The Sevan Podcast - Live Call In | I Earned a PHD in Discernment

Episode Date: November 8, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is an advertisement from BetterHelp. Everyone knows therapy is great for solving problems. But turns out, therapy has some issues of its own. Finding the right therapist, fitting into their schedule, and, of course, the cost. BetterHelp can help solve these problems. It's online, convenient, built around your schedule, and surprisingly affordable, too. Connect with a credentialed therapist by phone, video, or online chat. Visit to learn more to save, nobody seems like Dave.
Starting point is 00:00:38 Save on home and auto like only you can at slash ways to save. TD. Ready for you. And and bam we're live have you seen this fucking chick kate foster that fucking trolls me and hillar like just goes around and just hates she's just spews hate i don't think i've seen it until this morning but she seems like a serial commenter. Oh, dude, it's crazy. She's like fucking cancel culture queen. She wants
Starting point is 00:01:10 to be the fucking police for her. The fun. That's not the responsible one. She's the fun police. I've stopped uploading to Rumble. I wonder, but it should be uploading automatically there, but... It's not live.
Starting point is 00:01:32 You know, Hiller's mom passed away when he was a kid, and yesterday I just dropped it on the show, and then afterwards I was like, maybe I shouldn't have said that. Now I'm thinking maybe I shouldn't have just said that. I shouldn't have said that. When you started that sentence, I thought that was going to be a recent thing and I was going to be very sad. Yeah, no. That's good.
Starting point is 00:01:51 When he was a kid, I started thinking about all the people who have gone through trauma. I don't like to use the word trauma because – oh, look, two-brain business. Some massive life event. Oh, am I not supposed to have that up there? I thought – did you just put that up there? No, it was there when I got here. God, I don't think I'm supposed to have that up there? No, it was there when I got here. Hmm. God, I don't think I'm supposed to have that up there.
Starting point is 00:02:30 Oh, yeah. Thank you. I think we're doing a show with them. Shit. Shit, shit, shit. Oh, fuck. Fuck. Hi, Will. What's up, dude? How are you? Hi uh hi from the united kingdom good to see you buddy um my dad died three weeks before my 21st birthday yeah it's funny i was actually thinking of you uh heidi i was thinking of you singing to david i was thinking of jethro. I was thinking about the people who, like, I saw this post on Instagram.
Starting point is 00:03:29 It was juxtaposed with this post and this thought and just thinking about the people who have issues with this show and can't see, like, the fun and benevolence of the show. Is there an Instagram account that's like a black culture Instagram account I follow? Oh, maybe Black Culture News. Is that the one? Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. So this Instagram account is called Black Culture News. And there was this post on this. So this is a post.
Starting point is 00:04:06 It's a wedding photo. The wedding guest is receiving some serious backlash. I called it blacklash. I don't like my own post. Blacklash. And then it's this girl flipping off the camera on the end, right? Okay. Damn, look at the titties and ass it's crazy
Starting point is 00:04:26 um that tattoo is stupid not hair but whatever that's not the point the point is is that there's comments in here um there's comments in here where like people are like upset, like hundreds of comments in here of people upset. And like, if you were to put the only, I wrote here, anyone that made, anyone that made a comment on this post that isn't trying to be,
Starting point is 00:04:59 be funny and enjoy, this needs a big hefty dose of wake the fuck up and enjoy life. Maybe some mushrooms for you and look there's a white guy back there do you see there's one white guy see him in the back right there he's extra white because he's got gray hair yeah i kind of know how to make it bigger anyway um is that a white girl there that that's an albino black chick i think you know albine black people are albino like at 10 to 1 that white people really oh look you got it look at you one white guy oh there's a white
Starting point is 00:05:36 uh this might be a couple white chicks oh yeah yeah yeah yeah she might be mixed yeah that's like halle Berry shit They're all mixed They're all mixed Those are half white people So the people who The people who I think listen to this show And enjoy the show Like they got like
Starting point is 00:06:03 They've dealt with some real shit most of them i bet like they don't care like they're just like okay so someone's flipping someone off in the wedding photo it is what it is like also like i'm pretty sure the photographer probably took a few extras out of that yeah so there's got to be one where she's not doing that um shelby neal's adopted there's no fucking way she's black she got red hair and blue eyes but we'll have her back on we'll do a dna something uh i don't i don't know how to explain it but it it reminds me of like the other day when someone was like saying well do you hate the lone ranger it's like dude i like i have kids or like dude hillar's mom died like like um you just don't care like i'm so happy that i woke up this morning and kissed my kids what
Starting point is 00:06:58 the fuck do i care if someone flips someone off in a wedding photo like everything in my type life is relative and in context so it's like people are like wow he's in the shattuckin no that's fucking the grand fucking palace do you know he was fucking deployed to the desert it's pretty good the shattuckin is fucking home baby plush he's done spoiled himself big time it's all um and you weren't even allowed to fix up your place uh where you do your podcast under the bunk bed with fucking springs that give you tetanitis it's just um it's it's it's it's it's interesting um
Starting point is 00:07:41 It's interesting. It's all perspective. And I started thinking, I bet you the people who enjoy this show are people – the reason why they find this stuff funny is they're just not – they're not offended. And they find the humor and enjoyment in it because they've actually had some real shit happen to them. They're not protesting because fucking parking meters went up a half a cent you know what i mean they actually uh they have a different value of life i bet if there was some sort of metric you could uh put to it uh jason yale uh someone's saying roman is done as the worst and dumbest take i've ever heard dude if your mom died you would fucking have a whole new perspective on that you would you would have heard other dumb you would have heard dumber or worse takes
Starting point is 00:08:36 uh someone you are the poor man's joe rogan all right i um uh i don't think he has i think that there's a lot of qualities he has that i don't have i like i like to really like the way he expresses shit. How so? I think he's just really concise, and he's shared some incredible ideas on his show,
Starting point is 00:09:17 and I appreciate that. But I don't think he's as honest as I am. Not even close. But maybe he's not as honest with himself or maybe he just doesn't know. But I just keep getting stuck. Like, remember, he endorsed Bernie Sanders. Although I was very fortunate to have people like Greg around me
Starting point is 00:09:38 that's like constantly making sure, unfuck me and making sure that I see clearly and be able to think clearly. Or around the COVID thing. He just couldn't spit it out of his mouth for the longest time that like, Hey motherfucker, that, that kills fat people. I feel like he's been the top of his ecosystem for a long time. Like he is the great last one of his ecosystem.
Starting point is 00:09:58 So it doesn't have anybody above him. Who's for telling him these things for sure. And, and to say it from the mountaintop to say the things from the mountaintop he's on versus where I'm at is you gotta have a set of fucking balls um when he
Starting point is 00:10:15 apologized for the fucking those people put together a montage do you remember with him saying racial slurs and like I'm sure that couldn't have been fun but but he should have been like fuck you not i'm sorry like you fucking asshole like who thought that that there was anything genuine about that at all i can't wait till someone does that to me you You know, I started picturing myself last night.
Starting point is 00:10:45 I started thinking about CrossFit again last night and what it would take to run it again. And basically the only way CrossFit will ever be successful is if someone at the top can just be like, fuck you. Like Dana White? Yeah, but even more so. Sevan, you're misogynistic. Go fuck yourself. Get the fuck out of here. Get over to F45, you little bitch.
Starting point is 00:11:07 That's it. I was picturing, like, it just has to be, you just have to be done with the idiots. The brand is kind, the brand is dead, but in a good way dead. It's like a,
Starting point is 00:11:20 do you remember there was those Claymation Sinbad fucking movies? And there would be – they're old. Like Wallace and Gromit? What is it? Like Wallace and Gromit? Were those Claymation dudes? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:34 These were like Claymation Sinbad movies, and there would be skeletons on the deck of a pirate ship holding swords. That's how I picture CrossFit being. Like you can't do anything to it. pirate ship holding swords that's how i picture crossfit being like you can't do anything to it and it's just a fucking skeleton with a sword like fuck you we know we're right and like there's nothing you can do to hurt us we're not trying to win anyone's favor you want to be one of us fine if you don't get the fuck out of here and then inside outside of that exterior when you get in it's all you know what i mean it's all lovey and like hey we support you we'll help you get off the coca-cola and good job with that you know what i mean your thruster and but on the outside it has to it just should be fucking this
Starting point is 00:12:18 there should be no compromise zero and then when you get inside you're like holy shit this is it we're in There should be no compromise. Zero. And then when you get inside, you're like, holy shit, this is it. We're in. Everyone loves everyone here. We're all about living longer, healthier, supporting each other. The deja entendo. If Sevan isn't improved howard stern who fell off obviously um yeah i i highly admire howard stern and joe rogan um at first i was i was a little i think
Starting point is 00:12:57 too critical of joe rogan but the howard stern thing he really fucked up by um he really fucked up with the covid thing i mean people probably died because of his opinions because of his fear he projected his fear he made it okay to be scared like that you got to be careful like you have to push those things down that's not being authentic by the way like sharing your fears like that that's not being authentic you can't spread your disease uh whitney davis hi oh whitney i got your um i got your dm and i pulled your address out oh did that guy from germany kayla oh caleb you're back hi welcome back i missed you I missed you. Hi. What's up? No, he didn't DM me.
Starting point is 00:13:47 Oh, do you know what I'm talking about? So I could send him the Slack block? Okay. Josh Neals, Joe Neals at Kenosha CrossFit, Blade, and Whitney. I have your Slack box sitting on my table. Now it's just a matter of God's intervention to get them to you. If those actually get to you, and I have your addresses printed out, and if those actually get to you, there is a God, and there will be world peace. If they don't get to you, well, not that there's not a God, not world peace, but man, for those things to leave my kitchen table is going to be crazy. My wife's going to have to do it. You just wait a couple years, then it'll get hand-delivered to you at an event sometime.
Starting point is 00:14:28 Where did you go for a few days? So I had to go. I had guard duty, so I had to go work for a couple days. What do you mean guard? When you say guard duty, did you have to stand in front of a club and make sure people? No, I just go to work for the air force for two days like fake job stuff how long did you were gone for more than two days i feel like yes and then i was gone yesterday because i will i wanted to start working on i started working on a project
Starting point is 00:14:57 that was i figured was going to take all day and then uh in the middle of the does that kill you do you listen to the show and does it kill you are you like fuck i wish i was there uh usually i don't listen to the show because because of that so i'll listen to it then you're like fuck they're fucking it up without me yeah i i get a little ocd about it but um but yeah so then i started working on a project yesterday and i was trying to remove some plywood from the wall and i hit a pipe so i was spent the whole rest of the day trying to fix the pipe what was in the pipe what would the pipe it was just water but did you did you run and turn the water off were you like
Starting point is 00:15:38 frantically looking for where did you know where it was yeah you did know but just annoying it's like two steps forward and then three steps back exactly and i got video of it i forgot i was recording and i like i'll probably i'll share it later but because i'm still pissed about it but uh i had like their video footage of you breaking it yes wow like instantaneously like you see the water spray out and then i just had a like a four-year-old hissy fit about it oh that's like that's all on video yeah i forgot i was filming i was like fuck i do not want to watch that when do you play when do we get to see that uh when i stop wallowing in self-pity probably once i oh we got a world premiere that on the show the broken pipe it was a pipe like this and it was in a wall it was in a wall it was going it's horizontal though so i you
Starting point is 00:16:33 shouldn't have sledgehammer at it or no i was using a sawzall like i was trying to i knew i was going to have this issue so i was trying to avoid it as best I could and I ended up going too deep into the plywood and then just I didn't even like cut it all the way through I just like nicked it probably just a little piece of it
Starting point is 00:16:58 what's the pipe made of? copper is copper soft? no I don't think it was a soft metal no it's not but it but it just nicked it and that was enough and was it just shooting like a fucking like a like a 20 foot just fucking like it was like a good it was like a it was like a sprinkler it just shot out of the wall and then was even worse i couldn't like like the piece of wood that i was trying to cut out away from the wall who hadn't even come off yet so i had to like reach like through another piece of wall that i had cut out already to actually like see if it because i thought it
Starting point is 00:17:38 was gas at first and if it was gas i would have fucking died but then once i realized it was just water i had to run over and shut off the water After you shut it off Because the hole is so small Does it just keep shooting water for 10 minutes And you're like fuck when are you going to stop It didn't take too long thankfully It was probably another
Starting point is 00:17:56 Minute or two And then it finally just stopped Look Dr. Seuss says it is a soft metal Oh there you go uh rambler it's a thermal conductor that thermal conductor means that you could rest your penis on a one end of a 12 foot copper pipe and then hit the other end with a hammer and it would you would feel the vibration in your penis close yeah you ever had a girl rub your penis with the back of her hand instead of like instead of like this do this start rubbing it like this i don't think so if they did it was come by complete accident oh let me tell you i have to tell you that story i can't wait it was a trip
Starting point is 00:18:40 i was gonna get all judgy and shit for a second. Like, yo, bitch, wrong side of your hand. I was like, yo, yo, easy. Someone's touching your dick. Be cool. Be cool. It's happening. It's happening. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:54 Like, oh, the fuck's your problem, dude? Relax. Oh, wow. Oh, wow. I wish Hiller would make more videos. I mean, he makes like hour-long videos. What the hell do you want? You know what's crazy?
Starting point is 00:19:14 You say that real, Kevin. I've never thought that until very, very recently. I got on the assault bike yesterday or two days ago, and I'm like, this motherfucker hasn't made a video. Like, and I was ready to, like, I needed my fix. Dude, so many people are texting me that used to not text me. You know what's crazy is people text me who are mean to Greg during the Floyd 19 thing. And I struggle with like, um, I struggle with it.
Starting point is 00:19:59 I struggle with it. Cause I, cause I don't want to like hate anyone. Yeah. Um, but, uh, with it because i because i don't want to like hate anyone yeah um but uh did you guys hear me dialing yeah okay that means it's gonna um we should hear it ring too oh no he picked hello. Hello? Hello? Hey. Oh, that's weird. You're not.
Starting point is 00:20:26 Oh, oh. Hello? Shit. Hold on. Wait. Damn. Sorry, Hiller. Hold on.
Starting point is 00:20:34 God, I suck. Hi. Hi. We're on the show, but... Hey, do you have a video coming out? Yes. Soon? Soon or later.
Starting point is 00:20:54 What's up? Say that again? Do you have it coming out soon? Should be up within an hour and a half. Oh. Can you... Is that not soon enough? No, no, that's great. I like that.
Starting point is 00:21:09 Is there a topic maybe that you could share with us, what it's going to be about, a little preview? CrossFit media. Oh, it's a favorite. Okay, all right. Well, okay, thank you. It kind of bounces off of the Nacoon's video. Oh.
Starting point is 00:21:24 Kind of. Oh. Very loosely bound. It's the same kind of bounces off the Dacoons video. Oh. Kind of. Oh. Very loosely bound. It's the same kind of thread. Do you introduce us to any new characters from HQ? I have a feeling you might know the CMO. Oh, I don't know him. I actually don't know him, but I've never met him.
Starting point is 00:21:42 You introduce us to the CMO, the Josh guy. You know his name. Oh, yeah, that's true. I do know his name. That's correct. I'm not shocked that you wouldn't know all that much about him. He's only been around for about 11 months. He has been around that long? Yeah. Oh, I thought it was – But you wouldn't know it considering he hasn't done anything.
Starting point is 00:22:07 I thought it was in July. Oh, I'm starting to get an idea of what the video is going to be about. Yeah, a lot of people will probably pull from that, huh? Hey, who – does he get it? Does he get the de Koonz treatment? It's potentially worse. He gets de Koonz? Is it worse? He gets de decooned is it worse is it wow i thought it was i thought it was called getting briced well it's something like that yeah braced that was like really the
Starting point is 00:22:34 first style of video i made like this oh my goodness okay all right it actually starts off on a high note i i think did you see Craig Ritchie's most recent video? I didn't watch it, but I saw it in our text thread today. He lost a quarter of a million dollars. Yeah, I kind of feel for the guy. It seems like he got boned. Oh, wow. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:58 So it starts off with some Craig Ritchie love, and then it turns into a steaming pile of dog shit with the CMO of CrossFit wow okay it'll be interesting I think was he a was is he a former military guy like um uh like Dave and um and uh Don Fall was he was he special forces like those two yeah I don't think Don Fall's gonna like me very much after this video. I'm basically telling him he's hiring some people that aren't the best. Is he pro-liberty and a strong American ethic with integrity and a protector of children? Is that what happens when you post black squares? And I didn't even know the orange square was a thing. I had to look up what the orange square was. Oh no. I don't know what the orange square is either. Maybe we'll find out.
Starting point is 00:23:48 Well, the orange square has to do with gun rights and he doesn't like guns. So that goes against what it means to be an American. Then I guess it doesn't fit what you just said. Love that. It's an adventure. I think you'll like it quite a bit i don't know about everyone else did you just say he has a black square yeah he does the whole thing about that is i just imagine the type of person that posts this sort of stuff and then what they will allow to filter through as the guy who decides everything on the media and CrossFit.
Starting point is 00:24:27 Yes, yes. He's kind of the filter. He's like your coffee filter. You put the grounds in and you decide what makes coffee. Does he have – And this dude has never done CrossFit, never. He makes fun of people in his gym that isn't a CrossFit gym. He posts them to the internet without letting them know about it.
Starting point is 00:24:42 gym that isn't a CrossFit gym. He posts them to the internet without letting them know about it. Then he posts things of Martin Luther King all over his fucking Instagram trying to say things about justice and being a proper man and all this shit. Then he
Starting point is 00:24:58 posts pictures of people behind their back in the fitness space. Now he's the chief marketing guy over at a fitness company it's disgusting it's terrible i'm i'm fuck can't wait i'm gonna put off my i can't wait it's gonna be great how long is it can i get a good assault bike session in on it uh i trimmed it down from 54 minutes and i've trimmed it to half. So it's at 27. It'll probably end up being like 24 minutes or so. Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:25:28 What do you do with the other half? Are you just going to save that for later? Or you just, no, it just goes away. It goes away. Oh, Hey Caleb.
Starting point is 00:25:36 Hey Hilaire. And as I was watching Craig's video this morning, I was, I wonder if he was doing it for dramatic effect because it actually did work. I felt for him, but half of that video could be cut out. Oh,
Starting point is 00:25:50 oh, oh, good. Okay, good. Cause I made it. Same thing with like the Justin Medeiros interview. You said that video was good the other day,
Starting point is 00:25:56 the Justin Medeiros, Ellie Turner, sit down, Romwod crap they were doing. It was so long and drug out. 50 minutes at dog talk. Well, that, that's the thing too about um i started watching the craig ritchie video because i wanted to see how he lost the money i thought that was good you know uh that was enticing but like i don't care
Starting point is 00:26:15 whether you'll get that in my video i don't care whether he's been to vegas or not like but i but i but i'm not hating on people who do care but like all that small talk shit I don't give a fuck about right right yeah what are you looking up at the moment I can't see anything nothing but I just sent you a text let me see
Starting point is 00:26:37 it's on there yeah okay all right dude I can't yeah it's in there yeah yeah yeah I think I kind of I don't lead with it but it's on there yeah okay all right dude i can't yeah it's in there yeah yeah yeah i think i kind of i don't lead with it but it's it's in there okay yeah it's good cover right right yep all right all right dude um i can't wait i can't wait um i'm uh i can't wait i'll send after it goes up too i'll send it over to greg and maybe i can get Greg, because Greg's coming on the show tonight. Maybe Greg and I can talk about it. He probably has some strong opinions. Oh, boy.
Starting point is 00:27:10 I actually think I talk about Greg. I do talk about Greg, because this dude, he worked at Twitter when they purchased a company that specialized in scraping data. And it was called like Growl or something. I looked it up. I had to figure out what the company was. But there was a point in time where Greg shut off Facebook
Starting point is 00:27:32 because he didn't want CrossFit's information being scraped, correct? Yeah, well, he didn't care. He wanted to basically what he didn't want to do. He wanted to protect. He wanted to protect the affiliates. If they wanted to do it, he wanted to let them do it, but he didn't want them doing it through hq yeah he despised where this person came from data from the affiliates where this person came from that making this video on made uh he had an entire talk on the fact that they were doing this and greg would have never allowed
Starting point is 00:28:02 it based upon that fact. Is he an equity hire? I don't know. He's a white dude. Is that, does that mean anything? I mean, is he gay? Uh, he posts pictures of dudes in singlets maybe because he likes them, but it seems like he's making fun of them. Yeah. I think it's a Don Fall hire. I'm telling you, Don won't like this video. I was talking to an executive over at,
Starting point is 00:28:30 I don't want to say which one, but let's say it was Google, Facebook. Let's just say that. Between Google and Facebook this past weekend. And they told me some fucking really, really scary shit about where these people are coming from. Like, really scary. Like, I mean, if you're white, it's scary.
Starting point is 00:28:50 I guess if you're black, it's scary too because it's only a matter of time before they come for you. But basically what they would do is there's stories where they would interview 20 people. Everyone knew person A was better, but they would choose person Z because they were black and gay and female. Like, just straight, like like blatant and like,
Starting point is 00:29:07 no one cared. No one hits just open war. It's just open war on people who look like you and Caleb. I'm fucking six months away from six months away from looking like an Arab getting fucked. What's it like being bald pillar? Do you like not having to deal with your hair all the time? It's really nice because the only part of my body that i would use soap on when i would shower would be i would shampoo my hair like twice a week and now i don't even have to do that so that's kind
Starting point is 00:29:36 of nice but i've done this like probably five or six times in my life i just buzz it every once in a while i'm ready to buzz my hair yeah that would be i don't know if the show would have a good look if it's like me you and caleb all buzzed heads it'd be weird looking uh uh assalamu alaikum i'll i'll convert to muslim if if i do it so that we get a little street cred gotta wear a turban, though. You see this kid in San... It's not important. Okay, good. Get back to work. I can't wait to see the video. Thank you. Someone's gonna get Dekun to there. Okay.
Starting point is 00:30:14 Someone's getting Dekun. No, Bryce. Bryce. Bryce. I like Dekun better. That feels racist. Oh, geez. Okay, bye. Alright, bye. racist oh geez okay bye all right bye anyway i'm okay with this photo and like i understand like if it's your photo and you're like jesus christ but
Starting point is 00:30:36 like listen you're gonna everyone's gonna remember that photo now like a week after you take that photo no one remembers shit about your wedding except that now you're gonna be poor the rest of your life paying for that wedding but um but now that you got that chick in it you got a story it's like it's like when the 450 pound taxi cab driver uh one time told me that he had to piss so bad and he was gonna pull over and pee i was in the car with my girlfriend and he just fucking peed in a bottle because he couldn't get out of the car he was so big he had to see backed up all the way and lean back all the way and he was sitting straight up huh yeah and he yep exactly and he was sitting straight up and he just fucking took
Starting point is 00:31:15 a piss in a bottle he's like sorry man the whole car and we were in kansas and it was pouring rain and a thunderstorm was four in the morning we're trying to get to an airport after a film festival the whole car smelled like his dick and urine and my girlfriend's so pissed i'm like wow this is amazing taxi ride to remember i couldn't no i didn't i don't need to be honest with you i don't even know how he found his dick. Oh, yeah. You got to lift everything up and move it around to be able to see it. It's crazy.
Starting point is 00:31:53 Hey, think about this really quick. Think about this just for a second. Just think. Not you, Caleb. You don't have to think. You chill. You relax your brain. Just go back to copper piping.
Starting point is 00:32:06 They hired this guy, this Josh guy, probably for let's say 300 000 a year and he's been there 11 months in those 11 months i've probably had a 1000 times the impact on the ecosystem that he has and imagine if I worked for CrossFit how much I don't think I wouldn't go back for $300,000 a year I know some of you are going to be like you scumbag but I'm not there's no fucking way but
Starting point is 00:32:36 just imagine the real impact that I had coming straight out of the mothership too. I'd fucking figure out a way to fucking harness Hiller and coffee pods and wads and the whole fucking machine. Oh my God. They're so stupid. God,
Starting point is 00:33:01 if I'm on the board and I invested in CrossFit, I'd be tripping. But I understand. You can't. You can't. Oh, I haven't sent you the notes. I found this on – I'm going to send it sent you the notes. I found this on... I'm going to send it to you right now. Caleb.
Starting point is 00:33:32 Okay. I'm just typing. I wasn't like... A live call-in show. November. Do you like it that I date them now? Yeah. I mean, I think you've been doing that for a while. I appreciate it. I date them now? Yeah. I mean, I think you've been doing that for a while.
Starting point is 00:33:47 I appreciate it. I have. Okay, good. I always feel like that's like adult shit when I do that. I'm like, look at me. Not just like in a rush to send it over. I'm putting the date. So, like, I'm so helpful.
Starting point is 00:33:58 I impress myself so easily. I did a 100-burpee box jump over yesterday. That is stupid to do at 51. I did it with Avi 5 and 5 for 20 rounds fucking stupid high box 30 12 and 12 is 24 plus another 18 inches. Whatever that is 30 4 42 it was a bunch of boxes stacked. It was soft boxes from
Starting point is 00:34:25 Rogue 34 42 it was a bunch of boxes stacked it was soft boxes from um rogue those crazy expensive ones big ones dude my back is fucked up i have no business and we were racing to see who could do yeah because my spine just can't take that twist you know what i was doing i was trying to be athletic and show off for him so i put both my hands down and then jump and then with both my feet on there like i was trying to be athletic and show off for him. So I put both my hands down and then jump. And then with both my feet on there, like I was some parkour guy. And then jump off again. Like I thought I was Daniel Brandon. 12 and 12 plus 18.
Starting point is 00:34:54 Is that 12 and 12, 24 plus 34 plus 8. No, 42. What are you talking about? 12 and 12 is 24. Right? And then I had three six inch boxes 18 i don't know maybe i'm lying are you saying i only had two six inch boxes were you there maybe you maybe it was two six inch box uh you're like the guy that loads the dishwasher and has to remind his wife over and over again.
Starting point is 00:35:25 Meanwhile, she looks at you like a hold my beer. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, fuck, dude. If I emptied the dishwasher, she'd have to hear about it for a month. Sean, did you see the 65 year old Jewish man killed in L.A. by the Hamas? I did. I did.
Starting point is 00:35:43 And I had a little bit of that of that like fuck around and find out like like dude you're 60 fucking five dude do not go to that fucking rally yeah what are you doing dude here's the thing can i i get it but not a hundred in a row like he's like 51 come on suck it up it up, dude. I'm just telling you my back is tweaked. It doesn't fit. My spine just feels like I didn't need to do that. Like I need to quit being an idiot and do more CrossFit. Here's what I should have done. I should have done like seven burpee box jump overs, um, uh, seven strict pull-ups, seven thrusters, you know, seven rounds, not fucking a hundred with a fucking nine-year-old
Starting point is 00:36:25 because you're getting way less rest than he is you guys aren't yeah in everything he's such a stud you guys are gonna i was looking at he he did jiu-jitsu yesterday uh he did an hour in the morning and uh and then and then an hour striking and kickboxing in the afternoon and then another hour of jiu-jitsu and he was all fucking jacked. Him and his two little brothers. It's crazy. Yesterday, he did three hours of martial arts. Okay, 247. I don't know how I fell.
Starting point is 00:36:57 I fell down Brooke Shields. Is that the actress, Brooke Shields, her Instagram account? And I was looking at this thing that she wrote about abortion. And you guys know I am pro-choice. I know some of you don't want to believe it, but I really am. I don't, I don't, I just am. I know, I know it's a moral failing on my part, but, but anyway, she, she posted this letter that Michelle Obama wrote, and she wrote, feelings of anger and sadness today, Roe versus Wade tomorrow. And it says, I'm heartbroken for the people around this country who just lost the fundamental right to make informed decisions about their bodies. Okay. I agree. People should be able to make informed decisions about their bodies, But that seems like it's a little pussyfooting around, right?
Starting point is 00:37:48 I'm heartbroken. Matt Burns, no, you're pro-death. Yeah, now we're getting down to it. Yeah. See that? It's like, now Matt's like calling me on my shit. Yeah, I say I'm pro-choice, but what am I really saying? I'm saying that I think it's okay that women kill babies.
Starting point is 00:38:04 But what am I really saying? I'm saying that I think it's okay that women kill babies. I'm heartbroken that we may now be destined to learn the painful lessons of time before Roe versus Wade. Roe was made law of the land, a time when women risked losing their lives getting illegal abortions. So how about – like I don't believe that. Here's the thing. If – first of all, it wasn't made illegal, so that's the first lie. It was basically just made that it's a state's decision, which it should be if you want to follow the Constitution. how many women died having illegal abortions versus how many babies were killed. Like you're doing morally the right thing. She's not even arguing the moral point. She's just saying that like – it's like saying – you know this logic that we have these days where, hey, don't stop the criminal because someone could get hurt. And so you're promoting violence if you stop the criminal.
Starting point is 00:39:02 You've heard that, right? That's like the big lefty thing now. And so you're promoting violence if you stop the criminal. You know, you've heard that, right? That's like the big lefty thing now. So basically what you're saying is go ahead and kill the baby legally so that you don't kill the mom. Why are you worried about a mom who is illegally killing a baby? That's what she's saying. I'm pro-choice, guys. I'm just saying it's some fucked up logic it's not thinking clearly i'm heartbroken that we may not now be destined to learn painful lessons of a time before roe was made the law of the land a time when women risk losing their lives getting illegal abortions no they're trying to fucking protect you from killing a baby but you're saying that they shouldn't do that because the fucking killer might get killed this is fucking insanity this is like i don't even care what side you're on this is just bad thinking
Starting point is 00:39:49 a time when the government denied women control over their reproductive functions that's not even true at all the only thing the only thing the government does is stop there's laws against women getting raped and i'm all for those Are you for those you should not be Able to forcefully rape women Of course and so there's That law I know there's that law That protects you from getting raped or it's supposed To I mean the law doesn't really protect you from getting
Starting point is 00:40:16 Raped I guess it's just an incentive for Men not to do it Because women don't rape Yes they do several one time Last year there was a teacher that had because women don't rape. Yes, they do, Seva. One time last year, there was a teacher that had sex with a 14-year-old, and he was a boy, and she said, shut the fuck up. Women don't rape. Just shut your ass. I don't want to hear about the one time right now.
Starting point is 00:40:37 A time when the government denied women control over the reproductive functions, a complete lie, forced them to move forward with pregnancies they didn't want so so that there's an age in which it's okay to kill people and that age is when they're still in the stomach and in california they're trying to extend it to seven days past uh seven days after coming out of the stomach just say what it is. Stop lying. And then abandon them once their babies were born.
Starting point is 00:41:10 So now the justification is kill the baby, right? So that the mother doesn't abandon it. Excuse me. I will take being abandoned over dying. Please. What do you think? Caleb, do you want to be alive or do you want to be dead or abandoned? Those are your choices Abandoned, I guess
Starting point is 00:41:33 There's There's no amount of pain God, I shouldn't say this out loud I really enjoy being alive. I'm really fucking like this stimulus. As they say in the hood. I mean, in the CrossFit community. I really enjoy this stimulus.
Starting point is 00:42:00 Savon is pro whore who drank too muchiday night and told three dudes to fill her with their savon is pro whore savon is pro whore who drank too much friday night and told three dudes to fill her with baby batter only to kill the six weeks kill the kid six weeks later when she puked in the morning god i wish i could understand that i really like the aggressiveness of it but i don't really do you understand it what he's trying to say i'm pro no there's like a little bit of sarcasm right there like he's being really like strong yeah uh dildo wow speaking of gal gadot woke ass hoe but she's fucking maybe coming to her terms with the whole jew shit but we'll see i would crawl three miles over broken glass
Starting point is 00:42:47 backwards in the rain just to hear gal gadot's giant ass fart through a walkie talkie damn i don't even know what that means but i like it what yeah he wants to he wants he likes
Starting point is 00:43:03 her he had a crush on her More like an obsession Oh my god Yeah CK exactly Don't have sex problem solved I know It's more avoiding your responsibility So yes I am heartbroken for the teenage girl
Starting point is 00:43:20 Full of zest and promise Who won't be able to finish school or live the life she wants Because her state controls her reproductive decisions so basically it's more lying there i don't understand why she doesn't say it so we've talked about this before it's basically sacrifice so remember like you know how like we look down on the fucking aztecs for like putting the baby in the fire we're like we're so much cooler than that well basically we're not by the fucking tens and hundreds of thousands babies are being sacrificed so that what's the word she uses so teenage girls can finish high school hey i'm not i'm not saying it's easy but but my mom was the first woman to
Starting point is 00:44:03 graduate from her night law school while she raised my sister and i think she was pregnant with me and poor as fuck cleaning houses and i'm so glad my mom didn't abort me i mean she wasn't even considering it she told me i was a love child i believe it for the mother of a non-viable but i am only five five for the mother of a non-viable pregnancy who is now forced to bring that pregnancy to term for the parents watching their child's future evaporate before their eyes dude she's justifying killing a baby because then the other parents of the kid who has the baby can't fulfill their dreams. This is, she actually writes this.
Starting point is 00:44:47 That's what that, for the mother of a non-viable pregnancy who is now forced to bring that pregnancy to term for the parents watching their child. I don't even fucking know exactly what that means. I think that means when you are, I think they're talking about when you're pregnant and the child is essentially dead. But then the rest doesn't make sense. Watching a child's future evaporate before their very eyes. Because then you would – by non-viable, I think she's conflating the use of the word non-viable. You're using it in the clinical term. I do not think that's how she's using it here Because then the next sentence
Starting point is 00:45:26 Wouldn't make sense By non-viable she means It wouldn't be born into a white family With a mansion and a swimming pool And a dog Right? Right That's the way she's using it
Starting point is 00:45:42 The way you're using it is non-viable The baby's dead in there and you might as well just vacuum him out Right I don't think she's using it. The way you're using it is not viable. The baby's dead in there, and you might as well just vacuum him out. Right. Yeah. I don't think she's using it like that. Because why else would she say this last sentence? For the healthcare – she wants because her state controls her reproductive decisions. For the mother of a non-viable pregnancy who is now forced to bring that pregnancy to term.
Starting point is 00:46:03 For the parents watching their child's future evaporate before their very eyes, meaning the parents of the person who's pregnant. That's the only way that sentence would make sense. Well, I wonder if that's just a separate example. Because of the semicolon? Well, no one's stopping you from – then who cares if you fucking have – if you – no one's saying you can't fucking pull out the dead baby. That doesn't even make sense. No one's saying that. She's full of shit.
Starting point is 00:46:29 And what a fucking weird nuance to grasp onto, the random fucking dead baby. You know what I mean? Yeah, I see what you're saying. When we don't – then Michelle Obama says, when we don't understand our history We're doomed to repeat its mistakes Just so you know by the way too Michelle Obama just so you guys know She's melanated
Starting point is 00:46:52 Some people think she's a black dude I don't know where I stand on that And the reason why they think she's a black dude Is because there's images of like You can't tell these days But like her penis flopping in her pants And then she claims it was her cell phone but but then it didn't have pockets but then also um and and uh there's many many instances where barack accidentally accidentally calls her michael and then the third piece is no one can find someone has offered like a hundred
Starting point is 00:47:24 thousand dollars for a photo of her being pregnant, and there isn't one. You can't find one on the internet. Those three things are – those three things are tough. The horrifying decision to have the baby – I mean that especially – so my point was this. to have the baby i mean that especially so my point was this they're in in um like in the city of new york city uh there's just as many um melanated babies killed as there are born it's like a one-to-one ratio it's so fucked up it basically if you think what's happening in gaza is bad it's a full-blown genocide on black babies i mean on white babies too but it is fucking crazy when you look at the numbers by their own people yeah by
Starting point is 00:48:06 their own people it's nuts yeah uh well this moment is difficult but our story does not end here and blah blah blah so she goes on and on and on it's just it's just bullshit talk and she reposted okay now look at this other post she made this This is the part that's fucking, I haven't told you the crazy part yet. This is in defense of George Floyd. All mothers were summoned when he called out for his mama. she's okay with killing babies but she's pulling at your heartstrings because george motherfucking floyd called out for his mama do you guys see the disconnect there it almost makes you want to cry a little bit
Starting point is 00:49:06 doesn't it they're killing a baby that can't stand up for itself so the so someone can go to school that's the argument or that it may be born into a poor family that's okay but it wasn't okay to arrest george floyd because he called out for his mama nuts nuts nuts nuts if that were the case nobody would get arrested oh my god Nuts. Nuts, nuts, nuts.
Starting point is 00:49:46 If that were the case, nobody would get arrested. Oh my god. And it's an emotional plea. Wow, someone, you're comparing Gaza to abortions. I know, abortions are so much worse, right? At least those people in Gaza can get up and go. No, they can't. Yes, they can.
Starting point is 00:50:08 No, they can't. Brooke Shields. Okay. Fine. I hear you loud and clear. Let's do 244. How about 244? Fine. I4 fine or lighten the mood a little bit fine i know fine comment two is spot on what is comment how the fuck am i supposed to know what comment two is uh deja and tondu sarge uh he called for his mama had to cut him loose
Starting point is 00:50:48 oh yes they can oh yes they can oh no I don't want to fight with tank this morning uh 244 uh 244 here we go uh last time I went home, my sister Madison, she decided to tell the entire family that she's only into black guys. Didn't know you had to come out with that. I thought you could just be fat. You know?
Starting point is 00:51:25 Oh, shit. Well, this is going to be a good show. This is really fun. Last time I... Damn. Damn. Oh, my God. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:51:42 Damn. Oh, my God. You guys are good. You guys are good dudes. You guys are good dudes. 246. Do you think it's weird? Do you think does anyone? Well, I have the answer to my own question. Maybe I should just skip this one. No, let's show it real quick. I'm tripping on the fact that Barack Obama is supporting Joe Biden. We all know that Joe Biden is like something is wrong with him, right? He's an old friend.
Starting point is 00:52:21 Barack Obama, for eight years, the president of the United States and I worked to deliver change for the American people. I couldn't have asked for a better vice president and friend and will always be thankful to all the campaign staff and administration alumni who helped bring that progress to folks across the country. I just can't believe he's endorsing this dude. For all of us, there are so many memories about the night at Grant Park 15 years ago tonight. You know, as you share the stories i hope you reflect on the progress you helped make for this country as a consequence of that night someone would say it was a big deal with barack he didn't wasn't he the one that said uh uh when he and that he endorsed barack by saying he's a clean black man he's really clean for a black guy he said something like that yeah yeah he black man. He's really clean for a black guy. He said something like that.
Starting point is 00:53:07 Yeah, yeah. And he's really clean for a black guy. Wow. It was worse than that. I'm not doing it justice. That's great. He's really tall for an Armenian guy. Basically what you're saying is that you think all Armenian guys are short, right?
Starting point is 00:53:33 Now if I say, hey, that dude's really articulate, some people will make the leap and be like, dude, you can't say that about black people. Yeah, articulate black man. You're insinuating that he's not articulate. No, it's only when you throw in the dude's color in there that it becomes the insinuation. Damn, Caleb's articulate. Damn, Caleb's articulate for a fucking guy who was in the Air Force. Now you're saying, like, the Air Force dudes are dumb fucks. Well, I hit a pipe, so.
Starting point is 00:54:12 they're dumb fucks well i hit a pipe so um uh but yeah he said it just straight up for a black man that's great i know he's really clean he's really clean for a black man you think his pr people have just like worked tirelessly to try to get rid of that You think his PR people have just worked tirelessly to try to get rid of that? I think that the fact that – I think what's happened is that they're so desperate to win that whole party, and probably both parties, that it's corroded them for what they accept from their own people. You know what I'm saying? It's like they'll accept anything now to win and so because of that it's corrode they've corroded themselves even if it's another four years of joe biden they don't really care as long as they won yep get them and so that's what sucks so i i don't think that they i don't i think that they're just like i think they're giddy of how much they can get away with with such a tard.
Starting point is 00:55:08 And they – but the price they pay is personal erosion of their – I don't know what the word is, soul. Sure. Yeah. So anytime you allow – anytime you're just – it's not the doing the bad thing. It's not – dishonesty is at the root of all the bad shit, more so than anything, and especially the lying to oneself. 242, the – this is nuts. This is Oakland Oakland what you're about to see this is some guy
Starting point is 00:55:48 I'm dying to know the backstory on this did he just find this see this tractor sitting around and he just got this idea like he didn't drive this tractor here this is at a gas station this is where I used by where I used to live really by this yeah dude I've driven by
Starting point is 00:56:04 this gas station a thousand times. And when I mean a thousand, I mean a thousand. What? Oh Dude that's crazy how it just literally ripped that thing open huh? Yeah ATM machine is no chance. Look at this the guy comes in with a chain And now they're going to drive it out. Nuts, right? That's incredible.
Starting point is 00:57:02 So what do you think happened? You think that guy's like hey i know how to drive a tractor and there's one right there they keep the key under the seat and you just went over because he didn't like drive that from that's not you can't use that as like a getaway car no you can't because those things only go like five miles an hour especially on tracks like that so yeah you're probably right i bet unless somebody brought it over with a trailer and then they unloaded it and nobody really thought anything of it. They're like, whatever.
Starting point is 00:57:28 They're just going to work somewhere. But I bet, yeah, it probably was at a job site close by and they just maneuvered it into the parking lot. It's crazy. I mean, that's just crazy balls. Reminds me of that killdozer guy
Starting point is 00:57:48 he like up armored a bulldozer and like just got a bunch of guns and shit and that just started like going through town demolishing buildings in LA oh it was in like Washington or something oh he had a tank
Starting point is 00:58:04 yeah he like made a bulldozer into like a tank he yeah yeah yeah i remember that yeah it was crazy it wasn't a real tank i feel like there was a guy who had a real tank too maybe but this guy the guy i'm thinking of what was colorado marvin hemeyer when i was a kid there were these two dudes who were just walking down the street in la with fucking guns oh wow wow yeah that's not what i was thinking that's amazing how did they eventually stop that i have no idea i i'm fascinated by this that dude dies at the end yeah i'm pretty sure they killed him wow geez wow look at that shit
Starting point is 00:58:54 he should have taken the scope off yeah that's pretty pointless maybe it was just for later use like when everybody got closer probably I don't know yeah Lego should make a killdozer that would be awesome Maybe it was just for later use like when everybody got closer probably I don't know Yeah, Lego should make it killdozer There was a for those of you who are fight fans there was a Tyson Fury fight against Ningganu and
Starting point is 00:59:20 Tyson Fury was supposed to win He was the greatest boxer who ever lived, and he was alive in our time, and he's still alive. The lineal champion. Lineal champion means that I don't think that there's even a belt related to it. It just means that basically you're the guy, and the only way to become the guy is to beat you, and everyone agrees he's the guy, so he's the lineal champ. It's like this kind of unspoken championship. I don't think there's a lineal champion is the
Starting point is 00:59:45 one who beat the previous champion who beat the champion who beat the champion all the way back to the creation of the title sometimes the title is vacated by the previous champion retiring in the top contenders fight for the vacant title but this lineal champion is like of all like the the belts and everything like you're the guy. That's the one you want. Yeah. And he is that, and he's never lost. And he's huge, and he fights like a little guy. I want to say he's 6'8", and he fights like he's fucking 5'8". And he fights all weird and shit.
Starting point is 01:00:18 Like he's from the 50s. 6'9". 6'9", that's what he is? Yeah. Yeah, he's huge and he fought this dude named uh um francis ninganu who has a crazy story in himself but who is ufc fighter who's not even a boxer and these guys move slow significantly slower than professional boxers significantly slower um and the reason why is because for those you't know, the mixed martial arts form of fighting is you're fighting with your hands, but you always have to be worried that the guy could attack your legs and take you down.
Starting point is 01:00:51 And you can do the same to the other guy. So you can grab his legs and throw him down and beat him on the ground. And in boxing, you can't do that. So you don't have to worry about defending your lower body, and you can just worry about your hands. Completely changes the game, right? Right. about your hands completely changes the game right right he's gonna make some sort of sexual innuendo about how many doors holes are open but i'm gonna show some restraint
Starting point is 01:01:16 so so so this guy ningan who beats tyson fury no one thought it was possible everyone they were calling it a gimmick fight The MMA guy who's like focused on knees and legs And just the whole body There's no way he's going to be fast enough to beat this boxer guy But he did beat him And it happened a couple weeks ago No no sorry sorry sorry
Starting point is 01:01:38 That's not true All the viewers thought he beat him Yes But The judges They said Tyson Fury won All the viewers thought he beat him Yes But The judges They said Tyson Fury won They said the boxer won So just think it was a really close fight
Starting point is 01:01:52 This guy Nganou knocked down the boxer Tyson Fury The MMA guy knocked down the fucking boxer He didn't even get knocked down himself He didn't? I didn't see the fight I was like doing rogue or I was doing something I was doing something Oh maybe I was watching a fight i was like doing rogue or i was doing something i was doing something oh maybe i was watching a football game i don't know what i was doing
Starting point is 01:02:08 i watched the fight five times and he lost all five times who fury did or ninganu tyson fury's also referred to as the gypsy king he's really good good is this true michael jordan's son is marrying scotty pippen's ex-wife if that's true that's baller only fans oh francis won okay good francis won okay so anyway um uh are we gonna okay we'll come back to this story. There's an end to that story. Jordan has engaged in a relationship with Scottie Pippen's former wife despite the vast age difference between them, and it hasn't been a courtship that Michael Jordan could get behind. Marcus Jordan receives approval to date Larissa Pippen. Let me see. She must be just incredible.
Starting point is 01:03:10 see she must be just incredible that mj marsh Michael Jordan's harsh mesh Michael Jordan's harsh message to his son uh-oh uh wait uh no go the other way for go the other way for a second I wanted wanted to read that big headline. Let me see. About dating Larsa. Savon. Savon, you and Larsa better fucking get out of the bed. You can't lay around and fuck all day, Savon. It is a black dude's name. Savon. You know it is.
Starting point is 01:03:54 It's more so than a white dude's name savon savon you gone full smut puppy uh uh ladies and gentlemen tank reeves has gone full 12 year old girl oh my god omg tank you you wish uh miss redow you wish someone was yelling that at you. I'm just going to sit around all day. Oh, no. No. Devesh Maharaj the Hammer. Savant.
Starting point is 01:04:35 That would be like if I was Italian, if I was a guitar player. Savant. If I would spell it like that. This savant, black savant, is S-E. Say. I'd spell it like that. This savant, black savant, is S-E-Y. Say savant, V-O-N. Savant. No, just S-A-V-O-N.
Starting point is 01:04:57 Sorry. Nothing special about it. S-A-V-O-N. Savant. Savant, you better quit fucking them hoes in the house. Especially that Pippin's ex-wife. She's a whore. Say Vaughn. Thank you. Thank you, Mr. Reeves. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:05:26 Okay, let's go back to that. I want to see that. want to see are there are there naked pictures of her on the web it remains to be seen whether or not this dolliance i don't even know what that means but i like it will reach the eventual course intercourse of a wedding at the now yet for now marcus jordan michael's son can count on the support of his mother the relationship between michael jordan Jordan and Scottie Pippen is strained from their glory days in NBA with the Chicago Bulls, although it's unclear whether or not this tension is a contributory factor to Michael Jordan's unhappiness at his son's choice of a life partner. Listen, nobody, nobody wants their son with some old-ass bitch, and here's the reason why. I'm just going to tell you why. Because you want your kid to fucking. You want your son to have kids.
Starting point is 01:06:07 Why do you want them to have kids? Because it's such a glorious fucking event and experience. My mom used to tell me that. Now she's like what is she talking about? She's so dumb. But she's right. Jethro Cardone. Cardona.
Starting point is 01:06:21 Cardona. I was thinking about you this morning. I was in bed. Everyone subscribe and hit the like button. I was thinking about you. I was thinking about you this morning. I was in bed. Everyone subscribe and hit the like button. I was thinking about you. I was thinking about you and Heidi and David. And I could hear the chickens and roosters. I was so fucking happy when I didn't hear my neighbor's well this morning go on.
Starting point is 01:06:41 You want to hear a nutty, nutty, truly nutty story? I'll get back to it in a second i'm at jiu-jitsu yesterday and my neighbor his son started going to my kids jiu-jitsu academy he switched jiu-jitsu academies so my neighbor sits down next to me i really like my neighbor he's like a cool dude he's like a manly motherfucker like he's 10 times the man i'll ever be like like he's the kind of guy like when he goes to bed at night he probably's like a manly motherfucker like he's 10 times the man i'll ever be like like he's the kind of guy like when he goes to bed at night he probably pulls like a pipe wrench out of his back pocket you know what i mean or like he has like razor blades from the box cutter in his front
Starting point is 01:07:14 pocket or you know what he's he's just he's a contractor and you just know i see what i mean yeah like he looks over my fence and i'm like i'm like lifting weights he's like you look strong and i'm like and i know like he's carried like 35 pieces of four by eight plywood that i can't even lift one and he does two at a time you know what i mean upstairs yeah with his pants falling down hung over like he it's just so obvious he's like a real man and i'm like fake but i accept it and so he's in he's his kids in the class and he's sitting down next to me and his well is i have the nicest fucking life my house is so fucking awesome just where where and how i live i'm sure loads you have nicer houses me, but where and how I live is un-fucking-believable.
Starting point is 01:08:11 But I hear his well constantly, and it's just – it sounds like metal grinding on metal. But I've accepted it. Om. In the hood, they used to call me the Buddha. Now they call me Savon. But he goes – so yesterday morning, I woke up at 4 in the morning. I'm like, this motherfucker is taking a shower. I could hear his fucking well pump going.
Starting point is 01:08:31 And I couldn't go back to sleep. I just started tuning in on it. And I wouldn't get up and close the window because I was stubborn because I wanted fresh air. But I could have opened another window. But I'm kind of like a dick. Even to myself, I'm a dick. Anyway, he sits down next to me in jiu-jitsu out of the blue. It's like – he goes, you you know, I go, yeah. He goes, I woke up at four in the morning today.
Starting point is 01:08:49 I'm thinking to myself, oh, you fucking did. Oh, I know. Yeah. And he goes, and I couldn't go back to sleep. So I just got up like, what are the fucking odds of this fucking guy telling me this story? But I knew. I didn't say anything. I didn't say like, yeah, I heard you're well, motherfucker.
Starting point is 01:09:13 I wish I would have. You know when you can say something? You don't do that? What? You don't just, like, if somebody's telling you a story and you were aware of that story, you're just like, yeah, I know I heard you do this while it was happening or whatever dude in all fairness like three seconds passed and i was gonna say it but i the timing was so crucial to say it right away and not make it seem like i'm mad even though i am pissed but i want to but i like him as my neighbor and i'm really want him
Starting point is 01:09:42 to like me you know know what I mean? He has five kids. I have three kids. He has an acre. I have a half acre. He's cool. Dude, this motherfucker, one day it was raining, and my roof was leaking. I called him.
Starting point is 01:09:56 I'm like, dude, my roof's leaking. He's like, oh, come over and take a look at it. And fucking he just went up on my roof and fixed it. You know what I mean? Dude, you could look over the fence and see my wife naked. We're cool. You know what I mean? I, dude, like, dude, you could look over the fence and see my wife naked. I work cool. You know what I mean? Like, I got you.
Starting point is 01:10:08 Yeah. Yeah. Like, I'm not going to be like, yeah, fuck it. Like if I would've just been like, yeah,
Starting point is 01:10:12 dude, I heard your fucking well go on. That would've been awesome. But the timing was, you know what I mean? The timing, like it would've been like I was a bitch. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:10:22 I just waited just too long. I got it. Yeah. Like you've been holding on to it and then the whole class i was trying to think how i could slip it in right and i know he doesn't listen to this podcast because he's a libtard i think he's a libtard it probably would have been offended about your comment about his well being fucked up but i've told you before i one night at three one night at 3 in the morning I'm like what the fuck is that sound a couple years ago I went in the backyard and I recorded how loud his well was in my backyard
Starting point is 01:10:51 he's like hey I think your well is going to blow up and no I'm like dude your fucking well is loud and he's like uh huh that's it hey dude it's so loud excuse me oh yeah just call the well police on them wait wait wait what a stupid what a stupid son of a damn i thought i had the button ready oh here it is
Starting point is 01:11:21 I thought I had the button ready. Oh, here it is. That's the well police. Yeah, it's the well police. If you type, if you type. Anyway, okay. So let me finish this francis ningano thing and then i want to look up um shut up david on youtube and see if we can find something um so so if you click this link 238 this guy was uh tyson fury was supposed to kick the shit out of ningano the boxer was supposed to beat up the mma guy so easily that he had scheduled a fight for december already like two months later and look that's the guy's face when that's the guy he's supposed to fight his name's u6 i think he's a ukrainian
Starting point is 01:12:15 dude and and i think if you go over one you can see the video and so this is basically he's watching his millions of dollars payday go away look at him how stressed he is look at that why are all those guys wearing picnic cloths on their head i don't know it's weird look how hot that chick is next to him anyway yeah so he's bummed so i think they pushed the fight a month that's that guy was supposed to fight tyson fury and probably make 10 or 20 million dollars and he just watched his fucking his money go away
Starting point is 01:12:56 underestimated him no we didn't start early we we're good we chill oh shit i better check my shit um uh i won't be available this morning and it's wet but i think it's drying up a bit wow our thread's going crazy yes i watched another episode of behind the scenes you guys are going to be stoked i feel like calling hillary again and asking him when um oh they're still fighting yeah pat. Oh, they're still fighting. Yeah, Patrick Clark, they're still fighting. But yeah, but I think it got pushed a month, right? to your family later because no one should have to plan for a loss while they're experiencing one.
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Starting point is 01:14:52 Amazon, and other Canadian retailers. Zach, Usyk, the Ukrainian. I guess not all men had to stay and fight the Russians the Russians well the Russians don't have to stay and fight the Ukrainians either there you go Joe Westerlin the fight was in Saudi
Starting point is 01:15:17 Saudi that was in reference to the picnic cloths on there got it he's so helpful this Joe guy that was in reference to the picnic cloths on there. Got it. He's so helpful, this Joe guy. Hopefully he's helpful at my L1 in January too. Oh, you're going to that?
Starting point is 01:15:32 Yeah. What about 234? So I don't know if you guys know, but there's 1.8 billion Muslims, 464 million Adabs, and 15 million Jews. 15 million Jews. 15 million Jews. 1.8 billion. Listen, if you wanted to to this is how many fucking muslims and arabs there are if you wanted to teach them let's say that the the world like the un decided that the
Starting point is 01:16:14 world language was um uh chinese and everyone had to learn chinese as fast as they could uh uh uh uh 15 let me do the math real quick. Where's the calculator? Calculator, calculator. Here we go. Shit, did it open? Oh, yeah,000. That's 1,800,000. That's 18 million. That's 180 million. That's 1,800,000,000. Divided by, let's say there's 15 million Jews. That's 15, one, two, three. That's 15,000 plus three more zeros.
Starting point is 01:17:04 That's 15 million. That's, you could take every Jew, and they would have to teach 120 people fucking Chinese. Muslims. That's how, there's not even enough fucking Jews to fucking teach every single Muslim Chinese. Like, you guys see what I'm doing there? It's kind of a fucked up way of.
Starting point is 01:17:25 I'm trying to contextualize something for you. Fucking nuts. Oh shit. You paid for your L1. Seve paid for my L1. Good dude. Oh I paid for your L1? Seve paid for my L1.
Starting point is 01:17:44 I did pay for it? Look at the next message not really but let's pretend oh are you going to your L1 do you want me to pay for it so so it's just crazy so these these
Starting point is 01:18:01 these Arabs and Jews have been fighting each other and these Muslims. But Biden and Harris are. When is this? Five days ago, they announced the development of the nation's first national strategy to can to counter Islamophobia. Listen, I don't mean to be a douche, but what's phobia? Irrational fear? Listen, if you're Jewish, there's nothing irrational about your fear. Just so you know, there's absolutely nothing.
Starting point is 01:18:50 There's 1.8 billion of them. Once a week you see on TV for the last 50 years I've been alive, death to the Jews. If you're an American, there's no, it's not irrational. Isn't Islam a religion? It's not even a people. Correct. Correct. Yeah. Those people
Starting point is 01:19:09 who follow Islam are Muslim, right? Correct. I wish I would have named my boys Mohammed, Jesus, and Buddha. Second coming? If I had any foresight, I would have done that. But instead, I have foreskin.
Starting point is 01:19:37 Absolutely, yeah. I'll pay for your L4, whatever. Whatever you want. Yeah, let's do it. L1's for everyone. yeah let's do it l1s for everyone i could organize what if i organize an underground l1 where i found a dude he'll be dressed in blackface so no one knows who he is i hope that won't offend anyone and he'll get up or she'll get up and present an entire l1
Starting point is 01:20:02 for two days and you guys can all come for free. Maybe it won't be pure blackface. Maybe there'll be some red lines so we can offend Native Americans. Oh, or we'll put camo so we can offend Caleb, military people. Blade Walker, there you go. Great idea. You'll teach it, Blade, because then we'd have to put you in white face dude leave the fucking jews alone for fuck's sake our white house is fucking nuts how are how are they trying to protect the 1.8 billion people who chant death to the jews
Starting point is 01:20:44 How are they trying to protect the 1.8 billion people who chant death to the Jews? They're both. Eric, they're both. They are – being Jewish is an ethnicity and a religion. It's both. I'm trying to think if there's another one. Armenian is an ethnicity. No, it's not a religion.
Starting point is 01:21:05 But Armenian is a nationality and an ethnicity. Nope, it's not a religion. But Armenian is a nationality and an ethnicity. Palestinian is not an ethnicity or – Palestinian is not an ethnicity, a race, or any of that. It's not even really a nationality. It's like – it's as much of a nationality as being Californian. And so if you were to say free Californians, that's what it would be when they say free Palestinians or free Palestinians, like free Californians. You don't understand, Sebi. They can't get out of there. I'm getting the fuck out, dude. Hey, oh, I wanted to Google this real quick. Are Jews allowed in Egypt? Are Jews allowed in Egypt? Yesterday I told a story about when I was making a movie, there was a Jewish guy.
Starting point is 01:21:58 One of the athletes was Jewish, and the fucking Egyptian military police came and got him. During British rule under King Fahad, Egypt was friendly towards its Jewish population, although between 86% and 94% of the Egyptian Jews did not possess Egyptian nationality, whether they had been denied it or opted not. Can Jews travel to Egypt? While some Israelis travel to Egypt on U.S. passports or passports of some other country, most Israelis who travel to Egypt do so with their Israeli passports. The Egyptian authorities have no restriction in place regarding Israeli citizens. Oh, that's weird. I wonder if that's new. Is it safe for Jews to visit the pyramids?
Starting point is 01:22:36 I love these questions. Dude, don't. It's so not worth going to see the pyramids. No? No. Why not? I just didn't findids. No? No. Why not? I just didn't find it. I didn't find it.
Starting point is 01:22:51 You don't appreciate architecture? Have you ever – I think it's in New York City. Have you ever seen – no, where was it? Oh, it was in – it was in it was in i was in i was in beirut and in the mediterranean there was a dump and it was the biggest pile of trash you've ever seen in your life maybe there's pictures of it are you looking up dump in beirut yeah water dump in the mediterranean and dude it was a pile of trash that was probably 50 stories high it was like a fucking mountain It would be amazing if you found it Yeah, there's so much trash, but they dumped in Mediterranean as you pop and I thought that was more of an architectural feat than
Starting point is 01:23:34 the pyramids Really? Oh, dude. It was crazy That that Coliseum where the fucking Bears played, I was more impressed by. Dude, it was just gross there because of all the tourism. It was so gross. You know one of the best places to visit? Go visit the fucking Sequoia National Forest in Southern California. The Sequoias are mind-boggling. That's how I felt when I went to Petra.
Starting point is 01:24:02 Where's that? It's in Jordan. It's one of the seven wonders of the world. Is it? Where's that? It's in Jordan. It's the, one of the seven wonders of the world, but it's just, huh? Is it a tree? What's a Petra?
Starting point is 01:24:10 No, it's, it's a place. It's why is it one of the wonders? What have they done there? Architecture? Oh yeah. Yeah. That's,
Starting point is 01:24:17 that's from Indiana Jones, right? Yeah. That's crazy. Well, it's also just, yeah, just tourism is crazy.
Starting point is 01:24:24 Like you couldn't go anywhere without bumping into somebody and if it wasn't somebody it was like one of the jordanians trying to sell you something oh you're saying it was kind of ruined it for you right yeah yeah it was cool but yeah i felt that way about um uh there's a there's a there's an instagram account that just clips all this shit out of context. It's called The Sevan Podcast Out of Context. At first I was like, oh shit,
Starting point is 01:24:51 is this going to be my downfall? And then I was like, no, you can't kill skeletons. It's weird. I kind of appreciate it. Not kind of, I do appreciate it. It is so weird. Also, the baobab trees in africa like going to go just going out and looking at the landscape in africa in uh kenya and just all over africa is mind-boggling um uh there's a place in africa called victoria falls yeah look at this fucking instagram account so weird has 47 followers Yeah watch this yeah watch that one
Starting point is 01:25:26 That one is so weird Tyrone Stop picking on Savan Savan come inside Come inside Savan I'm going to hell Bow bow yeah the bow bow tree Absolutely nuts
Starting point is 01:25:49 Bernie Gannon Armenians as a Population of the closest to Jordan Georgians and Greeks followed by Caucasians Jews and Assyrians however the most common Hapel group is R1b which is more common in Italy and the Balkans Greeks, followed by Caucasians, Jews, and Assyrians. However, the most common haplogroup is R1B, which is more common in Italy and the Balkans.
Starting point is 01:26:09 What the fuck? Bernie's too smart for his own good. Oh, shit. Look at this. Guilty. Dang, what did he do to his profile picture? Is that new? Those are all the flags. He's representing i like it good uh bow bow oh trees are weird as heck yeah what a trip right i tried to grow one here in my house in my house i couldn't do it
Starting point is 01:26:53 what a mess anyway okay so so maybe we'll see that um boxing match um we know that uh it's important not to be islamophobic fucking crazy dude listen it's it's okay It's okay to be scared of stuff. Don't let them. It's okay to be scared of things. Don't. That's all political correctness shit. It's okay. It's okay.
Starting point is 01:27:15 And then you can also go to like a Muslim church or temple or whatever the fuck they have and learn about it and read the Koran. And you can work on your fears. But don't. It's not a phobia to be afraid of people that the tv's constantly a nice cup is constantly showing you it says death to america that's just fucking bullshit that's the same shit when they say fucking israel does apartheid when it's only the muslim countries around there that do apartheid i did i did i don't know if i would i did get all that i got it like a couple times i i swallowed like something a lot i got something live out of a refrigerator even i did all that fucking shit back in the day i let the doctor touch my penis without a glove
Starting point is 01:27:59 what i never told you that story is that the back of the hand comment or is that no no that was a chill that was that was a girl touched the back of my hand with rub my penis with the back of her hand but the a doctor at kaiser in vallejo handled my penis without a glove it was so inappropriate he was so gay too it was so inappropriate but you want to know what how fucked up i am i was more excited that that i was having the experience of something inappropriate happening like when the guy peed in the car in the jar in the in the cab in the cab, like, I'm just like, yeah, this is what life's about. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:28:49 Like, I know, I know. It's like, um, when I was a kid and I'd go trick or treating and you'd get a big snicker bar. Like, I didn't even care that I got a big snicker bar. I just liked it that I was having the experience of someone giving me up the big snicker bar. I can't really, i can't explain it i just like up for like yeah this fucking doctor is touching my penis inappropriately this what a fucking this is so like wrong it's like a good memory now if he just stuck his thumb in my butt it would i don't know maybe i could have got wrapped around that too i don't know i don't know where boundary is, where it's like, this is a bad experience. Oh my God. Do you still have his business card asking for a friend?
Starting point is 01:29:36 Probably got AIDS and died. I just I just made me think of it by looking at blade I wonder if this resonates with blade I had this girlfriend in high school and she was a black girl and we were on and off because I had a bunch of girlfriends but we were on off but this chick
Starting point is 01:30:06 was fucking cool and i don't know why i never kind of got more settled with her but she had a she also she had a boyfriend and her and her boyfriend would always dress the same he didn't go to our high school he was in college uh older guy yeah but they would dress the same. He didn't go to our high school. He was in college. Oh, an older guy. Yeah, but they would dress the same. He was a black dude. Like a... Identical fucking outfit. Yeah, so like if I had a party at my house,
Starting point is 01:30:34 she would come over, she would fucking bring him and they'd be wearing, yeah, exactly. Same sweatpants, same sweat top. Same Jordan. Same Jordan, yeah, same shirt. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Hmm. Why?
Starting point is 01:30:50 I was going to say, I wonder if that's a cultural thing, but I see like white families in the South do that shit too. Like they dress up as the, what's that Disney movie? Like a whole family will dress up as those characters. Oh, like Frozen or something? No, not Frozen. What's the superhero family? Oh, the Incredibles. I guess that's a little different. They're all dressed different.
Starting point is 01:31:08 But I feel like that's a black thing, a cultural thing, where all the boyfriend and girlfriend dress in the same shit. Yeah, I guess. I've seen that in a lot of trailer trash. No, I didn't do that shit. Like, they'll both have, like, Gucci bags, Gucci pants, Gucci shirts, but same, same pattern, same, like, like, there was one giant piece of cloth, and they both got their shit, like, made out of from the same, you know what I mean? Yeah, that's weird. If me and my wife come out of that. Oh, I own T.I. Sweats.
Starting point is 01:31:43 Fuck, I had, I love T. had i love ti sweats they were so expensive like 30 for a top and bottom combo do you know what those are ti sweats no i only know like jinko jeans or whatever fuck dude i would when when i would go to new york i would go to harlem to those stores to those sweat stores and dude and the and like i would i in the bay area i lived in neighborhoods where i was the only white person but in harlem it would get really fucking crazy like it would be fucking 20 minutes and you wouldn't see it was like it was seriously like being in africa you would not oh create less even more black people there than in africa but i would go into these stores where they would have clothes that you could never find anywhere else yeah shit crazy cool shit and cheap yeah that's ti yeah wow i didn't have anything
Starting point is 01:32:28 crazy like that mine were always just all the same color these are rare dude that shit was so pimp oh my god should the seven pot i want to sell something and fucking like exploit my the the listeners of the show should we do sweats like like like a real cult fuck just a black couple wearing the same shit we all the seven on podcast people wear the same sweats doesn't vindicate start making sweats i think he's selling them soon he is he i have a pair you put those on you'll overheat in two seconds oh not these ones you're like comfortable in a i was as a kid vindicates are made for like like people who live in the in the midwest like nebraska sweats yeah they're i mean you you overheat like these these you have the option of wearing some old man long johns underneath them or something.
Starting point is 01:33:25 Oh. Wow. Okay. Hey, I bet you Jethro might do that stuff too. He's kind of ethnic enough to do that. I wonder if him and his wife wear the same shit. Does anyone in here do that? I want to know who does that.
Starting point is 01:33:39 Or lesbians would probably do that. Lesbians will for sure do that. Lesbians and black couples will do that. Wear the same shit. Can't you see lesbians doing that? Yeah. we're together yeah fuck you and they always wear flat bill hats that are too big for their head the lesbians yeah and one's like hot as shit under hers and the other one looks like she could beat you up uh-huh not looks like it can exactly one of them one of them has a swiss army knife on her keychain the other one just doesn't like mace or something um uh for me matching shoes tops that ended in high school oh so you did do that you did do that with your chick though you did do that with your chick, though. You did do that, though.
Starting point is 01:34:25 Huh. Oh, yeah. Wow. Seve, you know you got matching shirts airbrushed at the swap meet with your girl. I didn't, but I remember those. Those were awesome. God. I was, I had, like, maybe I got Asperger's or autism or something. Texture can really fuck me up.
Starting point is 01:34:41 I didn't like the texture of that stuff. I don't like anything in an aerosol can period i freak out i don't like anything sprayed around me like i i have uh a savannah stuck the dark-skinned dominicans and puerto ricans oh is that what they are in harlem whatever it was i was not one of them they were all the same and they were they were for like 20 minutes traveling to the sweatshop i was like yeah that shit those are kind of cheesy uh i only want a tracksuit if it makes that loud ass windbreaker sound. I look for that stuff on Amazon for my boys.
Starting point is 01:35:35 I so want my obvious got, I should take a picture of it before it wears off. Obviously got the full Tupac tat kit right now. Thug life, all the shit, the Nubian princess, all that shit. He got it it all it's so dope my boy so dope he got he did the whole thug he did the whole thug life tattoo thing then went over to fucking uh sunnyvale and beat up the age yeah that he has that yeah all on him
Starting point is 01:35:59 i'm like yeah the whole fucking kit he looks so hard i think there was one i didn't put on him i don't see which one it is I'm like, yeah, the whole fucking kit. He looks so hard. I think there was one I didn't put on him. I don't see which one it is. I thought there was, there was one of my kids. God, you know, it's crazy. One of my kids wanted a tattoo on him the other day and it said devil. And I wouldn't put it on him. But I'm not even religious, but I just still couldn't put it on him.
Starting point is 01:36:24 I'm just like, I'm not doing that. He's like, why? I'm like, I don i just still couldn't put it on him i'm just like i'm not doing that he's like why i'm like i don't like it i didn't tell him you know what i mean i don't want to give him like my your insecurities yeah just my whatever uh what's that called superstition oh fuck yeah you did that That's awesome. God. Pool boy, you know what's so crazy? You're like one of the coolest dudes I know, and yet you still carry a little bit of cheese with you. The machis, and I love it. You should have been a Jew or a Greek or something.
Starting point is 01:37:00 Maybe you are. No, he's Mexican. Yeah, I used to. God. I used to wear matching track suits with my girl, and we'd take those gay photos at the mall. I don't know if they were gay, but they were something. Oh, dude. With the shitty backdrops? Please post that and tag me so we can bring it up on the show.
Starting point is 01:37:20 That would be awesome. I need to see that. Oh, man. The Denim Family? Oh, that's... These are so good. Oh, that dad looks bummed. Hmm.
Starting point is 01:37:42 Do you believe in the devil? No, not at all. I don't believe in any devil no not at all I don't believe in any of that shit wow is that for real what did you google shopping mall photography that's gotta be a joke
Starting point is 01:37:58 I mean yeah the kid probably doesn't actually have a mullet at that age man oh shit we sold Milwaukee for breakfast we crossed over the hour and a half 90 minute mark
Starting point is 01:38:17 what do you guys what do you guys think when we go over the 90 minute mark are you like oh the show's over that's what I think I'm like oh fuck we're 6 minutes late What do you guys think when we go over the 90-minute mark? Are you like, oh, the show's over? That's what I think. I'm like, oh, fuck, we're six minutes late. Hey, will you play 2.33? This is just – this is the kind of stuff I struggle to get in my head wrapped around. This goes along with the open racism that I posted on my Instagram account the last two days, where she's just openly attacking white people.
Starting point is 01:38:46 Hey, there's something you guys should know. When Germany started burning the Jews, 50% of the politicians in Germany were Jewish, and 50% of the doctors were Jewish. And then just like that, it tipped over, and they just started rounding these motherfuckers up and killing them. And so you can't have anyone who's black or white or Arab or Asian or Latin or – you can't tolerate even a little bit of that behavior categorizing people like that because it could be harnessed so quickly. It does not take the majority. You have that lady, Letitia James, attacking basically President Trump for being a white male.
Starting point is 01:39:56 In a second, it's going to be a slant-eyed male or it's going to be a chocolate-skinned woman or it's going to be like – this is what Dr. King did not want us doing. We all like him, right? We all like him. It's cool to judge people um the content of their character and i'm not saying like you can't jump to conclusions i'm not saying like you can't like um uh see three fucking asian dudes and walking uh with pocket protectors and think that they're engineers you can it's not it's not it's not racist but but check yourself know that just have some awareness that you're doing it just just like you know i'm not saying don't use your discernment yeah there yeah exactly it's it's only a matter like it's not okay to be like hey
Starting point is 01:40:40 uh that man's too slant-eyed and too yellow. Like, that's not okay. Especially from the attorney general of the state of New York. That's what I'm concerned about, too. If you tolerate those people who are tolerating that, they're getting too loose. It's eroding their moral fiber and their compass. That's what I was talking about. That's what's happened to the Democrats and the Republicans. They're willing to win by any means necessary that they're eroding their own fucking moral compass. It's gross. It sucks.
Starting point is 01:41:22 Friday, Tyson Bajan. Really? Yeah, Friday. After Thursday's game. That'll be sweet. Yeah, it will be. SEMA, when we pass the 90-minute mark, I think I don't want water cooler talk to end
Starting point is 01:41:40 because then I got to do my real job. Did I ever tell you about the time someone rubbed my penis with the back of their hand you haven't told the whole story yet no this show had two talks about people touching my penis one time a girl touching it with the back of her hand and one time a doctor he did not touch it with the back of the hand yes yes i pulled down my pants and he said, Marron. Marron. No, he did not.
Starting point is 01:42:08 No, no. But he was Italian. What does Marron mean? Ma, ma, God. Hey, I think we are. I'm going to look up Marron in a second. We are going to have Laura Horvat on the show again. Mark my fucking words.
Starting point is 01:42:31 I think she's hot as shit. Look at her. All taped up and proud. Who doesn't like a proud, strong woman? Anyway, I digress. What was I looking at? Oh, Maroon. I don't even know how to spell Maroon.
Starting point is 01:42:43 I clicked on that tab, and I was going to type in Maroon in there, but I want to keep that tab open so I can look at it. Marron. M-A-R-R-O-N. I don't know how to spell Marron. What is it, Italian? Oh, it's a kind of crawdad. It's a black crawdad. Watch, it's going to be something racist. What does Marron mean in slang? going to be something racist what does modern mean in slang a bad situation you get into at work it's slang for that modern spanish modern i have one that's french oh and what is it the chestnut i think it's supposed to be like wow, wow, wow, wow. They used to do that. Chachi would do that.
Starting point is 01:43:28 Wow, wow. My wrong. How do I get a CEO onesie? Ooh. Dude, that guy's living my dream. Dumbbell snatches while talking on the phone to Matt Souza. Jesus. Jesus. phone to Matt Souza Jesus a a a a symmetric ears Laura has discernment as a result she understands the value of participating in this show Krista pot ham indian chick right dot not feather laura horvat is body goals
Starting point is 01:44:10 god imagine if she would have been my babysitter when i was a little kid she could lift you up and put you up on the top bunk easy with one hand while still having like your bedtime book in the other right here you go here you go. You're such a cute Armenian boy. Bernie Gannon, moron. In Italian, it's ritardato mental. Oh, please tell me you have a story of someone touching your penis with the back of their hand. Hello. Hey.
Starting point is 01:44:48 She could be over right now, but you're on the top bunk. Okay, hold on, hold on. I'm telling you, this phone system sucks. Either that or Satan just called in. What do you think? Satan or... That was on accident, right? That person didn't do that on purpose. I don't know. You could have pressed the deep voice button
Starting point is 01:45:09 is this why I'm the poor man's Joe Rogan because none of my shit like every show you guys spend a few minutes like watching me fiddle my stuff oh I'd way rather be president of the USA Mr. Chapman over i mean caller hi
Starting point is 01:45:27 hello caller hello excuse me hello oh no no here we go hold on dude that was crazy how you sounded for a second it was all that testosterone you're taking yeah yeah okay hi so you got that text yesterday um i figured i'd call in and tell the whole story um not too much of a story, but I have this belief. I really have this belief that CrossFit is getting taken over by the woke liberal type of people. And here's another example of that. Those two members I was telling you about yesterday, they recently got married. Now, I've had a lot of talks, run-ins with them, where they're like classic anti-American, America sucks, we're terrible. They're just always angry. Something's a problem, you know, all the time.
Starting point is 01:46:34 They're never solutions. They're just mad about everything, right? So yesterday, I just walked by him just to say congratulations on getting married, right? And the guy's last name is Solis. So I say, hey, congratulations on getting married. Right. And the guy's last name is, uh, solely. So I say, Hey,
Starting point is 01:46:48 congratulations. Soles. And they both look at me with this bewildered look on his face. Like, excuse me. Uh, I went with her last name as if I was supposed to just like, know this.
Starting point is 01:47:01 And I'm like, Oh, okay. So, so it just left me in this situation. I'm like, Oh, okay. So, so it just left me in this situation. I'm like, how, how do I respond now? Like, I want to kind of be like, you start laughing. There was a part of me where it's like, you're joking, right? It definitely crossed my mind, but Hey, I'm, I'm like the head coach.
Starting point is 01:47:22 I can't, I can't, i can't be right in front of other people but it definitely crossed my mind but like why get like upset with me you know just be like oh hey by the way i ended up taking her last name because we're progressive and blah blah whatever i ain't gonna judge you really but it is sad hey ask me. Part of me is like – well, the relationship is not going to last. I feel like we should explain why you want to take the man's name. The woman's name, yeah. Why you want to take the man's name. You want to take the man's name.
Starting point is 01:48:00 Oh, sure, sure, sure. You want to take the man's name because as a woman, you want to be with a man who when you are at the gas station and you go to the bathroom, he stops pumping gas for a second and keeps his eyes around and he watches where you go into. And he watches you go in that door, and then he watches you come out of the door, and he keeps tabs on you. You just want that dude. He's not tripping he's not worried you want the dude who like if you get up at the restaurant come to the table you stand up and he gives you respect and you want a dude who respects you as a woman 100 and and to do that you're going to empower your man by taking his name. They don't believe that. It's the opposite.
Starting point is 01:48:50 The woman needs to be empowered. She can be empowered all she wants. She can be empowered all she wants. How about keeping the name? You know, don't you? Isn't that like a, that goes back thousands of years. I personally don't care if my wife takes my name or not. Like, I don't I don't give two fucks. But to take her name.
Starting point is 01:49:12 It doesn't fucking make it doesn't make. At the end of the day, it's not what you want. It's not why you married a man. You married a man to get some man shit. Yeah. You want a man to get some man shit. Yeah. You want a man. I was trying to keep it simple so it's not too complicated. We have roles.
Starting point is 01:49:36 That's the thing that the lines are getting so blurred on is that what you just said, the roles, there are roles. And it is what it is it's not something that it's not something that needs to be changed and it's not something that should be changed there are roles men do men shit women do women shit and that's just how it's always been and how it's always going to be i think that they're going to ask you to join their relationship and you should do it i think he wants to watch you you. I think she wants him to watch you give her the fucking BBC. I'll think about it, but if they say something, I got to take her last name.
Starting point is 01:50:16 I don't know. Just yes. You're their coach. I can't take the last name, dude. What a trip. It's wild. Hey, and here's the thing. Go ahead and do it. Go ahead and do it and let us watch the experiment
Starting point is 01:50:27 and like no judgment but then don't be mad at us for laughing and don't be surprised the same way you shouldn't be surprised like if you're a Jew and you're scared of fucking Islam like I totally get it and if you fucking think it's weird that someone takes it is funny that a man would take a woman's name and it's okay to laugh it's not even rude
Starting point is 01:50:42 like everyone you're so far out there you're like a fucking a duck that barks and doesn't quack seriously you should be prepared for people to be like oh really or like one maybe giggle maybe question you like oh really why'd you do that and you should be prepared to not get upset that they reacted that way but to to react that way as if how how dare you my bad i'm sorry i'm just i'm just i'm a normal guy i guess i don't know wad zombie i wonder if their menstruation menstruation cycles are in sync uh robbie myers i had a friend who took his wife's last name because he wanted nothing to do with his family his dad was a drunk his mom was a whore and he wanted nothing to do with him but still that's still no reason i don't think so unless your dad's yeah adolf hitler
Starting point is 01:51:31 um i you know what i literally was just gonna say when they're documentary about that like all hitler's like changed their last name that makes sense duh but outside of that i don't know or like dahmer you know if you want to change your last name because it's Dahmer or Bundy or something, I guess. There's something healthy about the – just like there's something unhealthy about the phenomenon. It's a correlate of getting a fucking asymmetrical haircut and dying one half blue. It's like a sign that something's wrong with you. There's a sign that if you're a woman and you want a dude to take your last name, you probably shouldn't get married. You're basically –
Starting point is 01:52:07 Man, I can't imagine. You're doing some – oh, that's fair. Dave Castro Matosian. There's some asshole. God, you're an asshole, John Wick. Is that David Weed? Good guess. It's David Weed's alter fucking ego, John Wick.
Starting point is 01:52:26 God, David Reed wishes he was John Wick so bad. I bet you when David Reed falls asleep at night, he dreams he's John Wick. Oh my god. While he's eating his fifth hamburger of the day. I, um...
Starting point is 01:52:42 Uh... Yeah, I... Something's wrong not, you're not marriage material. What are you doing? Stop flexing on your dude. Like, like if you just want to flex on a dude, then, then don't marry him to flex on him. Get a strap on an ass pound him. She does. Do you think she does that? She, she, I'm telling you, if you met these people i'm i told you yesterday it's like seattle san fran type of liberal like she's got black or one of them black nope nope both white people uh she's got the skin the head then they're not doing their part yeah so they should be catering to me If anything, shit Should be really nice to me
Starting point is 01:53:26 Jerry, I This many, many years ago I was dating this girl And she lived in What's that town in Connecticut Where the really good school is? I think it's like Harvard or Yale is there Are they both in there?
Starting point is 01:53:41 Sure, yeah I'm pretty sure one of them is there What are those towns names where's harvard what town is harvard oh that's massachusetts where's yale fairfields connecticut no is there any other big sounds like concord fairfield it's kind of it's barely a state it's kind of the hood. New Haven. Yale is in what? New Haven. New Haven. New Haven.
Starting point is 01:54:07 Yeah. I was in New Haven. Okay. I was in New Haven. How were you doing in New Haven? Thank you, Patrick. I was dating this chick who lived there, right? This Greek chick.
Starting point is 01:54:17 And she had this friend who went to Yale, this black chick. Fucking. Like Serena Williams you know what I mean like in her prime just Beyonce and Serena Williams fucking like had a kid it was nuts anyway
Starting point is 01:54:33 and she's dating this dude this white dude he wasn't there at the dinner and she was telling my friend I couldn't even fucking believe this story I was hearing she was telling my friend that she was dating this guy and she wanted to peg him and she was basic and she wanted to peg him for so fucking long and she was asking him for like a couple years right and then they got engaged and she wanted to peg him and he let her oh my god oh dear and after she pegged him a few times after that he
Starting point is 01:55:01 started asking her hey would you peg me? Oh, my God. And she left him because she told us it was a dinner. I couldn't fucking believe it. I almost fell out of my chair. She's like, yeah, I just don't respect him. What the hell? But you get it, right? If your bitch wants to peg you, you don't fucking let her peg you, you fucking idiot.
Starting point is 01:55:22 You failed the test. Yeah. I don't fucking let her peg you you fucking idiot you failed the test yeah i don't care dude you either leave her if she insists on it or you just say no and hope she stops asking but you don't say something in her mouth so she's not talking well that's yeah that's route number one for sure so she got this guy to like getting pegged after asking him for a year yeah they got engaged he took it in the dumper And then when he started asking her
Starting point is 01:55:46 She straight up said hey I lost respect for him Of course you did No shit I mean That's insane Oh my god What a world Have I told that story like 20 times on this show
Starting point is 01:56:00 Have you heard that story before Taylor I feel like you've kind of talked about it maybe I don't know I haven't heard that I haven't heard that story before i feel like you kind of talked about it maybe i don't know i haven't heard that i haven't heard that story in a few years well we have 12 new listeners since then so 12 of you have heard it for the first time yeah she met this young lady too she's got her hair shaved bald head tat uh tattoos everywhere you know piercings where piercings don't belong and i'm like okay yeah you are you are something else man what if she listens to what if she listens to this show i'd love for her to listen
Starting point is 01:56:40 to this show she could learn a few things from this show hey oh man the other day someone in the chat's like hey um uh my sister is woke and she listened to this show and just i don't know what but then i said um oh did she have an epiphany did like did the show help her and wake her up and realize that like hey she was on this on the dark side of hate and that it's you know that her support for uh gay rights or black rights is really just doing the exact side of hate and that it's you know that her support for uh gay rights or black rights is really just doing the exact opposite of what they're doing and pedro said dude less than 0.0001 percent of the people get that effect from the show that kind of hurt my feelings a little bit a little well that what about i have a larger conversion rate. I mean, you had, what's her name on?
Starting point is 01:57:26 Garrett. The lesbian. Yeah, Garrett. Yeah, she was awesome. And if you can get someone like that every so often, now from what it sounds like, she's doing her own podcast. Yeah, she's got her own podcast. So now she's spreading the news.
Starting point is 01:57:40 Yeah. So, I mean, yeah, you might get one out of every, I don't know, 100. Oh, no. But you might get one out of every i don't know hundred but no that one one out of every 50 i'm sorry that was that too far no no no one out of every 50 i like no no one out of 50 good i'm just cave dastro just wrote this show is all right i don't know what that means but i don't like that no golly the chat is wild hunter someone that my mom would not want me to be compared to yesterday who did he compare you to the guy who like thinks like ufos are real and shit oh yeah he brought up uh uh was it alex whatever the hell that guy's name is that guy's crazy a right-wing ideological movement characterized by a rejection of mainstream politics by the use of online media to disseminate provocative content, often expressing opposition to...
Starting point is 01:58:35 Yeah, this is the part that I'm not. Often expressing opposition to racial, religious, or gender equality. Well, I don't fucking even... I don't even know what that means. But I'm for equality.'m not for uh equity right huge difference equity is against equality oh no you're for you're for like thinking using your brain actually thinking not reacting that type of stuff and if that's all right fine all. I don't know. I don't think it's all right, but it's right, I guess. We'll use that.
Starting point is 01:59:08 It's right. Oh, Bernie Gannon said, to be fair, Pedro said.00003. That's three times what you're thinking. Yeah, the chat is awesome. I love it. Yeah, so anyways. Do you think Judy's the only Asian woman who listens to this show you think there's one you think she's the only asian there is one other there is there's the uh ah she's like
Starting point is 01:59:33 dallas something oh literally leeloo dallas multi-pass that one yeah there's miss pug face That one, yeah. There's Miss Pugface. Oh, shit. Her, too? Yeah. Oh, shit. All beautiful women. Yeah. Yeah, I agree. Oh, yeah, marriage. Those are marriage. You met the DEI quota there, for sure. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:59:53 I'd like to get my... I'd like to pump my numbers up a little bit, get it to a dozen, a gaggle. Now, here's the question. How many black guys besides me and Blade listen to this? Slater. Slater's black okay his picture is black uh okay me well yeah mad marv mad marv's back okay we had kazabian was that his name We had him for a while. Oh, yeah. What happened to him? What happened to Kazavian? I don't know.
Starting point is 02:00:27 The Tobago... Slater wrote half. Oh, God. The Trinidad and Tobago guy is... Oh, he counts. For sure. Devesh Maharaj. Yeah, throw him in there for sure. There we go. I'll throw Pool Boy in there, too.
Starting point is 02:00:50 Oh, yeah. Oh, my goodness. You know, I'll throw the Wall Street Weightlifter in there, too, just because he's so hairy. Black and hairy? Yeah. No one knows what color it is. He's too smart to be black.
Starting point is 02:01:05 That doesn't make sense. God, you're a dick. Oh, man. All right. Well, I won't take too much of your time today, but we got to fight against this crazy wokeness. If you have it in your gym, stand up to it. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:01:23 Careful whose last name you take. Yeah. All right, guys. Have a great thank you ciao bye peace i ain't gonna lie that made me uncomfortable that he said their names make you uncomfortable no what's this oh oh oh oh oh oh shit wow you're gonna fucking die when you see this oh my goodness oh my goodness. Oh my goodness. Oh no. Oh Nelly.
Starting point is 02:02:14 Okay, you ready? Man, it's too bad. It's too bad. Can someone put this in the AI? Can you put something in the AI and make the picture quality better? I'm sure there's some way to do it, yeah. Look at this. I Think that's Andrew Hiller is the dude and I'm the chick is that Mikey swoosh is the kid
Starting point is 02:02:43 Like what zombies like i can't oh shit that is beautiful i'm posting that as soon as i get off the show oh my god oh my god man i i do want to – what did I – there was something I did want to show. What was – did I already erase it? Shoot. Two, two. Was there – what was the one you were going to pull up, the last one you were going to pull up the last one you were going to pull up i
Starting point is 02:03:26 do want to show that uh it was the homeland security yeah yeah i want to show you this i want to show you this this is this is the shit man this is this is just fucking this is a scary shit a homeland security officer on leave after it was revealed she worked for the Palestinian Liberation Orchestra and wrote Fuck Israel. Listen, she works for the United States. And look it, look it. She also shared an image of an armed terrorist paragliding into Israel. terrorists paragliding into Israel. Our Homeland Security person
Starting point is 02:04:06 is supporting the beheading of kids. An asylum official with the Department of Homeland Security has been put on leave after it was revealed that she once served as a spokesperson for the Palestinian Liberation Organization. For those of you who don't know what the palestinian liberation organization is it's a
Starting point is 02:04:28 psyop that was created by the kgb in the 60s and they put yasser arafat into position to run the plo and that was the creation of palestinian people that's how they were created as an ethnicity before then there was no such they were were just Arabs living there. Not just, but they were Arabs. And they've basically co-opted them as a group and given them an ethnicity. They've turned Californian into an ethnicity with the intention from the beginning, from the KGB, to be used to be weaponized against Israel and the the west it's it's all no no one's hiding that news you can go online and find all that shit nuja ali an officer with the u.s citizens just like you can go online and find out there's no such thing as mexicans but no one cares no mexicans cares they still be like mexican heritage month
Starting point is 02:05:19 uh excuse me that's part of the fucking psyop you fucking idiots like no one is disputing no one's like no act no one's like seven you're totally wrong they weren't native americans who were raped by europeans no not one person is saying that everyone's like yep they were colonized and now we call mexicans to kind of soothe the pain and give them their own ethnicity. And now you defend it. By the way, that's exactly what black people are doing in the south. Black people are doing too. That ghetto culture that we call black culture, that's not black culture. That's southern hillbilly culture that they learned from fucking white fucking poor people 200 years ago 100 years ago and now they defend it like it's their fucking own another psyop
Starting point is 02:06:13 by psyop i mean that stands for psychological operation whether it's true like whether it was done intentionally or not i don't know but but but it's what happened and no one's denying these things and yet you're people are still playing along with them like it's fucking real. She was hired by the USCIS. Caleb, what is that? Some acronym for you? Come on. Center for Immigration Services.
Starting point is 02:06:40 Damn, you're good. You guys just think like that, you people. She was hired at the United States Center of Immigration Services. Caleb just knows stuff, motherfuckers. Citizenship and Immigration Services. Close. In 2019 as an asylum officer and earlier this year was made as an adjudication officer, according to her LinkedIn profile. I think basically what that means is she gets to decide who comes in and out of the country, guys. Ali has expressed... Ali.
Starting point is 02:07:12 Ali has... I should name one of my kids Ali. Ali has expressed her support for Palestinian causes for years and recently posted inflammatory comments about Israel in the wake of the surprise attack by Hamas. It's funny how they keep calling him Hamas. You mean by the Palestinian military and while we're on the subject
Starting point is 02:07:31 I guess I'm going to I guess I'm going to play this for you guys just so you know how fucked up it is you don't have this I don't think Caleb let me see if i can hold on i resent the fact i resented the fact that um uh uh wad zombie uh referred to didn't call the lone ranger podcast did you see his picture
Starting point is 02:07:58 yeah yeah yeah i was so i was so disappointed that it wasn't the Lone Ranger and Tato I was so disappointed oh my god um hold on I want to uh yeah well whatever well I find this thank you um let me see uh senator uh homeland security chief howley questions me orcas on revoking pro-homosexual i think he gave them the hottest uh hottest picture oh i know it was great he fucking did them justice i so butthurt over that uh that might be my next tattoo. Damn, that hurts. Oh, is it C-Span? Okay.
Starting point is 02:08:53 I don't know if I'm going to get in trouble for this, but this is – what I'm about to show you is real. I don't know what that means, but what I'm about to show you is real. Real. I don't know what that means, but what I'm about to show you is real. OK, so this is Senator Hawley talking to the head of Homeland Security, the head of Homeland Security. Now, listen, listen, this is just mind boggling. Here we go. Ask you something else. Let me ask you about people who say other things. What about people who say things like on october the 7th f israel i'm cleaning up the language here f israel the government and its military are you ready for your downfall people who say things like f israel and any jew who supports israel
Starting point is 02:09:42 may your conscience hot fuck any. So there it is again, okay? You heard it again, right? Okay, here we go. Your dreams until your last breath. Palestine will be free one day. F apartheid Israel. And is any Israeli? This is pretty extreme rhetoric, don't you think? Senator, I do. And I think there is a distinction between espousing or endorsing terrorist ideology and speech that is odious, that does not rise to that level. Fair enough. This person works for you. This is Nuzia Ali, an employee of the Department of Homeland Security. Anuja Ali, an employee of the Department of Homeland Security. That's that chick. That's the chick we just showed you.
Starting point is 02:10:33 So now he's questioning the Department of Homeland Security about what this bitch wrote. Who posted these comments. That's why if you're a Jew and you're scared, like a little bit scared, you're not an Islamophobe. You're just like processing some shit. You're just like, oh, fuck. There's 15 million of us and 1.8 billion of them and they some of them really don't like us hope that doesn't catch on hope that doesn't become trendy it's been going for 50 years 100 years on october the 7th that's not all she posted she also posted this graphic now this is a fake graphic. I want to be clear, but I think we understand it. This is a pair. She posted a picture supporting the guys that beheaded the babies and raped the women.
Starting point is 02:11:15 And she works at Homeland Security. And this guy, Homeland Security guy, can't be like, dude, I will fucking take her out and beat her ass when I get back. I'm so sorry. That's that's totally fair, right? I will slap take her out and beat her ass when I get back. I'm so sorry. That's totally fair, right? I will bitch slap this hoe. I realize that we're all Americans and that this is totally not appropriate. Paraglider, a Hamas paraglider, depicted here with a machine gun flying into Israel. She posted it under her online alias with the celebratory Free Palestine. Hey, and when I hear online alias, that means that, like,
Starting point is 02:11:53 when you work for the Department of Homeland Security, that means you're a fucking spy, by the way. Like, you can't have it both ways. Mr. Secretary, what's going on here? Is this typical of people who work at DHS? This is an asylum and immigration officer who is posting these, frankly, pro-genocidal slogans. Yeah, yeah, that is pro-genocidal, by the way.
Starting point is 02:12:14 There is no intention of the Israelis to kill everyone who lives in Gaza. There is the intention to flatten it. Those people who came in, their intention was to kill all Jewish people. That's what genocide is. And stop calling it ethnic cleansing because those people aren't even a fucking ethnicity. And images on the day that Israelis are being slaughtered in their beds.
Starting point is 02:12:38 What have you done about this? Four things I'd like to say to you. Four things I'd like to say to you. Number one, your question to suggest that that is emblematic of the men and women of the Department of Homeland Security is this. Then why doesn't he deny it? He's saying that I agree with Mayorkas. It's fucking disgusting. Then why don't you deny it?
Starting point is 02:12:58 Why don't you or denounce it? Sorry. Why don't you denounce it? I agree. It's disgusting. I agree with him. Well, then denounce it. And he doesn't.
Starting point is 02:13:05 He's a bitch. I agree with him. Well, then denounce it. And he doesn't. He's a bitch. I'm sorry. What have you done? This person works for the Department of Homeland Security. Have you fired her? That was one of four answers. Have you fired her? One.
Starting point is 02:13:16 Have you fired her? Don't come to this hearing room when Israel has been invaded and Jewish. Now I know this guy's gay, right? The way he responds. Holly, he's gay. He didn't touch my penis with a bare hand yeah just the way he's responding here it's a little it's a little flamboyant don't you dare it's like how probably how like blade's wife yells at him students are barricaded in libraries in this country and cannot be escorted. Blade needs a strong woman. That's a lot of man.
Starting point is 02:13:49 For sure. Out because they are threatened for their lives. You have employees who are celebrating genocide and you are saying it's despicable for me to ask the question. Has she been fired? Mr. Chairman, Mr. Secretary, after the consumption of Senator Hawley's time, I'd like to speak. That dude's also – those two dudes might like each other. There's some sexual tension between these dudes.
Starting point is 02:14:16 I'm not even joking. I see it. She'd been fired. We would like an answer. Because I will not be given the opportunity. Has she been fired? So that individual has been placed on administrative leave so she's not been fired number two why has she not been fired number two the hey so that's not an isolated incident that's that's that this is exactly what's going on in tech too. And I know that you guys probably don't understand the implications of it quite yet
Starting point is 02:14:48 because I'm just starting to come to terms with it. But that's what's basically going on at CrossFit Inc. too. There's a normalization that's coming out of tech. They're putting people in everywhere like this, like that Ali chick. And then dudes like this who will defend them, cucks who will defend them. It's crazy. It's just outward racism being accepted everywhere it's it's total fucking google facebook instagram culture like like in their hqs in their
Starting point is 02:15:15 headquarters yeah it's all dei hire shit it's crazy it is some really gross shit it is it's full-blown fucking nazi shit but but justified because it's hiring the people who supposedly be persecuted but which you would think jews could then fall into that but they're not for some reason they're not to be honest with you it's kind of like um uh the civil if you're civilized oh i know that's gonna be that's gonna fucking trigger some people if you're civilized if you if you brush your teeth and wipe your butt and um believe that uh in in men and women um you're you're on the outs uh craig hammond this is a great question i have no idea answer this craig hammond do people like her post this stuff because they think they're untouchable or they're just stupid
Starting point is 02:16:13 dude i you know what i think it is it's because it's okay dude that's what i mean this is the fucking tech this is this is what the culture is like 20 minutes from my house. It's OK. Like I was talking to these fucking. Executives this weekend, these two fucking I couldn't believe the shit they were telling me going on Google Facebook, I couldn't like I know it, but it just. It's just – seriously, it was the first – when I'm hearing this stuff, it's like the first time I'm starting to think that maybe there is evil or a devil or some shit. I'm like, wow, these are really bad people. But the good news is though, this is – I'll tell you the really good news is they eat each other. They don't care. They're not like us. They're not they don't stick together. They will fucking eat each other there.
Starting point is 02:17:20 I remember seeing this thing one time in the Bible that hell was just like the gnashing of teeth, like just like bodies, like frothing and like quicksand. And I just pictured like this. And that's how I picture like the woke crowd. And I just pictured like this and that's how I picture like the woke crowd It's just this like cesspool of like people trying to pull other people down Into their shit Like that once like they're being melted down Asymmetric ears, this is grandstanding in theater. Oh, I'm fine with that if it is or if it isn't but okay I accept that anyone else getting tired of all this entertainment with absolutely nothing ever coming of it? OK, OK. Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, Jim Jordan, Senator John Kennedy from Louisiana. Hey, if nothing else, man, maybe it gets more people out to vote so we can win the election.
Starting point is 02:18:05 we can um uh win the election and you know like maybe you are one of those people that think both parties are bad but maybe you still think that hey the other party needs to come into power to push this fuck these psychopaths out a little bit to maybe to to put an end to the uh the attempts to normalize harm to kill children and hatred towards people because of their skin color. Alright. Damn, we almost pulled out of it today. Like we had some funny shit going on and then I just pulled us right back in. Oh, I apologize. Let me see if there's a
Starting point is 02:18:45 Your wife should treat you like a king You know why she should treat you like a king because she wants a king And you should treat your wife like a queen And do you know why you should treat her like a queen? Because you want a queen. 195. 195 don't you have to do something like patch a pipe or something yeah I do
Starting point is 02:19:51 I need to fix that today okay here we go. Airplane was about to crash. There were four passengers on board, but only three parachutes. The first passenger said, I'm Lionel Messi, the best football player. Barcelona and millions of fans needs me and I can't afford to die. So he took the first pack and left the plane. The second passenger, Joe Biden said, I am newly elected U.S. president in American history, so my people don't want me to die.
Starting point is 02:20:29 He took the second pack and jumped out the plane. The third passenger, the Pope said to the fourth passenger, a 10 year old schoolboy, my son, I am old and don't have many years left. You have my life and let you have the last parachute. The little boy said, that's okay, your holiness. There's a parachute left for you. America's smartest president took my school bag low. An airplane.
Starting point is 02:20:53 Hey, that guy sounds like the Coons. That I didn't. I think his voice and the Coons's voice and then used it as the audio for one of his videos and it sounded exactly like Dekun's. This is fucking hilarious. Every time I hear this voice now, I'm going to think it's Dekun's. Yeah, it sounds exactly like him.
Starting point is 02:21:18 It's fucking great. Dude, the Shattuckin's not possessed by demons. Are you kidding me? This Shattuckin's just full of are you kidding me this shattuck is just full of just drunk angels and cherubs i picture the sad shattuck being circled by um a little cherubs with bows and arrows with like a satchels of alcohol dangling from them having fun pouring pouring some out for their dead homies on caleb every once in a while oh yeah they love to see caleb work hard they're
Starting point is 02:21:45 loving on them i saved a snake the other day that was sitting outside the house oh shit tell me tell me there was a what kind it's like i just a garden snake garter snake yeah it was probably three feet long really small it looked like it had eaten something recently because like midway through its belly was really big and uh i walked up to the house and i saw it at the front door and i was like yeah whatever he's not doing anything i'll just let him be and then later i walked by him again and he was still at the front door and he hadn't moved and then i noticed like there was like fishnet around him like like the like a plastic like small thing a fishnet or like something you would put
Starting point is 02:22:26 the ocean plastic ocean plastic out where do you live what state idaho iowa nebraska nebraska i live in nebraska do you know how foreign that sounds to me gaza sounds closer dude it's crazy foreign and uh that's what i noticed so the fishnet it looked like like you know how the baby bell cheese comes in those like that. Yes. It's like that. I never knew that was baby bell cheese. My kids love that shit.
Starting point is 02:22:50 Yeah. It comes in the netting. But so it was like that, but it was green and it was like wrapped around his belly. So then I like grabbed some gloves and a knife and I like held his head down with my hand and then I cut the fishnet away and then he just kind of like looked at me like flicked his tongue at me a couple times and then slithered away into his hole dude this is what I'm thinking
Starting point is 02:23:14 too Jeffrey three feet's a good size snake he's a three footer they small yeah it wasn't I mean like it was small in like diameter it wasn't like it wasn't very big diameter it wasn't like It wasn't very big snake It wasn't girthy Not girthy It wasn't a puff adder
Starting point is 02:23:30 No It's cool though I wanted to make a joke about Jason Marshall pulling the fucking ski machine So fucking bad Uh Joe Westerlin dear Caleb I saw one the other day too I thought maybe
Starting point is 02:23:51 most had gone underground already it scared me oh because winter's here yeah I'm surprised this guy was out too but I mean he immediately went into his hole and he's like never I haven't seen him since global warming global warming alright thanks guys I mean he immediately went into his hole And he's like never I haven't seen him since Global warming Global warming
Starting point is 02:24:07 Alright thanks guys We are 12 hours 10 hours 9 and a half hours 9 hours and 36 minutes Away From our show with uh greg glassman
Starting point is 02:24:27 oh can we see what sorry one one quick thing wow geez louise we're at two hours and 22 minutes we went deep oh what about um uh can we see if hillary's video went up my york guess what a douche nozzle nope I think probably another 30 minutes he said 9 are we gonna have to start calling Hiller the executive slayer
Starting point is 02:24:59 oh not yet uploading Andrew the executive slayer. Hiller. Oh, did you ever show the Talking Elite Fitness thing? You did show it? The picture? No. Oh.
Starting point is 02:25:13 The AI logo? Yeah. Yeah, why can't that be? Why can't that be? Jeez. Jeez. That's Lorne Khalil on a dragon that's what that is
Starting point is 02:25:30 that's a good point yeah I didn't I was like where did you get this bikini clad woman that makes more sense now that is Lauren and her big old titties riding a dragon that is so inappropriate I cannot believe Wad Zombie has put lauren khalil
Starting point is 02:25:47 and her big ass titties on a dragon on his instagram account where's the dragon come from and her voluptuous quads who has nicer quads her or the dragon you objectified lauren by putting her and her big old titties on the back of a dragon. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Yeah, I just would have liked – I would have liked to – I'm okay with the dragon and the big old titties. I just would have liked to have seen the Lone Ranger and Tonto maybe, like hiding behind the A or something.
Starting point is 02:26:28 No. Everyone loves them. Everyone loves the expression of the female form. Oh, the Burpee Dude. Well, thank you for explaining that to me. That went completely over my head. Them thighs, though. The dragon comes from the Khaleesi in Game of Thrones. Wow. dude. Well, thank you for explaining that to me. That went completely over my head. Them thighs, though. The dragon comes from the Khaleesi in Game of Thrones.
Starting point is 02:26:47 Wow. Fantastic. Interesting. Good to know. Makes more sense. You ruin all the inside jokes. My wife yelled at me a little bit last night. Why? I don't want to talk about that the why no i was a dick i got upset about something and she was like telling me hey dude that's not that's
Starting point is 02:27:16 not really how that's not effective way of communicating but then you know what she really what she did she goes in your boys sometimes communicate like that. Yeah, that fucked me up. Yikes. Yeah. I took that to bed with me. On the couch? No, no, no. Nah, nah, nah. Alright.
Starting point is 02:27:51 I doubled down on my wife. I i did i did i did to be honest with you i did yeah just really like really throw a temper tantrum like you can't yeah i did but then in the morning i just feel like shit and i gotta like apologize to her at the coffee machine profusely and she says sorry to me and then I squeeze her ass try to put my skin up against her skin and she touches my my penis with the back of her hand hey that's probably a bad sign if your wife does that by the way usually that's one of these yeah the only person you should touch your penis to beg your hands like one of your boys should flick you whack alright see you guys in 9 hours
Starting point is 02:28:30 and 32 minutes are you around for the that's a 10pm show for you are you around for that yeah we'll see if I can fix this pipe alright Kayla will be fixing pipe if you know what I mean and we'll see you guys soon bye

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