The Sevan Podcast - LIVE CALL IN SHOW - $53,000,000 in debit cards for NYC illegal aliens

Episode Date: February 5, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamx. Benefits vary by car and other conditions apply. Bam! We're live. Good evening. This episode is not sponsored by Adult Labors. Although I probably could have used some today.
Starting point is 00:00:44 Sorry I missed you guys this morning. I tried. Bam we're not live. I tried. I tried. I tried. It was like one minute before we went live. And I called Tommy.
Starting point is 00:00:59 I'm like dude I can't do it. Dude my stomach was crazy this morning. I'm not a stomach guy at all. I don't know what happened. Like, dude, I can't do it. Dude, my stomach was crazy this morning. I'm not a stomach guy at all. I don't know what happened.
Starting point is 00:01:13 Last night was a wicked dinner of short ribs and then desserts with pistachios and goji berries. I woke up at 530 a.m., which is not normal for me. Normally, I wake up at 6. I take my first deuce at 6 15 but by 6 15 i'd taken 20 deuces what can i say i call tommy i'm like hey dude maybe you guys can correct me on this i'm like i think i'm i gotta be 1700 or 1800 shows in now no i can't remember canceling one like that. But I tried to war, baby. I tried to war. I'm still not 100%. David Micella.
Starting point is 00:01:50 I don't feel sick or anything. I worked out. I worked out. I did 100 cows on the assault bike, like always. I put on a 20-pound vest, weight vest, and grabbed a 40-pound D-ball and did 10 front squats every other minute for 20 minutes while I watched some news. Then rode the assault bike for another 100 calories. I think that's, you know, I felt great doing it. But here I am.
Starting point is 00:02:26 Good evening. Tomorrow morning we have a guest coming that we haven't had on the show in a long time, Darian Weeks. He is the former UFC fighter, welterweight. I think he may have gone up. I'm not sure what he's fighting these days. If he's fighting 171 or 185, it'll be great to have him on. He's a fantastic, fantastic guest. I haven't seen Caleb in three days.
Starting point is 00:02:49 Maybe I should check in on him. Maybe the Shattuckin fell down on him. Matt Souza's over at the CrossFit Health Summit. That leaves me here. Just me and Denise. Just me and Denise Moore. Here, just me and Denise. Just me and Denise Moore.
Starting point is 00:03:10 I'm going to try to get Tommy back on. Schedule is so crazy. I don't know. I've let the schedule get completely out of hand. I'm trying to get Tommy to come on Sunday night. He's so flexible. He's such a good dude. Tim Brown, I was just watching Pat McAfee Noble dumped CrossFit for
Starting point is 00:03:28 TB12 Tom Brady talking about how good of a company they are oh that's hilarious I can't wait till that's basically what I think that is I think that's two failing brands I mean we know Noble's a shithole company man I wonder if he is Tom Brady lying
Starting point is 00:03:44 or he doesn't know or or i guess the third choice is he thinks it's okay for kids to to support kids uh general mutilation projects force employees to take injections um have a brand before you have a product um not pay uh maybe people on time um man and then uh so the way i'm hearing the story is that tb12 is failing and noble is failing they're bringing the two together some sort of write-off but we'll see rogan's coming on soon yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah boy wads on me that was funny that reversal of the spin pull that you did what was that uh recognition over talent as opposed to talent over recognition damn that was funny if you haven't seen that go over to the wad zombie instagram account
Starting point is 00:04:35 uh milos hey someone have you stayed in touch with ukrainian guy you had a few times on the show God what happened to that guy um Yerveny Yerveny I think like the last three times I tried to contact him I couldn't contact him so Dave Masella I believe Brady supports Trump Senor Trump Yevgany Yevgany Jethro what's up dude Damn late for you right
Starting point is 00:05:11 930 Especially for a guy that's got to get up early Jethro Cardona The Patrick Rios Sevan podcast Mic'd up film from Waterpalooza With Colton Merton should be any day now for members. I guess they're just waiting for me to watch it and give feedback.
Starting point is 00:05:33 I'm pretty excited to watch it. I should have watched it today, but I was kind of just like, it was kind of, I don't know what, uh, what mode I was in today. So there's a couple, uh, things that I thought I'd come on tonight and talk to you about. You guys remember the Marine vet Daniel Penny? Daniel Penny was on a subway and there was a violent, insane maniac, which is which in this guy's defense. That's not uncommon. You could see that every day. If you rode the New York City subway. On the subway.
Starting point is 00:06:13 And Daniel Penny. And two other people. Subdued this guy. And this guy. Ended up dying. And Daniel Penny. Is a marine. And. He's now being charged with murder, which is kind of wild. Let's listen to what Daniel Penny says about this. This happened. I want to say this happened like six months ago.
Starting point is 00:06:36 OK, here we go. Spoke with Penny's attorney. A man came on, stumbled on. He was appeared to be on drugs. The doors closed and he ripped ripped his jacket off and threw it at the people sitting down to my left. In newly released videos from Daniel… So this is Daniel Penny with the nose ring. In the victim class hierarchy, he does appear to, I don't know, have a higher status than the guy he killed. The guy he killed is black and daniel penny appears to be gay with that nose ring so victim class wise this guy should have a advantage but this guy was obviously you heard it a maniac came on the train and daniel penny was
Starting point is 00:07:17 like subdued him with along with two other guys by the way with at least one of them was a black guy if that matters to you daniel penny's lawyers 24 year old Penny says he first encountered Jordan Neely a few stops after he stepped on the uptown F train the three main threats that he repeated over and over was I'm gonna kill you I'm prepared to go to jail for life and I'm willing to die I'm gonna kill you I'm willing to go to jail for life and I'm willing to die. That guy's saying that on the subway. I was scared. Mr. Neely was yelling in these passengers' faces. I was trying to keep him on the ground until the police came.
Starting point is 00:07:54 Penny, a Marine vet. Until the police came. Hey, man, if you're on that subway and you're a mom with three little kids, how stoked are you that Daniel Penny's there? Was captured on now infamous video holding 30-year-old Neely in a chokehold on the F train near the Broadway Lafayette station. The medical examiner determined Neely's death to be a homicide, sparking. A homicide. Now, if you see the actual footage from the also from the subway there's two other people
Starting point is 00:08:27 there uh also holding the guy down okay so this guy gets charged uh with a homicide um he uh he's got a huge legal fund i think uh this ronda santos from the governor of Florida helped him raise $3 million to fight that case, right? Okay. Now, here's the problem, people. Oh, and I got this victim hierarchy. I got this from Matt Walsh. So the victim hierarchy, just in case if you're into this kind of stuff, the victim hierarchy thing. So white men are the least victim, then white women, then disabled people, then obese people, then black men, then black women, then gay.
Starting point is 00:09:07 And Daniel Penny is clearly gay, right? Do you guys agree? And even if he's not, let's just throw him in there. So so so he should have been given a pass. He's got 12 points in. And the guy he choked out, well, the guy choked out was Michael Jackson impersonator. And if he was black and gay, then you add the eight points plus the 12 points well that would be the 20 points but but you can you can uh you can kind of uh keep that just in your mind that's how that's how the injustice system works
Starting point is 00:09:37 that's the chart for the injustice injustice system the victim pyramid. Here's the crazy part. Let me read you some of the things that happened here in New York City. There was a group of migrants. We've all seen the video now. They attacked two police officers. There were at least five migrants, but I think it's fair to say there were seven who were kicking and hitting the police while they tried to arrest one migrant. police while they tried to arrest one migrant as i'm not reading any of those comments uh the the new york city new york city uh has i think about 150 000 illegal aliens there now they're trying to figure out what to do with them to house them and this incident happened in time square for those of you who've been there it's already a chaotic situation crazy uh foot traffic there big time tourist spot they they beat the they beat the cops
Starting point is 00:10:38 then they arrested five of the guys i think now they've arrested seven of the guys of the seven guys they've arrested um uh four have been released without bail two were released with bail and i think maybe one is has not been released the four that were released without bail they said or sorry when i say without bail they didn't have to pay bail to be released imagine that and that the reason why that they're giving that they didn't um uh didn't have to pay bail to be and you know the reason why people pay bail to be released right you're supposed to give up some money so that way you'll feel obligated coming back to the courthouse right that's that's the the the the pretense or the mission of bail
Starting point is 00:11:19 oh we'll get to that clock clock is saying I heard obliquely that the four release took off for California. Yeah, that's that's what the news is reporting. We'll get to that in a second. So. So. You have Daniel Penny, who. Was on a subway train with two other people who didn't beat, wasn't punching, subdued a guy who was being a maniac on the train saying, I'm willing to die. I'm willing to go to jail for my life. And I'll basically I'll kill you. And. He's a United States Marine.
Starting point is 00:12:05 But these people who are illegal aliens aliens they've broken into our house they beat up cops and they get off one of the guys it was his third time being arrested he hasn't even been there six months it's his third time being arrested in New York one of them was a biting incident. Allegedly, two of the men received two. It's either two or four of the men, depending on what report you read, received a free ticket on a bus to California and they've left, meaning that they're not going to show up for their court date in New York.
Starting point is 00:12:48 Why would they? Why would they? I also want to show you this footage. This is if you haven't seen this, this is really going to this is this one's really going to bother you. This is the. Let me see if I can find this uh these are the boys these are the boys when i say boys 18 to 25 years old these are the boys uh being released from uh prison and flipping off the news cameras these are the boys you see it this guy's saying, fuck you, fuck you, fuck you. This is them.
Starting point is 00:13:26 Oh, so seven migrants arrested. Look at them. They've gotten out and all they can do is flip off the cameras. Savvy, why is this happening? New York City is a sanctuary city. They are very limited in their resources for deportation.
Starting point is 00:13:55 They have very strict guidelines on ICE coming in and executing warrants or deportation. And they've kind of tied themselves – tied their own hands behind their back. Denise Moore, are they really migrants? I mean, I would prefer to call them illegal aliens. I mean, what would you call someone who broke into your house, a temporary visitor or a burglar? or a burglar. 40 years ago when I was a kid, New York City was so dangerous. And then at some point,
Starting point is 00:14:31 they got a mayor in there named Rudy Giuliani and under his administration, the place got cleaned up and I started spending a lot of time there and it was awesome. The streets were safe. And now it's gone to
Starting point is 00:14:43 just pure fucking chaos again. Amilo Sevan, I've moved to New York City midsummer from Miami. Thankfully, just temporarily still here. What I'm seeing on a daily basis in subways is mind-blowing. Yeah. Hey, you know what's crazy too? I will say this. Even when I was there under Giuliani's leadership, the subway was crazy.
Starting point is 00:15:08 Someone had threatened to kill me at least i don't i don't know let's say i've ridden the subway a hundred times i'd say so three times someone threatened to kill me on the subway now were they like legit um threats i don't know they didn't i mean you kind of you just kind of can't imagine it you know what i mean like you just look across someone like what the fuck you looking at you Almost stab you boy shit like that Shit like that and for those of you who matter For those of you that it matters it was never A white person or Hispanic person who threatened to kill me
Starting point is 00:15:35 Ever so it's always someone who's black for people Who skin color matters Correlate Not cause correlate not cause correlate not cause uh it is um yeah it's yeah right i know people don't people don't um true yeah i wonder how times you've been been threatened and i would carry a camera on there too it was fucking wild and that's what and that's when it was safe yeah that's when it was safe it's unreal i used to ride the subway as a kid alone in um san francisco used to be totally safe i guess white is no white's a skin color white is a skin color white is a skin color so that's the situation. I just found it fascinating. Marine vet Daniel Perry lawyers are blast the migrant issue in New York. They're basically saying the Marine vet Daniel Perry is slamming the decision to release migrants without bail after they were charged with attacking a pair of NYPD police officers. I think Daniel Perry's bail was $100,000.
Starting point is 00:16:41 was $100,000. So where's all Barry McOchner? I'm black. I know I'm black too. Here's the thing. Where's all the people complaining racism now or white privilege now? When this Marine had to pay,
Starting point is 00:16:56 he's as white as they get, had to pay $100,000, but none of these other guys, I'm assuming they're all Hispanic. I don't know though. Had to pay little to no bail. It's nuts. Oh, it does look like this. Okay, so two
Starting point is 00:17:16 of the seven had to pay bail. What's interesting, it's the last two that were caught, so maybe it was the pressure from the outside why they were forced to pay bail. Oh, Nelly, hold on. Search for all devices. Give me a second.
Starting point is 00:17:35 I hope you're going to have a good New York City subway story. Hello? Hello? Caller, hi. Caller, hi. Hey, what's up? Hey. I don't have a good subway story, but contracts now, they've paid out $187 million to hotels to hold these migrants.
Starting point is 00:17:57 For how long? $187 million. For how long? For the year. So $187 million for the year. So $187 million for the year. It's costing the city, and Mayor Adams has said it, $13 billion a year. With a B, billion, to house the migrants. Wait, wait. Oh, $13 billion?
Starting point is 00:18:18 Is that what he said? $13 billion at this rate for the year. Oh, oh. And so far, it's been 187 million so how's that those are the contracts that the owners of the hotel have now we're talking about services food uh education free free credit cards phones the credit card thing is amazing mayor Mayor Eric Adams administration will soon start handing out
Starting point is 00:18:48 prepaid credit cards to migrant families being put up in the Big Apple hotels. The $53 million pilot program run by the New Jersey company Mobility Capital Finance will provide asylum seekers arriving at the Roosevelt Hotel with city cash. Hey, $35
Starting point is 00:19:04 a day for food per person. Listen, we're all in favor of helping people if you do it the right way. No one's denying that. But the problem is we're doing it the wrong way. Yeah, let me just say this too. Sorry, $35 per day for food for a family of four, not per person. The correction. A family of four, for instance,
Starting point is 00:19:26 will be given $1,000 each month, just $35 per day for food. And you gotta remember, Mayor Adams is a former NYPD captain. That's what's crazy. How is he okay with this? How is a cop okay with this? Is he a fucking traitor? He has he is as Democrat as it gets, because he I don't know if you guys remember the Guardian Angels.
Starting point is 00:19:52 Yeah, yeah. Guys have walked around the berets. His opponent was Curtis Sliwa. He was the founder of the Guardian Angels. He smoked them in the election. So Mayor adams is super democrat which is new york but he's even against all these migrants now coming in here because they're destroying the city he's blaming biden he's blaming the uh the border who is the guardian angel guy or mayor adams no mayor adams hey let's let's be honest jethro and i'm not trying to be mean. Mayor Adams is an imbecile. I mean it like in the clinical sense. He's not a smart man. It is very weird. As you would say to the highest degree. Yeah, he is. He's he's a low IQ individual. When you hear him talk, he doesn't string sentences together. Well, he doesn't really know what he's saying. He's a bumbling idiot. He doesn't believe what he's saying. I mean, he's not smart, right? It seems like he has brain damage or that like he used to work like fiberglassing surfboards and didn't wear the proper fucking mask. You know what I mean? Something's off with him.
Starting point is 00:21:00 It's very well known that he rose through the ranks of the NYPD because of the card. Oh, right. The race card. Yeah. Not only will this provide families with the ability to purchase fresh food. By the way, that's not offensive to say anymore because now it's been normalized. So you can say that with like you can ask, hey, where did you get that job? Because you're a woman or because you're a lesbian or because you're black. It's totally fine.
Starting point is 00:21:25 Not only will this provide families with the ability to purchase fresh food for their culturally relevant diets and baby supplies of their choosing. But the pilot program is expected to save New York City more than six hundred thousand dollars per month. Imagine saying something stupid like that. That's Adam's spokesperson, Kyla Mamelak, said this program that's adam's spokesperson kyla mamalak said this program that's going to cost 53 million dollars will actually save new york city 600 000 a month i mean it's retard math it doesn't make any sense yeah this this city's getting destroyed i hate it because i love new york city i don't even go in there anymore.
Starting point is 00:22:05 The city's housing just over 66,000 illegal aliens. 1,500 more arrived last week as part of a crisis. That's expected to cost $10 billion through 2025. Yeah, it's crazy. It was so funny because Governor Abbott
Starting point is 00:22:22 from Texas, they found a loophole. They couldn't send them to New York. So what they did was they sent them to Jersey. And then they bust them over the bridge. So they keep sending them up here. It's okay down in Texas and New Mexico to have the migrants come over, but not for New York. It's crazy.
Starting point is 00:22:42 What do you think about this, Jethro? Bernie Gannon, we need to acknowledge that Mayor Adams was not a real police officer He headed the Black Officer Fraternal Organization He gamed and exploited the system So there's Cops who might do patrol For a little amount of time Then they go right into the unions And whatever that is
Starting point is 00:23:00 The fraternal organization is exactly what Bernie said So they might spend a little time in the street And then they go over and they spend the rest of their careers pushing papers and having meetings and stuff like that. She was a part of. I want to point something out that's going to be really, really big in the news. It is big in the news now and they're talking about what's going on at the border. It is big in the news now. And they're talking about what's going on at the border. And they're trying to tell us that the Republicans are at fault now because the Democrats have put something on the table and the Republicans aren't help pushing it through. And I just really want to tell you guys the linchpin for this entire process is the fact that when Biden took office, maybe linchpin isn't the right word, but the most important and relevant point that we need to always keep our eye on is that when Biden took office, the illegal, the migrants, the migrants at that time before they become illegal aliens, the migrants were not
Starting point is 00:23:58 required to wait in the country that they were coming from, which happens to be Mexico. They could wait now in the United States. That's from, which happens to be Mexico. They could wait now in the United States. That's the biggest difference. We're letting people break into our house and they can live here and eat our food and use our phone and steal from our stores while we wait for the police to come. Do you get it? That's the problem. That's why any deal from any side that lets these people stay in our country while they go through the proper procedures to become legal. They need to wait outside the country. They have to wait outside the country.
Starting point is 00:24:42 You cannot wait inside the country. They will disappear. Yeah, they disappear. Right, right.. They will disappear. Yeah, they disappear. Right, right, exactly. They disappear. Yeah, there's nothing here for them. They'll find themselves a place like New York City that will give them some type of identification.
Starting point is 00:24:55 The identification that names them as a person on that card will somehow turn into voting privileges. When that happens, it's game over. Those purple states turn into blue states. Magnus Hol, it's game over. Those purple states turn into blue states. Magnus Holmgren, none of the aliens are Mexicans. Magnus lives in Mexico. Fine. Fine. Fair.
Starting point is 00:25:14 Fair. I'll give you that. I don't ever hear about them being talked as Mexicans either. So that's the thing, man. We can't have people breaking into our house And then waiting here You gotta wait in the street until the cops come and get you You can't be in my house
Starting point is 00:25:30 Eating my sandwiches after I caught you In the middle of the night breaking into my house You gotta go outside Derek, this is a psyop To get the people to get desperate enough To give the government more money to solve a problem they created But it will never get solved Hey, are you following
Starting point is 00:25:45 what's going on in el salvador is it el salvador no i think it's things are different like the when the uh they're trying to overthrow the uh the government and they're killing everyone all the cops no it's el salvador it's el salvador uh, let me I'll pull up the article. It's wild, dude. I mean, we've talked about it on this show. The guy's name is Naeem Bukele. Naeem Bukele. He protects protect citizens from crime, but who will protect them from him so basically this guy arrested um like 1.6 percent of the population el salvador was considered one of the most dangerous countries in the world he arrested 1.6 percent of the population and there like hasn't been a murder there like in six months and now really yeah and now he's up for re-election again it's amazing a mega prison and a mayan Pompei. Five things about El Salvador. Let's see if I can find an article. God, I had not read that.
Starting point is 00:26:59 But the thing is, in New York, when you see the demographics of the people who are here with Hispanic descent, it's number one, Puerto Rican. And number two is from El Salvador. Tons of El Salvadoranians here From there Working Working, you said working Working, yeah Oh yeah, here it is Because they could work here
Starting point is 00:27:17 And only in Oh yeah, the pictures of this are great The pictures of this are great In only two years, Nayibi Bukele transformed El Salvador from one of the most dangerous countries in Latin America to among the safest. That sent his popularity soaring, even as he comes under criticism for increasingly authoritarian bent. Other regional leaders are starting to copy his tactics. El Salvador's election this week will be a referendum on his approach. Yeah, he's just arrested so many fucking people. I wonder when it's going to be
Starting point is 00:27:47 the fear tactics of what Trump is going to do when he gets elected are going to start coming to play. Because I suspect he's going to make it mission number one to start collecting these millions of people who've come into the country and getting them out. I have to assume. How are you going to do that? Ice.
Starting point is 00:28:05 Oh, yeah. Just let ice go wild. Just fund ice like fucking crazy. Well, good luck in New York. Do you see them every day? Do you see illegal aliens every day? I go to the Home Depot to pick up stuff for the gym
Starting point is 00:28:28 and there's about 40 guys there waiting to do jobs. Right. Just waiting there. It's freezing cold, but they're waiting. Yeah, we got that in my... I think every city now in America has that. The Home Depot posse. It's everywhere.
Starting point is 00:28:42 By the way, the Home Depot posse, are those good employees? The ones in my town are not good employees. It's everywhere. By the way, the Home Depot posse, I don't know. Are those good employees? The ones in my town are not good employees. They fucking suck. You can't find good people there. It's too bad. There's some damn hard workers out there.
Starting point is 00:28:57 And they're great. They're great. It's just those people who are attacking city cops that ruin it for everyone. Wait, you ever picked up a good employee at Home Depot? No, I've never had. I can't afford for everyone. Wait, you picked up a good employee at home Depot. No, I've never had. Yeah. I can't afford as a cop to do that.
Starting point is 00:29:09 Oh, Oh, that's what happens in my car. Oh, gotcha. Right. Right. I clean my own floors,
Starting point is 00:29:17 the gym. You're El Salvadorian. In Puerto Rican. Oh, right. I'm proud. Gave's El Salvadorian I'm Puerto Rican oh right I'm proud Gabe's El Salvadorian alright alright cool
Starting point is 00:29:32 well thanks for calling how's the gym oh my pleasure it's great I had uh my uh three consecutive days of 30 members
Starting point is 00:29:41 coming in and working out in a row holy shit first time congrats yeah thanks hey the pictures and the videos that you got coming out of there are awesome Executive days of 30 members coming in and working out in a row. Holy shit. First time. Yeah, thanks. Hey, the pictures and the videos that you got coming out of there are awesome. Let me tell you something. Garrett, Colleen, and Jody Lynn were awesome the other day when they came in.
Starting point is 00:29:58 Do I know Jody Lynn? Do I know Garrett and Colleen? I know Jody Lynn, of course. Of course you know Garrett. Oh, oh, shit. Right. Oh, God. You were driving.
Starting point is 00:30:12 You were driving. That's right. Okay. Let me tell you something. I spoke to Garrett about it. She was a big-time basketball player. She's an incredible athlete. If you follow her on Instagram, you'll see she's an incredible athlete.
Starting point is 00:30:26 She's going to be pissed that I didn't know who she was when you mentioned her name. We had the conversation and when I was going to college, I think she was a little younger than me, I specifically remember an article in the local paper. It's a big paper.
Starting point is 00:30:42 They had these four athletes. They were like the superstars of Long Island. And one of them ended up going and playing Division I field hockey. One of them is an all-time leading scorer of one of the counties. She had played varsity basketball
Starting point is 00:30:57 since like seventh grade. And the other one was Sue Bird, who will be a Hall of Famer in the WNBA. And she was the fourth one. So she balled. She was really good. Wow. And she's humble.
Starting point is 00:31:11 She's never shared that with me. That's interesting. Yeah, she didn't want to talk about it when I was talking about it. I was kind of like geeking out because I remember that article in the paper. And I was like, yeah, we're talking about it. She didn't really want to get into it.
Starting point is 00:31:23 But yeah, she's a baller, for sure Do you have basketball hoop in your gym? Nah Dude, you did a podcast with Garrett I know, I know, thank you Thanks, Kevin I know When he said Garrett and Pauline
Starting point is 00:31:40 I went straight to thinking of I was just thinking Garrett When I hear the name Garrett I always think Garrett Fisher Former Former games athlete so I'm like Garrett Garrett Do I know a Garrett I was just thinking of a dude I wonder how Ken did with Athena
Starting point is 00:31:57 Ken Walters Yeah why what was he doing with Athena Athena worked out at his gym today Oh where's his gym today. Oh, where's his gym? Minnesota. Hmm. I didn't even know Ken Walters owned a gym.
Starting point is 00:32:14 I don't think it says. Oh, I think he just goes. He's got a new Instagram handle. So he's showing all his like working out and stuff. It's great. All right. Thanks for calling
Starting point is 00:32:25 my pleasure goodnight guys bye Jethro from CrossFit Chief Nation alright that's it show's over when's the next show with Gary who who's Gary oh Gary Roberts I should have Gary back on
Starting point is 00:32:43 find out what the fuck's going on got so many people lined up. I'm a mess. I just hope by tomorrow I'm better. I'm sweating here. I don't know. It makes me think that maybe I really am sick. Talk to you guys tomorrow.
Starting point is 00:32:59 7 a.m. Pacific Standard Time with Darian Weeks. Darian's been on. Oh, shit. I hope this isn't Garrett yelling at me. Let's see what happens. Hey. Come on. Hey, you're on.
Starting point is 00:33:13 How you doing? This is Dale in Virginia. What's happening? What's up, dude? How are you? How's Matoothian going? Oh, my God. Are you releasing it to the wild yet?
Starting point is 00:33:23 Oh, my God. Oh, my God. No, no. Very close. I'm choosing the glass jars. I'm choosing the artwork for the branding at the top. And I mean, I brush with it every single day. you okay let's talk are you dennis and the metoothian line no but i i've seen one before um all right here you go you ready you can write this down yeah okay okay all right so you got metoothian and then you'll have metosian it's a toe spacers that are black oh okay okay metosian Oh, okay. Okay. Metozean? Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 00:34:03 Metozean. Okay. Got it? Oh, toes. Toes. Got it? Yeah, metoze. How do you spell toes?
Starting point is 00:34:11 With an E. T-O-E. Okay. T-O-E. T-O-E. Yeah. Very close. Very similar. Okay.
Starting point is 00:34:19 And people might mistake it for your name if they're not careful. Metoothian, metozean. Okay. And then how about minozeian or uh maybe like nasal strips for people with big noses minosian it could be i don't think i should um pigeonhole myself it could be for any size noses a specialist hey what about nail clippers i'm kind of into nail clippers like i all i have a i probably have an abnormal amount of nail clippers around compared to like... You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:34:49 I have them in every room. There's a drawer that has some nail clippers. I like easy access to nail clippers. Manalesean? Does that work? I was thinking under the Matosean line. There you go. Toenail clippers.
Starting point is 00:35:08 Yeah. Any other? Any other? Toe spacers are already black. Yeah, they are black. Maybe I could do flesh colors that were more sensitive to all the variety of colored people. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:22 All sizes. Yeah, all sizes. Level 1, 2 one two and three i don't think i should do that i don't think i should do toast maybe i would do toe spacers put toe spacers out of business no it could be it could be like offshoot it would be part of their brand oh oh their friend right oh okay why not okay how about this uh kenneth the lap says my bloat my blowsian my blowsian how about a clothing line uh my clothes again my closing is that the stretch that might be too far i don't know all right i'll hang up and listen do i know you do i know you no oh okay no i was your first
Starting point is 00:36:03 calling caller with uh hobart like two years ago or whatever. Oh, no shit. First time you ever put the number out, man. Yeah. What do you think happened to Hobart? Why do you think Hobart ran away? Why isn't Hobart on the show anymore? He'll come back.
Starting point is 00:36:14 Oh, you do? You think so? Oh, yeah. You think he misses it? You think he misses it? Hobart's a loyal dude, man. Look at him. He'll come back.
Starting point is 00:36:23 All right. Look at someone say, how about my thang up? Mabesian. All right. You've started a trend here. All right. Thank you. You're welcome.
Starting point is 00:36:36 Thanks, Dale. Dale, so the second time you've called in four years, three years? Yeah, second time. Second time. Yep. All right. Good. I'll call back in three years.
Starting point is 00:36:43 I'll see you in three years. I like it. All right. See you, buddy. Yep. All right. Good. I'll call back in three years. I'll see you in three years. I like it. All right. See you, buddy. Bye. What do you think that guy's deadlift is just by hearing his voice? Oh, shit. Kenneth, the lab Hobart was Trish.
Starting point is 00:36:57 I'll die on that hill. Wow. Do you think if I had to guess If I had to guess If someone knows who Trish is You know who I think You know who knows It would be Phillip Kelly
Starting point is 00:37:12 No Jeffrey Birchfield thinks he Has a 225 deadlift Magnus says 500 plus Wow Alright 225 deadlift Magnus says 500 plus Wow Uh Alright Under 315
Starting point is 00:37:32 PK don't know Alright Why don't we just make up someone who it is Why don't we just make up someone who it is? Why don't we just pin it on someone? Why don't we just say it's Hobart? What do you think happens? What do you think happens when... You see this show we did on Ellie Turner and Andrew Hiller. And I look at it, and it's got just some fucking obscene amount of views.
Starting point is 00:38:10 And there's like, let's just say, I don't know if it really does have 20,000 views, but it has 20,000 views on it. So like a normal live call-in show might have anywhere between 2,000 and 5,000 views on YouTube. What do you think about the 20,000 people that watch it on YouTube and then 20,000 on Spotify? Do those people trip like on the show because there's like interspersed with this serious conversation about Ellie and Hiller? There's like semen talk and like, what do those people think? I always wonder that when I see the numbers start climbing, I'm like, oh no, these people are going to freak out when I make some sort of comment about ejaculate. I wonder how they manage that.
Starting point is 00:38:55 Or I start explaining to them how racist they really are. Do they panic? Holy shit. Do you want to see something crazy? You want to see how fucking stupid people are this is this is what we're dealing with i'll show you a textbook example and then i'll go here we go this um what what's my instagram account look at how dumb people are and and maybe I shouldn't call them dumb. Maybe I should just say, I need to be more clear.
Starting point is 00:39:32 But look at these comments. Dylan, yo, what's up, dude? What's up, dude? How are you? Did you see it? How's the kid? Look at you. Look how happy you are.
Starting point is 00:39:42 You excited about tomorrow's show? You should call in when Darian's here. We'll shoot the shit. Trish made way too many cultural illusions that someone of Hobart's age wouldn't know or have at hand. Wow. Wow. Okay.
Starting point is 00:40:03 J.R. Howell clock, I agree. Wow, wow okay good to see you dylan thank you dylan if you have time to watch the um behind the scenes um text me i'll start sending you links now look at this i'm clearly making a point here right here's the three soldiers soldiers who were killed in um by that drone and I think it was in Jordan. Outpost 22. Right on the Jordan Syrian border. And I put liberals hold counterfeiter. Pornographer.
Starting point is 00:40:32 Inmate. Home invasion criminal. Woman abuser. Drug dealer. Meth head. Fentanyl addict. As a hero for black skinned people. To idolize and emulate.
Starting point is 00:40:47 Basically you know I'm referring to George Floyd. George Floyd was no one to hold up. No one to emulate. No one to idolize. And yet over and over. The media is telling you this is a black man. This is a black man. This is a black man.
Starting point is 00:41:04 This is a black man. This counterfeiter is a black man this is a black man this is a black man this counterfeiter is a black man this guy who held a gun to a woman's stomach pregnant woman's stomach at home invaded pretend to be like a pg&e worker he's a black man this guy who was driving on the streets high on meth he was a black man they're constantly pumping into you and they're and then not only that they're building statues of this guy in murals all over the united states of america and all i'm saying is how come when they how come those same media outlets by the way fox never refers to uh people by their skin color they just they just tell the stories so obviously i'm not talking about fox i'm talking about cnn msnNBC all the fucking racist bigots out there right that are just stuck on the skin color thing why don't they why don't they um put these guys up as heroes why don't they put these guys up as heroes why aren't they saying they I've never
Starting point is 00:41:56 heard these introduced these these three introduced as black soldiers listen to CNN all day the day it happened when I was driving back from Idaho. But look at some of the shit people write. Matthew Murphy, huh? I'm a live and I see this everywhere. Yeah, but you don't see them. You see it everywhere, but you don't see them being held up as fucking black heroes. Like, how do you miss the point? is a 12 daily dose is weird I've been hearing about them for the last few weeks we must be watching different channels yeah fucked hard everyone's been hearing it for the last few weeks you've completely missed the point
Starting point is 00:42:38 Justin Burch this has been all over the news talked about on every liberal media channel you're trying to create a narrative that just isn't true why are you guys trying so hard to create division between the people it's like talking to mayor adams i watched the fox news clip that matches the screenshot you posted
Starting point is 00:43:14 they never once mentioned black yeah no shit that's the point justin birch it's um It's wild When I see that shit I'm just so disappointed I'm like man it's not I can't tell if they're feigning stupidity Or if they're stupid You can't even talk to them You can't even explain shit to them
Starting point is 00:43:43 Oh Trish is Bill Grundler You can't even talk to them. You can't even explain shit to them. Oh, Trish is Bill Grundler. No, he don't got time for that. All right. Find one liberal friend and just keep working on them. Just keep working on them. Bernie Gannon honoring these soldiers does nothing to advance the interests of the race hustle industry. They can't sue Iran. Yeah, well said.
Starting point is 00:44:23 That's what I meant to say. Look, you need your own podcast, Bernie said. That's what I meant to say. Look, you need your own podcast, Bernie. That's exactly what I meant to say. Yeah, it doesn't help the race hustle. They'd rather point out George Floyd instead of these three fucking heroes, these three people fighting for our freedoms. Jeremy World, we've seen enough
Starting point is 00:44:42 over the last three plus years to know that it's stupidity plain and simple Hey has anyone gotten the um speaking of headgear has anyone gotten the apple headgear Uh Uh seven do you have a promo for the health summit? I don't want to use the morning choc up promo code can you imagine like do they have a promo code but i don't have a fucking promo code how the fuck could that happen it makes me fucking hate everybody how the fuck fuck could that happen? Maybe I'm just stupid. Hold on.
Starting point is 00:45:40 Let me look in my, let me go look in my, how about when you go to YouTube and you look in my, like, you know, when you click on a show, an old show, should there be like, let me see, live shows. Maybe it's just in the notes. I'll click on this one that says Nick, your rank are, and then click on it and then open up a more three plane brothers partners. Oh shit. Why is Wolverine still in there? Uh, Oh man, this is a mess. This is a a mess let me take a picture of this uh seven d's nuts for 10 off we like god that's crazy we don't have let me i'm gonna call Sousa right now. Let me call Thank you whoever asked that thank you Is that so you can watch it through whoever asked that is that so you can watch it through whoever asked that?
Starting point is 00:46:47 Is that so you can watch it on the internet, like watch a stream? I'm trying to find who said that. Hello? Hey, do we have a promo code? Someone's saying that Morning Chalk Up has a promo code. I'm like, that would be impossible. How would they have a promo code and we didn we have a promo code? Someone's saying that Morning Chalk Up has a promo code. And I'm like, that would be impossible. How would they have a promo code and we didn't have a promo code? Yeah, that's bullshit.
Starting point is 00:47:11 What do you need a promo code to? Thank you. For the health summit tomorrow. Oh, yeah, we had a promo code. Ice 10, remember? What is it? Ice head? It's Ice 10. Ice 10. 10 yeah it's an immigration thing yeah ice
Starting point is 00:47:30 ice 10 is our promo code yeah yeah yeah 10 off i c e 10 yep it makes zero sense i know but okay well uh and and that's good for what time tomorrow? What's the website? I mean, it's, and they should probably do it now, because I think you could only get the, I don't know if you could still buy tickets for in-person, but you could definitely do the live stream.
Starting point is 00:47:59 Okay, thank you. Yep, no problem. Bye. Yeah, tell whoever on that end... Okay, I better get off before I say something I fucking regret. Yeah, just use the Morning Chaka promo code. Fuck the... Yeah, look at...
Starting point is 00:48:19 Morning Chaka promo code is 20% for the live stream. Yeah. That's why I fucking hate helping people. That's why I fucking hate helping people. That's why I fucking hate helping people. You do realize you fucking idiots that helping's a two-way street. You do realize that, right?
Starting point is 00:48:42 Fucking morons. Don't ever ask me to fucking help you again Okay I'm pissed I'm leaving That's it I'm done I'm gonna go through and erase all these yeah don't use don't use mine fuck mine don't use mine use the morning chocolate one if it's 20% off
Starting point is 00:49:13 I don't give a fuck I'm never helping any fucking health conference ever fucking again fuck those people it's so fucking lame can you imagine it's the fucking lame can you imagine it's the fucking night before you probably could sell at least five more if you have your shit together but who fuck who the fuck am i what should i be talking about my fucking look at how fucking
Starting point is 00:49:41 stupid this is look how fucking look at my look at my um look at my uh sponsorship i still got swolverine on there they don't even fucking pay me my fucking sponsorship lineup looks like shit hi so hey dude what's up it's zach from australia the daily crossfit tip guy hey what's up brother how are you? Yeah, I'm good, dude. So I've got some more ideas for the Doc Spartan guys. They don't align with the Matusian brand line.
Starting point is 00:50:15 They more align with the Daily CrossFit Tip brand. Okay. But my idea is like a natural personal lubricant for all your boning needs, basically. So one of the hashtags or the t-shirt ideas when I started the page was just the tip. I didn't go with that. I actually went with the slogan, do it daily.
Starting point is 00:50:35 And I've got t-shirts with do it daily on it. So obviously that's meant for just working out or improving yourself daily. But I mean, if we've got some personal lubricant on the line, then we can take it any way we want really hey boning lubricant yeah some do it daily or some daily cross the tip just the tip lube wow wow god just the tip i do like boning lubricant i think that's a very honest you know like danny spiegel just came out with some shoes with tear and they're calling it a a they call it a collaboration no is that what they call it it's like or part like what's that called yeah the fuck is that called but but they're not
Starting point is 00:51:20 collaborating they're not collaborating that's dishonest. Collaboration is like me and you sweet talk a girl until we take her home together. Like that's not – they're paying her to peddle shoes. And I think that's totally legit. That's fine. But just be honest about it. You know what I mean? We paid Dani to put on these shoes. She's got a rocking body.
Starting point is 00:51:43 And we think if we pay her to wear these shoes, they'll sell more. That's it. It's cool. Yeah, but what you're doing with your Matuti, and that's a collaboration, right? Yes, yes, yes, absolutely. I've talked to them, but we've talked about what's going to be in it, the jar, eggshell ratio to bentonite clay ratio. I'll be making the the graphics they'll be
Starting point is 00:52:08 doing the bottling yes complete collaboration well if they're listening they're sure as fuck not going to use my teeth as the example I will be then giving free product to other people to then sell my shit to help me peddle my shit like I'll
Starting point is 00:52:24 give it to dave for free but i won't say we're collaborating yeah i'll say this motherfucker got nice teeth i'm trying to fucking sell some shit using his teeth yeah well i'm down for a daily crossfit tip collaboration for lube because what would you make the lube out of what do you think is the best boning that's the thing that's the thing i don't know what to make it out of because all the lubes on the market, you don't know what's in them. They're all made of chemicals or petrochemicals, oil-based products.
Starting point is 00:52:52 I know some people use coconut oil or different things like that or the good old bit of spit. Hey, yeah, just what about saliva? Oh, shit. Listen, those guys in the cobalt mines
Starting point is 00:53:11 who are working, when they're done working there, we can just have them spit into a can for an hour. And then put their spit into a spray bottle and sell it in the States. Oh, my God. That's disgusting. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:31 Daily CrossFit tip lube. Let's go. All right. Yeah. God, spitting. What a great lube spitting is. You think girls care that we spit on it?
Starting point is 00:53:43 You spit in your hand and then wipe it on there is that how you do it uh not really i try and i try and just aim it up i just try and just get it in the right spot dribble it dribble it down sometimes you know yeah but oh oh really yeah you can normally get it pretty close wow wow wow hey do you ever feel do you ever feel horrible like you got a big wad of spit in there and then and like you know you should use it to just super lube the vagina but then you accidentally swallow it and you're like fuck i gotta wait for more spit to... You ever have that happen? Yeah, well, the issue... I don't know.
Starting point is 00:54:27 The issue is you normally just, like, your mouth starts to go dry when you need it most. Well, that's when you put your mouth just right on the boob. As soon as you put your mouth on the boob, you'll start producing a shitload of saliva, and then you re-up. But if you produce too much, you'll swallow it, then you got to start over again.
Starting point is 00:54:45 Have you ever tried breast milk from anyone? Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Daily, daily. Yeah. It's so sweet. Hey, nice. Especially if you've got a nice, healthy wife. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:01 But yeah, Mel's breastfeeding at the moment. So I'd get a pretty good mouthful If I was to do that How many How old is your baby? She's three months old now Like 12 weeks Is this your first baby?
Starting point is 00:55:21 Yeah first baby When I was on the show, she was literally like just born You have to You have to really, really slow down And enjoy the boobs as much as you can What do you mean by that? I'm pretty much not giving them any attention, to be honest Give them all
Starting point is 00:55:41 No, you gotta give them Their first thing in the morning when they've been making milk all night you got it you got to get on them yeah well that's when they're the most cool and that's when that's the best feeding time after you wake first thing when you wake up you just need five minutes just tell her five five minutes i just need five minutes with my face in there. Just five minutes. I'm going to take all the good milk from my own baby. No, you don't have to drink the milk. You just got to just enjoy them.
Starting point is 00:56:13 You don't have to drink the milk. You just got to enjoy them. My God. Yeah. Anyway, if the Doc Spartan guys are listening, I don't know what the heck we're going to make it out of, but let's make some lube. All right.
Starting point is 00:56:28 Boning lube. Thank you. Appreciate it, Zach. All right. No worries, dude. I'll talk to you later.
Starting point is 00:56:34 Hey, okay. Bye. Oh man. Bye. Bye. Bye. Uh,
Starting point is 00:56:39 he didn't get, he's not giving the boobs and he hasn't given the boobs attention in three months. Oh no. You're going to in three months. Oh, no. You're going to wish you did. God, those things are crazy. Well, that was good. I'm glad you called and got me calmed down because I was getting fucking pissed.
Starting point is 00:56:56 You guys understand what I'm pissed about? Like, I work so fucking like I feel like I work so fucking hard to help that event. The the the. Fuck is it called the crossfit health summit and then and then they drop the ball right at the fucking one yard line it's a fucking fumble like why not like be pushing that why isn't why isn't the fucking promo code in the notes of every single fucking video we put out and we got it for birth fit that's awesome i love birth fit we got it for BirthFit. That's awesome.
Starting point is 00:57:26 I love BirthFit. We got California CA peptides in there. We got Paper Street Coffee. We have fucking Swolverine in there, and they're not even a fucking sponsor. I mean, Karn's my friend. Why wouldn't we put that in there? Why didn't they call today?
Starting point is 00:57:38 Why isn't there a last-minute push? I tried to call, and they're like, was Azusa fucking drunk? I hate myself i said you know what sometimes like you just try to help too much and you just fucking hate yourself like i just wish i would just wouldn't have cared i wish i didn't have such fucking crazy initiative I can't remember who made this for me. I got this at the games last year. It says CEO behind the scenes. I don't think it was Susie Tell who made this for me. got this at the games last year says ceo behind the scenes i don't think it was suzy tell who made this for me maybe it was suzy make this for me yeah yeah yeah yeah you got yeah
Starting point is 00:58:34 but you got to get on them now like when they have milk in them they're such weird creatures when they have milk in them zach says i'll make up for lost time and get on the boobs again yeah it's like boom you got it you got it you got it it's crazy and get on the boobs again. Yeah. It's like, boom. You got it. You got it. You got it. It's crazy. Crazy time for the boobs. Oh, no, no.
Starting point is 00:58:53 Rosie? No, I don't think it was Rosie. I guess so. Ken Walters. Morning Chalk Up takes Health Summit codes Wolverine's not paying to sponsors and getting sponsorships Shooza and Cable Guy are MIA topic of discussion is Spitloob podcast
Starting point is 00:59:12 reaches peak with mic'd up and now spin wow that's a that's a mouthful that's just a quick synopsis That's a mouthful. That's just a quick synopsis. I'm really on a one to ten of being irritated. I'm about a one, which for me is like Richter. I don't get irritated.
Starting point is 00:59:49 Bernie Gannon, you've said in the past that you encourage friends to use you you're just getting used is all no i'm not no i'm that's the thing a good point i'm not getting used i'm not getting used like i've had higher fucking expectations i didn't expect to come over i don't expect there to be a promo code that's better somewhere else than where fucking all the promotion's been fucking going on i didn't i didn't imagine like i didn't imagine to be dropping the ball at the fucking one yard line stupid it's so stupid it's fucking annoying i'm just glad i'm not there i don't be worse uh ben hirsch i haven't heard you rag on Noble recently are they still failing like you predicted not like I predicted
Starting point is 01:00:47 I mean they failed they took a shit now they signed with that other failed brand Tom Brady's fucking fitness brand that's failing TB12 her fucking wreck sounds like you were dating life's not fair in so many sounds like you were dating life's not fair in so many Sounds like you were dating life's not fair
Starting point is 01:01:08 I don't know what that means Alright Darian Weeks tomorrow It's gonna be fun I'm excited to have Darian on We haven't had him on in a long time And he's got a fight coming up in a couple weeks I'm glad that he's getting back on the horse
Starting point is 01:01:28 He had some big fights in the UFC Including against Ian Gary Been on the show at least 10 times Yeah A better code for your referrals Is money out of Karen's pocket I know I just wanted to help as much as I know I did Karen's pocket I just wanted
Starting point is 01:01:46 to help as much as I could and I just like I guess I guess at the end of the day I don't care it's not my fucking event but I just feel like yeah I guess part of me feels ownership of it that we should have carried it across the finish line and it's like what a great like everyone I told everyone I was going on tonight why not be like hey do one final
Starting point is 01:02:08 push for the promo code or something i mean i don't care i like what who the fuck not everyone wants to be as great as me i get it never mind i apologize you know what i'm gonna do i'm going to go you know what i'm gonna do should i just give you guys all a fucking link to the colton thing right now we can all you want to link to the Colton thing right now? We can all. You want to just watch the Colton thing together? Want to? The problem is, if I watch the Colton thing now. I guess I can cut it off at the end, right?
Starting point is 01:02:41 I guess I can watch it now with you guys just right here. And then after we're done watching the show i can cut it off um let's watch some of it let's just let's see what happens um where do i go for that that'll make me feel better i love colton what a fucking mess the fucking sponsorship thing is at the bottom of our fucking videos. So fucking annoyed. Okay, Colton Merton's All Access. Only three people have watched it so far.
Starting point is 01:03:16 Oh, it says modernization on. Oh, that's just to see if all the audio is clear. Okay. Oh, this is nice. 26 minutes. Oh, God. This is going to be good. Okay. Oh, this is nice. 26 minutes. Oh, God. This is going to be good. Okay, you guys ready?
Starting point is 01:03:29 You guys want to do this? Asymmetric ears. Sevan, you don't get it. Okay. Please explain to me. More people use your code. Since the percentage is lower, they make more.
Starting point is 01:03:41 You are helping the most. lower, they make more. You are helping the most. I don't know. I don't know if that's... Okay. Thank you. I feel better. I don't know what you're talking about, though. That math's above my pay grade. Okay. Here we go. I'm going gonna cut this off afterwards right i think i can do that i think i can go to edit video after i export and i can cut this off right love you savvy hi sarah thank you okay here we go There'd be no video without CA Peptides. CA Peptides did not collaborate with us. They put up the cash to get the filmmakers out there.
Starting point is 01:04:46 Sarah Cox had no hand in the editing or the camera holding of this product. CA Peptides paid Patrick Rios money to make this. Thank you. CA Peptides, though, did collaborate in in andrea's steroid use no sorry testosterone replacement therapy use okay here we go um this is my second individual i did it on a team in like 2019 I think. What's your role usually on these weekends? It depends sometimes we're both competing so it's a little bit different. Right now it's just kind of carry his stuff make sure that he's got everything he needs. He doesn't really need me to coach him so I just get the pass so I can get behind the scenes and help him carry stuff.
Starting point is 01:05:41 He's not really like a talker before events he, he's kind of to himself. I don't want to say anything that, like, I don't know, would get in his head, like if I say it wrong or something, you know? So, I just like to let him have his space. If he needs something, he can come to me. I guess so. You're officially with Proven. Yeah, kind of. I haven't done a single
Starting point is 01:05:59 one of their workouts yet. So, I started talking to them a couple weeks ago. I've been doing a lot of my own programming like last year that's just like workload that like extra stress yeah I mean it's like the opportunity for me to learn some things I know that grew pretty well excited for another another time to battle you bro. It's going to be fun. It's going to be good.
Starting point is 01:06:30 Yes sir. Some rematches going down. Yes sir. Yes sir. Well hey good luck to you bro. Yeah thanks bro. Typically I don't run like at all. Usually it's not like a ton of time.
Starting point is 01:06:39 When I get home from the farm I just just want to like pray. I couldn't work up super heavy back there. It's going to be a long way till we go. Yeah. Some low enough. So then the next one feels good. James and I, we competed against each other at crash and then, uh,
Starting point is 01:07:28 at the games, this is probably like our fourth or fifth. Hey, someone wrote, um, uh, Colton and Sprague are not best buddies. I have to,
Starting point is 01:07:37 well, there's nothing. There's not, I, James will like Colton no matter what, but I, I, I bet you a Colton likes James too. How can you not like James? But even if, even if Colton no matter what. But I bet you Colton likes James too.
Starting point is 01:07:45 How can you not like James? But even if Colton didn't like James, James is the kind of person who would still like Colton. I don't think that guy. I think that guy. Actually, probably both these guys just play to their own fiddle. Play to their own fiddle. Dance to their own fiddle. Play their own fiddle.
Starting point is 01:08:02 Fiddle their fiddle. I don't have. Sevan is sending a strongly worded email to his staff i'm gonna calm down first i'm just gonna send a screenshot of the the maybe i'll try to figure it out myself maybe i'll go on the back end and try to figure out how to change the sponsor thing myself good Good time competing against each other? I think we competed against each other at Wild Blues two years ago. Oh, shit. Awesome. Hey, so I don't know exactly where...
Starting point is 01:08:39 God, that's so weird that Craig Ritchie and his girlfriend walk by like that. Why would you walk right? This would probably be like our fourth or fifth time competing against each other. I think we competed against each other at Wild Blues two years ago. Oh, shit. She couldn't have walked any closer to Colton or the cameraman. What the fuck is going on with that? At the games.
Starting point is 01:09:04 That's a little bizarre. This is probably our fourth or fifth time competing against each other. I think we competed against each other at Wild Blues two years ago.
Starting point is 01:09:12 Awesome. There must be someone standing there that forces you I got one every time. Really? I got to keep the streak going. Does that smell
Starting point is 01:09:19 like on your farm? No, it's a different kind of dong smell. Okay. Good enough gold? Thank you. Is it set to go? Is it cold? No, it's a different kind of dong smell. I don't see the mic on Colville. I'm going to go ahead and get started. Thank you for judging this week. Oh, there we go. Wow. Thanking the judges.
Starting point is 01:11:01 Good. It's all right. I think it's about the best I could have done today. I'm not sure if I would have hit 270 or not, it would have been close. Felt pretty good back there, but I mean, it's hard to tell cuz there's only like one men's bar back there. So like, we're warming up on either a short bar or a women's bar for most of the weights and then you have a long wait to get back out here so four minutes 53 seconds patrick rios all access colton merton's coming up there's some funny scenes i've seen
Starting point is 01:11:38 already that are coming up you guys are gonna love it all Alright love you guys see you tomorrow morning during weeks Thanks for joining me tonight Bye bye

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