. Well, this is good news. The very first thing that comes up is truthful yet misleading package. Consumers falsely believe that low-fat means less sugar. Oh, but then the second thing is a high-carb, low-fat diet, a complete guide for beginners. My goodness. U.S. health news, low-fat diet, a complete guide for beginners. My goodness.
Starting point is 00:55:29 U.S. Health News low-fat, low-carb diet compatibility. What do you think is happening? Do you have a hypothesis or thoughts on what's happening? The powers that be are doing a better job at selling snicker bars again? Yeah. Yeah, fundamentally. Let me ask you this question. Do you think that CrossFit has shrunk in size? Do you think that there's probably –
Starting point is 00:56:02 do you think that there are fewer gyms now than there have been in the last five years there are fewer crossfitters do you think that there's a contraction it's so hard to tell because the economy is contracting everywhere right i mean fucking san francisco is basically shutting down and so i can't tell if it's crossfit or if it's just the whole world is kind of going through a contraction i don't have a i don't have a i don't have a clear sense of that but but you see but you appreciate that observation do you agree with that observation yeah yeah okay fair fair enough yeah me uh me neither uh greg is aspartame preferable to sugar what is it that's the stuff that's in diet coke versus just regular coke the Greg, is aspartame preferable to sugar? What is it?
Starting point is 00:56:50 That's the stuff that's in Diet Coke versus just regular Coke, the shit that's in regular Coke? I would have to give that a qualified yes. But we might have trouble with the dosing, right? You know, at what doses. But I got to tell the story of being at the Jack in the Box with Yusef just yesterday. It was Manhattan Beach, right? Manhattan Beach. And there was a guy that was, gal having trouble.
Starting point is 00:57:23 I don't remember if it was a guy or gal, but having trouble working the soda machine, the computerized Coke machine. And couldn't get ice, couldn't get liquid. Just frustrated. Guy about as big as the machine. And I stopped and went over and asked him if I could help. And he's, yeah. And I said, what are you trying to get?
Starting point is 00:57:44 He wants Coke. And I said, well, first we get he wants coke and i said well first we get ice i go but that shit's gonna give you diabetes and what do you say sev i already have it yeah quickly you're like uh ma'am that's gonna give you diabetes and i already have it i only drink two of these a day now. Shit like that. It was funny, sad, but funny. I was like. And to make this story weird, what happened about a year later?
Starting point is 00:58:13 The same machine. Same thing. Identical. Yeah. Different person. Different. What's funny is I can't remember which one, if they were boys or girls either. That's how large they were. They had lost their whatever defines us our sex yeah sex is the term
Starting point is 00:58:30 my my what my uh my there was a there was one time uh we were trying to get into the crossfit games you and i through the back door and i i swear to god this is no exaggeration there was a security guard there that was it was over 400 pounds his shirt was so large that it was no longer a shirt it was it was basically a sheet with a hole in it maybe he was 500 pounds and he's standing there and he's against the chain link fence and he's telling you and i we can't get in we've ridden our bikes there but like a few days before the main event and while they're calling security over to get you vetted you're fucking like you're 10 minutes into a conversation with him trying to get him into a crossfit gym dude i have something for you do you remember that he's pouring sweat at 7 30 in
Starting point is 00:59:17 the morning he's he was like one of the biggest men i've ever seen like that's not like in a bed if that doesn't stimulate you as a trainer, it's no different than the rush Michelangelo must have gotten out of seeing the right chunk of marble. Right? Are you in the wrong? Wow. Wow. So you're a graffiti artist and you're driving by with your mom in the wrong – wow, wow. So you're a graffiti artist, and you're driving by with your mom in the car, and you see a fucking building that's gone up, and it's five stories of just – with stairs along it where you can paint your masterpiece.
Starting point is 00:59:55 And if you don't fucking go home and wash your face mask and start getting the fucking cans ready, you're not a real graffiti artist. That's what you're saying? You're saying if you see a fat motherfucker and you don't want to go over to him and be like okay here we go that you're not really a trainer is it like that absolutely i'll make him so his fucking mom doesn't recognize him i'll make him so his mom doesn't recognize him holy shit make make his uncle cry, alter his landscape in ways that I will never understand. Holy shit.
Starting point is 01:00:35 That's funny. I never thought of it like that. What do you want? You want to start with froning and do what? If you see a fat person and you're not stimulated by that, if you don't see – it's like being a kid who's like – you claim you're the best tree climber in your neighborhood. Every tree is – I don't know if you remember what my intro line was, but it's this. I can help you. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:00:59 I've heard you say this one. I have something for you. Yeah, I got something that would help you. Yeah. And they're never like that would help you. Yeah. And they're never like, what are you talking about? They know. They know. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:01:12 They know. Seema boobs. Those are actually her boobs I heard too. Someone in the chat told me. I do have to credit Greg, though. What do you mean, though? Why can't you just say I do have to credit greg for saving my back what did he stand behind you and hold your boobs up like what do you mean he saved your back i lost weight and did crossfit
Starting point is 01:01:32 and didn't have to have my surgery oh i hope it wasn't breast reduction i'll leave all of that alone. It's funny. Okay, good. Yeah, what is that, though? She was just talking shit about me, huh? I don't know. I don't think so. She's not a hater normally. Let me see.
Starting point is 01:01:52 It's funny. Oh, okay. Here we go. I think there's a lowering of intensity in the name of not blowing out your adrenals and not messing up hormones. Okay. Like all horseshit on that. What do you say? That's my instinct. Frederick Rossi Mori.
Starting point is 01:02:15 CrossFit is no longer the revolution that Coach Glassman created, so now we are back with the fact that regardless of how you move your body, you're going to get healthier. We need Greg back ASAPap there is this thing um you know it's in my own little world that i if you don't go to an affiliate it's really hard to do the intensity piece and that every and that you can get really lazy really quick not doing the intensity piece and like you've said that's really where the magic is i mean if you don't do the intensity you're not you're it's just it's not crossfit
Starting point is 01:02:48 just straight up uh allison nyc no uh sema boobs loves you greg oh all right boob standing up for boobs boobs boob defense good morning miss allison holy shit big and flexi uh crossfit saved my morbidity morbidly obese ass i'm down 165 pounds katie says i told her she was morbidly obese grandma katie yeah recently she told you that yeah but she is well see i told her i did not she goes you most certainly did say okay sorry but yeah but she is she is she's she she i've seen her where she she has to she's pushing 400 pounds where she when she walks, she has to like go to targets. That's how fat she's been.
Starting point is 01:03:49 So it's a by the way, this is a really good friend of mine and Greg's. I met her through Greg and. You've been nothing but great to her, by the way, you've been fucking an immensely positive force in her life, but I really like hanging with her. She's a cool girl. Yeah, she's a friend and she's smart she is she's she's very clever oh greg is gonna love this anthony yabarbo uh often uh not spoken about a lot but greg used to speak about it a lot crossfit save my skinny ass i'm up 70 pounds you used to speak about that a lot about basically you've saved as many fat people
Starting point is 01:04:25 as you have anorexics. I mean, you wouldn't speak about it in that braggadocious manner, but just the efficacy or the qualities that CrossFit brings out in people. You know, my stepmother asked my sister Kathy if she would talk to her daughter about her eating disorder. And Kathy's like, well, what am I going to say?
Starting point is 01:04:52 Because I don't, you know, say something to her, please. So Kathy walks into the room and says, eat, bitch. Oh, shit. Oh, shit. Oh, shit. When I think of your stepmother, I could definitely see where her daughter's probably got their eating disorder. Your stepmother is probably one of the smallest, most petite human beings I've ever seen.
Starting point is 01:05:20 80 pounds. If you look at fran and you take a take a nice distribution of folks all all types first of all you're going to scale it for some right of course right but even outside of the scaling the stimulus is going to be is going to be something very different for a power lifter than it would for someone skinny. What do you mean by that? The stimulus is going to be different? It's how it affects. Well, if you're a marathoner, Fran isan is rx is gonna make you a whole lot stronger
Starting point is 01:06:08 okay if you're a power lifter i don't think we're gonna see you get stronger not in any kind of you know absolute sense but the uh the cardiorespiratory component will be significant. You remember the kid that took the 50-pound dumbbells to do Fran? At a level one? Yeah. Yeah. Let me use these.
Starting point is 01:06:41 Ended up with... It was hilarious. A dowel, right? His strength abandoned him. Yes. Dick Butter, I love my 12-minute scale, Fran. We had a guy at SQT, Dave was the master chief at the SEAL qualification training phase at Bud's.
Starting point is 01:07:09 And for a pretty good period, every newly minted SEAL prior to getting a Trident became a level one trainer. And so we were baked into the curriculum. and uh i had a kid ask me once young young about to become a seal ask uh how fit can you get in a workout that takes you 10 it only takes 10 minutes that's what he did it was a 10 minute gap and he got a cat thinker maybe so i asked him how long did it take you and he says 10 minutes and i go i can answer your question five times fitter than you are meaning the two minute frame right right we don't even have to guesstimate here quantify this shit it got it got a pretty good round of approval I mean that was well understood
Starting point is 01:08:06 dude it's so fucking obvious hey it's not you used to have to it used to be part of the SEAL training to take the two day level one course and it's not anymore and it's not anymore boy there's a story
Starting point is 01:08:22 to tell behind all of that can you tell that I of that Can you tell that I can't Can you tell me why you can't tell it Do I know the story It involves two Two team guys Both of them extremely well known
Starting point is 01:08:43 And Both of them extremely well-known, and the dispute they had with one another that spilled over into my camp. Something political? into my camp. Something political? It all boiled down to a dispute on operations. On an operational issue. Like out in the theater?
Starting point is 01:09:22 Yes. And somehow ended up being like well fuck you we're not doing crossfit anymore even though it's not related i was called and asked how it was i could associate with this one fellow and i said he's pretty senior in your organization. How is this my problem? Right. And it was brought to be my problem. Josh.
Starting point is 01:09:55 Still friends with the guy, by the way. Oh, you are? Yeah. Both of them? Yeah, I'm not not gonna sacrifice a friend the the the the one that i wasn't willing to burn um wasn't a friend but but an associate well known to me and to everyone right okay now now i'm starting to remember the story Right. Okay. Now, now I'm starting to remember the story.
Starting point is 01:10:30 I was, I was put in a, I was put in a quandary. Let me read through some of these tankeries. Ozemvik is like the Viagra for fat asses these days. Are you familiar with this Ozemvik thing that's going on? Yeah, yeah, yeah. My kids sing the commercials. Jake Chapman, we got my mother-in-law. We got my mother-in-law. By the way, Viagra is a recreational drug. Ozempic is a weight loss drug.
Starting point is 01:10:59 Viagra is not. Viagra is a recreational. I have some interesting thoughts about Viagra. It's just another recreational drug Jake Chapman we got my mother-in-law into CrossFit by the way no one get it all twisted and think I take it I don't, I have taken it
Starting point is 01:11:14 but it's I don't like the way it makes me feel Jake Chapman we got my mother-in-law into CrossFit in 2018 she qualified for the 65 plus games this year wow, crazy. Congrats. Jeremy, let me ask you this.
Starting point is 01:11:30 Do you think old people should be in the CrossFit games? Part of me thinks it's just too dangerous. Like, why really? You're going to push that hard? Am I just being a pussy? Like, you're going to blow out a tendon or something. What are you doing? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:11:51 Yeah, I don't have an easy answer for that. Yeah, okay. Did I miss how Greg feels about Dave's new role? I don't think we talked about that. What? That he's clawed his way back to where i had him almost hey claude is better than slithered i mean they tried executing the guy and so they put him back in training and then back at the
Starting point is 01:12:22 games and yeah of course oh you think you should. Do you think you should be CEO, Greg? Honest to God, my hesitation here is I'm not holding anything back. I don't have an opinion on that. Okay. back i don't have a i don't have an opinion on that okay but uh i i'll be i'll be you know if anyone's wondering what the relationship with dave and i is dave's my friend yeah and no one should ever doubt that for even a second and uh i'm a rabidly loyal to friends. And with Dave, it's easy because his loyalty and integrity extend past his friendships. It's an easy man to befriend. This is no disrespect to Don.
Starting point is 01:13:22 Kudos to Don. I'm sure he's busting his ass. I'm sure he's going to do a great job, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, whatever. But just go back. You sell the company. And then for me, like to not put Dave in charge right away seems absolutely nuts to me just because of his proximity to you, what he knows, and his command of the ship. I just personally think it's – to this day, I still don't get it. And I don't know any shortcomings that they could possibly be aware of that wouldn't have made him just epic other than the fact that maybe he just doesn't talk their bullshit.
Starting point is 01:13:56 And, dude, they talk some bullshit. Yeah, look. Corporate bullshit. They purchased something that they thought was just another business. Right. There was some excitement about it because of the product line, you know, and the culture and all that. But they were convinced that it's just another business. And imagine building a high-rise apartment building and then selling it to the state as their brand new power motor vehicles.
Starting point is 01:14:31 It's going to be a little operational, a little weird, right? Right, right, right. And, uh, the, the, uh, the focus that's the fiduciary obligation of the people that run the thing to maximize the return on the investment will run counter to the cultural pillars that were the whole thing, as far as I was concerned for what I see it as. And so this attempt to, cause I mean, how do you, you know, what are those cultural pillars?
Starting point is 01:15:15 And does that, does that go back to the beginning of the podcast? When we first started talking, does that have some kind of connect to the beginning of the podcast about staying out of the way? Yes. It's the least rents notion again. Which is what?
Starting point is 01:15:32 Well, what we were doing is we were fueling a revolution in fitness. And instrumental to that spread was the opportunity to transform people's lives in a breathtaking manner and be compensated handsomely for doing so. To earn a living of a dentist in a small town, transforming people's lives in an old way that a dentist ever could, and acquiring the skills for for that the first step in a weekend and having a mothership that provided what legislation right validation litigation education education Education. And weren't weren't thinking of you selling CrossFit jump ropes, CrossFit fish oil, CrossFit dumbbells. Those things will be irresistible.
Starting point is 01:16:42 What is before I before I do this, what's wrong with that? Why not do that? Why not do that? Why, why not? I'm not going to attach some moral to it. It's just, it's not, it's not what I was, it's not what I was running. It's not what I own. It's not what I built.
Starting point is 01:16:56 Okay. Okay. Okay. And so, and so then someone who bought it, so it's basically, I'm sure you've done this before you buy a bike and you think you're going to attach some basket to it and the bike doesn't work like if you're about like a really nice electric bike and you do something to it and fucked it up and you're like what did i do or you switch the handlebars and you're like fuck i fucked something up amazon offered to make me a fish oil billionaire uh-huh they could talk about everything except fish oil.
Starting point is 01:17:28 Explain, explain. You lost me. Well, it was going to be the world's best fish oil because it had my fucking name on it. That's not good enough for me. Right. So we meet with the Nordic Naturals, but will it be the same stuff we're selling? Except it'll be called CrossFit.
Starting point is 01:17:41 Right. And my thinking is if it says crossfit it's got to be better than any other fish oil right you didn't want to spend any you should talk about not spending the brand equity that's right don't spend the brand equity brand the brand was so strong because the training was so good right now if've got a fish oil that works like Viagra, maybe we'll call that some CrossFit fish oil or something. But I don't want to take the stuff in the Nordic Naturals bottle and put a CrossFit label on it and jack up the price
Starting point is 01:18:16 and be proud of anything I've done. I don't think I'm bizarre that way. Bizarre may not be the right word. Call up the people at Ferrari with a stupid fucking idea. You'll come right up against how much pride they have in that product. You remember the stories we used to hear from Bruce Edwards about people trying to lure in and out? Lure in and out of what?
Starting point is 01:18:58 Into selling deals. They'd show up with all kinds of stuff. Leather- bound game plans they ended up with a leather bound take you out to lunch rejection thing so they'd beg to meet with their senior execs and they'd push something their way and they'd give you their rejection without even seeing what they gave you. Also formally done and polite and nice. Right. I want to get through some of these.
Starting point is 01:19:35 Jason Ackerman, Coach Glassman, changed my life. I'm forever grateful to him. Much love, Greg. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Jason. Jason's a friend. Josh Lehrman, didreg ever think he would see an under two minute fran wasn't surprised by it um uh my my is that really your body
Starting point is 01:19:58 is that for real? Sorry. My mom is morbidly obese, used to be super fit. She was just told she's a diabetic. She's excited about going on Ozempic. It absolutely kills me, but she refuses to take accountability. I was talking about this person's body on the show a couple days ago. Now everyone knows exactly what I'm talking about this person's body on the show a couple days ago. Now everyone knows exactly what I'm talking about.
Starting point is 01:20:30 Okay, here we go. Heidi Kroom. Parenting advice, please. My kid loves to do ballet and rock climbing independently, but has no interest in classes. She's four and a half years old. Should I encourage classes or just keep doing stuff alone? She's four and a half years old.
Starting point is 01:20:43 Should I encourage classes or just keep doing stuff alone? What would your answer be to that? Yeah, I would encourage both. That's exactly right. Exactly. But I would encourage classes. And how I would encourage classes is, and this is, I've told the story a million times, but my kid didn't want to do jiu-jitsu. And so I just took them to the class, and this was – it was fucking a long trek, half hour there, hour drive home in traffic.
Starting point is 01:21:12 And for the first three months, it was literally three days a week. I drove there, and I would just put the gi on obby and tell them, you don't have to do the class. You just have to sit on the mat in base position. And after fucking three months, he started doing it. And now he fucking – you know my i'm obsessed with it my kids do martial arts six days a week for the last three years and he loves it and he loves it i've got one that doesn't want to do tournaments because the the loss creates a devastation that he just can't he just can't cope with yeah i got one of those
Starting point is 01:21:42 and i've got another one who so relishes the opportunity to kick someone's ass she's willing to get beat up to have that opportunity to kick someone's ass right right and so take four l's for one w you yeah you got it you got it you got to get your ass beaten to get to beat someone's ass but she she goes to tournaments and uh and they've not had people in her weight or age so she fights the bigger kids and loses and goes home with the medal so she pulls she pulls wins out of losses by having to fight at a level that makes no sense what do you what do you do with the like for me i i've signed one of my kids up for nine tournaments and they've done one and each each time it's like throwing away three hundred dollars but i don't even care i
Starting point is 01:22:28 don't even care like i just take him up there he starts crying he hugs me i give him a kiss on the head i walk him to the mat and then finally when he's like i'm not gonna do it i said okay tell the judge you're not gonna do it and he tells the judge hey i'm not gonna do it and then we leave and i just assumed that i don't i don't yell at him i don't um but he gets to see all the other kids go home with the medals and i I know it hurts him a little bit. But it's just in due time, right? The kids are so different. I've got nine kids, eight of them involved in jiu-jitsu.
Starting point is 01:22:58 Yeah. And all at such different levels. But when you say involved, your eight kids are really involved. Well, like one won the Pan Am Games and another one gets drugged to tournaments and they let him know when he has to go out there and fight. Right. But I mean, they're practitioners.
Starting point is 01:23:16 They're not dabbling. They're practitioners. Their interest ranges from mild to obsessed. Right. And I don't think that had anything to obsessed. Right. And that I don't think that had anything to do with parenting. But but but when the one who's even mild, they're all going to thank you, I think I do. And I don't think that has to do with parenting. Right. They're all going to thank you in 10 years and be like, hey, thanks for making me do that.
Starting point is 01:23:43 My gymnastics meets were three in the afternoon anywhere in the city, and none of the gymnast parents were there. Yeah, yeah. Well, I take my kids to tennis lessons, and I'm the only parent there usually, and the tennis coach has been like, dude, leave. I'm like, no. And he's like, it's not good for your kids. I'm like, I don't care. fuck you explain to him i'm not doing it for him yeah i'm i had him to watch so i could watch him move leave me alone yeah uh let let her be active oh no uh sorry vindicate said something uh here that i want to just contextualize
Starting point is 01:24:21 uh what did you say uh seven didn't you just rant the other day about the fucking danger? It's the games. It's different when you're 65. Please don't take it out of context, Mr. Vindicate. By the way, get your CEO shirts at For me, there's no value in getting hurt. None. I'm interested in zero risk.
Starting point is 01:24:41 My whole life is about being able to finish my podcast, walk over, kiss my kids, get in my van and drive around with my kids all day and then be able to sit down for two hours at dinner with Greg and have fun and laugh and chop wood in Greg's front yard like we do. for injury for me personally but i but at 18 i would have taken the risk but not now i got other shit it's it's complicated you're sitting on the couch doing nothing um and eating the wrong foods you're morbidly obese sedentary there's there's really no way out that doesn't short-term increase your risks. I mean, I can conjure up a plan by where we're going to stay on the couch and eat right for a while and, you know, perhaps, but I recognize in saying that I want you to go out to the mailbox and come back because you haven't in three years, I recognize in that prescription that I've short-term increased the risk of something horrible happening. That's the orthopedic, cardiovascular risk, or improving your
Starting point is 01:26:02 cardiovascular capacity puts you at orthopedic risk i heard you say that both both are both are a risk yeah both are a risk um to to walk with someone up a short flight of stairs and come back down and see that it takes them 20 minutes to recover, that ought to scare you. We saw in the studies on, this is some of my father's work as chief scientist at CrossFit, at CrossFit. The literature on sudden death in young athletes showed that the intense exercise was a risk and being fit diminished the risk.
Starting point is 01:27:01 And this is for congenital heart issues, that fitness reduced the risk of sudden death, and exercise was one of the causes. It's a no-brainer, right? it's a no-brainer right you know this was the inspiration in part for that low trajectory on a distant horizon don't tell me about increasing your deadlift by 25 fucking pounds i don't like that at 65 pounds and i don't like that at 65 pounds, and I don't like it at 500. Right? In a single effort today.
Starting point is 01:27:52 I added 25 pounds to my deadlift. I'm going to tell you, you shouldn't have. there's a difference between doing cleans at 51 years old with, you know, sets of five or sets of 10 or doing a CrossFit workout with them or working on them versus going for a PR with a thick bar. Right. And it's like, I just did 65 or 51. I just, my priorities aren't, I have no desire for that. I think at some point, like, why would you do the CrossFit games at 65 or 51 i just i my priorities aren't i have no desire for that i think at some point like why would you do the crossfit games at 65 the i i think as you get older there's significant risks to injury that you will not heal from the the for sure the the level of performance of a games athlete is far outside of a useful training stimulus. Meaning the dude with the three-minute Fran isn't going to significantly – or the dude with the two-minute Fran isn't going to significantly –
Starting point is 01:29:01 I'm saying the guys and gals at the games aren't the fittest in their lives the week after. Right, right. They peak at a level that is non-sustainable, and they output at a level that's a detraining stimulus. It's a detraining stimulus. And also in real-world application, the firefighter who has a two-minute fran isn't going to save more lives than the firefighter who has a four-minute fran. I don't know. I don't know. I may be that I want him or her to perform past the training – past the positive training stimulus. I think your example is exactly wrong. Oh, really?
Starting point is 01:29:51 That might be the place where, where it makes the difference. These are the people we might call upon to sacrifice themselves. Fuck it. At that point. It's like, I think I've heard you explain this before too. Once you've reached that level, the glass ceiling ceiling is like you're pushed up against the ceiling there's your growth in five years might be that of what someone makes in one day who's let me what the games athletes do after the games lick their wounds get back to get back to training? I don't know, a week after? I think most of them have a pathological addiction.
Starting point is 01:30:32 It's an interesting crowd. Sarah Cox, thank you. We can tell this. We had a standing deal. Don't put me at the athlete's table. Remember that? Yeah, yeah, yeah. put me at the athlete's table. Remember that?
Starting point is 01:30:44 Yeah, yeah, yeah. Keith Knapp brunch, and it wasn't, I don't know if they can start back. Keith Knapp brunch making time. Can't listen as closely for the rest, but thanks for this. You're very welcome, Keith. Do you know Keith Knapp, Greg? Name sounds familiar. He's the director of marketing for CrossFit.
Starting point is 01:31:08 Is that right? Yeah. He was on a podcast a couple days ago, and I said in the – I think that this podcast that he was on is brand diminishing, meaning like I don't think anyone – I think everyone who goes on this podcast, people like them less. Like, I don't understand why anyone goes on that podcast.
Starting point is 01:31:30 And so I found it very odd that he went on that podcast as the director of marketing. I'm like, why would you like why would you go do something that would diminish your brand? It was it was a trip. It trips me out. You're not a bad dude or anything i mean i don't know i don't know but i was just tripping on it anyway hey i didn't get to any of my notes today yeah so he's the marketing guy for crossfit what is that what's the marketing guy do i don't think anything i don't think anything right now I don't think that I think he's like a a woodworking man I think he's like a carpenter with no tools
Starting point is 01:32:12 like I don't think CrossFit in its current state has any tools for him even to apply do you know what I mean so it's like imagine if you had a basketball team but no ball and no court I think I don't know this for sure but i think crossfit is in a place financially and um with their the employees that they have left on
Starting point is 01:32:30 staff where you have a guy who's like ready maybe to give orders on how to sell more memberships but he doesn't have the tools to do it that that's personally where what from my purview what i think the position that dude's in right now i went to do a seminar for 50 guys that had no gear tell me i i have to go i have to go to tennis that's a great uh got on an airplane to get out there and do it for the department of justice this look at oh shit uh um okay wow i uh i someone just text me uh uh interior designer who you know and they said hey the backlight is not working um let me fix it tell me what you need to do and i'll get the proper space for greg look at that just fucking here's the thing it is i'm okay with it i would have oriented myself differently but it looks like
Starting point is 01:33:29 a like a like a mayflower van line truck in here oh just because you just got there a couple days ago yeah the migration you know yeah you've just arrived and i mean imagine this caravan. We've got a bearded dragon and a parrot and two cats, fucking three dogs, four kids, bicycles and toys. I'm planning on, and you make a call to one of your caretakers, but I'm planning on coming up any day now. Good. Yeah. I'm going to make the drive.
Starting point is 01:34:10 I'm going to rent a car and load up the family and be up there. How dare you? Yeah, I'm excited. I'm doing it. Oh, good question. Last question. Does Greg have chimineas there? Phillip Kelly, who got to hang out at your place in Larkin Valley with all the chimineas.
Starting point is 01:34:27 Hey, Phil. You know, not here. And we've been discussing it. How do you not have a chiminea? That is signature Greg shit. I know. You know, the thing is, is we beat it before it gets cold. And too many trees there?
Starting point is 01:34:42 Can you light an outdoor fire there? Is that dangerous? Yeah, we could. It could be done. I mean you're in a straight-up forest that sits on a lake. Correct? That's exactly what it is. That's exactly what it is. Yeah. All right, brother. Hey, thank you. Topics for – maybe come on sooner than a week.
Starting point is 01:35:03 I wanted to talk about being liberal isn't a rational intellectual destination. You started talking to me about that last time we had lunch together, and I think that's a potent topic. I want to talk about this political correctness, the origins of that, and a couple other things. Yeah, the cost of political correctness. It was the bridge to insanity. So fun thing to talk about. All right. But we watched it go down.
Starting point is 01:35:30 We all watched it happen. Okay. I'm also available tomorrow if you want to come back on tomorrow, but I'll give you a call later on today as I rush off to tennis now. Perfect. Thank you. I'm around. All right, brother. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:35:40 Talk to you soon. All right. Thank you. Bye, everyone. Bye. Ladies and gentlemen, Greg Glassman. Chill show. Relax show.
Starting point is 01:35:49 A lot of good stuff. Yeah? Yeah. Don't abuse Greg once a week. It is enough. Don't push it. All right. Maybe we get him like Monday or on the 4th or something because those days were hard to fill.
Starting point is 01:36:01 I love you guys. Bye-bye. I can't wait to meet you, Greg. Bruce Wayne. Yeah. Okay. Did you see Sleeky's? so this isn't sleekies ass this is nikki minaj's ass yeah i saw the microphone and then when you pulled it up babe at first i was like holy shit um incredible i don't know if you heard the bit i did on Sleeky's butt last night it was maybe a little over
Starting point is 01:36:26 the top oh shit oh shit oh shit not on I didn't mean it like that oh you get in trouble now I meant to say handler yeah shit fuck
Starting point is 01:36:44 oh man look at you it hasn't even been one minute and the show's done you're in trouble i didn't i didn't mind his back lit but i'm kind of it probably was driving jay crazy it absolutely would be driving jay crazy are you kidding me what if we just got a light that front lit him i don't know i think there's too much light coming in because the sunrise is like it's really sharp it's like really bright like it looks like he's like heavenly like coming out of like the sky it looked fine i thought it looked fine but but me and you were more for the we're the talk and the look we shoot from the hip yeah uh thank you greg uh that was awesome savon um thanks
Starting point is 01:37:26 savon much appreciated uh political correctness is the war on truth brett bauer thank you seve uh brave bravo mr seve wow shit olivia um uh you have a place up there uh robbie meyer it was just the sun uh get with the programming nice show show, boys. Bernie Gannon, great show. Wow. It was a cool show. We were so chill. Yeah, the article stuff was awesome. Him talking about that. Good stuff.
Starting point is 01:37:55 Paulina, great show as always. Wow. We're doing a show tomorrow morning, right? Because you have one tomorrow night as well. Yeah, just me and you tomorrow morning. Okay. And then Hackleman in the evening right yes okay oh hey logan logan mars adequate show thank you oh okay fuck i'm so late for tennis i got uh uh okay i gotta go see you guys later bye-bye bye oh shit i didn't end the show i almost left the room without ending the show

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