The Sevan Podcast - Live Call In | NOT to be messed with

Episode Date: November 9, 2023

Welcome to this episode of the Sevan Podcast! 3 PLAYING BROTHERS - Kids Video Programming ------------------------- Partners: ... - CODE "SEVAN" FOR FREE SHIPPING - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - THE SUPPLEMENTS I TAKE! BIRTHFIT Programs: Prenatal - Postpartum - Codes (20% off): Prenatal - SEVAN1 Postpartum - SEVAN2 - OUR TSHIRTS - OUR OTHER SHIRT - OUR WEBSITE PROVIDER 3 PLAYING BROTHERS - Kids Video Programming Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is an advertisement from BetterHelp. Everyone knows therapy is great for solving problems. But turns out, therapy has some issues of its own. Finding the right therapist, fitting into their schedule, and, of course, the cost. BetterHelp can help solve these problems. It's online, convenient, built around your schedule, and surprisingly affordable, too. Connect with a credentialed therapist by phone, video, or online chat. Visit to learn more.
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Starting point is 00:01:03 Yeah. Would you guys rather? I come on like when I'm not ready and I don't have my hair up and my show notes open or anything or Would you rather I come on late when I'm ready? That is the question Dude last night show is wild. Yeah, it was pretty cool. When we do a show like that, it takes me a little bit to like... It took me like two hours to relax from that. Really? Yeah, I'm so fired up.
Starting point is 00:01:39 Did we schedule the show for 1.15? No, I haven't done that yet, I don't think. Okay. Guys, today, it's probably going to be a moving show. I don't know if we'll do it exactly at 115, but it looks like it's going to be Brian Friend and J.R. Howell. And I'm trying to get Bill Grundler. Okay.
Starting point is 00:02:02 Wow. Wow. Holy shit. Jeez Louise. Do you see that thumbnail? Is that real? Yeah, it's pretty crazy. It's a good one. is that live in 14 days oh is andrew gonna be on pedro's podcast yeah i think so wow that's like a real thumbnail can i share that that's crazy i don't know let me see if it's on his youtube god nicole carroll looks fucking amazing right there she doesn't have any bad angles no she doesn't oh god first dude i panicked just now i thought i forgot to bring my coffee in here
Starting point is 00:02:58 that's happened on the cut. Yeah. Wow. Yeah, look at her I Like how a Hiller and Don are just like locking eyes they look like they're in love having a nice little sidebar Did anything play just now when I pushed that button? No. What a stupid sound. Okay, there we go. Check my audio files. I was on the phone with someone when the show was supposed to be starting. Someone called me at 6.59 and I'm like, I have a show right now. But they didn't care.
Starting point is 00:03:41 They just fucking kept talking to me. This is important, Savon. You need to listen immediately. Listen, Savon. Listen. Britt Bauer. Seve, when is Greg launching BSI Fit? My affiliate dues are coming up in February,
Starting point is 00:03:59 and I'd rather he take my three grand. I don't know. There'll be three affiliate programs. sevi fit bsi fit and crossfit wow with mine with my program you get media diversify uh can we have a hog show no i don't even know what he means by that I love it just like he wants me to pull my dick out and rub it on his face I love that that makes sense I love that
Starting point is 00:04:30 okay cool we're gonna have a limited run shirt I really like that I'll rock the shit out of that look at this I sent it over to you maybe that line needs to be thicker. Does that line need to be thicker? Damn. Damn. Oh, whew. Damn where the oh Easy boy Oh
Starting point is 00:05:19 Quite the morning already. I haven't sent you show notes yet hold on that's okay compose so you'll keep trying to plug the pipe up today yeah look at that brought you to life look at you that brought you to life you're like yeah yeah otherwise I'll find something else I started painting like an actual paint coat so I might start doing that today
Starting point is 00:05:58 oh Sebi how's your dealing how how Sebi how is you dealing with tennis parents? Well, I don't know if this is an interesting story, but you'll find it interesting. So you guys, in the game of tennis for kids, and for a long time, there are no referees.
Starting point is 00:06:22 There are no judges. What do you, they just call it themselves. And the way the game of tennis works is if you don't know, you call it in. So if Caleb hits a ball to me and I'm not willing to bet my fucking life that it's out, I have to call it in and that's how the game works if everyone plays by that rule the game works
Starting point is 00:06:52 so my kid's playing this beautiful fucking indian kid dot not feather and he and the kid hits the ball and it's close i'm filming it and it's out and avi calls it out and then avi goes to serve and he stops and he asked the kid hey did you see that ball and the kid goes no and avi goes so you don't know if that ball's in or out and the kid's like no and always like fuck all right in and he gives the kid the point like he had to say he had and i went back and looked and it actually was out but you have to the game only works if everyone oh that's not bad curry curry or acorn i heard one the other day what was it it was computer or casino yeah i was trying to remember
Starting point is 00:07:47 what what that was really good oh my god oh my goodness yeah i think my fees for my affiliate program will only be fifteen hundred dollars but you'll still need to take your uh1. You'll still need to take your CrossFit level one. And you'll need to have a picture of me over the door of your gym. And people have to go like that. They leave. Pay homage.
Starting point is 00:08:20 So that's the only way that game works. God, I so wish that was your butt and not... Nicki Minaj's or whoever. So... Oh, yeah, a picture of me at the new Paper Street Cafe would be awesome too. Yeah, totally. I'm so excited to see it finished. Hey, I kind of want to work there for a week. I've always wanted to be a barista, like learn how to do that.
Starting point is 00:08:55 I think I would murder that shit. There's a Starbucks just like just probably 100 yards from my house. I've just considered like working there. probably 100 yards from my house i've just considered like working there i could just walk to work and work a little like four or five hour shift and come on back to the house and start working on it again yeah yeah it's just like the and it's like i don't want to say easy work but oh my god do you know the stories you would have are you gonna eat that live on the air yeah that's amazing oh oh yeah the break off and take a bite. Yeah. Smart. Smart.
Starting point is 00:09:26 So that tennis game only works if people follow the rules. So here's another rule. The parents are not allowed to chime in at all. So Avi beats the first kid, you know, whatever, 6-0, second kid 6'0", third kid 6'0". He's just destroying kids. They're all older than him. But like I told you, it's fucking green ball. And Avi's a yellow ball.
Starting point is 00:09:52 So we've entered him in a tournament that's completely unethical. But they're Asian kids, so who gives a fuck? Green ball is higher level? Lower level. The ball doesn't bounce as hard. It's easier And obviously a yellow ball player Which is like just a regular tennis ball
Starting point is 00:10:09 Like that Djokovic uses Okay And most kids his age are not yellow ball For a bunch of reasons Not even just because they're not good enough But Because it's hard for him to cover The court gets bigger You use the whole court and yellow ball too okay you have to cover
Starting point is 00:10:29 more ground actually in green ball you use the whole court too but in orange ball it's significantly smaller okay i see what you're saying yeah so this fucking kid in the final round his dad hardly speaks any english fresh off the boat from some Asian country. I'm just going to say China. Mom's got the mask on way too tight. They're smiling the entire time. Well, I don't know if she is. He is.
Starting point is 00:10:53 The dad's the nicest guy ever. He's got three androids he's simultaneously filming with. He's got one with his foot. How the fuck? And I made that up. And he's pushed against the fence and he's talking to his son the whole time. And his son does speak perfect English. And his son keeps going, I don't know if that's in or not. But everyone he didn't know if it was in or not, he gave to himself.
Starting point is 00:11:18 He never. But you're not like as soon as you say that out loud, the rule is that's like the definitive fucking rule of fucking tennis until you get to the highest level where there's judges. And it was fucking driving me crazy. And they were so nice. And the kid was such a good sport, except for the fact he was a world class cheater and didn't know the rules. except for the fact he was a world-class cheater and didn't know the rules. But other than that, he's like, the dad's like, his goal is to only win one match against your son.
Starting point is 00:11:51 Oh. What are they, six? Meanwhile, he's fucking Avi all up. He's serving underhand, too. Oh, God. And Avi's just ripping over hand serves, too. Yeah, yeah. And this guy's fucking but but but the guy scored so many fucking points on obby because of he had 20 he had 20 bad calls yeah and and in
Starting point is 00:12:11 all fairness the kid fucking hustled man the kid was a hard worker really yeah he was like a goofy kid who's like feet were too big for his body but fucking he was like goofy slapping around on the court. Yeah. Man, he was. Can we hear more accents? Someone told me the other day that Jake Chapman was good looking. Is he good looking? He is good looking? He's handsome. He has a nice accent too, actually. You've heard him talk?
Starting point is 00:12:40 Yeah. Sometimes, like, I'll just watch a video with him talking, and I don't even care what he's saying. I'm just listening to the accent. Yeah, that's how I feel about Pedro. Oh, Audrey, Jake is beautiful. Oh, no shit. I didn't know that. He has a nice body.
Starting point is 00:12:58 Really? That's a nice body? Yeah, hold on. He's built like a fucking puff adder. You mean with his fucking... I mean, if he he were he's a nice body for a fucking warrior yeah he's so fucking thick i like my men a little thinner i like i like i like a troy a brad pitt troy type body like a surfer body like a spinner he's more he's more yeah yeah he's more noah olsen i like more uh uh matthew mcconaughey Yeah, he's more Noah Olsen I like more Matthew McConaughey
Starting point is 00:13:26 You know, like a Rugged man Yeah, I just don't want to say anything nice about Jake His body's crazy Mike Oh Mike, I don't know if it was you who DM'd me, but i did ask um i did ask devin loretta if he could come on my show this morning at 7 00 am
Starting point is 00:13:52 i didn't get a response from him i didn't know john was arm wrestling my texting with john is so weird for some reason we don't text good here i'll text him right now you were at the you were at the football game let me see let's see if he texts me back john brzenk uh you were at the football game dude i can't believe i didn't see you dude exclamation point i can't believe I didn't see you. All right. Let's see if he takes... I don't know. If he takes back, I'll just be like,
Starting point is 00:14:32 ah, gotcha. You want to come on the show? Gotcha, bitch. Yeah. Gotcha, bitch. I want to show you something for all the people who are like, I'm an OG.
Starting point is 00:14:43 I'm an OG. I'm a motherfucking OG. So there's this dude. I guess I could show you this first. In the CrossFit space, there was a guy. This is the kind of shit I wonder of how many people at CrossFit Inc. still know. It's so weird. There's this guy, his name was Fitness Lonnie.
Starting point is 00:15:17 Yeah. I'm trying to remember what his real name was. Dorian and by real name yeah John Brzenk has kids Dorian um oh oh he did write back he did write back oh yeah he did write back. He did write back. Oh, yeah, he did write back. Yeah. He did write back. Okay, we're texting. We're in the game. What should I say to John now?
Starting point is 00:15:59 What do you want me to say to him? You tell him what to say and I'll say it. Oh, you have a match this week? You have a match this weekend? Is it in Turkey? In Turkey? Is it in Turkey? You have a match this weekend in Turkey?
Starting point is 00:16:14 Question mark. I can't believe how active he is. When I started making points on, he was going to retire. So this guy, Dorian. Is it Adrian? Dorian. Dorian, he's also Fitness Lonnie. Okay.
Starting point is 00:16:44 He became a monastic monk and just fucking vanished. I want to say he maybe was dating Andrea Ager. I don't know if her name is Andrea Ager anymore. He was really fucking cool, this guy. He was really creative. But he sent me this the other day. He made this on an iPad. Hey, this is the guy i was talking about um he can't eat he's not allowed to eat afternoon and he's only allowed to eat what people give him
Starting point is 00:17:14 so he has no matter where he is on the planet he has to wake up like really early and walk around and do alms i think that's alms what does that even mean and you have to walk around and basically people have to offer you food you can't even ask for food so like when he was at my house like when he's at your house you can't be like hey do you want some water you have to he can't say yes it's part of the discipline the practice and dude when you do shit like that you'll start to see the magic of the universe. The last time – so I hadn't talked to him in five years. He didn't – I don't think maybe he spoke for five years maybe.
Starting point is 00:17:52 He didn't like actually talk for five years or some shit. And then he got a break, and he came by, and he hung out at the house for a day. Oh, Raw of Earth used to bang Ager. You know what, though? I'm all for that, but I don't think she banged. No, I feel like, I'm pretty sure. I think she went, she got married as a virgin or something. I think I remember that being part of her story. Man, she was, she probably still is.
Starting point is 00:18:19 She was a fucking angel. She was a beautiful human. So Dorian made this with an iPad. He's allowed to have an iPad? I guess. Maybe this... I think this is in Brazil. Life of Ana da Gadi Forest Monastery.
Starting point is 00:18:39 I think he's in Brazil. That might be him right there. Yeah, she's so hot, right? She got like... Ager had some crazy features. What am I doing here? I don't know what the fuck is... Oh, shit.
Starting point is 00:19:11 Hold on, hold on hold on just fucking this all up anyway i'm going to show you him he's uh he's over here at 906 watch this so here he is that's him on the far right with that incredible posture in the robe like up on the platform yeah that's dorian that's fitness lani the guy used to make the comedy ones cool right that's wild uh Sebi uh honestly how close were you back in the day to this
Starting point is 00:19:58 oh boy oh boy oh boy anyway I can't wait for him to come back last time he was here he hung out at the house for like I think he got here like at maybe 5 in the afternoon and we spoke to midnight and then he left but it was awesome
Starting point is 00:20:18 he's funny as shit oh the future purpose of the Shattuck just to have like monks there and shit. Oh, the HWPO Enlightenment track. Jake Chapman, is that the body you'd like men to have? You mean in that picture, that black dude? Yeah, that's a nice body. There you go.
Starting point is 00:20:48 What was that?? That black dude? Yeah, that's a nice body. There you go. Was that Grand Theft Auto artwork? Although last night when you pulled up Draper. Yeah. I was like, oh my God, really? Yeah, it had the... Not Draper. Holy shit. uh yeah had via uh not draper holy shit holy he uh john just said he dropped 30 pounds in five weeks wow are you at the airport are you at the airport
Starting point is 00:21:17 texting with this guy john brzing for those you don't know i made a movie about this guy it's called pulling john and he's the greatest arm wrestler who ever lived like ever ever ever and For those of you who don't know, I made a movie about this guy. It's called Pulling John. He's the greatest arm wrestler who ever lived. Ever, ever, ever. People in the arm wrestling community adore him. He is cool as shit. Hiller met him in Chicago. He's like, wow, that dude's
Starting point is 00:21:41 fucking amazing. He really is amazing. Great movie. Thank you. I appreciate it, Mike. Seve, would you work for Josh Grout? Like, what do you mean? Like, suck his dick and tickle his balls?
Starting point is 00:21:58 Back of the hand. Back of the hand. I'd rub his penis with the back of my hand. That's all he'll allow. Dude, I'm like, I say this with peace and love I'm on such like another Level than him he's like He's not even a zygote in my world But by work on him like by work for him i mean i could work on him and maybe i would
Starting point is 00:22:29 help him if he wanted to be helped he the fucking guy sees the world through a straw dude like this the guy's so fucking if you just look at his content he puts out he's so close-minded i'm not even like in the same ecosystem. Dude, yeah. He's a snail and his eyes point at the ground. He doesn't even know this world exists up here. It's crazy. Cavedastro, a zygote.
Starting point is 00:22:59 Now you're using his language. Isn't a zygote just like the instant a sperm hits the egg? I thought that's what that was diploid cell resulting from the fusion of two haploid gametes a fertilized ovum is that's what it said yeah there you go a diploid cell resulting from the fusion of two haploid gametes a fertilized ovum so you're right a fertilized ovum would be like when the egg enters the bam do that again bam remember that lady i had on um um Courtney Hunt.
Starting point is 00:23:47 Yep. And she thought, she thinks that with supercomputers, they'll be able to manipulate matter at such a finite level that they'll actually be able to create a zygote. Yeah, she had some... And it scared me because I could actually get my head wrapped around that i could like imagine i mean i mean i'm making it up but i could imagine in my head
Starting point is 00:24:12 how that would be possible with a supercomputer because of its processing speed it could then manipulate matter at such a small level where there's so many intricate pieces that it could do that it's like a. Like someone who, like Legos on the fucking, Super Legos, Legos on steroids. Yeah, it was a pretty wild show. She kind of scared me.
Starting point is 00:24:37 I've had Teasdale over, Ronnie Teasdale, Raw of Earth at my house before and he scared me talking to me about shit. Yeah. Like he got me in my imagination so hard that i was like whoa whoa sebi come back i wasn't even on drugs yo sebi chill no home oh oh uh will your match be live so So John pulls this weekend.
Starting point is 00:25:06 He's being a pussy. I should just ask him, hey, I'm going to send you a link. Come on, let me ask you a question. Do it. I don't know how these guys view going on the internet. Oh. Oh, Grendler. Can you come on the 115 show today anyway that's tennis let me close that story that it's fucked
Starting point is 00:25:34 it's fucked completely fucked like i i know it's going to be a world of cheating and being uptight like i i have to stand so far back and just chill and the whole time i'm just breathing and i'm just focused on my breath i'm not even joking i'm like through my nose but otherwise his voice gets super loud in your head huh like every time he's every time his voice yeah you just like keep listening to him say something i mean you're just like more and more annoyed with it huh yeah i just want to be like dude do you not know the fucking rules dude you're not allowed to talk to your kid right and my wife's looking at me like with this big smile on her face and her face is turning red as we're seeing just point after point like just cheating and they're happy
Starting point is 00:26:18 as clams because they think like everything's great they don't their ignorance is bliss the son the son's running over to his dad's phone and a few times his son his dad's like no uh it's it's actually out it's out you're not even allowed to talk to your kid or coach your kid or any of that shit well isn't that like a rule in tennis like altogether your coach isn't allowed to talk to you during the match or like they're not allowed to interact yeah you're not match or like they're not allowed to interact. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:46 You're not allowed to interact. You're not, it's just the kids. You're not even allowed to walk up to the table when your kid registers. Once you get there, like the big tournaments, like in, if you're like a Kyrgyz.
Starting point is 00:26:58 Oh yeah. Yeah. I think you had the pros. Yeah. Yeah. I don't think the pros are like, yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:27:07 Oh, exactly. Oh. What? Why? I don't know. Oh. Oh. Oh, okay. Okay.
Starting point is 00:27:22 Okay, so I text with John Brzezink again. Fuck. That's cool look at you go overcoming your fears yeah I text with Travis I text with Tyson
Starting point is 00:27:43 I haven't really had anything bad happen in my life. I've just seen bad shit. You know what I mean? Like the difference. Like you haven't been in a traumatic car accident where somebody died in the passenger seat while you were driving, but you've seen, you've had friends that had that happen. Huh?
Starting point is 00:28:01 Is that what you mean? Oh, that would be fucking crazy if I was driving and someone died in my car yeah yeah I would not like that but that would be the bad shit yeah that would be bad
Starting point is 00:28:17 that would be bad yeah yeah or someone like my mom died of cancer or some shit like when I was like 8 yeah I haven't had anything like that. I just, I just been, I just seen other bad shit. Like just like,
Starting point is 00:28:29 like, like I just seen just fucking bad shit. But Angela death guy. Yeah. Like that. Yeah. Like I seen people get killed or bad shit happening to kids or just shit like that. No one diddled my anus.
Starting point is 00:28:44 You know what I mean? But like, like I had to sit in a room with a no one diddled my anus you know what i mean but like like i had to sit in a room with a dude who diddled an anus you know like i didn't have to testify in any of my loved ones murder trials i testified in someone else's you know what i mean yeah um it wasn't it wasn't it wasn't my dog that got run over but I was there and saw a dog get run over. Actually, my dog did get run over, but that's a bad example. R.I.P. We had kids, and we started neglecting our dog. And by neglecting our dog, we stopped obsessing over our dog.
Starting point is 00:29:22 We would obsess over our dog. So we had kids, and it used to be you get out of the car, you grab the dog, you walk in the house. Then you have kids and it's like you open the door, the dog runs out and like you're taking your kids. And this one time we just moved to the Three Plain Brothers palatial estate and we didn't have a fence around the property. And we were on this old highway and we get out of the car and we go inside and with the kids. And then we hear brakes and shit slamming and shit. And this guy, this old guy comes running up to our up to our house and he goes, your dog's going nuts. He goes, he goes, oh, my God, I almost ran over your dog.
Starting point is 00:30:07 And then another dude, these cars are stopped in the highway And another dude comes running up behind him He goes no you did run it over And I look at my wife And I'm like oh Fuck and then right then we saw our dog Run into the house And I'm like and the guy goes yeah you ran right over the dog and when you came out the other side
Starting point is 00:30:31 he was just like it was a little dog 14 yeah oh okay so it just got like sucked up underneath it like it didn't get rolled over no i guess the tire well i who knows but he was fucked up for a couple months yeah like he had seen jesus you, who knows? But he was fucked up for a couple months. Yeah, I bet. Like he had seen Jesus. You know what I mean? Like he was all fucking like he OD'd on it. And he looked like someone took him and like scraped him on the concrete for 20 minutes.
Starting point is 00:30:55 You know what I mean? Yeah. He was a mess. Damn. Oh, God, that's not good. Hey, Jake Chapman said my two year old dog got run over when I was on my honeymoon hey did um just think about that
Starting point is 00:31:10 you were putting it to that sweet pussy and your dog was getting run over simultaneous conversion of it's like the best worst time of your life right there hey um uh and then do you hate the person
Starting point is 00:31:27 who got him run over like you would hate to be in a relationship with me like it's not even my wife's fault she's got like three kids in her hand she's breastfeeding two of them and the dog gets run over and i'm like it's your fault yeah why aren't you paying attention to the dog? Yeah. Yeah. Like just right away. Or you like, you just yell at your wife, your, your, your new wife.
Starting point is 00:31:51 You know, that's your fault. You don't even care. I felt that way when I cut the pipe, I immediately called my wife and I was like, I'm in my head. I was like, what the fuck? You're like,
Starting point is 00:32:02 you know, you did this. You started this. You wanted to buy this property. Who can I blame for this? Yeah. I was like, well, I was the one with the sawzall. You're like, God, I'm a douchebag.
Starting point is 00:32:15 I'm a douchebag and the dog is injured. Exactly. Jay Ruffiner. He owns a cat now. I hit a dog once right next door to my business devastating ruined me for like a month dude i was with this buddy he's the most sensitive man i've ever met in my life he is the most gentle fucking soul ever he's such he's the most amazing guy he's been such a good friend i've known him forever this is like i don't know this
Starting point is 00:32:46 is like 20 years ago 30 years ago and we're driving in his car and it's late at night and we're speeding 60 miles an hour in a 45 we're stoned out of our fucking mind and a fucking german shepherd runs in front of his car. He blasts this thing with a Honda Civic. Blue Honda Civic. Dude. You felt it go under the front
Starting point is 00:33:17 and out the back. It's like hitting a deer. And we didn't talk for like an hour. But it was fucked up. Damn. Oh, my God. It was so fucked up.
Starting point is 00:33:34 I should ask him if he's ever recovered from that. Oh, man. No, my wife won't let me get a new dog. I hate to say that. You won't hear me blame shit on my wife really ever, but I think it's probably good. I can't have an arm wrestling table in the living room. She said I could get one, like, in the, in, like,
Starting point is 00:34:01 she set a date. I don't know. I really want another huge fucking dog. That's what we always did growing up. We'd get our first dog. And then probably at the five or six year mark, we got another one. Like a young one. And then the old one would teach the young one.
Starting point is 00:34:19 And then they would just replace each other. Yeah, that's what I yeah i want them to cross over yeah and i love i love the security my dog makes me feel and everyone knows it even though i hate on pitbulls my dog is basically a 130 pound fucking pitbull yeah he's scary as she's scary as fuck i see it in people's face. They're like, oh, fuck. They can't even believe it's a real dog. Because he's the same size as you. And he's got teeth that could kill somebody.
Starting point is 00:34:54 Yeah. And it's very... This dog is so fucking physical. I'll show you. And I've had great Danes but this thing is this is different this thing is different these are different and I got a small
Starting point is 00:35:16 one but it's still like this and mine see that with the dog on the right yeah but mine's leaner look at the dong on that dog holy shit yeah like this right? Yeah. But mine's leaner. Look at the dong on that dog. Holy shit. Yeah, like this. Yeah, fuck that. That's like a cane
Starting point is 00:35:31 corso. Yeah, that's what my dog looks like. Just skinny and just like we keep her skinny. But still looks thick as shit. You left that dog in the house or does that have like an outdoor house? It has a house. But we have to flip. Anytime you leave the house, you have to flip all the cushions up everywhere. You have to close all the doors.
Starting point is 00:35:49 Yeah. Because it goes wherever it wants. Yeah. Just grab shit and start tearing it up. I want one like that so bad. I think it was $3,500. Yeah. That's not surprising and then some some like dude with one tooth drove it out from alabama i watched our neighbor's pitbull get torn to shreds by our pigs when it tried to mess with them couldn't stop it because the pigs would have gone after us
Starting point is 00:36:29 damn i um uh i probably shouldn't tell the story but i'm gonna tell it anyway when lauren and greg separated greg had a stafford terrier and he was a asshole he's a a horrible dog Greg would beg to differ Greg would tell you it's the greatest dog ever horrible dog fucking prick all those fucking pitbull dogs they're the dog that always has to have the fucking ball
Starting point is 00:36:57 at the park dog park there's five balls and this fucking dog is chasing all of them punking other dogs and shit and you're just like, dude. Anyway, he had one of those, and it was little. It was the size of my 14-pound chihuahua, but it weighed 40 pounds. It was stout. Wow.
Starting point is 00:37:17 And Lauren and Greg were separated, and Lauren had two fucking pitbulls, and her pitbulls were nasty. They had bit her kids oh yeah yeah one it bit one of her kids when the when the kid was on the swing in the ass i think he gave the kids stitches took a chunk out of their ass i should ask that kid if they still have a mark from that so these dogs um were in an area an electric fence area, so that they – or no, no. They basically made it so the property was, like, separated from where the kids were and the dogs were, but it wasn't by a real fence. It was by an electric fence. Like a wire electric fence or like a –
Starting point is 00:38:01 No, no, like the kind that's on the collar. Oh, invisible fence got it yeah thank you invisible fence yeah yeah yeah exactly and of course you have a staffy of course you have a staffy horrible dog aren't they also called like red pits or something or red staffy greg's was greg's name was named red anyway greg and i are going out of town and he says hey i'm gonna drop my dog off at lauren's and i'm just like i immediately think in my head
Starting point is 00:38:36 that is the dumbest fucking idea i've ever fucking heard you're gonna drop off your pitbull with her two pitbulls you're gonna drop off your pitbull with her two pitbulls and lo and behold i want to say we were in philadelphia when it happened then we flew across the country to a seminar or something and greg gets a call your dog's dead shit they were playing and your dog accidentally got nicked it's fucking a artery got nicked they were playing that is not how that works no oh man my dog will play with my parents dog i'm like my parents dog will like nibble at her neck but what do you have what kind of dog you have i have a
Starting point is 00:39:25 border collie okay and my parents have a labradoodle retriever doodle mix oh that those are all cool dogs right that's yeah yeah super like some greg has some of that doodle shit yeah and they'll uh they'll play but like my parents dog will like nibble on her neck Like or like put her put his mouth Around her neck and like just kind of like Antagonize her It takes a lot it would take a lot more than What he's doing
Starting point is 00:39:56 To Nick Oh my great Danes used to shake My great Danes used to shake each other Grab like the top of their neck and shake each other And then it wouldn't even be a fight. Right. Yeah, these dogs – That's not playing.
Starting point is 00:40:09 This dog got ripped apart. For sure. That's too bad. My neighbor had a pit bull. This is – I don't know. I was 30 years old. I was living with my mom, and my neighbor had a pit bull, and I had a Great Dane. This is, I don't know, I was 30 years old.
Starting point is 00:40:22 I was living with my mom. And my neighbor had a pit bull and I had a Great Dane. And the guy was like a 400-pound guy who walked his dog with a cane. And the fucking dog got away from him and came over to the house. And my dog was just, it was chasing my big Great Dane around the car. And my Dane was running and running. And my Dane was screaming, scared. And then finally the pit bull caught it.
Starting point is 00:40:45 And the Dane turned around and shook this fucking 80-pound bull to death until the pit bull was like unconscious and then i grabbed and then i grabbed the dane by his tail and his neck and went inside and the pit bull was just laying there and then he and then he came over and dragged the pit bull back to his side of the house the dog didn't die whoa but it was crazy i think hey i think hayley may i think i think my wife may have been there that day damn yeah it was crazy my dog was so scared but then once he got bit he just danes are huge yeah they're huge are we live i think so uh oh yeah i seen a dane in a husky fight many times my dane and husky fight and if my dane gets the husky by the back the husky's screwed yeah but if the husky gets the dane by the neck he's
Starting point is 00:41:40 screwed wow yeah um i seen the date my dane i seen it fight a bunch of huskies back when i was in santa barbara fucking nuts the dane is just so fucking big and once they grab another dog by the neck the other dog comes off the ground and the dog has no leverage you know who's in town there's this guy who did all named leaf edmondson um i've talked about him a bunch on the show and um he called me last night we were just shooting the shit and i asked him if he wanted to come on the show he did all the programming for he besides greg and lauren he did more programming than anyone else on dot com and and what he's i mean he was he was my guy he was he was my right hand man at CrossFit
Starting point is 00:42:26 yeah he put he was he pushed the publishing button on everything we're gonna come on I hope so like that's what's crazy there's there's like there's no one over there so that's when you ask me if so if if I would ever work for that
Starting point is 00:42:45 dude uh mr grah like dude there's like world-class fucking publishers and media people out there in the space this dude leaf is a fucking genius and he knows everything he knows everything about crossfit and the brand and how to protect it that guy i realized after hillary's presentation and and i dug around in this guy's um uh uh instagram and uh twitter this guy is not a propagandist he is a he's the opposite of that that guy's manipulated by propaganda that guy's vulnerable you can't be vulnerable if you're going to be a propagandist you can't you you have to try not to be and that guy that guy's a that guy's a tool he's not a creator of tools you know like there's a lens that makes all the other lenses or that you know like there's machines that make the fucking machines like that make tools
Starting point is 00:43:52 like there's a machine that has to make the fucking sharpest knife in the world has to sharpen it or there's machines that you know you have to machine shit and something has to make those machines that do the machining. There has to be lenses that make other lenses. And that guy's not very high up on the food chain. There's like 10 other lenses made before him. He's just low on that evolutionary. You can just tell. Does that make sense?
Starting point is 00:44:26 Mm-hmm. Be great animation. I guess baseball season's going. Did the World Series just happen? Yeah, the World Series just ended last week. It did, right? Yeah. The only team in Major League Baseball that doesn't celebrate Pride Night.
Starting point is 00:44:55 So for those of you who don't know what Pride Night is, Pride Night is a night where you celebrate people who, specifically people who have the characteristic of wanting the same genitalia they have between their legs as their preferred genitalia to be intimate with. So if you were a girl, Pride Night for you would be celebrating licking and touching vagina. And if you were a man, pride night would be celebrating licking and touching penis. That's what pride night is. It's not implicit. It's explicit. It's about sexual orientation.
Starting point is 00:45:40 I'm not sure what it has to do with baseball I'm not sure why baseball is celebrating People's Desire For intimacy with a specific genitalia Do you have any idea Why that would make sense It's not about The genitalia Oh tell me
Starting point is 00:45:59 It's about their right to love Who they want to love I understand I. I understand. I understand. But specific. I understand. I understand. And that's fair. But specifically around their genitalia. Will you give me that? In reflection to their genitalia. Like it's not Pride Night's not celebrating my love for Haley. It's true. But it would be if and not necessarily my love for you unless you and i took it to the next level i do have love for you but it's not pride night love all right fair enough i don't know don't be hurt don't be hurt that's fine stay stages stages Stages. Stages.
Starting point is 00:46:49 You're asking the hog lover chat about genitalia obsession. I just don't. I just don't fucking get it. Now must be such a shitty time to be fucking gay. It must be a shitty time to be. These are the three things you don't want to be right now. Gay, black, or white. Asians.
Starting point is 00:47:09 Asians are chilling. Shitty time to be anybody, I guess. Here we go. Here we go. But these guys are rubbing their genitalia against each other. It's symbolic. Yeah, this is the kind of love I have for you. When Tyson comes on, I wish I could hug you.
Starting point is 00:47:34 I get really excited. I jump around like this before he comes on the show. 63rd season. It's pretty wild though that they won yeah it's the first time they've ever won the world series
Starting point is 00:47:51 what's the team Texas Rangers which is kind of I think why they didn't host a pride night because they're in Texas and Texas just does not give a fuck about any of that stuff there's there's there play baseball man what's crazy too is is that they
Starting point is 00:48:15 would be judged for that like someone would think like it was negative how do you explain pride night to your kids like like you take your seven-year-old to the baseball game. Baseball is a family event, right? You're supposed to take kids there, too? It is that, right? Yeah, for sure. For sure. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:36 What a fucking... We live with ass clowns. Okay. 241. Did I send you the notes? I can't remember. You got the first 241? How many are there? Well there's two links under it
Starting point is 00:48:50 Oh yeah you can erase The first one I already showed It was the baseball just this one Okay this is crazy Okay go ahead I keep trying to get this guy on the show This is San Francisco Okay here we go
Starting point is 00:49:03 Look at all those parking maids I keep trying to get this guy on the show. This is San Francisco. Okay, here we go. Look at all those parking maids. Five of them. Did you see three there and two on the next block? That's five meter maids. Count them. Five meter maids. And one blue collar worker running to his work truck, praying that he doesn't get a ticket, a $100 ticket.
Starting point is 00:49:27 That could be his whole paycheck for today. You know, and these millionaire homes that we're working on, they depend on us, but the city just does not treat us right. Us blue collar workers get the short end of the stick out here in San Francisco. We can barely afford to live out here. And then we get constantly barraged with parking tickets, our cars broken into, our tools stolen.
Starting point is 00:50:04 I mean, it is so vicious out here right now this individual is looking at the at the ticket right now for the ticket man how much 90 that's your whole days of work huh dang that sucks man That's your whole days of work, huh? Uh, something. Dang, that sucks, man. That's half of his work check right there. It's such fucking bull—you know, I think five—seriously, I think 5% of San Francisco's income comes from parking tickets. I think it is that high.
Starting point is 00:50:49 Dude, it costs $9 to cross the bridge now? That's absurd. Yeah, and gas is $6 a gallon. That's how much it is at my house, too. Yeah, I think it's... Dude, those aren't million-dollar homes, by the way. Maybe by San Francisco standard. Those are $10 million homes. Yeah, those homes't million-dollar homes, by the way. Maybe by San Francisco standard. Those are $10 million homes.
Starting point is 00:51:10 Yeah, those homes are so fucking expensive right there. Seve, can you get Bill Murray on the show? God, that would be fucking awesome, wouldn't it? Seve, do you have any friends with surreal humor what is that are you on fucking mushrooms today what the fuck are you talking about 279
Starting point is 00:51:39 how much is it where you're at uh 380 something. $259? Yeah, yours is half as much as mine. So that's just fucking Democrats sticking it to the fucking little man. $232. Oh, this is oh cool wow they got dudes playing rugby with chicks that is fucked up how of all sports okay ready yeah this is like fighting against dudes
Starting point is 00:52:26 of all sports okay ready yeah this is like fighting against dudes female rugby players complain trans opponent hits too hard transgender player known as ash said to have registered as a non-binary person who identifies as female stands at five foot ten almost six foot but not quite and weighs up to 220 pounds that's 100 kilos the biological female player goes on to say, I've never been hit like that before. Even at a competitive women's level, said the player, there was so much more brute force. There are women who are bigger than him, but no girl hits
Starting point is 00:52:55 like that. This is a strong human. Just so we're clear, this is who we're referring to. Oh, shit. You can't be serious a strong human no it's a strong it's like a mediocre man what has happened it must be way worse in australia and canada in the uk than it is here it must be way worse in Australia and Canada and the UK than it is here. It must be way worse. Wow. That is nuts.
Starting point is 00:53:33 Does he say more? Good freeze frame. That's a straight. That looks like an Armenian dude. He's too tall. Looks like a dude having a midlife crisis. Yeah, totally. Come on, mate. Afraid of some of the players, tweeted three women's rugby players had to be removed from the game he's too tall looks like a dude having a midlife crisis yeah totally that's it come on mate a friend
Starting point is 00:53:45 of some of the players tweeted three women's rugby players had to be removed from the game and treated for injuries from hits they sustained by a trans woman and i'd like to say that this is extremely fucked this is ridiculous and this of course is completely different to leah thomas who was winning all those gold medals and all those swimming events against biological women because she was a dude not too long ago now it's different because yes it's still unfair but it's you're not bashing heads it's also extremely unsafe to play against a biological man it's just completely unsafe yeah and he shouldn't be grabbing her like that either to be honest he shouldn't be putting his hands on women like that no
Starting point is 00:54:29 i'm having like angry feelings towards him i have to open the dow the heavy is the root of the light the unmoved is the source of all movement thus the master travels all day without leaving home. However splendid the views, she stays serenely in herself. Why should the lord of the country flit about like a fool? If you let yourself be blown to and fro, you lose touch with your root. If you let restlessness move you, you lose touch with who you are. Tao, De Ching, number 26. There was, during the Black Lives Matter movement, there was a movement that started that defunded the police and the outcome of it was the death of a lot of fucking black people unfortunately and all the statistics
Starting point is 00:55:33 show that and basically what happened in a nutshell is it was defund the police and there was this hatred towards police officers and so what happened is police officers stopped engaging in these communities that were high-crime communities that happened to be predominantly people with black skin. And so murders increased significantly. Murders and crime just skyrocketed in those communities. Shit tons. Shit tons. Not in my neighborhood where Whitey lives, but in the black neighborhoods.
Starting point is 00:56:01 And there were white people all over the um united states and all over the world who were like defund the police defund the police and they were like the police are bad and we need more psychologists and all of this stuff right hatred towards police in the name of protecting black people because police are supposedly worse towards black people but in the end the people who suffered vastly more were black people. And so imagine white people cheering on black people, supporting them in this defund the police movement and that there's police brutality, but all the cost comes to the black people. The same exact thing would happen. Imagine if you were crossing the street and you had the right of way and a car was coming
Starting point is 00:56:45 and someone yelled at you stand your ground motherfucker you have the right of way and then the car hits you and as you die a group gathers around you and they say you had the right of way you had the right of way but you're dead that is what happened to the black people during the blm movement and that is what's happening to the Palestinians. And when I say Palestinians, I mean, just people inside of Gaza. I'm not referring to them as an ethnicity.
Starting point is 00:57:12 The Arabs who live there, the entire world is cheering them on to stand their ground and free Palestine. When really what the entire world should be cheering is get the fuck out of there and Egypt, open your fucking borders. Because at the end of the day, these fucking college kids who are protesting on campuses are getting these people killed. You have to think outside of what's right and wrong. You have to think bigger than that.
Starting point is 00:57:46 But I had the right of way. But it's mine, but they killed us first. Dude, we are so far beyond that. We are so far beyond that when you're on your college campus protesting free palestine you're fucking supporting those people to stay there and to find a solution for those people there there is not a solution for them there right now you're getting them killed you're getting them killed you selfish little fucks you're getting them killed And that, my friends, is the truth. Okay, 231.
Starting point is 00:58:59 231. Kentucky is poor and obese. I know what you mean, Seema. I think Kentucky just elected a Democrat, which is kind of crazy. OK, here we go. But last week, the American Academy of Pediatrics gave a presentation encouraging doctors to change the name of genitalia to make things more gender inclusive for your young child. Instead of calling feminine or masculine genitalia according to their clinical medical names, which might be important in a doctor's office, they want to call your child's body parts innies or outies.
Starting point is 00:59:31 Vaginas are now front holes. Pause, pause. Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh, no. You see this? You're making the connection i'm making maybe the pediatrics want girls to be called front holes then what would the boys be called front tails oh no
Starting point is 00:59:55 that's pedophilia shit dude hey dude you only dumb shit down and talk to kids like that if you're fucking trying to like diddle them there's no other reason oh no there's no other reason in my house when my wife's not around it's cock and balls and when she is around, it's penis and vagina. Front tails, any outies, the American Pediatrics Association. Like, tell me how that like, is it it's inappropriate? It's inappropriate to say vagina. Dicklet. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 01:00:41 What is a dicklet? We're surrounded by fucking bad, bad, bad people. What is that? Okay, keep playing. I can't tell if I want to vomit or laugh. I love how you just keep recycling the same comment who me yeah what which comments oh democrats thank you thank you wish i was making this up like this feels like a south park episode but they actually want to change the name clinically of a clitoris to a dicklet where's
Starting point is 01:01:21 the clitoris or your breasts become chesticles. I'm sorry, these are not chesticles. As if that wasn't absurd enough, they actually recommended, presumably regardless of gender identity, that if any pediatrician has a patient who is menstruating, they recommend considering hormonal contraception, aka birth control, for children to stop their period, for period cessation. And for non-pharmacologic treatment of gender dysphoria, they recommend very safe, minimal risk procedures like chest binding that has minimal side effects of rib or back pain. This is the American Pediatrics Association.
Starting point is 01:02:00 So PSA, a board certified physician named Dr. Yana Sherer gave this presentation at last week's annual American Pediatrics National Conference. Binding titties and giving women – I guess that's been going on forever. They give kids hormones, girls hormones, and they call it birth control. This is fucking nuts, dude. Spiegel, Josh Grau is a dicklet. uh spiegel j uh josh grouse is a dicklet he i saw a picture of him wearing a double mask i'm not joking like he posted it online he was a double mask good for him extra safe safety first american pediatrics national convention hey dude it's you know what it is it's like a borat episode
Starting point is 01:02:53 it's like he went there and did that talked about giving your kids hormones to stop them from bleeding and to chest bind them and to tell the women to call their tits chesticles but it's really then you find out like he runs into a van and he's like i pulled the fast one on the american pediatrics association but it's not borat the actual pediatrician it's actually someone who went to school for 12 years board certified what happened to bryce that? Did he go into hiding after that? Andrew Hiller assassination? No,
Starting point is 01:03:29 I think he started his own podcast on his own channel. It started. He was talking about doing that when he came on here. Yeah. I think he actually, he made the leap. He did it. Now he's on his own.
Starting point is 01:03:41 Uh, David weed. Uh, there are no chicks with dicks, only guys with tits. Gynecomastia. YouTube. Shut up, David. Right.
Starting point is 01:04:04 Oh, there's a whole... Oh. It's from Shits Creek, probably. Yeah, is there a guy named David on there? Yeah. Let me see. Oh, that's not Shits Creek. I saw that video too I was trying to find one that said
Starting point is 01:04:31 shut up David but I need a good sound bite for David Weed this show has to evolve Caleb does it yes can't be the same shit we need like sound bites and just stuff if anyone can think of like a good scene in a movie i guess i should ask killer where someone says shut up david oh here shut up calm oh here how about this look at this this might i think i I think I may have scored. Here we go.
Starting point is 01:05:06 Let me see. Shut up, Meg. Shut up, both of you. Shut up, Dale. Yeah, it's getting them to shut up. That's the trick. Oh, that shut up, Dale, could work. Shut up, Dale.
Starting point is 01:05:22 Yeah, that could work, right? Yeah. Let's see. Shut up, Dale. dale yeah it's getting them to shut up that's the trick i love foghorn leghorn oh that's okay he's amazing dude foghorn Well, you are What movie? Incredibles Oh Shut up, Dale
Starting point is 01:06:04 Shut up Shut up, Dale. Hey, you do the- Shut up! Shut up, Dale. To the ear. Shut up! Bob, seriously, man. One suggestion. Shut up.
Starting point is 01:06:13 Shh. Shut up, Meg. You're not sharp. You're not always- Shut up! Oh, I like that one. That's good, too. That one's good. You shut up about my mom! Me shut up? Yeah! You are the one who is shut up! Oh, I like that one. That's good, too. That one's good.
Starting point is 01:06:25 You shut up about my mom! Me shut up? Yeah! You are the one who is shut up! Oh, God, I have to have that, too. Oh, you shut up about my mom. I have to have that. Oh, look for something with more blackness, like a black guy saying shut up.
Starting point is 01:06:47 There were some black cartoon characters in there. Anyway, I'm going to save this. Find this. Go through later. We have important stuff to do. So what happened? So Bryce started a different – he was going to start doing podcasts. What's it called?
Starting point is 01:07:04 Is it Doing Good? No, it's not Doing Good. No one does Good in podcasts. Or it's called – it's – I was trying to stay calm yesterday in regards to that agent. Oh, yeah? But I got really wound up. I wasn't sure if I should try to – I was thinking today when I was in the shower, I wonder if I should try to bring it up again and stay calm. I wasn't sure if I should try to – I was thinking today when I was in the shower, I wonder if I should try to bring it up again and stay calm.
Starting point is 01:07:31 I wanted to stay really calm and composed, but I got all wound up. Oh, Allsmith. Yeah, damn, I can't even find it. Dude, what? It takes a while to get populated and get your shit off the ground. I mean, remember when we started this thing? It was like we get like 20 views we couldn't get any like yeah it's true so maybe i'll try to explain it again but someone someone told one of my friends the same way i think i think people actually i wonder if it's okay to
Starting point is 01:08:05 talk about this i'm going to talk about anyway but like a while back there was like people would tell taylor self like hey you shouldn't come or even uh jason hopper said it on the show we asked him hey did matt tell you not to come on the show and he said no matt didn't but other people did and they say that it's like bad for reputation or whatever, or bad for your mojo or whatever. I guess – I'm not sure why. I guess because I swear a lot and I have a lot of questions about God. I don't support the popular moral exemptions around racism and things like that, right? And I know I don't accept the victim mentality. I'm not very graceful and compassionate towards the victim mentality. victim mentality. I'm not very graceful and compassionate towards the victim mentality.
Starting point is 01:09:13 And I talk about poop and ejaculation and stuff like that. So in abortion, I think I'm fascinated with this whole subject of where babies come from and where we go when we die and is it okay to kill babies and i guess the topics that people would say are polarizing that people stand really strongly behind i like to explore and some of them i guess maybe i'm polarizing on where i stand with them and maybe some people feel painted into a corner because i want things defined so specifically so it's not like i'm stupid i'm not i'm not like
Starting point is 01:09:53 i'm not stupid to the point where i don't understand why you wouldn't come on the show i'm not i'm not of the stance wow you're a fucking idiot for not wanting to come on the show. This is like... You know that teacup ride at Disneyland? If you don't want to ride that, I understand. I can't ride that. You know which one I'm talking about? They spin and you grab the wheel. I'll die in there.
Starting point is 01:10:20 Just projectile vomit. I can't even look at that ride. Makes you dizzy. Yeah, I get it i totally i totally get it i'm not stupid to the point but you don't come on this show and then all of a sudden people think bad of you it's not like that you don't come on the show and then people boycott your shit and don't buy your shit and so if you're telling people not to come on my show i i get it if it's someone's mom right like if you're someone's mom like if your mom was like caleb you know um i don't really like you going on that show because later now you're going to be on the internet forever and someday you're going to want you
Starting point is 01:11:08 want to be the ceo of coca-cola and you're with that boy who says bad things about coca-cola and he's closed windows for you like i get your mom but if you're an agent and you have 10 clients i understand maybe telling one of your clients hey i don't think that that's the place for you to go. But if you go to like one of my friends or someone who's in my sphere who's working with me and then start to be like, hey, you shouldn't be associated with him. Now you're getting on some weird fucking ground because the 10 people you represent what if i stop inviting them on my show and half of the people you represent come on my show yeah and it makes me not want it may to be honest with you dude it makes me want to go nuclear on your on your um on your clients and you and just drag you through the mud and just like make it especially especially
Starting point is 01:12:07 to be completely frank and with zero humility this show is a fucking needle mover you come on this show and you have a podcast that only gets 100 views you come on this show you'll start getting 200 views to double your your numbers it's only 200, Sebi. Dude, it's double. So, yeah, just be chill. Don't be stupid. Even if you have something against me, your job as the agent is to swallow those things and make an environment where your clientele can flourish. No, I'm not referring to Stacey Tovar. I mean, she has her – she thought it would be, I guess, a bad – she thinks it's a bad – I heard – she hasn't told me this.
Starting point is 01:12:57 She's always been exceedingly polite and nice to me. But I heard that she doesn't want anything to do with me as of recently because of her affiliation with HQ, which is just crazy because Dawn's been on the show and Dave's been on the show and Chase has been on the show and the queen herself, Katie Henniger, has been on the show and Chris Cooper. Hold on one second. I have a bad connection. Hold on. This is going to be a great call. This is going to be a really good call. This person has never called before. This is going to be fascinating.
Starting point is 01:13:34 Hey. Are you sure you want to come on the show? Hey, are you showering or cooking? No, I'm cooking food right now. Yeah, I want to test out your calling, dude. Oh, you wantering? Or cooking? No I'm cooking food right now, yeah I wanted to test out your call-in, dude Oh, you wanted to test it out? Well, I wanted to test it out I want to chat with you guys
Starting point is 01:13:52 I figured I'd just in between all the classes and stuff Oh, can you I want to do a 115 show with you today Can you come on at 115? Uh Can you push it back at all? I can only go until like 1.30 Because I got to go pick up my daughter.
Starting point is 01:14:06 Can you go a little earlier? I could, I'm afraid that I won't be back from the skate park. Even if you could come on for 15 minutes, it would be great. Okay. And I'll try and I'll try to move it up. Okay. I mean, if, if, so I'm coaching the noon class, I'll be done like one. I'll have my stuff.
Starting point is 01:14:24 I can get on there like 1.05 I gotta get out of there Like 1.35 to be able to drive To school to go pick her up Totally fine I appreciate it Bill Grendler owner of CrossFit Inferno Commentator, frequenter of the show And co-host with Get With The Program
Starting point is 01:14:39 Hi Hey Dude I think it's hysterical that people don't want to come on your show For whatever reason Like Asian or not I think it's hysterical that people don't want to come on your show for whatever reason, like Asian or not. I think it's hysterical. I'm okay with that part. I want to know why you think it's hysterical. It's just a part like don't sabotage my shit. Like I don't tell people not to go on other people's shows. When Brian Friend was moonlighting at Morning Chalk Up and Lone Ranger podcast and my show, I loved it. I thought it – I love it that Chase goes on the die show. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:15:07 He kills that show. I don't like it that Hobart goes on there. What's that? I'll tell you later off the air. Fucking, I'm just, I'm just pissed at Hobart because he didn't come on my show anymore. That's it.
Starting point is 01:15:21 I think that, you know, obviously the, the agents are trying to have the best interest of their client at hand um but with this space like there's not that much space to be had you know i mean so like i think it would be in the best interest for a an agent for whatever whether it's an athlete or a brand or whatever to be able to put their athlete and their brand and everybody in front of everyone and be like hey you need to be okay to talk to
Starting point is 01:15:51 everyone you need to be able to say your part whatever it is even like you know like the stuff with and and just use hopper as an example there are a lot of things that he said that were personal to him even though guys like hunter and even even, when I heard him talking about it, it's like, dude, you need to have the killer instinct. Where is it? And it's like, okay, he said what he felt. You know, that's all right. And, I mean, you've always been pretty good at letting people have their opinion, whether you agree with it or not is not a big deal. But, like, there's always been discussion.
Starting point is 01:16:24 You know what I mean? And, like, your platform, I think, goes to having more discussion. or not is is not a big deal but like there's always been discussion you know what i mean and like your platform i think goes to having more discussion so whether it's a brand whether it's uh uh an athlete i think that they need to be able to not be afraid to come and have a discussion with you like hey man if you believe that then say what you believe it's okay stand up for your convictions there's nothing wrong with that and And I think that the agent, instead of hiding someone from certain avenues, they need to be able to broaden that out and be like, hey, you can't be afraid to be on anything. It's not going to. Besides, I mean, you know how it is, man. All press is good press. So why wouldn't they want you to get out unless they're trying to brand you in like the most narrow of genres genres you know what i mean i guess it's not
Starting point is 01:17:07 that broad well you know people and i don't even mind if you think that this isn't a fit for you but to tell other people that are outside of your are you dave a claims-free hybrid driving university grad who signed up online well d, Dave, this jingle's for you. Who saves with TD Insurance? Because he's a glint. We have a driving university grad who signed up online. It's Dave. Not Dave? No problem.
Starting point is 01:17:33 TD Insurance has over 30 ways to save on home and auto. So... You can totally save, just not exactly like Dave. Save like only you can at slash ways to save. TD. Ready for you. When your celebration of life is prepaid in advance, it becomes a gift from you to your family later
Starting point is 01:17:54 because no one should have to plan for a loss while they're experiencing one. Paying in advance protects your loved ones and gives you the peace of mind you deserve. Let us help you plan every detail with professionalism and compassion. We're your local Dignity Memorial provider. Find us at I just think it's a bad look. I know it's a bad look for an agent.
Starting point is 01:18:22 100%. To tell people, to just talk badly about my show when you have clients. Even if you think I'm a complete dou bad look for an agent to tell people to just talk badly about my show. When you have client, even if you think I'm a complete douchebag and asshole, whatever you want to think about me, you shouldn't let that get out publicly because your job is to make it so that 10 people or 20 people you represent can get the best deals. And fighting with me is not smart for an agent. Hey, Bill, you know what I would do if I was CrossFit Inc.? I was thinking about this the other day. Hey, Bill, you know what I would do if I was CrossFit Inc.? I was thinking about this the other day. I would invite Hiller to events, and every morning I would sit down and have coffee with him, and I would brainwash him.
Starting point is 01:18:51 And I would be like, hey, tell me five good things you think about this event. So, like, for instance, I would invite him to the games, and every morning I would sit down with him, like whoever's in charge there, Dave or Heather or whoever. And I'd be like, hey, Hiller, what's up? Come have breakfast. If you're going to work the games, you've got to have breakfast with me every morning. He'd be like, okay. And he'd come and be like, hey, tell me five things you like. And he'd be like, I like the field. what's up? Come have breakfast. If you're going to work the games, you've got to have breakfast with me every morning. He'd be like, okay. And he'd come and be like, hey, tell me five things you like. And he'd be like, I like the field,
Starting point is 01:19:09 the weather's been great, the vendors are great. And just program. Be like, okay, cool. I'd like to see you represent that with positive things. And just influence him. Just push him. Like the 14 of us do on our thread. Just push each other. Inspire each other. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:19:27 I think that the idea of not not so much with the idea of trying to brainwash but like you should know exactly what your people what the people i guess for for lack of a better word what your enemies or the people that are going against you are going to say and if you say hey what do you like what you don't like okay well i know what you like, what you don't like? Okay. Well, I know what you like and what you don't like. So we're prepared for that. We know how to talk about it. We know how to respond to it. Like we're ready for it. But if you don't know or you kind of put the blinders on and pretend like no
Starting point is 01:19:56 one's saying X, Y, and Z, then you never really officially know. Right. You know, you kind of, it's like you're working in a vacuum. And what's the point of that? Right. You know, she's solid with what you have. No, no one of, it's like you're working in a vacuum. And what's the point of that? Right. You know, she's solid with what you have. No one, whether it's CrossFit or whoever, is going to try, if they're in business, is going to try to intentionally do something that is just completely retarded. Usually when that, oh, sorry, not smart. When somebody does something that is like, the people around are going like, what the hell was that?
Starting point is 01:20:30 Usually that's because that was done in a vacuum somewhere, a couple of people in a room, you know, it's a bunch of, of all the same type of people. They all come up and they go, this is a great idea. Yeah, that's a great idea. Sure. It's a great idea. But they really didn't look to see like, is that, is that the way that we need to do it you know it's you got to get that outside perspective yeah and so just like what you're saying having that coffee i think it's like that's that would be the smartest thing for anyone in crossfit to do is get everyone that they think is like the the big the big microphones have them come around
Starting point is 01:21:00 and just like figure out what they say what they they think, what they like, what they don't like. And I mean not that you have to change to suit them, but at least now you know. Right, and just – it's harder to talk shit about people that you're keeping close and ask them questions that trick them into thinking that there's some really positive shit going. Not trick them into thinking that. Trick them into focusing on that. No one will mind that. You can even be completely transparent transparent i'm just tricking you into focus on positive things but dude you know what especially when you don't have media so if they were making let's say back in the day when i was there we put out um eight pieces of content every day a written piece of video
Starting point is 01:21:40 facebook instagram just all the different right and? And we own the, we own, you own all, you make all the noise. And so it doesn't, it doesn't matter what Savon and Hiller say. It doesn't matter what anyone else is saying. You control the space with your loud noise. They got none of that now. So if they want free con all they, they, here's the thing, Bill, they don't have anyone there who can lift a shovel. Imagine, imagine someone who worked at your gym, who couldn't coach, who couldn't clean the bathrooms, who couldn who worked at your gym who couldn't coach, who couldn't clean the bathrooms, who couldn't unlock the doors,
Starting point is 01:22:09 who couldn't turn on the lights, who couldn't open the bay doors, who couldn't onboard someone, who couldn't run the computer, who couldn't take checks. They have people there who can't do any of that. They have- Yeah, space holders are a waste of time.
Starting point is 01:22:19 Yeah, they have no- I don't need a space holder. They need people who can carry shovels, dig a hole, and plant it. And they just have people sitting on computers ordering plants from the nursery. It's dumb, dude. It is dumb. They need worker bees so many.
Starting point is 01:22:38 Yeah. So many. I saw the Glassman show from yesterday. And man, I want to get on one of these times when I have some time, when you when you have coach on there, like I want I want to do I want to call him when you got him on there. You come on. Why don't you come on with us sometime? Well, I'd love to. I just I never I always it's like right after you guys are done, then I'm back from the gym or I'm back from whatever. So I was at it. I'll set it up one Tuesday, one Wednesday when I think we're moving him to Wednesdays.
Starting point is 01:23:09 One Wednesday, we'll just all three get on. Okay. That'd be cool. Yeah. That'd be cool. I love those though. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:23:17 He killed yesterday, right? Dude. Yeah. What do you think? They give the company back to him? Like, oh, fuck here take it no no and i don't think he want it i think they're gonna i think they're gonna have to
Starting point is 01:23:32 i think they're going to have to what what do you see what do you think is going to happen at this at this pace like everyone's like they're gonna sell it they're gonna do this like to who for what i i think that i think that the people that are up at the top tier they're now in that realm where they build companies and then they sell them they build them up they sell them um the the hard thing is is that i don't know if CrossFit can go back to what it was, because what it was was very grassroots. It was very like the stuff that like the stuff that Greg was talking about. It's like I care about my people. I care about my clients. I mean, yeah, I want to get money and I guess I want to be able to, you know, live my have my lifestyle and all that kind of stuff.
Starting point is 01:24:21 But like I'm caring about the people. my lifestyle and all that kind of stuff but like i'm caring about the people what i find myself doing is the weirder things get the more i just really look at my gym because i run my gym the way that greg did his back in the day like i care about my people i know about who's on vacation and who's who's having issues with work and whose kids are, you know, succeeding or not succeeding or, you know, who's trying to find a boyfriend or a girlfriend and why and what's happening. It's like, I know all that about my people and I like that. And so the crazier that the realm of CrossFit gets, the more I just really turn inward and i just do what i do i just really start focusing on my people which is i mean that's what greg did in the beginning anyway
Starting point is 01:25:09 and look what he had he was able to kind of grow it that way you know by caring about your people here's let me try to put this metaphor on you you ever seen someone take one uh um a fire extinguisher and they cut the bottom off and they tie a string to the top and they polish it then they hang a bell in the middle and it's a wind chime you ever seen that shit yeah yeah um i don't when you say crossfit will can't won't be ever be the same then it will never be a fire extinguisher again like i don't think it can exist unless it is what greg made it and that's the problem people like oh it changes or it evolves. No, it won't be a fire extinguisher anymore.
Starting point is 01:25:50 Like I'll even be as crass as this. Let me say something really crass. Like, what are you going to do? Buy it just for the email list. Like it was at some, do you know what I mean? Like what are they? They don't even know what they're actually buying.
Starting point is 01:26:03 Someone said on the show yesterday in the comments, he CrossFit was never created to make money. M&Ms were created to make money. Yeah. And like, those are, that's two totally different. There's people here who think like the,
Starting point is 01:26:19 it's a money-making opportunity at the top. It's weird, man. It's, um it's weird when you when you have a when you when your brand or your business is given the title of fastest growing franchisee type fitness program ever or or any franchise faster than star and a subway combined. True. Right, right, right. So what, what investor type person wouldn't see like, that's kind of all you need to see. You know what I mean? It's like, Oh, okay. There's some momentum to it. Um, now how long does that momentum stay out of, you know,
Starting point is 01:26:58 I don't know the people that are much better business people than I am, but do that. But like for me um yeah let me say let me add this to it too so so there's a there's a switch right like you know what like a nintendo switch is no no let's do iphone they release the iphone and a whole ecosystem comes around it right people start making cases and plugs and things where you can put it in your car and all this shit. Well, with CrossFit, there's kind of that too, right? There's bars and shoes and shirts and whatever. But that's in the ecosystem.
Starting point is 01:27:36 Right. Like this actual thing is like – it's nothing. The CrossFit thing is nothing? Yeah, it's personal responsibility and personal accountability and it's software for the for the human genome it's nothing there's nothing there there there's not an iphone to attach it to it's it's like it's like you it's it's nothing and i just don't think that those people can get their heads wrapped around that no because they they haven't seen it as they've always looked through the lens of a business person. Right. Glassman looks through it as a lens, as a trainer and as a trainer or a teacher.
Starting point is 01:28:12 You want like the it's always been about. Intrinsic benefits, not financial benefits. I mean, I get a teacher doesn't make a lot of money. A school teacher doesn't make a lot of money. But what they find, what they get, the benefits to them, like, okay, maybe they get summer off. But the benefit is seeing the person that they're working with improve. The reason that Glassman did what he did is he's a coach. So he liked seeing people improve their life. He liked doing that. I like doing that.
Starting point is 01:28:43 When I find coaches that tell me, you know, I'm just getting burned out on coaching classes. I'm like, how is that possible? How can you get burned out on hanging out with people, high-fiving, making someone's day better, playing cool music all day and getting to wear, like getting to wear sweats. Like you don't get dressed up in like boots and a uniform and a button-down shirt. How can you tell me that you're going to get burned out of that? The people that feel that way, I don't think, are natural teachers and coaches. I can coach eight classes a day and be up at 5.30 in the morning and go home at 8.30 at night,
Starting point is 01:29:20 and I'll be tired from the day, but that's a great day. That was super fun. I loved it. I enjoyed all of that, all of it. So the, the thing that blew my mind, I think that really made me go like, wow, that was that right there was the old school version of CrossFit was when he said, if I am trying to, and you even push back on them on this. It's like, if I go to a doctor's office and I ask some water and they want to sell me water, I'd be like, what the fuck are you talking about? And I was like, oh, yeah, it's true. Or if I go to a mechanic and I want to get some water, I'm going to buy water. Why would I buy water?
Starting point is 01:29:59 Like, I guess I could buy, you know, go from the soda machine or something like that. I guess I could buy, you know, go from the soda machine or something like that. I struggle with that, honestly, Bill, because I just like shopping. I love the idea of being able to go into my CrossFit gym and buy a jump rope, my own jump rope. Well, okay, but here's the other thing. This is the other part of it. What Greg set up was, hey, you know what, Bill, you can do your CrossFit gym your way. Yeah, yeah. And JR can do his gym his way. And if I believe in a certain product, if I, because when you come into CrossFit
Starting point is 01:30:32 Inferno, I am the expert and I am the coach and I am the one that's going to make you better. And if I think it's this workout program and I think it's a supplement, then that's what I, that's what I believe in. That's what I'm going to push so if you if somebody wants to push that that's cool that's their crossfit right right like crossfit inferno is not crossfit inks or crossfit headquarters crossfit you think that's changing soon you think that's changing soon uh someone called me today like that there that something's coming down the pipe for you guys that you guys might not like. There might be. I mean, I think that every, every affiliate has to always decide why, why do I decide to align myself with this? I mean, even when I,
Starting point is 01:31:17 even before I really, like I knew some of the internal workings of like the whole, you know, like Floyd 19 thing and why know why greg said what he said and all the stuff that was going down and like my initial me as bill the owner of this gym was crap now there's stuff that i'm gonna have to deal with i'm not wasn't worried i'm like i don't i don't care what somebody else says but all of a sudden there were members that were like hey why are you aligned with this company that it's this way you, it's racist or it's this or it's that. And whether I believe that or not, I'm like, okay, well, that's not this is not that company.
Starting point is 01:31:51 Yeah. I licensed the name because I believe in the CrossFit methodology. And if I have to pay my affiliation fees, it's so that I can. It's not that I'm giving it over to someone that you think is racist or someone that you think is this way or that way or the other thing. It's because I'm paying for that name because I believe in that word right there. Now I can make it be Bill's Inferno. I mean, in all honesty, the reason I had the name Inferno was because if I ever decided, like this was in the way beginning, if for some reason CrossFit was to disappear I could still be Inferno right and it's still I'm doing my thing and if it ever was guess the way I'd be
Starting point is 01:32:31 teaching I'd be teaching this way right right but I like that CrossFit is what CrossFit is and when people ask me if they're like hey you know I heard about this CrossFit stuff it's dangerous or it's this or it's that. I get to explain my version of it because they're coming to me. I want to answer this question real quick. Daniel Garrity, I don't completely understand CrossFit being a media company.
Starting point is 01:32:53 I fell in love with CrossFit years before I saw any CrossFit media. When you think of media, basically it's just dissemination of information, Daniel. So that could be written video pictures. So it's even at the most basic sense, publishing a workout daily on the blog is a piece of media. So it's basically you're publishing something that people are consuming.
Starting point is 01:33:15 So that's what it means by – It's information to get. Yeah. It's an information to send. And Greg really wanted it to be – towards the end there in 2017 and 18. Greg's like, hey, we need to take the mantle from the CDC Center for Disease Control and like be the place where people come for all things health. So you're not you don't go to the CDC website and they're telling you, like, give your kid a pacifier and just other fucking crazy. Give your kid a high fructose corn syrup and other dumb shit that they say on there.
Starting point is 01:33:49 And yeah, he wanted to take that mantle from them. were fucking up yeah you're welcome daniel i know it's um it's a lot of uh it's a lot of moving parts how long has your gym been around bill uh we're 15 plus years now yeah crazy i'm about to go to um uh suzer's 10-year anniversary nice yeah that's cool on the on the 18th of november if uh when he hits that we need to make sure that we get him uh this will be me and chase we'll get him one of the uh og flags oh awesome uh mason mitchell we did it seven when did your one when's the last time you went to a CrossFit gym and bought a rope I douche nozzle bought him a shed aid though for sure I was gonna say something about his mom
Starting point is 01:34:33 but I'm gonna lay off Mason alright dude thanks for calling in it was super fun so are we doing this afternoon yeah yeah 115 I'll send you a link It'll be me you Brian and JR You and JR will just be on for
Starting point is 01:34:50 I think both you can only come on for 15 or 20 minutes Okay cool Okay and basically it sounds like Dave mentioned that there'll be an announcement I guess Yeah In his weekend review so hopefully that comes out In a little bit And maybe the whole show will get pushed.
Starting point is 01:35:06 If it doesn't come out, then we won't do the show. Okay. Okay. All right. See you, Bill. Bye. Oh, I did get a rope in my gains box. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:35:18 You're absolutely right. I got a rope in my gains box. Really? Dude, the cartel pants are insane huh i got um what are cartel pants tell me uh barbell barbell cartel they were in the fucking games box my wife and i were tripping like the joggers are the joggers yeah there's dude if you need winter pants these are not a sponsor of mine are you talking like california winter or yeah those i have those black ones those are in the fucking gains box really dude i would never have bought those in a million years i
Starting point is 01:36:05 asked my wife to look good in these she's like you look fucking amazing in these i look like that dude but old dude i cannot believe what a g i look like in those yeah there's a rope in there i wish i had the rope so i could show you the rope i haven't even opened it out of the bag hey and there was apps yeah i look like a fucking stud in those I can't believe those were in the gains box and there's a bunch of I'm actually going to take some soon as the show's over there was a bunch of
Starting point is 01:36:36 pre-workout that shitload of caffeine and it had those bullet caffeine things oh cross cross rope jump ropes oh I can pull up the, I think your website gains box. Don't you have all this shit? Doesn't it show it on the website? Lay it out on the website?
Starting point is 01:36:56 All I do is look at that girl every time I go here. Damn, yeah. Nice. It's nice. It's nice. It's nice. Where is the merch store? Did you get Cowbell?
Starting point is 01:37:11 I didn't see the Cowbell. Okay. I know that's a Colton Merton sponsor. Yeah, so listen. If those sweats I got were $70 sweats and the box the box is 40 that doesn't even make sense yeah how do they do that and there's tons of other shit in there thank you oh and and i use that fanny pack too let me see i took that really yeah because dude it's the flattest fanny pack ever look at that that thing and no one even knows you're wearing it probably put a little
Starting point is 01:37:45 concealed carry in there too huh hey do you think that um hillar um killed uh noble no he just poked him a little bit and then they fell over i think it was a house of cards i god really i don't know you you you think that he did it like like he made videos and shit of like like you know when rich was on the show he's like yeah their shoes suck or like people come on and then hillar would make montages of it or he would make videos just talking about how shitty they are yeah Seema that's giving him a lot of credit Eric Weiss industry Todd
Starting point is 01:38:34 killed Noble after what I was speaking to her Flaky Noble killed themselves yeah I don't know I honestly I was a little I if you can go back and get you want those cartel pants jeff those things are crazy yeah they're okay if they're winter pants i would totally wear those but if they're just like regular thin pants i probably wouldn't wad zombie go woke killed them and try to jump sports before they had their and tried. And tried trying to jump sports before they had their foot in.
Starting point is 01:39:06 Say that again. Oh, that's what someone was saying happened to Craig Ritchie. Say that again. What did you say, Caleb? What about the cartel pants? They don't fit you good? No, no. If they were if they're thick, I would totally wear them because it's it gets cold.
Starting point is 01:39:16 They are thick. Maybe I like them then. Yeah, they're thick. I'm out. But I agree with Wads on me when he's talking about jumping sports. I was excited when they said they were going to go to the NFL. Like when I saw their stuff at the Combine. When I see the Combine, I just think it's a really cool spectacle.
Starting point is 01:39:33 And it's like a great advertisement because everybody's watching the Combine. But it just did not pan out the way I expected it to. Yeah. I think this... Oh, shit. Entire screen. I think I should... You like this shirt?
Starting point is 01:39:56 Yeah, I do. I like it too. Victim. Victim mentality. I'm not I can't say I'm super fond of the CEO on the back on the neck there on the back?
Starting point is 01:40:10 yeah I don't know why but the placement of that I don't care for it I don't like it when it's on the butt or on the sleeve yeah I don't like that either but I don't you think it should be under the in the front under the victim i guess or maybe just put the little like buddha thing in i don't know i'm just being
Starting point is 01:40:35 picky i just don't like it on the neck well the good thing is you don't have to look at it that's true oh uh did you notice all the strongmen at rogue invitational that decided to wear noble shoes shoes during the pulling event they kept slipping and even one of them had the whole shoe come off i think they didn't alex kazan shoe come off at the games yeah hers is a Reebok though I thought wow these people it seems like people would want it on the sleeve oh like this I just realized this one has it I guess that doesn't bug me I've never thought I didn't even know that was there
Starting point is 01:41:22 yeah it's not bad I like that maybe hers was in fact reebok that's good do you think rolf left hustle or hustle left rolf it just sounds like what it sounds like is craig richie overextended him and uh schnaz overextended themselves yeah i feel like at that point maybe it's a mutual agreement yeah they're just like hey dude we're fucking we spent too much money on athletes at least you hope that's the case instead of just stringing them along and just not paying them or not sending them merch or whatever go it's a good alternative i guess i don't really care for their running running shoes but
Starting point is 01:42:01 who is who's a good alternative? Go Ruck. That's her new sponsor. Someone sent me a pair of Icarus shoes. It was Wad Zombie. I haven't tried them yet. They look absolutely fucking crazy good. What is that? They look just like the Born Primitive, but dress.
Starting point is 01:42:23 Hold on. Someone sent me this. let me see what's going on here Let's see what this is Oh perfect. This is what I was looking for D-day David your David David David and I are grown-up adults David snap David David I told you that adults. David. David. Snap, David. David, I told you that I couldn't come. I understand. David.
Starting point is 01:42:51 Are we getting in trouble today? I don't know, but I think my... What's the name of this show? Schitt's Creek. Is it about Jewish people? I don't know if they're... They might be... Yeah, I think it's a jewish family that like goes bankrupt but the last thing that they have to their name is the this city this town and they
Starting point is 01:43:12 have to go live in this town which is actually like a shitty town oh they own the town yeah they like bought every i don't know how that happens but she they bought the town this shows a canadian uh canadian this shows canadian hilarious it's so good my my wow i didn't even know tank you laugh that's crazy i've never seen him smile i'm not listening to what sebi isn't listening listening to what to caleb or the show I got home David I need you David David David David David David David David David taken it David I'm here David
Starting point is 01:44:06 David David David David Hey that guy looks like Ben Shapiro Yeah That works out Oh please
Starting point is 01:44:23 Ben Shapiro is gay as shit. That dude sucks cock for sure. He watches gay porn. Yeah, he's trying to cover it up. I agree. But he is gay. I one time posted on his Instagram. He said something about being married or something. I'm like, come on, dude.
Starting point is 01:44:39 Just stop. I like you, but you're fucking your butt pumper. You and Josh 69 Josh growl 69 That dudes gay in the show yeah The fuck is that? Outro. Alright, cool. Alright, I got some David shit.
Starting point is 01:45:16 David. David. Best shoes in CrossFit are rad. You're out of your fucking mind. I wear rads. You wear rads yeah they're the fucking ugliest shoe ever made you know what they remind me of like the the reebok like marshmallow shoes they look like they're from 80s jazzercise shit what's weird is they have like hideous they have a scent like a almost like a smell no it's like No, it's like... What's the men's version of perfume? Your name is George Wang. But like the...
Starting point is 01:45:54 It's like perfume on the shoes when you open it. Yeah. And I've had them for six or seven months now, and they still smell like that. Dude, you seriously... I'm pulling up that... Rad shoes.
Starting point is 01:46:15 Dude, the Born Primitive gum bottom is gangster. I'm going to be honest, I'm so fed up with gum bottoms. You're so what? Done with them? Yeah, I'm over it. Dude, this shit is so fucking hideous. You really like this?
Starting point is 01:46:31 Sorry, Rogue. You like those? I can't say that I like the way that it looks, but I definitely like the way that it feels when I work out. I need to see the top. Here. Oh, yeah. There's no fucking way my foot fits in there
Starting point is 01:46:46 not in a million years no your feet won't fit in this ever let me see the reviews here great fit very comfortable cool color combo you gave it a 4 star you dickhead
Starting point is 01:46:59 well worth the money most weight training and jump rope occasional short runs. Best training shoe I've ever owned. Wow. I mean, and they're durable. Great, great all around a shoe. I've owned two pairs. They do have a narrow.
Starting point is 01:47:15 Oh, they do have a narrow field of them. For sure. Like only one thing should feel narrow. The canal of your vagina. Oh my God. But they, but they are true to size to size no they're not true to size actually they're not yes they're not true to size i i bought my size is 10 and a half and i got them and they were they were like way short i had to get i had to send them back and get an 11 i bought two pairs within 10 weeks the pair i worked out in was mostly tattered but
Starting point is 01:47:43 you're saying that's bullshit. They're tough. Yeah. I've done rope climbs and I've run in them. These shoes are way too stiff. It's like wearing bricks on my feet. Nah, they're not really that stiff. Okay.
Starting point is 01:47:56 I believe you. I take your feedback better than here. Oh, order a half size up. They run small. Yep, exactly. Man, people love them. Hey, and here's the thing too. You would think the negative comments would usually outweigh the positive
Starting point is 01:48:11 because people just want to come on here. You can still get five items for $5 shipping at Rogue? Yeah, and it's like good stuff too. It's not like just like a jump rope. Yeah, it's not like you like heavy one band or something. Yeah Yeah, you can get the pressure you can get like dumbbells or something a tank Reeves a seven Ben Shapiro is 100% gayer than a three dollar bill. Yeah, George Wang is gay too
Starting point is 01:48:37 By the way, George if you don't know that give me a call to I'll explain to you. Okay, I Give me a call. I'll explain to you why you're gay. I tried wearing Victos. The Victos. Whatever the fuck. And my only issue with them is that the laces keep falling out. So I can't wear them unlaced.
Starting point is 01:48:55 So I just don't wear them at all. What do you mean the laces keep falling out? Like if I keep them unlaced, the laces will come out of the eyelets. And then just like plop around. you wear your shoes unlaced yeah for sure is that like some interesting i just want to put them on i'm trying to think if there's a sex metaphor for that i just want to i just want to cuddle just want to cuddle you do
Starting point is 01:49:23 that's how to tie the knot I just want to cuddle. You do? You do? That's how you tie the knot. I've tried that. They're so wide. The Victo's are so wide. If I don't lace them, I could just walk. They could be on the ground and I could just walk into them and out of them. Yeah. I could see that.
Starting point is 01:49:47 Wad Zombie's still for ballad arena feet like nike true i i i got a free pair of tear they're beautiful i gave them to my wife they're way too skinny for me way way too oh my god so tight huh yeah the born primitive is insane the thing with the born primitive that shoe is fucking special the sole is so thin you better be ready for it i don't think i could have you worn them no i just look at them and i don't like the way they look you don't think they look tough you think they look that's coming from a guy who likes rad so you don't think they look masculine No, it's not that I don't think they look masculine. It's just like they look Limsy I guess of the victors are born primitive I
Starting point is 01:50:41 Like the victim I don't like the core twos I heard I'm Tommy I like the Victor. I don't like the core twos. I heard, um, um, Tommy, uh, um,
Starting point is 01:50:45 the lone Ranger, uh, Tonto. I heard Tonto get my fucking people all confused. I heard Tonto talking about Victo's and how much he liked them. They're also sponsored by some company that sells them. But, uh,
Starting point is 01:50:55 Tonto was saying that he likes the core too. I do not like the core too. I like the core one. It's a thinner, lighter shoe. The core. Yeah, it's a great shoe.
Starting point is 01:51:04 I don't know which one's better. Born primitive. It looks better. I, it's tough. lighter shoe the core yeah it's a great shoe i don't know which one's better born primitive looks better i that's tough they're different but they're big they're wide and hey is that bruce saying that bruce tell me what size you are and i'll try to get you a pair of both text me no one else text me, please. I saw Maggie Glassman had a pair of those, two pairs of those white ones in her garage. Brand new. These ones?
Starting point is 01:51:32 Yeah. Oh, shit. The small size they have is an eight. That's what I am, an eight. Look at this shoe. It's called Icarus. Wad Zombie got them for me. Icarus?
Starting point is 01:51:44 Icarus shoe. Is that the first time you've ever seen Gamebox in the comments? I've never? Icarus shoe. Is that the first time you've ever seen Gamebox in the comments? I've never seen them in the comments. Yeah, what the hell? That was kind of cool. I would love to try that Vivo barefoot shoe. Oh, I've had those. How are they? They're good. That's another shoe I'll wear without lacing, and they stay on my's another shoe I'll wear without lacing,
Starting point is 01:52:05 and they stay on my foot. I could wear them without lacing them up and work out in them and still keep them on my foot. I've had them for a while, and they've actually, for how thin they are, I've been able to keep them. They're still usable. They don't wear away that quickly oh that's nice oh here i found the shoe this is the fucking shoe he sent me man i and and i did i just realized a
Starting point is 01:52:37 couple days ago that he was the one who sent it to me so i didn't want to wear it until i knew who sent it dude it is so nice looking. What the fuck? Is that like, what is that? Like leather? It's leather. It comes with all these soles. What's up with the soles? It comes with some, I don't even know, probably just for different like
Starting point is 01:52:57 but they look so rich and look how fat the toe box is. Damn. I could tuck my dick in there. Yeah. Look, my feet and my penis are in my shoe. I'm telling you, it's that wide. 71
Starting point is 01:53:14 reviews. Five star. Love these sneakers. They're my first barefoot oh they're barefoot oh that's interesting I call bullshit on that just walk barefoot yeah I'm not really sure how do you consider yourself
Starting point is 01:53:35 a barefoot shoe like super thin sole I guess is what they're saying wide toe box that doesn't impede the splaying of your toes or something? Yeah, I would think the thin... Yeah, I guess, yeah. And I would think get thinness of sole and how much room your toes have to wiggle.
Starting point is 01:53:57 I'm looking at these numbers. Why does that... Is that sole just flat? There's no ridges in it it looks pretty flat did you talk about this one up here this white one with the red circle yeah i mean there's tiny little ridges huh boom oh okay never mind i see it now is that wing dude naked i hope so people love shoe talk yeah oh man there was i had a death to jews page i wanted to bring up
Starting point is 01:54:41 it's been pulled down off of Instagram. That's cool. Here we go. I want to, I know everyone here knows this or like 99%, you know, this one, he's going to learn something from this, but you will never find happiness from someone else ever, ever, ever, ever, ever. And if you do, it's like, it it's it's like you're lying to yourself like you you you've lost your way at the end of the day your sustained happiness your sustained equanimity your sustained stability is going to come from some practice you have some stability you're going to clear your mind you're not going to be offended by stuff you have to think of your brain you want to keep your brain empty completely empty so when someone says something it just goes in and comes out so if someone says like you have like a um you're short and you have a big nose
Starting point is 01:55:35 and um you're hairy and like all three of those things are things that like i'm insecure about when when they say that it'll go in there and and it'll hit things in my brain and my ego. And that's like who I am. But once I accept those things, it can just go through and out the other side. It's just in and out, in and out. It's just energy in and out. I don't hold on to any of it, just in and out. But the second you start holding on to any of it, negative or positive, it could be like, damn, you have a huge dick and you bone like a rabbit and fuck i love you you're the nicest dude ever same thing if i
Starting point is 01:56:08 let it come in there and hold that uh i won't have sustained happiness i'm relying on something from the outside you don't want that ever you want to work on those things it's okay you have to be compassionate with yourself you don't want to be like fuck things. It's okay. You have to be compassionate with yourself. You don't want to be like, fuck, I suck. I can't figure this shit out. What's he talking about? That's not good either. Accept where you are on your path. Chill. But just work through those things and breathe those things. Lean into them. Make them funny. Accept them. Oh, it's so funny. My mom died of cancer when I was 12. Oh, that's awesome. Yeah, God, it's crazy. What a life. I'm getting through it it's cool yeah i know uncle buck then diddled me for the next 10 years it's tough but you know
Starting point is 01:56:49 it is what it is uh nice piece she her yeah it's okay it's all good but it was not all good hi i use she her pronouns i'm not sir oh, like, it's like a knife in the heart. I also, I just specifically ask ahead of time not to be called sir. Yeah, I'm just going to go. Okay. The sweet water starts at, okay. I mean, I'm so sorry. I apologize.
Starting point is 01:57:22 You're just always like a knife. It always hurts every single time. I was wondering if there's a manager I could talk to about something that happened. Yeah, I was called sir. Oh, okay. It just really sucks every time it happens. I don't need to be called ma'am. I just need to not be called sir. Very good.
Starting point is 01:57:39 Thank you so much. No. Oh, yeah. Thank you. I'm not a sir. I'm like, no. Oh, I'm, yeah. Thank you. I'm not a sir. It hurts more though. And it's not intentional because it means like this, this is sir to him. I know you didn't mean it, but I'm not a sir. It's okay. I know you didn't mean it. It's just, you know, it hurts. I know when people kind of hurt thank you i'm not sir oh sorry not sir not sir but the guy who dropped the the food off he called me sir twice in a row
Starting point is 01:58:25 thank you i appreciate that it looks like he's having a nice piece. She, she, she, her. Yeah, it's okay. It's all good. But it was not all good. What a fucked up life. Thoughts,
Starting point is 01:58:39 Caleb. That's rough, man. Goes around recording every interaction. Fucking delusional. Yeah, it's pretty, man. Goes around recording every interaction fucking delusional. Yeah, it's pretty fucking stupid. Imagine if you went out for Halloween dressed as Luke Skywalker and someone called you Darth Vader and you just fucking were pissed.
Starting point is 01:59:02 Oh my goodness. Yes. I don't get it. Is that Heath Ledger? Yeah, that would have been a great comment. Sorry, bro. Get his info.
Starting point is 01:59:23 Definitely needs a victim shirt it's just dude and so the problem is the problem is is like that sucks we all have an issue like that we all have an issue like that we all have something that's like um you hate being misunderstood there's something that bothers you that someone does you're upset about it but you have to realize at some point that you can't change the fucking world the best you can do is ask your wife to fucking put the cap on the toothpaste when she's done that's it yeah after the 18th time of being angry at her. Now it's on you. You're a fucking idiot. Yeah. I mean,
Starting point is 02:00:08 it's a new interaction every time. Yeah. Not, not only it's a new person. Yeah. Right. Even that. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:00:15 Like, Hey, at what point are you going to take responsibility? Like, dude, I think I might have to fucking get my Adam's apple shaved down a little bit. There's no, there's no like,
Starting point is 02:00:23 like group chat with every waiter across all of new york that says oh hey by the way i fucked up and i called this dude a dude yeah something is signaling everyone around you to think you're a dude i mean yeah of course but i mean they do a pretty good job of looking like a female i've really kind of a not attractive female but yeah yeah but you know that's it you're not you're not you're not like hey i'm four beers away from fucking that you're like like you don't even want to be near that right you said something's wrong with that that doesn't like you like if you see this creature you keep your kids away from it yeah i. I was, I was in a waiting room. I'm not, sir.
Starting point is 02:01:07 Yeah. Yeah. And, uh, there was, there was a trans person sitting in the waiting room with me or like in the same room basically at the VA hospital. No, it was just some other, it was like, it was the other hospital. Okay. Um, but there's trans person like just sitting there, uh, probably two, probably two or three chairs away from me. And there was a mom and her kid.
Starting point is 02:01:28 The kid was probably two or three years old. And I watched the mom register the trans person, do the up-down of the individual. And then her kid was running around the chairs in the vicinity of the individual and then his her kid was like running around the chairs like in the vicinity of the trans person yeah and then i saw the mom call her kid like urgently to come sit next to her and then they like moved two or three seats away yeah yeah that's fine i approve of that yeah i was like i i just i just thought it was funny that i caught that interaction yeah that's awesome you did yeah you should protect your kid and you shouldn't be worried about someone being offended or like
Starting point is 02:02:15 it's just like that's not that's not stable i don't get it i mean that person in one of these videos In one of the shots She's at a Table with her dog And her dog's wearing a hat That was weird So if it's a dude dressed as a woman Or a dude dressed as a dude Who's got a dog with a hat on Move your kids
Starting point is 02:02:39 God damn Imagine fucking relying on other people to be happy and just like yeah someone in the comments said and bringing your phone everywhere to that's the thing people don't realize like we don't have a problem. Let's be crazy clear. We don't have a problem with you wanting to be called whatever you want to be called. Don't project it on us like we did something wrong. You fucking asshole. You told that waiter that you want him to fucking report it to the general manager. It's some fucking Mexican who's fucking trying to make money
Starting point is 02:03:26 and fucking feed his five kids at fucking home while you play fucked up mentally ill asshole at the restaurant? You fucking cunt. And asking him to report him to the general manager? He barely speaks fucking English. He's serving you fucking the most beautiful food ever. And you're like, report him to the general manager. He called me the wrong pronoun, you fucking the most beautiful food ever and you're like report him to the general manager he called me the wrong pronoun
Starting point is 02:03:48 you fucking bitch no one has a problem calling you the right pronoun why don't you be fucking cool it's fucking so irritating that's the fucking thing and then you're gonna call that person a transphobe? Fuck off.
Starting point is 02:04:08 He's trying to fucking work. It's his third job he's been to today. He brought you a fucking steak with fucking fluffed rice around it. He's sorry. He fucked up. He's serving 10 fucking other tables. Leave him the fuck alone.
Starting point is 02:04:29 No one wants to hurt you. Give him a fucking second to fucking change it and process it in his mind. He shouldn't even have to say sorry. It's so fucked up. And that's why that fucking dude Josh Grau pisses me off Because he fucking defends these fucking assholes
Starting point is 02:04:48 When the rest of us are just fucking trying to make our way In the fucking world We don't need any more fucking rules Based on your fucking insecurities You fucking dick Oh Vicky hey what's up dude nice to see you if that was your restaurant what would you tell this man
Starting point is 02:05:15 my wife wouldn't let me go over there that's a good question if I was the waiter in all sincerity and in all honesty i'm trying to think i'd be like oh dude i'm sorry and then you'd be like dude you called me dude i'll be like fuck man i'm sorry fuck woman i'm sorry and then i would probably like be like i'd be torn between wanting to be nice and like i'm antagonizing like that's what i do to my wife when my wife starts getting mad at me like there's one voice that says just back out of the room slowly and say sorry go hug her and
Starting point is 02:05:50 the other half is like oh this is sensitive for what can we get out of her now so i'd be like that because like i really do want that dude to like like i don't have an issue with calling him him or her and i don't have a problem with people who don't want to call him him or her i don't care the problem i have an issue with is that you're demanding us to play a game for your happiness i'm not doing that i don't do that with my wife i don't do that with my kids so i i think i would be cool i would sit someone like that though that i think that i i find that difficult to like look at over and over and over just trying to process what's going on
Starting point is 02:06:30 yeah just yeah like I'm I don't I find that with a lot of things like women who've had a shitload of plastic surgery or just shit like if you look like you know like women start to look like the Joker yeah Joan Rivers is starting to look weird like when i'm in a room with people like that
Starting point is 02:06:48 i start staring at them like i'm like i'm at the like at the zoo like wow look at that fucking or like an aardvark we don't have aardvarks in california so when you see one or not armadillos i just stare you still stare at armadillos you got those in nebraska uh no i don't think so but yeah there was a deer those in our yard i've got like a no but i mean a weird animal like us californians we see an armadillo and we're like what the fuck is that doesn't even look like anything we have i don't really have that out here pretty normal imagine some dude imagine you work at twitter okay okay for nine years like this dude josh grau did and you build this fucking you're part of building this amazing platform and all that platform does is fucking like elon says broadcast a fucking mind virus to the world
Starting point is 02:07:41 and anyone who doesn't step in tow with that mind virus that thought you push out any conservative thought right like if you were to refer to um uh like youtube does now you know youtube the who calls uh believes that um abortion is a a rightful medical procedure that everyone has the right to so if you say anything about killing babies is wrong in the wound, you can be kicked off of YouTube because you're pushing against the WHO guidelines of it being a rightful medical procedure. It's a trip. But so, so he works on building this platform and it's really focused on keeping a certain kind of thought out, right? It's really for like pushing a racism and divisiveness and homophobia and all these things that it claims it's not.
Starting point is 02:08:26 But that's really what it's pushing. And then Elon comes and opens the floodgates so that anyone can post on there. Right. Takes lifts up the censorship. Doesn't kick any of you weirdos off that are trying to normalize pedophilia, but lets in the counter voice to it. Right. So you end up leaving that company and then you come to end up at a company called crossfit where some dude who thinks he's batman andrew hiller ass pounds you with your own fucking platform it's it's fucking wild right yeah some fucking weirdo named Andrew Hiller
Starting point is 02:09:06 Who parades around as Batman The community We accept him as Batman When he came on the scene I was like how the fuck This fucking weirdo goes by Batman What is he 12 Ben Smith calls his Jim Crossfit Krypton
Starting point is 02:09:21 The fuck are you 5 But it worked We all refer to him as the Batman We all do the bat emoji Smith calls his Jim Crossfit Krypton. The fuck are you, five? But it worked. We all refer to him as the Batman. We all do the bat emoji. He doesn't get mad when we call him Superman. Right, when we miss superhero. Nice tie-in, Caleb.
Starting point is 02:09:44 He doesn't care if we call him Wonder Woman. No. He's very open. He doesn't care if we call him Wonder Woman. No. He's very open. He doesn't care. Andrew, would you be offended if we called you Batgirl? Anyway, I find it, I was fucking dying yesterday thinking that this dude, Josh Graub, helped develop these platforms. And now he's getting ass-pounded by his new job. By some dude who goes by Batman. Some grown man that goes by
Starting point is 02:10:05 If he goes by Um Deja intend to Here you go sir it's ma'am Gestured a dog and hat I was talking to the gentleman Oh I like it I like you like He that's so good
Starting point is 02:10:25 Batwoman Yeah maybe he'd be more offended by Robin Speaking of gays, is Robin gay? Robin's gay, right? I don't think so. Oh,
Starting point is 02:10:54 porn addict. Then bare minimum porn addict, at least. Yeah. If you're a sidekick, you've got some mental issue during the Biden administration. And so far up until now of 430 000 children
Starting point is 02:11:12 according to homeland security have crossed the border unaccompanied by adults 430 000 kids have come across the border on Unaccompanied By adults Our southern border Of those 85,000 are missing Oh Homeland security Doesn't know where 85,000 of those
Starting point is 02:11:38 Kids ended up going Yikes That means Man any bad is a good bad We Some people say we have the largest Child trafficking ring in US history Active right now
Starting point is 02:12:09 In the United States of America God I wonder if that's true Are there two female athletes now That have OnlyFans pages Also games athletes um probably are you who are you who are you thinking of
Starting point is 02:12:34 uh yesterday I got so many people sent me screenshots of being invited to Sasha Nevis's uh only fans page and then there was another one, Laura Sanchez or something. I don't know. Well, I don't think Sasha's is actually an OnlyFans. No, it's not.
Starting point is 02:12:57 No. When they say OnlyFans, does that mean they'll be fornicating in it or just nudity or something like that something that's like inappropriate but something r-rated let me say that r-rated yeah that's usually what it means like some boo is there anything you can't do on only fans can you like like could it be like no i'm pretty sure they allow you to put whatever like yeah you can put whatever you want on there so i'm sharing this screen right now but i want to go back over and look at my emails if i click my emails i think
Starting point is 02:13:30 you guys won't see it i'm gonna try correct not that i i don't think i have anything over here i just get nervous you're gonna see that me and don fall have a long string of emails um okay it's a it's a 518 518 hold on let me see oh yeah that makes sense what zombie he said laura sanchez has one that makes sense why does that make sense it's the way she looks no you just want to see her naked so it makes sense she'd have one. Yeah, of course. Okay, here we go. I cannot speak. This is from an article this year. I can't speak to what the secretary. Do you think that this is acceptable to run ORR like an assembly line and to release these
Starting point is 02:14:17 children to traffickers? I can assure you we do not run ORR like an assembly line. The safety and well-being of children is our top concern. And by- Plainly not. Plainly, it is not your top concern because you have managed to lose 85,000 of them. And the Times knows where they are, or two-thirds of them. And they're with labor traffickers. It's unbelievable. Let me just ask you this.
Starting point is 02:14:40 How many kids right now, the 430,000 approximately, unaccompanied children across the border under this administration, it's an astounding number. How many are you in regular contact with right now? Senator, we have a number of different providers across the country. What's the number? What's the number? How many are you? You said child welfare is your top concern. What's the number? What's the number? How many of you are you? You said child welfare is your top concern. What's the number?
Starting point is 02:15:09 I don't have the specific number. How can you not know? Why would you come to this hearing and not know? Respectfully, if you would like us to provide. That guy's 69 with Ben Shapiro, too. I just want to put that in. I want to put this in context for you. If there really are 485,000 unaccompanied children in the United States, I'm fucking struggling with that.
Starting point is 02:15:32 Let's go with there's a half million. And let's go with there's 350 million people in the country. I think so with some back of the napkin math. We need a sound effect for that too if we're gonna ever go to the next level we need that shit that would be like 1 in 700 people human beings
Starting point is 02:15:59 is an unaccompanied minor here in the United States. No, I don't dislike him. I don't dislike him. I like gay dudes. I just think that dude's gay. I don't know. Maybe because I want to see him naked or something.
Starting point is 02:16:14 I don't know. I'll take responsibility for it. I like him. I like gay people. You think he's like super shredded? Or like lean? Oh, maybe. Like he works out a lot?
Starting point is 02:16:24 He works out at the CrossFit gym that's in the capitol building Yeah I used to think that people who were kind of Into like child trafficking and like all that pedophilia Shit were like actually like pedophiles Or traffickers like kind of hiding In the mix you know what I mean Right
Starting point is 02:16:42 Like I get a little weary about those people who are obsessed with that. Oh, Barry. Oh, Barry, I thought you would never ask. Barry, Tracy. Sorry, I'm a little late to the show, but did you see Craig Ritchie's recent video about struggling with his business? Yeah. Barry, did you see Craig Ritchie's recent video about struggling with his business? Yeah. Barry, did you see by any chance? Did you see the.
Starting point is 02:17:11 Let me see if I can pull it up for you. The new clothing line that Craig Ritchie is actually going to. We're partnering with him and Vindicate. partnering with him and Vindicate. The Sevan podcast, Craig Ritchie and Vindicate are also coming out with a clothing line to help raise money for Craig Ritchie to help with his business. Here, I'll show it to you.
Starting point is 02:17:35 You ready, Barry? Okay, here we go. Here we go. There you go. There's the new clothing line in conjunction. Vindicate, Craig Ritchie, and the Sevan podcast. We'll be hiring Wadzombie to promote it on his huge channels. And it's the VCTM line.
Starting point is 02:17:59 Cool. It seems a little more appropriate than Hustle. The victim clothing line. It seems a little more appropriate than hustle. The victim clothing line. And then Andrew Hiller will be making a video asking you to buy this clothing line in order to put my kids through jujitsu class. And then you guys will buy it all and we'll sell out and we'll live happily ever after. You like that plan? And we'll donate a small, small,
Starting point is 02:18:29 small portion of the proceeds to the refurbishment of the Shattuckin. Thank you. Oh, I went over and read all the comments. Man, people really love Hiller for his compassion for Mr. Ritchie. Sunrider, ouch. Craig's a good dude.
Starting point is 02:18:57 He'll get on his feet. He's going to hustle. He's going to hustle. And I, too, am going to make a little cash off of his uh snafu as they say it's pretty big snafu his snafu let me see what this is uh oh fuck that i was gonna play this clip of that i it's the same clip i put on instagram and fucking i don't want to play this on youtube it's just people just hating on jews but then i'll get in trouble for sit like like i'm like i was condoning hating on jews that sorry no more defending the jews i gotta save my youtube channel
Starting point is 02:20:02 priorities say vaughn say vaughn. Call Trump a racist for his build that wall policy. Build that wall. Build that wall. Biden pretty much ran on the fact that he would not build another segment. There will not be another foot of wall constructed on my administration. We will not build a wall. Instead, we will build an economy where everyone who wants a good job can get one. New York City is a sanctuary city. They said, come one, come all.
Starting point is 02:20:33 We want people to come here despite where they came from or despite the circumstances that drove them to this country and to this state. We say you are welcome here with open arms. We'll not only house you, but we'll protect you. We are all in this together. We say you are welcome here with open arms. We'll not only house you, but we'll protect you. We are all in this together. We're not like those who are sending people away during their time of need. And this is how that's going.
Starting point is 02:20:53 The children of migrant families ship north on buses provided by Texas and Florida. More than 110,000 migrants have arrived in New York and now a dire warning from Democratic Mayor Eric Adams. I don't see an ending to this. This issue will destroy New York City.
Starting point is 02:21:09 We're at our limit. If you're going to leave your country, go somewhere else. Dude, in two months, the governor of New York and the mayor of New York went from the Republicans are fucking scumbags for trying to close the border to do not come to our fucking state. I don't think they realize how many people are trying to come to the US. The border, George Floyd
Starting point is 02:21:37 and the response to COVID. That's the fucking triple crown. There's two of them we can't fix. Like the COVID thing do fat people are in old people are gonna have to be like never do that again and the the george floyd thing black people are gonna have to like start like begging their their people to bring cops back but but this other thing the border has to be fucking closed. Holy shit, man. Wow.
Starting point is 02:22:06 What a mess. Everyone's going to start moving places like Nebraska. I'm serious. Don't come here. You are not welcome. You're not welcome. Do not come. Exactly.
Starting point is 02:22:24 In my mouth. With a surge in illegal crossings, the Biden administration has announced it is waiving more than two dozen federal laws to add on to the border wall in southern Texas. You could be woke and virtual signal all over the place as much as you want. But when the shit hits the fan, you might just look like a hypocrite democrats call trump a racist for his build that wall when his shit hits the fan you might look like a hypocrite maybe dude oh man what a what a shit show. Oh, oh, oh.
Starting point is 02:23:14 Oh, this is what I wanted to show you guys this. I apologize in advance to Tia for this. I don't, I apologize. Like I'm not trying to, you get ass pounded in this. I don't mean to ass pound you. And you're working out and your boobs hurt. Now that I'm a mother, you know, there's so many ways to looking at training and building my future, particularly for my little daughter. Being a part of the Reign family is just so important to me because they hold the same values. They're striving for the same things.
Starting point is 02:23:42 And, you know, I definitely think that it's going to be a very positive influence on my daughter's life as well as she grows up i'm ricky bobby if you don't chew big red then you you dude that's amazing that's legit that's legit that's yeah that's what it is dude that is legit so here's the thing and maybe this is why um uh uh uh craig ritchie and heber's in sporty beth's agent doesn't want people coming on my show because i'm going to tell you things like this but if you drink rain while you're pregnant or breastfeeding or anything that has 300 milligrams of caffeine, in my personal subjective opinion,
Starting point is 02:24:30 you're a fucking moron and a piece of shit. But I could still be friends with you. I'm not judging you for it. I just think that. I think that about things that I do. So don't take offense to that. And in an objective view, it's really bad for you and your kid. So like when I drink 300 milligrams of caffeine, like I make a conscious choice, although maybe it's because I have an eating disorder and I'm always worried about what I'm putting in my mouth. But unless it's my wife's tits.
Starting point is 02:25:06 unless it's my wife's tits, but I, you cannot put 300 milligrams of caffeine into you without being conscious of the fact that like, there's going to be some price to pay for that. Like some jitteriness, some ups and downs, like, like you're going for something, you're going for something. You better have a reason to be doing it. You're a professional athlete or you're driving and you have an 18 wheeler and you have three more hours in your drive like you're doing something you're using it as a drug you have no business giving that to a fucking kid period do people do it sure am i friends with people who've done it sure do i hate you for it not even a tiny bit not even one little bit do i think you're a fucking moron and a child abuser yes now but that's not the point of what i'm posting this is the crazy part um uh um hold on
Starting point is 02:26:01 uh safe to consume up to 300 milligrams of caffeine while breastfeeding. Yeah, yeah, it's safe to, uh, use a chainsaw while you're pregnant, too. Don't worry about it. Safe, totally safe. Um, hold on. Okay, here it is. Um, I'm sorry, but get a fucking life dude who takes time to make something like this to bash someone like tia uh she accepted money to tell women around the planet the five billion
Starting point is 02:26:43 people or whoever have fucking Instagram accounts. Or use Instagram or 3 billion. Whatever it is. That it's okay to drink 300 milligrams of caffeine. When you're pregnant. And you can be as great as me. We all know she's great. She is a fucking influencer.
Starting point is 02:26:56 What do you mean get a life dude? Why are you attacking him? He reposted what she made. How? Like. he reposted what she made how like uh bashing a mom for drinking an energy drink you ever heard of pump and dump even if she's not one a day it won't kill her or the baby shit my morning coffee was stronger than that stronger than one of those when i was breastfeeding this is this is a woman justifying tia's fucking moronic behavior for her moronic behavior i don't understand how people post stuff like this like everyone knows emily poats that like you're a fucking moron and
Starting point is 02:27:39 a bad mom too and so that's why you're writing that here's the thing pump and dump she if she's pumping and dumping then she should say that in the fucking video the whole point of this is that rain gave her money to drink that and every every mom is like well i guess it's okay to do that It's fucking nuts Even if she's not one a day It won't kill her or the baby Even if she's not one a day Shit my morning coffee was stronger It won't kill her or the baby
Starting point is 02:28:20 That's your baseline That's what you're going for Well didn't kill the baby Dude you can smoke crack when you're're going for Didn't kill the baby Dude you can smoke crack When you're pregnant and it won't kill the baby Absolutely unreal Get a real job That's my favorite part of the whole comment
Starting point is 02:28:36 And 71 people like this Dude just think for a second Emily let me just say this to you If you were a baby Just think for a second Emily let me just say this to you just for a second If you were a baby Just think for a second If you were a baby Like my nine year old's never had caffeine And he's a powerhouse
Starting point is 02:28:54 Imagine If you were a baby would you want your mom Drinking 300 milligrams Of caffeine And then you breastfeeding it Would you want your mom drinking and that's just that's just uh who knows what other caffeine she had coffee she drank in the morning would you want that what if she pumps and dumps
Starting point is 02:29:18 what if she actually doesn't drink it at all what if there was just water in that camp like what if what if shut the fuck up What if she actually doesn't drink it at all? What if there was just water in that can? Like, what if? What if? Shut the fuck up. That doesn't even make sense, what if. That's not the point of the commercial. The commercial is to convey that people should drink 300 milligrams of caffeine. And it's completely fucking inappropriate and irresponsible to push that onto kids.
Starting point is 02:29:49 Tia knows that too. You know that, Emily. You know that. You're just out here being defensive and lying. Those 71 people who clicked it, they all clicked likes. You know why? Because they also drank those drinks i want to see on a click you see these replies oh shit what happened here
Starting point is 02:30:15 let me see what uh so i really don't care what tia does personally what choices she's making for herself or whatever yeah i don't care either i i'm a tia fan the problem is her massive platform and other women and moms looking to her wanting to be like her the danger is some pregnant nursing people think this is okay because of her stupid promotion of it while breastfeeding i think athletes need to be accountable for their influence over people i don't know what she means by that accountable but i agree with everything else she said if she yeah well andrew's holding her accountable i'm holding her accountable if she wants to drink oh this is oh you pulled this did you oh you kicked me off nice okay good all right it's bigger
Starting point is 02:30:59 if she if she wants to drink things not approved for breastfeeding, that's her prerogative, but don't promote it as safe. Yeah, and if you do, be prepared to get ass pounded. Someone wrote, hey, Emily, no one cares about your breastfeeding story. Oh, blueprint hell. Look at this. Look at this. That guy's all over the place. Look at this Look at this That guy's all over the place Look at this This dude
Starting point is 02:31:29 The name of his company Is Blueprint Health and Fitness It's a health and fitness company And it's agreeing With this fucking chick Holy shit. Holy shit. See, so what's happening here is people are conflating between what she has the right to do, which no one is disputing that.
Starting point is 02:31:57 Do what you want to do. Hurt your baby if you want to hurt your baby. I don't fucking care. Do you. It's your kid. I don't fucking care. It's you. It's your kid. But you have encroached onto being a scumbag to take money to hurt kids, to support other moms hurting their kids.
Starting point is 02:32:16 You're a scumbag. I guess maybe I do think that. Listen to this renee mills listen to this stupidity i agree with a lot of your content shut the fuck up no one cares but this ain't it even if she is breastfeeding even if she is breastfeeding do not understand the point of the piece is to sell this stuff And she's pregnant and she says she's a mom The whole thing is that my daughter will be so proud of me Chug, chug, chug My tits are sore I'm clearly breastfeeding and making milk
Starting point is 02:32:54 So even if she's not, no one will ever know Unless we see her breastfeeding But you have to assume she is That's the point of the commercial It's just for an ad Yeah we know that We know that She's selling cigarettes to fucking minors
Starting point is 02:33:13 Oh don't worry it's just an ad Her whole fucking country Australia took the fucking drugs That they have no idea what are in that were enforced by their fucking government because it was just an ad when i was pregnant i did tons of stuff that's not safe listen to this she's justifying now she's admitting that t is a moron but but it's OK because I'm a moron. That's not how the world works. I was pregnant. I did tons of stuff that's not safe if pregnant or nursing. And I had a super healthy baby and delivery with no complications.
Starting point is 02:33:55 Oh, don't worry. When she gets when that chick gets caught Sucking her boyfriend's dick She tells her husband Don't worry I love you still Don't worry I love you still It's just a blowjob
Starting point is 02:34:15 People need to stop hating on Tia Dude no one's hating on her So that's what it is she revealed it she's getting defensive for tia now she's saying stupid shit herself 31 likes what she does for a living is is not like the rest of us let her live her life on fucking real yeah you're right uh she doesn't do what the rest of us do she She's in the public eye fucking running around, jumping around, and she influences other people who want to run around and jump around. Oh my god, and that blueprint – what does that blueprint fitness and health sell? That cannot be good for business. That's a bad look. Oy.
Starting point is 02:35:08 That's a nutrition coach but he follows us that's good he's a good dude yeah he's a good dude look at this person's like it's not about the caffeine shut the fuck up most doctors agree that it's safe to drink a small amount of caffeine while breastfeeding safe hey listen guys if you're having a baby uh you need to stop smoking stop drinking alcohol and stop drinking caffeine and you need to do that from the second you find out you're pregnant and then you and don't do any of that until um i'm telling you on behalf of all the babies out
Starting point is 02:35:51 there so anyone who's like you're not a woman you don't know yeah but i fuck women and i was born and i came out of and i stayed in one for nine months so i'm fucking kind of an expert expert do not drink caffeine. Do not smoke. Do not drink alcohol. Work on your breathing. Exercise daily. Have a diet with no refined carbohydrates and no added sugars if you can.
Starting point is 02:36:18 And then do that. And then have your baby vaginally. Stay healthy and fit. And then breastfeed your baby, ideally, for 12 to 24 months. Thank you. Repeat as many times as necessary. Stop breastfeeding your – if you do get pregnant again make sure you stop breastfeeding uh a month or two before you have your baby if you want more details on that i can explain that
Starting point is 02:36:52 to you in another show all right it's not advice it's um uh janelle janelle winston hi john no but thanks for your advice it's not advice it's just like if you care if you care for your kid you'll do that that's what you do when you love your child you make those those uh decisions they're not sacrifices that's what you do when you care about your child if you have a question whether it's okay to drink caffeine or wine when you're pregnant
Starting point is 02:37:35 you already know the answer smoke cigarettes you know the answer alright smoke cigarettes you know the answer all right great show thank you yeah i got through these are just you know show notes just cruising through the show notes it's never never never easy these conversations are never easy you know yes it's nice we can have a tough conversation every once in a while i'll leave it's very very i know i know surgical decision is a very sensitive subject yeah right yeah yeah circumcision is a very uh very very wow speaking of uh ben shapiro's face in this entire clip.
Starting point is 02:38:27 The end is the best, okay? So, like, it's very short. Hang until the very end and listen carefully to what he says because it's perfect. Medical transitioning for these children, namely and specifically to what normally happens is fury blockers, which you called it child abuse. It is. That's correct. You consider it child abuse. Is that correct? It is. That's correct. You consider it, okay, you consider it child abuse. You consider it child abuse because you believe that a child is not capable of consenting to what you consider are irreversible procedures. Is that correct?
Starting point is 02:38:54 A damaging irreversible procedure. Damaging, okay. So Ben, are your children circumcised? Did you circumcise your children? Yes, I have two sons and they're both circumcised. Why would you do that? Isn't that kind of hypocritical? Nope, I'm circumcised. My dick works just fine. You piece of shit, Ben. But what a stud for answering it like that, right? That's great.
Starting point is 02:39:19 Don't circumcise your boys. Come on, be cool. All right. I love you guys. But props to you ben okay uh uh uh it's rubbish it's rubbish oh god all right peace and love bye

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