The Sevan Podcast - LIVE CALL IN SHOW + Brian Ellis | of Gains Box CEO #1044

Episode Date: October 24, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is an advertisement from BetterHelp. Everyone knows therapy is great for solving problems. But turns out, therapy has some issues of its own. Finding the right therapist, fitting into their schedule, and, of course, the cost. BetterHelp can help solve these problems. It's online, convenient, built around your schedule, and surprisingly affordable, too. Connect with a credentialed therapist by phone, video, or online chat. Visit to learn more to save, nobody seems like Dave.
Starting point is 00:00:38 Save on home and auto like only you can at slash ways to save. TD. Ready for you. Like like this isn't gonna work do you want me to you can just say it to me oh oh yeah yeah maybe send it in the private chat and then i'll call him bam we're live got it okay yeah that good idea you mean as opposed to just give his phone number out on the air yeah that was my bad it's weird that I can't just go... It's weird that I just can't go to his profile in my... Oh, here we go. Does it start with a nine?
Starting point is 00:01:13 Yeah. Okay, I got it. Okay, you got it? You got it? Yeah. Okay, cool. Good morning, beautiful people. I wonder if it's going to work from this phone.
Starting point is 00:01:26 It should. It's a crazy number. Yeah, it is a crazy number. I don't hear it ringing on my end. No. if the I wonder if this phone doesn't have international calling set on it oh I could link my phone up to the road caster oh yeah should I do that yeah just do that hello hello hello oh okay let me let me let me try Hello? Hello? Oh.
Starting point is 00:02:10 Okay, let me try this. Oh, wait, shit. It's calling back on my phone now because I'm forwarded. Oh, oh. I have to turn off the call forwarding for shit. He's calling back. Oh, he is. Yeah, answer it and tell him to call back in 30 seconds,
Starting point is 00:02:28 and I'll turn off the call forwarding. What was his name? Gershon. Okay. How do I do that? It hung up right when I answered it. God damn. How do I do that?
Starting point is 00:02:38 I go to... Yeah, and I'll turn it off. I go to phone. Oh, there he is. There he is. There he is. Shit. Call forwarding. I go to phone. Oh, there he is. There he is. There he is. Shit. Call forwarding.
Starting point is 00:02:54 Hey. Oh, my goodness. There you are. I'm doing great. Good to see you. Let me do one thing really quick. I'm going to hook your voice up to my computer. No, no. One second. One second.
Starting point is 00:03:07 Okay. We're not recording, guys. I just want to talk to you. Okay. Hold on. The show's yours for a second, Susan. I'm going to mute myself so no one... Yeah. Good morning, guys. How's everybody doing on this beautiful Monday? Let's look at some comments real quick. Susan says, thank you for the advice. Would you go to it, Ernie? Was it a good time? I loved going to,
Starting point is 00:03:34 I went to two of the L2s. The first time I went was when it was a coach's prep. Actually, if you ever go to the ranch, the picture of the time I went to the coach's prep, like they take a group photo of everybody is still hanging up in the ranch there with a bunch of them. Not like mine special, but it was just funny seeing it there like years, years later when we were back for the talk at the ranch with Greg Glassman. Yeah. Did you guys see Tyson Pagent? Crushed it yesterday that was the first time they had won a home game in like 10 years i think insane he's got to be so stoked i mean the family has to be so stoked my hope now is that um people were saying like oh they're waiting for the
Starting point is 00:04:18 main quarterback to come back justin fields and uh then you know tyson would kind of be forgot about i don't think so I don't think so something tells me that with the start he had yesterday and how good he looked right off the bat I don't know a one year not 10 okay fair enough 390 days but close yeah it tells you guys how much I don't know shit about football I used to watch it a lot more um yeah it seemed like 10 years yeah might as well been 10 years 10 10 years are you smoking crack a little aggressive a little aggressive answer for my my smoking crack no i just got it wrong adam right woke up on this monday and chose violence. 10 years. Okay.
Starting point is 00:05:06 Alright, you guys. You guys, don't come off like some sort of asshole because I got it wrong. Okay? Fucking relax. I watched the first football game I've watched in 10 years. It's the first one. Oh my goodness. Yeah, it seems like
Starting point is 00:05:24 10 years. Criminy. Don't fuck up on what I'm saying wrong here. You guys bounce all over me. No more talking about Tyson. So the guy we're trying to get on the phone. Okay, we'll let it pass. You're a Bears fan and it hurt.
Starting point is 00:05:40 Try being a fucking Raiders fan. I was a Raiders fan for years. I never won anything. Then we moved to LA. I was like, fuck fan. I was a Raiders fan for years. I never won anything. Then we moved to LA. I was like, fuck it. I hardly watched anyways. I mean, Las Vegas. So he told you guys, I don't know anything.
Starting point is 00:05:54 Jody, thank you that you loved the show. Oh, man. Well, you woke me up with the show alert. Chill. Gotta get that phone on. Do not disturb. You guys should see some of the text message stuff that comes through because I'm in like,
Starting point is 00:06:16 not only with all the guests, right? But then there's multiple text alerts that are going on with all the, you know, the group of people in the media space. It's like ridiculous. If I forget to put my phone on do not disturb because everybody's on different time zones and it just goes off all night long.
Starting point is 00:06:31 I got used to that real quick. Dick Butter. Great job to Kim Suzy yesterday. Hey, thanks, man. Sensitive. Sensitive issues. What? Your phone call?
Starting point is 00:06:42 No, Gershon. This morning. I apologize the second time we tried to get him uh as you might understand uh very busy very intense times and um yeah very busy very intense times and uh we're gonna reschedule very soon and um we got some other uh other potential he's not the only person in israel that i've reached out to we have other affiliate owners there and uh that will go down soon i would i would think i would it would have been i think it would be smart if crossfit to keep control of the narrative um has some him come on or someone come on but um but i guess we'll get we'll get a different affiliate owner somebody sent me an article that kind of blew my mind yesterday
Starting point is 00:07:31 um and i started researching it and it's it's kind of crazy you know how i've told you guys that there's no such thing as Mexican, right? It's just a complete – now that I think about it, it's just a complete psyop, right? And you know we had Adrian Conway on here, and I said, what are you? And he said black. Like you never ask someone what they are if they're white, and they tell you what they are. There's ethnicity. There's nationality.
Starting point is 00:08:01 And there's – I guess you could say there's race, right? And the races are basically Asian, black, and white. And there were Native Americans down there. There were people down there. There were people on this continent and the South American continent, and then people came over from uh i mean they came over also probably from there but people came over from europe across the ocean faster than walking across the bering strait and they mated with these people and those new people were given an ethnicity an ethnicity a nationality is based on land you guys get that right
Starting point is 00:08:40 so we're americans but we don't have an ethnicity that's tied to this country we do not have an ethnicity that's tied to this country well we have a nationality so you can be jewish american you can be fucking dog shit american you can be russian american dog shit you can be whatever you want that's us here in the bay area dog should have portland you can be portland fentanyl american and and often you'll hear me quote this quote from the dao de ching which i i'm starting to realize that so many people just don't understand they can't even fathom is naming is the origin of all particular things naming is the origin of all particular things
Starting point is 00:09:32 it looks like in 1964 there were no palestinian in in 1959 there were no Palestinian – in 1959, there were no Palestinian people by ethnicity. It was only by region. It was a nationality. It was by region. Not nationality in terms of a nation, but the same way you would call someone South Centrine or a Detroitian or a San Franciscan or I'm from the Bay Area. It was to denote a location, not an ethnicity nor a race. If you go to Africa and you ask a black guy what he is, he doesn't say, I'm black. That's an American phenomenon.
Starting point is 00:10:17 That's dumb shit talk. That's I don't know. Your ethnicity is you're Kenyan or Ethiopian. They don't look anything alike. Nothing fucking alike. Nothing, nothing, nothing. Once you know what a Jew looks like, you know a Jew when you see a Jew. Once you know what an Ethiopian looks like or Sudanese guy, you know.
Starting point is 00:10:37 Once you know what an Icelandic person looks like, you fucking know. Like, oh, yeah, you guys been on the island a while together. Irish people, are you fucking kidding me? Like, you guys been fucking each other yes tight fucking a tight group keep that circle tight yeah imagine the dupe on being a mexican but i am a mexican i know and it's crazy it took one generation it took really when you ask anyone what they are, if they're Mexican, what they really should probably say is I'm 22% Aztec and 78% Spaniard. But no. You want to make the shift. So why did Palestinians go from being a nationality to an ethnicity? Why would they do that?
Starting point is 00:11:30 Look at it. I'm telling you. You guys do a lot of inside fucking. Rainy days. Mama and sister can get some. Oh, damn. Sally can get some. Hey, we're separated by three kids i'm the oldest she's the youngest it's totally it's far enough away
Starting point is 00:11:54 yeah there is no mexican you're living with a bunch of people who are part of a fucking psyop what better way to calm the people down and use them than change them? Naming is the origin of all particular things. And hey, fuck it. While we're at it, let's give them a fucking new religion. Let's make them the poster children of Catholicism. And on top of that, let's let them know that birth control is bad. Ooh, we're on a roll.
Starting point is 00:12:22 1964, read about it. It's a Russian. The PLO will even tell you you can go to go anywhere it's not it's not a hidden fact the PLO was formed with the help of the KGB Yasser Arafat was put into power they stopped referring to it as a region and they started referring it to as a people as an ethnicity and why did they do that with the plan to fight the jews it was always the plan i don't think catholicism originated in mexico well good well good right right heidi absolutely right i don't think so either great now we're on to something she's got it here we go you get it yeah yeah imagine seeing someone show up on a horse and being like this is our god
Starting point is 00:13:16 the one we've been waiting for the return of the messiah then he just fucking diseases kills and rapes everybody imagine going to mexico 500 years ago and looking for a Mexican. I'm looking for a Mexican. We gotta wait for Cortez and his gang to show up before they officially call inside. My mom said I was Mexican enough to go to church every Sunday, but not Mexican enough for the quinceanera because they're expensive. Quinceanera. That's some sort of like... It of like it's like a birthday it's like a big birthday party you can sleep with old guys now and sigh off you can get pregnant now party yeah dude it's a it's crazy it's crazy hey the exact same thing happened with the vaccine by
Starting point is 00:14:02 the way just so you know identical just change the definition and the masses follow. mRNA, it's not a vaccine. It doesn't operate like a vaccine. It doesn't cure like a vaccine. It doesn't vaccinate you. It doesn't inoculate you. Makes you a good person, though. Judy Reed. Oh, this is awesome. Heidi is the sevenistas valid Victorian.
Starting point is 00:14:25 I agree. what's second place Suza's second place Suza killed yesterday I know wasn't that great I got to listen in the car a little bit in my three hour drive thank you so now you got this group of people down there who are part of a PSYOP who are convinced that they're an ethnicity
Starting point is 00:14:42 to fight the Jewss and it's not it's not even it's not even uh it's 60 years ago it happened it's 60 fucking years ago if you want to read about it yourself look up uh roger kimball i'll tell you the articles to read and then start going to the wiki pages and start looking up origins of PLO or Palestine. And at some point, the article will try to hide it from you, but they can't because they keep having to refer to it as a region. And then all of a sudden, in 4 BC – in 4 AD, there were more Jews in that region than there were Arabs. Arabs. Jews were the dominant people in that In 4 AD
Starting point is 00:15:27 And what happened to them And so there were shit loads of They got pushed out Wars and shit There were shit loads of Palestinian Jews There were shit loads of Christian Palestinians too Just like that there's tons of Armenian Californians too just like that there's tons of uh um armenian californians
Starting point is 00:15:46 does that discredit the plight of the people of palestine no but they're fighting for something that they think that they're fighting for that's not um it's not right they've been duped they're being used as part of a fucking psyop to fight jewish people their whole their identity has been changed what they actually were a hundred years ago has been changed if they want to fight for their land that's their provide that's their go for it and hey and if they it's the same thing of this it's when they keep saying free palestine who do they want to be free from they do they want to be from free from hamas or do they want to be free the terrorist organization hamas or do they want to be free from israel that's a good question
Starting point is 00:16:36 yeah that's another great one. Why are the Jews considered white and the Palestinians brown? Sunscreen. Yes, please film. Thank you. Please film the long, lazy nights with you and Audrey. The pillow fights back at the room after the competition. What a shit show. Read the wiki articles. Look up the origins after the competition. What a shit show.
Starting point is 00:17:06 Read the wiki articles. Look up the origins of PLO. Look up Palestinian people and watch how they interchange those words. They interchange nationality and ethnicity. I know most people don't care. Just fuck it. I'm a Mexican. Whatever.
Starting point is 00:17:21 I'm a Mexican, whatever. And what's crazy too is they keep referring to the United States or Israel as colonizers or imperialists when it was already done to them by the Russians. It's done. It's done. You were colonized and your whole identity was changed. California belongs to Mexico. Mexico. california belongs to mexico no mexico i mean that's pretty much the theme of human history right didn't the romans just go over and if they needed shit they just wouldn't showed up at your spot yeah all your fucking gold and resources and took your women and enslaved any of the young men and killed everybody else, right?
Starting point is 00:18:08 I'm telling Haley this last night while I'm laying in bed. And Ari broke his leg, and so it's still on the mend. So the kids have been sleeping in our room. And he's up in a bed with Haley, and I'm down in bed. And Haley, he's in a bed with Ari and Joseph, and's up in a bed with haley and i'm down in bed and haley he's in a bed with ari and joseph and i'm in a bed with avi and we're laying there and i'm telling haley all this that i'm uncovering she thinks it's so sexy she just wants to come over and my brains out when i talk to her about the origin of plo she's like god you're so sexy that gets her going huh out of your dick yeah that lights the fire
Starting point is 00:18:43 that gets her going huh out of your dick yeah that lights the fire and and i go it's just crazy and i go but i but i get it because i'm black and uh obby goes you are and i go yeah i'm black and joseph's like he is black that's my that's my middle child good dude and then ari goes you are black huh and i go yeah and he goes yeah i can tell when i look at your penis well wait wait wait so yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah so i'm like wow how does he know and then he goes because it's covered in black pubic hair. He didn't say pubic.
Starting point is 00:19:27 He said hair. I went from like thinking I was a G to like, like, like I'm like, all right. And, and all, and everyone starts cackling.
Starting point is 00:19:38 Crazy. Kids are crazy. Where's my man? Black hair. I want to throw up my poor wife. But that got her. I think she got up and got a drink of water at that point. Fucking.
Starting point is 00:19:52 But for a second, I was like, yeah, I could tell by his dick. I was like, yeah, you can. Yeah, boy. And he's like, it's covered in black hair. I was like, ooh, plot twist. Coughed up a furball from large and in charge to just dirty dude how about that how about that line you dropped yesterday do you want the state controlling your media no i'd rather they control my children
Starting point is 00:20:17 i was listening to um something where they're talking about, but it probably was the PBD podcast, but they're breaking down a law that Obama had changed essentially that allowed for government funded propaganda to its own people from like foreign countries or just basically anything that they wanted to put out there that they could fund media uh put out there that they could fund media and put it out there to its own people as news not the truth but news guys that they could that they could yeah it was something that was written like the 40s or whatever that was essentially starting to like stop propaganda and again the whole thing is is you want your media
Starting point is 00:21:03 in terms of like journalism and stuff to be free right free of the free press because if you don't have free press and you can't have investigative journalists like real investigative journalists not these fucking propagandists that work for these uh corporate medias but like real investigative journalists because if you don't have a free press and the people don't have access to free information from all sides even if it's something that you know is batshit crazy then democracy can never survive because the public is never educated enough to make any decisions but it was interesting because when they're talking
Starting point is 00:21:34 about the government funded media it's not a democracy anymore because it because then it's just being controlled by the government that's right by just one group of people the only access to information that you have is just the access of information that the government wants you to have the state wants you to have yeah and uh so i was just like wait a minute that applies exactly to our schools they just don't ever phrase it that way uh my wife says the same thing too jedediah jedediah snelson my every time i overhear someone he's talking about penises My wife's like you talk about cock a lot She didn't use the word cock I'm flossing my teeth
Starting point is 00:22:10 I'm trying to be a good role model I love flossing my teeth Hey It's just crazy the way you said that Yesterday in the show They You would never want the government controlling your media And yet you send your kids to education camps controlled by the government.
Starting point is 00:22:32 The Sevan podcast is a government-funded psyop. I no longer know reality. I am a walking zombie now. Dude, I actually thought about that. I was like, oh, we're going to know we made it when people start accusing us as being like misinformation or something yeah well not misinformation but controlled like like oh uh ever since he had robert f kennedy on he's been really uh he's kind of into climate change
Starting point is 00:22:56 now yeah isn't that funny that kind of happened with like elon too he was yeah yeah you know then slowly he is a c c c dea operative cia operative i um i drove out to sacramento yesterday with greg how was that how was that drive going there was great it was probably one of the best podcasts i've ever heard greg was on fire you guys are gonna love it it was so long and so concise only about like three minutes of p-value talk tons of so much good shit and then when we left there's this stuff that Mark Bell sells called Creighton. Yeah, I looked that up after you talked about it a little bit. K-R-A… I don't know what it is.
Starting point is 00:23:54 Start to the K. M-T-L-M. And by the way, Mark Bell is cool as shit, and that's like the fourth time I've hung out with him. And then there's this guy in sema his black duty hangs out with is that the co-host that's not his ethnicity or that's his skin color everyone know that i don't know his ethnicity i don't know mark bell's ethnicity either although he looks like a juiced up irish guy he kind of got like those his eyes are too close together look you know that irish look oh kratom kratom kratom yeah the way olivia spelled it kratom kratom yeah
Starting point is 00:24:28 yeah uh it's the it's the whistle call for tyler watcher did someone say numbers just here's p-value uh i want to talk about Z-Score. So, when I put together the CrossFit Games Update Show, the people, I'm not like, okay, guy A, B, and C are the best, and then I'll rotate to D. Do you think our friends know that? I'm not even doing that at all you know what i didn't put much thought into how what they thought about the picking okay well they should never think that yeah i'm not i don't ever do that no no it's whichever one of you vend me is the most money on the side
Starting point is 00:25:21 whichever one lobbies that's the most no i'm just yeah i'm just trying to put together like a team the only person who's like a staple that i kind of got addicted to is john young i'm just like okay he'll be the senior analyst for the crossfit games for the seven podcast yeah and everyone else is just like yo let's party just coming in to talk shit and have a good time yeah but but you also can't have like um you can't have like i can't think of the three you couldn't have three dudes like jr right and you couldn't have three hunters not that he's been on the update show but right right exactly that's the energy it's like if a cake it's like if the cake the ingredients are uh um flour sugar and egg, and you're just like,
Starting point is 00:26:08 fuck it, I'm just using only egg. Yeah. It's not going to work. You're going to eat eggs. Find the right balance. So he had this kratom at the market, and he gave us some bottles of it, four bottles, $15 a bottles 15 is it like a shot like it for
Starting point is 00:26:26 some reason i picture five hour energy size yes exactly exactly okay wow in a glass bottle a little smaller and last we get in the car greg and i get in his car and we're driving home and it's a two-hour drive without traffic and it's a five hour drive with traffic it's probably ended up being three and a half hours and i pull out the bottle and i'm like you want to try something he goes yeah take a swig first and i didn't want to put my lips on the and i see on the bottle there's a line in the middle and it says one two so i assume it's two shots and mark told me not to drink the whole thing i didn't want to put my lips on it just at a courtesy because you guys middle middle eastern men don't drink from bottles they they put their head back and pour it in have you ever seen that
Starting point is 00:27:13 okay and they have these vases with these long spouts like we always had them growing up that's like these special vases see if you can find middle middle eastern water base middle middle middle eastern in school i get a sip of your soda waterfall that shit dude oh it's kind of it's kind of like this i got it it's kind of like this thing but we had plastic ones growing up i'll show you like this so like if we were in the backyard working and all my uncles were over there'd be one of those and it'd be full of water and you just hold it up like that and pour it and that thing like arcs a nice stream of water in your mouth so from very early on um very early on i have mad
Starting point is 00:27:56 skills like that oh i got this new trick i'm gonna do for cave dastro dude he's been gone the last couple days wait till you see my next trick you saw the baseball hit the bucket and he had to one-up me wait till you see this next thing i'm gonna do i'm glad i remember that i don't have adhd i just have a lot of competing thoughts adad whatever that thing is attention deficit disorder whatever Middle Eastern a region and not an ethnicity right Sebi
Starting point is 00:28:31 fuck yeah although it could denote a group of ethnicities but we're on yes yes he gets it you down oh Seema hi Hello
Starting point is 00:28:49 So So I tilt my head back And I throw the Scrotum in there Pour in a little scrotum Okay And when I pull the bottle down I see i've encroached past the halfway line into i've taken drank three quarters of it okay so a shot and a half of it and when we
Starting point is 00:29:14 when we he said hey only to drink half and i thought when i did saw that i'm like i think he meant i'm guessing he meant half of one a shot, and now I've had half and half and half. I've had three halves. Three times as much as the recommended dose? Yeah. We get 10 minutes down the road. I think I know what morning sickness feels like. For just two and a half hours, I'll never drink that shit again.
Starting point is 00:29:42 It was two and a half hours of – three hours of pure misery. Was it was it just like you were car sick like nauseous or was it just like i was like hot and flush and then not hot and my my hands turned into like i kept doing this my hands got all gushy have you ever shook someone's hand and they have like a gushy hand yeah it was a little bit not even clammy wet they just have it – it's like a genetic thing. Anyway, and I just – my stomach hurt, and I just did not feel like – my head was tingling. It was horrible. It was horrible. Greg hated it too.
Starting point is 00:30:18 It was horrible. So what's the act of ingredient? What's it supposed to do? Three hours of pure misery. Yeah, I got out of the car, and there was a party going on at Greg's house or like, like a girl party. There were tons of chicks there. And they're like, what are you doing? I'm like, I'm experiencing morning sickness. Like I thought drinking water would,
Starting point is 00:30:35 cause I remember Haley said when she had morning sickness, you think that what you're going to chew gum, it's going to help. It doesn't, you think you're going to eat a piece of bread. It's going to help. It doesn't, you think you're going to drink water. It's going to help. It doesn't, you think you're going to lay down. It's going to help. It doesn't you think you're gonna drink water it's gonna help it doesn't you think you're gonna lay down it's gonna help it doesn't and everything i thought no dude i wanted to poop so bad and dude eric i had the craziest dream last night that's so weird that you say that i had this dream last night that um yeah beta hands my hands i have like such
Starting point is 00:30:59 masculine hands and they turned into beta hands exactly that's exactly it Kratom turns your hands into beta hands No, I didn't cry it called the cops Before you got to it, I just realized this photo. My goodness. What is it? Oh. Yeah, it's raining. It's crazy raining here, dude. It's been raining now for two days. It's nuts.
Starting point is 00:31:35 It's not even supposed to be raining today. Oh, the cops. The rain coming from Sacramento is crazy. Oh, look, you're right. He was about to write that. You got him. Oh, nice. You got him. Me and David, our relationship is evolving what do you mean ever since he saw me do those fucking cleaning
Starting point is 00:31:53 jerks he's like he got mad respect or the cleans 10 cleans uh you don't do coke with that pinky nail? No It's only for taking things out of my nose Not for putting things in If you know what I mean It's a scooper Excavator I wanna I wanna show you this I wanna show you this article
Starting point is 00:32:22 If I can find it Okay I'm going to show you this article. If I can find it. Let me see if I can find it. Oh, here it is. Oh, so it's supposed to provide you pain relief, huh? Dude, it was horrible. Horrible. Dude, Tyson Baj, it was horrible. Horrible. Dude, Tyson Bajan's coming on the show tomorrow. Yeah, that's so cool.
Starting point is 00:32:51 Slater, Kratom is supposed to act on the same receptors as opioids and provide pain relief for some slight euphoria energy, but if not used to or take too much, you get nausea and sweaty. Oh, no shit. Yeah, that's what happened to me. It was fucking horrible. Damn.
Starting point is 00:33:08 How did it start to feel better? What did you do? Like it just slowly went away? Or did you just have to sleep it off? Or what? How'd that end? No, it just went away. And I ate a grilled cheese sandwich.
Starting point is 00:33:19 Two. I ate two grilled cheese sandwiches. Fair enough. This reality has been publicly supported, sometimes inadvertently in statements by several other Palestinian leaders, quoted by Alan Hart in his 1984 book, Arafat, Yasar Arafat,
Starting point is 00:33:36 a political biography. Palestinian leader, organization leader, Yasar Arafat himself said, the Palestinian people have no national identity. Yasar Arafat, man of destiny, have no national identity. Yasser Arafat, man of destiny, I will give them that identity through conflict with Israel. Moscow first took its campaign to brand Israeli Jews as the oppressor of their invented Palestinian people to the UN in 1965. Its attempt to categorize Zionism as racism failed then,
Starting point is 00:34:03 but succeeded almost a decade later in the infamous UN General Assembly Resolution 3379. Its determination that Zionism is a form of racism and racial discrimination was revoked under U.S. pressure in 1991, but by then had gained great traction as frequently cited today by anti-Israeli campaigners. campaigners imagine this they've already been colonized by the imperialists and now they're being told to point to being used to fight an enemy that's Russia's enemy
Starting point is 00:34:36 it's Russia's enemy and they're being used to fight it under the guise of being rebranded as a people that hate the Jews one generation the psyops complete yeah thatranded as a people that hate the Jews. One generation, the PSYOP's complete. Yeah, that's all it takes, people. It's crazy. Yeah. In 1969, the KGB asked Arafat to declare war on America imperial Zionism.
Starting point is 00:35:01 It appealed to him so much. Arafat later claimed to have invented the imperial Zionist battle cry, but in fact, imperial Zionism, it appealed to him so much. Adolfo later claimed to have invented the imperial Zionist battle cry, but in fact, imperial Zionism was a Moscow invention, a modern adaptation of the protocols of the elders of Zion. And long a favorite tool of Russian intelligence to foment ethnic hatred. The KGB also regarded anti-Semitism plus anti-imperialism as a rich source of anti-Americanism. They used those three interchangeably that's why around the world you only hear people say uh down with america kill
Starting point is 00:35:29 the jews gas the jews it's never like it's never kill blackie it's not kill the americans it's not fucking steal the rice from the chinese it's not like fucking starve the irish by taking their potatoes there's no chance like that fuck the inbred people of fucking iceland that there's not it's not not there none of it it's just always kill the jews kill the americans yeah it's nuts someone there's two people in my dms who i'm chatting with right now who are really i'm enjoying the conversation but they keep referring to what israel is doing as a genocide like dude you are not using that word right and then, well, look at all the babies they're killing. I'm like, yeah, that really sucks.
Starting point is 00:36:07 There's no justification for baby killing. Zero. It's fucking horrible. Well, how they feel about when the Obama administration did that with a bunch of drones. Yeah. The Obama administration did that when we were searching for weapons of mass destruction that didn't exist. So we just created that out of thin air for the military industrial complex and blew up birthday parties and shit ourselves. So what makes the U. makes us so much better?
Starting point is 00:36:26 Well, two wrongs don't make a right. No, but I'm just saying it's like we're so quick to do that all the time. And it's like, look at what we've done. So from here, from this article, I went over to Wiki and I looked up PLO and I looked up its history. And that's when I started seeing the interchangeability of the word Palestinian as ethnicity and nationality and then right away I knew. Something's up.
Starting point is 00:36:52 Completely fresh. You'll never hear that on any other podcast. Only here. Words matter. Sex and gender. Man and woman. Conflating ideas that are in the head versus things that are out in reality. That's why I don't like the word evil. origin of all particular things you know that's that's all ego it's all about you i it's all about what you want you want to be seven you want that to be a chair so you can sit on it well now you want it to be a weapon when you break it over david weed's head oddly specific but yes you
Starting point is 00:37:36 understand that the illusion is complete by this space between us that we call space that lets us identify as ourselves that that's just we and we think of space as nothing Mm-hmm, just because we haven't named it as a thing Oh shit, really Josh Lehrman seven you're nailing it This is exactly what our Jewish tour guide told us when we visited Israel. No shit Well, I was paid fucking three million dollars by the israeli government yesterday to propagandize this today on today's show we're part of it dude i was so proud that i came up with that listen this is the i can't so last night at like
Starting point is 00:38:21 8 50 i got off the fucking assault bike because because Greg called me and I was glad I was doing pushups with a 20 pound weighted vest and assault bike intervals. And I surprise, surprise. And he called and he, we started talking about these articles and I told him that I was like trying to get, cause I,
Starting point is 00:38:38 he told me this about a week ago, not the, not the ethnic nationality, not the naming words have a naming. Naming is the origin of all particular things. He didn't tell me any of that, or he didn't tell me that they were interchanging nationality and ethnicity, and that's how the PSYOP worked.
Starting point is 00:38:53 I came up with that on my own. But Greg's sending me all of these articles, and then I'm trying to read them and keep up with them, which I cannot, not even close. I think it's like 10 to 1, 100 to 1. Seriously, 100 to 1 1 his reading of mine but and then i got off with him and i i'm like oh shit this is a fucking word psyop again vaccine mrna boy girl this is all just more word fuckery yep and they fucked the palestinian
Starting point is 00:39:23 they fucked these people up whatever they were arabs adabs adabs adabs maybe yeah it may uh hasn't been shapiro been talking about how palestine was just made up for years but but i've never heard anyone say how it was made up it was made up the same way that um uh i would never heard how it was made up, how they made the pivot from nationality or maybe nationality is not even the right word, but regional identity to actual ethnicity. For some reason, once someone thinks that they're something, like once you think you're Armenian, you know what I mean? Once you think you're Brazilian, it comes with all this other shit like I hate the turks or um i like you know like if you're black i like i like fat girls you know what i mean like that comes with stuff yeah well you could even you could even dumb it down even further and say i'm asian i like rice or now that i'm a now that i'm a fan of the raiders i don't like the chiefs right right right we're just like all of a sudden you're like hey i like team a and they're like oh well team a's rivalry is team c it's like yeah fuck team c well why well because
Starting point is 00:40:29 i'm part of team a and here's the thing so and what's crazy about so there used to be palestinian jews like that's not gonna work anymore uh hello hi it's been a minute aren't words not meaning anything the quickest path to delusion aren't words i never heard that but i fucking like it i think words in general are the quickest path to delusion but but words that don't mean anything really fucking yeah words that are like don't have the definition can't can't operate within society because then we all are approaching those words with our own definitions and perspectives so that's why the definition is important and you could just relate that to crossfit once greg defined what fitness was we could all look at it and say oh okay are we operating underneath that then we're getting
Starting point is 00:41:20 fitter by definition it's like the intensity before that you could just say intensity. And like, and I think it's even one of his talks and he's like, yeah, and the bodybuilders show up and they're like, Oh, you know, this workout was intense. And then my yoga people show up and they're like, wow, that's the, the, the, those stretches were really intense. He's like, and then my marathon people show up and they're like, I just ran for a hundred miles. That was super intense. And he was like, and they're all correct, but they're like i just ran for 100 miles that was super intense and he was like and they're all correct but they're all also talking about three different forms of intensity without a definition and they want to apply the definition i scared someone and my heartbeat went up that was intense that was intense right hey he said something so cool yesterday and seaman goes
Starting point is 00:42:00 well let's talk about the dangers of doing high rep Olympic lifts. And he gave all these examples. But he said, yeah, if you're a heart surgeon, you can't be sewing something shut for 40 hours and the guy bleeds to death. But you can't be sewed up in 30 seconds. And so fucking you stitch it fucking, you know, have it throw a bad stitch and shove the needle into the fucking aorta. He's like, you have to find that sweet spot. Same with typing. You want to type as fast as you can but you can't have errors and he gave all these examples he goes this is the same thing man yeah move at the speed move at the speed that you know and the funny thing is that to that example i'd always say yeah what rep
Starting point is 00:42:39 is it and they go well what do you mean i'm like was it 15 is too many high repetition olympic weight oh right two oh yeah yeah one or is it five or if i rest in between each one a little bit like do singles does that still count yeah about touch and go and then all of a sudden you bring up too many examples like oh okay well the closet doesn't focus on technique like right there it is okay got it lots of russian jews Lots of German Jews. So many German Jews So many German Jews killed Oh, you're out of your fucking oh, oh, sorry. Sorry George. I misread what you said I thought you said Fields is still smarter.
Starting point is 00:43:30 Starter. But every mistake will be magnified at home by the volume of boos from the crowd, so leash is a lot shorter. You must be talking about Tyson. Yeah. Andrew Hiller. I know. That's freaking awesome.
Starting point is 00:43:43 I'm assuming you – Watched the game at home and then went to the after party that's crazy that's awesome he already got a video done i believe it he sent me he sent me a screener of it i just wish i don't know if he did he publicly post the bets that he placed i'm gonna be in big trouble for this i think he public opposed him but i wanted him to win those bets so bad i was like fuck i want to win that money i didn't understand the bets look at this look at this i just wanted him to win this isn't public yet there's no way i'm supposed to show this but look at this i haven't even i haven't watched any of this myself yet look at
Starting point is 00:44:23 how are you and. How are you? Andrew, how are you, dude? That's Andrew shaking Tyson Bajan's hand at the afterparty with the camera. Yeah, that's crazy. I'm going to have to hold my shit together tomorrow. I want to cry when I see him. Oh, look it, there's more pictures.
Starting point is 00:44:46 The old man, Tyler Scott. I felt like I had the team, my family, uh, kind of really... Dude! That's the after party. He got a camera in the fucking NFL after party. Yeah, that's nuts. How do you do that?
Starting point is 00:45:02 After he shows this video, we should have him on at some point to chat about it. I think it's going to go up today. Dude, Andrew's about to break 30,000 fucking subscribers. I think I'm going to be the first one to give this a thumbs up. Nice. First viewer, too. Yeah, Andrew's going to pass 30 pretty soon here.
Starting point is 00:45:24 I was thinking, I don't ever see any female magicians i was watching my kids my kids are watching some date my obby's so into magic man yeah you're right and i don't i don't really see any uh i don't really see any female magicians ever yeah interesting you know any female magicians brian i don't you know any magicians i can't help you with that one that's an important follow-up question right i'm gonna pull up uh uh nice to meet you brian by the way is that you too man you too You too, man. You too. We met one time, 2018, 19 in Del Mar. I was walking around. At the regional? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:13 Oh, cool. You were busy working. I was walking around with Kenny Leverage. Oh, cool. Yeah, he introduced me to you. Was I nice? I always like to ask that. You were very nice, but you were pretty busy. So like to ask that you're very nice but you were you were pretty busy so i don't i don't think you gave me any eye contact oh that sucks i'm looking right into your eyes now that's all good you as well uh brian ellis how's his audio is his audio okay
Starting point is 00:46:42 for you suzer should i turn him up no i got him audio okay for you, Sousa? Should I turn him up? No, I got him okay. Okay. You're the founder of Gainsbox. That's right, yeah. And I just took it over myself in December. So it's all- From your mom? It was you and your mom you took it from?
Starting point is 00:46:59 You're like, mom, you're retired. Can you guys hear me? Yes, yes. Who'd you, who'd you take it over from? You had a business partner? Yeah. Me and my buddy started it in 2015, 2014, 2015. And then, um, you know, he decided to move on in in December so it's been all me this year it's cool because when I was a little kid I used to love getting mail so like I would just send away to things on the back of like
Starting point is 00:47:36 boys life magazine oh sorry who's that girl right there that's Hannah Eden god she's fucking incredible that body's insane. That's a CrossFit athlete? She used to be. She used to be with Reebok, and she did CrossFit for a little bit,
Starting point is 00:47:55 but then she kind of moved on from that. She's done some crazy shit. She biked around Iceland one time with like her husband trailing in like an RV. So she just had her first baby. Dang. Okay. Enough ogling her. So it was so cool getting mail when I was a kid.
Starting point is 00:48:21 And that's kind of the gains box is kind of that again. It's like this thing comes in the mail it's like christmas it touches my inner child every time i get one it's like it comes in the mail i'm excited i kind of don't want to open it it's like a good movie i kind of like bum i don't want to start watching it because i know then it's i won't have it to watch later so i kind of let it sit around for a couple days and then i kind of open it like when i'm really going to be able to give it attention. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:47 Does your wife like them too? She loves them. Yeah. Well, she also has three kids, so she even takes longer to open them, but she loves them too. Yeah, absolutely. What's the idea behind it? Hey, Siobhan, my internet is not doing well. Can I jump on my phone on this thing?
Starting point is 00:49:05 Please. Yeah. Yeah. Jump on your phone. Okay. Let me jump right back in. Okay. Uh-oh.
Starting point is 00:49:16 He's serious. There's a heart attack. Or he just had a shitty connection. Let's see. We shall find out. Sean. Sean Lenderman. I hate that fake titty look. I respect that.
Starting point is 00:49:31 I respect that you're not liking it a lot. Respect that a lot. Respect that, yeah. One quick piece right before he comes in, this line that I was thinking of the whole time was from 1984. Whoever controls the past controls the future, comes in this line that i was thinking of the whole time was from 1984 whoever controls uh the past controls the future and whoever controls the present controls the past
Starting point is 00:49:50 so you want to control the present so you can change the story from the past so that you can control the future that's right fuck dude why didn't you just say so why'd you have to make it all i mean i just there's just a quote that's i thought it was gonna make me stitch this together you have to bake my own cake here's three items bake your own shit can i have a grilled cheese sandwich and you suzel just throw you some cheese an an oven, and some bread. I'll let you. Here. Here's some fire and a stick of cheese
Starting point is 00:50:29 melted onto that. I knew a female magician in high school. Oh, that's kind of cool. Oh. Is that worse? Hey, is that worse? It's a little stuttery. Is that worse? Yo Hey, is that worse? It's a little stuttery
Starting point is 00:50:47 Is that worse? It might be worse How is it for you? As long as you can hear us That there's no like weird pauses in the audio I think we're good Yeah, I was getting pauses on the audio before The Wi-Fi at my new office is not doing well right now
Starting point is 00:51:00 Are you in the Gaines office? Yeah, I just moved offices So tell me the origins of gains what's the idea behind it what made you think that it would work like what's it touch on what what's the psychological uh you know premise behind it i understand why like i want to wear pants because i'm trying to hide my dick what's the what's the premise behind the gains box so i i started i was doing a a men's monthly subscription box back in like 2014 because i did not want to go shopping and i would just you know get these boxes in the mail to dress myself
Starting point is 00:51:33 and i was actually doing a uh a local crossfit comp and i saw all these people just walking over to these different tents buying stuff buying t buying t-shirts, wrist wraps, socks, whatever. And I was wearing one of those shirts that I was getting in the mail. And I was like, why isn't there stuff like this for fitness? These people are already spending, you know, 150, $200 on their gym membership. Like there should be a box out here for this. So started thinking about it. I was competing with a friend and she was like, why don't you come talk to my husband? And that's who I started the business with is. So we started it the next day, planned for like six months. And then we put the box out in June of 2015.
Starting point is 00:52:18 And, and our main thing was going to be to, to have that apparel piece in there. So that was super important for us. So there, there is a formula like to it, like you have like 20 items and you're like, okay, every, every, every quarter, every six months, we have to get these 12 items in here. Like a piece of clothes, something to eat, something you, something that goes in a shaker, something that's used as a recovery tool. There's like the categories. Is that how you do it? Yeah. I want to make sure that we hit on all the categories and then we make sure that the brands that are inside aren't competing. So I'm not going to put like a Nike and a Reebok in there together. I'm not going to put two different pre-workouts.
Starting point is 00:52:55 So we'll have apparel, accessories, equipment, supplement, consumable, some type of wellness product maybe so different different brands will come in and some of them will be on a donation basis in exchange for like the brand awareness and marketing value and some of them you know i'll have to get at a a much cheaper price in order to make it work right and the box is crazy the box is like so robust have you ever had anything that like was gonna go in there but just didn't fit and you're like fuck we just can't do it what a yeah an assault bike right dude that would be crazy so i had to uh you know there's certain things in there that either they fit but they're too heavy or like things like that where like i was talking to assault and they wanted to work together so
Starting point is 00:53:48 that's when we gotta come up with like hey let's do a giveaway or let's make like i don't know some assault socks or something so we have the luxury of you know making anything we'd like as well we can put it in the box and then we can direct them back to like, Hey, you got your assault socks, for example, let's go get an assault bike for 20% off. So it's, it's good awareness and sales for them too. Is there a certain number of items that are in every box? Um, there'll be at least like six or seven, uh, just really depends on how big those items are so like this quarter like for we just try to go really big for quarter four we'll have we have joggers in there we have a jump rope in there we have bands we have sliders so we have a bunch of big items we have a gains shaker bottle in there um so and then we'll also put in smaller items that kind of come on a sample basis because those come in free and they're easy to throw in there.
Starting point is 00:54:47 I want to say my last box had 20 items in it. It had four kinds of jerky fish alone or something. The tuna? Yeah. There were four packages of different varieties of that alone. of different varieties of that alone. Yeah, yeah. And there's a lot of brands that want to tap into the fitness industry. So we always figure that, you know, we'd be a good avenue for them
Starting point is 00:55:10 because we hit the masses very quickly. That company in particular, SafeCatch, they want to be like a fitness tuna on the go. You know, it's those easy-to-go packets that they can use. Where do people go to sign up for it? Sorry, what was that? Where do people go to sign up for it? Sorry, what was that? Where do people go to subscribe to it?
Starting point is 00:55:29 Where do you go to sign up for the gains box? That's it. And then, and there it is. And how, is it almost all CrossFitters that are signed up for it? Like who's, who's the purchasing group? that are signed up for it? Like who's in the purchasing group?
Starting point is 00:55:50 Yeah, so we started in CrossFit in, you know, in 2015, like I said, and on our website we had that on there. It's like the number one CrossFit subscription box. We were the only one at the time. But, you know, after six, seven months, CrossFit gave us a cease and desist saying we can't use their name. So if you'd like to use our name, you know, pay us $150,000 to be a sponsor. And at that time, we were like, well, shit, we don't have that type of money. So we're not doing that. So we changed it to a functional fitness, number one functional fitness subscription box. But we were,
Starting point is 00:56:23 yeah, we were very entrenched into the crossfit space we still are now um in the past we did it on a monthly basis and we had different you know curators that would come in and say this is their box so like camille leblanc for example we did a couple of boxes with her and it's easy to bring her in say this is my box these are all my sponsors because they all have you know sponsors at the time so um at that time we worked with like some of the the bigger names in the sport which was great it brought in a lot of traffic um and they were mainly all crossfitters at that time um and then we decided which didn't i didn't really agree with and I want to get back to doing curators to kind of move towards general fitness and not so much the curator part of it. Some of it was a little polarizing.
Starting point is 00:57:14 So, for example, we did like a CT Fletcher box and we lost a bunch of female subscribers. So it's like what female wants to buy a CT Fletcher box and wear his stuff, wear his stuff, which, you know, we had great stuff in there, but it's like, it doesn't really resonate with, with my female subscribers. So we kind of moved away from the curators at that point. Is there, so it's a one sex box. Once you go online, like on the website you were showing, you can sign up for the women's box or the mailbox. Oh, there's two.
Starting point is 00:57:43 Yeah. So the only difference really is going to be like the apparel. Okay. So most of the items in there will be the same, except for like, we might do like a free workout for the men and like, maybe like a super greens for the female, for example, but it takes,
Starting point is 00:58:00 that takes you to the same page. Yeah, dude. Like I think you're selling yourself short. Look at this, look at this. I'm going to push you out for one second. Sousa, look at this box. One, two, three.
Starting point is 00:58:12 I think I had this box. Are those the born primitive pants? Yes. Yeah. I had that box fall of 20 of 2022. Oh yeah. And I had that, this box is crazy, dude. Yeah. Yeah, man. It's's been it's been um you know we've had really good deals on stuff and then there's other times where it's like you know
Starting point is 00:58:33 price for things have gone up so drastically you know just getting things in because i have to think about you know seven to ten different brands every quarter to put in the box and then you know where is this stuff coming from? How soon can I get it? Um, are they manufacturing it? Are they pulling from their own stock? So it's kind of a, a song and a dance. I have to play with these different brands all the time. It's a very time consuming. And that's one of the reasons why I moved it from a monthly to a quarterly box is to give it more time. You know, are you, are you are you um is this your full-time job yeah wow yeah you don't have it do you have another job another hustle another business
Starting point is 00:59:11 yeah i mean like this is open doors to to do other boxes and stuff so um i've been approached to do a ton of different things so for example uh i don't know if you know who buff bunny is or Heidi Summers. No, I like the name buff bunny. Yeah. So sure. She and her fiance do alpha leap and she has her own line of clothing and stuff. So she came out with an app and then they asked me to do a PR boxes for that one. So I just sent those out last week, for example. And, uh, yeah, that's her. She,
Starting point is 00:59:47 I made, I made, you know, water bottles and booty bands and a hair clip and they went in these really nice boxes and she sent them out to like 250 of her people in her Rolodex to promote her app. So that's, you know, some, some of the things I do on the side like that. And then, you know, working through this, I got introduced to the president and owner of NutriShop. He's got like 210 stores across the nation. He's always wanted to do a box. So after my partner left in December, I hit him up and said, hey, let's do this so that I can run that ship myself with him. We're actually launching a new box that's more, it's basically apparel and supplements, but it's under the NutriShop name called ShopBox.
Starting point is 01:00:39 That will be going live later this week, actually. You're launching a competitor to your own box? Kind of a competitor, kind of not. I feel like the people that shop at like a NutraShop are a little bit different than the people that shop for Gainsbox. Gainsbox is more that CrossFit functional fitness and NutraShop is more of like the 24-hour fitness type person. Is this stressful what you're doing? fitness and new shop is more of like the 24 hour fitness type person um do you do you like is this
Starting point is 01:01:06 stressful what you're doing is this stressful job uh yeah it it's a little stressful because we constantly have to kind of reinvent ourselves with like how we're selling these boxes so like if we're not getting subscribers like this thing's dead you know, and people come in all the time. And one of the reasons they stop subscribing is like, hey, man, everything's great. I just have so much shit now. I don't need to spend another hundred dollars on more shit. Right. And then, you know, in the past when we started, it was super easy because we started when basically Instagram was blowing up and we didn't know it was going to work like this, but we would send a box to like Jamie Hagia over here in LA and she would post and we would see, you know, 50, 60 sales immediately. So we were like, okay, this is what we're going to do. We're going to do this influencer marketing. We're going to send boxes to all the personal athletes. We know opened up doors to more athletes. They would post and we would get sales now it's to the point that you know
Starting point is 01:02:05 everyone's doing that um so we're we're trying to find ways to to combat that or you know continue to find the ones that are sticky yeah it's um i remember the del mar days and i would see gains box around everywhere like everywhere everywhere, everywhere, everywhere. And now I don't. And I want, I wonder why that is. I don't, but I don't see you. I don't know. I couldn't name one competitor. If someone told me, Hey, what's the box that you order? And then you get the mystery gifts in it. I would say Gaines box. Like, I mean, you don't need to say any competitors, but are you saying that there are competitors out there? Yeah. There's some that have popped up and then they gone away. And then there's some that there's some that have popped up and then they've gone away and then there's some that there's some that have stuck around for a little while it's just that i feel like what's kept ours
Starting point is 01:02:50 going is that like i said that apparel piece where you go on and you i get your gender top and bottom size whereas my competitors they send out one box and everyone gets like a unisex large t-shirt, for example. So it's not one that's personally curated to you. But yeah, there's a couple other ones out there. I think the box, I've loved every single box. I think they're fucking great. I love all the stuff in there. I like it when you put cookies in there, because I won't buy cookies, but then I get to eat a cookie.
Starting point is 01:03:23 So I like even the giant plant-based cookie was good for me. And the clothes are dope. Those Born Primitive clothes, I mean, I ended up getting three more pairs of those sweats because they were in the box. Nice. That's good. That's the point of it. How long do you think you'll do this? Do you think this is a lifetime affair um i don't
Starting point is 01:03:47 know i mean it's been working out the last eight years um yeah i've had a i've had a couple of people come in and um i'm actually talking to one again who who want to purchase the company um and i feel like it might that might be the move right now. You know, usually, you know, startups, I don't think that people keep them around for so long and, um, should have sold it back in like 2018. At that time I had like 8,000 subscribers on a monthly basis. Um, and that's when I feel like CrossFit might've been at one of its heights. Yeah. That would have been real good. But you know, someone, you know, was interested in it, for example, where he has his own fulfillment center, he has two supplement lines that he owns. And then he's also into some other wellness stuff.
Starting point is 01:04:32 So he has all these other companies where it's just kind of like he wants to market those companies and it'd be easy to grab a hold of something like gains box where he can constantly put his companies in the box himself. And that would eliminate, that would eliminate so much work like for example if I had that because right now it's Going through a backlog of brands that want to be in the box asking for samples vetting them make sure that they're good Whereas you know, I never really started a company Another business that would go inside gains box. I was just made gains box type items,
Starting point is 01:05:05 you know, um, uh, Mike pool boy. I got a gains box once it had a fleshlight in it. It turns out it was just a barbell sleeve. You used to clean the chalk off the bars. I learned that the hard way.
Starting point is 01:05:16 Oh, Oh yeah. I sent him one of those fleshlights and used one. I don't know if they still sell those things i i'm not i'm an expert in a lot of things not in the uh okay um i'm even a proclaimed expert maybe i am an expert i just don't want to admit it hey where do you live uh i'm down in huntington beach and that's a good spot right um every time i um i go to newport like four times a year for two weeks and every time i go down there i'm like why do i live up here i meet like every time i'm down there i meet like five fucking cool famous hard-working people like i mean like a pro some
Starting point is 01:06:01 sort of professional athlete or huntington beach is like that too right just networking's off the chart right yeah it's great down here um it's super expensive though as yeah as you probably know everywhere in california is but yeah um yeah it's just you know different different spots are are good uh orange county's great part playing with your kid you look over you start talking to some guy and he's fucking on the Angels. Yeah. Right? It's not like – and he's playing with his kid, right?
Starting point is 01:06:32 It really is like that in those parts. Huntington Beach, Newport Beach, those areas. Yeah, Newport's great. Huntington's great. That's where – I don't know if you know, but that's where I met Kenny at OCCF. And I ended up buying his portion of OCCF at that time. And it was me and his other partner running that thing. And I learned real quick that owning an affiliate like that was a lot more work than, than, than it sounds like. And,
Starting point is 01:06:59 and I know I've heard those horror stories was like, Oh, don't buy an affiliate because you know, it's so time consuming. If you're not running it right, it's not going to work out. And I definitely learned that. Is Orange County CrossFit still around? No, it's changed hands a couple of times now and it's changed names. I mean, the actual gym is still there, but it's called Iron Coast Fitness now, I believe.
Starting point is 01:07:24 Oh, okay. It's not, it's not even a CrossFit gym believe oh okay it's not it's not even across the gym no it's still it's still across it they're affiliated yeah okay but it's called iron coast yeah hey what was hard about it when you bought it what was hard about it just keeping members making it profitable yeah that was hard um i thought it was going to be one where because i would go in there when i work out in the morning like at six or seven so i was i thought hey i'm going to come out here i'm going to work out for in the morning and then I'm gonna work here until like 11 12 o'clock and then I'm gonna go to my office and work on Gainsbox the rest of the day and I was kind of in position to do that with Gainsbox everything was on autopilot
Starting point is 01:07:59 and then I found myself doing that and I wouldn't leave OCCF until four or five o'clock because there's so much damn work to do. There's so many people to talk to. And I was looking up seeing like, shit, I made a hundred dollars all day here at OCCF where I could have made, you know, a thousand dollars, a couple thousand dollars at Gaines box in the same amount of time. So I decided to, you know, get rid of it after like a year. Hey, um, this guy,
Starting point is 01:08:28 uh, Sean thinks you, because you sniffled, uh, you should do a cocaine box. That's a good idea. These assholes in the comments, man,
Starting point is 01:08:39 that's great. Listen, he has COVID. He has COVID 17 or COVID 75. Leave the fucking guy alone. My goodness. I mean, he can't say I would ask for it and then probably order it. If he's going to ask for it, I'm going to make it, and you better buy it.
Starting point is 01:08:53 Lifetime subscriber. Hey, anything crazy ever happen in a box where you put something in there, and it leaked and ruined every box? You put five-hour energy, and it leaked in every box. Like you put like five hour energy and it leaked in every box and you're like, fuck. I put, remember those callus shavers they used to make, right? I don't know if they still make them. They came with like razor blades on them.
Starting point is 01:09:13 Those were getting dislodged in the box. So the razor blade was bouncing around and I had a fit aid in there and they were just piercing the fit aids and just exploding everything all over the place. So that wasn't fun. And that's a lot of replacement boxes to send out. Oh, that sucks.
Starting point is 01:09:34 Yeah. Some of those unforeseen things. We also had, we were sending, we would pack our boxes in-house here in Santa Ana. And then we would send them to a fulfillment center to put the labels on them because they had cheaper shipping. One time they put 350 male large labels on male large boxes on female small boxes. So all of these female smalls opened up these boxes they got male large apparel and it's like do i pay to have them sent back and then send them a new box again or do i just send them a new box and then i have to pay double shipping so things like things like that have been like
Starting point is 01:10:21 unforeseen problems that i've learned the hard way yeah there was this guy that i was working with he had a beef jerky company mom and pop right just a dude just a dude and his family doing and they had sourced this beef from new zealand that was truly grass-fed because i guess the beef in the united states when they say it's grass-fed it's not necessarily grass-fed because you can feed it grains at the end of its life. It's called finishing feeding or whatever. So in New Zealand, you can't do that. So he gets the meat from there, and he packages $300,000 worth of beef jerky, and somehow each piece, they didn't seal right. And so it all rotted in the warehouse.
Starting point is 01:10:59 And that cost him $300,000. I don't know how people work the even these stories how did your business survive those two things like that's got to be that sounds like really fucking expensive yeah super expensive um it's that's why like after you go through every problem like that you kind of know you kind of have to go through each one to know that it actually exists so you know it's kind of learning and not mistakes never been made again. Yeah. It was Sogo snacks. That's right. Yeah. The Sogo snacks. Hey, how did, how did the, the so-called pandemic affect your business? Not at all.
Starting point is 01:11:34 Chill since, since you mail stuff. Yeah, it was really good. Actually. We, we got more subscribers through that. Yeah. People wanted, you know, at home fitness. So that's what we were, we were doing. And, um, we had kind of had a skeleton crew, but you know, I was still going to the office. It was fine. Yeah. And, um, uh, This episode is brought to you by PC optimum. If you like a curated playlist, why not try a curated grocery list with swap and save the Save, the new feature in the PC Optimum app,
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Starting point is 01:12:25 When your celebration of life is prepaid in advance, it becomes a gift from you to your family later, because no one should have to plan for a loss while they're experiencing one. Paying in advance protects your loved ones and gives you the peace of mind you deserve. Let us help you plan every detail with professionalism and compassion we are your local dignity memorial provider find us at dignity um uh assault bike killed it then too all the all the fucking road killed it all the fitness people that whole fucking industry murdered it right yeah there was uh i don't know if you remember there was just like a backlog of people wanting you know fitness equipment so even these small ones that want to
Starting point is 01:13:15 work with us you know they were like well we don't have any equipment at all to to give so and the government was printing money i got so much money during the pandemic because i have three kids yeah nice yeah so much crazy crazy crazy kid keep your mouth shut and here's your check savvy yeah um well dude i appreciate you coming on i i love the box um huge fan of it uh i'm not just saying it because i get it it's like it. Every time it comes, it's dope. There's tons of cool, fun stuff in there. I feel like you bring value, and it's obvious you work hard on it. So thank you.
Starting point is 01:13:52 Thanks for coming on, man. Yeah, man. Thanks for having me, and I'll keep sending you and your wife the boxes. Awesome. And if there's ever anything you ever want to come back on to be like, hey, the box is coming out next week. You guys should order because we have this, or you want to tease anything. Let me know. Use me to
Starting point is 01:14:08 manipulate these ding-dongs in the chat, please. Cool, yeah. Tell them to buy it right now. It's available. Yeah, go get it. Will there be cocaine in the next box? If that dude subscribes, I will send him a baggie of cocaine. All right. You heard it.
Starting point is 01:14:25 All right, brother. Thank you so much for coming on, cocaine. All right. You heard it. All right, brother. Thank you so much for coming on, Brian. All right. Thanks a lot. All right. Ciao. Who wants the blow? Vindicate should have a CEO patch.
Starting point is 01:14:41 Does anyone use patches? Tell me. Does anyone use patches? Tell me. Does anyone use patches? Who uses patches? Uh, I'm gonna show you this. So, when he said Bunny Buffer, Buffer Bunny, I went to, um... I went to that website and I just now this popped up on the screen. How is that an attractive photo? Can you guys see that?
Starting point is 01:15:13 That you want me, that's what you want. You want me to sign up for 10% off and that's the picture. What is going on with her legs? Doesn't, off and that's the picture what is going on with her legs doesn't man i'm either something's wrong with me or something's wrong with the world who thought that was a good idea for a picture my goodness My goodness. This. What a show.
Starting point is 01:15:57 That was cool that Sousa was on. Thank God. Right. I think I'm done. When's the last time I did a show under an hour and a half? Tomorrow Tyson Bajan's coming on. Pretty excited about that. We could watch more of that Andrew Hiller video if you want.
Starting point is 01:16:18 Oh. Or. Oh. Shit. Oh. Or oh shit So we have Tyson on tomorrow And Wednesday we have rich froning That's gonna be awesome. I love seeing rich my wife just texted me is it cool to do an 11 a.m yoga class yes all right what do you guys want to do you guys want to do anything i think my phone's working now. Can someone call?
Starting point is 01:17:07 Because I had it forwarded to Sevan's phone. Jesus Christ. I had it forwarded to Tony's phone? No. What's the guy's name I do this show with? Sousa's phone. I need to scroll up.
Starting point is 01:17:20 Where do I go? I go to phone settings. And there's a forwarding. Call forwarding. Call forwarding. It's off. Oh, no. Oh, shit. No, it's on.
Starting point is 01:17:29 Now it's off. Don't call. If you called, you probably just called Sousa. Shit. Now I'm turning it off. Okay, so we will. i have to rework um i have to get a different israeli affiliate on couldn't do gershon today um so i'll send him uh oh okay i got it oh here we go
Starting point is 01:18:10 hey hey is it working it is let me let me just make let me just make sure i can get you on the bluetooth and so we're all up and running hey do you think eventually oh it still says call forwarding hey do you think eventually i'm travis will be wearing one of those ceo shirts like an oppressor like in the presser i hope so i got a message from him Saturday. He asked for more shirts. Oh, no shit. He did? Yes, sir. Yeah. Oh, shit. Look at him.
Starting point is 01:18:48 And hey, just so you know, I would be so pissed at most people. I lost you. I would be so pissed at most people if they contacted you. Hello? Oh, you're back. What'd you say? I would be so pissed at most people if they contacted you directly, but with Tyson, I just got a little chub.
Starting point is 01:19:02 Who contacted you, Tyson or Travis? Oh, Tyson does. Oh, my God. Hey, dude, can you make him a CEO beanie? Like a sick one. Ooh. I'll have to look at that. Beanies are tough.
Starting point is 01:19:14 Because he wears beanies in the press conference. I noticed that. I'll have to look at that. Hey, he wears do-rags, too. He does. Yeah, can we get CEO do-rags? CEO do-rags too. He does. Yeah, can we get CEO do-rags? CEO do-rags. He wears the ones that are pre-wrapped.
Starting point is 01:19:31 I was looking at them on Amazon. Not the ones with the shit dangling in the back. Right. No, he wears tighter ones. Yeah. He's a good dude. That game plan they put together yesterday was fucking amazing and the way he played like super conservative
Starting point is 01:19:50 so professional like he didn't panic when when people were coming after him they made adjustments to the i listened to the press conference and they made adjustments to the line i think they moved three linemen to different positions and i think he what had to scramble a handful of times and that's it i can't wait and he checked what it's like getting sacked oh dude can you imagine no freaking 300 pounders running running that, just taking you down. I can't imagine. Cave Dastro says he wears the rainbow NFL beanie. So here's the thing.
Starting point is 01:20:32 He did yesterday. Here's the thing you have to understand. Here's the thing. We have been completely destroyed. Because that beanie is actually the cancer raise cancer awareness beanie the NFL has and all the different colors in the beanie represent
Starting point is 01:20:52 the different kinds of cancer but because we're fucking crazy extremist conservative psychopaths the rainbow's been ruined for us I always feel weird when I wear something.
Starting point is 01:21:06 Step back and take a shot of Coca-Cola. No shit. Just chill. Take a shot of Kratom? Yeah. No. No. Dude, that shit. Horrible, dude. It was horrible.
Starting point is 01:21:23 I tried Kratom once and I didn't notice anything. I did. So there's a company called Onnit. They're a supplement company that Rogan was part of. I don't know if he's anymore. So they have a product called AlphaBrain, which is supposed to help with cognitive stuff.
Starting point is 01:21:41 So I took some AlphaBrain, probably took more than I should have. And like an hour later I took, I had an energy drink and I felt exactly like you did. I thought I was going to fucking die. Yeah. You know, what's crazy too is I just drank a fit aid. I went into some supermarket and got like a sugar-free fit aid for the ride
Starting point is 01:22:01 home. And I drank that after or before I drank the kratom and yeah and i was dude it was horrible yeah i felt like a morning sickness like i was on the verge yeah it was i i wanted to throw up so bad and i couldn't it was it was awful dude and someone asked if i pooped i had this dream last night i've never had a dream like this i had a dream where i was sitting on a toilet and couldn't shit last night it was so crazy it felt so real and i have no problem shitting i'm like i prairie dog quick like i wake up in the morning i have to run to the toilet even if i don't have to shit i could just sit on a toilet and breathe one out i can always take a shit like like people can always pee i could always always poop. You don't text,
Starting point is 01:22:45 you don't text your friends, you don't text your friends on the toilet. Cause you're too fast. No, no, I still hang out. I still hang out, but I just,
Starting point is 01:22:51 I can just do stomach breathing and just poop. Like whatever. I called for a reason. I can remember to hear about my pooping, my amazing fucking bladder control. No shit. No, I know it was,
Starting point is 01:23:04 um, Travis, I don't want to hear you say ceo hat that could be hard i want you to be like absolutely we'll make a one-off we're gonna get rich together fuck it we'll do it all right cool you man go ahead done uh ceo shirts at rogue we'll have some no i'm not doing a booth but i will will have shirts there. All right, cool. So shameless. I had this other guy making shirts for me. One time I called him on a Sunday. He told me not to call him on a Sunday.
Starting point is 01:23:34 Oh, such a dick. Told you I'm always on. And then what was another thing? I work with this other T-shirt company and they sent Josh Bridges a large. I go, dude, I told you to send him a medium. They said we didn't have any large. I'm like, dude, listen. You have a body like fucking Josh. That was the same company.
Starting point is 01:23:51 No, no, no. I cannot confirm or deny. If you have a body like fucking Josh Bridges, you don't wear the wrong size shirt. You have to, next time you talk to Andrew, you have to give him shit. When we were at Crash, had a ceo shirt on yeah i saw it i saw i saw the yeah it was not the one that i made oh it was the other company and he felt so bad i think the one i'm wearing right now is from the other company right
Starting point is 01:24:20 purple uh it might be i have a purple one now oh but yes this gold on here on this one is nice wait let me see no no that's mine oh it is okay yeah that's the metallic yeah this is nice i thought this was from the other company this is nice freaking no faith what's crazy is that i'm a large in this shirt so like if i It's crazy how tight these shirts are on me. But they're not tight around the tits or the gut, which is just everything, right? Because then it can just hang off my shoulders. You're in that in-between size. I don't even use that brand anymore because they completely fucked up their sizing. I have three stacks of CEO shirts that we made for Wadapalooza that are all sized wrong.
Starting point is 01:25:09 So what do you do with them? Because the manufacturer screwed up. What do you do with them? I'll relabel them. Oh, okay. I'll just label them as mediums. But I've had thousands of dollars of apparel that was printed wrong because the shirt size is wrong and the company's not doing anything about it i've had four companies reach out and tell me the same thing oh that's uh that
Starting point is 01:25:31 the sizes are wrong and they're not fixing it let us know if we ever need to blast someone uh dick butter i got three free ones from the 2022 games who made them that was travis made those i think yeah they said CA hormones on the back, maybe? Yep. We did those. Okay, cool. I just want to give that plug. Cool. All right.
Starting point is 01:25:50 Thanks for the – Oh, so stuff for Tyson. Yes. I'm just waiting for him to get back to me on what sizes he needs. God, you know what else would be fucking crazy, too, is to make him a zipper hoodie. I know those are really hard to make no they're not i can do that that said ceo across the chest across the chest is hard because of the zipper and we have lettering that goes right down the middle but you could do a, like a left chest design where it's off to the side. That's not gangster enough.
Starting point is 01:26:29 It's gotta be good. I'll research it. Okay. You the man. All right. Hey, we got to fucking ride this. We got to ride this dude. This dude's, uh, this dude's Billy, the kid smile and make you famous.
Starting point is 01:26:42 It's crazy. I love it. Yeah. We can all. And it doesn't hurt that he's a wagon to this. It's crazy. I love it. Yeah, we can all just – And it doesn't hurt that he's a good dude. You know, he's not a cocky – he's got swagger, but he's not cocky. Yeah. How about when they – did you see the presser when they asked about his throwing ability?
Starting point is 01:27:01 Oh, that he's got a cannon? Yeah. Like, I got a cannon. I got a cannon? Yeah. Like, I got a cannon. I got a cannon. He's awesome. Okay. Good dude. Okay.
Starting point is 01:27:12 Bye. All right, man. In touch. Bye. Tyson Bajent Presser. Presser, is that what it is? Tyson Bajent Presser. Tyson Bajent Presser.
Starting point is 01:27:23 How do you spell Presser? Presser? Just type in Presser. And then I'll go to videos. You got to see this. Oh, I think I saw it and I fucked it up. I think it was it. Oh, my God. Hi. Hey, caller, hi. Hold on. Kind of a neat story Remember when Dave Castro came back
Starting point is 01:27:48 Working for CrossFit He was on your show He got fired and then came back Yeah he got fired by Rosa And then came back Yeah I remember that He was on your show Well he shared his email
Starting point is 01:28:02 And said like because he was working with affiliates if you had any questions whatever reach out to him david so i had moved yeah so i had moved like 40 minutes from my gym and it was just so much to travel and so i went looking for a few gyms i went to one gym and they didn't have like when i went there they don't go over the movements they don't warm up nothing they just like tell you what the workout is and then you do it and it was not the atmosphere i preferred and then i asked about my wife getting involved and they don't even do like foundations classes what state is that what state is that it's in new hampshire laconia new hampshire's crossfit novaita oh yeah I don't mind I don't mind okay
Starting point is 01:28:46 oh I have no problem I was not impressed at all I mean this guy he was in his 50s he told me he's one of the top in the um open for his age group which is incredible but then like I'm 30 31 and like when we did the workout together like I was was beating him, but he's like super fit. But all he did was like brag beforehand. And then after I was beating him, he like stopped the workout to like take a phone call. So it just wasn't the vibe, you know. Douche nozzle. Douche nozzle.
Starting point is 01:29:18 For real, like super impressively fit. And like to be keeping up with any 23- old guy like good for him seriously but like i didn't need him to brag so i was gonna go to another gym it's crossfit dude i did 10 i did 10 cleans with 135 without stopping do you always do them barefoot because i saw a video of you doing barefoot always i just wanted to brag but go on okay Hey, actually, can I ask you about toe spacers? Sure. But after that, I want to hear the rest of your story because I got some issues with affiliates that do that shit too. I'm liking your story, but go ahead. Toe spacers. They don't smell. They don't hold the smell. That's what you're going to ask.
Starting point is 01:29:56 I don't mind the smell. Okay. So I have the $3.50 ones from Amazon and I love them. Why should I spend the $20 on Toastbacers? I don't know. No, I couldn't tell you. You should try that out and tell me. You have the donut ones, right?
Starting point is 01:30:13 They're blue and they're donut ones? No, they're black. They're one of the top four when you search Toastbacers on Amazon. They're $3.50. I couldn't turn it down. I had them the next day. And you like them? i mean my big toe doesn't really need too much correction so but the rest of my toes they'll stay splayed for a while yeah i don't know i don't like it fuck it yeah don't don't don't do so all right and by the way story you could have fucking you
Starting point is 01:30:40 just fucked one of my sponsors just like you fucked that gym but go on oh boy oh boy but i love that ball that they sell you know the two balls that come together all right so um i'm putting on my toe spacers now so then i was gonna go to juggernaut fitness right and uh actually that was a slam dunk for you to stand up for toe spacers why they are better than the cheap brands so I think you screwed it up but I have no idea yeah you gotta fix that up all right so juggernaut fitness Laconia New Hampshire they had a crossfit sign out front but I couldn't find them on the affiliate map. So it like ate at me. And so then I reached out to Dave Castro cause I got his email.
Starting point is 01:31:30 So Dave Castro, Austin, Melio, Dave Castro, you know, back, but CC to Austin, Melio and,
Starting point is 01:31:37 um, some other names that I, I can't remember the names, but I remember like you talking about, I'm like, Oh man, these are big names. Was it Gary Gaines?
Starting point is 01:31:44 Was it Gary Gaines? Was this back in the day i think so okay oh no no this is they have a new affiliate director and they have a new chief marketing officer i have no idea who they are like no like it's crazy that i would if i don't know someone they suck by the way it's just the way it is all right i could look back and think about else but regardless it was pretty neat to see them be so responsive jump on it get back to it right all right so now let's fast forward i'm back to driving 40 minutes to my gym because where my house is even though i have all the equipment i don't have a space to do it so i'm driving back and forth now i'm like kind of like man like i want to find a local box but there isn't one that
Starting point is 01:32:26 i know of that's like a good quality atmosphere unless i want to drive 34 35 45 minutes i almost feel like there needs to be i mean they took down the crossfit sign and they're no longer a crossfit affiliate or whatever you know but um and i almost feel like there needs to be like an inspection of some of these gyms. I don't know. I know they're not franchises, but what do you think? I mean, no foundation class. No, no, I'm a huge libertarian. Let free markets decide for themselves. There doesn't need to be because like, hey, dude, for every person like you that just wants some fucking basic civility like high.
Starting point is 01:33:02 There's fucking 30 people out there with asperger's that don't want anyone fucking talking to them you know what i mean so like fuck it let those but fuck dude like i hear so many crazy stories like that like can you i cannot imagine running a gym and someone walks in and i don't say hi to them i don't walk over shake their hand and then get out of their way you know what i mean like just hey what's up how are you like make everyone feel welcome i want your money and i want you to come and train and i have no idea like what you're um what you what you're about and i just i just it's my fucking business it's you just walked into my living room like if you come to my house i'm not the kind of person that's like hey would you like sparkling water i hand you one
Starting point is 01:33:44 okay you know what i mean these people who don't aren't like that like you will never I'm not the kind of person that's like, hey, would you like a sparkling water? I hand you one. Okay. You know what I mean? These people who don't aren't like that, like you will never be as good and as successful as me ever. And I don't know if you can even fake it what I got. I think it has to do with my ethnicity, my cultural, my cultural, the things that come culturally with my ethnicity. Not my God-given right like like like you know taking a shit or having a huge dong but i'm talking about like my parents taught me like you don't offer someone food when they come to your house you fucking lay out a spread salami nuts you know
Starting point is 01:34:15 good cauliflower and then they can eat in sparkling water shit like that and these people who don't run their gyms like that, dude, you ain't going nowhere. Unless you're just going to put, I mean, you're in the people business, right? If you're not in the people business, great. If you're just some fucking dork with a PhD in math and you're going to make $5 billion a year and be miserable, go ahead. Kudos to you too. Dick Butter said he has racial superiority complex as possible yeah you're definitely in the service industry and you're there not to make i mean affiliate
Starting point is 01:34:52 owners really aren't making money so you're there you're there for other reasons so i i totally get that but i do want to give a shout out to my gym it's white mountain crossfit in concord new hampshire and when i first started there i mean i was broke as a joke and i was barely being able to afford it and then like after a year i mean i was driving like a 1995 toyota camry station wagon with 300 000 miles on it you know i paid 300 bucks for it like living as ghetto as possible one pair of crossfit shoes and i came to the owners i was like dude i can't afford to do this i gotta take some time off and they let me still come for a little while. And then one of the members secretly paid for me for a little while.
Starting point is 01:35:33 And like, yeah, that the gym that I go to, they're phenomenal. You know, it's like the atmosphere that you expect now, now life's much different for me. Life's much better, but I just wanted to give them a shout out because they're definitely a great gym. Awesome. Well, thank you. And thank you for the public service message to all gym owners out there. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:35:53 I mean, hopefully things will go better at that other gym. I mean, I probably won't be going back. Wolverine. I travel to gyms frequently and I get ignored a lot when I walk in. It's a bad vibe. Yeah, it's not good. The thing is, is because gyms are click. CrossFit gyms frequently and I get ignored a lot when I walk in. It's a bad vibe. Yeah, it's not good. The thing is, is because gyms are click. CrossFit gyms are clicks.
Starting point is 01:36:10 You just have to assume that you accept that. So then it has to be a friendly click. And if your CrossFit gym is not a click, the paradox is you're probably also not running a good CrossFit gym. So you need community, click, choose whatever word you want. But then it has to be fucking accepting or welcoming. Or you're just going to be just like not going to be successful. Or you going to be successful but you're going to be stuck in one place it can't just be the gym owners i don't know my opinion i'm the same way if i don't know you well you'll need the gym owner will lead the gym owner will set the tone for the culture right yeah i always like it when there's a new person in the gym and like before the warm-up like all
Starting point is 01:36:46 right we got this guy such and such just starting you know why don't we all introduce ourselves and say something you know embarrassing or about ourselves or something funny or whatever it is you know and or what we had for breakfast like i appreciate that you know breaks the ice that we all get to know each other a little bit better and sometimes we don't even know each other's name and been working out for each other for six months, you know, Or in the morning or in the morning class. What I like to do is if you've got like a big morning class, like 20 people and it's a cold morning,
Starting point is 01:37:14 I like to ask all the clients to close their eyes and be like, okay, on the count of three, everyone yell out whose nipples are hard. Whose nipples are hard. Cause everyone knew that one chick that walked in her nipples are hard. No one just screams, Carol. And it's funny. I like doing that one. Hey, do you remember you interviewed a guy named Adam Hawkins?
Starting point is 01:37:34 Yes. Yeah. Well, he was like a ranger or something, right? He was a ranger or something. Yeah. So I still have to listen to that interview. I'm so mad that I haven't. But he was a coach he was
Starting point is 01:37:45 one of my first coaches he was a cool dude um i don't know if it was a very good podcast but i really liked him i liked interacting with that guy he's a go-getter he's he's very fit but his wife it like embarrasses everybody at the gym it is is hilarious. Like she's very unsuspecting, but man, like she makes grown men look silly. It's pretty funny. Did you, did you see the,
Starting point is 01:38:14 um, the Tyson, Tyson Beijing get the game ball yesterday? Dude, that was cool. I'm glad you posted that. So I, you can see the outline of his penis in his pants.
Starting point is 01:38:26 Oh my word. Why do you look at that? Someone told me. I swear I didn't look. Someone told me. I didn't look. I swear. So I'm from Chicago originally and been living in New Hampshire most of my life. And this is the most excited I've been to watch the Bears since they went to the Super Bowl in like 2007. It's been hard to be a fan for a while you know so it's just nice to have a crossfitter in the space like you know proving the methodology and dude what a stud he is and hey but but here's the question don't those guys play with cups you know i wouldn't because that means He took his cup out
Starting point is 01:39:05 Right As one of the first things he did He took his shirt out Off and his cup out Dude I would keep that thing in Even in the locker room You never know Yeah
Starting point is 01:39:17 Yeah Yeah Alright Well thank you for calling Yeah you have a good one Okay thanks brother Bye Hey what's up Swilverine Someone's saying Where's the sponsors All right. Well, thank you for calling. Yeah, you have a good one. Okay. Thanks, brother. Bye.
Starting point is 01:39:28 Hey, what's up, Swolverine? Someone's saying, where's the sponsors on the bottom? I don't really know how to do that. Let me see. I don't know how to do that. That's a – I thought I knew how to do that. Maybe I make my picture smaller. No, I don I knew how to do that. Maybe I make my picture smaller. No, I don't know how to do that.
Starting point is 01:39:51 Oh, like if I go like that? Nah, I'm doing that. It can't be that small. What, that? That? That. Oh, there it is. Okay.
Starting point is 01:40:05 There's a comment down here I am going to ask him about when he takes a cup out You gotta ask him that Oh I wanted to show you guys this Oh two things Tank made a tank So Tank Have we talked about SV40 and the Vax yet Okay so I just typed in SV40 into Google,
Starting point is 01:40:27 and the first thing that pops up is National Institute of Health, right? So I click on that, and it takes me to a screen, and it says the polio, polio, polio, my virus. I don't know how to say that word. Polio virus, the polio virus, simian virus 40 SV 40 is known as an oncogenic DNA virus, which induces primary brain and bone cancers, malignant mesotheloma and lymphomas in laboratory animals. So for those of you who don't know what Tank is talking about, and that's the first line. So this is a virus that induces cancer, according to this article.
Starting point is 01:41:22 That's the first article in Google. And what Tank is referring to is they found SV40 in the 49ers vaccine. And Tank is saying what a lot of people are saying, how the fuck did that get in there? And It's Introduction as a pathogen into the human population Was tied to the development and worldwide Distribution of early forms of the polio vaccine So that was actually Distributed originally with the polio vaccine
Starting point is 01:41:54 Forms of the polio vaccine were Inadvertently contaminated In addition different Virus vaccines distributed to some U.S. military personnel from 1961 to 1965 were also contaminated. Damn. The viral contamination occurred because these early vaccines were prepared in primary cultures of kidney cells derived from the rhesus monkey, which are often naturally infected with SV40. Oh my God.
Starting point is 01:42:36 You are batshit crazy if you get an injection from anyone, unless it comes from their pants. My God. Do not do that. Do not do that. Hey, dude, I know it's worth going down the rabbit hole and looking at even more articles. I'm not going to do it live on the air. Maybe I'll research it later, But I'm just so happy. I'm not.
Starting point is 01:43:05 I'm just. That I don't fuck with that stuff. So happy. I don't do Kratom. Or 49er shit. And my kids don't either. So happy. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:43:16 I hate that shit too. That SV40. Put my. My medical concoction. Oh my god. Please. And you're welcome Tank thank you and the world you're welcome You're welcome
Starting point is 01:43:53 Uh uh heidi krum referencing just like people in your gym i guess how do you go six months without asking someone's name yeah you know what happens too is there's these people that um you forget someone's name and they're embarrassed to ask and like if you're if you're my age and you still have that embarrassment, you're stupid. Don't do that. Get over that. It's so easy not to be stupid. You can ask, if you're 50, if you're 40, you can say anything you want now.
Starting point is 01:44:15 I've set you free. You can say anything you want. You can walk up to someone you've known for five years and be like, what was your name again? It's totally fine. It's on them if they're embarrassed or they're offended or just, no. Heidi Kroom, Toast toe spacers just followed me about fucking time oh and the show with tyson's bulge says the lady in the blue dress i know it's not blue but just let me tell the story my way
Starting point is 01:44:40 heidi krum i only need,000 more followers before they sponsor me Okay, let's go over to the presser We'll play all this shit tomorrow too I hope I'm prepared for tomorrow's show I haven't prepared yet But in here somewhere I think I remember looking at the time code when he says it Let's listen, see if we can hear it
Starting point is 01:45:03 I thought the screen was perfect I thought, screen was perfect. I thought still running the ball effectively, getting the ball out of our hands and taking our shots downfield when we can. So I thought he dialed up some amazing stuff today. He's so calm, right? You remember one or two plays from that drive that he scrubs down?
Starting point is 01:45:23 Yeah, that screen is one of them. The screen is definitely one of them that stands out, and I think that you couldn't we couldn't have executed that any better. Why are there screens on the football field? I didn't see any screens. I was at a party the other night, and a screen fell on Avi. No shit. Departing a big, huge
Starting point is 01:45:40 house. Looked like the White House back in the country here. And we walked into the backyard where there's this huge pool overlooking this forest canyon ravine and right when we walked through we're looking and the screen door just fell on avi wham i but i didn't see any screens i don't know what i don't even know why they're i don't know why they're asking maybe they're asking about screens at his house or something. I don't know. Able to come to that. It's been on the call sheet for a couple weeks. So for him to have the confidence in, you know, me, the O-line, you know,
Starting point is 01:46:11 everybody to execute, you know, kind of a high-risk play when you throw the ball back across the field. I liked it when he did that kind of a high-risk play. He's a white kid that talks like a black kid. West Virginia. That's the first thing I thought when I met Travis I was like oh this guy talks like a black guy same with Rude Jude on um um um Sirius XM on the Eminem channel whatever I used to listen to R Jude. And then I looked him up and I was like, holy shit, this is a fucking,
Starting point is 01:46:47 this guy's as white as can be. He's just a red-headed white dude. When I filmed Pulling John, when I filmed Pulling John and I went out and met Travis Bajent, Tyson's dad, he was on a flag football team. The dad was. And we filmed one of his games.
Starting point is 01:47:07 And it was him. And the entire league was black dudes. And he was the only white dude. The dad. Travis. And he drove an escalator. A navigator at the time. And he would just drive it out onto the field.
Starting point is 01:47:29 We got to the game early we got to the flag football game early he drives his navigator onto the football field to where there's 25 guys warming up on the opposing team it was a pretty gnarly flag football league it was like it was like guys who like went from college and wanted to play pro but never did, right? He drives over to these guys who were warming up before the game, onto the field, and lowers the window. It's like 25 black guys, and he just starts talking crazy shit to them. Crazy shit. Why'd you come here? You're going to get your ass beat today.
Starting point is 01:48:06 You guys look silly out here. at you you're all in your tight Just nuts just ripping them He ended up losing They ended up losing I said Travis get his flag But he was Travis was the quarterback too Of course If I forget your name blame it on mom brain
Starting point is 01:48:24 Oh you have kids That means you've had sex Algebra Of course. If I forget your name, blame it on mom brain. Oh, you have kids? That means you've had sex. Algebra. Anyway, I don't know where the canon, I don't know where the is. I found it. I found it. I found it. I found it. I found it. Here we go. Here we go. Listen. So the guy says something about a Hail Mary. Here we go. 513. Here we go. Okay, here we go.
Starting point is 01:49:05 The reporter's going to ask. I'm going to pause it because it's hard to hear. What if this is even 30% true? What, even my story? No, it's 100% true. I have video footage of it. It might even be in the movie Pulling John. What are you talking about?
Starting point is 01:49:21 What part? My story or the story about the fucking cancer fucking virus being in in in everyone's via in uh injections okay here we go you don't think tyson sounds like a black kid that that's 30 sure you decide it's a black dude he talks in the black black accent here we go. Like, if he called you on the phone and was, like, trying to sell you a car or something, you'd be like, oh, this is a black guy selling it to me. Okay, hold on.
Starting point is 01:49:52 Here we go. 60 yards into the end zone, they chose to go with Nate. You think you can get it to the end zone from there about 60 yards? Something like he said, hey, there must be a wide receiver named Nate, and he said something like, hey, if he was 60 yards away and he was in the end zone, do you think you could get it to him?
Starting point is 01:50:09 It's a black guy asking the question, too. I recognize the black guy's voice. Okay, here we go. Yeah, I mean, I've got a cannon. You know, I wouldn't be here if I didn't. I got a cannon. I wouldn't be here if I didn't. I think that there's... I got a cannon. I wouldn't be here if I didn't.
Starting point is 01:50:32 Oh, God, I love him. Fucking doesn't even... And when they laugh, he doesn't even... Like a true comedian, he doesn't even break character. He doesn't even like a true comedian he doesn't even break character he doesn't even break character so good great vocabulary too what a fucking stunning vocabulary choice of words he's like a like a poet there was you know we're playing in the windy city i had one this week that came off my hand a little funny but uh you, never want to get it twisted. Nate's got a very powerful arm as well. And the love for his teammates.
Starting point is 01:51:09 It's just. I got a cannon. You guys want to hear it again? It's good. It's worth hearing again. Let's see. I've got an extremely strong. I had one this week that came off.
Starting point is 01:51:23 Yeah. I mean, I think I've got a cannon. 5 I had one this week that came off. Yeah, I mean, I've got a cannon. 522 in the presser. Oh, David. If he was black, he would not have a dad. Oh, David. Oh, David. Not cool.
Starting point is 01:51:40 Not cool. Not cool at all. Tons of white dudes don't have dads. Tons of black dudes do have dads. Oh, Cave Dastro. Oh, my goodness. Vindicate, I've got a cannon. Just wait till I show you in my white pants in the locker room.
Starting point is 01:51:55 Yeah, totally. A big old dong in his pants. Good dude. Can't wait to have him on tomorrow. What are some of the questions we're going to ask him? I want to know what it's like to be sacked like if you want to throw up after that if you just feel like just when do you decide to throw it there was there was one pass i saw him throw out of the uh end zone just like throw it away like how do you decide that oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yes Greg just invited me out to go eat
Starting point is 01:52:32 uh I think so I need to work the boys schedule I think so. I need to work the boys' schedule. I can go at 11. I can go at 11 a.m. and bring the kids 100%. That's fun. Today today's gonna be fun yeah i told you i tried kratom it's fucking horrible don't do it anyway uh
Starting point is 01:53:21 anyway yeah tomorrow Tyson Bajan crazy crazy crazy I can't wait to see this Andrew Hiller piece should we call Andrew and ask him when the piece is coming out let's do that really quick I can't wait to see this I can't believe how excited I am I feel like I'm always excited like this I'm always titillated I very live this very high
Starting point is 01:53:44 and I feel like i live a high super high stimulated life um oh yeah someone just asked if i want to go on a walk i'd love walking i said yes yes i want to walk too yeah walk oh yeah let's walk after cilantro's. Yes. Let's walk after cilantro's. Oh, I'm in big trouble. Okay, who am I calling? Hiller. 6-3-0-3-1.
Starting point is 01:54:33 Okay, let's see. It's not sad that he's not... It's not sad that he's not... Hey, what's up, dude? You're live on the air. Hey, how are you? Hey, when does this piece get released? I'm working on it as we speak. I did it pretty late. Did you watch that draft?
Starting point is 01:54:50 I know, but I showed the first 15 seconds of it on my show where you're at the after party with Tyson. It's crazy, dude. It's crazy. I'm trying to do a good job with it, so I don't know. I'd say I put about 10% extra work into it. I was up pretty late. What time were you up to?
Starting point is 01:55:10 Three. Damn. Yeah. Cause I, I called you at basically midnight. You're, you're not your time last night was fucking going crazy. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:55:22 It's going to be good. I'm pretty sure. I never really know. I wait for the first hour it's gonna be great it's gonna be great hey why didn't you eat at the after party because you were too busy like working and filming like you didn't want to like break away from like doing stuff why didn't you eat i'm very one track minded so if i'm going somewhere to hang out and do that sort of thing i'll do it but i wasn't there to do that i was there i'm kind of always just looking for an opening i didn't want to be
Starting point is 01:55:49 intrusive i didn't want to say like jake bombard him or bombard anybody so i was just kind of constantly looking for something to record were any of his friends there were there any was there anyone like bunch was there like 15 20 year old guys there like like like his fat high school friends west virginia high school friends who like with missing teeth and just up like did you see any of that stuff i would say or was it all old people there were definitely some of his friends there are definitely some of his friends there but it was mostly arm wrestlers so this video i'm putting together Actually Gary was there and I arm wrestled him Gary Robert Which I think is funny because
Starting point is 01:56:28 There was a show that you, myself and Hunter Were on not too long ago And he said that he could whoop us in arm wrestling So I got us arm wrestling at the end of this video Wow, wow Okay, so if you want to see who wins You gotta watch the video Right
Starting point is 01:56:42 And I'd say yeah it was most it was a lot of arm wrestlers there's this uh i met john berzink which was cool yeah that's crazy i've heard all the stories about him is john berzink in the video no because so i started just talking to him and then i realized at that point that i should have probably been recording him oh but it was i got a picture with him oh good okay yeah oh i think i saw that on your instagram right or did you send it to me i may have sent it directly to you can't believe you got to meet john berzink yeah that was well you know what's crazy is i was sitting on a couch talking to i was i was just trying to talk to as many people as i could and then he points up and he goes,
Starting point is 01:57:25 Hey, that guy's an arm wrestler. His name's John. I go, John. As in the greatest arm wrestler of all time sitting right there. He goes, yeah,
Starting point is 01:57:33 yeah. 60 year old dude. And I just go and start talking to him. And then I don't really often ask to take pictures of somebody, but I had to be just because I wanted to send it to you. Yeah. And he takes his top off to take this picture. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:57:49 So he was wearing a sweatshirt and shirt underneath it. And as he's doing it, like, you know how, when you take your shirt off your sweatshirt, the undershirt comes with it. You got me. I make sure I hold it down.
Starting point is 01:57:58 Cause I don't want anyone to see my muffin, but I understand regular masculine dude. John was not keeping it down. Right. Right. And he's got these veins going around his stomach. Like, holy shit, this dude is 60. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:58:11 Crazy. Huge forearm, huge hand. I heard he has a penis like a tuna can. I'm not joking either, by the way. I heard that. I didn't ask him about that. I should have. But I heard that's true.
Starting point is 01:58:23 I heard just Fucking crazy girth Hey That one That one slipped In the shots that I saw The dudes outnumbered The girls 30 to 1 There was just
Starting point is 01:58:37 It's not a lot There's not a lot of beaver there It's all just dudes I don't think there's very many Arm wrestling chicks out there Right And it was kind of like So basically it was Travis showing off
Starting point is 01:58:47 His son to all his arm wrestling buddies For the most part I'd say It was probably like two thirds dudes If I had to put a number on it And most of them were In the 30 to 40 range Plus and they were arm wrestlers And then there were some
Starting point is 01:59:05 There were some it looks like ants and Cousins and his sisters were there And but there were there were girls there too Man It's soon going to become impossible to get a hold Of Travis Or Tyson or Tyson Yeah or both yeah or both well for sure
Starting point is 01:59:21 Travis because Travis got for sure Yeah I don't know Tyson Here's the reason why Tyson Tyson probably has a smaller Or both. Yeah, or both. Well, for sure, Travis. Because Travis got, for sure, Travis. Yeah. I don't know. Tyson. Here's the reason why. Tyson probably has a smaller pool of friends already. So if you're in now, you probably can stay in. But Travis has a huge pool of friends.
Starting point is 01:59:39 And dudes are going to get, like, pushed out of the pool. Like, you just can't maintain. You only have so many hours in the day. It's nothing personal. It's just, like, you can't have every dude on the CrossFit Games Update show. Well, you're right. Yeah, you can't. Because if you get more than five people on that show, it starts to get a little loud. Yeah. I did think it was nuts. It's crazy.
Starting point is 02:00:00 Because it did not seem as if he was coming from an NFL start as a quarterback on one of these massive teams it seemed kind of low-key almost like not even the size of a wedding so you know you go to a wedding reception and all these people are here to see these two people it was just one guy of course but it was even more low-key than a wedding, the feel of it. It was cool, which I think is awesome. And then I also think because some of his buddies were there, it didn't seem like the magnitude of what had just happened was in the room, which is awesome. He's only 23 years old. When I think of you, I think of you as being young.
Starting point is 02:00:45 And I saw the picture of you next to him and he's like a kid compared to you. Right. I did. When I look at myself next to him, I did not feel that young either. It's kind of crazy trip. Uh,
Starting point is 02:00:58 but then I'm next to Gary. I felt young again. So it's all good. There you go. Um, uh, Seve, uh,
Starting point is 02:01:04 will you get pushed out savvy i don't know if i do i'm cool with it i'm happy to fucking what i got what i got i'm good but i hope not i'm sitting here i'm sitting here editing this thing and i go i just i don't want to there isn't anything in here i took out but i'm just being so careful not to step on toes like to respect them yeah right but i don't think that i don't i don't think i took anything out really i'm just trying to make it flow well i asked about the podcast oh good oh you're a good dude yeah it's good i think you'll like that you only watch the first couple seconds yeah you'll like the part about the podcast.
Starting point is 02:01:46 It's like three or four minutes in. Let me see. Let me see. Oh, wait. Where is it? Oh, shit. Did I already lose it? Let me see. Where?
Starting point is 02:01:54 Here, I'll tell you exactly where it's at. I'm on it right now. Okay. It's at 630. I've edited the one that you've got so it's around six minutes do I click that same link you already sent me if so you can click on that if so many of your videos I texted it to you last night you're Andrew Hiller that's not me
Starting point is 02:02:24 oh god I like it even how in the press conference he says how is everybody Hiller. You're Andrew Hiller? That's not me. Oh, God. I like it even how in the press conference he says how is everybody? At the beginning of it? Yeah. He's just so... He's the boy everyone wants. He's the son. He's like... He's the son everyone wants.
Starting point is 02:02:40 Travis got him. Travis made him. Travis got him. Yeah. I got a lot of Travis and the. Travis got him. Yeah. I got a whole lot. I got a lot of Travis. And the stuff that he says is awesome. I got something in here about how he believes that my video pushed CrossFit to finish the piece on Tyson quicker. He says it with conviction to the point where there's no way that it isn't true.
Starting point is 02:03:01 Wait, wait, wait. Say that part again. What did he say? What did he say? He goes, what exactly was it i i told him that i had ripped some of the content to put my video together off of his youtube channel oh right and he goes yeah that and he goes yeah that's great i think that your video really pushed crossfit to get the peace out on them because they've been trying to do it forever yeah yeah and i've been telling them i've been telling them for 10 years and now they want a piece
Starting point is 02:03:27 it's really good what he says right there he goes if it weren't for your video i don't think they would have gotten it out before the start he made what do you think about what do you think about this andrew what do you think about the fact that we saw the full capability of crossfit hq to get behind something so like if you went to their instagram page they had a little button i'd never even seen this i didn't know instagram had this where you could hit a button the event the event scheduling button yeah and it put it on my calendar. Oh, no shit? Yeah.
Starting point is 02:04:07 You pressed it. Oh, I didn't even press it. I pressed it and it put it on. And then it was in my, I don't know if it went on my calendar, but it went into some sort of like Instagram calendar. And then they sent an email out that also had you could send, push a button and it hit a reminder and put one to your calendar. So they had these buttons on there that somehow function with other platforms
Starting point is 02:04:30 you have in your computer to remind you to watch it. And I'm thinking, I wonder why they... Why don't they do this more often? Why don't they do that for Heber and Mars when they put out their game stuff? Why don't they do that when Chase interviews um someone on the crossfit games podcast why didn't they do that for coffee pods and wads when he interviewed don fall like now we know what they're capable of why don't they just do this ever why is why is this the first time it's like they showed their hand right they can do it yeah and what a great way to manipulate. We had the technology.
Starting point is 02:05:05 Dude, and I would be manipulating the fuck out of outside media. You want to be play cool with us? Well, that's what I'm thinking. I'm putting this together, and I was only there because of you and the piece that I made, and with all of that, CrossFit's getting some free
Starting point is 02:05:22 stuff out of us, in a way. You and me, the whole thing. And it would be almost dumb for them to not promote. Let Tia know that. Let Tia know that. But go on. I'm planning on letting Tia know that. I think I've talked to you about the video I'm making on that,
Starting point is 02:05:36 the Talking Fitness podcast. But they've shown their hand. Yeah, they can do all this stuff. They can promote things. They just don't. All they do is put up stupid memes yeah they could be they can do dude they would own us if they did that i put up i put up that clip it's almost at a million views on instagram which is insane and i did it timely within two hours of tyson having said at that
Starting point is 02:06:02 press conference the motherfuckers, whoever runs that, that, that fricking media page over at CrossFit, it's as if they're laying in bed at night and they throw captions on the exact same clip that I put up. And then they put it up because it's the convenient time for them to do it. A hundred percent, seven,
Starting point is 02:06:19 eight o'clock at night. Like, Oh, I'm going to pull my phone out, open up the page on instagram and upload this video ha ha ha nice job pat myself on the back yeah yeah but that but they they're so bad at their job and yeah now you can see what they can do if they if i don't know maybe don told them to get their asses in gear honestly what i think it is is they're they're probably like they probably need to fire
Starting point is 02:06:46 50 of their staff and bring on people that are actual creators and then they need to stop they probably have too many meetings to get stuff done so when when i worked at crossfit it was basically it was almost it was 90 creators there almost no management management just sucks management's just management's bad for two reasons one they can't actually do anything. And two, they create bullshit stuff and conversations and meetings that stop the few people who can do stuff to get stuff done. So what that looks like is you need fucking 10-hour days uninterrupted to get stuff done. But instead, you're in meetings instead of getting it done. And people who are making up stuff that really has no relevance, they're just trying to justify their own job.
Starting point is 02:07:27 It's fucking nuts. But if you have really high quality, if you have really good people that you trust, if you work for CrossFit, they could just trust you and you could just be publishing at your free will. And that's the way we had it. Like, hey, just make whatever you want
Starting point is 02:07:43 and send it down this pipe and don't worry because we trusted the people people were just you're telling me that the reason behind the scene isn't out yet is because dave has to give you the go ahead and it's got to go off the ladder no no no no no that's that's all no no i'm messing with you yeah yeah no that's what in a way the reason why behind the scenes isn't done is because it's massive and it's just a limited resource i have a small team andrew i have a small team and it's just smaller than crossfit's team uh yeah smaller a little smaller than crossfit's team but the thing is but it works harder but the thing you right so they just need they just need someone i mean how do they have someone who's not in our inner circle already like the fact that
Starting point is 02:08:24 they haven't had anyone penetrate our group to get all the cutting edge and up to the date information is nuts, too. Have you not penetrated our group? Would you do you think that they've tried? Well, maybe they have. Actually, I just thought of the penetrators have been pushed away. Yeah, I don't. I thought of someone to someone's. Let's try CrossFit.
Starting point is 02:08:48 Wad Zombie, because just like Sousa was saying, he and Will were talking about without all these people in the same building, CrossFit isn't going to function. Oh, I wanted to ask Dave that. In the same building? Yeah. You mean like street parking HQ?
Starting point is 02:09:03 How they're all in the same building? Yeah. They can just yell across the room instead of needing to put together some sort of stupid-ass Zoom call. Do you think this video is going to come out today? Yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 02:09:15 I could probably bet it would have been up by, I don't know, an hour from now. Okay. But I'm in a meeting. Oh. This is what happens at CrossFit. Okay, hold on. Let me play this.
Starting point is 02:09:30 Let me play this. Question number three is, and this is why I can keep this kind of short, is you'll be on the Seth on podcast on Tuesday. Tuesday morning. Is that kind of regular? I'd like to. I get Tuesdays off.
Starting point is 02:09:43 I told him it's the only podcast I do. Why is that? It's my guy. It's my guy. I thought it was super. Oh, my God, dude. So when you play something, I can't hear it. What did you just play?
Starting point is 02:09:54 Oh, you couldn't hear. Basically, it's the part where he's like, are you coming on the Semon podcast? He's like, yeah, hopefully I can come on Tuesdays. You think I could make him every Tuesday? What would I do with Greg? I'd move Greg to Wednesdays. Oh, shit. I didn't even think about that
Starting point is 02:10:08 Yeah that's his off day for the For the team Tuesdays they don't do Anything dude Hey I got this I got this idea For for an affiliate program Okay And it's
Starting point is 02:10:24 Basically it's like you take all These content creators that we have in our in our like in our co-op brian spin um uh um coffee pods and wads you know you me you take you take the group right right and then basically start our own affiliate program and then we have greg come on the show one hour or two hours a week and if you if you're part of our affiliate program you get a special phone number you can talk to him anytime you want and we still promote crossfit and shit but we have our own gym name right and our affiliate brand yeah and we still promote CrossFit And we still tell you to take the level one And maybe even to open one of our affiliates
Starting point is 02:11:08 You have to take the level one Like we don't even try to bite that off of them But like hey Why are you paying money to CrossFit affiliates When you should be paying money to us Because we're the ones making all the content And Greg's our de facto
Starting point is 02:11:25 Cult leader like you can ask him business questions Or movement questions or whatever you want We could even do programming If you're an affiliate you also get programming from Hillerfit and you get video From the cult Yeah yeah No Greg wouldn't actually Greg doesn't actually
Starting point is 02:11:40 He doesn't even know we don't even tell Greg Someone's like probably that violates Greg even know. We don't even tell Greg. Someone's like, probably that violates Greg's contract. No, we don't even tell Greg. He doesn't even know what he's doing? No. He can't be in trouble then? No. We don't even fucking tell him.
Starting point is 02:11:54 He just comes on the show a couple hours every week. He's like, man, there's a lot of phone calls about how to run the business now. That would be awesome. Dude, every single affiliate, the only thing I ever hear them say is, we wish there was more media. We could do that. Yeah, Eric Weiss, Greg can't do that until next summer. He doesn't do it.
Starting point is 02:12:16 He doesn't do it. The whole thing would be kind of amorphous. He goes on the show and he just talks. Yeah, he just goes on the show and people can ask him questions. Yeah, we don't pay Greg anything. He already got enough money. Dude, do people pay us? Yeah, fuck yeah, they pay us.
Starting point is 02:12:30 We got like a gym name or something. Instead of paying CrossFit $3,000 or $5,000 a year, whatever affiliate fees are, they pay us $1,000. And then we spread that money out so that we can fucking make more content. That's all we do. We just make more content. Oh, that'd be great. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:12:48 Imagine what we could do with like $10 And we focus And we just focus on the people I don't have a gym name for us yet Hey when I hear the excuses about The Tyson piece In relation to how CrossFit was going about it They don't have the resources They don't have the time
Starting point is 02:13:02 They don't have the people Resources being a whole bunch of different things But I'm like dude it cost me a tank of fucking gas to go over there you stupid bitches but three you got to do four you got to do four meetings and then they have to send out a contract to the lawyer then the lawyer to hr and then that person to the director of marketing why Why? Why? Why? Bro, it's because all those people need a job. Hey, I went through. What am I missing?
Starting point is 02:13:31 Am I missing some shit? Listen, I went through a, I went through a, um, a drive, um, uh, a toll road, a toll bridge when I was in India and there were three people at each booth and you handed your money to one guy and he did something like he made sure it was a real bill and then he handed it to another guy and then that guy like flattened it out and then he handed it to another guy that put it in the register and when the money came back to you it came back the same way through three guys so that there could be three jobs yes it was nuts it was one of the craziest wildest things i seen. It was like a fucking comedy skit. And that's what they got over at HQ. They don't know.
Starting point is 02:14:13 I like the comedy skit. I just imagined a Penn and Teller thing. That's nuts. But yeah, imagine what we can do with like 10 bucks But I am really happy that they promoted all this Tyson stuff Kudos to them They shouldn't have put it on the game site He's an affiliate
Starting point is 02:14:32 While it's awesome they did it It ended up feeling somewhat gross to me I don't know why And I know that's kind of really weird to say Because of how hard we were saying for them to press it. Yeah, they did what we wanted to do. Yeah, but at a certain point it was – Go ahead.
Starting point is 02:14:55 It's like if I'm with Alexis and I want to be with her and every once in a while I bring her flowers. And I want to be with her. And every once in a while, I bring her flowers. But but and then after six months, I don't bring her flowers anymore. And she starts hounding me. You used to bring me flowers, used to bring me flowers, used to bring me flowers. And then one day I just come home with like way too many fucking flowers. And I spent all my money on it. Now we can't eat for a week because I spent all my money on flowers.
Starting point is 02:15:24 Like, what the fuck is wrong with you? Why do do that that's kind of how i felt like all right that's a little bit much like i all i wanted was some flowers it was just it was just i don't know it's like one of those seven deadly sins like gluttony or i don't know right hey how about this how about this this is the the part that i kind of got. I used to have- They posted fucking four times to Facebook, dude, within an hour. Sorry. Yeah, yeah. I hear you. There's a piece about it that feels a little insincere.
Starting point is 02:15:54 That's it? Yeah. Did you want to give me flowers? You don't really want to fuck me, but your girlfriend's gone out of town for the month, so you're coming over here and fucking me. It's like there's something insincere about it. I get it. But I,
Starting point is 02:16:07 but I was all, I was all juiced up. That's a great example. It's all juiced up. I wanted to bang all the time, all the fucking time. And if at any point during that, Alexis was like,
Starting point is 02:16:16 gave me any sort of an inkling that she wasn't into it. I would have been devastated. Right. But what CrossFit did with Tyson right here, it was the inkling that it wasn't something that they wanted to do it was that they were doing it i don't know it's weird i don't know if that's a good way to explain it either well but do you get what i'm saying yeah we'll see how they follow it up i i do see what i totally see what you're saying it's a great example i'm very
Starting point is 02:16:39 happy i i thought the piece was brilliant that they made. I loved the video that they made. Are you okay with the duration of it? And what it's all about? Yeah, I'm okay with the duration. I saw your comment, I can't wait for the next 10 pieces. I thought that was funny. Yeah, it would be fun if there were 10 two-minute pieces. But all
Starting point is 02:17:00 Travis says the same thing in my video. All things considered, the fact that we got them off the couch and off the carbs is good. We got them off the couch. We got them moving. And I think it's awesome. And the fact that they posted all those links and that we can get the community. I mean, I saw comments that said, I'm a lifelong 49ers fan or lifelong or lifelong raiders fan but i rooted for the bears i can't believe it yes so the goal is accomplished and
Starting point is 02:17:31 what's cool about that is is like yeah we're involved in something that is a lifestyle that's um for some reason controversial because we believe we have the cure for the world's most vexing problem and at the end of the day this is one of our new poster children and he's a sweet fucking hard-working young man who's climbed to the top of the food chain mega alpha um proving our concept works and it's it's cool i love it and i'm glad that i expect crossfit to own him i expect them to shower him with love i expect it and the way it comes off in my video they kind of missed the boat on that. Probably because they had to go up the ladder and pass the bills under the toll bridge. Well, that's what you do.
Starting point is 02:18:11 You give constructive criticism. That's good. I just tell them, no, I mean, that sucks. It's like, hey, you could have dated the hottest chick and you missed your shot because you're too busy jerking off. Justin H, CrossFit needs to ride the wave in the nfl dollar no that's what the sebon podcast needs to do smile did you hear the part in the video i don't think you did where i started getting embarrassed actually i started getting embarrassed watching it to be honest oh no oh this one doesn't have to do with you, Travis. I asked him about the money ball thing that I posted Instagram.
Starting point is 02:18:46 And I go, if what's the time? Do you, do you know? Sorry. I think it's right around six 15. Okay. They're all different now. He said, he said that the buffet table. All right.
Starting point is 02:19:03 No, no, no. It's further along. Or is he standing at the buffet table. All right. No, no, no. It's further along. Or is he standing at the buffet table? He's standing at the buffet table, but it's closer to eight minutes. Okay. Okay. Go on. Money ball.
Starting point is 02:19:15 And I asked him if there was any sort of, in the movie Money Ball, the entire premise of the movie is Billy Beane is doing some crazy shit and he's going to risk his job at the expense of potentially having a ball team that can put up numbers against the bigger teams with more money and i said that's kind of what tyson does with crossfit is he's doing this crazy shit that if that if it cost him his career they can always say hey it's crossfit that did it and travis goes no man if everybody in the nfl did did crossfit Tyson might not have a job Yeah Yeah That's how certain he is
Starting point is 02:19:49 I mean the dude probably has the fastest Fran time in the NFL I mean think about that He's probably one of the only Fran times in the NFL As a crossfitter playing NFL football Yeah If everyone does Fran in the NFL Then Tyson might not be a quarterback.
Starting point is 02:20:06 Let me play this. Let me play this. Because it would level up the whole field, right? Let me play this. All the rest of the world would CrossFit like him. He might not even be the quarterback here. So all you slappies, keep on not CrossFitting all you want. But the reason I'm no CrossFit.
Starting point is 02:20:19 Holy shit. Hey, dude. CrossFit should grab that clip from your video and put it on their Instagram. That'd be smart. That's what I'm telling you. That's what you're saying with the buttery roast thing. That's an amazing thing, right? Dude, that's an endorsement from the guy who made Tyson.
Starting point is 02:20:37 Uh-huh. I can't wait to see how people... I tried to do a good job of balancing Travis talking about how he created Tyson and how Tyson really enjoys the fact that he's his son. And then there's like this bouncing act where he also says he'll cry if he talks too closely about Tyson and it's cool. Hey, someone in the comments,
Starting point is 02:21:00 I think he's, he must be joking. Dan Guerrero says, but he probably doesn't have the best lifts. That's like saying to some guy who's fucking your wife, yeah, but you're probably not as good as me. Motherfucker, he's fucking your wife. It doesn't matter.
Starting point is 02:21:20 Let's see. Look how smart Rogue is. They got fucking Travis outfitted in Rogue gear someone We need to get Travis the CEO hoodie get his size 12x Yeah, he's big At the end of the video
Starting point is 02:21:37 I have this thing where he's arm wrestling my dad because my dad and I were gonna arm wrestle on the table Gary and I Were using he runs over goes's going to break their arm. No, not here. No one's breaking their arm. And then he just arm wrestles my dad. Like he's like, I got it. I can control the situation. It's pretty funny. Oh man. All right. So an hour, like you're thinking around 10, 20 AM Pacific standard time. We can watch that. Somewhere around there. Yeah. All right. Hey time we can watch that somewhere somewhere around there yeah
Starting point is 02:22:05 all right hey thanks for calling in did i call you thanks for answering the phone you called you called me but yeah yeah answering the phone thank you for something of course thank you for something else all right uh talk to you soon oh thank you for a roman krennikoff too for bringing me that oh were you talking about that or is that just random you're a good dude i was telling travis about the other day i was like being like hey it's so weird there's these kind it's just there's these kind of people who lift each other up and i told them the story about how you had roman to come on your show and you gave him to me for my show and i was like it's like there's this just group that like you know that rising tides raise all ships.
Starting point is 02:22:46 It's just good. It's just good. I don't want to start crying. All right. Bye. I'm hanging out. Bye. I don't know. I don't know.
Starting point is 02:22:58 Travis is smart. He's trying to get his son a rogue sponsorship. I don't know. I don't know. To be I think I don't know to be honest with you I do know Travis just really likes Bill and Katie he wants to be friends with Bill and Katie I don't know Bill and Katie have friends I'll ask her that
Starting point is 02:23:19 she's coming on the show soon I'll ask her oh shit I gotta text her i um is that tomorrow night tomorrow night's the rogue ranking show i'm gonna ask katie if she'll come on that for a few minutes katie uh um uh uh I've added Katie Souza is on this thread. Katie Souza is on this thread. come on for 15 minutes tomorrow
Starting point is 02:24:05 night for our rogue for our invitational for our invitational invitational invitational invitational show
Starting point is 02:24:21 can you come on for 15 minutes tomorrow night for our invitational show? Oh shit, please Dick butter savvy, I'll lift your balls up any day. Thank you. I appreciate that Yeah, Travis wants to be friends with Bill and Katie. I want to be friends with Travis. Oh, dude, Dan. What's crazy is I told Hiller, I said, hey, dude, prep yourself. He might be the coolest dude you'll ever meet in your entire life.
Starting point is 02:24:54 He's so fun and easy to be around. And Hiller's like, dude, he's even cooler than you said. Yeah, the dude's dad, Tyson's dad is fun. And he's smart. He knows a lot of shit. He's really smart. You know what's crazy is being in the room with him and Greg. They rage.
Starting point is 02:25:13 They rage. It's cool. And Dave and Travis, it's crazy. You can't tell if they're friends or they're gonna fight two alphas very uncomfortable very but I love it uncomfortable in a good way When we all worked together that relationship was nuts Dave was like a bull rider and travis was like a bull rider and Travis was like a bull. Because Travis worked for Dave. It was fucking nuts. But Travis knows everything.
Starting point is 02:25:53 Crazy, strong, powerful, analytical mind. So he's good at seeing the future. Same with Greg. That's what they're good at. And Dave has a crazy, powerful, analytical mind too. I had so much fun watching the tension. The waves of tension. All right.
Starting point is 02:26:19 Yeah, who doesn't want to be friends with Bill and Katie, right? Devesh. Devesh Maharaj. The Hammer. First, you have to know how to be a friend how about the fact we started the show today with a fucking soldier from israel but he couldn't come on but i was going to try to bring him on what a fucking jerk off i am talk about some miscommunication. All right. Thanks, guys.
Starting point is 02:27:02 Bailey, what's up, girl? who wouldn't want to be friends with them I I know but people really say that but like but I'm but I'm I'm like a professional friend I'm like I'm really good at being friends with people I'm like fucking like the best friend you could ever have alright love you bye
Starting point is 02:27:20 um I don't think there's any more shows today but I will see you tomorrow uh with Tyson Bajent Wednesday Rich Frown Oh and then tomorrow night with Brian Friend and John Young For the Rogue Invitational show That show is going to be off the fucking hook And hopefully we can get Katie Motter on there Katie Henniger
Starting point is 02:27:35 Alright love you bye

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