The Sevan Podcast - Live Call In// Lets see what we get this time

Episode Date: July 22, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Bam, we're live. Yes. I did it. I was wondering if you were ever gonna do that. I did it very quietly the first go around and then this time I was like, Yeah, no, fuck it. We're going bam. I feel like that's like a rite of passage because doesn't Susan start his shows that way too. I don't know. But I think like, bam, we're live. Yeah. Official BAM. We're here. What's up, guys? We jumped on a little early. No worries. Hi. Who's a rambler first? OK, so I have that on this show, but I won't have it on my show.
Starting point is 00:00:37 Like that's fire. I'm good with that. But I'll take it. I'll take the Rambler first. Steven Flores, second fire. Aliie Romeo third, what's up? Hey, and Bossman fourth. What's going on? What's up guys? I need to know. I've been like you guys wanted to do kind of a pre show chat. So I feel like this is the pre show chat. Is this is this the real Matthew? Like official? Like the Matthew from kill Taylor? Because this is a real Matthew. I would love to have you on my podcast. Yeah, like, especially for masturbation purposes. So the burpee do 27. I love it. I love it. That's amazing.
Starting point is 00:01:28 Hey guys, what's up? Always. We definitely what else is in here that? Oh, it's Oh, it is. Oh, surely. Listen, DM, either one of these IGs that we have up so that we can yeah, Matthew for president. How do we yeah, Matthew for president Jose for sure? How do we I Take that I got you. Thank you This is a pre-show chat apparently, so what else is in here? Well, Rambler is always first. Andy Randy. Rambler, why are you always first? Like what do you do you click the he must have his notifications on and yeah, no, just as soon as something is posted. But what happens when it's like a pop up
Starting point is 00:02:21 podcast when the podcast just like he must that's got that's gotta be what it is yeah but remember you put it up first like oh yeah for a little while and so i'm sure once they get the notifications they just stay there until the show actually comes on so hey that's uh that's like you're you're solid dedicated like you're you're, you're in there. I get it. I'm not mad at it. Yep. Um, Thomas graves. Yeah, we're going to get there.
Starting point is 00:02:51 I was up, Ken coach Ken. Oh, AP. Yeah. AP coach. What's up, dude. What's up. Um, so Biden drops out and Harris goes to. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:02 We'll talk about that. We're going to get there. Um, first things first, I would just want to say happy birthday to, uh, to Papa Yeah, we'll talk about that. We're gonna get there. First things first, I just want to say happy birthday to to Papa Birch. Dude, you're the best. We love you. I don't know if you're in here. But happy birthday. Happy birthday. I know was yesterday. Yeah, super cool. Yeah. At least Carter Riddell. What's up, girl? We love Papa Birch. He's awesome.
Starting point is 00:03:25 And then also to like, John Young, bro. Yes, I'm so happy for you, man. Like, and you're having a girl girl dad. Yep. What's up, John Young? Like, congratulations. I did send him a DM and just said congrats to him and wifey. I do love what Bill Grundler says because it's absolutely true. We all have this number in mind of how many kids we want to have, like however things will be planned out, however thing is going to happen. And I always, I always was that one that I wanted a huge family.
Starting point is 00:04:07 Um, but after you have one. 30 minute pre notification. That's all you guys need. Yo, y'all are fabulous. You're just fabulous. Um, but yeah, after you have that first one, then, then I'll see how you feel. I'm curious to see, like, look, I am so happy for john young and you're gonna be a girl dad and and after the conversation that we had with him the last time, you're gonna find so much more out about women than you did before you had a girl. Yep. So have fun with that. Like
Starting point is 00:04:40 buying tampons for your wife is very different than buying tampons for your daughter. Yeah. So it's gonna be a good time. But dude, I'm so happy for you. And yeah, the trying to figure out if you're ready, how many kids you're ready to have like you don't know until you have them. I think I said this on the on the podcast that we did with Taylor. You just shits different when you have kids. It's just different. Yeah, like you just become a different person when you have kids. So I'm so excited to see his journey. You see the world very differently too. And I don't think that's a bad thing. I think
Starting point is 00:05:18 it's really good to almost pause and stop and take a breath and kind of see what the world actually looks like. You know, I think that's when you really get out of that mindset of, you know, we all go through that, you know, we're invincible when we're young, we're selfish, all of these things. But when you have a kid, the world really, really changes. I know it has for you and I are ton definitely for me, it continues to change. Um, so it's always interesting to kind of have those conversations of how you looked at the world before you had kids and how you look at the world after you have kids. Cause that's way different.
Starting point is 00:05:57 I'll be excited. I'll be excited to see what he like actually says after those first three months. Like I'll be super excited. Cause right, like as a dad, like I was the parent, like you gave birth to our son. I was the, whatever, the dad. You don't really have that initial connection that you think you're gonna have.
Starting point is 00:06:24 You expect this connection that you think you're going to have. Mm hmm. You you expect this connection. And and you just it's it's not there the way that you think that you're going to have it. Yeah, yeah. And it takes a lot of building blocks and a lot of communication, a lot of whatever to get there. But, dude, I hope it's fabulous for him. I hope he I don't I don't know if I've ever asked you that or we've ever talked about this or whatever. Did you, were you surprised that that was kind of your connection at first?
Starting point is 00:06:52 Yeah, I thought because I was a girl too, or not was, am a girl too, that I would have the same kind of, but the same kind of feeling that you do, but because I didn't give birth. I had the other connection. I had the connection of cutting the cord. I had the connection of, you know,
Starting point is 00:07:15 like being the first person to hold him, being, you know what I mean? I had that connection. I didn't have the other connection. Yeah. So yeah, it was weird. And then also I don't know what other connection. Yeah. So, yeah, it was it was weird. And then also, I don't know what my role is. Right?
Starting point is 00:07:29 Like, for me, it was you are going to decide what happens to the baby. And I'm just going to say yes, because I kind of don't know. Yeah. And I just think that you're the one that makes decisions on where like how the baby's going to go. And then as soon as he hit like a year and he was moving and he was attached to me all the time and we were, he and I were rolling and moving. Like I was like, Oh, yeah, no, I, I get to make decisions too, but it was a mental battle
Starting point is 00:08:00 in my head for sure. Yeah. And I think we were trying to figure it out. I think, you know, it was that whole feeling of wanting us both to have a connection with him and not overstepping at the same time. You know, I know that I was the one that, you know, gave birth to him, so you did feel that. And I remember, I remember us talking about that,
Starting point is 00:08:24 how I didn't know that that's how you felt at first, because I thought we were just doing everything as a team, that I never thought for 2 seconds that I would make decisions over you or make them without you, because I've always, we're a team, we've always been a team. But we still had to navigate that, because things that were important to me, you know, were something that you never thought of, or it was more of a conversation. Fergie, what's up? John Young will learn the definition of hormonal in due time. Yeah, for sure. Yeah. You were.
Starting point is 00:08:59 Go ahead, you could tell the truth. It was like my wife wasn't my wife for a second. And I don't know if that's because she had a boy. And I guess boys imprint on women. When they're pregnant, every baby there sells left in. Yeah. But yeah, you were you were definitely I was like, wait, where's my wife while you're pregnant. And then towards the end, it was towards the end that you were like, Yeah, let's go. And then you were so yeah, he will. Thomas graves. Oh, you got that one? Yep. Absolutely agree. It's a difficult connection. Different. It's a
Starting point is 00:09:39 different connection. But it's still so amazing. Yeah, for sure. Yeah, it really was. I enjoyed every second of it. And then they become teenagers. Yes, Thomas from two women that have gone through being teenagers. We're sending you so much love and so much support because we are very difficult during those years. So it's he'll understand. It's definitely not fun. Yeah, I think it's a very different scenario between boys being teenagers and girls being teenagers for sure. Yeah, definitely. Um, poor boy. Is this wait, what is today's show hitting the DI quota? I don't I don't think so. Maybe. I think we need a little bit more than just us next time.
Starting point is 00:10:30 But yeah, so happy for him. Yeah, I loved what Bill Groner sent to, I absolutely did. You don't know, you wanted five kids. And I was like, yo. Well, when we first met, I wanted five because I come from a big family. Um, you know, my mother is one of eight girls.
Starting point is 00:10:48 My father is one of 12. Um, and I only took a breath and took a minute on that because I'm not close to my father's family. Um, they very much were not a part of my life, whereas my mother's family was. Um, and my brother has five kids and I just always felt like, dude, I definitely didn't. Well, no, that's from the, uh, kind of the lap had that question. He said weird question, technically can, because we're both women, can we technically both, could we have both?
Starting point is 00:11:16 No, no, it's the, like the woman that's actually pregnant, her breasts make the milk. Yes. Mine did not. And I was very, yeah. Yo, When he did roll over and think that mine were something, I was like, yo, mine are nothing for you. They're not going to do anything. And that was also something that was very important to me is I wanted to breastfeed him if I could. I always say him and I worked, it was tough, but we worked as a team to do that.
Starting point is 00:11:45 And I did exclusively use just breast milk the entire time. We never used formula or anything like that. But yeah, when I first met you, I was like, I want to have five kids. And she's like, not five, not five. Maybe, I think we talked what, two or three, maybe. And then the journey, some of you that follow us on our own page have heard the story of, you know, how long it took us to get pregnant. And so after that,
Starting point is 00:12:11 we kind of changed and decided, and then we had our son and, um, he's seven now and all the type of stuff. And we did try a couple of years ago, we tried again for an entire year and I just couldn't get pregnant again. Um, and then this time they wanted to be more invasive more stuff more drugs more Injections that kind of stuff and for both of us. That's not really how we feel We don't feel like that's a good mix for us So we've taken a break and we've also had conversations on whether or not we want another one but seven he's awesome and Yeah, we're going we're pretty happy where we're at and you just go
Starting point is 00:12:47 with the flow and figure it out if it's something that you really really want Stephen Flores are you girls in the locker room I mean like locker room talk what do you want to know ask all the yeah ask all the questions you have questions you guys yeah ask the questions I'm not afraid of the question now I don't I'm not I guess I I don't know what you mean by that. But I'll talk about anything like this. My poor boy. Are you guys still five star lesbians? Well, my wife was never a five star lesbian. We covered that. I definitely am. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:13:22 And that's for chat appreciation day, which is next Sunday, homies. So, uh, uh, but yeah. All right. Let's, uh, unless there's anything else we want, uh, your girlfriend breastfeeds you. Well, so me answering that question, pool boy means that I'm in locker room talk and I don't care. I kind of the lap locker room group chat. No, I'm not in a locker room group chat. No, I said I was okay with not being in that. So we're good. All right, what's up first? What's up first is since we're already on the topic of john young, we had John Young on the show last last week and we talked about religion a little bit. A lot of it. A lot of it.
Starting point is 00:14:13 The one thing she the one the one thing that caught me and I just couldn't not think about it was where he asked me if I thought I had like being a lesbian is a sin, right? Because if it if I if it is being a sin, then I'm trying to be the best wife, the best mother, the best person that I can be to make up for the sin of being a lesbian. make up for the sin of being a lesbian. Or it's I don't believe that I'm sinning. So I'm just doing what a good Christian would do, which is obey the covenants that God gave me, right? Be a good wife, don't cheat, make sure that my kid is okay, don't do anything against God's commandments for kids, stuff like that. But what it's a
Starting point is 00:15:06 difficult question. But if you go back and figure out what that question means, that question basically just means, were you born gay? Or do you feel like some sort of, like your environment made you gay? And so you're choosing to say, right? So that to me was a difficult question because I also like we talked to Jana and whatnot and she believes that she's a lesbian because something happened to her at a young age.
Starting point is 00:15:45 That is a lot of the conversation. I've I've always believed I was born gay. But also now I'm willing to. Go back and forth in my head with different beliefs and different conversations and trying to figure out what I really think. So that question, I think that's the question that he was really proposing without proposing that question. What do you think?
Starting point is 00:16:20 Also, for these type of conversations, HGR CBD. We appreciate you. Um, I don't know. I think. Well, I mean, if you want to base it on my journey, it would be, I was not born gay and I, it would have been considered environmental or later figured out or whatever. I don't I don't know I think that's a tough one because you do hear stories about
Starting point is 00:17:05 about, you know, people that have been sexually traumatized, that that is one way that they gain back their control. They, they, you know, try to get as we've talked about before, try to get as far away from that type of situation, you know, and usually it's with the opposite sex. So Good question. We'll get to that in a second. That's a really good question. Um, you know, then you have people that experience, um, Sorry, I lost my train of thought. Um, yeah, it's either like you, nothing happened to you and you're gay or you were something happened to you and then you realize you were gay or it's the like if people want to play
Starting point is 00:17:51 with how did you figure out you were gay. And I don't know. I feel like the coming out stories for everybody is different. Yeah, for sure. I I don't know, I have a tough story. Like I had trauma as a kid for a lot of years. And then it just kind of my childhood after that was fine. So I don't I don't know, I can't say because I had the trauma and then afterwards because my childhood was fine, like my grandparents were amazing.
Starting point is 00:18:34 My life, like yeah, I was still struggling from the trauma but I wasn't questioning my sexuality because of the trauma. Yeah. You know what I mean? I it it's so hard to to actualize like to really like I I need way more than five days to think about it. But I also think that it's hard to ask that question because you do have to ask that question, because you do have women that have gone through trauma that again have are now gay or men, vice versa. But then you also have men and women that didn't experience trauma, and they're still gay. Yeah. So it really depends on what kind of narrative you want to talk about it. And also to if it is it in how important is it and also to if it, how important is it for you to answer that question? Because I think that when we are trying to figure
Starting point is 00:19:31 something out that just is, I think that someone said it, I think Poovoy might've said it or whatever, it doesn't mean that we're wrong and we have to torment ourselves to try to figure out what that answer is. I think it's a cool conversation and also something to think about. Again, we're in this whole process of, you know. All right.
Starting point is 00:19:56 So I want to go back to this. Talk about religion. Oh, wait, no, that wasn't you asked something else. Oh, you got it. Well, hold on real quick. Hello, Mr. Self. Taylor South. It, we're gonna talk about that guy. Yeah, we're gonna get there,
Starting point is 00:20:13 dude. That was that's why I hate I labeled the show the way that I labeled the show. Yeah, we'll get there. Well, hold on keeping it real said this first. I think it's cool. You can actually think about this. But I think the distinction John was making Was proclivity versus acting on the proclivity most Christians. I know believe that gay people are born gay Sure I and I I agree with that But it's if I think it's a sin or if I don't think it's a sin.
Starting point is 00:20:46 And that's something that I'm going to have to sit and think about. Do I think that being gay is a sin and I'm trying to make up for it by doing all of the things that God told me or the covenant told me or the you know what I I absolutely believe that when I got married and my rings got put in that book and our rings were blessed and we said those words I believe the covenant that I made yes, so Do I believe that I'm following the covenant because I'm a sinner or? Do I believe I'm following the covenant because I believe in God and that's exactly just how God made me God made me to love women.
Starting point is 00:21:27 Yeah, it's something that is worth talking about and it's something that is worth thinking about. And I like, I can't say I know. Yeah. Well, also, john made a really good point to um, you're already forgiven. You know what I mean? Yeah, like that was the thing for me that hit me the hardest. Yeah. And so there's that part to me, which I, you know, you and I talked about this afterwards as that sometimes is, I think it's difficult to understand exactly because it sounds so contradictory. Yeah. Where it's like, it's a sin, but you're forgiven because you're exactly who you're supposed
Starting point is 00:22:01 to be, but you're still, it's still, yeah. You know, so I think, so I think for some people, it's difficult to follow that where they might just choose. Well, instead of trying to figure out, like you said, the murky water of it, I can just say that like, God is pansexual. It's, it's God's day, go to church or something. I don't know. I don't know. He might be. But the other thing that was very interesting for me was, and this is a good conversation too, of following the word exactly how it's written, versus how John called them the messengers, like, or motivational speakers, because not everybody can follow
Starting point is 00:22:43 the word precisely, or is able to or wants to follow the word precisely. But the message, kind of what you're saying, the message of or his message of, you know, being a good partner. Don't cheat. Don't steal. Don't hurt other people. Be all of that type of stuff. Like someone can believe that I believe without, without, I believe our vows. Yes, I absolutely believe in our vows. You know, and our love and our the commitment that we made to each other. But I don't have faith. So I think that there is I think that's what we always talk about. And I think that that's what we asked John can,
Starting point is 00:23:26 without believing the same things, can we come to a place of agreement when it comes to our morals? When it comes to our active morals, can we believe and follow the same standards? So then I would say, is it who's it to, if I believe that God made me the exact way that he meant to make me, then I don't believe that I'm sinning. Isn't that the message though? But what I'm saying is for people to get mad at us and for John to think that I'm sinning and that he's going to pray for me. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:03 Then he believes that God didn't make me the way that I am. That's what I was gonna say. Either way. Yeah. It's fine. Right. You can whatever you believe is what you believe. And, and I believe that he loves us and cares for us enough to, to want us to be in heaven with him at some point. Yeah. And have conversations. Right. But also, he believes that I'm gonna have to pray a lot and do a lot of good works and whatever to make it to heaven. Whereas I believe God made me exactly in his image exactly the way that he wanted me to. And I'm following God's word, and being the best person
Starting point is 00:24:43 that I can be. Yeah. So. Right. I'll meet you in heaven. Right. I don't wanna lose this one cause I like this one a lot, CrossFit. Does figured out mean born and not realized?
Starting point is 00:24:57 Yes. You're born gay and I get it. Like we kind of always say that we realize we're gay later. I always said that I was I yeah I was late. Yeah I came out late. I always say that. I came out late too if you want to go down that road. But I almost wonder like did we but does it come out late because the group that we hung around with just came out much earlier like that was for me like I came out much earlier. Like that was for me. Like I came out late because...
Starting point is 00:25:27 I don't even think that. Okay, so all right here, let's go into this cross fat. So Megan Rapinoe or whatever her name is, the soccer player with the purple hair or whatever, she said something recently like, we're all not safe until everybody's out. And what do you mean out like, like, everybody has to declare their sexuality immediately? How do you do you don't know that? How do you do that? That's not it. So then I would say like, Hey, Megan Rapinoe, do straight people want their parents
Starting point is 00:26:06 to know at 1516 what they're experimenting with sexually? Probably not. I don't think they're running to tell their parents that they touched a penis for the first time. You know what I mean? Like realized or born, you're born whatever you are realized is how you come to that I feel like. And it's just you don't know what no kid at 1516 is running to tell their parents what they experimented with sexually, whether they found a playboy, whether they look something up on YouTube, whether they touch something for the first sexually, whether they found a playboy, whether they look something up on YouTube, whether they touch something for the first time, whether they like no one
Starting point is 00:26:51 is trying to do that. No, you've never heard of a straight girl that had sex early and got pregnant as a teenager in high school run to their parents because they wanted to tell their parents that they're pregnant in high school. Never, not once. So the gay community wants us to just be able to be out and show our sexuality everywhere. And it's like at 15, you want us to do that? I don't wanna do that now. I don't wanna tell you what I'm doing now.
Starting point is 00:27:23 Whatever I'm doing, I'm doing. Yeah. Like at this point at 40 something I'm like, okay, I don't mind sharing whatever, but 1520 what happens when you make them like for all the dudes out there. What happens when you freaking make a mistake and you come too fast? Are you running to tell the world that like,, are you running to tell what is happening? Like, I don't need to be out. I just started singing Missy Elliott's Minuteman.
Starting point is 00:27:51 Yeah, it's not. That is definitely not something that, like, you... So, yes, you figure out what you are, but also, you're not running to be out. It's, it's not that. I think for, I mean, this might be a good perspective, I guess, you know, I, I struggled with coming out very late when I came out. And if you guys don't already know, like before Garrett, there was only one,
Starting point is 00:28:23 I've only been with one woman before her and her and I are almost about to celebrate our 12 year wedding anniversary. But when I started to realize that I was gay and I had a very hard time coming out and I had a hard time coming out because there was fear around that. There was fear around my job that I had,
Starting point is 00:28:40 my family not being accepted and all of these type of things. And it was almost like I was living a double life. The friends that I had gotten around and the ex girlfriend that I was with, everybody was out, everybody was welcoming, everybody was supportive. But on the other side, I had the fear of what was going to happen if I came out, when I came out, if I wanted to come out, what was happening? Because it was a brand new feeling that I never had before. Then when I came out, then when I was out, and we joked that it took me a long time to say that I was gay even when we were married. You did not say you were gay
Starting point is 00:29:17 until like three years into our marriage. You keep changing the number of years. Yeah, whatever, it was forever. It wasn't, you weren't out when we were married. But okay, maybe I didn't say I was gay, but I always said you were my wife. I always said you were my girlfriend. And it was very important for me for people to know that you were my wife. But also there were no labels. We didn't do labels then. Now everybody wants to put you in a label. Well, that was for you. You always talk about
Starting point is 00:29:41 there wasn't a label. When I started hanging out with this group, you had to have a label. Like you literally had to do exactly what they're doing right now. Hi, my name is Colleen and I'm gay. That's literally what I needed to say. Even though I was figuring out who I was and what was happening because I had never felt like had feelings like that. But my point being is that when I came out finally, I was that one that everybody needed to know. Like everybody needed to know that you were my wife. I wanted to hold your hand. I wanted to be open and out and proud and with you, you are my wife.
Starting point is 00:30:14 And what I'm realizing with hearing that now from other people is for me, the narrative has changed that not everybody needs to know, but the important people need to know. People that care, people that want to care, people that I care about, that want to be in our space and want to be in our circle. You know, so when we have people that would ask us when we first had our kid, what does he call you? What does to both of us, you know, this mommy and the other mommy, that's literally what he calls us. But it used to bother me when people would ask that because it's people that I didn't know and people that I didn't care and I just expected them to know. Now I've changed my mind around this whole idea
Starting point is 00:30:55 that not everybody needs to know, but the important people in our life need to know. And I think that that's where the conversation and the narrative is changing. I don't know about for you, but for me, it's not everybody needs to know if people are interested and kind enough and want to know and respect that I'm cool with that. But I don't need to walk up to every single person and say, Hi, my name is Colleen and I'm gay. And they say, No, you're not. And then I lose my shit. I also don't need to feel that. It's a little different for me because If I don't explain that I'm a lesbian people just think I'm a dude
Starting point is 00:31:28 But like yeah, I would if I had a choice I would rather not lead with who I'm fucking You know what I mean? Like yeah, I would rather not that be my moniker, right? Might be God's love is unlimited. It's it's only human ego Interpret interpretation and translations that makes it anything less than perfect and for everyone. I love this so much. Because I absolutely agree with that. I absolutely agree that the Bible was written by men and that not men but humans like just in general. Yeah. And so I think that's half of the reason why we all pick and choose what we want to see
Starting point is 00:32:14 in the Bible. We all see it a different way. We all want to interpret it a different way. It's fine. Just for me, it would be really nice if it the way that we interpret it didn't mean that we had to hurt other people. Yeah. And I said that with John, I think also too, that the reason why religion is very difficult
Starting point is 00:32:35 for some people is because it's usually weaponized. Yeah. You know, it's usually weaponized towards the other person to tell them that they're unworthy of happiness, that they're unworthy of happiness, that they're unworthy of life. The real Matthew, dude, so excited you're on the show. A lot of guys and girls from high school came out years later. It was kind of like, yeah, dude, no shit. And to me seem like a huge weight taking off what we already knew. Yeah, that was that was that was my
Starting point is 00:33:04 grandparents. I came out to my grandparents and like, yeah, that was, that was, that was my grandparents. I came out to my grandparents and they're like, yeah, we know, pass the piece. Uh, so I, I don't, it was a, I think it was a really big thing. And I think we're still harping on the sixties, seventies, eighties, like mid to late nineties and how it was back then. And I think, I think it's tough and yeah, we kind of already knew it. And if you were, if you guys were friends in high school and hanging out in high school, you didn't fucking care.
Starting point is 00:33:34 You didn't care that somebody was gay. You just didn't, it wasn't a thing. Like not in the nineties, like we were just like, yeah, okay, fine, whatever. Everybody looked at me like, yeah, we're we knew though. Yeah. Like it was fine. Yep.
Starting point is 00:33:51 But it comes to me with the whole like, all right, let's let's roll to the, oh, what are we doing? Shooter McGavin, if you know, you know. Yeah, for real, kind of. Um, wow, it's really Matthew. We are in the presence of greatness for real, for sure. For real. Um, I wanted to get into like we were talking about it and how like, you know, if you get name called and you get, you get pissed off because
Starting point is 00:34:16 you get name called. And I just think there's a slur out there for everybody. And slurs are always going to be used, no matter where you are or what you're doing. And what happened to sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me. Like it just, it seems like that went away. And so now no matter what you call anybody, you can call them the littlest thing. You could be like shoe fly shoe and they'll be like, Oh my God, you called me an animal that I'm not. What, what, what do you talk like it just to me it's so it's so insane now if I got
Starting point is 00:34:57 incensed every day over what over what people gender like call me like sir, I get called sir 85 times a day. Whatever if I got mad over that I'd be mad all fucking day. Yeah, I can't be mad all day. So what? So you see me as that so what? But that's taking personal accountability. I don't care. And that's taking personal responsibility of who you are and how you want to be. You know, we're in a world where other people's opinions matter more than our own opinions of ourselves. We're waiting for validation. We're posting things for validation. If we don't get enough likes, if we don't get enough attention, if we're not told the right things, if we're not told that we're beautiful, all of these things, if these words are not
Starting point is 00:35:49 said and we don't get the instant gratification that we expect that we're supposed to get because that's the world that we live in, then what we're saying is that our own values, our own personal values are not enough. And coming from a person that lived that everyday upset, everyday triggered, needing validation, because I didn't love who I was, I didn't actually do the work and learn the tools and take a moment to be grateful and to love who I actually am.
Starting point is 00:36:22 And when you don't give that to someone or you don't give that to someone or you don't you don't you don't help someone find that you don't give tools or direction for that. That's what happens. I needed validation from everybody I needed validation from my partners. I mean, that's why I got into all of the fucked up relationships I had before I got with you was because I needed to be wanted by somebody. I needed to be, that's where I was going to get my validation from because of my own shit that I had been through that I didn't do my work to, to find ways to love myself again.
Starting point is 00:36:57 So when you have that, yes, Jonathan, Martega. Hey, Jonathan, Martega, uh, I, you gave me all of my wants and needs today. So you are you are the first man that has ever given me his phone number when I asked for it in my entire life. So when I slid into your DMs and asked for your phone number, thanks, bro. Appreciate you. Sexiest dude I know. It's the stash. It is this dash. No, but I would what I was going to say to that what you were saying is right. So like when you see somebody like Amber Rose, right, she is now like she's at the RNC, she's talking, she's for Trump, right?
Starting point is 00:37:42 She's like, yo, I love my women values. I'm still going to I love my women values. I'm still gonna like do my women shit. But I think Trump is the best president for me. And the right, the conservatives are like, fuck Amber Rose. Why do you have Amber Rose up there? Why is she she was the biggest mouth for the left and now she biggest mouth for left. Now she's up on the right. Now she's, she's given the hock to it to the right, right? Don't let her up there. It's like, guys, you have to give us a second to change. We're not going to change immediately. And we're not going to figure it all out immediately. Give us some room to figure out that, Hey, yo, we were wrong. Like what I thought about, about Trump four years ago was wrong. I didn't listen to all of the clips. I didn't listen to the clips entirety to it to its entirety. Now I have, and now I understand what he was saying. Even the 2025 project that they're trying to make us all be afraid of.
Starting point is 00:38:47 Okay, so yes, JD Vance is probably I think he is attached to the heritage foundation or whatever it is in some way. But Trump's not. And Trump hasn't said anything about it. He hasn't said anything about gay marriage. He hasn't given a shit about it. And he didn't give a shit about it. The last time he was president, the only thing he did about abortion,
Starting point is 00:39:09 which is another topic, which we'll cover, but he wants to leave it to States rights. He's not trying to make it. So the only people that can have abortions are like people who have been violated or like the life of the mother. That's not what he is trying to do. He's not signed his name to that. In fact, he's even said his name is not on the project 2025. So to me, it's just fear mongering. And it just has the left is using the wording to make it seem like all gay people are going
Starting point is 00:39:46 to be screwed up. All trans people are going to be screwed up. All African Americans are going to be screwed up and it's going to be horrible. John Young, I love you guys. Just saying. And I also called you ma'am. Just saying you did. I appreciate it.
Starting point is 00:40:00 Yeah. And I also. Okay, yeah. And I also Okay, fine. You can say that maybe you were wrong because you didn't really pay attention and you kind of checked off all the boxes that we were supposed to check off. You know, we talked about that all the time about like, you know, you check those boxes, you know, you're mixed, you're gay, look like a boy, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah blah So and you're supposed to check all those boxes
Starting point is 00:40:26 So normally what happens is that when you check all those boxes you tend to also check said boxes that go with those You know and four years ago, okay maybe you didn't do your due diligence the same way that you're doing it now, but I also think that there's a Little bit of grace in that too Is that we we did what we felt like was right and we did what we felt like was best for us at the time. Keeping our marriage, that kind of stuff, whatever. I also think- That's what I'm saying, give us a minute.
Starting point is 00:40:54 I also think that, do you think it's more taboo that, do you think it's more taboo that it's the changing of the minds that's more frustrating to people or the just extreme to some people, the extreme of going from one side to the other? Because as you're changing your mind, what's happening is for me, I'm just asking more questions. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:23 I'm simply asking more questions. Yeah, I'm simply asking more questions. And I'm also saying, okay, this makes sense to me. But this doesn't make sense to me, or this portion of it makes sense to me. But the rest of it doesn't make sense to me. So is it more of the asking the questions? Or is it the extremes that just say, fuck it, I'm just gonna go to the other side? that just say, fuck it, I'm just gonna go to the other side. I think people are just asking questions at this point. The real Matthew, you have to give space
Starting point is 00:41:54 for fucking up to a degree. It's called learning. Yeah. Right? I feel like that's it. And I feel like most kids, Jonathan or Tega, she's mixed, she's gay, doesn't have a penis, but somehow has more big dick energy than most kids. Uh, Jonathan, I take it. She's mixed. She's gay, doesn't have a penis, but somehow has more big dick energy than most. And that's why I have your phone number. Um, yeah, I,
Starting point is 00:42:14 in your twenties, you kind of don't care, right? It's whatever is going to make your life the easiest. Like that's how it is. Hey, is the government gonna give me money? Cool. Is the, are you going to pay for my, you know, tuition and my housing and my whatever? Cool. I'm voting for that. Blah, blah, blah. But as you get older and you want things, right? Like you want to buy a car, you want to have good credit, you want to own a home, right? You want your kid to have all of the things that they tell us that you want. Like the two sides don't match. You can't, you can't get that with the liberals the way that you can with the conservatives, you can't.
Starting point is 00:42:53 And it's like, if the only thing that conservatives are telling me is that. Yo, the scariest thing, right? The scariest thing for us is there won't be a federal marriage for gay people. Like that won't be recognized federally. That's the, that's the thing. Like all, all gay rights are going to be taken away. Well, if I had to choose between that and it being possible for my kid to get taken away from me because I won't take him to get his dick cut off.
Starting point is 00:43:25 Fine. We're not married federally. Like, I don't care. Like that's not a risk for me. That's not a body part. That's not something that's irreversible to me. So you can go on this scare me all you want, but it doesn't scare me. Like it really doesn't. Because I just I'm going to protect kids.
Starting point is 00:43:53 I'm going to there's I just I'm not. It's fine. I don't I don't need to be federally married. I can be married in New York State because obviously that's never going to go away because right in New York State is never not going to be liberal. But like, if the federal government doesn't want to recognize our marriage, like, fine, as long as they can't take our kid away. Well, that's, that's the thing. And when you first hear that, I
Starting point is 00:44:15 was like, well, I don't want to lose my marriage. You know what I mean? Like, I don't want to lose my marriage to you. We've been married almost 12 years, like, you know, and then my next quote questions after that is like, well, can they make us not be together? No. Well, they can they force me to change my name? No. Like, uh, David Marcella, do I need to care that someone is trans? I don't think you need to care. I mean, it's a matter of like how you, I don't think you need to care. I mean, it's a matter of like how you I don't think you need to care. I don't think it's any I don't think that you need to care that I'm gay. I don't think
Starting point is 00:44:53 you need to care that I'm actually a girl or that like what I who carried my kid like no, I don't I don't think you need to care at all. Yeah, I won't come down. JD Vance is kind of kooky about incest and great. I need to know more. I know he's attached somehow to the 2025 agenda. I need to look more into that. But from what I can tell, Trump's not attached to it. Maybe he attached him to attached it to himself now that he his running mate is JD Vance. But he's never in my knowledge said anything to where he cares about anything that's on that. So I like it nothing has been cross that can I be in the middle and lean to concert or one conservative feels like that's bad now
Starting point is 00:45:47 can you can you be in the middle and kind of lean a little bit more conservative that's what we are I mean I don't know if that's okay or not I kind of don't care at this point but I that's what we do we're kind of in the middle and we lean a little bit more to the right. Uh, treat and real Matthew, I'm liking you more and more, dude. Treat individuals like human beings and don't have to care what they are. Yeah, for sure. Right. Like I just respect you for being a human being. And as long as you respect me for that, I feel like we'll get along great.
Starting point is 00:46:21 We don't have to have. Like, yeah, you know what I mean? It's fine. But that's, that's where it's feeling like it's not that way though, where it is you have to believe all of one side, or you have to believe all of the other side because you can't be in the middle. Uh, poor boy. People are tribalistic with politics.
Starting point is 00:46:45 Yes. They never seek out information and simply get their news from clickbait headlines. Yeah, for sure. It's really funny. I just watched, uh, so I've been waiting and waiting and waiting for Charlamagne and Andrew Schultz, their podcast together to come out on brilliant idiots about the Trump, uh, assassination attempt. brilliant idiots about the Trump, uh, assassination attempts.
Starting point is 00:47:13 And it's super funny to me because when it came out, it's literally just Charlemagne and it's, I was so disappointed. It was literally nothing but a liberal fest of whatever without Schultz there to kind of be that second voice. And it kind of sucks. Like the, the same way that like when Taylor was on and I was kind of asking like, Hey, I don't get this. What is this? And he could tell me, give me your water. It kind of sucked.
Starting point is 00:47:47 It was just liberal. Yeah, it just, it just feels like you can't have conversations, you know, like I was saying before, you either have to be, you have to check everything on one side or check everything on the other side. And what it's seeming like is, you know, we are lucky enough to have people that are willing to have conversations with us and not look at me or not start yelling at me. I should say that. That's okay. If you look at me, you're like, okay, girl, where are you getting your information from? Or why do you feel like this?
Starting point is 00:48:19 But I have to say, honestly, we've gotten more of that response of, okay, ooh, like, I want to know, I want to know where you were, and where you are now and where you think you would be going or why do you think this way? Explain it to me, like when we had Taylor on the show, and I said that I don't agree with everything, he immediately was like, like what? And I said, this blanket abortion law, we're saying that like, you know, women can't have abortions,
Starting point is 00:48:50 you have to carry these babies to term, every situation is the same. I don't personally believe that. I believe that it's a situational thing. I think each woman, each woman's body, you don't know what they've been through. You don't know where they are at. So I don't believe it should be a blanket statement.
Starting point is 00:49:09 I believe it should be a person by person. You know, I- He agreed with us that it was a gray area. It's a very, there's a lot of topics that are gray areas. And they, the problem is if you want to make it a blanket general statement, we talk about this. Everything is generalized. Every single thing is put in a general statement.
Starting point is 00:49:28 And that's why for me, also when they started talking about these parents getting their rights taken away because of this ideology push or whatever, that's when I as a parent have every right to say, I am fearful now that these generalized rules are gonna be put in place by the government and made into laws that it's possible that my kid could be taken away from me because you want to
Starting point is 00:49:52 make a blanket statement instead of this whole idea that there are steps for each thing. The hardest. Sorry, I'm getting it back. Yeah. The hardest part for me about the abortion conversation that we had, because we touched on, and I think it's very important, we touched on how dads feel about abortions. Right? Like, what if the mom wants to have an abortion and dad doesn't? There's so many nuances to it that no one's going to completely agree on the whole thing. And it's just a matter of what's best for you. The problem for me is and I'm going to say this and
Starting point is 00:50:37 it's probably going to be a hot take for me because I probably this out loud. Have we? Have we not made it? Have we stopped teaching sex to women? And And what the consequences are to that. Right? Like, pregnancy is a consequence for us having sex. Right? It's not a consequence to men. It's a consequence to us. And all of a sudden it's like, oh baby, you don't have to worry about it.
Starting point is 00:51:26 If you have sex and you get pregnant, we can just, we, we can just take that away. No big deal. You don't have to worry about that. And don't get me wrong. I'm not talking about the women who have been raped. I'm not talking about incest. I'm not talking about any of that. I'm just saying, we're not teaching teenage girls and 20 year old girls what it means and what the implications are.
Starting point is 00:51:57 Help to have a stricter abortion laws in place, we would need to lift up adoption fostering health care systems that give expectant mothers put into that spot to see a tomorrow where they could have a child. Yeah, I get that. I used to always say as a liberal, like if I can't afford this baby and I'm out here in these streets, then the government needs to pay for this baby. Pay for my healthcare, pay for my... That's why men can't have a say, because who's raising this baby? Because all men are going to be gone if a woman's pregnant. I don't agree with that anymore. Obviously. I don't know. Abortion is a hard topic.
Starting point is 00:53:19 I wish what Thomas Graves says. Yeah, every multiple lanes. And I think that that's more of what what you were saying, what is the case to case basis, the case to case basis, and it's a couple to couple basis too, because you know, if if I'm not talking about maybe Ken, sorry, I'm having I'm having personal technical difficulties right now. But I'll be a good in a minute. I'm talking about consensual.
Starting point is 00:53:46 This is consensual. You know, to get to people consent to having unprotected sex and in the results of that, a baby was created. So therefore, it is up, or it should be the right of both of them to have a say in what happens. But also, I don't know how many people you could turn around and say that a girl needs to go through with a pregnancy that she doesn't want. There's that argument to who am I to say that she needs to carry
Starting point is 00:54:12 a baby all the way to term? If she does it want to? Yeah, it's hard. And then also, if you do have a father that's like, I want this baby. You know, that that's my point. I'm not saying that it's a blanket statement. And I'm not saying that, that the other people that are not involved in the actual situation need to have a say in what's going on. The problem is, is that the phrase force a woman, force a woman to have an abortion, force a woman to have sex, force a woman to have sex force a woman to that's what it would be like no matter what if a man tries to force a woman to do something and I get
Starting point is 00:54:51 that yes like I understand that and I understand that verbiage part of me doesn't think it's fair to men who went into having but but then but then again, like, do we men like to joke about it all the time when you're 16, 17, 20, 25? Do you understand the ramifications of having unprotected sex unprotected sex? I'd love to hear from the men. Well, the thing is, I also believe that part of it is too, is that, and I'll just make a general statement too, is that not every parent talks to their kids about sex. I never had the sex talk, not with either one of my parents. I never got, my father was just, don't do it.
Starting point is 00:55:43 That's literally what my dad said. Thanks, Kenneth. Does it come down to just morals and ethics? I think so. I think it's how you're brought up. And if, I don't know, I don't know which way is the best. I'm just, I'm just saying it's the,
Starting point is 00:55:59 the abortion topic is, it's very gray. It's very, very gray. Um, I also think that it, like you said, it's case by case. Yeah. Yeah. I think it is too. And that's all I'm saying. And that's why I was asking. Um, I do want to explore this though. I like I was, yeah, you're right, Kenneth. I didn't have my voice at the time. But you never understand the ramification until the issue arises. Stephen Flores. Yeah, I believe that. I believe that too. For both men and for women. But what I guess what I'm asking is as as adults and as parents and whatever do
Starting point is 00:56:42 do we not tell them enough? Do we tell them too much? Do we give them too much leeway when it comes to abortion? Do we, you know what I mean? Like, I mean, I don't think ramming the Bible down their throat and they're going to hell forever and ever and ever because they made a mistake is the right option. But also is the right option. God loves you and we can work this out and this baby can be adopted. Is it like I don't I don't know. But part of me now feels really bad for the for the men that want their kids and then they don't get to have them.
Starting point is 00:57:32 Even if you're having protected sex, sorry, Sarah, even if you're having protected sex, birth control can fail and a woman shouldn't ever be forced to have that baby if they don't want it and we're actively trying to prevent having one fair. Again, another nuance. Agree. Another nuance to the scenario where you and your partner or just you are doing the responsible thing. Absolutely. Fair. I get it.
Starting point is 00:57:56 I look, I'm just saying it's very gray. And that's why it's a hard subject for this political climate right now. that's why it's a hard subject for this political climate right now. It just it's tough. Moony. Girl, I was forced to have an abortion. No, girl, I know. Girl, I know. Sorry. A girl I know was forced to have an abortion by her boyfriend. When she told me the story. She said
Starting point is 00:58:24 I killed my own baby and I'm going to burn something to think about for all pro abortionist. I I don't know. I don't know how that must feel. I can't imagine how that could I agree. I, I just, I think that and we talked about this on one of our own podcasts or whatever is I think that, and we talked about this on one of our own podcasts or whatever, is I think that we do the best that we can when we know a little bit more.
Starting point is 00:58:53 At the end of the day, you and I talk about, we talked about this in a picture of construction. What they do is they put up signs far enough back where you know that it's coming. You know that something is going to happen. And I think that all we can do is share what we can. But at the end of the day, choices are made, situations happen, experiences happen, and there's an outcome for all of it. And I think that we do the best that we can, especially as parents. And I think that we also say too, that when you become a parent, like the world really changes,
Starting point is 00:59:30 the view of the world really changes because we know we're raising a man and we're going to do everything that we can. And that's why we are very adamant about having conversations like this and conversations with men and women about the world because we want to give our kid everything that we possibly can. But at the end of the day, when he becomes an adult, he's going to make his own decisions. And what I'm saying is that every person makes choices and there's outcomes for those choices and putting these blanket statements over everything and saying that this is the end all be all, it has to be just this way and only this way, I think is where our, yours and mine and yours,
Starting point is 01:00:13 thoughts have changed because I also don't wanna be told a blanket statement that I have to. Yeah, telling me I'm a horrible parent because I won't get my kids gender affirmed at 10, as opposed to a parent that drinks all day beats their kid. And when their kid comes home and says they're gay, throws them out on the fucking street with nothing when they're 12. You know what I mean? Like, different, different, different. And don't
Starting point is 01:00:39 lump me in with that. Because that's not what we are. So I think this is important to talk about too. Yeah, I want to get to help ends to Thomas graves as a father of two daughters, I teach the Bible to my daughters, I also teach to them that it's about personal accountability, you must be responsible for your decisions and think before you make them. And I think that that is something that we've talked about a lot. And we've
Starting point is 01:01:05 something that we've talked about a lot and we've realized a lot is that What we see is no accountability is no responsibility You can't give responsibility to your kids. You can't give boundaries to your kids Because then you're being too hard of a parent. Do you even have respect for sex? I don't even think that there's respect for sex anymore. Like when I, when I, there was a healthy respect for what could happen to you in the nineties, if you went and had sex, there was AIDS, there was every other STD. Like, you know, some of them were like luggage. You don't get rid of them.
Starting point is 01:01:43 There was, you know, getting pregnant, there was being forced to have an abortion, like there was a whole bunch of things like men didn't it there was, there was no thing is information, but and then the choices that are made, there was no there was a healthy respect for sex back then there's not one now and it's just, it's, it's like, do these kids even know what can happen to them? Well, I think it goes back to what I was saying before is having sex isn't a little thing.
Starting point is 01:02:15 It's not like listening to, you know, I mean, my bad. I listened to a lot of like crazy music when I was a kid. I kind of listened to what I used to listen to when I was getting, I was like, Ooh, that's bad. The electric slide, the electric slides about a vibrator. So like, how old were you when you found that out? I think I found out like a year ago. And I was rocking to the electric slide
Starting point is 01:02:39 and I had no- They played those songs at kids events. And we got our kids rocking to them like, yeah. But yeah, it's yeah, it's crazy. I didn't help in helping. I'm pro life, but that shouldn't stop in the womb pro life or focus so much on on that piece with no long term forethought and being pro life from birth 100 percent or 100 plus. Uh yeah I I I don't know I'm not personally pro life I think there I think we can meet in the middle somewhere about this I don't know where yet I haven't I haven't gotten there yet um but hey, you want to talk about pro life someday. We can talk about that, too. I'm all about that.
Starting point is 01:03:33 I don't I don't know how to answer that right now. Yeah, because also this, too. Sarah also like imagine the social emotional physical trauma, giving a baby up for adoption that would be so hard. These having versus having the safe and private option of ending a pregnancy before people know. Nuance. Fair. But then then how do you like rationalize the kids have no way to go in there, they just give birth at prom
Starting point is 01:04:06 and throw their kid in the dumpster or like, like they're so it's abortion is so hard. And I'm just now trying to start to talk about it. So like, again, helping I'm sorry, I wasn't able to answer that one as probably as thoughtfully as because I also am trying to figure it out. Like I'm just trying to get out of being absolutely like, fuck all pro lifers, because that's what I was before. That's what I was taught. Matt, Susan all depends on the decision being made and weighing out the consequences
Starting point is 01:04:40 and the impact on all parties involved while highly prioritizing women. Then I would ask, I get that. Do you think that the prioritization of the woman is too much? I would be curious to that. I mean, not like if my wife is like, save my wife or the baby, I'm going to be like, save my wife, please. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:05:10 Or like, my kid is raped and she's like, whatever we have to do, we have to do. I don't know what we have to do, but we'll figure it out in that moment. Whatever. But like, is it too much? She's 18. She got pregnant. She had a baby. Or she she's pregnant. Do we just is there like a passive situate? I don't know. I don't know. It's weird. I don't know. That's why that's why it's this is so tough. I think yeah. And that's why, that's why it's, um, this is so tough. I think. Yeah. And that's why, and then what do men think?
Starting point is 01:05:47 Like guys, please tell us what you think. Like if you're, if you had a girlfriend and you got her pregnant, but you were ready, like you wanted that baby, what are you doing in that moment? You know what I mean? Like, how are you feeling? What are you doing? We don't know what you guys think either. So maybe if some of
Starting point is 01:06:06 these women knew what these men that they actually wanted their baby, instead of just saying, Oh, hey, it's whatever you want, darling. Like, maybe that's different. I don't know. I don't know. These are all just scenarios. But I'm trying to figure it out, too. Yeah. And that's that's what helped him saying he said no answer expected at all same We're all just trying to figure out a path I lean more I lean more middle generally but focus on my family with a teen son and daughter to talk about these things and
Starting point is 01:06:36 What they mean and I think that that's the most the most important part is having the conversations and there I don't I Don't know if there is a right or wrong answer to most things because I think again I know I've said this a million times but it's situational and it is individualized to the situation that is being that is happening and it's happening but I wonder like they always say for women right they always say for women if we if we don't have a kid by the time we're 40 we're gonna regret it it's a it's a say for women, if we, if we don't have a kid by the time we're 40, we're going to regret it. It's a, it's a thing for women. You have it.
Starting point is 01:07:09 Susan answered you, uh, Matt, Susan, no, because she mostly, she's the most medically invested there for the primary individual effect. Okay. Fair. So you, so she has the final say is what you're saying. And I think that that's a fair statement, too Okay, I'm not saying that if there's a medical emergency, is that what he said if there's a most most medically invested Okay. All right. Yeah, fine there. I don't disagree with that. Yeah
Starting point is 01:07:39 What I was what I was just saying is like if we don't I like everybody thinks that we're not gonna be like women won't be fully like we won't have gotten to do everything that women should do. But like by being pregnant whatever and if we don't do it and we don't have kids we're not going to be fulfilled is that is it possible for that to be the same for men. Is that is it possible for that to be the same for men? Like if men if men get to a certain age and they don't have. Their their children. Focusing on the women isn't too much as what Suza said was saying. Yeah, yeah, yeah, no, yep, yep.
Starting point is 01:08:22 That's I just wanted to know, like, what's the difference between the man's decision making and the women's decision making? And that's fair. I get it. Yeah, for sure. Yeah, because we're still back at the fact that it's the woman's body. Yeah, and they're more medically invested. Yeah, I got it.
Starting point is 01:08:38 Yeah, absolutely. 100%. I also think, you know, it's the conversation of taking a breath and pausing for a second and having more conversations about it and having giving the facts and the options. And I'm not saying that this isn't done for I'm not saying that this is not what is already being done. But this whole idea that, you know, the counselors and the options and just, you know, did you want to take some more time and just have a conversation with everybody involved to see if there's a place that they can come to collectively as a group. And then if they can't, then maybe it falls onto the woman because she is the one that is like, Susan was saying the most medically invested.
Starting point is 01:09:34 Uh, burning again, and not all men think as a group, people think as individuals, each person's yeah, I agree with you. And I definitely think it's a case by case basis. I'm just curious what some men think I've never actually asked men. And so now I'm asking men what they what they think. Sarah, my mom had an abortion when she was a teenager after being assaulted. I wouldn't be here if she had had that baby nuance. Fair individual. It's again, like Bernie said, literally one person at a time. It's one situation at a time.
Starting point is 01:10:12 And, and I think that this is a reminder between all the comments that we've seen and all of the conversation that we've had about this is that most things are on an individual basis. Yeah. And they should be. And I think that that is what we should be able to have. And most notably, like, going back to what Susan said, I think, women have to understand what, like, the consequence, like, what if you have sex, you can get pregnant. And then men have to understand and take accountability for the fact that if you have sex, you can get pregnant. And then men have
Starting point is 01:10:46 to understand and take accountability for the fact that if you get a woman pregnant, you are now responsible. And you're now at the mercy of what that woman wants to do. And, you know, her decisions, basically, that's exactly what he's saying, Matt Suza. Also, nobody goes through this situation without consequences adoption Abortion and having the child. I'll have their unique sets of consequences for sure. Yeah, absolutely All right, absolutely
Starting point is 01:11:15 Anything else you want to talk about? Yeah, if there's anything else, yeah, Jonathan Ortega. It's all situation based. Yep. Yeah, I agree for sure Kenneth take it's all situation based. Yep. I agree. Sure. Kenneth, haven't been in the situation. So couldn't tell you for certain, but I would think I would always feel like something was missing for me. That's, that's what most women say. So yeah, fair. The same way that I say that women that are surrogates, I
Starting point is 01:11:42 give them a lot of credit. I, I personally would not be able to carry a baby and not get attached to it. So women that are surrogates, I give them a lot of credit. I personally would not be able to carry a baby and not get attached to it. So women that choose to be a surrogate for other families or choose to give their babies up for adoption, like my heart goes to them because for me, like I've carried our son, I know how that feels. I don't believe for myself that I would ever be able to carry someone else's baby and not keep it as my own. But that's me.
Starting point is 01:12:14 Okay. So Lupe, I was going to move on, but forget it. Uh, Lupe, I, as a man think I shouldn't tell a woman what she should do. I'll be involved in the conversation but final say goes to her. So I just wonder because men and women converse differently. So as a man in the conversation, are you going to tell like if you want this baby, are you going to be like, Hey, I really want this baby. I know if you don't want this baby, I will take on all the responsibilities that this baby need. Like, are you can you like, express that? Or is it just going to be a conversation that's just going to be like, whatever you want to do, babe, I'm here for you. But you're secretly wishing that she has this baby and you can take care of it. Just like legit, just curiosity. I'm not, there's no, I just want to know how men think that's all. Um,
Starting point is 01:13:10 Ken Walters. Oh yeah. Uh, no, we haven't gotten to that yet. We've been in here doing this right now. All of them have been talking with us about this. I know it's been cool. Uh, we were close to moving on. Sorry. Getting there. Okay. Yeah. All right. Let's cool. Uh, we were close to moving on. Sorry. Getting there. Okay. Yeah. All right. Let's go. Uh, yeah, but Lou Bay just answered. Yeah. I played that out. We can move on though, but no, it's honestly something that like we were curious about because I think that what you're saying is that conversations are great. But at the end of the
Starting point is 01:13:40 day, no matter what the decision is, somebody gets the final say. You know what I mean? We can talk about our son's circumcision. I was very adamant about that from the beginning. You were not. We talked about it. And at the end of the day, the final decision, he is circumcised. So at the end of the day, somebody has to make the final decision.
Starting point is 01:14:03 And I think for us, we were able to talk about it enough to where there wasn't any other feelings about that. Not saying that's the same extreme as something like this, but it is a conversation that can be had. But at the end of the day, somebody gets the final say and the other person might not be okay with it. And that's the difficult part about a situation like this is that you may not get the final say. And then you personally, like Susie was saying, have to deal with the consequences of the final decision that maybe you didn't agree with. So that's a grieving process and that's a whole process healing process that you have to go through versus the very different process that a woman would have to go through, for instance.
Starting point is 01:14:45 So that's why it's such a touchy subject. Oh, PS, our son just walked in on us the other night after we had just had sex. How do you deal with that? What happens? Because he walked into the room and like the covers were up or whatever, but it was very wow, my face is so red. It was very noticeable that we didn't have shirts on and so he's like why are you naked and we were like uh because it's hot like it's really human and really hot and he's like what does humid mean oh my gosh i said steamy and he said
Starting point is 01:15:20 what does steamy mean and i said hot get out, get out. Like, what do you, what do you mean? Just get out. Like, I sevens about that age, though. I don't know if it's like sevens about that age where, and it was weird because he's never been up late at night, but he was up late at night. Like he, it was like 1030 11 o'clock. And how do you, what do you do at that point? Like,
Starting point is 01:15:50 age, symmetrical ears, it would have been a whole different conversation. Like legit whole different conversation. What other word do I have? Like wrestling? Wrestling? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:16:07 I don't know if we could say that because then he would just start taking his clothes off and start wrestling. Our kids on the spectrum, he takes things a little literally. So I'm not absolutely sure. Helping Ben there is not any better when they know what... Like, I... The humid card. Well played. Thank you, Bernie. Thank you, Bernie again.
Starting point is 01:16:28 And yeah, I just, I was like, you're going to have to look that up on the weather tomorrow. I don't know. But yeah, that was like the weirdest thing that happened to us this weekend. And we never thought, because he's a... Yes, kind of. Thank you. You were just loving I yeah Because he's a he's a good sleeper like this dude does not wake up it could be oh, that's good Go wad sash. Yeah, he knows what go was so yeah
Starting point is 01:16:58 Steven for us. Yeah mobility fire that's fire I'm absolutely if we ever get caught again, I'm absolutely using that. Mobility. Um, all right. Segue Joe Biden. Uh, so it's been brought up that he is going to step down. Don't know if like I just caught it on a world star. Uh, the New York Post has it too.
Starting point is 01:17:25 And I think he made an actual statement about it. Yeah, I'm sorry. I can't make it any bigger than it is because I don't know, pause. But today, fellow Americans, today America is the strongest economy. He goes on to blow himself a little bit. And then he's like, I know none of this
Starting point is 01:17:44 could have been done without you, the American people together, we overcame the pandemic worst economic crisis since the Great Depression. We've protected and preserved democracy, blah, blah, blah. It was the greatest honor of my life to be your president while it has been my intention to seek reelection, I believe it is in the best interest of my party and the country for me to stand down and focus solely on fulfilling my duties as president for the remainder of my term. I will speak to the nation later this week in more detail about my decision for now. Let me express the deepest gratitude.
Starting point is 01:18:24 Blah. And I want to thank Vice President Kamala Harris for being an extraordinary partner in all this work and let me express my heartfelt appreciation to the American people for the faith and trust you have put in me. Blah, blah, blah, blah. United States of America, Joe Biden. So I don't know. I damn, I knew it was going to happen. I, I, we talked about this with Taylor. Who are they going to put her with? Anybody know who, who, oh, Kamala is talking now. Where on what? I just noticed Kamala is taking the spot now.
Starting point is 01:19:10 Oh, take a look. Well, yeah, because they can't get rid of that war chest, right? Bernie, we talked about this. It's like a 200 something million war chest, does anyone really believe he wrote that message himself? Yeah. Yeah, right. Who are they going to put them with? We tried to talk about this with Taylor. We agree to said Newsome Gavin, dude, we talked about that too. I are saying Hillary.
Starting point is 01:19:41 Is it is it really it's big Mike and Hillary because I don't know Didn't that say Biden will not endorse her no if you're talking about Paris it says that he already has yeah Yeah, I've seen that he already had yeah And and again, I'll go back to Bernie. I don't think he actually wrote that I'm pretty sure people are writing shit for him at this point and all of the big Hollywood stars are getting behind her already pictures of course they are together and whatever of course they are cuz they're all into like you know grooming children and all kinds of shit and Nickelodeon and whatever but
Starting point is 01:20:19 who are they gonna I like I don't get who they're gonna put with there because Not even the most liberal people in New York, like Gavin Newsom, they all there's, I have not talked to one liberal person that I've been friends with that, like Gavin Newsom, they, they don't like him worse than anybody else. So I don't know who they're gonna, uh, yeah, help in the Obama's and not specifically endorse Kamala today and their statement. Okay. If it's either Hillary or big Mike, she will be a puppet like Joe was. Yeah, for sure. Yeah, it's all still gonna be Biden run, no matter who they put in there. So RFK, nobody's talking about RFK.
Starting point is 01:21:08 I wish they would talk about RFK, but nobody after the whole like worm in the brain thing, like no one's talking about him anymore. So that's unfortunate. Um, but yeah, I don't, they're naming a lot of, uh, I, I heard some stuff. They're naming a lot of like liberal or democratic, like female, like black female Democrats that they want to put with Kamala, but that's not going to beat Trump at all. So, do you think she started because I mean, one of the other big questions that we've seen a lot is, where has she been? Like, you haven't really seen
Starting point is 01:21:52 much of her in his presidency, and her vice president. Yeah, where's the man find this? But it was like, all of a sudden, she came out. Of nowhere and she's showing up everywhere. Do you feel like this might have been a thing that they already had in place for her to? Wait, take over because this was fucking hysterical. If I can find this right now, this was the greatest shit ever. Oh, man. God, she showed up. Really? I know which one you're talking about.
Starting point is 01:22:30 Where she where Kamala shows up at? Who did I say? They send it to you? I think so. If you can find it, she showed up at the USA basketball teams fucking practice, and just walked in. the USA basketball teams fucking practice and just walked in and like all of the dudes were like, why are you here? Like it was, Oh my God, that was so long ago. I don't know if it was so good. I'll see if I can damn like, cause and it literally was like, where have you been? No one's seen you. No one knows who you are. No one cares who you are. And she walked in there like she even knew what basketball was, but she also thought that there was no like, you know, final four brackets for women's basketball.
Starting point is 01:23:09 Okay, Kenneth, you saw that too. Yeah, it was hysterical. I don't know who I sent it to, but it was funny. You sent it to me, but you sent it to me a lot. I know I'm looking at it. But it was it was just she's just a freaking mess. And then she was on that commercial with Taraji B. Henson, where they were talking about, she was talking about, I'm out here in these streets as if she even knows what that means, which sounds like, what streets are you out here in? Cool. But I can't imagine that that's going to be the ticket. I would assume that they would have to try Gavin Newsom, but I'm not worried
Starting point is 01:23:46 about that either. Cause asymmetric years, it's became clear stealing the election with Biden would have fooled nobody as a result with anyone else. They can still pull off what they're good at. I don't know. Democrats are out here like yelling about the Supreme court right now, because they think that, uh, if the Supreme court gets what they want and Trump went or, or Biden or the democratic ticket wins that the Supreme court can just overturn that and make it so that Trump wins. So they're all out here yelling about the, the Supreme court right now. Uh, kind of the lap. I've been out in these streets and she doesn't know what that means.
Starting point is 01:24:33 Uh, all right. The last thing I wanted to talk about was, and I know Taylor, I'm sorry, you've waited a very long time, but we had Taylor on the show the other night. And I swear to God, I haven't heard this word since the nineties, but we actually had our first caller on that show. And, uh, I don't know, it got heated. He said a lot of things that, uh, knew some is too tactical to play to lose. Look for him in 2028. All right, fair. Yeah. Okay. So he probably won't even agree to it is what you're saying. And Taylor came on the show, and we were having a very nice conversation. We were discussing
Starting point is 01:25:14 January six, and the most like profession we were talking about abortion, and we were talking about abortion again. And it was the most like, cool, chill conversation. I asked Taylor questions, he asked me questions. We got to talk about it, like reasonable human beings. Then I get my first phone call and I don't know who this is. And he's just on here yelling about how Trump's dead. And it's some weird dude, some, what was Nicholas, Nicholas
Starting point is 01:25:44 Fuentes or something, some radical right wing, whatever. So I looked them up and shared and I was like, Oh, it was crazy, dude. And so Taylor, you started to ask questions. I just wanted to know, cause he was like, uh, something about the Jews and Trump's out because he picked the Jews or the Jews about the Jews and Trump's out because he picked the Jews or the Jews or the Jews or for Trump or something like that. You went to ask the question. I was like, Hey, what, what did the Jews do? And then Taylor said
Starting point is 01:26:17 probably the most minimal thing you could say, which was like, dude, you sound like a retard. And then this guy's like, you sound like a hard F word, the gay slayer. And I was like, man, we're 1999 this guy. Like I, even the chat was like 1999 this guy. And I was like, wow. So we experienced our first call in. Like thank God for Papa Burch who called after that
Starting point is 01:26:43 to kind of like relax the scenario. But he just hung out on the phone line for a little bit. And I like I was like, damn, I mean, it's just it's burning in and that crazy caller was totally defeated when his candidate was unknown. I had no idea the fuck he was talking about. No, I was like, where are you going with this? No, and he kept just saying his name and like, I don't think Taylor did Taylor. No, I don't even think Taylor knew who he was talking about, but just wanting to ask more questions like follow up questions about it. And then they just, it just went left. Yeah. It was crazy. Yeah. The Jews kind of the lap. Did you shot Trump is what he said. Yeah. It was,
Starting point is 01:27:23 it was weird. And I was like, I was going to talk to him and I was trying to bring it down and just have him ask questions. And then Taylor just Taylor was over it and he's like, you sound like a retard. And he was like, you sound like a faggot. And I was like, Oh, okay. Well, this calls over. Bam. And then Chase is like, yo, Taylor just got called the hard F word. I was like, yeah, he did use the hard F word. What was like, yeah, he did use the hard F word. What is happening right now? So.
Starting point is 01:27:48 But now we weren't having that. So. Yeah, we're getting there. But Taylor can still come hang out with us. Yeah, absolutely. Like, no, I wasn't. But yeah, he called me afterwards. I was like, dude, it wasn't your fault.
Starting point is 01:27:58 I don't know how he found us. It's all cool. It's all cool. But you don't know this chat. Like, if you don't, you don't know where you're at, bro. And we had someone else pop up the other day or whatever, just in the chat because our phone line wasn't working and vindicate and kind of, and who else was in there?
Starting point is 01:28:16 Yeah. I think Bernie was in there. Burch was in there like, Burch was in there and literally what they were saying was, is this your first time here? You need to relax They were like, you don't know this chat and we don't know you and I was like, who are you fucking right? You don't know this chat. You have no idea how this chat rolls. You better get in line, bro She felt very I was like very stuff on us. I was like, oh, I got a chat. That's got my back It's super cool what you guys do. And I always appreciate you. I always appreciate you coming to hang out on Instagram, on our podcast.
Starting point is 01:28:51 It's, it's really, really, really cool. What you guys do all the time. Um, yeah, we're in New York, Thomas graves, New York. Um, but yeah, we always, we always are always so welcoming when we come on here. Yeah. When seven gives us the keys. I know it's kind of cool. Oh, did we, did we not tell you how that happened either? So like, I had no idea that seven didn't have a show this morning. Like I was just assuming I was going to get out of work. Like I always do on Sunday and get to watch seven show. And then all of us, like I'm in the deli, like, um, I'm fucking balls deep in
Starting point is 01:29:26 mayonnaise and fucking bacon and Clorox and like American cheese. I'm not even home by the way. Yeah. She's not even home. She's out with the baby somewhere. And I look at my phone, like the one bathroom break I had, I look at it and it's, it's seven and he's like, Hey, should have texted you a while ago, but, uh, do you want to go live on my show today? Uh, and I'm looking at a time.
Starting point is 01:29:52 It's like 12, 10 Mike. Shouldn't your show be over? How is your show still on? And well, hold on. This is a very important question. But day, what the fuck is a daily, uh, It's a bougie bodega. So like, it's like a rich people bodega. I don't know. But same shit. I assume you guys were taking over the show this morning. Yeah, I didn't. I had no idea. No one told me. Thank you. Yeah, we had no I had no fucking idea. I went to work like I always do. And then- But kind of, you're not the only one. Who else reached out to you? Jodi texted me.
Starting point is 01:30:28 Yeah, and was like- And I didn't even see it, cause I was at work. And she's like, it was like nine o'clock when she texted me. So we're glad y'all knew, but we didn't know. Appreciate you. We weren't asked yet. That sounds very stripper-esque, but yeah, we are actually, we are literally actually
Starting point is 01:30:49 on the corner of a street next to a gas station. So you're not wrong. You've never heard of be called the corner store before? No, it sounds like there's like hookers outside. Like I don't. I'm so bougie. I don't know. I grew up here. I don't know what to tell you
Starting point is 01:31:07 Fuck corner store, but it's funny. I haven't hold I haven't heard bodega in a very but we are on the corner And we are next to a gas station so fair we do we do hang out on the corner if that's what you're asking Yes, so I'm on the toilet and I'm looking on my phone And I say they might like this. I know Jake Chapman and pool boys still. It might be one of the most raunchiest comments I ever say. Oh, that. Yes, we're on the yes, we are on the corner selling me. Roast beef baby rare.
Starting point is 01:31:52 But yeah. No, that doesn't mean I want to still come. That does not mean oh, here's Jan. Jan, it does not mean that I want to come hang out with you guys on chat. Appreciation. No, thanks. Yeah, no, it was just BS. Meat managers, me, I am.
Starting point is 01:32:08 I'm the meat manager. Thank you. Appreciate you. But yeah, and so I just I messaged him back. I'm like, I pretended like I thought he messaged me in that moment because I thought he had messaged me way earlier and I didn't get it. And so I was like, yeah, sure. What time because I don't get out of
Starting point is 01:32:28 work till three and he is like, Yeah, whenever you can super grateful and I was like, Oh, I get to just decide to everything like I get to just put up everything like awesome. So yeah, super fun. It was a great week. I love coming to hang out. So thanks for that. Oh, let me not forget to do the thing point to the I always want to do this point to the no point up to the fit a thing. 40% off fit aid. Scan that code. Matuthi and powder over some. No, there. Matuthi and powder. Go make your smile bright.
Starting point is 01:33:07 Paper sheet coffee. Hope you're coming on my show soon. I'll text you soon. Vindicate is down here. Yeah, vindicate. Hit that. Get all these fresh ass shirts. Swag.
Starting point is 01:33:19 Yep. Birthfit. We already had our baby, but go learn how to have a baby the natural way and be super safe and whatever. Yon can't stay on bro. We've been out for like an hour and a half for a minute, dude. What else do you want to talk about? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:33:32 What do you want to talk about? We ask us a question and talk about dicks. Now we're supposed to save this for next week. Uh, and then California peptides strong, Garen Colleen, not doing anything wrong. Hang it on. It's just human out. Fire. Very humid. Very, very humid. And it's going to be very, very humid tonight too, bro. Fair. Oh my gosh. Uh, yeah. So what do we have in the works?
Starting point is 01:34:08 We got stuck on what? Bye, Matthew. Thanks for hanging out with us. Oh, Matthew, DM me. Please DM me, Matthew. Wherever you are, dude. Oh, look at me begging for dick again. Wow. Woo. Thanks for the chat. See you later. Yeah, DM me. Please DM me. Because I don't know where your Instagram is.
Starting point is 01:34:24 Uh, we got stuck on what? Schmin nothing Schmoth in for so long. I don't know. I don't know what that is either, but you cool. Thanks Matthew. Uh, yeah, guys, it was super cool. I appreciate you. I always appreciate all.
Starting point is 01:34:41 No, no, the answer is no. Okay. 20 the 28th. We'll bring it, the answer is no. Okay. 20, the 28th. We'll bring it. Colleen is on. Yeah. Okay. So we're having the chat appreciation show next Sunday, the 28th at around this time. And I will not be on the camera, but she will be laughing in the background.
Starting point is 01:34:57 No, I, I can't do that. I guess because you can actually really hear me. I didn't think you could hear me until we did you're so loud. Until we did the the real when I cut the reel. And then Candice was like, Oh, my god, I love hearing Colleen laughing in the background. You can't hear me. And I actually put the phone up to my ear and I can hear myself laughing. So I'm gonna have to not I'm gonna have to go watch it in the other room and not even hang out here.
Starting point is 01:35:22 So we're doing that. No, you have to stay in here with me. You're my emotional support person. Thing. It's what's left of my liberal. I guess it still feels like I'm there even though I'm not on the screen. So yeah, we're doing that. And then we have Homegrown Relief is coming on to chat with us have a really good conversation on Thursday, we got Seth jump ship on our show on Wednesday. So that's going to be super fun. I feel like that'll almost be kind of like a chat appreciation situation as well. So you're right on laughing in the background validates us for sure. You're
Starting point is 01:35:56 right. Yeah. And Carl Yes, Kenneth Carl. Thomasves coming to New York to get a sandwich. Stop in anytime. I'll buy you lunch. No problem. Anybody else to if chats in in Southampton, come get some food. I'm here for you. So yeah, having a good weekend. We're gonna have a good couple. Good couple podcasts after this. Can't wait to see what what seven does. Yeah. And I mean that we know everybody's gearing up for the games or whatever, but I saw Ellie in here earlier Our girl. Oh, yeah death her and Tucker you called Tucker the fucker, but we have renamed dread lift. Yes, so he can share that information with his kid Yes, and Jason see if Jason see if media are gonna come on and just talk about CrossFit or on the CrossFit games To have that but I know like everybody's gonna be doing that. We just want to bring, you know,
Starting point is 01:36:48 yeah, we're just going to have some fun and have fun and, um, yeah, he's awesome. And he's super cool with his five kids to do that. And, um, so yeah, we're going to have some fun. Yeah. Um, yeah. And then everybody else, we, we got to talk to like, I DM Shelby Neal. So hopefully, uh, we'll get her after the games. And I also surprised my wife, I reached out to somebody and after the games, we will have the honor and privilege to meet and talk to Mr. Adrian Conway, which I'm so very excited about. But that will be later after the games, everybody's gearing up
Starting point is 01:37:20 for the game. So very, very cool. So super awesome. Thank you guys for hanging out with us. Uh, we all love seven. We all love the seven verse. We all love the, the drama, the fire, the, you know, random Dick talk. Yeah, it's amazing. Yeah. And thank you guys for just, uh, having the conversation with us in the chat means a lot to us. This is important for us and something that we're both very passionate about is just having continued conversations to bring up
Starting point is 01:37:47 different perspectives and you know, just to have that conversation and it's all good. Hogs all day. Janelle Winston. Yeah, girl. Jody Lynn. Thanks for texting me this morning and reminding me of stuff. Love you. Janelle Winston hogs all day is next Sunday, because it'll be seven show and then we are family. We love. Yeah, it's fire. Being part of this is really, this is, uh, what about the world's strongest man? Oh, I'll tell you, I don't, I didn't know that. I didn't know that. That'll be an interesting conversation. Yeah. Yeah. I have been trying. I have been trying to reach out. I haven't gotten any responses yet. Um, but I have been trying to reach out I haven't gotten any responses yet but I have been trying to reach out to different autism Instagram pages that I found to try to connect with more moms.
Starting point is 01:38:32 About a year ago I did a series called the true stories of a mother where I had a bunch of moms come on and just talk about moms. I might bring that back to just have different perspectives from a mother's point of view. So we've got some ideas, we've got some things coming up, but it is crazy summertime. So with our kid home and you know, our jobs and stuff like that. But we've got a lot of fun stuff coming up for you guys. And we just appreciate you guys hanging out with us. Yeah, we really do. It's fun. It's a great you guys are the most awesome part of the seven verse. So thanks for chilling with us pretty good and good faith, honest conversations, even when opinions and beliefs differ. I love baby. Peace and love.
Starting point is 01:39:10 Just think this all started from Garrett live call into Seve a couple of years ago. Yeah, fair. All right. I'll have a great night. Thanks for hanging out with us. We'll see you soon. OK. Hi, guys. Bye bye. Bye. Have a great night. Thanks for hanging out with us. We'll see you soon. Okay Bye guys Bye-bye

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