The Sevan Podcast - Live Call In | Glassman Files Ep. 4

Episode Date: July 7, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is an advertisement from BetterHelp. Everyone knows therapy is great for solving problems. But turns out, therapy has some issues of its own. Finding the right therapist, fitting into their schedule, and, of course, the cost. BetterHelp can help solve these problems. It's online, convenient, built around your schedule, and surprisingly affordable, too. Connect with a credentialed therapist by phone, video, or online chat. Visit to learn more.
Starting point is 00:00:27 That's meeting with friends before the show we can book your reservation and when you get to the main event skip to the good bit using the card member entrance let's go seize the night that's the powerful backing of american express visit slash y amex benefits vary by card other conditions Bam we're live Yeah they are I'm in the school room Oh The lame Branch of Of Glassman school Hey your internet's better in there too
Starting point is 00:01:18 Is it really? Yeah I mean so far I don't want to jinx myself But yeah the internet's great Okay how can you tell Cause your picture's clear It's coming in at a high resolution Gotcha
Starting point is 00:01:32 I can tell you're Greg and not someone else I think the light is wiping me out Oh the back light You know what Oh, the backlight? Mm-hmm. You know, I used to listen to NPR when I first met you. I was just looking around the other day, wondering where the NPR station is. National Public Radio.
Starting point is 00:02:04 Yeah, I'll listen to NPR and read the New York Times just to stimulate myself. That's where I get my fodder for I stopped reading here. Tell me about that? I stopped reading here? Uh-oh, your audio went out. I jinxed this. The light's on on your headset. I don't know why that would happen all of a sudden, to be honest.
Starting point is 00:02:32 Is there a mute button that was bumped? Is that what you're checking? Is NPR for boomers? I mean, I learned about it from my mom. Checking your settings, Greg, maybe something. I'm looking on the screen. It doesn't look like you got muted but if you go to settings the little gear and then click audio there should be a choice for mic and speaker and they should both be your jabra headset i did not mute him dr ruth westheimer i did him. Oh, they're trying to mute Greg.
Starting point is 00:03:06 They could be doing that. That's absolutely true. Good morning, everyone. Robbie, good morning. Omar, good morning. I still don't hear you. Paulina, good morning. Jeffrey Birchfield, good morning.
Starting point is 00:03:21 You could also log in and log back. You could also log out and log back uh you could also log out and log back in and see what happens unless you think it's the headset that's the issue well i'm going to kick you out real quick and see and you can log back in can you hear me oh can you hear me no can you hear me no you can't hear me either oh i'll just call him multiple levels of communication here let me see that was weird how that just happened let's see if his phone is near him oh okay look what i'm gonna do greg i'm kicking you i'm gonna kick you out
Starting point is 00:04:08 let's see you kick him out of the studio bam okay bye-bye okay i'll say hi to all you guys uh geez louise hi rambler good morning i'm assuming that's for uh geez louise how are you uh is three hours at the gym too much? No, not at all. Especially if it's at your house. Saber, good morning. Nice shirt, as always. Sean, good to see you.
Starting point is 00:04:35 Amount of time spent in the gym means nothing. What type of volume are you getting in those three hours? Very good. Asking for some definitions. Yeah, because I'll be in my gym in my garage for hours. I'll spend an hour just standing on one leg, balancing. That's not shit. No Greg this morning.
Starting point is 00:04:56 Well, no, we'll get him. Yeah, I love the gym at my house too, Audrey. What a great place. Josh, good morning. Let's see. Log back in. Let's try. What did Greg do to get kicked off the island?
Starting point is 00:05:27 Now he spoke. Okay, here he is. Let's let's see what happens how about can you hear me oh yeah was it the headset yeah how come i don't know how's this how's the sound other than my voice uh everything's great the audio is actually fantastic that that sucks um that's the how many times have we used those like three times and they work perfect seamlessly yeah maybe I touched something okay you can try again next show are they
Starting point is 00:05:56 say it again those will end up in the lake oh no don't NPR we were talking about um when or when to stop reading oh you know what the thing that got me kind of attracted to the concept was telling the story of seeing a headline that said parenting experts at harvard and I just stopped like I'm done. I should have stopped at experts, but at Harvard, that just added insult to the whole thing.
Starting point is 00:06:36 There's no parenting experts at Harvard. You'd be a fool to think so and at that point you think just from there it's going to be uh just hogwash of course it is like what just came out of harvard actually i was going to start with npr but fuck it let's start with harvard this is incredible I think you sent me this. Straight out of The Guardian, a Harvard professor who studies honesty accused of falsifying data and studies. Francesco Gino, a prominent Harvard business school professor, alleged to have falsified results in behavioral science studies. In an ironic twist, in the world of behavioral science, a Harvard professor who studied honesty has been accused of data fraud.
Starting point is 00:07:29 She's guilty, right? She's not even fighting back, right? It's from what I saw. It's just too rich. What can you even add to that? Do you remember the stem cell guy who was the godfather of stem cell research a few years back at Harvard also and all 30 of his papers were fabricated? That one's not ringing a bell. And I collect these things. The science porn.
Starting point is 00:08:01 In fact, at our Broken Science org page, I think there's a section about to go up just cataloging the greatest hits of scientific misconduct. We discovered evidence of fraud in paper spanning over a decade, including papers published quite recently, 2020, the blog authors.
Starting point is 00:08:21 Holy cow. Does it say how she was was caught in fall of 2021 we shared our concerns with harvard business school specifically we wrote a report about four studies for which we had accumulated the strongest evidence of fraud gina authored papers which contained fake data okay so we're getting closer um the original that, we understand that Harvard had access to much more information than we did, including where applicable the data collected using Qualtrics survey software. If the fraud was carried out by collecting real data on Qualtrics and then altering the download data files, as is likely to be the case for three of these papers.
Starting point is 00:09:02 Okay, so she was using some sort of data collection surveys you're a huge fan of surveys right for science yeah why why don't you like surveys for science it's just consensus science at that point just like obviously um we want to take observations which are registrations of the real world on our senses and sensing equipment. And you want to, you want to tie that to a standard scale, turn an observation into a measurement with a well-characterized error. And we're not doing any of that.
Starting point is 00:09:40 When we hand it, when we, when we're looking at surveys, basically meaning there's no measurement going on. when we're looking at surveys. Basically meaning there's no measurement going on. Not really. It's certainly weak. So this lady was actually doing surveys and then altering the answers to suit her hypothesis, I guess,
Starting point is 00:10:04 what she wanted the outcome to be. I can't tell from what you've read so far. I'll put someone on it. I'm only mildly interested. It's humorous. My guess is, if I had to guess, I can guess she used other data sets and used that so that stats were all done, were all performed. And there is software that looks at data sets on the internet and compares them. And when you get a match, there's a problem.
Starting point is 00:10:37 Because the data on, say, the distribution of a gypsy moths in Colombia shouldn't be the same data that was used in your weight loss study. Right. And when you find things like that, it's a problem. It's pretty much perfect evidence of a theft and fraud. But it's easy because the stats are all done and the outcome was good favorable and probably what she was doing wasn't science in the first place is also that like as double irony right there's always that are you happy when you ride rides at disneyland yes okay well i mean it was that kind of that's what i'm guessing what she was doing right and then the science shows that three out of four people who ride the rides at disneyland are happy and therefore there's medicinal value to
Starting point is 00:11:35 going to disneyland i think there's real value to studying you hear the bird yeah it's not it's not bothering me though though. Okay. What would you do if it... Could you do something to the bird? I'm just joking. Spraying with Windex? It's within community standards. Right, right. That's funny. You asked that... No,
Starting point is 00:12:01 he's fine. You asked that right as the bird's owner, Miss Riley, walked into the room what were you going to say I was saying the Disneyland study it was going to be that kind of science that she was doing anyway yeah
Starting point is 00:12:20 at the business school pardon me at the business school it's funny the business school yeah which that it's funny the first few times i read it i didn't even pick up on that i thought i figured it was in some other but i guess she i thought she was an ethics professor maybe she's a business ethics professor her husband's uh and there they spoke to her husband he said he can't comment now because of the sensitive nature of the investigation and who is he just her he just said her just said her husband i don't know what he does for a living um uh eaton beaver good morning coach good morning Good morning. Hey, so I read that court ruling you sent me. Yeah, yeah, from the judge.
Starting point is 00:13:09 From the judge. Yes. And I want to – so I went to – I was looking for a news article to bring up, and every single news article when you look this up presented this, what the judge decided, as bad. It's the same thing with affirmative action. what the judge decided is bad. It's the same thing with affirmative action. If you just put in affirmative action, everyone's damning the Supreme Court decision.
Starting point is 00:13:36 Let's go through the specifics that were banned, that the judge told the federal agencies that they were communicating to tech specifically about. Can I just run through that list? Sure, but what if we go the other way? What if we show what they don't prohibit? Do you know what I mean? Come with me for a second. Okay.
Starting point is 00:13:56 I have it right here. Here they are. Here's what they're banning. I've got it. It's opposition to COVID-19 vaccines. And I want you to, as I read through these, It's opposition to COVID-19 vaccines. And I want you to, as I read through these, I'll remind everyone that these were considered the substance of conspiracy theories, right? Right.
Starting point is 00:14:14 Okay, before you start, though, Greg, let me tell people, let me just do the big picture, tell people what we're doing. Recently, the Supreme Court just handed down a, no, no, sorry. It wasn't the Supreme Court. It wasn't the Supreme Court. It was a federal judge in the southern district of louisiana or something someday yeah sorry you're right a tuesday ruling by a federal district judge in louisiana could have far-reaching consequences good i hope so and this was uh the district court judge terry dowardy who is appointed by president donald trump issued a preliminary injunction on Tuesday that bars several federal departments and agencies from various interactions with social media.
Starting point is 00:14:49 OK, that sets the stage. So here's specifically in the languages is powerful. It's unmistakable. It's a it's a four or five page ruling. And there's it's a it's it's it's very interesting. But check this out. The first one, opposition to COVID-19 vaccines. And again, hear these in light of, this is the essence of conspiracy theories, right? Opposition to COVID-19 vaccines, opposition to COVID-19 masking and lockdowns,
Starting point is 00:15:19 opposition to the lab leak theory of COVID-19, opposition to the validity of the 2020 election, opposition to President Biden's policies, statements that the Hunter Biden laptop story was true, and opposition to policies of the government officials in power. Now, here's what he said. Those they were specifically not to talk with, not to communicate in any way, shape or form with social media companies in regards to those subjects. But he says that all of that was legal speech, was protected speech and was suppressed by the Fed. That's what he he said and what's so interesting is that there's no there's no
Starting point is 00:16:09 the the truth or falsity of it is fundamentally irrelevant to the to the judicial decision what he's saying is remember there's nothing here about true or false that it was that it was protected it was legal and it was suppressed it just i it just coincidentally also happened to be uh true now if this if this is if this is a hard lesson for you maybe maybe you know think back when you were a kid when one of my kids comes in the room and and says i was hit. Okay, take the bird out. The bird just got kicked out. No, thank you.
Starting point is 00:16:50 You know what that was? Maggie's listening to the show and she's like, fuck that bird. So she sent someone to get the bird. That's exactly what happened. Thank you, Maggie. Rambler thought the bird was... One of the listeners thought the bird was one of the listeners thought the bird was fucking
Starting point is 00:17:07 I don't let my kids hit one another because someone said something that wasn't true you don't have the right to silence someone because what they said because you think it wasn't
Starting point is 00:17:28 true right right and basically the fbi was well or because you don't want anyone to find out basically the fbi went to twitter and said hey um the hunter uh the hunter biden laptop is russian bullshit and uh don't erase all these accounts if anyone posts, including the erased RFK's account. I'd make a second discussion of the apparent fact that you only censor things that are true. You lost me there. You make people shut up. They're saying things you don't want to hear. Right. You don't want to hear is truth.
Starting point is 00:18:07 Right. Well, you think the effort is to censor the flat earth society. They're not very high. And there's no interest in that at all. Right. Why? Because,
Starting point is 00:18:21 because it's, it's not true. Yeah. That's, that Yeah, that's interesting. That's powerful. And so all the censorship, basically, there was something this morning I saw about COVID-19 on, it was Dr. Malone basically saying that 99% of the people who died from COVID in Australia were vaccinated.
Starting point is 00:18:46 And I was looking at that on Instagram, and there was no warning. There was no false. All the stuff that they had been put on for the last three years was gone. You know what I mean? All the censorship stuff. It's all completely gone. Gone in what sense? Meaning it's not on there.
Starting point is 00:19:03 Before, if you even mentioned covid 19 on instagram you would get a banner and if you said something that was like hey um uh you're more likely to die from getting the vaccine even if you had data to prove it or even if you publish it off the cdc website they would pull down your post and all that shit's gone they're not doing that anymore when i took crossfit off facebook it made it made news around the world look at the rationale for that then and look at what's and look at what we've been through and the rationale was is they were they you didn't like the fact they were censoring people about low-carb diets.
Starting point is 00:19:45 That was a trigger, but the fact is they've had an unhealthy alliance with governments around the world for a long time. Right. Look how NPR phrases this headline. It's fucking despicable. U.S. is barred from combating disinformation. But why that's misleading is that the U.S. was actually forcing Twitter and Instagram to pull down real information. It's the exact opposite of what the headline says. I don't remember seeing anything on there that was disinformation i mean i the disinformation i see is stuff like you're saying like like i follow some flat earthers they don't fuck with
Starting point is 00:20:33 those people you're right at all they should they get rid of NPR, National Public Radio? Does this need to be – Orwellian. How do you even – how do you type that without laughing? U.S. is barred from combating disinformation on social media. Hey, does that mean that these guys are bad guys, this National Public Radio? Do these guys have to go away? This is our tax dollars are paying for this, right? This is U.S.-funded?
Starting point is 00:21:10 It is. And I guess maybe Bill Gates owns these guys too, Bill Gates, and there's a couple other foundations. The government's ability to fight disinformation online has suffered a legal setback. They're referring to the First Amendment. That's a legal setback. They're referring to the First Amendment. That's the legal setback. I think somewhere, Greg, I read that the judge said that in the entire history of the United States, there's never been a more serious government intervention on the First Amendment. I mean, he showed some serious concerns.
Starting point is 00:21:44 He did say that the biden administration was orwellian he used that word and most people are going to read this and believe this so i guess that what that means is that people still believe that the um still believe everything the the majority of Americans still believe the story they were told about COVID? I think the left is willing to see your door kicked down and you drug out and vaccinated in the front yard. I think they approve of what we've been through. I think they, I think they approve of what we've been through.
Starting point is 00:22:29 Why does this matter? This ruling severely curtails the federal. This is funny as it's written like morning chalk up shit, the way they have these headlines, it's written for idiots. This ruling severely curtails the federal government's ability to interact with social media companies about what appears on their platforms. The injunction is written very broadly, potentiallyning the biden administration from even talking publicly about what moderation of social media content would look like i just want to also show you this all the
Starting point is 00:22:54 stuff that it doesn't ban that the judge doesn't that still allows the government to do that the judge was very clear on this is um uh this is from the judge injunction it is further order that the following actions are not prohibited prohibited by this preliminary injunction the government is still allowed to inform social media companies of posting uh postings involving criminal activity and then it goes on and on along that line the government is still allowed to communicate with them when it comes to the safety of the country. Number seven, I'll just skip down here. They're all like this. Informing or communicating with social media companies in an effort to detect,
Starting point is 00:23:36 prevent, or medicate malicious cyber activity. The U.S. government is allowed to communicate with social media companies about deleting, removing, suppressingressing or reducing posts on social media platforms that are not protected by free speech by the free speech clause meaning the government can still go on if someone's trolling for fuck pedophiles are on their trolling the government can still um intervene it's crazy i mean there's all of these things i see no new rights. I see no new law here. Right. I almost wish I didn't see all this. This makes me hate NPR, like hate them. Is NPR head RFK Jr. on?
Starting point is 00:24:36 I can look. I don't think so. the things that they um one of the things that was uncovered in this case was and you know rfk is a democrat is that uh the government the biden administration had twitter pulled down rfk's twitter account that's the kind of shit like hey if you're a democrat like it doesn't at least i mean they're hurting your own your own guy what uh as soon as i put in it it is rfk right because when i put an npr rfk it says kennedy was killed 55 years ago rfk jr oh okay rfk jr that's right okay oh it doesn't look like they've had him on RFK Jr. Oh, okay. RFK Jr. That's right. Okay. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:25:26 Oh, it doesn't look like they've had him on. Nope. He's a good dude. I like him. You do like him? Mm-hmm. What about his – he was against affirmative action. mean i mean sorry he was for affirmative action he still is for affirmative action it's racist it's gone yeah it is racist here's the thing here's the thing it's it um no tell me if you agree with this. No one wants some poor kid regardless of his color in some podunk town who's qualified to go to the college of his choice not to get in.
Starting point is 00:26:13 We all want that kid to get in. We're all rooting for that kid. That's correct. And so if we're rooting for that kid, let's find a way to get that kid the resources he needs to apply and get in. But it shouldn't be based on his skin color. It's so funny. Michelle Obama – did you read what she wrote? You probably didn't. She wrote this whole thing talking about how sad it was affirmative action and being gone is, and her argument went like this.
Starting point is 00:26:41 People get into school because their parents are rich. People get into school because they're good at sports. People get into school because of who they know. People get into school. And she gave all these reasons. And therefore, that justified people getting into school based on the color of their skin. And it doesn't work that way for two reasons. All the reasons that she had suggested before didn't matter whether the color of your skin. If you're a rich black kid or a rich white kid, doesn't matter you have a better chance of getting in like if you're good at baseball and you're a white kid or a black kid it doesn't matter you have an equal chance of getting in but all of a sudden she was using that as a justification for
Starting point is 00:27:16 people to get in based on their skin color i'm like does she even does she even it's like the two wrongs make a right thing you know you should be able to take some some mean height of of students and look at the scholarships given to the basketball students and they should have to pay the same amount of money to students that are just as under the height as they are above. Yeah. Wow. I love that. Yeah. So if you've got tremendous financial opportunities and latitude for a kid that's seven feet tall, they should have a program for the people five feet tall.
Starting point is 00:28:00 Right. Did you see that? Oh, I wonder if I have this you have to see this god I hope I have this video for you oh darn it where is that it's basically this Asian guy talking about
Starting point is 00:28:20 this Asian guy talking about the difference in SAT scores between Blacks and Asians. Well, you know, the argument is without this discriminatory policy of denying Asians admission, the university is going to be full of Asian kids and we'll lose diversity. Yeah, yeah. Which is, again, how do you even, it's hard to even recount that without laughing. Check this out. It's a serious, a serious dose of stupidity.
Starting point is 00:28:57 Check this out. Check this out. This Ben Shapiro clip. Here we go. The best media moments of the day yesterday, an Asian student who was on with Abby Phillip and he just wrecks her. Abby Phillip is trying to make the case. it would be better if this Asian student weren't able to get into an institution of higher education, despite scoring really high on the SATs. And he's like, no. Because of affirmative action, Black Americans graduate from law school at the bottom 25%
Starting point is 00:29:15 of their classes, largely speaking. We don't want that. We want Black students to succeed. We want every student to succeed, low-income students to succeed. But you have to put them in scenarios, in places where they're likely to succeed. And lowering your standard to admit somebody of a socioeconomic status or race would not help them do that. In fact, it would harm their graduation rate and excellence. Well, as the case also points out, the standard isn't necessarily lowered because the students are all admitted.
Starting point is 00:29:41 It's the question of whether race can be an added consideration a tipping point so the standard is the standard is lowered as the premier admissions data shows asian has to score 273 points higher on the sat 273 points higher asians have to score on the sat to get in than black students by the way Asians don't feel bad black people they have to score higher than white people too are you seeing that shit that chart on average 273 points there's only 1600 points in the fucking test I'm like
Starting point is 00:30:17 did he just say that hey why don't we hear it's so interesting Thomas Sowell says that the reason why the Asians are doing so well Hey, why don't we hear – it's so interesting. Thomas Sowell says that the reason why the Asians are doing so well and the blacks aren't and the Mexicans aren't is because they got involved in politics. I'm paraphrasing what he's saying. And the Asians and Indians – and I guess they're Asian too. They just put their head down and stayed at work.
Starting point is 00:30:40 They didn't try to go the political route. The political route to get justice and fairness is he says is not the way to go at all it's put your head down and work and and just get get what you need get your prove your value and and today asians make uh 50 i think they make like 50 more than whites and like 75 more than blacks nationally crazy right that's all cultural shit right you don't think there's anything right it's not like hey your eyes are slanted so you're smarter and make more money it's just it's all cultural shit right yeah it's your values values
Starting point is 00:31:16 parents staying married and stealing shit in their kids work hard yep yeah look here's judy she's chinese yes we're taught to stay under the radar and just grind and stealing shit in their kids. Work hard. Yep. Look, here's Judy. She's Chinese. Yes, we're taught to stay under the radar and just grind. Don't look up and don't be noticed. I hate this word privilege too. Yeah, I'm not. yeah i'm uh it's the it's the language of the left do you believe that they're really trying to be good guys though that they're really like no not by my standards i don't i don't think they are okay explain that to me because part of me is
Starting point is 00:32:06 like well i used to be one and we really did mean well we really did want to hand out clean needles so that people didn't get you know aids when they shot up they've got a they've got a vision for how society does operate should operate can, that's fatally flawed. And they'll take everything you have to enforce that world on you, including your life. Socialists end up stacking bodies like cordwood. That was Brian Mulvaney's line. It's great. Exactly right.
Starting point is 00:32:44 Stacking bodies like cordwood. What they're doing is they're, you know, you have to sacrifice some individuals to get the right society. Well, that would explain slavery coming from the left also. Someone had to be sacrificed in order to get the right society.
Starting point is 00:33:13 What do you think about this argument? Oh, you go back in time and you look, and the Nazis were socialists. The Ku Klux Klan was Democrats. A Republican never owned a slave. They were all owned by Democrats, by 1% of the Democrats. It was FDR who started the internment camps, the Democrat, and gathered up all the Japanese and took their land and put them – what do you think about then when I'm raised and I ask my elder – I'm a 16-year-old boy asking my elders, what the fuck were the Democrats thinking? This is just hundreds of years of just fucking crazy behavior. And the Nazis even studied the Ku Klux Klan. I was reading in a book recently where they said that even Hitler was – did not like the 1% rule. The Ku Klux Klan had a rule. If you were 1% black, that you were black.
Starting point is 00:34:08 And Hitler decided that that was too stringent and that he was going to allow people, if you were 30% Jew, that you could live. You know what I mean? They didn't take you and burn you. He thought the Nazis were too – or he thought the Ku Klux Klan was too extreme. We still have that 1% rule, by the way, in the United States.
Starting point is 00:34:24 If you have any black in you we consider you black um but anyway but then as i got older greg they told me or when i was 16 and i would ask you know my parents hey well why were the democrats like that she said oh everything people would say everything has changed it's been flipped the democrats aren't like that anymore and it's the republicans who are like that. Have you heard that? Oh, it was the Southern Democrats. Yeah. But nothing has changed, right? They're the exact same people with the exact same ideology. I guess you said some people have to be sacrificed
Starting point is 00:34:56 in order to get what we want in the future. Look what we just went through. You mean with the two years of trying trying to lock us in our house and cover our faces, most of the businesses you, you hold dear pubs and restaurants and churches and schools. Schools. I wish it wouldn't happen when I was alive.
Starting point is 00:35:32 I would have never thought something like this would happen when I'm alive. Was that the craziest thing you've seen in your life? Is this crazier than Vietnam? Yes. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. What a trip. You're going to like this, I think.
Starting point is 00:36:01 I remember you telling me your dad's thoughts on political correctness. Yeah, he made me, I was sitting in the car and he made me guess. There's another word for it. I couldn't do it. And the answer is incorrect. Political correctness is the same as politically incorrect. Just incorrect. It's incorrect.
Starting point is 00:36:30 incorrect just incorrect it's incorrect we we you know you sit silent when you hear that men and women are the same there's no difference they say there's there's no difference in the in the genders and rather than say point out some obvious points it's's not gender, it's sex, and there is a difference in the sexes. My nine-year-old girl said to her brother on his claim that there was no difference between boys and between males and females, she says they don't even have the same body parts. arts. You just start with that. But you sit silent on that. Okay, there's no difference. Roll your eyes. And the next thing you know, we all have to oblige the behaviors expected of you to show your recognition of someone's imagined sex that obligates me to something. And that's political correctness. Well, that's where we got. That's where we're at now.
Starting point is 00:37:43 correctness. Well, that's where we got. That's where we're at now. It's a it's an aggression if I don't recognize your pronouns. So by doing nothing, that's an aggression, which is also just preposterous. I'm obligated. This is the issue that Jordan Peterson tackled. I'm obligated to alter my language to accommodate something that's happened inside your head. I don't think so.
Starting point is 00:38:23 I don't think things work that way. And you don't you're a bad guy i don't think i get to sit here from my chair and and make some decisions leave the room and now people around me have a moral obligation to to to an altered behavior? What do you think about then there's the comeback? It's all so un-liberal. What do you mean by that? I thought you were... It sounds like the ham-handed bullshit
Starting point is 00:39:04 that comes out of Moscow. Oh. Well, that is liberal. It feels like a straw man's view of, I don't know. It's, you know, I never thought that I would see things as Orwellian, I never thought that I would see things as Orwellian, as all animals are created equal. Some are just more equal than others.
Starting point is 00:39:32 And that's where we're at. We're seeing shit exactly like that. It was funny until people believed it. Right, right. It was funny until people believed it. You're right. It was funny until people believed it. Right, right. It was funny until people believed it. You're right. It was funny. Clock, I asked my dad that same question.
Starting point is 00:39:54 Crazier than Vietnam? The answer was yes. Let me, let me, this is, I think I saw this and it made me think of you let me play this for you i think that you mentioned you know restriction of speech and political correctness do you guys know where it comes from tell us the soviet union yes political correctness never had anything to do with protecting people's feelings or anything like that it was very simple political correctness was a way of saying to people what you're saying is, but we don't like hearing it. Right. That's what it was. And that's how it's been important. And to me, someone who comes from the Soviet Union is mind boggling. And you were talking earlier about why this woke ideology is so dangerous to the West. It is because people in other parts of
Starting point is 00:40:37 the world are not teaching their young children to hate their own country. If you continue to do this, how is how is the west going to do in the battle of civilizations because that's what we're in right the chinese want to thrive the russians want to thrive and they're teaching their children to be strong to be confident to go out there to learn science instead of you know equity and diversity and a bridge doesn't work very well if it's built on diversity instead of mass. So the only thing that you – It's interesting because I feel like on one hand I understand, and maybe you understand too, the insanity of quote-unquote loving your country. And so it has to – but it has to be – it almost has to be converted to like, hey, participate in the experiment that this country is doing in order for civilization to advance.
Starting point is 00:41:30 You know what I mean? Because it's so easy for people to just push back against the entity that is the United States. You can morph the society and culture to the point where the country is less lovable because there's less to it to love. I almost need an example of that, what that looks like. look you i i my love for the united states for this great country is based on its on its values i find those in the constitution we veer from that and there will be less for me to love you think i'm going to move down to venezuela and oh my god i'm so i can't wait to get citizenship here and be fucking embrace this culture
Starting point is 00:42:29 not not let's get on inner tubes and float down there so our kids can be free right so so and that's i think remember in the zoom calls how fucking terrified the argentinians were and then but there was one guy that was speaking freely and he's like yeah they're all afraid they're being listened to and it's and you get arrested if you even walk outside and i was like why are you so brave and he was on a dairy farm in Wisconsin. Oh, that's right. One of the Argentinian affiliates. That's right. That's right.
Starting point is 00:43:35 As we move away from judging people by the quality of their character and into the space of judging them by the color of their skin, judging them by the color of their skin. When I find that when language is disturbing, with thoughts or can't be arguments, you can't get around presenting ideas that are bothersome to me, like explain how the masks work again. That needs to be, those people need to be shut up. Removed from their ability to earn a living.
Starting point is 00:44:13 That seems okay. If that's okay, that's not a country that I love. Right. How much of what I love about this country have we thrown away in the past three years? I bet you the I would bet that 99 percent of the people who say that they don't love this country don't even know what they're saying. They don't even they've never even peeped the Constitution or the values of this country or the opportunity that. or the values of this country or the opportunity that is in life. I was texting with a friend about what's likely to be the upcoming option of the pathological half-wit versus the senile crook beholden to China and Ukraine,
Starting point is 00:45:09 I'm going to go with the pathological halfway. I'm going to vote for Trump. There's no way that Biden makes it on the ballot. There's no way, right? I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. My crystal ball is murky. I haven't been able to predict any of this.
Starting point is 00:45:38 What did you think? Did you see the article about the cocaine being found in the... Sure, of course I did. In the West Wing? Yeah yeah whose is this come on it's so funny that it's so funny that they right away said that hunter was out of town that hunter was not at the white house he was with his dad at uh camp david i don't think he's being accused of having found it. My presumption would be that he lost it.
Starting point is 00:46:11 I heard that too. It was found on Saturday and he wasn't even there that weekend. No, he left it there Wednesday whenever he was there. It's pretty funny. Do you see the video of him doing a bump no no let me send that to you hey here's the here's the thing though that i keep tripping on every day there's another attack on biden and hunter now do you know what i mean whereas before
Starting point is 00:46:40 they were being they were protected for two years, right? Now the media, it's just every day. So what's being allowed has completely changed. Do you know what I'm – are you feeling me on that? Yeah. It's an inside job. Like someone from the inside is now trying to get rid of Biden. Like his own people are now okay. Like how does that story even get out, right?
Starting point is 00:47:04 Seve, look at that thing it's sitting is it in a text did you send it as a text yeah it hasn't popped up yet is it a website or just like a video gif or a video Twitter oh okay here we go here we go it's pretty funny oh shit wow let me pull this up wow huh wow that is brazen holy shit let me pull that up wow did that look like anything to you uh yeah yeah here we go
Starting point is 00:47:50 uh maybe he's just pulling oh i don't know if he did a bump but he's definitely that's all that's fucking meth head fucking behavior the pull the hair back the nose white wow it's look what makes that plausible is that i've seen video of him doing... I've seen all kinds of video of him doing all kinds of things. And so the plausibility is certainly always there. It makes it for me likely that that was his cocaine that was left. They all look like they're tweaking, even Jill. The other story that just broke a couple days ago,
Starting point is 00:48:50 I mean, not broke, but it's getting a lot of headlines, is he had sex with that stripper, and they have a kid together. London. Yeah. I forget her last name, London. But instead of paying child support, he's giving some of his paintings to her. And also, she's not allowed to take the Biden last name.
Starting point is 00:49:12 You can't stop someone from taking your name, can you? I don't know, but the painting, that's just great. That was just more tax fraud shit right is that how we understood that he was he was doing paintings i never talked to you about this but i just assumed he was he was doing those paintings to sell to people that um who are wealthy in order to raise money it's just a way it's it's uh to get money from wealthy people isn't it just money laundering? Yeah. Sorry, money laundering. Yeah, correct. It's clever.
Starting point is 00:49:52 It is clever. You know, it's the... Bill Clinton used to go over to other countries and talk for a half hour and get paid at 500,000. Right. Yeah. Yeah. And there would be no video of the talk also. Right.
Starting point is 00:50:10 No speech, nothing. You can't, you can't find record of it. Yeah. I wanted to show you this. I wanted to show you this. When you were, when this. When you were,
Starting point is 00:50:26 when you, when you were, when you own CrossFit and this was the, I got this from the way back machine. When you own CrossFit, this was the, and you went to what is CrossFit,
Starting point is 00:50:42 which was one of the most popular pages, if not the most popular page on the website. This is what people saw. That was, that was the picture. When? This is to, this is, I want to say right, this is right, the day you sold the company, this was, this was on there. What is CrossFit? This was the picture, the image. So you went way back a few years. Yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 00:51:15 And what's funny is, it's, it's almost exclusively women, right? And I know you didn't, I know this, this is probably more, I don't know, Mike Warkington level, but exclusively women and women of all different ethnicities, colors, relationships, equatorial relationships. And someone and then someone what made me think of it is that someone sent me this and this is kind of like the story now this is with the dei council and enforced and the irony is is there's there's not one person of color on their what is crossfit page and i know you don't care either way and i know that those that picture wasn't chosen probably for uh the fact that there was a black woman on there but it's just fan it's it there and there's hundreds of examples of this by the way when we didn't care about color they're all over the side the games is another perfect example right and now and now they do care and there's no and there's no black people
Starting point is 00:52:19 they didn't care we didn't care and there were black people and they do care and there aren't any black people it's pretty it's pretty simple it's listen the the caring is is pretending pretending to care yeah Of course it is. Like this picture is chosen. This picture is probably chosen just because it's – well, what do you see here? Why do you think this picture was chosen? because of the the lines on the floor you like those lines the way they draw your eye to the yeah i you know let me tell you something what i see right there here's here's what i'm going to interpret um that wasn't posed that's not clip art right those people know each other that's where they
Starting point is 00:53:43 work out they weren't brought there to take photographs. That's their ugly little gym. And they love each other. And whoever's running the gym, it's probably a successful gym. They're probably paying the bills. Probably driving a new car. Might even have the kids in private school that's what i see they i also see people that live within within five miles of where that where that waits overhead yep good job dude fuck what a cool thing you started thank you it's still the cool thing everywhere those people
Starting point is 00:54:37 are getting together like that it's happening right here in Coeur d'Alene right here in Coeur d'Alene. Right here. I want to be super clear, too. I could have just pulled up the picture from the old website. But there's just the irony of the component of when Greg sold the company, that was one of the issues, that for some reason it wasn't inclusive. And I think that everywhere you look, it's less inclusive now than it ever has been and so that's just the irony i don't and i don't think
Starting point is 00:55:09 it's not inclusive now i still think it's inclusive but if you were comparing based on what the fucking the the the minority was saying a few fucking idiots were saying they're they're totally wrong they were a hundred percent wrong you know you know my view that in child raising, there's infinite number of ways you can fuck your kid up. It's just crazy how much damage you can do. Right.
Starting point is 00:55:35 And in terms of the things you can do that are good, you can come up with a pretty good and short list of things right you know i mean what's after what's after uh uh strong well-developed discussed inculcated acculturated values and and uh skills cognitive skills and uh skills cognitive skills right got a kid with super strong values a lot of confidence and well educated you know what what else you need maybe make athletes of them right yeah well in running the company outside of that, validating what the affiliates did, providing additional educational resources pertinent to the training stimulus and nutrition, and fighting battles against legislation or litigation that the affiliate can't fight, you know, and these are
Starting point is 00:56:46 the list of things that I thought we should be engaged in. And everything else I could think of that would be suggested, recommended, or even considered normal business felt wholly destructive of the culture, of what was the opportunity to be an affiliate. It moved me away from the professionalization of the training space. And I don't care whether that's selling water or the CrossFit jump rope or whatever the hell it is. It felt delusional. You see the analogy i'm making yeah yeah
Starting point is 00:57:28 i don't know i don't know if someone tasked me with running the company where the where it's abundantly clear that my ethical obligation tied to my compensation is the fiduciary obligations or considerations of the owners of the shareholders. I don't know what the fuck I'd do. Right. the owners of the shareholders i don't know what the fuck i'd do right that's why i i couldn't i don't think i could do don's job right i know that's it's interesting you say that because when people be like i wonder if greg would ever come back i'm like he can't come back that's right right hire me to wring money out of the affiliates? Right. I'd be the one to explain why you're going to have the drink dispenser in the corner.
Starting point is 00:58:35 Did you see this post by any chance? No, I don't. I know you don't really do uh instagram you don't even have instagram on your phone do you no so the tom siskron dear friend of yours right yeah yeah yeah and uh here he is uh he's a doctor uh very highly well respected doctor a urologist I don't know if I should say this but during the pandemic he never wore a mask by the way
Starting point is 00:59:12 in the two years when he would walk around his hospital everyone else did and basically he got this guy to drop 50 pounds this is Rick who came to me for a minor urologic issue but has left my office being told for the first time that he was sick based on labs I saw from 10-22. I also told him, however, that he had an amazing superpower to cure himself. He is back today a year later as a new man. He feels amazing and says he never wants to go back to the way he felt before he knew how important proper nutrition was. He's dropped over 50 pounds and avoided a future filled with doctor visits, surgeries, and hospitalizations.
Starting point is 00:59:53 And then up here it says – he gives you the credit, right? He basically says, it is a real special for me when I pull someone into the lifeboat before they start to drown, before they even know they're in trouble swimming it, before they even know the trouble they're swimming in as greg glassman coined it the mess this this i think is is don's greatest tool if he want if he if he needs tools this is a doctor who probably went to school for 12 years to heal and cure people and here he is saying he's using the CrossFit tools, the tools that you gave him through CrossFit to save a man's life. Right. And I see this and I'm like, holy fuck, this is it. Right. This is what every single affiliate, anyone who's taken the L1, anyone who's read the journal, these are the tools and the powers you gave them to sell people's
Starting point is 01:00:43 lives, save people's lives. This guy's not using what he learned in his 12 years of medicine to save this guy's life. He's using what he learned in the two-day Level 1 course. It's nuts. I've had semi-joking conversations. I told Emily that I'd like to be put in front of a room full of psychiatrists and tell them I have an amazing announcement for them. And that is that there's a psychiatric disorder that's killing millions and millions of people and, and nowhere in your field has done anything about it. And it's diabetes and the attendant obesity. That's a psychiatric disorder.
Starting point is 01:01:31 It's caused by a behavior. We can tell you what the behavior is precisely, and it's refined carbohydrate eating, refined carbohydrate. That's what happened to that guy in the miracle and we have to talk about did it require scrubs did it happen
Starting point is 01:01:54 in the doctor's office it happened with that guy's fucking fork that's what happened he quit sticking it into the refined carbohydrate. It's no secret how Doc eats, how Tom eats. He got his triglycerides so low the return, the number doesn't mean anything.
Starting point is 01:02:21 He gets a 39. That's not a real number. He also writes in here, notice the total LDL cholesterol went up. Gas. Well, if you know, you know. If you don't, then learn the truth about cholesterol. Yep. Greg, a business question for you, and I'll kind of try to do this question justice. Basically, there are – by the way, I don't agree with Hiller's video. In defense of Don, there's no way if 13 affiliates got together and contacted Don, Don would take time out of his day to speak to him. Don is working tirelessly to fucking speak to people i'm telling i i have to come to his defense for that there's that guy
Starting point is 01:03:12 is a wait let me get something clear yeah don's a really good guy yeah i like him a friend. I don't know. Dude, it'd be like, I talked you into getting Kala, right? Into getting what? Kala, your dog? Oh, yeah, yeah, Kala. Tell everyone about your dog.
Starting point is 01:03:37 I have a South African Borbal, the greatest, and I've had a lot of dogs, a lot of Danes, and the greatest family dog protector ever completely protects, just knows how to protect kids. Guardian of the highest level, scare the shit out of people. It looks like a pit bull,
Starting point is 01:03:53 basically a giant pit bull. And I keep them lean and mean. And Greg had one and would tell me stories about it. And so I ended up getting one expensive as fuck, 3,500 bucks. And if you had, and if you had called me up complaining that you've had this dog for two years now and he still can't type right yeah you can't even get it to send me a
Starting point is 01:04:15 fucking text yeah i would have to explain to you that's it's i don't i think you're expecting something of the dog and it can't do right i don I don't know how, given the keys to CrossFit, I don't know how you flip it to instant money. Right, right. I've been confronted with those options, with those opportunities. I know I've had venture capital VC types, you know some of of them lecture me on the money I was leaving on the table. Right, right. Venture capital thinks it's insane that I would that I would allow each affiliate to make their own T-shirts and sell them.
Starting point is 01:04:59 Insane. They actually convinced my wife that I was stupid because I would let the affiliates make their own shirts and sell them that was all the evidence he knew Brian Kelly needed for me not being smart I want to say one more thing along that line really quick there was also someone very close to Greg I don't want to say who it is that he can say if he wants that told him that we should no longer um a request that affiliates keep web pages and that we should allow them to keep all of their content on facebook and greg was like uh-uh do you remember that i remember i remember arguing with her about that yeah how smart of you
Starting point is 01:05:37 how smart were you for that too holy shit facebook's dead now. Anyway. I had people from Amazon explain that I was going to be the first fish oil billionaire. They could see the numbers. They knew how much fish oil CrossFitters were eating. And let me know that that was my money um so basically what happened was is there's a video out there that andrew hiller made that's this affiliate saying hey 13 of us affiliates got together and we tried to meet with don and don said um don denied our meeting which is complete bullshit there's no fucking way that's true and um just miscommunicate i'm not saying the affiliates line i'm just saying it's miscommunication but the premise of the video was and this is this is a problem that you had to deal
Starting point is 01:06:33 with uh day in and day out as the owner of the company the affiliates are basically saying there that affiliate fees because of um exchange rates have doubled so it used to be, let's say, 30,000 Rand to be an affiliate. Now it's 60,000 Rand and they want some help and they want to talk to CrossFit about that. What is the solution for that? Should it just always be like $3,000 or pick whatever the number is? You pick your number and it's like that for everyone. What would you do? We never found a solution for that right didn't we this is a matt holdsworth question
Starting point is 01:07:10 but i think we i think there's some there's some way to scale that so that as your country destroys its economy in currency and you spend in you know fifty thousand dollars for a loaf of bread right i i think there's some way to scale that so that we don't contribute to that problem i don't know i i just remember being in the discussions and it was like well hey then what are we going to do about the state of mississippi or you know what I mean? Like we would then look at places in the United States and they can be like, hey, the fucking in the poverty level in Santa Cruz, California is one hundred twenty thousand dollars a year. But the poverty level in Mississippi is thirteen thousand dollars a year. What do we do there?
Starting point is 01:07:56 And it just became this thing with like, hey, dude, here's this is the price of it. And then everything else we'll deal with on a case by case basis. That's what I that's what I remember how it was dealt with. but i don't envy that position that dawns in what are you what are you going to do there's fucking how many countries are there there's 100 almost 200 countries on the planet 300 what i don't know how many countries are the the diversity in the in the scenarios the economics of of different regions and what people have done to establish gyms and make it work has just
Starting point is 01:08:30 been an amazing thing. And I remember Tony Young, he was in like Akron, Ohio, in a rusty old building and he was like a flute repairman. Oh. You remember that guy yeah yeah
Starting point is 01:08:47 yeah wow he moved to then he moved to florida and he got a girl i mean we went i think it was akron it was it was sad it was a it was a rusty old town the time and industry had forgotten, industry had left. And this guy kind of had maybe the personality of a flute repairman, whatever the hell that is. But he started a gym and he made a difference for people and he found a gal and they moved to Florida. And it was an amazing thing. What would you do, Greg, if those 13 affiliates came to you and they're like,
Starting point is 01:09:32 hey, Greg, our exchange rate is, our affiliate fees have doubled? I think we did do something. Like I said, this is a holdsworth question. Right, okay. But I think there was some adjustment made. I don't know. But look, when it became obvious to us that 9 out of 10 affiliates globally weren't legally able to train our response,
Starting point is 01:10:03 the hard pill we swallowed was we're not taking affiliate fees from any country, from any people that aren't allowed to train. And it's a hard thing to actually turn the spigot to your revenue to a 10% flow willfully. But we did that to protect the affiliates so that they didn't accrue crazy debt. So the city of Sydney says all gyms must be closed. Then the affiliate fees from 365 affiliates, you would stop collecting them. And they turn it off for a year and you're like,
Starting point is 01:10:41 okay, don't pay us for a year. Correct. And that ends up being, if there's 300 affiliates at $3,000 a piece. It took away 90% of the company's revenue. Crazy.
Starting point is 01:10:53 Within a 10-day period. Gone. Does Greg think if he was to come back that he could make CrossFit great again? It's still great. It's always going to be. Matt got up this morning here in town, got up at 4 a.m.
Starting point is 01:11:16 and he had that fucking gym opened at 5 and people came in. Matt's the owner of Coeur d'Alene CrossFit? Yes. And it's a great thing. Maggie will probably go there this morning. The greatness hasn't changed. Not at that level.
Starting point is 01:11:33 You've got to keep your eyes on what's important. And that was always the only thing that was important. The mothership is not. Not this question, but the question before SDF, Greg dodging this one like Mayweather. What a compliment. You know, look, guys. What a compliment.
Starting point is 01:11:58 I wouldn't know how to run this as a business. Or maybe the answer is I do. How about this? I asked myself if I were a shareholder and they came to me and goes, he says no to fish oil. I'd be like, what? Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:12:18 With my money? He's saying no to fish oil? Right. You've put in 30 million of your money and uh and you could easily go up to 90 million in two years and but this guy doesn't want it refuses to sell fish oil based on principle i knew a family that ran gold's gyms all over the fucking planet all right they had them in the bay area all of them in hawaii they had them in the bahamas they had them in florida they had them all over cal. They owned one in Santa Cruz. They were very, very good at the Gold's Gym business.
Starting point is 01:12:51 All-stars, superstars. They had the one in Marin's Heavy. Great gyms. The one in Santa Cruz, Alex explained to me, doesn't work. Nothing that works everywhere else in the world works in Santa Cruz, Alex explained to me. Doesn't work. Nothing that works everywhere else in the world works in Santa Cruz. Because these kids, like, they don't want to sell the drinks in the refrigerator. They don't think they should have to. They don't want to sell T-shirts. They don't think they should have to. They don't want to come to work on time. They don't think they should have to. They don't want to come to work on time.
Starting point is 01:13:26 They don't think they should have to. They want to make way more than they make in Marin. They want to make more than they make in the Bahamas. Get to know yourself and your roots better in 2024 with AncestryDNA. Want to know where your family comes from in northern France? Maybe you'd like to see how your genes influence certain traits like diet, fitness, and allergies. There's so much of you and your heritage to discover. Visit and get started with an AncestryDNA kit today.
Starting point is 01:14:04 and get started with an Ancestry DNA kit today. Amazing expectations. I understand when someone's aims are purely, strictly financial right yeah but your whole thing that you taught endlessly was and I cobbled this together but you need purpose
Starting point is 01:14:39 that sort of makes you unkillable I remember one time saying Greg when's the last time you've been sick and you said I don't have time to get sick I I have shit to do. So you have purpose and then you chase excellence and you push those two together and then maybe money will come. You have purpose and you have excellence. So those are the pieces. But what you're saying is that maybe venture capital doesn't see it that way. That's right. And the problem is this, is that my sense of business, which is, which is the art and science of creating uniquely attractive opportunities for other people becomes once you go to Stanford Business School it's Q1
Starting point is 01:15:29 Q2, Q3 Where did you get that? The art and science I've heard you say it so many times It's the art and science of creating uniquely attractive opportunities for other people That, hey you want to get rich? Do that It's the art and science of creating uniquely attractive opportunities for other people. That, hey, you want to get rich? Do that.
Starting point is 01:15:51 Do that. And you have to study the formulation for a while to realize that you have nothing to do with it, really. You're going to do all the work. The art and science of creating uniquely attractive opportunities for other people and that's your definition of business yeah that's what business is that's what business that's what i delivered at harvard business school six years in a row um did you did you learn that in hindsight or you knew I got taught that by my affiliates by doing this thing we did this excellent thing we did
Starting point is 01:16:30 So your business was giving other people business opportunities And that includes Mr. Henninger was giving other people business opportunities. Mm-hmm. And that includes Mr. Henniger in Columbus, Ohio. Right. The RX Bar guy. He's just an affiliate who came back from the war,
Starting point is 01:16:55 didn't know what to do, so he started a fucking CrossFit gym and made his own gear because he couldn't afford to buy it from Bigger, Faster, Stronger. Nick Mossman at the same time in San Luis Obispo who is an affiliate and has a master's degree in
Starting point is 01:17:13 industrial technology. He's a renowned authority on welding. He's gone up to the sub bases where they're, where they assemble this tribe and submarine is consulted on that shit. Right.
Starting point is 01:17:29 He's an expert on welding and a very smart kid. You remember his place down in slow? I don't remember it. Well, he said no one, he says, I can tell you this. No one is ever going to get rich welding equipment for CrossFitters.
Starting point is 01:17:46 That's what Nick Mossman said. That's what he got with his master's degree from San Luis Obispo in welding technology. He's a fucking expert, right? He is an expert. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:18:02 And Bill's rich from welding equipment for CrossFitters. Very rich very rich yeah and i'm proud of bill proud that i got to play a small role in that and and look at me i i spoke to tom i called tom a couple days ago to talk to him about penises and now now I just made, and he's the expert, and I just made 20 bucks from him. This, Sebi, is like when we paid to pick strawberries. I was like, well, this is a trip. I really like this business model. And I get this tiny little basket,
Starting point is 01:18:38 and I paid 20 bucks a head, and my kids run around through the strawberry field. How did,, they were creating uniquely attractive opportunities for you. How did Harvard receive your message, Greg? It was
Starting point is 01:18:57 very well received. Do you think that they ever understood it? Before and after. It's being brought forward. And then they present both Do you think that they ever understood it? Before and after. Do you think they ever... It's being brought forward. Yeah, yeah. And then they present both... The case is made and I got to talk
Starting point is 01:19:13 and do a little bit of arguing, handle some questions and they'd vote again. And it was clear that I was an impactful presenter. Yeah. And I know that many years, I was the student's highlight for the year, repeatedly. I remember that. They would study the Anthos situation, right? The sale of the company and how you fought to keep it.
Starting point is 01:19:37 Yep. Audrey, you provided unlimited opportunities for all of us in some way or another that's that's kind thank you thank you all the spoiled lazy children of the well-off in california want to go Santa Cruz, UC Santa Barbara is a close second. I don't know. I went to UC Santa Barbara. I wasn't lazy. Oh, here we go. Matt Burns. Thank you, Greg, for continually coming on the show.
Starting point is 01:20:21 I enjoy it. Dan Guerrero. Greg, do you think HQ provides significant value to affiliates for the affiliate fee? I believe in the methodology, just not the subscription part. What do you mean the subscription part? The affiliate fees?
Starting point is 01:20:38 Oh, look, and you don't have to answer. You're a good dude, Dan. I can answer that. Okay, okay yeah of course you can you know i i put a pretty good effort into articulating the validation education litigation legislation angles what we did all those things for the affiliates that they couldn't do for themselves. I put myself in the position, I asked, would I be an affiliate? Given those things, listen to this guy talk, tell him if he's going to litigate on my behalf if needed, fight off pernicious legislation where and when needed. We actually did those things and did them successfully enough to make, you know, second page of the Wall Street Journal kind of progress.
Starting point is 01:21:26 And the education, the best birds that came around today are still amongst some of my best friends. I talk with, I stay in touch with them all. And these are the things that would have me affiliate. If you'd ask me, is that worth the $3,000? And it was an easy yes. Easy. Easy yes. And I'm telling you, I can't think of things that I would want done if I were an affiliate outside of that.
Starting point is 01:22:13 I can't think of things in running the company that you could do outside of that that wouldn't be injurious to the brand and to my business. And that includes trying to turn me into a shoe salesman, selling pills out of my gym, fish oil or any other kind of damn pill. I don't even want to sell water. I have an obligation to give you clean, cool water at my gym. That's one of my obligations. We're not going to have pay toilets and fucking, you know. Right. Clean bathroom and cold water. That's on me. fucking you know right clean bathroom in cold water that's on
Starting point is 01:22:48 me like the the the elements were just once again for your affiliate fees educate and just to pop this this popped in my head obviously there was the CrossFit journal for years you know 95% of it for free there was the website
Starting point is 01:23:04 with the constant flow of information there and then there was stuff like this which is i think the most popular video crossfit is published probably in the last six years maybe i don't know it's definitely up there and it's as 8.3 million views this is what some of your affiliate fees went to to bring um dr jason fung amongst dozens of other speakers to the crossfit games so that's the educate part the legislate was greg um going to uh dc and uh and all over california all over the world basically speaking to um fucking politicians i fucking hated that part we've fought off we fought off licensure that was designed by our competitors from academia and from industry in an unholy alliance went after the CrossFit gyms with a shit ton of money. with a shit ton of money.
Starting point is 01:24:13 And you look at their charters, what the hell is the paperwork? It's 1099s or whatever the hell that thing is, the 99s. What's the nonprofit? But anyways, in litigating against them, you could see that they didn't have the money for the big time lobbying they were doing. I knew we were with the Podesta group and I knew what I was spending. And what I was spending was millions. And what was being done to us was thousands of times more ambitious.
Starting point is 01:24:47 They were sponsoring legislation in 14 states. Effectively. And it was getting closer and closer to passing until it finally crested and passed in D.C. And it was going to come elsewhere too. And we went at it in a two-pronged approach. The second prong was going after the sponsors of these organizations, the NSCA and the ACSM, that had to be behind this financially, and that would be Coke and Pepsi.
Starting point is 01:25:22 That's what started the soda thing. It wasn't that soda was no good for you. And I made that perfectly clear on the road during the soda tour. Remember that? Absolutely. I think a lot of people still struggle. The poison that's not here. There wasn't the methamphetamine tour.
Starting point is 01:25:37 I didn't join the fentanyl tour. By the way, everyone look at what Dale King has done and read the Rolling Stone article on Dale. There's an affiliate. I couldn't be more proud of that guy. You pull that up, Savvy? Yeah. Yeah, he's a great dude right
Starting point is 01:26:06 great dude he's been on the podcast I'm running out of free articles he's saving addicts by the hundreds why is his hometown fighting him opioid epidemic devastated Portsmouthio now former army captain is trying to bring it back one burpee at a time it's funny to see this in rolling stone
Starting point is 01:26:32 they're a bunch of fucking sellouts give them credit where they get it right all right fine yeah this guy's running a crossfit gym basically if, for those of you who don't know the story, he was on the podcast. You should listen to the podcast. But he opened a CrossFit gym, and he basically employs addicts there. And then on top of that – or former addicts, people who are recovering. And on top of that, then he started another side business, which is Flourishing. What's the name of that business? It's the soap company. Damn. I feel horrible for not remembering. Someone will say it in the comments. But he sells a bunch of shit for hygiene, like soap. I used his soap this morning. It's a soap and a deodorant.
Starting point is 01:27:18 And he basically employs those. Oh, and a kettlebell. He makes kettlebellss sells kettlebells all all with people who are addicts regardless of your skin color there's not a skin color component now i have now i have a kettlebell i endorse you endorsed this kettlebell i would yeah i mean it's i finally i finally heard a reason to buy a kettlebell oh right gotcha the lover of kettlebells
Starting point is 01:27:49 I'm of the opinion you can do anything that you can do with a kettlebell you can do it with a dumbbell I spoke to Dale briefly and he said he really enjoyed working with this author too and that I should have the author on the podcast which I need to do
Starting point is 01:28:04 he said the author was fantastic hey um uh the thing is with that legislate litigate and educate um and dan followed up um dan guerrero see with that kind of response i would affiliate too i always overlook the litigation part huge value not sure if they still do that and and then sleaky here is uh crossfit is done fighting uh fights that ended with greg selling that's correct and i and i don't see any education either maybe i'm wrong i'm open to them someone pointing me to um something but i but i don't see any of that being done i i don't know what they're doing uh robbie meyer sebon and greg i finally left my non-affiliate yesterday joined a new affiliate all because of this chat thank you oh interesting meaning he belonged to a gym that had de-affiliated and moved to a gym that was was affiliated uh greg is the bsi lecture lecture coming to the East Coast?
Starting point is 01:29:09 Yeah, that has to happen. I wanted to show you this before we go. Do you have a favorite comedian? Me? Yeah. Oh, yeah, come on. Chris Rock. He is your favorite yeah
Starting point is 01:29:25 i saw this the other day i really like this here we go my favorite of the more modern day rappers is quavo from the migos because anything he says sounds badass man i like this song called kelly price because in that first verse quavo comes out swinging he's like i go through all the cities i'm on a mile a minute. I go a mile a minute. And when I'm sober, that shit's tight. But when I smoke a little bit, I start doing the math. I was like, yo, a mile a minute, that's 60 miles an hour. I was like, yo, a mile a minute?
Starting point is 01:30:07 That's 60 miles an hour. I was like, yo, did this dude just brag about driving across country at speed limit? Isn't comedy great? Mm-hmm. Why Chris Rock? You like Chris Rock better than Tosh? Point O? It's close, but yeah. Yeah, Chris is funny.
Starting point is 01:30:33 I saw him. He opened for Dave Chappelle. And you saw that? You saw both of them? Wow. When was that? Recently? That was a serious mistake on Chappelle's part.
Starting point is 01:30:48 Like, ouch. And Chappelle's great, but you don't, don't let Chris Rock open for you. Wow. Okay. And Chris Rock on the Will Smith thing is fucking hysterical.
Starting point is 01:31:00 Oh yeah. That is hysterical. Yeah. He says he slapped me because I'm little. That's why he slapped me. This guy played Muhammad Ali. Yeah, yeah. Him on the slap is absolutely hilarious. And some of the potency comes from it couldn't be more harmful to Will Smith.
Starting point is 01:31:29 It's so bad. He really makes him look really bad. That's at the very end of his most recent special, right? Oh, but you saw it live, too. You saw it live. Yep. Wow. Yep. I was like, I'd hate to be Will Smith tonight. Well,
Starting point is 01:31:51 we're laughing at his lack of character. This fucker has made it hilarious. He's made your lack of character fucking hilarious. Right. You don't even get to defend yourself when that's happening. You could just pathetically apologize some more, right?
Starting point is 01:32:11 Yeah. Yeah, it's a career-dinging move. It's as good for him as what Ozzy did with his career in the anti-Semitic rant. Oh, Mel. Yeah. The unknown. Greg's the best.
Starting point is 01:32:37 Unfailing, honest, consistently brilliant, and the only guest Savon doesn't constantly interrupt. Fuck off and keep your money. Thank you. Thanks, everybody. consistently brilliant, and the only guest Sevan doesn't constantly interrupt. Fuck off and keep your money. Thank you. Thanks, everybody. You guys, you're all very kind. Yeah, that was kind, but fuck you. I'm tired of the fucking interrupt
Starting point is 01:32:57 shit. Go watch another fucking podcast if you don't like it that I interrupt people. I have a rapport with Greg, and I know and we have a cadence, and Greg and I are like boyfriend and girlfriend. When we talk on the phone, sometimes we won't say anything for 10 minutes. I just have him in my ear while I'm doing dishes or cutting tree branches or whatever.
Starting point is 01:33:15 You're lucky. I interrupt the rest of the fucking guests, the fucking ding dongs. Sorry. I was triggered. Oh, and thank you for your twenty dollars triggering intensifies yes thank you thank you yeah i'm uh on the on the back to don again i don't want anyone to think that I don't think he's anything other than a decent, honest person.
Starting point is 01:33:51 I've not seen anything. And we have mutual friends. I have close friends that I hold in high regard that hold him in high regard. And so I'm more confident of his character than even from what I've seen personally. And I've seen quite a bit. And I myself would have a huge problem if I were paid and my compensation depended on the amount of money that was in your back pocket at the end
Starting point is 01:34:27 of the at the end of the year what little i know him is he works tirelessly and um he's doing his absolute fucking best and uh he's a family man and i haven't seen him do anything fucked up. I almost feel like he's made himself too accessible. I kind of feel bad for him at how much fucking input he's getting. Someone said to me, pardon me? Someone will put together an association of professional trainers and undertake the task of validation, education, litigation and legislation as a collective. And, and there'll be an, there'll be an alliance.
Starting point is 01:35:24 Or, or Greg, they'll end up the way. the other option is they end up the way as beauticians. They just get completely absorbed by the government and politics. Yep. So – I don't know exactly how to characterize this, but you had a – it's not that you didn't take input. It's not that you didn't talk to people. It's that you had a vision, and you know what you wanted to build. And so I see all of these leaders who – there's this whole thing like just be open, get feedback, talk to people. Let's do – like you weren't
Starting point is 01:36:05 doing what the affiliates wanted you were doing what was best for the affiliates you weren't doing what the games athletes wanted you were doing what crowned the fittest you weren't doing what like there's this way there's this thing that you did um we were moving in a direction and it didn't matter what fucking other people thought it was your fucking company and it wasn't that you were an asshole or a dictator or a – it was – I don't know. There's all these mischaracterizations. Not always, but sometimes I hear these mischaracterizations of like, oh, Dave should take more input with the games. I'm like, no, no, no. He should take less input.
Starting point is 01:36:44 Do you know what I'm like, no, no, no. He should take less input. Do you know what I'm referencing? Like you knew you had a vision and people didn't understand. It didn't matter if like, well, nine out of 10 affiliates do want to sell peanut butter. Well, it didn't matter to you. And they use that as some sort of validity that you should have allowed them to sell peanut butter. and it's like but it's what they wanted it's like yeah but that's not what that's not what the vision was for the fucking company yeah the uh do you feel me what i'm trying to articulate here there's this like they think there was like this democratization or this consensus thing going on sebi what was the example we had the other day? And I was like, what the fuck would he know about running anything? Oh, why does he, why does he have an opinion? I don't know. I can't remember,
Starting point is 01:37:37 but I remember thinking when you said I go, God, I hope this doesn't come up on the show. I can, now I can't remember who it is. Maybe that's good that I can't remember. It was, it was someone we knew had an opinion on how to run something it wasn't it wasn't um it was kalipa was it i think remember remember remember him telling me about the advice he was given and I asked, let me hear one of these pearls in the car?
Starting point is 01:38:10 Yes, vaguely. Yes, yes, yes, vaguely. Yeah. Oh, we were at breakfast in Los Gatos. Yeah, and we had proceeded with a phone call. We met him for lunch. Right, right. Me, you, and Letchford.
Starting point is 01:38:24 And I asked him to share with me something that would, you know, an example of something that would make a huge difference. Do you remember what the offering was? I do. I do. It was treat everyone fairly, right? The same. It was like he said, if regardless of your class has one person in it or 20 members, uh, bring the same energy. Okay. Something like that.
Starting point is 01:38:48 Treat everyone the same. Something like that, yeah. I had to ask you. Really? You came up with that? Look at Heidi. Oh, no. Heidi, I'm sweating.
Starting point is 01:39:09 meaning meaning what your point is is if you need help with that you're in the wrong fucking business anyway like you think like hell yeah if i come into your gym and you smell bad and the floor's dirty and you're ignoring people that's not going to get fixed you smell bad and the floor's dirty and you're ignoring people, that's not going to get fixed. Right. I've had one affiliate of 15,000 tell me, man, after hearing you, I cleaned my bathroom and what a difference. I was shocked. I couldn't believe I was hearing it.
Starting point is 01:39:49 I couldn't believe that anyone that keep a dirty bathroom could be shamed into cleaning it and seeing that as a new way of life that was i think only one did that and i don't think there's only one dirty bathroom that was dan mcdougall he's like that's what it takes we'll do it i don't i'm gonna be successful no matter what it takes i'll clean my fucking bathroom do you remember when starbucks sort of first bursted on the scene like they were everywhere and do you remember that was kind of their thing their bathroom was clean yeah yeah it was kind of like unprecedented because everyone was so used to like a fucking taco bell bathroom yeah they're not clean anymore really that star Starbucks has let that slip. You can find some that are dirty. We know what happened to Starbucks.
Starting point is 01:40:34 Go woke, go broke? Yep. Judy Reed, it's like with kids. You don't give them all these options. They don't know what they want half the time. Correct. Oh, look at this shit daniel garrity uh i ran into greg at a starbucks during the ultimate hawaii trail run two stars struck to say hello at the time you fuck that up daniel uh vindicate um a disgusting bathroom is one of the reasons i left my last gym
Starting point is 01:41:03 not an affiliate but a clean bathroom should still be the norm. Absolutely. Have you been out on your new boat? Yesterday. First time? Yeah. Awestruck? It's super cool.
Starting point is 01:41:23 Now, by the way, I'm talking about the manitou we haven't dropped the uh stand craft yet but i think that's happening today they're still they're still building the dock and so we're a little bit in the way the dock's not quite completed there's some finishing touches that are important some cleats need to be moved and some bumper material installed on the interior of the slip. But it's coming along. What is the material? So you have a dock and then you pull a boat next to it and then you just jump
Starting point is 01:41:54 out? We have slips. We have slips. Like a parking space where you get out on either side? You got to go right up into the middle. And then what's around there if your boat bumps into what is it tires or um it's a rubber material is it nice are you like you do everything you can to make sure that doesn't happen but it's like bouncing around in there anyway right because it's a lake like a boat drive by and your boat bounces around a little bit and so you have these big inflatable fenders big rubber tubes ones we have are eight
Starting point is 01:42:30 inches by about 20 eight inches in circumference yeah inches long and they tie to the dock or on the edge of the boat so and what's this manitou for is it like you sit and drink and eat? it's a tritune boat just all the kids, toe shit, great visibility it's fun I'll give you pictures for next time we'll share the boats a blast Natalie Bates, good morning guys
Starting point is 01:43:01 love these chats, oh sure, now you take the boat out oh she's in washington too right yeah she was just here she just left yesterday she and jared just were out visiting oh that's why she said oh yeah now you take the boat out oh that's awesome you are you liking the boat back come back natalie we'll take the boat out are you liking the boat thing is Is this your first boating lifestyle? Yeah, second year. And last summer was kind of an emergency, right? We got a house on the lake and I got a dock and I need a boat.
Starting point is 01:43:35 And it was COVID tight. It was hard to find boats. It was hard to find jet skis. Three or four people calling around the country. It was hard to find jet skis. Three or four people calling around the country. And so the dust is settled now, and we've got stuff coming in that we've been trying to get for a long while. And the town you live in, when you go grocery shopping, you get in a boat, and then you go to a Raley's that has a parking lot for boats? I can get, no, but I can get to everything quicker by boat than I can by car. Does your grocery store have slips for boats?
Starting point is 01:44:10 I'm sorry? Does your grocery store have slips for boats? No, but you can walk from where you can dock. But restaurants, everything's water available. Pizza delivered by jet ski. Everything's water available. Pizza delivered by Jet Ski. So let's say you wanted to go to a coffee shop and sit down with your computer and chill or read a book or something.
Starting point is 01:44:34 Would you go by car or boat? You could do either one. Is one faster? If you get increasingly comfortable with the boats, you're going to probably be boating more and more. It's closer. A lot quicker. God, what a trippy life. I can't even get my head wrapped around that. There's a bar across the lake from here that you can get to
Starting point is 01:44:56 by jet ski. You can probably be sitting at the bar in five minutes. I don't think you could drive there in 40. God, I want to be there. I know you couldn't. Hmm. All right.
Starting point is 01:45:17 Well, thank you. Thank you. Great seeing you again. Is that what you're doing today? Are you going to spend? Thanks for the kind words, everyone. You've got a lot of sweet people listening gonna spend words everyone it's a you've got a lot of sweet people listening to your show it's a cool group greg you're a legend hypoticus hey
Starting point is 01:45:32 are you um is that what you're doing today you're doing boating yeah you have signal on your boat oh yeah the whole lake you can be on your phone on the boat yep awesome you know it's an interesting it's an interesting city that disperses to the periphery of a lake um we have friends that come over by boat that i wouldn't know how to and i've been to their house but i wouldn't know how to get there by car oh wow i wouldn't even know what like how to start how would you ever drive there i don't know is it crowded there i'm sorry is it crowded there in quarter line not at all i shouldn't be speaking it up i don't you know so it's a super popular spot but just people just still haven't found it. It's –
Starting point is 01:46:32 Sebi, if any one of those times you and I drove over 90 and I looked over to the right over my shoulder and saw – when I saw the town, if I'd gotten off, you and Dave and all the rest of you would be living here now. Oh, wow. Wow. I would have taken CrossFit there
Starting point is 01:46:55 instantly. With one visit? Uh-huh. I was able to just get off the interstate and I didn't. Coeur d'Alene is a city in northwest Idaho. It's known for water didn't. Coeur d'Alene is a city in Northwest Idaho. It's known for water sports on Lake Coeur d'Alene plus trails in the Canfield Mountains. Nicest people in the world. You're trying to get out of the Costco or the Home Depot and the people on the state highway will slow down to let cars out of the Costco.
Starting point is 01:47:26 What's the age demographic? Is it like Naples? Is it all gray hair? No. It's a mix? Robust population. There's three colleges. Where are you on this lake?
Starting point is 01:47:41 Are you on this side? I'm at Stevens Point. So. Maggie. She can show you exactly where. Are you by the opening of the Spokane River? No. South of there.
Starting point is 01:48:02 I'm on that. I'm on that. I'm on that west side see kid island there yeah oh no go down good how do i share my screen okay stop stop right there stop right there i could zoom in more and get some more names. Three mile point? Drag up left. Yeah, we're three mile point. See three mile point?
Starting point is 01:48:30 Yeah, there it is. We're right there. Wow. I'm on three mile point road. Oh, shit, dude. It's no joke getting out of there. Wow, your road network. Okay, so you're like in the country. There's no bridge. Oh, no wonder you have to take a boat everywhere. Okay, so you're like in the country. There's no bridge.
Starting point is 01:48:45 Oh, no wonder you have to take a boat everywhere. Okay, and so if you want to go somewhere, you just cross over here to Worldmark by Wyndham or something, Worldmark, Arrowpoint. Yeah, Gaza's over there, and there's bars, restaurants. You know, if you're into Kardashians or Bieber, that's where you go see them. Crazy.
Starting point is 01:49:13 And what's so cool is sitting at Goss or at their bar, somebody asks where you live, I can point to our house across the lake. I'm exactly where you'd want to be, me, in relation to that scene. The Panhandle Yacht Club. you don't golf right no don't have time for that too many kids yeah and i and i really enjoy um what we do i like this i like the schooling i like teaching them i couldn't enjoy that more. It's some of the most meaningful interaction that I think you can have with a kid is fill in their head with, with potent ideas. And, uh, the boating is a blast. How about disc golf, Greg. You play any disc golf? No. No hacky sack either.
Starting point is 01:50:08 All right. Have fun. Love you. Thanks. You're a good dude. I'll talk to you later. That's a good question. You can podcast right in here. I know. I'm seeing it. I'm hearing it. Come up when the PDX4 drop down.
Starting point is 01:50:26 Come around for that. Okay. I'll give you a call today. All right, sir. Bye, everyone. Bye. Thank you. Greg Glassman.
Starting point is 01:50:35 I'm on a weekly feature on the show. A feature. Like how mountains have waterfalls. A feature. I've got to tell Jay right now to make a clip of that. The art and science. Art and science. Business.
Starting point is 01:50:55 Business. Greg spoke about the definition of business today. Great clip. 10 minutes. YouTube. What do you guys think that was? Like at the 90-minute mark? 90-minute mark.
Starting point is 01:51:19 Don't be a pussy. What do you mean? You mean like don't like – what do you mean don't be a pussy? Like go out and visit him. It's so far, dude. It's a thousand miles. So far. Those days, those days for me.
Starting point is 01:51:32 So like I, I need, I would need a two week window to do that. Roxanne, wonderful. The Glassman shows are some of the best. He's great, isn't he? Hey, listen, I interrupted colton yesterday less than i interrupted greg today how about that fuck nuts you fucking ding dongs you fucking idiots that are say shit like uh he spends 50 of the time googling on the show maybe five percent know, fuck off. Post games. Oh, after the games?
Starting point is 01:52:11 The thing is, Christian, I think that there's a window there for Coeur d'Alene. It's a pretty tight window. So my dad's coming from Armenia for a month. Now you guys will know my whole schedule. My dad's... My dad's... Coming from Armenia for a month. So so that month i want to be around so i can see my dad as much as i can dravis b thank you you can have sex with all my immediate family members i love when you
Starting point is 01:52:41 interrupt people it's enjoyable to hear. Thank you. Do I have... I'm trying... Johnny, are you doing a UFC Power Slap show this week? It's funny you ask that because there's a heavyweight that... There's a heavyweight that we had on the line. He doesn't want to do a 7am show. I'll do it whenever he wants.
Starting point is 01:53:04 He's actually... Or a super heavyweight. He's like a 400-pound dude. He doesn't want to do a 7 a.m. show. I'll do it whenever he wants. He's actually a super heavyweight. He's like a 400-pound dude. He's like the first one. He's a badass. I think he's undefeated. That's kind of hard for me to watch, to be honest with you, the power slap thing. Use his picture in the thumbnail. Let me see.
Starting point is 01:53:25 I think I, um, I'm going to call Taylor self really quick. Um, let me see if I have his number. I don't know if he'll even answer these fucking guys that coach for a living. They make the worst fucking friends. They're so fucking hard to get ahold of.
Starting point is 01:53:45 Oh, is this, um, They make the worst fucking friends. They're so fucking hard to get a hold of. Uh-oh. Is this phone not hooked up? Let's see. Shit, it's not hooked up. Oh, of course, he didn't answer. How about I, you know, like if you were to complain about how often I have to reset my phone up, I'd understand. And that's fucking annoying. Maybe, let me see if I call him twice in a row.
Starting point is 01:54:15 Some of these guys have recents. Here we go. I could call him on this phone too simultaneously hey hey this is the live call in show phone hello testing can you hear me yeah okay you're live on the show Colin's show phone. Hello?
Starting point is 01:54:46 Testing. Hello? Can you hear me? Yeah, okay. You're live on the show. Hey, listen. Listen. You guys are doing a show today?
Starting point is 01:54:54 Yeah, we're doing a show. Okay, listen. Is Brian coming on? JR asked, and I think Brian wanted to, so I think so. Use his picture in the thumbnail and his name in the title. It will get you guys more views. Okay. Are you live right now?
Starting point is 01:55:13 I am. No, you're live right now. We don't need Brian for views, bro. Oh, God. Don't get defensive. The truth is the truth. Shut the fuck up. Hey, I have a question.
Starting point is 01:55:28 I can't ask this live. Okay. Hey, what are you guys going to talk about today? We're talking about the best ever program CrossFit games in history. Okay. Hey, Colton said something crazy yesterday that I just loved. What did he say? He said, and I think you guys should do a whole show on this. He said, so the pundits, that's like you, will sit around and talk about, loved he said he said and i'd love to i think you guys should do a whole show on this he said
Starting point is 01:55:45 so the pundits that's like you will sit around and talk about hey this is a short man's workout this is a short man's workout and then and then colton will kill it and then people will be like uh oh it's not actually a short man's workout instead of saying holy fuck uh colton's that amazing that he killed a short man's workout for example semi-finals workout number seven right he killed it and the argument was and i'm not saying i'm not saying that you said this but the argument was is that he would shit the bed on the echo bike and wouldn't be able to get his hands around the um no no you're saying that you're saying this incorrectly because i'm not i'm not understanding what you're saying what colton said was oh people will say
Starting point is 01:56:22 this is a short man's workout and then he'll kill it. And then people will say, oh, it's not a short man's workout. That's what you just said. Yeah. Yeah. Instead of saying, oh, my God, it still is a short man's workout. But someone like Colton overcame it. Like, that's how good you're talking about a tall man, a tall man's workout. Fine. Fine. Yes. Fine. Fine. That's what you mean, right? Sorry, sorry. Yeah, thank you. Sorry. Not only am I not listening to myself, but I'm not listening to you. You're right. So, yeah, let me rephrase that again. He'll kill a tall man's workout, and then people will be like, oh, I guess that wasn't a tall man's workout.
Starting point is 01:56:59 First off, I'm not a pundit. Second off, neither is JR. What the fuck are you guys? What are you guys? Eat a dick. You guys are eat a dickers. No, you're going to eat a dick. And I still think test seven from semifinals was a tall person's workout. And I said when he finished, one, I didn't think it was going to keep him out. I was a little nervous for the carry and the bike, but he crushed it.
Starting point is 01:57:23 I gave him credit where credit was due. You said he overcame a tall man's workout. Yeah, for sure. He does it all the time. A pundit is an expert in a particular subject or field who is frequently called on to give opinions about it to the public.
Starting point is 01:57:39 It can also be spelled. Well, then let's just say this. I'm more of a renaissance man than a pundit because I can do a lot rather than just give expertise on certain subjects that I know a lot on. Okay, you're a fucking... I coach. I'm changing the title of the show to J.R., Brian, and Taylor Pundits. Then what are you, dude?
Starting point is 01:57:59 Hey, someone wrote, not only are you a pundit, you're CrossFit's most aggressive pundit. Does that mean you're a retard because you get on your show and talk about things you have no idea about? Yeah. I'm a retard. No, I talk about cock all the time. I'm a cock pundit. Who
Starting point is 01:58:17 said I was the most aggressive pundit? The clock character. Word. What's your show about today? Gregreg was on oh what'd you guys talk about a little bit of everything we talked about a little bit about affirmative action the new laws we talked about what's great we talked about the crazy um uh court decision coming out of louisiana that the the left is all upset about which is crazy they should be happy about the judge basically said
Starting point is 01:58:45 that um the u.s government can't bully social media um uh uh providers like they the fbi can't contact twitter and be like hey motherfuckers yeah you better deny the biden haplot a biden laptop story is true and kick everyone off who says it is true he said you saw that he said you can't do that i love that. Yeah, it's fucking amazing. I don't understand why the left is so afraid of freedom of speech. I didn't realize the left was freaking out about that. I knew they were freaking out about affirmative action. Dude, not only are they freaking out,
Starting point is 01:59:17 this is what the fucking NPR, National Public Radio, titles the decision. U.S. is barred from combating disinformation. Oh. It's like dude all the disinformation is coming from the government yeah that's insane hey have you listened to that or have you read that book um from rfk jr the real anthony fauci no i have it is it have you read it it's fucking fucking insane, dude. I mean, he talks about a lot of things that I had no idea about. I like, I had no idea that FDA got 45% of its funding from big pharma. That'd be like the EPA getting half of its annual budget from the coal
Starting point is 01:59:57 industry, which they probably do. They regulate, right. Which they probably probably do. Yeah. Which is, but that was one thing that was fucking insane. He drew a pretty common sense comparison or metaphor with the CDC, you know, essentially mandating the 72 vaccines for the child vaccine schedule while recommending that pregnant women and children avoid fish or foods high in mercury and toxic metals when vaccines are extremely high in toxic metals and previously mercury which is a i had just never drawn that you know parallel which was pretty interesting um yeah it's nuts how about this there's all these people so you know the the the people the people who use the word anti-vaxxer, they'll be like, oh, that person's an anti-vaxxer or that person. They say that. But I wonder if any of those people have ever looked at the statistics of people who have autism, who've gotten the vaccine versus those who haven't. It's that's another crazy thing. Go look at those statistics. And yeah. And then now what do you think? Go look at those statistics. And yeah. And then now what do you think? Instead of calling people anti-vaxxer or crazy for thinking that, why don't you just go look at the numbers and look at the Amish community?
Starting point is 02:01:27 Yeah, the crazy thing about that is in the 90s, it's like one in every 10,000 kids is diagnosed with autism. Today, it's near one in every 10. And that's the big one of the bigger changes is going from three mandated or recommended vaccines to 72 in that short-term period. You're ready to have kids. You're ready to have kids. Are you having unprotected sex? Dude, I'm not giving our kids any vaccines. Dude, I'm anti everything you put in your body. I don't take any medicine. I'm so I'm very in line with CrossFit in the sense of minimal effective dose and our our medical. Advisors, experts, quote unquote, pundits, all those fuckheads, it seemed to have forgotten minimum effective dose and just drug you up on whatever the fuck they want. I'm also watching that Hulu docuseries Dope Sick. And it makes me want and it makes me want to assassinate the entire
Starting point is 02:02:08 Sackler family. I probably shouldn't say that live, but that story is fucking disgusting. Elisa Carr-Ridau, Taylor Self only takes the penis. Correct. That's the best medication. And the good thing about dick and minimum
Starting point is 02:02:23 effective dose, if you don't have to get all stretched out, you just take the smallest pecker you can find. That's all you need. And that's why I'm good to go. I would like to see a show on UNJR talk about, by the way, I'm very excited. brian's gonna be on there about time it's been forever since he's been on the podcast but um i'd like to see you guys talk about what is a small man workout and what is a tall man workout and really define that and like do those
Starting point is 02:02:55 things really exist does that does that topic hit close to home for you is that like a proximity no no i could give two fucks i just hear well not in the sense because I'm fucking a miniature human being but just in the sense that it's something that's it's thrown out there so often that was a tall man's workout this was a short man's workout and I and I want to see like does that really exist
Starting point is 02:03:17 yeah okay well we'll do that show uh fuck me I'm trying to park and all I see are handicap places take one take one doesn't matter ryan tang away isn't it illegal to pull the show do you have to leave you have to get off no i got like two more minutes okay this guy ryan says isn't it illegal to pull the show down now according to what sevan just talked about i'm paying half attention here's the thing they they can still pull the show down they can't pull the show down
Starting point is 02:03:48 because the government tells them to pull the show down now but they could still pull the show down for their own rules um i i believe but also the guidelines they were following were who and that's not a government organization basically what the u.. government was doing is they were fucking going around. They had 60 people or 80 people at the FBI communicating with Twitter, telling them to pull down like something like 17000 accounts. I mean, I had my Instagram account pulled down for that shit. Yeah, that's pretty muddy because can't these social media companies just adopt government policies or take under the table whatever bribes which that's not outside the realm of realism because that happens all the time they do of course they do yeah i just don't see how much of a difference that ruling is going to make aside from the fact that now it's in the spotlight and people are aware of it i can't believe i got a hold of you i thought you'd be coaching
Starting point is 02:04:47 are you are you want you're like killer and brian you have your phone on like the first time someone calls you it just pushes them straight to message sometimes i'm going into pt now though so i gotta go oh oh how when will you be competing again this is breaking news people um i'm not sure things are going well so are you losing a little bit of your heart to compete now that you really embrace the coaching role no not at all okay i don't believe you bye all right uh taylor self and jr i think they come on in two hours sounds like they got brian friend i mean they're gonna get twice as many views with brian are they out of their fucking mind
Starting point is 02:05:26 he's a good dude now what now what do you got to say oh that's i think it's a sackler it's a there's a docu-series on a family there that how they may got so fucking wealthy pushing opium selling opium and the hoops they jump through and how they got all the shit passed doesn't even matter anymore I find it hard to just blame one
Starting point is 02:06:00 family oh this show hasn't been dinged yet maybe something's happened at youtube also after yesterday's ruling yeah i didn't interrupt colton i didn't interrupt colton go back and watch it and you know why i didn't interrupt him because our fucking connection was so fucking bad it's okay to interrupt people so it's a back and forth tussle help contextualize things it's rude if you interrupt if you're just completely fucking changing the subject and i know i'm guilty of that occasionally what is this what is this what is this this isn't a live oh this is a live calling show hi hey hey hi what's up nothing much um i don't know how much pull you have with uh crossfit right now
Starting point is 02:06:55 but i'm so tired of dating guys that don't do crossfit so i'm gonna need you to like pull some strings and do like a singles event at the game i like it yeah i'm so tired of it like a wet t-shirt contest yeah i mean something i'd be in i'm down because i mean tyson's not really responding back to my snapchat oh hey how how in the fuck can I be mean to you right now? No, fine. Okay, fine. I won't. No, do it. Do it. Okay. How can you DM me saying that you want to help with the show, and then I tell you what needs to be done, and you're like, I can't do that?
Starting point is 02:07:35 Listen, motherfucker, how are you going to get anywhere? You just got to be like, yes, sir, whatever you need. Yes, daddy. Yeah, you just got to be like yes sir absolutely no i don't know how to take out the trash well shit that's all we got that's the only position we got i'm a princess savon but i'm trying are you i'm trying so i started pulling like i was listening to the um the live column with greg the other day and i think we should um i already messaged you about it but i think we should pull up all the times he's talking about felipe khan and make it and
Starting point is 02:08:11 make like a clip of all those times that he talks about him and call it the real man behind the crossfit journal wow wow yeah all yeah it's so god if we had the resources to do that so like if that's the thing and we don't have the resources to do that. So like, if that's the thing, we don't have the resources to pay anyone for that. But some of these people who listen to this fucking show, like religiously, like it needs to be someone like that. The people who are helping me with the show now don't even have time to
Starting point is 02:08:35 listen to every show. But if someone could listen to every show and be listening to every show and just be marking shit. Okay. Here, Greg talked about Philippe Conner. This is, this is every dick joke Sevan made.
Starting point is 02:08:45 And then they started being compilations of that. Oh my God. Look at Heidi saying, Sevy, I've literally offered everything to you. You fucking kidding me? I mean, do you remember when Heidi went out there and like caught the snow on fire for you? I mean, she's done a lot for you.
Starting point is 02:09:03 Yeah, that was fucking great. She's great. I love Heidi. Oh, oh she's awesome you know who this is someone said she's a redhead how do you know who this is christian i haven't said her name yeah she is a redhead crazy redhead how did you know that do i have a redhead voice no but you do have a voice. If you and I became friends, you would be the only person I know who talks like you. As soon as you called and I realized it was you, I was like, oh, shit, I would have a friend who sounds like this. That would be a trip. Because I'm a California guy. I don't know anyone who sounds like you.
Starting point is 02:09:37 Well, I'm from South Georgia. Yeah, you sound like you're from a fucking different planet than me. I mean, I like it. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. No, what?. I mean, I like it. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. No, what? It's great. I love it.
Starting point is 02:09:49 It's like I don't have any English friends. Oh, no, I have one English friend too. A mom who saw a tennis mom. Yeah, I like having friends with different voices. Okay. I definitely got to catch up on some shows, but I think it would be cool to clip all the times Greg is talking about Philippe Kahn.
Starting point is 02:10:10 Yeah. I just read your DM. Yep. I think that would be cool. I can like go ahead and pull the times, like the time spans. What if you, what if you just,
Starting point is 02:10:20 do you know how to edit at all? No. Oh, so I'm a communications major. I'm not like, I did not do any of the like marketing side of things. It's like, it would be like PR and shit, but I can sure try. I don't know. I think, you know what I think Hiller does?
Starting point is 02:10:38 I think Hiller puts his phone on private, plays something on his phone, and uses screen record on his phone on private plays something on his phone and uses screen record on his phone i played around with that earlier when i was toying with the idea it works and then um and then from there you could just pick a clip let's say like today like today there was when greg was talking about the art and science of uh creating unique and attractive opportunities for others that's the definition of business like that's like a fucking 10 minute clip that should be pulled and oh look hillar just responded he does so that is what he does and hillar's a stickler for video quality like he bitches at me he's like god dude your show it looks like ass today or looked like ass yesterday or your guest had a shitty connection i'm like what do you care and he's like i just i hate it when the picture's ass so that means that
Starting point is 02:11:27 must be good enough so basically you could pull that that's you screen record that on your phone that 10 minute segment and then email it to me and then um and then i could upload it and then once we become close enough friends and i trust you um trust you then i could just give you access to the youtube and you could upload it. And then I could get you to be working for me for free. For free. That sounds like fun. I'll only do it if you put my dad on the podcast. We still haven't done that. What's your dad do? He he was you remember a long time ago, I called in about the dude sitting to dave when he was doing that um army ranger
Starting point is 02:12:05 stuff in georgia and he was in a ceo shirt you're gonna have him on the oh is your dad on instagram he is but then you had him scheduled and then it was the same weekend that greg was doing his broken science thing so you had to cancel on him what's What's his name? We never rescheduled? No, you never rescheduled. What the fuck? He's beat up. Tell me his name again. Justin McManus.
Starting point is 02:12:37 Justin Medeiros. Justin Kotler. Justin Gaethje. Justin Berg. Justin LaFranco. Justin Bieber. You text. I mean, y'all here.
Starting point is 02:12:47 I'll send you his. His at. Can you just tell me what's his last name? McManus. It's Justin McManus one. That's his Instagram. MC. Oh, I found him.
Starting point is 02:13:02 Oh, shit. I found him. That's your dad. Your dad looks so young yeah oh I follow him correct his most recent post is with the CEO shirt oh from 47 weeks ago
Starting point is 02:13:15 well that's when you were doing the like the giveaway at the games I was so happy when I saw the CEO shirts um in the most recent doc. He looks way better than that now. Don't do him dirty like that.
Starting point is 02:13:33 Your dad? Yeah. He doesn't even look like a real human in that picture. His face looks like a caricature. Is this him right here? On the right here? Is this him? Where?
Starting point is 02:13:46 Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah, it doesn't even look like the same guy in that other picture. Not that he looks bad. He finally, like, buckled down on his nutrition and stuff, and I think he, like, cut 20 pounds, but he's jacked now. How old's your dad? He is 42.
Starting point is 02:14:03 Shit, your dad's 10 years younger than me. That's crazy. How old are you? 22. Oh, my goodness. Yes, sir. I will absolutely make whatever you want. Oh, look, Heidi Kroon called your dad a cartoon.
Starting point is 02:14:18 Is he a cartoon? Heidi, we're not friends anymore. Oh, just like that. Bam. Just like that. Bam. Just like that. All right. I'm Sevan Matosian at Gmail. Sevan Matosian at Gmail.
Starting point is 02:14:33 Okay, cool. And try to get that singles event going on. Okay. All right. I appreciate you. You're the best. Bye. God, I love that accent. That girl has the coolest fucking hair, if it's really her hair. Andrew Hiller, Dick Butter, I have four monkeys on the payroll.
Starting point is 02:14:53 Someone asked me again, Andrew. Someone asked me again yesterday if you have editors. I know you're like, oh, you thought I was joking, but I'm not. Oh, Christian, he pulled her comment up yesterday that Tyson wasn't replying to her Snapchat message. She's a redhead giving the camera some eyes. Yeah. Wow. Wow. She is. Yeah, she is a redhead and she is giving the camera some eyes. She's something else. That's it. It's a handful. Yeah, that's it. That is concerning, right, Travis? Vindicate 22 and you need a single zen. Oh, Travis, can we get a QR code like we have for California Peptides?
Starting point is 02:15:34 Wouldn't it be cool if there's one that said CEO shirts? And I just popped it up there and it was just up there all the time. And people could like point their phone to it and get a shirt. I'm supposed to – my kids are doing jiu-jitsu right there all the time. And people could like point their phone to it and get a shirt. I'm supposed to... My kids are doing jiu-jitsu right now in the house. I'm supposed to go to the cleaners right now and get some shit hemmed. And then when I come back, go play tennis with them. And instead I'm on here fucking around with you guys.
Starting point is 02:16:00 No, I don't... You really get crazy vibes from her? I didn't get crazy... Well, I heard... No, I don't... You really get crazy vibes from her? I didn't get... Well, I heard... No, I don't get crazy vibes from her. Oh, already emailed to you, boss. Awesome. And I know I owe you a W-9 or something like that, too.
Starting point is 02:16:24 Jeffrey Burchfield. It would be. You make it, make it seven you mean i make the qr code i need help i want help i don't know if i need help i want help i want help i want help i want lots of help what if everyone what if everyone who listened to the show emailed me their favorite clip in Google Drive? And I could just start putting out mass YouTube clips. And then I could pay Caleb so he could be here every morning with me and pay Sousa. With all the extra loot I'd make. me and pay suza with all the extra loot i'd make you've all look at all these people who are saying they've offered i've offered but to no avail what the fuck are you talking about jeffrey you offered
Starting point is 02:17:14 what to buy me a margarita hey what's up hey hey what's up what's up, Simon? What's up, dude? Not much. Just got a little question for you. What's your 50 burpee time? What's your 50 burpee time? Dude, mine's like 242 or something. I'm too tall. Okay.
Starting point is 02:17:41 But other than that, so everything you do with your kids is amazing. know you got them on kuman math reading jujitsu uh skateboarding here it comes but i don't know if you read the but no no no uh where's that second language oh that's a great one right that is a great one right dude they're doing everything why not make it be bilingual or trilingual they're so young still yeah you're right and you know what? We used to have a nanny, and we used to have two nannies when we was balling. And we would ask them only to speak Spanish to the kids. So why don't you get him a skateboard instructor that is Hispanic
Starting point is 02:18:19 instead of a white dude that only speaks Spanish? Oh, okay, okay. I mean, an Armenian gets spoken in Armenia and at your house. Live it in LA. Oh my God, dude. Why not Spanish? Oh my God, dude.
Starting point is 02:18:34 What are you thinking right now? Sorry to interrupt. Daniel Brandon commented on my post. I'm gonna go get drunk. I'm gonna get drunk. Teddy William fucking Okay sorry hold on a second You're right thank you
Starting point is 02:18:49 What do you want me to do You're fucking right okay Thank you Alan Hey I love you 7 I just want your kids to be amazing Look at everyone knows it's you Andrew Hiller's like this is Alan Phillip Kelly says it's Alan
Starting point is 02:19:03 I keep on listening have a good day bro take care alright thank you love you bye good dude I like him a lot look at Teddy Williams this is fucking Colton Merton's personal
Starting point is 02:19:17 fucking videographer thank you Craig Howard legendary affiliate owner former CrossFit Games champ. Thank you. Paul Akebe, former guest on the show, saved thousands of Afghanis. And then, look at this. You guys know who this is?
Starting point is 02:19:41 Daniel Brandon? Want to see who this is? I'm so... I told Suzy yesterday how happy... Let's click on her. Let's watch. Too slow, buddy. You're going too slow.
Starting point is 02:20:00 Look at his board. I think it actually clips the bottom stair. Aye. Aye, aye, aye. Got his little stud. Let me see. I'll show you this too. This happened yesterday.
Starting point is 02:20:22 You guys will enjoy this. This happened yesterday in the um yo garage if you don't follow three plane brothers you should um okay so this is uh this is a mat i got from tumble track and they they're bouncing over a bunch of extra rogue mats i got that we use all the time so the what i had them do is is i have them i start and just have them jump over one and then two and then three and then eventually they jump over so many mats that you can't even see what's on the other side okay so here we go can't even see the ball so look i'm standing I'm standing where they have to run from, and I'm taller than them, and you can't even see.
Starting point is 02:21:08 You can't even see the ball on the other side. Over here, this is crazy. Oh! Oh, my goodness. And then this happened. Oh. this happened how about that little posse how about that little posse takes before he stands up like he's like assessing whether like uh he had his ribs broken or some shit can't even see the ball from over here this is crazy
Starting point is 02:21:41 oh look at this this thing is nuts watch this pause he makes he hits boom and then he's like assessing the situation oh my god so glad he didn't break a rib oh have them jump over Colton at the games. That's not a bad idea. Sorry. Oh, that was only at three frames per second, the skateboarding. Sorry.
Starting point is 02:22:11 Anyway. So yesterday after the 200 burpees with the weight vest and climbing over the 30-inch box, my son, he actually had a little bit of protein powder and some whole milk and took a shower and went straight to bed. And then when I climbed into bed with him, I was like, Hey dude, you should eat. And he's like, yeah, I'm hungry. And then he, that was like 20 minutes after and he jumped up and he ate a hamburger and a
Starting point is 02:22:34 hot dog, an incredible hamburger. It was like a mix with jalapeno and bacon. I should have dumped a bucket of ice water on him for failing. You know what I did do the other day? Avi was in the shower saying some crazy shit, like just swearing and just raging in there, having fun.
Starting point is 02:22:56 And I said, hey, dude, you got to calm down. Like your mom's home. I don't want you saying those swear words around her. And he wouldn't stop. And he was going nuts. So I did get, I filled up a bucket of cold water and I poured it on him in the shower he likes it though all right um the sweater vest and shorts is sick yeah that's his tennis outfit that's what he plays tennis in all right um all over the place here um okay so jeffrey birchfield is offered to help me i don't know what the fuck he said he's offered but just do something please heidi croon says she's offered
Starting point is 02:23:32 just fucking do something i don't drink lmt lmnt make your own shit Don't drink that garbage. Make your own. I heard that. I don't approve of that place anymore. What were those fuckers? I saw them affiliated with some fucking pretty hardcore woke shit. Sorry. Not spending my dollars there. All right.
Starting point is 02:24:00 Love you guys. Talk to you guys soon. Oh, tonight. Sarah Sigmund's daughter. 6.30 p.m. Pacific. Oh, shit. There's three shows. So there's a show at 11. And then there's soon. Oh, tonight. Sarah Sigmund's daughter. 6.30 p.m. Pacific. Oh, shit. There's three shows. So there's a show at 11.
Starting point is 02:24:09 And then there's another show today at 6.30. All right. Busy day. Wow. All right. Oh, Jake. Hey. Hi.
Starting point is 02:24:19 Did you comment up here earlier and I missed you? I did think I saw your name earlier. I know I need to call you, Jake. Oh, shit. Here it is. Hey, Sevalon, I have multiple herniated discs, and I've had them for two years, and my back is killing me. What peptides would you and Hiller suggest to shoot into my back from your sponsors, California Hormones?
Starting point is 02:24:41 Jake, call me today, and I will put you, and maybe we'll get on a three-way with me, you, and Hiller. I'm no doctor,, call me today and I will put you and maybe we'll get on a three-way with me, you and Hiller. I'm no doctor, but call me today and, um, call me today. Okay. And watch the, um, there is a, there is a podcast with a Huberman, Andrew Huberman. Um, he's on the podcast with that comedian guy and they talk about, uh, which one to do, but call me later on today, like in an hour if you're around.
Starting point is 02:25:06 And I'm sorry for being such shitty in my response to you. Okay. Talk to you soon. Bye-bye.

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